The East Carolinian, January 27, 1983

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Stye SaHt (Earnlmian
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Thursday, January 27, 1983
Greenville, N.C.
10 Pages
Circulation 10,000
Job Prospects Look Good For Business Grads
Stiff Writer
According to business professors
at the School of Business,
graduating business majors should
not have too much trouble finding
jobs in May.
Although jobs are available,
students must be willing to go to the
jobs because the jobs will not come
to them. Dr. Edward Wheatley,
chairman of the marketing depart-
ment, states, "Graduates are going
to have to be willing to relocate and
be flexible in their feelings about
The strategy should get a job
offer, get in and perform, Wheatley
says. "The performer and learner
will later have the opportunity to
have a greater impact on where he
will be located
Professors at the School of
Business say that grades also play a
major role in getting jobs. Good
grades, according to the professors,
are not necessarily 4.0s.
A student who is actively involved
on campus or a student that works
and manages to maintain a GPA of
3.0 is considered by many employers
well-rounded and adaptable. Dr.
Carl Gooding, chairman of the
management department, says,
"There are organizations who
would rather hire a student who has
a 3.0 than a student with a 4.0
According to Wheatley, more
students from the arts and sciences
are taking business courses. This in-
crease of students means a larger ap
SGA Vacanies
plicant pool, thereby, causing com
panies looking for employees to dif-
ferentiate through grades.
Dr. Louis Zincone, chairman of
the decision science department,
states, "Grades are important, ex-
tremely important. People don't get
passed the front door because their
grades aren't good enough
Grades, says Zincone, represent the
ability and desire to learn.
The ability to learn is important
because, as Zincone says, "New
skills taught today will be obsolete
in ten years Students with good
grades have proven that they are
quick and able learners and this apt-
ness is an immense help when look-
ing for employment.
Also stressed by the professors is
communication. Dr. Bruce War-
drep, chairman of the Finance
department, believes that students
who have decent grades, present
themselves nicely and possess good
communication skills, both verbal
and written, have an advantage over
other students.
Although business students in
every concentration are needed in
the working world, Dr. Dan Hines,
chairman of the accounting depart-
ment, says that accountants will
have a relatively easier time finding
jobs because "accounting is the
language of business
According to Hines, 70 percent of
ECU's accounting majors find
employment as accountants, and the
other 30 percent find jobs in
Students waited in line yesterday at the Career Pianni �- m " � c�-
Ceer i. Blox,�� �oJ,o sisup ��&��&���� � J- ��-I �� �. jobs outside N�n� CZTn
professor, fores! good employmem opportune for bsine� Z� J " ds "
ere were
City Police Begin New Towing Practices
Legislature Unfilled
A series of resignations and
dismissals has left 17 vacant seats in
the SGA Legislature which this
week the student governing body is
trying to fill. The Screenings and
Appointments Committee, which
selects the new legislators, is accep-
ting applications and will be inter-
viewing students for the vacancies
Gina Lynch, chairperson of the
Screenings and Appointments Com-
mittee, hopes to have all the seats
filled within two weeks, though
there is no deadline and the process
will go on as long as necessary. The
ccmmittee of ten legislators screens
and appoints all candidates for the
empty seats, since according to the
SGA Constitution they do not have
to be voted in by the student body or
the Legislature.
The legislative committee can ap-
point students without public elec-
tions because "The Legislature is
empowered to enact laws as are
deemed necessary to fill Legislature
vacancies according to the Con-
Positions for both day and dorm
representatives are currently open in
the SGA. Schedule conflicts or
disinterest haved caused students to
resign the posts for which they were
elected in September. Also, if a stu-
dent moves out of the dorm in
which he or she was elected, they
may no longer serve as the represen-
tative from that area. Students may
be dismissed from the Legislature
for poor attendance to mandatory
According to Lynch, the the com-
mittee has had a good response of
interested students who want to fill
the vacant seats. She said many
students who were not elected in
September are reapplying for the
Legislature now, as are some
students who were elected as dorm
representatives but have since mov-
ed off campus. Those students must
reapply because the number of
dorm and day representatives must
remain the same.
Students must meet the re-
quirements set forth in the SGA
Constitutuion which include enroll-
ment as a full-time student with a
2.0 grade point average.
Applications should be picked up
at the SGA offices in Mendenhall
Student Center. Students appointed
to the Legislature will begin serving
as regular members immediately.
Greenville Chief of Police Glenn
Cannon has announced that his
department, beginning Sunday mor-
ning Jan. 30, will begin a policy of
towing all cars parked on Elm Street
in the vacinity of J.H. Rose High
School between 10th and 14th
According to Cannon, there are
now signs posted in designated areas
informing motorists that no parking
will be permitted between 1 a.m.
and 6 a.m. on Elm Street. Other
signs have been erected also warning
motorists that towing will be enforc-
ed for illegally parked vehicles.
This new policy will especially ef-
fect students living in the college hill
area. Cannon claims that the ma-
jority of vehicles parked in the area
belong to ECU students.
"I just didn't want to start towing
cars without first warning the
students Cannon told The East
The new parking restrictions have
come about as a result of a com-
plaint filed by the administrator of
Rose High School to the Greenville
City Council. The complaint, which
was handled by the city's special
traffic commission, was made by
Rose High officials who claimed
that students and teachers from the
school have been unable to find con-
venient parking spaces in the vacini-
ty of the school.
"Elm Street is a public parking
place said Rose High principal
David Bumsardncr. "ECU students
are using it 24 hours-a-day
Cannon agreed with Bumgardner
saying that many ECU students
leave their cars parked on Elm
Street for several days without mov-
ing them. "Some students park their
cars on Sunday night ana never
drive them again until Friday after-
noon Cannon said.
Bumgardner claims that parents,
students and teachers have been
complaining for quite some time
about the parking problem and that
he didn't want to hurt anyone's feel-
ings, but he felt the new restrictions
were necessary in the interest of
fairness. "We have a serious park-
ing problem too Bumgardner
said. He added that parents wanted
to see the Elm Street parking
available to everyone.
"They (ECU students) leave their
cars there all week Bumfwdnn
During this week only. Cannon
has instructed his department to put
tickets on cars that are parked in
violation of the new regulation, but
that this warning policy wouid out)
be in effect this week.
Cannon also admitted that before
the new signs were erected, the park-
ing policy was "a little contusing"
in the area ot Rose High He a:d
that there already uere parking
restrictions in the area, but the
were rarely enforced. "But with the
new signs, there's no question about
Anyone who does have their car
towed will have to pay a S30 fee to
get it back. This tee includes a S25
towing fee to the towme company
and an additional S5 in fines to the
Bumgardner thanked the traffic
commission and Greenville City
Manager Gail Mechs for doing a
fine job in straightening out the
parking problem.
Holocaust Class Part Of National Trend
Staff Wriiei
According to a recent survey of
the Modern Language Association,
most schools have incorporated a
course on the Holocaust into their
curriculum. ECU has joined this
movement with an honors seminar
entitled "Literature of the
Dr. Michael Bassman of the
Department of Foreign Languages
and Literatures suggested the course
and now teaches it. The seminar is
based on discussion and is informal-
ly conducted. According to Karen
Muir, a sophomore enrolled in the
course, "We've only had two
classes, but I've gotten more out of
those two classes than I have in a
whole semester of other courses
Bassman proposed the course
because the Holocaust "is
something that has always interested
"We can think of it as something
apart from us Bassman said,
"yet, we are involved. It has shaped
our mentality Bassman has
previously taught honors courses,
but with this particular seminar he
feels he will more closely share in
the learning experience of the class.
The students in the seminar read a
book each week and then come to
class prepared to discuss it. Each
person writes a pre-journal on their
reactions to the book, as well as a
post-journal after the class discus-
sion. At the end of the semester, in-
dividual creative projects will be
A wide variety of literature has
been selected. This has helped to
dispel the notion that the Jewish
people were the only target of the
Holocaust. Although the Jews ac-
count for 6 million of the genocide
victims, 5 million gypsies and
homosexuals, among others, were
murdered. Like Donna Watson, a
sophomore taking the seminar, the
class hopes "to gain a more realistic
view about the Holocaust
The class has essentially created
its own course objectives. The
students proposed questions which
they hope to answer at some point
during the semester. For example:
To what extent were Americans
aware of the Holocaust? How could
"religious" people justify their in-
action? How effective is interna-
tional law?
Bassman mentions three ques-
tions of a more basic nature.
"Could it happen again? How did it
happen?" He also hopes to con-
front the "whole issue of respon-
If one word were to summarize
the major goal of this Honors
seminar, it might be "awareness
Bassman reminded the class at its
first meeting of the words of George
Samtayana: "Those who ignore the
past are condemned to relive it
The seminar plans to host several
Dr. Michael F. Bassman
guest speakers, including Holocaust
survivors and Professor and Chair-
man of the Department of
Psychiatry Dr. James Mathis.
When asked why she had enrolled
in the course. Susan Lynch respond-
ed: "It struck me that after taking
two years of history, how come
something as significant as this was
not presented in more detail?
r������� in iiiuic uciail
Aid Office Attempts To Raise Hopes
As Part Of State Awareness Program
That's Dedication
It takes more than n�taito academic excellence to make students study outdoors in the near-freezing
temperatures Greenville has experienced lately. Wonder what they are looking at in that book, anyway?
AaMaat Newi BBN
The ECU Financial Aid Office is
conducting workshops and meetings
to dispel rumors that aid is not
available and to instruct people on
the art of obtaining money for
education. The effort is part of the
statewide financial aid awareness
week, which ends Friday, declared
by Gov. James B. Hunt Jr.
The fianancial aid office, under
the direction of Robert Boudreaux,
is concerned that pessimistic
forecasts and news reports may be
causing some students to not apply
for financial aid and even not attend
college. "There is an indication that
some students are giving up
Boudreaux said. "We want them to
know that financial aid is not drying
Bad financial aid forecasts by ad-
ministrators and the media have
caused some students and parents to
feel financial assistance is no longer
available, while in fact some pro-
grams haven't been drastically
reduced, according to Boudreaux.
"There is financial aid available
he said.
The ECU financial aid staff is
conducting workshops and seminars
this week at various high schools in
the area to alert potential college
students of funding assistance
possibilities. Boudreaux's staff has
visited four high schools this week,
and held five meetings at nearby
J.H. Rose High School to increase
student and parent awareness of all
funding alternatives. Similar pro-
grams are being conducted
throughout the state.
Students should apply early for
the aid programs, however,
Boudreaux said, as the increased
validation process of applications
can greatly slow up results. He said
students could have mailed in some
applications for aid in 1983 84 as of
Jan. 1, and he said that his office
wouldn't be receiving the results
from the first applications for two
or three weeks.


JANUARY 27,1983
If you or your oroanuation
would like to nave an item printed
in the announcement column,
please type it on an announcement
lorm and send it to 1 he E ast
Carolinian in care of the produc
tton manager
Announcement forms are
available at the East Carolinian
office in tne Publications Building
Flyers and handwritten copy on
odd wed paper cannot be ac
There is no charge tor an
nouncements but space Is often
limited Therefore, we cannot
guarantee that your announce
men' will run as long as you want
and suggest that you do not rely
soleiv on this column tor publicity
The deadline tor announcements
,s 3 p m Monday tor the Tuesday
paper and 3 p m Wednesdayy tor
tne Thursday paper No an
nouncemen's received alter these
deadlines will be printed
This space is available to all
campus organna' 'ins and depart
The MwWfll annual walk tor
humanity is coming up this spring
The walk will take place on April
16 beginning at Green Springs
Park Anyone interested m help
ing come to the Hunger Coalition
meetings on Thursday nights at
7 00 p m at the Newman Center
953 East Tenth S'reet or call
751 �16
Applications are now being
taken tor Resident Advisor posi
tions m the residence halls Any
student who has at least a 5 2
average, clear iudioal record,
enrolled tun time, and has lived in
a residence hail is eligible to app
information and application
forms may be obtained trom any
Residence Director Area Coor
dinator. or the Resdence Lite Ot
fice They should be 'urned nto
me Residence Lite Oft-ce 21
Wh'Charo Building
Due to the increased organution
participation m me a"
nouncements column o the East
Carolinian, we would like to stress
agam that we nave limited space
and that we are trying to see 'hat
we get as many in as we possibly
can A g- xl advertising campaign
should ivlude. announcements.
WZMB. and posting flyers on
classroom building wans We ao
not nave any sympathy for those
groups that rely totally �n an
nouncements to get their message
to the student body Please use'he
announcements lorms 'hat �re
provided in our office, and please
type II out
Campus Crusade tor Chris
presents Prime Time " A weekli
time of tun fellowship, trammt
and teaching M how to live a v,c
torious Christian nte Thursday 7 �
in Biology building room 103
SGA currently has position
open tor live Day Representative-
and Dorm Openings tor Scott i2
Fletcher II). White (U. Garret
111. Jones (1). Greene (1). Cle
ment ill. and Tyler (1) l� in
terested in applying tor any ot th.
positions, applications can be ob
tained m the SGA office on the se
cond floor of Wenoenhall For adi
tionai information contact Gini
Lynch 752 9058 Screening wil
begin January 26 1983 at 6 00 pn
m room 27 Mendenhall
Anyone interested m starting a
Scuba Club' Please attend
mee'inqs on January 31 and
Fesruary 7 at 5 00 m Room 105 B
Memorial Gym
Enpert skydivers will speak or
Skydiving The Ultimate Sport
sta'e of the ar equ.ptment win be
on exhibi' and demonstrated
Topics win include, bu' are no'
limited to first lump instruction
parachute packing ntermediate
sky diving, advanced sky Diving
techniques, tree tall aircraft.
parachuting acoden's sky divmg
facts and myths All questions per
ta-ning to the sport will be
answered Recent skydiving
movies will be shown Excellent
opportunity to mee' some ot the
Greenville sky divers a no or 'ake
Sky diving instruction Thurs Feb
2 Lobby of umsteao dorm Free
to anyone I
The Strong Campbell interest
Inventorv is ottered every Tues
dav at 4 PM. when school is m
session with tne exceptions of ex
animation periods and registra
tion day This is available to all
students at no cost No formal
registration is required
The Career Planning and Place
ment Service m the Bloxton House
iS offering these one hour sessions
to aid you m developing better m
terv.ewmg sk.Hs tor use m your
,ob search The workshops are on
Wednesday Feb 2 a' 4 OC p m
Wednesday Feb 2 at 7 00 p m
A film and discussion of -nter
viewing through the Career Plann
,ng and Placement Service will be
Ph. Sigma P. National Honor
Fraternity has 'utors for a variety
ot Genera' College subiects cor
more miormation. call 752 3022
Coming soon!
Applications are still being ac
cepted for students wishing to
serve on university Committees
for 1982 82 school year Twenty
three 123) students positions are
open committees with vacancies
are Canvassing & Soliciting on
Campus(l) international Student
Affairs ID. Residence Life (3).
Status of Minorities (2). Status of
women (3). Student Health Ser
vices (1). Calendar (I). Teaching
Effectiveness (2). Continuing
Education (1), Course Drop Ap
peals (1). Credits, (l). General
College (U. Teacher Education
(1). University Libraries (1).
University Curriculum (2). Ap
plications are available at the
following locations: Office of the
Vice Chancellor for Student Life.
204 Whichard; Mendenhall Stu
dent Center information Desk.
SGA Office. Mendenhall Student
Center, Office of Intramural
Recreational Services. Memorial
Gym and Residence Hall Direc
tors' Offices Questions about
University committees and
memberships may be directed to
the Office of the Vice Chancellor
tor Student Life (757 6541)
A group ot ECU students at
fihated with the ECU Committee
on El Salvador will hold a local
demonstration today opporing
President Reagans recent re
certiticaion of El Salvador few-
more military aid It will be held
at the post office on Tenth street
trom 1 to 2 PM Anyone interested
can attend The group claims that
students will be the first ones ex
pected to tight it the US further
intervenes in Centra1 America
Are you excited about God So
are we I Come oin us as we ex
plore the word of God, every Wed
night, 4.30, in the Biology Bldg .
Rm 102.
District 773 of rotary interna
tionai is pleased to announce the
avallablity to two young people for
an academic year of foreign study
for IWI These awards include
transportation, tuition, books, sup
plies, and a sflpend for living ex
They may be in the areas of
Graduate Study, Undergraduat
Study. Teachers of the Han
dicaplped. journalism or Voca
tionai Study
Applications must be made
through the local rotary Club in
the person's permanent residence
or in the place in which they are
full time students As it take
several weeks to complete the ap
plication process, it is necessary
for interested persons to start im
mediately Submission ot appiica
tions must be no later than March
1. 1983
Traits which will be evaluated in
tne selection process shall include
academic achievement, leader
ship ability, personal character
and the promise of being an
outstanding ambassador of good
will to a foreign country
You may use the form �t right or
use � separate sheet of paper if
you need more lines. There are 33
units per line. Each letter, punc
tuation mark and word space
counts as one unit. Capitalize and
Hyphenate words properly. Leave
space at end of line if word
doesn't fit. No ads will be ac
cepted over the phone. We
reserve the right to reject any ad.
All ads must be prepaid. Enclose
75� per line or fraction of a line.
Please print legibly! Use capital and
lower case letters.
offtee by 3:H Tuesday before
Wedacadajr pabbcattoaa.
Np, lines
. at 7J� per bne S.
.No. insertions.

��Tr� r�1j


si Am-1� 1 1�J�
The Student Council for Excep
t.onal Children is having a
membership drive at the back en
trance to Speight Building The
drive will be trom Jan 31 Feb 4,
9 00 3 00 For more information,
asx a' 'able where the drive for
membership will be Everyone s
Lets Get Back To The Bible! In
formal campus Bible discussions
Men Tuesday ; 30 PM 110 Belk
women Thursday 7 30 SPM 212
Mendenhall. Bring a Bible and br
mg a friend Everyone w�lcome!
NCSL the North Carolina Student
Legislature is discussing and
debating the topics of today that
will affect our lives tomorrow!
They debate issues as diverse as
automobile safety to regulations to
the threat of nuclear war NCSL is
now conducting its membershilp
drive, so why not see what NCSL is
all about! The meetings are held
Monday nights at 7 p m a'
Mendenhall m room 212
A Christian fellowship founded
on the Word of God meets each
Friday night at 7 X in Jenkins Art
Building Auditorium Know that
YOU are LOVED! Come join the
There will be meeting of an
those interested m playing Spring
Rugby Thursday Jan 27 in
Memorial Gym Room 102 at 5 00
pm Everyone is invited and those
returning players should surely at
Russell Ford will be in Green
ville on February 1, 2 and 3 He's
the first person to be sent to prison
tor refusing to register tor the
draft since the Vietnam war He's
presently out on bail Ford will be
available to speak m ECU classes
on any of the above dates He will
be speaking at a public meeting in
Mendenhall's Coffee House at 7 30
PM on Feb 2 For further ior
mation please call 752 4216 or
758 4906
Zeta Beta Tau The Brothers and
Pledges would like to con
gradulate all the girls that were
selected to become our little
sisters We are looking forward to
a tun and successful year Don't
forget our superbowl party Sun
day1 if there are any questions,
feel free to call Scott Sutker at
752 7290 or Jay Vaughn at 758 9626
Representatives from camps
Don Lee Seafarer and Cherno
among others are coming to East
Carolina to interview students tor
summer 10OS They will be a'
Mendenhall. Room 248 on
February 7 interview appoint
men's mus' be made a' 'he Co op
office Rawl 313 Phone 757 6979
A beginner s course m Basxe'ry
is being ottered on Wednesday
nights beginning Feb 9 1983 trom
6 9 PM The instructor is Mary
Ann Hu"o The workshop'S tree'o
an members of 'he Crat's Center
The cos of the Crotts Center
Membership is S10 00 per
semester Sign up m the Crafts
Center on the bottom floor of
Mendenhall Student Center bet
ween the hours of 3 10 PM Monday
through Fnaay and 12 5 PM on
Saturdays For turtner informa
lion, call Linda Barkano MSC
Crafts and Recreation Director at
757 611 ext 260 or the Crafts
Center at 757 6611 ext 271
American Society of Personnel
Administrators will mee'
February 2 at 3 o'clock m Rawls.
Room 207 ASPA's feature speaker
will be Mr James trom the Career
Placement Office This meeting is
open to any one who wishes to at
tend See you there
There will be a meeting of 'he
Co op Club on Thursday. January
27 1983 a' 4 00 p m m 313 Rawl
All Co op students and any student
interested m a Cooperative Educa
tion internship should a'tend
The Outdoor Recreation Center
is sponsoring horseback rifling
trips 'o Jarman s Stables Reser
vations and payment tor the
Thursday afternoon trips are due
by 3 00 PM each Thursday Rates
are S5 00 per hour Transportation
is provided with shuttle leaving
Memorial Gym at 3 30 PM sharp
For more information or reserve
tions call or stop by the
intramural Recreational Services
Outdoor Recreation Center (113)
Memorial Gym Phone 7576911
Hours Monday and Friday 1 00
PM 5 00 PM Tuesday. Wednes
day. Thursday 2 00 PM 4 00 PM
A student Episcopal service of
Holy Communion will be
celebrated on Tuesday February 1
in St Paul s Episcopal Church 406
W 4tn St (one block f'om Garret
Dormi The service will be at 5 30
PM with the Episcopal Chaplain
The Rev Bill Hadden. celeorant
Dinner will follow
The Student Council lor Excep
tionai Children is having its first
program meeting of the semester.
Monday, Jan 31 at 4 00 There will
be a speaker to talk about com
outers m Education. The meeting
will be m Speight 129
Sophomores. iuniors and seniors
currently enrolled in a North
Carolina college or North Carolina
residents attending an out ot state
college have until February 11 to
apply tor the institute of Govern
men' Summer internship Pro
gram in state government
Twenty three s'udents win be
selectee by an advisory commit
tee to participate m a living
learning internship in North
Carolina sta'e government
directed by the msti'u'e of
Government The mstute ot
Government interns will work
trom May 31 through August 5
Students will work 40 hours each
week m a responsible position m a
state department, participate m
evening educational seminars and
be paid approximately S1S0 per
Students interested m 'he pro
gram should secure a brochure an
nouncmg the program and a S'a'e
of North Carolina application torm
trom their college or university
placement office or local Job Ser
vice office A brief description of
possible internships are available
in college placemen' offices
Studentd interested in the in
stitute of Government program
should mail an aplication to tne in
stitute ot Government, Knapp
Building 0S9A. The University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
cnapet Hill North Carolina 27514
by February II. V�ej
Applicants will be accepted
without respect to race, sex color,
national origin religion or han
The Greenville Peace Commit
tee meets every Friday night at
610 S Elm St GPC consists of peo
pie actively engaged m peace and
justice work on a local, state, and
naitonal level. If you �� m
terested in learning more about
the GPC please call 758 4906 or
come at 6 30 p m (Fridays) for a
dinner meeting
The ECU Sign Language Club
will hold its regular bimonthly
covered dish supper and meeting
on Sunday, January �. 1983 at the
Mendenhall Student Center Mult.
Purpose Room The supper will
begm at 6 00 PM with a short
business meeting and captioned
film to follow
The meal and meeting are open
to any interested student, faculty
member, or a member of tne com
munity You do not need to know
Sign Language to attend, but
students who are taking sign
language classes or who have
taken them m the pas' are en
couraged'o attend The purpose ot
SLC is to allow sign language
students and hearing impaired
students and community
members to socialize and develop
communication sklls We hope M
see vchi fnere
The ECU Sing Language Club
will hold its regular bimonthly
covered dish supper and meeting
on Sunday. January 30tn at Room
244 Mendenhall Student Center
The supper will begin at 6 00 PM
with a short business meeting and
captioned film to follow
The meal and meeting are open
to any interested student, faculty
member, or a member of the com
munity You do not need to know
Sign Language to attend, but
students who are taking sign
language classes or who have
taken them m the past are en
couragesd to attend The purpose
of tne SLC is to allow sign
language students and hearing im
paired students and community
members t0 socianue and develop
communication skills We nope 'a
see you mere
To all Social Work Maiors and
intended maiors CORSO will
meet January 31, at 5 00 m the
Allied Health Building m room 103
Spring Drea March 6 12 dive
tne Bahamas From F1 Lauder
dale. S540 00 includes meais. loog
mg and diving aboard the 65 dive
boat. -The Bottom Time ' There
are a limited number of places
available and reservations are on
a first come basis For informa
tion and registration call or visit
Ray Schart. Director of Aquatics
Mmges Aquat.c Center 757 6441
Our next Di weekly mee'ing wit
be held on Thursday. Jan 27 m the
Mendenhall S'udent Center room
24 Members are expected to at
'end We urge persons desiring to
be members of GBP 'o a"end
however aGPA of30isa
minimum requirement tor
membership Come and be a par'
The Career Planning and Place
ment Service m the Bloxton House
is offering the following one hour
sessions to help you prepare your
own resume Tuesday. Feb 1 at
7 00 p m Wednesday Feb 2 at
2 30 p m Those seniors or
graduate students this
year and planning to register Bl
us are urged to attend You rr.air
come 'o the Bloxton House a' any
of 'he above times
In Tuesday's edition
of The East Carolinian
it was incorrectly stated
that staff writer Patrick
O'Neill had paid a $50
fine for obstructing a
public entrance during
a demonstration. He
was charged but did not
pay the Fine. His trial is
set for Feb. 22.
The Career Planning and Place
ment Service m tne Bloxton House
is offering these one hour sessions
to aid you m developing better .n
terviewmg skills tor use m your
i00 searcn The workshops are on
Wednesday Feb 2 a' 4 00 p m .
Wednesday Feb 2 at 7 00 p m
A film and discussion of inter
viewing through 'he Career Plann
mg and Placement Service will be
S. R. A.
Escorts are needed tor the
Escor' Service Anyone interested
m be-ng an escort please contact
your oorm director if you are a
dorm resident of if you live o�t
campus contact the SGA office
The Office of the Associate Dean
of Student Life, located M
Whichard Building. Room 210. is
now taking applications tor me
New Student Orientation Program
heio in June end JUty Applicants
nouio have � good scholastic
average, and should not be plann
mg on attending Summer School
interviews of tne applicants will
begm around the middle ot March
To an Soc.a. work Ma.ors and
.ntenoed ma.ors- -SW
Models needed tor Ar' Depa"
men' self hetp posi'ions are
available for nude modeling a'
S5 02 per hour PL ease see the
following teachers Ray Elmore
Tran Goroiey Da.y Davenport
WesCrawiey Betsy Ross Micnaei
The East Carolinian
Vix � �
Published every Toescar a-c
Thursday during -he acaden-
year and every Wednesday do'
,ng the summer
The Eas' Caruiian S "he -
t.oai newspaper ot Eis'
Carolina University
opera'ed. and pubusned tor ac
oy 'he s'udents of Eas'
Subscription Rate MO yearly
The East Carolinian offices
are located m the Old South
Building on the campus ECU
Greenville N C
POSTMASTER Send aoo'es-
Icnarges tc The Eas' Care. - a'
Oio ieJ� 9u ECbO'ef-
.lie NC 27834
Telephone 757 43 �J' �'
The Ph.iosophy Ciuo �HII mee'
Monda y January 3V
Mendenhall conference room 2'2
a' 00 PM The conference room
.s loca'eo or -he second tioor of 'he
s'udent center .n 'he mus.c listen
.ng room area Norns Mogga'C
will presen' a commentary on
jean Pjj Sa're s
Transcendence of "At Egc
Ma'er.a'S on 'he subiect win be
available W 'he Philosophy
BA 327; on Fnoay January 28
We welcome an interested persons
'o par'icpa'e in 'he duo meetings
and discussions
The Pni Sigma Tau National
Philosophy Honor Society w.ll also
be holding Itj annual initiation
ceremony on Friday. February 11
at Four Seasons Restaurant
Those interested attending the
ceremony are asked to bring a
vs oo deposit to tne meetna Mon
day af'emoon This deposit is
necessary in order to .nsure a
specific number tor reservation
Oeita ze'a Happy Hour a' "
Attic with island' Fr.oay
January 28, 4 00 7 30
Ai. persons wMl piar" H Sx
snowsnoe du' ng oreax
snooO regis'e' or Tvesday. Feo I
a' 4 OC 0 rr n Ve a- O
Room 108 A S5 depes ' ! be re
qu.rea a' s I e Space s 'o 'he Hrsl �C who 'eg s'e-
For pacxage pr.ces con'ac' .
Saunoers a' '57 600C M�"�-j
Gym 205
Mee- a 'he oc'am o Conege
H or Monday "jesca� a"C
Thursday aflwiiuans, from 3 00 tc
5 90 PM For more nto .a-
757 6064 Of rSI 1366
There w n De a mee' ng ot 'he
s'udent A'nie'ic Board Tuesoa.
February 1 1983 a' 5 30 PM in
Room 248 of Menoennall Sfuden'
tCL students
donated aimosi 500
pints of blood Tuesda
and rednesda during
a blood drie spon-
sored b the ECL
The Pirate Valk.
ECU's ne stud
escort -erve
nounced an extension
o? their seruc-
:ed l beginning
� the service �
now begin at 6 ;
sa;d Pirate alk c
tor Paul Sumrell
�rell va:u �-�
� va enacte
.htate the need
.dent- vho '
Still Av
Continued From Pant l
The federa
financial a
pr -
gre C
aance pi
that were curtaik
the ra-
tion, including
ing the
for the Pell Grani pi
eram In
The ECU chapter of 'he Society
tor the Advancement of Manage
ment willwofo a neeTuesdah
Feoruary , in Raw! JOa A
members and anyone mteres'ed'i
becoming a member are ur9ed to
attend The meeng �. i be a'
4 00
All cans 45
til 11:00 p.m. h
70C til 1:00 a.m.
Come Early
Winter Sale
All Specially Marked Winter Items
30 off
with Student ID 40 off
Starts Tue Jan. 25 Thru Tue Feb 1
All Women '5 Bikinis and
bathing suits also arriving
Men's bathing suits also arriving
Sale lasts one week only
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jos "
� on � a
:neon Specials
etter serve your needs �
�V �& & � "� 00�& -CrCrJ
JANLARY 2"?,i983
Campus Blood Drive Attracts Student Crowds
ECU students
donated almost 500
pints of blood Tuesday
and Wednesday during
a blood dne spon
sored bv the ECU
Biology Club lor the
Pitt Count) Red Cross.
"We got close to 5(X)
pints and that's tremen-
dous said ECU Dean
of the General College
Dr. Donald E. Baily
who helped out with
the blood drive. Baily
wears a pin that
acknowledges him as a
three-gallon donor in
his lifetime. He claims
that he got a late start
and only began giving
blood when he was 30
years old.
"The attitudes of the
students are just
tremendous; we're very
pleased said Ruth
Taylor, executive direc-
tor for the Pitt County
Red Cross. "Despite
Escort Service Lengthens Hours
The Pirate Walk,
EC I 's new student
escort service has an
nounced an extension
ot their services In-
stead ol beginning at 7
p.m the service will
now begin at f p.m
said Pirate Walk direc
tor Paul Sumrell
Sumrell said the time
shift was enacted to
facilitate the needs ot
students who took
evening classes, main
ol which begin before 7
p.m. "We've been get-
ting a iot of calls for
escorts before 7 p.m
Sumrell said "So we
decided to expand the
time He added that
the escor t er s w e r e
agreeable to the time
Escorters now work
in throe shifts, t to S
p.m 8 to 10 p.m. and
10 p.m. until midnight.
Pirate Walk has a total
of 63 escorters on their
As of Tuesday night
Pirate Walk has pro-
vided 115 escorts to
ECU students. Sumrell
said he was pleased
with the total so far.
Sumrell loans his per-
sonal computer to the
project to help match
the names of escorters
and escortees as quickly
as possible. He saiu he
has noticed that the
number of students re-
questing escorts has im-
proved every night.
Any student requesting
a escort can do so by
calling 757-6616.
Assistance Funds
Still Available,
Despite Cutback
ECU Med School Gets
New Treatment Facility
Continued From Page 1
I he federal student
aid appropriations lor
fiscal 1982 were only
eight percent less than
1981. Main publicized
financial aid cuts were
proposed but nevei a
tualh passed bv c on-
gress. Congress has
restored man
assistance programs
that were curtailed bv
the Reagan administra-
tion, including tighten-
the requirements
tor the Pell (irani pro-
gram. In some cases.
Congress has not only
maintained programs
but aUo adjusted them
tor inflation.
1 he Guaranteed Stu-
dent I oan is one pro-
gram that has been
restricted recentIv. but
many students are still
eligible tor them, ac-
cording to Boudreaux.
From 1978 to 1981 anv
student could apply tor
the program. Currently
only students corning
from a family with an
income below $30,000
can receive the federal
ECU News Bureau
Contracts have been
awarded for construc-
tion of the S5.2 million
radiation therapy
center at the ECU
School of Medicine.
1 h e
facility will be used for
comprehensive cancer
care for patients in
Eastern North
Carolina. T he center's
staff will work closely
with existing therapv
units in New Bern,
Kins ton and
.). H. Hudson, Inc
of Greenville will be the
general contractor for
the project. Other con-
tracts were awarded to
Braxton Bntt Plumbing
and Heating Co Inc.
� Freshly Scrambled Eggs � Homemade Buttermilk Biscuits � Bacon
� Country Milk Gravy � Home Fried Potatoes � Southern Style Grits �
Homemade Muffins � Link and Patty Sausage � A Choice of
Shoneys Own Special Fruit Toppings �Grated American Cheese �
PLUS The Fruit Bar featuring a variety of fresh fruit and tomatoes
6 00 A M 11 00 AM
6 00 AM -2 00 P M
I) A N E
1 he East Carolina Pla house
McGinnis I heat re
January 27-29. 8:15 p.m.
EC I Students: 2.5f Public: '4.00 Call 757-6390
ot Wilson, plumbing;
Henry Baker Heating
Co Inc. of Wilson,
heating, ventilation and
air conditioning; and
Live Wire Electric Co
Inc of Goldsboro,
The center will be
located between the
medical school's Brody
Medical Sciences
Building and Pitt
County Memorial
Hospital. Construction
will begin in February
and is expected to be
completed in the sum-
mer of 1984.
The radiation
therapy center will
house two medical
linear accelerators, a
6-milhon-volt unit and
a 20-million-volt unit.
Linear accelerators
generate high-energy
radiation used in the
treatment of malignant
The unit will also in-
clude a radiation
therapv simulator that
provided the high
quality radiographic
images necessary for
planning radiation
treatment and deter
mining the appropriate
doses. Nearly hail of
the center's5.2
million budget will be
used to purchase equip-
the waiting, they were
still anxious to sit it
For most of the two-
day blood drive, long
lines, with waits up to
an hour, could be seen
stretching into the
hallways from room
224 in Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center.
Taylor told The East
Carolinian that the
local Red Cross chapter
was trying out their
new equipment for the
first time during this
drive. The new equip
ment included special
chairs with built in arm
rests to support the arm
while giving blood.
The nurses were also
trying out new equip-
ment tor the first time.
"I think overall it went
very well Taylor said.
Many students have
been especially relieved
to see the Red Cross us-
ing a new hand-held
spring gadget which
painlessly pricks the
finger for the initial
blood test.
Lhe drive coor-
dinator was Biology
Club President Karen
Thomas. Taylor was
pleased with the ettort
of the Biology Club in
making the drive a suc-
cess. I want to thank
the Biology Club and
their President Karen
I homas for the fan-
tastic job they did
Taylor said. "The
publicity tor this drive
was excellent " Taylor
also noted that she had
never seen so many
posters put up around
campus to announce a
blood drive before.
One large sign outside
Mendenhall stated:
"Help to save a lite,
give blood The 494
people who gave blood
were given sandwiches
and snacks and juices
designed to make up
tor the fluid loss. Each
was told to reduce his
or her activity for the
remainder ot the day.
Donors were also
given a red cross badge
with the words "Be
nice to me, I gave blood
today" written on it.
Tuesday's total was
238 donors, with 2;6
coming on Wednesdav
Baily said that close to
50 people who intended
to give blood were turn-
ed down for various
medical reasons.
Tavior said she was
particularly disap-
pointed because so tew
faculty or staff par-
ticipated ;n the drive.
"We had very very few
faculty and staff she
10 Discount
beginning Feb. 1st
on all
dinners & biscuits
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Kroger Savon
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Effective Wed Jan 26
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as specifically noted m this ad If we
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Kroger Whole Milk,
Chocolate Milk. 2 Skim
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Orange Juice
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2Uje iEaat (Karflltnfan
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Fiti ding Miller, GeneralManger
Mike Hughes, Managing&bm
WAVERl Y MERRlir, Director oj Advents
SCOTT L.1NDLEY, ����� Mm"
Stephanie Groon, odm umam
Clay Thornton, r�dMats�ra�r
Cindy Pleasants, spomsmm
Greg Rideout, mm em
STEVE BACHNER, Lntertatnment tdilor
J U LIA N A F A H R B AC H, style tutor
TODD EVANS, Production Manager
January 27, 1983
Page 4
Crime Crackdown
Hunt's Plan A Logical Course
"We must recognize that the
most common murderer in North
Carolina is the drunk driver
Speaking to a joint session of the
state legislature on Tuesday, Gov.
Jim Hunt prefaced his most recent
crack-down-on-crime speech with
just those words, once again echo-
ing his firm commitment to
toughening the laws regarding
drinking and driving on the state's
Later in that same speech, Hunt
introduced his own drunk-driving
package, which includes provisions
for mandatory jail terms for
flagrant offenders, elimination of
plea bargaining where persons
charged with driving under the in-
fluence are concerned and a raise in
the state's legal minimum drinking
age from 18 to 19. He has also pro-
posed a new "dram shop" provi-
sion, which would make retail
outlets liable for civil suits if they
sell alcohol to underage or intox-
icated persons who later cause ac-
The drunk-driving proposals are
part of Hunt's new anti-crime
package, aimed at tightening the
reigns on the state's criminals. The
major revisions Hunt is proposing
� Giving judges wider discretion
regarding the denial of bail,
� Sentencing and generally
treating juveniles who commit
serious crimes more toughly,
� Allowing for the waiver of jury
trials in the state's Superior Court,
�Making criminals pay restitution
to their victims before they pay
court costs.
Plain and simple, the proposals
make sense. Whereas under current
legislation, a judge can deny bail
only in capital cases, Hunt's plan
calls for an extension in a judge's
discretion, enabling the judge to
deny bail to a person charged with a
serious felony committed while on
bail from a previous charge.
In addition, his plan to crack
down on juvenile criminals is a
legitimate proposal, one whose time
has come. Since 1976, the number
of juvenile felonies � felonies, not
misdemeanors � has increased by
28 percent. Hunt's crime package, if
passed, would enable judges to
sentence juveniles to set terms in
training schools, an alternative
heretofore non-existent.
He also endorsed a proposal by
the state courts commission that
minor traffic cases be made civil in-
fractions rather than crimes, thus
diverting them from the state's
already overloaded District Court
Hunt's plan also calls for a
tightening in legislation concerning
resisting arrest. His proposal
outlaws resisting any arrest, even
those which are later deemed
unlawful. "These (police) officers
put their lives on the line for the rest
of us every day he said. "And
they deserve to have the law of the
state of North Carolina standing
behind them
As can be expected with any ma-
jor legal revision, Hunt's proposed
crime package has already drawn
petty criticism from several state
legislators. The brunt of the new
plan, however, has received the
favor of most of the representatives.
As well it should. The governor's
crime package is not just another
futile exercise aimed at quelling the
fears of the state's concerned
citizens. It proposes nothing more
than logical, necessary and timely
he mm
Reaganomics: His Gamble
Has Us "Staying The Curse9
It would be interesting to see just how
Noah Webster would define the term
"Reaganomics I'm sure he'd have a lot
of "fun" with that one. Undoubtedly, the
word would bring with it diverse connota-
tions of high unemployment, outrageous
federal spending and even more
outrageous budget deficits.
But all adverse economic side effects
aside, I honestly wonder if even a word-
smith like Webster could accurately define
just exactly what President Reagan has
been attempting for the last two years.
Since Reagan took office in 1981 and
began trying to implement his "recovery
plan" for the United States economy, the
nation's unemployment rate has climbed
from 7.4 percent to 10.8 percent, and his
first full budget, which took effect last
year, raised the nation's federal deficit to a
record $110.7 billion � indicating the
country's longest recession since World
War II.
But almost as if to ignore these very real
economic ills, Mr. Reagan is oh so quick to
credit himself with the overstated im-
provements in such renowned economic in-
dicators as the Consumer Price Index and
the prime interest rate. Sure, inflation for
1982 was measured at 3.9 percent, an ob-
vious numerical improvement from the
Carter era in the late Seventies. But just
ask the people around you ask yourself,
has the cost of living � the combined costs
of food, housing and fuel, for example �
really improved as much as the president
would have us believe?
And can anyone honestly say that the
Reagan-inspired tax "cuts" have made any
difference at all, let alone improvement, in
the general state of the economy?
As has been the case with its
predecessors, the Reagan administration
has dealt inconsistently in handling most
of its federal aid programs: Financial aid
programs for college students have literally
dwindled, as have programs and benefits
for the elderly and underprivileged. In
fact, the only consistency illustrated by the
administration thus far is its continuous ig-
norance of the central, structural problems
of federal programs like the waning Social
Security system.
The fact is, while President Reagan
revels in his numerical accomplishments in
the fight against a dying economy, the
economy is, very literally, dying.
His general attitude toward the "state of
the union" makes it difficult to believe
that Mr. Reagan views the nation's
economic ills from the same perspective as
an unemployed auto worker in Detroit or
as a family of four living one day at a time
in the back seat of a car.
It's difficult to believe that he com-
prehends the degree of our nation's
economic tensions. It's difficult to believe
that he understands the problem at all.
Indeed, how can he sincerely and
realistically relate to the needs of the
American people from the cozy confines of
his California ranch, from the back seat of
his executive limousine or from the pomp
and circumstance of the oval office.
"We have a long way to go he said
Tuesday night in his State of the Union ad-
dress in Washington, "but thanks to the
courage, patience and strength of our peo-
ple, America is on the mend
Well, at least he's right about one thing:
We certainly do have a long way to go.
"The deficit problem is a clear and pre-
sent danger to the basic health of our
republic he affirmed. "We need a plan
to overcome this danger With these
words still fresh on his tongue (and stale in
our ears), Reagan announced his budget
proposal for fiscal 1984, a plan which, ac-
cording to estimates, will create a federal
deficit of $188 billion Thank God he's
going to put an end to the clear and present
Finally, he proposed a few amendments
to his economic program, which, at first,
seemed like a breath of fresh air � amend-
ments such as a W-billion reduction in his
Pentagon buildup. A good idea'1 At first
glance, it's an excellent idea That is, it was
until he further proposed that the reduc-
tion take place over a five-year penod
Forty-seven billion dollars � indeed, a
large sum of money by most any other
standards � is relatively inconsequential
when dealing with a defense buildup ex-
pected to cost $1.6 trillion and annual
federal deficits neanng $200 billion
"For too many of our felloe citizens �
farmers, steelworkers and autoworkers.
lumbermen, black teenagers and working
mothers � this is a painful penod
Reagan empahsized. "We must all do
everything in our power to bnng their
ordeal to an end
Thus, he proposed a one-percent sur-
charge on taxable incomes and an exise tax
on domestic and imported oil. a tax which
analysts say will add 12 cents to the cost of
a gallon of gasoline for the American con-
sumer. This is. indeed, a "painful period
"It has fallen to us, in our time he
stressed to the legislators, "to undo
damage that was a long time in the mak-
ing Ah, the grace and style with which he
passes the buck. I suppose that's wh
Reaganomics and the Reagan-era deficit
are expected to total more than all previous
federal deficits combined.
From the plan's inception. Democrats
and Republicans alike � with the possible
exception, of course, of Mr. Reagan �
have frequently referred to Reaganomics
as a "riverboat gamble Unfortunately
for the American people, the past two
years, two of the worst years in the history
of U.S. economics, have shown it's a fail-
ing gamble.
r�Campus Forum
Give Me Shelter SGA Says No
A situation has arisen which is of
great concern to me because it involves a
service provided to the students. The ser-
vice involved is the SGA Transit, and the
situation that concerns me is the fact
that a bill has been introduced to the
SGA Legislature asking that money be
appropriated to build two needed bus
shelters. One located at the bottom of
College Hill and another in front of
Speight Building.
The bill was first sent to the SGA Stu-
dent Welfare Committee, which found
that there was indeed a need for such
shelters. After approval by the Student
Welfare Committee, the bill was then
sent to the Appropriations Committee to
decide whether the SGA would fund a
bus shelter.
The problem begins here: It seems
that everytime a bill which would benefit
the students comes before the
legislature, it is quickly brought to a
screeching halt! There are several people
responsible for heading up the opposi-
tion against the bus shelters. These peo-
ple do not want the SGA to help im-
prove a student service. They would
rather see the money spent on academic
departments, which already receive
money from the univeristy. They agree
that since the Transit System will use the
shelters, why not have Transit pay for
The facts are: (1) the transit budget
does not have extra money available for
building bus shelters; (2) the Student
Welfare Committee found and approved
by unanymous vote a need for bus
shelters; (3) the SGA has a budget of
$100,000 from student activity fees ap-
propriated annually which can pay for
the shelters, and (4) if the SGA would
provide the money for materials, the
Department of Industrial Technology
will construct the shelters free of charge.
Eric Henderson, SGA president, and
Bob Mills, SGA vice president, are tired
of having bills that benefit the students
snuffed out and see a need to help im-
prove student services. If we are going to
provide a service to the students, why
not do it right?
If you have some input into this situa-
tion, call the SGA office at 757-6611,
ext. 218.
Rob Poole
Half-Baked Econ
In a recent commentary, Staff Writer
Jay Stone wrote that Pat O'Neill and
college Republican President Dennis Kil-
coyne were uninformed on economics.
Stone then treats us to a wordy disserta-
tion on solving our economic ills. An in-
teresting part is when he refers to
O'Neill's suggestion of doing away with
the defense department as insufficiently
developed. I think "half-baked" would
be a better description. Mr. Stone would
be well advised to read some more books
before he throws the word economics
around. In the study of economics, tak-
ing a "point of view" reduces the value
of economic principles. There are
thousands of economics volumes in
print, yet Stone recommends only three
� all written by neo-liberal gurus. It
should be clear that I disagree with both
Stone and O'Neill. Lester Thurow is a
favorite among Northern liberals. Ideas
such as "Economic Democracy" are not
new; they are the same old liberal womb-
to-the-tomb socialist demagoguery,
which have caused many of our
economic problems, renamed.
It does not take an expert, even one
like Jay Stone, to realize that we have
some serious problems. As future col-
lege graduates, we all have an interest in
the job market, economic growth and
the standard of living of America for
years to come. History has shown that
economic freedom is a vital requirement
for the survival of democracy. As con-
tributing members of society, we should
be well informed.
In ending this letter, I recommend
that reading economics should not be
limited to one small radical extreme of a
very large spectrum.
Tim Whisenant
Junior, Business
Forum Rules
The East Carolinian welcomes letters
expressing all points of view. Mail or
drop them by our office in the Old South
Building, across from Joyner Library.
For purposes of verification, all letters
must include the name, major and
classification, address, phone number
and signature of the authorfsj. Letters
are limited to two typewritten pages,
double-spaced or neatly printed. All let-
ters are subject to editing for brevity,
obscenity and libel, and no personal at-
tacks will be permitted.
In a sti

message to the Mate
I egisiaiure. (.
"anifv H H mt, Jr .
isked state to
support r. efforts to
nd North Carolina
- �
h to

ak, seve
dealt �

er H
tO IT �
Arthur (
1 o ola eg
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buildsr. �
and some
elderiv people live
headed bv t
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them are
Gatman re:
f-or I ovoia. tr .
is survival. .
� . ;ding to
-� .dent-
"ve have
more rev.dent a 1
students explains
toy ola -poke-man
Robert Sweeaey
undergraduates, �
,uac wonoiiiicfs.
Studies indicate there
will be fewer commuter
-tudenrs m the future.
so "we'd reaJh hae to
have r�0 percent
resident-student- hv the
end of the decade" to
stav healthv
I ovola. howev er,
has no place to fa
them, and feels if c
attract them to the
school without one
The problem is
mon to manv colleges,
which in the la
years have begun or
again to consider ad-
ding housing to uw
But now vme
schools, espedalh ur-
ban ones, are find j
their efforts to get mo
housing often lea
iar-h polil ishes
with their sum
ultimaieiv with the
political authorities
that give mono to the
Such "town-gown"
frictions have lonw.
i s t e d. hut
reasonable to expeel
things on urban cam
puses are going to get
worse now that some
universities are in the
housing market
again sa- the fa
Monw ��
- h'ocm1 da

?n 'jnanct totfsfl �
Accec'e � CAU 781-
ana educate- '9 9


JANUARY 27, 1983
r the dear and present
ed a few amendments
pi gram, which, at first,
I -eath of fresh air � amend-
S47 K:li:on reduction in his
I dup good idea1 At first
enl :dea That is, it was
� ied that the reduc-
i five-yeai period.
dollars �- indeed, a
none) h most any other
relative!) inconsequential
nth a defence buildup ex-
I 6 trillion and annual
j 5200 billion.
low citizens �
and autoworkers,
� � �����age and working
- a painful period
ed "V,e must all do
our power to bring their
-ed a one-percent sur
able incomes and an exise tax
land imported o:l, a tax which
I v. add 1 cents to the cost of
ne for the American con-
sed a painful period
ien to . n our time he
the ef i rs, "to undo
i me in the mak-
.e with which he
tck i suppose that why
and the Reagan-era deficit
al more than all previous
inception, Democrats
ans alike � with the possible
irse, ol Mr. Reagan �
referred to Reaganomics
boat gamble Unfortunately
ierican people, the past two
I � ears in the history
l nics, have shown it's a fail-
iys No
Uemocracv" are not
he same old liberal womb-
socialist demagoguery,
caused many of our
'iems, renamed.
t take an expert, even one
le. to realize that we have
roblenu As future col-
we all have an interest in
ket. economic growth and
living of America for
� r has shown that
:dom is a vital requirement
�i democracy As con-
fers of society, we should
this letter, I recommend
economics should not be
ke -mall radical extreme of a
Tim Whisenant
Junior, Business
rum Rules
Carolinian welcomes letters
il points oj view. Mail or
)y our ojjice in the Old South
:ross from Joyner Library.
)ses oj verification, all letters
ie the name, major and
lt. address, phone number
ye oj the author(s). Letters
to two typewritten pages,
ed or neatly printed. All let-
yect to editing for brevity,
id libel, and no personal at-
Hunt Pushes Strict Laws For Drunken Drivers
In a strongly worded
message to the State
legislature, (iov.
James B. Hunt, Jr
asked state leaders to
support his efforts to
rid North Carolina
highways of drunken
During his speech to
a joint legislative ses-
sion. Hunt outlined a
series of crime pro-
posals, several of which
dealt with the question
of drunken driving.
"We must recognize
that the most common
murderer in North
Carolina is the drunk
driver Hunt told the
Hunt's drunken-
driving package in-
cludes mandatory jail
sentences for repeat of-
fenders, the elimination
of plea bargaining and
a new proposal called
"dram shop" which
would make retail
alcohol outlets liable
for civil suits if they
serve underage or in-
toxicated patrons who
are later involved in ac-
Hunt's final pro-
posal appears to be the
most controversial,
especially among
college-age youths. His
last proposal recom-
mends that the
legislature pass a law
raising the minimum
drinking age from 18 to
19. Hunt has also in-
dicated that he would
not be opposed to rais-
ing the age to 21.
ECU English student
Gary Black noted that
although a change in
the drinking age may
cause some reduction in
consumption by
minors, it would also
have a strong negative
impact on North
Carolina businesses
that sell alcohol pro-
"Raising the drink-
ing age to 19 may be a
good idea because it
could possibly cut
down on the high
school-age drinkers
Black said.
Black added that
raising the age to 21
would be "next to im-
possible" to enforce or
control. "North
Carolina is a big college
state and most people
at college are under
21 continued Black.
"Downtown businesses
would be wiped out
Another student,
Kathleen Colbert, who
majors in social work,
said she agreed with the
governor's proposals.
"At 18, people still
aren't responsible
enough to handle it
(drinking) Colbert
said. "At 21, they
know a little bit more
about the total effects
of alcohol
"I don't think rais-
ing the legal drinking
age is going to be effec-
tive in stopping alcohol
consumption or in
reducing drunken driv-
ing said another
social work student
Mickey Skidmore.
Skidmore claims that
he has been able to pur-
chase alcohol in North
Carolina ABC stores
since he was 16. "I
think they're (the
governor and the
legislature) going about
it in a backwards way
Skidmore also ob-
jected to Hunt's age
proposal on both moral
and civil libertarian 18 Skidmore said, seems very inconsistent if they're old enough to
grounds. "It makes no
sense that they sent
people to jail who
refused to register for
the draft when they're
Md. Town Fights Loyola
SERVICE) � "This is
my last fight, my
friend, and I'm going
to make it a good one
resolves 1 -year-old
Arthur Ciutman.
Ciutman's fighting
Loyola College of
Marvland, which wants
to buy the apartment
building where Gutman
and some 90 other
elderly people live.
Organized in a group
headed by Gutman,
they "are mad as hell at
Loyola, and a lot of
them are Catholic
Gutman reports.
For I oyola, the issue
is survival. It needs the
building to house
"we have to get
more residential
students explains
I oyola spokesman
Robert Sweeney. "Of
our 2500
undergraduates, 60 per-
,�cnj�rs commuters
Studies indicate there
will be fewer commuter
students in the future,
so "we'd really have to
have 60 percent
resident-students by the
end of the decade" to
stay healthy.
I oyola, however,
has no place to house
them, and feels it can't
attract them to the
school without one.
The problem is com-
mon to many colleges,
which in the last few
years have begun once
again to consider ad-
ding housing to their
But now some
schools, especially ur-
ban ones, are finding
their efforts to get more
housing often lead to
harsh political clashes
with their surrounding
neighborhoods, and
ultimately with the
political authorities
that give money to the
Such "town-gown"
frictions have long ex-
isted, but "it's
reasonable to expect
things on urban cam-
puses are going to get
worse now that some
universities are in the
housing market
again says the hous-
ing director of a
Chicago campus.
The campus, which
the officer asked to
keep anonymous, is "in
dire need of quality, af-
fordable housing for
our students, and we're
negotiating now with
several parties to bring
that about. We're very
worried that premature
public awareness of our
plans will make getting
the housing politically
impossible for us
Gutman's tenant
group, for example,
has made Loyola's at-
tempt to buy Wyn-
newood Towers for
$6.9 million into a
cause celeb re in
Loyola plans to
move 40 students into
the high rise in
September, and then
move more in as the
elderly tenants' leases
run out,
After hearing the
plans from Loyola
President Joseph Scll-
mger, the tenants met
under blinding TV
lights with college of-
ficials, who they
repeatedly interrupted
with questions like,
"Where can we go?"
and "How can they do
this to us?"
Such scenes scare
housing officials on
other campuses.
"Higher education is
having a hard time in
this legislature ex-
plains the Chicago
housing official. "The
(university) administra-
tion won't want to
jeopardize state fun-
ding by causing an un-
due ruckus in our com-
The spectre of con-
troversy apparently
also helped convince
Johns Hopkins to alter
plans for buying and
converting apartment
houses into dorms.
But, the fact that
schools are thinking
about new housing at
all is a change.
They've been putting
off building new hous-
ing since the mid-
seventies. Despite terri-
ble overcrowding in ex-
isting dorms, ad-
ministrators resisted
building new ones for
fear the precipitous
enrollment decline due
in the eighties would
leave them with no
students to house in the
new buildings.
But "the enrollment
decline has not happen-
ed yet points out Bill
Paleen, Cornell's hous-
ing chief and head of
the Association of Col-
lege and University
Housing Officers.
Now, "I think there
are more schools who
have a demand (for
housing) which exceeds
available space
Harvard, for one,
warehouses five
students in some four-
person suites. West
Georgia College has
temporarily converted
some campus con-
ference rooms in to
sleepers. At Cal-Santa
Barbara, "the situation
this year is even worse"
than last, says Housing
Director Joan Devine.
North Dakota State,
Missouri Southern,
Texas A'M, Florida, Il-
linois State and San
Jose State, among
many others, have had
to shove students into
off-campus temporary
housing because of
dorm room shortages.
Under pressure from
students, some schools
have lost patience
waiting for the squeeze
to ease.
The American Coun-
cil on Education found
that 25 percent of the
housing officers it
questioned said finding
more housing is their
top priority through
ACE researcher
Charles Anderson adds
that an increasing
percentage of the hous-
ing officers prefer buy-
ing and converting ex-
isting buildings to
building new dorms.
Anderson attributes
the trend to "economic
conditions including
lower mortgage rates.
"Anyone who has
the opportunity to ac-
quire a place and adapt
it should do that
because the economics
involved make it a
more feasible ap-
proach Paleen says.
Some estimate a
school can save 20-50
percent by buying and
Others say the
political costs of con-
verting negate the
monetary savings.
Loyola's Sweeney
contends "the costs are
about the same, and, as
in the Wynnewood
case, you don't save all
that much time
residents hope to stall
students' arrival for a
year while they
negoiate with the col-
"Loyola told us that
tenants over 70 who are
disabled and not active
may continue to live
here Gutman says.
"I drive
downtown mourns
86-year-old Jacob J.
Edelman, a 22-year
Wynnewood resident,
"and that means I'm
active, that I have to
Told of the Loyola
entanglement, the
Chicago housing of-
ficer groaned in an-
ticipation of what's to
come when he unveils
his own plans. "That's
why we're keeping it
under wraps. Nobody
likes a landlord, and
nobody likes evicting
people. But nobody
goes to a university
without housing
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"They want them to
fight, to have the
resposibility to defend
our country, but they
won't let them drink. It
to me.
Several other
students had mixed
feelings about the age
limit. Some noted that
vote for national
leaders, they should be
old enough to make
responsible decisions
regarding alcohol.
Greenville Helps 111 Child
More than $4,000
has been raised to help
aid a Greenville family
pay the medical ex-
penses of their
10-month-old infant
who is afflicted with
However, the family
of Douglas Moore,
because of new infor-
mation regarding the
child's medical
coverage, has found
out that they need more
than the $2,000
originally thought .
The plight of the
Moore child came to
light when ECU
Catholic chaplin Girard
Sherba made a plea to
ECU students at a
church service.
Students were asked to
make donations to a
special collection to
help the family. Those
attending responded by
donating $263.
According to Sister
Helen Shondcll, ECU
Catholic Campus
Minister, over $100
more has been collected
from students bringing
the ECU total close to
"I'm just over-
whelmed to say the
least Sherba said.
"The gospel calls us to
action and we have
Sherba said the
father. Douglas Moore,
Sr is in the Army and
that because of a policy
change his medical
benefits will only cover
the cost of his son's
operation, not the
hospital stay, which
could be for several
The Moore child is
scheduled to be treated
at a civilian hospital in
Gainsville, Fla. The in-
surance will not pay for
the baby's stay in the
hospital, according to
Sherba. The Florida
facility is the only place
in the United States
that has an opening for
the special operation.
Presently the Moore
family has arrived in
Florida and they are
awaiting doctors' deci-
sions regarding the date
for the operation which
will involve two of their
children. The operation
was originally schedul-
ed for last Saturday,
but was postponed at
least until today so doc-
tors can make further
The delicate and
painful operation will
involve a transplant of
bone-marrow from
Douglas' 22-month-old
sister Latasha Moore to
her brother. Because
Latasha has the same
blood-type and similar
chromosome structure
as her brother, doctors
were optimistic that the
operation could save
the infant's life.
Doctors originall
thought the Moore in-
fant had very little
chance of surviving the
usually deadly cancer
of the blood cells, but
now doctors say the
transplant operation in-
creases the child's
chances of survival
from 20 to 80 percent.
Sherba said dona-
tions to the family were
at present coming from
many churhces in the
city through the Green-
ville Ministerial
St. Gabriel Church
where Sherba is pastor
has already raised close
to $1,100 for the in-
fant. Another $1,000 in
donations was raised by
enthusiastic children at
St. Gabriel's School
who embarked on a
door-to-door collection
campaign in their
Another Greenville
resident ho manages a
local hotel had original-
ly made arrangements
for the family to stay
free of charge in a
Gainsville. Fla hotel
for three weeks. But
when the family arrived
in Florida a opening
came at Ronald
McDonald House and
the family decided to
stay there because there
was no time limit
Sheroa asks that
anyone wishing to
make contributions to
the medical fund con-
tact the First Christian
Church of Greenville.
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JANl ARY27, 1983
Page 6
A rtist Doleys Work
On Display A t Gray
K I Ne.v Bureau
Recent work by internationally recognized collage ar-
tist William Dole (born 1917) will be on view in ECU's
Grav Gallery Jan. 27-March 18.
The show will begin with an opening reception on
Jan. 27 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. The public is invited to
attend. In addition, ti re will be three screenings of a
videotape dealing with the artist, his theories and his
studio. The tape will be shown in the gallery at 2 p.m.
on three Sundays, Jan. 30, Feb. 20 and March 13.
Called by Alfred Frankenstein, art critic of the San
Francisco Chronicle, the "greatest master of collage to
appear on the world scene since the death of the great
Kurt Schwitters Dole is represented by major galleries
on both U.S. coasts and in the permanent collections ot
numerous art museums.
His collages are characterized by sensitivity to aspects
of paper and printing. He uses fragments from ancient
documents in distinctive typefaces combined with
carefully washed or stained watercolor papers and
marbelized end papers from discarded books.
Each collage painting is a balanced compositional
whole which invites careful examination and study. Of
his work Dole says. "The printed word � even in an
unknown foreign language � has a sense of authority
that no other graphic element has 1 intend each of my
works to be apoetic statement
Dole credits the influence of major writers ot the 20th
century, among them Gertrude Stein, W.H. Auden.
Carl Sandburg and Ford Maddox Ford, as well as con-
temporary artists.
He is currently on the faculty of the University ot
California at Santa Barbara.
According to Gray Gallery Directory Randolph
Osman. most of the 29 works to be on view at ECU are
for sale.
Area In Brief
Gray Gallery, located in the east end of the Jenkins
Fine Arts Center on the main campus, is open each
weekday from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. and on Sundays
from 1 to 4 p.m.
In honor of the 75th anniversary of ECU, the East
Carolina Dance Theatre is presenting a concert on Jan.
27, 28, and 29 at 8:15 p.m. in McGinnis Theatre which
features a fusion of the arts in celebration of dance, one
of the newest performing arts majors on campus.
Composer Otto Henry of the Music Faculty and
sculptor Tom Grubb, M.F.A. candidate in the School
of Art, are working on original pieces for new dances
choreographed by Patricia Weeks and Patricia Per-
talion, respectively.
Paula Johnson is doing a danced version of A Street-
car amed Desire and a lively, colorful adaptation of
the Japanese fairy tale, A Tongue-Cut Sparrow.
Petrus van Muyden will be presenting a version of Act
II of The utcracker and the pas de deux from Le Cor-
saire. Other pieces in the concert by Weeks and Per-
talion will be to music by Copland, Vivaldi and
Costume designs by Patrice Alexander will be par-
ticularly unique and extravagant, and lighting designed
by David Downing will fully utilize the computerized
lighting control system recently installed in McGinnis
Tickets are available for $4 at the McGinnis Theatre
Box Office from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on week days, or call
757-6390 for reservations.
The ECU Dance Theatre is celebrating the school's 75th anniversary with a special concert series
The Art Gallery of Mendenhall Student Center will be
displaying "A Collection of African Sculpture" Jan. 30
� Feb. 13 as a part of the Black Arts Festival Week.
The show is a division of more than 3,500 art and craft
items of Africa which comprise the North Carolina
Agricultural and Technical State University Heritage
Center's collection.
Director and Curator of the Heritage Center, Mrs.
Mattye Reed, will be the special guest speaker at the
show's reception, 6:30 p.m Wednesday, Feb. 2. Mrs.
Reed will discuss the show, and the relationship of
sculpture and African life, as well as Field questions
about the show. Admission to the Gallery and reception
is free.
Many of the show's sculptures are pieces from rites of
birth, puberty, marriage and death 1 raditional Atncan
sculptures are useful objects which meet the spiritual,
ritual, ceremonial and atilitanan need of the group
While aesthetic merit may be a part of the sculptural in-
tegrity, it is almost always will have a more significant
Indeed, aethetic appeal ma not be desired at all when
representing nahvolent spirit It is not ala an ap
preciation ot aesthetic in African sculpture, but rather
the skill and validity in each piece's portrayal
The Mendenhall Student Center -rt Gallery is located
in the second floor lobby and is open Monday - I riurs-
dav, 8:30a.m. � 11 p.m Friday, 8:30 a.m. -� 12a.m
Saturday. 12 p.m � 12 a.m and Sunday 1pm � 11
North And South'
John Jakes' Latest First In A Trilogy
No writer so successfully captures
the essence of the American spirit as
John Jakes. The renowned author
of the 30 million-copy bestselling
Kent hamily Chronicles, he again
brings history to life in his most am-
bitious work to date. Sorth and
South, a stunning saga of pre-Civil
War America. A number 1 national
best-seller with oer 300.000 hard-
cover copies in print. Sorth and
South was a Literary Guild featured
g national magazine. Family Circle.
The first volume of an extensively
research trilogy. North and South is
the compelling and dramatic tale of
two wealthy families living on op-
posite sides of the Mason Dixon line
during one of the most explosive
eras in American history. The two
decades leading up to the divisive
Civil War were a time when families
and friends turned against each
other, and the color of a man's skin
could mean the difference between
life and death.
The Mains, descendants of
French aristocracy, are South
Carolina planters whose way of life
is rooted in years of tradition that
they will fight to the death to main-
tain. No such tradition binds the
Hazards, a family of Pennsylvania
industrialists who scorn the concept
of owning men and being dependent
on them for success. Several genera-
tions back, the Hazards were
fugitive fleeing to a new land and.
by taking advantage ot their oppor-
tunities, they were able to amass a
vast amount of money in a very
short time.
Cieorge Hazard and Orry Main
meet as they are both about to enroll
at West Point, the nation's fledgling
military academy and. despite the
differences in their backgrounds,
they establish an immediate and
lasting friendship which irrevocably
intertwines their own lives and those
of their families.
Through their years at West Point
and as young soldiers fighting
together with General Zachary
Taylor in Mexico, Orry and George
continue their relationship, even
after they return to their respective
horns. Orry is George's Best Man at
his wedding to Constance, a liberal
Catholic who is ostracized by Penn-
sylvania society, and George is the
only person Orry confides in about
his deep abiding love for a married
white woman who carefully guarads
the secret of her Black ancestor.
It becomes more and more dif-
ficult to remain friends, however, as
the grim shadows of slavery and
politics loom ever larger. The
families must struggle valiantly to
maintain peace among themselves as
events catapult to their inevitable
John Jakes has earned the im-
pressive distinction of "America's
best-read writer" (San Francisco
Chronicle). The author of 200 short
stories, 50 books, four plays, and
the librettos and lyrics for six
musicals, he is also one of the coun-
try's most prolific writers.
Born in Chicago in 1932, Jakes
began writing professionally during
his freshman year at Northwestern
University, where he was studying
to become an actor. Once the
writing bug bit, however (in the
form of a $25 check for his first
short story), there was no shaking it.
He enrolled in the creative writing
program at DePauw University and
also received an M.A. in American
Literature from Ohio State Univer-
sity. He completed his first book, a
historical novel, during examination
week of his senior year at DePauw.
Under the pseudonym Jay Scotland,
Jakes went on to author more than
half a dozen books of this genre
while working in the creative depart-
ments of several regional and na-
tional advertising agencies in
Rochester, New York and Dayton.
In March of 1973. Jakes began
work on the Kent Family
Chronicles, an eight-volume series
that accurately depicts the nation's
history through the lives of a fic-
tional family. A spectacular success
and a publishing phenomenon, the
Kent Family Chronicles now totals
more than 30 million copies in print.
When he became the first author to
ever have three books on The en
York Times paperback bestseller list
in one year, that newspaper
reported "In the history of U.S.
book publishing there's never been a
success story quite like that of John
Jaks All eight volumes of the
series were national bestsellers
Beatty A nd Keaton Star In 'Reds'
Warren Beatty and Diane Keaton star in epic biography Redi
showing this weekend in Mendenhall's Hendrix Theatre.
Adage 'Til Death Do Us Part'
Has Big Meaning For Women
Film 'Black Orpheus' On Tap For Festival
Considered one of the most beautiful films ever made. Black Orpheus retells the legend of Orpheus
and Eurydice in a modern setting. The film is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 2, at 8 p.m. in
Mendenhall's Hendrix Theatre. Sponsored by the Student Union Films Committee, the film is part of
the Department of University Unions' '8283 Black Arts Festival.
woman marries a man, she imagines
growing old with him when she
vows "till death do us part But
current statistics indicate women are
becoming widowed at an average
age of 56, says Mona Shevlin, an
assistant professor in the School of
Education at the Catholic Universi-
ty of America.
To help women prepare for the
probable return to "singlehood
Ms. Shevlin, who sees many women
in her counseling practice at the
Counseling Center for Greater
Washington, advises them to be
"You'll probably be either
widowed or divorced at least once in
your lifetime she tells them.
Little formal preparation for
widowhood exists, says Ms. Shevlin,
who teaches in the university
counseling and guidance master's
and doctoral programs. She feels
there should be more.
An area of great hardship for
many widows who have had
satisfactory marriages is the loss of
an intimate campanion and a part-
ner for decision making. Financial
decisions are an area of particular
weakness, says Ms. Shevlin.
"Women are trained early on to
espouse dependence and passivity
she says. "They are taught to nur
ture and serve others. When they
lose their mates, they often lose
their identities because all their mar-
ried lives they've been somebody's
wife. When their husbands die. they
feel as though their lives are over,
and they proceed to merely tolerate
the rest of their lives
An elderly widow must face the
fact that if she does desire to date
and possibly remarry, there is the
problem of numbers. There is a
much larger pool of single elderly
women than men.
Ms. Shevlin counsels women that
hile it may be desirable, it is not
necessary to have a mate. And thus
women who have lost their
husbands must learn to live alone
for perhaps the first time in 30 to 50
years in a world that is totally dif-
ferent from the one in which they
may have been single years before.
The idea of preparing for
widowhood is a much avoided
topic, Ms. Shevlin says, because
people have difficulty accepting that
there are usually beginnings, mid-
dles and ends in all relationships.
"And the ends don't always come
when they're expected or wanted
In addition to enrolling in
seminars and workshops when
they're available, women should
foster and encourage both male and
female friendships, Ms. Shevin says.
"Enjoy the person you're married
to, but make sure to build other
relationships as well say- Ms.
Shevlin. who adds that throughout
her life, a woman should expand her
interests and continue to engage in
To cope with a common feeling of
anger directed at the dead spouse,
Ms. Sheviin tells women. "Give
yourself permission to be angry. For
anybody who has experienced a
loss, it's a normal feeling. Talk
about the anger with other people.
Vent it
Though there are not many
seminars or workshops to prepare
for widowhood, there are self-help,
support groups for the already-
widowed, which she suggests join-
ing. The advantage of joining a
group, she says, is that the people in
it have all experienced the loss of a
spouse, and there is a common
understanding that can't be found
among the best intentioned of
friends and relatives.
"Friends and relatives can listen
and be helpful up to a certain point,
but then they often get bored or im-
patient she says.
See WIDOWS, Page 7
Wan Fi
B Jl 1 II
The Man trm
Snoy Rier (noi
piavmg at Greenville'
Phi! Theatre! .ora:r
all of thecharac-
of an Austrahar.
that audiences
come to expect e at
afforded an- a
glimpse at
geography and societ)
of Australia w I
nmg about the hi 1
of a virtually unk: -I
nation thr
This tiim is n. j
about a young I
sent to ma-
also about a
try that sorr
some harcd no
Hiver ;s a It �f
western, ar. a
and. :n some
Jim Craic
boy wl the -
den death .
- 1888.
become amai
to be re. i
such he rau
:n the h gj
goes down the rac
tain and proves hims
by workr.g on the H
ris ranch Here
in love �-
raer, tan
horse and capture
- j - rses


-�� "���i � mm

�i i !( -

In Reds'
i btograptn M
ln I beat re
i and
i y 5
re married
i other
man should e.pand her
i 'age in
�union feeling of
:ted at the dead spouse.
Us women, "Give
ion to he angry. For
nas experienced a
mal teeiing. Talk
"i other people.
ire not man
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od, there are velf-help.
nips tor the already-
. inch he suggests join-
advantage of joining a
iys, is that the people in
epenenced the loss of a
u there is a common
ling that can't be found
le best intentioned of
and relatives can listen
jtul up to a certain point,
c often get bored or im-
ie says.
lDOWS. Page 7
'Man From Snowy River'
Top-Notch Aussie Fare
The Man From
Snowy River (now
playing at Greenville's
Plitt Theatre) contains
all of the characteristics
of an Australian film
that audiences have
come to expect. We are
afforded another
glimpse at the
geography and society
of Australia while lear-
ning about the history
of a virtually unknown
nation through
This film is not only
about a young boy's as-
sent to manhood, but
also about a hard coun-
try that some loved and
some hated. Snowy
River is a love story, a
western, an adventure
and, in some ways, a
Jim Craig is a young
boy who after the sud-
den death of his father
in 1888, struggles to
become a man. In order
to be recognized as
such he must leave the
mountains and earn the
right to return and live
in the high country. He
goes down the moun-
tain and proves himself
by working on the Har-
ris ranch. Here, he falls
in love with the
daughter of the ranch's
owner, tames a prize
horse and captures a
herd of wild horses. All
this is done in grand
style, which of course
earns him the right to
return and be a
"mountain man
Kirk Douglas plays
the owner of the ranch
and the owner's
brother. Douglas is one
of my least favorite ac-
tors but is brilliant in
this dual role. The
brothers are as dif-
ferent as night and day,
but Douglas lends
authenticity to both
The ranch owner's
daughter, is a strong-
willed girl named
Jessica, played convin-
cingly by Sigrid Thorn-
ton. Thornton is a
newcomer to the
screen, but I am sure
she will soon be a
familiar sight.
Tom Burlinson is
Jim Craig. Burlinson
was excellent and will
soon become as famous
as well-known
Australian actor Jack
Thompson. In the film
Thompson played
Clancy, a famous
The forty-two-year-
old actor is a very-
recognizable face
because of his previous
roles in Breaker
M or ant, The Chant of
Jimmie Blacksmith,
The Earthling and a
remake Somerset
Maugham's of The Let-
The other well
known figure involved
in The Man From
Snowy River is George
Miller, the director.
Miller has thrilled us
with great films Mad
Max (1979) and The
Road Warrior (1982)
(showing on campus
Wednesday, March 2 ).
George Miller is an
MD but in his last
year of medical school
he helped his twin
brother make a one
minute film and he was
hooked. He graduated
from med school and
practiced long enough
to raise the $350,000
necessary to make Mad
Max. To date, Mad
Max has grossed over
80 million dollars.
The Man From
Snowy River is a
JANUARY 27, 1983
Widows Lonely
Continued From Page 6
To confront depression, Ms.
Shevlin suggests viewing it simply as
"learned helplessness and
hopelessness" that can be unlearn-
ed. Socialize, be involved with peo-
ple, be active. It's important to
establish companionship, especially
in cases where there is no family
support system, she says.
Widowed women can do many
things to help themselves, but these
people around them also can help
smooth the way, she adds. Many
people wonder how to react to the
newly widowed, what to say and
what to do.
"Don't say, 'I know exactly how
you feel " she advises. "You never
know exactly how another person
feels until you allow them to tell
you, and even then, you don't really
know for sure.
The most appropriate response,
Ms. Shevlin says, is "I'm sorry
And then let the individual know
that you are available to listen and
talk if and when the need arises.
Beyond saying the right thing,
help from people with the day-to-
day household chores is most ap-
preciated by the widow.
An ad-slick rendering of the horse-taming scene in Snowy River.
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JANLAK1 27, 198?
Page 8
Top Conference Rookies To Battle
uHt�l Sports tdlto
When the ECU Pirates and Navy
Midshipmen clash this Saturday in
Annapolis, Md the two top
rookies in the ECAC-South will
square off.
ECU'S Johnny Edwards was
named rookie of the week for the
third time in five weeks. Edwards
leads the club in scoring (17.6), re-
bounding (7.9), field goal percen-
tage (56.9), and steals (25).
If there is anyone in the league
who could beat out Edwards as
rookie of the year, it might be
Navy's Vernon Butler.
Butler has a slight edge over Ed-
wards as the league's top rebounder.
and contributes with 10.7 points per
The Pirates and Midshipmen are
similar in that both teams are in the
middle of winning streaks.
ECU has put together their
longest winning streak of the
season, having won the last three
The three wins include a 10-point
upset of South Carolina and an
overtime win at UNC-Wilmington
in a game in which the Pirates never
led until overtime.
The Midshipmen, who have won
four in a row, are off to their best
start in 23 years. The 9-4 record in-
cludes a 6-1 mark at home in Halsey
Field House.
The front line of Navy is con-
tributing far more that in past
seasons. Junior Cliff Maurer. 6-10,
tallest player in Navy history, is hit-
ting for 11.7 points and rebounds at
6.8 per game.
Last season was the first meeting
of the two clubs, with Navy winning
88-76. The man that really hurt
ECU last year, guard Rob Romaine,
leads the Midshipmen with 87
assists, setting a pace that will give
him the school record next season.
In last year's game, Romaine hit
19 of 20 free throws and scored 29
points and had five assists.
In comparison with last year at
this time, ECU is off to a better
start, 9-8 vs. 7-10. One of the main
reasons is an aggressive defensive
strategy employed by first-year
coach Charlie Harrison.
Since the season began, the
Pirates have watched a steady
decline in opponent scoring average.
From a high of 71 points after three
games, ECU has pushed that
average down to 63.5 points per
Unless a major turnaround oc-
curs, ECU will set a new school
defensive mark. The current record
is 64.9 points per game, set 20 years
The Pirates are still hurting from
the loss of senior co-captain Charles
Cireen, who dislocated a shoulder
two weeks ago.
There is still hope that Green,
who was second in scoring and re-
bounding, will return to action this
Sophomore Barry Wright has had
to play a different role since the loss
of Green. But the 6-5, Norfolk, Va.
native has responded well. Known
for his defense, Wright is now the
second leading scorer at 12.5 points
per game.
The greatest strides of late have
been from senior co-captain Thorn
Brown. With his season high 11
points against Campbell, as well as
back-to-back highs in rebounding
(10 and eight), the Pirates have
received definite added support on
the front line from Brown.
ECU faces four of its next five
opponents on the road. After Satur-
day night's contest with Navy, the
Pirates will travel to UNC-
Charlotte, in a game set for 7:30
Brown A Steady Performer
suff �niff
Due to injuries, a new coach and
lack of confidence, the Pirates have
had their ups and downs this season.
But one player, senior forward
Thorn Brown, has been a steady per-
former all year long
Brown, a 6-6, 225-pound Physical
Therapy major is averaging 4.4
points and 3.6 rebounds per game.
Although Brown does not score a
lot of points, he contributes greatly
to the team with his defensive and
rebounding skills.
Brown is from East Grenich,
Rhode Island, where his high school
won the state championship his
senior year.
Brown was the most valuable
player, as well as the third leading
scorer in the state tournament, and
was the third leading scorer in the
state that year with a 25 point-per-
game average.
Upon graduating from high
school, Brown was not that heavily
recruited and went to prep school to
improve his basketball skills While
at Worchester Academy, Brown's
team won the New England State
Brown decided to attend college
at the University of Maine but left
after two years. "The University
(Maine) wouldn't put anv money in-
to the basketball program, and they
lost a lot of good athletes because of
this Brown commented
Rick Carslisle, a good friend ol
Brown's and now a starter on the
nationally-ranked University oi
Virginia Cavaliers, left Maine the
following year because ol the same-
Brown became acquainted with
ECU when Maine was playing the
Pirates several years ago. "1 liked
the campus a lot he said, "and
when 1 found out East Carolina had
a good Physical Therapy program. I
decided to come here.
"1 came to ECU with no intention
of playing basketball, but 1 started
playing pick-up games with guys on
the team and 1 just got more and
more involved
Brown was offered a scholarship
when he became eligible, and began
playing for the Pirates last season as
a fourth-year junior.
Brown, who excels in the
classroom, carries a 3 6 grade-point
average. He was also a candidate for
Academic Ail-American last season.
Brown said he applies himself and
makes the most of his time. "People
don't realize how little tree time
athletes have with games, practices
and team meetings all the time
Struggling through most of last
season with a deep muscle pull.
Brown later discovered that he had a
hernia. He was operated on last
May. "1 was inactive tor two mon-
ths and lost 25 pounds he said.
"But now I'm playing lighter and
feel at 100 percent
He worked his way into the star-
ting lineup by the James Madison
game, and after forward teammate
Charlie Green suffered a shoulder
separation. Brown acquired a star-
ting position on the Pirate Squad.
"The low point of the year was
when Charlie injured his shoulder,
but we've bounced back from that
and are playing good ball now
Brown attributed the shaky start
this season to a lack of confidence.
"Everyone was extremely tentative
at the beginning of the season. We
have a lot of young players, and
everybody had to learn a completely
new system
When speaking of Coach Har-
rison, Brown had nothing but praise
to offer. "Charlie Harrison ha
been the biggest plus for East
Carolina basketball since Coach
Patten led the 1974-75 Pirates to a
Southern Conference Champion-
ship. He has a great concept of the
game, and influences the team with
his never-give-up attitude
Brown hopes to attend graduate
school at Duke or Stanford when he
grduates, but right now his main
concern is finishing the 83' season
with success. And with three con-
secutive wins, the Pirates are cer-
tainly off to a good start.
Squirewell: Okay Just Not Good Enough
spon. Mi:or
Hanging on her dormitory wall
was a most-fitting poster for Lady
Pirate basketball player Lisa
Squirewell: "I'll face my problems
one tomorrow at a time
"You know, that's been true for
me since I've been here at-ECU
Squirewell said. "I've just had to
take things day by day
If Squirewell has learned anything
this season as a freshman, she has
learned how to be patient. More
than six weeks ago, she first suf-
fered a stress fracture, then later
discovered she had broken her foot.
Diagnosis: out of practice for a
minimum of six weeks.
But after wearing a soft cast and
living through what seemed to be a
lifetime wait, the former All-State
erformer is back on the court
Squirewell played a limited
amount of time against UNC-
Charlotte one week ago but saved
her exploding performance for
ECU'S bout with Mercer this
weekend at the Nike-Carolina
Classic at the University of South
Squirewell grabbed nine re-
bounds, made three three-point
plays and was eight-for-eight from
the freethrow line to rack up 14
points in the tournament's consola-
tion game. The Pirates won, 71-67.
"I felt good Squirewell said. "I
guess you could tell I was a little
anxious to play again. When you sit
out and watch your teammates play,
you feel like maybe you could get
out there and really help them
With starting forward Loraine
Foster out of the lineup with an in-
jury, Squirewell will be relied on to
do quite a bit of helping out. And
Squirewell readily admitted that she
had not expected to have as much
playing time this year. "I thought I
was gonna have time to develop my
skills � maybe a year � but I've
had to step in because of what has
happened (Foster's injury) she
said. "Sometimes you've got to just
do what is right. It's all part of be-
ing on the team
Head Coach Cathy Andruzzi
couldn't have been more pleased to
have Squirewell return after her un-
fortunate absence. "We're very glad
Lisa Squirewell (left) works out with
(right) and Rita Simmons.
to have her back with us she said.
"She has shown a lot of intensity on
the court and played good defense
When asked about her game,
Squirewell said she has been mainly
worked on two areas � freethrow
shooting and defense. "During the
Bill Croner All-Star Camp, I missed
so many freethrows she said, and
I knew it was something I needed to
work on Apparently Squirewell
didn't miss too many freethrows.
She was named as the camp's most
valuable player.
Squirewell mostly played a zone
defense during her high school days
at Wake Forest-Rolesville, and
quickly realized that the Lady Rats'
man-to-man defense would definite-
ly be a new challenge for her. "I
learned I can't stand still and play
defense she said with a laugh. "I
use to think I could, but I know bet-
ter now. If she goes, you go
Andruzzi described Squirewell as
a competitor � a quality that has
endured and increasingly grown in
her. "I'm the kind of person who is
never satisfied with being okay
Squirewell said. "I want to be better
than okay
"There's a difference in being a
good competitor and a bad com-
petitor and I try to be a good one. In
basketball I not only want to start, I
fellow teammates Loraine Foster
want to be somebody someone takes
notice of, not just a number,
another player on the court
Squirewell has also proven to be
competitive in another area � the
classroom. She obtained a 2.7
gradepoint average during her first
semester here and said she enjoyed
attending classes. "In my book, stu-
dying comes first she said. It's
just a matter of priorities. For in-
stance, if I have a choice of going to
a party or studying for a test, I'm
gonna study
Squirewell said she wanted her
peers to recognize her as a student-
athlete. "I'm not just an athlete
she said. "Some here are just
athletes, but I want to be a stu-
Because she is attending ECU on
a full basketball scholarship,
Squirewell said she feels like she
owes the program her best effort.
"They did me a favor she said.
"They put me through school my
freshman year because they want me
here. It's up to me now. I don't ever
want to be a thorn in their side.
"1 want an education, and I want
it from ECU. If basketball is gonna
pay for my education, I feel I should
do the best I can in my studies
Scoring 24 points per game and
averaging 13.5 rebounds, Squirewell
was recruited by such schools as
Peace College, Western Kentucky,
Louisburg College and Mississippi
State during her senior year.
But East Carolina was her top
choice for a number of reasons.
"ECU was only one hour and 15
minutes from home, and I felt like I
owed it to my community to stay
close to home she explained. "A
lot of people supported me in high
school. If they wanted to come and
watch me play, I wanted them to be
able to
Just as any freshman, Squirewell
has faced many rude awakenings.
"If you don't look out for yourself,
nobodv else will she said. Yet
Squirewell doesn't believe she has
really changed that much since ar-
riving at ECU. "I've realized many
things she said, "like how much I
value my family, but basically I'm
still the same ole' Lisa
Squirewell, who is soft-spoken
and attractive, has gotten somewhat
more tough-skinned since her high
school davs. Of course any player
who would let her opponents score
because she felt sorry for them
would have to become more ag-
gressive in the college ranks. "We
had a weak conference in high
school she said. "I've never liked
blowing a team out. Whether you
win by one or two points, you still
The thrill of winning, however,
isn't why Squirewell plays basket-
ball. "Playing basketball gives me a
little bit of self-esteem she said.
"It pulls me out of the set of people
who are just going to college. It
gives me that little extra.
"If 1 wasn't playing basketball,
I'd get lazy. How would I feel my
time? I'd have no priorities
And for that reason, Squirewell is
even happy to be running suicides
and practicing man-to-man drills.
Now that she's back, she can get her
priorities straightened out once
And it's not too difficult to
assume that playing basketball is
high on her list. "I couldn't go to
school without playing basketball. I
love it.
"Sometimes I don't want it to
ECl s I horn Bro�n grabs rebound in game action.
Foster, Mabry Lost
ivisllll H.rt lJi'�'
The ECl ladv Pirates received
some verv bad news vesterdav when
it was announced that I oraine
foster and Delphine Mabrv. tw
backcoun starters, will most I �
be lost tor the remainder ol the
Foster injured her knee in last
week's ganc again I Nc �
Charlotte whe: she drove to the
foster is scheduled tor or
throscopk surger today, when the
final determination will be made.
According to head coach Cathy An-
druzzi. chances are slim tor Foster
returning this season
Mabry, a 5-4 freshman guard
from Rock) Mount, injured her
hand two week- ago in a pick-up
game. She underwent X ravs yester-
dav and decided to have the hand
operated on now
Mabrv. like foster, will be
operated on toda
This latest occurence leaves the
Ladv Pirates squad at only seven
"When it rams, it pours,
responded Andruzzi. "There is no
question that this will hurt us
But Andruzzi points out that the
character o the team will enable
them to overcome this setback.
"It's going to be a real challenge
for US she stated. "The plavers
are going to have to handle it. We
have our work cut out tor us. so
we're going to have to play ery
smart basketball
The Lady Pirates will have to set
aside their disappointment and con-
centrate on this weekend's road trip.
At the halfwav point o the
1982-83 season, the ECL Ladv
Pirates are beginning to get ac-
customed to life on the road.
Of ECU'S 14 games to date, 11 of
them have been away from home.
And considering that the next two
are also on the road, the Ladv
Pirates couldn't be blamed for feel-
ing a little homesick.
Head coach Cathy Andruzzi
stresses a lack of fundamentals, not
the schedule, as the main problem at
this point.
"As for our performance thus
Mr. we are not going to win d �
the stretch it we don't execute the
fundamentals of passing anc ca
ching and our defensive intensity
Andruzzi -tated "Our prance
have to exemplify that and we h r
thev will be more intense ar.j
1 he 1 ady Pirates have not play
since last weekend when thev finish-
ed third in the South Carolina In-
Iromcallv. EC! has the identical
rd (7-7) thai I id at this -ame
pom! last year.
I his Saturday, Johnson v :t.
lenn. will be the site ol the lady
Pirates' next visit. There, thev will
play East Tennessee State, a team
ECU beat b 1? points last year in
ETSL. currently 6-8, is led in
scoring b Marsha Cowart with a
23.4 points-per-game average
In a Mondav night game against
Marshall. Cowart scored her 2(X)th
career point in the Ladv Bucs "S-65
victory. She is the onlv basketball
plaver m ETSU history to score
2000 points in a career
Laurie Hmes and Pmk:e Mill-
complement Coward well Mills is
leading the team in rebounding with
8.4 per contest, and Hmes scoring
12.2 points a game while plavmg the
point guard position.
ETSl is 5-1 at home, and have
plaved a verv competitive road
schedule, featuring teams like Ken-
tuckv and Penn State.
"We've always had verv tough
games with Last Tennessee State
ever since I've been here Andruzzi
commented. "Thev are a big team
and they execute the fundamentals
We expect a tough game
Andruzzi pointed out that two
important areas thus far have been
rebounding and shooting percen-
"Defensive, board-wise, there are
times I feel we are doing a good 10b
and there are others when I teel we
could do much better Andruzzi
stated. "Our field goal percentage
has improved
After Saturday's contest at ET-
SL. the Lady Pirates will hit the
road once more on Sunday when
they travel to Appalachian State.
ECU In Wanamaker
staff ttnio
Hurdler Craig White
and the mile-relay team
of Eddie Bradley,
Wayne Richardson.
Nathan McCorkle and
Reuben Pirece will
compete Friday in the
star-filled Wanamaker
Milrose Games in New
York City. In the meet
will be names such as
the highly publicized
sprinter, Stanley Floyd.
Although highly
competitive schools as
Howard, Tennessee,
Seton Hall, and George
Mason will be par-
ticipating in the games,
the event "is for the
most part a meet for in-
dividuals ECL coach
Bill Carson said.
According to Car-
son, ECU's relay time
is faster than some of
the more powerfvul
schools in the games.
ECU has the third best
time behind Howard
and George Mason in
the relay.
"1 expect us to be in
the top sight Carson
said. "But I told mv
runners not to get their
hopes up because so
many of the runners
competing are equal
McCorkle. who will
run third on the relay
team, is excited about
participating in the
games. "I am really
happy about going to
New York he said.
"It is really a big meet
for everybody because
there will be so many
big teams competing
"We are looking to
have some fun and to
do the best we can
McCorkle added.
Basketball Gets n
Iniram .
ball got oft to - I
ing start tf f
the sound of �
ing fo
M nge
Memorial Gy
:ms seemed ner

ed do �-

Kolltr Hock.

8 Jan. 2
I i
8 Vfenaem
$ Dr.
401 S. E

Sneaker Sam Sez
Basketball (,ets I nder-
Intramural Basket
ball got off to a bounc-
ing start this week as
the sound o whistles,
buzzers, and scamper-
ing feet filled the air of
Minges Coliseum and
Memorial Gym. All
teams seemed nervous
as thev plaved their
first games, but after a
few baskets, they settl-
ed down Games are
plaved Monday
through Thursday from
5 00-1 1:00 p.m. in
Memorial Gym and
from 8:15-11:15 p.m.
in Minges Coliseum.
c ome on out and watch
as the team go into ac-
Roller Hockey
The first night of
toller hockey proved to
be a "slap shooting"
battle as many players
attempted to par-
ticipate on wheels. A
new record was missed
by just 3 points in the
Puckers vs. Bad to the
Bone contest. Danny
Monahan and Teresa
Vick led the scoring
drive with seven goals
each for the Puckers
Among the teams
undefeated after the
first night of competi-
tion are: Night
Cruisers, Puckers,
Delta eta Destroyers,
Rolla Doobie. Rolling
Warriors, and El loco
rm Wrestling
The In-
tramural Budweiser
Arm Wrestling 1'ourna-
men! registration
deadline is today at
S:(X) at Memorial
Gym room 204. Weigh-
ins foi the event will be
Monday January 31, at
5:00 p.m during the
required participants'
meeting in Memorial
Gym, room 102. Mat-
ches begin February 1
with the finals at the
halftimes of the Lady
Pine Classic.
Budweiser will be pro-
viding T-shirts to all
participants and
trophies to the first and
second places in each
weight class.
Co-Ree Bowling
Start getting your
teams together for Co-
Ree Bowling. Registra-
tion is just down the
lane from February
14-16, room 204
Memorial Gym.
New Record Set
A new intramural
record has been achiev-
ed in the sport of
basketball. A total of
171 teams registered for
the popular sport, as
compared to the 143
teams last year. Every
division experienced an
increase in the number
of teams entered. In
order to give credit
where credit is due, a
fitting phrase might be
"thanks to you it
works, for all of us
New Weight Equip-
Come check out the
new Universal weight
equipment in Memorial
Gym. Hours are
Monday-Thursday 9:00
a.m. - 10:00 p.m Fri-
day 9:00 a.m. - 6:00
p.m and Saturdav-
Sunday 1:00 p.m. -5:00
rtwto bv STANLtr ilmi
ECl cheerleader nerform in front of a non-reponsi�e crowd.
Tau Delta
ill meet
I Jan. 27 at 7:00p.m. at
Mendenhall Coffee Shop
guest speaker
will be
8 Dr. Peter Makuck
Phone: 756 4144
Jli c I lew l
313 Plaza Dri�
Greenvill. NC
�o'iut -
Barbara Morris
Lou Joyner
Grace Peoples
Delores Elks
Beverly Dickens
Larry Elswicks
JANLARV 27. y�l
Charleston Approved For Site
S.C. (UPI) - The
NCAA formally ap-
proved Charleston,
S.C, Wednesday as the
new site for the Divi-
sion IAA football
championship for the
next two years.
The Citadel, a
Southern Conference
member, will serve as
the host school for the
nationally televised
game Dec. 17, 1983,
and Dec. 15, 1984, said
Jerry Miles, an official
at the NCAA's head-
quarters in Mission,
The game will be
played in the
22,500-seat Johnson
Hagood Stadium, but
several thousand more
seats can be added with
portable bleachers.
The Division 1-AA
football committee
heard presentations
Jan. 13 from represen-
tatives of three cities
seeking the game '
Charleston; Wichita
Falls, Texas, which
hosted it as the Pioneer
Bowl the past five
years; and Lake
Charles, La.
Charleston was the
unanimous recommen-
dation of the panel,
and the NCAA's Ad-
ministative Committee,
which has the power to
act on such matters bet-
ween meetings of the
Executive Committee,
approved the switch to
Charleston 6-0, said
Miles, the NCAA's
director of men's
The committee acted
on the recommendation
during a conference call
to discuss several
issues, he said.
Mayor Joseph P.
Riley Jr. and J. Mac
Holladay, executive
vice president of the
Charleston Trident
Chamber of Com-
merce, who made the
presentation to the
football committee at
the NCAA's annual
convention in San
Diego, were not im-
mediately available for
Riley had said earlier
the game should pro-
vide a minimum
economic windfall to
the citv of more than
The contractural
agreement, which in-
cludes 1 mancial
guarantee to the NCAA
by the city, gives
Charleston the cham-
pionship for two vears
with an option to ex-
tend for an additional
two vears.
Riley said when the
city's oiler was ten-
tatively approved that
it was based on a con-
servative estimate ol
revenue trom ticket
sales and other pro-
ceeds less expenses and
included an offer to
share the gate with the
"It has two ver
positive economic com-
ponents ' the national
publicity created b live
television coverage and
the actual economic ac-
tivity from the game
he said.
'Bear' Dies Of Heart A ttack
Ala. (UPI)
Alabama's Paul
"Bear" Bryant, who
won more football
games than any other
college coach in
history, died of a
massive heart attack
Wednesday, 28 days
after winning the game
he knew would be his
He was 69 and a
legend in his own time.
Bryant, who an-
nounced his retirement
Dec. 15 and then
coached the Crimson
Tide for the last time in
a I iberty Bowl victory
over Illinois Dec. 29,
entered Druid City-
Hospital Tuesday night
suffering from chest
A friend said doctors
told him earlier
Wednesday they had
found no signs of heart
damage but said it
"might be a warning
If so, it was too late.
The grizzled, gruft-
voiced coach, whose
teams won 323 games
in his 37 seasons, went
into "sudden car-
diopulmonary arrest"
at 12:24 p.m. while
talking to his nurses.
Led by his own
physician, Dr. William
Hill, a team of doctors
attempted heroic
resuscitation measures
for more than an hour.
"We did put in a
pacemaker through the
chest wall and were
able to restore a weak
heartbeat, which subse-
quent failed Hill
told reporters. "We
quit working with him
and pronounced him
dead at 1:30 p.m
He said the cause of
death was a massive
coronary occlusion.
"He had been stable,
had been talking to
nurses immediately
prior to this said
Jack Perry, assistant
athletic director for
public relations at
The first official
word of Brvant's death
East Carolina University
Aj PietcMe' Music Buiidng. Reala Man
Tuesday February i 3 0O6 0CPM
University ot North Carolina
Elliot University Certe'
Aienander and Ptiiliips Rooms
Thursday. February 3 2 0O-5 0C PM
Singers � Dancers � Instrumentalists � Technicians
Variety Performers � $180 250week
Zo �c Bos .�- - �� in aSM
came in the Alabama
Senate, where Lt. Gov.
Bill Baxley broke the
news to a hushed
Bryant was at the
home of a longtime
friend, Jimmy Hinton,
when he was stricken
by the chest pains Tues-
day night. He was rush-
ed to Druid City
Hospital by am-
"He had been here
about 10 minutes and
was talking about how
good he felt, and I was
telling him how good
he looked. And in a tew
minutes after he sat
down, he had a few
pains and some
breathing problems,
and we called his doc-
tor and then the
paramedics Hinton
Hinton said Hill ar-
rived at the house
about the same time as
the ambulance and
Tuscaloosa city
paramedics. The physi-
cian accompanied
Bryant to the hospital.
"1 talked with the
doctor afterwards, and
he said he didn't see
from his LKG elec-
trocardiogram an
heart damage. But he
said it might be a warn-
ing Hmton said.
Nursing supervisor,
June Hoggle, said
Brvant "slept good"
Tuesdav night. "His
vital signs remained
The sudden death of
the most famous living
college football coach
cast a pall over the na-
tion's athletic com-
T hated to see him
across that field more
than an coach 1 had
the pleasure of
coaching against said
h- old nemesis. Bobby
Dodd of Georgia Tech.
"He came a long way
for a boy who came out
of Fordyce. Ark
"They just don't
make them like Bear
Bryant anymore said
former Arkansas
Coach Frank Broyles.
Brvant started his
career at Maryland,
then went to Kentuckv
and Texas A&M before
returning to his alma
mater at Tuscaloosa.
where he spent the la
25 years.
Bryant retired after
the Crimson Tide beat
Illinois 21-15 in the
Libert y Bow! ! a � t
month. It was his 32nd
career victory, more
than any other college
football coach He
broke Amos Alonzo
Stagg record of 314
wins in 1981.
His teams provided
the proiessional rank-
with some of 11
greatest plae's �
quarterbacks Babe
Panlli from Kentucky
and Joe Namath and
Kenny Stabler trom
Alabama, linebacker
Lee Rov Jordan and
receiver Ray Perkins �
who replaced him at

the relay
ted about
in the
ira really
il going to
he said
a big meet
od because
II he so marr,
ami competing
He are looking to
have some fun and to
�0 the best we can
McC orkle added
CW oF �Y SALES CO ,l ft
401 S. EVANS ST. open�:m-5:3omon sat
Happy Hour Friday, Jan. 28
4:00 to 7:30 at the Attic
Have You
Signed up For
� The Great Rat Race
on Feb. 2 when the Lady
Pirates play Old Dominion
in Minges Coliseum at
7:30 p.m.?
Sponsored by
Signed up For
"The Great Pizza Contest"
on Feb. 5 when the Pirates play
George Mason in Minges Coliseum
at 7:30p.m.?
Sponsored by
-call 757-6417 For Information
Watch the Pirates attack.

Swim Team To
Test UNC-C
suf fv. riirr
The ECU men's and
women's swim teams
will take on UNC-
Charlotte this Saturday
at Minges Aquatic
Center for their first
home meet in over two
The men (3-4) and
women (3-5) will be
facing a rather inex-
perienced UNC-C
squad, who are in their
first season of NCAA
"It shouldn't be a
real difficult meet
ECU coach Rick Kobe
said. "Our last four
meets have been tough,
so it will be good to
take a little pressure off
the team and also get
our sights set on our
final meet against
"We are happy to see
a new team in the
state Kobe con-
tinued. "It just shows
how interest in swimm-
ing is still flourishing
Kobe also mentioned
two advantages of hav-
ing another North
Carolina team on
ECU's schedule. First,
he said, ECU would
spend less money
traveling in-state to
compete. Secondly, he
added, because of the
relative proximity of
the two schools, a
"good rivalry" could
Kobe feels his squad
will thoroughly enter-
tain the home crowd
Saturday. "In our first
home meet this season,
we almost had the place
tilled Kobe said.
"We alternate the
men's and women's
events, which are usual-
ly short and exciting
Also, Kobe said,
"Swimming is one of
the few sports in which
you can yell your head
off without everyone
looking at you funny
Virginia Wins
CHAR L () T -
USVII lb, Va (L'PI)
� Ralph Sampson
scored 16 points, grab-
bed 16 rebounds and
blocked four shots as
fourth-ranked Virginia
pulled away from stub-
born George
Washington in the final
seven minuter to claim
a 59-44 win Wednes-
Jim Miller came off
the bench to add 11 for
the Cavaliers, now 16-2
on the season. George
Washington, which got
13 points from Mike
Brown and 10 from
Trov Webster, fell to
Leading by only
three points, 38-35,
with 7:30 to play,
Virginia reeled off eight
straight points on
lumpers by Rick Carli-
sle and Othell Wilson
and four free throws by
Miiier to open up an
1 1 -point advantage.
46-35. with 5:44 to
George Washington
could get no closer than
eight points the rest ot
the wav, as Virginia
recorded its 99th vic-
V ir ginia. Holland's
record is 180-80.
Virginia never got
untracked offensively
against the Colonials.
In the first half, the
Cavaliers connected on
only eight of 21 field
goals and turned the
ball over 11 times. Four
of Virginia's baskets
came on dunks by
Sampson (who had six
tor the game), two on
layups by Ricky Stokes
and another on a layup
by Wilson.
Carlisle's 15-footer
at the 3:26 mark
represented Virginia's
only score from the
perimeter in the open-
ing half.
George Washington
tied the score four
times in the opening 20
minutes and gained the
lead briefly 20-18 on a
layup by Mike O'Reilly
with 3:38 remaining in
the first half,
tory against 20 defeats
during the Sampson
The victory also gave
head coach Terry
Holland exactly 100
more victories than
defeats in his nine-year
coaching stint at
DRINKING GIN and tonics during
nappy hour at Grog's? Whoever
she was site j busy this weekend
Tom Roger. Mick and George will
have to wait until February It's a
put-on? Still haven t seen the man
with tne snakes I hope Clark
doesn't think I'M one of them! See
you at Reds. Little DEBBIE Go
get them heels?
BEATRICE I wasn't going to say
anything the other night at dinner
I swore to myselt I wouldn t But
Christ B isn't seven hot dogs a
little many? I'll give you a word ot
tnendly advice The Spa's pro
bably having a get in shape
special or something like that
sometime neit month Why don't
you take advantage ol the special
student rate SLIM
to share 4 bedroom house on
Biltmore St Halt block trom cam
pus Rent MS 00 plus one fourth
utilities 7S7 MM
itsmonth plus t1 utilities
7 minute walk to campus Private
bedroom' Can 7St tit
FEMALE to share 3 bdrm apt 1
block from from campus SI27 SO
per month plus 11 utilities Call
757 ?11
ED 3 blocks from ECU Partly
furnished 3 bedroom apt Rent
ill SO plus I utilities Will con
sider J girls willing to share room
Call 75 1442
Reasonable rates All papers Call
7S7 1171 after 4 p.m.
VICE; Complete audio repair call
alter a p.m. Mark 753 im
LOST GOLD Time, watch.
Reward ottered Call evenings
753 �?
POTTERY items for resale on
commission basis only Land and
Sea Outlet, Greenville Square
Shopping. Ph '5 4770 Open 11-4
RIDE NEEDED to Richmond. Va
either Thursday Jan 37 or Thurs
day. Feb 3. Leave in the late
afternoon Please call Steve at
75307a Will pay for gas.
7S� 077
VICE, experience quality work.
IBM Seiectnc typewriter Call
Lanie Shive 7SI 5101 or GAIL
TYPING Term papers), ItMtis.
etc Call Kempie Dunn. ?52 4713
io YEARS TYPING - Reasonable
rale. Spelling, punctuation and
grammar corrections pro-
ofreading Cindy � am to � p m
155 344
View Apts
SALE I ft blue-green high back
couch Good condition �75
7S0 32SJ4.
"73 Cutlass Supreme. Good condi
tion Best offer 155 3711
FOR SALE: II" Mack-and-white
TV only 1 year old Excellent con
dition. i� Call 7S0-5SO.
TABLE: L All, diamond stylus
cartridge MS; eicellent condi
Won. Call Becky after i. 7St-0tt
best offer, call 750 544
USDA Choice Beef Lola
These prices good thru
Saturday, January 29, 1983
OSPA Cboie. Bf C.aek -
USDA Ck-oie- Beef Uie
T-Bone Steak
u 25�
4-1 Li. A�.
USDA Cbgi � Ettra lee.
Stew Beefu. 1M
FUrUa - Soil. $?
Orangessum M29
Pka. ef 12 12 Oz Cent
I Milwaukee
Pk�. of 6 - 12 0 Cats
3 lit.r - Rhine Gfcabiit Blue Re. Rotr
Puk eti.t
2 Liter
12 Or Lieai. Pith Deteraent
32 Ohci
Why Pay 49 Eaeh
, Del
M Monte
;Jl Catsup
Lb. - Qaartert
by Pay 59 Ea�b
t '
Half eallaa - 50' Off
Liquid Wisk m Chicken Of The Sea
6 5 Ot. - Lt. Cbwh Taae. la Oil
Half Oellee - �.bite Heete k?i
Apple Juice
4.5 Ot. � Li��r Vi.aoy pjaerty 5�t - Cat F
Purina 100
2 Caa - Cherry Pie Fllli-i
Thank Vou
JFC Mayonnaise1
j n( �. mi f�i
�don Toilet Tissue

Clorox Bleach
15 Or Stew
"V Pay 2 77�

- �

The East Carolinian, January 27, 1983
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
January 27, 1983
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