The East Carolinian, July 28, 1982

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Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol.58 No.71
Wednesday, July 28, 1982
Greenville, N.C.
8 Pages
Greenville Economy
Hits Buisness Slump
staff Wrnrr
Question: What do Braniff
irlines, Freddie's Restaurant and
the Diamond Men's Shop all have in
common? Answer: They have all
recentl) gone out of business.
Freddie's Restaurant and the Dia-
mond Men's Shop have one thing
more in common. They are both m-
tiors of a negative economic
nd in downtown Greenville.
?t present, there are more than
thirty empty storefronts in the
vntown area And with fewer
reasons to shop downtown, many
people are choosing to shop
elsew here.
Smce more people are choosing to
i Isewhere, it becomes more likely
downtown Greenville's
business operators will be forced to
The cycle is vicious and difficult
escape, r-or some, Freddie
Somers for instance, there is no
somers is the owner oi the now-
detune: Freddies's Restaurant, and
he feels that several factors (i.e in-
flation, the attraction of Carolina
I ast Mall, growing competition,
fewer reasons for shopping in
downtown Greenville) caused his
?? i best he says, "things for a
businessman in downtown Green-
Mile are difficult, but it's not im-
The negativity of downtown's
business climate is not only forcing
tablished businesses to close, but
also forcing up-and-coming
business operators to lower their
Skip Dougherty, the owner of the
new Blue Moon Gate had great
plans for his restaurant, but admits
that because of the economy, the
business suffered before it even
Because of the economy, said
Dougherty. "1 had to open later
than 1 orginally planned. 1 borrow-
ed as little as possible and stayed as
frugal as possible
He futher said that if he had had
the resources, the Blue Moon Gate
would've been much nicer.
Despite the economic gloom that
is hanging over the downtown area,
some business operators are content
with their present situation.
Randy Scherr is an East Carolina
graduate student and the owner o
the Heart's Delight Ice Gream
He says that his store is. one o
the few shops downtown that is do-
ing alright but that "it took two
whole years for the Heart's Delight
to really do anything
He cites student support as the
major factor for his success and
realizes that not all downtown
businesses have that edge.
How do downtown Greenville
business operators feel about the
According to Dougherty, "this is
just a time when you have to try and
beat your expenses
On a similar note, Somers thinks
that, "things for the businessman in
downtown Greenville will get better,
but not before they get worst
Convicted Student
Claims Harassment
The Library Syndrome
This student begins to experience the symptoms of a common stu-
dent affliction. He should seek the advice of physcian when he ex-
periences the following symptoms: drowsiness, lainess. or lack of
oxygen to the brain.
suff Wril?r
Since his June 3 conviction, Has!
Carolina student, Patrick O'Neill
has been in six different jails and
penitentiaries, and claims he is being
subject to harassment.
It all started late in March, when
O'Neill, 26, and three other students
from the University of North
Carolina ? Alex Gharnes, 25;
Stephen Kahn, 22; and Mark Beat-
ty, 21 ? were arrested for blocking
traffic while protesting the training
of El Salvadoran troops at Fort
The four were subsequently
found guilty by Magistrate F.
Stewart Clark in Clumberland coun-
ty and sentenced to serve three mon-
ths in jail plus pay court cost of
They were placed in Clumberland
County Jail where they almost im-
mediately requested, according to
O'Neill, copies of the jail's rules and
regulations, and use of a law
In two days, the United States
Marshals came and moved them to
Sampson County Jail where thev.
according to local reports, called a
radio station to talk about condi-
tions at the jail, started a petition
and made requests for numerous
items such as tooth brushes, towels
and linen.
According to O'Neill, when thev
only were offered new towels and
linen they refused to accept the
items saying they didn't want the
items until the same was provided to
all prisoners.
Within another two das, the
marshals came again to move them
to the U.S. pentitentiary in
Petersburg, Virginia.
O'Neill claims these moves, the
first of five, were for harassment
purposes. O'Neill asked, "why else
would the marshals come to take us
from the half-lull cell in
Clumberland county to the o
crowded jail in Sampson :oui
only to come and move us aga
days later
According to Eddie Sigmon, chiel
deputy U.S. Marshal in Raleigh,
this wasn't the case. "We ha'
contract with the counties which
allows us to place prisoners in then
facilities on a temporary basis. It
the jailer has any problems with oui
(federal) prisoners, and they requesl
that we remove them; we must move
them to another facility"
This was the case with O'Neill
and his colleagues. W. G. Meves,
assistant chief jailer foi the
Clumberland County Jail, explained
that O'Neill and his friends re-
quested services that fr.s fa
couldn't provide so thev reque ted
thev be moved.
In reference to O'Neill's
that the jail was halt lull. M
remarked that his jail was full and
that "O'Neill doesn't know this
Once m Petersburg, o'N-
three colleagues paid their tines and
were released after having served a
total ol 10 day in jail.
O'Neill, out ot principle, refused
See JAll Page 3
Report Published On N.C. Felony Prosecutions
Slafl filer
1 ast month a report examining
process of felony prosecution
and sentencing in North Carolina
during 199 and part of 1980 was
I he study, titled Felony Prosecu-
and Sentencing in North
na, A Report to the Gover-
's rime Commission and the
at tonal Institute oj Justice, ex-
amines the process of felony pro-
ition and sentencing in 1979, and
some extent 1980 before the Fair
Sentencing Act went into effect July
I, 1981.
I he document is intended to serve
as a "preliminary assessment" of
lair Sentencing Act on the
criminal justice system in North
The report revealed that in 1979
"95 percent of felons convicted in
North Carolina were placed in the
custody of the department of cor-
rections, either in prison or on
supervised probation.
The data indicates that 56 percent
of the 9,966 felons convicted in 1979
received active prison sentences (this
includes seven death sentences). The
rest received supervised probation.
The report explained that the fac-
tors influencing the prosecution and
sentencing of a felon are, the alleged
offense, the defendant's prior
criminal record, evidence against
the defendant, and the defendant's
demographic characteristics.
The outcome ot the prosecution
includes likelihood o an active
sentence, actual length o prison
term and whethei there will be anv
plea bargaining.
Plea bargaining involves pleas ol
guilty accompanied by terms and
Plea bargaining was recently used
in the John Hincklev case. Hin-
ckley's lawyers asked foi a single
life term, instead of consecutive life
sentences, and then he would be up
for parole alter serv ing 10 years. 1 he
plea bargaining was not accepted
and Hincklev was tried instead.
Violent offenses such as arson,
burglary, and sex felonies are Class I
felonies. Defendants accused of of-
fenses that are less violent or nan-
v iolen felonies such as those against
propeitv like larceny, breaking and
entering, forgery, fraud and drug
felonies are Glass 2 felons.
I he more serious an offense com-
mitted, the more likely it will be ac-
companied bv an active prison term.
The report indicated that an
uneducated, separated or divorced
defendant living in a rural setting
would be more likely to receive an
active prison sentence. Whereas the
educated, single, married or widow-
ed defendant living in an urban set-
ting, although unemployed "had
better prospects for avoiding an ac-
tive sentence
Once it is concluded that active
imprisonment is necessary, the
length ol term has to be determined.
Again, the offense determines the
length of both maximum and
minimum terms.
Both the maximum and minimum
term increased with the amount of
time spent in pretrial detention. The
median value oi the total maximum
prison term was five years and the
mean was 9.6 years, according to
the report.
As far as defendant's race, the
study stated that "black defendants
received significantly more severe
sentences than white defendants.
They also had a greater likelihood
of receiving an active sentence, a
longer active maximum prison term,
and a longer time to serve before
early release from prison
This disadvantage is accounted
tor, according to the auth
because blacks are more likely to
have court appointed counsel and
spend more time in pretrial deten-
Pretrial detention arises when a
defendant is not capable ol meeting
conditions of pretrial release. I ot
example, the magistrate sets ban
sum the defendant cannot produce.
Thus, the defendant stays in jail.
Stevens H. Clarke, chief author
ot the document, stressed that 'his is
a type of "before and after" study.
The Fair Sentencing Act may
reduce the overall amount ol time
served by felons and the proportion
of felony guiltv pleas that involve
plea bargains may increase under
the act, he explained.
New Law For Youths
Wow! What A Crowd!
Bate &f&J&r(ts ?tt wSF55
' ? ? - .
This past Sunday Greenville youths had the park to themselves. They enjoyed the sound of the jazz band playing.
The event was held at the park by the Tar River.
Valentine's In July?
Former state Democratic Party
Chairman l.T. "Tim" Valentine led
black attorney H.M. "Mickey"
Michaux Tuesday in a runoff
primary for North Carolina's 2nd
Congressional District Democratic
With 144 of 219 precincts repor-
ting, Valentine had 37,603 votes, or
54.3 percent of the vote. Michaux
had 31,614, or 45.7 percent, in his
bid to become the state's first black
congressman in 80 years.
Black candidates have traditional-
ly fared poorly in runoff elections in
North Carolina.
Although race was not raised as
an issue in the campaign, Valentine
urged whites to turn out for the
runoff and offset the "bloc vote"
that aided Michaux in the first
Returns showed Valentine runn-
ing strong in rural counties where he
was expected to perform well, while
Michaux led in Durham County, the
largest in the district and his home.
But Michaux' Durham margin of
about 5,000 votes was half the
10,000-vote margin by which he led
the first primary. Valentine won
Nash County, his home, by 4,800
Heavily contested local races in
some of the district's 11 counties
sparked voter turnout despite op-
pressive summer heat and the open-
ing of flue-cured tobacco sales
through the heart of the district.
Nt?f Wriirr
A new state statute which would
require all youths under the age of
16 to be held in special juvenile
centers is stirring up controversy.
Currently only eight counties in
the state including Wake and New
Hanover counties have the special
juvenile center with the majority of
counties and regions, having no
special detention facilities for
youths under 16 years of age.
The state law, GS 7A-574,
enacted in 1974 stipulates that
juveniles have to be separated by
sight and sound from the adult
prison population.
According to a memorandum
from Kenneth J. Foster, the assis-
tant director for the state's youth
services division, in the fiscal year
1978-1979, over 2,700 juveniles had
been detained in local jails and in
fiscal year 80-81, 1,614 juveniles
were confined to local jails a reduc-
tion of 40 percent over the past two
Ms. Jan Woodworth, a Pitt coun-
ty juvenile court counselor, explain-
ed that a committee has recently
been formed in Pitt county to make
recommendations to the state regar-
ding implementation of the bill.
A "juvenile task force" made up
of local professionals and citizens
who work with juveniles has come
to the consensus that detention in
Pitt county is not being abused.
The task force also recommended
that money to build a new facility
not come from currently existing
programs. The group felt that the
elimination of secure detention in
the Pitt county jail will likely result
in an increase number of juveniles
being sent to training schools.
Pitt County Juvenile Court Judge
Aycock, in a telephone interview,
said that he didn't feel the enact-
ment of the new law would
significantly alter the number of
juveniles being sent to training
school. Aycock said that detention
in the Pitt County Jail has worked
at times in setting children straight,
but added that he would prefer a
separate juvenile facility.
Aycock mentioned that one of the
main problems in enacting the new
law will be in finding the money to
build new facilities to house the
Dr. John Bell, chairman of the
East Carolina correction depart-
ment, said last week that "we've
known for a number of years that
juveniles had to be kept from jails.
We should have anticipated this and
found other facilities to house these
Bail also stated that the literature
in the correction journals is general-
ly in favor of iuveniles obtaining
special and different management
than that of adults offenders.
Ms. Marion Durham, working
with the Governor's Council on
Youth, said that "putting kids in
jail is a very bad thing to do to them
and saying that we don't have the
money to take care of them just
won't do
Durham commented that some
status offenders, such as runaways,
and some of the innocent are spen
ding time in jail.
A report by the National Council
of Crime and Delinquency stated,
"The case against the use of jails for
children rests upon the tact that the
young o' tuvenile court age are still
in the , 'Ocess o development and
are still subject to change no mattei
how large they may be physically or
however sophisticated their
behavior. To place them behind
bar at a time when the whole world
seems to turn against them and
belief in themselves is distrorted or
shattered merely confirms the
criminal role in which thev see
"The public tends to ignore the
fact that every youngster placed
behind bars will return to the society
which placed him there
Durham stated that more specific
criteria must be outlined foi of-
fenders. For example, a child would
not be detained unless a serious
crime had been committed.
"Some states have done this and
their detention population has
decreased and still the kids show up
for their court appearances she
Mr Johann Bleicher, principal at
Agnes Fullilone Community School
in Greenville works with many
children who have had to deal with
juvenile court. He feels that a short
stay in jail has a rehabilitative effect
on many children and that the
juveniles often are not placed in
detention quickly enough.
"If a kid has to be detained again
after having been detained once, for
a day, then the second detention
should be for a longer time. Or if a
child violates his probation, he
should know that the courts would
detain him, perhaps every weekend.
This would be tried before sending
him off to training school he said.

Jll V28, 1982
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115 Memonm Eq? ipmenl is
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?? Department of intramura
Recreations si
I . nd Summer Great
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B T h.s ec ihng even' will be
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Gym. call 757 6ir '
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ticularly interested in anyone who
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lei A ed Heaitl ??
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'Jail Roulette' Played With Writer
Continued From Page 1
to pay the fine and he
stayed in jail to serve
out the rest of his
While at Petersburg,
O'Neill was informed
his final desination
would be Florida and
that he would be sent
there via Atlanta.
Based on his letters,
O'Neill, apparently
wasn't informed that
he was at Petersburg as
a holdover until he was
gen a final destina-
tion His letters do,
however, indicate that
he knew he would be at
Atlanta on a temporary
basis until he was buss-
ed to his final destina-
O'Neill's letters also
show him as curious as
to why he is being mov-
ed so much.
A prison official in
Petersburg explained
that O'Neill was sent to
them as a holdover to
wait there until he was
given a final destina-
This is the common
practice according to
the official, and
O'Neill's stay on a tem-
porary basis in Atlanta
was also the normal
procedure, as prisoners
are bussed to regional
facilities and then given
final destinations. This
final destination may
also require another
stay on a temporary
basis before they arrive
at their final stop.
However, once in
Alanta, O'Neill claims
he was harassed. He
was told that his final
destination would be a
maximum security
facility in Oklahoma.
He also claims to being
harassed by a "Lt.
Haines who accor-
ding to O'Neill told
him that he was going
"to make these the
worst 90 aavs of vour
O'Neill was later told
that he would be going
to a minimum security
facility in Florida after
all. O'Neill claims that
rather or not the
mistake in destination
was intentional or not
he suffered a lot of
mental anguish over it.
"Other inmates had
been warning me that I
could end up in trouble
if 1 didn't watch it
explained O'Neill. "
They had told me 1
could wake up one
morning with a mari-
juana cigarette in my
cell, he esplained.
"I've never smoked
marijuana in my life
O'Neill stated, "but
that wouldn't matter.
It would be my word
against their's, and
who would be believ-
ed So O'Neill asserts
that he was really wor-
ried about why he was
being sent to a max-
imum security facility
when he had only com-
mitted civil disobe-
As he was being
bussed from Alanta to
Tallahassee, O'Neill
claimed he was harass-
ed by Haines.
O'Neill, in a
telephone interview,
claimed Haines singled
him out and put leg
irons on him, even
though he had one of
the lightest sentences
and crimes of any
prisoner on the bus.
No other prisoner
received such treatment
on this trip, according
to O'Neill.
A prison official in
Atlanta claims not to
be familiar with any Lt.
Haines, but added it is
up to the lieutenant in
charge of the bus as to
who to place leg irons
on and who not to, for
it is his responsibility to
insure that the
prisoners arrive at their
O'Neill doesn't deny
this, but claims he was
singled out for harass-
ment purposes.
O'Neill claims to
have filed a grievous
complaint against the
He also claims that
that someone from the
Alanta facility sent a
report on him to
Tallehassee; for once
there, he was the first
one called off the bus.
He was interviewed and
asked what his problem
was. They informed
him they had a report
on him.
In the interview,
O'Neill claims he is
afraid that something
could happen to him,
such as the marijuana
example, that might
result in a longer
"It's a closed system
in here. There is no
scrutinization ex-
plained O'Neill. If
something happens it
would be his word
against their's, he
O'Neill still faces
another possible jail
sentence for civil
disobedience stemming
from an incident which
happened during a pro-
test at the Pentagon on
Good Friday.
He is optimistic
about the outcome of
this charge. "When
you have two similar
charges of this nature,
you aren't usualy given
active sentences for
them both he ex-
But if it did happen
aga? and he was given
a fine, he said he would
again refuse to pay the
fine, even if it meant
serving more time. He
will take this action
because of his prin-
"Not only I'm going
to risk civil disobe-
dience, but I'm going
to try and convince as
many people as possi-
ble Jhat civil disobe-
dience is needed
O'Neill stated.
Investigators Probe Actor's Tragic Death
iLPH ? Investigators
poring over film of the
gorv deaths of actor
Vic Morrow and two
children are trying to
determine why a
helicopter slammed in-
to t hem. but
cameramen who saw
the tragedy say the
movie d rector is to
blame, it was reported
Assistant cameraman
Randv Robinson told
the Los Angeles Herald
Examiner that John
Landis, who was direc-
ting an episode for
Steven Spielberg's
"Twilight Zone"
movie, ordered the
helicopter pilot to pull
in too close to the ac-
tors just before a series
of firebombs exploded.
"The voice on the
radio telling the pilot to
go 'Lower! Lower
was that of director
John Landis said
Robinson, who was in
the helicopter and
heard Landis' com-
mand on a radiophone
Federal and state in-
vestigators watched a
special screening Mon-
day at Warner Bros, of
film shot during the ac-
cident last Friday and
said the helicopter was
flying about 30 feet
above the actors. The
special effects explo-
sions appeared to spin
the helicopter out of
control, officials said.
Several explosive
charges were detonated
as the Bell "Huey"
gunship zoomed in over
the river for a Vietnam
War scene and one of
those who saw the
footage said a camera
clearly showed Landis
motioning the craft to
fly lower.
"The helicopter was
supposed to be out,
clear and gone from the
vicinity before all ex-
plosions were set off
said camera operator
Stephen Lydecker, who
was filming from a
crane on the ground
"But just as we were
about to pull out,
firebombs went off in
front, aside and aft of
us Robinson said.
"All you could see out
the windows and doors
were clouds of red
Handicapped Paths 'Roadblocked'
"There are a lot oj
raodblocks out there
still Jor a handicapped
personC.C. Rowe,
Director of Handicap-
ped Student Services.
Most of the approx-
imately 125 students
whose special problems
put them under Rowe's
jurisdiction would
agree with his state-
ment. However, some
ot them disagree with
him on precisely what
the roadblocks are.
Because they need
special equipment,
must arrange their liv-
ing space in certain
ways, and for other
reasons, many of
ECU's disabled
students require a dorm
room all to themselves.
They have to pay the
higher private room
rate like anyone else
who has a private
room, but some of
them feel they should
be charged the lower
regular rate.
"T can't help the fact
that I'm in a
wheelchair" says Roy
Pate. "I don't think it's
fair that I should have
to pay the private rate
for something beyond
my control Pate ex-
plains that not only
does he need special
equipment, but
everything he has in his
room must be placed at
a level low enough to be
reached from his
wheelchair. Pate and
others in his condition
have private rooms out
of necessity, not
preference, therefore,
they feel they should be
charged the semi-
private rate.
"We have tried to be
very sensitive to their
needs, but, at the same
time, we have to look at
the economic side of
it responds Housing
Director Dan K.
Wooten. "We try to
work with their special
needs as best we can,
but again if they re-
quire something extra,
they have to pay for
it Wooten says that if
the housing policy was
the way the wheelchair-
bound students want it,
the loss of the extra
rent would hurt the
school, and there
would not be enough
rooms for everyone.
The handicapped us-
ed to be able to receive
dorm rooms all to
themselves at the semi-
private rate. But this
policy was placed in
jeopardy as the housing
shortage worsened.
Last year a committee
was set up to study the
problem, and its deci-
sion was that hte
disabled students atten-
ding ECU at that time
would be charged the
private rate. "You
have to be fair to all
students Rowe states.
"We wanted to be fair
as we could about it
However, some were,
and still are, displesced
about the decision.
"There's not been a
satisfactory resolutuion
for either party" says
Not only the price of
the rooms, but their
location, is a problem
to some of ECU's
disabled community.
Currently, only the bot-
tom floor of Slay Dorm
is accessible to
males. Women in this
condition have a wider
variety of dorms to
choose from. Rowe
says that plans are
underway to make
more of ECU's on-
campus living space ac-
Another roadblock
to the handicapped is
the accessibility of
classrooms and other
buildings. "The only
way (that problem) can
be solved is with the in-
stallation of an elevator
and that requires quite
a bit of money says
Rowe. The University
couldn't afford such an
expense, he explains, so
any class in Austin or
Rawl that a mobility-
impared student signs
up for is re-scheduled
to be held in an accessi-
ble classroom building.
Probably, the single
biggest roadblock in
the way of the han-
dicapped and those
who work with and
support them is the
proposed changes in
section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of
1973. Section 504 coor-
dinates and enforces
guidlines which
guarantee accessiblity
to services and
buildings for all disabl-
ed Americans. Vice
President Bush's
Presidential Task Force
on Regulatory Relief is
considering changes in
the guidelines, which
critics feel would have a
dramatic, negative ef-
fect on the rights of the
"We've been
'bushwhacked' " says
ECU student Brian
Rangeley, who is con-
fined to a wheelchair.
"It turns it from a
regulation into a public
relations issue he
adds. Kathy Beetham,
who works with the
handicappped through
the University's Pro-
gram for Learning Im-
pared Students, states
that the alterations will
"take away everything
they've worked for, for
a long time
"We are very much
against the changes
they are proposing-it's
taking a step
backward" says a
spokesman for ECU's
branch of Vocational
Rehabilitation, a state-
run agency that works
with the handicapped.
On April 28 last spr-
ing, ECU's disabled
community and it's
supporters held a
candlelight vigil on the
campus mall to protest
the Task Forces' ac-
tions. Similar vigils
were held nation-wide
that night, and evident-
ly the protest was so
widespread that the
Reagan administration
decided to postpone
further consideration
of the issue.
Spokesmen for the
University's disabled
students vow to con-
tinue closely watching
the Administration's
attitudes on section
504, and to
demonstrate more, if
necessary. "It's not so
much a matter of who's
right as what's right
says Pate.
However, ECU stu-
dent Donnie Best, who
is blind, believes that
all the anxiety over the
fate of 504 is unec-
cessary. "I don't think
it's going to change,
because there are more
people against chang-
ing 504 than there are
people against chang-
ing Social Security he
says. Best also con-
siders ECU's housing
policy to be fair and in
general thinks the
school has done a good
job in making itself ac-
cessible. "It's easy for
me to be apprecitive of
what's been done here,
because I've been in a
location where very lit-
tle was done in the way
of exceptionibilities
Disabled Vets
Participate In
New Program
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Sliced Bacon
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Beef Stew 493
The Veterans Ad-
minstration is seeking
seriously disabled
veterans to participate
in a new program of in-
dependent living ser-
Special outreach ef-
forts are underway in
all 50 states and the
District of Columbia to
explain this new benefit
program. Independent
living is designed to in-
crease a severely disabl-
ed veteran's ability to
function more in-
dependently in the
family or community
environment with a
reduced level of ser-
vices from others.
The pilot program
continues through
fiscal year 1985. For up
to two years an eligible
service-disabled veteran
may receive a wick
range of independent
living services necessary
to increase his or her
level of independent
Such services may in-
clude housing
modification, personal
care attendants, pro-
sthetic devices,
transportation cost and
training in independent
living skill through
coordination with other
VA benefit programs.
Veterans interested
in more information
about independent liv-
ing services should con-
tact the vocational
rehabilitation and
counseling officer at
the regional VA office.
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July 28, 1982
Page 4
State Of 'Joyless Apathy'
With all the wonderful things that The nation's industrial produc-
have been happening in the world tion has dropped drastically (due to
lately (wars, terrorist bombings and both Western sanctions and worker
the like), it might have been eas tor apathy), and thousands upon
us to forget that there is another thousands of Poles are out of work,
side to the proverbial world coin.
Take gool ol' Poland, for in-
stance. Remember Poland? Land of
a thousand jokes? When we last
heard from their side of the wall,
ihey were in the midst of a dreadful
military state. There were soldiers
everywhere, wielding guns to keep
the unruly people in line. But that
was more than seven months ago.
Surely things are different now.
Yes, they are. The tanks are gone;
i he soldiers have gone back to the
barracks, and the Solidarity pins
and emblems once so common on
Polish streets are now a rare sight.
But despite these superficial dif-
ferences, witnesses in Poland sav
the greatest change can be seen in
The military still holds hundreds
o' "political prisoners who are
detained indefinitely (in institutions
reminiscent of Nazi detention
camps) for the;r unnamable crimes
against the state.
But try as they may, the military
government has not been able to
quell the religious fervor of the
Polish people. Every evening,
crouds o Poles gather at Warsaw's
Victory Square to pray, to intone
hymns and to pay tribute to Polish
Primate Stefan Cardinal Wyszyn-
ski, who died last year. And a cross
of flowers and candles erected in his
honor. has become the most
the people themselves, in their grim PQtenl political symbol in Poland
faces, in their "joyless apathy
The young foresee no hope for
personal freedom. Some others
foresee no hope at all.
And, sadly, hope seems distant, if
not impossible. In the past year
alone, Poland's cost of living has in-
creased 108 percent. Some in-
dividual essential items have risen in
cost up to 400 percent. Virtually all
necessities are rationed ? one bar
of soap and one half liter of vodka
per month per person.
And, perhaps,
saddest of all (but
characteristic of
martial law), the
young children
must also suffer.
This fall, for exam-
ple, Polish
preschoolers will be
allowed one pencil,
one eraser and one
paintbrush for the
entire year.
oday. Three times the government
has swept it away, and three times it
has been rebuilt by the crowds
? ? ?
So, don't mistake the lack of
news from Poland as a favorable
sign. Millions of people have had to
make the best of a situation we
couldn't even imagine. They're suf-
fering incomprehensible pains;
they're living an unthinkable
nightmare. And, worst of all,
they've lost hope.
BACK, lift TOT Mm 10? THfcY GO AND SSJosEffr
Major Characteristics?
Have you ever noticed how some college
students just look like their majors?"I
mean, you pass bv a guy with bright green
lights on and a new permanent, and in-
variably, he's headed for his modern dance
Or take the guy who drives to school in
his brand-new 280zx, gets out with his of-
ficial briefcase (which probably has his
baseball card collection in it) and checks
the batteries in his $100 calculator. Follow
him, and I'll just bet he leads you to
business ethics 101.
And then, of course, there's the girl who
sits in front of the student store with her
fantastic tan and her painted-on shorts.
Well, she hasn't yet declared a major, but
you can bet that when she does, it won't be
computer science.
Or how about the guy who would
strangle himself it" he wore his red plaid
pants any higher. He's wearing black
glasses with white tape in three places, and
his calculator is strapped to his belt like a
life support system. He looks a lot like Er-
nie Douglas in My Three Sons. You guess-
ed it; he's the math major.
But don't confuse him with the biology
student, who sports glasses of the same
vintage, but who wears his pants at half-
mast. He's the type of guy who knows ex-
actly when his roommate is going to do his
laundry and calls "first dibs" on any prize
specimen they might find under his
clothes. He also has an ant farm.
Ah yes, we can't forget the wonderful
art major, who wouldn't wear anything if
he didn't have to. His fingertips are per-
manently yellowed from tye-dying all his
T-shirts, and he doesn't own a comb.
What's more, he's got clay in his ears.
Then, there's ihe music major, who
carefully totes her violin to and from class.
She can siand songs with lyrics, and Led
Zeppelin T-shirts make her vomit.
It you ever come across a person with a
stack of Dr. Seuss books, you can narrow
the possibilities down to two. Either she's
in elementary education, or she's an
English lit major. If she also has the Cat In
The Hat Cliff Notes, she's definitely an
English major.
Philosophy majors arc the ones who sit
outside the classroom building discussing
the roles of Kant, Plato and fast-food
restaurants in the downfall of man. They
loathe structured classes but love essay
questions on tests.
Phys. cd. majors wear double-knit pur-
ple shorts and $75 tennis shoes. But you'll
never see them going to class; they don't
like to go. What they do like to do is read
the comics in Sunday's newspaper. Their
favorite is "Henry
And if you ever have a class with a
drama major, you'll know it. They're the
ones who rehearse everything in front of
the bathroom mirror and make a major
production of answering the roll call. They
find Neil Simon disgraceful, although
they've seen the movie versions of all of his
plays. They wish the department would
allow them to put on a nude play but
wouldn't think of acting in one.
And finally, there's the English writing
major. let's see, there isn't really much to
say about him. He's good-looking and
highly-successful. 1 guess his only problem
is that sometimes he just can't come up
with good ideas for his column.
rue v'
Campus Forum'
Assault Victim Gives Story, Advice
I am a rising -chum at ECU, currently
enrolled in summer school. Having been
here for three years, 1 am aware of the
problems female students encounter
with rapes and assaults on and around
campus. I have always taken reasonable
precautions ? by not walking alone at
night; not speaking to or associating
with strangers in a non-public place; in
short, by obeying the rules of sate con-
duct laid down by the authorities to
freshmen girls during their first week of
Two weeks ago (Friday night, Julv
16), my roommate and I were walking
up Fifth Street as downtown was clos-
ing. Wc were wearing bluejeans and
T-shirts. As wc approached the Sigma
Phi Epsilon fraternity house, a white
man ran up behind us and jumped me.
He threw me to the ground, tried to rip
my clothes off me and murmured
obscenities in m ear. I screamed and
tried to throw him oil me, hitting and
scratching him in the face until I clawed
him in the eyes. He sinned me to the
pavement, as two black men ran across
the street low aid us.
My assailant ran, and the two men
chased him to his car. Another white
man ran from behind the fraternity
house to help me. Meanwhile, my room-
mate had run to the campus police sta-
tion, and they arrived within minutes.
The Greenville Police Department was
also called, because it was an off-
campus assault. They were given
descriptions oi the suspect (a white man
in his early 20s, sandy hair, a medium
heigh' and build) and of his car (a silver,
or gray, and black 1 eMans). I haven't
heard from the police vet.
My point is this: I followed all the
rules, and it happened to me anyway.
The violence done to me was so great
that I feel the fact that 1 was not actually
raped is insignificant. I refuse to let this
occurrence frighten me into hiding after
dark. However, when I have been told
(in the past) how to maim or kill an
assailant, 1 have always wondered if I
could carry out such violence. 1 know
now. If such a thing ever happens again,
I will do my best to kill the man. So, I
have two things to say:
? To ihe men: I will carry some sort of
weapon from now on. It any man
assaults me for any reason, he'd better
kill me ? because if he doesn't, I'll kill
? To the women: You are never safe No
precautions are enough. It mav be a
stranger, but it may be a classmate, a
professor, a friend's boyfriend, your
boyfriend. Take no chances, and alwavs
be ready ? to kill, if necessary. It's us
against them, and they have the advan-
Name withheld by requesi
On 14 July, vou published a response
to a letter of mine.
In disputations, many a student leiici
sounds like a challenge to a duel to ihe
death, but in the present instance, ihe
respondent opted for civil discourse and
a courteous tone. I want to congratulate
him for disagreeing in a reasonable wav.
His letter was not an analysis of pro-
blems; it was a mood piece, an honest
cry from the heart against many of the
world's evils, among them "fear,
hatred, racism and exploitation I
agree that these are evil things. Our
disagreements are elsewhere.
I must repeat that the so-called
"peaced movement" is, despite the no-
ble goals of some of its members, a
defeatist movement. 1 fear that the
writer has, in playing with both words,
come to muddy their meaning.
Next, in my opinion, men are not
angels but imperfect humans, and only
divine intervention could create the
Aquarian reign of absolute peace and
justice the writer envisions.
The third, and most important, point:
He is highly selective about what he
disproves of. Is it not odd when he
ranges the world to name bad people he
mentions Senator Helms but forgets
mass killers like Pol Pot or Mao
Zedong? That he deplores the MX
missile but not the Russian ordinances
that they are designed to counterattack?
He disparages the USA. Of the
tresspasses it is accused of. let's (to save
space) take one as representative of all
He commits a verbal mugging, accusing
us of having "thousands of foreign
refugees rotting (in) concentration
To be generous, maybe he was swept
up, as manv of us are at times, by
unintended rhetoric. Think about the
situation the remark was supposed to
describe. These people broke our laws
when they came here illegally. Naturally,
they are detained, but they were not
thrown into a gulag. The food and
medical care thev got was better than
thev had ever received. Next, a powerful
civil rights organization adopted their
demand to be fully admitted into our
society. In our courts, they won a vic-
tor) over the government. Where is the
rot? Where is the concentration camp?
1 et's have some perspective. To do
this, juxtapose the fates of these aliens
to those of the inmates oi the slave labor
camps that are nccessarv features of
communist states. The works of Alex-
ander Solzhemtsyn will provide the in-
Consider the wall that streehes across
Europe and divides the free world from
the unfree world. Its barbed wire, mine
fields, guns and searchlights imprison
nations in the grip of imperial com-
munism. No poor refugees ever try to
break into those lands. It is to us they
Finally, the government of Com-
munist Russia assures its people that
capitalism is rotting. Vladimir Bukov-
sky. a prominent refugee who served
terms in the gulag, quipped about the
reaction of the people: "It may be rot-
ting, but what a lovely smell! And thev
inhale it voluptuously
With such reminders, I hope lo induce
the respondent to think about ihe USA.
We are not perfect; we make mistakes.
But consider the nature f the enemy
Dennis Kilcoyne
Hear, Hear!
'Royalty To The Rescue'
Bv i'MKK kO'NHl I
Gasp! I i week it was i polled (hat
Queen Elizabeth's husband. Prince Philip
(a.k.a. the Duke of something oi other)
had revealed a palace secret his favorite
desert was chocolate mousse! No sooner
had this shocking news hit he interna-
tional press than another report from
Buckingham Palace shook the world ? the
Queen had almost eloped, bin decided to
change her mind at the last minute.
It seems like there's never a dull moment
in the royal family. And the shock comes
just when England's in the midst of trying
to recover from its multi-million-dollar
war in the Falklands. Just a case of royal
bad luck, I suppose. Yet it seems to happen
every time: England gets in a jam, and sure
enough, a huge news story breaks about
the royal family.
Why, if I didn't know better, I'd think
England was trying to pull a fast one to
make her subjects forget all their troubles.
But heck, I know that a woman with the
grace, charm and class of Maggie Thatcher
wouldn't pull a trick like thai. Surely she's
above such pettiness. But it's just her luck
? everything seems to happen all at once.
For instance, remember when all those
IRA hunger strikers were dying in Nor-
thern Ireland? It certainly was a ghastly
scene: all these men accusing the Britons of
human rights violations and such. And all
those thousands of people ma.ching
through the streets of Northern Ireland
saying all those terrible things about Mag-
gie. Boy, it sure was a stroke of good for-
tune when the royal wedding came around.
Lady Di looked simply smashing in that
mile-long gown. It sure was a grand affair,
wasn't it?
And then I remember the time when all
those thousands of anti-nuclear protestors
look to the streets of London calling poor
Maggie a "warmonger She sure got a
break on that one, when the news of the
royal pregnancy came ? just in the nick of
time. We became a world in waiting ?
how exciting it was!
Then along came that dreadful war.
Those awful Argentinians accusing the
British of colonization and capturing that
priceless piece of sheep pasture in the
South Atlantic. But Maggie was
resourceful and prompt. We will "in the
name of honour" recapture the Malvinas
? uh, er, Falklands ? she promised.
At the cost oi many lives and lois oi
money, she kept her promise, and all ol
Britain once again had lamb on its dinner
tables. Just about that time, our very own
President Reagan came into the picture lo
take that (now famous) horseback ride
with Queen Elizabeth. It warmed the
hearts of people everywhere to see ihem
gallop off together.
Not long afterward, as Maggie's bad
fortune would have it, the British version
of 'supply-1 he-side-of-t he-rich"
economics started to fail; labor unions
went on strike; things looked real bad. and
the people were upset But wail: once
again n was "royalty to the rescue and
out popped a prince! Yes indeed, the ar-
rival of little Bill saved the moment.
Bui is thai al! of h? As ihe British
economv sinks deeper and deeper into the
depths of a depression, and all that seems
left is the final wipe, will Maggie have anv
hope left? Yes! I can see it now, with no
time to spare, the news will ring out;
"Little Prince William, the future King ol
England, has taken his very first unassisted
jnp to sit on (you guessed it) the Royal
ing t

jto the
t o
I ?val
JULY 28. 1982
Summer Love
Apt Finale
For Season
stiff V nlfr
1 he lights came up Monday mght
McGinnis Theatre on the final
productioin of the 1982 East
C arolina Summer Theatre Season.
she I oves Me. transporting the au-
dience to a European Nevet-Never
I an,s im this century. Reminis-
cent ol both melodrama and a com-
of manners. She I oves Me is a
light hearted, rather unfamiliar
musical that may not send its au-
diences home humming memorable
songs but will certainly see them
leaving the theatre in a warm glow.
Us fain tale quality is sure to delight
viewers who are. at least partially,
still children at heart.
Mistaken identities, misconstrued
situations and thwarted love affairs
are the stuff of She loves Me
Sever mind that all o Europe was
gearing up for World War I. In this
Europe invented b Masteroff,
Bock and Harmck only the pursuit
of love matters. And everybody is
doing their best to pursue love in
this European parfumerie.
Maraczeck's. Georg Nowack, a
clerk in this shop, pursues love
through a correspondence with an
unknown Dear Friend while being
suspected of pursuing love more
directly with someone else. The
shop's new employee, Amalia
Balash, is also in love with an
unknown correspondent. The au-
dience soon guesses that the two are
corresponding with each other, but
Amalia and Georg are slower to
catch on. Two other shop
employees, the dandyish, vain Mr.
Kodaly and the desperate spinster
Miss Ritter, pursue an on-again-off-
again love affair. In this par-
fumerie, love really does make the
world go round.
The sets, by Gregory Buch, call to
mind nothing so much as an impres-
sionistic painting. Maiacek's is cot-
ton candy-colorful and the
backgrounds are generally misty
abnd subdued. Costumes by Eaves
Biooks intensify in color from the
opening until the curtain falls at
Christmas time, mirroring the
changing seasons as well as rising
See SEASON, Page 6
Final Summer Production Running Through Saturday
Bans inn and Michael Hill have the leads in EC I Summer Theatres
last production. She I oves Me, runnning through Saturday at the
McGinnis Theatre (call the Summer Theatre Box-Office concerning
availability of tickets). Winn plavs llona and has also been seen this
season as Rizzo in Crease and Jenny, in Shenandoah. She also ap-
peared in the 1973 Summer Theatre season and in several revues on
the New York cabaret circuit, one of which Key Changes and Other
Disasters) was voted Best Cabaret Revue of 1980. Hill plavs the role of
Sipos and was also featured as Jacob in the Summer Theatre produc-
tion of Crease as well as Ernst Eudwig in this season's Cabaret.
Dolly Part on's Hours No L onger Nine
I adif?? H?ine JonrasJ
NEW ORk ? Mention her name and people-mile.
They think of a sunny little woman teetering on high
heels, the hourglass figure spilling out of her dress, her
pretty face framed in a cloud of wiggv blondness made
jiant bv a smile that sometimes appears sweet and
sometimes sassv.
Dolly Parton is an original and. to intimate friends,
the woman inside is even more complex than her
evocative image. This comlexity was heightened during
the recent filming oi The Hesi I irrle Whorehouse in
Texas, in which she co-stars with Burt Reynolds. Mak-
ing the movie, Mis Parton claims she faced "more pro-
blems, sorrows and enlightenments" than ever before in
"On the movie, we've gone through so much bit-
terness she says, "tension, quarrels, hurt feelings. 1
threatened to quit so many times. Oh, 1 don't ever want
to work that hard again Ot need to. There is a tiny
voice in me that keeps saying, ' This is the last movie that
you will ever make
Burt Reynolds was finishing his last two days of work
on the film when 1 arrived. Everyone seemed to heave a
sigh of relief as he departed, for Reynolds had grown
difficult. America's No. 1 male box-office star was
under the gun after his last three mov ics had grossed less
than expected ?? and a fourth looked shaky.
But also, he knew a hat people at the studio were say-
ing that Miss Parton's irresistable glow would walk oft
with the picture. She plavs Miss Mona, a brothel
madam with a heart ol gold When the role was offered
to Miss Parton, whe knew that she was born to play it.
Nonetheless, she accepted only after some prayer and
soul searching because of her concern about the film's
"I am not trying to glorify prostitution" she says,
"but if 1 do, may God forgive me. Not everyone is so
lucky as me to get a chance to portray a whore instead
ol having to be one. But 1 kinda wanted to make a state-
ment w ith this picture. It points a finger at a lot of peo-
ple who get fake religion. It's a shame the title sounds so
risque, because certain people in the Moral Majority
who should see it may be turned off.
" I here are many wonderful people in this world, but
there are many more people who just think they're
wonderful. In fact, they are self-righteous hypocrites,
sinners because they commit crimes like judging thy
neighbor. The truly religious forgive. 1 have been judg-
ed a bad woman by some of these people just because I
am too open and honest.
"Prostitutes, I will tell you, are some of the sweetest,
most caring people I've known because they've been
through everything. I've met them at parties and I've
talked with them. Usually they're people with broken
dreams who never had a chance in life or were sexually
abused or ignored as children. A lot sell themselves to
gel some kind of feeling of being loved. The movie will
show these women have feelings. You're gonna cry your
eyes out
Miss Parton's own story would make quite a movie as
well. A former country music queen, she gained na-
tional attention five years ago with a hit recording Here
You Come Again and with her television apperances
with Johnny Carson on "The Tonight Show Then she
scored an enormous hit in her first movie when she out-
shone her more experienced co-stars, Jane Fonda and
Lily Tomlin, in Sine to Five.
Miss Parton was born the fourth of 12 children of a
poor farmer and his wife who lived in a two-bedroom
log cabin that had no electricity. The house was nestled
by the Little Pigeon River near Sevierville in the Great
Smoky Mountains of Tennessee.
By guitar picking, she discovered early her talent for
music. At age 10, her singing and songwriting led to
local television appearences and by age 12, to a debut at
the Grand Ole Opry. And she proudly admits that the
way she looks today owes a lot prostitutes she saw as a
"I always liked the look of our hookers back home
she says. "Their hairdos and makeup made them look
more. When people say that less is more, 1 say more is
See DOLLY, Page 6
Disney Rejected
Animated Feature A Jewel
'Raiders' Makes Second Run A t Summer Box-Office
Harrison Ford stars in last summer's blockbuster Raiders of the Lost Ark, making its second theatrical
run at Greenville's Plaza Cinema, located at the Pitt Plaza. Also at the Plaza are The Best little
M horehouse in Texas (see related story) and the animated feature Snord and Sorcery. At the Buccaneer
Theatre are Firefox, Tron and Annie. Now showing at the Plitt Entertainment Center are T.T
Poltergeist, Star Trek II and .Six Pack, starring Kenny Rogers. The Park Theatre, located in downtown
rrlnville has The Two Champions of Death (with another Kung-Fu late show this weekend: W hen
Tarkwondo Strikes). The Tice Drive-in, located on Highway 11, is playing the 50s high school send-up,
Pony's And theAlways-provocative 264 Playhouse is running the XXX-rated Mister Valley P.T.A.
Animation, one of the world's most unique and
challenging art forms, stands at a crossroads. The old
way was ink and paint on plastic cells, photographed se-
quentially. The new way is electrical impulses created on
floppy disks ? computer imaging. Walt Disney Studios
is speeding into the future via the new way, in their
digital Disneyland trip TRON. Don Bluth Studios is
moving ahead by looking back ? by recalling the
classical davs of cell animation, as ironically apothesiz-
ed bv vintage Disnev. Btuth's new film The Secret of
, which left the Plaza Cinema after only one week
but should return to Greenville soon, mimics the old
Disnev method but not the magic.
The Secret of NIMH is an adventure fantasy with a
cast of field mice, rats, plus an occasional owl or crow.
The choice of a mouse as the lead character, Mrs.
I risbv, is perhaps a deliberate point, since Bluth didn't
simply swipe Disney's style, he also stole Uncle Walt's
artists. A group of animators didn't like the way things
had been going at the studio since Walt died. They
rebelled, and reformed under the aegis of Don Bluth.
Full detailed, subtle but clever cartooning was their
creed, a spirit materialized in the painstaking finely-
crafted animation of The Secret of NIMH.
Unfortunately, the rest of the film falls far behind the
technical expertise. The plot, about intelligent, mutated
rats, escapees from an experimental laboratory (run by
The National Institute of Mental Health) who came to
the aid of a frightened little field mouse and her family,
seems to be an uncomfortable attempt to combine the
current sci-fi craze with traditional cutesy anthropomor-
phic antics.
The storyline is awkwardly paced, overly talky as op-
posed to visual, and hard to follow. All the children at
the screening I attended kept asking "Who's that?" and
"What's he doing?" When kids can't tell what's going
on in a Disney-type film, then something is wrong.
There are some strong points besides the animation
techniques. A decent amount of suspense is generated
? NIMH is more adventurous and even violent than the
vintage stuff. The voices and characterizations are ex-
cellent, including Derek Jacobi, John Carradine and
Bernard Hughes (who appears as a computerized car-
toon being in TRON). Elizabeth Hartman's
characterization of Mrs. Frisby is one of the most com-
plex and well-acted personality portrayals seen on
screen all summer. She is one animated mouse that sur-
vives the soulless special effects plague. However, The
Secret of MMH still fails to capture what it yearns for:
the old Disney sparkle.
Don Bluth and crew shouldn't take that evaluation
too hard, since Disney Studios itself has been noticeably
short on sparkle in the past several years. Over a half a
century ago Walt Disney assembled a corps of gifted
young artists and proceeded to refine and redefine the
art of animation, a process culminating in the exquisite
sight and sound symphony Fantasia (1941), one of the
supreme achievements of cinema. While some critics,
including this one, considered Disneyania too safe, too
commercial and cloyingly cute, one has to note its im-
pact on the public imagination and the many innova-
tions and awards its been honored for. Walt Disney won
more Oscars than any other individual, collecting them
for his company's inventions and firsts, including the
first sound cartoon Steamboat Millie (1928), and the
first feature-length animated film. Snow White (1937).
Life after Walt Disney was not easy. The studio slid
into assembly line produced sentimental slapstick com-
edies. Don Bluth and comrades are not the only artists
ever to be dissatisfied with Disney. Several years ago, a
group of animators walked out and set up a rival outfit.
Influenced by cubist stylization, they favored flat pat-
terns and colors in their animation, in opposition to ihe
naturalistic Disney method used in the classic Cerald
McHoing Hoing and Mr. Magoo series.
Elaborate cell animation is difficult and devilishly
slow to make. The simpler "Magoo style" is almost as
trying. But why do it that way at all when fingertips, a
keyboard and a set of coordinates can create wonders?
That's the question posed by TRON, whose extensive
use of computer-generated imagery puts Disney back in
the distinguished category.
What impact will TRON have on the animation in-
dustry? Will the old ways be abandoned in a rush for
whatever is modern and money-making? Let us hope
that Don Bluth remains true to his faith, and gathers
more to his cause. For while computers can do amazing
things with movement and spatial dimensions, elec-
tronics still aren't capable of fine subtlety and natural
observation. The Secret of NIMH shows that for flesh
and blood, one still needs pen and brush.

JULY 28, 1982
Season Ends
On High Note
Continued From Page 5
passion. Direction by Edgar Loessin and musical
staging and choreography by Mavis Ray pull the
elements of this charming tale together into a
completely delightful production. The orchestra,
too, deserves a round of applause for providing
She I oves Me with beautifully tender renditions
of the romantic songs.
Cast in the leads of She loves Me are Mitch
Nathan as Georg Nowack and Patricia Preston
as Amalia Balash.
Mr. Nathan sings with a strong and pleasant,
though not outstanding, voice and portrays Mr.
Nowack as a likeable, average sort of not-too-
ambitious fellow. Ms. Preston, whose stage
presence reminds one a bit of a young Katherine
Hepburn, brings a charming combination of
Pluck and winsomeness to Miss Balash, as well as
a golden voice. An opera student, Ms. Preston is
astonishing in the upper ranges, but loses projec-
tion vshen she drops to lower and softer notes.
This reviewer is concerned that the audience in
the back of the theatre may be missing much of
this actress's truly lovely voice.
The supporting roles in She Loves Me offer
some show-stealing performances by actors
already familiar to ECU audiences. Babs Winn
and Rodnev Freeze as Miss Ritter and Mr. Koda-
ly received well-deserved thunderous applause as
they took their bows on opening night. Both ac-
tors are a joy to the eyes and ears in this musical.
Ms. Winn has gone from teen-age toughie to
Civil War era heroine to cabaret performer this
season, and now excellently portrays a nearly-
middle-aged, love-starved spinster. Mr. Freeze
plays the devious Mr. Kodaly with his usual grace
and enormous talent, making this vain, sensuous
dandv a near-villain you love to hate.
Michael W. Hill and John Gibson give
especial!) outstanding performances as Mr.
Sipos and Arpad, two other employees at
Maraczeks's. Mr. Maraczek himself is well por-
trayed by Dick St. George as a "tough on the
outside ? soft on the inside" type of
businessman. Charles Serio is comically
delightful in the small role of the waiter. And, of
course, the various singers and dancers who br-
ing their vitality to the show are not to be
Monday night's performance of She Loves Me
was tHied with more than a few technical pro-
blems which will hopefully be corrected in later
performances. The magical unfolding set did not
fully close on at least one occasion. Side curtains
were raised at times that seemed inappropriate,
allowing at least the first few rows of viewers to
see the backstage area. Particularly in Act II,
several set changes seemed needlessly awkward.
Though perhaps not the crowning glory of the
1982 Summer Theatre season, She Loves Me is
nonetheless an enchanting, warm and amusing
little musical, s prej.tyas ,a music box. and as
sweet and enflrvable Ui?an ice cream cone on a
hot July night. With so much entertainment to-
day concentrating on the serious and or the
violent, the light romance of She Loves Me is an
extra-special treat.
Dolly Complex,
Unlike Roles
Continued From Page 5
more. Less is less. I go for more
Therefore, Miss Parton built overstatement in-
to what she calls her gimmick that is, looking
trashily sexy on the surface while being sweet,
warm and down-to-earth in the inside. "I look
one way and am another she says. "It makes
for a good combination. 1 always think of 'her'
the Dolly image, like a ventriloquist does his
dummy. I have fun with it. I think, what will I do
with her this year to surprise people What'll she
wear? What'll she say?
"You know she says sighing, "I'm careful
never to get caught up in the Dolly image, other
than to develop and protect it, because if you
start believing the public persona is you, you get
frustrated and mixed up. Like, I suppose I am a
sex symbol, but that idea is funny to me because I
see Dolly as a cartoon.
"She's fat, wears a wig and so on. Oh, sure, I
feel sexy, and to some people I come across as ex-
tremely sexy, but Dolly's as big a joke to me as
she is to others
She remembers something and grins slyly.
"My husband Carl always said to me, 'Angel
Cakes, you know why you are just so beautiful to
me? It's the way you make yourself more than
what you actually are. Because you just lack
about a half-a-inch of being ugly as hell ' She
squels with laughter.
Clearly, Miss Parton doesn't take herself or
her image too seriously ? unlike her co-star,
some say. Insiders moan about Burt Reynold's
odd behavior during Whorehouse, complaning
that he's starting to believe his image ? stepping
on people, blowing up and making snarling
Miss Parton won't criticize Reynolds, though
she admits there were "sensitive times when
things were said ? not meaning to ? that
brought tears to his or my eyes.
"He's had a very hard time she explains.
"His broken heart with Sally Field, broken
plans, working too hard, all those things can
cause him to overreact in a lot of situations,
especially being as sensitive as he is. But I do
believe that inside him there's a wonderful,
wonderful man. And I think we have screen
What they had off screen was "even sweeter
than a love affair she declares. But there was
talk at one point that their relationship was ex-
actly that sweet. Reynolds reportedly spent
several nights with Miss Parton during her Las
Vegas debut. She is not talking. "1 ain't saying
yea or nay she drawls, holding back a grin, and
repeats, "Just sweeter than a love affair
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AMERICAN BALLET THEATRE II - a young, dazzling troupe of dancers begins the new season with an ex repertory of classical and romantic ballet, smartly complemented with the best of contemporary
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The finest small classical corn-
January !?, If83 . . . ?,t,
NORTH CAROLINA DANCE THEATRE - the dance company which has won acclaim worldwide tor its worn
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'tHE ACTING COMPANY - under the artistic direction of John Houseman, is having a birthday party, and
you're invited' One of the f.nest touring companies in the world is celebrating
training ground for new talent, and winning numerous citations.
Shakespeare s Twelfth Night, the hilarious yet touching comedy about befuddled lovers.
This night they will present William
THE ACTING COMPANY returns to the stage with its new production of the old MoJwe comedy classic Tar-
tuffa. This is the zany story of a mountebank and how he uses love, greed and deception to hrs own enc. Th
production wHI prove yet again, the many talents of The Acting Company.


JUIY28. 1982 Page 7
arlie Harrison C
New ECU Head
Well, the speculation is over.
Iowa State assistant Charlie Har
? has just been named as 1 c U's
head basketball coach
Harrison, a native o! Scotland
Neck, was chosen among fixe can
didates by Athletic Directoi Ken
kari and the other seven members
he search committee Kan an
meed the committee's choice at a
- conference Saturday morning
rhe 32-yeai old bacheloi will
ace Ddc Odom, who left 1 c I
ass si letrv Holland at the
, of V'ii ginia.
Karr said the committee had no
ng a decision on
Harris "The vote was
a imous Karr said "1 think
nmittee felt Charlie Harrison
ented iuiting experience
: the abilitx to give us the max
ince to reach the goals we
a am here
Ha known tor his abilitx as
stated in his resume that
? cessfully vx ith realistic
a hile goal is a must foi
i n to gel better.
"I I success as a recuitei
Sell" a player, 1 feel we must
eve in whai we are selling, he
"1 vxou . be here il I didn'i
Harrison named Northarohna,
Vn einia, W ashing
!) (. Ma New Jersey
p ai area
Washing tnd New Vork wo
?. - vx here rect uitmj
he position bet.aust
. . ed to be a Dixision I coach and was anxious to
retui n to North c arolina.
Harrison said he was not unhappy
in Ins present position but wanted to
move to a place where he could call
home "1 would nevei be looking to
use K I as a stepping stone to
nun e again he said
1 ike Odom, Hai i ison is a
Guilford College graduate. After
contracting polio as a child. Har-
rison was never able to play college
basketball, bui his desire to learn
exerxthing he could about the game
grew een sti ongei,
His coaching eareei began at In-
diana under the guidance ol head
coach Bobby Knight, Alter serving
is a graduate assistant there for two
years, Harrison moved to Clemson
in 1973 as an assistant
He then became an assistant at
Oklahoma dnd later an assistant
coach for the Buffalo Braves of the
NBA, serving as the team's chief
sCOUt .
Ill 1977, Harrison coached a U.S.
team to a 22 0 record in interna-
tional competition in Europe. After
returning, Harrison was named as
an assistant at New Mexico. He
ame interim coach following the
? head coach Norm
1 Lr and his assistant, Man-
ny Ci ild ? in
V , ? 12 oi 16 players dropped
oil the squad. Harrison had only
irship plaxeis and a lew ons. He conducted team try-
uts, selev. ed his seam, and the
I, I New Mexico to six
ng the season.
In !?- . ! ecame Johnny Orr's
ass it low a State.
Photo Courtesy ol I he Ptxi Ritl
Charlie Harrison
Defensively, Harrison said he
feels comfortable using the man-to-
man defense and is unsure of what
type ol ol tense he will use at this
point. "1 don't know what style ot
offense we'll have until I see the
players on the floor1 he said. "1
want to run the ball and be quick. 1
want to put it up on the board and if
it misses to go get it.
"It ve don't have the break, 1
want to make sure we get a good
shot lie added. "I think that's one
it the hardest things to teach ?
what is a good shot
Harrison described himself as a
"demander of discipline" both on
and off the court and believes hard
work is essential to achieve success.
"1 will demand it he said. "1
don't give credit for hard work. 1
demand it, and I expect it
Although Harrison views his new
job as an opportunity rather than a
challenge, others might tend to
disagree. ECU has had two straight
losing seasons and only one winning
season in the past seven years.
rhree basketball players
graduated this year, and two players
? Morns Hargrove and Bill
McNait ? have announced they will
attend Georgia Southern in the fall.
But Harrison believes ECU has
the potential to have a successful
WS2 season "Dave Odom has left
the program in good standing he
said. "We have several players here
with talent. I would like to bring out
that talent in a disciplined and ag-
gressive style that would be tun for
players and fans alike
And playei dissention is not the
onlx problem Harrison will be fac-
ing. Basketball tans have become
less enthused and supportive ? a
dilemma Harrison wants to change
"I'm going to try to put some
people in Minges Coliseum he
said. "We're going to be exciting,
and we're going to work hard
Harrison will have several recruits
coming in and was impressed with
Odom's success. "I thinkthe class
Dave brought in is excellent on
paper Harrison said. "I think
they'll be able to make an im-
mediate contribution
Johnnx Edwards, a 6-6,
220-pound forward from Laurin-
burg Institute will be joining the
Pirate squad, along with Tons
Robinson, a 6-1 point guard from
Jamestown Community College in
New York; Keith McLeod, a 6-3
guard from Launnburg Prep High
School; David Harris, a 6-7
torward-center from Wingate High
School, and Curt Vanderhorst, a 6-1
guard from Fayetteville Byrd High
Harrison is aware of the ACC's
reputation in this part ot the coun-
try but is only concerned with
upgrading ECU's program.
"We have to be proud of who we
are. ot what we are and not worry
about other people he said. "As
for the schedule, I want to play a
competitive non-conference
schedule that will prepare us for the
conference games
Among Harrison's many goals,
winning the EC AC Southern Con-
ference title is one of them. "The
EC AC is a good league with good
coaches. But 1 think we can be com-
petitive and can win it. That's one
of our goals he said
Games Wind
ECl footb finish
: ichedule bv playing
mes in a row.
i will take on W esi
nOci bei 30 and V
v M n Novembei i 3, b i h op-
ponents from las! year. Texas
ngi mi and I emple I niversitx
two new teams the Bucs will
compete against during the 19S2
seasi n
, unia shaies one problem
hools are having this
yeai finding a starting quarter-
back. pass receptions.
But most schools didn'i lose the "Having Mark back is iremen-
kind ol quarterback West Virginia dous Nehlen said. "A good tight
just lost. Oliver Luck be.ame the end can add so many things to your
Mountaineer's greatest OB in its offense, and Mark's statistics and
history. Against 1 C I , the stand ?ui honors speak for his abilities. He
led West Virginia to a 20-3 win, can really key our attack next season
throwing one touchdown and runn and help keep some defenses
ing for another. completing 21 ol 2 honest.
onlx two starters left the defen-
His 257-yard performance made ive line, but Nehlen is not expecting
him the all-time leader in passing, the line-up to overwhelm his op-
with 4,983 yards and 5,382 yards in ponents at the beginning ol the
total ot tense. season.
His favorite target, tight end "There won't be a lot of stunts and
Mark Raugh, caught nine passes oi blitzes he said. "We'll just work
90 vards, moving up to third place on improving individual abilities
on the single-season pass receiving and the fundamentals of a good
llsl defensive football team
Wcdd coach Don Nehlen knows Nehlen's 1981 team ended up with
he has problems, including an 8-3 record and a trip to the Peach
rebuilding the line that was built to Bowl, rhe Mountaineers skinned
the Florida Gators, 26-6, and were
listed as one f the top 20 teams in
the country.
1 Arlington also must find a
new quarterback, along with a new
1 he Mavericks finished 6-5 last
ook Inside
tout home games and seven road
The Indians wound up the '82
season with a 5-6 record, winning its
last tour games ol the ear. W&M
upset ECl and Richmond, led by
the ability of QB Chris Garrity.
At ECl . Garrity had a held day,
setting three individual records. The
super star passed tor 399 yards and
tour touchdowns to lead the Indians
to a 31-21 upset over the Pirates.
C.arntx completed 33 ol 44 passes.
There's no question that third-
year coach Jimmy Laycock would
like to continue where last year's
squad left off. But this year's squad
won't have Garrity
Laycock, however, remains op-
timistic. "Our quarterback and
linebacking positions are probably
our biggest question marks he
said, "but we have some xery good
people ready to step in and take
1 he Pirates' final game will be
against Temple I niversitx on
November 20.
Head coach Wayne Hardin has
the most wins of any football coach
in the college's history. The 12-vear
coach has compiled a 76-45-3 record
at Temple.
According to Hardin, filling the
quarterback position is the mam
priority for the upcoming season.
"The position is wide open he
said. "We have five players battling
for the job
Hardin said the addition of some
sound runningbacks might help to
take the pressure off a new quarter-
back. Temple will be adding some
xery powerful teams to their '82
schedule, including Boston,
Louisville and East Carolina.
"There is no question that our
schedule is a very difficult one and
very challenging he said. "Our
wonloss record will be reflected by
how quickly our players mature
Temple graduated only 15 of last
year's lettermen. And 41 return for
the '82 season.
Former West Va. QB Oliver luck
block 1 uck and a tough schedule.
But he knows that replacing I uck is
his biggest problem by tar. "The
guv that has made our offense go
evei since I've been here is now
gone he said. "We've got to
establish our top quarterback right
away last year's number two
man Kevin White max be Nehlen's
answer, but two other players, Jett
Hoffstetler and Tony Reda, are also
in the running for the QB slot.
Offensively. Nehlen is planning to
rebuild the offensive line around
Dave Johnson. The center came
back from knee surgery and ended
up starting for the Mountaineers
last season.
Nehlen has another top returner
coming back also. Senior-to-be
Mark Raugh was the only
underclassman named to the AP
and UP1 all-America teams at Ins
position in 1981. As a junior, he set
an all-time West Virginia record for
vear and won the Southland Con- ? ww fV w
ference Championship the first H2HT1SOI1 HOpCS IJreJlIli
Head coach Bud Elliot
saidWinning the conference 14.
srss Bcu,7d?o? Will Become Reality
change the way we go about ap-
proaching things, because we're the
ones that everyone will be shooting
at now .
"To be conference champions
puts a little more pressure on ou
he continued. "But we hope we will
be able to instill an attitude in thai
team oi what it took toi us to
become champs
The Mavericks have just been
relegated to the Division l-AA, and
Nehlen sees the move as an oppor-
tunity to eventually win a national
Nehlen signed 23 football players
and has 37 lettermen returning, in-
cluding 15 starters.
like ECU, William & Marx have
Former UNC Coach Named as Strength Head
On Friday, July 23, Roy Michael
Gentry was named ECU's new
strength coach.
Gentry comes to Greenville from
Chapel Hill, where he has served as
strength coach since 1980. He
graduated from Western Carolina
with a degree in physical education
and earned his masters at UNC-
Chapel Hill. .
,n addition to his duties as
strength coach, he is a fitness in-
structor at the Nautilus Fitness
Center ol Durham. He was also a
graduate assistant and lecturer at
In 1981, Gentry finished first in
the 198-pound class of the Augusta
Open Powerhfting Championships.
He also qualified for the AAU
collegiate powerhfting champion-
ships and is a member of the Na-
tional Strength Coaches Associa-
His duties as coach at UNC in-
cluded: the supervision a com-
prehensive football conditioning
program, involving skeletal
muscular strength development,
cardiovascular conditioning and in-
stituting a total flexibility program.
Other duties have included
preparation and presentations tor
high school strength clinics and cor-
respondence with high school
coaches in regard to strength-
training techniques.
From 1979 to 1980, Gentry was a
health and P.E. teacher and coach
at Charles D. Owens High School in
Swannanoa, N.C. He was also an
intramural assistant at W'estren
Carolina from 1978 to 1979.
New head basketball coach
Charlie Harrison had an interesting
wax of relating his experiences to
the ECU basketball program, o
"1 have this dream that 1 can
run Harrison said during a press
conference Saturday morning. "All
of a sudden 1 am running like
everybody else
But after being strickened with
polio as a child, Harrison realizes
that his athletic ability may be more
limited than others. But sympathy
has no place in Harrison's life.
I'm not going to wake up and feel
sorry for myself that I can't run
Harrison compared his dream to
that of the ECU-ACC situation.
"You've got to take pride in who
vou are, where you are and where
vou are going Harrison said.
"East Carolina is East Carolina.
Charlie Harrison is Charlie Har-
"I'm not going to worry that
Duke or N.C. State gets move TV
coverage he said. "You can't
compare yourself with others
Although the affliction may limit
his abilities somewhat, that doesn't
stop Harrison from participating.
He plays raquetball, lifts weights
and use to run about five miles a
"I didn't run fast, but 1 got where
I was going he said.
The slender-built redhead played
junior high football, high school
basketball and earned an academic
scholarship to Guilford. In high
school, he coached Scotland Neck's
junior high basketball team for
three years.
Harrison said being a polio victim
has enabled him to observe many
sides of human nature: good, bad,
prejudice and sympathy.
And because of his experiences,
he believes he has become a better
person. "It has made me work
harder. I don't judge people on their
physical appearance ? be it a han-
dicap or racial or otherwise. That's
prejudice. If you open up your
mind, you get to know people bet-
Harrison said he has wanted to be
a coach ever since the fifth or sixth
grade. And this time, his dream
turned into a reality.
"Some people wouldn't think of
giving a post-polio victim an oppor-
tunity he said.
"This is a dream come true

I 111 t S1 (AROl 1NIAN
JULY 28. 1982
Tigers Facing
Pressure Off
And On Field
(UP1) ? Clcmson has
its national champion-
ship, but the cheers
have subsided, and the
1 igers face some very
real problems in prov-
ing they're at the top of
the college football
world to stay.
Those problems are
both off and on the
field as the university
prepares to answer a
list of serious recruiting
iolations forwarded
along in Ma b the
NCAA's enforcement
di ision.
The ball is out ol the
athletic department's
court and in the hands
ol university President
Hill Atchley, who has
p r o m i sed a lull
disclosure and house
cleaning il violations
.ue ton lid
? ? I don't have
anything to do with u
(the internal investiga-
tion) said coach Dan-
ny l-ord. " I he presi-
dent is h a n d 11 n g
Ford, the youngest
coach to ever win a na-
tional championship, is
renegotiating Ins con
tract and s a i n g
nothing publicly about
the investigation that
stems from two Knox-
ville, lenti recruits'
chums ol cash and
ithout the N
monkey on his back,
I ord has enough to
hold his attention. It's
been questioned
whethei the undefeated
Tigers were really the
best in the nation last
year, and a big reason
why is the offensive
Clemson ?as clearly
one of the best defen-
sive teams in the coun-
try. But the Tigers went
a long way without a
big play threat at
tailback, and that is
what concerns Ford
this year.
"We've never had
the truly great
tailback said lord, as
KCC coaches met in
Pinehursl to discuss the
coming season, in
which the Tigers are
picked to finish behind
North Carolina in the
pre-sea son conference
Our whole
backfield retains in-
tact. We have some ex-
perience and some
good ones, but we've
neei had the great 'l"
back. We hope to
develop one. We're in a
good situation. V c
recruited five freshman
tailbacks "
The Tigers got 1.516
yards and 1 f?
touchdowns from theit
tailbacks in I 9S i
North Carolina, by
contrast, got 1 .o 15
aid s and IS
touchdowns tiom
Kelvin Bryant alone,
and he played in only
22 Of the Iai Heels' 44
quartets ol football.
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The East Carolinian, July 28, 1982
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
July 28, 1982
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