The East Carolinian, March 17, 1981

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She lEaat Carolinian
Serving the Eastarolina campus community since 1925
ol. 55 No. 4"
lms(ia, Manh 17. PJX1
Greenville, Northarolina
( in illation Ht.tMK
SGA Election Results Still Up In A ir
By I'M I (Ol MNs
Angela Pepc
winners in the vice presidential and
treasurer's races, respectively
Nail imished with 1.144 votes to
Hi s to describe the situa Russell Overman's 1,012 Ovei
nd ng tins year's SGA howevei lias appealed the result
N irh two weeks after the the election committee, winch will
Mai I i on, results in three ol heat the mattet Wednesday aftei
es aie not finalized. noon.
c, in the secretary's Neithei 1 Patrick, the electii
. only cleai winner thus chairman, nor Overman would
comment on the nature ol
ts in the othei three races charges.
lose enough to prompi a re "I'm noi pushing foi a dis
ei the election, and qualification, just a run-off Ovei
east two ol these man said.
Sources have indicated thaiKer
?couni l.estei Nail man's charge involve irrej i ties
winnei in the in election procedures tl leels
M i ? n Braxton may have cos; him votes
v i al pc appealed to be the 1 he poll at Minges Coliseum
noi open on election day, and
several polls were late in opening.
"Basically the problem al Minges
wa? with the poll tenders Patrick
said. "We were late in getting the
ballot box there, and no poll-tenders
showed up
Pat - lid he ,aJ noi contacted
the poll tenders to find out why no
one v i s on duty
A : un ofl i- definite in the v ice-
idential race.
Peggy Davison finished within
two perceni ol Braxton, which
ws hei to requesi a run-oft
lei ihe S( iAonstitution Bi i ?
ended with 914 votes
Davison 393
In the final tally incumbeni Kirk
1 it lie tinished 49 votes behind Pcpc
in the race foi
allowed Little I - - I
I he situal i
clouded by two
filed claimii
Fii umed that I
did noi submii a
paign workers by
2" deadline
I in le's secoi
campaign advertisem The Last
( arolinian.
I ittle ha.
uniform 1 I
ted for the ad
See Si, Paae 3

Kirk Little
Appro ve
Bv l'M( Ol 1 INs
Cheap Trick Coining
To Minges In April
Nlor i
i ie s'
& 12,000 seat 1.
will : -
v '
8:00 p.m. in Ea
1 1 v ;?

Record ,i ?
the WQDR Si kid's R-
Ben B; ?'?
ville W V.
Since ex music icene in 1977, heap 1 1 i v e! i ' ? .
album At Budol1 ?
.ingles "I V am You I V Me "Surre 'Aii
Shaking latesi k roupChains 1 '11's K Me.
has been perl icity vds and rave i l s ?1 ickets ? $6 50 (in adv i 1 ? I fie p
In a recen Rolling Si;kets will 1
Magazii - Da id 1 idoi
( heap Iriek will be makiny its onh North (arolina appearance of the ear at Minges Coliseum on pril 4 at H
Cross Burnings Proliferate
Coleman Seeks To Cut
Aid To College Students
Racial Incidences Increasing
: S4
II I :
ibsei vers
lengthening series ot
lei I a r g e 1 y
thi eat - and iui to
on c liege cam-
the country have
:onfu ed whethet to con-
ned events or par!
em of growing
burnings to seemingly unintended
slights of black students thai -
bated racial tensions on campuses.
The fall, 1980 semester closed
with a rash, ol troubles. College
papers m New Jersey, Alabama, (I
linois and Minnesota were accused
ol racism. Ihe building housing
? ir example, a ci
hlaiA administrati
was repeatedly p
a I
Penn State
See fRUSTEES, Pau? 3
: v. and a sign
ide a black student
?? i ollege ol ooster
i ?l io saying, "Hey America,
We've Been Hostages foi 400
!rs" caused considerable con-
. ? .
ose are only the most receni
i numbei ol incidents that range
Irom threatening letter- and cross
with eggs,
lau kappa while the bulletin board al a bk
at West student center at Harvard was
repeatedly defaced with swastikas
and Ku Klu Klan slogans Racially
motivated roommate problems
reportedly increased at Illinois
State. Someone sent black students
at Wesleyan a threatening letter,
and a cross was burned al Williams
C ollege.
"There's tension all over sum-
marizes Roosevelt Green, assistanl
Professor Laubert
Dies In New York
Roman Laubert
l)i R .man I aubert. 42. an
associate professor ol physics al
I aarolina University. died
Friday in New York. I he remains
were cremated in New York on
S 11 urday.
Before joining the ECU faculty
in 1979, I aubert had taught and
done research at New York
University, Brookhaven National
1 aboratory, ak Ridge National
1 aboratoi . the I niversity ol
Munich and the University ol
lennessee. He was a specialist in
atomic collision physics and the
author ol more than 50 publica-
tions on aspects of convoy elec-
trons I aubert was named a
fellow ol the American Physics
Society earlier this year, a distinc-
tion shared by about five percent
ol the nation's physicists.
A nativ e ol 1 atv ia and a
naturalized American citizen,
Laubert received degrees from
Cityollege ot New York and
New York I Iniversity .
Surviving are his mother.
Claudia Elmendorf, and Ins step-
father, Gus Elmendorf, both ol
Asheville; a sister, Marina
1 aubert ot New York; and a son,
Peter, a student at ECU, who
resided with laubert at 208 V
()ak Stieet here.
I e dean ol minority affairs at
Penn State.
Figuring out why hasn I been so
1 ei ome I ong. director ol
Wesleyan's ixo American Center,
butes it to a "climate in the
country to reverse or radically
modify the things blacks have
eved over the past two
Penn State's Green contends van
dalism to the homes ot blacks and
the verbal harassment ot blacks on
his campus are largely the wink ot
Ihe 'kooks however, are aided
by the uncertain economy, he
theorizes. When economic condi-
tions are more favorable, people are
sympathetic to letting minorities
have opportunities. But in economic
conditions when the majority ot
people don't have the things they
want, they look lor scapegoats
Ihe search for scapegoats, m
turn, may have been fueled b a
sudden perception among whites ol
blacks as being privileged, as
evidenced by affirmative action pro-
grams. Hence the Allan Bakke case.
in which it was ruled that the
University ot California-Davis' af-
firmative action program amounted
to reverse discrimination against
whites, strengthened that percep-
"The Bakke case really hurt
minorities Green explains. "It
took a lot of people ofl the hook,
treed them to retreat from commu-
ting themselves to the idea of equal
educational opportunities for
Black students, in turn, teel their
gams slip away. w Inch leads to a cer-
tain detensiveness. 1'hev are con
sistentlv quite ready to see patterns
of discrimination in things like stu-
dent newspaper articles
haii and wire-nmi isses. Rep.
Iom Coleman (R-Mo) looks uncan-
nily hkc a - ler, slightly ol
clone ol Offii e M &
Budge; (OMB) Directoi David
StOC k .
And Coleman, as rankii ri-
ty member of the House Postsec
I ducation Subt ttee,
unhesitatinj mics S ockman's
insistence thai federal funding ol
student aid he cu
he's emerging as a ce re in
the attle now opt
Congress over the proposed cuts,
which could amouni to some $9.2
billion in 1982, according to some
In hearings opened last week, col-
lege lobbyists warned thai the pro
posed cuts in student financial aid
would prevent as many as 750,000
students from re-enrolling next
school year. s main as 2S1 private
schools could close as the result,
speculated W. Richard Stephens,
president ol Greenville College in 11
But against Stephens arid the
scores of other witnesses forecasting
gloom are the ol budget cut
ting, as represented by t oleman.
Coleman, savs one lobbyist, "is
the guv in the middle who's suppos-
e d to carry t h e modera 1 e
Republicans and conservative
Democrats (on the subcommittee
for the Reagan plan) Ihe election
made people like Coleman more in-
fluential in Congress
I he newly influentialoleman
countered lobbyists' testimony bv
noting he was "personally very sym
pathetic to the financial aid pro-
blem. In fact, my (National Direct
Student I oan) was the only way 1
got through school
Coleman attended William Jewell
College in Missouri The Reagan
budget proposes to phase out
NDSl s over the next tour years.
i ai
iuse the
"completely oi
( ppoi .
those a mis wi
even al
ond it vei .
Peter Peyser (D M
he was
gressman) voted foi the 11 a
Education Reautb on bill,
now he's cutting oui
! tor
Ihe H 1 du-
Reauthorization Kei ?
Congress to fund college progra
through 1985, mandated increases
in most financial aid progran
Most ol those testil
the program cuts dispensed w
irony, and wen; straij utiage
e cuts would be "a serious
blow" that would eliminate '
for prospective students si-
U limit "research capacity. -
an irreplaceable national
and "raise operating costs a
when the financial conditions" ol
colleges are "particularly unt
tain summarized E.K.K I ret well,
who heads the University ol v
i arolina-Charlotte.
Specifically, the administration
wants to phase OU1 NDSl s, and
make significant changes in the Pell
Grants program (which until recent-
ly were known as Basic Educational
Opportunity Grants, or BEOGs).
It Congress approves the plan.
Pell Grants would be restricted to
students from families earning less
than $25,000.
On The Inside
I ettets

MARCH 17, 1981
Residence hall room deposits tor
Summer School 1981 will Be ac
cepted m the Cashiers Office.
Room 105, Spilman Building,
beginning March 25 Room
assignments will be made m the
respective residence hall offices
on March 26 and 27 Thereafter,
they will be made in the Office of
Mousing Operations, Room 201.
Whichard Building The deposit
tor a term of summer school is S99
tor a semi private room $149 tor a
v.ite room and an additional
charge of $19 is required of Jarvis
Hall applicants
Students who wish to reserve
rooms they presently occupy
pnvided such rooms are to be in
this summer, are to make
reservations on Thursday March
24 and Friday March 27
Residence halls to be used for
women are Jarvis Clement and
le (Floors 2 8 m Clement ano
Wti ?? ?? ? Men will be housed
? ? ? ? Hall
' ? North Carolina
?ested m science.
?? engineering and
. - . are Itw 'opic for a
fay workshop at Meredith
?? Raiegh on Saturday
?? 4
Resarch Triangle institute is
"ucting the workshop under a
grant from the National Science
f ounctation
Applications should be made as
von as possible by calling collect
Research Triangle Institute
? iff members Mary Ellen Taylor
at 919 541 6324, or Carol Place at
919 541 6318
Applications are now available
? - the National Honor Society for
.oology in the psych, office
Membership is open to all psych
1 or and minors Application
r?e is Maxh 25
Psi Chi. National Honor Society
psychology wll meet Wed.
V i-ch 18, 7 15 m Sp 129 Dr
ohterv of the Psych Dept ,
H ii discuss altered states of con
jsness and demonstrate hyp
s All members are urged to
a'tend, and guests are welcomed
Drawing tor 'he dinner raffel give
?. will be held All tickets and
ey due prior to meeting
Applications are now being ac
. ?? for Psi Chi They are
able m the Psychology Of
deadline March 25
Beta Kappa Alpha 'he Banking
ind Finance Fraternity wiH hold a
justness meeting Tues March 17
It 4 00 in Room 130 Of the Rawi
rJuildirtfl All members are urged
The Student Residence Asso. ia
tion (SRA). which is the voice of
the dorm residents will hold elec
lions tor the 1981 82 SRA exe I '
board members on Apr,I 2 1981
All executive salaries are funded
by Student Resident tees Filing
dates are March 18 26 campaign
dates are March 26 April 2 Ap
plications and requirements are
available in 214 Whichard Building
between the hours of 9 00 a m
5 00 p m Monday Friday GET
Attention all students who have
taken tour semesters of German
A new course "German Business
Communications" will be taught
in the tall
You will learn to write business
le"ers m German take an inter
view, w ite a resume etc
There are over 50 German
American companies m N C who
are look, n c tor bi lingual
employees on an levels
For more information call Dr
Agnes Hos'ef'ler Dept of Foreian
Language ? ?-?ratures
The East Carolina varsity
Cheer leader tt youts will be held in
Memorial Gv' at 8 00 p m on
Tuesday MarL 11 '98' Ail m
terested guys and gris should
meet in front of the 1 ? ? ?' office at
Minges Coliseum a 5 00 f
Wednesday V I II r e-ve
? mation relat ve l pract ?
sessions an ? try out
The Albert R Conley Chapter of
the Ame' Market - Assoc.a
don will hold its next meeting on
Wednesday March 25 at 5 00 in
rtawi 130
Mrs Jean Hodges, of the adver
'ismg f irm. Hodaes and Assoc ates
will be the goes' speaker
Idition to the speaker
lions of chapter officers tor the
1981 82 school year w.H be held All
? ? - hers and interested persons
are urgeo 'o attend
American college students ad
misible to Junior Year or higher in
September 1981 are eligible for
grants to study in Pans during the
academic year 1981 1928 provided
that they are adequately prepared
m French and will nave completed
a dossier de pre inscription which
is received m par s betore Apr.l 1.
1981 These gran's will be paid in
French Francs in two installments
each semester
Additional grams of up to
$1000 00 for 'he year will be
awaroeo to qualified students who
elec' AYA arranged housing ,n a
French home
For further information ano an
application, send a sel addressed
No 10 envelope with 20 cents
postage on it and the notation
pa?:s t0 Academic Year
ad 17 Jansen Road Ne.
Paltz, NY 12561
A No Tap Bowling Tournament,
sponsored by Mendenhall Student
Center will be held March 23
through April 13 for all ECU
students A nine pin hit counts as a
strike n this mixed doubles and
Singles competition
The tournament will begin Mon
day, March 23 with three weeks of
qualifying tor the mixed doubles
roll oft to be held April 13 Winners
in the singles event will be deter
mined over the entire three week
Eight trophies will be awarded
to the top finishers in the singles
and mixed doubles events
Detailed information and rules
are available at the Bowling
A new program for increasing
Learning Efficiency will be of
d by Dr George Weigand
beginning March 16 There will be
two groups One will meet on Mon
day and Wednesday at I 00 p m
and the other group will meet on
Tuesday and Thursday at 1 00
p m m Room 305 Wright Annex
The class is available to all
students Attendance is volun
tary no formal registration is re
Anyone interested m competing
'est of the semester
arch 22 must have a physical
by 'ha' date see the trainer in Gym Also there will be
an ?mpoa mee'mo on March
?i 238 Mendenhall at 7 00
concerning 'h-s contest
There is a manditory meeting of
all Delta Zeta biq brothers on
Tuesday March 17. 8 30 p m at
'he house Call Jill Br-tton if you
aren't going to be there at 758 8935
There will be a SOULS meeting
on Thursday, March 19, 1981 at 7
p m m the Cultural Center Very
important business will be
discussed Plan to attend
African Music' (MUSC 5476)
will be offered Fall 1981 The
course is open, with permission of
instructor, to non music students
as well as music students, non
music seniors receive Genera!
Education Fine Arts credit, and
non music graduate students
receive credit toward free elec
fives The course stresses the
history and geography, society
and culture of Africa, and surveys
African music within this context
Classroom opportunities for per
forming some of the music are in
eluded in the course
Students preregistermg may
enroll for Fine Arts General
Education credit in Music Ap
preciation (2208), Music of the
Theatre (2228), History of Jazz
Music (2258), Orchestral Music
(22)8), African Music (54760) Per
formance groups accepting many
non music maiors are Marching
Band, University Chorale, Men's
Glee Club, Women's Chorus,
Women's Glee Club Limited
spaces may exist for private and
group lessons on some in
SOULS elections will be held m
Mendenhall Student Center on
March 19, 1981 from 10 a m to 4
p m at the organizations booth
near the cafeteria Please plan to
come and cast your vote
The Media Board wll hold a
special closed session on Wednes
day. March 18, at 5 00 p m . m
Room 248 Mendenhall Studen'
Any persons who have com
plamts or wshing to air problems
concerning personnel at THE
couraged to attend
The ECU Fountain of Life Chris
tian Fellowship s sponsoring a
Revival, March 19 21 beginning at
7 00 p m There is no admission
tee There will be various
speakers and college choirs from
N C The Revival will be held on
the second floor of the Art Building
m Jenkins Auditorium Everyone
is welcomed Please come iust as
you are
Attention all fraternities,
sororities, clubs, and other cam
pus organizations
Are you looking for a social pro
ject for your group? The ECU
Campus Ministers in cooperation
with the ECU Hunger Coalition is
willing to make a presentation to
your group about the 1981 Green
ville "Walk tor Humanity"
1981 marks the 10th ann.versar y
of this famous local event The
community and the univesity have
worked together closely to make
"The Walk" a big event in
previous years
The funds we rase have always
been distributed equally to a local
and international hunger relief
proiect Many of Greenville's
citizens have been helped from
mis proiect
it this ider appeals to you, give
us a call a' 752 4216 or contact any
of the ECU Campus Ministers
Thank you!
Assistance in preparing federal
and state tax returns tor persons
who cannot afford professional
help is offered free by the East
Carolina University Accounting
The society's Volunteer Income
Tax Assistance Program will be
available on Monday and Wednes
day af'ernoons during March and
on April 1 from 4 7 p m in ECU S
Mendenhall Student Center
VITA assistors are trained in
basic income tax preparation Any
taxpayer from the local communi
ty who wishes help from a
volunteer is requested to come to
the Student Center during hours of
VITA operation bringing IRS and
North Carolina Revenue Depart
ment tax packages, W 2 forms, in
feres! statements and other perti
nent tax documents
Sybil Hobgood, an accounting
maior in the ECU School ot
Business, is president of the Ac
counting Society Prof docothy
Brandon of the accounting faculty
is the organizations advisor
Volunteer announcer and or
scoreboard operator for all Eas'
Carolina home baseball games
sought by ECU Sports information
Of'i Call 757 6491
The Dental Aptitude Test will oe
offered a' East Carolina universi
ty on Saturday Apr i 25 Apphca
tion blanks are to be mailed m
time to be received Oy the Divis on
ot Educational Measurements
Amer.can Dental Association 211
East Chicago Ave Chicago, ll
linois 60011 by March 30 1981 Ap
plications may be obtained from
the ECU Testing Center Speight
Building, Room 105
Mendenhall Student Center In
vites all ECU students to par
ticipate m the FoosebaH Tourna
ment to be held on Wednesday,
April 8 at 6 00 p m This team
competition will be double
elimination with trophies awarded
to the first and second place
All participants must register
by Monday, April 6 at the MSC
Billiards Center The entry fee is
$2 00 per team to be paid at the
Register now for MendenhaH's
Spring Eight Ban Tournament to
be held Monday, March 30 at 6 00
p m in the Billiards Center This
double elimination tournament is
open to all ECU students Trophies
will be awarded to the first, second
and third place finishers
Registration forms and tourna
ment rules are available at the
B'lhards Center The deadline for
registration is Friday, March 27
"How to Develop Sales Skills
Makmg Your Sales Caiis Coun- ?
the '80s a seminar Ml sales
strategy prnt ipies wm be offered
by Eas' Carolina Un .ers in
Raleigh and Faye'tevlle during
The program directed by Ed
ward Leader of the University ot
Alabama faculty .s set tor Apm 16
at the Sheralon Crabtree in
Raleigh, and April 17 at the
Sheraton Motor Inn m Fayet
Participating sales personnel
will be directed in examinations ot
key sales terms and concepts.
anal ysis of sales position and basic
planning strategies
The program is designed for in
dividuals in any industry or
business who meet and deal with
'he public specifically in personal
Mies contacts who wish to
organize sales skills functions
more etfec hveiy
Businesses who send sales
teams are eligible tor discounts in
enrollment fees Further ?
tion about the program is
available from "Sales 5
Seminar, Division of f '
Education, East Carolina Univer
ireenv i n c
? 757 6143
AM applicants for attorney
general should see Dean Maiiory
before March 17 Screenings will
be held March 17, 3 p m in room
208 Wichard
The Graduate Record Examma
tion will be offered at East
Carolina University on Saturday,
April 25 Application blanks are to
be completed ano mailed to
Educational Testing Service. Box
966 R. Princeton. NJ 08540 Ap
plications must be postmarked no
later than March 20, 1981 Applica
tions may be obtained from the
ECU Testing Center, Room 105
Speight Builomg
Sexual harassment is a
widespread student fa ul'y pro
blem at ECU affecting 33 percent
of the female students a
telephone line is now open to
receive calls from students who
been offended by unwanted
sexual looks, comments sugges
tions, or touches from fa-
members if you have been offeno
ed. please call Your confidential
ty is guaranteed Staiements .
not be used to die comp ?
?? members our pur
pose is to gather information only
, ? ition Mon
Thurs 2 10 F r Sal 12 4 Sun 4 10
We need to tan) wltl . u Please
call Lmoa an ECU student, a'
752 3484
Tonight is the night for bingo
and ice cream at Mendenhall
Student Center Menrienhall's
monthly Bmgo ice Cream Party
will be held a' 00 p m in the
Multi Purpose Room Play bmgo,
.?eat prizes and ea'dehcious
ice cream absolutely tree With a
deal like this, everyone's a win
ner! Don't miss it
The Accounting Society will
tutor accounting 2401 and accoun
ling 2521 every Tuesday and
Wednesday In Rawi 341 from 4 00
5 00
? ?
sports ot scuba (living ar
will oe offeree; . a Eas'
Carolina V ?? ?
? B ? "? or PAD' S" uba
Cer titical 3 course
tor Tyesoav and T'
Each s'uoer- I
snorxie and belt,
and other equipmen can be re- I
g the course Ciass instructor
is ECU aqua'c direc'or -
Basic Sailing a Thursday
evening and Saturday c!ass .
begin April 9 Classroom sessions
be used for mstrucon in ter
mmology, knot tying, docking an
choring and safety
Three weekend afternoons on
19 26 foot boats will be held on 'he
Palmico River Students will have
opportunities to practice .
various sizes ot sailboats Chauncey of the ECU
music faculty, experienced sailor
ano sailing instructor will direct
the course
Further information about these
ano other evening and weekend
classes is available from the Of
ticeof Non Credit Programs, Dwi
Sion of Continuing Education
ECU, Greenville. N C . telephone
757 6143
The School of Art .s offering
seven scholarships for
undergraduate art students Of the
lunmr and senior rank These
scholarships are m the amount of
$250 00 each and are to be awarded
shortly afler the first of Apm To
qualify, a student must have a
grade point average of 3 5 in art
and an overall average of 3 0 in
eluded with the appl.caton, there
must be a resume giving
academic awards or other
evidence of scholarly prowess
and a portfolio of at leas' five
works i or slides of the same) A
letter ot recommendation from a
SOA faculty member should a'
company the appliatior Forms
may be obtained from the
chairpersons of the various
departments, application
deadlme is March 31
The International Language
Organization is sponsoring an
You Can Eat" Spaghetti Dm
ner m the Mu" purpose room of
Mendenhall on Wednesday March
?8 '981 from 5 00 unti! 7 00 p m
The menu will consist of Spaghetti
Meat sauce, tossed salad
bread, tea coffee, pepsi and
desser' Tickets are $2 50 per per
son (including children) and can
be purchased at the Central Ticxe'
Mendenhall, the Foreign
? auage I ounge! BA 430), or
tror- of ILO. from
March 6 There are a
.mount of tickets so pur
, t nr further mforma
'? ree ass stance in prepa-
federal and s'a'e 'a- returns is
now available to Pitl Coun'y Tax
payers who otherwise are unable
to afford such servce The
Volunteer income Tax Assistance
(VITA) program is sponsored by
the East Carolina Accounting
e'y viTA assistance will oe
offered a' Mendenhall S'uoent
Center from 4 7 on the folio.
dates March 4. 9 11. 16. 18. 23. 25
30 April 1 Taxpayers needing
assitance are asked 'o bring the
tax package mailed to them by the
IRS, W 2 forms. interest
statements and other per'men'
The corrections social work
society will mee on Tues March
17 at 5pm .n Mendenhall 248 All
corrections aa soc-ai work ma
iors and .ntended maiors are urq
ed to attend!
Once again, inrouy'
anonymous gift of a Spar ,r
donor a numoer of grants t '
thousand Pesetas each are oemg
made available to America" and
Canadian sophomores, luniors,
seniors and graduates for sidy at
the Facultao de Fiosotia y Le'ras
of the Universidad de Madrd m
the Academic Year Abroad pro
gram Students already in Europe
should contac' the AYA office m
the Facultad Edifioo A Mn
Students m the United Stales
should send a self add-essed No
10 envelope with 20 cents m
before May 15 to Spanish Scholar
ship Committee, Academic Year
Abroad P O Box 9 New I
NY 1256)
Tau Chap'er of Phi Sigma Pi Na
tional Honor Fraternity will meet
a'6 p m Wednesday m 132 Austin
' ' Co op Office has mforma
tion concerning summer intern
ships for both graduate and
undergraduate students who have
backgrounds in computer science
Students should review internship
descriptions posted outside 313
Raw' if interested and should con
tact the Co op Office for additional
Ph Beta Lambda will rm
day at 4 pm m Raw! 103 All mem
brs must turn m the moi
the sale of raffle tickets, along
a ticket stubs and an unsold
tickets The drawng will be dur
ng the meeting
Gray, a scod
worker from the Agnes Fu
School will speak on Tuesday.
March 24 at s p m ,n Mendenhall
231 There will be a slide presenta
tion and a question and answer
session Anyone interested is
" The Small Con;
tion A Basic IntroduC
Machine ' a Saturcay i
sem,nar a' Eas' Ca
Sity will prov de bat
m use of the pope,
Participants will leaf
machine operates wha' '
which functions are pert
its yarious parts and other
ma'ion necessary 'o begm li
ing how to control a lit ?
Comparisons of various
pufers on the market wui be n
Dr Charles Chett ot th.
psychology fa' ulty w
the course wrich is schec ? I
a.m 12 pm 1 4 p m
Further .nforc
smaii computer class is ?
from the Office of Non Credi'
grams Divisions of C
Education, ECU, Greeny . H
teipenone 757 6U3
The IOI low i n?j
tunities are now available
1 "Tne Galleon Espianad'
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fron- ?? ? ? eon Esp -
be on campus March 25 i98'
ng students tor su"
work Pick up applicatio
up tor inter ? ? ?
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jgram Bethesoa MD
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laboratories You'H re
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NIH plus a daily stipend
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the Navy Co op progra"
in business, cor let
psychology, sociology ano N
are needed Sign up for inter .
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I he
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Santa Cruz Students
'Take Over' Computers
1 he SGA decided in its meeting Monda to move hack the date for the run-off election to April 1,
SGA Sets Date
For Run-Off
(C PS) - Computer
operators at the
University of
California-Santa Cruz
were mystified one day
last February when the
campus computers fail-
ed to respond to at-
tempts to "log in or
turn on, the system.
Hours later, com-
puter center personnel
realized their security
system had been crack-
ed by four students
who couldn't help
bragging about their
The students beuan
by obtaining the master
password for the
system from an tin-
disclosed "source
then changed it, insur
ing that no one else
could log into the com-
puters. Then they set
about inserting per-
sonal and sometimes
"obnoxious" notes in-
to faculty and student
Computer center
employee Pam Wyman
calls the incident
"more a case of
curiosity than
malicious mischief
but some university of-
( on tinned From Page 1
him wearing a coat and
I it lie said that the
e of the picture is in
violation of the terms
ol his ROTC scholai
ship and that it ma
have cost him votes in
t election.
" The picture has
caused me a lot of con-
sternation and pro-
blems. I want to rectify
the situation
Any run-ofts that arc
held will be April 1.
The SCiA I egislature
voted Mondaj to move
the date back in order
to allow time tor all
charges to be aired,
Patrick said
In o t her
develop m e n t s .1 a
Nichols, a write-in can-
didate for ice presi-
Trustees Raise
Student Fees
Continued From Page I
action group to send
letter- to various
trustees and ad -
ministration officials to
find out exactly where
debt sen ice fees g
"1 think the SGA has
not done a good job of
ecking into these in-
creases to see if the)'re
feasible and beneficial
to students
I ester Nail, the ap-
parent victor in the
SGA presidential elec-
tion, -aid he would join
Braxton's efforts.
"Most of the
students I've talked to
said the) would rather
have tickets than a fee
increase, and there's
still a plan to realign
seating in Ficklen
dent, has complained
that there was no space
on the ballot for write-
Patrick said that the
line for ? rite-ins is not
required by the SGA
c onstitution. " 1 here
was no guarantee that
the hue would be on the
ballot he said.
Nichols did not file
an official complaint.
Three of the four
presidential candidates
were within $10 of the
$200 spending limit.
Overman listed ex-
penses of $199.09, Nail
$190.43, Hen Singleton
S190.03 and Guy Dixon
Among Nail ex-
penses was S122 tor
2,000 Emer) Boards
with his name printed
on them.
Pepe. who spent
$192, was the only
other candidate to
spend more than SI55.
SG President
Charlie Sherrod was
listed as a campaign
worker for two
presidential candidates.
Overman and
A ccord i ng to
Patrick, nothing in the
SGA Constitution
precludes this.
He said of the lists of
expenses and workers,
" 1 hey look like lists of
past years. The) all
seem legitimate
I he Fast Carolinian

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ficials considered the
prank quite serious
when they found
themse1, es cut off from
registration, billing and
budget information
stored in the com
After the security
failure was discovered,
Wyman recalls, the
centei was shut down
for three days while
computer experts tried
"to figure out just what
the students had
done The culprits
were identified bv the
computer codes thev
had used to gam entry
Call in
Ann McLallan Formulated
Pnttattlorpl Saiutf For Earn
Ccr,a1ant SMnTypt
into the machine. At
least two of the four
students involved used
their own personal
codes, in addition to
the master word, to log
While the investiga-
tion continued, news ot
the incident began to
get around campus,
mostly because the
students couldn't keep
their mouths shut
about it.
"When people
penetrate 'the system
Wyman explains,
"they like to brag
about it, so word got
Because none of the
students showed
criminal intent, om-
puter Center Director
Alan Schlanger says no
charges will be tiled
against the students.
Instead, the students
have agreed to explain
the details ol their
scheme to Schlangei
that he may take steps
against it happening
again. Schlanger also
has promised to tea
the students m
about t he s y s I eni.
which was their tea
tor tampering.
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March 17, 1S81
Page 4
SGA Elections
Treasurer, Vice-Pres. To Run Again
It would have been nice to return
from spring break with a new ad-
ministration ready to take over the
Student Government Association.
Unfortunately, several of the offices
have still not been decided.
The onlv official wins so far in
the 1981-82 cabinet elections are
Lester Nail as the new President,
and Denise Phthistic as the new
SGA secretary. The tallies for vice-
president and treasurer were so
close after the original count
Wednesday night after the polls
closed, that a recount was perform-
ed on Thursday to see if any votes
had been miscounted. The elections
chairperson was happy to report
that no more than two votes had
been missed, and the original count
was almost perfect.
However, there is still the pro-
blem of having less than a two per-
cent margin in the races for the
undecided" offices. This means that
both of these offices will ha e to be
decided by a run-off election bet-
ween Peggy Davidson and Marvin
Braxtonfor vice-president, and
Angela Pepe and Kirk little tor
It is not surprising that the elec-
tions were so close, considering that
there were only about 2,800 out of
13,000 students who participated in
the voting. It will be interesting to
see how many students out of this
22 percent will return to vote in the
run-off election.
The fact is that the people who
will be running our Student Govern-
ment Association for the next year
will be representing only 22 percent
of the entire student body. With the
importance of the SGA being a
voice for the students in the Univer-
sity Administration and the many
activities and responsibilities that go
along with each office, it seems that
more than 2,800 out of 13,000
students would be interested in the
individuals holding these offices.
If the majority of the students
would actively participate in the
SGA elections, we would not only
eliminate recounts and run-offs, but
we would also have a stronger Stu-
dent Government Association. An
SGA more representative of the stu-
dent bodv would therefore be more
influencial with the university ad-
ministration; student government
would then truly be the voice of the
students. We all stand to gain by
voting and participating in our Stu-
dent " Government and making
ourselves heard.
Newspaper Goes
Back To Racks
After six monthes oi door-to-
door delivery in the dormitories of
East Carolina University. The East
Carolinian now returns to the prior
practice of being placed in racks in
the respective residence halls due to
a variety of complaints received
Some residence hall students
complained that they felt the
deliveries were a nuisance, and urg-
ed SRA President Nelson Jarvis to
request the discontinuation of the
service. To these students we
We also offer our sympathy to
those students who looked forward
to receiving The East Carolinian
each Tuesdav and Thursday, and it
is our hope that they will continue
to support the student newspaper of
WASHINGTON - Years ago, before 1
was elected to the Senate, 1 had the en-
joyable responsibility of writing daily
television editorials, and presenting them
on the air. Ever so often, I offered what 1
referred to as a few odds and ends from the
miscellaneous file.
Let's give it a try this week for old time's
Last month a man in Brooklyn wrote to
me about Kate Smith, that wonderful lady
whose lovely voice thrilled and inspired all
of us during my boyhood days. Today's
young folks may not remember Kate
Smith, but I can hear her now. singing
"When the Moon Comes Over the Moun-
tains and "God Bless America
Kate Smith now lives in Raleigh. Her
health is not the best. But she deserves bet-
ter than to be forgotten by the American
I plan to recommend to President
Reagan that Kate Smith be honored with
some sort of recognition by our govern-
ment. 1 feel she is entitled to the Medal of
Freedom, which is awarded periodically by
Presidents. Last vear, for example. Presi-
dent Carter awarded Medals of Freedom
to 15 Americans, including Walter
Cronkite, Kirk Douglas (the actor).
Secretary of State Muskie and Andrew
Young. .
During World War II, Kate Smith
traveled extensively around the country to
encourage the purchase of War Bond- s
a result of her efforts, millions ot dollars
worth of the bonds were sold.
R1DD1CK ? 1 suppose that relatively
few North Carolinians are aware that one
of their fellow Tar Heels distinguished
himself during his many years as
Parliamentarian of the U.S. Senate.
Dr. Floyd M. Riddick. retired in 1 4.
and was 'designated as Parliamentarian
Emeritus. But he didn't really retire. Since
1974, he has served as consultant to the
Senate Rules Committee.
Dr. Riddick was born in Trotville. N.C
was educated at Duke University and at
Vanderbilt. His first job with the federal
government began in 1935 as a statistical
He helped author the valuable hand-
hook which many Senators use constantly.
Senate Procedure. Since that time. Dr.
Riddick has updated the volume a number
o times. The latest update occured recent-
ly, and Dr. Riddick was praised highly by
1 should add that Dr. Riddick was ex-
ceeding!) helpful to me whin I came to the
Senate in 1973. He was patient and
painstaking counselor to me as 1 tried 10
master the Senate's complicated rules and
procedures. He is a great citizen, and I
shall always be deeply grateful to him.
FOOD STAMPS No doubt you have
heard or read the cries of anguish, as a
result of President Reagan's proposal to
cut the cost o the food stamp program b
eliminating the waste, fraud and abuse in
it. 1 here are claims that such action will do
harm to the poor
Bui did you also see the news report
recently, that two men in Greenville, S.C
have been charged with selling five cars
and trucks. 32 firearms and some mari-
juana and received payment in food
In Indiana, a man sold SI 1,000 in food
stamps to an undercover agent, who paid
$7,000 cash for the food stamps.
Yet some claim that there's no fraud in
the food stamp program. Don't you
believe it.
i- Campus Forum
ECGC Defended
Is El Salvador The Next Vietnam ?
It has been some time since 1 have
spoken publicallv about this issue, but I
can hold it in no longer. I am extremely
upset and baffled by the mentality of
what appears to be the majority on this
campus. When will we learn that it is the
responsibility of all citizens to work for
the establishment of a society based on
justice in its law and practices?
On Tuesday, February 24th, The East
Carolinian printed the article that has
caused me to write this letter. Maybe 1
am wrong, but it seems to me that the
majority of students at ECU feel much
the same way as Jeff Yates. It is hard for
me to understand how the majority of a
modern university can be so assinine.
While being sensitive to the complexi-
ty of the issues involved, and recogniz-
ing the rights of other groups in society,
I reject the unproved assumption that
protection in law for gay persons en-
dorses any particular "lifestyle" any
more than law guaranteeing religious
freedom endorses a particular
If 1 am correct, the purpose ot tne
SGA legislature last Monday was to ap-
propriate funds to groups that have been
accepted as a campus organization. For
two years now the ECGC has been an
official organization that the campus
recognizes; yet every semester they have
to fight tooth and nail to prove
themselves again and again. If someone
would take the time to simply look at the
constitution (which the SGA ratified),
anyone could see the reason for the
groups' existence: to promote a
sense of self-awareness from within the
gay community and an atmosphere ot
understanding between people of dif-
ferent sexual preferences. As a service
organization the association will strive
to provide How could anyone be
threatened by that?
Not only that, but, how many people
realize that the ECGC has sponsored a
needy family and provided needed items
for these families for the past two years?
How manv people realize that the ECGC
has worked with the Greenville Hunger
Coalition and the Newman Community
to help the problem of world hunger?
How many people realize the ECGC
provides counseling at the Real Crisis
Center and the counseling center on
campus, and many other things? And
most importantly, how often do you see
a fraternity or sorority doing something
of this magnitude? Seldom, if at all; yet
the SGA will give them $100 for an
advertisement of a dance, or to sponsor
a big keg party where the only thing they
do is make fools of themselves. Yet they
deny the ECGC $15 for postage?they
allow them $75, a $290 cut from last
year. Now you tell me if it makes sense.
The ECGC is a recognized campus
organization that whether you believe it
or not has worked hard for this com-
munity. To recognize the group through
the students' own legislation, and then
turn around and make a statement like
Jeff Yates did Tuesday just shows ig-
norance. For all we know his lifestyle
might be a pile of trash, but no one
would judge that. And who is Jeff Yates
to go around judging others peoples'
lifestyles anyway?
The students of ECU might as well
face it: never again can heterosexual
society ignore homosexuality as they
wish they could. And if people would
stop and think before they put their foot
in their mouths, they would say?"these
are somebodys' brothers and sisters,
wives and husbands, sons and
daughters, friends and neighbors, and
they are loved and are loving human be-
Sophomore, Social Work
Shortly after taking over as Secretary of
State, Alexander Haig announced that ter-
roisiri was replacing human rights as the
main concern of American foreign
policymakers. Since then, Haig has accus-
ed the Soviet Union of sneaking arms to El
Salvadoran rebels through Cuba and
Nicaragua, and President Reagan, in
moves reminiscent of the early escalation
of the Vietnam war, has dispatched
American military advisors to aid El
Salvador's rulers, whom he hails as cen-
trists upholding democracy against ex-
tremists of the left and right.
The American media, by and large, seem
to be buying Haig and Reagan's views. The
March 1 New York Times Magazine, for
example, published an article attributing
nearly all the world's terrorist activities to
the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, the mass
media appear to be making little effort to
authenticate documents supposedly cap-
tured by El Salvador's ruling junta that
prove the Soviet Union is masterminding
the guerrilla war in Central America.
Reading press accounts and administra-
tion pronouncements, one is struck by
their convenient selectivity. If the Soviets
are supplying arms to El Salvador's rebels
they are doing precisely what the United
States has done for years: arming
Salvadorans of choice.
One is also impressed by the short
memories of Americans crying
"terrorism At no time during the pre-
sent furor have U.S. officials publicly
recalled the 1976 assassination of exiled
Chilean leader Orlando Letelier by Chilean
secret police in the heart of Washington's
Embassy Row; presumably, doing so
would offend yet another junta enjoying
U.S. support. Nor has any serious effort
been made to find and punish the killers of
four American missionaries murdered in
El Salvador last year; the murderers are
believed by most impartial international
observers to be membrs of El Salvador's
busy rightwing death squads.
Reagan and Haig's characterization of
the junta as moderate is not as well receiv-
ed among human rights groups and foreign
journalists as by the American media. Last
year a report by the legal service of the
Salvadoran Catholic Church estimated
that 80 percent of the 10,000 Salvadoran
civilians killeed in 1980 were murdered by
govrnment troops; the church attributed
the remaining deaths to rightist vigilantes.
In the past year, government and rightwing
forces have been responsible for:
The death of Archbishop Oscar
Romero, an outspoken critic ot the
government, who was assassinated in the
National Cathedral while he was conduc-
ting mass.
The massacre of 300 to 600 peasants,
in conjunction with Hondoran army
troops ? a bloodbath reconstructed from
survivors' accounts in the Feb. 22 London
Sunday Times.
The murder of the opposition
newspaper Cromca del Pueblo's editor; the
exile, to Mexico, of the editor of LI ln-
dependiente, another opposition paper;
the bombing of YSAX, a church radio sta-
tion- the murder of Mexican reporter Ig-
nacio Rodriquez, and frequent harassment
of other journalists by the regime
It is important to understand that these
acts are not "senseless violence random-
ly committed, but deliberate elimination of
opponents bv a regime that has taken no
sustained steps to eliminate the poverty in
which most Salvadorans live and die. It
such systematic violence does not con-
stitute official terrorism, what does?
Yet, the authors of this violence are the
persons that Reagan and Haig laud as
moderates, and whom American military
advisors are ordered to aid. It doesn't take
a crystal ball to predict the administra-
tion's next move if (or should 1 say when0)
American advisors are killed in the
To one who keenly remembrs the v let-
nam era, it all seems so familiar. Once
again, the U.S. is slandering opponents of
a brutal regime as terrorists. Once again,
our government is characterizing a civil
war as an invasion by our all-purpose
bogeymen, "the communists Once
again, we are preparing to sacrifice
American livees and squander American
tax dollars ? this, in an era of supposed
governmental austerity ? to prop up the
wrong side.
This almost-instant replay of Vietnam
may backfire, however, for Washington's
moves have also given momentum to a
renewed anti-war movement in this coun-
try. A broad grouping of American ac-
tivists, organized as the Coalition in
Solidarity with the People of El Salvador,
which offices in Washington, D.C plans
demonstrations in a number of cities
against U.S. intervention on March 24 and
April 18. A march on the Pentagon is in
the works for May 3. National antidraft
rallies are on tap for May 9. Together,
acitivists hope to prevent the ultimate ter-
ror of an all-out war, which massive U.S.
intervention in El Salvador could trigger.
Forum Rules
The East Carolinian welcomes letters
expressing all points of view. Mail or
drop them by our office in the Old South
Building, across from Joyner Library.
For purposes of verification, all letters
must include the name, major and
classification, address, phone number
and signature of the authorfs). Letters
are limited to two typewritten pages,
double-spaced, or neatly printed. All let-
ters are subject to editing for brevity,
obscenity and libel, and no personal at-
tacks will be permitted. Letters by the
same author are limited to one each 30
-?in ?i ?iwmwiir?ipwJ?iw?i'iW?.f'

lb- ;
New Book Concerns
Wacky, Wonderful
Women's Trivia
Knight Khidir Ntvpjp.f-
It happened at the Miss America
In W49, Miss Montana and hei
palomino almost tumbled into the
orchestra pit. From then on,
animals were barred from the
pageant Miss Montana did not win.
In l2. Miss Nebraska acciden-
tally tossed a flaming baton into the
judges' box. She didn't win eithei
in 193. Miss Michigan sang
"Old Man Moses is Dead" and
played a bass fiddle. She won!
The above trivia is from a silly
swell new book. "Womanlist"
eneum Publisher, S19.95 hard
cover, $10.95 paperback) to be
available a! booksellers in late
M irch.
"Womanlist" is a compendium
achievements ? some
ol extraordinary and
?v1 extraordinary women. It in
des 450 lists, more than 5.(KM) en-
28 pages of illustration a
raphy and an index. The
a hole thing celebrates women ? the
vitty as well as the w
about women tend to
ss only the high achiever -av
Marjorie P.K Weiser
- rbeitei. "But so main
we been wild and won
. - anted to include them
Mother I ode
do. Including the
11: expected profiles ol
ful profiles of
plus the Miss
oddments, this book is the mother
lode of information testifying to the
capacity ol women to o iust about
Some samples:
Jackie Mitchell was the first
woman pitcher in professional
baseball. On April 2. 1931, playing
toi Chattanooga, she struck out
Babe Ruth. It was her second day on
the team.
Macie Marie "Sunny" Ainsworth
was the seventh oi Tommy Man-
ville's 11 wives and achieved the
shortesl ol the brief alliances. Her
marriage, performed on Aug. 24,
1943, was over in eight hours. I his
gave her just enough time to arrange
her trip to Reno. Although
Ainsworth was barely 20, her mar-
riage to asbestos heir Manville was
her fifth. For her eight-hour effort.
she received $75,000 in the divorce
Female Hamlets
I here have been at least 50 female
Hamlets and 30 female Romeos.
Mmi l every Shakespearean hero
and villian has been played suc-
cessfully by women. The theatrical
gender -witch was particularly
popular with 19th-century au-
mong noteworthy performances
were those ol Sarah Siddons, who
played Hamlet as early as 5. and
tor the last time, in Dublin in 1802;
v arlotte Crampton, who managed
to play Hamlet, lago. Romeo.
v lock and Richard 111. along with
ee female parts during one busy
week: Sarah Bernhardt. who as
Sec N K.I I B1 I . pane 7, col. 4
MAKl H 17. 1981
Wearing Green On
St. Patrick's Day
Once Was Unlucky
AMHLRST, Mas- (UPI) 1 he
green that reveler- don on St.
Patrick's Day was for many years
considered unlucky and was avoided
by irishmen who believed wearing
the color was dangerous, -ays a
folklore specialist.
Maria rymoczko, a I niversity
Massachusetts c o m p a i a I
literature professor who special
in Irish folklore, says an Irish lej
dating back more than 1,000 years
indicates the color green was
"associated with t he other work;
color associated with fairies
"As with most supern
thing- fairies are dangerous Ms.
fymoczko said. "They not ow did
chievous things, they did
dangerous things like stealing
children, young men and brides.
I hey also did tilings like causing
death to livestock and occasionally
burned houses
But about 2(H) years ago a wave of
nationalism swept Ireland and the
Irish adopted the color as their own.
she said.
nd the rampant wearing of
green by Americans on St. Patrick's
Day could have evolved because
"fairy presence" is not so keenly
fell in the United States. Ms.
Tymoczko -aid. "Some people say
the tame- never came to America
Recipes Offer Some
Different Ways Of
Cooking Vegetables
While nutritionists say that
everyone should eat at least two
vegetables dailv, it is highly unlikely
that most college students do set.
1-or some reason, a trighteningly
large group ol people grew up
hating vegetables and avoid them
like the plague on into their adult
lives. This i- most unfortunate since
vegetables contain quantities of
vitamins and minerals that can't be
obtained in other foods. Also,
vegetables are necessary tor the pro-
per functioning of the digestive
system. To top it all oii, vegetables
have fewer calories than the more
popular starch and protein food
for student- who cook in their
dorm room or small apartment,
canned or frozen vegetables are the
best bet. Also, they will keep almost
indefinatelv si) there's no worrying
about using them up before they
spoil. However, tresh vegetables are
usually superior to canned or froen
ones so you might warn to treat
your sell to them now and then.
Remember, though, that fresh
vegetable- inu-t be -tored in a cool,
dry, air tight place and must be
washed just betore using to remove
any dirt and trace- ol insecticides.
Many vegetable- can be eaten
raw, and many nutritionist- advise-
that you do sii whenever possible. It
you don't care tor raw veggies, at
least not ail the time, there are many
cookmg methods you can use. The
simplest oi these is boiling. Methods
oi boiling ditter, but one popular
way 1- to barely cover the vegetables
with water, add one teaspoon of
salt, and bring to a boil I hen turn
down to low and cook tor live to ten
minutes, until the vegetables are
Stir-frying is a method that ha
tound popularity recently and is
well-suited to cooking in limned
space. Before cooking, have the
vegetables cut into uniform size
pieces. In a skillet, heat one to two
tablespoons o cooking oil to the
point of fragrance. Put the
vegetables in the pan and stir rapidly
and constantly until they are well
coated with oil and slightly wilted.
You may then add a dash ol
sauce and little chicken slock (a!
two tablespoons), (over the pan
and lower the heat. W nen the
vegetables are just tender, you may
add a little more chicken
(available in the canned -oup section
ol your grocery store) if ne.
Cover again and heat until the sauce
reaches the boiling point. Then
serve at once.
It you get tired ol just plain
vegetable- or wish to impress a
special someone with something a
little more elaborate than boiled
lima bean try one ol the follow
one ten-ounce package ol frozen
spinach according to package direc-
tions. Drain and cool. Beat two eggs
together with two tablespoons
flour until smooth. Set aside, in a
greased one and one-half quart
cas-erole dish. mi together the
spinach, the egg mixture, a little
sail. six ounce- oi small curd cottage
cheese and one-halt cup grated
See NEW, page 7, col. 7

is in
pmes letters
Mud or
tOld South
. all letters
vnqjor and
rw number
F e tiers
tten pages,
tied. All let-
I brevity,
rsonat ai-
ders by the
ne each 30
Playboy Photographers Welcomed
(C I When Playboy
ei David Chan visited
the Southwestern Con-
spring in search ol
ice the magazine's
nh B to-campus"
and bomb threat
I"a . ? . when he combed
iv I eague for models, ii
. k ?ted, and the Harvard
' re! u-ed flay hoy's reque-t
Ttising space,
rhis year. Chan and assistant
Sherrel Snow were "ready for
tg" when they headed for
? the Southeastern Con
ferei '?? hool after school, the
-e thus far has been the same,
"We've never been so
"Our response has been just
outrageous she exclaims. "The
South is really fantastic. Curls are
really eager to participate in our in-
iew s
S ? estimates that an average of
students -ought interviews with.
I nan at each of the seven schools
vi-ited in the last month,
compared to only about 100 at the
Ivy 1 eague schools. She says this is
not a sign of the times, but a sign oi
"The South in general is more
open to what we're doing. People
here really want to let us do our
thing, and lei us do it efficiently and
get in and out last and with some
good success
Snow's observations are sup-
ported bv the relatively-quiet recep-
tion Playboy has received at
Mississippi State and the universities
of Tennessee. Auburn. Mississippi
and Alabama. Chan says a protest
staged by 15 University oi Alabama
students while he was checking oul
oi his motel room there has been the
extent oi Playboy's opposition.
Snow notes, however, that pickets
and other protests are great pub.
ty for the magazine, and she is in
fact a little disappointed that
students are so compliant tins yeai,
"We could use a few protests
around here she says. "We're not
a big topic of discussion on campus.
People either want to interview or
they don't. But protests make it a
big issue makes people want to
check us out who ordinarily
wouldn't pay us any attention
"1 think it there had been protests
at the southeastern schools, we
would have had as many as three or
tour hundred girls interviewing with
us -he speculate
Likewise, Playboy's Chicago
dquarters finds opposition en-
"We love it -ays David Salvers,
head of the magazine's public rela-
's office. "(The protesters) are
buying me time and space in
new-paper- It's free publicity for
Salvers is quick to add that his en-
thusiasm for such events does not
extend to what the protesters say.
"They're tascistic he says flat-
ly. "Those girls who protest against
other girls wanting to be in Playboy
are saying, 'We don't agree with
what you're doing, so we're not go-
ing to let you do it; we're not going
to let you have the right to make
your own decision It's like if I
were to -ay to someone, 'I don't like
drinking, so I'm not going to let
anybody drink It doesn't make
In the tour year- Playboy has
teatured college women in the
"back-to-campus or "I ootball
Preview" issue. Salver- -ay
"We've gotten a relatively good
response" despite the two "big con-
troversies" at Harvard and Baylor.
When Harvard refused to rut)
Chan's ad- tor pro-pective modeis
in the Crimson, Salyer- "thought it
rather funny. Harvard being sup-
posedly this great bastion of
liberalism and free speech. What
they were saying was, 'not with our
women, you don't
Salvers admits "the Baylor thing
got a bit nastier" when University
President Abnor McCall threatened
to expel! any Baylor students ap-
pearing nude in the magaine, and
then fired three oi the school's
newspaper editor- for disagreeing
with him.
Playboy is already making plans
to visit either the Atlantic or Big S
Conference schools for its
September, 1982 issue. On his trips
Chan interviews 100-3CXK) female
students. He shoots preliminary
Polaroid snapshots oi each, appli-
cant, and then selects 2S40 women
to pose for the annual 12-page
ECU Choir Giving
j Concert In Wright
The Last Carohna University
Choir, under the direction oi Brett
Watson, will appear in concert in
Wright Auditorium on Wednesday,
March 18, at 8:15 p.m. The choir
will perform works bv Josquin des
Prez, Heinrich Schut. J.S. Bach,
Anton Bruckner. Hugo Wolf, and
Felix Mendelssohn as well as
madrigals and folk songs. A double-
choir selection which will be
featured is Bach's Motet No. V,
Komm, Jesu, komm. The motet is
the most romantic of the si.x that
were written by Bach and contains
chord progressions in the third sec
tion on which many 20th-century
popular songs have been based.
The choir will leave on a five-dav
tour on March 25 oi Virginia,
Washington, and New York. The 42
singers will appear in two public
schools in northern Virginia and will
sing a concert on Friday evening.
March 27 at Central Presbyterian
Church in New York City 1 he
choir will also sing during the Satur
day afternoon Mass at St. Patrick's
Cathedral in New York and will sing
the Sunday morning Latin Mass at
St. Mathew's Cathedral in
Tickets, priced at $1.00. will be
available at the door.
Man Loses Money
On Counterfeit Loan
The ECU Choir, under the direction of Brett Watson, will appear in con-
cert in Wright Auditorium on Wednesday, March 18, at 8:18 p.m.
Works by Bach, Mendelssohn and others will be performed. Tickets,
priced at $1.00, will be available at the door.
CHAMPAIGN, 11. (CPS) - Ray
Jorgensen thinks he might have
discovered the true worth of a
Guaranteed Student Loan in these
troubled economic times.
Jorgensen, a freshman at the
University of Illinois, picked up
$525 in cash Jan. 15 from the Office
of Business Affairs as part of his
Guaranteed Student Loan. After
stopping at the campus store to pur-
chase books and supplies, Jorgensen
took the bills to the First National
Bank in Champaign for deposit.
That was when the bank manager
discovered $50 of the loan was a
counterfeit bill.
Although the Secret Service, call-
ed in on the case by the bank,
cleared Jorgensen, the freshman has
yet to be reimubursed for the phony
currency. A plea to the administra-
tion yielded sympathy, but no
"We all feel sympathy, we all
believe him buthe cannot prove he
got the bill here says Ray Sanden,
manager of student loans and ac-
counts receivable.

iJ-u; r 0
HM0I , ,???,

MARCH 17, 1W!
Several Senior Recitals
Scheduled This Week
ECU News Bureau
Three senior students
in the East Carolina
University School of
Music will perform in
recital March 16 in the
Fletcher Music Center
Recital Hall here.
AH are candidates
for bachelor's degrees
in music education and
music therap)
They are bassoonist
A r d i s Harrar of
Southampton. Pa
French hornisl Robert
Miller of San Diego,
Calif and soprano
Grace Barnhill of
Miss Harrar will be
featured in the Camille
Saint-Saens Sonata.
Opus 168, Biet's
"I ittle Duet" for Bas-
soon and Cello in C
Minor and the Antonio
Vivaldi Concerto in G
Her sister. Sari Har-
rar. will play the cello
part in the Biet duet,
and pianist l.inda link
will be accompanist.
William and Sallie
Harrar of 340 Stratford
Drive, Southampton,
Pa are her parents.
Her teacher is John
Pederson of the ECU
woodwinds faculty who
is also principal bas-
soonist with the North
Carolina Symphony.
Robert Miller's por-
tion of the program will
include Luigi
Cherubini's Sonate no.
2. Gardner Road's
"Poem" and Richard
Strauss's Concerto No.
1. Piano accompanist
will be Miller's father.
Capt. Robert Miller of
149 Sylvester Road,
San Diego, Calif.
Miller is a student of
James Parnell of the
ECU School of Music
brass faculty.
Miss Barnhill, per-
forming at 9 p.m will
present "So Shall the
lute and Harp
Awake" by Handel.
Schubert's "Rastlosc
l.iebe Wagner's
"Traume Wolf's
"Auch Kleine Dinge
Richard Strauss's
' Z u e i g n u n e . '
Debussy's "Beau Soir"
and "Mandoline two
Samuel Barber songs
and Meyerbeer's
"Nobles Seigneurs
Pianist Diane
Kolwyck will be accom-
Miss Barnhill is a stu-
dent of Dr. Clyde Hiss
of the ECU voice facul-
ty and daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Marion Bar-
nhill Sr. of Wilm-
She appeared in the
ECU Opera Theatre
production of the "Die
H e n d e r m a u s" last
month and in the 1980
Christmas Madrigal
Dinner series as
soprano soloist
Lindsey Moore Jr. of
Cary, a saxophonist,
and soprano Sandi
rhomas of Norfolk,
Va will perform in
recital Tuesday, March
17, in the Fletcher
Music Center Recital
Hall here.
Both are senior
students in the East
Carolina University-
School of Music.
Moore will perform a
Bernhard Heiden
Sonata, Lawrence
Moss's "Evocation and
Song" (a work for alto
saxophone and elec-
tronic tape), the Ibert
"Concertino Da
Camera" for alto sax-
ophone and a transcrip-
l ion of the
Pianists Barbara
Plummer, Catherine
Styron and Sharon
Herr will accompany
He is a student of
Brad Foley of the ECU
music faculty and a
candidate for the
Bachelor of Arts degree
in music.
His parents are Lind-
sev and Anita Moore of
Cary and Robert and
Roberta Briee of
Sandi Thomas, a
candidate for the
Bachelor of Music
Education degree, will
sing Vivaldi's "Vieni,
vieni 0 mio diletto
Schumann's "Er. der
Herrlischte von alien"
and "Du Ring an
meinem finger
Poldowski's "L'Heure
exquise" and "Dason
la gigue Moret's "La
Lettre and Tchaikov-
sky's "Scene and
Arioso of Lisa
Her program con-
cludes with a work by
ECU faculty composer
Otto Henry, "The
Sears Box She will be
assisted by Dr. Henry,
pianist Diane Kolwyck
and bassoonist Mat-
thew Morris.
Miss Thomas is a stu-
dent of Gladys White
of the ECU School of
Music voice faculty and
daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. O. T. Thomas of
3526 Heutte Drive,
An active performer
in musical productions
at ECU during her
studies here, she was
soprano soloist at the
1979 Christmas
Madrigal Dinner series.
Assassin Games Are Still Popular
( PDArmed with
detailed dossiers and
plastic dart pistols, 63
student assassins began
stalking each other last
weekend at the Univer-
sity o( Florida, hoping
to kill before being kill-
It's a biare game
sweeping college cam-
puses called "killer
The object is to shoot
your "victim" with a
rubber tipped dart
within seven days.
While the assassin
stalks his pre-selected
?hit someone is
stalking him.
The macabre game,
which ends when only
one assassin remains
"alive has university
officials and police on
"With the kinds ot
problems we have in
our society, it is
ridiculous for a bunch
of college students to
simulate behavior that
is absolutely inap-
propriate, if not
criminal aid Art
Sandeen. UF's vice
president for student
Gainesville Police
Chief Atkins Warren
worries that one ot" his
officers, who carry real
guns, might mistake a
"killer" player for the
real thing.
"It could turn into a
real disaster he said.
I he official concern
didn't bother the stu-
dent players. "He'll
(Sandeen) have to be
killed immediately
deadpanned one
pi aver.
Tim Cox. t h e
20-year-old UF student
from Atlanta who was
the lone killer survivor
last semester, summer
up his fascination with
the game this wav:
"It's easv to see how
killing could be a sport
to some. You're always
excited and nervous.
The whole idea of spen-
ding a lot of time stalk-
ing someone ?it's more
exciting than study-
Dr. Arthur S.
Levine, who profiled
today's college students
on a grant from the
Carnegie Foundation,
said both "killer" and
"dunseons and
dragons" games are a
"form of escapism
from a real world that's
very painful
?'Competition is
stronger than it was a
tew years ago I evine
said. "This is a genera-
lion that will do what it
takes to survive. This is
precisely the struggle
mirrored in the game
1 his semester's killer
game at UF began at a
midnight m ee t i n g
Saturdav when the 63
players, who hid their
faces to avoid iden-
tification, were given
dossiers complete with
photos, physical
descriptions, class
schedules and habits of
their targets.
They have seven davs
to kill their victim and
avoid the assassin stalk-
ing them. The game has
no oft hours and vir-
tually everywhere is in
bounds. There are five
computer pages ot
Cox said his first
"hit" last semester was
a female student named
Jayne who lived on the
outskirts o t
Cox said he left
poenis for his victim
and tried twice before
making the kill. His
first attempt failed
when he was forced to
flee from a big dog
while lurking around
his victim's house.
The night he made
the kill. Cox staked out
the girl's house until
she emerged at night on
her bicycle. He follow-
ed her in his car. got
ahead of her and pulled
the trigger when she
peddled past a conve-
nience store.
He said his rubber-
tipped dart "hit her in
the left cheek of her
butt. It was a good
kill Cox said.
"She said. "Oh crap,
you finally got me
"She wanted her
final words to be: 'And
my parents though) 1
was getting an educa-
tion Cox said.
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New Book Concerns
Wacky, Wonderful
Women's Trivia
This Lawyer From Texas Is
J.Rs Real-Life Brother
Being a close relative of J.R. Ew-
uig isn't easy; just ask attorney Gary
Hagman, brother of actor Larry
n autographed photo of J.R. on
one of the walls of Hagman's law-
office in Weathcrford is the only
clue to the attorney's relationship
with the man America loves to hate
on the television program "Dallas
(WBTV, Channel 3, Friday, 10
The lawyer regards his older
brother with a proper mixture of
love and admiration, yet is quick to
point out that just being kin to a
superstar has given him a taste of
what a problem public recognition
can be.
In fact, that's a major reason he,
his wife, I inda, and their children
returned to the Hagman hometown
of Weathcrford in 1979, leaving
behind a private practice and a
career as a tederal prosecutor in
Tyler. Texas.
"This J.R. business had gotten to
the point where 1 couldn't use a
credit card without someone notic-
ing the last name and wanting an
autograph or something Hagman
But the most profound impact oi
J.Rs tame was felt at schools at-
tended bv the couple's daughters,
Tina and Dawn.
"Frankly, we came back to
Weatherford partially because here
they (the girls) just happen to be
Larry Hagman's nieces. In Tyler,
they were J.R. Lwing's nieces, and
that's just not the son of at-
mosphere you want to raise teen-age
daughters in the father said.
Exactly who Gary Hagman is in-
cludes his being the last federal
employee ever to have directed law
enforcement officers in an armed
confrontation with Indians.
In 1973, the attorney was in
charge of the government's interests
at the siege oi Wounded Knee, S.D.
Federal agents were sent to the In-
dian reservation after militants seiz-
ed control of the tribal government,
Hagman recalled.
When Hagman assumed com-
mand of the U.S. marshals. Border
Patrol officers and FBI agents at
Wounded Knee, the situation was
dangerously out oi control.
Within three weeks, the attorney
managed to ease the crisis
Mrs. Hagman attributes her hus-
band's use of effective strategy at
Wounded Knee to the influence of
the late Ben Hagman, his lather.
The father was a longtime
Weatherford attorney who achieved
the rank oi lieutenant colonel in
World War 11, but declined further
promotion because he wanted to re-
main in the field with his troops.
Larry is Ben's son bv his marriage
to actress and singer Marv Martin, a
Weatherford native. Gary's mother
is Juanita Hagman.
The attorney recalled that the on-
ly explanation he ever heard of his
father's divorce from Mary Martin
reflected the Ben Hagman ego.
"1 am told, and have no reason to
doubt it. that one oi his clients
referred to him as 'Mary Martin's
husband " the son said. "That
tore it for him. He just was not the
sort of man whose ego would allow
him to be known as anybody's hus-
But despite the senior Hagman's
conflict of conscience with his first
wife's career, there apparently was
no bitterness between them.
Farry remained in his father's
household until he finished high
school and then began seeking his
own career.
Gary Hagman said that during
those early years, his relationship
with his brother was usual, in-
cluding the normal disdain on
1 arry's part for a tag-along little
brother, and his own big-brother
admiration for Larry.
But once, the lawyer recalled, he
went home from school with a black
eye, causing the father to decide the
time had come for his youngest off-
spring to learn self-defense. He
delegated the teaching to Larry.
Larry laced on boxing gloves and
began the first lesson.
"He really enjoyed it, 1 suspect
said Hagman. "After all, it's not
every day you get a chance to beat
the daylights out of a pesky little
brother with your father's ap-
Years later, the younger Hagman
inadvertently evened the score.
During a quail hunt, he acciden-
tally pelted his brother with bird-
shot. Fortunately, the brunt oi the
charge missed the actor.
"I'm really glad it didn't hurt
him Gary said with a chuckle, ad-
ding, "But 1 guess that makes me
the guy who really did shoot J.R.
Ewing, after all
Continued from page 5
Hamlet in an 1899 London perfor-
mance, added the stage business of
knocking the heads of Rosencrantz
and Guildenstern together and kick-
ing Polonius in the shins; and the
fabled Eva LeGallienne who ap-
peared as Hamlet as recently as the
1930s. Since then and despite the
modern feminist movement, no ac-
complished female interpreter of
Shakespearean heroes has emerged.
Dora Keen in 1912 was the first
person to climb the
16,390- toot -high Mt. Blackburn in
Alaska. She survived snowstorms,
avalanches and temperatures in the
90s during the day and minus 60 at
Nancy Wake, an Australian jour-
nalist, joined the resistance move-
ment after the fall of France in
World War IF Under the name Lu-
cienne Carlier, she was trained in
Britain and parachuted back into
France, where her exploits included
the sabotage of prearranged targets
on D-Day.
Women warriors were not un-
common among the American
Plains Indians. Woman Chief was
legendary among the Crow. She
rode and hunted as well as or better
than any man. She led many war
parties against the Blackfeet, and
her bravery won her a place in the
council of chiefs of the tribe as well
as her title of Woman Chief, which
had never before been awarded a
More than 100 women are among
the nation's 33,000 commercial
airline pilots. They include Jill
Brown of Texas International
Airlines, who is the only black, and
Emily Warner of Frontier Airlines,
who is the only female pilot to
achieve the rank of captain. So far.
This 500-page work contains a
great deal more on the fascinating
subject of woman's work and play.
Female murderers, con artists, ty-
coons, explorers, inventors, scien-
tists, political figures, ahtletes and
more are chronicled.
Cafeterias Remembered
Vegetable Recipes
Continued from page 5
sharp cheddar cheese. Bake at 325?
tor forty-five minutes. Cool slightly
before serving.
a pan combine one can of fingerling
carrots, one tablespoon butter, one
teaspoon salt and one generous
tablespoon brown sugar. Bring to a
boil, then simmer for approximately
five minutes.
Boil six peeled medium sized onions
in a large amount of salted water,
uncovered, for twenty to forty
minutes, until tender. In a greased
casserole dish, arrange the onions,
one-half cup diced, cooked celery,
and one-half cup peas in layers. Cut
two hard-cooked eggs in halt
lengthwise and arrange on top. Pour
one cup undiluted cheese soup over
vegetables; sprinkle with one-fourth
cup bread crumbs and a dash of
t-miurrN t dilor
My sixth grade class was the last
one to eat lunch, so we got free lef-
tovers if we wanted them. I never
was crazy about cold soup and fried
chicken backs, so I usually didn't
take advantage of the offers.
There were some guys with
unbelievable appetites in my class,
though. Two or three could eat a
lunch, an extra sandwich, two ice
cream sandwiches and three
chocolate milks, and then enter a
vegetable soup-eating contest. One
guy ate six bowls of the stuff and
survived, although he was one sick
kid during the afternoon.
After the eating contests were
over, it would be time to leave. The
relatively simple process of dropp-
ing the milk, napkins and silver in a
trash can and handing the plate to
the lady behind the counter was in
reality a dangerous time, if you were
a plate. 1 think I must have broken
paprika. Bake at 375? twenty-five to fjfty pales while I was in elementary
thirty minutes, or until browned. school. We were supposed to pay
fifty cents for each one we broke,
but they never really made me pav
for them.
Some people even managed to
break trays somehow. I forget what
they cost.
After breaking the plates and
throwing away the food, the only
thing left is for some lucky guys to
get the privilage of taking out the
trashcans full of milk cartons. Dum-
ping milk cartons into a Dempsey
dumpster isn't now my idea of a
thrill, but in the sixth grade it was
quite an honor to be entrusted with
tnat task.
I went back to visi, my old
elementary school one Saturday
afternoon a couple of years ago.
The cafeteria was still there, but it
was no longer the gigantic, caver-
nous chamber that I remembered.
The whole school, in fact, seemed to
be about half as large as 1
rmembered it. One thing was the
same, though ? the cafeteria still
had that same aroma of damp,
lukewarm vegetables lingering on.
i.rv. ih. ittr,
? fTHxst.
Volume 1
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It's Free ? There is no obligation
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i sl v Ki l IMN
Gish: State Of Film
Today Is Abhorrent
l ft I H.i
Gish, hei 103rd film
halt a dozen new i
sideration, is on 'In-
to resui red an
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d violen
v i - ii K i w
'A .1
e turn ran
?If. so cra ? BS
naii a c nance iv i
"1 think film;
babyhood, i i aw I
hands and knet
challenged man
making as she p
did it take the pi
oi age? I
ting press
the woiId and th
tot than a
"We Mt the t
a li ing I ist ory i
and uc dot
il like ll
Bui M
a bou silei
ant !??c s??"J
?s 1 incoln said, ' ou
hall free and hall slave and we
, killed hundreds ol ihousai
i eel ll pcop
1) d
people in gei
ihe un free.
,1 movie "Now black people will de
I fore a th hat's telling '
ke sense? H
? - er
X . fill
" i ery c
med N? a York's Radi ? M
11;111 f o i e i g h I
leave manees and gave n ' N
mes dish's campaign.
,u ,i ? eat " 1 hat broughi ?
with greal musk and d
v. ia ihey played
mance ovei there? n
ars! 1 '
- I
? l
pen ea
alway s
left behind
Samurai To Invade Hendrix
Bn.IOHN weyli r
? lull tt nil i
ill present a
.a's ??! he S
ms .
Miss G
Griffith Civil Wa
film enrages som
black community
t D. W
from these films. S
i n ma ' :
?6()), s
?r v Q teen. .?
Charles Bi
he Se
?? I he Sevei v-
made li ctoi VI
Kurosawa, and star, 1
Mifunc, are respectively the mosi
and acl ines? !n
1 he Seven San
read king a
lso : is at son
,s highly ei . Yet i
md sensitive,
ificeni seven
n merican w as based
lapanese samurai film need n i be
irpi San: Peckinpa
? . ol violence, " I he V
lunch" (1969), was loosely based
"Ihe Seven Samu also,
zio Leone's "A Fistful
" (1966), a spaghetti western
( lint 1 astwood, was based on
Kurosawa's "Yojimbo" (1960),
r. 1
In Japan. samurai stories are
i the a
Bui Kui osawa w; ?
turth telling I I
film te
mployed swordfighiei
lured by a peasant villag
n from the annual bandii
men range from the heroic, almost
superhuman swordsman Kambei
(Takashi Shimura) to the young,
hero-worshipp c?Ple
Kikuchiyo (Toshiro Mifune), the
most human of them all. The
rs die one by one in battle until
lhe finally defeat the bandits but
Kink Corner
ticir works speak foi
sisiently ii
Jar sti
dint: death, in 'Iksi
in who sa
exchanj '
boai ' 5e
boundaries ai
times oi
Two Weekend Free Flicks:
Thriller 'Dressed To Kill
Plus Late Show 'Let It Be'
John Lemon As He Appears In The Film 'Let It Be
The Student I'nion
and Saturday night
Kilms Committee is presenting .he in the rock documents H II Be ?h,s Friday
at .1:30 P.M. in Mendenha.l Student Center's Hendrix Ihealre.
Special li ih. I mi t ?rott?i?
This Friday and Saturday night in Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center's Hendrix rheatre, fPs
Films committee is presenting Brian De Palma s
critically acclaimed shocker "Dressed wKiUai 5 7,
and 9 p.m. In addition to the regular weekend film, 1 he
Beatles" 1 el li Be" will be shown as a late show ai
11-30 p.m. on both evenings.
Admission is In ID and Activity Card or MS
Membership Card for faculty and staff.
An exhilarating documentary ol the making ol an
alburn by The Beatles, the t.lm concentrates on the
many recording sessions that went into the production
ol the I et It Be album
li offers a unique glimpse into the creative process ol
this world-renowned group as well as the subtle relation-
ships among the individual members.
There is jamming ol old songs and painstaking work
on new ones. In search ol a new direction, he Beatles
play an inspired concert on the root of then 1 ondon of-
fices and create quite a stii in the process.
Brian De Palma's Dressed to Kill has received some
oi the most ecstatic reviews of am American film in
sears New York's David Denby set the pace by call ng
it -the first great American movie of the 80s, and trie
chorus oi praise has been taken up by Pauline Kael in
Ihe New Yorker, Vincent Canby in Ihe New York
Times 1. Hoberman in The Village Voice, .Veronica
Geng in Soho Weekly News, and Stephen Schifi in 1 he
Boxton Phoenix.
Foi me, these reviews are as metricious and depress
ing as the feeble work that has spawned them Such
overreaction is symptomatic of the disintegrating san-
dards that have recently afflicted mainstream film
criticism. , , . n
Examine the allusions to Alfred Hitchcock, IX

Palma's supposed mentor, that ripple
hosannas of Kael. Denby, Geng, and Schifi ln .
comparing the two directors, they imp
is the more profound filmmaker.
l)enb announces that ? en at his nu?? ous,
Hitchcock could not have been as entertaining
nd in then reviews Kael. Geng, and Schifi
Psycho, the movie that Dressed to Kill plunders n
consistently, in wry tones that suggest last is the
masterwork that Hitchcock might have made ii I
been given De Palma's liberating sensibility.
De Pajma has cribbed the transsexual angle from
Psycho, as well as several o his juicier set pieces, such
as the graphic murder oi Kate Millei I ? Dickins
in the elevator and the two shower sequences that begin
and close the film.

I HE t S1 c Koi IN1AN
ik( H i iwi Page 4
Following Sunday Action
Buc Record Now 5-2
ECU'S Mike Sage displays the swing that
helped the Pirates defeat Virginia 14-5 in ae-
lion Sunday. The Bucs lost an earlier com-
pletion came with the C avs before falling to
Connecticut! in a bus day of action.
The last Carolina baseball team
saw its record go to 5-2 following a
wild day of action Sunday, in which
it played two complete games and
part of another.
I he first contest was a completion
Oi a game started Saturday with
Virginia, that was stopped due to
I he Hues and Cavaliers com-
pleted eight innings Saturday with
he UVa leading 6-5. Both teams
went scoreless in Sunday's ninth in-
ning as the Pirates absorbed their
first loss of the season.
ECU quickly turned the tide on
Virginia, though, coming right back
to take a 14-5 win in Sunday's se-
cond game.
The Hues rapped out 17 hits en
route to victory number five.
ECU scored all the runs it needed
in the second inning, tallying six.
Singles bv Charlie Waynick and
Mike Sorrell scored T'od'd Henley
and Charlie Smith, who had both
drawn walks. An error by Cavalier
left tickler Don Meeks allowed
Waynick to score.
John Hallow then singled to score
Kelly Robinette, who had reached
base on a fielder's choice. Sorrell
scored on a double steal b he and
Hallow before I odd Evans singled
in Hallow for the six and final run
of the inning.
Virginia struck hack in the fourth
with four runs to cut the lead to two
before the Hues build the lead back
to four with two runs in the bottom
of the fifth,
Virginia scored its only other run
in the sixth, while ECU picked up
three in the seventh and one in the
Sorrell paced the Hues with lour
hits, including one double and two
RHI's. Mark Meleski paced the
Cavs with a two-tor-four showing,
including a a home run and two
Rick Raniev picked up the win tor
the Hues, his second of the season.
f hings did not go as well for IC I
in the day's final contest.
Connecticutt pitcher Kenneth
Brown hurled a tour-hitter to pace
the Huskies to a 3-1 win over the
Pirate Spring Practice Set To Beg
rhe t. rolina football team v ? , , rI -?
bci ?KiM ? this moa exp.ien.e and w,l have con- semester. The pre-spring prospectus .SKTUKKT ? ??? '
Ionn scored single runs in the
second, third and fourth innings
and held ECU to only one in the
ninth as the Huskies gamed their se-
cond win ot the young season.
Ml scored its only run ol the
game in the top oi the ninth. Back-
to back singles bv Mike Wells and
Mike Sorrell, followed by an error
on Huskie first baseman Thomas
( apalbo loaded the bases before
Hue left fielder I odd Evans knocl
in the solo run if the game tor
1 ?( I
Despite the loss II coach Hal
Hand was pleased with his team's
"We played the best game we
played all weekend even though we
lost Hand said. "Their kid just
threw a super game
The Pirates' next game is this
Wednesday when the host tradi-
tional power Clemson on Har-
righton field. Gametime is 3 p.m.
I he Tigers have reached the Col-
legiate World Series for three of the
last four years and present the
Pirates with a major challenge.
1 i is lettermen,
u ters, from las;
I he .pie
Robbins, who is being pushed for
All- i hoi ors bv
w oi
25 ?
W ed
v ! I 1 v. L .
be held on
vs. i ridays
- 'V
old game.
ten si
md linebac kei
backs N
I heod re Suttoi
Jeffrev Wan en.
"We are looking at an extremely
young club this year says Emor
"We have sit few seniors read) to
play and so main others that were
injured last ear that we don reall)
know where thev stand "
Emorj Added that the Bucs were
"definitely in year two of a five-year
1 he second-yeai E 1 mentor
e 1981 club should bt a far
crj from the team thai posted the
first Pirate losing record since Wi
" I his will be a complete!) dif-
ferent type football team than last
year Emory said. "This team has
at K
Lady Pirate Mama (iirven pulls down one of her last col-
legiate rebounds. Ciirven and the ECU squad reached the
regionals before falling to defending national champ ODU
more experience and wil have con-
fidence. I ihmk we will be able to do
more things than last year, par-
iieularilv in our passing game
A most in ml element in the
hopeful 1981 turnaroui d is the
health) recover) of quarterback
Carlton Nelson. ! : ? Poi tsmouth
jumoi missed I yeai
aftei stai ting se en due to a neck in-
jur) thai required surgery.
One membei ol the 1980 Pirate
team thai appears on the pie season
1981 rosier ma) noi be around to
show his wares in Greenville
)i'iii Smith, a 6 2, 252 pound
defensive tackle, appeals ready to
transfer to Auburn. 1 his possible
move has hoc
month and appears ready to
Smith is not in school this
semester. 1 he pre-spring prospectus
put out by ECl Sports Information
says that the Bayboro native will
return in the fall. Smith may have a
suprise in store, though.
I he move to Auburn to reunite
Smith with former ECU head coach
Pal Dve and defen
cc rdin toi
I iank (rgcl. imhh - 1 iow .
be close to both ol these coaches
and. unless sources are wrong, will
join them down south soon.
1 timing to basketball. ECU
sophomore guard Charles W'atkins
received honorable mention status
tor the All-Southern Independent
basketball team.
Wat kins joined the team in
December after receiving his release
Horn the Marine Corps, fie went on
to lead the team in scoring with an
average of just under 13 points per
ECU'S Doug Smith (92) Headed To Auburn
To Defending Champs
Lady Pirates Fall In Regionals
I he 1980-81 season came to a
close foi the 1 adv Pirates of las!
Carolina last ruesda) as the) lost to
the defending national champion
Monarches ol Old Dominion 81-70.
The Pirates were making their first
appearance at the AI AW Region II
Tournament under third-year head
coach Cathy Andruzzi, but were
unable to pull off the upset at ODU
The 1 ady Pirates fell behind bv
21 points three tunes in the first hail
before cutting the margin to 12 at
intermission. 1I lunioi forward
Sam Jones connected on six of 10
field goals tries in the opening stan-
za, with Kath) Rile) contributing
Rilev and tones came out of the
locker room with the hot hands for
the Pirates, as thev quickK cut the
margin lo 45-38 with less than a
minute off the clock. 1 ield goals bv
Jean Walling and Doreen Landolfi
ol ODU put the lead back to double
figures, but the Pirates continued to
hit the clutch shots and keep the
game within reach.
A foul by Suzanne Woolston of
ODU with 2:39 remaining in the
game put Rilev on the line with the
score set at 73-68. I he Pirate senior
fired in both attempts to cut the gap
to three.
Monarch substitute Pam Elliott
sent Rilev to the line again 20
seconds later with her second
peronal of the night, but this time
Rilev tailed to connect on the front
end of a one-and-one.
Janet Davis hit a follow-shot the
build the ODU lead to 75-70 with
1:57 remaining. Aftei that shot, the
I ady Pirates were forced to foul at
every opportunity and the Monar-
ches showed the poise acquired
from two consecutive national titles.
Old Dominion connected on four
of six free throws in the final 1:18
and center Anne Donovan sank a
jump shot with :21 remaining to set
the final 11 point margin.
Donovan ied ODU with 26 points
and 17 rebounds on the night, but
Rilev claimed top offensive honors
with 29 points and 13 rebounds.
Jones poured in 20 points on nine of
17 from the floor and two of three
from the line.
Senior Lydia Rountree grabbed
11 rebounds and point guard 1 aune
Sikes dished out 11 assists for the
1 adv Pirates.
"We were very pleased with the
effort that our kids gave savs An-
druzzi. "We were down by 21 points
in the first half and 12 points at the
half, but we battled back.
"With the fouls on (Marcia)
Girven and (Mary) Denkler, our
kids could have jusi given up she
adds. "Hut they aren't like that.
With our tallest player on the court
at 5-9, we got within three points
with three minutes left. We just
couldn't get a free throw to fall
when we needed it
The Lady Pirates compiled a 23-7
during the 1980-81 campaign, and
Andruzzi hopes the trend carries
over into next season.
"It was absolutely a tremendous
season she savs. "We couldn't
have asked for more from this
group that's onlv been together for
two years. When 1 came here three
years ago, the foal was to build a na-
tionall) recognized program.
"It is a tribute to the dedication
and hard work of the kids and the
people surrounding the program
that we have gotten that recognition
this quickly.
"Credit noi onlv goes to the
team Andruzzi adds, "but to the
school. Our success was a victory
for Fast Carolina athletics.
"Our program is young in terms
of being a power in one of the
toughest regions in the country. We
are just now exposing our teams to
major college basketball. No team
ever played as tough a schedule as
we had this season
Softball Loses 2 Without
Services Of Riley, Others
lakMM SporK Kdilor
Last Carolina's Lady Bucs,
without several of their top players
because of basketball season, cap-
tured third place in the Florida In-
vitational Tournament March 6-7.
The Lady Pirates won their
opener on Friday by defeating
Florida Junior College, 10-1, but
were put into the loser's bracket
when they were beaten by Florida
State 9-2.
The team finished the tourney
with a 5-2 record which was
highlighted by the sluggging of
right fielder Cynthia Shepard who
went 13 for 23 at the plate. The
Sneads Ferry sophomore slammed
tour homers, five doubles and drove
in 11 runs.
Shepard was the only Lady Pirate
to make the All-Tournament team,
but freshman pitcher Jeanette Roth
also sparkled as she posted a 4-1
record at the Gainesville-based
In the opener, second baseman
Ginger Rothermel pounded two
doubles, while short fielder Flea
Williams and center fielder Mitzi
Davis each had one. Shortstop Mary
Powell and Shepard each belted
homers to lead the team past Florida
JC. Roth hurled the win.
In the second game, the Bucs
managed only eight hits in a 9-2
defeat by powerful Florida State.
The Seminoles pounded out IS
The Lady Pirates bounced back in
the third game behind Shepard's
three-run shot to defeat Lake City
9-7. Shepard's blast came in the bot-
tom of the eighth, as the two teams
were tied 6-6 at the end of the
seventh inning.
Infielders Janis Parlon and
Shirley Brown each had doubles in
the extra-inning win.
After the FSU defeat put the
Ladv Pirates into the loser's
bracket, the team put together four
wms to gain the right to play Florida
for a birth in the championship
game. The Gators earned that right,
though, as they ripped ECU 13-0.
Again, hitting was the Pirates'
shortcoming as the team managed
only seven safeties, all singles.
The team opened the day with a
7-1 whipping of Jacksonville, as
Shepard went two for four. The
Lady Bucs pounded out 17 hits and
allowed only four.
Later that day, ECU whalloped
Florida A&M, 17-3. Shepard and
Brown smashed two doubles each as
the Pirates acted like a pinball
machine by scoring 13 runs in the se-
cond inning.
Shepard again led the other Pirate
victory by belting a homer to beat
South Florida 2-1.
Davis, Rothermel and Parlon col-
lected two hits each in the win.
The Lady Bucs travel to N.C.
Wesleyan for a 3:00 date this after-
- - s
I - 1
N ,T

MARCH 1?, 1981
UNC 's Smith Voices Displeasure
EL PASO, rexas
(UPI) ? Dean Smith
has an opinion on most
everything in basketball
and he's not afraid to
voice it.
And considering thai
only one other coach in
history ? UCLA's
John Wooden ? has
had more teams in the
final four. Smith has
paid enough dues to be
able to voice those opi-
But the North
Carolina coach has not
had much o an oppor-
(unity to demonstrate
his skills in the NCAA
tournament recently,
the Tar Heels having
been knocked out in
their first game the pasi
three seasons.
1 his time, though.
Smith's club made it
past the first round and
will tackle Utah on the
Utcs' home floor next
Ihursdav night in the
West Regional
As the Tar Heels
were going about their
74-57 victory over Pitt-
sburgh last weekend,
the North Carolina
coach showed wh) he is
known as one of the
most thorough practi-
tioners in the sport.
I he 1 ar Heels found
themselves behind early
against Pittsburgh on
Sunday, 8-0, and Smith
was 'hinking in terms
of a time out. He knew
that a time out was
about due from the
television people. In
fact, he thought it was
Smith jumped out of
his chair, walked a few
feet to the end of the
scorer's table and yell-
ed at a television liason
man who had a headset
covering his ears.
"It's time for a
television time out
Smith called out. The
man with the headset
did not respond, having
not heard the coach.
So Smith reached
over, pulled the ear-
piece away from the
man's left ear and yell-
ed again:
"Where's the televi-
sion time out
Moments later the
time out was called and
the commercials began.
After the time out
North Carolina
outscored Pittsburgh,
Later in the first half
Smith again came out
of his seat and called
out to the NCAA
representative sitting at
"The ball's too slick.
We need another ball
Dutifully, the tour-
nament director walked
back into the ramp
leading to the dressing
rooms and quickly
returned with an older
basketball ? one that
was not as slippery as
the new ball being used
in the game.
At the next time out
the director took the
ball out onto the court
and handed it to one of
the game officials.
Since the game had
already started it was
up to the officials to
change the ball and
they had to get both
coaches' approval to do
Pittsburgh coach
Roy Chipman, not car-
ing to have Smith gain
a possible
psychological edge,
refused to give his per-
mission and the new
ball stayed in play.
"Every year Smith
said after the game.
"they tell us that they
are going to make sure
we have an old ball for
the tournament games
and every year there is a
foulup. They said the
ball we were using had
been used for three
weeks, but that isn't
Smith's club easily
avoided the wave of
upsets that struck the
NCAA tournament
during the second
round. But he said he
wasn't sure the first-
round bye given the
alleged top 16 teams in
the tourney was such a
good idea.
"1 think everybody
ought to play the first
round Smith said.
"Having a bye is not
always a plus. Lirst ol
all the teams that didn't
get the bye are mad
because they didn't.
And second, those
teams have already had
a game to get the feel ol
the tournament.
"The tournament
committee does a better
job every year. But I'd
like to see 64 teams
come to the tourna-
ment. The NC AA is so
well-balanced now that
it makes sense. And
with the current
Devils Down Alabama, 75-70
Dennard, Taylor Lead Duke
Kenny Dennard and
Vince Taylor, major
parts of the Duke of-
tense throughout the
season, got help from
Jim Suddath, a senior
sub playing the best
game of his career, as
Duke downed Alabama
75-70 in second round
National Invitation
Tournament plaj Mon-
day .
Duke was playing
without Gene Banks,
the leading scorer in ihe
Atlantic Coast Con-
ference. Banks, who
fractured his wrist in a
first round ictor over
North Carolina A&T
last week, sat on the
sidelines, attired in a
tuxedo, cheering the
Blue Devils to their
Pth win against 12
Dennard got 23
points, while Taylor
finished the night with
17. But it was Suddath,
who sat on the bench
most of the season,
who provided the spark
when the Blue Devils
needed it. Suddath
finished the night with
16 points, the best
showing of his col-
legiate career.
Alabama, winch
finished its season at
18-11, was led by Eddie
Phillips' 28 points. Ed-
die Adams had 14 for
the Crimson Tide.
The game was tied
36-36 following a first
half in which the lead
changed hands seven
times. Alabama could
only get to a five point
lead and Duke could
only widen its lead to
three points during the
opening period.
The Blue Devils
outscored Alabama 9-2
in the opening minutes
of the second half, with
Taylor first made a
basket to pull the Duke
lead to four, 68-64, and
then Tom Emma, the
ACC's leading free
thrower sank three free
throws to pull the lead
to seven points, 71-64
with 1:01 to play.
Those were Emma's
only points of the
Suddath hit both
Pirates Tie Wake Forest
A t Iron Duke Golf Classic
Suddath getting four ends of an one-and-one
The Last Carolina
golf team finished in an
llth-place tie in the
Iron Duke Golf Classic
in Durham this past
The Pirates posted a
54-hole score of 1181,
good enough to tie
them for 11th with
traditional power Wake
Forest in the 22-team
field. N.CState won the
eventwith an 1122
total.Clemson and
Dukefinished second
and third with respec-
live scores of 1 129 and
ding 228 and 22 totals,
"The Duke course
played tough because
of the weather condi-
tions said ECU coach
Bob Helmick. "No one
played reallv well for
us. We should be doing
better but considering
the cold and high
winds, I 'in satisfied
1 ess than a week
before the completion
o f the 1 r o n D u k e
tourney the Bucs finish-
ed play m the first an-
nual last Carolina In-
Duke won the event
with a 36-hole score of
761 on Grecnv ille's
Brook Valley Country
Club course.
Blue Devil Boiling
preceded his runnerup
finish in Durham by
taking individual
honors in the ECU
event with a score of
The Pirates finished
fourth in the 12-team
field with a 782. State
and North Carolina
finished second and
third with scores of 769
and 775, respectivelv.
LCL"s Jones and
Carl Beaman finished
tied for seventh in-
dividually, carding
The Bucs take part
this week in the lur-
man Intercollegiate In-
vitational in Greenville,
S.C. The event gets
underway on Thursday
and winds down on
Also competing in
the 34-team field are
such powers as LSU,
Alabama, Florida
State, Duke, UNC.
Wake and Clemson.
points and Taylor
three, as Duke went
ahead 45-38.
Duke, which has had
its trouble from the free
throw line throughout
the season, also had its
shakey moments Mon-
day night but made the
tree throws when it
needed them. Leading
by three. 61-58. with
about three minutes to
go, Taylor sank three
free throws to push the
Duke lead to 64-58.
The Crimson Tide
managed to pull within
two points, 66-64, but
the Blue Devils cut
short the rally.
combination with 50
seconds to go and the
Blue Devils had clinch-
ed the victory. For the
night, Duke was 25-35
from the free throw
Alabama sophomore
Mike Davis, from
Fayett, Ala was in-
jured about a third of
the way through the se-
cond half when he
came down on his head
fighting for a rebound.
Davis was taken from
Cameron Indoor
Stadium on a stretcher
and was being examin-
ed late Monday at
Duke Medical Center.
Clem son's Larrv
Penley carded a 215
three-day total to win
the individual honors,
outdualing Duke's
Charlie Boiling in a
playoff after the two
had finished the regula-
tion 54 holes even.
Steve Jones and Don
Gafner were the top
two ECU finishers, car-
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The East Carolinian
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eligibility requirements
the way they are you
see more players com-
ing into the NCAA.
The NAIA teams and
junior college teams are
not as good as they us-
ed to be.
"And I'd like to sec
something done about
the home court-
advantage in the first
round. I don't knou it
loua should have had
to open up against
Wichita on Wichita's
home court
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I HI I M K man
MK H 17, IVM
Swimming Begins
Sw mi Meet
1 lie ECU Intramural Sunn Meet began
with a splash on Wednesday, Feb. 2 at
Minges Coliseum. The meet saw some ex
cellent exhibitions ol expert swimming with
new intramural records being set in nearly
every event.
In the men's team competition the Scott
Tide defeated The Greatful Heads by only a
2 pt. margin. I wool the outstanding men's
swimmers included Mark Medei ol the Tide
who set 3 new individual records in the 50
yd. freestyle, 50 yd. breaststroke, and the
100 yd. freestyle along with Eric Stevens ol
the Greatful Heads who won individual
awards in the 100 yd. medics and 50 yd but
In the women's competition. The Greatful
Heads mined in several superior perfor-
mances in both the individual and team
events. Ihe "Heads" used these efforts to
win the team competition, easily out-
distancing The 1 ? Tornadoes b a margin
of 22 pis. eading the way foi the "Heads"
was I tsa v hakavian who won 2 events set-
ting records in both the 50 vd. freestyle and
MX) vd. breaststroke. Nan George of the
"Tornadoes" turned in excellent perfor-
mances to set 3 new records in the UK) vd. in-
dividual medley, 100 vd. butterfly, and the
KH) vd. freestyle.
Ihe top teams in both the men's and
sen's divisions finished as follows:
MI N's
2 GR1 1 II 1 HI l)s
4 I MBI)A c HI 1 I'll
2 1 VI IK lOKN 1)()1 S
5-GREA1 Will 11 SHARKS
IM Sports 'N' Shorts
tiy Dwayne (rooms
(j'regg Melton
Some othei individual winners in both the
men's and women's competition included;
Beth Ballantine of the "Heads" who won
the 1(X) vd. butterfly, Debbie Churchill of
the " 1 ornadoes a win net in the 50 vd. but-
terfly, and Beth Carroll ol Alpha Xi Delta
who won the 50 yd. backstroke. Also, winn
ing were Dave Smith of I ambda Chi Alpha
in the men's 50 yd. backstroke, Alex Schatz
of the "Heads" winning the KH) yd.
backstroke, and lames Vanroy winning the
KH) vd. butterfly.
I hanks io the cooperation and spirit of all
the competitors there were 10 new records
set m the women's competition and 7 new
records established in the men's division.
C ongratulations go to all the participants
who helped make the swim meet a successful
and special congratulations go to all those
who set new swimming records.
I he I1 IM Dept. would like to extend a
special thanks to Grad. sst. I erne Houck
who primarily organized the swim meet. She
spent countless hours and devoted much of
her energy into making the swim meet a suc-
cess, "his was the largest meet of its kind
ever at 1 C 1 and a !arge part of the credit
goes to rerrie and the entire student stafl of
IM woi kers.
Thinclads Defeated
At Championships
B W1I 1 11
V - I- t ittlOl
last v In-
door I rak i earn look
trip to Detroit tl
past weekend tor the
N A A Champion-
ships, and the Bucs'
mile relay ? vas
p ' - mt me
tet like they
did las season.
ust wasn't to be.
Bill Carson's
squad finished 1Mb out
ol 21 teams in the com-
petition won by Seton
Hall with a time ol
3:15.91 rennessee
claimed second, follow-
by How aid and
Kansas. N.C. Stale
finished tilth in the
I he Bucs' mile relay
squad ol c raig Rainey.
Ray Dicker son. Clint
Hanis andarlton Bell
turned in a time of
3 20.10.
"We Lad a great oy-
Lady Pirate
Netters Open
1 ast c arolina's
men's tennis team
opens its 1981 season
I ndav ai I N
V ilmington.
I ed bv returnees
revs. Debora
? ristine, Hannah
dams jnd I aura Red-
tord, the I adv netters
t ace an 11 -match
season against strong
Division II teams such
as Davidson college.
High Pini c ollege,
and Guilford College.
I hey w ill also compete
against Division I
teams N.C. State and
"I feel it is extremely
motivating and
challenging to compete
against one oi two
t e a m s thai ha e
demonstrated strong
programs says t;
v ear head coach
c aroline Brow n. "It
pi ov ides an opportuni-
ty tor talent and pro-
gram assessment
Rounding out the
Pirate team are
transfers Iracev
I ubank and Carmen
Greene, and freshmen
Christine DeSantis and
Kellie Adair.
Alter intense winter
training the 19N1 team
is looking tor a sue
cessful spring season.
portunity ou! there
because some ol the
stronger teams were
tailing behind early
C arson said. "I can't
fault the kids, though.
I hey tried hard
I he Pirates had to do
wit hour the services of
Charlie Wat kins, who
was sick, and I mi
Sephas, who didn't run
because ol a knee in-
jury .
"We fell behind on
the lead-ott leg Car-
son remarked, "and
you ins; can't play
catch-up in that type ol
"It seems that's the
way it has been all
season. I'm glad our
freshmen got the ex-
perience, though
C raig Rainey ran a
lead-off leg of 50.5.
toll o w ed by Ray
Dickerson at 50.8,
Clint Harris a: 51.0 and
Ail-American Cariton
Bell ran an anchor lee
ot 49.6.
Ihe mile relav was
the only event Car-
son's team participated
m at the meet because
thai was the only event
they qualified in for the
championships. The
Bucs did iusi thai at the
I ast Chance Invita-
tional in Murfreesboro.
IN. March 7.
1 he squad, headed
bv Beil who ran a 49
anchor leg that was
good enough for se-
cond place, turned in a
time of 3:13.94. Rainey
also turned in a good
performance with a
48.08, as did Dickerson
who had a 48.09 and
Sephas at 48 flat.
Carson has high
hopes tor the outdoor
season which begins
March 21 when the
team participates in the
Domino's Sunshine
Relays s for his
team's performance in
Detroit, Carson wasn't
too disappointed. "Our
team was there he
says simply, "and there
were a whole lot of
teams that weren't.
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Lady Bucs Capture Third
B (-AM)I('K
Mall Wnlrr
last Carolina's
women's gymnastics
team, competing tor
the last time, eaptured
third place in the Divi-
sion II A1AW Regional
Championships held
Friday at Western
Ihe ECU program
was recently terminated
by athletic director Ken
Defending champion
William A Mary claim
ed first place with 127.3
points, followed bv
1 ongw ood College
with 122.4. E( I nar-
rowly defeated host
team Western, scoring
IrK.K to Western's
118.5. Human tinished
last with KM).2.
ECU's third place
was two steps above
then previous year's
tilth-place finish.
Louise Matt hew s
placed third on the
vault, -coring an N.h.
Joanie i ord claimed
sixth with an 8.3. I wo
other ECU gymnasts,
Wendy Meyer and
Kathy McNerny also
performed well, scoring
9 and 8.15, respec
Ihtee Pirate gym-
nasts placed in the top
six on the uneven bars.
Jennifer Hell captured
third with a 7.8 and
Nan George took
fourth with a 7.65.
Meyer finished sixth
with a 45. Claudia
Hauck, competing tor
the first time following
an ankle injury, scored
I 1 3 Grande Aw.
758 1228
Qualitv Repair
J kjONlkt ? " ?em?-er
? ? 0C? ???? ?? -? :
J Jiix'v Puttmtv ?.?
a 6.X.
Bell was high scorer
for ICC on the beam,
receiving a 6.85.
Elizabeth Jackson, still
recovering from a
dislocated elbow, per-
formed her entire
routine using just one
arm. She did a n
outstanding job, tia
ing no bobbles or falls.
Jackson, along with
McNerny and Cieorge,
received a 6.75.
Ford led the team m
'he floor exercise, scor-
ing a 7.7. Bell also per-
formed well, receiving
a 7.65 for her routine.
Matthews and Annie
floor exercise thai were
scored low said E I
coach Jon Rose. "We
had a tough time on the
bars, having some bob
bles that we were unac
customed to having.
Overall, however, I'm
pleased with the way we
I o e s c h k ealso con-
tributedfine perfor-
mances.scoring 6.8
and 6.7.
" Therewere some
beaut it tilroutines on
the beamand in the
did up here ana over
the season? ?
ECU Eight Claim A-A Status
Mill W till I
1 t I Men's and
Women's swim teams
have concluded their
seasons with eight
women gaining All
America status.
As tot the men. Jack
C lower came closest to
qualitv ing for the
NCAA Nationals as he
missed by tour-tenths
ol a second in the
100-yard butterfly even
though he broke the
varsity record in the
Eastei n Intercollegiate
Ihe men did finish
sixth out of sixteen
teams in the meet held
March 5-7 at lev eland
State. Ian Wikland
finished third in the
OO-yard freestyle to Me
C lower lor the Pirates'
top finish.
"Considering the
strength of the men's
team, I thought we
finished strong and did
okav overall. We won
the Seahawk Invita-
tional near the end,and
broke two varsitv
records and three
t t e s h m a n
im w??? or
Drt9?ny toi. Wrlf cor
trol, and problem prt?nn
cy covnting for tvrttwr
mtor?liofi c?ll ?Jj 0S13
(toll ' fru nvmhor
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East Carolina
Pirate Calendar
will be taking applications
for Male Models, Sunday,
March 21st, from 3:00-5:00
p.m. at the Elbo Room.
Please Bring Photograph
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?rdsnoted ? ?a
"As for the girls, we
?K-d mine point; m
the nationals than we
cer have, with some
people having outstan-
ding performances
( arol Shack let I led
the way in the All-
rnerica parade foi the
1 ad Pirate tie
broke varsity records in
the 50-yard butterfly
and the 100-yard
dividual medley
finishing 12th and
respectively Sally (
lins finished 6th in I
2K yard I hile
ti ity
I. D o r d i
me in
America - sre
Julie Male ln I ammy
I' ? im, ter
laves, Moria McH
and I ori 1 :Q
and is ' iod
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The East Carolinian, March 17, 1981
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 17, 1981
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