The East Carolinian, March 03, 1981

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She lEaat Carolinian
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
12 Pages
Tuesday, March 3, 1981
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 10.000
Work Study Allocation
Exhausted For Year
ilways been the policy of
i Cat lina to overcommit funds
at the beginning ol the year. It has
) worked well
this yeai that is.
unds foi ECU's work study pro-
have been exhausted for the
remaindei ot the fiscal year, accor-
ding to Director Robert Boudreaux.
V a result main students in the
program have been left without any
source of income for the rest ot the
-1 won't have an) rent mone) for
pi said 1 ori Johnson, a work
stud ident. "1 don't know where
it'll come from
Boudreaux said that the problem
arose thi yeai when more than the
cipated number of students ac
cepted assignments. He added that
dents had also worked more ol
their allocated hours than is usual.
"We overcommitted our funds by
10 percent this year,
" 1 his figure is based on
i we collect each year
Boudreaux felt that the figures
did not hold up this year in part
ius oi the economy. "With
s he way the) are students are
re likely to accept whatever we
.e them
Notice was given Thursday that
work stud) would be ended as ol
Sunday, and many students com
plained that the) should have been
civ en more warning.
"The one-day notice was the
worst thing I've seen in my life
said Jerrx Bailey, who works at
Mendenhall. "I would call it gross
According to Boudreaux,
students were not notified earlier in
order to avoid a rush to use up the
avialable funds.
"If we had put word out earlier
students would have worked more
and used up the tunds even earlier.
"We could have limited everyone to
five hours per week, but that way
the truly needy students might have
had to drop out because of a lack ol
money. This way we hope to keep
everyone in school
Boudreaux said that his firs! con-
cern is for the students. "We need
the cooperation of the students on
this he said.
"We're taking an inventory ol
funds right now. We hope to be able
to give loans to the neediest
He noted that loans could come
from several sources, but that most
would probably come from the
ECU loan fund.
Other sources of aid may also be
available to work study students
through the Self help program.
Boudreaux said. .
Sell help is a program run with
university funds that employs
students part time. Boudreaux ex-
plained that each division oi the
universit) is annually allocated a
certain amount of money to employ
students through this program.
Boudreaux hoped thai these
funds could be used to continue the
employment of some work study
As of Monday about 170 work
study students had been placed in
self help .jobs. Boudreaux indicated
that these students would probably
not be able to work as many hours
as they had on work study.
He said that 651 students were on
the work study payroll submitted
last week and that work study usual-
ly employed between 825 and 850
students each year.
Eighty percent oi the funding for
work study comes from the federal
government and 20 percent from the
Both funds arc allocated at the
same time and therefore, Boudreaux
said, run out simultaneously. ECU's
allocation from the federal govern-
ment was $536,000 this year.
"Everything that could possibly
have gone wrong did he said.
"We didn't receive the supplemen-
tal allocation that we usually do.
Boudreaux said that though this
had never happened before in his 15
years at ECU, such shortages were
not unheard of.
"This has happened at a numbei
of other schools that 1 know of
Boudreaux said that he did not
think that the shortage would
See WORK, Page 3

Work Study students hear the bad news. Funds for the program have been exhausted, leading to its termination tor
the remainder of the school year.
Service Held For Slain Children
In Sexual Harassment Cases
Study Says Punishment Lacking
((PS) � Professors who sexually
iss students usually aren't
punished very severely by their
schools, if the) arc punished at all.
according to various observers who
track collegiate sexual harassment
Indeed, Bernice Sandier of the
Association of American College's
Women's Project says that the one-
month suspension imposed two
weeks ago by the Slate Universit) ol
ew York-Geneseo on a professor
who had "improper physical con-
tact" with a student is onlv the
fourth known punishment ol an)
kind handed out in college sexual
harassment cases in the last three
Sandier admits she "wouldn't be
surprised" if more schools have
dispensed reprimands, but says she
doesn't know of any because
"schools don't like to publicise this
sort of thing
At Geneseo, an outside arbitrator
ruled that sociology professor
Vakahn Dadrian had acted in an
"unprofessional manner" when he
tried to kiss one of his students, ask-
ed her about her sex life, and once
"physically detained" her in a
hallwav. Though three other women
have accused Dadrian of similar
behavior toward them, only one
case was considered.
Dadrian was suspended for a
In the reported, proven cases of
campus sexual harassment, light
sentences seem to be the rule.
A year ago, Harvard issued a
"formal letter of reprimand" to one
of its professors, whom a student
accused of trying to kiss her.
In December, 1979, University of
California-Berkeley administrators
suspended sociology professor
Elbaki Hermassi for one quarter
without pav after several women fil-
ed harassment charges against him.
Hermassi's suspension, which was
imposed during a quarter when he
was on leave and not getting full
pay, cost the professor an estimated
MaH V nler
More than 2(K) people gathered in
front of the But Count) Courthouse
Sunday for a "MemorialConcern
Service I he service was held foi
the families oi the 21 black children
who have been reported killed or
missing in Atlanta, da.
Songs, prayers, speeches, and oc-
casional tears were a part oi the
service which began at 9 a.m.
Donovan Phillips, who served as
master of ceremonies said. "We are
concerned about the families oi the
children in Atlanta. Tins is not a
racial issue but a national issue. We
want to bring back the strength oi
unity that we once had
The service included speakers
from Greenville and Pitt Count)
organizations who expressed con-
cern for the Atlanta families.
Among the Voices oi Concern was
Calvin C. Henderson of the Pitt
County Branch oi the N.A.A.C.P.
"We want the mothers and
fathers oi the children to know that
we are with them he said. "We
think it is good tor the people to be
concerned. We believe thai the peo-
ple ot Pitt Count) 'nave shown a
great deal of support
Also among the Voices o! Con-
cern was the Rev. Arlee Griffin, Jr.
He said that prayer was the best sup-
port that could be offered tor the
bereaved families.
"The time is for us to seek God
on behalf oi those who have been
huri in Allania said Griffin. "We
can support them spiritually, finan-
cially, and most of all, when we
can't do anything else, we can sup-
port them prayerfull)
Betsv 1 each ol the But Count)
Young Democrats said. "The
children are innocent, helpless, and
vulnerable. I ask that the 21 children
be a reminder in Greenville for the
safet) ot our children
Blue ribbons were worn bv per-
sons witnessing the service to svin
bolize their concern for the children.
Mar) B. Williams, who aided in the
planning ot the service, explained
the significance i ' e i ns.
"Blue is nationally km
color ol love. It symbolic.
lso oi ' he p D.
H. Conlev Jr. ROTC which opened
the service wnh the bearing of col-
ors. Music was provided bv the
ECU Gospel Ensemble, flowers
were given b) the Pitt Coir
Florists Association.
Othei Voices ol Concern were
Joyce Daniels ol C oncerned Women
tor Justice, -V C. Speight oi the
Eastern N.C Blacl S s al Workers,
and Jesse Harris oi the Human
Relations Council. Speakers from
the Greenville Ministerial Alliance,
the Mayor of Simpson i and
parents were also on the program.
I he program was organized bv
the Pitt Count) Black ssembl)
(PCBA) and the Pitt Count) Br.
of the Southern Christian leader-
ship Conference (S.( 1 .( .).
Professor Suspended
In Harassment Case
(CPS)�Administrators at the State
Universit) o New York-Geneseo
have suspended a sociology pro-
fessor for one month alter an out -
side arbitrator determined the pro-
fessor was guiltv ol sexuallv harass-
ing one oi his students.
According to the arbitrator, Pro-
fessor Vakahn Dadrian came into
"impropei physical contact" last
yeai with a student when Dadrian
tried to hug and kiss her in his oi
fice, and was "acting in an un-
professional manner" when he ask-
ed about the woman's sex life.
The woman, onlv one oi tour
who charged Dadrian with sexual
harassment, also claimed the pro-
fessor later "physically detained"
iier when he pulled her bv the arm in
a hallwav, and backed her into a
In a 15-page report delivered the
last week oi January, the arbitrator
reprimanded Dadrian for "poor
judgement" and "impulsiveness
The report said the one-month
suspension was appropriate because
Dadrian is from Turkey, and may
therefore not have realized that
physical contact is considered inap-
propriate in certain circumstances,
especially in a "rural" area like
Neither Dadrian nor the ar-
bitrator could be reached for com-
ment by College Press Service, but
Ronald Satryb, the college's
representative in the case as well as
its vice president for student ser-
vices, told the student newspaper
that he also felt the sentence was
"In light of the charges that he
was found guilty (of) Satryb told
the Geneseo Lamron, "it was a fair
But one of the students whose
charges against Dadrian were
dismissed called the decision
"unjust" and the punishment "too
"1 don't think he should be allow-
ed to teach she told the Lamron.
Some Geneseo students didn't
wait for the decision to act against
SGA Candidates Present
Platforms To Voters

Jay Nichols, a write-in, is one of four candidates for SGA vice president. A
total of 12 candidates are running in Wednesday's election.
Nr� � dim
A write-in candidate has an-
nounced that he will run for SGA
v ice president.
Jav Nichols joins Peggy Davison,
Marvin Braxton and Byron Nickens
in seeking the vice presidency.
Said Nichols, "As vice president
mv powers would be limited.
However, mv voice nun be heard
and hopefull) influence some oi the
decisions that affect all the
Nickens said that one ot his mam
goals as vice president would be to
present "a concerned voice which is
needed tor the entire student body,
especially minorities
Braxton said that as vice president
he would try to promote com-
munication between the administra-
tion and the students.
Davison, Speaker ii this year's
legislature, said, "My basic goal if
elected is to make the students
aware of what is going on at ECU
Angela Pepe is opposing incum-
bent Kirk little in the treasurer's
race. 1 hough she has no in-
volved in the SGA before, Pepe
feels hei experience as treasurer ot
Sigma Sigma Sigma s i ril) can
help her if she is elected. "1 I eel the
ireasurei should concentr; run-
ning the business end ot the SGA
and restrict most political opini
io Executive Council -s "
I ittle siressed his experience as a
factor in the election. "I have a(
quired the experience .nut proven
the leadership necessar) to fulfill
office ot treasure!
1 he candidates foi sec retar)
Denise Phthisic and 1 ou Anne
I oibes.
I orbes, a clothinf and textile i
jor, has served on the House Coun-
cil ot Greene Dorm and also as a
resident adviser. "I war to serve
last Carolina I niversit) as a
representative ot you, 'he student
Phthisic has served this vear as a
dorm representative. "Through mv
SGA experiences she said, "1
have gamed a desire to become more
involved with the oigamaiion
Remember To Vote Wednesday

MARCH 3. 1981
Attenlion all fraternities,
sororities, clubs, and other cam
pus organizations
Are you looking tor a social pro
ject for your group? The ECU
Campus Ministers in cooperation
with the ECU Hunger Coalition is
willing to make a presentation to
your group about the 198) Green
ville "Walk tor Humanity"
198) marks the )0�h anniversary
of this famous local event The
community and the univesity have
worked together closely to make
The Walk" a big event in
previous years
The funds we raise have always
been distributed equally to a local
and international hunger relief
proiect Many of Greenville's
citizens have been helped from
this proiect
if this idea appeals to you. give
us a call at 752 4216 or contact any
of the ECU Campus Ministers
Thank you!
trie honor society for
psychology will meet March 4 at
; 15 pm m Sp 129 A represen
tative from the alcoholic
rehabilitation center will speak
AH members and guests are urged
to attend Members are urged to
pick up dinner ratfei tickets in the
Psi Chi library to be sold by the
meeting The drawing will be held
March 4 Applications are now be
ig accepted from psychology ma
iors for Psi Chi They are
available m the psychology office
African Music (MUSC 5476
will be offered Fall 1981 The
course is open, with permission of
instructor to non music students
as well as music students non
music seniors receive General
Education Fine Arts credit and
non music graduate students
receive credit toward free elec
fives The course stresses the
history and geography, society
and culture of Africa, and surveys
African music within this context
Classroom opportunities for per
forming some of the music are in
eluded m the course
Mr Woftord Thomas. UniServ
Director of NCAE, will be given a
slide presentation entitled NCAE
are cordially invited to attend this
presentation Wednesday, March 4,
at 5 00 p.m in Sp 313 The
meeting is sponsored by SNEA
The ECU Fountain of Lite Chris
tian Fellowship is sponsoring a
Revival, March 19 21 beginning at
7 00 p m There is no admission
tee There will be various
speakers and college choirs from
N.c The Revival will be held on
the second floor of the Art Building
in Jenkins Auditorium Everyone
is welcomed Please come just as
you are
Inter Varsity Christian
Fellowship will meet Thursday
mght at 7 30 m the Methodist Stu
dent Center This week we will be
having a sing a long Everyone is
invited to come and sing with us
Registration is now open for a
non credit short course in
photography available at ihe
Mendennall Student Center Crafts
Center This short course is an in
troduction, for beginners, to the
use of a 35 mm single lens reflex
camera The material will cover
the basics of 35 mm photograph
including metering, depth of field,
shutter speeds, filters, electronic
flash and types of film
The five session course will be
held on Tuesday evenings from
7 00 p m until 10 00 p m. March
through April 14. at the crafts
Interested persons must
register m person at the crafts
center during regular operating
hours Monday through Friday
3 00 p m until )0 00 p m , and
Saturday. 12 00 p.m
p m The final day to
Saturday, March 14
space is limited
For more information
757 6611. Ext 271
until 5 00
register is
and class
Once again the Way Campus
Outreach will handle one of the
most wrongly taught fields in the
Bible Learn how to separate truth
from error, and prepare to have
the eyes of your understanding
enlightened Location the lobby
of the sludent supply store March
2 from 8 30 am until 4 30 p m
People learning the Bible, so we
will know the principles of living
the word of God sets forth Then,
as we apply these principles to our
lives, we learn how to help people
help themselves and enjoy life
John 10 10. I Tim 6 17 Join us in
our quest to learn the word of God.
which is the Will of God Feb 26
(Thursday) Rm 212. Mendenhall
Student Center, 12 p m and 7 30
pm Also March 2 (Monday) at
7 30pm and Tuesday. Mar 3 at
12 p m
Dr Moses Attrep. Professor and
Chairman, Department ot
Chemistry at East Texas State
University will present a seminar
on "Recent Developments In
Nuclear Geochemistry and En
vironmentai Arsenic Analyses"
Thursday. Feb. 26. at 5 00 P m in
Rm 201. Flanagan Building
Refreshments will be served in the
conference room at 4 30 p m
Volunteer announcer and or
scoreboard operator lor ail East
Carolina home baseball games
sought by ECU Sports Information
Office Call 757 6491
Phi Beta Lambda will meet at 7
p m in Rawl 103 on Tuesday
March 3 All members should br
ing the money they have from the
tickets they have sold so far The
rest of the money must be turned
in at or before the drawinq on
March 17
Sexual harassment is a
widespread student faculty pro
blem at ECU, atteclmg 33 percent
of the female students A
telephone line is now open to
receive calls from students who
have been offended by unwanted
sexual looks, comments, sugges
lions, or touches from faculty
members If you have been offend
ed. please call Your confidential!
ty is guaranteed Statements will
not be used to file complaints
against faculty members, our pur
pose is to gather information only
The hotline is in operation Mon
Thurs 2 10. Fn Sat 12 4, Sun 4 10.
We need to talk with you Please
call Linda, an ECU student, at
752 3484
Rock Church Student
Fellowship meets every Wednes
day nighl in 238 Mendenhall from
7 00 8 30 All students are
Students preregistenng may
enroll for Fine Arts General
Education credit m Music Ap
preciation (2208) Music ot the
Tneatre (2228 History ot Jazz
Music (2258). Orchestral Music
(2218) African Music (54760) Per
tormance groups accepting many
non muS'C maiors are Marching
Band University Chorale. Men's
Glee Club Women's Chorus,
Women's Glee Club Limited
spaces may exist tor private anc
group lessons on some in
students who have
�so) German
.s : � 'inigf1'
� Ante business
Ih,r, an over 5C German
American com N.i mrt
fl'e look � � ' n I i n 9 u a'
employees on a evn
Fc more information call Dr
It (tier Dept of Foreign
Lang. � -� � - ' � iwatures
The Accounting Society will
tutor accounting 2401 and accoun
ting 2521 every Tuesday and
Wednesday m Rawl 341 from 4 00
Careers tor North Carolina
women interested in science,
mathematics, engineering and
social science are the topic for a
one day workshop at Meredith
College m Raleigh on Saturca�
April 4
Resarch Triangle Institute is
conducting the workshop under a
grant from the National Sc�
Applications should be made as
soon as possible by calling collect
to Research Triangle Instil � '�
staff members Mary Ellen Taylor
at 919 541 6324 or Carol Place at
919 541 4 -
All applicants tor attorn
general should see Dean Malfc �
before March 17 Screenings Will
be held March 17, 3 p m in room
208 Wichard
Anyone desiring to be a
manager tor the baseball t. r'
should conta'
in Seal' ' t �
Expe' .
athlet I
gu'red This
star' in n �
the baseball c "
� housi ai "��' M71
r some 'ype ot
"Ipful but no' '�
i n . - ' a
The School of Art is offennq
seven scholarships for
undergraduate art students of the
iunior and senior rank These
scholarships are m the amount of
S250 00 each and are to be awarded
shortly after the first Of April To
quality a student must have a
qrade point average of 3 5 m art,
and an overall average ot 3 0 In
eluded with the application, there
must be a resume giving
academic awards or other
evidence of scholarly prowess,
and a portfolio of at least five
works lor slides ot the same) A
letter of recommendation from a
SOA faculty member should ac
company the appiation Forms
may be obtained from the
chairpersons of the various
departments application
deadline .s March 31
The international Language
Organization is sponsoring an
Ail You Can Eat" Spaghetti Dm
ner. in the Multi purpose room ot
Mendenhall on Wednesday, March
18 1981 from 5 00 until 7 00 p m
The menu will consist ot Spaghetti
and Meat sauce tossed salad,
bread, tea coffee, pepsi and
desser' Tukets are J2 50 per per
son (including children) and can
be purchased at the Central Ticket
OtlK" in Mendenhall, the Foreign
Language Lounge! BA 430). or
� � n anv member of ilO. from
v � March 6 There are a
irnoun' of tcckets so pur
� For further inK �� �
� � � -S232
A mandatory meeting of the
North Carolina Student Legisla
tion will be held on Tues March 3
at 7.00 p.m in Mendennall student
center Every member should be
there to help plan for the session in
March Also bill books can be pick
ed up at this time
The Foreign & Domestic
Teachers Organization needs
teacher applicants m all field from
kindergarten through college to
fill over five hundred teaching
vacancies both at home and
Since 1968, our organization has
been finding vacancies and
locating teachers both m foreign
countries and in all fifty states We
possess hundreds of current open
mgs and have ail the information
as to scholarships, grants and
Our information and brochure
are free and comes at an oppor
tune time when there are more
teachers than teaching positions
Should you wish additional mtor
mation about our organization,
you may write the Portland
Oregon Better Business Bureau or
the National Teacher's Placement'
TEACHERS. Box 5231. Portland.
Oregon 97208
We do not promise every
graduale in the field of education a
defmate position, however, we do
promise to provide them with a
wide range of hundreds of current
vacancy notices both at home and
Phi Eta Sigma will meet on
Thursday, March 5 at 5 00 p m in
rm 221 Mendenhall Topic for the
meeting wili be nomination of ot
The ECU Crcle K service
organization will hold
meeting Tues March
p m m BN 102 All
ts weekly
3 at 6 30
students are welcome
I mandatory
all Delta Ze'a big
eefmg i
ton.ght at 8 30 �
house Call JH Button it you
aren't going to be there at 758 8935.
Z 752 9151
Anyone interested in running in
SOULS election contact
Gracie Wells at 752 9802 or Eula
Moore at 752 8981 The deadline is
March I? 198) The positions
available are presidenl vice
president secretary, treasurer.
parliamentarian, and historian
The Co op Of � ' ' " �
tion concerning summer in1.
ships tor both graduate anc
undergraduate students who I
backgrounds ii
Students should rev
descriptions posted outside 3)3
Rav. '� �nd should con
tact the Co op OHic � � �
The General College has chanq
ed some preregistration adv
procedures Students should
Official Announcements No 6 �
No 7 'or information on adv
appointments and on procedure"
for completion of prereoistr4
i , � stance in preparing
� � �� la. etw "s is
.�. � able to Pitt County Tax
� � rrterwise are unable
to afford such service The
� ���Ta� Assistance
, " : � gran s sponsored by
�' � East Carolina Accounting
Society ViTA assistance will be
offered at Mendenhall Student
Center from 4 7 on the following
dates Varchj 9 1)
30 April 1 Taxpayers needing
,e � , � are asked to bring the
tax packagi nailed to them by the
IRS A forms interest
,Tfl �� � �� 'id other pertinent
An Episcopal service of Holy
Communion will be celebrated
Tuesday evening March 3 in the
chapei of the Methodist Student
Center (5th Street across from
Garrett Dorm) The service will
be at 5 30 p m with the Episcopal
Chaplain me Rev Bill Hadden
"Man in the universe A Criti
que of Theology and Ethic s is the
subiect of an address D a Univer
sity of Chicaao theologist at the
March 5 meeting of the Eas1
Carolina University chapter of
Sigma Xi honor society in scien
tific research
The speaker. Dr James M
Gustafson is professor of
teleological ethics at the Universi
ty of Chicago Divinity School
All interested persons are in
vited to attend the meeting w'
will be at 7 p m in the Leo Jenkins
Fine Arts Center Auditorium A
wine and cheese reception for Dr
Gustafon will follow the meet
GG �

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MARCH 3, 198!
May Up
PA (CPS) - Pres.deni
Reagan's proposal to
cut the Guaranteed Stu-
dent I oans (CiSlpro-
gram will lead more
students to default on
theii tederal loans, a
Universit) of Penn-
sylvania researcher
In a draft report on
the possible effects ol
the cutback, Kurl Ken-
d t S wrote the
"eost-cutting plans
which place the entire
burden on the borrowei
will leave a large por-
tion of two million
young people very little
choice but to default, at
least in pan, on then
student loan obliga
The em rent CiSI
default rate is 11 per-
David Stockman,
direetor of the Office
of Management and
Budget, has recom-
mended that federal in-
terest subsidies on
CiSIs be dropped. Un-
til now, the government
has made up the dif-
ference to banks bet-
ween the nine percent
interest they charge
students and the highei
interest rates banks
could gel from loaning
the money to non-
Kenis' report, which
is being actively used by
anti-cut lobbyists in
Washington, D.C
notes that low starling
salaries thai students
get immediately after
graduation generally
make it even harder to
make loan payments,
especially the higher
payments that consumption oi
would result if the 24-yea7olcTleaves" no
Reagan plan ts approv- room for the loan
repayment if interest
has compounded and
It is clear that the accrued over time "
'standard' budget for Kendis wrote
'ECU Today'
Starts Soon
Continue To Go Unreported
Umversity will launch a fcJ?!Z�
series next month of ?� , � bCT
rr Ta.oii� about Mareh II in such
ECU Today pro- citjes charlotte
grams m various c.ties Winston - S a I e m
to report on the univer- Greensboro, Faye
s.ty to prospective teville) Rad , ,
t ontirnu-d From Page 1
$5(KX in pa
s'ii Jose State
I niversity, in the most
forceful recorded
response to faculty-
student sexual harass-
ment, tired associate
philosophy professoi
Phillip Jacklin in
January, 1980 for
"fondling, embracing
and making sexual pro-
positions" to five
female students.
But a National Ad-
visory Council on
Women's Education
Programs survey sug-
gest that, for every in-
stance of punishment,
there are "hundreds"
oi harassment cases
neve; even reported.
For example, a
B e t k e! e s I u d e n t
'Pi W omen
( rganized Againsl Sex-
ual Harassment, sas
that one-quarter ol the
senioi class � over
5000 students - claims
to have been harassed
sometime while pursu-
i n g u n d e r g i a d u a t e
Sandier says
students, often fearing
their reports won't be
believed, do not know
where to complain, and
therefore the teacher is
never charged.
Additionally .
students suspect that
i fair hearing is fai
from likely says
I rank Till, formerl ol
the National Advisor)
"Given the natural
distaste between facult)
and everybod) else on
campus, it's difficult to
believe that facult)
would formal!) inform
against other faculty
Onlj m the last yeai
or two lune colleges
begun to set up
griev a nee procedures
specif icalK foi sexual
Under legal inter-
pretations, Title IX o
the Higher Education
Amendments o' 1972,
schools receiving
federal funds must
establish these pro-
cedures or lose funds.
But Doroth) Gra) ol
the Education Depart-
ment's Office of Civil
Rights sas that setting
up programs hasn't
proven eas) for many
schools, simply because
there are not guidelines
to base them on.
"It's a new area
under the law she
says, and enforcement
and i n v e s i ig a t i on
strategies are still being
developed. "It's not
the type of thing you
come up with instan-
Work Study Ends
( oniintu'd 1 rom Page
adversel) affeci the
an ECU received
I he amount u e
receive has gone up
each year because we
have used up the entire
sum he said. "1 see
no reason for that to
Regarding possible
legal action. Boudreaux
said, "I don't an-
ticipate an) . but there
could well be some
He felt, however.
that students might not
have much of a case.
"Students receive two
things, an award letter
and a letter of introduc-
tion. 1 don't see that
either one constitutes a
"Heck, it it were a
icl there wouldn't
be an problem. I hen
students would have to
accept the job and
wotk their allotment
Because of this yeai'
shortage, Boudreaux
indicated that next
v ear's figures will be
examined "very elose-
l He anticipated
that less ol an overcom-
mitment would be
"But overcommit-
ment is the on!) wa)
that 1 know of to run
such a large financial
aid operation he
Boudreaux said that
some cutback in ser-
vices could be an-
imated as a result, but
he did not know how
extensive thev would
"We won't know un-
til all the figures are
One secretar) who
supervises work study
students said. "Thev
(the students) need the
monev "
taneously � especially
when there are no
guidelines she told
the Higher Education
But once a procedure
is set up, Sandier says it
makes a big difference
in the number of com-
plaints filed. For exam-
ple, she recalls I hat
soon after the president
ol a Washington
university formally
stated i hat
"harassment would not
be tolerated" at the
school, the number o
complaints fell from
four to one at one
school counselor's of-
She says that this is
because once the pro-
fessors know what the
rules are, they'll behave
according to them.
The Fast C'arolii
Published cut, Tuesday and
Thursday during the acane-n.t
year and ev� r. Amesday dur
�no th( summer
The Eas! Carolinian is the ot
newsi .toer of E ast University owned
operated anc published tor and
��� -
Subscription Rates
Business S35 yearly
Ai: others j?5 yeAny
Second class postage paid at
Greenville. N C
The East Carol.n,an offices
are located in the Oia South
Building on the campus of ECU
� . N c
Telephone 757 436. 6367, 630�
students, alumni and
friends of ECU.
Dates of the pro-
grams will be announr-
ington, Norfolk and
Washington, D. C, ac-
cording to Walter
Bortz, ECU Director of
Students enjov some of the unseasonable Harm leather of
reeent weeks.

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March 2, 1S81
Page 4
Work Study
Funds Expire For 651 Students
The WorkStudy Program is no
longer in existence on this campus
until July, 1981. According to
Robert Boudreaux, Director of
ECU's Financial Aid Department,
this is the first time in fifteen years
thai the funds have run out this ear-
ly in the school year.
The university's policy has always
been to over commit in workstudy
funds to incoming students. In past
years, there have always been some
students vho have dropped out of
the program altogether, or not
worked their entire 10 hours a week,
and the funds have extended suffi-
ciently to cover the payroll for the
full year. However, Mr. Boudreaux
feels that because o' the tightening
o the economy, there has been a
higher percentage rate of accepted
work study positions, and a higher
percentage of students working
their full 10 hour weeks.
"Consequently, it caught up with
us he sas.
Most of the students in this pro-
gram are also using other financial
aid monies to pay for their school-
ing, such as grants and long-term
loans. Mr. Boudreaux states that his
department is "searching other
funds, primarily loan funds to
help the students effected by this
problem to maintain their expenses
until the end of the school year.
He also states that, "It would not
be in the interest o the students" to
do away with the present policy.
The percentage o' over-
commitment in the WorkStuck
Program has been reduced from 35
percent to 20 percent for the past
three years, and the policy has
worked effectively until this year.
There was also a $40,000 increase in
the money contributed by the
federal government for this year.
They already contribute 80 percent
of the work study funds, and the
university contributes the additional
20 percent.
But even with the increased
allocation from the government this
year, the money ran short, and Mr.
Boudreaux seems to feel that the
government will not raise its alloca-
tion for next year.
The last payroll for the work
study program included 651
students, and totalled approximate-
ly $90,000 for the one month. Ac-
cording to Mr. Boudreaux, the
students need the money from these
jobs more for educational purposes
now than ever before, rather than
pocket money for the weekends
which seems to have been the case in
past years.
He says that, with the coopera-
tion o the students requesting only
the minimum amount of money that
they actually need to cover ex-
penses, the financial aid department
will be successful in assisting the
students in the work study program
to make it through the rest of this
In the meantime, Mr. Boudreaux
and his department are working to
assure that this lack oi funding does
not occur anain in vears to come.
-Campus Forum
Candidates Endorsed
With tour years of SGA experience
behind me, 1 feel thai there are three
particular candidates who could carry
on the tradition of a strong Student
Government. Russell Overman, Angela
Pepe, and Marvin Braxton have im-
pressed me with their sincerity and desire
to work tor Easl Carolina students. In
having dealt with Russell in the
legislature, I know he is capable of car-
rying out the responsibilities of SCSA
President in a concerned and energetic
manner. Angela has an extensive
background in accounting and finance
and is more concerned about doing a
good job as SGA Treasurer than she is
worrying about petty campus politics.
1 he office of Vice-President is largely a
public relations position in which the of-
ficer musl be able to devote time and ef-
fort in working with students and facul-
ty. Marvin Braxton could carry out this
responsibility best, and 1 know he is en-
thusiastic about the opportunity to pro-
ve this.
Overman, Pepe and Braxton would
represent East Carolina students well;
endorse them with your vote March 4th.
SCiA Vice-President
Throughout m experiences with Kirk
Little, 1 have perceived that he is very
capable of handling the job of Student
Government Association Treasurer.
Kirk has already served a complete
lerm as SCiA treasurer and has the ex-
perience to handle the position. 1 per-
sonally recommend Kirk Little for
S.Ci.A. treasurer.
Junior, Indt.
Nail Fights Promises
1 have been involved in SCiA for three
years. was Freshman Class President,
then served as Public Defendei and this
year 1 have been Attorney General. Every
vear candidates for SCiA President will
promise to do such things as get beer on
campus, get bus shelters or even shorten
dropadd lines. Obviously such promises
are based solely on the belief that I he
voters will like what they hear and vote ac-
cordingly .
After three vears in the SCiA, it is my
firm belief that the first and foremost duty
of the SCiA President is to represent Easl
Carolina University, which he does at
main formal and official events, and to be
a voice for I he sludcnts.
It is imperative thai this representation
be of the highest quality and be capable of
voicing sludcnts' beliefs, even when it
would prove personally advantageous lo
restrain from doing so.
All that 1 can promise is that the con-
cerns of the students will be worked upon
with the direct interest of the students as a
guide and tool. You will be communicated
with, and you shall see attempts made to
satisfy your concerns.
Your voles will yield Student President
� not an amateur politician worried about
his resume.
Dixon Wants ECU To Be Unique
Last Carolina University has to set itself
apart from other universities and be
distinguished on its own merit, rather than
copy someone else as other schools do.
Part oi being separate and independent en-
compasses being proud o our graduates,
helping to attract industry and growth to
eastern North Carolina. The future o this
area and E.C.U. depends on its students,
faculty and public citizens' support, and
pan of that support is dependent on the
quality of the student body's elected of-
Being a voice for E.C.U. students is ,i
difficult, vet challenging responsibility
with the wide latitudes students themselves
have brought to the university. Concerns
ot E.C.U. students involve getting
WZMB-FM on the air as soon as possible
with an entertaining and informative for-
mat to keep students aware of what is go-
ing on in the S.G.A campus organiza-
tions, and awaie ot administration and
faculty policies affecting students. Minori-
ty organizations and students need a
stronger voice in the issues affecting them
as well as affecting other students, possibly
with a Secretary ot Minority Affairs in the
Presidential Cabinet.
I he Greek community is concerned with
improved communication between
themselves and the isolated segments of the
entire campus body, preferably with more
social and philanthropic events open to all
students. Cooperation from the Greenville
City Council would be beneficial to give
Greek organizations a break and keep un-
necessary restrictions off student's backs.
And improved bus transit services to more
areas is needed.
A Campus Security Service made up of
student volunteers named in self-defense,
and checked with a background clearance
could reduce campus tear o' unprovoked
attackers terrorizing students on those
long, late night walks back from the
library during heavy study and exam times.
Athletic ticket sales to students should
never be implemented and the proposed
stadium seating changes must be advan-
tageous to students, then priority given to
our supporters who want lo see us with a
top-rated sports department m all areas. A
new Greenville coliseum would attract bet-
ter concerts to our area and give our
athletic program a tremendous boost more
than any effort by E.C.U. alone could ac
A major function organized with bands
and beverages would relieve some of those
college doldrums and could be either an
Orientation event or a Spring Festival and
I would work to support such an effort.
Being on a Las! 1 rc foi libraries. I .
initate changes foi longei hours on
weekends and improved library servic
recommended to 1 Us Planning (
mission Pai king I n increase
are ine itab can
be initated wi mdition
and possibly cable I A
its and ai need m
support m the S.Ci V as wel
hand interests.
losl their funding and tl
loans oi assistan
continue then education. I he S.G '�
President is a member ol the Media H
and as a member 1 would strive
eliminate bias in publications inforn
students; rehgioio groups on campus
relatively quiet, yel I would work to ;
mote individual preference and awaret
ol these organizations.
1 hese changes are all-important ro
distinguish Easl Carolina I niversily as a
presitigious institution noi only lo improve
oui own reputation, but ive out
graduates improved opportunity tor K
jobs, because students are r - gel
an education, but lo make an education!
Remembei March 4th is an day,
E.C.I . is dependent on i ible voices
to be our leaders and on Wednesday you
w ill have to make thai d
an oath to be the voic pro-
mote campus issues, and listen a �� ely
to all students and aci to a
results. My administration will noi be
weak, but will strengthen the student body,
campus and university as a whole.
March 4th!
Singleton Pledges Job Support
The President of the Student Govern-
ment Association is a very important posi-
tion. The first priority of the job is to make
the wishes of the students heard. I feel that
I am the most qualified candidate to do
this job.
1 am a junior business major. This year 1
am the chairman of the SGA Appropria-
tions Committee and the day student
representative on the Transit Advisory
Board. I have lived both in a dormitory
and off campus, which helps me to see
things from both perspectives.
The major component of my platform is
that I think that the SGA should be run
like a business. Students deserve to get
their money's worth out of the fees that
they pay. The SGA is set up to provide ser-
vices, not to fund academic pursuits. It is
my contention that money for academics
should be provided by the state.
I will actively seek a seperate fee to fund
the arts and take this control away from
the politics of the S.G.A. My home is in
Greenville and 1 have numerous business
1 plan to set up a job placement service
to help the students who work their way
through school. This program would place
students in part-lime and temporary jobs
throughout the community without costing
the students more money. Student fees
need to be spent the way thai will best help
them. Thai is why I think that the students
should be the ones to decide if we want to
buy tickets to athletic events.
To increase student involvement in the
SGA and other extra-curricular activities, 1
will try to allow students to receive credit
hours for their participation.
1 will use my position to aid and assist
the student union in obtaining facilities.
This could mean more student programs
and concerts if the Student Union sees the
I am against unnecessary fee increases
because East Carolina University needs to
be competitive with the other institutions
in the state system.
Another project that 1 will actively sup-
port is to have the library extend its
operating hours on the weekend and in-
clude staying open on Saturday night for
students who need to use the facilities.
There is a full slate o' candidates this
year and 1 urge you to vote. Elect someone
who will stand up for the students and let
their wishes be heard, while at the same
time they can constructively work with the
Campaign Coverage
EDITORS NOTE: With Student
Government Association election
coming up Wednesday March 4,
The East Carolinian is glad to bring
these statements from each of the
four candidates for president.
Despite the limitations oj time and
space, letters oj support Jor many oj
the various candidates Jor SGA of-
fices are included in today's
"Campus Forum" section.
While The East Carolinian has in
past years spoken out in favor oj
particular candidates, we feel that it
is in the best interest oj the student
bodv to let vou decide on the merits
oj each plat form.
Each presidential aspirant was in
vited to submit a two-page state-
ment including any background or
platform information he deemed
pertinent. I he text oj these
statements have been edited for only
the most basic grammatical errors.
It is the wish oj the staff of The
last Carolinian that each and every
student at ECU wilt participate in
Wednesday's election, and that the
outcome will reflect the desires oj a
more representative sample oj the

Other Opinion
MAk M , 1981
Page 5
Campus Forum
Candidates Backed
In running tor re-election, Kirk
I Kile is giving the student bod a
rare opportunity to extend the
term of one of its finest leaders.
Kirk has impressed me as being
the most capable executive of-
ficer we have had in several years
He is intelligent, meticulous and
diligent, qualities a treasurei
must possess. In order to preserve
the excellence we now have. 1
urge everyone to ie elect Kirk I it
tie, 1 reasurei.
Foi mei Attorney General
As the present SGA Secretary
and with three years experience
with the Student Government
Association, I would like to en-
dorse Denise Phthisic tor the of-
fice ol SGA Secretary.
Denise is a junior Business Ad
ministration major and is a
member of the Gamma Beta Phi
Honoi I raternity. She has ex-
perience with Student Govern-
ment and serves on the Rules and
Judiciary committee. Presently
Denise works foi Wahl-Coates
I lementary School as an office
assistant, and is thoroughly
familial with the dunes of a
secretai .
Denise Phthisic has all the
tiiat are required for the
iry ol SGA. Her
interest in the operations ot SGA
and tier enthusiasm tor the job ol
y has inspired me to sup-
poit her in this election. I hope
every student will vote on
v ednesdav 4th, tor the candidate
with experience and concern tor
ihe students welfare, Dt NISI
ph rmsicn
Junior, Bus. Administration
rhere are two excellent can-
didates running tor the office of
President of the Student Govern-
ment Association: Russell Over-
man and Ben Singleton. I say ex-
cellent because, after serving as
SGA President, I am convinced
that Russell or Ben would carry
on the tradition of fighting to
keep students from being treated
as second-class citizens. If Over-
man oi Singleton wins, SGA will
be m good hands. However, my
endorsement tor the office goes
to Russell Overman due to his
diverse experience in campus
government and his devotion to
the hard work that is required of
an SGA President.
I here are single, absolute
choices m some other races.
Denise Phtisic will make a
tremendous SGA Secretary, if
elected, and Angela Pepe will br-
ing freshness and expertise lo the
office ot SGA 1 reasurer.
s ihe Current SGA President,
I am compelled to endorse Over-
man, Phtisic, and Pepe.
Charlie .1. Sherrod
SGA President
Overman Sports Colorful Background
1 am a senior accoun-
ting major and have
served as the In-
tramural Council Presi-
dent for two years and
Student Residence
Association Vice-
President. In being in-
volved in the SGA
Legislature for the past
two years, I have served
as the Rules and
Judiciary Committee
Chairperson and did
serve on the 1980 Spr-
ing Elections Commit-
tee. Also, last spring, I
had the pnvlege of ser-
ving on the Planning
Commission Task
Force on Intercollegiate
I am running on the
platform of making no
promises other than to
serve all of the students
ai Last Carolina to the
best of my abilitv. 1 in-
tend to keep an open
ear and open mind in
hearing views on mat-
ters from all students
before making any
There are several
things 1 will do in of-
fice: oppose all un-
necessary fee increases,
work to improve ihe
drop-add system,
establish a greater
amount of co-
operation between
siudenis and the City of
Greenville, look into
the current structuring
Volume 1
available now at
the Record F3ar.
Coming soon:
Volume 2
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Greenville Squar e Shopping Center
of the workstudy pro-
cram which has just
been discontinued, and
also I am against the
present proposal 10
have students pushed
out of prime seating in
Ficklen Stadium.
In looking ai my
record in the SCiA
Legislature, I have sup-
ported main groups on
this campus. I hese
groups have all been
worthy of support from
the SCiA. Some of these
groups have been all ot
the arts, including the
Visual Aits Forum, the
drama department, and
the School of Music,
along with the Mar-
ching Pirates. Other
groups that I have sup-
ported have ranged
from minority groups
Mich .is S.O.U.L.S. to
athletic groups not
funded b the athletic
department and main
other groups too
numerous to mention.
I feel that the office
of President should be
one through which to
serve the students, not
just a certain few
groups of students, but
all groups on campus
that are an asset to
siudenis and "this
university. I would like
io serve the students,
not just as groups, but
individually. I will
maintain an open door
polic) for everyone.
! would also like to
see all students here at
ECU be given lair and
equal treatment in all
of their endeavors. 1
would hope to be in-
strumental in helping
achieve a sense of unity
among students and see
us stand as a group full
of pride to be attending
this gieai university.
I do know that it
you, as the students of
last Carolina, elect me
as your next SCiA
President, you will mil
regret it. I will promise
to do a good job as
your representative toi
this university.
Everybody please gel
out and vote Wednes-
day, and when vou
mark your ballot foi
the officer ol Presi-
dent, check the name
that will sere he
students best, vote
Russell Overman tot
SCiA President.
Lifesong Rec. Artist
W John Palumbo
and with special guest.
WED MAR. 4 �
whoar ,ht SHABOO ALL-STARS???
Man �'Guitar Murphy Blues Bros (Lead
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Charlie I bass I Steve Miller Band
Jack ScarangeMa (drums) Stevie Wondi r
Siy Stone � Blood Sweat & Tears
Lefty Fostet (vocals Muddy Waters
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ThTs coupon wTlPaTTo"w"one �PcTTsTu"
dent 1$ off for CRACK THE SKY Tues.
I Mar. 4th.
Denise Phthisic
� SGA Legislator � 2 years
� Rules and Judiciary Committee � 2 years
(Chairman � 1 Year)
� SGA Elections Committee
� Intramural Council Representative � 3 years
(President � 2 Years)
� Student Residence Association Vice President
� Planning Commission Task Force on Inter
collegiate Athletics
� Against present proposal to have students push
ed out of prime seating in Ficklen Stadium
� Against sale of or lottery system distribution of
tickets to athletic events
� Will fight to get City of Greenville off students'
� To keep Faculty Senate from dragging feet on
Fall Break issue
� Oppose all unnecessary fee increases
Improve computerized system on campus to
help alleviate long drop add lines

t-Kl H 3, 1MK1
Pagi 6
Ground Beef Recipes
Have Much Variety
Fred (.ardner. manager of (he Pizza Inn, prepares some of his specialties (18 in alii donated for a party honoring
the ECU Ambassadors, an organization of student volunteers involved in activities to promote ECU, Pictured here
are Ambassadors president Alice Martin and program chairman karen (,oss. The ambassadors help with programs
of the uniersit including alumni, development, admissions, placement, the Chancellor's office, Mendenhall stu-
dent Center and the University Club.
Couple Runs Mom And Pop Jail
Mali Whirl
With today's high meat prices,
bargains can si ill be found at the
meat counter. One such bargain is
ground beet. I hough b no means
inexpensive, ground beei is si ill a
good bus because so much can be
done with so little ol it.
There isn't loo much you need to
know about buying ground beet
since, these days, supermarkets keep
a good selection ol packaged
ground beet. As with an red meat,
be sure it is a fresh red color,
although too red a color indicates
the illegal additive sodium sulfite.
(You can check your beet by expos
ing a sample to bright sunlight. It no
sodium suit lie is present, the beet
will appear darker.) Should you
want to have youi meat freshly
ground, chuck, flank or round steak
are good choices as they are very
lean cuts oi meal
When you gel your beet home,
vou can refrigerate or freeze it. Be
sure nol to leave uncooked meat in
the refrigeratoi foi more than
twenty-foui hours. It you're going
to freeze your ground beef, I suggest
you make it into patties (adding a
little sah and pepper to each) and
package them separately oi in pans
in aluminum toil before freezing.
That way, it you only need a small
amount ot the beet, you don't have
to thaw all of it. (Remember
never refreeze meat'i
Ground beet as hamburgei � in
general, ground beet has long been
known as hamburger, possibly due
to the Hamburg merchants who hk
ed iaw sciaped beet centuries ago.
Not until the St. 1 ouis World's Fair
n 1904 were ground beet patties
served on buns like our hamburgei -
Most college students are well-
acquainted with hamburgers,
especially when covered in catsup.
mustard, lettuce, tomato and
onions. However, the creative
possibilities ol hamburgers are
almost endless. You may already
have a tew favorites. Foi variety.
you might try these
Cheeseburgers: Mix together one-
hall pound ground beet, one-fourth
cup shredded cheddai cheese, i
fourth teaspoon sah and a tew
drops ol garlic mice it desired. OK,
one-fourth teaspoon garlic salt.
Make into patties and broil tour to
six minutes per side, depending
Mushroom Burgers: Wrap ea
beet panic thai vou wish I
with a strip ol bacon and secure
with a toothpick. Sprinkle wil
dash ol onion sail. Broil one side
toui to six minutes. Before broiling
Other side, top with three to live
T-shaped fresh mushroom slices.
Top with a thin pat ol butter. Broil
tour to six minutes
Othei additions to hamburgt
Before making ground bee! into
panics, vou might add (per pound)
See GROUND, page 7, col. 7
DANVI1 1 E, Pa. L PI Be it
ever so humble there's no place like
home � even if it's a jail.
1 red Shepperson, the sheriff of
Montour County in central Penn-
sylvania, runs the state's only re-
maining �"Mom and Pop" jail as he
calls it. Shepperson and his family
live in the trout portion of a massive
Victorian structure in Danville and
29 pri-oners live in the real.
"We house everyone from
murderers down to non-support
Shepperson said.
The inmates get their lunch from
n epperson's wife, Gloria. They eat
tl the Shepperson's cat �
:ken pot pie, soups and chili
Shepperson said.
The county which provides the
house, provisions and all utilities for
the sheriff and his family recently
hired a part time professional cook
to fix the prisoners' dinner.
In 1892 when Montoui County
buill a combined jail and sheriff's
house, mosl of Pennsylvania's small
counties put law enforcement of-
ficers and criminals together. But
the onlv concession Montoui has
made to prison progress is the hiring
of guards in 1973, Shapperson said.
Since Shepperson, 41, became
sherifl in 1977, no one has escaped.
And he said he had no worries thai
would-be escapees might wind up in
his home.
"It's pretty secure he said. "It
the prisoners are going to break out,
they're going to go the other way
One man tried using first a par
scissors, then a ballpoint pen to dig
out. "One day I told him he mi
as well knock it ofl because he
to go through heavy layers ol steel,
brick and concrete the sherifl
I wo ol the Sheppeison's thi
children still live at home. Freddie,
14. "thinks it's great Shepperson
said. "When he has friends sleep
over, they're up all night talking
about the jail
Daughter Pamela, 18, was
pleased about hvmg in the same
building as the jail so the family
cave her the largest front bedroom.
T-Shirt Controversy
College Initials Give Image Problem

College of Wooster has a minor pro-
blem maintaining a dignified image:
its acronym boils down to COW.
But when Wooster administrators
recently tried to solve the problem
by banishing from the bookstore the
popular school t-shirts with COW
emblazoned across the chest, they
evoked enough of a student protest
to force them to reverse their deci-
sion, and put up with COW jokes a
little longer.
In retrospect, Wooster President
Henry Copeland now calls the deci-
sion to remove the COW shirts from
the bookstore "a blunder
Shortly after the decision.
bookstore manager Don Noll was
told not to re-order the garment,
which "has been our most popular
shirt in 11 years Students and
their relatives snap them up at a rate
o 3-4000 per year, an unusual sale.
Noll says, at a college of 1800
But, as Trustee Juliet Blanchard
subsequently asked the Wooster
Voice "Why juxtapose something
funny like a cow with something
serious like a college? The cow is a
slow and stupid animal, bearing no
relation to the college as an
academic institution
That argument�or one like it
made by a nameless but "important
member of the community" at a late
January executive staff meeting � 1-
ed to a discussion o "about three
minutes, and that was that recalls
Deborah Hilty, assistant to the
president. The shirts were out.
"It seemed like a very innocuous
item adds Business Officer Hans
But response to the decision, Jen-
ny remembers, was "quite unex-
pected Noll says he received
countless inquiries from angry
students. The student newspaper ac-
cused school executives ot having
"lost their sense of humor Sud-
denlv, administrators had a dif-
ferent kind ot image problem.
"This became a popular subject
on campus tor lack of anything in-
teresting going on Jennv con-
tends. And though the uproar coin-
cided with an unrelated exchange of
racially-suggestive student signs and
posters on the campus. President
Copeland in a statement suggested
the t-shirts became news because
"it's been an otherwise blah
Wooster winter quartet
Nevertheless, Copeland sur-
rendered, telling Noll to re-ordei
more COW shirts, in his statement
explaining the reversal, he pledged
to promote "Wooster's good im-
age" in other media, "not through
the bookstore
What stung most was the
newspaper's accusation ot undue
seriousness in image matters.
Copeland argued that this inci-
dent shows that administrators have
a sense o' humor. You certainly
need one to work around here
I his picture of the Road Runner and Wile K. Coyote is one of many on sale at the animation art exhibit and sale go-
ing cm until Wednesday at Mendenhall.
Animation Art On Exhibit
When Bugs Bunny asks, "What's
up. Doc? Hollywood artists must
create 30 to 50 individual paintings
� 12 for each second of running
I hose paintings, called eel pain-
tings, or "eels are the subject of a
special exhibit and sale being held
until Wed March 4, from 10 a.m.
to ' p.m. al Mendenhall Student
Animation eels are the paintings
actually filmed in making the
animated cartoon. 1 hey arc the
culmination o the artistic process.
The characters are painted by hand
on clear sheets ot acetate, usually
11" x 14" or larger. Each figure is
outlined on the from and painted by
hand on the back of the eel.
C els are all one-of-a-kind, not
reproductions or prints. This collec-
tion was authenticated by Gallery
Lainberg o Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
the nation's best-known specialist in
this unique art form.
On display are animation eels
from over 25 different Hollywood
cartoon productions, including
several Wall Disney feature films:
"Winnie the Pooh "The Jungle
Book "The Aristocats "The
Rescuers and "Pete's Dragon
Fans oi the Warner Brothers car-
toons will see their favorite
characters: Bugs Bunny, Daffy
Duck, Pepe Le Pew, Wile 1
Coyote, and the Roadrunner.
According to Jonathan Ham-
mond, the gallery representative,
most eels used in cartoons were
destroyed. For instance. Warner
Brothers threw away their eels as-
cumulated over thirty years o
animation to make more office
It's been only during the last
decade or so that collecting eels 1 as
caught on, but it is now becoming
increasingly popular. Hammond
said that a few years ago, eels could
be bought for a couple o dollars,
but they were hard to find since tew
people collected them.
Since tew eels exist from the
1940's and 50's. many people can't
find eels o' some of their favorite
characters. Hammond receives
many requests for the Tasmanian
Devil, Foghorn Leghorn. Marvin
the Martian and other characters
that just aren't available.
The sale is being conducted in the
Student Organizations Booth, near
the information desk, in
Machines Exist To Make Life Tough
Throughout most ot the history
of mankind, human beings have
been faced with all kinds of harsh
environments � droughts, bliz-
zards, floods, plagues, and inva-
sions o Visigoths (Visigoth inva-
sions were especially harsh.) 1
cope with life and to make things
easier, man invented machine.
Nowadays, though, machines
have become our harsh environ-
ment, filling in the gap left when
plague outbreaks and barbarian in-
vasions became passe. 1 very day,
we all run into machines that, in-
stead of making lite easier, just
screw things up.
For instance, think about that
device that wakes up many of us in
the morning � the clanking heating
pipes. They usually fulfill their
function of alternately broiling and
freezing people, but they wake up
everyone hours before their classes.
Showers are another example of
machines creating a harsh environ-
ment for people. That rush of
scalding water that cascades down
each time somebody in the building
flushes a toliet is enough to make
vou wonder if you really need a
shower everv single dav.
Break fast, noi an enjoyable meal
under the best of circumstances, is
even worse with the "help" ot
machines. Toasters, which are just
supposed to mangle and set fire to
pieces o bread, often toss slabs ot
hot carbon into the sink or behind
the retrigerator. Blenders fling pan-
cake batter all over the kitchen, a
task that can really be done just as
well as people, if they wanted to do
such a thing.
Machines also "help" with
household chores. Washers not only
wash clothes, but sometimes slosh
out enough detergent and water to
wash your floor as well. Dryers
relieve us of the tiresome task ot
tumbling clothes around and blow-
ing cold air on them until they
become merely damp instead ot wet.
The iron is an appliance that
works wonders, it you think bum
ing pointed holes in clothing
qualities as a wonder. Once, to bum
such holes, the iron had to he
painstakingly heated over a fire or
something, but today, the modern.
electric self-heating iron makes this
job much easiei.
It is said that most accidents oc-
cur inside the home. Considering
the number of machines linking
outside the home, I have my doubts
about this.
Trap called traffic lights exist al
strategically located intersections in
cities. Their function is to lure
pedestrians into a busy intersection
by making them think it is sate to
cross the street, and then suddenly
change the light when the victim is
halfway across.
The traffic light also performs the
function o dragging a five-minute
trip to work into a half-hour
odyssey by making drivers stop at
every corner along the way. The
lights are cleverly planned to be red,
no matter what direction you ap-
proach them from.
Railroad trains, thought by many
to be used solely for transportation.
also can be used to tie up traffic or
make people late for classes m
Minges Coliseum.
Other impediments to t rat tic are
the bunches o construction
machines that are not only block
streets hut also actually tear the
pavement up.
Machines lurk even on the halls o'
out university classroom buildings
and dormitories. Pencil sharpeners
he waiting to spring upon helpless
pencils and grind them into shreds.
Classroom film projectors lie
waiting to spring upon helpless
educational movies and rip them lo
Speaking of ripping things to
shreds, that's just what most of us
have wanted to do to a drink
machine at one time or another.
They are really hard to shred, but
some people 1 know have put dents
in them. This only makes the
machines harder to deal with �
after having the front smashed out
o' it, many machines will ret use to
work at all.
It you try to save money and trou-
ble by passing up the drink machine
in favor o the water fountain, you
may run into one of the most ag-
gravating machines known to man.
Fountains take pride in coming
up with new ways to annoy people.
Some specialize in dispensing un-
drinkable warm water; others give
nice, cold water but only in a tiny
trickle. Another kind, called the
"Old Faithful" fountain, has a
more spectacular gimmick.
Some machines are harmless until
they fall into evil hands. The crush-
ed ice machines are a prettv inno-
cent lot bv themselves, but thev give
ammunition for snowball throwers
all year round.
Every day. science makes more
discoveries, and these are
transformed into new (if not better)
machines for us to face in our daily
lives. Already, there are devices in
existence that make the other
machines in this article seem almost
benevolent. Someday soon, you
may be matching wits with the
blown fusebox, the exploding
blender or (horror of horrors!) the
hdless popcorn popper. Believe me,
these new inventions will make us all
long for the simple days o' the
Visigoth invasions
IMow You Know
CPl-About 1,500,000 Americans a
year are bitten by dogs.

Lewfijitsic Ibqut CouxGt. "for tiw KMj
THAT por fteooie took
ScrcHeD His vjtjus
ALL 0j�� vf ps
You'r luck. o auutT
3 -3-ri
Ground Beef Recipes
A Painting Tradition Is Carried On
i ontinued from page o
one-fourth cup soui cream, two
tablespoons chopped chives, a dash
of chili powder, one-fourth teas
poon dr mustard OR one-fourth
teaspoon thyme, one-fourth teas
poon garlic salt, and one teaspoon
Worcestershire sauce.
John's Favorite Meat loaf: In a
large bowl combine thoroughly one
pound ground beet, one egg, two
tablespoons chopped parsley,
crumbs of two slices ol bread, one
teaspoon lemon juice, one teaspoon
sail, one-fourth teaspoon pepper,
one envelope onion flavor soup mix.
When well mixed, pour into loal
pan. Mix together about one-third
cup catsup (or tomato sauce), dash
of water and good dash ol
Worcestershire sauce. Spread rv�i
top of meat loaf. Bake al 35G1 foi
approximately forty-five minute
In addition to doing a solo act,
ground beet can be added to main
othei foods.
Spaghetti Sauce: Add one-hall
pound crumbled, browned browned
beet to prepared spaghetti sauce for
heartier t!a ii
I roen Pizza: One or two ham-
burger patties, browned and
crumbled, can add life to a dull,
t roen pizza. You might also add
extra shredded cheese.
Macaroni and cheese: Hall a
pound ol crumbled, browned
ground beet can be added to
prepared macaroni and cheese mix,
along with a half-teaspoon ol extra
salt and a dash ol pepper foi a tasty
one dish mi
siall Wrilri
li was cold, dark, and drizzly on
uary night. We had ob-
viously not picked the best time to
leave our mark on the street in front
he student store. However, we
were determined to carry out tradi-
tion, soggy or not!
i make stencils for our draw
, we first had to find some card-
d. A tew of us went trudging
the mud to a trash can
behind a furniture store and dug
through the garbage until we found
enough dry cardboard to cut the
outlines. 1 hen, we piled back into
the little sports car, cramming the
along w ith us.
s soon as we got back to the
house with the goods, feeling like a
bunch of hoodlums, our art majors
got to work drawing the stencils,
and the rest ot us helped cut them
out. 1 hen, all of us m our grubbiest
clothes, slipped and slid across ihe
muddv campus, armed with paint
and cardboard, to the Street.
Unfortunately, we were all ex-
tremely paranoid about sneaking
across campus to the wall at 1:30
a.m and the first person we saw
was a campus policeman. We all
lumped behind a bush, acting verv
suspicious, and then snuck through
dorms and behind buildings until we
got to the Street.
Once we reached our destination,
we were faced with the problem ot
finding an area with enough room
tor us to paint our sign so thai it
would not covet anyoneelses. Final-
ly we managed to find an open cor-
ner, and carefully began sprav pain-
ting our mark.
After about 10 minutes, we began
to relax and enjoy our adventure,
forgetting all about the time o( night
and the weather. Just then, the
lights of a car came slowly around
the corner, an stopped a few yards
from where we were painting. The
doors slowly opened, and we all
froze as two policemen got out of
the patrol car and came toward us,
shining flashlights ahead of them.
We all began to paint quickly, trying
not to act nervous, and nonchalant-
ly said hello to the officers.
When they asked us what we were
doing, we hurriedly explained thai
everyone did it, and we were only
carrying out tradition, and please-
not to arrest us. When they started
to laugh, we were a little puzzled,
until they offered to hold the
flashlights on the street for us to
help us see what we were doing.
What a relief!
With the officers' assistance, we
finished the job, crushed the card-
board into the nearest trashcan. We
thanked the policeman for their
help, and walked back to the house.
We had let! our mark on lhe street
for vears to come, and it looked
great, rired and cold, but preitv
happy with ourselves, we spent the
rest ot the night Irving to get the
paint ott our hands.
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H ?, iy81 P�e 8
Time Travel Films
Showing Wednesday
I his Wednesday night in Mendenhall Student
Center's Hendrix Theatre, the Student Union Films
Committee is providing you the best possible escape
from the tedium and anxiety oi mid-term exams � an
opportunity to be transported forward in time to the
yeai 802,701, and then hack to the present day tor an
amazing adventure in modern-day San Francisco.
rhis incredible journey is possible via an H G. Wells
Double Feature that includes two of the best science fic-
tion films ever made. At 7 p.m. you can see the classic
l George Pal film, "The lime Machine and at 9
p.m. the modem classic "lime Atiei lime" (1980),
starring Malcolm McDowell. Both films are in color.
Ihe fate tot this breathtaking trek is youi student ID
and Activnv Card oi MS Membership Card.
"The lime Machine" deserves a place on the very
short list oi good science fiction films partly because its
hokum is entrancing, its special effects expertly rigged
and its monsters sufficiently monstrous. But the pic-
tures majoi virtue is that its human characters are com-
pounded not ot green cheese or ground-up Dracula
scripts, as is customary in such ventures, but of flesh,
blood and imagination.
The yarn, skillfully embroidered by Producer-
Director George Pal and Scriptwritei David Duncan.
brings up to date H. G. Wells's 1893 romance.
Disheartened by Hie alarms of his lime Boei W at
news is bad an idealistic 1 ondon inventor, agreeably
acted bv Rod lav Km, constructs a machine able to move
about in time (it bears a plaque reading "Manufactured
bv H. George Wells").
He mviies some incredulous friends to heai his adven-
tures a; a dinner five days hence, then eases ihe throttle
forward in search ol peace and good will.
Time accelerates abruptly. An apple tree visible from
his laboratory window blossoms and bears fruil in an in-
stant, and as the years click by on the time machine's
temporal speedometer, a female store dummy in a win-
dov across the street does a perpetual striptease.
In 1917 the Time Traveler stops, only to learn that the
world is at war. He sets out again, but matters get
worse. He sees the blitzed London of 1940, then is
almost buried dunng the atomic blowup ot 1966.
He emerges in AD. 802.701 to discover a world
populated bv a passive and benumbed race called the
Eloi � blond youths and maidens who retain little of
20th century cultures except the art ot permanent wav-
ing and a grim phrase that means peace: "All clear
To his horror, the Time Travelei learns ot the
Morloeks, a tribe of cavern-dwelling green mutants who
breed the Eloi as beet cattle. (Why science fiction's
monsters never breed cattle as cattle is perplexing, but
perhaps they dislike the taste.)
Actor Taylor, of course, does mightv battle to save
the Eloi, particularly a charming little cutlet named
Weena (Yvette Mimieux). then chugs off to 1900 in time
tor dinner. Later that night he heads back to 802.701
taking with him three books to re-educate the Eloi. The
film ends with an appropriately Wellsian riddle: Which
three books
"Time Aftei lime" has, in addition to its delicate
tone, more than adequate suspense. It also makes a wor-
thwhile it" not highly original point, stated most clearly
by Warner as he flips from one violent image to another
on television: "Nmetv years ago 1 was a freak: today
I'm an amateur
For Meyer, author of the best selling " 1 he Seven-Pet
Cent Solution it is a promising and interesting direc-
tional debut, requiring a deftness that has eluded more
experienced moviemakers. We aie in his debt tot a bold
idea skippingly brought off.
Making his escape from a hue and civ in I ondon in
1893, .lack the Ripper lit is the Lime Machine from H.
G. Wells and pilots u to San Francisco in 1979. There
David Warner (above) plays Jack the Ripper and
Malcolm McDowell portrays H.G. Wells in the
modern-day science fiction classic "Time After
Time Whether trying to adjust to the automobile, a
Big Mac or a Mickey Mouse telephone. Wells is a
consistently appealing figure. After playing lots of
reprehensible characters ("A Clockwork Orange
McDowell exhibits a first-rate change-up. Ihe film
will be shown as one-half of an H.G. Wells Double
Feature this Wednesday night at 9 p.m. in
Mendenhall's Hendrix Theatre.
the Ripper (portrayed with menacing cynicism by David
Warner) continues his depradations, pursued bv the
outraged inventor (Malcolm McDowell).
This is easily the year's most preposterous movie
premise, requiring one to accept many items on faith:
that Wells did not merely imagine the Time Machine but
actually built it in his basement: that since it operates in
fourth dimension it can be in two different times and
places simultaneously so both hero and villain can use
it: and. most important, thai a film involving history's
most notorious sex criminal can turn out to be an enter-
tainment of considerable wit, charm and, ot all things,
romantic sweetness.
Yet it audiences can gram ihe picture its imaginative
'leaps, and go with its surprising lone, they will be
pleasantlv uvarded. Ihe wit derives mainly fl
Writer-Director Meyer's wrv confrontations between
Futurist Wells and a world thai does no! in any way
match his optimistic projections ot things to come.
Controversy Rages Over Penthouse's Caligula
. , � II ) I .I.IK
a breakthrough film, a
serious attempt u reconstruct lift
imperial Rome as seen by historians
oj thai period � Penthouse
. . a $17 million trough ot re.
len swill" �film critic Rex Heed
The above quotes represent the
battle of opinion over one of
the most control films evei
made, "( aligula" (1980). Based on
the lite o! an ancient Roman
emperor, the Film is a huge, lavish
epic. The original screenplay is bv
ihe much-honored authoi Gore
Vidal. Its' stars include the tamed
Malcolm McDowell (best known foi
his role in "A Clockwork (Grange");
five-time Oscar nominee Petei
O'Toole; Britain's foremost
Shakespearean actress, Helen Mir-
ren; and the very distinguished Sir
John Gielgud. 1 lie film was directed
bv Tinto Brass and designed by
three-time Academy Award winner
Danilo Donati. As tor the reason
"Caligula" is so controversial, read
on . . .
"the brief reign of Rome's
fourth emperor Caligula Ceasar
i AD. 37-41) is depicted with ex-
plicit sex scenes: oral and anal sex,
homosexuality, incest, masturba-
tion, necrophilia, rape, and often
with lingering close-ups. The
writhing bodies are paired with
graphic violence: Caligula cuts off a
dead man's penis and feeds it to
dogs; a small girl's head is smashed
against a stone wall; there are
decapitations, loriure, and mutila-
tions � source of quote:
"Christianity Today" magazine,
October 24. 19S0 issue.
"Caligula" was produced by Bob
Guccione, publisher ot Penthouse
magazine. He asserts that his movie
is a worthwhile enterprise, a serious,
artistic film. He notes that d all he
wanted to do was make a quick
buck, he could have made over 2(H)
profitable porno films tor what it
COSl to make "C aligula Says Guc-
cione. "It vvas a huge commercial
undertaking, and at ihe same time,
we wanted to make a serious state-
ment. We've done with cinematic
images what so mam authors ami
historians have done with words -
we have re-created a complex life-
style that flourished before C'htisi
and the Judeo-Christian philosophy
came into being
Religious groups and antipor-
nography activists across the coun-
try have been attacking "Caligula
Author and pastoi Nel Gallagher
calls the movie, "the most
outrageous and savage attempt to
exploit the macabre nature of man
in order to suck money from his
pocket Ironically, "Caligula"
begins with a quote from ihe Bible:
lFoi what shall it protit a man. it
he shall gam the whole vsorld and
lose his own soul?" (Mark K:36).
Whether one agrees with Guc
cione that the film is worthwhile,
one must agree he was right m call-
ing it a huge commercial under!ak
mg. "Caligula" took four years to
make (the same length ol time the
real Caligula reigned). It was filmed
in the mammoth Dear Studios in
Rome, the same place an earlier
Roman-era epic, the Burton-Taylor
'Cleopatra' was filmed
"Caligula" required 3,592 costumes
and 64 sets. What has been adled
the largest prop ever built for a
movie was created tor "Caligula a
lull-scale Roman vessel, over 175
teet long and 30 feet high, including
more than a hundred intricately
carved statues and 120 hand-carved
oars. Also included was Caligula's
stadium, spanning the size ot three
football fields, incorporating an im-
mense killing machine. 5 stories
high and 150 teet wide, a supposedly
historically-accurate device the mad
monarch used to mow down his
many enemies.
1 hat the movie was ever made
was a miracle. Besides the amazing
amount ot effort needed to produce
such a colossal project, the cast and
crew were constantly at each other's
throats during the filming. Squab-
bles, smears and law sui's have
flown back and forth between the
producers, the writer, the directors,
the stars, etcetera. Now some ot
these people are publicly panning
their own picture.
So while the film's maker- are
fighting each other, and special-
interest groups are fighting the film,
what about us, the audience, whom
the movie was made foi ' Will v
to see this much-discussed movie
and make up our own minds at
it? Or will those organizations and
individuals who fee) it i- their duty
to do our thinking lor us gel their
wishes and have the film banned? Is
"Caligula" a tvo and a halt hour
exercise in nausea or a serious
cinematic statement? Ihe final
ludgement must rest with us. the au-
dience, it indeed we ever get to see
the film.
Shaboo, Wheels
Rock The Attic
olanda king.
Hendrix 1 heat
Yolanda King Lecture Rescheduled
daughter of the late Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr will appear in MendenhallN
re on Monday. March 16 at 8 p.m.
� �������������
sufl Wnlei
Wheels, a relatively new and unknown but definitely
talented group put on a powerful, pleasing performance
last Fridav night (February 27) at the Attic. Ihe tive-
man combo proved to be versatile as well as dynamic:
their songs range from hi-intensity rock and roll to a
more mellow sound. They write much of their own
material and plav tunes from a wide variety to sources.
Fridav their selections ranged from Billy Joel to
Mother's Finest, Journey. Ihe .1. Ceils Band, and the
The group consists of: bassist Gary Lyons; drummer
Scottv Thomas; kevboardist David Harper; and lead
vocalist David Simmons, an entertaining and energetic
fellow who also plaved his own set of drums, a set ot
congos, a tambourine and other instruments while sing-
ing, sometimes playing several instruments at once. A
paVticular standout in the band is lead guitarist lodd
Washburn, who provided some excellent tmgerplav
throughout the evening, particularly on one burning
Wheels comes from the Charlotte Gastoma area.
I ately, they've been involved m some legal and finan-
cial difficulties, resulting in their renting equipment and
traveling in a U-Haul. Even so, they manage to put on
an impressive concert. One of the more interesting
aspects of their performance is a light show, coor-
dinated Fridav nighl bv Bruce Agnew. For all those who
want to tie! their toes to tapping and then eardrums to
energizing, the Wheels will be rolling back to the Auk
on March 11 and 12.
This Thursdax night, March 5, the E I area will
have a chance to see, live in concert, at the Att.c . the
Shaboo All-Stars. So who are the Shaboo All-Stars.
Some of the greatest blues players alive today, that s
' Their lineup includes: Matt "Guitar" Muiphy, also
known as the "Chairman of the Blues a member ol
the Blues Brothers band; lead vocalist David Lefty
Foster, a past performer with Muddy Waters. James
Cotton and James Montgomery among others; Charles
Calmese. considered bv some to be the best blues bassist
in the countrv. Grammy Award winner, performer with
Muddy Waters. Johnny Winter and Steve Miller; drum-
mer Jack Scarangella. called ihe successor to the great
Buddy Rich bv Buddy himself, performer with Blood,
Sweat and rears, Six Stone. Billv Joel, Felix Cavaliere
and Stevie Wonder; keyboard artist Shelton 1
known as the "Sleeping Giant who has toured and
recorded with Jimmv McGriff. Grant Green and most
recently with Gloria Gay nor; and Derek "Rico" Dyei
former performer with Joe Cockei alongside su
notables as Nickv Hopkins and Bobby Keves. 1 ike the
man savs. "they don't call them All STARS tot
1 he Shaboos ate an informal group who began as just
a bunch ot guys jamming together in the Shaboo Club,
a New England-area nightclub owned by lefty Foster.
Anyone is liable to show up at one o their concerts and
join the group onstage. Dan Ackroyd turned up at a
cent New York City All-Star gig and did a duet w
1 efty.
The nenesis of the group began almost ten years ago
when Lefty and big brothei Mark I osier, both singers.
bought the Shaboo Club, "so we'd have a place to smg
whenever we wanted recalled Lefty. He was only lv
the time and "everything had to be in Mark's name
because I wasn't even old enough to be in the bar 1
Shaboo was quite a popular place tor a while, capable
ol presenting major music acts tor ten nights in a row
without much difficulty. As the veats went by and the
economy went down, ihe Shaboo began shrinking ui
bit; name pertormers could usually be found only on
weekends 1 efty began growing restless
V writei Colin McEnroe told the story: "Fosiet
found something new with which to buy himself. He
returned to his roots and began singing in a band again
The band was called the Shaboo All-Stars. It was com
posed o well known musicians who happened to be in
the area and wanted to exercise their rhythm and blues
oldies. A nucleus of regulars began to take shape
Matt "Guitar" Murphy is the fastest rising'star in the
All-Stars' constellation. He rose to fame as a member ot
the Blues Brothers band. He has appeared with them on
Saturday Night Live, on albums, m concert and in Jake
and Elwood's recent musicalepic movie. Had a large
role in the latter, appearing more or less as himself and
prominently participating in Aretha Franklin's show-
stopping number "Think


the u
1 o
tour in
and C
to Cla


Three Sports Added, Another Axed
�WHR.S( Hk
S�M� 1,1,
we restructuring ol ilu
s arolina athletic m

M k
etl K,

inuatton ol anothei
nasties bi
ol v eat w hen
most rt
l "i, resiling and offerings w.ll be different conference alignment.
,X' XU. ; were dr�PP�� rhe yea. M) also explained -Cross countr has been talked
' Mc P"�- that the new offerings would more about as a required sporl " he said
iree new sports to be offered suitably hi the needs ol a eon -a, SOIIU, n, ,�. ,�
r: Yr1, rnrKan�therAD's "KL��,25riE
1 j1 801h rC lHV" S urk tryin� '� M" a thinkN � thai we may as well
res k tumig our athletic league toget he, for months. move ahead in that direction now
oitenngs tor next year to more ade Yes, Karr aftirmed, "the new Kan iddod thai h u, ,
e ,�, r vwKevrazaMre �un" �du" Po
1 ,p M;r;m� � T ble kfu, onference i bo.h for men and women
ersity athletes, Kan alignment thoughts. on campus
kan claimed that all ol the new
tit intent to offei l7sports sports have already been mentioned
emplified by the numbet ol students
thai jog, especialh femah
I he Pirate athletic directot claim
nee i
( arolina I
expect a lot ol interest from
iIk- students currently here I
is we are this year, but the as possible sports under the hopeful noted. "This feeling
"1 think in
two women's
lr�a' one ol his man- concerns is gram (field hockev ai
io maintain the numbet ol inter- are mor, l ,
collegiate loi students than goll and cro
Saving money also is a cern, a AI w neve,
�actoi Kan said contributed grea been a pan mal ECI
to his decisions ol the ii year. athletu ,
We need to keep the participa hand. AI AW a, x
�ion possibilities ai a reasonable country we. ;
nk the new spoils mam- im until the mid"
is Pest ex-
,e tain that level while beine mo
re lymi
program since the mid
Lady Bucs Begin
State Title Quest
HrHAK!l,KNiHANLKR native "We �ld
r, c r " ' K" ' ad Bu ' I drui
me last Carolina women's reaching the would
basketball team begins its quest tor foi the First times. ren
the NCA1AW tournament cham More importantly perhaps, the tl
pionship tonight (Tuesday) Alien n team wants a.t
faces tourney host UN Chapel Hill rhe Lady Wolfpack and i
in a 9:00 encounter. Pirates have play paii ol
UN earned the right to face the ncai landstills in two pri
I7th-ranked Lady Pirates with a this season.
92-63 thrashing ol Wake Forest last Bot
night. regu 10
In the other opening-round game, resulted in l I rhe first
Appalachian State defeated Duke tyed Ci
4 73 m overtime and will face top- ' ady Hue- br ik Sta ' - � e in-
seeded and I6th-ranked N.C. State s,l!e kvinnii
tonight at :00.
Both the Lady Pirates and I u
Wolfpack received first-round byes.
I he ECU-UNK i-1
chup marks
' ' K as
even I r, LCI e Pad
ECU's Marcia Girven (23) ires in Earlier State-EC!
Pirates Take Beating
To Finish Below.500
HvH R s M N) R

� 0 and
Take 19th
im ven
P .
rj he Bu
fini I ndividually
) ! Q
me $0-1 7.
� h Doer doni credited
i the Redbirds foi
beaten by one ol the
inept in all
ited in every
! anie.
d Illinois State,
i 15 11 with the win,
�minating the Pirates in such
he has nevei expei ienced
"I've nevei had a team take a
ol mine out ol a game so
quickly and so effectively with its
the second-yeai ECU
ressed. ' I hey dd it with
I, clean defense
! ' ' I tha he had hopes ol a
ick at the hall despite ISl
(we tried to encourag-
players to fight back he
'But � I , you're 13 down
bad as we were
io come bad
�l what it siuited
season that those w
faced each other.
I ach has one win, the 1 d Hues
getting an early-season 87-75 win in
Chap H II and the Heels claiming a
late eason " 4 decision in (ireen
1I head coachathy ndr ui
witnessed the Lady Heels' openei
againsi Wake and came away im
"They did a great job she said.
" I here's no question they're a good
team. I hev really socked it to
Mia! the Heel- did. jumping to a
16 0 lead ,nj cruising the rest ol the
, Kathy Crawford w:d I INC with
a 19-poinl and ten rebound per tor
niance Henrietta Wells ddded 18
points and 14 boards.
V a team, the I ady lai Heels
outrebounded the I ady Deacs by a
whopping 53-30 margin.
In the first two 1I INC con-
tests, i ady Pirate forward Kathy
Riley has been lethal, scoring a total
� 49 points.
ubs have ' "

' a
Beating UNC ha
appeal lo the I ady Bu
yeai i iid.
o, we've 11e �
finals �

whetl i v.
the cot
round, will be
i �
Lydia Roundtree Faces Foe
But Gets National Invite
Revils Loses In Finals
Charles Watkins Drives
x,tan! spfkrl- t dHoi
Butch Revils' lifelong dream was
shattered foi one moment in Nor-
folk, a Saturday, but thanks to
some Eastern Regionals coaches
who admire his ability, he was given
another chance at an NCAA cham-
pionship as a wildcard participant.
Revils was defeated in the finals
of the 177-pound weigh! class by
Auburn's Eli Blazoff in overtime,
4-0. 1 he senior wrestler saw his
record �"drop" to 26-1-1 with the
loss thai came from the hands ol an
opponent he beat at the Carolina In-
vitational in Chapel Hill last season.
"There's not too much to say
Revils said. "I didn't wrestle too
well, and he was better prepared
that I was foi the match. As for the
c tournament, I'm just going
to have to work a whole lot
Coaches at the Eastern Regionals
send six w restlei
coach Hachiro Oishi, I Ihson was Kuburn wil
leading his opponent by five points
w hen the injury occuired.
Foi the tournament, Revils was as will Virginia Tech and (
seeded first and I llison was seeded
thud. Also seeded were heavyweight
Mindell I son. who was toutth.
le NCAA toui
Madison will send one participa
I he opponent who fjgui
Revils the most trouble. Jan
and pin the nail m
luickly in the second. I he l nderv
I lead got as high as 27, at Szymanski, the only Pirate senior,
1 ;he midst Mt the romp. closed out his I I I careei with a
Redbirds started slowly with ,(HI! point, perfor-
personel early in the mance.
I have come on to play I he Bucs suffered througl oneol
it best basketball ol the yeai in "tsi shooting nights ol the
rn recent weeks Odom was so impress season, hitting on only J4 6 percent
andI emson rounded out the top r SI that he lulled then: foi ot teh shots.
foui finishers witl �' ' and 868 n
totals, respectively
I he Pirates are in action in again va
lorn title w
par total ol 858.
I lost 1 lorida State In
d at NM while Georci

Guard I)way in ! , us and reset ve
Dale White p c Redbird at
lack, scoring 14 points apiece.
c entet Rick I amb and forward An-
thony Jones also scored in double
SurSivUlly" "points' uo,c aowed io �ic �n thr�
L(" L , wrestlers to participate in the
� C ' 's A' L!ed lhe ' fo' N -A tournament next month in
2 points. David Princeton, N.J and Revils was the
leading vote-getter. Old Dominion
will also send one wrest let. as will
�V a team, the Pirates placed
seventh out ol 21 teams that includ-
ed nationally-ranked Auburn.
Navy, Old Dominion. George
and 142 pound Gary Webb at Milkovich from uburn, was
number five. i astern Regi(
Ivson was defeated in the second pounds, as was his teammate M k
round and Webb lost m the Flinsky who claimed first plac
semifinals, as did 118-pound the 158 pound weight class,
freshman Jeff Leaf. Freshman Revils glided through the I
167-pounder Andy Hefner also lost ihree rounds ol competition wi
in the semifinals to an opponent pin in 1:35, a superioi deci?
from Shippensburg State. 25 4 and a 14-12 sqeaker.
Another I'reshman, 134-pound Oishi still has confidence
ronv Mitchell, was forced to Revils, but added thai
default in lhe competition because 177-poundet "will have lo keep
�' an injury. g00j snape the next two weeks
Z i
sea? npetition. Illinois State canned 46. percent
tlly, I feel that Illinois of theit field goal attempts.
is most worthy ol a post- lhe loss kepi ECU from having
competing in The Palmet- season bid I hev played as well i,s second straight non-losing season
Mason and Slippery Rock. Auburn
look tit si place honors followed bv
Slippery Rock and Rutgers.
At 190 pounds, .lames Ellison was
to Classic
knocked out o the championship
lursday through Sun tonight ?body we've faced this un Odom. The Pirate mentor's match becausVof a reTniured
two-yea. record is now 28 25. shoulder. According to Pirate head

iPjkdr i
TKK-Miller Boxing Tourne Action
for reuilt we Tkmrsdms ' paper



ECU Captures Title
Call in
?52 !Mi Especially
Ann McLallan Formulate
Protear loryil Beaut For Earn
Cor,tt�nt Skin Type
Wotkins Products
To Buy or Soil
Stall M nln
ECU'S women's
gymnastics team, com-
peting in Minges Col-
iseum lot the last tune,
captured the Division 11
si ate championship
Saturda). 1 he Univer-
sity of North Carolina
claimed the Division 1
ci own.
In the Division II
competition, the Pirate
gymnasts topped the
Cai am ou nts oi
Western Caroli na.
124 40 121 50.
I c narrowh
defeated Duke in the
Division 1 competition,
scoring 137.25 to
Dukes 135.25. N (
State finished third in
the Division 1 race,
scoring 130.45 points.
ECU'S total score
was their best in-state
score ever. "The judges
finally eased up a little
and gave us some very
c o m p 1 i m e n t a r
scores said coach Jon
Rose. "This increased
001 seasonal average up
to 122 points
"It was really hard
for the giils to get
psyched up aftei the
news broke on Thurs-
day said Rose referr-
ing to the recent deci-
sion to diop gymnastics
from the sports pro-
gram at ECl "But we
were still up for beating
Western alter being
edged out by them at
State b one point
1 ouise Matthews was
the high scorei for
1 CU in the vault with a
8.65. Katliv McNernv
and Joanie Ford also
contributed fine perfor-
mances, scoring 8.25
and 8.1, respectively.
On the bars, Nan
George set a new school
record, scoring an 8.3.
Jennifer Bell also
scored well, receiving
an 8.1.
Joanie Ford led the
team in scoring on the
balance beam, with a
7.55. Gi nn ie Nell
received a 7.15 for her
In the Hoor exercise
high scorers were
Joanie Ford and Louise
Matthews, each receiv-
ing an 8.25.
In the Division 11 all-
around Jennifer Bell
captured third, scoring
a total of 30.30 points.
I isa Tamarru claimed
fourth with 29.35
Individual placing in
the competition was
non-divisional, while
scoring in the all-
around was by divi-
ECU has two weeks
to prepare for the
regionals, which will be
held March 13 at
Western Carolina.
"At the regionals
we'll be looking for a
third said Rose.
"Anything higher than
that would be a god-
send. We want to beat
Western again, and
William & Mary once
more, which won't be
that easy. Radford and
Longwood will be
I I 3 Grande Av�
Front End
All Types of
Auto Repair
Foreign A Domestic
Reasonable Rates
MOO E. 10th Street
Phone 751 4224
Visit Jim McKinney at
3103 S. Memorial Dr. (beside Parker s BBO)
�Hi fidelity
�Car stereo
� We're you
system repairs,
r JVC Service Center,
(10 off ports with this od)
Area Players Selected
teen ol college basket-
ball's top seniors have
been selected in nation
wide voting to the I asi
and West All-Star
.cams for the 10th
renewal oi the Pizza
Hut Basketball Classic,
Bill . 'awlev. Classic
Directot. announced
last night. I he game
will be played April 4 in
the I as Vegas c omen
tion Centei.
The last team is
headed b Mai viand's
Albeit King, who was
named in pre-season
voting bv Atlantic
Coast writers to repeat
as plaver-ot-the-vear in
thai league, and
Michigan's Mike the Big Ten's
leading scorer and the
Wolverine's all-time
leading point producer.
Othei East selectees
include Gene Banks of
Duke, Jeff lamp of
Virginia, Rav Tolbert
of Indiana. K e 11 y
T ri pucka o t N o t r e
Dame. Herb Williams
of Ohio State and Al
Wood of North
The West team has
representatives of three
of the nation's top foui
teams � Clyde Brad-
shaw of DePaul, Steve
Johnson of Oregon
State and Durand
Macklin of LSU.
Other West selectees
include Danny Ainge of
B r i g h a m Young,
Rolando Balckman of
Kansas Slate, lewis
Lloyd o' Drake
Darnell Valentine of
Kansas and Danny
Vranes of Utah.
Two at-large players
will be added to each of
the East and West
FOR SALE Parade drum
Premier, chrome in excellent con
dition Call 757 3210
FOR SALE Waterbeds direct
from mqf complete with
everything needed except sheets
13 .ear warranty M7� Call 'S6 1675
FOR SALE "75 Skyhawk
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FOR SALE Hitachi O 230
cassette deck Dolby noise reduc
tion great shape 185 Call after
noons for David 752 4379
FOR SALE Toyota Corona 1969
good condition Engine in ex
cellent condition 30mpg S650
752 6639
FOR SALE Wetsuits one
longsleeve spring suit med I S20
One longsleeve top med I Si5
Ca� Dirk 757 6987 before 5pm or
758 6354 after 5pm
FOR SALE Sears Kenmore
refrigerator 4 8 cu ft with
freeier 6 months old S200 Call
752 8554
FOR SALE Becker stereo
speakers new 32 waffs
Superscope power amp SI 50 firm
Call 758 1773
FOR SALE Hawanan Tropic tan
mng oils Selling at one half price
Royal S2 75 Professional S2 25
Dark SI 75 Dark with screen $1 75
All are new and have never been
opened 1st come 1st se' -
Call 756 5409
FOR SALE 73 Ford Torino 302
straight drive excellent condition
New tires 23 mpg hwy S800 or
best offer Call 758 6870
FOR SALE 1972 Toyota Ceiica
rebuilt engine 4 speed loaded
S2250 Car in Raleigh, seen by ap
pomtment Call 752 8955
FOR SALE JC Penny 8 track
tape player Excellent condition
i?5 Call 752 4379 and ask for
cheap rates Call Amy 7S8 6994
LOST KEYS Set of six Call
7 58 5499
TYPING DONE At home during
evening hours and on weekends
tor students, businesses or items
of personal nature 527 7645 t
Kmston area i Call after 6pm
NEED RIDERS For carpool
from Jacksonville to ECU M F
Call 455 7657 or 353 3606
R C Hello' I ve almost forgotten
the color ot your eyes GPJ
ballet ,az7 yoga and exercise
classes to students at a discount
Also offering a very special belly
dance in preparation tor the
Greenville Arts Festival AM in
terested .n learning the art or
helping in anyway please contact
Sunshine at 758 0736 Classes
oegm soon Sping break taken in
to account
FOR RENT Large house, 12
rooms. 2 baths Ideal lor student
group SSO0 plus utilities 752 5296
River Estates J120 per month and
halt utilities 757 3549 call bet
ween I 4 00pm or after 10 30
ROOM FOR RENT Large house
on Memorial Dr S90 month plus
one third utilities 756 6797
WANTED Two bedroom duplex
1809 E Sixth St Close to campus
Call 758 6599
PRICE Si 00 for 15 words. 05 for
each additional word
Make checks payable to The East
Abbreviations count as one word
as do phone numbers and
Harris Barber hop

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E ARN E XTRA SSS Schedule your
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ville Cable T V Arlington Blvd
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there after 5pm Friday March
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etc Please call 752 7488
FREE Yoga exercise and medita
tion classes Call 752 2076
students who can leave the Green
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mer Placement 43 Creekwood
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JERRY Have a Happv Birthday !
Live it up' A W
MELODY After one year in love
with you I realize that it is the
beginning of a lifetime I love you
Happy Anniversary Sammy
MR C Hope the Thursday inter
view was successful and the nun
tmg over the long weekend was
productive You're the hunted one
now, and I m gonna make sure you
know it!
tail at the Eastern Championships
and AIAW Nationals' But hey J B
please no false starts Bags stay
out ot the bubbles D G No sleep
mg while you swim E D If you
tuck it under you might swim
fa ster J W Got any new
Norwegian lokes? B J Don t be a
sned Kick some tail JR Don t be
a P R J M Don t forget to call the
wife K R Don't be a nightmare
JAM you can t get a date try Sig
Muten You re such a versatile
athlete, go lor it F M 714, the only
way to fly MORACCO. Who's the
HB this time' No time to shop on
the H B s But we're sure you can
do it Top 101 TYFS. NSD and
FOUND Set ot keys 2 dorm keys
on horseshoe type keyring Come
by East Carolinian and identity
numbers on keys
C )p( mx-tric
At Great "X" were looking
ahead with savings more
Important than money.
Offer good March 2 March 31, 1981
ID must be shown belore sir vice
dm aae � � raaaaaeeai &�:� 8�to�"�
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no nwoin'nf t � ���"
Haircuts Reg. S12.50
f ���� 1
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MARCH 3, 1981
Bowling Heads Slate
t o-Rec Bowling
Co-Rec Bowling action is in full swing
now. just finishing up its second week. There
are 9 teams entered this semester, up from
last veai's total oi 12. The teams are broken
down into 4 leagues called "Strike
"Spate "Split and "Cutter I wo
teams from each league will qualif) tor the
upcoming play-offs and all of the teams are
gearing up to post then best possible scores.
Atlei the initial two weeks oi action, the
division leaders are as follows-
IM Sports 'N' Shorts
By Dwayne Grooms
Gregg Melton
After Weekend Of Upsets
ACC Heads Into Tourney
Spai e
"Wild Bunch 1" SO
'Wiley Cats 1" 6-2
"Strikers" 8-0
"BopaiaMii" 8-0
"Wild Bunch II" 8-0
"Circle K" 8-0
Some other teams following closely on the
heels ol the leaders are "BSU" with a 7-1
record, "The Mist its who arc also 7-1, and
"The Delta Rollers 1 posting a 7-1 score
1 here have also been some ver fine scores
rolled ovei the past two weeks and we would
like to recognize them as follows: I om Davis
175, John Gatton 167 & W2. Ginger Cumm-
ings 160, 155 cV 163. Rex Barbel 168,
Richard Parrish 185, Rodnej Smith 183,
John Giresediech 172, Jim Bell 189. Judy
Goddard 178, Steve Smith 176. Susan Pear-
son 164. Darla Kessingei 160. rim Merek
180 cw 217. Larue Young 165.
Congratulations to all the participants and
we hope thai everyone will continue to make
this the type of activity that fosters fun for
all involved. Anyone wishing to go and see
some of the bowling action can obtain copies
of the schedule at the ECU Intramural Of-
Vtijhi lining Meet
The ECU Intramural weight lifting meet
drew to a close on Wednesday, February
19th at Minges Coliseum. The participants
were divided up into four weight classes.
These were "Flyweight "lightweight
"Middleweight and "Heavyweight" Divi-
sions. Both men and women competed at
these various classes.
Lastly, the overall winners in the women's
division were Wanda Moore and Shirley
Brown while in the men's divisions Ira
Simon, Frrick Redmond, Glenn Morris, and
Markam W heatley finished as the top lifters.
Congratulations go to all the participants.
The ECU Intramural Dept. would like to
thank all the student workers who devoted
their time and energies into making this ac-
tivitv a successful one.
The upsets and
scrambling in the stan-
dings that have marked
basketball this year in
the Atlantic Coast Con-
ference lasted into the
final weekend of the
regular season, and it
took a slip o paper
drawn from an ashtray
finally to determine the
pairings in the ACC
Upsets by identical
scores Saturday left
North Carolina in se-
cond place and Wake
Forest third at the end
of regular season play.
And a drawing by ACC
Commissioner Robert
James Sunday gave
Duke the fifth-place
seeding over Clemson
in the tournament,
which begins Thursday
at Landover, Md.
No. 11 Wake Forest
entered the weekend a
game behind North
Carolina in the con-
ference standings and
had a chance to tie for
second place when the
lOth-ranked Tar Heels
were toppled by Duke,
66-65 in overtime. But
hours later, North
Carolina State shut tIn-
door, turning back the
Deacons by an identical
66-65 score and forcing
Wake Forest into third
No. 3 Virginia,
which had already clin-
ched the regular season
title, ended a two-game
losing streak with a
74-63 win ovei 20th-
ranked Maryland and
Clemson finished its
season with a 91-69
rout ot Baltimore in a
non-conference game
The Blue Devils' win
gave them a tie with
Clemson feu fifth place
in the conference stan-
dings, and the drawing
matched them against
Maryland in a first
round ACC game
Thursday evening.
Clemson meets Wake
Forest in the opening
game 1 hursdaj morn-
ing, while up-seeded
Virginia meets Georgia
lech in an afternoon
game. The other even-
ing game matches
North Carolina and
North Carolina Stale.
Saturday's games
show cased seniors in
their final home perfor-
Duke's Gene Banks
shone in his final game
at Cameron Indoor
Stadium, hitting a
20-fool jumpei to force
Ninth Carolina into
overtime and then scor-
ing the winning basket
with 19 seconds left in
the extra period.
"Gene is jusl incredi-
ble. He gave us noi on-
ly offense, but great
defense said Blue
Devil Coach Mike
Kryewski. "Carolina
didn't lose this game;
we won it. It couldn't
have been a more fit-
ting ending lot out
seniors to have a win
ovei Carolina
Banks had 25 points,
including six in me:
Northarohna Stale
lumped to a 37-19
halt Imie lead over a
cold-shooting Wake
Foresl squad, and hung
on agauisi a Deacon
rally in the second halt.
Wolf pack senior
Kenny Matthews' two
free throws with 2:13
left turned out to be the
winning points when
Wake's Alvis Rogers
missed a jumper from
the lop of the key with
five seconds let! to
play . N.( Stale's
Sidney Lowe grabbed
the rebound.
"Wake forest's
shooting the last eight
minutes was incredi-
ble said Woltpack
coach Jim Valvano,
" I hev shot poorly ear-
ly, then they didn't
miss a shot, I1 was a
great win toi us. We've
come close so many
tunes We certainl)
weren't undei control
at the end. bin we hung
in there
Wake I orest's Carl
I ac said i he Deacons
didn't gel the con.
tration they needed un
ul "very, very late" in
I he game. Our !
shooting was certainly
wav ott and cost us
probably the game
along with some othei
Pro Teams Claim Former Bucs
It's fairly common foi tour
players from the same state to be
drafted by major league clubs after
their senior seasons, and it's also
not too unusual tor the same
number of players from the same
area to be dialled. Bui when tour
players from the same team are
drafted, then you've go! something
there, which is exactly what happen-
ed to tour Pirate seniors las! year.
Billy Best, Mickey Britt, Butch
Davis and Raynue Styons were
dratted into the majors following
their senioi seasons at ECV � an
implishment unprecedented in
Pirate Baseball history. Davis and
Best were selected by the Kansas Ci-
ty Royals, while Britt and Sivons
were picked by the San Diego
Padres. Ail tour had impressive
summer league seasons, which is not
'�v' big a surprise since they set 29
records while playing at ECU.
Coach Hal Baird knows the going
will be lough without these tour
stars, as the season gets ready to
open when the Pirates host N.C.
State at Harrington Field this Satur-
day afternoon.
"1 don'i think you can replace
kids like that Baird said. "But we
have some talented young players
whom we think will develop into
good plavers.
"We have enough talent to over-
come some of our inexperience
Doing without a player the calibre
of Butch Davis will be a big chore
for the Pirates. Davis set a club
record with 12 homers last season,
while his 61 slugging percentage set
another mark. Davis and Ray mie
Styons were the bulk of the long-
ball attack for the Bucs. Styons also
had 26 RBI's. one short of Davis'
"Power is a big area of concern
for us Baird said. "We don't have
anybody like Butch or Raymie, but
Todd Evans is a potential powerhit-
ter. as is Charlie Waynick
Base stealing is another area ot
concern for Baird. Billy Best swiped
54 during his career, which was 19
more than runner-up Eddie dates.
Baird still remains confident.
"We've got some players thai can
run this year he said.
Hitiing is the most important area
ot concern on the team, an area thai
Baird says his team hasn't done well
in preseason. "We have not been
hitiing the ball too well, but maybe
that's a tribute to our pitching
Baird said. "We'll just have to wait
and see
Davis led last year's club by hit-
ting at a .362 clip, while Styons and
Best were over .300, with .337 and
.331 respectively. Rick Derechailo
and Macon Move, both graduated,
also hu over .300, as the team set a
school record by hitting .307.
Baird says there is still a dead heat
for the starting nod in center field
between sophomore Robert Wells
and freshman Charlie Waynick.
"Each player has a different strong
point Baird noted. "We might
platoon them both so their strong
points can be used
There is also a fight tor the cat-
ching position, as Fran Fitzgerald is
still bothered by an injury. "He and
Jay C arraway are really battling
Baird said. "Each player has his
good points, and it looks like both
are going to get a lot of playing
Baird pointed on! that this
season's schedule, in which the Bucs
play their first 15 games at home,
should be an advantage. "We really
have some fine teams coming here.
proudly presents
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Ph. 756-2011
The home schedule is really attrac-
tive, and 1 sure wouldn't want to
play all of those games on the
road Of the 43-game schedule, 32
games are plaved at home.
The second-year coach added thai
his pitchers are throwing the ball
well, even though senioi Rick
Ramey might be out another week
as he was struck in the arm with a
line drive.
The hand injury to John Hallow.
Baird said, shouldn't keep his be
hitter down for long. "He's a lough
kid, and it anybody can handle the
injury, John can
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-will continue and expand bus
-supports the arts
-will actively seek a fall break
-will fight fee increases
-put more xerox machines in
more locations
-increase efficiency and effec-
tiveness of drop add lines

" 'fc � �

The East Carolinian, March 03, 1981
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 03, 1981
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