The East Carolinian, January 15, 1981

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Qtoe iEaHt Carolinian
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol. 55 No. 33
8 Pages
Thursday , January 15, 1981
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 10,000
N.C. Assembly Convenes In Raleigh
K Ml lull (UPI) I he 1981
General ssembl) convened
Wednesda) amid predictions of a
tight budget yeai and calls from its
leaders for financial restraint
tempered with compassion.
"1: esponsibilit) must be our
h w oii at all nines, especially at
1 House Speaker
11 Madison, w ho
'?a as (d as the House convened.
? ? vs? e people) that
i - .? nment designed to
'not Meed them
in his acceptance
e, It. Gov. James C.
distinguish between that
which is necessary and that which is
merely desirable.
"Resources are not inexhaustible,
and it will be our job to see that
those valuable resources which are
in short supply will get to where they
will do the most good he said.
During a day devoted primarily to
ceremony, both chambers speedily-
approved a resolution formally in-
viting Gov. James B. Hunt Jr. to
deliver his State of the State message
to a joint session Thursday night.
The session began at noon when
Secretary of State Thad Eure gavel-
ed the House to order so members
could be sworn into office. Green
carted the Senate session three
minutes later.
The first order of business in the
House was the election of Ramsey
as speaker. The selection officially
by a 118-0 margin-was a formality
since the 96 House Democrats
nominated him last month.
Residents of Ramsey's district in
the southwestern section of the state
packed the galleries to watch him
become the first speaker in 80 years
from the North Carolina moun-
"This General Assembly should
direct its efforts toward eliminating
empty minds, empty stomachs and
empty pockets Ramsey said.
"It will not be easy to meet our
economic responsibilities. An
economc chill is spreading across us
and there are no signs of a warming
trend he said, and cited the
limited resources that would be
The Legislature must establish
priorities, "eliminate any semblance
of waste" and end any "unwise, un-
wanted and unused" programs he
"North Carolina stands today at
a budgetary crossroad he said.
"Unless we choose the path of the
wisest possible use of our dollars,
we will be heading for financial
trouble in the very near future
Green told the Senate its "biggest
challenge will be to continue to pro-
vide the goods and services that
North Carolina needs and deserves
MSC Recovers Some Objects
without burdening with excessive
taxes those very citiens we are try-
ing to help.
"We need to continue that North
Carolina quality of life for our
citizens. Yet we need to do it, and
still operate within our existing
"That does not mean this General
Assembly will be devoid of compas-
sion. Not at all. I think the money
will be there for those important
programs so necessary to our less
fortunate North Carolinians
Green said, but those programs
must be examined tor duplication,
waste and excessive administration.
Green, who in the past feuded
with Hunt and with former Speaker
Art Stolen From Mendenhall Center
Bv NANO MORRIS Htafl Wrili-r
have taken place this vear in Mendenhall h;s s years the has been in opera-
: plant valued at
but latei it was o bean bag chairs
? ? in thelake: rhe : but ha Ol a s ision v iew -eves were not ap-the chairs were found dorm on campus dur-
two expensive lamps were stolen
from gallery lobby, in early
November. Mendenhall received an
anonymous call informing them of
n where the) could pick
up ne ol the missing lamps. Thev
picked up the lamp which had a note
attached to n signed "the ECU
thief The thief said the other lamp
would be returned after Christmas.
Several works of art were stolen
from the gallerv walls. Three black
and while photographs were stolen
from the Forty-second Annual
North Carolina Artists Exhibition
Traveling Show . "Elk Park. N.C
bv lorn Bras well, and "Entitled
bv Colin Osborne III were stolen on
Eridav, Nov. 21. The photographs
were missing as of 3:00 p.m. The
theft was reported to campus securi-
tv immediately, who then filed their
official report.
Several high school students were
seen in the building, but there is no
way of knowing whether or not they
were involved in the thefts One
piece of art stolen was described as a
puddle on a dirt road, and another
was a sky scene.
"Rake With Shadow by Mark
B. Sluder, a picture of a white house
with two doors and a rake in bet-
ween, was stolen on Nov. 24. At
9:(K) the photograph was on the
gallery wall. Wanda E. Yuhas, assis-
tant program director went to take
the show down for shipping to the
next date. She went to the gallery
prior to removing the show and
discovered the piece was missing. At
10:00 a.m. campus security was
Another piece reported missing is
'ICON George Brett's
cellophane tape cross on 100 percent
rag paper.
Mendenhall Student Union's Art
Exhibition Committee and Randy
Osman, director of Gray Art
Gallery, are making an investigation
into ways of cutting out thefts. The
possibility of putting devices on
remote side doors so that alarms will
go off is one security measure being
A receptionist is on duty at all
times, but this is obviously not
enough. The thefts have been at
times with very different travel
levels, so special precautions at par-
ticular hours might not be a deter-
Mendenhall has decided to cancel
all shows until the aid of a profes-
sional secuntv svstem can be provid-
See ART, Page 3
SRA Holds Leadership Conference
B Pl 1COL1 ls
s,?,t ttllor
nlav anded I a i, then inH 1IUthey each tood tried
1- cal ndergarten or
me neig iborhood kids
I he answer is no. It is
lent Residence

ke an idiot said Beth
Mel I yler Dorm. "1 was really
. d
"T couldn't even get off the
1 Ka Coats, secretary of
the College Hill Campus Council.
But u all seemed to turn out for
the better Tuesday night as the SRA
: its firs- leadership conference.
I he conference was a real big suc-
remarked SRA President
Nelson Jarvis. "I didn't hear any
The I I school year is the
SRA's first vear of existence at East
Carolina. The SRA is a result of the
merger involving the Men's,
Women's and Co-ed Residence
According to SRA Publicity
Chairwoman Kim Mack, the old
councils were merged to streamline
the system. "With ECU starting to
have co-ed dorms the SRA is
beneficial to everyone, it has more
strength than the old councils did
The conference was held, Mack
said, because the SRA was having
difficulty getting input from the
students who live in the dorms.
"The purpose of the conference was
to teach these students how to
become good leaders and how to
conduct a good meeting
The students at the conference in-
cluded the officers of the area
residence councils and the
presidents and vice presidents of the
various dorms.
The SRA is divided into three
area residence councils: the West
Campus Council, the Central Cam-
pus Council and the College Hill
Campus Council. In addition, each
dorm has a house council.
Each area residence council is the
governing body for its area. These
councils and the dorms are the
primary sponsors of the socials and
other activities for dorm students.
Each area coun;cil also has a
coordinator. These coordinators are
full-time professionals employed by
the universitv.
"The area coordinator is the ad-
visor to the council explained
Rebecca Martin, the coordinator for
the West Campus. "But that's just
part of what we do. We also work
closely with the directors of the
residence halls.
"The workshop (leadership con-
ference) is similar to what we do
with the student staffs of the
residence halls she continued.
"We're involved in recruitment and
training the students who serve as
resident advisors in the dorms.
Basically we keep abreast of what
happens in our area
Jarvis noted that the SRA itself
was not a major programming body
and will not be sponsoring monthly
events. "It's mainly a lobbying
organization he said.
He did note, however, that the
SRA would be sponsoring a recrea-
tion night Thursday at Memorial
"SRA is a means for students in
the dorms to communicate with the
administration he said. "Our
main function is to lobby to the ad-
ministration. At the same time the
administration can get information
about the dorms from the SRA
Jarvis emphasized that the SRA
was completely separate from the
Student Government Association
and stresed that the two should not
be confused.
Mack echoed Jarvis' feelings
about the purpose of the SRA. "It is
the voice of the students who live in
the dorms. If they have any com-
plaints or suggestions that's where
they can go
Selective Service May
Ask For Student Records
Director of Housing Dan Wooten, says dorm students can expect a rent in-
crease. See page 3 for details.
If the Selective Service System
decides to use college and university
records to track down men who
didn't register tor the draft, each
school will have to decide for itself
if the records can be released, accor-
ding to an SSS spokesperson.
Estimates of the percentage of
non-registration range from the
Selective Service's 5 to 7 percent
guess, to anti-draft and media
reports of 25 percent non-
"Using student records is a
possibility we're considering says
Betty Alexander, public informa-
tion officer for the SSS. Alexander
says the SSS doesn't believe the
federal privacy law would protect
directory information contained in
college and university records, but
says each school would determine its
own privacy standards.
"If they (school officials) believe
it would be a violation of a student's
privacy, then those would be
records we couldn't use says Alex-
ander. "It's up to them .to decide
Some students aren't waiting until
Selective Service acts to find out
what their school's decision will be.
At the U. of California-Santa Bar-
bara, over 300 students marched on
the chancellor's office demanding
that personal information in their
university files not be turned over to
any outside authorities. The
students asked Chancellor Robert
Huttenback to accept regulations re-
quiring widespread notification of
any request to for records and
delaying university action on such a
request for seven days.
Huttenback agreed to notify the
student newspaper of any requests
for information by outside
authorities. He also will contact
others who submit written requests
for notification. Huttenback refus-
ed to guarantee a seven-day delay in
furnishing requested information,
but did agree to withhold such in-
formation until the students involv-
ed were notified.
Students outside California don't
seem to be too concerned about a
possible on-campus record hunt.
Doug Tuthill, president of the
United States Student Association,
admits he's heard little discussion of
the records release issue in his
travels around the country. "I think
most students don't think the
government will go as far as finding
people who didn't register says
Carl J. Stewart Jr also issued a
for unity, saying there is no room
for a conflict between the executive
and legislative branches of govern-
"If we io not do our jobs right,
only the citizens of North Carolina
will lose nd thev are the very peo-
ple we all want to win he said.
Green and Ramsey began the pro-
cess ol announcing their committee
appointments Wednesday. B
men named the Appropriation com-
mittees that will grapple with the
budget, while Ramsey also named
the House finance Committee,
which considers tax legislation.
- ?,
r-z ??
? ??
.ri 4
George Brett's "ICON" was stolen from Mendenhall.
Activism Resurges
Following Election
The November election heralded
the return of power to the conser
vatives, but it might also signal the
return of organized activism to col-
llege campuses.
Rather than running scared after
the landslide victory of Ronald
Reagan and the success of the Moral
Majority, some student activists are
capitalizing on the conservative
threat by marshalling their forces
for what they claim will be a four-
year seige. Whether they can buck
;ampus trends of conservatism and
apathy remains to be seen.
In mid-November, about 400
students from more than 50 schools
attended the Progressive Students
Conference at Kent State U
establishing in the process a loosely
knit network of activist groups.
"The idea actually came out of
the anti-dtaft and anti-nuclear
movements says organizer
Richard Sax of the Midwest branch
of the Committee Against Registra-
tion and the Draft. Although con-
ceived in pre-election meetings, the
conference drew many people who
came "because they were concerned
about Reagan's election ? they
realize it's time for people who
think progressively to organize
says Sax. "The new conservative
trend does represent a real threat
The primary theme of the
November conference was unity ?
combining divergent groups into a
single activist movement. The
primary problem of the conference
was the lack of a unifying issue j?
other than opposition to Reagan.
The main activity of the Progressive
Students Network at present is
publication of a newsletter and ex-
pansion onto more campuses, says
Sax. Also in the works is a
demonstration during the Reagan
Three Harvard University
students and former Anderson for
President workers also responded to
the election by trying to form a
liberal coalition, called Students In-
volved in National Change
(Students, Inc.). The election of a
Republican Senate, on top of
Reagan's big win, spurred the
group's formation, says one of
those involved. "The elections
scared the hell out of a lot of Har-
vard students he says. Student
Incs immediate goal is staging civil
rights rallies throughout New
England on Abraham Lincoln's bir-
thday .
Issue-oriented campaigns are ex-
pected to draw more student in-
terest. The Campaign for Political
Rights, a Washington-based group,
is finding more students interested
in the demonstrations it leads
against on-campus recruitment bv
the Central Intelligence Agency.
"Main more universities have
organized to raise the issue of covert
recruitment, and with Reagan in
there, things will get even more ac-
tive says CPR's Susan Benda.
Doug Tuthill, president of the
United States Student Association,
says Reagan's election will make it
easier for Tuthill to organize
grassroots student involvement. But
while some activists long for a single
issue to galvanize the movement, as
the Vietnam War did in the '60s,
Tuthill doesn't favor a return to the
old ways of action. "We have to be
systematic in educating people and
in organizing in a rational fashion
so that we will go on after Reagan is
gone he says. "1 don't think
Reagan is the real issue here. If you
really look at it, Carter wasn't much
Tuthill also points out that poten-
tial organizers must first convince
students "they have some control
over their lives.
On The inside
Classifieds 8

JANUARY 15, 1981
Inmates .h' the Maury (
tionai Fat iiity are looking for Obs
Many inmates nave been recom
mended for worK release but Obs
aren't available ifyouhavi
offer or Know of or
7S6 9324
Applications are now tx
cepted for the office erf Studi
Union pr. e 1981
school real Applications
taken until Jan '6 1981 ?
dent Centei reformation ? ?
The School of Home Economics
IS sponsoring an Advanced Quanti
Food Lab this semester Dm
nors are by advance "season
ticket ? only Meals are served on
Wed from 6 45 7 45 p m There
.in' two plans, each consisting of
five meals at $22 50 per plan, or
both plans for $45 00 per plan
For further information contact
Ruby Sheridan a' 'he School of
Home Econon-
? eenville Parking Authori
? iot at 100pm on Jan U
? . Mali
The ECU chapter of the
American Marketing Association
is holding a membership drive
during the first 30 days of the
semester Named the Albert R
Conley Chapter the orqrfrwation
proposes to br inq together the pro
tessional and the student In the
field of marketing
Applications may be obtained by
contacting the officers Mike
Mi Mahan W E Iton Boney in A 226
Phi Beta Lambda businesslob
wil meet at 4 p m on Tuesday
Ian 20 n Rawl 103 All members
ked 1 ittend
?. ?
inities tellov
?" . Pubhc Transpor
n will meet
? at B pm at the
Works Fa
ir 1 " ?' ssued
? now
, h 6 15th
Sjvv 00 Dour
itudeht Union Travel Com
milfee has planned two trips clor
inq Spring Break One is to Ft
. rta
. by t
J ?
? ?
? '
? dom
P O B ?
Tulut i L ake c ?'? - 8 .
rors ari I teacl
? .?
? ? ?'?
rafts T-ia' Stu
ior which
needed are
? 'oom techniques ewi Ii .
i Graduate or s" .
? - , e who ha
? the areas n
Tana Nobles.
? p ?. ? ? . ?

out of stati .? ?. til Fi
ipply for thi ? ? ? ??
? .? ship
? ?'

, ? ? ' "
? ? ? -
? ? r interns ?
? i
. - '
.? . .
Mice ex . 9b ???? ? e of
Students interested In the In
'? ' ' ? ?
? ,
Nc ?
? . to
? ' ' I ?
? - :? ? .?' ECU
Tht pi of Soc .oiogy and
" ropologv n cooperation a itt
the ECU School of Art is presen
ting i of public lectures on
Pre C ' ?' rt
The ? ? ? ? ft bi ? fed
?? urator of me
Pre Columbia ? It the
. Museum of An
?. . rheauditor 'um
i ?? . . ? . ? ? - ter a'
ECL ?' ? 'T' ii'n 12 '?n 1v
and j .v t
? to I
? . . of Civili za'ion
? ??
iya One I
. ? iv and
Thi ? '
Pred ? Other Half ?
Therv r remain ng lei
in the ser't-s ana each lee
tore ? ?? '
. ampIes of Pre
of published
?? and th
?, . the a en1 arts of this
? . snow thai Pre
Columbian art can now take its
piai ? ireat an
sau' ? tivethal n ??
nave tome to thi ??? ?
have sar- . a ' fherl
. ti ttl
- ? eft i by thi
?iave come and
An 11 be a
? rig Tuesday Ian 20
. m m room 104 Memorial

i ten!
trip plan
'? ?
Any tact Dr
? ?
ke to si ??? '

n Jan 23 arm i
Auditions a : ? v 00 p m
For more information, phone
S7 6611. e?' 210
Another Plus from
Jan. 30 and 31, Fri. and Sat.
Sweatshirts ? 12 Price
Ladies' Fashion Knits Infant Gripper
Football Jerseys Golf Shirts Youth Top Stitch
The Dept of Intramural
Recreational Services is ottering
classes in Exercise and Weight
Control Jan Exercise, Aerobic
Conditioning, and Shmnastics
Each class is designed to provide
information on (l) the purpose of
exercise (2) the effective results
of activity, (3) weight control and
figure improvement, (4) Yoga
and relaxation technigues. and (5)
various exercises to maintain flex
ibihty and muscle tones The
structure of each class will be
determined in accordance with the
express desires of the participants
For additional information con
tai t Nancy Mize at 757 6387
Crafts workshops are now
at the Crafts Center in
M i lenhall Pottery, darkroom
ti hniqui photography, quilting,
?. . ?? be? nnincj ii'Welry and
? oor loom weaving,
: ?' ? i ned glass and macrame
the a rkshops which are
All ECU students, student
endents, as well as facualty,
1 rino their dependents who are
MSC members an ? g tile to par
must regis'ir
Aorkshops at the Crafts
Center no later than Saturday,
Jan 4 c r.itts Center hours are
3 00 P M until 10 00 P M . Mon
through Fr, and 12 00 until 5 00
p m Sat
For further information contact
Tan N ? it 757 661!
All persons interested m tan
tasy, science fiction, comics,
films, etc are invited to attend an
informal meeting at the Nostalgia
Newsstand, 919 Dickinson Avenue
at 7 00 p m . Wednesday, Jan 21
The purpose of this meeting is for
local fans to meet with each other,
to prepare a directory of local fan
dom to be printed, and to an
nounce plans for the upcoming An
nual Greenville Mini Con to be
held March 22 Call 758 6909 for
further information
A Field Hockey Club meeting
will be held Wednesday Jan 21 at
7 00 p m m 221 Mendenhal! for all
interested women
Registration tor the annual
children's gymnastics program at
ECU is scheduled at 7 p m on Jan
20 and Jan 22 and the one hour per
week classes will begm Jan 26
Registration will be in the gym
nasties room at Memorial Gym
nasium, ECU, from 7pm until 8
p m each evening
Cost of the 12 weeks program is
$35 The program includes all
phases of gymnastics for children
aged five through 16 Schedules
according to age will be set at time
of registration
?-? ?? r today tor a non credit
mini course n Wine Tasting Clog
CPR Train,ng or
Calligraphy Thesi
rVtendenrtall Studi
?; I tl aH
ECU stud ' ' ?" MSC
then guests
lividua in per
at ?? ? Wenoenhall Central
' ket Office betweei the hours of
10 00 a m and 4 00 pm Mon
The first .ourse
.? 1981
, ? ? ? ? ? . ?
mon k
Join our "Early Bird" and
Summer Classes In Preparation
for Your Fall 1980 Exams
Permanent Centers open days, evenings and
Low hourly cost Dedicated full-time staff
Complete TEST-n-TAPE5m facilities for review of
class lessons and supplementary materials.
Small classes taught by skilled instructors
Opportunity to make up missed lessons
Voluminous home-study materials constantly
updated by researchers expert in their field
Opportunity to transfer to and continue study at
any of our over 85 centers
Educational Center
?i-e' Center&
Clarinetist Lawyer Crawford, of
Goldsboro, a senior in the ECU
School of Music, will perform a
recital on Fri . Jan 16, 1981 a'
7 30 p m .n the A J Fletcher
Recital Hall
Crawford is a candidate for the
Bachelor of Music degree in Music
Therapy He studies clarinet with
Deborah Chodacki cf 'he School of
Music faculty
Works to be performed are
Wilson Osborne's Rhapsody,
Saint Saens' Sonata, and Leonard
Bernstein s Sonata Crawford will
be accompanied by Cynthia Creel
pianist The rectal is free and
open to the publ.c
The Student Residence Assooa
tion will meet Tuesday Jan 20 m
Rawl Room 130 at 5 00 P m All
members are urged to attend
The U S Office of Personnel
Management announces that the
fling dates tor the Professional
and Administrative Career Exan
I PACE! arc between Jan 19 and
Feb 13 Additional information
and applications are ava'lah'i
the Career Planning and Pta I
ment Center located m the Blcxton
The American College Test
(ACT will be ?' ECU on
Sat . March 28. 1981 Application
blanks are to r completed arvi
mailed to act Registration p O
Box 414. Iowa City Iowa M240
Registration deadline is Feb V
1981 Applications may be obta.n
ed from the ECU Testing C???
Speight Bldg Room 10S
The Allied Health Professions
Admission Test wll be offered at
ECU on Sat Man h 7 1981 Ap
plication blanks are to be com
pleted and mailed to the
Psychological Corp. 304 E Jr
St New VOTk, NY 10017 to an .?
by Feb 7, 198 nblank!
are g at the Testing
Center pe ht B Room ios
I CU Ski '?
over I foi
Mar - ?1 Studer
credit should enroll in PHYE 1105
A room deposit of S10 00 is
Jan 27 1981. at IP"
Gym. Rm 108 Contact Mrs Jo
205 f ? -t'On
The first meeting of SO
for the ?,
herd Thursday Jan 15 al
Cultural ' 7pm PI
plan to at-

2 4 2 5 and .6 n a-
Aud tori
Jan 19 at thi
7 56 it ?
rhe I
? '
? ?
torn ?
- ?
Gr ' PS Three
ass.sfantshipi able lor
ECi. '? ' fed
? ? in North
Carolina Gra: ' rrom
. . t Skills in
? "
or n ?'
' ' ?
be paid rhe

? ? ?? , ? ntorma
titote I istai and
?.???? Re; . ? ? i cu
?. ??
7 oc i ? Biology N 102 Dr
Cheti vvili speak Everyone is .n
vi led
Can Days Evenings a Weekends
Executive Park, Mat! E
17M Chapel Hill aivo
Durham. NC 17707
? m4ae-?7w
:? -r Thar 8S MatOl US 4 ADroafl
Far inforrnatujn about other canton OUTSIDE ? Y STATE CALL TOLL ft-Ei WO 223 1782
Ladies'Knit Tops
Ladies' Flannel Tops
Men's H.I.S. Corduroy Pants
Men's MALE Pants
gAen's Denim Coat
Reg. 12 98 NOW 7.79
Reg. 12.98 NOW 7.79
Reg. 12.97 NOW 7.78
Reg. 21.95 NOW 13.17
Reg. H.95 NOW 10.17
Reg. 18.98 NOW 15.98
264 By-Pat in Front of Nichols Hour: MonSt. 9:30 to 6:00
? TA U-
The Parties Start Mon. With a WAMMER JAMMER ot a
From 8:00 ? Until
TUES. Come On Over And PARTY Again
From 8:00 - Until.
WFD. Time To Go Again For More Ot The
Same Good Times.
Has Your favorite Beverage
At 409 Elizabeht st
Catch The Bus To Our House or Call 752-4379
flcfytAdt-fin d7L
8:30-10:00 - GUYS ADMITTED
AFTER 10:00
FOR LADIES FROM 8:00-9:30 -
You have a unique opportunity to become one of
the members of an exciting new nightclub for those
of us 19 and over.
All members will be entitled to 3 guests per even
ing. Neat dress and proper identification will be re
quired of all members and guests.
only $1.00. All applications and dues must be return
ed to this address: P.O. Box 1943, Greenville, NC.
27834. NC State Law requires a thirty-day member-
ship waiting period from date of application for
clubs with brown bagging permits.
? Kd.

Telephone No.
Music preference

Dorm Students Can Expect Rent Increase Fall Semester
in keeping March 01 April ol this
enl rise in year, Wooten said
yeai an 1 he need tor an in
idence crease in dorm tees will
ible be proposed b Wooten
con and Associate Dean foi
i the increase Residence 1 ite Carolyn
ol 1 ulghum. 1 he proposal
will then be approved
Is or disapproved by the
detinue vice chancelloi for stu
be dent life, Dr. Elmei
?t !his point the pi o
posal is reviewed h a
student committee and
then forwarded to
Chancellor Brewei and
the Board ol I rustees
foi final appi o al.
1 he new increase in
dorm tees ma possibly
include an additional
service foi students
Wooten staled thai
school officials are cur
Art Objects Stolen
From Mendenhall
( ontinu
? ?in Patji I
j . ?


N ??
1 he I asiarolinian
ig II
? ; ed foi
Swtisc r iption Rates
s -
p"oni aj?6 636? 630
6th Annual TKE
Boxing Tournament
11 be held
in W r Xuditorium
24, 25 and 26th, 181
Registration begins
January I hh at the TKE
House - C5I E. 10th Street
en 6-9 p.m.
S3 General Nutrition Centers
? ????' I,
from Coast to Coast
99 29 s1'9
39 $1? r
ggji!?. ll5iiBBriiiB
n "69 M" go
liiM:Jlis?-llB9ilv. 5&&fj
m ?h, mm, ???? a Oej?
?Ml Viavnc. ??,
? - an Tl-al
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rentl) discussing the
idea of including
telephone service in
each dorm room. ()nl
local calls, however,
would be covered b
the dorm fee.
Residence halls at
1 c l are capable of
housing 5,580 students.
At present, about 98
percent ol the available
housine is being utili
I he current fee foi t ol orth arolina art completi rimer
i Kite
Housing operations residence hall student
at ECU function on a is S21 per semester, system charge ;
budget ol about Si I his amount has risen room rent than l l
million a yeai with 30 about 50 percei I
percent ol the budget 1977 when the fee wa?
designated tor utilities S1 pel semestei
1 Ins year, however, Energ) rate? ince that for
Wooten estimated that yeai have aim
approximately S1 .4 doubled
million ol the budget
' Ml
merited that there are
additional housii
U Ml
would he consumed bv Onk foui ol the I'5 Wooten
111 tut costs.
schools in the I niversi alter these ren
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Januar 15. 1S?S1
Page 4
Literacy Tests
wdgewes Against Florida
The primary aim of the Civil
Rights Movement was fairly simple:
provide all citizens of the United
States with equal opportunity.
Somehow, though, the implementa-
tion of this idea has been more dif-
ficult than might have seemed possi-
Take for instance a case heard
recently in federal circuit court. The
case involves a "functional
literacy" test the Florida State
Legislature decided should be used
in the state's high schools. The
legislature decided in 1976 that,
beginning in 1979, students would
be required to pass the test in order
to receive a high school diploma.
The test was designed to measure
basic skills necessary for effective
participation in a modern economy.
Each student was to have had four
chances to pass the test. Those
students who failed all four times
would have the option of receiving a
"certificate of completion" or tak-
ing a fifth year o high school with
another opportunity for a diploma.
The plan seemed straightforward
enough, with options to satisfy the
needs of a vide range of students.
Bui in these legalistic times most
anyone could have predicted the
next scene as easily as if it had come
from some cheap dime-store novel.
The Tampa office of the federal
government's Legal Services Cor-
poration, Bay Area Legal Services,
slapped a lawsuit on the State of
Florida. The suit filed on behalf of
ten black students claimed that their
legal rights were being violated by
the possibility of diploma denial.
The judge agreed and ruled last
year that Florida must suspend its
test until 1983 since the class of 1979
was educated its first four years in
segregated schools.
The plaintiffs, however, were still
not satisfied and recently sought a
ruling that would declare the test to
be racially biased. The state, they
claimed, had not borne the burden
in proving that the test was valid
and free of racial bias. So the matter
has now become even more murky.
One fact is clear, however.
Students who cannot read or write
should not receive high school
diplomas. The four-year segrega-
tion has undoubtedly resulted in
some disparities in the quality of
education received, but issuing these
students diplomas will not teach
them to read and write. Perhaps a
fifth year of high school would.
The problem of illiteracy among
high school graduates is all too com-
mon, even here at East Carolina
where freshmen struggle with the
Grammar Exit Exam, a test design-
ed to measure knowledge of the
elementary principles of grammar.
We should not be giving breaks to
high school students; now is the
time we should be demanding more
of them. To allow them diplomas
without proving their literacy fur-
ther degrades the value of a high
school education and cheats the
If these students truly desire an
equal education they will demand
that the test be given and insist that
their school equip them with the
skills to pass it. Florida's plan seems
designed with students in mind and
offers sufficient options, including
- Campus Forum
Witches Still Exist Today
In response to the December 2, 1980
article, any changes in witches of today
are used to keep up with the times and fit
into society, which enables them to go
unnoticed. The story and fairy tale im-
ages of evil witches have made them ap-
pear harmless by society and next to
nonexistent. The real witch does exist to-
day but not in the stereotyped images of
stories and fairy tales as societies in the
past were mislead to believe. The witch
is very much in existence today and
practices so-called harmless practices
that are often cover-ups for the real
New Bern witches seem to have an in-
terest in spreading their so-called
religion on campus. The Wicca of New
Bern were started in Greenville but mov-
ed on when their practices were not ac-
cepted in the city. Witchcraft tries to
identify with other religions for easier
acceptance, but the differences are very
appearant. Other religions are very open
about their practices while witches are
very selective about whom becomes a
witch and their rites are for witches only.
With this in mind, someone could
become suspicious of what is really be-
ing practiced. Witches believe in a
creator diety as the Christians and Jew
but the other gods the witches believe in
are enimies, as is Satan of Christianity
and Judism
The Wicca motto is that the) can do
anything as long as it causes no harm.
They fail to mention what the criteria
for harm involves. Their viewpoint of
harm leases much to the imagination.
Witches want to be left alone to practice
the way they wish without any restraint
which could cause harm as far as we
know. They claim mystical magical
powers without ever revealing the source
of it. A factual article from a witch who
has left the witches could be very objec-
tive in showing the real story and un-
covering what the witches want to hide
from the general public.
Name withheld by request
Forum Rules
The East Carolinian welcomes letters
expressing all points of view. Mail or
drop them by our office in the Old South
Building, across from Joyner Library.
For purposes oj verification, all letters
must include the name, major and
classification, address, phone number
and signature oj the author(s). Letters
are limited to two typewritten pages,
double-spaced, or neatly printed. AH let-
ters are subject to editing for brevity,
obscenity and libel, and no personal at-
tacks will be permitted. Letters by the
same author are limited to one each 30
da vs.
MBA's Draw Criticism On Theories
Why Foreign Language
Many a student has shed tears
over the foreign language require-
ment here at ECU. Anyone working
toward a BA degree must have four
units of foreign language, all in se-
quence in the same language.
We feel that this requirement
should be dropped for several
Foreign language is of no use to
anyone unless they are going to
teach that language or work in a
field such as international com-
merce or government service
overseas. Why should anyone be
forced to struggle through four
courses that they will never be able
to use in their careers.
The courses are extremely dif-
ficult and have been an obstacle in
the path of graduation for many
ECU students. We've all had a
friend or two who had completed all
of their requirements for a degree
only to be stopped and bogged
down by foreign language.
Probably the only reason that the
requirement has not been dropped is
because those who teach foreign
language, and their sympathetic
brethren who teach other liberal arts
courses that are becoming obsolete
in our modern society, have been
successful over the years in
defeating any motion to drop the re-
quirement via the faculty senate.
Birds of a feather do flock together.
It's a game of survival for them.
If the requirement were dropped
they might find themselves looking
for other work, which would be
hard to find since their degrees are
in foreign language.
How many students would sign
up for those courses if they were not
required? Not very many, it's that
We realize that the requirement
will probably be around for a long
time no matter how much student
opposition is raised, and no matter
how many editorials are written.
Students should still let their
voices be heard by writing a letter to
the faculty senate, the vice
chancellor for academic affairs, and
even the chancellor. You never can
tell, they might just listen to the
students for a change.
However, we think that it will see
its demise as the demand for liberal
arts degrees steadily decreases.
Well now that "Drop-Add" is
over and the only alternative you
have is to drop those courses which
you feel you will never be able to
pass, isn't it comforting to know
that the deadline for adding a
course was extended to include
Tuesday, January 13?
It seems that the administration
decided the last day should be after
students have had a chance to at-
tend each class at leasf once to find
out the requirements each instructor
had set forth before making it im-
possible to change a course load.
While this procedure proved
beneficial to many East Carolina
students including many who failed
to secure their schedules before the
January 8 and had to add an entire
load, it may come as an unpleasant
surprise to those students who were
previously unaware of the change.
Perhaps an advance warning
from the administration would be in
order in the future.
As increasing numbers of students enroll
in MBA programs across the nation, and
here at ECU, increasing numbers of critics
have been complaining that some of these
highly paid graduates do not live up to
their billing.
Many MBA programs are being
challenged by the business and industrial
community as too low in quality.
Business Week recently detected
"disenchantment" with the business
schools' product. It reported complaints
from businesses about "the inability of ???????-???-?????????-
newly minted MBA's to communicate their
over-reliance on mathematical techniques of the board in four weeks
(quantitative methods) of management Other critics contend that business
and expectations of becoming chairman schools are not turning out enough
uD0NT 0siD?? it &H6lHS) Tfcy TO THWk of if
to spwufr wu&SiLF AwrtKn six yewi of
toSSl&IUTY OP Y0U4L bill fcAAWb
itiocua, M'U Ar nn SMK rmi HUH
mt KlPU W LWMMci nAQMdi fit?
?ht Eaat (EutalMun
graduates with new ideas and the Hair for
innovathe change that is needed for shak-
ing up existing procedures.
William F. May, dean of New York
University's Graduate School of Business,
said in a recent New York Times interview
that business schools have three shortcom-
1) The uniformity of their graduates, or
the cookie-cutter syndrome.
2) Insufficient training for entrepreneur-
ship, especially for small business pur-
3) Inadequate training in communica-
tions in view of the fact that business today
must communicate with many different
publics, such as government, consumer
and the nonpublic sector.
Dr. James H. Bearden, dean of the EC I
school of business, says that 'he problem
of communication is age-old and nation-
wide. Dr. Bearden said that this year for
the first time communication skills are be-
ing incorporated into standards planning
for schools of business across the nation.
ECU does have a program at the
undergraduate level to deal with small
businesses and provide entrepreneural
training and experience. The program is
called SB1, the Small Business Institute. In
this program, business students work with
small local businesses to obtain first hand
knowledge of how a small business works.
Dr. Bearden disagrees with those critics
who say that there is too much emphasis
on quanitative methods and mathematical
He says that the major problems that
managers will face in the future is handling
information, and the nature of that infor-
mation is increasingly more quantitative in
Business may be dissatisfied to some ex-
tent with MBA graduates but according to
Bearden the demand for them is high.
Bearden is correct in asserting that
managers will have to contend with an ever
increasing flow of quantitative data, but
what about the needs of those graduates
who may not go into corporate manage-
ment. There are still enough people around
who seek a business education to increase
their own ability to operate or begin their
own small businesses to justify a Hale more
emphasis on educating students in en-
? 4fe

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JANUARY 15, 1981 Page 5
Miss ECU Pageant
Coming This March
Dan Ackroyd and John Belushi star in the comedy film The Blues Brothers in this weekend's Free Flick. The movie
is showing Friday and Saturday at 5. 7:30 and 10 pm in the Hendrix Theatre in Mendenhall.
The Miss East Carolina Universi-
ty Pageant will be held on March 24,
1981 in the Hendrix Theatre in
Mendenhall Student Center. The
pageant is organized by the Kappa
Sigma Fraternity and their little
Organizations on campus ? dor-
mitories, sports teams and clubs,
fraternities, sororities, school
departments or any others ? may
sponsor a contestant. Around fifty
contestants are anticipated.
The Miss East Carolina Pageant
Competition will consist of four
categories: evening wear, street
wear, an interview with the judges,
and a personal profile (a two or
three minute talk about the contes-
tant's goals, ambitions, etc.)
Cathy Dreyer
Ackroyd And Belushi Star In
Free Flick The Blues Brothers
This Friday and Saturday night at
5, 7:30, and 10 p.m the Student
Union Films Committee will present
the immortal Jake and Elwood
Blues in their first feature-length
film extravaganza, "The Blues
Brothers The film will be shown
m Mendenhall Student C enter's
Hendrix Iheatre. Admission is b
11) and activity card or MSC
The film deals with the Blues
Brothers' attempt to get their old
band together to raise $5,000 to pay
off the taxes on the orphanage
where the were raised. In the
course of their "mission from
God they incur the wrath of the
cops, the National Guard, the Nazi
Parts, a C&W band of rednecks and
a mystery woman played by Carrie
i IsJlCl .
provides the catalyst
n ot an indoor
ie bombing of a
. I chase reminiscent
cene in "The French
The abuse
for the Test-
Connection" and major troop
movements in Chicago's Dale)
Plaza. The massive scale of produc-
tion is laced with wit and invention
and Director Jon Landis has once
again proven himself, after the
smashing success of "Animal
House a comic genius.
Landis has managed to get laughs
without relying too heavily on cheap
diversionary tactics and uses his
many extras, cars, and car crashes
to trie full effect ? and to the full
extent of comic law.
But best of all, landis uses
Aretha Franklin and Cab Callow av
to punctuate the film with genuine
blues numbers. Franklin piavs a
waitress who stops the show with a
rocking rendition of "Think and
72-year-old C alloway losses of
"Minnie the Moocher" with great
When Franklin sings her number,
while wearing a waitress's uniform
in the soul-food cafe she runs, she
smashes the screen to smithereens.
Her presence is so strong she seems
to be looking at us while we're look-
ing at her. She's so completely
there, and so funny, as she waggles
a threatening linger at her lover, the
cook (Matt "Guitar" Murphy),
who's considering leaving her to re-
join the brothers, that ou can't
come down enough to respond to
very much else.
Franklin releases every tightly
creased ironj of the blues and
dispels the old stale atmosphere of
patiently endured female sorrow.
Lacking even a trace of self-
consciousness, she cries out in
ecstasy 01 anger, in bewilderment or
terror, achieving the beauty of a
perfectly realized emotion. Indeed,
her naturalness is as much a matter
of the spontaneity with which she
lets flj ever) phrase as it is of the
depth and solidity of her feelings.
At another time, in another socie-
ty, this complete freedom from
emotional restraints might appear to
be of dubious value. A Victorian
would have called it hysteria, o
day, it seems like a state oi grace.
"The Blues Brothers" also
features a plethora of other real
blues greats. James Brown, Rav
Charles, and Chaka Khan are on
hand as well and are equally well
This musical slapstick farce, set in
Chicago, is, above all, good
natured, in a sentimental, folk-bop
way, and its big joke is how
overscaled everything in it is. One of
the film's finest moments features
Dan Aykroyd's parody version of
the theme song from "Rawhide
Also very funny is Henry Gibson's
expression of dreamy surprise when
the Pinto that he and a sidekick are
in is wafted high in the air over the
city and slowly drops.
Other scenes to look for include
the jiveass jumping at the church
presided over by James Brown, with
John Belushi feeling the power of
the Lord and doing handsprings
down the center aisle.
There is a ten dollar registration
fee which the sponsoring organiza-
tion should pay. The contestants
must meet the following re-
1. They must be female ECU
students; either part or full-time
2. Between the ages of 17 and 23
3. Have no criminal record
4. Must have never been married
or a mother
5. And, must be willing to repre-
sent ECU during the next year.
The winner of the pageant
receives the title, crown, trophy,
flowers and a S2(KJ scholarship. All
five finalists will receive flowers and
The current Miss ECU, Cathy
Drever, doesn't fit the usual
stereotype of a beauty pageant win-
Miss Dreyer, a senior physics ma-
jor from Montgomery, Alabama,
has a 3.8 grade point average. An
ROTC student, she plans to enter
the Air Force after her graduation in
Her interests include baton twirl-
ing ? she's been a featured twirler
with the ECU Marching Pirates for
the last four years. (She says one
reason for her picking ECU as her
college was the marching band.)
Besides twirling, she enjoys many
other sports and is also interested in
Appropriately enough for a
future Air Force officer, she likes
flying. After graduation she plans to
get her pilot's license.
During her childhood she built
many model airplanes and still en-
joys building one now and then.
(Her favorite models are of World
War II fighter planes such as the
P-51 Mustang.) When she was
younger, she indulged herself occa-
sionally in the traditionally boyish
pastime of shooting up oid model
planes with her brother.
Miss Dreyer's extracurricular ac-
tivities, include being an ROTC
"I atle General a job that is con-
cerned with public relations. She has
attended several conventions
around the country in connection
with this job.
See DREYER, page 6. col. 2
Anti-Psychiatry Plan
Surfaces In America
was in 1962 that Leonard Roy I-rank
, a 28 year old real estate salesman
and Army veteran with a degree in
business administration from the
Universitv of Pennsylvania was
declared "mentally ill
Disturbed b his newfound
religious and political views, his
vegetarianism, his refusal to cut his
Addressing Some Postal Problems
Although most people don't like
to write letters, almost everybody
likes to get letters. (I define a letter
as anything 1 get in the mail without
a bill in it, or that says my name is
One of the high points of an
average day in the dorms is the ar-
rival of the mail. When I lived in
Umstead, the postman's visit often
coincided with the time I got back
from classes to eat lunch. If I was
lucky, I'd have a letter or a fairly re-
cent magazine to read while I was
thawing lunch.
Word of the postman's arrival
travels quickly in a dorm. Often, a
couple of dozen people crowd
around the mailboxes, waiting for
letters. It reminds one of those
scenes in war movies where thev
hand out letters to a crowd ol
troops. (O'Hara! Rizzoli!
Jones! Well, that's all the mail
"Oh, darn "Don't worry kid ?
she'll write)
Most of the guys in the war
movies never got anything during
mail call. That is one case where the
movies are like real life, since most
of us suffer from empty mailboxes
most of the time. Even when
something arrives in the mail, it
seems like it's always for your
roommate (or that guy Occupant or
his roommates Resident and Postal
Patron Local.)
Sometimes I used to get mail ad-
dressed to the former inhabitants of
my room. Most of it was junk, but
once a former resident's income tax
forms arrived. Now and then, there
would be a letter from one of their
old friends. Some people never fill
out their change-of-address forms.
I filled out a change-of-address
form when I moved out of the
dorm, but some people at the post
office don't believe that I moved
and still send mail there.
For a time, I was getting letters
mailed to a girl living downstairs
from me. I took one by her room,
and she said thanks and slammed
the door in my face. After that, I
just slipped them under the door.
Every so often, a deluge of junk
mail would descend upon the dor-
mitories. On those days, the floor
bv the mailboxes would be ankle-
deep in unread junk mail circulars.
(People ought to save the stuff for
paper drives.) One of my high
school teachers said to write
"deceased" on unwanted mail and
then send it back. I was always
afraid that if 1 did so I would never
get any more real mail, either.
One unique problem I had with
my old mailbox was a loose lock
that fell off now and then. It would
take forever to coax it open, find the
screw that fell out, fix the lock and
get out what was usually a letter for
my roommate.
Some days when I had very little
to do, I'd wait around for the mail
to arrive. It would be a long wait ?
there is a new proverb that says "a
watched mailbox never boils" or
something like that. And, anytime
you wait anxiously for the mail to
arrive, you either get nothing at all
or a bill.
Bills are about the worst thing
you can get in the mail. Junk mail
can be thrown away with impunity,
but throwing away bills causes trou-
ble after a month or two. 1 wish that
they'd put stamps on bills instead of
the usual meter marks or bulk-rate
permits ? at least one could put
together a stamp collection from
paying biJJs.
It's too bad that it isn't as hard to
send bills as it is to send letters. Just
imagine the telephone or electric
companies saying, "Sorry I haven't
written in six months, but
Some of my letters start out with
"Sorry I haven't written, but (I
guess that's better than not starting
them at all.) Then, sometimes I get
caught up with my correspondence
and start my letters with "Why
haven't you written for six mon-
I realize, though, that it is hard to
keep writing letters. Even if I finish
one, I still have to remember to get
to the post office to buy a stamp,
and then remember to mail the let-
ter. Today, I mailed something I
had been carrying inside my sket-
See THOUGHTS, page 6, col. 1 EX-MENTAL, page 6, col. 1
hair and beard and his apparent
disregard for conventional values,
Frank's parents consulted a
psychiatrist who shared their con-
cern. He convinced them their son
was insane.
A Brooklyn, N.Y native, Frank
spent almost two years in three
California mental hospitals where
he was labeled "paranoid
schizophrenic" and subjected to the
standard treatment for such
"patients" ? insulin coma therapy
and electroconvulsive therapv
After 85 treatments, his disease
was declared to be "in remission"
and he was released. The cure pro-
duced one disturbing side effect: his
memory of the last two years was
totally wiped out and he retained
only partial recall of his early life.
Frank's experience prompted him
to compile "The History of Shock
Treatment the first comprehen-
sive history of one of psychiatry's
most powerful and controversial
weapons. It also made him a
dedicatee member of the growing
"anti-psychiatry" movement sur-
facing in Europe and the United
"In the middle ages, the worst
heresy was to deny that yo? were a
heretic ? to deny that heresy even
existed Frank said in a recent in-
terview with UPI.
"Today, the worst, the most
psychotic delusion is to denv
The College Scream Becomes
A New Fad On US Campuses
ST. LOUIS, Mo. (CPS) ? If
nothing else, December, 1980 exams
helped push a somewhat new cam-
pus fad half way across the country
to St. Louis, where thousands of
Washington University students
joined a mass Primal Scream during
exam time.
Developed over a decade ago by
Dr. Arthur Janov as an individual
therapy, Primal Scream has become
a popular exam-time means of ven-
ting frustrations among groups of
students. Until recently, most of
those groups had been at eastern
A college Scream consists of
anywhere from two to thousands of
people gathering together, usually at
night, simply to scream away their
bottled-up anxieties.
Over 2000 students and faculty
members gathered in Washington
University's common square in St.
Louis during last December's finals
period, and sustained their screams
for half an hour. Dr Max Oken-
fuss, a Russian history professor at
Washington, told the Associated
Press that he hadn't witnessed such
cohesive action in a campus situa-
tion for over a decade, but back
then the issues were not as self-
"Involvement in their own ex-
aminations is to these students what
the war was to the generation of the
late '60s he commented. "This is
the kind of self-generated therapy
that's been missing from campuses
since then
Not all onlookers take such a
cheery view of the activity. Nightly
screams involving an average of 500
participants at Cornell University
prompted charges of harassment
from dorm officials and threats of
further legal action from townspeo-
Cornell's Scream began with only
seven freshmen leaning out of their
dorm windows and yelling to relieve
their anxieties. Within a few days, a
Primal Scream Club had been form-
ed with a few dozen members. After
that, recalls David Bremner, one of
the original seven, "things got out
of hand
Soon 500 people were raising their
voices in scream for two minutes
beginning at 11 p.m. Bremner
described the event as "an occasion
for crazies to yell out anything they
wanted including racial slurs and
obscenities. Screamers were charged
with harassment, and Ithaca
residents threatened worse if univer-
sity officials did not put an end to
the practice.
Other organized screams have re-
mained a bit more tame. Colgate
University students have established
a practice of screaming for about
one minute on each night of the
three-day reading period that
precedes finals. Informally organiz-
ed by use of mimeographed an-
nouncements, Colgate's Scream
usually involves from five to a few
See PRIMAL, page 6, col. 1
at 8 pm.
Travel Film Showing At Mendenhall
Richter, one the documentary film's most stimulating platform personalities, will appear in Hendri
Mendenhall Student Center on Jan. 20, 1981, to present the new film, Germany. The program will begin
Admission for ECU students will be by id and activity cards.
w&Mfrtm000mtttmhrt ma

JANUARY 15, 1981
Lgumog .isout CoLLatf Tnr H)?? IaJh
Bi f)Voip vJoR.Rl5
Hf6ft SCHOOL A 0. Cf?0
if you ioma sec it f
THIS is Y0tf?.?AfM
Former Mental Patient Battles Psychiatry
Continued from page 5
Frank, a self-styled
Nazarite Jew who
spices his observations
with frequent
references to C.G.
Jung, Ghandi,
Thoreau, and more
contemporary social
critics like Thomas
Szasz and Ivan Ilich,
doesn't like the term
"mental illness
A volunteer director
of the Bay Area Com-
mittee for Alternatives
to Psychiatry, he
argues that the misap-
plication of the medical
"disease model" to
Primal Scream
Aids Students
In Exam Plight
Continued from page 5
dozen enthusiasts.
However, no formal
complaints have been
made to the university,
and no action has been
taken. In fact, Colgate
students encouraged
their neighboring
school. Hamilton Col-
lege, to take up the
Involvement at
Hamilton has been
minimal, as at Colgate
and a few other smaller
eastern schools, but to
the dedicated
screamers, nothing
does the trick quite like
the Primal Scream.
"The Scream is ter-
rific said an Indiana
student now at
Washington Universi-
ty. "1 wish everyone
could get their frustra-
tions and their
misunderstandings ex-
pelled in this way
mental states sends
hundreds of thousands
of healthy, harmless
people annually to in-
stitutions where their
civil liberties are
abrogated and their
health and well-being
are endangered.
People labeled men-
tally ill may be pro-
foundly troubled, con-
fused and subject to
delusions, Frank con-
ceded, but they should
not be forced to
undergo treatment of
uncertain value unless
they demonstrate con-
clusively that they are
dangerous to
themselves or others.
"A major premise of
such groups as BACAP
presupposes that a ma-
jor depression or
psychosis is willful
observed Dr. Melvin
Simonson, a critic of
the "anti-psychiatry"
But he said in the
April 28, 1980 issue of
Medical News,
"modern psychiatry is
ascertaining that these
illnesses are a
manifestation of
altered brain neuro-
chemistry or activity
and may demand cer-
tain intrusive measures.
"These groups have
great concern that
psychiatry not upset
nor harm the patient.
Yet uncovering
psychotherapy even
transfer phenomenon,
may be unpleasant,
distasteful and disturb-
ing. Where do we draw
the line?"
BACAP and other
groups like the Net-
work Against
Psychiatric Assault and
the fast growing Inter-
national Network for
Alternatives to
Psychiatry don't take
issue with "talk
treatments" or
psychotherapy, but
they draw the line at in-
voluntary drugging,
ECT and ? the
ultimate weapon in the
psychiatric arsenal ?-
Psychiatrists insist
the latter practice has
been all but abandoned
in the United States,
but Frank cites surveys
which indicate that 200
to 600 acts of
psychiatric brain
surgery occur annually
in this country.
8 SKI '
30 discount
on 2 bedroom
VIP con-
dominium ?
Jan. 18-29. Lots
of extras. Call
Greenville Sq. Shopping Center
Welcome Back
Peaches Presents A Special
To Ail ECU Students 50 Admission
Plus Thursday is Original Foxy Lady Night
Also Join Us tvery Saturday
Night When Peaches Presents
Steve Hardy's Original
Beach Farty
For Partv People 19 and over Open
All ABC Permits 8:30-1:00am
Letter Thoughts
Guaranteed Issue Standard Rate
Whole Life Insurance
100,000 Maximum through Age 50
No Waiting Period
North Carolina Deferred
Compensation Corp.
3725 National Drive
Koger Executive Center
Raleigh, N.C. 27612
Phone: 756-1992 Greenville, 781-4300 Raleigh
All New
Delivery Service
Delivery on the hour and
halt hour
M-F 5pm-10pm
Store hours: I 1am-l 1pm M-Sat.
1 2am-9pm Sundays
Our Drivers Carry 215 E. 4 th St.
Less 1 han $10.00 Greenville
Limited Delivery Area 752-2183
No Checks Please
C ontinued from page 5
chbook for a week,
never remembering to
place it into one of
those handy blue recep-
ticles that stand on
street corners until 1
was at least a quarter of
a mile past the the darn
thing. Something
always came up before
1 could mail the thing.
I have some sugges-
tions that may (or may
not) help your own
letter-writing. First, try-
sending postcards.
Postcards have nice
pictures, and if you
write big enough, you
don't have to write
much on them.
You can try writing
four or five letters at
once, using the same
pieces of news, jokes
and odds and ends. It's
pretty much like
writing the same letter
four or five times, but
if your friends live far
enough apart they
won't notice.
This probably won't
work, but it might be
worth a try ? send bills
to people and see if
they pay. All you need
is one or two people to
pay once in a while and
you'd make a nice pro-
fit. You could make
enough to hire someone
to write letters for you.
Continued from page 5
After joining the Air
Force as a second
lieutenant upon fin-
sihing at ECU, Miss
Dreyer hopes to work
in designing and testing
new airplanes. Perhaps
it would be an unusual
job for a former Miss
East Carolina Universi-
ty, but Cathy Dreyer is
not your ordinary
beauty pageant winner.
Open Tuesday
thru Sunday
till Midnight?Dining
from 5:30 p.m. till 10:30 p.m.
Serving the finest selections from the sea
prepared "island" style. Raw, Steamed, Bak
ed and Broiled to your delight.
East 10th Street Rivergate Shopping Center
Greenville 752-1275
Buying Cold ? Silver Coins
Also Sterling Silver
Paying lop $
Come in ior KRLt, estimate
Carolina Compact
Rivergate Shopping Center
Price may vary depending on market
Be An
Make friends
Plan socials
Solve problems
Be a listener
JAN. 19,1981
for the
Thank You!
- h

THh I S1 (. AKOl MAN

JANUARY 15, 19KI Page 7
Lady Bucs Down Heels
The Hill 87-75
It's been a year of ups and downs
so far for the Lady Pirate basketball
squad who have successfully
maneuvered a grueling early-season
road marathon, but one of the most
surprising of their 10 wins came
Iuesdav night in a little town called
Chapel Hill.
It's not reallv surprising that they
could defeat the Tar Heels of North
Carolina, but rather the relative ease
with which they handed them an
87 75 loss.
"When you go to Carmichal
(Auditorium) says ECU coach
v athy Andruzi, "you never know
what the hell's going to happen. We
respected them from the beginning
ot the game to the end. 1 think we
led by about 16 most of the way.
"(The margin) kept building up
and finally they just were too far
behind to catch us. Carolina was
playing good, too. We were just
playing great
siuft Wnlrr
When ECU takes on Northern
Iowa tonight in Minges Coliseum, it
probably won't be a typical wrestl-
ing match.
It might just turn out to be a war.
Especially in the 193-pound weight
The Pirates" Butch Revils, ranked
fifth in the nation in his weight class
(177 pound), will be pitted against
rival Joe Gormally, the opponent
who knocked him out of the Na-
tionals in Revils' sophomore year.
"I want to even the score Revils
said. "I won't do anything dif-
ferent, but 1 will wrestle harder. I'll
have to
Gormally carries a 9-1-1 record
into the match, while Revils is
undefeated at 13-0.
Gormally is ranked second in the
nation in his weight class and is the
leader of the Northern Iowa team
that carried a 4-2 record into a
match with N.C. State Wednesday
Northern Iowa's only losses have
come to the nation's first and third-
ranked teams, Iowa and Iowa State.
Revils, who has already captured
the Carolina Invitational, the
Monarch Open and the W ilkes
Open championships, has been
moved up to the 193-pound class,
according to head coach Hachiro
Oishi said the move was primarily
because there is tougher competition
in the 193-pound weight class.
"Butch can get more experience for
the Nationals he explained.
As for the match with Gormally,
Revils says that he will have to be
mentally ready. "He is very tough
Revils said.
The I ady Pirates lost their last
matchup with the Tar Heels back in
1979-80, but before that they had
upset UNC 71-68 at Minges Col-
Once again, senior All-America
candidate Kathy Riley led the I ady
Pirates with 27 points and grabbed
five rebounds. Junior forward Sam
Jones added 24 points and denied
the Heels tour scoring opportunities
with steals.
Sophomore Mary Denkler poured
in 14 points with a perfect seven of
seven from the field. Senior point
guard Laurie Sikes pumped in 10
points despite nursing a sore back.
The Pirates shot an above-
average 59.1 percent from the floor
for the night, while the Tar Heels
posted a 53.8 mark.
"Both teams shot well said An-
drui. "They shot more from the
free throw line than we did, but it all
worked out in the end. I think, in a
wa, that Carolina was surprised by
how well we played.
"Carolina can be a very in-
timidating team she explained.
"They were all over us out there.
We were especially pleased because
it was a solid team effort. I think the
girls carried out their assignments as
well as they have all season.
"They were really talking it up on
defense (Tuesday) night. We played
good man-to-man defense and did
verv well with the full-court press
Guard Aprille Shaffer led UNC
with 19 points for the night, while
Cathy Crawford added 18 and
powerful Henrietta Walls was held
to 10.
"This is not only a victory for
Lady Pirate basketball stated An-
druzi, "but a victory for East
Carolina. Any time a team from
East Carolina beats a team from
UNC, whether it's basketball or
football or whatever, people around
here get excited and that's what we
The Tar Heels had recently claim-
ed victories over Texas, Penn State,
and Virginia, all of whom have been
ranked in the Top 20 poll this
The Lady Pirates begin a three
game home stand Saturday in
Minges Coliseum against the In-
dians of William and Mary, led by
senior forward Lynn Noremburg
who returned to the squad recently
after an early injury.
ECU's first NCAIAW conference
matchup of the season will be Mon-
day at 7:30 in Minges against the
Duke Blue Devils. Duke, led by
Barb Krause, handed the Lady
Pirates their first loss of the 1979-80
season by a score of 76-75 in
Cameron Indoor Stadium. The
Pirates later defeated Duke 99-65 in
the consolation game of the state
tournament in Raleigh.
The Pirates close out their home
stand Wednesday night against
West Virginia Univesity.
After Shaky Start
Lillian Barnes Drives
Pirates Defeat A CC

The New Kid In Town
Despite having played in only six games, Charles Watkins
is the ECU basketball team's leading scorer, tallying over
16 points per game. Watkins, 24,recently left the Marine
Corps. (Photo by Gary Patterson)
Sports Y dit r
The East Carolina basketball
team reeled off 14 unanswered
points to start the second half and
went on to cruise past Atlantic
Christian, 81-58, last night
(Wednesday) in Minges Coliseum.
The early second half splurge
followed a lackadaisical effort in the
first half by the Pirates.
ECU led the small Wilson-based
college by only one point, 35-34, at
The second half was an entirely
different matter, though, as the
Bucs came out smoking and did not
lose enthusiasm once during the
final 20 minutes.
The Buc lead reached its peak
following an arousing dunk by
freshman forward Bill McNair, his
second slam of the night, that put
the margin at 26, 77-51.
The ECU starters left the game
with about seven minutes remaining
and were replaced by head coach
Dave Odom's "kiddie corps The
five replacements were all freshmen,
McNair, Herbert Gilchrist, Mike
Fox, Jeff Best and Morris
The Pirates opened the second
half applying full court pressure, a
move that led to the inspirational
second-half performance. The ECU
defense was superb in the final half,
holding ACC to a mere six field
"The great second half was
definitely ignited by good defense
commented Odom following the
contest. "We shut them out for
about four minutes to start the half
and that gave us a chance to run up
the margin a little bit
Odom commented that, for the
first time, his team may have en-
joyed a game.
"This was definitely our best half
of basketball he said. "I think
tonight's the first night that we've
had fun out there
As for his half times chat, Odom
said it was a matter of getting the
players to realize that they had an
"We played poorly in the first
half he said. "I tried at halftime
to make them realize that if we ex-
pect fan support, we've got to give
them something to support.
"The fans were blase in the first
because of what we gave
themnothing. On the other hand,
we gave them something in the se-
cond half and that became very ex-
cited and showed appreciation
The second year Pirate mentor
noted that the crowd, which became
very rowdy in the second half, had a
"spirit that we need but has not
been present before
Charles Watkins, a 24-year old
sophomore guard, led the Pirate at-
tack with 14 points. Junior forward
Mark McLaurin was the onlv other
Odom Directs
Buc in double figures, tallying 1J
Hargrove was the game's leading
rebounder, getting nine pulls though
playing only 12 minutes.
ACC's James I eggett topped all
scorers, scoring 15 points though
finishing the night six of 21 from the
The tough Pirate defense had its
effect on Leggett's teammates as
well, holding ACC to 20 percent
shooting in the second half and only
30.2 percent for the game.
The Bucs, on the other hand, shot
50.7 percent while earning their
seventh win of the season agauvst
eight defeats.
Prior to the game with ACC. the
Pirates hosted Richmond on Mon-
day night and took an 80-63 drubb-
The Bucs were close at halftime
? down only 38-34 ? but the more
experienced Spiders Totally
dominated the second half, outscor-
ing ECU 42-29 over the final 20
minutes of play.
The Pirates fell down :
as 23, at 76-53, as All-A
didate Mike Perry a:
shooting guard John Scl
the way.
Perry, among the nation
scorers, finished the game ith 25
points while Schweitz was 'he
game's top scorer with 2$
Guard Charles Watkins and jr-
ward Mark McLaurin led the Pirate
scoring with 12 points apiece.
The win broke a five-garne lo
streak for the Spiders and left
with a 6-6 record.
ECU now travels to I NC-
Charlotte for a contest next Tues-
day, January 20. The Pirates then
invade ACC country, going to
Raleigh on the 24th to face the
Wolfpaek of N.C. State.
ic i can-
eitz led
op ten
Karr Striving For Overall Quality
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second and final installment featuring
an interview of ECU Athletic Director Ken Karr by The East Caroli-
Question: What, in your opinion, does East Carolina need to compete
evenly with the Big Four schools of the rival Atlantic Coast Con-
Karr: We have to improve the quality of our facilities so that we can
have a first-class facility to recruit the most highly-skilled athletes
available. The success of Division I athletic programs is directly pro-
portional to the number of and quality of student athletes you have in
your program.
We have to identify, design and bring into being on this campus all
those things that will aid the recruiting of highly skilled athletesin all
our programs. But, most of all, we've got to get that happening in
football so that we can hopefully generate adequate income so that
football can not only carry itself but also provide some hard dollars to
support some of the non-revenue areas that have little or no ability to
generate money.
Q: Are there any long range plans that you can reveal at this time in
hopes of accomplishing the things you 've just mentioned?
K: I cannot say other than the fact that we need to identify very sharp-
ly what we need and begin making plans for those needs.
Q: How much potential to you feel East Carolina has athletically and
how long to you see it taking to reach this potential?
K: I think this very realistically. We simply have to strive to upgrade
the quality of our teams. For us to assume that we're going to be
"number onethat mythical "number onein division one foot-
ball or basketball in the next decade is not a realistic goal. What we
have to strive to do is be competitive as possible and then inch our way
up the scale into that so-called higher echelon. At this point in time
that is above us. We have not yet reached that level.
We simply have to upgrade
the quality of our teams. For
us to assume that we 're going
to be "number one" in divi-
sion one football or basketball
in the next decade is not a
realistic goal.
?Dr. Ken Karr
Q: You have spoken much about marketing Ficklen Stadium so that
home football games will bring in more dollars. What effect do you
feel the past football season, which saw ECU post a disappointing 4- 7
record, will have on next season's ticket sales.
K: I think that obviously people will not be as excited, not as much
residual excitement, as would surround having been undefeated last
year or participating in a bowl game. What we have to do is overcome
this through a good marketing plan and aggressive promotion that will
get the tickets sold. If our fans are going to develop a wait-and-see at-
titude, well they may be waiting to see in the year 2000. Really, that's
the bottom line. We have to recruit all our friends, fans, neighbors
and alumni out there to help us project into this future and make it
happen. This is not something that's going to happen unless
everybody wants it to happen and is willing to buy the ticket and
make it happen.
Q: The ECU Athletic Department overspent its budget by approx-
imately S350.000 last year. How does the budget look for this year and
what can be done in the future to prevent such overspending from oc-
curring again?
K: I can't give you any answer as to what this fiscal year will bring to
us. But I think without question until we get definite indications
through gate receipts that people are willing to spend the dollars to
support the program, we can no longer budget at the level that we
have in the past.
We're going to have to sharply curtail our budgets and be realistic in
terms of the type of football and basketball income that we have
generated over the last two years. You cannot build a budget that is
based on a selling product if the product doesn't sell. The only way
you can do that is if you're in a situation where you have large cash
reserves to take care of deficits. At this point and time our program
does not have those reserves.
Q: Can we take from that statement that our revenue sports' budgets
? those for football and basketball ? will be reduced in the future?
K: Not necessarily. Being a tight year everybody has to be restricted
somewhat. At the same time, if you were in a business you would not
totally cut the budget of that business so tight that it couldn't produce
the product that's going to get you the gross sales you need. Yes, you
can ask everybody to tighten the belt. But there's some areas that are
deemed essential that you cannot cut back on.
Q: Looking back at your days as San Diego State A D, were the ticket
receipts low as is the case here? Did you have to build up a lot there
and if so how much?
K: We had to build up a lot there too. When 1 came there we were at
about 7,000 season tickets. When I left we were at about 22,000 season
tickets. There was definitely a buildup of the financial base. Whatever
our season ticket package is, and right now our's is about at 5,000, we
got a find a way to increase it ? to get that number to 10,000. That's
vital to the buildup of our program.
tiimtm w mw

I Hi I
l XK'i
Tracksters Alter Plans Sassms
? participate
ihe seats thai slide out port rhey're rig to
Cat have ii take all the
I i. I
Gymnasts At Home
I he team wilt, m
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son explained. "When seats out and redo the
I )(? wei ,u' uhole section
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( was discovered that the babl will not be used
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Hill we'll be
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Rose feeb ' lent
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11 ai 8 Mars a
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( oncenining the
team's performance at
the East I ennes
State Invitational last
weekend, arson said
team was nol im
pressive, although there
were a few brighi
"(. arlton Bell, C i
Raine and Shawn
I ane .il: ran good I
in the mile relav
Sephas, who ran
chor, sas sick and just
Hied. He was 20
yards ahead ol
Slate runnei
( ai son said
freshman Ra i: kei
son was impressive
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1:11.6, I he
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m a n y m ? s i

lUSfl 6i
N t
. A N ' ?
? . C AN
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A A s.
ECU Swimmers
Down Mounties
Classified Ad Form
PRtCS 00 ?or IJ wordt 05 lo
? lien ?ddt'ion! word
iMikf clu - . ? ?"? The ???
! AtK ? ? ? ' ,?'6
t 1 nd ,
a . ? . .1 aji Sou'fi Bue'drtg
e. N C Uti
- I
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A Free Beverage
With A Peck
( )f (ksteiv
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ost everyone has a high school or college class ring
they don t wear anymore Check your dresser drawers
: urlng yojr ciass ring into Com & Ring Man We're
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prices and good service.
MARKED 10K- UK ? 18K.
$ GOLD $
Record Bar will get you in free.
"The Hugger your ticket to a free can of your favorite
and a night of "Arrogance" at the Attic. January 22.
Get something that'll hug your cold can and get yo
into "Hugger Festival '81" at the same time It's
Hugger designed to keep your beverage cold
the music's hot It's free to the first 200 people I
for one at either Record Bar in Carolina East Mall
Pitt Plaza on January 19 Then show your hugger at
the Attic Door. January 22. and get in for a free night
of music by Arrogance, plus get a free can of your
favorite cold beverage, all compliments of the
Record Bars in Carolina East Mall and Pitt Plaza
Pick up the latest from Arrogance: "Suddenly
On sale now through Jan. 24. s5.49 Ip s5.99 tape.
Record Bar
Carolina East Mall ? Pitt Plaza

The East Carolinian, January 15, 1981
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
January 15, 1981
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