The East Carolinian, July 10, 1980

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

?he ia0t Carolinian
Vol.54No.f A,
6 Pages
Thursday. July 10. 1980
Greenville. VC
( imitation 5,(MM)
Admission Requirements Show Upward Trend
vlsllinl N? t (Jlllir
Academic requirements for ad-
mission into the undergraduate pro-
gram at 1 CU arc generally moving
upward, according to Walter 1.
Bort, directoi ol Admissions.
academic requirements fluc-
te every year, he said. The re-
remenis are based upon a predic-
mula the Admissions Office
formula is complicated
and is composed ol several factors.
Each year, the previous freshman
class's performance and success is
reviewed and analyzed. As an exam-
ple oi how this evaluation fits into
the prediction formula, Bort said
thai if a group oi freshman
students, who had ranked in the top
ten percent oi their high school
class, were tound to have done bel-
ter in their freshman year at ECU
than a lower ranking class, then the
academic requirements would be
raised for the succeeding year.
Class tank is just one factor in
determining the prediction formula.
Such indicators as SA I scores and
overall high school performance are
taken into consideration, he added
Since these factors will fluctuate
every year, the prediction formula,
and consequently the academic re-
quirements, will change according-
ly, Bort said.
Generally speaking, the academic
requirements are increasing because
ol the upward trend in the factors.
ns year s requirements were up
over last year's, Bort said. The
cnanges arc basically only minor
changes, he added.
1 C I announced May 5 that in-
or cased enrollment demand for next
tail had forced the university to
place all new freshman applicants
on a waiting list. As of Mav 5, the
ECU Media
Must Reduce
i Media Board has approved
budgets of all the
student-operated media, but the
iota t new budgets exceed the
board's anticipated revenues for the
.t fiscal yeai.
1 he ? i; ious media will have to
trim theii requests m order to
balance the books, rhe budget re-
quest he photo lab, the Buc-
c Rebel. 1 he Easl Caroli-
W1B radio station,
with the Media Board's
ope ? costs, aJ up to about
$195,800 I he revenues from stu-
dent tees are expected to total only
about $168,000, meaning thai
$27,000 tvill have to be cut from the
tentative budgets.
I he ficures for the tentative
rt $72,215 for the Buc-
v-4s foi I he I ast Caroli-
nian; $30,450 tor WZMB; $15,440
the Rebel; $12,350 foi the photo
and $15,000 tor the Media
Board itself.
I he Easl C arolinian plans to help
elim ovei a third oi the Media
Board's deficit by cutting approx-
imately $10,000 from its original re-
quest .
Other media will also have to
make cuts. But according to John
Jeter, W MB general manager until
August 1. the new radio station may
be hurt the most bv further cuts in
its budget
"We've already cut over SI l.tKK)
m our original budget, and that
was for things we felt were really
needed to get the station on the air
?perI vIcier said.
rhe Media Board has instructed
the media head- that they mav begin
spending money tentatively ap-
propriated to them. The budgets
will be modified and receive final
approval alter the board knows ex-
actly how much money will becom-
ing in from suident tees.
Bridgemen Play Ficklen
Kh.M bv n I I !? )l)t ss
One o the 128 members of the Bridgemen Drum and drum and bugle corps in the nation. Corps members
orps performs at Hcklen stadium last Tuesday also directed a band workshop at ECU during their
lor the spectacle and precision of their visit, instructing musicians on types of music, drill tor-
tile Bridgemen are the only undefeated mations. dance and performance.
London Is Golden, Say ECU Economists
U. LI)(V I l l li ??? i . . .
HI ?.?, Ruri ?
A study ol I ondon gold prices
from 1965 through 1979 reveals a
"cubic tune trend an up-and-
down scheme, rather than a pro-
gressively upward trend, according
to two ECU economists.
l)rs. Oscar Moore and I ouis in-
cone of the economics department
oi the School of Business col-
laborated on time series analyses of
gold prices, working with a
Research 1 riangle computer ter-
minal base in the School oi
Moore and Zincone related gold
price fluctuations to such (actors as
world tourism, the West German
mark.S. dollar exchange rate, gold
production and the price of
Results of this study and observa-
tions oi the operations of gold
markets in London and Zurich were
reported by Moore at the interna-
tional meeting of the Eastern
Economics Association in Mon
Moore observed that three-
fourths of the world's newly-mined
gold is sold through the London
gold market. This market is com
posed of the famous Thrcadneedle
Street bank. N.M. Rothschild and
Sons, Ltd. and four other merchant
banking and bullion brokerage
South Africa, the largest pro-
ducer oi gold, consigns most oi its
output to the Bank oi England,
vvhich in turn consigns it to the gold
fixing room at Rothschild's.
After London, the world's second
largest gold market is in
Switzerland, where private banks
freely make sales in Swiss cities such
as Zurich and Geneva. The London
market is essentially a wholesale
one; the Swiss, a retail one, Moore
"Unlike the London market, the
Swiss banks do not fix prices, but
offer their gold at the London
price Moore stated.
Since Switzerland does not issue
gold sales figures or gold export-
import statistics, Moore said, the
volume o Swiss gold trade can be
only estimated to be at one-third
that of the London market.
"Some portion of the gold sold in
Switzerland is never in
Switzerland according to Moore.
"Since much of the Swiss sales are
covered by Swiss bank purchases on
the London market, an order can be
See PROFESSORS, Page 2, col. 1
Reagan Films In Demand Once Again
Admissions Office had received
about 6.(MX) applications foi admis
I he university has only a limned
number ol student spaces. Bort ex-
plained. As those spaces become
filled, new applicants are placed on
a waning list. I he present volume ol
applications and protections tor
enrollment are full for next fall, ac-
cording to Bort.
However, applications for admis-
DOE Program
sion to ! h
are still K I h
thud M
said. This pa
ted into the G
hen the Oil f Ad
notified it
mg. or has I
students can I
City Seeks Secure
Sources Of Energy
FCT uses approximately 9 per-
cent oi the Greenville community's
total energy.
The residential sector accounts
for one-third of Greenville's energy
Transportation accounts tor
about one-fourth of local energy
1 hese are some o the findings of
a 19"S energy audit conducted in the
Greenville area bv the federally-
funded Greenville Energy Program,
one of only 17 such programs in the
The purpose o the program,
started by the U.S. Department ol
Energy in 1978, is to allow local
communities to develop an energy
management plan that is tailor-
made to reflect local needs and pro-
With a population oi 53,000 in
the area covered by the energy
audit, and an annual population
growth rate of 4 percent, Greenville
faces the problem oi making sure
that energy supplies will keep pace
with growth. The city's loo percent
reliance on outside energy resources
is part oi a statewide problem, since
North Carolina produces only about
1 percent of the energy it consumes.
"Until now, most oi our work
has been in gathering the facts we
need to know where we are in terms
of energy so we can sec where we're
going said Linda Mix. coor-
dinator for the program.
The 1978 energy audit was the-
first project for the energy program.
According to the study, energy con-
sumption in the residential sector
was greater in Greenville than the
national average for residential
areas. The national average for
residential sectors was 19 percent,
while Greenville residents accounted
for 32 percent o the city's total
energy consumption.
As a result, the Greenville Energy
Program has directed much of its ef-
forts towards getting the public
aware of and involved in energy
consumption, said Hi.
In his studv t
related beh
Avtar Singh, o-
ment ol
por ? ?
energy poli
lion is a
v o 1 v e s
resources and.
techniques. 1 ht
are ci
energy act
w rote.
V the sat
gram is. ?
and lawmali
sumption. Grec.
cess ol devo
land us.
dinances n
building in wav
consumption. i
ing o houses in
Hix explained that
basically three w
energy consumption. "Vo
the example ol a light bulb
cut it off when not in use. N
improve its efficiency . Or
substitute natural ligh
alternative source of energ
hooking the bulb up
The use of altt
sources in Greenville is a
examined. One method
production under considei
the old fashion windmill. Acc
lo Hix, "Ii appears that, on
large scale. Greenville doesn't
enough wind on a sustained b.
for a big application, but tl i
might be some smaller applica-
Hix aKo noted that the iis
wood is growing in the are
warned that this source ol energy
Seein . Page 2. col. I
Language Student
Wins Scholarship Srw rk lirm- Kt purK
NbW YORK Other candidates
for political stardom may have scan-
dals lurking in their past, but only
Ronald Reagan has Bedtime for
Bonzo and many of Reagan's 6
other films are in such demand they
have to be booked months in ad-
"Since Match there's more ac-
tivity, more queries and bookings
on Reagan films than ever before
said Ray fcttoic, who rents out films
for United Artists.
"It's easy to say bookings have
increased 90 percent in just that
small period because nobody
wanted these films for years. Now
we blow the dust off them and
United Artists bought the
distribution rights in the late 1960s
for such Reagan films as She's
Working Her Way Through Col-
In the film, Reagan defends the
right of a burlesque queen named
Hot Garters Gertie to earn her tui-
tion in an unconventional fashion.
However, Universal Pictures
owns the distribution rights to the
Republican presidential candidate's
most popular film. Bedtime for
"Bono is almost a cult film
now Univcrsal's Janice Rothbard
said oi the 1951 movie. "We have
only four prints for each of the four
distribution regions and they're all
booked solid for the rest of the
Bono was booked at Brown
University in April. Graduate stu-
dent David William said it was a
"wildly enthusiastic success with
students hooting and laughing
In the film, Reagan portrays a
college professor who believes you
can teach a monkey morality by
showing him love and kindness.
Reagan's films are especially
popular with liberals, who want to
raise money by showing them and
ridiculing him.
Berkeley's Democratic
assemblyman, Tom Bates, who will
run for his third term in November,
will show Reagan's That Hagan Girl
twice before the election.
ECU News Bureau
Pamela .1. Diffee, president oi the
International Language Organiza-
tion, has won $500 in the first ECU
Foreign Languages Department
scholarship award.
The award was made possible bv
a $5000 gift from Prof. James L.
Fleming. Fleming was chairman oi
the ECU Foreign Languages
Department for 25 years prior to his
retirement in 1970.
The award is given "to encourage
a student majoring in foreign
language to achieve the highest stan-
dards of academic and personal
growth of which he is capable
Diffee, a French major, spent two
and a half years of her childhood in
Verdun, France. The language came
quickly and easily for her. "When
you're that young, you develop an
ear for it very quickly she said.
"My friends, my schoolmates, were
French. We spoke French on the
playground and when we were shop-
Diffee, who was also past presi-
dent of the ECU French Club, plans
to use her fluency in French in the
future. "1 plan to go on to graduate
school in elementary education
she said. "Then 1 want to get in on
the ground floor in the foreign
languages in an elementary school
Diffee, formerly an an major,
discovered her interest in French
when she taught the language in a
nursery school and kindergarten in
Raleigh tor a couple ot vca-s
Because of that experience she
changed her major to French.
Diffee observes that study ot a
foreign language in high school and
at the college level is "much more
formal" and disciplined. But she
believes it is increasingly important
in today's society to know and have
use oi a second or third language.
"Study oi a foreign language
makes one more appreciative oi and
proficient in his own language she
says. "And a second language is
becoming important in so many
tields - business, economics,
research ever whim
On The Inside
New York Trip 2
Moonies 3
Film Review 5
Survival Food 5

III I Y 10. I?M0
ECU Baseball
The ECU Pirates baseball team
meets Campbell on July 12 at 6 00
p.m. al Harrington Field tor adou
ble header. The next home game
will be on July t4, when Louisburg
comes to Greenville Game lime is
7 30 p m Admission is tree to ECU
Discount Day
Fridays are savings days at
Mendenhall Student Center
Prices are 'a OFF every Friday
from 1 p.m until 4 p.m. for bowl
mg, billiards and table tennis,
Make Friday your day to save and
have fun too with "Discount Day'
at Mendenhall
Video Game
Asteroids" is here The hottesl
new video game is on campus for
you Come over to Mendenhall.
take a break from the heat and
test your space fighting ability
Mendenhall's summer hours are
8 30 a m. II 00 p m Monday, and
8 30 a m
5 00 p.m . Tuesday
Students completing teacher
preparation programs and ad
vanced degree candidates m
specific fields may lake the Na
tional Teacher Examinations on
any of three different test dates in
1980 81 Educational Testing Ser
vice, the nonprofit, educational
organization that administers this
testing program, said today that
the tests will be given Nov 8. 1980,
Feb. 2J 1981 at test centers
throughout the United States
Prospective registrants should
contact the school districts in
which they seek employment,
state agencies m which they seek
certification or licensing, their col
leges, or the appropriate educa
lional association for advice about
which examinations to take and
when to take them
The NTE Bulletin of Informa
tion contains a Iis1 of test centers
and general information about the
examinations, as wen as a
registration form Copies may be
obtained from college placement
officers, school personnel depart
ments or direitly from National
Teacher Examinations, Box 911,
Educational Testing Service,
Princeton, N.J 08541
Poetry Contest
A $1000 grand prize will be award
ed in the Sixth Annual Poetry
Competition sponsored by the
World of Poetry, a quarterly
newsletter for poets
Poems of all styles and on any
subiect are eligible to compete for
the grand prize or for 49 other cash
or merchandise awards
Poetry Editor Eddie Lou Cole
states, "We are encouraging
poetic talent of every kind, and ex
pect our contesi to produce ex
citing discoveries like Virginia
Bates, a housewife from Wood
bine. Md She won our grand prize
last year with her poen PIETA
Rules and official entry forms
are available from World of
Poetry. 2431 Stockton Blvd . Dept
N Sacramento, Cal 95817
ECU Professors Study
World Gold Fluctuations
Signing Group Performs At Convention
Continued from page 1
placed with a London broker in the
morning and delivery effected to
any point in Europe by air that
evening or by the next morning to
almost any part of the world
Likewise, much gold sold in
Switzerland to foreign purchasers
never leaves Switzerland.
"Many foreigners add their gold
purchases to their gold holdings in
Swiss banks. Clients of the Zurich
gold market reside in Austria,
France, Germany, Italy, the Middle
East, the Orient, Africa, South
America and elsewhere he said.
After South Africa, which sup-
plied 51 percent of the world's min-
ed gold in 1978, or 756 metric tons,
the chief suppliers of gold are the
Soviet Union (21 percent), Canada
(five percent) and the U.S. (three
This summer Moore has been up-
dating his research on gold prices
and supplies during visits to Lon-
don, Zurich and gold-mining opera-
tions in Alaska. He also visited
Yugoslavia to study capitalistic
elements in its socialistic system and
Japan, and to study trends in that
nation's industrial output.
Sign language inter-
preters from ECU were
featured at the centen-
nial convention of the
National Association
of the Deaf in Cincin-
nati, Ohio, June
29-July 5.
Four of the five
members of
a touring
ensemble which inter-
prets the lyrics of
popular songs through
sign language, bodily
movement and facial
expression, performed
at the convention.
"Fantasy" gave its
"Evening of Music and
Signs" program three
times during the con-
vention. Among the
selections included
recording performers
as Barbra Streisand,
Gordon Lightfoot,
Kenny Rogers, Bette
were well-known songs Midler, Barry Manilow
from such musical and Elvis Presley.
dramas as South
Pacific and A Chorus
Line and a variety of
songs by such diverse
Director of the
"Fantasy" ensemble is
James Haslup, a
Baltimore, Md native
who has been using sign
language since the age
of nine. He is lead in-
terpreter in ECU's Pro-
gram for Hearing-
Impaired Students.
Also from ECU arc
staff interpreters
Robert Coltrane and
Shannon Gillev, alone
with Michael Ernest,
director off the Program
for Hearing-Impaired
Student v.
The fifth member ol
"Fantasy" is Teresa
Dixon, sign language
interpreter for the
Greenville office of the
Social Security
Court Rules X-Rated
Film OK, But Students
Complain To Authorities
City Seeks Solutions
To Future Energy Need
Continued from page 1
not always efficient. He added that
deforestation may become a pro-
blem if wood is overused. "Right
now, more wood is harvested in Pitt
County than is being planted, and it
is the hardwoods that are being
harvested, while softer woods are
being planted
Solar energy is the city's most
promising alternative energy source.
With its plentiful year-round sun-
shine, Greenville is also a good place
From National On-Campus
The X-rated movie
Deep Throat remains a
campus favorite across
the country, but its
one-night stand at Har-
vard U. produced
for using solar energy, Hix said. But
at this point, most of the work along obscenity charges
these lines has been in examining
how houses and'buildings may be
constructed to use the sun to best
advantage. Hix added that active
solar systems also have a big poten-
tial in the area.
The Greenville Energy Program
will submit its final recommenda-
tions to the city in June next year.
City officials will then decide how
the recommendations will be put in-
to effect, Hix said.
against the two
students who authoriz-
ed its showing.
Although a state
Superior Court ruled
Deep Throat was not
obscene two hours
prior to its screening in
Harvard's Quincy backing, the two
House, two female students filed a federal
students filed obscenity civil suit against the
charges against Carl district attorney and
Stork and Nathan
Hagen, co-presidents
of the Quincy House
Film Society. The
county district attorney
then obtained a grand
jury indictment against
Stork and Hagen and is
expected to prosecute
them in September
when classes resume,
says Alan M. Der-
showit7, a Harvard law
professor defending
With Massachusetts
Civil Liberties Union
state troopers, claiming
their arrest and the con-
fiscation of the film
violated the students'
civil rights to show the
movie after the court
ruled it wasn't obscene.
The court ruling came
when Harvard officials
and a local women's
group unsuccessfully
sought an injunction
prohibiting the Deep
Throat screening.
NY Trip Planned
The women's
maintained "an
mation picket
outside Quincy
and offered
tending the
those at-
movie a
College Notes
From The National On Campus Report
YOUTH AIR FARES may once again be of-
fered, along with special discounts for other
groups. Such fares were banned in the
mid-1970s as discriminatory but the Civil
Aeronautics Board ruled recently that they are
permissible under the 1978 deregulation act.
leader, Bill Bright, is conducting a $1 billion
fund-raising effort for his second media-blitz
promotion of Christianity. Bright, whose cam-
pus group backed the "1 found it" campaign of
the mid70s, reportedly plans a movie, dubbed
in 163 languages, and a series of audio casset-
the spring of 1979, but doesn't meet last fall's
projections, according to the College Place-
ment Council. A more conservative hiring trend
probably reflects current economic uncertainty,
the CPC says in its latest report. There is still an
8 percent overall increase over 1978-79 in the
number of new college graduates hired or ex-
pected to be hired this year. Engineering and
technical fields remain strong while business-
related fields showed less growth than expected.
GEORGIA STATE U. students are calling for
a referendum to determine if students favor a
proposed $8 per quarter increase in athletic
fees. Although two years ago, 6,000 GSU
students signed a petition saying they wanted
their fees increased to make athletic programs
more competitive, some are now sayiftg an $8
increase is too much on a campus where 78 per-
cent of the students hold jobs and 45 percent at-
tend school at night when many athletic events
take place. School officials have expressed op-
position to any referendum.
A SUICIDE VICTIM'S family filed formal
complaints with the U. of Texas board of
regents recently, claiming that telephone con-
versations between the former student and the
university counseling service were taped
without his permission. Family members say
the former student learned that his conversa-
tions were taped and used in training sessions
and that this knowledge was a contributing fac-
tor in his death. The family is not seeking
money but wants assurance that future
telephone counseling won't be taped without
the client's permission.
CALORIE COUNTERS gel help at Northern
Illinois U. and the U. of Maryland. The NIU
food service offers a "skinny meal a balanc-
ed low-calorie meal plan listing the caloric con-
tent of each item. Two UM students created a
"mitridot" system which labels ail high-fat or
high-sodium foods with red dots, v Hie putting
yellow dots on moderately fattening items and
green dots on low-fat, low-sodium items. A
listing of food calorie counts is also available.
chance to see a slide
show on pornography
and violence against
women before and dur-
ing the movie.
Despite all protests,
film society members
decided to show the
film after a Quincy
House poll showed 72
percent of house
residents favored show-
ing the movie, although
49 percent of female
residents opposed it.
ECU Nes Bureau
A four-day tour of
New York City,
highlighted by Broad-
way shows, sightseeing
and shopping, will be
offered through the
ECU Division of Conti-
nuing Education this
Two musical plays
are definitely scheduled
for the tour ? the
popular A Chorus Line
and Sugar Babies, star-
ring Mickey Rooney.
Other activities include
a choice of locations
and entertainment
events to visit, among
them Rockefeller
Center, the United Na-
tions, Radio City Music
Hall, the Empire State
Building, the World
Trade Center, a boat
ride in New York Har-
bor to the Statue of
Liberty and a
"backstage on Broad-
way" tour.
The tour will be led
bv Stuart Aronson of
the ECU faculty,
playwright and director
of Blackbeard: Knight
of the Black Flag.
Cost for the New
York Theater Excur
sion is $395 per person,
based on double oc-
cupancy. This price in-
cludes round trip air
fare from Kinston to
New York, chartered
bus, transportation to
and from the airport.
three evenings1 lodg-
ings at the newlv refur-
nished Mil ford Plaa.
tickets to two plays and
tour tickets.
Further informa-
tion is available from
Division of Continuing
Education, ECU,
telephone 757-6143.
The East Carolinian
Buglers Perform
lli b I'l II fool sW
The Bridgemen Drum and Bugle Corps go through their paces in Ficklen
Stadium Tuesday evening. The musicians are the only undefeated drum and
bugle corps in the nation.
Special Offer To E.C.U.
KA, KX, TKE, AXf, nK, tKT, AXA,
ITT, IN, AIt, B0n
Free Cookout and Musk Monday Afternoon at the Bottom of College Hill
STUDENTS M " ??????
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Mmntwnti ? ?'
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Sun ins coin
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All Orientation Students
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An Exclusive
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Sponsored by TMi TRAFFIC UOMT
We the members of the
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would like to offer a
free opportunity to all
ECU students to bring a
peaceful painting of our
precious Savior in your
home. For your free
reproduction of our
wonderful Savior ready
for framing. Please mail
coupon to:
904 E 14th St
Greenville NC 27834
k? Developed and Printed
.?. ? ?tk .

Still Loves The Work
JUl Y 10. I9W)
Doctor's Day Is From Dawn To Dusk
M I Mrtiu al W nlrr
6:30 a.m. The cor-
ridors are quiet and
dimly lit as Dr. Karl
Hasik salks briskly in-
to the physician's en-
trance at Pitt County
Memorial Hospital.
The labor and delivery
the room of a patient
from Kinston. He ex-
plains to the students
that the patient has
placenta previa, a con-
dition in which the
placenta is implanted in
the lower segment of
the uterus below the
baby's head. The
mother has stayed in
unit is ihe first stop of bed three weeks to pre-
the day for Hasik, a vent the placenta from
portunity and privilege
of serving them he
Establishing a rap-
port with a patient
throughout her
pregnancy and then
delivering her baby
gives me a very special
feeling Hasik adds.
At the clinic, Hasik
meets with Dr. Lynn
Borchert, a specialist in
the Department of
Obstetrics and
Gynecology. Borchert
will be supervising
Hasik during the clinic.
Between visiting pa-
tients, the two physi-
cians consult v ith each
other in the conference
Hasik has a busy
morning at the clinic.
Of the five patients
scheduled, four of
them are new, and
Hasik spends extra time
with them discussing
their special needs and
learning their medical
histories. He finds time
to eat a hamburger at
2:00 p.m. during a final
conference with Bor-
2:30p.m. Back at the
hospital, Hasik is
out the condi-
a diabetic pa-
second- ear resident in
obstetrics and
gynecology at the ECU
School of Medicine.
He checks to see if
an deliveries are due
soon and consults with
a famil practice resi-
dent at
lion of
" Things are quiet
this morning in labor
and Delivery says
Hasik as he heads for
the nursing station on
the obstetrics floor.
'?But it's a different
stor out here on the
floor We have 26 pa-
tients, and many of
them have complicated
i the nursing sta-
tion Hasik meets two
students from the ECU
medical school. The
students are on an
eight-week rotation in
OB GYN, and Hasik is
responsible for
teaching them as he
lakes his morning
Hasik stops outside
"We always think of
the bad things that
could happen ex-
plains Hasik. "That
way we're prepared for
problems. We have two
patients ? the mother
and unborn baby ?
and we must pay
meticulous attention to
all the details of their
care and progress if we
are to have a healthy
mother and baby
9 a.m. Hasik's
beeper notifies him that
his first patient has ar-
rived at the School f
Medicine Clinic. Seeing
patients at the clinic is a
special feature of the
residency program at
ECU, Hasik explains.
This feature was one of
the points that at-
tracted him after com-
pleting medical school
at the University of
"Patients see me
here at the clinic just
like they would in a
local doctor's office,
and 1 appreciate the op-
K i K?. 111 WORK K
responsible for the
day's teaching con-
ference. As he enters
the auditorium at 2:30,
he takes some good-
natured kidding from
the students, residents
and faculty about being
late. During the next
hour, he gives a detail-
ed history of two pa-
tients ? one who had
an unexpected stillborn
delivery, and one
whose baby was dead in
Faculty physicians
lead the discussion con-
cerning the causes of
the problems, possible
treatment and preven-
3:45 p.m. Hasik
returns to the floor to
"check on a few pro-
blems" and to visit
Labor and Delivery. A
her fourth delivery, and
she has not received
any prenatal care.
Hasik wonders if the
baby is premature.
4:00 p.m. Hasik at-
tends a grand rounds
lecture on transsexuals
given by the medical
school's specialist in
OBGYN, Dr. Paul
5:00 p.m. Hasik
returns to the floor
with the attending
physician who is on call
for the night with
Hasik. They are
discussing the possible
emergency arrival of a
21-year-old patient has unit in the labor and
just been admitted. It is delivery area. MacKen-
patient when Hasik's
beeper blares. "Hasik!
Labor and Delivery
He juns down the cor-
ridor, a medical student
close on his heels. At
the nursing station in
the unit, the staff is
ready with sterile suits.
"How much time do
I have?" says Hasik.
"None replies the
nurse. Seven minutes
later a newborn's cry
drifts into the hallway.
The baby marks about
the sixtieth delivery for
Hasik since he began
his residence less than a
year ago.
6:30p.m. A critically
ill patient with
hypertension is
transferred to the
special fetal-maternal
day in Labor and
Delivery. He completes
another set of rounds
closely for the slightest and gives the next resi-
change in condition. dent reporting for work
For the remainder of an update on special
the evening, Hasik
spends his time between
this patient and those
on the floor who re-
quire special attention.
At 3:00 a.m. he takes a
break for a sandwich in
the hospital's 24-hour
snack bar.
4:15 a.m. Hasik goes
to the "on call room"
provided for residents
and faculty physicians
problems to watch.
7:45 p.m. Hasik
leaves the hospital. He
has worked over 37
hours, and he is tired.
"The schedule is as
stressful as you would
expect says Hasik.
"It takes a toll on your
personal life, social life
? and your sleep. But
it is the pressure that
helps me develop my
who spend their nights judgment and teaches
at the hospital. He en- me how to set priorities
joys 45 minutes of sleep and make decisions,
before being called to After all, dealing with
do a delivery, the first problems cooly,
of four he will perform smoothly and efficient-
during the day.
2:00 p.m. After a
quick sandwich, Hasik
ly is what being a physi-
cian means he says.
"1 love it
Papers Vie For 'Oldest'
Not Brainwashed
Dr. Karl Hasik and nurses.
Student Researches Moonies
CH) Noel
Weyrich's friends were
frightened when they
heard the U. of Penn-
sslvania student jour-
nalist planned to attend
a five-day Moonie
seminar to research an
article on the Unifica-
tion Church.
"They thought 1
would be brainwash-
ed says Weyrich.
"But 1 was sick o' hear-
ing garbage from the
Moonies and sick o
hearing unreasonable
amounts of fear from
other people. 1 thought
nobody could brain-
wash somebody that is
satisfied with his lot in
most of the Moonie
recruits were people
who couldn't deal with
the pressure and com-
petitiveness of modern
life. They were at-
tracted to the church,
h& maintains, because
"the Moonies relieve
their two greatest anx-
ieties ? they assign you
a wife or husband and a
job to do, with the feel-
ing that you're working
for something higher
Weyrich says his trip
to Florida with
members of CARP, an
off-shoot of the
church, proved his
theory correct. He
enrolled in the seminar
without identifying
himself as a journalist,
and spent four days
listening to lectures,
singing, eating and liv-
ing with the Moonies
and their potential con-
verts before being ex-
pelled from the camp
for asking critical ques-
tions. Weyrich is critical of
In a three-part series much of the media
written for the Daily coverage of the Moonie
Pennsylvanian's 34th cult, including a story
Street Magazine, in a Florida paper
Weyrich says he found aboul a girl who was
"rescued" from the
same seminar he was
attending. The
Moonies don't have to
kidnap and brainwash
people, he insists,
"because there are
enough troubled people
walking around who
find some solace in the
Campus reaction to
his story was good,
Weyrich says, although
he still thinks the
Moonies are nothing to
fear. He received
several letters from
CARP members after
the articles appeared,
including one from a
seminar leader who
said Weyrich was ob-
viously a Communist,
but had "missed a great
opportunity" to be sav-
Bo Derek Playing Basketball?
Students Can't Score A '10'
Is Mike Wallace the son
of Gov. George
Wallace? Does Bo
Derek play guard for
the University of Ken-
tuckv basketball team?
Pirates Now Number 2
In Summer League Play
The ECU baseball because of their pit- and Mike Sage (.378) The Pirates travel to
team is entering the last ching depth. They have with their part in keep- Rocky Mount Friday to
two weeks of summer four very good pitchers ing the team high in the play N.C. Wesleyan.
Apparently some
Western Kentucky
University students
think so, much to the
dismay of their English
instructor, Robert
Wurster. He recently
conducted a survey,
asking 60 of his
students to identify 50
people and organiza-
tions of current
popularity. The
average score was 52
percent, leading
Wurster to conclude
that his students make
little effort to keep up
with current events.
Wallace, a CBS
newscaster, was also
identified as a car
dealer and actress
Suzanne Somers was
described by one stu-
dent as "an interna-
tional students' ad-
The least known
figure was Bowling
Green's mayor while
comedian Steve Martin
lost a close race for best
known personality
(CH) ? For some
time now, two college
newspapers have been
quietly billing
themselves as the na-
tion's oldest. But when
both sent letters to a
third college newspaper
on the same day, the
question of whose
claim is accurate arose,
apparently for the se-
cond time.
Letters from the
Miami Student of
Miami U. (Ohio) and
the Dartmouth of Dart-
mouth U each bearing
a letterhead with the
"nation's oldest"
claim, led the U. of
Michigan Daily to
report the conflicting
claims on its front
page. Since then, stu-
dent editors for both
papers have been trying
to determine the
legitimacy of their
The Dartmouth
started publishing in
1799, says Executive
Editor Brent West,
while Paul Furriga,
editor of the Miami
Student, says that
paper's predecessor
began in 1826. Furriga
adds that the Student's
claim is based on being
in continuous publica-
tion longest, even
though it wasn't
published from 1873
until 1885 while the
university itself was
closed down. West isn't
sure whether the Dart-
mouth has been con-
tinuously published or
not, but says his cur-
rent publisher is look-
ing into it.
This debate arose
once before, in the
1950s, when a Dart-
mouth editor informed
the Miami Student that
its claim was false.
Despite lengthy debate,
the issue wasn't resolv-
ed then, and it may not
be resolved now. unless
definitive records of
both papers can be ob-
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league play with a
record topped only by
first-ranked UNC-
Wilmington is one
game ahead of ECU's
13-6 record, and ECU
coach Gary Overton
said this week that pit-
ching has made the dif-
"Wilmington is the
toughest team we've
played so far, and it's
to rely on, and that has
been the difference bet-
ween them and the rest
of the league Over-
ton said.
But good pitching
has also been important
for the Pirates. At 7-0,
Overton called ECU
pitcher Bill Wilder the
"spark plug of the
team Overton also
credited top hitters
Todd Hendley (.433)
"We've lost a
number of seniors this
year and we've been
playing with less ex-
perienced players, but
we're very happy with
the season thus far
Overton said.
The next home game
will be Saturday, when
Campbell comes to
Harrington field for a
double-header that will
begin at 6 p.m.
The ECU team will
also meet Louisburg
here on July 14 at 7:30
Carolina Opry House
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July 10, 1980
Page 4
High Court Rules Against Poor
The Nixon Court has struck again
with a ruling that severely com-
promises the rights of the poor. The
Court upheld the Hyde Amend-
ment, which denies federal funding
for abortions except in certain cir-
cumstances. The most important
question is whether government can
fund medically necessary pro-
cedures, deny funding on another
and protect the rights of the poor all
at the same time. Justice Potter
Stewart, speaking for the majority,
said yes.
Stewart maintained that abortion
is different from other medical pro-
cedures "because no other pro-
cedure involves the purposeful ter-
mination of a potential life He
added that no equal protection
rights had been infringed because
abortion had not been banned ?
only federal funding for abortions.
In 1973 the Supreme Court ruled
in Roe v. Wade that a woman has a
constitutional right to an abortion,
at least in the early stages of
pregnancy. Justice John Paul
Stevens wrote in a dissenting opi-
nion that government must govern
impartially. By enacting the Hyde
Amendment, Congress has failed to
govern impartially and has denied
poor women their constitutional
right to an abortion. The Supreme
Court put their stamp of approval
on the Hyde Amendment and, in ef-
fect, has denied poor women their
right to an abortion.
Medicaid presently pays for
almost every type of medical pro-
cedure for those who qualify.
Everything from hospitalization, to
doctor's visits, to drug prescrip-
tions, are covered by the federal
government. If government has
decided that it should fund almost
all medical procedures, which it has,
then it should be consistent in its
funding. It should fund abortions.
In defending the majority, Justice
Stewart's arguments are ludicrous.
Government cannot offer equal
protection of the law to poor
women when the Court affirms a
woman's right to an abortion yet
denies the abortion. A poor woman
goes to the government for an abor-
tion because she cannot afford one.
Her ability to get an abortion is
severely limited, if not eliminated,
when she is denied funding. She is
still as poor as she was before the
Supreme Court ruling.
By ruling as they did, the Court
said that some Americans have
more rights than others ? a classic
case of the "Haves" vs. "The
'Senator No' At It Again At
The Republican Convention
Just when everyone thought Sen.
Jesse Helms could embarrass North
Carolina no further, he became a
delegate to the Republican National
Convention in Detroit. Helms'
latest move was an attempt to
remove endorsement of the Equal
Rights Amendment from the
Republican platform.
The Republican party has sup-
ported ERA for 40 years; now the
Senator from North Carolina
wishes to remove any mention of
the amendment from the platform.
Helms claims to have enough votes
for an anti-ERA plank, but he
would rather not mention it in the
interest of party unity.
The Republican Platform Com-
mittee voted Tuesday to delete ERA
from this year's platform. Of course
Helms played an important role in
the committee's decision. It now ap-
pears that there will be a floor battle
over the proposition when the full
convention meets next week. Any
party unity that has been stressed
may now be lost. The Republican
Party would be well served if it
followed the lead of Helms' col-
leagues in the Senate and refused to
take his proposals seriously.
If the latest polls are correct,
Reagan will have few problems
defeating President Carter in the
fall election. If the party doesn't
want to alienate millions of
Americans, it should drop Helms'
idea. Reagan is already identified as
near-reactionary, and any opposi-
tion to ERA will drive him further
to the right in the eyes of many.
Such opposition could force many
to reconsider their support for the
man who appears to have already
clinched the election.
r Campus Forum
Stoned Again; Islamic
Justice The Iranian Way
For those who have forgotten
about Iran, there's an item that may
refresh your memory about the peo-
ple President Carter has had to deal
with over the last eight months. Last
week in the city of Kerman, located
in southeastern Iran, the first
known stoning in recent history
took place. (You remember stoning.
Think back to 2000 years ago.)
Two women and two men were
found guilty of prostitution,
adultery, sodomy and rape. Islamic
law requires harsh punishment for a
sexual offense - in this case death.
After the convkis were found
guilty they were masked with
ceremonial 'hoods of the dead
Next each convict was buried in
earth up to their chests. The
presiding Islamic judge threw the
first stone and shortly thereafter
five onlookers began bombarding
each with stones. Within fifteen
minutes all four were dead.
Islamic Justice.
When one official was asked why
stoning had not been used previous-
ly, he said: "Perhaps it's because we
haven't been following the laws of
'Ever Seen Signed Editorials?9
Your July 3, 1980 "Campus Forum"
contains a rebuttal from Elmer Meyer
Jr Vice Chancellor for Student Life,
concerning the WZMB travel controver-
sy. My concern is Dr. Meyer's last
paragraph, specifically the reference he
makes to "those who write Opinion ar-
Dr. Meyer, have you ever seen
editorial articles signed in any
newspaper? 1 wonder if you would make
the same comment, those who write
Opinion articles ought to sign their own
names to them so they can be held ac-
countable to the editors of the News
and Observer, Washington Post or The
New York Times? 1 think not. Was the
implication unintended and unfor-
tunate? 1 would like to believe it was.
History Major
Textbook Policy Questioned
One student told me recently that she
had just completed a class that required
a brand new, latest-edition textbook,
cost $17. She and her classmates were
unable to sell their books back to the
campus bookstore because the book
would no longer be used.
The book was discontinued, and the
same class will be taught during the se-
cond summer session by a different pro-
fessor and with a different textbook.
No one disagrees with a professor's
right to chose the textbook of his choice
for a class. But shouldn't a professor
consider the right of students?
I believe that professors should tell
students of the future status of a text.
What if the student is taking the course
only for elective credit?
SGA President
Forum Rules
The East Carolinian welcomes letters
expressing all points of view. Mail or
drop them by our office in the Old South
Building, across from the library.
Letters must include the name, major
and classification, address, phone
number and signature of the author(s).
Letters should be limited to three
typewritten pages, double-spaced, or
neatly printed. All letters are subject to
editing for brevity, obcenity and libel.
Letters by the same author are limited to
one each 30 days (14 during summer ses-
Personal attacks will not be permit-
ted. Names of authors will be withheld
only when inclusion of the name will
cause the author embarrassment or
ridicule, such as letters concerning
homosexuality, drug abuse, etc. Names
will be withheld only on the author's re-
Proud To Be An American
This last July 4th saw Americans
celebrating 204 years of freedom from
tyranny. It was a freedom that was hard
All too often today we think in
negative terms about our life here in
America. Sure, gasoline prices arc
higher, but you can still drive, and
almost every American has an
automobile. Yes, food prices are high,
but we still have plenty to eat.
There are more Americans at work
and for higher pay than ever before. Of
course we've always had problems, but
we've always had the courage and the
determination to overcome them.
Gloom never got us anywhere; it s time
to get back to enjoying the good life.
That is what America is all about.
We have the highest standard of living
in the world. We are the richest, best
fed, and moi comfortable peopk in the
world today.
In all of history, no dream has exercis-
ed so powerful a hold on the human
spirit as the American Dream. Basic to
that dream is the right of each individual
to soar as high as his talents and abilities
will take him.
We must remember that to continue
to enjoy the good life we must work and
produce. We must also constantly strive
to educate ourselves, for ignorance will
be the downfall of our civilization.
Remember: "To those upon whom
much is bestowed, much is expected
We should constantly remind ourselves
that everything we have, enjoy, and ever
will have is because of the American way
of life.
Remember: "You reap what you
sow If we put a lot into life then wc
will get a lot out of it. Those who con-
tribute nothing to our society will not,
and should not, get anything out of it.
It is a lime for a revival of patriotism.
In recent ycrs patriotism ?s ait uty
word to some, and there were those who
tried to taint it with sinister motives and
detract from its virtue. But if we don't
take pride in ourselves, our great nation
and our great state, then what have we?
A person without pride and dignity is a
hollow person.
Let us never forget the many wars that
have been fought before and during our
lifetime to protect our peopk and our
way of life from the onslaught of tyran-
ny and dictatorship. By the same token
let us not forget the toil and labor of our
parents, and their parents before ihem
which put us where we are today.
Everything that surrounds us is the
product of someone's labor and talent.
The elements of hard work,
patriotism, and a reverence for God are
what separate Americans from less for-
turtate peopk around the world.
Stop and think sometime about what
it really means io live in the United
States of America, and count your many

JULY 1980
Page 5
Local Poetry Journal Features National Talent
VMslanl tt-dtun-N Idili.r
the tusi time in recent memory, the publication
he East Carolina Poetry Forum, "Tar River
ry has published only a pair of poets from the
enville area. Number 2 of Volume 19 of that journal
.is appeared on the shelves of various bookstores, in-
ng the Student Supply Store here on campus, and
;ontains some o the poetry o leading poets of the con-
rar period. l)aid ignatow, Gary Miranda and
osla Holub are just three o the literary luminaries
se poems grace the pages o this new edition of the
illy published journal.
Film View
Nicholson Shines
But Duvall Can't
Quite Convince
I i .tiurt n f ditof
Stanley Kubrick does everything in his films except
He finds a story, shapes the script, writes or co-
writes the screenplay, chooses all the players, supervises
the lighting and costumes, operates he cameras, directs
the cast, edits the film, and then supervises the publici-
ty, .
In 1 S ning, he continues in this tradition while
directing Jack Nicholson to one of his best, if not most
unique, performances.
1 he film, based on the pulp gothic novel by Stephen
king, uses only, the essential elements oi plot from the
novel and turns them into pure Grand Guignol.
I or one of the first limes, at least since Dr.
Strangelove, the leading player in a Kubrick film is at
is memorable as the photography, and the roots o
? ckN flaii has proved to be in his skill as a
her. 1 ach scent in rhe Shining, for thai mat-
h shot, seems to be arranged either for maximum
shock effect oi to help build towards that effect.
When writer lack 1 orrence (Nicholson) finally loses
mind, and he must be completely crazy to explain
some oi the more illogical aspects of his sadistic actions,
djid takes to his wife (Shelley Duvall) and little boy
(Damn 1 loyd) with an axe. there are instances where,
a spin second, the action is frozen, as it would be for
a sn photograph. Then (he props begin lo move. Add
his Kubrick's use ol color and dazzling special ef-
the color is stark, without bright tones ? and
the perfect transition of vision from mind to
e are only two worlds in which life is this stark:
1: Kubrick's and the subconscious. As it happens,
il interests Kubrick are life's paradoxes, in-
iruities, and absurdities - not the stuff that films
commonly made o but that hasn't stopped the
?ctor thus far and doesn't even slow him down in The
Moreover, he is certain that these things will interest
other people as well. W hen he decided to make what he
Is a "nightmare comedy" about the results o isola-
n on the average fellow, he fell il would have enor-
See KUBRICK, Pane 6, col 1
Holub, a Czech poet of some note, is represented by a
marvelous word picture called "The Dam Holub's
poetry, skillfully translated by Dana Habova and Stuart
Friebert, uses the passing of water oer the dam to
represent the passage of time through the lives of us all.
The image is particularly powerful in the last lines,
"Deep downfish swim in cathedrals.And every one of
usis called by name
Gary Miranda, a nominee for this year's Pulitzer
Prize for Poetry for his "Listeners at The Breathing
Place, has three poems in this issue. The first, "Where
This listening Could Go opens with a quote from
Rilke's "Sonnets to Orpheus" that contains not only
the words of the title, but also the sentiment of the
poem. The poem seems to be a quest for a place " here
this Listening Could Go Included in the poem are a
number of images that may seem to be conventional but
their juxtaposition is so startling that the effect created
is original and supremely fictional. The images of a
Haydn symphony and a carpenter's craft occur in the
same stanza; both are used to describe the country on
the other side of Colin's Gateway, the place that the
poet seeks.
Miranda's Pulitzer nominated work is reviewed by
Philip Raisor(represented in the issue by a poem as well)
in a particularly intelligent essay that is only one part of
a larger review that attempts to explain the nature of
contemporary poetry. The eight pages that Raisor
Nicholson attacks Duvall in Kubrick's "The Shining"
Nicholson is sublime; Duvall is ridiculous.
devotes to five supposedly representative poets are full
of vague generalizations about the so-called confes-
sional mode and the "Breathing Places' that poets and
poetry need.
David Ignatow. probably the best-known ol the poets
in the anthology, also has three poems in the issue. But
his efforts seem to be lacking in the high seriousness of
purpose that characterizes his other work. "At Nii!ht"
is the only one of the three that is truly outstanding and
it is so short that it will probably be overlooked by any
but the most careful reader. "As 1 Endure The Silence
the firsi of Ignatow pieces, never rises above simple
See PROKS, Paye 6. col. 6
Kubrick Makes
The Ultimate
Horror Movie
l ?pr i-t! I irr, xpitfiiit nt
HOLLYWOOD ? Jack Nicholson arches his
eyebrows and Hashes that devilish grin. " I OVE being
scary he says. "There's nothing like having people
take a little step lo the side when they see you com-
Nicholson, then, has good reason to be happy. His
latest movie. The Shining, is searing people in sufficient
numbers to make it a box-office hit, second onlv to Ihe
Empire Strikes Back.
For Nicholson. 43. it's his biggesi success since One
Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. In the Hollywood poke-
game, he is holding a full hand, hut some of the card
could be stronger.
His longtime girlfriend Anjelica Huston will n
marry him ? although he keeps asking ? and despite
his popularity he still can't get a job in town for any ol
his friends.
And even with this movie there is cont ?ers,
some people simply tailing to regard chopped children
as entertainment.
In The Shining, directed by Stanley Kubrick.
Nicholson plays a writer who lives with his wife (Sheilev
Duvall) and young son (Danny 1 loyd) at a large moun-
tain resort closed down foi the winter.
It is built on an old Indian burial ground and there are
unanswered questions about the last caretaker, who
chopped his family to death with an ae. then shot
In the same job. and in identical isolation, Nicholson
apparently becomes obsessed by the same demons and.
drooling at the mouth, axe in hand, sialks his family
through a setting where the ghosts materialize as real
Billed as "the ultimate horror movie it's a fitting
follow up lo Cuckoo, in which Nicholson played a crazy
of another kind. Obviously he is cornering the market
on roles for the demonstratively tormented. Certainly.
he is building an unusual following.
As he admits: "I have strange fans yeah. 1 gci unusual
confrontations in parking lots. A man comes up. invites
me to his cave in Laurel Canyon, says he's lorn Mix's
alter ego and wants me to see his ghost horse. 1 get that a
lot, veah
Survival Food Booms In New Hard Times
Knight Ruldir NcwspjptTx
KKON. Ohio As the value oi ihe dollar shrinks,
more and more people are sinking their money ? and
teeth into long-life "survival foods
. ou can't eat gold or silver said an Ohio lawyer
who has invested Sfr.iHX) in survival food for his family.
' 1 his will be worse than the Great Depression. 1 an-
ticipate a complete demise of our monetary system in
ihe next few years.
?" I here's going lo be looting, panic, rioting and even
k iiling (for food) he said. "I've stored ammunition to
protect that food and yes. the answer is I'm willing to
kill to protect it
Storing mass quantities of freeze-dried or dehydrated
food is one step in an economic survival plan advocated
by financial writer Howard Ruff in his best-selling book
How to Prosper During the Coming Bad Years,
(Warner paperback, $2.95). Ruff believes imminent
depression and social unrest will make individual self-
sufficiency a must for daily living.
Not all the people buying survival foods have such ex-
treme reasons foj doing so. They simply cite rising food
prices and the possibility of strikes tying up food sup-
In January, a Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, couple made the
final purchase on what has become a $3,000, three-year
supply of dried and freeze-dried foods with indefinite
storage life.
"We haven't purchased gold or silver said the hus-
band, who ? like others who have purchased the food
? declined lo give his name, saying he feared break-ins.
"Our investment is based on the economy, inflation,
shortage of gas, truck strikes As sure as the sun comes
up. these prices are not coming down
There are no statistics on how many people are stock-
ing their basements and storerooms with cans and
pouches of dehydrated edibles, but companies which
sell the food say business is booming.
Dick Mankamyer and Susie McCulloeh, co-owners of
Survival Center and Natural Food Store in Ravenna
Township near Akron, sell Mountain House survival
foods made bv Oregon freeze Drv Foods in Mbany,
Mankamyer said that in the past si months his sales
have quadrupled, and he gets about 300 phone inquiries
about the food each week.
"A year ago, we would unload deliveries by hand
Mankamyer said. "We've grown in sales from an
average of 40 cases a month to 160
A spokesman for Sam Andy survival foods in River
side, Calif agreed the increasing sales are a national
See FOOD, Pae 6, col. I
Album View
Jackson Browne,
Newest Effort Is
Perhaps His Best
Jackson Browne is the finest singersongwriter
in American music. Though some may have a bet-
ici voice or belter compositional skills (Al Jar-
reau, Joni Mitchell, or The Boss), few possess the
emotional intensity, lyrical dynamism, or social
consciousness that Jackson does.
He is the most impressive individual to emerge
from the previous decade of ambiguous committ-
ment to the conception of music as a potent art
form as opposed lo the pursuit of material suc-
eess. His capacity for self-revelation and lyrical
imagery remains unparalleled in popular music
and he has become more than just a prestigious
musician; he is a spokesman for a whole genera-
tion of enlightened adults.
Dorm Cooking
An Adventure
See BROWNf, Page 6, col. 1
Browne's finest hour came with The
Pretender, released in 1976, which was
perhaps the finest album released during
that dubious decade. It was a monument
to individual perseverenee in the light of
tremendous pressure.
Stall Mnu-r
Anywhere between zero and five
limes a day, ihe average ECU siu-
dent prepares a meal, often in the
most makeshift kitchens im-
aginable. (Any kitchen that consists
of a hotplate on the floor and an op-
tional toaster-oven on top of the
television can safely be considered
Many studens arrive at college
woefully unprepared for dorm life,
unable to cook even a proper ham
sandwich, much less complicated
hot dishes such as canned ravioli or
A few simple rules and sugges-
tions will not only make a student's
mealtimes more enjoyable, but also
help avoid difficulties such as
malnutrition and food poisoning.
One thing to remember is to aim
for a balanced diet. Try to cat other
things besides "Nabs candy bars
and beer. Hamburgers often have
tomatoes and lettuce on them; piz-
zas have all sorts of things like
mushrooms and green peppers.
These are two painless ways of get-
ting those green vegetables needed
for growing children like us.
TV dinners usually have a variety
of foods in them. If you get about
three of four, you'll have a fairly
good meal.
What to have for a meal can often
be a perplexing problem. Once in a
while, we all get in those moods
where we can't make up our mind
See i.OCRMEl, Page 6, col. I
"??? ????mmmmmmHmi0004?i'4he'

Kubrick Film Brings
New Chic to Genre
Continued From Page 5
appeal. The Shining,
though its overall im-
pact should be credited
to the performance of
Jack Nicholson, is ob-
viously a Kubrick pic-
ture, and it illustrates
another important
aspect of the Kubrick
method: he wants his
pictures to have the
widest possible au-
His reasoning is
logical. One must get
the largest possible au-
dience to get the success
that allows one to make
only the pictures one
wants to make. It is a
simple philosophy that
has worked very well
for many a rebel boring
from within, but it can
be annoying, as it was
to Mr. Kubrick when
he bowed to real or im-
agined threats of cen-
sorship and made the
film Lolita (1962) less
sensual than he envi-
sioned it.
The Shining has
emerged exactly as he
envisioned it ? every
bit as dark, every bit as
moody, every bit as
frightening. He has
controlled The Shining
so completely, in fact,
that if he could have
found a way, he would
surely have willed
himself into becoming
a camera.
If there is any real
flaw in this film it is the
astonishingly bad per-
formance of Shelley
Duvall as Wendy Tor-
rence ? a pixy that
communicates like
young Shirley Temple
with too many pauses
and shortness of
breath. For all of her
hysteria, hyperventila-
tion and crying she is
totally unconvincing. It
is an exhausted perfor-
mance, not an ex-
hausting one and
enough to drive
anyone, no matter how
sane in the beginning,
stark, raving mad.
In many ways, the
film as a whole is kind
of warped and is at
times confusing, at
least until the very last
shot, but one thing is
certain: Nicholson is
tremendous. He
demonstrates for the
first time that he can
get his own high going
and lift himself single-
handedly into slapstick,
like a demented, one-
man rendition of
Laurel and Hardy.
But that isn't all that
people go to see Jack
Nicholson for. He
stretched himself right
out of the public's
range of interest in The
Fortune; and in The
Passenger, director An-
tonioni, who seemed to
have no idea what kind
of actor Nicholson was,
wiped him out until
Cuckoo's Nest.
Since, in the past,
Nicholson hasn't
scored playing un-
magnetic characters it
will be interesting to see
just how the public will
react to him in this role
? one that is about as
unsympathetic and un-
magnetic as they come.
(I didn't want to see the
little boy get axed, but I
must admit I rooted
like hell that Duvall
might end up a steak
and kidney pie.)
The danger in The
Shining is that
Nicholson will use his
boyish shark's grin, the
familiar preening,
brutal one-up-manship.
He's won the audience
with his cocky freaks,
Food Purchases Anticipate
Continued From Page 5
Oregon Freeze Dry Foods is owned by the 7-UP
"Sales (of freeze-dried foods) are up substan-
tially said Les Zeke, manager of corporate
dehydrated (or dried) and freeze dried.
Dehydrated foods require soaking and cook-
ing, while freeze-dried foods need only the addi-
tion of hot or cold water and can be eaten out of
the cans.
and this is the big one
? the bull goose loony.
Nicholson can be too
knowing about the au-
dience, and the part he
plays is pure tempta-
tion. But Kubrick keeps
him in check. Sure, he
steals the show, he
always does, but for all
the right reasons.
Nicholson doesn't
use the glinting, funny-
malign eyes this time;
he has a different look
? his eyes are farther
away, muggy, veiled
even from himself. You
are never sure what's
going on behind them.
As Torrence,
Nicholson doesn't keep
a piece of himself out
of the character, guar
ding it and making the
audience aware that
he's got his control
center and can turn on
the juice. In the early
going, he fools us by
actually looking very-
relaxed, punchy,
almost helpless ? you
can forget it's
Nicholson. Torrence is
a tired, baffled man,
and with his looney
character unresolved he
gains depth.
If this picture had to
be made, and apparent-
Nicholson menaces
wife, ShelK Duvall, in "The Shining
he doesn 7 keep a piece of himself out of the character
Local Profs Review
Both are sold in large gallon cans, in small
commumcations for 7-Up. "Generally, we do not packages for outdoorsmen such as backpackers , u ' aPPanfnt-
talk figures and in prepackaged units with mixed products. Z- L , WuV? e"
Survival loods usually come in two forms: The foods have a shelf life of 13 to 30 years. rsicnotson nad to do it
Continued From Page 5
self-pity, although it
obviously has ample
opportunity to make
some kind of state-
David Sanders, pro-
fessor of English here
at ECU, contributes a
review of Frederick
Morgan's "Death
Mother and Other
Poems The essay is
well-written and
Sanders presents his
case cogently although
some of his imaginative
leaps are a bit hard to
make. He apparently
relates the "Lear ex-
perience" to a "death
consciousness that
must come to us all a
"primal recognition"
that is at the same time
distant from morbidity.
While this seems Son
sequitur to me, that is
the nature of
Norman Rosenfeld,
professor of
at ECU,
Ralph Mills'
spends too much time
in an elaborate explica-
tion du text but ends his
review and the journal
with an insightful
critical assessment of
Mills talents.
There is much good
reading in this issue of
"Tar River Poetry as
is evidenced bv the
number of nationally
reputed poets who have
contributed to the
volume. Their work, a-
well as that of less well-
known poets, makes it
well worth the S2 cover
price, and. if this issue
is any promise of things
to come, the S4 per year
subscription rate is a
real baraain.
New Browne LP Greatest
Continued From Page 5
Emerging from the
Los Angeles music
scene, Jackson went to
New York as a
seventeen-year-old and
began, oddly enough,
playing guitar for Nico
and the Electric Circus,
who recorded three of
his songs on the 1968
release Chelsea Girl.
Last week, Jackson
released an album Hold
Out that may ultimate-
ly rival The Pretender
for its sheer dynamism
and potential for
critical and artistic suc-
cess. It may also
become a best seller,
but only record mer-
chants are concerned
with such paltry af-
fairs. Hold Out proves
to us all that Running
on Empty was just a
stumble and that
Jackson Browne will
indeed be a man to
reckon with in the
eighties. Its flavor
ranees from simple
melodic beauty of an
acoustic ballad to the
rocking power and
stunning complexity
that has made Jackson
All of our old friends
are back such as Russ
Kunkel, B. H Glaub,
David Lyndley, Craig
Doerge, and that
dynamic duo of
vocalists Doug
Haywood and
Rosemary Butler (Oh, I
long for the day when
she releases an album).
The album also
features some pretty
noticeable newcomers
such as Billy Payne (of
Little Feat) and Rick
Marotta one of the
most prodigious studio
drummers in the
Of course, the
musical performances
are great (perhaps the
best of Jackson's
career) and the produc-
tion of the album is
sparkling. The album
most resembles The
Pretender in the way it
is put together, the way
the songs are composed
and the overall propen-
sity of the effort.
The first song,
"Disco Apocalypse
sounds like something
off of The Long Run,
and is a scathing indict-
ment of many people,
particularly some peo-
ple right here on this
campus. The song deals
with how the world
could fall apart tomor-
row and few would
even be concerned,
their minds are on that
disco beat, Steve Har-
dy's party, their next
bong hit, the next
game, the next beer,
their new Pink Floyd
album, surfing, their
next line, whatever.
Apocalypse? Don't
bother me, I've got
something more impor-
tant to do!
"HoldOut" follows,
a tender ballad that
somewhat resembles a
song by Prince, and it is
in the finest tradition of
melodic and lyrical ex-
Gourmet Offers Advice On Making
Dishes With Limited Equipment
Continued From Page 5
about what to eat and either sit in the room for an
hour trying to decide, or maybe even drive all
around Greenville several times. To save you
from this fate, I'm going to print here a few of my
favorite recipes.
1. "Thirty Minute Pizza Simply select the
size and flavor of the pizza you want, and call a
fast pizza place. Within thirty minues, a piping
hot pizza will arrive at your door.
2. "Three Hour Pizza Many beginning cooks
accidentally prepare this kind of pizza. The recipe
calls for .ordering a pizza from one of the slow
pizza places. In three hours, a piping cold pizza
will arrive at your door.
3. "Charcoal and beans This dish is ap-
parently a great favorite here at ECU. Its
preparation involves a few easy steps:
A. Open a can of pork and beans.
B. Heat the hotplate to "high
C. Place the can on the red-hot burner.
D. Leave the room to go to class or take a
thirty minute shower.
E. Remember not to use water on electrical
4. "Coca-cola and Corn Flakes This is a self-
explanatory breakfast dish used by people who
don't have any milk. I do not really recommend
this recipe.
5. "Fried Tea I personally tried this recipe
last week, when I was brewing some ordinary tea
and wandered off to watch some "Tom and
Jerry" cartoons. If you want to try this, cook the
tea on high heat for about six cartoons.
6. Broiled Piant This is a popular vegetarian
dish for wintertime eating.
cellence established by
Mr. Browne. "That
Girl Could Sing" is
possibly the catchiest
song on the album with
its musical and vocal
hooks and should be
released as a single. I
am sure you have heard
"Boulevard" on the
radio as it weaves its
tale of the rough life
down on the seamy side
of town that you will
never see.
The second side
begins with "Of Miss-
ing Persons a
delightful song that
deals with the loss of
one of rock's greatest
performers, Lowell
George. George and
Jackson were good
friends and this song
deals with the fragile
line of existence we all
walk and the legacy we
leave after we are gone.
David Lyndley, whose
searing violin is sorely
missing from this
album, wrote "Call i
A Loan" with Jackson
and it is the finest
ballad on the album,
resembling "Love
Needs a Heart the
sole redeeming song of
Running on Empty.
"Hold On Hold
Out" is by far the
greatest song on the
album and one of the
finest Jackson has ever
written, surpassed only
slightly by "The
It sails above the
other efforts on the
album with its message
of no matter how down
you may be and no
matter how the odds
are stacked against
you, with strength and
perserverance, the bat-
tle will be yours. If not,
it is just the battle and
not the war, so just
hold on. Listen to
Hold a place for the
human race
Keep it open wide
Give it time to fall or
But let time decide
Sometimes you wonder
whafs in this
for you
But you waif, and you
Cause it's all vou can
Just to hold on.
The East Carolinian
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The East Carolinian, July 10, 1980
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
July 10, 1980
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