The East Carolinian, June 19, 1980

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1 ?
?l?e lEaHt (Eamltntatt
Vol.54No?r -
6 Pages
Thursday, June 19, 1980
(?reenville. N.C
Circulation 5,000
Protests Spurred by
Carter's Draft Bill
From The Charlotte Observer
With draft registration expected
to begin next month, anti-draft
groups are planning demonstra-
tions, vigils and civil disobedience
reminescent of the "Hell no, we
won't go days of the Vietnam
Many groups will urge 19- and
20-year-old men not to register.
Other organizations, preferring not
to counsel illegal action, will offer
legal help to those who defy the law.
Still others, particularly religious
pacifist groups, will call on those
who register to sign up as conscien-
tious objectors.
Final congressional action on the
registration plan is expected early
this week. It should be ready for
President Carter's signature by
Some anti-draft organizers are
toying with what Dan Ebener of the
pacifist Fellowship of Reconcilia-
tion called "all sorts of creative
ideas to disrupt the system
These include tying up business at
the nation's 34,000 post offices
where registration will take place or
registering thousands of noneligible
or false names.
The main public events planned their belt the history of a bad war
by the anti-draft groups will involve and the realization that they can say
peaceful demonstrations at post of- no to a bad war?that that's
fices. Many groups are planning legitimate said John Judge, a field
vigils outside post offices worker for the Central Committee
throughout the two-week registra-
tion period. Some expect to set up
tables outside post offices and ask
prospective registrants to consider
not signing up.
Many anti-draft organizers
for Conscientious Objectors. He
was active in the anti-draft move-
ment in the late 1960s and early
The Rev. Barry Lynn, chairman
of the Committee Against Registra-
believe the biggest headaches for the tion and the Draft, says the major
givernment may not come from any aim is to clog the system enough to
of their activities
"The largest share of resisters
won't be organized by us said a
law student working with the move-
ment. "They'll be the thousands of
kids who pasively resist by not
showing up at all on registration
day. And there's no way the govern-
ment will ever get around to pro-
secuting even a small share of
Many groups involved in the cur-
rent anti-draft activities are the
same that spearheaded anti-war
work in the 1960s. Most organizers
believe the movement has grown
faster than it did in the 1960s
because of the political lessons
learned in the movement against the
Vietnam War.
1 think people have under
keep just a fraction of the 4 million
eligible men from registering.
"If only 5 percent of those who
are eligible to register fail ro
report he said, "you are talking
about prosecution of 40,000 young
people per year
mm . . pnoto by Richard GHEE s
Members and supporters of the Greenville Peace Com- draft legislation mav spark a return to Sixties-stvle ac-
7iTlt!Cnt 'M- ?? -milar groups across the c.nThe
Post Off.ce last Friday, that Congress' recent demonstrators were joined later bv another group
First ECU Med
Kl Mrdit'iil Vtrilrr
GREENVILLE - The first
medical residents to complete
postgraduate training at the East
Carolina University School of
Medicine were honored Sunday at a
ceremony that symbolized a
milepost in the development of the
state's newest four-year medical
The first four physicians to
receive all their postgraduate train-
ing at ECU are specialists in family
medicine and plan to remain in
North Carolina to practice. Also
recognized at the afternoon
Soviets Defend Afghan A
Two Russian educators visited and security said Zoya Zarubina
ECU Monday as part of a team of a professor'of English and represen-
Soviets trying to stimulate dialog tative of the Soviet Women's Corn-
between the United States and the mittee. "We would like for a group
Soviet Union on peace and security, of 100 Americans and 100 Soviets of
"We have a very big opportunity to as many different professions
come and talk over the possibility of religions and backgrounds as possi-
can be done to stabilize the world
"Our goal is peace, because we
knew war added Nicolai
Mostovets, representative of the
Society for Friendship and Cultural Afghans asked for
Mostovets contended that the
Soviet action in Afghanistan is
unlike the United States' action in
Vietnam since "the Vietnamese
government did not ask for
American intervention, but the
our help in
AmCTican-Soviet dialog on peace b.elo ge, .ogether aus ?Ta. SISK'S TTloSSLZLZ
Lands and the senior research fellow
in U.S. history at the Academy of
Sciences in Moscow. "The United
States has not had a war on its own
soil in over 100 years, so you do not
remember what it is like, but the
Soviet people remember because we
lost over 20 million people and over
70 industrial centers in World War
II, so our people are not anxious to
have another war
"Our foreign policy is peaceful.
Our presence in Afghanistan is not
an invasion or intervention in the in-
ternal affairs of another country,
but rather at the invitation of the
Afghan government to assist in the
preservation of a socialist regime
said Mostovets.
Zoya Zarubina and Nicolai Mostovets
Courthouse Suffers Minor
A minor fire at the Pitt County
Courthouse caused the closing of
county offices and the evacuation of
the jail Monday.
The fire started when an insula-
tion board in a wall was ignited by
heat from a workman cutting steel
beams on the third floor of the
structure, according to Jenness
Allen, Greenville fire chief.
The area under renovation was
the former office of the Pitt County
Board of Education, according to
County Manager Reginald Gray.
The county plans to make another
courtroom out of it.
Approximately 40 prisoners in the
Pitt County Jail were held in N.C.
Department of Corrections buses
until smoke could be cleared from
the jail. The move was a precaution
in case the fire spread, according to
Deputy Sheriff Jackie Moye.
Damage to the structure was
minimal, Gray said, since renova-
tions were underway.
"If we hadn't been working up
there, it really could have been ex-
pensive Gray said. "We had little
damage to the third floor, and the
fourth and second floors suffered
smoke damage only
The Soviet people are fully aware
of the United States' reason for
boycotting the Olympics, according
to Zarubina.
"The Soviet people love sports,
and love competition. When they
were first told of the boycott, they
were shocked, then saddened,
because they knew the Olympics
would not be as exciting with fewer
states competing
"The Olympics are supposed to
be non-political, a place where
athletes of all nations can come and
compete in the spirit of the sport,
rather than politics Mostovets
ceremony at Pitt Countv Memorial
Hospital were the first dental
residents to complete the one-year
training program in dentistry.
"The training of these phvsicians
gives the people of North Carolina
the first real evidence that ECU is
meeting the objectives set for the
medical school by the General
Assembly and the UNC Board of
Governors said Dean William E.
"The school has a commitment to
train primary care phvsicians, doc-
tors who specialize in family prac-
tice, pediatrics, medicine and
obstetrics and gynecology. We're
proud that the first residents to
complete their graduate training
here are in family practice and that
they will stay in the state to serve
our people
Two of the residents will establish
private practive in Salisbury, N.C,
and one in Greenville. The fourth
resident will join the medical school
faculty as an instructor. One of the
dental residents will open an office
in Henderson, N.C, and the other
will remain at ECU as a clinical staff
Dr. Edwin W. Monroe, associate
dean for external affairs at the
medical school, told the audience
that "in spite of the fact that EC I
will not graduate its first medical
students until 1981, the School of
Medicine has met the goal of train-
ing its first physicians.
"Nearly six years ago when ECU
was authorized to develop a medical
school, most people thought it
would take until the late 1980s
before we would actually produce
any doctors to meet the state's
needs. Now it's only 1980. and
we're turning out highly qualified
family practitioners Monroe said.
Monroe and Dr. James G. Jones.
chairman of the Department of
Family Practice, emphasized the im-
portance of the medical school's
partnership with Pitt County
Memorial Hospital and the Eastern
Area Health Education Center in
establishing and maintaining
residency programs.Pitt Memorial
is the medical school's primary
facility for clinical training. Eastern
AHEC, which provided construc-
tion funds for the SI.8 million
Eastern Carolina Family Practice
Center, also provides budget sup-
port for residency rotations at
health care facilities throughout
eastern North Carolina.
Firefighters Turn Out In Force
but find blaze confined to small area of the courthouse.
l? P VPfl YO Unversy A rchaeologists Start Study
I t3 ?? UI CII 0f Eariy Carolina Algonquin Tribes
Staff Writer
Resources, which functions to pro- Indians that words such as squaw, survival in undesirable, infertile
vide money for identifying and pro- papoose and wigwam entered our land.
The ECU Department of Ar- tecting the state's cultural heritage, vocabulary. But in time, peaceful Until 1970, the small amount of
chaeology has received a grant this ECU has matched the grant with trade and content gave way to bitter research conducted in this area was
year to research the history of the $15,000 of its own money. conflicts and harsh warfare, much not enough to explain the
Indian tribes that populated the These tribes known as the Algon- which resulted from the colonists' prehistoric development of the
eastern part of North Carolina prior quins, were friendly to the Euro- demand for more and more Indian tribes. Leading the ECU research
to the arrival of the white man. pcan settlers, and taught them territory. Consequent wars wiped team is Dr David PhelDs assisted
The $15,000 grant was awarded numerous methods of hunting, out many tribes, drove some west
by the N.C. Dept. of Cultural fishing and farming. It is from these and left those remaining fighting for See ARCHAEOLOGISTS, Page 3
Bloxton House Plan
May Cost Home Ec
B LAY3?CS,ERiAW James, director of the Career Plann-
ing and Placement Center.
A move under consideration bv .?miB - .
the administration mav cost the frtr ,mes Sa,d "? ?,l.e.rhas been set
ECU School of Home Economics its '? thenmovfe b" ? Moore, vice
accreditation, according to Miriam CJl?JVjl?Mfn ha
B. Moore, dean of the school. T a COp of a
The administration is considering 1 n?m ?r" ,mfr Meyer' vice
moving the Career Plannine and 2ZS??J? ?U?m Ufe' re
Placement Office into the Bfoxton ufslm he . telephones of the
Home Management House, used bv rS.?g f Placement
the School of Home Economics. ?? f! ?fenred to the Bloxton
Career planning and placement is H?USe ?n June 24
currently located in the Jenkins Meyer has said that such a move
Alumni Building, is under consideration, but that anv
The placement office was told such move would be temporary until
they would move into Bloxton the university planning committee
House after it was renovated to completes its analysis of the best
allow the Institute of Coastal and possible uses of "the universitv
Marine Resources, currently in facilities.
Wright Building, to move into
Jenkins, according to Furney See BLOXTON, Page 3, Col. l
Vandals Show Unseen
Problems To Students
(CH) ? Vandalism is a quick way stole 30 books, then sent
of drawing attention to a problem, ananymous letters to the student
some students have learned. newspaper and the university presi-
At George Washington Universi- dent, enabling them to recover the
ty, a person who identified himself books.
as "a concerned student who did ap- In his letters, the student said the
proximately $2,000 damage to eight library's old protection system
typewriters in a student center typ- which included posting guari; ?i the
mg room. In a note discovered on exits, would have prevented the
the floor of the room, the student theft, but the new electronic book
said he was "forced to seriously detection device failed to do so
damage" the typewriters to con-
vince student center management to ?M?????????
repair minor flaws which made f Thft lv??2?i
them inoperable. The student center Wll I llf filSIU6
manager said the typewriters were in ?????????,
good working order but the vandal
apparently didn't know how to
operate them. ECU Baseball 2
A Northern Illinois University Media Board3
student went to less drastic lengths Editorial 4
to draw attention to what he said Letters to Editor4
was a faulty theft detection system Empire Opens 5
at that school's library. The student Albums "5

Students who intend to apply tor
admission to major in Social
Work. Law Enforcement, or Cor
rect.ons m the Fall Semester
should submit an application as
soon as possible and make an ap
pomiment for an interview during
the summer Students who are in
the second semester of the
sophomore year or first semester
of tht iunior year who meet the
minimum requirements are eligi
bie to apply Applications may be
obtained in 3V2 Allied Health
Building For more information
call ?S7 6961
Forest Service. Personnel.
Asheville, N.C in
terest in personnel
skills desired. (U)
The lo op Office, 313 Rawl
?iu, 757 6979, is looking for
its who may be interested in
fall 1980 or spring 1981 Co op posi
ese positions are salaried
and are tor undergraduate (U)
and cm graduate (G) students
Dept of Agriculture,
Washington, D.C
nutrition and accoun
Imq i.U)
NASA, Washington. DC. interna
tional Affairs Divi
sion. interest in inter
national affairs (G or
U). Personnel Divi
sion: personnel mgt.
interesttyping re
quireaV (U)
Smithsonian Institution.
Washington, DC:
writing, music, art,
audiovisual, biology
and history majors
Discount Day
Fridays are savings days at
Mendenhall Student Center.
Prices are '3 OFF every Friday
from 1 pm until 4 p.m. for bowl
ing, billiards and table tennis
Make Friday your day to save and
have fun too with "Discount Day
at Mendenhall
Video Game
"Asteroids" is here The hottest
new video game is on campus for
you Come over to Mendenhall,
take a break from the heat and
test your space fighting ability.
Mendenhall's summer hours are
8 30 am U 00 pm Monday, and
830 a.m. 5:00 p.m Tuesday
Coupon Club
The Greenville Coupon Club has
recently been formed Students,
homemakers and any interested
persons are invited to join The
purpose of the club is to help
members cut down on the high
price of food and household goods.
It will meet regularly to swap m
formation on the best bargains in
town, to share ways of saving
money in the home, and to ex
change magazine and newspaper
food coupons. There is no cost to
join Meetings will be held every
other Tuesday night at 7.00 p.m.
For more information, call Ellen
Freyman at 756 2553
The Graduate Management Ad
mission Test will be offered at
ECU on Saturday. July 12 Ap
plication blanks are available at
the ECU Testing Center, 105
Speight. Registration deadline is
June 25.
NTE Dates
Prospective teachers who plan to
take the National Teacher Ex
aminations on July 19 at ECU
should register as soon as possible
with Educational Testing Service,
Princeton. NJ.
John Childers. Director of Testing
at ECU. said registrations should
be mailed in time to reach ETS no
later than June 25. Penalty fees
will be charged for registrations
received later than this date.
Government Jobs Waiting To Be Filled
Registration materials and infor
mation about the teacher ex
aminations are available fromt he ?). Q
ECU Testing Center. 105 Spe.ght
Building. ECU. Greenville, NC
27834 or from the Educational
Testing SErvice, Box 911 R,
Princeton, NJ 08541.
KIT Ne?i Bureo"
"WANTED" student
to work for one
semester, pay based on
starting salary for full
time employee, possible
to receive compensa-
tion for travel, and
future educational ex-
penses, possible offer
of full time employ-
ment after graduation,
cultural advantages,
located in Washington,
You would think that
an ad written like this
would have students
lining up outside the
door like a game bet-
ween ECU and
Carolina. Not true.
Dr. Betsy Harper,
Director of
Cooperative Education
has jobs just like this
that she can offer
students who are atten-
ding East Carolina
University and cannot
give them away.
Some people do not
know about the jobs,
or Cooperative Educa-
tion or about Betsy
Harper. Some know
about all three but just
cannot be persuaded to
leave their hometown
or Greenville or North
Carolina. Some
students get very en-
thusiastic about the
program and go home
to talk to Mom and
Dad about the situation
and get too much flack
about stepping out of
the educational track
for one sememster.
Taking advantage of
this program does offer
some definite pluses,
Chad Buff kin, an
English major at ECU,
is one of the students
who spent spring
Baker Going
(,1-niral Manager
"It certainly didn't
last very long
Ira Baker's retire-
ment was to begin after
the first session of sum-
mer school, but
Wingate College has
offered Baker a part-
time contract to help
establish a journalism
department there.
Baker, 65, was the
first journalism pro-
fessor and program
coordinator at East
Carolina University.
He is leaving after 12
Wingate College,
once a private junior
college supported by
the Baptist State Con-
vention, became a
senior college only four
years ago. Approx-
imately 1,700 students
are enrolled there.
Baker willl teach two
days a week and work
closely with the student
newspaper and year-
book staffs. According
Continuing Ed
Teaching Basic
r. .ii-?
to Baker, the
jouranlism department
he will help establish at
Wingate will be the first
in any of North
Carolina's Baptist
Baker had said that
he dreaded his first
semester away from his
30-year teaching career,
but it looks like he
won't have to worry
about that for a while
FOR SALE Sanyo STD 1700
cassette deck Automata shut off.
with dolby S100. 7S8 0206 before
900 or after 7:00.
TIRES FOR SALE: four 155 13
Firestone steel belted radials
About half worn, all for 450 Pit
some Toyotas, Datsuns, Hondas,
etc Call 7564380 5 00 to 8:00
Ira L. Baker
semester in
Washington, D.C. co
oping with HUD. After
filling out various
government forms and
writing resumes and let-
ters of application,
Buffkin received a call
from the Recruitment
Branch of the U.S.
Department of Hous-
ing and Development.
"1 was interviewed
over the telephone and
offered a position in
the Headquarters' Ad-
ministrative Training
Branch in
Washington he said.
"My status was soon
changed from a full-
time to a part-time stu-
dent and with help
from the co-op office I
found a place to live in
"During my first
13-week period at HUD
1 was able to practice
the methods I had been
learning as an
EnglishWriting ma-
jor. I was assigned
many projects ranging
from writing memoran-
da to evaluating train-
ing programs in Kansas
City, Kansas and Col-
umbia, Marvland. The
ECU Co-op Program
enabled me to obtain a
working knowledge of
my field of study, ex-
posure to career oppor-
tunities, and a salary to
help pay expenses. It s
an excellent opportuni-
ty for a student to look
into the future
Two students who
started out as co-op
and ended up full time
after graduation are
Diane Rasch with the
International Affairs
Division of NASA
Headquarters and Dan-
ny Nowell in the per-
sonnel department of
the General Accounting
Office both in
Jobs are also
available with the
Center for Disease
Control, the Smithso-
nian, NASA Head-
quarters, USDA. HHS
(formerly HEW), the
Navy and the Dept. of
Justice. There are in-
ternships in offices of
senators and con-
The Cooperative
Education Office also
has openings in local
Greenville firms and
other companies across
the state of North

.r. C
The ECU baseball team, riding a four-game win streak after pitcher Bill
wider shut down Campbell on seven hits a. Harrington F.e.dTuesday
ni?hl will meet the Carolina team Saturday night at 7:30 p.m. me
" rclc Chapel Hill rivalry promises to produce an excitmg game. Last
rar. o'er 35W spectators attended the match-up Students are adm.t.ed
?tee. The learn will play N.C. Wesleyan tonile at 7:30 p.m.
Easter Seals Sponsoring
Marathon Softball Meet
;?? onH oamp Refreshment
Basic Scuba Cer-
tification, an evening
class for adult swim-
mers who wish to learn
the fundamentals of the
underwater. Each par-
ticipant should supply
flippers, mask and
snorkel. Other equip-
ment, including air,
popular water sport of may be rented,
scuba diving, will of-
fered by ECU this sum-
Over 60 teams are ex
pected to "move the
softball 'round the
horn for the handicap-
ped" in the 1980 Miller
Time Softball
Marathon for Easter
Scheduled for Satur-
dav and Sunday, June
21 and 22, at Jaycee's,
Eans and Guy Smith
parks in Greenville, the
eent will attract a wide
ariety of men and
women softball en-
thusiasts from city, in-
dustrial and church
teams throughout the
Any organized team
is invited to enter, and
anyone can organize a
team. Teams of equal
calibre will compete in
two-and-a-half hour
ed to game winners and
to the individual's and
team's raising the most
Sponsors con-
tributing to the event
include the Miller
Brewing Company,
WSFL-FM, Bridgeton,
Naegele Outdoor
Advertising in Kinston
and Abram's Bar-B-Q.
Sears, Bond's Spor-
ting Goods, H.L.
Hodges Company and
others have contributed
prizes which par-
ticipating teams will be
eligible to receive in a
drawing following the
Spectators will enjoy
seeing the Clown Alley
Clowns, featuring
"Toddles" and
"Waddles who will
game. Refreshments
will be available.
For more informa-
tion, contact the Easter favorably
Seal Society, Green
ville, 758-3230.
The scuba class will
meet Tuesdays and
Thursdays, June
24-July 24 in ECU's
Memorial Gymnasium
pool and at Radio
Island off Morehead
Class instructor is
Robert Eastep, an ex-
perienced Scuba in-
structor, recognized as
ofie of the leading
scuba teachers in the
Southeast. Since his
classes generally fill
rapidly, early registra-
tion is advised.
Further information
is available from the of-
fice of Non-Credit Pro-
grams, Division of
for 2nd session summer school
Only ills including rent,, cable TV. etc for
entire session Call 752 1792.
racing, lessons Beginners, m
lermediales. advanced Phone
Tony Monday thru Friday after
500. 752 7278.
NEED HELP: Preparing your
resume For details on our com
pletre resume service, call:
75-?l7l (evenings).
12:30 ONLY.
Mon. - Fri. UtSO-MO
Mon. 8P Tnes. 6:00-800
758 6266 ?? ? ? ?? ?m'9
Hwy 264 bypw Greenville , N. C.
Students will be
trained to react
favorably to normal
and adverse conditions Continuing Education,
on the surface and ECU, Greenville, N.C.
Every Sunday Night at
This Sunday
Back to Back
sesments continuously pass out balloons to the
Sll p.m. through children. Sponsored by
he weekend. the Greenville Honor
Qualifying teams Recruiting Command,
entering the marathon a jump team from For
will receive beer or Bragg will land at
Coke and prizes, and Jaycee r??
team players will each (tentatively schedu ed)
receive T-shirts com- with the game ball in this event, time for the beginning
Trophies will be award- of Saturdays 2 30
KA, KZ, TKE, At, nK, tKT, AXA,
ZTr, IN, ABt, B?n
Free Cookout and Music Monday Afternoon at the Bottom off College Hill
ussst 0 PHfet
JUNE 8, 15, 29
JULY 6, 13 22
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HUM (IAm li
tlMI 1111
in oAf im ?cm rrwti
S . - i H.
' East Carolina's Fatty Cento"
All Orientation Student
Admitted FREE
An Exclusive
"Fashion Show"
SUNDAY fof ld?t N't
MONDAY AFTtrMOOM it ?? bottom o? Cot? H '? ?
Frc Cookout it?i Good Food "uwc ??,??.
SHOWS AT 7:30 & 10:00

Archaeologists Study N.C.
Indian Cultural History
Residents Complete Training ??'
The first six residents to complete all their training at the East Jerome E. Croll, Lee R. Trent, Danny E. Huntley and George
Carolina I niversity School of Medicine were honored Sun- R. Everhart and dental residents Drs. Charles Burnham and
da in a graduation ceremony at Pitt County Memorial C. Douglas Peeden. All six of the graduates plan to set up
Hospital. Shown (from left) are family practice residents Drs. practices in North Carolina. Story on Page 1.
Media Board Studies Budgets
The ECU Media
Board tentatively ap-
proved the 1980-81
budget tor the Rebel
Wednesday, but the
budget proposal for the
nev student FM radio
station ran into trou-
Consideration Of
MB station
manager John Jeter's
approximate $41,000
budget proposal was
postponed because
board members said
ihey should have been
consulted in its
preparation. They also
fell WZMB was asking
for too much money
for 1980-81.
"We all want the
best possible for our
media, but we also have
to be able to pay for
it said Rudolph Alex-
ander, board member
and director of
Mendenhall Student
According to board
members, Jeter should
have consulted with a
special Media Board
advisory group when he
planned funding for the
coming year. The ad-
visory council was set
up last year to help in
the operation of the
station. Jeter explained
that he was not aware
that the council had to
be imolved in budget
Chairperson Beth
Hignite called for the
advisory group to con-
vene later this week to
confer with Jeter on the
budget. Jeter said he
would begin
"slashing" his pro-
posals before the group
Jeter also questioned
a recent trip by 1980-81
Station Manager Glen-
da Killingsworth and
Dr. Benz, former ad-
visor of WZMB. Jeter
thought the trip, which
was authorized by Dr.
Meyer, was made
without his consent,
but Meyer said he con-
sidered the matter an
internal one.
The board tentatively
approved the approx-
imate $16,000 budget
for next year's Rebel,
the student literary and
art magazine. The ten-
tative approval includ-
ed the condition that
salaries of staff
members be held at
least to last year's
levels. TheRebel budget
will receive its final ap-
proval when the
budgets of all student
media organizations
are presented for con-
Rebel editor Kathy
Crisp noted that the
most recent edition of
the Rebel is still being
printed. The first press
run of the edition was
returned to the printer
when staff members
disapproved of the
quality. Crisp added
that the printing com-
pany would probably
not be considered for
future editions.
Continued From Page 1
by ECU students Ken
Hartsell, Mary Barnes
and Mike Whetzel. The
purpose of their
research is to gather
and publish the work
done on the Algon-
quins between 1972 and
1980, to re-survey and
evaluate existing ex-
cavation sites in North
Carolina, and to select
sites that may require
future research.
The archaeological
crew hopes to complete
the excavation of
several sites by the
mid-1980s, when North
Carolina and the nation
will celebrate the 400th
anniversaries of the ar-
rival of Englishmen on
the coast, and the
dissappearance of the
"Lost Colony Places
of research will include
Carteret County,
Roanoke Island, and
the Chowan
Dr. Phelps explained
that the artifacts of the
Indians provide clues
about the tribal culture.
"We are looking for
everything we can find
pertinent to Algonquin
history he said.
Skeletal remains pro-
vide for population
analysis, and the use of
radio carbon dating can
determine changes in
the tribes' culture,
Phelps explained.
The general pro-
cedure of an ar-
chaeology field
research is to collect the
material from the sur-
face of the site, and
measure the surface
distributions. This
determines where test
excavations will be
opened and gives a
sample of the artifacts
contained, and the
depth of the site. Test
excavations can also
determine whether
anything is intact under
the surface. Finally, a
topographic map is
constructed of the site.
Phelps said that "based
on the results of surface
survey, topography and
test excavations, major
areas of the site are
then opened to expose
such cultural features
as house patterns, food
preparation areas,
eemetaries, and public
and religious struc-
tures. It is from these
features in their
behavioral context that
reconstruction of the
culture is accomplish-
When asked why all
this time consuming ar-
chaeological work in-
terested him. Ken Hart-
sell replied, "most of
the work is primary
research, so you're not
taking somebody else's
work ? you are break-
ing new ground, and
that is what interests
me the most Crew
member Mike Whetzel
shook his head in
agreement and exclaim-
ed, "you're never in-
side and you never
know what you're go-
ing to find Dr.
Phelps concluded,
"because of the nature
of archaeological
research the training
period is long and ex-
cruciating. But from
this they learn that only
exacting field techni-
ques will produce the
type of data required
for writing these
unknown chapters of
cultural history.1
The East Carolinian is accepting
applications for news writers. If you have good
basic writing skills, we will train you
in newswriting techniques.
Applications can be obtained from our office
in the Publications Building.
Bloxton Change Disputed
Continued From Page 1
lames l.owery, director of the
physical plant, said the move would
be necessary for the Institute of
Coastal and Marine Resources
because the area they now occupy in
Wright needs renovation.
Chancellor Thomas B. Brewer
said Thursday that the decision for
the move was still on the staff level,
with no final decision made.
Bloxton House has been 'unused
for several years. Nothing has gone
on there for several years. That's the
reason the proposal was made
Brewer said.
However, Mrs. Moore said no
one in the administration bothered
to check with them to see if the
building was being used.
"No one in the administration
checked with us to see if it was being
used by us, but assumed it wasn't
since students weren't spending the
night there she said.
"Our accreditation may hinge on
keeping a management facility
Mrs. Moore explained. The building
has been used in the past to train
students in home management,
necessary for some of the school's
major programs.
Friday, however, the administra-
tion advised Mrs. Moore that she
could submit a proposal for con-
tinued use of the facility to the
chancellor's office for considera-
tion. She stated that Brewer seemed
"unaware" that the building was
still used by the school.
She submitted a two and a half
page proposal for use of the facility
to the chancellor Monday, but that
he had not acted on it as yet. Includ-
ed were proposals for increased use
of the house, such as use by
students, faculty and staff for lun-
cheons and dinners and a family
research center.
Administration sources report
that the move has been delayed until
they can further study the issue and
reach a decision.
College Notes
From The National On Campus Report
THE AVERAGE STUDENT spends $83 per term
on 7.5 books, according to a survey conducted
for the Book Industry Student Group Inc the
National Association of College Students Inc.
and the Association of American Publishers.
More than half the students surveyed are financ-
ing their own educations and said they cut down
on expenses by not buying some books for non-
major courses or by purchasing used books.
State U. of New York's Oswego College held
members of the school's student senate hostage
while they read a list of funding demands. The
women, attending a senate budget meeting, were
upset that the center was allocated $2,190 after it
requested $3,875. Eleven women blocked the exits
of the hearing room, detaining senators for a
half-hour while three others stated the center's
of Maryland campus police with a detailed
description of a man wanted for two campus sex-
ual assaults. A sketch of the suspect, based on in-
formation given by a vctim under hypnosis, was
released to the campus community and produced
several leads, say campus police.
THE KU KLUX KLAN mailed leaflets extolling
the virtues of "white Power" and invitations to
join the KKK to U. of Maryland student with
Anglo-Saxon surnames. The Klan material arriv-
ed without stamps, indicating it was mailed on
campus. Students were told to write the KKK
headquarters in Louisiana if they were interested
in joining. Campus police and administrators say
they know of no organized Klan activity at UM.
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With A Little Foresight, Analysis
Thanks to Jimmy Carter's poor
evaluation of the U.S. military
machine, millions of young people
will be forced to register for the
draft. Registration may be the only
"quickie" remedy available now,
but a little foresight and analysis
could have prevented two likely
consequences. Our enemies will
perceive registration as a hostile
signal, and the burning issue o(
domestic unrest will probably be
fueled with student protest.
The sad posture of the U.S. Arm-
ed Forces certainly needs straighten-
ing out, but mandatory registration
is not the answer. Increasing the
amount o' well-trained manpower is
crucial, but getting people into the
service isn't the problem ? it's get-
ting people to stay in the service.
The average serviceman today is
taking home 11 percent less pay
than he did five years ago, and in-
flation is chipping away at the
already low salaries. Commissary
and PX priveleges are not such a
great bargain anymore, with big dis-
count chains closing in on th
military dollar. Civilian job oppor-
tunities for servicemen trained in
management and technical skills of-
fer substantially greater pa for the
same jobs.
'Why join the service? For main it
is the only way to get on-the-job
traming and to reap the educational
benefits of the GI Bill. President
Carter's educational aid cuts will
only increase the number o tran-
sient military personnel who want a
free education.
Congress must substantially in-
crease pay to people in uniform,
especially those who operate
sophisticated equipment, but in-
creased spending for military
technology is useless without
qualified technicians. Carter and
Congress could have come up with
more than $3.5 billion in pay raises
from a $153.7 billion defense
While the need to update and add
to arms and military machinery
took precedence over pay raises,
more money could've been available
it Carter would can some of the
more idiotic expenditures and leave
Social Security, Medicaid, Welfare,
etc. alone. The Wall Street Journal
listed a few that would make a good
?A service to teach urban wives
"family living' and suburban
homeowners how to kill crabgrass.
?A $98 million program to pro-
mote cooperatives, $27 million for
rural electrification, or $15 million
for bringing cable TV to farms.
? The Department oi Education.
"Nothing it does could not be done
better b long-existent state and
local bodies. The fiscal saving: $3.6
?S7.4 bil'non in CETA funds.
?The Council on Wage and Price
Stability, which costs $9.8 million
only to create the impression the
president is fighting inflation.
?The Congressional Budget Of-
fice (Si3.5 million), set up to help
Congress control the budget, has
done little in its short lifespan.
V ii nam, it wasn't very
popular to talk about increased
defense spending, but now it is pain-
fully cleai that military personnel
need a better deal. People who once
considered a career in the military
are finding that they just cannot
make ends meet. One example:
What little the government con-
tributes for moving expenses when
servicemen and their families are
transferred doesn't help much, and
they are forced to borrow money,
often at extremely high interest
11 registration does lead directly
to the draft, the majority of the peo-
ple who will enter the service won't
be there because they like it. The ad-
ministration and Congress need to
make the armed forces more attrac-
tive and competitive with civilian
jobs if a high-quality standing army
is the goal. Registration only signals
the wholesale conscription of un-
willing citizens, not exactly an ideal
fighting force.
More Problems For WZMB?
The fate of WZMB (formerly
WECU) has see-sawed back and
forth for two years, and now that
the station is finally about to go on
the air, something smells fishy.
Station Manager John Jeter's
successor, Glenda Killingsworth,
and former advisor Dr. Carlton
Benz recently attended a meeting
where the major topic was state fun-
ding for new public radio stations
by the newly created N.C. Agency
for Public Telecommunications.
There is some controversy concer-
ning the authorization of the trip,
but the more immediate factor is
why? Additional funding from the
state could supplement the
WZMB's operating costs. It is nice
to know that all possible financial
avenues are being explored, but the
catch in this program is the loss of
student control of programming
and coverage area.
The preliminary budget for the
university radio station (which one
Media Board member said "costs
too much") is about $7,000 less
than last year's budget. The station
will cost about $3 a year per student
to listen to the wide variety of
music, both live and recorded. That
doesn't seem like much for good
entertainment compared to about
$25 per semester for athletics.
The Media Board will get a bigger
cut of student monies next year
because The East Carolinian is
reducing the amount of student fun-
ding by about $10,000 less this year.
And WZMB costs too much to
operate? Someone's calculator must
be broken.
Why give away control of
something for which students have
fought long and hard? That fear
might be paranoid, but all the in-
dicators are pointing in that direc-
tion. It's hard to say ? WZMB's
past has been fraught with many
pitfalls, let's hope the trip was for
informational purposes only and
not a part of some greater plan.
?-Campus Forum
'Nook And Cranny' Questioned
In response to the article concerning
handicapped student services which ap-
peared in the June 12 issue of The East
Carolinian: C. C. Rowe has been the
coordinator for handicapped student
services for three years. It is revealing to
know that he defends the location of his
office, which is inaccessible to people
confined to wheelchairs, by considering
it a "nook and cranny on campus"
which does not have to be made accessi-
ble to those students to whom he is
responsible. 1 am touched by Mr.
Rowe's overwhelming sensitivitv toward
handicapped students.
This is not the first article in which
ECU has been touted as the leader in
providing services for handicapped
students in the UNC university system.
This remarkable demonstration of
cooperative working spirit leads me to
suspect that, until very recently, this
reputation was gained through default
rather than effort.
Graduate Student.
Chemistrv Department
Baker Praises Summer Issues
On this last week of the first term of
Summer School and, incidentally, the
final full week of my tenure as a member
o the university community, 1 feel com-
pelled to express pride and admiration to
you and your sparse but talented staff
for the consistently high quality of each
issue of the term just ending.
Let those who would contend other-
wise be your surrogate one week. Let
them produce tour or six pages of
"hard news where none hardly exists.
I et them report the most earth-shaking
campus event o the week, most likely
the weekl) watermelon slicing. Let them
produce each week a provocative
editorial on a non-existent campus issue.
Just let them trv! 1 challenge them to do
so. 1 have, in fact, issued the invitation
to my classes several times this term.
They don't know, of course, that the of-
fice of The East Carolinian is probably
the most active, stimulating and liveliest
spot on the campus. Students are miss-
ing a tremendous opportunity to "be
where the action is
Finally, may I add that 1 have been
greatly privileged these past 12 years for
having had the pleasure of associating so
closely with student publications, par-
ticularly The East Carolinian. To all
those staff members, both past and pre-
sent, I extend my grateful thanks and
sincere best wishes.
Journalism Program Coordinator
Forum Rules
The East Carolinian welcomes letters
expressing all points of view. Mat! or
drop them by our office in the Old South
Building, across from the library.
Letters must include the name, major
and classification, address, phone
number and signature of the authv
Letters should be limited to :?
typewritten pages, double-spaced, or
neatly printed. All letters are subject to
editing for brevity, obcenity and .
Letters by the same author are limited I
one each 30 da vs.
I THINIC 'lo?LCc?,0Rl?0Trri0Av3 teesHttC
iooou) HAveNtc??Ltf.MGTD cr.
'By What Authority Do We Have This Right?'
We are ready for thermonuclear war and
every day we are feverishly getting more
ready. Let no one suppose that we are in-
capable of it: We are the only nation that
has ever unleashed atomic bombs against
an adversary. We have been considering
atomic warfare in one place or other ever
since: Korea, China, Cuba, Laos, Berlin,
Vietnam. We came within a few minutes of
launching a thermonuclear war in 1962.
President Kennedy decided that he would
press the button if a Russian freighter
crossed a certain line in the Atlantic en
route to Cuba. The president knew full
well what he was about. He knew that he
was about to ignite history's greatest
cataclysm. But somehow ? I shall never
be able to imagine why ? he was convinc-
ed that the situation called for it.
At the heart of this monstrous folly
there is, I believe, a religious vision. It is
the vision of a secular religion, to be sure,
yet one unthinkingly embraced by more
Americans than accept the conventional
religions of the land.
The central doctrine of this religion is
Manifest Destiny. The first official ap-
pearance of this idea occurred in 1846,
when a Massachusetts congressman
declared "the right of our manifest destiny
to spread over this whole continent
Remember the word 'right' in this state-
ment. This manifest destiny proved its
worth in remarkably few years. But the
idea did not subside after we conquered the
wilderness. It was assimilated into the
American ethos, and has now taken on
world-emcompassing dimensions. We now
believe that it is Manifest Destiny that we
be pre-eminent on the globe. We have
come to consider it our right ? our destiny
in the world ? to be first, to be most in-
fluential, to have our own way in all im-
portant matters, to assert universal validity
for our democratic credos.
But there is still one right which cannot
be denied. It is the right to blow up the
world, or a large part of it, and degrade
civilization. So we come to the most im-
portant question of all: Quo warranto? By
what authority do we come to have this
right? Only if we think Gods right name is
Satan can we believe it is conferred by any
heavenly authority. When President Ken-
nedy was poised to start thermonuclear
war, his brother, the attorney general, ask-
ed him to consider whether the American
government or any government had the
moral right ot initiate thermonuclear war.
The president said he had no time to con-
sider theories. He said that the country's
manhood demanded what he was about to
do, though heinrew that there would be lit-
tle left of our country or its manhood if he
We simply have no right in this matter.
W.H. Ferry is a writer and consultant to
foundations and non-profit organizations.
For IS years, he was vice president of the
Center far the Study of Democratic In-

i -?.??'?.?

JUNE 19. 1980
Page 5
Film View
'Force' In
The time is still long, long ago and far, far
away. "Star Wars V" (as you might already
know, there are to be three 'prequels') or "The
Empire Strikes Back" opened in Greenville in
35mm without the marvel of Dolby stereo.
George Lucas' most expensive picture to date
has even more technoligical cleverness than the
original, and once again it's not about anything
more than what it seems to be about. "Star Wars"
modest $8 million budget has been more than
doubled for "Empire and every penny of it is up
on the screen. In order to get the full effect, and it
certainly is amazing just how far we've come since
Jordan Belson and Stanley Kubrick, the film must
W seen as it was intended to be seen, in 70mm with
the six-channel Dolby.
Otherwise, there is little difference between this
continuation effort and the original film of 1977.
I he plot is simply a series of chases, captures and
escapes as the good guys set out to rescue each
other. Darth Vader (David Prowse behind the ar-
mor, given voice by James Earl Jones who does
not receive screen credit), Princess Leia (Carrie
I isher), Han Solo (Harrison Ford), Luke
Sky walker, robots See Threepio and hero Artoo-
Detoo are all back along with a few arresting
newcomers. Everybody plays it straight, no bogg-
ing down in messages or monoliths on the one
hand, no camping it up on the other.
The film is another triumph of creativity and
technology by masters thereof, people who very
obviously delight in doing what only the medium
of film can do in the creation of magic. They are
all listed at the end of the film and well deserve the
applause most of you will find yourself giving
By the end of "Empire we are really only
taken another step or two in the Star Wars saga.
There is a twist here and a twist there, but most of
s hat goes on is pretty predictable, so it will go in
sequels and prequels to come. In fact, one gets the
feeling that this series can never end but is forever
to be continued. Most of its fans, at least at this
stage of the game, prefer it that way.
"Empire" takes the long view of history and
finds no moral in it whatsoever. Too many films
live too much in the recent past of the topic that
they deal with and too much in the present the rest
of the time. Lucas, like the hot-shot astronauts in
his films, is a free agent. His film is propelled by a
kind of Relativity Theory. He zooms through
time from the remote future to the remote past as
easily as Star Wars' rocket ships zoom through
"hyper-space" from one end of the universe to the
Love And Fear
In The Future
Pincess Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca and friend
return in "The Empire Strikes Back.
other at the speed of light.
An historical relativism really is the secret to
Lucas' success. Instead of trying to apply the stan-
dards of the present to the past, Lucas applies the
standards of the past to the future. Thus, he has
made another work of flawless escapism:
"Empire" escapes the angst of the present
While Lucas' characters live a millennium or
two from now, much of their story seems to occur
anywhere from a generation to a millennium ago.
One of the series' many heroes, Luke, is the
adopted son of pioneers who are massacred in an
Indian-style raid on their homestead on an out-of-
the-way planet. Let's not forget "Empire's"
Solo is an adventurer and soldier of fortune, a
gun for hire. The heroine is a Princess, no less,
and the villain is an appropriate nemesis for such
royalty, the black-masked Vader. Even the
"Force an elan vital usable only by the
righteous, is made manifest in an ancient form, a
See Star Wars page 6 col 5
The entertainment we enjoy is a measure of who
we are. Three recently ballyhooed movies?1977's
"Star Wars last year's "Close Encounters of the
Third Kind" and this year's "Empire Strikes
Back the sequel to "Star Wars"?suggest that
Americans are both fascinated with and horrified
by the technological world we have shaped.
Neither movie pretends to great seriousness.
"Star Wars" is a light confection about another
galaxy and era and a young man named Luke
Skywalker who, thanks to an improbably series of
coincidences, is drawn into a death battle against
the galaxy's wicked emperor. En route to victory,
he encounters a fair princess and wins her heart, if
not her hand. (This is the age of liberation.)
"Close Encounters of the Third Kind" concerns
Roy Neary, an ordinary American who has an en-
counter with a UFO and becomes obsessed with
his search for an explanation. His mission is im-
peded by those who do not believe in the existence
of UFOs; by those who would prefer to wish the
perplexing UFOs out of existence; and by those in
power who. to prevent panic, deny the existence of
UFOs. Like Skywalker and every adventurer-hero
since Odysseus, Neary finds an available pretty
girl to accompany him on his lonelv mission. In
the last frame, though, he achieves a goal more
lofty than marriage?he strides in to a UFO and,
the ultimate American pioneer, flies away with the
strange Visitors to destinations unknown.
From the popularity of "Star Wars the likely
success of "Close Encounters and the increasing
respectability of the whole genre of science fiction,
it is clear that our age, more than its predecessors,
needs whatever consolation or reassurance science
fiction affords. If all art is to some extent escapist,
one might ask what it is that we are escaping from.
An answer, 1 think, is hidden in the films' im-
agery. In "Star Wars Luke Skywalker ekes out
a living as a "moisture farmer" (whatever that
may be) in a bleak desert on the remote planet of
Tatooine. Apparently, the reason he lives in such
an unfruitful place rather than in a galactic Palm
Springs is that there is no galactic Palm Springs:
Evil technology has reduced the universe to wind
and sand. If the technocrats were not so vicious
and self-serving, the land would be more fruitful.
Luke's mission is to replace the Bad technocrats
with the Good, which he does. In a closing
ceremony disturbingly reminiscent of Nuremberg
Nazi rallies, Luke is rewarded with a medal (and a
wink) by the princess, who represents the new,
benevolent ruling class.
See Americans page 6 col 1
Dem 'Stormy Monday Laundry Day Blues'
Staff Writer
One day of each week of my life is tainted by an op-
pressive shadow hanging over it ? namely, the
knowledge that 1 have no more even slightly clean
clothes and that laundry day is at hand. 1 put this off as
long as possible, even when I'm at home, where we have
those funny washers and dryers without coin slots in
In college, especially in ECU dorms, doing laundry is
a complicated and nerve-wracking process, fraught with
disaster and frustration.
The first problem is the coin shortage. If you need to
do your laundry, all 300 people in the dorm are either
broke or have only paper money and pennies. Most of
us know better than to trust the change machines so the
thing to do is trudge over to the Rip V Run to get
quarters, dimes and aspirins.
Next comes the task of finding an unoccupied washer,
preferably one that works. Good timing is important,
unless you like to hang around laundry rooms with bun-
ches of dirty clothes. When I lived in Jones Hall and had
to wash, clothes in the basement of Belk dorm, my
"secret time" was 9:00 Sunday morning. That early,
few people had regained consciousness enough to
bother much with their laundry so I was always sure of
finding a washing machine open. One fateful day, 1 ar-
rived to find 40 guys cramming the entire basement with
truckloads of dirty clothes, all at 9:00 Sunday morning.
My "secret time" was no longer secret. I started sleep-
ing until noon on Sundays.
When I lived in Umstead, my roommate would
periodically load up his duffle bag and head down to the
laundry room on Friday or Saturday night. They tell
you that ECU is a great party school, but you almost
need reservations to get your clothes done here on
weekend nights.
The size of a dorm laundry doesn't matter much. One
such as Umstead's has three washers and three dryers.
The massive laundry rooms on the Hill have perhaps
eight or 10 of each. The problem is that most of the
machines in the big laundries are adorned with "out of
order" signs. Many of them are simply hollow card-
board props put in to make the place look larger and
more impressive.
A washer that displays an "out of order" sign usually
is, but a washer not so designated is not necessarily "in
of order One washing machine of my acquaintance
worked perfectly, except it forgot to let the water drain
out when it was through. After wringing a gallon of
water out of my clothes, I spent three quarters trying to
dry them.
A really frustrating thing is to put your clothes in the
wash in a totally deserted laundry room, and to come
back in 30 minutes to find all three dryers full of clothes
from the wardrobe of some mysterious, inconsiderate
I had a roommate on the Hill who went to see hi
girlfriend one night a week, and got her to do his laun-
dry. I've always been too soft-hearted to put anyone 1
liked through such an ordeal.
A bankrupt friend of mine, after selling her albums,
started doing laundry for people in her dorm for a cou-
ple of dollars. It kept her financially solvent and saved
many people a lot of trouble.
But, for all that, doing laundry could be worse here
at college. I remember passing a farmhouse on the way
here from home, where the day's wash was hanging ?
on six clotheslines, each 100 feet long. There were hun-
dreds of clothes of every size, shape and color, all
sparkling in the afternoon sun. On the other side of the
tiny farmhouse were four more similar clotheslines. Im-
agine the Waltons doing six months' worth of laundry
all at once, and you have it. I'll bet someone in that
house would love to trade laundry with any of us.
Detroit Rock And Roll
True New Wave At Last
Let's hear it for obscure artists.
This week, it seemed pleasant to
present three albums of rather
outstanding quality than one earth-
shattering, history-making release.
Of course, they are all from
England, but it isn't my fault that
we Yanks are not producing albums
of profound quality (the exception
being Bob Scger's Against The
Wind). So until Jackson Browne or
Bruce Springsteen cut a new one, we
will have to settle for the imported
?The Motors ? Tenement
This is the first album in a long
while that one can refer to as New
Wave without it being almost a pro-
stitution of the term. What with
?:? I Mj
every clown from Joel to Ronstadt
calling their pop parasites New
Wave, it is enough to make your
stomach turn. Tenement Steps will
perhaps bring a little bit of respect
to the term.
This is one fine album. The
Motors are Nick Garvey and Andy
McMaster, and that is about the ex-
tent of the knowledge I have about
them. For all 1 know, they could
have crawled from the gutter up to
those tenement steps and started
producing music. All that matters is
that their music is superb. The
Motors are the only current group
that I know of recording on Virgin
Records, the company that brought
you the punk movement.
The album has a unique sound. It
is sort of a combination between the
pop perplexity of Gino Vanclli and
the Eurodisco appeal of Blondie,
ijwiwiw ii"
but it is a lot more sophisticated
than either. The Motors are a four-
piece combo, but the rhythm section
is even more nebulous than Garvey
and McMasters. The synthesizer
dominance of McMasters makes
Tenement Steps more aesthetically
palatable than the usual humdrum
redundance of most New Wave, and
Garvey's guitars do not dominate
but create more excitement.
The single "Love and
Loneliness" is receiving airplay in
more progressive areas, but "That's
What John Said" and "Modern
Man" are truly distinguished ditties
well worth hearing. If I didn't think
you were satiated with the whole
trip, I would tell you of how the
lyrics mumble of alienation, inner
city panic and a lean future.
Regardless, Tenement Steps is a fine
effort, and the Motors should have
a promising future.
?Joan Armatrading ? Me,
Myself, and I ?
Joan Armatrading's last album
(?) was a cheap promotional bulljive
that consisted of one side of grooves
and another side as flat as the area
around Mount St. Helens. What
kind of idiot would pay four dollars
for one side of an album? This
album, however, is a full LP of
some of the finest material she has
ever produced and features various
influences ranging from pop to reg-
All of the tunes are the artist
herself, from the acoustic and sym-
phonic beauty of "Turn Out The
Light" to the rocking dynamics of
See Joan page 6 col 1
The Motors of oM (1977) ? as they appear ?? the cover of
album "Approved by The Motors Nick Garvey, Aady
Tchaikovsky and Rick Slaughter.

JUNL 19, 1980
Star Wars Sequel
Beats Its Predecessor
Continued From Page 5
hand-held laser beam
wielded as if it were Ex-
Perhaps what frees
these films from the
ponderousness of so
many other films is the
fact that it deals not
with history, but with
pop images of history.
The historical
panoramam that it
grafts onto the future
really comes from a lot
of Hollywood movies
about the past rather
than the past itself.
One hero comes
straight out of a Ford
western, and the other
out of a Bogart film.
But if there is any
period genre Lucas'
film seems to prefer, it
is the Medieval. Besides
being punctuated with
adventures from Robin
Hood and Ivanhoe, the
film is pervaded in
general by an at-
mosphere of knights in
shining armor.
Having once again
set his film in the fur-
thest imaginable
future, Lucas has
drawn from the fur-
thest historical past, or
at least a reasonable
facsimile thereof.
The result of Lucas'
efforts is not to raise
such questions as "Will
the universe be saved?"
These films aren't
meant to be ingenious
in any way. They are
meant to be exactly
what they are. From
Lucas' view they cer-
tainly haven't failed.
Joan Redeems
'Bulljive' Effort
Darth Vader Is Back
the scourge of the galaxy in 4 ? The Empire Strikes Back.?'
Continued From Page 5
"Simon Accompany-
ing Armatrading are
Will Lee, Chris Sped-
ding, Paul Shaffer
Americans In Love With Their Science
Fiction, Are Leery Of Technological Fact
Continued From Page 5
Similarly, in "Close Encounters the world in
which Roy Neary lives is corrupted by bad
technology. Directory Stephen Spielberg focuses
his camera critically on all the mechanical
paraphernalia?toy trains, hair driers, tvs?with
which we surround ourselves. The way the
Visitors from the other planet make their
presence known is by wreaking havoc on
technology: turning on toys, stereos, tvs, in the
dead of night; turning off the telephones and the
electricity; bewildering the air traffic scanners.
The vision that obsesses Roy Neary, though, is
not one of a Thoreauvian cabin in the woods,
where evil technology may never trespass, but
rathei one of a technologically perfect world,
where all the circuits enhance man's happiness.
When we (with Neary) are finally vouchsafed a vi-
sion of the Visitors' gigantic spaceship, it is a mo-
ment of glory and ecstasy, visually spectacular,
and accompanied by booming organlike music
that suggests that this is a sacred, rather than a
scientific, event.
Like Neary and Skywalker, Americans are
perplexed by the failure of technology to supply
us with a meaningful life or a decent environment
to live in. For every wonderful aeheivement,
technology seems to deal us an equivalent kick in
the shins. Travel has become more efficient and
less civilized. Television has helped to raise a
generation of unprecedentedly educated six-year-
olds and increasingly illiterate high school
seniors. We can enjoy completely enclosed and
comfortable environments hundreds of feet
above the sidewalk until, as witness the New York
City blackout last summer, someone pulls the
plug and the environments become inaccessible
and uninhabitable. Only the most naive believe
we can escape our increasingly technological en-
vironment. Recognizing that the technologizing
trend is irreversible, we fantasize, with Skywalker
and Neary, about a world where all the machines-
work with us, rather than against us, where the
computer does not obstinately mis-bill, and where
jets disgorge our luggage intact at correct destina-
Regrettably, as both these films imply, the
"perfect" technocracy is one over which ordinary
mortals can exercise no influence. The enormity
and complexity of the system preclude nonexpert
involvement. Our only options in such a world
would be to replace the bad technocrats, as
Skywalker does, evade them, as Neary does, or
trust that in their loving-kindness they will make
the machines produce what we desire. Our
democratic methods of trying to control our ex-
ploding technology may be less than "perfect
but they do leave man some room in which to
manage his destiny.
(pianist on "Saturday
Night Live"), Danny
Federici and Clarence
Clemmons of the E
Street Band. Ar-
matrading's resonant
voice and outstanding
songwriting skills are
showcased on this
There are many fine
songs on this album
and equally as many
are receiving significant
airplay. The album is
only several weeks old,
and it is currently 84th
on the American
Charts and is rising
very fast. Armatrading
is an individual of
remarkable talent, and
this is the first album
that is commensurate
with her ability. This is
one not to miss.
When 1 first saw "Star
Wars "Empire" was
made for those
(particularly males)
who carry a portable
shrine with them of
their adolescence, a
chalic of a self that was
better then, before the
world's affairs or?in
any complex way?sex
Flash Gordon, Buck
Rogers and their peers
guard the portals of
American innocence,
and "The Empire
Strikes Back" is an
unabashed, jawclench-
ed tribute to the chasti-
ty still sacred beneath
the middle-aged
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The East Carolinian, June 19, 1980
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
June 19, 1980
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