The East Carolinian, June 5, 1980

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

$i? iEaHt Carolinian
I htirsdav. JtMU' 5. l?Kt
ift ? in ilh
( in ul.ilin 5
Jot her s Finest Scheduled For June
General Manager Unable
To Name Start-Up Date
iiHin m
A 1B

W i (
men Blacks
ROTC Enrollment
Shows Marked Rise

ajor, is one ROH m numbei a high .o
unber of Pitt Doctors
125 Percent Over 76
i .
McGinnis Construction Pirate
shivers down the limbers.
Students Save When Renting
Fire Damages
Record Store
dooi neichboi
pple Re.
i -
Millions In Veteran
Aid Never Claimed
, ?es noi
i 22 per enl
new price,
book in
, It students
boot h time,
a. not
the due date,
i hn . ieorge, lev
? ; the Sl
H ,es there use
,0jtSf but some pro
lenient them with soff-
its e rental program
ipph to paperback books
e the store has found that
is durable and tend not
full three years.
I he biggest problem with the
i ? een convincing th
adopl one textbook a
? thi ee years, C ieoi ge said
n six semesters toi
ental services to bt
,idei ing raisin
i i led, be?.
hei are bringing out n ?
tions more often.
tments must must hire abo
, ij hok- foi out -ach sei
w ? 1 .v ho is 1 he othet majoi
. ; !id to choose bet line's and amount o! time it takes
eel books, also due to record keep
? mi is not withoul its ing
howevei Hie biggest h a progi ? would
paperwork involved, noi go as smoothly, i
nnot be self-service beginning, ai 1' . ng to
record-keeping requirements, BO()Ki ?ayt, 2.ol. 1
said, and the bookstore
Students at ASl save monev b renting books during the school year. A study conduc
average universit student spends S83 per term on 7.5 books.
ted recenth shows that the
More '??A ;4 mil
tor ve
remains ui
d" ??? he elij
la clai
rhe money has
thousands ol . ?rans a
ti ibuted to the Posi Vie
1 dueational ssistance Pi
i 1 Pi. but have yet to
school oi begin a program ol
ing, according to VA Rej
Directoi Kenneth 1 McDona
?"Once a veteran starts school
McDonald said. " starts p
A adds S2 foi each dollai an in-
dividual pays into the progi
while on active military duty. 1 he
increase is reflected in each ol the
veteran-student's monthly ech
tion checks. It the veteran asks f(
refund in place ol education cheeks,
he receives only what he paid into
the plan
"A 3 to 1 return on then money is
lust one oi the many reasons foi
veterans to continue then educa
tion McDonald said
Created by Congress in 1976,
VEAP is a voluntary plan open to
military members who entered the
service tor the first time alter Dec.
51, 1976 I hose who elect to pai
ticipate contribute by monthly
allotments from their military pay
More than 208.(KH) active duty per-
sonnel had contributed to it through
February 1980.
Educational payments can be
made to participants on active duty
be:a ise s
se s 1 S - " ?
59,00 ei
VA Rej
? im
On The Inside
v ts
Ciav sN

Blacks Under More Stress
Rebel Delayed
Fntitled "Fish Kill this print by Judson Poole appears in the 1980 edition of the Rebel, ECU s an-
nual magazine of student literature and art. Distribution of the Rebel has been delayed due to
prob.Tms?but the publication should appear on campus within the next few weeks. are free.
D.C. (CH) - Black
college students "are
subjected to extraor-
dinary pressures" at
predominantly white
institutions and often
lack the academic
preparation to do well,
according to a recent
government study.
The survey of black
students and black and
white administrators
and faculty members
took place at four
private and three public
universities in different
regions of the country.
It sought to identify
problems with black
undergraduate attrition
All three groups of
surveyed subjects
agreed that poor secon-
dary school prepara-
tion was a major bar-
rier to college admis-
sion for blacks, but
black students and ad-
ministrators also said
inadequate financial
loneliness were a deter-
rent to staying in
school. While per-
cent of black faculty
and administrators
aid was an important agreed, only 60 percent
problem. Seventy-seven of white faculty and ad-
percent of the students ministrators saw that as
thought that feelings of a problem,
alienation and Both black students
and staff felt the need
for a greater number of
black administrative
and faculty role
models, compared with
a 68 percent response
from whites.
The study, commis-
sioned by the National
Advisory Committee
on Black Higher
Education and the
Department ot Health.
Education and
Welfare, advised
universities to recruit
black students from
inner-city high
Succeeds Dr. Hooks
Coach Named Chairman
Dr. Raymond
Harold Martinez,
former swim coach at
ECU and a member of
the ECU physical
education faculty since
1954, has been named
chairman of the ECU
Department of Health,
Physical Education,
Recreation and Safety.
His appointment
becomes effective Aug.
? 25.
Dr. Martinez suc-
ceeds Dr. Edgar
Hooks, who last year
announced his inten-
tion to retire and return
to fulltime teaching.
During hi 14 years
as coach, the East
Carolina swim team
won the National
Association of Inter-
collegiate Athletics
championship twice
(1957, 1959) and had 65
All-America swimmerv
Martinez also served av
chairman of the
NAIA's swimming
committee and wa a
member of the Olympic
Swimming Committee.
Enrollment In ROTC Goes Up
Despite Pressure Of Commitment
? ? , j th? rrmi-Qp up uuiallv For those who Stav
Continued From Page 1
aerospace studies in the
ECU ROTC program.
In exchange for the
security, ROTC
recruits obligate
themselves to special
classes and labs, a pre-
junior year summer
camp, drills, discipline
and, eventually, four
years of service in the
Air Force.
Of course, there are
benefits. Recruits who
make it through to the
non-scholarship ROTC
plan is high.
"If 50 or 60
freshmen sign up for
Jim Daniels, ad-
ministration officer of
the campus program,
the drop-out rate for
freshmen who enter the
the course, we usually
expect only about 30 or
35 of them to remain
with us until the
sophomore year
Daniels said.
For those who stay in
the program, the usual
anxieties about money
and career can be much
reduced ? in exchange
for an obligation.
Dr. Ray Martinez
The best legal high
on the market.
University Arcade
mit themselves to serv-
ing in active duty,
receive a $100 a month
stipend. Some ROTC
students also have full
scholarships, which pay
the cost of their educa-
According to Sgt.
Fri. Capricorn Recording Artist
College Notes
From The National On Campus Report
loose, green surgical uniforms. Students say
they're comfortable and functional, as well as in
vogue. The fashion fad isn't eyed with en-
thusiasm by hospital administrators, however,
since many of the scrub suits seen on campus were
presumabtv-swiped. Recently, two Universtiy of
Kentucky students were fined $100 after pleading
guilty to stealing a supply of surgical garb.
chartered busload of Purdue fraternity members
had no reason to doubt the authenticity of the in-
vitation. They arrived at a fancy Chicago hotel
and were handed prearranged room keys along
with tickets for an "awards banquet Supposed-
ly, they were being honored for being named an
outstanding chapter by some obscure national
organization. But as they looked through their
envelopes of instructions and free bar tickets,
they came across the message: "This is one of the
greatest and most successful hoaxes in history.
Signed, the Pledge Class
riage. A recent journalism class survey of Iowa
State University students found that 90 percent of
single students expect their marriages to last a
fiscated by the Georgia Southern College ad-
ministration, after it ran on campus for almost a
week The tape was described by a school official
as "lewd, obscene and not suitable to be shown in
a public place
Air Force ROTC Students
marching drills instill discipline
The East Carolinian
"McClinton is a superb songwritersardonic, a little greasy, a little compulsive, sometimes dangerous.
-John Morthland,
Rolling Stone
"He sings with the sensibility of a man who has already witnessed more than he cares to tell.
-Mikal Gilmore,
Rolling Stone
With TOMMY G. & CO.
Advance $5.00
Door $6.00
Doors Open At 9:00
Sat. Greenville s Favorite TOMMY G. & CO.
We re tba woman wto n?to U? TlmoU
Oantar a ?peaJ?l pi aArtttf Mand&r,
p?jeny, Mifklwitiil wn 1 -??-?-
oost nd 1 ttrnw oonvwiMnt to you.
Call 781-8660 In Ralst?t anytime
The Flaming Oantar
MIS Haworth Drtw Matfe MC 8T80G
$l76 00"alllnclvslv?"
pregnancy te?t, MrtJ con
trol. and problem pregnan
cy counseling. For further
information call 132 0535
(toll ' free number
800 221 3541) between ?
A.M5 P.M. weekday.
Raleifb Women's
Health Organization
?17 VYe?t Morgan St.
Raleigh, N.C 37403

Continued From Page 1
Roger M. Bullock,
assistant manager of
the ECU Student Supp-
ly Store.
The biggest problem
Bullock sees would be
convincing faculty to
go along with the re-
quirements of such a
program, including us-
ing only one text for all
sections of a course and
keeping the same one
for two or three years.
He also recognizes pro-
blems in setting the fee,
the time limit and what
books would be
covered by the pro-
Bullock said he
believes the program
has merits but added
that most students can
save a considerable
amount of money when
buying books if they
would buy used ones
and sell as many as
possible at the end of
the term.
A selection of 17 innovative
and contemporary styles on
display this week only.
Save $20.00 on Four Ladies
Trode ?n your man's gold
H.S. nng for a SllAOIUM?
Coftege ring free
Gold H. S. rings,
trade in values.
Man's: $99.00
Women's $50.00
. :
Classified ads are accepted in
the East Carolinian office Monday
thru Friday from 11:30-12:30.
No phone calls please, ads will
not be taken over the phone.
The East Carolinian will be printed
each Thursday during summer school.
Produced from a strong leweler's
alby, SJIADIUM? College nngs
are available at special sale pnces
All Men's Siladium rings
are on sale for $74.95
?BONUS: ArtCarved's College ring specialist is on campus today
to assist with this important and meaningful purchase.
symbolizing your ability to achieve.
Rates for classified ads are:
1 st 15 words-$l .00 (minimum charge)
Each additional word-$.05
We do not accept out-of-town checks
Monday Morning, June 9th Student Supply Store
Student Supply Store
Deposit required. Master Charge or Visa accepted
?? onto j v r ??
W HJllHlii WM??

JUNES, 1900
Announcements Camera Helps Teach Surgery
PpllCantS U S Forest Service Personnel, plication blanks are avanaose o J 1V
Students who intend to apply for
admission to major in Social
Work. Law Enforcement, or Cor
rections in the Fall Semester
should submit an application as
soon as possible and make an ap
pointment for an interview during
'he 'ummer Students who are in
'he second semester of the
sophomore year or first semester
of the iunior year who meet the
minimum requirements are eligi
Die to apply Applications may be
obtained in 312 Allied Health
Building For more information
call 757 6V6l
U.S. Forest Service. Personnel,
Asheville. N.C in
terest in personnel
skills desired. (U)
NASA, Washington, DC, Interna
tional Affairs Divi
sion: interest in inter
national affairs (G or
? U). Personnel Divi
sion personnel mgt
interest typing re-
quired (U)
Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, DC:
writing, music, art,
audiovisual, biology
and history majors
Tax Aid
The internal Revenue Service Of
? ice at 211 Evans Street in Green
vile otters free assistance to tax
payers year round Anyone receiv
ng a Federal tax notice or an ad
lus'ment to their tax account they
do not understand should visit the
iRS office tor an explanation
Also if at least ten weeks have
gone since a Federal tax return
was tiled for a refund and the re
fund hasn't arrived, the taxpayer
should inquire at 'he Evans Street
office Assistance is available
every weekday from 8 00 am. to
?i 30 p m Taxpayers may receive
? aster service in the early morning
or la'e afternoon, when fewer peo
pie use the service No appoint
men' is necessary
The Co op Office. 313 Rawl
Building. 757 6979. is looking for
students who may be interested in
? all 1980 or spring 1981 Co op posi
'ions These positions are salaried
ac are for undergraduate lU!
jr graduate (G) students
U S Dept of Agriculture,
Washington, D C.
nutrition ana accoun
?nq (U)
Coupon Club
The Greenville Coupon Club has
recently been formed. Students,
homemakers and any interested
persons are invited to join. The
purpose of the club is to help
members cut down on the high
price of food and household goods
It will meet regularly to swap in
formation on the best bargains in
town, to share ways of saving
money in the home, and to ex
change magazine and newspaper
food coupons There is no cost to
join Meetings will be held every
other Tuesday night at 7:00 p.m
For more information, call Ellen
Freyman at 756 2553
The National Teacher Examina
tions will be offered at ECU on
Saturday, July 19. Application
blanks are available at the ECU
Testing Center, 105 Speight
Registration deadline is June 25.
The Graduate Management Ad
mission Test will be offered at
ECU on Saturday, July 12. Ap
plication blanks art avauaoie ?
the ECU Testing Center. 105
Speight. Registration deadline is
June 25
Discount Day
Fridays are savings days at
Mendenhail Student Center.
Prices are '3 OFF every Friday
from 1 p.m until 4 p.m for bowl
ing, billiards and table tennis.
Make Friday your day to save and
have fun too with "Discount Day"
at Mendenhail
Video Game
"Asteroids" is here The hottest
new video game is on campus for
you. Come over to Mendenhail,
take a break from the heat and
test your space fighting ability.
Mendenhall's summer hours are
8:30 a.m. 11:00 p.m. Monday, and
8 30 a.m5:00 p.m Tuesday
By Pitt County Memorial
DIANE PAQUETTE "?J.Pitalu that . wil
facilitate the training of
The School of
Medicine has made an
interesting addition to
operating room 3 at
students and residents
on the surgical service.
A Sony color video
camera, purchased by
the Department of
Surgery, supplements
the view of surgery
from the observation
room window by giving
observers a front-row
Field Day
Bring your backgammon boards,
frisbees and blankets to the cam
pus mall on Friday, June 6 to meet
with Omega Psi Phi fraternity as
it hosts a field day from 3 p m un
til 9 p.m
At the midpoint of the first session,
the summer intramural program
has seen much success. Seven ac
tivifies are currently underway or
have been completed, with three
activities scheduled for the future
Entry deadline for the Great
Canoe Race is Tuesday, June 10,
the IM Open (Golf), Wednesday,
June 11, and the Racquetball
Tournament, Friday, June 13 All
deadlines are at 5 pm on the
respective dates Come by 204
Memorial Gym 'o sign up
Motor Club Survey
Shows Carolinians
Curbing Drive Time
look at delicate techni-
"The camera enables
the surgeons and
students to study
surgery from different
and better angles
says David Balch, assis-
tant director of the
Audio-Visual Services
Center at the medical
school. "By using the
camera to tape pro-
cedures and viewing the
tapes, faculty physi-
cians have the freedom
and time to explain
complicated methods in
greater detail
Balch designed the
system in consultation
with Dr. Walter J.
Pories, chairman of
surgery. The camera
and one microphone
are mounted in the ceil-
ing of the room. Two
additional microphones
may be worn by
members of the surgical
team to record their
comments during the
A technician
operates the camera
and microphone from a
"control room" across
the hall from operating
room 3. The technician
is able to respond to the
surgeon's request for
close-up shots, wide
shots and other specific
views of the operation.
Most operations will
be watched "live"
from closed-circuit
monitors in the educa-
tional lounge, the
' auditorium and the
lounge. Balch says pro-
cedures recorded for
delayed viewing are
watched on monitors in
the second and third-
floor classrooms and in
surgeon's lounge.
By using the camera
as a teaching tool,
Pories says students
and residents can get a
first-hand look at
operations without the
hazard of contamina-
tion to the patient and
without interfering
with surgical pro-
"This camera also
will be especially useful
in emergency situa-
tions says Pories.
"Because it has the
capability of instant
replay, the environ-
ment and reactions in
an emergency situation
may be studied
Ron Rouse, engineer for the Audio-Visual Services Center, makes the
final adjustments to the new video system installed in OR 3 at Pitt
County Memorial Hospital.
The East Carolinian
Serving the campus community
for 54 years.
Published every Tuesday and
Thursday during the academic
year and every Thursday during
the summer.
The East Carolinian is the of
ficial newspaper of East
Carolina University, owned,
operated, and published for and
by the students of East Carolina
Subscription Rates
Alumni$15 yearly
All others$20 yearly
Second class postage paid at
Greenville, N.C.
The East Carolinian offices
are located in the Old South
Building on the campus of ECU,
Greenville, N.C.
Ninety-two percent
of the respondents to a
poll conducted by the
Carolina Motor Club
say they have changed
iheir driving practices
as a result of the in-
creased cost o f
gasoline, and 72 per-
cent said it would affect
their vacation plans this
Thirty-four percent
of the respondents
answering the club's
questionnaire indicated
they had reduced their
overall driving by at
east 25 percent. Fifteen
percent said they had
cut back 20 percent and
eighteen percent of the
replies indicated a 15
percent reduction.
The survey also
showed that 72 percent
of the respondents
believed that the
federal government is
guilty of
"over-regulating" the
automobile industry.
According to the
president of the
organization, T. Ed
Pickard, it was the
largest reply to the
group's annual survey
in recent years.
Other survey results
included: 90 percent
favor service stations
posting prices for all
grades of gasoline so
that the prices would be
legible from the street
or highway; 62 percent
felt that in the event of
another fuel shortage a
system should be devis-
ed to require half the
service stations in the
two-state area to re-
main open on Satur-
days and the other half
on Sundays and
ECU Summer
Enrollment Up
$6 75 10-OZ
$8 75 12 OZ
Rib Eye & Sauteed Scampi
Filet of Beef Broiled and Sliced Served Au
Scampi Sauteed in a Sauce of Butter Garlic and Parsley
Filet of Beef and Scampi Combination
Lamb Chops 2 Charbroiied Served with Mint
Fresh Mushrooms Served In Butter
$9 75
$7 75
$8 75
$10 75
Jelly and
$10 511
$1 25
ManKott: served with Salad and Garlic Bread
K I News Bureau
Enrollment for the
first session of summer
school at ECU pro-
bably will exceed 4,500.
The official count
when classes began last
week was 4,478, accor-
ding to Dr. Susan J
Me Daniel, director Of
summer school. Last
year's first session
enrollment was 4,444.
Students were still
signing up for classes
during the week.
ECU Housing Direc-
tor Dan Wooten said
9J8 students were hous-
ed in campus dor-
mitories for the sum-
mer session.
to share two bedroom appartment
in Tar River Estates Private
room, furnished or unfurnished.
Pay one third rent ($75) plus one-
third utilities. Available im-
mediately Call 752 4277.
ROOMS FOR RENT: for summer,
550 a month, utilities and phone in-
cluded Call 758 2300 days and
752 3480 nights Ash for Ricky.
tew blocks from campus. $46 a
month plus deposit. 752-3308
Private Room
ED: Summer and Fall to share
two bedroom apartment at Village
Green Call Tyra at 758-2282
Ballet, Jan, Aerobics, and Yoga
to students at discount rate. BF A
in Dance Choreography. Call
75 7235 or 758-0736
NEEN HELP: preparing your
resume0 For details on our com-
plete resume service, call 7S6-8171
racing, lessons. Beginners, in-
termediates, advanced. Phone
Tony Monday thru Friday after
5:00 at 752 7278.
FOR SALE: 4.5 cubic toot
refrigerator. Perfect for dorm
use, excellent condition. $100
Call 758-0475
FOR SALE: Double bed, like new,
portable air conditioner, records,
books, clothes, jewelry. Call
752 3902. MUST SELL.
FOR SALE: Electric Range. Ex-
cellent condition. 752-8617 after
11:00 a.m.
FOR SALE: Darkroom equip-
ment: enlarger, trays, timer,
paper, many extras all thats
needed to set up a basic darkroom.
Also one Royal portable, manual
v Thurs.
from Ex-Jimmy Buffet
Lead Guitarist -
Clip this Coupon
The above entrees served with baked potato hot rolls salad and
beverage Spaghetti may be substituted for Baked Potatol
Veal Milanese Veal Cutlets served with I emon Parsley Butter
(Garlic if requested' served with Spaghetti balad and Garlic
Bread $7 (Ml
Veal Parnigiana Veal Cutlets served with Tomato Sauce
Parmesan Cheese and Mozareia Cheese served with Sipaghet
ti Salad and Garlic Bread $7 15
$4 HI
Spaghetti w:th Tomato iiauce served with sa;ad and Garlic
Bread I 25
The Bread may be served without Garlic it requested (All Italian
entrees receive a Vegetable Salad on.v
Salads Vegetable Salad I ertuce Red Onion Green Peppers
Tomatoes and slices of Hard Boiled Fgg Grapefr-nt and
Avacodo Salad
Dessert Amaretto Parian with Pistachio Ice Cream Amaretto I 1
quer and Chocolate Syrup $1 25
Beverages Coffe Tea Milk Wines Beer Brown Bagging
Open Monday through Thutsdav
bpm until 111 pm r riday and
Saturday bpm until 111 W! p m
PHOM 752 9m
The East Carolinian
Proudly Presents
Friday, June 6th
ut shot?
Tuesday Night
Family Night
Complete withldaho King Baked
Potato, Texas Toast and Maigarine
g?3 E. lfrtli. St. 7&S-S71
Hit Singles
"Delia and the Dealer'
"Rusty Old Halo' "Evangelina'
Bony Fingers

For Further Ticket & Concert
I nf ormation CALL 758-5570
Hoyt Axton, popular singer, songwriter and entertainer
makes a rare east coast appearance this Friday night.
In addition to his own recording career of 14 albums,
Hoyt has written songs for numerous other artists in-
cluding "Joy to the WorW" for Three Dog Night. Hoyt
Axton's TV appearances in 1979 include
"WKRP-Cincinnati" and the "Tonight Show" with
Johnny Carson.
for the Union label.
If you Ve been waiting for something to happen in Greenville,
wait no longer.
The Student Union Major Attractions Committee presents in
the first-ever summer concert, for two shows on June 29th,
The concert will be in Wright Auditorium with the shows
beginning at 7:30 & 10:00.
If you're after entertainment; look for the Union label.

Stye ?aat (Earolinian
Serving the campus community for 54 years.
Richard Green, am
Robert M. Swaim, d,?? 4mmm Diane Henderson, cm &?
Nicky Francis, ????,? -??? Terry Gray, vao
Anita Lancaster, ??? tm?? Steve Bachner, n?m &
June 5, 1980
Page 4
Campus Arrests
Students Caught In 'Gray Area
Two students who recently were
stopped by a campus security of-
ficer for no reason and ended up in
court were victims of an overzealous
public servant with a "gray area" of
the law on his side. That one of the
students was found not guilty
should prompt serious questions
from administrators and students
concerning the performance of the
campus police department.
Neither of the students was
breaking laws or acting suspicious
when asked for student identifica-
tion by a security officer in plain
clothes. Both of the students pro-
tested (one physically) the request
and both were arrested. There is a
rule at ECU that requires a student
to show his identification if re-
quested to do so by any university
official, but that rule was not
established to give anyone the right
to make random checks for student
status. Nevertheless, both students
should have produced their IDs.
When a police officer is wearing
plain clothes, it is standard practice,
and in some states law, for the of-
ficer to properly identify himself.
Proper identification does not mean
a quick flash of the badge, as was
the case with the campus security
officer. The officer should have
shown his identification card in ad-
dition to his badge. This practice
prevents the impersonation of an
officer with the use of a phony
According to law, a police officer
can detain someone legally only if
he has probable cause; that is, if the
officer has a good reason to believe
a person has committed a crime. An
officer can also stop and frisk so-
meone who he believes is carrying a
weapon. Neither of these cir-
cumstances was established in the
case at hand, and no other charge
except disorderly conduct (and in
one case resisting arrest) was made.
If this were a period of campus
unrest, or if a mad rapist were on
the loose, or if any other unusual
situation were prevalent, the of-
ficer's actions would be perfectly
understandable or justifiable;
however, none of these situations
existed at the time of the incident.
The officer apparently acted on
some kind of "sixth sense" when he
stopped the students.
Instead of maintaining order on
campus, the officer disrupted order.
One of the students was found not
guilty, but the other was fined $109
and forced to pay $30 to replace the
policeman's pants, which were torn
in the scuffle. That student obvious-
ly broke the law, but what about the
security officer? Did he have to
prove a "probable cause" for stop-
ping the students? No law would
have been broken had the officer
not been looking for trouble.
Students should show their IDs
whenever a university official asks,
but campus security officers should
not misuse the privilege. Experi-
enced officers should realize that
when a person is NOT breaking the
law, he resents being treated like a
criminal. The state or the university
should take steps to illuminate this
gray area to afcoid further un-
necessary hassles.
Is Loan Fund 'Confidential?'
A poll recently conducted by The
East Carolinian showed students,
strongly in favor of the SGA Con-
fidential Loan Fund, but 12 percent
of the students opposed having to
go to another student for the aid. In
the March 18 edition, this
newspaper suggested that students
seeking loan funds should not be
forced to ask a fellow student, the
SGA treasurer, for a confidential
loan, and we continue to question
this practice.
Now that abortions are legal in
this state, more and more women
are choosing to terminate unwanted
pregnancies. At East Carolina, a
confidential loan is made from stu-
dent fees for this purpose. The loan
can also be used to pay for medical
bills if a student decides to go
through with the pregnancy. The
loan fund provides six-month,
interest-free loans of up to $150 and
is available to men and women.
To be eligible for a loan, the stu-
dent must get medical confirmation
of her pregnancy, and receive
counseling from the ECU Counsel-
ing Center. The student then goes to
the SGA treasurer for approval of
the loan. This procedure is fine until
the student has to face a fellow stu-
dent with a personal problem. It
would be a great temptation for a
female student to turn and run
rather than divulge such personal
information to someone her own
age, someone she doesn't even
know. And for the last few years the
treasurer has been a male.
Why must the treasurer see the
student to approve the loan? Ob-
viously the treasurer must approve
all funds that are spent by the SGA;
however, according to a former
treasurer, the loan cannot be denied
as long as the medical and counsel-
ing confirmations are in order. If
this is true, why must the treasurer
even know the student's name? One
SGA officer who had to fill in for
the treasurer to sign loan forms ad-
mitted that he was embarrassed,
that he did not want to see the girls,
and that he felt he had no right to
know their names. Imagine how the
applicants felt.
Perhaps the greatest deterrent in
having a loan approved is the ques-
tion of confidentiality. Doctors and
counselors are trained professionals
and understand the importance of
privacy in these matters, but SGA
treasurers are just regular students.
This isn't a just regular problem.
One solution to this practice
could be to eliminate the face-to-
face meeting between the SGA of-
ficer and the student. Once the stu-
dent has the proper documentation,
a counseling official could submit
the loan for approval. If any iden-
tification is required to ensure
repayment, a social security number
should be satisfactory because the
student's name is in the confidential
files at the Counseling Center.
The problem with the loan fund is
a very simple one compared to the
problem of pregnancy. The SGA
should consider changing its pro-
cedures for obtaining a confidential
loan. That would solve one problem
and make the other a little more
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'Gambling Senators' Questioned
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Aid Approved For Nicaragua
General Master
In a recent news release, Sen. Jesse
Helms chastised the "gambling senators"
for approving $75 million in aid for
Nicaragua, which he calls "a communist
regime It never ceases to amaze me:
How something earns the label of com-
munism, and how Helms and his ultra-
conservative, pro-big business cohorts
have the gall to do it in the name of
How soon it is forgotten that many of
Nicaragua's problems are indirect results
of selfish U.S. government and business
policies over the years. Most people don't
know that an American citizen was once
president of Nicaragua. That's right. In
June 1856, William Walker was elected
president of Nicaragua in a rigged election.
Walker was attracted to Central
America by the many economic oppor-
tunities which already were being exploited
by American and British businesses. His
plans for the friendly little country includ-
ed the legalization of slavery, which had
been abolished in the countries of the
isthmus. Walker was ousted in May 1857,
but the capitalists had achieved a foothold
that has affected Central America to this
The Walker episode is trivial compared
to the ravaging rule of the Somoza family
which began in the 1930s. "Tacho"
Somoza, father of the deposed Anatasio
Somoza, accepted aid from the United
States in exchange for virtual freedom for
American businesses in Nicaragua. But
neither of the tyrants were fools: They
quickly amassed great landholding for-
tunes and ignored the starving masses of
the country.
The United States sat quietly while inno-
cent people were imprisoned and tortured
for having contrary views to the govern-
ment. The episode closely parallels the
Shah's reign of terror in Iran, even down
to eventual defeat by the people. Maybe
some Americans don't agree with the new
Islamic government in Iran or the San-
dinista National Liberation Front, but one
thing is certain: The majority of people in
these countries will be much better off than
they were under rulers supported by the
United States.
Augusto Cesar Sandino, the Nicaraguan
martyr from whom the Sandinitas derived
their name, was considered a communist,
but Sandinistas today are hardly com-
munists in the strictest sense of the term.
According to Sen. Helms, "The Sandinista
regime in Nicaragua has imposed com-
munism thoughout the country. Countless
thousands of political prisoners have been
seized and put in jails. The banks have
been nationalized, farmland has been con-
fiscated, industrial plants have been taken
over Let's examine this "communism
The political prisoners consist mostly of
Somoza's cronies, who grabbed for
Everything the government didn't
monopolize. The banks were nationalized ?
to free the little wealth Somoza left behind.
That money is needed desperately to
revitalize the war-ravaged country. The
majority of the farmland in Nicaragua
belonged to Somoza and his supporters,
and it was confiscated to feed starving
men, women and children. Industry was
"taken over" from the monopoly that ex-
isted to provide jobs for unemployed
These measures might seem strange to a
conservative capitalist like Sen. Helms, as
does $75 million in aid. What he fails to
realize is that we are partly responsible for
the situation, but lack of conscience is a
stock trait for his kind. Fortunately for the
Nicaraguans, Secretary of State Muskie
convinced a slim majority of senators to
"gamble on the proposition Helms
claims that the money will only aid ? not
minimize, as Muskie contends ? the
development of communism.
The Sandinistas have been friendly with
Russia and Cuba and have grabbed as
much aid as they could get. That doesn't
mean Nicaragua will become another
Cuba; rather it indicates the desperation of
a poor nation which has struggled for in-
dependence since Spanish rule. It is not
likely that Nicaragua will bow down to
anyone ? they want freedom as much
Americans do.
The least the United States can do is of-
fer assistance and good will in hope that
Nicaragua will forgive our ignorance and
selfish capitalist motives of the past.
Seventy-five million dollars is nowhere
close to an equitable settlement, and it will
barely assist in the rebuilding of that coun-
try, but it can't hurt now.
If the United States is to meet the Soviet
challenge, we must treat the our neighbors
to the south as fellow Americans, instead
of pushing them around blindly at the
whims of big business and nearsighted
politicians. In the case of Nicaragua, a
gamble is all we have left.
Forum Rules
The East Carolinian welcomes letters ex-
pressing all points of view. Mail or drop
them by our office in the Old South
Building, across from the library.
Letters must include the name, major
and classification, address, phone number
and signature of the author(s). Letters
should be limited to three typewritten
pages, double-spaced, or neatly printed.
All letters are subject to editing for brevity,
obcenity and libel. Letters by the same
author are limited to one each 30 days.
"Maybe I'm A Communist'
Maybe I'm a communist. It's a
frightening realization and certainly not
the kind of thing that would please my
parents. The thought is not of intrinsic
origin, but that certainly did not stop the
witch hunts of Salem or the blacklists of
the fifties. The thought troubles me.
I was first accused of being com-
munist after one of my old frat brothers
read an article that I had written about
running my dog for president. He
shouted, "Gun control! Pat, you're a
fricking communist He used to wear
two forty-fives strapped over his
shoulder, just in case he had trouble.
The trouble he expected would have
come from what he euphemistically call-
ed "niggers and he was fully prepared
to gun them down, in "self defense" of
Recently the possibility once again
confronted me, though this time less
directly. A friend of mine was talking to
another person and simply stated, "He's
an idiot ? a damn left-wing, communist
idiot Although I was not being
discussed, the conversation was certainly
directed in my general direction. I got
the message. That individual and I have
sharp ideological differences, mostly
concerning the role of the federal
government in the education of blacks.
All this is beginning to worry me. I
always thought of myself as a staunch
Democrat until recently, when I became
aware of President Carter's fuzzy view
of democratic ideals. He has created a
new form of Democrat, one who seem-
ingly abandons the basic tenets of the
party, that leads Teddy Kennedy and
others to call Carter a 'closet
Kennedy's campaign is the only thing
keeping me interested in the Democratic
platform because he is waging an im-
possible war to return the party to the
traditional democratic ideology. He is
making some headway because Carter
recently has returned some respect to the
more liberal traditions of the
Democratic party; however, I fear that
Carter's new stance is merely an attempt
to regain' lost support among traditional
Democrats because of the strong threat
proposed by Reagan. It seems purely
political, to be forgotten after the elec-
The pressing issue of internal pro-
blems has forced me to pursue a more
radical political frame of reference late-
ly. The Citizens Party with its en-
vironmental campaign, seems like a very
positive alternative to the more tradi-
tional parties. The party is having a little
trouble being established in North
Carolina largely because people do not
understand its radical platform. What
people do not understand in political
scenes is usually referred to as com-
Maybe I am a communist. If a sincere
concern for the welfare of the nation
and its people, an attempt to solve the
energy problem, more employment,
limiting the power of corporations and
returning the integrity of the single vote
are communist tenets, then maybe I am
red. It seems like every one who is not a
redneck is a red. Things seldom change.
What was good for McCarthy is good
for todays ultra-conservatives.
Normally, I wouldn't be concerned
with what others may think, but being
considered a communist could be a
hazard to your health. It doesn't matter
that you are a dedicated citizen, loyal to
the principles of the Constitution and
BUI of Rights, All that matters is that
label. Ask Mike Nathan about it.
Mike Nathan, former chief of
pediatrics at Durham's Lincoln Com-
munity Health Center and faculty
member at Duke Medical School, was
shot through the head last year in
Greensboro as he rushed to the aid of
stricken Bill Sampson, a Harvard
Divinity scholar. Nathan, Sampson,
Cesar Cauce and Sandy Smith were gun-
ned down in cold blood simply because
they were communists. They wonder
what happened to freedom of speech.
What is even more distressing is the
evidence presented recently in the
Village Voice that the group were
possibly victims of a conspiracy that
could have involved the FBI and the
Gteensboro Police. How could a hand-
ful of practically illiterate men pull off a
daring, expertly-planned commando
raid, shoot the leaders of the Com-
munists, and escape through the police
barricade? The men who were captured
and indicted were not the actual
assassins (they escaped) and probably
will be acquitted because the videotapes
do not show them committing the actual
murders. Don't believe me, read it
Or as Vernon Jordan as he lies near
death in Fort Wayne, Indiana. vWhat
was his crime? He stood up for the rights
of people to pursue happiness, but he
might have gotten in trouble for pursu-
ing happiness with a rich white lady.
Whatever the reason, he was shot m the
back. Oh, can I get a witness?
In conclusion, let me make one thing
perfectly clear: 1 am not nor have ever
been associated with the Communist
party. I love my country and I love life, I
cannot promote further positive change
in my country if I'm dead, my blood on
the streets. Pray to God for our
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JUNE 5, 1980
Page 5
Cain Invents Encoder,
Genius With A Heart
s?sl?nl Features Uilor
Charles Cain bears the mantle of
genius with the same affable humor
that characterizes all of his actions.
Ever when he is involved with the
most serious activities, that smile
that at times becomes a boyish grin
is always present.
Besides being a genius (Cain will
tell you that it's hard to eat genius)
he is an inventor, engineer and
president of the company that
markets one of his inventions. The
Cain Encoder, publicized recently
along with its inventor in "Business
Week" and "Popular Science is
developed and marketed by the Cain
Encoder Company that is head-
quartered right here in Greenville.
The device can, when hooked into
any of several communications
systems, read an electric or gas
meter and report the reading and a
number of other bits of informa-
tion, including malfunction and
tampering. The device stands to
save the utilities companies a
substantial amount of money that
can be passed on to the consumer. It
will make time-of-day metering a
possibility without the purchase of
new meters.
The relatively peaceful exterior
gives no hint that inside, Charles
Cain is walking mayhem. No
machine is safe from his careful
scrutiny, which usually involves
dismantling and study of the works.
To be sure, the machine goes back
together again, but only after its
guts are examined and the principle
of its function is understood.
Cain's car is the first hint that he
is not the ordinary businessman he
appears to be. It is a Plymouth
Valiant that looks like it was involv-
ed in a hardware store holdup.
Tools and gadgets of every descrip-
tion fill the back seat and trunk.
"There are old pilots, and
bold pilots, but there are
no old, bold pilots
Cain is a private pilot and has
been flying for over 20 years. He
owns a 1952 Cessna 170B. The
airplane reflects the personality of
its owner in much the same way as
the car does. Outside it looks like a
tail-dragger that has seen too much
hard service as an Alaskan bush
plan, but inside there is a small for-
tune in IFR radio equipment. The
interior of the plane has been largely
refurbished and resembles a
modern, sophisticated aircraft. Cain
refers to himself as "Super
Chicken" when he talks about his
flying. Although he is an expert
pilot and IFR rated, he never flies in
even marginally bad weather.
"There are old pilots, and there are
bold pilots, but there are no old,
bold pilots Charles Cain expects
to get very old.
After any conversation with
Charles Cain, it is hard not to feel
!ike Dr. Watson. Cain, like Sherlock
Holmes, operates on a plane
somehow separate from the one that
ordinary men operate on. His mind
makes imaginative leaps that leave
the mortal behind in a cloud of con-
fused wonder. He is extraordinarily
well-read for an English major, let
alone an engineer. His taste in music
runs to High Opera and his favorite
album is "The Greatest Hits of
1720" which includes "Pacobel's
Canon in D
He can quote Milton,
Shakespeare and Chaucer (in Mid-
dle English of course) as well as read
German, Russian and Latin (some
French, too, enough to translate
French patent law).
He is a fine mechanic and has
done most of the work of converting
his Cessna to IFR himself. He has
singlehandedly kept any number of
cars on the road when they would
otherwise have perished.
The Renaissance Man would cer-
tainly be Charles Cain in this day
and time. He is a sublime blend of
the artist and scientist as well as the
humanist. He moves with grace and
ease among his business partner
Lazard Freres and his less
sophisticated friends such as
reporters from The East Carolinian.
His gift is much more than the sum
of his talents. He is Plato's
philosopher; he has seen the sun and
is come back to the cave to enlighten
the rest of us and yet has not lost
any essence of humanity.
Charles Cain is, besides being a
Renaissance Man, a truly unselfish
friend to many students and faculty
members. He is generous with the
little time that is his own and is
always ready to share his wisdom
and experience with his friends.
Cain's skill as an engineer has
gotten him jobs with such corpora-
tions as North American Rockwell
(working on the guided missile pro-
jects of the sixties) and DuPont,
which is how he ended up here in
Greenville, not exactly the Mecca of
the industrial world. While at Du-
Pont, he developed the Encoder and
so just naturally headquartered his
company here.
Charles Cain's wife is Myra Cain,
the assistant to the vice-chancellor
for academic affairs and an assis-
tant professor of English here at
ECU. They have two children, Meg,
who starts college at Princeton this
fall, and Glenye, who is in the 6th
Cain earned his bachelor's degree
at Vanderbilt University and his
master's degree at Auburn.
JSt' ??
Charles Cain: A Renaissance Man, Inventor, And Truly Unselfish Friend
the smile that at times becomes a boyish grin.
Gay Student Adapts To Life In Straight World
Staff Writer
One of the last minorities struggling for its rights to-
day in America is gay people. So much has been written
about gays as a group, yet what does the average person
know about what it is like to be gay? What is a gay per-
son like?
"I've known for so long that I was gay that it seems
like I've always known
The speaker is Jerry, a 22-year-old senior at ECU.
Jerry stands about 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighs in at
about 195 pounds. He looks like a tight end, and in fact,
he played football in high school.
There was a time when Jerry would give himself dates
to change. "1 would say that by such and such a date I
wouldn't be gay anymore Jerry explains. "It never
"I never went through any real trauma about being
gay Jerry comments, "but it wasn't something that
was easy to accept. That's different now
Jerry says that he began to accept the fact that he was
gay during his sophomore year. "Being away from
home for a while took a lot of the pressure away Jerry
explains. "I felt more free to be myself. Today I can
honestly say that I accept my being gay
However, now Jerry looks a little uncomfortable. "I
mean 1 accept it for myself, but that doesn't mean
everybody accepts it or would accept it he says.
There were times, Jerry admits, when he wanted to
tell his parents that he was gay. That was several years
ago "when I was feeling down about things, and I
wanted somebody to understand Jerry says.
He has not felt that need for the past two years. "I
don't feel guilty about it now, and I've come to realize
that it's not that important an aspect of my life. My
friends have helped a lot
Jerry estimates that 50 percent of his close friends are
gay and most of his straight friends know that he is gay.
Jerry told one friend, a girl named Christy, that he was
gay when he felt she was beginning to expect more from
their relationship than he could give. "So I just told her.
She took it well, no hysterics or anything
"For a while he continues, "she tried to change me.
She knows now that she can't Today Jerry considers
Christy his best friend. "Some of my best friends are
women Jerry laughs. "I know that sounds corny, but
it's true. I think a lot of women enjoy being friends with
gay men. There is no sexual pressure, and a woman can
enjoy a gay man's friendship more easily
Jerry has never had any problems in school because
he is gay. He doubts that many people even know.
His job is a different matter, however. Jerry is a
waiter at a local restaurant. "It's a good job. 1 get good
tips, and I keep my private life to myself. They would
fire me if they knew I was gay he states. According to
Jerry, the restaurant has set a precedent in the past of
firing people who are openly gay. "It stinks, but it's not
worth losing my job over he says.
Jerry does not often wonder why he is gay. "Being
gay seems natural to me. 1 don't wonder why I'm left-
handed he shrugs.
Jerry feels that it is just a matter of time before people
understand what being gay really means. "I'm not that
different than anyone else Jerry says. "Prejudice just
takes a long time to erase. Meanwhile, I have my life to
Album View
Townshend Bid
Great Success
Staff Writer
Pete Townshend is the quintessential rock hero. He is
the complex genius behind one of the most influential
bands in rock history, The Who. His solo career is one
of the most prestigious that has ever been assembled.
This is the story of his solo efforts, more or less.
Pete was born in London and celebrated his 35th bir-
thday only last Monday week. The kids in school used
to make fun of him because of his long nose (he is "the
beak"), driving him to sublimate this energy through his
guitar. The Who had several modest singles beginning in
1965, but did not achieve major success until they were
seen on the television program "Ready, Set, Go The
Who effort "My Generation which was released in
the same year, was among those songs that changed pop
music to rock music and began the new wave of British
The Who are rock history, producing nearly a dozen
albums in 15 years. They almost ceased their career with
last year's Who Are You because of Keith Moon's death
and the tragedy in Cincinnati. During this period,
Townshend produced the two-magnumn opi Tommy ?
the second rock opera in history (Pretty Things S.F.
Sorrow was the first) and Quadrophenia, now showing
at some theaters. Townshend is also one of the most
altruistic of superstars, assiting Joe Walsh, Eric Clapton
and Link Wray when they were down and out and sock-
ing out Abbie Hoffman when he needed it at
Townshend's solo endeavors began in 1972 with the
release of the very spiritual Who Came First, one of my
all-time favorite albums. Townshend was deeply in the
influence of Meyer Baba, an Indian gum whose
philosophy was "Don't worry; be happy and the
album was dedicated in memorium of Baba. ?
See PETE, Page 6, Col. 1
s "Empty Glass" pals as closer to the i
the rock scene. With Wagner and the Sex Pistols in
a lot on his mind, Townshend assaults as with the
i behind the mask of a generation of
background, a bottle of Retny Martin
of his career.
cognac in his fnt
Big Wednesday
Here Monday
In Mendenhall
This Monday night, June 9, at 9 p.m. in Mendenhalls
Hendrix Theater, the Student Union Films Committee
will present the third free film of the summer, "Big
Wednesday starring Jan-Michael Vincent and Gary
Busey. Admission for the film is by Student ID and Ac-
tivity Card or by Mendenhall Student Center Member-
ship Card.
The transition from adolescent to adult, the confron-
tive experiences that mark maturity and the presence of
a lifestyle which flows from true events are the primary
ingredients in "Big Wednesday
"Big Wednesday" is a reflective look at friendship
and the social changes which occur during the 1960's.
The story evolves from director John Milius' past, the
Southern California beach atmosphere and the per-
sonalities who symbolize surfing's renaissance.
It is an accurate representation taken from over two
decades of personal involvement, years that Milius
spent riding waves in California at places like Malibu
and in Haw Ji at Sunset Beach on Oahu's North Shore.
As one of the film industry's most prominent and
gifted screenwriters, Milius' credits include "The Life
and Times of Judge Roy Bean "Dirty Harry
Magnum Force "Jeremiah Johnson "Evel
Knievel" and "Apocalypse Now He became a direc-
tor, he says, to defend his writing.
"Kg Wednesday" is his third film, following
"Dillinger" and the widely acclaimed "The Wind and
the Lion both of which he also wrote.
"Big Wednesday" is the story of three dose friends
who are well-known surfers sharing a lifestyle on the
verge of tremendous change.
The film deals directly with those pivotal moments
which made the ?0s unique, particularly with respect to
a system of values that are dose to the core of John
Milius creative sensibilities. The script, written with
St WEDNESDAY, Pan ?, Oat 4

JUNE 5. 1980
Wednesday Surf Is Huge!
Continued From Page 5
riend and fellow surfer Dennis Aaberg, em-
?hasizes the need for a code of honor, for loyalty
tnd for respect.
It is a strong, romantic concept, which brings
he film to its awesome climax, a day unlike any
ther, sweeping clean the time that went before.
"Big Wednesday" is a true story. The cir-
:umstances, though fictionalized, all happened,
md the characters are composites of real people.
It is an insight to John Milius and his pursuit of
ixcellence that "Big Wednesday" is as accurate
as it could possibly be, beginning with the initial
:oncept and following through to the completed
The cast was chosen with deliberate care to
reflect the essence of the surfing subculture dur-
ing the '60s.
Jan-Michael Vincent plays Matt Johnson, the
premier surfer of the group whose life is an exten-
sion of his surfing ability, his adolescence and his
domination of an era.
Vincent, who starred in "Baby Blue Marine
"White Line Fever "Vigilante Force" and
"Damnation Alley has been surfing since the
age of 15, when he would leave school in Han-
ford, California and head for the ocean. He
comes to the role of Matt with ease and deter-
mination, playing a character he understands in a
situation with which he can identify.
"Big Wednesday" is the third major feature
for William Katt, who received outstanding
reviews for his performances in "Carrie" and
"First Love
In "Big Wednesday he plays the part of Jack
Barlow, the most perceptive and sympathetic of
the three friends. A serious surfer since the age of
11, Katt brings a quiet, understated enthusiasm to
his character, giving the part both a personalized
dimension and a defined credibility.
Gary Busey plays Leroy, a character who is
nicknamed "The Masochist and who is the
most uninhibited of the three surfers.
A native of Oklahoma whose assertiveness and
spontaneous energy are the delight of his friends,
Leroy is an especially appropriate role for Busey,
who was born in Goose Creek, Texas, and is mak-
ing his fourth film.
Surfing is the thread of continuity in "Big
Wednesday and it is an element in the film
which has received John Milius' devoted atten-
Two stars of the film, Jan-Michael Vincent and
William Katt, both surf and do their own surfing
in the movie.
Likewise, Sam Melville and Gary Busey learned
to surf for their parts and numerous surfing stars
appear in "Big Wednesday" as themselves, the
notable standout being Gerry Lopez, who is
featured in a dramatic role as well as in some ex-
traordinary surfing action.
"Big Wednesday" is the most personal film
that John Milius has ever made. It is his honest
appraisal of a decade in transition, the 1960's
seen from a surfer's point of view, and the
challenges that can confront us all.
Sultry Lead Singer Joyce Kennedy
Mother's Finest here June 29
Pete's Back
Townshend Solo
Great Success
Spoleto Festival Features
Music, Dance And Drama
Continued From Page 5 am a human being
I can't believe the
Townshend performed
all of the music on the
album, a startling an-
tithesis to The Who's
sound with its mellow,
almost pastoral appeal.
Rough Mix was
Townshend's second
album in which he
shared the spotlight
with fellow mod in-
fluence Ronnie Lane,
one of the originators
of the west London
group The Faces. Lane
is known for his
spirited, countrified
sound that is utterly
without pretense, and
his pairing with the
thinking-man's musi-
cian created an album
that is simple and
beautiful. Lane and
Townshend did rock
out some on this
album, perhaps setting
the tone for this year's
finest new album,
Townshend's Empty
The album shows a
tremendous debt to the
Sex Pistols who gave
Townshend a spiritual
and musical rejuvena-
tion. Yet at the same
time, it shows the
and the rock 'n' roll
worker (Par Carr). The
rock 'n' roll worker
wins out, but not
without a tremendous
struggle from Dad-
dypunk ("Rough
Boys "Cat's in the
I'm looking back and I Cupboard" and
can't see the "Empty Glass") and
things I'm see-
nowhere to hide
I'm losing my way
Piccolo Spoleto, the
official outreach pro-
gram of the 1980
Spoleto Festival, can
still be seen, heard and
ultimately experienced
in various locations
throughout the
Charleston, S.C. area
until June 8.
With settings in the
city's streets, parks,
auditoriums, churches,
theaters and
restaurants, the series
of mostly admission-
free events, ad-
ministered by the
Cultural Affairs Divi-
sion of the City of
Charleston once again
provides a showcase for
talented young artists
in South Carolina and
the Southeast region
against the backdrop of
Anymore, so hazy
I'm on the track and
I'm travelling
so fast
Oh for sure I'm crazy
I was digging in the
yard today
When a letter came
from down
That's one thing they
can't take
Hear the sea sing
keep on work-
If 1 were a good
music critic, I could
describe the dynamics
of the music on the
album. Needless to say,
I am not. Peter
Townshend plays
guitar, synthesizer and
performs all the vocals
so just trust in his
the world's most com
Mr. Love ("Let My prehensive arts festival,
Love Open The Door Spoleto Festival USA.
A few of the
highlights of the 1980
version, expanded and
broadened in its par-
ticipants, audience and
scope of programming,
indicate its variety and
wide appeal:
The Spoleto Festival
Brass Quintet, this year
from the University of
South Carolina, will be
heard performing twice
lyrical daily throughout the
downtown area; even-
'A Little Is Enough"
and "Jools and Jim").
"I Am An Animal
Gonna Get Ya and
"Keep On Working"
are the R&R worker's
efforts that could have
been culled from the
Who's Songbook.
"Andl Moved" is real-
ly an enigmatic song,
with its mystical syn-
thesizer wanderings
and ambiguous
punks what a magnifi- musical proficiency and
cent tool they had and not my allegorical corn-
never really developed petence. It will be well
fully. Empty Glass worth your while. The
lopes and leaps to Who has never rocked
places that the punks like this,
yearned for but never Townshend's
achieved, both musical- quadrophenic per-
ly and less so lyrically, sonality yields itself
Don't let the blue-eyed more on this album
angel on the cover fool than perhaps any other
you for Townshend in the personas of Dad-
descends upon you with dypunk, the confes-
a presence unequaled in sional fellow, Mr. Love
any of his previous
albums, save maybe
Who's Next. With all
of its alienation and
disillusionment, it is
still deeply rooted in
10 Student Discount on Glasses
Excluding Specials
Physicians Quadrangle Building A1705 W tth St.
Adjacent to East Carolina Eyo Clinic
? AM Til 5. JO PM Mon Tuas Thurs. ft Fri? AM Til 1 PM
the simple life.
mmcn mtmmm mm
N.C. No. 3 1 Nightclub
W Tties. 6tOO Si
Eeaimg buffet 0S.7
Greearllle . If ? C.
ing poelry readings at
twilight will take place
in the Dock Street
Theater courtyard;
tomorrow at 10 a.m. an
organ recital will be
featured in one of the
downtown historic
churches with chamber
music programs daily
at 3 p.m.
A special weekend
event includes a gala
Piccolo Spoleto parade
leading to the Children
and Youth Festival in
Marion Square park,
Neighborday, a
community-wide ethnic
arts celebration with
neighboring com-
munities in North
Charleston and Sum-
merville also par-
ticipating; a Festival of
Churches highlighting
'the music of
Charleston's historic
churches, a three-day
crafts fair with tradi-
tional music, a dance
festival, and a contem-
porary music festival
featuring recent com-
positions by women
and minorities.
Friday night, a
special latenight organ
recital at the Citadel
Chapel will be ushered
in by the tolling of
carillon chimes at 12:00
midnight. Continuous-
ly throughout the
festival, a juried
children's art exhibit
will be shown in the Ci-
ty Gallery at the Dock
Street Theater.
Another special
event in this year's pro-
gram is a retrospective
focusing on several
aspects of the life and
work of Ernest Bloch,
Two other series,
new to the Piccolo
Spoleto program this
year and which carry a
small admission
charge, are Piccolo
Spoleto Afterhours
Jazz and the Piccolo
Spoleto Fringe Theater,
an exciting new drama
series featuring profes-
sional companies as
well as bright new
groups who want the
opportunity to perform
against the backdrop of
Spoleto Festival.
Tickets to both of these
series are available at
Spoleto Festival Box
Office and at the per-
All Piccolo Spoleto
performances are
admission-free except
for the Jazz and Fringe
Theater. A schedule of
performances and loca-
tions is available at the
Cultural Affairs Divi-
sion Office, 133
Church Street, and at
the Spoleto Festival
Box Office, or by call-
ing 803-577-6970.
507 E. 14th St
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The East Carolinian, June 5, 1980
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
June 05, 1980
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