The East Carolinian, May 29, 1980

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

?he Saat (Earnlmtan
Vol. 54 NOvJB
6 Pages
Thursday, May 29, 1980
(.reemilk V(
Circulation 5.(MM
Transit Management Inquiry Under Way
New r (iitur
An inquiry into the management
practices of two former SGA transit
managers has been authorized, ac-
cording to Dr. Elmer Meyer, vice
chancellor for Student Life.
The inquiry was initiated by SGA
President Charlie Sherrod, who
thinks that transit records were
destroyed or removed from their
Mendenhall office following Sher-
rod's replacement of former transit
co-managers Chubby Abshire and
I eonard Fleming with two new ap-
According to Sherrod. shredded
transit documents that were found
in the office were later taken bv a
janitor, so the prime evidence in the
case is no longer available.
Abshire and Fleming deny that
any official transit records were
tampered with and say that shredd-
ed documents that were found were
items of only personal concern to
them. For instance, Fleming said
last week that he removed papers
related to a private study of the
University of Maryland Transit
System he conducted last year.
Sherrod said Tuesday that an
audit would be conducted on the
transit books and that he was
gathering written statements of in-
dividuals who may have releant in-
formation concerning the matter.
Fleming said Wednesday that he
was "not worried in the least"
about the inquiry, but said that the
audit should also be done on the
manager that preceded him in the
transit system, to provide a basis for
comparison of management prac-
Meyer said that the inquiry was
being conducted under the auspices
of James Mallory of the Student Af-
fairs office. Mallory could not be
reached for comment Wednesday.
Sherrod said that there would be a
full disclosure of the findings of the
inquiry but did not say when the fin-
dings would be available.
Abshire and Fleming were replac-
ed b Nicky Francis and Danny
O'Connor after Sherrod was elected
SGA president in early May.
Pitt Parents Favor
School Sex Classes
l N(?. Hurt-mi
Mosl Put County adults believe
that the school system should be in-
volved in se education, according
to a recent survey directed by an
ECU faculty member.
The survey, undertaken by Dr.
Grant Somes, statistician in the
ECU School of Allied Health and
social Professions, indicated that
78 43 percent of the 649 persons
responding believe that schools
aid be at least partially responsi-
ble for a child's education concern-
?personal cleanliness.
?bodih growth and develop-
? human reproduction.
? risks involved in sex, including
veneical disease,
?courtship and marriage, and
?birth control methods.
Dr. Somes information was
gathered by students in two of his
classes as well as students in the
School of Nursing and several
volunteers. Questions were directed
to persons selected at random from
the telephone directory.
Each respondent was asked to
reply "yes" or "no" to whether the
family, the church, the school
Drug Views
Says Study
ANN ARBOR. Ml (CPS) ? Next
year's college freshmen will be the
most conservative about drugs in
years, according to a new study.
The study, conducted by Univer-
sity of Michigan psychologists
Lloyd Johnston, Patrick O'Malley
and Jerald Bachman, discovered
that some 75 percent of the 17,000
high school seniors surveyed disap-
proved of using illicit drugs, except
marijuana. Over 90 percent of the
seniors frowned on regular use of
cocaine, heroin, FSD, am-
phetamines or barbiturates.
"Attitudes toward regular mari-
juana use the study summary
says, "have actually hardened"
since 1977.
See DRUG Page 3, Col. 1
system, the family physician or the
local health department should be
involved in sex education.
Leading the field was the family,
which about 98 percent of
respondents believe should provide
sex education. Following were the
school system and the family physi-
Only half replied that the church
should play a role in sex education,
and most respondents who did
specified that instruction regarding
courtship and marriage is an ap-
propriate area of responsibility for
A fairly high percentage respond-
ed thai the local health department
is a proper source of education con-
cerning human reproduction, risks
of social sexual activity and birth
Dr. Somes noted that his sample
of adults included 239 males and
410 females, ranging in age from 18
to 76; 435 of the participants had
children ranging in age from
newborn to 59.
Incoming Students
May Strain Funds
Mr. Jack Boone teaches a class in Health 1000, a required course which
includes instruction on human sexual anatomy and reproduction.
Residents of Pitt C ountv appear to support the same type of instruction
for their school-aye children.
Arrested, Know
In the last two weeks, two ECU
students have appeared in District
Court in Greenville in separate
cases, one charged with disorderly
conduct, the other with disorderly
conduct and resisting arrest.
The same ECU policeman
brought the charges against the
The students were breaking no
laws when approached by the
policeman, who was working in
plainclothes for both instances. One
of the students was sitting in his car
with three other friends in the
you should be aware that you have
certain rights and responsibilities
which must be observed.
A person can be detained without
being arrested. This is a gray area of
the law since it is not always clear
whether you are detained or ar-
rested. A person can be lawfully de-
tained, with probable cause. Pro-
bable cause requires that the police
have a good reason to believe that
you have committed a specific
A person arrested has the right to
remain silent, and the North
Carolina Civil Liberties Union
(NCCLU) recommends that you use
some serious cases, such as a murder
or rape, if he believes it not in the
best interest of the public.
You have the right to have an at-
torney present during questioning,
and you can consult with an at-
torney at any time. N.C. Civil
Liberties Union notes that anything
told to the police can be used in
court, but any conversations with
Confidential Loans
The director of ECL's financial
aid office said Tuesday that applica-
tions for student aid have increased
35 percent over last year.
Robert Boudreaux, director of
financial aid, said that his office has
received 4,473 applications so far
this year, compared to a total of
about 3,000 last year.
"Last year at this time, we had
processed and mailed out 1,232
awards for financial aid said
Boudreaux. "This year, we've mail-
ed out about 1,000 awards, but we
have four more drawers of applica-
tions ready to process
Boudreaux estimated that the
drawers held about 600 more ap-
According to Boudreaux, there
are two main reasons for the in-
crease. "First of all, people are ap-
your attorney are confidential and
cannot be used against you. If you
wish to have an attorney but cannot
afford one, the court must appoint
one for you at no charge.
You also have the right to a
telephone call, to anyone you
choose. The Civil Liberties Union
See ARRLSI S Page 3, Col. 7
plying earlier than usual, primarily
because they've been reading about
shortages in funds and wa be
sure to receive an award Mso, more
parent are finding that the i
apply for financial aid Boudreaux
Boudreaux also said thai tl e
jority of the applica
incoming freshmen and transfer
The admissions office recently
reported that it had received 6,00
freshman applications prior to May
5, when the university put a fr?
on further applications
The increased demand will
little effect on those who apply for
the Basic Educational Oportunity
Grant (BEOG). since the law re-
quires that all those found eligible
receive awards. Other aid programs.
however, are limited by the amount
of federal or state money allocated.
These are the ork-Study program,
the National Direct Student Loan,
the Supplemental Education Oppor-
tunity Grant and the Nursing a
Health Professions grants.
"We have been fortunate in that
our tentative budgets for next year
have increased over last year ?
Boudreaux. We'll be able to work
with students who get their appl
tions in before fall
But Boudreaux also note "1
don't think it's going to be as i
this vear as last year
freshman parking lot, and the other that right since anything you say can
was walking in a dormitory hallway
from a friend's room to his own
Because both of the students
believed the policeman had no
reason to detain and question them,
thev resisted (one of them physical-
ly) and it landed both of them in
One of the students was found
not guilty. The other was fined $109
be used against you in court. You
also have the right to speak with an
attorney and should do so whether
you are guilty or not, before any
questioning takes place. The at-
torney should be present during
If you are arrested, you have the
right to be released under bond or
on your own recognizance
(signature bond). A magistrate sets
Students Indicate Support
Of Fee-Funded Abortions
andvas told to pay S30 to replace the bond, not the police. Bond will
the policeman's pants, which had be set in most cases but not if the
been torn in the scuffle. magistrate has reason to believe that
If you are ever unlucky enough to the defendant will not show up in
be stopped or arrested by the police, court. He mav also not set bond in
Antataal News Kdilor
ECU students appear to be
strongly in favor of the SGA's Con-
fidential Loan fund, according to a
poll conducted by The East Caroli-
Seventy-two percent of those
questioned favored the fund, which
is used to provide six-month,
interest-free loans of up to $150 for
the termination or continuation of
pregnancies. It is available to both
men and women.
While a poll population of 60
students is too small to draw any
definite conclusions, it does indicate
the way students feel about the pro-
SGA President Charlie Sherrod
said recently that the only way the
SGA would abolish the fund is if an
overwhelming number of students
felt it was wrong and should be
discontinued. He added that he has
been in student government for
three years, and no one had ever
said anything like that to him.
The poll was composed of 48 per-
cent males and 52 percent females.
By class, 3 percent were freshmen,
22 percent sophomores, 35 percent
juniors, 33 percent seniors and 7
percent graduate students.
The biggest complaint raised by
those supporting the fund was that
it is under the control of the SGA
treasurer. While the treasurer does
not make a moral judgement in the
administration of the loan fund, ac-
cording to Kirk Little, SGA
treasurer, several respondents felt
the temptation for either moral
judgements or "leaks" of informa-
tion about those receiving loans is
too great. Twelve percent expressed
dissatisfaction with having to go to
another student for such aid. "It's
embarassing enough to need the
loan, and 1 would be even more em-
barassed to go before a fellow stu-
dent to get it said one.
Among those opposed to the
fund, the primary reason cited was a
fundamental opposition to abor-
tion. "Abortion is the killing of a
human being, and 1 don't feel the
students should have to pay for it
said one student.
The main reason for support of
the fund is that it is a service to the
"The fund is there so that a
woman has a choice in what she can
do about her pregnancy and is only
used as a matter of personal choice.
See STUDENTS Page 3, Col. 1
Streakers Charged on The inside
Dock Street Theatre
Streaking made a brief comeback fice to demand the streakers'
on the University of Virginia cam- release. Some of the protestors
pus. Four students there were ar- disrobed, after being told by police
rested for dashing across campus to disperse. At least three of the pro-
Aw - ?- - w nude recently, and their arrest was testors were arrested and charged
w , u j .?- ? r the Dock Street Theatre is built on the site of one of America's first playhouses. The protested almost immediately by with resisting arrest, assault and
rh abLUt ,4? ?thCr StUdentS, Wh,? battery, public drunkenness or in-
IZ?? be held in the theatre. See story, page 5. gathered at the university police of- citing a not.

The operating hours of some of ECU's student services have been changed for
the summer session. For the convenience of our readers, The East Carolinian has
compiled this table of various business hours, which may be clipped out for handy
(1st session)
Mon. Thurs.
Mon Fri.
Closed on Saturday
Mon. Fri.
Closed on Saturday
Mon Thur.
Closed on Saturday
Mon. Fri.
? a.m10 p.m.
t a.m10 p.m.
a.mS p.m.
1 p.m10 p.m.
Clinic Hours:
? a.m. 11 p.m.
? a.mS p.m.
? a.m5 p.m.
2 p.m11 p.m.
8:30 a.m5 p.m.
7:30 a.m. 5 p.m.
7:30 a.m9 p.m.
7:30 a.m. S p.m.
10 a.m. 4:30 p.m
Nurses on call 24 hours.
Building Hours
Mon 1:30 a.m. 11 p.
Tues. Fri. i:30 a.m. S p.n
Sat. Sun Closed
7 a.mS p.m.
(To see a doctor, must be registered by 4:30 p.m.)
9 a.m10 p.m.
(Must register by 9:4$ a.m.)
S p.m p.m.
(Must register by S:4S p.m.)
9 a.m9:30 a.m. only
Students who intend to apply for
admission to major in Social
Work, Law Enforcement, or Cor
rections in the Fall Semester
should submit an application as
soon as possible and make an ap
pointment for an interview during
the summer. Students who are in
the second semester of the
sophomore year or first semester
of the junior year who meet the
minimum requirements are eligi
ble to apply. Applications may be
obtained in 312 Allied Health
Building. For more information
call 757 6961
Tax Aid
The Coop Office, 313 Rawl
Building, 757 6979, is looking for
students who may be interested in
fall 1980 or spring 1981 Co op posi
tions. These positions are salaried
and are for undergraduate (U)
andor graduate (G) students
US Dept. of Agriculture,
Washington, DC
nutrition, community
nutrition, public
health, accounting,
finance, political
science, public ad
statistics, computer
science, or manage
ment information
system majors (U)
quired (U).
Bowling Center
Sat Sun.
Billiards Center
Sat Sun
Music Listening Center
Tues. Sun.
1 p.m11 p.
1 p.m5 p.n
9 a.mll p.
9 a.m5 p.r
S p.m10
The Snack Bar and the Crafts Center will be closed over the summer.
The Internal Revenue Service Of
fice at 211 Evans Street in Green
ville offers free assistance to tax
payers year round. Anyone receiv
ing a Federal tax notice or an ad
justment to their tax account they
do not understand should visit the
IRS office for an explanation
Also, if at least ten weeks have
gone since a Federal tax return
was filed for a refund and the re
fund hasn't arrived, the taxpayer
should inquire at the Evans Street
office. Assistance is available
every weekday from 800 a.m. to
4.30 p.m. Taxpayers may receive
faster service in the early morning
or late afternoon, when fewer peo
pie use the service. No appoint
ment is necessary
US Forest Service, Personnel,
Asheville. N.C. in
terest in personnel
skills desired (U)
NASA, Washington, DC, Interna
tional Affairs Divi
sion. interest in inter
national affairs (G or
U) Personnel Divi
sion: personnel mgt
interesttyping re
quired (U)
HEW, Washington, DC. Office of
the Secretary, Ex
ecutive Search Divi
Sion personnel
Burroughs Wellcome, Research
Triangle Park, N.C
science majors ?
must have completed
organic chemistry
Smithsonian institution.
Washington, DC
writing, music, art,
audiovisual biology
and history maiors
Coupon Club
The Greenville Coupon Club has
recently been formed Students,
homemakers and any interested
persons are invited to join The
purpose of the club is to help
members cut down on the high
price of food and household goods
it will meet regularly to swap in
formation on the best bargains in
town, to share ways of saving
money in the home, and to ex
change magazine and newspaper
food coupons There is no cost to
join Meetings will be held every
other Tuesday night at 7 00 p m
For more information, call Ellen
Freyman at 756 2553
The National Teacher Exarmna
tions will be offered at ECU on
Saturday, July 19 Application
blanks are available at the ECU
Testing Center. 105 Speight
Registration deadline is June 25
The Graduate Management Ad
mission Test will be offered at
ECU on Saturday, July 12 Ap
plication blanks are available at
the ECU Testing Center, 105
Speight Registration deadline is
June 25
The Coop office at ECU has two
openings for self help iObs which
must be filled immediately Both
require typing skills and office ex
penence Students must be enroll
ed m summer school to be eligible
For more information, contact the
Cooperative Education Office. 313
Rawl, or can 757 6979
Discount Day
Fridays are savings days at
Mendenhall Student Center
Prices are ' : OFF every Friday
from 1 p m until 4pm for bowl
ing, billiards and table tennis
Make Friday your day to save and
have fun too with Discount Day"
at Mendenhall
Video Game
Asteroids" is here The hottest
new video game is on campus for
you Come over to Mendenhall,
take a break from the heat and
test your space fighting ability
Mendenhail's summer hours are
8 30 a m 11 00 p m Monday, and
8 30 am 500 pm. Tuesday
Fun and Play
TN. intramural summer sports
program promises to be a of
Tun recreation and socializing
and wed like to mv.te you to io,n
us Come by the intramural Of
f.ce located in Memorial Gym to
sign up for basketball sottbau
Bowling, tenn.s canoeing golf
putt putt or racquetbail Come D,
soon, because the play w.M beg.r
in late May and early June
We are also offering a Wednes
day Whoop De Doo each w en
from6to8pm at Memo at Gym
featuring badminton basketoan
volleyball horseshoes swimming
and lots of fun!
And if you re interested in iogg
,ng. conditioning, exercise or
weight control come by and
up for our special classes m these
areas Classes will beg.n next
Wednesday and Thursday at 5 30
p m , so come by soon
Summer Jobs
22 summer tobs with state govern
ment must be filled by June 9
Educational Research Ass'Stan's
must have writing and inform a
tion gathering ability and inter
view skills Jobs last 10 weeks anc
pay S3 50 per hour They are
available in Guilford, Alamance
Forsyth. Davidson. Durham
Cumberland. Wake Robeson
Mecklenburg Gastor ana Pit
Counties For more information
contact the Cooperative Education
Office 313 Rawl or call 757 6979
ECU Summer Activities
Intramurals Sponsors Sports
The Intramural-
Recreational summer
program is now in full
swing. Ten activities
are offered first session
with hopes that one or
more activities will
meet the recreational
needs of all students
and practical ex-
periences, which offers
a basis upon which to
build an understanding
of cardiovascular
fitness and the chance
to put that understan-
ding into practice. The
class meets every Mon-
and faculty. Currently, day and Wednesday at
1-on-l basketball, 5:30 on the Bunting
County Vets
File Claims
3-on-3 basketball and
softball are being
played, with a Putt-
Putt Tournament
beginning this aff
noon. Anyone in-
terested in participating
in the following events
can come by room 204
in Memorial Gym to
sign up.
Bicycle Race and
Entry deadline for
the First Annual IM
Bicycle Race and
Rodeo is Tuesday, June
3 at 5:00 p.m. The Race
and Rodeo are schedul-
ed for Wednesday,
June 4.
Track. Contact Bob
Fox at Z57-6387 or
come by 204 Memorial
Gym for more informa-
Every Wednesday
night a Family Fun
night is offered in
Memorial Gym from
6:00-8:00 p.m. A wide
variety of activities, in-
cluding volleyball and
swimming, are offered.
Students, faculty and
their families are en-
couraged to attend for
a night of good,
wholesome fun.
Free Play Hours in
Memorial Gym are
3:00-10:00 p.m
3:00-6:00 p.m. Friday;
and 12:00 noon-6:00
p.m Saturday and
Swinng ? o
hours in Memorial
Gym are 11:30
a.m1:00 p.m Mon-
day, V riesday, Fri-
day; and 6:00-8:00
p.m Wednesday.
Minges pool hours are
4:00-8:00 p.m
Equipment check-
out hours in Memorial
Gym room 1 16
(757-6911) are 12:00
noon-10:00 p.m
and 12:00 noon-6:00
p.m Friday-Sunday.
Tuesday Night
Fmnilv Nigltt
- ?
Complete with Idaho King Baked
Potato, Texas Toast and Margarine
?903 E. 10th. St. 75H-27 12
Very few of Pitt
County's estimated
1700 Vietnam veterans
have filed claims
related to the Agent
Orange controversy,
according to Walter
Tucker, district service
officer of the N.C.
Division of Veteran Af-
Agent Orange is also
known as dioxin, a
powerful chemical
"The VA has to
determine which units
the soldiers served with
and at what time before
The entry deadline
i'or team and individual
bowling is Friday, May
30 at 5:00. Play begins
A jogging and condi- Monday, June 2.
we can establish proof tioning class is offered
that there was exposure by the Intramural Tennis Classic
to the chemical department. The class
Tucker said. "We're
also waiting on more
complete medical infor-
mation on the effects
and symptoms
Although it is not
known exactly how
is geared to meet the
fitness needs of all par-
ticipants, with an in-
dividualized program
designed for each and
every participant. The
class combines theory
The final date to sign
up for the tennis tour-
nament is Friday, May
30 at 5:00. Tournament
dates are Monday June
2 through Thursday,
June 5.
compound that was us- many Vietnam veterans
ed in the Vietnam War are attending ECU,
to defoliate jungle
areas, thus depriving
enemy troops of cover.
In the last few years,
hundreds of Vietnam
veterans have reported
suffering from symp-
toms believed to be
caused by exposure to
the chemical while in
Vietnam. may have been exposed
Tucker said that only iQ fi,e
six area veterans had
filed claims with his a ciaim-
Greenville office. Ac- "In the event it is
cording to Tucker, the proven in the years to
Veterans Administra- come that the dioxin is
over 500 individuals
receive VA educational
benefits here, and
many of them could be
Vietnam War veterans.
Charles Lewis, assis-
tant veterans services
officer in Winston-
Salem, encourages
those who think they
Every Wed. Nite
tion has not made any
settlements with the
claimants because the
cases are still being in-
responsible for these
different disorders, it
ought to be a matter of
record for the
veteran Lewis said.
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Greenville, NC
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10 Discount With This Coupon
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Classified ads are accepted in
the East Carolinian office Monday
thru Friday from 11:30-12:30.
No phone calls please, ads will
not be taken over the phone.
The East Carolinian will be printed
each Thursday during summer school.
Rates for classified ads are:
1 st 15 words-$l .00 (minimum charge)
Each additional word-$.05
We do not accept out-of-town checks
? igMiio wi?in ?O??i ' .HfWrrfWpWBWWMW
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Drug Views
i on Untied From Page 1
tie survey also
thai t e w e i
- arc smoking
bacco i igarettes.
a .v majority ol
sen es dail li-
drinking, though
centage ol
who actualh
drink regularly has
stayed the same over
the last he years.
1 hei e has been a
widening acceptance,
moreover, ol what the
i e s e a r c h e r s call
"weekend binge drink-
ing and of seniors
who say they get drunk
at least once each week.
t 29, Ivmi
One Of The Advantages Of Summer School
is that increased parking space reduces the need to tow.
UM Battles Dating Computer
d time
a corn-
dating program
Marc Siegel, a dating
service organizer for
the UM Student
Government Associa-
tion, sas Interpersonal
University of Research Inc. delivered
eated pro- the computer matches
h the stu- on time, but refused to
men! and turn them over to the
. on student government un-
provide the til a release form was
signed indicating that
IRI's work was
satisfactory. The
university attorney ad-
vised SGA against sign-
ing the release form
before seeing the match
forms. But after a four-
hour discussion, Siegel
savs, SGA decided to
sign the release form
"because it was better
than disappointing all
the students who had
signed up
Siegel also complains
that 1R1 "was very un-
professional in its deal
ings with us Students
did most ot" the work
on the project, he sas,
and had a difficult time
contacting I R 1
representatives tor
assistance. On several
Job-Related Course
Offered In Summer
I ECU's summer evening
. ot particular interest
. job seekers; "How
?ge, or Increasing
1 ea Efficiency" and
Sun iv e scheduled for
lune P-JuK 1. 7-9
commended for the col-
d or those already in col-
w ish to dev clop good lear-
ncluding managing
tpid grasp of text
? il perfor-
V director of
mseling Center, will m-
Ht s the author of
five books on study skills and has
taught similar programs for
students of all levels ranging from
prep school through post graduate.
'The Interview a one-session
class set for Thursdav, June 12, 7-10
p.m is for the first-time job hunter
or the person who plans to relocate.
The class will begin with prepara-
tion for a job interview and focus on
qualities interviewers look for, good
interview performance and pro-
cedures to be followed after the in-
terv iew.
Furne) James, director of the
ECU Office of Career Planning and
Placement, will instruct the course.
I ontinued From Payc 1
i is not a moral
?v, abortion
a student
s a: d o n e
w a ?
I he procedure for
securing a loan is sim-
ple, according to Sher-
rod. The woman must
undergo a medical ex-
animation to confirm
973, and pregnancy, and the stu-
year 2 dent seeking the loan,
used it. or both students, must
receive counseling from
the bCU Counseling
Center before the loan
can be granted. The
student then goes to tne
SGA treasurer with the
documentation, and
the treasurer approves
the loan.
Summer Baseball
Jun. .
? 26
June 28
July 8
July 12
July U
July u
July 16
July 18
July 20
July 23 26
UNC Wilmington (2)
N C Wesleyan
Campbell (2)
N C Wesleyan
UNC Wilmington2)
UNC Chapel Hill
N C Wesleyan
UNC Wilmington
UNC Chapel H.ll (2)
N C Wesleyan
N C Wesleyan
UNC Chapel Hill 11)
N C Wesleyan
Campbell 2i
UNC Wilmington
UNC Chapel Mill
Students admitted with ID and Activity Card
6 00
7 30
7 30
7 30
6 00
7 30
7 30
6 00
7 30
7 30
7 30
6 00
7 30
7 30
7 30
6 00
6 00
7 30
7 30
7 30
7 30
7 30
Buies Creek
Chapel Hill
Rocky Mount
Rocky Mount
Buies Creek
Chapel Hill
Classified ads are accepted in
the East Carolinian office Monday
thru Friday from 11:30-12:30.
No phone calls please, ads will
not be taken over the phone.
The East Carolinian will be printed
each Thursday during summer school.
Rates for classified ads are:
1 st 15 words-$l .00 (minimum charge)
Each additional word-$.05
We do not accept out-of-town checks
ot casions, he adds, IRI
workers promised to
come to the CM cam-
pus, but failed to show
up or appeared only
hi ictlv.
Siegel claims the
company also lost so to
75 of the smdent forms
submitted and misad-
dressed 7 5 others.
SGA, which planned to
break even, lost S4(X)
on the project because
it had to issue refunds
to students who never
received their matches,
he savs.
'We'll never use
them again says
Siegel of IRI. "Next
year, we're going to try
to do it on our own
Students Back Loans
Summer is watermelon time, and Mendenhall Student Center invites
everyone to attend Watermelon Days. The thirst-quenching fruit will be the
attraction of several patio parties beginning in June. Check Mendenhall
bulletin boards for details.
The Fast Carolinian
Thursday awr tin
year and every Thutsilay durn
the sumr ? -
f he East Carohnian is tl
ficiai newspaper ot Eas
Carolina Univei 5 ?
operated and public ? I for
, by the students of East
. ? ?
Subscription Rates
Alumn. S15 ,? ?
All others i. .
Second oass postage p
Greenville N C
The East Carolinian
are located in the Old Sou't
Building on the campus ot ECU
Greenville. N C
Telephone 75 6366. 6367, 630v
N.C. No. 3
with BULL
Fri. and Sat.
10th Ave.
Arrests Point Up
Rights of Citizens
Continued From Page I
advises that you use it
to call family, fri "?s
or a bondsman.
If police request to
search you or your
house or car, you do
not have to consent
unless you have been
placed under arrest.
The one exception to
this is what is known as
"Stop and Frisk Stop
and Frisk allows police
who have a good
reason to believe that
you are carrying a
weapon to stop and
frisk you on the street.
Otherwise, you do not
have to consent to a
search. If you, your
house or your car are
searched anyway,
before you have been
arrested, it is an illegal
search and anything
found cannot be used
in court.
However, it you
throw anything awa or
leave anything out in
plain sight, it can be
law full) seized and field
as ev idence.
In summary, N(
C II recommends:
1) Never make a
statement to the police
without an attorney
2) You have the right
to have an attornev pie
sent during questioning
or to consult with one
at any time. Use that
right. It you cannot af-
ford an attorney, the
court must appoint one
tor you at no charge
i sk the magisti.
to release you on a low
bond oi a signature
4) Always obje
search. I hey may be
lool ng foi stolen ;
' v. but
they tmd cat
grounds tor arr
5) Nev ei
-thing awa
oi when being seai
Ballet Jazz Aerobics and Yoga
to students at discount rate BFA
m Dance Choreography Call
756 723S or 7S8 0736
racing lessons Beginners in
termediates advanced Phone
Tony Monday thru Friday after
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daughter ot ECU Faculty member
interested in babysitting durmq
summer Call 758 0607 (evenings i
to share two bedroom appartment
in Tar River Estates Private
room furnished or unfurnished
Pay one third rent ($75 plus one
third utilities Available im
mediately Call 752 4277
Spacious house near campus
Share bath and kitchen Lease
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desired Rate $120 S180 a month
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ROOMS FOR RENT lor summer
150 a month utilities and phone in
eluded Call ?S8 2300 days and
752 3480 nights Ask tor R.cky
FOR SALE 45 cub.c loot
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Call 758 0475
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Located on Evans St.
Behind Sports Woric
Thurs. Night
Shrimp S5.25
Oysters $4.95
Flounder S3.50
Trout S2.95
Perch S2.95
No Take-outs
meal includes: French Fries,
cole slaw & hushpuppies
We are prouc to announce That we have aaaea
our p.nlng pleasure
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Fri.&Sat. 5:00 10:30
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Veal Provlone, Onion Rings & AAed Tea
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King Cheeseburger French Fries
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12 oz. AAugs, only 25
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Call 752-4297 for take outs

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Serving the campus community for 54 years.
Richard Green, - rm"n.
Robert M. Swaim, am? Diane Henderson, coPyEd,u,r
Nicky Francis, wn .vfanu,r Terry Gray, sew Edllor
Anita Lancaster, ?? wmt Steve Bachner, ??, em
May 29, 1980
Page 4
Student Aid Cuts
Carter Confuses Education Funds
With Federal Government Waste
In his futile attempt to balance
the federal budget, President Carter
requested cuts in student financial
aid, and the House Appropriations
Committee gave its nod of approval
by reducing the Basic Educational
Opportunity Grants (BEOG) pro-
Reducing the availability of money
that often is not repaid makes more
sense than reducing grants which
finance the education of lower in-
come students.
All the cuts will make it tougher
on people who are trying to better
gram by $140 million in 1980. The themselves through higher educa
committee also postponed funds to tion. The BEOG cut may make
colleges for the removal of architec- some middle-class students ineligi-
tural barriers to handicapped ble for those grants. Many of those
students. Once again Carter has his students became eligible for grants
priorities in the wrong order. just last year with the passage of the
The idea of eliminating deficit Middle Income Student Assistance
spending to stimulate the ecpnomy Act.
and reduce inflation is a good one,
but asking students to suffer in the
crunch simply is not a sound
economic plan, especially when pre-
A recent release by the College
Board predicts rising enrollment in
the next two decades even though
the present enrollment trend is
sent college enrollments are declin- declining. Howard R. Bowen, a na-
ing. One way to help the economy is tional authority on the economics of
to educate as many Americans as we higher education, says colleges
can. and universities need not close their
With a little help from the OPEC doors as a result of declining
nations, the federal government is enrollments in the 1980s Bowen
directly responsible for the gallop- advocates a policy including "the
ing inflation rate. Financial aid, like addition of new student clienteles
most other things, has not been able such as adult and part-time
to keep up with inflation. Perhaps students. A reduction in student aid
Carter's economic advisors believe will make similar plans difficult if
that reducing the inflation rate will not impossible, and it will harm
bring financial aid in line with the universities as well as students,
cost of education, but if that plan Though the financial aid cuts
works as well as the administra- must be approved by the full House
tion's other economic measures, and Senate, both bodies passed
students are in trouble. resolutions to reduce educational
Why handicapped students must spending in the 1981 federal budget,
be forced to wait even longer for This is another blatant example of
physical barriers to be smashed is Washington bureaucrats slapping
unimaginable; it is another cost- the burden on lower income
inefficient plan. If a handicapped citizens, the silent majority,
student cannot attend a class that is Asking the American people to
necessary for his curriculum, he tighten their belts during hard times
must remain in school longer or be is a reasonable request, but the ones
denied a degree. who should do the most
The one area which the commit- "tightening" are those with the fat-
tee refused to trim was the National test bellies. It has been predicted
Direct Student Loan (NDSL) pro- that the silent majority may wake
gram, the one program which could up during the eighties, and if that's
stand a cut. The rate of delinquent the case, the obses Washington
NDSL loans is enormous and in- community better show its will-
creases with the rate of inflation, ingness to go on a crash diet.
P(StflMASHNl6 )Mp MlOZ fU CO0M? PZZfl
Mother Jones Wins National Award

Toxic Chemicals Dumped Abroad
Back in 1977, reporters Mark Dowie
and Tracy Johnston wrote a story for
Mother Jones magazine about the
dangers of the Dalkon Shield, an in-
trauterine device that sickened and even
killed some women. Going over
manufacturers' data a year later, Dowie
noticed that a full million of the con-
traceptive devices were unaccounted-
for. They hadn't been sold to American
women and they weren't in storage in
the United States, either. Intrigued,
Dowie started digging.
The result of his investigation, carried
out with the help of several other
reporters, was a collection of articles
collectively titled "The Corporate Crime
of the Century Published in the
November 1979 issue of Mother Jones,
the articles detailed the "dumping" of
toxic substances banned here ?
pesticides, drugs, Dalkon Shields ? in
developing countries by U.S. multina-
tional corporations. The expose caused a
firestorm of controversy in the Third
World, sparked proposed legislation
here and won Mother Jones a coveted
National Magazine Award for excellence
in reporting.
Relaxing in the San Francisco office
of Mother Jones, Dowie assayed the
significance of the story. "I just spoke
on the phone with an official from
Angola who read our issue he said,
"and they are going to take a strong
stand against dumping Dowie seemed
pleased. It was in keeping with Mother
Jones' policy of publishing muckraking
that galvanizes readers.
"Even good magazines tend to be
passive in their presentation of informa-
tion Dowie said. "We put our ex-
posures in the hands of people who will
do something about the problems the
stories describe. We hand-delivered
copies of the dumping story to every em-
bassy in Washington, D.C and we told
other people, activist organizations,
about what we found out.
"A lot of periodicals tell you about
the illegal stuff, the guy with his hand in
the till, and so on. That's all well and
good; those stories need to be done. But
our tendency is to focus on practices that
are perfectly legal. By exposing them, we
may be able to inspire legislation and
other changes. That's where reform
comes from
Such legislation was recently introduc-
ed in Congress by Rep. Michael Barnes
(D-Maryland). Barnes' bill, the Hazar-
dous Goods Expou Control Act of
1980, would not ban dumping, but it
would see that governments of Third
World countries are fully informed
about the substances they are importing
and that those substances are duly label-
ed with warnings in the local language.
Dowie, resplendent in a Nicaraguan
army shirt he got from a Sandinista on a
recent trip to Central America, pro-
nounced himself pleased but not
satisfied by the proposed legislation.
"I'm happy it's been introduced and
everything but, speaking frankly, it pro-
bably won't make a hill of shit worth of
"The corporations will get around it.
They're determined to dump the shit and
they'll get rid of it on the side Accor-
ding to Dowie, the end of corporate
dumping, if it occurs, will happen
primarily because of what is done in the
Third World, not what is done here.
"The only way to stop it is for them to
boycott all our products until the bad
ones are pulled off the market. If we
can't alter the supply, maybe they can
alter the demand
Dowie, who doubles as Mother Jones'
publisher, is understandably proud of
the award-winning story. "It's what 1
think investigative reporting should be.
Investigations should be long-term.
They should be deep. They should be
politically motivated. They should be
advocacy journalism
A one-time corporate economist,
Dowie worked for a year on the dump-
ing story. Incredibly, he had no jour-
nalistic experience before he started
writing for Mother Jones four years ago.
"I believe that investigative reporting is
half-psychic and half-photographic, in a
figurative sense he says. "You can
know how to use the typewriter, do in-
terviews, research, but if you don't hae
an eye for the story, you ain't gonna get
it. Having come out of the corpc
world, as I do, I can tell when there's
more to a story, when the data are in-
complete, when something is being held
On Februar 25, 1980 ? four months
after the Mother Jones piece appe.
? the Washington Post ran a front
story on corporate dumping that
substantially confirmed what Dowie and
company had unearthed. Unlike Mother
Jones, the Post stopped short of calling
dumping a crime. "One o the weak
points in American journalism is that
they will struggle and struggle for
'objectivity snorts Dowie "Our p
tion is simple. We think dumping is evil,
and we want to stop it
David Armstrong is the author
"American Journal a column for t
lege newspapers.
Forum Rules
The East Carolinian welcomes letters
expressing all points of view. Mail or
drop them by our office in the Old South
Building, across from the library.
Letters must include the name, ma,
and classification, address, phone
number and signature of the authorsi
Letters should be limited to three
typewritten pages, double-spaced, or
neatly printed. All letters are subject to
editing for brevity, obcenity and libel.
Letters by the same author are limited to
one each 30 days.
Personal attacks will not be permu-
ted. Names of authors will be with-
only when inclusion of the name wilt
cause the author embarrassment or
ridicule, such as letters concerning
homosexuality, drug abuse, etc. Names
will be withheld only on the author's re-
is going to be a long hot summer.
?Garrett Morris,
Week in Review,
Saturday Night Live
The violence last week in Miami
could remind some of the sixties,
and it should because little has
changed. The spiritual and emo-
tional catharsis that was the sixties
left us drained and despondent dur-
ing the seventies. During the "big
sleep the problems have not gone
away but have grown more complex
and deeply-rooted with age.
The events of last week are
evidence that the political and social
causes of the sixties are once again
resurrecting at the dawn of this new
decade. The forces of young,
educated whites and poor, poverty-
stricken blacks that created such a
disturbance in the sixties are beginn-
ing to awaken. It was calm last
weekend in Miami, but not in
Sea brook, New Hampshire, where
the Coalition for Direct Action at
Seabrook was launching an assault
on the nuclear facility. For the first
Hot Months
time in the history of the anti-
nuclear movement, things began to
take a turn.
It was the most violent of five
demonstrations held at the site, a
symbol of the nuclear movement
since 1976. Dayton Duncan, press
secretary to New Hampshire Gover-
nor Hugh Allen, stated that the pro-
testors had pushed and shoved the
police and had "actively thrown
things One policeman was injured
when he was accidentally struck by a
grappling hook thrown over the
fence in the assault. There were two
The protestors had good reason
to be perturbed. The Department of
Energy's proposed budget for the
next four years recommends spen-
ding almost twice as much for
nuclear energy and synthetic fuels
than for conservation and solar
energy. Nuclear energy spending
could be close to $10 billion as op-
posed to $3 billion for solar conver-
sion. The upcoming election will do
little to change the oil industry's
stranglehold on our government.
The inner city is even less calm
than it is at Seabrook. The fires that
were burning in Miami may be only
smoldering now, but the hot sparks
will be landing in other cities before
long. Inner cities of the eighties are
plagued with physical and spiritual
decay which festered during the last
The hardest hit by inflation and
unemployment are those least able
to withstand it ? the poverty-
stricken individuals within the
socioeconomic prison of the ghetto.
Unemployment among blacks is
twice the national average for
whites, and among black youth it
reaches almost 30 percent. In
Detroit and Philadelphia, two
potential targets for urban unrest,
minority unemployment is about 18
and 16 percent, respectively.
All this unemployment is sup-
posedly a long-range cure for infla-
tion and recession. Bat will the inner
cities be able to withstand the
duress? President Carter's slashes in
programs for social welfare such as
food stamps, health services, and
education should aggravate an
already tenuous situation. Bored,
alienated, and hungry people can
only stand in the streets for so long
before they start grabbing for some
of the good life that is passing them
The traditional method of con-
trolling these dissatisfied peoples,
the urban police force, is making
conditions even more frightening.
The police in Los Angeles,
Houston, Philadelphia and Miami
are under intense national scrutiny
for alleged brutality, prejudice and
injustice. Local communities are
rallying around their boys in blue by
reinforcing their distortions of
authority by dropping criminal
charges for manslaughter, assault
and conspiracy.
Further complicating the condi-
tion of blacks and Hispanics is the
remarkable way we fed bound to
support homeless refugees from
Vietnam and Cuba by giving away
another slice of the American pie.
They are distressed because we are
giving away their piece, and there's
not that much to go around.
Minorities in inner cities are being
displaced from their homes and jobs
by other, different minorities. They
believe that charity should begin at
Our internal problems will not go
away, and unless action is taken
soon, there will be more turbulent
times ahead, the headlines each
week seem to give credibility to the
idea that we have a long hot summer
ahead of us. The folks who brought
you so much trouble during the six-
ties ? young whites and poor blacks
? have not gotten any wiser, and
now they're madder than ever. The
administration might believe the on-
ly way out of this economic dilem-
ma is a war, but they had better con-
sider who they could be fighting.
Patrick Mingts is a columnist, and
feature writer for The East Caroli-
nian. He is a graduate psychology
student at ECU and teacher at
Greenville Middle School.

MAY 29, 1980
Page 5
Knobs Play The Attic,
Considered By Union
Staff Writer
On Sunday night, May 18, at the
Attic, something worth talking
about happened. It is as important
in its way as the building of roads
as to Imperial Rome. The
Fabulous Knobs, a band from
Raleigh and one of the groups being
considered by the Student Union
Major Attractions Committee for
the first summer concert in Wright
Auditorium, visited and brought
with them their own brand of the
new music that is changing the
musical tastes of the nation.
Whether it is called New Wave or
shock rock or whatever, it still
comes down to one thing, and that
is finely crafted music that is as
original and energetic as the sounds
that characterized the sixties. The
Fabulous Knobs walked into the At-
tic and played some of the best
dance music that has been heard in
Greenville in many years. It had the
energy of rock and roll, the depth of
the blues and the power of soul.
What it amounted to was that the
feet kept moving, and kept moving
and kept moving. You get the idea.
Guitarists Varied Attack
The lead vocals were carried by
the beautiful Debra DeMilo. She
combined beauty, wit and a voice
that ranged from lyrical to over-
powering in a stage presence that
was truly a delight to view. Also, it
was the first time that I have seen
the tambourine played so that it was
an actual part of the ensemble.
Debra is the consummate singer.
Backing Debra DeMilo on vocals
and playing the drums was Terry
Anderson. His style was very fluid
and more flexible than that of a
rock drummer. His drum play
coupled with the driving rhythms of
Jack Cornell on bass, fired the
group and the crowd with Pro-
methean energy. The band never
stopped, and once the crowd caught
on, the dancing never stopped
either. Besides Jack's bass playing,
he also backed Debra in the vocals.
Overpowering Presence
The two guitars were played by
Bob Wallace and David Enloe. The
two guitarists varied their attack
with opposing styles that com-
plemented one another rather than
detracted as would be expected.
Their versions of such R&B classics
as "Runaway" became their own as
they individualized them with clean
guitar work and highlighted them
with Debra DeMilo's highly stylized
vocals. The crowd shook, rattled
and rolled.
According to Bob Wallace, the
Fabulous Knobs were formed just
about two years ago. The musicians
come from backgrounds as diverse
as country and disco, but they
merge into a cohesive, tight band
that plays a brand of R&B that is as
distinctive as their name.
But of more interest to the reader
is "when will the Fabulous Knobs
return to Greenville?" According to
Bob Wallace they think they will be
able to return sometime in the in-
definite future. Perhaps if your
curiosity is piqued, if you were
unlucky enough to miss the
Fabulous Knobs, you might men-
tion to Tom Haines at the Attic that
a return engagement would not be
too out of line.
This weekend in Raleigh at the
Cafe Deja Vu the Fabulous Knobs
will return to a typically packed
house where they will be surrounded
by the fans who have grown with
them and believe that they are going
That is why the sense of urgency.
Bring back this band before it gets
too big to afford.
Debra DeMilo, Vocalist, Ana ihe Rest Of Raleigh's Fabulous Knobs
she combined beauty, wit and a voice that ranged from lyrical to overpowering
Spoleto Festival Debuts 'Clock'
No Static At A11;
FM Here Monday
This Monday night, June 2, at 9 p.m. in Mendenhall Student Center's
Hendrix Theater, the Student Union Films Committee will present the se-
cond free film of the summer, FM, starring Martin Mull.
Admission for the movie is by Student ID and Activity Card or by
Mendenhall Student Center Membership Card.
The film centers around disc jockeys at a Los Angeles radio station who
go on the rampage after they are threatened with losing their license.
FM sports the most innovative use of sound since Woody Allen's What's
Up Tiger Lily? and makes the best possible use of an all-hit soundtrack that
features songs by Steeley Dan, Foreigner and Tom Petty and the Heart-
breakers to name but a very few.
FM also features concert footage of Jimmy Buffet and Linda Ronstadt as
well as the talents of principal players Michael Brandon, Eileen Brennan
and the comic genius of Martin Mull.
Spoleto Festival Box Office opened
May 1 at the Gaillard Municipal
Auditorium here. Box office hours
are daily from 10:00 a.m9:00 p.m.
Tickets may be charged by
telephone on Mastercharge or Visa
by calling (303) 722-2764, 10:00
a.m6:00 p.m. Monday through
Saturday. Complete program and
ticket information brochures are
available by writing to the Festival
at P.O. Box 704, Charleston, S.C.
29402 or calling (803) 722-2764.
Festival General Manager James
T. Kearney noted that tickets are
still available for all Festival events
except the Dance Gala. 'There are
still opportunities for people to get
excellent tickets for such outstan-
ding programs as Alwin Nikolais
Dance Theater, Sarah Vaughan in
Concert and Transformations one
of the most important operas writ-
ten in the last twenty years. Ac-
comodations are available too and
may be secured by calling (803)
723-5225, the special accomodations
service of the Charleston Trident
Chamber of Commerce
Arthur Miller's new play "The
American Clock" had its world
premier on Saturday, May 24 at the
auditorium. Tickets are $12.
On May 31 a special "Evening of
Kurt Weill" will be presented by the
Festival. The program, at the
Garden Theatre, will feature
soprano Joy Bogen, accompanied
by Lys Symonette. Tickets are $5
for this special performance.
Kurt Weill is recognized as one of
this century's great composers. His
works such as "The Three Penny
Opera" have been presented
throughout the world.
Ms. Bogan began singing Kurt
Weill songs two years ago and has
worked with the composer's widow,
Lotte Lenya, on the material for the
program she will present at Spoleto.
The selections will include a series of
French songs, "Marie Galente
which have not been performed
since 1936.
Accompanist Lys Symonette was
Kurt Weill's assistant. She recently
translated the lyrics for the New
York City Opera production of
Weill's "Silverlake
Kearney also announced the pro-
grams for the Festival's June 8th
Finale and the Intermezzi Series.
Acting musical director Christian
Badea will conduct soloist Cho-
Liang Lin and the Spoleto Festival
Orchestra at the Finale at Middleton
Place. The program will consist of
Berlioz' "Roman Carnival Over-
ture Sibelius' "Concerto in d
minor for Violin, Opus 47" and
Tchaikovsky's "Symphony No. 5 in
e minor Opus 64 The concert will
be followed by a fireworks display,
made possible by a gift from King
Street Garden and Gun Club.
The Kiawah Island Company
helps to make possible the Intermez-
zi Concert Series, under the direc-
tion of Nancianne ParreHa. This
year's eight concerts will feature
pianist Ira Levin, the Charleston
Madrigal Singers, the 20th Century
Consort, Spoleto Festival
Ensembles, the Westminster Choir,
a special "Mostly Menotti" pro-
gram and a salute to composer
Samuel Barber.
The 1980 Festival is bringing to
Charleston three distinctive jazz
concerts that will showcase four of
the best-known "Giants of Jazz
The concerts, presented on three
consecutive evenings, June 1-3, will
offer Spoleto audiences a rare op-
portunity to experience the full
range of jazz history and styles, in-
cluding rural folk-blues, swing,
bebop, modern and progressive
avant-garde jazz. The concerts will
express the spirit of Spoleto, a spon-
taneous experiencing of the arts,
and give Spoleto audiences a chance
to discover the full talents and beau-
ty of artists freed to Find and share
their feelings in their chosen art
Go Fishing!
It's Cheaper
Than A Shrink
Wiiunt traturrs Kditor
No human activity requires more patience than the
pursuit of the Pisces. No other endeavor offers as
much opportunity for meditation on the nature of the
universe or for just plain relaxation. Aside from the
game-fishing that Hemingway used as a therapy, there
is no less strenuous sport in the world of athletics.
Eastern North Carolina offers the angler a wide
choice of outlets for his activity. He can use the many
rivers and streams in the area for the pursuit of the
large-mouth bass or he can strive with the wily King
Mackerel on the outer banks, either in the surf or off-
shore in one of the party boats that thrive in the sea
ports from Elizabeth City to Wilmington. Equipment
is as cheap as a cane pole and a worm or as expensive
as a salt water rod and a Mitchell 907 reel. The
satisfaction derived is not a function of the expense at
all. It is rather a more delicate balance of mood and
weather and the hunger and gullibility of the fish.
Many a true angler has come back from a sojourn
without a single fish and yet strangely satisfied with
the day's events. The real goals and rewards of fishing
are not the capture of a certain number and weight of
fish. The true reward is the peace and solitude that
fishing not only affords but demands and that which
makes the sport so enjoyable. Food, the by-product of
angling, is an enjoyable side effect that many anglers
use as an excuse to spouses and colleagues for the pur-
suit of their particular happiness.
For centuries fishing was work that provided food
for the tables of the working classes and the nobility
that could afford to buy the fruits of the efforts of the
working fisherman. Around the 16th century, angling
became an avocation for the upper classes. Issak
Walton, the 17th century biographer, gave the
Renaissance Englishman a guidebook to this
fascinating hobby, "The Compleat Angler Fishing
was considered a marvelous way to escape the
pressures that the Renaissance had brought to a
relatively simple lifestyle.
Twentieth century American society is in even more
dire need of the salvation that fishing offers than ever
was the 17th century. Americans are too concerned
with getting and spending to take time for relaxation,
and it shows in the number of Americans who consult
a psychotherapist or go off the deep end and commit
See FISH Page 6, Col. 1
Film View
Scenes From Hal Ashby's New Film 'Being There
clockwise from top: Richard Dysart and Peter Sellers, Shirley MacLaine and
Meivyn Douglas, Jack Warden,
Ashby Film
Seller's Best
Kcatarcs MMor
For a short time after the Old Man dies and the maid has
packed her things and gone, Chance the gardener remains in the
big old town house, alone behind the high brick wall with his
well-tended plants and shrubs and his brightly colored, ever-
shifting images on television.
But then the lawyer comes and tells Chance that he must
leave. And so, neatly dressed in the Old Man's finest things, he
walks out of the shuttered house in which he has spent his entire
conscious life and into the urban blight of modern Washington
and then into the life of Benjamin Rand, the richest, most
powerful businessman in all of America.
How Chance the gardener becomes overnight Chauncey Gar-
diner, friend of diplomats, confidant of the president, passive
lover of the vivacious Eve (Rand's wife), is the substance of Hal
Ashby's "Being There a socialpoliticalsexual satire of
almost heroic understatement and restrained hilarity.
Chance becomes the Rands' houseguest quite appropriately
by accident, an accident with the rear bumper of Eve's
chauffeur-driven car, and both of the Rands are immediately
taken with his utter lack of pretense, a directness, a refreshing
simplicity ? that, in fact, exactly expresses the
simplemindedness beneath.
Sometimes this resembles the most courageous tactfulness as
when he informs the ancient, ailing Benjamin point-blank that
he is dying. Sometimes it approaches the mutely ludicrous,
which is tne case when he matches the knife that a gang of
youths pull on him with a TV remote-control device, desperately
trying to change the channel and rid himself of the threatening
images that confront him in real life. In another scene, he cannot
keep from imitating the yoga exercises demonstrated on the
television sets everywhere he turns.
But it all merely hides a mindless void that nobody seems able
to penetrate because nobody is sufficiently stupid. So, when the
president asks him his estimate of the current miserable Wall
Street "season" and Chance answers that in the garden there are
several seasons, but "as long as the roots are not severed, all is
well everyone assumes he is making pastoral metaphors
about the economy, when in fact he is talking about all he knows
outside of television, which is gardening.
Throughout its more than two hours, "Being There" is a
Sec SELLERS Page , Col. 1
t. ???"?'
?p ? m ?? ? ???-?

MAY 29, 1980
Dormitory Redecoration Ideas
Individualize Your Decor
Staff Writer
H?l liice: HofT without"
?v UQ f.0J?TA0T (ObTEtf
Sellers Remarkable
In Gardener Role
Continued From Page 5
perfectly controlled one-joke movie
? or maybe one-and-one-half joke
movie, because after Benjamin dies
and the president reads from his
writings at the funeral, you begin to
understand why Chance's homilies
find such ready sympathy in their
But the joke depends upon certain
assumptions. Chance is wholly a
literary creation, combining as he
ioes nearly total innocence with in-
tuitive charm and ? though he can
neither read nor write ? a standard
American stage diction, presumably
learned from listening to an-
nouncers on TV. Sometimes the
assumptions are pushed a little too
As ChanceChauncey, Peter
Sellers has refined a caricature down
to an almost seamless surface ot
kindly, gentle poise and quiet good
taste. He gives a far better perfor-
mance in a far more demanding role
than does Dustin Hoffman in his
Academv Award winning capacity
in last vear's "Kramer vs. Kramer
If this character has emerged before
in the Sellers repertoire, it is hard to
remember where. But it is the
perfect realization of the
distinguished cipher at the center of
Jerzy Kosinski's novel of the same
name. Kosinski has expressed on
talk shows that he is very happy
with the representation of his pro-
tagonist ? if anything, he should be
a little disgruntled with his own
work. Kosinski is credited with
writing the screenplay for "Being
There" from his novel, and for once
the movie script seems not only bet-
ter but the Sellers character seems
more complete than the Kosinski
Sellers has added a lot to Chance
to flesh out the idea ? and a lot has
been added to everything surroun-
ding Chance to make that basic idea
live. Shirley MacLaine's Eve, Jack
Warden's president, Richard
Dysart's Dr. Allenby (Rand's atten-
ding physicirn and the only one to
penetrate Chance's unwitting cover)
? all promote an aura of more or
less competent sanity to balance the
subdued lunacy in their midst.
But Melvyn Douglas, as old Ben-
jamin Rand, goes a measure beyond
that. It is his trust ? more than his
wife's lust and everyone else's
gullibility ? that certifies
Chauncey. As the most benign of
superrich and superpowerful
capitalists, Douglas actually suc-
ceeds in making that trust seem
reasonable ? or, at least, one based
on the recognition of a soul com-
mon to everybody, including the
well-dressed, TV-nurtured plant life
standing by his deathbed. The Best
Supporting Actor Award given
Douglas by the Academy this year
was one of the few well deserved
compliments payed an actor during
Hollywood's night of nights.
The rich, somber look of "Being
There much of it shot in a sump-
tuous old North Carolina mansion
in Ashville supposedly placed down
the avenue from the White House in
the context of the film, exactly fits
the tone of a satire so fiendishly
decorous as sometimes hardly to
seem satire at all.
Now that the summer is here, many ECU
students are faced with the task of decorating
their new residences. The job of making your new
room feel like home can actually be more trouble
than moving into the place.
Problems can arise almost immediately upon
reaching your room. For instance, you may be
sleeping on the floor, depending upon whether or
not the previous occupant took the furniture with
him when he left. Or, the former resident may
have gotten a good bargain on discontinued col-
ors of paint and done the room in hot pink or
electric yellow-green.
To solve your furniture problems, you d better
start shopping early - Greenville's dumpsters
have only so much in stock, you know. If you are
lucky, you may find a nice assortment of not-too-
broken furniture and the ever-adaptable card-
board boxes (hopefully without anything gross
spilled on them). Cardboard boxes make great
bookshelves and are fine for tables, if you don t
put anything too heavy on them.
Solving the problem of your room s color is a
lot easier ? just cover the entire wall with posters
like I do. Masking tape is much cheaper than
Many students build various types of bed plat-
forms in their rooms. Some are master
carpenters, and their well-constructed platforms
are an attractive room feature as well as a great
space saver. On the other hand, some students
aren't master or even apprentice carpenters, in
rooms where these people have built platforms,
remember not to lean on the posts or sleep within
the probable collapse zone.
Another problem with platforms and bunk
beds as well is that of getting up to the bed itselt
Most people don't use the obvious solution ot
building a ladder but instead climb up on a table
or dresser. This can result in footprints all over
your furniture, not to mention your dishes,
jewelry stereo or whatever else you keep on top
of your' dresser. Climbing up after a party could
result in breaking one or more of your bones.
Personally, I usually am content to leave the bed
like it is when 1 get to the room. I m just lazy, I
gUlt'Ss really fascinating how much someone's
personality is revealed by how he or she fixes up a
room. Everyone leaves some sort of mark in a
room as a sign of their occupancy - cigarette
burns, unidentified stains on the rug, obscene
words written on the wall, broken windows,
scorch marks on the door and sometimes even
Many rooms off campus contain an entire
history easily readable to the intelligent observer.
I'm spending the summer in a fraternity house
that rents extra rooms to, among other in need,
impecunious art students such as myself. The
huge size of the room, the lofty ceiling the
fireplace and the ornate moldings and doors show
that the room was built back when they were
building them like they used to. The relentless
bright yellow-green pain all over the lofty ceiling,
fireplace and the ornate moldings and doors bears
mute testimony to the mansion's days as a hippie
house. Since they didn't paint the bricks in the
fireplace, the floor and one of the doorknobs
one may deduce that the painters either ran out ot
paint (thank goodness!) or that they passed out
A Budweiser poster on the wall is a good sign ot
later occupation by a fraternity member (or a
dorm student or an ECU day student - in fact, it
could have been a hippie who liked beer). 1 he
knee-deep pile of flotsam and jetsam Hooding
one end of the room is a dead giveaway ot my
presence, as is a giant collage of posters, drawings
and oddments forming on the wall.
The walls of the room are the most revealing
sign of the occupant's personality. For instance,
lots of fist-sized holes are an indication of abac
temper. A large, irregular gap in die wall shows
that an amateur interior designer decided that
another door was necessary and that an axe could
solve the problem.
Posters and pictures are more common on peo-
ple's walls than holes, a fact that I'm sure makes
landlords happy. Those various bits ot art taped,
tacked slued andor nailed to the walls are what
really gives each room its own distinct personali-
I knew one guv whose onlv .all decorat.on wa;
a life-size, black-and-si ver .post o g
holding a whip, entitled in Old German lete
"SUBMIT Come to think ot t1 ?
put up a class schedule or somethmg ?L
There are hundreds of &???S
at decoration was buying one Playboy. Pent use
or the spring bathing suit jf Jning
lustrated and cutting it into and taping
fi-L (and still ha, -J
obliterated by a bewildering array offbizarre
posters of the Sex Pistols and oihupunk or
strange avant-garde rock posters. These were n
strumenta. in driving off at least oneprospect ve
roommate and keeping it a private dorm room tor
another couple of months. . raliffll
Then there's the pin-up style ol decoration
Rooms done in this style have nothing bube-
fool posters o television actresses in bathing
suits More often than not. the guv who bough,
the poster has never seen the actress' show
'1980 SPRING & SUMMER ore
Tb. EU?ani Eifkba. Ar. Hare. A?d C?.er Cut. At Tk. Hatr
Fashion. For TW N?w Decade ln4imdual? in the Eighbea detn?d ?
fashion look that U eefei?t hut y comfortable Career Cuto are the
perfect hair fashions to awl the need.
For both Male and Female
Career Cut? - For abort, medium or loof haw.
You cbooae the lenfth.
L - Ne? breakthroufh in Perm Warm Your look, and
FEELS like you were Born with a natural wa?e
PfPtNG - New face framing color
TRJ-UGHTING ? Let ua lift your own color Apply two or more
thadea of color to five you that individual look that's yours alone
Youll lore the look.
CALL 752-3419
East 10 Stree
Stop by fur a consultation
Fishing Is Relaxing
For Americans
Tucked away at the
bottom of The
Observer's obituary
column last week was a
brief death notice that
tells volumes about life
in the United States:
"Betty Claire
Graham, 56, a
secretary who invented
Liquid Paper and
became a millionaire;
Monday night, in
suburban Dallas. Sur-
vivors include a son,
Michael Nesmith, a
former member of the
Monkees rock group
fciary Anne
We are ttaa wrjn-n lfSf1
Canter a special pUoe aflHrtng frtenoTy. 1
personal, confWVtnttal pare at a reaaonablel
ooet and at times aonvBnlent to you.
abortion. YtooxB
Bvenixag birth ooaatrol Hour
Call 781-5680 in Ralel ?nyttoe
The Ftemlitf Center 3613 HawortH Drive Raleigh, N.C. 27609
11th WEEK OF
$176 00 "all inclusive"
pregnancy test, birt con
trol, and problem preonan
cy counseling For further
information call 832 0535
(toll free number
800 721 2568 between 9
AM 5 P M weekdays
Raleigh Women's
Health Organization
?17 West Morgan St.
Raleigh, NC 2703
Be choosey and save on this delidous tteat from Chkk-fiJA
With the coupon below you can get a Chick-nl-A. Amenca
boneless breast of chicken sandwich. Plus you gen our
ctofceof a regular order of trench filesa any i j wr garden
Kfrom-sSrtch saladsmduding cam and nusui. potato and
cole slaw. For only SI .50.
Continued From Page 5
suicide or are instead
committed to
psychiatric institutions.
Americans need to sit
still along the bank of a
stream or in a lawn
chair on the beach with
a line in the water and
time to spend just
relaxing. Too many
people say that they
cannot afford the time
when, in fact, they can-
not afford not to take
the time. The cost is
their sanity, something
that is very difficult to
regain once lost.
No politician should
ever be elected until he
has furnished proof
that he is a fisherman.
Only a man who has
that kind of patience
should be allowed to
make decisions that af-
fect so many people.
Fishermen are men
with the ability to make
snap judgements, and
at the same time they
know how to wait, how
to play the big ones into
the boat without losing
their heads, or anyone
University ad-
ministrators should all
be fishermen. Fishing
and the contemplation
that it brings breeds a
wisdom that no amount
of Plato or Emerson
can. Every college and
university worth their
salt should offer a
course in the art of
angling. It should be re-
quired along with
freshman composition
and library science. The
benefits derived from
this course would be
manifold. Students and
professors alike would
gain insight of
themselves and a new
patience in their deal-
ings with each other.
Begin now with this
ancient form ot
therapeutic activity.
The cost is a scant
hour-and-a-half away
and the Tar River flows
right through town. Set
aside a time (certainly
not less than 3 or 4
hours) and devote it to
Fishing offers a
chance to soak up a few
rays and regain your
sanity and all for a
miniscule investment of
money and a relatively
small amount of time.
After all, a
psychoanalyst charges
over $50 an hour, and
the cost of even a short
stay in Broughton
Hospital is staggering.
How can America af-
ford not to fish?
Thursday & Friday Night
Use this coupon to get a
Chick-fil-A sandwich and
your choice of regular french
fries or garden fresh
salad. For only SI.50. One T! J ?3m
coupon per person Der visit.
Offer expires: June 30th
& 11
Bring your friends for every occaS?on The atmosphere .s friendly
and relaxing Well prepare your food to perfection
$6 75 10 OZ
$8 75 12 OZ
Rib Eye . Sauteed Scampi
Filet of Beef Bro.led and Sliced Served Au Jes
Mushrooms ? , ,
Scamp. Sauteed in a Sauce of Butter. Garlic and Parsley
Filet of Beef and Scampi Combination
Lamb Chops 2 Charbroited Served with Mint
Allan Handelman Plays
the best in
no cover charge

Proudly Presents
$10 75
$12 00
$7 75
$8 75
$10 75
Jelly and
$10 50
Greenville, N.C.
$1 25
Fresh Mushrooms Served in Butter
The above entrees served with baked potato hot roll, salad and
beverage (Spaghetti may be subst.tuted for Baked Potato)
Veal Milanese Veal Cutlets served with I emon F "vButte,
(Garlic ,f requested) served with Spaghetti. Salad and Garlic
Veal Parmgiana Veal Cutlets served w,th Tomato Sauce
Parmesan Cheese and Cheese served with Spaghet
ti Salad and Garlic Bread
Mamcottt served with Salad and Garlic Bread M 10
Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce served with Salad and Garlic
?he8Bread may be served without Gartc if requested (All Italian
entrees receive a Vegetable Salad only)
I Salads Vegetable Salad I ettuce Red On.on Green Pepper,
Tomatoes and shces of Hard Bo.led Egg Grapefruit and
Avacodo Salad
Dessert Amaretto Parfait with P.stachm Ice Cream Amaretto I i
quer and Chocolate Syrup 1 25
Beverages Coffe Tea M.Ik W.nes Beer Brown
Open Monday through Thursday
6pm until 10 pm Friday and
Saturday 6pm until 10p ?
PHONE 752 9111
Toma'o & Cheese27$47S
Pepper2W 3004?5 $50
Omor & Peppe'l300Ut
Ptfpper urn Sausage 1 ?.rcT1575
Am-hovv I O300550 Baconl ? & Pineapple 13505?5
2 way ???3M650
3 way?L.?95
House Special1 fi?25
jus' a pinch between the
Thursday May 29th
Band starts 9:30
Pepper Stea
Coming June 6th HOYT AXTON
? ??.?? ???

The East Carolinian, May 29, 1980
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 29, 1980
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