The East Carolinian, April 17, 1980

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?bc lEast (Earnlmtan
Vol. 54 No
10 Pages
Thursday, April 17,1980
Greenville, N.C
Circulation 10,000
Drugs, Immigrants
Focus Of Action
Assistant News Kditor
"The United States is firmly com-
mitted to curbing the flow of illicit
drugs into this country said Emily
Perreault, coordinator of narcotic
traffic for the Bureau of Inter-
merican Affairs of the U.S. State
Ms. Perreault and Dr. Ralph
Guzman, deputy assistant secretary
of state and director of the Bureau
have a lot to do with the problem,
Ms. Perreault explained. Because of
the tremendous income of drug traf-
fickers, they are able to hire laborers
and buy land, property and protec-
tion. As a result of the large influx
of money from drugs, the legitimate
economy becomes stifled.
According to Ms. Perreault, most
Latin American countries can do lit-
tle to curb the flow of illicit nar-
cotics. This, she said, is because
ico began shortly after World War I
when strict immigration quotas were
imposed. Since then, Mexicans have
been crossing the border at ever-
increasing rates.
The main reason people come to
this country is for economic con-
siderations, he said.
"People come to the United
States to search for the better life
Guzman said. "Despite our pro-
blems, in the eyes of foreigners, the
United States is a land of riches,
See Immigrants, Page 3, Col. 1
public resources are scarce, and
of Inter-American Affairs, spoke police are relatively powerless. The where anyone can make a life for
Wednesday morning at the 12th An- police are also poor and many are themselves
nual Latin American Symposium, corrupt. The governments generally Other reasons for emigration in-
sponsored by the Latin American view the drug problem as something elude famine, revolution or the need
Area Studies program. the United States should handle, to escape political, religious or
"The State Department has three Ms. Perreault added.
main tools it uses to win the The State Department's role in
cooperation of foreign governments the attempts to slow drug traffic in-
to stem drug flow Ms. Perreault to the United States is multifaceted,
she said. Their main functon is the
negotiation of treaties and
agreements, but they also coor-
dinate the foreign activities of
federal enforcement agencies and
operate training, enforcement and
public education programs.
Dr. Guzman spoke on illegal im-
migration to the United States, a
problem he well understands. For 15
A Special Jogger
competes in a special event (Story, Page 5)
said. "First, we try to bargain with
the government, telling them we
want the drug traffic to stop. They,
in turn, tell us what they want
She went on to say that the United
States can also assist the nation by
using State Department funds to
purchase enforcement equipment
such as communications or, as was
done in Mexico, helicopters. Last,
Memories Of Repression
ECU Iranian Speaks Out
she said, they try to persuade the of the first 20 years of his life, he
sources of the narcotics to take up was a Mexican "wetback" who slip-
legal means of obtaining income, ped into the United States and
This is done by providing economic worked in a copper mining town as
development aid to the area. a migrant agricultural laborer and a
The three most prevalent drugs in merchant seaman before joining the
the United States are marijuana, U.S. Navy.
heroin and cocaine, Ms. Perreault
said. The heroin traffic in this coun-
try comes primarily from Mexico,
and Columbia supplies most of the
cocaine. She noted that in Columbia
drug exports rival the country's
leading legitimate export, coffee, at
approximately $2 billion per year.
The economics of drug traffic
Guzman, baptized Jose Rafael
Jesus Guzman Cortez, is now Depu-
ty Assistant Secretary of State for
Inter-American Affairs, on leave
from his post as professor of
political science at the University of
California-Santa Cruz.
According to Guzman, illegal en-
try to the United States from Mex-
Penn State Quiet
About President's
Joining TMI Firm
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. (CPS) They hoped that experience "will
? Just a few days before the first lend significantly to the difficult
anniversary of the accident at Three problems we are facing
Editors Note: Asghar Memar-
zadeh is an Iranian pre-med student
at ECU, who says he hopes one day
to return to Iran as a physician.
Our original intent in the follow-
ing interview was to provide a
glimpse into the personal life of an
Iranian in America, but it soon
became evident that the political
could not be divorced from the per-
However, we would like to stress
that Asghar is only one man, one
Iranian among thousands in this
country, and can speak only for
himself. What follows are exerpts
from a taped interview with Asghar
conducted in the International
House on Tuesday, April 15.
cast carotin tan: As an Iranian in a
country that is increasingly hostile
to Iran, what kind of treatment do
you get from fellow students?
Memarzadeh: I've got a lot of
friends at ECU, but there are a lot
of people who are not aware of the
situation. I mean, they've only been
hearing about Iran for a few mon-
ths. I know their feeling they are
frustrated and want to get this over
with. They see their country hasn't
done anything, and they see their
EC: Considering President Carter's
decision to break relations with
Iran, it seems possible that one day,
even the students might have to
leave. How do you feel about that
Memarzadeh: I really feel bad 1
see the American people different
than the American government, and
I'm grateful to the American people
that I have this opportunity even
though I pay out of state (tuition), I
pay taxes, I pay for everything
although I don't get the same op-
portunity as the Americans have,
Americans. All of the Air Force
bases were there, with something
like 25,000 Americans. The reason I
say "attacked" is because they com-
peted with the people in my city for
everything compared to the Ira-
nians, their wages were very high. I
used to go to the butcher shop, and
sometimes there would be some
Americans behind me. The butcher
would serve them first because they
could offer him more money. I
mean, it was the butcher's fault, too
? he was Iranian, but emotionally
it just built up.
Iranians have realized they have power. IVs not
the power of strength or military it's the power of
belief. They know they are right and believe that right
M?ft?Mif a mmttmr the
snah. The shah is not just one person. TTfTfantam,
he's 100,000persons, because they have lost 100,000
but still, I am grateful. But there is a
point where I feel that I can't take it
anymore when I read "Let's
nuke Iran" I mean, they have
Mile Island in Middletown, Pa
Pennsylvania State University an-
nounced that its president, John W.
Oswald, would be joining the board
of directors of General Public Utili-
ty, the parent company of that ill-
fated nuclear plant.
Reaction on campus has been sur-
In a prepared statement, Oswald
said he looked forward to his new
position with the utility company.
He couldn't "imagine any problem
is more important than energy.
"The development of the various
forms of energy, and the monitoring
of them, continue to be a major
never been to Iran. They've never
side and think that they are right, so seen people living in caves for 27
every time we argue, we get into years, or eight or ten people sleeping
EC: We hear often about certain
horror stories coming out of Iran.
Do you have any personal ex-
perience with that?
Memarzadeh: In my alley, I know artjcie m the paper
prisingly negligible, to the point of responsibility of research efforts in
something that is impossible
there's no ground to argue on. But
those people who are aware, who
know about the shah, about eastern
culture, about what Iran was like
two years ago, they can see both
sides. I don't think that if I were in
the same situation and had been
in one room they can't place
themselves there. It really hurts. It
affects everything. I can hardly go
to classes when I go, I just sit and
I watch I'm not really there.
EC: What part of Iran are you
Memarzadeh: From Isfahan, the
being mysterious.
"The public information office
didn't even send out a press
release reports Kathy Hoke, staff
manager of the Daily Collegian.
"It's kind of odd. Here they send
out all kinds of stuff, and on this,
From the students, Hoke says,
there has been no reaction at all,
"not even a letter to the editor
It was a year ago March 28 that
Penn State was forced to shut down
both industry and the academic
community he added.
given the same information, I would central part. I am from the part of
be able to hold back like the Iran that was mostly attacked,
Americans. culturally and economically, by
three or four families that lost lives.
I knew a couple who, for having
some leftist books, got arrested
three years ago and nobody has seen
them since. For having books.
When I sit here and I know that
an Iranian general who exploded
715 people in a theater because
there were two Iranian activists in
there and Five blocks down there
was a Fire department that didn't
come until eight hours later that
this man is in California and they
have given him asylum in the name
of humanitarian rights 1 mean,
that's why it builds up in the Iranian
people people don't get crazy just
for nothing they see these things
and they cannot control themselves.
EC: Why did you come to America
to study?
Memarzadeh: In my country, there
are 35 million people, and only
seven universities. Usually, half of
the people who could get in were
higher class people. I came to the
United States because I could learn
more, better and faster.
The only reason my father sent
me here was because he knew I
could say what I feel. When I was
12, I knew what was going on
around me, but I didn't know the
cause behind it. Every time I talked
to my daddy, he would tell me to
abut ufv because he was mfmid
something was going to happen to
me. And this is what builds up
this is what makes a million people
come to the street and wear white
clothes and come against the tanks.
EC: The East Carolinian ran an arti-
cle today about alleged Iranian ter-
rorist plans in the United States. Did
you read it?
Memarzadeh: Yes. When I read that
all it does is
make Americans terrified that the
Iranians are going to do something.
When they read Iranians are trying
to build up a terrorist camp in the
United States, they won't trust me.
When I read that article, I cried in
the library, because perhaps my
friends are afraid to say they trust
me. But I know they can't, because
they read the paper and believe it.
See Iranian, Page 3, Col. 1
Draft Proposal Faces Stiff Opposition In Congress
College Press Service
Even those favoring starting
registration for the First time since
its Capitol Campus in Middletown, The fate of President Carter's pro-
while Nuclear Regulatory Commis- posal to re-institute military
sion officials tried to determine if registration for 19- and 20-year-old
the TMI reactor was going to melt males will be determined later this
down. month when the House Ways and 1973 carefully note that a registra-
Oswald, Penn State's president Means Committee takes its key vote tion system won't necessarily lead to
since 1970, was chosen because of on whether to approve $13 million a draft,
his administrative and education ex- for the proposal,
perience, GPU officials announced. Most committee watchers expect
the measure to pass easily. tains Warren Nelson, an aide to
A House subcommittee has Rep. Les Aspin (D-WI), generally
already defeated an $8.5 million re- considered a congressional expert
quest that would have allowed the on military personnel.
Selective Service System to register "As it stands now Nelson adds,
women for the first time. "the new registration system will be
tions. colleagues, Seiberling worried that
Substantial congressional opposi- registration would be a "massive in-
tion to registration remains, lead by vasion of the privacy of millions of
representatives Pat Schroeder young Americans '
"The draft will only be
instituted if there is a war
simpler and less time-consuming
than the old method
The new system envisioned in the
bill would require that 19- and
20-year-old males report to the
nearest post office during the month
of June or July.
Bill proponents argue that post
offices are usually quiet in those
months. Draft opponents, however,
have charged President Carter pur-
posefully deferred the registration
date until college students are on
summer vacation, and can't
organize large anti-draft demonstra-
(D-CO) and John S. Seiberling
"Compulsory military service ?
except in times of constitutionally
approved war or compelling na-
tional emergency ? raises serious
The proposal as it stands now
would require registrants to tell the
government their name, address,
birth date, and social security
The information would be
questions of propriety and indeed entered into computers by Internal
legality in light of the constitutional Revenue Service keypunch
prohibition against involuntary ser- operators. Bill advocates say IRS
vitude Seiberling wrote in a public key-punchers are simply the ones
letter to the president. who would be available at that time
Rep. James Weaver of Ohio, of year, that the information on the
another opponent, feared registra- registration forms would not be
easier for the
tion would make it
U.S. to engage in
around the world.
In his letter, co-signed by 38 of his
Alumni To Host Seniors
Columbia recording artists, Toto, are scheduled to appear in concert tonight at 8 p.m. in
MinKes CoHsenm for their only North Carolina low date. Only public tickets, at $7, will be
available at the door.
ECU seniors will be treated to
free beer, soft drinks, hors
d'oeuvres and musk next week as
the ECU Alumni Association hosts
its annual Senior Social.
According to Bill Bedsole, alumni
field director, the purpose of the
event is to aquaint graduating
students with the purposes, services
and functions of the ECU Alumni
The social is scheduled to be held
in the multi-purpose room at
Mendenhail Student Center on
Wednesday, April 23, from 4 p.m.
until 7 p.m.
"We picked this time period for
the convenience of as many seniors
as possible, so that they'll be able to
attend after classes and before stu-
dying or working in the evening
said Bedsole.
Bedsole added thai he had con-
tacted the School of Musk to see if
they couW provide live jazz at the
event, although no definite ar-
rangements had been made yet. He
said that there would be a Juke box
if live entertainment was not nossi-
shown to other government agen-
See Obstacles, Page 3, Col. 3
Inside Today
MMf rwnies

APRIL 17, 1980
ramily Fun
Kach Thursday during April is "Famil) I he representative from NiKhnngale
lun Nighi" ai Mendenhall From 6 10 Uniform Company will be in the School
p.m all children under age 18 acconv ol Nursing building, room 102. on
pained hv a parent oi responsible aduli pnl 17 from H Via m to l:00p m to
may bowl, plas billiards or pias table measure each freshman nursing studeni
tennis loi oil rcgulai price lash lor uniforms loial tmiform cosl will
jiame oi line ol hosslmg vs.iM be hall he S72 70 tor female students and
price foi children, and billiards and So III lor male students money
lablc tennis will be half-price for the en order lor the exact amount must be
.mnl Onls lie adult pel group submitted with the uniform order
must hase a Mendenhall Student l'lea-e stop hs the Sshixil ol Nursing
Centet Membership card r m id Office. Room 152, to make an appoint
I to partH ipate mem
SI! Artist
cations lot siudeni I mon -Vim ECCK ssill hsld its monthly buunexs
be accepted through pnl 23 p meeting lue-das. pnl 19, 5 00p m .n
i ions mas be pKks-d up in the Stu the Newman House. Mm I sih Si
Jem Union Office, room 234 Plans for summer wilt be discussed Hi
Mendenhall lob descriptions ssill also ing youi lasonte beverage Ml in
he available Portfolio required lerestcd persons are welcome!
The friends of the I ibrary will hold a
hooksale ai Joyner I ibrary pril Ift
and 17. Hours will be 10 a.m. to 3 p m
and 7 p.m to " p m Wednesday. April
lo, and 10 am to 3 p.m Thursdas.
'Vpril 17.
Members ol NASV . social work and
corrections majors are now selling ral
Me tickets to raise moncs lor then
departmental sollball game and
cookoul Sis drawings tor dinners at
I osdisks 1890, jhe Beet Barn. Pcppi's
l'ia. Shoncss and Parker's BBy will
he held at the game on April 2fH rickets
are S 50 I or more inlormanon contact
Barbara Anderson. Anne O'Neal oi
Diane Austin
The almost end of the semester celebra-
tion will be held Sunday, April 20.
beginning at 4:00 p.m at the far Riser
Apts Clubhouse Hamburgers, hot
dogs, and a keg will be prosided Bring
potato chips, slaw, beans, desserts, or
any sidedish you wish Cirills are also
needed All MBA students are insited
Remember to get your nominations in
for next year's officers.
fhe I .mills C hild Association will have
an end of the school scar cook out
Tuesday, April 22 at V00 p m at the
Hm Street Park
Fall Co-Op
SU Reps
square dance is being held ai the I here will be a meeting ol the li I
xtcihodisi Studeni tenter. 0 ? Racquetball Club Thursday. April 17 al
Si on Saturday night, pnl 14 at H 5 p m in room 104 MemonaKiym ke
lerr Powell will be our callci ?inet foi I4H0 Nl budget ssill he
lIh al on pei person, discussed along with the club's rules
shi.icnts prosided Put on youi and the men and women's ladder
square dance clothes and come on over! Please ioin us'
Kappa Delta Pi
iChit hapiei ol Kappa Delta Pi
v ncel on Saturday, pril 2h. .it
t m al the Holidas Inn in (.ieen
stile I his meeting will he held in con
n with our Spnng Initiation
I he 1(1 fountain ol life Christian
I ellowship sill he sponsoring its second
annual revival this spring, on pnl 24.
25 and 2h in Wright auditorium 1 he
theme foi the is "Behold I
? speakei will be Oi Floyd Maltheis Come Quick Is " 1 he speakers foi the
science Education Department
pians should send m then reserva
ions hs April Is
Pi Sigma Alpha
i banquet on Saturday, pril 14,
at p m Guest speakei ?:ll he lohn
Brooks, Commissioner ol I ahor ot
North arohna I he banquet wdl he
held .it the rhree S'eers Restaurant on
Iru i , ens illc Ml
iiicmbi nests are united to at
i he price ot the meal - U i1 pet
n interested persons should
.eisiei foi the dinnei al the
i "? ce, 124 Brewstei
Car Clinic
I ? Natt ? i Environmental
ax ?iii sponsor .i free cat
t piil t Tom lo
i I ,i-t Mall
exhaust gases m
ipet tuning.
three das revival are Reverend Ken
neth Hammond accompanied by the In
ieulenoinin.iltonalhoir and the I (. 1
Fountain ot I ife C'hon on rhursdas
night; Friday night chaplain Kenneth
hdssardv Mill be accompanied hs the
Itl tiospei Ensemble (and possible
the si Xugustine's I ellowhsiphorn,
on Saturday Res Ah Griffin with
I N( hapel Hill and the I ountain ot
I ite hoii rendet ng music Mrs
Rosalee I dwards ss ? 11 conduct mo
seminars Saturday pnl 2h starting at
10a ni in the l.cdonia Wright ultural
1 entei I he lopus lor the seminar are
nutrition and siress Devotional set
vices si.hi ,n 7:00 each night Please
come out and praise the I ord with us
Summer Rooms
Rooms are available lor Summer
School i onlact the Methodist Student
( enter. "s 2030
Positions are open lor two das siudeni
representatives to scrse on the Student
I mon Board ol Directors tor 1980-XI
Das students who wish to appls lor the
positions mas pick up applications
Irom the Information Desk in
Mendenhall Deadline lor applications
is Monday, April 21 at 5 p.m. The Stu
dent I nion Boaid ol Directors is com
posed ol President ol Men's Residence
( ouncil, President ol Women's
Residence (ouncil, President ol the
Intei Fraternity (ouncil. President ol
the Panhcllenkouncil. President ol
the siudeni Government Association, a
faculty membei appointed bs the
I acuity Senate, an administrator ap-
pointed hs thehancellor ot the
I niversity, two day students appointed
hs the Board, the President pi the Stu
dent I nion tes officio member without
.i votel and the I iterative Director ot
Mendenhall (ex officio member without
a vote) I he Board selects the President
ol the student Union, approves the SI
budget and appropriates lunds, ap
proves si committee chairpersons, and
sets organizational policy
Phi Fta Sigma
Students lo he initialed into Phi Eta
Sigma, freshman honor society, are
reminded that the initiation ceremony
will take place on Thursday, April Pin
the niulii purpose room ol Mendenhall.
beginning .it " V p m Students are
asked to he present hs 7 15 p m. in
ordei that propet arrangements tor the
ceremony he made
The (enter for Disease Control in
Atlanta, Ga is recruiting tor
Cooperative Education assignments
beginning in September lsK() and or
lanuars IvKI The lollowing trainee
positions will be available
Mictobiologv Trainee at Atlanta.
( hemisl trainee at Atlanta; Chemical
Engineer Trainee al Cincinnati; Com
pulcr Science Trainee al Atlanta;
Mechanical Engineer rrainee at Cincin-
nati; Biologs Irainee al C incinnati; In
structional Systems Specialist Irainee
in Atlanta. Necessary forms and ap
plications can be obtained in the
Cooperative Education Office, ill
Raw I Application deadline is April 18
Students must be enrolled in an
undergraduate or graduate program to
be eligible; graduating seniors arc not
eligible Sophomores and juniors are
10 apply
Teachers New To Politics
Fall Co-Op
Car Wash
V olunteers
i sM H meeting Ih
I I7 in the Health
? Ml members
lents are encouraged
Volunteer work plav a vital role in
.celling the iob sou really want II sou
are interested in work experience which
will help you alter von graduate contact
the t astet Seal Soctet at s 1230
Advisor Needed
I he SPANluh (Student Planning
Association) will sponsor a .ar wash at
Pill Plaza shell (cornet Ol Arlington
Blsd and 2M Bypass) on Saturday.
April 14 trom in a m until 4 p.m
Prices Wash. 51 50; Wash and
v.i mini. 52 im
Car Wash
faculty adsisoi is needed to form
ome important i(l Baha'i Club Foi more informa
lion call 758-5170
I'hi I psilon ((micron will sponsor a car
was at Pin Plaa Exxon on Greenville
Hhd on Saturday. April 9 from 9am
to 4 p m 51 SO I sersone come!
The Smithsonian Institute, beginning in
1980, will conduct a program in
cooperatise education under which
graduate students in selected Itelds mas
pursue individual programs ol studs at
the Smithsonian. The program Features
alternating semesters ol work at the
Smithsonian followed by on-campus
studs ot iob related subjects. The
lollowing opportunities are among
several now asailable lo highly
qualified students: Public Affairs
Writer Assistant. National Air and
Space Museum. Research Trainee.
Center tor Earth and Planetary Studies,
Museum Programs. Audio Visual Pro-
duction Assistant, Script VVriicr,
Museum Programs. Audio Visual Pro
duction Assistant. Video Studio. Na
tional Portrait Gallery. Bibliographic
Researcher. History Department.
Radiation Biology laboratory.
Physical Science Engineering Studeni
Trainee. Radiation Biologs
1 ahorators. Biological Science Siudeni
Tiainee; Office ot Audits, Accounting
Student Trainee. Division ol Perform
ing Arts. General Arts and Information
Assistant. Smithsonian Institute Press.
General Arts and Information Assis
tant. Necessary forms and applications
can be obtained in the Cooperatise
Education Office. 313 Rawl
National News Bureau
A law degree may no
longer be important to
your future in politics.
In fact, you may find
more success at the
ballot box if you
become a teacher.
That's the picture
developing throughout
the United States, ac-
cording to a new survey
of the occupations of
state legislatures con-
ducted by the Insurance
Information Institute.
The survey also
shows women holding
more legislative seats
than in the past.
"Representation by
lawyers in the state
legislatures across the
nation is continuing to
decline, and the percen-
tage of state lawmakers
from the field of educa-
tion is on the rise ac-
cording to the study.
The New York City-
based institute also
observed, "Women are
gaining seats coun-
lawyers have gone into
politics for several
reasons, including the
belief that politics at-
tracts private law
clients. In addition,
tion which has steadily port, endorsements and
eroded since 1966. lobbying.
They are best
represented in the
South, particularly in
Virginia, where at-
torneys hold more than
half the legislative jobs.
In contrast, there are
no lawyers in
Delaware's legislature,
and attorneys hold only
3 percent of the seats in
the New Hampshire
Even in lawyer-laden
New York, attorneys
have slipped from 45
percent to 37 percent of
the legislature in just
two years, the institute
tally shows.
At the same time,
educators are grabbing
a larger chunk of
political power. The in-
stitute said represen-
tatives from the
"academic communi-
ty" now hold 10 per-
cent of the legislative
seats in the country.
The figure was only 3
percent in 1966.
One factor in the
change has been the in-
creased politicization
of college campuses.
Both professors and
academic ad-
ministrators have mov-
ed into politics since the
Vietnam war became a
many lawyers feel they public issue on and off
can always return to campus in the 1960's.
Educators out-
number representatives
of any other single pro-
fession in the Wiscon-
sin, Michigan and
Arizona legislatures,
according to the in-
stitute study. Michigan
leads the nation with 23
percent of its legislature
made up of teachers
and other educators,
followed by 20 percent
in Wisconsin and 17
percent in Arizona.
At the other end of
the spectrum,
educators hold only 2
percent of the Kansas
and Missouri legislative
Women have been
most politically suc-
cessful in the Nor-
theast, particularly in
New England where
they make up 18 per-
cent of the legislatures.
New Hampshire has
the highest proportion
of women legislators.
26 percent, trailed by
Connecticut and Ver
mont with 19 percerv
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their legal practices if
the fates ? and the
voters ? prove unkind.
However, the In-
surance Information
Institute reports that
lawyers now make up
only 20 percent of state
legislatures, a propor-
Another factor has
been greater political
awareness by public
school teachers, many
of whom belong to
politically active and
influential unions
which exert muscle
through campaign sup-
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Iranian Student Recalls Death And Repression
APRIL 17, 1980
Continued from Page 1
EC. What do you think
about American media
coverage in Iran?
Memarzadeh: I used to
listen to the media
sometimes I would get
upset because of the
neus, and I'd call my
parents. And their news
would be exactly op-
posite. Nowadays,
what 1 do is ask a
French friend to read
1 Monde for me. I re-
's more on Le Monde
than any other paper.
They don't get on
anybody's side, or at
least they try not to
that's why I believe the
American media is not
doing a good job.
To me, the concept
of getting the hostages
was wrong, but I know
if 1 was in their place 1
would do the same
thing. Because those
people, they have lost
lives, their parents,
their brothers, and
Greenville Man
Dies In Wreck
52-year-old Green-
ville man died as a
result of a traffic acci-
dent Monday after-
noon on N. Greene
Robert Harris Daniel
ty Memorial Hospital.
Police reported that
Robert Keith Casper,
19, of Oak City and
Greenville, was charged
with involuntary
manslaughter in addi-
when something like
this happens, nobody
can see right and
wrong. The students
thought by getting the
Americans, they could
talk to the American
people, at home in their
living rooms, but they
were wrong. They
didn't realize that the
media, not them, con-
trols what the
American people have
to think. It was a big
They burned the
American flag because
we thought of it as the
symbol of American
government, American
system it is not the
symbol of American
people. The color of
red in your flag is not
the blood of the
American young. They
don't want to do it,
they don't want to kill
The problem is that
the media doesn't let
the people know what
has really gone on.
People are people
Americans are like Ira-
nians in their body
runs blood.
EC: Can you see a solu-
tion to this problem?
Memarzadeh: From the
beginning there was a
solution. The United
States has never
apologized to anyone.
But the United States is
like every other country
people make
mistakes and if people
would stand and be
brave and say "I did it,
I made a mistake the
whole situation would
be cleared up. We
wouldn't have the pro-
blem now.
People who believe
in right every time
you stand before your
flag you say "and
justice for all" you
say that for everybody,
every country says it,
but Iranians say,
"What happened to
our justice?"
EC: But in many ways,
America seems to be
helpless in this situa-
tion, while the Iranians
have the power to solve
the crisis. Don't you
think they might give
up the hostages so that
they can begin to
rebuild their country?
Memarzadeh: If they
do that, it means they
are nothing they
haven't accomplished
anything, not even a
revolution because
we've been suffering
for five months ? just
forget the 27 years ?
but in the recent two
years, and especially
these five months, we
know who is our
enemy. We try to
distinguish and we try
to let everybody know,
we try to get to
American homes and
say, "We know you are
not our enemy If
they stop now, there's a
feeling that what
they've done hasn't ac-
complished anything
all those lives all
those people who went
against the tanks, and
the tanks ran over them
for nothing. I don't
think they're going to
do it. The Iranians have
realized they have
power. It's not the
power of strength or
military it's the
power of belief. They
know they are right and
believe that right
always wins. You see,
it's not just a matter of
the shah the shah is
not just one person. To
Iranians, he's 100,000
persons, because they
have lost 100,000 lives
they murdered their
brothers and kids, they
tortured, they raped
their sisters it's just a
scar on their heart. I
mean, there's nothing
that can be erased.
The East Carolinian
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Obstacles Block Draft Legislation
died at 5:26 p.m. Mon- tion to the previous Continued from Page 1
day in the Intensive charge of driving under
Care Unit at Pitt Coun- the influence.
Escape Lives
Of Destitution
Continued from Page 1
economic persecution,
he added.
Immigration has
many effects on both
the country people
leave and the one they
go to, Guman said.
Immigration reduces
internal, social and
demographic pressures
in the country people
leave. Many of those
leaving return a portion
of their wages to the
family they left behind,
thus reducing economic
pressures as well. Also,
manv illegal im-
migrants set up second
families in their new
country, and if they are
caught and deported it
would create problems
For the United
States, though, the ef-
fects are not that great,
Guzman noted. Many
people believe that il-
legal immigrants take
jobs away from the
citizens of the country,
but he said the effect of
the illegals is not very
great. Most of them
settle in farming
regions and are
primarily farm
workers. Those that do
settle in urban areas
tend to fill jobs which
Americans will not
Last year, Congress
established a select
committee to study the
immigration situation,
he said. One result of
this has been the
"reclassification" of il-
legal aliens as
workers a move
designed to remove
some of the stigma
associated with the
previous term.
Another thing most
people do not realize
about illegal im-
migrants is that they do
not, as a general rule,
go on welfare or seek
public support. This,
according to Guzman,
is because they are try-
ing to avoid the govern-
ment due to deporta-
tion policy.
In 1978, President
Carter rejected a Con-
gressional Budget Of-
fice (CBO) proposal
that would
automatically register
people by compiling in-
formation from ex-
isting government files.
The CBO report figures
the Social Security
System and the IRS
could provide most of
the needed informa-
The report also noted
that the automatic
registration system
could miss as much as
40 percent of the eligi-
ble people, and thus
create serious political
and legal obstacles to a
draft based on such an
incomplete list.
In requesting
registration, of course,
President Carter said
that the point was to
provide the Pentagon
with a manpower pool
from which it could
either expand the size
of its forces, or replace
casualties in a war
lasting several months.
A full peacetime con-
scription system,
however, would require
separate congressional
The current legisla-
tion would provide
funds to implement
registration, a power
the president already
Officials emphasize
that registration will
not remedy the two ma-
jor military problems
that some critics argue
have undermined the
nation's combat
Military experts say
too few technically-
trained officers and
enlisted personnel are
staying in the service.
As a result, the armed
forces currently lack an
adequate corps of ex-
perienced field leaders.
Secondly, they sas
the low volunteer rate
has sapped the strength
of reserve units, on
which the Pentagon
must rely for im-
mediate reinforcements
in wartime.
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77115 Newspaper's Opinion
Make Your Plans Now
We told you in these columns a
long time ago to get ready for the
end of the semester. We told you it
would be impossible to do all of
your work in the last two or three
weeks before school ended.
Did you listen to us? No.
Will it be impossible for you to do
a 70 page term paper, take three
finals, and still find time to go
downtown every night? Probably
Still, it is highly likely that you
will go home for the summer. Most
of you do anyway. There is a likely
chance, then, that you live with
your parents, and that they will see
your grades. Do you want to spend
three long months with your mother
staring at you? Do you want your
father to cut off your beer money?
Hmmm, you are probably think-
ing. This could be a major problem.
Seriously, there is a way that yoi
can do it, and survive. Not onl)
that, but you can probably salvage
at least a semblance of a social life.
First of all, get in touch with all
of your professors. Find out exactly
what is expected of you in each
class. List this information on a
sheet of paper.
If your professors tell you that
there is absolutely no way that you
can complete the requirements in
the time available, we highly recom-
mend that you consider an alter-
native plan, such as enlisting in the
French Foreign Legion, becoming
an American ambassador to the
Middle East, entering a Tibetan
monastery or running for president.
Next (and this is the most difficult
part), figure out how much time
each assignment will take you. The
Spanish will take an hour, the Lit
class will take two, etc.
Figure out how many days you
have to get each assignment in. This
depends on due dates and other fac-
With these factors in mind, and
taking into account what times dur-
ing the day your classes meet, figure
out a schedule for getting your work
done. Write everything down, and
stick to it. It might be a good idea if
you got everything wound up a few
days before exams, so that you will
have plenty of time to get some
cramming in before finals.
The most important thing to
remember is that once you have
established the schedule, you must
abide by it or it won't do you any
more good than the promises you've
made to yourself all year long that
you wouldn't wait until the last
minute to get things done.
We could give you another warn-
ing about the evils of procrastina-
tion, but we would be two-faced
about it. At this moment, several
East Carolinian staffers are doing
their work for the newspaper and
their work for their classes at the
same time.
We wouldn't be surprised if a
Spanish assignment ended up on the
front page.
Finally, hold on to a bit of fan-
tasy ? that next year this won't
happen again!
q)IEUN '0 ROCKV MT NfcWg, College Press Se
Parking Situation Needs Revamping,
University Should Consider Options
Assistant News Editor
East Carolina University, like most
other colleges, has its share of problems.
By no means the biggest or the most
serious, on that most of us must face every
day is the parking situation.
To say that ECU has a major parking
plight would be the understatement of the
century. There are about 40 percent more
vehicles registered on this campus than
there are parking spaces, taking into ac-
count second vehicles and replacement
decals. This includes both student and
staff vehicles.
One problem, until recently, was non-
ticketing of staff vehicles. If a student
parked in staff, it was ticketed or towed,
but a staff member parking in a student
space was ignored. This policy has been
changed, and rightfully so. What's good
for the goose is good for the gander, so to
There are also about 75 spaces reserved
for university-owned vehicles. This is fine,
but it creates a problem. It's bad enough
when students or staff park in other's do-
main, but it's even worse when a
university-owned vehicle parks there; it
stinks. Any vehicle parking in a space
reserved for university-owned vehicles is
automatically towed, whether they are on
the towing list or not. However, the
university's vehicles park any place they
please, in any parking place, with seeming-
ly total impunity.
ECU's Traffic Office reports that the
drivers of the vehicles are held responsible
for any tickets received, but many ignore
the violations.
I am not advocating towing these
vehicles, since in the long run we all would
pay for it anyway. However, I am saying
that the state-owned vehicle operators
should be made accountable for their
violations, just as students and staff are.
There is absolutely no excuse for some
of the situations which arise due to iftis.
Last week, only about 6 of the approx-
imately 25 spaces in front of Memorial
Gym were occupied by university vehicles,
but several were parked in the staff park-
ing spaces in the area. There were no free
spaces, and many professors were unable
to park their cars, not wishing to park in
the university-owned places for fear of see
ing their cars on the business end of a tow
truck. Many of us may not have much
sympathy for the professors, but
remember: we could have the same pro-
Another problem encountered while do-
ing the "parking-lot shuffle" is the use of
spaces reserved for handicapped persons
by the non-handicapped. This is an impor
tant regulation that the campus con-
stabulary should enforce, but it seems to
be largely ignored.
It may not occur to many people, but
aside from violating state law providing
for a fine and towing a vehicle (it is one of
the only state regulations enforceable on
private property), you also hurt yourself.
Since a vehicle with handicapped registra-
tion can park in any legal space on cam-
pus, the handicapped driver will then take
a space you could have used. "Most people
justify use of handicapped parking by say-
ing, "I'll only be a minute but the space
could be needed for longer than that, thus
depriving you of a legal space.
While these may not be ECU's biggest
problems, they are very apparent ones to
most of us. Maybe the university's parking
priorities should be re-evaluated.
Moon Treaty May Form New OPEC
National News Bureau
The space program is a secret source of
America's faith in the future. Soon the
shuttle will provide reliable transportation
to other planets, giving us access to an in-
exhaustible supply of energy as well as the
opportunity to develop the resources on
celestial bodies.
But this vision of a vast new American
frontier is not to be if the U.S. Senate
ratifies the Moon Treaty, also known as
the Agreement Governing the Activities of
States on the Moon and Other Celestial
Bodies. If the Moon Treaty is passed, we
can anticipate the establishment of an
OPEC-like organization, headed by the
Soviet Union, which will deny us alter-
native sources of raw materials as well as
entrench a totalitarian order in outer
A major bone of contention concerning
the Moon Treaty, which was passed by the
United Nations General Assembly on
December 5, 1979, is language which
describes the moon and its resources as the
"common heritage of mankind Accor-
ding to Leigh S. Ratiner, W; " "??-??
counsel to the L-5 Society, a group pro-
moting space development, "if signed and
ratified this controversial legal doctrine
would mandate a socialist model for a
space resource development
The attorney for the space group con-
tends that because of the near-concensus
on the interpretation of the common
heritage doctrine by 150 nations, the inter-
national organization, which would dictate
development on the celestial bodies would
t ? be powerful, allegedly to protect the
knerests of all countries;
?adopt its' decisions on the basis of one
nation, one vote, pursuant to the principle
of equality; and
?have its own commercial capability, in
order to subsidize the less advanced coun-
tries attempts to participate in resource
In a letter to Secretary of State Cyrus
Vance, Senator Frank Church (D-Ohio),
Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, and Senator Jacob Javits
(R-New York), the committee's ranking
minority member, said that the Moon
Treaty, by discouraging private invest-
ment, gives the Soviets a substantial
geoDolitical advantage.
Representative John Breaux (D-La). a
member of the Law of the Sea Advisor)
Committee, points out that the concept of
"the common heritage of mankind has
already led to a regime which has
discouraged American mining companies
from making the necessary investment to
develop mineral resources on the ocean
bed. Under the Moon Treaty, Breaux con-
tends, the same situation will hold true.
In a letter to President Carter, Breaux
wrote: "In recent weeks, I have become
alarmed by increasing pressure within the
State Department for acceptance of
broadly-based international regimes that
do not comport with the fundamental
political, economic and strategic interests
of the United States
National News Bureau
At some point in our childhoods,
we all came in contact with a circus.
Childhood is the perfect time to see
a circus, for its memory fuels
forever the lust to experience again
those first thrills.
Recently, I saw the 109th edition
of Ringling Brothers Barnum &
Bailey Circus. It was the "Red
Unit" or Gunther Gcbel-Williams
version. At any given time during
the circus touring season there are
two units of "The Greatest Show on
Earth" playing at various places
around the country. There is, of
course, no big top at either show.
AH play in arenas or enclosed stadia
since the advent of Irving Feld, who
has become, in the words of the cir-
cus souvenir program, "the
Greatest Showman on Earth
It was Feld who put the American
circus into buildings and restored
the prestige of the most famous
names in American circus. He
started by promoting the tours of
the show in the late 50's, acquired
control of the show in '67, split it in-
to the Red and Blue units shortly
afterward, and built both shows in-
to troupes far larger than the
original. Feld and his son, Kenneth,
have continued to dominate this
field of showmanship by acquiring
Ice Follies and Holiday on Ice, by
producing TV specials with the
European touring circus Festival In-
ternational du Cirque de Monte
Carlo, and through their association
with circus museums and amuse-
ment centers in Florida and Wiscon-
I have given the devil his due. But
is this all really circus?
reldian circus is flash and sequins
and color ? something like Chinese
opera ? a pleasant piece of pander-
ing pageantry set on a stage so small
that each scene would be better seen
on a TV screen. Thrills are so staged
that you can count on your fingers
the time until the magic moment
when something will appear to go
It suits small children who are
easily fooled, but few, I think, will
want to run away to join the circus
unless they have a thing for lavendar
ruffles and tights. The real circus is
there only at the edges ? in the
shuffle of some elder clown or when
a nonchalant elephant shits in front
of his trainer. The feats of the best
flyer, the best tumbler, the greatest
animal trainer, and the most
frenetic of clowns are met with a
smattering of applause and the eter-
nal din of "Cotton Candy! Sno-
Balls! Getcher Circus Toy
The proudest boast of the Feld
dynasty is their Clown College.
Their publicity program mentions
that Feld was disappointed in the
clowning of the original unit's 14
clowns, whose average age was 38
(this information almost side-by-
side with a paean to their senior
clown, Lou Jacobs, who is 77). As if
age were a factor, they claim with
pride that their down alley is peopl-
ed with graduates of their Clown
College ? "98 percent
By Comparison To Yesteryear
Which means that Lou Jacobs is
the sole survivor. He must have had
an ironclad contract with the
original organization.
Two years ago I saw Jacobs per-
form. He was like unto a jewel, fine-
ly cut, thrown into the midst of
pavement gravel. His was style and
studied humor gained through years
of apprenticeship and practice ?
the others were swill ground out by
Clown Cloning.
There once was a circus with tents
that smelled of sawdust and lion
piss, a circus where small boys
dodged past tent flaps to see the
show from underneath the rickety
bleachers through the patrons'
ankles. It was a circus where the per-
formers sweated and shouted and
strained to accomplish their many
feats ? the least of which was just
beyond what you or I could do.
It was a circus where the clowns
talked directly to members of the
audience and played pranks on
them. Each down had his own
carefully nurtured personality and it
was not always genial.
The clowns and the
the performers on or above the
sawdust and the attendants of the
menagerie and the animals
themselves formed an intimate rirele
within which all participated. It was
a magic that is best contained in the
phrase, "The show must go on
Come what may ? fire or water,
pain or death ? the show went on.
And the people of pre-TV time
could depend on exdtement and
magic beyond thrir everyday lives.
There were things they all wanted to
see ? and see again if it came thrir
way again.
The strong man, the magician,
the midget, the daring young man
on the flying trapeze and his lady in
tights and the human cannonball.
You could see them over and over
again, and dean up camel shit just
to ride with them into the next state
or to a career under the big top.
It was an act of faith. The show
would go on and you would go to
see it and you would experience as
much as they ? the mud, the animal
odors, the wind whipping the top. It
was never just spectacle.
There arc still small drcuses
traveling America. They still pro-
vide the intimacy and honesty of
real circus.
Once I saw a performance bv a
bullwhip artist at a Clyde Beam
Circus when the assistant holding a
cigarette to be cut in two in her
mouth actually had her forehaid
laid open by the tip of the whip. She
pressed the bloody scalp back to her
head with one hand and raised the
other high, palm outward, and turn-
ed once more to face the whip,
which was successful the second
The master, Beatty himself, ap-
plauded her off and walked into his
cage of roarig lions (smdiing the
blood, no doubt) and defiantly
made them perform, the lions snarl-
"ifjnd growling all the time.
mat was no parade of pacified
Pussycats who only purr at their
trainer's petting. No, these cats
roared their anger and the elephants
trumpeted without, and the man
who tamed them accepted hk due
applause while his tan safari shirt
clung damply to his scarred back.
That was drcus.
? o ? ?? ?. ?

APRII 17, l?Mtt)
Features Editor
The day was filled with children
participating in different games on
the track and field. Although the
wind blew fiercely, the children con-
tinued their frisbee-throwing and
relay racing.
From a distance, the field con-
tained children playing games that
you would see on any playground.
There were the regular relay races,
softball throws, and high jump
But at a closer look, there were
also "special" divisions, like
wheelchair events and beanbag
Bunting Field on the ECU track
became a place where special
children could compete without be-
ing afraid that they "couldn't keep
up" with other children.
The Special Olympics commenced
at 9 a.m. Wednesday and continued
until 3 p.m. Several ECU students
participated as event leaders,
guiding and directing the children in
the different events.
"This is the second year that
physically handicapped children
have participated in the Special
Olympics. Previously, only mentally
Photography by Jill Adams
retarded children were involved
explained Barbara Zicherman, a
staff member of the United Cerebral
Palsy Developmental Center in
The track events included: soft-
ball throw, high jumps, soccer, 50,
2(X) and 400 meter dashes, standing
broad jumps, frisbee events, and
wheelchair events and beanbag toss.
Awards were given to all par-
ticipants with a ribbon boasting of
each child's participation in the
The ages of the participants rang-
ed from 18 months to adult and all
were from Pitt County.
All Greenville City schools and
Pitt County schools and the follow-
ing non-public schools participated:
United Cerebral Palsy Deelopmen-
tal Center, Farmville Child
Development Center. WAG
(Winterville, Ayden. Grifton)
Developmental Center and ADAP
(Adult Developmental ctivitv Pro-
?"Special Olympics means a lot to
the children added Barbara
Zicherman. "Seeing the excitement
on their faces as the competed and
won their awards was trul) gratify-
Papers Put Pirates To The Test
staff Writer
College students have all sorts of
fun activities to pass their time. Un-
fortunately, they don't have much
time for them because of unfun ac-
tivities such as term papers.
What is a term paper? A term
paper is about the most unfun ac-
tivit thre is in college. It consists
ours and hours of staying up all
night, four hundred unnecessary
notecards, an outline that you don't
need but write because the teacher
thinks it is important, a rough draft
and sore fingers from typing all fifty
pages the night before it is due.
I. Choosing a topic. Usually, the
teacher saves you the bothersome
chore of picking a topic by picking
one for you. Teachers rarely choose
iuch topics as "An Illustrated
History of Playboy Centerfolds
"The Films of the Three Stooges"
or "The Adventures of Superman
from the War of the Roses
II. Getting the information. The
most common method employed by
students to get information is
"plagiarism It consists of finding
Teachers frequently offer such sub-
jects as "The Properties of Ionic
Fission in Cryogenic Ther-
monuclearphysics "An Inter-
pretation of the Pseudo-
psychoanalytical Idiosyncracies of
the Minor Characters in
Longiellow's Evaneline" or "The
Socio-Economic Factors Arising
you may have to go look on the
There are lots of shelves, but it's
easy to find the right one when the
books are filed under the Dewey
Decimal system. Unfortunately, our
library is nowing using the Library
of Congress system. It consists of
taking the books you need, giving
them indecipherable classification
numbers and putting them on the
highest shelf possible.
If you had gone to your library
science classes, things would be a lot
easier. But you didn't, so they
won't. What's that saying they have
about spilled milk?
III. Taking notecards. Don't do
them yet. Wait until your paper is
finished, then write up the notecards
from your paper. Hopefully, the
teacher will not notice the dif-
IV. The rough draft. See section
V. Writing the paper. This is pret-
ty simple. Just copy enough
easier? Don't forget to stick in
enough footnotes so that it won't
look like you were plagiarizing.
After this, list all the books you
copied from in the bibliography. If
you only used one book, it's a good
idea to make up five or six more and
list them too.
VI. Final preparation. Final
preparation mainly entails typing
your paper or finding someone to
ly to make many typing errors (such
as the ones I have probably made
typing this article.) Things like
margins are really a lot of trouble
and ought to be done away with.
And, have you ever noticed that if
you accidentally hit two keys at
once, the wrong one is always the
one that prints? The most common
and serious error is staying up all
night typing the paper the night
b0Mf CorvlMOAJ TfNG Ecfc0fc5
5O0K5, 60 OJT0 STCP UL.
books and articles on your subject
and copying them. (Caution: some
teachers disapprove of this method.)
To find sources, you could look
first in the books in your room.
Unless you are doing an illustrated
history of Playboy centerfolds,
though, you probably should start
at the library.
The first place to look in the
library is the card catalog. Most
likely, the books won't be there, so
before it's due, while another com-
mon mistake is not doing it at all.
Well, now that you've typed your
paper, just turn it in and you're
through, at least for a while. If you
are lucky, you can go sack out. If
you are one of the unlucky folks,
you can go work on your next term
paper, like I have to. And, if you
really are having a rough day, you
can type a newspaper article on how
to do a term paper.
Artwork by
David Norris
passages from your library books to
fill up your paper. What could be
type it for you. Most students are
not experienced typists and are like-
Beware Of
'Cool Cats'
Assistant Features Fditor
The dust of Woodstock has
scarcely settled. The din of anti-
war slogans is almost reduced to
quiet. But some things lie on
from that turbulent era.
Drug abuse continues to be a
subject of concern to both
Morley Safer (and the rest of the
news elite) and the American
Drugs are still used and abus-
ed, and one of the worst and
most despicable forms of drug
abuse is getting one's pet stoned.
Don't pretend you don't know
what I'm talking about. If you're
the average college devil-may-
care heathen, you have either
done it to some unsuspecting pet
or stood in spasmodic hilarity
and watched one of your barbaric
friends put the household kitty
cat into a Hefty trash-can liner
and blow in billows of noxious
This is abominable. First of all,
it's a waste of a perfectly good
buzz (if you happen to like buzzes
? 1 rflyself don't use drugs, and
if anyone asks you what 1 was do-
ing last Tuesday night, 1 was at
the car wash on Evans Street). Se-
cond, those poor animals are be-
ing subjected to a phenomenon
that their particular level of
evolution has not prepared them
for. 1 will explain this with one of
these truly Visigothie doings that
I had the sad misfortune of
See Bt W AKt Page 7. Col. I
?? ? w
m - ??.?

Parlez-Vouz Gourmet?
Please Don't Call Venison "Seared Roebuck
National News Bureau
Most people feel un-
comfortable in French
restaurants because
they allow themselves
to be bullied, in-
timidated or ignored ?
and that's just by the
hatcheck girl. A maitre
d' can instill you with a
lifetime sense of in-
feriority in a matter of
seconds. For example,
he can stare out over a
sea of unfilled tables,
turn to you and sneer,
"Ahv you got zee reser-
Try to master a few
French words before
dining at your local
bistro so that you don't
have to ask the waiter
to translate words like
"cafe" and "hors
d'oeuvres You
should be aware that
pate is more than just
chopped liver (Julia
Child refers to it as "a
luxurious cold meat
loaf") and know what
to expect when asking
for crepe farci (a
French pancake stuffed
with seafood) or Co-
quilles Saint Jacques
(scallops in a sauce, ar-
ranged on shells).
The height of
cleverness is not mak-
ing one-to-one
equivalencies between
French and American
cuisine. Only a
gastronomic aborigine
would describe
chocolate mou ,e as
"chocolate pudding
and, please, don't look
for the Log Cabin when
your crepes suzettes are
served. Resist the urge
to refer to the grilled
as "seared
Ordering wine is a
feat which defeats all
but a few gourmets.
You should take a
straw vote among you
dining companions
before letting a waiter
or sommelier influence
your decision about
wine. If you do rely on
the management, they
may guide you to a
wine which un-
drinkable, expensive or
both. If you're not up
to drinking a whole
bottle, you may order
by the carafe, demi-
carafe or glass.
When wine is
poured, remember that
the first few drops are
customarily offered to
the head of the table
for tasting and
"acceptance A few
connoisseurs prefer to
signal the waiter that
this ritual, generally a
rather empty one, may
be dispensed with.
There have been in-
stances, however, when
the less continental
among us have stared
at the wine offering and
bellowed: "Is that all I
The only more tragic
faux pas would be to
glance at the label of a
1929 Lafite and ask:
"Waiter, don't you
have a bottle that's
fresh?" That type of
remark is guaranteed to
make the others in your
party turn whiter than
vin blanc, and pretend
to make idle conversa-
tion about whether the
dandelions will be early
next spring. You can't
go too far off if you
simply request a Pouil-
ly Fuisse or a Beau-
jolais, depending
whether you want white
wine or red.
As for your plat du
jour, knowing a few
key words will help
demystify the menu:
poisson means fish;
canard is duck; coq au
vin is chicken in wine
sauce; veau is veal;
escargots refers to
snails in a butter and
garlic sauce; entrecote
is steak; jambon is
ham; truit is trout;
saumon is salmon, and
any fish dish termed
"meuniere" means that
it is season, floured and
sauteed in butter.
If your ego is still in-
tact by dessert, you're
in for some of the
finest, creamiest pastry
in the world:
Napoleons, eclairs,
coupe aux marrons
(chestnut and ice cream
in a sweet sauce), glace
(ice cream), or a cheese
assortment. Don't
think for a minute that
they're about to wheel
out Velveeta, cheddar
or Cheez Whiz. They
mean brie, camembert,
port salut and other
soft, creamy delights (if
the brie is ripe and at
room temperature,
don't be surprised if it
runs; if, God forbid,
the brie is fresh from
the refrigerator, it'll be
lucky if it can even
You'll want expresso
to accompany your
dessert. When it ar-
rives, lightly caress the
lip of your cup with a
lemon peel; don't toss
the peel in the cup as if
you were drinking
Now go out there
and try to act as though
you're having a good
Cerf, Jr. Is Versatile Writer
By Paul Clolery
National News Bureau
Good morning,
class. Welcome to U.S.
History 202, "The
Tumultuous '80s
We'll begin our first
session with a quick run
through the decade.
As I'm sure you all
remember, Teddy Ken-
nedy defeated Jimmy
Carter for the
Democratic nomina-
tion in 1980 but took
the former chief ex-
ecutive on as his runn-
ing mate. Ronald
Reagan was the
Republican candidate.
Teddy defeated Ron-
nie narrowly with Loui-
siana as the pivotal
state. Kennedy promis-
ed Russell Long, the
state's senator, he
could have anything he
wanted so long as the
state went Democratic.
It did, and Long recall-
ed the favor a short 10
days later.
Taken seriously ill
with liver trouble, Long
requested Kennedy's
liver. On the advice of
his surgeon general,
Allan Bakke, Kennedy
made the donation.
Unfortunately, due to a
court date, Bakke had
missed the session on
the liver and kidneys.
Sobbing to a griving
nation on coast-to-
coast television, Bakke
cried, "Now I
remember, it's two
kidneys and one liver
Kennedy was put on
life support systems,
and Carter was sworn
- as President.
What do you mean
you don't remember
any of this. Do you
mean to tell me you
don't remember the
musical version of
George Orwell's 1984,
or "Black Friday"
when the price of oil
fell from $240 a barrel
to 10 cents due to a
world-wide oil glut?
According to
Christopher Cerf, co-
author of The '80s: A
Look Back at the
Tumultuous Decade,
1980-89 (Workman
Publishing, $6.95),
these events actually
place. He's looking at
the world through
1990-colored glasses.
An author,
songwriter, toy
designer and editor,
Cerf graduated cum
laude from Harvard
and went to work for
his father, Bennett
Cerf, at Random
House. From 1962 to
1970 he served as Ran-
dom's juvenile and
adult senior editor. He
was one of the foun-
ding fathers of the Na-
tional Lampoon and
was one of the master-
minds behind the "Not
The New York Times"
the Lampoon put out
during New York's
1978 newspaper strike.
"I think said Cerf,
"people actually
thought it was the
In 1970, Cerf joined
the Children's Televi-
sion Workshop, where
he created books,
records and games bas-
ed on "Sesame Street"
and "The Electric
Company In 1976 he
formed his own multi-
media consulting and
production firm and
became special consul-
tant to the president of
Currently, Cerf is
developing a program
by which computers
would be used as a lear-
ning tool.
Besides his '80s an-
thology, which he
wrote with Tony Hen-
dra and Peter Elbling,
Cerf has written The
and The Vintage An-
thology of Science Fan-
As Cerf surveys the
'80s, he reminisces
about how old was
vogue and how the
world's largest banks
and corporations form-
ed the United Multina-
tionals, complete with
armed strike forces. He
tells of the great food
shortage caused by the
earth's shaking during
the "Year of the
player who
renegotiated his con-
tract in between third
and home during the
playoffs and how John-
John Kennedy took
over the "Tonight
Christopher Cerf has
made a career out of
being funny, and his
book and slide show
are no exception. Some
of the jokes do fall
short of their mark, but
those that do can be
counted on one hand.
Which is not bad for
Darts, Chess, Checkers,
Orgasm the baseball 264 pages.
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APRIL 17, 1980
Recitals Given In A.J. Fletcher Hall
A recital was recently
given by two senior
clarinet students in the
ECU School of Music.
I he performers were
Nanc Anne Beckwith
and William Robinson,
both candidates for the
Bachelor of Music
Education degree.
student of Dr.
loseph Distefano, Ms.
Beckwith was featured
in the Camille Saint-
Saens Sonate, Opus 167
("Allegretto"), Alvin
Etler's Sonata and Carl
Reinecke's Trio in B
flat, Opus 274
She was assisted by
pianist Val Parks. Also
featured in the
Reinecke Trio was
William Pearce, horn.
Ms. Beckwith is the
daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Beckwith
of Charlotte.
Robinson, a student
of Dr. Geroge Knight,
performed the Paul
Hindemith Sonata and
Johann Stamitz's Con-
certo in B flat Major,
accompanied by pianist
Val Parks.
During his studies at
ECU, Robinson has
been a member of Phi
Kappa Phi and Pi Kap-
pa Lambda honor
societies, a recipient of
the Phi Mu Alpha
Outstanding Senior
Award dnd a past presi-
dent of the student divi-
sion of the Music
Educators of North
He has also perform-
ed professionally as a
magician in the Green-
ville area and appeared
as a wizard at ECU's
annual Christmas
Madrigal Dinner series.
Robinson is the son
of Mary Jo Vauter of
Hampton, Va. and
William E. Robinson
of Graceville, Fla.
Pianist Kathryn Law
of Cary and flutist
Michael Elliott of
Woodbridge, Va ad-
vanced students in the
ECU School of Music,
will perform in recitals
Friday, April 18, in the
A.J. Fletcher Music
Center Recital Hall.
Ms. Law, a student
of tfr. Paul Tardif of
the ECU keyboard
faculty and a senior
candidate for Bachelor
of Music degrees in
piano performance and
piano pedagogy, will
perform at 9 p.m.
Her program will in-
clude the Beethoven
Sonata in A flat Major,
Opus 26, two dances
from Ginastera's
"Danzas Argentinas
two Scarlatti sonatas
(K.481 and K. 482) and
the Chopin Ballade in
A flat Major.
She is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Law of Cary.
Elliott, performing
at 7:30 p.m is a stu-
dent of Beatrice
Chauncey and a junior
candidate for Bachelor
of Music degrees in
flute performance and
music education.
He will be featured in
the Honegger
"Concerto da Camera
for Flute and English
Horn Aaron
Copland's Duo for
Flute and Piano and
Oliver Messiaen's Le
Merle Noir
Piano accompanist
will be Donna Roman.
Assisting are Terri
Svec, English horn, and
Matt Morris, bassoon.
Elliott is the son of
Mr. and. Mrs. Joseph
Elliott of Woodbridge,
Beware Of Household Cool Cats On Rise
( on tinned from Page 5
several years ago 1 was at a
mend's house enjoying some
good ibes and tunes, and this
friend decided that he would gas
his cat, whom we will call Felix
C. Domesticus.
Vhe cat was pretty good-
natured about the ordeal, as he
had a generally good disposition.
He finally got out of the card-
board gas chamber, red-eyed and
out of breath.
The first thing Domesticus did
was sit down in front of the
television. He stared and stared,
seemingly enjoying the Errol
Flynn movie, but when "Hawaii
Five-O" came on, he was clearly
undergoing a case of bad vibes.
He tried vainly to change the
channel, attempting to make it
clear that he preferred Mannix.
Not able to communicate his
desire, he sat down and stared at
the ceiling. He seemed particular-
ly interested in a blotch of green
paint, in which a house fly had
met his demise.
Next, old Felix seemed to have
been hit by a munchies attack.
The cat ate all the Little Friskies
in his bowl, and then made it
known to us through an elaborate
system of paw signals that he had
an overwhelming desire for a
pack of Twinkies and some
Seven-Up. Kitty physiology can-
not support that kind of food,
and it wasn't long thereafter that
the junk food had coursed the lit-
tle fellow's digestive system.
He went to his little cat-box
and tried to do the doody, but he
kept getting distracted by our
conversation. He kept putting his
paw over his mouth to tell us to
be quiet, but we couldn't read
him. He was the first blown-away
cat I had ever seen ? I didn't
know what was going on then.
One thing that really surprised
me about this cat in his new mode
of being was the way he seemed
to "get into" things. For about
an hour, he was really "into"
watching our cigarettes burn in
the ashtrays, and we were really
amazed when he started puffing
on one and proceeded to go
through two packs.
The most remarkable thing
about the experience was Felix'
taste in literature. He just didn't
seem to tire of Tom Wolfe and
Hunter Thompson. He also
seemed to enjoy Heavy Metal
This kind of abuse will cost us
dearly, according to scientists at
the University of California at
Detroit. Already, they say. hun-
dreds of "cool cats" are becom-
ing apathetic and unmanageable.
The rate of pregnancy among
teen-age kittens has been increas-
ing alarmingly, and small com-
munities of Bohemian felines are
springing up all over the country.
You make your choice, fellow
students. Will you be able to bear
the guilt of knowing that you're
responsible for a nation of tuned-
out cats? You'e been warned.
Music Students
Give Recitals
Two senior students
in the ECU School of
Music, pianists Mar-
cille Braxton and Bren-
da Leigh Miles, ap-
peared recently in
recital in the Fletcher
Music Center Recital
Both are students of
Dr. Paul Tardif of the
ECU keyboard faculty.
Ms. Braxton's pro-
gram included Bartok's
Sonatina, the Haydn
Sonata in F Minor
(Hob. XVI 34) and
Scriabin's Preludes.
A candidate for the
Bachelor of Music
Education degree, she
is the daughter of Wade
and Florence Braxton
of Savannah, Ga
formerly of Whiteville.
Brenda Miles, a can-
didate for Bachelor of
Music degrees in piano
performance and
pedagogy, performed
two Debussy preludes:
the Scriabin Etude,
Opus 2. No. 1;
Prelude. Opus 32, No.
5; 1 istz'sd Etude in C
Flat and the Mozart
Sonata, K. 331.
Her parents are Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Miles
of Salisbury, Md.
Two advanced
students in the School
of Music, pianists Alisa
Wetherington of
Kinston and violinist
thena Neblitt of Port-
smouth, Va are
scheduled to perform u
recital Wednesday,
April 23, in Fletcher
Music Center Recital
Ms. Wetherington, a
student of Henry
Doskey of the ECU
keyboard faculty, is a
candidate for the
Master of Music degree
in piano performance.
Her program, set for
7:30 p.m will include
Beethoven's Sonata in
F sharp Major, Opus
78, two Liszt etudes,
Satie's "Sports et
Divertissements" and
the Barber Sonata in E
flat Minor, Opus 26.
She is the daughter
of M.G. Wetherington
of Kinston.
A student of Dr.
Paul Topper of the
ECU strings faculty,
Ms. Neblitt is a senior
candidate for the
Bachelor of Music
degree in music
Her 9 p.m. program
will include Schubert's
Sonatine I in D Major,
"Romance Opus 50
and Heifetz ar-
rangements of Scarlat-
ti's Minuetto and
Allegro from Suite
She will be accom-
panied by pianists
Pamela Henry and
Ronnie Wooten.
Her parents are Mr.
and Mrs. Clem Neblitt
ECU members of the Strickland, guitar; Rich
National Association Holly, drums). The
of Jazz Educators will Late Nites will play
sponsor a free jazz con- "St. Thomas by Son-
cert Sunday at 8:15 ny Rollins, "Hot
p.m. in the Fletcher
Recital Hall.
The performing
bands will include the
Late Nites Quintet
(Rick Levinson,
trumpet; Mike Kincaid,
saxophone; Rick
Vizachero, bass; Eb
Wax by Rich Levin-
son, "Joy by Gerry
Niewood, and "Go
by Rich Holly.
Also performing will
be the ECU Jazz
'Bones- (George
Broussard, Andy
Gilbert. Glenn
Johnson, Rich Mon-
cure and Mike Rogers,
trombones; Woody
Cowan, bass; Michael
Regan, piano; Eb
Strickland, guitar;
Dave Albert, drums).
The Jazz Connection
(Robert Keller, sax;
Mickey Eury, trom-
bone; Woody Cowan,
bass; Eddie Thigpen,
piano; Dave Albert,
drums) will play such
tunes as "Yardbird
Suite" and "Minor
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APRII '7 1980 Page 8
Lady Bucs Sweep
Twinbill At State
Lady Pirate Fran Hooks Rips A Single
Resigns Post
Olschner Speaks Out
Staff Writer
The ECU Athletic Department
lost another head coach yesterday,
as Barbara Olschner, the women's
tennis mentor, resigned her posi-
In a letter to Athletic Director Bill
Cain, Olschner stated she was relin-
quishing her job due to low wages
and frustrating working conditions.
"I can't see that I'm getting
anywhere Olschner lamented.
She feels the program has no real
goals to strive for.
"The program has to have some
definition. It has to know where it's
going, it has to know what it's do-
ing she said. "The administration
has not had a concern (for the tennis
"We're (the ECU tennis pro-
gram) really at the bottom of the
ladder Olschner continued. "We
don't have to be there. If the ad-
ministration would put its commit-
ment and its support behind tennis,
we could have a terrific program
So far, she says, that has not hap-
pened because of several hindering
"It's frustrating in the terms of
not being able to recruit as effective-
ly as I might want to, because I can't
tell the girls (to be recruited) what
the future may bring Olschner ex-
A point-in-case, according to
Olschner, is an incident that occur-
red in the recruiting war last year.
"I had the number one, 21-and-
under, woman player in Canada,
and she was very interested in com-
ing to East Carolina Olschner
Olschner eventually had to
dissuade the "girl not to come" to
ECU because Olschner couldn't
honestly tell the player if the ad-
ministration was "going to put
enough money in the program in the
Barbara Olschner
future to build a program around
this girl ? which they could've
done Olschner couldn't even tell
the girl if she would be the coach
because there had been no salary
commitment made.
Another frustrating aspect for
Olschner is that she was hired for a
position that is "considered part-
time according to the Coor-
dinator of Women's Athletics
Laurie Arrants.
"I'm a commuter-coach
Olschner said. "I drive 160 miles
round trip when I come. I can't be
here as much as I need to be here.
But I'm not paid enough to make it
worthwhile for me to be here
Arrants agrees there is a problem.
"We're not supporting her pro-
gram, such as traveling expenses
she said.
Arrants also stated that some
steps were being taken in order to
hear the coach's grievances, then
provide suggestions to work pro-
blems out.
An "in-house" evaluation is now
taking place within the athletic
department. The members consist
of the athletic administration and
the ECU coaches, according to ar-
rants. She hopes that through this
procedure "we can consistently
evaluate ourselves (the individual
athletic programs)
Olscnner stated that she came to
ECU because she has "a strong in-
terest in tennis in Eastern North
Carolina. There are a lot of girls
who really haven't had the chance to
compete. I think they really need the
Also, Olschner wanted to be in-
volved in coaching.
"I like working with competitive
players, and I thought it would be a
good arrangement.
"I don't want to come across as
bitter she continued. "I would
like to have thought that I have
done the best job with what I had to
work with
To develop a stronger tennis pro-
gram at ECU, Olschner suggested
"to combine the men and women's
tennis coach position and increase
the total budgets to $20,000, not in-
cluding salary Olschner has work-
ed from approximately a $9,000
budget, including salary.
Olschner compiled a 5-12 record
last year along with a 2-8 slate thus
far this season. Her resignation
comes a day before the Lady Bucs
are to complete their season by par-
ticipating in the State Tournament
at Western Carolina.
Olschner, a graduate of both St.
Mary's Junior College and UNC-
Charlotte, plans to return to Bogue
Banks Country Club (in Atlantic
Beach) until the end of September,
where she is club pro.
Assistant Sports Editor
East Carolina continues to
dominate NCAIAIW Division I
softball opponants, sweeping a
doubleheader 6-4 and 3-0 Tuesday
against N.C. State in Raleigh.
Sophomore third sacker Maureen
Buck opened the first contest with a
single to left and later scored on a
sacrifice fly by leftfielder Kathy
Riley. Freshman slugger Mitzi Davis
reached base on an error to the
Wolfpack shortstop and was plated
on senior Jan McVeigh's single.
Rightfielder Cynthia Shepard
pounded out a single and was driven
in by Mary Powell's base knock to
close out the first-inning barrage by
the Pirates.
State plated a lone run in the first
with a single by Keith and an RBI
base hit by Snook.
Winning pitcher Mary Bryan
Carlyle helped her own cause in the
second with a double and scored on
a single by Buck.
State retaliated in their half of the
second for a trio of runs as Willis,
Asycue and Brabson (running for
Tanner who singled) each crossed
home during the Wolfpack's most
productive spurt of the day.
Riley doubled in the fourth and
later scamperred home as McVeigh
notched her second hit of the day.
The Pirates added an insurance
run in the seventh after Shirley
Brown singled and was replaced on inning ended
the base pathes by speedy Lillion
Barnes. Freshman Fran Hooks step-
ped to the plate for Carlyle and her
grounder was to hot for the State
McVeigh completed the contest
with a pair of hits in three trips to
the plate and Buck followed with
two out of four.
Carlyle harnessed the Wolfpack
in the second game, allowing only
two base hits and just two runners
to get as far as second base in recor-
ding her 15th win in 19 decisions.
Neither team got on the board un-
til the fourth when Davis singled
and scored on a homer by Riley to
left-center field.
Riley accounted for the other East
Carolina run in the seventh as she
singled and crossed home when
Brown's smash was erred by the
Pack second sacker.
N.C. State had a chance to score
in the second when Snook reached
first on an error by Buck, but
stranded her at third after the initial
Wolfpack single by McLaurin.
Keith contributed the other single
in the sixth, but was cleared from
the pathes by Rizzo's fielder
choice. Rizzo advanced to second
but was left holding the bag as the
Davis notched a flawless two out
of two at the plate in the second
contest, with Riley adding two of
three and Powell one of three to ac-
count for the East Carolina hitv
"The great thing about (Tuesda
was the good defensive game we
had said ECU coach ALiia
Dillon. "We had some super catches
in the outfield which saved vome
"We had some problems this
weekend (fifth place in the N.C.
State Invitational), but we had a
meeting before the game and work
ed those out Dillon stated. "Wc
didn't want things to keep going
"In our minds, nothing should
stop us from here on out. We need
to try to be a little more intense
You've eot to deserve the wins vou
East Carolina, now 19-4,travels
to Buies Creek today for a twinbill
with the Campbell Camals.
ECU Baseball Resumes
With UNC- W Contest
Sports Editor
The East Carolina baseball
resumes play this Saturday when it
hosts UNC-Wilmington, ending a
one-week layoff.
The layoff was created when a
Tuesday game at Wilmington was
cancelled due to poor weather con-
ditions. The cancellation was
another in a long line of rainouts for
the 18-5 Pirates.
ECU coach Hal Baird tried earlier
this week to set up a Thursday game
with Virginia Commonwealth, bui
saw those plans fall through.
The Saturday matchup will begin
at 7:30 p.m. and will be encored
Sunday by a 2 p.m. rematch with
the Seahawks. Both games will be
played at ECU's Harrington Field.
The impressive Pirate start has
been spearheaded by a red-hot team
batting streak. The school record
for team batting average in a single
season belongs to the 1964 Pirate
squad, who ripped opposing pit-
chers for a .288 average.
The 1980 Pirates are threatening
to make a mockery of that record,
though, as they are presently hitting
at a .319 team clip.
No less than six team members
are batting above the coveted .300
mark. Leftfielder Butch Davis leads
the way with a .382 mark. Davis
also has a single-season school
record 11 home runs and 21 RBIs.
He also has accumulated a single-
season record with his five triples.
Rightfielder Macon Moye is next
at .379 and is tied for the team lead
with his six doubles, followed by
shortstop Billy Best at .369. Best
ranks second on the team with his 17
Designated hitter John Hallow is
at .343 and has been a welcome sur-
prise to the fold since coming over
from the ECU football squad,
where he is the regular nose guard.
First baseman Rick Derechailo,
who saw his season record of 10
Players Celebrate Another Pirate Run
home runs recently broken by
Davis, is batting at a .319 clip. His
home run putout is down from last
year, though, as he has but three.
Derechailo, like Moye, has six
Catcher Raymie Styons rounds
out the Pirates at .300 or better with
his .313 average. He is second on
the team in home runs with six.
Lefthander Bill Wilder leads the
Pirate mound corps with a 7-1
record. The lone loss came to
Maryland last Saturday and was the
first of his collegiette career. Wilder
was 3-0 last season.
Bird, 'Magic' To Star In Celtic-Laker Series?
For once the "media hype" has
been worthwhile.
The present National Basketball
Association season has been one
that has been earmarked by the
presence of two super rookies,
Larry Bird of Boston and Earvin
"Magic" Johnson of Los Angeles.
The two have received large
amounts of publicity.
The pub is warranted, too, as the
dynamic duo has turned one terrible
team and one so-so one into the two
best in the NBA. Because of Bird
and "Magic the Celtics and
Lakers are the odds-on favorites in
the NBA playoffs.
Though some may throw in an
argument or two for Julius "Dr. J"
Irving and the Philadelphia 76ers,
or others may back the defending
NBA champion Seattle Supersonics,
it should be the Celtics and Lakers
battling it out in the championship
The two rookies are the reasons
why. Bird's shooting, defensive,
and passing wizadry has spread to
his Boston teammates. The present
Celtics are playing the type of team
ball that brought them a dynasty
over a decade ago
What Johnson has done for the
Lakers cannot be said simply. Not
only has his play been spectacular,
but so has his attitude.
"Magic" is a very sensitive, emo-
tional and easily excitable 19-year-
old. He plays every game as though
it were his last. This is something
new in Ler Land.
Last season the Lakers were a
somewhat dull, routine team. Now
that Johnson has arrived, though,
the entire town of Los Angeles is ex-
The Laker players are alsoK in-
cluding the incomparable Kareem
Abdul-Jabbar. The 7-foot-2 giant
says this year he is playing with
more enthusiasm than ever thanks
to the example set before him by
This in itself is a big contribution
by the ex-Michigan State star.
The Lakers are not without other
big contributers either. Guard
Norm Nixon teams with "Magic"
to give L.A. one of the best
backcourts around. Forward
Jamaal Wilkes has been excellent
For the Celtics, it has been the ar-
rival of the Bird and the comeback
of "Tiny" that have led to their im-
proving from 29 wins last season to
61 this year.
Point guard Nate "Tiny" Ar-
chibald, once the NBA's leading
scorer at Kansas City, is shooting
less and scoring more in Boston. He
has directed the Celtic style of of-
fense to near perfection all season
long, i
Center Dave Cowens has been ex-
cellent this season also after turning
over the head coaching ranks to Bill
Fitch (Cowens was player-coach last
Forward Cedric "Cornbread"
Maxwell, formerly of UNC-
Charlotte, set a new NBA record for
field goal percent for a forward in a
single season this year' and is vastly
Boston also is loaded with depth.
Forward M.L. Carr is a big boost
off the bench, as is center Rick
Robey and newly-acquired guard
Pete Mara'ich.
Should the Lakers and Celtics
become the final two teams remain-
ing in the NBA playoffs, television
executives will be overjoyed.
Not only would there be interest
in the championships as simply that,
but a rematch between Bird and
"Magic" would be too much for the
average viewer to resist.
Bird and Johnson faced each
other last season in the NCAA
Championsip Game, with
Johnson's Michigan State squad
coming out on top.
In addition, the viewing audience
would get a cnance to see the big
center, Jabbar. go against the
smaller but multi-talented Cowens.
The action would surely be
superb. Ratings could do nothing
but soar.
Still it all comes down to Bird and
Johnson. There's just something
appealing about the both of them.
Both have quickly established
themselves as superstars ? possiblv
the saviors of a once-dying league.
The winner? Things could be dif-
ferent this time. Bird and the Celts
get the edge. That team has just
been playing incredible ball of late.
But it's awfully hard to go against
a squad composed of both "Magic"
and Kareem. It's equally hard to
avoid hoping the championship
"S l!clde lcams Pwkcd
"Magic" and Bird.

?- ?? -i jr-
?? ??? .Wt7P'?J'?'

APRIL 17, 1980
NASL Star Messing Set To Appear
Sports Kdiior
The East Carolina
soccer team will host
the Eastern Regional
playoffs of the North
Carolina Soccer League
on April 26 and 27.
Making a special ap-
pearance at the tourney
will be professional
goalie Shep Messing.
The tournament will
feature the two best
teams from the East,
Mideast, North and
South divisions of the
"The teams involved
are usually college
teams or club teams
made up of guys who
used to play in col-
lege explained ECU
coach Brad Smith.
"It's a good time for
the teams to get food
experience during the
The ECU squad
presently is atop the
Mideast race with a
6-0-1 record. The
Pirates have scored 26
goals in the seven con-
tests and have allowed
only three. There have
been no goals scored on
ECU in the last 12
"I'm really proud of
our play thus far said
Smith. "A lot of the
credit goes to our
goalie, Brian Winchell.
If he's not the most im-
proved player on our
team I don't know who
is. He's begun to at-
tack the ball, rather
than letting it play
The special ap-
pearance by Messing, a
star on the 1977 North
American Soccer
League champion New
York Cosmos, is
sponsered by U.S.
Tobacco Compnany.
Messing has been
conducting a number
of clinics throughout
the country on college
campuses in an effort
to spread the interest of
soccer among college
studentsand area
residents and to im-
prove the skills of the
college teams involved.
"Soccer is the fastest
growing and most
heavily attented sport
today said Messing,
"and I'd like to do all I
can to help it develop
into as accepted a game
as professional football
and baseball
The 29-vear-oId
Messing earned All-
American recognition
Pirate Club Offers
Special Membership CI a S S i f i ed
in the sport at both
New York University
and Harvard. During
his senior year at Har-
vard, he was named
Most Valuable Player
in the finals of the 1972
NCAA tournament.
He also holds the
Olympic record of 63
saves, set in the '72
Messing turned pro
in 1973 when he first
joined the Cosmos, but
after two so-so years
was sold to the Boston
Minutemen. In a year
and a half with Boston,
Messing led the NASL
in goalkeeping with a
.93 average.
In mid-1976 Messing
returned to the
Cosmos, who had
recently acquired the
services of the
legendery Pele. The
Cosmos went on to a
16-8 record that year
and a NASL champion-
ship the next.
In 1978 Messing
became the first
American to sign a con-
tract in the NASL for
more than $100,000
when he hooked on
with the Oakland
Xssistanl Sports Fditor
All spring 1980
graduates of East
Carolina University
beware: the Pirate Club
is out to get YOU.
For the second con-
secutive year, the Pirate
Club is offering
graduates the oppor-
tunity to join free of
charge for a period of
one year from date of
commencement, with
no obligation to con-
tinue membership after
the period ends.
"All that is required
of the individual is that
they come by the office
(located under Ficklen
Stadium, near Scales
Field House) and fill
out a card so that we
have their mailing ad-
dress to show that they
are interested in keep-
ing in touch says
Pirate Club executive
director Gus Andrews.
"Last year the Pirate
Club grew to the point
that we were able to
hire another person
which enabled us to
handle the paperwork
this creates
Andrews states that
in the initial year of of-
fering the package, on-
ly a small number of
grads have utilized the
opportunity. He said
that only three or four
signed up from the spr-
ing 1919 group, but
that 15 of those
graduating in the fall
1980 group registered.
"There is a larger
number of students
graduating in the spring
this year, so I'm hoping
participation will be up
even more said An-
drews. "I feel like it's a
good opportunity for
the new alumni to keep
up with the changes at
East Carolina
Students who choose
to take advantage of
the membership offer
will enjoy various
priviledges over non-
participants. The basic
plan credits to the in-
dividual "quality
points" which are the
basis for reserved seat
tickets as well as other
Aside from priority
rating for ECU season
tickets, Andrews also
stated that Pirate Club
members receive first
call at away-game
tickets, including N.C.
State and UNC.
"In the past he
stated, "Pirate Club
members have taken
every ticket available to
those games, other than
those reserved for
Also included in the
limited membership
package is Pirate
Report, a regular
publication from the
director's office infor-
Pirate Club
Executive Director
Gus Andrews
ming members of up- students is
coming meetings as
well as games and
social events prior to
the games.
"We have a lot of
fun at pre-game
socials said Andrews.
that you
don't have to have
$1000 to join the Pirate
Club Andrews em-
phasized. "We'd rather
have ten $100 donators
than one $1000
donator. Those ten can
"It's a good time for spread the information
businessmen to get much further,
together away from the
office and I think it is "We want our
an excellent opportuni- graduates to stay in
ty for our alumni and touch and get involved
friends to get in athletics at East
"We are trying to
create an awareness of
the programs here at
East Carolina Universi-
ty ? to get a group of
people totally in-
terested in ECU
"The thing we're try-
ing to get across to the
Facilities and
membership of the
Pirate Club are current-
ly being expanded, and
the chance for a one
year free ride should in-
spire members of the
Class of '80 to venture
by the Ficklen Stadium
and register.
FOR SALE: 1974 Cutless,
sunroof,power brakes, power
steering, power windows and
locks, cruise control! Call Brian
FOR SALE: Queensize Waterbed
with frame. Call 756 6858
FM Cassette, new convertable top.
Many more extra's. Excellent
condition. Call 752 1566
FOR SALE: 1 pair A.Rll
speakers, new woffers and
tweeters 7 58 0206 before 10:00 a.m.
or after 6:00p.m.
Night, individual or groups. Tn
County Stables Grimesland. Call
752 6893.
reach your consultant for a facial
or reorders phone 756 3659
RIDER NEEDED: to share ex-
penses and good times. Leaving
for N.E. New Mexico in mid-May.
Return in Augi" Call 752 8288
after 6:00 p.m.
DON'T RISK: your future with
uncertainty and doubt. See what
lies ahead for the month with your
personal Biorhythm Chart. Send
name, address, birthdate, along
with the month and year for your
chart. Enclose $2.00 for each
month requested to: Ross Enter-
prises P.O. Box 4104 Greenville,
N.C. 27834.
jors, summer work, practical
business experience. Tremendous
tor job resume. Hard work equals
good pay. Call 758 3719 for inter
TYPING" DONE. Term papers.
Resumes, Thesis, Etc.
Reasonable. Call Jane Pollock
furniture, books, etc CHEAP!
TYPING: dissertations, theses,
term papers. Excellent skills and
reasonable rates. Call 7S6-9169.
WANTED: Tank, wet suit(med).
regulator, etc Call Sam at
758-3918 weekdays 6:00 9.00 p.m.
Duplexes and Townhouses St75 to
S270 per month Call 752-6415 9:00
til 5:00.
SCHOOL: available, S100 per ses-
sion plus percentage of utilities.
Apply 803 Hooker Road. Phone
ROOM FOR RENT: with private
entrance and bath, located on 14th
street behind dorms. $80 month.
Open May 15. Call 758-2585.
(female) to share two bedroom
apartment. Must call by April 30.
Call 758-0838.
three bedroom duplex near cam-
pus for summer only. $87 plus
third utilities. Washer dryer, fur-
nished bedroom. Call 752-5977.
GOOD STUDENT: seeks to share
trailer expenses, country location,
write Box holder 567, Bell Arthur,
N.C. 27811.
NEEDED: beginning May 7. $50
and one third utilities. Three
blocks from campus on Jarvis
street Call Becky 758-6173.
ROOM FOR RENT: $80 month
plus utilities. Close to campus,
available May 15th. Call 758-3545.
FOR RENT: Private room for
male. Available for fall and spring
semester. Call 752-4004 after 1:00.
duplex from May until August.
Rent $60 a month. Call Phil or
Mike at 758 7724.
for summer. Village Green Apart-
ments 10th street. Can 752-042.
Needed to share furnished apart-
ment at R.verbluff for both sum-
mer sessions possibly into fall.
Call 758-5823.
T.V dishwasher, two bedroom,
half expenses. Call after 7:00
M-Th. Ask for Kevin. Available
May 1. 758-4317.
FOR RENT: Private rooms for
summer school or yearly. Share
kitchen and bath. $7$ plus
utilities. Two blocks from cam-
pus. 752-529.
Tar River Estates for the sum
mer. Call 752 8840
WANTED: apartment located one
mile from campus, furnished,
assume half rent and half utilities.
Available May isth. Call Debbie
758-0'29 after 5:00 p.m. for more
beginning in May. Call 758-572.
ING ADDS ARE 3:00 - 4:00 MON-
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Sun. - Thvr.

i hi t src koi ii w
Brewers Favored In AL East
( ii-wm FR
Sports Kdilor
fhe 180 nerican
1 cague baseball season
here is to be one.
s a h an nn
V; ? ! eague
k ' sh ukl be one o
iosi interesting in
? Hi history, as no
six oi seen
ivc shots ai a
I ! consensus
the defen-
ii ?r e Orioles,
s Yankees,
R Sox. the
ia ngels,
v t Royals .
1 ' es,
?. ankees and
s Mime
1 I West
I cxas,
d Kansas
pl not
clubs as theii eastern
1 he earl) nod in the
lasi hei e goes to
Milwaukee I he
Brewers have more
firepowei than am
team in the majors, as
witnessed In theii
leading the league in
t hornet s last season
Oufieldei Gorman
rhomas led the wa
with a league-leading
45 round trippers
"Stormin' Gorman"
also 12.1 RBIs to his im
pressive figures.
I he ot lu-1 t v o
members of the Brewer
outfield, Sixto 1 eeano
and Ben Oglivie, had
big years also. 1 eeano
contributed 28 homers,
101 RBIs and a .321
bat t ing a vet age
Oglivie's figures were
SI and .282
First basemaneeil
( iopet also was a tei
rot at the plate as
essed b his 24
homers, (6 RBIs and
08 clip. dd to all
this the !av t that I arr
Hisle (designated hitter
who had 34 lIRs, 115
RBIs in '78) will return
to the Brewei fold
following an injury last
yeai and ou have an
ineredible amount of
1 he pitehing isn't all
had. either. Mike
Caldwell, a two-time
20-game winner and
16 6 last yeai is the
staff aee. Jim Slaton
115 9), I an Sorenson
115 14). Moose Haas
( 1 1 11). and Bill
I ravers (14-8) make up
the starting rotation.
Bill Castro (2.03 ERA)
anchors the bullpen.
I he Orioles, of
coin se, cannot be
counted out. Their pit-
ching is the best in the
C Young winnei
Mike I lanagan (23-9.
3.01 1 RA) teams with
ex-Young winner Jim
Palmer (10 6 in an
injury-filled last
season). Dennis Mar-
tinez, Seott MeGregor,
Dennis Martinez and
Steve Stone to comprise
an unbelievable starting
The bullpen took a
blow when Don
Stanhouse left via the
re-entry draft, but Tim
Stoddard and Iippv
Martme should handle
things rather well,
I he Baltimore bats
come through when it is
most needed. Ken
Singleton (35 HR.lll
RBI295) may have
been the most valuable
player in the league last
Eddie Murray, I ee
Mav and Gary
Roenicki also supply
1 he Yanks shoulc
again be tough. Reggie
Jackson is back and
will be joined in the
outfield by newly-
acquired R u p p e r t
Jones, a possible future
superstar, and Bobby
Intramural Wrestling
Championships Held
Bv KM Kl (,l I KMs
'for this
in m the I
sed the
this m to i i ,i
' the. tun next
- Mewl n
' . lackmol ?
Rose Hestei and (
1 oe who fought then
way through er's
to piny
Je w b.

sion leader. J ri Sigma;
Men's Dorm leader,
v c o e k Aee
Club In depe ndent
leaders, Dolemites and
I i am c Shots; and
leaders. Km
K ? i pv ilon and
i Sigma Phi ces
Dates Deadlines
? h(H l) .
ation ends April
17. Play will begin
pril 21 lb and
? forms in to
the IM off
l olleyball (ft visit ?
playoffs are schedu
to begin pril 21 w
Ml c ampus n atches
slatd tor April 26.
Vfen and M omen
Softball games are be-
ing played every Sun-
day through Thursday
from 4 p.m. until 10
p.m. on the Intramural
fields. Playoffs will
begin April 21. In the
men's play so far, the
Roundt rip pe r s a re
number one followed
by Dough Boys,
Renegade Be Ik
W iar ds, and Seott
NAD's. In w omen's
play, All Pro tops off
the standings followed
W2, Ivler Grand
si am mers, Cotte n
Bombers, and Alpha i
: 21-11
' Mize and
a ??? Polo
W a
Hit! and
t I " entered
p 1 a Ait h
?d reeords.
I he ' . ictory
were soon diminished
t houg h when two
underdog teams
defeated them in the
first round ol playoffs.
The Sinkers a n d
Water Bugs met in the
finals tor a tun. ex-
citing fight to the finish
with the Water Bugs
emerging victorious.
Frisbee Goll
V i n ner ol the
18-target I risbee Golf
Iournament were Bob
Burchard and Susan
Following closely in
the men's division
behind Burehard were
Woody Oliver and
Alfred fownes. The
18-hole course was
designed around
Minges and plans are
cs is the
new EC! (iolllassie
;hamp Derics com-
peted with IS) other par
pants in this event
which was he! I at the
,den C ioll and Coun-
try Club.
Bobby White, 1978
hampion, came in se-
cond followed closely
s :ve I nderkoflei
: Phil White who
I earn 1 ennis
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I he infield is solid
with Jim Spencer,
Willie K a n d o I p h,
Bucky Dent and Graig
Nettles slated for star
ting duty. Newly-
acquired catcher Rick
Cerone won't replace
the late great I hurman
Munson, but he'll do a
more than respectable
job. I he acquistion of
first baseman DH Hob
Watson will help a
great deal.
The Yankee
is. as always,
Kon Guidrj is the best
in the game and I om-
nn lohn is not tar
behind. Rich Gossage
and Ron Davis give the
New Yorkers a solid
rehev ing orps.
Hairing injury, the
anks could win it all
this season. It would
'?ike a little luck,
I he Red Sox are con-
tenders thanks to I red
Lynn, Jim Rue.
pitching Carlton Fisk and com
tough. ram The hitting is
fine but the pitching is
questionable. Boston
should not be i serious
rhoguh the Yanks
and Orioles are ?er
st rone, the Brewers
look unstoppable.
1 hose bats are amazing
arid the pitching isn't
bad. Milwaukee .onId
til the wa
n i so u prii
I he Ameru an I eague
Art and Camera
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An Evening
April 23rd
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The East Carolinian, April 17, 1980
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 17, 1980
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