The East Carolinian, March 25, 1980

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(Hht lEaat Carolinian
) Pages
Tuesday, March 25, 1980 1
(Greenville, VC
Circulation 10.000
ECU Board of Trustees Hears Controversies
Members of ECU's Board of Trustees came to observe the SGA meeting on Monday as part of a 2-dav
orientation visit they are making at the university. Seated (right to left) are Mr. Troy Pate, Board of
I ruslees chairman: Mr. Ashley Futrell, vice- chairman; and ECU Chancellor Brewer.
The ECU Board of Trustees
heard student legislators discuss
several controversial issues as they
observed the SGA meeting yester-
day. Among the topics discussed
were SGA loans for abortions, the
upcoming SGA elections and the
personal use of the SGA secretary to
type private term papers.
The trustees were observing the
legislature in connection with their
annual orientation session, and as a
preliminary to their regular meeting
scheduled for 2:00 p.m. Tuesday.
The trustees could not be present
for all of the meeting because they
were scheduled to attend a banquet
in their honor later in the evening.
The policy for receiving an SGA
loan for an abortion was questioned
twice by the legislature. After
reading an editorial in The East
Carolinian opposing the present
system of getting an SGA-funded
abortion ? due to the system's
potential lack of confidentiality ?
Jeff Triplett asked SGA Treasurer
Ricky Lowe whether Lowe thought
that applicants could in fact expect
to be treated confidentially.
"I don't see how it could be kept honest electon "
more secret said Lowe. A "truthful and honest election"
Lowe also expressed the opinion was also the main theme at the
that "if there are student fees being meeting of the SGA candidates later
used, it should be handled by in the evening. The el
Iranian Prosecutor Threatens Hostages
ROME (AP) ? A top Iranian
proecutor, condemning the shah's
move to Egypt, said today the
American hostages in Tehran "will
be put on trial" for espionage and
those found guilty "will be jailed
Ayatollah Sadegh khalkhali, a
newly elected member of the Iranian
Parliament who ran the Islamic
courts that executed hundreds of
members of the shah's old regime,
said the trials will take place when
Parliament opens. That is expected
to be no earlier than mid-April.
Khalkhali, the prosecutor who
claimed last year to have sent out
airport en route from Tehran to
Tripoli, Libya, on an official visit at
the invitation of the Libyan govern-
It was the first time in weeks that
a leading Iranian official had
students SGA President Brett
Melvin later agreed with this view.
When the topic surfaced again
later in the meeting, Lowe cited that
males could also get the loans for
abortions and that the loans were
available even if the woman chose to
continue her pregnancy.
The SGA election, scheduled for
April 2, was also a prime subject at
the meeting.
Nicky Francis, elections commit-
tee chairman, was the first to speak.
Francis' main concern was with his
new committee.
His choice of members on the
committee had come under fire
because only one member of the
committee was not a member of the
fraternity of which Francis is an
alumni. Francis announced that he
has eliminated his fraternity
brothers from the committee and
that only one member remained
from the original group.
"I didn't do this to pacify
anyone said Francis. He said that
he made the move to avoid con-
troversy in the election. He also
stated, "This will be a truthful and
The clergyman-prosecutor assail-
ed Sadat and President Carter for
protecting the ousted shah and said
the hostages' freedom "is in the
hands of Carter. The U.S. is delay-
ing their liberation.
"The capitalists of America do
not want to listen to or understand
ssassination squads to track down months of the crisis to put their eap-
the deposed shah, spoke at a news tives on trial. But they have made
conference at Rome's international specific allegations of espionage
against only a few embassy staff
"I hope that many of them are in-
nocent and can return to their
families and home Khalkhali told
reporters. "It's certain that for
spoken so definitely of trials for any those that are guilty, we will refuse
of the 50 U.S. Embassy hostages. It them the well-being that they are
could not be determined, however, now enjoying in the 'hotel' where poor and suffering people and give
they are now lodged support to a great criminal and thief
Khalkhali also said eventual who issued orders to kill almost
release of the hostages depends on
the extradition back to Iran of the
deposed Shah Mohammad Reza
Pahlavi, who arrived today in
Cairo, Egypt, after a three-month
stay in Panama. Pahlavi has been
granted asylum by Egyptian Presi-
dent Anwar Sadat.
evening, l ne election rules
were discussed, and seeral an-
nouncements were made concerning
where handbills and poster, could
It was also announced in both
meetings that an additional polling
place will be set up in the Student
Store Lobby. The purpose of the
new polling station was to lighten
traffic at the polls and hopefully en-
courage more oters. said Francis.
Two people will be running tor
the office of president of the SGA
Drake Mann, -ttorne General of
the SGA, and Charlie Sherrod, cur-
rent vice president, had announced
their candidacies well before the
For the office of vice president
there will also be two candidates.
Lynn Calder and Al Patrick.
For the office of treasurer, there
were two candidates. Danny
O'Connor and Kirk I ittle.
The secretars's post will have on-
ly one contender this year,
Marianne Edwards.
At one point in the meeting. Ed-
See ECU, Page 3. col. l
whether Khalkhali was speaking
authoritatively for the Iranian
The Moslem militants who have
held the embassy since Nov. 4
threatened repeatedly in the first
NCSL To Propose
Adoption Of ERA
70,000 people and tortured
thousands and thousands of Ira-
nians in jail.
"We firmly condemn this action
(Egypt's acceptance of the shah)
and in the near future we will give
the necessary response
Growing Collection,
State Laws Force
Books Into Garbage
Ve?s F.ditor
Jovner Library has thrown away
d aerage of 1160 books per year
crease its collection by five percent
each year. Currently, about 17,000
volumns are added annually. As
many as possible of the additions
are microfilmed to conserve shelf
since 1977 - a fact made necessary space, Brunelle said.
b a growing collection and shrink-
ing shelf space, say library officials.
According to Dr. Wilson Lu-
quire, associate director of the
library, the books are either old,
damaged, out-of-date in their fields,
or are duplicates of existing
Although library administrators
would like to offer these books to
anyone who is interested in having
them, a North Carolina state law
prevents them from doing so.
The law provides that no state
property be given away or sold, ex-
cept by special procedures. All
books in Joyner Library are state
property. As a result, the library has
no option but to throw the books
away, said Library Director Dr.
Eugene Brunelle last week.
Brunelle said that attempts had
been made to give the books to
other state institutions, such as
prisons and workshops for the han-
dicapped, but that those institutions
usually didn't want them.
There appears to be a demand for
The microfilm collection contains
about 725,000 titles, compared to
the 520,000 volumes on the shelves.
Dr.Luquire said that one of the
problems with a sale or giveaway of
the old books was that library
employees might declare a book for
disposal so that he could then buy it
cheaply for himself or a friend.
The library conducts a book sale
three times a year, but the books are
gifts to the library and are not con-
sidered state property, Dr. Luquire
In order to determine if there are
any exceptions pertaining to old
books in the state law, university of-
ficials have contacted the state's
salvage department, Brunelle and
Luquire said.
"What the library is trying to do,
given our space limitations, is to
provide the most modern collection
we can Dr. Brunelle said.
AsMstanl News Editor
Proposals for a state Equal Rights
Amendment and state funding of
abortions will be brought by ECU's
delegation to the North Carolina
Student Legislature's annual
legislative session March 26-30 in
the old state capitol building in
Other topics on the session's
agenda include press shield laws,
regulations on out-of-state utilities
and mandatory deposits on
beverage containers.
"ECU rebuilt a strong delegation
this year. The session will allow the
new members to see the benefits of
their hard work. The members
researched and prepared their
debates on the issues that will face
the body said Anne Northington,
ECU delegation chairperson. "It
will be an educational experience,
and East Carolina should be proud
of its representatives to the
assembly. We are a definite con-
tender for the Best Large School
Delegation Award
At Legislative Session, each
school is the equivalent of a house
or senate district. The body is divid-
ed into the House of Represen-
tatives and the Senate, and follows
the same legislative procedure as the
North Carolina General Assembly,
except that NCSL's governor has
the veto power.
"I am really looking foreward to
Old books compete with the new for Joyner shelf space.
Political Analysis
Reagan Takes Middle Road
property is not unique to the library
Rod Seymour, who handles surplus
!u ?JiS 5?JUlentSdespe disposal for the university, must
regularly get rid of equipment, fur-
niture and miscellaneous items.
"Every three months, the state
conducts a state-wide mailing to in-
dividuals or businesses that may bid
on the items Seymour said, ad-
ding that most of the surplus is sold
this way. After three unsuccessful
attempts to sell the surplus, it is
thrown or given away.
" It's a headache, but it's
something that can be dealt with
Seymour said. "We have a lot of
students who contact us, and we
could probably do better in the long
run by selling to them, but the way
the state law is set up, it's impossi-
WASHINGTON (AP) ? Ronald ty of that group, he did better than
Reagan, long the torchbearer for the many expected ? particularly better
right wing of the Republican Party, than Anderson and Bush had ex-
is reaching out to the Americans in pected and hoped he would,
the middle: the middle-income, the Among middle-income voters,
moderates and the independents. Reagan did even better.
The problem of disposing state it?s theSe Americans who make up In Illinois, the AP-NBC News
the annual session, as u is the first in
which I will be participating said
Gary Williams, a member of the
ECU delegation. "It will be the
culmination of the year's ork tor
NCSL has had success in getting
its legislative ideas 'hrough the
General Assembly, with approx-
imately 40 percent of the legislation
See NCSL, Page 2. col. 1
Rejects New
Game Plan
athletes' plan to permit them to par-
ticipate in the Olympic Games in
Moscow this summer while
simultaneously protesting the Soviet
military presence in Afghanistan ap-
parently is a dead issue.
A high White House aide, who
asked that he not be identified, said
today that a similar proposal was
considered when President Carter
called for a boycott of the Games,
but the idea was rejected.
Although he said he had not
studied the athletes' counter-
proposal, which was sent to the
White House Saturday night, the of-
ficial said, "It's obviously unaecep
table. The president has made his
The athletes proposed that they
be permitted to compete in the
Olympics but would protest the
Soviet presence in Afghanistan by
not taking part in any of the
Under the proposal approved by
the Athletes Advisory Council of
But Reagan received some signifi- the U.S. Olympic Committee, they
cant support from these people who would not paricipate in the opening
are neither die-hard Republicans and closing ceremonies and would
primaries, and he did well among
that group.
their age or condition. After ap
proximately 250 volumns had been
placed in a dumpster behind Joyner
Library on March 17, several
students rummaged through the
trash and found that the books were
good enough to take home with
"The state has very strict rules
about alienation of state property
said Dr. Brunelle. "Chapel Hill
tried once to sell some of their old
books for 25 cents apiece, and the
state came down on them like a ton
of bricks
Brunelle and Luquire explained
that since the purpose of the library
is to support existing curriculum
needs, obsolete or unused books are
periodically weeded out. But if
records show that an old book has
been used regularly, the book is re-
Brunelle added that in order to re-
main accredited, the library must in-
the majorities that elect presidents, poll found 51 percent of those with
Some of these Americans are incomes from $15,000 and $35,000 a
voting for Reagan in the early year said they backed the former
primaries. That could be trouble for California governor. Anderson got
President Carter or any Democratic 36 percent of their votes and Bush
presidential candidate in the fall only 10 percent.
election. In this year of high inflation and
This is particularly good news for even higher taxes, this group in the
Reagan, whom the doubters have middle will be crucial to any can-
nor committed Democratic Party
Forty-seven percent of the
idnependents cast their ballots for
Anderson in Illinois, but 40 percent
voted for Reagan. Not a majority,
but a good showing for a man who
has been identified for so long with
not show up to accept 'any medals
they win.
They would arrive in Moscow just
before they compete and leave im-
mediately after, remaining in the
Olympic Village or the training
facilities during their time on Soviet
soil. They would do no sightseeing
said is too conservative to be elected
in November. Up to and including
Reagan's 1976 nemesis ? then-
President Gerald R. Forr1 - the
doubters have said he not
Last week, in Illinois, Reagan
drew on broad support that went
beyond his conservative base.
didate's hopes.
Of course, Reagan is piling up
these margins among voters in the
Republican primaries. Democrats
vote, too, in the general election.
The voters in the GOP primaries
tend to be more conservative and a
bit older than the usual general
voters. So Reagan's showings
Forty-one percent of the people among groups in the GOP primaries
who said they are moderates voted will not necessarily translate into
for Reagan in the GOP primary, similar margins among those groups
Forty-five percent voted for Rep. in the general election.
John Anderson and 11 percent for In the November voting, though,
Seymour said he will try to get George Bush, an Associated Press- one group will be the key ? the in-
authorization from the state to sell NBC News poll of GOP voters dependents.
discarded Joyner Library books to found. Anderson encouraged them to
paper recycling firms. While Reagan didn't get a majori- come vote for him in the GOP
the conservative side of the political or engage in any other tourist ac-
fence. tivities.
That was about the same level of On Friday, however, Carter told
independent support that Reagan the nation's Olympians emphatical-
got from independents in New ly that the United States would not
Hampshire and Florida, two of his particpate at all: "I say that not
other major primary victories thus with any equivocation. The decision
far. has been made
Inside Today
WECU Tower Begins Construction TodaySee P?te J
Joyner Introduces Foreign Language Book ExchangeSee Page J
Brian Haskey's Tree Honse Performance ReviewedSee Page 5
Pirates Announce Grid ScheduleSee Page B
Batch Davis Close-LipSee Page ?

MARCH 25, 1980
Poetry Forum
Ihc I JI Carolina Pociry Forum will
hjM- a regular workshop and meeting
Thurvdav, pnl , ?l H p m . in
Mcndcnhall, room 24S Ihc public ft
Lordiail) invited
Sign up today foi a non credit mini
course now being offered b
Mcndcnhall Student ?. entct shag Out
cing. Beginning Running, t logging and
v PR I raining art now available to all
I t i Full nine students, faculty and
ls. members, and then
dependents, spouses or gucsis
Registration is at ihc MM . entral
fickcl Office through the das pnoi to
ihc first class meeting ol each course
fhcre is .1 maximum and minimum
enrollment lot each course and no fee
refunds ?ill he made alter Ihc rcgistra
non deadline lor more information
call " iii
L loi I KI box rig arc -i11i
ihlc I he lournamcnl will he held
(i, U and in i tpcnings are
ihlc in 18.1 192, 193 21)2, and
nitcd ueighi classes Interested
? - "sg4 hi drop h I Kt
Ho ix sjs .ni, s- I . iiHirna-
? . x ludes i hildrcns
Kite Making
learn to design and make sour osvn
kite h attending a tree workshop spoil
soied hs Mendcnhall Student tenter
Ihc wotkshop, conducted h George
Brett, Pitt Community t oHege Artist -
In Residence, is scheduled tor Wednes-
day, pril 26, from Ml p m in the
Mcndcnhallraits C enter There is no
registration or supplies fee lor this uni-
que workshop lusl conic hs the C rafts
( enter and oin in the fun!
1 he Family (. hild ssOctatkm will meet
I uesd.n. March 2 at 5 Ik' p m in the
Home I conomics C onlereiKC Room
14' Ml members and interested per
sons are urged to attend
Sigma Tau Delta
Sigma Delta, National English
Honoi Society, will hold its induction
ol new members on Thursday, March
2 at Villa Roma social hour will
begin ai 5 ' p m wuh the induction
ceremony at ft '(I p in , lollowed hv
dinnct Ml members, faculty, and in
ductecs arc asked to he present at this
C ircie K
i K International
he arolinas
n ention held March 14 16
w salcm mosi outstanding
ist outstand ng
.in honorable men
ipbook com
in rhc I arolinas District consists
h c arolina
I ; ! chartei in
, k Internationalirele K is the
organization on
It ponsored hs
a k w ints clubs tCl irele K also
1st week and elected
Jent; ludy Young,
, . lot hes.
m 221 every I ucs
. ?(n pa s ome see what
I he I I Racquetball c luh will meet
ruesday, March 25 ai ? K? p.m in
Memorial Ciym nu fc'c will talk about
final arrangements tor Saturday's
match against i State and the nropos
cd budget foi next sen nyone in
tcrested in loinmg the racquetball club
i- encouraced to attend
Holy Communion
v I piscopal service ol Hols t ommu
nion ss i) I he celebrated Wednesday
evening, March 26. m the chapel ol the
Methodist Student Ccntei (Mh Street
across from Garrett Dorm) I he service
will he ,ii 6 tm p m with the I piscopal
, haplain. the Res Bill Madden.
celebrating Suppei will he served al
is in p m ai the chaplain's home
follow ng ihc service
Summer Dorms
Residence hall room deposits for Sum-
mer School 1980 will oe accepted in the
C ashiers Office, room 105, Spilman
Building, beginning April 9. Room
assignments will be made in ihe respec-
tive residence hall offices on April 10
and 11 Thereafter, they will be made in
rhc office of Housing Operations, room
201, Vshichard Building Students who
wish to reserve rooms they presently oc-
cupy, provided such rooms arc 10 be in
use this summer, arc to make rcsersa
lions on Thursday. April 10 All other
students may reserve rooms on a first
come, first serve basis on Friday, April
11 Residence halls to be used for
women are larvis, Garrett, and Greene
(floors two through six) Men will he
housed in Belk (floors one through
Navy Co-op
ant to cam more than V4 50 per hour
m a career related toh. accumulate time
toward retirement in federal govern
ment, and hvpass the usual tests
necessary foi permanent positions in
lederal government? representative
from the Navy Administrative Co-op
Program will be on campus March 26
and 27 to interview students interested
in civilian positions with the Depart
ment ol the Saw Interviews will be-
held lor two computer science positions
in Philadelphia and lour industrial
specialist positions in Washington D (.
dining fall semester 1980 II time is
available, there will also be interviews
foi ihe following tobs data processing.
statistician, supplv and transportation
management, quality and reliability
assurance specialists, personnel
management, education specialists.
logistics management, housing
manager, program analysis, financial
management, management analysis,
and procurement Contact the C 0 op
i uticc l t Rawl. 757-6979, immediate-
ly to gel more information or schedule
an interview Application forms must
he completed in advance
Attention Jewish students, if you would
like to partake in the Passover Seder
celebration held bv Hillcl please contact
Richard Cole, 758-0420, or Dr Bramv
Resntk, 756 S640
The American College restingAt I)
will be offered at ECU on Saturday,
April 12 Application blanks art-
available from the It U testing t enter.
Speight Building room 105 Registra
lion deadline is March 14
Psi Chi
Psi t'hi, Ihc psychologv honor society,
will meet Wednesday, March 26 at 7 15
p m. in Speight 129 Dr Durham, ol
the ECU psychology department, will
discuss research on lemale masturba
lion April 1 banquet initiation plans
will be completed also Spring initiates
must attend
There will be a meeting ol the I C I
I aw Society lucsdav night, March 25,
at 8-00 p m in Mendcnhall room 221
All members and other interested
students are uiged to attend, because
we will finalize spring activity plans
We will also he meeting lor dinner at
7 00at Western Sihn for anyone who
would like to attend II there are any
questions or it anyone needs a ride to
dinner, please sail I vnn aldei al
"H 8414 or 757 661 I, exl 218 (where a
message may he lelt )
A "No-Tap" Bowling Tournament
sponsored by Mendcnhall Student
nter will be held March II through
?pril 21 A 9 pin hit will count as a
strike, with all oihcr procedures re
maining as usual frophies will be
awarded to the lirst and second place
singles winners and to the lirst place
doubles winners in both men's and
women's divisionsompetnion is
open to all lull-time It U students
Rules arc available at the Bowling
tenter C all 757 6611. cl 267. loi
more information.
Ihe Student Caucus lor Progressive
Relorm has been formed, 10 promote
student activism, light nuclear energy,
and to promote a humanitarian, alter
native lifestyle Ihe St PR is presently
organizing a "Festival lor a
Humanitarian Renaissance" tentatively
scheduled lor April II The t aucus is
dedicated lo providing a lorum lor the
expression ol the ideals of tomorrow
Interested people should contact: lean
me Igoe. 752 844V left W hisnat and
M.nk Kemp, 707 4th St. or lav Stone.
11(Potanchc St
Ihc Student I nion Major Attractions
( ommittee presents IOTO. with a
special guest I HA. on April 17 at H (81
p m in Mingesoliscum Iickcis will
go on sale Monday . March 31, at IffcOO
m in Mcndcnhall Student t enter
I ickcts will be S 00 tor ECU students
and S7 (8) fot the public
J4 444 a?4?4jtt
4i Backpacks, BIS, Bomber.
Field, Dock, Flight, Snorkel ?
Jackets, Peacoats, Parkas, J
Bake Sale
Ihc Student Dietetic Association spoil
sois a "Nutritious" Bake Sale Marsh
26, Wednesday, from 8 a m to 1 p m
in Ihc lohhv ol the Student Supply
stoic Home made breads and pastries
Sigma Nu fraternity will be holding a
softball lournament on April 12 and 13
1 he entry fee will he $1 00 per player.
which includes a jersey, and beverages
al ihe championship paitv Tor more
information call 758 "640 or "8 6491
1 here will be a 20 team maximum.
Ihe Was Campus Outreach will meet
on Wednesday, March 26 in
Mendcnhall Student t enter room 247
ai 3:00 p.m. tor a Biblical Research
Fellowship Everyone interested in lear-
ning about the dynamic accuracy ol
God's Word and how it enables you lo
live a more lhan abundant life is warm
ly invited to attend Bung your Bible
and bring a Iricnd'
Phi Beta Lambda
Phi Beta lambda will meet lucsdav
April I, at 4 00 p m. m Rawl 103
Buccaneer group picture will he taken
and nominations and voting tor nest
vears otfleets will be held We will also
have a guest speaker
Ihe ECU Chapter ol lambda Alpha
I psilon will meet Monday, March II in
the Allied Health Auditorium at 5:00
p.m All persons who are presently
enrolled in a course ol criminal justice
or arc maiors ot intended majors in
( orrectional Services are invited to at
tend Applications for membership will
he available at Ihe meeting It vou
would like lo join hut are unable to at-
tend the meeting, contact Diane Austin
,n "s 4ts?- or Ml Innampbell in the
SO W andORS Office
Rho Kpsilon
I here will he a RhO Tpsilon meeting
Ihursdav. March 2" at 118) in Rawl
room I 30 All members are urged to at
The PRt Department is having an
awards banquet on April 12. from
h 12:00 p.m at the Holiday Inn in
Greenville All ECU students, faculty
and alumni arc invited lo attend For
ticket information call Margie at
752-0306: Teresa at 756-1241; or Diane
at 752-1489. The sOsi ol ihc banquet is
? (?) per person or $8 (It) per couple
Sigma Theta Tau
The Beta Nu t haplcr ol Sigma Theta
lau will hold its annual induction of
new members Saturday. Marsh 19 at
2 (81 p m at Ihc W ilhs Building Sigma
1 hcia Tau is the national honor society
ol nursing Some forty-eight
undergraduate students, graduate
students. faculty members, and nursing
leaders will be indiisied into the society
I vclvn Perry, Dean ot rh School ot
Nursing at II . will speak on "Future
Direction ol our School ol Nursing "
New officers lor the 198(1 81 year will
he installed during ihe ceremony. A
reception will lollow All members are
invited to attend and guests arc
welcome I he W ilhs Building is located
al ihc corner ol First and Rcade Streets
in (ireenville
We wish to remind all
students and faculty that we
will not accept any an-
nouncements for the An-
nouncements column unless
they are typed doublespace
and turned in before the
deadline. No exceptions will
be made. The deadlines are
2:00 p.m. Friday for the
Tuesday edition and 2:00
p.m. Tuesday for the Thurs-
day edition. We reserve the
right to edit for brevity. We
cannot guarantee that
everything turned in will ap-
pear in the paper, due to
space limitations, but we will
do our best.
Shoes. Combat Boots. Plus
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Seafood House and Oyster Bar
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Crab Cakes
Committee Debates Stupidity Charge
?P Writer
(AP) ? The House
Armed Services Com-
mittee may be the first
to line up for combat in
a new draft, if a recent
intramural skirmish is
any clue to a yearning
for battle.
Open warfare almost
broke out during a
meeting of the subcom-
mittee on nuelear
systems several days
ago as Energy Secretary
Charles W. Duncan
The issue in dispute:
whether "stupid" was
an apt adjective to
describe the panel.
Duncan was explain-
ing that President
Carter hadn't changed
his mind and still op-
posed reprocessing
spent nuclear fuel. He
said the plutpnium pro-
duced from the opera-
tion could lead to the
proliferation of bomb-
suitable nuclear
That didn't sit too
well with conservatives
on the panel.
"You're begging us
to be stupid said
Rep. Robert E.
Badham, R-Calif. His
point was that other
nuclear-capable nations
were already processing
their spent fuels.
But Rep. Bob Carr,
D-Mich told Duncan:
"You don't need o beg
this committee to be
stupid. We do it very
well by outselves
Rep. Charles Wilson,
D-Calif who was
presiding at the hear-
ing, demanded to know
what Carr meant by his
"reference to the
stupidity of this com-
Did he mean the
whole subcommittee
was stupid, or was he
just making a statement
about individual
members, or what?
Carr reiterated that
he thought the subcom-
mittee didn't need any
help in "making
ourselves look stupid
Redfaeed, Wilson
demanded the record
show Carr was speak-
ing for himself and not
on behalf of other
2 Golden Fried Crab Cakes
French Fries, Slaw, and
Hush Puppies. $.99.
NCSL To Meet Soon
Continued from Page 1
it proposes annually
becoming law in some
Examples o recent
NCSL initiatives which
have become law in-
clude the Migrant and
seasonal Farm
Workers' Act, based on
a 1977 Duke University
bill, the North Carolina
Right-to-Die Act ot
1977, based on a 197(
ECU bill and one o
only a handful like it in
the country, and the
Uniform Crnld
Custody Act, based on
a 1977 ECU bill.
NCSL, the oldest
functioning student
legislature in ihe coun-
try, was formed 43
years ago at N.C. State
University, and has
since grown to a
membership of 22
schools and over 250
delegates. From its in-
ception to 1960, the
organization held its
annual legislative ses-
sion in the old state
capitol building in
Raleigh. In 1960.
however, the group was
barred from using the
structure for ad-
v o c a t i n g such
"radical" ideas as in-
teeration and inter-
racial marriage.
In 1977, represen-
tatives of the Student
Legislature met with
officials of the N.C.
Department of Cultural
Resources' State
Capitol Division, and
arranged for the group
to return to the historic
structure after a
17-year absence.
. . . .Onlyll!

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Greek News
Foreign Language Books
MARCH 25, 1980
(.rt-ek Correspondent
Creek Week 1980 is
here! Still left on the
agenda are the Raft
Race, Funky Nassau,
Spring Fling, and
Moser's 1 arm.
The OlTs are hap-
p and proud to
welcome its new sisters,
Patt) Jane Jackson,
and Brenda Foley, into
sisterhood as they were
initiated on Friday,
March 21.
1 he AOll's have
been working hard and
long in preparation for
the arrival of Debbie
S ckland, this area's
I ra eline Consultant
on March 28 for a
week's visit.
Also in the final
stages is Luau, the spr-
ing formal which will
be held April 26. Dur-
ing this event, the spr-
ing pledges will be
Parent's Day has
been planned for April
13 and is hoped to be a
successful one, as
The Sigmas have
several things planned
for March and April.
Some of these events
include Founder's Day,
Senior Send-on, Easter
Beach Weekend,
socials, rush
workshops, and spring
cleaning. The Sigmas
are enjoying Greek
Week and are looking
forward to visiting with
several alumni who will
be up this weekend for
Moser's Farm.
The sisters of Delta
Zeta would like to con-
gratulate the new sisters
on their initiation. The
DZ's are preparing for
their cookout Wednes-
day after the Lambda
Chi Raft race. The
cookout will be held
from 5 p.m. until 8
p.m. at Green Springs
The Alpha Phis
would like to welcome
Beth Barton, Amy
Brooks, Suzanne Cud-
dy, and Ann Dill into
their sisterhood. These
girls were initiated on
Friday, March 21.
The Phis would also
like to welcome Philip
Alexander, Durwood
Cooper, and Jim Cook
into the Alpha Phi Big
Brother organization.
A new writer is need-
ed to compile Greek
News for the 1980-81
school year. The job is
open to any fraternity
or sorority member
who expresses an in-
terest in writing.
Anyone interested in
the job should call
Ricki Gliarmis at
756-9882 before April
WECU Gets Go-Ahead;
FM Tower Is On Its Way
construction of the the final steps in the
WECl broadcasting student-operated sta-
towei is scheduled to tion's two year battle to
n today, marking get on the air.
of the final steps in The tower will be
he student-operated built on top of Tyler
n's two vear bat- dormitory at a cost of
eel n the air.
about $2300, according
ECU Trustees
Observe Meeting
( ontinued from Page 1
rds questioned the
-j of the SGA
etarj to type term
papers for members of
I dwards said after
the meeting that the
m had come to
her attention earlier in
day, and that SGA
idem Brett Melvin
had been uncooperative
a hen she attempted to
ak to him about the
The question was rul-
ed i r r e v e 1 a n t by
Speaker Mike Adkins
and was not con-
The legislature also
voted to repav a loan
from the MRC of
SI200 which has been
used in their confiden-
tial loan service. The
MRC had asked for the
loan back so that the
money could be used to
start a new loan pro-
gram when the depart-
ment of student life
to John Jeter, WECU's
general manager.
Erection of the tower
was supposed to begin
several weeks ago, but
university officials
halted the move until a
certified blueprint of
construction plans
could be prepared, said
Jeter Monday.
The request for a
blueprint was the most
recent of a long string
of delays encountered
by the FM station. The
original application for
its FM license ran into
trouble at FCC head-
quarters in
Washington, D.C.
when a new regulation
limiting the number of
radio stations in univer-
sity systems was pro-
The license was ap-
proved after 18 months
Caps, Gowns
In Student Store
ECC students wh'o
have graduated in
ugust or December,
19 . or will graduate
this May should be
ire of this year's
graduation procedure,
uding to C.C.
Rowe, commencement
committee chairman.
This year's com-
mencement will be Fri-
May 9, at 10 a.m.
All graduates wishing
to participate in the
commencement exer-
cises must attend the
rehearsal Saturday,
May 3, at 9 a.m.
Each student who
paid the S10 graduation
tee will receive his cap
and gown at no addi-
tional charge; however,
any graduate receiving
a Master's Degree re-
quiring an ECU
academic hood must
purchase it for $10.50
plus tax. Commence-
ment announcements
are also available for
S2.25 plus tax for five
All items may be
picked up or purchas-
ed, whichever applies,
at the Student Supply
Store. They may be
ordered by mail as well,
with a handling charge
of $2.00 per order.
Orders must be receiv-
ed by April 11, 1980.
in limbo, reportedly
with the assistance of
first district Con-
gressman Walter B.
Jones, D-N.C.
Jeter added that he
was not sure when the
station would go on the
air, estimating that it
would take at least a
few weeks.
The studio will be
located in the old sec-
tion of Joyner Library
and will only broadcast
in the Pitt County area.
A tentative 80-percent
album rock, 20-percent
jazz format has been
proposed, although
scheduling for classical
and other types of
music will be flexible.
-According to Jeter,
the construction of the
tower will be completed
by Wednesday, March
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New Program Begins
Popular, recreational
reading is now
available in foreign
languages for the
foreign student at
Joyner Library, in
cooperation with the
North Carolina Foreign
Language Center, has
books in Japanese,
Chinese, Spanish and
"We will exchange
these books with the
Language Center on a
regular basis said
Nancy Patterson
ECU librarian. "If the
students will let us
know what languages
and what kind of mat-
ter they want to read,
we'll be happy to get
the books for them
Some of the books
the students can read
include foreign editions
of "Once is not
Enough "Shogun"
and "Marathon Man
Comic books, records,
tapes and dictionaries
of technical vocabulary
will be forwarded from
Raleigh on request.
The program is part
of the federally-funded
Library Service Con-
struction Act, which is
meant to help local
libraries build their
special collections.
"We have books in
some 62 languages
said Dr. Patrick Valen-
tine, director of the
Foreign Language
Center in Raleigh.
"Any library in our
state can use this collec-
tion. We don't have
academic texts, as we
emphasize recreational
"The program
started in 1976
Valentine added.
"Now we have works
in Russian, Serbo-
Polish .most any
European language
The program is not
exclusively for the
foreigner. Language
majors and the public
at large can request
these books be sent to
their public library.
The- most popular col-
lections are in German
and Japanese, and
there is a growing in-
terest in books in Viet-
"We have Peanuts'
The East Carolinian
in French, German and
Spanish continued
Valentine. "Many
parents from other
countries like to get
these books for their
children so they will not
lose their mother
Interested persons
can go to the Joyner
Library Reference
Room and ask to see
the works. If the
desired work or
language is not among
those, all one need do is
request it on an inter-
library loan basis. It
takes about a week for
the books to arrie
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Marc Barnes, cam lw
Diane Henderson, Mbmwt
Robert M. Swaim, o????wwiu? Richard Green, cuto
Chris Lichok, n. mmwt Charles Chandler, s?m t
Terry Gray, ? t? Debbie Hotaling, mm ,?????
77tis Newspaper's Opinion
Press Rights At ECU
During the upcoming SGA elec-
tions, The East Carolinian will en-
dorse candidates we feel are best
qualified for the job.
Candidates will be screened in
terms of their honesty, willingness
to work, and their past record and
associations. Each candidate will be
carefully scrutinized by the
Editorial Board. The board will
consider such things as news inter-
views and how the candidates stand
on the issues. Also, the candidates'
personal intelligence will be of para-
mount concern.
The newspaper will conscien-
tiously strive to give each candidate
equal press, by making sure news
stories appear in the news hole as a
matter of informing the public,
rather than helping influence the
results of the election. Specifically,
we will not give favored coverage to
the person we support editorially.
Jules Witcover, a noted political
reporter for the Los Angeles Times,
writing in the Columbia Journalisim
Review, said that volume of space
devoted to any one candidate does
not prove editorial bias. "The flow
of news is uneven Witcover said.
in a political campaign, one can-
didate often is more active than
another, says more, or creates more
public interest
There are some, especially in the
campus administration, who have
demanded that we be fair. We feel
that we have been, and we will con-
tinue to be.
On this page, everyone who sup-
ports the candidate that we oppose
can scream that we have been unfair
to their own favorite.
Furthermore, since this
newspaper is supported with student
fees, some students will scream that
we should support everyone, since
all students pay fees. Students do
pay their fees, but in all fairness to
the newspaper, we are 70 percent
It is a fallacy to believe that we
can please everyone. We knew that
the moment we set foot into the
business that we could not, so we
haven't tried. All we can do is try to
provide the best election coverage
we know how. This may include
stepping on a few toes. If we are
forced to step on a few toes to tell
the truth, and that is our role, then
so be it.
There are student leaders, both
past and present who have said that
the campus administration, notably
the chancellor and his assistants
should stop the newspaper from
publishing when it backs a certain
candidate for SGA office. The fact
is that the adminstration cannot dic-
tate ediorial policy in any way,
shape or form. It is illegal.
In the court case Antonelli v.
Hammond (308 F. Supp 1329 (D.
Mass. 1970), the majority held that
the administration could not cut off
funds to the school newspaper
because it disagrees with editorial
content. In another case (Arrington
v. Taylor - 380 F. Supp 1348 MDNC
1974) the court dismissed an in-
dividual students suit to cut off
school funding of the newspaper
because of the student's
disagreements with the paper's con-
Some administrators at ECU
have claimed that since students are
a "captive audience certain kinds
of news coverage should not be
allowed. According to federal law,
however, this is not the case. In
Gambino vs. Fairfax County School
Board (429 F. Supp 731 E.D. Va.
1977), the court rejected the view
that students are a "captive au-
There are even some in the ad-
ministration who might have heard
that the Internal Revenue Service
may cancel the school's right to tax-
exempt status if the newspaper en-
dorses one political candidate over
another. The Internal Revenue
Code (section 51) does state that if
an organization is tax exempt
because it is operated for
"educational purposes then it
cannot attempt to "participate in
any political campaign on behalf of
any candidate for public office
According to the Student Press
Law Center Report, however, this is
not the case. In 1972, the IRS issued
an advisory opinion that stated that
political endorsements by school-
funded, school-sponsored student
newspapers would not jeopardize a
school's tax exempt status. Under
typical editorial page circumstances,
the IRS says that endorsements of
candidates would simply be
"expressions of opinion by
students" and would not constitute
"acts of the university" in violation
of the IRS code.
In short, the law is extrememly
tight as regards the First Amend-
ment guarantees of freedom of the
press in these instances. We can
print just about anything we want
short of libel.
It is our policy during the SGA
elections to be fair and responsible.
It is our earnest hope that the
SGA candidates running this year
will feel the same way.
The Nuclear Question
Direct Heat To Better Cause
National News Bureau
I'm confused. Usually I try to resolve the
"confusion" problem before I begin to
write, but in this case finding a solution
isn't all that easy.
The reason for my confusion? Well, it's
all this hubub about nuclear power. The
things I keep hearing from the most vocal
adversaries of nuclear power don't seem to
line up with the facts.
I'd like to tell you what some of the facts
are, then maybe ? just maybe ? you'll
decide (as I did) to redirect much of the
non-nuclear heat that's currently being
generated into far more productive causes.
You surely remember the photographs
taken at the nuclear facility in Seabrook,
New Hampshire. There were citizen
guerillas paddling across the marshes on in-
ner tube rafts, storming the gates, clinging
to fences in silent protest, and prostrating
themselves on the highways daring the con-
struction vehicles to run over them. Unfor-
tunately this was busy-work. It kept the
police and national guard units on over-
time, but again, the heat was on the wrong
Why do 1 keep harping that the efforts to
save us all from nuclear energy are
misdirected? Simply because the facts in-
dicate that nuclear energy is, in reality, a
very minor threat to my safety. The impor-
tant point here is that it's fairly common for
the public's idea of "risky" to differ quite
widely from reality. Some weeks ago,
Dunn's Review published a study made by
Decision Research. Three groups of people
? the League of Women Voters, college
students, and business-professional club
members ? were asked to rank thirty pro-
ducts or activities from the msot to the least
risky. In almost every case, the rankings
given by the three groups did not agree with
scientific analyses.
The major risk (actual), with 150,000
deaths is smoking. The League of Women
Voters and the business-professional club
members said it is fourth most dangerous;
the college students said it is third.
In second place, citing 100,000 deaths an-
nual, is alcoholic beverages; motor vehicles'
50,000 deaths is third; and handguns, in-
volved in 17,000 deaths, are actually fourth.
The groups ranked these risks third, se-
cond, and first, respectively.
A surprising entry (at least to me) is elec-
tric power. It ranked 5th, actually causing
14,000 deaths annually. The groups rated it
as risk number 19.
Bicycles, number 13 on the actual list, are
responsible for 1,000 deaths a year; home
appliances, number 15, cause 200 deaths
Notice, if you will, we still haven't come
to nuclear power.
Contraceptives (a product I would
have considered) is number 18 ? 5
a year.
And finally, way down at number 2
have nuclear power with 100 ear! dea
to its credit. But the surprising thing
both the League of Women Yotei and
college students thought that nuclear pc
was number 1, the leading cau-e of deal
Business-professional club member
thought nuclear power ranked eighth.
The study points up some inter
things. For example, people eem to be
more willing to face familiar n?k- sucl
cigarettes, alcohol, and bicycles, than un-
familiar ones ? even if the are tar
risky ? such as nuclear power.
People also seem to be more wriflin -
cept risks they can control, like Nirnming
(number 7, with 3,000 annual deaths) rather
than accept risks they can control, such as
pesticides on food. The college siudem
thought pesticides were fourth ? thej ete
actually twenty-eighth.
1 here are nineteen other dangers to be
protested before we get to nuclear energy
But because our opinions about nuclear
power are obvious, you can be certain that
the subject is ripe for a great des
political drum-beating.
Instead we really need to make a
the power plant designers, the cor net
companies, the inspectors, the :ra
and, of course, the power cert"
Editorial Board Is Reorganized
A proposal for a change in the structure
of The East Carolinian staff was approved
by the Media Board last Wednesday that
removes all advertising and business per-
sonnel from the Editorial Board. The
Editorial Board makes all decisions concer-
ning the contents of the news, features and
sports sections. The new structure will fur-
ther eliminate the possibility of conflicts of
interest in the editorial section of the paper.
The following description of the changes
will be submitted to the Media Board to be
written into the operations manual of The
East Carolinian.
An Editor-in-chief shall be appointed by
the Media Board as the chief management
officer of the newspaper.
The Editor-in-chief appoints the Manag-
ing Editor, Director of Advertising, Pro-
duction Manager, and Business Manager.
These four people and the Editor-in-chief
comprise the "Management Board The
Management Board is the internal govern-
ing board making decisions that affect and
concern the entire newspaper, such as prin-
ting schedule, allocation of office space,
preparation of budget, circulation, and ap-
proval of ad rates. This body has all
authority in making management decisions.
The Editorial Board consists of: Manag-
ing Editor, Editorial Page Editor, Copy
Editor, News Editor, Sports Editor, and
Features Editor. These persons make all
decisions regarding any and all editorial
matters. Their actions are subject to the ap-
proval of the Editor-in-chief.
The Managing Editor is responsible for
the employment and performance of all
members of the Editorial Board.
The Production Manager is responsible
for the employment and performance of all
production personnel.
The Director of Advertising is responsi-
ble for the employment and performance of
all advertising personnel.
The Business Manager will aner onlj
to the Editor-in-chief concerning new -paper
finances and operation.
The actions of, and decisions made b,
any newspaper employee are subject to the
scrutiny of the Editor-in-chief, who has
final authority in all newspaper matier-
Although the Editor-in-chief is superior to
individual staff members, he is subordinate
to the Management Board as a whole. The
Editor-in-chief may be overruled by a ma
jority vote of the Management Board.
The Editor-in-chief is the new sparer'
sole representative to the Media Board. He
will present any and all reports to the Media
Board. He will be assisted by individual
staff members in the preparation and
presentation of newspaper business to the
board if he so desires. The Editor-in-chief is
responsible to the board for the overall
operation of the newspaper.
Republicans Start Lining Up For 1980 Presidential Prize
National News Bureau
Several republicans would like to
be president. They sensed a change
in the wind ? tasted blood ? and
leaped into the fray, eager to
become "the Man" to oppose Jim-
my Carter this year.
Now things are shaping up into
what may be a very good fight.
Although Carter has done nothing
of any significance to bring about
the release of our people in Iran, has
offered no real answer to the Soviets
in Afghanistan, and has created a
feeling of ease among all the people
in the world who want to dump on
America ? nonetheless, Carter ap-
pears to have more public support
than ever before. Kennedy can rave
about domestic problems all he
wants; as long as foreign crises keep
cropping up, Carter will have the
Teddy Kennedy probably scares
more voters than any other can-
didate. He won. his home state of
Massachusetts, but those people are
used to him. Massachsuetts has
never been the bellwether for the na-
tion. In effect, it was a favorite son
The rest of the nation sees only
the specter of a young girl clawing
for air and screaming for help that
never came. It sees a man who ad-
vocates welfare programs without
regard for costs. It sees a man who
chokes in a crisis or when asked a
question for which he has not
prepared. Teddy is the Kennedy
family's baby boy ? and it shows.
But what hath the Republicans
wrought? Reagan? Bush? Ander-
son? (Whisper it softly, for it be yet
in the hearts of all good Republican
state chairman ? Ford?)
Reagan is a darling. He speaks
well, as a man should who has
played many parts. He mixes his
lines once in a while, but that can be
forgiven in an old man. If Reagan
becomes the Republican candidate it
would not require a crystal ball to
predict the outcome of the general
election. The magic number allow-
ing a man to become President
hovers around 52 percent of the
electorate. That is how much is
needed to overcome the faults of the
electoral coielge system.
A true conservative will draw ex-
actly 25 percent of the electorate.
Depending on Ronnie Reagan's
mouth, that means the Republicans
in November can only hope for 23
to 29 percent of the votes in
November. Not even close ?
nowhere near the cigar.
George Bush is personable
enough and intelligent, but his roots
are in the oil business and his last
private business ties were with the
ganking industry. Bush is respected
by CIA types who served under him,
but all that means is that he did not
rock the boat while he was director.
The Bush potential seems to be on
the same level as Carter's. More on
this later.
John Anderson is the Republican
Kennedy. He is rapidly becoming a
cult favorite because the easy liberal
answers that appeal to most young
Americans sound better coming
from him than they do coming from
a man with blood on his hands. It is
popular once again to be opposed to
the Democrats, but after you've
been taught that there is an easy
answer to all life's little problems
and the answers don't ever have to
end in blood and thunder, most
liberals feel better about supporting
Anderson than one of the other,
more conservative Republicans.
Gerald Ford, although he claims
he's not running, appeals to the pro-
fessional politicians. He is proven
and true. All the klutzes of the na-
tion identify with htm. There are a
lot of klutzes. Ford is there to pro-
tect the party against tumbling too
far from the center. To the old pols,
the thing is to win the general elec-
tion, not to prove a point. If Reagan
or Anderson begins to pull ahead in
the primaries, then you will be likely
to see Ford stumble into the race.
But it really doesn't matter who
wants to be President or who
becomes President. The true control
of the nation's destiny is now in the
hands, of the great corporations.
Oil, the banks, General Motors, Ma
Bell, and the power companies, to
mention a few. These companies are
at war ? struggling for national and
international supremacy ? and the
United States has become a tool in
the struggle. Some of them actively
conspire to control events, others
act out of the general state-of-mind
that prevails among captains of
capitalism. That they may be short-
sighted or less than concerned about
your welfare or the future of our
planet is beside the point; an at-
mosphere allowing a tidy profit is
the ultimate point.
In that respect, the big boys think
Carter is OK. Not perfect, but OK
Just in case the public decides to
throw him out, they want to make
sure that whoever runs against him
will still play ball in their park.
Mind you now, there is no man
running who wouldn't or couldn't
be manipulated by the good ole
Captains of Commerce, but the
prime opponents for Carter are
Bush and Ford. No matter which
becomes the official candidate or
who wins in November, for the hud-
dled masses paying for their oil
through the nose, for the millions
applying for food stamps so they
can afford to buy more packaging
(that's what you are buying most of,
you know), and for the young fami-
ly faced with paying $100,000 over
30 to 50 years for a house that costs
$13,000-30,000 to build, for these
there is no hope. It will he business
jgH0MW?MM?JIPilV4MPl1 iNi?M!iiMMtyllll9 '
??? ?. m, ?. i
f- ?? f

MARCH 25, 1980 Page 5
Original Material Gets Attention
'I Just Set Short-Term Goals For Myself
Brian Huskey Pho,obvJILLADAMS
soloing at the Tree House
By Laura Hoke
Staff Writer
Guitar pickers come and go
through most college towns. We like
to stomp our feet and clap our
hands to get the adrenalin flowing.
But for some reason, we often can't
remember who it was a pickin' and a
grinnin' when we wake up the next
morning with a hangover.
Despite my severe headache this
last Saturday morning, Brian
Huskey's name and unique blend of
country and folk music stuck in my
mind when I woke up. I had spent
the better part of Friday night at the
Tree House listening to Brian play,
and I was so impressed that I called
him Saturday morning to see if we
could get together and talk for a
while. That night over a relaxed din-
ner before he played, I learned a lot
about Brian Huskey and what it's
like being a solo performer on the
The East Carolinian: Brian, as I
understand you've been playing for
several years now. Have you always
been a solo performer?
Huskey: Heavens no! I've been
playing the guitar for years, but on-
ly for the past five years have I
played solo. I started out at 16 play-
ing with an all-black band. When we
broke up, I had a few disasters with
bands before I realized it would be
easier for me solo. You have only
yourself to depend on and to answer
to. Granted, this can present pro-
blems, but the benefits outweigh the
E.C So how has your career pro-
gressed since then?
Huskey: It has definitely had a
snowball effect. I pretty much go
with the flow, and I've had a lot of
opportunities and run with all of
them as they came.
E.C Have you reached the point
that you consider success?
Huskey: I guess that would depend
on what success is. I really don't
know. I don't have a definite suc-
cess point, I just set short-term goals
for myself, try to fulfill them, and
then shoot a little higher. My first
goal was to be able to make a com-
fortable living for myself playing
music. I have achieved that. Since
success can be both personal and
professional, 1 guess it is something
I'll always be working on.
E.C You mentioned that your
album should be coming out any
day now. I know it's something
you've been working on for a long
time. Are you happy with it?
Huskey: Oh, extremely. It did take a
long time, but it's something I've
always wanted to do. Of course, I
wish I had had more money to put
into it, but I feel like my essence
came across well, which is the main
E.C Is there anything you would
do differently concerning the album
if you had it to do over again?
Huskey: Well, I would definitely
like for my next album to be live.
You can be so creative with a live
album. A lot of my material is about
humorous events that occur on the
road. I talk to the audience a lot,
and I would like a lot of the funny
stories that preface the songs to be
on the album to add a little flavor
and individuality. The main thing,
though, would be to do more of my
own material. On this album I did
only two original songs: one an in-
strumental, "The Road Fever
Rag which is the name of the
album; and "Roses Every Wednes-
day a love song.
E.C Do you write a lot of your
own music?
Huskey: Not nearly as much as I
would like to. Writing is something
I'm concentrating on a lot these
days. It's difficult to perform your
own music and get a good response
from the crowd. Usually they want
to hear songs they know, that they
can sing along with. Original
material has to be something that
will get peoples' attention, make
them listen despite the fact that they
have never heard it before. It'?
Page 6, col. 1
New Generation Protests Draft Registration
A News Analysis
Slightly less than ten years ago,
on May 4. 1970, shots rang out at
Kent State University and students
fell to the ground, victims of
asaMns bullets, and repurcussions
were felt throughout the youth
men em en t.
A short while later, two more
students at Jackson State University
in Mississippi became martyrs. It
was equally profound and shocking
to hear my father say, "Well, that
oueht to silence all those protestors
and put them back in school where
they belong
Times have changed. My father,
like the rest of us, has come full cir-
cle to realize that although we live in
the greatest country in the world, we
are still not without faults. I have
forgiven, but never forgotten, the
words of my father because he was a
victim of the msot corrupt ad-
ministration in the history of the
United States (that of Richard Nix-
on), until now.
Last year the shots once again
rang out and innocent-people were
killed in Greensboro. These were
not wild-eyed radicals plotting to
overthrow the country. They were
doctors and students from some of
the most prestigious educational in-
stitutions in the United States, gun-
ned down without, and possibly
with the cooperation of, police pro-
This time, we will not silence our
protests at the sights of guns. Many
various political factions are uniting
to force the government of the
United States to realize that it is not
serving nor meeting the needs of its
people, but giant corporations.
On the very day that Jimmy
Carter announced his plans to
reinstate the draft, several thousand
youths marched on Carter's head-
quarters in Manhattan chanting
"Hell, rtoVVe won'f go. We won't
die for Texaco Last Saturday,
about 30,000 youths gathered in
Washington to let the Carter ad-
ministration know that they would
not stand idly by and let him spill
the blood of our youth to defend the
oil company investments in the Mid-
dle East.
On March 22, tens of thousands
of students and parents, young and
old, black and white, from all walks
of life came to Washington to at-
tempt to stop registration and the
They gathered in Washington to
let the president know that they are
opposed to registration and con-
scription, but more importantly, are
opposed to the cold war and the new
militarism that has spawned in the
United States.
Though they forthrightly con-
demn the taking of hostages in Iran,
support the call for an international
tribunal to investigate the crimes of
the shah, and oppose Soviet in-
tervention in Afghanistan; they fell
that Carter's action is inap-
propriate. It is felt that the standing
force of two million backed by
ready reserves of nearly another
million and the most technologically
advanced military machine the
world has ever known are more than
sufficient to protect any legitimate
security interest.
The administration claims that
registration is simply preparedness
for future contingencies, but history
demonstrates that registration leads
to the draft and the draft leads to in-
terventionist foreign policy ? the
same policy that caused the Vietnam
War and threatens future en-
tanglements around the world.
Can we sit by and let the war-
mongerers in the White House and
Congress plot to possibly destroy
the world for the sake of the cor-
porate entities that are only in it for
the money?
A new genertion of protestors
has risen out of the long sleep of the
70s to realize they must fight against
this new surge of militarism or it will
be the last chance to fight for or
against anything. The new "not-me
generation" is a different form of
activism because it is known that the
multi-national organizations are
behind this threat of war and that
our national interests would not be
served by such a war.
Our interests would best be served
by meeting our energy needs with
alternative, safe energy sources like
conservation, solar, wind and back-
to-the-basics technology. We know
that the U.S. military intervention
could lead to an all-out nuclear war
with Russia in which there would be
no winners.
Last Saturday's demonstration
was organized by the Mobilization
Against the Draft, a coalition of
students, religious, women's anti-
nuclear and old anti-war groups like
the War Resistors League and the
Page 7, col. 1
Truffaut's Illusion- Creating Device
Life's Merry- Go-Round
Elvis Costello
Costdlo's fourth album, GET HAPPY, is reviewed on page 7 along
wttti liftfia Ronstadt's new one, MAO LOVE.
The film-within-a-film device has
many famous theatrical and
cinematic antecedents from
Pirandello, Fellini and Godard to
Bergman and LeLouche. "Day for
Night as the film explains, is the
device of filming day for night,
whereby night scenes are shot in
daylight through a filter.
It is typical of the cinematic tricks
and illusion-creating devices which
this film simultaneously exploits
and exposes.
The dedication to Dorothy and
Lillian Gish is the first of many
homages with which the film
abounds. The opening sequence
then creates the illusion of reality
only to shatter it at once with the
revelation that we are watching the
shooting of a film, as Truffaut plays
his usual fashion with our expecta-
The tragic development, in-
terspersed with humor, of the film-
within-the-film ("Meet Pamela") is
paralleled by similar vicissitudes in
the lives of the people working on
the film.
The apprentice script-girl
(Liliane), the make-up girl (Odile)
and the props man (Bernard) are
given equal prominence with the
stars ? Severine, the fading
Hollywood actress, Alexandre, her
50-year-old husband in the film,
their son Alphonse (Jean Pierre
Leaud) and their daughter-in-law
Julie, who plays Pamela, who is in
love with Alexandre.
The whole film is a demonstration
film-making, in the words of
Truffaut, both the actor and the
man, is "un metier formidable He
compares it to a journey in a
Western. "At first you hope you
will have a good trip. Then you just
wonder if you will ever reach the
end And later: "Films go on like
trains. They are more harmonious
than life and there are no hold-ups.
Personal problems no longer count.
The cinema reigns" ? this to the ac-
companiment of majestically low,
swelling music.
The warmth and solidarity of the
film-making team ? they watch th
rushes like a family watching home
movies and later the group
photograph resembles a family
p-ortrait ? provides a temporary
security for Truffaut. The impor-
tance of his craving is highlighted by
the emphasis on the line "Your
parents invite us" (reminiscent of
Antoine's adoptive family in
"Antoine and Colette").
But the film also stresses the isola-
tion of the director in his decision-
making role, pater familias. Hence
his symbolc wearing of the hearing-
aid and the recurrent enigmatic
flashback (similar to many of Truf-
faut's own experiences) of a solitary
child's theft of stills of "Citizen
Kane" from outside a cinema,
followed by flight into deafness.
The incident in which Severine
can't remembr her lnes and asks if
she can jus say numbers with the
correct dramatic emphasis is follow-
ed by frequent reassurances from
Truffaut that is not serious.
In her confusion, Severine cannot
tell if Odile is her makeup girl or a
film actress playing the part of the
maid (in fact, she's both). The se-
quence works on a number of levels.
It is funny and moving; it is an
authentic portrayal of Truffaut's
working method, his delicate handl-
ing of actors and his sympathy for
them and it illustrates the confusion
between illusion and reality which
runs through the film.
The event in the film, as usual,
overshadow the ending and Truf-
faut tries to lighten the mood in
"Day for Night" as well. By the end
of the film, our film, though, the
film unit of the film-within-a-film
breaks up and the camera pulls
away from the scene of their
farewells, the final shot freezing and
then spinning round, evoking et
again the whirl-wind ? or the
merry-go-round ? of life.
"Day for Night" is rated 'R The
free flick for this Friday and Satur-
day night is the Dracula-spoof
"Love at First Bite Times for the
film are 7 and 9 p.m.
'Day for Night by Francois Trail ant

MARCH 25, 1980
Huskey's Original
Material Included
NBC TV Readies New Dramas
Continued from Page 5
definitely a challenge,
but I'm working on it.
E.C Are there any
particular artists whom
you would say have in-
fluenced your perform-
ing and writing?
Huskey: That's a hard
question. Early in-
fluences for me, I
guess, were James
Taylor and Neil Young.
A lot of Neil Young.
Now 1 get excited over
leas music. Willis
Man Ramsey, Guy
Clark, and Jerry Jeff
Walker are big in-
fluences. Especially
Jerry Jeff! I'd love to
go to Texas. Hopefully
I'll get there sometime
E.C: Have you played
in a wide variety of
Huskey: Everywhere
from New York to
Elorida. In fact, I'll be
up in Washington,
D.C later this spring,
and I'm checking on
some bookings in
Boston and New York
after that. I definitely
travel a lot.
E.C How do you feel
about being on the road
so much?
Huskey: I love it. Peo-
ple will always com-
plain about their jobs.
That's just life, and I
bitch just as much as
the next man. But I
love to work, I love
people, and I especially
love to travel. Being on
the road does have its
drawbacks. Loneliness
is the biggest one I can
think of. Privacy is
great, but too much
privacy is solitude, and
I don't like that. Going
back to an empty motel
room in a town where
you don't know anyone
is a really empty feel-
ing. Thank God I like
E.C Then would you
ever consider playing
with a band again?
Huskey: Not because
of traveling alone. I
would consider playing
with a band again if
just the right offer
came along.
E.C: What would
"just the right offer"
have to include?
Huskey: Money would
be an important con-
sideration. Major, as a
matter of fact. And the
music, of course,
would have to be right.
There could be excep-
tions where money is
concerned. For exam-
ple, if the Eagles called
me up and needed a
guitar, I'm sure I could
put up with a little cut
in pay!
E.C : But, overall, are
you happy with your
career at this point in
Huskey: I'm very ex-
cited about it.
Everything is going
well, and opportunities
sometimes come faster
than I can grab onto
them. I try not to miss
any, though, and I use
every advantage to its
fullest. Like I said
before, I'm a
workaholic, so the
busier I am, the happier
1 am. The music I'm
playing now is the kind
of music I love. It's me,
my lifestyle and my
personality. So I really
couldn't be happier.
E.C: You've played in
Greenville several
times. Do you plan to
play here again?
AP Television Writer
It is taxing, scrutiniz-
ing the deal that writer
David Rintels has with
NBC and trying to
detect a flaw. If this
isn't dead solid perfect,
N.C. No.
Dixie Road
Bonnie Gringo
it's close to it as televi-
sion comes. Razor
NBC has asked
Rintels to go out into
America and produce
plays for the network's
new theatre series. Find
plays you like, they
said. Spend what you
must. Get the best ac-
tors available. You
want to reherse them
for four weeks, as if
you were on Broadway
'They didn't even
blink Rintels says.
Huskey: I'll be back at
the Tree House April
23 and 24. The people
here are fantastic.
Greenville is a friendly
town, and I've loved
playing here.
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"And they know the
quality of actors we're
going to be using
Yes, such as Henry
Fonda, Penelope
Milford, Cloris
Leachman, David
Ogden Stiers, Tim Hut-
ton and George Griz-
zard. And that's just
the cast of the first pro-
duction, The Oldest
Living Graduate, part
of the late Preston
Jones' Texas Trilogy.
The play will be aired
live from the Dallas
Theatre Center. "It's
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where Jones lived and
wrote Rintels says on
April 7. There will be
another production
later this year, and at
least four next year.
441 told NBC that I
wanted to do plays
from the regions, not
just New York and Los
Angeles. Plays from
writers that spoke with
a different voice than
the one we usually
The extraordinary
NBC project was born
of a meeting Rintels
had six years ago with
some IBM executives
after IBM bought
Rintels' play Clarence
Darrow for television.
There, he met Jane
Cahill Pfieffer, who
eventually became
NBC's chairman of the
"Jane and I talked
about it, and it never
occured to me to say
no. It was a chance that
anybody in television
would be thrilled to
have, to be able to pick
good plays and do them
live and do them the
right way
He says NBC has not
even hinted at com-
merical factors, such as
ratings. Can this be?
"We can do
anything, we have set
no rules. I could do a
play on Broadway, if I
wanted, or Puerto
Rico. Or Texas.
"After the two this
year, and the four next
year, we'll sit down and
discuss it. I want to see
if people like it. if it's
for people, if it's g
for NBC. We'll see
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Teddy Kennedy probably scares lines once in a while, but that can be rock the boat while he was director, tect the party against tumbling too mtepnere allowing a uuy prom is as usual.

MARCH 25. 1980
'Get Happy' Is A Costello Phenomenon
'Mad Love9 Lacks Ronstadt's Creativity
New Generation Protest
Continued from Page 5
W'omens International
League for Peace and
This coalition has a
much broader base, in-
cluding blacks, labor,
women, gays, and
others, and has a much
better potential for a
broader impact thatn
those of the 60s because
of the forces of the
tumultuous 70s and the
variety of inputs that
the MAD has within its
grasp. The Washington
event was coordinated
bv Patrick Lacefield
and received en-
dorsements from more
than 82 groups, in-
cluding the Citizen's
Party, National
Lawyers Guild,
Veterans for Peace,
Clergy and Laity Con-
cerned. Americans for
Democratic Action,
event featured for miles. The crowd!
speakers like was full of people car-
Yarrow, David rying banners froml
various schools and
groups, and the
members began to
chant such songs as
"One, Two, Three,
Four; No Draft and No
War" and "Hell no, we
won't go. We won't die
for Texaco
Dellinger, Roy Childs,
Rev. William Sloan
Coffin, Mark Hatfield,
David Harris, Ben
Chavis, Bella Abzug,
Stokely Carmichael,
and many others.
Entertainment was pro-
vided by Penny Rosen-
wasser and The Jones
Boys, Bob Gilliam and
band, Lucy Murphy,
and Magpie. The
highlight was a presen-
tation by the cast of
Hair. It was both an
enlightening and enter-
taining afternoon of
civil disobedience and
concern for the future
welfare of our country.
The group gathered
at the Ellipse in
downtown Washington
and marched down
Staff Writer
Get Happy ? Elvis Costello
The single most amazing quality in Elvis
Costello's music is his uniqueness. Something
even more amazing, however, is that all of his
own albums are strikingly different from each
other. Costello never burns music out. Opening a
new Elvis record is like watching technology ad-
vance right before your ears. Technically,
musically and lyrically innovative, Costello is up
front in the new music scene.
Get Happy, Elvis' new album on Columbia
Records, is no exception to the advances in his
style. It consists of 20 songs What! Twenty
songs on one record? Impossible in 1980? Not so.
With Elvis and producer Nick Lowe, anything is
possible, even 20 short songs. Elvis doesn't feel
that it takes a long, drawn-out songs to express an
Short songs are fine, but Elvis could have
lengthened them just a little and made sides one
and two completely different albums. Of course,
this was not his motive. He wants to bring back
One of the better lines occurs in "NewAmster- Girl from Costello's Armed Forces LP,
dam" and practically has his name pinned to it. Ronstadt changes the gender, making the whole
"Do I step on the break to get out of the clut- song completely different than the original mean-
cncs7?? ing expressed by Costello. "Girl Talk" and
Get Happy is another Costello phenomenon "Talking in the Dark" are the other two Costello
which may not receive the best critical acclaim, songs. The only remaining song is one that
but it should. If any new album should be sug- doesn't quite seem to fit the mood of the LP.
gested for an introduction into new music, it Looking at her past releases, however, Neil
would have to be this one. Costello, together with Young's "Look Out for My Love" is really more
Nick Lowe, is making the scene.
Mad Love ? Linda Ronstadt
That sweet little country girl we all knew and
loved from the days of "Don't Cry Now" and
"Heart Like A Wheel" has defied all of her tradi-
tions, swayed from the society norms and gone
New Wave. But don't worry fans, it's not really a
heavy-duty change. Linda is just riding that new
wave of excitement.
Ronstadt's new LP, Mad Love, includes a cou-
ple of rnid60s pop songs. "I Can't Let Go" is an
old song originally done by Little Anthony and
and the National Pennsylvania Avenue
Organization of in a group almost 20
Women. abreast and stretching
Seniors9 Art
Exhibited In
Spring Show
Two senior can-
didates lor the
Bachelor of line Arts
degree from the ECU
School of Art will show
examples of their work
in campus exhibitions
beginning enxt week.
Susan Renee Drew of
Durham, a com-
munication arts major
with a minor concen-
tration in painting, will
show some of her
graphic designs, il-
photographs, and
watercolor, oil and
acrylic paintings in the
Kate Lewis Gallery
March 24-April 4.
She is secretary and
treasurer of ECU
Design Associates.
Nancy Wogsland of
Bel Air, Marylandalso
a communication arts
major with a minor
concentration in metal
design, is exhibiting
graphic designs, il-
photographs ind metal
designs in Mendenhall
Student Center.
113 Grande Ave
Qj?lit Shoe Repair
She is a member of
Design Associates, the
Inter-Varsity Christian
Fellowship andl three
honor societies: Prrl
Kappa Phi, Phi Eta
Sigma and Gamma
Beta Phi.
A friend of mine said
that you could always
tell the Christian
groups because they
sang songs such as "We
Shall Overcome but
between the Socialists,
the Communists, the
Libertarians, the
Marxist-Leninists, the
Moonies, the
Feminists, the
Democrats for Ken-
nedy, the Republicans
for Anderson, and the
Citizens for Com-
moner, it was hard to
tell one faction from
the other.
The most impressive
facet was the tremen-
dous feeling of commu-
nion that was generated
between the individuals
regardless of their af-
filiation and the
outstanding coopera-
tion among the groups.
It was different from
the protests of the 60s
in that it did not suc-
cumb to the lure of ag-
gression. It was a
peaceful demonstration
that profitted from the
mistakes of the past ? establish a new form
n?,V "LS2ZL Vi?'e3 The 80s will be an er
SM5T, ?S ?f tremendous change
the days of multi-song recordings in the style of The Imperials, and "Hurts So Bad" was first
the old Beatles and Buddy Holly records. done by the Hollies. Together with these old rock
One of the better cuts on the album is V roll gems are a few more recent pop songs.
"Secondary Modern In this tune Costello br- Mark Goldenberg and Billy Steinberg of The
ings out the lower tone quality in his voice, Cretones, a Los Angeles based New Wave band,
in tune with what Ronstadt should be doing.
Mad Love, like Living in the USA, will pro-
bably be a disappointment for most Ronstadt
fans. Her pseudo-New Wave tactics seem to come
not so much from Ronstadt's heart as from her
producer's head. Cut Linda's hair, dress her in
New Wave drag, toughen up that pretty voice and
send her down New Wave Avenue. (A recent
Roiling Stone cover pictured Ronstadt on the cor-
ner of Punk Street and New Wave Avenue.)
The trouble with this is that no true "Punker"
will possibly be able to take this LP seriously. It's
too commercial, too phony and far too contradic-
tory of her past style.
Basically, Mad Love fails to bring out
Ronstadt's own creative abilities. So Come on
Linda, stick to your own roots, there is nothing
wrong with those good ole "Lovesick Blues
tive, another unique quality
The strongest cut on the album is "downtime
is Over It is a polished up, "pure pop for now
people" type of song. On side 2, the strongest cut
is "Motel Matches "Giving you away like
motel matches" is the main line suggesting angry
sarcasm, a style of expression most often
associated with Costello.
"Mad Love the title song; and a mellow, pas-
sionate, but brutal love song, "Justine Billy
Steinberg contributed the single cut, "How Do I
Make You one of the strongest of the New
Wave songs on the album.
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MARCH 25. 1980 Page 8
Takes 3
Assistant Sports Editor
East Carolina opened the 1980
softball season with three victories
Saturday during a round robin event
here in Greenville.
The Lady Pirates opened the
event with a 16-1 demolition of Ap-
palachian State in five inning ab-
breviated contest. Junior Kathy
Riley tallied four RBIs in the game
with a pair of doubles and a drive to
the outfield which she legged for the
only home run of the day for the
Lady Pirates.
Freshman Fran Hooks, starting at
catcher for the injured Jan
McVeigh, opened her diamond
career in the purple and gold with a
three out of four performance at the
"We've used Fran more at short-
stop in practice than at catcher,
though we've had her in mind as the
backup catcher all along says
coach Alita Dillon.
Cindy Meekins pounded out three
hits in four trips to the plate as
senior Mary Bryan Carlyle tossed
her first victory of the season for
East Carolina.
The most surprising win of the
afternoon was ECU's 9-0 stomping
of the Tar Heels of North Carolina.
Again Riley, a transfer from Mid-
dle Tennessee State, led the victors
with two RBI's on a double, a single
and a base on balls. Freshman Cyn-
thia Shepard clubbed a single and a
triple to lead off the sixth as she ad-
ded a pair of RBIs.
Meekins added a pair of hits and
Hooks slumped to one out of four
as Carlyle claimed her second vic-
tory of the day and of the season on
the mound for the Lady Pirates.
The toughest battle of the day was
a 10-6 struggle with Western
Carolina in what turned out to be
the final Pirate outing of the day.
Hooks, a native of Goldsboro,
turned in three hits in as many trips
to the plate against WCU. Shepard
added a double and a single and
Riley swatted a single and another
triple. Meekins contributed a pair of
hits to the Lady Pirates' offensive.
ECU led UNC-Greensboro 5-3 in
the top of the fifth, but their contest
was called due to darkness. Rivals
North Carolina and N.C. State were
deadlocked at two runs each when
their game was also stopped by
In other action, Western Carolina
beat UNC-G 10-7; UNC downed
WCU 19-6 and ASU 7-0; State
bested UNC-G 11-1, ASU 12-7 and
WCU 8-6; and UNC-G outlasted
ASU 8-7 in 10 innings.
Riley, a refugee of Lady Pirate
basketball, leads the team with a
.700 batting average with 10 at-bats.
Meekins and Hooks follow with
.636 percentages, with Shepard next
at .500.
"I see that we're going to be able
to depend on our depth said
Dillon. "We had an excellant day
hitting, even with the wind being so
"We saw people realizing that
East Carolina was going to be a
team to be reckoned with. We can't
let this early success go to our heads.
"We were pleased with what we
did, but we still have a lot of work
to do
Toughest In ECU History
Grid Schedule Includes FSU
Bill Cain
Sports Editor
The 1980 East Carolina football
schedule was announced late last
week by ECU Athletic Director Bill
Cain and no doubt is the toughest,
yet most balanced, in the school's
Road trips are set for Florida
Moye Mauls One
The Pirate rightfielder takes a big swing and promply
delivers it out of the park. Moye is one of several Pirate
power hitters that have led the team to an impressive 10-2
start. Moye has been in the ECU lineup for just a week
due to an early season injury. He and his teammateswere
rained out yesterday afternoon after trailing Ohio Univer-
sity 4-2 after one and one-half innings.
State; Miami, Fl North Carolina;
N.C. State; Duke and Richmond.
Home games are scheduled with
Southwest Louisiana, Southern
Mississippi, Western Carolina,
William and Mary, and Eastern
Kentucky, the 1979 NCAA Division
I-AA national champions.
"There's no way anyone can say
this isn't the toughest schedule in
the history of East Carolina said
Pirate head coach Ed Emory. "It's
to be quite a challenge to play those
people but we look forward to it and
plan to take them one game at a
Four of the 11 opponents were in-
vited to a bowl game last season.
North Carolina upset Big Ten power
Michigan in the Gator Bowl and
Florida State fell to Oklahoma in
the Orange Bowl after finishing the
regular season 11-0.
N.C. State turned down a bid to
participate in the Garden State Bowl
while Eastern Kentucky marched to
the NCAA Division I-AA national
title, winning over Delaware on na-
tional television in the champion-
ship game.
Emory may think things are
tough as it is but the fact is they
would have been even tougher if
plans for a couple of big games had
not fallen through.
Cain spent several weeks talking
with Houston, winner of this year's
Cotten Bowl. At one time it even
appeared that the powerful Cougars
would be playing in ECU's Ficklen
Stadium next season.
"Houston's problem was that
they had five home games and five
away said Cain, "because they
weren't able to get the Astrodome
for their September 27 home game.
The Houston Astros (major league
baseball) had the place booked for
that afternoon.
"Also, they couldn't play in town
because Rice was hosting LSU at the
other stadium
When Cain heard of this, he
quickly went to work in an attempt
to get the big "name team" in
Ficklen Stadium that Pirate fans
have desired for so long.
"We offered them $150,000 to
come here said Cain. "That's an
outrageous figure and they were
very receptive to it
They were, at least, until the
Astros agreed to allow the Cougars
to play their game with North Texas
State the night of the 27th.
Cain also almost swung a deal
with Colgate in an attempt to get a
more recognized name in Ficklen. It
appeared that things were set when
the northern university backed out
at the last minute.
"They are playing only ten games
next season said Cain. "We had
hoped to get them down here on one
of their two open dates. Their
thinking was that the two dates
came before games with Rutgers
and Penn State and that they would
be better off with no games at those
particular times
What Colgate did, in effect, was
assure themselves of an extra week
of practice in preparing for their
two toughest games of the season.
"I guess they figured that playing
a team with a good reputation like
East Carolina before those big
games would injure their chances
for a good season Cain com-
One aspect of the schedule that is
most pleasing to Cain and the Pirate
coaching staff is that not once dur-
ing the season is there two con-
secutive road games, or home games
for that matter.
"This is the most balanced
schedule we've ever had said
Cain. "You just can't beat it
Also pleasing to the ECU AD and
Emory is the fact that one of the
bigger Pirate games, against chief
rival N.C. State, is the last game ot
the season.
"In the past most of the so-called
big games have come early said
Emory. "This should keep the team
emotionally high all season
One of the major gripes about
East Carolina football in the past
has concerned the schedule,
something that Cain has been work-
ing desperately to improve. Results,
he says, will be forthcoming.
"We are now finishing up an
agreement with Florida Slate he
said. "We have a home-and-awaj
series with them from 1982 through
1990 in the makings. It looks good
at the moment
Cain claimed that when he began
talks with the Seminole athletic
department he had no idea such an
attractive agreement could be reach-
ed. "I am overwhelmed he pro-
claimed. "1 didn't know we could
come close to something this nice
Also a possible future Pirate op-
ponent is Southeastern Conference
power Louisiana State. "They've
contacted us and we've reached a
tentative agreement Cain noted.
"They have an opening for one
game and we've made a date
available. I'm confident .e will
work something definite out oon
Cain noted that the reception he
has been getting when he tries to
structure a respectable schedule has
been better than ever lately.
"We've done some big things and
people are listening now he ex-
plained. "We are working on
future dates with VPI, Texas A&M
and Virginia, among others
Sept.6Duke1:30 p.m.
20Florida StateA7:30 p.m.
11Richmond1:30 p.m.
25North Carolina2:00 p.m.
8Miami (Fla.)A4:00 p.m.
22N.C. State1:30 p.m.
Pirate Gridders Begin Drills
Sports Editor
Spring football practice officially
got underway at East Carolina last
Saturday, one day behind schedule,
in beginnining what will be a vital
period in the formation of the 1980
version of the gridiron Pirates.
"This is really an important time
for us said first-year head coach
Ed Emory. "We have a new
coaching staff and have lost over 20
seniors to graduation. This is a time
where every position is open and
every kid has the opportunity to
compete for the positions
Due to bad weather, the opening
drill for the Pirates was postponed
from last Friday to Saturday. Also,
the team's Monday afternoon prac-
tice was cancelled to to rain.
"It's been wet, wet, wet so far
said Emory. "We certainly hope
things will begin to clear up. Satur-
day was a super day but we were not
Mulholland, Green Are Captains
The following is a list of the
awards and their recipients
presented at last Thursday's ECU
Football Banquet:
Outstanding Offensive Player?
Lansche Outstanding Senior?
Swindell Memorial Award (Team
Before Self, Dedication, Leader-
Outstanding Freshman?
Best Blocking Back?
Blocking Trophy?
E.E. Rawl Memorial Award
(Character, Scholarship and
Athletic Ability)?
Outstanding Defensive Player?
Outstanding Specialty Team
Rick Bankston Memorial Award
(Scout Team)?
Academic Achievment?
Team Captains?
?Offensive: MA TT
?Defensive: MIKE BREW-
some kids that maybe haven't been
productive in the past will probablv
pop up and surprise some people
The ex-Georgia Tech assistant
said that, for a while at least, the
Pirates would be in mainly a testing
stage. "The first ten days are
basically experimental said
Emory. "What we're doing is lay-
ing the groundwork for next
able to work on our passing game
due to the strong winds
The 1979 Pirates graduate 26 let-
termen, including 18 starters. This
comes at a bad time for the team as
the 1980 schedule features road trips
to North Carolina, N.C. State,
Duke, Florida State and Miami,
Fla. Also included are home con-
tests with Southern Mississippi and
Eastern Kentucky, the 1979 NCAA
Division I-AA national champion.
"It's going to be a great challenge
to play those teams Emory said.
"We wish we could syncrinize
things by having those 20-some
seniors back when we had a
schedule like this. But we're ex-
citied about the schedule and will
take the games one at a time
Of the spring drills, Emory said
that the players returning were
beginning anew and that many
players would probably change
positions before the drills are over.
"Just because a guy played on the
offensive line last year he claim-
ed, "does not mean that he won't
play on defense this year. Also,
The 1980 East Carolina Spring
Football Clinic is set for March
28-30 High school coaches
throughout the state are expected to
Featured speakers will include
Oklahoma offensive coordinator
Galen Hall; the Sooners' defensive
coordiator, Rex Norris and
Nebraska strength and conditioning
coach Boyd Epley. ECU head
coach Ed Emory and two of his
assistants, offensive coordinator
Wright Anderson and defensive
coordinator Norm Parker, will also
be featured.
Free Swinger Davis Compared To Sanguillan
Assistant Sports Editor
"If I start keeping up with my
batting average, then I am an in-
dividual; not playing as a team
The simple strategy of East
Carolina senior leftfielder Butch
Davis is refreshing to hear, but his
accomplishments through the
Pirates' 10-2 opening season spurt
have brought him to the center of
attention anyway.
The Williamston native has
posted a .378 batting average with
seven homers and 14 runs batted in,
which has thrust the soft-spoken but
.confident veteran into an offensive
leadership position.
"My attitude is that I don't try to
act cocky states Davis. "I act the
same every day.
"Everybody has their ups and
downs and when my downs get here,
I'm just going to take it from there;
try to pull myself up
Davis and coach Hal Baird hope
the downs don't get here too soon,
as the ups were a long, trying time
"He's played excellant defense
for us thus far comments Baird.
"He had a tag of not being able to
play defense, but he's overcome that
pretty well.
Davis' defensive stats are nothing
for the speedy outfielder to be
ashamed of; .950 percentage with
only three errors throught the first
dozen games of the young season.
He rates his throwing arm as
"average; I won't say it is near pro
"Defensively, I had to work on
seeing the ball come off the batters'
bat and getting a good jump on it.
Offensively, I guess in the fall I
worked on my swing; along with
picking out my pitch
Picking his pitch out of the bar-
rage of undesireable tosses is one
thing Baird feels Davis has had suc-
cess at despite abnormal tendencies.
"He's a 'free swinger' in the true
sense of the word says Baird. "A
regular Manny Sanguillan
(Pittsburg Pirate backup catcher
notorious for swinging at anything
within reach).
"Seriously, he has great hand-eye
coordination. Butch has a really
quick bat. He's able to get the bat
on pitches other people never could.
"He means a lot to this team
Team concept is the only concept
of baseball for Davis. Success and
honor must first come to the team
before any personal token ac-
complishments can be satisfying.
"The record we have right now
(10-2) is good says Davis, "but I
wish we were 12-0.
"Most of the guys can hit the long
ball all right, but we work on line
drives rather long balls in batting
Speed, according to Davis, is one
of his key assets. The driversd
education major has a pair of stolen
bases in as many attempts thus far.
Attitude is the vital ingredient to
the Pirates campaign strategy, ac-
cording to Davis.
"1 know on a lot of teams, the
players don't look forward to runn-
ing in early practices offered
Davis. "But we'd jsut get out there
and get it done and try to have fun
doing it.
"The coaches make us feel com-
fortable. They'll call us in and joke
with us sometimes just like one of
the players. Joking around with the
guys is important
Davis credits sophomore John
Hallow (a football refugee with a
strong stick) with being the 'clown
prince' of the squad, with his now-
famous Muhammed Ali impression
a favorite of the squad.
"Joking relieves the pressure and
relaxes everyone says Davis.
"That's important.
"I enjoy pressure confesses
Davis. "I think it makes me play
better when I'm under pressure
The Pirates have road games with
North Carolina, N.C. State and a
home stand with Maryland before
the 1980 campaign is concluded, so
it is doubtful there will be a shortagt
of pressure for Davis in the near
future. t
"We sure don't want the seasof
to end as soon as it did last year
says Davis. "We want to go on to
regional bid ?

MARCH 25, 1980
Monarchs Claim Second Title
M Oil NT ' PLEA-
SANT, Mich. (AP) ?
Having won it three
times on the flooi and
twice from the bench,
you'd think Marianne
Stanley might be tiring
of the national
women's collegiate
basketball champsion-
ships. No way, says the
young coach who guid-
ed Old Dominion to it
s s e c o n d straight
ssociation of Inter-
collegiate Athletics for
Women crown Sunday.
'I've been here
before as a player and a
coach, but personally,
it's a big thrill for me
the 25-year-old former
1 m maculata A11 -
American said.
so much so she plans
;o win it again next
ear, despite the loss of
graduating stars Nancy
Lieberman and Inge
"We've got a great
nucleus of players com-
ing back Stanley said
following Old Domi-
nion's 68-53 title romp
over Tennessee. "We
teel like we're going to
be very good. We'd
love to defend our
Tops among
returnees is 6-foot-8
center Anne Donovan,
a freshman who only
scored seven points but
blocked six shots and
collected 17 rebounds
against Tennessee.
"I've seen Anne play-
better, but she played
well Stanley said.
"That's a lot of
pressure for a
Pack To
CI EMSON, S.C. (AP)8 Clemson
basketball Coach Bill Foster says he
has no plans to move to North
Carolina State or any other universi-
t next season.
"I have had many universities ap-
proach me about moving to their
schools over the last few years
Foster said.
"My name seems to come up as a
candidate for coaching vacancies all
the time. I guess that is a compli-
ment and testimony to our recent
success. But I will remain at Clem-
son he said.
T lie rigers scored a record 23 vic-
tories this season and several of the
team's most outstanding players will
be returning in 1980-81.
Foster was recently contacted by
North Carolina State about its
tching vacancy. "We had a short
:ussion about the situation. But I
had an interview said Foster
?ired statement.
Foster, who guided his Tigers to
. s of this year's NCAA West
nal tournament, was in In-
ipolls for the National Coaches
l onvention Saturday.
Rutgers Coach Tom Young, also
ndianapolis, said Friday that he
withdrawn his name from con-
sideration for the position left var
cant b Norm Sloan's departure for
Young, who was interviewed for
the opening last Monday, said his
family and the potential of Rutgers'
team next year infuenced his deci-
sion to sta
Bring this coupon and Play
3 Games for only $1.50
(Per Ptrton Rat
Expires Nov.1, 11
Beside River Blujf Apts.
Greenville, N.C.
Saturday Night
Nissen, a 6-foot-7
native of Randers,
Denmark, poured in 20
points Sunday and was
named the most
valuable player of the
four-team champion-
ship tournament at
Central Michigan
Lieberman, the Lady
Monarchs' razzle-
Mechatiical pencil faig are
"Snaker"and NEO-X lead.
dazzle point guard,
scored 12, grabbed nine
rebounds and had six
Both Nissen and
Lieberman said they
will pursue careers in
the fledgling Women's
Professional Basketball
League ? Lieberman
adding that she would
play for the U.S. Olym-
pic team if one goes to
"It's really not in my
hands Lieberman,
youngest member of
the U.S. team which
won a silver medal at
Montreal in 1976, said
of the proposed Olym-
pic boycott. "If it's
decided we go, I'll
work hard to get
"I'd like to play in
New York, because if
women's pro basketball
is going to make it, it
has to make it there
said the 5-foot-10
three-time Ail-
American and native of
Far Rockaway, N.Y.
Nissen said there is
no competition left for
her in Denmark, which
will not send a women's
basketball team to the
"My immediate
future is here, in the
U.S she said. "We
could add a lot of
recognition to the
women's pro league, I
Tennessee All
American Jill Rankin,
also a senior, led the
losers with 17 points ?
playing most of the se-
cond half with four
fouls. The Lady
Volunteers were even
with Old Dominion on-
ly briefly early in the
game. They shot just 33
percent from the floor
and 56 percent from the
The Lady Monarchs.
37-1, ended their
season on a 27-game
winning streak. Ten-
nessee closed out at
In Sunday's battle
for third place, South
Carolina got 21 points
from freshman Evelyn
Johnson and defeated
Louisiana Tech. 17-4J9.
Just shake the-Shaker" out comes a sliding protective
sleeve then the lead' Want more lead7 Shake it again
That's all it takes to advance the lead in this beautitul.
$5 98 mechanical pencil And it comes with the
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Then there's our extra strength NEO-X lead We've proven?s he
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,o M Sm penes The "Shaker" mechanical Pencil and NEO-X lead
Shake ,1 r he " It H come out great in the end
Foster To Address
Basketball Banquet
Assistant Sports Editor
The 1979-80 Pirate
basketball campaign
was a banner year for
first year head ccoach
Dave Odom and his
staff, with the veteran
laden squad posting a
16-11 mark for the first
winning season since
Tickets to the first
annual East Carolina
basketball awards ban-
quet are now available
to the public through
the coaching staff, or
from the secretary at
the basketball office in
Minges Coliseum. The
event will be held
Thursday April 10 at
the Greenville Country
Clemson coach Bill
Foster is scheduled to
be the guest speaker,
with his topic being
"Building a Winning
Foster took over at
Clemson after a suc-
cessful 87-39 five-year
mark at UNC-
Charlotte, where he
coached current Boston
Celtic star Cedric Max-
well among others.
From 1973-75, his 49ers
posted an amazing 45-7
In his four years at
the Tigers' den. Foster
has posted a 97-48
mark, including a
fourth place finish in
this year's Atlantic
Coast Conference race
and a trip to the NCAA
Western Regionals
where they fell in the
championship game to
Foster guided the
Tigers through a dis-
daining three-year
NCAA probation and
into an era of success.
The talent of 7-2
Wayne "Tree" Rollins
was available to Foster
for only the first two
seasons at the orange-
coloured town, and
players such as John
"Moose" Campbell
were molded by the
spirited coach into
players competitive on
the ACC level.
Former Raleigh
Broughton High
School standout Billy
Williams ventured to
Tiger country as a
somewhat complacent
sophomore guard with
natural ability which
desperately needed
refinement. Foster and
his staff honed
Williams into one of
the most deadly and
creative one-on-one
players ever to execute
the fast break in the
Recent rumors in-
dicated that Foster was
contemplating a change
of scenery. But unlike
Duke's Bill Foster (now
with South Carolina)
and N.C. State's Norm
Sloan (now at Florida),
the Clemson version of
Bill Foster ruled out
any such move in a
Monday announce-
"I have had many
universities approach
me about moving to
their schools over the
last few years Foster
said after speculation.
he would go to N.C.
State. "We had a short
discussion about the
situation, but I never
had an interview
Clemson has already
claimed a pair of con-
census Ail-Americans
as recruiting triumphs
in 6-9 Raymond Jones
of Union, S.C. and 6-7
Clark Bynum from
Sumpter, S.C. Both
athletes were heavily-
recruited and at one
point considered likely
to go to the Tiger's
perennial rival, the
Gamecocks of South
Each of thee advertised items is required to be readily available tor sale at or
below the advertised price in each AP Store, eicept as specifically noted
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Clemson's Bill Foster

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MARCH 25, 1980
Foreman In Middle After Quick Climb
Cox News Service
? George Foreman
grew up on the streets
of this Texas
metropolis, and he's on
the streets again.
But the story of the
former boxing cham-
pion is not a requiem
for another
heavyweight. He is here
because he chooses.
He's been to the top;
he's not at the bottom
"I'm right there in
the middle somewhere,
right where this country
was built ? in the mid-
Foreman, now
known as Brother
George and a street
preacher for the
Church of the Lord
Jesus Christ here,
builds his message to
young people on that
middleground outlook.
street, by being a great selling dope, stealing, mad Ali in Zaire. He
athlete. Some do, but anything to make it. 1 fought three more years
not many. Not many at try to make them see and was a ranking con
all. I made it, and I had through Jesus that
a lot to do with kids there are other ways,
lusting after false goals There ain't nothing
becausemade it. wrong with learnin'
"A lot of people say something, with gettin
I made mine, then I got a job and going to
to be anti-sports. But work
I'm not. I love sports, I Foreman, a hero fo
still love boxing. But the 1968 Olympics in
tender when he retired
after a loss to Jimmy
Young in 1977. With
"I called Muham-
mad and told him not
to fight no more. He's
gonna get hurt. And it
ain't just the age. It's
"I tell 'em Jesus is But you look at the
better than welfare politicians. They all
he said. "That they got trying so hard to get on
things so confused now top they tell people
the much publicized wehn you get out there
comeback of Ali,
Foreman could be in a
position to make a pro-
fitable return of his
own. He's only 31,
day. If he builds a
building, remember
that Solomon's
buildings, the buildings
of Rome, they all col-
lapsed. I said to
Muhammas, 'Why
just fightin' for money, don't you get out there supposed to come
That's when you get and give the people along and pay them to
something that will pick it up.
really help them? Tell "We supposed to
them it don't hurt to pick up our own trash, everything
"Kids these days kids just shouldn't let Mexico City, won the although a good
look at the top and the them get out of hand
bottom says If you can make if,
Foreman. "They forget fine. But so many of
about the middle. It's 'em, if they can't make
wrong to lead them into a team, then they still
thinking they gonna get have the lust for the big
out of poverty, off the money. They wind up
heavyweight champion- pounds over his
ship in January 1973 in fighting weight. With
Kingston, Jamaica, some work he could be
where he upset Joe
Frazier by a technical
knockout. Foreman
lost the title to Muham-
right in the middle of
millions of dollars that
heavyweights generate
on worldwide closed-
"Muhammad said he
could make money for
the Muslims, that he
could feed 10 million
people, that he could
build a $5 million
building. I told him if
he fed 10 million peo-
ple, they'd all be
hungry again the next
people think if they
throw trash in the
street, then somebody's
anything they want to
hear. They say you
been suppressed, you
been repressed. That'
why you had trouble.
That explains
get a job, that it's all
right to get up every
morning and go to
Foreman says his ser-
mons against welfare
sometimes aren't
popular in the street.
Bucs Down UNC-G
Staff Writer
The ECU mens ten-
nis team shut-out
Greensboro College,
9-0, Sunday to record
its first victory of the
season. Greensboro
College could only
Henry Hostetler pounc-
ed Ken Jordan (a
quarter finalist from
the 1979 National
Junior College Tourna-
ment) 6-0, 6-1; Ted
Lepper set back Rober-
ty Kostszycki 7-6, 6-1;
Mark Byrd stomped
Danny Toler 6-1, 6-0;
and Norman Bryant
manage 15 games in the defeated John Thore
singles matches from
the much stronger
Pirate team.
At the number one
singles position Kenny
Love used a strong
serve to overpower
Sandy Morse 6-0, 6-1.
Number two Keith
Zengle used his ag-
gressive style of play to
quickly eliminate Jr.
Luffman 6-0, 6-0;
6-1, 6-4.
Byrd felt that this
was "just what the
team needed He
claimed dominating the
Greensboro College
team the way the
Pirates did will improve
the players' confidence.
In the doubles the
number one team of
Love and Hostetler us-
ed their experience to
defeat Morse and Toler ding NA1A
6-1, 6-4. Love and Champions,
Hostetler have been
playing together as a
doubles team for the
past four years. They
are ranked number nine
in North Carolina.
Zengle and Lepper
had to struggle to down
Luffman and
Kostszycki 6-4, 7-6.
The team of Bryant and
Barry Parker received a
strong threat from Jor-
dan and Thore before Minges courts Wednes-
stopping them 6-4, 6-3 day at 2:30 p.m. Coach
in the final match ot Rose says his team will
Christian College.
Atlantic Christian was
ahead 5-1 when the rain
prevented the doubles
from being played.
Mark Byrd was the on-
ly singles winner for
The Pirate netters
now stand 2-1 for the
season with a very
tough St. Augustine
team visiting the
O'Koren Named
In All-Star Clash
INDIANAPOLIS you're bound to look
(AP) ? Throughout good. I'm pleased to
his collegiate career, get the award, but I was
Mike O'Koren worked, happy just to be able to
hard for the honors he play in the game
the day.
Coach Jon Rose wa
very pleased with his
teams performance
after the Pirates lost a
tough match last
Thursday to the defen-
be "after blood"
against St. Augustine.1
"They defeated us
twice in the fall and this
will be a grudge match
for the guys claimed
The North Carolina
star added yet another
award to his collection
Sunday, but he says
this one came a little
easier than the rest.
"In a game like this,
it's hard to do anything
wrong O'Koren said
after being named the
most valuable player in
the annual National
Basketball Coaches
Association All-Star
"When you have
such great teammates.
Breaks All Records
"SSS" Dominates IM
O'Koren scored 16
points to help the East
beat the West 88-79 in
the 21st Annual Game.
He hit seven of nine
shots, handed out five
assists and shared team
scoring honors with
James Ray of Jackson-
Indiana's Mike
Woodson added 12
points for the East and
Michael Brooks of
LaSalle contributed 10,
plus six assists.
"We tried to work
together and concen-
trate on passing said
O'Koren, who was a
four-year starter at
North Carolina. "We
didn't want to look bad
trying to do a lot of in-
dividual stuff
The game was a reu-
nion for O'Koren,
Brooks, Woodson and
John Duren of
Georgetown. All were
members of the United
States team that won
the gold medal at the
1979 Pan-American
The contest also mat-
ched the coaches of last
year's NCAA finals ?
Bill Hodges of Indiana
State and Jud
Heathcote of Michigan
State. "1 liked it a lot
better than the last
one laughed Hodges,
whose team was beaten
by Michigan State
75-64 in the 1979 cham-
pionship game.
Because his team had
only an hour to practice
? and O'Koren didn't
arrive in time for the
session ? Hodges said
he tried to get the
players to think about
passing before scoring.
"Most all-star games
are guard-oriented
Hodges said.
Intramural Correspondent
Domination is the
only word that can
describe the play of
"SSS the 1980 Co-
Rec Bowling cham-
pions. Every record
that could be broken
was broken by the
Not only did they
win the overall team ti-
tle, but they received
every individual award
possible while finishing
28-0 for the season.
This record combined
with last year's cham-
pionship record in-
dicates the abundant
talent of "SSS
Other outstanding
teams during the bowl-
ing season include
Alpha Omicron
PiAlpha Sigma Phi
"I" who were the
runner-ups; Chubnik
"B and Assorted
The High Game
Winner in the men's
division was Mike Stan-
cil, "SSS with a score
of 266. The women's
high scorer during one
game was Selene
Wheless of "SSS" with
a score of 190.
In the High Series
Competition, "SSS"
again dominated the
figures with Mike Stan-
cil winning in the men's
division with a score of
668 and Keila
McGlohon winning
with a score of 513.
The Team High
Series honors goes to
none other than "SSS"
with a total of 2188
points in one series.
Wayne Murphy and
West Warren fought
their way back through
the loser's bracket to
play Charlie Marshall
and John Eatman in
the finals of the men's
Racquetball Doubles
The first game of the
match was easily won
by Marshall and Eat-
the match and tourna-
ment championship
was taken by Marshall
and Eatman in t
tremendous rally.
Action in both the
men's and women's
volleyball league begins
today, March 25.
Among the several
teams that entered, Phi
Epsilon Kappa returns
to defend their All-
Campus Title from last
In the women's divi-
sion, Cotten failed to
enter to defend their ti-
tle, but last year's
runner-up, Alpha Xi
Delta, will be looking
for that first place
Volleyball matches
will be played in
Minges beginning at
6:30 p.m.
which are tentatively
scheduled for 7 p.m
Wednesday, March 26,
at Memorial Pool.
The top five, after
regular season action,
include UnKappa Fifth
maintaining the
number one position,
followed by Power Hit-
ters, All Star Players,
Rip Tides, and Water
Intramural softball
began yesterday with 91
men's teams and 44
women's teams signed
up for regular season
play. Games will be
played on the North
and South sides of
Ficklen and behind
Allied Health.
Putt-Putt registra-
tion began yesterday
with the entry deadline
set for April 3. The
one-day event will be
held Tuesday, APRIL 8
at the Greenville Putt
Putt course.
The defending cham-
pions are Brian Webb
and Carrie Johnson.
Team Tennis
The 1980 Team Ten-
nis season has finally
gotten underway. A
total of 19 teams are
participating in this ex-
citing event.
Regular season mat-
ches began yesterday.
The All-Campus
Championships have
been scheduled for
April 20-24.
Contests are played
Sunday through Thurs-
day, from 3 p.m. until
10 p.m. at the tennis
courts on College Hill.
Inner tube
Water Polo
Innertube water polo
teams finished regular
man The second game wkh
was a thriller as Mur- co$e mes Thc
phy and Warren came, rr- w?.i? ?um.
"KlmL ?. it o?, to th, fin
FOR RENT: A one bedroom fur-
nished apartment on Student
Street near campus; available
from May 17 until August M; re-
quire quiet non-smoker; call
7S2-3M1 alter 10 p.m.
and or Duplex for rent. Excellent
location, very reasonable. Call
7M-7941. Keep Trying.
Duplexes and Townhouse $175 to
S370 per month Call 752 4415 9:00
til 5:00.
MALE ROOMMATE: for three
bedroom house. Lease expires
June 1st. $1 month and one-third
utilities. 752 741.
GREAT DEAL: on Sylvania
Multi-play turntable and 35 watt
apeakers. Si SO. 7S8 9538.
FOR SALE: 197 Cordoba fully
loaded. Yellow with Landau top.
Mint condition. Will sacrifice for
S3S00. Call l-(919J-734-317? or
1 (919) 734-769 (GOldSbOrO).
FOR SALE: Bass Guitar S12S.
Amp 550 and Guitar machine,
heads $30. All in good shape.
Machine heads brand new. Call
Keith at 758-7878.
Sanyo brand with dolby, limiter,
and chromium oxide tape
capability. In very good shape
and sound. Will sell for S100. Call
BEST PRICES: paid for class
rings, gold, and sterling. Men's
medium class ring $55 $70 Sterl-
ing fork $18. Call John after 3:00
TYPING: dissertations, theses,
and term papers. Excellent skills
and reasonable rates. Call
RIDER NEEDED to share ex-
penses and good times. Leaving
for N.E. New Mexico in mid-May.
Return in August. Call 752 8288
after 6:00 p.m.
TYPING: Speedy service,
reasonable rates. Call Pam at
757-4852 before 5:00.
Regulator, wet suit, weight belt.
Call Sam at 758-3918.
When you have your
Ears Pierced we will
pierce your friend's
ears FREE if you
bring him or her with
Offer good thru 4-12-80
See Mrs. Carolyn Belch L.P.N.
Pitt Plaza
Your Diamond
Earring Store
gjhwa "? fc-??????-
camp Sea Gull (boys) and Camp Seafarer (girls) on the coast
of North Carolina. The camps feature sailing, motor
boating, and steamship, plus all usual camping activities in-
cluding a wide variety of major sports. Early June through
mid-August. Challenging work with young people, 7-16
ears of oge - outdoors - enjoyable - stimulating. Qualified-
ions include ability to instruct in one phase of the camp's
ogram, a genuine intrest in young people, and excellent
es. Quick answer upon receipt of letter of applied
ion which shouid include a brief resume' of training and ex
ience in orea(s) of the camp program i.i which you are
t qualified to instruct. Apply to Wyatt Taylor, Director,
amp Sea GullCamp Seafarer, P.O. Box 10976, Raleigh,
C 27605
Break the junk food routine and get a good, hot meal with
March 26 only $1.89
Smothered Chicken
with 2 vegetables
Tuesday Night
March 27 only $1.79
Liver and Onions
with 2 vegetables
Bring L D. and
Come home to eat at S&S ? we're located in the
Carolina East Mail in Greenville, at the intersection of
West Haven Road (U.S. 264 Bypass) and Hwy. 1L Plenty
of free parking too.
Carolina Ewt Mali
Sorvtea coattaaoe1 Si
(?? Friday
Compare and then call
758 1892
for best prices
by Les Jewelers
120 E. 5th St.
Beverage Co.
Tuesday Night
PERCH ?2.95
all you can eat
No taste-outs please
Meal incladct:
sr?n?n Fries. Gel slew,
We are proud to
announce that wa
hare added
one of the
dining pleasure.

The East Carolinian, March 25, 1980
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 25, 1980
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