The East Carolinian, March 20, 1980

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?he lEaat (Eaniltmatt
Vol. 54 No.JI t4
r ?
12 Pages
Thursday, March 20,1980
Greenville, N.C
Circulation 10,000
Faces Fire,
The old Wahl-Coates School and
the Drama Building are currently
undergoing renovation, and the
workers got a little extra help from a
minor fire in the attic Wednesday
The Greenville Fire Department
responded to the 5:20 p.m. incident
and found a small fire, although a
lot of smoke was coming from the
attic vents.
Fire officials reported that the fire
was started by sparks from welding
or cutting tools used by the workers
in the process of replacing the roof
of the building. Fire units, including
two engines, the Snorkel unit, and a
rescue truck, remained on the scene
approximately one hour.
This is the second fire to occur in
the structure in less than a month.
The first fire, on Feb. 27, caused
minor damage to a first floor
classroom when a pile of rags in a
corner storage cubby caught fire
and burned a section of floor.
Due to the location of the fire,
university police ruled ?out the
possibility of arson.
"I don't believe that anyone
wishing to start a fire would bother
to climb up to the attic to do it
said Capt. Earl Wiggins of the
university police.
Workers are completely
renovating McGinnis Auditorium.
According to James J. Lowry,
director of Maintenace and Opera-
tions, they are pitting in a new
stage, new dressing rooms and an
elevator to the auditorium. The new
stage will be four times as large as
the old one. This phase of the
renovation is expected to be com-
pleted around April 1981 at a cost of
approximately SI.9 million.
Hunt: It Is Time
To Tighten Belts
Assistant News Editor
"This country is in the process of
doing something absolutely essential
to survive: to stop the galloping of
inflation and stop it now said
Qov. James B. Hunt, Jr. at a press
conference this morning at the
Ramada Inn in Greenville.
Commenting on the possible loss
of state funds due to cutbacks in
revenue sharing, Hunt said, "I am
not going to nit-pick and throw
stones at policies and programs over
a possible revenue loss. I want
North Carolina to help the nation
bring about a balanced budget,
which is essential. I don't know the
effect of the Carter anti-inflation
proposal with respect to reduced
revenue sharing for the state of
North Carolina. I have no aversion
to tightening the belt. All Americans-
are going to have to tighten the belt
now rather than having inflation
destroy us in the future
In reference to energy, the gover-
nor said, "I am committed to
nuclear power and we should use it.
For how long, I don't know. But the
upmost concern must be registered
with safety. The nuclear plants must
be made safe and that is a prere-
"We should encourage and
develop alternate energy sources, as
opposed to traditional ones such as
coal, oil, gas, and nuclear. Sources
like solar, bio-mass, gasahol and
alcohol fuels, and animal waste pro-
ducts for gas. I think that our
farmers in particular can come close
to becoming energy self-sufficient
with the use opf grain for gasahol
and alcohol, the use of animal waste
for methane, and solar and wind
power Hunt continii. "I am ex-
tremely excited about solar power. I
have seen several solar energy out-
fits and they are extremely in-
teresting and exciting
The governor noted that
agriculture is still the mainstay of
the state. He said efforts are under-
way to increase support for tobacco
programs, and agriculture and
agriculture-related industries are
worth over $10 billion a year to
North Carolina.
Hunt also said the best thing for
this area of the state would be for
Virginia Electric and Power Com-
pany (Vepco) to sell its North
Carolina Holdings to either
Carolina Power and Light (CP&L)
or Duke Power Co.
Later in the day, the governor of-
ficially opened the Pitt County
Hunt re-election headquarters on
the 264 By-Pass. He told about 100
supporters, "A lot of states would
be satisfied with the work we have
done in North Carolina, but I'm not
satisfied. This is North Carolina,
and we can do a lot more if we want
Hunt, a Democrat, is campaign-
ing for re-election, the first gover-
nor to do so in the history of North
Carolina. He is opposed by former
governor Robert Scott, another
Democrat, and Republican state
Senator I. Beverly Lake.
Not In Jenkins9 Shadow
Brewer A ims For Own Mark
Photo by Pete Podeszwa
Sadat and Begin Planning Visit
Minister Menachem Begin of Israel
and President Anwar Sadat of
Egypt will visit Washington for
separate talks with President Carter
in April, White House officials an-
nounced today.
White House press secretary Jody
Powell, announcing the new move
in the bogged-down talks over
Palestinian autonomy, said the
dates for the meetings had not been
Powell said the Israeli and Egyp-
tian leaders would visit Washington
"to review the progress and pace of
autonomy negotiations for the West
Bank and Gaza
"The negotiations are being con-
ducted in accordance with the prin-
ciples of the Camp David accord
which the three leaders signed in
September 1978, Powell said.
The agreements reached between
the United States, Israel and Egypt
provided for negotiations to settle
the question of Palestinian
autonomy on the West Bank of the
Jordan River and the Gaza Strip,
Arab territories occupied by Israel
following the 1967 Middle East war.
Israel, Egypt and the United
States have agreed to accelerate the
pace of the negotiations on self-rule
for the 1.2 million Palestinians of
the occupied West Bank of the Jor-
dan River and Gaza Strip. But it ap-
pears doubtful agreement will be
reached by the May 26 deadline
spelled out in the Camp David ac-
Begin said Tuesday the talks were
stalled on three Egyptian demands
that Jerusalem Arabs participate in
Palestinian elections, that the
Palestinian government include
legislative as well as executive
powers, and that Israeli security ar-
rangements be a subject for agree-
ment by the Palestinians.
In 1978, Carter closeted the two
Mideast leaders at Camp David for
13 days until they agreed on two
framework agreements that were
honed into the formal peace treaty
six months later.
Reprinted from North Carolina
Magazine, March 1980.
Composer Johannes Brahms,
while trying to write his first sym-
phony, once complained that every
time he took pen in hand "1 hear the
footsteps of a giant (Beethoven)
behind me
Thomas Bowman Brewer, the
Chancellor of East Carolina Univer-
sity since mid-1978, could be
forgiven if he felt a similar burden
with regard to the ECU leader
whom he succeeded. Leo W.
Jenkins was not North Carolina's
most beloved educational leader,
but even his severest detractors will
probably admit that it was mainly
the Jenkins drive, energy,
resourcefulness and determination
during his 18 years on this campus
which built it from a modest
teachers college to a bona-fide
university which is North Carolina's
third-largest institution of higher
Chancellor Brewer, 47, a Ph.D
historian, Texan, a scholar of con-
siderable note, professes convinc-
ingly not to feel any pressure from
having his performance measured
against that of his predecessor. He
numbers himself among Leo
Jenkins' admirers, and it was, after
all, the growing reputation of ECU
in the national academic community
which attracted Dr. Brewer away
from a prestigious post at Texas
Christian University when Dr.
Jenkins' retirement came due.
Chancellor Brewer's view of the
man he succeeded was expressed
succinctly in an interview published
last year in the ECU Report: "He
(Jenkins) took the university from a
teachers college to a rather large,
diversified university, with a
medical school. In doing this, great
battles had to be fought, and Dr.
Jenkins fought them successfully
and deserves the great admiration
shown to him by the people of
Eastern North Carolina
But the Jenkins era is done and
See CHANCELLOR Page 3, Col. 4
ECU Model UN Club
Hosts Security Council
Students from seven colleges and
universities in Pennsylvania,
Virginia and North Carolina are
scheduled to arrive in Greenville to- ?
day to attend a model United Na-
tions Security Council conference.
Sponsored by the ECU Model UN
Club, the conference is a mock ver-
sion of the actual United Nations
Security Council. The 20 visiting
students will join the seven par-
ticipating members of the ECU club
in examining international problem
areas and writing resolutions con-
cerning them.
There will be four model Security
Councils, each of which will choose
its own agenda of international pro-
blems to discuss. According to Jill
Vaughn, Secretary-General of the
ECU Model UN Club,the chief
areas of concern will probably be
the Iranian situation, the Soviet in-
vasion of Afghanistan and the
resurgent cold war atmosphere bet-
ween the superpowers.
George Ashworth, Counselor to
the U.S. Arms Control and Disar-
mament Committee based in
Washington, D.C will deliver the
keynote speech of the conference in
room 244 of the Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center on Friday, March 21 at
4:30 p.m. Interested
students,faculty, and members of
the community are welcome,
See MODEL Page 2, Col. 1
Hearing Set For Fee Increase Proposals
News Editor
For the first time in the history of
East Carolina University, a major
effort is being made to find out stu-
dent opinion on a set of proposed
increases in the student fees.
At 4:30p.m. in room 244 of
Mendenhall Student Center today,
there will be a special hearing open
to all students for the purpose of
discussing the increases with the
heads of the organizations that are
requesting them.
In addition .professors in all
10:00 Friday classes this week will
read aloud a special questionaire
concerning the raises and record stu-
dent reaction to them.
At present, full-time students at
ECU pay $105 per semester in stu-
dent fees. The proposed additions
would hike the figure to $134, which
is roughly a 25 percent increase.
"This particular time slot was
chosen for the survey because that is
when the greatest number of
students are attending classes said
SGA President Brett Melvin.
The results of the survey will be
tabulated before Sunday, March 24,
when the ECU Board of Trustees
will meet to vote on the proposals.
Vice Chancellor for Student Life
Dr. Elmer Meyer has acted as a
coordinator between the university
sectors which are asking for increas-
ed funding and the SGA officers
who have prepared the survey
"What we are trying to do this
year is open up this process Meyer
said Wednesday.
As a member of the ECU Board
of Trustees, SGA President Melvin
will have an opportunity to vote on
the fee increases. According to him,
he will base his vote on three con-
siderations: the results of the stu-
dent survey, the impressions gained
from the special hearing Thursday,
and the information presented in the
upcoming Board of Trustees
The hearing and the survey will
not determine the approval or rejec-
tion of the fee increases, but will aid
the trustees and administrators in
assessing the overall attitudes to stu-
dent programs.
In comparison to other univer-
sities within the UNC system, fees at
East Carolina remain relatively
Current And Proposed Student Fees
Total Current Fees Per Semester: $105.00
Total Proposed Fees Per Semester: $134.00
small. Of the 15 member schools,
ECU ranks eleventh or lower in the
amount of funding through student
The burden of inflation accounts
for much of the proposed raises, but
some of it is earmarked for expan-
sion and improvement of services.
For instance, the Athletics Dept. re-
quest amounts to roughly 55 percent
above last year's budget, and the
Health Services Dept. request
represents an approximate 42 per-
cent increase over its previous share
of the funds.
The following section presents
some of the details concerning the
fee increase proposals, but it is not a
complete picture of the factors af-
fecting each department making a
request. For those who are in-
terested in these group's funding, it
is important to attend the Thursday
hearing. The head of each depart-
ment is scheduled to be there to
answer questions concerning their
1980-81 budgets.
Health Services
According to a Health Services
Dept. budget projection for the next
three fiscal periods, the infirmary
will continue to operate at a deficit
unless it receives a major funding in-
crease. The department is currently
advertising for a new director who
will carry added responsibilities in
coordinating programs with the
ECU medical school, thus comman-
ding a potentially higher salary than
before. In February, 1980, the infir-
mary handled over 5,000 patient
visits with a staff of four full time
Last increase was in 1972-73.
According to an Athletics Dept.
spokesman, no workable budget for
the 1980-81 season has been com-
pleted. Athletics Director Bill Cain
could not be reached Wednesday to
clarify how the additional funding
would be used.
Last increase in 1979-80.
A survey done by Wayne Ed-
wards, Director of Intramurals, in-
dicates that 70 percent of male
students and 40 percent of female
See FEES Page 3, Col. 1
Proposed Increase ?
Current Fees
Student Fund
Student Union
SGA: Student Gov't. Transit Media Board $12.75
Other Debt
Services Fee
Student Center

Owner Of Investment Firm Absentee Ballot: Student Democracy
Puts Blame On Eurodollars
.i a-ACf u;ii;vr-i rtr .
To John Winthrop
Wright, whose invest-
ment firm handles $1
billion of individual
and institutional in-
vestments, the idea of
curing inflation by pro-
moting a recession is
equivalent to
That practice, more
commonly known as
bloodletting, was
thought to be a univer-
sal cure many years ago
when medicine was still
in a very dark ago. Hut
still no darker, he says,
than some of modem
Recession, says
Wright, a conservative,
blue-chip investor, pro
duces iwo effects he
thinks should be ob-
vious to everyone by
It reduces the
numbers o indepen-
dent, competitive
businesses and compels
government to borrow
in oulcr to finance
lobless benefits and
welfare programs that
deplete the nation's in-
dustrial capital.
recession, thus,
not only weakens the
subsequent recovery
but sets the stage for
the next recession. And
as the patient grows
weaker, the doctors see
no alternative but to let
more blood.
Wright spoke
Wednesday at the an-
nual Symposium on
American Capitalism,
which he sponsors at
Fairfield University, a
short distance from the
Bridgeport, Conn of-
fices of Wright In-
vestors' Service.
As he sees it, the
designers of fiscal and
monetary policy con-
tinually cut the veins of
the patient, in this in-
stance the private
domestic economy, in-
stead of attacking the
disease that leads to the
The disease, Wright
told an audience of
business people,
a c a d e m i c s a n d
students, is
Eurodollars. No, he
does not attribute all
blame to them, but he
does believe they are an
obvious and unchecked
monetary problem.
Do not let
"Eurodollar" throw
you; it is really a simple
term. All it means is a
dollar borrowed from a
foreign bank. That bor-
rowed dollar is an lOU
to the bank. It is an
asset. It is a dollar
asset. And when a bank
has an asset it lends it
That dollar asset
does not take on the
configuration o' a
dollar bill imprinted
with the figure of
George Washington. It
is a credit dollar, the
very same as that
created when you bor-
row from your local
As we have seen, the
federal Reserve can
limit lending and bor-
rowing in domestic,
banksf but there is no
formal regulation of
those dollars produced
overseas. And. Wright
points out, they now
total $450 billion, or
only $50 billion less
than the domestically
produced total.
Once upon a time,
Wright observed,
anyone wanting U.S.
dollars would buy them
on the foreign exchange
market, creating a de-
mand that would lift
the price and protect us
from imported infla-
tion. If the dollars were
valued higher, for ex-
ample, oil might cost
relatively less.
The dilution of
dollar value is likely to
continue if Eurodollar
production is not slow-
ed, said Wright. If un-
checked, he forecast
the Eurodollar total
will be triple the
domestic dollar supply
in five years.
"There is no way of
stopping the inflation
of dollar prices all over
the world, no way of
stopping the escalation
of Middle East oil
prices payable in
dollars Wright told
his audience.
"No way of avoiding
the ever-rising cost of
energy in the U.S.A.
and the inflation which
inevitably accompanies
it; simply no way of ac-
complishing these basic
objectives without first
recognizing and ac-
ting on the obvious
principle that the
United States must con-
trol the creation of
U.S. dollar credits and
deposits everywhere
Model UN To Meet
Primary Day is ap-
proaching, and for
those ECU students
who are not registered
to vote in Pitt County,
the only way to vote is
by absentee ballot.
Absentee ballots are
surprisingly simple to
obtain. First of all, one
must be registered to
vote. Then the voter
writes his or her home
county board of elec-
tions and requests an
application for an
absentee ballot. Ap-
plications are also
available from the ECU
College Democrats.
The completed ap-
plication must be mail-
ed by April 22, and the
ballot must be received
by the home county
board of elections by 5
p.m. May 5-the day
before the primary.
, am a
registered voter in the
county rid am
precinct in
unable to get to the polling place. I wish to apply
for an application for an absentee ballot for the
May 6 primary election.
Signature of person as it appears on the reaistration
Continued from Page 1
The conference is the
fourth of its kind to be
held at East Carolina
since 1976, and will run
1 three days.
The real United Na-
tions Security Council
is made up of five per-
manent seats occupied
by the United States,
the Soviet Union, Great
Britain, France, and
China, and 10 tem-
porary seats that are
filled by member na-
tions on a rotating
basis. With the excep-
tion of West Germany,
most of these seats are
presently held by third
world nations such as
Bangladesh and the
In deliberating inter-
national questions, the
students are supposed
to represent the in-
terests and the policies
of the nation which
they have chosen or
were assigned.
The visiting students
are from the University
of Pennsylvania, the
University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill,
Duquesne University,
Thiel College, Ap-
palachian State Univer-
sity and Emory and
Henery College. While
in Greenville, the par-
ticipants will stay at the
Ramada Inn.
4:00 - 6:30
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Magazines and
The FightirT Pirate Ship
gets repair funds from INDVs tune-up clinic
Pirate Ship Needs
Money For Repaii
Records and
The ECU pirate ship,
seen for the last two
years at football games
and in parades, needs
funds to maintain its
authentic appearance.
The 42-foot replica
of a 16th century sail-
ing vessel, built by the
ECU Industrial and
Technical Education
(INDT) Club, is con-
structed on a Mercury
chassis donated by
Smith-Waldrop Motors
and Ford Motor Co.
Garris-Evans Lumber
Co. donated $400
worth of lumber, and
Atlantic Rope Co.
donated the rope for
the rigging. Since the
ship was completed,
donations from the
community and INDT
students have been used
to refurbish the ship.
Since most of the
ship's structural pro-
blems are due to ex-
posure to the weather,
INDT plans to build an
enclosed shelter to pro-
tect the ship. The club
also hopes to add can-
nons and another mast
to the ship.
One source of funds
for the ship is INDT's
Tune-Up Clinic.
Students in the
organization will tune
up any car for i0 and
customers must supply
the parts.
There will be a sign-
up sheet in the front
hall of the ground floor
of Flanagan Building
for per ns interested
in the clinic. On Mon-
days, Tuesdays and
Thursdays, from 3
p.m. to 5 p.m club
members will work on
cars at approximately
one every half hour.
"About 900 hours of
work went into the con-
struction of the ship
said Paul Waldrop, ad-
visor to the INDT
Club, "and we've had a
great response from the
student body. We ran it
in the Homecoming
parade last year and
won the show, and this
year we participated
but couldn't compete.
We hope to get about
$2,000 to $3,000 in our
current fund-raising
drive so we can get it
looking great
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Phone 756-7031

Fees Set For Hearing
Continued from Page 1
students participate in some type of
intramural recreation. The increase
in this program is to maintain and
improve intramural activities.
Last increase in 1975-76
Mendenhall Center
The $3.25 per semester increase
will cover the rising cost of
maintenance, adjust staff salaries
for inflation, and help to purchase
new curtains for the entire building.
The present curtains are old and
energy-inefficient, and? replacicing
them could cost as much as $19,000.
Leakage problems are also adding
to maintenance.
First increase.
Student Union
Student Union programs will ac-
tually only receive half of the $1.50
per semester increase requested. The
other half will be used by
Mendenhall-sponsored activities,
according to Charles Sune, Major
Attractions chairman in the S.U.
First increase.
SGA Fund
This money is used largely to fund
official student organizations and to
support the activities of student
government. The increase amounts
to $.50 per semester and is requested
to cover increased operating costs.
Last increase in 1972-73.
SGA Transit
Higher insurance and servicing
costs are part of the reasoning
behind the $1.00 per semester fee in-
crease. The transit system is also
planning improvements in bus ser-
vice and equipment.
? ? ?
Not all student fee-funded
organizations are asking for in-
creases. Student Fund Accounting,
which handles student loans and
bookkeeping matters, has made no
request. The category listed as Other
Debt Services fees in the graph is for
finance servicing (interest charges,
bonds, etc.), and will remain the
same in the 1980-81 fiscal period.
Chancellor Brewer
Goes His Own Way
Continued from Page 1
the Brewer era is underway. It will
surely be a different era, not only
because no two men bring identical
viewpoints, philosophies and
methods to the same set of respon-
sibilities, but more because the
1980's will not be the same as the
1960s and 1970's. New generations
of young people have come to col-
lege age since East Carolina College
became East Carolina University.
The new ECU chancellor is, of
course, intimately familiar with
those factors of his profession, and
is attentive to the future they por-
tend. He works out of an office
which occupies most of one end of
the Spilman Administrative
Building; the office could be
mistaken for a spacious living room
with contemporary decor. He is a
large, heavyset man with a
generous, open face and a habit of
never talking down to his visitors.
He shows the friendly directness for
which Texans are supposed to be
famous, but there is little of the
Texas twang in his speech.
Chancellor Brewer is a widely
published scholar in American
business history, particularly
transportation history, and has serv-
ed as editor or co-editor of several
books. Railroad history buffs will
envy him his position as general
editor- of the Railroads of America
series of books of which five
volumes have been published by the
MacMillan Company, with others in
the works. With a colleague, he
works in his present spare time on
one of the series,a history of the
Missouri-Pacific Railroad Com-
He shares with former Chancellor
Jenkins an advocacy of strong inter-
collegiate athletics. The athletic pro-
gram at ECU which grew apace with
the academic programs during the
Jenkins administration enjoys the
full Brewer blessing and commit-
ment. He sees no necessary conflict
whatever between the fielding of
competitive athletic teams and the
carrying on of strong and deman-
ding academic disciplines.
Men or omcn interested in trying out
for the Mascot for ECU are asked to
meet at Minges Coliseum on Thursday,
March 20 ai 4 45 p m. More details will
he furnished at that time Interested'1
See sou at Minges on Thursday
Poetry Forum
The tast Carolina Poetry Forum will
have a regular workshop and meeting
Thursday March 20. at 8 p.m in
Mendenhall, room 248. The public is
cordially muted.
Sign up today for a non-credit mini-
course now being offered by
Mendenhall Student Center. Shag Dan-
cing, Beginning Running, Clogging and
CPR Training are now available to all
ECU full-time students, faculty and
staff MSC members, and their
dependents, spouses or guests.
Registration is at the MSC Central
Ticket Office through the day prior to
the first class meeting of each course.
There is a maximum and minimum
enrollment for each course and no fee
refunds will be made after the registra-
tion deadline. For more information
.all 757-6611.
The Science Fiction Fantasy Federation
ol I Si Greensboro is holding a 3 day
convention. STELLARCON V, for the
fans ot science fiction, fantasy and
space exploration on March 21-23 on
the campus of UNC-G. Elliot Universi-
?s Center The guest of honor is George
Takei. It Sulu of 'Star Trek " Other
activities include- masquerade,
speakers and panels, dealer's room.
films and video tapes. D and D gaming.
S X even and an art show. Joan
Winston from the "Star Trek"
W eicommittee will also he in atten-
dance as our fan guest of honor Ad-
mission is $8.00. For more information
write STELLARCON V. Bos 1712,
Shaw Hall. L ??(. Greensboro. N.C
Openings for TKE boxing are still
available. The tournament will be held
April 8, 9 and W. Openings are
available in 183-192. 193-202, and
Unlimited weight classes. Interested
boxers call 758-7894 or drop by TKE
House. 951 E. Tenth St. This tourna-
ment benefits St. Judes Childrens
Kite Making
Learn to design and make your own
kite b attending a free workshop spon-
sored by Mendenhall Student Center.
The workshop, conducted by George
Bred. Pitt Community College Artist-
In-Residence, is scheduled for Wednes-
day, April 26, from 6-8 p m. in the
Mendenhall Crafts Center. There is no
registration or supplies fee for this uni-
que workshop. Ju" come by the Crafts
Center and join in the fun!
Summer Dorms
Residence hall room deposits for Sum-
mer School 1980 will be accepted in the
Cashiers Office, room 105, Spilman
Building, beginning April 9. Room
assignments will be made in the respec-
tive residence hall offices on April 10
and 11 Thereafter, they will be made in
the office of Housing Operations, room
201. w hichard Building. Students who
wish to reserve rooms they presently oc-
cupy, provided such rooms are to be in
use this summer, are to make reserva-
tions on Thursday. April 10. All other
students may reserve rooms on a first-
come, first-serve basis on Friday, April
11. Residence halls to be used for
women are Jarvis, Garrett. and Greene
ffloors two through six). Men will be
housed in Belk (floors one through
The Black Students' Psychological
Association will meet in the Psi Chi
Library in Speight on Thursday. March
20 at 6:00 p.m. All members are urged
to attend. Any interested persons
After three years of filming, Don
Cooper invites everyone aboard for a
fun and fact filled trip through some of
the most spectacular natural beauty in
North America. Cooper will appear in
Hendrix Theater on Thursday. March
20 at 8:00 p.m. to present his travel-
adventure film. "Northwestern Adven-
ture Tickets for the film are on sale at
the Central Ticket Office for $2.00. Ad-
mission for ECLS students will be by ID
and Activity Cards and by MSC
Membership Card for ECU faculty and
The ECU delegation to the NCSL will
meet Thursday at 7:00 pm. in Brewster
C 102 to discuss plans for session. The
meeting is mandatory for all members
who are attending session.
The Student Union Major Attractions
Committee presents TOTO, with a
special guest TBA, on April 17 at 8:00
p.m. in Minges Coliseum. Tickets will
go on sale Monday, March 31. at 10:00
a.m. in Mendenhall Student Center.
Tickets will be $5 00 for ECU studentv
and $7 00 for the public.
Are you interesied in fellowship with
other Christians? Come to Twig
fellowship and hear the Word of God
taught with dynamic accuracy. Monday
and Wednesday afternoons at 3:00 in
Mendenhall. room 247.
Sigma Nu fraternity will be holding a
softball tournament on April 12 and 13.
The entry fee will be $3.00 per player,
which includes a jersey, and beverages
at the championship party. For more
information call 758-7640 or 758-6493.
There will be a 20 team maximum.
The Family Child Association will meet
Tuesday, March 25 at 5:00 p.m. in the
Home Economics Conference Room
143. All members and interested per-
sons are urged to attend.
Planning for Homecoming 1980 has
begun, ans positions' of Student
Homecoming Committee Chairman
and Division Chairman (parade and
halftime, decorations, entertainment,
bands, community relations, promo-
tions and publicity) are open. Applica-
tions are available in all residence hall
offices and at the Mendenhall Informa-
tion Center. For additional informa-
tion, contact Dean Rudolph Alexander.
Summer Work
Want to increase your chances of get-
ting into Med School or a choice Allied
Health Program? Spend the summer or
fall semester in a career related work
assignment tailored to meet your career
interest. While participating in the Nor-
mal Volunteer Program at the National
Institutes of Health in Bethesda.
Maryland, you will earn $12.50 a day.
free room and board in the clinical
facility, travel expenses to and from
facilities at NIH. Ms. Ester Taylor
from NIH will describe the program to
interested people on Thursday, March
20. at 7:30 p.m. in 304 Rawl. and will
iniervww applicants Friday. March 21.
by appointment only Contact Har-
n?ne Keyes in (he Cooperative Educa-
tion Office. 313 Rawl, 7S7-6979, im-
mediately to pick up-appiication forms,
additional information, or to schedule
an interview. Act quickly before all the
interview slots are Tilled.
Navy Co-op
Want to earn more than $4.50 per hour
in a career related job, accumulate time
toward retirement in federal govern-
ment, and bypass the usual tests
necessary for permanent positions in
federal government? A representative
from the Navy Administrative Co-op
Program will be on campus March 26
and 27 lo interview students interested
in civilian positions with the Depart-
ment of the Navy. Interviews will be
held for two computer science positions
in Philadelphia and four industrial
specialist positions in Washington D.C.
during fall semester 1980. If time is
available, there will also be interviews
for the following jobs: data processing,
statistician, supply and transportation
management, quality and reliability
assurance specialists, personnel
management, education specialists,
logistics management, housing
manager, program analysis, financial
management, management analysis,
and procurement. Contact the Co-op
Office, 313 Rawl, 757-6979, immediate-
ly to get more information or schedule
an interview. Application forms musi
be completed in advance.
A "No-Tap" Bowling Tournament
sponsored by Mendenhall Studeni
Center will be held March 31 through
April 21. A 9-pin hit will count as a
strike, with all other procedures re-
maining as usual. Trophies will be
awarded to the first and second place
singles winners and to the first place
doubles winners in both men's and
women's divisions. Competition is
open to ail full-time ECU students
Rules are available at ihe Bowling
Center. Call 757-6611. ext 267. for
more information
ROTC Basketball
The ECU Air Force ROTC is sponsor-
ing us Eleventh Annual Basketball
Tournament at Minges Coliseum on
Friday. March 21 and Saturday. March
The Student Caucus for Progressive
Reform has been formed to promote
student activism, fight nuclear energy,
and to promote a humanitarian, alter-
native lifestyle. The SCPR is presently
organizing a "Festival for a
Humanitarian Renaissance" tentatively
scheduled for April 11. The Caucus is
dedicated to providing a forum for the
expression of the ideals of tomorrow.
Interested people should cdntact: Jean-
nie Igoe. 752-8493; Jeff Whisnal and
Mark Kemp, 707 4th St: or Jay Stone.
1207 Cotanche St
There will be a meeting of ROSSE,
Returning Older Students Seeking
Education, at 4 p.m. Thursday, March
20, in Wright Annex, room 305.
Discussion will center on problems en-
countered by the older student return-
ing to college after being out five years
or more or older students just beginn-
ing college.
We wish to remind all
students and faculty that we
will not accept any an-
nouncements for the An-
nouncements column unless
they are typed doublespace
and turned in before the
deadline. No exceptions will
be made. The deadlines are
2:00 p.m. Friday for the
Tuesday edition and 2:00
p.m. Tuesday for the Thurs-
day edition. We reserve the
right to edit for brevity. We
cannot guarantee that
everything turned in will ap-
pear in the paper, due to
space limitations, but we will
do our best.
In the article headlined "Majoi
Attractions Expecting Success In
Spring Concert" on page 5 of the
March 18 issue of the The Easi
Carolinian, some students may have
inferred that the concert cancella-
tions by The Allman Brothers and
the Jefferson Starship may have ap-
plied only to East Carolina Univer-
sity. Charles Sune, chairman of the
Major Attractions Committee, has
pointed out that those groups
cancelled their entire tours, and that
the ECU concerts were not singled
out for cancellation.
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Tftfo Newspaper's Opinion
No To Increases
Several student leaders met with
Chancellor Thomas Brewer this past
Monday on proposed student fee in-
creases for ECU students, which are
due to go into effect in the fall. Dr.
Brewer and Vice Chancellor for Stu-
dent Life Elmer Meyer fielded ques-
tions from students from a wide
range of campus life, and found
that most dissent in the group
resulted from rate increases in the
areas of athletics and health ser-
In the areas of athletics, students
questioned the wisdom of spending
money on a program which had
already received an increase in the
allotment of student fees this year.
The spending of extra money on
athletics differs sharply from the ex-
penditure for certain programs
(such as Student Union) which have
never gotten a fee increase. Clearly,
the priorities are set: there are cer-
tain areas on campus which receive
greater emphasis than do others.
We are all for the expenditure of
money to build a sound and suc-
cessful athletic program, and we
feel that students should contribute
something to the effort. We do not
feel, however, that student fees
should rise year after year.
Think of it. The transit system
has financial difficulties, the Stu-
dent Union has never received a fee
increase since its inception, and yet
athletics seems to be the one pro-
gram that never has any trouble get-
ting full funding, year after year.
We feel that with the current in-
flation rate skyrocketing the way it
is, and the fact that President Carter
has asked us all to limit spending, it
is ill-advised to increase spending in
the athletic department.
We would propose, then, that the
athletic department make plans to
budget their funds so that even if
student fee increases are needed in
the years ahead, these increases can
be held to a minimum. It would be
easy for runaway inflation to
necessitate a large hike in fees every
year, so one choice might be to limit
the already large athletic budget to a
certain small increase per year.
Another choice might be to rely
more heavily on outside sources,
such as independent alumni giving
to athletics, or other sources such as
the Pirates Club. Some fundraising
would have to be done, but with the
ever-increasing number of active
alumni, we feel that it is possible.
Student Health Services
Another huge chunk of the pro-
posed student fee hikes will go to
maintain and upgrade Student
Health Services, i.e. the infirmary.
We can see the need of upgrading
service at the infirmary, but at least
part of the monies requested will go
for such things as automobile
maintenance, advertising, and the
payment of utilities.
Automobile maintenance should
not be paid for out of student fees,
period. There should be some sort
of state allotment for this purpose.
We think, then, that the state
government should be approached
about remedying this situation,
perhaps through action taken at the
next session of the General
In terms of advertising, it was
reported that this will cover the ex-
pense off the printing of a brochure.
We feel that this is unnecessary,
because any information on the in-
firmary that anyone wants can be
found in existing publications.
Also, the members of the infirmary
staff are very cooperative in giving
out information over the phone.
Utilities are the biggest gripe.
Vepco, which some have accused of
having some of the highest electric
rates in the free world, supplies the
infirmary with electrical power. We
are against the use of student fees
for the payment of these exorbitant
rates, and we feel the general fund
of the university should pay for it.
Today, during the morning
classes, a survey form will be hand-
ed to you. You are asked to fill it
out and return it to your professor,
so that Melvin will have informa-
tion which he can present to the
Board of Trustees next week, who
will ultimately decide whether or
not the increases will go into effect.
Also, there will be a meeting this
afternoon at 4:30 in room 244 of the
Mendenhall Student Center.
Representatives from each depart-
ment requesting fee increases will be
on hand to explain why they need
the increases they say they do.
Make your voice heard on this
issue. If enough voices are heard,
then there is a greater chance that
your student fees will not climb as
much, as fast.
U. S. Priorities Need Examination
National News Bureau
There is a lot to be shocked about in the
newspapers, what with prisoners blow-
torching one another and Muhammed Ali
learning for the first time that black South
Africans don't like the U.S. very well.
But what really caught my eye lately was
the news that 44 of the residents of the
state I live in thinks oil is worth going to
war over. That's a little like having half of
Paris ready to do combat for perfume.
Incredible, silly and funny if it weren't so
frightening. Last summer, I lived in the
East at the height of the gas shortage. It was
as though everyone but me was in on a col-
lective practical joke. People were waiting
in lines for gas for over an hour with their
engines running and their air conditioners
on. Instead of parking their cars and walk-
ing a few yards into the bank lobby, they
snaked through a tortuous, 45-minute line
to do transactions at the drive-in window
with their engines running and their air con-
ditioners on.
r-Letters To The Editor
Amazing, this penchant for sitting on
one's butt in a culture where health spas
and diet aids do a land office business.
Perhaps I am out of step with the rest of
America, but a car has always seemed to me
only a conveyance ? much like a bus, a
train, one's feet or one's bike ? to get from
point A to point B. Confining at best, frigid
in winter, sizzling in summer and reeking
always of stale tobacco and take-out food.
Driving just for recreation seems peculiar
to me. Maybe that's because every Sunday
afternoon of my adolescence my father
gathered the family ? every protesting but
the eagerly slobbering bulldog ? into the
Chevy and lead-footed it some 40 miles to
the Red Rock Dam. Before it even became a
dam, he drove us to the future site of the
Red Rock Dam. It was, we all agreed, a
dam site too far. I also had on two occa-
sions the distinction of being with a boy
who was ticketed for making excessive muf-
fler noise while scooping the loop. Same
boy both times. You'd think one of us
would have learned.
It seems I am missing some crucial point.
I have a friend ? a highly intelligent,
civilized friend ? who speaks of his 280Z
with a solicitude absent from his oioe when
he speaks of his infant daughter. I'm begin-
ning to think James Baldwin was on targe:
in one of his novels when he described a
Harlem Saturday night ritual: men clears
ing the hoods of their cars as tenderly a
they would cleanse their own foreskins.
Whatever the passions that tie people to
their autos, the love affair has become self-
destructive. Free flowing gas is not our bir-
thright. Federal energy officials are whistl-
ing in the dark about coal, gasohol and
solar energy. Wonderful ideas certainly, but
unlikely to satiate our gluttony for cheap.
available energy in the immediate future.
There comes a time when even the most
devoted lover has to face the facts. The best
way to avoid holocaust over an absurd issue
is to recognize our lust for gasoline asthe
unrequited passion it's bound to remain.
SGA President Solicits Students Help
To the Editor:
On Tuesday, March 25, 1980 there will
oe a Board of Trustees meeting. The main
topic of business at this meeting will be
the proposed student fee increase. Tomor-
row morning (Friday, March 21) during
the 10:00 class period, your professor has
been asked to assist in the taking of a
survey so that I might better represent the
views and opinions of the entire student
body on this issue.
It is hoped that as many students as
possible will have the opportunity to par-
ticipate in this survey. This year we the
students at ECU face the largest fee in-
crease that I can remember, a total stu-
dent fee increase of $58.00. This money is
to be divided up between Athletics, In-
tramurals, the SGA, the Student Union,
Mendenhall Student Center, and Student
Health Services. There are numerous
reasons for the requested fee increase,
with the high rate of inflation and cost of
energy as the primary reasons.
This afternoon at 4:30 in room 244 of
MSC you will have the opportunity to
listen to representatives from each depart-
ment explain their reasoning for the
necessity of a fee increase, and to ask
them questions pertaining to this increase.
Your attendance will be welcomed as it
will assist me in the way that I present
your views to the Board of Trustees. Your
participation in tomorrow's survey is also
needed to assist me in my final decision in
the Board meeting.
The survey and question-answer period
were made possible through the assistance
of numerous individuals. Their
assistance, and yours, is greatly ap-
preciated in this matter.
Brett Melvin
Student Bodv President
Afghanistan May
American Closet
Fear of unfavorable comparison with the
Soviet Union is the real reason the United
States government is pushing for a boycott
of the Moscow Olympics.
The pretext offered to justify a boycott
would fall apart if any reporter allowed into
the presence of Jimmy Carter would have
the guts to ask Carter to swear that the U.S.
was nor organizing forays into Afghanistan
from Pakistan prior to 1980, and if Carter
would be asked to swear that the CIA had
never had liason with Afghanistan's
General Amin, who was assassinated in
December 1979. The anti-communist Amin
had killed the leader of Afghanistan only
three months earlier, and was then in turn
killed by his own people. Amin never issued
a plea for world help against a Soviet
"invasion" because he was already out of
power before that "invasion" took place.
Soviet troops were called into Afghanistan
by the government of Afghanistan under
terms of the Afghan-Soviet treaty of
December 5, 1978, and helped Afghanistan
resist the mounting pressure from
U.Scquipped raiding forces which have
been dispatched out of dictator Zia's
Pakistan for the past two years (the U.S.
also makes itself an enemy of Pakistan's
people by arming and propping up Zia, the
brute who traitoriously overthrew, jailed,
and eventually murdered the Pakistani's
democratically elected and loved president,
Ali Bhutto). In any case, the U.S. certainly
can have no objection to one country sen-
ding military assistance to another, having
imposed 540,000 U.S. troops on Vietnam,
having changed puppet governments in
Saigon mmt than a dozen tiroes during the
U.Ss long Vietnam occupation, and hav-
ing napalmed daily the resisting population
as witnessed on our television screens. Jim-
my Carter sees nothing wrong with main-
taining 50,000 U.S. troops in South Korea
to this day. His protestations reek with
In Korea, Guatemala, the Congo, Viet-
nam, the Dominican Republic, and Cam-
bodia, massive physical battle by the local
citizenry against the entering U.S. soldiers
was horribly plain to see; but all the many
reporters in Afghanistan, including
numerous American camera crews at the
turn of the year, have not been able to even
catch glimpse of such battle against Soviet
soldiers because there is no such battle, or-
dinary Afghanistanis evidently being pleas-
ed by the riddance of Amin, by the opening
of the prisons, by the return to programs
redistributing property and wealth, and by
the new security against Pakistan-based
As to the real motives for the boycott ef-
fort: the American Olympic athletes as a
team would again lose, and probably would
not even take second place. But much more
important, U.S. leaders fear what will
follow if they allow great numbers of
Americans ? particularly young Americans
? to see, with their own eyes, an alternative
social system that by contrast is working.
Personal witness of the constantly rising
standard of living of the Soviet Union is
dangerous to the U.S. power structure at a
time when the American standard of living
is collapsed to a level lower than in 1968,
and is dangerous to that power structure
when the American people are getting
poorer each and every year (poorer because
almost no-one's paper-dollar income is in-
creasing as fast as prices).
How would U.S. leaders explain to
shocked Olympic tourists and participants
the high-rise apartment buildings popping
up like mushrooms all around Moscow and
the movement of 11 million Russians into
brand new homes in 1979, while U.S. hous-
ing starts fell from 2 million in 1978 to 1.4
million in 1979? How would they explain
why rent in the USSR, including all utilities,
cost no-one more than 5 percent of monthly
income; why a ride on the giant and expan-
ding Moscow subway costs the same 5
kopecs as in 1935; why a loaf of bread costs
the same 10 kopecs as in 1948; why medical
care, dental care, and university education
are all free; why four times as many
engineers graduate from Soviet universities
each year as from American universities;
why retirement with full economic security
and dignity is at age 60 for men and 55for
women, while Americans can no longer af-
ford to retire even at age 70; why paid year-
ly vacations for Soviet workers are lengthier
than those for American workers; why
Aeroflot is the largest airline in the world,
with the lowest passenger fares in the world;
why the USSR consumer price index
decreases from year to year while wages
alone go up; why Soviet youth are healthier
and involve themselves more in sports than
their American counterparts; whv fewer
Russians than Americans are forcibly con-
fined in prisons and mental institutions;
why Soviet steel and oil and wheat produc-
tion already surpasses that of the U.S why
zero unemployment and a labor shortage
allow every Soviet worker to select from
among many always-available jobs; and
why slums in the USSR would have to be
looked for with a magnifying glass! ?
A disproportionately large percentage of
U.S. Olympic competitors are black and
poor: when they return from Moscow to
American reality, to the decay, poverty,
and hopelessness of American cities, how
are you going to keep them from talking to
the neighbors and the press? If the entire
portrait of the Soviet Union proves to be a
lie, how are you going to keep most
Americans, who learn of a different Russia,
from wondering what other fairy tales their
heads have been Filled with? Having
become aware of alternative economic
possibilities, how are you going to convince
them to contain their rage as the new
depression deepens and as oil companies,
war companies, and other high thieves grab
ever-increasing super-profits and attach str-
ings to ever-increasing numbers of politi-
Far safer to keep the kids and the tourists
home, even if you have to threaten to
revoke their passports if they dare try to go
see Russia for themselves! Far safer to pro-
tect and preserve intact the cartoon image
of the Soviet Union so carefully
disseminated by the American information
media ? the media totally owned by and
totally controlled by comfortable
capitalists. Capitalist economies are going
through a much-needed tear-up for war;
the last thing capitalists now want is
Olympic-scale direct meeting and com-
munication between American human be-
ings and Russian human beings, demystify-
ing "The Enemy" (the looming and in-
human and ominous image of The Enemy
thrives on ignorance; the mass get-together
at Moscow will dispel ignorance; altering
the image of Russia and Russians in die
minds of many Americans, turning many
away from preconceived animosity; hence
war psychology will become difficult to
propagate, war taxes will become difficult
to collect, and war-industry profits will
become difficult to justify ? especially in
hard times).
Moves by the U.S. to sabotage the
Twenty-Second Olympiad and to limit
Soviet-American contact got diligently
under way in 1974 ? the year Moscow was
awarded the games over U.S. objection ?
and these moves have since become more
and more blatant. Doing its part, Pan Am,
the U.Ss only airline regularly carrying
passengers into the Soviet Union,
unilaterally cancelled and ended all its
flights to fhe USSR just before the onset of
heavy Olympics-preparatory traffic, on Oc-
tober 29, 1978.
To go or not to go to Moscow:
Afghanistan, when facts are looked at, pro-
vides no reason whatever to put up bar-
ricades. The reverse: does our planet need
still more separation of peoples and still
more tension? What BETTER time than
right now for youth from varying
backgrounds to get together to pursue
challenges all have in common and in pro-
cess to grow toward appreciation and
tolerance of one another? ? precisely the
Olympic ideal, that the powers in the U.S.
so abhor.
A judge should seek out the full story
from both sides before rendering a
righteous judgement. Isn't each of us sup-
posed to be a judge? Who is trying to pre-
vent us from seeing the evidence? The pro-
spect of our exposure to first-hand informa-
tion at Moscow worries and frightens some,
lest our judgement not come down on the
side of capitalism and war. Too bud. WhOe
we stiil have some freedom of
boycott, no way!

Other Opinion
USSR Eyes Nicaragua
Copy Editor
For all those optimists who think
Soviet expansionism is nothing to worry
about, cast a glance southward to the
little Central American country that was
recently a hotbed of revolution:
Nicaragua. Leaders of the Sandinista
Liberation Front are meeting with
Kremlin leaders in Moscow to discuss
"economic and cultural cooperation
Deposed Nicaraguan President
Anastasio Somoza and his family were
placed in power and supplied with arms
by the United States to protect
American business interests, a situation
similar to the U.S. role in Iran. Both
countries have since deposed their
tyrant rulers anJ are trying to install
governments that will be able to rebuild
their nations. In monetary terms the
situation in Nicaragua is less important
than our oil fix in the Middle East, but
it is more important to the national
security of the United States.
Nicaraguan leaders describe the talks
which began Tuesday as "friendly and
cordial Tass, the official Soviet news
agency, said, "The Soviet side wished
the people of Nicaragua further success
in the implementation of political and
socio-economic transformations under
the leadership of the Sandanista Na-
tional Liberation Front Put simply,
the Soviets are trying to sell war-
ravaged Nicaragua on communism, an
alternative could be easy for that coun-
try to accept.
In many parts of Middle America and
especially in Nicaragua, Fidel Castro is
considered a hero. Many Nicaraguans
discard the fact that there is no real
freedom or individualism in Cuba. In-
stead they see few people starving and
substantial education and health care,
things that most Nicaraguans have
never had under Somoza. That country
may well decide to forego the luxuries
of freedom and democracy for the
necessities of food, clothing, housing,
education and health care.
And who could blame them? Not the
United States, who helped put them
their present predicament. As standard
rule, U.S. administrations overlooked
the atrocities of Somoza and the ex-
shah to avoid rocking the little U.S.
boats. But the citizens of those coun-
tries finally overthrew their tyrant rulers
in attempts to establish governments
capable of helping those nations.
Whether or not they will be successful
remains to be seen, but the United
States will be the last one asked for
The United States has burned too
many bridges behind it, and the Soviets
are rebuilding those bridges as quickly
as possible. We gave Russia an open
shot at Afghanistan by refusing aid to
that country a few years ago, and now
we want to protest by boycotting the
Olympics? Why didn't we send arms to
the Afghanistan rebels when they need-
ed help ? a poignant plea for aid went
The United States should have of-
fered massive aid to Nicaragua (and
Afghanistan and Iran) when they need-
ed it in an attempt to apologize for near-1
ly destroying their country. It may not
be too late, but President Carter has
sworn he will not apologize to Iran, so it
is unlikely he would do so even tacitly to I
The Soviets would like nothing better
than to gain another sympathetic
satellite in Middle America, especially
Nicaragua. Remember: Nicaragua was
the second choice to Panama for a
water Toute across the isthmus. A
navigable river extends more than
halfway across Nicaragua, but the
technology was not available to com-
plete the canal at that time. Should the
Nicaraguans consider a second canal in
Central America, the Soviets might con-
sider it a good investment. But that's
another story.
The United States must meet the
Soviet challenge not only by strengthen-
ing the armed forces but by using com-
mon sense in realizing possible threats
before they surface. A major step in
that direction would be to treat the peo-
ple of other countries as we would
Americans instead of pushing them,
around blindly at the whims of big j
businesses and nearsighted politicians.
MARCH 20, 1980
USf cmouna m mmm
Down Town
Pitt Plaza
Shopping Center
cinema V2m3
Developed and Printed
? w ?"? 3T
Golden Age Of Luxury Is Over
National News Bureau
Returning to the past
isn't as easy as you
might think. In fact,
the past of history and
legend is gone forever.
I am betting that
technology, for better
or vorse, will provide
us with heat, transpor-
tation, and a
But the golden age of
individual luxury will
be gone.
Yes, I said golden
age. Do you think a
world of billions of
interlocking circle. other hand, am
The rest of humanity building up a small
will have to make do arsenal of weapons and
with whatever crumbs
the big boys throw tljeir
way. Mothers will
stand in line for milk'
and staple fdods.
Fathers will be
ammunition. My
bookshelf contains
volumes on home cann-
ing, living off the land,
tanning hides, medical
care, organic gardening
proved sources of don't plan and prepare!
energy. That every for the future, then we
avenue be carefully can damn well be ready
studied before it is ac- for the lights to go out
employed by the system and anything else that
with incomes based on offers me advice on
credit for utility ser-
vices and authorized
mouths per family unit.
All children will be
wards of the state, but
each family will be
allowed responsibility
for a proper number.
Excess children will be
people with liitteor no asusi8ned t0 faumily u"its
who are short, but
fossil fuel is going to
allow non-producing
youth to have high-
powered personal
transport? Other na-
tions already have
curfews and rationing
of public utility ser-
vices. How much
longer will we have
electric canopeners and
dishwashers or hot
water 24 hours a day?
There will always be
the rich and the power-
ful. Oil company ex-
ecutives have been
engaged in diversifica-
tion procedures since
1972, when they firmed
up their plans for the
1973 oil shortage in
order to drive up prices
and profits. They will
not suffer.
Neither will politi-
cians. Each passing
year sees the odds
against an average per-
son being able to
achieve any significant
public office on his
own merit grow even
greater. Money and
power have created an
That is for when the
ting the worst will not
come to pass. But I
believe in hedging my
bets, just in case.
If the lights go out
for a generation now
living, it will be very
hard on almost
everyone. Very few
people have maintained
the kinds of skills that
our grand-
parents. Some people
will go hungry until
they adjust to simple
foods and simple
methods of producing
it. Some people will
Acquiring shelter will leges and universities
be back-breaking, can produce organiza-
overproducers will be
fined. The black
market in babies will
grow, but the price will
be depressed from cur- supported
rent rates.
In rural areas,
gardening will come
back in vogue. Wood-
cutting will deplete
many forested areas,
forcing owners of wood
stoves to convert to
burning dried dung or
using fresher animal
and plant refuse to
cook up alcohol or
make methane gas for
use as fuels. Animal
husbandry will once
more become an impor-
tant field of study, regulations
With petroleum as
precious as gold,
animals will provide fat may well become what
for candles and soap, a man says it is while he
excreta for fuel and fer- holds a gun on you.
tilizer. What is the alter-
I can hear you native?
laughing. That enough honest
That's good. Laugh people put pressure on
while you are young congress and industry
and carefree. I, on the to search for new or im-
cepted or rejected.
Because of a lot of
bad publicity, nuclear
power is being con-
demned at the moment.
The problem is not
nuclear power. The
problem is nuclear by-
products and waste,
happens. Having created a power
I am bet- source, research has
been slowed. Research
and development of
systems of energy pro-
duction must be made.
An animal is a system
of production, adapted
by nature. We must try
to adapt our power
sources to imitate
nature. There must be a
better use for radioac-
tive waste than simply
poisoning the earth.
While we have the
means available to us,
we should try to run
younger and more
idealistic people for
public office. If col-
and for a dog-eat-dog
? or man-eat-dog ?
Shows daily at
NoFore.qn EXPOSURE ft A ft 1
Developed and Printed
I 38 ?
finger smashing and
dirty. Life will be hard
and the zoning
authorities will be
laughed at if they try to
enforce compliance to
mid-twentieth century
tions that make model
UNs or mock con-
gresses on a nationwide
basis, if students can
provide the manpower
to work the campaigns
of established politi-
cians, then why can't
Society will undergo they join forces and
radical change. Law promote one of their
own ? or many of
their own ? to run for
those same public of-
If we don't get fresh
blood in the govern-
ment, if we don't begin
to control utilities and
natural resources, if we
Due to an error by THE EAST CAROLINIAN, the
Overtoil's Competition Skis ad incorrectly swim suits at
33 off. The ad should have read "20 off THE
EAST CAROLINIAN regrets any inconvenience that
this may have caused, the correct ad appears below.
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There's a new place
to buy your swim su
4:00 - 6:30
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You know you've always wanted to fly!
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We've taught more than 20.000 people to fly over the
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if you're the kind who isn't shy about new experiences,
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Call or write for free brochure.
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Featuring a large selection
of women's and men's swimsuits
by DeWeese Designs, Crowd Pleasers,
and Beach Party.
Don't wait until July for a discount
located adjacent to
on Jarvis Street

MARCH 20. 1980 Page 6
Students Question College Requirements
Assistant Features Editor
Today is the second day of hear-
ings on possible changes in ECU
general college requirements, and
Pirate students are not short on
ideas for those changes.
Malcolm Nunn, a freshman from
Clarksville, Va voiced the peren-
nial ECU complaint: "Foreign
language is unnecessary. 1 just don t
see when I'll need it
Irdie Williams, an ECU student
from Fort Bragg, said, "All the re-
quired courses I'm taking now are
fine with me. I like it just the way it
is. I don't want to take any foreign
language though. I took it in high
school, and it's just too technical.
You just learn enough to say 'hello
and 'goodbye' and beyond that, you
just don't know anything else
Sandy Jackson, a Parks and
Recreation major from Mount
Olive, gave foreign language
another nay. "I think they ought to
dump it. There are very intelligent
people in other curricula that
shouldn't have to study something
they're not going to use. Some good
students have probably failed or
dropped out of school because of
Edith Fekete, a sophomore
biology major from Richmond,
Virginia, does not agree. "I think
there should be foreign language re-
quirements for all majors. It's in the
news now about how Americans
don't know much foreign language,
and this is a detriment to us.
"The purpose of the general col-
lege requirement is to make us well-
rounded people, and foreign
language can always help us in the
future, in our careers
Sophomore Mike Watkins of
Elizabethtown agrees. "Language
leads to a better understanding of
other peoples, and no matter who
you are, that's helpful in today's
One accounting major had a more
specific complaint. "They ought to
make the social science requirement
12 instead of 13 hours. You have to
take five courses instead of just four
because almost all of the courses are
three credit hours
"I'd like to see more required
science courses and less required
humanities said Michael
Kirkland, an ECU biology major.
"For a serious science student there
are some required courses that are
not as important as others. I'm 24
and about to graduate, and it seems
silly to me that I still have to take
p'E. before I can get out.
"Some general college re-
quirements should be more standar-
dized. There's too much difference
in the instructors of those courses
Sophomore Tammy Harrell said,
"The art and music appreciation
courses are boring. You just
memorize everything. Only one
course like that should be enough
"I think they ought to require a
little more math said freshman
David Ward. "You get algebra in
high school, and if you're going to
have to take the same thing here,
opportunity to have
you might as well not even bother " he7rd lf they remain
And they ought to cut the English ?f? ght find little sym-
requirements a bit. One semester of
freshman English would be enough.
I don't have much use for poetry.
East Carolina students are not
short of opinions on the subject, but
no students were present at yester-
day's General College Committee
There will be another hearing of
the General College Committee to-
day in Brewster B-102, 3:30 p.m.
"Students can make a difference
says General College Committee
Chairman Dr. Henry Ferrell. "I
have found in the past that students
often have more impact on required
courses than the faculty
Students who are dissatisfied with
requirements as they stand now
nute, they might find little sym
pathy for their complaints later on.
Nuclear Power Plants
tinder Construction or in
The Planning Stages
Nuclear Pcver Plants
In Operation-
Now you can spend a couple of
months sailing and get college credit
0 at the same time.
" It's easy ? all you have toi do is
pay $3,200. That's your tuition and
fees for a Southampton College
Your classroom is the 100-foot
schooner, Harvey Gamge. If
you're registered for fall semester,
you'll go from Boothbay Harbor in
Maine to Chesapeake Bay to the
Bahamas. The spring semester will
take you from New York to Savan-
nah to the Virgin Islands. These are
just some of the spring-fever ports
of call aboard the SeaMester.
Though the program may seem
like a "sunshine" course, the stu-
'Seamester' Provides
Classroom Adventure
dent can earn up to 16 semester
hours in accredited college courses.
Previous participants in the
SeaMester program have been ma-
joring in Art, Biology, English,
History and Marine Biology among
Courses offered are Ichthyology,
Natural History of the Atlantic and
Caribbean Coasts, Field Work in
Coastal Ecology and American
Maritime History. Also offered are
Literature of the Sea, Navigation
and Seamanship, and Sail-
ingPhysical Education.
About thirty students can par-
ticipate in the course during a
semester. They live on the ship, and
are divided into three "watches
each responsible for a four-hour du-
ty period every 12 hours. Duties in
elude steering and navigation, log
entries, lookout duty, and raising
and lowering the anchor.
It's important to remember that
this course is not simply a relaxation
cruise. Many human comforts vs. ill
disappear with the horizon. Hours
on deck can be in the rain or cold, or
both, as well as in the warm.
tropical sun. Sleeping hours are in
terrupted by watch, and one must
always expect "All hands on deck
The program offers great rewards
to those who perservere this exciting
and pleasurable challenge. Student
See SEAMESTER Page 7, Col. 6
Nuke Plants Flourishing In NC
Staff Writer
There is a whole world full of
perspectives out there. They live in
trees, under rocks, behind lattice-
work, all of them different and uni-
que, which is good because that's
one of the things that makes for an
interesting world. Indeed, a variety
of perspectives affords us plenty of
options. But sometimes we are forc-
ed to choose one over several others,
and that's when life gets com-
As of now North Carolina has
two nuclear power reactors, but
nine more are either under construc-
tion or on the drawing boards,
which would give the state a total of
eleven. This woutd make "North
Carolina one of the four most
nuclear-ized states in the country.
Only Illinois, with fourteen, would
have more reactors, and New York
and Tennessee, with eleven apiece,
would be tied with North Carolina
for second place in the "nuclear
proliferation" race.
Four of these plants would be
located in the eastern plains region
of the state, which would make
Greenville subject to all of the en-
vironmental and health hazards that
have been associated with atomic
energy since its inception.
Nuclear power is not an isolated,
far removed phenomenon. It is
here, leaking radioactive gases into
the air and filling our water and
oceans with waste.
It has been established that radia-
tion, even low-level radiation that
atomic reactors emit in their usual
course of operation, can cause
cancer, premature aging and,
through the destruction of the gene
pool, the overall deterioration of
human health. A single errant
radioactive atom or ray can damage
the structure of a cell and its
"message center the genetic
coding by which normal growth is
See NUKE PLANTS Page 8, Col. 3
The Harvey Carnage
spending a semester at sea
Different Light Shed On Greek Week
Staff Writer
Fraternities at their very best can
be splendid organizations, full of
deep devotion and respect for
brothers, and providing ties that are
not just profound during the college
experience, but for the entirety of
one's life.
They can be powerful organiza-
tions that provide social, personal,
and academic growth, though I
sometimes doubt the validity of that
last proposal. It can be a productive
time when one learns to benefit
from his own capabilities and to
work cooperatively with individuals
from diverse conceptions of the
world and familial backgrounds.
At their very worst, fraternities
can be a virtual breeding ground for
the worst aspects of human
responses ? teaching one to hate,
envy, and possess a dispassionate
lack of respect for another while
maintaining the bond of
brotherhood. Houses can become
virtual dens of decadence with all
sorts of sordid sexual escapades and
so-called fraternity boy pranks such
as taking sorority girls to the Flappa
Trappa beach, which is sticking the
poor girl's head in the John. (Hear
the ocean roar?)
It can also be a time when one
learns to utilize the most devious
characteristics of his personality and
to use an organization and in-
dividuals for his personal needs. It
ttwte by JOHN OROGAM
Greek Week Gives Students a Chance to Relax
can be the training ground for cor
porate bosses and senators.
The most serious mistake that an
individual not associated with the
Greek system can make is to
stereotype Greeks and make gross
generalizations about what con-
stitutes a "frat rat The key is that
Greek organizations are composed
of individuals, and that the same
fallacies which beset fraternal
organizations consistenly occur in
almost every type of organization.
Some of the finest individuals I
have ever met and some of the most
worthwhile endeavors I have taken
part in happened to me when I was
involved with the fraternity system
right here on campus. Then again,
some of the biggest assholes and
some of the most disgusting acts I
have ever witnessed supposedly
educated individuals partake in oc-
curred at some sort of co-Greek ac-
Spring semester is a really big
time for Greeks, with all sorts of
outdoor and indoor activities such
as Greek Week (next week), Hell
Week (for pledges ? as if every
week weren't), the blood drive, ban-
quets, charitable drives, and last but
certainly not least, INITIATION. It
is really the best time to be involved
with Greeks, for almost everything
that is big fun for the Greeks is held
during this time and there are a
lot of wild fantasies in the minds of
non-Greeks about what goes on at
these various events.
I though it would be fun if I could
shed a little light on what goes on at
these events for the unacquainted,
while poking a little fun (harmless, I
hope) at the idiosyncrasies involved
with such.
The week begins at Pi Kappa Phi
Field Day on Hooker Road, and this
is spirited fun between fraternities
and sororities involving the same
old things that were made popular
at your elementary school, such as
egg-throwing, pie eating contest,
three legged race, and Mr. and Ms.
Beautiful. Most people start drink-
ing about sunrise and continue until
the sun is sinking gingerly into the
Everybody gets to show off their
Easter tan and the winner of the col-
lection of events gets points toward
the best whatever on campus.
Usually the most fun event is The
See Who We Can Throw In The
Lake Contest, which usually ends
up a draw after 50 percent of the
people get thrown in, and a smaller
few have their own amateur boxing
contest. It is a day without com-
parison, at least until next Saturday.
Tuesday is really the most athletic
event of the week when the Greeks
hold their annual Greek games, held
at the track field at ECU, in which
everyone participates in the more
traditional track and field events.
Everybody gets real sweaty, and if
you wanna see people sweat that
you never thought could, then this is
your day. And no beer is consumed,
dispelling all ideas that Greeks can't
collect without a keg.
If you want to see what is hip in
the spring fashion collection, then
show up at the IFC banquet, which
is perhaps the most dynamic
assemblage of undergraduates that
is held on this campus, other than a
sporting event. All of the awards,
such as Scholarship Awards, Best
Pledge Class and best whatever, are
presented at this banquet. Everyone
gets all dressed up and pays big
bucks to eat bland, institutional
roast beef and listen to some vita!
individual discuss the issues at hand.
Mosier's Farm closes out Greek
Wwk. and it usually is the most fun
and features the most non-reek
participation, which certainly will
be true this year because they are
featuring Brice Street, N.Cs most
copied band. The highlight of this
event is some inspired mid-day
drinking, usually resulting in some
inspired midday gatoring and even-
tually a few more amateur bouts. To
close the day out, the revelers are
greeted on their way home by seem-
ingly half the highway patrol force
of North Carolina. So, if you drive,
don't drink, and if you drink, don't
I bet millions of you out there are
wondering what Hell Week and In-
itiation are all about, so I will
foresake all fraternal vows (which
will probably result in my excom-
munication) and lay it on the line.
There usually is such BS as the old
grape in the doody-hole trick, or
seeing how much beer you can drink
as in Lampoon. It usually involves a
little cleaning up of the old house
and some high spirited hi-jinks.
Every once in a while some delirious
nut goes overboard and makes you
do some silly thing like doing sit-up
on an orange or grabbing bananas
out of the John.
Initiation usually involves an all
night affair where you have to put
up with some pretty heavy physical
and psychological harassment, but
nothing so extreme that it would en
danger your physical or
See DIFFERENT Page 7, Col. 2
and pmrif everpd? far m week

? . r ?
Greenville Area Has
Colorful History
Staff Writer
If you think Green-
wile gets wild
nowadays, just check
into the local history at
the turn of the century.
Of course, the discos
and beer bars didn't
adorn Fifth Street in
Washington's day, but
the town was not
without its hot spots.
Although much of
early Greenville was as
coming for
were forced to make
house calls because
their female customers
were afraid to walk
past the barrooms.
At times, things got a
little violent.
An article in the
September 14, 1894 edi-
tion of the Greenville
Index told the story of
one Turner Smith, a History has, for
notorious desperado some people, acquired
who finally met his the rather unfortunate
match in Greenville. reputation of being a
On the preceding dry and tedious bore.
Dusty old grade school
That evening, Smith
arrived at Page's home
with murder on his
mind. Page repeatedly
warned Smith to keep
his distance, but Smith
kept advancing.
quiet and simple as the Saturday, Smith's son
stereotypical home in-law, John Page,
came to Greenville to
get a peace warrant
because Smith had
threatened to kill him.
The issuing of the war-
rant was postponed
over the weekend, and
Page was instructed to
wait at his home. On
Sunday he received
word that Smith was
town, some areas
boasted a rowdy
reputation. During the
late 1800's, Evans
Street was wilder than
downtown Fifth Street
is today. It became so
notorious for drunken-
ness, profanity and
gambling that some
nearby shop owners
teachers who assigned
page upon page of
unbearably uneventful
reading and who spoke
in multi-syllabic words
have dulled quite a few
appetites for the sub-
History doesn't have
to be dull; it can be
fascinating, even right
here in Greenville.
Renowned Dancer
To Be Featured In
Dance Workshop
MARCH 20,1980
SeaMester Offered
Continued from Page 6
Disney Stage Manager
Joins ECU Drama Staff
Renowned American dancer Ed-
ward Villella will be featured at
ECU's fourth annual "Day of
Dance" workshop on Sunday,
March 30.
The event is for dancers of all
ages arid levels of training with ses-
sions in beginning, intermediate and
advanced ballet.
Villella will conduct higher level
master classes in ballet.
A principal with the New York
furthering the arts in America.
The beginning ballet master class
will be taught by Juan Anduze,
artist-in-residence this year with the
ECU dance faculty, and leading
dancer, choreographer and an
associate director for the Ballet de
San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Modern dance participants will be
led by Gretchen Harding, who
taught at Cabrillo College in
California six years before joining
prescribed study; independent study
is available.
will study Atlantic fishes in their en- The 1978-79 tuition of $3200 is
vironments, and they will study the subject to change. Any state or
sea-going novels of Joseph Conrad federal financial aid is applicable to
and Herman Melville. And perhaps SeaMester. The fee includes lab fees
best of all, they will gain mastery of and accomodations, but students
small-boat sailing. are responsible for their own texts,
To be eligible for the SeaMester, the titles of which are supplied by
students must have completed at Southampton College,
least one semester of undergraduate For information, call or write to
education. There is no requirement Christina Stromsky, Special Ses-
for sailing experience, although the sions Office, Southampton College
program welcomes those with ex- of Long Island University,
perience. It is not absolutely Southampton, N.Y. 11968, (516)
necessary that the student follow the 283-4000.
Scott Jackson
Parker, former stage
manager of the Walt
Disney World Enter-
tainment Division, has
loined the ECU
Department of Drama
and Speech as general
manager of the ECU
Playhouse and assistant
professor of drama.
An alumnus of
Gilford College, with
master's degrees from
C-Chapel Hill and
the University of
Virginia, Parker has
been involved in pro-
fessional theatre in
everal states, as con-
sultant, director, stage
manager and designer.
His previous career
has included an assis-
tant technical director-
ship with the Cherokee
outdoor drama Unto
These Hills and con-
slihantships with three
other North Carolina
outdoor dramas, as
well as direction l .
technical direction of
plays by Shakespeare,
Williams, Coward,
Miller, Pinter, Wilde,
Hellman, O'Neill,
Ibsen, Albee, Brecht
and Ionesco at theaters
and campuses in North
Carolina and Virginia.
In his position at
Walt Disney World,
Parker worked with
such major entertain-
ment figures as
Diahann Carroll, Chita
Rivera, Anna-Maria
Alberghetti, Vic
Darhone, Roger
Williams, Pat Boone
and Patti Page.
His teaching ex-
perience has included
courses in stagecraft,
creative dramatics, ac-
ting and production at
City Ballet since 1960, Villella has the ECU faculty last fall,
performed around the world with Jazz dance classes will be taught
such companies as the National by Michele Mennett, former ap-
Ballet in Washington and the Royal prentice at the Alvin Ailey School of
Winnipeg Ballet in Canada, and has Dance who has taught in private
appeared at the New York City studios throughout the eastern U.S.
Opera and the Bolshoi Theater in
He has performed a number of
Balanchine roles and in 1975 receiv-
ed an Emmy award for his CBS-TV
children's ballet Harlequin. He is at
present involved in dance education Playhouse,
and maintains an active interest in 757-6390.
Dancers 10 years old and above
are eligible to participate. Further
information about the "Day of
Dance" is available from Scott
Parker, General Manager, ECU
ECU, Telephone
UNC-Chapel Hill
Duke University.
He also worked in
television production
with the U.S. Con-
tinental Army Com-
mand Engineer School
at Fort Belvoir, Va.
Parker is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. John W.
Parker of 127 Carol
Woods, Chapel Hill,
and a native of Ft.
Different Light
Continued from Page 6
Ninety-eight students
and professional in-
terior designers from
the Carolinas par-
ticipated in a recent
"Career Day"
workshop hosted by the
ECU School of Art and
the ECU student
chapter of the
American Society of
Interior Designers.
Special guests at the
event were interior
design students from
Randolph Technical In-
stitute, Asheboro; and
Winthrop College,
Rock Hill, S.C. where
other student AS1D
chapters are located.
Featured speaker at
the event was lighting
designer Raymond
Grenald of
Philadelphia, whose
career has included ar-
chitectural lighting for
Carlsbad Caverns, the t
Atlanta Subway and
the National Gallery of
Art in Washington,
He is noted as an ex-
pert on the effects of
interior lighting and ar-
chitectural design upon
human behavior and
Career Day included
informal meetings bet-
ween participating
students and profes-
sional designers and a
session on the qualify-
ing examination ad-
ministered by the Na-
tional Council on In-
terior Design.
Student ASID
chapters also met for a
regional board meeting
and were guests at an
afternoon reception
given by ECU
Chancellor and Mrs.
Thomas Brewer.
the pun, you are taken almost any entity they
into the fold and given have their weak points
psychological well- your glorious that w all can ap-
being. You usually brotherhood pin, which predate as being a uni-
Ihave to endure some you will cherish until que part of our human
sensory deprivation for the day you give it to existence.
periods of time and some girl and she loses If we learn to laugh
have to take a lot of sil- it in the lake at Pi Kap at our own idiosyn-
ly tests that you haven't field day. cracies, then we can
the ghost of a chance of In conclusion, it real- ealize that we are just
Dassing ly is a lot of fun, and if the same as the ones we
After you are com- I have offended any of laugh at, and as long as
pletely reduced to little you Greeks out there, I there is a little laughter,
more than a shivering, offer my most sincere we can't be fighting,
blubbering bundle of apology. But you above And remember that
nervous energy, you are all realize that though I every fraternity and
told that you failed the may have exaggerated sorority is responsible
test, and probably that things, there is at least a for sending five
you are the only person little validity in what I members out to
ever to do so. Then as say. The Greeks are as Mosier's Farm at noon
the sun rises on a new fine as organization as for clean up on
day, if you will pardon any on campus, but like day.
The East Carolinian
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MARCH 20, 1980
Housekeeper Wins Awards
High Point Enterprise
(AP) ? Johnsie
Hughes is an expert
housekeeper. She is so
efficient she has won
five awards from the
state Labor Commis-
sion for her work.
Mrs. Hughes is safe-
ty officer for Guard-
sman Chemicals Inc.
and the only woman in
the manufacturing sec-
tion of the plant, which
employs 85 people.
Joining the company
in 1971, she advanced
from switchboard
operator to her present
position in four short
"1 worked at almost
every job in the of-
fice said the attrac-
tive brunette. "Then,
in 1975 when the safety
officer was promoted,
Ben Preslar, our plant
manager, asked me if I
was interested in filling
that vacancy.
"The company had
never had a female
safety officer before;
they didn't even have a
woman working in
manufacturing. I was
scared because I didn't
know anything about
the job, but I wasn't
too scared to accept the
Moving from clerical
work to manufacturing
was a drastic change
for Mrs. Hughes. For
weeks, Preslar accom-
panied her around the
chemical plant,
familiarizing her with
features of the building
which would influence
her work and instruc-
ting her on accident
prevention and
She spent weekends
at home reading Oc-
cupational Safety and
Health Administration
manuals to learn the
laws concerning in-
dustrial safety.
That study paid off,
because, since she ac-
cepted the new posi-
tion, the company has
won five safety awards.
A routine work day
for Mrs. Hughes in-
cludes inspection tours
to ensure all safety
guidelines are followed.
She checks raw
materials, tests the
quality of manufac-
tured goods, analyzes
air quality and checks
Students Are
Less Apathetic
for hazards. She also
serves as the plant
nurse, relying on her
training as a certified
emergency medical
Each week, she
writes a report detailing
problems which have
ocurred. When she sees
someone violating a
safety rule, she is quick
to correct him.
"We have never had
any problems, but we
realize there could be
an emergency at any
time because we work
with so many
chemicals Mrs.
Hughes said. "We are
very cautions. I try to
be fair, but if someone
is guilty of carelessness,
he will hear about it
right away. I'm strict
because I know if there
is an explosion, I go
"As another part of
my job I try to make
the community aware
that our company is
careful, too. We owe it
to the neighbors to
keep them informed so
they aren't fearful of
being blown up. That is
one of the reasons we
have safety kick-offs
March is safety
month for the com-
pany. For the event,
Mrs. Hughes has ar-
ranged a special day of
activities Tuesday to
mark the beginning of
the company's drive for
their sixth annual safe-
ty award from the N.C.
Labor commission.
Beginning at 7 a.m
area firemen, joined by
Smokey the Bear, will
distribute leaflets con-
taining safety hints to
visitors of the com-
pany. At noon a lun-
cheon will be held for
employees, their
families and several
distinguished guests,
including state
representatives Mary
Seymour and Howard
Despite a full
schedule at Guard-
sman, Mrs. Hughes still
has time for her family
and hobbies. Married
to a Thomasville
fireman, T.J. Hughes,
she has five children
and two grandchildren.
For relaxation she
writes religious plays
which she produces in
churches across the
state. Her most famous
play is "Sorry I Never
Knew You '
Classified Ads
Work For You
Buy, Sell or Trade
The East Carolinian
Can Help
lege students, who in earlier
presidential skirmishes in the cam-
paign have hinted they're becoming
le?s apathetic about politics, turned
out in huge numbers in the recent
New Hampshire primary.
While an astonishing 55 percent
of the 12,000 eligible students voted,
their choices suggest that the tur-
nout reflects concern about foreign
policy rather than anti-draft or anti-
nuclear feelings that some can-
didates tried to exploit.
Republican students in the four
major college voting sectors in the
state barely favored George Bush
over Ronald Reagan and John
Anderson. Bush received 31 percent
of the college Republican vote,
while Reagan captured 27 percent
and Anderson 26 percent.
The remainder of the Republican
1 pack trailed far behind. Sen.
I Howard Baker was closest, with 12
I percent of the campus vote.
I On the Democratic side, the col-
I cge vote defied most predictions
I that the issue of draft registration
I would turn eampuses against Presi-
dent Jimmy Carter.
Both Sen. Edward Kennedy and
Gov. Edmund Brown criss-crossed
the state's campuses emphasizing
their opposition to President
Carter's proposal to begin draf
registration for all 18-20 year olds.
Brown also stressed his long-time
opposition to nuclear power in a
state in which the student anti-
nuclear movement is one of the
most vigorous in the country.
Students didn't respond. Kennedy
and Brown did better on campuses
than they did in other areas in the
state, but President Carter still took
48 percent of the student vote.
Kennedy came in second among
the student Democrats, with 35 per-
cent. Brown attracted 16 percent of
the vote, which was much better
than the campus support he received
in the Iowa caucuses in Januarv
The Iowa student turnout had
been also surprisingly heavy. Stu-
dent Republicans endorsed Bush,
with Reagan and Anderson coming
in second and third, respectively.
Democrats gave Carter close to a 2-1
lead over Kennedy, Brown was ex-
pected to do better on campuses,
but his last-minute request that his
supporters remain uncommitted
made an exact measure of his
popularity difficult.
In New Hampshire, Brown spent
the last week of the campaign
repeatedly referring to his anti-
nuclear stance. New Hampshire, of
course, is the stie of the controver-
sial Seabrook nuclear plant.
Similarly, Kennedy devoted much
of the final two weeks of the race to
campus visits, during which he call-
ed for a two-year moratorium on
nuclear plant construction. He also
repeatedly reminded student au-
diences of his opposition to draft
Bush and Anderson's Hanover
visits elicited the most excitement
amont all the repeated candidate
visits. While Bush won at Dart-
mouth, which is generally con-
sidered one of the nation's most
conservative large campuses,
Anderson did better (35 percent)
there than in other college precincts.
Reagan could only manage seven
percent of the Dartmouth vote.
Among the campuses, Reagan
was most popular at Plymouth State
College, where he took 62 percent of
the vote. He also won at New
England College, with 46 percent.
President Carter did best at New
England, too, taking 63 percent of
the student vote. He captured 53
percent of the Dartmouth vote. His
42 percent at the University of New
Hampshire was good enough to
win, but only barely against Ken-
nedy's 38 percent. It was Kennedy's
best campus performance in New
Continued from Page 6
If its gene structure is
mutated, a single cell
can multiply out of
control. Instead of
reproducing normally, I
the damaged cell goes I
wild, creating millions
of useless, malignant
cells like it, crippling
the body and eventually
leading to a cancerous
death. The attack of
radiation on our cells is
cumulative. The more
we get, the greater our
chances of incurring
Those worried are
not only scientists, but
people from all groups
across the country.
An organization call-
ed the Student Caucus
for Progressive Reform
has been formed and
officially registered at
ECU. The group is now
promoting "A Festival
for a Humanitarian
Renaissance ten-
tatively scheduled for
April 10. Members are
saying that the purpose
of this festival will be to
raise student con-
sciousness about issues
like nuclear energy and
the huge anti-nuclear
rally planned for April
26-28 in Washington,
Pamphlets and infor-
mation regarding the
Coalition may be ob-
tained from the Student
Caucus for Progressive
We Want
Staff Writers
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MARCH 20, 1980 Page 9
Pirate Coaching Staff On The Road Recruiting
Dave Odom
? Now Wat his first season is finish-
ed and a success, ECU head basket-
ball coach Dave Odom has set his
sights strictly on recruiting.
Though the Pirates finished
16-11, Odom must hit the recruiting
road hard due to the losses of five
seniors who contributed heavily to
the first winning season at ECU
since 1975.
Gone will be the top three scorers
in George Maynor, Herb Gray and
Herb Krusen in addition to top
reserves Kyle Powers and Frank
Hobson. "They will leave quite a
void Odom has said on many oc-
Quality replacements are hard to
come by for a school that must
recruit in the shadow of the Atlantic
Coast Conference, but Odom and,
his staff refuse to be intimidated.
Already on the Pirate bandwagen
for next season is 6-2 guard Qwan
Roseboro, a transfer from Florida
and a graduate of Fayettville
Seventy-First High School.
Roseboro signed with the Gators
when John Lotz was the head
coach, but transfered after experien-
cing dissatisfaction with the pro-
Roseboro is called by Odom as
possibly the best athlete of all the
Pirates, including the five retiring
seniors. His leaping ability is un-
canny, as is his versatility as he can
play either the point or shooting
guard positions.
Beyond Roseboro, things are at
the guessing stage. There are several
top notch recruits that the Pirate
staff feels they have a chance at.
The number one priority for the
staff is the acquisition of a big man.
Charles Pittman, a 6-9 junior col-
lege prospect in California, would
fit the bill to a tee. Pittman a five-
star rating on a scale of five by one
well-known scouting agency and
could almost single-handidly assure
the Pirates of a successful 1980-81
The drawback is that many top
schools, including Maryland, want
Pittman's services. One advantage
for the Pirates lies in the fact that
the big guy's mother lives in North
Carolina and reportedly would like
her son to play close to home. It is
this that the Pirates base their hopes
of pulling of the recruiting coup.
Another big guy Odom and Co.
are eyeing is 6-9 Anthony Teachey
of Goldsboro. A super talent,
Teachey is being sought by several
ACC and SEC schools. Rumor has
it that the 6-9 phenom would prefer
to play in the ACC, but the ECU
staff has other plans.
Supposedly already a shoe-in
signee is 6-8 Jeff Best from C.B.
Aycock High School.
Another apparent future Pirate is
6-0 point guard Herbert Gilchrist
from West Harnett H.S. Called a
"Super person as well as player" by
one member of the Pirate staff,
Gilchrist has recently named to the
3-A All-East first team by The
Raleigh News and Observor .
The Pirates are also in hot pursuit
of a couple of forwards in Harold
Thompson of Raeford and Cecil Ex-
xum of Goldsboro. Thompson was
listed before this past season as one
of the top 50 players in the country
by The ACC Handbook and was
being courted heavily by N.C. State
before Norm Sloan's defection to
Exxum has the top player on
Southern Wayne's 4-A state cham-
pionship squad. Exxum has been in
the shadow of Teachey for some
time in the battle for the top player
in Goldsboro, but may actually be
? the better prospect. Both are blue-
Odom stated after the season
finale with Milwaukee-Wisconsin
that his major concern was
recruiting a player to fill Maynor's
spot at the shooting guard position.
Dean Shaffer of Fork Union (Va.)
Military Academy would do just
The only problem is that many
schools feel the same way. Old
Dominion and North Carolina are
two of tne other schools that Shaf-
fer is considering.
Shaffer, son of ex-Tar Heel star
Lee Shaffer, said recently that his
decision was still up in the air and
that he would visit ODU and UNC
among others before deciding. He
has already been to Greenville.
So there you have it, some of the
outstanding prospects that Odom
and his staff are spending their time
on. The signing of even half of
them would be a super boost
In NCAA Finals
Revils, Joyner Fall
Staff Writer
The NCAA wrestling champion-
ship at Corvallis, Oregon, were
held March 13-15, and found two
hast Carolina Pirates coming up
short in their bids for All-American
The two wrestlers representing the
Bucs were Butch Revils (177-pound
a eight class) and heavyweight D.T.
loyner. The two advanced to the
Nationals by winning their respec-
weight classes at the NCAA
hast Regional.
Both wrestlers were not up to par
tor the tournament, according to
Pirate Head Coach Ed Steers. Revils
had been nursing a bad ankle which
inhibited his conditioning prior to
the Nationals. Joyner, on the other
hand, had been wrestling with strep
throat or the flu weeks before the
"His?(Joyner's) strong suit is his
super conditioning Steers remark-
ed. "He conditions harder than
most heavyweights do. The lack of
workouts detracted from his condi-
Revils, seeded twelfth in the Na-
tionals, lost to Ben Hill of Ten-
nessee 11-10 in the first round.
Revils was ahead in the match by
four points when he injured his ribs.
"He couldn't protect himself
(fr m the injry) Steers said. "He
was fortunate to finish the match
Hill eventually went on to become
an All-American.
Joyner, seeded eighth in the tour-
nament, took on Don Wagner of
Kent State. Wagner weighed in at
280 pounds on his 6-6 frame, com-
pared to Joyner's 6-1, 235 build.
Wagner jumped ahead 3-0 in the
match, but Joyner fought hard and
prevailed 6-3.
"He (Joyner) did a great job
said an impressed Steers.
Joyner advanced into the next
round to wrestle Mike Evans of
LSU. Evans eventually won 4-3,
scoring two points on a duck-under
takedown with twenty seconds left
in the match.
"On a different day, I think D.T.
could've beaten him badly Steers
said. "But he had to pace himself to
keep from getting tired (due to the
illness). Consequently, that kept the
score close and in the end he lost
Steers said Revils was eligible to
wrestle in the consolation matches
(wrestlebacks), but the rib injury
wouldn't allow him.
Joyner was ineligible for the
wrestlebacks because Evans did not
advance in the tournament after
defeating him, according to Steers.
Revils finished the season ranked
ninth in the nation in the 177-pound
weight class. He compiled an
outstanding 37-4 record.
Joyner, 36-3, ended the season as
the seventh nationally-ranked
As for the Pirate season as a
whole, Steers said, "We got a good
effort from some spunky guys. We
won a couple of tournaments that I
felt were significant. We had quite a
few individual wins. And we were
third in the Eastern Region.
"It was a fairly successful year
he said.
The Pirates ended the season with
an 8-6-1 mark.
As for next year, Steers claimed,
"We're going to be prepared to
fight with the best
Pirates Fall 9-0
ECU Wrestling Action
NCSU Spoils Opener
Assistant Sports Editor
It has often been used as an excuse that the score did
not indicate the outcome of the match, but the state-
ment can especially be used in reference to the East
Carolina 9-0 loss yesterday at the hands of perrenial
ACC power N.C. State.
With the fact that through the first five singles mat-
ches the Pirates managed only 17 games, it could easily
be considered a walk-over. But the young ECU netters
fought to the final point of each match.
Senior Kenny Love dropped the his first flight match
to Andy Andrews 6-4, 6-1. In other singles action,
sophomore Keith Zengel fell to Matt McDonald 6-3,
6-1; senior Henry Hostetler lost to Scott Fleming 6-3,
6-0; freshman Ted Lepper was downed by Andy
Wilkison (brother of touring professional Tim Wilkison
of Shelby) 6-1, 6-1; Mark Byrd was aced by Tim
Downey 6-1, 6-2; and sophomore Norm Bryant faught
hard but lost to Brad Smith 6-4, 6-4.
"I think we played fairly well said ECU coach Jon
Rose. "I think we're going to be all right this year.
"The competition within the team to get in the top six
spots has been hectic. We held an intrasquad round-
robin and the results of that basically determined that
In doubles, the team of Love and Hostetler fought off
a talented Wolf pack duo of Andrews and McDonald,
but fell 6-4, 6-2 in what was one of the most evenly
grouped matches of the afternoon.
The second flight pair of Zengel and Lepper proved
little challenge as they were disposed of 6-3, 6-0 by the
NCSU team of Fleming and Wilkison. Downey and
Smith captured the final event of the afternoon with a
6-4, 6-4 rally over Bryant and Barry Parker.
"It's going to be a tough two weeks for us coming
up explained veteran N.C. State coach J.W.
Isenhour. "We have North Carolina coming up Satur-
day and I was a little concerned that the players might
look ahead.
"I'm glad that wasn't the case, though. The matches
were much tougher than the scores indicate
Isenhour, himself a top player in North Carolina
mens rankings and considered one of the best collegiate
coaches in the nation, added that regular number three
and four flight competitors John Joyce and Mark
Dillon did not make the trip.
N.C. State now stands at 9-2, with losses to powerful
Georgia Southern and Florida. ECU travels to UNC-
Wilmington today to make up a Tuesday rain out.
Lady Bucs Open
Oliver Mack.
Ex ECU star guard Oliver Mack is shown here is a Los Angelas Laker
uniform, one that he wore for mueh of the present NBA season. A recent
tZe, though, sent him to the Chicago Bulls. Since the trade, Mack has
m several sierUng performances, scoring 21,18 and 16 points m his top
three outmgs. i??
Assistant Sports Editor
When the Lady Pirate softball
team takes to the field to initiate
their 1980 campaign Saturday at 10
a.m. at the diamond adjacent to
Harrington field on Charles Street,
coach Alita Dillon will have a pair
of luxeries absent in previous
outings: depth and experience.
ECU will open the round-robin
tournament against the Lady Moun-
taineers of Appalachian State,
followed by matchups with UNC-
Chapel Hill at 12:30 p.m Western
Carolina at 2:30 and the closing
game against UNC-Greensboro at S
Also participating in the event but
not scheduled to face East Carolina
is the Wolfpack of N.C. State. All
teams will play a four game rota-
Senior pitcher Mary Bryan
JCarlyle is scheduled to be on the
mound, but the remainder of the
Pirate lineup is a combination of
new faces and old faces in new posi-
Tenative startc for Dillon are
senior catcher Jan McVeigh,
sophomore first baseman Shirley
Brown, freshman second sacker
Ginger Rothermel, senior third
baseman Cindy Meekins, junior
shortstop Mary Powell and in the
outfield junior tranfer Kathy Riley
from Middle Tennessee State and
freshmen Yvonne Williams, Mitzi
Davis and Cynthia Shepard.
Absent from the opening card are
1979 regulars Teresa Whitley at
first, Jatus Parion at second and
outfielder Robin Faggart.
"We've gone through and looked
at their fielding and hitting and
that's what our decisions were based
on explained Ditton. "W? have
the depth now that we've nwfe& for
along tune.
"There's not as much difference
between the starters and the
backups as there used to be
Also on hand to see regular action
are freshmen Fran Hooks who will
split duties at catcher and shortstop,
outfielder Terry Andrews and pit-
cher Angie Humphrey.
Further reserve support is provid-
ed by junior N.C. State transfer
Judy Ausherman at pitcher,
Maureen Buck at third and Lillion
Barnes in the field.
"We decided to assign each
player a specific backup role to con-
centrate on said Dillon. "That
way they don't worry about what
everyone else is doing, just the other
person at their position
"We're a little rusty on the in-
field Dillon admits. "But that w?
come with time. They know we have
the abtity to do well. We're looking
forward to a good season

Duke Taps Krzyzewski
The Student Union Coffeehouse Committee
DURHAM (AP) - responded.
Duke basketball fans "I don't think so. I
who struggled with the look at people. I look
name Gmmski for the at results. The boy the
past four years have a young man has
new tongue-twister to
contend with:
It's pronounced
And Duke athletic
Director Tom Butters
said Tuesday night the
name belongs to the
"brightest young
coaching talent in
America today
The full name is
established a good
track record
Butters said
Krzyzewski was a con-
census choice and the
only person interviewed
to receive an offer for
the Blue Devil job.
"He's my No.l
choice Butters said.
Krzyzewski, who
played basketball as a
student at West Point,
ftsasar tieonwasoffered,heposi- ss&ra-EE ? Mis?,
The dark-haired "I was no, shocked, has Teevague abou Tuesday mornZ
slenderly built I felt this was a position his reasons for leaving uesday mornin?-
SA ?f' Jref,y r'8ht for me he ?id- Duk?. and Butters said
with the Duke players
Tuesday night, express-
ing pleasure with his
reception. He noted
that Army assistant
Bobby Dwyer, a 1974
Wake Forest graduate
who will also come to
Duke, had filled him in
His selection was the
second surprise in re-
cent weeks for Blue
Devil fans, who had
seen their team go to
the NCAA playoffs
three times during
Foster's six-year reign
as head coach and hold
on the perils of Atlantic ?oftv nn?r
Coast Conference y P?sit,0ns m the
basketball E P? The Blue
?. ?w?.wi, "i thint r?i,0 Uev?'s, who slumped in
coach TThekuesd ?n UP? 79 record at basketball is excellent Reason, came back
SK?l e Army including two has been excellent and lAn"season to win the
I hone to canting that ACX P?st-season tour-
Military Academy for
the past five years. His
selection as a successor
to Bill Foster may have
surprised some, but
Butters was adamant in
his praise of
Asked if he con-
sidered the 33-year-old
Chicago native a gam-
ble for Duke's tradi-
tionally strong basket-
ball program, Butters
appearances in the Na-
tional Invitational
Tournament. His teams
had three winning
seasons, including a
20-8 record in his se-
cond year and a 19-9
mark the third year.
His college coaching
career includes one year
as an assistant at In-
diana under head coach
Bobby Knight. He also
served as an assistant to
I hope to continue that
tradition he said.
Krzyzewski, who
said the university
made the initial contact
about the Duke job,
visited the Durham
campus three times
during the interview
period. He said the job
was offered to him
Monday night.
He conceded some
degree of surprise that
Foster shocked some
Duke followers with his
announcement at
season's end that he
was leaving to succeed
Frank McGuire at
South Carolina.
Butters said Foster
was still on the Duke
campus and had given
no indication as to
Negoiator Seeks Agreement
Scales Withdrawn
With dramatic sud-
deness, negotiators for
major league baseball
hae dropped one of
their key proposals in
an attempt to reach
"It's a little like
you've been beating
your wife and children
for years noted Mar-
vin Miller, executive
director of the Players
Association. "Then
contract peace with the you stop and now vou
Pa-Vers- want a medal because
But there is some you stopped
question how much ef- A medal isn't
feet Tuesday's necessary, but Rav
withdrawal of the puo- Grebey, chief
posed salary scales will negotiator for the
really have on the so-
far stalled talks.
owners, would like a
contract agreement and
Winning Team
know when the future
would be said Brown
Tuesday. "I feel very
good that people con-
tinued to come to look
at UCLA and saw the
AP Writer
(AP) ? Larry Brown
was used to working
with the professionals
so it came as a surprise
when the first-year
coach of the UCLA
Bruins came up with
freshmen in his
He truly did try not
to do it. It wasn't his
original idea.
Brown started with
lettermen sophomores
Tony Anderson and
Tyren Naulis at the
guard spots.
Then Rod Foster and
Michael Holton began
taking control with
Foster the shooter and
Holton setting up the avSTl. k
offense for the young fi 8ii8, 1M pomts
Bruins, who b'arely Fo fom 2 ?
made it into the NCAA SCT -
tournament after a S nn" ,s qu,ck
finishing fourth in P ?bIe t0 fet the fa
Pacific-10. fnreak away ,ike "ghtn-
The guards set things cncr
up but another move by 6 L?J ?L ?nly
Brown, moving 6-foot-l and 160, .s 19,
6-foot-6 Mike Zanders wh!1(LHolton. 6-3
to the high post despite Md ,84' ,S StiH iust ,8'
his lack of size put the
Bruins on their winning
he believes the move-
ment in talks Tuesday
set the stage for that. '
Asked if he con-
sidered the proposal's
withdrawal a
breakthrough, Grebey
said, "I never use
descriptive adjectives
But it was clear that
Grebey felt progress
had been made in the
31: hour meeting in
Fort Lauderdale, the
final negotiating ses-
sion in Florida. The
two sides will next meet
again Wednesday
March 26, in Scott-
sdale, Ariz.
"We feel it's enough
of a development to
provide a settlement
Grebey said.
But that may not be
the view of the players.
From the start they
have considered the
free agent compensa-
improvement they con- !i?n ProP?sal a more
tinued to exhibit this dan8er?us Pt of the
year owners' package than
"I've told my kids to the sa,ary ales.
feel god about what
they have accomplished
this year, but now that
we've made the Final
Four, we should go
after it, because I've
always believed in this
team all year.
"I want them to ap-
preciate what they have
accomplished, but I
want them to go out
and play the way they
are capable of play-
Freshman Foster is
After the scales pro-
posal was withdrawn,
the players indicated
willingness to amend or
withdraw some of their
proposals. But that
movement is predicated
on the owners dropping
their proposal on free
agent compensation.
"We don't intend to
do that said Grebey.
"We intend to bargain
on it
The owners' plan
contains a formula set-
ting compensation bas-
ed on the number of
teams selecting a free
agent. A team signing a
player selected in the
re-entry draft by more
than eight teams would
protect 15 players and
then allow the club los-
ing the free agent to
receive an amateur
draft pick, plus a major
or minor league player
- ?s; -
Beverage Co.

They've lost only
three times since that
And they are looking
forward to meeting
Purdue in the
semifinals of the
NCAA championships
which they dominated
with 10 championships
between 1964 and 1975.
Those were the John
Wooden teams but
nobody expected
Brown, in his first
season and without a
conference champion,
to come close. Yet in
the playoffs, the Bruins
beat Old Dominion,
DePaul, Ohio State and
Clemson to reach the
Final Four.
"I always felt we had
a future, but I didn't
he still did not unders-
tand the move,
although he wished
Foster well in his new
"Bill has his reasons,
but I've never walked
in those shoes (as a
coach) Butters said.
"But by necessity,
we needed to start
anew, to start fresh
Butters said there
was never a question in
the final days about
Krzyzewski, although
"There was one very
clear cut first, and the
rest tied for second
Butters said of the pro-
Butters declined to
discuss what terms were
agreed to with
krzyzewski, or to say
what period they
covered. But, he said,
Krzyzewski "is not in-
Other coaches kown
to have been interview-
ed by Duke included
Tom Davis of Boston
the selection committee College, curren Duke
kept up its interviews of Assistant Bob Wenzel
other prospects. One of
the others, Bob
and Paul Webb of Old
t army navy store
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MARCH 20, 1980
March 22
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p R
Mass NCAA Recruiting Scandal Upcoming?
Bv l). ALAN
NCAA long Range
Planning Committee
"Mr. Williams
predicted 'a monstrous
scandal' (will occur)
within the next five
years in college basket-
hall, citing 'heavy
cheating' in such areas
as falsifying
transcripts, use of
agents and recruiting
abuses by coaches and
alumni the possibili-
ty of a major basketball
scandal may be more
imminent than long-
range. "
NCAA long
K a n g e
Planning Com-
mittee Minutes
June 18-19, 1979
Prophetic words, too
photic as events
Alv proved. Did I
or the other committee
nbers have special
inside information?
Wore we jaware of in-
vestigations underway?
No. We were just alert,
informed persons
harged with looking at
he long-range trends in
jollege athletics.
For us. the signs were
everywhere we looked
spring: increasing
dia attention to high
school basketball
recruits; prospects
ivhose transcripts ap-
ieared to leave them in-
eligible at one Division
I school turning up
sewhere with the re-
site credits and
ide-point average;
schools scrambling for
ids to combat
calating costs and
covering that basket-
bail had unexpected
jw revenue sources;
allege coaches return-
ig from high school
all-star games telling
oi r ADs that the
games had become
"obscene a "flesh
market" where agents
wore literally peddling
their clients; faculty
members watching a
state high school tour-
ament and observing
colelge coaches careful-
moves so that they
?just happened to
bump" into prospects
and their parents.
The rumors of
unethical conduct by
individual coaches,
players, alumni and
boosters were familiar;
the accelerating pace of
the charges and viola-
tions was the real cause
for our concern.
However, what really
concerned us was an
awareness about the
degree and per-
vasiveness to which
some institutions
themselves were involv-
ed admitting
students with the barest
of academic achieve-
ment in high school,
jnrelated to what is re-
quired and expected at
hat college; accepting
third-party transcripts,
often from an assistant
coach; guaranteeing
coaches a number of
admissions slots out-
side the regular admis-
sions procedure; hiring
"winning coaches"
from other schools at
salaries far out of pro-
portion to faculty, ad-
ministrators and
prevailing coaches'
salaries (total packages
of $150,000 per year
are not uncommon this
year) and then giving
them a "make us a win-
ner" mandate, or hir-
ing coaches, assistant
coaches and even
academic advisors who
have had a history of
getting institutions on
Above all else, we are
concerned about the
number of institutions
that have made inter-
collegiate athletics an
instrument of institu-
tional policy for achiev-
ing "instant recogni-
tion" by making it in
the "big time" (i.e
Division I). Basketball
is the intercollegiate
sport in which this
quick success, recogni-
tion and financial
bonanza of television
and NCAA basketball
tournament revenues is
most possible. Unfor-
tunately, that very-
potential for success
makes college basket-
ball the sport most
susceptible to corrup-
Committee members
see recurring patterns
and student profiles
which portend trouble,
patterns that go back at
least as far as the
basketball scandals of
the 1950s that ended in
gambling and point-
shaving. Among these
?Squads which have
a high number of
students from outside
the traditional area
from which students
come to that college; a
high percentage of
marginal, high-risk
students, and a number
of transfer students.
?Admission of
students outside the
regular admissions pro-
cess in which profes
sionals predict
students' chances for'
academic success. The;
expectation that
marginal students who
need to devote their full
attention to the
classroom to survive
academically can withs-
tand both athletic and
academic pressures is a
fallacy that has led
straight to academic
cheating, chicanery or
the total disregard for
the athlete as a student.
?Real athletic control
and responsibility not
being lodged with the
president or chief ex-
ecutive officer but with
an outside group or
even directly with the
college board of
?Coaches who are
hired and report out-
side regular institu-
tional channels (i.e
separate athletic
associations) or who
receive a major portion
of their salaries from
?The hiring of
coaches, assistant
coaches and athletic
directors who previous-
ly have been involved in
serious and repeated
violations of NCAA
rules and standards of
ethical conduct.
Throughout our
deliberations ran a con-
cern for the reassertion
of institutional control
of intercollegiate
athletics. That, of
:ourse, is easier said
:han done, for at least
two compelling
First, at the Division
1 level, intercollegiate
athletics has been
treated like the un-
wanted child left on the
doorstep of academia
? to be tolerated, not
accepted; to be
separately funded,
separately ad-
ministered. The com-
monwealth of Virginia
puts it very succinctly
by classifying inter-
collegiate athletics as
an auxiliary enterprise.
Second, it is not only
in athletics that colleges
and universities are
beset with the loss of
institutional control.
Witness the onslaught
of state and federal
legislation, state boards
of higher education,
court decisions, ac-
crediting agencies, the
scramble for research
funds and the utiliza-
tion of education as an
agency of social
In the popular mind,
institutional control
means control from the
president's office, an
end to autonomy of
athletic departments. It
is unlikely that
presidents, beset as
they are by a myriad of
problems, can or
should control the day-
to-day operations of
athletic departments to
any greater extent than
for any other part of
the college. What they
need and should seek is
accountability for the
program and its con-
It is here that com-
mittee members believe
that faculty athletic
representatives and the
faculty members of the
athletic advisory board
or committee should
play a vital role in
asserting institutional
In most Division 1 in-
stitutions, the faculty
representative is the
president's represen-
tative. The committee
foresees the faculty
athletic representative
becoming an increas-
ingly important person
in providing the presi-
dent with objective and
relatively disinterested
advice and evaluation
of the program. To that
end, the committee is
recommending to the
Council the develop-
ment of a manual or
handbook for faculty
athletic representatives.
Nothing was more
distressing to faculty
members than an
awareness, now sadly
borne out in fact, that
the sanctity of the
transcript, the very
heart of academic in-
tegrity, had been
breached. There is
nothing that needs to
be undertaken more
rapidly than for institu-
tions to take security
measures to confirm
the validity of the
transcript. That this is
not a matter related
primarily to athletics
should be obvious. It is
central to the whole
educational process.
In the same manner,
the wholesale fabrica-
tion of extension
courses, grades and
enrollments is only the
tip of a scandal far
broader than athletics.
The coaches and
athletic academic ad
visors did not inven
these courses; the
discovered them. It i;
part of teacher cer
tification ? the nearb
universal requiremen
that teachers take addi
tional hours for reten
tion or advancement t
the next rung on thi
pay scale.
Colleges and facultv

A delightful evening of music and theatre,
focused upon a gazebo, a thirteen piece turn
of the century small town band, and a
yarn-spinning PerfessorConductor
March 24 8 p.m.
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willingly meet the de-
mand ? it's a lucrative
business. The sad part
is that most of these
courses cannot be used
for regular degree
credit on the home
campus, but they can
be converted into ac-
ceptable courses at
another institution.
Athletics has exposed
the problem. The
NCAA and the con-
ferences will move
quickly to restrict
severely the use of ex-
tension courses, but the
real educational traves-
ty will continue unless
colleges and univer-
sities are willing to con-
front the whole exten-
sion course
Finally, there is a
larger issue at hand. It
is the acceptance of the
concept that to com-
pete, one must cheat ?
the "everybody does
it" syndrome.
Well, everybody
doesn't do it. I is time
for those who don't,
and those who don't
want to, to reassert
themselves fully and
The NCAA is not a
monolith in Kansas Ci-
ty; it is a voluntary
association made up of
"us Unfortunate-
ly,as Pogo said a long
time ago, "I has seen
the enemy, and he is
us And unless we in
the Nf a A are willing
to face the athletic ana ????? m
academic issues head- !? TT m'm"v ?f
on, greater scandals in 2S2 ?f " Serv,n?
basketball will follow. dSLSST president of the
and associate professor Atlantic Coast Con
Alan Williams, a ?f h'5t0rV al lhe Serenct.
member of the NCAA
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N(ARCH 20,1980
Don t Mix Booze And Sports
AP Special Correspondent
Booze and baseball
? mix 'em and weep.
That's the sermon
big Don Newcombe is
carrying to the ears of
every major league
player willing to listen
in a baseball-sponsored
tour of all the training
camps in Florida,
Arizona and Califor-
"Not just baseball ?
booze and any kind of
business don't mix
warns the gargantuan
former pitcher of the
old Dodgers, both
Brooklyn and Los
Angeles variety.
"Nobody knows that
better than I do
The 6-foot-4,
240-pound onetime Cy
Young winner is like a
evangelist as he moves
from one site to
another preaching the
evils of Demon Rum
and other spirits.
"I was a wild one in
my day he recalls.
"Some people are
sophisticated drinkers.
Some just sit and soak
up the stuff. Others get
belligerent. Me? I was
just a damn drunkard.
"I never wanted to
go home after a
ballgame. I wanted to
go some place and live
it up. I was a happy-go-
lucky, free-wheeling
drunk. I was heavy on
both booze and broads.
"It shortened my
career. It bankrupted
me in business. Worst
of all, it almost broke
up my home. My mar-
riage at one time hung
by a very slender
thread. I am lucky my
whole life wasn't ruin-
Newcombe managed
to right himself before
tragedy struck and, as a
result, became one of
the most militant
spokesmen against
alcohol abuse in
baseball or any other
At the baseball
winter meetings in
Hawaii in 1977 he made
a presentation to team
physicians. Dr. Frank
Jobe, renowned or-
thopedic surgeon of
Los Angeles, was so
impressed that he per-
suaded the Dodgers to
set up an Alcoholic
Rehabilitation Pro-
gram. Assistance was
provided by the Union
Oil Co.
News of the good
work achieved in the
Dodgers' program
reached the office of
Commissioner Bowie
Kuhn in New York.
Kuhn named
Newcombe a consul-
tant to work with Leslie
C. Gray, a staff
member of the Na-
tional Institute on
Alcohol Abuse and
Alcoholism in
Washington, D.C.
Newcombe and Gray
made their first tour of
the spring training
camps two years ago,
appearing before 25 of
the 26 clubs.
Only the New York
Yankees were missed.
"Billy Martin didn't
want us to appear
Newcombe said.
The pair gave its
message to the world
champion Pittsburgh
Pirates in Bradenton,
Fla Monday and clos-
ed the Florida portion
of the tour in the camp
of the Boston Red Sox
today in Winter Haven.
Then it's off to the
West where this time
they may find little ob-
jection from the sub-
dued Martin, new
manager of the
Oakland A's. Billy an-
nounced to the world
last week that he is off
the juice for a month.
"This will be good
for my health said
The crusade is
already reaping
dividends. Bob Welch,
one of the Dodgers im-
pressive young pit-
chers, took a treatment
over the winter in
Arizona. A couple of
weeks ago Newcombe
was asked to rescue a
former pitcher who had
locked himself in a
room and was reported
"drinking himself to
Newcombe, director
of community relations
for the Dodgers, recall-
ed how excessive drink-
ing had fumed a
brilliant career into
disarray back in the lat-
ter days of the "Boys
of Summer
"I was Rookie of the
Year with a 17-8 record
in 1949 he said.
"Then I won 17, 19 and
20 games in succession
before going into
military service. "My
first full season after
that, in 1955 I was 20-5
and in 1956 I was 27-7,
named the National
League's Most
Valuable Player and
winner of the Cy
Young Award.
"In four years I was
virtually on Skid Row.
I won only seven games
in 1958. I was traded to
Cincinnati. I was
through with baseball
at age 33. I operated a
successful cocktail
lounge in Newark but I
almost lost my wife and
three kids.
"My wife, Billie,
told me, 'When you
don't drink, you are a
beautiful man. When
you drink, you are an
animal, and I don't
want to live with that
kind of an animal She
was ready to pack her
That was when Newk
turned over a new leaf.
"Right now, if I took
a thimble and filled it
with beer, she would
walk out on me he
said "I don't want that
to happen to
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Return in August Call 7s: m
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Student Union Films Committee
Fratianne Signs
(AP) ? Figure skater
Linda Fratianne, who
announced Tuesday she
was signing a profes-
sional contract with the
Williams Morris Agen-
cy, said turning pro is
"going to be a whole
new world for me
Fratianne, a 19-year-
old from Northridge,
Calif who won the
silver medal in the Lake
Placid Olympics, has
not yet signed with an
ice show. However,
Norman Brokaw, vice
president of the Morris
Agency, said, "All of
the ice shows have ex-
pressed interest. She
has a very bright future
ahead of her, including
television and movies
Fratianne admitted
she felt somewhat sad
about ending her
1 l-ye?r amateur career.
"It's kind of sad
knowing I will never
compete again she
said, but I have a
whole new life ahead of
Fri. & SatMarch 21 & 22
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The East Carolinian, March 20, 1980
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 20, 1980
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