The East Carolinian, September 20, 1979

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The East Carolinian
Vol. 54 No. 8
12 pages today
Thursday, September 20, 1979
Greenville, N.C.
Circulation 10,000
Media Board chooses
faculty member
News Editor
The Media Board
named a journalism pro-
lessor as its faculty
advisor during the week-
ly meeting on Tuesday.
John Warren, a jour-
nalism professor in the
department of English,
was interviewed for the
position and was asked
several questions about
campus newspapers.
Brett Melvin, presi-
dent of the Student
Government Association,
asked what Warren
thought the responsibili-
ties of a student news-
paper should be.
Warren replied that
"the responsibilities are
the same as any news-
paper in the world
Melvin then asked
what degree of respon-
siveness the campus
newspaper should have
from the students.
Warren said that it
depended on the respon-
siveness of the students.
The chairman of the
Media Board, Tricia
Norris, intervened and
made a motion to finish
the questioning in a closed trol, which is limited by
session. But Warren the lllh Amendment.
"What authority does
the board have to insist
on equal coverage for the
non-editorial pages? ask-
ed Melvin.
Warren felt there
would be little control
other than financial con-
An explanation
Assistant to the Editor
and the proposal
signed by Dr.
Jenkins, former Chan-
On January 31, 1979, cellor of ECU. Ownership
after researching other of all media property was
college media, the SGA transferred from the SGA
President and Vice-Presi- to the various publica-
dent presented a pro- lions. Student activity
posal requesting that the fees were divided equally
Board of Trustees at between the SGA and the
ECU create an indepen- Media Board,
dent media board. The Board members
Reasons justifying the are composed of the SGA
establishment of the President, Student Union
Media Board were three- President, MRC Presi-
iold. dent, WRC President,
First, creation of Day Student Representa-
this new board would live, an administrator
remove all political con- appointed by the Chan-
irol from the media on cellor, and a laculty
campus, which consists
of The East Carolinian,
The Rebel, The Buc
caneer, The Photo Lab,
and the Ebony Herald.
Secondly, an inde-
pendent Media Board
would provide for more
organized and eliicient
iperation of Tfiese publf-
calions and would be
responsive to their needs.
Thirdly, a campus-
wide opinion poll was
taken. The students vo-
ted in favor of the
creation of this board by
a margin of two to one.
.Approximately thirty
days alter the proposal
was initiated, creation of
an independent Media
Board was approved by
the Board of Trustees
member. These members
have one vole. The 1FC
President and ihe Pan-
hellenic President also sit
on the Board bul split
one vole. The Dean of
Student Affairs has no
vole but holds a perma-
nent Huni uti the Board.
The responsibilities,
duties, and functions of
the Media Board are to
authorize creation of
media lhal will be funded
by student activity fees
and is directly respon-
sible lor ihe overall
operation of these media.
The Media Board
selects and dismisses
editors selects a head
photographer for the
Photo Lab, and a general
manager for WECU.
had no objection to the
interview being conduct-
ed in open session, and
the motion was dropped.
Charles Sune, presi-
dent of the Student
Union, questioned War-
ren about a court case in
Chapel Hill in which
students sued the Daily
Tarheel for its editorial
opinions. The students
thought those opinions
should not have been
supported by student
Warren noted that it
was more the function of
a newspaper to print
than to
since readers try to
ignore the issues they do
not want to hear.
Melvin wanted to
know what the responsi-
bilities of the campus
newspaper should be
during a campus election.
Excluding ihe edi-
torial page, Warren said
ihe primary responsibility
is "balanced reporting
lie added that there are
no controls on the
editorial page, except
laws concerning libel.
'You really don't
have much control in a
public uInvor.iily said
"unhappy news
print "happy
The board voted u-
uanimously to accept
In other business, the
board questioned Photo
Lab "Meal expenses"
during the coverage of
games for the East
Carolinian and the Buc-
In the past, the
board's policy had been
lo pay lor all meals
considered necessary for
employees while on as-
signment out of town.
Bul ihe board decided
that meals would no
longer be considered a
refundable expense for
one-day trips. Meal ex-
penses will continue to
be refunded on trips of
more than one day.
The editor of the
Rebel, Colleen Flynn,
proposed a $15,128.70
budget lor ihe literary
magazine during 1979-80.
The budget was ap-
proved by acclamation.
On a former proposal
by Melvin, ihe board
decided that a subcom-
mittee would be formed
to arrange a survey by
the Departments of Mar-
keting and Computer
The Media Board met on Tuesday to choose a new jacully representative, and discuss the budget for the
Rebel. (Photo by John Grogan)
Co-op program
Assistant to the Editor
For many college students, the beginning of a new
school year means the beginning of a search to help
pay for living and educational expenses. With the
rising cost of living and education, most students find
it necessary to work during their college years.
Many find part-time jobs unrelated to their career
goals and courses of study only to find that lack of
experience upon graduation may be a hindrance in
finding the right job.
The Cooperative Education Program at ECU is a
program designed to help students find employment in
their related fields combining off-campus work
experience with periods of academic study. This
enables the student to graduate from college with the
supervised work experience they need.
"Learning and earning" schedules are arranged by
the Co-op staff, faculty advisors, and the student to fit
the student's needs, often alternating morning and
afternoon schedules.
The Co-op program can help in giving students the
opportunity of working with professionals and
integrating their classroom knowledge with actual
practice. The Co-op program may also help the
"undecided" student in choosing a career by weedinR
Unemployment to rise eight-percent
Career Planning helps
Staff Writer
With unemployment
threatening to rise to
eight percent next year,
Parking to improve
Staff Writer
ECU's parking prob-
lem is being added to at
the present due to foir
lots being under con-
struction; they include
one behind Erwin Hall,
the large lot behind
Mendenhall, one on Co-
lanche Street and one on
James Street.
The contract, with
Barrus Construction Co
calls for a December I
completion dale but somt
relief may be seen wher
grading is completed on
two of the lots.
According to Clifl
Moore, Head of Campus
Planning, the lots on
James Street and behind
Erwin Hall may be made
available for parking
following gravel grading
so that the gravel can be
compacted somewhat be-
fore paving.
All the lots involved
under this contract will
be paved at the same
"The cost of con-
struction on the four lots
totals $230,000 dollars
Moore slated.
Doug Caldwell, who
is in charge of overseeing
ihe actual work by the
contractors, feels that
"ihe contractor is work-
ing wilhin the bounds of
the contract and has
been ihe moat careful of
any contractors on cam-
pus in the past
ECU's Career Planning
and Placement Office can
help the graduating sen-
ior avoid becoming an
unfortunate statistic.
"All seniors should
be registered wilh us
says director Furney K.
James. "Last year 1,065
students were registered
here, and only 110 are
still seeking employment.
"We don't really
place the student in a
job continued James,
"he places himself. We
serve as a base for
information � resumes,
credentials, recommenda-
tions � that are sent to
the prospective employ-
ers at the request of the
sludenl. We set up
interviews. And we help
ihe sludenl to explore
alternate job possibilities,
which is very important
since most are simply not
aware of the variety of
careers available
Oct. 2 "Fall Re-
cruiting begins another
service of Career Plan-
ning and Placement.
Thirty-minute interviews
will be arranged for
seniors with representa-
tives of many corpora-
tions, such as Xerox,
Weyerhauser, J.C. Penny
and Arthur Anderson
"We also provide
services for alumni
said James. "Last year,
we assisted over 500 of
them. We hold all the
student's credentials for
leu years, during which
he may contact us at any
lime. And we have
workshops on writing and
good resume and how to
conduct one's self best in
an interview
Services are free to
seniors, graduate stu-
dents, and lo alumni for
one year after gradua-
tion. Underclassmen may
consult career counselors
to help them clarify their
career objectives.
The Career Planning
and Placement Center is
located in the Mamie
Jenkins Alumni Bldg
directly behind the Leo
Jenkins School of Art
Bldg. The office is open
from 8 a.m. lo 5 p.m
Monday through Friday.
out some of the experiences of working when the
consequences of leaving a position will not be a-
important as they will be after graduation.
The requirements of this program include the
completion of a combination of classroom study and
work experience. Each student's work experience is
evaluated on the basis of punctuality, performance,
and attitude by the employer, student, and the
The work experience must be related to educational
and career goals of the student. Pay is negotiated
between student and employer. Several educational
and social organization positions are on a voluntary
Co-op also offers a program with the tederal
government preparing students for careers in
managerial, administrative, and technical position
The ECU Co-op Office has a working agreement
with many offices in Washington, including the
Department of Transportation, Housing and Urban
Development and NASA Headquarters to name a few.
The student's salary level (GS-3, $8,366 annually:
GS-1, $9,391; GS-5, $10,507) is based on the student -
academic status (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior,
Senior). In some cases, academic credit may be earned
by the student while working for one of these agencies.
By enrolling � ihe ECU Cooperative Education
Program, sludenis sbenelii by being more marketable
upon graduation by having the opportunity to evaluate
career choices and'goals. This program not only helps
m financial assistance, but also gives the student a
glimpse of the relationship between college and the
outside business world.
The Co-op program may be a stepping stone into a
permanent position.
The Cooperative Education Office is located on the
third floor of Raw I Building, Room 313. Telephone
(919-757-6070), and there is an enthusiastic staff there
wailing lo help you get the work experience you need.
Writer baffled
by debate
Exam to change
If yon see ike vehicle going towards your car Beware!
you may have commtied a parking violation.
Staff Writer
Minimum score requirements for
the National Teacher's Examination
will increase in 1980, according to a
recent report by the State Board of
Education and the Board of Governors
of the University of North Carolina.
Quality Assurance for Professional
Personnel, a new resolution adopted
in October, 1978 by the two boards,
takes a systematic, continuous
approach in assuring that only highly
competent personnel will be certified
to teach in the state of North
The Quality Assurance Program
establishes a planned sequence of
quality controls beginning with
entrance into a college or univer-
sity and continuing to the point of re-
tirement from the profession. One
such control involves increased N.T.E.
score requirements for students who
plan to teach.
Minimum requirements for all
areas of teaching examinations will be
While the minimum requirement
for all areas is a score of 480 this
year, individual score requirements
for all areas will increase until 1982.
The smallest increase will be in the
area of An Education. In 1980, the
minimum score for certification for
Art Education will be 490 and by 1982
il will have increased to 500.
The largesl increase will be in the
area of Speech Pathology which will
increase to 540 next year, 600 in 1981,
and lo 670 in 1982.
According to Douglas R. Jones,
Dean of the School of Education at
East Carolina University, no changes
will be made in the education
program offered at E.C.U. Jones said
lhal ihe School of Education was
recently evaluated by the State
Department of Public Instruction and
that the results of the evaluation were
He also said that prospective
teachers at E.C.U. have never had
any problem meeting minimum
N.T.E. score requirements and that
ihe school will continue to em-
phasize a strong general and pro-
fessional educational program.
Associated Press Writer
(V) � Charles Hansen
says he's baffled by the
storm swirling around his
H-bomb letter, the target
of court orders and
Justice Department
.vl a news conier-
cuce, ihe self-described
amateur hydrogen bomb
expert told reporters
Tuesday lhal the teller
he scul to several news-
papers, with details on
the construction of a
hydrogen bomb, didn't
conlain enough informa-
tion for an individual to
build one. Hansen said
he couldn't build one
Furthermore, said the
bearded, short-haired
computer programmer
from Mountain View,
building a nuclear wea-
pon could cosl "billions
of dollars" since il would
require an "extensive,
expensive industrial
lu an appearance
today on ABC's "Good
Morning America" pro-
gram, Hansen, 32, said,
"I wauled to show lhal
ihey were nothing more
than pieces of hardware,
how they're produced
and how they work He
asserted that private
citizens were called on
ihe carpel by ihe gov-
ernment for using infor-
mation made public by
"If they want lo be
concerned aboul some-
thing, they should be
concerned with the peo-
ple who have authority
over the bomb lie said.
Mark Topei. Hansen's
attorney, called the
thought ol prosecution
under ihe Atomic Energy
cl loolhardy.
Ihe Justice Depart-
ment said earlier it would
begin a "preliminary
inquiry lo determine
whether criminal prose-
cution would be pursued
lor violation ol the act.
Conviction ol violating
iWe act carries a prison
sentence of up to 10
years and a $10,000 fine,
v court order block-
ing publication ol the
teller in ihe Daily
Cahlorniaii was tossed
oul by a San Francisco
judge after ihe X isconsin
paper priuled the article
in a special Sunday
Hansen, who studies
nuclear information as a
hobby, told reporters ihe
tetter evolved from a re-
quest by Sen. Charles
Percy, Rlll for infor-
mation in connection wilh
Howard Morland's article
on "The H-Bomb Secret"
lor ihe Progressive ma-
g uiue. He said ihe
leliers were senl to ihe
newspapers "as an after-
The Progressive said
it intended lo print ils
article in ils Oct. 4 issue.
Ihe Justice Department
has withdrawn from the
uil against ihe magazine
which had reached the
U.S. 7ih Circuit Court of
vppeals in Chicago.

Page 2 THE EAST CAROLINIAN 20 September 1979
will be
Sept. 24-
Oct. 20
Call the Buc
office for an
�Yearbook Associates Millers Fails Massachusetts

20 September 1979 THE EAST CAROLINIAN
Helms supportive of East

any light in the
(1'holu i) John Grogan)
darkness seems
� Democratic state Sen.
I. Beverly Lake Jr. and
Republican National Com-
mitteeman John East
liae all but officially
decided to run on the
GOP ticket for governor
and the U.S. Senate
respectively, a Greens-
boro newspaper reported
Each has been the
subject of considerable
speculation on the races,
and both have previously
acknowledged their inter-
est in the posts.
The Greensboro Daily
.News reported in today's
editions that if the two
do run, they will do so
with the help of U.S.
Sen. Jesse Helms R-
N.G political organiza-
Lake, a Raleigh law-
yer, and East, an East
Carolina University pro-
fessor from Greenville,
will make final decisions
alter reading the results
ol a poll of 600 Tar Heel
voters paid for by the
N.C. Congressional Club,
which organized and ran
Helm" successful ST-mil-
lion campaign tor re-
election last year.
The poll, conducted
l) Arthur Finklestein ol
New ork, who has
sampled opinion tor
Helms in the past, will
cost the Congressional
Club about $10,000, said
Helms campaign stra-
tegist Tom Ellis.
The decision also will
come after a joint
meeting of Lake and East
with a number of leaders
of the club, a biparti-
san group whose mem-
bers are devotees ot a
number ot conservative
causes, the newspaper
East, who teaches
political science at ECU,
ami Lake, son of the
former Democratic gu-
bernatorial candidate and
stale Supreme Court
justice, -aid in separate
interviews Tuesday the)
hail received encourage-
ment from acquaintances
ami pail) leaders across
the stale to run for the
offices. East 16, who ran
unsuccessfully lor Con-
gress in 1966 ami tor
Secretary ! State in
1968, -aid he was
leaning very, very hea-
vily toward running" but
had mil made a final
decision to get into the
race against Democratic
incumbent Sen. Robert
Moi gall.
Lake. 15, said that
response from Republi-
cans and Democrats had
been so favorable that
"naturally, you'd be
prone to go for it and
added he hasn't "seen
anything yet that really
indicates strongly that I
ought not to run
It Lake does jump
parlies he would be
following in Helms' foot-
steps. Helms was once a
Both East and Lake
are longtime friends of
Helms. East joined
Helms as one of former
California Gov. Ronald
Reagan's strongest sup-
porters at the 1976
Republican National Con-
v enlioii.
Both men have been
promised financial and
organizational support by
the Congressional Club,
but how much money
they could count on is
umdear. It the club acts
as a contributing com-
mittee, the money would
be limited, but if it
associates closely with
the campaigns, the a-
inounl could be substan-
Ellis, club treasurer,
-aid no decision has been
made whether to be
come, m effect, the
campaign committee lor
both or either ol the
I tor sale
VOW S vLE: 1973 Mus-
tang Mach 1. Excellent
Condition. Good gas
mileage. Sporty gre
bargain at
i 100. Call 758-9322.
FOR S vLE: 66 Bus.
Ma parts. ery
tdition. 1 ape.
� (895.
I- K �. I 71 I'i Ml.Mll.
t u r . k e r u
uoi � � new tire
Inexpensive. Call Pete
- vLE: 1975 Harley
Da idson Sportster, bla .?.
B BYS1TTER: Facult:
member needs mature
reliable babysitter tor 5
year old for some eve-
nings during the week,
weekends and occasional
iness trips. Must
have own transportation.
Call alter 5 p.m. 752-
shine Studios. B ginning
Sept. 19 classes in ballet.
jazz, yoga, disco and
v rabii (belly dam e). Call
75S-073t r 756-7235.
W anled 10 -hare 2
bedroom a in 1 ar Ri er
Estates. H mo plu- V3
ulilme �. Call i �-
' 11 r 11 n
t ,a
I m mac-
mi. 756-
t carat
��M�II � !�m�.�����I
tof rent (&
(riri - do abb"
serpentine chain
al ECL and
W estem Carolina football
game. Please return be-
1 ause ol strong senti-
mental value. Reward
Call Millie 758-
wanted. Weekend Fain-
race No pay .
Experience preferrred.
Call rony 752-7278.
rYPliNG: Fast, accurate
ivpi-i at reasonable
rale Call after 5:0U
p.m. 752-2721.
anted to -hare tur-
nished 2-bedroom apt at
Easlbrook. $150 month
plus '2 utilities. Call
PAIN I INC 1- your room
or apt. Dl LL? New coat
ol lainl looks great! Low
-ingle room rates. Call '
Dave 758-2111.
W anled to share 2-bed-
room trailer. $75.00 and
1 2 utilities. Call alter 2
p.m. 758-0312.
Needed to share 2-bed-
room apt at Tar River.
Immediately. Call Mark
or Mike at 752-2613.
Tuesday at 8 p.m.

Ledonia Wright
Cultural Center
Student Union
Minority Arts
Film Series
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The East Caroli
nian � j �
& Opinions
Thursday, September 20, 1979
Greenville, N.C.
Lab needs work
The ECU Photo Lab desperately
needs reorganization in order to serve the
media more efficiently. In the past, the
lab has provided less than satisfactory
services for the media, and the situation
might not improve this year unless the
lab is reorganized.
The failure to publish the BUC-
CANEER last year can be attributed to
the Photo Lab. They failed to meet the
deadlines. Members of the Fountainhead
staff repeatedly complained that photo-
graphic assignments were not completed
on time. Pete Podeszwa, head photo-
grapher of the lab, insisted that lack of
communication was the problem
The Photo Lab handles photographic
assignments for the East Carolinian, the
BUCCANEER, the Rebel and the Ebony
Herald. The number of photographs
deeded by the Rebel and the Herald are
modest, while the East Carolinian and
ihe BUCCANEER compete for most of
the photographers' time. This arrange-
ment pits two or three yearly deadlines of
ihe BUCCANEER against two weekly
deadlines of the East Carolinian. Conflict
is inevitable.
Even in smaller schools such as
Western Carolina University, there are
separate staffs for each publication. This
arrangement . provides fo newspaper
photographers and yeafbfoSf photo-
graphers, with all pnotographers using
the same lab. A lab manager, or a head
photographer, supervises the entire
operation. Editors and photographers can
work more closely together when they are
on the same team. The result is better
service for each publication, and
ultimately, better photographs.
In June, Charles Sune, president of
the Student Union, initiated a study by
the Media Board to investigate the
possible reorganization of the Photo Lab.
The lab was put on a trial period in
August, during which time the photo-
graphers would improve procedures to
serve the media. Little, has been done,
except for the renovation of the darkroom
facilities. This will hardly improve
communication between the lab and the
In October the board will evaluate the
Photo Lab to determine its progress
during the trial period and to decide the
future of photographic services for the
media. The board should realize the
needs of the media and take action to
solve the problem that is preventing the
media from publishing good photographs
for the student body.
The Photo Lab must be reorganized in
such a way that it serves the media fully
and competently. Separate photography
staffs should be hired by each
publication, on their payroll. This would
make the photographers more respons-
ible because they would have an
employer to answer to. Under the present
arrangement, the Photo Lab is a separate
entity. One person should manage the
lab, where all photographers would
process and print their work.
The present arrangement of the Photo
Lab is not acceptable and not functional.
Tne Media Board must make the lab
function for the media.
touchy question being guard-
edly discussed in the cloi-
stered cloakrooms of Con-
gress these days is whether
there are computer crooks
operating on the floor of the
House of Representatives.
There is undisputed evi-
dence that members have
been recorded on the auto-
mated voting system when
they were hundreds of miles
House leaders are now
seriously concerned there
are imposters in the House
or a snafu in the computer.
They fear a potential "phan-
tom voting" scandal is brew-
When the automatic card
voting system was installed
in 1973, it was supposed to
be foolproof. Each of the 435
members were given a spe-
cial individual card which
the congressman alone was
to use to cast votes in com-
puter slots at various areas
of the chamber floor.
Last month we learned
that Democrat Illinois Rep.
Morgan Murphy reported he
had been recorded as voting
six times while he was 600
miles away in Chicago.
Subsequently, half a dozen of
his colleagues told of similar
foul-ups. It's against the
rules for a congressman to
cast a vote while not physi-
cally present on the floor.
Obviously, he's forbidden to
give his voting card to any-
one else.
After Murphy's complaint
the House leadership was
faced with a sticky dilem-
ma: either their expensive
computer gadgetry was on
the blink or members were
handing over their cards to
colleagues or someone else
to vote in their stead.
The General Accounting
Office, on quiet instructions
from Speaker Tip O'Neill,
ran a full cheek-up of the
computer machines. Expert
inspectors reported to the
How Administration Com-
mittee that the system was
working fine; there were no
bugs in it.
This could mean that a
"buddy system" may be
operating whereby a mem-
ber slips his card to another
congressman to punch in for
him on a vote. On many
minor bills, this would mere-
ly allow the absentee to
maintain a public record of
being present on every vote
But on close votes, the
phantom voting could be
decisive and lead to disas-
trous legal consequences.
Laws passed under such
devious circumstances could
come under serious chal-
lenge in the courts and be
nullified on grounds of ille-
gal enactment.
The House Ethics Com-
mittee has been asked to
look into the situation. The
inquiry is currently center-
ing on members whose votes
were recorded on tape when
they were absent. Whatever
the explanation, there is ner-
vousness in the cloakrooms.
A New Draft?Congress is
pitching into debate on a bill
which would require 18-
year-olds to register as
potential draftees. The
measure, if passed, would
affect those with 18th birth-
days after December 1981.
They would sign up with
local draft boards and their
names would be filed in
computers should an emer-
gency military call-up
become necessary.
The Pentagon, which is
sharply divided on the token
registration proposal, is
withholding vital informa-
tion from Congress. The
Defense Department brass
is sitting on a detailed 12-
volume study of mock mobi-
lization exercises and train-
ing problems.
We've seen sections of the
suppressed report and it
paints a weak picture of the
volunteer Army on which
our Pentagon strategists are
leaning. The Army blueprint
counts on superior technolo-
gy and better trained troops
to counter the numerical
superiority of Communist
forces should war erupt.
But the secret report
warns that a high turnover
of troops, ineffective man-
agement and changes of pol-
icy are leaving the defend-
ing U.S. Army woefully
unprepared. "Many units are
not conducting satisfactory
training the strategic
study summarized.
For example, about 19
percent of the Army's tank
commanders and 25 percent
of their crewmen were
found ignorant of how to
aim their guns. Almost 40
percent of the repairmen
and mechanics were unable
to perform their essential
Elderly Rip-off: While the
oil company barons bask in
higher profits this winter,
the elderly poor of the
nation will face ruinous
heating bills and even the
prospect of literally freezing
to death, according to some
Energy Department experts.
Here are some economic
Last January, the average
price for a gallon of heating
oil was less than 54 cents.
Today, it sells for 80 cents
and by midwinter, the price
will be higher.
During the winter of 1974-
75, needy senior citizens
spent 18 percent of their
meager income for fuel oil.
This winter, experts esti-
mate, they'll be ripped off
for 60 to 90 percent of their
income to keep warm.
Last winter, even before
the gouge began, we went
behind the statistics and
came up with these blood-
chilling examples of what it
means to be poor and old in
a winter of heating oil and
gas profiteering.
An 84-year-old woman
incurred a fuel bill of $97 for
a month. This left her $21 to
live on out of her $118-per-
month income.
An 81-year-old man paid a
heating bill of $124 from his
$160 monthly pension. He
subsisted on only $37 a
month for food, clothing,
shelter and other necessi-
Energy Department offi-
cials wasted money, motion
and time to promote Presi-
dent Carter's urging to keep
air conditioner thermostats
set at 78 degrees this
summer. They mailed out
700,000 brochures to busi-
nesses and industries advis-
ing how to comply with the
edict. They failed to check
current addresses, however,
and the brochures are being
returned to Energy head-
quarters at the rate of 350 a
day. If you have an example
of government extrava-
gance, write to Jack Ander-
son's Watch on Waste, Box
2300, Washington, D.C.
FOOTNOTES: Saudi Arabi-
an sheiks would seem to be
amply provided with oil and
sand in their desert land.
But recently, five tons of
sand were imported into
Saudi Arabia, ft turns out
their native sand is too
coarse for use in swimming
pool filters Our airlines
recently won a price boost
because of rising fuel costs.
But we've learned that
because of their intensive
scheduling at peak hours
throughout the nation, the
airlines are squandering
fuel. Their planes wind up
stacked over airports, cir-
cling about, burning up fuel
or else sitting on takeoff
runways, also guzzling fuel
Aviation and energy experts
are convinced that by
staggering their schedules
and reducing airport conges-
tion, the airlines could save
$800 million a year.
Cepjrriffe, tm.
Letters to the Editor
SGA Transit System
vamped and revamped
To the Editor:
in Hit .limit' ami
editorial hi iIn- Septcm-
imi 111 ii edition concern-
ing tin SG Iran-it
n-uiii, numerous mis-
v DIM l 'pltolls writ- I or 111 u-
i.ii ii.
vv mn iiio�e accidents
iil � ui since Jauuarv
1 � ' '� , 'iir paper would
�lo-it tin leaders believe
.tnii iin'v iterc tin- lauh
� tie proem transit
�j -� hi ami Mj � atliuiii-
I -Ml .1 I I' III .
I "i leasotls which
� mi jM �iin anvail v are mhIi, lilts ail-
iiitiii.iiiuuoii tint utii take
� Mim iiii.n June (j, lJ7i.
�"t�n. utai Imie ihe
� I aui -v -u-iii ha� been
n vuni�iij (winch ihe i -ii.Mini be lamihar
m.iii -niti 111 wrote
iiuuii i .mi- ai licte� con-
� i iiiiijj tin-j.
Liuiei lite new -
�iii, a nati-n committee
�a- -ii up in ilie middle
�" June. In mid-July,
.ui) in gun work on a
.iaii-ii manual which is
i���m mai mg completion.
tm manual will con-
tain in-Muclion- on
rirauiicnuiiee . checks,
� Invii ili-uphnai") action
ami iiuuii-rous oilier ar-
i a- not covered in the
i-iiii.M iai or article.
3iuce mis action has
uiiii taken under the
iie'w administration, there
nu- mil) beeti one
lepoitcd accident. This
one, vvincli occurred on
. ugui .kith, involving
i. i i' 11 -1111 r, v a -
't.n a -inn i in ihe
uui i ai 11j111 - on the
i�u i ii.ii -iiuii lias ln'i'ii
i� oaucd ami Man m�l
I -i ui in i in -ulrlv
� in niaWi earlier thai
� i
. - i.
1Jl ' ' i in - u ill III ri
mh - ai 11- made iti lite
� "i ' - -� i nai iimv I lirv
.�� 'if �" pal, w inch ihe)
i.ii.i , in . ,i in i in- j�a-i.
.1 ,i. In i in I CpnI'lCTs
i .i1.1 in ui' ii i' i ,u i'i ul lo
� . 11 11 ��lories.
i. in i tmuhbv nor
? �'i " h 11 in urn- cou-
l �' I liv Oll i COII-
� ' g Hie issue ol the
i -ui ami jM.iu , a- the
l .11 I I lliU.i il in Col-
lOUgil -lau'd, uui III-
� ' i Laiui ue Slicrrod
i.i J iM-rc
��� � �'� ii �! "ii iin- matter,
� '��" � "i Mhieii mm
' � i hi ui in 1- Inch
� � i'i a. iiiai lime.
I lUtUIC llllll'IKi
i"i - jia lor the
.�-ii.ami .in tiie buses.
� �i nu luiure, lei -
ii. i.� i iiuuii Ii mil
Chubb) Abshire
Administrative Mgr.
Leonard Fleming
Operations Mgr.
Jesse M Hign
Colleen Flvnn
Edward T. Walter?
Brett Melvin
Student Bodv President
SGA VP defends transit
To the Editor:
During my four
months as Acting Presi-
dent of Student Govern-
ment 1 instructed the
transit manager lo lire
anyone who was at fault
while operating an SGA
bus. It was a recom-
mendation that the tran-
sit manager look under
advisement lo use at his
The driver that 1
recommended be ter-
minated was not because
the transit manager de-
termined he deserved
another chance. I accept-
ed his decision because I
would not dictate policy
lor a department. That
driver has since amassed
a significant accident
record that shows his
involvement with SGA
transit should have been
The Vice-Chancellor
lor Business .Affairs and
ECU's OSHA office also
contacted me concerning
transit's failure lo supply
OSHA with the proper
OSHA accident forms.
Upon receipt of their
letter I instructed (in
writing) the transit man-
ager that if just one form
laded lo reach their
ollice following the next
accident then his service
would be terminated.
The current overall
manager of transit,
Leonard Fleming, is not
only an outstanding stu-
dent bui an excellent
director of transit. Leo-
nard has been ill and
hospitalized. Once he
returns I can assure you
he will solve the prob-
lems if he gets the
proper support.
There is no greater
priority than safety when
it comes to transporting
students. 1 am embarras-
sed lor the present
people runnirg transit
and can assure you that
student involvement can
improve the system. I
remind all students that
the buses are yours. You
have the right to demand
that they are clean, on
time, and driven in a
sale manner. Do not
accept anything less!
il you incur any
problem with a bus,
demand an explanation.
The SGA transit operates
at your pleasure.
Charlie Sherrod
Student Body Vice-
The East Carolinian
Richard Green
Anita Lancaster
Marc Barnes
Robert M. Swaim
Leigh Coakley
Steve O'Geary
Karen Wondt
Terry Gray
Bill Jones
Terry Herndon
Charts Chandlet
Jimmy DuPrea
�"� Clayton
Paul Lincke
THE EAST CAROLINIAN is the student
newspaper of East Carolina University
sponsored by the Media Board of ECU and
is distributed each Tuesday and Thursday
during the academic year (weekly during the
Offices are located on the second floor of the
Publications Center (Old South Building). Our
mailing address is: Old South- Building, ECU
Greenville, NC 27834.
The phone numbers
6309. Subscriptions
$6 annually
are: 757-63B6, $367,
$10 annually, alumni

20 September 1979 THE EAST CAROLINIAN
Pecple placesf ard
to fercw
As of Sept. 18 no
items for Peole, Places,
and column will be
accepted unless they are
typed, double-space, and
include on the bottom a
name and phone number
ul a person who can be
contacted il there is some
problem with the piece.
We reserve the right to
cdn for brevity, and will
onl run the items we
consider most important
lo the most students.
Due to space limitations
wo are unable to print all
of the items received, but
vc will do our best to
print a many as possi-
ble. Deadlines are 2:00
p.m. on Fridays for the
Tuesday edition, and
2:00 Tuesday for the
Thursday edition.
The Center for Stu-
dent Opportunities (CSO)
in the School of Medicine
is presently hiring tutors
who will be able to earn
an income at standard
campus rates for tutoring
in the areas of medicine,
premedicine, nursing, al-
lied health, biology,
chemistry, physics, and
related health professions
Il you have, or intend
lo declare a major in a
science or health related
curriculum, you may
qualify lor cost-free tu-
torial services being of-
fered by CSO.
Ii ou are studying
toward a career in a
health-related major,
CSO has openings for
students to participate in
individualized or group
speedreading, notetaking
and lesttaking techni-
que effective organiza-
lion of lecture notes, and
Active Heading � know-
ing mure about what you
read in a shorter time.
ii you have, or intend
lo have, a science or
health-related major, you
m.iv utilize the CSO
counseling services which
include career planning
assistance, academic,
personal, financial, test
anxiety, and or group
counseling sen ices.
i! you are interested
in the possibility of
employment as a tutor or
would like lo participate
in the cost-free tutorial,
reading learning skills,
or counseling services,
contact Dr. Bridwell in
the Center for Student
Opportunities, 208 Rags-
dale Hall, or call 757-
0122, 0075, or 6081.
tlhe tebel
The Rebel is now
accepting high-quality
literature submissions.
Poetry, essays, plays,
interviews, and short
stories will be accepted.
All work must have
name, address, and
phone number of writer.
Address manuscripts to
The Rebel, Mendenhall
Student Center, Green-
ville, N.C. 27834.
citric I
The East Carolina
Circle K Club meets
rues, nights at 7 p.m. in
Mendenhall Student
Center (Room 221). Ev-
eryone is welcome to
The East Carolina
Koad Club invites all
bicycling enthusiasts to
participate in our weekly
program of events. The
club offers weekly races
and lours, and monthly
meetings with programs
on bike care and similar
topics of interest.
For up to the minute
details, call Mike's Bike
Shop (752-5291) and ask
for Mike.
ttltt l-l
The Ledonia Wright
Afro-American Cultural
Center is open daily from
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday
ihru Friday.
Organizations wishing
10 use the center during
evenings and on week-
ends are to contact the
director of services of
Mendenhall Student
flic 1979 vCU-l Rec-
reational Tournaments,
sponsored by Mendenhall
Student Center, will be
held in Billiards, Bowl-
ing, fable Tennis, Chess
and Backgammon. All
full-lime students are
eligible lo participate.
Get vour information and
registration forms at the
Mendenhall Billiards and
Bowling Centers.
The ECU Chess Club
will meet each Tues. al 7
p.m. in the MSC Coffee-
house. All chess players
interested in getting
together on a weekly
basis for some friendly
competition are invited to
drop by and join in.
Sociology � An-
thropology Club will be
holding their first organ-
izational meeting of this
fall Thurs Sept. 20, at
7:3U p.m. in BD-302.
vll interested stu-
dents (freshmen and
transfers included) are
welcome. You do not
have to be a major or
minor in sociology or
anthropology to join.
Club officers are needed
and we will be planning
programs for future
meetings including ar-
rangements for a week-
end field trip to Wash-
ington, D.C. in the near
future. Refreshments will
be served. Please join us.
l'here will be a
meeting of the East
Carolina Gay Community
al 5 p.m. Tues Sept.
25, in l he Newman
House. The agenda will
include election of new
officers and a pol luck
dinner. All interested
persons are welcome. For
information contact Mark
at 752-0790.
tyammci beta
Gamma Beta Phi will
meet Thurs Sept. 20 at
7 p.m. in room 244,
st tlmctHes
St. Timothy's Epis-
copal Church, Second
Annual Lobster Fair will
be held October 6 from
10-3. Tickets are $7 for
live and $8 for boiled
lobsters, ranging from
1-112 pounds in size. No
tickets will be sold at the
door and must be
purchased by Sept. 20.
You may buy them at-�he
Kitchen Cupboard, The
Book Barn, or call for
Ticket Information at
beta wd
Beta Nu Chapter of
Sigma Thela Tau will
hold its first business
meeting of the "7980
year Sept. 25 al 7 p.m. in
Boom 101 of ihe nursing
building. Sigma Thela
fau is a national honor
society of nursing. All
members are encouraged
lo attend.
I 1111 II Is
vll person- interested
in joining the MSC
Billiards League may
attend the first meeting
lo be held at o p.m
Mon Sept. 24 at the
Billiard- Center. Two-
inetiiber team- will be
chosen and 8-ball play
will begin. V� the
leagues conclusion, tro-
phies will be awarded in
several divisions.
I Ilk I Ik
If you are interested
in dinner and a ride to
services to celebrate
Friday evening, Sept. 21,
call: Mike Freelander
752-9473 or Dr. B.
Resnik 756-5640; 757-
Hillel, the campus
organization for Jewish
sludenls, is having its
first membership meeting
of Ihe 1979-80 school
year on Thursday, Sept.
20 al 8 p.m. in BB 205.
Please attend so you can
find oul what Hillel is all
There will be an
organizational meeting of
ihe College Republicans
Wed. Sept. 26, at 7:30
p.m. in BB-i04. All
republicans are urged to
come and so are all other
interested persons. The
purpose of this meeting
is to reorganize itsell and
elect new officers for the
( 79'80) school year. We
will also discuss many
republican projects lor
the upcoming year.
�1 Ut Kt
Applications are be-
ing taken for Student
Union Artist. Qualifi-
cations: Full-time East
Carolina University Stu-
dent with a background
in Commercial Art. Ap-
plicants may apply at the
Student Union Office,
Room 234 of Mendenhall
Student Center, between
ihe hours 8:30 - 5, Mon.
- Fri.
it If
The ECU Christian
Choir and Orchestra will
have its first rehearsal
lonighi, Sept. 20 at 7:30
p.m. The Contemporary
Christian Music Group
invites everyone lo come
and "praise ihe Lord in
song. The meeting will
take place al ihe Metho-
disl Student Center.
Sound and lighting tech-
nicians are also needed,
and il there are any
questions call Mark
Sexton at 752-9612.
An organizational
meeting of the Biology
Club will be held Mon
Sept. 24 at 7 p.m. in
B-103. Any person inter-
ested in biology is
welcome to attend. With
your presence, this
years activities can in-
clude cook-outs, lield-
trips, speakers, canoe
irips, and scholarship
fund-raising evenls. So
gel involved � you
might like il!
il t
1 'he 1979 Annual Fall
Bush for Thela Alpha
Chapter of Alpha Kappa
vlpha Sorority will be
held Thurs Sept. 20, al
7:31) p.m. in the Men
deuhall multipurpose
room. This event will
lealurc mosl ol the
l went -seven ladies ol
distinction. I his rush is
lor everyone, il you are
interested in pledging or
not. Please come; we
promise an evening ol
vll EMT's interested
iii joining a Firsl Re-
spoiiders Squad please
call Lester Nail at 758-
The Poclry Forum
will be holding Us weekly
meeting Thurs. Sept. 20
at 8 p.m. in room 248 ol
Mendenhall Student
Center. Those interested
in gelling feedback on
their poems should bring
copies lo the meeting.
Due to space limhatins the East
Carolinian can not print all of the items
received for the People, Places, and
column We will print only those
announcements which we consider
will affect the largest number of
students. If your announcement is not
run the we urge you to re-submit it.
We will do the best we can .
We reserve the right to edit for brevity.
Look in the column for the deadline.
The deadlines will be
strictly adhered to.
Qualified bus drivers are urgently
needed at this time. Please call
Director of Security Joe Calder at
757-6150 or 757-6294 for more
teClfR by Nature's Way
specializing in
natural hair cuts for men & women
The Complete Redken Salon
Downtown Mall Greenville, N.C
Where the Loft was located.
: You


may lose money if
you miss the Shoe
Gallery's, buy one pair at
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SALE. You must bring
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1st pair must De
at least $10.00 . Dickinson Ave
$175.00 "all Inclusive'
pregnancy test, birth control end
problem pregnancy counseling For
further information cell 832-0630 (toll-
free number M0-231-2M8) between
� AM -5 P.M. weekday
Raleigh Woman's Health
917 West Morgan St.
Rakish, N.C. 276fc
Captain's Soup
& Salad $1.75
The best cup of clam
chowder south of Boston,
with crisp, green salad
and your choice
of dressing.
11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Daily except Saturday
Sanawich m
One Free!

Right now, when �� T�m
you buy an Arby's Roast Beef Sandwich,
you'll get a second one Free!

Talk to Frank Zappa
9 J
This Sunday night Allan Handel man's Forum
presents for the third time The World's Most
Outrageous Rock ' N' Roll Star, Frank Zappa.
On May 27, 1979 Frank Zappa consented to an
exclusive live interview with Allan. As it turned out,
Frank enjoyed the show so much he returned the
following week for over two hours. These programs
were then heard in part on the "Great American Radio
Show" syndicated world wide.
Now with the release of his 29th album, Joels
Garage, Frank will be calling Allan once again from his
home in California. The show will be live and calls will
be taken. Call 753-4110 or 753-4122.
(Courtesy GLF)
tool 91479
Trite Last
We Week
1 2 BOBBY BROWN. Frank Zappa, CSS
2 1 BORN TO BE AUVE, Patrick
Ifcrnandei, MeriennAquarius
3 4 MNG MY BELL, Anita Ward. TK
4 3 BRIGHT EYES, Art GarfunM, CBS
5 5 HOT STUFF, Donna Summer.
CvywnitM, Sonet
Rats, Mercury
9 NEW KNOCK ON WOOD. Ami Stewart,
10 NEW GOTTA GO HOME. Boney M. Arieia
Notional Breakouts
MRU BONOfF-Restiess Nights (Columbia)
GOLDEN EMMM-No Promises No Debts (Polydor)
FRANK ZAPPA-Joe's Garage Act 1 (Zappa)
YrXHTS-S.OS. (PolydorRadar)
168 715 1THE RECORDS Virjin VA 13130 (Atlantic)7.917.987.98
DAVE EDMUNDS Repeat When Necessary Swan Song SS 8507 (Atlantic)7.987.987.99
779SCORPIONS Love Drive Mercury SDMI 37957.917.987.98
663913THE WHO The Kids Are Alright MCA 2 11005� 12.9112.9112.91
FRANK ZAPPA Joe's Garage Zappa SHZ1 1603 (Mercwy)7 987.987.98
61�97RYCOODER Bop Till You Drop Warner Bros. BSK 33587.917.917.91
1805RAINBOW Down To Earth h�f�� ft) 1 S2217.917JI
r7 lwrs Warner Bras BSK 33557.987.917.98
quote of the month: "I'm very fond of stupidity. I think it's probably the most
important and least understood aspect of American life. American society has
a concept of coolness and cuteness . both are factors of stupidityNow that
we've established diplomatic relations with China . those people are ready for
coolness, cuteness and stupidityIt's not getting any smarter out thereYou
have to come to terms with stupidity and make it work for you�frank zappa
This is Another Nationwide Exclusive!
Social Cartoonist
Rock Composer
Jazz Composer and
Record Company R President,
Frank Zappa
" I never did anything like this
beforeIt was my best experience
with the media" "I will be Happy
to Come back on Your Show Allan"
Frank Zappa
June 79
Sunday Night 10pm to 1 am
on WRQR FM " - 94.3 on your dial
Coming up on Forum
Dr. J. Allen Hyneck - This will be his ninth visit with Allan.
Dr. Hyneck is th WORLDS Foremost Authority on UFO's .
Pat Travers - This will be his second time with Allan.
"Boom Boom out goes the Lights " is his current smash Hit.
Mike Harrison - Host off the Great American Radio Show heard World Wide.
Mike is considered the leading expert In Rock Radio.
Robert Klien - Comedian
ACDC - This Austriaiian Rock group is blasting there way up the charts
and will be sharing their excltment with Forum. This show
will be heard Coast to Coast via Great American.
and much more.

The Kast Carolini
lian m
Thursday, September 20, 1979
page 7
Greenville, N,C
Both Deacs and
Pirates worry Dye
ECU's defense was constantly chasing Duke backs last Saturday in 28-14 loss
(Photo by John H. Grogan)
Taylor, Heinsohn view ECU
Sports Editor
Following two consecutive losses, the East Carolina
football team is at a crossroads. Pirate coach Pat Dye
is taking drastic measures to make sure that his squad
chooses the right road before facing a surprising Wake
Forest team Saturday.
"We've made some big changes defensively this
week Dye said. "We hope to gain some espirit de
corps, oneness, or whatever you want to call it. We've
got to gel this team back together again
Dye's concern over team togetherness, especially
on defense, is quite worthwhile. The Pirate defense
has given up 59 points in the two losses to N.C. State
and Duke.
Missed assignments and lack of a desire to win
were cited by Dye as being the big crutches
"1 can't imagine not going out and trying to win
said Dye. "But we had some guys on defense who just
didn't try to win at Duke
Dye noted that this lack of desire was showing up
in the defensive statistics. "Right now we've caused
three turnovers in three games. Last year we averaged
causing four per game
Dye noted that there were no real attitude problems
of such in the Pirate camp and said that he had been
advantage. He won CC defensive-player-of-the-week
honors ior his play against the Pirates.
The East Carolina-Duke football game last Saturday
was witnessed by a couple ol real celebrities.
In the press box scouting the game for his old club
was ex-Washington Redskin great Charley Taylor,
ray lor, who holds the all-time National Football
L ague record for career pass receptions with 639,
lagan his career as a running back and finished at the
w ide receiv er slot.
Taylor tuitif l th- game looking especially at
Pirate linebacker Mike Brewington. Though Brewing-
lon did not play an especially good game, Taylor still
saw some potential.
He has the size and speed to be a good one
said Fay lor.
Jay lor was impressed with Pirate tight end-split
end Billy Hay Washington. The ex-Redskin great noted
thai Washington had a superb stride and seemed to
run his patterns to near-perfection.
vlso at the game was ex-Boston Celtic head coach
loin Heinsohn. 1 he one-time NBA coach-of-the-year
came to watch his son Paul, a Blue Devil defensive
kle, perform.
V hat loin aw he liked. "After seeing this game (a
i I Duke win), 1 think 1 may have to come watch
some more in the future he said after the gaj in
the Blue Devil locker room.
1 he ex-coach must surely have liked the
performance put on by his son. All Paul did was use
In- 6-6, 215-pound frame to the best possible
this Saturday, have met only once, a 20-10 East
Carolina victory in 1963. In that game present Wake
head coach John Mackovic and the late Brian Piccolo,
an ex-Chicago Bear great, were members of the
Demon Deacon squad.
THOUGH THE PIRATES are a disappointing 1-2
going into the Wake game, it must be remembered
that the Pirates had that very same record last season
alter three games. The team went on to win eight of
their last nine games and finish the season at 9-3 with
an Independence Bowl championship to boast.
THIS MARKS THE FOURTH consecutive week that
the Pirates have laced an "unbeaten" team. The first
three ECU games were against teams who were
playing their initial game of the season. Wake Forest,
this week's opponent, stands 2-0. VMI, next week's
lnc, i.s 2-Q going into this Saturday's game with
SATURDAY'S ROAD TRIP to Wake Forest is the
third road game of the season for the Pirates, exactly
halt ol the six they must play this season. East
Carolina must travel to North Carolina Oct. 27, to
Appalachian Slate on Nov. 3 and to William and Mary
lor the season finale on Nov. 24.
PIRATE RUNNING BACK Anthony Collins is
having problems with his shoulder and is not a sure
starter lor Saturday's game. Linebacker Jeffrey
W arren is expected to return to the East Carolina
lineup alter missing the Duke game last week.
Offensive tackle Joe Godetle will definitely not play
against Wake Forest this week due to a knee injury.
three games with 279 yards on 45 caries, which
translates to an average of 6.2 yards per carry.
Fullback Theodore Sutton is averaging an astonishing
8.0 yards per carry as he has gained 231 yards on a
mere 27 rushes.
A concerned Pat Dye
(Photo by John H. Grogan)
impressed with the team's Monday and Tuesday
practices this week.
"But Dye said, "two practices do not make a
football team. It takes performance in a game to make
a good squad and based on our performance at Duke,
I'd say we have got an awful long way to go before we
become a good lootball team
The changes made by Dye and the Pirate staff
involve two freshmen. Dye said he plans to start frosh
Doug Smith at nose guard in place of sophomore John
Hallow in the Wake game. He also noted that another
lirsl-year man, Freddie Jones, would get the call at the
tree safety position.
Jones will start ahead ol experienced lettermen
Wayne Perry and Thomas McLaurin. "1 was
disappointed with the amount ol aggressiveness shown
at the free safety position against Duke Dye
proclaimed. "I want somebody there who will hit, and
Freddie Jones will Hat knock you
Another change made on the Pirate defense was at
left defensive tackle where Tim Swords will get the call
ahead of previous starter Vance Tingler.
"Another place where there will probably be a
change is at linebacker said Dye. "Right now we
have Glenn Morris and Chuch Johnson listed as
That would mean that Mike Brewington, yes
All-America candidate Brewington, would be benched,
flic reason tor this was his rather poor performance
against Duke.
"It's possible that Mike could get into the picture
and start said Dye, "but heTl have to earn it in
practice Brewington is not listed as a starter now
due to the fact that he graded out only 52 against
the Blue Devils, a poor makr for the average Joe,
much less an All-America candidate.
"Heck, if things don't get better, you could see a
whole new look on this team by the Carolina gamp
(scheduled lor Oct. 27), said Dye.
One of the problems for the Pirates in the two
losses, that lell the Pirates with a dismal 1-2 mark,
was a lack ol team togetherness.
"Individuals can't do it noted Dye. "It takes 11
disciplined players both ways to win. We haven't had
Maybe what has happened will bring us together
as a lootball team
It the present adversity does not bring the Pirates
together, Dye says he has an alternative plan.
"Oneness is what we need. And 1 know how to get
it. 1 don't want to have to do it that way because we
are a senior-laden squad.
"Bui it 1 havte tq I can take them on the practice
field and work theai so hard that they'll need each
other just to survive. Togetherness would then become
a necessity.
Dye feels, though, that the Pirates are in a good
situation with a tough Wake Forest team scheduled for
Saturday, a team that disposed of SEC power Georgia
22-21 last week. That win left the Deacons at 2-0.
"We don't need to play a mediocre team said
Dye. "We need to play against a good football team
and we will do that Saturday. We not only need to play
against a good team, we need badly to beat a good
So the game with the Demon Deacons is an
intersection of sorts for the Pirates. A loss would put
the learn on a road toward a collision with tragedv'
while a win would gel the team back on the path to
continuing the winning tradition at East Carolina.
Cuineliinc Saturday is 7:30 p.m. at Wake's Groves
Following 22-21 win over Georgia
Surprising Deacons hope magic continues
Assistant Sports Editor
Having beaten the highly favored Georgia Bulldogs
22-21 last week, head coach John Mackovic and his
staff this week face another major challenge when their
Demon Deacons of Wake Forest host East Carolina.
"We have to prepare a totally
different game plan than we used at
Wake coach John Mackovic
Wake coach John Mackovic
After a dismal 1-10 record in his premier season at
Wake, Mackovic now enjoys the admirable position of
being 2-0 in 1979, including a season-opening victory
over the Mountaineers of Appalachian State.
"Our win over Georgia was great said the
inspired Mackovic. "But we've got to get our feet on
the ground in order to prepare for East Carolina.
"Offensively and defensively they are probably the
fastest team we will face this season. Defensively they
have excellent speed in the secondary; speed good
enough to play man-to-man coverage on the pass.
"I know they are a little down after having lost two
games, but look at their opposition. N.C. State and
Duke are both very tough. Pat Dye has always had a
very strong team and this year's team is no exception
because they run the wishbone so effectively.
"We have to prepare a totally different game Ian
than we used at Georgia Mackovic cautioned.
Offensively the Deacs are guided by senior
quarterback Jay Vento, who was red-shirted last
season but took the starting position from sophomore
Dave Webber in spring drills.
All-Atlantic Coast Conference running back James
McDougald returns for his final season in the black
and gold of WFU. Having already set the school
rushing record and led the DEACS in scoring the past
three years, McDougald is the man in the backfield
which the pirates must stop.
"McDougald had a great day Saturday against
Georgia said Mackovic.
McDougald rushed for well over 100 yards and
spirited Wake Forest past a Georgia team few
speculators gave them a chance against.
"McDougald is the strongest back we'll face this
year proclaimed Pirate assistant coach Bobby
Wallace. "He's like a tank; just runs over people. He
is definitely one of the strongest backs in the country
ECU's Pat Dye holds McDougald in high regards,
"T predict he'll be one of the top four or five backs
drafted in the nation next year Dye lauded.
Wide receiver Wayne Bumgardner was heralded for
an outstanding game offensively.
, Defensively, the key word is experience.
, The Deacs return five seniors from their 1978
defensive unit, including leading tacklers Marc Hester
(Sr 6-1, 225) and Carlos Bradley (Jr 6-0, 215).
"Wake Forest's defense is very experienced
stales ECU assistant coach Ken Hutcherson. "They
return nine starters. They're probably the best
defensive team we've played, technique-wise. They
might gel beat physically, but not out-techniqued.
"The nose guard, James Parker, is in on all the big
plays. He's the heart of their defense.
"Strong safety Mark Lancaster does a great job for
them also. He plays off the blocks well and does an
excellent job on pass coverage. Our offensive team has
its work cut out for it
An interesting thing about the Wake team is that
they were picked by Penthouse magazine as one of the
iwenly worst college football teams in the country this
The magazine said, "Wake Forest may lose every
lime out in 1979 the Deacons can be counted on to
average less than ten points a game
Georgia head coach Vince Dooley knows better. So
does Pal Dye.
Deac HB James McDougald

Page 8 THE EAST Carolinian 20 September 1979
The Fearless Football Forecast
ECU 24-17
South Carolina
North Carolina
Penn Stale
Western Carolina
N.C. State
Michigan Stale
ECU 21-14
South Carolina
North Carolina
Noire Dame
Penn Slate
Appalachian State
N.C. Slate
Michigan Stale
ECU 28-24
South Carolina
Noire Dame
Penn Slate
Appalachian State
NC. Slate
Michigan State
Wake Forest 31-21
Georgia Tech
Notre Dame
Penn Slate
.vppalachian Slate
N.C. State
Michigan State
ECU 21-18
South Carolina
utre Dame
Penn Slate
Western Carolina
N.C. Stale
Michigan Slate
Wolfpack pounds Lady
Pirates in season opener
ECU volleyball action
In loss to Ranquello

Assistant Sports Editor
Lady Pirate volleyball tapped off the first match of
the 1979 season Tuesday with a crushing loss to North
Carolina State University, 15-3, 15-4, 14-16, 15-9.
"Slate's strategy was to serve cross-court said
ECU coach Alita Dillon. "The serve-receive is what we
had trouble with all night
The Lady Pirates quickly fell behind to the powerful
Wolfpack, never rebounding until the third game of
l he match.
II you're keyed on someone hitting hard, thenyou
automatical set up lor the block said Dillon. "The
player can hit hard and have the ball knocked down by
the blocker, hit it soft and try to drop it in front of the
defense, or loll the ball over the blocker and in front of
the digger
The digger is responsible for any shots past the
blocked. Off-speed shots (those directed between the
blocker and digger) are also the responsibility of the
"We hadn't worked on the off-speed game, so we
weren't able to adjust as soon as we should have. I
plan lo lake care of that in our next few practices.
"It shouldn't have taken us two games to adjust,
though. The people on the sides away from the play
have lo be able lo read the shot and tell whether the
spiker will hit hard or not by the angle of her hand and
her approach lo the net.
"Some players have a little better reaction time
lhau others, but experience counts a lot also.
Communication is very important on a play at the net
such as that.
Dillon attributed ECU's sluggish performance to
numerous factors, but would not blame any one
problem for the loss.
"We've changed our offense and we're using plays
we never used before said Dillon. "Sometimes you
try a little loo hard and make mistakes that you
wouldn't it you played more relaxed.
"Our hilling is much more powerful than what we
showed (Tuesday) night lamented Dillon. "Sharon
Perry didn'l hit as hard and as well as she can, but
she gave us a good all-around performance.
"Yvelle Lewis did very well with her placement of
spikes. She was able to get around blocks fairly well.
Joy Forbes had a good game for us defensively, also
Hie Lady Bucs travel to William and Mary
Saturday lor a lour-way match featuring N.C. State,
William and Mary, Salisbury State and Virginia
"It's going to give us a chance to get our offense
and defense clicking a little better than they were
against Slate.
"1 thought that we had worked on that enough to
execute belter than we did. Our serving wasn't as
accurate as it should have been.
"fins will give me a chance to let a lew ol the girls
play who didn't gel to against State so I can see just
how much deplh ve have.
We have a lot ol experience.1
file Lad) Pirates host Duke University Tuesday at 7
p.m. in Minges Coliseum.
Rossman blames refs
Al' Spurts Writer
VJ. � Mike Rossman
chose lo blame the
referee rather than him-
sell tor his stunning
deteal at the hands of
Ramon Ranquello, a de-
teat which puts a serious
damper on any designs
the tormer light-heavy-
weight champion had ol
regaining the title.
Rossman was stopped
with 1U seconds remain-
ing in the sixth round
l'uesday night by Ran-
quello, a journeyman
tighter al best. Ranquello
� decked Rossman with
smashing right hands
twice in ihe sixth round
� the first lime with 59
seconds lo go and then
HI- WAY 264
6 miles west of
Greenville on
hwy 264.
Let Youf
again with 34 seconds
Ranquello, who had
been floored twice in ihe
third round, then charged
back al ihe 23-year-old
Rossman, but referee
Paul Yenli interceded
and slopped ihe sche-
duled 12-round bout al
Ciauls Stadium.
Rossman was furious.
He verbally assaulted
Veuli in the ring and
again in the locker-
room. Rossman infleed
looked hurt and glassy-
eyed. But there was only
1U seconds remaining in
the round and it seemed
he could have held on
ami regrouped between
"When a fighter's
welfare is at stake, there
is no lime lor clocks
Veuli said. Rossman
wasn't buying thai.
"How can you stop
the light One guy gets
knocked down twice and
the tight continues. The
other gels knocked down
twice and it's over he
said angrily.
ll was an extremely
cosily deleal for the
f urnersville, N.J na-
tive. Victor Galindez was
recently stripped of his
Wurld Boxing Associa-
tion title and Rossman
and Marvin Johnson
were ihe likely candi-
dates lo light for the
vacant crown.
Thai's now down the
drain, along with a lucra-
tive payday.
Rossman was an easy
largel for the lumbering
Ranquello, 26, who im-
proved his record to
Bring in a eopy of this ad for SI.00 off on
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20 September 1979 THE EAST CAROLINIAN
Pirates speared at Wallace Wade
Duke QB Stanley Driskell (5) smiles after completi
ainst ECU defense
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Pirate back Anthony Collins fumbled on Duke one-yard line on this play
Duke defense buries Sam Harrell
(IMiolos b) John H. Grogan)
Jackson soap opera
to come to end?
113 Grande Ave.
duality Shoe Repair
W Special Correspondent
As the world lurns �n
baseball's most intri-
guing real lite drama �
the .Nt-vv York Yankees'
version ot "Days ol Our
Live?" � questions whet
the appetite, just as in an
alternoon soap opera on
Is the honeymoon
over between owner
George Steinbrenner and
Ins volatile super star,
Reggie Jaekson?
Will Reggie be tossed
out ol the house like
some mustachioed villain
at the insistence of his
haled rival lor the
owner's l'avor, Manager
Billy Martin?
When did the honey-
moon begin to fray at the
seams Who done Reggie
in? Himself or some
sinister outside forces?
Will he find happiness
Tune in tomorrow and
W hen Reggie, shortly
alter signing a five-year,
S2.9 million contract with
the Yankees, told a
magazine writer that he
� not Captain Thurman
Munson, not anybody
else � was "the stick
ihal stirs the drink he
wasn't kidding.
Reggie never lets the
waters gel calm. 11 he
isn't leading a September
surge lor the pennant,
blasting three home runs
to clinch a World Series
or provoking a rain of
"Reggie bars from the
stands, he is feuding
with his manager or
saying uncomplimentary
things about his boss.
"Controversy follows
me around like a black
cat Jackson once said
The latest incident
arose at the "Goodbye to
Catfish Hunter" day last
Sunday at the Stadium.
Reggie said he had this
handsome golden replica
of the World Series
trophy to present to his
longtime teammate and
Steinbrenner wouldn't let
linn do it.
Steinbrenner insisted
n vsasii'l so. He didn't
even know about the
request, he said. He
intimated Reggie might
be up to some old tricks
� using other people to
serve his own purposes.
Jackson insists that
he has lost communica-
tion with Steinbrenner
and draws only "boos"
from strongly pro-Martin
lans who once cheered
him. He says he wants
out. Sleinbrenner's pa-
tience is visibly wearing
thin. Martin is said to
have made two requests
within the past week that
the Yankees get rid of
their controversial, clutch-
performing super star.
Are the holes loo big
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r J
The Kast Carolinian
Thursday, September 20, 1979
Greenville, N.C.
Curtain opens
Dinner Theater
When a determined huntress sets about snaring a
partner lor an experiment in eugenics, imagine how
dizzily her college professor victim finds his marriage
pinning. Mendenhall Student Center offers Leslie
Stevens' "The Marriage-Go-Round" as its first dinner
theatre of the year. A professional company, the
Alpha-Omega Players, will be performing the show.
I lie premise of the show is an apocryphal story
concerning intellectual George Bernard Shaw and
dancer Isadora Duncan. Duncan suggested that Shaw
lather a child of hers, because his brain and her body
would produce the superman Shaw was always writing
about. Shaw reportedly replied, "But what if the child
inherited my body and your brain?"
John Payne plays the besieged college professor.
Jean kay Siiford portrays his tartly witty wife, also a
college professor and Dean of Women. The very
seductive and calculating daughter of a Swedish
professor is sinously played by Vicki Hughes. The
oung, very amorous bachelor professor is taken by
kem Johnson. The scene moves from the beleaguered
household to the college classroom, where both
husband and wife hold forth on marital relations.
I'lie professor husband, an anthropologist,
describes the history of male sexual behavior in terms
ul his own predicament. The wife professor, a
sociologist, personalizes the Kinsey report, concluding
llial women must put up with untrustworthy men
because That's all there is The Swedish siren,
meanwhile, slithers around seductively in her pursuit
ol science.
I he School ol Home Economics is catering food for
all lour performances. October 3 and 4 will be special
dessert performances for E.C.U. students, faculty and
sial'l only. Cheesecake with fruit topping and apple pie
will be served, along with coffee and tea. Student
tickets arc 53.00 and faculty and staff tickets are $4.50.
1'he buffet dinner menu consists of Turkey Tetrazzini,
Koasl Beet au jus, Buttered Baby Lima Beans, Yellow
squash Casserole, Baked Broccoli with cheese, Tossed
salad, assorted Rolls and Butter, Carrot Cake with
Cream Cheese Icing, and Coffee or Tea. Tickets for the
dinner performances on October 5 and 6 are $7.00 for
L.L.I, students and $9.00 for non-students. Tickets
must be purchased 36 hours in advance. The dessert
perlormance service begins at 7:15 p.m with curtain
a, d:0U p.m. The dinner service begins at 6:30 p.m
till curtain at 8:00 p.m. For further information, call
me Central Ticket Office in Mendenhall Student
Center, 757-0011.
Concerts Sunday and Tuesday
Singers to perform
Mike Williams will perform Sunday, Sept. 23, at
8:00 p.m. on the Mall.
The Student Union
Special Attractions Com-
mittee will present Mike
Williams in concert on
the University Mall, Sun-
day, September 23, 1979
at 8 p.m. The show
promises lo be a fitting
conclusion for E.C.Us
anticipated victory over
Wake Forest.
Mike Williams is one
of the strongest solo
performers currently
touring. He has opened
concerts for more than 25
nationally known acts. It
is not unusual for
reviews to favor his
performance over the
headline act.
At six-foot two, top-
ped by a mane of red
hair, with a booming
bass-baritone voice and a
big twelve-string guitar,
Mike fills the stage all by
himself. His stories and
songs flow out naturally
and easily, and Mike has
the knack for immediate-
ly figuring out who his
audience is, and staying
one step ahead of them
the whole way through
the show.
Mike has recorded
two albums, The Radio
Show and Free Man,
Happy Man. Both albums
are lull of his original
songs, some of which
have also been recorded
by John Denver, The
Irish Rovers, and Mike
The music has a
country flavor to athe
pace of the show is down
home, and folks have a
tendency to sing or shout
along with Mike on
several of the choruses.
Everything about the
show demonstrates that
Mike's first concern is
for his audience. He
wants them to have as
much fun as he himself
In case of inclement
weather the concert will
be held in Hendrix
Theatre, Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center. � Also
Singer-songwriter Gene
Colton will appear in
concert at East Carolina
University Tuesday, Sept.
25 at 8 p.m. The
perlormance, a return
engagement; is spon-
sored by the ECL
Student Union, and will
be held in Wright Audi-
Now a recording star
with Ariola Records,
Colton has long been
known as a veteran ol
the college and small
elub circuits. His latest
single, "Before My Heart
Finds Out was included
in his debut album,
"Save the Dancer
Previous successlul
recordings by Gene Cot-
ton are the songs "Sun-
shine Roses" and
"You've Gol Me Run-
v limited number ol
tickets are available to
the public at S3 each.
rickets may be bought at
the door or al the ECL
Central Ticket Office in
Mendenhall Student Cen-
Auditions a time of
Gent- Cotton will appear 8:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. 25, at Auditorium.
Attractions !
The 1979-1980 Artists Series presents its first (
guest. Wood) Herman and The Young Thundering)
Herd, Wed Sept. 26, in Wright Auditorium. Tickets
ma) be purchased at the Central Ticket Office in
Mendenhall. Substantial savings may be gained by I
purchasing season tickets. � unc competing for a
Features Writer
Last Tuesday, after
auditions and callbacks, a
cast was chosen for the
lirst production ol the
ECL Playhouse, the mu-
sical The Streets of New
The audition is a time
ol great anxiety tor the
director, who must lind
the very best possible
actor out of the several
verv good actors- who
It is also a time of
anxiety lor the audition-
ing actor, each one
loping, praying lo be the
loosens requirements
� riie Army, unable to
meet its manpower goals,
will soon loosen schooling
requirements so more
oung men and women
can qualify tor enlistment,
sources say.
vt the same time, the
iinv is raising its
recruiting objective lor
the 1980 fiscal year
-tailing Oct. 1 in hopes
of overcoming this year's
The Army is elimina-
ting a requirement that
male and female volun-
teers complete at least
the lOlh grade before
irying to enlist, said the
sources, who asked to
remain anonymous.
Formal announcement
of the actions was
expected shortly.
"It won't make any
difference how much
schooling you've got, so
long as you can pass the
entrance qualification
lest" said one senior
The minimum accept-
able score on that mental
lest will remain at 31
The Arm) still will
hunt for as many high
Craft workshops offered
By Cheryl Fisher
Features 11 riter
Many of us use "I
didn't know what was
going on as an excuse
lor not becoming actively
involved at ECU. But for
jusl a few minutes of
your time you can
become informed about
and have ihe opportunity
to become part ol a
personally rewarding ex-
perience brought to you
direel from the Craft
Center located in Men-
denhall Sludent Center.
According lo Tanna
Nobles, the Craft and
Recreation Director, the
Crall Workshops are
about lo begin. These
workshops make avail-
able an excellent oppor-
tunity for you to learn
and enjoy a new hobby .
The workshops are
open lo all students at a
nominal fee of $10 per
semester for Crafts Cen-
ter Membership. This
membership enables an
individual to register for
any of the available
workshops with no ad-
ditional charges, exclud-
ing costs of personal
supplies and a small lab
fee should the Craft
Center furnish supplies.
All persons interested
in these classes must
register. This can be
done at the Crafts Center
in Mendenhall from 3
p.m. to 10 p.m. Monday
through Friday, and 12
p.m. to 5 p.m. on
Saturdays. The final day
lo register is Saturday,
September 29.
Don'l miss out on the iun
or the experience. Class
is limited
register now!
The following work-
shops are available.
Basic instruction is
wheel-thro wing and
hand-building techni-
ques, glazing, decal ap-
plication, and firing of
clay. (Lab Fee � $2).
Section A: 6-9 p.m.
(Mondays), Oct. 1, 8, 15,
22, 29, and Nov. 5.
Section B: 6-9 p.m.
(Weds.), Oct. 3, 10, 17,
21, 31, and Nov. 7.
Beginning Jewelry
Design and make
your own jewelry using a
varhy of techniques to
create pieces such as
silver rings, bracelets,
key chains, pendants,
etc. 6-9 p.m. (Tues.),
Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30.
Beginning Darkroom
Basic instruction in
darkroom techniques.
Students will develop and
print their own black and
white film. Section A: 6-9
p.m. (Tues.), Oct. 2, 9,
16, 23, 30 and Nov. 6.
Section B: 6-9 p.m.
(Thurs.), Oct. 4, 11, 18,
25, Nov. 1 and 8.
Basic techniques for
drawing and assembling
quilting designs includ-
ing appliques, log cabin,
mosaics, stars, and ca-
thedral window. Method
used will be quilt-as-
you-go. 7-9 p.m. (Mon.),
Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29.
St tuned Cluss
Learn cutting and
designing of stained
glass using copper loil
and came techniques.
Possibilities include win-
dow hangings, mirrors,
lamps, etc. Section A:
0-9 p.m. (Wed.), Oct. 3,
10, 17, 24 and 31.
Section B: 6-9 p.m.
(Thurs.), Oct. 1, 11, 18,
25 and Nov. 1.
Floor Loom Weaving
In exploring loom
control processes, a
number of samples will
be made which will
provide material for such
items as pillows, hand-
bags, or wall hangings.
Section A: 6-9 p.m.
(lues, and Thurs.)Oct.
2, 1, 11 and 18. Section
B: 6-9 p.m. (Tues. and
Thurs.) Oct. 23, 25, Nov.
1 and 8.
Wood Design
Techniques with
handlools. Instruction
will include simple joint-
er), construction tech-
niques, design consi-
derations and finishing
processes. 6-9 p.m.
(Mon.), Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22
and 29.
Basic steps ,j resist
dye techniques for pro-
ducing designs on fabric.
Possibilities include:
hangings, yardage, pil-
lows, scarves. 4-6 p.m.
(Mon.), Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22
and 29.
page 12
school graduates as it
can attract, officials said.
High School graduates
generally have proven
more reliable and more
likely lo finish their
enlistments, according to
military manpower
The relaxing of school
requirements for recruits
is the lalesl in a series of
steps ihe Army has taken
in a so-far unsuccessiul
effort lo fill ils ranks.
Gen. Edward C.
Meyer, ihe Army's new-
chief of staff, told a news
conference Monday that
"it looks now as though,
al the end of the fiscal
year, we are going to end
up somewhere around
13,000-to-15,000 short
Pentagon officials re-
ported shortly afterward
that the four services all
were below their enlist-
ment objectives by a total
of 23,300 men and
women as of the end of
August, only a month
from the finish of the
current fiscal year.
While loosening its
school requirements for
enlistment, the Army
upped its fiscal 1980 goal
lo 172,000 recruits �
nearly 15,000 above this
year's objective.
Last summer, the
Army reversed a year-old
policy and decided to
accept 17-year-old male
volunteers who have not
completed nigh school
but finished at least the
tenth grade.
chance lo perform, lo be
in ihe spotlight.
Many people not fa-
miliar VN,th the theatre
are unaware of the work,
planning and sweat that
goes into a production.
(One ol my suitemates
last year asked me why
we were rehearsing a
play 1 was in for five
'Even basketball
players don't take that
long. Can't you just do
it) The) don'l know of
the competition, ol the
tedious exercises, ol the
dreams of the actors.
1 had auditioned lor
The Streets of New York,
bul 1 wasn't cast. I will
admit to being disap-
pointed, but I know that
the aclors chosen are the
best ones for the show, ll
wasn't the lirst time 1
hadn't made it, and God
knows, il won't be the
1 remember the first
lime 1 lost a part. It was
lor the show The king
And I at the Fayetteville
Little Theatre. 1 was a
cockey little youngster. 1
walked into the theatre
and told the director,
1 in here She looked
al me.
'And who are you
viler squeaking out the
song "The Entertainer
which received a nice
round of giggles and
sympathetic applause, 1
crawled out of the
But, I didn't give up.
1 tried out again, and
again, and again. A lot ol
shows 1 didn't get cast,
bul then 1 did get east in
-nine shows. And that
makes il worth the
ill WING
I here have been sev-
eral times when I've felt
nke running away, or
(.hanging mv major to
English or Journalism. I
niee considered entering
Ol. Patrick's seminary in
Newark, Ohio and be-
cotning a priest.
But the next day I
always decide lo stick
with the theatre. 1 regain
my senses- (or lack ol
scuses as mv mother
put it. She wants me lo
be a veterinarian or a
lawyer or something that
makes money, so 1 can
-upporl her when she
re 11 res.)
1 have a Inend who
has been in New ork. It
seems lo be similar
ihere, only much fiercer.
lie told me after wailing
in the cold for hour
alter being turned down
countless limes, alter
being drunk more than
sober, alter fighting and
starving and ass-kissing,
lie got tired. He wanted
to quit.
DlDN i
lie didn't. The
he scanned the
lor ihe next
next day
bitten by
Bug the
comes part
you ve "been
the "Drama-
theatre be-
ol vou. You
can I stop,
living for
lou keep
that one
chance, that one moment
in the spot light. Be-
cause, who knows? May-
be. Maybe the next time
vou 11 make it.
Humor .?,
Dear fellow grovelers in the Halls of Academae,
1 went to a party the other night and wondered
soon after 1 got there, what in the hel! I was doing
there. It was one of those great, overblown affairs
where, if you're lucky, you know four people. And,
since there are so many people there, you can't find
the lew you know anyway. In order to get over feeling
like a boob, you get drunk.
Drinking, of course, is required at big parties. You
just aren't a part of things unless you're smashed to
"Pinch me one more time and I'll castrate you.
"Lin, hi, could you, um, move your foot a little �
no, the other one � yes, thank you. You were
landing on my toes and I think they've fallen off
"Heloooo. Yes, down here! Hi
But parlies aren't all bad. Parties give you a
greal opportunity lo lose control and all inhibitions. No
one notices. Everyone is too busy losing their own
control and inhibitions. What results compares with
remarkable accuracy to a zoo-just prior to feeding time.
iust aren I a part Ol inings uuiess you ic aiu�cu i� iii. .�.�� �j r�- � �- o
theeveballs or al least working on getting there, and People talk and laugh eight decibels higher than usual,
that'leads t'o further frustrations. lose their coordination and, in general, lose their trash.
For example if you bring your own vou have to Al the peak ol most parties, just about everyone is
content with hauling it around all nightYou simply, having a grand lime, wondering vaguely where all the
cannot bring beer and try to hide it somewhere, tun, Inendly people came trom.
Drunks looking for more and sobers searching for relief 1 ran inlo someone the other day who d attenued
are notoriously cunning about finding hidden stashes, that same uarty that 1 had. As I remember, and I
Ihe alternative is relatively simple: you lug your beer don't, really, he was standing on a chair waving a beer
around with you all night, and woe to those with a bottle around, announcing his love for life and people
high lolerance for alcohol. Two six packs are infinitely and the dirty communists. At the time of his oration, I
harder lo carry around than one. If you choose the was standing on a chair next to him, with an arm
sensible route and decide you'll keep your beer with around his shoulders, yelling that I agreed
vou then there's another problem. You know, the "Hi, wholeheartedly and did everyone know that I was
how'areyou can I bum a beer?" leeches. If you are double-jointed. I think I remember demonstrating,
even intermittently polite you have a big problem. M any rale, I ran into him and we immediately
Of course kegs are provided at a lot of big parties, dropped our eyes and scuttled
and you don't have to worry about bringing your own.
You can fight the great unwashed for a lousy five
ounce cup of warm beer instead. And three fourths of
the lime, the keg will have run out by the time you've
battled your way lo the tap.
Sane people hate to run into those who were pesent
during insane moments. If I go to any more big
parties, I'm going to spend the rest of my college
career scuttling past everyone on campus. Sure, you
lied your way to ine tap. �.� ���� �7' 7 r7 f ,
Even so, there are advantages to the 'keg' party, meet people at big parties, but most of us certainly
You have an excellent opportunity to meet some of the don'l want to meet them again.
guests and great starters. & "� embarassing.
"Excuse me, you jerk, you just poured beer all over
my shirt
UARNIN6 AfeovfT CocuTH rh9 Uto1
61 PAMIP rV0�l


lOOJ 1

Wet Willie plays
despite problem
Features Editor
Meatloafs All Revved Up (With No Place to Go)
blared appropriately from The Attic's twin six foot
speakers. Wet Willie's roadies frantically hopped about
the stage, adjusting an amplifier here, a reverb unit
there, hurridly compensating for last minute technical
problems with the P.A. system. Their efforts to cut as
short as possible an ever-lengthening delay failed to
placate the increasingly hostile crowd.
Forty minutes late, the lights dimmed, and one of
the South's most successful bands took the stage with
flair. Wet Willie opened the show with a lively, upbeat
number called "Ditty-ditty But the crowd, angry at
the delay, was unresponsive. Wet Willie played on.
Jimmy Hall, lead-singer, cajoled the audience through
each number. His physical and stylish resemblance to
Mick Jagger ranged from amusing to gut-wrenching as
the band went through songs ranging in style from
Soul to "White Reggae Nearly all of Wet Willie's
numbers were characterized by a light, funky rhythm.
Finally, persistence (and quality music) succeeded.
The demanding rhythm and lyrical rendition of "She
Won't Give It Up (Get It The Hard Way)" won the
audience over. The remaining numbers, including the
group's biggest hit, "Keep On Smiling and their
current 45, "Weekend had the crowd screaming for
an encore.
Wet Willie, from Mobile, Ala plays music with an
oplomistic feel. Their tunes show a heaw
rhythm-and-blues, soul and, of course, rock-and-roll
influence. It is "good feeling" music, flightly funky
and easily danceable.
AJ Handleman, of WRQR radio, Farmville,
interviewed the members of Wet Willie for his I V
program. The program was aired on Friday, Sept. 14.
v portion of the interview was recorded at 3:15 a.m.
that same Friday morning after the concert. The
following excerpts from that interview give some
20 September 1979 THE EAST CAROLINIAN Pspe 1j
Coffeehouse remodelled
Attic-goers view Wet
Willie, one of the South's
most successjul bands.
Wet Willie rocks crowd
despite technical pro-
Jtin my Hall, lead singer
for Wet Willie. (Photos by Hugh Johnson)
insight into how the group felt about the performance,
The Attic, and the Greenville area. It is reprinted with
Mr. Handleman's permission.
Handleman: We're speaking with two of the
members and the manager of Wet Willie. We have
here Jack and Jimmy Hall, vocalists with the group.
They are brothers; Jimmy is the lead singer and also
plass harmonica and sax. Jack is younger and plays
lead guiiar and bass. Despite the fact that the P.A.
was not up to the standards of a 'big' group like Wet
Willie, the audiende thoroughly got into it and the
group was dynamite.
Wet Willie: You get accustomed to the sound after
one or two songs. The audience enjoyed the show in
spile ol it.
There was a delay, tonight, some problems with the
1 v. system. What happened?
W lien hiu play clubs, it's a lot more intimate, more
tun in some ways, but you don't have the control over
the equipment. We don'l carry a P.A. system with us
to club dates' the club provides them. Our
"club-crew" spent a lot of time working on the sound
system here trying to get it to sound right (it did sound
good, in spite of the problems.) We did have trouble
with the sound and monitoring systems, and the crowd
was beginning to get restless. It was close to 1:00
before we got started.
Did-you feel the vibrations from the audience?
Despite the problems, they thoroughly got into it.
Once we hit the first note, it was all behind us.
Everybod) was screaming and hollering after every
lunr. Il was a good response. 1 Jimmy Hall was
happy. 1 sweated off about live pounds. It was nothin'
but lun here in Greenville.
Still, 1 noticed ou were a little upset with the P.A.
There's got to be some good P.A. companies
around here. You can't blame it on the Attic.
Didn't they know what kind of system you would
Yes, bui it's like vou walk in and they've ordered
the equipment you need but it somehow doesn't all get
ihere. There's not enough cords, not enough mikes,
not enough channels. So rather than saving, "We can't
work with this we say, "We're going to have to use
it The band may suffer by it, by not sounding as
good as thev might, but the show must go on. No
mailer who plays at the Attic, they're going to be in
the same situation. I think it's very sad. People ought
to slarl demanding good sound. We've played them
all, and the Attic is not a bad place.
'Eyes of
Laura Mars9
is sheer
all the way.
-Hotywood Reporter
No one admitted once the film begins
Executive Producer JACK H HARRB � Associate Producer LAURA ZISKIvl � Directed by RNlsi KERSHNER
Lowe Theme fromEyes of Laura Mars (Prisoner) Sung by BARBRA STREISAND-Music by ARTt KANE
Fri. and Sat. night at 7 &
9 in the Hendrix Theatre
Sponsored by the Student Union Films Committee
The Student Union
Colleehouse Committee
kicks off their fall
schedule with auditions
this Friday and Saturday
night, Sept. 21 and 22. at
9 in room 15, Menden-
Patrons will be greet-
ed by a remodelled
stage, new lights, new
sound, and the recenl
addition of a stereo
system to entertain the
audience between sets.
"The stereo should
be well received Doug
While, Coffeehouse chair-
person said. 'There
won't be that deathly
silence between sets
anymore. It really used
lo break the mood of the
White said the stereo
was a gill from the
Student Union. The sys-
tem was bought several
years ago and had fallen
mlo disuse.
The commillee holds
auditions once a semes-
ter, and acts booked
liiruughout ihe semester
generally come from
these auditions. White
encouraged anyone who
feels they have talent to
tryout. Interested persons
should contact ihe Stu-
dent Union office in
Mendenhall before 5
p.m. Friday.
"1 think we've kept
some of ihe best features
ol ihe past and added
some new ones White
said. "We're trying to
provide a little variety in
our shows this year,
perhaps some jazz or a
string quartet, and we're
going lo try to have
another uuldoor jam be-
lore it gels too cool. Our
hr�t jam, unfortunately,
had to be cancelled due
Ui rain
While added that the
commillee is always open
lo new acls, especially
non-musical ones, since
"we hardly ever get
.vdinission lo the
auditions is free, and the
commillee offers a wide
selection ol cookies, teas,
cheeses, soli drinks, and
other snacks al no
additional price.
every Friday Afternoon From 3-7pm
comng wed. 5 DEGREES SOUTH
N.C. No. 3
Pizza Inn

MonFri. 11:30-2:00
Mon. �P Jnes. 6:00 8:00
Evening buffet .��
758-6366 Hwy 264 bypass Greenville , N. C.

Page 12 THE EAST CAROLINIAN 20 September 1979
Super Grit
Hosts benefit
Sunday, September 23rd at 3D30 p.m the Super
Grit Cowboy Band headlines an outdoor country-rock
lest to benefit the Lakeland Center in Littleton, N.C.
The concert kicks off Lakeland's 1979 Arts and Music
Festival scheduled thru September 30th.
Also appearing will be Tumbleweed, a group who
irequently tours with Super Grit because of their
distinctive, yet complementary sound. At a recent
outdoor performance in Wilson, N.C, the two bands
drew an estimated 3,500 ecstatic fans.
Filling our the afternoon's entertainment are two
groups making their first appearance in the area,
Home & Jamieson and Paydirt. Both bands are
expected lo serve up a good selection of country, rock
and blues flavored material.
Dividing their time between constant touring and
working on their second album in the studio, Super
Gril is also negotiating with a couple of interested
national record labels, concerning distribution of their
future product. In addition, the five member band
regularly plays at the Lone Star Cafe in New York City.
It was al a performance last spring in "New York's
wildest honky tonk" that the band eyed a familiar
figure frantically danging to their current single,
"Carolina By The Sea Mick Jagger of the Rolling
Presley's doctor charged
Super Grit Cowboy Band concert for the Littleton
will headline a benefit Cultural Center Sept. 23.
Stones slopped backstage after the gig to congratulate
ihe group. "And what do you call your band he
asked. Clyde Mattocks, the steel player, answered,
"Super Grit. What do you call yours?"
Super Grit's most unique performance of the year,
"The Hood Swamp Symphony Ball" with the East
Carolina Symphony is scheduled to be filmed for public
television in early October at ECU.
Tickets for the concert are $7.00 in advance and
$8.00 al the gate. All proceeds will go to the Lakeland
Arts Center. Ticket information for the festival and
directions to Littleton can be obtained by calling
Clarke reaches endofline
(AP) � Elvis Presley's
personal physician in-
, discriminate prescribed
painkillers and other
drugs for the late rock
V roll king, the state
Board of Medical Expm-
iners has charged.
Dr. George Nicho-
poulous was charged
Tuesday in an adminis-
trative complaint with
improperly prescribing
drugs lo 16 persons,
including Presley and
singer Jerry Lee Lewis.
.Nichopoulos was
Presley's physician for 11
years before "the enter-
tamer's ideath on Aug.
10, 1977. The allegations
against ihe doctor were
based on an examination
of pharmacy records.
n examination of
said records indicates
that said drugs were
either not prescribed for
legitimate medical rea-
sons or were prescribed
in excessive amounts or
were not prescribed in
good faith to relieve an
illness or informity the
complaint said.
Federal investigators
have filed criminal
charges against two other
Memphis-area physicians
in recent months for
alleged prescription
abuses. Criminal charges
have not been filed
against Nichopoulos.
-Nichopoulos could not
be reached for comment-
but his attorney, Ken
Maslerson, said he ad-
vised his client to make
no statements before the
board's -hearing, prob-
ably in late October or
early November.
The doctor would face
suspension or revocation
of his license lo practice
medicine if the charges
were sustained at the
Features Writer
Arthur C. Clarke has reached the end of the line,
both literally and figuratively. His latest novel, The
Fountains of Paradise, is also his last. As Clarke
himself put it, "I've said all I wanted to say
Ending a gloriously eventful career, Clarke has
been involved in such milestones as being a consultant
lo NASA, writing the screenplay to the highly
acclaimed film, 2001: A Space Odyssey, based on his
own short story "The Sentinel and a long term
friendly ieud with fellow scientist and writer, Isaac
The Fountains of Paradise is set on the island of
Taurobane, a fictional version of Clarke's home Sri
Lanka, lormerk Ceylon. The story concerns two men,
King Kalisada and Vannevar Morgan. King Kalidasa,
a second century monarch, designs the ultimate
paradise garden on top of the mountain, Sri Kanda.
Bui before his dream can become a reality, he must
first overcome the opposition that wishes to remove
him from his llirone.
Two ihouand years later, Vannevar Morgan, the
twenty-second century's most prominent engineer,
envisions a lower stretching from earth into space.
Like King Kalidasa, Morgan has problems. Finances
are minor. The real dilemma is getting permission
from a group of monks who consider he mountain to
be sacred.
The book is definitely superior to most of the trashy
fiction currently being marketed, but certainly a
disappointment considering some of Clarke's previous
works. He seems to have abandoned his talent at
weaving an intricate plot, instead relying on the weak
and simple formula used in Imperial Earth, Clarke's
la?l novel. Plot-wise, Clarke has written better works,
most of them near the beginning of his career,
particularly his 1953 anti-utopian triumph, Childhood's
The plot is not the only weakness evident in the
book. Several chapters, congruent in theme to
Clarke's 1973 Hugo and Nebula award winning novel,
Rendezvous with Rama, were included and have a
small, if not superfluous, relevance to the main
ihe ending is a cheap one; the type that leaves the
reader terribly angry and grotesquely dissatisfied. A
unier ol Clarke's caliber should have produced better.
loo many loose ends were left dangling, and the entire
purpose seems to have been defeated by the
incompetent, escapist conclusion.
Other things contribute to general reader confusion.
Frequent allusions to Hindu and Buddhist theology
play an important and integral part in the overall
understanding of the book, and unless the reader is
somewhat familiar with these religions, it is extremely
hard to comprehend the book's more complex ideas.
Several minor characters, serving equally minor
purposes, lend to jam avenues of clarity. Quoted
verses, some of Clarke origin, and some genuine,
serve no conceivable reason.
While The Fountains of Paradise contains evident
flaws, its many virtues balance out to make the book
worthy of perusal. The analog between King Kalidasa
and Vannevar Morgan is well handled; an ingenious
accomplishment on the literary scale. It also serves to
prove that ultimately, all men have the same fanatic
dream: lo reach the stars, or in a more figurative
sense, obtaining heavennirvana.
The prose is strong. At times, it is expertly laden
with brilliant imagery. Otherwise, Clarke writes in a
tight, straight-forward manner. Its length is adequate;
not boringly long or acutely short.
With the exception of the minor characters
mentioned earlier, Clarke's creations are easily
believed and the average reader would have little
trouble identifying with them. Their strengths and
weaknesses are explored to full potential. Priorities are
dear, and Clarke is consistent in keeping them within
the plain of plausibility.
Lighter moments are not lacking in this mostly
dramatic novel. The book is finely garnished with a
hearty seasoning of Clarke's subtle humor. Occasional
interjections suggest that things considered to be of
great significance in this and the pre.ious decade will
be confused bv people of the twenty-second century.
Reader, familiar wilh CLarke also have the upper hand
as he constantly advertises his earlier works in devious
puns. Ihe zenith of humor comes as Clarke chooses to
immortalize Walter Cronkite by naming a school of
electronic journalism after the noted television
.vrlhur C. Clarke was born in England in 1917.
viler serving in World War II, he began writing and
turned professional in 1951. Clarke is the author of
numerous short stories and 40 books, with 20 of them
being volumes of fiction. In addition, he has
co-aulhored seven books. Clarke is a two-time Hugo
wvard recipient and has also received the pretigious
Bradford Washburn Award, given for outstanding
contributions to public understanding of science.
Clarke currently resides in Colombo on the island
paradise of Sri Lanka.
Crafts Center
Basic techniques used
in ihe arl of creative
knotting. Hanging plant-
ers, wall hangings, belts
or handbags are just a
few of the project
possibilities. 7-9 p.m.
Wed.), Oct. 3, 10, 17,
and 24.
Uandbuill Christmas
Make beautiful as
well as useful gifts for
your friends and family
Lewis also was not
available for comment.
Dr. Jerry Francisco,
Shelby County medical
examiner, has previously
said traces of 10 drugs
were found in Presley's
body but only four-
methaqualonc, codeine
and two unspecified bar-
biturates-were found in
significant quantities.
On Tuesday, Fran-
cisco reiteraled his belief
that while the drug
traces were found in
Presley's body, "the
cause of death was still a
heart allac.
Edward Johnson, di-
rector of health boards
for the stale public
health department, said a
seven-page complaint
was liled against Nicho-
poulos lasl week.
ccodiiig lo the doc-
ument, ihe drugs pre-
scribed lot Presley be
twecu Jan. 20, 1977 and
the day he died included
Biphelamine and Dexe-
drine, hftlh ampheta-
mines; Dilaudid, a pain-
killeruaalude, a seda-
tive; Amytal, a barbi-
turale, IVrcodan, a seda-
tive; Demerol, a narcotic
painkiller, and cocaine
hydrochloi ide.
The complaint said a
routine audt. ol Memphis
drug stores showed
Nichopoulos indiscrimina-
tely prest ribed stimu-
lants, depressants, and
painkillers lor Presley
during ihe months before
he diel.
Nichopoulos, in a
lelevisiM. iie-Tview de-
nied Ji.ti i had impro-
perly .li sct iied drugs.
continued from page 10
� mirror frames, tree
ornaments, mobiles,
beads, napkin rings,
jewelry boxes, and more.
(Lab Fee 3 1). 7-9 p.m.
(lues.), Oct. 23, 30 and
Nov. 0.
Christmas Patchwork
Gill ideas and decor-
ations made wilh needle
and thread patchwork
and calido. 0-8:30 p.m.
(lues.), Oct. 30, Nov. 0
and 13.
1 aacBB�
Leather Handbags
$10 to $29
�Shoes R�pair�d To Look
ftiggon Shoe Repair
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Come by or call
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Reduced Student Rates
Features Included:
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Nautilus Machines d? the moat
sophisticated exercise machines made).
25 OFF
409 Evans St.

The East Carolinian, September 20, 1979
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 20, 1979
Original Format
Local Identifier
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