Fountainhead, July 31, 1979

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Circulation 4,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
'Vol. 55 No. 30"
31 July 1979
Reprinted with permission from the
August 1979 Reader's Digest
When auditors examined the records of a
lederal job-training program in East St. Louis III
the discovered thousands of blank payroll clocks
missing. I hough no one knows exactly how much
money ma) have beenujst, the checks could have
been worth a fortune in the underworld says one
auditor. Incredibly, no effort had been made to stop
payment on them.
For five years after that, in fact, the US
Department ol Labor failed to try to trace the checks. Nor did Labor lift a finger to collect
W million that the same program owed the U.S.
Ireasur) because of misspending. By the time
congressional investigators found this out, Labor no
longer had ties with the program, and chances for
prosecution or recovery of the money and checks
were virtuallv nil.
Inexcusable? Yes. Unusual? Hard After
examining a major General Accounting Office review
ol what happens to government audit finding, House
Government Operations Committee Chairman Jack
Brooks (D Texas) declared: "Thousands of audit
reports identiiying the waste of billions of dollars
have been allowed to collect dust for years without
an) agenc) action to correct abuses or collect
impropcrl) spent money. Billions of dollars are
going down the drain because federal administrators
don't care
Were are a lew more examples:
? Auditors disclose that virtually half of a
SI 00,000 Office of Minority Business Enterprise
(OMBL) grant to a southern Illinois company had
been squandered on such items as unjustified
salaries, travel and parties. Yet the Department of
Commerce - which runs OMBE - refused for two
years to act on the auditors' findings because the
official response gave the audit "limited attention
B the time this case was reviewed by congressional
investigators, the company had gone out of
business. S.milarily ignored were 11 other audits on
OMBE programs disclosing waste of nearly 81
? Department of Health, Education and Welfare
auditors discovered that the State of Oklahoma
obtained 82.1 million in federal funds to use for the
educationally deprived only to spend it on the
general school population. An HEW official prepared
a letter requesting that ihe money be returned to
the lederal Treasury. Incredibly, 19 months passed
bclore the letter was mailedBy then the statue of
limitations had expired on 81.5 million.
? Government's failure to adequately verify the
income status of people receiving rent subsidies
could be costing taxpaver- 89 million a year
according to one survev. In a related mortgage-
subsid) program, GAO lound that nearly one out of
jive participant. reported less income to the
Department of Homing and Urban Development
? ihc Internal Revenue Service. (The ,ower
"?comc r),M , o mD w hc
LM ?'M?d problems with HI!) income
J-hca, m 1978 9?6 (975 l9?3 9?n -e
i1; rh'b 'ar H,lJ n?all) acknowledged
-i commissioned . maj?, sludv, wh
" ;l hundfvds lh?ds o, dollars Bu, up
? In the past lour years the C VO has
reports dela.lmg waste in the Defens. Depart
sale ol nniiarv equipment ? foreign counlrie
essence, UOD accounting procedures an ?.
l deter how mud, we should charge lor
weapons we sell. the price
mw Juo low. These GAO and ,
revealed loes in excess ol SI billion
Although Budgel Director Jam. - j
? kared agencies thai the mUM
r?-?li?g and reports ol waste and eorrupl
??" colleagues in the Garter Administration have
tTTMrai I?g imcresl in .he problem
,mj I' i'lU al the agencies don'l .??,
concerned, says Chariman Brooks ivh.
committee is going to "keep on their I k-
Maryland Hep. Robert Bauman, the GOP s,
,Ual;1J" 'Jljr- In- will continue introdut
'udgct-cutling amendments which could
lederal agencies to reduce waste.
Congressmen like Brooks and Bauman
support. Alter all. H your tax monev.
man a
N - Bureau
to streng-
? ihersily's ef-
?btain greater
? support lor the
Wains II has
1 named Corporate
Foundations Rela-
tion dirci ir for East
Carolina I mv ersit) .
?! mi an alumnus
EGl . has been ser-
as ssistanl to the
v Ghan ? llor for
Hairs and as
Director the EGL
Medical foundation.
Inc lur ihe past two
cars. He is 31.
Hi uppoinlmenl to
'I new university-wide
'o-i was announced Sa-
lurdav l.v Donald L.
Lemish, Vice Chancellor
l??i Institutional Ad-
ancement and Plan-
1 he basic function"
1,1 Ihe office ol Cor-
porate ami Foundation
delations director vill
1 I" cultivate and
solicit major corpora-
tions and foundations in
I'm County, .North Car-
olina ami throughout
ihe nation lor .special
ili- supporting pro-
grams al East Carolina
I imcrsity Lemish
Other principle re-
sponsibilities, Lemish
said, will include:
?Waiting proposals
lot specific
ject support
corporal ions
major pro-
Iroin major
and louu-
what's iNsidc
Bob Marley's Reggae music p. 5
'The Hollywood Horror9 p. 6
Four pro-football players honored p. 7
?Coordination of
prospect research in re-
lalion to the cultivation
and seeking ol corporate
and loundalion support,
?developing and im-
plementing special do-
nor recognition pro-
gram- loi ihe corporate
and loundalion sector.
1 lie mu position i
"in o three lu be
rt ated in reorganization
ol ihe existing advance-
ment and development
programs at EGL, Lem-
ish -aid.
Adams1 appointment
i- elleciivc immediately,
Leiiii-h said.
Adams, while ser-
ving a- assistant to the
ice Chancellor lor
Health Aliairs which
included the Schools til
Allied Health, ami the
Allied Health Librarv,
Nursing ami Medicine,
lie also performed ad-
ministrative duties
ivhich included public
relations, public affairs,
legislative aliairs and
volunieer development.
Lemish said that in
his new position Adam
will continue to have "a
verv important role" in
lund i.ii;i! for the
EGL School of Medi-
Prior lo 1978, Adams
was Director ol In-
dustrial Salelv and
Public Relations. Q
Industrial Crnni ssion,
;?? 'n i In 1973-74,
he worked as field dir-
ll??" mlh in.
National Bed Gross.
Earlier lie ua- planning
director responsible for
al planning including
giant applications, pro-
posal submission, coni-
"iiuiitv relations and
volunteer support lor
ihc Ollice i Economic
Opporluuil) it
r ify H
i igrad-
W h.le a
nale niajo, , ,? J?.
dustrial Psycliology at
EGL. Adams served as
I'ltsideni of the Student
Government Association
OCA). He was also
SKakcr ol the Student
Legislature and a mem-
Inc university
and the uni-
Manuscript Collection to
Born ami reared in
Lexington, a Adams
attended Augusta Mili-
larv Academy, Ft. De-
liantv, a ami spent
ii veais in I lie U.S.
Wlorce as a Com-
muuit atious luteli. ence
upervis(,r. He is a Viet
Nam veteran.
He and his wife
have one son, Robert
Kitwell Adams III, 3.
transit system is
wot king low ai
Bus route added
Ll New- Bureau
ll East Carolina
ist pi Golleetion, a
jovmi Librarv
ECl . -a- 11 a
"I MV. Irom
Vational Historical
at ions ami Ke-
ill'Ktj to support a
lMJ l io arrange and
describe the paper- of
Rli Fl. leher, Lucv
Cherr Gn-p ami Doro-
ih Kepiton Kno.
Vciording to Gollec-
??' director Donald K.
Leiiiion ?. vtdum-
papers ol these
lliree noted uonien au-
thor- and journalists are
?" present macvvssible
due It, lack of suitable
g anls. The fund-
ing of this project will
make it possible for re-
searcbers it, utilize the
In inen.lous wealth of
hi-loncal inlormation in
iht-e important collec-
Mrs. Fletcher (I889-
laW), a resident of
E.lentou, NC, was a
best celling noelist
?Ihimv 'Carolina Series" ?
"I historical novel- et-
ablisbed her a- an
inlernalioiiallv known
ant hoi.
Editions u several ol
l?er 5 books were
published in England,
Sweden, Denmark, Bra-
?il, Spain, orwav and
C.eehoslavalia. Mrs.
Hi t. her also operated a
nationwide lecture hur-
'?au, was a world Ira-
keler, and involved her-
el in various stale and
national cultural acli-
?itie. More than .33
linear feel ol corre-
-pontlence, diaries, jt-
erai; manuscripts ami
dipping- reflect her
Mis- Grisp (I8W-
IU77J ol ?,n County,
NC, wa- a w(dl-known
columnisi ami feature
writer lor the Raleigh
A en 6 and Observer,
poet, evecutive sccn-larv
t?l ihe ,C Art Society,
and administrator of the'
North Carolina An Gal-
lerv. Her folkways col-
umn "By-Way ? and
Hedges" was a popular
feature of the .eus and
Observer for more than
a decade.
Among her dose
personal friends were
Dr. George Washington
Carver, novelist Lloyd
C. Douglas, and artists
Inlip Moose and
Claude How ell.
Miss Km (. JH96)
as a leading columnisi
and lea lure writer for
'I'f Charlotlv Obsrrter
lu "lore than pj vear.s.
During World War l
-h. wa- involved in Red
Citiss wtnk ami carried
aclne correspon-
denee with soldiers ami
with such leading lit-
erar figures as Mar-
gari-l Miichell and Edna
Hie National Histor-
ical I'ubliiations and
llecords Commission
See GRANT p.4
HEW secretary Harris
said to be 'tough lady9
Staff Write
President Carter's
new Secretary of HEW
is said to be a "tough
lad)" according to a
recent article in Time
magazine. Patricia Rob-
erts Harris, 55, is
considered b) her
colleagues to be every
bil as "abrasive" and
"pushy" as Califano.
She is said to differ in
one area, however, in
that if ?he loses a
battle, she will keep
uiel about it and help
in llie implementation of
lhe Administrative deci-
A congressional critic
is quoted as saying
Her temper gets her
in trouble. She fights so
bard that she loses
patience wilh people
ho don't see thinirs
her wa).
In spile of her
temper, Harris has
come a long way from
being the daughter of a
railroad dining-car wai-
ter and a civil servant.
She finished first in her
class at George Wash-
ington University Law
School before joining a
top Washington law
linn. She has served on
the boards of IBM,
Scot I Paper and Chase
Manhattan. She became
L.S. Ambassador to
Luxembourg and has
experience with the
administration from her
former position in HUD.
Senator Helms was
reported saying that if
she continues Califano's
policies in North Caro-
lina she will have a
hard time.
Staff Writer
The SGA will be
operating a bus to
Carolina East Mall
starting this fall, accor-
ding to SGA President
Brett Melvin and transit
manager Chubbv Ab-
Melvin stated that
the bus will be making
three trips per day at
lirst, at approximately l
p.m 6, and in the late
evening. Later on,
Abshire said, it is touted
lhat ihe service can be
increased to a run ever
The service is
planned to begin by
mid-September. The bus
will be making the runs
Monda through Thurs-
la according lo Ab-
The bus lo Carolina
East Mall is part of an
attempt to increase
transit service by the
SGA. Abshire said that
the transit committee is
considering extending
the "gold" route, which
includes several apart-
ment complexes, to
encompass the Green-
ville shopping centers.
A bus to the Pitt
County Memorial Hos-
pital is also being
considered, Melvin and
Abshire said.
The increased service
would be possible
partially due to the
purchase ol a new bus.
which Abshire said is
being contemplated. The
?wl ol a new bus
would Ik- about $20.110
which would come ii?i.i
student activitv tees ami
monev a I read v appro-
priated in ihe past. A
decision on the pur-
chase is expected in
Monelarv savings on
transit service during
summer school are also
responsible for the
possibility ol increased
service. In the second
session, (he SGA Iran-it
service has been oper-
ating vans rented Irom
ihe Athletic Department
in an agreement made
with Athletic Director
Bill Gain with the result
lhat costs are approxi-
malelv one-third of what
thev were for the first
session. TH. chart
below gives some
indication of the savings
resulting from the use
ol vans during the
second session.
1st session (buses used)
Total mileage: 765; Gas
u-ed (gals.): 611; Oil
used (Mts.): 19; Total
luue-ups: 240.
2nd session (vans used):
Tolal mileage:2197; Gas
used (gals.): 253; Oil
used (qts.): ; Total
tune-ups: 80
The SGA is renting
the buses at a coat of
10 cenls per m ii
is ji i n :
maiuiei ami
said. I In v
ail extra week all
se ? im end m
l"i' a ill
in er to
ihev art r. tui m
Alhletn UcpartMM
Dollai ,)
a mu- a a resu
?g the kail-
axailabh a? r tin Sii
'? ' eives bill Irom
Vlhlelii I), ,a, 1U
Ihe l( ka
?ami' about as part id a
It a-iluhiv stud bei
rt b ihe SGA
li au-n , .iruiiiiltt , . at
rding to Mr
inajT tdtj.ein VXil, t
determine what mileage
? In svsietn wonld
av?' vvith ihe van
McKmj al-o said
!?? ol Ihe S(, UM
ha.I miles pir gallon
rate- of 2? a ami M-2,
'bt tlilelic Department
?ans have mpg rales t.
?'3 ami 9.
Another factor in tin
'rial u-e of the van-
"as lhai the SGA buse-
hatl It, be laken t,ut id
service for maintenance
Ireqttenll) tiurmg the
lir-t -eion, according
lo Melvin.
The increased mile
age during second
session is due to the
use of the vans to
pro ide transportation lo
exlra areas and for
Sec BLSES p.4
? ??
ir -3r "J
r w,
? - m- ??

Pa?? 2 FOUNTAINHEAD 31July 1979
Energy plans questioned
Everyone these davs seems tn ho .
Everyone these days seems to be
talking about energy. And rightly so.
Its an inescapable fact of life that we
need energy to survive. Another
inescapable fact is that the energy
sources we now utilize will not last
forever ? we need to look out for
future generations, and for the future
of our own generation as well.
Two weeks passed since President
Carter gave his long-awaited energy
speech which itemized proposals to
reduce U.S. dependence on foreign
oil. In addition to this, he enacted an
order that stated, beginning Monday,
July 16, thermostats in public
buildings we to be kept no lower than
78 degrees, nationwide. The practi-
cality of this proposal is a question of
immediate concern to us, since
campus buildings a'e included in
public buildings
The very day the proposed order
was to take effect, the Raleigh News
and Observer cited several examples
such establishments as restaurants
and department stores, where raising
the temperature would seriously harm
the financial success of the enterprise.
The article also stated that the
attempt to save energy may have
been in vain, as some office personnel
were resorting to using electric fans
on their desks to keep the office at a
comfortable temperature.
Here on the ECU campus, we are
experiencing a considerably warmer
atmosphere in the buildings, which
may or may not have an adverse
effect on the learning process. What
there is to consider, however, is the
fact that these warmer temperatures
and excessive humidity may do some
damage to such things as books
stored in buildings, library materials
and equipment such as musical
instruments which are tremendously
affected by changes in temperature.
Make your feelings about this
subject known.
Planning to travel this summer?
More power to the students?
As summer session nears its end,
we at Fountainhead would like to take
this opportunity to commend those
students who have endured the heat
and temptation of the beach to attend
classes, and to wish all good luck on
exams, and a safe and enjoyable
summer vacation.
To aid summer travel planning, we
are printing the following as a public
service from the Bureau of Public
Affairs. U.S. Department of State:
Well, let's see JM ta (Ms pfe
and add up your ctrrtct
only provide minimal inXmmSloJSX
or trading in drugs to De arrested and i
room where drugs are found is suffice
are there to and help you They cannot however do itaZS
More power to the students?
II we only knew what power we have now a
students, it would amaze us.
Everything, everything on this campus is
oriented to the students. The education is tor the
students. Ihe various organizations, clubs, fra-
ternities, sororities, athletic teams, intramural teams
and campus activities are lor the students. We are
hast Carolina University.
But ho many students get involved? How many
students rare about what happens at ECU?
'1 don't want to gel involved" is the repeated
cry ol the passive bystanders. No one wants to get
ii ohcd. &
We talk about getting involved as if it were a
type ol fatal disease that would spread all over ne's
body leaving permanent sears. Well, we are right
about two things: It can spread and it will leave an
The opportunities to get involved are there. Thev
always have been.
lake student government, lor example. Granted
-me of us don't huv, the desire or the motivation
" be involved in student government. That is
understandable. But how many students close their
eyes and turn their head, the other way when
matters concerning them and their money are being
discussed. ' 5
Must students sil idly by, not caring where or
how their money ,s spent, ye. we pav an exorbitant
amount in student fees.
T F ?ino io up your ctrrtct answers. "????? bhpb. amount in student fees '
ooiSM-mffOiffi Free oil market, can hHn? on.?
oorjaawMBtaaa. ei can Dring energy
visiting and the American Fmha?-c dwTXi iKS'? rt . ?'
o o X'STa w ?m ltm m m us ?m
O O !i?matter "na! happens th US. Embassy can bail me out of M or
other serious trouble After all I am an ZScmcSm'
o o, sa WasncSaisa ,n m ?" ???"
o o ,s,sk
It you answer mi "FALSE" to all of the atom, tlmt yw art a
seasoned traveler who can protaMv leek forward t?a
smooth, successful trip abroad, ft you aetweredTRlJF"
to any or all, please read on.
n.i ui1 tele is a
leliut.s, jn,m Header's
idle. )
Lynn Beyar
Barry Clayton
Jeff Rollins
Bill Jones
Lisa Drew
Jimmy DuPree
Debby Newby
Steve Bachner
Robert Swairn
Paul Lincke
FOUNTAINMEAO it tha Mu0ant llTlaaili of
East Carolina Unhraraity apariaaiad by Hm Madia
Board ol ECU and di?rHHrt?d ?? T.awd.T?
ThursJay durina lh acadamk ?? lmMUfm
tna summer)
Editorial opinion ara Ihoaa ? Mm EaNlorial Board
and do not nacaaaarlly raftad tha aaliiU af ??
univaraity or ttta Madia Board.
Our oitica ara local ad on nm aaoawd floor of Mo
Publications Cantar (OM South furtrjuuu Our?-
?ddrew Old Sow BuUdtooTtCU, Oraarwm
N.C 27?34. ? ?ro?wma.
Our phona numbara ara: f$7-M?, ?M7 and
t309 Subscrrptions ara $10 ?nnuolty, i"
annually. Subscript ion raquaata atimdd b?
10 tha Circulation Manaoor.
America's former
"energy car" and Sec-
retary of the Trr-asury
says that the Maine
lor the current oil crisis
lays "squarely on the
government" and that a
way out is to ' ,ui ?ur
,ru1 " the normal
market mechanism
Writing in the Au-
gust Header's Digest,
William E. Simon says
that former President
Ford eould have erased
I he grolesquerie of
controls" by decontrol-
ling oil prices in 1975.
Instead, Simon says,
Mr. Ford strengthened
their grip by signing
one of the most pern-
iciously inane pieces of
legislation in recent
years: the Energy Policy
and Conservation Act of
I he act, coupled
with the introduction of
the catalytic citiaerter
which requires the use
ol unleaded fuel in
cars, strangled the oil
companies' ability to
new sources
search for
of oil.
In addition,
Simon writes, refiners
lace a maze of regu-
lations in their attempts
to build necessary new
refineries. "Since the
early 1960s he says,
'19 major refinery pro-
jects have been aban-
doned because of gov-
ernmental retulations.
? -?? m
Onl two major refiner-
ies have been built in
the past ten years.
How to resolve the
problem now? Mr. Si-
mon thinks that a move
by President Carter to
decontrol oil prices
would help. Price, he
notes, has three basic
1) It produces,
bv offering oil compan-
ies enough incentive to
warrant the highly risky
business of exploratory
drilling; 2) It conserves,
by forcing more careful
use (such as devel-
opment of lighter cars,
better-insulated build-
ings, more careful use
l power by industry);
and 3) h develops
alternatives; "prior to
the 1973 embargo, how
many times did you
hear solar energy dis-
cussed?" he asks as
one example.
Turning to the "nor-
mal market mechan-
im Mr. Simon ar-
gues, would allow prices
lo increase so as to
accomplish those three
He recommends
three additional steps:
I) Expedite the opening
of public lands for ex-
At least six to
seven million offshore
acres should be leased
each year to maintain
present production lev-
els. But since 1970,
federal offshore leasing
has averaged only 1.04
million acres a year.
W e must speed up the
leasing process, Simon
argues. 2) Ensure an
adequate strategic re-
serve. Simon notes that
legislation to create a
billion-barrel oil reserve
by 1985 was first de-
vised lour ears ago.
Uul to date the Dept.
"I Energy has stored
??l) 81 million barrels,
less than a tenth of the
goal. 3) Keep a close
??i the Environ-
mental Protection Agen-
cy, which ran Ik rv ,
sivcly Jealous hi its
attempts i orco
through restrictive rules
?n the name of "pro-
tecting" the environ-
A Iree market will
"ol inslaiitl) Ho us
with gasolin?? Simon
writes. "But let's give
'? a chance to uork lor
"? II we leave it alone,
?' will have all the
energy uc will need
11 is "ol ?n'y ihe money students don! car-
about. It is, also the student government iUell. How
much longer arc we going to tolerate these personal
lll"al pins, by our student government officials' 1
always thought the SGA was supposed to represent
? siudents, but that's obviously a mis-
understanding on my part. The students in the S(,
arc loo busy their personal vendettas and their
Sam-Lrvin-Jrrole-playing" to do what's best for
Ihe universal and, the student bod) usually doesn't
pen care about the SGA decision j don even
know which is the worse ol the two evils.
arcaLTII(rHlVl, " ? an?ther involved
example "ewspaper, Fountainhead, for
Vgain not everyone has tin- desire or perhaps
7r" l 'V K1;u' klil ?? "te for the newspaper. But
? woulrf help ,1 we would read it. We should have
"h; desire to keep ourselves informed about our
"imers.ty h duesn'l take that much effort or time
? read tountainhead, and if you are justifiably
dissatisfied with some of the stories then let the
???'?r know a. lt's ()ur money h,s ouf
Athletics also belong to us. Not all of us are
alnle.icallv inclined, though, so this thing called a
spectator vsas invented long ago.
There are eighteen sports at ECU which
represent us as students but how many do we
gains But do u go ,o the game to support our
?'1f ?-m, or do we go to the game to Tx Jack
Daniels coke and talk to our friends'l
Any student can get in tree to anv all
J??? h showing their ECL ID. But m?sl ,?
?! a lack o. L am,n,Mra ?ne problem
?or womlvt athlefilt"18 " " " "V
i'l'e problem is us, the students
uncaring, uiunvolved, unsupportive attitude.
M.Jjl ol u, art. hcre lor lour years, mor,
1 -? H.a. is an awful long tmie lor us to ??, rjr
aliout ourselves.
?r'z ? ir r
Position available for fall semester
Assistant to the editor
will involve mostly research work for editorial topics.
experience necessary
research experience and ability helpful.
Apply by August 6

31 July 1979 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 3
u ? : enthusiasts, honeysuckle is abundant
Greenville urea during the summer
l s an extremely fragrant and beautiful,
This is the last
issue of
until fall
writers wanted
for the all new
, If you're interested in a challenging,
rewarding experience on a very
flexible part-time basis then read on.
. The FOUNTAINHEAD needs a few
erergetic, creative people to join thel
advertising staff. The requirements
are simple: You must be willing to
devote a reasonable amount of your
spare time to this occupation. You
should be willing to dress in a neat,
businesslike manner and follow
through on assignments.
. Your income will be determined by
your degree of effectiveness as a
salesperson; all earnings will be
based on sales volume. In addition,
you will gain valuable sales
experience along with exposure to
all types of businesses.
, If the prospect of earning extra
money, gaining valuable experience
and accepting a genuine challenge
appeals to you then we need to talk
about it.
. To arrange an appointment that
could make this school year
something really special call:
Mr. Robert Swaim at 757-6366
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. or fill
out an application at the
- Neatness and attractive appearance
are essential.
H. Business minded females are
especially encouraged to apply.
- ? - ?
? ?f ?? ?
fk. -ft 1- fi

Page 4 FOUNTAINHEAD 31 July 1979
Med School awards
three students
Three students in ECU's Med School have
rcwnll) been recognized lor their achievement and
dedication in iheir respective fields. The third-year
ludents have been honored with several awards for
scholastic achievement and community service.
tugene D. (Dave) Day, Jr. received the Vivian
Ncal Barnes Memorial Award lor academic
hievemenl in Pharmacology. The award was
? ial?li?licd in memory of the mother ol Donald W
Uurne, ol the Department ol Pharmacology and is
im-senled annually to the outstanding student in
Dav and rhomas L. Beat.), Jr. of Charlotte were
Mn x-hvled b) the student to receive the
-ange Medical Publications Annual Award. The
Award recognizes two outstanding students
iach class and provides them with a choice ol
lu" ,?,??'?l texts from the California-based
Sig?l?H- . Duck was chosen b the student
Iiks - organization of a series of
cd lectures to high school students and
i?s leadership it. coordinating medical student
?'? 'he school's health education oilier
I'as alo served as president ol the ECU
I amilx I i ;u hee Club.
Medical College
Admissions Test
date announced
Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) will
'red at Easl Carolina University on Saturday
N'ptcmber 15. Application blanks' are to be
il'l'll) ami mailed '? Ihe American College
??g Program, P.O. Box 414, Iowa City, Iowa
J?W, It. arrive b August 20. There 'are no
' 'H'uus to the deadline, so mail early.
Application blanks are also available at the Testing
Center, Speight Building. Room 105, ECU.
M' I" S" Childem, Director, East Carolina
?1 testing Center, announces receipt of the
?ale Record Examination Bulletin of
? and Application for 199-80. The 1979-80
dales arc:
October 20. ll79
December 8, 1979
January 12. 1980
M'J'i 26, 1980
June I K I98Q
'?' the CHE mav pick up an
? Testing Center, Speigh"
? l? 105 or write ,o Craduate ReeoYd
'?mmaiions, Box 955. Princeton, NJ 08541
10th. St.
Body Shop Inc.
Route 3, Box 103
Phone 758-7185
Hwy. 33
3 Miles
The ECU Med School grows more prestigious as it expands.
Housing contract
deadline announced
ltLlT2J of Hous,ng' 8:id
Due to the demand for residence hall housing
or FairSemester 1979 the contract cancellation and'
room depos refund deadline has been extended
Irn, June 1 to August 17. Interested students who
are eligible to move from residence hails should
contact the Housing Office in order to cancel tnJir
Bob Hope
"Red Cross
Library receives grant
Cont. from p. 1
( N " l'l? v.i- rt .uiil Historical Pub-
a???i -111 i ii L1111 g r e s in litalioiis.
' '? I ?uppn i ig. stuo ,ic ior ,?iiiini and l??ard, roordiiiait d b
'nanuseitpi ? oject Ulr iehnisi Or
ihrnughoui !h. L.S rile I horittuu . Mileheli,
(iiiiiiim.iii i an ad- lunelioiis m .North Car-
l?"cl m i National obua to oversee the
hivi - .md i- an 'vork ol the Commission
'?"igiowiii ii ilit' earlier rtithin tin- late.
A Pubic Service of This Newspaper fa
& The Advertising Council Si!
Complete Body Repair
And Refinishing
Both Foreign And Domestic
Tues. July 31st at the
The ELBO "Disgorilla" has
$75.00 for the best costume
plus contests, prizes & gifts
for the end of the semester.
Wed. Gents Nite
Thurs. College Nite
'Have a Good Summer'
from the staff of the
cont. from p. 1
'rieiHaiion, Melvin said.
M)liire told FOUN-
I UNHEAD that the
SGA hopes to run three
- vith a lourth one
back-up purposes,
Iwo van- in the tail
I'ster. The vans will
be used lor
night routes and tor
??utes with low rider-
The Student Union Travel Committee announced
its exciting line-up of trips for the coming school
y c&r.
Hawaii Trip
Spring Break-March 8-15
8 days and 7 nights
iTjjt K575??? ,nC,UdeS r?Und,r,P ?(? Iron,
Kaleigh-Durham Airport.
Fort Lauderdale-Disney World
Spring Break-March 7-16
Total cost 175.00 includes bus transportation
New York City
Thanksgiving Break Nov. 21-25
Total cosl au.00 includes bus transportation
! feoturlng
?tourqooise & Indian
?metal and solid brass
belt buckles
-Jo-it urself
leather kits
lOVo discount
jwelr when
present this ad
10-5:30 Mon-Sat ?T
10-1:00 Wed. JA


? ? ? V ?? ?? ? ? ?

6 miles west of
Greenville on
Hwy. 264.
(Farmville Hwy.)
for a chang
Look for the next newspaper
is to PORNO
what STUDIO 54
is to DISCO

August 28.
We will have a new format
"??d with it'
1 disco scenes
Special Features
Sunday-Couples Night: 2 aeneous
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Only $7.99 for 2
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(Trout or Perch) you can eat with French Fries
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M.vysiers Trout Cr ?erch.
T?witOr?Sfch ii"I5
.(ta ?"?
H?????? $3 75
Seafood Platter$4.95
no reorder oh crabs or sealloos
"All You f? P.f
(effective July 29th)
Open for Lunch
hours: 11:30-2:30
Doily except Set.
j and reorganized staff.
MUSMTN lOV UIC0 md ftmhmmm
H Sill 1 111 kf I
?n'y the finest!
?:00-10:00 Moo. - ThureT
S:00 - 10:30 Frl.4 Set.
' l? " - ' . s ?
?m?ijriii' niiiUfc wflfc hjj

31 July 1979 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 5
Bowie s new album,
Lodger,is appealing
ift'ntis Editor
a,bum Ldger, is an oddly
' aPP?'aling effort on Bowie's
" end, Hnau Eno
?ailtMrd ?' ?' photo-collage thai
surrealistic nightmare images ol
1 a? ?? -i few decades
Ma. k Vl
a tin.
native bov
ui K-
?l a bazaar
are set at?amt a
"g as it he has just been
" '?'? Bowie's arm is in a cast
l bother one so, Mirk in
,lost l"?ks like it's been
?I up against something.
? Photographs ol people lying
Urasl together. There is a
lying down surrounded by men in
as l! tm prone man is being
?' ( ?"?' "f a dishevelled Bowie
' by weird types. There's a
Manlegna's "Dead Christ The
'?"? "I a freak) conjunction ol
rhe music of the album
leerting mood set by the cover
bring in African and Turkish
also represented on the cover.
?he first side ol the album is
' I" ibis number Bowie ponders
atomic apocalypse and savs,
; - true, dignity is valuable But our
"?" rhis song i- alright, but
i ibe ?ne that follows it. "African
X - ' I has lyrics by Bowie and
I Eno. The music, especial!) the
absolutely (lipped out. This song
me Mormon" who must flee
ll - strange, inscrutable, and
- ? I and thrilling song.
is Bowie himself talking about his
- that "Sometimes I feel That I
? I pai k a bag And move on
o mfides that "Cvpress is mv
- i i a rocker, which accentuates
- ? 'xpressed m the song.
? -ii tor Kong Live and the
ha a inourntiU. near-Eastern
i i ii: is funk) and foreign and
sense out of. In fact, thai is
? cr song is on thi ablum.
Ibey are intriguing but also irritating in that they
don I give more, the) don't sa) more. The songs on
'he album end too soon, end, as it were, almost
belorc thc have rcall) begun.
Red .nl- is a rocker thai talks about a
thunder ocean" that "makes me sail along In
this Mng Bowie writes a verse about himself.
Vet ion bo) seen limg under neon Struggle with a
loreigu tongue Hed sail make him strong Action
make him sail along Lite stands still and stares
I he lirsl song on the second side is D.J. , a
about a man who has become his aet to the
point that he doesn't know who ho is. The lvrics
are li Howie and the music is b Bowie, Eno, and
Alomar. I here is souk- fantastic moog work by Eno
mi ihis rul.
Look Back In Anger" is a wild rocker about an
angel who comes to Earth and says to Bowie to
look hark in anger, driven bv the night The
rnusii i b) Bowie and Eno and it is good but the
I"?-1 ihmg about the song is Bowie's singing. He
reall) nits mil the energ) on this song, which
contrasts with the other songs on the album in
which he is more reserved.
Boys Keep Swinging" is a song about the
experience ol being young and how things are so
easy i" ligure out, how life seems like a simple,
easy thing. The song deals with the feelings of
i11 ? t iil innocence and ignorance. Too bad Bowie
ami Eno don i camp this one up; it seems like thev
want to but ship short. The moog on this cut by
Lno i- tremendous.
Repetition tells the -torv ol a man who is
basically unsatisfied with hi life and marriage and
who beats up his wife. It is a sad, brutal song.
there is some reall) modern and funky bass work
"ii the song by Georg Murray. This song sounds as
ugh i- eould have been written b Lou Heed.
I he thesis ol the is thai it you're unhappy or
i ruel it show- through
In lod Money, Bowie puts a lot of expression
into his voice. 1 he ong deals with some business
deal "i another which is shady. There is a fueling
ol guilt in the song, a feeling of being "sold out
lin- i one ol the most rhythmically appealing
songs on the album, and one wishes that Bowie
would v rile more m this ein.
li you re a true Bowie freak sou may enjoy this
'iii' album; otherwise, you might think vour
n ft i Hey wasted on this odd (Usl barely successful
endeavor by one "1 the major creative tones. Bowie
ami Lno, in popular, avant-guarde music today.
The dust cover of David Bowie's latest album Lodger
Waiter's essence captured in Birth of a Legend
i ii jaw s
? step
ing to
; I pC li
i Calib 'rma
a i
m 11 -It is
i r i i i
i mes from
? icularlv
diant v Iovmi
ghetto "t Kingston. It
ias in the back streets
and bar rooms thai
local band- began
incorporate Caly pso
rhythms into the pop-
ulai blue- and -oui
tunes tillering down
from the I .S.
rhe late 50's and
earlv u - music ol I he
I .mi the Impressions
and other group and
individual soul and
rhv thm-and blues per-
lormers spawned a
v igorous sly le ol island
music. A music whoso
rh I h in was the v er
heartbeat ol the poor,
the People ol Jamaica.
inii-1' -i evolution
through two decades
was I" become know
world wide and serve a-
the v 111. i oI Kingston's
masses, calling lor
i liange, lor rev olulion.
Rocksteady, Blue-
beat, or Ska, as il was
know u beliire being
dubbed Reggae in the
late d() s, is now
be oming more readily
available as Reggae
grows in popularity.
Unc ol these album
previously released
-ng- which have been
re-mixed and recorded
i" eliminate the surface
noise i used tapes and
the recording equipment
originally used, is a
collection ol tunes
recorded about 1965 and
l6 entitled "Bob
Marley and The Wail-
el's, featuring Peter
Tosh: The Birth of a
Bob Marley is bv far
I he most uell know
Reggae smgr, writer.
pertoriner in the world
today . He is second
only In Peler Tosh (who
appeared on Saturday
Nielli Live with Mick
Jagger.) Peter Tosh
lou tided t he ailer
and did not branch out
"ii Ins own until the
earlv 70V
I he music in The
Birth of a Legend"
sounds unlike anything
being played by popular
broadcasting today. It is
a collector's item for
Reggae afficionados. In
it one can trace the
i hangc in Reggae troin
almost pure rhythm-
and-blues t" the livelv
rhythm that defines
1 he ly rical topics .if
what -land apart ni"l
Irom current-day Heg-
gae. Mt ol these
early iigs deal with
r nuance and il - v icis-
. It's rat her I ban
calling lor social
"1 Made a Mistake"
by Bob Marie v , is
straighl American rhv-
thm-aud-btues sung with
a Jamaican accent.
I he remainder "I the
album's Ming have the
distinctive Reggai rh-
1 am Going Home
i- a Regga adaptation
"I the Vgr spiritual
Coining I "i to Cam.
Me Home, Nobodv
kii"u - is N.t
Kii"u - the I i. ?ublc I v e
" ? n. 1 In- carrv . er
song? Irom church to
popular inu-u takes
pla? c in other, mere
reccnl reggae albums
Li ; Hmi (? v "ii-
l? g.

Orbis gives a concert in Wright auditorium
The concert, held last Wednsday night at 8 oVloek, was termed ?excellent
by one audience member. Unfortunately, the number attending was disappoint -
ingly low. The concert was given under the auspices of the Student Union .
Photos bv John Grogan
t "
. r
p ?
? ? ! ' ' " f?f 9

Page 6 FQUNTAINHEAD 31 July 1979
Slafj U ritei
n album such as tins you have probabl) never
hcartl- K) Cooder, one ol the most eclectic and
ariishcall) gilted musicians of our lime, has just
' ! ' astounding new album. Bop Till You
"I ll?? most unique and innovative
a"u,H - u' ??" " is a curious blend of sounds
"Inch del) delimuon as a specific genre of popular
??umc and yei is one ol the most pleasant and
palalabl. albums reeenll) released. If feature, such
lHd.g,ou, musu-ia David Lindley, Mill Holland.
J?n. Keltner, Uiuku Khan, and Tim Drummond in
ciiililluhiig perluititauceM. t
u' musil 's a I "I music thai is native
Vim ,u-m , blue jazz, rock, spiritual, and
u '?' which trace their roots back in (he
'?uu ol black slaves. Accordingly, the l?,u
w a,bum ?s a dominani facet ol ill
'nation. Us personality resembles thai of a Nils
?? " r.lvu. Hi.bop recording, both also slide
guitar talents.
Another interesting assel ol Bop Till You Drop is
remarkable recording technique, that of being
?? - lirsl all digital recording. This really
Mgnduanl ellcct, and the sound ol Bop Till
- ??ne ol the cleanest and crispesl
! f'ave hani. rruly, this is Rj Cooder's
V aml Perhaps this is the most
? mating release of ihe year.
?a horn in Los Angeles, on March
'? . ami hj .he end of the sixties had
, U'd J ,l,rM da reputation as a session
Learning the blues early from Reverend CarN
???? blues act with Jack de Shannon
? caught on. from listening to records of
"(i" l'ucs singers, he acquired expert
? M Ihe bottleneck guitar.
Played with Taj Mahal. Captain
Nilzsche, and was featured on the
l ? ft Bleed. In the seventies, he
on work with people ,ke Randv
"d Maria Muldaur, and has initiated his
?i,iln-r i- All ol his previous album.
- standard, and display subject.
P' album. were outstanding in
smooth blending of folk, rock,
? s- U?P Tih You Drop is the
"g vcars ol work and should bring
a much wider audience. This album is
rk which could please anybody and
? ltod
?. "nc o the most mull.faceted individuals recording
Hock today, i He is most noted as being the
glimmcr-twin" of folk-rock, paired with composer
musician Jackson Browne as he played with his
Running ol Empty" album. He has also done
session work with Bonnie Raid and Crosby, Stills
Wash andI Young. David plays an important' part in
Bop hll )?u Drop, weilding his axe on every cut
ae ihe best one.
A legend in percussion, Milt Holland, makes a
u-ry subtle but integral contribution to Cooder's
K mi this album. Mill Holland is the perennial
winner ol the percussion selection for the Playboy
all-Mar band (small commendation thai it is) and is
u.suall) a selection in the Downbeat Jazz Poll.
On drums we find el another impressive
pvrsonahly. J,m Keltner is one of the most prolific
luiliu musicians in rock music and has made his
"?ark known on many recordings. Keltner has his
deep m the sixties, and vel has made the
transition into the- music of the seventies.
I suppose ii would be foolish for me to discuss
'?aka Khan, such is her stature. Chaka Khan has
oeeu bery-bery good u, ,m.
;NrabrK U au deeP - ? blues
iradn.on ol Memph.s, and sounds somewhat like a
hlack spiritual. "Don You Mess Up a Good
?? was popularized by Greg and Cher, but
comes alive when sung by RN an(i Chaka
I Un l W,i is the line cul on the aJbum
'?- ballad in , strong rn hm b,ups
tradition. The Coasters could have recorded this
Algt;?her, Bop nil You Drop ,s a superb collection
l unique and creative songs.
Perhaps the most satisfying aspect of Bop Till
mLl ?u K rarkahlc recording technique.
B led as Rocks First All Digital Recording' I
xpecled lil.h. Irom this, figuring i, was just another
r J1 "fPatus. I was more than surprised to
"mow. thai tins technique render. crystal clear
a sound as I have ever heard ?.?. Th. n(X
' ? ???? musK on the album ,s slrikin aml Jm
' ?" ? l" the- studio. The album ? recorded on
? ?"?ack digital equipment which, rather than
modeling sound intu magnetism i-
I .i . roi- ol .lOAKJO lime.
sound al a
usual, sam
rate ol 50,000 limes a second
records its characteristics numerically Di
equipmeni can en pla) back without n
or harmonic distortion No generation loss, m
build-up, or loss ol prescn urs with this lorm
ol recording through it! i aiol tap- transfers
Tin result i. ihat i im mi. - inds
brighter and iri'r? dimensional. It n allv
u nrk
I" n a . Bop I . )?. - i umqu?
. at ii - oleud many ? ?? - to m -
paialaldi k-w album Ii lealures Minit' id tif
.I iii.? - ai.d . ? iti musK able in r ?
and they sel ,i mag iiiheenl ;
Sonic v erv i bun
iiiusii iaiis hi a
blight. . lear -outid. 1 -
heard t?i be appreciah
berk it .Mj(. I hal Ry (
hit )uu D .

"lake a quick judgement on an
' the personnel that record with
' 'rr a lot of talented musician.
um- l,1 'here is usually a good
album Ulil be a good selection. Ry
assembled an impressive collection 0f
?rd with him on Bop Till You Drop.
? who plays guitar on this album.
Amityville E
I mi Drummond - doiil know. Seriously. Tim
Uruininoiid is not lam.liar to me, but he pounds a
strong rhythmic bassline on Bop Till You Drop.
Perhaps the definitive aspect of this album is the
attractive vocal accompaniment to Rv's songs. They
I'ave a slrong rhythm and blues 'orientation and
make lor the unique sound of the album.
The selections thai make up the albums are a
collection ol soMhing 0ld, something new
something borrowed, and something blue. Pardon
,m' bul l?f album is a potpourri of delightful
ditties thai will surely captivate your imagination
ide one begins with "Little Sister' an Elvis
? and Co Home Girl both tunes are funkv
blends ol reggae and calypso producing an idyllic
land .ound. 'The Very Thing That Make. You
Rich (Makes Me Poor)" is definitely a rocker
powered by Cooder, Drummond. and Lindley. The
,v background vocalists make this a multi-
dimensional song and more than jusl your average
"K k,r ' nk I Going To Work Out Fine" is a
) -r u1 ?? reminiscent of the Beach Boys'
- Soutuls album .
"Down In Hollywood" lead, oil side two and is
a lunky Ine-spiriled chant decrying the seamy side
sunset Strip. Listen to this song and 'you'll
K'CUI,K' reel-wise in live minutes. "Look at
granny Hun Run" reminds one ol an early sixties
.bm and Dean ugle. "Trouble. You Can't Fool
'matures a double drum sel and some strong
-al. by Bobby King. Jimmy Adams, and Biggie
w?d. I FREE trip
Fri. &
f for 2 to
A Bush Gardens
52(j 8. Con la Dr he St.
by monotonous superficiality
B PATRICK HV.l-s , . J
Sunday August 5th
Atlantic Recording Artists
Capricorn Recording Artists
& Special Guests
12 Exp. Color Rim
Developed and Printed
(ForsiQii Fllfn
Not kicfud0d
20 Exp. Color Film
Developed and Printed
(Foreign FMm W
Mot IneKKtod
'MUST ACCOManv owqcr
JJtocrirome or Kodachrome Proceae.og
20 E
I Movfe

Staff Writer
? leaver's terror striken lace adorned
m I?r?flaiming this summer to
Y Summer virtual plethora
hli ???? maraU.Iig menaces are
- ?- ummer. Mueh like the
h1.u the theatre, tu celebrate in a
lood-spattering org u fright The
U" au?l'i'?? a premium prices in
lh ,ri'n -??' .fli shockers 1 a
ii"t Nt r- as Alien.
- Dawn oj the MWthr finest
1Ud rha ? '? stunning motion
mu ? lassie cinematic endeavor)
I '?' ImityvtlU- Horror.
Jhv imityville Horror, waS a
7" l,r ad SWP" Ihe nation ,? a
Vvau Purported to be a true
" '? ?' lascmaling, fast-paced, thriller
njoyable reading. However, the
'?' Ihe Amityville Horror tads to
a.eta which made the novel so
latk intensity, frequently
f '??.?act.on, and relies on superficial.
mhk'K leetuiiques.
1 u,i sa jl a movie well worth
j ??? Lacking in suspense, shock, or
ln?ke Hollywood illusions lor
uh"h 'H's not come. It is much
lhM' lal '?????? Brated horror show
' ' J?h?s the monster come. But
' Horror, n never comes.
?? lf? ??m-l is supposed to be based
ttM?s ?? t'?' its sole redeeming
'appenings are irue, this is a
creasii.gfi psychotic and his physical
m' a,nd appearance continue to decline to an
almost ghoulish stale.
X 1" llli h-ads George ami Kathv to
?h Hie source ol the spirits, a gateway to the
1 u"rM K-alcJ in their basement. From this
i1 plications deepen, incidents become more
l4-Tiliiig, and the movie closes quickh to a
souiewhal lackluster ending.
Ill(' problems which beset The AmUyvUle Horror
? mail) and the most horrifying effeel of all is
lhUl MaH,g 'l BII) price to sit through the
??'???"?) Midi a true movie
i i
lai loi
??'ali.ig r, but ??, such a pMd movic .he
-H.HJ? ? a log beaut.lul, lakeside home on Long
lr,a,M1 X ,amilJ ??f ' Lrutallv murdered in
ihV" ;11 al ?:15 a bi a men.allv disordered
am kalh Margot K.dder) Lut marry, a?d move
??l, ,lr llir??' k'ds into the haunted" house The
Ins. inkling. ?l a presence are a constant chill in
"? rom, and straage uill
al exact!) :lo a.m.
A friend and Catholic priest (Rod Steiger)
.???; h ld-s the house, but is rendered
phvs.cdlv ,11, and spiritually impotent, and is chased
liom tin- house bv the powers that be.
Attacked by spirits
kalhVs aunl, and a Catholic sister, come by for
a von and are also attacked by the spirits ' that
pervade . he house. A constant physical presence
belnends he Lutz voungest daughter, and proves
lo be little more than just a mischievious little
-amp. A wide variety of happenings continue to
plague the hou.e to the dismay of the Lutz
Circumstances lead the community and Kathv to
bebeve that the presence will drive George to
commit the sordid deeds that had occurred with its
prev.ous inhabitants. It seems that way, for George
Lacked intensity
The ImttyvUle Horror players do not bring about
?rtt?Tct,g,?l !rrrr- There art pfc??y of
1 ? I- Jam Brolin plays perhaps the
; r,7nr0lt' lhe ,llm' hul Rod Ste.ger
a Margul Kidder were relative!) poor despite '
imlodramatic intent. p
ihe mityvillv Horror lo-Ll .u
? Muiior laiKed the extreme
llljl las been a kev -I, . f ,
4 ? m a Kt v characteristic of the
V u,U"ge UU' a" ? s protagonists. The
I "tie Homo virluall) powerless
11 ari' i-xplieil scenes of ,mendina ?r
.ntaneous beer terrorfi me?tal images lil
"? possible threat. That's the kev difference
lnr7 lhv Xville Horror and this summer's
??' iK-kH: explicit shock in the latter and
loiu Ilm () S , found
ai ons nt,mara,roneor;n,oana
? usuall) disappointing because it's ,?? ii?U !?'
Lt ' 'aSil) bebeve- ,1ns is a ,ru(. slo' r n
rebel- H ('r,U,r ?' 7'Ae 'Ve Horror
n I I on wel -worn shock techniques' have
l-i much d the.r impact by now. The quick scenes
II V1- . " IOMheir POW b?e there is
?"???;?? '??"??"? ?? buildup, and I think that many
lhe -lm ly?Ue Horror is full of cliches For
-ample, Ihe scariest scene involves a huge black
I ar i? town ,s The Witche! Brew
I L-ase! Qllen, the scenes that are intended ,? shock
us are not wel incorporated into the plot scheme
lhe) are mostlv scenes of violence, for violence's
-?ke, thrown i? for sheer shock-effect. They are not
buddup1 U'rC JS "? ,Cgical seq"ential
fiJvW1"110 ovhtmin? Pression of The
i?ut)utle Horror, that the horror is not genuine; it
rt liotL ?ps lhccmovie shou,d be ren?"?.
Uu Hollywood Horror. Sounds good to me.
i?Ity arcade
greenvllle. n.c
Our Shop offers a complete
and professional
? brake adjustment chain cleaning
? tire repair straighten wheels
We also providea complete overhaul service
We carry the best in bike parts and
??A2!LLn? aCCess?rfcS ? SUNTOUR derallliers
JXtESJ? fnd Cab,M MICHELAN tires
?ALLEN bike racks ?DIA-CHMdc kL
?CANNO0ALE book b WONC0EM1ahb,r?8
?MARAPLAST water bottles CAJiPAQNALO hubs
V '
-i- "j
-? - ? - - - -
-? - -?
x ?

31 July 1979 FOUNTAINHEAO Page 7
Visual Sports Editor
w in
chance, but
ration. Just
not b
-a st year
Jeff re
Jys ever
experienced, and she
competed well for h
as dedicated and prepared as ever
J? 'I! CUr 'IT b h?W ViAk' l lhough ab"ul " ?P?rUu?i to me, ?, r,adv lor tlu- ver
ou play. My concen-
tration is belter
also, and so
is my
I'll sica
plans to
that I
ev s
a sopho-
majoring in
return for her
econd com
vs as
got to
freshman. I
number six
ipelitive sea-
011 ihe women's
,clinw leant. She has
l preparing mental!)
and physically for the
upcoming season and
anxious ior it to b
I trv
least three
and then
cut at
usually work
Nautilus and do
trills twice a
also been
tennis at the recreation
department. Plus 1 pa
tennis just about every-
day Jcllrevs said.
run at
a week.
week. I've
tart as a
was at tin
position, bu'
I worked hard ovei
winter and playec
and fourth
was a learning exper-
ience in that not
?lid she learn
college athletics
she also learned
"One th
Jeffreys1 dedication
the game is almost
response on
in the
lirst year of
her part. She
loves to play tennis
-ge, 1 though about
playing basketball in-
stead of tennis, but
there's no question
about it now. I love
tennis. it's just ihe
game itself that I love.
I really can't explain
but 1 can sho
just love it
nv you
still important lo me
but God is the most
important thing in my
life now
The scheduled com-
petition for this season
will be slightly tougher
than last year's, mainly
because the team
now classified
Division 11.
I'm ready lor this
V ou can alwav-
ou can be just
bitter prepared.
eel like
a little
or ju-t
little better
think I'm
but 1
, but
People remember you by how you act on
the court, not by how you play
Karen Jeffreys
court expert
last -vear. her
lor improvement
and her
tor a
pt imisl ic
hould be
than enough f
promising season.
summed it
tnng 1 learned
last year is how to lose.
I ve learned ho
keep my
T really
w to
temper, and it
upset me if 1
People remember
In how ou
act on
tennis at
Hose High, and I also
played basketball
when I
been playing tennis
long. I played
"I real
changed my
lot, though,
put tennis,
came to
I) have
attitude a
I used to
first and
everything and everyone
else second. Tennis is
"Now that we are in
Division II, the compe-
tition should be belter.
But, you can't be better
unless you play people
better than vou. I ihink
all up when
she said: "The attitudes
you learn on court
be carried with
rest o our life
It look
Jeffreys i
more than th.
tennis season.
like Karen
prepared ior
Karen Jeffreys
Davenport likely to be kickoff specialist
Al the conclusion of
1977 football seas-
! hi-
ne Diggesl question
mark m Pirate faithfuls'
minds was: Who will
replace Terry Gallaher?
Soon enough, the
answer came: Terrv
Bv virtue of a now
reversed NCAA rule.
Gallaher was granted an
extra year of eligibility
because he did not play
in any games during his
freshman season.
But that is all in the
past now. Gallaher is
now gone with the
Ottowa Roughriders of
the Canadian Football
Once again, wno is
to replace the man who

Vern Davenport may be the next
candidate for the kickoff position
holds nearly everv
receiving record at East
Carolina University?
The obvious choice
to most people would
be Bill) Hay Washing-
ton, who was groomed
lor nearly three seasons
to replace Callaher.
But, as wide receiver
and specialty teams
coach Henry Trevathan
stales, Washington will
he primarily charged
with the duties of the
tight end.
Late fast season,
Billy Ray Washington
was tried at tight end
said Trevathan. "The
more he played at that
position, tu. rnore ne
"He had a lot of
success and caused the
defenses a lot of trouble
in covering a tight end
that fast.
"He's a tight end
that can still pay
Gallaher's position or he
can be moved out and
plav the wide tight
So, the wide receiver
slot is still vacant, but
he most likely candi-
date to take over the
spot is senior Vern
Davenport from nearby
Grilton. Davenport has
taken the third seat for
three years behind
Gallaher and Washing-
ton, but now appears
ready for his shot at
Pirate glory.
In the past, Daven-
port has been used for
his legs; not for their
speed, rather for their
Trevathan reports
that Davenport willagaiu
this season be his
kickoll specialist, while
veteran Bill Lamm will
handle all the field
Davenport was used
lor long field goals his
second year with the
Bucs, but last season
"we didn't go for the
lohg one tlroi often
said Trevathan.
Jimm v DuP
Who needs "women's"athletics ?
"Lamm's distance
has improved now to
the point that he will
be handling all field
goals. It's his now, all
the way
Possibilities still
remain, however, for
returning or incoming
players lo move into the
starting squad.
Reggie Hardon (6-2,
190) will test Davenport
lor the wide receiver
slot, while Will Saun-
ders will make a bid at
tight end.
"Hardon has good
size and he could be
moved in to play tight
end said Trevathan.
"Will Saunders is a
tight end with good
speed and he could play
some out wide for us. I
think we have a
versatile group to work
with this year
From the outset, it should be understood that
rTis in o way is to suggest that athletics
Aomen should be done awav with.
What do I mean with the statement "Who need-
W omen's Athletics?"
For years it has been accepted that East
Carolina University fields teams in sports for males
as well as lemales.
At the same time, however, it ha also become
a pwpuiar notion that the two should be afforded
distinguishing titles.
I here are those who I'm -ure would seek to
place the blame on one sid? the .ther; i.e. the
men did it to maintain the separation of men's and
women's athletics or the women chose the title to
announce lo the world that ECL has athletics for
both sexes.
In either case, the word "women's" should, at
the earliest possible date be removed and the entire
athletic staff brought under one roof.
- it presently stands. Athletic Director Bill
Cam oversees all sports within the department.
including women's, but there is also the position of
Coordinator of Women's Athletics, in the person of
Laurie Arrants.
W hile the performance of Arrants in thi-
capacity is unquestionable, the fact that she is also
I he head coach of the field hockev and track teams
lor women is not to be overlooked when considering
a stall member's work load.
1 hese is another point of view which should be
considered, also.
ECL, as a member in good standing in the
National Collegiate Athletic Association, fields 18
varsity teams during the various seasons.
Several ol the sports happen to be plaved bv
women exclusively and several happen to be plaved
?v men exclusively.
Football, wrestling and soccer have, histoncallv.
played by men a; KCl ,
?? . and field
?II. I IV i
and women, however, have
Is. Btli have swimming . oam an,j
- -itl.all and baseball quality thern
Wen an.I women even have equa
V nit which merit- explanation -
; IX - a h have I
?nl in recent
J'JK ji
men and nunfo,
the vitality .
Unitas, Butkus, Mix and Yah are recognised for their achievements
Four pro football players inducted into the Hall of Fame
' them equal ?? igrs the lotai
department revenue
l? that -urn. Lnows utiat that would mean; no
- ?? "?? 1J1 program, or soccer,
key, etc.
II .liable would it be to one program
a third ol ihe net revenue a.
?aied one-eighteenth ol the fun
I sihhiW he "iv imjs at ibis point that there
must Ik" a compromise that nearlv satis
- ol tile oml rovers v.
I drop ihe uord ' A .men jrm
part meat name would not lead to a m.iv p
. i am rail red tape.
I la in tin- structural breakdown ol the
tit department, u would amount to little more
: ban changing the head i ihe statnmarv
e extinct ot Women" Athletn- would r
1 ? ?' "I d.tterence- between the genders
hui ii would put athletic , KCl
unity that is desired bv all.
Sports Editor
Wire Beporls
Four immortals of
professional football's
past were inducted
Saturday into the
sport's Hall of Fame for
their achievements as
Johnny Unitas, Dick
Bulkus, Ron Mix and
Yale Lary joined the
likes of Red Grange,
Y.A. Tittle and Gale
Say era among the
Icircnds. of the NFL.
Butkus, who ended
his career in 1973,
fought back tears as he
accepted the traditional
commemorative bust
presented by Pete
Elliot, his coach at the
University of Illinois and
now director of the Hall
of Fame. Elliot des-
cribed him a the
"yardstick for lineback-
ers for ah time
"1 dreamed of being
. a great pro football
player as far back as I
can remember said
the emotional Butkus.
"I consider being
inducted into the Hall
ol Fame as the top of
my dream
Unitas, who still
holds many NFL records
lor a quarterback
through his 18 year
career, praised his
former teammates and
coaches as a group of
marly 800 members of
the Baltimore Colts fan
club listened.
"A man never gets
to this station in life
without being helped,
aided, shoved, pushed
and prodded to do
? belter.
"I want to be honest
with you he added,
"the players I played
with and the coaches I
Caldwell, in Jack-1
son's opinion, threw two'
brushback pitches at the,
Yanks' valuable slugger
had they are directly
responsible for my
being here. I want you
all lo remember that. I
always will
Call him arroganl;
call him controversial;
but never call Reggie
Jackson dull.
Fans who attended
Friday's clash between
the New York Yankees
and the Milwaukee
Brewers got more than
the nine innings of
baseball at its finest
that they paid for.
In the fourth innings
of the contest, Jackson
faced the Brewers' Mike
Caldwell and the
resulting action cleared
the benches for a
classic baseball 'brawl'
where everyone swings
I but none of the punches
: land.
New York's Ed Figueroa.
threw inside to Cecil
Cooper in the bottom of
the third in an effort to
prevent the Milwaukee
star from swatting
another homer as he
had done earlier in the
"The firsl brushback
was something I could
deal wilh because we
brushbacked their guy
Jackson said in a
Saturday interview.
That's okay. That's
part of the game. But
there never should have
been a second brush-
back because we had
been even
Jackson popped out
alter what he consid-
ered the second brush-
back, and as he left the
batters box, threw his
bal towards Caldwell
who was standing on
the mound.
The enraged Cald-
well picked up the
errant bat and broke it,
as Jackson rounded first
and. stormed to the
mound. The two wres-
tled each other to the
ground and Jackson
was subsequently ejec-
ted from the game.
'The Brewers w e re
eventually victorious,
6-5, but Yankee skipper
Billy Martin Vfiled a
protest as fldwcil
remained on the mound.
"1 thought it was a
knockdown and 1 fell I
had to do whal I did to
preserve some respect
Jackson said. "But 1
had no idea of trying to
hurl anyone.
'Thank God no one
got hurt. If someone
gets hurt he added,
"I'm going to be the
loser publicly because
I'm Reggie Jackson
A five home run
lead in the quest for
the National League's
over-the-fence crown
should be safe for two
days even if the player
leading doesn't hit
another, right? Wrong!

Or at least no one
told Chicago Cubs
slugger Dave Kingman.
Friday. Mike
Schmidt of the Phila-
delphia Phillies had 35
homers, tops in the
major leagues. Kiugmau
was next with 30.
Kingmau poled two
balls in the Cubs"
Friday night game wilh
the New .ork Mets and
ihen blasted three more
Sat unlay to tie Schmidt
for first.
In the proves
Kiugmau tied a record
id live homers in two
games set u. 1976 by
Schmidt and Boston's
Carl Yaslrzcuiski.
It was the second
time this season King-
man has hit three
homers in one game,
the firsl being on Ma
IT when the Cubs fosi
lo Philadelphia 23 22 in
Assistant Director
Ol iutramurais
I ouruamcnl plav
began Mom July 30.
Quarter-final action pit-
ted the Heartbreak kid-
against Luigreen; the
Koundt ripper- versus
Diamond Stud and
All American Whiter
Bovs versus What the
Semi-finals and
actimi will be
Julv 31.
Official- lor the Fall
-euie-ler will be m,
ed. The hr-t meeting
tr (tHiai- ol ail sp -
" S?H- 3 at 7 p.n, m
Brew-ter C U3.
interested persons
"houid attend.
Tennis playoffs will
Ik- completed" Thurs
Aug. 2. 3-on-3 basket-
ball round robin play
ended Mun. and ihe
tournament finals will
be on tues July 31.
o'Ugloincration of
tun activities mil take
place on ih- FXL mail
?mi N-pt. 5 IwgMMiag ai
I p.m. Students, tacul-
?. and stall entering
any ol HK activities wdl
Ik- eligible for drawings
held throughout the
event, dinner of the
drawing will receive
certificates for ail kinds
ol goodies.
Thought for the day
lj j a tkimi mm
price of ignorance.
cmMm. tkimi a tie
? ???? -?
- - -
P ?r .
m ? -m m-w -m m ? ??-?- ? ? ?
4 1 a

Page 8 FOUNTAINHEAD 31 July 1979
? i ?
payments given to athletes
fl OI !)i; !?i) SPRINGS,
.?lu. U'j - Illnesses,
hijui , ?ia problems
?? nd oiher reason that
11 a ? been used as
eeiiMs l mail) big-
iiauie 11 at. k and held
ai lilelen lor kipping Sports rVstixal
II a'nl Sparlieit?le ap-
I i i nllx air untrue in
-i v. i ,ii i-ae.
Olsmpir old uu'ilal.s in
hark ami liilil, .1 track
anil livid alblete and an
m-idT in lln- sporl.
I lie ulhlele and ilu-
uixider prelerred not to
be nleiililieil.
ii'i'e I-
jut nii
ihhii?i inonev lo

I liree o
iin porl inlil 1 ii
i H ? .1 rre Hie
, li ???. ?; Id
iii.iii ixiilidi,iwal from
i-?t u.? ? iai mo ihe
pa- ixeek I mone ?
II mi , - pfi I I H .ill ,
. Ill I.II k. I ll.

around, anl Rudolph,
lite loruier priul tur
nun er in ,i a I'un-
UIV' - l? . -uh.uii to tin- Depart-
mi hi ??' Laliui - national
-poti?. n .lining program
and an employee ol
t?! a Lola. I here i.i no
ka lo paj all the kid-
ii if now lo partleipale
? ii the r?liai. I'lie
I MtC (I .S. Ulvmpu
tuittee) ilnr nui
liai iiiiingli moiie in
ea ilu in all.
-???ii. i i iu.
? eie
, .I'll i i y
pa i nii'iii- lhe
? i i ii d i i ? 'in ii irpora le
nueiied with
I - ? ii. 1111 In11iiiy
i l.oi.i. inn did the
? ?-?? ? iiiuncx t he i-
I ii ilu- ina-
tiili-iu Union,
i- hi barge ol
I . athlete lo
"i i ii idi
I H l' learueil r-
ahout the lark
- Irom Wil-
li. the lir-l
Will I Ii ire
I ?
.1 li
I ian t s lure ami
? ? II pm that the ath-
" 'I - don I gel nioiu-x
nidi the table Ku
dolpb i ,e l "It
? i "nldn i I honest. ll
ould bother in x i-oii-
-? n in i- 11 I bed lo
Ml . '
?"?aluidav exeniug,
di, I K. delixered a
.h w - i riii-M I roni Kn -
? 'i I'M i" report ?-r. 11
ai-t; W i'Iiii.i Kiul?!pit
? In in -it 11 denied I In-
? ?"iii l ol .in A-iTialed
I'll -iiH -In-
di'i uid the inui-ap-
piaiaiue ol ail) Ulllieles
a. the I nilcd Stale
Dkmpir Lommillee Na-
liotial Sport Festival or
In paii.uade in Mo-
i ? u .
I In- statement -aid
liiiilolpli ,i iin hiili' hi
li mi, i ie? w tilt an '
"?H, , 1'ir -porl-
x I ilei il i n - -el .i ii x
??'?iin ial i "million- o
'tie Vii' Sport
I ? -lixal.
I Uei i x.i- no .uiipli-
?? .limit ?! i In- -i.iteiiieut
and d did imi make e 11 I iiili-M ll
ii ItTiod i
'll ill, Ulierx lew with
? l Imurtrr, Ku-
'?I'll -anl o the
?uiili i ilu table moues
ix a- 11 - i , i 11 ii -JK
? ii ii al lili ii ? In- top
ii-urn ii'l -In- -aid
-in dnlu i iiiiuk il wa-
i 111 .
II"W i ,11) n JU-I -
paxing 1) kid- when
? 111 i i -11 in a ii
? in ii ii program
- i '? I ' h ? I I 11 I I O
agaoi ilio .) kul-
A A 11l illo11e x. I
jn-i HiiliK ii -iiouid be a
? ni dl-l I'lliill loll.
I I h i ii k i er one
d -irvifld in drall
ii no tiniaiue ll.
"i mi jn-i , .ui I hand imk
eerlaill alhlcl. ,?- lr.
lain llimg
I)nill? il that wax,
xou ean l ii.nii- up wilh
a lair and llollt? ,
lem. "Trael i- -m h n
?inpM -In laid -omii.
iin gnai anlri
1 a fiaiid-pit k- 'I pi i
"n will win all tin-
; mil .
.liiU dial iraek
I ll ll i I ' I I . ' i II ' III! '
I I I i i i i -poll-ol -
"H I .4 . . , i0 I li ,1
-? - ? tl'om nieei -pon-
'??" l . in to
? mi n al ? .ol
I ni an (i
'? dot - liappi n, -aid
.) "i ll.u kson, ai-lant
?' ilu l - eei ulne
?lin-eiiir, Olian (Jael.
I ii 111 i? i seen 11
Happen iml I'm -ure
'? - happen, , all around
? in
I I, i U rule
?i ' I ? i ? i ? - 111 a l i e e i e
.iiilmi iiieni- lor lr.i-
? ?I i jii -li-e -mil a-
'1.1 ill II
. kl-l'
ami a
?nail pel iliein. J.n k-on
-ll I till po I- e-v al
ii I m I iin ul- were
? a.idled LSIM"
?xlioi li L handled
.ii"in loi pai iai.e'e.
Ilu a i 11 If e wlmli
-p"k? lo i lie f -aid:
e dettiiitelx , a lot
ol guv - dull! I eoiile
In re oi to Sparlaiade
le,au-e ibex ditju'l gel
iin ir uioiiex. There
.xi re piomi-e but ot-
? ioti-l ihex wiren I
k. pi
I gm -nine ol
? in gii- -hi HI hi haxe
g"i "II ilie eolllUlllllUetli-
oiiini t- -aid.
I 'i ? , ??hi- would
" ? !?? ? " In il. I Oil.
? r .i.i i here - a
"?i "1 mum ? n
i ? -i i doited, bu. -iiiii
i" 'r1' an- ket-piug I, i
? ill ,1 M, K, . I w
? i. ?' 'i iin lo jiax ui
ii - i n mi parl.u ade,
? I ixulileil I he inonex
? ?? i. I wa-n l going to
im ail) ehanee- o nut
? i ig il haek.
.j.n k-on -aid he
. iinl il hard In believe
i. line ul ihe Spurt -
. i.le athlele- dnlu'i
? .v e I heir expense
? M i ? .
I w.t- in a-h
? Ogi m, .i lew da) ago
" -? ' ii. in oil and a
???? "i ? li in uin alh
? - j iImIii I -hovx
.l? ion -aid. Hi-
now i, (hat
- . . ilile lh. l
oi.ii.ii i. ? reaeli
? i im ie who
liavehug, ai
111 e x . I I ' 11, ? i
llloliex mi Havel
' i ?
i i
Sex, sports and discrimination
can't enforce the law, change
tippeiirvtt in
i ffrvitiit of
' ? ? ? Hum. and
. Harold
IMu tttitiDii
M . vibart.
?i is si on
Lhrontclv ?!
ir ago
- -i ?? i i ml
ion signed
l ul the
II I' ? I! I I 111 ?I I I -
iding that
-mi in i he
-Male shall on
ii- "I -e be
i Irom parliei-
palioii hi. be denied the
?I, or be ub-
? di rimmalion
h i mi education
mi in aelix ilx re-
ig h linain-ial
ai-tame ! , j
pioleelion w a needeij
iji ih-
iiuiai.oi igaini le-
io-i eduea-
i on a I in-I ii ut ion 11
lollmxed in the wake ol
? ixd-i ighi- legislation
prohibiting di-i rimina-
ii"ii on the bai- ol
raee, n ligion, ami na-
iniual oriU'it.
I he i ai lier legisla-
iiii should have taught
I XX II 11 - - - o 11 - ;
? I hat passage ul a
law pi'ohihil nig di-
? i imuiatioii i- metleelive
w ii lmul -nli-laiiiial el-
loil- b go ermnenl a-
sjencies to enliiree it.
? I hat -mh agencies
? -??iixoe.ile in that
uupopulai la-k unless
a: miiimialK
I lie txxn main sour-
ces ol pi ?(? ?ure oil the
adniiuistratixc branch ul
? i i il lit i- n! in ei il-
m.uier- are ihe
person -u lli-riug dis-
' urn iuatiou, organized m
variou- wax, ami allies
lhal ibex attract among
pel ii- ol leader-hip
who are willing lo -land
i mh
Up lor laiine
iin i lean -m ictx .
In ihe rase ol Title
l the pattern ol civil-
right ciiloreeuieul have.
been reeale vxilh one
major ew eption. A- e-
peeled, i In Department
"i Health, tducalion,
-md Wellare, which has
1 ' -poiisibililx lor t he
legislation, ha- dragged
its leel, and women
have organized to press
U.K.VI . lo meet it ob-
ligation lor enforcing
the law. lint there has
been limited assistance
Irom the country's ed-
ucational leadership to
in-i-1 lhal women lie
lairl) Healed.
W hile college and
uuiversilv presidents
ii.I i ' In i fill ?rge 11, a ?
bout right- lor black- in
i in ii iii-litution, i hen
uuce are mullled or
mini mi -i discrimin-
ation. I here are three
reason lor tin
? Some dm alioual
11 .ol' i - are iiueuthusia-
-in alioul eipiahlv lor
IXlHIll II .
? Manx college ure-
-i'l. iii' la. or ending sex
disi i limitation hut don't
liis' w li.ll I hex x'c as
undui goxernmenl in-
' i a-i"ii into their insli-
ioiioual allan- in the
iiann ol equal right- lor
i' in an
? Mill others, uar-
in a lx those vx hose
iu-1 ii u I ions have -old
"ii. i" log tune sports,
are I rapped h x ihe
? oiii liniment- i hat hax e
made to these uon-
i dmaiioiial purposes
hei au-e I hex hud that
? ? I ii .i li l x i women re-
? I .i.i i - i in in , . provide
oi leinale- the -aillC , ?
? iiiiig. ni. in -vhol-
ai ship (a condition in
iei in-), publictt), med-
ii al care, i oaehing, and
l.u dihe- that the) gixe
male athletes.
li i- a -ad comment
mi higher education lhal
the main area ol eon-
llnl in Ihe held ol sex
discrimination should be
com mei eiaheil athletes
lhal eharai lerisxe onlx a
big-time athletic an
the tail lhal wag- liie
dog in universities thai
indulge in them.
A L uixer-itx Pres-
ident tampers with aih-
hliis al In- peril in the
Ian- ol alumni and slate
legislator- who hike
more pride in the pro-
spect ol a bowl-game
bid I ha ii a Nobel prize.
Mouex Irom television
contract and liekcl
-ale- and the attendant
role ol the universities
ni running the larm
earn lor professional
-port- make big-lime
athletics both entren-
ched and sacrosanct.
Public attitudes manipu-
lated bx big-time sports
i.iw basketball and
ioolball the guardians ul
American patriotism and
diminished it in the
Female might be
-mailer to lei ihe men
have tin muddle ol
misplaced value, hut
their desire lor equal
aei ess to w hatever is
going on al college,
good or had, is clear I)
lound m the law. There
i- no basis Im denying
It-males equal partici-
lew institutions. Other puluui m college alh
iue ol potential dil
lieullx -mh as admis-
sions, aei i - lo tradi-
tional!) male course ol
-imlx, and availabilil)
ol scholarship lund
have lieen reasonahlx
xxi-ll ironed out, but
lehes. ei thai is e-
actlv vxhal ihe "good
sports' al our major
universities propose to
Hie threat ol le-
inale- to participate in
activities sacred in male
machismo um ? share
the ill on ex ami the
glorx has brought about
JUU college and uni-
n r-ihes together lo hire
a NX ashingtou publtc-re-
laiion f ii in U lobbx lor
ihe exempt ion ol rc-
xeiiue-produeing sport
in Title IX. Those
institution announce a
i liar message: "W i are
against dixnmin-
ahoii a- long as it
doe-n t disturb our ac-
customed ai hx ihe- or
cost u- aiixihiug
Another potential
threat lo equaht) lor
women in eoilege i the
possibiblx lhal H.t.W.
will submit it- Dec. II,
Pho polux interpre-
lalion" mi the-e matters
lor Congressional re-
iex, therebx contnbu-
hng al the xerx least to
delay in enforcement ol
the lavx ami perhaps to
'i- reconsideration.
In June, 1V75, the
ollieial regulations to
enforce Title 1 were
published hx the then-
Seeretarx ol H.E.W
Casper einberger, al-
ter almost three xcars
ol delay.
Thex bad been
reviewed and approved
hx Congress. Thex arc
still binding. Wbx all
ibis excitement now ll
i- because thoi- regu-
lation gave universities
three xear- In meet the
requirements. That time
i- up, and, like students
who haxi-n'l done iheir
homework, the presi-
dents and athletic dir-
eelor are looking lor a
wax out. The eax wav
out is to get the rules
One wonder about
the statement made bv
Seerelarx Weinberger
when he signed the re-
gulations in ?;?5: "For
those that are not
Irving in good faith to
end discrimination a-
gainsi women, I have
one message: We can
wait no longer. Equal
opportuuitv lor women
is Ihe law ol the land
? and il will be en-
It hasn't vet, and it
seems more likely to be
changed than enforced.
Harold llouv, Ii, a
former t.S, Commis
sionvr of Education, is
viivprvsulvnt for edu-
cation and research at
the Ford Fnnndnlinn I
He added. Il??xxcver:
W i do tin- ;??.? iim
pa up ltio-e
" ople. We ve made ,1
? ??HfiMed elli.rl.
If, li I I Olg In i,av. -
??! in .id.hiu.u ji
? M?ii" Jaek-on -aid
I "ii aliv.iv - h?ai these
4 I put logi-thi-r
?i" ? ?? . .iuA held team
"p ?! iai ade, n I
i-?i I M) ait) .1 Ihe
? Uh-li II if i,M, .
? i ?? participate,
? in I' - alwav - -oiue
? i-e . W.Ultllg in 'hi
in Kil -aid he had
p'lai kllowl. ,1
; i. - mi at
- I -Itval, -on e li
in.iii 'I t?i tlie
I i N
ll - ii . UII
, li d? i
In 1 In a? i
? - ? ?MMtltiia
? i
Im .Mti -to ti thing
.i - .1"
ii '
. ,itib -
olaide 9
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Fountainhead, July 31, 1979
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
July 31, 1979
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