Fountainhead, July 26, 1979

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-? culation 4,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
55 No. ?
26 Julv 1979
McGinnis theatre to
Vcifa ktittui
?- fme, a may have been the most
rau elemenury-school auditorium in the
? for the needs of the ECU Drama
"ir hOVNCVCr' McG'nniS the - - 'onger
????V was built as a part of ECU's
' Uburatory School in 1951. The school
aV. ,K.IloCat,on' bul lts ol? theatre has
" ?? b) ECU since the inception of the drama
????' ? 13. David Downing, an instructor ,n
Apartment, says that the theatre "was never
gaed to be used the wa is novv be, USJ
-not des.gned for the staging of the New
?1I? productions thai we do here. Con-
g's il was inadequate tor that sort of thing "
"?ng uto. several fad that make the theatre
unalle lor the tvpe u productions that the
i rim en I puts on.
many disadvantages
H explained that the stage area was too small
-date the elaborate scene, involved "nd
?pen. mo ? our time Just
; ? he' - -re going to put' those
?" length of the theatre posed another problem
1iVW,h lhC aC?UStics and " ght-bne" were olten experienced. According
;n?ngi when y?u WCre in the back (of the
you were really in the back
During musical productions, the placement of the
orchestra often prevented a satisfactory performance
Since the orchestra area and the floor of the theatre
were both on the same level, the audience in the
hrsl several rows had to view the performance
through the orchestra. In addition, the dialogue on
stage was often inaudible to these people because
ol the volume of the music.
fbe lighting in the theatre was another
hindrance encountered by the department. Often,
positions of lights were inadequate and had to be
adapted. According to Preston Sisk, also an
instructor in the department, most of the major
advancements in lighting technique have been made
since the theatre was built, making the original
system awkward and outdated. Sisk also pointed out
lhat some of the wiring was as old as the building
ilycll and several small electrical fires had em i,d.
it s just an unsafe building he said.
Fortunately, most ol these and other problems
will be remedied in the near future. After almost
miic years of planning and research, designs for
extrusive renovations have been approved and are
scheduled to begin at the end of this year.
I he project will consist of two phases and
involve three buildings. Phase One, tentatively
scheduled to begin around Christmas, will include
renovations ol the old theatre and of the dance
studios in the old school. Phase Two will include
the- building of a scene shop, repairs to classrooms,
and installation of air-conditioning throughout the
I'hase One has been alloted 1.9 million dollars
Noted scholar appointed
111 O ? . Jm JL.
and cxumcd ,o be completed one year after
-Uual construction begins. Phase Two ' will cost
'or Us beginning.
better facilities needed
The first step ?f Phase One will be the
???Ih? ol the "stage-house the entire stage
area, with reconstruction that will enlarge it to three
?'?? 's present sue. The ceiling will be raised to
allow lor better use of Hying scenery that presentlv
tam,ot be- concealed because the ceding is too low
?An entirely new rigging system for this kind of
scciicr) will be installed.
In order to compensate for the acoustical and
Mghl-lme problems, the "rake" of the house will be
"?creased. Ih.s means that the incline of the floor
"HardI the back will be steeper. Downing says that
the ellect this has "is psychological, but' quite
The orchestra area will be lowered to create an
orchestra pit. ' This will put the orchestra out of
sight ol tlu- audience, where they will not K.?,
the dialogue- with their music.
Downing explained that only if the renovations
are dum under budget" will they be abb , ? m , urc
new ligliiniif svsleuis U
h , systems He is concerned that the
'?gluing Ik acquired since he feels that the
department loses man prospective students because
??l -is present equipment. "It's what they see that
make, the first impression. A prospective student
doesiil see the quality of the teaching or the
production when he looks at the theatre It's
important to have- a good facilitv to attrae! them "
He added thai the theatre would, howei
I he plans lr the renovations ol the dance
studios include new flooring. A dancer can re
serious leg injuries il thc-v dance on a floor I ha
'Mr,j- ' downing explained. When
hard surtaee, the- dancer's bod) absorbs all
"Hk- M?e '? w.ll be - rned to
eliminate this problem. It will consist
linoleum and a layer plywood on supports
skrepers . 1l?-r supports are- designed l
and there-lore- absorb the -hock wh
u the- Hour.
?W One plan, will also melude new f,e
"?? ?? ?b, theatre and a new - lg
at seating capacil) w.ll be slightlv -
'??? "?v c.d bu. Downing do n?,
a sign il,cam reduction.
handicap facilities
Another neccssar) addition to MeGinni, ,
'r lhc ??w" - ? the ;
Mmps and handicap parking will .
Ine renovation
1' "a. taken the department . g
ivlL?T uxeculr -
k" ?K a?? the be the
?ur??o?e. e had to take
, l iAan 'use when they're I
(hanging them
News Bureau
si and
administrator todav was
a,llcd t fhief academic
r f"r Eat Carolina
L niversitv.
Dr. Robert H V.?,
51, was chosen Ibi the
M"M at ECL while
serving as chairman of
a select search commit-
I,t' which will recom-
mend a new president
ol the
.niver-it v
11 111
Dr. Robert H.Maier
Maier ha held increas-
ing!) important academ-
ic and administrative
posts at the University
ol Wisconsin-Green Bay
lor the past 12 ears.
At ECU he will
become Vice Chancellor
lor Academic Affairs.
with administrative res-
pbnsibilit) for all of
LCU s 11 colleges and
professional schools
except medicine, inclu-
dig all academic
departments and related
programs and functions.
"The possibilities for
I he future at East
Carolina are exciting
and challenging Maier
said in a telephone
interview. He considers
tCU a dynamic
institution of the fu-
ture which is now
lacing "new turns and
a new direction
He said the task of
"building on strengths
we already have is very
much in line with my
background and experi-
Chancellor Thomas
B. Brewer said, "Dr.
Maier is among our
nation's leading edu-
cators. His outstanding
qualifications and ex-
perience in educational
administration and t-a-
ehing and research will
add greatly to the
strength of the univer-
sal). We are most
fortunate that he and
his family will join East
Maier will replace
Dr. John M. Howell,
V ice Chancellor for
Academic Affairs since
1972, who requested
last January that he
relinquish administrative
duties to return to
leaching and research.
A committee conducted
an intensive nationwide
search before choosing
At the time, Maier
had been named chair-
man of the search
committee for a new
president of the Univer-
sit) ed Wisconsin s)s-
lem. Ke nmediatelv
asked n,ai he- In-
replaced as chairman of
lhat committee.
Since 1975, Dr.
Maier has held the rank
ol prokssor of Science
a?d Environmental
Change and of Public
and Environmental Ad-
ministration, UW-Green
Bay. From 1969 to 1975
he was Vice Chancellor
of UW-Green Bay and
also Professor of En-
vironmental Sciences,
1970-75. Earlier he was
Assistant Chancellor for
Instruction and Re-
search. He went to
Green Bay in 1967 as
Professor of Chemistry.
In 1965-66, he was
one of 23 Fellows in
Academic Administration
chosen b) the American
Council on Education
and vva aligned to the
Uuiversi!) 0 torln
Carolina gcmral ?dmin-
istration in Chapel Hill
to work in the offices of
the President of the
U.NC system.
Academically, his
field ol specialtv i.?, soil
chemist r) and he has
undertaken extensive
research project! and
authored numerous pu-
blications, and holds
mail) professional mem-
berships, honors and
recognilivc awards. He
served eight vears on
? he lacultv of Agricul-
tural Chemist r) and
Soils, Universit) of
Arizona, and served a
)car, 1966-67, as
assistant dean of the
Graduate College, Uni-
versit) of Arizona.
He also served a
year as a technical
a?lvi?,or to the U.S.
Arm) Chemical Corps in
classified biological re-
At the Universit) of
Wisconsin-Green Ba),
Dr. Maier was des-
ignated Depulv Chan- ed the Green Bay
campus bv recommen-
dation ol the chancellor
-it approval of the
Board ol Regents and
wkAT'S INskfe
I Sign controversy endsp.3
I A look at Disco p.6
ECL vs. UNCp.7
Action taken to
aid campus safi
Stuff Writer
committee draft
In a meeting of the
Save the Trees Sub-
committee last week, a
letter was drafted to
Chancellor Brewer con-
cerning the Committee's
ttaitd on campus plan
A le-tler wa nec-
essar) a Dr. Brewer is
?Mil ol town ami would
be- unable- to meet with
? he subcommittee until
alter August 1. It is the
I'opes of the subcom-
Housing contract
deadUne announced
Dan K. Wooten, Director of Housing, has taaued
the following statement:
r ?P?,V? the i,em?nd for residence hall housing
for Fall Semester 1979, the contract cancellation and
room deposit refund deadline has been extended
Trom June 1 to August 17. Interested students who
-are eligible to move from residence hails should
contact the Housing Office in order to cancel their
mitlee thai this letter
reaches Dr. Brewer in
lime for him to take
immediate action on one
particular request due
? o pending construction.
While the committee
endorses the modifica-
tions ? made in the ex-
isting plans, the action
requested in the letter
concerns the Erwin Hall
parking lot and asks
lhat the contract be
either voided, have ex-
tensive modifications
made, or be suspended
lemporaril) to consider
observations made by
the com mil lee.
The committee ob-
served that, as now
planned, the Erwin Hall
lut will not gain any
parking spaces and so,
with landscape gravel
and woodbeams, drain-
age can be maintained,
trees saved ami future
reversal of the lot
would be made easier,
as thi i an especial!)
wooded area in the
evnlral campus.
Further, the com-
mittee suggests that the
lot is dominated by
Universit) vehicles that
ma) be relocated to
Iree spaces on campus.
The' plan would be to
relocate these vehicles
to a lar western portion
of ihe Allied Health
parking lot which is not
full) utilized. This plan
also lends itself to
having ihe Usi.r 0j ,nc
Universit) vehicle park
at the Allied Health lot
rather than in a highly
desireable spot on cam-
Other recommen-
dations made by the
committee are for
Brewer to pledge to the
committee that no fur-
ther contract or orders
be issued lor design of
lacilitifs which mav re-
quire- tree removal until
Ihe long range plans for
campus are completed,
reviewed and adopted
with tipporlunil) far fu-
eultv, -dueleiit and coin-
muuitv input.
In addition the ceim-
mittee felt ' it necessary
to state thai, as the)
understand that ECU
shall be a pedestrian
campus, increases in
pcrmuneni parking fa-
cilities are inconsistent
with that polic).
Ihe committee has
further suggestions re-
garding permanent input
in Campus Planning
which they plan to pre-
sent to Brewer at" the
earliest possible date.
Acic.N Edit or
Safet) at the 10th
Sireet-ColUge Hill in-
tersection has, until re-
cenllv, been minimal at
best, with 0,000 stu-
dents und 12,000 motor
vehicles crossing the in-
le-rseclioii daily, a sig-
nificant danger exil
lor anyone crossing at
that intersection. Fin-
aiiv, some action ha
been taken to improve
the situation.
The State Highwa)
Commission recently in-
stalled yellow cautiou-
hghls that warn cars
ol pedestrians crossing
the road.
In a letter to SGA ice
President Charlie Sher-
r?ii from the North
Carolina Secretarv of
1 raiisporlation, it uUs
indicated that additional
speed limit signs had
been posted at the
intersection. The letter
also slated that the citv
of Greenville had been
orge-d to monitor e-
ieve speeds ,n ,u.
area clos.iv.
HI .1
SImthhI had
viotislv requested
these measures ?
Haled. and -aid.
recent im r .
erelan Bradshaw's
urn an.i immediate
-aleiv additions are
commendable He- aske-d
on- personal!) to urge-
student to use the- tullv
actuated control svstem
at the intersection. Cur-
rentlv. verv lew take
the- lime to punch the
button and wail lor the-
ualk Mgnal. When
classes are- changing, a
hazardous pedeirian
proldeui exists ami it t
imperative that students
iim' the available- aletv
dev ic?-s
Sherri??l went on to
sav lhat an overpass tor
the inle-r-eehon is feas-
ible but vve?ubl tucil
luudiiig since the est-
imated costs arc- close
? i?23o.uuo.
??tin . -ah I) pre,
. ??mini :
-hnb-ul vmil.
i?.til game I
?'? -
-lode.i! Ulteildl
tii'ai; gam?- w?tub
drunk and throw
U-ltie. It ?M-
p? lied. and itie.iu
was ui! -
l . athb-lii
direi i at E(.l . -a
relation to lhi, that
llgblfl V t, V
prevail al lootb,
il aim - tin- (all. and
I an v bo) i (, -
? i'l- in lh? - iium
woukl be eoiili-eai
si,? i rod admitted
lhal In- ihouglu -tudent-
would trv i -in ak
l.ollle ?, ,u, ,tl, j(
lioped that their eoiHe-rn
tor oihe-r- would prevail
ami that the v Might "at
I' a-l bring the b.M.e- in
pla-lu con!aiiier-
National Clown Week slated
August 1 - 7 is
National Clown Week.
Members of Greenville
Clown Allev will ob-
serve the week with an
appearance at a local
nursing home and a
performance during
Children's Hour at
Sheppard Memorial
Library on August 8.
The Allev has been
in existence for three
ears and was chartered
m , March of I979 as
Clow iis of America
Allev N. The) have
performed in a volun-
teer capacit) at numer-
ous benefits this vear.
Members ol the
Alley meet the second
and lourth Tuesdav- ol
each mouth at 7:30
p in. at the Senior
Citucifs Center on the
corner ol Fourth and
Greene Streets.
All) students inter-
ested in clow ning are
invited to attend or
contact Dot Gronet at
m .? f,
??? . , - ? ??
???? m "?.j0

Page 2 FOUNTAINHEAD 26 July 1979
'Drinking and driving don't mix
Most of us have had the warning
Drinking and driving don't mix"
drummed into our heads since we
were old enough to get behind the
wheel of a car. As a result of this,
we have become conditioned to
hearing the phrase without thinking
about it.
By now, most readers are probably
thinking "Qh, it's another article on
the evils of drinking WRONG.
First of all, it would be
hypocritical to state that I believe
drinking is wrong. Secondly, my
intention is not to offer commentary
on the act of drinking or on the legal
aspects of alcohol consumption. Drink-
ing is now, as it should be, a matter
of individual choice.
The individual choice refers to our
own responsibility for what we put
into our bodies or what we do to
them. However, the decision and
effects of such are no longer
individualized when they pose a threat
to other people's lives and property.
The threat to which I am referring
is that which occurs when anyone
assumes the responsibility of operating
an automobile while under the
influence of alcohol.
Earlier this month, a Fountainhead
employee was en route to the beach,
-hen at ten o'clock in the morning,
the vehicle in which she was riding
as struck by a woman driving under
the influence of alcohol. To date the
employee has not recovered con-
sciousness, or stabilized enough to be
moved from the intensive care unit.
In addition, she has sustained such
physical damage as two broken legs,
and possible brain damage.
In another instance, a -student
related that she had gone out of town
last weekend, after leaving her car
legally parked on the street in front
of her house. Friday night, a driver
under the influence hit the car,
knocked it approximately 30 feet down
the street, and left the scene. She
returned to find her car gone (it had
ibeen towed away since it was not
drivaole). The driver was charged
with hit and run and driving while
under the influence of alcohol
These are only two examples of a
staggering number of accident and
injury cases which result from
drinking and driving. Until it hits us
close to home, it is merely another
There is another aspect of
responsibility in this situation to be
considered. How many times has each
one of us witnessed an obviously
intoxicated person about to get into
an automobile and drive away? How
many times have we seen a car
weaving down the road, and reacted
with "I sure hope that guygirl
doesn't hit somebody?"
Do we not have a collective
responsibility to report such occur-
ances in the interest of preventing
accidents which could kill or cripple?
How many tragedies must we witness
or read about before we can put our
selfish concerns aside and look out for
the other guy" as well?
r It's something to think about.
Origins of Uppity Women9 traced
I l I 1.1.lit VY ?? ?' I
i la!
nit? r-
I? Till
h ?
i eadcr-
Have receivec
requests from
I" define the
I I'l'ii omen
hi- that some
have been led
Ueve that "uppity
women art- snobs or
are wealthy and lacking
tn conscience. While I
did iht originate the
ml I'T this editorial
column, I feel obligated
ililfiid it from
m interpretation.
Ih original "Uppity
W omen editorials were
irn Iroin the pen ol
Hester Petty, and ran
i" I lie Fountainhead
from September, 1978,
through January, 1979.
Ms. Petty, in one ol
her lal columns, asked
lor someone to please
lake oer the editorial.
Because I fell verv
strongly that ihe femi-
nist i uniagf pniiii
needed publication, I
submitted a column to
the Fountainhead. It
was printed, and 1
began to write one
column a week.
I ueer asked Hester
why she chose the title
Lynn Beyar
Barry Clayton
Jeff Rollins
Bill Jones
Lisa Drew
Stuart Morgan
Jimmy DuPree
Debby Newby
Steve Bachner
Robert Swaim
Paul Lincke
FOUNTAINHEAD is the student newspaper ol
East Carolina University sponsored by the Madia
Board ol ECU and is distributed each Tuesday and
Thursday during the academic year (weekly during
ihe summer).
Editorial opinions are thoee ol the Editorial Board
and do not necessarily relied the opinions ol Ihe
university or the Media Board.
Our offices are located on the second Door ol the
Publications Center (Old South Building; Our mailing
MJdres is. Old South Building. ECU, Greenville
N C 27834
Our phone numbers ere: 7S7-6366, OS7, and
6309. Subscriptions are S10 annually, alumni M
annually Subscription requests should be addreeeed
to the Circulation Manager.
Uppity Women1 I
guess that's because it
never occurred to me
that someone might
misunderstand. 1 kept
the "Uppity Women"
heading as a tribute to
Hester initiative in
creating and developing
the column, and I
believe that I have an
understanding ol what
she meant by "uppitv
women although it
must be made clear
that I am not assuming
to -peak lor her.
Ihe adjective "uppity"
is, ol course, an
American colioquiallism.
I he dang dictionaries
carry the definitions ol
"fought' "arrogant
'upper-class' etc but
I lure was also another
context, and 1 believe
Ifol Ms. Petty was
referring io the latter.
Ihe other context had
Io do with people who
are not "in iheir
place socially.
Uppity" was used to
refer to someone who
was high-talking while
intoxicated with alcohol.
I he earliest reference I
was able to find was
one regarding
'educated Negroes be-
coming uppilv
I did not find a
reference made specif-
ically to any of the
first-wave feminists as
"uppity but no doubt
the reference was made
many times. It must be
remembered that over
one hundred years ago,
when I ?minists were
beginning to speak out
place" vva-
same thing
tioning Cod.
woman s
about the
as ques-
lor women's rights
own property and
vote, for
Ihe women's rights
movement in America
was originally an
oil-hoot ol the anli-
slavery, Abolitionist
movement. . . ial
dedicated Vmerican
female abolitionists were
reIused seals at a
World Anti-Slavery
Convention in London in
1810. ("Gentlemen only
an- expected to at-
The Convention
"compromised" in
sealing the women
behind a . urj.un,
when- they vv? ; ? ex-
pected to listen, lull
not to participate. The
women walked out. A
lew years later, some of
these same women re-
assembled in Seneca
Falls, New Wk, and
began to actively
campaign lor American
women's rights.
By 1851, Lucretia
Mott, Elizabeth St an ton,
and the indomitable
Susan B. Anthony had
joined forces. They had
to endure insult, slan-
der, libel, threats, and
physical abuse during
their campaigns, which
consisted mainly of
speaking engagements
and collecting signa-
Susan B. Anthony
spent the winter of 1854
traveling New York
Stale, collecting signa-
tures on a women's
rights petition to be
presented to the New
York State Legislature.
She suffered frostbite,
and miserable accom-
modations, along with
Health foods:
It - 115 degrees outside under a pitiless sun, but
inside, amidst the air-conditioned kitsch of the Las
Vegas Hilton, delegates to the health food industry's
annual convention are coolly assessing their future
And ihe luture, on the surface, at least, looks
Once considered beyond the pale of respectabili-
ty, these erstwhile food faddists have done a good
deal to spark Americas surge of interest in diet
iid nutrition and natural lifestyles. In the process
their once-liny industry has grown taster than a
zucchini squash in a summer garden.
,)v,r na" 'fo country's 6,600 health food
-lores did not exist only five years ago. Yet, retail
al.a lasi year were a cool SI.6 billion, and even
conventional supermarkets are stuffing their shelves
with natural" products to cash in on the trend.
Closely allied with the growth of natural foods i
the increasing popularitv of holistic, preventive
medicine, in which diet, yoga, megav.tamin therapv
and other techniques are posed as alternatives to
drugs ami surgery. Indeed, manv of the thousands
ol products on d.splay here deal not onlv with
eating but with healing.
II one is to believe the smiling spiels of health
food promoters, the sky ,s the limit. But behind the
smiles hes concern that recession and repression
could arrest the trends towards natural food and
medicine belore they really take hold.
A lull-Hedged recession would probablv take the
wind out ol the sails of the health food industrv
Health loods because of their relatively small
volume, spotty distribution, hard-to-get ' natural
. ingredients ami sometimes-hefty markup cost far
more than conventional foods. That makes them
desirable extras, not necessities, on most people"
shopping lists.
Repression is another, at least as thornv
problem. In their lootrace to success, health food
entrepreneurs have stepped on some intluencial
toes: those ol the pharmaceutical giants and
conventional lood processors, for example. Holistic
health advocates have, likewise, made powerful
enemies in the medical establishment. Both have
drawn the fire of government regulatory agencies.
Ihe L.S. Food and Drug Administration recent! v
proposed that some vitamin and mineral
supplements - vitamin E and magnesium, among
?hem be withdrawn from over-the-counter sales
ami as prescription drugs. Organizations
hke the National Nutritional Foods Association
sponsor ol the Las Vegas confab, have vociferouslv
attacked the FDA plan, arguing that it violates the
consumer s Ireedom of choice and reflects the ill
will ol powerful special interests towards the health
lood industrv.
Will government policies
stunt rapid growth?
Similarly, scientist- dose In the health I
h" - neahh movements arc finding
uudittg are drying Uf. i a in point -
that ol Dr. Linus Pauling, the two-time Nobel Prue
winner whose work with vitamin C on the comn
v'ld ami earner have made him a parial
orthodox medical circles. Pauling, h?
patient. uiih vitamin C - . .
Institute m California and cites
remarkable successes bv Dr Kuan Camef
Scotland ha- been repealed. domed funds
expand his research.
hauling is at the convention, a era.
war old with a -hock ol white hair and a .
l-rcelul way ol speaking. His speech ,s the m -
warmly-rcceived ot the convent.on. topptUi: ?? ,hd
i,eahhUrg ?KUmi'n "? l? a hero ?o lh,
health lood movement when his Se.ate
bcomniutee on Nutntum recommended a t
away ,rom Big Macs 'and Ding Dong.
UttprHVsscd, whole loods.
dm, lu pauj(Ug m,gaiW oJ utanm
1 , " a dj oil the bodv a
di'cae' ,nUmUU- u ff
disease Ke.ernng to a recent, highlv -pubhc
Mud by ,U. Mau Ctlm. that
dupbeate Lwan Cameron ; test remits .ltn
U,U - Ruling .ays that the Mavo Chna as
jancer patients whose heavy dose, ot chemothera'
had already destrmed ,he,r immune svstems. (Jok'a
hundlu ol ,? patients Cameron studied had had
;heo,herapy. According to Paulmg. the M
Cbmc didnt publicize t.u radical departure V
Cameron s work.
None of the toregomg ,s to suggest that health
lood and holistic health devotees are .? La
year ,? Los Angeles, a seller ol an Vg?-tr(
mayonnaise substitute was tound to be sell,?,
standard mayonnaise. w?h eggs, unuVr J? health lood label. And when a T
Matio also ,u Los Angeles, tested "organic-
produce there earlier this year, pesticide res.dues L
ugh as , on supermarket produce showed mm
Clearly, some regulation is needed
But repression ?, the of regulation vW,
do America needs the elemental bodv wisdom ?
the natural lood and hohstu, health movemen,
Swithet, foods hke synthetic fuels, wo,?
???. ?hI , h fce oan-
W Jm t, a ,v?r,ro, rmimmmmt. U
many icy receptions ami
doors slammed in her
lace, bul she collected
lour thousand signatures
that winter.
The New York
Legislature appointed a
special committee to
consider the petition. In
their report, the Com-
millee concluded. . .
bnlies always have the
besl place, ami choicest
litlbils ul the table.
They always have the
best seat tu Ihe . cars,
carriages, and sleighs;
the warmest place in
the winter and the
coolest place in the
A lady's dress
costs three limes as
much as that of a
gentleman; and, at the
present time, with the
prevailing fashion, one
lady occupies three
times as much space in
ihe world as a gentle-
It has ihus ap-
peared to t,r married
gentlemen ol the Com-
millee, being a majorilv
? ? that it there is
any inequity or op-
pression in the case,
the gentlemen are llu
sufferers. . . On the
whole, the Committee
has com hided t rnvM.
mend no measure,
except as thev have
the bttsisattd mav wear
pellicoat- and ihe wile
tin breeches, ami thu-
indicate to their neigh-
bor- ih, true relation in
which they stand to
each o(h,r. "
e iiu-
Uiic get-
prrssiiHi thai "uppilv"
Was. pr.d.ablv ??ie ,5 u.
ti-ed ?i
carl tt?iuuii-1
Ol tlOt , ,j
lit. ,arjx
lesmmsu. that jj
(X ?? ?Ufe her
? "Junto I ,? .
???? proud
?? ? al i on ,i,
tile Iri.ts
several in-
which hus-
wife have
same pe-
stances in
band and
signed the
lit ion.
In such case,
they would recommend
the parlies to apply for !
a law authorizing them
U? change dress, that
Vigil to be observ
rer-m- ui-hmg orve a lent
regarding pending drat! legislation mav gather
the Lvans Street Mall on the ,rs, and ,hi
Uetlnestlays ol each month, un1 e legislation ha
been acted on. This v,g, will also U- observed b
group, ?, other parts of the nation. Person, arc-
ane, to assemble at twelve noon and observe
'U"t vigd until twelve thirty. This demonstration ,
sponsored by the Grcenvdie Peace CommiUee
?, ? ?

1 Wit II IDE l
Despite what th
, J?T fhe elMraHic ??
Controversy ends
?'? s Editor
"Hi Car
i ii i a
' "Jl'i thai th
'g" ?'M Last
I niversiiv pro-
.ii id corner o
-iii.l Charles
not violate
Cilv u Creenville
( I ,

. to Rov
? assistant al-
ii, ill zo-
"Ills lor i lllr-
applies "to
i its a-
? regard
i m, coll-
ude l
' ?' i ' ruling,
Creem die
igtl va-
i - prohibit! 11
"Hire ami
ssi! i, a 11. i
r, -i il
a 11iir! i,?
and at-
alum id
ii trover- i
i in il, -d ? m
? i
?mi weeks ;
ig ih" contro-
1 rev al han, a
Greenville resilient who
"role a letter to The
Dailv Refle ir and con
laeti'ij ilu- cii manager
and tnavor complaining
about the sign ,? Juyt
-aid M,uida she had
three objections to the
She ain , ihe sign
aa- a liatln hazard al
"I the uios) on
-l' ted intersections in
llu" -?ate 2) that she
??hje? led to private eon
cei'i "I individuals: u
,h'A Male propert) lor
publieil) purposes, and
; 'hat she thought the
-?gn va "tack) as all
4' i "in lor the dignitv
?'I the university ad-
'i'?ig thai it gave ECL a
Cone) Island" atmos
l'lu'1 c.
I still feel verv
much the same con-
cerning all three
??'?iUs Trevathan -aid.
' l!i"ik there has been
1 "I controversy. I
paid fur bv the Athletic
Lhpartment Cain ex-
plained. "The nionev
?as paid to the Am-
?M,an Sign ami Indi
itor C
hn'k ulol of
li-agr?e vxitli ihe sign.
"ling in illiam
r? ECl alhle
I11 l??r, the sign ai ti .
oiner ol the interscc-
ion and the scoreboard
" Kieklen Stadium is
l??tal package paid
??" b the five local
nisiiiesses who po
led it.
Il was installed and
? "iistructed the sign
According to (am.
a??oui SIU,0)0 m alhlel.c
motie) ? not state
?nev ? was used in
lull ihe electronic
"gu and build its brick
-i i ucturc.
Ihe purpose ol the
-?gn is io provide infor-
mation to the public
cuiieerning activ ities
both athletic and cam-
pu wide he further
explained. "h j? ,
public information cen-
l,r hir the universit)
d not just limited to
univer-ifv athletic
depai Inn
" l' ' ' v ' JIM 'i A I , I I
Ihe ilifiereni .leparl
ments on campus, and
ai wani lo hdp 1(,r
? partments get jtor.
maiion on thuri center
li added.
Able lo run simul-
icousl) niih the
Moreboard in Kieklen
Radium, Cam described
ihe -1? 111 as being
unique He- added,
We still have i .
ihnigs thai can be put
11 " ha! can be ol
'l'v to the univer
ECU Professor Selected
for National Program
I l . . w - Bureau
Vila Kosenleld,
(person ol home
mill - educal urn hi
li-i Carolina Uni-
l" Iiool ol Home
io, has been
?'?Ieie.d i" participate in
National Consumer
I -1 i 11 o in i e ? Program
? the IV7?J-80 fiscal
I he program. con-
hv the Joint
' cil on economic
ion, will imple-
'II V I i I, ? coll ?
loiuii project
I II" -ouiicil
network ol state coun-
cils and economic edu-
1 alum centers.
Ir. Kosenleld i one
"I M) leading college
anil university lacullv
members chosen lor the
Wlivilies include an
m-iiiule hosted bv the
" "igia Council on
hconomic Kducalion on
develupineill ol prefer
k?ee and uiservici1 con
"inner eilui alum leach-
1 '?.?. pai In ipaills in
"M nielli i iih councils
ami centers in their
" " ?live -tales, a
meeting ol the Joint
uncil on Economics
Ilocation hi loronto,
l.anada, ami lormation
adion plan- h
participating lacullv
ii" inher
Ir. Koseuiehi is na-
lioualh recognized lor
"? ' wirk in (he o-
lalioiial education and
"Otsumer education
?Mills. Mie has direcled
?"?veral special training
" ' v h-e projects with
iniiiiing Iroin national
and stale agencies.
Burt Reynolds
Jon Voight
Monday night at 9
Hendrix Theatre
- If you're interested in a challenging,
rewarding experience on a very
flexible part-time basis then read on.
. The FOUNTAINHEAD needs a few ,
energetic, creative people to join the
advertising staff. The requirements '
are simple: You must be willing to
devote a reasonable amount of your
spare time to this occupation. You
should be willing to dress in a neat,
businesslike manner and follow
through on assignments.
' Y.2ur Pcome will be determined bv
your degree of effectiveness as a
salesperson; all earnings will be
based on sales volume. In addition,
you will gain valuable sales
experience along with exposure to
all types of businesses.
If the prospect of earning extra
money, gaining valuable experience
and accepting a genuine challenge
appeals to you then we need to talk
about it.
To arrange an appointment that
could make this school year
something really special call:
Mr. Robert Swaim at 757-6366
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. or fill
out an application at the
Neatness and attractive appearance
are essential.
11. Business minded females are
especially encouraged to apply.
SSfijflpQr- .? r - - -r

Page 4 FOUNTAINHEAD 26 July 1979
Med School faculty expanded
News Editor
Several new additions have recently been made
to the East Carolina University Shool of Medicine's
lacull .
Dr. L. Jarrett Barnhiil, a child psychiatrist, has
been appointed assistant professor of psychiatry. He
will be responsible lor the development of a
pediatric laison program between the Department of
Pediatrics and Pill County Mental Health Center.
Barnhiil is a native of Rober'sonville, North
Carolina, and received his undergraduate degree
from I NC-Chapel Hill and his MD from Bowman
Gra) School of Medicine. He completed his
post-graduate medical training at North Carolina
Memorial Hospital in Chapel Hill, and North
Carolina Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem.
" Paul L. Fletcher, a specialist in protein
ihemixtry, has been appointed associate professor of
Scholar named
to ECU faculty
itral ion on major
program cost analysis.
His research and
publications both in the
scientific id academic
planning holds are
voluminous. He also
served in numerous
consulting capacities
centering on academic
planning and budgeting.
As an undergradu-
ate, Maicr had a dual
major in chemistry and
botaii) at the University
ol Miami, in 1951,
taking cum laude honors
with his BS degree. An
MS and PhD in plant
and soil chemistry with
ininois in analytical
chemistry and botany
vere taken at the
I nix ?i -it of Illinois,
1952 and 195 1.
1 lie recommendation
ol liis appointment was
reached by the ECU
Soared Committee sev-
eral weeks ago ami was
approved b (hi ECL
Board ol I rustees and
lorwarded to President
iliiain C. Friday of
the University ol North
Carolina vho presented
11 if recommendation to
the L C Board ol
microbiology. He will establish a protein chemistry
aboratory in the Department of Microbiology and
Immunology, which will provide research services for
the various med school departments.
Fletcher has formerly taught at Yale and
Rockefeller Universities, and is currently researching
neurolovins from scorpion venom on a grant from
the National Institutes of Health.
Dr. Mohammad Saeed Dar has joined the school
as visiting assistant research professor in the
Department of Pharmacology. Prior to his appoint-
ment, Dar was associate professor of pharmacology
al Pahlavi University Medical School in Shiraz, Iran.
He vsas involved there in research sponsored partly
by Burroughs Wellcome, Traingle Park, which
involved certain properties of medicinal plants in
LOST: Male all-white Great Pyrenees dog. Answers
to Jackson and is wearing a collar. Please call Ron
Jenkins at 758-5261 if you have any information
concerning Jackson
112 E Fifth StfMt
?taurquoise & lnl
?metal and solid brass
belt buckles
Jo-it yourself
leather kits
10 discount
jewelry when
present this ad
10-5:30 Mon-Sat
10-1:00 Wed.
eon) imied I loin p. I.
?" rved in thai additional
capai ii liom 171 to
II' was selected
national chairman ol the
nominations committee
lot the Society of
College and University
Planning, l')72-73, then
served a? chairman of
the membership eornmi-
llee lor this society,
He was chairman of
1 he 1 system's
Vdv iory Committee on
1111" 1 in ,i 1 urn Systems
Development, 1971-75.
lb' lia served as a
member ol the UW
S stem orking Croup
on Objectives and
Performance Evaluation,
and as a member of the
I system's Advisory
Planning fask Force to
dev elop 1 nleria lor
phasing down or phas-
ing .Mil programs and
impuses. In 1975,
served as chairman
of the study committee
adem ic and
? ? ?mi. Support Pro-
iis. He also served
? 1- -1 special advisor to
I W Central Admin-
Carolina Original Music Festival
Warehouse, Sidewinder, and Wave
in Concert at the Attic
July 26.
lHic Sudeiil Union Travel Committee announced it
fcvciiingjpliiieup of trips for the .coming school year:k
'Hawaii Trip
jSpring Break March 8-15
'ii days and 7 nights
total c i-t .7?)(: includes roundlrip airfare
from iiah ,gh Dm ham Airport
iForl Lauderdale-Disney World Trip
fSpriftg Break March 7-16
jloiaj cost 1175.00 includes bus transportation
New ork City Trip
Thanksgiving Break November 21-25
Total cost S 80.00 includes bus transportation
Itur more information call Mendenhali Student.
Center Ticket Office 757-6611, or contact Gradv
Dickerson ai 7i?-u37l
gggggggmm mi f rTT-i
10th S?et 758-8550
HavAburTravel IQ?
Clam Chowder & Veg. Beef
Cream of Chieken & Beef X?.
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Beef doodle & French Onioi
Tomato & Chieken Noodle
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Well, let's see.
Just take this quiz and add up
your correct answers.
Soft Contact Lenses
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Now Thru July 31st
Semi Soft Lens$130.00
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w v?
D n I think I need a passport, but I cant apply until I know my
travel plans A passport will be one of the last things I get
before I go.
Q There is no need to write out a detailed itinerary of my
travels and leave it with someone else before I go They
know what countries I'm visiting, and the American Em-
bassies should have no trouble finding me if there is a
problem here at home '
? "Drug laws in countries abroad are a lot easier than in the
U.S and normally not well enforced"
? D No matter what happens, the US. Embassy can bail me
out of jail or other serious trouble After all I am an
American citizen
? "The best way to carry money abroad is in good old Amer-
ican dollars If I run short, I can always cash a check"
? " I can always go to the American Embassy if I need to have
hotel or travel reservations made or if I need to cash a check"
If you MM "FALSE" to HI of 0M afore, than Hi
are a seasoned traveler who can probably look forward to
a smooth, successful trip abroad. W you answered "TRUE"
to any or all, p??s? road on.
False. Apply for your passport early. The U.S. passport is good for
five years and you need not have specific travel plans at the time you
apply There are more than enough last-minute items to take care of
when you re planning a trip, without adding a passport to your list.
False. Experienced travelers would not think of leaving the country
without advising family, friends & business associates of their itineraries
-not only for their own protection and welfare, but also for their peace
of mind and for those left at home. Each year the State Department s
Citizens Emergency Center responds to thousands of werfare-and-
whereaoouts inquiries on Americans abroad, in too many cases family
and friends can only provide minimal information on the parson abroad
We do our best, but it is often like looking for the proverbial needle
in a haystack REMEMBER-leave a detailed itinerary, tf you alter your
schedule, let people back home know of your new plans.
False. Drug laws are generally more severe abroad, with mandatory
orison sentences common for possession of even the smallest amounts
of marijuana. Most foreign countries stringently enforce their drug laws
ff you do become involved, you're running a high risk of being among
IHfJJ?0? Cleans.arrested abroad each year, almost half on drug-
2S2J SB ,A?ARE ?in ?mi- JShSmS St be
S. ?Lthe ?ci ?ltak,nfl' Possessing or trading in drugs to be ar-
L? Si5d ai1 Pften' l?ing in the same room where drugs
are found is sufficient to be charged Be wary of stranoers mcffii
ff W? who may ask StoMpjmm7Rm?8
into the U.S. There is always the chance that theycontain drugs
&fc Sf 0,f icers cannot P?" your bail or get you out of
ail Should you be arrested or run into serious difficult with foreion
law enforcement authorities, you should ask that EmmRMmS
Embassy or Consulate be advised immediately of your oliofrt ACoSir
OJteen I visit or otherwise contact you mmmjSSbZS
offer whatever assistance he or she can Remember when vou
travel in a foreign country, jw are subject to the laws of mi country
False. Carrying large amounts of cash when you travel is an un-
necessary risk that is easily avoided by using travelers checks or in-
ternational money orders. Although major U.S. credit cards are recoonized
in many parts of the world, you should not rely on them totally Cashina
a personal check abroad is an impossibility in most cases.
fjtfXfSI1 yi!adfoad are vita? concerned with the pro-
ection and welfare of Americans traveling or residing overseas If you
find yourself in trouble abroad, contact the nearest American Embassy
or Consulate. They are there to advise and help you. They cannot how-
ever, do the work of travel agencies, banks, airlines or the local police
And thef cannot serve as translators, cash tol?. rnaiie andorre-
conf irm hotel or travel reservations, or intervene in private commercial
How did you do? If you would like more information, fill
out and mail this coupon for the State Departments fact-
filled booklet "Your Trip Abroad" (single copies only)
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26 July 1979 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 5
rren re leases new book
Trends Editor
Ur'Y ma? ? Otters, Robert Pe,?, Warren
'he I it si niri i ? ?!
lil(( Nostalg.c , consists of poems
"tll the abiht, to transform his personal
, , , , .V I" , hl c?"hood into universal
' . Speculative consists of poems
h metaphysical inquiries into the nature
fllneJL. SPaCe' ml? lhC natUre 0f memor and
Jarren is truly the mos. respected author living
lia. He ,s a critic, poet, novelist, essayist!
1 -lor, writer and dramatist - a notable
-li lor someone who began college with
"ll ?? majoring in chemistry
instruction in chemistry and god$
,lruc freshman English '(John Crowe'
Ransom) influenced Warren's decision to turn to
literature, lie was also one of Donald Davidson's
students ai Vanderbilt, and for a time he roomed
with Mien Tate and Ridley Wills, who took him to
nm lings ol the Fugitives, a group in Nashville
interested in poetry.
I be lirsi poem in the first section is entitled
'American Portrait: Old Style It is Penn Warren's
fern Hill complete with a momento mori image,
that ol a skull Warren found as a child. Another of
the Nostalgic poems is entitled "Amazing Grace
hi the Back t.ouulry" the subject of which is
Warrens experience in one of the old-time revival
lenis thai still tour in the rural United States. In
Boy Wandering in Simms' Valley" the boy roams
around in an old, deserted house and thinks of the
ghosts that live there, and how they loved each
other as real people.
Another poem deals with his seeing an "old
I lame ol his alter she has grown old and ugly.
And yet another poem deals with a boy from an
orphanage thai Warren used to know as a youth.
these autobiographical poems give an intimate
glimpse of Pemi Warren the man.
The necessity of getting art from life has
concerned Warren throughout his life. On his
approaches to writing, Warren had this to say in
Hie Pans Review "You don't choose a story it
'Looses y?u. You get together with that story
somehow; you're stuck with itThe business of
researching lor a book strikes me as sort of
What 1 mean is, researching for a book in the
sense ol trying to find a book to write. Once you
are engaged by a subject, and have your idea you
"lay or may not want to do some investigating But
you ought to do ,t in the same spirit in which
you di lake a walk in the evening air to think things
Bastille Day celebrated
French Indepen-
Day, known as
Ba-lille Ua" is
lionally celebrated
July 16. An
? ition ol this took
ai Dominique's, a
iranl in Washing-
D i and two ECL
nl- were on hand
in participate.
I he major event in
the Bastille Day cele-
bration al Dominique's
involves nailers and
waitresses Ironi around
the country racing over
l,?e mile, with a
champagne tray in one
I In- two ECL
students, Eric Johnston
and Jell Smith, were
sponsored bv the
Gathering Place restaur-
ant in Greenville where
according to John Cox,
part owner el the
establishment, both are
employed as waiters.
Siniih, a graduate
-tudenl in biology, and
Johnston, an art major,
placed in the lop ten in
u field ol over 100
competitors. The pair
had been training for
months by entering
various "fun runs" and
oilier such events
around ihe stale.
Dominique's pro ided
Iree beer .umI enter-
lainmenl for all parli-
ipanl - " follow nig the
race and presented the
winner with a trip to
II m the first, "Nostalgic part of the book we
get a picture ol the young Warren, a man in the
world, in the second part of the book, the
Speculative" gives us an image of Warren the
thinker. Ihe different, more abstract quality of these
i' m- is reflected in some of their titles, "Dream "
D.vam ol a Dream "Ah, Anima and others. '
Warren expresses a view of transcendence and a
love lor the earth in "Diver" much like Frost's in
Swinger ol Birches
Arrowed, the body flies in light.
Ihe heels Jlash as water closes.
Ihe hoard yet rA where feet struck.
Concentric to the water's wound,
In live geometry the bright-
Horn circles widen tar get wise
In rnathemultc accuracy.
Sow in the water's inner gleam,
K here no sound comes, and yap and nag
OJ the world's old currish annoy is stilled,
Ihe body glides. In timeless peace
Ihe mover that shows no movement moves
behind the prow of a diver's hands,
And in our watching hearts we know
An unsuspected depth and calm
OJ identity we had never dreamed.
1 poetry, a
?i lion ol
relation- m nieriea. Thi-
But look! The face is up, dark hi
Snaps side wise to show the boyish grin.
Ind we smile, too, in welcome back
Poet Robert Penn Warren
? all the joy and anguish oj
The earth we walk on, tie down in.
Warren is an accomplished artist in each ol his
eWn Ijeld. His book. Brother to Dragons
a-m,i Warren ol a prominent position among
"?? ?'?l??ran poets. He has published manv books
"leliiuiiig ten novels, iwce vounu.?
volume ol short stories, a plav ,
critical essays, a biography, two
ami two studies
'??i ol work has been published j? a "period"ol"w
Vars - during which Warren has also fuel a
career a a professor ol English.
He wo the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction lor ill the
kings Men 1946. His book Promises in 1957
won Ihe Pulitzer Prize lor Poetry and tin Nal,onal
Book Award. He has won nearly even major
recognition lor talent in creative writing and is
Chancellor ol the Academy ol American Poets. H
lives m Connecticut with his wife anI their Iwo
children, Kosauna and Gabriel.
Sou: and Then. Poems 1976-1978 is the latest
work published to date by one ol Mneri V- i
imporiaul ami respected writer Fni
ihe hook has historical importance. Bu: reviewer
-ugge-t- that you read Mou and inen lor a
dilli rein reason. And that reason is thai the poi
in this book sweats with life, and is lull ol ihe
imaginative spirit ol a very imaginative man.
MacDonald pens bestseller
Eric Johnston and Jeff Smith
Photo by John Cox
Awl. Trends Editor
I he liout cover of
John D. MacDonaid's
latest suspense novel"
claims the book a
coast-lo-coast best-
seller . It ought to be.
The Empty Copper Sea,
the Mveiiienlh of the
lravis McCee adventure
stories, is every bit as
brilliant a piece of
writing as the book's
mirrory copper cover is
eyecatching .
lravis McGec is a
salvage expert which
really means, no mailer
what the circumstances,
he can generally come
up vvilh a way of
getting what he's alter.
Be it anything from
sunken treasure lo, as
is the case in The
Empty Copper Seu, re-
scuing a proud man's
I i MeCee is a
typical hero ol the
James Bond-Nick Dan-
ger genre. A 'y pica I in
thai, while he possesses
the standard accoutre-
ments ol such a lively
occupation ? lasl lists,
quick wits and superb
physical conditioning, a-
loug vvilh a six loot-plus
stature and rugged good
looks thai have women
literally fighting over
him, our James West of
the Florida coast is sur-
prisingly sensitive, com-
passionate and humanly
vulnerable. And il is in
conveying ibis refresh-
ingly human adventur-
er s personal develop-
ment that John D.
MacDonald proves his
worth a- a writer and
The Lin ply Clipper Seu
llllds it s success a- a
uov el.
In The Empty Cop
pet Seu. McCee finds
huiisell once
home on his r"t. Lau-
derdale based house-
boal, The !? i Flush.
alter tw. urdous iiouths
oi sailing a -ma!1 boat
back to Miami from the
Carribbean, McCee is
approached by an old
inend. Van Harder, a
rehabilitated alcoholic,
w ho s captain s license
has been revoked and
good named ruined bv
a lalal accident on a
l???ul hi w Inch In a -
i aplaiumg.
Mi l,i ,
attempt to re-hm to-
ll 'ii ml - repula
long with a
Meyer who ha- a I'
hi ei oitouiic- and
untg v a - i ? i maki a
u-ed i ai -ale-man
gleeu iv it ii euv v , ' ,
II'avel- I" I imi'i t B.i .
in ii I !mi ii
where 11 accident
"? i u i ed . I here, undi ;
the gui-c ot poteulial
inv? -lor- in iin di
eea-ed - laud holding
?l I i e and k'nin pan v
begin in uncover more
and in' ii i? ev idence tl
Hub Lawle tin ,e
i idcul - wealthv i iclim.
.1 lot .il land uiagna
P - Mti lh,n .
ECU Summer Theatre to stage two productions
l.l.l New- Bureau
The Ea-t Carolina
I uiversil y cam pus is
resounding with bright
-oiig- these days as
Producer-Director Edgar
H. Loess in puts his cast
? ?I polished professionals
through their paces in
preparation lor East
Carolina Summer Thea-
tre- "demi-season
scheduled to open
Monday Julv 30 in A.J.
Fletcher Hall. The
season will consist ol
t w o productions:
"Starting Here, Starting
Now a fun-filled,
sophisticated celebration
ol the pleasures and
pitlalls of being in love
written by Richard
Mallby, Jr and David
I Shire; and "Side By
Side By Sondheim the
musical tribute to one
of Broadway's favorite
composers which took
New York by storm a
couple of seasons ago.
The East Carolina
Summer Theatre's cast
for the shows features
some familiar faces as
well as some new
? i lends. Fresh from an
engagement as director
for the outdoor drama
"First Eor Freedom" in
Halifax, Del Lewis will
perlorm in both "Start-
ing Here, Starling
Now and in "Side By
Side By Sondheim A
newcomer lo Summer
Theatre, Lewis' profess-
ional credits include
broad way appearances
in 'The Rothchilds"
and in "Fiddler on the
Roof as well as
off-Broadway, summer
slock, and road show
appearances and in
films. He was the
founder of the Madison
Civic Repertory Theatre
in Madison, Wisconsin,
and currently serves on
the laculty in acting al
East Carolina Univer-
Appearing opposite
Mr. Lewis in both
shows is Michelle
Reilley, a guest artist
appearing through spe-
cial arrangement with
Actors Equity Associ-
ation. Ms. Reilley
trained in London at the
Weber Douglas Acad-
emy of Dramatic Art,
and has extensive acting
credits in regional
professional theatres
around the U.S. She
has appeared as Polly
Peach u in in the Barter
Ihealre production of
Berlolt Brecht's "The
threepenny Opera as
Agnes in ihe Cleveland
Play House production
of Moliere's "Ihe
School lor Wives and
in "A Yard of Sun
directed by Jose Ferrer.
Ibis season is her first
with the East Carolina
Summer Theatre.
Rodney Freeze, a
graduate of ECU's
acting program whose
credits include outdoor
drama and productions
in New York and
Washington, D.C will
appear in "Side By
Side By Sondheim as
will Amanda Muir, a
veteran Summer Theatre
actress whom audiences
will remember for her
performances as Ellen
in "Any Wednesday"
and as Faye Templeton
in "George M
Producer - Director
Edgar R. Loessin hardly
needs an introduction to
Summer Theatre fans.
Ihe founder of the East
Carolina Summer Thea-
tre - and, incidentally,
the ECU Drama and
Speech Department
has worked on produc-
tions on Broadway and
in summer stock, and
has directed al one time
or another almost every
major outdoor drama in
the South. Mr. Loessin
will direct both pro-
Musical Director for
the season is Brett
Waison of the ECU
School of Music faculty.
Waison directs the ECU
Choir, and holds de-
grees in music from the
Eastman School of
Music and the Univer-
sity ol Southern Cali-
lornia. He has been
selected to participate,
later this summer, as
one of 25 conductors
from the United States
and Europe, in the
Bach Academy at
Stutlgari, Germany,
where he will study
under the direction of
world-renowned conduc-
tor Helmut Rilling.
Terry Rieser, Chore-
ographer for both
shows, began her
professional career
working with Jimmy
Durante. She has been
seen on the Jackie
Cleason Show, Sesame
Street, the Sonny Bono
Show, and scores of
other television appear-
ances. She has worked
in regional ihealre and
on Broadway, and has
choreographed musicals
in New ork, Florida
and California.
rickets lor the two
-how- are on sale al
the Ea-t Carolina
Summer Ihealre Box
Ollice. Subscriptions,
good lor a hike! lo
each show, are $10
eaih. or tickets mav be
I'lii cha-ed Ii M llldiv idtial
-how- al 7. Seals are
reset ed. and reset a
lion- may be made .
i ailing 757-?.9U. in li
iv riling Suimnei I
lr?"i Ea-t Carolina
1 niei-n. Greenville,
North Carolina 1.
Jane Heit returns to ECU
ECU News Bureau
The Easl Carolina
Summer Theaire is buz-
zing with excitement
over a special attraction
which has been added
to this summer's
demi-season Veteran
Summer Theatre per-
former Sally-Jane Heit
is returning from New
ork to perform her
popular one-woman
show, "The Heit Report
(In Prime Time)" Aug-
ust 13 through 17 at
8:15 p.m. in A.J. Flet-
cher Hull on the ECU
Campus, with a matinee
performance on Wed-
nesday, August 15.
East Carolina Sum-
mer Theatre audiences
will remember Sally-
Jane as the dazzling
performer who set them
cheering with her per-
formances, beginning
the premiere season
vvilh Reno Sweeny in
"Anything Goes" and
every season thereafter,
including such memor-
able roles as Dollv Levi
in "Hello Dully" and
Golde in "Fiddler on
the Rool
The Heit Report"
played a successful lim-
ited engagement during
ihe past season in New
Nork, and Sally-Jane is
"coming home" to
Greenville to work on a
lew revisions with Sum-
mer Theatre Producer
Director Edgar R. Loe-
ssin. The well-knit pro-
gram is a witty com-
ment on the pretensions
and vulnerabilities of
? he contemporary wo
an caught between
conventional upbringing
and rapidly changing
Iickels r K. pr((.
duclion are S3 each,
and are available bv
calling ihe East Carolina
Summer ihealre Box
Office, (919) 757-6390
between 9 and 5 Mon-
day through Friday, or
by ?v riling Summer
Theatre, East Carolina
University, Greenville,
North Carolina 27834.
9 W ?" -
?i mm

,e 6 FQUNTAINHEAD 26 July 1
Disco evaluated as cultural phenomenon
urmali) reviews in Trends are of specific albums,
movies or books. We offer the following article,
though as a review of a more general phenomenon
in our culture, that of disco.
? Trends Ed.
Staff Writer
It's Iragic how certain relatively harmless words
take on a sinister new meaning when taken in a
rerlaiii contextual or situational manner. Freak!
Black! Queer! Jock! Sorority Cirl! Slow! These come
to be catchwords ol a new elite, more subliminal,
ilisula) ol an old scourge of mankind, prejudice.
V luii prejudict rears n uglv head, it dehumanizes
and robs one ol his individuality, disallowing lor
one - treedotn ol choice in choosing the lifestyle
which beuetits him. To be corny, the ideals on
which tin- country is founded: individuality, freedom
ol choice, and the pursuit of happiness, can create
plane? thai separate individuals who each possess
ilit ark ol humanity. Lately, a simple matter of
musical taste, can doom one to a plethora of
ilctpaacies. We arc discussing disco.
I have a preference for disco music can be
a?.ociated with mans other societal maladies such
upcrficialih. boringness, anti-intellectualism,
lacking in personal depth, and specializing in the
cdinn-dance. I heir only goals in life are purported
?d look good moves, and a good one
-land. Some -ee them to have the emotional
ychulogical depth of a blown
p i-onaliiv ju-i as fragile. All of the grand illusions
n' bared on a -ingle characteristic, their choice of
-ib' Such is the stuff of which prejudice is
n or
not. Disco i- here to stay. It is a
that i- as uniquely a product of the
nock i- the sixties. W i have survived
j Mi-
ami tribulation
the sixties.
generation lorn by strife, and are left drained both
psychological!) and spiritually. To coin a phrase
from the media, the seventies are the "Me
Generation A period of hedonism, when the
emphasis has shitted from concern for social
wellare, the the emphasis of maximization of
personal wealth. This is the era of the material, the
exterior is ol paramount importance, and we have
burgeoned a new generation of "pleasure seekers
In this spirit ol the seventies, disco was generated.
believe it or not, disco had it's genesis in the
gay bars ol New York City and Philadelphia. The
clothes, the songs, and the dances all were born
out ol the sweltering heal of the gay bars in major
metropolitan areas of the North. It finds its musical
basis in the Rhythm and Blues of the Blacks, who
shared it's promulgation with the gays. Isn't it
luniiy how minorities establish the trends, which
-weep the populace to become incorporated in the
largely while mainstream Americana. Disco first
-wept Southward in the early seventies and enjoyed
a brief but frantic stint of popularity. Disco had
almost perished when a single social event
catapulted it into the limelight of American fantasy.
John Travolta, in his infamous portrayal of Tony,
in Saturday ight Fever, rocketed Disco from a
pleasant pasttime into a nationwide social phenom-
enon, today, the Disco life-style is at the apex of
its popularity, and vet grows further, and has
iM-come the dominant phenomenon in musical and
social occurances. It is important, lor those who
don't have a preference lor disco, to develop an
understanding and appreciation tor the positive
aspects ol the Disco life-style.
I he main theme expounded upon in Saturday
i?lu bever was Tony's attempt to remove himsell
Irom the nefarious surroundings ol the South Bronx.
Each Saturday night, Tony escaped from the familial
idiosviierases and animalistic environment in which
he endured during the week. Through dance, an
existential catharsis is performed on him and he
transcends his earthly limitations. Look around you.
Inflation and unemployment are devastating the
economy. Multinational corporations dictate their
demands to our national leadership, which is
universal!) depicted throughout the world. Crises
arc rampant. The harsh realities of life in America,
or the world, are becoming taxing on the indivudal
and flight Irom realilv is a predominant theme in
the American life-style. Fantasy is a prevalent
ihemc in cinema, theatre, fiction, and television as
Americans seek to flee the daily
traumas of
Deer Hunter merits look
Staff Writer
tragedy that was Vietnam lives on. and the
- horror continues to invade our minds.
H would be better left dead, if it were not
that we a- rational, thinking men
from the mistakes of our past.
.v - 'I is the concept behind the recent
endeavor- dealing with the conflict that
?I uur nation and cost u- such a tremendous
? are discussing Michael Cimino's brilliant
ard winning film The Deer Hunter.
Hunter captures the tremendous
impact upon the individual and on the
: a war without cause, without morality, and
Lb u. gams accomplished. Cimino's film is by far
" picture ol the year, and well deserving of
lades given to it by the academy. Cimino's
i, paired with chilling photographic techn tie
Viluios Zsigmond, capture the spirit of the times
??'i- Vietnam and the U.S. during this era.
I'm quality of die acting m The Deer Hunter is
iiisurpassed b) n motion picture released this
tsl year. Robet De Niro, the finest actor
ibnes, is superb, Christopher Walken's
?'V1' "I Nick i- perhaps the strongest role in
i?, but the performances o! Meryl Streep and
? are dynamic also. (A strange
J Savage plays another good boy
'I a bad war. in Milor Forman's Hair,
Vietnam era film.) Stanley Mver's music is
another strong virtue ol the' dim, a blend of
p, sacred, country, ami beautiful orchestrial
n slor ? ?' "I three Russo-American vouths
bave grown up together in a 'small
Vmisylvaiiia steel town. Michael Uronsky, played
N '? is ltu' leader of a group of voung
ds who are revelling their last few days away
j" iilering the Army and going to Vietnam
X,IN' inend i- Nick, who seems to be a
Higent, sensitive young man who is
? hi love with Linda, Meryl Streep. The
member ol the trio is little Stevie, played by
age. Stevie is getting married just before
b-u ftith Mike and Nick for Vietnam and Cimino
-I lluun lime in his characterzations and the
personal interactions among his characters and their
n in unit v.
from tin- beautiful setting, we are thrusl into
the curnage and maelstrom that was a Vietnamese
baltlelield. A marvelous cinematic technique, it
capture- the culture shock and disorientation that
plagued our servicemen. We next find
protagonists at the hand- ol Viet Cong captor- in a
defiled and disgusting waterside pn-on. The
prisoner- are lorced to ptav Russian roulette, an
ironic twist, while their captors gamble over their
late. It i- a scene ol intense, mental anguish, and
ils ellecls on Niek, Mike, and Steve remain
throughout the denounient of the movie, lor , one
really recover- Irom it- elicits. In fact, this Russian
roulette is a dominant theme throughout the movie
perhaps epitomizing the tenuous aspects of our stint
in Vietnam.
And in the end. each must endure Three men
leave the country, to return never the same. Three
women stay at home and yet their lives are forever
changed. I hose who survive must piece together the
fragments ol their existence. For theirs is the most
difficult ol tasks - to learn from the inconsistencies
ol the past, and build a plan lor the future. In the
Imal scene id The Deer Hunter, wits are collected.
and faith in the future of the U.S. is reaffirmed.
Mm- the lesson lor the United States, to have
collected our wits, healed the wound and look to
the luture lor a world without war. As Ceorge
Santayana slates, "Those who forget the past are
doomed to repeal ii
a world ol complexity, simplicity is our
destination. Disco, loo, is a flight from the' mundane
uur1,1 1? fantasy world of sparkling clothing,
Hashing light graceful dance, and music which is
good for the soul Each night amidst the glow and
glitter ol the fantasy world of the Disco, one leaves
behind the intricacies of the all too real world.
Perhaps the most beneficial aspect of the disco
phenomenon is that it is bringing dance back to the
lore runt l the American social scene. Organized,
coordinated dancing somewhat floundered during the
sixties, a lime ol rock and free spirited reactions to
l,M' rhythmic fluctuations ol such. In Disco, the
music is fluid and the dance attempts to match the
iluidity with physical motion. To borrow an idea
Irom Joel Oppeiiheimer. dance is a response to a)
Ihc music; b) his partner; c) his culture. 1 see Disco
a- a combination of the above, a cultural response

10th. St.
Body Shop Inc.
Route 3, Box 103
Phone 758-7185
Hwv. 33
3 Miles
Complete Body Repair
And Refinishing
Both Foreign And Domestic
? i ir. m?.ic And hopefully a gloriously
lo strongly melodic music anu up e
beautiful partner. In a time when many lorces work
against the unification of personalities sometimes
manifested through dance, it is refreshing to see
social dancing once again take it place in American
One ol the more persistent assaults on the Disco
movement is thai the music is so simple and
redundant that it ? ? totally boring. One must realize
thai D.seo is just coming into Ms own as a musical
I having its birth only in 'thWjr ade Mosl
oihei musical forms are many MjtoUivr ,han
Disco, and its closes! compelitor MxKo. k, which
is twice as old as Disco. Disco mirfcav. time in
orde. ior .1 to develop into a thriving unique
musical ! ? e. Diseo music mu-i seen as
produce. eplui?Jv lor dance, a- opposed to Rod or
J ahi.h is oriented more lor one listening
pleasure. One mu-l have a different el ol
expectations for Disco musk than mo-l form- Disco
must lirsi provide the rhythmic basis lor dame, and
from there musi progress into a more complex
musical form. One can easily learn lo judge Di-o
within it- limitation to be young and different is
not to be had.
Di-eo is a phenomenon, which to be best
appreciated, must be attempted lo be understood. It
i- ju-t a search lor a release Irom the pressures ol
I he lasl paced modern lifestyh. One should not I
stereotyped or condemned, sole!) on the basis ol his
-election ol lifestyle. V- I 'horeau states, ll
I - mt keep pace with hi- comrades, perhaps it
inai he marches t the beat ol a different drum
pregnancy test btrtl
problem pregnancy co
in a
? 800-2 ??
Raleigh Women's Health
917 West Morgan St
Raleigh. N.C. 27603
6 Miles West of Greenville
On U.S. 264 Farmville Hwy.
ft Real Rdult Love Hatch
laliri. an ancient
( ?j l(alu origln
who we iv located in
southern Etruria in the
th century B.C. and
whose chief town was
I alt i ii.
Students write a song
second part
u rilten by
m - ?J the 79
I Resean h
t ivlti School.
I lien am I no cooler
? -
II - enough lo make ou
W g? In -It ? p alone al
nd dream ol cooler
We goi i hem hot-ami-
horn). bad-ass
nrora Borealis Blue?
I In- damn muck divin's
ot me down
I ure do liate that
continued from p.5)
and developer, ma not
be dead at all.
John D. MacDonald
? rites with an exper-
ienced Nourish which
earr the reader along
at an attention riviting
Id die thai harbor
e i ? r 11 a)
ll onlv il va mull
I joi iliem linger-lickin
urora Borealis Blues
W ere gonna least on
crabmeat. Vt lien Steve
gels oul ol jail,
Well have to hock his
erab pots
To go Ul Blue Claw's
lie's got them sticky
lingered, bad-ass
Aurora Borealis Blues
Our Picket! dive got
elip and et spares no
detail even in the me-
anderiugs of McGee's
mind in sell- ??valuationi.
In tact, these am all
detours Irom ihe plot of
the stor) contribute sig-
nilicantlv to the novel's
rcadabilit) and help se-
cure The Empty Copper
Sea Irom sliding oil into
that already overpopu-
lated wasteland of the
busied oul
Ihe river was in flood,
We rambled down to
Hodman's Creek
And rooted in the mud
We got them Carter
Leary-ed, bad-ass
Aurora Borealis Blues
Inn Smith don't need a
I'd be an astronaut,
He used a telephoto
lo take a line moon
He's got them bikini-
bottom, bad-ass
Aurora Borealis Blues
N.C No. 3 1 Nightclub
lrite, formula series no-
The Empty Copper
Sea bus everything it
takes to make a sus-
pense novel successful:
action, mystery, unsac-
eharined romance, even
a warm, feeling phil-
osophy of the human
dilemma- Such a novel
deserves to be a best
Fri. & Sat.
ppf p pF 1
Next Wed. we will
have another
FREE trip to
Bush Gardens.
Thur. Aug. 2
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Showing only the finest
in Adult Entertainment
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Tues. July 31st a
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The ELBO "Disgorilla" has
$75.00 for the best costume
plus contests, prizes & gifts
for the end of the semester.
CRAAZY Tues. Costume
Party, at the
TUES. JULY 31st:
1501 S. Evans S.
Italian shorts 3.95
S Khaki pants 4.95
amping, SportineCoods,
Footwear, Back Packs.
400 different items.
On 5th St. across from
the Book Barn.
Good Food &
Good People
Vogotarlan dloti
MonS?t. 11-9
Mon. - Fri. 11x30-2:00
Mon. fip Tues. 6iOO-8:00
758 6366 Hwy 26 byPM8 Greei
,v?le, N. C.
?-?? ?'Vv'? ?

26 July 1979 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 7
?lL' Caroling football in
story may repeat itself,but narrow losses don't
H rite,
,Ml Rl M.S CONT'D)
S i'1' "it If (970 A . ?; .
Ni" Stadium i , i
"um to .m almost
?l() sweating tans
?nfrontation between ECU
was kept on the edge ol its
covered m Vt' r i i ? ?
1 r.l.l tumble vsiib
"mn to give them a
was a bitter letdown
'?"appointing firs! hall
k " completely dominate
1 lra, literallj dismantled the
,se l to have a near
! ?' 28-yard Kupe, to
1 hal ? play was probablv
-??"?? With that gam in
looking forward to
'I I irolina.
lJlv i. I C hopes to
' ? record of last year.
Crum has
coming back, f
I starters
his team.
are in pretty good shape
he quarterback
' -?ir; however, it most
V1 K ?: ? ' Kupec
Passes for 691 vards. He also
larterback is behind renter.
?w to in Hanker
1 lb. M'inor. collected 20
si yeai t the other
W ay ne I ucker (6- $,2G0).
? I and Kenn Rogers
' olleiisivc lint will have three -
help open up hole lor
" re guard Ron Woolen (6-f.2
" ' ?? Juiikmanii (6-l,250,sr and
Donualh . (G 2,2 15).
S nioi Carl II . 6-2,21
RuImtsuh (6 J.255)
" K250J WILL HUH KOR llir
1 VCKLL SPOJ l'h m,?v guar(j ,
by eithei Mark - . .
"?- l,260,jr.).
. i

Pirate football action during last year's ECU-UNC
(' ?'? i i are

Carolina has ,i multitude ol
Head in j. -
re i) :
. ;? ? ii j
?1 I'l battle for the light
. I
'III I'll!
pjality runningbaeks,
merican i andidate
.awrence rushed for 1,013
asl year. His two vears'
? ?.
Basketball camps benefit all
- - ? )l ards. Joining him in th
Greenville native Doug Paschal, a
vho racked up 199 vard
Other uniuigl
" Ihis season are Billy Johnson
!l1 ? waiter Sturdivanl (5-10,195 jr.).
arnes last a
? ' H

t't in June,
serves as
11 reet o i
dy Inv itational
Basketball Camp
" I '? Ulg as a I ,i-
i amps, a,
to Vndru,
a multitude oi
? VI with
ua h Marcia
?- she ha- been
?'i tu some ol the
high school tali
vv e e seen a
ipIc o I girls
be intcrei( in,
i said.
Obi . - ,i strong
1 ' : tin si weeks
program, u
els to West
V lrginia, Ohio, Virginia,
Masr-ai husetts, Georgia,
and I- loi ida instruct oil'
potential collegiate in
the lundamentals the
Vide I rum her op-
rt unity the
he sport in
l,i summei
' amp . in uil also bene-
members ol the
I idy But - squad.
I hrei newt Diners to
l'u' r-Ct program have
' ?' during the sum-
mei as ei .utiselors.
Mary Denkler, Fran
Hooks and Donna
Moody (team i aptain lor
1 lie v ietorious hast
uad in his eai "s
garni i have lollowed the
1 "?' h. gaining v aluabli
pra lit c and know ledge
I avers' abili-
ii ka.s a real
1 Vpei lein e beeause the
girls had
' "ii their -Kill
Vndruzzi. "It "s
gi ken oui kids a lot ol
'?pport unity to pa a-
gaini some ol the
girl- in tin- countr.
l lie ,i in i- a I sii
gai ha-l .i
large seale
arolina sal-
vposure on a
he added.
Exciting soccer season scheduled
r ?
eld in
-? - 111 be freshman
per Duane Degae
I a no and junior Steve
?" Degaetano was
a member ol his -ll-
State high school team
Nv" rt .brsey. Steve
omes to ECl
Irom Sullolk Community
"i Long lsa?d,
York, where
made ll-Region.
id Coach
Smith. Vmong the
!ir"i"M i- standout
rtingman Phil Martin.
Defensive star Jeff
Kluger also will be back
1,1 i?J the Pirate
tcrs his defensive
prowess. The Bucs's
leading scorer in 1973
ie also will 1
present this
? 1111
hie for
I ii' Pirates have 18
dars returning Irom
last year's learn. . " ,?
(il two starters, a
goalie and a -weeper
ear. Brad Winchell led
lllr ring altaek last
year while he was just
1 Iri-stimaii.
The '79 soccer
schedule promises to be
Soccer play this year should prove just as exciting as
last year's play
-111 exciting one. 11
bide- 20 games, the
lengthiest schedule the
Pirates have ever
played, and consists ol
10 home game- and III
aw ay . Some ol I he
teams thai highlight the
schedule are C(
I NC, and Duke. Also
Idghly rated South
Carolina will come to
Greenville for a match
Oil September 27.
Smith pointed mi t
that East Carolina
finished third in the
North Carolina Spring
League, higher than am
other school team in the
stale. I wo club teams
composed ol ex-college
players plated ahead ol
the Pirates. As a result
ol the Hooters' success
"i the spring. Smith
said he is optimistic
aooul the upcoming
I he Pirates' season
opens with the second
annual Mayor's Cup
louruament. It was
played in Raleigh last
year. Also vying tor
lirsi plate in the
tournament will (??
Duke, NCSl . and
Carolina. Play will take
plait- in Greenville this
year. The tournament
should be a good
indication of the type of
year ahead lor East
Carolina in soccer. Even
with the team's scant)
budget, it looks to be a
promising fall.
Coach Cathy Andruzzi
Photo courtesy of Karen Caddell
Sports medicine offers many opportunities
i; Dhbin t;vvB
IW. Spin s l.iitot
lh, Sport- Medicine Prgram at ECU is perhaps
(- l1 "i ib?' Southeast. This program
'dlers a variety ol opportunities, placing emphasis
prevention, evalution, and treatment of
athleth injuries ol the student-athletes.
Vn actual sports medicine degree is not offered
l institutions, including ECU. Instead, a
b.ur-yeai program specializing in sports medicine is
available, with a Physical Education degree or a
'logree in School and Community Health Education
l?ig I lie two most compatible degrees with the
?sp 'i i - Medicine Program.
hrl ear ,l program is an orientation
"j the undergraduate. During this year the
-iudci.1 introduced to the field ol sports medicine
Ulnl i.ialK being evaluated on his ur her
l'r'r A" i'tremel important phase ol the
'??luealioiial program is the practical experience the
lude?l trainer receives. Student trainers mav work
Vlth lllr ars???) l miot athletic 'teams
?amural activities, club sports, physical education
classes and special athletic events.
Jim Keating, Assistant Athletic Trainer of the
Sports Medicine Division, leels that the practical
training experience is perhaps the most valuable
asset o id program.
I he lour year program allows a lot of practical
hours, and that's where you learn a lot Keating
-aid. A student will be exposed to over 2,400
practical hours ol sports medicine training over a
?"ur year period. We give them a lot of
froJhI Srr,i " Pn,gram a,SO relies on the aid
from local physicians. Th
phy ians on (luisultanl - . -
being the stall phvsi
Do, tors are becoming m
"I ih injured athlete I
bavc the linal mi K -
Sports ii,
preventive medit hough.
VW try to involve th,
U' ? trying to teach them
techniques ami .irr jUsl tr
more. , also trv i,
d to be -een )V
phys i
?' n.aK, any medical I
i "Iplei.on oi tlie lour war pn.gran
l'11 M ,? take the Natnma
U l ' rtihcation exaiiiiiKUinn
l;1 i?riilud a- an athletic trainer
' ar? i a red ti
'?k( the National
?Hir graduates have
' rtilieatioii exam None
tailed ii. Keating saiil.
I,H ia,ut ?' "P??rt medicine to t,lt. Mutlcnt
l,h' , ?" bu, netimes ?tH
uuiiotn ed.
U( ,i" d ,na? ' stvn, esM?allv on the
-?rcas ol pievent an,l treatment. It something is
-ak. , , ?, strengthen And it's
??'P?r?u?l stretch. Bu. one ot the most important
things (l know is vshal nt i i
b wnai needs to be seen and
,riaUd " ?n wan Keating said.
Ihe program otters .several job opportunities fo,
IW interested ?, the mcdual aspects ,? athletics.
N?e high sehool h-vel is where the most
"H-r.un?,es arc. And the opportunities are better
Z" r r?nU'n lhan h?r men. probablv
because ol the growth ol women's athletics
Keating did. e have
and we'll probablv have
ere are approximately 14 trainers as male trainers ,n the fall
a co-educational facility,
as many lemale student

Sports in brief
Paaa 8 FOUNTAINHEAff ft yf 1?79
Torborg fired, Cain's death still a mysterv
u jimm Di prff ? . r ?f
Sports tauor
tl another proles-
-tonal baseball manager
ilu- dus? Monday as
Cleveland Indians
' Jell I urhorg and
(bird base coach
v Garcia lo serve as
rim manager.
rg replaced
I nk Kobinson, major
baseball's firsl
N inanagei. in June
i?inurg-iea m-
" i"1 : 157-201
during ? the one
ii and two
V h Monda)
id was in
? ii l he m
igue - east di-
diead ol onl
? livi-
i lunore
Indian President,
Gabe Paul, confirmed in
a press conference in
lale June that he had
negotiated with former
Mew York Yankee skip-
per Bid) Lemon in an
effort to dismiss Tor-
Hiose negotiations
apparent!) collapsed
kvhen Lemon decided to
,a) with the Yanks'
Ironi office.
Outfielder Lee Maz-
l' "I the New York
Met va.s released
I uesdav I rum a Los
ngeles hospital where
he ua treated following
a Monda) collision with
nghtfielder Dan .Norman
a game with the
A spokesman tor the
Mets reported thai
Mazzilli could return to
action tonight, j his
progress continues.
game, as he belted a
bonier over the left
field wall of Seattle's
Kingdom to tie the
game and later was
walked bv Yankee ace
Ron Guidry, forcing the
winning run over the
Maz.ilh, one ol the
bright young stars ol
baseball, virtualiv sin-
gte-handedl) defeated
the American League in
last weeks's All Star
Intramural action in
A coroner has el-
iminated the possibility
ol a heart attack as the
cause ol the death of
the Si. Louis Cardinals'
JV . Cain.
The 28-year-old tight
end collapsed on the
training held during a
workout Sunday night.
Coroner Joseph
Mueller said that
whereas a heart attack
was not the cause of
Cain s death, weakened
nac eur-
- Mi.all.
ou rnament
b? seeded
- Row are
.11 the last
round ol robin play.
I he Roundtrippers
won the firs! session
round robin title but
were deleated in the
Imals ol tournament
phi) b) Murderer's
liie finals could
bi a rematch ol their
lirsl session battle.
ADUI (Awesome
Display ol Talent) re-
main- undefeated in
basketball followed
closely by the Heart-
break Kids. fwo days
"I round robin pla re-
tournament plav will
In gili fuesday, July 3J
i)() I lo ?ks strong
enough to become the
w 3-on-3 basketball
champion. It will take a
sterling ellori by one of
the other team- lo de-
rail I he ADOl express.
. i W
tennis result- are
slowly being reported.
I'layera are reminded lo
drop by the IM office
a- -ii.iri as a match is
completed so that the
standings can be up-
I ournameul play be-
gins alter the complc-
iiou ol matches sche-
duled lur Thursday,
July 2tK At the time,
Robert Bamhill and Al-
"ii.o Newby are the top
seeded players.
illMS CLL li
Members ol the 1(JU,
500, or 1000 mile run,
swim or walk club are
reuiiuded to report their
mileage to the IM
oil ice.
Members who have
reached one uf ,Mt.
goals ol luu, 500. or
'?? miles receive
I -Inn- commemorating
? dedication and el
?? Hie competitive
car began August 26,
Io and ends August
25, !??.
heart muscles not re-
vealed by an autopsy
might have been.
Cam had just com-
pleted a pass pattern in
a no-contact drill when
I reportedly turned,
took several steps and
collapsed to the turf.
learn trainer John
Omohuudro applied
mouth-to-inouth resus-
ilation and team doctor
Bernard Carlinkel used
cardiosupporl equipment
"i efforts to revive the
lallen veteran starter.
Lucille Ball says,
SING San Diego Zoo armadillos
r. Kurt Bemrschke explores smg!e-
egg twinning, which in humans is
assocated with increased risk of
birth detects Armadillos are the
only species that regularly produce
multip'e offspring from a single cell
The project is funded by the Ma'Ch
of Dimes whose aim is prevention
of birt defects
A Putc Srvc? ol Th? Newxacc ? the Aowns-ng C? fj!
Interested in the endless rewards of being
a staff writer for Sports in the Fall?
Call 757-6309
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one mile
Ford, if j
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Fountainhead, July 26, 1979
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
July 26, 1979
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