Fountainhead, June 21, 1979

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Circulation 4,000
East Carolina University
Vol. 55 NoW
21 June 1979
Head photographer dismissed
News Editor
I he EC1 Media Board yesterday removed Pete
esMva from the post ?t head photographer of the
rj,l rhoto Lab, citing Podeszwa's academic
eligibility lor the position, Fountainhead has
gained. 1 he toffd'S action, taken in closed session
Wednesday, ,s pending approval of the full board,
the required members from the faculty and
administration were not in attendance for the
measure to officially pass.
Eva Pittntan, chairperson of the Media Board
tcld Fountainhead that Podeszwa "is no longer the
h0?d ?J thc Photo lab. He is not a full-time student
and does not have the grade point average
necessar) lor ho'ding the positionPodeszwa is not
enrolled in the current summer school session.
Minimum grade point average necessary for holding
the position is a 2.0. '
Pittman said thai there would not be a successor
Podeszwa named "until alter the end of the
second session Fountainhead has learned that
John Grogan, part-time photographer for the photo
Mill assume duties of head photographer until a
successor to Podeszwa is named.
According to a reliable source close to the Media
Board, there had been allegations concerning
improper use ol vouchers and photo lab equipment.
I he removal ol Podeszwa from the position on
grounds ol academic- ineligibility effectively avoided
an investigation into these allegations. According to
I he source, although evidence was considered, "It's
impossible to keep up with paper, chemicals and
film. 1 he closed session decision to remove
Podeszwa lor academic reasons was "a nice vvav of
avoiding it" (the investigation).
Eva Pittman, when questioned about the
allegations of misuse of photo lab equipment, called
the charges "hearsay" and said "I'd rather not talk
about it
Podeszwa, who paints for the Universit) during
the summer, could not be reached lor comment
According to the Buildings and Grounds Department.
Podeszwa is "temporary summer help working 40
hour per week painting while still head of the
photo lab.
Fountainhead has learned that Podeszwa,
appearing before the closed session of the board
on Wednesday, requested assurance that he would
be able to return to the head photographer's job
once his academic status nad improved. The board
reported!) told Podeszwa that his application would
be considered with of other applicants.
This summer, Podeszwa has been supervising the
refurbishing of the photo lab, remodeling the
existing lab to make it more effective and practical.
In open session, the Board heard the proposed
budget for the pho? lab for the 1979-1980 year.
The budget totals 10,242.80 dollars, or an increase
of 514.80 dollars over the 1978-1979 budget of 9,728
dollars. Podeszwa noted that part of the budget
increase represented a 15 percent average price
increase from suppliers who sell material and
equipment to the photo lab.
In other matters, Charles Sune, President of the
Student Union, introduced a motion to allocate 400
dollars for a Media Board special inventory.
According to Sune, the Board needs a computer
inventory of all equipment because "we don't know
where some of this stuff is, or what shape it's in
Ed Batson, of the ECU Purchasing Office, has
agreed to begin an inventory of all equipment
controlled by the Media Board. The proposal
allocates 300 dollars for regular student wages, and
50 dollars each for office supplies and 'other curren
In other fiscal matters, the board transferrec
3,535.69 dollars from WECL-FM to the Fountain
head salary line. Also 793.64 was transferred from
WECU-FM to the salary line for the Media Board
IVle P?mI??.uu. former head photographer of the
M.l Photo Lab. Podrswa wa? removed from thr
M?st due to academic inHigibilitt.
I here are man) aspects of university
life covered during orientation, savs
Dean James Mallorv of Ktl .
wJiat's JNSidE
Salt II, p.3
Lady gymnast perseveres ,p.7
Attorney appointed
to Board of Trustees
ECU News Bureau
Harvey Elliott
Beech, newly elected to
the board of trustees of
ECU has been active in
public service since
1952 when he graduated
from the UNC School of
Law in Chapel Hill.
Beech was elected to
a four year term as a
ECU trustee by the
UNC Board of Gover-
nors at its June 8
meeting. He will fill a
vacancy caused by the
resignation of Edie K.
Greene, a Dunn attor-
ney who was appointed
a N.C. District Court
judge earlier this year.
Troy W. Pate of
Goldsboro, Chairman of
the ECU Board of
Trustees said, "We are
extremely fortunate to
have Mr. Beech as a
Trustee of the Univer-
sity. His distinguished
career as an attorney,
community leader, and
supporter of education
in eastern North
Carolina will enable him
to make immeasurable
contributions to the
leadership and growth
of East Carolina
In commenting on
Beech's appointment,
Chancellor Thomas B.
Brewer said, "Mr.
Beech is one of North
Carolina's most out-
standing citizens and
leaders. His appoint-
ment reflects great
credit on the University,
and his many talents
and concerns for this
region will significantly
strengthen ECU's goal
of excellence in service
to the people of North
The 55 year old
Beech, a native of
Kinston, has served on
the Board of Trustees of
Pill Memorial Hospital ,
Inc in Greenville
which has an affiliation
with the ECU School of
Medicine. In addition to
health care, his inter-
ests include economic
development, racial
relations and education.
He has served as a
member of the Board of
Commissioners of the
Neuse River Economic
Development Commis-
sion and president of
the Lenoir County
Advisory Council to the
commission , and also
as vice president of
the Eastern Council of
Community Affairs.
IS-e BEECH, p.4
Students get 'oriented9
Stall W nter
Aside from hot'
weather and laultv air-
conditioning systems,
summer will once again
bring throngs ol fresh-
men and transfer stu-
dents from all over the
eountrv to ECL lor the
annual orientation pro-
gram. This vear, an
estimated 2200 freshmen
and 800 transfer stu-
dents, representing over
iH) percent of the ex-
pected total enrollment
lor the fall, will par-
ticipate in the program.
Dean James Mallorv.
head ol the program,
feels fortunate that the
participation rale is so
high and says, "We are
reallv proud ol our pro-
gram . I he student-
learn about residence
hall U?A?. the) have a
chance to talk with lac-
uhv advisors and to
take placement tests.
The biggest benefit, of
course, is the lact that
I lie) are pre-registered
when ihev come back in
the fall
The program consists
ol lour freshmen orien-
tation sessions ami one
transfer session. The
sessions lor the Iresh-
incii are he-Id each week
with the lirst one be-
ginning on June 10,
ami the last, excluding
the- week ol Julv I,
beginning on Julv 8.
The onlv transler ses-
sion begin- on Julv 15.
Each session lasts about
two and one ball dav
beginning on Sunda)
ami ending on I ue-dav
Each -tudent enrol-
led in the program pavs
a -528 registration fee
that cover- the cosl ol
the session, including
two night- in a re-i-
denee ball, seven meals,
an ID card, and anv
Wt??4-y material Ac-
cording to Dean Mal-
lorv, thi- fee is nec-
essar) in order lor the
universit) to cover its
own expenses in provi-
ding these services to
the students.
About 1 -tudent
counselors are hired bv
the school to live with
I tic student- ami t
guide them throughout
the -?
i ouiisclor.s, either senior
or gradua - . lents,
arc eho-en 1 a com-
mittee !r their leader-
ship abilitv, academic
record, ami extracur-
ric ular activities. I pon
an iv al mi Sui lav, each
student i- assigned a
counselor and a room.
either in I v ler dorm l?r
women, or o? ?. dorm
lor men. rrm then oil,
-av- Dean Mallorv, the)
are kept vr busy.
i i.
- .
Eai h
with a
campu.s, ditd, on the
-aim day, the Math
and Foreign Lang
?? HI IH.M. ;
From Cornell University
Meyer is new vice chancellor
Elmer E. Meyer, Jr who believes that college
student activities provide the best possible training
lor citizenship, will become Vice Chancellor for
Student Life al ECU effective July L
Meyer, a native of Green Bay, Wise, who holds
the PhD in Counseling and Behavioral Studies from
the University of Wisconsin, has served as Assistant
Vice President for Campus Affairs and Dean of
Students, Cornell University, for the past eight
'particularly attracted' to ECU
"1 am delighted to have the opportunity to join
the forward-looking administration, faculty, staff and
students at East Carolina University Meyer said in
a telephone interview from Ithaca, N.Y.
His appointment to the newly created vice
chancellorship at ECU was approved Friday by the
UNC Board of Governors. The ECU Board of
Trustees had approved the recommendation of Dr.
Meyer during an executive session Wednesday.
Meyer said he was "particularly attracted" to
the ECU post because Chancellor Thomas B. Brewer
"is very supportive of student life programs" and
that recent administrative reorganization which
created the new vice chancellorship "is such that
student life takes on an important eductional
dimension in the total program of the universit)
"In training for citizenship there is no better
way than involving the students in all these
activities available on a college and university
campus he said.
The new vice chancellor will have administrative
responsibility over the offices of the Deans of Men
and Women, the Dean for Student Activities, the
ECU Financial Aid office, Counseling Center, Career
Planning and Placement Office, Housing, Food
Services, Security, Student Health Services and
Intramural activities.
Chancellor Brewer said, "Dr. Meyer has an
impressive record of success and achievement in
this important area of higher education. He is
imaginative and progressive and possesses great
administrative ability and leadership skills. We are
extremely fortunate to have Dr. Meyer and his fine
family join us at ECU
Dr. Elmer E. Meyer, Jr. Vice Chancellor for Student Life
- - i m mf4F 4rfjtft0 fl ' V& W Tr , & f S 7 S JF J 4tS ?-Lff0j4SJJZJmfJJ
? m m m

Page 2 FOUNTAINHEAD 21 June 1979
'Unqualified' students?
As the Raleigh News and Observer
stated Tuesday, interviews with
campus administrators have shown,
'the 10 predominantly white campuses
of the University of North Carolina
system admit a total of nearly 1,000
students each year who do not meet
minimum entrance requirements
East Carolina is one of these. The
article proceeds to explain that most,
if not all, of these universities employ
a 'special admission program"
designed to admit students "with
deficient academic backgrounds
because of their race, athletic ability,
academic potential, or other reasons
ECU annually admits about 200
students under this program.
These programs were initiated to
increase the minority enrollment in
the various schools and to admit
students from "economically or
culturally deprived backgrounds As
Virginia A. Foxx, Assistant Dean at
Appalachian State put it, "It was
started with the belief that minority
students did not do well on
standardized tests Has anyone
thought enough to hold the belief that
a significant number of white students
or just students in general do not do
well on standardized tests? What sort
of provisions are to be made for the
'unqualified' person who cannot
serve to raise the minority enrollment
of the school he seeks to enroll in '0
ECU Presently uses the Scholastic
Aptitude Test (SAT) score and the
high school grade point average as
admission requirements. I believe that
the requirements need to be
re-examined, since there has "been
some question as to whether the SAT
is actually a valid aptitude test.
According to the Wall Street
Journal (May 30, p. 16) the Federal
Trade Commission (FTC) presented a
staff report which investigated the
SAT in terms of some companies who
offer "classes" in preparation for
taking the test. Some underachievers
were found to have tiad their scores
raised by an average of 25 points (not
a significant factor). However, if the
validity of the SAT, a standard
element of criteria for college
admission on a national level, is being
questioned, perhaps other criteria
should be used.
What other criteria is there? Well,
the high school grade point average,
of course. This figure represents of all
grades received over four years,
generally which span the period of
transition from childhood into adult-
hood. Surely this type of average
cannot be an accurate measure of an
individual's ability to functon on a
college level!
The present criterion as cited thus
tar is neither valid nor consistent. If a
standard is to be set, the meaning
and application of this standard
should be re-evaluated. Why have a
'standard' (defined in Webster's, 2nd
edition, as "something established for
use as a rule or basis of comparison
in measuring or judging capacity . . .
value, quality, etc) entrance
requirement which is not nfiaintained
and respected. r p
If the present system is unclear, it
should be clarified. If it is faulty, it
needs to be changed. It will do
no-one any good to compound the
problem and accept a double standard
by teaching respect for, and imposing,
a value system which may be altered,
ignored, or abused at will.
G.C. Carter
I've always thought
that the term "appro-
priate behavior" was a
little strange-sounding.
But it mu?t be taken
into consideration that
I've got an extreme
dislike for totalitarian
viewpoints on freedom
of expression.
"Appropriate beha-
vior" is taught to us by
our parents from an
early age, and func-
tions, for the most part
to save our lives until
we are old enough to
realize that fire burns
and automobiles some-
times do not stop for
people who are crossing
Lynn Beyar
Steve B&chner
Robert swaim
Jim Barnes
Jeff Rollins
Jimmy Dupree
FOUNTAINHEAD is th student newspaper of
East Carolina University sponsored by th Madia
Board of ECU and is distributed each Tuesday and
Thursday during th academic year (weekly during
the summer).
Editorial opinions are thee of lhe Editorial Board
and do not necessarily reflect the epinlwm of the
university or th Media Board.
Our otlices are located on the a mi id floor of th
Publications Center (Old South Bulldlnej). Our maWwf
address is Old South Building ECU. Or?nvthe,
N C 27M4
Our phone numbers are: 757-?M, ?M7. and
6309 Subscriptions are $10 annually, alumni ft
annually Subscription requests should be addressed
to the Circulation Manager.
the street.
U'ter this first reali-
zation that we as
children can indeed
think, then comes the
extension of "appro-
priate behavior to
include "appropriate
thoughts and beliefs
Which is OK. It's
called culture. It's a
reflection of the way we
view the world. A
people's culture reveals
that value systems
which they hold. It tells
us much about a
people, the particular
ways form the past
which they choose to
hold on to.
Some cultures are
rigidly enforced on a
people; others seem to
blossom by nature.
It has become a
twentieth-century fad
among certain
"civilized" cultures, to
self-qghteously propaga-
ndize 'against the rigid
controls and enforce-
ment of "appropriate
thoughts and beliefs
that certain other
"civilized" cultures are
prone to exhibit. (Of
I course, some people
i think they've got it all
figured out ? that this
j is just a cover-up for
I the "good guys while
they are in actuality
j exercising the same
rigid control of what
they uphold as "the
good citizen's way of
thinking and percei-
ving But you have to
be careful of what you
believe these days - it
could be of communist
The rigidly enforced
environment is, by
nature, slow to exhibit
social change. It's
enforcers are usually
very quick to attempt to
quash evidence of
blossoms of change, and
then rip out the roots
or poison them.
But there are num-
erous hardy weeds of
social change with
deep-running roots, and
one of them is called
Justice - the blessed
herb, the universal
remedy which will grow
on the graves of
The symbol for
justice is the balance,
for which all things in
the universe strive. The
flowers of justice bear
the scent of freedom
and truth and air fit to
breathe. The fruits of
justice are vision,
change and peace.
The cultures which
blossom are those in
which the people are
not afraid, because
they have found their
peace in the world and
do not require the
oppresion of others in
order for things to be
as they "ought to be
(See WOMEN, p.4j
FLOOR 12 ?
?J use .srNtks
Jim Barnes
W ell, I can just hear Shana Alexander right
Jack, uu old free enterprise frump! I always
thought that it would be a clear sky oer Three
Mile Island before 1 ever heard you say an unkind
word against American Big Business. But now this,
and all because you missed a plane! Wake up,
Jack. You are final!) living in the same society as
the rest oi u. Welcome to the America of today;
careless workmanship, or workpersonship, and
insincere management all team up to give it to us
each day
In case you have not read Mr. Kilpatrick's
broadside in the Wednesday News and Observer.
you might want to take a look. For years the
reactionary apologist tor Big Business, Mr.
Kilpatrick lambasts the current state of services in
this country, using the DC-10 grounding as a
springboard for his bitterness at being kept waiting
for an hour due to an oversight by TWA.
1 agree with Mr. Kilpatrick (gasp). Not only does
TWA not give a tinker's damn lor their passengers,
the other airlines do not either. Or how about
Firestone, who had to recall thousands and
thousands of their steel-belted radial tires, only after
a few people had been burned and maimed in
collisions caused by the faulty tires.
Speaking of unspeakable crimes, consider the
Ford Motor Company, who marketed a few-
hundred thousand Pinto automobiles knowing that
the gas tanks were in quite vulnerable places ?
places where they would explode when involved in a
rear-end collision of a little force as 20 mph. A few-
people had to burn in those firetraps-cum-
automobiles before anything was done about that
one, too.
We all have heard the horror stories which Big
Business and Government generate by their
collective iincompetency. But the really scary thing
is this: suppose Firestone, Ford, McDonnell-Douglas
knew about those tires, gas tanks and engine pylons
and simply chose to "get by" in order to save
money? Criminal neglect? You bet. It brings to
mind the question posed by House sub-committee
Chairman John Burton who said, after hearing FAA
testimony on the DC-10, "Jesus Christ, just who is
in charge over their anyway?"
Who, precisely is in charge? It is becoming a
well-founded suspicion that the oil companies are
lying with statistics concerning the stockpile of
crude oil, in effect sitting back and waiting for the
price to go up even further. 1 assume that the oil
companies will not be satisfied until there is a
station (self-service, of course) beside every bank so
that we can get the loan for a tank of gas and fill
up while we're in the same block.
And now, as of last week, this government
agency is claiming that it cannot get gas figures
from that government agency without the inter-
vention of a third government agency which doesn't
wish to become involved.
All ot this talk mav sound like I am as fed up
as Jack Kilpatrick with the bureaucrao of
government, and to an extent I am. But what
infuriates me even more is that most of th-
agencies were formed in regulation oi recalcitrant
industries or communities who did not wish t f
bv the rules of the American Dream, to wit, no
monopolies, equality of opportunity, and so forth.
The oil companies have America right where
lhe want us, and the government has helped everv
step of the way. It has been estimated that iullv
one out of ever three jobs in this nation is
somehow related to the automobile, whether it be in
production, petroleum, TBA. highway?, access
and on and on. Meanwhile, the government ha-
pumped billions of dollars into criss-cross clover
highways and interstates. virtually ignoring pa-
enger trains or other methods of mass transit.
As a result of this massive blindness to
such as shortage of natural resources and other
arcane realities, millions of Americans now burn ga-
while waiting in lines to buv more ga Thi- must
be the final triumph of the oil companies -
have swallowed the.r bait hook. hne. and gallon
until we must have gas because we are so used
our own private transportation. There is. in Rost
the country, no real alternative.
So, Mr Kilpatrick, I'm with you in vour gri,
about the lack ot accountab.htv of B,g Business but
we differ as to the ultimate reason. Have vou not
figured out that these corporat.ons are bigger than
our nation itself? That America be dinned, jus ?
hose profits roll ,n? 1, B,g Business is no, sticking
M to the c, uens ot ,ts own country who ?
getting stuck?
For those of vou who think that all oi th
rambling has nothing to do with vou personailv
think again. Even ,1 all vou do ,s to go downtown
and swil! beer every night, the beer w.ll soon com
more because o! the increase in the cost ,?
transporting ,t Irom the town of origin to your watering hole. Just watch .1 ,u don't
believe it.
And the next time vou
memorize the price - vou might could
historv class, because it won't be the snane tJu.n
next tune vou look. Where does ail oi th monev
go? Do vou know anyone who benefits Iron, the
,haril"?' CnCd b " ??"m sharks
Iron, Big O.I? Ill ou a h.n, ,hev are not
reallv the old grandmothers who rock on a porch
while Bob Hope tells vou that these are the
stockholders ol Texaco. "They" are actuallv ihe
newest horror password ol the eighties
Multinational Corporations. And thee people
ultimately care onlv for themselves and ihe
godal.nightv dollars (or marks, en, francs) they can
And the funnv thing is aWI tk,i c.
.ill ? ? . ? J1 thai alter a nf
the help vouve g.ven them ,n your columns he
ultimately don t a damn abou, vou e.ther. "
This space is provided for comments fey
Fountainhead readers. Express your opinion or
concern in the form of a letter, signed.
?. ?
? t ?
? ??verj:w;?. hnrfj

Carter to Congress
Pass the SALT
21 June 1979 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 3
?KtaiU Vux ,itor
S l I
ie .

etain all 308 ol it's
heav " SS 18 inter
1 imlinental missiles in itli
ivarheads. Hie I S
l?as . built oi
ti ,i mis
bul relies .hi
1 ' nan III which
niih three vai
I he Small I
i"ii Cuinmr,
-eheduli i i
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What (.a 11 i-i ami
H 'iin ,ii i nail signed
wa- lour sets l dot
mm nt. . I) a 22 page
i ii ii- through
-1 a I wo-page
I ha I ii ' 'In I ni-
?? and deplov menl
id 1m.i h in oh i If and
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? i VA ages i'l
slah nii'iil- and
n lerstandmg-
t ii 'at ;
I I I I I I I ' ' . :
11 pnn-
? I.in111 mi fHiiitniifi
i.nal ol 1,320 MIRYed
inissilt's and bombers
ii I ii i pi d v 11 11 cruise
in iilf
? Limit nl warheads
? ?ii land-based missiles
lu 10.
? I a in; i nl war head-
on submarine based
misdes in II.
? Limit I 28 i
missile- per bomber.
? 270 aging Sov iel
missiles would have
be d?-troed bv 1981.
? 35 I .S. H :2
bombers vouhi have to
eight hi dest roved b IMl .
? Both the Soviet
I moil and the I .S. ran
in 'he making.
Ireatv run-
l I
l()85 w ith a mi rodu? e into their ar
loeol i
epi 1 ?
? lunil ol 2,WO
in issues
I( II M - i and de 11ver
furl her re
250 bv IW1.
-enals i ruise in issues,
and one iifw land-based
? Leltei altai lied to
11' atv mi understanding
111 a I the So n I - will nol
? a si itrod u i lion rate
a iii -I
On 3th St. across from
I he Book Barn
(rood Food
& (,ood People
egetarian diets
MonSat. 11a.m9p.m.
ii i n K
- vv ith klirc Bomber.
ids ? Mutual Balami ol
Mil Ri dm ? ion in
? Lunil 1,200 Lurope probed.
? Oulv ratitieation bv
ll s. ? I In Senate re-
112 E Fifth Street
758 7099
?tOUrquOISe & Indian
?metal and solid brass
belt buckles
?do-it yourself
leather kits
li-i I'utit
Jfwelrv ivhen
present this ad
10-5: K3 Mon-Sat
in. 1 00 W ed r
Excitina Nite Life Seven Nites a week
During Orientation; Join Us For:
Parking, is u problem at ECU, but really
Students attend
in d I nun page one
Id on
w bub
.fii a
?'ir tests
on to all the
I ? . attend and
thev lake, the
do have
isure time in
nings, and
igh the biggest
i (ion i- downtown
most, the - hool
, - have some planned
tivities free movie
and a COok-OUl are
heduled for ea h ses-
sion in addition to
activities sponsored bv
the -ororitv and Irater-
nitj houses. A special
bluegrass concert was
given for the second
Fur most students
who attend, orientation
proves to be an
educational experience
in man) areas. Perhaps
Greg Holland, a student
eenville who
attended la-t session,
expressed it best when
he -aid, Ii - been alol ol
Ii - been different
1 ve met some new
people from all over
ami I've never walked
much in nn entire
wants RATED-100
?t ? i ? ?
J f . ? . - -?
M C J. i '(ii n" mi
? . , . - tn i ? ?
i ? -
PRODuCtD and
HI-WAY 264
ou i6oz
cartoon of 8
9? plus deposit
Grade "A"
Whole Fryers 46lb
Pizza inn
MonFri. 11:30 2:00
Mon. ?P Tues. 6:00 8:00
758-6266 Hwy 264 bypass Greenville , N. C.
Golden Ripe
BAMA Fruit Drinks
10oz bottles
Bacon $1.09
(personal size)
4 bar pkg. 58
KRAFT 18oz
Apple Jelly
Located at 3rd and Jarvis St.

Page 4 FOUNTAINHEAD 21 June 1979
Faculty members study,
perform this summer
ECl News Bureau
Opportunities for
advanced study,
research and per-
tormance have been
awarded several mem-
bers of the ECU (acuity
this summer.
The National
Endowment tor the
Humanities will sponsor
D Philip dler oi the
h ston facult) in a term
ol tmh at the
I tiiversitv ol California
at San Diego.
Vdler i one oi
I tor a special
-eminar on radical
political and social
ements ol the l'th
2( H h i cnluries.
ting the seminar is
Bennett Berger.
noted sociologist who is
a recognized authority
on the rise ol the youth
I the I960's.
This is Dr. Adler's
ml such award; he
was previously involved
i similar program at
the I niversity of irg-
In I97l he
eived a Fulbright
it to study Serbian
historv in ugoslavia.
His studies have been
reported in v several
professional journals.
He will collaborate
with other researchers
in an investigation of
the flash photolysis of
ensitizers which initiate
the polymerization of
The Berlin group is
well known among
scientists for its kinetic
studies of light-induced
polymerizations and the
sophistication of the
instruments employed in
their work.
Dr. Edgar Heekel of
the chemistry faculty
has been awarded a
visiting research pro-
fessorship at the Hahn-
Meitner Institute for
Nuclear Research in
Berlin, Germany.
Two members ol the
ECl music faculty have
been invited to parti-
cipate in summer
programs. James Forger
will perform at the
Vv orld Saxophone Con-
gress at Northwestern
University, Evanston,
111 accompanied by
ECL faculty pianist
Donna Coleman.
Their program wiE
include two world
premiers of saxophone
compositions, works by
John Lennon of the
University of Tennessee
and Alan Leichtling of
Forger will also be
guest lecturer and
recitalist at Ithaca
College, N.Y and
participate in a semi-
nar with Laurence Teal
of the University ol
Michigan and Steven
Mauk of the Ithaca
David Hawkins, an
oboist, will be a visiting
faculty member at
Washington State Uni-
versity, Pullman Wash.
He will conduct an
extended workshop on
oboe performance and
appear as oboist with
the Washing State .
Faculty oodwind Qui-
The quintet concert
will feature several
contemporary works,
including Samuel
Barber's "Summer
Music" and Wallingford
Riegger's Concerto for
Piano and Woodwing
News provided for deaf community
A regular television
news broadcast for deaf
viewers is being pro-
duced here with the aid
of several staff
members of the ECU
Program for Hearing
mpaired Students.
Manual interpreters
from ECU are in-
terpreting the 7:25 a.m.
news broadcast over
WNCT-TV (Channel" 9)
. each weekday morning.
The signed news
program was begun as
a cooperative project
during May, in
recognition of National
Speech and Hearing
Month, a,id Michael
Ernest, director of the
ECU program.
"WNCT mailed
direct notices to many
deal persons in eastern
North Carolina, alerting
them that the signed
news broadcast would
be offered. Audience
response was
Because the WNCT
management wished to
fulfill a long-standing
need in the area and
because the initial
response was receptive
among members of the
deaf community, the
station and Ernest's
staff decided to continue
interpreting the morning
news on a permanent
Uppity Women continued from p. 2
When change is requi-
red within such socie-
ties, it is achieved
through co-operative
efforts toward a living
principle of social
The term "Appro-
priate behavior" has a
different meaning in
cultures which reflect
change as one ol the
constants of life. It
tends to remain in the
area of what were
probably the earliest
experiences with
learning "Appropriate
behavior" - that is,
learning to be careful
not to hurt yourell or
someone else, which
also includes not hurt-
ing your environment.
Which is beneficial. It
is when the concept ol
"appropriate behavior"
gets taken a few steps
further, and turned into
a "mind-meld mold
that Big Brother takes
out hi hoe and weed-
killci and gardens his
bitter crop.
I'm, those who thrive
on the poison rhubarb
ol totalitarianism, don't
mi? the sweet fruits
ol freedom to grow, lor
EVERYONE in society,
whether they are Jews
oi blacks or women oi
natural food advocates,
or solar power
advocates or whoever.
The lotalitarians will be
quite satisfied to have
you do it their wa and
live according to their
alue perceptions.
because it's more
beneficial to them, in
that it makes you, the
people, easier to control
and manipulate and
generally to be taken
advantage of.
And of course, il
you don't see it their
way, you are not
exhibiting "Appropriate
behavior Which
means that "some-
thing" has got to be
done about it.
As it goes, each one
of us will perceive
things as we will - just
remember. I have an
aversion for lotali-
And remember,
again, you have to be
careful of what you
believe these days.
Interpreters transi
the spoken newscast
into American Sign
Language (Ameslan),
using a combination oi
manual interpretation
and finger spelling.
' oiitinu d from p.lj
c is a member ol
the NC State Advisory
Committee on Public
Education and a mem-
ber of the State
Evaluation Committee
on Teachers' Education.
Beech is vice presi-
dent of the Lenoii
County Good Neighbor
Council and a past vice
president of the Lenoir
County Inter-Racial
Committee. He is a
,I,rector of the Lenoir
County United Fund
and a director of LAMP
Inc a I noii Count)
poverty program. His is
a former member ol the
Lenoir Mental Health
(m ialion.
He also served a- a
member of the City of
Kinston Planning Board
and is a former chair-
man of the Kinston Cit
Si hool Board-
Alter receiving his
LLB degree at Chapel
Hill, he was admitted to
the bar and practiced
law in Durham lor a
year before returning to
his hometown. He is a
partner in the firm ol
Beech and Pollock.
formed in I966.
to f m?
Hs Roberl L. Jones
itat News EAtor
?Q students maj
be listening ?" some
thing other than stain
UI 9i.3 FM i" i r"?
according lo John )? te.
,) lor "I r (l ?
Presently, ihe slal
, on the FCC
.no,lion permit
permit should be du
luui or liv
,aid Jet. r. "Might
are complving
a report surveying
munity problem
,i, . i ar inloriii il
meded I ? fl '
?rd f l?
i lass V noi
i ial " runt. )?
The programs
should In ?
listi ii) loi
album rod
lussll al musii
iiilormulivi in ? -
community - i
Jetei said
are being
the : I
c as t i n j
It ha- bi
kear since w ECl
operuK d. W ECl
been denied
by tin FCC
trev i m .
Meyer anxious to join greenville continued from P.i
Mover has more than 25 years experience in
student activities programs and counseling. He went
Cornell in 1968 as Assistant Vice President for
ffairs and Dean of Students after serving
as assistant chancellor for student affairs, the
sitv ol Wisconsin's Center System. In 1971,
sition at Cornell became Assistant Vice
r Campus Affairs and Dean of Students.
is a lecturer in a graduate program on
Personnel Administration.
0 he worked as an admissions counselor at
lege in the Chicago area, followed by two
personnel work in the Army involving
;i of enlisted men and officers. From
1954, he was Admission- Counselor at
C liege, Waukesha, Mis and joined the
the I niversity of Wisconsin, Madison in
; rhe next year he received the MS degree at
?- majoring in Counseling and Behavioral
- idies. He was awarded the PhD by the University
is onsin in 1965.
lb has conducted research and published in
such areas as guidance films, evaluation oi student
a study of undergraduate student-faculty
relationships at a large university, guidelines
orientation programs, Cornell student attitudes on
BOTC, rjew student parents' attitudes toward
Cornell; student information sources survey, and a
study of apartments for single students.
Meyer is married to the former Nancy Ramsay
who is an artist and a teacher of art. She is a
kitchen design consultant with her own business and
also is completing her second four-year term on the
Ithaca, N.Y City Council. The Meyers have three
"I've enjoyed my brief association thus tar with
the extremely friendly and warm-hearted people
both in Greenville and the University. Meyer said.
"I look forward to participating in the multiple-
duties and responsibilities of this position at ECl .
It will be a challenging opportunity to work at such
a dynamic university which serves the people so
well. My family and I are anxious to join the
Creenvilie community
sale "4
up to
Smoking during Pregnancy
Poses Danger to Unborn Babies
Samuel S . C. Yen, MD
Professor and L hairman
Department of Reproductive
'niversity of L alifornia
Sjn Diego
An unborn babv shows a sharp
decrease- in chest breathing mo-
tion after its mother smokes onlv
two cigarettes, according to new
ultrasound findings. A disturbing
image Every pregnant woman
who reaches for a cigarette ought
to keep that image before her.
A fetus cannot be expected to
thrive wuh a limited supply of oxy-
gen. Yet that is essentiallv what a
mother who smokes is asking her
telus to do.
Research from our laboratory
shows that smoking in pregnancv
causes a decrease in the fetal oxy-
gen supply. Nicotine sets off a sym-
pathetic nervoussystem discharge
that causes constriction of blood
vessels leading to the uterus. As a
result, the blood flow carrying oxy-
gen to the fetus is reduced. This.
together with prolonged increase
in the amount of carbon monoxide
in the fetal blood stream may cause
a continuous ox en deficiency
Smokers vs non-smokers
1 he intluence of smoking on
the outcome of pregnancv can be
seen when comparing groups of
pregnant women who smoke with
those who do not. Among women
who smoke, there is a greater in-
cidence of miscarriage, fetal dis-
tress, premature birth, low birth-
weight. and smaller-than-average
body and head measurements
in the newborn. Low birthweight.
with its risks of disability and
death, is four times as common,
and fetal deaths have been 27 per
cent higher.
We are not certain which of the
4.(XW chemical compounds in cig-
arette smoke causes damage to a
fetus. Some investigators suggest
that it is none of these. They be-
lieve that smoking depresses the
mother's appetite, causing her to
limit her eating to a degree that
brings about growth retardation in
her unborn baby. Whether these
effects on fetal growth carry over
into childhood development is not
vet known.

STUDIES NOW SHOW that among women who smoke there is a greater inci-
dence of miscarriage, fetal distress, premature birth, low birthweight, and
smaller-than-average body and head measurements in the newborn. To avoid
these risks, women of childbearing age should not smoke.
The damage caused bv smoking
usually stops when, and if. a preg-
nant mother quits smoking. Break
ing the habit before or. at least
early in pregnancy :s the best way
a mother can protect her babv
from the dangers of smoking.
Pregnancv is an ideal time to edu-
cate her about dangers to her un-
born babv and provide motivation
tor quitting.
Ways to stop
The Massachusetts Department
of Public Health offers several
recommendations to cut smoking
among pregnant women. They ad-
vise health pervmnel to: (11 At
the first prenatal visit, include cig-
arettes in the list of drugs known
to have adverse effect on the out-
come of pregnancy: (2i Tell preg-
nant women that smoking is even
more hazardous if they have a his-
tory of miscarriage or -newborn
loss, bleeding, or placenta! com-
plications: if they are anemic: or if
they are in an older age group:
3? Consider testing every preg-
nant patient for carbon monoxide
levels in her blood and warn her
if the reading is high: l4l If
a woman has any bleeding, ques-
tion her about smoking and re-
emphasie the dangers: iN Pro-
vide pregnant women who smoke
with the locations of "stop-smok-
ing" clinics: ibi Enforce "no
smoking' rules in all health facili-
ties where staff and patients come
in contact.
One sure thing
Although the "what" in tobacco
smoke that endangers a fetus re-
mains unsolved, the 'what-to-do-
aboul it has a clear-cut answer:
women of childbearing age should
not smoke.
Dr. Yen is a grantee of The
S'ational Foundation-March of
Dimes. As pan of its nationwide
program tor prevention of birth
defects, the voluntary health or-
ganization supports research into
the effects of a mothers smoking
on her unborn and newborn child.
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21 June 1979 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 5
A new collection of
poetry is released
by a Russian poet
"rends Editor
brillianl book of selected poems has just been
ased. Osip ?landelstam is the name of the book
I the name ol the Russian poet whose reputation,
as been growing rapidly, albeit posthumously.
Osip Mandelstam, one of Russia's greatest poets,
I .luring the revolution and the reign of Stalin.
Mandelstam otters a poetry of this world. This
tion ol his poems, spanning a period of over
inly years, reflects the dominant political climate
the tunes, including the turmoil in St.
i sburg, where he lived.
However, Mandelstam's poems are not just
ntemporarj portraits of man and society. His
isions to ancient civilizations, including Greece
Rome, give his work an ancient bardic quality.
Despite a locus on the concrete, Mandelstam
icvei loses -lght ol man's inner inspiration and its
lalionship to the world he creates. Mandelstam
iks nt the poetic form as being like that of a
cathedral, one is constructed of words, the other
stone, yet loth convey the power of the human
Mandelstam's works have been called "im-
personal his family and friends are missing, the
tails ol his life remain a mystery. Yet in these
poems his presence is profoundly felt, for
Mandelstam transforms his subjective vision into an
expansive view ol the realities around him.
Donald Davie, ol Stanford University, says. "If
we were to call Mandelstam 'classical' this is what
ghl mean, or what we ought to mean. And
ithing i further from what may reasonably be
seen a the characteristic endeavour of the Western
European and American of this eititur) , in all the
arts ? that is to sav, the finding of beauty in this
Crusin9 on Evans Street
discontinuous and asymmetrical, the open-ended and
indeed the adventitious
Mandelstam's early poetry has a haiku-like
brevity. It is thematically appropriate that he does
not choose to title hardly any of his poems. They
are the poet's epiphanies, the little, profound
epiphanies. Take for instance the first two poems in
the hook.
Fruit breaking loose from tree ?
Hollow, muffled, gingerly ?
I he silent sound
1)1 forest all around
I he reference to nature in the above poem
reminds one even more of the haiku. The following
poem is reminiscent of Tennyson, with his short,
brilliant poems.
Suddenly, from the half-dark hall,
ou slipped out in a light shawl ?
The servants slept on,
W e disturbed no one
Mandelstram is a poet who, in Eliot's words,
makes raids on the ineffable Compare the
following poem with Frost's "Stopping by the
oods on a Snowy Evening
Horses -topping slow
Through this dark-candled night,
riiese strange ones surely know
W here the) are taking me.
Confident of their concern.
At the bend 1 am thrown.
Towards star-light
Poet Osip Mandelstam
Mandelstam also wrote slightly longer poems.
But all of his work exudes a gentle love for life, for
the smells and tastes of life, for people, and for the
magic which is the best part of our lives.
James Green's translations are superb. He says
in his preface, about Mandelstam, "Mandelstam
was associated with the poetic grouping known as
Acmeism marshalled against the other-worldiness
ol Symbolism as represented pre-eminently by
Alexander Blok.
Acmeism was a kind of Imagism, aiming too at
poems that would be precise, com rote. and
architectural But just as the tenets oi Imagism
arc not easily discernable in, say. the Pound ol the
Cantos, there is nothing programmatic in Man-
delstam s actual poems either
Mandelstam's poetry have "ahe charm ol
something never yet said
He said once that "it a poem can be paraphrased,
the sheets have not been rumpled, there poetn
has not spent the night
In those term in Mandelstam's poetrv, the
sheets have indeed been rumpled.
Downtown elicits student's comments
Statl Writer
Resisting the urge to
watch "Rockford Files"
Friday night (an ex-
treme act of self-denial),
1 found myself parked
at the corner of 4-th and
Cotanche, looking my
radio charged for
some hot stuff. Well,
I'm not going to lie and
say the thought never
crossed my mind, but
just now my attention is
drawn i the busy street
before me.
Mesmerized bv the
summery headlights and
dull shine of dusty cars
chasing them, I realize
that I'm witnessing that
peculiarly American
outdoor drama ridin'
the square. I was first
introduced to this small
town rite of passage
into adulthood ten years
ago in the Piedmont
village of my birth; I'm
struck to find so little
has changed since then.
Amid the din of
horn honking and
squealing tires, the arch
blandishments of young
men are still answered
by that coy nonchalance
Southern girls mastered
generations ago.
I spy two pre-coeds
settled on a grassy-
knoll across the lane;
dragging on their cig-
arettes in unison, they
observe with me this
sexual ritual they
eagerly wait to join.
Perhaps years from
now, when they have
daughters of their own,
they'll wistfully think
back on this evening
scene and realize what
it meant. But now they
are too near it to
understand it; all that
matters tonight is
coaxing a ride from a
shy country playboy
whose Re-Track Trail-
masters have caught
their eye.
Two college-age
ladies get into the car
beside me; I turn and
wave to one a cute
blond acknowledging
her playfully seductive
grin. (Are girls any-
where as lovely as
these? You think it's
impossible, but really,
who's met a woman
who wasn't beautiful
when she smiled?)
Sorry, darlin not
tonight; my heart's
riding with that white
Firebird that just
snaked past. 1 can't
resist wondering if its
my Firebird again,
waiting for a green
light. How can I get
her to look this way?
Mavbe if I held up a
sign GAS 55.9.
Enough of this voy-
eurism. I'm primed for
action, ready to step
out and shake my
booty. In my baggy-
worn cords and wing
tipped Hushpuppies I
make lor the fcibo
Room, affecting my best
sidewalk saunter,
in a silver-plated Regal,
jeeps and pickups of
every description, and
Hondas, two wheeled
and four. (I'm not
certa-n, but didn't that
bumper sticker read
GOD CHEWS?) There's
travelers continue their
search for sweet Dul-
cinea. Two lucky la
Manchans who have
made a match stroll
proudly by, prize-on-
-arm. Such a look of
contentment; what drug
can soothe better than
the resin of infatuation?
None of course.
Down the street, the
dark haired pilot lives
up to her name.
Circling my corner
single file, the quixotic
bellicose banter of
several drunken revelers
proves the final im-
potence of alternative
intoxicants. Rough
edges and tobacco field
ways have conspired to
cheat them of love, and
their frustration is
doubled as thev find
love's longing to be
stronger than drink.
A ou iig sq u ire in
dad's very golden
Eldorado motors b .
lollowed bv two virgin-
Near-bursting with an-
ticipation, I pay the
doorman and we tumble
for a hand to stamp.
With sinking heart 1
order a beer, reluctant
to leave not wanting
to look like the
complete tool 1 am.
What the hell happened
to everybod? The last
time I was here there
was a bacchanal live
hundred -troug. girls
walking around in
bikinis for chrissake.
Sipping mv ale 1 muse
if I hurrv home
mavbe 1 can catch the
end of Rockiord.
Symphony airs on TV
ECU News Bureau
The East Carolina.
University Symphony
Orchestra, conducted by
Robert Hause of the
ECU School of Music
faculty, will be featured
in a special broadcast
on the UNC-TV network
June 25, along with the
Super Grit Cowboy
The half-hour pro-
gram, to be aired by
the network's eight
stations at 8 p.m is a
videotape of a concert
performed at ECU last
September, the "First
Annual Hood Swamp
Symphony Ball
The unusual combin-
orchestra and country -
rock band is discussed
in interviews with
conductor Hause and
fiddler Michael Kinzie,
and ECU alumnus.
The orchestra will
again appear with the
Super Grit band in
I C IA broa leasts
over vrir Chap els 2
(Columbia) and 4Chapel
Hill), and UHF
Channels 17 (Linville).
25 (Greenville), 26
(Winston-Salem), 33
Asheville), 39 (Vv dm
A workshop is scheduled
Don't miss Watermelon Day Every Monday at
Noon in front ofMendenhall Student Center
ECU News Bureau
"Choral Mu&c
Today a summer
workshop for school
vocal music teachers,
has been scheduled for
June 28-29 at East
Carolina University.
The program, featu-
ring a survey of
contemporary techniques
and literature in the
field of vocal music
education, is sponsored
bv the ECU School of
Music and the ECU
Division of Continuing
Education, in cooper-
ation with the Mac-
Millan Publishing Co.
and J.W. Pepper, Inc.
Subject matter will
include the Kodary
CHoral Method; stan-
dard and current choral
literature for elemen-
tary, middle school
junior high and high
school levels; the
Spectrum Music Series
(the test adopted by
North Carolina) and
vocal and rehearsal
Instructional staff
will include Drs.
Rhonda Fleming,
Rosalie Haritun, George
Knight, Charles Moore,
Ralph Shumaker and
Brett Watson, of the
ECU School of Music;
Tyson Dunn of Mac-
Millan Co Bonnie
Harkey of Wingate and
Richard Thome of J.W.
Pepper, Inc.
Further information
about the workshop is
available from the
Office ?l Vm-Crt'di! Pro-
grams, Division of
Continuing Education.

? - ????
? ??" ?

Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAD 21 June 1979
ECU Music
Camps to be
held here
A record number of
oung musicians is
expected to participate
in ECU's 26th annual
Summer Music Camps.
Sponsored by the
ECU School of Music,
the camp will meet in
two sessions, Julv 1-13,
and July 15-27 The
t'iri sessions will be
directed bj Harold
Jones and the second,
by Herbert Carter. Both
are members ol ECl. s
music faculty.
The camps open to
all junior and senior
high school band
students, provide a wide
range of musical and
recreational activities for
campers of all ages and
ability level
Students will live on
campus, using campus
dormitory and cafeteria
facilities. ACU's health
facilities and such
recreational facilities as
the new Olympic
swimming pool, tennis
courts and gymnasium
will also be available.
In addition to full
band and sectional
rehearsals, campers will
pa in smaller en-
sembles and attend
clinic sessions. Students
will hear musical
programs featuring
faculty artists, partici-
pate in electronic music
workshops and take
classes in conducting,
arranging and general
Instructional staff
will include several
noted directors of high
school bands as well as
the following members
of the ECU School of
Music faculty: James
Parnell, Joseph Diste-
fano, Barry Shank,
Balph Shumaker and
James Forger.
Recreational activities
will be supervised by
counselors experienced
in working with junior
and senior high school
Since quotas for
each instrument have
been set and cannot be
exceeded, early regis-
tration is advised.
Further information
and registration ma-
terials are available
CAMPS, School of
Music, East Carolina
University, Greenville,
NC 2783"
Student to
play recital

JUNE 25 9:00
ECU News Bureau
Laurie Nicholson of
Wilmington, senior
rinei student in the
East Carolina University
nool of Music, will
perform in recital June
22 at 8:15 p.m. in the
Fletcher Recital Hall.
Featured m her
program will be the
Aaron Copland Concerto
lor Clarinet and William
Bergsma's "Illegible
Canons for Clarinet and
Piano accompanist is
Alisa Wetherington.
Assisting in the
Bergsma work is per-
cussionist Jack Stamp.
Ms. Nicholson is a
candidate for tl
Bachelor of Music
Education degree and a
clarinet student ot
Herbert Carter of the
ECU music faculty.
She is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Nicholson Jr. of 133
Whiteoak Drive.
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21 June 1979 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 7
Gymnast competes I
despite injuries
B Debb) Newby
Assistant Sports Editor
WTien you fall off a horse you gel back on,
r'g"t- well, what happens when sou fall off the
uneven bars in gymnastics practice and crush your
'?"gcr- on both hands?
Susan McKnight
11 you're Susan McKnight, you'd probably wear
a cast on both hands for two months while
gradually trying to regain your confidence to
compete again.
McKnight, a junior from Greenville, has
competed on the ECU women's gymnastics team for
the past two years. This all-around gymnast (bars,
floor, balance beam, and vault) finished the past
season's competition as the top gymnast of the
Irani, despite her hand injury which occured last
During a pre-season practice, McKnight fell off
the uneven bars while attempting a back
somersault. She landed awkwardly on her hands,
tearing the ligaments in her right lingers and
crushing the knuckles in her left.
1 he injury physically and mentally affected her
perlormance the rest ol the season. "I didn't leel
quite as comfortable after the fall McKnight said.
I was all aid of missing and I wasn't as
Despite the obstacles McKnight had to overcome,
-lie eventually regained her confidence and lorm.
She attended the Regionals last March and
continued t improve her routine.
I wanted to be able tu go into a meet and do
ins best she aid. "I think every move out and
try in block out everything else. 1 always try to see
iny-ell doing it perfectly. And it I happen to fall
oil. most ol the time I'll just hop back up and trv
Menial and physical preparation is a necessity to
successlully compete in gymnastics, which seems to
hi the team - philosophy, as well as the philosophy
nl the gymnastics coach, Stevie Chepko.
I he team work- out six davs a week lor three
hour- a day. during regular season practice. This
past season, these dedicated gymnasts returned
Iron. Christmas vacation one week earlier than the
oilier -Indent and practiced some eight hours a
Hani work, team spirit and closeness is ital to
lln- learn.
Our lean) has always been close McKnight
replied. W e push each other on and when we go
mil' a nreei. we go into it as a team. That's our
lu-I objective ? to win as a team
But to win as a team, the athletes must be
dedicated as an individual, and Susan McKnight is
probably one ol the most dedicated athlete
Even when Susan had two casts on her
hands, Coach Chepko said, "she was throwing
aerial link She practiced anything that she didn't
need her hand- lor
Hard work, dedication, and sell-discipline is what
ii lake- to compete successful!) in gymnastics,
which i- what the women gymnastics team has,
and ivhat Su-an McKnight portrays.
sports sidEliqkrs
Jimmy DuPree
New coach named
Sloan named to coach
British in 1980 Olympics
North Carolina State University head basketball
Coach Norm Sloan will be doing a little
?i,(ouhghliug over tin- next lew months.
The skillful veteran of the hardwood will serve
a- the coach lor Great Britain's Olympic Basketball
-quad, in hopes ol forming a winning combination
out ol the lackluster nucleus of their program.
NCSL Sports Information Director Ed Seaman
reports' that Sloan will begin working with the Basketball Assocaia.ion team in February
mtk the team possibly Raleigh for workouts
for about five weeks.
The announcement came Monday while Sloan was
conduct a basketball cl.n.c in England.
Muhammad Ali
Muhammad h may eventually be regarded a-
the nio inllueiiliai person to live during the 20th
Mi uoled as a great humanitarian, as well a-
a remarkable athlete. For one who never completed
Ingh school, the three time heavyweight boxing
champion ol tin- world ha- distinguished himself a
him who -land- up lor hi- beliefs: freedom.
equality, ami hi- Muslim faith.
?. a
I lie billowing i- a tribute to Muhammad Ali, the
win lif- uio-l tainou- man. as he near- his final day
in (he circle ol professional boxing.
Mall Writer
A Circle Game
AIVs classic pose:
taunting Liston
(Muhammad Ali on the night of September 15,
A square of canvas
A circle of electricity
rare as radium
is man-
I'7V may well go down in the record books of
Fast Carolina University as the most disasterous as
lar as coaches are concerned.
Pirate basketball assistant Herb Dillon began the
parade a- he withdrew in the middle of the season
'to enter private business.
Soon alter, the former superior, Larry Gillman,
resigned alter FCU faithfuls screamed and
demanded he hi' tired. Though he added to the
meiis cage team many teams which were before
considered out ol their league, his dismal won-loss
record dictated a change.
The Gillman resignation brought on a lengthy
search tor a worthy replacement. Former Wake
Forest University assistant Dave Odom received the
nod from Athletic Director Bill Cain, signaling a
new era in FCC basketball.
Next came the surprise resignation of baseball
mentor Monte Little and the subsequent hiring of
hi- assistant, Hal Baid.
W resiling coach Bill Hill has yet to be replaced,
but the replacement for gymnastics coach Stevie
Chepko was announced early this week.
John Rose, a graduate of West Chester
(Pennsylvania) State University, joins the Pirate staff
to assume the duties ol gymnastics and men's
tennis coach.
Rose was previously men and women's
gymnastics coach at Missouri Stale University.
Rose take over the tennis responsibility from
Randy Randolph, who served in that capacity for
lhe past three seasons.
Melvin continues
FCU trackster Otis Melvin recently competed in
the 200 meter dash at the National AAU meet in
Walnut, California, placing seventh with a time
20.11 seconds.
Melvin was, however, "second among college
entrants in the AAU championship, and thus
qualifies for the World University Games in Mexico
City, September 8-12.
He will also compete this summer in several
invitational meets including the Olympic Regional
All Star Invitational on July 13.
has always been hidden rhythm's dancer
has borrowed the fire of the gods
that must now be returned
Jeweled planets of sweat leap, dance like
cold water poured on a hot, black frying pan sky
Flyswatter jabs slap
at a leering Jack-O-Lantern
The snake-lick
Peppery, red cinnamon candy gloves
meld into
a vermilion line of tracers
Three tatballs ?pear
the same catcher" mitt a- one
"A baseball bat thunk
into a watermelon"
Then, the instant ha passed
another ember return- to it- -curve
merely a memory ol
martin luther king, timothy learv
kruchev, kennedy. beach boys
long, hot summers, cold war-
Ibj, disney. tricky dick
John, paul, george, ringo
came lot.
For one moment
The in an-child-magician
Still younger than us all.
topy right May. I1). David Mill, r
Soccer is a growing sport
"Just a matter ol
time could be an
appropriate phrase to
describe the influence ol
Europe's game, soccer,
upon the American
sports public. In this
country where football
is king, the support for
soccer had evolved
gradually. Its major
supporters in the U.S.
are the youngsters of
the population. Soccer is
making its presence
known through a strong
push in the elementary
and junior high school.
Also many ncreationa
departments have turn-
ed to soccer as an
alternative little
league football pro-
grams. This allows for
m j? 4 -t ? . ? 4A4fAtf40tf0fP'Vt04N
more unisex participa-
tion and cuts down on
many of the injuries
that result from contact
Of course soccer is
not going to push
football by the wayside,
but it may achieve a
degree of spectator
interest which has failed
to materialize in many
American pro sports
such as hockey and pro
Soccer isn't a new
sport in America at all.
Soccer-football was bei-
ng played during the
cival war. The college
version soon followed in
the 1870's. But until
recently, soccer in the
U.S. was just an
? ? 4f C-4
alternate to football.
The success ol the
North American Soccer
League (NASL) has
changed that.
The league has
produced a new breed
of American soccer fans
which have strong ties
to their favorite teams.
Generally soccer fans
are different from other
sports fans due to the
extreme psychological
intensity of the game.
Sometimes a bad call
can cau-e a crowd to
A big factor for
the increased fan
interest is the intro-
duction of lorctgii born
players into the
American pro ranks
t-uch name players a-
h 1, . Tin- has had a
big impact on the
overall quality oi play.
In m??t ca-c these
player- have an
advantage over Ameri-
can-born players. They
have been playing
-tKcer since early age
and have competed on
level? ol competition
much superior to those
now present in the U.S.
However, with the
.steadily increasing
interest in soccer among
the younger generation,
American players may
someday be able to
compete with the best
of the world.

?? X ?? ?
Page 8 FOUNTAINHEAD 21 June 1979
Sports briefs
Yanks have 'new' skipper
By Jimmy DuPree
Sports Editor
Speculation in the sports world came to an end
Monday when New York Yankee principle owner
Ueorge htc.nbrenner named fiery, but popular Billy
Martm to take over the managerial duties from Bob
Martin was fired as the Yankee skipper last July
lollowing disputes with Steinbrenner and star
?juthelder Reggie Jackson. He reportedlv called
Jackson a born liar" and Steinbrenner "convicted "
Martin popularity with fans in the New York
area prompted Steinbrenner to announce at an Old
alter the d?missal that former All Star second
baseman would return in 1980 to manage the
riu-ir dismal showing thus far necessitated a
tbange so the Yanks' front office followed the old
baseball addage that when all else fails; fire the
Lemon will no take out as general manager
lor the Bronx Bombers; the post he was to fill at
retirement alter the 1979 season.
Ali to retire?
W ill he or won't he?
Three tune world heavyweight boxing champion
Muhammad Ah will reportedlv resign his title
ellective July 5. '
Hie 37-year-old former Olympic gold medalist
has stated on several previous occasions that he will
I bght again, but has yet to officially retire his
crow n.
Ali mut. according to World Boxing Association
rules, sign a contract to defend the title before
September lo; twelve months from the date he
captured the title from a bewildered and out of
condition Leon SpinL
Ali's attorney, Eugene Dibble, denies that his
LheiH ha- sent anv letter announcing his intent to
retire Julv 5.
Boxer (?) Ed Jones
Can an aging refugee defensive lineman from
the National Football League conquer the odds and
capture boxing's World Heavyweight Championship?
Apparently Ed "Too Tall" Jones, former All Pro
lor the Dallas Cowboys plans to give it a try.
Jones, whose only other boxing experience came
a a Golden Clove competitor in high school, says
he had decided two years ago to play out his option
anil turn to boxing.
1 he 6-tool-9, 270 pounder, made his intentions
public at a fuesdav news conference.
s in a name?
l George Threewitts
l. I News Bureau
I in piral f, a s) mbol
l tas.1 Carolina I ni-
versil) and its athletics
M was adopted
Irom the legend and
coastal .North
Carolina and was a na-
tural choice tor a nick-
n a me when intercolle-
giate athletics began at
the school in the
Pirates, fierce and
colorlul, were prominent
m North Carolina- col-
onial period. The state's
Outer Bank- which jut
lar ut into the Atlantic
were ideal hideout- for
these legendar) gang-
sters ol the high -eas.
?Many had homes and
families in the -mall
village- along the coast.
Edward Teach, best
known as "Blackbeard"
was a resident of East-
ern North Carolina. He
had a house at Ocra-
toke on the Outer
Bank- and an inland
home at Bath on the
Pain lieu River.
ECL's interest in
pirates and sea lore
began in 1934. That
year, the Tecoan, the
yearbook for what wa-
ihen Eat Carolina Tea-
chers College, carried
pirate- as it "theme.
The pages were filled
with paintings and sket-
ehes of patched-eye fi-
gure tall ships' and
buried treasure. The
hook referred to the
ale- o the infamous
reach) ihe Pirate"
?llen told by native- in
the enarhv historic town
ol Hath.
Hie men var-ity
learn, at one tune, was
known a- "The Tea-
chers" a lackluster bartd
ol athlete- who had
won only two football
game- in three seasons
ol existence. But the
student body interest
in pirate- quickly re-
sulted in (.hanging the
name of (he (am ,()
eapture the romantic
appeal of the early seas
adventure. The change
brought -o much en-
thusiasm that in the
lollowing year, 1935,
the Pirate football team
had a mueh better
season, winning three of
its six game
Prior to the intro-
duction ol athletic- for
men. th' ECTC Athletic
o( iation comprised
ol women athlete- in
basketball, tennis, base-
ball and areherv were
content with the more
elas-ieal nickname A
1930-31 Handbook lor
ECTC listed the two
team- that made up the
Athletic Association as
the Olympians and the
Athenians. Their colors
wire purple and gold
(the same as todav's
color) and the mascot
was a wildcat.
HEW report inaccurate

lb alth.
W el fan
? hj ui tmeiil of
Education and
report quest-
he -alety of
athletic program- in the
I mled Male- is ser-
lawed and is not
enough to be
reliable, according to a
statement by the NCAA
committee on Competi-
tive Safeguards and
Medical spects of
Ihe NCAA statement
noted the data included
in the -urvey is four
year- old and doe- not
lake into account im-
provements made since
19i5-6 in equipment,
coaching techniques and
awareness regarding
athletic injuries.
"It is interesting to
note that HEW Secre-
tary Joseph A. Califano
Jr. concluded from the
report that if safer
equipment would have
been used, there would
have been fewer injur-
ies, said Dennis
Poppe, NCAA assistant
director ol events. "Yet
the report supplied no
data concerning the re-
lationship between in-
juries and protective
Rule changes: Be-
sides improvements
made in the safety of
football helmets the
NCAA committee also
claimed that significant
rules changes by the
NCAA Football Rules
Committee have helped
minimize the number of
latalities and catastro-
phic injuries in the
sport. In 1976, for ex-
ample, the Rules Com-
mittee initiated many
changes in the rules
that redefined the act of
"spearing" and imple-
mented a rule that
made it illegal for a
player to intentionally
trike a runner with the
crown or top of his
As a result of rule
changes, unproved
coaching techniques and
a safety standard de-
veloped by the National
Operating Committee on
Standards for Athletic
Equipment, the Annual
Football Fatality Survey
(sponsored by the A-
mencan Football
Coaches Association, the
NCAA and the National
Federation of Slate
High School Associa-
tions) shows the number
of football related
deaths has decreased
Irom as many as 29 in
1970 to nine in 1978.
Severity of injuries:
Another problem with
the HEW report, the
committee said, was
that although more than
one million injuries
were cited in the re-
port, 66 percent of
those were classified as
miner and 23 percent
occured during physical
education activities and
could not be classified
as to their severity.
"The 'over one mil-
lion figure is only an
estimate Poppe said.
"Approximately 90 per-
cent of those injuries
"?We minor or the se-
verity could not be de-
Although the report
appeared to focus on
varsity reports, in real-
ity, 75 percent of those
surveyed were involved
in intramural and phy-
sical education classes.
Further, the committee
report said, club sports
were classified as var-
sity sports for the
Therefore, the actual
number of varsity sports
participants in the study
was less than 25 per-
cent, but when all cate-
gories ol participants
were put together, the
varsity programs were
considered equal to
other participants.
Ihe committee also
questioned the report on
the lollowing grounds:
? The design of the
study was such that the
material was submitted
by participating insti-
tutions at the end of
the year and there was
no way for the invest-
igative team to check
ami determine if the
data was valid. The in-
vestigative team could
not determine whether
an accurate accounting
ol the number of in-
juries had been main-
tained or if estimates
had been used.
Ihe quality of the
data was also quest-
ioned because of nu-
merous errors editors
detected when they re-
viewed the forms that
had been submitted.
The . report indicated
some forms listed wo-
men being injured in
intercollegiate football in
other forms, entire sec-
lions were omitted.
? The data provided
by the study indicated
only the number of in-
juries and did not pro-
vide patterns or trends
ol injuries. In essence,
the study reiterated
what is already known
? when athletes par-
ticipate in contact
ports, there will be
? The report covers
only one year. Valid
conclusions can only be
made Irom continuous
data obtained over a
period of time. Inde-
pendent reports from
NAIKS and the Annual
Football Fatality Report
indicate the number of
significant injuries in
football Fatality Report
indicate the number of
signilicaut injuries in
football actually are de-
creasing while the num-
ber ol participants has
? The report stated
the rate ol injuries in
loolball was four times
higher than other con-
tact sports. However,
lootball was the only
port that was con-
sidered separately.
Poppe said the com-
mittee was not in any
way minimizing ihe im-
portance of athletic in-
juries by questioning
the HEW report.
"Belter equipment
and training methods
are needed he said,
"and more date con-
cerning trends and
causes of injuries is
required. Education
programs are necessary
lo inform everyone of
the problem.
"The injury problem
is real. However, it
should be approached
with reason and factual
data; judgements should
not be based upon data
or surveys that are
outdated or lack useful-
The Great Canoe
Race was held this past
Tuesday on the Tar
River and turned oul to
be a great success. Ed
Burchctle and Lori Tay-
lor paddled to first
place with a time of
38.59 minutes, followed
by the second place
learn of David White
and Oerrieck Pool. The
route was approximated
IV4 - 2 miles.
Co-Rec softball will
be ollered again during
second session ol sum-
mer school. Entry dead-
lines are next Friday,
June 29th. Organize a
team and come on out
to join the fun!
Bobby Little, unde-
leated in tournament
play is the number one
seed; with Billy Helton,
also undefeated, seeded
second. Finals are sla-
ted lor 6 p.m. on Mon-
day, June 25lh at the
College Hill courts.
Top seeded Bobbv
Little and Billy Helton
will match skills with
Jame- Holmes and Tim
loal- in the semi-finals
while 2nd -ceded Mike
Bumgardner and Robert
Baruhill lake on Lester
Anderson and Phillip
Recchip. Final match is
scheduled for Monday,
June 25th at 6 p.m.
Th ECL Coll Cla?ic
i- being played at the
Ay den Country Club
Thursday and Fridav,
June 21-22. Contestants
will play 18 holes of
medalist competition,
with T-shirts awarded to
the number one fin-
Frl. Sat.
Tues. June 26
Wed. June 27
Monday thru
$1.25 & up

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Fountainhead, June 21, 1979
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
June 21, 1979
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