Fountainhead, May 31, 1979

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Circulation 4,000
East Carolina University
55 No. X& 31 May 1979
Faculty appointments include
Morgan to Dean, new
B) Lynn Beyar
News Editor
Several new faculty
appointments have been
made recently in the
various departments and
administration of ECU.
mong those appointed
to positions are: Walter
l. Bortz, Donald L.
Lemish, Dr. Alice B.
Cranoff, and Dr. Edwin
W. Monroe.
Dr. Edwin W.
Monroe, presentlj pro-
lessor ol medicine and
ice Chancellor tor
Health Affairs, has been
named associate dean
l.r external affairs at
the ECU School of
Medicine. This position
involves coordination ot
medical education pro-
grams at Eastern North
Carolina Hospitals and
health centers.
Monroe, appointed
the first dean on the
School for Allied Health
and Social Professions
in 1968, played a major
role in the development
of the School of Medi-
cine and in development
ol new programs such
a the Family Nurse
Practitioner and Master
ol Science in Nursing,
mi nine undergraduate
and three graduate
programs in the School
of Allied Health and
Social Professions.
Dr. Monroe is a
graduate of Davidson
College. University ol
Penn. School ot Medi-
cine, and maintained a
private practice in
Greenville for twelve
year- prior to joining
thi' university.
He is a fellow of the
American College of
Physicians and a mem-
ber ol the editorial
board of the North
Carolina Medical Jour-
Dr. Alice B. Granoff,
has been appointed
associate professor of
pediatrics and Director
ol Pediatric endocrinol-
ogy in the ECU School
ol Medicine. Dr.
Granoff, a specialist in
diabetes and abnormal
growth problems of
children com - to ECU
from Fres. b"nia,
where she siivi , as
assistant chief of medi-
cine and pediatrics at
Valley Medical Center.
Dr. Granoff received
her training at the
University of Texas-
Austin, University of
Texas Southwestern
Medical School, St.
Louis Children's Hospi-
tal, St. Louis, Mo. and
John Hopkins Hospital,
Baltimore, Md.
She has also held
faculty and staff posi-
tions at Temple Univer-
sity, St. Christopher's
Hospital for Children,
Case Western Reserve
University, and Cleve-
land Metropolitan Gen-
eral Hospital, Ohio.
Presently, Dr. Granoff
also serves as reviewer
for the Journal of Pedi-
Walter M. Bortz HI
will become the new
Director of Admissions
lor East Carolina
University as of June
15. The 34-year-old
candidate has been
Dean of Admissions at
Texas Christian Univer-
sity, Fort Worth, for
three years, and served
lor seven years prior to
that as Dean of Admis-
sions at Bethany Col-
lege, West Virginia.
Bortz, who will succede
Dr. John H. Home, is
Lecture series will feature Osborne
Dr. Oliver Osborne, authority on mental health and
cultural change, will be a guest lecturer in the ECU
S hool ol Nursing Distinguished Lecturer Series.
Jim Barnes
News Editor
The ECU School of
Nursing graduate pro-
gram recently an-
nounced that Dr. Oliver
Osborn, RN will be the
guest lecturer for the
1979 Distinguished
Lecturer Series. Dr.
Osborn, professor of
nursing and adjunct
professor ol anthropol-
ogy at the University ol
Washington (Seattle)
will lecture on June 14
and 15 at ECU.
Osborn, a recognized
authority in the fields of
mental health, cultural
diversity and change,
will lecture on "Symp-
tom Patterns and Social
Process Change" from
1:30-3:30 p.m. on June
14 in Room 101 of the
School of Nursing. The
lecture will involve a
report ol research on
changes in patients'
presenting complaints in
health, and changes in
From 10:00-12 noon
on June 15 in the Belk
Building auditorium,
Osborn will lecture on
"Alternative Health
Care Deliverv Systems -
The Botswana Model
A frequent guest
lecturer for a learned
societies, Dr. Osborn
has done extended re-
search in the U.S. and
Africa on alternative
patterns of health care,
changing patterns of
symptomatology in
mental illness and
changes in the care
provider institutions,
topics for his lectures at
Massey to discuss behavioral
influences in London conference
By Francine Perry
ECL News Bureau
A complex study of
the possible relationship
of age, sex and right-
or left-handedness to
learning behavior will
be discussed at a Lon-
don conference this
summer by ECU grad-
uate student Cara Mas-
The research, involv-
ing an intensive survey
of 184 ECU seniors,
was undertaken by Ms.
Massey as part of her
master's thesis work
and will be reported at
the Fifth International
Conference for Impro-
ving University Teaching
at the University of
London July 4.
The Massey project
is the second phase of
a two-part investigation.
The first, conducted
by Dr. Hal Daniel of
the ECU Department of
Speech, Language and
Auditory Pathology and
His research associate
Patti Loesche, synthe-
sized current findings
regarding human learn-
ing strategies as they
relate to brain struc-
ture and function.
Daniel and Loesche,
who presented their
findings at the same
conference in Aachen,
Germany last summer,
indicated that behavioral
differences observed in
groups characterized by
sex, age and manual
preference, might have
implications for educa-
Since certain human
functions are known to
be regulated by specific
parts of the brain, they
concluded, differences in
brain structure and or-
ientation linked to indi-
vidual's age, sex and
use of the right or left
hand might account for
some students' achieve-
ments within the pre-
sent educational system
and others' inability to
cope with it.
The left hemisphere
of the brain, for ex-
ample, frequently linked
to right-handedness
when it dominates, is
where language use,
logical thinking and
manual dexterity origin-
Ms. Massey tested
the Daniel-Loesche hy-
pothesis � that brain
structure and operation
associated with certain
groups might signi-
ficantly affect learning
and achievement � in
her study of the 184
Factors considered in
her computerized study
were choice of major
field and career plans,
academic and other in-
terests, preferred modes
of testing and classroom
instruction, personal
study habits and, when
permission was given,
SAT scores and aca-
demic grade point
The test group was
studied in regard to
sex, age (over or under
25 years) and use of the
right or left hand by
the respondents and
members of their fam-
Ms. Massey reported
a "lack of significant
differences" associated
with right- or left-hand-
edness and no new
findings on sex differ-
ences regarding learn-
"Absolute classifica-
tion by handedness ap-
pears inappropriate
she concluded. "How-
ever, behavioral differ-
ences as a function of
age, sex and handed-
ness may eventually be
identified in university
Ms. Massey was
able to examine the re-
sponses of a relatively
small number of left-
handed individuals (17
out of 184). "A consid-
erably larger sample
size perhaps would have
led to a discovery of
significant thrends a-
mong variables investi-
gated she said.
But one interesting
fact was noticed: eight
of the 17 left-handed
students refused to al-
low their confidential
test scores to be ex-
amined, as compared to
only 12 of the 167
right-handed respon-
dents who denied per-
"Although the low
number of left-handed
subjects prevents exten-
sive speculation, this
behavior may be con-
sidered in light of
reported higher anxiety
levels among left-hand-
also one of six region-
ally appointed members
of the 19-member Col-
lege Entrance Examina-
tion Board Council on
Entrance Services, and
a member of the Col-
lege Scholarship Service,
Natl. and Regional
Assns. of College Ad-
missions Counselors. He
has also published
works on transfer stu-
dents, and on the field
ol word processings in
the college admissions
Donald L. Lemish
has been appointed Vice
Chancellor for Institu-
tional Advancement and
Planning at East Caro-
lina University. He will
be leaving his position
as Assistant Vice Pres-
ident and Director of
Development at the
University of Alabama
at Birmingham, a posi-
tion he has held since
Deeember of 1977.
Dr. Edwin W. Monroe, former Dean
of School of Allied Health and Serial
Professions. Vice Chancellor for
Health Affairs, newly appointed
Vssociale Dean for External ffairs.
Davis manuscripts acquired
By Dennis R. Lawson
ECl Manuscript Curator
The East Carolina
Manuscript Collection
has acquired the per-
sonal paper of Captain
Loui Poisson Davis,
USN (1883-1978). Cap-
tain Davis, a native of
W ilmington, N.C was
the son of attomev
Junius Davis and
grandson ol eminent
Confederate statesman
George Davis.
1905 graduate of
the U.S. Naval Acad-
emy, Davis served on
or commanded the
U.S.S. Kearsarge, Gal-
wstor, Delaware, Pan-
ther. Minnesota . Jarvis,
Texas, Alabama, Mary-
land, Ringold, Wood-
What's Inside
Vietnam, Vietnamp.3
Woody Allen's Manhattanp.5
Gay Organization describedp.5
McPhatter, Melvin in Nationalsp.7
WoocK Allen
Sullivan to edit folklore
"The Children's
Folklore Newsletter a
new quarterly publica-
tion sponsored by the
Children's Folklore Sec-
tion of the American
Folklore Society, is be-
ing edited by Dr.
Charles Sullivan III of
the East Carolina Uni-
veristy Department of
Purpose of the
newsletter is to keep
AFS members informed
of current research in
the field of children's
"Children's lolklore
a young, vigorous
and rapidly growing
Held Sullivan
"Those of us who
work in it wish to
record and study the
sayings and customs of
children, much the
same way traditional
lolklore has been stu-
died and preserved
Folklorists believe
that a great deal can be
learned about the values
and impulses ol a
national group bv
examining its folkways
and tale
Each issue of the
newsletter will feature a
glossary ol terminology
used by children identi-
fied by age and geo-
graphical location.
The current issue
includes "The Language
ol Little League a
collection of baseball
words used by urban,
upper middle-class boys
See FOLkLORE, p.l
bury, ami Colorado dur-
ing 30 year- of active
duly. He participated in
the "Great White
Fleet a flotilla of 16
new battleships dispatch
ed by Theodore Roose-
velt to circumnavigate
the globe in a demon-
stration of U.S. na.
During W orld W ar I
he commanded the de-
stroyer J a r v i - and
earned the Nav Cros-
tor in- troop and supply
convoy services. As Or-
dinance Inspector of the
Navy Bureau ol Ord-
inance during W orld
W ar II. Dav is dev ised a
system of palletized
ammunition shipment,
an immense logistical
advantage to the Amer-
ican war effort.
I he taper w hich
consist ol personal and
military correspondence,
financial papers, orders,
pamphlets, personal
military records, diaries,
and photograph were
donated by Davis' vi-
dow, Edna S. Dav is if
Washington. D.C and
his -on- Louis P Jr
George J Shether. and
fhomas W alkcr. II.
Prior to Dav is"
death, the East Carolina
Manuscript Collection
completed oral history
interviews in which he
discusses hi- career and
topics ot naval interest.
The forthcoming Guide
to Miltarv Holdings in
the East Carolina Man-
uscript Collection will
include a description ol
the papers.
Researcher- interest-
ed in the Dav i- Papers
may vi-it the Collect ion,
located in ECl Joyner
Library, between the
hours of 8 am and 5
pin, Monday through
.ne explained, 1979 is The International Year of the Child

� . . m
� MMNiiViJJJiJi 4J1 UJ1

. � �.
Page 2 FOUNTAINHEAD 31 May 1979
Still waiting for Godot
By this time next week, the
students of ECU and interested
onlookers should know, finally and for
good, who the Student Government
Association President for next year
will be: Libby Lefler or Brett Melvin.
The decision by the ECU Board of
Trustees should put an end to over
two months of uncertainty, bickering
and bitterness that have tainted the
ECU political system.
Although thousands of students
literally couldn't care less about SGA
power plays ("They ought to decide
who's president by putting all the
candidates in a steel cage with axes,
buzzswas, and brass knuckles and
whoever's still around after an hour
gets the job"), the upcoming Trustee's
decision is, if nothing else, a topic of
conversation for some of us on this
lazy summertime campus, and, to at
least two people, the matter is
nothing to sneeze about: the job
pays $150 a month.
It is not this writer's intention to
imply that Lefler and Melvin are
battling it out for the presidency
simply for the money � far from it.
Nor is it totally inconceivable that
someone who has served for years in
the SGA would enjoy the work, or
honestly feel that shehe were the
most qualified person for the job, and
decide to run for president. There is
nothing suspect in these motives.
But it is interesting to consider
Melvin's motivations. One would
really have to love the job to continue
fighting for it, as he has, in the face
of two separate appeal decisions
against him. To drag this matter out
so long has cost both candidates
considerable time, worry, probably
alot of sleep, a a great deal of
creadibility with their public. Not to
mention money: Brett Melvin's costs
now include an attorney's fee for
drawing up his Trustees appeal.
Well, the lucky winner of next
week's battle will receive not only
$150 per month, but a private office,
access to a full-time secretary, seats
on the Greenville City Council,
the ECU Board of Trustees,
the Media Board, God knows what
other honorary positions and privileges,
veto powers, and a good bit of control
over next year's sizable SGA budget.
Poor old Acting President Charlie
Sherrod. He's been the chief exec for
the past two months, and he didn't
even want the job in the first place.
He's done well with it, though, and if
Melvin loses and appeals to a state
court (always a possibility � you
never know about these guys), Charlie
Sherrod may get a chance to do even
Tough luck, Charlie. �L.W.
Jim Barnes
Uppity Women
6. C. Carter
Did uu ever look in
clothes closet, and
he feeling that vou
nothing to vear?
I vou have, vou're not
nt� - -11 seems most
Vmcrican women have
similar feelings
il their own clothes
-�I- That the closets
lie filled with
fecll) wearable,
tie-worn-out clothes is
beside the point en-
tirel). The point is,
usually, that the clothes
not the very latest
� C .
Admittedly, in these
mllationarv times, lots
us women have had
to learn to make do
with lot of things,
including last year's
clothes. Of course,
making do never has
meant that you had to
feel real good about it.
Bui 'hen again, the
fashion industry spends
exorbitantly for adver-
ti-ing, to make sure
that uc women feel that
we have "nothing to
wear And tor us to
"keep up it costs us
even more than it costs
them, because if there
was no profit involved,
vou can be sure that
there would be no hugh
fashion industry.
A "good appear-
ance" is, without ques-
tion, important in a lot
ol ways, particularly to
prolessional persons, as
most of us plan to be
in the coming years.
However, it seems that,
for women, there is an
additional requirement.
It's been a part of the
culture we've grown up
in, and is so taken for
granted that it's hardly
questioned�that is, that
women are expected to
appear "sexy
Of course, some will
deny (vehemently) that
it's so. But I don't
think they're really be-
ing honest, either with
who they are talking to,
or with themselves.
I must confess that I
have always had the
terrible habit of eaves-
dropping on other peo-
seen all these
several times,
Lake Whisnant
Steve Bachner
Robert swaim
Jim Barnes
Lynn Beyar
Jeff Rollins
FOUNTAINHEAD is Hw Mudant iwmpapw el
East Carolina University aponaorad by Mm Madia
Board of ECU and la diatributad eacn Tuesday and
Thursday during the academic year (weekly during
of tfw Editorial Board
tfi opvfifOfie of tfi
Editorial opinions are
and do not necessarily n
university or the Media
Our oftiCM ore
Mm (OM
is OM South
N.C. 27834
Our phono numbers are: 757 im, SM7
Subscriptions are 110 annually
annually. tubacfipHoB requests
flOOf Of NlO
0jf iWaoWno
ECU, Greenville.
tie's eonversations. But
I sure have learned a
lot of things that way. 1
have also been fortunate
enough to have had a
few good male friends
in mv life who have
been willing to let me
in on some of the
things that go on, on
the "other side
But maybe the real
awareness only comes
with experience. Have
vou ever heard a man
tell another man that he
"hired the one with (1)
the legs (2) the long
hair (3) the tits?" Have
vou ever worked on a
job with a woman who
got away with doing
less work and lots of
e clash-fluttering? Have
vou ever seen a very
capable professional
woman replaced with a
less capable (less
threatening), more
"sexy-looking" woman?
I have
and I know lots of other
women who have too,
in case you think I'm
It's enough to make
you wonder if that isn't
what's really expected
of women on the jobto
be a little less ambi-
tious, to provide a little
more scintillating
atmosphere, complete
with alluring costumes,
ego-massage, and just a
hint of geisha? Maybe
it helps make life in the
jungle more exotic for
the big-game hunters.
I checked into some
books, and closed them
with a vague feeling
that they would have
been better titled "I
Dreamed I Was mis-
taken for a Call-Girl in
my Maidenform Bra,
and Cot an Offer to be
the King's Mistress
There was presented
this image of a woman
(an image, mind you,
not a real person) that
we are all supposed to
strive for, and various
formulas were given, so
that you can mold
yourself in this image.
The only emphasis on
personality that I could
find was a warning to
be "unobtrusive Body
movements for the cul-
tivation of "delicate
motions, round gestures,
and slow movements
with the hands (which)
all suggest femininity"
an- shown in detail to
be practiced in front of
a mirror.
Woman are en-
couraged in these books
to dress to please their
men. "If you haven't
got a man around,
vou're only a half-
woman. These are flat
facts with which no girl
can quarrel, if she's
honest with herself . . .
There is every chance
that Charley knows bel-
ter than you do what
looks good on you (I
was only able to find
one book on fashion
and appearance for
men, and the only
reference to women that
I could find in it was a
chapter called, "Don't
Let Women Dress You
for Failure What can
I say?)
The fashion writers
inform women that if
there is a general rule
of thumb about dressing
for one's man, it's to
be inconspicuous. (She
won't feel that his
property might be
As a rationalization
for their composite of
subtle put-downs, the
beauty-book authors
contend that it is com-
monplace for even the
most attractive women
lt constantly fret and
fuss about their looks
and desparalely want to
change their appearance
and personality. If this
is true, where does
such an unhealthy atti-
tude come from? Are
women born that way?
Some people think so.
In fact, some people
absolutely gloat over the
"fact" that it's so.
(Guess which people?)
I disagree. My
contention is that such
a degrading self-concept
is a learned attitude,
and the behaviour man-
ifestations are learned
behavior. A long time
ago, I guess it must
have been necessary to
appease the ruling class
by the subjugation of
self, in order to just o
survive. Have we not
made any more social
progress than that?
It is perhaps a good
thing that Memorial
Dav and commencement
exercises are so close
on the calender, for
each in its own way
spawns a re-dedication
to traditional American
virtues such as pride of
achievement, ambition
and respect for those
who died in the military
protecting those virtues.
Speakers extol the
various graduates for
their vision, and implore
them to jump right into
the system, seeking
solutions for the
problems that plague
Two bittersweet
reminders in the recent
press would mar the
idealism of even the
most resolute college
gradule. Mary McGrory,
in her column in the
Mondav News and Ob-
server, quotes statistics
on the deplorable state
of many Vietnam
veterans, economically,
physically, psychologi-
Last Sunday's New
York Times carried on
page 26 of the first
section a story with the
headline "Sale of Nix-
on's Estate Aided by
Millions in U.S.
Funds The story goes
on to tell how Nixon
stands to make a con-
siderable profit on the
sale of La Casa Pacif-
ica, basically because of
some 2.4 million dollars
of taxpayers' money
being spent for capital
improvements on the
These two stories
bring painful reminders
of two incidents when
America was not at her
virtuous best-Vietnam
and the Watergate
presidency of Richard
Nixon. A look at each
shows how America has
handled the veterans of
Vietnam and a president
who sent them
therethe Amefican
people do not profit
well by the comparison.
McGrory quotes
statistics from a
Cleveland survey which
shows Viet Vets have
not all had acceptance
on their re-entrance into
civilian society, nor
have all adjusted
emotionally or psychol-
ogically to their return
from Vietnam. It is
instructive that during
Vietnam Veterans' Week
we can see how we
have treated some of
the men we sent over
to fight that morally
divisive and attrited
Of the veterans
surveyed in the
Cleveland study, 41
percent of them have
an alcohol problem.
Drugs are a problem for
59 percent of the blacks
and 67 percent of the
the suicide rate of
these Vietnamese
Veterans is 234 percent
higher than the rate for
non-veterans of the
same group;
-The black Viet vet
is twice as likely to be
unemployed as the
non-veteran who is
of those married
before going to
Vietnam, 38 percent
were divorced within six
months after their
These facts make, it
painfully clear that
America is not doing
what it can to provide
for these men. The
government is slow to
loath as far as ad-
mitting that Vietnam
was not an ordinary
war, and its veterans a
group with special
problems. Unlike World
ars, or even the
"conflict" of the
Korean variety, Vietnam
never once had the total
support of the people of
America. Rather than a
comfortable feeling of
performing militarily for
a nation united in
causc, theVhmain
veil�ran wascaught m
del� ate, which
(JUl-Honed tbe�er)
inoralil) olthe I -
preSCIICC inSiuiIh a-
Regardlesstil �ur
Iceing- aboutletiiam,
See VETS, p. 3
Summer bus woes
To Fountainhead:
The ECU transit
system under the man-
agement of Joe Bullard
is operating during both
summer sessions. How
it is running concerns
man) day students. The
scheduled runs seem
flexible and at the
"whim of the boss
The first run is
supposed to get people
at various spots on
campus by 8:00kind of
impossible if the bus
picks you up at ten til
8:00 with three stops
left before arriving on
Frequently slops are
passed bv if the driver
is late.
During the first
week ol classes, the
buses ran until 3:00.
This week it is 2:30.
Next week?
The "gas situation"
was one explanation for
deleting the three
o'clock route. This is
fine, but what can be
said for the purple bus
left running-radio blar-
ingin front of Speight
from 9:55 to at least
I a -1 i n u r s u a )
wa- iif driver,
just people left waiting
ami complaining.
Nobody i. haiv
about the present bus
situation. Neither the
drivers under Joe Bul-
lard nor the students
lor which this svstcm is
prov itlttl.
Il is kind ol bad
when ou wonder it vou
art riding an ECl bu-
(il vou tan fin i one) or
a gas uzliny dump
truck. Milk cartons .
paper cups. Hostess pie
wrappers, old Fountain-
heads are piled e en -
where. The seats are
dul), and the windows
makf the bus look like
it has been under the
lar River lor a month.
Care ami concern
needs to be eercis�ed
bv students, driver
and all concerned.
Hojitlullv before we
gel too lar into thi-
M�k�u, ur will be able
to count on the hiw-
wilh as much certaiulv
as lately, our chances ol
ram in Greenville.
Colleen Flvnn
Mear Brilliance
Tcc-w�ei�ja- T�t� poseur
sFo6t SrtoTAae ajo yo�t.
atVfS�ve &A5, Hovo bo VoO
j R�Tieurtuxe" uSia youA.
Fixer o HeucoPrefcs '
? E FlSHoJC- TKo?S 9 �
by Barry Clayton
16th Street
rnisTeii ptsiD6-�n
, I'm THtrtKINGJ
by Sheldon Bryant
watch Closely, kidan you
- �-�� " ' � �-
M �

Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, we've all been there'
31 May 1979 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 3
exec says vets
'need recogintion9
�Dservation of
vhere Max Cleland
wreath on
who died
a plaque
during the
v ar w a
Memorial Day, Americans began official
Vietnam Veterans Week. The week's
b;gun at Arlington National Cemetarv,
Veterans Affairs Administrator.
red, white and bli
ledicated to tht
�letnam War.
u,1'lnantatv,e,nam veu'ran wh� os� th iegs
I dur,ng -ar, stated that America
m ,� f1 m�re rec�8�i�n to the manv
��s who served in Vietnam. The fact that the
unpopular has caused the veteran to be
according to Cleland.
Freedom is not free - c,eand gai(J �Jhe
'�lwn "�� "per forget that price, no matter what
send our troops to fight he added.
maintained that Vietnam veterans were
i-ver recognized a heroes and never given respect
e�r Near. ,� Vietnam, Such treatment of the
erans, he noted, can be more
?hysical wounds received in combat
painful than
ECU veterans
decline in number
lumber ha
iccording to Ms
ration Certification
Veterans attend ECU, but the exact
been statistical!) broken down,
Slay Jackson, Veterans Adminis-
officer for ECU. There are
ipproximately 400-500 students at ECU who receive
V - educational benefits. In addition to Vietnam
� eterans, dependents of veterans and disabled
veterans are included in the ECU totals.
The Viet vets were active on the ECU campus in
he early 70's, according to Ms Jackson. A fraternal
rganization was formed with 100 or so active
members, but the society is no longer politically
ictive, Jackson said. The number of veterans
.eeking a higher education at ECU has declined
ver the years, with some of the decline attributed
to increased veteran enrollment at technical schools
rather than lour year institutions.
According to the VA educational benefits, a
veteran has up to ten years from the date of his
lischarge to take advantage of VA educational
is-sistance. The benefit is paid in a monthly lump
-um, out of which the student must pay tuition.
I hi plan could affect the move towards the
technical institutions, Jackson pointed out, because
the veteran paying less tuition will have, more
benefit money to apply to the day-to-day living
vpenses ol a student.
Virginia vet dies in shootout
(AP) '
The wife of a Viet-
nam veteran who shot
himself to death after
taking hostages and
battling police in a
restaurant, said Monday
her husband couldn't
cope after-jhe war.
No one knew exactly
what happened to Tech.
Sgt. Orenen Tucker, 42,
during his year in
Vietnam. But he came
out a different man, his
vile said.
He got out on a
discharge and
get himself to-
said his wife,
a da) after the
Air Force vet-
lh! himself.
he was sick
eran lui
extreme anxiety,
she said, her husband
retired and they settled
in the Gloucester Coun-
ts town of Haves,
where her parents live.
He tried working at
a chemical plant near
Williamsburg, she said,
"but he couldn't main-
tain the schedule she
After that, Tucker
tried going back to
school at Rappahannock
Community College. That
didn't work out either.
"Something hap-
pened said Mrs.Tuc-
ker. "He just couldn't
cope with things
It all ended for the
veteran Sunday morn-
ingat the start of
Vietnam Veterans'
week�at Clyde's Res-
There, said Hampton
Detective Charles Firth,
Tucker apparently seized
a gun behind a counter,
look, hostages and more
than an hour later shot
himself once in the
"He told police he
wasn't coming out
Firth said. "He said,
'You'll have to kill
Gun I ire was
exchanged between
Tucker and police, and
one of the hostages was
Tucker was a 6-foot-
4, athletic-looking man
who knew how to use a
gun lor hunting.
In Vietnam, during
the Tel offensive of the
late 10's, Tucker was
assigned to supply pro-
"He was under a lot
ol pressure his wife
ol 18 years said.
But he felt it was
his duty to be there. A
lot ol guvs around him
didn't feel that way,
but he was very patri-
For Tucker, a Pine
Valley, 0 k 1 a native
who grew up in Ore-
gon, "the military was
his whole life his wife
Whether it was co-
incidence that he died
during a holiday week-
end dedicated to vet-
erans isn't certain.
"I wondered that
in v self said Mrs.
� I ucker.
The war was this year's media event
By Robert L. Jones
Staff Writer
Michael Herr's best-
selling Vietnam chonical
Dispatches ends with
the words "Vietnam
Vietnam Vietnam, we've
all been there And
lor those of us who
weren't actually there,
the past year has made
up lor that absence.
This has been the
year of Vietnam. For
the media it has been
nam Veterans Week
May SB- June 3, 1979

VETS from p. 2
that tht

once more
as fellow
anl the least
a moral
now realize
to assure
these veterans re-
adjustment services ol
whatever t v pe are
11 ! lie ietnam
veteran- are not taring
as v � II as deserved, the
-aim cannot be said of
the president who pre-
sided over their with-
drawal from ietnam
alter launching a private
war on Cambodia,
Richard M. Nixon.
Sunday - New i- ork
Times story about the
-ale of Nixon's place
(our place?) at San
Clemente leaves me
with a rancid taste in
inv mouth. It seems
that in I969, the Nixons
paii SI.5 million for La
Ga-a Pacifica. Old-time
Nixon buddy Robert
bplanalp helped Nixon
with the finances for
I he deal. As (resident,
Nixon justifiably had
some improvements
made tn the house and
grounds, lor services
and security befitting a
c some of those
improvements, such as
I he purchase of
neighboring houses and
the construction ol new
building were made at
�in expense of the
taxpayers of $2,444,000
by August of 1973,
according to the General
Services Administration.
Supposedly, someone
connected with Nixon
stated that the
Government, which
stands to inherit the
complex, denied interest
in taking over the
properly. This would
seemingly clear the way
for Nixon to realize a
handsome profit on the
sale of the property.
The trouble with this is
that the Nixon people
did not identify the
government source who
supposedly denied
interest in the property.
Does any of this
sound familiar? It
seems, as sure as the
wind doth blow from
Harrisburg, that Nixon
is getting ready to do it
to the American people
again. Here is the first
president to resign n
in disgrace, collecting
lees of S600.000 for his
fictionalized accounts ol
W atergate given to
David Frost, and
reaping yet more money
for his big blue book.
I he thought of Nixon
realizing perhaps SI
million or more profit
mi the sale of property
which we, the tax-
pavers. improved is
To compare how the
rank and file Vietnam
Veteran has fared after
his service to America
how Richard Nixon
fared after his
service to America is to
brush with
a dark sort.
cynicism of
Here then a Vietnam
Veterans Week chall-
enge to the graduates
ol the class of "79 :
What is it in the
national character which
allows veterans of an
unpopular war little real
support and at the
same time rewards with
riches those political
criminals who tested the
Constitution almost to
the bursting point? This
is the proper time to
welcome all graduates
into the world. We
need your ideas
mistakes have, as vou
can see, been made.
something like an ex-
plosion, or a fever.
Major media events
have included:
National Book Award
Vt mners Dog Soldiers
by Robert Stone and
Going After Caccito bv
Tim O'Brien; Herr's
Dispatches; and thelilm-
The Deerhunter. Who'll
Stop The Rain. Coming
Home. Heroes, and the
still-unfinished Apo-
calypse Now.
Here is a brief list
ol books available in
Joyner Library on the
Vietnam Veteran. Check
I he Discarded Army bv
Paul Starr, (1973).
The e Soldier by
John Kerry, (I97l).
Home fter The War
hy Robert Jav Liflon,
Bringing Home the X ar
by John Heltner.
Dinner meal includes
Golden Crisp
French Fries,
Cole Slaw, Tartar Sauce
and the World,�
Best Hushpupples.
Sun. thru Thar. 400-100
Fri. & Sat. 430-10:00
Friday's Seafood
23X18. Evans St.
Baa inn.
Mon. -Fri. 11:30 2:00
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Page 4 FOUNTAINHEAD 31 May 1979
Students receive fellowships and awards
I In rain
hut i'
h gone for good.
!tir a place to
(ool oil whrn the sun finall) appears.
ECU News Bureau
ECU's Tau Chapter
of Phi Sigma Pi national
honor fraternity has
announced the selection
ol Susan Cheston of
Annapolis, Md and
Bernard Lam be of
Coldshoro as out-
standing seniors at ECU
for 1979.
Selected by a cam-
pus-wide group of
faculty representatives,
Miss Chestion and
Lambe exemplify Phi
Sigma Pi requirements
lor the awards - out-
standing scholarship,
outstanding leadership,
and service to the uni-
Miss Cheston
achieved a 3.947
average in music edu-
cation and music
therapj while serving as
an officer of several
campus organizations,
stall member of campus
publications, and re-
cipient of manv campus
honors and anarchs.
Lambe achieved a
5 13 average in poli-
tical science while
serving as the Group
Commander of the ECU
Air Force ROTC unit.
Lam he lias received
other honors and
award- both for his
academic achievements
and lor his service to
the campus.
W illiain Garner of
Greemillc, senior
student in the School of
Business, i the 197(;
vvinnei of an annual
1 esting center to administer
NTE, GMAT, LSAT in summer
the site
k I fall,
11 i o n
7. the
�lii lagement
I I 1
� gin
le Ed-
Sen ice
' ' � ti s also
ed that ECU
the site ol the
School Admission
(LSAT) for five
dates lor the ll7-
tdemic year.
Deadline for accept-
application for the
i. raduate Management
Vdmission Test is June
15. Application blanks
should be completed
and mailed to the
I d ucational Testing
�lee. Box 966-R,
Princeton, .J. 08540.
rurther information and
application materials
continued from p.l
,i I
I tiiversit)
id a list
: up ol
ork pre-
h n plaj ing
- 'i ted b)
f the
ol New
sons m various parts of
the nation and carries
announcements of forth-
ming conferences on
asp� cts of folklore.
n alumnus ol the
Stat I niversit) of New
A "rk at Albany
(BS,MA), Sullivan has
1) and PhD degrees in
lolklorc and mythology
Irom the University of
t Oregon.
may he obtained from
the KGl Testing Ser-
vice. 105 Speight Build-
ing, ECl .
INTE registrants
should have their com-
pleted applications
mailed to reach the ETS
no later than June 28,
the deadline lor regular
registration. For reg-
istration alter June 28
but hv Julv 5, a penaltv
lee ol S5 is charged.
On-the-spot registration
will not be allowed.
Forms and instructions
are available directly
Irom National Teacher
Examinations, ETS, Ko
911, Princeton, N.J
Sullivan is an assis-
tant professor at ECU,
where he teaches
courses in .Northern
European mythology and
American folklore.
vmong his research
interests have been lit-
erarv fantas) and sci-
ence fiction as well as
traditional and modern
folk legends.
085 fl or Irom the
Testing Center.
The LSAT. a halfdaj
test is designed to
measure certain mental
abilities important in
the stud) of law, will
be given at ECU on
October 13 and Decem-
ber 1. 1979 and on
Fehruarv 2, April 19
and June 28. 1980.
Sample test questions
ami registration material
are available direct!)
Irom Law School Admi-
ssion Services, Box
2000, New town, Pa
18910, or from the ECl
Testing Center.
ol a
political jingle about
Preside irter now
imong Green-
ville school children.
The newsletter reg-
ularly featun 'Notes
and Queries column in
which folklore scholars
mav -hare research
interests and solicit
similar findings hv per-
� ����
Wed. June 6th
112 E Fifth Street
�tOUrquoise & Indian
�metal and solid brass
belt buckles
�do-it yourself
leather kits
I" u discount on
jc v ii � u1( yOU
i�x'iii ihis ad
pregnancy test, birth control and
problem pregnancy counseling For
further information call 832-0535 (toll-
free number 800-221-2568) between
9AM-5PM weekdays
Raleigh Women's Health
917 West Morgan St.
Raleigh, NC. 27603
Mon. - Thurs. 11:30-9pm
Fri. & Sat. 11:30-10pm
Greenville Blvd-264 ByPass
Enjoy Our Dining Room OR Take-Out
honor sponsored hy
Beta Gamma Sigma
honor society in busi-
ness. The ECU chapter
named Garner the
year's most Outstanding
Senior. Garner, a busi-
ness administration
major at ECU, has
maintained a perfect 4.0
academic grade point
average during his
studies here. He is the
son ol Leslie Garner ol
I Toil Knoll wood Drive,
Greenv ille.
Ann M. Arnold of
Choeowinily, NC, a
recent graduate with a
perfect 4.0 grade point
�verage at ECU, is the
winner of the 1979
Fiehlerest Management
Award in the ECU
School ol Business.
Mrs. Arnold, vile ol
Billy Arnold, completed
tier ECU work last
December and is now a
teacher ol economics at
Beaufort County Tech.
Debra IVrry Hill of
Kinslon and Ruth
Evelyn Porter ol ra-
etteville, graduate
students in psychology
at ECU, have been
awarded SI,500
Fellowships b) biue
Bell Inc. to conduct
research projects in
industrial, organizational
ps etiology.
The Blue B
fellowship awards are
made through the ECL
Department ol l's
cholog) i' outstanding
graduate students in th
field. Hn is the fourth
year ol the Blue B
fellowship program
Ihr two students
will be prov iijrd a
11 search site and vill
� r k on projects in
t �

i ii -u 11 al ion v n h I)
illiam F. Grossniekh
theii graduate ad v i-or.
If you smoke cigarettes,
you taste like one.
Your clothes and hair
can smell stale and
unpleasant, too.
You don't notice it. but
people close to you do.
Especially if they don't
And non-smokers
are the best people to
love. They live
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31 May 1979 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 5
Allen and Keaton
star in Manhattan
Bv Barry Clayton
Assistant Trends Editor
Uter writing and starring in his zany madcap
(lake the Mone and Run, Kvervthing You
Vhas Wanted lo know About Sex. Bananas, and
in more ol the same genre). Woody Allen filmed
Vnnit- Hall which was a little less slapstick and a
� more Oscar material than his other works.
rhis was followed by Interiors, a film that
i so tar from the Allen formula as to
�gnized a hi own work.
Vow Mien has released another film of the
Vnnic Hall variety, it is called Manhattan, and, as
Vnnk- Hall, it . tilizes a serious theme which
embellishes with his own sparkling insane
fhe central idea of Manhattan is Isaac
search tor stabilit) in the worlds of art,
-siunalism, and love, played against the
ol Manhattan, the cit) that he loves and
I leave.
the stor) opens Isaac (Woody Allen), age 42,
i- himsell caught up in an affair with a
id u;irl played b) Mariel Hemmingway. His
riend introduces Isaac to his mistress (Diane
one might expect, Allen and Keaton fall in
: decide to share an apartment. Even though
surface the appear to have nothing
�r in common. The complication comes
Murph) refuses to -top out of the picture.
is much to recommend Manhattan to the
movie audience and, most especially, to
Vllen Ian However, some points about the
film transmit themselves less readily than others.
For instance, the film is in black and white.
Even in this day and age that is not unique to
Manhattan But why is the film in black and white?
Mel Brooks comedy masterpiece Young Frankenstein
used a black and white format. But then, Brooks
also chose to use the original Frankenstein set. The
purpose was clear: authenticity. Brooks decided
that lor his parody of the early horror classic to be
most effective, it had to resemble the original as
nearly as possible.
But what about Manhattan ?
There is a sense of despondancy, of the
uncontrollableness of circumstance, the runs through
the film the way a vein runs through a man's arm.
Black and white footage tends to accentuate this.
For this verv reason many directors opted away from
color even though color printing was available at the
Or maybe it is just the fact that Allen is an
earlv film hull.
Another point i the George Gershwin score that
is everywhere in the film. Being a Gershwin ian, I
natural!) can find no objection to the score. In
several plate- the choice ol music is played for
laugh that much is certain. But many movie-goers
are going to wonder what condition Manhattan's
budget was in when the time to choose music rolled
The cat is a line one, and the acting is
unilormlv excellent.
Mariel Hemingway who plays the role of Allen's
teenage lover is the third grandaughter of the
legendar) Ernest Hemingway, and, like her
Allen and Keaton
grandfather and sisters (celebrated novelist Joan and
model actress Margaux with whom Mariel starred in
the controversial Lipstick), Mariel is obviously an
Michael Murphy starred (along with Allen) in
Martin Ritt's The Front. In addition to being a
member of Robert Altman's stock company, Murphy
Marred opposit Jill Claybugh in An Unmarried
W oman.
Anne Byrne (Murphy's wife in Manhattan) began
her acting career with a bit part in Papillon in
which she played the spouse of (not ironically) her
real-life husband Dustin Hoffman. Italian filmmaker
Lina Wertmuller found it worthwhile to give Bvrne
a feature role opposite Candice Bergen in The End
of the World in Our I sual Bed in a Night Full of
Meryl Slreep who plays the part of Allen's
lesbian ex-wife ma) be a newcomer to feature films,
hut -he i- certainl) in no way inexperienced. In
addition to her Emm) Award winning performance
in the television mini-series Holocaust, Streep has
-tarred in the Oscar winning Deer Hunter and in
Julia. She also stars opposite Alan Alda in The
Senator, and opposite Dustin Hoffman in Kramer
vs. Kramer, both films slated for release later this
Murphy and Byrne
Allen dictates troubles
Chris Costner, Eve, gives lecture at ECU
By Laura West
Staff Writer
On Tuesday evening, May 22, 1979, in the
Allied Health auditorium, a lecture was given by
Chris Costner Sizemore on the subject of "multiple
personalities Her life was portrayed in the
bestseller The Three Faces of Eve written by her
psychologist Corbett H. Thigpen, in 1952.
The tir-t -he can remember about her life was
at the ag( "j 2, which was probably the starting
iier "illness Mrs. Sizemore seems to
remember 3 hurtful events when she was around
2, such a: 1) a drowned man being taken
from the ditch, 2) another man being cut in half at
a lumber mill with his belt still intact with his
pants, and 3) her mother cutting her arm and
yelling to Chris to get help from her father. This
was when her first transition occured. She was so
afraid that she ran and hid, and another little girl
went to get help.
As a teenager, Chris did not perform well in
school so she dropped out in the tenth grade,
because of the pressure being so great.
Chris underwent long periods of amnesia and
frequesnt headaches. These were the starting signals
of her different personalities.
Mrs. Sizemore did not start going to Dr.
Thigpen, until she tried to choke her daughter. That
was when her family knew something was
desperately wrong and she needed help. Dr.
Thigpen told Chris that her many personalities were
defensive mechanisms she underwent to get away
from the stressful events in reality.
Chris' family was very supportive and helpful
towards her. Her father paid Dr Thigpen to give
Chris private sessions rather thatn put her in a
mental institution.
Chris' first husband left her when he knew Chris
was so ill. But later on she marned a gentle and
understanding man who tried to help her. As her
daughter got older she went to the sessions with
her mother to see how she could help her.
In 44 years Chris Sizemore experienced 22
different personalities: ten wrote poetrv. six were
artists, one a tailor, and one was left-handed
even though she is originally right-handed. The
longest personality lasted 12 years and the shortest
personality lasted 6 weeks.
Her last 3 personalities were 1) the strawberry
lady � who dressed up ;n cir.k and red, was loud
and aggressive, and thought she was a young, thin
woman, though in reality she was in her forties and
heavy set; 2) the purple laJy � who dres.� d ir
purple, liked evervthinp mirnle and she a f�
Music faculty win recognition
nicest of all the personalities; 3) the
lady � Wi nt out 0j ner
down the same place sne iad been before
wav to go
! hree members
ECl School
Musi facult) have re-
cent lv been awarded
national recognition.
Robert Hause, con-
du tor of the ECU
Symphony Orchestra,
appointed to a
second triennial term as
governor of Phi Mu Al-
pha Sinfonia fraternity's
Province 20.
He will be one of 38
provincial governors who
a- liasons between
a in pus chapters and
regional and national
Phi Mu Alpha directors.
Dr. Rodney Schmidt,
a violinist, has been
chosen to perform in
Zurich, Switzerland from
June 25 to July 7 in a
select master class dir-
ected by famed violinist
Nathan Milstein.
The class will be
held at the Muraltengut
in Zurich, meeting daily
for a four-hour session
in which each par-
ticipant will perform
concertos and sonatas
for Milstein's criticism
and comments.
Herbert Carter,
chairman of the School's
instrumental depart-
ment, was awarded a
citation of excellence
from the National Band
The honor is given
to persons who have
"set an example of ex-
cellence in musicianship,
leadership, and dedi-
cation to bands and
band music
Ray Haney, NC
state chairman of the
National Band Associ-
ation, presented the
award on behalf of the
ECU's annual Sum-
mer Day Camp has
been set for June 11 -
July 7. The camp is
sponsored by the ECU
Department of Health,
Physical Education, Re-
creation and Safety.
According to camp
directors Gay Blocker
and Josephine Saunders,
children may be en-
rolled in the camp for
one ore more weeks, on
a half-day or all-day
Instruction and acti-
vities will be available
in many areas, with a
special emphasis upon
development of swim-
ming skills.
Play opportunities
will' be offered in ar-
chery, badminton, bask-
etball, soccer, recrea-
tional games, rhythms,
table tennis, tumbling,
gymnastics, and other
The ECU Day Camp
is open to children
ranging from kindergar-
ten through 12 years of
age. Its purpose is to
promote physical, men-
tal and social well-being
through enjoyment der-
ived from both mild and
vigorous activities.
Further details about
the camp and appli-
cation materials are
available from "Summer
Day Camp Minges
Coliseum, ECU, Green-
ville, N.C.
Since enrollment will
be limited to assure a
good staff-camper ratio,
early application is ad-
In the novel, The Three Faces of Eve, Dr.
Thigpen and Hervey M. Checkley wrote about
Chris, alias Eve, and three of her personalities: 1)
Eve White, 2) Eve Black, and 3) Jane.
The three personalities followed a definite
pattern: the first personality was the dominant who
always had amnesia; the second personality knew
what she was doing; and the third personality knew
what all 3 personalities were doing.
After many years, Mrs. Sizemore went to
another psychiatrist who said to stop hiding and get
out into the world. He felt that people would
understand what she was going through. And thev
Chris' treatment consisted of hypnosis, not
chemicals or shock treatment.
Her resolution started 5 years ago, when she
was sitting inon one of her sessions and her mind
went completely blank. All of her "ill" personalities
left her mind. Her doctor gave her a sedative and
told her to go home and not rely on anymore of
those personalities again. And she didn't.
Chairperson of gay organization describes aims
By Jeff Rollins
Trends Editor
Michael Lee is currently acting Chairperson of
the East Carolina Gay Community, a non-profit
service organization for gays at ECU. Yesterday,
thi- reporter spoke with Lee about some of the aims
of the organization.
FH: First of all, what does the East Carolina Gay
Community do? Essentially, what is it?
ML: Our first purpose is as a service
organization. Providing special services for the
special needs of gay people within the university
community. For example, we have our peer
counseling office, in the university counseling
FH: How would one apply for your counseling?
ML: Referrals are made through the counseling
center staff. You would go up to the Center and
request to see one of the staff counselors. After
thev review your situaion and both of you agree
that it would be profitable to see a gay peer
counselor then a referral would be made by the
staff member to us.
FH: What kind of training do the gay peer
counselors go through?
ML- First, each counselor attends a week-end
seminar conducted by the Reverend Claud Andrews
and his wife, Carol. Mr. Andrews is a psychologist,
and Mrs. Andrews is a psychiatric social worker.
The seminar is conducted over a period of two
days. First there is a great deal of emphasis on
communication, counseling ethics psychology and
special problems of gay people.
And then we finish up with some intensive
role-play training. The seminar is followed by two
or three follow-up workshops. At the completion of
these workshops, participants are screened by Mr.
and Mrs. Andrews and then again by the
counseling center staff.
Those who are selected are allowed to begin
work staffing the counseling center office.
FH: You mentioned some of the special
problems that gay people have. Could you elucidate
on that? What are some of the special problems
gay people have?
ML: I think in Eastern North Carolina one of
the biggest problems gay people have to deal with
is the lack of acceptance of their alternate lifestyle
by society in general.
They're tremendous adjustment problems that are
encounici when a person comes to grips with his
own sexuality. Many times gay people go through
periods of extreme lonliness and depression at the
beginning of this coming-out process. We hope we
provide support for people in this situation.
FH: How is the ECGC funded?
ML: First of all, we have received some private
contributions. The bulk of our money comes from
fund-raising activities. Recently we were very
successful with our "fun-raiser" which was held at
the Paddock Club Sunday afternoon, April 29th.
We also won $250 in the Burger King "Best
Darn Organization on Campus" Contest. Our total
vote was nearly double that of the second place
FH: Is the ECGC an organization recognized by
the SGA?
ML: Yes, our constitution was approved in
January of this year. And according to the chairman
of the committee who reviewed the constitution, it
was one of the best that was submitted this year.
FH: Do you have a headquarters?
ML: No, we don't have any offices at this
point. We do meet regularly, however, at 609 E.
9th St. Meetings are Tuesday afternoons at 5
FH: What are some of the plans you have for
the ECGC this summer and next year?
ML: On June 7th the Human Sexuality Council,
which is operated under the auspices of the Student
Government Association at Chapel Hill, will be
presenting an Outreach Program here at East
Carolina. There will be an open discussion of
alternate lifestyles. Interested persons are invited.
We don't have a room yet, but we'll let you know
as soon as we get one.
Also we plan to open a Crisis Line in
conjunction with our peer counseling service.
FH: Michael, how has reaction been to the
ECGC at East Carolina? I guess I'm asking about
both straight and gay reaction.
ML: First of all, there has been very little bad
reaction from most of the straight people on
campus. The worst thing that has happened was the
way were treated in the SGA. The first time we
introduced the bill . . .
FH: Let me interrupt you there to ask what
specifically was your bill?
ML: We requested money to cover part of the
costs of training our peer counselors. The diMurbing
thing about the wav the SGA handled the bill was
that verv little lime was devoted to discussing the
bill; thev spent most of their time arguing who was
sponsoring the bill. The second time we went in
trout of the SGA, thev refused to even allow us to
go on the floor. No other bill presented during that
session was given that kind of treatment.
Now a to the second part ol your question,
about gays, a far as reaction by the gay
communit) we've received a great deal of support
from a lot of people, both gav and straight. Our
average attendance at meetings is larger than the
average attendance at the Carolina Gay Union,
which is an organization which is almost ten vears
However, the vast majority of gays on campus
still hesitate to attend meetings or support the
group lor fear of discovery or for fear of exposure.
However, confidentiality is maintained at all
FH: What do vou hope to accomplish with the
ML: Well, as I mentioned before, support and
development of a positive self-image among gay
people is our primary purpose. But also one of the
very important purposes of our organization is to
promote understanding among people of all sexual
orientations. I firmly believe that through education
and communication, understanding and tolerance of
alternate life-styles can be achieved.

a i JWi n-i m 04490M'M X 5? t
�M Ft :�

�. m m m - - �� -m.

Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAD 31 May 1979
School of Music has an active summer
Metropolitan opera
star Jerome Hines has
been inducted into the
ECU chapter of Pi
Kappa Lambda honor
society along with 17
students and a faculty
member of the ECU
School ot Music.
At a recent initiation
banquet, Hines was
made a special honorary
member of the honor
society, the most pre-
stigious of all national
honor societies in
Also inducted were
-i juniors, six seniors,
five graduate students
and faculty member
David Hawkins, a
double reed specialist.
Freshman and soph-
omore certificates of
honor were given to
Stephanie Hubbard, a
freshman music therapy
major from Dillon, S.C
and Bruce Smith of
Wilmington, a sopho-
Presiding at the
ceremony was Dr. Ros-
alie Haritun, president
of ECU's Beta Zeta
chapter of Pi Kappa
Musical entertain-
ment was provided by
the Bath Family En-
semble, which includes
Dr. Charles Bath, pi-
anist and chairman of
the ECU School of
Music keyboard depart-
ment; his violinist wife
Joanne; and their child-
ren, Patricia, Stephen
and Andrea, all violin-
Jerome Hines is the
second musician of na-
tional eminence to be
honored by the chapter.
Last year's honorary
member was Norman
Luboff, director of the
Norman Luboff Choir.
Honorary membership
recognizes outstanding
service and contributions
to the field of music.
Hines has appeared
in numerous operatic
roles including Don Gi-
ovanni, Don Carlos, Vo-
tun and Mephistipholes,
both in the U.S. and at
major opera houses in
He is currently in
his 33rd season at the
Metropolitan Opera
House in New York,
where he is to sing a
record 49 performances
this year.
Previously Hines has
visited ECU to perform
on the campus Artist
Series and for informal
sessions with members
of the ECU mathematics
The late Dr. Willian
Whyburn of the ECU
mathematics faculty was
Hines' professor when
the noted basso studied
at UCLA. �
Two faculty members
of the ECU School of
Music received doctorial
degrees during the
1978-79 academic year.
Daniel Mellado, a
violoncellist and a
member of the instru-
mental faculty, was aw-
arded a PhD degree
from Michigan State
He holds a the
Bachelor of Music de-
gree from the University
of Texas at El Paso and
the Master of Music
from the Unviersity of
Brett Watson, con-
ductor of ECU's Concert
Choir and a member of
the theory-composition
and choral departments,
received the Doctor of
Musical Arts degree in
choral music from the
University of Southern
Dr. Watson is an
ECU alumnus and re-
ceived the Master of
Music degree from the
Eastman School of
Music, Rochester, N.Y.
Paula Scarangella, a
rising senior in the East
Carolina University
School of Music, is the
winner of this year's
Presser Scholarship at
The scholarship,
which carried a stipend
of more than $1,000, is
given each year to an
outstanding junior muMi
student at ECU.
A candidate fur the
Bachelor oJ Musk Ed
UCattOO degree and a
harp student at EG
M Scarangella ha- ap
peared in several
semble performai
during her studies U
Sfi- i- the daugl
o! Mr. and Mr-
thon J. Scarangella
2505 Dora inion
Norfolk, A an :
graduate- ol Lake I ,
High S hool.
StlldentS present Program iesesgsessagsgsesedsdgagassesgs
h(,l News Bureau
F"ur students from
� ECl School of
Music recently pre-
sented a program of
i lassical and popular
music tor the Sir Walter
Cabinet at North Ridge
Countr) Club in Ral-
I he program of
vocal olo and duets,
ranging from songs by
Mendelssohn and
Brahms to musical
corned) selections b)
Cole Porter, was
presented by vocalists
Ann Gunn of Durham,
Sheila Brooks of Wil-
mington, and Doug
Newell of Roxboro, all
students of Gladys
W lute, and piano
accompanist Carol Wolfe
of Winter Park, Fla
student of Henrv
1 he students were
introduced l Dr.
Charles Stevens, A-
sistanl dean of the ECU
School of Music.
Other- in attendance
Irom Greenville were
Belt) Brewer, wife of
ECl - Chancellor, who
was the guest of Rep.
and Mr Horton
Rountree, and Gladys
Howell, immediate past
president of the Pitt
Count Democratic
Women, guest of Mrs.
John Ingram.
Mr Howell is also
-i member of ECU's
sociology faculty.
The Sir Walter Cab-
inet is composed of
spouses of state legisla-
tors, judges and gov-
ernment officials.
Williams wins scholarship
Stephen Mae
Williams of Kin-ton, a
graduate student in the
East Carolina Univeristy
artmenl of English,
the recipient of a
S scholarship
2 from the Green-
ville Branch ot the
English-Speaking Union.
1 he award nil!
'ble him to tud
v i� lorian poetr) at the
Universitv of London
during Juh and August.
Williams, an alum-
nus of ECL, eurrenth
holds a teaching assis-
tanlship in the- ECU
English department. His
special interest i the
work of major 19th
centur) Britih poets-
lennyson, the Brown-
ings. Matthew Arnold,
Thomas Hardy and
Gerard Manlev Hopkins.
He is the son of
Frank and Shirlev
Williams of 606 Darby
Ave Kinston and a
1(73 graduate of
ston High School.
The award is the
first in a scries of
annual awards to be
gien by the Greenville
K-Sl to superior East
Carolina students in the
liberal arts t(, support
terms of study at a
British university.
W illiams was selec-
ted b) a committee
headed ,y John Hull
McLean of Kinston.
Also serving on the
committee were E-SU
members Elizabeth
W ebb and Dr. Keats
of the
Beauty Salon
& Boutique
Your Full Service Salon
Both Men & Women
Announces the most
completely staffed, full service
salon in the Greenville area.
526 S. Contanche St.
parrow, both members
English faculty at
The English-Speaking
L nion is an interna-
tional association which
promotes friendship and
understanding among
people of the World's
man) English-speaking
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j What organization is solely 1
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S&n otyaiuyaJum; not a hrihlvut
Students providing
entertainment for students.
" " :� � �
�j � -

31 May 1979 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 7
MePhatter, Melvin compete in Nationals
Otis Melvin in NCAA
ftOO meters
i hampionships
Sports Si
Jimmy DuPree
�ach retained
Swimmer improving,
hv i
1 � - �
BiiM-hall briefs
I I '�. 1
' ' M �� i i .ill il
: f i - p I a v c r s
! I Max
; . ; Bill) Bri 294
lo finished the vear with 10
tin -quad i kiri- ad ises thai
in the top 20 home run
V. when their final stats are
tblished one Pirate seasonal record
stand for quite few years. In 170
B( tru k out only twice, tor a phenomenal
played errorless centerfield while
iiinl, Bobb) Patterson posted a 6-2
the staff. Parker Davis took top honors
run average with a 1.62 in 83 innings
- 2. 17 ERA rank- them forth
respectable 25-19 rcord in their 1979
: man of the starters returning, new
I , Baird can take a position of comfortable
the 1980 Pirate baseball season.
), 1,1 Newl.x
' . I litoi
hi in i in
u i haek ard
Dl lel in kic

Pa . and
i .

i i
1 I1 jdai
li�lp in i �
! Killer.

. I
(photo byjt)hn H. Grogan)
Pirates look ahead to a new horizon
Though the Pirates dropped the contest 95- 76, forward Clarences Miles
and the rest of the young ECC squad played with intensity. Now they look
forward to a new tteanon with a new coach. Dare Odom.
Cookie McPhatter
returns from AIAV5
Nationals in Miehigan
Rules eominittee
makes changes:
rejects clock
iillllllrlll- -
I Deluded
�n a-
I'll up-

t lie hall
-� i otids.
Wi dunl w
into ride- that
u- u tial kin �
w �� going to har
Sieii noted that
mm h ol the . lamoi for
a shot i . � alter
an t Ian tit ast
Conference game in
which Duke led North
I arolina, 7-0, a: halt-
"Bui lha � -
ol just 50,000 games in
a week SteitZ -aid.
and because ol the
tinusual -iore, it the
one thai get- all the
publicity "
pa-t r -
g .

Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAD 31 May 1979
Smalley, Koosman star
Twins refuse to accept predictions
By Jimmy DuPree I
Sports Editor
Before the start of
the 1979 Major League
Ba�etall season very
tew "intellects" would
have given the Min-
nesota Twins any hope
i! advancing beyond the
forth place slot they
maintained most of last
Having lost perennial
meriean Leagut- bat-
ting champion Rod Car-
ew in the wealth of-
lered b the California
vngels, ami considering
the no-name roster of
the lunis. these intel-
lects based their op-
inions on sound judge-
ment supported by
One flaw to the
theory remains evident,
�M'ver; no one in-
formed the Twins of
their destiny.
With the hot bat ot
versatile Roy Smalley
leading all hitters at
.390, along with ten
homers, Minnesota cur-
rently stands in second
place in the AL's west-
ern division, though
thev have led the Car-
ew Angels most of the
voung season.
After a dismal 1978
campaign (73-89, 19
games behind the div-
ision leading Kansas
City Royals), the Twins
took a chance on the
aging Jerry Koosman,
who last season posted
a 3-15 mark, for the
New York Mets.
The gamble has paid
oil lor Minnesota thus
lar. The pitching ace of
the 19 World Champ-
ion " Amazin' Mets"
has earned a 7-2 record
lor his new club.
The Twins' pitching
-tall otherwise could be
Roy Smalley
considered shakev, at
best. Their starting ro-
tation consists of right-
handers Dave Goltz
(15-10 in '78) and Roger
Erickson (14-13) and
southpaw Geoff Zahn
Manager Gene
Maueh has had num-
erous problems to con-
tend with, outside of
kbe loss of Carew.
bullpen ace Mike
Marshall contemplated
exiting with his 21
saves from the 1978
effort, but has since
elected to slay, posting
a 7-4 mark with a 1.80
earned run average.
A recurring hinder-
anee to the Twins has
been the lack of a
power hitter. Since the
retirement of legendary
slugger Harmon Kille-
brew several years ago,
Minnesota has had to
survive without a con-
sistanl long-ball threat.
Smalley led the team
last season with 19
homers; hardly to be
considered endangering
to Boston's Jim Rice
with 46.
In an effort to al-
leviate this problem, the
Twins acquired strong
hitting Ron Jackson
from the Angels in the
Carew deal. They also
promoted infielder Dan
Graham from their Tol-
edo farm club, where
he had 28 round-trip-
pers last season.
Their hitting with
men on the bags was
also limited. Now de-
parted Danny Ford led
the '78 Twins with only
82 RBIs. Again there is
no comparison to Rice's
139 total. .
A now addition from
California in the Carew
trade has been out-
fielder Ken Landreaux
who currently holds a
.321 average after bat-
ting only .223 last
season in 93 games.
oung infielder Rob
Wilfong stands at .317,
alter only hitting .266
in 1978.
Catcher Butch Wyn-
egar again provides the
squad with a consistant
.300 hitter.
California swiped
first from the Twins
following a successful
weekend campaign at
Chicago. Carew, though
baiting .353, finds him-
self in the third place
in the early standings
for the batting title he
had held for the past
lew years.
Will the Minnesota
Twins hang on and
capture the AL West
pennant and go on to
win the World Series in
October? Only time will
tell. Injuries, slumps,
errors; all these will be
major factors in the
final outcome, but the
other 51 teams in Major
League Baseball must
also deal with these
Not for women only
7. � Entry Date Pla Begin
Tennis Classic
Raquetball Tour.
IM Open (Golf)
Backyard Volley-
ball (C-R)
521-5 31
5 21-5.31
5 29-6 19
529-6 8
6 4
6 4
6 21-22
6 12
r r 8:30 am
IM Run for Fun Mingeg Pfk Ut
Great Canoe Race 2:00 pm
(Deadline 613) Tar River
IM Run for Fun 8:30 am
Minges Prk. Lot
Sat. June 2
Fri. June 15
Sat. JuK U
Frolic and fun for everyone in badmm
basketball, volleyball, and swimming!
All ECU students, faculty, staff, and all famil)
members are invited!
Memorial Fymnasium and Memorial Pool
7:00-9:00 pm on these Wednesdays:
May 23
June 20
July 11
Julv 25
Title IX affects all ECU athletes
By Debbj Newby
ssistant Sports Editor
Title IX. Don't
hurriedly -kip over this
article vet, dear reader.
I have something im-
portant to tell you that
ou probably ha en't
heard muc h about, or it
urn do know about it.
ou probably don t lull
understand it.
i ontinue reading,
and I'll guarantee you
hat vii li learn some-
� Heller yet,
- seven years
l exa
hal I've been re-
is Title IX, a
was enacted in
1972 quires
I'Mi .alitv in edu-
institutions that
federal i funds.
I has its greatest
impael on athletics,
ti would mean that
there must be equal
rt un it tor male
nali athletes.
Even I hough ECU's
athlei ii d- partment does
rectly receive
lederal assistance, the
education , pro-
gram ol the university
does, which makes KCl
responsible lor the en-
forcement of Title IX. A
violation of Title IX
would re-lilt in a with-
draw! ol federal funds
from the involved uni-
The interpretation
and enactment of Title
l has been disputed
and questioned in the
past. The core ol the
dispute was touched oil
last December when the
Department ot Health.
Education and elfare
proposed new guidelines
to make equal porcapita
expenditures for men
and women college"
athletes a primary re-
quirement lor compli-
ance with the 172 Law.
(Per capita expense is
calculated bv dividing
the total number of
participating athletes of
each sex into the total
cost ot the sports tor
each sex.)
bout 300 colleges
and universities sub-
sequently joined forces
with the National Col-
legiate Athletic Associa-
tion (NCAA) to lobby
Congress to exempt
revenue-producing sports
from HEW's proposed
guidelines.The success
ol these attempts will
be determined in the
immediate future when
HEW releases the final
hat should be
stressed is that Title IX
has never been a dollar
lor dollar mandate to
spend the same amount
ol money on women's
sports as on money-
making tootball and
basketball programs for
the men.
hat is suggested,
according to Margot
Poliv v, a Vv ashington
attorney tor the Asso-
ciation for Intercollegiate
Athletics for Women, is
that "there be equal
opportunity and com-
parability and that per
capita expenditure in
certain areas would be
a good guideline to
There have been
other misconceptions of
Title IX, Polivy said.
university arcade
greenvilie, n.o.
Professional Sales & Service
One Day Repair Service
� Takara and Ross bikes
� and a complete line off tools and accessories
Including suntour and campagnolo
Mike Flinn and Mike Sizemore
former ECU students and avid cyclist
would like to invite you
to drop by for a visit
"The Title IX regulation
does not require an
equal number of men's
and women's sports.
Rather, it requires, that
the interests and abil-
itiesof men and women
be equally accom-
Also, rather than
looking at each individ-
ual sport, according to
HEW, it is acceptable
to look at the overall
athletic program in
determining whether an
institution is practicing
sex discrimination.
This approach pro-
vides that the overall
athletic program ensures
equal opportunity for
members of both sexes.
The effect Title IX
has on athletic pro-
grams, especially
women's programs, is
powerful. The legislation
requires equal oppor-
tunity, comparable
standards to be set
where there are ele-
ments that aren't easily
measurable, and pro-
cedures lor upgrading
women's athletics.
"Anyone who doubts
the importance of equal
opportunity lor women
said Joseph Calitano,
Secretary of HEW, "need
only rc-member those
things we have all
heard throughout our
lives about participation
in sports: That ath-
letics leach both team-
work and leadership;
that athletics create
pride in accomplish-
ment; that athletics
teach sportsmanship, how
to win and how to
lose; that competitive
-port build character.
Does anyone think for a
moment that these
benefits apply only to
South Seas
Pet Shop
Greenville Square
We Now Have
Siberian Huskys,
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German Sheparde,
Eskimo Spits 8
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Guinea Pigs reg. $7. now
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All Tennis Clothes & Tennis Shoes
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golf shirts 12 price
All IZOD men's pants NOW5.00
All men's Thompson golf slacks
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All new & used golf clubs reduced
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We accept old clubs on trade .
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Located at Greenville Country Club

Adidas, Nike, Converse, Diadora, New Balance
To Name a Few
Nike Waffle Trainer
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Lady Waffle Trainer
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30.95 21.95
39.95 29.95
26.95 21.95
30.95 21.95
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HH9 wlWwi nil I , Inlli
210.JL 5th St Pkone 752-4154.
� " . �� - ���� �Vi3

�; !t5rl��atfc:

Fountainhead, May 31, 1979
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
May 31, 1979
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