Fountainhead, May 24, 1979

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Circulation 4 ,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
Vol. 55 No. X
24 May 1979
'Lucky' Yale grad spent'seven hellish months'as Moonie cultist
Bv Larr Popelka
Special to Fountainhead
Chris Edwards went
Yale. H
e grew up in
1 i' New urk Cit)
suburb. His la?i was a
surgeon. nd his lamilv
was well-off. Chris was
Chris did well at
"talc. i
luated with bachelor
1 - hi philosoph
and psv chnlogv. Chris
u.i- -iiiui
Bui something hap-
pent d I" Chris.
A year alter gradua-
tion he could not read.
He didn't recognize bl-
own parents. And In-
acted like a 12-ear-nld.
Chris was u Mooinc.
Chris did nut want
to become a Moooh In
fact he didn'i even
want to join a religious
group. Actual!) he
never real!) wanted to
join ail) kind ol group
at all. i least that's
what he -as
Bui somehow he
ended u on a farm
Welcome back.
will be
appearing each
week of the
summer session
on Thursdays.
ehauting praise lor a lal
Korean businessman
and dancing around in
circles sidling, "Choo-
I talked lo Chris a
couple days ago. He
was sitting in his home
in Montelair, N.J re-
laxing. Three sears ago
he was kidnapped by
his lather and depro-
grammed b) the contro-
versial Ted Patrick.
At age 25. Chris is
now trying to live a
normal life. At least as
normal a life as an
ex-disciple ol Reverend
S u ii Msung Moon can
lis e. 1 be meinors of
seven hellish months in
Moon's cult still haunts
Just talking about it
is like reliving a bad
dream. But Chris wants
to talk about it. He
wants every college
student to know what
he went through so
the) don't end up doing
what he did.
Chris is still not
sure exactly what he
did or how certain
things came about.
He had just gradua-
ted from Yale and was
on vacation in Berkelev,
Calil when it hap-
I" Berkeley Chris
?net Jacob. Jacob invi-
ted Chris io dinner with
his "family
I he lamilv turned
out lo be a bunch of
other young adults call-
ing themselves "Crea-
tive Community pro-
I he family svas
friendly. Too friendly.
Chris wondered what
was going on.
"1 thought it was a
very curious group
Chris told me. "But
ihey looked so simple. I
guess I thought they
were just very friendly,
over-protective people
Alter dinner the1 hey control u in J In ' M ?- .
lamilv invited Chris toa hypnotic wav Chrislies IT 11 ,et
stav. 1 he seemed totold me. "They don't' JMUl
like him. They invitedhypnotize sou, but they' lolit me.
him to lake a weekendu-e hypnotic techniques.
trip with them out to their larm. Chris1 wenl. He didn't come back lor a long time. Chris says he wasn't"w- hen somebody looks at .?u, vou can feel iheil power. t.lin- loll their power. Il? gave ihem all his1 remembered one ar tiele in Newsweek hail mentioned Reverend Moon. But I did think in u I; about it
drugged. And he doesn't think he was hypnotized. But hemoney$3UU m travelers checks. He lid lowed ilieir order nd uio-tt tin - ? anted to get ?ut. H -e
know- something serv peculiar went on at the larm. ller a lew days his eyes got glass) andimportant, he believed in their "new 1 i-Reverend Moon. ? .hri- often had his' ' 'III 111 a pa - Tie-thing ba he i iiuldn l leave.
? l - about tin- new
bulged like he was in aM i i but the otherSee LIFE. p. 5
t ranee.lliers CONV ill' e.
Sherrod still acting president
Bv Luke Whisnant
Talk about waiting for Godot. . .
Although nearly two months have passed since
the SG A Spring election, the office of Student
Government President has vet to be filled, according
lo Libbv Lefler.
Lefler, one of three candidates lor the office in
the May 28 election, was awarded the presidency in
an appeal decision by the SGA Review Board April 9.
Lcfler's opponent Brett Melvin immediately appealed
the Board's decision to ECU Chancellor Dr. Thomas
Blew el .
Brewer, alter nearly two weeks of deliberation,
found in lavor of Lefler by upholding the Review
Board's ruling. Libbv Lefler wa- named SGA
president for the second time on April 20.
Bin Melsin blocked Lefler's appointment by
?lt i" ding Brewer's decision to the ECU Board of
' ? lthough a preliminary committee of the
I - 'ia- already met and discussed the matter,
ii decision i- expected until the next official Board
? n June ().
meantime, duly elected SGA V ice-President
Mierrod is filling inalthough he's not -ure
I I M-n't matter much to me which one of
Ltd lei or Melvin) 1 eventually have to work
is Sherrod claimed with a grin.
i rod said that Melvin had the right to appeal
In- a-e to the Board ol Trustees, due to a
pai.iraph in the ECL Judicial Handbook which savs
thai ihe Trustees have the right to review any of the
Chan ellor - decisions.
einig President, Sherrod has all the usual
pov ol office, and he has alreadv made several
ei nice decisions.
line -neb action is the appointment of Charles
IN ? s. .i- summer session Attorney General.
Charles was the public defender during the
scar Sherrod said. "He has an outstanding
scholastic record An attornes general for the
acad. inu sear will be selected in the- fall bv the Blue
Charlie Sherrod
What to do this summer and where
Mon. 8:30 am-lUOO pm
Tues. thru Fri. 8:30 am-
5:00 pm
Musii Listening Center-Mon. 5:00 pm-10:00 pm
Mon. 1:30 pm-ll:00 pm
Tues. thru Fri. 1:30 pm to
5:00 pm
Mon. 9:00 am-lUOO pm
Tues. thru Fri. 9:00 am-
5:00 pm
Mon. thru Fri. 10:00 am
to 4:30 pm
Tues. thru Fri. 1:00 pm-5:00
5:00 pm
Billiard Room
ECl Student Bank
Crait Center
Snack Bar
Minjjes Coliseum:
Pool: Mon. Fri. 4:00 pm-8:00 pm
Sat. & Sun. 3:00 pm-8:00 pm
enm- Courts: Mon. thru Fri. 7:00 am-8:00 pm
Sat. & Sun. 8:00 am-lUOO pm
Free Plav m Gym: None
Weight Room: MonFri. 8:00 am-10:00 pm
Sat. 12:00 noon-8:00 pm
Sun. 2:00 pm-8:00 pm
Equipment Room: Mon. thru Thurs. 7:45 am-330
Fri. 7:45 am-8:00 pm
Sat. 12:00 noon - 8:00 pm
Sun. 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm
HandballRacquetball Courts: 8:00 am-ll:00,
12:00 noon - 8:00 pm Sat.
200 pm - 8:00 Sun.
U nms courts must be reserved ,? pers0n at the
mragca equipment Room 137)
Memorial Gym:
Pool: MonFri. 12:00 noon-l:00 pm
Wed. 7:00 pm-9:00 pm
Tennis Courts (College Hill):
MonFri. - 3:30 pm-ll:00 pm
Sat. & Sun. 8:00 am-11:00 pm
Free Play: Mon. thru Thurs. 3:00 pm-10:00 pm
basketball first priority 3:00 - 8:00 pm
VuejballBadminion first priority 8:00 pm
1U.U0 pm) r
Weight Room: Mon. thru Thurs. 5:00 pm- 9:00 pm
Equipment Room: Mon. thru Thurs. 3:00 pm - 9:00
pm r
GYmnastics Room: (Matted surfaces only) Mon.
thru Thurs. 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Bv Lv mi Bevar
News Editor
I he Student Union
Special Attractions
Committee is planning
two outdoor concerts tc.
take place this summer.
in addition to week!)
free llieks (see listing)
and six (count em.
SIX) Watermelon
The first of the twe
concerts will be Sunday
June 10, featuring Mike
Cross, the guitarist-
fiddler dubbed "Moun-
ain Minstrel and Hum-
orist He is back b)
popular demand, accord-
ing to Ken Hammond
Program Director of
Mendenhall Student
Center and advisor to
the Special Attractions
Committee. "Cross
played to a near-
capacity crowd in
Hendrix Theatre on
February 26, and it was
two hours of non-stop
energy he's the best
thing to come out of
Chapel Hill' said
1 he second outdoor
concert will be the
progressive rock-jaz
ORBIS on Jul) 25. This
band is comprised of
two women and three
men "from different
musical backgrounds"
who plav such instru-
ments as flutes, concert
harp, vibraphone,
upright bass, piano,
drums and organ in
addition to vocals. Both
concerts are scheduled
lor 8:00 p.m. and will
be in Wright udilo-
rium in the cvenl of
I he Watermelon
Feasts an scheduled lo
lake place at 12:00 noon
on six Miuidavs this
summer: June II, 18
and 25, and Jul) 2, 9
and 10. This event,
sponsored bv the
Student Union, involves
setting up tables on the
grass) "Terrace area
outside between MSC
and the Erwin Building,
and approximate!) 100
watermelons will be cut
and served to passers-
by at no cost oilier than
an empt) stomach.
Free Hicks mil be
presented bv the
Student L mon I ilms
Committee weerJ at
9:00 on Mndav
cvcuiltgs ;i Hen inx
Theatre, Mendenhall
Student ? Cenlei. I here
is a change tiom last
)eai , noted W auda
uha assistant pro-
gram due. ioi for MC.
The- Student Center
was noi open at all at
night la-t year, and
now we've go i
one night a week.
t uhas explained
also staled thai
previous vcars tin
Center had been
ever) night, ho.
the cost ol opening itte
building far outweighed
the amoii ,i of -intents
who used the available
A new feature re-
cently instituted bv the
Student Center is the
"Program Information
Hotline This is a
telephone service- de-
signed to give -indents
information concerning
events, both Student
Union and MSC, ging
on that a en thai
week, a applicable.
Sv llopses ol IllOV le- to
. In -how ii. as v. II as
11 me- aii'l aclm . - - ion
reepui einc nl- id an
events will be available
to i lie . aller 1 he
telephone nuiube i for
till- H IV Ii i Is . ,) . (00l,
and student- are In e to
cah 2I hour- a dav .
? ?leiii L mon Pies-
ide Chai u- Sum Had
a V l opi illllstlC cull 100k
ioi I tie l invetlv ? no ut
both (his ci 111 in ? , old
leu (all -i ine-le . He
explained Dial tin u-
denl U niou w te
involved in Frc-liman
Orientation lo a larger
extent than ever before,
and he also added, very
eiiiliu-iasti. aiiv, "W ere
wen king u a new
image- Ioi e fa
we II havi new gim-
mick new ails, and a
new logo Changes in
the st rue lure of I be
organization are going
on now, and we're
Irving to head more
towards emphasis on
And don't miss:
May 25 Last da) for a full refund at ECL
Student Supplv Store
May 28 Free Flick: "The Three M r- Y
9 p.m.MSC
June 4 Last dav to withdraw without grades .?r
drop an undergraduate course
Free Flick The Four Musketeers" 9
9 p.m. MSC
June- 10 Free Concert
Fiddler Mall, 8 p.m.
Mike Cms;
June- 11 Free Flick 'The- Omen" 9 p.m. MSC
Watermelon Fea-i 12 noon MSC Terrace
June 18 Free- Fink Take- The Monev and Run"
Watermelon Fea-l 12 noon MSC
June 25 Classes End
Watermelon Feast 12 noon MSC IVrrave
Free Flick "Silent Movie"
June- 26 Final Exams lor First Summer Session
June- 2. Registration lor second Summer Session
June 28 Classes begin
Julv 2 Watermelon Feast 12 noon. MSC Terrace
Free Flick "Phantom ol Paradise"
Last dav to register or add a course for
second term
Jul) 9 Free Flick "MASH
Watermelon Feast 12 noon, MSC Terrace
Jul) 11 Last da) to withdraw without grades or
drop an undergraduate course
Julv 10
v 2.
free- Flick Murder on tin Orient
Watermelon Feast 12 noon, MSC Terrace
I re I Ii. - I lmg"
J?l. - I??????? ' M .?, I Mall - ??,l?i
mii ? i it . 1 . "Deliverance"
ugu-i I Clu - .
Augu-i j i .Xll i , f.?,
r Augu
? p
:m m -? ? - m m ?? ? , m m ? ? , "? " ? e? - ? - im-j h?

Summer students:
'let them eat melons9
Another June is upon us, and with
it that curious day phenomenon known
as Summer Session, that extra study
option available to students who wisn
to get ahead in studies, catch up, or
just stay in the game, period. For
whatever reason you are here for the
summer session, we welcome you and
hope that your truncated course work
shall be beneficial.
With all trip intensive studying to
be done irr these few short, sweltering
weeks, a student will need re-
creational breaks from time to time.
To break the tension, you can spend
a relaxing evening by shooting pool.
bowling or playing a game of
ping-pong at Mendenhall Student
But you'd better do it on Monday
night or just forget it.
For reasons oest known to those
who control the purse-strings of the
university, most of the major indoor
recreational activities have been cut to
daytime hours, with the exception of
Monday evenings. Officals give as
reasons for the curtailed hours the
lack of interest on the part of the
students and inability to meet the
summer payroll necessary for full
operation. The Mendenhall Snack Bar,
an obviously profitable enterprise, is
entirely closed for the summer.
We find this reasoning unsettling
because it casts the university in a
profit-making capacity. Rather than
attempting to provide a complete
educational program, which should
include on-campus recreational bene-
fits, the university comes off as a
business attempting to hedge its
losses during an off-season.
While it is true that only a
faction of the student body attends
ECU each summer, it is also true that
those representing that fraction pay a
considerable activities fee" upon
enrolling for the summer term. And
unlike the regular school year, there
is no optional "part-time status a
student can claim, thereby avoiding
the fee payment. Thus, the summer
student has a compulsory fee to pay
for servies which are, in the main,
curtailed during the summer.
In addition to shortened hours at
Mendenhall, the gyms and the
Croatan have also shortened hours of
available services and activities. The
Student Store will not be open on
Saturday, presumably for the same
reason everything else is slowing
down ? there's just no money in it.
There are certain summer activities
available to the summer student and
these are found listed elsewhere in
this issue, along with hours of
operation. Our quarrel is neither with
these activities nor their sponsors.
Rather, we question the priorities and
motivations of an administration which
so willingly allows a cost-effective
plan todictate the facilities and
activities available to the student
attending an ECU summer session.
We suspect that the university
would not be willing to consider its
academic offering during the summer
as a shadow of the substance; there
is no reason why its other aspects of
student life should appear so reduced
and devalued during this time.
These arguements have fallen on
deaf ears in the past and there is no
reason to expect any change at this
time in this "let them eat water-
melon' attitude. Perhaps some
student entrepreneur put out of work
by the Mendenhall closing, might
print up some T-shirts for students to
wear during their leisure time. The
"I didn't do it at Mendenhall
? J.B.
SPOGHT OCR SUfflflfe jfrr?0f
VA exec urges thanks for Viet vets
On planetary consciousness
1 ? ddcrton
I uutainhead
- usuall) a
Lix it) and
all life on
High energ)
! spirits about
mountains to
among people
newborn of
egin their life
filled with all
the) must
survival in the
ii !? eco-
11 i ? fronts, this
lor locusing
energ) on
making -urc all forms
ol life un this planet
rnav roeii and prosper
lor the good d i he
wht.I. sphere. Ii has
bet nine more than a
good ihui In do it i-
now a necessity .
Heightened plauetarv
eoiisi lotisiiess mu-i be
achieved to ensure not
oulv t he survival ol
specilic plants and am
mals, but mankind it-
As ii member and
loeal organizer ol the
?Greenpeace Foundation,
1 hope to io all I can to
promote this planetar
Luke Whlsnant
Steve Baenner
Robert Swaim
Assistant Advertising Manager
Paul Linlke
Jim Barnes
Lynn Beyar
Jeff Rollta?
Assistant Trends Editor
Barry Clayton
Sam Rogers
Assistant Sports Editor
Jimmy Dupree
FOUNTAINHEAD it tha atudant nawapapar ol
East Carolina Univaraity aponaorad by tha Madia
Board ol ECU and is distributad aach Tuaaday and
Thursday during tha acadamic yaar (waafcly during
tha summaf).
Editorial opinions ara thoaa of tha Editorial Board
and do not naoaiasrily ratlact tha opinions ol tha
univaraity or tha Madia Board.
Our offioas ara locatad on tha aaoond floor of tha
Publications Cantar (Old South Building). Our mailing
addrass is. Old South Building, ECU, OraonvHIa.
B.C. 27834
Our phorta numbers ara: 7S7-B3W, 6367, and
6309 Subscriptions ara StO annually, alumni S6
annually. Sotoscnptkxv raquas)s should ba
to tha Circulation Managar.
consciouucss ideal.
This and lollowing arti-
cles will deal with the
wide scope ol ecological
problems and action
taken tni them. The
Greenpeace Foundation
is an international cor-
poration dedicated to
the preservation and
protection ol the envir-
oumcui and all forms of
life within it. It will be
m) goal to make people
aw;n ot the situations
and to stimulate posi-
tive, informed action on
- environmentalists,
we ol Greenpeace are
involved m the many
and varied issues eon-
eerning the protection of.
endangered species and
environments the world
wide. This summer
there will be anti-
whaling campaigns on
two oceans, and efforts
to bung about solutions
to such issues a- end-
ing the practice ol
sealing, (now in the ec
economic aspects alter
the Spring massacre),
unwise fishing practice
the Iki Island dolphin
slaughter the Tellico
DamSnail Darter con-
trovers v (which ve have
won, il -eein-), the
"incidental porpoise-
dolphin kills a- a result
of tuna indutrv fishing
practices, nuclear
power, the use of loxic
chemical- in farming
and forestry, ocean and
air pollution, and the
list goe- on. It's time
to get involved because
if things go on like they
are now, we will in our
lifetime see the ugly
consequences of our
lack of foresight and
The following excerpt
is froth the 1976 Green-
peace Report. Its state-
ment remains the same
lor now and speaks for
"Whether the prob-
lem is the abuse of
nuclear power, the pol-
lution ol the environ-
ment or the extinction
of whales and seals, the
root cause is basically
the same; our lack of
what has been called
"planetary conscious-
ness In other words,
we lack the breadth of
vision to see that when
we damage any part of
nature we are damaging
ourselves, because all of
nature is inter-related
and interdependent.
"We have set up a
problem for ourselves.
We cannot understand
our part within the
framework of nature
until we actually see
ourselves in danger of
tearing il apart. This is
not a political matter,
although politics and
economics are undoub-
tedly involved. This is a
matter of life and
death. And not just the
death of hundred of
thousands of animals,
but the slow death of
human moral conscious-
ness and the inevitable
ultimate death of an
ecological system which
will in lime reach out
to damage mankind it-
Expand your plane-
tary consciousness. Get
involved with Green-
peace by contacting one
of our offices or calling
me, Jerry Adderton, at
758-6259 after 5:00 on
weekdays. I have details
on all the issues and
action plans for getting
yoor personally oivol-
ve.l. It's in your hands
as well as ours to
pre - ive a world we all
can live in. Your help
is important and greatly
To Fountainhead
Anybody here re-
member Vietnam?
Of course, you say.
Da Nang. Saigon. The
Mekong Delta. My Lai.
And all those other
strange names that kept
coming up in the head-
For million of
Americans perhaps
most of us - the war
in Vietnam was never
much closer than those
headlines and the
nightly news clips on
It was a war halfway
around the world, one
that was never declared;
a conflict that just
seemed to grow behind
our backs until one
awful day, there it was,
full scale.
No one went to that
war with banners flying
and bands playing, and
those who went anony-
mously came back the
same way. The longer it
lasted the more un-
popular it became, and
its unpopularity seemed
to rub off on the very
ones who were most
intimately caught up in
Perhaps the most
demoralizing part was
what didn'i happen.
Nobody said thanks"
Nobody said, "We're
proud of you. Even
though the war was
unpopular, we're proud
of you for being willing
to serve your country
Well, that's changed.
the Congress and Presi-
dent Carter in observing
it for what it i- a
chance, at long last, to
express a nation's
appreciation to the
nearly ten million men
and women who served
during the bitter vear-
ol the ietnam Era.
Vv e owe it to them
Let's pay the debt.
Max Cleland
eterans Administration
Information Service
the Mine,
This year
can make up
for the
lack of an official
thanks. The week of
May 28 - June 3 is -
officially "Vietnam
Veterans Week
We should all join
Forum letters mu-t contain the Tame, addre?
phone number, and signature ol the author(-) and
should be typed or neatly printed.
Lt-llcrs are: subject to editing for brevitv.
obscenity, and libel.
Club 309
on the carpet
Cons want mail
To Fountainhead:
We would appreciate
it if you would publish
our names in your paper
for correspondence.
Thanking you in
advance for your kind
attention and considera-
tion of our request.
Sincerely , we are,
Frank Newsome
Hear Brilliance
P.O. Box 1000
Oxford, Wisconsin
Bruce Burvvood
P. 0. Box 1000
Ox lord, Wisconsin
Peter H. Nicholas
P. 0. Box 1000
Oxford, Wisconsin
To Fountainhead:
hv is it that -tu-
dents must now pav
fees in Old South cafe-
teria rather than the
previously used Spiilman
building, home of the
ECU administration and
1- it because
ol security for the
money collected? This I
doubt because the situa-
tion at Spiilman is
much more secure for
the collection and safe-
keeping of fees than is
an old cafeteria full of
old tables.
Is it for the
comfort of the student
who, after standing in a
broiling -un might wish
i" gratelully gulp some
air-conditioned air
Nope. k-cause unlike
Spiilman, Old South i-
uoi air-conditioned.
Well then, maybe it
i- U'tau-e ot the Chan-
cellor's New Carpet.
which (uargh) might be
soiled by the ,V
-ludeni- bearing fees. Il
uih i- the case, per-
haps now thai the ru-h
is over, the -tudent-
might he allowed to
tread the eu-hv pile
Spiilman, a- lout? i-
thev lav aux v u
know ixhal on iUMr
lour- in illumination,
I'he Syndics of Club U9
by Barry Clayton
Ate p&l?. riiet DovY LiK.$ofrft,Aja-
ouCjiC tJtxMt 3 Ttvecr. a ctr, r
Tt4irt uxxjLt Be 4oor ,c4r.
Stxer mej. unx fir ie fivfturvtaes
A CAT is FtSiiBcE ? I F4CT ITS PCft4wi
toneiess? o?jsr4eLf. xr neve Nffos
chlimq JATvMl o?cve wM??ees ?
S L5 1??m 1
ouet-L Se?
Zto.t S? Sitci
Y0O'A? GOiHQ. to Bmi
"IBtfir Street
by Sheldon Bryant
ftCT(?HLV. I THUNK it's V?Hf
Sophisticateo md twsovc mm.k

Life of a Moonie
U I'ulloWfd
r?-n- To iuuch.
r? the
lal? ??? l-l. Tv
'??' i l?i up.
Kii-iiluaJlj Chris
IMIc a n I.
J "??vor-sollcr.
(cont. from p. 1)
lu" iiiciiiltcr
"l1 I" 'I'll iWcrs.
(h" wwrkid 16, 18 20 luur a
P?. He
" Ihf nan ?f
i,H ralhcr" Moon-
Rau" 11 ihe .none)
f" l '? ?? leaders.
i,l? Ik- ate
"aiiiliurgi-ra ?i d?.
" l rcstau-
i" disport'
i: '??gl?t, il he
V- gin lour
irs leep.
Ia Mot mi came
lu Chris's
I 'in?, remembers
M ? : uel
M ?- goal w ?.
llU" U
! ? that's
Moon sa. He
i vorld govern-
? I iverone in
I- KMIIIIlilill t0
l? 'I loi ihis. I
! have gone
him. Moon
i on I nil d er
Jim Jones
In- in
while Chris
i ilif (tilt
'I him
in the
?I ' .ii. M,rv
lilm k peill
liking to
1 -11 a I
? had
Chri also ha- a
hard him making uij in
die morning. " o -ii
mueh -deep thai after I
K1" "?'i I would sleep
1 "i I- hour- a da
eer .a lor months
h -aid. "In fael, 1 still
ha .1 hai.l time wak-
"?g "i l; lake- me two
I i" lot all) wake up
111 ihe morning1
Hm perhaps the
w??ri problem Chris
had ah. i leaxing the
1 w a - erasing a iiami
I? .u old meutalit)
I'inhedded on him.
I vvas like a child
when I got out Chris
said. I was working ai
I he mental age ol a 12-
l3-eai old. I actual!)
ha?l a haul time read-
Chris i- m lull
??oereil. Bui lor the
lal three war- he's
heen lrmg to figure
"in exact I) what hap-
pened. Ii been coming
hack lo him in bits and
j 'lit I - .
Kecenll) he pul il
?'II mi" a book, "Craz)
i Cod, which was
ihi- Spring. Me
i iieae
? .il? starting a nation-
widr lour of college- to
leeiure on the subject.
Hnl he is doing so
ni I he late ol a lot of
nigr Moonies who
(?In i- -a have hern
threatening and haras-
sing hiui.
W hen I go to give
a speei h, the) wait
outside for me Chris
said. Once one
ihem called a talk show
wa on, gave her
-aid she was a
Moonie and made a
death threat right there.
M) mail-which is
in a lederal fo-t office
box-has heen opened.
M house ha heen
broken into three times.
nd I've received all
sorts ol threatening
phone calls
Bui Chris has mil let
an) ol ihis stop hun.
I llunk most people
dismiss euhs too eail.
"I pie doiU
n 'h' what the) can
J?u until ii
Chris didn't.
Hui Chris was luek.
N.C. Supreme Court
24 May 1979 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 3
Suit tests student voting rights
ii o r'si' I'w fMi.iic pui - -?
H Lynn Beyar
t v- Kdilor
. s
i recem i (
? I'ollghl he! He the
N 'i: u Carohii. Supreme
Coui i resulted II - no-
i? gi -lal ions v lo h ii.i)
alleci some ol I he
-l .i l nl bod ii il
r-a Carolina ' ?' ' ,
sit) Ihe m in ? ji
lion Llod - H
broughi in February
this M-ar, iieal- i ih
students' right- lo v
in tin counl in u In. ii
ihe) attend college.
I In ea-e cited i-
h.i-ed on a -mi brought
b) a group nl Orange
Count) residents who
fell that tin Orange
Count) Board nl K.I' '
lions had alloued "un
ijll.ll i I ied " i -nil-
vole- namely, ulleg
student Ma, i rulings
brougni loi i - i
resuli the .i ? ,
the ' ,ing
sludei re n nee lor
oinlr, p irpo . - i- a
qucsii ai ol la t depin-
ilenl ? ,uh hi In idual
pel hi i- a
ll mi his
: here
r I mm.
- a
in- ees
r's lor voting pio
poses ,i he has ah i-
doue' In- Jot inn horn. .
ha- resen, mlenlini
I" 'K tin- laee us
Inimi . and , , ml- to
reman. m n, t ollegc
loun at least us lufig as
he is a student there
and in ,1 he a pure- a
new Imuieil. Jin
reporl imiher -tales
lhal tin student has the
burden ol pei-ua-um,
w ln Ii mean- thai he
musl p. isuade the
Hoard ui tlections thai
he i- a resident. This i-
a new lindillg, -nice the
-Holeiil preious) had
lo pruxe residenc). The
burden ? proul now
rest- unii ihe Hoard ol
Llecliou- which must
pro?" nonresident') lu
den) a student the right
lo register lo vote.
I" bring tin- prob-
lem down lo .1 more
localized level, one KCl
-indent, Charles Sune,
has been through the
process ol gaining voter
registration in Hut
Count) v Inle In- pai
ents live in Raleigh.
Sum- had heen turned
down twice in appUiug
lor voter regislraiiott,
and finall) appealed ihe
Pill Count) Hoard ol
Elections and won. "In
ins opinion,
Sune, "tin- i- g-mig l
change registration prae
'?e I think ih, i
is diserimiuatiug, he
cause there an sio.i ,i-
here w ho ,u e , fy
qualified t v.m
legi-tratiun pr?w . .
here need In h, K, ,j
I' app, ai - that the
preeed. nl-eiiing i ,
l-h'jd v- Baldi ma)
have will, -pi, j, , n (
and mav hegm I p
V "k ,ji,
pan tleelion Board
and students.
f the body shoppe
This Gird Entitles
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I -
Page 4 FOUNTAINHEAD 24 May 1979
?f r
Artist Estes
paints the
urban scene
Hn Jefl Rollins
r rends Kiln or
Mu-i ?urn ol Kino Arts in Boston lias just
l! ? ? book treating u to the fascinating work of
I LsW's, .i painter ol such extraordinary talent
al be stands above the growing crowd of
-uptr-rralisi painters. Estes i- a super-realist whose
do more than simply tr to look like
phs. By the fastidious description of
the interplay ol the flat and the
ietal, and lastly by the inquiry into reality
and illusion thai his work makes. Richard Lstes's
prove to be more revealing of the human
hau one might think at first.
J i I unady, former art critic- of the "New Nork
limes, writes in the introductory essay, "Never
ne there been citvscapes exactly like these,
haphazard conjunctions of the common-
Is are transformed into a matrix that
violated il any ol its multitudinous hits
- vv i re exi ised.
ol Estes' painting, The Candy Store,
?ay- lhal "at its most elementary level, the
is a staggering enumeration ol details down
? late and each salted nut in the Iravs
window, "here are hundreds ol plodding
the land who in that respect can do
a- Estes, vet product1 nothing mure
memories. Hiey seem incapable of
m I he niosl obvious device h which
- and unities a subject thai in a
u messl his dev ice being llie
Minph perspeetive.
pomis out that in later paintings
nglv preoccupied with the interplay
ion, until, the intersections and
i1 floors, and sheets of glass in
a n i) t he ret led ions and
all ol them intermingled, become
ol the intersecting transparent planes ol
? ubistn's "lourtb dimension
Kirhard Eh: he. I rban Landscape otter a
?election ol the painter- oeuvre and
(?productions are excellent. The bod)
i hook i- comprised ol a conversation between
r Director. Boston University and
which was field at Estes' home
northern Maim' in earlv September,
himsell to be a man ol gentle
. in a truthful, straight-forward wav.
?nailer consists almost exclusively of
artist -icak- about what he paints.
Hill Wallace stars in new karate movie
This painting is a characteristic Richard Estes
I think the explanation is that lor the past twenty
year- I ve lived in a man-made environment and
I e simply painted where I've been. If I had lived
ni Maine. 1 certainly would not have painted the
-aim things. would be out there painting rocks
and tret Yoa look around and paint what yt?U sge.
lhal - what most painters have done
Interestingly enough, this successful painter
doesii i attribute much worth to his formal art
education. Estes describes how he learned how to
paml in In- uw u wav.
W ell. -(hoot was a beginning. 1 really learned
lo paint the wav I now paint on mv own after I got
oul o school. hen 1 was in advertising 1 spent a
lot of lime doing layouts and quick sketches with
magic marker- or chalk. I learned a lot about
drawing and developed the ability to do things very
1 hat s when 1 began using photographs. We
had a polaroid camera and if we needed a figure,
or hand- wrapping a package or pointing at
something, someone in the office would pose. I
would ue the photographs to make a quick sketch.
Belore that 1 did sketches and preliminarv
drawings lor paintings by the traditional method I
learned in school, which I thought was the wav a
painting had to be made.
It seemed rather silly alter 1 saw how much
belter I could work lioin photographs. I think thai
the pmidem- with universities and an
schools i- thai u a rarefied atmosphere. Thev are
oul ol touch alii .
0 Bean rni- o ih art worlu
In term- ? art world and ihc wav people
nature til his own
make thi-
111 general
ml. trui at i c readinn
i1 - revelulioii-
work and ai.u! ai
conversation i v intci
Richard h-lr I he I rban Landsoape give
unique i hatm to idi-erve a cotiiruiporan artist's
work and bcai linn lalk about it. hi introduction
b John Canadav i- excellent.
A Force of One 'has several things going for it'
lav ton
iitl- Editor
K .ii ate-Kung-lu
genn ol the
I dm industry that has
? iched matur-
I ii fact i- self-
nt. ll one lia- to
i- lo lliink back to
impressions ol
irtial art- tilm- be
seen in the pasl
ami the ii, in roi - bad
lines and ivorse dehv-
? - nine galloping to
in i ml
But the martial-arts
1111 n i - coining o I age.
Mind v o u, it i - not
? i. Still, slowly,
alniosl lumberingly,
? i id ihemed mov ies
bei inning quality
lainmenl a- lilm
direi Ii rs and producers
awakeuing to the
tail i hat the mov iegoers
ol ihi- world are becom-
ing reluctanl Ian- ol the
in v -terv and v ioleul
nobility ol open-band
The phenomenal
-ui cess ol Bruce Lee's
Kilter the Dragon
a? mini- lor much ol
ibis awakening-
something which was
begun with the early
Lee lilnis, but which
never quite reached
fruition. Later films
such as Return of the
Dragon and Circle of
Iron caught the imagi-
nation . viewers and
helped the genre move
forward a bit. Bruce
Lee's magnum opus
Game of Death, is
slated for release at
-elected theatres this
Friday, and Joe Lewis
multimegabuck debut
lilm The Jaguar Lives
will make its appear-
ance later this summer.
Even one o our own
EC! -Indent- -a writing
inajoi h ihe name ol
l)a hi Miller- ha- been
approached lo supply a
screenplay lor a new
kara.e Ibck which,among
other may -lar Green-
v ilh - I onv Lope local
in-i i in lor and one-time
-upei lightweight karate
knockout-champion ol
I he world.
The market i- there.
I he sky -rocketing suc-
cess ol pasl lilnis
proves it, and t he
utilization ol belter plot
and sensible dialog is
responsible lor it.
Such a lilm is in
Greenville ibis week.
It's titled A Force of
Our, and it stars Chuck
Norris, master karateka
and competent actor in
In- own right.
V Force of One has
several things going tor
it: It lias a plot which
is hardly original bul
manages to provide
cohesheness to the rest
ol the lilm, and also
provides a lew good-
' natured laughs it has
really good choreo-
graphed light scenesU
and il has Bill Wallace
who, though he is
certainly no actor, is,
like orris, an outstand-
ing Karaleman.
Both Norris and
Wallace have at one
time or another held
the middleweight karate
title ol world-champion,
and they know what
they are doing. Hence
the fight scenes achieve
a level of realism that
has been absent from
previous films of this
sort. There are some
flaws, but they are
intentional and help to
convey lo the v lower a
more -en-al ional-aiid
iberelurc, more
plea-aiigticture ol the
in a i t la I -arts t ban the
more subtle and cau-
tious techniques that
karatcmeii would reallv
Use .
hi a film tor the
masses, tin- i- forgiv-
nother plus I- die
cast ii i- an inordi-
nately good imic Jennifer
O'Neill, Liu Uuiagcr,
Eric Lanewuville, and
James Vi hitinore, Jr.
Il you are a martial
arts (an, this movie is
lor you-and even if you
are not. uu might very
well leave the theatre a
Much loss impressive
i- the release of the
lialtlcstar Galactica.
Originally released in
Europe where il was an
exceptional box-office
success, the lilm be-
came the opening epi-
sode ior the well-known
sci-fi weekly of the
same name, which
started well and has
-nut' gone the down-hill
route in almost every
possible way" dial it
Ibis speaks no ill of
the movie, itself. The
movie i- a line one.
and seeing on a theatre
screen what sou might
very well have sal
glued lo in youi bv mg-
i ooni i- a reward m
The . alch i- I
many people will go
see the lilm bo an it
is advertised a- being
in Sciisurround and it
isii 1. I he ad posters
claim the mov ie i- m
eiisurrouiid. ami I ho
libn's v , edils make the
-aim i aim, w inch i-
'?nc ,i Litbtul a- tar
n But n?.
uaitfi ivhal v iiu u
Id, I 11, , ,
w hit ii Galarttru - p -
e it I ly - ! i ? ? w 11 m i - 11, I
1 quqq. il to u-i
I Ini - eiisurround
miprinh ?! soundtrack.
l lorcwarnod.
Going After Cacciato 'is a book of vision 9 insight9
Bv Robert Jones
Going fter Cacciato By Tim O'Brien won the
National Book Award lor Fiction in 1979. It is
available in Dell Paperbacks, 395 pp $2.25.
This is a book of vision and insight.
Cacciato. Dumbass Cacciato gone AWOL with
some dream of hiking 8,600 miles from Vietnam to
Paris. His squad with a mission to bring him back.
Crazy. bsurd. Impossible? Maybe.
This part of the story is simple. It serves as a
hinge for the longer, more complex story of Paul
Berlin, and perhaps all the guys who stuck it out in
Paul Berlin. Fuckup Paul Berlin of Cacciato's
squad standing watch over Quang Ngai. Making
lime move. Asking questions. Infected with fear
biles. Concentrating, sustaining an idea: Cacciato
guiding them to Paris. Possibly.
These are just two names. There are others.
"Some known in lull, some in part, some hot at
The central issue in this novel is courage-the will
power to defeat fear.
This is a book of agony, war. It is about the
things of war, not just Vietnam, but all wars:
names, places, fear, bravery, death, life, life after
death, reality, imagination, escape, jokes, cowardice,
running, stories.
At one point in the book, after the squad has
been released from their first arrest in Tehran, the
Doc talks with an Iranian soldierTt pisses me off
to hear everybody say how special Nam is, how it
is a big aberration in the history of American wars-
how for the soldier it's somehow different from
Korea or World War Two. Follow me? I'm saying
that the feel of war is the same in Nam or
Okinawa- the emotions are the same, the same
fundamental stuff is seen and remembered (p.
There are two things I would like I fir you to
remember when you read Going After Cacciato: 1)
structure and 2) tone.
The structure of the novel is fully realized and
carries more weight when you have finished
reading. Its force resonates. The novel has 46
chapters- most are sell-eontamed and expertly
written. Most are matter of fact. Some involve
tricky trapeze work- or as one chapter is titled, A
Stretch of the Imagination.
The novel pivots on time, imagination, and
reality. The feeling is of "a movement of
consciousness in and out 24 chapters are written
in Paul Berlin's reality. 16 chapters are written in
Paul Berlin's imagination. 3 chapters combine
imagination and reality. 18 chapters are set in his
past. 9 chapters are set in his present.
Keys to structure are throughout the novel, but
probably the best statement of. what author Tim
O'Brien has done is on page 248: "Order was the
hard part. The facts even when beaded on a chain
still did not have real order. Events did not flow.
The facts were separate and haphazard and random,
even as they happened, episodic, broken, no smooth
transitions, no sense of events unfolding from prior
And also, later on page 338 when Paul Berlin is
thinking about his War stories: "What remained
was simple event. The facts, the physical things.
A war like any war. No new messages. Stories
that began and ended without transition. No
developing drama or tension or direction. No
Out of this disorder O'Brien tried hard and
succeeded, I think, to make the pieces fit and keep
ihings straight ? helping us with the trouble of
Although structure is pre-eminent in Going After
- - -? ? -
Cacciato, there are a lot ol other goodies ,0 bt.
savored. I'll leave most of them for you ,o
discover. But before 1 talk about tone, I would like
to briefly mention stvle and imagery
The style of the book ,s dcnvaUv, of Crane
perhaps, and Hemingway, ol course. The sentences
Zlonir M?Sl ari "g"?-ward and
Two memorable tornis o? imagery are the bght
and dark imagery ?, e clouds, the tunnels, fhe
moon, and Cacc.ato ? face, aml ? (
'?' ? Ocean, ,he ram, the paddies, and the Idled
bomb craters called Lake Countrv.
The style ,s sharp, precise, "ami the irnagerv ?
?lark and often obscured. These dev ,ces eslabhs
OBriens lonc. ,t t ,rom. ?
P-s,n?s?c - ,he kmd of pcss.mism ,hat 'wei'
?low your ches, and lungs and forces short sobbmc
brealhs. It ,s hope.ul, surprisingly oplimis!lc J'J
kind o optimism that makes you lightheaded, makel
you wh.s.le and K,ggll amj ?unk of ??e,
many possibilities. r ?"?mios,
The tone is mostly honest honest ,eel,ntts
laul Berlin calls h,s War stones "so so
obv.ous and corny, that i? speak of T J2
J-mbarrass,ng a few stupid war storie"
hackneyed and unprolound (page 338)
And I believe and feel too when he savs "I
knew what I was getting into. I knew i,, be
unpleasant And 1 made promises wh ihft full The were made freely
irue, the moral climate was imperfect; there were
pressures constraints, but nonetheless, I m,de
binding choices. Again, th.s has nothing whatever to
do with poht,cs or principle or matters of
My obligation ,s lo people (pages 367-8).
I018"1. rea?l, fantasv. What were the
rsWMSr,he poss'bi,i"es no-?

24 May 1979 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 5
Bacharach releases new Women album
B) Jell Rollins
I'n iids Editor
Hun Bacharach, a
uh popular
a" as Promises
"Do You
lh "?) to San
and who also
scd the score tor
"Butch Cas-
! !l Sundance
gotten to-
ith the Houston
1 Orchestra to
music com-
ranged and
1 h) himself.
"ii this al-
leel ol the
m modern
at; ii i. an
' Martingh re-
lied Woman an,I on the
ver a beautiful bru-
nette gazes at hersell in
Jhe mirror. In the song
Woman" Bacharach
enords and
Him i- enti-
loveiy, jazzy,
romantic heights; he
uses ric'
Riverboat" is about
A ?ol river in Jul) and
ilf melod) winds about
slow I) like the course of
" river. Bacharach lakes
?i traditional melod) and
strctche it to ihe point
sounding ultra-modern.
Magdalena" is a
wonderlul fusion ol, jazz and that
J llr i esl qua ol Hurt
Bacharach's. The piece
- large and emotionall)
?oing. Bacharach
proves in this song that
can compose more
ihan merely competent-
New York Lady" is
a sophisticated, very
rhythmic piece that
comes as close to being
funk) as Bacharach ever
will. V arren Leuning
and Bobb) Shew de-
serve praise lor their
trumpet work in this
number. John Phillips
does a tremendous alto
? ? In fact the entire
brass comes across very
eflectivel) in this piece.
I here is Time" is
lovel), including several
pretl) solos bv violins
and woodwinds. It is
driven bv a two-beat
and a neat phrase
which Bacharach repeats
over and over. Late in
the number he included
a soprano, a la modern
jazz. It is a beautiful
"The Dancing Fool"
doesn't come oil with
the same understated
brilliance that 'Then- is
Time" does but. It's
loo much, loo loudlv loo
quickly ? the boring
theme kills it.
I Live in the
W oods" is Bacharach
excelling in the Dionne
V arw it k genre, but this
song i, again, more
modern sounding. Carlv
Simon sings this song
and she does it reallv
well. Her interpretation
l iin- ng earns the
album its name.
Burl Bacharach is
progressing a- a com-
poser and this album is
hi newest music. Il 's
Rossellini retrospective slated
films ol
lb reitor
llini will
ii iug
ll I V .
? 111. S. C.
i ill rei ;
" will
arm ing in 20 vears, he
ha- alreadv been.
Olhei i ri! it - and -t lu-
lar? -non joined in the
renewed appreciation ol
Italian master, so
I o d a v o be r t o
II in i- widelv con-
ed l" have had a
und unpacl on the
niMorv n
? -
-I da
ttossellini wa- in'eplv
env in ui-
ll arlv Ii
ng In;
i-iln it v
? .ii rii-
kv Inch I tic
dram a-
I i : - OI s I .
I 1950, he
i "N. f I 11 I t I V
i -r
only bv examining lu
l?r . Hi- i-ual -tv le
iin huh l extensive use
"I the zoom lens as a
mean- ol extending real
spa e beyond the limii-
ol the Irame. Hv ex-
panding the v i-uai euv i-
ronuii ui and bv remov-
ing ? outempi ?rary life
Irom his I iim Rossel-
lini gave v icwer- almost
unlimited Ireedom with
w Iin h to interpret I he
event- ol ea h film.
- lurlhei evidence
"I hi- laciiialion with
?I teal sell iug
Koelbni said thai his
lilm- -hould be en
nl in I he eonveulnmal
order ol i he11 chronol-
ogy bill in the ordei ol
I hen historical sell ing
I he lelrospei live ul
Spole In '7 will do
bot ll. I he I n -I -even
day - will ii aee the
c v ol u 11 on ol ihe artist,
ami the loiu inf emhl
day- will repeal ihe
lilm- ol the lirsl seven
das - (and add -nine
additional titles), all
arranged into a hislori
ial -e,uelli e.
General admis-nm
It' kels lot the Rtis-elbni
lilm- will be sold lot .i
'?nly al the door during
the Festival.
al -uliieels. t;
( .
- N ?
I ? lard
Bo- - e 111111
; a-j ? lean
YardSale -9 a.m. on Saturday
May 26 at 215 Beth St. across
from Cherry Oaks Tennis Courts.
Furniture, small appliances,
and clothing for sale.
On jth St. across from
i he Book Barn
(rood Food
& Good People
cgftarian diets
MonSat. 11a.m9p.m.
at the
d V Room???
575 ftii entire lir-t
ion. 1!2 miles
11 urn am pus. I til-
(male-) call 758-
25 draft
50 bottle
wine 40 (ladies 25)
2713 E. 10th St.
wed -in, a m. - ?) ACTIVITIES AND
Bacharach and Houston Symphony Orchestra
Ias. 8:00 p.m Hrndrixlhealre, Menilenhall
Slu.l.iil Ct-nlcr. ICU II) and Aclivil) Card necessary.
Ma; The Three Musketeers"
Jane i "The Fnur Muskeleers"
June II I In- Omen
June 1H "Take The Mone) .iiul Run"
line Jo
Jul 2
Juh 9
Jul If.
Juh 23
Jul ii
Silenl Movie"
Phantom l Paradise1
M A S H"
Murder on the Orient Express1
1 he Sting"
l)eli cram i
Trends writers
phone 757-6366
pregnancy test birth control and
problem pregnancy counseling For
further information call 832-0535 (toll-
tree number 800-221-2568) between
9AM-5PM weekdays
Raleigh Women's Health
917 West Morgan St.
Raieigh, N.C. 27603
112 E Fifth Street
758 7099
?tourquoise & Indian
?metal and solid brass
belt buckles
?do it yourself
leather kits
I" di-counl
weln when
I'lenl In l(j
10-5:30 Won Sat
10-1:00 Wed.
?JcfJff 4i A? "1
'T T T T T N r
Phi Beta Lambda
fund-raiser with
Summer rental fee
only 810 per session.
A ?1? deposit is
also required.
Your deposit will be
refunded when you
return your
Call 757-6611 ex. 215,
or eome by the SGA
offiee in Mendenltall.
? ' f f

Page 6 KJUNTAINHFAD 24 M.iy 1979
elton, Payne chosen as new
isketball assistant coaches
N?'v KCI oarh Daw Odom
ply Sports
Sam Rogers
Pirates announce
final signers
ll l ,?I,t?o,?1 ?d (.eorpe Waynor h1, rrlurn next season
SID office to offer first
Sports Media Seminar SEMINAR
I- a
?.i and
i .mi. Ji ihn Ju-iu sports
if I Ntl-Vt K. II
S a 111 r 11 H ?s j i
' 1
A I Will
1 n ?.
" i I ' l if. t. i
? I I
iii r.?i
? ' I News
, ni tiif
?iilfir ihf
iikI i Inrmei , t
' i ittfii.l
Pr,?gi am m, ludes
? Li .i 'Til ti r c ad"
I M i ? 11
m ami t; iii (1 - stand ml. P hall
I al I ? v. i ni iiunicriHi KaI Carolina il hlete
.1 ! II11 ? 111 I n ? r- ' ? t I ' ? K I i. ?
- iml laboratory sesinn will he held in iht
t-moiicrn pre.x : n it Ficklen Stadium
.in tin I i l Carolina ianiiu
? i linn ni i- limited to Inn, niih doi mil
students registering leu S125, which includes
instruction. meals and lodging Da students registei
loi S75, which includes all instruction ami lunch
dailv 135 nun refundable deposit is required
iilieations ma be obtained through the Spi
Inlormation Oit?? Minges Coliseum Kii
(Carolina I diversity, Greenville, 4 or bv
calling .57 6491
JULY 15-20,1979

24 May 1979 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 7
Intramural activities begin for summer
Co-Rec softball is a popular intramural sport at ECU
Needs You
needs sportwriters
for the summer
Call 757-6366
Ramembar, your ayaglost and contact
lans prescription it yours I
Vqb ?nwn America Op-
tical try color mngtas
ttniov (glass Jamti) wr, X
proMriptiap and on ottroc
tn MHCtwn of 70 Moy
Any typo American Op-
tical trut color bifocal C
wngtoists. any prtscrip- '
tion (gloss knstsi and
on ettroclwt solaction of
70 Amncon moot fronos.
Linattss stylos not mciud-
VngU ?inor white
glow lento and an at
tractive selection ok 30
American mode fromet Complete
Any type bifocal with
wh.l? glats lonMI ond SOSS
an attractive laiartion " ? B
on omoctivo tetection
of 3D Amoncon modo
Imeieu ttyte not included
Contact Lenses by ?!?i!Zjil5Z,lt?0'
Phyetctens Ouadranota Building A
752-1446 1705 w. eth st.
WED.f A.M1P.M.
10 Discount;
To E. G. U. Stwtte ?ta
rhe Intramural-Recreation Department at East
Carolina offers an exciting and challenging schedule
ol activities for the summer sessions. Emphasis is
being placed upon "something for everyone and
"lun lor all
We arc lring to stress the enjoyment gained
through social and physical activity, rather than the
significance of playing to win said Nancy Mize,
Associate Intramural Director. "We want the
students to know that our program is designed for
them and we arc sincere!) concerned about the
iiualit) ol the program offered
Co Rec Activities are plentiful throughout the
summer. Favorite team sports of softball and
volleyball arc offered, as well as the traditional
tennis and racketball mixed doubles. Official rules
will govern plav with a lew modifications to insure
equality and fun lor all participants.
Swimming parlies and Fun Runs are scheduled
several days, and are designed to provide a
recreational opportunity in a somewhat competitive
No special skills are required for any activities
awA everyone i welcome to join in the fun.
The Great Comic Race is slated for Friday, June
15th at 2 p.m. on the might) Tar River. The
distance will be approximately 3-5 miles, canoes
will be provided, and participants can expect to get
wet Watch the paper lor additional information
regarding this unique activitv.
Family Fun Festivities have been planned for all
ECU students, faculty, staff, and all family members
arc invited to come. These opportunities will occur
ever) other Wednesday night, beginning May 23rd,
Ironi 7-9 p.m. in Memorial Gym and Pool.
Activities will include volleyball, basketball,
badminton, horseshoes, and swimming. Couples with
voiing children are encouraged to attend, and
a babysitter wjj De provided to play with the
The Physical Fitness Club will continue
throughout the summer. This involves an oppor-
tunity to accumulate mileage by walking, jogging,
biking, andor swimming.
I he mileage logged by the participants an
recorded bv the 1M staff. Goals are established,
either 100 500, or 1000 miles, and T-Shirts are
awarded lor each goal attained.
ll'is is an excellent incentive to get into an
exercise routine to shape up and slim down tor the
bathing suit mouth ahead.
Equipment Check-Oul is available in Memorial
Gym and bv calling ext. 6911. All types ol
recreational equipment may be checked out with a
valid ECU ID and activitv card.
Court Field Reservation opportunities are avail-
able also through the Equipment Room in Memorial
Gym, and bv calling ext. 0911.
II yu arc planning an outing, picnic, softball
get-together, or jus! a lun day, please give u u
the lemininc wav
to exercise"
Call Sunshine

lor a better vou ' J
Call Sunshine ?
758-073O I
Bring this i ipoi .irei P!ay
i G.lines foi 01 ? S I ri0
.ii' QufiStS.i
Pel p,
10th St. extention
Besirx Ktvei lii: Apts
Green ??'?? N '
758 1820
Monday thru Thursday
$ 1.25 & up
30' draft (12oz)
with the purchase of any dinner
?fc. Jr. Sirloin Dinner
includes baked potato
or fries and toast.
Offer good thru May 30,1979
2903 E10th
r ? m 4? ?? ?
? ?-???' ?
?? ?i


T 1 1 ' ' 1
Page 8 FOUNTAINHEAD 24 May 1979
Little resigns; Baird appointed
I itsi Carolina Ath- ?
- Director Bill Cain
Uula appointed Hal
Baird a- ih? school's
id baseball coach,
u? i ceding Monte Little
utin resigned Saturday
return tu graduate
M'htMtl al Middle lYn-
- ??? State.
Baird, 29, has
i seasons
il' a? associate
i the Pirates,
m ank uith
tail l he
piu'hers have an-
ranked among
hesl and
g the
ili in the
NCAA aii-si. - in
Hi- - a six vcar ct-
pro baseball
car- was
10- m an
v with
tut za l ions
- an excellent
h and U
mean a lot to our
program aid Cain.
"He has been a part of
East Carolina baseball
lor a long time, both as
a player ami a coach. 1
feel fortunate that we
have a man ol his
i alibre to load out
baseball program lor
the future
A tidtiw of Peters-
burg, Va Baird set
several pitching records
while hurling two ears
lor the Pirates ami is
-till listed among the
lop pitchers in num-
erous catagories.
East Carolina base-
ball has meant a lot to
me, said Baird, "and
I'm glad to have this
opportunity. We haw
had onl) two losing
seasons in throe dec-
ades, so I know Pirate
lans aro used lo seeing
a winner. I will work to
see that that continues.
urking with Mon-
te Little the past three
seasons has boon a
Women's funds
to include
travel expenses?
B Deborah Duff)
I'KWKL MONK. High school boys who are
lils gel it. Girl athletes don't.
ti'l stop schools from paving for
il arit players.
Rerruitiin; high school women ma not have
g process hut throe or four
hi ami high telephone bills
immon, according to Gloria
- ithletii director at the University of
ive travel paid when the
nent trip but are forbidden
ganization rules to speak to
. at ents w hile on the trips.
ivel a long distance to see an
hen not be able to speak to her. so
Biiu? little scouting i done, videotapes are a
talent tor women's programs.
igh schools with no videotape
ise tamilies can't afford to pay for
nlv hone college coaches will
mi action.
? Inn identif) talent, we can make contact,
without monej doesn't get a chance
- - us. A reall) good brochure may
and thai troubles me. She may not
coach when she gets here
I) ol Kentucky has had NCAA
for violating recruiting rules for
reamsler doesn't see this as setting a
!i. Feamster, whose 1978-79 athletic
ore than twice that administered by Rav
irgues that the travel money ban for
step lias to be paid visits. Without
- riminate againsl the poor and middle
- who need to see us so they can
Is. 1 think we'll see this changed
she -aid.
ECU's McPhatte,
in National meet
hoi Lasl Carolina's
MePhalter, the
getting big-
week it
?1 r, a junior
I, is the
Carolina wo-
quality lo run in
- - VI W track
woman's nu-
ullegiate champ-
hip, hero.
I tit biggest meet
ever boon in before
tin- championship was
ihi loin Black Claic
al I rnineo last Satur-
day MePhatter said.
The bright-eyed
speedster with a big
smile is hoping for a
berth in tlte finals in
ihi- moot but realizes
what that will require.
M personal record
is a 2:09.4 which I ran
at Maryland about a
month ago she said.
"1 think it will take a
2:05 or 2:06 to place,
but with the training
I've been doing I think
my time can come
down. I just hope it
comes lar enough
MePhatter had come
a long wav just to make
the AlAVi meet. SHe
didn't even run the 800
meters until this year,
and bettered a stiffened
qualifying standard over
the one which prevailed
a year ago.
"I ran the 400
meters until this year
she said. "But 1 like
the 800 better. There is
more time to work the
race and think about
what I'm doing. 1 don't
like to lead. I'd rather
settle in close to the
fronl and then plan
when I should kick.
If I can run a good
first 400 and a smooth
600, I'll put it on the
last 200 meters. If I can
slay close with the pace
then I think I can have
the kick to finish well.
"I see all the olher
runners in a race and
that affects me some,
but I have to con-
centrate on running
Cookie's race.
She will run trials
on Thursday afternoon
with the semifinals set
for Friday and the final
set for Saturday, all on
ihe Michigan State
track. Cal State-North-
ridge is the favorite to
successfully defend its
team championship in
the event.
great experience. He is
a good baseball man
and will be missed
Little coached the
Pirates three seasons lo
an 82-49 record and a
berth in the NCAA
playoffs in 1977. His
lirsl team won the
Southern Conference
championship in the
school's last year in the
Baird holds his un
dergraduate and
m filter's degrees in
phvsical education from
h asl Carolina and re-
mains ?on the physical
education faculty. He is
married lo the former
Jaine Megee.
Like Sports?
Why not write about it
needs sportswriters
for the summer
Call 757-6366
Thursday Night Family Special
FLOUNDER ?????????????????$3.25
Shrimp, Oysters, Flounder,
FRIDAYS Ds?if.rpb"
40AA No reord on Crabs
ICWHI or Scallop.
a .? All dinners served
SulIOOQ wtn FF? Col?s,aw'
and Hash Puppies.
m , NO TAKE OUT- m m
???on specials ???
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Car Care Servic
Your Automotive
& Tire Needs
CALL 756-5244
iPGOOdtieh Coggins Car Care
VUh, H ,Hv7l I
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Ml AJM8 P.M.
320 Wist finmille IN.
m kMAM ?M

)C fi
This summer THE TREE
and CHANGING their Menu.
Due to daylight savings time,
our kitchen will be open until
1:00 am on week-ends
Sat & Sun. "Harold Morton"
Mon. "Home Town Boys"
Tues. "Ladies Nite with "Ed Collevecchio"
Complete Smoking
Systems For The
Connoisseur Collector
218-D E. 5th Street
University Arcade
Greenville, N. C.
r ? ? ? t t t
?? , ???????
4 k

Fountainhead, May 24, 1979
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
May 24, 1979
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