Fountainhead, April 12, 1979

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Circulation 10,000
Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
Vol. 55 No. f
TMSVi) ?
12 April 1979
SGA and WOOW t
begin transit report
7 ,
"IE .979 ISSUES ?f the Rebel are here, and this is .hat the cover looks Hkl
Free to students
Vssistanl News Editor
The Rebel, ECU's literary-art magazine, has
on campus and is being distributed to
according to Editor Luke Whisnant.
he eighty-page magazine features poetrv, prose
art gHhy, and illustrations bv ECU
students and other members of the University
Past Rebels ,av, won the top awards in national
colU ge magazine competitions, according to
rnwnan?- deluding Ail-American awards from the
A-?KatedCoii Press. Us. year's ,ssue was
rated number two ,n the nation by the Society for
we're hoping that this year's
well received said Whisnant,
worked on the Rebel staff for the pasr
three years.
rig to hear some criticism lor
he same format as last year said Associate
Robert Jones. But we have thrown in a few
Basically, the magazine speaks for itself1 he
'That , right Whisnant agreed, "We're hoping
a -I students will up a copy and see what
v e. been sPenting their fees on all year " '
r'f ??"?? reviewed in Fountainhead's
(se Fountainhead Mar. 28). Among the works
this ? are poems by Sim Wright
Sue Aydelette, S Phillip Miles, and Jo Ellen
R.venbark; fiction by Terry Davis, David
an,d K,m and illustrations by Bill Brockman!
?ane Leake, and David Norris.
arrives on campus
Artwork in the -gallery section features Kav
Parks Roxanne Reep, Robert Dick, John Morns,
and Kobin Smgle'on.
Senior painting major Jeff Fleming did the cover
piece which is entitled, "Chicken Raising Made
roster 7?" $2? IO k,n that Hamn
Whisnant said that this year's staff has been the
best he has worked with in his three years of Rebel
produCtl Assocate Editors this year were Karen
Brock, Renee D.xon, and Robert Jones. Wendy
Dixon was the Rebel Business Assistant, and Susy
l.neston handled the proofreading
The Rebel is free to all ECU student, The
magazine will be distributed to various parts of the
campus this week, with delivery to dorm
rountainhead boxes scheduled for early next week
Anyone ould like a copy before then may
Mop by the Rebel office in the Publications Center'
across from Joyner Library.
Staff Writer
Starting Friday
morning at 7:30 a.m
Greenville radio station
WOOW (13 on the AM
dial) began a new
service for ECU stu-
dents that ride the SGA
transit buses. The
broadcasts are called
"the WOOW transit
report" and they in-
clude information on the
status of the buses that
serve the various
There will not be
any information broad-
cast at the bottom of
the hour if all the
buses are in good order
and are running their
schedules on time. So if
you tune into WOOW
tomorrow morning at
7:30 and hear nothing
concerning the Transit
buses, then be assured
that all are running on
schedule and your
respective bus will be
Charlie Sherrod,
SG.Vs Acting President,
contacted WOOW's
General Manager,
Danny Jacobson, last
Wednesday to see if
such a service could be
implemented o that
Transit riders could be
better informed about
the buses. "Waiting for
the bus that does not
show has been a legit-
imate gripe for a long
time said Sherrod.
"With this radio report
at the bottom of the
hour, transit riders will
be assured that their
bus will or will not
fulfill its mission on
their respective routes
"Mr. Jacobson and I
have made it possible
for riders to be in-
formed of transit
problems and that they
may act accordingly
"WOOW is happy
that we can assist The
Student Government
Association's Transit
system as they try to
keep students
informed said Jacob-
son. "This service is
part of our continuing
commitment to ECU
and the community
Joe Bullard, SGA's
Transit Manager, has
instructed his drivers to
report any major prob-
lems that will affect
completion of their
routes to WOOW's
transit report. Bullard
has coded the drivers
so that when they file
trouble reports there
will be no confusion as
to where the trouble
report is authentic.
"If a student on our
routes waits for a bus
and it does not show,
then the student right-
full) gets frustrated "
?aid Bullard. "This '
WOOW Transit Report
will end that frustration
and show our riders we
care about them per-
To learn the status
of the buses on your
routes, listen to WOOW
(13 on the AM at
the bottom of the hour
for trouble reports. If
you hear no broadcast
?l bus troubles, then
your bus is running
smoothly and is on the
What's Inside.
For a review of the recent Delbert McCl.nton
concert, see p. 6.
Martial arts-and being a fighter, see p. 6.
Comic convention planned at Roxv, see p. 12.
For a review of the George Plimpton Speech
see p. 12.
J Pirates chae championship, see p. 12.
SGA Banquet held, see p. 3.
Board discusses
Photo Lab work
Copies of The
Rebel may also
be picked up at
the Fountainhead
office from 9-5
or call
Lauffergoes barefoot
Bv MIKE ROGERS : . ? .
Assistant News Editor
EC! will be
hosting a festival of
interesting activities on
pril 17, and the
woman behind it all if
Laura Lauffer.
Lautlrr, a senior at
Rose High who is
completing her executive
internship at ECU,
explained Barefoot On
The Mall.
"This festival is just
about everyting you
could think of. We will
have Toad the Mime,
who does body
readings, face paintings,
and of course mimes!
We will also have Play
Fair, which is a game
for adults. We'll also
have a jazz ensemble,
Vintage Grass (blue-
grass band), doggers,
various coffeehouse
entertainments, Marcella
Ruble Rook, who is a
palm reader and psychic
demonstrator, and many
other various' activities
said Lauffer.
Afternoon son on the mall turns an arrangement of
leaves and muddy water into a silver eye-dazzler.
Assistant News Editor
In Tuesday's meeting
of the Media Board,
the Rebel and the
alterations to the Photo
Lab were the chief
topics of discussion.
Renovations to the
Photo Lab was a topic
which has come up
before. The staff of the
Photo Lab feels it is
necessary to remodel
the Lab, and it is
generally agreed that
the changes are neces-
sary. ?
Originally the Lab
was designed for the
use of only one person,
and was separated into
"cubbyholes according
to Pete Podeszwa, head
photographer of the
Photo Lab.
The Lab staff had
wished to get a decision
on the matter before
school closes, because
any alterations will have
to be done during the
The staff had arran
ged with campus
maintenance that if
their carpenters could
tear down the walls, the
lab staff would build
new walls and cabinets
in the lab.
The Media Board
decided to wait before
making a decision so
that they could see how
the lab renovations
would fit into the new
Luke Whisnant, edi-
tor of the Rebel,
announced that
the Rebel has ueen
printed and will be
available for distribution
this week. (See article
page 1).
The Rebel also
requested and received
a $69 appropriation to
be used in distributing
the Rebel.
Whisnant also sug-
gestged that a bolume
be gathered called"the
Best of the Rebel He
said that past issues of
the Rebel had a store-
house of excellent
articles and artwork was
not being used ot its
As an example he
cited an interview which
appeared in 12 in the
Rebel with then Attor-
ney General Robert
whisnant aid that
the manuscript . ould be
prepared it. tUu months
and be read) for
publication whenever
the monev was avail-
The Board decided it
needed more informa-
tion and asked thai it
be brought up again at
a future meeting.
In other business the
Board re-appointed Dr.
Thomas Eamoiis as the
iacultv representative
for The Media Board.
Dr. Eamoiis' first term
of office cpricd Mar
The Board then went
into closed executive
session with the editor-
ial board of Fountain-
head to discuss the
newspaper's operations
-? - uust OI excellent newspaper's operations
Mallory scholarship announced at MRC banquet
Mallory at the recent MRC banquet.
photo by John H. Grogaa
Advertising Manager
Cn?nVh feCent Men's Residence
Council banquet outgoing MRC '
President Gerry Wallace8 officially
announced the creation of the James
B. Mallory Scholarship.
'??? ag0 we decided to start
an MRC funded scholarship said
Wallace. It came to mind that we
needed a name for the scholarship,
and I knew from day one what we
wanted to name it
Wallace said that he felt Associate
Dean of Student Affairs Mallory has
been a phenominal success at
everything he has touched.
The $250 scholarship will be
awarded each Spring to a male dorm
student who has excelled academi-
cally and in extracurriculars as well.
Mallory, deeply touched by the
honor, addressed the MRC to express
his thanks.
"I appreciate it from the bottom
of my hear said Mallory.
Mallory offered praise to the MRC
and cited the contributions that the
MRC has made to the University.
"The administration appreciates
the concern for the students that the
MRC has shown said Mallory.
Mallory said that the MRC
"truly" represents the men on the
Wallace commented that he felt
the MRC has had a very
successful year in establishing
new committees and programs.
Wallace cited the crackdown on
vandalism, establishment of a food
service committee, a grounds
committee, and study halls as the
major accomplishments of the MRC
this year.
MRC Fund Raiser
Recently Scott, Belk, Fletcher, and
Greene dorms sponsored a social to
raise money for the Heart Fund. This
was reportedly the first "four-dorm"
social ECU has ever had as a fund
According to Gr.dy Dickerson,
MKL vice-president, over 90 was
raised and donated to the Heart
"To my knowledge no other
dorms have ever done a fund raiser
in the form of a social said
Dickerson said that the MRC
decided to charge 25 cents admission
to the. soical and donate the proceeds
to the Heart Fund.
"We consulted with Alison Bartell
president of Fletcher dorm, and
Linda Creech, vice-president of
Greene dorm, and they agreed that it
was a worthw.le project so we did
it said Dickerson.
Dickerson said that he hopes this
will serve as an example for other
dorms to follow.
David Murray, former MRC seer-
etary, said that nearly 400 students
attended the social.
"We were very pleased with the
tremendous support that we got in
this undertaking said Murray.
Murray said that this was the
largest turnout ever for a social that
made it a prime opportunity to tie in
a fund raiser.
"We offered door prises, beer
and live entertainment; as a result
we bad an overwhelming turnout
Mid Murray.
"i ?? ? 4m r i ? j 4f
mm ? ,
?& s? m asr :
? " 'W H-Z.J, m,?. gjf.jf
'&3LMU3im. jl

Page 2 FOUNTAINHEAD 12 April 1979
Sig Tau
Sigma Tau Delta
(English Honor Society)
is once again recruiting
members. Anyone who
meets the following
qualifcations should
contact Myra Cain,
Brewster A-lll:
1. B Average in
English courses.
2. Rank in the
highest 35 percent of
your class in general
3. Completion of 3
semester or 5 quarters
ut college courses.
The East Carolina
Gay Community will
meet on Tuesday April
16. A film and discus-
sion have been planned.
Further plans wil also
be made lor the
upcoming fund raising
show scheduled for
Sundav April 29.
All members arc
urged to attend and any
interested persons are
welcome. The meeting
will be held at 608 E.
Ninth St. at 5 p.m.
Peace Corps has
opportunities for gradu-
ates in the areas of
Math, Science,Business,
Home Economics, Nutr-
ition, and most Medical
lields. If you are
interested in what Peace
Corps is doing today,
contact David Jenkins in
Room 425 Flanagan
Building or call
157-6586 for an appoin-
It could be the
toughest job you'll ever
love . . .
Car Wash
Car wash spon-
sored by TKE Little
Sisters. Saturday, April
21 from 10 a.m. - 2
p.m. at Carrow-Exxon,
Pitt Plaza.
Another boring Sat-
urday Why not go
bowling at Mendenhall?
You can rent a lane
from 12.00 noon until
6:00 PM for only $3.00.
Check out "Discount
day' every Monday
afternoon at the Men-
denhall Bowling Center.
From 1.00 PM until
1:00 PM, the price of
bowling is one-third
off. Don't miss this
opportunity to really
Try your luck
at Red Pin Bowling
from 7 :00 PM until
10:00 PM at Menden-
hall Bowling Center
each Sundav.
APRIL 17,1979
Toad the Mime
Jazz Ensemble
Toad the Mime
Coffeehouse Jam
Green Grass Cloggers
Vintage Grass
Come on out to the Mall,
off your shoes, and join in the fun!
The Society for
Collegiate Journalists
will hold its Spring
induction Tuesday, April
17 at 7:00 p.m. in
Sigma Tau Gamma
having their 2nd
Annual Beach Party and
Bikini Contest Tues.
night April 17th after
"Barefoot on the Mall"
at the ELBO Room.
Are you feeling
extremely happy during
these nice warm Spring
days? Come to Leader-
ship Class and learn
about Jesus Christ who
made happiness possible
for all who want it. It
is held in Brewster-D,
Rm 311, Thursday night
from 7-9. Sponsored by
Campus Crusade for
Dora Hernandez and
Karen Bruce will pre-
cnl their senior show
in Joy tier Library from
Vpr. 6-12. Works ex-
hibited will be primarily
i" clay and mixed
media. Karen Bruce will
he graduating with a
BFA in Ceramics and a
minor in Art History
and Dura Hernandez
will receive a BFA in
Ceramics with a minor
in Communications Art.
The ECU Comic
Book Club and the Roxy
are sponsoring the
Fourth Greenville Comic
Book Mini Convention
at the Roxy Theatre 629
Albemarle Ave. on
Sun April 22. The
admission is free to the
public, and anyone with
Comics, science fiction,
fantasy or related item
is encouraged to set up
to sell free of charge.
The convention will
start at 9 a.m. and last
til 6 p.m. All interested
persons are encouraged
to attend. For more
information, please call
758-6909 before 7 p.m.
The Mm
Tournamenl is in its
fourth week. and
not too late to join
I ompetitum Ea
a winner is di
and the c ompetit
begin- again
Each we. ki)
receive- a priz
his her choice,
at 115.00, fi
selection including
ners for two from
Tree House and I'
Inn and gilt
from Apple Records t
the Gazebo plu-
pases to Sport
and an Atari T-shirt
The kirand n
the competition
a new tO-speed "M
becane" bit y le ?.
at over $2 ? -
bike, on display , I
Bicycle Shop 2
Fifth Street. will
awarded to the
w ith the m OS I
-i "i-e- lor the en)
The competitii
sponsored b) Mend
hall Student Center, ?
end on Friday April 2
so go ahead and
you luck at it.
could be a winner!
Student Union Coffeehouse Committee
"The Tues. afternoon
patio jam on location"
on the ECU mall
next Tuesday at 5 p.m.
The Basset Mt. String Band
The jam it
jam u open to all musician, who wi,h to play
This event is part of "Barefoot on the Mall"
sponsored by the ECU Student Union
1976 500cc Kawasaki for
sale, excellent condition.
Has carry-all rack and
back rest. 2 new tires
go with it - $800. Call
758-0962 after 7 p.m. If
you call earlier, leave
name and no. with ans.
STEREO Equipment
available thru college
dealer. Check prices
before you buy else-
where. Call Michael
752-2601 (Stereo con-
sultant for Krasco)
FOR SALE: T shirts,
clothing, backpacks,
Bodas, 8 track tapes,
bandanas, sleeping
bags, hiking boots.
Friday 12-5, Sat. 8-5,
110 N. Jarvis St.
1973 MG MIDGET, new
paint. Radial tires, ex-
cellent mileage. $1750
Call 758-2704 after 5
turntable, min condition
- 5 mos. old, must sell,
price negotiable. 758-
FOR SALE: Pioneer
SX-650 receiver, perfect
condition, $175. Call
FOR SALE: 1 pair BIC
formula 4 speakers -
1180. Call 758-5252 or
come to 342 Garrett.
FOR SALE: 13.6 cu. ft.
refrigerator. Excellent
for house or apt. Call
Spring is here! Time for
that protrait you've
been thinking about.
Have it done OUT-
DOORS. Call 758-0962,
portraits by Pete Pod-
eszwa, also resume
pictures in black and
white, weddings and all
types of group shots.
April 20. Will be glad
to pay for gas, expen-
ses, etc. Call Donnie
Best or John Weyler at
NEEDED: 2 experienced
bartenders to work full
time in Atlantic Beach.
Must be 21. Also need
two experienced life-
guards; must have WSI.
Call Tom at 758-5553.
Choreographer needed
for local band. Secretary
(part-time) also needed
for band. Call Dan -
752-1715. If not there,
please leave message.
HELP! Rides des-
perately needed to
Concord Easter
weekend, to Charlotte
Easter weekend, to
Chapel Hill weekend of
for rent ?
like to rent a 1 B.R. or
share a 2 B.R. fur-
nished apt. at Tar River
Ests. for the summer.
Call Robin 758-9322.
ROOMMATE needed to
share mobile home at
Shady Knoll Trailer
Park, beginning May L
$75 mo. plus half
utilities and phone.
Contact Ronnie, 758-
sublease 1 B.R. apt. or
room for summer
andor fall. Call
Beverly, 752-0912.
apt. available for the
summer. Convenient
location to campus. $150
per mo. Call 758-0642.
for rent; Free Rooms
available for both
sessions of Summer
school. Part time work
required in exchange.
Contact Don Wilkerson
at 752-2101.
summer. $45 mo. incl
util. Walking distance
from campus. Call Mark
- 752-1839.
1 PERSON needed to
share apt. for summer.
1100 Charles St. Call
David 752-7727.
1 B.R. APT. for rent,
furnished, 5 blocks from
campus. $135 mo. Ideal
for 2 people. Available
May 8. Call 758-0112.
WANTED: 1 or 2
studious females share
house during summer.
Rent and util. Call
758-1412 between 6-11
NEED: Someone to
sublease apt. for the
summer, 2 B.R. for
$130-140 mo. Stove and
refrigerator provided.
Convenient location. Call
Terry King, 752-8879.
NEEDED: Female
roommates for summer.
2 B.R. townhouse apt.
at Stratford Arms.
Furnished, $95-100 mo.
incl. utilities. Call 756
FEMALE roommate
needed for next year
Own room (unfurnished)
in house 2 blocks from
campus. $50-67 mo
plus util. Call 758-3688
after 5.
to share ipl. ?. a
Biuff M.ypAugaR
758-9973. 'ndy ?
a. tu one BR
APt. to rent f
summer. Call 758-738
NEED Respond,
w?? ??; : 2
B R apt. a, Ea,bro
b Nl 1. Call -a
6750. ,58-
needed for l?i
summer school - fur
rushed room, 2 block.
?m campus $iqo for
, emre " plus
b-I. r1! ' lephone
b'H- Call 758-2840.
mates needed to share
an unfurnished room in
h?"e 2 blocks from
campus. Rent $50mo.
P'us 14 utilities. Call
758-3688 after 5.
NEED: A responsible
female roommate to
share a 2 B.R. apt. at
Eastbrook. Rent $63.
Call 758-5794 after 4
? ? ?
m f -m

12 April 1979 FQUNTAtNHEAD Pann 3
CJMj A -m 12 April 1979 FOUNTAINS
5rA awards presented at banqu
Assistant News Editor
The yearly SGA
banquet was held at the
Ramada Inn in Green-
ville on April 8.
Each year at this
banquet, legislators who
have contributed greatly
to the SGA are
presented with awards
commending their ach-
? ?? ?
??rit.AL FK1M? campus scene.
dozing our way through April.
The staff
Logo contest announced;
cash prize to be awarded
stant News Editor
irles Sune, Dres-
den! ol the Student
Union announced yester-
d: the Student
- nion is now accepting
intrants in it- Logo
Th 5l . lent Union is
redesigning its logo as
Dart its i ampaign to
?el ni recog-
Titi the SU.
"This is the first
-aid Sune. He
also commented4hjafc j
rn- -
ur said that
he felt the Student
n confused
with other organizations
on and he
? ssi d a strong de-
ir tif) this
situatioi S ? F -untain-
9, 1979.)
? n plan
solve our identit
Anyone tnaj enter
the logo contest, regard-
less oi whether or not
the are students at
ECl .
I" enter the appli-
cant must present a
sink" or "finished"
design of a new SU
l?g? to the Student
I nion office (room 234
Men den ha II) no later
than 5 o'clock on Fri-
day, Ma 11.
The selection of the
new log wiH De ma(j
SI president Charles
Sune, with the approval
f the Union
Programs Board and the
Student Union Board of
Directors by Ma 29
prize of S50 will be
presented to the person
whose logo is selected
as the winner of the
Students who are
interested in presenting
rna pick up
applications tMther at
the Student Inion office
or at the information
desk at Mendenhall
Student Center.
The Media Board!
of ECU is now! I
applications for
the following
Ebony Herald
Head Photographer
Photo Lab
General Manager
Contact the
office of Dean of
Student affairs
for details.
Deadline is
April 24
Short Sleeve Shirt
Izod & Munsingwear
All Men's
winter & summer
112 OFF
Gordon D. Fulp
Golf Professional
Greenville Country Club
Wl U MenofiA Qf
Phone JH ?M
Open 7 days a week until dart-
On 5th St. across from
the Book Barn
(food Food
& Good People
egetarian diets
MonSat. 1 la.m9p.m
New leather (xxket books
belts, and belt buckles.
Shiws repaired to look
like new.
II W. 4th St.
Downtown Greenville
Free pregnancy test, birth control and
problem pregnancy counseling For
further information call 832-0535 (toll-
free number 800-221-2568) between
9 A M -5 P M weekdays
Raleigh Women's Health
917 West Morgan St.
Raleigh, N.C. 27603
Howdy ECU Students "
Clip this coupon for
good Western Eatin'
offer good 'til 4-31-79?
Al Patrick, Chairman
of the Student Welfare
Commitee, was awarded
the Most Outstanding
Chairperson award.
There was a tie for
the award of best
legislator, so the award
was doubly awarded
both to Senior Class
President Nicky Francis
and Acting President of
the SGA Charlie Sher-
Several other more
comical awards were
presented to several of
the legislators.
Latane Farmer
given the award
having the most
prounced name.
received the award for
attending the Student
Welfare Commitee
Meetings and another
award for "Roaming the
Patrick Quinn was
given the award for the
person who called for
thr most adjournments.
Lynn Bell was given
the "Oops the copier
has chewed my minutes
again" award.
Charlie Sherrod
South Seas
Pet Shop
Greenville Square
MonSat. 12-9p.m.
? Come see "Buick" the Wonder Cat.
We now have Cocker Spaniels,
Pomeranians, Pekingese, Minature Poodles
Minature Dachshunds & Black Labs.
Part Time Jobs
We are looking for clean
cut young men who are
responsible and adult.
Some of the benefits are
free air conditioned room,
within walking distance
from campus, some part
time work available.
See if you qualify for the
best deal in town.
Call for appointment:
Don Wilkerson
Wilkerson Funeral Home
Term A, May2l-June8 ? Term B, June 11-29 ? Term C, July 9-27
Three week terms offer freedom to concentrate on one course
Small classes provide close contact with professors
Wide variety of courses , fully transferable to other institutions
Modern facilities, fully air-conditioned buildings including all dorms
Science English Math
Religion Spanish
History P.E.
J Name
I Address
Send me more on summer school
Social Studies J Mail to: Mount Olive College
Admissions Office
Mount Olive, NC 28365
Prices good through 4-14-79
Morton's Pot Pies4S1.00
S oz. package ????? e wv
(chicken, turkey, beef)
White Cloud73
Bathroom Tissue
4 roll pack
Cates Salad Cubes21.00
!6oz.lar m? wv
Del Monte Catsup fic
quart far m
Grade" A aa1H
whole Fryers 44Vlh.
California Lettuce38head
? -????-
Wf?o, -
' '
' ?' ;
' ?.? ??,
. 4 . A ,? jg
? . Kf 0 4L

Page 4 FOUNTAINHEAD 10 April 1979

Pave the 'flats first
on this
is exactly
spend the
The ECU Board of Trustees voted
last Saturday to raise parking fees by
an astounding 150 percent, and they
also raised dorm rentals by almost
$50.00 per year. These decisions tend
to fly in the face of the Carter
Administrations's plan of austerity in
this time of inflation. There is quite a
difference in a seven percent ceiling
on wages and prices, and a 150
percent increase in the cost of
operating an automobile
campus next fall.
Even more interesting
how the trustees intend to
money. 650 spaces around Minges
Coliseum will be paved, an expensive
study to analyze the parking needs of
East Carolina will be undertaken, and
finally, almost $9,000 will be spent on
"other parking needs
We feel that is ill-advised to spend
an estimated $300,000 on a parking
lot at Minges, before the verdict is in
on the proposed study of parking
conditions. A sense of priorities
should come into effect, and it should
be decided whether it would be more
advisable to pave the freshman
parking lots and the dirt lots around
Mendenhall before parking spaces are
constructed at Minges Coliseum.
Minges will only be in use one or
two days a week at the most. the
freshman lots are filled every day.
Also, the question of parking fees
for the use of a few comes into play.
We find that the Athletic Department
will incur "part of the cost" of the
paving of the lot. How much, in
dollars and cents, is "part of the
What if the study, after it is
completed, states that the last thing
East Carolina University needs is a lot
at Minges? What if it says that what
we need to do is to build a hugh lot
where the mudflats are now? We will
have spent $300,000 for something
that a traffic engineering firm has
said is not necessary.
Dorm rent is going up, as well.
The total of $524 will pay for salary
increases, utilities, capital improve-
ments, and supplies and equipment.
A priority needs to be set in this
case, which was not touched on at
the meeting. Several of the dorms
have antique wiring, which needs to
be replaced.Nightly short outs occur in
the men's dorms on College Hill, but
after there is an electrical fire due to
bad wiring-after there is a loss of
life, it will be too late.
The only expenditure in the long
list of parking fee revenues that is
advisable is the hiring of another
security officer for the campus police.
The police are in need of more
manpower to protect and to serve the
students here.
The news from the trustees
meeting was not all bad, however.
After absolutely no debate, the
Trustees decided to reduce the cost of
the student bicycle registration fee.
You will now be able to ride a bike
on" this campus for four years, for
only $1.00. It's a good thing, too.
After you finish paying $25.00 for a
permit to drive on campus, you won't
have any money left over for gas.
Lefler asks for patience
To Fountainhead:
This is an open
appeal to all studeni
ol East Carolina to not
lose confidence in their
Student Government.
Since an appeal of the
Review Board decision
has been filed, I can
take no action as SGA
President until it is
settled. And zi inyrnf
to abide by that. I do
not feel it is ethical to
discuss the situation
while an appeal is
pending. However,
many students have
come to me concerned
and unclear about the
present situation. With
Serving the East Carolina community lor over 50 years
NEWS EDITORS Merc Barnes Luke WhiaruntAssistant Advertising Haneger Tarry Harndon
Assistant Maws EditorsAdvertising Salesman
R'Chy SmithPaul Uncke
Karan Wcndt
Mika RogersChiel Ad Artist
Jaff RollinsTfpemttm Mary Storey
Assistant T rands EditorsSue Hut lord
Barry Clayton
Bill JonasProofreaders Detdre Deiahunty
SPORTS EDITOR Sam RogarsSue Johnson Cindy Caveneas Cartoonists
Assistant Sports Editor
CharkM ChandlerBarry Clayton
FOUNTAINHEAD is the student
newspaper ol East Carolina University
sponsored by the Madia Board ol
ECU and is distributed each Tuesday
and Thursday during the academic
year (weekly during the summer).
Editorial opinions ara those ol the
Editorial Board and do not necessari-
ly reflect the opinions si the
university or the Madia Board.
Oilices ara located en the saeond
lloor ol the Publications Cantor (Old
South Building). Oar nailing
addrasa is: Old Sooth Building.
ECU, Greenville, N.C. 27134
The phono numbers are:
?? ,37' ???? ?ebacrlptlena
are $10 annually, alumni SB annually.
this I would like to
make two facts perfectly
First, I would rather
win by a run-off than
by disqualification of my
opponent. But I would
also like for all
candidates to follow the
rules as set down by
the Legislature so that
no disqualification would
have to take place.
Second, although Miss
Joan O'Donnell is a
roommate of mine, she
was NOT on my list of
workers. In no way did
she help in my
campaign. She was
listed on Mr. Melvin's
list of workers.
As I said before, I
do not feel it is
appropriate at this time
to go into any furth er
details while an appeal
is pending. But I did
feel the need to make
these two facts perfectly
clear due to the obvious
student concern.
Again, I ask all
students to continue
having faith in student
government. The elec-
tion results will be final
soon and SGA can once
more move into positive
actions for the students.
I am continuing to have
faith in the students of
this campus and God.
After all, if God can
move a mountain,
surely he can help East
Carolina's SGA.
Also, Mr. Charlie
Sherrod is acting
President and would be
giad to help anyone in
any aspect of SGA. Mr.
Sherrod has been in
SGA for a year and is
very qualified to help
you with your problems.
Libby Lefler
Forum policy
Forum letters must contain the name, address,
phone number, and signature of the author(s) and
should be typed or neatly printed.
Letters are: subject to editing for brevity,
obscenity, and libel.
No more than three letters on any subject will
be printed in one issue. Letters should be limited to
three typewritten, double-spaced pages.
Letters must be received by noon, on Mondays
and Wednesdays at the FOUNTAINHEAD office,
second floor, Publications Center.
Authors names will be withheld only when
inclusion of the name will embarrass or subject to
ridicule the author (such as letters discussing
homosexuality, drug abuse, etc.).
Uppity Women
(Writer's note: Having
been active in the
women's movement for
equality for the last five
years, I have investigat-
ed many facets of
discrimination and un-
fair treatment regarding
women. However, I
cannot recall being
more shocked or sicken-
ed by any form of
unfair treatment of
women, than is reported
in the following.)
For as much diversity
in life-style and attitude
as have been evidenced
in members of the
lower-middle-and upper-
income classes, there is
a common element they
all share - approxim-
ately fifty percent of
intimate couples (maried
or unmarried), from all
income levels, engage
in some form of physi-
cal violence, i.e beat-
ing, torturing. It is
usually the women who
are the victims.
The fact that there
are more official records
of battered women from
low income levels, can
be atributed to the
reluctance of women in
higher income brackets,
to bring the police into
a doemstic matter. As
long as they can afford
a doctor, a psychiatrist,
a bus or plane ticket,
or a divorce lawyer,
these women usually
prefer not to report
their abuse to the
This information may
be shocking to many
readers, because the
problem of battered
women is not often
discussed, and appears
to be largely disregard-
ed by our society.
It was only 100
years ago, that wife-
beating was declared
illegal in this country,
in a land-mark decision
by an Alabama court.
Other states began to
hand down similar
rulings. However, until
1962, it was not
possible for a women to
bring a suit against her
husband for beating
her. The reason given
for denying women the
right to sue was that,
allegedly, the suit would
destroy the peace of the
home, and according to
a 1910 Supreme Court
ruling, "Would open
the doors of the courts
to accusations of all
sorts of one spouse
against another and
bring into public notice
complaints for assault,
slander and libel
Such insensitive atti-
tides are not so surpri-
sing when the historv of
the husband's right to
chastisement' is consid-
ered. English common
law, which was the
basis of U.S. law, gave
husbands the right to
'chastise' wives, child-
ren, and apprentice?. I:
English common law.
the legal concept
marriage was that
two became one in th
eyes of the law. T
prevented a woman
from suing herban ?
since the two w ?
considered, to be m
and it is not possible I
sue yourself. In Orienta
countries, the conditi
for females were m
worse in earlier times-
Oriental women had
rights, and at one tirm
newborn babv girls-
were murdered at birth
because they were
considered worthier
Chinese women's fee:
were bound at earlv
age, which crippled
them so they could not
There are apparent!)
a lot of people toda
who still believe that a
man has a right to beat
his wife.
Pop's People
by Larry Popelka
'Let's face it, student
government is for the
At most schools new
student leaders are
elected annually, j ad
every year, it seems,
despite campaign prom-
ises, they end up doing
practically nothing to
improve the average
student's life.
They can pass
resolutions, make pro-
posals and do a lot of
tailing, but have they
ever lowered our
tuition? Improved our
living conditions? Or
made us happier stu-
None of this, of
course, is the student
government's fault. In
most cases student
governments are literally
powerless, with nothing
to do but toss around a
few thousand dollars in
student funds.
Things were about
the same for the
Wisconsin Student
Association at the
University of Wisconsin
in Madison a year ago.
But last spring the
students there found
two candidates, Jim
Mallon and Leon
Varjian, who were
Mallon and Varjian
recognized that student
government is for the
birds, so during the
campaign Varjian dres-
sed up as a cuckoo bird
and pretended he was a
cuckoo clock outside the
student union.
The two ran for
WSA president and vice
presient as the Pail and
Shovel Party, mocking
their traditional oppon-
They build their
platform out of popsicle
sticks, promised to
move the Statue of
Liberty to Madison and
pledged to form a
government based on
corruption and graft.
When election time
rolled around, the UW
student body showed its
usual enthusiasm with
an 11.9 percent turnout.
Of the 11 tickets on
the ballot, Pail and
Shovel garnered a 33
percent plurality, and
Mallon and Varjian won
control of the 180,000
student budget.
And now, instead of
spending money on
futile trips to Socialist
Party rallies, the WSA
and students at Madi-
son (they call it "Mad
City" for good reason)
are finially having a
littel fun.
Heres what WSA
has done:
-They bought $532
worth of toys for the
students to play with
during registration.
-They gave every
student a one-cent
tuition rebate.
-They run a student
"Dial-A-Joke" service.
-They spent 118,000 on
a toga party-the big-
gest in the country
That and other whim-
sical expenditures pro-
mpted one of their
opponents on the
student senate to
Shovel is a lic - for .
today, anarchistic, fUn -
joving group interested
in nothing but sex
Jpp and rock '?:
This winter the Pai?
and ShoveLs ,upped8cl
uS&' hey built ?
,UUU papier-mache
and ?f
and arm 30 feet Ui
?d. ? them on Z
Z?:V hind
the student union
Sightseers ja
the nearby roadg
?Tng uUfe w
ffai ?" m
Soon the TV 8uuioos
and Pail and Shovel go
the univeristv on the
network news.
Varjian explained:
"If we have ail the
sights in the world here
in Madison, evervone
will want to come here
There'll be no reason to
go anywhere else. All
we need now is the
Eiffel Tower. the
Brooklvn Bridge, the
Washington Monument
and the Alaska Pipeline.
Well have the greater
minds and the best
students in the countrv
coming here; they won't
want to go anv where
But two weeks after
the statue was built it
as torched-apparaentlv
h someone lacking a
sense of humor. So Pail
and Shovel gave it a
filling funeral, complete
H,lh toy guns and a
wooden grave marker.
AH this has got
several students think
?ng about the govern-
ment. But while many
question the P?a and
Jhovel antics, few can
??? fault with them.
???M Varjian said.
for the
all of
? : ??,

r r
Marching pirates
12 April 197H FOUNTAINHEAp
Rifle, flag tryouts to be held
are currently holding auditions for their rifle line, photo by John H. Grogan
Lauffer is the woman
behind Barefoot on Mall
ont. from p.
In addition to the
incut, there will
! 11111 i.
rafts ami
sales, and other
: led.
Man) dorms and
pu organizations
be setting ui
I hese booths
will bake sales,
ures, and things
thai nature. The
will also
a booth
NTE is
May 12
- ? National
n sehed-
isi Carolina
to familiarize the
students with the
Student Union. There
will also be a macrame
booth, a strength and
flexibility booth, and a
stained glass booth
said Lauffer.
Lauffer explained
that the Student Union
was funding Barefoot
On The Mail in order
involve both the
community and the
Lauffer explained
how she came to he in
charge of the festival.
'I'm taking a class
at Rose called Executive
Internship, so I'm in-
terning here at Men-
denhall. 1 decided it
might be nice to have a
Spring festival. so I
went around Mendenhall
to see what was
needed, and got the
Program Board to
approve my idea. They
also appointed me
chairperson of the
com mi tee responsible
for Barefoot On The
Mall said Lauffer.
Lauffer explained
that the total cost of
the festival would run
aboul $8000. She said
Lucille Ball says,
"Give a gift of
-ted in
late -hould
with the
I - ting Center,
Speight Building
Present state policy
of a
temporary per-
those nol having
1 h score requir-
- doc- not extend
: June 30, 1979.
be certified
after that time
possess a tesl
meeting the mini-
n requirements.
Completed registra-
forms for the May
h si should lie
urned to the office of
C Dept. of
iblic Instruction by
April 20 to ensure
nittance to the test
? nter.
Governor Office
of Citizen Affairs
pUi-r ? hrr folk hatrn U problem
u m?i hav- ?itrt -tatr oernmrnt
pla.T ? hT?- folk lr lo Krlp . to
i ui r?J lapr lo get amwrra'
pitir xhrrr wmj an CM
?i?i-w,J tollfrrr in NorIh
( ?rolin?i or v.nlp Iwmiw'i1"
rfnurn fTa,r? Slate I apitol and
Kit rnpmir from prophr "? arr
trui? hard lo Mp itiwn of North
I artilina
'1 m?r im h. il ?-?.pr- ?? ? P"W?" ??"?? '
20 of your Favorite Steaks
Choice Tender, USDA
Meat-Cat Freah Dally
Your tax dollars, like
your paycheck dollars,
don't stretch as far as
they used to.
Give your state
government your best
ideas on how to stretch
tax dollars further by
ToB-free in North Carolina
Governor's Office of Cittern Affair
Capitol. Raleigh. N.C. 27611
Take -out orders
758 8550
Ask about
our private
dinlntf facilities.
that the publicity would
be approximately $450,
technical personnel
approximately $3000,
and the attractions
approximately $4500.
"The festival will be
on April 17th in front
of Joyner Library from
12 a.m. until 11 p.m.
The crafts will cost
money, but all enter-
tainment is free said
Lauffer added, "It
will be a lot of fun,
and I'd like to see
everyone out therees-
pecially since it's right
after Easter
Assistant News
The Marching
Pirates' rifle line is
having tryouts on the
Ron Jacobs, captain
of the Pirate Color
Guard, said that there
are vacancies in the
rifle and flag line.
"Right now, we
have spots of 32 flag
twirlers and 14 rifle
spinners said Jacobs.
Jacobs added, "We
are going to have new
flags next year. They're
purple and gold on a
white background. We
will also have new
uniforms. The girls will
wear gauchos. So will
the guys except they'll
wear pants with the
Jacobs explained that
the flag line would not
have tryouts.
"If you want to be
in the flag line, just
sign up for marching
band, and cuts will be
made after the tryouts
next August said
Jacobs added that
Alice Martin was in
charge of the flags.
March of
? . Hi ?. ii
. FISff
Flounder Dinner
All You Can Eat
Includes French Fries, Salad Bar,
Tartar Sauces & Hush Puppies.
Located beside
the Ramada Inn,
264 By-pass.
"Alice is a fine
person and she really
knows what she's
doing commented
Jacobs added that in
addition to home
games, the band would
be going to Duke,
Carolina, Wake Forest,
and State.
Jacobs said, "Next
year is going to prove
to be very exciting. We
have a competent staff.
I hope that everyone
will come to tryout
since next year
promises to be a good
one for the Marching
112 E. Fifth Street
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rtone7S 4)04
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w vu
Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAD 12 April 1979
M "
Same Time Next Year produces Oscar nomination
Staff Reporter
Same I
N?'t ear
er film, certainly one of the most offbeat
tent month if not recent vears. It deals
he me rarely dealt with in any detail in
liter) and the producers handle it
euous taste and sheer fun-loving
that the film becomes an absolutely fine
Ellen Burstyn, as of this writing, was nominated
for an Academy Award, and unfortunately lost,
which is a shame, for she is superb. As a matter of
fact, it's a mystery why Alan Alda was not
nominated for an award as well, for his performance
i- as good as Miss Burstyn's. Both performers carry
the film alone, and it is obvious that each had to
commit themselves totally to their roles, for their
abilities shine.
Alan Alda portrays George Peters, an average
man with a wife and three kids. Ellen Burstvn is
Doris, an average housewife with a husband and
Singer McClinton makes
Roxy audience 'swoon'
1 ami his Second Wind Band
ground-shaking and spirit-moving
ics this past Friday night at the
Play in a lull house, and an extremely
a! crowd, Delbert's presence on
.vas felt from his first harp solo to his final
in blue eans and suspenders, Delbert's
Irame ami well-traveled face has held up well
thirty-seven years. Hi- tossed brown hair
. ysique (except for a slightly noticeable
product of numerous tours) give
ictive stage presence, while his
ks and engaging vocals sought swoons
the females in the audience.
the Row provided a casual and
for its performers, but the
Delberl created with the audience was
asi How performers, probably because
vas more suitable: the tempo was up, the
evel, and the transitions smooth.
. an opened the performance.
umentalist band, these guvs reallv
bit nervous at first, they grew
nfident and together to the
?ng their sound was tight
id the crowd going.
' intermission, Delbert and his
stage. Opening with "Key To The
ng typical of Delbert lifestvle. the
l rose to the -ong's strong
ert's soulful harp playing. The
? ugh numerous other up
ted b the rambling "Two
one of Delbert's own
More Bottles of Wine,
The Second Wind Band was especially tight
throughout the concert and the sound the clearest
and most well-balanced that I've heard at the Roxy.
The band as well as Delbert seemed to be totally
into the music they were playing, and their tants
seemed to prove that rhythm and blues is their
forte collectively.
In speaking with Delbert before the concert I
learned some interesting things about a verv unique
person. Delbert ha- been in the music business for
over twenty years, but his lack of widespread
success ha- not really dampened his high spirits.
Sure, I'm gettin' older, and I'd like to make some
more money; but the way I figure it, I've been able
to do what I like best for a long time. As long as a
man can do what he likes best and make some kind
of living at it, I think he's pretty lucky
When asked about the future. Delbert VN as
optimistic. "I'm gonna keep on singing and playing
as long as I m able to. We're hoping to get a tour
together this summer in Japan, and we just finished
doing a show on Saturday night, and next week we
"pen tor the Allman Brothers-man. all those things
are fun, and I don't reall) want to stop doing
them. "
According to Delbert, "The Blue-Brother- have
helped to create a kind of rebirth of our kind of
music, and I'm just hoping it's enough so we can
start really selling some records. If not, I'll just
keep on singin' the way I always have
Delbert is a veteran and classy performer He
proved to me and many others Friday night that
rhythm and blue- definately have not died, and
while his talent has not made him a millionaire, it
surely ha- made a lot of people smile.
also, three kids. Both meet at a place called Sea
Shadows Inn, m the restaurant of the inn, and they
start ofl their relationship with a bang. The film
begins in 1951 and eventually work- il- wa up to
At first, both are somewhat elated at their
meeting, but the element of guilt -el- in, which
leave- them in a passive moment in their hotel room
a! the outset f the picture. Man Alda complains
somewhat bitterly that he has a loving wife and
three beautiful children and -tart- questioning what
kind of man he is, while Ellen Burstyn thinks the
same things but dismisses the gU ill more
complacently than Alda. They soon realize their love
for each other, however, and make a commitment
(or perhaps a compromise) to meet each other in
the same hotel each year al the same tune.
The film tune -pan covers each five
meeting, through the Fifties and th McCarthy Kra
and the Bomb and the Communisl Vears, to the
Sixties and the Kennedy Assassination an.) the
Hippie- and the Drug Years, ami the VietNam War,
to the Seventies and the Nixon ford Years and
Jaws and Star X ars.
After each time period, the changes in the
character- ol Alda and Burstvn first become evident.
Alda remains basically the same except for som
minor personality change- Burstyn changes her
attitudes on life ami the U rid in general and
seems to go through more i hanges than Alda
However, both their characters are fairly detailed
and broadened, so the film is an i ?
human interest change in people. I ' i
extenuating i ircumstances
Alan Alda look- somewhat different
California Suite. First, in this film to-
deeper and his look- definitely evolve, thanks
use of Wilham Tutle excellent make-up. He -
that he can do much more than the
Hawkeye in TV's best -how MASH Ma) ??
seen in many more films.
Ellen Burstvn give- one of her best :
to date, since her trulv remarkable Hie
Exorcist. She grows from a mere sch
of woman to a woman ol firm attitudes
She deserved the nomination for an
even more the win.
I have not seen the play on whi
based, but it the plav is as g as
then the dramatic presentation ol Same lime. Nevt
War -hould be terrific.
Delbert McClinton performed 'ground-shaking' rylhm and blues
rflron one must
Staff Writer
understand death, knowing only
mer insect cannot know ice the frog
well will not realize the immensity of the
dr adventurers are not likely to be able to
? ol Iron
XI" 't-r critics will not understand this
simple, physical beauty of the way of
- have called the film pretentious,
it was intended to sham pretentious
ailed it pseudophilosophical, not
ng thai it satirizes philosophical trappings,
dy Bruce Williamson, writing for Playboy, has
nough to admit that he just did not
"Circle of Iron1' at all, but that he
Iron is the closest thing so far to
? martial art film. Yet, most martial
rs will not understand it, either, because
tten on a level beyond their comprehension.
Lee and Stirling Siliphant have violated
il rule of popular film-making in writing
?' of Iron It is not universal in its appeal.
I" understand the film, one must be a fighter,
" must have fought a good deal.
of Iron originally titled "The Silent
nonsensically retitled by Avco Embassy
'easing for .mmercial reasons deals with a
tical journey of the mind and, as such, to be
understood it must have been experienced.
many people in the U.S. are capable of
understanding this film. The average filmgoer
bably is not capable of deriving anything from
Circle ol Iron
But, it is a well-written, subtle, fantastically
imaginative script, nonetheless.
And, for that reason, Bruce Lee must be both
applauded and condemned for his courage. The
outstanding weakness of the script is also its most
powerful asset. Just as The Blind Teacher in the
film plav- a flute that only Cord, the Seeker can
hear. Lee purposely wrote the screen-play so that
only a few who see the film will understand it.
Iron's plot concerns a young martial artist
named Cord (a role originally intended for James
Coburn, now played by Jeff Cooper), who is off on
a quest to attain The Book of Knowledge that
contains all the wisdom of the world" kept by the
mysterious Zehtan.
Some of the resulting babble about enlighten-
ment chastity, courage, honor, etc may sound
foolish if one takes it seriously. One must realize,
therefore, that a good deal of this Zen-stuff is
written to be delivered tongue-in-cheek, that it is
self satirical and that it does not regard its own
Eastern philosophy too seriously.
But, this is terribly difficult for the general
public to understand since even the people who
bought the property after Lee's death (Sandv
Howard Productions) do not understand the
screen-play or how it should have been presented.
The script is a good one, but the film is not.
The fight scenes are awful, the score is so
pretentious at points it sounds like a rehashing of
Beethoven's "Fifth"); and the cinematography,
though beautiful, was shot on locations in Israel
that would seem more appropriate to a Cecil B
Bruce Lee is possibly the only person who could
have successfully made "Circle of Iron since it
contains his vision of martial art and philosophy of
David Carradine, subbing for Lee, plays a
quadruple role as various animal and human
characters Cord encounters on his odvssey.
Carradine is competent, even believable, in his
roles as Chang-sha. the Rhythm Man and as
Death, the Panther Man. As Chang-sha he delivers
his lines particularly wellnaturally, easily. They are
rich, lyrical, poetic lines, and it is obvious he is
having a good deal of fun with them.
After Cord greets him with a hope for peach,
Chang-sha replies,
"With the whole world in commotion, you wish
me peace. I don't know what peace is;I don't want
it. But, if you listen to the desert, even when there
is no wind, the sand sings.
"Your name is Chord? Well, play a Chord,
strike a Chord, even your name is a noise.
"What do you want, Chord? Do you want us to
play on you? My wives can make your skin sing"
(after which one of them does, a beauty namedTara,
played by Erica Creer).
Unfortunately, Carradine does not fare nearly as
well in his roles as The Blind Flautist and as The
MonkevMan. And, since he has recently admitted in
interviews that he feels possessed by Bruce Lee's
spirit, it is easy enough to understand why he
misinterpreted his roles and chose to play them
straight and stiff as the door to a tomb.
Carradine simply cannot fight, either, and this is
an ability that is crucial to all four of his roles,
particularly since his parts were intended to be the
core around which the rest of the film is built.
"Circle of Iron in general, limps from slow
pacing and a lack of tension, particularly since its
dialogue consists mostly of Lee's non-concepts. The
needed tension could, should, and would have been
created in the fight scenes had Lee lived to make
the film. David Carradine is not a suitable
substitute in a fight for the man who may have been
the best martial artist who has lived.
Jeff Cooper is a wooden "actor" and "fighter"
who always appears to be in a Quaalude -imposed
stupor. It is hard to understand how Cooper could
be chosen for a role solely on the basis of his
martial prowess when even Carradine appears to be
a more competent fighter than he.
The only person who seems to understand his
role in "Circle of Iron" is Eli Wallach, who appears
in a came as "The Man-in-Oil a righteous sort
of fellow who has been standing in a bra barrel
(if crude in the middle of the deserl for ten years,
all the time dissolving away the lower half of his
And, since Wallach doe- understand that his role
is meant to satirize those sorts of people who are
self-destructive in the name of holme his segment
works better than any other in the film.
It is a pit) that "The Silent Flute" has not been
made a- it was intended to be.
But. it is easy to understand how a screen-play
could be misinterpreted by people unfamiliar with
Oriental thought who came bv the script
second-hand, particularly when they find dialogue
to work with like the following exchange between
Cord and The Blind Man:
CordTalking to you is like talking to a wall
Blind ManAh. but Buddah sal before a wall
once and when he arose, he was enlightened
Blind Man-
Yet, there
revealing in their simplicity. When In
finally faces Zehtan. after overcom
trial so many peril only to dis
had what he was looking tor. in r? i
becomes enlightened.
'There is no book, Cord Zehl
There is no enlightenment outside voursell
Bruce Lee "Silent Flute" is dn intr
woven, complex fable that deserves to
properly into film at some point in the future
In its present form, it is playing under the
Circle of Iron" at the Buccaneer 2 through
Daxid Miller has ten yearexperience in martial
art and is writing a book on spiritual athletic and
on Bruce Lee which will be published in hardback
late this summer.
Stirling Silliphant and Bruce Lee confer on script of Circle
originally released under the title of The Silent Flute

' r ,
f ' ,r f
f I
12 April 1979 FOUWTAjyHPAn p.
Comic convention planned
The East Carolina
University Comic Book
Club and the Roxy
M.A.C.C. are sponsor-
ing the Fourth Green-
ville comic Book Mini-
convention on Sunday
April 22, 1979. the
convention will be held
at the Roxy Theatre 629
Albemarle Avo. in
As with the last
three conventions, the
public will be admitted
free of charge. Also
anyone wishing to set
up a table to sell comic-
books or related items
may do so free of
The convention will
feature dealers from all
across North Carolina,
and a number from
aouth Caolina and
V?-ginia. They will have
'or sale large numbers
o? comic books from the
last forty years. In
addition to comic books,
science fiction and
lantasy paperbacks, old
Playboys and any
number of nostalgic and
collectable items will be
While the dealers
provide most people
with their main reason
lor attending a con, one
of the greatest treats of
a comic book convention
is the chance it offers
fans to meet one
another in person.
Conventions are always
an opportunity to catch
up on the latest news
in the comic publishing
world and to hear the
latest gossip in comic
In addition to
dealers, anyone with a
comic book, science
fiction or fantasy related
project is encouraged to
attend. Anyone involved
in Fantasy games,
fanzine publishing, or in
doing their own artwork
is asked to please
The convention act-
ivities will start April
22nd at 9 a.m. and run
to 6 p.m. Dealer set-up
Noland spoke for VAF
will start about an hcur
before the convention
starts. Anyone wishing
more information about
the convention, may
write Nostalgia News-
staat 919 Dickinson
Ave Greenville, NC
27834 or call 758-6909
before 7 p.m or call
752-6389 after 7 p.m.
The Roxy is a state-
recognized non-profit
organization. the East
Carolina Comic Book
C'ub is a campus
approved organization
Contemporary artist
Kenneth Noland spoke
at Last Carolina Univer-
sity Monday as part of
ECU'S 1979 Visual Arts
Symposium series.
A native North
Carolinian, Noland
studied painting at
Black Mountain College
jvnh Uya Bolotowskv.
He later studied and tin
exhibited in Paris before
locating in Washington,
D.C where he and
associate Morris Louis
worked and developed
style now known as
"Washington Color Sch-
ool" He also taught at
the Institute of Contem-
porary Art and at
Catholic University.
known for
painnng- of
con, entric
i- best
fit- target
pure color
;ani - .
11 ?
CfH v ron
hi sh
painting and
af canvas.
The Incredible Hulk is a popular character
Greek Week
$3.00 For Sale by the IFC
On Campus and at
all Fraternity Houses

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Participatory journalism-Plimpton's the pro
Assistant Sports Editor
"I do what I do because I'm a writer, and I
want to write with as much distinction as I can
about a world that people know very little about
said noted author and Sports Illustrated reporter
George Plimpton when he spoke to a grouj
assembled at East Carolina's Hendrix Theatre
Tuesda) night.
hat Plimpton "does" is participate in a certain
activity tor a limited period of time and then write
about it. This practice is known as participatory
Plimpton's past experiences in this rare field lie
mainly in the area of sports. He has quarterbacked
the Detroit Lions and Baltimore Colts of the
National Football League, pitched in a major league
all star game, played goalie for the Boston Bruins
and played basketball for the 1969 world champion
Boston Celtics, to name just a few of his fantastic
1 e often asked which of these things that I've
done is the most frightening said Plimpton. "It is
surprising to most people when I say it was not in
the area of sports but rather when f played triangle
tor the New York Philharmonic Orchestra
Plimpton noted that the reason this experience
vnus most frightening to him is simply because
music leaves much less room for error than does a
sporting event. "An error in music destroys while
errors are supposed to happen in sports said
Plimpton said he gained inspiration to be a
participatory journalist from Paul Gallico, a writer
during the 1920's who delved into sports in much
ame way that Plimpton has. "His idea said
Plimpton, "was that you can't write truly about
sports unless you experience what it's like
"I wanted to take his idea and expand it said
Plimpton, who has, aside from sports, performed in
a circus, photographed a centerfold for Playboy
magazine and appeared in a movie with John
Plimpton's interest in the profession he now
masters began when he was attempting to get a job
on the Harvard Lampoon, a magazine at Harvard
University, during his college days. "You went
through tough initiations to get on the Lampoon "
said Phlmpton. "They were much like those that
one woud have to experience when attempting to
join a fraternity
Plimpton was told by the Lampoon's editor to
run in the Boston Marathon as his initiation. "I
beat the system though Plimpton said wryly "I
entered the race one block and a half from the
finish line
Plimpton's appearance in the race came as a
surprise to the leader of the race, who had thought
"Men are much more likely
to go to sleep fantasizing
about striking out the Yankee
batting order rather than
fantasizing about a woman
George Plimpton
he was far ahead of the field. "He was a Korean "
commented Plimpton. "When he looked back and
saw me, fresh as a daisy in his pursuit, he
frightfully raced towards the finish line to victory "
This incident that occurred early in Plimpton's
life exemplifies what he has gone on to do in
recent years "When I look back on it, that incident
wasD s?mewhat significant. It may have been there
in Boston where it all started for me
Simply Sports
I !?.
Dye praises offense
VS EXPECTED the Purple team had little
problem moving the ball against the injurv plagued
Cold squad m last weekend's Spring 'game at
cklen Stadium. Quarterback Leander Green
directed the Purple team to an easv 30-6 victory in
front ol a sparse crowd of 1,000 fans. Green threw
one touchdown pass to his old high school
U-ammate Billy Ray Washington and completed a
38-yard pass to split end Vern Davenport which set
up another score.
Once Again. East Carolina coach Pat Dye was
pleased with the play of the offense, but continued
to moan about the play of the defense and the
mjurv situation. "Anything in the way of bright
-pot. would have to be the offense. But I'm glad
we don't have to line up and play a football game
now. The Purple squad rushed for 334 vards and
had 62 through the ?
ar alter year, the Pirates have ben
blessed with a number of talented running backs
and despite the loss ot halfback Eddie Hicks, the Bucs
still have several outstanding back. Anthonv Collins
rushed tor 90 yards and scored two touchdowns in
the Spring game while Sam Harrell added 74 on
the ground. Collins finished last season as the
team s third leading rusher with 479 yards and an
impressive 5.8 yards per carry. He also ranked 15th
nationally in kickoff returns with a 24.9 average.
Harrell. vho was used last season largely in a
reserve role, managed 245 yards for a 5.7 average
and scampered 71 yards for a touchdown against
N.C. State.
Placekieker Bill Lamm connected on a
17-yard field goal in the Spring game and has
shown amazing improvement since he came to East
Carolina as a walkon three years ago. Lamm led the
Pirah- m scoring last season with 64 points and
converted 25 of 29 extra point attempts. He also
Ud ?' 19 "eld goals and certainly has to be
egan.ed as one ol the top placekickers returning in
the souln next vnar
The injun situation in the Spring has
been critical and it's something the Pirates can ill
afford early next season with three straight Atlantic
Coast Conference games in the month of September
Linebacker Mike Brewington missed Saturday's
Spring game along with defensive backs Willie
Hollev and Wayne Perry. Brewington was out with
a hip pointer while Holley suffered a broken wrist
in an intramural basketball game. Twenty players
missed the game because of injuries.
East Carolina sports promotions Direc-
tor Wayne Newman has begun to distribute the
Pirates 1979 football schedule card and ticket flyer.
Schedule cards and ticket flyers may be obtained by
writing or visiting the Athletic Ticket Office in
Ivlinges Coliseum.
EC I baseball coach Monte Little couldn't be with the performance of his pitching staff
this season. The current Pirate staff has 1 99 ERA
through the first 25 games of the season. Parker
Davis owns a 4-0 record while Mickey Britt is
currently 3-5, Rick is 3-3 and Bobby
Patterson has a 4-1 mark. Davis leads the team in
strikeouts with 34 and has the best ERA with a mark.
Righ.fielder Macon Moye j, the pirates.
leading hitter with a .330 average with two
homeruns and 24 RBI's to his credit. The Greenville
native also has cracked out eight doubles and two
triples this season. Centerfielder Billy Best has only
struck out once this season in 99 at bats through
bast Carolina s first 25 names.
Wednesday was the national signing date
for high school basketball players. The fa new
East Carolina coach Dave Odom did not sign any
players comes as no surprise. Odom got a late start
with recruiting and told writers at his press
conference three weeks ago, he would not just go
out and get bodies for next season.
Plimpton told the assemblage of students and
professors that his profession deals with the
fantasies found in the everyday man. "Men
especially fantasize about being in the shoes of a
famous sports personality he said. "It may be a
blow to females, but men are much more likely to
go to sleep fantasizing about striking out the
Yankee batting order rather than fantasizing about a
Plimpton also spoke to the group about
outstanding athletes, namely world heavyweight
champion Muhammed Ali. "Ali towers over all the
other professional athletes of his time -said
Plimpton. "Here's a man who cannot even read yet
has come up with some truly great savings and is
probably the most well-known person in the entire
Plimpton explained also how his popularity va-
brought about by his activities with Sports
Illustrated. "The editors at Sports Illustrated liked
my ideas from the start and have paved the wa
for my successes
The author of The Paper Lion and other novels
spoke to potential writers in the group. "My advice
io the young writer he said, "is to write ail the
time. Writers should do like pianists do, practice
hour upon hour
Plimpton commented that some of his upcoming
activities include managing the New York Yankee
for one day, possibly by the end of this season.
Pirates chase state championship
Sports Editor
Since East Carolina withdrew from the Southerrn
Conference back ,n 1977, the Pirates just haven't
had that prestigious league title to aim for every
However, when the Bucs open their 1979 football
campaign next fall, the Pirates have a brand new
championship at stake.
withtSna1ed 15 l?TXn Car?lina State Championship
with Duke, North Carolina, N.C. State, Wake
wdrhSFri PP aCHan ?ta,e' WeStern Caro,in? -long
with hL-L competing for the top spot
And according to Pirate offensive tackle Matt
Mulholl.n, ;he journey to the top won't be any
Cakewalk kind of like a state high shod
champ.oiisiup the senior from Bethesda, Md
expained Wednesday afternoon before p actTce'
y 11 be playing all the Division I teams in the
state and it s going to present quite a challenge for
State and Carolina both beat us last year and
hat s something no one around here has
forgotten Mulholland continued. "The toughest
thing about it ,s having to play three of the Atfantic
Coast Conference teams in three straight weeks
nght at the beginning of the season. There just
aren t any easy games for us this seaosn "
But with the way Mulholland and his cohorts in
the offensive line have performed during spring
drills, not one team on the East Carolina schellf
will regard the Pirates lightly. ??ieauie
The Purple team accumulated a whopping total
of 334 yards on the ground in Saturdays Spring
game and with a veteran line returning in the fal
ECU coach Pat Dye wants the rushing game to
produce minimum of 300 yards an uTng
"We've concentrated a lot on coming off the ball
this spring and getting our timing down explained
guard Mitchell Johnston, who startd most of last
season "Coach Dye wants to develop a very
physical offense, one that can just line up against
another team and shove the ball right down their
throats. We want to be able to line up against
teams and run right over them
It's a technique that worked quite well for the
Pirates last year. The Bucs averaged almost 245
yard per game rushing while posting an impressive
V-6 record including avictory in the Independence
Bowl owver Louisiana Tech.
And with Mulholland and Johnston up front
along seniors Wayne Inman, Jeff Hagans and
Joe Godette, East Carolina running backs shouldn't
have too many problems finding holes.
Last season we had some problems early in the
season with our timing and it just took some time
to get things rolling Johnston said. "We were
making too many mistakes and missing assignments.
The rushing stats showed that. But after the
Carola game we just kept improving as the season
went along.
Mulholland agreed. "We were somewhat
inexperienced at the beginning of the season and
we had a lot of people hurt he said . "But ?
improved more and more every game and the
results got better.
"This fall we're going to be a lot stronger and
experienced and with the schedule we have early in
the season we can't afford any injuries "
The schedule which includes Atlantic Coast
Conference Schools NC Sate, Duke, and Wake
Forest during the first month of the season, will put
a drain both mentally and physicallv on the Pirates
"We just have to play them the wav thev
schedule them Johnston said. "And we want
people to play us who will glve us that national
ECU Guard
Mitch Johnston
Leander Green call out signals for offensive lin
ECU captures 2-1 victory over State
Staff Writer
ECU'S Jo Barrow
walked freshman sec-
ond-sacker Janis Parlon
moved her the remain-
ing distance to home
with a triple to give the
Lady Pirates a 2-1
decision over N.C. State
University here Tues-
The win was the
first for ECU against
State this year.
The game had .been
tied since the first
inning when each team
plated one run.
For State, Lorry
Romano singled and
scored when Trisha
Ellis' gronder was
hobbled by shortstop
Mary Powell. NCSU had
an opportunity to score
n the third, but
stranded a runner on
third base as the inning
State's Amy Cartner
singled to left and
advanced to third, but
advanced no further as
pinch-hitter Joy Ussery
filied out for the final
ECU first baseman
Teresa Whitley reached
first base in the
premier frame on a
fielders choice and
scored as Shirley Brown
legged out a triple.
The Bucs blew an
excellent opportunity to
take the lead in the
fifth when Donna
, LaVictoire scampered to
first on an error
advanced to third on
Kim Holmes pinch-hit
single with one out.
Jan McVeigh was
ruled out as she
stepped out of the
batter's box to hit a
ptich and Whitley
popped out to the left
fielder to extinquish the
The Bucs dropped
the opening contest of
the afternoon double-
header 7-3.
McVeigh opened the
ECU scoring attack in
the first with a single
and later scored on a
throwing error at the
plate. Shirley Brown
reached first on an error
and Robin Faggart
advanced with a
fielders choice. Both
scored on a long single
to left by LaVictoire.
Parlon tripled with
two out in the forth,
made it
but never
. NCSU exploded for
six runs in the third on
four hits, including ?
ihree RBI triple bv
Tnsha Ellis.
The Lady Pjralf?s
ma on the season
improves to 12-10
including two wi?? oVcr
Campbell College Mon.
The Lady Camels
ere victimised in the
opening contest 7-3
Powell singled in the
01nrStR'nmn? ?d scored
J? Brown two-bagger.
Brown , W
Fggart's triple who
-? batted in y C?3y
ECU took the second
game 8-7. The Pjrah
plated seven runs in ?hr
second frame,
Jith a base-on-bii;s to
Barrow and ?n RBI
sacrifice by Parlon.
Maureen Buck
Mce,gh .nd Whitley
each scored .s the Bucs
led around ,? ?
decisive second
E?t Carolina now idle until .fter
Easter when they
j . APP?schian State
tea. -?
? "
'?? ? T , l?VS
?Ufc ? ? ? y

v f r r
r - r r r f r r
Assistant Sports Editor
-Part series
Ameruan Leag1e" ZTV" .
most of the nrf ast Dlv?sion,
' the preseason interest in the
A-L. focuses on the XVa . rv ?
ere no les ,K est D,visi?n,
could bat.J ih-an a tri? of lea?
" ? dttneck-n-neck for the title.
R?l and T ? Angers,
?? or Ivllft Sh?U,d batt,e h
"? pidolt honors. The earlv
onte here is the Angels.
Car " r'u8 of "P?" Rod
. I I.?utfleld" Dan Ford and
j ; J- Barr should be enough to
push the. over the top. Already on
h dub is slugger Don Bavlor (34
homers and 90 RBFs a J
Bobb) Gnch and Joe Rudi '
Carnej Lansford, the young third
man tha, the Angels' refused to
P?t w,th during the off-season,
should connnue to blossom as a
majo, leaguer and provide the Angels
Ullh consistent play at the hot
Wei pitching, if healthy, is
Perb Nolan Ryan and Frank
anana have heroine known as the
fJynami;c Uo because of their
f?rebalhng styles. Other starters
nclude Chris Knapp and Don Asse,
Dotn talented and young. The bullpen
?s stronger than ever with the
addition oi Barr. He joins Dave La
Roche (25 saves last season) and
Uyar Miller to form complete a
strong pitching staff.
The Royals have basically the
same team that won the Western
crown lat year. Kansas City will
again be an alert, speedy "team.
Defense is a kcv word here. The
Royals seldom make crucial mistakes.
But the big thing is the way of
the Royals is their own previous
disappointments (losses to the Yan-
kees in the last three American
League playoffs) and the hungry
desire that California and Texas
The Ranger strength lies with
their outfield. Al Oliver heads the
group and batted .324 a year ago.
Richie Zisk, John Grubb and Oscar
Gamble are all members of the
slugging Ranger outfield. All are
capable home run hitters.
Hanger pitching could be very
good, that is if Fergie Jenkins fights
off old age for another good season.
Jenkins heads a list of starters that
includes ex-Met Jon Matlack, Doyle
Alexander, Dock Ellis and Doc
The Ranger bullpen was super-
strengthened by the additions of
former Yankee star Sparky Lyle and
ex-Cleveland Indian Jim Kern. Both
are exceptional relievers and could
prove the deciding factor in the race
lor the A.L. West flag.
But the Angels are the pick here.
If their pitching stays healthy and all
the free agents play to their
potential, the Royals should be
But, come playoff time, the
Angels will have little more luck than
has Kansas City. The Yankees are
the best team in the American
League and should prove it to
everyone this year in a much more
convincing form than ever before.
The New Yorkers can be expected
to run away from the rest of the
field in the East Division. No one in
the West has a chance if that
happens. The Yankees are indeed the
'best team money can buv
12 April 1978 R
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Mickey Britt unleashes a strike
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If you have good ideas on how to save
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Fountainhead, April 12, 1979
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 12, 1979
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