Fountainhead, April 5, 1979

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Circulation 10,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina Vo( 55 N?
5 April 1979
BUC is two months
ahead of schedule
The Buccaneer staff is working long, hard hours in order to insure a 1979 yearbook.
Students ma pick up their Buccaneers in September, (photo b John H. Crogan)
News Editor
"Yes, folks, there will be a '79
Bl'C said BUCCANEER editor
Craig Sahli yesterday. "As of
today, the 1979 issue is' two months
ahead of schedule
Sahli and his staff mailed material
to their printer Tuesday in order to
meet their second printing deadline.
"We now have 242 pages - more
than two thirds of the book -
completed and at the printer's
Sahli .said. The staff plans to finish
their work b) the end of the
The Buccaneer will be distributed
to students in September. Seniors
who plan to graduate this semester
may send a friend by the Bl C office
with their 1979 ID and activity card
to pick up a yearbook for them. The
cost of the book is included in each
student's activity fee and it is
distributed free of charge.
This year's Bl C will be 350
pages of magazine-style format,
according to Sahli, and will include
over 70 pages of full color photo-
graphs and "lots of special effects
Magazine format presents the events
ol the year in chronological order, as
opposed to the traditional yearbook
Style, which contains separate
sections for related activities.
The special embossed, metal-flake
cover was designed by Ellen Fish-
borne, a senior Communications Art
major and Art Director of the Bl C.
The yearbook is being printed by
Josten's American Yearbook Co in
Clarksville, Term.
I he problems of the past two
years have not plagued the 18
member Bl C -tall tin- year.
We have a ver) dedicated and
competent staff said Sahli.
They're most!) freshmen and
sophomores who worked on their
high school yearbooks.
The stall as a whole has busted
it- collective ass this year to produce
the best possible yearbook we can.
And vou mav quote me on that
Sahli feels that the record- ol
past BUCCANEER staffs should not
be compared i?, this; year's produc-
tion. ' Those that equate this year's
-tall with last vear are grossly mis-
informed said Sahli.
Sahli i- a sophomore Business
Administration major from Hudson,
N.C. He worked on tin- stafl ol his
award-winning high school yearbook,
The Hornet, and was Classes Editor
of the ill-fated 1978 Bl CCANEER.
Information Off
arm of athletics
ff w riter
"Th 5pi rts Infor-
mation Offici al ECl is
service arm ol the
?' al hletic
ni stated
? i tkins, Sports In-
Director, in
k to the public
itions journalism
The office services
the media according to
At km "We try to
meet the media need-
in their coverage of
East Carolina athletics
he added.
According to Atkins,
their dealings with the
media operates on iiw
principles, three of
which he explained to
the class.
te first principle is
honesty. "This is the
state of being, it takes
no work, vou decide
that vou are going to
be honest and what you
tell must be true said
The second principle
is accuracy. This prin-
ciple take- a great deal
ol work and is very
important, according to
Atkin The third
principle is availability.
It we don' have
What's Inside
See p. 2
? Political science professors talk on
Middle East peace treaty. See p.3.
Scholarship weekend for high
school students is April 7-9. See p.
-Pirate football schedule set for next
season. See p. 9.
The third annual "Dance of
Dance" will be held at 'Wright
Auditorium Sunday. See p.
availability the media
can't reach us when
the) need us com-
mented Atkins.
The sports informa-
tion office is a service
organization not a frat-
ernal one, according to
"we don't go out
and play golf with
everybody all the time,
we don't take writers
out to bars and things
like that he added,
"we give them informa-
tion and opportunity to
cover athletics.
Atkins explained
some of the services
that the sports infor-
mation office provides
to the media.
According to him,
thev keep the media
up-to-date on what's
going on and given
them the opportunity to
cover the events
happening at ECU.
The office also gives
the media coverage of
events that they cannot
rover at ECU. When
the university wants the
media to cover an
? vent, the office must
get the stories to them
Atkins described the
pres- box as the place
to get the work done.
In the press box
we try to provide up-
to-date, accurate infor-
mation and give the
media a good working
facility with no distrac-
There is another
office in the athletic
department that "works
side by side with the
-ports information off-
ice, according to Atkins.
The Sports Promo-
tion Office deals with
the general public. This
office is responsible for
putting out ticket
suppliers, schedule
cards, posters, and
handles all programs
that are bought and
Also the office is
responsible for all ad-
vertising that is bought
?"? sold by the uni-
The month of April is providing avid kite flyer with the adequate nind for the
sport, (photo by Ross Man)
Campus suicides show dramatic rise nationwide
REAL Crisis Intervention Center, located on Evans Street, offers counseling services for Greenville
residents, (photo by Ross Man)
Assistant News Editor
The second major cause of death on college
campuses in the U.S. today is suicide. Counselors
estimate that over 1,000 college students make
serious attempts on their own lives each year.
Between 1955 and 1975 the suicide rate for
people between the ages of 20 and 25 went from
5.6 to 16.5 (per 100,000). There is one successful
suicide for every 10 attempts.
These facts are alarming. Counselors claim that
the freshman year is the most traumatic, which is
understandable. For many students this is their first
time away from home and on their own. They are
under more pressure both scholastically and socially.
But freshmen are not the only potential suicides.
A graduate student at the University of Colorado
last year shot himself in the head only a few hours
after receiving his Masters Degree.
Overall women are more likely than men to
attempt suicide, though men are more likely to
succeed. The most common suicide method is an
overdose of drugs. Men are usually more violent
than women in their method of death.
There are certain signs to look for if you suspect
a friend may be contemplating suicide. Some of
them are:
declining school performance
2. expressions of apathy and helplessness
3. abrupt changes in behavior
4. recent loss of a loved one
5. disruptions within the family, such as divorce
6. changes in eating or sleeping habits
7. quitting groups which had previously been
very important to the person
8. ending of relationships
9. sudden impulsiveness
10. giving away prized possessions
If a friend of yours is showing any of the
symptoms mentioned above, they are urged to call a
counseling service as soon as possible.
According to Marv Miller, Ph.D a consultant in
suicidology, "With the suicide rate among young
people almost tripling in 20 years, it appears that a
near epidemic of self-destructive behavior is now
evident in the United States
According to a news release, "The problem of
suicide on campuses has become so widespread that
people who attend college have at least a 50
percent greater chance of dying by suicide than do
young people in the same age group who don't
attend college
The only successful suicide that could be
identified on the ECU campus was that of 21 year
old Marc Zimmerman (Fountainhead Jan. 6, 1976).
Zimmerman barricaded himself in his room for the
Christmas break, and then shot himself in the head.
His body was discovered by a campus policeman
who was asked by Zimmerman's parents to check
and see if he was alright, as he was late coming
home for the holidays. He apparently killed himself
on Dec. 18, 1975.
According to the REAL Crisis Center, there have
been several suicide attempts at ECU in the past
See CAMPUS, pg. 3
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Campus suicides common
Continued from pg. 1
ECU profs: Mid-East pro and con
few years. The spokesperson for the Center, Mary
Smith, said that an estimated to V2 of all their
calls come from ECU.
The Center estimates that they receive 50 calls
per year relating to suicide attempts. The potential
victim wants to say "listen to me" and often has
allowed himself a way out, for instance, knowing
that their roommate will return or calling the Crisis
Mary Smith stated that this year the Crisis
Center has already received 40 suicide calls, and
that there was "definitely an increase
Ms. Smith stressed that every person who even
talks about suicide is a potential victim.
Dr. Jordon, Associate Director of the Infirmary,
said that there have been suicide attempts at ECU,
though he felt that they were "only attention
getting. ' He stated that most of the attempts were
overdoses of such things as aspirin or vitamins.
Dr. Jordon felt that the average of successes
was extremely lower than the national average.
There is a free counseling service available in
Wright Bldg. for students who would like help or
advice with their problems.
Help is available
Staff Writer
Two ECl professors
t Political Science
ffered their views on
he fledgling Mideast
seace treaty in separate
nterviews Monday.
Dr. Sandra Wurth-
Hough, a self-described
extreme moderate
md Dr. John P. East,
?vho supports the Israeli
position, dit'ter in their
irientation to the issue,
ut agree in their
orecas ts ol renewed
. ioience a a result of
he pact.
Dr. Wurth-Hough,
hose specialty area is
he Mideast, expressed
guarded optimism about
he recent developments
is a whole.
"The treats is better
han nothing. At least,
?oth nations have
thown a desire for
?eace. Egypt has had to
arr the burden of four
for the Arab
and even the
economy cannot
up under tlje
ot repeated war-
she said.
noted that the
5 has not thought
hrough the implemen-
ation of the peace.
everyone is well aware
hat success or failure
?sill be determined bv
rae treatment of the
stinians, but so tar,
??' have been winging
I in thi respect
s a response to
?olitical pressure from
Mthin their respective
amps, both Begin and
adat have taken hard-
ine stances on the
mplementation of the
reaty. Dr. Wurth-
luugh pointed out that
"if Sadat and Begin
ollov through on this
olitical rhetoric, then
vhat we have concluded
is not a peace treaty,
but a war treaty
Dr. Wurth-Hough
also criticized the U.S.
lor not conferring more
close!) with Saudi
Arabia in the treatv
"Besides being the
religious leaders of the
area, they have the
most political experi-
ence, and we have
never treated them with
the respect due them
lie said.
Dr. Wurth-Hough
ended her remarks by
saying that "I am
pessimistic about the
hort-term prospects,
because I believe that
increased violence will
be the immediate result
of the treaty. But,
provided some progress
will be made in future
negotiations, I am opti-
a a r s
mistic about the long-
term result
Dr. East presented a
contrasting perspective
in his remarks. Ques-
tioning the idea that the
treaty is better than
nothing, he observed
that "for some reason,
the U.S. cannot live
with the notion of a
protracted conflict.
These, however, are
ancient conflicts, and no
piece of paper will solve
them. The realities of
power will determine
the outcome in the
Middle East
In his criticism of
the Carter administra-
tion, Dr. East said that
"there is a lot of
naivete about the real
world of politics. You
can't just waddle down
through the middle of
every issuewhat we
-pass it on
758 7400
Delivery starts at
12 noon
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8 amto p.m
had been trying to do
was to keep a plurality
of allies in the Middle
East to diminish Soviet
influence, but now that
See EAST, pg. 5.
It should be stressed that there is help available
if a student is depressed or worried about some of
his problems. The infirmary employs a psychiatrist
who is available to students at no charge, and The
REAL Crisis Intervention Center offers counseling
also, at 758-4357. Students are strongly urged to
take advantage of these facilities. The Crisis Center
employs trained volunteers to deal with peoples
758 7400
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Delivery starts 12 noon
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?aga 4 FOUNTAINHEAD 5 April 1979
For the record
In these days of a seemingly never
ending flow of bad news, it is
somewhat refeshing to note a bit of
good news once it comes your way.
Craig Sahli, editor of the 1978-1979
Buccaneer, reports that he and his
staff are two months ahead of their
production schedule with the yearbook
Sometimes, those of us who are
readers look at the finished product,
and we have no idea of what long
hours and personal sacrifices were
necessary. Craig and his staff have
been burning the midnight oil in the
yearbook office in the past few
months, and from what this writer
has seen, sometime next fall the
students of ECU will have a high
quality yearbook to be proud of.
The Buccaneer staff this year has
a tremendous responsibility on their
hands. They started this endeavor
under fire because for the last two
school terms, there has been no
yearbook. Also, a national trend is
developing on college campuses to cut
funding to yearbook staffs. Some
schools are cutting out individual
photographs entirely, which to me is
the entire idea of a yearbook.
Individual photos, taken while in
college, will be pulled out and dusted
off once every five years or so. It will
be interesting to look at the
BUCCANEER in fifteen or twenty
years, and see how we looked back
?n this way, yearbooks are
barometers for the passage of
In my own experience, I have
gone back through my old high school
annual, and I've been impressed by
how different everyone looks, and how
many different directions everyone has
gone in. Several of my classmates in
high school are crooks, swindlers and
other similar lowlifes. Some are pillars
of their community, like ministers.and
bankers, or lawyers. Some attend
college. Some, in terms of their
attitudes and level of maturity, are
still in high school.
It will be one of the high points of
my life-fifteen years from today-when
I look at the 78-79 BUCCANEER, and
try to imagine what the shining young
faces are going. Have they become
doctors? Or professors? Or shoe
salesmen? Or are they still angry
young men? At that moment, I will
feel the satisfaction of revenge.
But the sense of feeling good and
triumphant over the place of my
former classmates will not last long
sooner or later, I will have to look in
a mirror. I will see myself standing
there, and the full weight of fifteen
years of triumph and agony, sickness
and health, and the effects of too
many pizzas will drop upon me like a
fifty ton wrecking ball. In fifteen
years, my bay window will probably
get larger, and my "mustache" (if
you could call it that; my father has a
colorful name for it which is
unprintable) will probably still look
like a bald caterpillar wandering
across my upper lip. The worst
tragedy of all will be when I look out
over my house, and I see my
Progeny, I see that they all look like
I will, however, take comfort in
the fact that I will have changecf very
much. My classmates will have, and I
will feel great. The now-handsome
athletic young men will grow big and
fat, and they will feel bad about it
Since I already look like I'm ready for
middle age, it won't matter to me at
American J
There is a book,
published a few years
back, about a near-miss
nuclear disaster, entitled
We Almost Lost Detroit.
Last week, we almost
lost Harrisburg, Penn-
1 have a personal
stake in the accident at
Three Mile Island
nuclear power plant.
Harrisburg is my home
town. I was born and
raised there. Most of
my family still lives in
the area, including my
sister and brother-in-law
who reside two miles
rhe student leans
back on his dorm bed,
yawns, and takes a
lungful of water-cooled
smoke from his bong.
I here is a knock at the
door. He exhales, slides
the bong under the
bed, and calls, "Come
on in:
A young woman
enters, carrying an
armful of brown fliers.
She hands one to the
student and goes into a
prepared speechHi,
my name is Cindi and
I'm with the Campus
Crusade against
apathv. We feel that
the majority of ECU
?, Founlainhecid
Swung the Colin, community for o?or 50yo.r,
Marc Barnes
Luke Whisnant
Assistant Maws Editors
Riy Smith
Karan Wandt
Mike Rogers
Jeff Rotlina
A tmatant Trends Editors
Barry Clayton
4??t Advtrtisrng Manager
Tarry Harnctan
Advertising Salesman
Paul Unoha
Chief Ad Artist
Jane Walls
Mary Storey
Sue Huttord
Sam Rogers
Assistant Sports Editor
Charim Chandler
Oeidre Detehunty
Sue Johnson
Cindy Ca?a
Sue Lamm
Barry Clayton
n.w.p.p.r of Et C.rolln. 0?????.
?pontored by the M .?i. ??'?
is Tr 2 ? "? ?.? ?v?;
? no Thursday durinn ? ? "?w?j
fll" rBod'VnTdo'n.V" ?' ?
I reflect ihA? 0, "??????rl-
IrI '?? Old Seuth Bulldlrto
??'???"Ml MC. 27.34. ?'
students just don't care
about anything. Our
crusade is an attempt to
get people involved in
campus life1
"Hold on, baby
you're talking to the
wrong man the
student says.
"You mean, you're
already involved in
campus life?"
"Great! What do
you do? Are you in the
"Naw. I hate poli-
"You work for publ-
"Maybe a Student
Union Committee?"
"Never heard of
The girl looks
puzzled. "So what
campus organizations do
you belong to?"
"None? Your're not
into any organizations?
What about clubs?
What about Karate? Or
Foreer Generation? Or
Iteract? Or the French
"Well I went to one
meeting of the Comic
Book Club but they
wanted me to be on
their financial committee
so I never went back.
I'm too busy for that
"Can't stand Gre-
The girl raises her
eyebrows. "I 8ee.
When was the last time
you wrote a letter to
"I don't even read
that rag-why should I
write a leter?"
"When was the last
time you signed a
The student doesn't l
'Well, when was
the last time you took a
stand on a public
"hmm The
student smiles. "Last
Friday I stood up
during the Free Flick
when the film broke
and called the projec-
tionist a four-eyed,
incompetent son of a
"You're not involved
in campus life at all,
are you?" the girl asks
"Sure I am
"Like how?"
"Well. . . I haven't
missed a football game
all year
"Yeah? What's our
"I dunno. I just go
'cause it's a big party.
1 don't watch the
games-nobody does. But
I did sit in line all nght
to get tickets for the
State game. Man, that
was wild. Had a great
The girl snorts.
"And what about
concerts? I go to every
concert1, mean, every
dweot concert. And I
go downtown almost
every other night. Hell,
1 m not apathetic
"But you don't even
care about some of the
most important things
?n student life
"Sure I do. I have
"Like what?"
"Grass. Miller Lite.
Jack Daniels. Parties.
Sex. Not necessairly in
that order
The girl hands him
a flyer. "You need to
read this she says,
and then she slams the
door behind her.
Nice looking, the
student thinks. Too bad
she's not very laid-
He picks up the
flyer. The headline is
BLEM; under that he
reads the following:
"The past three
years, less than 15
percent of the student
body has voted in SGA
The editors of this
year's publications were
selected for their jobs
unopposed because no
one else cared enough
l?? run against them.
'The turnout at
Student Union Special
Events has been dis-
gracefully low due to .
The student picks up
his bong, fires it up,
ami takes another hit.
He reaches over and
flips his radio on-deep
Purple into "Smoke on
the Water The
student writes on back
of the flyer, "Apathy
is a problem He
thinks about the girl
again, smiles and adds,
"but who gives a

from the contaminated
plant. Some people live
as close as 200 yards.
As I write, three davs
after the start of this
nightmarish accident,
the innards of the plant
have not been calmed.
No one really knows
how much radiation has
escaped or what its
long-term effects will
be. The anatomy of the
incident will be studied
by investigators in
coming weeks. What-
ever their conclusions,
the people of central
Pennsylvania will bear
the consequences of
America's nuclear gam-
ble for the rest of
their lives.
Three Mile Island,
as the accident makes
clear, is the worst
possible for a nuke. It
?s in a river, thus
running the risk now
greatly enhanced) of
contaminating communi-
ties downstream. It is
within spitting distance
of a population center.
It is hard by railroad
tracks, where hundreds
of passengers pass
daily, and almost as
close to the Harrisburg
It is from a plane
that I first Saw the
plant, on a holdiay visit
to my family last
December. Driving to
and from the airport
with my parents, the
huge conical towers of
the nuclear plant
dominated the horizon.
Their sheer bulk sque-
ezed out the smaller,
older buildings and
natural features that
used to be landmarks,
seeming to define the
place I once called
My parents expres-
sed a vague sense of
unease about the plant.
They seemed to want to
trust the experts who
told them it was
perfectly safe, but thev
couldn't quite do it.
They are less likely to
trust them now. This
morning (March 31),
they joined the exodus
of people from Harris-
burg. When I asked
where they were going,
ihey said they didn't
The tragedy of Three
Mile Island is that it
was so predictable. For
vears, nuclear critics
"have warned of the
dangers of the "peace-
ful atom but the
powers-that-be have not
heard them. Among
those who did are the
makers of the superb
Be film The China
The fictional nuclear
accident that occurs in
the film is strikingK
similar to the Three
Mile Island scenario.
The parallels don't
end there. In real life,
as in the movie
corporate and Tovern-
ment public relations
people blandly assured
the public that all was
well in the hours
immediately after the
accident. Their contra-
dictory statements in
the days that followed
strongly imply it was
not. Even now, utility
spokespeople downplav
the dangers of the
radiation released at
Thret Mile Island-this
in tlu face of
evidence that there i
no safe threshold of
radiation exposure.
The accident cannot
be erased, but several
things can be done to
aid the victims and
prevent future nuclear
First, controlled,
long-term studies should
be done on persons who
were most heavily
exposed, especially wor-
kers in the plant during
the dav- of chaos. It
the past is an indica-
lon, we urn expect
soaring rates of cancer
and birth defects among
those persons and their
children in coming
Second. Metropolitan
Edison, the utility that
operates the plant,
should be held liable
tor any and all medical
expenses arising from
the accident, now or in
the future.
Third. Three Mile
Island should be perm-
anently shut down.
Fourth, a nationwide
moratorium on the
construction of nuclear
plants should be decla-
We may be consoled
b the fact ,ha) ,?e
Harrisburg accident
could have been even
worse and th r?OSsibtJiti
that it n,av sale lives
?" the future. we
almost lost Hamburg
? were kicky. Some
Reader disagrees
with art judging
TO FOLNTaihi. At n
Twlay I have done
something I have never
done before. I have
taken a piece out of a
competition because of
a disagreement with the
judging. The recent
Ulumnia student art
competition in Menden-
nal was unfortunately
. n! ? cruel hoax
played on the ECU
udents by lhe e,itist
'?obb,r of onv
nill professor.
Jur.u Denn.s
broy-K. in.
tor . Ch .
"? ?he Photographv
lategory incompetent '
,MOU!h " he prize., ??
ve no fir or
Prues awarded. There
21 f second
P,a? pruen.onies
awarded printmakin
y? did these Dr?f
in -nies g?
.It -
lime it.
that an
Ju,gf is in
d- down to
?"?' ??. selec
vx,? I somc-
'vith. Han-
,M l" ,1
??'??' ? ,n M'v
??. i lmpch-
,ur r?Jcli.?,
?.nedly, lhere
yr ome bad e
Emitted, but
deem all
se pri2e.
? hev
n,e divide up
unworthv " i enlries
n a Si P'iem
???? " -
comply rr ? act of
I taPkt. ,rr?ance that
insult JT U. Phonal
u not oiiK lo m
ul W 'he ?k V
of Art I, .School,
state r ,s ,n this
s,ate of mind that
withdraw from the
- Ed
,?rE"? t 41,
Mefc 4asM9toMtf sflVM

S April 1979 FOIINTAIMHP.n o
? "M.IU. ,h, warm h?ur, h.
f"r ?' " -I? (pho by BZ
Staff Writer
The time of year is
again at hand when
students lace the pres-
sing problem of whom
to room with. Finding a
roommate is often easy,
but finding a compatible
one is an entirel)
different matter. Some
roommates are fortunate
and gel along well,
while others must resort
to working out their
problems or changing
Director ol Housing,
Dan K. Wooten es-
timates that there are
approximate!) 400 room
changes each year.
W hile students are not
required to give a
reason lor changes,
probabh half of the
change- arc due to
roommate problems,
according to Wooten.
Most changes occur
during the first week of
tall semester,
I here are several
dillerent problems that
new roommates lace,
says Dr. P. Smith of
counseling center.
?- ?. me counsen
High school scholars
to visit ECU campus
Although she doesn't
counsel many students
with roommate prob-
lems, Dr. Smith feels
that some of the major
problems are conflicts in
sleeping and studying
schedules and dif-
ferences in moral
Another common
problem occurs between
friends from the same
hometown. One room-
mate may tend to be
overl) possessive of the
other and resent their
roommate's other
friends. In this situ-
ation, Dr. Smith advises
that counseling may
help the roommate work
out his feelings of jeal-
ous) .
It is best to keep an
open line ol communi-
cation between room-
mates concerning their
problems, rather than
letting a hostility build
up inside until it ends
in open conflict, Smith
said. However, in the
case ol a .serious per-
sonalit) conflict, she
advises that a room
change is probably for
the best.
One women's dorm
counselor, who asked
not to be identified,
states that other
problems arise when
roommates don't really
get to know each other.
In many cases, one
roommate is gone much
ol the time and there-
lore the students never
get used to living with
each other.
Also, many students
have always had private
rooms at home and are
not used to sharing.
Visitation rights can be
a problem, too. Often
students are jealous of
their roommate's girl-
Iriend or boyfriend, or
the) are resentful about
the amount of time the
roommate's date spends
in their room.
Both counselors
agree that honesty and
openness are two quali-
ties that roommates
should cultivate, along
with respect of each
other's rights of privacy
and ownership.
Another good sug-
gestion is for each
roommate to get to-
gether at the beginning
of the year and discuss
what they expect of
each other as a room-
mate. This helps each
roommate understand
exact!) what the other
wants from their rela-
On 3th St.
tin- Hook Barn
(iood Food
& ?ood People
Wg?-tarian diets
MonSat. 11a.m9p.m.
Any Shoe Size 5&6
We Have A
Fantastic Clog Sale
Starting at $10.00
720 Atlantic Ave
MonSat. 10am-7pm
-pass it on
Delivery starts at
12 noon
. win
iminar Schol-
Vptitu Test
mmendatii their
ie high si In ioIs.
up look at K(
ms .and
ul acti i - The
? i be given infor-
il '
ll aid
ible to (l
-tudents. s,
Events planned
the ueeknil include .
rei reational activ ities,
lours, a play, an ECU
vs. W illiam and Marv
baseball game, a
concert, class visitations
"ii Mondav and aca
demic interest dis
i u-inn groups. Dr.
mas Brewer, ECU
mcellor, is schedule!
to address a banquet
t ontinued from pa.
Is. stl
; i!
a ven-
cads m
motiv a-
w is h l i
past when
r has
mia) evening
Free pregnancy test, birth control and
problem pregnancy counseling For
formation call 832-0535 (toll- if
800-?21-25661 between .
9 A M -5 P M weekdays
Raleigh Women's Health
917 West Morgan St.
Raleigh. N.C. 27603
: w-NisSo s
Now Has The
Super Giant 20" Pizza
Largest in N.C.
Try it
You'll like it
Dine in, To go
Fast, Free Delivery
Delivery starts 12 noon
Notice is hereby given that on March 1, 1979 East Carolina
University tendered an application to the Federal Communications
Commision in Washington, D.C. requesting a constuction permit
for a new Educational FM Broadcast Station in Greenville, N.C.
to operate on FM Channel 217A, 91.3 MHz, with total input
power of 1 50 watts and an effective radiated power of 282 watts
from an antenna radiation center 1 34 ft. above terrain.
The proposed studies and transmitter will be located on the
campus of East Carolina University in Greenville, N.C. The
proposed antenna support stucture will extend a total of 139 ft
above ground level. A copy of the above referenced application
which contains a complete listing of the applicants, officers,
and governing board is on file for public inspection during normal
business hours at the office of WECU Radio and the SGA
President's office.
? - - ii & w
'Head far the mountains.
C Anheuser Busch inc St Lou's Mo
ff v r ? ? ?

Students of ail shapes and sizes bathe in the Spring sunshine.
li l lowing story
should have been run
I uesda) iu Greek
Forum. W?- apoligize for
an) inronvenience.
rhe Theta Alpha
Chapter of Alpha Kappa
lpha Sororitj has
reall) been active the
last (.?ouplc of month?
The month of Februarj
ver) bus) and
i iting. On the Sunday
"i the dedication ser-
' tlie Ledonia
W right Culturas Center.
Theta Alpha
ter celebrated its
Founders' l)a with the
Creenvillle Alumnae
? hapter of Alpha Kappa
I he da) included
ireh services al our
iduate advisors'
tehurch 5oror jHa
Harris, dedication ser-
?r both chapters
i dinner. e conclu-
! the da with the
I ? CC dedication
Ledonia right
also a member of
Alpha Kappa Alpha.
Since the month of
Febuary was Negro
Historj Month several
ol the sorors fell it very
necessar) to express the
idea in the area
schools. Matlvnn Brvant
and Myrta Adams dis-
tributed posters con-
cerning Negro History
furnished b Nabisco.
During the month of
Febuarj the chapter
also had a Bake Sale
and proceed- went to
the Cleveland Job
March wa vcrv
bus) lor Theta Alpha
too. Our spring pledge
Arah Venable, Cheryl
Russel, Angela Hender-
son, Barbara Day,
Tamnn Lassiter, and
Cynthia Miller have
been vcrv bus) with
service projects that
include working with
the girls in Operation
Sunshine and the bov
at Spruills Boys1 Home.
The Ivie also went
along with the girls
from Operation Sunshine
lo see Esther Rolle.
Some of the sorors
visited the Greenville
Villa Nursing Home and
played bingo and sang
songs for the patients
there. There was a
dance at the LWAACC
and the proceeds wehn
Saturday March 31,
1979 the AKA'S had a
service project involving
the senior citizens at
the West Greenville
Gym. Our brothers of
the Alpha Phi Alpha
Fraternitv helped) ua a
great deal. We aJS0 had
help from the Omega
Pi Phi Fraternitv and
the Kappa Alpha Psi
There will be a
blink -how Friday, April
f). at 5:30 on the patio
at Mendenhall. The
Ivies will step first and
the Scrollers of the
Kappa Alpha Psi
Fraternitv will step
immediately afterwards.
Biology department is
broadening interests
staff Writer
Ihe interes
activities of th
Department of
are broadening.
ol a new
according to
K a I m u a
the construction
Dr Gerhard
within the Department.
Kalmus -aid that the
Department of Biology's
efforts to strengthen the
pre-medical curriculum
are being realized in
the Developmental Biol-
og) section, which is a
relatively new addition
the Department.
Before the creation of
this section, the Biology
Department was known
rnostl) for it- Coastal
Studio and Botany -
related curricula" Kal-
mus said. He added
thai the creation of the
new laboratorv will offer
more opportunities for
undergraduate and gra-
duate students.
Kalmu mentioned
that students interested
research projects in
are encour-
inquire. He
said that he actively
seeks research grants
for Mudents under his
supervision, and encou-
rage- publication and
presentation of all theri
research related activities.
Dr. Kalmus said that
he has several
students under his
supervision in research -
related activities since
he came to ECU in
1977. He said that the
research has been
conducted in interim
laboratorv facilities until
Kalmus now has
three graduate, and two
undergraduate students i
working on research
projects u nder his
-upervision. Graduate
student Michael Smith
is working on the
effects of microenviron-
ment changes on gene
activity in chick emb-
ryos. Graduate student
Randy Dunson is
anav zing hormone levels
in neural-retina cells in
chick embryos. Graduate
student David Bjorkman
is working with the
characterization of pri-
moral germ cells.
Undergraduate stud-
ent John Powell is
working with the effects
of environmental flou-
ride on the mechanism
of reproduction in sea
urchins, and undergrad-
uate student Alex Webb
is studying the rejection
mechanism involved in
heart transplants on
Dr. Kalmus, whose
speciality is experimen-
tal Embryology, recently
received a grant from
the East Carolina Uni-
versity Research Comm-
itee. He has b een
published often in
scientific journals, and
is very active in attend-
ing state, regional, and
national scientific meet-
ings. Dr. Kalmus was
born in Berlin, Ger-
many, and lived in Sao
Paulo, Brazil before
coming to America. He
received his B.A. from
the University of Calif-
ornia, Berkely, and
holds the M.S. and Ph
D. degrees from Rut-
gers University.
Autographs a profitable hobby
for this retired gynecologist
Staff Writer
There may be big
money stored in the
form of letters, docu-
ments or photographs
signed by famous
people. "In fact, they
may be worth more
than American money
because such autographs
have appreciated in
value faster than infla-
tion says Dr. B.C.
West, an autograph
dealer of Elizabeth City,
Dr. West, a retired
gynecologist, became
interested in investing
in autographs after
reading a 1973
McGraw-Hill publication.
A year later he began
dealing in autographs.
He turned his small
attic into a business
office where he buys
and sells autographs
over the phone, or
through the mail.
Autographs, manu-
scripts, and documents
are important because
of being rare, or signed
by famous people.
Research centers some-
times collect them for
PhD students to use.
Autograph dealers
usually deal with manu-
scripts of historical
importance, but some-
times trivial signatures
such as entertainers'
fall into the hands of
the dealers.
The value of one
autograph can be illus-
trated by the example
of George Washington
and Button Gwinnetet.
A good collector would
not hesitate to choose
the Gwinnett signature.
Although Mr. Gwinnett
is not as well-known as
Washington, Gwinnett
did sign the Declaration
of Independence as a
representative from
Georgia and went home
and died within three
months. His autographs
are so rare that a fine
one will bring over
$50,000, but the
Washington one might
bring around $1,000,
because his signatures
are quite common.
The most valuable
autographed letter which
Dr. West once owned
was written by Thoma-
Jefferson to the Senate
on January 16, 1797.
asking if he were
elected President. The
letter sold for $6,700.
'manuscripts are
easy to transport. Thev
can be taken anywh-
without any problem-
Collectors and dealer-
keep their most valua-
manuscripts and do
ments in a safe dep
box or in the bank
safe keeping.
Senior stats released
There's a graduating
senior in the class of
1979 at E.C.U. who is
only 19 years old.
And there are at
least five students
among ECU's 9,592
undergraduates who
entered college at 16.
But there's evidence
indicating that it isn't
necessarily youth being
served by colleges and
universities today.
There's one ECU
freshman on campus
who's 65.
And one in every
five of this spring's
2,257 graduating seniors
first enrolled in college
more than five years
ago. One who will
receive her undergrad-
uate degree was ad-
mitted to ECU in 1937-
42 years ago.
According to figures
charted by Dr. John H.
(Jack) Home, Dean of
Admissions, there are
202 senior women who
first enrolled five years
or more ago, and 278
senior men who enrolled
in 1974 or earlier. This
is 21.27 per cent of the
senior class.
One of the four
women students who
enrolled at ECU at age
16 will be graduated
May 11 with an estima-
ted grade point average
of 3.35. (A GPA of 4.0
is perfect). One young
lady, now a sophomore,
who first enrolled in
1963 has 3.4 GPA.
The great majority of
ECU students, of
course, are between the
ages of 18 and 21. On
the other hand, there is
a woman who will be
graduated with a 3.7
GPA who is 56 years
old. At least a dozen
ECl undergraduates are
in their 50's.
South Seas
Pet Shop
Greenville Square
Mon. Sat.
12 9 p.m.
Starting Friday April 6th
Come see "Buick"
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Located beside
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Pass it on
Deliyery starts 12 noon
' Howdy ECU Students "
Clip this coupon for
good Western Eat In'
offer good 'til 4-14-78
William Gibson's colorful and moving
portrait of the youthful Will Shakespeare
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Studio Theatre East Carolina Playhouse
$2.50 ECU students $1.00
Call 757-6390 for reservations
We're looking for independent,
hard working students who like
to travel.
National Company
interviewing students now!
Students averaged'3000 last summer.
Interviews are Thursday and Friday
at 10 a.m I pjn and 7 p.m.
Interviews will be held in 30IC Brewtter
Dress Casual, but please be on rime.
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3rd- ?25.00 Caah; Lunch for 2 at tha Baaf Barn-
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All proceeds go to the Heart Fund
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5 April 1979 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 7
ertramp's new album
Trends Editor
one of the most innovative
long time. Riek Davies, on
and Roger Hodgson, on
guitars do all the words and
- latest album Breakfast In
Supertramp has been
roek bands around tor a
vocals and keyboards
vocals, keyboards
music on the
first song on side one is "Gone Hollywood"
about the rough road to the top in the' movie
he vocals and keyboard offer a treble
'he deep, booming bass accompaniment
song. Roger Hodgson distinguishes himself
iis guitar work on this song.
.ogical Song" deals with the path of
in tlu
with I
gru IHir
losing the time of "splendor in the
the flower The intriguing lyrics
along with the compelling rhythm make
the best songs on the album. This
ii' and
-? glorj in
this one of
number deals with the loss of identity suffered by
man modern people upon leaving the innocence
1)1 childhood for the experience of adulthood.
Goodbye Stranger" makes use of the timeless
lht'me ol the "ramblin' man" who has to bid his
ove adieu because he can't stand to stay in one
place for long. The song is softer than most on
bum and has a marvellously intricate
arrangement lor percussion on the piano and guitar,
as well as the drums. Elements of this song hark
hark to Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. Roger
Hodgson on guitar gets into a really wild and funkv
solo that i- extreme!) exciting.
Fhe title . cut ol the album possesses the
chai Supertramp funky rhythm and excellent
vocals ami creative instrumental arrangement. The
song deals with a Briton reaction to American
tktasts, girls and wa) of life.
' '? Darling" includes some excellent woodwind
work b) John Helliwell, some good bass licks by
Dougie Thomson and some fine percussion by bob
Benber. In this song the singer entreats his love
not to leave him, and if she does leave him, he will
follow her.
The first song on side two is "Take The Long
Way Home" begins with a nice piano introduction,
and continues with vocals that you just have to
move to. This is one song on the album that
would make good "hit" material. There is some
excellent harmonica work done in this cut by John
"Lord Is It Mine" deals with the need to be
alone, the need to have a silent place that you can
call your own. Its tone is softly pensive. The
major contrast in the song is between the harshness
of day to day living, represented by the drums and
bass, as opposed to the sublimity that may be
found in solitude, represented by lovely, lilting
Lead guitar is the major instrument on "Just
Another Nervous Wreck The subject of the song
ts a guy who thinks he has lost his big opportunity
in life, a man who could have made a fortune but
who now is just moaning his life away because he
believes that he is a loser.
"Casual Conversations" is a laid-back, almost
jazzy number about just what the title says, casual
conversations between lovers. After making love, in
the morning at breakfast, having a few beets at a
bar down the street; all these casual conversations
mean so much in our lives.
A lively electric organ introduces "Child of
Vision the last song on Breakfast In America. A
rich, idle ne'er-do-well who does nothing but lie
about on the beach all day is enjoined by the
singer to see more of life, to experience life's
pleasures and hardships more deeply.
Supertramp's latest album is an obvious
development in the group's musical abilities. It's a
lun rock album, and these days, that's saying a lot.
Supertramp releases Breakfast in America
ECU Drama Department spoi
sors the third annual 'Day of
Wright Auditorium
Jacques D'Amboise
The East Carolina
Theatre Foundation, in
cooperation with the
ECU Department of
Drama and Speech, will
sponsor the third annual
"Day of Dance" at
Wright Auditorium Sun-
day, April 8.
The afternoon's act-
ivities will include mas-
ter classes in beginning,
intermediate and ad-
vanced ballet, jazz
dance and modern
dance conducted by top-
rank professionals.
Conducting the in-
termediate and ad-
vanced ballet classes
this year will be Jacque
d'Amboise, principal
dancer with the New
York City Ballet for
more than a quarter
D'Amboise created
roles in many of George
Balanchine's ballets,
lending his spirited
presence and assured
technique to such works
as "Western
Symphony" and "Stars
and Stripes His
credits include perfor-
mances with the San
Francisco Ballet, Munich
Ballet, Kansas City
Ballet a number of
films and Broadway
musicals, and two
special performances at
the White House, more
recently last May in
Jerome Robbins' "Af-
ternoon of a Faun" at a
state dinner for NATO
diplomats given by
President and Mrs.
Since January 1978,
d'Amboise has served
as Dean of Dance at
the State University of
New York at Purchase.
The beginning ballet
master class will be
taught by David Ander-
son, director of the
David Anderson Dance
Company in New YOrk
and guest instructor in
dance at ECU this
semester. A dancer of
broad talents, Anderson
has been a member of
the American Ballet
Theatre and a solo
dance at Radio City
Music Hall. He, too,
has appeared with the
San Francisco Ballet
and on Broadway. His
choreography credits
include works for the
Dennis Wayne Dancers,
Luigi's Jazz Company,
the Syracuse Ballet
Theatre, companies in
Israel and Germany, as
well as his own
company. The jazz
dance master classes
will be conducted for
the third consecutive
year by Frank Wagner.
Wagner, who came to
the ECU dance faculty
in the fall of 1977, soon
after conducting master
classes for the first Day
of Dance, has worked
throughout the world of
professional dance on
both sides of the
He has choreo-
graphed LBroadway
musicals, variety shows,
touring revues, operas
and television specials.
Before coming to ECU,
Wagner taught jazz
dance for 20 years at
the International School
of Dance in New York.
Among his former
students are John
Davidson, Cheta Rivera,
Julie Newmar, Marlon
Brando, Rita Moreno
and others.
This year
s modern dance master
class will again be
conducted by Patricia
Pertalion. A member
of ECU's dance faculty
for the past six vears,
Ms. Pertalion holds her
MFA deg ree in dance
from the Florida State
I niversity.
She has studied with
the Merce Cunningham
Company, the Jose
Limon Company, Eric
Hawkins and Bella
Lewitzky. She has
performed leading dance
roles, in a number of
musical hoted her
own twlevision program
for several years, and
operated a private
dance school before
coming to EC I.
Registration for the
Dav ol Dance i limited
to dancers 10 ear old
or older. The registra-
tion fee is $5. Regis-
tration forms ma be
obtained bv writing:
Dav of Dance, De-
partment of Drama and
Speech, East Carolina
University, Greenville.
NC 27831.
Spoleto Festival includes four dance companies
Charleston, S.C. - The May 25-June 10 Spoleto
Fc-tival U.S.A. will feature four prominent dance
companies as part of its comprehensive presentation
of the performing and visual arts. Ballet Repertory
Company, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, and
a double-Bill of Douglas Norwick and Dancers and
the Bill Evans Dance Company will be seen at the
Gaillard Municipal Auditorium during the 17-day
Ballet Repertory Company
Ballet Repertory Company, under the direction of
Richard Englund, is an affiliate company of
American Ballet Theatre. Ballet Rep features the
country's most talented young dancers in repertory
ranging from the 19th century romantic ballet to
innovative works of emerging contemporary choreo-
graphers. Two world premieres will highlight the
company's Spoleto Festival U.S.A. performance.
Other works planned for the Spoleto program
include Kevin Haigen's "Hanson Piano Concerto
Job Sanders' "Impressions Richard Englund's
Vivaldi Variations and Ballet Rep's signature piece
"Bournonville Divertissement as staged for the
company by the Danish ballerina Toni Lander.
Ballet Rep will present two separate programs.
Program I will be danced May 26 at 8 pm and May
27 at 2 pm; Program II will be danced May 27 and
28 at 8 pm.
Formed in 1972, Ballet Rep has already
performed in 92 cities in 32 states, in Mexico and
in Europe. In the tradition of American Ballet
Theatre, the Company's repertory ranges from
romantic and classical ballet to contemporary and
modern dance. A typical Ballet Repertory Company
performance features three to five works carefully
selected to represent a wide range of dance styles
A sample repertory might include a 19th century
romantic ballet, a classical pas de deux, a modern
dance work, and a contemporary ballet newly
created for the Company.
Richard Englun d has created and produced
more than 80 ballets, divertissements and other
works, as well as dances for operas and musicals.
An experienced dancer and painter, Mr. Englund
also has designed costumes, stage decor and
lighting for many of his works. Mr. Englund has
been a pioneer in the regional ballet movement and
has been associated with several pilot projects in
dance education.
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre
Celebrating its 20th anniversary, the Alvin Ailey
American Dance Theatre will present three separate
programs at Spoleto Festival U.S.A. 1979. The
Company will offer a blend of elements from
Afro-Caribbean dance, modern dance, ballet and
For two decades, audiences have been brought
to their feet - cheering, screaming, clapping,
demanding encore after encore-by the Alvin Ailey
American Dance Theatre. Even at its debut with
seven dancers, critics reported that the "audience
went wild Ailey's widely acclaimed "Revelations"
premiered two years later and has worked ita
magical charm ever since-from theatres of every
size to President Carter's Inaugural Gala.
Alvin Ailey's dance is not about swans, queens,
kings or princes. It is about real people and real
emotions. Alvin Ailey holds a mirror up to his
audiences and offers them an idealization of their
dreams. To Ailey, dance is "a positive expression of
the human spirit of people who reflect life
Rather than become the sole personal instrument
of its founder, the Ailey group has been
choreographed by a variety of prominent artists
including John Butler, Louis Falco, Talley Beatty,
Donald McKayle, Jennifer Muller, Lar Lubovitch and
George Faison.
Ailey's works pulse with rhythm, and audiences
are usually unable to restrain from clapping along.
His special series of 15 ballets under the title
"Ailey Celebrates Ellingtonare evidence of Ailey's
dependence upon music as a major inspiration.
Over 20 years, Alvin Ailey has created a brilliant
Company which now boasts 27 dancers with a
repertory of 50 works by over 30 choreographers.
There is no doubt that the Spoleto '79 performances
of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre will
continue the Company's memorable history. As Clive
Barnes wrote in the New York Times, "The world
has never seen a more powerful expression of joy.
There is nothing like it
Douglas Norwick and DancersBill Evans Dance
Presented as a double-bill, Douglas Norwick and
Dancers and the Bill Evans Dance Company will
offer two different programs at Spoleto Festival
U.S.A. 1979. Program I will be seen at 8 pm on
May 30 and 2 pm on June 2. Program II will be
seen at 8 pm on May 31 and 2 pm on June 1.
The Norwick Company of eight dancers uses
principles of classical dance technique to express the
poetry of everyday action and movements. Musical
accompaniment for the group ranges from the music
of J.S. Back to Elton John. Norwick's dance
vocabulary incorporates ballet, Broadway, jazz,
mime, athletics, rock and disco. Norwick's own
multi-faceted career has included acting, dancing,
writing and figure skating as well as choreography.
Based in Seattle, the Bill Evans Dance
Company s repertory reflects a philosophy of
movement and dance concerned with human
communication The repertory, performed by six
dancers including Evans, is composed of Evans'
works and works by Anna Sokolow and Mat Mattox.
Noted dance critic Walter Terry has called Evans
one ol the best choreographic forces to touch the
whole American dance sceneAlan Kriegsman of
The Washington Post adds, "This amazing
dancer-choreographer seems to have more disguises
than Sher ock Holmes, all wondrouslv credible and
Omplete program and ticket information about
the Spoleto dance events as well as the Festival's
TSJ ejchambcr music and other
offerings available by contacting Spoleto Festival
722 2764 Charleston, SC 29402 (803)

Page 8 FQUNTAiNHEAQ 5 April 1979
New' music comes to ECU this week-end
New' music will
be the locus of the final
?i of the ECU
Si hool of Music Festival
'79 when the celebrated
V (,rk w Music
Ensemble comes to
campus Thursday and
the i members of
the group will present
open rehearsal and
al lecture on
hal In Listen For
?i Performance Prob-
lems in 'New' Music
- session, at 70
Thursday, April
ensemble will
about the music
they will perform in
their Friday afternoon
concert. The concert, to
be presented Friday,
April 6, at 2D00 p.m.
will be preceded that
day by a master class
from 10:00-12:00 in
which ECU student
groups will be coached
by members of the
ensemble. All events
wiU be held in the A.J.
Fletcher Recital Hall.
The New York New
Music Ensemble was
founded in 1975 to
perform innovative and
classic twentieth-century
music. American com-
posers are accorded
special emphasis, and
many collaborate with
the Ensemble in the
preparation of their
The Ensemble has
performed extensively in
New York and has been
reviewed by the New
York Times as . .
tense, aggressive, vic-
many such new music
concerts, the whole
concert was pretty
enjoyable5 and "an
assemblage of almost
invariable excellent per-
formers. .
These performers
include Robert Black,
founder, director and
conductor of the ensem-
ble, who holds a doc-
torate from Juilliard. He
has toured with Spec-
ulum Musicae as pianist
and conductor and has
recorded for New World
Records and been guest
artist at the Aspen
Music Festival. A
former member of the
Oberlin Conservatory
piano faculty, he is
presently teaching at
Princeton University.
Other members of
the group are Eric
Midnight Diamond
Bartlett, cellist, pres-
ently principal cellist of
the Juilliard OrchestraD
Jayn Rosenfeld, flutist,
formerly first flutist of
the American Symphony
Orchestra under
Stokowski;Alan Fein-
berg, pianist, a certifi-
cate winner of the 1976
Geneva International
CompetitionD Laura
Flax, clarinetist, grad-
uate of Juilliard and
recording artist for CRI
and Nonesuch; and
Gregory Fulkerson, vio-
linist, faculty assistant
to the Juilliard string
quarter while completing
his doctoral studies and
a graduate of Oberlin
College and Conserva-
tory where he received
twin degrees in violin
performance and math-
The group has
appeared regularly dur-
ing the League of
International Society for
Contemporary Music
Concerts and the com-
posers' Guild for Per-
formance Concerts at
Columbia University.
The group was recently
invited to participate in
the International World
Music Days Festival of
? ra
Staff Writer
Midniiiht Diamond
Gra ha- had
in the
vears he
a career that is unique in
?his tine, havou-influenced
habit ot breaking mirrors. Every
has emerged fror
m obscuntv just
ugh to showcase an absolute gem of'a pop
? return to the shadows again.
1965, he scored with "The In Crowd; "in '72
Way Right on time, Dobie has
from darkness again, and his 1979 rel
disappoint. The albu
imond, highlights
indescent affirmation of
m is called Midnight
a 3:34 glowing,
Wilbert Longmire
the powers of imagination and its relationship to
human potential. (Are you listening, Maslow?) This
single is " You Can Do It and any song positive
enough to tell us "If you can do it in your
imagination you can do it in real life is rnore
than all right with me.
1 uThe Nflbrm ,als? inc,udes a fine rendition of
Johnny Nash s classic "I Can See Clearly Now "
Welcome back, Dobie-and goodbye, for now.
Wilbert LongmireSunny Side Up
This is one of the most likeable jazz albums I
have heard and also one of the most forgettable
Sunny Side Up is Longmire's first lp, and he
plays electric guitar very well (much in the style of
George Benson). He is lent fine support by Bob
James on keyboards (who co-produced with Jav
Chattaway), David Sanborn, Harvev Mason, Eric
Gale, Richard Tee and the rest of the standard
session players.
And that is the album's major problem. It is all
so damned standard. All the musicians plav
standardly great lines, all the charts are arranged
standardly well, and are mixed tieh standardly
faultless precision.
There is no substance, no meat to sink one's
teeth into, anywhere on the album.
Another difficulty is that James has given partnr
Jay Chattaway too much power and, since
Chattaway is reknowned for being prone to
overproduction, the result is all flash and no
Only "Black if the Color" and "Starflight the
two cuts Bob James personally arranged and
produced come close to succeeding But, these cuts
are like a semmingly pretty model who is no longer
beautiful once her make-up is removed. .And, if one
can see through James' cosmetic touches at the
Three advanced students
give varied music recitals
meed stu-
ia - a I East
1) per-
rhe recit-
: the
'f" A. J.
R? ital Hall.
Pertorming in a joint
? i March
seniors J.B.
Keysville, Va
m! Melanie
Vaughl of Eliza-
French horn.
vas featured
alises and
11' In
Capuzzi 's
I Rondo
Piei e enforme
Habanera" and a
1 Ka sonata for trom-
: piano.
Lambeth was
Bailey is a student
of George Broussard
and the son of Mr. and
Mr Julian Bailey of
Route 3, Keysville, Va.
He is a candidate for
the Bachelor of Music
Education degree.
Melanie Vaught per-
formed the Saint-Saens
"Concertpiece a
Beversdorf Sonata for
horn and piano, "Le
Basque" by Marais,
"Poem" by Read and
"Intermezzo" by Gliere,
accompanied by pianist
Brenda Miles.
She is a student of
James Parnell of the
ECL brass faculty and
a candidate for the
Bachelor of Music edu-
cation degree. Her
parents are Mr. and
Mrs. Louis T. Vaught of
Route 2, Elizabethtown
Graduate student
Benny Ferguson of
Powder Springs, Ga
trombonist, performed
Tuesday, March 20. His
program included the
Vivaldi Sonata No. 1,
"Concertino d'Hiver"
by Milhaud, "Three
ignettes for Trom-
bone" by Wilder and
"Variations on St.
Bone" by Schmidt.
He was accompanied
by pianists Rhem Bell,
Philip Stokes and
Gradyne Ferguson and
marimbist Richard
A candidate for
Master of Music degree
in performance and
education, Ferguson is a
student of George
Broussard of the ECU
brass faculty. During
his studies here, he has
been assistant director
and interim director of
the ECU Jazz
Ensemble, assistant
director of the campus
marching band, the
"Marching Pirates
and director of the
Concert Band.
Ferguson is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. H.L.
Ferguson, Jr of Rt. 1,
Powder Springs, Ga.
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mixing board, these are very bland sonrs
underneath. 8 s
Chuck Brown and The Soul Searchers-Bustm'
Chuck Brown and The Soul Searchers-Bustin' Loose
Keep searchin Chuck. You haven't found it.
Joe Sample-Carmel
This is the second solo album by the Crusaders'
keyboardist, and it is a marvelous endeavor
Sample s hands dance across his piano keys until
Wh rr medS int?,a VO,le'V of li(luid s?"nd.
Whether he plays a slow, single-line trickle or a
neavy-cnorded pour, the power is always there
Outstanding are the title cut, "Paintings
Sunrise, and "Midnight and Mist which
features a fine flute solo by Hubert Laws. Laws'
saxophone-style lines complement Sample very well
lnis collection again confirms the fact that The
Crusaders is a group composed of individuals who
can stand well enough on their own merits as
musicians and composers.
Chet Atkins-The First Nashville Guitar Quartet
Chet Atkins, John Knowles, John Pell and Liona
These cats may be from Nashville, but this set
am t necessarily country.
The range of material runs from Dixieland jazz
(J.J. Johnson s Carolina Shout"), to traditional
Spanish (blmd guitarist Rodrigo's "Concerto"), to a
superb rendition of Anne Murray's recent top 40
single, I Needed You ,0 a Shel Silverstein
composition Rings of Grsss" (Silverstein also
suggested this collaboration).
Anyone who understands good guitar should
Know this is some of the best.
Ibums Courtesy Record Bar
Music, the New Music
from Japan series in
Alice Tully Hall, and
the Whitney Museum's
Counterwieght Festival.
Since 1976, the
Ensemble has been
associated with the
Music Department of
Princeton University,
serving as performing
participants in the
Proseminar on Techni-
ques of Composition
and perfvorming an
annual concert series.
Works to be pre-
sented as the concert
on Friday afternoon are
"Seven for Piano and
Emm Hflnc" n
Ralph Shapeyt, "Eleven
Echoes of Autumn"
(1965) by George
Crumb, "Gemini"
(I966)by Robert Gerhard.
AFour'Pieces for Violin
and Cello"by Preston
Trombly, "For an
Actor-Monologue for
Clarinef'by Shulamit
Ran, and "Amazon"
(1977) by Joan Tower.
Members of the
Festival committee are
School of Music faculty
member- Jame-
Forger, Chairman,
Donna Coleman. E.
Gregory Nagod, Jame-
Searl, and Paul Topper
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5 April 1979 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 9
Purple-Gold Game
Saturday afternoon
Ficklen Stadium
Free Admission
ECU football schedule
set for next season
Sports Editor
East Carolina Athletic Director Bill Cain
announced today the Pirates 1979 football schedule,
and it undoubtedly ranks as the school's finest.
The Pirates, who finished 9-3 last year and
captured the Independence Bowl championship, will
play all six of the NCAA Division I Schools in
North Carolina. The Bucs will open with Western
Carolina Sept. 1, in Ficklen Stadium and face
Atlantic Coast Conference opponents N.C. State
Duke and Wake Forest during the next three weeks'
East Carolina also faces North Carolina and
Appalachian State which rounds out its in-state
schedule. The Pirates face the Tar Heels Oct. 27,
and meet Southern Conference foe Nov. 3, in
Besides Western Carolina, the home slate
includes games with VMI Sept. 29, The Citadel Oct.
13, Richmond Nov. 10, and North Texas State Nov.
17. The Citadel contest will be designated as
Simply Sports WALKONS
Sam Rogers
Schedule Best Ever?
A welcome addition at ECU
THE 1979 EAST CAROLINA football schedule
tf ru day, and tor the first time in the
school s history, the Pirates will face all of the Big
hour schools as well as Appalachian State and
Carolina which are the other two NCAA
? ' footbafl schools in .North Carolina
? East Carolina must face N.C. State,
Wake Forest all during the month of
September on the road before returning home again
lhe !(i ne stretch in September will put plenty
d pressure on tin- Bucs early although the Pirates
J!1 un, V fcvored to win against Duke and
East Carolina completed an amazing
k-to-back sweep against N.C. State and Duke at
ginning of the 1977 season before finishing
? ear with losses in two of its last three games
THE LAST TIME East Carolina plaved the
Demon Deacons ol wake Forest was back' in 1963
Pirates won 20-10. The Pirates own a 7-10
ill record against Atlantic Coast Conference
ECl has defeated Wake Forest, Duke,
Virginia and North Carolina at least once and own
three victories over North Carolina State. The
Pirates will meet North Carolina in Chapel Hill on
Oct. 27, and will have a week oil before the game.
Carolina squeaked past ECU 14-13 in its
ison opener lat ear.
Director Walt Atkins will push Pirate linebacker
Mike Brewington hard this season for Ail-American
honor Brewington was one of the most highly
- ughl after prep players in the country three year's
when he arrived at ECU and the senior from
Greenville hasn't disappointed anyone during his
treer her He led the team in tackles last season
with 149 stops including an amazing 112 solo stops.
Pirate roach Pat Dye compares him with former
Alabama linebacker Woodrow Lowe and former ECU
standouts Danny Kepley and Harold Randolph. "He
! the top linebackers and football players in
America1 -a Dye. "You can talk about him in
the same breath as anv linebacker in the Big 10 "
LTHOUGH CERALD HALL has finished ' his
playing career at ECU, Ruffin McNeill, Willie Holley
and Charlie Carter all return in the secondary which
certain!) rate- as one of the finest in the country.
Carter intercepted five passes last season, Holley
had three while McNeill had one. McNeill had a
59-yard interception return in the Independence
Bowl which et up a Pirate touchdown. Junior
Wayne Perry is expected to replace Hall at free
safety. Perry finished second on the team in
interception with four last year.
OTHER CANDIDATES ' who could earn big
post-season honors next fall are fullback Theodore
Sutton, the team's leading rusher during the last
tvo seasons, tight end Billy Ray Washington,
offensive guard Mitchell Johnston and halfback
Anthonv Collins.
WALKON AARON STEWART, a rising sopho-
more from Greensboro, led his Western Guilford
High School team to the state 3-A championship in
1977. Steward, who has a brother, Stan, on the
ECU golf team, is battling a host of quarterback
candidates for the number two position behind
Leander Green. Henry Trevathan is currently the
number one backup candidate behind Green while
Stewart, John Felton and Jess Eberdt are all
battling for some playing time next fall.
selected to the all-Eastern Intercollegiate swimming
team for the past season. John Tudor was named in
six events. Other members named were Ted
Nieman, Jack Cloward, Bill Fehling and Dan
whaller. The Pirate swimming team finished
second in the Eastern championships this year.
.Sports Editor
They're as much a part of the t East Carolina
football program as Pat Dye himself.
Just examine a few of the names who originally
came to East Carolina without a scholarship: Harold
Randolph, Jimmy Southerland, Rickie Holliday,
Junior Creech, Rodney Allen, Vance Tingler and
Vern Davenport.
Overlooked by most college football scouts, they
came to East Carolina where they were simply
given an opportunity to tryout. Although the dropout
rate still remains relatively high, even at East
Carolina, the Pirates have had more than their
share of players who have come on to play vital
roles in the program.
Il lootball means enough to a youngster in
college to come out, with the demands so great on
an individual's time, then they are going to be
something special to us Dye said recently. "Every
kid that walks on at East Carolina will be treated
no different than a scholarship kid and will get an
equal chance to make the team
Theodore Sutton, East Carolina's leading rusher
lor the last two seasons, is the latest rags-to-riches
In three years, the talented fullback from
Kins ton has risen from the depths of the weekly
Toilet Bowl to a starting position and will be
recognized as one of the finest running backs in the
state next fall.
"When I first got here, I really didn't even feel
like part of the team Sutton remembered. "We
stayed down at one end of Belk Dorm and all the
scholarship football players were down at the other
end. It got kind of depressing at times, but my
mom was always there to offer encouragement
And fortunately for Sutton, there weren't too
ECU fullback
Theodore Sutton
many fullbacks around to compete against.
Nevertheless, he spent a season working with the
lowly scout squad and never played in any games
other than a few junior varsity contests.
Sutton started turning a few heads during the
Spring of 1977, and by the time the Pirates opened
their season against N.C. State, he had nosed out
Vince Kolanko for the starting job at fullback.
"I think I started making a little headway in the
Spring, and some of the coaches were impressed
with me Sutton explained. "I always thought I
had a pretty good chance at playing, but starting as
a sophomore was really quite an achievement for
And with Spring practice drawing to a close,
more than a dozen walkons still remain on the
team. Some, like freshman Aaron Stewart, may even
See Walkons pg. 10
Spring drills no picnic
for ECU defensive unit
Sports Editor
Last fall the Incredible Hulk and Superman
would have had more than their share of problems
driving holes through East Carolina's defensive
Seniors Zack Valentine, Fred Chavis, Oliver
Felton and D.T Joyner were cornerstones behind
the Pirates highly publicized defensive unit which
allowed opponents only 124 yards rushing per game,
and hmshed second in the country in total defense
Unfortunately, none of those defensive stalwarts
will be around this September when the Pirates
fhe1Jr '7s;ason against Western CArolina.
And for Noah Clark and John Hallow, who are both
expected to move into starting positions this fall
spring practice has been no picnic.
While East Carolina coach Pat Dye has praised
the work of his offensive unit, the defense has
accumulated plenty of overtime on the practice field.
It just hasn't been much fun for us out there
this spring Clark said Tuesday afternoon while
dressing for practice, "The offense just seems to be
moving the ball at will on us and believe me, the
coaches have been letting us know about it.
"But I think concentration has been the main
problem for all of us he saidit gets kind of
tiring going out there almost every day and since
there's no big game for us on Saturday, it's easy to
lose some of your concentration
Clark, a husky 6-1, 225 pounder from nearby
Robersonville, is expected to move into the right
tackle position vacated by Joyner.
A part-time starter last year, he made 55 tackles
including 28 solo stops and also had three
quarterback sacks to his credit. But with six starters
lost to graduation even bigger things are expected
from the friendly tackle who his teammates call
"Mr. McGoo
"We've still got basically the same backup help
so the learning process hasn't been too difficult for
some of us Clark said. "But with the schedule
we've got early next year, we're going to have to
be ready early. Right now, though, I'm looking
forward to our spring game this Saturday. It will
give us a chance to playSa game situation instead
of the same old practice routine
Hallow, a rising sophomore from Greenville,
S.C. agrees He's fighting for the starting nose
guard spot left by Oliver Felton and the Purple-Gold
scrimmage provides a little something extra instead
of the ordinary rigors of practice.
"The spring game is something to look forward
to and it's a change from the every day practice
sessions Hallow said. "I'm not assure of a
starting position right now anyway so the game will
also give me a chance to prove myself and ft will
do the sam things for some of the other guys on
the team. " 9
Hallow made 23 tackles last fall playing behind
See Defense pg. !?
Dye begins 6th season at ECl
"We're working harder and harder each year to
upgrade the schedule at East Carolina, and I think
we have a very attractive one this season lor our
tans, Cam said. 'Upgrading schedules is a slow
pro7f! but reVe makin8 grater strides each year.
his is the first time ever we've managed to
get all the Big Four schools, and I'm sure our fans
are really going to be looking forward towards next
season. Cam added. "We're trying to upgrade our
home schedule right now. although it's a difficult
process. However, I think our tans have five
attractive games in Ficklen Stadium next fall and I
hope we can continue to have the large crowd
WeFVe, r '?? e pa.t
Last Carolina defeated Western Carolina VMI
Appalachian State, Richmond and William and Marv'
last year, but lost to N.C. State and North Carolina.
Duke returns to the schedule after a year's
absence along with The Citadel. East Carolina
deleated Duke 17-16 in the Blue Dev.l, season
opener m 1977, and topped The Citadel 34-16 in
Charleston s f
East Carolina also deleated Wake Forest in the
schools only meeting between each other back in
1963, when the Plates won 20-10. The contest was
the dedication game lor the newlv constructed
r i e k I e n o , . .
v T e Stadium.
?North Texa State, the final home opponent of
the season, will be the only team the Pirates have
n o t m p i
? . ' previouslv.
Sept. 1 - WESTERN CAROLINA - 7:00; Sept. 8
- at N.C. State 7:00: Spt. 15 at Duke 130
Sept. 22 at Wake Forest 7:30: Sept. 29 VMI
Oct. 13 THE CITADEL - 1;30; Oct. 27 at
North Carolina 130-
No. 3 at Appalachian State 1:30; No 10 -
STATE l:30;No. 24 at William and Marv - 1:30.
Gerald Hall forces ftimole
(Photo by Chap Curley)
09, mm ?
? ?'f?,rf
? r ? ??
9 ? ?
? I '???

0 ?

u n
0? 10 FOUNTAINHEAp a 1070
Free agents?another
Stewart seeks QB position
Assistant Sports Editor
The major league
baseball free agent
market may become
publicized than ever
come 1980. It is then
that one of the game's
superstars may jump
ship on hi present
George Foster, the
Cincinnati Reds' slug-
ger, said recently that if
that club did not meet
his demands he may
have to turn free agent
after his present con-
tract expires at the end
of the 1980 season.
Free agency would
seem to be an unusual
role lor the religious,
humble Foster.
with all of the
game's other stars,
including the likes of
Rod Carew, Jim Rice,
Dave Parker and Pete
Rose, signing salaries
calling for nearly
$800,000 vearlv, one can
hardly blame Foster for
wanting to join that
group. After all, he is
as good as any ol
'Those guys have
et a standard where
the bottom floor is
$800,000 Foster said
Foster's problems
signing with the Reds
are becoming increas-
ingly severe. The Cin-
cinnati slugger said in
mid-January that he
hoped to be signed by
the end of the month.
It is the first of April
(continued from pg. 9)
Felton including 13 solo hits, a sack and 1
recovery. He also received the award as th
Outstanding Freshman Plaver.
"Receiving that award was nice, but I think in a
vay n ,?ut even more pressure on me than
before, 'he adadmitted. "The big question mark this
spring has been at nose guard and in the interior
inc. We're impoving but we've got a lot of work
helore- next fall
Alter EaM Carolina's season opener against
western Carolina, the Bucs have three successive
road dale with .C. State, Duke and Wake Forest.
the Pirates also late North Carolina later in October
along with other tough games with North Texas
State, Applachian State and William and Mary.
It's an attractive schedule for us and probably
one o (he best ()r,es we've ever had Clark
saidbut 1 think maybe that's why the coaches
have been working us hard
When David had open
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AH of it was obtained,
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We re not the heroes of
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counting on
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newspaper A The Adwrtaing Coum. J S
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has his life complicated
further by multiple
sclerosis. He and his wife
were without money,
friends, job prospects. We
helped him, over many
months, to get his full VA
benefits. And now, when
he needs us. we make
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There's nothing very
unusual about this Red
Cross story.
Its the kind of job we do
every day. Which is why we
need your support more
than ever. Help us. Be-
cause the things we do
really help. In your own
neighborhood. And
across America. And the
now, and he is yet to
have signed. Free
agency is indeed a very
good possibility for
George Foster.
Making the signing
even more possible is
the fact that Reds'
vice-president and gen-
eral manager Dick
Wagner is known for
losing players to the
free agent market.
Wagner, a stubborn and
shrewd dealer, has seen
stars Don Gullett and
Pete Rose leave the
Reds in the last few
Wagner seems to be
reluctant to dish out the
kind of money it takes
to have a player the
caliber of Foster on a
team. It is well known
that Wagner feels the
Reds have some re-
building to do. He may
not put up that big of a
light to keep Foster.
Foster is already
preparing himself for
the possibility of free
agency. He knows that
the longer he waits to
sign, the more pressure
he will feel.
? I by mid-season
Foster has not signed
with Cincinnati, he will
suroly be under the
microseope of manv
teams and members of
the press. Every hit,
home run and strikeout
will be analyzed and
used during salarv
So Foster knows the
pressures are bound to
come. The question is,
can he overcome them?
The an.svver is
probably, "yes Foster
is a mild-mannered
player who constantly
displays great self-
control. Big George is
also a very religious
man who can count on
his faith a? a big help
when the possible
troubled times arrive.
Also, Foster is a
very healthy individual.
He makes sure that his
body is in top shape at
all times. He savs he
docs this because God
gave him a body and
expects him to take
care of it. Unless some-
thing drastic happens,
Foster should not have
injuries to vvorrv about.
(continued irom Pp
have a chance to see a lot of playing time in the
Stewart is one of the many talented quarterbacks
on the squad battling for the backup position behind
Leander Green. Although Henry Trevathan is
currently the number two QB, Jess Eberdt, John
relton andStewart are all in the race.
"I didn't get any playing experience in the Fall,
hut I ve played fairly well this Spring, and if I
continue to improve, I may just earn the number
two spot Stewart said. "The wishbone offense is
tough to learn, and it just takes time. But you need
two quarterbacks to run it effectively, and that
means more than one quarterback will probably get
the chance to play during the season
Stewart, who led Western Guilford to the state
J-A Championship in 1977, turned down offers to
Western Carolina and Appalachian State and chose
to attend East Carolina because of its "big time"
"Coach Hutcherson talked to me a little and
encouraged me to come out for the team, but Coach
Lye never knew anything about me before I got
here said Stewart, whose brother, Stan, is a
member of the East Carolina golf team. "Fall
practice wasn't that bad. I got to work with the
second team a little and didn't do too much work
with the scout team.
I just got a good opportunity to learn the
?Htnse' ami a uple of times I caught some
people's attention with my running and execution
he continued. "I even thought I might get to play
once or twice this year
After an impressive wee of practice before the
Richmond game, Dye even admitted during his
weekly press conference that Stewart might see
some action, but the Pirates were forced to go right
down to the wire before edging the Spiders in the
last lew minutes of the fourth quarter.
Despite no playing time last season, things
weren't that bad for Stewart. He made all the road
trips, dressed for every game and even accompanied
the team to the Independence Bowl where the Bucs
bombed Louisiana Tech.
"If you've got talent the coaches will notice it,
and I think I proved I could do some things fairlv
wel during the preseason practice Stewart
explained "But if you don't have it, the coaches
will overlook you, and it's not even worth being out
there after awhile
So when preseason practice begins in August
Iheodore Sutton will be enjoving the limelight while
Aaron Stewart will still be struggling for some
flaying tune and possibly a scholarship.
More than 50 people have left or quit since I
came here in the fall Stewart said. "And
sometimes I wish I had gone somewhere else. But
there s always hope, and right now I'm just looking
forward to next vear
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Dionne Warwick
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never know when
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Call Red Cross now
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So come on?All you Fraternities,
Sororities and Professional Groups-
Speak up for yourselves. With each
visit to The BURGER KING.
Restaurant, and purchase of a
WHOPPERsandwich, you will
receive a ballot to vote for your Best
Darn Organization. Throughout the
contest period, the voting will be
posted in The BURGER KING
Restaurant.The winning organization
will receive a portable color T.V
or it's equivalent cash value. So,
it's up to you, the student body, to
decide-Who's the Best Darn Organi-
zation at East Carolina
University? BURGER
Contest ends April 27,1979. KING
321 E. Greenville Blvd.
n i

Fountainhead, April 5, 1979
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 05, 1979
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