Fountainhead, March 29, 1979

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Circulation 10,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
Vol. 55, No. Q&-
29 March 1979

eco?? planned for election
Assistant News Editor
The SGA Presidential race is uncertain ?, u-
point, according to David certain at this
?T h3 hoGA V,Ce PreSidem- "If the -grity of
appears 0bhTfKare pr?Ven' then Brett Men
coPuPneta f 972 ot sC LibT Vf "
three-way rfcJtah oteoTal Tf J" the
totals are unofficial A,J vote
Although he had a 70 point lead there was
Coftt, ?f tHe bal,0t bo??. hi sa .
some of tne ballots were counted over anH m.
was some descrepencv in the there
said. A recount will be held torn
n"Y: Vice prede?, fTthfEft? Dd
Grady Dick
Election Result
ine &&'
Libby Lefler
ace Steven EdwarT'Moore uMRC treasur
?h? MRC secretary for next W,nner' a"d
Carlisle "eXt ?ear will be Tim
Melvin 972
Lefler 902
Adkins 774
Sherrod 1749
Calder I344
Felbinger 676
Lowe 1362
O'Geary 1072
Brett Mel
vi n
Checks bounce back to student

SUrt8 see. to g more "l?
H?P?"ar as the summer sun warms ECU.
News Editor
Worthless check
passing, traditionally a
problem this time of
year, is apparently on
the increase, according
to Julian Vainright,
Business Manager of
the university.
According to Vainri-
ght, a new svstem of
dealing wiih delinquet
checks will go into
effect immediately. Stu-
dents who write worth-
less checks will receive
a warning letter by
registered mail. This
will insure that the
student receives
knowledge of the bad
check. Vainright stated
that if the student does
not respond to the
letter within a 10 day
period, that person will
be placed on a
permanent bad check
If placed on the list
a student will not be
able to write checks for
the rest of the time
that he is at ECU.
Vainright placed the
blame of the situation
on the fact that people
are not as conscious
about dealing with
worthless checks the
way they used to be.
In the past, Vain-
right said, the student
was given a total of
three letters of warning.
The first letter was
(generally in the form of
a reminder, and the
business office waited
10 days before writing a
second, slightly more
urgent notice. On the
third notice, the letter
was turned over to the
Security Office.
There comes a point
when those who abuse
the privelege, cause a
serious inconvenience
for other students , said
Vainright. He added
that quite often, stud-
ents were not at fault
when a bad check was
"Students might
bounce checks when
parents do not deposit
money in other towns
remarked Vainright.
"I don't think our
student body is crim-
inal said Vainright.
According to spokesman
for the Magistrates
Office at the Pitt
County Courthouse,
worthless checks in
Greenville "equal up to
quite a sum. Most
merchants, however try
to warn'em before they
get down here The
spokesman declined to
say how many of the
worthless check charges
had been brought
against ECU students.
Several area merch-
ants have not noticed
an increase of bad
checks written this year,
as opposed to the same
"me last year. A
spokesman at Ballen-
tmes Cafeteria said that
he had not noticed any
change this year, but
that most of his bad
checks were issued by
studentsIt's aggrava-
ting-just the other
week, I carried 15 bad
checks down to the
Eleanor Bm
tani cashier at
aui 'n an imen
yesterda) thai there a
not much d
'?amount 0
checks that she had
?we diS
nk ?o mam
jrortnless checks ere
drawn Up h,
What's Inside.
See p. 6
The long-awaited '79 issue of The Rebel ECU'
Literary-Art magazine, is expected in h
Adti'I 14. F?r o 1 petita to hit campous
prn 14' hor a sneak preview, gee p. 6.
Friends of the Library present organ rectal. See p.
? - conscious worthless checks
Governor Jim Hunt wins straw vote
statewide survey by the
University of North
Carolina School of
Journalism indicates
that most voters think
Gov. Jim Hunt is doing
a good job and that
,h?' vvould choose him
over Lt. Gov. Jimmy
Green in a gubernatorial
The straw vote taken
Tor the Charlotte
Observer showed Hunt
with support from 60
percent of those con-
tacted, Green with the
backing of 10 percent
and the other 30
percent undecided.
Hunt and Green are
both Democrats, and
nearly half the Republ-
icans interviewed said
they would pick Hunt
over Green. some
prominent GOP leaders
have indicated they wou-
'a like for Green to
switch to the Republican
Party for next year's
gubernatorial race.
Hunt has not annou-
nced whether he will
seek a second term, but
some of his aides have
said privately that they
expect him to be a
candidate in 1980.
Green said the
results of the poll will
not influence decision
on whether to run for
"I have some
obligation to the people
who worked very hard
to help me get elected
to my office, and they
believe I ought to be a
candidate for some-
thing in the future
Green said. "I have
pretty well ruled out
just not running for
anything, which means $
have no plans to volun-
tarily retire
More than 500
voting-age North Carol-
imans were interviewed
by telephone as part of
the survey, designed to
give people in every
county an equal chance
o? being called.
Hunt was popular in
every section of the
state, with 80 percent
of those interviewed
saying they thought he
was doing a good job.
A poll last fall showed
the governor with an
approval rating of 64
About 40 percent
said Hunt's personality
and affiliation with the
Democratic Party were
reasons for their sup-
port of his administra-
tion. Political strategists
said it was significant
that many voters cited
specific issues as
reasons for his popul-
Hunt's education pro-
gram was cited by 20
percent of those inter-
viewed, 10 percent
mentioned his handling
of economic issues and
7 pecent said they liked
his stand on the Equal
Rights Amendment and
Civil Rights issues.
However, almost one-
fourth of those who
didn t approve of Hunt
cited his position on
civil rights issues.
Med School
ECU News Bureau
Coy James B. Hunt
?? ECU School of
Medicine at a ground-
breaking ceremony for
Medical Science Build-
?ng Friday, March 30.
Joining Hunt for the
event will be ECU
Chancellor Thomas B.
Brewer, Vice Chancellor
for Health Affairs Ed-
win Montoe and School
of Medicine Dean Wil-
liam E. Laupus.
The nine-floor facility
will be located on a 40
acre tract adjacent to
Pitt County Memorial
Hospital. The 451,000
square foot building will
house the school's de-
partments, classrooms,
labs and support facili-
Construction is ex-
pected to be complete
by the fall of 198!
interim facilities for the
medical school are lo-
cated in Ragsdale Hall
and the Science Com-
plex on the ECU main
The school's animal
research facility and uti-
lity plant currently are
under construction at
the health campus site.
The groundbreaking
will be Idd at 3:30
p.m. at the new health
campus location. The
public is invited to
North Carolina
ECU's new
Governor Jim Hut wil be a
' tk? dedication
f " - -


P?9? 2 FOUNTAINHEAD 29 March 1979
Sigma Rho Language
The Eta Mu Chapter
of Sigma Gamma Rho
sorority would like to
thank everyone for their
support in the Basket
ball Tournament for the
March of Dimes. Special
thanks goes to the
participating teams:
Omega Psi Phi frater-
nity, Slavstead, Kappa
Alph Psi fraternity, and
the winning team,
Scott's Anything.
Anyone wishing to
contribute should
contact any member of
Sgma Gamma Rho
The ECU Sign Lang-
uage Club will meet on
Thurs Mar. 30 in
D-101 Brewster. An?
student, staff, Or faculty
member interested in
sign language and deaf-
ness is invited to at-
tend. Come join our
plans for the big party
on April 5 at the Elbo
e ECL' Sign
Language Club is pre-
senting World Guinness
Night at the Elbo
Room, Thurs Apr. 5
m 7-930 p.m.Over 20
different sponsors have
provided door prizes
and there will be 3 big
ntests. The Coca-Cola
Compan) will present
its newest soft drink,
Mello-Yellow, and a fast
drinking contest will be
held. There will also be
Doughnut eating contest
d hamburger eating
i-ontesl sponsored by
Pollard's Trading Post.
These contests will be
1,1 an attempt to
new world records
a judged b) the Guin
World Book of
Records. Winners will
receive unbelievable
gifts. Twenty Door
Prizes will 'be given
awaj from 7:15 p.m. on
and will include one
free hour of flying
instruction from ALFA
Compan) and dinner for
,wo at a number of
d restaurants, and
free T-shirts and rec-
Tickets for the con-
tests and a chance to
win one of 20 door
prizes can be purchased
at the Office of The
Program for Hearing
Impaired Students,
A-114 and A-115
Brewster, at the Elbo
Room, and from mem-
bers of the Sign Lang-
uage Club. Advance
tickets are 75 cents and
51 at the door.
Students with an in-
terest in foreign lang-
uages, cultures, or
simply wishing to
broaden their under-
standing of people from
other nations: Vacancies
are expected for the
Fall Semester for
American students who
are interested in sharing
rooms with foreign stu-
dents enrolled at ECU.
These vacancies are
expected in the "Inter-
national Area" of Ay-
cock Hall for men, in
the proposed "Interna-
tional Area" of Tyler
Hall for women, and at
the Interntational House
located on 9th Street for
male or female stu-
Applicants for the
International House
must be junior classi-
fication or above,
including graduate stu-
dents. Applicants for
the "International
Areas" of the residence
halls may be any
classification. If inter-
ested, see Mr. Ron
Scronce in the Counsel-
ors Ofc. in Aycock
Hall for further infor-
mation about the "In-
ternational Area" in
Aycock House and Mrs.
Eleanor Bunting for in-
formation about sharing
rooms with internation-
als in the women's
residence halls.
"I F? I RM- wm I ? '?
Each Thursday
during April is Family
Fun Night at Menden-
hall. From 6-10 p.m. all
children under age 18,
accompanied by a
parent or responsible
adult, may bowl, play
billiards or play table
tennis for 12 off the
regular price. Each
game or line of bowling
will be half-price for
children and billiards
and table tennis will be
half-price for the entire
Only one adult per
group must have a
Mendenhall Student
Center Membership
Card or ECU ID card to
On Tuesday, Apr. 3
the East Carolina Gay'
Community will hold its
regular weekly meeting.
This will (frimarilyl be a
business meeting. Fur-
thur plans will ?180 be
made for those mem-
bers who are attending
the Southeastern Con-
ference for Gay Men
and Lesbians in Chapel
Hill Apr. 6,7, & 8. All
members who are attend-
ing should be present
as well as anyone else
interested in attending.
The meeting will be
held at 608 E. Ninth St.
Flea market
There will be a
combination flea market
and auction 7 p.m Ed.
Apr. 4 at the Methodist
Student Center, 501 E.
5th St. If you have
anything you would like
to sell contact us, 758
The Student National
Education Association
will be meeting Apr. 10
in Rm. 244, Mendenhall
Student Center. It will
begin at 5 p.m. so as
to accomodate student
teachers. All members
are urged to attend;
this meeting is very
important. It is our last
meeting; old and new
business must be dis-
cussed, a convention
shared, and officers
elected for next year.
Please send nominations
for president, vice
president, and secretary
treasurer to the add-
ress given, or post it on
my door. Please send to
Anna Myers, 305
Greene Drm, ECU, or
call 752-9093.
French ILfght
The International
Language Organization
will present the soiree
francaise or French
Night on Mar. 29 at the
International House lo-
cated at 306 E. 9th St
behind McDonald's. The
evening will include
various French wines
and cheeses to be
sampled and tasted. In
addition, there will also
be a slide presentation
of France and native
Frenchmen with which
to speak in case any
questions about France
may arise. The cost of
the evening will be $2
and for I.L.O. members
The Coastal Carolina
Track Club will sponsor
the First Annual Green-
ville Road Race on
Apr. 1 at 3 p.m. This
race is being sponsored
by H.L. Hodges and the
funds received from the
entry fees will go to
benefit the Easter Seals
The race will begin
on the Town Commons
and circle around
Greenville for a distance
being 10,000 meters.
Merchandise prizes will
be awarded for the top
finishers in the age
divisions, both male and
female. Everyone who
finishes the race, no
matter how long it
takes will receive a
certificate from the
The first 500 to
enter will receive a race
T-shirt. All entry fees
are tax-deductible. Re-
freshments will be
provided throughout the
Applications and in-
formation are available
by calling the Easter
Seals at 758-3230 or
Robert R. Gotwals Jr
at 752-3411.
Study Hall
A Learning Center
with various reference
books has been set up
in the Scott Hall
basement Study Hall.
The supervisor will help
you find the appropriate
texts in BIOL, ENGL,
or HIST or college
catalogues for many-
Graduate Schools. It is
open from 8-12 p.m. on
Sunday through Thurs.
nights. Anyone is wel-
come to this 0ei area
for study.
There will be a
mandatory meeting of
the '7980 pom pom
squad Mon Apr. 2 in
the lobby of Fletcher
Music Bldg. at 7:30
p.m. If you cannot
attend, please call Jo
Ellen 752-0354, or
Carol, 758-6346.
Senior show
Dora Hernandez and
Karen Bruce will pre-
sent their senior show
in Joyner Library from
Apr. 6-12. Works ex-
hibited will be primarily
in clay and mixed
media. Karen Bruce will
be graduating with a
BFA in Ceramics and a
minor in Art History
and Dora Hernandez
will receive a BFA in
Ceramics with a minor
in Communications Art.
There will be a
prayer breakfast Sat
Mar. 31 at 9 a.m. at
the Three Steers Rest-
aurant on Memorial
Drive. The breakfast
will be served family
style for $2.75. For
more information contact
Gail, 752-8550 for Jim
Mr. Arthur DePalma,
from the National Labor
Relations Board Office
in Winston-Salem will
visit the Co-op Office
Tues Apr. 3 to inter-
view undergraduate stu-
dents interested in a
Co-op position as a field
examiner in labor
management relations.
Interested persons
should contact Mrs.
Harrizene Keyes at
757-6979, 313 Rawl
Bldg ECU campus.
Capsgowns Bluegrass
Doubles, singles and
mixed doubles will be
the events of the Spring
Bowling Tournament
scheduled for April 2,3,
and 4 at Mendenh'ali
Student Center. From
3-10 p.m. each day,
ECU students may bowl
anytime and enter their
scores in the tourna-
ment. Detailed infor-
mation and rules are
available at the Bowling
Center. Trophies will be
given in all events.
All second semester
graduates should
purchase their caps and
gowns for graduation by
April 5 at the Student
Supply Store on cam-
pus. The delivery dates
for caps and gowns are
Apr. 3,4 and 5. The
gowns will be delivered
to the Student Supply
Store. The delivery
dates and points of
delivery are the same
for both graduates and
undergraduates. These
Keepsake gowns are
yours to keep providing
the 110 graduation fee
which is paid. For those
receiving the Masters
Degree the $10 fee pays
for your cap and gown,
but there is an extra
fee of $9.75 for your
hood. Any questions
pertaining to caps and
gowns should be re-
ferred to the Student
Supply Store, Wright
The ECU English
Departmemt will spon-
sor a bluegrass concert
at 9 p.m. Thurs. March
29, in Jenkins Fine Arts
Auditorium. Featured
performers include the
Carolina Bluegrass Band
the Pierce Family, the
Pinewood Ramblers
Phi Alpha
There will be ?
meeting of Phi Alpha
Theta, the historv honor
society Thurs Mar 2
at 7:30 p.m. in the
Richard Todd Room
Table tennis
Those participating
?i these contests should
come hungry andor
thirsty as there will be
a lot to eat and to
drink in order to make
new records. The Sign
Language Club will be
responsible for another
n?ght again held at Elbo
Room on Thurs Apr
26. F
All ECU students,
staff and faculty,
register today to parti-
cipate in a Singles
iable Tennis Tourna-
ment sponsored by
Mendenhall Student
Center. The competition
will be held on Tues
Apr. 10 at the Student
Center at 7 p.m. Regis-
tration forms are avail-
able at the Billiards
Center and the deadline
'or registration is Fri
Apr. 6. Trophies will be
Earl Hole and his
teenage son Conrad will
be ministering in music
and the Word Thurs
Mar. 29 at 7:30 p.m. in
Mendenhall 212. The
meeting is sponsored by
the East Carolina Full
Gospel Student Fellow-
Chi Beta Phi
The Chi Beta Phi
scientific fraternity will
meet Thurs Mar. 29 at
8 p.m. in Biology N
102. Plans for the party
and the National Con-
vention will be dis-
Win a new 10-speed
Motobecane bicycle
valued at $200 in the
Spring Pinball Tourn-
ament. The bike, on
display at The Bicycle
Shop, is the grand prize
for the tournament.
The competition,
sponsored by Menden-
hall Student Center, will
end on Fri Apr. 20,
with the naming of the
new ECU Pinball
Each week, the top
winner for the week will
receive prizes valued at
$15 from a selection
including dinners for
two from The Tree
House and Pizza Inn,
gift certificates from
Apple Records and The
Gazebo, and free passes
to Sports world. The
weekly winner and the
runner-up will receive
Atari T-shirts.
For official rules and
detailed information
visit the MSC Billiards
Leadership Training
Class is held in
Brewster-D, Room 311
from 7-9 p.m. on
AKB contest
The deadline for the
submission of papers in
the AKD paper contest
has been extended for
Fri Apr. 6. Cash
prizes will be awarded
to winning papers.
Runners-up -warded
prizes also. Submit your
paper on any sociologi-
cal topic to the Soc.
Dept. Ofc, 4th floor
An Episcopal service
of Holy Communion will
be celebrated
Tuesday evening in
the chapel of the Meth-
odist Student Center
(5th St. across from
Garrett Dorm). The ser-
vice will be at 5 p.m.
WITH THE Episcopal
Chaplain, the Rev. Bill
Hadden celebrating.
A supper will be
served at 6 p.m. at the
home of Eleanor Cole-
man, 1003 E. 5th St.
(across from the main
gate). Bible study will
A representative '
from "Capson" will be
in the Co-op Office Fri
Mar. 30 to interview
undergraduate students,
who are interested in
Co-op jobs with civilian
personnel in naval in-
stallations throughout
the U.S. for fall
semester, 1979. Jobs
for computer science
students are available in
Washington, .D.C and
Philadelphia, PA. Other
jobs available include
inventory management,
transportation manage-
ment, eduation special-
ists, personnel manage-
ment, statistician, logis-
tics management, house
management, industrial
specialist, and program
analyses. Interested
. persons should contact
the Co-op Office
All Greenville area
writers are invited
attend the REBEL Rea
ding on Wed April i
at 7 p.m. in the
Mendenhall Coffee
house. This will be an
open reading. Interest
listeners are ai-
invited. Refreshment
will be served.
Applications are novv
being accepted for the
office of SGA At tor
nev-General for the
1979-1980 school year.
Applicants will be
screened on Tues Apr.
3 at 2 p.m. in Which-
ard Rm. 220. Applica-
tions may be picked up
and returned at the
SGA office in Menden-
Students for Christ meet
every Tuesday from
8:30 to 9;30 p.m. u
Brewster D-308.
Vmg is here! Time for
thut portrait you've been
thinking about. Have it
done OUTDOORS. Call:
758-0962, portraits by
rVte Podeszwa also
resume pictures in black
and white, weddings
XVpes of???
STEREO equipment
available through college
dealer. Check prices
before you buy else-
wW Call Michael,
1976 500cc Kawasaki for
sale, excellent condition.
Has carry-all rack and
back rest, also Hi-way
foot rests. 2 new tires
go with it - $800. Call
758-0962 after 7 p.m. If
you call earlier, leave
name and no. with ans.
SPECIAL: Maxell tapes,
UXU-60 S3.10 per tape.
TDK-SA-C-60, $2.85
Discounts on case or
more. Call Michael
FOUND: CalculatoT
Rawl to identify and
claim call 752-3790.
NEED: A roommate to
?h?re a 2 B.R. apt. at
Eaatbrook by Apr. l?.
Call 758-5794 after 4
for 3 B.R, house. Male
or female and pets are
O.K. Call 758-6715 or
752-2164 after 5 only.
?n large house to sub-
lease for summer. Right
behind library. $62 50
mo. utilities included.
Call Jill tt 752-9207,
leave name and num-
NEEDED: Two room-
mates to share 2 B.R
?pt- at River Bluff
Apts. Needed for sum-
mer andor fall. 13
rent and utilities. Call
NEED: 2 female room-
mates to share 3 B.R
apt. 1 block from
campus. $5?.76mo.
plus 13 utilities. Call
758-2417 and ?k for
Mm or bue.
Sunshine announces the
' ginning soon. 758-0736.
?Uent imtnictioii! Jjj
"0K'NC fw ,?
?j ?iiWWi ? ??, M, ??j
: ?? ??? ?- ?? ??.??? f.

29 March 1979 FQUNTAINHEAD Page 3

Pa 4 FOUNTAINHEAD 29 March 1979
Responsibility. Defined properly, it
means "a thing that one ' is
answerable for, a duty or obligation
able to be trusted or relied upon
It is an important thing for us to
remember during this time-that part
of our academic term immediately
following the SGA election We
have heard from the candidates, and
they themselves have by now htird
from the student body. Some person,
still unknown of this writing, will be
entrusted to oversee the implemen-
tation of one of the biggest budgets
for a Student Government Association
in this country. This is an incredible
responsibility-one should not be taken
Whoever wins, or won, should
remember that there will be
rewarding times, as well as exasper-
ating ones. They will be criticized.
They will feel at times that no one
listens or understands.
Responsibility should by no means
be limited to those of us who serve
m the Student Governement associa-
tion. It should premeate every area of
this campus. Professors have the
responsibility to teach students to the
best of their abilities and training.
Students have the responsibility to get
up for their 8:00 classes, and get
their homework in on time. Students
at this university must realize that
college years are some of the most
productive years of their lives.
In a lot of cases, parents are
doing without things that they want
and need to insure a college
education for their children.
The Administration, often a misun-
derstood part of this academic society,
also has responsibilities. The Chan-
cellor, the Board of Trustees and
others are charged with the duties of
insuring that this institution can
progress upward and outward-to
become the best university that we
can be.
It is hard to conceive that an
inanimate object can be responsible-
but that is the case. The groundbre-
aking of the ECU Medical School-to
be held at the site this Friday at 3:30,
represents the responsibility that this
institution has for health care in
eastern North Carolina.
Finally, publications, especially
student publications, should remember
that they should be responsible to the
people they serve. Freedom of the
press is for real, and court cases
have shown that wherever the press
exist in the United States, it shall be
But with freedom should come
east CMOum UNiKimtrrt 9toGAns
Joe CAuvmo vevies us ?tff fatuoa
w Fevefyc. (mKflguAfi?) ronvs .
ecu VkocMms ajv
swoofur 6ooy AFTMR
vrotLES jos md?
S9 Wkc ruJAy
' ? i
Reader disturbed over negativity
A recent letter, au-
thor1 by a Mr. David
Howell, has raised a
vali.l question concern-
ing ur paper's con-
stant slaughter and de-
nouncements of reputa-
bie items. Mr. Howell
has Mime good points,
hut defeated his own
purpose by resorting to
the same tactics he
accused this paper of
The leading contend-
er for the title" of "most
negative" is undoubted-
ly the "Trends" sec-
Here, readers have
witnessed the unbased
obliteration of many-
leading albums, motion
pictures, and books.
Throughout the year,
Trends" has continually
gotten worse. The hit
movie. "Grease" was
labelled (sic) as "child-
ish Billy Joel's album,
"52nd Street was pas-
sively rejected as being
FounlcriheacJ 1
Sing tr E.? Carolina oommunlty tar o??r sTyL.
Marc Barnaa
Luk? Whtanant
Assratenf Maws editors
"??? Smith
Karan Wandt
Mtka Rogara
??? RolHna
srn Trmtdt Editor
B"y Clayton
AtmaUnt AdtmHahtg Manmgm
T?"y Harndon
A dr mining
? Unoka
J?W Walta
Mary Storay
9ua HuHord
??? OataJMMy
orIt Editor
?wry Clayton
7 k ??' -
,?, Al ??r? art:
.??ri.aag fear
nowhere near the quali-
ty of it's predecessor,
"The Stranger when
in fact, the more recent
album rivals the success
and quality of the
earlier album. The
most recent defamation
was the Bee Gees new
album, "Spirits Having
Flown being called
"trash" and implica-
tions were also present
that the music involved
was for a slightly
younger generation.
f Not far behind
Trends" in the unend-
ing quest for total
negativity is the editori-
al page, the executioner
in this case being the
esteemed Mr. Doug
White. White has
attacked Chancellor
Brewer from the begin-
ning, not realizing the
the Chancellor is new to
the job and needs time
to adjust to a new
Also being chopped
under White's butcher
knife has been the
ill-fated EBONY HE4
RALD, and the Green-
ville City Council for
not scheduling a liquor
by the drink referendum
while school is in ses-
Of course, these are
only a few of the more
memorable examples of
tivity. Perhaps the
fault lies, not in the
staff intending to be
verbal assailants, but in
the fact that they are a
little bit closed-minded.
Everyone is familiar
with the argument: "I j
don't like it; therefore,
it is bad Maybe this
8 the philosophy to
which the FOUNTAIN-
HEAD subscribes?
There are two alter-
nate solutions which may
be used to wipe out, or
at least cut down on
the multiplying negativi-
ty. The first involves
the writer doing some
thinking before begin-
ning the article. ' It
would be relatively sim-
ple for the individual to
consider the question:
"Suppose I was a
devotee of the genre
from which the material
I am reviewing belongs.
How does this rank in
accordance to other ma-
terials in this eenre?"
It's a question" every
reliable journalist should
ask himself frequently.
One might be surprised
how a better attitude
would improve the qual-
ity of the writing.
The problem with
editorials could be sol-
ved if the editor re-
sponded to controversy,
not create controversy
such as this paper has.
Both sides of the issue
should thouroughly (sic)
be examined and after
much extrapolation a
logical view should be
held. The present
editor has not done
this. He has pompous-
ly presented his biased
opinions without regard
to anyone but himself.
If the students want
a newspaper they can
i Pr?ud of, they
umnLn1 thc UNT-
AINHEAD know that
they are tired of in-
creating negativity.
One letter won't change
the worsening state this
paper is in. Qnly
multiple leplies can
pressure this rag into
some affirmative action.
Mary Jane Steinbrenner
, Everybody who has
ever been there loves
Ocracoke Island because
it's beautiful and un-
spoiled and uncrowded.
"Uncrowded" is the
operative word here.
People in love with
Ocracoke tend to be
secretive about the is-
land-they don't want
anyone else to know
about it. I'll probably
'?? ? few thre?te?,ng
phone calls for writing
this column, but I don't
eel guilty. First of all,
Ocracoke has already
been exposed in Sports
Illustrated for its superb
surf fishing, and in
Rolling Stone for having
one of the ten best
nude beaches in the
US. And secondly
screaming, hell-raising
gangs of ECU students
are not going to des-
cend on Ocracoke like
the Mongol Horde; in
fact, they'll avoid it for
one or more of the
following reasons:
I. There is no ABC
store on the island.
Untl1, Jast year there
wasn t even any beer.
2. There are no
nightclubs. Nor is
there a movie theatre,
i 3. The mosquitos are
horrendous. Not the
worst in the world, but
they are beyond belief.
(The worst in the worid
are reputed to reside just
across Ocracoke Inlet on
deserted Portsmouth Is-
land. Local legend has
it that these mosquitos
recently hospitalized
three insolent New York
.tourists who'd been ask-
ing for it anyway.)
4. During hurricane
season, you may wake
up one morning with
your hotel room under
water. Almost all of
!the island has been
known to flood in times
of rough weather.
5. You have to wait
until low tide to flush
the toilet.
Who wants to drive
all day to get to the
beach, anyway? There
are lots of well-develop-
ed, progressive, popular
beaches just a few
hours from Greenville.
They have pavilions and
nightclubs where you
can be reasonably cer-
tain of making a pick-
up, and plenty of facili-
ties for getting wretched.
Compared to Atlantic
Beach, Virginia Beach,
or Carolina Beach,
Ocracoke is dull.
So you really don't
want to know anything
about it, do you?
Ocracoke island is a
14-i.iile long, 14 miie
wide hnk in the North
Carolina outer banks
system, which separates
the Atlantic Ocean from
Pamlico Sound. Except
for the town itself, the
whole island is a gov-
ernment-protected, wil-
derness -intact National
Seashore. Unlike Hat-
teras Island, there is no
bridge conncecting Ocra-
coke to the mainland.
The only way to get
there is by air or sea.
We came over on
the state-owned ferry
from Hatteras. During
the 45-minute ride my
sister Liz found out that
seagulls like Pringles so
much they will take
them out of your hand.
There were probably
200 gulls following the
ferry when we ran out
of Pringles.
Ocracoke's nickname
is "Pony Island a fact
I once learned in 4th
grade N.C. History and
promptly forgot. The
wild ponies of Ocracoke
are considered the pur-
est breed of horse in
the world-they've been
isolated for over 300
years. Most evidence
indicates the ponies
have descended from
18th century Spanish
stallions who swam a-
shore from a grounded
by Luke
supply ship bound for
the Virginia colonies.
At one time the herd
numbered in the hun-
dreds; then dog food
companies started taking
advantage of the free
meat Today there re
are 10 ponies left. For
their own protection,
they live in a large
fenced-in pasture near
the center of the island;
tourists are allowed to
watch irom a distance
at feeding time.
Friday night we
rented a small but
beautiful house for the
weekend. We ate at
the Pony Island restaur-
ant, where V4 pound
fresh steamed shrimp,
hushpuppies, and two
vegetables cost only 4.
There was a huge
mounted fish hanging
on the wall near our
table; it had been
caught in the surf and
f weighed 60 pounds.
I have always fought
the fear of shark attack
by telling myself that
big fish never come
near shore. Now I'll
have to think up another
he to believe.
Saturday morning 1
stood in" surf over
my shoulders, more
than a little paranoid
about dorsal fins and
gaping jaws, struggling
to keep my feet on tne
bottom. There were
signs all over the beach
warning of dangerous
riptides. Ocracoke rip-
tides run parallel to the
beach, perpendicular to
incoming waves, and
even Mark Spitz would
have trouble against
that kind of current. I
couldn't even stay m
one place unless f was
standing up, and then
the seven-foot waves
kept knocking me down.
But I enjoyed it, in a
masochistic sort of way.
Saturday night the
locals held a pig-pickin-
in the parking lot of the
Pony Island Inn. At
least 300 people attend
ed, and although the
ran out of hushpuppies
and cole slaw, there
was plenty of barbeque
left for the mosquitos.
Proceeds from the pig-
pickin' went to Ocra-
coke's Fire Department.
They can probablv use
the money. When
Ben's Waterfront Res.
taurant burned down
last summer, the fire
truck wouldn't start;
they had to tow it the
We got back to the
bouse a. 3 a.m. Even-
body stood around the
commode and watched
as I flushed it. The
tide was out.
Chivalry is dead?
No name dropping
I was glancing
through the March 27th
issue of your paper
today and was utterly
amazed at the amount
of name-dropping some
candidates did in their
ads. It only goes to
.prove that at ECU it's
not what you know, it's
who you know that
makes an election.
Are we the students
expected to be impres-
sed that the former so
and so or the current
SGA president or what-
ever endorses a particu-
lar candidate? Well
folks, you wasted your
Advertising is all
well and good but from
now on sell yourselves
on your own merit, not
someone else's.
Stick to the issues
and give the students a
break - we're not as
shallow and gullible as
ECU's amateur politi-
cians seem to think
Margaret H. Uhfig
Inf, thc f"r years
that Ive been here, I
have been tempted to
write this letter many
times. Now the tempta-
tion has passed. It js
time for action.
I'd like to raise -
once again - the
question of chivalry in
Greenville. This chivalry
is Act for males only
?t is for all people who
care enough to help
another who is j?
Frriuib,e-J Prent,y.
M-U and Greenville are
sorely apathetic when it
comes to caring.
On March 15, when
JSit0,drivc ?y ??
nght in the middle of
lharles Boulevard. The
?roaring thing to me
why thia tire
J?cme flat since it ?
brand new, never-used
and only put on my car
last Saturday. J
I changed my tire
"? ?y a go?d
friend (dw female) who
? ?ot know how to
change a tire. We were
passed by . male
jogger and innumerable
ears as we worked.
When we finished I
drove my car to a
nearby service station,
hoping that 1 could get
?n explanation for whv
?v aew tire would to
Hat. Since the tire had
n? ,eaks or other
apparent problems, h,s
57 "P??nation was
t someone had let
tne ?ir out of the tire
?f it to break from
when"? ?? "?'
when I dr on
? I changed my
t?re myself without too
?ny problems, ?j.
though it ws. eoJdf
w,?dy. and quite
unconfort, LuckUy,
hw did not ruin my
?? I hope this good
news ruins yr fay
2) I wish for you a
ruled with much p
nd f?y. and also
fo?r flat tires ? ?lie
time when you don't
have s so. re!
Name mitMMd
Aftf 9kW

"Friends of the Library"
sitf Writer
connection with
U?rj week
Fnends of the
and the s,
Meihodfei Church
' 7u,Je organis,
'?'??" librari
? activities.
,hr dedicator rri
will L i ii '
11 held prjj ,
P-m- ai the St.
Methodisi Chu-
X f'ih.n vm be
"nmediatelj ?
Wi,son Luquire,
so'ate director
l.ibrur sr. . . ,
Luquire came
?pa' Carolina from
' I niversiu i?
M Ui" nerved as
rCf a n ic ? . i
aniM oi the
ui and the
Nasheville prn m ?
Hv kfl , ' ro-Musica.
hd! fo held the
Musical D.rector for ,he
? Presbyterian
lM ol 'JMdianappolis
'or ten years.
Squire received his
K V wd B.M. ?rom
?urm? Universit, ,?
ureenville, S.C
l 1968 he
tomP?eted his require-
E?1" l0 . ceive" his
,Mr Library
cnce degree from
INia I niversity.
Lu.q"?'re has been
vr 'nvolved in comm-
Un,t civic activi-
h,es' 'ncluding being
;?rnKH) for the High
School Young Artist
Competition for the
ndianapolis symphony.
Another recital will
"eld "ii April 24,
Maturing Dr. Clyde
Holloway. Holloway, a
former Fulbrighi Schol-
arship winner. has

? ?
studied in the Nether-
lands. He has won
several honors, such as
the National Playing
Competition of the
America Guild of
Organists, and in 1972-
he was honored as an
outstanding alumnus by
the University of
Hollowa received
the Doctor of Sacred
Music Degree from the
Union Theological Semi-
nary in 1974.
Previously Dr. Holl-
oway was a professor of
music at Indiana Univ-
ersity. He is presently
the Artist in Residence
1 a Professor of
Music at Houston
Baptist (. niversity and
the Adjunct Professor of
Organ at the Shepherd
School of Music of Rice
I niversit).
The organization would
llk(' 1(? invite anyone
interested in joining
their group to become a
member during their
inagural year.
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
ECU School of Music
present a
Jazz Festival
Saturday March 31, 1979
11:00-5:30 p.m.
William Gibson's colorful and movin
portrait of the youthful Will Shakespeare
April 4-7 and 9-14
Studio Theatre East Carolina Playhouse
$2.50 ECU students $1.00
I Call 757-6390 for reservations
Willie Gillon,
Formerly with the
Glenn Miller Orchestra
Hose High School Ar6a Bands to Perform Include:
AT School of the A rts TUt ,?, v. . . Pe?ll "?"0?? Vntvt nil u
NC A & TState Unverstty ? A " Si? College
Kinston High School
ALL DAY ADMISSION 50? at the door
ECU JAZZ ENSEMBLE 7:30 p.m. (free)
George Broussard, Director
A.J. Fletcher Recital Hall, East Carolina University
sponsored by
Burroughs Wellcome Co rrrm, i .
-( ' Student Government Association
Phi Mu.Alpha
"In concert
at N. C. Azalea Festival
Friday night, 8 o'clock, April 6
Tickets: $7, $8 and $10
On Sale! Azalea Festival Office
Wilmington, N.C.
121 Chestnut Street
j)pen daily, telephone 763-0905
Tanning Blanket
i FlSff
Flounder Dinner
All You Can Eat
Includes French Fries, Solad Bar,
Tartar Sauces & Hush Puppies.
Located beside
the Ramada Inn,
264 By-pass.
Even-up! Tans you like you've
never tanned before. Scientifically
designed blanket reflects the sun's
rays to tan places the sun can miss.
Down the sides, under the chin and
inner arms and legs. Created from
reflective materials developed for the
29 March 1979 FOUNTAINHEAD Pang 5
?hi" LuJuir" organist
will b? presenting a
recital April I.
Clyde Holloway to parti-
cipate in a recital April
4:00 6:00 p.m.
2713 East 10th
Don't Forget

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AtsoinGoldsboro, Kinston, New Bern, and Rocky Mount
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? ? ?

Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAD 29 March 1979
This season's Rebel is
'sophisticated, assured
Trends Editor
This year's Rebel promises to be one of the very
besl that East Carolina has had yet. Editor Luke
Whisnant said yesterday that he expected the
literary-arts magazine to be distributed somewhere
arond mid-Arpil.
Each year the Rebel provides an opportunity for
students at East Carolina to have their poems, short
stories, essays, graphic work and paintings
published in a handsome magazine funded by the
Media Board.
This ear's cover is a mixed-media by Jeff
Fleming entitled, "Chicken Raising Made Easv. or.
I'll give ou $20.00 to kill that damn rooster It
consists of the image of a partial chicken skeleton
combined with dynamic red color swashes. The
piece is striking with not a little humor.
The volume begins with two poems dv CL.U
graduate, S. Phillip Miles. These are terse, bitter
poems about the writer's experience being wounded
in ietnam.
I wake with a river of moss
(nursing my mouth and throat.
strange woman in a white sheath
Ol uniform gropes for my pulse
And stares into my open eyes.
She explains my sleepy laughter
ith studied concern.
rhe leg wobbles in its intricate webbing,
Ihi' wall- leer at my discomfort
W ith flat content.
The kneww spews out a thick
Red condolence.
Greg Schroder, a 22 year-old senior from Fort
Lauderdale, Florida, and an English major,
submitted two stories which won first place in this
Mar- contest. His two stories, "Wasps" and
Birdladies indicate that the writer has a fine eve
ill and that he works well with concrete,
ginative nnagc
Wasps" deals with a family that is temporarily
m lighting the few wasps that come into
rm house to escape the encroaching winter.
Aasps become symbols for all that is "outside"
and alien to man, become symbols for the
subconscious much as do Hitchcock's birds.
" Birdladies" is a story about the fanciful
uiKUMnaiivi- Kf of a young boy and how he
the women who "walked with their hands
ig about them like a pair of fidgety
-parnnvs into mythical creature Both stories
msumate -kill in narration and a creative
:ii on the part oi the writer.
Vdylette, a junior English major who is
in w ashington, D.C. on a writing
iin practicum, is a painter and a poet and
poems won first prize m poetry in this
ear's contests.
Her poems seek out new subject matter and are
often best when they are most tantalizingly obscure.
The following poem, "The Next Room" is a little
gem for its empathetic insight.
In a room
lit only be the next room's light
she lifts her hand,
palm inward
so the nails reflect like five new moons.
From her back she conducts
the music
of a radio down the hall.
Turning, stopping,
her hand-shadows
hit the grey wall silently.
For thirtv years she has gone to bed at dusk.
The calls of children
chasing each other
in the last light
delay her sleep.
For nine years she has slept alone.
For the last
three nights
she has dipped the moons of her hands
into the dark crevices
between her fingers and prayed.
One of the most entertaining short stories
included in the Rebel this year is that by Luke
Whisnant. "The Solipsist" is a well-wrought
fantasy about a terrorist who beseiges the Student
Center with vandalism and who leaves notes at the
scene of the crime with quotes by Neitzche and
Susan Harbage, Chap Gurley and Pete Podeszwa
all contributed black and white photographs. The
title page. "Writer's Ascension and the gallery
title are b) Zane Leake.
The Gallery, the section of the magazine where
the major art works are located, begins with Maggie
Noss's "Plate Disguised as a Drawing "The Blue
is Still Standing But It's Not So Dominant
Anymore" is the second piece and is by Kay Parks.
Other artists include Jaime Bernstein, Robert
Darnel, Roxanae Reep and Larry Curtain.
ifiiftfritBfs lit Bfir Brocfcman, Zane Leake and David
This year's Rebel staff has assembled a
sophisticated and assured edition. Editor Luke
Whisnant, along with his associate editors, Karen
Brock, Renee Dixon, Robert Jones and Wendy
Dixon have come up with some fine results. Look
for the Rebel later on this spring.
(All above poetry copyright 1979 by The Rebel. All
rights reserved).
Rebel gallery cover by Zane Leake
Rythm and blues artist Mc Clinton conies to Roxy
Stall Writer
Rhthm and blues
arti-t Delbert McClinton
is coming lb the Roxv.
Delberl and In- Second
ind Band will be in
lown on Frida) April 6
lor two -how- at 7 and
10 p.m. at the Roxy
1 heater. The concert is
another in a series of
concerts brought to
Greenville by the Roxy
and promise- to be a
night filled with first-
rate and sincere rhythm
and blues. Tickets for
the shows are $5 and
are on sale at Apple
While his name
might not sound fami-
liar, believe me, Delbert
is no stranger to the
music scene. Born
thirty-seven years ago
in Lubbock, Texas,
McClinton grew up in
Fort Worth, where he
evoked through that
town's peculiar blend of
blues, R&B, rock and
country music. It's an
eclectic quality reflected
in his recording for
ABC and Capricorn the
last five years. But his
first love, and evidently
the most enduring one,
Delbert Mc Clinton
was the blues.
At seventeen, he cut
his first record on a
local Fort Worth label,
and he and his band,
the Straightjackets ser-
ved as the house band
for a local Fort Worth
R&B club. There were
others bands and other
clubs until in 1962 he
got the opportunity to
tour England with Bruce
Chanel. Chanel was
riding high with a big
hit, "Hey Baby"
(featuring Delbert on
Harp) and their tour
though Europe had
them doing shows with
then unknown group
from Liverpool called
the Beatles.
It was McClinton
who consequently taught
John Lennon the harm-
onica, thus inspiring the
Beatles' first hit, "Tove
Me Do Later that
same year the Beatles
would become stars,
transform rock music,
and settle down music-
ally and personally.
Bruce Chanel would
have a few more hits
and get a job with the
Parks Department in
Grapevine Texas.Delbert
Mclinton would just
keep on doing what he
knows best: playing
and singing the blues.
White rock stars who
dabble in the blues
have traditionally been
met with a combination
of derision and hostility
from those who question
their sincerity, if not
their right to sing the
music. Everyone from
Mick Jagger to Janis
Joplin heard them with
probably the strongest
allegation being that
whites simply can't sing
the blues- For Delbert
McClinton, the problem
has been something else
again. A one-time
country singer, McCli-
nton has produced a
small arsenal of recor-
ded gems (three criti-
cally acclaimed albums
for ABC and a new one
out on Capricorn, the
Macon based home of
Southern rock) that have
captivated a growing
cult of fans while
confounding those who
trv to classify him.
Capricorn Records, it
seems, is quite content
to let Delbert do his
own thing, whatever
that might be, and it's
rather plain from SEC-
OND WIND that his
best thing is the blues
with a side order of
R&B. It's a triumph of
hard-driving rhythm,
dominated by McClinton
urgent wailing and his
screaming taunting ha-
rp, with the usual fine
backing of the Muscle
Shoals horn section. His
songs deal with sex,
existential grippe, broad
slaying and love.
McClinton, who was
recently seen ?hi NBC
SaturdayNight Lie,
wrote a tune call "B
Movie" off the Blues
Brothers album, and
another one of his
tunes, "Two More Bot-
tles of Wine" is on
Emmylou Harris's latest
While his songwri-
ting, harp playing and
singing are all hot, his
stage show is the high-
light of his talents.
McClinton sets an
audience on fire, r
sipping his song but
belting them down liko
a shot of whiskey.
According la McClinton.
in defense of his
driving, first-take stage
approaeh, " uu can
polish them till thev
don't hine. If- hk
making love. If you
don't get it right the
lirst time, you can't go
back ami overdub
a perfor-
In other
McClinton i-
iner who -hould be
seen a- well a- heard.
Says M, Clim n aboui
his b " u? uu, U)
be no -ui. Right IUm
I'm worried 'buul
paying the hotel bills,
paying the band and
slaying one step ahead
of the law. Nah, I ain't
asking fur much
Free Flick will be They Shoot Horses
This week's Student
Union Free Flick is
They Shoot Horses,
Don't They? to be
shown Friday and Sat-
urday nights at 700
9:00 p.m. in the
Hendrix Theatre.Admis-
ion is free to ECU
students only with ID
and Activity Card.
They Shoot Horses,
Don't They?" is a
powerful drama set
against the framework
of a dance marathon in
the Depression years,
recreating the despera-
tion, the color, the
sordidness, the tragedy
and the humor of a
hungry generation turn-
ed on by a fad that
swept the country, a fad
so bizarre that it was
later banned by law.
Distributed bv Cin-
erama Releasing CorPor-
ation, and filmed on a
set built as a replica of
the Aragon Ballroom in
Los Angeles thirty five
years ago, "They Shoot
Horses, Don't They?"
brings into sharp focus
the world of the dance
marathon. It was a
world born of the Depr-
ession, which reached
extraordinary peaks of
human and inhuman
emotion and involve-
ment, a time when
people were the ulti-
mate spectacle. They
danced to stay alive.
They dance until they
The dramatic motion
picture presents Jane
Fonda in an entirely
new role for her. She
plays a marathon dancer
already embittered to-
ward life. It is a role
in vivid contrast to her
sex kitten of "Barbella"
Michael Sarrazin appe-
ars as the placed young
dancer soft-spoken yet
strong enough to carry
out his and his girl's
destiny; it is the most
powerful role of his
young but highly -
launched career. Susan-
nah York follows her
much-discussed role in
"The Killing of Sister
George" with another
unusual one -that of a
magnetic, emotionally- -
drivien contestant who
is desperately hoping to
be discovered during
the grueling marathon.
Gig Young brings to
the screen a very dif-
ferent characterization
from that of his usual
debonair charmer. He
portrays the marathon's
j Master of Ceremonies,
a man who fita in with
the savagery of the
competition. Red But
tons, as one of the
marathon contestants,
plays his most impor-
tant role since his
Oscar-winning perform-
ance ,n "Sayonara"
rive-time Academy
Award winner, "j?nn
Oreen served as musical
director for Thev Shoot
Morses, Don't They
fresh from his Oscar. '
winning triumph as
supervisor-director and
?rranger of music for
Oliver Many of
greens own aonga are
heard tn the film.
" ? ??-? m ?' ?? ? ??????? s

T r r ? f m
inquire performs recital
ECU News Bureau
?'?? reciul f?a ms,?
James VnitA iu , bt-
Church Cre
Ar" 1. at 8 piUnda'
The recital is ?
sponsored by the ?k C
L,brar. a nevV-f0rfnehde
SUPP?rt organization "or
East Carolina Universit
Joyner Library. y
Works on the pro.
?' 'TieeeCeSHa:ro.
?"e from the Andre
Prison mass No. 2 IS
??? Pass.cag.ia' and
rZIi '? i and Jui"s
?.hbpmSo"a'a - ?
Dr Luquire, associ-
ate director of hbrary
services at ECU, is an
active recitalist. Before
joining ECU's library
staff, he was at Vander-
out University, and
9ervb organise
Nashville's Downtown
Presbyterian Church and
performed with the
Nashville Pro Musica.
Previously, he was
at Indiana University,
doing advanced study
sponsored by the Coun-
c" on Library Resour-
ces. During that time
5e was organist and
director of music for the
Tabernacle Presbyterian
Church of Indianapolis.
Luquire has under-
graduate degrees in or-
gan performance and
church music from Fur-
man University, Master
of Music and Master of
Library Science degrees
from Indiana University
and doctoral degrees in
both music and library
science from Indiana
Since 1969 he has
been organist for the
Indianapolis Symphony's
oratorio performances,
and has directed the
Symphony's Young Ar-
tists' Competitions since
In addition, he
has recorded a limited
edition LP of the Mo-
? zart Requiem for RCA.
"is professional
memberships include
numerous local, state
regional and national
j'brary and music organ-
izations. R
Dr. Luquire's April 1
performance is free and
open to the public. A
reception will follow the
m I97?- In addition, he recital ,he
l?UtIaws leav audience standing-
Pan f Bill I iienbel level. . . . " ? VI. J.11 J
?" "f MolU ?? The quick ,h.Mh, ?f U"Chei'h? .I three to.e.he, ?. Ma . . O
'hi- i? ,h
??" ? Bin j7, n
?"??.? from ru
?I. s paper.
to just how poor a
shape the roof, or
entire structure for that
'natter, was in.
The music was very
l(ul. loud enough to
make it indistinguish-
able or even painful
without earplugs. I
wondered if Minges
would sustain any
damage from the high
I Sherlock
n St. across from
'??? Book Barn
mmm! Food
A ?ood People
'7etarian diets
decibel level.
The quick thought of
a made-for-TV movie of
a college gym collapsing
onto rock-crazed stu-
dents, like something
?ul oj Carrie , passed
through my mind.
Molly Hatchet's
equipment being moved
off stage, The Outlaws-
western rattlesnake, re-
volver, and plaving card
spangled back drop
came into view. And
?he Outlaws appeared
?? a standing, revved-up
They immediately
launched the perform-
ance with their first hit
song "Hurry Sundown
It was soon followed by
?unes from their Album
"tied, "Bring It Back
Ahve, such as "Free-
born Man
The Outlaws are a
tight band. Unlike Molly
Hatchet's performance,
the.r "full-tilt" music
was varied with changes
ol tempo and approach.
AH three lead guitarists,
"ughie Thomasson,
only Jones, and Freddy
Salem, are capable of
inspired playing. The
MonSat. lla.m9p,
Fri. & Sat.

A ??????
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Greenvlll Hewe.t & Largest
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Overwork Poo, n
Both ends of the vitamin candle
STRESSTABS 600 contain high potency B-complex and
SMmg : f ?minC-v,tammsthebodydoesntstore.S
U.ixfi- mended Dietary Allowance lor vitamin E ne
fad dtettng, smobng or any cSSXlTnl'Zual
d. mand upon your body-at times when your die may
I -inadequate. "u"
Also available: STRESSTABS 600 with mnia i
B plus fohc acid). lth IRON (contams more
Sti? can rob you of vitamins?
Come in and ask us why.
Stresstabs with Iron
regular price $5.48
Regular Stresstabs either one for f 3.98
regular price $5.34
three together can blend
as smoothly as bourbon
and branch water.
Their remaining
performance included,
"Take It Any Way You
Want It "There Goes
Another Love Song
and "You Are The
Show from their latest
album "Playing to
At the close of the
show, the audience was
again stilJ on their
?eet. For an encore, The
Outlaws played the best
set of the evening, a
lengthy version of
Green Grass and High
T?des- It displayed
tneir musicianship at
it s finest.
AH in all, the Molly
HatchetOutlaws concert
was a featuring of two
oj the best bands in
their own genre. But,
lor those of us with
normal hearing who
forgot the cotton or
earPlU.gS' the acoustics
ol Minges combined
with the loudness of the
music resulted in lesser
enjoyment of the
1 Howdy ECU Students "I
Clip this coupon for
good Western Eatin'
offer good 'til 4-7-79
Hatchet's Danny Joe Brown
At the Shell station on the
corner of Arlington Blvd.
and 264 By Pass.
Help send the
Team Handball Club
to the National Finals in
Colorado Springs, Colorado.


One Large
28 02. Bottle
of Pepsi
With Purchase
of Any 16"
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Pepperom Mushrooms
Onions. Green Peppers
and Fresh Sausaqe
12 16
55 7 15
MARCH 29, 1979
Every time you order
a pizza from Paisano,
your name will go into
the hat (offer good for
deliveries as well as
On April 16 we will
have a drawing, and
the winner will receive
the following:
A 16 01. can of
Golden Beverage
Proper ldontiftc?tton
KcK of Golden Bever
and 5 16" pJxza'
?? 60.00 T?l?e.
(must be 18 years or older to be eligible)
?all 756-7300
? r

Page 8 FOUNTAINHEAD 29 March 1979
Tyson still
Sports Editor
East Carolina center Al Tyson said Wednesday
stil hasn t decided whether he will rejoin the
I irate basketball team next year.
Iwm a 6-11 freshman from Winterville, quit
the -quad near the end of the season and missed
he final two games of the year against Old
Dominion and Notre Dame.
'Tm still not sure whether I will transfer or not
but there s still a pretty good chance I will stay
here, Tyson said. "There are a lot of reasons
Uln ,hk,ng abf? transferring, but things
could change by next fall 8
Tvson, who averaged six points and four
rebounds u 22 games this season, said earlier he
was transferring at the end of the year and was
going to attend either St. John's or Lamar
I niversity next season.
However, Tyson indicated he mav attend a junior
College next year instead of a four-vear institution.
I really didn t want to attend a four-vear school
when I got out of high school last vear he said
? go to a junior college it will probably be
? m cunt's. r
Former Wake Forest assistant Dave Odom was
"ayd the new East Carolina head coach last
rnday replacing Larry Gillman. Although Tvson
missed a team meeting with Odom Fridav, he met
?ith him earlier this week.
"Coach Odom seems to have an excellent
?"? "oV to the players and I think he's reallv going
to help the program here Tvson said. "He cares
about what everybody's doing both on and off the
i I'urt.
"He told me he would be happy to have me
oack with the team next year and that he would
work me, Tyson said. "I think he reallv
ts me to Mav, but I still don't know what I will
Golfers conclude
season Friday
Sports Editor
The East Carolina golf team
concludes its spring schedule this
weekend when the Pirates open plav
Friday in the 54-hole Camp Lejeune
Intercollegiate tournament.
Fifteen teams including Atlantic
Coast Conference members Duke
North Carolina and Wake Forest are
entered in the three-day event which
will be played over the Paradise Gold
Course. The Tar Heels have already
won the Pinehurst Intercollegiate and
the Palmetto Invitational this spring
and will be heavily favbred to wi
tournament of the season
Meanwhile the Pirate golfers have
had more than their share of
problems during the last month of
play. With only three iettermen
returning from last year's
squad, the Bucs have yet to finish
among the top ten teams in anv
East Carolina finished in 18th
place last weekend in the rain
shortened Furman Intercollegiate tour-
"Inexperience and depth
been our major problems
spring East Carolina Coach
Helmick said. "Since last
we've lost four of our top
Al Tygon:
W ill he return to ECU?
had problems
players and we've
replacing them
Carl Beaman finished 12th indivi-
dually ,n the Furman Intercollegiate
with rounds of 73-76 for a 36-hole
East Carolina athletic officials are scheduled to
meet with members of the NCAA Enforcement
Committee next month concerning alledged recruit-
ing violations which involved Tyson. Tyson was the
Jbjeet of a bitter recruiting battle last year between
East Carolina and Mississippi.
"AH of the NCAA rumors don't bother me
because I know none of it's true Tyson said
Jysor, will be Bucs lone returning center next
, ar , "e c1hoose.s u stay at East Carolina. Greg
Cornelius, the P.rates starting mter for the as?
three years, graduates in May.
started hSTk, W,fl rTr P? inc,ud?"g
i. rters H. rb Krusen and George Maynor. The
firates finished with a 12-15 record.
Softball play
is underway
Moye is pitchers' enemy
total of 149. Frank Acker shot 77-79
for a 156 total.
"Carl played well despite the
playing conditions and Frank i
improving more with ever) tourna-
ment Helmick said. However,
we're going to leave some of our
regular player- at home this weekend
so that some of our younger plaver-
can get some tournament experi-
Helmick said Acker and Beaman
will play while Robin Saleebv.
sophomore Joej Huntlev and fresh-
man Mark Smith will complete the
Pirates five-man squad in the Camp
Lejeune event.
This tournament probably doesn't
have quite as strong a field 'a- some
ol the other tournaments we've
played in, but it will by no mean- be
a weak field Helmick explained.
North Carolina and Duke have both
played well tin- spring and Wake
Forest is always competitive although
the) haven't played as we!l as the)
usually do this time of the vear
I'm hoping we can give some
"i ur youngsters the opportunity to
Pja) and gam valuable experience
they will be able to help us next
jail, he continued. "If we can
bring in some top high school players
and gel most of our team back' for
next vear. we will be a much more
competitive team
The NCAA golf championships
be held Mav 23-26 at the
Bermuda Run Country Club in
Advance thi- vear.
If East Carolina right
fielder Macon Move is-
n't public enemy No. I
to opposing pitchers
yet, he b? soon H
the current trend contin-
Heading into Thurs-
day's game at UNC-Wil-
mington at 7:30 ?
and the weekend of
play against three At-
lantic Coast Conference
foes, the Greenville ju-
nior leads all Pirate
batters with a .356
average and 20 runs
batted in.
Following Thursday's
game with the Sea-
hawks, the Pirates will
P'a host to Virginia
Friday at 7:30 pm
and Maryland Sunday at'
2 p.m before meeting
North Carolina Monday
Intramural softball
-teams began plav last
week in a field' that
included every divisional
champion from last
years mens champs
were Scott Time-outs-all
?ampus and dorm
division, Lumber and
Lightening clubindepe-
ndent division, and TKE
for the fraternity divi-
For the women it
was Tyler Going for
two-All campus and
dormitory, Tri Sigma in
the sorority division and
the P.E. Majors in the
elubmdependent div-
ision.Other teams to
watch as the season
progresses are Round-
tnpper, Phi Epsilon
Kappa and the Heart-
break Kids in the CI
division , Kappa Sigma
?n the Fratr and the
Belk Pleasers and Scott
Stooges in the dorm.
For the women,
other teams expected to
challenge for their
divisional titles are
White Tornadoes, Cot-
ten Balls, and Clement
Un Kappa Fifth in the
dorm. Alpha Xi Delta in
the Sorority, and the
Sailors and Undecided
in the ClubIndependent
The Over the Hill
Gang took the wrestlling
tournament team cham-
pionship as seven of
their team members
made the finals in their
respective weight clas-
The Jones Grapplers,
Belk Cognitive Disson-
ance, Scott Spoilers and
Sigma Nu finished
second through fifth
Individual winners
were as follows: David
Hohns (Jones Grapp-
lers) over Phil Whited
m the 126 lb. weight
class, Larney Wolfe
(Lambda Chi Alpha(
over Albert Adams
(Jones Dorm) in the 134
class, Teddie Caudle
(Phi Epsilon Kappa)
over Dave Christie(Phi
Epsilon Kappa) 142
class, Scott Eaton (Over
theHill Gang) 158 class,
Paul Prewitt (Over the
Hill Gang) defeated
Alan Jones (Belk Cog-
nitivedissonance) 167
class, John Hill (Jones
Grapplers) over Alan
Wilson (Over the Hill
Gang) 177 class, Eddie
Caudle (Scott Spoilers)
over AubreyWynne
(Over the Hill Gang)
190 class and Kirk
Lmle(Belk Cognitive
Dissonance)over Leonard
Fleming (Over the
Hill Gang( Unlimited I
Registrations being
held this week for
Skateboarding. Readers
are reminded that in
the next two weeks all
registration for ail
remaining intramural
activities for the school
year will be held.
at 3 p.m. m Chapel
H'll- East Carolina
opened the week with a
10-7 record.
During the paa ?
Zr i" -six as
Moye has stroked 10
nits in 15 times at bat
good for a .667 mean
during the wretch
knocking in 14 runs
along the way. With
five ingles, two doub-
les, two tripes and
one home run, his total
baev on fH( ror tne
series was J9, giving
turn an astounding 1.267
slugging average during
the vear. 6
'Macon is a fine
"am player who does
what he has to do to
win, ' said Pirate coach
Monte Little. "He has
good power, so I have
him batting clean-up,
but he gets the timely
hits as well as the lone
ball. 6
I "He oon?e & the
P'ate with runners in
scoring position a lot,
so it's important to
nave a player like
?Macon who will deliver
n the clutch. A lot of
players don't get 14
runs batted in a month
or a whole season,
much less in one week.
All of our pitchers are
glad he's on our side, I
assure you
A year ago Move
carried a .233 average
? or the season with 21
hits and 19 RBI. He
has matched his hit
total of 1978 after just
1' games, and surpas-
sed the RBI figure.
During this recent
tear he popped Eastern
Connecticut State pitch-
ers in one game with a
four-for-four outing, lac-
ing two triples and two
singles, driving home
seven runs.
So enemv hurlers
are faced with this
paradox. When runners
are on base Move has
done the most damage
so why pitch to him? '
out, when runners are
on base, who dares
walk him and add to
his troubles? It's a
tough decision to find
the lesser of the two
problems, as more than
one pitcher has discov-
ered this spring
Macon Move's massive swing
Assistant Sports Editor
a HtTMl3" aWr0mLdffenSe and assied by
tpSLBS C EfcV" and
aid was the impossible It for ?ii
r?? r a- irsr Pr,hs aby ?
Spartan zone. The 2one was so tiT that Bird
JSHJTZZJ! lhVc? "a. Bird
i i wlc'i ciaim mat Bird
B,rHW'hefr 'hing e 10u8h Spartan zone did to
be t?rm?ira'e, him' T,he Samure AII.Ameri.Jn
the 7? w m?re d,s8?d with himself as
?, , fc evening. Indiana State was still able to
iz trcx,?h: rsible run Thi ?
real. Sycamores were indeed for
.heBkey"ahea?reI?eri;?0dy,alreadyLkne" "rmed '? ??
Johnso'n, The Spanl-nSh'Pf0MeS E"?
Man 3P??ans 6 8 guard, is a "Magic
keyed fhe' S? AIIAm"" -m, Johnson
Centre .our" ck ?" ?'?? d Ihroughout
conwj?l?Lhfr ,he Sycamore"waa
24 points and ill? y ?? mm P?? score
.hePSPar?as"d Itr ZlrgkY 5
bench ?i,h four loZ & inThi second h
In essence, Earvin Iohn?r.n c ?
&r2r r?? ???
attack. When "Soecial K" u t0 the SPartan
nicknamed, P K , as he ,s appropriately
the bpartan lineup with for V i L- ,eft
seemed to fall anart Ii u ?U,S' h,s tear"
applied some 'magic glue then that Johns?n
vaIu?togMichLnPSatarenSwPUed, th?h Reiser's
he sat on theTen mt?
Spartans had no bie man wh? pecia! K ? 'he
control of offense ufdeeath elTel of S
State trees, Jay Vincent or Ron Charl tW?
aggressive enough offensivelv LhaHes' was
What Kelser does isffi lnh? .
dish off his magicaTpisfes to X PCrP y" '?
Kelser combination surl t T
thousands of young Zl
co?sUraar?C,is0fhSre?gwnKes1uSeDlrl!ha' " "? -to
Overshadowed b, JohZn "nl oTer's
precise passing oftn ??.? ji ' .e ser s cr?sp,
tr PaSSi?fle"??a ?nduT;Tverm:SeedrS
Defense, Johnson and Kelser Fll' .
-he national championship, rign" WrST" t? W'n
one more cog ,? lhe QJ- SUperr0n,tt,Jhere "
name is not "Magic" or "Special k' H r j
?Vrely call him Jud. ' H,s fnends
brinlam' l?d HCOlh ?? Sla"?
f? -be ",hr Tp'pen 'hBeirdPUn
fheeVmaeme PU"? d J-h?? t tlZ'SA
Heathcote is a very intense man. He nowr
seems to let down, nev'er relaxes. His face .Iw.vs
carries . wrinkled, solemn took. He is 12
shoutmg instructions, corrections and th? Ifte to ?
earn Th.s perhaps more than .nythmg else helped
the Spartans to the national championship
During the NCAA tournament, M.ehigan Stat-
rarely had a moment when victorv was n doubt h
would have been easv for them io have let up' J
enough to open the door ,o ,raKedv P R
Heathcote would not allo this. Jus af Jud ,
intense, so did his team. J s,aed
Aside from the Michigan State victor. .
??? th- -hamplnship a ? ?? ?"
of Indiana State. s??.c is the defeat
a?. IehLoSnCrn?gre STJ ST" " -
reality of Indiana State and iVd?T ' lhe
and more clear. dream becam more
The Sycamores moo the hearts ?f
Americans. Long Dacfers of ,K , "ear, dil
American basketball tiI1 ooklnd "ST' tht
?ncredible success story to heart a'e dnd
The fact that Indiana State loi ,
does not damper the.r season 'iK"3"8
Americans. The Svcamore ?u t hearts o
almost the impossible FW ,P d oH what
State alumnus would have UuAl a" ,nd,ana
had she predicted the fate of ?h " eanne D,Xo"
basketball program in 1979 9cfcod and ?
The fact that the Sveam?
one season than anv other SS ?nt m?re 8am ?
h'story. 33, is reward enoh'?" 'team NCAA
season. enough for the 1978-79 ISL
It is a shame ih. 1 j
dream come toan L Sla had to see th.
K though i:yy circri ,ose
champ,ons. Thel C. Svca?nores ,rp
-derdog American' thl the mpioos f T
guy doesn't alwav? k Pntative thai ,?1 v??
Jndiana SUte J" to f"??h last lhe ltie
!978-79 season . ?le lui?? ? storv A
"hing else bru ???? 7
'ts fulfillment ?MicM cttmve ffupa

AP Golf Writer
"8 ?'??" confidence ??d I " Unny W??kins,
lad ?n?' th
itage Classic.
? Jusl want to keen
, j" under merely to best fie,d
! 5-un4er-p? lota, m l?ugh conditions with a
nampionship. Ine tournament Players
1 ke Bo1 "?) game where I .
?awssa ??
reach Bowl officials
eh ange playing date
Wadkins, who went into a mild slump last vear
SLZToV PGA natl?nal tit,e -dP tie Worfd
Herfta ? nLC?meS um? the Thur8day start of the
Heritage Classic with momentum and the best
current credentials in the game. He leads the yet?.
money winners with $134 000 and, with the titles in
the TPC event and the Los Angeles Open is the
only two-time winner this season P
utT ?ther Lfactors workin? in his favor:
ets Ua denLy l? be a Streak P,ayer' once
gets ?t going he keeps it going; and he has had
Town HfT.0- the-6'801 yard' Par"71 Harur
falwavs InH Sa P1CtUres?ue l with narrow
an'Wna and ,sma,J g?nsf lined by forests of pine
As an amateur, he was runnerup to Arnold Palmer
B?wl officials
told CBS-TV thev
' P,a 'heir game
Christmas Dav a.
vr" if it means
g J national televi-
i ontract.
Officials said the
tmas date was re-
sponsible for low ticket
?n 178 and al-
l"t the bowl its
NCA certification.
w e are saying no
?hnstmas Day, not
Peach Bowl Exe-
Director George
nb'e) said Tuesday.
W e are very happy
except for
the playing date. We
feel it's extremely im-
portant that the game
be played on another
day, preferably Dec. 24
0 31. We especially
Wte Dar. 31 at 3 p.m
But CBS appears
tym in maintaining the
Christmas date.
"The likelihood of
our scheduling a game
?n Dec. 24 or 31 is
practically niU? said
Larl Lindemann, senior
vice president of CBS-
1 bports.
The Peach Bowl was
pot on national televi-
sion for the first time
last year after CBS
convinced officials to
schedule the Purdue-
Georgia Tech contest on
Christmas Day.
The game drew a
large television audi-
ence, but a small crowd
at the stadium. Only
33,947 tickets were sold,
and there were more
than 13,000 no-shows.
The Peach Bowl had
to sell 24,149 tickets
locally - 40 percent of
Atlanta Stadium capacity
- or lose its NCAA
certification, and only a
last-minute solicitation
campaign saved the
1979 March of Dimes
Nouce ? hereby given that on March 1, 1979 Ea,t Carolina
Umvers-ty tendered an application to the Federal Communication,
Common m Washington, D.C. requesting a conduction permit
for a new Educational FM Broadca Station in Greenville, N.C.
to operate on FM Channel 217A, 91.3 MHz, with total input
power of 150 watt, and an effective -dialed power of 282 watt,
from an antenna radiation center 134 ft. above terrain.
The proposed studies and transmitter will be located on the
campus of East Carolina University in Greenville, N.C. The
proposed antenna support stucture wiD extend a total of 139 ft.
above ground level. A copy of the above referenced application
which contains a complete listing of the applicants, officers,
and governing board is on file for public inspection during normal
business hours at the office of WECU Radio and theSGA
President's office.
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29 March 1979 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 9
SALE on ALL IZOD LaCoste Shirt:
R?g.$20.00NOWOnlv$17 50
BIG SALE in Progress on
ALL golf Shoes
Price on Mens & Ladies
?llBCoQoif.tJ?nn,8 Socks
New and Used golf Clubs
re also accept used Golf Clubs
on Trade
Large Selection of Etonic KM
For men and women
I Greettvii
l CevAtry cd
lionkm tX Fulp
'?lf PrsfrsMoaaaJ
trM Count Ciub
Phona 754 oioa
Thursday March 29
Delta Zeta
Sorority House
If you'd like to be a part
of good times all
interested men come
ont and meet everyone!
Special Features
Sunday-Couples NiQht- 7fial
sxrh ??Shr d
SppST' Ch Fnes and Qur Fous Hush
Only $7.99 for 2
gi Ade?c,ous
Fries cf?bi3hHSutyle Shrimp w,th Fren
Ties, Cole Slaw and Hush Puppies
All For Only $3.50
y-P'sh Fry:A? the Fried F,sh1
Jrout or Perch) you can eat French
Slaw, and Hush Puppies. No takeout
Only $2.75
K'SSfS'f"ed ?ySterS:Go,den
Brown Frted Oysters with French Fries. Cole
Slaw and Hush Puppies '
Only $3.75
Il!),r,Sday"Famny Night: G eat
Specials on Shrimp, oysters tWot&S.1
Shnntp?.0 Takeou e
Trout Or Perch $2 75
Oysters $4.95
Floooder.? $4.50
"All You Can Eat"
Hwarm: Ope ? P.m. To f P.m.

She 9s got it
Track team in Florida Relays
AP Special Correspondent
Jhe slender, bespectacled gentleman in the
leather jacket, sitting in 6-B, was anxious to talk
goli with his neighbor in 6-A, window seat,
non-smoking on the transcontinental jet. "Ben
Hogan and Sam Snead have been my heroes for
years, he said, first identifying himself as a hotel
project manager from Anaheim, Calif.
'No more. You know who mv favorite player is
now. It s Nanc) Lopez. I plan to go up and watch
ner this weekend in Costa Mesa. What a terrific
The middle-aged executive, a 12-handicapper,
acknowledged that his golf viewing tastes-live and
screen had undergone a radical change.
1 don't understand whj more men weekend
golfers prefer watching the men over the women "
said. lake me. Jack N'icklaus and Tom Watson
hit drives that are beyond m comprehension
To reall) learn this game. I find it better to
watch the women. The) drive about like me - 230
' 250 yards, rhe) have the same approach shots to
the green, rhe) have marvelous touch
Our hotel executive is just one of the thousands
who suddenl) have become connosseus of women's
ol the fastest growing enterprises in
protessional fiorts.
However tins traveling man's logic constitutes
only a fraction of the reason that Ladies
Professional Coif Association tour has almost
overnight emerged from near-obscurity to one of the
delightful experiences in the entertainment world
, r "5 IT" iS 3 darkhaired Latin stunner
out of New Mexico named Nancy Lopez. Las
season she h.t the sports world like an explodin
meteor, and she hasn't stopped sizzling eXp,?dm?
While the men's tour has lost some of its super
star glamour with Nicklaus and Watson in a winter
slump and newcomers winning the $50,000 first
prizes almost every week, ther ladies have picked
up a burgeoning new audience
Women's golf is at the highest peak of
popularity of s existence. The LPGA reports
attendance up 300 percent over a vear ajo
averaging 35,000 a tournament. g
What is the magic that Nancy weilds?
It isn't necessarily beauty or sex appeal
although she has both. Laura Baughis regarded as
prettier Australia's jan Stephenson sexifr. There
are golfers - JoAnne Carner, Sandra Palmer and
Jane Blalock, to name three . with equivalent skills
Nancy has something different. The late Babe
D.dnkson Zahaneas had it. Arnold Palmer has
Lee has it. It's an intangible quality that
chche specialist call charisma. She is nice as the
girl next door. She radiates natural warmth and a
bubbling personality. She can play the game. The
LI C-A should build a shrine to her-now
East Carolina's men s
track team will travel
to Gainesville to com-
pete in the prestigious
Honda Relays this week
end. The meet will
feature 1500 collegians
400 open amateur en-
tries and representatives
from 150 high schools
competing in a special
scholastic division.
Outstanding competi-
tors scheduled to be
involved include Olympi-
ans Harvey Glance of
Auburn, Edwin Moses,
Marty Liquori, Steve
Williams, and Dave Ro-
berts. Maryland's NC
AA champion hurdlei
Renaldo Nehemiah, high
jumper Franklin Jacobs,
and NCAA indoor high
jump record holder Jim
Pnngle will be there as
"We pulled out of
the Georgia Relays last
Saturday because the
temperature dropped
down to 40 with a high
wind chill factor com-
mented East Carolina
coach Bill Carson, "Flo-
rida has an outstanding
1501 S. Evans J
B-15, bomber, field, J
deck, flight, snorkel ?
J jackets. Back Packs. ?
meet with warm weath-
er assured and we hope
to give it our best
Carson will enter the
440, 880 and mile relav
teams. Also competing
will be Russell Parker
in the high jump, and
Daryll McCoy in the
long jump, along with
Marvin Rankins and a
lentino Robinson in the
high hurdles.
E a -1 Carolina will
not compete in the
Atlantic Coast Relavs
this weekend in Raleigh
a- prei usl) scheduled.
Keep Redrow
tAADS shoe repair
New bather pocketbooks
belts, and belt buckles.
Shoes repaired to look
like new.
II W. 4th St.
Downtown Greenville
30 to 40
This week only
At Barre , LTD
805 Dickinson Ave.
Greenville 752-5186
Saturday, March 31st
The return of
Don't forget Friday
(Formerly J.W. and the Crusaders)
APRIL 4, 1978
American Legion Building
??' A-yi-yy '
Advance Tickets
At the Door
mm "im
m. unl

J aMtyi
Fresh Tossed Salad, Short
Sandwich of your choice, ALL
the iced Tea you can drink
ONLY $1.99
Monday thru Friday
507 e. uth st. 758-7400
Cj '
s 4
, ?
f '
' r

'? ' ?
C 4&


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v?rl:X Gn'at STR0H'S SUDS
SEARCH official ended Friday
March 23, 1979. Laura and Louis
,Tr"JrukV detectiv? who found
'?? - ROHS beer bottle taped in
tne bell adjacent to Memorial Gym.
Bui despair not fellow beer seekers
You too can be the envy of your
neighborhood (like Laura & Louis)bv
participating in the SECOND GREAT
Late Wednesday night, under the
Sv"(of darkness, the second
MK()H bottle was hidden, but be
careful-we made it harder this time
Instead of a large, easily seen beer
bottle; we hid a 7 ounce pony bottle.
Attached is a certificate good for a
So stuff a six-pack of STROH'S into
your referigerator and ponder over
this clue:
Dittributed Locally By Hallow Ditt G
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Fountainhead, March 29, 1979
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 29, 1979
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