Fountainhead, March 15, 1979

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Circulation 10,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
Vol. 55, No.
arch 1979
HEW fails to take action as deadline passes
SHINGTON (AP)-The deadline for action on
North Carolina's college desegregation plan slipped
by Wednesday without the Department of Health.
Education and Welfare taking action, and the
university system's president said he expects the
! l Hoard ot Governors to decide Friday whether
there i- any point in continuing negotiations.
HhW officials declined comment on whether they
would accept North Carolina's revised dan for
eliminating vestiges of segregation in its 16 public
Wednesday was the court-ordered deadline for
HhW to accept or reject the plan North Carolina
submitted 90 days ago. North Carolina is the last
six southern states -till negotiating with HHW
in acceptable plan.
Georgia, another Mate that was involved in
running negotiations with HEW, came to terms
the federal agency on Feb. 9, several days
ifter it- 90-dav deadline had elapsed.
Government sources said the decision to delay
action on UNC's plan was made to allow university
officials at least 24 hours to give some signal that
they were prepared to move toward a negotiated
The university system could lose about $89
million a year in federal funds if an agreement is
not reached.
Meanwhile, the Associated Press learned that
Fate! and system president William Friday met at
an undisclosed location in North Carolina on
Tuesday to try to reach a last-minute agreement.
Aides to Tatel and Friday refused to discuss the
meeting or indicate whether any progress toward a
settlement was made.
But North Carolina officials told the News and
Observer of Raliegh that the delay might be an
indication there was a division of opinion within
HhW on whether to reject UNC's plan.
One I NC official said the White House has been
urging HEW to reach an agreement so that
President Carter's chances of carrying North
Carolina in the 1980 presidential election won't be
Sources said HEW's latest suggestions involve
spending a large amount to improve conditions at
the university's five black campuses. Estimates of
the amount needed to make the improvements
proposed by the government ranged from $50
million to $100 million. One source said the monev
would be used almost entirely to enhance existing
programs and create new ones in an effort to make
the black schools more attractive to all students.
HEW's failure to meet the deadline drew
criticism from Joseph L. Rauh, a Washington
attorney for the NAACP Legal Defense and
Education Fund, which brought the suit that
resulted in the desegregation negotiations.
HEW told North Carolina Feb. 2, 1978, that an
earlier desegregation plan was unacceptable and said
later the department would move to cutofl federal
funds. But before fund- were delayed a tentative
agreement was met last May 12.
Wrinkle- developed an ironing out a final plan.
particular!) on how to eliminate program duplication
between 11 predominantly white universities and the
five predominately black universities. In recent
negotiation- the emphasis has shifted from the
duplication issue to enhancement of the black
There i- no indication that I NC and HhW are
Hearing an agreement. A INC Board of Governor-
committee agreed Friday to a-k the governor to hire
a W ashinglon law firm to represent I NC in a
possible court fight.
It is apparent from everything that i- being
said by HEW that there is no alternative but to go
to court said one I NC board member.
SGA legal service
contract renewed
Advertising Manager
Mike Adkins, sopho-
more class president,
said in a recent inter-
view that the SGA
Executive Council has
renewed the SGA legal
contract with Greenville
Attorney Charles
"Sonny" McLawhorn.
According to Adkins,
Mchaw horn has held
the $800 per month
contract for the past
'We interviewed
four different law firms
for this contract said
Adkins. "The committee
and 1 felt that he was
the most qualified
Ail kins said that
most students don't
realize that the
SGA offt r- tree legal
According to Adkins,
M chaw horn has given
legal advice on every-
thing from traffic -
tickets to rape cases.
"All studerts should
MIKK DklNS. SOPHOMORE class president
Photo by Chap hurley
Rubella continues spread
Outbreaks of German
measles continue to
spread a- vacationing
students return to
school from spring
break, sometimes bring-
ing the disease with
Eighteen new cases
of German measles, or
rubella, have been
reported at North Caro-
lina State University
since the students
returned from spring
break Monday. These
cases bring the total to
32, according to Dr. Lee
Sanders, medical direc-
tor oi the- NCSl Health
One High Point stu-
dent contracted the
disease from an N.C.
State student, said Dr.
Joel Holliday, head of
the Guilford County
lb alth Department. He
-aid people who may
have been in close
contact with the infected
-indent at High Point
have been informed by
nodical personnel and
their immunization sta-
tus i- being checked.
Sander- -aid more
than 100 N.C. State
students were immu-
nized against measles at
a clinic Tuesday. He
said the clinic is open
this week lor all stu-
dents who want to be
An official of the
state Division of Health
Serv ices' Communicable
Disease Control Branch
said live new cases of
German measles have
been confirmed at Camp
Lejeune Marine Base in
Students at Appala-
chian State University in
Boone, which reports 23
confirmed cases, and
Davidson College, where
f0 cases were confirmed
last week, are still on
-firing break.
Health officials said
there were no new-
cases at UNC-Chapel
Hill or East Carolina
University. A&T State
University and Greens-
boro College officials
said there were no new
cases of measles at
their schools.
Developments in
the media
Due to recent
developments in the
new- media concerning
an outbreak of rubella
(German measles)
among college students
in North Carolina, the
Infirmary has announced
a testing and immuniza-
tion program, which will
begin immediately.
Titer tests
If you suspect that
you have rubella, or if
you are unsure, it
would be a good idea
to go by the Infirmary
and have the Titer test,
which is a blood test
which shows immunity
to the illness. If the
test shows that you are
likely to contract Ger-
man measles, you will
be immunized. Both the
test, and the immuniza-
tion (if needed) are free
to ECU students.
take advantage ot the
free legal service olfer-
ed by the SGA said
Adkins said that in
the past the legal ser-
vice ha not been
utilized to the fullest
"The advice is free
and can help students
avoid a lot of unneces-
sary legal hassles said
Adkins. "Often when
students are faced with
legal problems they are
encouraged to plead
guilty for expediency
According to Adkins,
M chaw horn is more
than willing to work
with all students to help
them out with their
legal problems.
Adkins said that he
would encourage all
students to use the
service whenever they
need legal advice.
Adkins said that any
student who needs to
Rubellaseethe SGA attorney
presents dangerscanmake an appoint-SO THAT'SSOUNUSUALaboutunidentified Ml��tudentdoit
men' b ����mint: l. hiwalking vourpelrabbit?Thesethe time.
si; �fi. i - ii Wnde iha�l
Rubella is dangerous
to pregnant women,
because it causes birth
defects. The danger in
students having the
disease is that one may
unknowingly come into
contact with a woman
in an early stage of
pregnancy, and infect
her with the disease.
Also, female students
are of childbrearing
age, and should have
the test for the future.
Infirmary stresses
no need for panic
The Infirmary stress-
ed that the University is
not in the midst of an
epidemic, and they
urged students to call
or come by if they are
unsure about whether or
not they have been
Candidates announced
What's inside
Spring football practice is under-
way. For a report, see p. 10.
Assistant basketball coach Terry
Kunze has student support for head
coaching post . . . see p. 10.
I A Boy and His Dog will be shown
in Hendrix Theatre this weekend . .
. see p. 7.
nShana Alexander will lecture on
campus . . . see p. 7.
DPlanning a vacation abroad? Some
tips on travelling in Europe are given
on p. 6.
A BOY AND His Dog, "an R rated, kinky tale of
survival" will be shown at Hendrix Theatre this
weekend . . . see p. 7.
Staff Writer
The mandatory can-
didates meeting for the
upcoming SGA elections
was held March 13 at
7 The deadline for
applicants was at 5
on the same day.
The candidates were
all given copies of the
election rules and were
advised by Jeff
Williams, the Elections
Committee Chairman, to
adhere to them so that
there will be no prob-
lems during the elec-
The elections are to
be held on March 28.
Students will vote in
nineteen polling places.
There are three can-
didates for the office of
SGA President. They
are Mike Adkins, Libby
hefler, and Brett
Charlie Sherrod is
the only candidate for
the office of Vice-Presi-
Steve O'Geary and
Ricky howe are running
for the office of Trea-
Running for the
office of Secretary are
Cheryl Filbinger, and
Lynn Calder.
The polling places
are the- Allied Health
Budding, Cotten Hall.
Fleming Hall. Grecm
Hall. Garrett Haii,
White Hall, Clement
Hall, Tyler Hall,
I instead Hall, Jones
Dorm it or y , A y cock
Dormitory, Scott Dormi-
tory, Belk Dormitory,
Slay Hall, the Student
Supply Store, the Croa-
lan, Minges Coliseum,
and the Mendenhall
Student Center hobbv.
These places will be
open irom � a.m.
until 5 p.m u,t, �.
exception of the Croa-
tan, Mendenhall Student
Center, and the Student
Supply Store, which will
stay open until 7
Student voter- will
be required to vote onlv
in their respective
voting precincts. If a
student wishes to vote
in another polling place
they must first receive
permission from the
Student Government
Association Legislature.
Students will be
allowed absentee ballots
provided they have on
of the following reasons:
an infirmary excuse,
absence from ECU for
official business, student
teaching and other
excuses approved by the
elections chairperson.
Jeff illianis. To obtain
an absentee ballot, a
written request mu-t be
presented to the' elec-
tions chairperson at
least 72 hours before
the polls officially open.
Special consideration
will be given lo stu-
dent w hi i � e v ietinis
ol unto -1(-ii c i rc.u ni -
stances 1 li elect ion
committee requires that
thev receive the- absen-
tee ballot- in a signed
sealed envelope before
the polls close on elec-
tion day.
To vote in the elec-
tion the students will
need to present a valid
ECU indentification card
and their activity card.
Campaigning was
allowed to begin imme-
diately after the meet-
ing. The candidates will
be required to turn in
an itemized campaign
expense account. They
must also adhere to
certain set maximum
expenditur' amounts,
set by the SGA, $200
for candidates running
for executive offices.
The SGA president,
vice-president, and trea-
surer will be required
to attend summer -chool.
In the pa-t a lack
student participation ha
been a problem. Onlv
an estimated ol
the students voted m
tin last i le� lion. fher
i- a proposal lo extend
the i period to l-
day - lo try to cucouragi
limn -tudents �i vote,
bul at pre tune. n
was un-ure whether
Ilol It Will go II) t
n appeal- ol tin
lion will In- heard
by I he SGA rev u v
board. complaint will
have to be filed within
21 hour- alter tin vote-
have been counted and
the results relea-cd.
It. when the vole-
are com,led. there i-
witlim a .02 percent
dillercnce between the
voles their will be an
automatic recount. It
the- recount -how- the
same difference then
there- will be a run-off
A run-oft election
will be held (if neces-
sary wen days after
the recount. Any candi-
date who would like a
recount to be held must
contact the elections
chairperson no later
than 21 hours after the
finai official tallv is
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Page 2 FOUNTAINHEAD 15 March 1979
On Tuesday March
20 the East Carolina
Gay Community will
meet. A film will be
shown along with the
regular discussion. Of
special interest will be
the registration of
organization members
for the South Eastern
Conference of Lesbians
md Gay Men IV. This
conference will be held
April o, 7, 8 at Chapel
Hill on the campus of
M Registration fee
lor the symposium is
regular and $4.00
low limited income
participants. Workshops,
lectures, and activities
start at noon on April 6
and run through the
The ECGC is curren-
tl) planning to attend
the conference as a
group and is in the
process ot finding hous-
ing for those who
attend from ECU. Any-
who is interested in
ming as a member of
the ECGC is invited to
the meeting to register,
organization will
anyone in any way
the) can to help them
For no reason
should this conference
missed. Anyone that
wants to pick up an
iual application is
welcome to come by the
house to do so.
The weekly meetings
are held at 608 East
Ninth St. at 5 p.m.
rhese meetings are held
rj Tuesday.
22nd annual Seminars
Vbroadopen to all
ege studentswill be
red by Guilford
�liege beginning May
24 and ending July 29.
Members will be
duced to people and
places of the great-
artistic, cultural and
ric importance in
Pan Madrid, Pisa, Flo-
Rome, Athens,
rn, w'engen, Munich,
Vienna, Budapest,
Leningrad, Berlin,
Copenhagen, Amsterdam
and London.
Group leaders are
Claude Shotts, director
5 minars Abroad
. ana
Ruth Rothe, a German
native who has planned
ard led Seminars
Abroad's summer pro-
gram for 15 vears.
Either may be con-
1 at Guilford Col-
lege for more informa-
Win a new 10-speed
Motebecane bicycle
valued at $200 by
becoming the 1979 ECU
Pinball Champion. Men-
denahll Student Center
plans to find out who
the champion is in the
Spring Pinball Tourna-
ment which will begin
on Mon March 19 and
run for five weeks
through Friday, April
20, 1979. Participants
may play any time,
Monday through Friday,
from 9 a.m. until 11
p.m with each weekly
contest ending at 5
p.m. on Friday. The
event will be held in
the amusement games
area located on the
ground floor of the
Student Center.
Each week the per-
son who has the most
high game scores will
be the weekly winner
and may choose from a
selection of prizes
valued to $15 from the
Tree House, Pizza Inn,
The Gazebo, Sports-
world, Apple Records
and more. At the tour-
nament's conclusion, the
person with the most
high scores for the
entire tournament will
be the grand prize
Only pinball
machines will be used
in the tournament and
participants may play as
often as they like. Also,
there is no limit to the
number of times a
person may win. Each
winner will be required
to show a valid ECU ID
or Mendenhall Student
Center Membership
Nine different pinball
machines will be used
in the tournament.
Included are some of
the latest machines
available as well as
some old favorites like
Amigo and Boomerang.
With such a wide
variety from which to
choose, every competitor
should be able to find
two or three favorites
on which to score really
Those who aren't
planning to compete
should go over and
check out the tourna-
ment proceedings. And,
while there, take advan-
tage of some other
games that are availa-
ble. The Student Center
offers something for
every amusement game
enthusiast. Air hockey,
fooseball, and a wide
variety of video games
can be found, including
Sea Wolf and Indy 4,
two of the most popular
and fast-paced games
Intramural LTC
A new intramural
sports season will begin
immediately following
spring break. Entry
dates for Wrestling
(men), (men & women)
Badminton (singles and
doubles) and Softball
are March 12 and
through March 15. Play
begins March 19 for
Wrestling; March 19
and 20 for Badminton
and March 20 for Soft-
ball. Sign up for these
activities will be in 204
Memorial gym.
Men and women
Tennis (singles and
doubles), Innertube
water basketball and
Volleyball entries may
be made between
March 19 and March 22
in 204 Memorial Gym.
Tennis and Innertube
B-bali play begins on
March 26, while Volley-
ball begins March 27.
Team Captains'
Meetings: Softball,
March 19 at 4 p.m. in
Brewster B-102; Volley-
ball, March 26 at 7:30
p.m. in Brewster B-102.
It is very important that
every team captain
attend this meeting.
Im Officials' Meet-
ings: Softball, arch 14-
15 at 4 p.m. in
Brewster B-102; Volley-
ball, March 21-22 at
7:30 p.m. in 104
Memorial Gym. Officials
will be paid at a rate of
$2.90-$3.50 per game.
For further information,
contact Vann Pennell in
102 Memorial Gym.
The Mens Residence
Council is offering a
new scholarship that
will begin next fall.
However application
must be completed by
Thurs. March 22 and
turned in to the respec-
tive dorm counselors.
The applications are
available from each
dorm counselor and
each applicant must
meet certain criteria.
The individual must live
in a dorm and must
have paid the M.R.C.
fees. Other criteria is
listed on the scholarship
application. The amount
of the scholarship is
$250 which will be
credited toward the pay-
ment of university fees.
The scholarship is based
on need, academic
achievement and
involvement within the
university. All interested
persons are urged to
The 1040A Form takes
just a few lines to
complete and IRS will
even figure the tax for
Are you looking for
direction and truth in
life? If so, Leadership
Training Class is the
place for you. Come
over to Brewster-D, rm.
311, on Thursday night
from 7-9. There is
plenty of good singng
and fellowship too. It is
sponsored by Campus
Crusade for Christ.
There will be a
meeting of the Interna-
tional Language Organi-
zation on Mon March
19, 1979, in BC-304.
Topics to be discussed
will be the plans for
the soiree francaise, and
the International House.
All members should be
All students that are
interested in working
this summer with the
State of NC Internship
Program, please come
by the Co-op Office as
soon as possible. The
deadline has been ex-
tended from the 28 Feb,
to 6 Mar
AKD is having its
annual paper contest
with cash prizes going
to the authors of win-
ning papers! Runners up
in each division (under-
grad and grad) will
receive prizes also. AKD
urges you to submit a
paper (in the field of
sociology). Submit
papers to Bobby Little,
sociology departmental
office, 4th floor Brewster
Sigma Tau
Sigma Tau Delta
(English Honor Society)
and the English Depart-
ment will hold a joint
meeting Thursday,
March 15, at 7 p.m. in
Mendenhall Coffee-
house. A representative
from the ECU Place-
ment Office will show a
film on interviewing. All
Sigma Tau Delta mem-
bers, English majors
and minors, and interes-
ted persons are invited
to attend.
The Men's Residence
Council will hold elec-
tions for the Executive
Council on Mar. 28,
1979. Anyone interested
in running for Presi-
dent, Vice President,
Treasurer, or Secretary
should contact their
respective Dorm Coun-
selor. Elections Sign-up
will be Mar. 12-19 with
a mandatory meeting of
all Candidates on Mar.
20 at 7 p.m. in the
MRC Meeting Room in
the basement of Scott
You can win eight
games of bowling by
being the champion oL
.Mendenhall Student
Center's Mini-Bowling
Tournament. If you can
bowl the highest three-
game score any time
during one week, you
will qualify for the
roll-off on Mon April
9. Four bowlers will
qualify for the roll-off
and one of them could
be you. Drop by the
Bowling Center for
more details.
All second semester
graduates should pur-
chase their caps and
gowns for graduation by
April 5 at the Student
Supply Store on cam-
pus. The delivery dates
for caps and gowns are
April 3, 4 and 5. The
gowns will be delivered
to the Student Supply
Store. The delivery
dates and points of
delivery are the same
for both graduates and
undergraduates. These
Keepsakes gowns are
yours to keep providing
the $10 graduation, fee
which is paid. For those
receiving the Masters
Degree the $10 fee pays
for your cap and gown,
but there is an extra
fee of $9.75 for your
hood. Any questions
pertaining to caps and
gowns should be refer-
red to the Student
Supply Store, Wright
A workshop in
Stained Glass will be
offered at the Menden-
hall Crafts Center on
Tuesdays beginning
March 20. Interested
persons must register at
the Crafts Center by
Sat March 17.
The ECU Comic
Book Club will meet
Wed March 21 at the
Nostalgia Newstand 919
Dickinson Ave. at 7
p.m. The meeting will
be to discuss the
upcoming Comic Book
minicon on April 22 at
the Roxy. For more
information call 758-6909
before 7 p.m.
Varsity Cheerleading
Try Outs open for guys
and girls. No experience
needed! All stunts and
cheers will be taught.
Everyone come out and
see what its like. Meet
at Minges-March 20th
5:00 p.m.
The Miss Black and
Gold Pageant will be
held March 22, 1979
from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
in the Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center.
Dorm Rooms
Applications for resi-
dence hall rooms for
Summer School 1979
and School Year 1979-80
may be obtained from
the Housing Office as
well as any one of the
residence hall offices as
of Tues March 13.
Room deposits for these
terms will be accepted
in the Cashier's Office
beginning March 19.
The required deposit for
Summer School is $89.
($133.50 for private
room) and for Fall
Semester, $60. The
deposit(s) must be
accompanied by the
appropriate applica-
Everyone interested
in applying the teach-
ings of Jesus Chirst to
their daily life is inivited
to participate in an
informal, direct Bible
study each Tuesday at
8:30 p.m. in Brewster
D-308 (sponsored by
students for Christ).
There will be an
Eight-Ball Billiards
Tournament on Tuesday,
March 27, at 6 p.m. in
hte Mendenhall Student
Center Billiards Center.
All ECU students who
are interested should
register now at the
Billiards Center. No
registration form will be
accepted after Fri
March 23.
Gamma Beta
Gamma Beta Phi will
meet on Thurs March
15, in Mendenhall 244.
at 7 p.m. All members
are urged to attend.
An outdoor festival
including arts, crafts,
bands, and events of all
kinds is being planned
by the ECU Student
Union. Various events
such as mime, psychic
readings, and flower
sales will be included.
The type of booth or
event that you sponsor
is limited only by your
imagination. The festival
will be held on the
Mall on April 17, 1979.
If you are interested in
participating with even
a bake sale, please
contact me at Menden-
hall Student Center,
Monday through Friday
from 2 p.m. until 5
p.m. The phone number
is 757-6611, ext. 213.
To even further
expand the scope of the
festival, we at the
Student Union are
allowing individuals,
departments, and cam-
pus organizations that
so desire to join in the
festivities by sponsoring
their own booth or
particular type of enter-
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for sale
1976 500cc Kawasaki for
sale, excellent condition
has carry-all rack and
back rest, also Hi-way
foot rests, 2 new tires
go with it - $800. Call
758-0962 after 7 p.m if
you call earlier leave
name and no. with ans.
FOR SALE: Batavas -
Moped yellow and
black. Perfect around
campus vehicle. Approx.
125 mi. to a gallon.
$300. 6 mo. old. Need
money for school. Call
STEREO equipment
available through college
dealer. Check prices
before you buy else-
where. Call Michael �
FOR SALE: Aluminum
boat, twin cylinder 10
hp motor, trailer, plus
boating accessories, all
in new condition. Great
for fishing. $825.
FOR SALE: 4.5 cubic
ft. refrigerator. Will sell
for $90. Come by 502
Typewriter for sale:
Underwood Electric.
Only owned 2 mos
New. Will sell for $100
Come by 502 Clement.
across from the
university. Call
for rent (j) persona
ROOM for rent, 402
Student St. Males only.
Call 752-4814.
FOR RENT: small
furnished bedroom with
a private entrance
Spring is here! Time for
that portrait you've been
thinking about. Have it
done OUTDOORS, dill:
758-0962, portraits by
Pete Podestwa also
resume pictures in black
and white, weddings
and all types of group
WANTED: Drivers lor
piita delivery. Must
have own car. Apply at
Paisano or call
�tively inexpensive 35
mm. camera - pref-
erably Yashica. Call
Keith Stephens (after 5)
WANTED: Part time
help, Putt-Putt golf
course. 2 jobs available
one in Greenville, one
'� Rocky Mount. Call
758-1820 after 2 p.m
SUMMER: we are
looking for hard workers
who want to travel this
summer. Students
�veraged $1000b�o. U�t
summer. Interviewa will
-rewster 0.IV�
10 and C-303 �t i a !
counselors, �(.
terfrom Dir M-
Aug. H. Call R.
t 7S&.2B&

�i . ? m. �

� - � mm � �

MARCH NOT ONLY BRINGS strong winds, but the usual Greenville rains.
Generic substitution
generally supported
distant News Editor
v me pharmacists
rralh support gener-
ation of pre-
of drugs but
k to point to
ting regulations
I the importance of
tie's pharma-
ric substitution
- ' I ' practice of pre-
g medication by
ts generic name rather
brand name.
� r advocates
� the ubstitution
as a method of reducing
N rth Carolina cur-
no law
rig generic sub-
nut a physician
- all iwed to prescribe
generically if he
drug is compe-
a n d equivalent.
Medicaid regulations
juire generic drug

Hal Paderick of Kin-
Irick Pharmacy
- that the consum-
realize a saving
gh generic subti-
ion but he ?aid the
igs available for pur-
- relatively low.
Dr. Norman Lewis of
Kinston Clinic Phar-
. � questioned the
mess of the practice
drug companies that
r :vw drugs.
He explained that
drug manufacturer
must give the Federal
Drug Administration full
orts on all research
i toting and all
ible side effects of
new drug
Lewis said generic
irugr- are usually not
lilable unitl after the
fiatcnt has expired on
the original drug,
although some compan-
1501 S. Evans -
8-15, bomber, Held,
dec, flight, snorkel Jecfcett
Back Picks
New leather pocketbooks,
belts, and belt buckles.
es repaired to look
like new.
HI W. 4th St.
Pow ntown Greenville
On 5th St. across from
the Book Barn.
Good Food
Good People
Vegetarian diets
MonSat. lla.ro9p.m.
ies do jump patents,
causing the research
company a loss of profit.
"If there is no
research because of a
tear of patent jumping
there might be no new
drug Lewis warned.
And some generic
drugs barely meet FDA
"I don't give any-
thing to anyone that I
wouldn't take Lewis
Some pharmacists
agree the consumer
should trust his pharma-
cist before asking for
generic substitution.
Some drugs could be
drasticaly reduced if
prescribed generic.
L e n o i r Memorial
Hospital has a policy
that drugs ordered by
generic names unless
the pharmacist has spe-
cific instruction from the
doctor to do otherwise.
According to a hos-
pital spokesman, Lenoir
Memorial has long filled
a vast majority of drugs
by generic substitution.
At each nursing sta-
tion in the hospital
there is a list of generic
drugs with a cross
reference of their brand
names. A doctor may
check and see what is
available generically if
he wishes to use the
substitution, the spokes-
man said.
Special Features
Sunday-Couples Night: 2 delicious!
seafood platters of Shrimp, Oysters Fish
Cole Slaw, French Fries and our Famous Hush
Only $7.99 for 2
Monday-Shrimp-A-Roo: a delicious
entre' of Calabash Style Shrimp with French
Fries, Cole Slaw and Hush Puppies.
All For Only $3.50
Tuesday-Fish Fry: am the Fried Fish
(Trout or Perch) you can eat with French Fries,
Slaw, and Hush Puppies. No takeout
Only $2.75
Wednesday-Fried Oystersrcoidenl
Brown Fried Oysters with French Fries, Cole
Slaw and Hush Puppies
Only $3.75
Ti!i!r,Sday"Faml,y Nl9ht: Great
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No Takeout
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Open 4:30 P.M. To 9 P.M.
4:30 P.M10 P.M.
Friday and Saturday
H l'�;
Located On Evans Street
. . . elections will be held March 28. Students
the coming school year. Whoever you are
supporting for the election, please make an effort to
make it to the polls. The democratic process will
not work without you.
It's the responsible thing to do.

p mr � W JF
4 � rm

4 FOUNTAINHEAD 15 March 1979
Apathy strikes again
Once again, the Rip Van Winkle
ECU student body showed their
disinterest, irresponsibility, laziness,
apathy a plethora of defamatory
adjectives would be insufficient in
expressing our disgust at the fact that
the candidate for SGA Vice-President
is running unopposed. What does it
take to get this campus off its
collective can?
io�Ut �f a student bodV of almost
12,000, only one person saw fit to run
for the office. Only one person cared
enough about his school, himself, and
his student fees to vie for the office.
The mans qualifications are superflu-
ous. He will be the next SGA
V.ce-President, so long as he meets
the rather innocuous requirements of
maintaining a 2.0 average and turninq
in a campaign financial report prior to
election day.
fatenr03" H�n,y truSt Providence,
fate or whatever that the sole
candidate is qualified, or at the very
least honest. Since we had no choice
m his selection, how can we expect
mm to be responsive to us?
We can only hope he will be
responsive and will make an effort to
acquaint himself with those he
Uppity Women
Equal rights is for all
Staff Writer
There are those who question the need for the
men. movement today. As we have seen, from
a brief overview of women's historv in the last few
weeks women are better off in the modern world
than the) have ever been in the past.
At least most women in the so-called "civilized
-of are better off So why is there a need for
ng women s liberation movement in this day
of IoLTT' thKer!i WiI1 be tHe �bvious �PPo�ition
�m. men who desire to maintain the status quo
n which they will derive the most benefit. but
Zntn ' " 1S �PP�sition from some
ire women who, for a variety of reasons
women s movement, while enjoving the
- of its past accomplishments in their daily
�� they are married and are employed outside
home, they take for granted the right to
� allowed to keep the wages they earn, without the
realization that this right had to be fought for
Vt omen ,� positions of authority in their place of
mployment often go out of their way to "ex'lam
' thej are not women's libbers, and so in
essence attempt to deny their debt to the women
ho had to endure social persecution, in order for
women to make any headway in the employment
Even ,he millions of women who take for
granted the right to wear pants, fail to real ze tha
50� ago, this was considered an abomination
and would st 11 be today, if some feminists had not
r ;iv�,rdure s,a,ndcr and threats' - orde
-mdothing. PreCedem f�r m�re Sensi
1h,WhfaVhe?1Ue0US W0men do realize is
hat, ,f , hadn t been for those "womens libbers
hey would have no recourse to the divorce cour
t wasn t so long ago that it was perfectly lawful
for a married man to administer corpora
punishment to his wife at his discretion P
� Fbuntainheod the E.� Carotin, community lor ��, 50ya.�
Assistant News Editors
Richy Smith
Mik Rogers
Assistant Trends Editors
Barry Clayton
Bill Jonas
Assistant Sports Editor
Charles Chandler
Assistant Advertising
M anager
Tarry Harndon
Advertising Salesman
Paul Llncke
Chief Ad Artist
Jane W ells
Oeidre Delahunty
Sue Johnson
Jaanen Coats
Dabble Hotaiing
Sue Lamm
� arry Clayton
FOUNTAINHEAD (a ,�. �udn,
n.w.p.p.r o. East Carolina , Un?
sponsored b, the Media Board o,
fnd Thd 'i d,��"b"��� �ch T�day
EditLI i? � 0P,ni0"� �'� those of the
y reflect the opinions of �
unW.r.My or ,�. Media Board
Offices are located on the second
i �h� f-bcon. C.n�0,S
South Building). Our�-
Ecu� �'d ����" �"�-�"��
ECU. Greenville, N.C 27�34 ��
T�;T-�-pho "����'� are:
10 �� alumni SB annually.
Another fairly recent development has been for a
woman to successfully initiate and carry through
divorce proceedings, even though it ' i vefy
commonplace ,n this country today If it had not
?emmi ts ?"I "� �arlier Mediated
Xniswso'uidhensoet arthat women take f- ���
.n,e7preed hvd� T' i " whe" a Iaw �
hlZ.A y JUdgeS' the i��P'eution is often
based on the lex.s of .he legislative hearings ��
preceded passage of the law. The addition g�f the
iLll S" � '� 'he Civil Ri8h,s B"l was a
"SX?Tere"r- bJ ' Southe" to try to
Zttg&Z � � ous � ft
Since it was included in a joking asoert it h
been interpreted in a joking aspect" Urn ' women
n large numbers demand full equality ZZ t�
law women will never be treated equaiv "
oppose? to r" gr�"P �f W�men who are
opposed to the women's movement. TVv
do not want equal rights because they would
be forced to carry more of their own weight
These are women who take advantage of all the
laws in their favor that feminists had to work so
hard to gain, who espouse all the romantic garbage
Drivae TP�Seu dliCaCy �f and subfequem
fhousagnd�W t0 thC fCmale SCX' and who �ie a
thousand arguments to try to defend their
preference for sitting on their butts and letting
amr; sot: � L ti
iamines, some man, or the state
ITljXlrs. brfng -�. - ey
Then, of course, there are those who argue that
draTeemnt t d� with '
dratt-exempt status. What they do not realize i
he the President and Congress could daft women
today if they wanted to. And, in a suffidem
. national emergency, undoubtedly would not hS
to do so. Presidential and Congressional pow
are virtually unlimited in times of national
emergency. "�uonai
aheIa�TnH CTTd ab�Ut bein8 drafted cO"W go
Pro ll aPP y f�r eoous-objector status"
Pro-mihtary pro-war, and anti-women type people
will ry to discourage women by telling them that h
atus,OSThi:mPOSSib,? t0 gCt �-ntious obcto
status, lhis is simply not so.
It is a somewhat lengthy process, as it takes
longer than ,t would take to get your head shot off
or your arms or legs blown away. But it is not
.mPoss,ble by any means. (For information write
me m care of FOUNTAINHEAD.) raauon. w"te
Women must stop letting men fight their battles
for them even in the most literal sense If a
woman believes in war, she should be willing to
fight. If she does not, as I and many othe women
do not, she has a duty as a citizen registe7s"
conscientious objector and so let her pities M
As the women's movement not only concerns
�tself with equality legislation, but with educTt on
regarding sexist attitudes, men as well as w?men
can benefit from the movement for sexual eq�X
?J cr;8e Set 2some die-hards who ri
to the sinking ship of male superiority and
unfortunately . number of them h.vVa great deal
of money and power. 8 eal
be liniw fhC graM-T8 mle. �� � much to
be gamed from sexual equality. Freedom from
unreasonable expectations to excel in .11 things be
all things, provide all things, know .11 thing! the
right to cuatody of children when the mXr is
unfit rather than cu.tody .utom.ticlly bcing
awarded to her. The freedom to grow as a person
u�m"PrrS8 emr�n?n With0ut Si considered
unmascuhne, to feel, to not die of hypertension at
News section sans organization
I have been a stu-
dent at ECU for nearly
three years. Although
the outward appearance
improved in those three
years, I have never
seen the News section
in worse shape than
I do not consider the
condition of that section
due to an over-active
advertising manager as
Brett Melvin would
have us believe (FOUN-
TAINHEAD, Jan. 9),
but rather due to a
poor news staff.
In order to illustrate
the poor condition of
the News section, you
need only see what is
considered to be news-
worthy by the "News
Editors" In the last
"�ue of FOUNTAIN-
HEAD, (March 1) we
road important news
items about the new
staff newsletter and na-
ture trails.
Although I'm sure
both are important,
Iranklv I could give a
shit. I think most
students would agree
that such items don't
belong on page one of
any paper (not even a
I'm sure at this
point a hurt news editor
might be thinking that
ft was a slow day for
news. Perhaps, but has
it been a slow ear for
news too? I think not.
I don't claim to be
an expert, but I know
that The Daily Tarheel
(at Chapel Hill) and
The Technician (at N.C.
State) don't have anv
problems putting out
respectable new sections
in their papers. Of
course, UNC-CH does
have a chool of journ-
�sm, but they're also a
daily paper. State has
no journalism degree,
and their paper comes
oui ihBiynesia .week.
Mon -rfkely by the
time this letter is print-
ed we will again find
the same type news-co-
verage that informed us
that the Gay Community
had been funded when
it hadn't.
I sure hope thev
printed those pre-regis-
tration schedules right.
Charles Larev
�t -m Charles Larew
Student supplicates for gay counseling
To FnilMTAIMur.n -
Why shouldn't' the
ECGC get $250 for a
peer counselling center?
The East Carolina
Gay Community is not
trying to get money for
ourselves, unlike the
Writer's Guild which
was graciously awarded
$200 and I am happy
for them - we didn't
even want the money
for our group. There is
a definite need for a
peer counselling center
for gay students, but
you don't have to take
our word for it all you
have to do is ask Dr.
Ryan yourselves.
If a student is hav-
ing difficulty coming to
terms with what he is
and what he knows he
isn't supposed to be by
his society's norms,
where does he go?
There is nothing at
all "unnatural" about
homosexuality. It is
quite common in nature.
The only thing unnatu-
ral about it is that we
are taught at such an
early age that it is
This is known as
prejudice and persecu-
tion. I'm sorry if
someone once did some-
thing to make you think
of homosexuals as sick
but don't persecute me
I don't even know
It is because of
people like you that
some homosexuals
spend their whole lives
hiding in terror, afraid
to live their lives in the
way that makes them
happy. Who are you to
judge anybody?
Would you have
punished Leonardo Da
Vinci, Michaelangelo,
Alexander the Great,
Tchaikovsky, or Walt
Whitman because they
had a lover of the same
sex as themselves?
These men were geni-
uses. They are not the
rule nor are they excep-
tions to the rule, but
they all had male lov-
Homosexuality is al-
so referred to as a
psychological abnormali-
ty in this letter. That's
seems very unlikely
since it occurs in much
more than three percent
of the population and is
less than two standard
deviations from the
I find Mr. Johnson's
closing remark silly and
very distasteful. I
always thought that I
was taught the proper
things at home and at
church, and consider his
insinuation to the con-
trary a personal cut at
my parents and the
work they did.
I was raised in the
Methodist Church and
still consider myself a
Methodist. The Metho-
dist Discipline recog-
nizes the gay communi-
ty as a community of
I believe in the
unlimited power of Cod
but I also believe ,� his
unlimited love, for be-
ing a Christian the New
Testament means a lot
to me and the most
important message in
that scripture is that
you have compassion,
forgiveness, and love
for everyone. I'm verv
sorry for you Mr. John-
son, because due to
your own narrow-mind-
edness and i�orance
you are shutting some
very beautiful and fun
people out of your life.
�Name withheld by
6is a fact of life'
There recently
has been a lot' of
debate and controversy
concerning the allocation
of funds to the ECU
Cay Community, and bv
no means do I intend to
pursue or provoke anv
other conflicts. I jus't
want to make a few
points that I feel have
been overlooked.
I am not only con-
cerned with the outcome
of the SGA's decision,
but moreso, how that
outcome was achieved.
The issue should not
have been discussed in
terms of personal feel-
ings and emotional rea-
sons. Emotion does
nothing but distract
from the issue.
Furthermore, if ,he
iunds were approved, I
�eel this would not be
indicative of the SGA's
approval of this type of
behavior. The constitu-
tion of the Cay Commu-
Ih? rl appr0Ved h
Lo ,?GA a,most to
mon.h ago - this
acnon obviously was not
interpreted as a condon-
ation of ,he group's
�deals., neith-
er should approval of
Iunds be interpreted as
an automatic approval.
Assuming that funds
are allocated on the
basis of s,udent need,
,he Cay Community ,s
ironically the best exam-
ple of this need. This
group has appealed to
'he SGA for funds to
help tram student coun-
sellors which would
eventually result in
helping others cope with
any emotional and psv.
chological problems that
might be encountered
I interpreted the re-
Sra'11 !VUnds as 'he
SGAs lack of concern
,or the needs of this
unpopular group.
Homosexuality is a
fact of life "i��
�i me. Ignoring
this fact will not make
�t disappear, but
concern and counsel
could help ease the
harassment ��d comfort
�n difficulties that
m'ght be encountered.
Debby Newby
A straight concerned

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Mixers are available
505 East East 5th Street
CALL 752-2941 for more info

uw v � wviiinimiLMLi
!J mdlUI 133
European travel tips given
CCRS Writer
Copyright, Collegiate Consumer Reporting Service
Editor's Note: The Collegiate Consumer
Reporting Service, I Diversity of Arizona, is designed
to hrlp college iiewpapers report consumer news of
importance to students. If you have information or
ideas concerning a specific consumer issue, please
write th�- CCRS at 1070 "North Campbell Avenue,
lucson. Z 83719.
ipe's low-cost youth hostel and raiUvay
ire the key to successful travel, sa)
- who have traveled there.
Sll to join the International Youth
Association could save a student traveling in
than $20 a night in hotel expenses.
Hostels are located in most major
cities, explains University of Nebraska
' ' Chauche, who backpacked around
(c in lc)77. itli a membership card, a student
in un hostel tor only three to eight dollars
adds, with some even providing
Although it may be possible to write tor
. reservation, "it's usually not hard to get
Hi bes the hostels as "big dorms, with
12 bunk beds to a room. And oven though
vou a tube-shaped sleeping sack you
ke vour own sleeping bag
H Chauche warns: Watch your
arc thieves. To protect my valuables, I
m in the bottom ol m sleeping bag
Hi to say, Some outh Hostels are
great. The French and Greek were
the Swiss and German are er
Si University pre-medical student Jerry
traveled in Europe two years ago and is
.i summer study tour in Florence,
staying in hostels will lower his total
percent. He expects his $1,500 stay
will only, cost him $750.
transportation in Europe is quite different
in the I nited States, and student travelers
commend buying Eurail Youthpasses
are relatively inexpensive and go
- one-month Eurail pass will make it
him to travel in fifteen different
$160, and a two-month pass would
nnedv, who traveled in Europe lasl year
Nader group and works with the Civil
- B �ard, remember- that European train
tourist information on where
lirections to a student travel
n system is so efficient, Kennedy
"hitchhiking in Europe is not
because of it inherent danger
women. The best arrangement is a
i and woman traveling together
says some group- of traveler- have
ansportation problem by buying a car
and selling it when they leave.
Along with a Eurail Youthpass, student travelers
are advised to carry an international student
identification card, which carries a picture of the
student and the name of the college he or she is
The CAB's Kennedy says the card entitles the
student to discounts for museums, bus and train
fares, and sometimes cafeterias of universities, and
are available through most campus travel centers.
Chauche also advises purchasing travelers checks
before leaving the U.S not only for protection, but
"usually only big tourist traps will accept U.S.
currency, and banks charge one to two percent
when changing currency, and you lose monev.
Besides, Europeans really do work bankers hours
and some close as early as 1 p.m
He goes on to warn that the food in Europe is
expensive, especially in Switzerland and Germany
where the value of the dollar is low. The French
sales-tax system makes its food also expensive, he
-a vs.
"Greece has the best food at the cheapest
price Chauche claims. "It's not fine French
cuisine, which ranks the b�st in the world, but
Greek food is good eats and lots of it for cheap. In
fact, a whole meal may not even cost close to one
"England has bad food�except their breakfasts
are great. It you eat in England, go to an Asian
restaurant, they are good-food places. When iood is
expensive though, I usually buy it in a market and
make a fondue or something
Yv bile traveling, Stanford Kent is going to take
care ol some ol his meals by visiting local markets
and buying bread, cheese and wine, all of which
can be easily carried in his backpack.
Since time is important to most students, living
i- the fastest way to get to Europe. Choosing an
airline i difficult, but Kennedy suggests checking
new-paper- and travel agencies to compare prices
and quality.
She further advises selecting a reputable charter
tirm or travel agency, such as American Express, to
protect yourself. Tour operators are very competi-
tive, she -ays, and there are some airlines which fly-
charters exclusively, such as Trans International
orld Airline
Suzy Prenger of the University of Nebraska
Overseas Opportunity Center, which arranges tours
and provide- travel information for students, says
that by charter, a round trip ticket from Lincoln,
Neb to London costs $389, while a commercial
flight can run more than $1,000. However, by-
charter, the student must leave and return on
specific date
New airline- are often cheaper than established
one Kennedy says, because older airlines do not
have to compete so much. She warns, however, that
cheaper flight- may be crowded and may not serve
as many cities are more expensive flights.
She says she flew Laker Airlines' Skytrain, which
goes from New York to London on a "first one,
first serve basis, " No reservations are taken except
for those who are not able to get on the first flight
they wait for. "The whole operation is simple she
758 7400
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Greenville's Resource Center For
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March 22, 1979
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a. ta
Being c � officer in the Air
sore resi I exciting job with i
opporl ii �� .
e R0TC e for this e�
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These will poy for tuition, boot
$100 i month foi " � " �

j the A I � � : �
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f you re the type w - exc iting
le. look nto - See ii
vou qualify to be oft
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Ge ' . ' - . � .
iJUH jmiJCfi
Gateway to a grea way of lif�
Allen 1. I inkham , Capta
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Wright Annex 757-6597

3 n
� v v
15 March 1979 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 7
A Boy and His Dog to
be shown this weekend
larlan Ellison's novella has been made into a movie
rather kink tale of survival, h i- thi- week I" re link.
Boy and Hi- l)nt. Sounds like the latest effort
Disney Studios, right? It ma) sound thai
ould he further from the truth.
publicity poster ominously states,
Boy and His u is "an IC rated, rather kink tale
luture you'll probably live to
mi inous pn m lamal ion ol publii ity
'�. i, HI art, roving
il � i - once Arizona.
-in and l hey onl b the
I i .iii.i Blood. ideallv suited
V ii i- the prov idor of
H I is the teacher, historian,
ii i - 21 si centurv mana
, � I lor. Blood i- a dog. -
thrown in for good measure:
throughout the
heaps of dialogue
md crisp one-liners.
-hip i- perfect until a
female who becimes
I he uncomplicated
: . " threesome as V i is
lally willing girl, not
hip, hul ,i sheltered.
�: a hich Bliiud has
to heed Blood's
goes v ri' m n
of survivors,
I es t v 1 e I
� .ii-irucling small
: . themseh �
for that thev send
iluV II ulill -t u.i- I .
for In- i- the ull mi i
the -creenp
written by I. O i
i- .i screen tatii
Ellison, km d e I i
science fiction
illage oi ��
mv worl
p e n I
i 111 e r p r
Harlan Ellis
fiim a -
his rear's St. Patrick's

Uiy brings memories

Gay bar proves to be 6a
trip in itself for straight

. .r not,
I stepped
he fover, into
tiling to
was a
' ruin, magazine. The
. m lined
i tree, very
al. and very
M nervousness
blatant para
"Bv. am I in
i mil; .
art (,
hen m y b i
� . I breathed a sigh
of . kIy
w here his
I � e d my
II �
OK tandards.
music was Di
Behind the
- anol her poster.
: one didn
t have anyone in the
iff, but i! bad - a
rouple ol guys on a
mot � w"� sug
gesl you buy the
latest edition oi Bob
Damaron's Address
Book, and "see Amerh a
with a friend
brother asked it
I wanted a drink.
"No thank This
place i- a trip al! by
itself. By the way,
don't get upset if I
make a sudden dash tor
the door I'm not sure
how long 1 can handle
this place. Man, if
somebody pinches me

jht. It-
Mtei an hou I a
i I g a i
ix. I
I had had
- hand. Shi i ok the
-lighth pui
appendage with a grate
lull rhanks! anna
I don'I ilai. I
replied. I wusn I read
he relative
safet ' in barstool.

I I finally
1�. I i itig
� " i picked
unles- I asked lor it.
I indulged in a couple
popper hi! and lound
m -oil on the dan. e
floor with Debbie.
I'm straight, il you
11 a v i � 11
t noticed b nw m'
I don't dam i- t et,
here I was on the
dam e floor ol a -ay
bar enjoying mysell
VI eird world, ain't it?
- we exited, mv
brother asked it I bad a
good lime eah. I
va� surprised, I really
enjoyed myself. But, I
ain't ri.ming hero
"I wouldn't suggest
it he replied.
"60 Minutes "Point" Shana Alexander
Shana Alexander to lecture here March 20
Shana Alexander,
one "t meri .1 - fore-
most women journalists
vill -1 irak in the Hen
drix 1 heal re in Men
denhali Studenl (inter
under the auspices of
the ECU Student Union
Lecture Series C(immit
tee. The lecture is
schedule for March 20
at 8 p.m
Shana Alexander has
been a journalist all of
her life. Her profes-
sional career began at
age seventeen when she
left assar College to
become a feature writer
for New ork's distin-
guished newspaper, PM.
In 1951, she joined
the staff of LIFE maga-
zine as a show business
reporter, first in New
N o r k ( 11 , and tor
seven vears in Hollv
wood. In 1961 she
became a LIFE staff
uriter, the first woman
ever to hold that posi-
tion. In 14, she began
her well-known LIFE
column, "The Feminine
Eye, which won manv
honors. A collection of
her observations and
reflections on America
in the Sixties, also
called The Feminine
Eye was published in
1970. From 19 to
1971, Shana Alexander
was editor oi the
nation's largest women's
magazine, MeCalls's-the
first woman to hold that
position in 50 vear-
In 1972. Ms. Alex-
ander was named a
Contributing Editor ol
KW-W r r k
Tickets �
ture arc on -
Central 1
and arc f 5 �
cadi I "�
Activ ity t ai Is,
MS( Membership
for ECl

wuNTAiNHEAD 1S March 1fl78
Esther Rolle plays Hendrix
"Good Times Esther Rolle
Esther Rolle
"Florida" of the tele-
vis.on show "Good
Times will appear in
a one-woman show on
March 19, 1979, at 8:
P-m. in the Hendrix
Theatre. She will per-
form under the auspices
of the Student Union
Theatre Arts Committee.
Rolle will be
protraying Sojourner
Truth in part one of her
program and Susan B.
Anthony in part two.
Both women were exci-
ting as well as history-
making individuals. The
show presented by Ms.
ftolle is one of power
Kinston to sponsor art
competition March 29
On March 29, 30,
and 31, the Community
Council for the Arts in
Kinston, along with the
Kinston Daih Free
Press, the Kiffston
Board of Realtors, the
Junior Women's Club,
and the Women's Club
will sponsor one of the
largest art competitions
in eastern North Caroli-
Artists both profess-
nal and amateur are
being encourage to sub-
mit works in various
media to the competi-
tion at Vernon Park
Mall, on Vernon Avenue
in Kinston. Craftsmen
throughout the state are
alt invited.
Over SI.500 will be
awarded the winners,
including the coveted
Bet in Show ribbon,
and lirst place prizes in
i'il and acrylics, water-
color and pastel, draw-
ing and graphics, mixed
media, photography,
weaving, and handmade
In addition to the
reuular cash awards and
ribbons there will be
-overal Purchase
Awards by Lenoir Coun-
ty businesses and indi-
Entries must be
hand delivered, and will
he received at Vernon
Park Mall from noon
until 6 p.m. on March
29 only. A maximum
of three works may be
entered upon payment
l a $6 entry fee.
Only original work
completed within the
last two years not
previously shown in a
Spring Arts Festival will
be accepted. Paintings
must be dry, framed or
stripped, and ready to
Graphics, drawings,
watercolors, and photog-
raphy must be matted
and Iramed, or protect-
ed with acetate and be
ready for hanging.
All reasonable care
will be given entries,
but it is to be under-
stood that works are
submitted at the artist's
risk. The Arts Council
cannot assume responsi-
bility for loss or dam-
age before or after the
show. To avoid the
possibility of confusion,
all work must be clearlv
marked "For Sale" o'r
"Not For Sale" to
include a 20 percent
commission taken bv
the Arts Council.
Judges for the show
will be Donald Sexauer,
acting dean of the ECU
School of Art; Chuck
Chamberlain, ECU
School of Art faculty
member; and Bob
Mitchell, professional
photographer from Ra-
All work must be
picked up by 7 p.m. on
March 31. No entries
may be removed before
6 p.m.
full service
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Pinball-Color TV
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Attendant on duty 8:00 - 4:00p.m. daily
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Coffeehouse hosts
Collins and Lang
This Friday and Sat-
urday nights the Stu-
dent Union Coffeehouse
presents Joe Collins,
along with Shelly Lang,
in the Coffeehouse,
room 15, Mendenhall.
Showtimes are at 9
and 10 p.m. and the
admission i. 50 cents.
Joe Collins is an
ECU graduate and
Cofteehouse committee
alumni who has per-
formed several times at
the Coffeehouse. His
easygoing manner and
audience participation
songs have never failed
to thoroughly entertain
his audience.
Collins' repertoire
includes a number of
originals and songs
written by other ECU
students, along with
some Mike Cross-style
ongs and old favorites.
He is one of the few
Coffeehouse performers
polished enough to
develop a firm rapport
with his audience, and
he keeps them happy
even between songs.
Making her Coffee-
house debut, Shelly
Lang sings and plays
guitar beautifully. Her
capable voice and sensi-
tive musicianship com-
pliment her Neil Young-
Fleetwood Mac oriented
material. She delighted
her audience at her
audition a few weeks
ago and was even asked
to play a second set.
Her performance is sure
to be a crowd-pleaser.
As always, the
Coffehouse offers a
wide array of snacks
and soft drinks to
further enhance the
relaxed nightclub
Howdy ECU Students n
Clip this coupon for
good Western Eatin'
offer good 'til 3.24.79
758 7400
507 E. Hth St.
and passion; it is not
an appeal for women's
rights; it is a statement
for human freedom and
Sojourner Truth was
a freed slave who could
neither read nor write,
but was one of the
most powerful orators of
her day. Susan B.
Anthony was a highly
educated and socially
conscious Quaker. Both
women, armed with the
courage of their convic-
tions, helped change
the history of our coun-
Besides being an
inspiring evening, the
night is also one of fun
and humor. Both of the
women Ms. Rolle
characterizes were able
to laugh at themselves
and others. Esther
Rolle's talents as a
comedienne are well-
known to television
audiences all over the
New York
Rolle was
trained in New York
and has appeared both
on and off Broadway.
Her stage credits were
extensive before she
began her long stay in
"Good Times She is
now dividing her time
between stage and tele-
vision. Her college tour
performances have
shown her at her most
versatile. She plays two
women of contrasting
natures: one white,
one black; one educa-
ted, on illiterate; one
middle class, one a
freed slave;�but both
individuals of strength
and courage.
Tickets for the per-
formance are 1150 for
ECU students, $3.00 for
ECU faculty and staff.
$4.00 for the pubh. .
and $3.00 for groups of
20 or more. AJ1 tickets
are $4.00 at the door.
For further information
contact the Central
Ticket Office at Men
denhall Student Center,
757-6611, ext. 266.
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participating in Pitch In! Week.
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Walters will be
Azalea Queen
Queen Azalea XXXII
(,hl- year's North
v"u zaJea FestivaJ
Wilmington will be
x tr�ss Laurie Walters,
e u! the stars of the
television series
��hl I- Enough a
me time show on the
�C television network.
In her rule a Queen
al.a XXXII. Miss
liters will reign OVer
four da) Festival,
5-8, and partici-
in man) of the
nge ol activities
vents. Among xv
- for the Queen
the Queen's
Pageant in
seum on Sat-
ight, April 7.
�il- he the
'�1 attraction for
ual Azalea Fes-
�ratie through
own Wilmington
vatur�ia of the
will arme offi-
a'b Thursda ,
April o. at morning
remonies on the
wntown waterfront,
and from that point on.
will follow a full and
bus schedule
Walters has
interested in the
� . and working in
and studying it since
-he was in the ninth
I le. She is a young-
tinued from P. 7
ling in, and there
u 3S than a dozen
1 rotestanl families to
it. - Canon
V 1, the
insn priest, held a tea
and the Catholics footed
le later. m
I came back to
Mullaghbawn. There
few changes in
the little town. Same-
one blown up Her
Mai - telephone
kiosk in iront of the
ice. "The
lads as the) were
ailed, had moved the
ustoms shed hack a
?if ark with a
few ssticks "t dynamite,
and bit- ol piece- of
railwa) line were
found missing from time
� ime
Then 10 war- later -
19 - it' had all
changed. A terrible
terror was born.
Tv i laborer from
the parish were
machine-gunned in a
van on their wav to
work at the
"Protestant" shipyards
in Belfast. Tim my
Kellv. 5 years old, went
up the road tor the
a- and tame back in
M. Cann the I rider-
taker's hear- He or
the cow- had stepped
on a mine intended lor
a Bnti-h -cout car.
Errors on your tax return
can delay your refund
Double check everything
before mailing.
Internal Revenue Service
sfer, b"t has ong vears
01 experience in her
career already, which
,ncI�des both
and television. She has
also done much st
H�r most recent
television credits include
guesi starring roles �,
I he Rookies "Medi-
cal Storv " "u
Div � '� r apP
Uavsi Unnon and
a recently -completed
segmem of "Love
Bo,at- ' She won her
�le in "Eight s
tnough" while doing a
l,laS "Bee Hive for
Theatre West in San
Francisco. Two of Miss
Walters' movie roles
were in "The Harrad
Experiment a n d
Heturning Home
Her stage career has
included the Berkeley
Repertory Company, the
Magis Theatre, the New
Shakespeare Company,
and the Mann Shakes-
peare Festival.
She attended Hum-
bolbt College for two
u'ar and transfered
to the University of
California at Santa Bar-
bara, and later moved
to Berkelev. She likes to
jog. ski, and backpack,
and is pursuing a new
hobby, collecting Per-
sian rugs.
Two school boys were
blown apart when the)
opened the back of a
bread van parked in
front of the Catholic
chapel at Drumantee.
A Protestanl fanner was
found slumped in front
of his telly with a large
hold in the back of his
Nearlv ever) day
was "D-da" in the last
decade: dynamite,
destruction, death.
deserted road- and farm
Mullaghbawn in 1979
is peaceful again.
Dreadfull) peaceful. No
one travel- the roads
after dark. The British
arm doesn
sn't travel b) road
�: all. Thev -tick
pretty much to heli-
copters since 60 soldiers
have been ambushed in
the v icinit).
Even in the daytime,
people quake if a
stranger knock- at the
door. The children go
Straight home after
school. Man) homes
are without father
taken awav to Long
Mesh, the incarceration
camp, without trial on
suspicion of suspicious
ou can still hear
the river, rushing cold
under the -tone bridge
bv O'Hanlon's, making
you wonder on this St.
Patrick's Da) where it
will end. Three
decade- in an Irish
15 March 1979 FOUNTAINHEAD Page a
The Student Union Coffeehouse Committee
Joe Collins ft Shelly Lang
Cockroaches, Scientists Think,
May Be The Major Survivors
Of A Nuclear War.
Radiation and contamination from nuclear
weapons would make the world
for the rest of us.
Our country has twice directly threatened
the Russians with nuclear weapons.
And now we're building more sophisticated,
more accurate missiles and warheads
that will make a first strike of military
targets appear feasible
and attractive.
The Pentagon claims that we could
"survive" a retaliation
and win a nuclear war.
Sounds absurd, doesn't It?
Only the roaches are smiling.
Box 271, Nyack, New York 10960
Phi Eta Sigma
Buccaneer Movies
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Tickets sold in advance at 1.50 per show
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Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
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Shows at 9 6k 10 p.m.
Admission 50 cents
Free snacks
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Located on the corner of
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save $9n
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Also serving a traditional menu
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Take-out orders available.
greek letter.
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On sale are our men's
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'Bear' speaks to coaches Sunday
Pirate spring football practice begins
Legendary 'Bear' Bryant
Sports Editor
With six starters lost on defense and three
missing from last year's offensive unit, plenty of
work lies ahead for East Carolina coach Pat Dye
and his staff when the Pirates officially open their
spring practice drills Saturday.
And the Independence Bowl champions will
certainly have one of the game's finest instructors
on hand when the Bucs begin the first of 20
practice sessions.
Alabama's legendary Paul "Bear" Bryant will be
the featured speaker at East Carolina's annual
spring football clinic which begins Friday and ends
Sunday. Bryant will speak in Mendenhall Student
Center at 1:00 p.m. Sunday afternoon. Tickets are
on sale to students and the general public and can
be purchased at $5.00 apiece.
"I couldn't be happier that Coach Bryant has
accepted our invitation to come to East Carolina for
this clinic Dye said. "Coach Bryant has meant so
much to the game of college football through the
The Pirates, who blasted Southland Conference
champion 35-13 in the Independence Bowl last
December, have eight starters returning on offense
with five returning on defense.
The interior defensive line was hit hard by
graduation and replacements must be found for
ends Zack Valentine, Fred Chavis, tackle D.T.
Joyner, nose guard, Oliver Felton, linebacker
Tommy Summer and free safetv Gerald Hall.
Offensively, the Pirates lost the school's fifth
leading rusher Eddie Hicks, ECU's all-time pass
receiver Terry Gallaher and tackle Mitchell Smith.
"We want to develop some personality on
offense this season Dye explained. "Last year our
defense had personality and I think our opponents
feared what our players could do during a game to
beat them.
"There was a unit found in each player and
each player drew strength from it Dye continued.
"We used to be that way on offense and we want
to get in back
East Carolina's defensive unit finished as the
nation's second ranked team allowing just 204.8
yards per game. The Bucs limited opponents to just
128.7 yard a game on the ground and only 76.1
yards through the air.
The top defensive returner is linebacker Mike
Brewington, a big 6-4, 230 pound senior from
Greenville. Brewington was the Pirates leading
tackier last year with 149 stops including 112 solo
hits and 37 assists.
A two year starter and a member of Rose High
School's 1976 State 4-A Championship team, Dye
considers him one of the premier linebackers in the
"Mike's as good as any linebacker in the
country he praised. "He's a sure tackier and an
intelligent player. He calls our defensive signals and
is one of the most overpowering players I've ever
seen. I'm sure glad we don't have to play against
him. Pro scouts have been drooling over Mike since
he got here
Vance Tingler returns as left tackle while
cornerbacks Charlie Carter and Willie Holley are
back along with strong safety Ruffin McNeill. Carter
led the Pirates in interceptions with five last season
while Willie Holley picked off two.
Dye expects juniors Clifford Williams and John
Morris to move into the defensive end positions
with Noah Clark at tackle and freshman John
Hallow at nose guard. Hard hitting Jeffrey Warren
is expected to replace Summer at linebacker while
Wayne Perry will probably replace Gerald Hall at
free safety.
Dye said he plans to move Joe Godette back to
tackle where he played two years ago, and use
speedster Billy Ray Washington at tight end. Vern
Davenport will be at split end and Sam Harrell will
probably replace Hicks at halfback.
"We want to have a blood and guts type
offense with a tough, physical running game like
we've had in the past Dye said. "It involves an
11-man concept in aggression with every man on
the team trying to win the game. It's the same
thing we were doing on defense last year
Independence Bowl MVP fullback Theodore
Sutton and speedster Anthony Collins return in the
backfield along with quarterback Leander Green.
Sutton was the Pirates leading ground gainer the
last two years and rushed for 621 yards last season
and one touchdown. His cohort in the backfield
Collins, had 479 yards for a nifty 5.8 average and
scored four touchdowns. Collins also ranked 15th in
the nation in kickoff retuns last year with a 24.9
"I'm real encouraged with the recruits we've
signed for next year and we've got some quality
players back at several key positions Dye noted.
"Our schedule next fall is certainly going to be a
challenging one and I know our players are looking
ofrward to it. But we've got a lot of hard work
ahead of us this spring and we have to develop
depth at many positions
Although the 1979 East Carolina schedule hasn't
been announced yet, the Pirates are expected to
open their season Sept. 1 at home against Western
The Bucs will then face N.C. State, Duke and
Wake Forest on the road before returning home
again. North Carolina is also on the schedule.
Besides the Western Carolina contest, East
Carolina's other home games are expected to be
against Richmond, North Texas State, VMI and The
with, without legendarv hat
Kunze has student support
Sports Editor
! he search tor a new basketball coach at East
lina i now ,� jts tnird week and there are still
clear cul choice- for the job. Several athletic
icials have -aid a coach will probably be named
b) next Fnda. but athletic director Bi'll Cain said
Wednesday no deadline ha been established.
eenville Reflector and local television
have reported dozens of prospective
candidates, but the names mentioned have proved
be nothing more than mere speculation.
sources inside the athletic department are
totally battled with the selection process. The East
�aroma pa rs have endorsed pirate assistam
h lerr) Kunze and he has received favorable
from athletic officials and the local
But Cain has alreadv said the
committee is in no hurry, and from all reports it
appears it may be another week before a new head
coach is named
we just want the best possible candidate for
the job and we're
i n t er vie w in g a I
going to do a thorough job
the candidates Cain said
a petition on campus supporting Kunze.
"He knows basketball and almost all the
students I've talked to like him and feel he can do
a good job as head coach Dever said. "Some
people have mentioned Dick Grubar, but I think
they would like to see Kunze get the job
Earl Taylor, a freshman from Rocky Mount
"I think everybody really felt like Kunze did
most of the coaching this year, anyway Taylor
said. "If they hire Kunze they won't have to start
rebuilding agan and I think he would do a good
job. But Dick Grubar is another name I've heard
mentioned a lot and he comes from a fine program
at the University of North Carolina. He's got a good
background and he would probably do a good job,
Gary Clayton, a junior from Roxboro, insists no
matter who is hired the students and the Greenville
community simply want a winning program. Terry
Kunze or Dick Grubar would make excellent coaches
and I think all the players would really back Kunze.
That's the important thing he said. "Whoever
comes the students want to back the coach because
I think people are interested in the program. They
just want a winner and if they can get one, they'll
back the program just like they do Pat Dye and the
football program
Candidates? Start with Kunze, a former assistant
at Minnesota before joining the East Carolina staff.
Then there's Wake Forest assistant David Odum,
former LNC star Dick Grubar, Duke assistant Bob
Wenzel, Maryland assistants Will Jones and Joe
Harrington along with Clemson assistants Dwight
Rainey and Joe Kingery. Add Guilford coach Jack
Jensen and Virginia assistant Richard Schmidt and
you've got quite an impressive list of possible
And stiU the new coach may come from
somewhere like San Francisco (god forbid')
Houston, Marquette, UCLA or Indiana.
However, the consensus opinion on the East
Carolina campus is that Kunze or Grubar will be
the next coach. Jay Dever, a member of the East
Carolina wrestling team has even begun circulating
"Everybody really felt like
Kunze did most of the
coaching this year anyway
Jamey King, a senior from Kinston, has a
somewhat unusual candidate for the job although
he's undoubtedly one of the most qualified and
respected coaches in the state. �V8 Paul Jones, the
long-time coach at Kinston Senior High School. '
Jones has produced dozens of winning teams" at
Kinston and has coached such stars as Bcon Celtic
star Cedric Maxwell and Wake Forest feuard Mark
"That's who I think would be a real logical
Terry Kunze
candidate for the job, especially since he is right
from this area and people can really identify with
him King said. "He won his 400th game this
eason and wins 20 games almost every year. It
might take him awhile to get adjusted to college
ball, but I think after awhile he could do as good a
job as anybody else they bring in
So there they are, a composite list of candidates
the selection committee has or will probably
consider during the next week.
Kunze, Grubar, Odum, Jones, Harrington and
even Paul Jones.
But it's a safe bet no matter who is hired, their
resume will be checked out with the FBI, CIA along
with a dozen other agencies. Fortunately for East
Carolina, Larry Gillman's only come along once
every hundred years. Or at least the selection
committee hopes so.
Road race set
Special Correspondent
Winter is over. Spring, the season of good
health, is practically knocking at our doors. The
coming of the warmer weather brings with .t manx
activities to the rain-beaten residents of eastern
North Carolina. Baseball games, bicycling and
weekend trips to the shore are but a "few of the
traditional escapes.
But perhaps the new season's arrival is no
better evidenced than by the thousands of jogger
who flock to the street everdav now in their
multi-colored suits to revitalize their hibernated
All of this activity and sunshme is a likelv and
proper setting for the First Annual Creenvdie Road
Race. No all of you amateur runners who before
had nothmg to gain but healthier lungs and tighter
thighs can prepare your bodies to tackle the 10 000
meter course in hopes of gaining the right to wear
the prestigious race T-shirt and to hang Z
certificate of completion on your bedroom wall
The race is slated for April 1 a. 3 p.m but it's
no joke to the hundreds of running enthusiasts who
plan to attack the 10,000 meter (6 2 m.ll
through the streets of Greenville TOUrSC
The race is being sponsored bv H I H
Sporting Goods and hosted bv the Coastal r ?"
Track Club with all proceeds I l Carolina
Seals Society for the tn - 0'f�
handicapped children and adult" Phs'cally
The registration fee for the race i. fq
first 500 entrants receiving ZZ WUh the
T-shirts. There will be sTveral C�mphmentar race
male and female runnervtT 'Z
the top finishers in each age g ouD aWMd to
to all finishers. 8 g P' and certificates
Applications for the Fire a i
Race are available at Hodl IT T Rd
5th St Phidippides in PittP�pug Go' on �
Reflector office at 209 Cotanche St u DU
Easter Seals Society in the N.U n�VhrOU�h the
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and on race day �" Fr,dly March 30,
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��� � 'BVjTiPr


petition supporting Kunze
Sports Editor
An East
peU University student began
.ppurtmg assisam r' �� campus Wednesday
th new head on� I baI! COach Terry Kun
- 200 s,gnaZeTl � nd had "�ivcd
DevefT: byKUte aflern00�-
Veiling team from M �f the East Caroli�
- P�L� and s"d Mhresrn' NJ- �rzed
Knatures until Friday aft! n6 8atheri"g
.en submit the � Vafternoon- Der said he will
Bill Cam Pet,t,�n t0 EClJ Athletic Director
"�'m still
iev're a '
ind get
mg hard on the petition and
in 7uPe�P,e �n CamPus w�nt to try
n-tunuv to s" ltW'V0 th can have
ked appro m ely 220 ofT S� '
so we've ann P nPle t0 S,�n il and 193
m ve gotten excellent support for Coach
u n ze
believes he knows basketball
nd 1 think most of the students on cam,
see him get
ipus would
the job Dever continued.
rt,3 roned D-k Grubar's name,
boutT kV Cm ?ave been ver? complimentary
u Coach Kunze. 1 think 85 to 90 percent of the
students rcally want Coach Kunze "
Meanwh.le, the search for a new head basketball
al Last Carolina continues and at least one
more name has entered the picture. Richard
cnmidt, a former high school coach at Ballard High
n Louisville Ky. and now an assitant at the
mversit) of Virginia, is being linked with the
-icant post. Schmidt was responsible for recruiting
current Virginia stars Jeff Lamp, Lee Raker and
m Gates and has been with the Cavalier staff
r two ears.
Although Cain would
candidates who have been
�mN � it was reported
sday to meet with at
The search for the new head basketball coach
continuing and there have been some outstanding
andidates who have applied for the job Cain said
not mention any-
interviewed for the
he was in Raleigh
least one perspective
Wednesday from his office. "Coaches nationwide
have applied for the position and we're in the
process of screening all applications at this time.
We certainly want to find the best possible
candidate for the job
Cain also added more than 50 people have
applied for the position and things are going
according to schedule. Although no date has been
established yet for the naming of a new coach,
athletic officials said the vacancy would probably
be filled no later than Friday, March 23.
Kunze, a former assistant coach at the University
of Minnesota, has received widespread support from
the East Carolina players and the Greenville
Roy Rogers, a local restaurant in Greenville,
displayed a sign in front of their building on 10th
Street supporting him Wednesday.
Billy Lee, a former assistant at East Carolina and
now the head coach at Pembroke State University
said Monday he has withdrawn his name from
consideration and Butch Estes, another former
assistant at ECU has also been dropped from the
list of candidates, according to athletic officials.
Other candidates still being mentioned are Wake
Forest assistant David Odum, Appalachian State
head coach Bobby Cremins, and Maryland assistants
Joe Harrington and Will Jones. Others under
consideration are Guilford head coach Jack Jensen
and Duke assistant Bob Wenzel.
The vacancy was created two weeks ago when
Larry Gillman resigned under pressure after two
years as head coach at East Carolina. Gillman, a
former assistant at the University of San Francisco,
posted 21-32 record during his two seasons after
boasting he would build a national power at East
The ECU Athletic Council voted to dismiss
Gillman after his first season, but former chancellor
Leo W. Jenkins vetoed the decision and gave
Gillman another year. Gillman finished 9-17 during
his first year and had a 12-15 mark this season.
The East Carolina program still faces alledged
recruiting violations concerning the recruitment of
freshman center Al Tyson who quit the team near
the end of the season.
Pleasers, Pop-A-Tops claim titles
Staff Writer
The Belk Pleasers
and Tyler Pop-A-Tops,
both runners-up in the
dormitory champion-
ships, came back to
take the all-campus ti-
tles and avenge earlier
In the men's compe-
tition the Belk Slimey
Dogs upset the Pleasers
U-39 to take the dorm
title. Both teams down-
ed their opponents in
semi-final games of all-
-campus tournament and
met each other again
for that title. The
Pleasers came out on
top this time 33-29. To
gain the finals, the
Dogs defeated ClubIn-
dependent champions
the Heartbreak Kids
who won their title over
Langston D.Js 37-28,
and the Pleasers down-
ed fraternity champs
Alpha Phi Alpha.
In women's play,
Garrett dorm defeated
Tyler Pop-A-Top 19-28
to win the dormitorv
championship. The
Club Independent title
was taken by the Peace
Pirates who defeated
the Rippers 26-24, while
the sorority title was
won by Alpha Xi Delta,
who defeated Tri Sigma
In the all-campus
playoffs. Alpha Xi was
defeated by Garrett 26-
-10, while Tyler downed
Peace Pirates 38-32,
again making the all-
-campus championship
a rematch of the dorm
final. Tyler avenged
their earlier loss by
defeating Garrett 35-24.
Tri Sigma and De-
gree of Perfection took
the women's and men's
bowling titles respective-
ly. Degree of Perfec-
tion defeated Sigma Tau
Gamma for their title.
White Striking Ladies
were the runners-up in
the women's division.
Olschner remains optimistic
about women's tennis team
Staff Writer
After posting a dis-
mal 2-4 record in the
fall portion of a split
season coach Barbera
shner remains opti-
mistic about her ECU
a omen's tennis team for
he upcoming spring
"Our spring schedule
tough said the
it-year coach, "but I
Mink we will do well.
This is probably the
worst record we'll have
a few ears
"All the girls are
plaving better said
Olshner. "They're stron-
r, more mature, and
more confidant in their
abilities. The girls stay-
in very good shape
tween seasons
Returning for what
may be her final action
with the Pirates is first
flight mainstay Pat Ste-
i rt.
Stewart, who posted
a 5-6 mark against
mpetition such as
N.C State, Wake Forest
and Duke, transferred to
ECU after competing at
Hofstra University in
New York. She may lose
a years eligibility due to
the format of the split
season at Hofstra, but a
ruling from the AIAW
is forthcoming.
"She is playing very
well " commented Olsh-
ner "probably the best
she's played while she s
been here
Sophomore Debbie
Spinaizola and freshman
Anne Grambo held the
second and third slots,
Olshner considers
Grambo to be a key
performer for the squad.
"She was injured near
the end of the season
and it (whether or not
she plays) will depend
a lot on her knee.
"She was 5-3 in
singles and 4-3 in
doubles before she was
injured. If Anne plays,
that makes us a lot
stronger; it gives us
more depth added
Two major factors to
be considered when
examining the team's
record are youth and
the lack of experience.
The ten member
squad includes five
freshmen and three
"I only have one
definite senior (Diane
Keough) said Olshner.
"At least four of the
starting six will return
Olshner commented
that she had expected
more students to try out
for the team than she
has had thus far. "I
don't know if they think
they aren't good enough
to play college tennis,
but it doesn't take a
Chris Everett to do
I'm sure there are
a handful of girls walk-
ing around the campus
who could possibly be
in the top six, but they
just haven't tried. We
have to put everything
we have into the pro-
gram so that East
Carolina can have a
team it is proud of
she added encouraging-
The women's tennis
team opens its spring
slate Friday against
High Point College at
the Minges Coliseum
tennis courts.
758 7400
507 E. 14th St.
Britt out to better Pirates
Assistant Sports Editor
After having lost only three decision in two
years of pitching for East Carolina, Pirate star
hurler Mickey Britt 4s not about to let up now in
his efforts to make his team the best possible.
T want to do everyting I can to make this team
a big winner said Britt, owner of a nifty 1.16
earned run average thus far this season.
'Of course, the team's goal is to make to the
NCAA playoffs again said the junior star from
Hope Mills.
Britt owns a 1-1 record this season, the loss
coming to 10th ranked Clemson 1-0. In that game
Britt pitched superbly, allowing only three Tiger
"I'm proud of the way the team played down at
Clemson said Britt. "That was a real confidence
builder, both for myself and the team. Now we
know we're just as good as they are
Britt's win came against Conneticut as he gave
up only four hits en route to a 4-0 shutout of the
"Mickey is certainly pitching well this year
said Pirate head coach Monte Little. "We try to
pitch his as often as possible.
Britt's success this year is nothing new for the
Pirate star. During his first two seasons as a Pirate,
he posted 9-1 and 10-2 records, respectively.
Britt was one of only two pitchers named to the
All-State team during his freshman season. He
followed that up with a repeat selection last season.
Britt's emergence as an All-America performer is
not very far away, says Little. "All Mickey needs is
a little publicity said the Pirate mentor. "He has
II the togls it takes to be a super pitcher
Little says that Britt's strongest point is perhaps
his control. "Mickey has an uncanny ability to
locate all of his pitches said Little. "He seldom
throws the ball down the middle of the plate. He
prefers to use the corners
Naturally, the Pirate coaching staff has the
utmost confidence in their junior pitching sensation.
'He's always pitched against the toughest of our
competition noted Little. "He seems to thrive on
that. He pitches best under pressure
Britt, a very low-key individual, shuns much of
the praise he receives. "I try to do my best at
all times in an effort to help the team he said.
Britt's devotion to baseball and the Pirates does
not die during the off-season. He runs all-year-
round, trying to keep in the best shape possible in
preparation for the next season.
'The pitchers have to be ready at the first of
each season said Britt, "because cold weather
often delays our hitters. It usually takes until it gets
warm for our hitters to get in the groove.
Therefore, we have to be ready to be strong
from the r-tart
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Students repeatedly se-
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When contacted for a reac-
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ACC nightmare proves
balance exists in NCAA
ssistant Sports Editor
Many devoted followers find it hard to believe.
It just wasn't supposed to be. But it happened, and
there is noting anyone can do to change that now.
c, the Atlantic Coast Conference did indeed
pull 3 real "el foldo" in post-season play. Both
teams involved in the NCAA tournament lost in
their first games of that national championship
event. To increase the ACC's woes, all three of its
representatives lost in second round action in the
National Invitational Tournament.
R hen did all this come about? The answer is
simple. College basketball is much more balanced
now than eer before. And it will continue to get
even more balanced.
Sure, the Kentucky's, North Carolina's, Mar-
quette's, ami UCLA's will continue to have
successful programs, but the age of the super
power is over in NCAA basketball.
New rules ami regulations concerning the
number of scholarship players a team is allowed are
already affecting the game, as evidenced bv the
lact that there is no clear favorite to win this year's
NCA tournament.
In essence, what these new rules and new sense
ol balance means is that what happened to the ACC
this year might well happen to the SEC next vear,
the Big Fen the next, and so forth. Upsets in the
NCAA tournament, and indeed throughout the
regular season, will become more and more
Aside from the balance in college basketball,
sses in the NCAA tournament by Duke and North
Carolina ran be attributed to a number of disturbing
t, the Blue Deil lost a second game this
season to Eastern power St. John's. Surelv people
the East must be laughing at the Devils and
their preseason number one ranking.
X lien the two clubs met earlier this season in
Madison Square Garden, the Duke raced to a quick
point advantage. Shockingly, the Redmen
eliminated that Blue Devil lead and went on to
earlier season game must have been a big
booster tor St. John's in last weekend's
NCAA matchup. The Redmen surelv lost all awe of
Brown says no
to Memphis State
T Former Denver
ach Larr
�� n said Wednesday
ept the
mt Memphis State
I niversity basketball
'ding j
I couldn't saj yes
and (loach Murphy
wouldn't accept no
Brown -aid after meet-
g with Tiger Athletic
r Billy "Spook"
M urph.
"I felt real bad
it it . . . but I
didn't think it was fair
me to Memphis
Mate without being to-
talK committed Brown
The former National
Basketball Association
coach has been the
leading candidate to
succeed Wayne Yates
resigned at the end
of the Tigers' season.
Brouri visited the cam-
pus tor the second time
W ednesdaj. this time
bringing his wife, Bar-
Brown's return to
Memphis State raised
-peculation that he was
about to accept the job.
At midafternoon, he
toured the campus with
his wife before return-
ing to the athletic
direct, r's office. Brown
spent nearly two hours
with Murphy before the
athletic director emer-
ged shaking his head
and inviting reporters in
to talk to Brown.
Brown seemed apolo-
getic about the situation
and said he didn't think
he could accept any job
at this time.
"When I resigned
from Denver, it was
tough experience I
came down to Memphis
State because of Coach
Murphy. It was the
first place that offered
me a job he said. 'T
tried to say no but they
wouldn't accept it. I
tried to find something
wrong with the program
I couldn't find any-
"In a pro situation,
you have the good guys
and the bad guys.
Here they only have
good guys. If I was
offered the University of
North Carolina job
where I went to school
- I think I'd give the
same answer
University athletic of-
ficials said they expect
the job to be filled by
the weekend.
Bob Hope
"Red Cross
A Public Service o This Newspaper IJPI
& The Advertising Council c5uk"
Duke when the Devils lost that big lead in the
One must also remember that Duke was playing
against great odds in Sunday's game. They were
without the services of starters Bob Bender and
Kenny Dennard. Also, Bender's backup at point
guard, John Harrell, suffered an eye injury and
missed most of the second half.
If all this wasn't enough, ACC player of the
year Mike Gminski was forced to spend almost as
much time on the bench as he did on the floor
serving as the Blue Devil pivotman.
Gminski was suffering from a virus, perhaps the
biggest obstacle of all facing Duke against the
Redmen. For without the G-Man the Blue Devils
are just not the same team.
North Carolina's loss to Pennsylvania Sunday
afternoon was much more of an upset than the
Duke loss. The Tar Heels were in perfect shape.
Fresh off their impressive ACC Tournament
-bowing, the Heels seemed a cinch to dump the
Carolina had no one out due to an injury, no
one sick, no reason to fold in their opening round
But one thing the Tar Heels did not expect was
the tough Penn defense. The Penn zone was
possibly the toughest the Heels had to face all
season. In addition, the Penn offense, spearheaded
bv forward Tony Price, exploded in the second half
and seemed to make every shot it attempted.
The Tar Heels did not exactly "fold" against the
Quakers, but despite the fact that the Quakers
played well, Carolina still should have won the
Tar Heel outside shooting was awful late in the
game when a lew swishes might have changed the
final outcome. Sure Peon's defense was superb, but
a team as gifted from the outside as North Carolina
should have made at least a couple of those crucial
Perhaps both Duke and North Carolina were
looking ahead to a rematch of their ACC
Tournament game in the Eastern Regional finals in
Greensboro. That could have easily been in the back
of their minds.
As for the NTT losses by ACC teams they are
not near as surprising as the NCAA losses. Ohio
State is probably a better team than Maryland
anyhow. Nevertheless, the Buckeyes defeated' the
Terps by seven points.
Virginia's loss to Alabama and Clemson's to Old
Dominion are not overly surprising as both of
those ACC clubs are very young and have been
playing in spurts all season.
Sure. Virginia and Clemson were favorites in
their contests, but one must remember both f
those club- previous efforts this season. Both have
suflered servere off-nights.
But. again the reason all these ACC teams were
knocked out ol post-season play in the same week
i- balance.
The ACC might be the laughing stock of the
basketball world now, but if balance on the college
level continues to grow, the ACC may just get the
last laugh.
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Fountainhead, March 15, 1979
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 15, 1979
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