Fountainhead, December 12, 1978

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Circulation 10,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
Vol. 55
No. ST
12 December 1978
Tables turned on testing organizations
California students examine school testing
CCRS Writer
Copyright, CCRS
California students can
now examine those who
examine them.
A landmark "Truth-in-
Testing" bill was signed
into law last September bv
Democratic Gov. Jerrv
Brown. The law allows
students for the first time
tn look into the workings
ot organizations like the
Educational Testing Service
(ETS) of Princeton, N.J
and the American College
resting Program of Iowa
City, Iowa, that develop
and administer standard-
ized college admissions
The bill was a reaction
to 'he California Board of
Regents' decision last year
placing more importance
on standardized tests as a
basis lor admission, sav-
Felice Smith, co-director of
the University of California
Student Lobby, sponsor of
the bill.
The bill requires ETS,
and all other testing cor-
porations, to: -disclose
copies of old tests equiva-
lent in content to those
currently in use;
-disclose data bearing
on the quality and the
validity of the tests and onl
how well they actually
predict success in college;
disclose information on
test costs and what money
received by the tester is
used for;
disclose information on
the purpose and subject
matter of each test, and
how each test is scored.
Administrators are put-
ting more weight on test
-cores than grade point
average for admissions,
says Joel Packer, legisla-
tive director of the U.S.
Students Association, the
national lobby group for
student governments. Pac-
Live-in project
to be held soon
Staff Writer
Project InsideOut is
a rgram allowing inter-
ested students to see how
a State institution for the
mentally retarded func-
tions. The students par-
ticipating will live-in for
"d a half days.
Nie project takes place at
Caswe'i Center in Kinston,
Irum Jan. 24-27.
Jane McDonald. pre-
sident of the Student
Council for Exceptional
Children said, "Project In-
sideOut is looking from
the inside of an institution
- out
Students will stay in a
new unit at C as well. Dis-
cussions will be held to
help alert students as to
what is going on inside the
center. McDonald said time
will be spent talking with
professionals, residents,
and discussion groups.
The purpose of the
program, McDonald said,
is to give the students a
chance to gain knowledge
and real experience in
working wuh retarded
Only on the first 50.
applicants will be accepted
into the program. The had
of an applicant's depart-
ment must approve and
sign the pre-registration
form. John Childers is
Lo'ping students through
the psychology department,
and Dr. John Richardsc is
giving students assistance
with the program through
the special education de-
partment. Mary Lingerfelt
is the co-ordinator of the
program, and works
through the volunteer ser-
vices for Caswell Center.
"Students will probably
be paired with his field
said McDonald speaking of
the discussions. "Discus-
sions are really good.
Some students have said
they really enjoyed that
One topic of discussion is
"Avoiding Burn-Out
McDonald said she's really
looking forward to hearing
about that.
The participants do
have to pay for their own
meals, said McDonald. "It
shouldn't be more than
SI.50 per meal she
Caswell Center is fund-
ing everything else, except
transportation. No grade
credit is given to the
students, but that is going
to be investigated as a
possibility for next year.
"Anybody that goes
will be coming back with
more than they left with. I
think we'll learn more
there in three days than
we have in a semester of
class McDonald added.
ker said this is mostly
because the number of
applicants has been greatly
outnumbering the openings
at many schools.
Controlling 80 percent
ol the testing market is
ETS, says the California
Student Lobby. According
to ETS, over 1.75 million
students last year took its
tests, including the Scho
lastic Aptitude Test (SAT),
the Law School Admissions
Test (LSAT), the Graduate
Records Exam (CRE), and
the Graduate Management
dmissions Test (GMAT).
The nonprofit group
also says it took in last
year $70 million from its
operations, a million dol-
lars of which was "in ex
lars of which was "in
excess of expenditures
"Legislation is er
crucial because ETS is a
very secretive corporation
said Alan Nairn, a Colum-
bia University graudate
student working with Ralph
Nader's Center for the
Study of Responsive Law
who has been studying
ETS for five years.
"Even though they're a
nonprofit organization, they
keep important information
about tests and the run-
ning of the corporation
under wraps. The only way
those things will come out
is through legislation
-aid Nairn.
Other non-ETS tests
affected by the California
law include the Medical
College Admissions Test
(MCAT) and the American
College Testing admissions
test (ACT).
Other states
Two similar, but stron-
ger. "Truth-in-Testing"
bills were introduced in
both the New York State
Legislature and the
Congress. Neither,
ever, has made it
into a
New York's bill, which
would also require the
release of test questions
and answers 30 days after
the test's .scoring, was
killed in committees of
both houses because of
ETS's strong objections.
Robert Moulthrop,
director of the information
division of ETS, said,
"Basically the New York
bill seems to call for things
which are not necessary
and might hamper the
process of standardized
testing across the coun-
Moulthrop said the re-
lease of current test ques-
tions would only drive up
the cost of the test
development process. It
takes 18-24 months- for a
question to go through 150
steps before it appears on
a test, he said. Sample
tests (retired tests) are
available for every test
now being given, he
added, and "meet the
exact specifications of the
current lest
Steve Soloman, state
coordinator for the testing
project of New York
Public Interest Research
Group (NYPIRG), said the
bill is being reworked with
ETS suggestions in mind
and will be introduced
during the next legislative
session. NYPIRG is chief
lobbying group for the
Federal legislation
introduced last April by
Rep. Michael J. Harrington
(D-Mass) aimed to force
testing corporations to give
the public more informa-
tion on the limits of
standardized tests, and on
their validity and reliabil-
Release of tests
It would have restricted
the relea-e of test scores
without students' permis-
-ion and disallowed the
use of test scores as
cutoffs for college admis-
-ion -aid James Costello.
Harrington administrative
assistant. The bill also
called for access by stu-
dent- to current test ques-
tions, -aid Costello.
The bill died in commit-
tee thi- year, and Costello
-aid its chances next vear
were small partly because
Harrington did not seek
re-election this year, and
no other congressman has
yet picked up sponsorship
of the bill.
"There is a hostile
attitude among legislators
to getting involved in this
issue he said. "They are
100 percent against govern-
ment regulations in anv
sector, and since regulation
of testing corporations con-
-titutes a new regulation,
r� - being resisted all the
Coblulkj ai -am tiiul
most people don't think
there is a need for any
regulation because "testing
is a hallowed part of
American culture
.National student lob-
bie-t Packer said "Truth-
in-Te-ting" is a new issue
and "it will take a while to
educate legislators about
the variou- ramification- of
te-ting and testing corpora-
Prewett given position
ECl New- Bureau
Dr. Clinton R. Pre-
wett, veteran faculty
'bairman and professor,
has been appointed to a
newly-created post of
'ant to the Chan-
"� ia. Assignments
The appointment,
effective Dec. 1, was
announced by ECU
Chancellor Thomas B.
Prewett's responsibil-
ities will include
monitoring of the
plementation of
equal opportunity
affirmative action
grams; discussing
problems of students,
parents and others who
come to the chancellor's
office and seeking sol-
utions to those problems;
and special assignments
pertaining to athletics
and other public relations
alignments, Brewer said.
Brewer said the
appointment was "in
order to further enhance
the ability of East
Carolina University to
respond to its needs
Col. C.R. Blake,
assistant to the chan-
cellor, will continue in
that position, working
with general administra-
tive taff assignments
and governmental, alumni
and ctVfc affairs, Brewer
a native of
came to East
hav ing
Dallas, (. ,
Carolina a dean
students m 1952,
received his PhD
the University of
Carolina in 1951.
1957. he became
fessor and chairman of
the ECU psychology
department and served
as chairman of the de-
partment for 17 years.
He has served un-
officially as a close ad-
visor to Dr. Brewer
-ince Brewer's election
as new chancellor of
ECU last Spring. Prewett
served as secretary of
the Chancellor Selection
Committee during the
1977-78 search.
He has served as a
consultant to many school
systems, mental health
agencies and in in gov-
ernmental and business
-ettings. He is the
author of a number of
publications and research
He is married to the
former Irene Blass, a
psychiatric social worker
at the Pitt County
Mental Health Center.
The Prewetts have three
-on all graduates of
Dr. Stephen Prewett, a
nuclear physicist at Oak
Ridge, Tenn Dr. Mi-
chael Prewett, a clinical
psychiatrist employed at
Georgia College and
David Prewett, completing
his doctorate at the
University of Kentucky.
Prewett received his
BS degree from the
University of Goergia and
his MA from the
University of Oklahoma
in 1948.
He has wide ranging
interests in student life
and in intercollegiate
athletics, particularly
baseball, is active in
civic and community
affairs, and is a member
of St. James Methodist
Church, Greenville. The
Prewetts reside near
What's inside
A new minor program in English has
been startedSee p.3.
A Duke University freshman is fast
becoming an authorSee p.3.
For a review of The Old CountrySee
For a report on the progress of The
Cinema Society See p.5.
The Pirates face La. Tech in the
Independence BowlSee p.7.
Only 14 more days until Christmas!
McGinnis9 renewal
set to begin soon
Staff Writer
A standing ovation
heralded the last perfor-
mance of the 1970's in
McGinnis Auditorium this
past Saturday night.
McGinnis Auditorium
will undergo major sur-
gery during the next
year. The construction,
which calls for a new
lighting system, an or-
chestra pit, and a four-
fold enlargement of the
stage are just a few of
the improvements sched-
uled to start in Januarv.
The theatre will be
closed just over a vear,
with plans to be re-
opened in the spring of
1980. After the fall
semester ends, all classes
will be moved out of
the building.
McGinnis opened in
the spring of 1951, with
the production of Thorn-
ton Wilder's "Our
Town At the time it
was one of the most
well equipped elementary
school auditoriums in the
In 1963. the Speech
and Drama Dept. was
founded and given a
home in McGinnis. Soon
after that the Summer
Theatre opened and
�or almost a decade.
Gas guzzlers gamble; strike seen
OIL COMPANY PRESIDENT says there is an ample supply of gas. Photo ly Steve Romero)
Gasoline may go up 5
cents a gallon next vear,
but there should be
enough for all drivers'
needs, says the head of
Standard Oil of Indiana.
John Swearingen,
chairman of the oil firm,
said in an interview
Sunday on CBS' "Face
the Nation" that premi-
um unleaded gas was
the only type in short
supply because of unan-
ticipated high demand.
But "there's plenty of
the regular unleaded
gasoline ail over the
country he added.
Swearingen said, how-
ever, that the availability
and price of gasoline
next year depends on
factors over which oil
companies have no direct
control, including the
possibility of a strike by
refinery workers in Jan-
la 1974 the Summer
Theatre was closed, due
'ti part to the "dilapi-
dated" condition.
Preston Sisk. Director
ol the Drama Dept said
that they have been
waiting a long time for
this renovation. He said
that the Dept. was very
happy with $1.9 million
allocated for the first
phase of improvement.
The first phase calls
for a completely new
lighting system to be
installed. This lighting
-stem will be computer-
ized and controlled from
a glass booth. Also, a
"tailor-made" sound sys-
tem will be incorporated
into the theatre.
One of the larger
scale improvements will
be a quadrupling of the
size of the stage. Also
in the plans is an
orchestra pit.
Preston Sisk said that
as yet they have no
ideas as to a particular
play for their Grand
Opening. He said that
they weren't sure, but it
"might possibly be a
large musical
WMrr�r� m
m srw-

" " m " m?4f-jt ft & - 40
-4jr3-vrj4jj z-jrrr j a ?$
m I

1 1
Page 2 FOUNTAINHEAD 12 1978
Kim Chi Hais
in South Korea. His "crime
Writing articles criticizing the
South Korean government's
harsh treatment of political
Mrs. Nurtjahja Murad has been
in Indonesiasince 1968. Her
"crime being married to the
younger brother of an opposition
political leader.
Kim Chi Pa
Nurtjahja Murad and half a
million other "prisoners of con-
science" are in jails around the
world, not for anything they've
done, but for what they believe.
Help us help them. Write�
2112 Broadway NY, NY 10023 � 212-787-8906
VpoSt brake check i
m Ml
call for appoimtmmt

For AM
Sment W FNter-Ug
�n�i?r 'ir.
! & in�if kibrtcata your em mm
Mow You Can Stop Unavajf Tlra
Waar. CaN For Appointment
jiiuftMWinaar lotortcata your
add up to 5 qt� o. pram a ana � i
j Zatagafltar.
Preliminary Audition:
East Carolina Univ. Greenville. NC Recital Hall,
Sch of Musk Sun , Jan I4.3-8PM
Preliminary and Call-Back Auditions:
Carowinds. Charlotte. IMC. Sat & Sun Jan 20 and 21.
10 A. M to 8 PM. Paladium Amphitheatre
ISIFGoodrieh Coggins Car Care
321 Wist fimtfiirf M.
OPEN WUIi. ' - mmmm SATMlY
KINGS PRODUCTIONS. Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
i m i
'iBr BHB11
IT Tnwww? promotion
AM. llUi MOW i�
STUDENT progress
PHONE 756 3344
I at nn u jl l t HAfjrPETT'S DRUG STORE
I $1.00 off the purchase of any rharlM,t .
g r ' 2500 S. Charles Street Exfention
� $5.00 non-prescription merchandise
a with student ID
(coupon not necessary)
a a a a a a b b a a b b a a a a a a a a
� a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a i
- !�
20 discount on all
prescriptions with student ID
2500 S Charles Street Extention
PHONE 756 3344
000 123 15b 18S
master charge
OF $3.00
(coupon not necessary)
a a a a a a a a .a a a a a a a a a aa
The Student Union
Coffeehouse Committee
DESPERATELY needs committee members
Please apply by Jan. 31 in the
Student Union office,
Mendenhall (757-6611)
for sale
FOR SALE: Keeshond
Husky. Beautiful dog.
135. Also free cat to
good home. Call
FOR SALE: 1976 Honda
360T, 3,000 miles. $650.
Call 758-7001 after 7
FOR SALE: Nissan
AM-FM car stereo cas-
sette player 75 or best
offer. Call 758-8475.
student needs 2 room-
mates to share apt. near
campus. Heatpumps,
dishwasher. Call 758-0185.
Housemate needed Nice
comfortable 3)bedroom
house located about 1
mile from campus. Male
or female, pets O.K.
Rent-$58 plus V3 of util-
ities. Call 758-6715 or
752-2164 (after 5 only)
and ask for Bob.
small Apt. wanted by
Jan. 1st. Call 752-1353.
for subleasetTTJIT
Apt. in Greenmill Run, 1
block from Campus.
Available in Jan. Call
Mike at 752-0471.
Female roommate: needed
to i share two bedroom
apartment. Please call
Eastbrook Apartments.
For 2 BR
fully furnished Apt. at
Eastbrook (for next
semester). Call 752-6068.
Needed to share 2 BR
apt. Good location,
walking distance from
campus. $70 plus 13
utilities & phone. Needed
no later than Jan 1st.
Call 758-0028.
SALE. Dec. 14-17 10
a.m5 p.m. East of
Ayden Pottery. Infor-
mation call 746-6919, 3
mi. East of Ayden on
Hwy 102.
FLORIDA: I need a
ride to anywhere in
Florida after
Wi" help , � �
Dleer Family StefcK�
needs cooks lekhoU!
and kitJk? ' w"resses,
sr? 'SSL"
2 �� SET I �
1:00 - ?XV"�
� fWcr for .as
alradv h.vt . rL
ved. Will b� k��g
Jh�� . D� M .�d
ommg blck SaB
� �?�� t"

iHLPuWishee b
Duke freshman starts authorship
rMfhUe � colleg
feshmen anxiouah
tMr Kra.lrs
,rt'ha� John Mdte8e
Pa?8 l� fead h"
U,M r� ol his
ritl�. a musical
ishing firm �
B �rni put out
edited b
1 Maltese, about
Benoist He
x ' �biograph ut
'u Benoist while
that ileal with Watergate
80 researchers can find
ill that has been written
atout each Watergate
"1 started
indexing tor
Maltese said.
I he hooks have
Most of
no index
to read the
to find
a particular
hm off from his
I bonk on
I a
. ord
Ja kson
hi writing
he was
� w .i - 14
� k on
w'll be mainl)
SO you have
whole hook
reference to
hiie he was working
on his Watergate book,
Maltese received the
offer to edit "The
V� companist
"I didn't want to do
ii at first said Mal-
tese He said he was
concerned that it would
iakc too much time from
his Watergate research.
M parents pointed
out the advantage to
having something pub-
lished at the age of 16
and said that might help
me find a publisher for
(lit w atergate book
Maltese said "So 1
looked over one of the
manuscripts and decided
to go ahead with it
Maltese took on the
editing job during "two
very hectic months one
summer" while vaca-
tioning with his family
m New York.
The offer to edit the
book was the result of
Maltese's previous work -
a musical bibliography on
violinist Jascha Heifetz.
"I've always liked to
compile information and
do research Maltese
said. "And I have
always made lists. Mv
father had quite an
extensive amount of
information about Heifetz.
I just went through and
listed it
He later revised and
added to the original
bibliography, and the
revised version was
reproduced in the record
album bv Heifetz.
Maltese said his main
problem is finding
enough time between his
writing for studying.
"I haven't told anv
mv professors about
the book Maltese said.
"I'm afraid they might
think I should do more
News writers
needed call
English department
announces program

� e ish De
' � announ-
to a
ition in
ture and
12 hours
in '

irses Thi
as Black Literature in
Vmerica, Modern Fantasy,
nee Fiction. Special
Studio- in Film, and The
The new minor program
is designed to meet the
needs ol students majoring
in other departments and
iplines who want to
further training in the
ties, according to a
ase from the Depart
' ol English.
The Department also
- to announce a new
urse, entitled The Study
Popular Literature arid
ture. It will be offered
II a.m. on MWF. The
is being tiered for
;h- tir-r time this spring,
it will be an "mtro-
tion to critical analysis
'�valuation of popular
culture, it's literature, his-
: signific ance
from 7 a.m.
to 11 a.m.
in large
country ham or sausage
biscuits. Hot cakes. Scrambled
eggs with country ham or
sausage. Our 14 lb. beef
burgers are ground from fresh
Western Chuck. We have pure
soft served ice cream. Also
serving ham and cheese,
chicken fillets, hot dogs, chili
and beans, french fries, apple
tnrnovers, and a varlcjy ofsoft
drinks. Located on the corner
of 51 hand Reade St. and on
Hwy. fco in Washington.
PMfl a.
45 THE SEMESTER draws to a (lose, a lone squirrel
11 v i m tint fin
This week at the
Tues Pre-exam jam party
Wed Gents nite- Same prices
as Ladies nite
Fri Super exam break
Christmas party
J)" -Super exam break Christmas party
-visit from ol' St. Nick himself
i -prizes and free beverage for all
" Good luck on exams and
vMorry Christmas from all the staff?
Pizza 81 Spaghetti
Tuesday Night
Spaghetti Special
Large plate of Spaghetti
with Garlic Bread
758 7400
507 E. 14th Street
Greenville, N.c. 37834

Pag 4 FOUNTAINHEAD 12 Daotmber 1978
Bah! Humbug I
Christmas again.
Christmas, with it's plasticpolyvinyl
Santas and fiberglass street decorations.
Young lean Santas with eyeglasses (is he
really an accountant the rest of the year?)
ringing their bells for small change, while
overhead those tired old carols jingle and
harmonize with traffic sounds. Stores jam
packed with housewives trying to get
something other than a tie or after shave
for their mates; indulgent parents buying
junior his first computer. The streets are
fun of people full of feigned "Good will to
a' men" emotions.
For two weeks out of 52, people are
civil towards each other. A fat lot of good
that does for the plight of humanity.
People are still poor, lonely, hungry, and
bloody well miserable. For two weeks they
can watch the bourgeois revel in material-
ism, buying, selling, returning, exchanging,
never satisfied, while they buy what they
can to appease the wrath of their children
on Christmas morning.
Christmas dinner. More parties later
on. Endless feasts, bacchanals, and a
chance to escape the dreary winter weather
by staying home to watch football.
How soon 'till New Year's?
"I think I'll get him the tie
Merry Christmas
About this time of year, every At the risk of being labelled a romantic, it
newspaper editor feels obligated to resides in the heart.
pronounce his profound and probing Christmas is a time for giving, but not
insights into the spirit of Christmas, and necessarily the giving most people are used
this one is no exception. to. Christmas involves sacrifice, doing
Christmas can be, and, for some, no without or with less so others may also
doubt is like the scenario above, but for enjoy the season. It is a time to forget
those who can look past the gaudy about yourself and concentrate on others for
trappings, past the lawns littered with a change.
glow-in-the-dark reindeer, past the pre-fab On behalf of the FOUNTAINHEAD staff,
Christmas parades, Christmas is still there, we wish you a merry Christmas.
'Favored fans'editorial criticized
Uppity Woman bide adieu
I ppity U omen of Greenville
I tn- article isn't what you expect. It does not contain a
feminist message. It does not present the earth-shaking
- about herstory and the awful truth about history that
ill) .i company my feminist vision.
rhis is my farewell article, the last of the series. I am
rig over this space usually devoted to discussions of
inist concerns and I am giving it to me.
irse I could have written a political piece and
appeared quietly. But I : : want to leave without
a ing good-bye.
I have enjoyed my relationship to my articles to some
I enjoyed that act of completion, or rather the
pleted form, the black marks on the white paper. I
d the idea that something I had to say might make
Ffer i or mean something to someone.
Rut it is there that the fun part begins and ends. The
rest iswell no one word can describe it.
The ret is made up of hours of frustration, whole
chunks ol time spent searching for words to piece together
sentences only to be I, later re-examined,
� toij on a plate set before a person with a poor
appetite who picks among the peas, re-designs the
potatoes all the time watching the meat through a critical
A- the hours pass, the wired feeling moved in. Too
many cigarettes and too much caffeine. Very bad habits. I
don't recommend them.
nd when the eyes are finally allowed to close in
sleep, finished op on the shelf, it is with sandpaper lids
grating over liquidi- -s, bloodshot eyeballs.
Not a pretty picture. But it is one that I paint for
myself, because I don't beleive this torment is inherent in
the nature of writing.
No. I bring this on myself. I always wait until the last
minute to write these damn things. The hour gets later,
but no. it's not late enough. Wait 'til it's really late, dark
outside, due tomorrow.
I'm still not sure if I ever really wanted to write these
articles. I know that I wanted then to be written. And I
guess that's why I wrote them.
But whether or not I wanted to write, and in spite of
the effort involved, I did write and I'm very glad that I
did. Because I have gained so much from these weekly
I gained a clarity of vision that has evolved from the
discipline of writing. In order to be understood I had to be
clear. In order to make an impact I had to be very clear. I
learned alot about feminism as I wrote about it.
I also found out that I could write and that possible,
with work, I could eventually write very well. These are
the gifts that my articles gave to me.
I am grateful to FOUNTAINHEAD for making this
space available to me each week. I am even more grateful
to the people, some of whom I have never even met, who
told me that they enjoyed or learned something from my
articles. This, more than anything else, was my
encouragement. Thank you.
I believe that I have neglected to tell you why I
decided to stop writing these articles. I assume that it is
not because FOUNTAINHEAD has given me the ax (I'm
not sure if my lease on this space was up at the end of
this semester � nothing has been said so I presume that
it wasn't).
In any event, I am ready to retire. I would like to
regain the freedom of watching football and old movies all
day Saturday followed by a Sunday spent in bed with the
Leisure Living section of the paper and my lover.
I would like to clear out some of the books that I have
i piling up on my Needs To Be Read shelf.
I want to do further research in the areas of prehistoric
matriarchy and lunar influence on human beings.
And all of this takes time, time that is severely cut
into by the effort that these articles require.
So I bow out. The curtain falls. Act Two.
And of course I really couldn't go without a few last
words about feminism. Ain't it the truth!
Hester Petty
A recent editorial in�
denounced the admin-
istration's decision to
excuse students from
exams in order to allow
them to attend the
Independence Bowl. The
article, entitled "Favored
Football Fans says
among other things' that
football fans are re-
ceiving preferred
treatment and that "this
university, obviously can
be had cheaply
In view of the fact
that the editor failed to
recommend an alternate
solution for students who
desire to attend the
game to also take their
exams, I can only
suppose that he feels
students should either
stay at school and take
their exams, or take an
"F After all, he says,
"this is an educational
institution, not a football
The editor is right
about one thing-East
Carolina is an educational
institution, but one with
an excellent athletic
program which deserves
the full support of the
student body. This
educational institution is
right in encouraging
student attendance at
the Independence Bowl.
If that is preferred
treatment, then it is well
deserved. For the sake
itf a few late exams
being administered, East
Carolina will gain a lot
lv backing its team at
i In- bowl game. The
administration made a
.mm- and fair decision.
'be school is not being
"had it is taking
advantage of a rare
Saying East Carolina
is being "had" is in
essence saying we have
nothing to gain in this
venture. In examining
the facts, one will find
this to be quite the
It is no secret that a
school with a well
established and successful
athletic program is more
apt to draw in students
than is a school with a
reputation for losing. The
athletic program is a
means of opening the
eyes of prospective
students to a school's
academic programs. The
more positive exposure
this institution gets, the
more enrollment it will
Playing an important
bowl game in Louisiana
will give East Carolina
excellent exposure in the
deep south, as well as
recognition nationally.
thus making it more
likely to be considered
by prospective college
students as their choice
of educational institutions.
The issue at hand,
i ben should not be an
i-sue at all. Support of
�uch an important event
i- necessary. East
Carolina is obligated to
line its utmost support
for the good of the
An important point to
consider now is the fact
ibat the Independence
Bowl does require a
certain attendance at the
contest by East Carolina
lans. They have sent us
10,000 tickets which they
expect to be sold. The
tak of finding 10,000
people willing to travel
that distance to support
the Pirates will be
difficult enough without
the administration making
it relatively impossible
for students to go bv
forcing them to take
exams at a designated
Just as important is
the fact that bowl games
art money-making pros-
pet t, and a bowl will
not invite a team that
u ill not bring in rev-
enue. What other bowl
Mould be willing to give
"T.CV a bid when the
-luool will not support
ibe learn?
The opportunity to
participate in future bowl
gam�s might be lost for
a long time to come
�hould we show an
inability to draw a
� rowd. East Carolina
would certainly be
making a huge sacrifice
lor the sake of exams
being taken on time-ex
ain which could easih
be postponed with no
harm done.
Sandra Corbett
advertising should be free
Ill SIM b�.n (rtisW'
MMtnM, . SWC4K T. y I �. ijrr
o � to W�iTl��
TWi. fl
Serving ths East Carolina community for ovor 50 yaara
Doug White
Leigh Coakley wf E0TOR8 Robert M. Smalm
Ricki Gliarmis
Sem Rogers
Steve Bachner
FOUNTAINHEAD Is the student newspaper of East
Carolina University sponsored by the Media Board of ECU
and Is distributed each Tuesday and Thursday (weekly
during the summer).
Mailing address: Old Sooth Building, Greenville, NC.
Editorial offices: 757-6360, 757-6367, 757-6309.
Subscriptions: $10 annually, alumni 66 annually.
Those who were
around last year realize
some of the significant
changes in our school-
newspaper. For one,
it's bigger. The physi-
cal size is bigger. Take
a look at the advertising.
It's bigger. And you
know what? So is the
But, but look. Look
at the classified ad sec-
tion. It's much smaller
than it was last year.
Isn't it a shame? It
covered a half, some-
times a whole page of
last year's "smaller"
happened? Last year I
used to see many good
deals on stereo equip-
ment, furniture and hous-
ing information, etc.
ANSWER: I'll ten
you what happened.
Last year (spring) classi-
fied advertising was free
to the student, any stu-
dent on campus. That
was such a nice service
(one of the best provid-
ed by any organisation
on campus).
Around the first of
this semester "(fall 78) I
went to your offices anx-
iously anticipating selling
my guitar through your
free classified ad section.
But no-o-o-o-o
. Now you've got to
charge a fucking dollar
for each run on a cUaat-
Tied ad.
No-o-o. You cu't let
a potential source of
dollars go unmilked. Of
course not. You need
this money for your big-
ger paper, bigger adver-
tising, bigger print.
Oh. About two
months ago I sent you a
letter to this same effect
through the campus mail.
I don't know if the
reason that it wasn't
published was because of
the campus mail turtle
or some FOUNTAIN-
HEAD executive decision.
To insure that the.
latter does not happen
this time, I am enclosing
a check for $1. You
n print it in the
classified section if you
won't print it in the
A whole dollar. JU8t
ihink what you and the
Media Board can do
with that. Lose it?
.much to ask for the
'return of free classify
! advertising for students
j m our school newspaper9
If so, theii
f excu-u-use . me.f.f
Alger Salt
Editor's note: Class
ified advertising m
slightly smaller than las!
year. A quarter page
' M our present format is
� W to a half page m
a tabloid. Mr Salt j
money has been re
turned, j
C�e ii 10 the Dram. To WUNTAINHEAD:
D�p.nmem? Jp f .b
�he general fund? To
�nsure th.t the former
doesnt happen w;�
�ke photo copies of
th.s letter (a�d check) l0
cH attention to the cam-
Pus mail authorities if
th�y lose h.
J-� - the executive
2 ���� concert �
"� � . .� SltttStioB with
execute ��
,fi"� �oVenis "2;
C. SwLT .u �
too m� :T' �
Iri m
I wish to commend
o� on your editorial
�nd regarding exemp
�'�� from CXamt for
�hose who purchase
tickets to the ECU bowl
�me. In aB
�"�demies � receiving
� ��� leos suction
�"� �thletics �e w.
�"�ng more and
�t is
take a
1 fl that you s�a
r. (irrseni a
��. sad I
know thai
l who
"wag te
yaa to

� W -� . 12 D�ombr 1978 FOUNTAI
OUNTAINHEAD wishes you all
� �" � � �
"?'? �l -4B
�" f
0 r .� r" ��'��'
- - .
Ir m
- �� '� vvvyv�Arjrtrv
� to
m �s "� �
4 ��� �8: up; g�.

Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAD 12 December .a8
Bennett's play, The Old
Country, is'intellectual'
Staff Writer
The Old Country
by Man Bennett
Faber Paperbacks (64p.)
was at home at Hookham. I was alone in the
all the lights came on. I knew it was
� could hear them whispering outside. I got
into one roomSomebody started to open
ioor so I got behind it with a hammer. I
hrmgmg the hammer down on his head
ht looked up at me and smiled. It was Pa.
we were all somehow at a garden party.
early 1950's Harold Adrian Russell
a knight, chief of the counter-Soviet
During the
. Philby, son of
section of the British Secret Service and its liason
with the American Central Intelligence Agency went
on trial in England accused as a Russian agent. He
was aquitted.
Soon alter Philby defected to the Soviet Union
he obtained citizenship and was decorated as a
He had been recruited by the KGB at age 22.
He mv lives in Moscow and works at the offices of
tl Committee for State Securitv in Dzerzinskv
From this shadowy tale of treachery and intrigue
Bennett has drawn The Old Country, a play
scient ol the work of Chekhov and alive with'
music ol the English language. The Old Country
- performed in the Queen's Theatre in London
durinj S ber ol 1()77 and has now appeared in
Bennett's play takes place in a deteriorating
summer home outside Moscow 14 years after his
Philby figure, Hilary, has defected. He and his wife,
Bron, live alone but for the ever present and never
seen KGB agent who keeps them under constant
The decoration of their home and their manner are
distinctly English. They entertain only a minor
Quisling from the Portsmouth Dockyard named Eric
and his wffe Olga.
Bennett's Hilary is a man torn between contempt
for England, an institution he perceives as declining,
and his unrelenting love for his native land. Though
he has betrayed his government and lives in a dacha
outside Moscow, Hilary and his lair are so typically
English that it is not until well over a third of
the play has transpired that it becomes unmistakably
clear that the setting is in the Soviet Union.
After Eric and Olga have departed from their first
visit Hilary berates their less than aristocratic manner
raging that he has nothing at all in common with
them. Bennett crystallizes the situation with Bron's
answer, "Except the one thing. You're all traitors
The lines of the play's conflict are unmistakably
drawn and the resolution of Hilary's dilema can
begin. Hilary sister, Veronica, and her husband,
Duff, arrive from England, obstensibly because Duff is
to deliver a series of lectures on E.M. Forster's
Passage to India in Moscow. It becomes immediately
obvious that Duff is to serve as a foil for Hilary.
Duffs true purpose in coming to the Soviet Union
is to attempt to conviee Hilary to participate in a
prisoner exchange. Hilary and a disgruntled Russian
flautist are to be turned over to the British in
exchange for a captured KGB operative held bv the
play reminiscent of the
work of Chekov and alive
with the music of the
English language. THE
OLD COUNTRY was first
performed in the Queen's
Theatre in London during
September of 1977 and has
now appeared in paper-
back. Here Alec Guinness
is shown in the premier
Hilary is hesitant. He had dedicated his entire
adult life to the undermining and destruction of a
system of values he finds corrupt and decadent, but
that value system is no more.
In the 14 years he has spent in exile Hilary's
England has changed immensely. The society Veronica
and Duff describe to him more closely resembles the
Russia he lives in than it does the countrv he
betrayed so many years before.
The metamorphasis of his political Moriarty is so
sweeping that it mocks Hilary's idealistic treachery.
He is a shattered existentialist at the end of the
play and is taken, meek and defeated, to participate
in the prisoner exchange.
Bennett i a superb stylist and master of the
English language. The unity of The Old Country from
the opening curtain to the final blackout shows the
unmistakably touch of an accomplisl
characters are engaging and well drai
The dialogue i- witty without ever being for � I
and intellectual without being pretentious. : � �� all it
is a wonderful demonstration ol the expressive
capabilities of the English tongue.
Unquestionably The Old Country is a testimony
Bennett's master of the subtle nuances
language and theatre. Unfortunately it fails to in-
or even consider the most challenging question ra-
by Hilary's predicament. Wh does Lnt
aristocrat, a member of the club, an establishment
insider betray his country for a nation he ha
se.n and a creed he only auel understands
B ignoring this important question Bennett
a cheap out. leaves his audieno u - .� sfied
denies a tine drama greatness.

North Carolina Glass and John
Will share the Gray art gallery
Staff Writer
Expatriot in the
in wilds" and
irth Carolina Glass '78"
exhibited in the
w i ington B. Gray Gallerv
in the Jenkins Fine Arts
ter until Jan. lh.
"An Expatriot in the
Canadian Wilds" is a
collection of prints and
photographs by American
irtist Will.
'North Carolina Glass
i- a traveling ex-
hibition containing eighty-
- of glassware by
North Carolina Artists.
fter the brilliant shows
that have been displayed
this fal in the Gray
Gallery these two exhibi-
ts are disappointing.
rhej snnply do not meet
the expectations created bv
the three stunning shows
which opened the 1978-79
"North Carolina Glass
is the most recent
result of "The Studio
Movement" started by
Harvey K Littleton and
Dominick Labino in 1962.
The Studio Move-
ment" seeks to free the
trlassmaker from the inti-
midating tradition of
lengthy �ypremica�hipB
and the reputation as an
artisian rather than an
artist. It stresses the
importance of the designer
and maker of the piece
being the same person.
The pieces in this show
lack the flawless clarity,
purity and absence of color
characteristic of the crystal
Angus McDougall designs
for Steuben Glass, but they
are infused with a unique
feeling of spontaneity
which transcends the mon-
otony of teh more tech-
nically perfect objects. The
glassware on display in
this show is exemplary of
the potential of a largely-
unexplored medium.
Mark Peiser's vases
consist of traditional nat-
ural subjects, but his
approach to these themes
goes beyond the broadly
acceptable shapes and de-
corations of glass' heritage.
Peiser has frozen fragile
moments and movements
within the walls of his
blown glass vases.
"Three Ducks on a
Pond" by John Nygren is
reminiscent of Oriental
pottery. It is a blown glass
vase decorated by three
ducks circling over a fluid
sea creature in the water
beneath them. The har-
monious blending of the
dark tones help to create a
beautilully exocative piece.
But it doesn't match
the expressiveness of the
simple Matisse-like ima-
gery of William Bernstein's
"Blue Line Woman" or
"Woman with Father
Bernstein's figures are elo-
quent with a minimum of
lines and color.
Not all of the glasswork
is concerned with figurative
work or traditional forms.
works such as "Progres-
sion" and "Tube Twist"
are fluid forms that stun-
ningly convey strength and
motion. "Blue Eye" is a
kinetic sculpture of layered
forms that serves as a
testimony to Littleton's
genius. He is a master of
John Will is a master
printer. His technique is
impeccable. "An American
Expatriot in the Canadian
Wilds" is a demonstration
Gilbert Johnson's arresting
vases and perweights are
smooth, natural shaped
filled with membraned of
shape and color that cap-
ture the elusive motion of
smoke. It's as though
Johnson has trapped a
genie in each of his pieces.
Ther is magic in them all.
The most stimulating
work in the show is that of
Mare K. Littleton, co-
tounder of "The Studio
Movement His larger
of his proficiency in all
aspects of printmaking, all
technical aspects that is.
His largely autobiographi-
cal approach to content
relies on caricature and
wit. Unfortunately, he's
just not that funny.
None of his pieces
exhibits the unique vision
shown by Pete Milton in
"October Piece None of
them are as powerfully
evocative as "Hooker" by
Robert Peppers. The deli-
cate textures in James� A.
McNeill Whistler's "Fum-
ette" are absent. His craft
never fails him, but his
humor doesn't carry him
Many of the etchings
fromthe Halifax and Door
County collection are not
lacking in humor besides
being masterful visual a-
chievments. They are lac-
inated with a flacor and
feeling lacking in much of
Will's later work.
"Halihorse" is a col-
lection of surreal images.
"The Merchant VII" is an
autobiographical piece with
an interestingly embossed
section. "Halifeather" is
a pleasing composition of
color, delicate lines and
His later color prints
rely heavily on words to
fill the compositions much
as Saul Steinberg fills his
ooficial looking documents
with illegible print. But
Will's words are meant to
be read and enjoyed as
well as prop up the form.
He needs all the help he
can in trying to match
Steinberg's surgical wit.
In some of his color
pieces Will is able to
combine commentary and
craft to create pleasing
compositions. The most
Wellington B. Gray Gallery with
exhibition of North Carolina glasi
notable of these are vis-
ually exciting "Attack of
the Intaglio Goon Squad"
and "The God of Art
Most of his color work
unfortunately takes on dis-
tasteful tones of indulgence
and commercialism. Sensa-
tional color contrasts and
w ill's particular sense of
humor does not entertain
for very long. As Will
states, "At times the style
is so relaxed that the jokes
don't have punch lines
Some do have punch
lines and a great deal of
Will's work is . ithoin a
doubt stimulating and
worthwhile, but n n
loo heavily on amusing the
viewer with absent wii
Too often looking a! a
J"hn W il! prim
watching "Laven
Shirley you woi
the peopl, �. ui
track sjU because
not even smiiii
Singer, songwriter Prine is 'music's prince of cynics'
Staff Writer
Singer, songwriter and
folk music's prince of
cynics, John Prine, played
to an extremely enthusi-
astic crows this past
Thursdav night at the
Delayed by a snow-
storm that hit Chicago
airport, Prine didn't arrive
in Greenville until 7 p.m
and consequently the show
got under way about an
hour late.
David Lewis, a local
musician, opened up the
first show with a collection
of original tunes. His voice
was soothing and his songs
extremely good, but un-
fortunately, the audience
who had paid to hear
music was far from being
in a listening mood.
From the onset there
were those ail familiar
screams of "Rock-n-Roll"
coming from the crowd.
How can one guy with an
acoustic guitar possibly
After an admirable per-
formance by Lewis and a
short intermission, John
Prine and his band took
the stage.
Prine is a veteran of
many road tours, and his
lifestyle is epitomized in
his stage presence.
Dressed in jeans, guitar
slung low around his waist,
he started off the show
enthusiastically with
"Spanish Pipedream" (you
know, "blow up your TV"
la la la).
From there, Prine
moved smoothly through
his show pausing period-
ically to tune his guitar
and to light up a Salem.
Mixing tunes from his
latest album, Bruised Or-
ange, with some of his
earlier, more recognizable
material, Prine and his
band brought the crowd to
their feet on several oc-
Playing to a half-filled
house, Prine kept the stage
smile but spoke infre-
quently except once to ex-
plain the theme of "Sabu
Visits the Twin Cities
Alone" from Bruised Or-
ange. The band left the
stage and Prine performed
"Illegal Smile" and "Dear
Abby" both receiving,
thunderous responses.
Prine's band is com-
prised of: John Burns,
guitar; Howard Levy, key-
boards, harp, flute, steel
drum, etc Tom Piekarski,
bass; and Angie Verious,
drums. The band was
tight. Together they pro-
duced a full sound with
lots of energy.
However, the delayed
arrival of Prine resulted in
a rushed sound check. The
balance was particularly
lacking in the beginning,
but improved steadily to
the end of the show.
There is no doubt that
John Prine is a superb
songwriter and an equally
good performer. His per-
formance at the Roxy
Thursday probably won
him some fans, but its also
likely that because of the
rudeness fo much of the
crowd, it turned away
many future Roxy patrons.
As far as future con-
certs at the Roxy go, it
to the fact that the crowd
was awfully noisy; noisy in
this case as opposed to
The Roxy is struggling
to stay on its feet for the
sake of the community. It
seems unfortunate that a
segment of that same
community, because of their
uncontrolled actions seems
to be working against the
se3ems to me some pri-
orities need to be ex-
amined. The primary rea-
son to go to a concert
should be to listen to
music. To those who feel
that it is to get drunk,
something is wrong. In an
interview after the show,
Prine even made reference
After the show Prine
very hospitably related the
following facts to me in
the luxury of his converted
Greyhound bus.
FARREN: Why did you
switch labels, from Atlantic
to Asylum?
PRINE: I didn't want to
stay there any longer. I
just wanted a fresh label.
F: A new life?
P: A new label. I don't
know if a new label can
give you a new life. I
owed Atlantic. I had a long
contract like two albums a
year for the next five
years. I just figured it
would be better if I wnt
somewhere else.
F: Are you pleased with
Asylum, and will you stay
with them for your next
P: So far they've done a
real good job with this
record; according to our
contract there is supposed
to be two more for them. I
was real satisfied with
what they did on this one,
so I'm trying to get back
in the studio, probably the
first of the year. I want to
try and get one out by
F: Do you have a whole
album's worth of new
m- �� - -
material already written?
P: Yea, you never know
though until you get in
there. You start writing
some things after you see
which way the record's
going, rather than just take
a collection of anv 12
ongs. They don't alwavs
make an album because
some of the songs don't
lay right next to the other
ones. So, once you get in
there you just see how
things are going.
F: Will Steve Goodman
produce your next album?
P: No, not the next one. I
don't know exactly who
I m gonna work with on
the next one. I've been
talking with a bunch of
F: How long have you
been .touring?
P: We've been out since
the beginning of June til
the last of October. This is
�he first time we've been
out since we .U went home
tor .bout . aontfe We
'�lm' �ut IO do this one.
�hen a coypfc da, m
Georgia, and then go back
home and trv and
things together for the
We JUM VM,rt.
MXNHM to pas and �
dates erne up. I naen
�n back here ln a wh.le.
���� been known
m � a Mlo performpr
r man ears. hv th,
witc to the band?
Yea- I worked just
fhout lh' hole tune smce
1 -��"ed - 71 as a solo. I
'ook a band out ,n 75 jus.
for about ree months or
� " tht right after
came out?
f: That latest hit thing
" some�hing that when
�U ,efv" a record co�-
P�y they pul togetber ,
J�e.i hits .Ibua and
� " ,�U h
m"r how maa. y
vou had. As .L m
See PfUNE p.6

12 December 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Pq9 7
matter to me
continued from p.5
f� leave. I found out abou
,r"�' a friend. I didn't
'� um the album when
11 irst came out.
F: There's obviously . big
�Wterence especially in the
V between a soo
ormance and using the
Jnl k that kind of more
you. less you or just part
Ol MU?
h� hat 1 wanted to
1 l'ad a band in '75
l,ut H wu mre of a, well,
� just didn't get right. The
music was sounding good
but it didn't work the best'
It didn't feel comfortable
or me. I couldn't do a
show behind it; you know I
mean I could do one tune
after another, but it didn't
flow along like it does
when I was working alone.
We put this together last
May, and all these guys
feel real comfortable to me
and therefore I feel like I
can go ahead and make it
a show, (laughing) I really
enjoy turning around and
having them play for a
while and not me standing
there breaking strings and
banging on my guitar. Its
almost like I felt some-
times when I was going
out there with just my
guitar, it was like going
out with one kettle drum
and bangin' on it and just
F: It seems like the songs
that are still the most
requested and well re-
ceived are the songs from
your first album. People
have been saying that the
first album was great, but
since then nothing has
matched it. Do you agree?
P: I couldn't agree.
F: Does that bother you
that people keep screaming
for "Hello There" and
"Sam Stone"?
P: No, fortunately because
they're good songs. You
know like I been singin
them all these years and
as long as they want to
hear them I'll keep singing
them. If they weren't good
songs, they would have
gotten old for me a long
time ago you know?
There's some of them that
I like to give a rest every
once in a while, you know,
just so they'll be fresh to
me. But thankfully their
good songs and they stand
up to me when I play
them, I might have a gold
album with that first album
in a year or so and its
never been on the charts.
It just sells slow and
steady. Bruised Orange has
sold better than any of
then records initially, since
it came out five months
F: Bruised Orange is a
little more slick an album
than your previous.
P: I've had a couple of
The Cinema Society begins Spring Series
Issistant Trends Editor
� he Cmema Society of
"Ik i- going to
' live international
M well as an
�t classic film
hr! m ite Spring
Series, 1979. The price
�� Tics of films is
Deadline for sub-
is Dec. 15.
Cinema Society
� ks an opportunity
ic and art-film
�iasts to see works
the major inter-
il film directors of
lay- At SI a film
price cannot be beat,
especially when one
considers the calibre of
the movies shown.
On Jan. 28 Hearts of
the West will be shown.
Hearts of the West, dir-
ected by Howard Zieff,
deals with a controversial
Nebraska farm boy (Jeff
Bridges) who enrolls in
the Western Writing
School and stumbles into
1930's Hollywood and
Alan Arkin, Andy
Griffith, Blythe Danner,
and Donald Pleasance are
the Hollywoodites. Jav
Locks. of Time, says
that the movie "Abounds
in happy eccentricity and
cleverness, (and has)
blithe good humor about
fate and a boyant faith
in the happy ending
Lies my Father Told
Me, directed by famed
Czeck filmmaker Jan
Kadar, deals with a
small Jewish boy growing
up in depression-poor
Montreal, and with the
way he learns the ways
of the world as reflected
by his grandfather. He
also must learn painful
realities from his parents.
AH. Weller, in the
Mew York Times, said
the movie, "Touchingly,
modestly reveals people
as authentic as the
settings in which they
are captured
On Feb. 25 the
Cinema Society is going
to present an evening of
short films. These are
the best short films from
around the world: dra-
matic, lyric, animated,
comic, scenic - a wide
selection for a full
evening's cinematic
Jean-Paul Belmondo
and Genevieve Bujold
start in The Thief of
Paris, an entertaining
story of a young
Frenchman at the turn
of the century, who
becomes- a second-story
man to gain the wealth
required to court his
young beloved. An un-
expected outcome caps
the tale. The film is
directed by Louis Malie.
Dersu-Uzala was the
winner of the Academy
Award for Best Foreign
Film in 1975. The
great Japanese director
Akira Kurosawa continues
his career-long investi-
gation into the com-
plexity and indomitability
of the human spirit.
The film concerns the
efforts of a party of
Russian soldiers to chart
the vast wilderness of
Siberia. Durine their
526 8. Cotanche St.
10 Discount to all ECU Students- Greenville Store Only
Excluding Contact Lenses and Oscar Specials
KJLeai- (J
�cent to East Carolina Eye Clinic.
T Ultra-Vue Plastic Lenses
tint of choice in
Oscar D La Ranta
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Single Vision
Photo Gray
GREENVILLE, N.C. 752-1446
Berkley Mall 9 AM -5.30 PM.
Bausch & Lomb or Softens
Milton Roy Nature Vue
Soft Lens�20ol
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Any Prescription
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Photo Gray
114 E. Walnut
Downtown Goidsboro!
expedition, they meet
hunter Dersu Usala who
becomes their guide.
More than once, his
extensive knowledge of
the wilderness and his
uncanny communication
with nature save the
men from destruction.
The movie was filmed
entirely on location in
people mention that to me,
but its as simple an album
as I've ever made.
F: So you don't see any
real differences?
'� No, I'm singing on key
and my guitar is in tune.
You know, Goodman just
insisted that I get it right
instead of just sitting down
singing a song and saying
"That's it, let's get the
record out
r: Your songs have real
interesting themes, real
interesting characters. Do
they come mostly from real
P: Sometimes. It doesn't
matter to me if it is fact or
F: I mean was there a
Sam Stone?
P: No, that's just like a
character. It was a vehicle
to tell that story. Besides
that, if there had been, I
wouldn't have told on the
F: Between 1975 and 1978,
were you seriously consi-
dering giving up music as
a career?
P: Yea, I took it up
because it vas fun. Runnin
around by myself not being
able to find someone to
make a record with, it wa-
getting to be a- big a
chore a the Post Office
F: That's turned around
now, things are on the
P: Yea, that's whv I put
this band together and
everything. 'w e managed
t' have a pretty good time
out there tonight.
F: Thanks tor your time.
good luck in Georgia.
P: Sure, thank- alot.
1501 S. Evans
B-15, bomber, field,
JCk, flight, snorkel jackets
Back Packs
This week at the
m 1fth A Evans Strsat�
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Also in Goidsboro. Kmston, New Bern, and Rocky Mount

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� I
Page 8 FOUNTAINHEAO 12 D�cwntMr 1978
The Peace Movement
Didn't End with the War.
Because American Militarism didn't end
with the war either. Around the world,
U.S. armaments and money are still
propping up dictatorships. And at home,
the Pentagon squanders more of our tax
dollars than ever on costly boondoggles
like the M-X missile system. Military spending
each year robs America of jobs and urgently
needed social programs.
The Peace Movement, Continued.
Since the end of the war, the Coalition for a New
Foreign and Military Policy has played a leading role
in the movement to take America's "future out of the
hands of generals and aerospace corporations and
put it back in the hands of the people,where it
The Coalition coordinates the Capitol Hill lobbying of
dozens of religious, peace, labor, and social justice
organizations. We monitor key legislation and alert our
nationwide activist network to the latest developments.
We research the issues and distribute the results. And
we help local activists tie their work into a coordinated
national strategy.
Our Work's Paying Off.
We helped scuttle the B-1 Bomber. We cut back military
aid to dictatorships in Chile, Uruguay, Arge'jna, and
the Philippines. And now we're challenging the very
foundation of militarism � distorted budget priorities
that put the Pentagon ahead of our communities, our
jobs, and our environment.
We're working to end the arms race, and lo transfer
federal spending from unnecessary military programs to
underfunded job and human needs
programs. We're making sure that
U.S. aid supports human rights, not
oppression. We're working to pull American
soldiers out of Korea, and other outposts
of an outdated interventionist foreign
policy. We're working for majority rule and
authentic self-determination in South Africa.
And we're working to help the people of Indochina
with reconstruction aid.
Give Peace A Fighting Chance.
Ending the war in Indochina took the energy and
commitment of millions of Americans. Building a new
foreign policy will take the same commitment, and more.
That's wfrftf&yeu m tawfe you're like us, you still want to
put your energy and experience to work where they're
needed. And where they'll be effective. The Coalition for
a New Foreign and Military Policy. Try us on.
Join the Coalition Network.
Coalition for a New Foreign and Military Policy
120 Maryland Avenue, NE
Washington, D.C. 20002
? It still fits. Sign me up for the Coalitions network and
send me regular Action Alerts on key legislation
Action Guides on the issues and resources for local
organizing work. Here's $10 for one year of Coal.t.on
? Tell me more about the Coalition and how I can get
involved. Here's a dollar for my information packet.
Phone (
Ch�s�an Church (D.sciples o. Chris Department o. bZch!n Sociefy iSncSSt SSSST 0Ce
Legislation � FRIENDSHIPMENT � Friends nf the P,i,n,� iw . ,L-�rL. L ce ea .episcopal Peace Fellowship � Fnends Committee on Nat,�
Produced by Public Media Center, San Francisco.
-� m m

12 December 198 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 9
Pirates face La, Tech 3Q
in Independence Bowl
Bulldog quarterback Eric Barkley
Sports Editor
Louisiana Tech head coach Maxie Lambnght rambled
on and on Wednesday in a phone hook-up praising ECU,
the Bulldogs opponent in Saturday's Independence Bowl
"We haven't played a team defensively as good as
ECU all year explained Lambright, on in his 12th season
at Louisiana Tech. "They run the finest wishbone offense
we've seen all season and from what we've seen on film
they're one of the most well disciplined teams we've
faced. They'll certainly present us with a lot of problems
When Lambright had concluded his pre-game
comments, Pirate coach Pat Dye turned towards the large
group of sportswriters present and smiled. "Don't let him
fool ya grinned Dye. "He's one of them wise old
Indeed, Lambright and his Bulldogs will probably have
more than one trick up their sleeves when the Pirates and
Louisiana Tech square off in Shreveport, La. this weekend.
In fact, while most of the pre-game publicity has been
centered around the Bucs' awesome defense, Dye and his
statf have been putting in overtime devising all kinds of
schemes for the Bulldogs passing game.
"How many pass defenses? About a dozen answered
Dye. "They go deep, they go short, they run screens and
quick screens. They run just about everything you can
think of. It's a complicated passing game and we can't
afford to give up the big play
Louisiana Tech, the Southland Conference champions,
have not one, but two quarterbacks who can throw the
ball equally as well.
Keith Thibodeaux has completed 81 passes for 1128
yards while freshman Eric Barkley has played well during
the last few games and will get the starting nod Saturday.
Receivers? The Bulldogs have plenty with Scooter
Spruiell and George Yates, the team's top pass catchers.
The speedy Spruiell has grabbed 37 passes for 642 yards
and Yates has 20 for 217 yards.
"Barkley and Thibodeaux are both fine passers noted
Dye. "With all their different pass patterns it'll be largely
a guessing game for us to stop them. But our players are
excited about the game and we'll certainly be ready for
The Pirates 8-3 finished the season winning seven of
their last eight games including its last four games in a
row. The Bucs defense allowed only 204.8 total yards a
game while the secondary held opponents to 76 yards and
intercepted 19 passes.
"They're receivers aren't big, but they're fast and they
can catch the ball in traffic said Pirate safety Gerald
Hall, who was recently selected to the All-Southern
Independent along with teammate Zack Valentine They
remind me more of Western Carolina than anybody else
we've faced this year. Everybody on the team's excited
about playing in the bowl game. A win would certainly be
a nice way to end my career here
The Pirates ability to control Louisiana Tech's passing
game will certainly be the key to the game. And Hall
along with the rest of his cohorts in the secondary have
experienced little trouble against other pass mined teams
like Western Carolina and Appalachian State.
"They run a lot of patterns across the middle splitting
the zone explained cornerback Willie Holley. "They
throw on first down 40 percent of the time and they've
got some capable running backs. They just win with that
passing game
NOTESWayne Inman, Mike Brewington, and Eddie
Hicks were all named to the All-Southern Independent
second teamthe ECU defense finished second in the
nation in total yards allowed per game behind top ranked
Penn Statethe Pirates secondary allowed only two teams
to pass for more than 100 yards in a gameGerald Hall
intercepted four passes and finished seventh in the nation
in punt returns with a 13.3 averageCharlie Carter led
ECU in interceptions with fivefreshman running back
Harold Blue suffered a broken ankle last week in practive
and will miss the Independence Bowl gameMonday was
the last full contact practice before the Pirates leave from
Kinston Airport Thursday at 3 p.m. and will return to
Greenville sometime Sunday afternoon.
ECU QB Leander Green
(Photo by John H. G-
Veteran Bulldogs use sack-it-toem defensive scheme
M RE m
i '� Loui-
. when
J A in the
de re-
er Spruiil,
�I and
�k- George
iteh pose a
Pirate de-
. 205 lb.
n Baton
: I i ards
on in
His quickness and
strength boosted his squad
their ith consecutive
' �" ihJand Conference
i ham�pionship in the last
eight years. In addition,
ate- has also done ex-
eptionally well in the pass
ving department with
20 r�?i eptions for 217
Scooter Spruiil, a 5-11
senior receiver, will also be
closely watched in Satur-
day's howl game because
is excellent pass re-
ding abilities. Spruiil led
the Bulldogs in receiving
this season with 37 catches
tor 642 total yards and an
average of 17.4 yards per
Spruiil, who also
doubles as a punt returner,
began his receiving career
last season when he caught
8 passes for 142 yards.
This year Spruiil has
four TD pass receptions to
his credit while averaging
Jimmy Blackshire
Zack Jones
71.3 yards per contest. As
a return specialist this
year, he ha- run back 16
punts for 165 yards.
Another offensive
standout tor Coach Maxie
Lambright" Bulldogs is
kick oil returner Zack
Jones. Jones, a 5-10. 179
lb. junior, has returned 18
kick-offs for the Bulldog-
this season with an n
of 22.9 yards per return.
His 417 total yards include
a dazzling 97 yard return
for a touchdown this sea-
son. Jones will also be a
mainstay in the defensive
alignment of the Bulldogs
where he will start at the
cornerback position.
Defensively, the Bull-
dogs can match their
squad with any in the
country. Several of their
defense players are top
NFL prospects including
noseguard, Ardis McCann
and defensive tackle, Ron-
nie Paggett. Each is com-
it g ' iiti'tr ir
' tllv Paggei � 'iad
II. . : - a � K - . a
total ol seventy ta.kt. -
Despite tVx
I defeiiMM stand .
I. a h Maxie Lambright is
aware of the talent on
the Pirate squad.
I think that overall the
Pirates are the finest team
.s will m�ft all vear
said Lambright East Caro-
lina i- ei -emelj well
reached football team with
talent that makes for very
tough opposition.
This is a game we look
forward to because it
affords us an opportunity
to end the year on a
winning note and play
against a ver strong
opponent in a bowl game
He then added that. "I
must confess that the
alignments they use don't
bother me nearly as much
as the talent thev have.
Independence Bowl notes
A defensive standoff?
Sports Editor
surprised it Sat.
Independence Bowl
ends in a scoreless leadln It jusl that both the
tnd Louisiana Lech h�'e exhibited brilliant
play throughout the season. ECU finished second
nation yielding only 204 total yards a game behind
ne ranked Penn State while the Bulldogs are
pponents to 158 yards rushing per game. One of
amazing statistics in the Louisiana Tech press
the Bulldogs have dumped opponents for 705
"1 don't think I've ever heard of any team doing
ng like that in one season admitted ECU coach
"They do alot of blitzing and they've really got
son standing individual players
Buildg noseguard Ardis McCann has stopped opposing
rriers behind the line of scrimmage 31 times for 203
in losses. He finished the season with 105 tackles in
games. Linebacker Jimmy Blackshire had 13 stops for
103 ards while tackles Ronnie Paggett had 16 hits
mother 102 yard- lost. Safety Jean Dorner leads the
m in interceptions with five while Lavon James has
d off l'�ur pae-
The Bulldogs have also been one of the nation's top
suppliers in the pro football ranks. Pittsburgh quarterbacks
Terry Bradshaw was the No. 1 pro draft pick in 1970.
Other former Louisiana Tech standouts currently in the pro
ranks are Roger Carr and David Lee of the Baltimore
Colts, Roland Harper of the Chicago Bears, Billy Ryckman
of the Atlanta Falcons.
ECU loses in Hatter Classic;
face Lynchburg tonight
The Pirate Club has chartered two flights to Sheveport,
La. for the Saturday afternoon game which will be played
in 51,000 seat State Park Stadium. There will be 188
members of the Pirate Club on the two chartered planes-
One flight will depart Kinston Friday while the other plane
will leave Saturday morning. The ECU headquarters will
be in the Bossier City Hilton.
The Independence Bowl will be televised locally by
WITN-TV of Washington. Former ECU football player
Kenny Strayhorn and WITN Sports Director Dick Jones
will do the color and play-by-play for the game which will
be broadcast back to Greenville beginning at 2:30 EST.
The game may also be carried by Channel 5'in Raleigh.
Louisiana Tech head coach Maxie Lambright is a big
favorite among Bulldog fans and the Mississippi native
ha- compiled some impressive credentials. His overall
won-loss record stands at 95-35-2 and his teams have won
uthland Conference championships since 1971. His
eam'fl have eight or more games in
Lambright's 11 seasons and the Bulldogs
produced the nation's winning streak (23 games) during
the 1973 and 1974 seasons.
The Bulldogs captured the Independence Bowl title last
year with a 24-14 victory over Louisville. Quarterback
Keith Thibodeaux completed 19 of 39 passes for 287 yards
and two touchdowns as the Louisiana Tech jumped out
front 21-7 in the first quarter. Thibodeaux was named the
Most Valuable Player in the game.
The ECU basketball team suffered "first halfitis" in
the Hatter Classic last weekend, said Pirate coach Larry
Gillman, and as a result returned to Greenville with two
embarrasing losses.
In their first tourney game on Friday, the Pirates fell
prey to Ail-American Larry Bird and his Indiana State
teammates. The Sycamores trounced the Pirates 102-79 as
Bird scored 32 points, 26 in the first half, despite
missing over 10 minutes of the game.
In the tournament's consolation game on Saturday
night the Pirates lost to Stetson, the Hatter Classic's host
team, by a score of 107-82. The Hatters were led by N.C.
State trasfer Dirk Ewing and forward Greg Guye, who
both tallied 24 points for the night.
A young team
After the latter contest Gillman commented that his
team lacked sufficient play in the first half of both
"We've got a young team said Gillman, "and four
games on the road is difficult for any veteran team.
We'd like to come out and play aggresively, but we're
just too beat after the four games
The Pirate road games began over a week ago at
William and Mary. The Pirates then traveled to
Tennessee before arriving in Deland, Fla. for the Hatter
A "Shootout

The Indiana State contest was billed as a shootout
between Bird and ECU's Oliver Mack, the nation's top
two returning scorers from a year ago. But Mack was
able to provide enough fire to make the duel as exciting
as had been expected. Saddled with foul trouble most all
night, Mack scored but 15 points.
Center Greg Cornelius led the Pirates in the loss to
Indiana State with 17 points, but tallied most of them
after the mighty Bird had taken his seat on the bench
for the night.
The Sycamores broke the contest open midway through
the first half, out-scoring the Pirates 15-6, and eventually
taking a 57-31 lead by halftime.
The Pirates ran into much the same situation against
Stetson. The Hatters outscored the Pirates 16-2 over a
period midway through the first half and went into the
kicker room at the intermission with a 51-28 advantage.
The second half proved little easier for Gillman's
Pirates, as they were unable to narrow the margin at all.
As was the case against Indiana State, Mack played
below par in the contest with the Sycamores. The
All-America candidate scored but 18 points, and drew
concern from his coach.
"We're taking Mack to the hospital when we get back
to Greenville for some blood tests and a full physical
said Gillman. The Pirate mentor believes his star guard
has mononucleosis because of his poor enduance in the
second half of contests of late.
Mack: All tournament
Assisting Mack in the scoring column against Stetson
was freshman Clarence Miles, who also tallied 18 points.
Cornelius finished with 12 points. Al Tyson and George
Maynor also scored in double figures for ECU, finishing
with 10 points each.
Though he did not play up to par, Mack was still
named to the All-Tournament team. Bird was named the
tourney's Most Valuable Player.
The two losses dropped the Pirate record to 2-4 for
the season. Their next contest is upcoming this Tuesday
against Lynchburg in a 7:30 game at Minges Coliseum.
ECU then travels to College Park to face the 19th ranked
Maryland Terrapins on Saturday.
' '
m- 4r 00
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Page 10 FOUNTAINHEAD 12 December 1978
FOUNTAINHEAD's Fearless Forecast
Special Bowl Game Edition
-I BOVsl
Louisiana Tech 6 4 - ECU 8 3
Rutgers 10-1 - Arizona St. 8-3
Texas A&M 7 4 - Iowa State 8 3
Navy 8-3 Bngham Young 9-3
Missouri 7 4 � LSI' 8 3
Maryland 9-2 � Texas 9-2
N.C. State 8 3 - Pittsburgh 8 3
Arkansas 9-2 - UCLA 8 3
Purdue 8-2-1 - Georgia Tech 7-4
Clemson 10-1 Ohio State 7-3-1
Stanford 7-4 Georgia 9 11
Houston 10-2 Notre Dame 8 3
Southern Cal 111 - Michigan 10 1
Penn State 11-0 - Alabama 10-1
Oklahoma 10-1 � Nebraska 9-2
Sports Editor
ECU by 14 . ,
Arizona St. by 10
Iowa St. by 3
Navy bv 10
LSL'by' 14
Maryland by 10
N.C. State by 6
Arkansas by 7
Georgia Tech by 3
Clemson by 7
Georgia by 14
Notre Dame by 7
Michigan by 10
Penn State by 7
Nebraska by 7
Assistant Sports Editor
ECU by 17
Arizona St. by 10
Texas A&M by 7
Navy by 7
Missouri by 9
Texas by 10
Pittsburgh by 4
Arkansas by 6
Georgia Tech by 4
Clemson by 7
Georgia by 8
Notre Dame by 3
Southern Cal by 2
!Ynn State by 1
Oklahoma by 9
Staff writer
ECU by 14
Arizona St. by 3
Iowa St. by 6
Navy by 10
LSU by 6
Maryland by 1
N.C. State by 3
UCLA by 7
Goergia Tech by 3
Clemson by 3
Georgia by 10
Notre Dame by 10
Southern Cal by 1
Penn State by 8
Oklahoma by 6
Advertising Managt i
ECl b) 1"
Arizona St. bj 16
Eowa Si b) 3
Brigham Young
LSI bj 2
. xas b) 5
Pittsburgh b) 4
rkansas b) i
Purdue b) 12
Clemson b)
Georgia bj 10
Houston b) 1
Southern Cal b
Penn StaU ' � -
Oklahoma bj 1 1
Cowboys picked to win second consecutive Super Bowl
W �
is pre-
i tht
W ell, even though three
playoff spots are still open
in the NFC as the season's
last week of plav approa-
s, there is some spe-
culation as to who the
eventual World Champion
will be.
The pick here is the
Dallas Cowboys. Tom Lan-
dr' club struggled early,
hut as i common for
them, came on strong late
m the ear. For the past
month, the Cowboy's pla
has been nothing less than
TKE's dump Renegades,
win handball championship
ami it
to a
� R
a mpus
Indtv idual
Kappa V psilon v.




i 5-4
, w i- the firsl
Slapshot o
� performance
Alpha i Delta also
a big upsel b)
13 Spiril of Fleming
rtime. The Alpha Xis
from behind to tie
force n into
hen scored with
� to win the
the two d i �
B I P �
. who
K S gma,
,i )ti .wai- and Linda
F.aton, of Sl�p�Hot, look
n's title with 23
� Ig - g ii Susan
: Mpha Xi Delta,
� 21 g als.
. bowling match
( 1 the championship
� . i o-rec bowimg lea-
SSS topped BSA by
. 16 pins, 1971 to 1957,
npus title.
BSA won the i'irt
I 25 pins, 631-606,
SSS took the second
by 87 pins, 722-635,
take a commanding
In the third and
iding game, BSA came
within an eyelash oi vic-
w inning the lat
game, but not by enough
. � � me SSS's lead.
BSA won the final match
691-643, but that lett
m 16 pins short of
men and wo-
tree throw cham-
pions were decided, too,
over the pasl week. Frank
Buck won the men title
with a perfect 25 for 25
from the free throw line
id Linda F.aton won the
women's title with a 23 tor
25 performance from the
tree throw line.
In the preseason fl
Intramural basketball
nament, the Roundbaliers
re won the men's title
and W ho's Karen won the
The defense has played
as well as any time in the
past and the explosive
offense has been unstop-
About the only team
that seems able ot chal-
lenging Dallas is the Los
Angeles Bams. But if they
are not able to heal all
their recent backfield
wounds, tht- Cowboys will
coasl into the Super Bowl.
If Dallas does indeed
reach the Super Bowl, they
could well go up againM
the Pittsburg Steelers. The
only team that appear- to
have a chance to stand
in the way of Chuck Noll-
club in the AFC is the
New England Patriots.
Throughout the season,
teams all around the NFL
have had extreme high?
and lows. The Patriots and
Steelers appear to be the
only AFC clubs to have
played consistently enough
to warrant a Super Bowl
If one was looking for a
darkhorse in the race for
the World Championship,
they would almost have to
look at the Houston Oiler
Rookie F.arl Campbell a-
provided the lone ingre-
dient that this club has
yearned for the past sev-
eral seasons.
It appears, of course,
that the AFC Super Bowl
playoffs will be much
more competative than
those in the NFC. The
NFC just simply lacks in
powerhouse teams as com-
pared to their counterpart.
This makes no differ-
ence, though. The NFC
does have the number one
powerhouse in the entire
League. The Cowboys are
the best, and should prove
it by winning their second
consecutive Super Bowl.
Getting back to a mat-
ter more closely at hand.
falo, Cleveland 6 over
Cincinnati, Pittsburgh 10
over Denver, Seattle 7 over
Kansas City, New England
3 over Miami, Houston 2
over San Diego, Minnesota
6 over Oakland, Dallas 13
over NY. Jets, Wash-
Independence Bowl
Giants, Deli
� ' -
� V,
I alllfia Ba
v er
Saturday on WITN-TV
here's a quick
week's games.
Baltimore 9
look at this
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Fountainhead, December 12, 1978
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
December 12, 1978
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