Fountainhead, October 19, 1978

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Circulation 10,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
' 18
No. 55 No. ?.
Th i4 3,
19 October 1978
Senator Jesse Helms
speaks in Greenville
Staff Writer
Assistant News Editor
Senator Jesse Helms made a two-day stop Monday in
Greenville before continuing his campaign travels
throughout North Carolina. Helms talked with people, held
a press conference, and campaigned for his re-election to
the U.S. Senate
Monday evening he was honored guest at a pig-picking
in Pactolus at the Davenport Farm. The dinner was
sponsored by a group of Pitt County farmers.
Before leaving Tuesday. Senator Helms addressed a
group of supporters and newsmen at the Pitt-Greenville
Airport Helms presented a list of distinguished
democratic citizens of Eastern North Carolina, and
introduced three of his most loyal supporters and friends.
Senator Helms spoke about the campaign of his
opponent. John Ingram, before introducing his friends.
Helms said the problem with Ingram is that he is out of the
democratic mainstream.
"Ingram does not represent the majority of the people
in N.C said Helms. Ingram is running his campaign on
misrepresentation and distortion, he added.
Helms compared Ingram to George McGovern saying
that the liberalism of the two men is the basis for this
Helmsthen introduced Dr. Lenox Baker. He said he was
speaking for the thousands of old line democrats
Baker served as Secretary of Human Resources under
Gov Robert Scott He has been involved in activities of the
Democratic party for a large part of his adult life.
Helms has raised over two million dollars for crippled
children in N.C according to Baker. "I have said many
times that no man in North Carolina has done more for
criDDled children than Jesse Helms he commented. A
children's hospital in Durham is named after Baker.
"John Ingram has been purposely misleading the
people of North Carolina stated baker. He pointed out
that Helms has gained national recognition for his work in
the U.S. Senate to lower taxes, stop inflation, and balance
the federal budget.
In his closing remarks Baker added, "the North
Carolina Legislature knew what a disaster John Ingram was
as insurance commissioner for North Carolina Consumers
and stripped him of his powers
M rs. Joseph M . Hunt, whose husband was a speaker for
the N.C. House of Representatives and a cousin of the
present governor, James B. Hunt Jr voiced her support
for Helms.
Mrs. Hunt said her husband was a dear friend of Jesse
Helms and they had many of the same principles. She
encouraged the group to "vote for a winner - Jesse Helms.
Former Senator Alton Lennon also spoke in the behalf of
Helms stating he has personally known Helms for 25 years
and he has never heard of anyone who has reached a
higher level of integrity in the senate. Helms has a stong
sense of physical responsibility and more members are
needed in national politics, commented Lennon.
"We have a moral responsibility to our children to put
people we believe in, in office he added.
Helms record in the senate exhibits outstanding
leadership capabilities. He is the first North Carolinian to
receive the Golden Gavel, an award for presiding over the
U.S. Senate more than one hundred hours in 1973 and 1974.
He has received awards for his contributions to the
American people.
Helms is a member of the Committee on Agriculture
and Forestry, Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs. He is a
member of the joint committee on Congressional
Operations and also serves on several subcommittees.
counterpart, Senator Robert Morgan.
with his NC
Photo by Neil Sessoms
Brewer addresses Faculty
Senate in Tues. meeting
Helms criticizes Ingram
Staff Writer
Chancellor Thomas B.
Brewer addressed the ECU
Faculty Senate in their
regular meeting on Tues-
day afternoon.
The meeting, held in
Mendenahll at 2:10 p.m
was the nst time the newly
appointed Chancellor has
spoken to faculty members
as a group.
Brewer expressed his
desire for ever-increasing
excellence in the univer
sity. He said that it is the
responsibility of the faculty
to make the university
Brewer cited three du-
ties of faculty members
which he sees as important
criteria in judging the ex-
cellence of a university:
teaching, creative activi-
ty, and service
"First and foremost we
must never lose sight in the
university that teaching is
fundamental to the success
of this institution he
Brewer's remarks were
followed by a brief question
and answer period.
Professor Robert Gantt
reported from the Calendar
Committee. The Senate ap-
proved calendar B for fall
and spring of the 1979-80
school semesters, as am-
The calendar does not
include a fall break, other
than the usual Thanks-
giving and Christmas holi-
What's inside. ?
SEE p. 6
Society for Collegiate Journalists
plansfall inductionsee p.5.
N.C. State Fair in Raleigh this
weeksee p. 5.
Nancy Hauser Dance Companysee
The movie, Who'll Stop The Rain is
currently playing in Greenville. For
reviewsee p.6.
For a close-up look at Pirate linebacker
Tommy Summersee p. 9.
The Faculty Senate ap-
proved the proposal for a
Student Recruitment and
Retention Committee con-
sisting of five faculty mem-
bers and one student plus
the Dean of Admissions
which will be an ex-officio
The committee will re-
commend policies gover-
ning the recruitment, or-
ientation, and retention of
students entering ECU. It
will also make special re-
commendations to the Dean
of Admissions, to the Dean
of Student Affairs, and to
other appropriate agencies
regarding these issues.
The proposal regarding
the Faculty Professional
Development Committee
was remitted to the Com-
mittee on Committees for
A proposal for a Uni-
versity Research Commit-
tee was approved as am-
ended. It will be composed
of twelve faculty members
which shall serve staggered
three-year terms. Dean of
the Graduate School will
serve as an ex-officio mem-
The membership of the
See FACULTY, p. 3)
By the
Republican U.S. Sen.
Jesse Helms Tuesday
compared his Democratic
challenger John Ingram to
unsuccessful presidentail
candidate George
McGovern and accused
Ingram of using his office of
state insurance commis-
sioner to campaign at tax-
payers' expense.
In a flying campaign
tour of the state beginning
in Wilmington, Helms crit-
icized Ingram by name and
released a list of Democrats
he said were backing him
over Ingram in the Nov. 7
Helms who has stressed
the need for fiscal respon-
sibility in Washington, def-
ended under questioning at
new conferences the large
budget of his own camp-
aign - which had raised and
spent $6.2 million at the
end of September.
"I don't see the prob-
lem and I don't think there
is a problem Helms said
about his campaign funds.
Ingram has referred to
Helms as "the six million
dollar man
"I think Mr. Ingram's
problem is he can't raise
the money because he is
not in the mainstream of
the Democratic Party of
Gov Jim Hunt and Sen.
Robert Morgan Helms
said in Raleigh. "You know
if he got those contribu-
tions he'd jolly well accept
Helms said Ingram's
criticism of his Senate
voting record showed
"there's not a scintilla of
difference in the way John
Ingram would have voted
and the way George
McGovern votec
The statewide tour was
the first campaigning
Helms has done this fall.
He was sidelined by back
surgery and remained in
Washington until Congress
adjourned Sunday night.
Meanwhile. Ingram
spent Tuesday morning in
Charlotte speaking to a
state broadcasters' meeting
and later went to scheduled
rallies in Jacksonville and
Ingram's campaign
manager Charlie Webb res-
ponded to Helms state-
ments, saying Helms is
still using the same cover-
up tactics to try to take the
people's attention away
from the highest priced
campaign in the history of
the country
Speaking to the N.C.
Association of Broadcasters
in Charlotte, Ingram criti-
cized Helms for turning
down offers to debate on
television and at the broad-
casters' meeting.
"What are they hiding"7
I think the people o' this
state neeo" to know why he
refused two free television
programs, why he refused
this program on a debate
forum and then cranked our
computer letters saying
'We need another $108,000
for television time.
Ingram said
Helms said at a nes
conference in Ca- :tte lat-
er m the day that he did not
think the public would gam
anything from a debate
between the two candid-
"I'm guided by wat
Democratic Party chairman
Betty McCain said alter I
so-called Ingram-Hidges
debates. ' Helms said
" She said something to the
effect it was a screaming
REBEL places second in
national magazine contest
ECU'S literary maga-
zine, the REBEL has been
chosen as the second best
college publication in the
nation, according to the
Society for Collegiate Jour-
The first place maga-
zine was Harbinger, a
publication of Bethany Col-
lege in Bethany, West Vir-
The magazine contest
included entries from col-
leges across the United
TieREBELwas superior
in design and illustration
said Bill Click, SCJ national
president and judge of the
magazine contest.
"The content was very
good in writing style and
quality. A mosi handsome
magazine, it used 4-color to
attract the reader's atten-
tion and interest even fur-
ther It is an excellent
Last year's staff consi-
sted of Luke Whisnant.
Editor; Kat Parks. Art
Director: and Allison
Thompson. Associate Edi-
TheREBELis published
yearly in the spring. The
deadline for literature sub-
mission is Dec. 15. and all
students are invited to sub-
mit work to the magazine.
Thefl?B??.Art Show, an
annual event held to pro-
cure artwork for the publi-
cation, will open next week
in the Mendenhall Gallery
More than 170 works have
been registered for the
show, with over $500 in
prize money to be given
Honor Society announces
student writing contest
Staff Writer
A student writing con-
teat has been announced by
the ECU Division of Aca-
demic Affairs and the Phi
Kappa Phi Honor Society.
The contest Is coordin-
ated with the fourth annual
Symposium sponsored by
these two groups. The topic
for this year'a Symposium
is "The Crisis of Confi-
The approach to the
topic is interdisciplinary,
and a creative approach is
stressed. Or. Fred Boad-
hurst, faculty member and
member of the Symposium
Committee, said that "the
topic lends itself well to
treatmentfrom every disci-
pline, for examples Gov-
ernment, the News Media,
Law, Medicine, and Edu-
Awards of $100 each
will go to the two students
whose papers are fudged
best on the basis c n ntent
and overall quality.
Contestants are ssed to
first submit a two-to-three
page abstract of their Idea.
The students who submit
the two beat abstracts will
be asked to complete their
final papers, and will re-
ceive the awards.
The papers should be in
a style suitable for publi-
cation. The will be pre-
sented by the winners at
the Symposium, which is
scheduled for Tuesday,
February 20. Maximum
length for the final paper is
15 double-spaced typewrit-
ten pages, and presentation
of the paper at the Sympo-
sium is limited to 50
minutes. Deadline for ab-
stracts Is December 4.
Faculty members will
be participating in the
Symposium, and several
keynote speakers will be
featured. Col. Richard
Blake, Assistant to the
Chancellor, la hopeful of
securing former U.S. Sen-
ator Sam Ervln as a keynote
ECU Chancellor Thom-
as Brewer is also scheduled
to speak at the Symposium.
Phi Kappa Phi is an
honor society that recog-
nizes scholastic excellence
in all disciplines.
The first three Sympo-
siums have treated the
themes of "World Hun-
ger "Influence Sys-
tems and "Coping with
the Energy Dilemma
Abstracts should be
sent to: Dr. Oscar Moore,
Department of Economics,
ECU?Phi Kappa Phi Sym-
posium Committee, cam-
pus mail.
STUDENTS TAKE A break from mid-term exams and
m ?m
- ?-?.? 4T ?? ?
jMl - ?? ?
-?? -

Page 2 FOUNTAINHEAD 19 October 1978
Any campus group
needing a constitution ap-
proved should submit a
copy in triplicate to Libby
Lefler, speaker of the Leg-
islature, in room 230 Men-
denhall between 3-5 p.m.
weekdays or contact Jeff
Triplett. rules and Judi-
ciary Committee Chairper-
son, at 758-7956.
There will be a meeting
of the ECU Writers' Guild
at 3 p.m. Wed Oct 25 in
room 207, Austin.
All persons welcome.
Review Board screen-
ings will be held on Thurs
Oct. 19, m room 239 of
Mendenhall Student Center
? 5.30 p.m. Please be
present or you will be dis-
sending out letters to ser-
vice and social organizat-
ions. If you have not
received one, please send
your name and address to
the BUCCANEER by Oct.
23. If we do not receive an
address by then you will not
be represented in the year-
book. Thank you!
Auditions for June
Havoc's Marathon '33, the
second major production in
the current season of the
ECU Playhouse, will be
held at 7:30 p.m. Mon. and
Tues Oct. 23 and 24, in
room 206 of the Drama
Scripts are on reserve in
Joyner Library for prior
study. It is suggested that
peson6 audtiioning read a
scene of their choice with
someone else who is trying
out. but it is not mandatory.
Auditions are open to all
who wish to try out.
Free Flick
This week's Free Flick,
Friday and Saturday night
at 7 and 9 p.m is Which
Way is Up? starring Rich-
ard Pryor.
Pryor cavorts in three
roles and, with this film,
appears to be on his way to
becoming one of our great
internationally popular fun-
The film will be shown
in Mendenhall's Hendrix
Theatre. Admission is by
ID and Activity Card.
All Free Flicks are
sponsored by the Student
Union Films Committee.
Ping Pong
If you enjoy playing
table tennis, stop by Mend-
enhall Table Tennis Rooms
each Tuesday evening at 7
p.m. when the Table
Tennis Club meets. You
will find players of all levels
of ability participating. Var-
ious activities as ladder
tournaments are often
scheduled. All ECU stud-
ents, faculty and staff are
Thota Alpha
The Theta Alpha Chap-
ter of Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority is sponsoring a
Pre-Game Homecoming
Celebration, Friday, Nov.
10th at the Ramada Inn,
264 By-Pass Greenville,
N.C. from 10p.m. to2a.m.
Tickets in advance are $3
per couple, and $2 per
At the door, admission
will be $2.50 per person.
Contact any member of
Alpha Kappa Alpha for
tickets or additional in-
formation. The affair is
Also Theta Alpha is
sponsoring its annual Stu-
dent of the Year Pageant.
The event will be hosted
Wednesday, Nov. 1st at
7:30 p.m. Mendenhall Au-
ditorium. There will be no
admission charge.
The Student Union
Minority Arts Committee
will present Johnice John-
son and the ECU Gospel
Ensemble in conoert Sun
Oct. 22, at 7 p.m.
The concert will be held
in the Hendrix Theater and
will feature traditional as
well as contemporary gos-
pel selections.
There will be no ad-
mission charge and the
public is invited to attend.
On Wed Nov. 8. the
MRC (Men's Residence
Council) and WRC (Wo-
men's Residence Council)
are presenting a pig pickin"
and concert on the hill by
the tenniscourts.
The meal will be served
at 4:45 p.m and the
evening will last until 7. All
people interested in coming
must present their
MRCWRC card and may
purchase tickets for $3 from
their dorm officers.
Buses will be available
to and from the women's
Anyone interested in an
afternoon socializing on two
wheels should participate
in the Bicycle Club's bike
ride Sun Oct. 22.
Interested students
should meet at the water
fountain in front of Wright
Auditorium at 1 p.m. The
group will leave at 1 :15
p.m. for a 10-20 mile hike.
The bicycle club is open
to all full-time ECU stud-
ents. For more info, call
Tom. at 752-9847.
The Goldsboro Kennel
Club is having an All-Breed
and Obedience Fun Match,
Sun Nov. 5. It will be held
at Berkley Park, Goldsboro,
N.C. Entries will be taken
from 10 a.m. until Noon.
The Parade of Champ-
ions will start at 12:30 p.m
with Junior Showmanship
following. The judging will
start at 1 p.m.
All persons interested
in playing chess are invited
to stop by the Mendenhall
Coffeehouse each Monday
evening at 7 p.m. when the
Chess Club holds its weekly
meeting. Competition is at
all levels and everyone is
welcome to attend.
Artists are reminded to
deliver their work for the
Rebel Show to room 221
upstairs in Mendenhall
Student Center on Sat
Oct. 21st between 12 and 8
The $1 entry fee is due
at this time. Works not
registered by the Oct. 11th
cut-off will not be accepted.
The Show will be juried
by Richard Craven, George
Brett, and Tom Haines on
Sunday. Artists whose
works are juried out must
pick up their works on
Monday between 9 a.m.
and 5 p.m. at the Rebel
office in the Publications
The entry fee will be
refunded at this time. For
details, call 757-6502.
North Carolina's first
chapter of Greenpeace is
about to be born here in
Greenville. The Green-
peace Foundation is a non-
profit environmental cor-
poration dedicated to the
survival of all endangered
species (particularly
whales, seals, and dol-
phins) and their respective
This means Greenpeace
is opposed to nuclear pow-
er, both domestic and mili-
tary, and the practice of
whaling, which is depleting
the already diminished
number of surviving
If you are interested in
sharing your time and
effort for Greenpeace,
please contact Jerry Ad-
derton at 758-6259 (after
5:00 p.m. on weekdays).
Your help could be more
important than you'll ever
know. Thank you.
Study Skills
A non-credit Study
Skills class will be con-
ducted by Dr. Weigand
beginning Oct. 23,1978.
There will be two
groups. One will meet on
Monday and Wednesday at
1 :00 p.m. in Room 305
Wright Annex and the
other group will meet on
Tuesday and Thursday at
1:00 p.m. in Room 305
Wright Annex.
The class is available to
all students. Attendance is
voluntary ? no formal
registration is required.
Students who are un-
able to make these times
may come by the Counsel-
ing Center and schedule
individual appointments.
Poaeo Corps IIL0
Peace Corps may be the
toughest job you'll ever
love. For more information,
contact Peace Corps Rep-
resentative David Jenkins,
Room 425, Flanagan Build-
ing, or you may call
757-6586 for an appoint-
Eta Mu Chapter of
Sigma Gamma Rho will
hold an interest club meet-
ing Thursday Oct. 19, at 8
The purpose of the
meeting is to organize the
Gammette Club. The club
is open for membership to
all undergraduates.
Psi-Chi is having a pig
pickin' Sun Oct. 29 at the
Cherry court clubhouse.
Festivities begin at 2 p.m.
and include volleyball, your
favorite golden beverage
and all the pig and chicken
you can eat.
All psychology majors,
minors, graduate students,
faculty and interested per-
sons are invited. Tickets
may be obtained from any
Psi-Chi member, the
psychology library or the
mam psychology office.
Prices are $2.50 for Psi-Chi
members, $3.50 for non-
members and $3.00 for
faculty Come and bring a
Anyone interested in
working on the 1979 BUC-
CANEER is asked to come
to the meeting on Wed
Oct. 18 at 3 p.m. in the
BUC office, second floor,
Publications Center.
The Student Union
Travel Committee still has
places open on it's ski trip
to Snowshoe W. Va but
places are going fast.
Sign up now at the
ticket office in Mendenhall.
The trip will be during
Christmas break (Jan 1-5).
Don't miss these days of
skiing and nights of social-
izing at one of the east
coast's most popular ski
The last day to register
for the Mendenhall Day-
Student Billiards Tourna-
ment is Fri Oct. 20
Registration forms and
tournament details are
available at the Billiards
The double elimination
tournament, to be held
Mon Oct. 23 at 6 p.m. at
Mendenhall, will decide the
four winner who will part-
icipate in the All-Campus
Billiards Tournament sche-
duled for Nov. 13 and 14.
The first and second
place All-Campus finishers
will represent ECU in The
Association of College
Unions - International
regional face-to-face tour-
nament in Knoxville, Tenn.
in Feb. All expenses for the
tournament will be paid by
Hillel's first get-together
Fri Oct. 20 at The Den, on
the corner of 9th and James
St. behind Mendenhall at
7:30 p.m.
Male and female stud-
ents interested in re-
activiating the volleyball
club should meet in room
105 of Memorial Gym at
7:30 p.m. on Thurs Oct.
Club activities include
play among members and
competition with other un-
iversities. Further informa-
tion can be obtained from
Dr. Sayetta in Physics.
On the Hill, a quiet and
air-conditioned Study Area
has been set up in the Scott
Hall Basement. Anyone is
welcome to come to the
MRC meeting room on
Tuesday, Wednesday, or
Thursday Nights between
8:00 and 11:00p.m.
Additional hours may
be added.
Applications for At-
torney-General now being
taken in the SGA Office ?
room 228 thru October
The Student Union
Major Attraction Commit-
tee will present Pablo
Cruise on Thurs Nov. 9, at
8 p.m. in Minges Coliseum.
Tickets will be $5 for
ECU students and $7 for
the public. All tickets are
available from the Central
Ticket Office in Menden-
hall. In addition, public
tickets can be purchased
from Apple Records, E. 5th
St School Kid's Records,
Georgetown Shoppes, The
Music Shop, Greenville
Square Mall.
Only public tickets will
be sold at the door.
At the request of the
Business Office, Chamblee
Insurance Company has
extended the Fall enrol-
lment period for Student
Acccidents and Sickness
Insurance until Fri Oct.
20. Additional information
may be obtained at the
Business Office.
Gamma Beta
Gamma Beta Phi will
meet Thurs Oct. 19 at 7
p.m. in Biology 103. Ail
members are urged to
attend. Pledges are re-
minded that all essay and
dues must be turned in by
October 24 in Mendenhall
The International Lang-
uage Organization is hav-
ing an Oktoberfest Fri
Oct. 20 from 7:30 p.m.
until. There will be a fun
night of dancing, music.
German foods, golden bev-
erages and, door prizes
Tickets are available at the
foreign language dept BA
431 or from any club
The International Lang-
uage Organization will be
meeting Wed . Oct 18 at
7:30 p.m. in Mendenhan
Rm. 248 to discuss plans'
the Oktoberfest
Win a free game
bowling every time ,
make a strike when the i
pin is the head pin. Tr
your luck at "Red Pii
Bowling" every Sunday
evening from 7 to 10 p
at the Mendenhall Bowling
There will be an impor-
tant meeting of all Coffee-
house Committee members
on Wednesday. Oct. 25 at 3
p.m. m the committee
meeting room. All mem-
bers must attend.
The Student Union s
Thanksgiving trip to New
York City has added a-
nother bus and more spaces
are available. The deadline
for reservations is Fnda,
Oct 20 at 4 p.m.
There will be a loca1
computer programming
contest sponsored by the
Association for Compute1,
Machinery. The 4 winners
will represent ECU in the
regional at Clemson You
may register at the Matr
Dept. Office on Mon . Oct
The contest will be he d
from Oct. 23-27 and the
programs must be written
in Fortran. For more info
see Dr. F. Miiam Johnsor
Dr. J. Wirth or Chris
Hargett (752-1161).
Another exciting concert
with special gvest Livingston Taylor

ECU Students SS.OO $
Public $7.0 I

coming Thurs Nov. 9 1978
6 fi.m.
Minges Coliseum
More FREE T-shirts to be given away
Tickets Go On Sale Mon Oct. 30, 1978
torscte ?
Shoes and boots in
small sizes(5-6). All new or
practically new. Baas,
Earth Shoe, and Famolare.
Reasonably priced. Call
752-3706 if interested.
FOR SALE. Old 8 cu. ft. GE
Elc. refrig. in excellent
oond. If interested call
FOR SALE: '75 D at sun 710
4d, 34,000 mi. new paint,
new Micg. radials, looks
and acts like a brand new
car Asking $2,840. Call
Russ at 752-5692 anytime,
make sure you leave a
FOR SALE: 8-track tapes
for $2 and $3. Call Dave
752-7727 after 3 p.m.
FOR SALE: 4ft. x 6ft. wall
tapestry for $12. Ladles
diamond ring. Call 752-
2602 9:30 p.m. - 11 30 p.m.
QREQ MOLL: ia doing
portraits from photos or
sittings. Watercoior
sketches 18 x 24' in size.
125. Also finished oil paint-
ings $100. Good til Nov. 5,
call between 6 and 9 p.m.
FOR SALE: 78 Corvette,
white, T-top, 11,000 milea.
$9,000. Call 524-5590
female roommate to share a
2-bdrm. apt. Call 758-5794.
share completely firnished
2 bdrm. apt. Call or see
Brad 103-B East brook
Apts. 752-1547.
fOf ran
Dependable drivers. Must
have your own car. Apply in
person at Pizza Mikes.
Please no phone calls.
a lead vocalist (mala or
female) to work on original
material for a recording In
Atlanta. Not preparing a
road bandemiprograsT
sive rock. For audition call
YOGA: Hatha Yoga is now
being taught by Sunshine.
Near dssess forming. Ratax
-t?on. vftallzatlon ??
teas. mnmJTjJ
?o call 788736.
Authentic Belly dancing i
taught by Sunshine. Exper-j
ienoed teacher and P"
former in Ohio, Mexi
Atlanta, and the D C
Classes are now for
Call 756-0738.
" ?

Greek Forum
19 October 1978 FOUNTAINHEAO Page 3
News Editor
The first order of bus-
iness in this weeks Greek
Forum is on the subject of
Lambda Chi Alpha Field
The field day has been
changed from Saturday,
Oct 28 to Sunday, Oct. 29.
Due to Dr. Brewer's in-
stallation which is also
scheduled for Oct 28, the
fraternity felt like Sunday
would be a better date in
order to insure participa-
tion among the Greeks.
Because of this open
date, all Greeks are en-
couraged to attend the
installation and offer their
support to the new chan-
Panhellenic's Pledges
on Parade will be held on
Oct 27 at the Greenville
Moose Lodge All pledges
are encouraged to take part
in the event This will be a
good time to meet the
fraternity and soroity pled-
ges and to meet the other
members of the groups.
The Kappa Sigma fra-
ternity recently inducted 20
new pledges. These pled-
gesnowcomprise the Alpha
Nu pledge class of the ECU
The brothers of Kappa
Sigma have been busy in
community activities since
school has been in session.
The fraternity has parti-
cipated in the recent Blood
Drive with over 25 mem-
bers donating.
The Kappa Sigs an-
nouce their Mr. ECU con-
test on Tuesday, Oct. 24.
The prizes will be $25 first
prize, $15 second prize, and
$10 third prize. Judging
will be based on the best
male physique. All gentle-
men interested in entering
the contest may do so by
calling the Kappa Sig
house, 752-5543.
The Kappa Sigmas will
be'chartering a bus to Nor-
folk, Virginia to support the
Pirates as they take on
Richmond in the Oyster
The Kappa Sigs would
like to congratulate their
newly initiated brother,
Robert Cooper and the little
sisters who were initiated
last week. Plans for Little
Sister Rush are being dis-
cussed and will be an-
nounced in a few weeks.
The Phi Kappa Tau
fraternity has completed a
very successful Little Sister
Rush and would like to
thank all the girls that
The Phi Tau intramural
football advanced into the
finals while enjoying an
undefeated season thus far.
The Sigma Sigma Sigma
sorority will be entertaining
Mrs. Brewer at a tea at
their house, Thursday, Oct.
The Tri-Sigs are very
proud of their football team
which has advanced into
the finals of intramural
play. The play-off game
against the Tearjerkers will
take place Wednesday
night, Oct. 18.
The Sigmas are busy
with several money making
projects. The annual pie
throw is being planned for
November. Also, the soro-
ity will have a yard, bake,
and craft sale on Nov. 3 in
front of the house. The
proceeds from the sale will
go to the Robbie Page
Memorial Fund, the soror-
ity's philanthropy.
The Chi Omega sorority
entertained Dr. and Mrs.
Brewer at a cookout at their
The Kappa Delta soror-
ity won the ROTC Blood
Drive by contributing more
blood than any other soror-
ity. They announce their
Big Brother Rush on Wed-
nesday, Oct. 18.
The Kappa Deltas held
a tea Tuesday night honor-
ing their new house
mother, Clara Lewis. Most
of the house mothers and
presidents from the other
sororities were in attend-
The Kappa Deltas
would like to congratulate
one of their pledges, Kristi
Minette on her election as
Junior Panhellenic Rush
The Alpha Xi Deltas
took a trip to the beach this
weekend as a chance to get
to know their new pledges
better. They reported the
weekend to be a success.
The sorority would like to
thank everyone who sup-
ported their Happy Hour.
Alpha Delta Pi sorority
initiated four new sisters.
They are also planning a
car wash for Nov. 4.
The Alpha Delta Pi's
are planning a pig pickin
before the game against
Marshall University on
Nov. 18. The sorority is also
getting ready for a social
with the Sigma Phi Epsilon
fraternity at N.C. State on
Nov. 30.
Colleges seek state aid
from General Assembly
Private colleges and uni-
versities plan to ask the
General Assembly for $35.5
million in state aid for the
1979-81 biennium. inclu-
ding a $100 increase in
state tuition grants.
The state now provides
$400 to every fulltime stu-
dent enrolled in an eligible
The funds are designed
to help offset the difference
m tuition costs between
private and public colleges.
The state contractural
scholarship fund would re-
main at the same level
under the new request,
although the total amount
would increase over the
two-year period from $4.8
million to$5 million.
The scholarship fund
provides $200 each year to
needy undergraduates who
want to attend private
The total amount of the
tuition grant program
would increase to $11.5
million the first year and
$14.1 million the second.
According to state law,
requests by private insti-
tutions for state aid must be
reviewed first by the Uni-
versity of North Carolina
Board of Governors, which
makes the recommenda-
tions to the leqislature.
The university board
has already approved a $1.1
billion budget for the
1979-81 period that in-
cludes recommendations
that the state's private
college programs continue
at their present level.
The proposal for in-
creases were made by Duke
University President Terry
Sanford who is also chair-
man of the board of the
North Carolina Association
of Independent Colleges
and Universities.
Sanford's proposal said
the programs had helped
declining private school
enrollment since they were
begun three years ago, but
more funds were needed
from the state to offset
rising costs, "which will of
necessity be passed along
to the students
Faculty Senate research
committee to award grants
continued from p 7
Committee will include six
persons from the College of
Arts and Sciences, and six
from the professional
schools and other academic
The University Re-
search Committee will a-
ward research funds and
grants based on the merits
of the proposals. It will
decide on procedures and
guidelines governing the
use of research funds and
annual reporting of creative
Proposals will be ac-
cepted or rejected by a
majority of - the elected
faculty members
of the
Committee of Committees
was presented by Professor
Rodney Schmidt.
The Senate approved an
amendment by the Uni-
versity Curriculum Com-
The amendments will
not become law until they
receive Chancellor Brew-
The report from the er's approval.
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Page 4 FOUNTAINHEAO 19 October 1978
Reefer madness
Since 1975, the Mexican government, with
aid from the U.S. government has been
spraying marijuana fields with the deadly
herbicide paraquat.
Apparently unable to convince its citizens
that marijuana is dangerous, the United States
government has embarked on a reckless
campaign of poisoning a substance regularly
used by approximately 15-20 million people in
this country.
Although there is disagreement in scientific
circles as to just how toxic paraquat is when
consumed through various methods (such as
inhaling, ingesting, or burning), HEW Secre-
tary Joseph Califano warned in March that
contaminated marijuana could lead to irrever-
sible lung damage for regular and heavy users,
and, conceivably, for other users as well.
The maximum level of paraquat contamina-
tion allowed by the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is 0.05 parts per million.
Reports compiled by the National Institute on
Drug Abuse (NIDA) show that some paraquat
residues on Mexican marijuana were above
2.200 parts per million. That figure is 40.000
times the EPA tolerance level.
Secretary Califano stated in his warning
that approximately 21 percent of the marijuana
coming into the country from Mexico was
contaminated with paraquat.
In July, Sen. Charles Percy (R-lll.)
introduced an amendment to the International
Security Assistance Act of 1978 to withhold
money from any programs directly or indirectly
connected with the spraying of herbicides to
eradicate marijuana, "if such herbicides are
likely to cause serious harm to the health of
persons who may use or consume the sprayed
According to one of Sen. Percy's aides, that
amendment passed.
"In the absence of action by the State
Department and White House officials,
significant strides were made by the Congress
to deal with this potentially serious health
hazard Percy said in a news release.
At last a government offical has taken
positive steps to end thesenseless poisoning of
a large segment of the populace. It is hoped
that other members of Congress will follow
Percy's initiative and move to further protect
the health of its citizens by eliminating the
poisons they can and not further destroy the
environment by adding toxins.
Squirrel killing causes torment
My roommate st uck
his head in the door You
want to give me a hand for
a minute7'
I got up and followed
? to the front porch. The
sun was out and there was a
October breeze clat-
. 'hrough the bamboo
Tachimes "Look at
Tom said, pointing.
He s been there for the
ast hour
There was a squirrel
g on his back at the
edge of the yard, just off
the porch. His paws jerked
spasmodically and every
now and then he gave a few
pathetic cheeps.
"What's wrong with
him?" I asked
I don't know Tom
said "I think he fell out of
a tree but I've never seen a
squirrel faH hard enough to
break his back. That
wouldn't be very squirrel-
I agreed
What do you think we
should do?"
"He can't move or
No. he's just been
laying there for almost an
hour now
We stepped off the
porch and bent over the
squirrel for a closer look.
White fluid leaked from his
eye and gnats swarmed
around the wound. Behind
his neck a spot of blood
clotted and marked his
silver-gray coat. When we
touched him the squirrel
pawed the air frantically
and chattered.
The next-door-
neighbor's cat made up our
minds for us. Simba had
been watching the squirrel
with her hard, green cat-
eyes, and stalking around
behind the trees and shrubs
on her pads
Tom flung a piece of
brick a' Simba and she
disappeared. "Welt. That
settles that he said. "We
can't leave him out here for
the cat to chew on
He went inside and
the three-legged puppy,
Clarence the crosseyed lion
? and the natural order of
things demanded hisdeath.
If you believe in some sort
of Order in the world, you
realize that a certain num-
ber of squirrels are fated to
bite the dust prematurely.
And Tom and I had distur-
bed that order by taking the
squirrel in It's all I can do
now not to hear my
"This is where the nightmare
starts. The squirrel didn yt die.
He kicked and fluttered around
in the bag and made horrible
meeping sounds
came back with a cardboard
box. We didn't want to be
bitten, so Tom held the box
and I used a branch to push
the squirrel in. Then we
carried him inside.
It ended up being a long
afternoon - one of those
lazy Greenville autumn
Sundays that just seems to
dragon and on. We left the
squirrel in our bathroom
with a jar lid of water and a
supply of peanuts, hoping
he would gam a little
strength by lying quiet for a
He didn't recover Look-
ing back on it now, I can see
that we should have left
him for Simba and the
gnats to fight over His
number was up He was
one the unlucky ones - the
piglet eaten by the sow,
mother's voice: When are
you going to learn to leave
things alone0
I can hear your object-
ions. Some of you don't
believe in fate. Some of you
refuse to leave things
alone Some of you will tell
me it would have been cruel
to leave the squirrel, but
you haven't read the rest of
the story.
Tom and I looked in on
the squirrel just before
dinner. His breathing was
ragged and his occasional
chattenngs sounded more
like whimpers. Tom's girl-
friend Sarah was horrified.
"He's obviously in a lot of
pain and he hasn't gotten
any better. You can't let
him keep suffering like
this. You've got to put him
Serving the East Carolina community for over 50 years
Doug White
Leigh Coakley
Steve Bachner
Julie Everette
tticki Qliarmis
Robert M. Swaim
Sam Rogers
FOUNTAINHEAD is the student newspaper of East
Carolina University sponsored by the Media Board of ECU
and is distributed each Tuesday and Thursday (weekly
during the summer).
Mailing address: Old South Building, Greenville, N.C.
Editorial offices: 757-6366, 757-6367, 757-6309.
Subscriptions: $10 annually, alumni $6 annually.
out of his misery
I hope there is no villian
in this piece. There is
certainly an uncommitted
and indecisive narrator. I
admit that what I should
have done at that moment
was put on some heavy
gloves, pick the squirrel up
carefully with both hands,
and very gently break his
neck. Then it would have
been over. That's not what
happened, though. Sarah
got us a gun.
It was a .22 pistol and
Sarah's friend Bill brought
it over. He took a long look
at the squirrel and then
showed Tom how to load
the gun. Tom and I scooped
the squirrel up into a plastic
trash can liner and carried
him outside. Sarah was on
the phone to the police
department, explaining
that there would shortly be
a gunshot in our neighbor-
hood and that nobody had
killed anyone else, we were
just shooting a sick
Tom looked at me for a
long moment before he shot
the squirrel. "You know, I
really don't want to do
this Then he put the
barrel against the bag and
pulled the trigger.
This is where the night-
mare starts. The squirrel
didn't die. He kicked and
fluttered around in the bag
and made some horrible
meeping sounds. "I can't
believe this Tom said
almost in a whisper. "I shot
him right behind the ear
Tom shot him again and
the squirrel screamed. You
might not believe that, but
you weren't there and I
was. He screamed. Bill took
his gun back inside.
We were relieved. Tom
sighed. I picked the bag up
to toss into the trash can
and the bag kicked to life in
my hands. "Jesus! It's still
I'm not going to tell you
how we finally killed the
squirrel. It wasn't very
pleasant for any of ua.
When it was over and we'd
thrown the bag into the
trash, Tom turned to me
and said, "I'm going to
have nightmares about this
all night
All night wasn't long
enough for me. This whole
thing happened almost a
year ago and I still dream
about It. I can't sort it out -
can't justify my actions and
I'm still not sure what I
"should have done and it
probably wouldn't make
any difference anyway. I
would still dream about it.
Impolite players mar tennis game
On Oct. 9,1 went to the
tennis court beside Minges
Coliseum to play tennis
with my old buddy. At the
final stage of the first set
(5-5, see how competitive
we were), outside the court
had gathered a group of
young talented athletes,
each with one or more
tennis rackets in their poss-
They came on the court
and at that time, my old
buddy was serving his
critical serve; some mem-
bers of the group walked
across the court between
my partner's serves with-
out saying anything. (We
were playing on the very
first court). When my turn
to serve came (at this point,
the score was 6-5, I was
winning!), two young play-
ers patiently waited at the
side of the net.
After I nervously served
a double-fault, they smiled
and rushed across the
court. After that set,
because there was too
much traffic on my court
and also too much noise
(they yelled from the court
to others standing outside
the fence. Young spirit!),
we moved our battlefield to
the court behind the
practicing wall, but before
we could finish the set, we
were chased out of the
court completely.
Chivalry is
alive and
well at ECU
I would like to re-
spond to the letter which
appeared in the Oct. 10
edition of FOUNTAIN-
HEAO concerning chivalry
at ECU.
I am sorry you girls feel
the way you do, but I think
you are unjust in judging all
males at ECU by a few
inconsiderate ones. As
proof that chivalry is not
dead at ECU, I quote part
of a letter which appeared
recently in The Daily fle-
fecfor's "Hotline" col-
"Friday ?f tar noon . . .
our oar broke down in the
busiest part of Tenth Street
a young man offered
assistance Me got a email
kit from hia oar and literally
got up instde the motor . . .
and got the oar going
Thai young man is a
student at ECU and I'm
sure there are many others
who would have done the
same thing. So you see,
chivalry ia not deed after
Name withheld by request
I was so frustrated that I
started to complain, be-
cause we had not played for
a whole week and we were
eager to kill each other on
that Saturday before we put
our rackets away in the
closet for the winter (and
fall?). So here we were, we
did not even finish three
sets (not to mention Wim-
bledon's five sets style). I
said that they could have
put up a sign to announce
that the courts would be
reserved for the tennis
team to practice at a certain
time of day, because I
remember last summer
during the Greenville City
Tennis Tournament they
put up such a sign, and
upon seeing it, my partner
and I went to the Evan's
Park to play.
My old pal laughed at
me, saying that though I
was with the university for
four years, I behaved like a
little country boy new in
town, knowing nothing
about ECU and their great
football program (he must
have lost his mind talking
about football while we
were on the tennis court).
He continued to say that
the court is ECU'S prop-
erty, the ECU tennis team
can take over any time they
want without any notice,
just as you don't have to
ask your neighbor's per-
mission to walk on your
own backyard.
ECU'S tennis team does
not have to put up any sign
for using the court, after
all. that is their court. He
shut me up for awhile.
Then within no time, he
started to complain. He
said those young fine
athletes should not walk
across the court under any
circumstances. It was my
turn to give him a lecture.
I said although he has a
Ph.D. in Pharmacy, it
seems he is lacking
common sense, since he did
not even know that the
shortest distance between
two points isa straight line.
I f one wants to cross a court
from one side to the other
side, of course, the shortest
and fastest way is to go
across the court instead of
going around it. (However,
there were three not-so
clever players going around
the court, what a pityi)
About that noise, I
asked my pal how did he
expect a group of energetic
athletes to behave on court
with such nice weather
Should they be as quiet as if
in a library9 After all. they
did not smoke or drink, or
did they? This time he
seemed very convinced by
Charles Cheng
PS. Before I left the
court. I asked a young,
spirited student what team
they were playing with and
he said just local people.
But being just "local
people" myself for four
years and not invited to
play, and having to leave in
the middle of the play. I
was not satisfied with the
answer So I asked another
handsome short-haired guy
the same question, and his
answer was the Greenville
Tennis Club. Oh. forgive
me please. You see how
ignorant I was to ask such a
Intramurals story biased
We are writing this
in regard to what I imagine
was supposed to be the
intramural section of Tues-
It seems to us that
this particular piece of
writing is totally opposite of
the "unbiased" view that
good newspaper reporting
is all about. Mr. Evans
seems to have a fetish for
one particular team. He
devoted four and one half
columns to this team's
game (not to mention the
entire heading of his arti-
Ohio inmate
wants letters
fmm ECU
I am an inmate at
the Ohio State prison and I
feel thet correspondence
with college and university
students would be a very
worthwhile and learning
experience for the student
and also myself.
I would appreciate it if
you'd place an ad in your
college newspaper for me
to thia effect.
Michael Ledger
P.O. Box 511
Columbus, Oh. 43216
Meanwhile, the other
four games in the playoffs
(two men's and two wom-
en's) combined could only
muster two paragraphs
from Mr Evans. He was so
involved in writing his play
by play description of this
game that he totally neg-
lected giving the score of
one game and somehow
even forgot to tell who
played against the women's
team from Tyler.
Now if this is not
showing bias, state troop-
ers don't write tickets. Bias
is acceptable in an editori-
al, but not in a sports
article. All of these teams
worked hard to get in the
playoffs and I believe the
other four games deserved
equal coverage (at least
more than one sentence a
piece). I have felt that
most occasions been a fair
and informative paper, but
this article was far from
being either fair or informa-
tive. This was by far one of
the worst examples of
sports coverage I have ever
In the future. I hope Mr
Evans will be more profess-
ional in his articles and that
the management of
to this. After all. fair and
unbiased writing makes a
newspaper worth reading
to everyone, not just a
favored few
Kirby Lashley
Tommy Joe Payne
Frank Pruette
Kevin Cameron
Steve Curry
Forum policy
Forum letters must contain the name, address phone
number, and signature of theauthor(s) and should be typed
or neatly printed.
Letters are subject to editing for brevity, obscen.ty, and
No more than three letters on any subject will be printed
in one issue. ? yuma
Letters should be limited to three typewritten
double-spaced pages. typewritten,
Letters must be received by noon on u-
Wednesdays either at the FOUNTAeTd
"Forum" is the primary axenua of atutet
??. ? ?m. ??? Limn
lii mi Him i m
.???, ni Hill .in .in, ? u mi immrmm&to

?;?? i '? -? ?
To cfose Saturday
19 Ootabf 178 FOUMTAINHEAD Papa 5
Love a state fair
the STUDENT STORE waits for the crowds of students to assemble once more as they did for fall semester.
SC J to hold fall induction
Assistant News Editor
The Society tor Colleg-
ate Journalists is making
ins for the fall induction
of members into the frater-
according to Kay
Williams, president of the
The induction will be
formal and ritualistic with
the present members part-
Dating in the ceremony.
The Society for Colleg-
iate Journalists is a merger
of Alpha Phi Gamma and Pi
Delta Epsilon, national un-
dergraduate journalism
societies. SCJ has more
than 170 chapters through-
out the U.S. according to
Members are selected
on the basis of academic
achievement in journalism
studies and participation in
camDus Dublications.
It is also recognition for
those students who have
made accomplishments in
communications outside of
campus publication.
"Editorsfrom the various
campus publications are
submitting eligible stud-
ents to be inducted in the
chapterWilliams stated.
"Bids will be sent out
and it is imperative that the
pledges acknowledge them
by Oct. 25 she added.
The bids must be ret-
urned to Austin building to
Ira Baker, advisor of the
fraternity and professor of
journalism at ECU.
"We must know who is
planning to be a part of the
organization, so we can
notify the national chapt-
er Williams added.
The induction will be
Nov. 21 in Mendenhall
Student Center.
For people who want to eat
everything from cotton
candy to Polish sausage,
get a few thrills and spend
money, the North Carolina
State Fair here fills the bill.
Fair workers say the
crisp, clear fall weather is
helping draw record crowds
this year, with 60,000 to
65,000 attending the fair
Sunday. The fair opened
Friday and runs through
For those who want
their thrills fast, the fair's
myriad of rides is just the
Frieda Nettles of
Knightsdale, peering an-
xiously at the spinning Tilt-
A-Whirl Sunday, said she
had a husband on the wildly
turning ride.
? don't ride anything
Mrs. Nettles said. "But he
rides them all
Even the slower ridea
provide chills for some fair-
The chair lift is one of
the midway's tamest rides
but "it was scary for me
said Jessica Smith of
Southern Pines. She said
she and a friend has been at
the fair for four hours
Sunday "mostly walking
our feet off
But most sight-seers at
the fair over the weekend
seemed drawn to the doz-
ens of games of chance set
up around the fairgrounds.
Eager players tossing rings
at bottles, trying to smash
dishes with softballs and
throwing darts at balloons
all had one goal in mind ?
winning one of the huge
stuffed animals dangling
from the game booth. And
lucky winners with their
prizes clutched in their
arms inspired almost every
adult and child to take at
least one crack at the
Attractions at the fair in
addition to the rides, games
and food include agricul-
tural exhibits and arts and
crafts displays.
AT Till
Is it sack
to love
HospitalsClinics to visit ECU
for Health Careers Day Nov. 1
ECU News Bureau
Representatives from
?pitals. clinics and other
health care agencies will
visit ECU Nov. 1 for ECU'S
annual Health Careers Day.
The event, sponsored
by the ECU Career Plan-
ning and Placement Service
in cooperation with the
ECU Schools of Nursing
and Alhed Health and
Social Professions, is des-
igned to provide ECU stud-
ents and alumni interested
in careers in the health
fields opportunities to meet
with potential employers.
Furney James, director
of Career Planning and
Placement at ECU. said
x 5( 5v f f 5p? r? r? r

ECU graduates as well as
juniors and seniors are
invited to participate in
Health Careers Day to
discuss details about em-
ployment possibilities.
Freshmen and sopho-
mores considering a nurs-
ing or allied health major
are also invited to attend
and meet the representat-
ive to learn more about
careers in health and para-
medical fields.
Among areas of employ-
ment to be represented are
nursing, physical and occu-
pational therapy, medical
technology, social and cor-
rectional services, medical
record science, dietetics,
music therapy, speech,
language and auditory
pathology. community
health, child development
and family relations, rehab-
ilitation counseling, envir-
onmental health, psycho-
logy, sociology and special
Representatives will be
available in ECU'S Mend-
enhall Student Center from
1 30 to 4:30 p.m. Students
and alumni wishing to meet
with them are not required
to make prior reservation.
Evelyn Perry, dean of
the ECU School of Nursing,
commented that the event
is "a fine opportunity for
students to talk with a large
variety of potential employ-
ers" and make early
choices of their
ment locations.
Dr. Ronald Thiele, dean
of the School of Allied
Health and Social Profes-
sions noted that each year
"many employers of health
professionals" come to the
ECU campus "actively
seeking students as pot-
ential employees.
"Job opportunities in
the health-related fieJds are
ample, and .we enooufage
any student preparing for
work in the health-related
professions to attend
Health Careers Day and
sample the job market
Thiele said.
mubiu nitridy. accui, prs ana mae eariy i"w? ?

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Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAD 19 October 1978
Theatre Arts books
Hauser Company
Trends Editor
The Student Union
Theatre Arts Committee is
pleased to present The
Nancy Hauser Dance Com-
v .i professional mod-
ern dance company based
the Guild of Performing
Arts in M mneapolis, M inn.
The company will be in
residence at ECU from Oct.
)ct. 25.
The residency wil cul-
minate m a matinee per-
n Oct. 24 and an
g performance on
25 This project is
? v supported by a grant
?m the North Carolina
Arts Council and the Nat-
Endowment for the
.Washington. DC.
a federal agency.
The Nancv Ha user
Dance Company brings to
an audience a refreshing
sense of energy, humor.
ima. and lyricism. The
company is one of the
country's most innovative
and dynamic troupes.
Everything they do reflects
professional pride and
pol i sh.
The dancers are like
musical notes, moving in
independent melodies, but
blending with each other to
produce a harmony of mot-
ion. They are a rare comb-
ination of individual expert-
ise and fineness as an
Nancy Hauser herself
has been influential in the
development of modern
dance as a creative art form
of exceptional quality. Her
philosophy has always been
that dance should not only
reflect perfection through
training but just as import-
antly, should be an expres-
sion of imagination
She instills in each
member of her company
the importance of com-
manding the art from con-
ception to execution, and to
instill the essense of creat-
ivity in others
The compan s visit will
include workshops for
dance students and two
performances, a matinee at
1 p m. Oct. 24 and an
evening performance at 8
p.m. Oct 25. Both appear-
ances will be held in ECU'S
McGinms Auditorium.
Each member of her
company is a choreograph-
er as well as a skilled and
creative dancer, and their
repertoire includes their
own works as well as works
by such noted choreogra-
phers as Murray Louis,
Viola Farber and James
Nancy Hauser is
noted for her brilliant
choreography. Hauser del-
ves into all aspects of life to
reate stimulating, intrig-
'umg pieces. The energy
and sense of spatial excit-
ement is unparalleled by
any company.
The Nancy Hauser
Dance Company was ori-
ginally established in 1961
as the Dance Guild Theatre
in St Paul, Minn.
In addition to their
seasons at Macalester Col-
lege, where Nancy Hauser
was a faculty member, they
performed ? often for ex-
performs 'Recherche 1976 choreo-
graphed by Nancy Hauser "Her
philosophy has always been that dance
should not only reflect perfection through
training, but, just as importantly, should
be an expression of imagination "
penses ? in the colleges of
Wisconsin, Minnesota, and
the Walker Arts Center in
Brookings, S.D.
They also performed at
the Hanya Holm 25th anni-
versary celebration in 1965
in Colorado Springs, Col
and at the Guthrie Theatre
in Minneapolis with Don
Redlich as guest artist.
After several metamor-
phases, the company began
looking for a permanent
home. In collaboration with
other artists lacking ade-
quate space, the Guild of
Performing Arts was
founded in an old knitting
mill on the west bank of the
Mississippi River in Minn-
The name of the com-
pany was changed to the
Nancy Hauser Dance Com-
pany, and a dance school
was established.
At that time, the dan-
cers were rehersing twice a
week for no pay, and were
performing sporadically,
presenting their seasons in
the one hundred seat Guild
Theatre, and tours were
one night stands when ex-
penses could be met.
During the early years
the Company performed in
Minneapolis perhaps three
times a year. In 1974-75 the
company will give approx-
imately sixty performances
and tour a total of 15
weeks, performing concerts
and residencies and serving
asastists within the schools
of 25 communities
throughout the United
Tours this year include
the states of Illinois, Michi-
gan, Ohio, New Hampshire
and Missouri, as well as
performing in every region
of M innesota.
A company of nine
dancers is now employed
full time for a 40 week
season, with a professional
menagement and technical
staff of four. The steady
growth of the Company as
an artistic entity indicates
the vitality of the Company
and the support it has
earned in the community.
Nancy Hauser's philo-
sophy of dance, and the
thoroughness of the train-
ing of the dancers, is the
key to the success of the
Company. She sees three
elements in the training of
her charges; choreography
? making dances; tech-
nique ? making dancers;
and pedagogy ? making
THE NANCY HAUSER Dance Company performs
Dreams. " choreographed by Nancy Hauser "She instills
in each member of her company the importance of
commanding the art from conception to execution and
instill the essence of creativity m others
The company in-
cludes Murray
Louis, Viola Farber. and
James Cunningham. In ad-
dition, each dancer in the
company is a choreograph-
er .
The active expression of
creative concepts is the hub
of the Company's work.
Each member is encour-
aged to choreograph, and
when work s are deemed
The Company has long
since outgrown the one
hundred seat Guild Theatre
and seasons are presented
in larger houses throughout
the Twin Cities. It now
tours under the auspices of
the National Endowment
for the Arts Dance Touring
Program and the Artists in
the Schools Program.
The company has been
honored and assisted by
production, management,
and technical assistance
worthy, they are produced
and included in the re-
pertoire, as are the works of
guest choreographers.
The process toward this
end is one of constant
exploration through tech-
nique, improvisation and
teaching. Each dancer is
involved in discovering who
they are, knowing their own
identity and learning to
become autonomous indi-
viduals capable of making,
through this knowledge,
their own artistic decisions.
Former members of the
Company and students of
Nancy Hauser include
Loyce Houlton. Artistic Di-
rector of the Minnesota
Dance Theatre, and mem-
bers of the companies of
Murray Louis, Alwin Nik-
olais, Merce Cunningham,
Martha Grahm, Paul Tay-
lor, Meredith Mink and
Eric Hawkins.
grants from the National
Endowment and the Min-
nesota State Arts Council
and Foundations.
Members of the Com-
pany and Nancy Hauser
have received chore-
ography fellowships from
the Minnesota States Arts
Council and the National
Endowment for theaters to
mount dances on the Com-
pany and to develop solo
Gifts have been made to
bring in guest chore-
ographers by both Federal
and State Arts agencies.
The Nancy Hauser
Dance Company has been
instrumental in dance aud-
ience development in this
region and in the training of
dancers. They now form the
teaching nucleus of a pro-
fessional school training
some eight hundred stu-
dents per year, many of
these scholarship students.
They have participated
in the Minneapolis Public
Schools' Urban Arts Pro-
gram since its inception
four years ago, a program
that brings junior and sen-
ior high students into the
studio for daily technique
classes throughout the
school year
The Company has de-
signed a program, now in
its second year of fundmq
by the Bush Foundation, to
incorporate dance m the
curriculum of rural Min-
nesota schools, in twelve
Because of this grant.
the first Bush Foundation
grant made to dance, thou-
sands of students and their
teachers are directly in-
volved in movement and
dance classes. Community
classes, lecture-demon-
strations and full concerts
are presented under the
grant during each of three
years in communities that
could ordinarily never af-
ford the residency services
of a professional dance
At the end of the three
year period, teachers in
those communities will
have been trained to carry
on with the teaching of
dance and the use of move-
ment as an educational
tool, and the development
of the kinesthetic sense in
their students
The communities will
have the knowledge, ex-
pertise and local support to
sponsor residencies on
their own
It is a tremendous
dertaking that typifies I
spirit of the Nancy Hauser
Dance Company its
est in pubhc education a
the dedication of Na
Hauser and company
members to the deve
ment of the Arts, as ???
their own arts?
4 a refreshing
sense of energy,
humor, drama,
and lyricism
Besides tme dan.
graphv. T,e N I . H - .er
Dance Compa s
? - !ts exoe - '
fhe oomapny de i
ket: .
ages and degrees
pr of iciency
The Na
Dance Cc
form a n
eve- :
are $2 for fac
$3 for the public I 1 $2 1
groups of 20 we
Tickets ?or the ev
performance are S3
faculty and staff S4 ?
public, a 5 11
20 or more
Stude ' tickets
$1 50 for both matmee and
evening performance A
perfromances are
M cGinms Auditor
Nolte nabs top billing in Who'll Stop The Rain
Staff Writer
Stop anyone you might normally pass by on the street
and ask him what makes a good film and the chances are he
will answer sex and violence From what you see on
television and in films today, those are the obvious
ingredientsof popular entertainment.
But recently you might get a third catagory
Nick Nolte.
Who'll Stop The Rin, based on the novel Dog Soldiers,
by Robert Stone, hashe other two in abundance (if what
you want is sex and Nolte, check out The Deep when it
makes the roundsagain).
Nolte denies that Rain was ever intended to be a Nick
Nolte film but it is, from any way you care to look at it.
Tuesday Weld (who plays the part of Marge Converse) has
filed a $25 million damages suit against United Artists
because of the minor billing she has received in connection
with thefilm.
Michael Moriarty (who portrays John Converse, and
who leads us through the first crucial 15 minutes of Rain)
might have every bit as strong a case for unfair billing, but
apparently hasn't yet decided to sue.
They probably have good reason for being upset. Both
are accomplished in their field. Both are certainly better
known than Nolte.
Yet Nolte is given preferential billing. His name appears
on the cinema posters in bold, three-inch letters, while the
names of Moriarty and Weld are crowded, almost as an
afterthought, into the inconspicuous print at the bottom
alongside the "Music and Screenplay by The pressbcok
releases deal almost singularly with Nolte, as do most of the
critics' reviews.
Nick Nolte is somewhat of a phenomenon, that's why.
And, perhaps, a phenomenon whose time has come.
Nolte is a powerful actor, at once intense and believable,
with the penchant to generate a personal presence that
permeates and dominates the film from the moment of his
appearance to the closing credits (imagine Robert Redford
in Three Days of the Condor, but wielding an M-16 rather
than a .45 automatic, who is less civilized than Redford and
mad as hell at a society that sanctions a government agency
such as the CIA which hunts down and murders its own
Blue-eyed, square-jawed, blond hair plastered straight
back (again the Redford image, this time as Gatsby), Nolte
appears to embody the ideal of macho self-sufficiency, and
it's an image he carries effortlessly in his role as Ray Hicks.
Ray Hicks, ex-marine, reader of Nietzche, and marital
artist is approcu.led by his old service buddy John
Converse, now a photojournalist on assignment in Vietnam
where the story opens. After much protest, he agrees to
smuggle two kilos of uncut heroin into the states and deliver
them to Converse's wife (Tuesday Weld).
John is scheduled to return home in a few days but lacks
the nerve and imagination to carry it himself. Angry, Hicks
declares that the plan "sucks" and warns John,
"Self-preservation isan art I've cultivated The rest of the
film attests to the accuracy of his words.
With a raging paranoia held tightly in check, and many
a cautious glance over his shoulder. Hicks makes delivery to
Marge Converse, but soon finds he has been followed and
proceeds to display some of the self-preserving art he has
cultivated by subduing two blatantly psycho ex-cons sent to
intercept the dope for their high-placed Washington
Hicks, realizing that John and Marge are a "couple of
fuck-ups" and no match for the merciless Washington
baddies who would kill the three of them even if they did
surrender the heroin, gathers Marge and the two kilos of
smack and heads for his sucluded hideaway in the hills
outside Los Angeles. There he changes vehicles, digs up a
disassembled M-16 and a couple of grenades he had
stashed tor just such a time, and makes plans to "move'
the dope.
Meanwhile John has returned home from Vietnam early
and is immediately picked up and tortured for information
by the same psychotic hoods who has tangled less
successfully with Hicks.
He is met at his home later by Anton, a federal narcotics
offioer on the take (portrayed by Anthony Zerbe) who is also
working for the Washington interests. Anton decides to
offer Converse's life in exchange for the heroin.
After a bizarre and unsuccessful attempt to sell their
dangerous cargo, Ray Hicks and Marge (who has managed
to go from a pill-popping habit to a full-blown heroin
addiction in just three days) once again move, this time to
El Ojo Grande"The Big Eye"), a deserted Jesuit retreat in
the hills of New Mexico
A good case might be made for seeking refuge in the
anonymity of a big city's human traffic, but it is perhaps
typical of Hicks' self-reliant nature that he would seek out a
high, lonely place to make his stand.
Indeed, the hours on the mountain is the only time we
see Hicks as anything dose to being at peace.
Unfortunately, it is short-lived peace.
Availing himself of the go-
vernment agencies at his
disposal. Anton manages to
track the couple to
their sanctuary
and there
them with
a chojce:
to hand
over the
heroin or
watch John

, - -
Comic book conventions offer
fans a chance to buy rare issues
19 October 197S FOUNTAINHEAD Pay 7
Staff Writer
The first time I attended
a mini-con, I wasn't aware
of the proper approach. I
didn't know that first you
quickly survey the convent-
ion dealers' tables, search-
ing the five-for-$l boxes for
those old copies of Super-
man you missed way back
when. Then come the 25
cent boxes for the siightly
harder-to-find issues of
Sgt Fury and His Howling
Moving to the individ-
ually-pncxd plastic-bagged
issue boxes, you search for
the every-fleeting sugar
and Spikes But when you
notice that the comic bags
no longer have prices on
them, and that the dealer
reaches for his copy of the
1978 Comic Book Price
Guide, you must realize
that's the time to run for
the hills, unless you really
don't mind paying $20 for
the recent Howard the
Duck M, mint condition.
By now I've got the
convention memorized. I
also realize that cons aren't
just for the buying and
trading of comics.
Comic book fans can
relax at a comic con, where
at last they find themselves
among "normal" people,
those who are intrigued by
the important things in life:
whether Mary Jane will
accept Spider-Man's mar-
riage proposal; if the Bat-
man's death will wreck his
daughter, the Huntress
career; whether John Byrne
will surpass himself on this
month's X-Men art.
These people know
comics and the artists that
go with them, for better or
worse: Gerry Conway, Don
Heck, Neal Adams, Denny
O'Neil, Jim Shooter, Terry
Austin. That list alone is
enough to send a small
group of comics "fen" into
a howling, day-long argu-
ment. It's just the thing a
mini-con was made for.
Such an occasion is
Greenville Mini-Con 3, to
be held Sun Nov. 12, at
the Roxy Theatre. Its or-
ganizers, the members of
the ECU Comic Book Club,
agree that the con has been
improving each time it has
been held.
The dub will meet this
Wed Oct. 18 at 6:30 in
Mendenhall. The club con-
sists of only a few people
who gather to gossip, dis-
cuss, and glory in the
fantasies comics inspire.
Because of their inten-
sity they are closely knit,
yet ever searching for more
of their elusive kind who
rarely "come out of the
closet" for fear of ridicule
by people who consider
comics, perish the though,
"kids' stuff Most would
never let a child near their
carefully-stored treasures!
These people are exam-
ples of the famour comic
fan saying, "Fandom is a
Way of Life" (FIAWOL).
One Comic Club member
has his apartment planned
so that he can fit every
one of his over-10,000-book
collection into it - with a
corner left over that is just
big enough to sleep in.
Another member
publishes a fanzine (a
magazine published by and
for comics fans) that spec-
ializes in Wonder Woman
trivia. She regularly writes
and draws for other
"zines" published all over
the world.
The club members
aren't ashamed of their
enthusiasm. Instead, they
revel in the adventures of
their favorite heroes, in the
escapism that comics bring,
in their own fannish
Nolte shines in Who'll Stop Rain
Continued from p. 6
Buying time and hoping to win the lives of himself and
nis comrades. Hicks sends Marge down from the immediate
safety of their mountain stronghold with a five-pound bag of
sugar wrapped to resemble the two kilos of smack.
Meanwhile, Hicksgirdshimself for battle with an M-16,
grenades taped to his thighs, and fatigue vest, and then
exits, m the finest tradition of Errol Flynn, through a
window to work his own way down the mountain and meet
Anton in a final, electrifying confrontation.
The performances in Who Will Stop The Rain are
nothing less than dazzling. Each character shines,
complete and wholly believable, with an honesty and
naturalness of manner that forces a chuckle at several
points in the film.
This applies especially to Masur and Sharkey who bring
to vivid life the roles of the two ne'er do well thugs.
Anthony Zerbe (who is experienced at portraying the
fall-guy) displays the brilliance typical of his considerable
But the real performances are from Nolte and Moriarty.
To play the role of Ray Hicks, Nolte wore a surgical
brace to force his body into the harsh militaristic posture
affected by H icks. To get his voice down to H icks" perilous,
gravelly speech, Nolte had to learn to deliver dialogue
convincingly a fulloctave below his normal range.
Yet, even with these obstacles, Nolte manages to bring
it off in a high-powered, supercharged performance that
might have been too much for another actor to handle with
Moriarty, too, shows his professionalism with his
portrayal of John Converse. Converse is a nihilist deep in
the shadowed world of depression whose attempt to ellicit
responses from the world leads the cast to the film's
disturbing conclusion.
ft is a subtle role that speaks all the more loudly of his
acting skills for his ability to make the subdued and
internalised character of John Converse provide the
necessary antithesis for the powerful and domineering
persona of Ray Hicks.
For those moviegoers who look for sound plot, social
commentary, and lush cinematography in their enter-
tainment, Rain has plenty of each.
But the acting isthis film's real asset.
ECU Gospel Ensemble to give
concert Oct. 22 at Mendenhall
Staff Writer
Self-expression comes
natural to some folks. And
it seems their creative spirit
and enthusiasm is almost
Such is the case of the
ECU Gospel Ensemble
founded and directed by
Johnice Johnson.
Ms. Johnson, a Golds-
boro native, feels the Gos-
pel Ensemble gives its 25
members a chance to ex-
press a feeling of rea-
ssurance and hope through
"A lot of students miss
their involvement in their
home churches. The Gospel
Choir acts as a linkage
between that involvement
and the sometimes im-
personal atmosphere of
school she says.
Ms. Johnson feels this
gives the choir members a
sense of identity.
Ms. Johnson hopes that
by doing various styles of
gospel music, especially
contemporary music, the
ensemble will reach that
special group that wouldn't
ordinarily be reached.
Assistant director Law-
yer Crawford, echoes Ms.
Johnson when discussing
the group's goals: "We
strive to express our feel-
ings through music since
music is understood by
everyone he said.
The Gospel Ensemble,
founded Spring semester
1978, will give their first
Fall concert October 22 at
Mendenhall and October 29
they will sing at Cedar
Grove's morning service.
The Ensemble will ten-
tatively perform at N.C.
State, Hampton Institute,
Goldsboro and churches in
surrounding areas.
Musicians for the group
include Ronald Maxwell
and Rex Everett, piano and
organ; Harvery Stokes,
bass; Samuel Johnson,
drums; Willie Morris, sax;
and Johnice Johnson on
The Gospel Ensemble
plans to perform contem-
porary and traditional
works by James Cleveland,
N.Y. Community Choir,
Kings Temple Choir. Gos-
pel Workshop, Andrae
Crouch. Mattie Massclark
and M ichigan State Choir.
The Gospel Ensemble
doesn't just perform gos-
pel, but they represent the
free and lively spirit of
gospel. Ms. Johnson says
this feeling comes from the
love that bonds the group.
Maybe that's why
member Florence Goode
says, "It (Gospel Ensem-
ble) means being able to
publicly express my feel-
ings of happiness, faith and
gratitude to the Lord for
having blessed me with all
the things that I need, want
and love she said.
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Page 8 FOUNTAINHEAD 19 Octobar 1978
ECU music majors in the Swing Kings
treat nightclubs to the 'big band sound'
Staff Reporter
The big band sound of
Glen Miller and Tommy
Oorsey has hit the Green-
ville area in the form of the
Swing Kings.
The Swing Kings is a
semi-pro band composed of
ECU Music Majors. The
13-piece band includes
three trumpets, three
?mbones, a quartet of
.ives and a three-piece
rhythm combo
M ike Ragan, a senior in
Music Education, is the
Swing Kings leader and
pianist. Before he came to
ECU, Ragan played in the
Kings of Swing, a Norfolk-
based group.
In September, 1977,
Ragan formed the Swing
ever since then its reputat-
ion has kept it busy gigging
throughout the area.
Most Swing Kings gigs
are in country clubs in
nearby towns such as Gold-
Kings, Greenville based
but independent of the
university The band kicked
off its career with an ECU
Halloween concert, and
sboro and
Kings are
club in
Tarboro. The
also favorite
at a country
where they have three
engagements already sche-
duled for this year
A favorite Swing Kings
story dates back to the first
Robersonville 9Q An old-
er man and his wife were so
excited about dancing toge-
ther again to the old swing
music that they bought
wine for all the band
members and kept them
supplied throuhout the
That enthusiasm is typ-
ical of the reactions Swing
Kings usually draw when
they play. "People tell their
friends nothing but good
stuff about us according
to Swing Kings trumpeter
Dave Hill.
That is also one of the
reasons why, despite the
band's low publicity pro-
file, it is heavily booked for
the next several months.
"We've discussed
going on the road, going
completely professional
said Hill. 'People really
like us, and there's a real
demand for the old nostal-
gic music these days
Despite the revived
popularity of swing music.
Hill reports that there are
not many groups like Swing
Kmgsaround. Maybe three
or four on the east coast
Most clubs cannot affort
to pay for a large band.
Considering that draw-
back, the Swing K mgs have
done quite well financially.
having earned enough
money to pay for a band
PA system, stand lights
and music books holding
about 120 charts each
Band members are also
paid individually
At country club gigs,
the Swing Kings play as a
formal dance band, comp-
lete with tuxes and Ragan
serving as emcee
Up to half of the music
is by Glen Miller, but the
bandalso plays the music
Tommy Dorsey, Duke El-
lington, Count Basie and
Benny Goodman
"Much of the music is
difficult to find, or even out
of print Ragan said. "We
were lucky to be able to get
ahold of it
The Swing Kincjs are
not limited to playing clubs.
A recent gig at the harvest
days festival m Freemont
was well received, and after
playing for the Kappa Sig
Homecoming Dance last
year, the Swing K mgs have
been booked for this year as
The band has made a
demo tape and is planning
to make a studio tape, with
hopes of promoting their
unique style and sound
Their next ECU appear-
ance will be sometime in
November, when the Swing
Kings will treat ECU stud-
ents to a free concert Until
then, the Swing Kings will
keep busy resorting to
eastern North Carolina
SIX ECU SCHOOL of Music performers
will present a concert of chamber music
Wednesday. Oct 25. at 8 15 pm in A J
Fletcher Music Center Recital Hall The
program will include Mozart s Sinfoma
Concertante in E-Flat. K 297b and
Hindemith s Quartet for Wind Instru-
ments Lett to right are George Knight
clarinet. Fred McLean bassocr
Nagode piano vicotna lannotta
David Hawkins oboe, and James Pa
French horn The concert is
to the public
Faculty and students attend
Sigma Alpha Iota State Day
ECU News Bureau
Seven faculty and student musicians
from ECU appeared on the program at
the recent annual Sigma Alpha lota State
Day Program in Chapel Hill
They were Drs Ruth Boxberger and
Rosalie Haritun of the ECU School of
Music faculty, alumni SAI members, and
the following student members of ECU s
Beta Psi chapter:
Anita Bowman of Washington. DC
Elizabeth Braxton of Winterville. Susan
Beck of Wilmington. Lisa Sass of
Knoxville. Tenn anc Andrea Smith of
Hartford Conn
Dr Boxberger spoke
opportunities in the field
therapy, and Dr H
graduate procars a-
ized training
The ECU i Alpha
received the 1977-78 State
Award Ms B wn ir an orga
Ms Braxton a pianist a
special SAI Musicaie. and ECl
Beck. Sass ar ; Sm th too
forma seremof .
Aisc represented al the eveni
campus chapters '? arr .
University and Meredith Cc ege
for the gathering .as the
chapter of UNC-O ? -
W 9

Night is
We thought it was time kids had their
special night. And that's why we've made
Thursday night Kids' Night.
We'll give each child 112 or under) a free
burger and fries for every meal an adult
Jack the Clown will be there to entertain.
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Thursday Night. Kids' Night at Jack's.
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19 October 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 9
Consistent Summer motivates Pirates
Tommy Summer
R LINEBACKER from Cherryville. N C hunts
in the Pirates earlier contest against
ouisiana. Summer is the team's third
with 55 hits this season including 35 solo
r John H Grogan
Assistant Sports Editor
This man has no fancy nicknames. He can tell no
glorious stories of how he has transformed himself from a
walk-on into a star. In fact, he has been overshadowed by
others at his position throughout his career Yet ECU star
linebacker Tommy Summer has always been consistent
because he always gives 100.
"Tommy has been a good player since he's been here
says ECU head coach Pat Dye. "He is everthing you could
want in a football player He's a hard worker, a good
student, and more than anything else, a leader. And he
always gives us 100 on and off the field
Summer, a 6'1 215 pound senior from Cherryville.
N.C began his career as a Pirate on a sour note. He missed
his entire first year due to a bout with hepatitis. Yet.
through hard work. Summer overcame the illness and has
become one in a line of many excellent Pirate linebackers.
A high school Ail-American his senior year, Summer
was recruited by all of the ACC and Southern Conference
schools. Yet upon seeing ECU. he knew where he would
fulfill his life-long dream of being a college football player.
"When I visited East Carolina, all the people here were
very nice to me. I knew then that this was my kind of
Always bubbling with motivation. Summer credits his
family and his high school coach with giving him the
type of backing that has led to his enthusiastic approach to
football. It all goes back to my family said Summer.
"My parents have always done all they could for me. So
now I'm trying to do something for them
A pep talk from his coach during his sophomore year
back in high school has helped motivate the Pirate
linebacker. " My coach was very dedicated. He told me some
real nice compliments once that I'll never forget. It made
me feel good that someone who knew that much about
football would praise me. It gave me the confidence that I
needed, and I haven't ever lost it
After seven games this season, Summer was the Pirates
thnd leading tackier, with 30 unassisted tackles and 25
assists. He has also intercepted a pass, had two sacks,
caused two fumbles, and has generally given opposing
backs alot to worry about.
A Dallas Cowboys scout at the Pirates' game with
Southern Miss.ast Saturday praised the Cherryville native.
That number 64 is really hustling out there. He's quite a
football player. By the way, what's his name?"
This particular scout wasn't aware of Summer's name
because he came to watch, in particular, only two Pirates.
defensive end Zack Valentine and Summer's cohort at
linebacker, Mike Brewington.
Such has been the case throughout Summer's career at
ECU For three years, he played under the shadow of Pirate
Ail-American linebacker Harold Randolph. "It was quite an
experience playing under a guy like Harold said Summer.
Playing under someone that good made me work harder,
yet. at times, it was depressing knowing I couldn't play all
the time "
Bu when Summer has played, he has played well. The
first time he was called upon to start came in his sophomore
year against UNC-Chapel Hill Summer says that this game
provided him with his most rewarding moment in his ECU
career "We were leading 10-9, said Summer Carolina
had a first and goal on the three yard line and we held them
I was in on all three tackles. Even though we lost the game
that series meant a lot to me
Summer says it means alot to him each time he makes a
tackle, or sacks a quarterback. "When I make a big piay.
noted Summer, "it'sthe greatest feeling m the world I can
compare it only tomakmg 100 on a test When I make a big
play. I feel like I have done the very best that I can
Summer, forever shunning praise, credits his tea"
mates with much of his success "You have to give credit to
our defensive line said Summer If they didn't do thei'
job, it would be impossible for a linebacker to do his The
secondary helps out alot too
Summer says that he feels he must give one hunc
per cent on each and every play. "I know that I have a job t
do explained Summer. "I am responsible for 1 11 of our
defense I feel that if I don't do my job. then everyone v
be hurt by it. The machine must work as a whoie
And according to Dye, Summer does his part to
the ECU machine go. "Tommy does more for us thai
anyone knows. He doesn't make any mistakes that will
you. He's just so consistent and intelligent
What Tommy lacks in ability, he makes up with desire
and hustle. You can always count on him to do his job
short. Tommy Summer is a rea winner
Simply Sports
Sam Rogers
Tait to get the axe ?
DESPREAD SPECULATION around the Richmond
partment has it Spider head coach Jim Tait will
be released at the end of the season. Tait has
a 19-31 record during his first four years at
rd Even though the Spiders captured the Southern
e Championship in 1975. which was their last
"ference. Richmond has never finished better
500 under Tait The Spiders were 5-5 in 75. 5-6 in'76
ed to 3-8 last year Last week's 23-6 loss to VMI
asf- he Soiders of their third straight losing season.
? overall but particularly frustrating for the
- must be their five losses which have come by a
tou ' ess
?OUT THIS TIME every season is when school
and alumni begin circulating rumors about
ng changes One of the first reports concerning a
coaching shakeup has come from West Virginia
?. nere head coach Frank Cignetti appears under
The Mountaineers have now lost five straight
-ar and Cignetti's first two teams finished with
? ecords. West Virginia president Gene Budig
er tn.sweek he is disappointed" and "confused"
ab rrent state of the football program Athletic
irector Leiand Byrd also admitted he is concerned about
:he M -eers football team. "I am hearing the same
?erybody else is hearing The team hasn't been
It is most discouraging. Byrd is apparently
esitant to axe any member of his athletic staff. He
ketball coach Joedy Gardner earlier in the year for
: described as a negative" attitude
SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI was East Carolina's last
Darner to what may have been a 9-2 season for the Pirates
and a possible bowl bid But after the close 17-16 loss, it
appears the Bucs will once again be sitting at home during
? a season Although the Pirates will probably win
j final four games and finish with an 8-3 record, the lack
- name' schools on the current schedule will hurt ECU'S
sibilities. We're five pomtsaway from being a6-i
tean Pat Dye said at his press conference Wednesday.
Bu' Ahen you set your goals high, there's no way you can
help but be disappointed with the tough losses we've had
this year
GERALD HALL is certainly one of the top free safety's
the country this year, but this week's opponent
Richmond has another free safety standout in Jeff Nixon,
a 6-4, 195 pound senior has pro scouts drooling. He
made third team All-America in 1976 and was honorable
me ast season Nixon has 19 career interceptions at
Ri n- ond and returned one this season for a touchdown.
BASKETBALL PRACTICE began Sunday for East
Carolina and the season opener against UNC-Asheville is
just a httle more than a month away. After a disappointing
9-17 record during his first year, head coach Larry Gillman
is making absolutely no predictions about this year's team.
A e had a lot of adverse publicity last year, but our team
seemed to have its best stretch of the season during all the
controversey near the end of the year " And Oliver Mack?
Last year nobody knew about Oliver I had to go out and
tell them about him But at least I was right about one
thing. '
MACK RETURNS this season as the NCAA's second
leading scorer behind Indiana State's Larry Bird The 6-3
guard from Queens finished last season with a 28.0 average
and set a school scoring record with 47 points against USC-
Aiken But Mack says this year he's more concerned with
winning and concentrating on his defensive play. "All the
pressure was on me last year said Mack. "Sure, I scored
a lot of points but we didn't win. There are a lot of things I
need to work on to become a more complete player
INCIDENTALLY, MACK and Larry ?ird will square off
against each other in the first round of the Hatter Classic
Dec. 8 in' Deland, Fla. The Pirates will be matched up
against Indiana State in the first round while Cleveland
State and Stetson wwll also be participate in the two day
tournament. "I haven't really thought about that matchup
much said Mack recently. "I think my role is going to be
a little different this year, so I really don't think it will be a
matter of seeing how many points I can score against
ECU field hockey team
loses twoJJNC upcoming
Slap shot
against an expert enced North Carolina
ECU'S SUE JONES slaps a shot pasta
defender in a recent field hockey game
The Pirates dropped two matches last
weekend but hope to rebound this week
Team attitude concerns Dye
Staff Writer
The ECU girls field
hockey team finishes its
home scheduled ths past
weekend with two disap-
pointng losses. On Friday.
the Pirates played Virginia
Tech and were handed a
5-0 defeat.
Coach Laurie Arrants
says "our problem is still
mental. We must get more
concentration from the girls
if they want to win. We
played well Friday We had
seven shots miss the goal
about an inch or less Our
defense broke down for
about fifteen minutes and
tech scored three times
Saturday the Pirates
faced Davidson and lost a
close 3-1 decision. We
played better Friday
against Virginia Tech, even
though the score was more
lopsided said Arrants.
We let up for short periods
of time and that's when
we were scored upon
Arrants praised Sue
Jones for her offensive play
during the weekend series
She also heralded goalie
Sumner and fullback
Debbie Harrison for their
defensive efforts Arrants
commented that they
'have played some good
hockey for us all season. Its
just a matter of putting it all
together and winning
"We are changing our
defensive and defensive
alignment. said Arrants
We were using a 4-3-3
set-up; now we will go with
a 5-3-2 This will hopefully
give us added offensive
punch and strengthen our
The Pirates travel to
Chapel Hill on Firday to
face the Tar Heels of UNC
"UNC has good overall
speed A"a's sa
"They do a lot f recruM
and get ma- .
talented players ava at ?
They are the nu
Xearr n me state
Saturday ECL
High Poinl - ,K n
and the Nort Car
Club Team
noon. We should be evei
matched aga
Pomt. explains Ai
They are hav . I
with tneir ce'ese and a
with scoring o'enS .6 ?
We are a
players and they : ? -
a tough ga"e
at ion ? the tM
ments Ae . :e n
ECU will com: et
Boone. N C Oct 27-29
also in the Deej S
Tourname '?
Greev e S C
ECU faces Richmond in Oyster Bowl
Sports Editor
EQU head coach Pat Dye had little for his
Pirates Wednesday at his weekly press conference and
admit? ? is very 'concerned" about the 'Bucs'
uocomm. contest this week against Richmond in'the
I annual Oyster Bowl Classic.
1 esday practice was the worst I've ever seen, Dye
said. "We were like a bunch of whipped dogs out there
running around with our tails between their legs. We
showed no enthusiasm and there wasn't much of anything
that looked like a football team on the field
Last week's narrow 17-16 loss to Southern Mississippi
stopped a three game winning streak and all but ended the
Pirates bowl hopes. After ECU fell behind 14-0, the Pirates
came back to take a 16-14 halftime lead over the Golden
Eagles. But a third quarter field goal was all Southern M iss
needed to upend the favored Pirates.
"There were a lot of if's and but's in that game
explained Dye. " M ost games that are close are always that
way. It was undoubtedly one of the most physical games
we've played in all season.
"We made a great comeback in the second quarter and
really had the momentum going into the dressing room
continued Dye. But we failed to sustain that momentum in
the second half. It was a very disappointing loss for us
Dye said earlier the Southern Miss game was probbly
the Pirates' final barrier to a 9-2 season and a possible bowl
bid But now it will take four "perfect" games by ECU to
even be considered by bowl scouts, according to Dye.
" I f we can play four perfect games the rest of the season
we might just have a chance Dye said. "If we play that
well we deserve that chance, but if we don't then we won't
get that opportunity
While the Bucs defense limited Southern M ississippi to
just one field goal in the entire second half, the offense
lacked consistency and failed to mount any scoring threats
in the final two quarters.
"It's the same old story Dye said. "There's nothing
consistent about our offense. I'm at a loss of what to do
now. The only thing I know we can do is to keep working
harder All of our problems aren't going to be solved with
personnel changes
Richmond, who like the Pirates dropped out of the
Southern Conference to seek greener pastures, has won
only one game this season and are now 1-6 overall. Jim
Tait's Spiders defeated Cincinnati 51-28 for their only
victory. However, Richmond has lost five games this season
by a touchdown or less.
"I'm probably a lot higher on them than any of our fans
are noted Dye. "I know they're experiencing a
frustrating and disappointing season, but they've bee-
every game they've played except for last week's loss I
Richmond'sdefense is as good as anybody's we ve see-
this year, and they have a great safety m Jeff Nixon
They're technique and defensive schemes are excellent anc
they will certainly present us with some problems
NOTES There will be several changes m the defei
lineup for the Pirates this week against Richmond Nate
Wigfall will start in front of Vance Tingier we s njured
while Noah Clark will replace D.T. Joyner at tacke De-
fensive end John Morris is out for the remainder of the ear
with a knee injury Dye said quarterback Aaror Stewart
has been very impressive in practice this week Stewa" a
freshman walkon, played at Western Guilford last yea'
led his team to the state championship Richmond leads
the overall series between the two schools 11-8 The
Spiders last victory came in 1975 when Richmond deteatec
ECU 17-14 in Ficklen Stadium. Richmond Aii-Amenca
candidate Jeff Nixon has intercepted three passes this
season and returned one for a touchdown Spider aiumn
are howling for Jim Tait s job at Richmond and officials say
his contract will not be renewed at the end of the year
Wilmington defeats Pirates 3-1
Soaring past a Seahawk
AN ECU SOCCER player dribbles the ball past a
UNC-Wilmington defender in Tuesday afternoon's contest
against the Seahawks. Photo by John H Grogan)
Staff Writer
The Seahawks of UNC-
Wilmington rode two early
goals to a 3-1 soccer
victory, Tuesday, over the
East Carolina Pirates on
Minges Soccer Field.
The chilly, windswept
day set the stage early for
the Pirates as they began
cold on defense. The Sea-
hawks, however, were ex-
tremely hot as they connec-
ted on their first goal with
only 1 48 gone in the first
half. Eddie Brock was the
unassisted, Seahawk offen-
der. Less than one minute
later, Brock's teammate,
Gil Castilla, booted the
Seahawks into a surprising
2-0 lead with less than
three minutes expires In
the first half, and the half
ended 2-0 in favor of
After a ten minute
intermission, the second
half of the game began.
The Pirates generated sev-
eral offensive drives, and
they executed well on def-
ense in the opening minu-
tes, yet the Seahawks pro-
duced another goal with
5:51 gone in the second half
on Gil Castilla's second
unassisted goal of the day.
Jeff Karpovich scored
the Pirates first and only
goal of the day on an assist
by teammate. Brad
W inched with ten minutes
to play in the match.
Karpovich'sgoal spark-
ed a rally by the Pirates,
nevertheless, several "con-
troversial" calls by the
referees coupled with ex-
cellent defensive manuve-
rments by the Seahawks
supressed the unpnsiag and
the Seahawks went on to
win the game 3-1.
Although Brad Smith,
ECU head coach, was dis-
appointed with his team's
overall performance, tie
was even more displeased
with the "external forces
The loss dropped the
Pirates to 3-7-1. while the
Seahawks aovanced their
record to 9-3 on the season
The Pirate squad res-
umes soccer action next
Mon Oct 23. at M.C.
State. Garnetime is sche-
duled for 3:30 p m

Page 10 FOUNTAINHEAD 19 October 1978
FOUNTAINHEAD's Fearless Forecast
ECU 27-7
South Carolina
Texas A&M
ECU 20-8
N.C. State
Virginia Tech
South Carolina
Texas A&M
ECU 34-7
N.C. State
Virginia Tech
Texas A&M
ECU 18-6
South Carolina
Texas A&M
"Voice of the Pirates'
ECU 24-10
N.C. State
Virginia Tech
South Carolina
Texas A&M
Eagles, Giants in playoffs ?
Assistant Sports Editor
Who would be in the
National Football League
playoffs if the season ended
today7 This is a question
that NFL Commisioner Pete
Rozelle must answer every
week of the regular season.
Maybe it's not a bad
If the season did end
today, the AFC represen-
tatives would be Miami,
New England, Pittsburgh,
Oakland, and Denver.
There would be five teams
due to a new rule giving
each conference two wild
card teams instead of one.
The AFC fivesome should
surprise no one, as these
teams were considered the
top teams in their con-
ference before the season
began anyway.
But. in the NFC, there
lies a completely different
story. The playoff teams
there would be Dallas,
Washington, Los Angeles,
Green Bay. and either
?Philadelphia ot the New
York Giants Both the Gi-
ants and the Eagles have
4-4 records.
No one. even in their
wildest dreams would have
??seen before the season.
:Kat Green Bay would be
5-1 now. or that the Eagles
and Giants would be in the
race at this time. More
likely was the possibility
that the Minnesota Vikings
and Chicago Bears would
be in good position at this
point. But such is not the
case Both are saddled with
3-4 records.
But. fans, have no fear.
The playoffs do NOT start
today In fact, they are ten
weeks away. So much for
the nonsense, here's a look
at this week s games:
The Bears have lost four
in a row. Head Coach Neill
Armstrong feels that his
club is much better than
that, and that they must
win this one. Walter Payton
and company make their
coach happy this week.
The Eagles upset the
Redskins last week. The
World Champion Cowboys
wont let them make it two
in a row.
The Browns have a very
respectable squad. Their
only real loss came last
week at the hands of the
unbeaten Pittsburgh Steel-
ers. Sam Rutigliano' club
has lost tow games that
they could have just as
easily won. This game
should be "easily won
The Broncos are in for a
tough one this week. Their
top quarterback, Norris
Weese. was injured in last
week's victory over Chi-
cago. The Baltimore de-
fensive line could make it
difficult for aging Bronco
quarterback Craig Morton
to operate. Yet the Colt
offense may again be with-
out the services of Bert
Jones. Denver gets the
This game represents
the season for the Vikings.
A loss would drop them
four games behind the
surprising young Packers.
The hunch is that Bud
Grant's club will pull out a
close one.
The Saints go marhcing
into the Los Angeles Col-
iseum this week. And they
soulg march out just like
they marched in, with only
two vicotries.
Houston is good, but so
far this year the Steelers
look like the best in the
The Redskins must
bounce back from their loss
to Philadelphia against a
much improved Giant club.
Yet Jack Pardee's club
should be up to it.
The Chargers are a very
talented team, but have
struggled in '78. The Lions
lack talent and are strug-
gling. The Chargers go to
The Raiders finally got
things in order last week.
Meanwhile, the young Sea-
hawks were routed by
Green Pay. Seattle takes it
on the cheek again.
The Falcons and 49ers
are both disappointments
this year. Neither team has
displayed much offense.
Look for the Falcons to pull
out a win in a game fea-
turing mediocre clubs.
The Bengals should get
their first win of the season
here. Ex-UNC athletic dir-
ector and new Bengal coach
Homer Rice sure hopes so.
Otherwise, he may be
looking for work in Chapel
Hill soon.
The CArds may have
found themselves in the
last half of last week's ?
game with Dallas. Even
though they lost, Bud Wil-
kinson's club played well.
But the Jets are a very good
young team. Quarterback
Matt Robinson has filled in
very well for injured Rich-
ard Todd. Sorry Bud, the
Cards go to 0-8.
With Bob Griese back,
the Dolphins may be the
best team in the AFC. This
game will have a lot to say
about that.
That incomparable Jackson swing
NEW YORK YANKEE star outfielder-
designated hitter Reggie Jackson dis-
plays the swing that helped carry his
team to possibly the most remarkable
comeback in the history of baseball The
Yanks overcame a 14 game Boston Red
Sox lead to make the A.L. playoffs
Eventually the Yanks won their second
consecutive world championship, defeat'
mg the Los A ngeles Dodgers in the Worli
is guest
Assistant Advertising
This week's guest
picker in FOUNTAIN.
HEAD'S Fearless Forecast
Jim Woods, is hardly an
unfamiliar figure to East
Carolina sports fans. He is
in his fifth year as the
play-by-play announcer for
the Pirate Sports Network
and has been dubbed the
voice of the Pirates by the
local media. Jim is cur-
rently is his 28th year -
broadcasting and serves as
Sports Director at WNCT
TV, Greenville He is ?
host of "The Pat Dye
As the season prog-ess-
es, picking the winners
becomes an exoeec
difficult task Impo'
conference games usua .
occur near the end c
season, and lonQ-Standing
rivalries often supc m
won-lost records in de'e
mining the outcome
many games
Texas-Arkansas, Neb
aska-Oklahoma, Midi ()a
Ohio State. USC-UC ?
and Alabama-Auburn afe
prime examples of s
This week's UNC
State game is anothe-
example of a rival'y that
contains emotions whic
far de?pei :ndhold more
significance than a
won-lost record State as a
better record than UNC
and has played bette-
football than the Tar Hee $
this year, but this goes ol
the window when these
teams clash Last year the
Tar Heels routed a favored
Wolfpack team, and tn 76
the Wolfpack soundiy
defeated a favored UNC
In a Southwest Con-
ference matchup, third
ranked Arkansas travels to
the Cotton Bowl to face
eighth ranked Texas
Yanks end storybook season with Series win
Assistant Sports Editor
The 1978 version of the
New York Yankees can be
described with only one
word: remarkable. The '78
Yanks have done the
impossible so many times
this year that their statisti-
cians have lost count.
All these Yankees have
done is the impossible. The
Yanks did things that have
never been done before.
First, they made up a 14
game deficit in two months.
In the middle of July, the
Yanks were just that many
games behind the seem-
ingly unbeatable Boston
Red Sox. But, with the help
of new manager Bob
Lemon and a timely come-
back performance by star
pitcher Catfish Hunter, the
Yanks caught and passed
the Sox by the end of
September. The Yanks lead
went to as much as 3 12
games. A strong finish by
Boston forced a season
ending playoff game to
decide the American
League East Division
Here again, the Yanks
came through in the clutch,
winning a 5-4 thriller
Thursday Family Night
trout $1.95
Dinner m?al Includes Golden Crisp
French Fires, Cole Slaw, Tartar Sauce and
the world's host hushpapples.
1HG0 8nn'thrn Thurs- 4:3000
Seafood ? ???? "???
Friday's Seafood
V 2311S. Evans St.
behind Ron Guidry's pitch-
ing and Bucky Dent's
So, even before the
playoffs began, the Yank-
ees had made history. They
were the first team to ever
come from 14 games back
to win their division. They
played in, and won, the
first one game playoff in
more than 30 years of
The Yanks then dis-
posed of the Kansas City
Royals in four games in the
A.L. Championships, mark-
ing the third straight year
that New York has dumped
Whitey Herzog and com-
pany in the playoffs.
Then it was on to the
World Series and a rematcn
of fast year's confrontation
with the Los Angeles
Dodgers Here, the Yank-
ees did the impossible
With the death of
former Dodger coach Jim
Gilliam fresh on their
minds. L.A. seemed deter-
mined to win this series for
"old number 19 They
appeared ready to do so
also, taking the first two
games of the series in
Dodger Stadium.
But Graig Nettles and
the Yankees would have
something to say about
that. Nettles gave Guidry
some great infield support
in Game 3 as the Yankees
trimmed the Dodgers lead
in games to 2-1.
Nettles' fielding in
Game 3. and the entire
series, was reminiscent of
the type of fielding series
that Baltimore's Brooks
Robinson had in 1970.
A controversial play,
involving none other than
the incomparable Reggie
Jackson, aided the Yankees
in their victory in Game 4.
Game 5 set the stage for
what was to come in the
following matchup. The
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Yankees did the impossible
again in Game 5, as they
set a Series record of 16
singles in one game, in
route to a big 12-2 win.
Game 6 was supposed
to be the game in which the
Dodgers paid the Yankees
back for the humiliation
their Dodger Blue experi-
enced in Game 5. But this
was not to be. Catfish
Hunter pitched marvelous-
ly. Reggie Jackson got his
usual last game home run,
and Brian Doyle and Bucky
Dent go three hits a piece
as the Yanks won the game
and the series.
Therefore, the Yanks
did the impossible again.
They became the first team
in the 75 year history of the
World Series to lose the
first two games of the
October affair, and then
win the next four consecu-
Perhaps Reggie Jacksor
put it best. 'All year long
we've been underdogs We
go way behind and no one
thought we could catch
Boston. We came here and
were underdogs Then we
got behind two games, and
were real underdogs. Well,
we were the defending
champs and it hurt our
pride to be called under-
dogs So we showed ther
all what we could do We
are truly champions
As always, nobody can
say it better than Reggie
The Yanks did indeed put
on a clinic of how true
champions should act. For
these Yankees did not know
what the word "quit
meant. The 78 New York
Yankees were truly remar-
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Fountainhead, October 19, 1978
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
October 19, 1978
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