Fountainhead, September 21, 1978

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Vol. 55 No.
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
'Ta 21
September 1978
Media Board discusses
BUC, WECU, secretary
SGA ELECTIONS ARE this coming Tuesday. This co-ed
casts her vote at one of the many pricincts scattered around
campus. The elections play a large part in determining what
happpens to your activity fee money ? so be sure to vote.
Assistant News Editor
The media board met in
a general session yesterday
afternoon. Topics on the
agenda included discussion
of the selection of a new
secretary for the board, the
discussion of the current
BUCCANEER situation,
and an evaluation of the
FCC application by W ECU.
A new secretary is to be
chosen for the Media
Board. So far, there are
three candidates for the
position. The position will
be filled after interviews
are held with the three
Joyner Library purchases
computer research terminal
Staff Writer
The J.Y. Joyner Library
has purchased a computer
termmai that connects to a
centra! base providing an
on-line searching service
from approximately 75 dif-
ferent data bases.
For a small service fee.
a person can save hours of
research time by using this
system, according to Dr.
Wilson Luquire. associate
director of Library Services.
The terminal was pur-
chased with funds design-
ated by Dr. John Howell,
vice chancellor of academic
affairs and the library's
funds to assist in university
wide research develop-
ment said Luquire.
The library needed the
machine and Dr. Howell
was very interested in
research said Luquire.
With the machine, there
will be more interest gen-
erated for research pur-
poses he said.
"We see this as a great
advancement for ECU and
Eastern No-th Carolina
whether it's business or
personal, faculty or outside
users This is a regional
service. j
All library reference de-
partment faculty have been
?-amed to assist the patrons
in searching. They all spec-
ialized in some area of
searching, according to
Ralph Scott, coordinator for
the system.
The summer was a trial
operational period.
The training started in
February, and modificat-
ions and planning continu-
ed, said Scott.
The most important
areas to search are science
and education, he said. All
of the major subjects are
started, but some are more
advanced than others, said
Humanities was started
two years ago, and modern
language started July of
this year.
A person can come in
and arrange an interview
with the computer research
analyst describing his topic
and the research assistance
may help him select a more
specific subject, if needed.
This method decreases
the searching time, for one
could reach for a broader
topic and find nothing, or
spend a lot of money
getting what he didn't
need, according to Scott.
To run a search, the
research assistant picks up
the telephone that is hook-
ed to a terminal and calls
Durham, enters a user
code, and waits a few
It works under a time
sharing system - other
users share the service too.
But. shortly, he gets the
signal and he enters the
password and the informat-
ion he wants to search.
Within five to ten min-
utes, he receives a list of
topics, author, title, and
volume biographical in-
The average cost of a
search is about $6 but is
considerably lower than
this depending on how
long search is needed to be
done. Fifty percent of the
cost is for telephone ser-
vice, according to Luquire.
When asked how a
student might react to
paying for this service since
most library services are
practically free, Luquire
pointed out that the re-
search assistant knows
what system will best fit the
Eric is the least expen-
sive system and is funded
by the government, said
He said a research
assistant would not search
in a more expensive system
of he could provide the
student with the needed
information from the Eric
date base.
But there are other
times, when a more expen-
sive system would serve the
purpose better and cost
The assistant would
know the best choice for the
patron, he said. "The Lib-
rary is unable to pay for the
entire service said
"After long hard debate
of whether we could have
the systen, we are now
committed to those stud-
ents and faculty who want
it. "And we are now
committed to investigate
ways in which the library
can pick up more and more
of the charges our users are
paying said Luquire.
But users have a choice
as to whether they want to
spend 25 hours in the
stacks and reference room
ot pay for faster service and
save time, he said.
"We did not want to
penalize the faculty and
students that want to ser-
vice for those who didn't
want it
Lyquire said that the
searching system is ana-
logous to the xerox mach-
ines. Some people will pay
to copy the material and
others will read in the
reference room.
"In graduate school,
you usually want to do a
thesis on a topic that has
not been done before
said Scott.
In a few minutes, one
can find everything written
on the subject or if anything
is written on that subject,
he said.
Faculty Senate begins
fourteenth year
LIKE MANY PEOPLE, this student enjoys en afternoon
ilng on the melt. I Photo by Chap Guriey
Staff Writer
The ECU Faculty Sen-
ate began its 14th year,
Tuesday, with a meeting in
The meeting was called
to order at 2:10 p.m. with
Chairman, Henry Ferrell
Former chairpersons,
present at the meeting,
were introduced and recog-
nized for their achieve-
Members were inform-
ed of the plans made for the
installation of the new
Serving on the Installa-
tion Committee, with of-
ficers of the Faculty Senate,
SGA are regresentatives of
the Alumni Association,
Board of Trustees, Student
Union, ana New Bureau.
The Installation Cere-
mony will be held on
October 28, at 10: a.m.
on the north lawn (in front
of Fleming Dorm).
The Faculty Senate bud-
get for the 1978-1979 year
is $1430.
The money is funded
through the office of the
Vice Chancellor for Acad-
emic Affairs.
A letter from Chancellor
Emeritus Leo Jenkins was
read into the minutes. In
the letter, Dr. Jenkins
thanked the Faculty Senate
for the gifts he was given
before his retirement.
Professor Tom Johnson
reported on the Faculty
, Assembly. A study on
faculty workloads and ten-
ure should be ready during
this school year, according
to Johnson.
Several faculty memb-
ers were selected for posit-
ions on the Due Process
Committee, Hearing Com-
mittee, and the Reconsid-
eration Committee. All
these terms of membership
will expire in 1980 or 1981.
Reports on five commit-
tees were the next items on
the agenda.
Professor Rodney
Schmidt, a member of the
Committee on Committees,
presented to the group
several possible changes
for consideration at the
next meeting.
The Instructional Sur-
vey Committee Report was
given by Professor Marie
The major concern of
the ECU Faculty, according
to a survey made on faculty
needs, is the lack of audio-
visual materials available to
the faculty and students.
After a long discussion,
a survey on outstanding
instructors was recieved by
the Senate.
Porfessor Don Sexauer
(Faculty Governance Com-
mittee), Professor William
HoJIey, (Teacher Education
Committee), and Professor
James Joyce, (University
Computer Committee)
each presented reports on
their committees to the
Two amendments con-
cerning parking by faculty
and staff on the ECU
Campus were approved.
Professors Carl Adler
and Robert Hursey spons-
sored the amendments.
According to Tommy
Joe Payne, chairman of the
media board, there is a
possibility that the BUC-
CANEER will be published
before Christmas.
Payne commented that
Susan Rogerson, former
editor of the annual, said
that she would return to the
campus on Sept 20 to
complete the book.
She also said that she
would stay a week, if
necessary, to complete the
book, according to Payne.
Payne said that Hunter
Publishing Company, the
firm that will oversee pro-
duction of the yearbook told
him that if the completed
yearbook was in to them by
the end of this week, there
is a possibility that they can
get it ready for distribution
sometime in the beginning
of December.
If the yearbook is com-
pleted before the end of
September there is a pos-
sibility that it will be ready
by late December.
Payne went on to say
that Hunter stressed the
need to get the yearbook in
as early as possible, as high
school annuals will occupy
much of their time in the
months ahead.
In a related develop-
ment, Dr. Tucker, advisor
to the Media Board brought
up the possibility of holding
a survey of students to
determine whether ot not
there should be a con-
tinuing effort to publish the
It was suggested in the
meeting that the survey be
held during pre-registra-
tion in October.
Tucker cited an example
of a college in Florida that
could not raise the financial
support for an annual,
because of lack of interest.
In other matters before
the board, a report was
given to each member of
the board that outlined an
engineers report of
WECU'S efforts to receive
an FCC license to start
broadcast activity.
The engineer, Lawrence
Behr of Greenville said in
the report that the location
of the transmitter and
studio were approximately
one mile off on a topo-
graphic map of the area
which had been sent to the
FCC for analysis.
He also added that
there appeared to be in-
adequate funding for the
station's operation.
A spokesman for the
firm which is handling the
frequency research for the
radio station said that the
errors could be corrected
and sent to the FCC in
Washington, D.C.
He said the application
for the license seemed to be
running smoothly.
Behr was commissioned
by Chancellor Brewer, ac-
cording to Payne. Dr. Tuc-
ker said that Brewer hired
Behr because he wanted to
know what he was respon-
sible for, as the FCC license
had been signed by
Brewer's predecessor, Dr.
Leo Jenkins.
Tucker cited the need
for organization of WECU,
and he pointed out the
example of a radio station
operated by a college in
Pennsylvania which was
closed down because of a
shaky chain of command.
Robert Swaim, adver-
tising manager for
to board with an appro-
priations request for ad-
ditional funds to provide
extra money to rent a van to
carry copies of the news-
paper to the printers.
The request was gran-
ted, and Swaim reported on
increased revenues.
Campus police arrest
two on drug charge
Staff Writer
There have been two
felony drug arrests on
campus in the past two
weeks, according to Francis
Edding, Jr assistant dir-
ector of Security.
An ECU student was
arrested for growing mari-
juana in her room. She
resides in White dormitory.
Eddings said the girl is
out of jail, but the pre-
liminary hearing was Wed-
nesday, Sept 20.
Eddings said the dean
of women decides whether
she will be allowed to come
back to school.
A boy was also arrested
for possession of marijuana
in his room and car, Sept
19, subsequent to a
search. He resides in Jones
Eddings said in each
case, someone told campus
police about the possess-
Dean Fulgham, dean of
women, said the first con-
cern is for the students. She
said there was no set
penalty for marijuana poss-
She added they like to
try and get help for the
students. Students are giv-
en every benefit of the
doubt, she said.
The university reserves
the right to hear the
students, even after a for-
mal trial.
Eddings said an argue-
ment occured between a
student living in Clement
dorm, and her boyfriend. It
resulted in an assault by
the boyfriend. The girl is
pressing charges. The trial
is to be held Oct 4.
A voyeur, a person who
receives enjoyment from
sexual objects, has been
seen in the women dorm-
Eddings said he likes to
get in the women's bath-
rooms and look at the girls.
He has not been caught yet
t-our university owned
vehicles were vandalized.
Eddings said. About $500
worth of damage was done
The university will have
to assume damage respon-
sibility, said Eddings. This
makes education cost more
What's inside

Diane Keaton stars in this weekend's
free flick, Looking For Mr. Good bar . See
P. 7
The Amazing Kreskin hits Menden-
hall Sept. 26 for the third year in a row in
a Special Attractions Presentation Com-
mittee presentationSee p. 6.
Super Grit Cowboy Band will be
joining the ECU Symphonic Orchestra in
the First Annual Hood Swamp Ball this
Saturday in Wright AuditoriumSee p.
The Pirates travel to Lafayette,
Louisinana this weekend to face the
Ragin Ragee Rageing Cajuns, and Sam
Rodger will be with thorn Seep 9
'00- ? srM-mfjtrjrr m j ? r? r? wmm?10 wrar-mrwW
- - ?"??-?ft?re.immtmammmWlAm.

Page 2 FOUNTAINHEAD 21 September 1978
Attention Jewish stud-
ents: Hillel, the Jewish
student organization, is
starting a new school year
with a variety of activities.
All those interested please
call Dr. Resnik at 756-5640
so that we can place you on
our mailing list.
Honor council
There will be a meeting
of last year's Honor Council
on Tues , Sept. 26 at 7 p.m.
in Mendenhall, room 248.
The Interim Honor Council
will be established at this
meeting and will serve until
the new Honor Council is
screened and appointed.
Applications are also
being accepted in the SGA
office for the 1978-79 Honor
Council and Review Board.
No previous experience is
necessary, just a conscien-
tious desire to serve the
university community. The
deadline for applications is
Oct. 3.
Anyone interested in
becoming a manager on the
men's basketball team this
year is asked to drop by the
basketball office in Minges
Someone with high
school managerial exper-
ience is preferred but any-
one interested may drop by
the basketball office this
week. Larry Gillman is the
men's basketball coach.
The Student Union Cof-
feehouse Committee will
hold fall semester auditions
this Fri. and Sat Sept. 22
and 23, in room 15 Mend-
Admission for this event
is free. Anyone wishing to
audition is requested to
leave their name, address,
and phone number in the
Student Union office before
4 p.m. Fri Sept. 22.
Also, the Coffeehouse
Committee presents the
first in what is hoped will
be a weekly event, the
Tuesday afternoon jam on
the patio of Mendenhall,
this Tues Sept. 26, at 3
p.m. Anyone with at least a
smidgen of talent is encou-
raged to come on out and
perform or just sing along.
Coffeehouse Committee
members are reminded of
the meeting at 4:15 p.m
Tues Sept. 16. Be there.
Psi Chi
Applications for .mem-
bership for Psi Chi, the
national honor society in
psychology, are now being
accepted till Sept. 27.
Requirements are that
you must be a psychology
major or minor, be in the
top 35 percent of your class,
and have a minumum of
eight semester hours in
Applications can be
found in the psychology
departmental office, and
should be turned in to the
Psi Chi mailbox as soon as
Are you tired of empty
promises and cheap talk?
Well, God loves you and
we do too! Therefore we
invite you to come to talk
with us or just listen at
tonights Full Gospel Stud-
ent Fellowship meeting at
7:30 p.m. in Mendenhall
Ski trips
Two more trips avail-
Beech Mountain, Ban-
ner Elk, N.C Jan. 1-5,
includes four sessions of
skiing and instruction with
all equipment included:
boots, skis, and poles, lift
fees, and lodging for four
nights on slope.
Snow Show, West Vir-
ginia, march 4-9, includes
skiing and ski instruction
with all equipment includ-
ed: boots, skis, poles, lift
fees, and lodging for five
nights on slope.
All participants must
attemd the meeting on
Thurs Oct. 12 at 7:30 p.m.
in 142-143 Minges Col-
For further information,
call Jo Saunders at Mem-
orial Gym, 757-6000.
Join the INDT Club and
get involved. The next
meeting is Sept. 21 at 5
p.m. This club is open to
anyone, so come on, this is
your chance to participate.
The Crafts Center at
Mendenhall is now offering
introductory level
workshops in a variety of
crafts. Beginning Dark-
room, Ceramics, Floor
Loom Weaving, Woodwork
-ing, Quilting, Silkscreen-
ing, Beginning Jewelry,
Contemporary Basketry,
Macrame, as well as Inkle
Weaving for Christmas and
Handbuilt Christmas Cer-
amics will be offered.
All full time students,
staff and faculty are eligible
to join the Crafts Center. A
semester membership costs
$10.00 and includes work-
shops, tool checkout, use of
library mateials, and aid of
experienced supervisors.
Personal supplies and sup-
plies furnished by the
Crafts Center must be
purchased by the partici-
Crafts Center mem-
berships are available dur-
ing regular operating hours
3 p.m. until 10 p.m Mon.
through Fri and 10 a.m.
until 3.p.m Sat. The last
day to register for Fall
Semester workshops is Sat.
Sept. 30. Persons must
register at the Crafts Cent-
er and class space is
limited. No refunds will be
made after the workshop
registration deadline.
Gamma Beta
Gamma Beta Phi will
meet Thurs Sept. 21 in
Biology 103 at 7 p.m. All
members are urged to
The Eta M u Chapter of
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority
is holding it's fall rush on
Sun Sept. 24 at 7:16 p.m.
in Mendenhall, Rm. 244.
Anyone interested in find-
ing out more about the
sorority is invited to attend.
Sigma Gamma Rho in
conjunction with the orien-
tation committee would like
to thank everyone who
contributed by attending
the fund-raising dance Fri.
night. The turn out was
terrific and all proceeds
went to the Sickle Cell
Anemia Foundation.
4-H club
There will be a meeting
of the ECU Collegiate 4-H
Club on Sun Sept. 24 at 9
p.m. in 327 Umstead Dorm.
All former 4-Her's and
interested persons are in-
vited to attend. The ECU
Collegiate 4-H Club is a
service organization. For
more information, call John
Ward at 758-9944.
C.W. Kern, Program
Officer for Quantum Chem-
istry National Science
Foundation of Washington
D.C will present a sem-
inar on "Theoretical Stud-
ies of Hydrogen Bonding
Between DNA Base Pairs
on Sept. 29 at 2 p.m. in Rm.
201 of Flanagan Bldg.
Refreshments will be
served in the conference
Rebel show
The Fourth Annual
REBEL Art Show will be
Oct. 22-28 in Mendenhall
Gallery. Students interest-
ed in entering their work
must register by 4 p.m. on
Wed Oct. 11.
No exceptions will be
made to this deadline.
Unregistered work cannot
be hung in the gallery.
Details, rules, and registra-
tion sheets are available at
the REBEL office in the
Publications Center or at
the Mendenhall Informa-
tion Desk.
The show is open to all
ECU students.
College Young Demo-
crats will have a meeting,
Mon Sept. 25 at Menden-
hall room 248 at 7 p.m.
All interested people
are strongly urged to
Anyone interested in
becoming a member of the
women's basketball team
or a manager is asked to
drop by the women's bas-
ketball office in Minges
Cathy Andruzzi is the
new women's basketball
coach and encourages any-
one interested in tryout for
the team this season to
come by immediately.
Alpha Sigma Phi Is
having a rush social at the
Coffeehouse in Mendenhall
on Thurs Sept. 21 at 7
p.m. Come down and meet
the brothers of Alpha Sig.
We are interested in you
and would like for you to
make us a part of you.
Bring a friend if you like.
There will be women and
refreshments will be serv-
Lambda Chi
Lambda Chi Alpha little
sisters are having a car
wash Sat Sept. 23 from 10
a.m. til 3 p.m.
Come get your car
washed for only $1.00 at the
Shell station at Pitt Plaza.
Oct. 1 in the Social
Room of Fletcher Dorm
from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m.
All women students at
ECU are invited to attend to
learn more about Epsilon
Sigma Alpha, international
sorority. Sponsored by
Alpha Omega and Gamma
Delta Chapters of ESA.
Transportation can be
arranged for by called
756-4004 or 756-7098.
Come join in the fun.
Hat Contest Tuesday
night, Sept. 26 at the
Elbo Room. $25 cash prize
for most original hat. As-
sorted door prizes. Your
favorite beverages at re-
duced prices. Given by the
Sigma Nu Little Sisters.
Beta Kappa
Beta Kappa Alpha, pro-
fessional banking fraternity
will hold its first meeting
Wed Sept. 20 in Room
203, Rawl at 3 p.m. All
members and interested
School of Business students
and faculty are urged to
An open meeting of the
ECU AA group will be held
Fri Sept. 22 at Noon in
Rm. 212, Allied Health
(Belk Bldg.) A snack lunch-
eon will be available. Dr.
Jim Mathis will be the
guest speaker. All persons
interested in AA are invited
to attent this open meeting.
Sign up today to partici-
pate in the 'Billiards Lad-
der Tournament' to begin
on Wed Sept. 20, at the
Mendenhall Billiards Cent-
er. The tournament will run
for eight weeks and prizes
will be awarded.
Ping pong
A Table Tennis Club
organizational meeting will
be held on Tues Sept. 19
at 7 p.m. in the Billiards
Center at Mendenhall. All
persons interested in play-
ing table tennis are invited
to attend.
1 cUfi?, ?tua?,nt CnCan
C,OJJZE,nOUA? dommittsE fruatnk
9tt. & ?at, ?zfit. 22 & 23, at 8 jx.
doom 15, zA?na?nnciLL
IA4,LOn (A
l? fl?S
JiiEiaay cnjiaxnoon iPatio 3a,rn
-Juz& zzs,fit. 26, at 3 fi.m. on ins fiutio of
COm?? U7?
torrent S
female to share apt. with 2
others. Rent $65 plus utili-
ties. Open immediately.
Call 752-2024
wanted, senior ot grad
student, to share 3 bdrrn.
house with 2 other grad.
students. $80 rent & utilit-
ies. Call Debbie 756-8449.
FREE; Mixed setter pup-
pies. Weaned and deworrr-
ed. Terrific pets! Call 746-
3948 after 6 p.m.
female - black - 8 weeks
old. Call 752-8702.
FOR SALE: Sanyo refrig.
4.3 cu. ft full size freezer,
counter height in excellent
condition for $115 Call
FOR SALE: General Elec-
tric refrig 54"x24"x24
Also, "cube refrig app.
irxir'xir, perfect for
dorm room. Both in good
cond. Must sell to make
room for new one. $36 each
or $60 for both.Call 752-
FOR SALE: AKC register-
ed Irish Setter puppies
from champ show and
hunting stock. 12 weeks
old. ADORABLE Call
FOR SALE: Queen size
mattress and box springs.
$30.00 Cai! 752-0554 after 6
WAITRESS: and hostess
wanted for new club. Apply
in person at "Peaches" in
Greenville Square Mall.
Applications are being ac-
cepted daily. Call 756-8080.
WANTED: Experienced
part-time photographer for
local magazine. Must have
own equipment and do top
quality work. Reply to
Homes Magazine, P.O. Box
555, New Bern, N.C. 28560.
SURFERS: I need to obtain
slang surfing expressions
or "surf lingo if you
know of any or anybody
that does PLEASE contact
John Lombard at 752-5422.
YOGA; Hatha yoga is now
being taught by Sunshine.
New classes forming. Rel-
ation, vitalization, weight
loss, realization. For more
info call 756-0736.
(authentic Belly Dancing)
taught by Sunshine - exper-
ienced teacher & performer
in Ohio, Mexico, Atlanta,
and the D.C area. Ciasees
are now forming, at) 75$.
Market has 10 percent
discount to all college stud-
ents. Take Green St. across
bridge, turn right at High-
way Commission building
on to the Pactoius Hwy. 33
It's 18 of a mne on the
right. Open every week on
Wed Fri. and Set. 105,
Sun. 1 -8. Huge building fuM
used furniture & brie

21 September 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 3
SGA candidates present campaign platforms
Having been involved in
ne Student Government
'?st year, have the
need for a great amount of
improvement. In fulfilling
my duties as Senior Class
President my main object-
ives will be:
1) Pursuing a Senior
Class project which not only
benefits the student body,
but has the support of the
Senior Class as well
2) Seeing a need for
clarification of the Dorm
visitation rules and hours. I
would demand that the
administration elaborate
and reform their present
3) Realizing the neces-
sity for a more accessible
library. I would like to see
library hours extended
from 7 ' m to 1 a.m. on a
permanent basis
There are just a few
objectives I will strive to
achieve while serving the
Senior Class as their high-
est elected official.
As a candidate for
Junior Class President. I
feei that I represent both
dorm and day students
fairly since I have been
qualifications are
numerous since I have been
a member of both the
!jg siat:ve and executive
branches of SGA with only
one absence in 2 years.
am concerned about
such issues as dorm safety,
buses, book buying pro-
cedures Greenville utilities
and the problems facing
apartment dwellers.
will welcome suggest-
ions Horn any student at
anytime, but most import-
antly I will not be afraid to
speak out on the issues
which concern students.
1) Improve freshman
2) Expand the bus sys-
tem, and
3) Extend library hours.
I am available for any
ideas for improvement. I
want to be our president.
Vote for
Danny Montford
Your candidate for the
office of Vice-President of
the Freshman Class is
Danny Montford. I feel that
I am qualified for the job of
Vice-President because of
my previous experience as
Student Body President of
my high school, as well as a
four year member of the
Student Council Associat-
ion of my school.
If elected I will work
diligently and try to assist
the President of the Fresh-
man Class to the best of my
ability. I am a sincere,
devoted, and truly a hard
worker and would like your
support on election day.
I think the reason I'm
running for this office is
that I think that I am
the most qualified. Some of
my qualification and ac-
complishments are as fol-
lows: Vice President of my
Student Body in High
School. Western District
North Carolina Association
of the Student Councils'
President, a member of the
North Carolina Association
of Student Council Execut-
ive Board and a delegate of
the National Student
Council's Convention in
Boston. Mass. I have the
knowledge of working with
a large group and I think
this will be benefioial to the
Freshman Class
My Motto is "Unity
So cast your vote for
ent locator service might
also prove effective. The
ECU Christian organization
could benefit by creation of
an umbrella organization.
VARIETY: Interesting
decor in the cafeteria and
snack bars would be a plus.
Also, a campus wide,
"Paint Your Dorm Hall"
contest would eliminate
boring passageways.
graduated from a neigh-
boring university several
years ago, I was totally
unprepared for all the idocy
that the outer world had in
store. A series of classes on
the frustrations and re-
wards of job life is a must. I
could have been spared a
lot of trouble. So could you.
How many times have
you heard someone comp-
lain about the actions of
SGA? Most of the time the
reason for this is the lack of
interest or interaction with
the representatives of SGA.
I am a senior day
student and wish to serve
the day student population
of ECU on the legislature. I
want to see some honesty
and devotion represented
in the SGA this year.
During the past acad-
emic year I attended the
meetings of the SGA and by
doing so, learned the pro-
cedures by which it
operates. Please take time
to vote for new leadership
in your SGA. Vote Don
Williamson for Day Rep.
I want to promote scho-
larship by maintaining our
academic requirements and
by having seminars in the
various disciplines. I do not
favor the passfail grading
system. I do favor contin-
With parlimentary ex-
perience I feel I can help to
speed up the legislature
process, making sure pro-
jects undertaken are comp-
After living and working
with members of the Junior
Class, I realize their con-
cerns are valid regarding
higher priced parking stick-
ers, dorm visitation rules,
and coordination of acad-
emic departments. On
these views I know that I
can be the necessary
spokesman for the Junior
Class. Dorothy Homer.
As a member of last
year's legislature, I am
running for two reason's.
uance of the foreign lang-
Since we are just be-
ginning our education here
at ECU. we should strive
for a good year. We need a
president who enjoys work-
ing for and with people.
Having been active in Stu-
dent Governments, I have
seen a nee foi outgoing,
class leaders: people who
will not stop until their jobs
are completed.
I have had comparabel
goals. If elected I will strive
Asa candidate for grad-
uate student president I
would like to see, among
other things, three areas of
campus improvement.
These improvements could
be headed under the title
Unity, Variety, and Is Any-
body Out there, World?
UNITY: The Informat-
ion Center at Mendenhall
needs expanding. A stud-
B.A. degree. True educat-
ion developes self-
discipline, self-reliance, in-
telligent thinking, and the
ability to make thought-out
After being on campus
for over two years, I feel
like I am in tune with the
needs of the students.
Policies and strategies need
to be updated and re-

One is for more honesty in
the SGA. If a member of
the legislature does not
represent the views of his
constituents he should not
be there in the first place.
The second is that for a
university of this size to still
have dirt parking lots is an
insult towards the students
and the University. I will
try to get a bill introduced
and passed by the N.C.
Legislature for funding to
have a paved parking lot
between Mendenhall and
10th Street.
My ambition to be elec-
ted SGA Day Student Legis
-lator is motivated by ac-
tualities which are common
to both students and
faculty. Two major situat-
ions which need improve-
ment are parking on camp-
us and SGA Bus Service for
ECU students. More park-
ing space is needed and
SGA buses which frequent-
ly break down should be
replaced. My plans are to
request that full attention
be given to these major
issues for the betterment of
the campus. I feel my being
elected to SGA will prve
advantageous due to the
fact that I'm a sophomore
which gives me adequate
time to see the improve-
ment of parking on campus
and SGA bus service
Please vote for Kathy Ross
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SO 1
The BUC: who cares?
The BUCCANEER issue and the question
of responsibility for the present state of affairs
is an important one, involving the wasteful use
of student fees and the tradition of an annual.
The student body, however, seems remarkably
apathetic about the situation. Only five letters
have been received by FOUNTAINHEAD
concerning the issue, and three of those were
written by the former editor, the present
editor, and the Head Photographer of the
photo lab, individuals more closely associated
with the book than anyone else. Since
is the primary avenue of student
nion, the question must be asked: does
anyone care one way or the other about the
Obviously, the members of the Media
Board and BUCCANEER staff members have a
keen interest in the final outcome, but do the
people for whom the book is published, the
student body as a whole, really give a damn
about the annual?
The national trend among universities is to
let annuals die a natural death from lack of
student interest, and ECU seems to be
following that trend. For the past two years,
ECU has not published an annual, and after
the initial furor faded, there has been little
response, positive or negative, as to what
course we should take in the future.
The BUCCANEER in its present format
costs approximately $40,000 to produce.
Several students, including the head of the
ECU Photo Lab and a member of the Media
Board, have suggested streamlining the book
to a pictorial history of a year's events. By
eliminating individual and organizational
photos, the size and workload of the book could
be reduced tremendously, slashing the budget
in half. According to Pete Podeszwa, head
photographer, a book like the one described
could be printed for apporximately $15-20,000.
The costs could further be reduced by
initiating a subscription drive and printing
annuals only for those students who have
expressed the desire for an annual.
The central issue, then, is whether there is
enough interest to justify appropriating several
thousand dollars to publish a yearbook.
Perhaps a question to that effect should be
included on next Tuesday's ballot, giving the
student body the chance to voice their opinions
and help steer the Media Board in the proper
Former BUC Editor presents her side
Nursing home fragments
of them, most in
s all sitting a-
? ree memories,
jments. from the
montns worked in the
arsing home kitchen. The
? the summer has
rated, burned away.
as hard to
Juiy heat lighte-
illy I remember
' Jay. I opened the
ind there they
the nursing home
ob: i ling for me to let
? the dining room.
1 the other 70
who had to be
the ' 'ooms. none of
se people was very bad
But I didn't know that
I pushed the dinner cart
tded with food out into
? lobby, threaded my way
ough the blockade of
eeichairs and headed
down the hall to the nursing
station I had never been
around any old people
except my grandparents.
and all four of them were
still puttering around in the
garden and playing golf on
weekends. When I got back
to the kitchen I asked Chris,
Do you ever get used to
Sure They're just old
people - humans that have
been around longer than
ost everybody on this
planet You wouldn't be so
freaked out if there were
lust a few of them out
there. It's the quantity
that's got you spooked
We loaded the second
cart and Chris took it out.
The second thing I
remember is the nurs-
ing home's annual Fourth
of July cookout, two weeks
after I started working
there. My best friend David
Gerrard. the gardener and
part-time janitor, got called
in from his flower beds to
help erect canopies over the
employee parking lot,
which was to be the picnic
site. David held the heavy
Under funeral tents?"
Daivd laughed. "Ironic
asheil, ain't it? May as well
tell em - old people,
you're as good as dead
Including the 100 pat-
ients, over 400 people
attended the cookout
mostly guests and
relatives. The party started
with a wheelchair parade,
and an old unshaven man
named Pete won a prize for
'He dragged me down the
hall . . . showed me rooms
where derilicts, hulks, bags
of bones resided.
iron tent stakes while a
muscular black man pound-
ed them into the soft
asphalt. The black man had
taken off his shirt and,
watching from the dining
room window, Chris and I
teased Bobby-Jo about his
muscles. Bobby-Jo was the
cook and she'd been telling
us that she needed a man
strong enough to handle
her. When we went on
break, I took David and the
black man glasses of iced
tea. The tents were up by
then and the canopies
spread over the parking lot.
They were green canvas
with white trim and the
words "Smith Funeral
Home" were emblazoned
across the sides. I was
freaked. "You mean
they' re going to make those
old people sit under there?
the best-decorated chair.
He had red-white-and-blue
crepe paper all over his
chair. They squinted as if
they hadn't seen sunlight In
years. A county commis-
sioner made a speech about
progress in nursing homes,
and a group of old ladies
who called themselves The
Gingham Girls sang some
ancient songs for the
patients, it was hot. David ?
and i sat under the funeral
tent eating hanburgers and
watching the scene. I notic-
ed that most of the patients
sat in the sun.
There's one more mem-
ory, which happened in
mid-August, jus a week
before I flung my white
apron across the dining
room, told Bobby-Jo I was
quitting, and left without
punching out. t can't rem-

Serving the East Carolina community for over 50 years
Leigh Coakley
Steve Bachner
Doug White
Julie Everette
Ricki Gliarmis SPORTS BDITOR
Sam Rogers
FOUNTAINHEAD is the student newspaper of last
Carolina University sponsored by the Media Board of ECU
and is distributed each Tuesday and Thursday (weekly
during the summer).
Mailing address: Old South Building, Greenville, N.C.
Editorial offices: 757-6360, 757-8367, 757-6308.
Subscriptions: $10 annually, alumni $6 annually.
. . iiiMfc
ember now how it started,
but David and I were
standing around one day
arguing about the morality
of the nursing home con-
cept. David's main conten-
tion was maTTrhTcWT
financially, and socially il-
legal to keep people alive
against their will and to
confine them to a small
building for the rest of their
I didn't know what he
was talking about. The 30
or so people I served every
day in the dining room
could get around fine. They
seemed happy.
"If you believe that
David told me, "then
you've never really seen
this nursing home He
dragged me down the hall,
took me deep into the
home to places I'd never
seen, showed me rooms
where derilicts, hulks, bags
of bones resided. Showed
me shit stains on the floor,
dark caves of the hopelessly
senile, a woman who
moaned over and over,
"Take me home, Jesus,
take me home a man
begging for food although
he'd just eaten. Showed me
people I daily prepared
liquid diets of for - gaunt
skeletons bed-ridden, so
tired they couldn't fight to
die anymore. This was
nothing like any hospital
I'd ever been in. tt was
more like hell - and easy
hell, boring, irritating, no
fire and brimstone, just
regret, tedium, despair,
and constant pain kept
toiler able by drugs and
"Do you see it now?"
David asked me.
I couldn't say anything.
"Man, if I ever get this
helpless" - he threw out
his arms to embrace hell -
"shoot me, okay?"
"Some of thaaa people
may not want to die, Dave.
You can't tell how you'll
feel about it in 60 years
"You shoot me
We went back to tha
kitchan, where Bobby-Jo
was pealing potatoes and
singing to herself. David
stepped her on the rear and
said, "tt doesn't upaat you
to work hart, does it,
She turned her dark,
happy, shining face toward
us. "Baby, don't nothing
upaat ma. t just lead these
fuckers and go home
1 I was upset, to say the
least, after reading the
Sept. 7 edition of ECU'S
It seems that there are
many "reliable sources"
among the student body
who lack to fortitude to
have their names appear in
print along with their
"facts What's the prob-
lem? Are you so unsure of
you1 facts that you' re
ashamed to speak out with
total honesty? Is it a BUC
you want printed or to
witness my reputation be-
ing injured?
I respect those of you
who had the guts to be
quoted. Your story may not
go along with mine, but at
least you spoke openly
about your feelings.
As the more intelligent
readers have by now real-
ized, this is my view of the
BUCCANEER situation, it
seems that Marc Barnes'
'sources however reli-
able they may be or may
not be, have told slanted
tales concerning my edito-
ship, if not outright lies. In
this letter you'll read the
truth. Whether or not I
stand guilty as charged is
up to the students of ECU.
You can believe my signed
statement or anonymous
in any situation where
people work together, con-
flicts arise. To my know-
ledge, no great hassles
arose during spring seme-
ster. Night hours upset
some staffers, but we talk-
ed this out as well as any
other small problems, and
settled things then and
there. Staff conflicts are not
responsible for the delay of
the BUC. We had to work
together to compile in-
formation. Publications in-
volve a large degree of staff
interaction. There would be
no pages ready for print
and staff problems a-
pproached the magnitude
"sources" suggested.
Our main problem as a
staff involved the Photo
Lab. Several BUC staffers
complained to me about the
"step child" attitude of the
photographers toward our
work. We came last. Many
of our photo assignments
were missed. The section
editor who assigned the
shot found out about the
neglected assignment ei-
ther when a group who had
gotten together only to find
no photographer called to
complain or when the pic-
tures finally arrived from
the lab, the shots weren't
there. We invited photo-
graphers to our staff meet-
ings and got promises for
smoother operations, but
no action. Their problems
in reaching me to view
slides could very well have
been because I couldn't
reach them.
I finally got black and
white proofs during spring
semester. There were hun-
dreds of slide-sized pic-
tures to edit in a short time.
Section editors and I pour-
ed through them as quickly
as possible, then returned
then to the Photo Lab for
processing. It was late
spring when the staff re-
ceived actual prints.
There are still essential
shots, including some
sports pictures, which will
have to be excluded due to
missed assignments.
I spoke with then Com-
munications Board chair-
person Reed Warren about
the situation. He spoke to
the head photographer, but
to no avail.
Upon the inception of
the Media Board, officials
toured publications offices
to observe production. At
that time I informed them
that I would leave ECU
after exams. I suggested
that an interim editor be
selected to conduct office
activities during the sum-
mer. This was never done.
To my knowledge, the
Media Board did know that
I intended to leave ECU
and Greenville in May. I
spoke with Tommy Joe
Payne the day I left and
advised him that I had in
my possession BUC mat-
erail. That material is now
ready for print.
Let's don't get sassy,
Doug, and insinuate that
my cousins and I had a
coalition. They were treat-
ed the same as other
I have left messages,
including my phone num-
ber at work, with Hunter
Publishing Co. Also, the
business manager employ-
ed for a short time at the
beginning of the summer
called and spoke to repre-
sentatives, explaining that
deadlines were to be de-
One can think I am in
hiding if one wishes, but
my residence has been no
great secret and directory
assistance has my phone
number. The unprinted al-
legation that my mother
refused to give out my
phone number is false.
Well, "disappointed by
angry student body you
got the explanation I
"owe" you. And you'll
have your yearbook. It'll be
late, but you'll get it.
After reading this
letter, I have no doubt that
any fair-minded student
will agree that "the blame
musTiofest squarely on
the shoulders of former
BUCCANEER editor Susan
Rogerson I'll accept part
of the blame, but I don't
feel I'm guilty of all al-
legations. I'm not a "vil-
lain" . r m only one part of a
complex machine.
Susan Rogerson Harris
1978 BUC Editor
Head Photographer rebuts Rogerson
As Head Photographer I
do not consider all the work
which my two man staff and
I put in on last year's
BUCCANEER to be "the
main problem" as stated by
former BUCCANEER Ed-
itor Susan Rogerson Harris.
As for them considering
themselves being always
last, any good editor knows
that a newspaper haa first
priority on any photography
because of deadlines and
the news value of events.
Old news is no news. A
yearbook, by definition,
deals with recapping the
events of an entire year,
but needless to say, they
received their fair share of
our time.
Now to gat to tha
subject of neglected as-
signment. I will be the firat
to admit that there ware a
few assignments missed,
but nothing that would
bring a yearbook to a
screeching halt. Soma as-
signments ware miaaad be-
cause tha event took place
while all three photogra-
phers were either busy on
another assignment or ware
In etasA. The ratti arflfetent
however, was due to the
inexperienced BUC staff,
who although they were
hard workers, they were
not on top of all the events
which took place. You can't
use hindsight to write photo
requests. They lacked the
necessary foresight to keep
abreast of campus events
and give the Photo Lab
enough advanos notice for
us to arrange our work
schedules so that all events
could be covered.
You got an awful feeling
in the pit of your stomach
whan you're sitting down
with a section editor in
April and they ask you
"why didn't you take
photos of such and such
event" and you ask them if
they put in photo requests
and they coma back and say
"No, but you're supposed
to take pictures of all
events What can you
say? And what can you do
whan you turn In a batch of
photos last spring and you
find out this fall that
they've bean misplaced.
There is no time to go back
?nd reprint thoaa photos
from our negatives. Not
only Is there not time, my
staff can't handle tha extra
work load. Also, we have no
way of knowing which
photos were lost and which
were thrown out.
We received photo re-
quests for events which we
were not allowed to photo-
graph, such as national
touring dance companies
and shows. This waste of
the photographer's valu-
able time could have been
better spent doing other
photo work. Then the staff
complained about no pho-
tos, when they could have
aaailty gotten photos from
the production's promo-
tional material. It never
occurad to many editors to
check beforehand whether
photography would ba al-
lowed at tha event or to see
If promotional materials
were available.
I talked with Susan
Wednesday in tha BUC-
CANEER office in front of
tha present editor, Crug
Sahli, and aha told me a
number of tha sports pho-
tos ware misaing and
couldn't ba found any-
where. 1 asked her how that
, since tha
Pnoto staff had given her
? ??? Photoa than
anything else, tha said "I
Once the Photo Lab
hands photos over to the
BUC, whether a staffer
loses, misplaces, or steals
them, the responsibility lies
ultimately on the editor's
shoulders, since it is her
staff. So, by her own
admission, we had given
her sufficient sports pho-
tos, but they were somehow
lost in the shuffle.
Finally, it was almost
impossible to arrange a
time when the two of us
oould ait down and sift
through the hundreds of
slides from which tha pic-
tures would coma. I was
tied up with assess end
ooting assignments all
during the weak, so the
???? m tha only time
oould devote to tha
tadtous process of selecting
color alidaa.
The editor chose, in-
??. to go home on moat
J began on ?
T"? or Trnraday
? Granted, ?
preparmg far her waddma
but don't
tab for
8? n the we.
8CJ Photo Las

continued from p. 31
'have been watching
the SGA for my 3 years
-ere at ECU and I have
: een displeased with it
'eel that it ts time for a new
?ce to be heard in the
SGA, the voice of the
"pendent. The legisla-
te has always been con-
! by a minority of our
dent population, namely
e greeks. Why in this
tion there are over a
en girls from one sor-
unning for the legis-
re H they all get
ted they will control M,
the legislature. It is time
a more equitable
esentation of all our
students. So this fall vote to
,e tne independent a
? m our government.
MV mam reason for
ning for this office is to
fnt what l feel could be
great injustice to the
"greek day student por-
I treECU population.
ear it seems that one
organization alone
ds 15 members running
or day student rep. These
should they be elected
-id control well over half
the legislative seats
eserved for day students.
Combine this with seats
Aon by other greek candid-
ates and you would have a
?:k withm the legislature
that would wield a lot of
?ver This leaves the
-greek day student
?? ?tout his proper repres-
n and this is why I
tne residents of White
Dorm should have a strong
active voice for such issues
as the ' of parking
space, the ten dollar park-
?r?0 sticker, the food, visita-
tion with one foot on the
floor and the door open,
roaches, buses that don't ru
and anything else that
comes up in the SGA. I am
that voice. Feel free to
come by 604, anytime, and
talk. Thank you.
I was active throughout
high school in Student
Government. The
American Legion awarded
me for Outstanding Lead-
ership my junior year. My
junior and senior years, I
received recognition in
"Who's Who Among
American High School
I am a freshman, how-
ever l know how easy it is
to sit back and become
apathetic. But I choose to
participate! I want to rep-
resent Cotton Dorm in the
best way I know.
Give me the chance to
show you how responsible
and dedicated I am! Vote
for Marianne Edwards to
t Cotton Dorm.
Governmental affairs
affect each and every one
m a freshman, from
dttanooga. Tennessee.
: the way I look at the
SGA is nke a huge lie which
s cut up into equal sect-
ions, one of which being
vVhite Dorm. I believe that
to attempt
world circuit
arry Newman, one of
three Americans who last
month became the first
balloonists to cross the
Atlantic, said here Tuesday
?hat the three men are
planning to fly a balloon
around the world.
Newman. 31, of Albe-
auerqu. N.M arrived in
Western North Carolina
Tuesday to compete this
weekend in the Master of
Hang Gliding Champion-
ships at Grandfathe
Newman said no def-
inite date has been set for
?he round-the-world flight,
but it is now in the
planning stage and it will
be anywhere from a year to
three years before we ac-
tually takeoff
Newman said the plan-
ning for the global trip will
be complicated.
While the three men fi-
nanced the Atlantic cross-
ing out of their own pock-
ets, the worldwide jaunt
?will cost upwards of a
million dollars
There are balloons go-
ing around the world right
now said Newman in
explaining his desire to
make the trip.
"Unmanned balloons.
So, yes, it is feasible.
We would be above the
jet stream in the stratos-
We would have to have
a pressurized cabin, how-
ever, because we will be
seeking altitudes in excess
of 60,000 feet
Newman, who said he
owns the world's largest
hang gliding manufacture-
ing plant, said that mean-
while, iw ?nd his partners
are in the prooaas of writing
a book about their Trane-
Atlantto flight.
Newman said a movie is
aleo being mada about their
ej L? i ?s 'sX ?sX' f
of us to a greai extent. In
order for you to get the
most of our Student Gover-
nment Association, we
must have a good, depend-
able, and trustworthy per-
son in office. Having con-
sidered the position of Slay
Dorm Representative, I feel
that I am qualified for this
position. My background
consists of two years on the
Student Council in high
school and one year on the
Rules and Ethics Commit-
tee of our local Youth
Group in my home town.
My deepest concern lies
within the school itself,
however there are certain
consideration which I feel
should be administered
first, such as, making sure
that Slay dorm as well as
the total ECU population is
well represented in our
Student Government As-
My greatest motivation
lies within the fact that I
deeply care aboutthethings
that affect us as students on
campus. I would also like to
add he.e, that having
ample time to devote to
student affairs is also of
great importance. I have
the time, the drive, and the
These elements, I will
put to work for you and do
the best job that I can. I ask
that you review or examine
my qualifications and then,
cast your vote for me,
Gloria Ann Monroe, Slay
Dorm Representative.
21 September 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 5
Greek Forum
Co-News Editor
Sororities at ECU have
grown in number now, as
of Friday night.
Fall Rush is officially
over and after weeks of
hard work, the time has
come to sit back and enjoy
the new additions to the
Greek family.
Pledges have found a
new home and the houses
have gained an important
part of their sisterhood.
Approximately 85 girls
pledged sororities Firday
night. After the impressive
candlelight service on the
mall, the pledges , were
entertained by their new
sororities. Some groups
were invited by fraternities
for midnight socials to
honor the pledges.
Other sororities enter-
tained their pledged in
different ways. One soror-
ity had a party at one of the
local nightspots. Another
sorority traveled Saturday
to the ECU - UNC game
with their new pledges.
Each new pledge will
now enter a period of
pledge training. This train-
The ECU Law Society
will hold it's
organizational meeting
on Tues. Sept. 26 at 7p.m.
in the
multi-purpose room
of Mendenhall
Student Center.
All Interested
ing will prepare the new
pledges to be sisters.
Pledges will study the
national and local history of
the sorority, it's philanth-
ropies and service projects
and its music.
Getting to know the
members of the sorority is
especially important to the
pledges. Many pledges
have been scared to admit
that they do not know the
names of the sisters and
vice-versa, but as the soror-
ities will admit, it is near
impossible to become ac-
quainted with every mem-
ber and pledge during
Congradulations to all
new pledges and to the
"proud owners of these
new sisters" from the Greek
Fraternities started
their Fall Rush, Monday,
September 18. Each frater-
nity is working hard, hop-
ing for a rush as successful
as last year's. Last year
after fraternity and sorority
rush, there were more
Greeks on the ECU campus
than there had been in
many, many years. The
Greeks want to live up to
that status and improve it if
Each fraternity has its
own way of rushing.
Some of the fraternities
are sponsoring parties at
party houses off campus,
extending invitations to the
entire student body. Along
with having cook-outs and
serving pizza at rush part-
ies, fraternities are enter-
taining perspective pledges
with live entertainment
such as bands and impres-
sive disco set-ups.
The Phi Kappa Tau
fraternity sponsored a Sun
Fun Festival yesterday at
the fraternity house. The
event was open to anyone
interested and took place
from 3 p.m. until 8 p.m.
The Annual Lambda
Chi Alpha Field Day has
been scheduled for October
28 this year. The Tri-Sigs
will be defending the
trophy they retired last year
after winning the field day
three years in a row.
The Alpha Xi Delta
Sorority traveled to Chapel
Hill last night for a social
with a fraternity from UNC.
The Greek Forum is
now accepting news from
all sororities and fraterni-
ties. The information which
is to printed should be
listed in order of import-
ance. The lists should be
simple and concise and
?yped if at all possible, No
lengthy stories will be
used, only a list of events.
Please include a name
and phone number on each
list in case the group
needs to be contacted.
The deadline for the
information is every Tues-
day by 12 Noon. No lists
will be accepted after this
time. The lists should be
placed in the Sigma Sigma
Sigma box in Dean
Fulghum'soffice located on
the second floor of Which-
Your cooperation is
greatly appreciated Get
involved by reporting your
news to the campus. Let the
Greeks be heard!
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Phone 758-4056
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Page6 FOUNTAINHEAD 21 September 1978
Super Grit in concert
with ECU orchestra
Staff Reporter
The Super Grit Cowboy
Band is attracting a lot of
attention these days, and
one of their biggest atten-
tion-getters is their upcom-
ing First Annual Hood
Swamp Symphony Ball.
The Ball features Super
Grit in concert with none
other than the ECU Sym-
phony Orchestra. Wright
Auditorium will be the
scene of this marriage of
progressive country rock n'
roll with traditional sym-
Dhony orchestra.
Music lovers from
Raleigh and all parts of
eastern North Carolina are
expected to descend on
Wnght for The Big Show
this Saturday at 8:30 p.m.
M ike Kinzie, the fiddler
of Super Grit, approached
ECU orchestra director
Robert Hause two years
ago with the idea for the
coc Swamp happening.
ause thought it "very
,suai to have a blend of
, rock and symphony
He was game
: he and M ike
ive been in close
aboration ever since.
idea has been tried
-ssfuiiy before by
orchestras like the Boston
Pops and the Los Angeles
Philharmonic. The Edmon-
ton Symphony ,ot Canada
has gwen Sreerts vyitn
popular performers such as
Paul Williams. But the
concept is still unigue in the
south. and Hause predicts
tl the concert will be
? rst of its kind,
tainly in this area
M ike K inzie is especial-
ed on about the ball.
About four years ago he
"got to ponderin' how neat
it would be to use the
Symphony in a contempor-
ary way Since the Hause
go-ahead, he has spent
1100 hours arranging the
music and copying scores.
Now, as Saturday ap-
proaches, Mike is psyched
for "show time
He describes the music
as a "broad spectrum rang-
in' from staight bluegrass
to southern boogie rock n'
roll Super Grit will warm
up the crowd with their own
music before unleashing
the ECU orchestra with the
Eagles' "Waste of Time
Reprise From there on
out, the orchestra and band
will jam together with more
music from the Eagles, the
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.
Lynyrd Skynyrd , BB King,
and originals by the band
Kinzie anticipates d
"Midnight Special party
atmosphere, you know,
country and funky Super
Grit is a "jam, get up on
the table and clog group.
and Kinzie is not ruling out
the possibility of dancing
by the crowd. "Sure, we'll
even invite em to come up
on stage
Not the least part o. the
act will be Tim Robinson's
light show, considered to
be "one of the best
around Kinzie alsoment-
-ions other special effects
tout they are to be a surprise
for the Hood Swamp Sym-
phony Ball audience.
Super Grit is a favorite
on the saloon circuit in the
area, but lately their suc-
cess in New York has been
making news. Promoter
Buzz Ledford describes
New York's Lone Star Cafe
as the "number one honky-
tonk north of Abilene and
this was the scene of their
latest smashing success.
Wildest thing I've
ever seen said Ledford in
a Daily Reflector article.
? All those Yankees boogy-
ing to country music. The
people were standing out-
side in line to get in
The story is still hot on
the wire that not only did
James Taylor hear and
enjoy the Band that night,
but also Mick Jagger, who
jumped up in the middle of
their gig and started danc-
ing, and later came back
stage to offer congratulat-
This Sunday's Raleigh
News and Observor also
picked up on the story and
captioned a picture of
Super Grit with: "Mick
Jagger flipped out over a
saloon band from Hood
Swamp, which plays with a
symphony Saturday The
picture went with a feature
article in the Leisure Living
section that highlighted the
upcoming gog with the
ECU orchestra as a potent-
ial "turning point" for the
The First Annual Hood
Swamp Symphony Ball may
also be a turning point for
the orchestra. According to
director Robert Hause, the
ECU Symphony has dev-
eloped from a small en-
semble, "improved over
-ne years, anrj gained- reo-
ognition as one of the best
in the country
The ECU orchestra was
honored in 1973 and 1977 to
play at the Southern Divi-
sion Convention of the
Music Educator's National
Their lastest recognition
came with their selection as
one of 13 orchestras to
perform on tape in the
Campus Musica Series on
National Public Radio. In
the national competition,
ECU was the only orchestra
in the Southeast to be
honored by the National
Public Radio.
This concert will gain
publicity for both the Cow-
boy Band and the orchest-
ra. WUNC-TV will video-
tape the performance, and
promoter Ledford has plans
for a television special.
The Hood Swamp Ball
should also be a financial
boon to the orchestra.
Tickets will sell for $3 to
benefit the ECU Symphony
Hause hopes to use the
money in conjunction with
Student Government As-
sociation (SGA) funds to
assist in financing a concert
tour tentatively planned for
Mike Kinzie's original
concept of the ball was a
benefit for the ECU Orches-
tra. He isan alumnus of the
ECU School of Music, and
remembers what "an in-
credible problem" money
was in his days as an ECU
tuba and violin major. Now,
as a fiddler in a country
rock n' roll group, Kinzie
hopes to help out his old
performance group.
The ECU Symphony Or-
chestra has big plans, and
the Super GrH Cowboy
Band has big plans, and it
will all come together in
Wright Auditorium at the
First Annual Hood Swamp
Symphony Ball, this Sat-
urday at 8:30 p.m. Tickets
are available at the Central
Ticket Office and at Apple
World famous Kreskin will
appear at Student Center
Kreskin. the world's
most famed mentalist and
foremost authority in the
fiela of extra-sensory per-
ception, will appear at
Mendenhall Student Center
in the Hendrix Theatre on
Sept 26.
The program, which will
begin at 8 p.m in under
the sponsorship of the ECU
Student Union Special At-
traction Committee
Kreskin is a scientific
nvesitgator of the power of
suggestion and various
areas of ESP
Everything he does en-
compasses natural and
scientific means.
He believes that
what he does
is inherent
in every-
one, but
learned to sensitize himself
to the reaction and attitude
of people around him.
Kreshin, uses his own
personality, persuasiveness
and sensitivity to guide,
suggest, direct and com-
mand in order to project
thoughts or receive impresj
He is the first to adm
that even
understand all the reasons
behind some of the things
he accomplishes.
A native of Caldwell,
Kreskin was born in the
mid 1930's.
By the time he was five
years old, he had been
exposed to the mysterious
world of magic, via the once
popular comic strip,
"Mandrake The Magic-
At the age of eight,
Kreskin began to perfect
his powers of ESP.
He later began exper-
imenting with hypnosis,
and, according to the world
New York Times, was pro-
bably the youngest per-
?orming hypnotist in the
world at
age nine.
MUSIC LOVERS FROM Raleigh and all parts of Eastern
North Carolina are expected to descend on Wright
Auditorium for the Big Super Grit Show Saturday, Sept 23
at 8 30 p m. Pictured here are Robert Hause. ECU
orchestra director. M ike K inzie. fiddler, and Danny Vmson.
Star Wars clone hits TV
KRESKIN IS A sdantific investigator of tha powar of
suggestion and various araas of ESP. Evarything ha doas
encompasses natural and sdantific maans. Ha baliav? that
what ha doas is inherent to everyone, but that ha has
laarnad to sansitiza himsalf to tha raaction and attituda of
people around him.
Assistant Trends Editor
The implications of Star Wars were more than
movie-goers and its creators expected. Star Wars has not
only opened up the cinema and television eyes to what good
can and should be, but it also opened a floodgate of ideas
that will eventually coalesce into various remakes. Will they
be good or bad? That is yet to be seen.
The timing is, however, that the motion picture industry
has realized what a potentially commercial profit it can be.
This of course not only demerits the field in the faces of the
pros, but further reduces the public's feelings towards
science fiction.
Again, isthisgood or bad? In some senses, it is good; in
others, such as films purposefully designed to cash in on
Star Wars it is resentful.
People like the elements of Star Wars because of the
magical wizardry, action, and overall fun of it. When the
idea of a television series developed with the same format
laden with the same dazzling effects was proposed, dollar
signs floated through the heads of many a producer.
When TV Guide announced the fall premier of a show
named Battlestar Galactica. thoughts of a TV Star Wars
welled within.
Indeed, Galactica came to light, though perhaps only
with a dim bulb. After the private screening (attended by
members of the Star Wars Corporation who probably sat in
a row far from the screen), the Corporation announced their
charges against the creators of Galactica' for blatant,
somewhat cinematic, plagiarism .
The corporation is at the the present time suing the
Galactica producers but since the trials begin sometime
later this year or the beginning of next , we have yet to see
the outcome By then most of the anger will have worn off.
John Dykstra,special effects ace who created the ships
and did many of the effects for Star Wars and now Galactica
has said that he feels Galactica is nothing more than a jump
on the bandwagon, a thing that practically every television
show has done at one time or another.
He says that it is the same thing as a police drama series
becoming popular (say 'Charlie's Angels'), and then
another networks, seeing how successful it becomes,
merely put out copies in the event of grabbing the same
high rating, examples are CBS' American Girls and Flying
Dystra's opinion is a true and valid one, and also one
which the Star Wars Corporation should hear and
understand Not only is Galactica not a rip-off, it is in fact,
reaching out to an even larger segment of the public, and
giving an even greater push, one which could eventually
cause filmmakes to devote their attention to major works,
of soeince fiction. But that's running away from the subject.
Battlestar Galactica' finally premiered on Sun Sept.
17 at 8 p.m a gala three-hour pilot. It exploded onto the
screen (again, ala Star Wars), with scenes of spacecraft
blasting away at each o ther across the heavens. The first
fifteen minutes held a trim grip on the audience, including
myself, and never let go.
And it happened. What we expected, we received. And
perhaps some more.
The plot of Battlestar Galactica is this
A peace armistice is in progress between mankind and
its deadliest enemies, the androids civilization of the
The Cylons have dedicated themselves to bring about
the total annihilation of humanity, possesmg a deep hatred
for mankind.
On the other hand, the humans wish to bring about
peace after the eons-long war that has been costly and
wasteful. A large flotilla of immense flagships, called
battlestars, has arrived at a designated meeting point wher
the armistice will be signed. Waiting on the Battlestar
Atlantia are the members of the Council of Twelve, each a
representative of his plant. On board, and commanding the
Battlestar Galactica. is Commander Adama. a high official
on theCOuncil, and father of many children -oneof them a
space-roving playboy named Starbuck.
At the same monjent. Starbuck and his friend Apollo
have been sent on a mission to see where the Sylon ships
are coming from and why they seen to be delaying the
When the two star-pilots arrive at one of their planets
they find, surrounding it. a high fleet of Cylon warships on
their way to the meeting. So far, everything seems normal
until the warships commence attack on the human Viper
ships. All are destroyed but one, the brother of Appoio s
and andit tries to make it back to warn the Fleet, but is
vaporized just as it reaches the docking bay
A fierce battle ensues, leaving only the Galactica intact
all the other battlestars destroyed, including the one
housing the Council Deeply saddened and baffled
Commander Adama begins to wonder why there was an
attack on his fleet Not only would it destroy all plans for
future peace but it was also a diversion, so they could attack
the one place where it could be all wiped out compietelv -
The Galactica sends out a Viper piloted by Canton
Apollo and Commander Adama. They land on th
homeworld of the solar system and find it smokina rao
barren, lifeless, blackened. Adama thinks of his wife an
while doing so. doesn't know of an angered mob wondering
where the fleet was when they needed it. wing
Adama explains tha' while they were beino hem k
the battle, the Cylon motherships used .t as a d.v
destroy the planets. It is decided that the Cylons w 0
be able to be reasoned with. never
One of the council is shown to be a traitor work
the Cylons, who has advised them all along the bJ9 '
launch an all-out attack. The Cylons decided thev n? i l?
have use for him, but suddenly spare him Iiw P'
leader decides that he may be of some use after all wJ n
find out more next week. w m"
So the battle rages. The Battlestar Galactica ,
thnr?I6906 'eadinfl h6r ,a '?"??oLt!
and battered fleet on a search for their ancestral JL n
where they originatedEarth. an??ral Homeland
A grand and glorious opening! But will it

Looking for Mr.
Goodbar, this
Week's free flick
LocJH FMms Comm?ttee will show
weekend s Free Flick. The movie will be
own at 7 and 9 p m Fr(day an(j
Saturday n.ghtsat Hendricks Theatre
Set against the world of dope, singles
rs, and discos, Judith Rossners best-
?e'l'ng novel is vividly translated to the
screen by director Richard Brooks (In
oid Blood), and stars Academy Award
winner Diane Keaton (Annie Hall) as
sreta Dunn, a young woman trying to
Jreak away from the claustrophobic
atmosphere of her family and search for
her own identity.
?s the real Theresa Dunn the
compassionate teacher of deaf children
?V day; or is she Theresa Dunn who seeks
after uninvolved sexua! encounters by
night? Or is Theresa Dunn both?
This may be the first film to seriously
the question today's woman
Systems' on display in Gray
Mr. Goodbar this week's free flick.
must examine about her own mental and
sexual development. Academy Award
nominee Tuesday Weld plays Theresa's
neurotic sister, as promiscuous in mar-
riage as Theresa is in the singles scene.
Rex Reed says of the movie, "Looking
For Mr. Goodbar has overwhelmed me to
the point of incoherence, but my fondest
wish is that it be seen and experienced by
anyone who gives two cents for what
great movies can and should be. For
inspiration, honesty and guts, it's an
unparalleled triumph.
Staff Writer
Harmonious interaction
has created "systems" in
the Wellington B.Qray Art
Gallery on the ECU
An art exhibition of
paintings and electronic
sculptures combine to form
the show entitled
"Systems The show was
coordinated by Aaron Karp
gallery director.
The paintings are by
artists Johnnes Lacher and
Harry Nadler.
Johnnes Lacher visited
the ECU school of art last
week and presented a slide
lecture of his recent work to
the students.
On Tuesday, in Jenkins
Auditorium, Alan Erdmann
creator of the unique elect-
ronic and plexiglass sculp-
tures presented a slide
lecture and offered insights
in his pieces.
His sculptures which
appear to be an impersonal
highly refined systems con-
tain solar cells which when
triggered by light emit
various melodies and
Despite it's futuristic
appearance, one piece,
"Solonox" depends entire-
ly on nature. It functions
only four times a year; at
noon on the winter and
York and Canada.
Following Tuesday's
lecture an impromptu dance
was performed to the
sounds and melodies of the
sculptures in the art
Sara Berman, a teacher
of dance at ECU and
several students performed
The dancers were:
Mike Lee
Tony Eder
Lynn Brady
Patsy Roop
Dennis Kahn
Paige Weaver
The show will be on
exhibit in the W.B. Gray
Art Gallery in Jenkins Art
Center through Sept. 24.
Gallery hours are 9-4.
'Tuesday Afternoon Patio Jam'
to be Coffeehouse entertainment
wiring system housed In
plexiglass, become quite
friendly as they emit
sounds and communicate
with one another.
They are so susceptible
to change that a viewer may
interrupt their communica-
tion merely by blocking the
ultrasonic signals. The
summer solstice and the
spring and fall equinox.
Erdman .currently
residing in Greenville,rec-
eived his education at
Milwaukee Insitute of
Techology and University
of Wisconsin. He is affiliat-
ed with several reknowned
galleries throughout New
The Coffeehouse Com-
mittee will present the first
in what is hoped will be a
weekly event, the "Tues-
day Afternoon Patio Jam"
on the patio of Mendenhall
this Tues Sept 26. at 3
Doug White. chair-
person, encourages anyone
with even a little talent to
come out and join in.
The jam will be a very
informal affair. We're try-
ing to break down the
barriers between the stage
and the audience and make
everybody feel like they're
a part of the show. We
don't care how good you
are. just so long as you're
not so bad that you ruin the
jam for everybody else
White said.
"If you're not confident
enough to perform solo,
bring your instrument a-
long anyway. Chances are
you'll be more comfortable
playing in a group, and you
can walk up and join the
rest of the musicians. If you
can't play anything, maybe
you can sing, or at least
clap your hands and stomp
your feet. The more atten-
dance we have, the more
fun we'll have
White said the jam
would become a weekly
event if the first one is
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Page S FOUNTAINHEAD 21 Stottnbf 1978
Consort presents Renaissance concert
Staff Reporter
Music of the Renaiss-
ance will be featured in a
performance by the Locrian
Consort at Immanuel Bap-
tist Church this Friday
night at 8:15. All interested
persons are invited to at-
tend free of charge.
The five-member Ren-
aissance ensemble will
highlight works of the 16th
century. Dances by Thomas
Simpson and William Da-
mon, Fantasias by Thomas
Morley and Robert Whyte
and other works will re-
present the England of
King Henry VIII and Eliz-
abeth R.
German polyphony will
be represented by the
Glogauer Liederbuoh, an
anonymous collection from
the late 15th century. These
songs (lieder) bear names
such as "Cat's Paw
"Hunter's Horn and
"crane's Beak
Other European coun-
tries will contribute by
Mainero, Fevin, Sesato,
and various other Renaiss-
ance composers.
Roy Sansom, a graduate
of Old Dominion Univer-
sity, is the director of the
consort. Two members of
the Norfolk Symphony Or-
chestra, French hornist
M ichael Rrubaker and bas-
soonist Jeff Shepard play
Renaissance instruments in
the consort. They are also
ODU graduates.
Two alumni of the ECU
Collegium Musicum com
plete the consort. Eric
Haas, an oboe major, grad-
uated Magna Cum Laude
from ECU this spring with a
Bachelor of Music in
TheoryComposition. After
the Friday recital he plans
to study in Boston with
John Tyson. Tyson, also an
ECU graduate, is a member
of the highly esteemed
Greenwood Consort.
Flutist John McLeilan
will graduate in December
following a semester of
student teaching. He is
"77te Locrian Consort
performance will
offer a rare oppor-
tunity to hear
Renaissance music
played on authentic
early instruments.
working toward a double
degree in Composition and
Music Education.
The 16th century in-
strumentalists embodied
the Renaissance spirit of
lively interest in many
disciplines. In true Ren-
aissance spirit, the mem-
bers of the Locrian Consort
are all multi-talented and
pursue interests in not one
but many early instru-
The audience will hear
each consort member per-
forming on a variety of
instruments. They will play
all voices of the recorder
family (sopranino, soprano,
alto, tenor, bass, and great
bass), kortholts, racketts,
krumhorns, muted oornett,
and tabor.
The Locrian Consort
performance will offer a
rare opportunity to hear
Renaissance music played
on authentic early instru-
IN TRUE RENAISSANCE spirit, the members of the
Locrian Consort are all multi-talented and pursue interests
in not one but many early instruments.
Over 10,000 listings! All subjects.
Send NOW for this FREE catalog.
(offer expires Dec 31,1978)
P.O. Box 84396, Los Angeles, CA. 90073
continued from p. 6
A scientific investigator
of the power of suggestion,
and extra-sensory percep-
tion, Kreskin depends upon
a highly-developed mental
ability which he believes is
inherent in everyone.
With the force of his
own personality, persua-
siveness and sensitivity, he
can receive impressions.
Although Kreskin now
doubts the validity of hyp-
nosis, he began exper-
imenting with it as a young
child, after his interest in
magic and ESP was stirred
by the once-popular comic
strip "Mandrake the Ma-
Kreskin has baffled
millions on his numerous
TV appearances, as the
guest of Mike Douglas,
Johnny Carson and others.
His book, The Amazing
World of Kreskin has been
a best-seller.
Today, he no longer
believes that there is the
slightest scientific evidence
of a hypnotic trance or
Kreskin has baffled mil-
lions on his numerous
television appearances on
such shows as M ike
Douglas and Johnny
He is the author of the
best seller "The Amazing
World of Kreskin
Tickets for the perfor-
mance are available from
the ECU Central Ticket
Tickets are priced at
$1 for ECU students,
$2 for ECU faculty and
staff members, and $3
for the public.
continued from p.6
ratings game? A show can't last depending on its special
effects, a prime example being Space: 1999 Abysmal
acting, and absurd stories lessened and eventually lead to
the demise of 7999, despite really remarkable effects by
Brian Johnson, who also did another British science fiction
series, UFO. That is what will determine Galaciica s fate
The players in Galactica are Lorne Green, by far the
best, playing Adama like he was made for the part . giving
a convincing performance and not fumbling over hard script
lines and contending with unusual words that were
impossible to pronounce; Dirk Benedict, as Lieutenant
Starbuck. trying his best but coming off half and half
Obvious scirpt dialogue difficulties hampered an
otherwise excellent performance of a fun-loving warrior
attached to his fleet, gambling, and women Richard
Hatch, late of 'The Streets of San Francisco . also didn't
seem to be up to par, playing Apollo with somewhat false
dedication and presumptousness. Does Hatch play a true
star captain? Captain Kirk he's not, but to put him any
lower would be bringing him below the surface He was
average over-all, probably just enough for the normal
television viewer to accept and appreciate.
The storyline was similar to Star Wars in some respects,
but differed greatly in others. For instance, the story of the
Cylons (the mechanical servants of reptilian masters ages
ago are now the last fragments of that long-dead
civilization) came to be both interesting and inventive
What'scorning aroung the bend, from what's been seen
so far, looks very promising indeed. If the rest of the season
delivers like the opener, science fiction fans the world over
can now rejoice.
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ElrtRchrown or Kortaorwmif ProcRoHriQ
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Pirates on the road against USL
21 Sept ember 1978 FOUNTAINHEAO Page 9
Sports Editor
Even after back to back
osses aga.nst Atlantic
-oast Conference teams
State and North Caro-
a ECU head coach Pat
Dye admits his Pirate's are
'neir worst enemy.
In ,ust three games this
ECU has commit-
turnovers with six
n9 last week in the
'ates narrow 14-10 loss to
m Carolina.
We re just not a well
ed machine on of-
'nse, said Dye. "With
nat many turnovers in
three games, it's a wonder
we've been in any of the
games. If we had not had
all those turnovers against
State and North Carolina
we would have won both
"There's still no quest-
ion in my mind that we
have a better team than last
year, but we haven't
proved it yet continued
Dye. "If we can ever get
our offense untracked we'll
be the best show in the
Although the Pirates
dominated play both of-
fensively and defensively in
the second half against the
Simply Sports
Sam Rogers
Tar Heels, ECU could
manage only ten points and
have yet to score more than
two touchdowns in a game
this season.
However, East Carolina
halfbacks Eddie Hicks and
Anthony Collins are now
healthy again after missing
the N.C. State game be-
cause of injuries and both
enjoyed fine games against
UNC. Hicks carried 12
times for 52 yards while
Collins gained 80 yards in
19 carries.
"I saw a lot of prom-
ising things about our
offense Saturday noted
Dye. "But they're still
going out there during
practice and working too
hard toget thingsdone
Dye praised offensive
lineman Mitchell Smith,
Nelson Smith, Matt Mul-
holland and split end Terry
Gallaher for their play
against North Carolina
while the entire defensive
unit drew plaudits, inclu-
ding Zack Valentine, John
Morris and linebackeis
Mike Brewington, Tommy
Summer and Jeffrey War-
However, Dye indicated
he will use more players on
offense this week when
East Carolina travels to
Lafayette, Ls. to face
Southwestern Louisiana.
The Ragin' Cajuns upset
the Pirates last season 9-7
in Ficklen Stadium, but are
0-2 this year.
"We're going to be
using more people on of-
fense to make some things
happen explained Dye.
"We're going to use sev-
eral different people in the
offensive line and I hope to
give Steve Greersome more
playing time at quarter-
"We've got all the
ingredients we need for
something to happen on
offense. They're just sitting
over there like a powder
keg with no fuse. Maybe
some of these changes will
make a difference
Dye said Southwestern
Louisiana has a great de-
fensive team with two
outstanding linebackers in
Clarence Hannah and
Frank Bartley. Although
the Cajuns have scored only
three points in two games
they have allowed just 20.
"They will present us
with a lot of problems
defensively Dye said.
They have a tough secon-
dary and held Tulsa to just
ten points after they scored
35 points against Virginia
Randolph signs with Argonauts
-AROLD RANDOLPH, a standout at linebacker for the
ates last season signed a contract last week with the
onto Argonauts according to Greenville attorney Marvin
Jr Although terms of the contract were not
i sclosed. Blount said Randolph received a bonus and will
sw a salary which is reported to be much larger than his
if he had remained in the National Football League.
lolph will remain at his linebackmg position and will
?? the remainder of the games this season with the
Argonauts. The 6-1. 210 pound Greenville native, was a
th round draft choice by the world champion Dallas
owboys. He was released from the squad just two.weeks
re the Cowboys season opener.
PEGGIE PINKNEY. a former ECU defensive back is
h s second year with the Detroit Lions. Pickney is
starting at safety for the Lions. The Fayetteville
?e enjoyed a fine rookie season last year. He
tercepted a pass against Tampa Bay and returned it 48
3s for a touchdown to give the Lions a 16-7 victory over
Bucaneers Pickney s in the Pirate record books for one
the most unusual plays in ECU history. Against
Richmond ip 1976. he intercepted a pass and returned it 98
is, but failed to score a touchdown. He fumbled the ball
? as he crossed the goal line and the ball tumbled out of
he end zone The play was ruled a touchback and
Richmond received the ball on the ECU 20. Pickney was
voived in the controversial pass interference call
agai-st North Carolina in 1973 which allowed the Heels to
score their winning touchdown.
SATURDAY'S ECU-UNC game in Chapel Hill was much
- a rtformal alumni meeting for members of Rose
High's 1975 State 4-A Championship team. Five players are
now on the ECU-North Carolina rosters this season who
played for the Rampants championship team. Mike
Brewington. Henry Trevathan, Joe Godette and Rocky
Butier are on the Pirate roster while Doug Paschal is the
one member of the Tar Heels. Brewington had six solo
tackles, ' ve assists, a fumble recovery and one sack against
ast Saturday. Paschal, who earned the starting
sack, carried the ball nine times for 91 yards. On
second carry of the afternoon, he went down the right
side line for 42 yards. Paschal's father, incidentally, is the
charan of the ECU history department.
APPARENTLY THE NCAA investigation of the ECU
basketball program has finally ended. A member of the
NCAA enforcement committee spent a week in Greenville
.mmer questioning D.H. Conley High School coach
Shelly Marsh and ECU head coach Larry Gillman and his
assistant Herb Dillon. The investigation concerned alleged
recruiting violations involving Conley prep standout Al
on a 6-10 center who signed a grant-in-aid with ECU
s year Although ECU chancellor Dr. Thomas Brewer
ssued a statement earlier which stated the university was
conducting its own investigation, nothing has been reported
since then The Pirates open their 1978 season Nov. 25
against UNC-Asheville.
Dye said Wednesday at his weekly press luncheon the N.C.
State center Jim Richter is the best center in the college
game today. Some of the things he does are inhuman
admitted Dye "He is a better center than Ted Brown is a
running back Richter was voted the Associated Press
Lineman of the Week for his performance against Syracuse
m the Wolf pack" s 27-19 victory last week.
THE ECU WOMEN'S volleyball team
opened its season Tuesday night with
victories over Louisburg College and
UNC-Wilmington. East Carolina faces
UNC-Greensboro Saturday night in M in
ges Coliseum.
Photoby Kip Sloan
ECU volleyball team opens
with two victories at home
Staff Writer
Prior to ECU'S season
opener volleyball coach Al-
ita Dillon had said her team
was not prepared to play,
that the girls hadn't worked
together long enough to
play cohesively.
On the contrary. At the
hands of an unsuspecting
Louisburg team and an
undertalented Wilmington
squad, the Lady Pirates
swept two wins and ECU
started their season off 2-0.
Louisburg has repre-
sented the state in volley-
ball for division II schools
for several years and in last
years match they defeated
ECU 15-13, 15-11. Louis-
burg won the serve and
proceeded to ramble off
four straight points. Dillon
quickly called a time out
and got the troops settled.
Working off the serves
of Joy Forbes, the Lady
Bucs countered by winning
taking six straight games.
ECU moved into a very
comfortable 13-8 lead,
however inexperience,
nerves, and first game
tension gave way and lou-
isburg exploded to take a
14-13 edge.
A key spike by Rosie
Thompson tied the score at
14 a piece; seconds later
Thompson came through
with another smash spike
that seemed to perman-
ently shift the momentum
for the Pirates.
Ginny Rogers ended the
game with a perfectly ex-
ecuted tap to give ECU a
15-13 victory.
The second game in the
best of three series wass
dominated by ECU. Louis-
burg never threatened and
the Lady Pirates won han-
dily 15-4.
Fine performances in
the game included some
excellent serving by Yvette
Lewis, outstanding spike
set ups by Becky Beau-
champ, and key spikes all
night by Rosie Thompson
and Ginny Rogers.
"I feel we played well,
however our recovery from
offense to defense was slow
at times said Dillon. "I
feel this hurt us more than
anything. We did play
better than I had anti-
cipated and now my sights
are set even higher
In ECU's second match
of the night against UNC-
Wilmington, the Lady Pir-
ates wasted no time in
practicing what Wilming-
ton thought was a practice
spike session.
High leeper Rosie
Thompson and co-ordinator
Ginny Rogers continually
set each other up and
smashed spikes came in a-
Outstanding players in
the match included LaVon-
da Duncan and Sandy
Sampson, who, came off
the bench several times to
start key rallies for the
A healthy Hicks
to the Pirates lineup last week against
North Carolina and carried the ball 12
times for 52 yards. ECU travels to
Layfayette, Ls. this week to face the
Ragin' Cajuns' of Southwestern Loui-
siana USL upset ECU last year in Ficklen
Stadium 9-7. Photo by John H. Grogan)
Tammariello's Cajuns'off
to slow start this season
Assistant Sports Editor
Southwestern Louisiana
head football coach Augie
Tammariello believes that
the only way to improve
something is by repetition.
Therefore, he would like to
see a "repeat" perform-
ance of last season.
In 1977 the Ragin'
Cajuns' finished with a
6-4-2 record. Southwestern
Louisiana defeated ECU 9-7
in Ficklen Stadium
e One thing that Tammer-
iello doesn't want to repeat,
though, is his team's offen-
sive performance in their
first two games. In two
games, the Ragin' Cajuns
have only put three points
on the scoreboard. In retro-
spect. Tammariello would
like to see the USL defense
stage a repeat performance
of the team's first two
games. The Cajun defense
allowed just 20 points in
both games, losses to Long
Beach State 10-0, and Tulsa
Coming into this Satur-
day's contest with ECU
with an 0-2 record is not a
very entertaining thought
for Tammariello.
"You always have to be
ready for East Carolina
said Tammariello.
"They have a super
defense. Their offensive
backs are loaded with
speed and natural ability.
They throw enough to keep
you honest, also. Pat Dye is
a great coach. His teams
are always ready to play
Most of our naturally
talented players are on
defense admitted Tam-
marielly. "Thus far, we
haven't done a lot right
offensively We'll just have
to Keep practicing and
running our basic plays. Of
course we are very inex-
The Cajuns definately miss
the presence of All-
America quarteback Roy
Henrym who graduated last
year. Tammariello has yet
to decide upon a perma-
nent replacement for
Henry. Sophomore David
Guidry and senior Ken
Matthews have shared the
duties thus far this season.
Guidry is said to have the
stronger arm, but less
on-the-field maturity, of the
"They have a fine def-
ensive football team said
ECU head coach, Dye.
"They are as good as we
have seen this year. They
might even be better than
North Carolina or North
Carolina State
Dye had high praise for
the Cajun linebackers,
Clarence Hannah and
Frank Bartley. "They have
two of the best linebackers
we've ever seen noted
Dye. "They are blessed
with tremendous speed and
Tammariello also had
praise for the USL defense.
Ron Irving is the
Cajuns' top player on def-
ense. In two full seasons of
play and two games this
season, Irving has 15 career
interceptions. He was All-
Southland Conference last
season and has been the
Cajuns' Most Valuable De-
fensive Back for the past
two years. "Teams have
begun to leave him alone
said Tammariello. "Now
they throw toanother direc-
tion. Ron has everyone's
Another strong point for
the Cajuns' should be their
kicking game All-
Southland Conference kick-
er John Roveto returns
after a banner season last
year. His 19 field goals
broke a school record He
finished the season with 81
Tammariello hopes
Roveto will get some help
this week from the USL
offense. "We're doing the
same things in practice,
trying to improve our ex-
ecution said Tammariello
"We re a very young
team claimed Tammar-
iello. "We lost a lot of
poeple at the skill positions
'I like to destroy people Brewington
Sports Editor
Pirate linebackers have always been characterized as a
notorious bunch of headhunters on the football field.
More often than not former stars like Danny Kepley and
Harold Randolph were found in opponents backfields
sacking quarterbacks or slamming running backs to the turf
at the line of scrimmage for little or no gain.
Mike Brewington is no exception.
"I like to knock them down and destroy them
explained BrewingtonMost of the time you just have to
take what you can get on the field, but I usually get some
good shots in every game
Against North Carolina last week, the 6-4, 230 pound
Greenville native was at his finest hour. He was credited
with six solo tackles, five assists, a fumble recovery, and a
sack. He, along with the rest of his defensive cohorts,
allowed the Tar Heels only six net yards rushing and two
first downs in the second half.
North Carolina's highly publicized contingent of
running backs spent most of the afternoon running head on
into the Pirates brick wall up front with little success.
"We practiced awfully hard last week for Carolina
Brewington said. "We knew we had to stop all of Carolina's
running backs. We just went at it a little bit harder and we
really dominated them in the second half
The North Carolina contest was a homecoming of sorts
for Brewington and the rest of the Pirates who hail from
Greenville. All of the Rose High school graduates got a first
hand look at UNC running back Doug Paschal, one of their
teammates and a member of the 1975 state 4-A
championship team. "We played together for three years at
Rose High smiled Brewington. "But it sure was different
seeing him on the other side of the field. He's a real
competitor and he sure had a great game against us
Despite Brewington's defensive heroics, the Pirates still
dropped their second straight Atlantic Coast Conference
contest and now find themselves saddled with a frustrating
1-2 record. And with dangerous Southwestern Louisiana
coming up this week, Brew.ngton admits the remainder of
the schedule will be a challenge for the Pirates.
"Right now it's too late to let anything stop us said
Brewington, the Pirates leading tackier this seaaon. "Even
after losses to State and Carolina we've got not time for
setbacks. We've got to keep going
Last year the Pirates were sailing right along with an
impressive 7-1 record before the Ragin' Cajuns' from
Southwestern Louisiana ended ECU'S three game winning
streak with a narrow 9-7 victory. The Pirates bowl hopes
took a severe jolt after the loss and ended two weeks later
with another setback to William and Mary.
"They really spoiled our season last year admitted
Brewington. "We'rje ready to go down there and get them
this year
Much like last season, the remainder of the Pirates
schedule is against much less publicized teams such as
Marshall, Appalachian State and VMI.
Nevertheless, Brewington insists an undefeated record
the remainder of the year and some impressive showings
both offensively anc defensively could very well send the
Pirates bowling at the end of the season.
"It's a challenge but we know exactly what we have to
do noted Brewington. "If we don't win, no one is even
going to oonsider us so we've got to get back on the right
track this week

Page 10 FOUNTAINHEAD 21 September 1978
FOUNTAINHEAD's Fearless Forecast
ECU 24-3
N.C. State
Virginia Tech
M ississippi
ECU 27-9
N.C. State
M ichigan
Virginia Tech
M ississippi
ECU 24-0
N.C. State
' Michigan
Virginia Tech
ECU 28-10
N.C. State
M aryland
Notre Dame
Head Football Coach - ECU
ECU 24-7
N.C. State
M aryland
South Carolina
M ichigan
Pat Dye i?
this week's
guest picker
The guest picker this
week in FOUNTAIN-
HEAD'S Fearless Forecast
is ECU head football coach
Pat Dye. Dye is in his fifth
season at the Pirate helm.
Last weeks guest picker,
Chip Alexander finished at
8-3-1. The tie was brought
about by the Kentucky-
South Carolina contest The
game ended in a 14-14
This week in the NFL
mo shop
Closing out all used golf clubs at
12 price. Golf balls all brands
$10.99 per dozen. All
new golf clubs In
stock cost plus 10.
Must clear out to
make room for new
ski merchandise. Tennis balls
$2.50 per can.
Sale ends Oct. 1,1978.
Assistant Sports Editor
Last week, some things
were straigntened out on
the wild world of the
National Football League.
First of all, the Los Angeles
Rams served notice to the
NFL that they were ready to
give the World Champion
Dallas Cowboys heavy com-
petition for the NFC Crown
this year.
Also, the Baltimore
Colts got things back Into
perspective with a surprise
win over the New England
Riggan Shoe
Repair Shop ?
Downtown Greenville
111 W. 4th Street
Here's a look at this
weeks games.
This is probably the
biggest game of the week.
The Bears are 3-0 and lead
the NFC Central Division.
The Vikings are 1-2. A loss
would almost be fatal to
Bud Grant's squad. The
veteran Vikings know about
big games. This should
enable them to edge by
young Chicago.
The Rams, fresh from
their big victory over Dallas
run into another tough
Texas team this week.
Defensively, the Rams will
concentrate on stopping
oiler rookie star Earl
Offensively, Pat Ha-
den directs a powerful
attack. The Rams should
win this one, but not
without trouble.
Tom Landry lost last
week. He doesn't like that.
Bud Wilkinson hasn't won
YET. He doesn't like that.
But Bud doesn't have Ro-
ger Staubach, Tony Dor-
sett, and Harvey Martin on
his team either. The Cow-
boys win here easily.
The Giants may be on
the verge of actually having
a football team. The New
Yorkers have looked good
in almost every outing this
season. The 49ers have
problems. One of these is
the unproductivity of O.J.
Simpson. The Juice just
hasn't displayed the great-
ness that was once only his.
If he has a super afternoon,
the 49ers may win. Other-
wise chalk up one for the
Good for 25 off
suggested retail price
on all golf and
tennis merchandise.
(Sale items not included)'
Bearer must present thisj
coupon at counter
Offer expires Oct. 1,1978J
It's Coming!
It's Coming!
"The Complete Sound
System Store
SPORTS WORLD is ha ving a
college night every Thursday night
from 6:30 pm to 1OKX) pm. All
co-eds admitted free with ID. Menadmitted
or1.00 with ID. This includes skate rentals.
104 E. Redbanks( behind Shoney's)
Featuring the new,
modern roller skating
game room, pro shop,
521 Cotanche
Georgetown Shoppes
We deliver on campus
6:OOpm-12 mldnlte.
Large Drink FREE
For a spectacular
Steak Special Two complete
budget Ribeye Dinners for
$3.99 Dinner includes
choice of potato, Texas
toast and salad from our
all-you-can eat Salad Bar
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and Lollipop with FREE drink
tow Hour
11 a.m-10 ?.rr
The Raiders take a-
nother step towards the
Super Bowl here, maybe.
Actually, this game could
go either way. A loss would
drop the Patriots to 1-3.
Still, the Raiders get the
edge based on the fact that
the game is being played
in Oakland.
Redskin coach Jack
Pardee seems to be getting
more out of this bunch of
"Oldie-Goodies' than
George Allen did. Rookie
Tony Green has the people
In the nation's capital for-
getting Eddie Brown with
his exciting punt and kick-
off returns. The Jets should
become the Skins fourth
straight victim.
The Bengals are 0-3.
That should tell the story
right there. Coach Bill
Johnson and his troops
should chock up their first
win easily, and give the
young Saints a clinic at the
same time.
The Bucs upset Min-
nesota last week. The Fal-
cons lost to Cleveland.
Atlanta should have more
desire. They definitely
have the better team.
This one could go either
way. But, there's the feel-
ing here that the Colts are
beginning to get things
back on track. The defense
was excellent last week. If
the same is true this week,
the Bills will be in for a long
The Steelers put it all
together last week against
the Bengals. Terry Brad-
shaw is a much more
mature quarterback that he
once was. This, combined
with a rejuvinated "Steel
Curtain" should make Pit-
tsburg the class of the AF
Central Division, of which
Cleveland is a member
The Broncos are for
real. Despite preseason re-
ports that last year was a
fluke, the Rocky Mountain
Boys are back to their old
tricks again this year. One
of those tricks is pulling out
close, defensive games
Look for Red Miller and
company to pull that one
out of the hat this week
Detroit seems to be in
for a long season. They are
in ten middle of nearly a
decade of disappointments
Seattle, on the other hand,
is a third year team that is
causeing many problems to
older, more established
franchises. Jimzorn directs
an explosive offense. Sea-
hawk coach Jack Patera is
building a future dynasty
He will use Detroit as yet
another stepping stone.
The potentially power-
ful Chargers have lost two
straight. The ioeaes came at
the hands of their arch
rivals, the owand Raiders
and Denver Broncos. Tom-
my Protho surety put his
n through quite a weak
of practice. The Charger
? Una, which av-
??? height is about r T
wMi put the
fii. a
the victory

Fountainhead, September 21, 1978
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 21, 1978
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