Fountainhead, September 14, 1978

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Vol. 55 No.
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
14 September 1978
Chancellor Brewer describes
ECU in the'Next Few Years'
Assistant News Editor
Dr. Thomas Brewer,
chancellor of ECU. addres-
sed a breakfast meeting of
the Greenville Chamber of
Commerce Tuesday on the
subject" ECU In The Next
Few Years
Beginning on a humor-
our note. Brewer comment-
ed that he should begin his
talk by 'Talking about ECU
in the Next Few Weeks
commenting further that
what ECU needed was
healthy backfield for it's
upcoming football game
with UNC-Chapel Hill.
Brewer then comment-
ed on the overall excellence
of ECU. and he praised his
predecessor. Dr. Leo
Jenkins, former chancellor.
He expressed the hope
that ECU would get even
better in the years ahead.
According to Brewer,
the years of rapid growth
and expansion are over.
and m the years ahead,
there will be an increase
emphasis on overall excel-
lence within the university.
Brewer expressed the
hope that an increase in
overall excellence would
result m students receiving
a ? ner education and there-
bring credit to this
region of the state.
Brewer listed three
areas of top priority for the
university in the years
Fine-tuning the admin-
istration - Brewer outlined
the plans for the eliminat-
ion of two existing positions
in the administrative hier-
archy and the creation of
two new ones to take their
Enlargement and dev-
elopment of outside sup-
port. He outlined plans to
build up alumni chapters,
and he set a goal of
receiving a contribution of
$10.00 from each alumnus
This would add approx-
imately $350,000 to the
university's coffers.
Brewer also cited the
need to work with foundat-
ions and others for endow-
ed chairs, professorships,
and scholarships.
Brewer said that while
the legislature is very im-
portant, we need to also
emphasize cultivating
funds from private sources.
A concentration on dev-
eloping doctoral programs
here at the University -
Brewer noted that ECU
would move into a higher
category in the UNC system
if it could initiate a program
of doctoral studies here.
Brewer said that the
program might be initiated
as early as fall 1979.
Describing the Medical
School as the "focal point
of health care in eastern
North Carolina Brewer
commented that programs
at the school would be
He said there is a
possibility of a gifted child
center at the Medical
School facility.
Brewer expressed an
interest in the implementa-
tion of cross-department
research projects.
He said he thought it
was good that a faculty
member from the Medical
School and a faculty mem-
ber from the Geology de-
partment were engaged
jointly in research.
Brewer then expressed
a desire to carry on re-
search in the field of
Brewer added that the
way to implement these
new programs was to build
a "star" system into the
He said that the way to
do this was to include ine
each department a person
of national prominence in
that field.
He said that emphasis
should be placed on faculty
He then turned to stud-
ent life on the campus, and
he noted that there are
needed improvements to be
made to the campus.
Brewer vowed to make
ECU the Drettiest campus
in the country, and he
expressed an interest in a
beautification campaign for
Greenville and the Pitt
County area.
Brewer spoke of the
need to renovate Wright
Audotorium, or to build a
new one. He also noted that
Memorial Gymnasium
needs renovation, and he
proposed a new classroom
building and new admini-
stration building.
According to Brewer,
ECU needs a new dorm-
itory, and a new, upgraded,
food service facility. He
proposed a long range
study to meet these needs.
Brewer said that ECU
needs to recruit disadvan-
taged students, and he said
that he thought the best
way to achieve this would
be have the Admissions
Office place a new empha-
sis on this.
Brewer re-emphasized
the need for support from
private sources, and he said
that he was depending on
local businesses and individ
-uals to contribute to the
growth of ECU.
He added that he expec-
ted - and welcomed - public
scrutiny of the university.
According to Brewer,
there is an increasing need
for intramural facilities
here. He said adding tennis
courts,completing the base-
ball field and constructing a
new intramural gym and
raquetball courts are pos-
sible solutions to the cur-
rent shortage of space.
He added that we need
to continue progress on
Title IX - a measure to
upgrade facilities for
Brewer said he would
like to build a new field-
house - coliseum with a
seating capacity of 10 to
15,000 in the Greenville
area, a venture that could
possibly be undertaken by a
combination of ECU,
Greenville and Pitt County
He also cited the need
to improve parking facili-
ties here.
Finally, he expressed
the need for ECU to
become involved in joining
a present athletic confer-
ence, or participating in the
formation of a new one.
He expressed the hope
that this could be done
An estimated crowd of
150 attended the meeting.
On drinking in public
Crackdown in Chapel Hill
Assitant News Editor
Students who plan to
drink beer on the streets of
Chape! Hill this weekend
after the UNC-ECU football
game had better reconsider
- the Chapel Hill police
department has cracked
down on public consumpt-
ion of alcoholic beverages.
According to Tom
K rkpatrick, owner of
Kirkpatnck's bar. police
began the crackdown Sept-
ember 1.
Kirkpatnck was con-
cerned about the number of
ECU students who will be
in Chapel Hill this weekend
and he expressed the hope
that the students would be
mindful of the new policy of
the police department.
According to Kirkpat-
rick. the police department
will run double shifts on
Thursday. Friday, and Sat-
urday night because of the
expected increase in crowd
size over the football week-
Ben Callahan, an ad-
minstrative assistant for
the Chapel Hill police de-
partment said that the fine
for such offense is usually
about $10.00
He said the bail will
usually run about $50.00.
This can be in the form
of a bond issued by a bail
bondsman, or it may be an
unsecured bond ? a prom-
ise made by the student to
appear in court, or to pay
the bail money.
The student might also
be released on a personal
recognizance bond.
According to Callahan,
a special unit of six police
officers has been formed to
enforce the town ordin-
ances and state laws con-
cerning the public consum-
ption of alcoholic beverages
littering, vandalism, harras
-sment, assaults and thefts
from autos.
Callahan said that most
of these problems in the
downtown business district
are alcohol related.
Citizen and merchant
complaints prompted the
formation of the special
unit, noted Callahan.
"Some of the bars (in
particular) have been com-
plaining about assaults and
disorderly conduct he
Callahan had some ad-
vice for out of town
"Don't drink in public.
If you are standing on the
grounds of a bar drinking,
the police will not arrest
you. But, if you step out
onto a public sidewalk,
street or parking lot, and
drink, the police will arrest
Callahan emphasized
that the ordinance only
covers public consumption,
and not public display, of
alcoholic beverages.
"You can carry alcoho-
lic beverages anywhere in
town - out in the open - as
long as you don't drink it
he said.
He cited one instance
this past weeknd in which
a police officer saw a
student drinking a beer.
The student was arrested
on the spot.
Callahan also said that
the police are cracking
down on underage drinking
in Chapel Hill. "If a person
is caught drinking under-
age in Chapel Hill - and
that person is between the
ages of 16 and 17, that
person - and the person
that sold him the alcoholic
beverage, will be prosecut-
Callahan also cited the
crowd problems in Chapel
"We have had crowd
and traffic problems in
Chapel Hill. "In fact, the
other night someone was
hit by a car as he stood in
the street he said. Cal-
lahan said the police de-
partment has to keep the
streets cleared, for both
pedestrians and motorists
According to him, the
noise ordinance will also
be more stringently enforc-
ed in the future.
He said that if the noise
levels from a planned street
dance become too loud, the
police would close it down.
Callahan wanted to
make it clear that the polcie
were not singling out stud-
ents for prosecution.
"We are not picking on
the students we want
them to have a good time -
as long as they do it legally,
and in line with city ordin-
ances as well as state law
Thomas Brewer addressed a Greenville
Area Chamber of Commerce meeting
Tuesday on the future of ECU. Brewer
emphasized improvements in faculty
development, ecology awareness, and
campus buildings.
Media Board says yes
News Editor
The media board ap-
proved the $41,000 budget
for the 1978-79 Buccaneer
in a meeting Tuesday.
Speaking of the newly
approved budget, Craig
Sahli, Buccaneer Editor
said, "I am satisfied with
it. It isadequate
The board also discus-
sed plans to have students
pre-register for the year-
book so that the Buccaneer
staff can estimate the
number of copies to be
printed; therefor money
will not be wasted by
printing extra books.
On the issue of last
years Buccaneer, Tommy
Joe Payne, media board
chairman, said that former
Buccaneer editor, Susan
Rogerson had contacted the
media board and promised
to return to ECU Septem-
ber 20 to complete the
1978-79 book.
Payne said Rogerson
plans to send the finished
book to Hunter Publishing
Company to be printed and
the students may receive
the Buccaneer by Decem-
In other business, Doug
editor, requested a van for
transport newspaper to ano
from Washinqton. N.C
White said the cost to
rent a van twice a week was
high, and a better solution
might be to buy one.
The media board toid
White to negotiate for a
contract with the truck
rental company. Until a
contract can be worked out.
Payne said FOUN-
TAINHEAD must continue
rentng the van.
The next media board
meeting is scheduled for
Tuesday at 3 p.m.
What's inside
The last night for sorority rush parties
is this Friday. For details and a rousing
description of frat rush, see p.7.
Neil Simon's Goodbye Girl, starring
Richarc Dreytuss Marsha Mason, and
Quinn Cummmgs is this week's free flick.
See p.9.
The Pirates face Chapel Hill this
weekend in Kenan Stadium. For a
preview and a replay of the 1973
ECU-UNCgame, seep. 12.
is this student merely recuperating from
a hard day of classes?
Floor cover purchased
Minges re-opens for concerts
Staff Writer
Last spring following
the March 1 STYX con-
cert, the Student Union was
informed that no more
concerts could be held in
Minges Coliseum until
something was done to
protect the floor from dam-
Charles Sune, chairper-
son of the Major Attrac-
tions Committee, said that
alternatives were then re-
Student Union Financial
Advisor, Paul Brietman, a
former ECU student, re-
searched alternatives to
meet the request for floor
Brietman, along with
the Purchasing Office came
up with a solution: a floor
covering that will extend
over the entire floor area of
M inges.
This covering is fire
retardant and identical (ex-
cept in color) to one pur-
chased by UNC-Chapel
The covering is expect-
ed to arrive within the next
week and was obtained
through the Purchasing Of-
fice for $10,700.
It is owned solely by the
Student Union but Sune
feels it will be available to
other campus organiza-
When the cover arrives,
Sune feels that the Student
Union will again be allowed
to have concerts in Minges
The Major Attractions
Committee is responsible
for planning, promoting,
and presenting contemp-
orary entertainment to
meet the interest of the
students for major concert
Last year, the commit-
tee brought groups such as
As chairperson for the
second year, Sune says the
commute plans to have
more rounded and different
types of concerts this year
with the possibility of in-
cluding some appeal es-
pecially to individual mi-
nority groups.
The first concert is
scheduled for mid-October
and the committee is pre-
sently making entertain-
ment plans for Homecom-
The 6 committee mem-
bers are Charles Sune,
chairperson; Robin Ham-
mond, secretary; Mike Ar-
nold; Many Harwell; Jeff
Parker; Pete Podeszwa and
Along with Sune, half of
the members are returning
for their second term,
which Sune feels will aid in
the effectiveness of the
As with all Student
Union committees, the
chairperson and members
are all volunteers.
Ken Hammond, a for-
mer ECU student who has
been in the program office
for the past 5 years serves
as program director. As
direct adisor of the commi-
ttee Hammond handles
technical details and nego-
tiates contracts.
The committee is re-
sponsible for promotion of
See MINGES. d.5

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During the last week of
classes this April a fellow
student was in a bicycle
accident on College Hill St.
His skull was fractured,
brain bruised, left ear drum
ruptured, and the doctors
did not expect him to live to
the next day. Over 80
Christians in many parts of
the country started praying
for him and the next day he
was alive! Not only was he
alive but he was talking
with people, there was no
more brain damage, and
his vital signs were on the
go. He left the hospital in 8
days, strong and very alert.
Since Jesus healed him, he
attended N.C. Weslyan this
summer, has been active in
sports again, and is back at
ECU this fall taking 14 hrs.
of work. Come and hear
John M. Crowe tell how
Jesus has brought him from
death to life This meeting
will be tonight. Thurs
Sept. 14 m Mendenhall 221
at 7:30 p.m. This will be the
first meeting of the new
year of the ECU Full Gospel
Student Fellowship Chap-
We will sing songs of
praise, share what God is
doing in our lives, and pray
for your needs, believing
that God will meet those
needs. Everyone is invited
and welcomed to come to
any or all of these meet-
The Student Union Cof-
feehouse Committee will
Fri Sept. 15 at 3
m room 238 Menden-
hall All members must
All persons interested
m forming a Chess Club to
meet for weekly competit-
ion are invited to attend an
organizational meeting
Mon Sept. 18 at 7 p.m. in
the Mendenhall Multi-
purpose Room.
There will be an organ-
izational meeting of Phi
Alpha Theta. national his-
tory honor society, on
Tues. Sept. 19, at 7:30
p.m. in the Richard C. Todd
Room in Brewster Bldg.
This will be a very import-
ant meeting in which plans
for the upcoming year will
be discussed. All members
are strongly urged to
The Sociology Anthro-
pology Club will hold its
second meeting Wed
Sept. 20 at 7:30 p.m. in
All majors, minors, and
interested persons are in-
vited to attend. Plans for
the year will be discussed
and preparations for the
retreat will be finalized.
Pool party
Sign up today to partici-
pate in the "Billiards Lad-
der Tournament" to begin
on Wed Sept. 20, at the
Mendenhall Billiards Cent-
er. The tournament will run
for eight weeks and prizes
will be awarded.
Those planning to take
one or more of the admis-
sion tests required by
graduate and professional
schools are advised to
register for the tests imme-
diately. A disruption In
mail service could prevent
those who delay from being
registered for the early fall
administrations. Regular
registration deadlines for
the examinations are:
Medical College Admis-
sion Test (M CAT)-Sept. 1.
Dental Admission Test
(DAT)-Sept. 11.
Law School Admission
Test (LSAT)-Sept. 14.
Graduate Management
Admission Test (GMAT) -
Sept. 21.
Graduate Record Examin-
ation (GRE)-Sept. 28.
Late Registration Dead-
lines generally are one
week later than the regular
registration deadlines.
Ski trip
Student Union Travel
Committee is offering a ski
trip to Snowshoe, West
Virginia, Jan. 1 - Jan. 5.
Applications taken at Cent-
ral Ticket Office in Mend-
enhall. Be sure not to miss
the great skiina oonortunity
at one of the east coast's
best ski resortc
There will be a mand-
atory softball organization-
al meeting for newcomers
and returnees for all who
wish to try out for women's
intercollegiate team. It will
be held on Wed Sept. 20
at 7 p.m. in Room 143
M inges. If unable to attend
please contactOotnh DNtan
at 164 M inges or call
757-6161 between 10 and 12
a.m. daily.
Everyone invited M
Young Home Designers
League. Attention especial-
ly to freshmen and senior
housing and management
majors. Meets 3rd Tues.
every month in Vanland-
ingham room (Home Econ-
omics bldg.) at 5 p.m. First
meeting is Tues. Sept. 19,
at 5 p.m. Be There!
The Society for Colleg-
iate Journalists will meet
on Tues Sept. 19,
at 7 p.m. All
members must attend and
join in the final planning
stages of that big event
The Journalism Workshop!
Please join the officers at
Austin building, near the
journalism wing, for further
instruction. Looking for-
ward to our first official
meeting of the semester,
Wehope you will come.
The Law School Admis-
sion Test will be offered at
ECU on Sat Oct. 14.
Application blanks are
to be completed and mailed
to Educational Testing Ser-
vice, Box 966-R, Princeton,
NJ 08540 to arrive by Sept.
14. Applications are avail-
able at the Testing Center,
room 106, Speight Build-
Alpha Sis
Greek rush begins soon.
The fraternity way is a
great mode of life and
offers many new and excit-
ing experiences for the
young man. You should
check out all the different
fraternities before you
make that crucial first step.
Just remembr, that Alpha
Sigma Phi - the newest
fraternity on campus - has
many unexplored horizons
for the persevering young
man who wishes to add a
new dimension to his col-
lege experience.
We, the brothers of
Alpha Sig, ask you to think
about it. Call 756-0893 or
758-8514 or 758-8310.
The ECU Chemistry
Seminar will present
Gurdial Singh senior re-
search chemist with
DuPont of Kinston, who
will present a seminar on
"Stereochemical conseq-
uences of sterically-hinder-
ed phosphorus comp-
ounds" Sept. 15 at 2 p.m.
in room 201 Flanagan Bldg.
Refreshments will be
served in the conference
College-age religious
liberals the Unitarian-
Universalist Fellowship
meets this Sunday at 10:30
a.m. in the Planters Com-
munity room, Third and
Washington Streets. Op-
tional potluck afterwards.
Oldtimers and curious all
The Graduate Record
Examination will be offered
at ECU on Sat Oct. 21.
Application blanks are
to be completed and mailed
to Educational Testing Ser-
vice, Box 966-R, Princeton,
NJ 08540 to arrive by Sept.
25. Applications may be
obtained from the Testing
Center, room 105, Speight
The Family-Child As-
sociation will meet Sept.
19, at 5 p.m. in Room 143 in
the Home Economics Bldg.
The FCA is open to any
Child Development major
or minor.
The first S.O.U.L.S.
meeting will be held Thurs.
Sept. 14 at the Ledonia
Wright Afro-American Cul-
tural Center. The time is 8
p.m. Please plan to attend.
Ping pong
A Table Tennis Club
organizational meeting will
be held on Tues Sept. 19
at 7 p.m. in the Billiards
Center at Mendenhall. All
persons interested in play-
ing table tennis are invited
to attend.
There will be a meeting
of the League of Scholars,
Mon Sept. 18, in Mend-
enhall, Room 248, at 7 p.m.
All members are urged to
Page 2 FOUNTAINHEAO 14 September 1978
Students who wish to
apply for admission to the
department of Social Work
and Correctional services
should submit an applicat-
ion and have two interviews
no later than Sept. 20.
A 2.5 quality point
average is required. Ad-
mission is open to students
who are within 10 hours of
completion of General Col-
lege Requirements and who
are second semester sop-
homores or first semester
For additional informat-
ion concerning admission
requirements and proced-
ures contact: Dr. John R.
Ball, chairperson, Social
Work & Correctional Serv-
ices, 314 Allied Health
(Carol Belk) Building,
Phone 757-6961.
The Air Force ROTC
corps will be kicking off this
academic year with a corps
picnic. This will be held at
field 1, behind the Allied
Health building.
The corps would like to
welcome some new staff
members to our depart-
ment. Our new FIP and
sophomore instructor is
Major Billy Tudor. Our new
COC and senior instructor
is Captain Steven Bien-
stock. Our new NCOIC is
Master Sergent Jim
Daniels. Our new adminis-
tration NCO is Staff Ser-
geant Bruce Barry. WEL-
The Graduate Manag-
ement Admission Test will
be offered at ECU on Sat
Oct. 28.
Application blanks are
to be completed and mailed
to Educational Testing Ser-
vice, Box 966-R, Princeton,
NJ 08540 to arrive by Oct.
6. Applications are also
available at the Testing
Center, Speight Building,
room 105.
Need a place with the
space, tools and equipment
to work on your hobby or
latest project?
Visit the Crafts Center
at Mendenhall Student
Center and discover what it
has to offer you. Hours are
3 p.m. until 10 p.m
Monday through Friday,
and from 10 a.m. until 3
p.m Saturday.
The center is composed
of a darkroom with three
enlargers, a ceramics area,
a jewelry metals area, a
general crafts area, and a
textiles area with floor
looms for weaving.
Peace Corps
Peace Corps may be the
toughest job you'll ever
love. For more information,
contact Peace Corps Rep-
resentative, David Jenkins,
Room 425, Flanagan Bldg
or you may call 757-6586 for
an appointment.
All ex-Peace Corps Vol-
unteers please contact
Peace Corps Representat-
ive David Jenkins, room
425, Flanagan Bldg phone
The ECU Lacrosse Club
is looking for a few good
If you have played be-
fore, are willing to learn or
just damn mean, call 742-
All equipment (except
sticks) will be provided, call
Beta Kappa
Beta Kappa Alpha, pro-
fessional banking fraternity
will hold its first meeting
Wed Sept. 20 in Room 103
at 3 p.m. All members and
interested School of Bus-
iness students and faculty
are urged to attend.
The Center for Student
Opportunities has immed-
iate openings for graduate
and certain undergraduate
tutors to assist Health
Affiars students in micro-
biology, mathematics, phy-
sics, biology and chemistry.
Prospective tutors in
these and other health-
related areas are encourag-
ed to contact Dr. Hensel,
Tutorial Coordinator, now.
Visit 208 Ragsdale Hall, or
call the Center, 757-6122,
6081, or 6075.
The International Lang-
uage Organization will
meet on Tues Sept. 19, in
room 221 Mendenhall at 7
New York
Student Union Travel
Committee once again of-
fers it's low-priced New
York trip. Applications are
being taken at the Central
Ticket Office in Mendenhall
The trip is Nov. 22 - 26.
Come and see the core of
the Big Apple.
Faculty fit
The department of
Health, Physical Educat-
ion, Recreation and Safety
will once again sponsor a
Faculty and Staff Fitness
Program. All who have
been active in this program
in the past are urged to
continue. All newcomers
are cordially invited to
Sessions will be held in
Memorial Gymnasium at
Noon on Mon Wed and
Fri. A variety of activities
(i.e. conditioning exercises,
jogging, swimming, volley-
ball, badminton, etc.) will
be offered.
Individual needs and
interests will be consider-
Fall 1978-79 orientation
program for incoming min-
ority students: Schedule of
Events: Sept. 12, through
Sept 15:
Sunday: worship ser-
vices will be held at 11 a.m.
at Cedar Grove M issionary
Baptist Church with Rev.
Ken Hammond. Bus pickup
will be 10:15 a.m. at the
Mendenhall Student Center
and at 1020 a.m. Tyler
' Monday: Welcome and
Open Rap Session at 7 p.m.
at the Ledonia Wright
Afro-American Cultural
Tuesday: Academic Af-
fairs ? a "rap" with
professors, at 7 p.m. at the
Ledonia Wright Afro-
American Cultural Center.
Wednesday: Pool Party
to be held at M emorial Gym
from 7-9 p.m.
Thursday: S.O.U.L.S.
and Black Organizational
meeting at 8 p.m. at the
Ledonia Wright Afro-
American Cultural Center.
Friday: Greek Day: a
block show at 5 p.m a
"jam" from 10 until 2 p.m.
at the Ledonia Wright
Afro-American Cultural
Grad school
Those planning to take
one or more of the admis-
sion tests required by grad-
uate and professional
schools are advised to
register for the tests im-
mediately. ZA disruption in
mail service could prevent
tiose who delay from being
registered for the early fall
Phi Kappa Tau Little
Sisters are sponsoring a
Rush kick off party at Jolly
Roger on Sunday, Sept 17
beginning at 8:30.
Start off Fraternity
Rush Week on Sunday
night. All your favorite
Don't miss "Red Pin
Bowling" on Sundays from
7 p.m. until 10 p.m. at the
Mendenhall Bowling Cent-
er. With every game bowl-
ed you get the chance to
win one free game. Just
make a strike and the head
pin is red and you win.
Rent-A-Lane is now av-
ailable at the Bowling Cen-
ter. Each Saturday from
Noon until 6 p.m. you can
rent a bowling lane for one
hour for just $3.
Monday is "Discount
Day" at MAndenhall.
Prices are Vi off bowl-
ing, billiards, and table
tennis every Mon. after-
noon from 2 p.m. until 5
p.m. Don't forget
"Discount Day" because
you can't afford to miss it!
All full-time students,
faculty, staff, and spouses
are eligible to use the
facilities. A semester mem-
bership fee of $10 entitles
the Crafts Center member
to use the facilities, to
check out tools and equip-
ment, to check out library
materials, to enlist the aid
of crafts supervisors, and to
enroll in introductory level
workshops which are offer-
ed throughout the year.
Visit the Crafts Center
any time during operating
hours or call 757-6611 Ext.
271 for more information.
Join the INDT Club and
get involved. The next
meeting is Sept. 21 at 5
p.m. This club is open to
anyone, so come on, this is
your chance to participate.
There will bean import-
ant meeting of all Geology
majors and prospective
majors, graduate students
and faculty on Mon Sept
18, at 7 p.m. in Room 301
The Fourth Annual
Details & rules forthcoming
Open to all ECU students
Prizes to be awarded
Mendenhall Gallery OcL 22 thru 28
'72 MG MIDGET: red paint
job that is NEW New top,
good tires, excellent run-
ning cond. 758-9285
and see beside
Kappa Sig house.
FOR SALE: '69 Rambler in
good cond. AC tool! Calf
after 6 p.m. 753-3435.
FOR SALE74 Capri 2800
cc, 4-speed, good cond.
good mileage. Must sell
best offer Call Chris 752-
FOR SALE: Sanyo refrlg. 4
cu. ft. in excellent cond,
plus excellent price Call
756-7147 after 3 p.m.
old and 3 cats (2 females, 1
male) to be given away, and
110 lb. German Shepard
and Khishom Husky to be
sold for $50 each Call
FREE 3 CATS - 7 kittens to
good homes, Also Khishom
Husky for sale for $50 Call
FREE: mixed setter pup-
pies. Weaned and deworm-
ed. Call 746-3948 after 8
Dancer's. Apply at 33 Club
between 430 to 630 p.m.
Pay ia $5.50 hr Call
Cnaneto's need part-time
kitchen help and part-time
delivery help 758-7400 be-
??" 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.
professional work at re
?onatte retee. IBM mex.
ine with carbon ribbon
Pfcone Mra. Julia Blooa.
worth 758-7874.
wmn9o to share 2 bdrm
MIer on pfm
??? Greeny. ct

14 S?pttnbf 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Pao? 3
?;t ?
3-LB. PKG.
P4 fo
The one to pick to be sure.
pm LB. A
? ? I
? i
Trade mark (r)
SIX 01- 79
BEER 12?z

PAK 39
- m - .
hHJfcflirwNmfiiriHr?iifc im in- im imi -

Page 4 FOUNTAINHEAD 14 Septembei 1978
Liquor by the drink
Voters in Mecklenburg and Orange Coun-
ties and the resort town of Southern Pines
seized the opportunity to push North Carolina
one step further into the twentieth century
when they overwhelmingly approved liquor by
the drink in those areas this week.
Unfortunately, voters in Black Mountain were
unable or unwilling to see the advantages of
liquor by the drink and defeated a local option
referendum there. Referendums are scheduled
next week in Dare County, Louisburg, and
San.ord. Wake County will vote on the issue in
the near future. It is hoped that voters in these
localities will vote with the majority of the state
thus far.
North Carolina and Oklahoma are the only
states without some form of liquor by the
drink. Passage of these local referendums will
surely improve the tourist and convention
trades in these areas, aside from modernizing
the state's image, bringing it up from the dark
ages of Prohibition into the present.
Dry forces have claimed that every
conceivable calamity will plague our state,
maladies ranging from increased alcoholism to
the wrath of God raining down upon we poor
sinners. Does anyone actually believe the
streets of our cities will be littered with
careening drunks once liquor by the drink
becomes common practice, as so much of the
dry propaganda implies?
Under the present brown-bagging arrange-
ment, common in most of the state, the state of
North Carolina forces consumers to buy at least
a pint of liquor when all they wanted was one
and a half ounces. Once purchased, the
consumer is encouraged to drink the entire
pint at one sitting, since it is illegal to carry a
liquor bottle with an open seal in the passenger
compartment of an automobile.
As one brown-bagging critic once said,
"This state doesn't have liquor by the drink;
it's got liquor by the gallon
Mixed drinks could also improve the
restaurant industry in the state. Many
restaurants in other states are able to stay in
business only because of the profit made on
mixed drinks.
As yet, Pitt County has made no moves
toward holding a referendum, and probably
will not until a group of citizens or
restauranteurs petition the county to do so. At
the earliest, a referendum could not be held
until early 1979.
Governmental attempts to legislate moral-
ity have always failed and will continue to do
so. Prohibition is perhaps the best such
example. If anything, such attempts serve
only to unwittingly encourage that which is
legally immoral.
North Carolina can no longer cling to the
ideal of a state free from "demon rum An
abstaining North Carolina may be a fine
fundamentalist philosophy; it is also a Utopian
Knocking on wood
When I was a kid I
never stepped on cracks.
There was a whole world
out there that you could
control if you did every-
thing right. Luck existed.
You could read the signs if
you were careful, change
your luck if you knew the
right techniques.
On New Year s day you
ate cabbage, cornbread.
and blackeyed peas. The
cabbage was supposed to
bring you lots of folding
cash, peas brought pen-
nies, nickels and dimes,
and the cornbread brought
luck. (I can see now that
I've never eaten enough
cabbage.) If you said a good
thing it wouldn't come true.
Sometimes you could avoid
bad luck by knocking on
From reading Mark
Twain at an early age I
learned that it was bad luck
to kill spiders, find a dead
cat, or turn over the salt
My mother taught me
not to step on cracks, not to
open umbrellas in the
house, not to break mirrors.
The umbrella carried a
sentence of "seven years
bad luck" ; the mirror gave
you 13.
Once my best friend
Andy decided to test it out
by opening and closing an
umbrella in his bedroom
and then smashing his
dressing mirror with a
hammer The bad luck
caught up about 6 p.m.
when his father got home.
Andy got a spanking
and had his allowance
docked for a month.
He was so superstitious
that he would never strike
the last match in a pack.
His desk drawers were full
? "
When I was a kid . .
luck existed. You could
read the signs if you were
careful, change your luck
if you knew the right
Superstition is not a
children's affliction . Our
next-door-neighbor, a wo-
man of about 45, never
walks under a ladder and
turns white at the sight of a
black cat. She never tells
bad dreams before break-
fast either.
A 21-year old recently
explained to me that of you
find a penny lying with th
head up, it's good luck, but
if the penny is tails up, let it
lie. One year I had a
roommate who always had
to go out the same door
he'd come in. He was from
the Appalachian mountains
and to him luck was a
visible, causal force an
attribute you wooed and
never crossed.
of dozens of match books
with only one match inside.
If you're in love you
might ought to brush up a
Never stand with your
lover in front of a mirror. (I
know this brings bad luck
because I've dona it with
every lover I've ever had
and not a single one of
them is still with me.)
Never sit with your
lover on stairs. This will
bring bad luck in the form
of an argument.
Always wear btwe on
your first date.
A friend passed these
on to me from her grand-
mother. Another word of
advice from the same
EditorDoug White
Production Manager Advertising Manager
Leigh Coakley Robert M. SnJri
News Editors
Julie Everette
Ricki Gliarmis
ey e?
Sam Rogers
source: it is bad luck to put
your hat on a bed.
Gamblers have whole
set of superstitions, as do
athletes. Pat Dye has his
hat. When he was with
Green Bay, Jerry Kramer
had to be taped before each
game with a virgin roll of
tape and any leftover had to
be thrown away. Arnold
Palmer's wife kisses his
golf balls. Mark Fidrych
talks to baseballs.
As a group, actors and
directors are probably the
most superstitious people
anywhere. Otto Premming-
er never directs without his
monogramed handkerchief
and his left breast pocket.
John Barrymore's mother
always sent him an apple
before every opening night.
When I was an actor
back in high school, it was
bad luck to have a good
dress rehearsal and good
luck to say "break a leg"
before each show. You
never wished anyone good
luck because that would be
bad luck.
I was convinced that it
was unlucky to eat before a
show; a friend drank
orange soda right before
curtain because it was good
And now I'm one of the
many thousands of writers
who are convinced that it's
unlucky to talk about what-
ever I'm working on at the
moment. Some of us bel-
ieve that we can't change
pencils in the middle of the
story; other won't write on
wrinkled paper. Heming-
way carried a rabbit's foot
for years and his work is
full of characters who court
and live by luck gamblers
soldiers, artists, bums.
Even we lowly news-
paper people have our own
delusions about luck. One
of the movie reviewers will
not watch a film with
someone sitting in front of
him. Proofreaders are con-
tinually knocking on wood.
The typist told me that
certain types of sneezes
bring luck. The editor
keeps lucky pennies. And I
was hoping that we'd get
this paper laid out on time
for a change, but I just
heard one of the News
Editors say, "Hey, we're
almost done - we'll get
outta here early tonight
and I know that's the most
unlucky thing you could
possibly say. Now we'll be
here all night.
Student analyses BUC situation
The issue of respon-
sibility for the BUCCA-
NEER disaster at this late
date is just gossip and
hogwash, since it hasn't
improved the situation in
the slightest. Aside from
having placed our faith -
and money - in people who
put their own paychecks
and reference files above
the students, there are
three clear points'? see:
1) Money is not the
problem. For the past two
years that we have gone
without a BUC (and, unfor-
tunately, I'm including this
year), the SGA has appro-
priated the entire printing
budget asked for by the
staff. Only salaries and
extras have ever been
deleted. But, for the past
two years, no BUC.
The current situation
has shown that the new,
"independent" Media
Board has not been able to
keep its one big promise:
an annual for the students.
This Board's creators in-
clude the current SGA
President, who also sits as
the Board's chairman.
2) If money is not the
problem, staff membership
is. Undoubtedly, most of
the BUC staff care about
the work and are honest
individuals. But under our
new Media Board the ap-
pointed editor selects the
The reason for no BUC
this year is because of the
editor, not the staff. The
editor's power and respon-
sibility over the BUC
should be spread out so
that the success - or failure
- doesn't depend on one
person alone.
3) Though the student
body voted over 3-1 last
spring against taking the
BUC from under the elect-
ed SGA Legislature and
placing it under the Media
Board, little can be done
now. If some of our "stu-
dent leaders' want to
ignore campus votes and
listen to administrators who
favor the Media Board
plan, so be it. But I, as a
Senior, am tired of seeing
my last year at ECU
Next fall I want to be
able to pick up my last
BUC. Since the Media
Board is an ? elite (and
includes administration
membership), the present
hassle over the annual
teaches us one thing: Don't
trust the Media Board. At
least in the past when the
BUC was under SGA a
student could do something
with his anger: impeach.
With the Media Board we
don't have any democratic
option, or a way to remove
incompetent or reference-
seeking members.
Under state law their
meetings must be open to
the public, since the Board
uses our student fees.
Every student who cares
about the future of ECU'S
annual - especially we
seniors - should see how
the BUC issue is handled
this year. We've sat back
too long.
Brett Melvin
Please write
I'm an inmate at he
Ohio State Prison and I feel
that correspondence with
cortege and university stu-
dents would be a very
worthwhile and learning
experience, for the student
and myself.
I would appreciate it if
you'd place an ad in your
college newspaper for me
to this effect.
Tftanks for your time.
David L Edgell
P.O. Box 511
Columbus. Ohio 43216
SUfilms lauded;
safety committee
is suggested
I'm writing this letter
because I feel that the ECU
Student Union Film Com-
mittee deserves some re-
cognition for the outstand-
ing line-up of films for fall
semester. They have
brought to ECU some of the
best films of the past
season. "They done good
Wouldn't it be nice if
there was Student Union
Safety Committee willing to
work toward student safety.
Nothing has been done
about the student crossing
at Tenth Street or at
Cotanche Street over to
Georgetown Square.
I would infer that no-
thing is expected to be done
by those who are supposed
to be concerned with stu-
dent safety. Somehow I
can't believe that these
measures are unaffordabel.
when so much can be spent
so that some sportscasters
who only attend ECU on
home-game Saturday s
don't have to walk on the
top of Ficklen Stadium.
Jonathan Smith
Terrorism: an 'affront to civilization"
Indiana University of
Indiana, Penn.
The modern age has not
only given us the benefits
of technology; it has also
plagued us with a wave of
international terrorism. As
Henry Kissinger, former
Secretary of State, put it,
"The international com-
munity cannot ignore these
affronts to civilization; it
must not allow them to
spread their poison; it has a
duty to act vigorously to
combat them But, can
the actors within the inter-
national community deter-
mine a common course of
action to combat these
affronts to civilization?
For the past 12 years
the delegations to the U-
nited Nations have been
unable to agree on a
common definition of inter-
national terrorism. One
man's terrorist is often
another's "freedom fight-
It is for this reason that
countries have been frus-
trated in various efforts to
achieve comprehensive
multilateral agreement on
effective international pro-
scription of terrorist acts,
and appropriate sanctions.
In the past 12 years, a
total of seven international
conventions have been a-
dopted that deal with some
aspect of the terrorism
The six conventions
preceding Bonn (July 1978)
- the Tokyo, the Hague, the
Montreal, the OAS, the
European Convention on
the Suppression of Terror-
ism, and the UN Con-
vention Against the Taking
of Hostages - all reflect
international concern and
at least a siim majority con-
sensus that something
must be done. They do not,
however, constitute much
of an effective constraint on
First, many states, in-
cluding a high percentage
of theose particularly active
in supporting "revolution-
ary" or "national libera-
tion" groups are not yet
parties to the conventions.
Secondly, the conven-
tions lack teeth. Alt make
the extradition! or prose-
cution of terrorists subject
to discretionary escape
clauses, and none provide
for punitive sanctions a-
gainst states that simply
refuse to comply at all.
Other obstacles which
have blocked more effective
international action are for-
midable. They include con-
troversy over "justifiable
vs. 'illegal- political vio-
lence, and widespread re-
sistance to such infringe-
ment of national sovereign-
ty as would by implied in
any inflexible curtailment
of the right to grant pol-
itical asylum.
Equally important,
however, they have also
included an understandable
reluctance on the part of
many nations otherwise ill-
disposed toward terrorist
activity to commit them-
selves to any course of
action that might either
invite direct terrorist retri-
bution or provoke the appli-
cation of sanctions by state
that happen to be sympa-
thetic to the terrorists'

14 3?pfmbf fgm FOUNTAINHEAD fm 5
215-member ECU Marching Pirates
perform at home and on the road
stdered one of the finest marching bands
$30,965 awarded
in the southeast. Photoby Tim Chalmers
Staff Writer

The ECU football team
Is not the only group
playing in Ficklen Stadium
this fall. The approximately
215 memers of the ECU
Marching Pirates are also
performing at the home
games and at two away
Dennis Reaser, the new
band director, is very
pleased with the perform-
ance of the band, consider-
ing the short time they have
had to adjust to him.
Reaser arrived at ECU
only two weeks before band
practice started.
The band practiced
every day during registrat-
ion week and practiced on
Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday from 3 p.m. until
4:30 p.m.
Band members receive
one hour credit for playing
in the band. The course is
required of all freshman
and sophomore instrumen-
tal music majors.
According to Reaser,
some of the non-music
majors become the best
band members.
Most of the members of
the Marching Pirates also
participated in high school
The Athletic Depart-
ment and the Student Gov-
ernment Association sup-
ply funds for the upkeep of
the band. Many of the band
members supply their own
instruments, according to
A high school band
festival is being tentatively
planned for November. An
alternative site for the
festival is being sought in
case of bad weather.
Musical programs play-
ed by the band are arrang-
ed by Reaser and other
faculty members in the
School of Music.
Drum Majors for the
Marching Pirates this year
are Mark Ford and Lindsey
Moore. Benny Ferguson is
a graduate assistant to the
band director. According to
Reaser there are still a few
openings in the band.
"There are people out
there who play and I want
them in the band said
Work receives HEW
A teaching grant of
$30,965 has been awarded
the ECU Department of
Social Work and Correct-
ional Services by the Child-
ren's Bureau of the U.S.
Dept. of Health. Education
and Welfare
The Secton 426 training
grant of the Social Security
Act. administered by the
Bureau's Office of Human
Development Services, was
awarded ECU for the dev-
elopment, expansion and
improvement of education-
al programs and resources
for work in the field of child
and welfare.
A priority goal of the
Children's Bureau in the
use of Section 426 training
grants is to increase the
pool of trained workers and
resources specific to the
needs of the child welfare
services program.
The grant will enable
ECU to effect a needs
assessment study among
child welfare workers in 33
eastern N.C. counties to
consider the modificaiton of
some courses or to develop
and integrate a special cur-
riculum unit that deal with
key service delivery prob
It will also enable the
ECU Department of Social
Work and Correctional Ser-
vices to work more closely
with the health care teams
structured jointly by the
School of Allied Health and
Social Professions and the
new medical school.
In addition, the grant
will provide opportunities
to explore and experiment
with new methods of aca-
demic social work edu-
cation to better prepare the
child welfare worker and
enable ECU to expand its
consulting role with child
welfare service delivery a-
gencies in the university
The department is cur-
rently in the process of
employing a new faculty
member who will direct this
new effort.
Democracy key to end of terrorism
continued from p. 4
The development and
implementation of more
effective measures to deter
international terrorism has
and will continue to be
impeded by differing moral
perspectives, a resistance
to infringement of a
nation's sovereignty, and
the reluctance of states to
commit themselves to any
action that may invite retr-
i bution.
The unexpected agree-
ment on anti-terrorism
reached at the recent Bonn
Summit Meeting is a begin-
ning. The seven partici-
pating democracies - Bri-
tain, Canada, France, West
germany, Italy, Japan and
the United States - agreed
to cut off commercial airline
service to or from any
country which harbors air-
plane hijackers.
This course of action, if
it works, would go well
beyond the various UN
conventions which con-
demn but carry no penal-
From this nucleus of
seven, other democracies
around the world could join
this union and truly have an
impact on terrorist crimes.
Only through a union of
the democratic peoples,
who can ccme to agree-
ments and take actions
together, wll the world be
rid of the heinous acts of
terrorism which plagued us
Minges to hold concerts
Little Sister Party
at The Jolly Roger
? Door
continued from, p.1
the concerts and has some
new ideas for this year's
promotional campaign, in-
cluding the HOTLINE -
757-6004 and giveaways
such as T-shirts and tickets.
Sune hopes students
realize that the committee
tries to get concerts every-
one will enjoy.
Any suggestions are
welcome and can be
phoned in to the Student
Union office at 757-6611
ext. 227 or students can
attend the committee's
meetings held weekly that
are announced through the
Flashes in FOUNTAIN-
The Beat Carolina
Keg Party
Everyone's invited to
Support the Pirates
Fri. from 3:00 - 6:00
The Gothes Horse
'Classic Collegiate Clothing
Hallow Distributing Co.
Strohs,Pabst Pearl
Bissette's Discount Center
"Good rwmecookmg
and affordable prices on the malL"
M;k?? Bicyde Shop
Rides with the Pirates
218F University Arcade
Grand Opening September 20th
Wiener King
A dog a day keeps the Tarheek away.1
Featuring the new look for 1978.
Harmony House South
"The Student Stereo Center"
on the mall
Roy Rogers
Mingies Building
? ?? ? ?? ?? "? ?
? ??

Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAD 14 September 1978
Fourth Annual REBEL Art Show to be
held next month in Mendenhall gallery
The Fourth Annual
REBEL Art Show will be
held in Mendenhall Gallery
Oct. 22-28. according to
REBEL Associate Editor
Robert Jones.
The show is sponsored
by the REBEL and is open
all ECU students. "We
want to provide a showcase
for quality art that is
representative of ECU stu-
said Jones.
Art appearing in the
Gallery section of the
REBEL is selected from the
show each vear
All pieces in the show
will have an equal oppor-
tunity to be selected for
publication in the maga-
The REBEL has been
called "the best literary-art
magazine in the state" by a
prominent Charlotte pub-
lisher, and according to
Editor Luke Whisnant, the
artwork is one of the major
reasons for the magazine's
"Everybody knows that
our art department is one of
the best in the Southeast
Whisnantsaid. "We try to
use the gallery section of
the REBEL as a portfolio of
the best work going on
"Of course, the work in
the Gallery is only as good
as the work in the show
The show is set up as a
competition, with prizes
provided by local busines-
ses and from the $1 entry
fee. An artist may enter a
of two pieces,
one entry per
with only
"We've set this show
up following the same kind
of rules the lllumina and
Delta Phi Delta shows
use said Whisnant.
"The entry fee was
suggested after last year's
show to supplement the
cash prizes, and we've
limited the number of en-
tries in order to keep the
show down to a reasonable
Work will be registered
and judged In eight sep-
arate categories: painting,
drawing, sculpture, print-
making, ceramics, photo-
graphy, mixed-media, and
design (metals, fibers, and
For insurance purposes,
all work must be registered
by 4 p.m. Wed Oct. 11.
Unregistered work cannot
be hung in the Mendenhall
Details on prize money
and judges will be announ-
ced within the next few
weeks, according to Whis-
Artists interested in the
show may come by the
REBEL office in the Pub-
lications Building or call
757-6502 MonThur. after-
A limited number of
copies of last year's REBEL
are still available to ECU
? a

All ECU Students
Are Invited!
Come celebrate with us and get
specially priced merchandise
and special discounts all week long
We've got 4em on everything you need!
Student ID cards required
College cheerleader paralyzed
REBEL EDITOR LUKE Whisnant Photoby Kip S'oan)
trampolines as unsaft
Use of mini-trampolines in
cheerleading routines is
under scutination by col-
lege and university officails
after an accident Saturday
which left a Georgia Tech
cheerleader paralyzed.
Duke University presi-
dent Terry Sanford has
ordered Duke cheerleaders
to drop the mini-trampo-
lines from their routines
and others are considering
Dwayne Sanders, 19,
who fractured a neck verte-
bra while warming up on a
mini-trampoline for the
Duke-Tech game, remained
hospitalized Tuesday with
much of his body paralized.
He was reported in
stable condition in an in-
tensive care unit at Duke
Sanders struck his head
on a track curb made of
concrete white doing a flip
from the trampoline
He fractured a vertebra
in his neck and bruised his
spinal cord, according to
Dr. Robert Wilkins.
Wilkins said Sanders,
who was preparing as a
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cheerleader, was paralyzed
from the neck down but did
have some use of his arms.
He said it was too early
to say whether he would
recover fully from the par-
At the University of
North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, officials had already
ruled out use of tram-
polines because of the
Tuesday, Dr. Larry
Bostian, assistant athletic
director at Chapel Hill,
praised that decision.
N.C. State University
may consider dropping the
use of the trampoline,
faculty cheerleading advi-
sor Vince Foote said Tues-
It hadn't been used
much this year anyway,
according to oo-captian
Michael Splawn, because
it's broken, but there were
plans to get it fixed for use
later In the season.
Wake Forest Univer-
sity's squad has used its
mini-tramp for about five
years, according to Anne
Tornow, cheerleading ad-
visor, and there has never
been an accident. "We only
use it on grass or on mats
she said
She said cheerleaders
and school officials will
meet soon to talk about
whether to continue using it
The trampolines at the
Univeristy of North Caro-
lina at Cahrlotte are used
only occassionaily although
there has never been an
Over 18,000 trampoline
accidents that required
hospital treatment were
reported in 1977, according
to the federal Consumer
Product Safety Commis-
The number of mini-
tramps involved in the
accidents was not known.
A University of South
Carolina cheerleader died
last year following an ac-
cident on a large tramp-
oline during a practice
A school spokesman
siadsaid the squad discon-
tinued the use of mini-
ECU administrator dies
Garlan F. Bailey, long-
time assistant dean of
Continuing Education, a
veteran public school ad-
ministrator and one of
ECU'S best loved people,
died late Tuesday at his
home in Kinston. He was
Bailey was believed re-
covering from open-heart
surgery performed two
weeks earlier at Duke
Medical Center.
His progress had been
satisfactory and he was
returning home last Sat-
urday. His death was un-
Edwards Funeral Home
, Kinston, was in charge of
arrangements. ?
Bailey joined the ex-
tention division, now Di-
vision of Continuing Edu-
cation, at East Carolina as
assistant director in 1965.
Last month his promotion
to full professor became
He received his bache-
lor's degree (1947) and MA
(1948) from East Carolina,
and had done graduate
work at New York Univers-
ity, the Univeristy of North
Carolina and jax Duke
He was named to Who's
Who in American Colleges
and Universities in 1947:
was a graduate assistant in
the Physical Education De-
partment, 1948; editor of
the student newspaper at
East Carolina in 1946. and
served as sports editor in
1947. He was a member of
Phi Sigma Pi.
He is survived by his
wife, Frances Sutton Bail-
. ey? of Kinston. and three
children. Celia Ann, Becky
and Randy.
His parents, the late
Lee and Ella Bailey, were of
Thomasville. He was
born Dec. 1, 1919. in
He was captain in the
National Guard, serving as
Liason Officer, 4th How-
itzer Battalion, 113th Artil-
lery, with headquarters in
Lonely Hearts Club Band
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Greek Forum
14 Stpfrmbf 178 FOUNTAINHEAD P?Q? 7
News Editor ?
Fraternity and sorority
rush are in full swing now
and soon the time will come
when all rushees will have
to decide where they would
I'ke to piedge.
Sororities are in their
last week of rush. Friday
n"ght, the rushees will go
to the three houses of their
choice. This preferential
nght is a special night, and
a party different from all
others during rush.
After attending the par-
ties Firday night, the girls
will sign a bid sheet stating
their preference. On mid-
night, Friday night, all
eight sororities will assem-
ble on the mall.
Upon receiving a bid
from a sorority, the new
pledge rushes to find her
new sorority.
Each sorority usually
ECU geologist predicts. . .
entertains the new pledge
as she finds her new
Each sorority usually
entertains the pledges as
they group together with a
fraternity for a midnight
Fraternity rush begins
Sept. 18. Fraternity rush is
more informal. Each
house has open house
during the week. All of the
parties are open to anyone
on campus.
According to Chris
Judy, a member of Phi
Kappa Tau fraternity, there
will be an added extra to
rush this year.
Judy said that during
rush parties next week, Dr.
Brewer and Dean Mallory
will be touring the frater-
nity houses. Judy explained
that Brewer and Mallory
will be out to support the
fraternities and to meet
rushees and members.
On a national average,
Greek life is on the up-
swing. According to re-
ports, during the 1960s,
membership declined con-
siderably, but as of 1977,
fraternity and sorority en-
rollment increased dec-
To provide a break
between fraternity and sor-
ority rush, the Intra-
Fraternity Council is spon-
soring a "Beat Carolina"
pep rally. The pep rally will
be held at the Phi Kappa
Tau house on Fri Sept. 15.
The rally will last from 3
p.m. until 6 p.m. with 26
free kegs and disco music
for entertainment.
The East Caroline
cheerleaders will be pres
ent to lead the pep rally.
Everyone on campus is
invited to attend. The Phi
Kappa Tau fraternity house
is located on the corner of
Fifth and Elizabeth Streets.
Elizabeth Gty to be underwater by 2978
geologist says North
Carolina s northeastern
coastal area is sinking, and
the year 2978 Elizabeth
City could be under water
"It s like a big sag in
the earth said Dr. Stan
This is a geologically
eak part of the crust, and
has been sinking for
miihonsof years
In contrast, he pointed
out the Cape Fear area is
According to the evi-
dence, the rate of sag in the
north east is only a few
millimeters a year.
But that all adds up in
100 years, particularly for
an area that's only a few
feet above sea level, Riggs
In Sir Walter Raleigh's
time, he noted, "Roanoke
Island was a hell of a lot
Riggs says the sea level
is rising in the northeastern
area, the land is sinking,
and sediment is pouring
down the rivers and into the
This is resulting in an
enlargment of the big flat
shallow sounds.
The whole process is
called erosion.
According to Riggs,
there are spots in Dare and
Hyde counties where the
shoreline is eroding 30 to
50 feet in a year.
Riggs figures the aver-
age erosion rate is 2.3 feet a
year for shoreline along
estuaries, but for any one
year the erosion may vary,
depending upon the type of
For the Northern Outer
Banks. Riggs figures the
average rate of shoreline
recession is five to 10
feet per year.
"The barrier is sort of
marching up and over
itself he says.
In some areas, the
water is washing over; in
others it cuts through.
Asa result of drilling at
offshore sites, Riggs and
other scientists have learn-
ed where the Outer Banks
used to be. They have
found old oyster beds and
mud deposits in the ocean
which had to have been
formed behind barrier is-
Riggs figures that
10,000 years ago, the Outer
Banks could have been five
to 15 miles off the present
Whether the present
trend will continue, Riggs
doesn't know. If glaciers
begin to grow, the sea level
would begin to drop, and
the trend could reverse.
A STRANGE SORT of tunnel vision? This is the creek
under College Hill Drive.
Artist Series Committee presents
fine arts concerts for students
Staff Writer
The Artist Series Com-
mittee is underway this
ear with plans to bring
professional performers to
the ECU campus
"The Committee is res-
ponsible for selecting and
presenting a series of fine
arts concerts geared for
selecting and presenting a
series of fine arts concerts
geared for the benefit of the
students at ECU and the
surrounding community
said Jay Downe, committee
Dowie said the commit-
fee would only choose
artists who are professional
m character and serious
performers, whether they
are a group or an individual
According to Downie
the artist must be national-
ly known if possible, or at
least known in hisher own
The artist's program
itself is considered and the
number of people that
program would appeal to
without hindering the pro-
fessional quality of the fine
art series.
Downie believes that
trying to get a varied
program is important be-
cause not everyone is inter-
ested in the same type of
Downie stated that the
entire committee votes on
who will perform.
Brochures, sent in from
different agencies describ-
ing different performers,
are studied.
The brochures contain
information such as when
the artist will be touring,
the availability of the artist,
reviews of the artist's past
performances and prior
engagements the artist has.
Since the Artists Series
Committee s concerned
with musical me arts, the
committee members talk
with faculty members in the
music building and music
majors about the possibility
of getting the best artists to
come and perform at ECU.
Receptions are given for
individual performers and
small chamber groups after
their performance.
Anyone that attends the
concert is invited, Downie
The series of artists are
selected in the preceding
school year to determine
how much money will be
needed from the Student
Unior subsidy to pay for the
artist performing here.
Choosing next year's
series will be done in late
October and November of
this school year, Downie
Season tickets for the
Artists Series are $7.50 for
students, $15 for staff
and faculty members and
$20 for the public.
Downie said there are
still committee openings.
Anyone interestedin beinga
committee member should
apply at the Student Union
office in Mendenhall.
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ttfnbtr 1978
Scholar doubts discovery of Noah's Ark
SUMMER HEAT PROVES too much for some students,
- as this napping young woman.
Coalition for Quality Education
AP Religion Writer
Accounts in the popular
media lately have implied
that remains of Noah's Ark
have been found on Mount
Ararat in Turkey.
But it's not likely, says
an Old Testament scholar
who had surveyed the
The Rev. Dr.Lloyd R.
Bailey of Duke University
Divinity School concludes
that the implications cir-
culated in recent filmed and
written accounts are based
on heresay evidence and
invalid scientific tests.
Others, including sci-
entists at the Univerity of
California and the Univer-
sity of Miami, also have
challenged claims that
wood from the ancient ark
has been found on high on
the snow-sheathed moun-
Bailey gives a full-scale
airing to the issue in a
book, Where is Noah's Ark,
being published by Ab-
ngdon Press. He parti-
cularly takes issue with an
NBC-TV movie, In Search
of Noah's Ark.
"When I saw the movie,
I determined it was high
time someone established
in the field of biblical
scholarship should have his
say' in the matter, also
he says.
"This seemed particu-
larly appropriate in order
for ministers, pastor and
teachers in university re-
ligion departments to be
able to evaluate for them-
selves the claims the movie
and recent popular books
have made for the ark's
Group says teacher tests unfair
;iGH, N.C (AP) - The
" '?? Quality Ed-
iaid Tuesday that
sal for more com-
jsts for teachers
e state to
e the number of a-
ers from poor
?. Dackgrounds.
i tion has been
: the competency
e required
;hool graduation
is mounting
? I ; -oposal last
a Board of
; to require te-
sted before
- p n
eir ed-
he job.
sed tests
ed in ad-
which is
"At the same time that
classes are too big and
teachers' loads are so
heavy that they do not have
time to give adequate at-
tention to individual stu-
dents, thousands of teach-
ers are unemployed, what
does the state do?
Rather than hire more
teachers, it employs more
competency tests to cut
down the number of tea-
chers available. Students
suffer, teachers suffer from
what is in effect a
cutback the Rev. Leon
White said.
White is a co-found of
the coalition.
"Placing a test at the
beginning of a teacher
training reveals that the
state is not interested in
finding those most quali-
fied to teach he said.
State briefs
? I drinks
lay by
Drange County
? Southern
efei endum
- a es was
B i - Moun-
The de-
? cted to begin
-mentation today when
ackmg trial of Sam
Dawkins Jr of Wilmington
U S. District
-OTTE .ap. state
mce Commissioner
ngram says his cam-
paign for the US Senate is
not cutting into the time he
devotes to his state job. A
mer activist group
?agrees, but only mildly.
RALEIGH (AP) Wilmington
10 leader Ben Chavis
stands little chance of
being allowed to travel to
Washington to accept a
human rights award from
the Institute for Political
Studies, but he is expected
to know for sure today, a
Correction Department
spokesman says.
light vote is expected when
Louisburg decides on liquor
by the drink Sept. 20, Town
Administrator Tony Ro-
bertson says.
SPENCER (AP) The historic
Spencer Shops have pur-
chased a 1926 Baldwin
locomotive at a bargain
price of $60,000 - with
deisel thrown in for good
Dr Mykola Plakhotnyuk
,s suffering involuntary
in the Soviet Union. His "crime
Distributing a human rights
Mykola Plakhotnyuk and half a
million other "prisoners of
conscience" are in jails around
the world, not for anything
they've done, but for what they
believe. Help us help them.
2112 Broadway NY, NY 10023 ? 212-787-8906
Those who take this test
have never been exposed to
educational curriculum,
and there is no way of
saying that those who fail
these tests would make
poorer teachers those those
who pass.
White predicted that
the highest numbers of
teaching students who fail
all the porposed tests,
especially the 'entrance
exam will be those from
black, white working class
and Indian families.
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He says most scholars
"have not wanted to dig-
nify the claims about the
discovery of the ark by
disputing them with the
result that there has been
no source where people
could get an "informed,
calm, not-controversial"
assessment of the popular
Noting that possible ex-
istence of the ark has been
a subject of speculation for
centuries, he says reports
of the ark being visible high
in the "mountains of
Ararat" is the key phrase
used in Genesis 8:4 in
refernce to the ark's resting
place after the flood.
While popular assump-
tions have been that the
landing was on Mount Ar-
arat, located in Armenia
near the Turkish border
with the Soviet Union and
Iran, the Bible does not say
The ancient land of
Ararat contained several
mountain ranges, Bailey
says, wKh various cultures
picking various ranges and
mountains as the spot.
Bu the recent spate of
presentations about the ark
have centered on Mount
Ararat, called "Agri Dagi"
in Turkish, relying mainly
on these four points of "ev-
idence namely:
- Ancient reports of the
ark's sighting.
- Current eye-witness
accounts of an "intact
wooden structure" with the
general dimensions of the
ark given in the Bible being
found on the 13,500-foot
snow line on Mount Ararat.
- Air and ground photos
showing a boat-shaped
- Hand-hewn beams
said to have been recovered
from galcial ice on Mount
Ararat, reportedly dated by
testing laboratories at "an
age of 5,000 years" The
ark supposedly was built
about 2500 B.C
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14 September 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 9
Goodbye Girl is SU Free Flick
Drey fuss star in Neil Simon's "The
Goodbye Girl' Clockwise from top
right Mason hoofing it in dance number;
Mason and Drey fuss snuggling on steps;
Drey fuss doing Bogey; dining on the roof;
posing for posterity.
Trends Editor
The Student Union
Films Committee will pre-
sent Neil Simon's The
Goodbye Girl this Friday
and Saturday at 7 and 9
p.m. at the Mendenhall
Student Center Theatre.
The film netted an
Academy Award nomina-
tion for Best Picture; 00-
-star Richard Dreyfuss
walked away with an Oscar
for Best Actor.
The Goodbye Girl is
Dreyfuss' first romantic
lead in it, he is head over
heels in love with actress
Marsha Mason (wife of
screenwriter playwright
"Actually, it's the first
role in which I loved
someone other than my-
self said Dreyfuss.
The object of his affec-
tions, Mason, plays an
ex-Broadway dancer
struggling to raise a 10 year
old child without the bene-
fit of a husband. She has
been emotionally buffeted
about by two actors before
Dreyfuss moves into view.
He portrays another aspir-
ing actor who is glib but
The interaction between
the two when they are
forced to share a cramped
New York apartment pro-
vides the movie's best
moments. To say that
Dreyfuss and Mason work
as well together as Rooney
and Garland or Hepburn
and Tracey would be over
doing it, but there is a
Cinema Society of Greenville slate includes
the Best Foreign Language Film of 1976
Assistant Trends Editor
Are those long trips to
DC or New York to see the
latest Bergman. Fellini or
Truffaut getting tiresome
and expensive? Well, you
might consider joining tne
Cinema Society of Green-
The Cinema Society of
Greenville offers area stu-
dents, faculty and other
residents the opportunity to
view international films of
high quality, which would
not normally appear at the
downtown theatres or on.
Six films will be shown
this semester for a very
reasonable subscription
price of $6 per person. At a
dollar a piece, the art-film
lover should not miss these
modern masterpieces by
the world's finest directors.
All subscriptions must
be purchased by Sept. 20.
No individual tickets will be
sold, and one must buy the
entire membership for $6.
Make your checks payable
to the Cinema Society of
Greenville, and send them
to either Bill Stephenson or
Peter Makuck in care of the
English Department at
ECU. You will receive your
subscription ticket on Sept.
24 at the door.
The films will be shown
on Sunday evenings at 8 in
violinist unknowingly be-
comes the decoy in a
cut-throat battle between
political spies. They turn
his life into total mayhem,
but through it all the tall
blonde man remains a
naive and lovable modern-
-day Buster Keaton, nar-
rowly escaping peril at
every turn. The Los
Angeles Times called this
the theatre of Jenkins Art
Center. A coffee hour will
precede each film, and the
Wellington Gray Art Gal-
lery will be open at that
The first film of the
season will be The Tall
Blond Man with One Black
Shoe (French), to be shown
on Sept. 24. A young
movie "one of the funniest
movies within recent mem-
On Oct. 8, Cousin
Angelica (Spanish) will be
viewed. This bittersweet
film of great tenderness by
Carlos Saura is the first film
ever made in Spain about
the Civil War from the
viewpoint of those who lost
The Lost Honor of
Katharina Blum (German),
shown on Oct. 22, is based
on the novel by Heinrich
Boll, an indictment of the
abusive power of the state
and the unrelenting press-
ure of "yellow" exploitive
journalism. In this film, a
young woman's chance af-
fair with a fugitive terroist
results in a reign of terror
that victimizes and destroys
the heroine.
Lacombe, Lucien
(French) is an intense de-
piction of a peasant boy's
"period of adoiesenoe -Hn "
German-occupied France.
Rejected by the Resistance,
"Lucien the Rake" joins
the Gestapo in search of
acceptance and excitement
just four months before the
Allied liberation of France.
This film, to be shown
Nov. 5, won the British
Academy Award of Best
Picture of the Year.
On Nov. 19, an
Jeremy Rifkin lecture raises many questions9
This is the turning point for life9
Staff Writer
This is the turning point for history of all life
stated Jeremy Rifkin, co-author of Who Should Play God?
Tuesday night at M endenhall Student Theatre.
He was speaking of life as a natural process and life as
an architectural design of mass production.
What seemed science fiction is now, in our life-times,
science fact, Rifkin stated as he began his lecture on genetic
engineering and those moral, political and social aspects of
dealing with life in the laboratory.
?Now virtually overnight scientists have unlocked
doors to architectual design, artificially induced and mass
produced life added Rifkin.
Scientists have discovered a great deal about DNA. It is
the substance in the cell that determines our hair, eye color
and heredity characteristics. Scientists cannot keep up with
all the research. It's rapid growth is astonishing.
They have broke the DNA code. Scientists can
synthesize a cell. They can transmit messages to the cell
and they can map genes. This is a great deal of work
accomplished in the field of genetic engineering and
cloning. And there is more.
Cloning is an engineering problem. Time is a factor,
according to Rifkin. Microbiologists have "Cloned" frogs
and mices. Scientists say it is only a matter of time before
this research is extended to humans.
It will be quite possible then for a woman to have a baby
without even meeting or touching her mate, stated Rifkin.
The cloning process in a human involves the egg from a
woman. It is placed in a glass. Another nucleus is destroyed
leaving only the shell. Another nucleus from another person
is placed in the shell. The egg is then replaced back in
the womans womb to gestate. The baby produced would be
an exact copy of the person who gave the cell.
It would take the surprise out of having babies added
Rifkin. "For the first time we have eliminated spontenaeity
of natural reproduction and replaced it with designed life
he continued.
The question would then arise, if clones would be
considered human. Would they have a soul or would society
regard clonism a racism? Rifkin stated that some scientists
had suggested clone banks. An exact copy of ourselves
would be stored away until we needed something from it,
perhaps an arm, or leg or some vital organs
These may seem exaggerations, but they are real
suggestions made by reputable scientists and government
Genetic engineering of people is moving at a fast rate
accoring to Rifkin.
Louise Brown, the f'rst test tube baby, is now a reality,
not just an ideas in the process.
Now women with blocked fallopian tubes have hopes
that they can have children.
Rifkin went on to say that people accepted things when
benefits were involved. Everyone want to reap the benefits
and engineering can provide such.
The philosophical wing of genetics is eugenetics. "You
cannot separate eugenetics and genetics stated Rifkin. It
could be used as a genetic manipulation to create a better
species or race. Perhaps it sounds like something out of
H itler' s day, but it is a true possibility.
Rifkin also elaborated on the concept of social biology. It
is a new field of research stating that one's behavior is more
genetically determined thatn environmentally determined.
Someday it may be possible for a person to take an
injection to cure everything, to remain completely happy, or
to stay calm throughout life. How many people would jump
at the chance to have the injection?, asked Rifkin.
Scientists are developing ways to change people to the
economy instead of changing the economy to the people. It
doesn't cost as much money to do it that way, commented
Those that cannot afford food at it's high prices may
someday be able to have their digestive systems arranged
so they can consume hay. These drastic measures are
geared to the middle class, the poor and the blue collar
workers. "We can't afford to feed the peole, so we turn
them into cattle added Rifkin.
Genetic engineering and cloning could help find cures to
mongenetic disorders. But we must keep in mind that if we
destroy all the "bad" genes, we could also destroy the
vitality of the whole, he stated.
Who are we going to let decide which genes are
important? Who will be the judge of perfectability in
people? It is a great trust that we will place in someone's
"Who will decide which is a bad gene and which is a
good gene?" aked Rifkin.
"If you cannot find anyone that you can trust with that
responsibility, then you must come out in opposition to
genetic engineering he stated.
Because it is naive and foolish, its off court, to believe
that it will only, first of all that this research will, be used
strictly for medical practice Rifkin added.
"We are at the end of the age of science. We are at the
end of the age of technology he commented.
Our discoveries could change civilization as ws know it,
Rifkin said.
Rifkin concluded with questions that wars raised from
the audience. It was an informative and "question-raising"
Antonioni film, starring
Jack Nicholson, The Pass-
enger will be screened.
This movie is a suspenseful
and haunting adventure
that is the portrait of a
drained journalist whose
deliverance is an identity
exchange with a dead man.
Accompanied by Maria
Schneider, the journalist
embarks on a treacherous
journey through Africa,
Germany, England, and
Spain. The Village Voice
called The Passenger
"This year's must-see pic-
The last Cinema Society
Film for fall semester will
be the French film, Black
and White in Color, shown
on Dec. 3. This ironic
fable, set in colonial West
Africa during World War I
tells of the mini-war fought
by French colonials against
German colonials, with
each side using the local
black tribesmen as soldiers.
The effect of the Armistice
on this situation is both
comic and shattering.
This film won the Acad-
emy Award: Best Foreign-
Language Film of 1976.
definite chemistry here and
Simon was wise to give
Dreyfuss the ball and let
him run with it.
The dialogue is crisp
and Dreyfuss so at home
with the role that you
probably won't notice that
glossed-over look in
Mason's eyes or even the
uncertainty with which she
delivers most of her
straight lines.
"This is the kind of
movie that as a kid I used to
say, 'That's what I want to
make when I grow up The
actor I play is a nice guy,
serious about his work. H is
outstanding characteristic
is that he's incredibly de-
cent said Dreyfuss.
He unqualifiedly calls
The Goodbye Girl the happ-
iest work experience of his
life: "Making the film was
what I thought acting would
be like when I used to
envision the days of the
stars of the 30's and 40's
he explained. "You went
to work and liked what you
did and liked the people
you worked with and felt
creative. You had fun and
then you drifted off home
and to sleep with a smile on
your face. I literally felt at
times that I could do the
movie as a permanent job
for the rest of my adult life.
I could report to work every
morning, then someday get
a gold watch and retire
The outspoken
Dreyfuss, formerly one of
the heroes of Jaws and
more recently the star of
Steve Speilberg's science
fiction extravanganza Close
Encounters of the Third
Kind, has a special enthusi-
asm for the Neil Simon role:
"Believe me, when you
love a part, it's easy to do
no matter how long or
difficult it is
Marsha Mason was just
as excited about her role.
When an actress marries a
playwright, a cynic might
observe that, among other
things, she doesn't have to
worry about where her next
part is coming from.
Without the fringe bene-
fits, it might be a lot harder
for the one-dimensional
actress to find work.
Still, it is the first film
on which the pair have
collaborated. Miss Mason
seem diligent about tailor-
ing her career to fit her
personal life. We can
assume that had she not
married Simon, her pug
nose and overall cuteness
would probably have kept
her even more active pro-
fessionaly than she already
The consensus seems to
be that, after only a handful
of films, she is one of
today's most gifted screen
"I was and am serious
about my career she
says, "but I have other
things to consider besides
acting. I need more time at
home for my family be-
tween jobs, and I .won't
is that he's
decent.9 "
take any roles that mean an
extended absence from
"First of all, of course,
it was fun working togeth-
er. And then the role itself
was a delight. I play an
ex-broadway hoofer who
has been jilted by two
actors, one of them my
husband. I'm left with no
career and a 10 year old
daughter to support. Then
another aspiring actor
comes into my life. The
wonderful thing about the
character is that she turns
out to be a winner after
Happy endings seem to
be in vogue in contempor-
ary films and Simon's neat
little package conclusion is
one of the key reasons for
The Goodbye Girl's success
at the box-office. A Holly-
wood wrap-up means mon-
ey in the bank these days.
But, as a reference
point, the film seems to
support the view of Neil
Simon as a happy man. He
has no right to be anything
else but.
"Actually, I find this
story more difficult to de-
scribe than anything else
I've written says Simon,
who has written more hits
than any other living play-
wright. "It's about grow-
ing up and you grow up
when you stop making
"It's about being
caught in a situation where
the actors are very much
against being there; and in
trying to extricate them-
selves, they end up very
close to one another. It is
not a screwball comedy. It
is romantic
Simon is the author of
such films as The Odd
Couple, The Sunshine
Boys, Murder by Death,
and, most recently, The
Cheap Detective, and The
Goodbye Girl.
He is now at work on the
screen version of his Broad-
way hit, California Suite,
and he has written another
play, Chapter Two, which
recently opened in Los
Angeles before beginning a
Broadway run. The play
received mixed reviews.
Originally a New York
based writer, Simon is now
a California transplant and
his output in the new
surroundings has been pro-
digious. In record time, he
completed three screen-
playsfor Murder, Detect-
ive, and The Goodbye Girl.
"I had lived the bulk of
my life in New York said
Simon, "and had gotten all
t could trom that environ-
ment. Besides, so many of
my friends had moved to
California that it was al-
most like a homecoming. I
feel healthier in California.
I get to play tennis. I do a
lot of things I couldn't do in
New York. And since I feel
better, I think I write
The Goodbye Girl open-
ed across the country in
1977. Below is a critical
look at the film by this
reviewer, previously pub-
upon the film's commercial
release here in Greenville:
See DREYFUSS, p. 11
The Super Grit Cowboy Band
Staff Reporter
Be on the lookout for
posters, handbills, and rad-
io and TV spots on the
upcoming First Annual
Hood Swamp Symphony
Promoter Buzz Led ford
has peppered the eastern
part of the state with
publicity in an attempt to
make this event the first in
a long line of Hood Swamp
The concept is as un-
ique as its name. The Ball
will feature the Super Grit
Cowboy Band in concert
with none other than East
Carolina's own Symphony
Wright Auditorium will
be the scene of this mar-
riage of progressive coun-
try rock n' roll with tradi-
tional symphony orchestra.
Miks Kenssy of Super
Grit and Robert Hause of
the ECU orchestra hope to
sell out Wright Auditorium
in the benefit performance.
The First Annual will be
held on Saturday night,
September 23. Tickets will
ssll for $3 to benefit the
ECU Symphony Orchestra.
More details in Tues-
? ? ?

Page 10 FOUNTAINHEAD 14 S?pf mbf 1978
Frazier will
al Friday
Staff Reporter
William Preston Frazier
will perform his senior
recital at A.J. Fletcher
Recital Hall this Friday,
September 15, at 8:15 p.m.
The full recital is entit-
led "Theme and Variat-
ions" for Cornet and Trum-
Bill is an ECU trumpet
major working towards a
double degree in Music
education and Trumpet
Performance. A native of
Raleigh, he has had exten-
sive performance exper-
ience, both at ECU and
throughout the state.
While at ECU. Bill has
played for a year in the
Contemporary Ensemble,
and four years in the top
performance groups of the
School of Music, the Wind
Ensemble. Orchestra, and
ECU Brass Quintet. He has
also performed in various
shows and operas on camp-
Bill has played profes-
sionally with the North
Carolma Symphony in their
Summer Opera and with
the Warren Covington Or-
chestra from New York.
He presently has a job
with Oakmont Baptist
Church as their Minister of
Bill's teaching experi-
ence includes giving priv-
ate trumpet lessons to local
junior high and high school
students and serving as
Trumpet Instructor on the
faculty of the ECU Band
In a few weeks he will
be student teaching in New
Bern for the fall semester.
The recital program will
include works for trumpet
and concert by Handel.
Arban, Bitsch, and Worm-
Bill will be assisted by
Scott Carter and Richard
Duncan on trumpet for one
of his selections. His ac-
companist will be pianist
George Stone, an ECU
graduate student in Per-
The Friday night recital
is free and open to the
Downie granted Presser
ECU SENIOR JOHN F. Downie has been awarded the
Theodore Presser Scholarship for excellence in music,
academics and service to the school.
Photo by John H. Grogan
Staff Writer
ECU Senior John F.
Downie has been awarded
the Theodore Presser scho-
larship for excellence in
music, academics and ser-
vice to the school.
The Presser scholarship
is a $1000 award given by
the Presser Foundation and
the ECU School of M usic to
a deserving music student.
East Carolina competed
with other music schools
throughout the country to
earn the right to name one
of their students "Presser
This is the first year the
award has been given here
in this form.
Jay Downie is a eupho-
nium major working to-
wards a degree in Music
Education. His perform-
ance experience includes
three years as first chair
euphonium in the East
Carolina Wind Ensemble, a
summer playing in the
Clown Band at King's
of student teaching in the
spring, Jay plans to return
?o King's Dominion as an
administrator In the Live
Entertaimner Division.
Ihe job involves re-
cruitment of talent, adap-
tion of shows to the park,
and arranging music.
While at ECU, Jay has
Dominion, and two sum-
mers playing in the German
Band (Bavarian Bozos) at
Busch Gardens.
Following his semester
been a member of the
Student Union Artist Series
Committee, serving since
the spring of all Artist
Series events for the com-
ing year.
Jay is also active
Lambda Chi Alpha frater-
nity. Last year he was
Lambda Chi vice-president,
and is now Social
He also serves as Sec
Council to promote Greek
His experiences in
Lambda Chi, the Student
Union and music have
enabled a broad base of
interests that will be in-
valuable in his role as
"Presser Scholar
Jay also holds an A.J
Fletcher Music scholarship
He is from Roanoke. Vir-
Fogelberg and Weisberg
Twin Sons
btaff Writer
When I saw Dan
Fogelberg appear live well
over a year ago at the
Mernweather Post Pavilion
in Columbia. Md he
mentioned the fact that he
was in the process of
recording an album with
long-time flute standout
Tim Weisberg.
He even went so far as
to play one of the songs that
would be on the album
("Lahaina Luna") using his
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Also featuring all new Sa
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Downtown Goldsboro I
voice to sing the flute part
and accompanying himself
on the classical guitar. The
idea sounded strange then,
but the album sounds great
To those familiar with
both musicians individual
styles, the match-up
doesn't sound exactly
compatible Weisberg has
for the past decade ueen
continuously putting out
jazz flute albums with a pop
flavoring that were well-
received to a small but avid
following, while earning
respect in studio circles as
one of the best professional
flutists around
On the other hand,
Fogelberg has always been
associated with the sou-
thern California music of
Jackson Browne and the
Eagles, although in his
more recent albums one
could sense a drifting from
his country roots to a more
jazz oriented sound.
Anyhow, whatever the
circumstances, the result-
ing album is superb.
Playing much like a solo
Fogleberg album, with Dan
doing most all of the
writing, playing, and sing-
ing, Weisberg's flute adds
just the right edge to a
Fogelberg sound which at
times walks the fine line
between melodrama and
As usual, Fogelberg
plays almost all of the
instruments and does
nearly all of the vocals,
except for a cameo appear-
ance by Don Henley, while
also on this album trying
his hand at producing and
arranging. As a result, as
might well be expected, the
album is very full-sounding
with a thousand ringing
acoustic guitars and five
"While the
majority of the
tunes sound
typically like
Fogelberg, there
are a few tunes
that are

The U. S. Navy Officer
? Information Team will be 1
on campus
2? -22 September, 1978 j
j aval Officers will be on
j hand to talk to interested
persons concerning Officer I
j Positions in Nuclear Power, I
Aviation, Supply Corps
( business management),
I Line, & several scholarship
I programs, Drop by and see
if the "Itfew flfavy" is for you.
it's last annual
TOGA party
Sept. 17th at 9:00p.m.
Wear a toga and receive
a special discount.
part overdubbed harmonies
on many of the cuts.
While the majority of
the tunes sound typically
like Fogelberg, there are a
few tunes that are tradition-
ally non-Fogelberg. Most
notable in this case would
be the island flavored
instrumental "Lanaina
Luna" and the silky
"Guitar Etude 3
It is this diversity which
allows the two artists to
really stretch out and prove
their individual versatility
and adeptness with their
Fogelberg's voice has
never sounded better, with
him equally at ease with the
gentle "Since You've
Asked" or the intense
"Power of Gold The
lightness of his vocals,
which on many of his songs
is so appropriate is
converted to a powerful
instrument in the final
chorus of "Tell Me To My
Face again showing a
side of Fogelberg that we
are not use to seeing.
Weisberg's flute play-
ing is nearly flawless and
especially impressive in the
moving "Intimidation
While his flute is not
always the featured instru-
ment, he has a subtle way
of using and controlling it
to set the overall mood of
the song
The album is clean.
Fogelberg proves himself
to be truly talented guitar
i st, and both men are
musicians to be recognized
Together they have suc-
ceeded in producing one of
the best and most inter-
esting albums of 1978
Clyde Hiss recital
to feature Strauss
Works by J.S. Bach,
Mozart, Hugo Wolf and
Richard Strauss will be
featured at a Sun Sept. 17
recital by baritone Clyde
Hiss, a member of the ECU
School of Music voice fac-
The program, schedul-
ed for 8:15 p.m. in the A.J.
Fletcher Music Center Rec-
ital Hall, is free and open to
the public.
Dr. Hiss will be accom-
panied by pianist-organist
Ellen Reithmaier Nagode
and assisted by an eight-
member chamber ensemble
and a 16-voice chorus of
ECU voice students cond-
ucted by Robert Irwin.
Since joining the ECU
music faculty in 1965. Dr.
Hiss has been active as a
solo performer in the cam-
pus musical productions.
He is also director of ECU's
Opera Theatre.
Dr. Hiss holds degree
from the University of
Illinois and Baldwin-
Wallace Conservatory, and
has appeared in solo recit-
als and with symphony
orchestras throrhout the
Midwest and East
U.S. A.
Large homemade biscuits with
Abo CombinatiorK
FriedQicken Tubs and Buckets
also Drive thru window
For take out call 5(X)N. Greene St
agaimt UNC with hosphdity how at
the Holiday hm in Chapd Bll after
the game. Food and drink provided

?? i ??-???. t n, .v,
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r I r ,
Book burglar beaters appear
14 September 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 11
New anti-theft devices draw comments
Scholars enjoy the contemplative life
hese students are preparing to get into a "philosophical"
mood, like so many others at East Carolina.
Photo by Steve Romero
Staff Reporter
If you haven't been in
one of the campus libraries
recently, you really ought
to check one out.
I did the other day, and
it was a real experience.
ECU is always trying to
improve the appearance of
the campus, but this time I
think they've really out-
done themselves.
I walked into the music
library and was stunned to
see a new sculpture stand-
ing in the entrance. The
wooden structure occupies
space about 6 feet high, 4
feet wide and 6 feet deep. It
is lacy network of walnut-
stained wood.
I can't be sure, but it
probably makes an abstract
statement about present-
day society. Although I'm
no art critic, I believe I can
identify the influence of the
Functionalism school of ar-
Because of its well-
ordered lines and limited
originality; beacuse it was
assembled from a kit that
came in 2 huge cardboard
boxes, and because it has
an identical twin in Joyner,
there has been speculation
that this addition to the
Music Library is not really
art at all.
In fact, an underground
rumor has it that ECU'S
latest attempt at cultural
enrichment is actually, bel-
ieve it or not, a system for
the detection of unchecked
out library books.
One point supporting
this rumor is that the chairs
and railings by the con-
struction force all visitors to
exit through the sculpture
While some feel this
means the library is check-
ing for thieves, I prefer to
believe that they want
everybody to experience
the full impact of the
Modern Module.
One person expressed
the opinion that the
Mystery Mold is actually a
model of the airport system
for weapon detection.
This could have symbo-
lic significance, as in the
idea of books sending us off
into "flights of fantasy
Or, "airing out" the cob-
webs of our brains. Or,
"reading a book see the
world Or, "I'm James
Joyce fly me
Another person exper-
ienced the structure as a
jail cell with wooden bars, a
sort of prefabricated pri-
son. This should only be a
serious problem for those
with guilty consciences.
One distinction between
the famed frameworks in
Joyner and in the Music
Library is that the one in
the Music Library whistles
softly as you exit. While
some have expressed an-
noyance and the opinion
that the system needs
adjustment, I prefer to take
Price of bread is rising in France
Associated Press Writer
pARlS (AP - Bread is a word
:an make the French heart
a beat. After all. Mane
nette' s supposed comment
? the hungry - "Let them eat
- tnggered a revolution.
Now. the price of bread is
. and France is again in
Tie is storming the
BasMie this time, but the
? editorial comment,
show time and official state-
's being devoted to the
underlines how much
a symbol to France.
"ne price rise, which a-
to two or three cents a
Aas part of the newly
ected French government's
ex program to streamline
oonomy by getting rid of
The price of bread had been
d by the state since 1791,
en the Revolution's leaders,
?eheadg Marie Antoi-
-esolveo that the Staff of
uld never again be out of
the poor.
few Frenchmen thought
? e Minister Rene Memory
verstating the case when
?eguiated the price 187
ater and called his move
evolution" fa France.
? st newspaper condemn-
? action and played up an
. group's bread protest -
i , organized street action
?jrted. The paper Liberation
sarcastically predicted a black
market in white bread and said
the rich might now put their
bread in Swiss banks.
Snapped Memory: "The
French economy has been a
hybrid fa too long, with the
chiefs of business calling fa
public help at the slightest
pretext You can't build a good
economy on handouts
Under controls, the famed
baguette, the long, sausage-
shaped French loaf, oost 1.25
In the two weeks sinoe prices
were freed, it has aept up to
1.30 and even 1.40 in fashion-
able neighbahoods.
A franc is wath 22 cents at
current exchange rates.
With inflation at 11 percent a
year, the pnoe will probably go
on rising.
And even today there are
some who harba faint misgiv-
ings about tampering with an
issue that has caused so much
upheaval in Franoe.
In pre-Revolutionary days, a
laborer spent 50 percent of his
wages on bread.
French rulers, always aware
of the dangers of a bread
shatage. set up elebaate sup-
ply systems but these depended
oi the weather. So the price
could double over night.
Bread riots oome almost
yearly, and the victims were
invariably the bakers, who were
beaten, trampled and lynched.
It'sna surprising, thus, that
French bakers have a patron
continued from p. 9
There is hardly any
activity, any enterprise,
which is started with such
tremendous hopes and ex-
pectations, and yet which
fails so regularly as love. "
Erich Fromm.
The Art of Loving
Vulnerability is always
at the heart of love. "
Leo Buscaglia .
So it seems that this is
Paula McFadden's(Marsha
Mason) lot in life in Neil
Simon's The Goodbye Girl.
It is only natural that
after receiving a "Dear
Paula" letter from her
current boyfriend who has
left their love nest to make
a movie in Italy that she be
a little cautiouswith her
love life.
"I don't want to get
dumped on again she
tells Dreyfuss in one scene.
Romantic comedies are
in vogue this season but
unlike Woody Allen's
Annie hall, which turned its
focus to real life, The
Goodbye Girl concerns it-
jeif almost too heavily with
the pomp and circumstance
of one-liners and romantic
Paula McFadden does
liod happiness and this
maumfte viewer feel good,
?t i8 much easier,
Pettily so, to identify
with the Woody Allen char-
acter that he so heart-
breakingly portrays in An-
nie Hall. One reason might
be that the role is quite
obviously autobiographical.
But Simon's idealism
makes for good escapist
fare and this film was
destined to be a runaway
hit from the moment the
first literary chord was
struck on the typewriter.
Casting makes this
"Best Picture" nominee a
must. In his first romantic
role, Dreyfuss is incapable
of a false note. He turns
the film's many one-liners
into pure poetry with his
perfect comic timing and a
dedication to his craft that
soaks right through the
screen. His rendition of a
gay Richard III would
please even Shakespeare.
Quinn Cummings, a
ten-year old bitch goddess,
plays the wordly daughter
who helps draw M ason and
Dreyfuss, who happen to be
living together anyway, to-
No longer the energetic
adolescent, Dreyfuss has
the priceless ingrediants of
surge and charm necessary
to be believable in a part
like this. He seems to love
the work at hand and the
world in general .
The Goodbye Girl has
given birth to a major star.
Al! films are open to
ECU students, faculty, and
staff and their guests.
Admission is by ID and
Activity Card or Menden-
hall Student Center Mem-
bership Card. All films are
shown in the Mendenhall
Student Center Theatre.
saint, St. Honae, who is said to
have heard the call of God while
watching his mother bake
In one incident, the lieute-
nant governa of St. Denis, near
Paris, was chased up a church
steeple and stabbed to death fa
pompously infaming a aowd
that "one does not sell bread to
rabble fa two sous a loaf
Reprisals fa the riots were
swift. Onoe. 50 people were
summarily hanged.
The revolutionaries who
froze the price could not keep it
down any mae easily than the
royalists they ousted.
In 1795, fa instanoe, inflat-
ion pushed the prioe up 1,000
percent in a month.
But many bakers oppose
deregulation. Some fear a price
war; others wary about being
put out of business by large
bakeries that buy ingredients by
volume - and mae cheaply.
Bread still is political matter.
Some complain that the bereted,
mustashioed baker peddling
loaves from a pushcar is disap-
And last February, bakers
stopped making quality crois-
sants in protest against a
governemnt prioe ceiling, touch-
ing off a heated issue in a
national election. "The crois-
sant war it was called.
Whatever St. Honroe might
think of Monory's new move,
one thing is sure: There's no
point in again telling French-
men to eat cake. It was
deregulated along with bread.
:?? - It:? P.M.
Pitt County Shrine Club
Wed Sept. ?, 1978-11 am Til 7 put
Fish will be cooked and
served at these
Harris Super Market,
?T. Greene St.
Elm St. Park
Pitt plaza Shopping Centei
Harris Super Market
S. Memorial Dr.
Harris Super Market,
the whistle as a compli-
Besides, what could be
more appropriate in the
Music Building than a
sculpture that makes music
as well?
The whistling can be
troubling, however. In fact,
yesterday I witnessed the
disturbing scene when a
senior faculty member tried
to walk through the appara-
tus without, horror of hor-
rors, checking out her
The exit gate locked,
the whistle increased in
intensity, the professor
jumped back in surrender,
and the entire population of
the library turned in ac-
cusation. Quite a dramatic
feat for a mere sculpture.
One student speculated
that the whistle indicated
radioactivity within the art-
work. In that case, it could
conceivably cause cancer.
Without being an alarm
-ist, it is easy to see that the
threat of cancer might
cause students to avoid
walking through the thing,
which in turn might drive
them away from the library,
It follows that since they
would therefore be checking
out fewer books, they
would probably also be
reading fewer books.
Since books are a source
of knowledge, this might
lead to dumber ECU stud-
ents. This may sound far-
fetched, but ignorance is no
laughing matter. Can we
afford to take that risk?
A high library
source has just confirmed
that the deceptive mechan-
ism is indeed a book
detection system.
Reliable sources report
that the substantial losses
suffered by the library
system have necessitated
this stern stand against
ECU crime.
Well, so it's not a
sculpture after all But
maybe I wasn't so far
wrong when I said that it
was a statement about
society today.
Obviously, there is an .
important moral to this
story. If anyone figures it
out, let me know.
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ECU faces North Carolina
Sam Harrell
touchdown against N.C. State on a spectacular 71 yard run
down the right side fines. '
Sports Editor
Despite last week's dis-
appointing 29-13 loss to
N.C. State ECU head coach
Pat Dye hasn't given up on
his Pirates yet.
But with an overflow
crowd of more than 50,000
expected in Kenan Stadium
Saturday for the ECU-UNC
contest, Dye admits his
Pirates are experiencing a
crisis of sorts.
"I'd like to say we've
got everything in order and
we're ready to go Satur-
day said Dye Wednesday
afternoon at his weekly
press luncheon. "But it's
just not the truth. If we play
as hard as we can and
execute well we could win,
but anything less than that
could be embarrassing.
"Right now we're in
sort of a crisis, but some-
times something will sur-
face you didn't know you
One thing hasn't sur-
faced during the past two
weeks : an effective of-
fense which produced
yardage and touchdowns at
a rapid pace last season.
The Pirates have scored
only four touchdowns in
two games and have made
11 costly turnovers.
"We've got to eliminate
our mistakes on offense
explained Dye "And we
need to make things hap-
pen on defense. It may take
us the rest of the year to get
this football team where we
want it, but I don't want to
have to wait until the end of
the season before that
Although ECU and
North Carolina did not play
last year, the Tar Heels
topped the Pirates 12-10 in
1976. North Carolina, now
under new head coach Dick
Crum, returns a veteran
offensive backfield and one
of the finest running backs
in the country in Amos
Personnel wise they' re
an excellent team praised
Dye. "Amos Lawrence is
certainly one of the finest
running backs in the coun-
try and they have a fine
quarterback in Matt Kupec
who comes up with the big
plays when they need
them. Their offensive
and defensive lines are big,
quick and strong. It's cer-
tainly another big game for
With its unimpressive
opening win against West-
ern Carolina, and last
weeks loss to N.C. State,
the Pirates now find them-
selves decided underdogs
in this crucial in-state con-
"The chemistry on this
team isjust not right said
Dye. "We've probably got
the finest coaching staff
we've ever had and our
scheme offense and de-
fense is good. We've got
more ability on this team
than any other one I've
"But we're just not
scratching and fighting out
there like we used to do
continued Dye. "Ecu has
built its reputation on hav-
ing an aggressive team
that puts f,rth tremendous
effort ano executes well on
both sides of the field. But
right now the effort just
hasn't been there
Injuries to key perform-
ers in the offensive back-
field crippled the Pirates
wishbone attack last week.
Halfbacks Eddie Hicks and
Anthony Collins both mis-
sed the entire N.C. State
contest while quarterback
Leander Green was injured
at the end of the first half
and did not return for the
rest of the game.
Hicks will be back in the
starting lineup against
North Carolina while Col-
lins will see action, al-
though he will not start.
Green, who suffered
bruised kidneys against the
Wolfpack, will also be back
in the starting lineup. Tight
end Joe Godette is nursing
a badly sprained ankle and
will probably miss the UNC
Noting the PiratesSam
Harrell, who raced 71 yards
for ECU'S first touchdown
against N.C. State last
week will start in the Pirate
backfield against North
Carolina. Anthony Collins
may play, but is still
nursing a sprained ankle
"I'm sure North Carolina is
thrilled to play us because
we seem to bring out the
best in our opponents
placekickers quipped
Dye at his press conference
yesterday. N.C. State's
Nathan Ritter booted a
record five field goals a-
gainst ECU last week. Last
year, South Carolina's Britt
Parrish kicked four field
goals when the Gamecocks
defeated ECU 19-16 in
Columbia, S.CNorth
Carolina leads the series
3-1 The Pirates lone
victory came in 1975 when
ECU topped the Tar Heels
38-17 the day after former
athletic director Clarence
Stasavich died.
iMMI '
Eddie Hicks
AFTER MISSING LAST weeks contest against N.C State
Eddie Hicks returnes to the Pirates' starting Imeup Hicks
suffered a collapsed lung against Western Carol ma
- oiasavicn died. ? ???"?? " ?ir
Crum, Tar Heels set for season opener aeainst ECII
ByCHARLESCHANDLER football. Crum and com- Pirates are now. u. a ??? ?"? O ? VJ 1J
Staff Writer
We have some talent,
but I won't know how much
Saturday This was
the assessment of new
North Carolina head foot-
ball coach Dick Crum of his
Tar Heels.
Crum is in his first
season at North Carolina.
Last year, he ended a
successful career at the
University of Miami, Ohio
when Bill Dooley left for
Virginia Tech.
With him, Crum
brought his entire Miami
coaching staff. They, in
turn have brought a new
offensive era to Tar Heel
football. Crum and com-
pany will operate under the
veer this year. Dooley ran
the Heels out of the stand-
ard I formation.
'The offensive adjust-
ment here has been good
said Crum. "Of course
many of our players ran the
veer in high school. I'm not
sure how effective we are
yet. We're somewhat tired
of running it against our-
"We have a good group
of guys continued Crum.
"They have gotten along
well and have handled the
offensive adjustments just
as well
Crum said he felt ECU
head coach Pat Dye and the
Pirates are now in a situat
ion similar to the one he
faced at Miami.
"We were in the sha-
dow of the Big 10 teams
and Notre Dame. It's the
same at East Carolina.
They're somewhat in the
shadow of the ACC. But
you take Pat's team and put
them on the west coast with4
a new name. Thewriters out
there would say, Wow,
look at these guys "
"Although they don't get a
great deal of publicity, we
know ECU is a major
college football team. We
will treat them with the
utmost respect
Crum has made some
personnel changes in his
short stay at North
Carolina in addition to his
offensive overhaul. He has
moved former quarterback
PJ. Gay to split end, and
has moved ex-fullback Bob
Loomis to tight end. Loomis
is expected to start Satur-
The Tar Fifty, qiarter-
back situation 'is still a'
question mark for the
Heels Clyde Christianson
and '77 starter Matt Kupec
are in a battle for the
starting job that may not be
settled until after
Saturday's game.
"They'll both see plenty
of action noted Crum.
"Matt is as good as ever
but Clyde has just simply
closed the gap. Clyde is
also helped by the fact that
he was a veer quarterback
in high school
No matter who quarter-
back's the Tar Heels, they
will have wealth of backs to
hand off to. First and
foremost is All-America
candidate "Famous" Amos
Lawrence, who finished
eighth in the nation in
rushing as a freshmen last
season. Starting alongside
Lawrence could be anyone
of three players. Ken Mack,
Doug Paschal and Billy
Johnson are still fighting it
out for that position, ac-
cording to Crum.
Defensively, Crum feels
his Tar Heels will fare well.
"We have good range
says Crum. "But, it's hard
to judge how quick we are
until we get a game under
our belts
At defensive end Crum
will start AII-ACC perform-
er Ken Sheets along with
T.K. McDaniels. Bun
Rhames and John Brugas
will line up at defensive
tackle. David Simmons will
start at middle guard.
Buddy Curry returns at
linebacker alongside Law-
rence Taylor.
The defensive backfield
will consist of Ricky Barden
and Bobby Cale at corner-
back, and Bernie Menapace
and Francis Winters at
Offensively Crum will
start Loomis at tight end,
and Bobby Huckle and
Steve Junkman at tackle.
All-America candidate
Mike Salzano and Lowell
Aiken are slated to start at
guard. Jimmy Robinson
will open at split end, while
Wayne Tucker will start at
the flanker position Either
Christianson or Kupec will
open at quarterback. Law-
rence and one of the trio of
fullbacks will open at run-
ning back.
Jeff Hayes, a freshman,
will handle both the punt-
ing and place kicking
chores for the Tar Heels.
The most incredible game in Pirate football history
BySAMROGERS aaaeaaB? ?mm.w& ?, VJFJK ?
Snort e Frlitrv I B. ,jm. ? e
CHAPEL HILL, Oct 1973- it was another beautiful fall
afternoon m Kenan Stadium on the University of North
Carolina campus. More than 41,000 fans had gathered to
watch the highly favored North Carolina Tar Heels square
off against the underdog ECU Pirates.
Sonny Randle was then head coach at ECU and Bill
Dooley guided the Tar Heels. Players like Carl Summerell
Carlester Crumpier, Danny Kepley, Don Schink, and
K enny Strayhorn were familiar figures on the Pirate roster
After a 57-8 thrashing at the hands of N.C. State in its
opener, the Pirates had bounced back to take their next six
games and brought an impressive 6-1 record into this bitter
m-state contest.
It was a pivotal game for the Pirates for a number of
reasons Even though ECU had finished 9-2 the previous
season and won the Southern Conference Championship it
Jh ,Vn ?on'y tW? 9ameS t0 At,antic ?? Conference
schools N.C. State and North Carolina. Most observers still
considered ECU another Southern Conference patsy
Oddsmakers had the Tar Heels as much as three
touchdown favorite and certainly not one North Carolina fan
was convinced .efore the game the Pirates could stay in the
same ball park with UNC who had appeared in the Sun Bowl
the previous year.
We just wanted to go down there and prove we could
Play against an ACC school remembered halfback
Carlester Crumpier. "We all knew we were a better team
than we had shown against N.C. State. We just had to get
out there and prove it
It was a chance to prove ourselves after we opened
what that horrible game against N.C. State said safetv
Jim Bolding. 7
"We had won six games in a row coming into the North
Carolina game and we had some momentum going for us
Before the afternoon was over, not one person left their
seat until the final gun as the Tar Heels came from 14 points
behind in the second half to capture a 28-27 thriller.
Many Pirate football observers still call the 1973
ECU-UNC game the greatest game In Pirate history. The
game was filled with plenty of offensive fireworks and
ended with one of the moat controversial calls of the season.
More importantly, however, ECU finally gained
respectability among Atlantic Coast Conference coaching
circles and proved the Pirates ware quickly building one of
the top football programs in the country.
North Carolina received the kickoff and quickly moved
the length of the field on its first possession for a
touchdown. Tailback Sammy Johnson want three yards for
the touchdown, Alexander added the extra point and the
Heels led 7-0 just Ilka that. North Carolina fans sat back in
their seats eagerly awaiting the expected onslaught. After
Pass interference?
aZ frorn ZVLBnCK "W Plnkr? batS " ?
Plates 28 J , ,? L"? ChaNeS Wadde" in "??
Pirates 28-27 loss to the Tar Heels in 1973. The officials
putting the Heels deep in a hole on a long Jonathan punt UNC quarterback Bj(y Pasca fumbed
ball m his own end zone and was tackled by ECU linebacker
Danny Kepley for a safety.
The Pirates struck again when Jim Woody sent a 43 yard
field goal through the uprights. And Woody came on to add
a 21 yard field goal early in the second period to give the
Pirates a narrow 8-7 lead.
S?U creased the margin to 14-7 with 2:25 remaining
in the half when Carlester Crumpier capped a long drive
with athree yard run for the touchdown. ?"? "? "??? "?" ana w? rwi one we
Jim Bolding picked off aPaschalipass on the Heels next ??U,d the ?ame of we cou,d ?et a " in M
series and returned it 20 yards to give the Pirates excellent Seconj ha,f The Pirates received the second half kickoff
ruled Pinkney interferedwith Waddelt and UNC scored th
s7:Z7ntZ?Z tW? ,Ster Pink-V TZa
starter in the Detroit Lions secondary.
ECU ahead 21-7 at the break.
"I don't think they were looking past us said
Crumpier, "but I know they were probably kind of worried
after we jumped out ahead of them by 14 points at the half
But we were capable of beating them"
Our game plan in the second half was to come right out
and down for a touchdown quickly said halfback
Kenny Strayhorn now a sports commentator for WITN-TV
in Washingto-i I don't think they ever expected us to
jump on them like we did in the first half and we felt Ilka we
field position inside the UNC 50. From there, Carl
Summerell directed another one of his patented drives
moving the Pirates half the length of the field for a
touchdown with just seven seconds remaining ,n the half
Summerell went over from the four yard line mmself to put
and once again moved downf ield against the Tar Heals with
relative ease. But Summerell fumbled the ball at the UNC
19 and the Heels turned the game around after that.
"After that fumble when we were moving the ball so
well it took a lot out of ua observed Strayhorn. "I didn't
think we ever really picked it up after that North Carolina
came back with two more touchdowns to t,e the score at
21-21, but the P.rates weren't finished yet ECU regained
possession with just under six minutes and scored the
go-ahead touchdown with 3:45 on Crumpier sneyd
Plunge. But UNC's Bill Cowan blocked Jim WoodsexTra
point attempt and the Pirates led onyl 27-21
North Carolina took the ball and pushed forward
SstuNC09 P?f With E 4?
omcnesby UNC receievrs. And on 2nd and 8 from me Fr
21, the can which has been argued over, ime andme aoam
by Pirate fane occured inside the ten yard line 9
Tbeave Nw,b Carohna the MTJEZZ
Waddell said Bolding WaT. 1! "th
the official, and certain' a tough one 'K T
theba.1 down. Hedid not interfere w?th the wT
the ball is in the air both players can go afteTr 1 "
didn't think Reggie should have be?n J?ed ,or h!
Like the rest of the ECU fans a" XlTrs ?n "T
couldn't believe the call, which incden a?waJT6
Atlantic Coast Conference official. by an
"Our man was goina for th? haii ?? ?
.ft.Mh.oame. ?Anybody inVmtrLows' ha? R"n"e
pass interference. that ft was not
Two plays later, Pascall threw to Dickie Oliver f
yard touchdown and Alexander's aSr. 2LT 8
difference. Fin score North Carolina ? EcC ,? "
Although the Pirates took the kicUf and m
scoring position again, Woody's 53 JaTrt ? Z mov?d mt0
short on the final play of mTgarnt " ?
"If they hadn't gotten that pass interfor
we would have held them and wl the ' "
Bolding. ?it wascertainly the key to me gameT" 2?
out there that day gave 110 percent Car Everyty
out they had to play against uWTh? wn " fHind
respect after that thmk we ?a,ned a lot of
?.???? real,y whooped in that last quarter ?
ECU assistant coach Cary Godette Th? , ' Emitted
end. ?w. ran out of gaJf'CZEX"
that call really broke our backs But Tau? QUarter' b
bad call wa got that afternoon - WMnt ? first
After the loas to North Carolina th. d
???'our games of tne'73as:?aa t-on ?
coneecotrve Southern Conference chamo?2, "
with the naartbreeRlng lots to NoVth cT P' But ???"
finally earned the raapect it dasarTw ??T' E has
the Pirates captured its first win eve, !?i !? ' er
with a 38-17 win. the Tar Heeia
?i -

14 Sqrttnbf 1978 FQUNTAINHEAD Page 13
UNC 21-10
N.C. State
Penn State
Wake Forest
Georgia Tech
ECU 21-19
N.C. State
Ohio State
Wake Forest
UNC 17-13
N.C. State
Ohio State
Wake Forest
M aryland
UNC 20-14
N.C. State
Ohio State
Wake Forest
Raleigh News and Observer
ECU 17-16
N.C. State
Ohio State
Wake Forest
Staff Writer
After two weeks of
Regular season piay, the
National Football league
seems prepped for a season
full of surprises. Upsets
have appeared in almost
every other game.
Winning teams are los-
mg and losing teams are
winning. Who would have
thought the Baltimore Colts
would have been shut out
two weeks in a row? And
who would have guessed
that the Green Bay Packers
and New York Jets would
be among the league's
undefeated after two
The season has also
already had a crazy, cont-
roversial call. The
"fumble" that won the
Oakland Raiders a victory
over San Diego last week
certainly qualifies.
If should be another one
of those seasons. Here's a
look at this week's contests:
Don Strock has it going
now and that Miami def-
ense should be able to
handle the feeble Bill of-
fense with no problems.
The game is being
played in Detroit, but the
Lions have lost their roar.
Payton and the Bears in a
close one.
Oakland got by on sheer
luck last week. Look for the
undefeated Packers to
make the Raiders play their
Things aren't looking
very good in the land of the
Colts. Even Bert Jones
couldn't pull this one out,
The Jets stay undefeat-
ed, but just barely against
an up and coming Seahawk
club. The Richard Todd to
Wesley Walker combo
should pull this one out for
the New Yorkers.
The Vikings pulled off a
shocker Monday against
Denver. The Bucs are as
usual, without a win. Fran
Tarkenton is too smart to
allow them to get their first
at his expense.
Joe Theissman has the
Redskin offense on fire.
Bud Wilkinson will have to
wait another week for his
first NFL coaching victory.
After their overtime vic-
tory over Cincinnati last
week, the Browns will be a
little down. Too bad, that
Atlanta defense is tough.
The Eagles have lost
close ones to Los Angeles
and Washington. The time
has come for Dick Vermeil
and company to put on in
the win column.
Rodgers, Beauchamp add spark
to Lady Pirate volleyball squad
V BETSY Mr.DA win cQn,)(i . . -?-
Staff Writer
Rebecca Beauchamp
and Virginia Rodgers could
make trouble for ECU
opponents in volleyball this
sseason The two jtmor
college transfers are from
Anne Arundel Community
College in Maryland.
Both Beauchamp and
Rodgers are gradually com-
ing back into full form after
the long summer. And full
form for these veterans
means first place for their
teams m the state and fifth
in the nation. They will add
quite a spark to the Lady
Pirate's season.
Virginia Rodgers hails
from Annapolis, Md
where her father is retired
navy man. Rodger's acad-
emic plans include a B.S. in
nursing. "As for my athlet-
ic ambitions she said, "I
hope to continually improve
my skills in volleyball and
piay an all-round good
game "
Her game in the past
was good enough to net her
a first team position in the
all-conference, all-region,
and all-tournament games.
ECU volleyball coach,
Alita Dillon is pleased with
Rodger s progress. "Jenny
does well at the net, but she
also has great strenght as a
server and on the entire
back line, she'll be playing
all the way around
Rodgers feels she has
made aof of progress since
practice began. After a
virtually volleyball-free
summer, she said she was
"rusty, a little frustrated
with my spiking Now she
feels much more confident.
"I'm really getting bet-
ter in setting. My spiking
is up to par again, too. I
think I'll be able trhelp the
team both offensively and
defensively to see a lot of
victories she said.
From Arnold, Md
Rebecca Beauchamp is a
long-time teammate of
Rodger's. They shared all
team honors in 1976-77 and
77-78, but Beauchamp in-
dividually made second
team all-conference and
first all-tournament in
1978. She plans to become
a part of the world of
business administration
upon graduation.
Dillon praised Beau-
champ for her hitting and
blocking strength. "Spik-
ing definitely is the best
part of my game. New to
me here at ECU is the
center hit (spike from the
center position) that I am
really working on now
Beauchamp said.
"Becky works well at
the personal level said
Dillon. "She has a lot of
team spirit. I expect both
her and Rodgers to provide
Beauchamp agrees that
since participating in the
nationals, "we have seen
some of what the other girls
haven't. Maybe we will be
able to help them in this
Both transfers played
for the AA team of the
United State Volleyball
Association. "That's the
one the Olympic team is
picked from said Beau-
champ. "The team is really
pulling together, and I'm
getting fired up for a good
year Rodgers said.
Rodgers and Beau-
champ will lead the Pirates
when they begin their
season Sept. 19 with a
tri-match against Louisburg
and UNC-Wilmington.
The Pirates begin their
season Sept. 19 with a
tri-match against Louisburg
and UNC-Wilmington.
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The big difference in
the game is the fact that the
game is being played in
Denver. This one should go
right down to the wire, with
the Chargers coming out on
the short end, again.
O.J. meet Earl
Campbell. He should make
the 49er afternoon a long
one. The Hiesman Trophy
winner might just break all
NFL rookie ruahing records
this year; and take Houston
to the playoffs in addition.
The Oiler defense has
very few leaks for the
"Juice" to leak through.
The people of 'Frisco don't
have a great deal to cheer
about this week.
In a big AFC Central
Division clash, the Bengals
will find themselves up
against a revived Steeler
defense. The loss would
drop the Bengals to 0-3.
That's hard to believe, but
Mary Levy unveils his
bag full of tricks on the
Giants in a real squeeker.
In a very big game, the
Rams will find out what
everybody else knows; the
Cowboys have too much for
anybody. The rams could
win if their pass rush is
super-successful. This is
very unlikely, though, The
Cowboys could well have
the best team the League
has seen since the days of
Vince Lombardi and the
Alexander is
guest picker
This week s guest
er in the FOUNTAIN-
HEAD' s Fearless Foreca
Chip Alexander. Alexan
is a sports writer for the
Raleigh News and 0
ver. This season he
assigned to cover the E
football team. Last y
Alexander compiled
part story on ECU
basketball coach Lari ,
Iman that received
wide acclaim.
Last week s ql
Wayne Newnam
an 8-4 record.
Games to watel
week include the
State-Ohio State conl
and the Alabama I!
game. Penn State an j
State are ranked number 5
and 6 in the natia
spectively. Alabama
top ranked tea-
nation while Missou
ranked 11th after
defending nati
Notre Dame last weeken
pickers find then
close battle for
rights. The prese'
Sam Rogers
games ahead of it
place picker Betsy Mc
vid. This week
should prove a
drive for superi
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Page 14 FOUNTAINHEAD 14 September 1978
Pirates' Valentine ready for Tar Heels
ECU defensive end
Zack Valentine is a sweet-
heart to Pirate fans, but he
never delivers flowers or
candy to opponents on
The agile, 6-3 212
pound wrecker from En-
denton says he enjoys
football because it's a game
of excitement, an element
which typifies his play.
Getting a sack on the
quarterback, or stopping a
big play Zack explains,
"lifts the whole defense
and the team. It'sagameof
excitement and we can
create a lot of it on defense
for the entire team
Defense has long been a
trademark of Pirate teams
and the one which Valen-
tine accompanies to Chapel
Hill for Saturday's 1:30
p.m. game with North
Carolina is no exception.
Already this fall the
Pirates, 1-1, have held
Western Carolina to 47
yards rushing in one game
and limited N.C. State to
just three first downs in the
second half of another
while trying to give the
Pirate offense the oppor-
tunity to score more points.
Valentine has been
graded on film with a
winning performance each
week, not to the surprise of
ECU coach Pat Dye, who
sees his senior end as a
solid all-America candidate
this fall.
"There's no question in
my mind that he is an
all-America player Dye
said. "He's smart and he's
an all-out player on every
down. He plays sound
defense, is a sure tackier
with plenty of punch and is
also a big play man when
we need that, too. He's a
coach's dream to coach on
top of that
While Dye and Pirate
fans are doubtlessly happy
with his performances, this
year and throughout his
career, Zack, a pre-season
all-Southern Independent
team choice, may be the
hardest one to please.
"I'm just anxious to get
back on the practice field
this week he said after
the East Carolina season
record leveled with a win
and a loss.
"We have to get better
every week. We have to
bounce back strong in the
next nine games so that we
can become the team that
we know we can be
Valentine recognizes his
role will be to offer much of
the leadership this fall that
will help the Pirates reach
their potential. He also
knows his own individual
abilities and responsibil-
ities well.
"My quickness is better
than most of the people I
line up against Zack
continued. "I like to use it
to get to the football on
every play. It's a thrill to
get into the backfield and
stop a play cold and it's also
exciting to see 11 men
around the football at the
end of each play. Both of
those things really give the
team a lift
For Valentine, all as-
pects of the game are
important - passing, run-
ning and kicking, that is.
But, one phase is ail
important - winning or
Bronsoo Matney
"Coin Man"
j' i a ii" re
SILVER DOLLARS (193s 1 older)
1909 i OLDER
??.??"eeie9 Maio Nlcke,? Llnco,n Pennies at this time)
ECU hooters
at home
Staff Writer
The East Carolina soc-
cer team took to the prac-
tice field this week with an
attitude no less than enthu-
siastic. The Pirates, still
looking for their first, in
their 1978 home opener win
will meet Catawba College
on Sat. Sept. 16
at 2 p.m.
"The team will be men-
tally ready this week" said
ECU Head Coach Brad
Smith. "The squad just
wasn't mentally ready for
opponents N.C. State and
Duke last weekend Coach
Smith is referring to the
recent Mayor's Cup Tourn-
ament in Raleigh in which
East Carolina finished last
A.C.C. teams North Caro-
lina State and Duke defeat-
ed the Pirates 4-0 and 5-0
respectively. UNC captured
the first place seat and the
tournament trophy.
ECU co-captain Jef
Kluger had a similar anal-
ysis of the Pirate effort in
the tournament. "We
didn't have the mental
attitude needed for winning
either game in the tourn-
ament" said Kluger.
Pirate freshman Brad
Winchell, who was named
to the Mayor s Cup
ALL-Tournament Team,
had mixed feelings. "I was
happy with the honor yet
unhappy that we lost" said
Winchell. "The team win-
ning was the most impor-
tant thing on my mind.
The Pirates undoubt-
edly will be going into
Saturdays game with an
excellent mental attitude,
but physically the booters
won't be at 100. "Two of
our three goalies are in-
jured" said Smith. "Senior
Kevin Tyus has bruised
ribs and sophomore Mike
Lawrence has a sprained
Coach Smith finished
his first season as head
coach at East Carolina 1st
year with a 2-10 mark. So
far this season Smith's
record stands at 0-2. and
yet he remains optimistic.
"We lost to two real good
teams last weekend" said
Smith. "There also were
some strategic errors on my
When questioned on his
personal assessment of the
team's performance up to
now. Coach Smith replied.
"We have a lot of work to
be done to be winners and
it will take time and sup-
port said Smith. "Hereat
East Carolina we get alot of
support from our athletic
department and the sports
medicine program
Again this year, the
ECU Department of Intra-
murals and the McDonald
fast food chain will sponsor
a Frisbee Disc Pentathlon
for ECU students.
Held for the first time
last year, this year's event
will be held on Wednesday,
September 20 on the Cc
lege Hill intramural fields
at the bottom o College
Hill Drive. The pentathlon
will begin at 4 p.m. and will
consist of five different
Contestants will be
tested on their frisbee
throwing accuracy and dis-
tance, their frisbee hand
time, their ability to throw a
frisbee in a curved path,
and their ability to throw a
Frisbee at a Bulls-eye,
another test of Frisbee
throwing prowess
Registration for the
Frisbee pentathlon will run
right up to the 4 p.m
throw-off, but theintra mural
department would like as
many advanced registants
as possible. Students may
register in the Intramural
office or at the McDonalds
on Tenth and Cotanche

Fountainhead, September 14, 1978
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 14, 1978
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