Fountainhead, September 7, 1978

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
Editor, conflicts said to be
reasons for delay of BUC
SUSAN ROGERSON. 1977-78 BUC editor.
Assistant News Editor
For the second year in a
row, the annual yearbook,
BUCCANEER , is in danger
of not being published.
According to reliable
sources, the yearbook,
which was to have included
material from the aborted
previous edition, has not
yet been sent to the pub-
lishers, Hunter Publishing
Company of Winston-Sa-
lem. The original deadlines
came periodically through
the summer.
Problems with the year-
book seemed to surface last
spring. According to sev-
eral sources, up until the
beginning of last spring
semester, the yearbook
proceeded on schedule.Due
to several conflicts on the
staff between the editor
and the different staff
members, conditions began
to deteriorate.
Complaints against the
aditor were aimed at a
recent meeting of the Me-
dia Board. Complaints a-
gainst Susan Rogerson in-
Media Board discusses yearbook ;
Budget yet to be approved
News Editor
The Media Board, in a
meeting Tuesday, dis-
cussed plans to approve a
budget for the
BUCCANEER, the last of
the media budgets to be
Media Board chairman
Tommy Joe Payne said the
board will consider the
BUCCANEER budget with-
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in the next two weeks.
The board also plans to
investigate why the 1977-78
yearbook has been delayed.
In other business,
Payne says a Media Board
secretary will be selected in
Also. Robert Swaim,
tising manager, proposed a
staff members to be used
twice a week to transport
newspapers to and from the
publishing company.
The board postponed
the decision to see if
arrangements can be made.
Swaim also requested a
velox machine for
light repairments. The dec-
ision was also postponed.
In other business, the
board discussed the propo-
sal to fund personal name-
plates for desks in the
The board postponed
the decision until the media
board tours media offices
on campus to determine
actual needs.
The Media Board
agreed to meet every Tues-
day at 3 p.m.
The board consists of
nine members. Dr. James
Tucker serves as advisor.
According to Payne,
there has been some cam-
pus opposition to the board
from other campus organi-
zations concerning the
boards' spending.
"We are financially
sound Payne said.
"The Media Board is not
hoarding money from other
organizations. We have
enough money to run effic-
iently, but no more than is
eluded failure to meet
deadlines, failure to super-
vise the yearbook staff, and
failure to meet obligations
that arose in her position.
According to a source
close to the Media Board,
Rogerson left school at the
end of the spring semester
in May with the yearbook
incomplete. The Media
Board was unaware of this
fact until the middle of this
past summer.
Dr. James H. Tucker,
dean of student affairs, and
the advisor to the Media
Board received a telephone
call from Hunter Publishing
Company stating that they
had not yet received lay-
outs, photos, and other
related materials from the
yearbook staff. During the
course of that telephone
call, a representative of
Hunter Publishing inform-
ed Dr. Tucker that the
BUC was behind on
meeting its deadlines, and
apparently would not be
published on time this fall.
At this point, Tommy
Joe Payne, chairman of the
Media Board, owitacted
Rogerson Rogerson ass-
ured Payne at this time that
she would finish the book.
In a subsequent conver-
sation between Payne and
Rogerson, Rogerson said
that her term had ended in
May and that she was no
longer responsible for the
What's inside 1SU Travel Committee
Virginia is for lovers, and even your mother knows it. :??
See p. 3. 355
planning group trips
This week's free flick is Julia, starring Jane Fonda and j?
Vanessa Redgrave. See p. 6.
T.H. White's bestsellingBoofc of Merlyn is reviewed in g?
today's Trends section. See p. 6. ?
ECU opens its ACC season against State this Saturday, gg
but Pirate halfback Eddie Hicks will be sitting this one :?$
out. See p. 8. ?$
The ECU soccer team travels to Raliegh this weekend
for the Mayor's Cup Tournament. See p. 9. $?:?:
Off-campus credit courses
offered this fall at ECU
ECU News Bureau
Employees of eastern North
Carolina social service, correct-
ions and other human service
delivery agencies who wish to
work toward college degrees
may enroll in off-campus credit
courses to be offered this fall by
Classes will be scheduled
in several Region IV locations,
including Williamston, Eliza-
beth City. Rocky Mount, Wil-
son. Greenville, Goidsboro,
New Bern. Kinston and Kenan-
Course offerings, ranging
from two to four semester
hours, will concern such topics
as social welfare politics, issues
and programs; social welfare
legislation and case law; fund-
amentals of interviewing; hu-
man behavior; supervision; and
crisis intervention.
The program, partially fund-
ed by the U.S. Department of
Health, Education and Welfare
under Title XX of the Social
Security Act, is sponsored by
the EUC Department of Social
Work and Correctional Services
and the ECU Division of Contin-
uing Education.
Its purposes are to assist
hyman service practitioners
develop professionally and im-
prove the quality of human
service in this area.
Since its beginning three
years ago, more than 600
persons from various human
resource agencies in eastern
N.C. have enrolled in 81 classes.
According to program coor-
dinator Homer Yearick, adjunct
associate professor in the ECU
School of Allied Health and
Social Professions, individuals
who participate may pursue the
program at their own speed.
"This program is for those
who have successfully complet-
ed high school a who hold
college degrees in other fields
and now wish to pursue an
undergraduate degree in social
work and correctional services
he said
"The courses are also of
benefit to those who simply wish
to enhamce their skill in human
Courses will be taught at the
various locations by ECU faculty
members, and a departmental
faculty advisor is available at
each location, he noted. The fall
semester courses will begin
during the week of Auaust 30
and ended December 1?.
Further information about
the social work education pro
gram is available from the ECU
Department of Social Work and
Correctional Services, School of
Allied Health and Social Profes-
sions, East Carolina University,
Greenville, N.C. 27834, 757-
News Editor
The 78-79 Student Union
Travel Committee is offer-
ing five trips this year. This
is the most that has ever
been offered at East Caro-
lina before.
According to Bill Mar-
tin, chairperson of the
travel committee, this
year's trips are expected to
be the most popular in the
committee's five-year exi-
"Hopefully this will be
the best year yet said
The first of the five trips
is to New York City during
Thanksgiving break. The
date for this trip is Novem-
ber 23-26. The cost of the
trip will be $65. This fee
will include accomodations
(four people per room) and
the bus fare to New York
and back.
The second trip will be a
ski trip to Snowshoe, West
Virginia from January 1-5.
This ski trip will cost $160
which includes room, bus
fare, lift tickets for five
days, and four evening
During spring break
there will be two trips
A cruise to the Bahamas
will cost $389. This will
cover the cost of the cruise,
meals while on the cruise,
accomodations for a two-
day stop in Ft. Lauderdale,
and bus transportation.
At the same time, a trip
to Atlanta and New Orleans
will be offered. The cost of
this trip will be approx-
imately $175. Accomoda-
tions and the bus trip will
be covered by this fare.
The final trip will be
offered between the time of
graduation and the first
session of summer school.
This trip will be two weeks
in London, England, and
the price for this trip is
This price will include
one week's stay at a London
hotel. During this week,
everyone will be ontheir
own to travel in London or
anywhere else they would
like to travel. The second
week of the trip will be
spent on house boats. The
house boat will cruise the
Thames River between Ox-
Payne reportedly told Ro-
gerson that her responsi-
bilities did not end in May,
but continued until the
book was completed, how-
ever long after May that it
Rogerson told Payne
that the Photo Lab had not
gotten photographs to her
on time for use in the
annual. Payne subsequently
checked up on this alle-
gation and reportedly found
that the photographs were
in fact ready to be edited at
the time that they were
supposed to be. The Photo
Lab alleged that Ro-
gerson, during the course
of the semester, was often
difficult or impossible to
find on campus when the
slides needed to be viewed
for editing. In fact, a
spokesman for the Photo
Lab said that the color
photographs for the annual
had not yet been viewed for
According to a source
close to last year's staff at
the annual, the conditions
at the BUCCANEER office
went from bao 10 worse as
the year went on Chaotic'
was the word used in
description for the condi-
tions in the office. The
source said that the staff
was not well supervised
during the crucial months
from January throuQh May.
One of the more start-
ling revelations to come out
of the Media Board meet-
ing was the fact that
between 25 and
30 completed pages of
the annual, ready for re-
lease to the publishers,
were found in the yearbook
office by the new editor
when he came in to start
work on the new edition of
the annual. Speculation has
arisen as to where the rest
of the pages are.
Unconfirmed reports
have said that the rest of
the yearbook is in the hands
of Susan Rogerson.
Dr. James H. Tucker,
an advisor to the Media
Board hopes that the issue
can be resolved very soon.
He believes that if the
yearbook can be made
ready for release before
Christmas vacation, it
would be worthwhile to try
and continue the project.
He couldn't say when the
yearbook would be pub-
lished, because he has not
talked with Rogerson
in a long time.
Tommy Joe Payne said that
he hoped there would be an
annual and that he hoped it
would be a good one. He
also expressed the hope
that it would come out
ford and London. The
house boat rental is inclu-
ded in the fare.
The $650 will also cover
the flight to London and
While on the trips,
individual insurance poli-
cies will be in effect. The
student union will not be
held responsible for any
mishaps to the participants
except for the time of
The only qualification
for attending the trips is
that all participants must
be students, faculty and
administration, or imme-
diate family.
While on the trips, the
participants are on their
own to do whatever they
please .
Registration for the
New York City, Bahamas
cruise, and the Atlanta-
New Orleans trip has al-
ready begun. Ticket sales
are on a first come-first
serve basis.
"It'satrip, not a tour
said Martin. "We just get
you there and you're on
your own. We don't check
upon you
See TRA VEL. p. 3
SO WHAT DO we do for an encore' Students will do
anything to pass the time while waiting for State-ECU
Campus cops warn students
of theft-rape, and larceny
DOGS PAUSE ON malt aa humans cnanga dasaas.
Staff Writer
Francis M. Eddings, chief of poi?
campus security, said that already this year,
sround25wallets have been reported stolen, and
a few bicycles have been taken.
The reason for this, he says, is due to the
carelessness of students
A students may leave his room unlocked and
only be gone a few minutes It only takes 10 or 20
seconds to walk off with a wallet, Eddings said.
Eddings asks that students lock their doors
when leaving their rooms, and use precautionary
measures in preventing larceny.
Eddings says campus police are prepared, but
don't want to be confronted with problems.
This year, a dispatcher will be on duty 24
hours, 7 days a week. Campus Security can be
reached at any time.
After 8 p.m. the doors in the women s
dormitories are supposed to be locked. However,
Eddings says campus pottos have had to make
rounds closing the doors two or three times a
He reminds the woman that be keeping the
door open for her convenience, she isalso making
it convenient fa a prowler, rapist, ox burgular.
Lynne Sngteton, a campus police women is
visiting the women's dams giving a presentation
on crime prevention. She uses slides which she
has made, and narrates.
In order to give the presentation she must be
invited by dam administratas.
Singleton is to be in Cotton. Fleming, and
Jarvia the week of Sept 11 Participation
is encouraged.
w- 'W ?? ? -????'
n'e?m ? ?

The Ceramics Department,
in cooperation with the Visual
Aits Forum and the S?A. is
"sng a workshop Sept. 7 and
the Leo Jenkins Fine Arts
Kent Follette. teacher at
N noisState in Thibodaux. La
lemonstrate from 10 a.m. -
d 1 - 4 p.m. both days.
also give a slide show
and talk in the auditorium at 8
Thursday evening
The Visual Arts Forum, the
inization representing all
- Is students, will hold its
eeting of the year on
Sept 8 at Noon in Jenkins
rium. All interested per-
e encouraged to attend.
Who's who
m the process of
students from our
iopear in the 1978-79
? A'ho's Who Among
"lencan Colleges
sending out forms to
ents and organizat-
possible locate.
. to make a nominat-
ot receive the
? ' s, please contact
? lent affairs office
? 13
The BUCCANEER will hodl
an organizational meeting
Wed Sept. 13 at 3 p.m. in the
BUC office, second floor, Pub
All past and present staffers
and anyone interested in joining
the staff should attend.
If you cannot attend, please
call 757-6501.
The Center For Student
Opportunities, Division of
Health Affairs, offers cost-free
tutorial help upon request to
majors and pre-majors in medi-
cine, premedicine, nursing, and
allied health.
CSO also offers to employ as
tutors graduate and certain
undergi audate students who are
able to assist fellow students in
chemistry, biology, anatomy,
physics, math and other courses
in health professions curricula.
Students interested in either
aspect of this program should
contact the Center For Student
Opportunities immediately.
Visit 208 Ragsdale Hall, or call
757-6122, 6075, or 6081.
Rick Elridge
You are invited to come and
hear singer, guitarist, and com-
poser Rick Elridge thisThurs. at
8 - 10 p.m. in Wright Audito-
Rick is a young man who
used to be in a rock band and
now istraveling all over the U.S.
singing songs about whatJpsus
has done and is doing in his life
since he met Him.
There is no admission
charge and everyone is wel-
come. This is being sponsored
by the ECU Full Gospel Student
Fellowship chapter.
Open house
Everyone is invited to an
open house that is more than
shaking hands at the Baptist
Student Union, 511 East 10th St.
oehind the ECU library, tonight
beginning at 5 p.m. Supper is 75
cents and you don't have to be
The Baptist Student Union is
a place where social, intellectual
spiritual, and ethical growth are
brought together.
There will be a manda-
tory candidates meeting
Thurs Sept. 7 at 7 p.m. in
the Multi-Purpose, Mend-
enhall. Filing ends Thurs-
day at 5 p.m. The election
will be held on Sept. 19.
The REBEL staff is now
accepting original poetry,
essays, plays, and short stories
for publication in the 1979 issue
of ECU's literary magazine.
Your work should be type-
written and can be brought to
the REBEL off ioe in the publica-
tions building, or mailed to The
REBEL, Mendenhall, Greenvil-
le N.C. 27834, or call 757-6502.
Please keep a copy of your
work and remember to include
your name, address, and phone
number with each submission.
The deadline for literature is
Dec. 15, 1978.
The Mendenhall Student
Center recreation area has a lot
to offer you. Watch for these
great specials coming soon.
' ? Rent-A-Lane" - begins
Sept. 9. Saturdays from Noon to
6 p.m. For $3 you can rent a
bowling lane for one hour.
"Red Pin Bowling begins
Sun Sept. 16. Every Sunday
from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. yccrget
the chance to win one free game
with every game bowled. Make
a strike when the head pin is red
and you win!
"Discount Days are every
Monday from 2 p.m. until 5
p.m. Prices in bowling, billiards
The Student Union Special
Attractions Committee will meet
on Tues Sept. 12 at 4 p.m. in
room 238of Mendenhall. This is
a most important meeting that
requires the attendance of all
committee members.
and table tennis are V.
beginning Mon Sept. 18.
Recreational tournaments
sponsored by Mendenhall Stud-
ent Center will be held this
tsemester beginning Oct. 9 to
select representatives to attend
the ACU-I regional games tour-
nament in Knoxville, Tenn.
All full-time students inter-
ested in participating should
pick up necessary information at
the Billiards or Bowling Centers
in Mendenhall. The competition
will involve billiards, backgam-
mon, table tennis, bowling, and
Day and Dorm student pre-
liminary tournaments will be
held in October to select partici-
pants to oompete in the All-
Campus Tournaments to be held
in November. All students must
register by the deadline set up
for each tournament.
Mixed doubles
Sign up now for MSC Mixed
Doubles Bowling Leagues There
will be a Monday night and a
Tuesday league meeting at 7
p.m. each week.
The first meetings will be
held on Sept. 11 and 12 at the
Mendenhall Student Center
Bowling Center. You must sign
your name fa the league of your
choioe on the poster located on
the main bulletin board on the
groud floor of the Student
Several AA members of the
ECU campus community are
organizing a University AA
group. The initial organizational
meeting will be held Fri Sept.
8, in room 307, Erwin Hall.
All interested individuals are
oordially invited to attend.
Anyone interested in a male
position on the ECU cheer-
leading squad, there will be an
opening, beginning with the
second home game, Sept. 30.
Meet at MingesonSept. 5 at
6 p.m.
There will also be tryouts for
a Pirate mascot (male or female)
Meet on the same date
for more information.
Roc club
Anyone interested in form-
ing a recreational club to meet
for weekly competition in bridge
chess, or table tennis should
sign up now at the Billiards
Center in Mendenhall Student
Sigma Tau
Sigma Tau Delta, National
English Society, will hold its
first meeting on Mon Sept. 18,
at 730 p.m. in the Coffeehouse
at Mendenhall Student Center.
Janice Faulkner of the ECE
english Department will provide
the nights program. All English
majors and minors are urged to
Civitan Club
ECU Collegiate Civitan Club
will hold its first meeting on
Sept. 7, at 7 p.m. in Brewster
All former Junior Civitans
are invited to attend or anyone
wishing to become a member of
a oollegiate service dub.
Travel Committee meeting.
Thurs Sept 9. at 3 p.m. in
room238Mendenhall. All mem-
bers must be there
Hours for the Crafts Center at
Mendenhall Student Center are
3 p.m. until 10 p.m Mon
through Fr. .and 10 a.m. until 3
p.m Sat.
The Center is oomposed of a
darkroom with three enlargers,
a ceramics area, a jewelry
metals area, a general crafts
are. and textiles area with floor
looms for weaving
All full-time ECU students,
faculty, staff and spouses are
eligible to use these facilities A
semester membership fee entit-
les the Crafts Center member to
use the fatalities, to check out
tools and equipment, to check
out library materials, to enlist
the aid of crafts supervisors
and to enroll in introductory-
level workshops which are offe-
red throughout the year
Visit the Crafts Center any
time during operating hours or
call 757-6611 Ext. 271 for more
Sierra club
The Sierra Club will hold a
get-aoquianted meeting or
Mon . Sept. 11. at 8 p.m.
The program will feature a
preview of upcoming trips, gooc
food, good fellowship, arid a
chance to find out about the
club's many activities. The
Sierra Club meets at the First
Presbyterian Church on the
corner of 14th and Elm Streets
near the ECU campus.
Needs Students to work in the following positions:
-Tovs Reporters, three reporters are needed to work on the news desk
Must be able to type. Previous newspaper experience is helpful. Prefer
students who have completed Journalism 2100. We are willing to train.
-Proofreader, must be an English major. Two positions are open
-Trends (entertainmentgPf eatures) Reporter, must be able to type,
Journalism 2100 and experience are pref ered. We are willing to train.
-Sports Reporter, one position open, same requirements as news reporters.
If you are interested in any of the above post positions apply in person to
Doug White, Editor on Monday Sept. 11 at 4 p.m. in the FOUNTAINHEAD
office, second floor of the publications center, across from the library.
-Advertising Salesmen, two positions open, must have car, be able to drive
without getting lost, prefer Sophomores, MUST BE A
BUSINESS MAJOR. Earn good money for good work. If interested in an
advertising j ob apply in person to Robert M. Swaim, Director of Advertising
on Monday Sept. 11 at 4 p.m. in the FOUNTAINHEAD office, second floor of
the publications center, across from the library.
FOR SALE: A twelve string Aria
guitar in perfect cond. Beautiful
woodwork. Call 758-7715.
ft. dorm
$100. 756-2158 after 5 p.m.
FOR SALE: 1 pair womensFrye
boots, size 7. New heels and
soles. Very good oond. $25. Call
FOR SALE: A.K.C. Irish Setter
pups from championship hunt-
ing and show stock. See both
sire and dam. 756-3326 Glenn
FOR SALE: 6 cu. ft. refrigerator
in good oond. - ideal fa dorm
rooms $80. Call 758-6919 after 8
FOR SALE: 'l35 mrrf Canon
f 2.5 automatic lens. Brand new
and never used; case $175. Call
752-2040 from 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.
torrent (flfl
a female to share mobile home
3 mi. from ECU. Private room,
$70 plus utilities. Call 756-4668
after Sept. 12.
QUIET MATURE male wanted
to share Kings Row Apt. Call
756-3278 after 6 p.m.
house in country no further than
9 miles out of Greenville fa 2
girls and 3 Siamese cats. Please
call Michelle Daniels at 757-
6366 between hours of 9 a.m.
and 5 p.m. Will pay up to $150
fa rent. Hurry
bdrm. apt. in Stratfad Arms.
Share rent and utlltiies. Gail
Now 756-9692.
NEED TYPING? Cheap rates
include proofreading, spelling,
and grammatical corrections.
Call Cynthia at 756-3815 any-
time after 5 p.m.
market - Greenville Coflectas
Club's 7th Annual - Sun Sept.
10, 12-6 p.m. at Meedowbrook
Drive-In, Mumfad Rd. near
Airport. Info. CaJI 752-3456.
RIDE NEEDED: to State Mon-
day nights 7-10 p.m fron
Greenville. Would consider car-
pool. Reese call Sndy 7974979.
CaJI Rod, Manager 758190

r t f r i
r t
r r
Wilmington q fe
goes back to school
"?. N.C.AP . With
r Wal aaauranoes that
will be treated
, Wilmington 10 leader
Ben Chav is entered Duke Div-
?n'ty School without incident
Chavis is attending school on
?JUdyreleaae P? from
the Orange County prison facil-
ity in Hillsborough.
He will be taken by prison
officials from ttv unit to the
?hcoi each weekday, left with
-out guard, and returned to the
prison at night.
Divinity school admissions
director B. Maurice Ritchie said
Chavis would be treated "on the
same basis as any other
"We want everything as
normal as possible for him and
for the faculty
Chavis' tuition is being paid
by the Commission for Racial
Justice of the United Church of
And that financial support
has drawm criticism from some
churches, according to a
Church of Christ spokesman.
Prisons spokesman Stewart
Shadabolt said Chavis had sign-
ed an agreemen stating that his
intentions at Duke were to
"Any other activity other
than scnooi win ve to be
approved by the superintendent
of the Orange County facility.
He is not there to go on a
public speaking tour or appear
in support of any political
continued from p. 1
position, one way or the other
Shadboit said.
Chavis was charged with
eight other black men and a
white woman in the f irebombing
of white-owned grocery store
during racial violence in Wil-
mington in 1971.
Since that time the 10 has
hecome cause of national and
international concern, with
some groups claiming the
group is an example of the
violation of civil rights in this
7 Saptember 1978 FOUNTAJNHEAD Hmt
eeds students
A FAMILIAR SIGHT on campus, rain or shine, is the tow truck.
Virginia recognized i
best slogan in nation
Virginia State Travel Service
says its slogan, "Virginia Is For
Lovers is the best known
travel slogan in the nation for
the sixth consecutive year.
A survey conducted by a
Richmond research group in
major metropolitan areas show-
ed 58 percent of the respondants
were familar with the slogan,
the travel service said.
Slogans for New Yak and
West Virginia placed second
and third, respectively, the
travel service said.
"This latest survey tells us
that national interest in Virgin-
ia' s vacation appeal is very high
and still growing said Mar-
shall Murduagh, state travel
"We've received requests
for buttons and decals from
people all over the world
Murduagh added.
The motto was created for
the state in 1969 and has been
used on millions of towels, pens,
shirts, bumper stickers and
Travelers spent an estimated
$1.9 billion last year in the state,
making travel Virginia's second-
largest industry, the travel
service said.
There is no type of
chaperoned supervision ac-
cording to Martin. Martin
added that for every trip
though there is a university
official among the parti-
cipants in case of any legal
problems. The official is
also there to speak for the
univensty if there is any
need to do so.
M artin hopes this travel
season to be a very suc-
cessful one.
"The trips are planned
in order to provide the
best low-cost travel avail-
able for students at group
rates said Martin.
Open 4:30 Full Take-Out Service ? CHICKEN-PARMIGIANA
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Co-ordlnator of Public Info
The Co-op office will
give top priority for spring
co-op placements to stu-
dents who contact their
coordinators prior to Octo-
ber 13. Co-op coordinators
Dr. Barry Davidson, Karen
Frye, Sandy Green and Dr.
Betsy Harper have informa-
tion about a number of jobs
related to your major for
alternating semesters of
work. Salaries for these
positions range as high as
$4.28 an hour on the basis
of a forty hour week. Come
by the Co-op office, 313
Rawl Building, for more
Students who would like
to learn more about how
Cooperative Education at
ECU can help you earn
money and valuable job
experience should attend
one of the introductory
sessions being held next
week. The Co-op meeting
for Art students is sched-
uled for 2 p.m. Tuesday,
September 12 in the Jen-
kins Auditorium. Business
Education, Library Science,
and Music students should
attend the 3:30 p.m. meet-
ing, Tuesday, September
12 in Rawl 304. Philosophy,
Political Science, History,
and Geography students
will meet at 3 p.m Wed-
nesday, September 13 in
Brewster D-311.
All students who parti-
cipated in the summer
co-op program are urged to
contact their coordinators,
or Terry Elks the Co-op
secretary to set up appoint-
ments with Marilyn Turner,
Coordinator of Public Infor-
mation. Turner would like
to interview all students for
the purpose of preparing
releases for home town
newspapers, the
local newspapers.
Save $40
on Womens'
leather coats.
Sale $99
Reg. $139. Womens' leather full
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pockets and fully lined.
vinyl slicker
Womens' rain slicker.
100 PVC with rayon
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ski jacket
Womens'ski jacket.
100 nylon with
interlocking polyester.
Special 7.99
of cuddly
brushed acrylic knit have ribbed,
trim. Crew and V-neck styles in
assorted solids and contrast
trimmed combinations. S.M.L.
Special 8.99
for the
cool weather ahead. Choose from
Fair Isle-style pullovers, striped
crewneck classics and cable knit
cardigans. All acrylic for warmth
and easy care. S.M.L.
?Shop 10 A.M. ? 9:30 P.M.
?Phone 75&-1190

r r
H?t off the wire
Cumberland County
'and jury late Tueadav J.
'9nt counts.
Anyone interested in writing
news for the Fountain head
call 757-6366
esday on
rape and k.dnap-

DURHAM Although its
aent says the school is
m the real estate
siness, Duke University
u bought Riverben.
acre tract of prime
elopment land along the
se River m northern
County reportedly
th several million dol-
3.500 farmers, most of
them from North Carolina
and Kentucky, have protes-
ted to the Environmental
Protection Agency about
the possible ban or limits
on a chemical which has
improved tobacco produc-
tion but now has been
found to cause cancer in
laboratory animals.

RALEIGH - senior Federal
Judge Algernon Lee Butler,
a leader m the desegrega-
tion of public schools, died
Tuesday in Raleigh.
sity of North Carolina at
Wilmington biochemist and
three of his colleague's
returned last week from a
successful month-long ex-
pedition to Lake Baikal, a
30-million-year old lake in
central Siberia. The four
were the first foreign scien-
tists ever allowed to do
research there.

RALEIGH - The state
thinks it is time the Chris-
tian-affiliated schools go on
with the business of provid-
ing a basic education for
their youngsters, but offi-
Students may study abroad
ECU News Bureau
es are available for 15
? in the spring. 1979
? ECU s Central Amer-
Program at the
1' Nacional in Heredia.
?:ram. now in its
otves classes
I i at the Costa
??? " studies in
guage also avail-
) session will begin
April 27.
its from ECU will live
with native Costa Rican families
near the campus. Heredia, a
suburb of San Jose, the capital
city of Costa Rica, is located at
4.000 feet above sea level.
Weekends will be devoted to
field trips throughout Costa Rica
and surrounding areas.
Classes to be offered this
session include Spanish conver-
sation and culture, tropical
biology, field studies, geograp-
hy of Mexico and Central
America and Central American
TRTR. s ?P Fragile
SAT. Ru?y Sia.xx W the Grey Band
SUN. Sidewinder
For a spectacular steak
Buy one get one free
Our 8 oz. T-bone dinner
includes choice of potato
Texas Toast and salad from
our FREE all-you-can eat
Salad Bar. JJ
cials of those schools say
they will appeal a Superior
Court judge's decision that
they must file required
annual reports on their

dog ticks probably caused
the sudden doaths of a local
couple by infecting them
with Rocky Mountain spot-
ted fever. That's the diag-
nosis by health authorities
who were baffled until
Tuesday by the deaths of
Leonard Whiteside, 49, and
his wife, Jo Ann, 47, within
two days of each other.
Plastic coverings
disguise contents
Students may arrange for
independent study in their
major fields.
According to Dr. Robert
Cramer, director of the prog-
ram, participation in the prog-
ram costs a student about the
same as a semester of study on
the ECU campus.
Further information about
the Costa Rica study program
and application materials are
available from Dr. Cramer at the
ECU Department of Geography.
Child's Plate FREE
Includes Hamburger
French Fries and Lollipop
with FREE drink
New Hours
SunThurs. 11 a.m9 p.m.
Fri. & Sat. 11 a.m10 p.m.
What you see is not
always what's in the
can-with Ron Sarzier's nov-
elty wrappers.
Sarzier makes plastic
coverings that cool cans
and disguise their contents:
beer becomes soda pop;
soda pop, beer.
Three encounters with a
law prohibiting consump-
tion of alcohol on public
streets and beaches promp-
ted the labels, Sarzier says.
"One time I'd just
walked out of the motel
door with a beer and,
wham, I got nailed he
He estimates sales at
440,000 so far.
Sarzier says soft drink
makers have had mixed
reactions: one cola distribu-
tor bought 10,000 wraps as
giveaways, while another
fired off a not-so-nice let-
Wants You!
to visit our
new Restaurant
We think you
will love our
atmosphere and our food &
prices are just for you.
Seafood House and Oyster Bar
WasMnglon Highway (N C J3 ExT I Greenville. Norm Carolina
Phone 752 317?
Regular Pried Shrimp?f?.??$.2.95
Come out today for luneh or
dinner-We will give you a
golden beverage of your
choice, just show your ID.
Friday's 1890 Seafood
2311S. Evans St.
Lunch 1130-2 Dinner 5-10
Fri. & Sat. 5-11
Our Reg. 5.27
Man-pleasmg cotton
flannel shirts, styled
for comfort and good
looks. Choose fron '
our hardy selection.
Our Entire Stock
of Newly Arrived
Sale priced
Choose from 100 percent
cotton, cotton blends
in blue denim.
Men's sizes
I Master Charge or,
Visa accepted
in most areas
our reg.
variety of
oordurory jeans
in assorted colors.

Julia marks the
SU's second free
film presentation
Trends Editor
The Student Union
Films Committee will pre-
sent its second film of the
semester. Julia, this Friday
and Saturday night at the
Mendenhall Student Center
Theatre. Times for the film
are 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.
Jane Fonda portrays Amer-
ican playwright Lillian
Hellman in 20th
Century-Fox's version of
the Hellman short story
about the relationship bet-
ween two women.
Julia tells of an adven-
ture on which Hellman,
already a renowned play-
wright, actually embarked
m the Thirtiesa tense,
dangerous assignment
through Germany on the
brink of World War II.
It was undertaken to
help a woman named Julia,
with whom she had once
been the closest of friends.
Vanessa Redgrave portrays
"Julia" in the movie.
Jane Fonda talks about
,Hie f'im which was awarded
nree Oscars at last year's
Academy Awards: "Julia
and Lillian are both extra-
ordinary women. Julia, in
particular. I think the film
is even more successful
than in the commercial
sense in that women can
identify with the two prin-
-? players. For, although
?hey are exceptional we
have been able to show
their human side their
vulnerabilities, uncertain-
ties, casmplsxrtles, contra-
dictions "
The Academy Award
winning star feels more
films will now be written
with stronger roles for
I think because during
the last few years, with the
growth of the women's
movement in the United
States and the new con-
sciousness that is inherent
in the movement, the old
stereotypes for women are
being destroyed. I'm not
saying that there aren't
films being made that
contain the old stereotype
but they have become more
or less obsolete
"During the late Fifties
and Sixties, I played a
number of these stereotype
roles says Fonda. "The
silly ingenues, the Barba-
rellas, the kind of fluffy-
headed silliness that we
always took for granted in
female roles on the screen.
You can't get away with
that anymore.
But, ah, what are the new
stereotypes? Who are the
new heroines? We don't
know the answers yet
In Julia, director, Fred
Zinnemann focuses on Eu-
rope in 1937 laying bare a
penetrating account of the
demands made by loyalty
and friendship against the
background of the rise of
He also gives us an
amazing glimpse of Miss
Hellman's burgeoning ca-
reer in the American thea-
tre and her romantic in-
volvement with the famed
author of detective novels,
Dashiell Hammett, portray-
ed in the film by Jason
Other directors may
have been more prolific
than Fred Zinnemann over
the past few decades but
few have made a more
important or more varied
contribution to the interna-
tional cinema: from Gary
Cooper riding off into the
sunset in High Noon to
Frank Sinatra's break-
through dramatic perform-
ance in From Here to
E tmrnity ; from Paul Soo-
field'sSir Thomas More, ?
opting for conscience rather
than king, to Edward Fox's
ulttmate outsider in Day of
the Jackal.
Dissimilar as they are in
content, Zinnemann's films
seem bound together by a
consistent personal vision
an overriding concern with
the individual against the
His major theme in
Julia is maintained
throughout. Julia is his
first film in over four years.
Set in 1937 Europe,
against the backdrop of tlje
The Book ofMerlyn
The real ending to T.H. White s
masterpiece has finally arrived
JANE FONDA AS Lillian Hellman and Vanessa
Redgrave portrays the title role in "Julia The film
will be shown at the Mendenhall Student Center
Theatre this friday and Saturday night at 7 and 9 p.m.
rise of the Nazi party and
military unrest, Alvin
Sargent's (he won an Oscar
for his screenplay) script
deals with a profound
friendship and a lone fight
against fascism.
"I don't set out deliber-
ately to impose my vision-
such as it ison other
people Zinnemann poin-
ted out in an interview with
American Film Magazine.
"PerhapsI'm old fashioned
in thinking of films as
entertainment. My private
visions don't have much to
do with it. I used to be a
'method director I went
through that phase. But
basically I feel entertain-
ment is what we are here
"You read a story and
either like it or don't. If you
like it you make it he
He obviously liked the
premise for Julia. He drives
home his point about the
two women and their strug-
gle with finesse.
Julia was Lillian
Hellman's closest friend
who, when she grew up,
left her wealthy New York
family to work in Germany
and aaatat the anti-Hitler
The last time Hellman
saw her was in 1937 when
she was acting as a secret
courier for Julia's under-
ground organization on a
train between Paris and
In the film, which was
shot in England, Paris and
Alsece, Fonda plays her
way into the viewer's heart
as she has only done a
couple of times before
(notably A Doll's House).
9 Fonda considers the
opportunity to work, with
Redgrave the chance of a
lifetime: "I've never had
the opportunity in a film to
express very deep caring
for another woman. I've
made a lot of films and in
almost all of them, if there
was another woman, it was
just thatThe Other
Woman competing for the
affections of some man or
just competing. That is
usually the relationship
between two women that is
brought to the screen
This was an ideal
chance for Fonda to have a
real screen relationship
with another woman. In the
event of Julia, it would not
just be as a sideline ,but
the matrix of the story
the principle dramatic
thrust of the film. As
childhood friends, these
two women probably cared
as deeply for each other as
they had for any other
human being in their entire
Lillian Hellman yved
with American writer
Dashiell Hammett for many
years, had a very important
and complex relationship
with him, but his support,
in many ways, didn't match
the support given her by
About her role in Julia,
Fonda went on to say, "It's
been very moving and
enjoyable for me to be in a
film where women can say
to each other 'I care about
you and I want you to be
brave and I want you to
extend yourself as far as
you can, and be bold and
don't be afraid to be angry
because anger makes you
courageous "
"It's been a richly
rewarding experience to
play scenes with someone
like Vanessa Redgrave and
See FONDA, p.7
Staff Writer
You may have the thought you knew the ending to
T.H. White's The Once and Future King. We finally
get to see the real ending to W hite' s story, for The Book
of Merlyn has arrived.
This book is the once-forgotten, fifth and final
chapter of White's grand epic of the story of King
It lay unknown and unpublished, till someone,
evidently someone from the University of Texas in
Austin, discovered it. What a deceased British author's
manuscript was doing at the University of Texas is a
mystery, but that seems to be where it was as the
University press is responsible for the new book.
" The Once and Future King,
including The Book of Merlyn,
stands as a testament to the
eccentric genious of T.H. White,
who 9s life story is itself very
interesting reading
It matters not, however, who printed the book as
long as someone finally did. Now the tale is complete,
" 'rounded off and bright and done' " as White once
The complete The Once and Future King is like a
Greek tradgedy. It tells of King Arthur's birth, life, and
mostly, his inescapable, tragic doom.
3ut it is not all tragic, by any means: much of the
story is of a merry, whimsical nature, involving humor,
parody, talking animals, and the like. M uch of the early
chapters are a satire on the notions and conventions of
chivalry, knighthood, and SirThomas Malory.
It's predominant theme is man's inclination towards
The Once and Future King begins with Arthur as
the young peasant boy Wart, about as far from being a
Enter the mysterious Merlyn, who, living back-
wards through time as he does, knows what will happen
and arrives to set the future events into motion.
He is Wart's tutor, and it is an odd education he
brings: he teaches Wart by magically transforming him
into birds, fish, etcetera.
There is something to be learned from the animals,
the sorceror says, though Wart knows not what.
The following chapters concern Arthur's growing
up, coronation, and the tangled web of events leading
to his doom, involving Lancelot, Guinivere, and his
illegitimate, Incestously-conoeived, insane son Ma-
In The Book of Merlyn, it is back to the animals. It
takes up right where book four, The Candle in the Wind
ended: with Arthur , old, tormented, weary, in his tent
on the eve of the cataclysmic battle he must fight
against his own son.
It waltzesthe sage Merlyn, who had van.shed from
the narrative some time before.
The magician takes the aged ruler to an
underground badger's den wherein awa.t h.s old
animal pals from his days as Wart - badger, hedgehog,
owl, dog, snake, and a stuffed pike.
The lesson the animals have to teach, and the lesson
Arthur must learn before the final, fatal battle
tomorrow, is what to do about mankind's preled.ction
towards war and bloodshed.
In all the animal kingdom, save for a few
of ants, no animals engage in warfare.
Man is the only animal beastial enough to so
wantonly wage war against his own kind. Merlyn
transforms Arthur into an ant and a wild goose, to learn
White wrote this book when the clouds of World
War II were hanging dark about his head.
Terrrified by the impending disaster, he tried in his
art to discover what makes man kill his own kind, and to
hopefully find an antidote what Arthur, Merlyn, and his
animal committee come up with is that war is birthed
basically by the holding of national property, and
stimulated by certain glandular conditions unique to
the human being.
Whether White is wrong or right with this theory,
and it takes a complete reading of the books and a good
deal of careful thought to grasp what it really menas, is
certain he'son to something.
Whit's books are a great and glorious part of our
Though the overall feeling they give is a feeling of
unconnectedness, parody mixed with tragedy mixed
with realism mixed with talking animals, mixed with
natural history (much of The Book of Merlyn reads like
a highly unusual anatomy lesson), still they leave the
reader with a happy glow. The final message is quite
warm and humanistic.
The Once and Future King, including The Book of
Merlyn, stand as a testament to the erratic and
eccentric genius of T.H. White, who's life story is itself
very interesting reading. The books show vividly
White's hopes, dreams, fears, such as his terrors of
war, interests, such as his love of animals, and mostly,
his humanity.
His re-working of the classic King Arthur myths is
recommended for all. (This is the book which, by the
way, Walt Disney's cartoon The Sword in the Stone and
the musical Camelot are based upon.)
The only unpleasant thing about The Book of
Merlyn is that the new paperback edition costs $2.25,
not including tax.
Evidently, we are expected to pay this ridiculous
sum for the priviledge of getting illustrations and the
inside covers emblazoned with a pattern representing
Merlyn'spet owl.
Fine as the illustrations, by Trevor Stubly, are,
that's a lot to pay for a paperback.
Most likely, we are asked for such a hefty sum
because, the book being published for the first time, we
can't get a copy anywhere else. You can find a copy
Readers are recommended not to buy the book but to
borrow it from the ECU library, which will cost them
absolutely nothing.
Middle Adantic Songwrit
Staff Writer
Fifteen years ago R.L. Kirkendahl wrote the lyrics to "Misty
Blue He received alot of praise from family and friends so he
decided to send it to a publisher and see if it would be an
acceptable piece in the Country and Western music industry.
Well, it was. In fact, it grossed over a million dollara One
would think K irkendahl would be ecstatic about the success of his
He would have been, had he gotten credit for it. Kirkendahl
was "ripped-off
The publisher liked his lyrics, but since Kirkendahl didn't
know he had to oopyright his lyrics and was not aware that most
publishing companies found in the back of random magazines are
about as honest as Benedict Arnold, the publisher took advantage
of Kirkendahl's vulnerability.
Kirkendahl has been writing lyrics for 25 years now, but until
recently had no way of getting it published or set to music.
By chance, he met Charles Davis, a piano instructor at Andy
Ownings Music Store in Jacksonville, North Carolina. They began
talking and decided to get together interested people who were
having the same problem. They figured that there must be many
songwriters around, but most of them just don't know anyone else
who writes.
The formation of the Middle Atlantic Songwriters Association,
Inc. was the "brainchild" of Kirkendahl and Davis. The
association held its first bi-monthly meeting in a Jacksonville
resturant last March. Only 7 people were present at that first
There are now 25 charter members and people continue to
inquire as the word spreads. Publicity chairman, Suzy Miller, is
responsible fa "getting the word around" as she has appeared,
with association President, Ron Lay, on two TV talk shows; has
arranged spots on radio; has arranged for newspaper publicity,
and hasenlisted several club appearances at various festivals and
The age span of members ranges from a 16 year old to a 65
year dd. Writing styles span everything from gospel to hard rock.
Some members are professional musicians, and some are very
good amatuers.
The association's big "foot in the door" ie Scorpion Records,
owned by Roddy McDowell. McDowell is willing to listen to all
tapes the. association cares to send him.
If he cannot use them, he'll send them to someone he thinks
would be interested. At the present time, two members Kay
Trexler and Suzy Miller - have songs being considered for
publication with McDowell.
As mentioned previously, the association has grown to a 25
charter membership Ones the association gets 30 dharter
memebrs it can become a member of a national aganlzation called
? the American Quito of Authors and Composers. What is so great
about becoming s member of the aganlzation is the fact that
several publishers are members of the Guild - which opens up
anothsr doa fa songwriters.
Through the Guild the association will have national contacts
with pubiishas, other writers, and musicians.
"At the moment we are in need of nxxe musicians, says Suzy
Milla. "But whateva you do in the way of music we would be
most happy to have you attend one of our meetingsbe it lyricist,
composer, and a musician.
"Most prospective members call me up and think that they
must go through and be approved by me a someone in the group.
Like I have to read their stuff and say whether it is good enough.
That is totally backwards! It is not our function to approve of
prospective members a their wak - to be quite truthful, they are
to come and see if they approve of us
All the members contribute whateva talent they may have to
help the group.
Thae is a lawya, who takes care of legal mattas; a music
teacha who transcribes fa thoee who can't read a write their own
music; a printer to help with publicity mattas; several guitarists, a
piano playa, a banjo playa, and several vocalists fa those writas
with bad pipes.
The highlight of each meeting is when the members' new song
are rated by the group. The songs are judged on wads, music,
and commercial potential, and then are critiqued
The non-profit aganizatioi includes members from Jackson-
ville, Swansbao, and surrounding areas, and the meetings
include ways to finance recading equipment, the distribution of
the addresses of publishing companies, and feedback on the
quality of songs.
" The songs are judged on words,
music, and comercial potential,
and then are critiqued. "
Future ambit ions of the association include having a Showcase
featuring aiglnai songs by the members; assembling s song
banck, which is a library of members' songs which will be
available to musicians, pubiishas, and producers seeking original
material, and a bus trip to Nashville to meet with the pubiishas in
person with hopes of gaining exposure.
THERE ARE NOW 25 charter members
in the Middle Atlantic Songwriters' Associate and
people continue to inquire about it as word spreads
The ages of the members range from 16 to 65.
"They (the pubiishas)will definitely rememba us. ?vs
na?rhO00U,d We f? 32?N
Some of the members d the group are also intaested in
getting a music publishing company established in Jksolte
and future plans include making that dream a reelinT
TtteMiMIe Atlantic Songwriters Association ntmaflUfl
2nd and 4th Saturday in the activity essTTTiT ?!??
Building in Jacksonville. ,f you are aTcut of to!wfoua7!
??? best toprovide a room In oTolal
of their membas. ?w homes
The fee is $25.00
The fee will be $10.00 annually thereafter
"Some of our members have been writingjeaa than a v
some, 25 years. Whatever it has been makes noT yw'
Miller. ?88 "? tfenoe, says
"Come and see and you will faai the onmran
enthusiasm we ail snare. ???aoahlp and
EDITOR'S NOTE: If you arm interested in Haarntno mor.
the association call Anita at 752-9390.) mmmna "? about

tw m m i ?
??? m-

?ew towing ordinance is adopted :
will insure more drivers of safe service
Staff WriwT dnVer returns to drive "s
car away later and finds it has
lrT9'ne a citizen of r b88n t?"Bdi He then V
vine cTmavbe Trn ' 906S t0 the Qwenvllle POice
?. Park.nghis his property from the tow
Upon reaching the garage,
he pays the owner the tow fee
and turns to his car only yo find
a dent with the paint scratched
off. When the proprietor is
asked about the cars condition,
? her automobile on a street in
eenville. Perhaps he parks in
f" zone, possible
because be didn't see the sign
Later the car, a shining 1978
Cutlass Suprern- without a
blemish to be found is towed
he says it was already dented
when he towed it.
The car owner now checks
the Greenville Police Depart-
ment hoping to find an answer
to the question. When did it
happen? This question can be
answered easily by Greenville
Police when correct procedure is
administered by the officer at
the scene of the towing.
But do all city police offioers
follow correct procedure during
the towing process? Correct
procedure would mean the
checking of the exterior of the
car fa dents and other damage
before towing. Does each of ficer
do this before he releases the
car to the tow truck?
Legal Advisor to Greenville
polioe, H.D. Cox, says he trusts
most of the offioers to fill out the
forms correctly, but human
error is always possible.
Maybe when the weather is
ew plastic surgery techniques used
Couple change faces to resemble Elvis
Associated Press Writer
ATLANTA (AP) - Plastic sur-
meant togetherness and
ai understanding for young
rs Erin Rhyne and Jesse
Ms. Rhyne was getting tired
Riggan Shoe Repair Shop
Downtown Greenville
111 W. 14th Street
of the way girls would shower
attention on her man, who was
touring as an Elvis Presley
imitator. He said she didn't
But now they're in it togeth-
er. Both their faces were
reshaped to 13 likenesses of the
late King of Rock 'n' Roll
Along with three fellow
performers who also faoed the
scalpel to heighten resem-
blanoes to dead rook stars, Bolt
and Ms. Rhyne revealed their
Board your horse at
Forrest Acres Stables
Excellent care and ccncfitkiis
$85 a month 3miles from town call 752-1823
Thorpe Music Co.
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For all your party needs
! iuke box rentals
pinball and f oosball
Welcome Back Students
new looks Friday to a national
television audienoe.
Later Firday, the five played
the first oonoert in what promot-
er Danny O' Day hopes will be a
profitable tour of the United
States and Europe.
But the oonoert was delayed
about an hour because of
technical problems and because
only a handful of fans had
arrived by showtime.
O' Day paid for surgery p he
refuses to say how much - and
says he has sunk nearly $1
million into the project so far.
Duke O'Connell, 30, has
been recast as Jim Morrison,
lead singer of The Doors, who
died in 1971.
A oouple of stitches below
the lip were was all that needed
for Marc Hazebrouch, 28, who
said he had often been told be
looked liek Jim Croce, a singer
who died in 1973.
The most ambitious surgical
project was transforming Mona
Caywood Moore, 27, into Janis
Joplin, the throaty songstress
who died in 1970.
More work is planned on her
nose and cheekbones, but it
seems likely she will have to rely
on her dress and voioe.
"She was so close vocally I
couldn't refuse her O'Day
said. "I'll give you aoopy of the
before picture. She looked just
like David Bowie
In makeup, Bolt already
resembles Presley. All he need-
ed was a stitch above the upper
lip to give him a permanent
Presley sneer.
O'Day recalled overhearing
recurrent quarrels between Bolt
and Ms. Rhyne about the
response to the role he played.
"He said, 'I wish you oould
stand in my shoes She said, 'I
wish I oould, too I said,
Excuse mehas anybody got a
"It's alright she said. "I
miss my hair
Her once-flowing tresses
have been clipped, blackened
and greased to go along with a
black leather outfit.
She thinks her show will
make Presley's brand of musical
sexuality attractive to men as
well as women.
"I'm really trying to give the
men in the audienoe what Elvis
gave the women, gave everyone
really she said. "I think it's
something if Elvis were alive,
he'd just have to come see
f&at S
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Other Hours By Appointment
Specializing in
Portraits Weddings Resume
? Instant Color Passports ?
bad or a large number of
vehicles are being towed, a
break in policy might occur. But
the policy should never be
interrupted. These reports are
important to the company who
towed the car as well as the
owner of the car.
When each officer follows
the correct procedure, and who
follows policy every time, the
city and citizen are protected
from oosts resulting from towing
On April 13,1978, the city of
Greenville adopted an ordinance
with niles and regulations per-
taining totow service in the city.
The main force in the adoption o
of the ordinance was Hugh D.
Cox, legal advisor of Greenville
He recently said, "I bit nails
and stepped on toes to get this
thing passed because we were
open to too much friction from
citizens Now the ordinance
stands and Greenville is free
from legal dangers it at one time
might have encountered.
The ordinanoe has criteria
for interested towing services to
meet. The requirements begin
with the need of a large amount
of insurance on the company.
Each company must keep re-
oords of the cars they tow
throughout the year. The ordin-
ance also sets prices on towing.
Daytime towing oosts $20 and
night, holiday, and weekend
cost $25.
The ordinanoe allows the city
to revoke privileges of towing to
any oompany who does not
follow the rules.
This ordinance, is designed
mainly to protect the city from
being taken to oourt by citizen
for car damage. But how are
citizens and their cars safe-
guarded from towing damage?
Section 12, article 52 of the
Standard Operating Procedure
for Greenville police, states that
prior to towing, the officer shall
inspect the interior and exterior
of the vehicle for valuables. All
exterior damage will also be
But does each officer actual-
ly check the car well enough to
find scratches and dents that
could lead to complications
later? Maybe half of the officers
are careful in their inspections,
but most are probably rush jobs.
The answer to the question
of whether a person'scar is safe
after being towed leans on
whether the officer is careful
during his inspection. The laws
have well covered the rights of
both the city of Greenville and
its citizens. The responsibility
falls on each officer to do his job
well and follow procedure to the
HE IS AN enigma, destined
to be known inside and
outside the field as a
steadfast creator of ideas, a
never-ending crusader des-
tined to gnaw until he
reaches bone, and a true
dissident among his coun-
If you order your mmm ahiv jm? w, m
phone before Friday WET
can save yourself a trip. ammmd m M&& &9
Now thru Friday, Carolina Telephone representatives will be taking
your orders at three campus locations: the Book Store, Qement Dorm
Lobby and Tyler Dorm Lobby.
In addition, by ordering your phone now, you'll beat
the crowd and get early installation.
And finally, your early order ensures that
your number will be in-
cluded in the ECU
Telephone Directory
for 78-79.
So make the
connection. Or-
der your phone
SOB Carolina Telephone
Harlan Ellison: A dissident
In last Tuesday's edition of FOUNTAIN-
HEAD the first installment of a critique of
Harlan Ellison appeared in the Trends
section. Below is the conclusion of the
Assistant Trends Editor
And that is only one of Harlan's quabbles.
Perhaps the main reason he resigned from SFWA
was, as he stated in his speech, that this is where
to become rich, he says, to just sit back and take
thousandsof dollars in royalties and don't rely on
cramped deadlines where the waiting list is long
and the money is pigscratch.
This is where Harlan has decided to go, to
grab the wealth of the world while it's still
available, instead of being worshipped like a god
at some nameless convention by hundreds of
mindless people hungry for an autograph, or lock
of hair.
And he is moving, too. Extremely fast.
He has sold a sequel to his Nebula award
winning story "A Boy and His Dog called
Blood s A Rover" to NBC.
He scripted an episode of the now defunct
series Logan s Run. which was probably the
best show ever done.
And. as I stated before, it took time and
patience to build hispyramid but he did.
Hisshort story "I Have NoMouth And I Must
Scream a Hugo award winner, is one of the
greatest works of fiction ever written. He edited
the most, oontoversiai anthology series ever
attempted, Dangerous Visions. Again. Danger-
ous Visions, and the forthcoming The Last
Dangerous Visions, which broke hundreds of
new writers and gave equal time to the artists of
He has produced two albums, one with Robert
Bloch, one solo, on both of their short stories.
Years back, he developed two scripts for the
greatest sf TV show ever, the outstanding Outer
Limits, both of which won awards.
He scripted the Star Trek episode, The City
onthe Edge of Forever, which also won an award.
He has close to thirty books published, both
saenoe fiction, mystery and mainstream; his
short story collections (among the best) are:
' The Beast that Shouted Love at the Heart of the
World "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" ;
"Approaching Oblivion" ; and "Ellison Wonder-
And he still is as vigorous as your normal
everyday household pest.
He is very involved with the ERA and the
feminists' movement, of which he always has had
a stong belief in.
So yes. Harlan is angry. But his new exploits,
his leadership, and his sheer writing talents
make him more than a mere sf author.
He is an enigma, destined to be known made
and outside the sf field as a steadfast creator of
ideas, a never-ending crusader destined to gnaw
till he reaches bone, and true dissident among his
countrymen. A dissident on the brink of success.
Fonda and Redgrave star in
Julia: this weekend's free flick
continued from p.6
to see her face radiant
because of ideas, because
of awakening conscious-
ness about the movement
of people who have been
disenfranchised and who
are taking power
"It's nice to see a
woman moved by that and
be able to remind the
audience that we are trans-
ported by social processes
and not just by a romance?
although that is there as
Of Julia, film critic
Vincent Canby of the New
York Times writes: "It
moves back and forth in
time and place as we do in
good conversation, without
self-consciousness, the
main thread (and real ur-
gency) being the need to
get some grip on feeling
and, possibly, the truth
Miss Fonda and Miss
Redgrave are marvelous
and true, and even the
small echoes of English
speech cadences one hears
in Miss Fonda's voice are
moving, as if she were in
some fashion bowing to her
English co-star. Maximilian
Schell, as a courier sent by
Julia to reach Lillian in
Paris, seems actually
have reduced himself
size to play a man
physical frailty and
immense courage
Of JuliaFrank Rich of
supports ECU Pirates with pre-game
warm-up at Ramada Inn South in Apex,
7 miles south of Raleigh on the Fuquay
Varina Exit Food and drink provided.
Time Magazine writes:
"Julia trades in serious
ideas rather than comjc
book fantasies. Director
Zinnemann (High Noon)
brings a Graham
Greenesque sense of
intrigue to this adventure,
and he sets up a powerful
climactic scene. When
Heliman finally arrives in a
smoky Berlin cafe to deliver
the loot, her terse, hurried
conversation with Julia
sums up everythingabout
friendship, political com-
mitment and growing up
Films are open to ECU
students, faculty and staff
and their guests.Admission
is by ID and Activity Cards
or Mendenhall Student
Center Membership Card
All films are shown in the
Mendenhall Student Center
Instruments "
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?? ? C ??S82 'IIS' HI

Page 8 FOUNTAINHEAD 7 September 1978
Hicks out with lung injury
t RS
ach Pat
ted with
? s con
n Caro
? ? ja ly
It was announced Wed-
nesday that ECUs star
halfback Eddie Hicks has
been hospitalized with a
collapsed lung and will
miss Saturday's game a-
gamst N.C State.
Losing Eddie is a big
blow to our offense said
ECU head coach Pat Dye
vesterday at his weekly
press conference "We're
m the poorest physical
condition right now that I
Simply Sports
Sam Rogers
iv Gamesaver- Ruffin McIVeill
nave a spectacular defensive
State last year He managed a few
.vsition, but failed to intercept any
?' a ke fumble.
- remaining, and the Pirates backed up
McNeill produced the biggest
when he tackled Wolfpack running
? ? the end zone on the final play
- ? ver N.C State
-? ver after thev threw'that pass
?" the put three
J we go back out there
wn or one of his
? littlequick flair out and
be m the
can remember since I've
been here We're a badly
crippled team
Hicks suffered the in-
jury early in the Western
Carolina game, but it was
not diagnosed until after
practice Monday ecu
Sports Medicine Director
Rod Compton said Hicks
would remain in the hos-
pital from two to five days
before he will be released.
"Right now, he's ex-
periencing a lot of pain and
discomfort said Comp-
ton. "He could be back at
practice next week, but as
far as any contact is con-
cerned, no one knows
Besides Hicks, halfback
Sam Harrell and fullback
Theodore Sutton are suf-
fering from minor injuries
but are expected to start,
while halfback Anthony
Collins is doubtful for the
N.C State game. Sopho-
more Mike Hawkins will
replace Hicks in the Pirate
ECUs offense was far
from impressive in the
Pirate' s narrow 14-6 victory
over the Catamounts in
their season opener last
week. "I have to blame
myself for a lot of things
that happened last week
explained Dye. "It was a
very poor coaching job and
we accomplished very few
things we set goals for
against Western Carolina.
"Defensively, we were
a different team con-
tinued Dye. "We made
very few mistakes, and the
ones we did make didn't
hurt us. I'm really encour-
aged about the play of our
The Pirates secondary
intercepted four passes and
held highly touted quarter-
back M ike Pusey to just ten
completions for 131 yards
while the Catamounts
gained only 47 yards on the
More than 50.000 fans
are expected in the Carter
Stadium for the 7:00 pm
contest. N.C. State is the
first of two straight games
against Atlantic Coast Con-
ference schools. The Pi-
rates face North Carolina
next week in Chapel Hill.
"This is a big game for
both schools noted Dye.
"I don't think it used to be
until we beat State a couple
of times. But it's certainly a
prestige game for us. It
gives our kids a chance to
play against a name school
with a big reputation.
We've been very fortunate
to beat them the last two
Last year, Pirate safety
Ruffin McNeil tackled
State's Ricky Adams two
yards short of the goal line
on the final play of the
game to preserve a drama-
tic 28-23 ECU victory.
"N.C. State has an
outstanding team this
year said Dye. "They
have all their key people
returning. They have an
excellent offensive line and
some talented people at the
skill positions.
"Ted Brown is certainly
one of the finest backs in
the country" continued
Dye. "You can't tackle him
one-on-one, you've got to
swarm around him. Bill Ray
Vickers isalsoafine back
"It's weeks like this that
make you earn your pay-
check" said Dye referring
to the Pirates injury situ-
ation in the offensive back-
fieldfreshman John
Hallow broke his foot in
practice Monday and will
also miss the N.C. State
will be the ninth meeting
between the two schools
with N.C. State holding a
5-4 edge in the series. The
Wolfpack's last victory
came in 1975 when they
defeated ECU 26-3.
Photo by Pete Poaes
M "

? me ' 'he Lumberton.
3nt at ECU
tted McNeill "We
'?: ? ' ??' ? as) i- bul ?' - as the
each g ime
: streak against N C
rice again probably go
??? - ??'?en ECU squares off against the
artor Stadium
? ? rward to this game
r'scneof our toughest rivalries and I
wn is one c the greatest
s such, a dangerous oass
' '? trouble fa our secondar,
? ? ???- with a "arrow 14-6 victory
secondary held Catamount
letions for 131 yards and
e P se eraged well over 200 yards

? -??? but then our pass rush
' rad passes explained McNeill. "I
ime for everybody. I'm glad we got
the rtfpack 'ast season served as a
they went on to defeat Duke the next
games before losing to South Carolina
tentica with another Atlantic
North Carolina, immediately following
- e thei tea i could be called an underdog this
- Stcte and East Carolina are more
than they've eer been before It's certainly
i winner in this game I think it a going to
? A jt gang to have to go out there and give
State wins their season opener against ECU
have no adverse affect on the rest of
. weel- against North Carolina.
- negative thoughts like that said
?? both games. I know that But no matter
-asor we'll get up for them. It doesn't
- ? ?'? ' Carolina

THE ECU SOCCER team opens its 1978 season
Saturday when the Pirate booters face N C State in the
first round of the maugral Mayor's Cup Tournament
The Pirates tied At Ian tic Chr,stain 1-1 t,
game earlier this wee photo hy John M.
Soccer team opens against State
Fan of the Week
Each week FOUNTAINHEAD will select a Fai I
the Week at an ECU football game. This wee
Smith has earned the honorable distinction of becor- rg
FOUNTIANHEAD s first Fan of the Week
Chad is from Lake Waccamaw. N C He is sev
years old and attend Halisboro Elementary Scnc
lake WaccamaA
Chad attended Saturday's game m Ficklen Sar: urr
with his father Robert Smith He is Mark Hoffman s
half brother Hoffman is areserve piacekicker on the
Pirate 'ootban team this year
"I just like ? watch Va p a, footba1' saa Chad
"Chad is Mark s biggest I said his f ither
don't think anyone is more proud of ?? he is
Chad told me he wants to see all the game-
th.s season. We're certain! qomg to try
It s dedicated fans ke Chad Sr- ?? ? cheer ?
Pirates on to victory each week and chances are ?
m Carter Stadium when ECU squares off aga nsl f
Staff Writer a
The young, inexperienced
ECU soccer team opens its
1978-79 season this Saturday
against N.C. State in the
inauguralMayor s Cup Tourn-
ament in Raleigh Also entered
m the two day affair are Duke
and North Carolina. The ECU -
N.C State game gets underway
at 1 .30 p.m.
The Pirate booters go into
the tournament with a talented,
yet basically untested team.
"We'll start six freshmen
says Pirate head coach Brad
Smith "We've got alot of new
faces who will get alot of playing
time. "We'll have to learn in a
Yet. along with the youth
comes a wave of optimism "We
had a good recruiting year
said Smit' "We have alot mor
offensive players than last year
I've got to be optimistic.
In preparation for the up-
coming tournament, the Pirates
held a scrimmage against Atlan-
tic Christian College earlier this
week. "I was very pleased with
our defense, but a little disap-
pointed m our offense said
Smith "We need to work the
ball outside more. We've been
going straight down the middle.
That's always the strerth of a
defense '
Pirate star wingman and
co-captain Phil Martin also feels
a few offensive adjustments are
necessary. "In the scrimmage,
we had a lot of minor problems.
But I feel we can correct them.
We're small and inexperienced,
so we must be more aggressive.
We have the scorers. We just
have to get meaner
Pirate defensive captain Jeff
Kluger. the lone senior returnee
on the squad, said he felt
confident in the defense. "If we
stay together, we should be able
to hold State to no more than
two goals said Kluger "We
just need more of tense I know
we' re capable
Equally capable of scoring
should be the revamped Wolf-
pack The entire N.C. State
soccer program has gone
through a complete realignment
since last season. A new coach
has been hired and many
players from last year's squad
failed to make the present team.
N.C. State put a great deal of
money into recruiting last year
and the results could eventually
be devastating. The Wolfpack
signed the nation's number one
prospect, Ail-American Mike
Fink of New Jersey. "I know
Fink will be super said
Kluger. "He's supposed to be
about as good as they come
Kluger feels that the other
two teams in the tournament
should also field formidabte
squads Carolina is always
tough. Duke should be okay
"Carolina will probably be in
the top 20 said Smith. "But I
feel our chances in the tourna-
ment are as good as we make
them said Smith. Two wins
up there would certainly get our
program some of the support
and faith we need Two wins,
a even one, would certainly
mean a lot to the younger
players on the Pirate squad also.
"A quick start would certainly
help their confidence said
The Pirate's begin their
eight game home schedule
on September 16 when they
play host to Catawba
ECU students wait and wait and wait
BySAM ROGERS ? ??????
Photo by Pete Podeszwa)
Sports Editor
Waiting in line all night fa those precious football and
basketball tickets has long been a famihar practice for students at
N.C. State and North Carolina.
But only recently with ECUs surge towards big time football
have students on the Greenville campus been forced to pull
all-nighters outside the ticket office in Minges Coliseum.
A crowd estimated at more than 1,000 students gathered
outside Minges Coliseum Monday night to wait for tickets which
went on sale fa the ECU-State and ECU-UNC games Tuesday
maning at 830
Students brought everything from televisions to parachess
games to help them through the monotony of the evening. Plenty
of beer and food was on hand and several fraternities played cards
all the way through the wee hours of the maning befae finally
"There really should be a better way of distributing the tickets
than go through something like this said Tim Mans a freshman
from Kinston N.C, who arrived around midnight to get his place
in line. "But I really don't have any other solution so I guess
they'll keep doing it until somebody comes up with a better
method. But I'm a big Pirate fan anyway, and I love football so I
guess I really don't mind all that much
Hansen Matthews a junia fran Wilmingtai, N C wasn't
exactly pleased with the idea of waiting all night either "This is
just chaotic as hell observed Matthews while watching even
rrwre cars pulling into the Minges Coliseum parking lot.
"Me and my roommate weren't going to come until about six
this morning, but we heard so many people were already coming
that we dicided if we wanted tickets to the game we had better go
on and get in line
"Everybody figured there would probably be a lot of people
over here in the maning. but then we heard there weregotngto be
alot of people in line tonight said Chris Hill, a freshman from
Kinston, N.C "It kind of scared us into going on over there.
Besides, everybody else on our dam floa was doing it too
Plenty of influential campus leaders and some famer ECU
football players were among the group of students patiently
waiting in line.
Mike Mase, the Student Uniai President was present along
with Dalton Denison, the Inter-Fraternity Council president, and
Robert Swaim, FOUNTAINHEAD's Business Directa.
"It's just like one great big party out here said Mase as he
prepared to bundle up in his sleeping bag. "I'd rather do this
every night than go to classes. It's certainly a night to remember
Apparently even Jimmy Southerland and Junia Creech, two
members of the Pirate football team last year, couldn't pull any
strings in the ECU football office. Southerland threw a 62 yard
touchdown pass to Billy Ray Washington against the Wolfpack last
year and scaed the winning TD himself in the final quarter on a
nifty 23 yard run. " Heck, Jimmy won the game fa us last year
said one sympathetic student. "I honestly think he deserves a
ticket without having to stand out here in line all night. I sure wish
we had him next Saturday the way the offense looked against
Western Carolina
Craig Thantoi, a senia from Havelock, N.C. earned the
honaable distindioi as the very first student in line to purchase
histickets.Thantoiarrivedat 7:46 Monday maning with his five
year old son, Shawn.
I've had lousy tickets fa the last four years at the Slate
games said Thantoi, who's wife arrived at five o'clock to p?ck
up Shawn who waited with his father fa nine hours. "I don't know
if they'll be any better, but at least I won't have to wait very lone
fa my tickets
d J T G StUdentS' Thornto" s armec w,th a
sleeping bag. a televise set. insect repellent P,entv oMa ?'
most impatantly. his checkbook ?
"I'd planned on dang this for a innn ?&
"I really thought there wild bemanJ
one really started tocorne untH abt 2
on.y abait 10 pecpto who sta Ight - ?.
anything like this befae ve neve' s
Neither had campus security officer Bill Rp,?
casy ?? m? of the beer dr"erS n?r j?
amused at the whole thing. ratner
1 ve seen some people waiting in iin? an ? ?,
befae, but I've never seen anwhino fl for ?0ncerts
Reichaein "AduaHy. we cou.T ?
drinking beer, but as longas they renL ? T here fc
won'tdoanyth.ngtothem Bull - " "
mess in the maning with all this trash ls QO,na to be qUl,e a
s.the sun came up Tuesday man.nn
window. twc,nes outside eaoh
"I'm glad I got a plaoe up front in line ?
miss it. eaJlvcan'aff0rdt0
The ticket office repated dose to tyy ?-?.
boththeStateandCaroi,nagarranda'8 "e ?d fa
EL 2 - 11? Tuesday
Tuesday afternoon to dean up the trasfeftv ?? 'ate
nighters and several mentioned they hop2 nJZZ ? th over
time a mess like th.s was aeated. WOu,d ?e the last

r r r
FOZJNTAINHEADs Fearless Forecast
ECU 20-13
Southern Cal
Wake Forest
Notre Dame
South Carolina
Western Carolina
N.C. State24-14
Southern Cal
Georgia Tech
Wake Forest
Notre Dame
Penn State
South Carolina
Western Carolina
ECU 22-21
Southern Cal
Wake Forest
Notre Dame
Penn State
South Carolina
Western Carolina
ECU 21-17
Southern Cal
Georgia Tech
Notre Dame
Penn State
South Carolina
Western Carolina
ECU Sports Promotion Director
ECU 17-14
Southern Cat
Wake Forest
Notre Dame
Penn State
South Carolina
Western Carolina
Wayne Newnam
ECU Sports Promo-
tions Director Wayne
Newnam is this week's
guest prognosticator in
less Forecast. Last week's
guest, ECU Chancellor Dr.
Thomas Brewer picked the
winner in eight of the ten
games selected. Season to-
tals of the regular
tors will appear weekly at
the left of their names in
the prediction box.
?' ?9h celebration after stopping
Ricky A dama ust snort of fne en(j Jp 9
the final play of the game.
Pirates Willie Holley,
secondary ready for State
Sports Editor
During his four seasons
as head coach at ECU Pat
Dye has become very ac-
customed to all the pre-
game publicity and excite-
ment before the Pirates
annual contest against At-
lantic Coast Conference foe
N.C. State.
"It's a prestige game
for ECU" said Dye. "If we
beat State consequently our
program continues to grow
bigger. It means a great
deal to the public and the
media. It's a chance to
move up for ECU
ECU cornerback Willie
Holley also realizes the
importance of the N.C.
State game and looks for-
ward to the annual contest
against the Wolfpack every
"It's a challenge for me
as well as the rest of the
players" admitted the ju-
nior from Endenton, N.C
We work real hard in
practice for N.C. State
every year. What we do in
this game is real important.
It's always been a big game
for me
Holley is a bonafide
member of the "swarm" a
nickname for which mem-
bers of the ECU secondary.
In the Pirates opener
against highly touted
quarterback Mike Pusey,
one of the nation's passing
leaders last year.
Pusey could manage
only ten completions for
131 yards and had three of
his passes intercepted.
"Everybody's a lot
more confident back there
now explained Holley
who played with safety
Gerald Hall at Holmes High
"Last year Gerald was
the only experienced player
in the secondary. But as the
season got older we got
better and better each
game. We're all alot more
confident about moving a-
round back there now
"After that first game
against Western Carolina I
think we gave everyone a
pretty good example of how
weI we have improved
since fast year
Last year N.C. State
quarterback Johnny Evvans
completed 17 of 31 touch-
Last year N.C. State
quarterback Johnny Evans
completed 17 of 31 passes
for 301 yards and a touch-
down against ECU. Evans
has graduated but Scott
Smith is a master of the
veer offense and may be
just as dangerous as Evans.
"I don't think there will
be as much pressure on us,
this year" noted Holley.
"But we're not going into
this game thinking Smith
won't pass against us be-
cause we know he certainly
hasthe ability.
For many years, N.C.
State has always been
highly favored over ECU,
hut that's changed during
the last four years since Pat
Dye took over the Pirate
"I don't think they
regard us any more as a
smaller, lesser known
team" explained Holley.
They feel much the same
way we do. Both teams are
about equal and we both
know the game is going to
be close. Tney no longer
take the game lightly be-
cause they know we're
capable of beating them.
"Most people are prob-
ably picking State to come
out on top Saturday night,
but we're confident we can
do the job
The Pirate secondary
pilfered a total of four
passes from Catamount
quarterbacks Saturday nite.
Gerald Hall grabbed one
interception while Ruffln
McNeill, Charlie and,Way-
ne Perry Carter had one
Holley who intercepted
one pass last season and
returned it 42 yards was the
lone starter in the second-
ary who failed to get one.
"It doesn't bother me
much" smiled Holley. "My
time will come and it might
be real soon
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Olschner heads improved
women'?tennis team
Thursday Sept. 7,7:30 pm
Staff Writer
"Youth, consistency,
and concentration" will set
the stage for a vigorous
new season at ECU in
women's tennis, according
to Coach Barbara Olschner.
"We may not have an
outstanding year , she
said, "but we are building
a powerful team from most
ly freshmen and .soph-
omores. They are showing
a lot of promise. We will
definitely be getting better
every year
Olschner is not only
building a new tennis team,
she is building a new
experience as she faces her
first season at ECU. Com-
muting from Morehead
Olschner is not only
building a new tennis team,
she is building a new
experience as she faces her
first season at ECU. Com-
muting from Morehead
City daily, she has had only
a week to get the feel of her
team. "I am comfortable
and confident with them
already she said. A
strong influx of ability will
be added by several return-
ing netters. Olschner, sing-
led out Diane Keough as a
particularly good senior
"Debbie Spinozzoia
also seems strong. She is a
sophomore from Penn-
sylvania with a great all-
court game. She should do
very well said Olschner.
"I am also keeping my
eye on transfer student
from Hofstra New York,
Pat Stewart she added
Stewart played number one
position there for two
years. Olschner looks to her
to be atop contender here.
Olschner admits it will
be difficult to tell how the
Lady Pirates would fare
once the action begins.They
will compete against basic-
ally the same schools as
" M y girls have dedicat-
ed and the desire to win,
but matches like those with
UNC-Chapei Hill, Wake
Forest, and N.C. State will
be hard to take said
Olscher. "Our opponents
have experience on their
She feels confident in
filling at least middle place
in the conference, hopeful-
ly better. "We should be
tough she said, "for most
of the other teams to beat
"We are always eager
to add new talent said
Olscher. We work under
the challenge system where
both first and second squad
are constantly open to
She encourages anyone
who wants to play to come
and try out anytime. Cuts
have not been made, so all
positions are "still up for
Play begins September
21 when the Pirates square
off against N.C. State for a
2 p.m. home match.
time to
refresh the spirit. Pause is
sponsored by: The Baptist Student
Union 511E. 10th 8t, Behind the
ECU Library.The Baptist Student
Union is a place where social,
spiritual, and ethical growth are
Almost Anything Goes begins
U.S. A.
Staff Writer
The East Carolian Univ-
ersity intramural depart-
ment will hold Its annual
Almost Anything Goes
sports carvival at 4 p.m. on
Tuesday on the University
This will be the fourth
year for the Almost Any-
thing Goes carnival and
there have been numerous
events added and deleted
after last year's event. A
minumum of six men and
six women must be on each
team to participate.
This will be the fourth
year for the Almost Any-
thing Goes carnival and
there have been numerous
events added and deleted
after last year's event. A
minimum of six men and
six women must be on each
team to participate, and as
many as four men and four
women will be allowed on
each roster.
Events for this year's
carnival will be the human
innertube, the egg throw,
the hooia-hoop course, and
the Platter basketball race.
Each event will be run
against time, with the best
six times earning points
toward the overall Almost
Anything Goes champion-
ship. The Platter basketball
race will be the Super
playoff event and will count
double. First-place wil)
count for 15 points, second-
place will count for ten
points, third-place will
count for six points, fourth
-place will award four
points, fifth-place two
points and one point will be
awarded for a sixth-place
finish. All events will be
teem events with three or
more teammates participa-
ting in each event.
GreenviHe area mer-
chants annually sweeten
the pot of prize by offering
free dinner, meatsand other
prizes to the winning teams
in each event. All full-time
ECU students, faculty and
staff are eligible to partici-
pate in the festivities and
there is no limit on how a
team may organized, as
long as each team has three
men and three women on
the team.
Some of the events, like
the paddle basketball race,
will require strength.
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Fountainhead, September 7, 1978
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 07, 1978
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