Fountainhead, August 31, 1978

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Vol. 55 No. 64
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
ii r
August 1978
New CjB center
to aid disabled
Associated Press Writer
Central, one of Atlanta's newest
CB stations, is becoming one of
its most popular, too.
Located in the Shepherd
Spinal Center at West Paces
Ferry Hospital, it was set up to
help paralyzed patients over-
come the feeling they have lost
touch with the world because of
their disabilities.
They have been calling in
to talk to the patients Leslie
Hudson, the center coordinator,
saia n a telephone interview.
The center's base station
and antenna were donated
through the CB Broadcasters
Association, whose members
installed the equipment.
Dr. David Apple, the cent-
er's medical director, said the
CB program is designed to
provide two basic services: One
is the utilitarian and safety uses
of CB radio after the patients
are released.
"If you or I get aflat tire on
the highway, we stop and fix
it Apple said. "But a para-
plegic has no way to do this and
through use of CB we give them
a way to get help
The other is theraputic, to
help patients to overoome the
emotional trauma of limited
mobility by expanding their
Apple said the program
could have more uses.
We don't know what the
parameters may be he said.
Filing date set
for SGA elections
Title IX violations corrected
ELECTION TIME IS rolling around again, and the SGA is getting
Grievance Board in favor of women
Staff Writer
Elections for student legislators and dass
officers have been set for Wednesday, September
13, according to student body President Tommy
Joe Payne. The filing period for those wishing to
run for office will be from Tuesday August 29 until
Tuesday September 5.
On the evening of September 5th, Payne said, a
mandatory candidates meeting will be hald at 7
p.m. in Mendenhall. At the end candidates'
meeting, prospective candidates will be required to
turn in an estimated expense aocount.
Following the candidates meeting, there will
be a full week of campaigning from September
6-12. Payne stated that all full time students are
eligible to run for office, so long as they maintain a
2.0 grade point average. Grades of all prospective
candidates will be checked by the elections
The offices open for election include seats in the
student legislature as well as class officers. In the
legislative election, there is a broad breakdown
between dorm.representatives and day students.
Day students include anyone living off campus, as
well as fraternities and sororities.
Following the election on the 13th, the student
legislature will hold its first meeting on September
18th. at which time a new speaker of the legislature
will be elected.
Payne noted that anyone with a question
conoernng the election rules andor procedures
should drop by the SGA offices in Mendenhall.
SGA will provide students with the format and
rules of the election, as well as make available for
inspection a oopy of the constitution.
Assistant News Editor
Four months of preparation
ana petitioning by five ECU
women athletes paid off Wed-
nesday as the universitie' s Title
IX Grievance Committee ac-
cepted a p;an which attempts to
rectify Title IX violations in the
ECU Athletic Department.
IX is an HEW regu-
h forbids sexual
disc: � in institutions
whid nancial support
from :he federal government.
May2, a committee head-
ec by -ofmer JV basketball
player Debby Newby and repre-
senting women's athletics at
ECU sent a formal letter of
grievances to then chancellor
Leo Jenkins. The grievances
concerned direct Title IX vio-
lations in sever, separate areas
of women's athletics.
The areas are: game and
practice schedules; publicity;
locker rooms; practice and com-
petitive facilities, pay of coach-
es; travel, supplies and equip-
ment ; and scholarships.
A grievance committee was
then set up to mediate between
the women and the university.
The committee heard speafic
charges against the university
on June 12.
At the grievance hearing
Weciesday. Dr. David B. Ste-
vens, attorney' for the univers-
ity, submittf ! a proposal enti-
tled "A Plan To Strengthen
Women's At- iletics and Comply
with Title IX Guidelines The
plan was entered intotheoffidal
record of the hearing as the
university's response to the
A copy of the revised 78-79
Athletic Budget was also en-
tered into the record for com-
parison of the men's and
women's programs.
One of the areas affected by
the university's proposal will be
funding of athletic scholarships
for women.ECU officails have
proposed a 1978-79 budget of
$40,825. an. increase of $28,107
over the past school year.
(In the June 12 hearing, the
students had recommended that
at least $42,000 be available for
women athletes in the budgets.)
Under the new plan, many
women's sports will receive
funding ma eases of over 200
percent. For example, volleyball
funding will increase 725 per-
Scholarship budgets will
continue to be studied, under
the plan, to right inequities
between men's and women's
sports. Women's sports that
now receive more funding than
men's will receive smaller com-
parable budgets.
A full-time position for a
women's basketball coach was
established with an initial salary
of $15,550, an increase of more
than 500 percent. Funds are also
being made available for an
Increase will also be seen in
the women's travel budget,
boosting it to $14,083 with
$10,000 more available for spe-
cial events.
Quoting from Title IX. sec-
tion 86.41. Dr. Stevens ex-
plained that though the men's
and women's budgets were not
identical in all respects, the
University still feels that it is
now in compliance with the law.
Section 86.41 states that
1' unequal aggreate expenda-
tures for either sex will not
oonstitute non-compliance
Stevens oommented that the
emphasis at ECU would no
ECU provide
for handicap
Staff Writer
It is generally true that all too many of us never realize the
value of something we have, until we lose it.
But when that something is lost, what do you do then? Do you
lose hope9 Do you manage to cope? How do you live your life?
This is what one person discovered about the way some ECU
students must live and what they do.
One day you wake and exerdse nimbly; the next day it is an
exercise just to get out of bed. On day you walked to dass; the next
day you're chairbound.
Your legs were useful once; now they have lost their
usefulness. Musdes have forgotten how to respond, long
forgotten the meaning of numbness.
Little things are now tedious big things.
So it goesyou wheel yourself around the house, around
campus, around town. You are different; the world is different.
You are the same; the world is the same.
" It shall be national policy to recognize the inherent right of
all dtizens, regardless of their physical disability, to the full
development of their economic, sodal, and personal potential,
through the free use of the manmade environment AIA,
Conference on a Barrier-Free Environment, January 1974.
"This statement has been endorsed by the National Easter
Seal Society for Crippled Children and Adults, the President's
Committee for Employment of the Handicapped, and the Para-
lyzed Veterans of America.
"But architedural planning that will permit "free use of the
manmade environment" isnot easy. The requirements of disabled
people differ and what may help one person may sometimes
hinder another, rearrangement will be perfect for people of every
size and with every kind of disability
"Therefore, there is a limit to what legislation can do.
However, an understanding of the needs of the disabled should
open buildings to many more people than it was possible to do in
the past (From page 13 of Buildings Without Barriers for the
Most people lump all disabled students into one group. They
are stereotyped collectively. No one realizes that each person is an
individual. No one sees the person said Marty Blee, a resident
of Slay dorm, where most disabled students live.
The constitution of the Disabled Students Association states
they "are human with the same needs and desires, same to all
You ride along. You are in control. Then you can't open the
doors to Mendenhall or the Library. Thers is no ramp or elevator
to Wright Auditorium or Memorial Gym.
You learn to deal with reality, the physical, the tangible. But
you have to go beyond them.
A student asks, "Don't you feel useless sitting there?' You
sav "No
You goto work and your competence is challenged. But your
supervisor says: if there isanything we can do to make it
let us know You breathe easier. You show what you can do.
You get caught in the rain before you get to dass. You keep
going-soaked through. You know it is worth everything to keep
going, if you quit you lose. You're independent, but you're
dependent as well. You look for a helping hand, a kind gesture, a
little push, a smile a worda friend.
After he was mugged in September of 1976, Roy Pate said, "I
lost a chunk of pride and much of the faith I had in humanity
You don't have it so bad. An old lady pushes you up a ramp, a
black man helps you over a curb, a professor and a Department
Chairman gladly move dass down to the first floor.
You gctodass and people either stare or turn away. You are
alone. It's just you, your chair, and the physical world. It is a
battle. Sometimes the physical world wins.
"The disabled are defined as people with sensory,
manipulatory or looomotor disabilities, or a combination of these.
The sensory disabled are the blind, the deaf, and those with
partial impairment of sight or hearing.
The manipulatory disabled are people who have difficulty
using one or both hands or arms.
The looomotor disabled are those with disabilities that affed
mobility-the ambulant and the chairbound disabled according
to the Buildings Without Barriers.
It further adds, "we oonsider the disabled to be restrided or
inoonvenienced in their use of buildings if there are "barriers"
that restrid people's free passac � or if no suitable fadlities have
been provided to help them
"ECU is in good shape oompi ed with other schools in the
state said C.C. Rowe, coordinator f disabled students at ECU.
Because of the flat terrain, ECU can provide services that are
impossible elsewhere. Most buildings here are accessible to the
first floor, most curbs have cut-outs, and we have a van for
transportation Rowe added.
You call the number for the van. A driver is supposed to be
there. The driver is unavailable. You wait and call again. The
driver is still unavailable.
The handicap van has been described as a "taxi service" with
few partidpants, and a "waste of money
But "when I came here, there was no van. So I got my own,
and so did some of the other guys who have been here, keeping
the van going, no matter what problems need to be waked out,
will attract more disabled students to come here in the future
said disabled student Terry Wall.
"People think we gripe all the time, but after being in a
wheelchair for six years (and some of the others have been in a
chair longer) little things frustrate and bother you oommented
Terry Wall.
You notioa little things like buckling in the sidewalks. You ride
the walk in front of the Library, the Infirmary, and Flanagan where
the Duckling can be as high as 2 It could tip your chair over.
longer focus on Men's or
Women's programs, but on
"Total Athletics "Our women
now have a budget as good or
better than any women's pro-
gram in the nation Stevens
According to Debbie Newby,
spokesperson for the oomplaint-
ants. the university still has not
mett Title IX guidelines in
several areas. "The new budget
provides $40,825 for women's
scholarships she said "We
need $84,000 to comply with
TitlelX. '
Newby said that ECU Chan-
cellor Thomas Brewer agreed
that the University was "not in
compliance at this date How-
ever .Brewer expeds to oontinue
with the equalization program
until ECU meets all Title IX
guidelines - possibly by late
Newby accepted the admini-
stration plan and the revised
Athletic budget as "only the
first step in compliance with
Title IX In a statement she
read to the Grievance Commit-
tee, Newby mentioned that "in
order to insure complete fair-
ness and equity for women's
athletics, the program must be
oontinually monitored and ad-
justed for perpetual improve-
Charles McLawhorn, attorn-
ey for the oomplaTntants, then
suggested that the Grievance
Committee members. Chairper-
son lone Ryan announced the
Committee's unanimous accept-
ance and brought the hearing to
a dose.
The 45 minute meeting was
interrupted only onoe as Dr.
Ryan instruded a channel 9 TV
crew that no pidures were to be
taken during the hearing. The
crew objeded and Ryan de-
dared a recess. After consulting
with both attorneys, the crew
was permitted to stay but
refrained from filming the hear-
Furney James, career planning and place-
ment director of ECU urges all seniors to register
with placement office See p.5
Students may fill spare time by volunteering
Steve Martin stars in Sgt. Pepper s Lonely
Hearts Club Band, which is currently playing
Greenville. Fa reviews of the movie and
soundtrack See TRENDS p. 10

Pirates begin - 1978-79 season Saturday
agai nst W CU "See p. 12
ECU will offer the best intramural trainer's
and sports .medicine program in the slate this
year. .See p.13
budget cut
Assistant News Editor
The chancellor of ECU. Dr.
Thomas Brewer, was critical of
the State Advisory Budget Com-
mission' s plan to cut equipment
requests during the next two
years by 25 percent. The plan,
as handed down through the
general administration, would
affed all state agendes, begin-
ning on July 1, 1979.
Brewer's remarks came dur-
ing a speech that he gave beta
the faculty on last Tuesday.
Brewer went on to say that
the University would have in-
creasing difficulty obtaining ne-
eded equipment and space
because of the cuts in spending.
According to a report pub-
lished in the Raleigh News and
Observer on August 30, Brewer
also said that, "This shortsight-
nesswill have a major impact on
the delivery of quality servioe to
the people of the state
Aooording to the same re-
port, the chancellor reported on
an additional $88,000 in univer-
sity funds fa faculty research
and support in the fiscal year
1978-79. This amount was near-
ly five times the amount allo-
cated fa research last year.
On a different subjed, Dr.
Brewer aitidzed the policy of
the state as it pertains tc
discrepandes in salaries of
faculty members among state
suppated institution
He told the faculty that
salaries here were lower thatn
aher state schools that lack the
maturity and educational
standing of ECU
When oontaded Dr.
Brewer did not know why the
salaries were lower, commen-
ting further that he had not been
here long enough to analyze the
situation. In his speech befae
the faculty, he promised support
fa salary hikes by saying,
"While I cannot promise suc-
cess in this area, I assure you
that it will be kept befae the
system administration and the
Brewer also has presemed a
proposal fa changes in the
administration to the trustees,
faculty, and staff. He pledged
full discussion befae any dec-
sioi is made.
Under the proposal. two
positions would be abolished.
Thepositionsof vice chanceilas
fa administratiai and planning
and health affairs would be
replaced with vice chanceilas
fa student affairs and institu-
tional advancement.
He said that the proposed
changes would be made in an
effat to obtain greater suppat
fran private souroes.
He ended his speech by
pledging openness in the ad-
ministration, and in the free
discussion of poiides.
He was quoted in the News
and Observer assaying, "Poli-
tics may be a legitimate way of
life in some spheres, but in a
university, it is destrudive and
leads to ill feelings and barriers
to trust "
ECU STUDENT ROY Pate prepares to riae a
van to assist nanoioapped students to and from classes.

m- 4F 4P r
� - m

Page 2 FOUNTAINHEAD 31 Auguet 1978
Square Dance Rugby Club CmtanClub Exec Council Study skills
The Center Fa Student
Opportunities, Division of
Health Affairs, offers oost-free
tutorial help upon request to
majors and pre-majors in medi-
cine, premedidne, nursing, and
allied health.
CSO also offers to employ as
tutors graduate and certain
undergraudate students who are
able to assist fetlow students in
chemistry, biology, anatomy,
physics, math and other courses
in health professions curricula.
Students interested in either
aspect of this program should
contact the Center For Student
Opportunities immediately.
Visit 208 Ragsdale Hall, or call
757-6122. 6075, or 6081.
Anyone interested in becom-
ing a J.V. cheerleader, meet at
Minges, Wed. Sept. 6, at 5 p.m.
Anyone interested in a male
position on the ECU cheer-
leading squad, there will be an
opening, beginning with the
second home game, Sept. 30.
M eet at M i nges on Sept. 5 at
6 p.m.
There will also be tryoutsfor
a Pirate mascot (male or female).
Meet on the same date
for more information.
Several AA members of the
ECU campus community are
organizing a University AA
group. The initial organizational
meeting will be held Fri Sept.
8, in room 307, Erwin Hall.
All interested individualsare
cordially invited to attend.
SGA reps
Filing for SGA day and dorm
representatives will be open
until Sept. 7. You can file in the
SGA office, Mendenhall room
228 before 5 p.m.
Everyone is invited to a
get-aquainted square dance
with caller Nelson Jarvis at the
Baptist Student Union, 511 E.
10th st tonight from 7 30-9 30
p.m. No charge. No previous
experience required. You don't
have to be Baptist.
The Baptist Student Union Is
a place where social, intellec-
tual, spiritual, and ethical
growth is brought together.
The Student Union Coffee-
house Committee needs you!
Please apply at the Student
Union office, room 234 Men-
The ECU Rugby CLub will
begin try-outs Tues. Sept. 5, at
430 p.m. behind the Allied
Health Building.
Old boys are expected to be
there and newcomers are wel-
ECU Collegiate Civitan Club
will hold its first meeting on
Sept. 7, at 7 p.m. in Brewster
All former Junior Civitans
are invited to attend or anyone
wishing to become a member of
a collegiate service dub.
Student reps Dogs
There will be an Executive
Coundl meeting Sun. at 3 p.m.
at Dr. Thornton's house-1204
Oakview Dr. All officers and
committee chairmen must
Rick Eldridge and Rebirth, a
contemporary gospel singing
group will be in a free concert
sponsored by the ECU Full
Gospel Fellowship on Thurs
Sept. 7. Starting at 8 p.m. on
campus in Wright Auditorium.
The public is invited.
All students interested in
serving as a representative on
Faculty-Senate standing com-
mittees please oome by Men-
denhall room 223 and ask for
Hal Sharpe. Office hours:
Monday: 3-5 p.m Tuesday:
830-930 a.m Thursday: 830-
930 a.m.
Residents of Greenville are
reminded that there is a 24 hour
leash law in the dty. Further,
every dog that is kept in the dty
must at all times have a current
rabies tag on a oollar around
their neck.
A non-aedit, study skills
dass will be conducted by Dr.
Weigand beginning Sept. 5.
There will be two groups. One
will meet on Monday and
Wednesday at 1 p.m. in room
305 Wright Annex and the ether
group will meet on Tuesday and
Thursday at 1 p.m. in room 305
Wright Annex.
The dass is available to aJI
students. Attendance is votun-
tary-no formal registration is
Like to write? Why not write
at 757-6366. Get involved!
It pays to advertise in
L circulation of 10,000, FOUNTAINHEAD is distmbuted each Tuescky and Thuid
free of charge throughout the university community.
Advertising Rates
(Effective Aug. 28,1978)

National rate per inch $3.64
National rate per line $.26
Local open rate per inch $2.10
Three lines for $1.00,25 for each additional line.
1st color $50.00
2nd color $40.00
3rd color $30.00
Must be in FOUNTAINHEAD office 5 days prior to insertion date
(advertiser to pay all shipping charges).
1-4 pages $40.00 per thousand
5-8 pages $50.00 per thousand
8 pages $60.00 per thousand
Mechanical Requirements
Offset printing: original art, photograph or reproduction proofs.
Page size: 8 columns wide and 21 Vi inches deep.
Columns are 11 picas wide, about 1 inches.
for sale
FOR SALE: Used golf dubs that
are great fa beginners. 5 Irons,
4 woods, 1 putter, and golf bag
included. 166.00 Call Sheila
anytime at 752-1340.
FOR SALE: Receiver, Rsner
250, 30 watts dot channel in
excellent oor $99. oaH
FOR SALE: Bundy Trumpet, in
great oond. $100; FM cassette
car tape player, $20; CraJg
8-track tape player, $15; Pioneer
headahell with Dickering, XV-15
120O-E Cartridge, New, $60;
CaJI 752-1793.
BEER: I buy empty beer cans
from out of state. CaU nights
Jerry Groil 7560624.
FOR SALE: 72 Ford LTD in
good con. PW, PB, PS, AC.
Price negotiable. CaJI 758-5553.
APT. 9ZE REFRIG for sale in
good oond. $35. Call 758-5553.
Send $1 fa your 256-page mail
order catalog of Collegiate
Research. 10,250 topica listed.
Prompt Delivery. Box 25907-B
Los Angeles, Calif. 90025 (213)
full and parttime design and
layout work fa large, screen
printing firm in Greenville. Also
some freelance wak available-
call fa interview at Tues. and
Thurs. between 2 and 4 p.m.
758-7713 ask fa Mr. OShea.
"The feminine way to exer-
cise CaJI Sunshine 758-0736.
YOGA: fa heeJthy oontroi,
peace youth and vitality call
Sunshine 758-0736.
WANTED: Kitchen and delivery
help fa daytnd night shifts.
You must have own car. Come
a call us fa interview.
screen prep persons needed full
time-call 758-7713 ask fa Mr.
Simmons a oome by Silkacreen
Unlimited at Dudley and Legiot
StsGreenville, Between 4 and
5 p.m. Tuaa. and Wed. fa
operators fa shift wak. Stu-
dents prefared. Apply in par-
son at Haueras Hammocks 11th
and Clark St. 758-0841.
Iforrent �
in oontempaar y home 5 blocks
torn campus. Mature female
prefared. $150 plus V4 utilities.
CaJI Frank at 7-1188.
I NEED AN: apartment to share
with a female roommate. Call
758-5885 and leave name and
�NEED A: to live! vm
�ng for a private room in
house a apt. Mature senior
peeae ceil Len 758-3781.
�OOMS FOR remj.
' turmshad
Elbrook. Call
� at
m 1 nwwiawiif

SGA BusService for
ECU Students
Gold Schedule
10th and Cortege Hill2S after hour
Coll ge Hill2fi after hour
Mingeon half hour
Allied Health21 till hour
Pitt Plaia24 tilt hour
Oakmont21 UK hour
MendenhaH16 t'fl hour
10th and College HidS till hour
Colin Hill4 till hour
Mmgeson the hour
DIM Heart3 after hour
Pitt Plaza6 af�er hour j
Oahmont"� after tnur
Mendenhall14 after hout
OPEN SUNDAYS 9am - 9pm
Prices Good Thru Saturday, Sept. 2,1978- Quantity Rights Reserved

- mum
�� m f �m � - � � mm -� �

Page 4 FOUNTAINHEAD 31 August 197b
Brewer ignores media
ECU Chancel la Thomas Brewer apparent-
ly has little regard for campus media, at least
judging from his recent behavior towards
This past summer, he created a brief stir
when he voiced approval for hiring a
professional manager of WECU-FM. Many
students viewed this as an attempt at
censorship or faculty control and expressed
themselves in angry letters to FOUNTAIN-
Dr. Brewer devoted his first working day at
ECU to area media, inviting all local and
regional radio, TV stations, newspapers,
magazines, etc. The fact that FOUNTAIN-
HEAD was never informed of this day, and in
fact heard about it afterwards on the evening
news, can only be interpreted as a slap in the
face of the students who write the paper and
those who read it.
And, most recently, Brewer addressed the
faculty Tuesday and criticized an order by the
state Advisory Budget Commission. The
News and Observer was apparently notified of
this address, because that's where FOUNT
AINHEAD first heard about it, the day after it
We are eager to know and cooperate with
our new chancellor if only he will play fair and
do the same.
Get out the vote
Once again, the annual Student
Government Association (SGA) fall elections
are fast approaching. Filing begins this week
and continues until Sept. 5. The election is
scheduled for Sept. 13.
Our SGA is only as good as the people who
choose to run for office. They wi 11 be entrusted
with close to $150,000 of student fees to
allocate as they see fit. The more candidates
there are, the better the chance that the best
will be elected by the students. Most
importantly, however, is the necessity of
voting during the fall election.
According to SGA president Tommy Joe
Payne, SGA elections usually average 2,500
voters, less than one fourth the student body.
If you don't feel as if you can or would like to
get involved in SGA, the least you can do is to
vote in the elections. It only takes a minute of
your time and it can make the difference
between the wise and wasteful use of our
student fees.
Student recalls past days
I didn't ask to be a survivor.
It's a role I'm not really
comfortable with. Things have
just worked out that way,
though, and that seems to be
what I'm stuck with.
In the beginning there were
ax of us�oomrades, brothers.
Instigators. We were all fresh-
men, but we had this university
by the tail, or at least we
thought we did. It was going to
be an easy four years of
partying, night clubbirtg, and
sleeping late. Our after-gradua-
tion plans were hazy and
optimistic. College had nothing
to do with the "real world
The casualty rate here at
ECU is supposed to be almost 40
percent - that is, more than one
third of all freshmen don't make
it back for year number two. My
group was exceptional in that
we defied the norm. We lost
everybody but me.
In retrospect, the fact that
we lived on third floor Jones-in
a place called "Stagger Hall
no less-became some sort of
casuality in itself. The omens
were there: trash cans burning
in the hallways, MSO's thrown
out the windows, the reek of
strawberry incense and pot
fumes. We lived with the
continuous cacophony of 500-
odd fulltime hedonists in full
flight. Jones was Edge City that
year. And we were too close to
see it.
I'm not trying to pass a
human failure off on the envi-
ronment that surrounded us.
Far from it-we were flawed
from the beginning. Life on
Stagger Hall just made the
backslide a little easier. Of the
six comrades, only I alone am
escaped to tell you: two of us
flunked out; one got smart and
transferee, one was arrested
and jailed for possession with
intent to distribute. And one-
Lee, my next-door-neighbor-
was thrown out of school fa
destruction of private property
and two counts of destruction of
real property.
trying to sneak out of Darryi's
without paying. Some of the
time he was a sensitive, intelli-
gent, responsible human being;
the rest of the time he was
drunk. And when he was drunk,
his nihilistic side shone through.
He loved to destroy things,
and living in the dorm egged
him on. "What's a dorm good
for he used to ask me, "if you
can't raise some hell? And
anyway, it's paid for already
He teas the kind of guy whose
heart was in the right place but at
the same time he wouldn 't think
twice about trying to sneak out of
Darryi's without paying.
Our halt advisor called Lee
the "ringleader" and constantly
threatened to reposes his ID
card. Lee couldn't have been
happier to oblige. He had never
wanted an ID in the first place.
He was an 18 year old wildman
whose prize possession was a
little round beer gut, which he
kept in top shape with a strict
liquid diet-Pabst, Jack Daniels,
Sloe Gin, and Bacardi. In his
spare time he practiced blowing
12-foot fireballs out of his
mouth. The hall stank of kero-
sene for days.
He was the kind of guy
whose heart was in the right
place but at the same time he
wouldn't think twice about
The night before Spring
Quarter exams started, when
two of us were flunking out and
one of us was studying oourt-
room procedure for narcotics
trials, Lee came back from
Happy Hour downtown and
proceeded to annihilate our
bathroom. He overturned the
trash can and kicked garbage
everywhere. He ripped the seat
off one of the Johns. He relieved
himself on the floor. The last
thing he did was tear the door
off the middle stall, throw it
across his back, lug it down the
hall, and fling it out the third
floor window.
Everybody on the hall heard
it hit. When we looked out into
the parking lot the door was in
Doug White
Production Man&ojsr
Leigh CaeJdey
News Editors
Julie Everette
Ridki Gliarmis
Advertising M
n, J, I mm 1ml
plain view�lying on top of a
brand new white LTD. It looked
like the whole roof had been
smashed in.
The campus police were
there in about thirty aeoodds
but by then Lee was barricaded
in his room. There was nothing
to indicate where the flying door
had come from. Everything was
cool until somebody standing at
the window got excited and hit
one of the cops in the face with a
roll of toilet paper. Pretty soon
we had more oops on Stagger
Hall than we really cared for.
They took a oouple of the
wrong guys down to the traffic
station for interrogation. Evi-
dently one of them cracked,
because the cops were back at
5 30 that morning to arrest Lee.
By the time were were up for
8 fiO exams the campus authori-
ties had turned Lee over to the
city police, and he was being
held downtown under $500
All of us were broke.
We made a gesture, anyway.
We went over to the courthouse
to see him. They wouldn't let us
in, though. "It isn't visiting
day the secretary told us.
"You bovs come back Thurs-
He probably would have
rotted down there in his jail cell
underneath the courthouse, but
someone back at the dorm
finally broke down and called
Lee's father, who drove 40 miles
into Greenville and bailed his
son out that afternoon.
Our hall advisor was one of
those wimps who couldn't resist
saying "I told you so After
missing his first two exams, Lee
decided that he wasn't really
college material, anyway, which
was just as well, because the
college had decided the same
about him. They threw him out
of school and pressed charges.
They wanted their money fa the
door. The guy who owned the
LTD settled out of court.
Lee blamed the whole thing
on living in Jones.
He's working as a stockboy
m an A&P now. I helped him
load his Camaro the day he
moved out, wondering all the
while what would happen that
summer to prevent me from
coming back to ECU. It seemed
a little inoonsistant that I should
be allowed to return. Lee said as
much before he left. "Weil,
they got five outta six, good
buddy He laughed and slap-
ped me on the back and called
me Mr. Survivor. Then he
climbed into his Camaro and
disappeared over the top of
College Hill. And I stood there
watching and saying to myself,
My Qal, I'm the last one.
Welcome' to ECU
Dear Freshmen:
Welcome to ECU! How
many times have you heard that
phrase since you've arrived in
Greenville on Sunday? Too
many probably. But do you feel
welcome? Probably not. Drop-
Add lines, aggressive - upper
classmen, overcrowded class-
rooms, and the unbearable heat
are enough to make you want to
pack your things and go back
You riaveto be the aggressor
and look 6ut icr yourself totally.
Below, I have oompiled a few
tips that may help you a little to
avoid some unpleasant times. I
hope that they are of some value
to you no matter how small.
1. Aever forget your ID and
Activity Card, you are a nobody
without it.
2. Always lock your dorm
room, even if it is just to go to
the bathroom. Sad but true.
3. Learn' to hold on to your
dorm key. Getting locked out is
a humiliating and time con-
suming experience.
4. Buy some ear plugs if you
plan to study in the dorm.
Stereo competition, televisions,
and loud talkers are hard to
compete with. Use the library
whenever possible.
5. Avoid the Infirmary at
exam time, you'll be lucky to see
a doctor due to the crowd of
ailing students.
6. If you are a female, plan
on having someone walk with
you back to the dorm if its after
hours. It may be a long wait I
be let in, especially in the wirie
time. Dress accordingly.
7.Have a can of RAID handy
at all times unless you plan on
sharing your snack with the
8. Always have access to
your umbrella. It's April show-
ers in Greenville all year round.
9. Use the stairs in the dorm
unless you are very patient and
don't mind stopping on every
floor, especially when you have
five minutes to get to class.
10. If you are watching your
weight, avoid late night calls to
Stuffy's, Pizza Mike's, Newby s
or Chanelo's. It will definitely
begin to show after awhile.
11. Last but not least, be
patient. It's not as bad as it
seems. Truly. Good luck and
Anita Rosemond
American educational system
shortchanges students, society
THa irJlrA.iirs i o ht�h f I r tt f� �I�A t�si i a i-r a i a ii i r- a r �� tk:A AJ L � i: i� . .
The following is the first
reprints from summer editions -
in a series of FOUNTAINHEAD
A ruling by a New York City trial judge and an enquiry by a
prospective law school student could bring considerable pressure
to bear on an already weakened system of education in America,
both at the high school and university levels-
Consider for a moment the following two instances:
Judge Irving Kirschenbaum ruled this summer in New York
that the New York City School Board must either pay for a former
student's private education or enroll him in a remedial program by
June 30. The complaint? The student claimed that he is too
i 11 iterate tocomplete a job appl icat ioru.
-A prospective law student petitioned the admissions off ice of a
North Carolina law school to reconsider her graduating average of
1968 in light of current grading standards. She was told that her
average upon graduation in 1968, around 2.75, would now be
equal to an average of 3.0, or even higher, by today's standards of
These two examples, and one dares not call them isolated,
point out two symptoms of serious illness in American education:
sodal promotion and grade inflation.
Ten years ago, one would have thought it rare indeed fa a high
school student to be unable to fill out a job application, i.e. to show
evidence of basic literacy. Yet, nationwide we see a continuous
thread of evidence that more and more of today's high school
graduates are not, in fact, armed with the basic educational skills
to enable them to cope in a modern competative society, let alone
to succeed in a university experience.
High schools across the nation are quietly pushing aside their
oonsciousness-raising kits and reaching once again for pencil and
paper; if Johnny can charm' em to death behind the counter of the
local market, it's no good if he cannot count out change fa his
Even those hallowed halls of Harvard and Yale are
reinstituting manadatay composition courses fa their entering
freshmen. The reason? The students' capabilities can no longa be
assumed to be adequate.
So, how does someone graduate from high school and not
possess the ability to fill out a job application? There is,
admittedly, noone answer. Our schools lump together students of
ail ranges of intellect, thus facing teachers to find a means of
presentation which will neither befuddle na bae their pupils.
This lumping is caused, in part, by a failure of the schools to
handle properly the needs of exceptional children (and
"exceptional as we sometime faget, means exceptionally
bright, as well as exceptionally dull, children).
Granting this and othe- alid aspects of the question, one stii
finds far too many unprepared, uneducated students being
"graduated" from today's high schools, and social promotion
loomsguilty in the background.
Today's mass market oonoept of public education needs soaal
promotion practices in ader to exist. One must succeed in this
society - "You, you're the one And failing, whether in business
a the tenth grade, just doesn' t fit in.
It is far easier fa the teacher to "pass on" a student f rom one
grade to the next than it is to confront a student, a parent, and
ultimately a system, with failure.
Students should first be children who have learned that human
beings sometimes fail, that often the reward comes in the effort
itself. So long as we place disproportionate value on the economics
of education.i.e. graduation, social promotion will be necessary fa
schools which continue to grind out candidates fa the laba force
The case of the aspiring law student brings anaher aspect (ex
today's educational situation: grade inflation. If a
LF"1 aVefaQe in 1968 iS worth a 3 � better today.
whetcfass th.s say about the univasities? It is not surpnsmg that
'OT 'ows widespread social
would also embrace grade inflation.
shiffn �S" �?? Pf0m0ti0n � 9rade inf" - � �
SlSlTnT. Perf0rmanoe " �tents matched the
SLllr 3�CHy 00nd0nes �" �'�us ded,ne
iXtToLa " " �" �
.J??�� and groups which do net
cHemrees tl t,0TO- 800to�����inB agn
studentswhocannot fill oj Z
must deal with illitaate youth the
diminish the meaning dlV�2 " m �t0
standingfalittX tCsoL� �2 ?
�v, �wn � oe it - but stop the pretense.
Convasaiy, if we are able
distiruishingrnarkofdvilization weniusfr?� fj
fact that such education has TJ ��n� to grips tfth tht
dertwstic.Trueeojc8iiorL ' " �" ever be, truly
the Big Mac mow mm the �. will never M
"�m Sg'wieji iEjpjme
human opportunity at aJf oW'rVJT' der to
lrTK�Tipatablefsct that we �u JrL her hand �� ��J the
various abilities. And somlT-lT?1 � � unequal incur
Pr��emeduoksy ���'



Cartwright details
absentee ballot plan
31 Augurt 1978 FOUWTAINHEAD Hm S
Fountainhead staff meeting Wednesday at 4
Staff Writer
SGA Vice-President David
Cartwright plans to provide an
absentee ballot service for stu-
dents for the November elec-
Beginning in September,
Cartwright said he would notar-
ize absentee ballots, before they
are marked, for any student or
student group free of charge.
"I applied for tha office
because I'm interested in state
and local politics, and want to
participate in the election pro-
said Cartwright.
According to Cartwright, he
applied in January, took the
test, paid the $25.00 fee,
waited, and received his
appointment from State Secre-
tary Thad Eure in March.
STUDENTjests in the shade-away from those long lines at tost
ler 33 years, letter arrives at last
Kate Quick Bodley returned toa
town of her childhood for a day
recently to claim a letter her
father wrote to her from the
Paaf ic war theater 33 years ago.
And having that letter now,
after her father has been dead
for many years, was "like
having Daddy back she said.
The letter, dated April 16,
1945. folded in faded stationary
in a small, opened envelope
bearing a six-cent airmail stamp
and a Naval cnesorship mark,
was found in July in Rodney
Powell's Used Furniture and
Appliance store here. Two Ha-
waiian dollar bills, silver certi-
ficates, sent to Mrs. Bodley
were also found in the envelope.
Powell took the letter to The
Sun Journal of New Bern where
an article was published in
hopes of tracking down the
Mary Kate it was addressed to.
A fnend of hers who lived in
Virginia Beach. V.A. SAW
Mrs. Bodley.
Mrs. Bodley. now 35. said
sne and her parents and older
.vere very close and her
father wrote them frequently
while he jvas away during Worlf
War II. Part of the letter to
2-veac-oid Mary Kate from her
William M. Quick.
sex. -ethis:
Please let me beg your
pardon for not sending you a
dollar at the same time I sent
Dicky his. You see you were
sucha little girl when I left home
to go in the Navy I did not
realize that you were such a biq
girl now I am endosing a dollar
bill that says Hawaii on it. It is
service free
to seniors
Staff Writer
Furney K. James. Career
Planning and Placement Direc-
tor of ECU. urges all seniors and
rising seniors to register with
the Placement Office, located in
the Mamie Jenkins Alumni
Building behind the Leo JenKins
Fine Arts Center. "We suggest
that when a person becomes a
senior, he should register with
our office. James said, "by
filling out the information in a
placement folder. Our folder is
designed to help the student
organize. Organization impres-
ses an employer he stressed.
Our services are free dur-
ing the senior year and one year
after graduation. After that time
period we charge $5 to help
cover postage and envelope
costs he added, james esti-
mated that 400 to 500 ECU
alumni use the placement ser-
vice each year.
The College Placement An-
nual is published in October and
can be secured through the ECU
Placement Office. (There is aiso
a copy in Joyner Library.) It
�ndudes available careers cat-
egorized by type as well as by
geographical location.
Our key purpose said
. james. " is to motivate people to
think about a career, to contact a
company employer, and to get a
job. If I can motivate someone, I
feel I've done my job James
' 'We try to do some counsel-
ing by talking with each individ-
ual about kinds of careers and
places of employment, and give
themleadstofindajob james
James also stated that each
year from October through April
recruiters visit the campus.
"This past year, we sat up 120
interviews he aaW.
According to James, the
Placement Office philosophy is,
"We might not be able to get a
person s job, but we try to
motivate the parson and can be
nice to the parson j
all for you and you buy what you
like with it. I will see what I can
do about that big doll for you.
You know I have a little doll with
a grass skirt on for you now, but
if I ever get to where I can get
you a big one I will sure do it.
"Ihope you will remember
me when I do get home. It has
been such a long time since I
have seen you. You won't be
afraid of me will you� Mother
says you are growing fast and fo
to Sunday School and every-
thing that is sure fine I hope
it won't be so very much longer
before I can get there to go with
you and Dicky. I miss both of
you so much.
Quick returned from the war
to his family waiting in Nash-
ville. They moved several times,
finally settling in New Bern
whereMrs. Bodley went to high
She was 22 when her father
died, but she said the recently
found letter made it seen as if he
were still with her.
"This letter makes me very
happy she said. "I wish all
children would love their par-
ents as much as possible, it's so
sad when they die


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6 FOUNTAINHEAD 31 August 1978
Greek Forum
News Editor
Each August brings a new
tool year and each new school
brings fraternity and soror-
ity rush
For upper classmen, rush is
lOthing new But for incoming
?reshmen and transfer students.
ECU rush is quite an exper-
The whole campus is c!utter -
ed with posters and banners
urging interested students to
experience the Greek life
There are parties and open-
houses sponsored by each fra-
ternity and sorority during the
entire rush period. These
gatherings are open to the
entire campus.
The fraternity parties are
mainly informal. They advertise
the parties by banners and fliers
which are distributed on campus
and anyone is invited to attend.
Sorority rush is more formal
beginning with registration for
all interested girls on campus.
The parties last approximately
two weeks climaxing with a
preferential party at the end of
the rush period. The girls then
decide which sororities they
would like to pledge. In turn,
the sora it ies also decide which
girls they would like to invite to
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join the sorority.
Some girls decide to go
through rush and decide not to
pledge at the end of the two
weeks. Some even go through
rush without any intention of
pledging at all.
Neither fraternity or sorority
rush is designed to pressure the
participants. Everyone is invited
to participate without being
obligated to join in the end. All
students are invited to join in
the fun if for nothing else but to
meet people and have a good
Joining a fraternity or
sorority requires much time and
above all, dedication. Stereo-
typing of Greek life often leaves
people with the impression that
partyiing and flunking out of
school is its main objective.
On the contrary, fraternities
and sororities carefully combine
fun with school and this is
evident because of the grade
point average needed to join an
During the school year,
Greeks engage in a number of
campus activities. For example,
the fraternities and sororities
sponsor the Spring Blood Drive
at ECU which is the most
productive in this region.
The Greeks also participate
in field days and Greek games.
Each spring the Greeks end the
year with Greek Week. The
week includes games and con-
tests, a field day, dances, happy
hours, and ends with Moser's
Moser' s Farm is a day when
all Greeks bring out the Ken-
tucky Fried Chicken and ice
chests, relax, and listen to good
During the year each frater-
nity and sorority also holds their
own formal dances and beach
All of thisfun combined with
scholastic achievement and
service to campus and com-
munity proves the Greek life the
strongest and most beneficial
organization on campus.
' This sure beats walking downtown for something decent to eat "
continued from p. 7
It's happened several times according to James Breeze and
Roy Pate.
There are other little-big things. 'Lots of times you can't
maneuver a ramp because a bicycle's been chained in the way, or
cars have parked where a cut-out in the sidewalk was made
pointed out Willie Bell.
When you weren't disabled you took facilities for granted.
Now. you take notice. The word "accessible" echoes in the ears
always You make a list.
You list steps and stairs, ramps, walkways, curb cut-outs,
parking, and signs.
You add on: van schedule and telephone number,
entranceways, doors and doorknobs. (The biology building has on
two ot its doors rings extended by a chain to facilitate their
opening by disabled persons.)
Your list grows arger: elevators, telephone booths, drinking
fountains, counters and shelves; sinks, toilets, and grab rails in
North Carolina law states that the physically disabled 'are
entitled to acoomodations
"Traditionally, architects plan buildings with a certain
population in mind. That population assumes abilities, needs,
desires, capabilities, and tastes similar to those of the architect.
There is usually a lack of empathy for anyone with differing
characteristics because the user is, in fact, a figment of the
architect's imagination.
Consider a concept of design where the user is not known,
but every possibility is accomodated. The architect may not be
pregnant today, but she or a friend may become so. The planner
may not have a broken leg today, hut he or his father may soon fall
down a flight of steps. The designer may not be in a-wheelchair
today, but tomorrow he or she could be in a car accident and
confined to one for life
"Why not plan for every possibility so the environment can
continue to be as convenient, functional, efficient, and usuable as
it was originally conceived? This is the concept of barrier-free
design. It is not "special it is not "traditional it is human
states the foreward to Buildings Without Barriers.
You have been in a wheelchair three days. Now you can get up.
Get up and walk. But there may come a time And there are still
those who never will get up and walk.
YOu are different; the world isdifferent. You are the same; the
world is the same.
Mate the campus connection.
If you want to be listed in the ECU Telephone
Directory for 78 - 79, you need to order your
phone now.
You can place your order at the Carolina Telephone
Phone ShopBusiness Office at 1530 Hooker Rd.
So get in on the connection, and order your phone today
QQQQ Carolina Telephone
GREEKS TAKE PART in yearly ritual on campus.
Volunteer Greenville
Students find use
for spare time
News Editor
For those ECU students with
spare time on their hands, the
city of Greenville has just the
answer on how to spend it
Volunteer Greenville is a
locally funded organization
which gives people with extra
time a meaningful and construc-
tive way to use it.
Any person, male or female,
young or old, with an interest in
the well-being of other scan be a
The organization acts as a
referrel service to several agen-
cies such as hospitals, schools,
health and welfare agencies,
recreational programs and day
care centers. Volunteers- names
are taken and kept on file.
When a job oomes open
which meets the needs and
interests of an applicant, Volun-
teer Greenville contacts the
volunteer and refers him to the
agency seeking help. No work
done through Volunteer Green-
ville involves monetary compen-
sation. The work is strictly
The applicant is free to
specify when he would like to
work. He may work at his own
pace and around his schedule,
short term or on regular assign-
While on the job, the agency
is reguired to offer the neces-
sary training for volunteers. The
agency must provide suitable
working conditions and on-the-
job supervision. The volunteers
must also be provided with the
opportunity for maximum
Volunteer Greenville origi-
nated through a program called
Volunteers in Service to Amer-
ica (VISTA).
VISTA was a federally fund-
ed program at the time but in
September. 1975. the
ment grant diminished :
of the lack of funds
volunteer program wou
disappeared if not for U �
interested citizens Put
ings were held �
sent to the City Coui
the volunteer prcx.
On Oct 7, 1975. the
Council voted to keep
program. The orgainza �
became Volunteer Greei
locally funded, sub-divisior
the Recreation Department.
Volunteer Greenvuie s n
is "turn spare time int
The Volunteer G
office is ocateC at 1 -
Third Streei Fhe phone
is 752-4137
"Volunteering isexchai
a little leisure for a lot
satisfaction for yours
others is the idea berime
vital Volunteer Greenville
New treatment may aid
SEATTLE (AP) - Persons with sickle cell anemia-
the blooc disease which afflicts as many as 50
million people, most of them black, and kills half
its victims before they reach age 20 - may live
longer with the help of a new machine that
treats their blood with a poisonous chemical.
Human testing will begin next year, says a
University of Washington researcher who helped
build and test one of the devices.
We' re closer now tham we' ve been for years
to a treatment for the disease, said Albert Babb,
chairman of nuclear engineering at UW and a
biochemical engineer. "There hasn't really been
any effective treatment that's been known to be
The federal government is buying three of the
experimental machines, which will be allocated
toUW, Ohio State University and the University
of Kansas, Babb said.
Fourteen to 16 patients will be tested during
the next two years.
Those afflicted have red blood cells which
form a crescent or sickle shape, and lose their
ability to move through body capillaries and thus
cut off oxygen supplies.
The new machine functions like a kidney
dialysis device, which was also developed at the
University of Washington.
Patients' blood would be pumped through the
machine and dosed with the chemical sodium
cyanate before being returned to the body.
Researchers hope the chemica
the cells from "sickimg Because the I
is toxic, almost all of it must be ren
the blood is returned to the body. Bar
Tests made with sheep showed "abs
no side effects" to the blood. Babb said. Shei
don't get the disease but are gooc
animals because of their docne nature
If the treatment works as expected, a oat �
might undergo machine treatment once
two weeks in a single ax-hour session. Bab;
That compares with kidney dialysis treatrrr
of four to six hours three times per wee-
Babb said the machines if success
produced in quantity, "shouldn't be ten r
more expensive than a deluxe kidney macr
about $6,200.
As many as 50 million people arcx.
world may have the hereditary diseases, a
estimated one of every 500 black cnar-
the United States has it. Babb said
He satd about half the victims die by � I �
they are 20. with few others past ac
Jand researces hve spenf
$330,000 in federal funds on their re
during the past two years
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31 August 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 7
Sgt. Pepper's
Sappily good-natured
Trends Editor
Director Ken Russell might have
made something of music mogul-
cum-movie producer Robert iq-
wcod s unbelievable flop Sgf Pee-
per s Lonely Hearts Club Band
Though his style is overtly fren-
etic Russell never takes on a film
without a singleness of
No-name Michael Schultz brings
some of the most innovative music
ever written for the rock chartsthe
masses into the worst of all possible
cinematic worlds. He does this
without imagination and without
His camera angles wouldn't do
justice to a television soap opera and
his obvious studio style photography
doesn't echo any real style at all. The
film ends up parodying Russell, the
Beatles, and worst of all itself.
Comedian Steve Martin embod-
ies this unintentional preoccupation
by doing a second rate Steve Martin
impersonation, singing off-key, and
dancing badly. He reminds us of 30's
triple threat Ruby Keeler who not
only had difficulty with her singing
and dancing, but couldn't act
either-something nobody gets a
chance to do in this film. (As history
has shown us, Keeler was a star just
Lawrence to render Caruso. Operatic
vocals are something rock group
Queen might have lended to Sgt,
Pepper's to make ubiquitously cam-
py. Would that be any more absurd
than asking Earth Wind and Fire to
perform "Got to Get You Into My
Even more intolerable than mu-
sical blasphemy is the theft of the
original plot of the 1968 from Yellow
Submarine. The film is worth
mentioning retrospectively as it
provided a thorough audiovisual
sauna worth immersing oneself in.
As everyone must know by now,
this is a cartoon feature in which the
Beatles are represented by their own
singing and music-making; for the
rest, there are four scriptwriters
writing their lines, four actors
speaking them, and God knows how
many animators under Heinz Edel-
mann's direction.
As in Sgt Pepper's, the irrespon-
sible four save the good, tuneful folk
of Pepperland from the monstrous,
music-hating Blu Meanies. Not since
the Seven Against Thebes was there
so mighty a coalition, and here,
moreover, the outcome is more
pleasant. The Pop Muses are heard
again in Pepperland, and the Blue
Meanies are sent to blazes.
Visually, every conceivable style
in thrown in. There is psychedelic,
op and pop, dada and surrealistic
to butcher and defame a rock
classic such as the Beatles'
"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts
Club Band as Robert Stigwood
has. In an attempt to further
milk the public by using film to
promote his albums, Stigwood
has released a vulgar collection
of remakes of Beatles' songs by
the Bee Gees, Peter Frampton,
pictured, Steve Martin, and
Earth, Wind, and Fire, among
others. AII are atrocious.
�THE BEE GEES fare slightly
better in the singing department
-Peter Frampton doesn t
Frampton is asked merely to
smile sweetly and roll his eyes
heavenward. His vocals are
bar el v passable on his own
reco, asking Frampton
to smg tor these updated
versions of Beatles classjcs is
like ashmg Steve Lawrence to
the same.)
The Bee Gees fare slightly better
in the singing department-Peter
Frampton doesn't. Frampton is
asked merely to smile sweetly and
"It lacks the mixture of
naivete and cynicism,
ofcoziness and
exploitation that came
across in Yellow
roil his eyes heavenward. His vocals
are barely passable on his own
recordings-asking Frampton to sing
for these updated versions of Bea-
tles' classics is like asking Steve
Verbaly there is paronomasia:
pun after pun after pun after pun.
Brilliant ones and bad ones, all
casually flung off and left to stand on
the basis of their own merits. The
sight gags and sound gags are
innumerable. The songs are some of
the best, if not the best, of the
By comparison, Sgt. Pepper's is
sappily good-natured,too commer-
cial, too lacking in the old Beatle
rebelliousness. Finally, the film fails
to move. It lacks the mixture of
naivete and cynicism, of coziness
and exploitation that came across in
Yellow Submarine.
Under different direction, produc-
tion, and scriptmg,Sgf. Pepper's
could have been a portrait of the
authors as not quite so young men
that might have explained where all
those flower children have gone.
Stigwood's Sgt. Pepper's
'butchers and defames
Beatles' rock classic'
Robert Stigwood should be shot.
It's criminal for anyone to butcher and defame a rock classic such as
The Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band like Robert Stigwood
has. In an attempt to further milk the public by using film to promote his
albums, Stigwood has released a vulgar collection of remakes of Beatles
songs by the Bee Gees, Peter Frampton, Steve Martin, and Earth, Wind
and Fire, among others. All are atrocious.
Steve Martin and Peter Frampton provide the most embarrassing
moments on the album. Frampton's lack of talent is compounded by the
fact that he got top billing in this fiasco, so naturally he sings more than
anybody el so except the Bee Gees. Frampton simply cannot sing these
songs. His � voice is incapable not only of expressing the emotional lyrics
of these songs, his voice is incapable of even hitting the right notes in the
right key. How in God's name this man can keep selling albums is beyond
Martin's long awaited movie debut as Dr. Maxwell Edison is equally
bad. His ridiculously exaggerated rendition of "Maxwell's Silver
Hammer ail the while zapping young people into a master race of evil
zombies, is too much to stomach.
After Frampton and Martin, the next worse performers are the Trash
Trio emulating the Fab Four, the Bee Gees. Their tight harmonies allow
no room for any feeling or spirit to seep through the lushly crafted songs.
George Martin, producer of both soundtrack and the Beatles albums from
which the songs came, was unable to surpass or even match his previous
arrangements, generally saddling the songs with unnecessary horns,
strings, or backing choruses. In short, dreaming up the most
inappropriate effect imaginable and then including it in the song
Frampton and the Bee Gees are the culprits behind 16 of the 28
soundtrack songs. Their faults multiply when they join forces to sing as
the title band. .
Aside from Aerosmithand Sandy Farina, every participant wastes their
talent in this venture. The arrangements are dull, the performances are
crap and the whole thing sounds as if it was pieced together as an
afterthought as if they had made a silent movie and later decided to add
the soundtrack. It is fitting that a pair of Radio Shack home built robotsare
chosen to sing several songs, apparently, the soundtrack was constructed
by robots. . ,iit
The only other bright spot on the album is Aerosmith s cover of Come
Together" which changes little from the original, but instead� Ptaysthe
tune with an intensity bordering on insanity. �eve Tyler s snarling vocals
taunt and tease the listener into submission.
Mean Mr. Mustard played byFrank Howerd, comesacrossipt so much
as an evil villain out to conquer the world as he does a lecherous old
It's still a little early in the year to be making predictions, but certainly
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band ranks as one of, if not the worst
albums recorded by a human being in 1978.
GEORGE BURNS LEADS the fanfare at a benefit in his honor
Stigwood, Schultz
and Martin cash
in on Pepper's
This year, the .big scale musical movie has
resurfaced in Hollywood and Robert Stigwoco
is cashing in on It. SSgtf. Pepper s Lonely
Hearts Club Band is just one film in a growing
list of assets.
Director Michael Schultz is best known for
Universal's hit comedy musical Car Wash.
which was also produced by Stigwood. Other
Schultz screen credits include Cooley High.
Grepd Lightning, and Which Way is UP�
Stigwood is also responsible for John
Travolta sSaturday Night Fever as well as the
films Grease and Tommy.
This Christmas, Stigwood will have a new
movie in the theatres, Moment by Moment.
teaming Lily Tomlin with Travolta.
And currently in England, he has opened
the musical Evita , on the London stage.
Producer of the Sgt. Pepper's soundtrack.
George Martin, first discovered the Beatles
and then, a decade ago, recorded their original
album of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club
All of Martin's new arrangements of the
original have been recorded in 24 track Dolby
stereo sound.
The deluxe two album set of the entire
soundtrack is released through Stigwood s
own RSO Records.
c RFSIl ENCB Council will sponsor Fragile for a free
THE Me!�fng of Tues Sept. 5, from 630 to 930.
m-flCa0? Atlanta, Qa. and ptays a rock and roil format.
rT f from Anar�.
They will also perform excellent top 40 and disco sounds as well.
The concert is free oourtesy of the MRC.
wins award
ECU News Bureau
Jeffry Krantz, a 1978 graduate of the School
of Music at ECU, has received the cash grant of
$1,800 from the Greenville branch of the
American Association of University Women to
assist him in studying abroad during 1978-79.
Krantz will study voice in Vienna, Austria, at
the Hochschule fur Musik und Darstellende
Kunst. He will concentrate on opera and concert
A bass-baritone of recognized musical and
dramatic ability at ECU, he studied with Gladys
White. During his studies at ECU, he performed
leading roles in Leonard Bernstein's Mass,
Verdi's La Traviata and Mozart's The Magic
He received the "Best Actor" award in the
Dionysia Foreign Language Drama competition
at Clemson University for his performance in the
beginning German category.
A cum laude graduate, Krantz held an
academic scholarship while at ECU. He was a
member of Phi Kappa Phi and Pi Kappa Lambda
honor societies.
Before entering ECU, Krantz was a pupil of
Evelyn Jane Murray Dillard who won the AAUW
scholarship award in 1960. Dillard studied in
Germany, performed in concert and opera
throughout Europe and won an international
voice competition in Geneva before she returned
to make her in Charlotte, where she teaches voice
at UNC-Charlotte.
Krantz is the final winner in a series of
Foreign Study Scholarship awards given by the
Greenville AAUW. The check was presented by
co-chairman of the awards committee, Norma
Gray and Marguerite Perry, at a meeting
arranged by Tor a Larsen, treasurer of the
Louise Williams, long aoccoiated with the
scholarship award, and Mrs. White were r-esent
to congratulate the winner and w
before he leaves fa New Yak nex
Krantz is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A.R.
Krantz, Jr of Charlotte.

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P�g� 10 FOUNTAINHEAD 31 Augut 1978
Hog Book
Hedgepeth celebrates porcine life
Staff Writer
This review of William Hedgepeth's The Hog Book appears in
two installments. Look for the conclusion in the Trends section of
The Hog Book is a book about hogs: big hogs, small hogs,
young hogs, old hogs, spotted poland china hogs, all kinds of
The hog in legend is discussed in it, so too are the hog in
history, the hog in heaven, and even the hog in heat.
Everything one oould possibly want to know about hogs is in
this book. Two hundred seventy two pages of nothing but hogs.
Who would have the daring, the gall, to not only pen an entire
voiume about hogs, but to offer it for consumption not to the
hog-raiser readers of The Razorback Hog Breeders' Gazette (one
of the nation's best pig periodicals) but to the mass reading
Only one man (obviously, since he's the only one to do so), a
man named William Hedgepeth.
But then, this is not quite as dull as The Razorback Hog
Breeders Gazette. Rahter, this is a surprisingly interesting and
entertaining book. It's filled with a hog's weight worth of wit,
humor, poetry, and illustrations. In fact, your basic
"American-Gothic" type pig farmer would probably take a dim
view of the often lighthearted treatment hogs are given by the
For instance, following a mostly straight faced recitation of the
scientific classification of the common pig which by the way is -
class: mammalia, order; artiodactyla, suborder: sui formes, family:
suidae, subfamily: suinae, genus: sus) we are given subchapters
on how to tell hogs from kangaroos, seals, bears, opossums, and
crows. (The easiest way to tell a hog from a crow: it takes much
longer to each a hog).
Nor would the dour, puntan pig-raiser think much of the Hog
Book's high-falutin" poeticizing over his precious piggies. Here's
an example of the book's porcine poetry:
We're seated in the dining room
Enjoying a buffet
Of bacon, ham and sausage that
The cook prepared today;
A nd the chitterlings and spare ribs
Plus pork chops, spam and brain
I can' t imagine why my hog
Has chosen to refrain
surprisingly interesting and en-
tertaining book. It's filled with a
hog's weight worth of wit,
humor, poetry, and illustra-
tions. In fact, your basic "Amer-
ican-Gothic" type of pig farmer
would probably take a dim view
of the often lighthearted treat-
ment hogs are given by the
Interested in
writing for
Call 757-6366
Claudia Weill to appear
in feature,Girl Friends
Associated Press Writer
made Claudia Weill think she
oould make a feature movie?
"I was just nuts, I guess
explains the 31-year-old New
Yorker. "But I wanted to try it. I
9We �$ a difference
The Classic

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Located on the corner of 5th and Beade St.
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Open from 7a.m. -
Telephone 758-1867 open 7 days a week.
. Capezios
had made documentaries, short
films for 'Sesame Street film
assignments for television stat-
ions, all kinds of shorts. I
wanted to try something differ-
She succeeded. Warner
Bros, released her "Girl
Friends" to splendid business
in New York City despite the
newspaper strike. Charcteristi-
cally, Claudia Weill went into
the Manhattan streets with her
star, Melanie Mayron, to distri-
bute handbills advertising the
Why not? "Girl Friends"
has been a onepwoman crusade
since its beginnings three years
ago. Unlike most such film
projects, this one has a happy
ending. "Girl Friends" has
rough edges, but they contri-
bute to the convincing quality of
the film.
It is the story of Susan
Weinblatt, an eager young
photographer trying to carve a
career in Manhattan. She loses
her roommate - well-played by
Anita Skinner - suffers rejection
by editors, endures failed rom-
ances, skirts the edge of pover-
ty. Melanie Maron plays Susan
with rare versimihtude; she
should oertainly score in the
1978 Academy Award raos.
Claudia Weill is a Raddiffe
College graduate whose most
notable achievement was an
Academy nomination for her
documentary of a China trip led
by Shirley MacLaine. Her first
move toward fiction film came
with a $10,000 grant from the
American Film Institute. She
and Vicki Polon conceived a plot
for a short film, and Polon wrote
the script.
"The story was designed so
it could be expanded Weill
said. "After I had expended the
AFI money, I applied for
another grant from the New
Yak State Arts Council, then
another from the National En-
dowment of the Arts
Weill picked Melanie
Mayron out of "Harry and
Tonto found other actors
through friends, by watching
plays and auditions, and by
circulating biographical sket-
ches of the charactes to agents.
The only names in the cast
are Eli Wallach. as a married
rabbi who almost dallies with
the photographer, and Viveca
Lindfors as a gallery owner.
She shot the film in ax
weeks more than two years ago.
"When it was over I was
deeply in debt she recalled.
"I wasn't able to see the dailies
because I couldn't afford a
projection room. Nor oould I
remove the film from the lab
because of unpaid bills
An accountant named Stan
Plotnick came to her resuoe. he
found private investors to sup-
ply money needed for additional
footage, scoring, enlarging the
film from 16mm to 35mm. and
so on. Final oost: $500,000. of
which one-fifth was endowment
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31 August 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 11
t atrick O'Neal stars in new television
drama. Galloway's Climb, to air in 76 cities
� � � (o thre
kxxs, this season in
ng the head
� in the new CBS

haired man with
�� ense of hunxx
signed tor
: promised
t show
� ecting
Fla he
limed tor his Broadwav
work and such films as " A Fine
The former student of New
acting gurus Sanford
- and Lee Stasberg was
asked f he'sever directed a TV
show before.
Some directors I work with
ay I di t all the time he
: But no. not officially,
although I did it and also wrote
when I was in the Air Face
With the prospect of direct-
civilians now. he also has
begun scnvening again, too.
He says he's writing one "Kaz"
Solzhenitsyn translator dies
He's tried screenwnting be-
fore, he said but it's mostly
been inoomplete It's a funny
mena that's haDDened.
I often wish, though, that
things hadi i i wu ked out so well
for me as an actor
' But I never stopped long
enough to say. Wait a minute,
I want to go over and do tl
things Mavbe now. thouah
O'Neil, whocalis New York
home but maintains a nous
here, said his shxting schedule
for "Kaz" has given him
time now to think serious
having to go at directing and
writ i
"I'd definite . all it a
parttime job. I usually mocV
about three days a .�.��� he
I have to stay here. I can't
go off to Mexico or whereever
So what it leaves me is time. So
to use that time. I can either
n another resturant or write
' direct something
But he has no plans to open
thei resturant. He just re-
ly started the bar here with
Carroll O'Connor. He also
must tend to six other watering
holes he owns back in New
I'm always asked that the
acting publican grinned. "I
think the answer is: I don't
know. It didn't come from any
great business idea. We just
ml to have some fun. It began
irk. I just wanted to have
a place to hang out
Man tries to 'stay awake'
ASHEVILLE. N.C. (AP) - Danny
Buckner was sabotaged the last
time he tried it, but this time
he's sure he can break the
world's record for staying awake
with the help of an ice bucket,
his trusty guitar and a nearly
minature golf course
"Ever since I was about 14.
I've wanted to break a world
record said Buckner, now 25.
as he sipped his 28th cup of
coffee of the day.
The record Buckner is
aiming at is 18 days. 17 hours.
But the young heavy machine
operator says his real target is
30 days.
His first attempt began Aug.
8. but it ended five days later
when somebody apparently
drugged his coffee while he was
outside his headquarters, a local
resturant. The prank cost him
two trips to the hospital, but it
didn't dampen his enthusiasm.
His technique is ample - at
the resturanl I - uge
quantities oi -� "�- - I hats
with otf
eat high prof
starchy, heavy things I'm
drinking coffei but I just
ked ��� th a doctor and
told me how n 1 would be
thy, a
he said
guita go play
Putt-Putt, just something
moving, to ke�
alert That includes plungn
his head int
water from time 1 I
526 S. Cotanche St.
Down Town

� �� ,
Glen Turner is
'back on the track9
are a bit
. - the
tics and motivational
n themselves is i
j nan � � nto the
il -se is accompanied
state se
Drought on by the
: ales empire are not
he says. "They want
1. and they believe I can do
el can't do any
� � eg I'ure.
I in Marion,
i-nchesa hitect of a
� mink-oil
i I
1973-74 amidst
� � g of investors in
rjme taxes.
ns of the Securities and
ire stiH pending in many
md various companies he
nms he owes more than $1
cost many thousands of
east, an estimated $44

mill '
jnf, . , � onti � rsial Turner announced earlier this year
he had become president of a new comestics and health food
marketing corporation called Sunshine Resource? International,
wj� Miami and this Central Florida community
The firm isexpandingitsoperations throughout the Southeast.
irner said he'd learned his lessons, would abide by the law
and would outperform his 1967-74 record of international
.vas a dumb country boy said the boisterous promoter
about the collapse of the Glenn Turner Enterprises and Koscot
- �� e dumb, but I'm not as country.
He is carrying the same blend of cracker barrel philosophy, and individual initiative he used in business into
the political arena.
No copyright agreement ex-
- � ween the two nations at
and the Russian
� received any royal-
from the meager sales.
book was a financial
the small publishing
� the school says.
the publi-
Soizhenitsyn won the
� ' literature.
Blad" � � - served in Army
-ligence during World War
'Ked in the office
� the Chief of Psychological
� "� i iling
��� " sia ind Eastern Eur-
� - . ite affairs.
ed "he university in
196 . . � t . eral
boc ' he Strategy
: the
f fthei Nations and
� Deceit: Frat:
Forgi � a Inti .
For insurance C All:
rill McDonald
E. loth Street
Greenville, N.C.
Phone 75Z-66SO
Wt- a good neighbor.
State arm is then
Honor )ffi es Blooming! o n Illinois
12 Exp. Color Film
Developed and Printed
� Kodacolor
� Fugi
(Foreign Film
Not Included
20 Exp. Color Film
Developed and Printed
� Kodacolor
� Fugi
(Foreign Film
Not Included
$349 f
Ektachrome or Kodachrome Processing
2As $149 !
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Over 200 SEIKO watches
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Come by, if we don't have that peiscnal hem, well get it for you!
Floyd G. Robinson Jewelers
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AU Day Friday. Saturday, and Sunday-
is Family Day at Bonanza.
2 Top Sirloin Dinners
)ur 5 oz. Top Sirloin Dinner
includes choice of potato ?
Texas Toast and salad from
our FREE all-you-can eat
Salad Bar
� CWldPlate FREE.
Includes Hamburger, French Fries and Lollipop
with Free drink.
Try our luncheon sandwich menu. SI.11) to S2.39
520 North Greenville Blvd.
(264 By Pass) Greenville
New Hours
SunThurs. 11 a.m9 p m.
Fri. & Sat 11 am -10 d


Pacua 12 l-UUNl AINHEAD 31 Augual 1(78
Dye begins fifth season at ECU
Pirates open season against WCU
Sports Editor
One of the season's largest
crowds is expected for ECU'S
home opener Saturday night in
newly expanded Fioklen Sta-
dium when the Pirates square
off against Western Carolina.
And with crucial road con-
tests against Atlantic Coast
Conference foes N.C. State and
North Carolina just ahead, ECU
coach Pat Dye admits there's a
lot at stake against the danger-
ous Catamounts.
With the new stadium
expansion and the growth of our
program during the last few
years there's certainly a lot at
stake against Western Carolina,
Dye said Wednesday at his first
weekly press luncheon of the
season. "I was very, very
disappointed with the way our
season ended last year I'm
anxious to see how we come
back after last season.
"We need to win this game
because we've got an extremely
difficult road schedule this
season continued Dye,
We've worked awfully hard in
preparing for this season. Our
players have maintained an
excellent attitude and our coach-
es have done a fine job
Last season, the Catamounts
finished with an impressive
6-4-1 reoord and have one o? the
finest passing quarterbacks in
the nation, in 6-1, 204 pound
Mike Pusey.
Pusey oompleted 140 passes
for 1,939 yards and 13 touch-
downs in '77 and ranked among
the nation's leaders in passing
and total offense.
"Without question he's the
finest quarterback we've faced
since I've been in Greenville
claimed Dye. now in his fifth
season at ECU. "He's a pure
passef and an excellent all-
round athlete. He's not a
scrambler, but he can break
'acklersandget rid of the ball in
a hurry
"The key to stopping Pusey
will depend largely on our pass
rush if we let him stand back
there he'II get people open and
they'll hurt us.
The last time ECU faced
Western Carolina, the Pirates
were forced to come from
behind in the second half to
capture a hard earned 24-17
victory The series is now tied at
13 games apiece with the last
Catamount victory over ECU
dating back to 1962 when
Western Carolina won 20-16 in
"I believe we're a hungry
football team right now ex-
plained Dye. "I'm not going to
make any rash predictions about
how good we will be this season,
only time will tell. But this team
certainly has the ability to be
Dye indicated there would
be several changes in the lineup
Saturday night. Defensively,
D.T. Joyner and Vance Tingler
have earned starting roles at the
defensive tackle positions. Noah
Clark, a starter last season, and
. sophomore NateWigfallwill also
see plenty of action at tackle.
"D.T. has been the highlight
of fall practice noted Dye.
"He's been a real pleasant
surprise since we figured he was
going to wrestle this year and
come back and play football next
Dye also mentioned fresh-
man John Hallow would see
action at noseguard behind
starter Oliver Felton while soph-
omore Jeffrey Warren would be
the primary substitute at line-
James Freer will be the
�number one backup at corner-
back behind starters Charlie
Carter and Willie Hoiley while
Wayne Perry would see some
action behind safeties Ruffin
McNeill and Gerald Hail.
Dye also said Steve Greer
has clearly established himself
as the backup quarterback be-
hind Leander Green and that the
Durham native would see action
against Western Carolina.
Steve has gained a lot more
confidence in himself and the
entire coahoing staff has been
pleased with his progress
praised Dye. "He will play in
several series in the first half
and a few more in the second
half. I want to let him know we
have confidence in his ability to
run the team when Leander gets
hurt or needs a breather.
"It could make a big differ-
ence in the fourth quarter in a
crucial game that we have a
rested quarterback. Steve needs
to get some playing time and
develop confidence in himself
on the field
Noting the PiratesBill Lamm
will handle the PAT's and field
goals inside the 35 while Vern
Davenport will kickoff and
attempt field goals outside the
36Rodney Allen will handle
the punting.
Pat Dye
Simply SpOrtS Catamounts ailing in opener
ECU-State, UNC tickets
Sam Rogers
Our old friend Chip?
When the Pnate sports fans pick up the Raleigh News and
Observer this fall to read about ECU football, you may or may not
recognize the name Chip Alexander underneath the headlines.
Yes. it's the same Chip Alexander who covered Pirate
basketball last season. Alexander quickly became a rekn.
figure around the ECU athletic department after a two-part series
about head basketball coach Larry Gillman.
Alexander followed those stories with mroe interesting poop on
Gillman including the reports concerning his employment �
the Chicago Bullsand most recently the NCAA investigation of the
Pirate basketball program.
So apparently. Alexander did such an excellent job with ECU
basketball. Sports Editor Joe Tiede decided he would obviousK
the best man for Pirate footbaii.
But before anyone starts complaining or muttering obscenities
about this particular sportswnter, let's take a closer look at his
Chip was born and raised in'the heart of Wolf pack Country,
Raleigh. N.C. He attended Needham Broughton High School
where he played football and yes, you guessed it. graduated from
North Carolina State University.
He is. and will always be. an ardent supporter of N.C. State
athletics, which isn't very encouraging since the Pirates have
beaten N C State on the football field fa the last two years
But Chip's not one to hold a grudge. Even if ECU dumps the
Pack again this season, he oontends it will have no affect
whatsoever on his sportswriting. But, if N.C. State beats the
Prates. Alexander will certainly be satisfied his alma mater is the
better team no matter how many games ECU wins or loses this
Oddly enough Chip never took a single journaHsm class or
wrote for the Technician while at N.C. State, but two weeks after
graduation h� started writing sports for the Wilm-ngton
Star-News He spent two years in Wilmington before returning to
Raleigh ana did an little stringing for the News and Observer
before beginning full time work last fall when he oovered Duke
Around Atlantic Coast Conference sportswriters. Chip is
known as "The Slammer An emotiona writer, he sometimes
slams his fist down on the press table a'ter a poor call by an
official. Press row in Raleigh's Reynolds Coliseum has numerous
dents m it, and Chip will undoubtedly put a few more in the new
Fioklen Stadiun pressbox before the end of the season.
But Chip is a professional. He has extraordinary insight into
sports and is certainly one of the more colorful writers on the News
and Observer sports staff. He, along with the N & O's A.J. Carr,
are probably two of the best "feature" writers in the state.
Chip snot hard to recognize. He's 28 years old, stands 6-3, and
weighs 185 pounds. An immaculate dresser he looks more like a
quarterback than a sports writer.
So if you're standing around the ECU dressing room after a
game or see him wandering around in downtown Greenville on a
Saturday night, stop and offer him some advice or maybe even a
little praise.
He could use a little of both.
Sports Editor
Western Carolina head
coach Bob Waters and his
Catamounts view their season
opener this Saturday with Easi
Carolina much like the Pirates
do .vith their games against
Atlantic Coast Conference
tors, like ECU'S Dye.
adn -nee-1 n-a-season
chance for the underdogs to
knock off a bigger, more presti-
gious school which psychoiogi-
i!S players.
Playing East Carolina is
more than just another game for
us admitted Waters in a
telephone interview from his
office Wednesday. "It'scertain-
ly a challenge for us to play East
Carolina anytime. They're one
of the best if not the best team.
we'll face all year. We'll be
playing m front of the biggest
crowd and our fans ah know
what beatmg a school like ECU
d do for our program. I'd be
crazy to admit it's just another
Waters, now beginning his
10th season at Western Caro-
lina, produced one of themost
exciting offensive teams m the
oountry last year. With quarter-
back Mike Pusey (pronounced
Pew-see) at the controls, the
Catamounts finished 11th in the
nation in passing offense with
just over 220 yards a game.
Cat back Wayne Tolleson led
the nation in receiving with 73
passes for 1101 yards and 13
touchdowns, while halfback
Darreli Lipford rushed for 1364
yards, scored 16 touchdowns
and finished second in the
nation in total points scored.
Although Western Carolina
started slowly losing its first
three games, the Cats late
season surge produced five
straight victories including a
44-14 victory over Appalachian
State in the season's finale.
The Catamounts want to
extend their winning streak to
six games against ECU Satur-
day, but Waters admits the
Pirates will be tough to stop
both offensively and defen-
Coach Dye always has
tough defensive teams and it
looks like this year will be no
exception said Waters,
"They've got some great offen-
sive backs in Eddie Hicks and
Theodore Sutton, but our big-
gest problems is trying to match
ECU's quickness. We've got to
find a way to counteract their
Western Carolina has only
four players bigger than 200
pounds starting on defense and
the average weight in the
offensive line is just over 220
pounds. Injuries have also ham-
pered the Cats preparations for
Catback Gerald Harp, the
team'stop turning receiver from
last year, has been sidelined
with an ankle injury and may not
play while halfback Mitchell
Ray, and fullbacks Andy Jordan
and Jeff Norman have ail
missed practice this week and
are also doubtful starters.
"We're hurting in our key
skill positions explained
Waters, "but we're not making
any excuses. We re real excited
about the game and I'm still
confident we can move the bait
against East Carolina
The Western Carolina-ECU
series is tied at 13 games apiece
although the Catamounts almost
upset the Pirates in the 1976
contest. ECU was foroed to rally
in the final quarter to capture a
24-17 victory.
"We felt like we played an
excellent game that year said
Waters. "But the game still
goes down in the loss column. It
doesn't make us happy to lose
any of our games and just
coming dose to beating East
Carolina this week won't satisfy
anyone either.
Next week, the Catamounts
will travel to Cookeville, Tenn.
for another important oontest
against Tennessee Tech.
Student tickets for the ECU
football games against N.C.
State and North Carolina will go
on sale Tuesday, Sept. 5 at the
Athletic Ticket Office now loca-
ted in the front of Minges
Coliseum. The ticket office will
open at 830 a.m.
Each student may purchase
one ticket for $4.00 and an
additional ticket for $8.00. Stu-
dents must have their I.D. and
their activity card to purchase
ECU will face N.C. State
Sept. 9 in Raleigh and will travel
to Chapel Hill Sept. 16 to play
North Carolina.
There are still plenty of
tickets remaining for the Pirates
season opener against Western
Carolina University Saturday
The Athletic Ticket office is
open daily from 830 a.m. until
4 30 p.m.
ECU's Sutton
one fast 'toad'
Three Pirates selected on team
member of the ECU football
team have been named to the
1978 first Southern all-Indepen-
dent pre-season team.
Safety Gerald Hall, defen-
sive end Zack Valentine and
halfback Eddie Hicks were
"They're certainly as good
asany in the South ECU head
coach Pat Dye said. "I wouldn't
trade them for anybody else
anywhere. I like having them on
our side
Hall and Valentine are both
seniors from Edenton, N.C.
where they played together at
Holmes High School while Hicks
is also a senior from Henderson,
The team was chosen by
the 14 head coaches and com-
piled by the sports information
directors of the schools. Eleven
of the 14 schools had at least on
player selected.
Florida State topped the
voting by placing five players on
the team. The Seminoies
making the initial selection
include center Gil Wesley, and
lineman Nat Handerson on
offense and end Willie Jones,
guard Ron Simmons and back
Ivory Joe Hunter on defense.
Georgia Tech placed four
players on the team while ECU,
South Carolina and Virginia
Tech had three each.
Offense-C (tie), Danny
Clancy (SC) and Gil Wesley
(FSU); linemen, Randy Butler
(a Miss.), Nate Henderson
(FSU). Leonard Walker (Va.
Tech), Mike Taylor (Ga. Tech);
TE, Steve Alvers (Miami); WR,
Ernest Gray (Memphis a.); 06,
Roch Hontas (Tulane); RB,
Eddie Lee Ivery (Ga. Tech),
Eddie Hicks (ECU), Mickey
Fitzgerald (Va. Tech).
Sports Information Off ice
For openers, having Theo-
dore Sutton at fullback is okay.
ECU fans liked what they saw in
their 5-9, 207-pound fullback in
last year's first game against
N.C. State and are hoping to see
Sutton and his teammates get
off to anothe fast start this fail.
The Pirates kickoff the 1978
season at home Sept. 2 against
Western Carolina in newly-
expanded Ficklen Stadium.
Kickoff is set for 7 p.m.
Sutton raced for 127 yards,
the most by a Pirate all last fail,
when he assumed the starter's
role against the Woifpack as a
late replacement for the injured
Vinos Koianko.
For "Toad as his team-
mates refer to him, the season
about to open is a lot different
than his first varsity campaign,
Sutton is quick to say that he
was a bit nervous when he first
found out that he would start
against Sate.
"I wasn't sure if I oould
ooncentrate in front of 50,000
people long enough to do my
job Sutton sayd. "I was a bit
nervous, too, but once the
hitting started I just seemed to
forget about the crowd.
It took just that one game to
establish Sutton as the starting
fullback for the rest of the year.
In fact, he was the leading
Pirate ground gainer in 1977
with 706 yards and a 5.6 yards
per carry average. Not bad
figures at all for an unrecruited
But how did Pirate head
coach Pat Dye find out about the
Kinton native in the first place?
"I guess the first time coach
Dye saw me was in a game
against Rose High we played in
Greenville Sutton said. I had
a pretty good game that night
and I at least got him to notice
me some. Later in the year he
spoke at our awards banquet
and I told him that I would like
to play at East Carolina. He said
he couldn't promise me any-
thing except a fair chance. So. I
gave it a try
As a junior, Theo finds
himself in a different position
than last year.
"I feel better about starting
in the first game this year
because I gained a lot of
experience last year Sutton
said. "Say, for example, when
we look at films I know what to
look for as strengths and
we&Knesses in another team's
defense. I can see from the films
that Western Carolina will be a
really tough opener for us
Dye and Pirate fans are
noping for another fast start this
year from Theodore Sutton
ndary awaits
Sports Editor
ECU head coach Pat Dye and member of the Pirate defensive
secondary have reached a mutual agreement on at least one thing
before Saturday's season opener against Western Carolina.
That Catamount quarterback Mike Pusey is the finest passing
i quarterback the Pirates have ever faced.
"He's even a better passer than pat Sullivan, I think said
Dye, now in his fifth season at ECU. Sullivan, was the 1971
Heisman Trophy winner when Dye served as an assistant at
Last year, Pusey made shambles of opponents secondaries
completing 140 passes for 1939 yards and 13 touchdowns which
ranked 10th in the nation. He also finished 8th in the nation in total
offense with 1,985 yards.
" He's a very intelligent quarterback said cornerback Charlie
Carter, who intercepted two passes last season. "He checks off
very quickly and reads offenses real well. The game will certainly
be a test for our secondary, but we're much more experienced
than we were last season, We'll probably use a lot of zone
coverage against them, but we'll also mix it up with some
Wayne Tolleson, the nation'stop pass receiver last season with
73 catches for 1101 yards and seven touchdowns, was Pusey's
favorite target. Tolleson, the Athlete of the Year In the Southern
Conferenoe, has graduated but the Catamounts still have a host of
talented receivers, according to Carter.
"Their receivers are not big, but they're extremely quick
and they' vegot good speed admitted Carter. "If we can pick off
a couple of Pusey's passes early, maybe we can discourage him
from throwing as much as he normally would
This season, Pusey wilt throw to his Catback Gerald Harp a
diminutive 5-7,151 pound speedster who caught 23 passes fa 287
yards and two touchdowns last year. Split end Fred Meadows, a
W0, 150 pound senior will be Pussy's other top receiver
Meadows caught seven passes for i09yards in '77.
"Gerald Harp is an except ionai athlete said ECU secondary
coach Bobby Wallace. "Harp's the guy they expect to replace
Tdlenson and he's capable of coming up with the big catch whan
they need it. Fred Meadows is an experienced receiver who has
excellent hands.
"All their receivers are small, but there fast and quick and
they can all go up in a crowd to catch the ball
Pusey isoartainly not the first exceptional passing quarterback
the Pirate secondary has seen. Last year N.C. State's Johnny
Evans, Duke's Mike Dunn and William and Mary's Tom Rozarrtz
all had little trouble finding their receivers.
But ECU'sother cornerback Willie Hoiley, along with the rest
of the secondaries, feels a year's experience has improved
everyone's confidence.
"We ware all young and inexperienoed last year admitted
Hoiley a junior from Edenton, N.C "We i�
gained a lot more confidence in myself ancUT ' Ve
and Ruffin McNeill have improved frornJ �? Charhe
"I've worked a lot durina ore
baJUdrcpped a lot of passS Z SZ�
Thoss .nteroeptions are important becausehevnteraed
around in a hurry ��� mey can turn a game
"I was scared to death in that first oam�
htunprepared for everything, but we've all ��? ' JF� a
other much batter end I think it's helped a kf? 1�" eaoh
� JJ8the ,lral t0 admJt the Rr� cin atop fw
Kthe defence line puts plenty of pressure ontnTs
early in the oontest. m ,Hfuj passer
"We've got to have that peas rush to hem �.
explained Wallace. " If we give him all tnJ000
apart. What presents even J???!��M �
throw, the sorean pee, ao well. Thev'liT � ��
middle with it and wrth leZ � up the
Plays. " weak seme big
"We know they're going to throw the ball
against us, but we've just got to stop their reoL tim8s
plays explained strong safety RuffmMc7 �9
�Ntoramor manHomen, we've got toflO0W J"?
paroant. �a ana give too

Hog Book
Hedgepeth celebrates porcine life
Staff Writer
This review of Wtlli�n HedgepetrY s The Hog Book appears in
twomsial.ments. Look fa the conclusion in the Trends seoTon of
The Hog Book is a book about hogs: big hogs, small hogs,
young hogs, old hogs, spotted poJand china hogs, all kinds of
The hog in legend is discussed in it, so too are the hog in
history, the hog in heaven, and even the hog in heat.
Everything one oould possibly want to know about hogs is in
this book. Two hundred seventy two pages of nothing but hogs.
Who would have the daring, the gall, to not only pen an entire
volume about hogs, but to offer it for consumption not to the
hog-raiser readers of The Razorback Hog Breeders' Gazette (one
of the nation's best pig periodicals) but to the mass reading
Only one man (obviously, since he's the only one to do so), a
man named William Hedgepeth.
But then, this is not quite as dull as The Razorback Hog
Breeders Gazette. Rahier, this is a surprisingly interesting and
entertaining book. It's filled with a hog's weight worth of wit,
humor, poetry, and illustrations. In fact, your basic
"American-Gothic" type pig farmer would probably take a dim
view of the often lighthearted treatment hogs are given by the
For instance, following a mostly straight faced recitation of the
scientific classification of the common pig which by the way is -
dass: mammalia, order: artiodactyla, suborder: suiformes, family:
suidae, subfamily: suinae, genus: sus we are given subchapters
on how to tell hogs from kangaroos, seals, bears, opossums, and
crows. (The easiest way to tell a hog from a crow: it takes much
longer to each a hog).
Nor would the dour, puntan pig-raiser think much of the Hog
Book'shigh-falutin' poeticizing over his precious piggies. Here's
an example of the book's porcine poetry:
We're seated in the dining room
Enjoying a buffet
Of bacon, ham and sausage that
The cook prepared today;
A nd the chitterlings and spare ribs
Plus pork chops, spam and brain
I can't imagine why my hog
Has chosen to refrain
surprisingly interesting and en-
tertaining book. It's filled with a
hog's weight worth of wit,
humor, poetry and illustra-
tions. In fact, your basic "Amer-
ican-Gothic" type of pig farmer
would probably take a dim view
of the often lighthearted treat-
ment hogs are given by the
Interested in
writing for
Call 757-6366
Claudia Weill to appear
in feature,Girl Friends
Associated Press Writer
made Claudia Weill think she
oould make a feature movie?
"I was just nuts, I guess
explains the 31-year-old New
Yorker. "But I wanted totry it. I
The Classic
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had made documentaries, short
films for Sesame Street film
assignments for television stat-
ions, all kinds of shorts. I
wanted to try something differ-
She succeeded. Warner
Bros, released her "Girl
Friends" to splendid business
in New York City despite the
newspaper strike. Charcteristi-
cally. Claudia Weill went into
the Manhattan streets with her
star, Melanie Mayron, to distri-
bute handbills advertising the
Why not? 'Girl Friends'
has been a onepwoman crusade
since its beginnings three years
ago. Unlike most such film
projects, this one has a happy
ending. "Girl Friends" has
rough edges, but they contri-
bute to the convincing quality of
the film.
It is the story of Susan
Weinblatt, an eager young
photographer trying to carve a
career in Manhattan. She loses
her roommate - well-played by
Anita Skinner - suffers rejection
by editors, endures failed rom-
ances, skirts the edge of pover-
ty. Melanie Maron plays Susan
with rare versimilitude; she
should certainly score in the
1978 Academy Award race.
Claudia Weill is a Radcliffe
College graduate whose most
notable achievement was an
Academy nomination for her
documentary of a China trip led
by Shirley MacLaine. Her first
move toward fiction film came
with a $10,000 grant from the
American Film Institute. She
and Vicki Polon conceived a plot
for a short film, and Polon wrote
the script.
"The story was designed so
it oould be expanded Weill
said. "After I had expended the
AFI money, I applied for
another grant from the New
York State Arts Council, then
another from the National En-
dowment of the Arts
Weill picked Melanie
Mayron out of "Harry and
Tonto found other actors
through friends, by watching
plays and auditions, and by
circulating biographical sket-
ches of the charades to agents.
The only names in the cast
are Eli Wallach. as a married
rabbi who almost dallies with
the photographer, and Viveca
Lindfors as a gallery owner.
She shot the film in six
weeks more than two years ago.
"When it was over I was
deeply in debt, she recalled
"I wasn't able to see the dailies
because I couldn't afford a
projedion room. Nor could I
remove the film from the lab
because of unpaid bills
An accountant named Stan
Plotnick came to her resuce. he
found private investors to sup-
ply money needed for additional
footage, scoring, enlarging the
film from 16mm to 35mm. and
so on. Final cost: $500,000, of
which one-fifth was endowment
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!PpTAINHEADarless Forait
Weaern Carolina at ECU
Penn Sate at Temple
Nebraska at Alabama
Texas-Arlington at Drake
Tennessee State at Micki.Tenn.
West Texas State at Miss, a
Texas-El Paso at North Texas
Eastern Mchigan at Northern
Southern Mississippi at Rich-
Arkansas State at Tulsa
ECU- 42-14
Penn State
Tennessee St.
Mississippi St.
North Texas St.
North Michigan
Southern Miss.
Arkansas St.
ECU ?7-13
Penn State
Middle Tenn. St.
Mississippi St.
Texas-El Paso
Nortuern Michigan
Southern Miss.
Arkansas St.
Penn State
Tennessee St.
Mississippi St.
North Texas St.
Eastern Michigan
Southern Miss.
Arkansas St.
ECU 38-14
Penn State
Tennessee St.
Mississippi St.
North Texas St.
Northern Michigan
Southern Miss.
Penn State
Tennessee St.
Mississippi St.
North Texas St.
Eastern Michigan
Southern Miss.
Arkansas St.
ECU offers
publicity clinic
ECU intramural office announces new trainers
Staff Writer
East Carolina's Intramural
department � offer the finest
intramural trainers and sports
mediane program in the state
this year and three qualified
sports medicine trainers have
been added to the intramural
staff to take charge of the
Dr. Wayne Edwards, ECU'S
Director of Intramurals has
announced the addition of Gra-
duate Assistants Nancy Hutch-
es. Ann Baker and Charles,
Fisher to serve as intramural
trainers for the coming year.
During the past three seasons,
the intramural program has had
only one trainer.
"We will offer three basic
programs of training and first-
aid to the student said
Edwards. "The first will consist
of precautionary taping, the
second will involve immediate
first-aid at the sight of the injury
and the third program will offer
limited followup rehabilitation
under the direction and advise
of the Infirmary staff
Edwards added that the
Trainer's Room, which is loca-
ted in the basement will be open
from 2:30 to 3.30 each afternoon
to provide taping of injuries for
ECU students participating in
intramurals, as well as to offer
assistance to students needing
followup care from injuries.
Such followup care will include
the application of heat and ice,
exercise, whirlpools and the
application of hydrocullulators.
One of the three trainers will
be at the intramural fields at all
times in the event an injury
occurs during a contest. The
trainer will be able to offer
first-aid if needed and will have
the authority to refer the patient
to the infirmary or hospital if
theinjury proves to be serious.
One of the three trainers on
duty will be at all intramural
activities which involve bodily
contact explained Edwards.
"In addition, our qualified
sports medicine persons will
work with all the dub sports
All three trainers are trained
in sports medicine and first-aid
skills. Each will be teaching a
class on first-aid as part of their
Graduate program.
Hut chins has already earned
her National Trainer's certifica-
tion as an Athletic Trainer and
Baker has taken her test for
national certification is waiting
for the official word on her
approval. Fisher will take his
certification exam next month.
Hutchins graduated from
Southwest Texas State College
and worked on all men's and
women's sports at the school,
including football and track.
Baker is a native of State
College, Pennsylvania and a
graduate of Penn State Univer-
sity. Fisher attended Indiana
University, where he earned his
B.S. in Health and Physical
Education and travelled with the
Hoosier football squad as a team
"With the expansion of our
program to three trainers, we
continue to grow in this pro-
gram said Edwards. "We
added two trainers because our
program has expanded so rapid-
ly that one certified trainer was
insufficient to provide quality
"We are the only school in
North Carolina and only one of
very few in the oountry that
offer on-the-field care for intra-
murals added Edwards. "We
have been allowed to do much
more this years than in past
years thanks to the help and
support we've been receiving
from the infirmary staff
The taping, first-aid and
training program will begin on
Tuesday, September 5. During
later parts of the year when
intramural activities are held
indoors, Dr. Edwards said he
hopea the training room hours
would be expanded.
"The thing that is most
important added Fisher, "Is
that the students know we are
here and that the service is
available to them.
The ECU Sports Information
Department will conduct a clinic
on Sat Sept. 2 about sports
information principles and tech-
niques. The session will be free
for interested high school and
junior high school coaches and
their student aides who will be
working with the media.
The four-hour program be-
gins at 9 a.m. Later in the
afterrnoon a tour of the new
ultr-modern East Carolina foot-
ball press box is scheduled.
Those attending the dinic
are invited to remain for the
Pirate's home opener at 7 p.m.
against Western Carolina Univ-
ersity as guests of the sports
information office. There will be
no charge for these tickets, but
advance notioe will be required
for football tickets.
"This is part of our exten-
sion effort to assist the commun-
ity and the state said Pirate
sports information diredor Walt
Atkins who will be presenting
the dinic, "We will be concern-
ing ourselves with covering
football, football statistical work
understanding the media and
how best to meet their needs, as
well as prindples fa dealing
with the media on a day-to-day
Atkins will also be oonduct-
ing a week-long seminar next
summer for those students
desiring more intense personal
instrudion and concentrated
pradice in the skills of journal-
ism and sports information
work. Carefully-seleded coun-
selors will enhance this prog-
There is no charge for the
Sept. 2 dinic, but advance
reservation are reoommended.
Contad the sports information
office by mail at Minges Colis-
eum, ECU, Greenville, N.C.
27834 or by calling 919-757-6491
N.C. No. 31 Nightclub
Pirates on television
tCU's entire 11-game regu-
lar season football schedule will
be elecast this fall by WITN-TV
(Channel 7) in Washington on a
delayed basis on Sundays this
The one-hour, edited pro-
duction, slated to be aired at
11:30 a.m. and again at 11 30
p.m. on the station for the first
time this year, will include all
the important adion and scoring
plays from the previous day's
game. Viewers may recognize
the format as being similar to
the national telecasts of Notre
Dame football.
Sports Diredor Dick Jcnes of
WITN-TV, along with his assis-
tant Ken Strayhorn, a former
all-Conferenoe running back,
will handle the comentary for
the games.
ECU golf
team meeting
Anyone interested in playing
golf this fall for the ECU men's
varsity team is asked to attend a
meeting Tuesday, Sept. 7 in
Room 144 in Minges Coliseum.
The meeting will start
promptly at 8 p.m. Mac
McLendon is the head golf
ooach. If you have any questions
call 757-6589.
Listen to the
on the radio
The Pirate Sports Network,
the off icial voice for live play-by-
play ooverage of ECU athletics
will again indude more than 20
radio stations, blanketing east-
ern North Carolina. It will be
third largest such network in the
state. The population in the
coverage area for Pirate football
will indude well over 2 million
The capable team of Jim
Woodsand Lee Moore will be in
its fifth year of handling the
broadcasts of ECU football this
fall. Woods, the sports diredor
of WNCT-TV in Greenville has a
background which indudes 28
years in broadcasting and
sportscasting. he will handle the
play-by-play chores fa this, his
tenth season with Pirate sports.
Moore, the sports director of
WCTI-TV in New Bern will
handle the color commentary thi
fall, his fifth with the network.
His background indudes prev-
ious sportscasting experience in
Hamilton, Ohio.
The Pirate Sports Network
will originate through the facili-
ties of WKTOFM in Tartooro, a
100,000 watt station that covers
eastern North Carolina.
The regional netwrok spon-
sor of Pirate football will be
Budweiser for the third consecu-
ECU tennis
team tryouts
A meeting for all members
of last year's ECU tennis team
will beheld Monday, Sept. 11 at
5 p.m. on the Minges Tennis
Anyone interested in trying
out for the team this year is
asked to attend a meeting at
8 p.m. in Room 141 in Minges
Coliseum. Randy Randolph is
the men's head tennis ooach.
Pat Dye Show
"The Pat Dye Show" which
highlights the ECU football
games each week will appear on
WNCT's Channel Nine this fall
for the fourth consecutive year.
ANCT Sports Diredor Jim
Woods will be the host. The
program will be shown on
Monday night beginning at 730
The first show will be aired
Sept. 4. Previously, "The Pat
Dye Show was shown at
various times on Sunday. Withe
tehswith to Monday evenings,
more Pirate fans will be able to
view the popular program.
Thorpe Music Co.
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AH persons who are full time students, graduate
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Seine positions may require prior
�.��i -I
For further inf
call John Jeter
General Manager
: WECU 757-6656.
Our first staff meeting is
coming up soon and will be announced.

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Offices: 23a, 233,334,335,236 & 237- Located In Mendenhall Student Center

1 September 1978 FOUNTAINHEAO Page 15
Pirates move into enlarged Ficklen Stadium
fr ,

East Carolina will unveil its
new football stadium Saturday
night with an expanded seating
capacity of 35,000. The stadium
is acsented with a three level
press box, with facilities for
T.V films, radio, writers, two
darkrooms and snack bar. For
the finishing touches, brand
new computerized scoreboard,
with message board, has been

Photo by Pete Podeszwa)
If you re into muac, you may as wefl shop at the
best record shop around!
208 E. 5th St
�THE Beatles Sgt Pepper
Picture Vinyl! theesuretobe
thenew Mother's Finest!
the new Rose Royce!
Ashf ord & Simpson!
write and reporters.
Several positions are
open on our staff.
Freshmen are
especially encouraged
to apply.
desperately needs staff John H. GrOgail
PHONE: (?!�) 754-MM
ECU opens it ssaac
day night against the
Carolina Catamounts.
Pirates finished 8-3 last
while the Cats (4� t 6-4-1
record. Kick off is sat Iff 7 p.m.
Plenty of tickets 4J rsfin tor
this big in-state tfMrf .Hpport
Pirate football.

� Septwi 1978
Chock-full of ECU's best poetry, photos,
philosophy, prints, paintings, and phantasmagoria. For writers.
For artists. For students. For your mother. Now accepting essays,
short stories, poetry, graphics, and quality spacefilled. Five time
winner of the Associated Collegiate Press All-American Award.
The Rebe
ECU's Literary -Art Magazine

Fountainhead, August 31, 1978
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
August 31, 1978
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