Fountainhead, June 22, 1977

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Serving the campus com-
munity for over 50 years.
With a circulation of 3,500,
this issue is 12 pages.
. r ru. iiniunrdtu ftrmnvilta- North Carolina 22 June 1977
Bikes impounded, p. 2
Heretic, p. 8.
Two swimmers signed, p. 9
Vol. 52, No. 56
East Carolina University
slashed, windows broken
Vandals damage cars
Co-News Editor
Six vehicles were vandalized
Monday night on James Street
between Seventh and Eighth
Streets. Both campus and city
police investigated the incident.
Slashed tires and broken
windows of the cars were dis-
covered between 1:30 a.m. and 2
a.m. Tuesday by ECU police
officer Doc Cannon.
According to campus Polioe
Chief Francis Eddings, Greenville
Police Department was contacted
since the cars were parked on a
city street.
"I haven't had anything hap-
pen to this extreme since I've
been here said Eddings. He
came to ECU in 1974.
Eddings said there was no
apparent reason for the vandal-
ism. Owners of the damaged cars
were contacted last night, he
said. All tires were slashed and
windows were broken of a '73
Ford belonging to James Mathe-
son of Hayesville.
Tires were removed from a' 70
Volkswagon owned by Hazel
Bradshawof Clinton.
Three tires of a '68 Chevrolet
owned by Wilson Burnette of
Hobgood were slashed.
Two tires of a '67 Dodge,
owned bv George Howard Harri-
See VANDALS, page 2.)
THE BUFFALO CHI PKICK ERS entertained on the mall Monday night
Photo by Pete Podeszwa
Staffers attend investigative
reporters, editors convention
Co-News Editor
members attended the second
annual convention of Investiga-
tive Reporters and Editors, Inc.
(I.R.E.) June 17 through June 19
at Ohio State University in
Columbus, Ohio.
Lynn Caverly, Doug White
and Cindy Broome represented
FOUNTAINHEAD at the con-
vention where approximately 500
people attended, including a
handful of student journalists.
Some of the speakers at the
convention included Carl Bern-
stein, formerly of The Washing-
ton Post, Jack Anderson, Wash-
ington columnist, Seymour Hersh
of The New York Times, and Joe
Murray, editor of The Lutkin
News, a Pulitzer prize-winning
newspaper in Texas.
The convention consisted of 16
workshops, and a special program
on The Phoenix Project, which is
group of reporters continuing the
work of Arizona Republic investi-
gative reporter, Don Bolles, who
was killed last summer.
Some of the workshops were
entitled "Investigating with petty
cash "Headhunters: politics
"White-collar crime "Ethics
and "Network '77
Carl Bernstein, along with
former colleague Bob Woodward,
uncovered the Watergate scandal
in The Washington Post.
Bernstein spoke at the final
luncheon Sunday.
"We were outsiders Bern-
stein said of himself and Wood-
"We were on the metropolitan
�' We didn' t have high sources
in the White House. We had to
start from the bottom and go up
- clerks, secretaries, administra-
tive assistants
Bernstein said they started
out as they had started any other
story, and he referred again to
their lack of White House
"We didn't have White House
sources we could take to the Sans
Souci (famous Washington
French restaurant) for lunch
said Bernstein.
Bernstein spoke of the White
House's attempt to undermine
the credibility of the press.
"The White House sought to
make the credibility of the press
the issue, instead of the conduct
of the White House men
Bernstein and Woodward
have received an estimated $3.5
million from their two best-selling
books, and have royalties from
the film, "All The President's
Men" to come, according to The
News and Observer.
Robert Greene, editor of
Newsdayand president of I.R.E
addressed the gathering concern-
ing The Phoenix Project.
Greene said I.R.E. was set up
Don Bolles' death, contrary to the
belief that it was organized after
his death.
Greene said I.R.E. went to
Arizona to continue Bolles' work,
not to investigate his death.
Greene said they hope that
those who think a reporter can be
silenced by death should take
note that other reporters will
continue his work.
A total of 36 reporters were
working on the project, with nine
reporters working at any given
time, according to Greene.
Greene said that when the
reporters arrived, the Phoenix
polioe said, "You are our last
hope against organized crime.
Politicians won't listen to us
Anthony Insolia, managing
editor of Newsday, acted as editor
of the group, according to
Greene said every story was
written at least once, and many
were rewritten five or six times.
Insolia said if he could have
changed anything about the pro-
ject, it would have been to have
more editing help.
Greene said he has been
asked to write a book about the
project, but he doesn't think they
should make money by helping
another reporter.
NEXT WEEK: a report on
Jack Anderson, Seymour Hersh,
and Joe Murray of the Pulitzer
prize-winning Lutkin News.
FRANCIS F.DDINbS, Campus Chief of Polioe
SGA transit system
running two routes
Staff Writer
The Student Government
Association's (SGA) bus services
are running two routes this
summer, according to SGA
Transit Manager Gene Summer -
The number of routes will
expand to three again in the fall.
The bus routes presently
include Mendenhall Student
Center and most of the apart-
ments and student residential
areas off campus.
No major changes have oc-
curred since Neil Sessoms, SGA
president, took office. According
to Summerlin, any changes would
be left up to the transit manager.
The bus routes will remain the
same as they have been for fall,
with the purple, gold and brown
schedules in full swing. An
additional bus is on standby in
case of mechanical failure.
According to Summerlin, the
schedules have already been
extended by one hour from last
year: from 230 to 330.
The buses will run until 5:30
next year.
Another planned change for
fall is that the gold schedule will
include the newly constructed
Greenville Square.
Summerlin feels that it will
only add a few minutes to the
route, but will be important for
the safety of the students.
Presently, the bus stops at Pitt
The additional stop will pre-
vent students from having to
cross the 264 by-pass.
A van has been ordered to
serve the handicapped students.
The funds fa the van have
already been appropriated.
The state is supplying the
needed funds for the additional
equipment for the van, including
tie-downs for the wheel chairs, a
mechanical lift, a bubble roof,
i id a C.B. Radio.
The brown bus, which is
moperatiave during the summer,
could be run if need were
strong enough.
"I am willing said Summer-
lin, "to run the bus if the students
will respond to it
He reports some feedback,
but not enough to run the bus.
Although not as many people
are here to take advantage of the
bus services during the summer,
many students must stand in the
aisles during regular session.
Summerlin believes the num-
ber of riders during the fall will
"I think the freshmen will
respond to the buses real well
"Everything has been going
real smoothly
SGA purchases van
for handicapped
Co-News Editor
Handicapped students will
have transportation when both
fall semester and a 1977 Ford
Econoline roll around the corner.
According to Student Govern-
ment Association (SGA) president
Neil Sessoms, $6,734 was appro-
priated last month by SGA for the
purchase of the van.
Sessoms said the alloted funds
will amply cover costs of the van
minus options.
"We hope to have it operative
by fall semester Sessoms said.
He added that the van will
probably be on campus "within
the month
Providing both taxi service
and a standard set route, the
vehicle will be painted gold and
white to match other SGA buses.
The North Carolina Depart-
ment of Vocational Rehabilitation
is seeking approval to buy
optional equipment fa the van.
Extras will induce six wheel-
chair Icckdowns, an elevata lift,
CB radio and antenna and a
12-inch extended bubble top.
The Student Welfare Com-
mittee introduced the bill in May
fa the benefit of handicapped
ECU students.

Page 2 FOUNTAINHEAD 22 June 1977
Anyone interested in or wish-
ing to serve on a summer honor
council should sign-up now.
To find out more information,
please call 757-6611, and ask for
the Student Government Associ-
ation. The sign-up period is June
13-24 at Mendenhall, SGA office.
Come see and hear the story
of the Bahai Faith today at 3 30 in
Room 238 MendenhaJI. This will
be your last chance until July 13!
Guests are welcome!
Any student interested in
serving on the University-City
parking committee please call the
SGA office (757-6611) by June 24.
The Community Buying Club,
Greenville's good co-op has
moved. The new location is 710
Dickinson Avenue (across from
Home Furniture). Operating
hours are Wednesday from 4-6 30
The National Teacher Exam-
inations (NTE) will be given at the
Testing Center, ECU, Saturday,
July 16, 1977.
Scores from the examination
are used by state for certification
of teachers, by school systems for
selection and identification of
leadership qualities, and by col-
leges as part of their graduation
Educational Testing Service,
which prepared and administers
the tests, says they are designed
to measure knowledge gained
from professional and general
education and in 27 subject-
matter fields.
Bulletins describing registra-
tion procedures forms may be
obtained from Mr. John S.
Childers, Director, Testing Cent-
er, ECU, Speight Building, Room
105, telephone 757-6811, or direct
ly from the National Teacher
Examinations, Educational Test-
ing Service, Box 911, Princeton,
N.J. 08540.
The deadline for regular re-
gistration is June "3, 1977.
On-the-spot registratton will not
be permitted.
WARNING: Campus police are
impounding non-registered bicycles
on campus now,
News writers are needed at
FOUNTAINHEAD. If you would
like to write for the news desk,
call 757-6366 and ask for Cindy
Broome or leave your name and
phone number.
Continued from page 1.
son, of Snow Hill (Melody Lois
Harrison, Garrett dorm) were
Four tires were cut, and a
window on the passenger side
broken out of a '72 Chevrolet
owned by Uoyd P. Dennis of
A '74 Buick owned by
Frank Arnold Murphy of Jackson-
ville was also damaged.
"I wish people would report
things like this right away it
would help Eddingssaid. "Re-
port it to the polioe. Don't wait.
Don't just ignore it
FOR SALE: Double bed mattress.
Only 1 year old. In good con-
dition. Call Bill & Kim Devins,
FOR SALE: Mclntosh 2100 AM P,
105 watts per chanel. Crown IC
150 PRE AMP. Must hear to
believe - $600.00 firm. Call
758-8683, 11 XX) p.m.
FOR SALE: Table and chairs,
antique oak ice box, antique desk,
dresser, and buffet. Call 752-5170
or 757-6736.
FOR SALE: 73 Yahama 250MX.
Good condition! $300. Call Robert
�- 756-5190 after 6 p.m.
YARD SALE - corner of A very
and Holly off E. 1st - Sat. June 18,
9 a.m. - antiques, furniture,
plants, clothes, etc.
FOR SALE: Refrigerator, 512 ft.
high, very good condition. $70.00.
Call 758-2801.
FOR SALE: Beautiful AKC
Poodle and also beautiful
Pekingnese and one German
Sheppard puppy (4 months old).
Call 747-5591, Snow Hill.
FOR SALE: AKC registered male
Scottish Terriors. Will be seven
weeks old by July 14th. Price set
at $75.00. If interested call
758-8101 or 752-0315 after 5:00
35mm camera
Call 752-1292.
Nikkormat FTN
black body $100.
FOR RENT: 1 bedroom (un-
furnished) apt. at Village Green
to sublet from July 1,1977 to July
1, 1978. !150 monthly. Call
758-6518, evenings 6-11 p.m.
FOR SALE: Full size pin ball
machine. $300. Call 752-4559
after 5:00.
FOR SALE: Cassette player for
car. $30.00. 758-4863.
ROOM FOR RENT: 1107 Evans
St. $35 per month. Kitchen
privileges. Phone 758-7675.
Available Aug. 1.
FOR RENT: Private bedroom, air
conditioned, across from campus.
Call 758-2585.
NEEDED: Female roommate to
share rent on $150.00. Call
752-4349. (Utilities are included.)
FOR RENT: One bedroom apart-
ment for rent. Appliances in-
cluded. $100 a month. Call
NEEDED: Roommate for summer
school. 500-A Avery St. Call
WANTED: Responsible male
graduate student seeks efficiency
or small apartment beginning
middle to late July. Please write
2823 B Mayview Rd. Raleigh,
N.C. 17607. Will be in school next
2 years.
YOGA LESSONS - effortless
answer to a beautifully developed
body and mind. Night classes for
men and women. Call today for
your enrol I ment. 752-5214.
ists, singers, musicians of all
sorts, needed for Sunday mass in
Biology Auditorium. Practice at
11 a.m. You don't have to be
Catholic to love music! Contact
Judy Willis, 825 Evans St
If you think it means preventing unwanted pregnancy you're
partly right. But it means more than that Like counseling
young people about how a baby before they are ready can
affect their health or mess up their lives helping couples
who want to have children but can't counseling men on male
responsibility and methods of birth control.
It's important to know ALL about family planning
more than you may have thought.
it means
For information or help, contact the family planning clinic in
your community, your local health department or your own
Public Health Service

EgSHSK' sB?f
' �'��-KE9f3&
WDifhSlP iSpTT
Programs swing areas
from stums to community
22 Jim 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Pay 3
Staff Writer
Five urban-renewal projects
and a public-housing program are
nearing completion and mark
Greenville's shift of concern from
slum clearance to community
development, according to Kerby
Boyd of the dty's Redevelopment
"Our purpose now is to
restore and preserve existing
neighborhoods to prevent them
from deteriorating into the slums
of the future said Boyd.
Slums imply harried, fearful,
desperated people living in filthy,
broken-down tenements with gar-
bage in the streets and vermin
No single factor causes the
dedine of a neighborhood, accor-
ding to planning studies conduc-
ted for the commission.
Many blighting factors are
involved in the deterioration of
decent neighborhoods into slums.
Physical indications of blight,
include housing deterioration,
mixed residential and oommerdal
land use, traffic hazards, and
major fires.
According to the planning
studies, zoning was originally
developed to physically separate
industrial areas from residential
areas so that the current livability
of the residential community
could be maintained.
The proximity to residential
areas of such activities are noise,
glare, odors, electrial disturban-
ces, and traffic congestion are
considered disturbing factors.
Since the consideration of
psychological impact is involved,
this judgment is necessarily
somewhat subjective, according
to the planning studies.
Fa example, a corner grocery
store was dted as more accepta-
ble than an auto body shop ina
residential area.
The presence of a flower shop
is more acceptable to a neighbor-
ing hospital than the presence of
a funeral parlor or marble and
granite works
Social condition of blight
include high incidences of crime,
tuberculosis, infant mortality,
illegitimate births, and venereal courages investment by private
Economic conditions dted in-
dude high incidences of welfare
cases, old-age assistance, and
rental housing.
Blight preventative methods
dted by the planning studies
include redevelopment and reha-
Redevelopment involves total
clearance of an entire neighbor-
hood or portions of a neighbor-
Rehabilitation involves remo-
deling and replanning. A sub-
stantial number of structures are
allowed to remain and are up-
graded to conform to building
code requirements.
Greenville's first effort at
urban renewal, the Shore Drive
project, involved total dearanoe
and redevelopment, and resulted
in the restoration of the Historic
Town Commons.
This 67-acre area contained
236 sub-standard dwellings and
was considered to be the worst
slum in the dty.
Prior to the renewal project,
Shore Drive produced $3,000 in
annual tax revenue to the dty. In
1976 it produced $30,000 or a
thousand percent increase, ac-
cording to Boyd.
The Newtown Urban Renewal
Project deared 157 strudures
from a dilapidated 18-acre neigh-
borhood. These strudures were
replaced with 78 units of new
public housing.
The $8 million Central Busi-
ness District Project was desig-
ned to accommodate a modern
shopping area.
It includes provisions for
adequate parking, beautification
of the area, and improved traffic
Fifty-nine building have been
fully renovated at a cost of over $1
Ina ddition, $3 million has
been spent on construction of
nine buildings.
Renovation is the major thrust
in the Southside Urban Renewal
This 180-aore program en-
Faculty members
receive promotions
Two members of the ECU
School of Education faculty have
received promotions in rank ef-
fective Sept. 1.
Dr. Keith Hudson, a member
of the Department of Administra-
tion and Supervision, will be
promoted to the rank of full
professor, and Dr. Betty Mobley
Long of the Department of
Elementary Education, will be
promoted to assodate professor.
Dr. Hudson is an East
Carolina alumnus and received
his dodoral degree from Florida
State University. Before joining
the ECU faculty in 1970, he was a
teacher and administrator in the
Wilson and Asheboro public
Among his research adivities
have been development of a plan
for the evaluation of school
prindpals and a pilot project
involving computer assistance for
public schools.
Dr. Long, also an East
Carolina graduate, received her
doctorate from Duke University.
Before joining the ECU School of
education faculty in 1964, she
taught in Craven County, Beau-
fort County, Pitt County and in
Hampton, Va. and Halifax
County, Va.
Dr. Long is a reading spedal-
ist and has conducted in-service
workshops fa teachers of lang-
uage arts.
developers fa construction of
new and modest homes for
low-income families.
The West Meadowbrook Re-
development Project was desig-
ned to relocate families out of the
affeded flood plain area north of
the Tar Riva. Construction of a
neighbahood park, and rehabil-
itation of homes not in the flood
plain are induded in the plans.
The $7.5 million Low Rent
Public Housing Program attempts
to assure standard housing fa all
displaced persons.
Residents in the project areas,
whether owners a tenants, may
be eligible for relocation on
benefits indudin.i payment of
moving expenses.
In addition, ha eownas may
be eligible fa gr. its of up to
$15,000 fa the purchase of a
replacement dwelling in addition
to the purchase price of the
As Greenville looks to the
future, restaatioi and preserva-
tion of existing neighbahoods
marks the shift from slum dear-
anoe and displaced families.
And get three games for only $1.25.
Bring three friends along. We'll let
them in on the deal, too.
Expires Sept. 1,1977 Phone 758-1820
301 S. EVANS
for men and women
1112 bm St.
Welcome Back Students!
� Male and Female instructor;
� Nautilus Machines: 12 of the most
sophisticated fitness machines made.
� OLYMPIC Barbells and Dumbbells
� Whirlpool, sauna, showers, lockers
� Color TV and Lounge
� Protein and Vitamin supplements
� Diet Plans
Bring a friena and there is one week of extended membership.
at Nautilus Fitness is
Come in and visit
and bring your friends
$2.00 Purchase
Located behind Headstrong in The New University Arcade.
The newest Plant Store in Greenville and the closest
to campus. We feature house plants and accessories at very
reasonable prices.
3" plants from 75
5" plants from $1.49
The Opening Special
10" Hanging Baskets were $14.99 Now $7.99

Page 4 FOUNTAINHEAD 22 June 1977
Easy money
Perhaps the quickest, easiest way to get rich in
Greenville, North Carolina is to own apartments,
duplexes, or housing of any sort. The thousands of
ECU students are here to fill every vacancy. And with
waiting lists even for the dormitories, the students
have to have places to live.
The landlords and realty companies know this, as
they know the students are forced to settle for just
about any cost or condition in housing that they can
get. Consequently, apartment owners have a wide,
open field for taking advantage of the students. And
they do it to perfection.
The popular rent rate in the major complexes for
one-bedroom apartments is at least $135 per month.
This includes nothing except maybe water and
sewage. Two-bedroom apartments range anywhere
between $155 to $200.
Of course, there are a great number of smaller
complexes dotted around this university town. Many
of them are every bit as expensive as the larger ones.
A few, however, such as Mr. William Corbitt's Sixth
St. apartments, are $120 or $125 per month for
one-bedroom. This is a bit more reasonable. At least
these apartments are in good repair, have
oomfortable floor space and are relatively close to
For those who cannot afford $125 per month,
there are $70 and $90 apartments here and there,
usually one-bedroom, that even come equipped with
their own roaches, leaky gas heaters, broken down
appliances, thin, non-insulated walls, plaster and
paint crumbling from every wall and ceiling, and
toilets that rarely function properly.
But the realty companies and large land owners
are not the only Greenvillites who take advantage of
the students. Dozens of senior citizens living in
residential sections near campus see fit to furnish
tiny garage apartments or "efficiencies" with attic
furniture and charge up to $150 a month rent. Their
common justification is mere location.
Landlords of all types have no problem charging
such rates. Students cannot risk complaining about
it. The landlords can evict a student one day and
re-rent that apartment the next. The demand is
Yes, housing of any sort in Greenville is a sure bet
for fast, easy money. And the students who have put
this small, Southern town on the map must suffer as
the scapegoats of the whole, shoddy affair.
Serving the East Carolina community for over fifty years.
Senior EditorKim Devins
Production ManagerJimmy Williams
Advertising ManagerTerri Eloshway
News EditorsCindy Broome
Kerry Cox
Trends EditorDavid Bosnick
Sports EditorSteve Wheeler
FOUNTAINHEAD la the student newspaper of East
Carolina University sponsored by the Student Government
Association of ECU and,is distributed each Wednesday during
the summer, and twice weekly during the school year.
Mailing addrem: Old South Building, Greenville, N.C.
Editorial off ices: 757-6366, 757-6367, 757-6309.
Subscriptions: $10.00 annually.
States should pay for abortions
The U.S. Supreme Court Monday
ruled that each state has the constitu-
tional right to decide for itself if it will
pay for abortions for the poor.
This is a typical move for our
conservative court, and a fairly reason-
able one. Now let's hope the states,
including North Carolina, will decide to
pay for these abortions.
Ninth grade sociology classes know
that the lesser educated, lower income
persons are the ones having so many
children today. These are also the
persons who form the welfare lines,
contribute so many abandoned children
to state supported orphanages, fill
state juvenile centers and aowd the
waiting rooms of state health centers.
Many tax payers might complain
about using their money to pay for
others' abortions. But they will either
pay for the abortions now, or pay fa
mae aphans, juvenile delinquents
and welfare recipients later.
Therefae, if the states will decide
in fava of paying fa abort ions fa the
poa, the tax payers will actually be
doing themselves a fava and saving
moiey in the long run.
Anita Bryant would be proud
As a oonoerned individual of
the ECU campus, I want to
express my conuern fa a special
group of students here.
It hasn't been long ago that I
made a decision to accept Christ
into my life as both Lord and
Savior. That was easy enough to
do: with a typical "church
upbringing" I've always believed
in man's inherent sinfulness and
Jesus' divine nature.
The problem that over-
whelmed me was sexual devia-
tion. I knew I was homosexual
and it never really bothered me.
My few trips to a couple of gay
bars were delightful and the
people I met were often really
But something kept nagging
at me. Although I wasn't con-
vinced that homosexuality was
wrong, depression plagued me as
did a nervous problem and fears
that had no basis.
During the time following my
"coming out" into the gay scene.I
also dated a very wise Christian
girl. It was impossible to cover up
my secret life for long and soon
she knew my story.
But she nev&r condemned me.
We dated for several months and
with a Christlike patience, she
gradually persuaded me that my
lifestyle was wrong and convinced
me that I'd have to quit running
It was extremely difficult to
straighten up but I'm glad I did. It
took time and even now I have
trouble constraining my fleshly
But my depression has lifted
and I haven't had trouble with
nerves for a long time.
Problems didn't leave me
instantly, of course. In fact, for a
while, I wasn't sure I could
withstand the pressure and
trauma of leaving my old friends
and way of life.
No lie: it was tough.
But now I'm stronger for the
struggle. And more than that, I
can't just go along a happy little
Christian life without remember-
ing all the indjviduals like me who
frequented the bars.
They're people just like me.
They're God'screatures, just like
me. But not all of them have
accepted Jesus into their lives.
Not all of them can make that
decision, merely because the very
lifestyles they lead prevents them
from submitting to a committed
Christian life.
Now the point of this letter
applies to everyone but I especial-
ly want the gays to consider the
following statement:
"Jesus Christ died for your
sins. Whether or not you perceive
your sexualsocial life as wrong
or right, there are other aspects of
your life that need cleaning up
too. God loves you and really
wants to oome into your life. You
can't dean up your life and then
oome to Christ. That's why he
died in the first place. Please,
please, wherever you are right
now, ask Jesus to oome into your
heart. Tell him you'll turn away
from whatever in your life is
sinful but ask him to TELL you
what is right and what is wrong.
Just let Jesus in now. You'll be
doing yourself a favor
That's just about the crux of
the matter.Jesus is real as real
can be. But h' won't oome into
your heart un.ass you invite him.
And whether you're straight,
homosexual, miserable or con-
tented, He's waiting.
I know He is.
Name withheld on request

sRlwMSfcS �' 5 j �C"
Organize Citizenship Education Program
22Jur�1977 FOUNTAINHEAP P�p� 5
ECU student, Pitt County 4-H funded for program
Staff Writer
The North Carolina Internship
Office (NCJO) recently funded a
proposal by ECU student Cynthia
Lynne Yow and the Pitt County
4-H Program to organize a
Citizenship Education Program In
Lynne, a junior and political
science major, will serve as
Program Coordinator for the
Citizenship Education Program.
Actual planning and preparation
for the project will begin July 11
and will end August 26, 1977.
According to Lynne, the pur-
pose of the project is to structure
citizenship participation to the
maximum effect. As cited in her
proposal, the project, appealing
directly to youth, civic organiza-
tions and all interested citizens,
can result in an improvement in
the quality of Pitt County's
"I designed my own program
format Lynne began.
"The NCIO is set up for
students who want to design
projects. You take the initiative
and design your own service-
learning project. I wanted to
work in state and local govern-
ment she continued.
The NCIO, the first state
internship office in the country,
works with senior colleges and
universities in developing and
promoting service-learning.
Lynne, who once served as
one of two North Carolina dele-
gates to a National 4-H Conven-
tion, has already had federal work
experience through summer po-
She has served both as a
Lyndon Baines Johnson intern
and as a volunteer worker to a
Ralph Nader assistant.
"I went to Dr. Betsy Harper
(Cooperative Education) and told
her that I was looking for more job
experience in my major Lynne
"The co-op office knows what
is available in many different
fields. They helped me get
started she added.
According to Dr. Harper,
Cooperative Education at ECU
seeks to provide opportunities fa
students to alternate periods of
academic study with periods of
off-campus employment related
to their academic majors on
Lynne said that she needed
someone to become affiliated with
for the project. Mike Davis,
director of the 4-H Extension
Program, apparently had ideas
similar to Lynne's own plans.
"He needed someone to imple-
ment his program she said.
According to Mike Davis,
Lynne's project represents a
"seed" for similar future pro-
"We look forward to working
with Lynne. If she can get this
project going, we can continue it
in future years said Davis.
"One of the largest needs of
young people is to become more
aware of government service he
Among events scheduled in
Lynne's proposal is a Citizen's
career Education Week which will
involve field trips, lectures and
interaction between citizens and
elected officials. .
Students to study in Costa Rica
Nineteen ECU students are
preparing for the fourth ECU-
Costa Rica study program at the
Universidad Nacional in Heredia,
Costa Rica this year.
The students will begin their
semester of studies July 25 and
return in November. Most of the
program will consist of classes on
the Universidad Nacional cam-
pus, with a final week of study in
Guatemala, where students will
study Guatemala's heavily
Indian-influenced culture.
Representing a variety of
academic fields, the 19 students
will take courses oriented toward
Spanish and Latin American
studies taught by professors from
ECU as well as the Universidad
They include conversational
Spanish language, Latin Ameri-
can culture, Central American
history, geography of Mexico and
Central America , tropical bio-
logy and sociology of Costa Rica's
health and welfare systems.
Classroom studies will be
supplemented by field trips into
selected areas of Central Ameri-
ca and independent study pro-
jects. Students will live with
Costa Rican families in the area.
The ECU-Costa Rica program
is sponsored by the ECU Depart-
ment of Geography, with the
cooperation of the Departments of
Foreign Languages and Sociology.
Dr. Robert Cramer of the ECU
geography faculty will be field
director this year.
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Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAD 22 June 1977
ECU offers conference on
child abuse and neglect
"Children, Abused and Neg-
lected a two-day conference on
aspects of child abuse, will be
offered by ECU June 27-28.
The conference is designed for
educators, ministers, nurses,
social workers, law enforcement
officers, day care personnel and
others ooncerned with the con-
dition of children.
Program topics and issues
include recognition of physical
abuse and neglect, legal and
moral responsibilities, minimiz-
ing long-term effects of abuse on
the child, changing parental
behavior, and improvement of the
marital relationship of the child
Among the speakers is Diane
Dr. Broadhurst, consultant to the
HELP Resource Project in Balti-
more and to the Washington
School of Psychiatry.
She is also author of numerous
articles and conference presenta-
tions on child abuse and neglect.
Other speakers are Dr. Frank
Loda, staff member of the N.C.
Child Abuse Project and
pediatrics professor in the UNO
Chapel Hill School of Medicine
Dr. Dan Davis of the N.C. Ov J
Abuse and Neglect Resou ,e
Center, Dr. David Knox, as? d-
ate professor of sociology at ECU,
and Dr. Robert Sammons, direct-
or of the Sopris Mental Health
Clinic in Glenwood Spr'ngs, Colo.
The conference is sponsored
by the Pitt County Department of
Social Service, the N.C. Child
Abuse and Neglect Resource
Center, and the Eastern Area
Health Education Center, in
cooperation with ECU'S Division
of Continuing Education and
School of Allied Health and Social
Further information about the
conference is available from the
Office of Non-Credit Programs,
Division of Continuing Education,
ECU, Greenville, N.C.
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YEAH, but can he sing?
Greenville crime
rate decreases
Located on the mall - Downtown Greenville
Staff Writer
The crime rate in the Green-
ville area decreased 41 per cent
last year, according to E.G.
Cannon, Greenville's Chief-of-
According to Cannon, the
main cause of the decrease is the
recent crime prevention programs
set up in Greenville.
"A lot of new programs have
been added to deter crime
Cannon said.
"The programs have a great
deal to do with the decrease of
crime. They are very beneficial
said Cannon.
Programs such as Mobile
Crime Watch and Watch and
Report involve the public.
Aooording to Cannon, Watch
and Report has been underway
here for three years.
"Whenever citizens are invol-
ved, it is a big help Cannon
According to Ralph Tyson,
sheriff of Pitt County, a National
Neighborhood Watch Program is
being planned by the National
Sheriff's Association.
In this program, residents call
law enforcement officials if they
see anything strange in their
According to Tyson, more
citizen participation is needed.
"People are becoming more
aware of crime Tysor. said.
"People have responded to
the programs some, but it is not
what it should be.
"Everyone should make the
effort to take a stand and keep
crime down.
"Everyone must get involved.
I feel crime will decrease in the
whole country if citizens become
aware Tyson said.
Aooording to Cannon, purse-
snatching and shoplifting are the
most frequent crimes in the
Greenville area.
"There is an increase in
residential daytime breaking and
entering said Tyson.
Cannon feels stricter punish-
ment would reduce crimes.
Aooording to Cannon, crimes
occur more frequently during
"This gives burglars an op-
portunity to work Cannon said.
Greenville's police depart-
ment has crime prevention offi-
cers who go to homes, busines-
ses,and clubsto inform citizens of
safety precautions and to explain
the crime prevention programs.
Tyson predicted that crime
will oontinue to decrease in the
future due to such programs.
"Teaching crime prevention
in schools would be a big asset to
people Tyson said.
Aooording to Joseph H. Cal-
der, Director of Security at East
Carolina University, the crime
rate on campus is stable.
"Fstty larceny is most fre-
quent on campus said Calder.
"However, we don't have the
bicycle larceny that we've had in
past years
Calder said approximately 80
per cent of crime on campus is
petty larceny.
The remaining 20 per cent
consists of trespassing, vanda-
lism, peeping-toms, and drug
Calder said non-students steal
the most in dormitories, espe-
cially in the men's dorms.
Aooording to Calder, students
should report any suspicious
incidents or individuals to the
university polioe.
"We can control crime if
students are reporting crimes and
giving us leads
"We have had excellent co-
operation from the students this
We have paid students about
$300 in rewards this year for leads
resulting in arrests he said.
The campus polioe depart-
ment has two aime prevention
officers who talk to the students
in the dorms about crime and
"The response in the girls'
dorms has been very good said
Calder said crime on the
ECU campus is very low com-
pared to other campuses.
"We have a different type of
student Calder said.
"The ECU students come
from more conservative back-
grounds. Where you have conser-
vatism, usually there is a lower
crime rate
Aooording to Calder, students
committing crimes on campus are
normally indicted and sent to
"Quite a few students have
been thrown out of school this
year he said.
"I feel students
from other students
thrown out of school
quarter minimum
who steal
should be
fa a one

22 June 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 7
Ex Libris
October Light pure
There isa traceable crumbling of the fabric of morality. The human
being is stumbling into the twentieth century, shedding old virtues and
principles as they become inconvenient. Those most affected, are the
ancients. The 70 year old men and women whose youth and minds and
prejudices are of another century. They stoically pursue their values
while their bodies wither with them inside. They have lived too long.
October Light by John Gardner is a lyrical probing of the
convictions and sorrows of several old Vermonters. He parades
characters and ideologies before the reader as priest, dope,
smugglers, old men, ghosts. He parallels the destruction of the
relationship of two old people, with the existential decline of several
characters in a novel.
James and Sally Page are brother and sister in their seventies who
live in peace until the intrusion of the outside world, in the form of
Sally'stelevisiDn set provokes him to violence. He is a guilt ridden old
man who finds the only absolutes in his farm and Ethan Allan. He
draws his strength from his history, and as his memories fade, so does
his security.
This isa novel of pure lyric. If one can say this, the actuality of plot
and characters are lost in sheer appreciation H craftsmanship. He
weaves his pic and subplot, moving the reader . from one hopeless
world to the next
Sally Abboti is a woman whose riches and beauty have faded and
she is forced to move back with her brother and submit to his rules, his
politics. James' destruction of her T.V. set is the final straw and she
boards herself in her room with a trashy novel. Both too stubborn to
relent, their fears and politics bubble to the surface and they are left
much the same as before but with the reality that they are changed,
tainted and dying.
October Light will never appear on the best seller list. It does not
contain a terrifying carnivorous animal, it is neither contrived nor
shallow enough to be made into a T.V. movie and it is far too complex
to be attempted by many screenwriters. John Gardner is a purist, and
he is to popular fiction what Barishnikov is to the box step.
Final Chapter: Walking Tall - The poster fa this movie reads, "Now
there was a man That may be true but the question is what sort of
man. This is the final episode in this trilogy of barbaric justice and it is
comprised of the same senseless violence as the previous films. Buford
Pusser is dead, and this film embarrasses his memory. One star,
because one never says anything bad about the dead.
Other Side of Midnight - It isa female fantasy concerning a woman and
figures whose characters are reminiscent of actual people. (Aristotle
Onassis). It is a film that attempts to justify the glamour of the jet set
and its morality, until its end. The climax is interesting, if not very
surprising. I give this film two stars, as the acting is fair, and the
production excellent.
The Eage Has Landed
Review opposite.
The Heretic - Review on page 8.
Smokey and the Bandit - Burt Reynolds and Sally fields (strikes one
and two) are two kindred spirits caught up in a country Western world
they had not made. But they have managed to become an exotic dancer
and male fantasy in their misery. The sensitivity of their relationship is
directly coupled with their mission in life, which is to smuggle a
truckload of Coors beer across three states. No stars.
Catastrophe- This is a film that plays upon the morbid curiosity in each
of us. It is strictly documentary with dubbed commentary that is so
melodramatic as to be funny. The director and presumably his wife and
children, are the voices of the unseen victims describing their terror.
Their accents are cheap and atrocious. The actual disaster footage is
impressive with the horror of sinking ships and exploding airships. The
only other people in the theatre with this reviewer, were two nine year
old boys who howled when they saw people jumping from a hotel
holding mattresses. No stars, no kids.
Eagle lays an egg
Staff Writer
Instead of men going to the
ED is about an actual attempt by
German paratroopers to kidnap
Winston Churchill and force a
negotiated settlement to World
War II. Any resemblances which
may exist between verifiable
The Thorn Birds by Collen
McCul lough
Falconer by John Cheever
Oliver's Story by Erich
The Crash of '79 by Paul E.
Condiminium by John D.
Trinity by Leon Uris
The Chancellor Manuscript
by Robert Ludlum
A Book of Common Prayer
by Joan Didion
Illusions by Richard Bach
How To Save Your Own
Life by Erica Jong
Your Erroneous Zones by
Wayne W. Dyer
Passages by Gail Sheehy
Haywire by Brooke Hay-
Roots by Alec Haley
The Dragons of Eden by
Carl Sagan
The Gamesman by M ichael
The Book of Lists by David
The Grass is Always
Greener Over the Septic
Tank by Erma Bombeck
Majesty by Robert Lacey
The Age of Uncertainty by
John Kenneth Galbraith
events and what goes on in this
film are purely coincidental.
EAGLE is a blend of the stark
reality ai.d oomplex development
of character found in THE
Nazi propaganda about the Ayran
In a fit of madness Hitler
declares that he wants Prime
Minister Churchill abducted and
brought to Belin. This wish is
relayed to Colonel Radl (Robert
Duvall) who isordered to draw up
plans for the operation. WJien
questioned by his aide as to
whether or not even considering
such an idea is a waste of time
Radl responds by saying that
although every wink in a party
does not end in climax a man
would be a fool not to pursue a
question as far as it will go. This
is an impressive speech for a man
with an eye-patch and a rubber
right hand stolen from a Mel
Brooks movie.
Radl recruits a witty IRA
fanatic, Liam Devlin (Donald
Sutherland), lecturing at a Ger-
man university to help in the
kidnap attempt. Devlin is too nice
a terrorist to spend his time
making bombs in his basement in
Ireland so he joins with the Nazis
so he can fight the English he
hates with a dear conscience.
The commander of the para-
troopers, Colonel Steiner
(Michael Caine), is a war hero
in prison with his command under
a suspended death sentence fa
attempting to aid a Jewish woman
he didn't know to escape from a
concentration camp. Steiner is a
more admirable maal figure than
Devlin. His trcops are intensly
loyal to him and stay by his side
(through thick and thin) and
when he leaves them to die in a
church in England while he
escapes. But, what can you hope
fa fran a Nazi with a cockney
Once the action shifts to the
pastaal English country village
whae Churchill is caning fa a
weekend holiday the events be-
come so contrived as i to
strain belief. Within ten
minutes of contacting the local
German spy (Jean Marsh), Devlin
is completely integrated into local
society and has won the undying
love of Molly the Milkmaid
(Jenny Agutter) who gees on to
shoot ha old boyfriend rather
than allow him to expose Devlin
as a Nazi operative. Though she
dees not approve of what Devlin
is doing, Molly says she loves him
and cannot bear to see him
harmed. Sure.
Disguised as free Polish para-
troopers, Steina and his men
have little mae trouble winning
ova the entire village. By playing
Bach on the church agan and
running about marily in the
streets the Germans are able to
gain the oonf idence of evayoie in
a community seemingly popu-
lated entirely by good-hearted
dolts. When one of the Gamans
is killed saving the life of a small
girl his Nazi unifam is exposed
and within the hour the locals
have discovaed what is going on
in front of them. This act of
Gaman oompassion introduces a
bunch of Amaican buffoons led
by a combat craving National
Guard colonel (Larry Hagman).
Steina escapes while all his men
are killed holding off the Amai-
cans. He finally manages to find
Churchill and kill him but,
Churchill is not killed because hs
isonly a Churchill look-a-like who
won a vacation in the country to
fool the Gamans while the real
Churchill went to Tehran.
As if this is not enough to
satisfy any one looking fa cinana
vaite Devlin and Molly survive
and begin a new life togetha as
Gabriel Oak and Bathsheba in the
beautiful English country side. As
cinematic art THE EAGLE HAS
LANDED is a complete disasta,
but, as escapist entertainment it
is in cola.
Buchanan's album fails as jazz
Assistant Trends Edita
Roy Buchanan has earned the
reputation of being the con-
summate guitarist, but has limit-
ed himself in the past to mining
what was left of bluesrock afta
it became "respectable On
"Loading Zone Buchanan ex-
hibits his impressive skill as both
a guitarist and writa, slashing
through the mire of bluesrock
cliches and faging new music out
of an old fam. It is not, howeva,
a jazz album as its promotas
would have you believe. Despite
an impressive array of jazz
musicians and production by
Stanley Clarke, it fails to generate
the excitement one would expect
from an assemblage of this
caliber. Most disappointing is
Clarke's flat, unimaginative pro-
duction on all but three of the
album's nine tracks. Only on
"Hidden "Judy and "Ad-
ventures of Bra Rabbit and Tar
Baby do his produciton skills
resemble his skills as a pafam-
If fa no otha reason than to
hear some of jazz's finest music-
ians on a single piece of vinyl, one
should buy this album. A recad
that boasts Stanley Clarke, Jan
Hammer, Narada Michael
See ALBUM, page 8.

Page 8 FOUNTAINHEAO 22 June 1977
Exorcist II: elaborate mediocrity
Staff Writer
If you are planning to see
Exorcist II, THE HERETIC be-
cause Richard Burton has a role in
it, remember that you can always
see Laurence Olivier and Rex
Harrison doing commerdals on
television for free. Traditionally,
sequels are but faded imitations
of a proven hit inspired by the
hope of further profits This is
certainly the case with the new
accessory to the EXORCIST.
Technically, THE HERETIC is
not a poor film. Director John
Boorman has put together a slick,
unified product. He makes in-
telligent use of conventional film
techniques to oover the basic
weakness of a plot that attempts
to explicate the reason there ever
was an original EXORCIST film
and why it should be allowed to
breed like the PLANET OF THE
APES of the late 60's.
Red is used as a device to
identify the sdentific method and
its inability to resolve the super
natural forces at work in the
movie. One of the initial uses of
red is with the Cardinal (Paul
Henreid) who assigns Father
Lament (Richard Burton) to in-
vestigate the drcumstances sur-
rounding the death of Father
Merrin (Max Von Sydow) in the
original Exordst. Thisassodation
only seems to imply dogmatidsm
but when later linked with the
other uses of red it can be related
to established science's refusal to
recognize forces beyond its sys-
tems of measure. The little tabs
on the headgear of a machine of a
machine which synchronizes the
brain waves of a person under
hypnosis with another mind were
red as were eccentric drdes
appearing around flashes of light
emitted from the machine.
The next three uses of red
appear in sequences which takes
place in Africa and are the best
manipulated in the film. As
Lament is flying towards a holy
dty in Africa where he expeds to
find Kokumo (james Earl Jones)
other planes are spraying red
pestiddesto prevent the influx of
locusts which Lamont's pilot
dedares has no effect.
Onoe Lamont reaches the dty,
he is unable to find Kokumo and
asks a policeman with a red fez
for directions. The policeman is of
absolutely no value. Once Lamont
reaches Kokumo he finds the holy
man seated beyond a moat filled
with nails. Kokumo explains to
Lamont that to cross over he must
depend on his faith and spits a
� tomato from his mouth onto a nail
showing how far sdence will carry
In the final scenes, which
takes place in Washington, D.C
Boorman seems to be reaching for
strained images using red. A
hand rail has flecks of red on
another-wiseblack surface sug-
gesting that sdence can be an aid
to dealing with supernatural
forces but, that it ends at a point
and something else must take
over. When Dr. Gene Tuskin
(Louise Fletcher) tells Lamont
and Reagan (Linda Blair) that the
sdentific world'is not ready for
the truths they offer and a red dot
appears beside her head, it seems
as though Boorman has exhaust-
ed the symbol. He uses it once
more on top of the police cars
(which usually have blue lights)
which arrive on the scene along
with the deafest group of neigh-
bors anywhere after the entire
house has been razed to the
ground. Boorman needed
a device which would allow for
deviation from the laws of nature
without the appearance of absurd
contrivance. Fa this purpose he
uses a visually exdting deception
brought about by reflected and
refraded images. Boornrwi puts
faces in mirrors, behind glass, in
reflection on water surfaces and
in seeminqly infinite refledions
and refractions from sets of
mirrors. He is most effective at
this technique in the center where
Dr. Tuskin works which has no
opaque walls.
In spite of Boorman's adroit
usage of dnematic devices, THE
HERETIC is still no more than an
elaborately mediocre movie. Four
years ago when THE EXORCIST
was originally released, demonic
possession held a great deal more
fasdnation than it does today
after a glut of possession movies
which peaked in BURNT OFFER-
ING when Karen Black was
possessed by the spirit of a house.
Despite its seeming ex-
haustion as a theme, another
EXORCIST film is now in the
planning stages. EXORCIST III,
THE HUCKSTER will again star
Linda Blair, who is befriended by
Farrah Fawcett-Majors, the
Mother Superior of a oonvent
located in a mobile home park
outside of Las Vegas, Nevada.
Together they oonvinoe the Pope
(Truman Capote) and Colonel
Sanders (Henry Winkler) to back
them in a chain of quickie
exordsm dinics they plan to open
in the Padfic Northwest
Continued from page 7.
Walden (the best drummer in jazz superb, and the indusion of two
today), and Raymond Gomez has songs by Walden and one by
to succeed, one way or the other. Clarke almost succeed in making
The performance of each is this recording a jazz entry.
Wed. 10th Avenue Band
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This offer even includes Levi'sf TKG, MALE,
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For the best in fashion and some fun, come to SCRAPS.
Phone 758-4354 Hours 10 A.M5:30 P.M
Clarke's "The Heat of the Battle"
is explosive, hampered only by
poor production, white Walden s
seductive "Judy" is a classic,
further enhanced by Walden's
subtle percussion. Walden's
Your Love closes the album on
a sour note. Buchanan's thin
voice adds to the destruction of a
basically weak song.
"Hidden" is the nearest approxi-
mation Buchanan makes to jazz,
and this reviewer hopes it is an
indication of things to oome.
Buchanan's other compositions
are firmly rooted in his specialty
of bluesrock. "The Circle"
attempts to be great rock, with
music that can best be described
as a hybrid of "Gimme Shelter"
and "All Along the Watchtower"
with one-fourth the energy of
either. The song is plagued with
embarrassingly simple lyrics.
"The Adventures of Brer
Rabbit and Tar Baby" is the
album's most enjoyable moment.
This tongue in cheek duet be-
tween Buchanan and Clarke
marvellously paradies the
twangy, railroad rhythm of early
"guitar" reoords by the likes of
Les Paul or Chet Atkins. Clarke's
wash tub bass is marvelous.
In "Done Your Daddy Dirty
Buchanan keeps the lyrics merci-
fully short, repeating the title,
allowing the music to express his
"shame on you" attitude.
All the pyrotechnics
befitting a "legendary" perform-
er are in order, with some truly
amazing riffs tossed about like
confetti. Buchanan continues to
assert himself as a major force in
today's music.
(Album courtesy of Apple
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jusms. MSB
22 June 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 9
77ire? wrestlers signed
Scharf announces
two swimmers
ECU swim coach, Ray Scharf,
announced today the signing of
two top-notch swimmers for the
1977-78 school year, one each for
the Pirates' men's and women's
teams. Kevin Weisil signed with
the 12-time Southern Conference
champion men's squad, while
Julie Schaffer will join the Lady
Weisel, a native of Orlando,
Fla is the son of Henry Weisel,
coach of Rollins College swim
team. He attended Bishop Moore
High School in Orlando and
finished fourth in the state of
Florida in the 500 freestyle this
past season with a time of 4:43.
He also lists times of 1:46 in the
200 free and 16:30 for the 1,650
"I am very pleased Kevin has
decided to attend East Carolina
Scharf said. "We really wanted
him. He is a worker, cut out of the
same mold as Ted Nieman
(Pirates' record-breaking fresh-
man from Winter Park, Fla.) He
will make us super strong in the
freestyle events and relays
Schaffer, a butterflier from
Rockville, Md attended
Magruder High School. She has
best times of 1 00.7 in the 100 fly
and 2:10.6 in the200 fly. Her time
in the later event would have
placed in the national collegiate
meet this season. An honor role
student, Schaffer also swam the
200 individual medley in 2:16.8,
the 400 IM in 453 and the 100
free in 55.8.
"Julie is a national caliber
swimmer for us Scharf said. "I
hope her transition to the oollege
program will be quick, because
she can improve our program.
We've got the kind of program
that should help her, both ath-
letically and academically
COACH RAY SCHARF, coach of East Carolina's 12-time Southern
Conference champion swim tim, announced the signing of two
swimmers yesterday. Julie Schaffer will join the Lady Pirates, while
Kevin Weisel will join the men's squad. Scharf will coach both teams
next year, after coaching the men only for the past 11 years.
ECU assistant athletic director
and former wrestling coach, John
Wei born, announced today the
signing of three more wrestlers.
Soloman revils, Frank Prewitt and
Scott Eaton signed grants-in-aid
with the Pirates.
Revils, a native of Norfolk,
Va will wrestle in the 190-pound
weight class for the Pirates next
year. Although Revils has only
wrestled fa two years, he has
compiled a phenomenal record
with little experience. During his
junior season, Revils finished
third in the Virginia state
championships after winning the
district title. He finished the year
with a 35-5-2 record at 185 and
was outstanding wrestler. As a
senior, Revils had a record of 27-0
and won the district and state
championships in the 185-pound
class. He was outstanding wrest-
ler on the team.
Prewitt, a 142-pounder from
Norwich, N.Y is the brother of
Paul Prewitt, a four-year wrestler
for the Pirates. Prewitt attended
Norwich High School until his
senior year when he wrestled for
Shurburne-Earleville High
As a freshman 98-pounder
Prewitt was 18-8 and was fourth
in the Shurburne-Earleville
Tourney and third in Section 4,
Class A. Wrestling at 112, he
bettered his mark to 25-5 during
his sophomore season. He was
second in the Shurburne-Earle-
ville Tournament and first in
Section 4, Class A. Prewitt
improved his record to 28-1 -1 as a
junior, wrestling at 126. He won
the Sidney Tourney and was first
in Section 4, Class A. As a senior
at Shurburne-Earleville High,
Prewitt finished 29-1-1. He was
first in the Shurburne-Earleville
Tournament, first in the Section
4, Class A, and second in the
Eaton, another 142-pounder,
attended Grove City (Pa.) High
School. After going 5-5 as a
freshman, he was sectional
runner-up for two years before
winning the sectionals as a
senior. He had records of 10-5 as
a soph, 15-2-1 as a junior and
14-2-1 as a senior.
"We are very happy to get
these three guys into our pro-
gram Welborn said. "Revils
will give us the help we need at
190. He is a gutsy type of
wrestler. He's got a lot of
potential, and with work, he will
be great. Prewitt is a diamond in
the rough. He had a very good
season both as a junior and a
senior, and was highly recruited.
He can help us immediately at
142. Eaton had excellent coaching
in high school. He has seven or
eight years of experienoe and will
provide excellent depth at 142
The signing of these three
wrestlers brings the year's total
to five signees.
Earlier signed by the Pirates
were Bob Passino, 116 pounder
from Falls Church,
Va and Charles Fine, also a 118-
pound wrestler from Norfolk, Va.
JOHN WELBORN, assistant athletic director and former wrestling
coach, announced yesterday the signing of three wrestlers to grants-in-
aid. This brings to five the total signed by Welborn thus far. He terms
thisyear's set of recruits among the best ever to come to East Carolina.
Bill Hill, ECU'S only all-America wrestler, will coach the Pirates next
Baseball strengthens with five slgnings
The East Carolina baseball
team, which finished the regular
season as the Southern Con-
ference champions, have signed
five recruits who look to be some
of the best recruits ever brought
in at ECU. Head Coach Monte
Little said that he considers the
five "quality" players. "They are
the kind who can come in right
away and help us. We feel we
have improved ourselves at
several positions
Virginia Beach, Va. native
Mike Sage could be the heir to
departed Sonny Wooten's first
base position. The 6-1,195-pound
southpaw led his Kempsville
High team to the state regional
championship this season with a
.419 batting average, to go along
with a perfect 8-0 pitching record
and an 0.60 ERA. Sage was
selected to the all-East (va.)
squad, was named the Virginia
High School League All-State
Team, and was named the
Virginia Beach Sun Player of the
The Pirates added strength to
the pitching corps with the
signing of Earle Mobley. Mobley
was a three-sport standout at
Portsmouth (Va.) Catholic High.
He was all-state in soccer,
all-state and Portsmouth Sports
Club Player of the Year in
basketball, as well a picking up
several baseball honors. He was
named to the Tidewater Con-
ference Independent Schools
team for three years, and was an
all-state and all-city pick his
senior year. He was chosen the
Portsmouth Sports Club baseball
Player of the Year this season.
The lefthander struck out dose to
300 batters during his high school
Jackie Dunn, a native of
Fremont, N.C was a second
baseman at Charles B. Aycock
High in Pikesville, the same high
school as former ECU pitcher
Terry Durham. Dunn was all-
conference in baseball and foot-
ball fa two years, and finished
with the top batting average on
his team fa two years straight.
Southport resident Tim Stilla
was a pitcher at South Brunswick
High. He was the Most Valuable
Player on his team as well as
being selected all-confaence. He
won honaable mention honas in
football, and was a letterman in
basektball and track. He was
named the South Brunswick
Athlete of the Year fa 1976-77.
Pinetown, N.C. brought Larry
Anderson to the ECU ranks.
Anderson, who attended Bath
High School, was a star in both
football and baseball, capturing
MVP honas in both sports. In
baseball, he was also all con-
ference, all-East and captain of
his team. He garnered similar
honors in football, and was
named a high school all-America.
"Our schedule next year will
demand good players fa our
team said Coach Little. "We
have a number of recruits that
will add depth to our squad plus
give c ir veterans a challenge fa
playing time. This has been the
best reauiting year we've had in
my five years at East Carolina

Page 10 FOUNTAINHEAP 22 June 1977
Through Sunday. June 19
North Carolina
East Carolina
Atlantic Christian
GB Pet.
31 12.625
Pirates among leaders
in Summer League stats
Good wholesome American food
at right neighborly prices.
For your dining pleasure,
Bonanza is now serving Paul Masson
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Despite going hitless in three trips in North
Carolina's lone game of the week, Tar Heel Greg
Robinson clung to the hitting lead in the North
Carolina Summer Collegiate League through two
Robinson has picked up 10 hits in 20 trips for a
fine .5000 batting average.
East Carolina's Eddie Gates moved up from third
to second plaoe to challenge with a .447 average,
while Dave Terrell of Campbell leaped from eighth
' to third with a .429 mark.
Three other batters are also hitting .4000 or
better. They are Max Raynor of Louisburg with a
.424 mark, Chuck Barclift of Louisburg at .412, and
Jim Atkinson of North Carolina at .419.
North Carolina held onto the lead in the league
only by virtue of winning its lone start, while
Louisburg was getting its second defeat at the hands
of Campbell, 8-4, on Friday. That left the Tar Heels
with a 6-1 record, while Louisburg is second at 6-2.
East Carolina is the only other team above .500 with
a 5-3 mark.
The Pirates lead the team batting again this
week with a .302 mark, but Louisburg is hard-press-
ing them with a .301 average.
Louisburg's Bill Lucas has still not given us an
earned run in 21 innings of hurling. His 0.00 earned
run average easily tops the league. He's 2-0 so far
for the Hurricanes.
North Carolina's Greg Norris is second in
pitching with a 2.00 ERA, followed by Larry Ward of
Louisburg at 2.25, and Cecil Davis of UNC-Wilm-
ington at 2.50.
Louisburg leads the team pitching with a 2.45
mark, with North Carolina second at 2.92.
THESE THREE PIRATES are among statistical
leaders after two weeks of the Summer League
season. Mickey Britt left leads in strikeouts with 33
and wins with three. Bobby Supel center holds the
league leads in triples with three, runs batted in
with 14 and extra base hits with seven. Eddie Gates
stands second in batting with a .447 average, and
leads in most hits with 17 and stolen bases with 11.
and here are some facts that should interest you:
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ECU Wright Annex 206
Phone 757-6597
Air Harcc IHITC
Gateway to a Great
Way of Life

�� i , ��

Bucs win three of five
22 June 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 11
Britt wins two to key Pirates
Sports Editor
East Carolina's summer
league baseball team played five
games in a row during the past
week and came out with three
wins and a pair of losses to
remain in third place in the
The Pirates beat Campbell
twice, 10-9 at Harrington Field on
Tuesday night of last week and
5-2 in Buies Creek on Saturday.
Atlantic Christian was the other
victim, losing to the Pirates 15-7
at Harrington. Louisburg and
UNC-Wilmington beat the
Pirates, 8-1 and 5-3, respectively,
on their home fields.
The Fighting Camels jumped
out to a 6-0 lead over M ickey Britt
and East Carolina in this game
during the first two innings. The
Pirates came back with five in the
fourth, keyed by Kevin
Cameron's two-run single. After
the Bucs took a 8-6 lead in the
sixth and led 9-7 after seven, the
Camels came back with two in the
eighth to tie the game.
In the bottom of the tenth,
ECU's Maoon Move hit a ball to
right centerfield and Moe Toner
dropped for a two-base error.
Robert Brinkley grounded to first
base, with Move taking third.
Tommy Warriok came on to hit a
two out single to drive in the
winning run.
Britt, in raising his mark to
2-0, was not real sharp. He gave
up eight earned runs, but struck
out 13.
Louisburg, in a fight with
Carolina for the league lead,
whipped the Pirates although
they scored just two earned runs.
Bill Lucas, recruited by East
Carolina, tossed a three-hitter at
the Pirates to earn the win. Billy
Davis absorbed his second loss of
the season for the Bucs, even
though he pitched fairly well,
with errors by the Pirate defense
giving up most of the runs.
ECU 15, ACC7
The Pirate hitters put on their
hitting shoes for this game,
bombarding the Bulldogs with 19
hits. Eddie Gates, one of the
league's leading hitters, was four
for six with two RBI's while
Raymie Styons was 3-4, including
his league-leading third homer of
the young season. Tommy Cobb
came out of his slump to hit three
for four with three RBIs. Tim
Barden led Atlantic Christian at
the bat, going three for five.
Billy Williamson got the win
for the Pirates in relief, pitching 5
1 3 innings of ball without giving
up a run. He gave up just four hits
during the span.
The Pirates looked flat at the

Aesthetics Aside,
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Wr do It all for you
bat in this game, giving just
seven hits off Mike Hunter. The
Pirates managed single runs in
the fourth, sixth and ninth
innings against the previously
winless Seahawks. Hunter is 1-1.
Chip McDonald staked the
Seahawks off to a 2-0 lead in the
second when he hit a two-run
homer over the leftfield fence off
Brad Price. After the Pirates run
in the fourth, the Seahawks got
three in the bottom of the frame
to finish their scoring.
The Pirates staged a mild rally
in the ninth. Supel began the
inning with a triple off the
rightfield wall. After Macon
Moye walked and Styons popped
up to the third baseman, Robert
Brinkley hit a ball to deep right.
The Seahawk rightfielder caught
the ball up against the fence, with
Supel scoring. TommyWarrick
kept the rally going with a single,
but Tommy Cobb flied out to deep
right to end the game.
The Pirates jumped out to a
2-0 lead with single runs in the
second and third innings, but the
Camels came back to tie it up with
a two-run homer by Curly
Summerlin in the fourth. The
Pirates added single runs m the
fifth and sixth and three in the
ninth to win the game.
Britt was again the winner for
the Pirates, picking up his third
win of the season. He pitched a
five-hitter, with just one of the
hits-the homer-being out of the
infield. He struck out 11 and
walked but one.
Bobby Supel's two-run triple
off the wall in the ninth provided
the Pirates with the insurance
runs needed.
The Pirates will tv e another
busy week ahead, playing at
Atlantic Christian tonight, host-
ing Carolina and UNC-W on
Friday and Saturday night, re-
spectively, and traveling to
Carolina on Monday.
Wednesday is
Free Stage Night
If you have some
talent, come down
and try out!
Pizza Special
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Special Prices on Beverages!
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Page 12 FOUNTAINHEAD 22 June 1977
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Front load Dolby
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409 Evans St. Mall
Greenville, N.C (919) 752-9100

Fountainhead, June 22, 1977
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
June 22, 1977
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