Fountainhead, May 12, 1977

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Serving the campus com-
munity for over 50 years.
With a circulation of 8,500,
this issue is 12 pages.
SU Budgetpage 6
Jazz trombonepage 9
Honored athletespage 11
Vol. 52, bkyf V East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
12 May 1977
Largest budget ever
SU budget approved
Staff Writer
The Student Union Program
Board approved the Student
Union budget for 1977-78 at its
meeting Tuesday.
According to Dennis Ramsey,
Student Union President, the
budget of $246,800 is the largest
ever, with a total General Fund
subsidy of $152,862.50.
"The Union as a whole is not
designed to be a profit-making
enterprise; it is a service organi-
zation with the express purpose of
bringing affordable entertain-
ment to the student body said
'The Union-is completely
voluntary, with only one paid
position, the office of the presi-
dent. Every student, though, is a
member by virtue of their $3.50
per quarter activity fee, and we
encourage students to stop by and
make any suggestions that might
improve their Union Ramsey
He said the biggest budget cut
this year was that of the Major
Attractions committee, which has
a separate budget from the
Special Entertainment commit-
tee, even though both are group-
ed under the Popular Entertain-
ment committee. That budget
was cut from $40,000 last year to
"This was done in order to
prevent a repeat of last year's
disaster, wherein the Major At-
tractions committee lost $63,000.
This year's budget is geared
towards one big show, and
hopefully we'll break even and
re-spend the money said Ram-
"In the past, the Major
Attractions committee has been
the most successful committee in
the Union. This year was unique
in that nearly every committee
had a fantastic year except Major
Attractions Ramsey said.
Ramsey said a survey is
planned for registration day, Fall
semester, to gauge the musical
tastes of the campus.
"We plan to pass out a
questionnaire listing acts that are
available and affordable and
make our plans from the results of
that survey he said.
One of the biggest problems
the committee faces next year is
finding a location to present its
"Right now, we can't use
Minges Coliseum for concerts,
but we are confident that after
conferences this summer with
administrators and the PE de-
partment, we will be able to.
Photo by Kirk Kingsbury.
SU Directors vote
to oust 2 members
Parking fees may increase
Assistant News Editor
Joe Calder, chief of campus
police, said yesterday that he
expects parking fees to increase
next year.
Calder added that he was not
sure of the amount of increase but
JOSEPH CALDER CHIEF of Campus Security
he believes parking fees next year
will range between $10 and $25.
The increasea revenue will be
used to pave some dirt lots and
create new parking areas.
Calder hopes to have a new
parking lot constructed on the
west side of Belk dorm where the
university recently purchased
some property. This would add 40
additional parking spaces.
The dirt lots between Garrett
and the art building and the dirt
lot beside Jones will also be
Calder said that if parking is
to be enlarged and if current
parking lots are going to be
upgraded then there must be an
increase in parking fees.
"It comes down to dollars and
cents said Calder.
See INCREASE, page 6.
Staff Writer
SGA Speaker Ricky Price and
Treasurer Craig Hales were re-
moved from the Student Union
Board of Directors by a constitu-
tional amendment at the board's
Wednesday meeting.
The amendment passed the
required second ballot unani-
The board now consists of the
president of the MRC, the
president of the WRC, the
presidents of the Inter-Fraternity
and the Panhellenic Councils
(one-half vote each), president of
the SGA. a faculty member
appointed by the Faculty Senate,
an administrator appointed by the
Chancellor, two day students
appointed by the board, the
president of the Student Union
(ex officio), and the executive
director of Mendenhall Student
Center (also ex officio).
to do
1. Ask why you are being stopped. If the police do
not place you under arrest, you can leave at any
2. You do not have to tell the police anything.
3. If the police will not allow you to leave, you ARE
under arrest. Demand to be taken before a
magistrate or released.
1. You have the right to remain silent. Do it. Make
no statements, whether you are guilty or not, until
you have talked to a lawyer.
2. You have the right to be taken before a magistrate
and a bond must be set. Ask to be released upon
your signature (recognized). A magistrate does not
have to do this, but you can ask him to set a low bond
or recognize you, especially if you tell him that you
are local and have ties in the community. The
magistrate, NOT the police officer, sets the bond. If
you are in the service, ask to be released to the
military police.
3. You have the right tq a lawyer. Demand to see a
lawyer IMMEDIATELY. If you can afford a lawyer,
you have the right to contact the lawyer of your
choice. If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, you
have the RIGHT to a FREE lawyer (public
defender). If you demand to see a public defender,
the police or magistrate will contact one for you.
4. You have the right to a lawyer AS SOON AS YOU
ARE ARRESTED. Insist on this. Your lawyer can
advise you about your case and can help you get a
reasonable bond. Anything you say to the police can
be used against you in court. Everything you tell
your lawyer is confidential and CANNOT be used
against you.
5. You have the right to telephone family, friends,
your lawyer, or a bondsman. Demand to do this
1. Tell them politely and clearly that you object to
their searching. Never physically resist, but make it
clear that you do not consent to the search. Evidence
taken by an illegal search cannot be used against
you in court, unless you consent to the search - SO
2. The police can seize anything in their plain view.
For this reason, it is generally better not to throw
anything away. You cannot object to a search or
seizure of anything thrown away.
1. NEVER make a statement to the police.
2. ALWAYS demand to see a lawyer immediately.
3. Ask the magistrate to RECOGNIZE you or set a
low bond.
4. ALWAYS object to any search.
5. NEVER panic and NEVER throw anything away
when searched or arrested.
6. NEVER physically resist. You will only get into
more trouble.
This information is provided by the North
Carolina Civil Liberties Union, P.O. Box 3094,
Greensboro, N.C. 27402.
In other business, Vie status
of the Minority Arts committee
was changed from inactive to
"Originally, we had planned
to deactivate the committee,
based primarily on its poor track
record since its inception. I was
persuaded by a delegation of
black students, however, that the
past performance of the commit-
tee was due to committee mem-
bers and not the basic concept of
the committee said Dennis
Ramsey, Student Union Presi-
At Tuesday's Program Board
meeting, Clarence Williams,
chairperson of the Minority Arts
committee, expressed his disap-
pointment at the committee's
budget of $2500, the lowest
budget of any Student Union
"From an administrative
See BOARD, page 6.
ECU Choir
spring tour
The 43-voice Concert Choir of
the ECU School of Music has
returned from its northern spring
tour, having performed before a
total of 3,000 persons.
The choir's itinerary included
performances at the following
locations: McKendree United
Methodist Church, Washington,
D.C Western Branch High
School, Chesapeake, Va Great
Neck South Senior High School,
Great Neck, N.Y Rockefeller
Plaza, New York City; St. Pat-
rick's Cathedral, New York City;
and Washington Cathedral,
Washington, D.C.
Concert Choir, directed by
See CHuiR, page b,
BUC refunds
Refunds for the Buccaneer
nay be picked up between May
16 and 19.

Pom-pom squad Last chance PRC outing
Page 2
12 May 1977
BUC refunds Sabbath service
The following is the procedure
for receiving BUCCANEER re-
fund checks. (1 Come to the BUC
office May 16-20 from 1.00 to 5XX)
p.m. (2 Bring with you your pink
receipt, ECU ID, and activity
card. (3 Be prepared to sign a
statement that you have received
your refund check. If someone
else picks up your check, then
they must sign stating that they
have done so.
By following this procedure,
you should have no problems
receiving your refund check.
You CANNOT pick up your
check before May 16 at 1.00 p.m.
After May 20 at 5.00 p.m all
checks will be referred to the
Student Fund Accounting Office,
where you may pick them up with
the requirements listed in num-
bers one and two of the above
procedure. NO checks will be
mailed except those received by
Your cooperation is impera-
tive, and will be greatly apprecia-
The first Sabbath Service of
the first Synagogue in the history
of Greenville will be held Friday,
May 13, 1977 at 8 p.m. at the
Methodist Student Center. Oneg
Shabbat will follow the Service.
All Are Welcome.
Att. general
Anyone interested in applying
for SGA Attorney General, please
go by the SGA office & fill out an
application between 10a.m. and 4
Phi Alpha
Phi Alpha Theta will have a
picnic Tuesday, May 17. It will
start at 6 30 at the Tar River party
house. Beer and food will be
provided. All those interested in
history are invited. Cost is $1.26.
Please sign up at the history
office 316-A Brewster.
Chem seminar REBEL cnecks
John A. Myers, professor of
chemistry North Carolina Central
University will present a seminar
on "Utilization of Oxazolium
5-Oxides in Syntheses of Isoindo
lequinones" May 13,1977 at 300
p.m. in room 201 Flanagan
building. Refreshments will be
served in the conference room at
4O0 p.m.
The following people have
checks in the REBEL office:
Karen Blansfield, Dale Verzaal,
Fred Channey, Johnny Hamilton,
Roger Kamereen, Raymond
Brown, H.A. Giles, T.E. Austin,
Walter Johnson, G.R. Bryant, Bill
Harrington, and Martha Alexan-
der. The office is open from 1-5
every afternoon.
Senior show S.0.U.LS.
Hester Petty will be having
her Senior Show the week of May
7-14, at the Baptist Student
Union. Hester is receiving a B.A.
degree in Communication Arts.
'Thanks' guys
Sigma Nu wishes to thank
Lambda Chi Alpha for the keg
and their hospitality.
There will be a S.O.U.L.S.
meeting Thursday May 12, at the
A.A.C.C. at 7O0. All members
should attend.
A second pom pom squad
tryout will be held Saturday, May
14 for rising freshmen and all
interested girls who were unable
to tryout in March. Tryouts will
begin at 10 a.m. in room 105-B of
the Music Building. Each girl
should come prepared to do a
jazz routine and a march routine
of her own. If you have questions
contact Regina-758-8752 or Jo
Frisbee freaks
Intramural frisbee tentathlon
Wed May 18. Frisbees will be
provided and awards will be
presented. Contest to be held on
the practice football field adjacent
to Scales Fieldhouse. Starts at 4
p.m. Registration at 3 p.m.
Day camp
ECU Day Camp, sponsored by
Physical Education Department,
June 13-July 8, 9-4. May attend
any or all weeks, emphasis on
individual sports and team games
and swimming. For information
call: 757-6000 or 757-6441.
FG ice cream
Friday night at 730 in Brews-
ter B-103, we will have our last
meeting of the week! It's not the
last meeting of the year, though,
and we'll be discussing plans fa
this weekend as well as for this
summer. Don't forget, because
ice cream has no bones! Join us,
won't you?
Students: Your Last Chance to
vote for your OUTSTANDING
TEACHERS (1976-77) Tuesday,
May 10 through Tuesday, May
17th. Locations and times: Allied
Health Majors-Health Affairs
Library (regular Library hours);
General College Students-Croa-
tan, 9-2daily; all other students-
Joyner Library (regular Library
Entry-level jobs, in the parts,
are still available at Kings
Dominion (Ashland, Va.), Caro-
winds, (Charlotte, N.C.), and
Busch Gardens (Williamsburg,
Va.), according to Dr. Betsy
Harper, director of ECU'S Co-
operative Education program.
Kings Dominion is a one hour
drive from Richmond, Va. and
112 hours from Washington, D.C.
According to Dr. Harper,
recent conversations with per-
sonnel from these recreational
employers indicate that students
who perform well during their
first summer are given supervi-
sory jobs in following years.
Recruitment for permanent
personnel will begin with people
familiar with total operation.
Applicants are warned, how-
ever, that housing is scarce. One
should select a location with
relatives or friends to save
expenses since minimum wages
are usually paid for these entry-
level jobs.
Interested persons should
contact members of the Co-op
staff in Rawl 313 fa further
�we4-H Talent show
� . l
The Collegiate 4-H club will
hold its monthly meeting on
Sunday, May 15th at Green
Springs Park located on 5th
Street, Greenville. A picnic and
cookout are planned. Officers
fa next year will be elected and
plans for next year will be
discussed. All intaested persons
are invited to attend. Fa mae
infamatiai please contact Mike
Davis at 758-1196 a Ann Sharp at
758-9636. Good luck with exams!
Communications Cakewalk
Roll off
There will be a meeting of the
Communications Board May 12,
Thursday, at 300. The meeting
will be held in Mendenhall, room
248. The maja topic of discussion
will be the selection of a WECU
general manager.
On Wednesday, May 11,
White Hall will be sponsaing a
"CakeWalk" in the Back Lobby.
There will be las of homemade
goodies. So come join in the fun,
and take a walk on the "Cake
See the big "roll-off" at
Mendenhall Student Center. On
Monday, May 16, at 530 p.m
the Bowling Center will be the
site of the Mini-Bowling Tourna-
ment which will involve the four
bowlers who have bowled the
highest 3 'game series' during
the past four weeks. The winner
will receive eight free games of
bowling.oomplimentsof the Stu-
dent Center. Come by and see
who takes it all!
If you're a bowler, there's still
time to compete fa the big prize.
The last week ends Friday, May
REBELs here Art show
The REBEL has arrived. Stu-
dents can pick up their copy at the
REBEL office in the Publication
Centa, aaoss from Joyner Li-
brary, between 1 and 5 p.m. this
week. Artists and writas may
pick up their checks during the
same hours.
Questions and answers about
Baha'i. Mcnday nights at 730
room 238 Mendenhall. Guests
The Annual Student Art Show
will be on display in the W.B.
Gray Gallay in the Leo W.
Jenkins Fine Arts Center from
May 4 to May 25. The exhibit will
open with a reception at 730 p.m.
on Friday, May 6. Work represen-
ted will be tne best student work
from the seven studio disciplines
as well as work from the
Foundation Program.
The students and faculty are
invited to attend both the opening
and to view the wak during
regular gallay hours, 9-4 Mon-
day through Friday.
The Gammettes of Sigma
Gamma Rho Saaity will spaisa
their first Talent Show on Mon
May 16, in Mendenhall Student
Auditaium at 8 p.m. Talents will
be displayed by ECU students.
Admissioi will be 50 cents. Doa
prizes will also be given away.
Block show
The sistas of Delta Sigma
Theta and the brahers of Omega
Psi Phi will present themselves in
a Spring Block Show, Friday, May
13, 1977, 7 p.m. Mendenhall.
Fun in Son
Campus Crusade fa Christ
will meet fa fun, fellowship and
challenging insights from God's
wad. Thursday 7 p.m. Brewster
B-102. Evayoie weloone.
Grad rec. exam
The Graduate Recad Exam-
ination will be offaed at ECU on
Saturday, June 11, 1977. Appli-
cations are to be completed and
mailed to the Psychological Ca-
paatiai, P.O. Box 3540, Grand
Central Station, N.Y N.Y. 10017
to arrive by May 11, 1977.
Application blanks may be ob-
tained from the ECU Testing
Center, Rooms 105-106, Speight
Building, ECU.
Friends and members of the
Parks, Reaeation and Conserv-
ation are all invited to attend the
2nd Annual PRC Outing. Fa
those of you who were at the first
outing, you must come!
The event will take place at
Camp Leech in Washington, N.C.
on Saturday, May 14, and if it
rains, May 15 is scheduled.
The program will take place
between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Tickets fa food are $2.00 each
and beer tickets are $1.00 fa all
you can drink.
Tickets and maps are avail-
able from the seaetary at the
PRC office a fran students of the
PRC 313 class.
The good times are here so
everyone oome!
Special NTE
At the special request of the
N.C. State Department of Public
Instruction, a special administra-
tion of the National Teacher
Examinations(NTE) will be given
at East Carolina Univasity on
May 21, 1977. This administra-
tion has been scheduled to
provide graduating senias with
an additioial oppatunity to meet
the State's NTE requirement.
Special registration materials
fa the May 21 test must be
picked up fran Speight-105, East
Carolina Univasity and returned
to the same office no later than
Monday, May 9, 1977, by 4.00
If you have any questions,
please contact the Testing Cen-
ter, Speight Building, Rcom-105,
East Carolina Univasity a call
SOULS presents an "Evening
of Mystique and Enchantment
May 15, 1977 at 7 p.m. in 240
Mendenhall. This is a fashion
show being coordinated by
Yvonne Williams and Shonita
Harris. Come see ECU students
in action.
Sign language
ECU will be admitting a small
number of deaf students next
semesta. The Program fa Hear-
ing Impaired Students is search-
ing fa students who have any
knowledge of sign language and
who would be interested in
improving their skills through
beginning and advanced sign
language interpreter training.
There will be a number of
part-time jobs available fa stu-
dent intapretas Fall Semesta.
Fa furtha infamatiai contact
The Program fa Hearing Impair-
ed Students, 757-6729, A-209
Brewsta Building.
Will the following membas of
the Society fa Collegiate Journa-
lists please drop by Mr. Ira
Baker's office in Austin, and fill
out a repat of initiation: Kay
Williams, Martica Griffin, Eliza-
beth Williams, Kyle Campbell,
Jack Lai I, Janet Pope, and Neil

Create rustic-style restaurant
12 May 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 3
Interior design students remodel house
Nine interior design students
ECU have completely trans-
formed an old house near campus
into a rustic-style restaurant.
The project was part of the
requirements for the interior
design degree program at ECU,
and its main objective was to
destroy the residential character
of the house, replacing it with the
appearance and space utilization
needed by a commercial venture.
The house, located at 504 East
Ninth St. here, was purchased
several years ago by ECU, and
has been used for similar spring
design projects during the past
several years.
Former interior design classes
have created a modern home and
a suite of architects' offices within
the house's walls.
The students themselves were
responsible fa planning, raising
funds, acquiring donations of
materials, borrowing furnishings
and researching the requirements
of a restaurant.
The completed project fea-
tures large dining rooms, a
solarium, a bar and a reception
area, as well as a display room
which holds the design for a
child's room the ECU interior
design seniors exhibited at the
recent Southern Living Show in
According to Hilda Lopez of
Jamestown, one of the student
of new
designers, work on the
involved several types
Long hours of hard physical
labor-tearing out walls and ceil-
ings, applying stucco, painting,
building-taught the students
about an area of interior design
no one learns in a classroom.
"None of us had much
previous experience in any of the
tasks we had to undertake to
make this a success noted Ms.
"We learned together as we
went along. Working together, 12
hours a day, seven days a week,
we learned a lot about working
with others, and we had to
practically lead a whole new life
Hearings held in D.C.
for the last three months
The students' ideas have been
made an actuality in the com-
pleted project. The original inter-
ior has disappeared entirely.
A good deal of wood and live
plants are used throughout, con-
tributing to the restaura it's rustic
decor. Room oolors include blues,
greens, browns and yellows,
which are repeated in the table
linens and dishes.
Dinner switches control artifi-
cial lighting, and natural sunlight
is softened by matchstick shades
at the windows.
Several major structural
changes were made by the
students: two walls were moved,
a ceiling was taken down to
expose beams, a balcony and
room dividers were constructed,
and French doors were made into
Although visitors to the house
have expressed a desire to see the
project actually turned into an
operating restaurant, the house
itself must be used as a "labora-
tory" for next year's interior
design seniors.
The project was supervised by
Melvin Stanforth of the ECU
School of Art faculty. Students in-
volved included Ms. Lopez and
Frank Brannon of Elizabeth City,
Jeffery DeWitt of Coopersburg,
Pa Jane Flanagan of Greenville,
Karla Gillie of High Point,
Martha Marvin of Cary, Denise
Pace of Norfolk, Va Hal Peck Jr.
of Albemarle and Martha Poisson
of Charlotte.
The project is on view to the
public through Sunday, May 15.
(LNS)-A month-long series of
federal hearings on occupational
lead standards was completed
April 13 in Washington, D.C.
Conducted by the Occupation-
al Health and Safety Administra-
tion (OSHA), the hearings are
aimed at gathering data to
establish federal safety regula-
tions regarding exposure to lead.
Many health and labor groups
have criticized OSHA's work in
the past, and the outcome of the
current hearings is not yet dear.
"In its six-year life one ob-
server noted, "OSHA, whose
mandate is to provide a safe and
healthy workplace' for all work-
ers, has set 17 standards
Exposure to lead causes
workers to have elevated lead
levels in their blood. Scientists
believe such high levels can lead
to kidney disease, diseases of the
blood-forming organs, diseases of
the nervous system (some
potentially fatal) and reproductive
dysfunction including increased
risk of spontaneous abortion and
miscarriage. Children with high
lead levels are known to suffer
from retardation.
Currently OSHA standards for
lead permit exposure in the
workplace as high as 200 micro-
grams per cubic meter of air over
an 8 hour period. OSHA is now
proposing that maximum ex-
posure to lead in the workplace be
lowered to 100 micrograms, and
also that blood lead levels in
workers should not exceed 60
micrograms of lead per hundred
grams of blood.
This is considered by oc-
cupational and community health
groups to be just on the border of
producing clinical symptoms of
lead poisoning. Most industries
are recommending a blood level
of 80 micrograms, and most
unions and community groups
feel the level must be lowered to
40 micrograms in order to protect
what you
Work 6 days a week,
plus all weekends,
at Washington Yacht &
Country Club,
Washington, N.C.
Some one to work
in golf-pro shop,
call 946-3245 Charlie Baker
14 Karat Gold Ear Studs
Your Choice
Take your pick � butterflies, bears,
stars, shells or anchors (to name just a few)
all at one low price. A remarkable value
especially when you consider that each and
every design is created in genuine 14K gold.
Convenient Terms, Layaway And
Major Credit Cards Welcomed.
lewel Box
On The Mall
Downtown Greenville

For Lovely Things"
$2.90 - $4.90
N The Newest Summer Styles
On The Mall
Downtown Greenville

, wmmmm8
Eli i a �
Page 4
12 May 1977
The omnipresent image
Mov'e goers who see "Network the screen
version of Paddy Chayefsky's satirical barb aimed
point blank at television's entertainment monopoly
gone awry, may partially regain any former optimism
from a four-part series on T.V. appearing in recent
issues of The Christian Science Monitor. Beginning
with as assessment of television's effects on
society the Monitor article by Arthur Unoer looks
beyond the current version of America s most
pervasive medium to an age when technology allows
a greater decentralization of this communications
Today, television can be considered a major
influence on the values of, and decisions made by
American society. Researchers and social scientists
studying the amount of television broadcasting which
reaches the public find that: more than a third of the
waking hours of preschool children are spent
watching T.V more people get their news from T.V.
than any other source (51 per cent think T.V. is the
most believable news medium); and by 1985 there
will be 234 million Americans in 85 million homes
watching more television than they do today.
The real fear, however, should not be that by 'he
year 2000 nearly everyone in the U.S. and rnaiy
others around the world will rely on television not
only for obtaining information but for their
entertainment as well. Rather, it is that the control of
T.Vs content will remain in relatively few hands and
that the viewing public will have few more choices on
what they may watch than today. David Frost
managed to bypass the three major networks in
getting his interview with former President Richard
Nixon aired throughout the country, but how many
more ventures are effectively censored from lack of
network interest?
Cable T.V. and satellite transmission are
alternatives to the current monopoly of broadcasting
which allows a few media magnates to control the
programming available to viewers. In the words of
the martyred anchorman in "Network Howard
Beale, maybe people will get "mad as hell, and not
take it anymore. " More voices are needed in
deciding T.Vs content.
Serving the bast Carolina community for over fifty years
Senior EditorJim Elliott
Production ManagerJimmy Williams
Advertising ManagerDennis C. Leonard
News EditorsKim Johnsor.
Debbie Jackson
Trends EditorPat Coyle
Sports EditorAnne Hogge
FOUNTAINHEAD is the student newspaper of East Carolina
University sponsored by the Student Government Association
of ECU and is distributed each Tuesday and Thursday during
the school year, weekly during the summer.
Mailing address: Old South Building, Greenville, N.C.
Editorial Offices: 757-6366, 757-6367, 757-6309.
Subscriptions: $10.00 annually for non-students, $6.00 for
Title IX used as soccer fans'scapegoat
Perhaps the motto of the
women's athletic department at
ECU should be "the hurrier I go,
the behinder I get Since 1969,
the coaches and individual wo
men athletes have worked dili-
gently and progressivley to im-
prove the respect for, interest in,
and the growth of women's
athletics. We have worked too
long and too hard to be scape-
goated for any inadequacies in
the male athletic department.
and The News and Observer have
carried articles stating that soccer
was dropped to meet with the
July 1978 compliance with Title
IX. Two basic reasons have been
given for dropping soccer at ECU:
first, so that there will be an equal
number of men's and women's
interoollegiate teams; second, so
that there will be equal budgeting
of the men's and women's
In answer to the first reason,
nowhere is it stated in Title IX
that there shall be an equal
number of men's and women's
interoollegiate teams. What Title
IX does state in section 86.38
Athletics, paragraph (d) Equal
Opportunity is that: "A recipient
(of federal funds such as ECU)
which operates or sponsors athle-
tics shall make affirmative efforts
to provide athletic opportunities
in such sports and through such
teams as will effectively equalize
such opportunities for members
of both sexes, taking into consid-
eration the determination made
pursuant to paragraph (b)
which states that, "a recipient
which operates or sponsors ath-
letic � determine at least
selected by the recipient which is
acceptable to the Director, in
what sports members of each sex
would desire to oompete
This section states nothing
about equal teams in number, but
rather it states that there should
be equal opportunity for members
of both sexes to oompete, if in the
opinion of the Director, the
interest is strong enough to
warrant the adaptation of that
As for the second reason, all
the articles written so far insinu-
ate that there must be equal fun-
ding for eight men's varsity
sports and eight women's varsity
sports and that the inclusion of
soocer would disrupt the delicate
balance of equal funding. Equal
Section 86.38, paragraph (f)
Expenditures, of Title IX states:
"nothing in this section (section
86.38 Athletics) shall be interpre-
ted to require equal expenditures
for members of each sex
I f soccer was dropped because Vicky Loose
Conductor blasts daredevil stunt
the Board of Trustees felt that
there was a lack of interest, then
state it so. If soocer was dropped
because there was inadequate
funding in the male athletic
budget, then state it so. But do
not scapegoat Title IX as the
reason for dropping soccer. If
anything, from section 86.38
Athletics, paragraph (d) Equal
Opportunity, the soccer team,
with its 1200 signature petition
could argue for equal opportunity
and competition under the very
law that supposedly oondemned
One very good and ironic point
however has oome to light from
this whole tragic "misconcep-
tion Male athletes, and ECU
soccer players in particular, in
being denied the privilege to
participate in their sport will now
know how women athletes have
felt fa years when they have
been denied the privilege to
participate in any sport.
I would like to take this
opportunity to bring to your
attention an incident that hap-
pened at 220 p.m. Monday, May
2, 1976. I was Conductor on En-
aine 188 make a short trip to from
Greenville to Simpson and the
return. As we were approaching
the area where the old ooal track
goes to the ECU steam plant I
instructed my Engineer to sound
his whistle and bell because many
students cross the tracks at this
point going to Minges Coliseum
and the stadium. As we were
sounding the whistle two students
less than 35 feet of room, the first
student jumped both rails, the
second student stumbled on the
east rail or the one nearest the
ooliseum and fell in that direction.
Had this student stumbled on the
west rail he would have been cut
in half. Gentlemen it is not a
pretty sight to witness a person
scrambling for his life, much less
to see a person lose his life.
I ask both you gentlemen to
do what ever it takes to eliminate
or prevent what oould some day
be a very tragic event. Thank you.
H. H. Rosser. Conductor
The h
tion has
years. EC
Nancy Bu2
with NAS
possible fi
tion and
major, cur
at Farmvill
She publis
the natior
Omega Pi,
for BUED
"I was
The an
of the Nort
for the E
Children h
29-Oct. 1,
Coord i
ference wil

Hiring increases nationally
12 May 1977 FOUNTAINHEAO Page 5
Co-op grads find work
Staff Writer
The hiring of Cooperative
Education students after gradua-
tion has continued to increase
nationally in the past four fiscal
years. ECU graduating student,
Nancy Buzzelli, told how working
with NASA led to contacts for
possible future employment and
exposed her to a wealth of
Buzzelli, a Business Educa-
tion and Office Administration
major, currently student teaches
at Farmvilie Central High School.
She published her reflections in
the national publication of PI
Omega Pi, national honor society
for BUED students.
"I was a secretarial recruiter
placement trainee in the Office of
Personnel Programs Buzzelli
Among her duties were re-
viewing and trying to place
secretarial candidates in job
vacancies throughout NASA
"I reviewed job applications
(141's); reviewed recruit actions,
prepared vacancy announce-
ments, received and evaluated
applications, obtained supervi-
sory appraisals on applicants;
prepared promotion certificates
for selecting officials, and rated,
ranked, and scored candidates
Nancy attended seminars on
methods of filling positions at
NASA and attended briefings
given by the Office of Space
Science and other scientific pro-
grams. These programs discus-
sed NASA's findings on nine
planets, what has been learned
about the universe, and Viking-a
preview of the objectives and
anticipated results of landing on
Mars and its importance for the
"Living on Capitol Hill was an
experience in itself said Nancy.
She added that the experience
has proven to be very impressive
on her resume.
"I met many friends and
contacts for possible future em-
ployment in D.C she said.
"Needless to say Nancy
added, "I highly recommend this
program to all business education
In comparing recruitment
through Cooperative Education
with other recruitment approach-
es, rgenciesmentioned the better
preparation of the students for
entry-level jobs, the high motiva-
tion, the lower costs involved in
preparing the student for employ-
ment and for his occupation.
ECU students interested in a
career-related work experience
should contact the Co-op Office in
Rawl, 313. The Co-op Office
works with students from depart-
ments which request participa-
Education conference set
The annual study conference
of the North Carolina Association
for the Education of Young
Children has been set for Sept.
29-Oct. 1, 1977, at the Benton
Convention Center in Winston
Coordinators of the con-
ference will be the ECU Division
of Continuing Education.
Conference theme, "From
There to Here: Issues in Early
Education will be carried out in
various sessions featuring
lectures, workshops, panel dis-
cussions, exhibits of teaching
materials, and films.
Keynote speakers will be
WHEN THE WEA THER warms up, we'll see more students
studying outside, as this co-ed was one day.
Jeanno Quill, director of the Head
Start State Technical Assistance
and Training Office in Seattle,
Wash and Dr. Robert Hill,
director of research for the
National Urban League in Wash-
ington, D.C.
A special feature of the
program will be a multi-media
presentation produced especially
for the uonference concerning
four chief issues in early edu-
cation: children's rights, sexism
and racism, mainstreaming, and
The conference is designed for
teachers of young children in
nursery schools, kindergartens,
day care centers and primary
schools; educational administra-
tors, professors of early childhood
education, parents, health care
professionals and others involved
in service to young children.
Further information about the
conference is available from the
Office of Non-Credit Programs,
Division of Continuing Education,
ECU, GreenvMIe, N.C. 27834.
inherEsted in
ECU irr.eiei-ics
The ECU Student
n. i , ri L
i irareb uiuo
Lorn in in ci oo on
SPRING MUST DEFINITELY be on the way, just look at this
couple here
If interested in summer
andor fall work,
Will be held May 18, 3:00
Discount Drag Center
Know Your Pharmacist
He'd like you to discover the
Pre"criptkma ways in which he can help.
Fast Services, Discount Prices,
High Quality Drugs.
3 Locations
2814 East 10th St. Greenville Next to A&P 758-2181
1112 North GreeneSt. Greenville Next to Harris Super Mkt.
1102 W. 3rd St. Ayden Harris Shopping Or. 746-3824
40 OFF
721 Sa'uda Avenue � Columbia, B.C.
204 Firth Street � Greenville. N.C
nkOS&OTtu? ,kr �- �- ttMiMM&wVimmwWMFWBm

Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAD 12 May 1977
I SU '77-78 budget
Artists Series
Special Attrac-
Major Attrac-
Theatre Arts
Minority Arts
Union Program
Program Board
Art Exhibition
Total Anticipated' 0f Total
Total Anticipated General Fund General. Fund
Expenditures Subsidy Needed Subsidy Needed
Miller reviews past
New transit manager named
$ 3,575.00
$ 9,425.00
$ 2,500.00
$ 2,500.00
$ 3,625.00
$ 2,975.00
$ 24,975.00
$ 8,675.00
$ 1,375.00
$ 2,500.00
$ 2,500.00
$ 3,275.00
continued from page 1.
Brett Watson, is the music
school's only touring choir, and
includes a large number of voice
majors at ECU.
Among the sacred works
performed on the tour were
Gregorian settings of the "Ave
Maria and the "Alma Redemp-
toris Mater early church music
by Victoria and Palestrina, Bruck-
ner's "Virga Jesse Floruit and"
two settings of Psalms: Schutz's
"Jauchzet dem Herrn (Psalm
100) and J.S. Bach's Motet
VI"Lobet den Herrn, alle Hei-
den" (Psalm 117).
Other works included songs
by Ravel, Barber and Dvorak, and
four arrangements of traditional
Spirituals. Featured soloists were
sopranos Nancy Thomas and
Nancy Beavers and contraltos
Susan Hill Pair and Jacqueline
Willis Carnes.
Continued from page 1.
point of view, that committee
should not exist. However, as I
said, I feel the committee has a
chance, and therefore. I moved to
reactivate it said Ramsey.
"The figure appropriated,
however, is not the total budget,
just the subsidy that committee
receives from the General Fund.
The committee by-laws were
amended by the committee and
approved by the board to add an
additional faculty member to the
committee. Other by-law chan-
ges involved the addition of two
students each to the Films and
Coffeehouse committees.
Co-News Editor
Gene Summer I in was recently
named to head up the SGA
Transit System.
In an interview yesterday,
Summerlin and Gary Miller who
just stepped down from the same
position, discussed the past,
present and future of the system.
According to Miller, this past
year has been a successful one for
the bus system.
"We operated this year with
less 'down time' (time when there
are no buses running) than in the
past he said.
Miller added that there were
only 20-30 hours during the entire
year when there were no buses
available for service. He estima-
ted that SGA buses run approxi-
mately 5,400 hours during a year.
Miller attributed the 'down
time' to the period when the
system was switching to the
Continued from page 1.
In other police business Fran-
cis Eddings, assistant chief,
reported that the campus police
during April investigated one
trespass, one obscene phone call,
one peeping Tom (a non-student),
three drug cases (resulting in
arrests), one indecent exposure,
four vandalisms, seven larcenies,
one breaking and entering of a
vending maching and two break-
ing and entering of dorm rooms.
Eddings said that during April
$2,632.40 worth of property was
stolen. Of that amount $2,250 was
recovered by campus police.
Come in and visit and bring
your friends
l 50 i
I $2.00 Purchase I
Located behind Headstrong in The New University Arcade.

The newest Plant Store in Greenville and the closest
to campus. We feature house plants and accessories at very
reasonable prices.
3" plants from 75
5" plants from $1.49
The Opening Special
All 6" Plants Regularly $6.99 Now $4.99
larger buses used at present.
Also, there was little difficulty
with accidents, according to Mil-
He added that the SGA buses
moved about 9,000-10,000 stu-
dents per week.
"What made our system work
are the drivers we have
The Transit System employed
12 drivers working 3V2 hour
Miller said that one thing that
he would have liked to have seen
initiated was a van for the
handicapped. This project is
presently in the planning stages,
and if approved it would go into
effect in the fall.
This is the first year that the
bus system had four buses and
there was some trouble in break-
ing them in, Miller said.
"The biggest thing recently
has been air cylinders blowing
However, with the fourth bus,
there is a back-up bus to take over
routes when needed.
Miller said that he was
confident of Summerlin's compe-
"I believe my successor and
his assistant (Roger Green) will
do a tremendous job
Summerlin became head of
Transit through a recommenda-
tion by Miller.
He was then selected by SGA
President Neil Sessoms and ap-
proved by the SGA Legislature.
Gene has been here for years
and he's shown great interest in
the Transit System said Miller.
"He can think on his feet
We Buy Diamonds and Gold
See us for your diamond needs
Floyd G. Robinson Jewelers
on the mall, Greenville
" it don't tick - took to us
ArmyNafy Store
1501 Evans
12 P.M5:30 P.M.
Back packs, Jeans,
Camping Eqpt, Dishes
quick and make fast decisions
he added.
Summerlin said that his first
concern will be to try and
establish a night route which has
been discussed.
The night route which would
begin operation in the fall would
involve six hours a day, four days
a week. It would possibly run on
Summerlin said that students
have been requesting a night bus
route for quite a while.
"The Women's Residence
Council (WRC) even said that
they would help fund it he
According to Summerlin, the
extra route would increase riders
per week from 9,000 to approxi-
mately 15,000.
The estimated oost of the
program is $6,000 annually.
Summerlin added that there
are not going to be any major
route changes in the bus sche-
dule. At present, the buses only
sit still about five minutes an
Miller said that there will be
only two buses running during
the summer, the gold and purple
route. With enough feedback
from students, he r ,id that the
brown route could be added.
According to Summerlin there
will be a safety workshop for all
drivers on reading day, May 20.
Miller, Summerlin, Joseph Cal-
der of the ECU Security Depart-
ment, and an officer from the
Highway Patrol office will speak.
"This is a way to try to
improve our system. And any
time we can improve the system,
we really go all out for it said
Summerlin added that anyone
who wants to apply for SGA
Transit driver should apply in
room 228 Mendenhall.
"I'm looking forward to the
upcoming year, and we're hoping
that students will respond as well
as in the past year said
"I just hope it runs as well as
it did under Gary

Ktntudcij fried k��n
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2-Piece Combination Dinner
with slaw or creamed potatoes,
and roll all for
2 Locations I 600 S.W. Greenville Blvd.
(264 By-Pass) Dine in or
Phone 756-6434 take out
2905 E. 5th St. Take out only
Phone 752-5184
Open: Sunaay-Thursday 11 a.m9 p.m.
Friday & Saturday 11 a.m10 p.m.
"it's finger tickiriffQod:

, ��� :y
� �� � ��'� �� �
Jazz Trombone Ensemble
to perform in concert
Jazz Trombone Ensemble under
the direction of George Brous-
sard, will perform in concert on
the Mendenhall Patio, Monday,
May 16, at 6:00 P.M. The concert
is sponsored by ECU'S Menden-
hall Student Center and is free to
the public.
of eight members, five trombone
players and three rhythm players.
The ensemble is affiliated with
the ECU Chapter of the Inter-
national Trombone Association.
The band's program features
such "jazz standards" as Duke
Ellington's "Satin Doll "Take
The A Train "It's All Right
With Me and "Kai Winding's
Mangos In addition, such
novelty arrangements as "Look
Wnat They've Done To My Song
Ma and "Orange Blossom
Special" will be performed.
featured on Atlantic Christian
College's MENC Series, toured
with the ECU Jazz Ensemble, and
performed at the UNC Jazz
Festival at Chapel Hill.
Ensemble, will perform on the Mendenhall Patio,
Monday, May 7u. at biX) p.m.
Local businesses affected
b y coffee price increase
Sports Editor
Greenville, like the rest of the
nation, has recently been plagued
by price increases in coffee.
According to the national
weekly publication Time maga-
zine, the increase has been the
result of freezing weather which,
in July of 1975, killed or damaged
70 percent of Brazil's oof fee trees.
Brazil produces one-third of the
world's coffee supply.
Time also states that another
apparent reason for the price
increase is that Brazil and other
coffee-producing regions have
raised their export taxes In
Brazil, the tax rate has increased
from 22 to 75 cents. Brazil now
gets $2.37 per pound of coffee,
four times last year's price.
"The crisis was dreamed up
by coffee-exporting nations in
order to gouge the American
consumer according to Fred
Richmond, House Agriculture
Subcommittee Chairman.
The freeze has resulted in a
rise in prices and a reduction in
production. Consumers are now
paying the highest prices ever for
coffee. With some blends reach-
ing $5 per pound, oof fee prices
are now 41.8 per cent higher than
in 1924.
"Retail prices have not yet
caught up with wholesale
prices according to Roy Byrum,
an Overton's grocery store em-
ployee. "We don't charge the
manufacturer's suggested price
because if we did, nobody would
buy our oof fee
"For example, we sell Max-
well House, the nation's most
popular brand, for one dollar
under the suggested price said
The increase occurred week
by week through a gradual price
rise which is still in progress. At
the present time, oof fee packaged
in bags is less expensive than in
jars or cans he said.
"Store brands average about
60 cents to a dollar cheaper than
name brands according to John
L. Braxton, an employee of
"Customers will often stock
up on the store brand, which we
place on sale every week said
Braxton also said that prices
can rise from approximately 20 to
30 cents per week.
"We are now paying $7.5
billion for green coffee beans,
when we paid $1.5 billion for the
same amount of beans last year
said Richmond.
Due to the price increase,
coffee consumption has dropped
by 20 per cent, accordinq to Time.
"Around three months ago,
people were stocking up said
Byrum. "But now things have
calmed down. With summer and
the tea season approaching,
coffee buying will probably de-
crease some
The price increase has also
affected the restaurant business.
A free cup of coffee is now a thing
of the past.
According to Carolyn A.
Markhan, a waitress at Sambo's
restaurant, coffee has increased
from 30 to 35 cents per cup over
the last month.
"Although the prioe has in-
creased, you can drink all you
want for 35 cents said Mark-
han. "It (coffee) now oosts more
for us to buy, so we have to pass
the increase on to the customer
Markhan also noted how the
seasonal change influences coffee
"Now that it's getting warm-
er, more people are starting to
drink tea she said. "People
want ooffee when it's cold and tea
when it's warm. Coffee consump-
tion should remain at a steady
level, though
While the price increase has
not yet caused boycotts locally,
steps have been taken to lead off
such potential boycotts.
According to Byrum, Over-
ton' s has recently removed a sign
urging customers not to buy
coffee due to its high price. The
sign suggested they drink other
beverages instead of coffee.
It takes three years for the
ooffee tree to come into produc-
tion. This means it will take until
at least 1979 to harvest new coffee
tree beans.
Because of this, each coffee-
drinker will have to make some
sacrifice in order to pay the
increased price of coffee.
12 May 1977
Page 7
Would you believe
Doing anything fa the last time is seldom easy. Writing this
column, the swan song of "Would You Believe is not easy. Nor is
leaving East Carolina.
As part of the Class of 77, I've shared the experiences of freshman
dorms (yes, they used to have freshman dorms here), homesickness,
and the confusion and red tape characteristic of college life.
I've learned the ropes of downtown social life, made friends here,
and lost touch with my friends at home.
I've participated in two Halloween riots. I've demonstrated
against a raise in tuition oosts. I've gone to football games and keg
parties and to many, many classes. I've been on academic probation
and on the Dean's List.
FOUNTAINHEAD has been a major part of my life, sometimes too
big a part. At times. I've dreaded going to work; I've wished I could lie
around and watch the soaps like "normal people.
I've inadvertantly alnated a few people, sometimes because of my
opinions, sometimes because of my ethics, and still other times
because I was a bitch.
Angry readers have called me everything from a sexual deviant to
an airhead. But they seem to be the exception. I've been tremendously
gratified when people have expressed their enjoyment of my writing
In the past four years, I've taken an astounding number of courses.
Some of them have been infuriatingly worthless. I've had teachers who
couldn't teach apes how to eat bananas.
On the other hand, there have been classes that opened me to ideas
and experiences I'll always carry with me. There have been teachers
who have cared enough to beg, intimidate and inspire me into
achieving�for my own sake.
Most of all, I've had the incredibly good fortune to major in a
department of the finest, most intelligent, most caring people you
oould imagine. If that weren't enough, my minor department boasts
one of the very best (and most frustrating) teachers possible. Thanks.
What it comes down to is that four years at ECU have been a gift
of people. (Oh sure, I'm coming out of it with a degree, too.)
To my dorm friends, my teachers, the people in the poli sci lounge,
and many more, I can only say "thank you To my co-workers at
FOUNTAINHEAD, it's been an invaluable experience.
This probably appears to be a self-centered way to write my last
column. I feel sure that most of the Seniors empathize with my
feelings, but maybe you underclassmen think this is nothing but
unnecessary sentimentality.
Well, a very dear friend and I were reminiscing about how much
time we wasted being spectators instead of participants in life here.
Therein lies the message to those of you who'll be back next year;
become a part of this place. It would be tragic to leave here with no
As for the seniors, I guess most of us hate the idea of losing contact
with the people that count here. We know we can't go into our new
endeavors clinging to the past, but there's no reason why we can't
keep in touch with it.
The experiences we've had here are part of what we are, and of
what we'll become.

Page 8 FOUNTAINHEAD 12 May 1977
Dance Theatre impressive
Staff Writer
Dance is more than mere
orchestral and physical syncopa-
tion. Dance and music at their
best are arts whose purpose when
combined is to accentuate indivi-
dual motivation Music is the
paint brush and dance the paint.
The East Carolina Dance
Theatre opened last night with a
long and varied performance. The
creativity and energy of the
company waxed and waned in
direct correlation with the caliber
of the choreography.
The production opens with a
nightclub, jazz piece choreogra-
phed by Michele Mennett. It is a
combination of typical jazz move-
ments, fa the most part ensem-
ble, and uninspired. General fre-
netic movement diffuses indivi-
dual inadequacies in dance as one
is taken with the flow of the
The dancers in this piece
simply move with the music, as
opposed to being moved by it.
The best facets of this piece were
the control and energy of Sara
Berman and the oomedic antics of
Robin Kmton. Miss Berman's
solos were contained, intense and
smooth, displaying little of the
"shudder inherent in slow
movement. Miss Kinton's fren-

Playing This Weekend Buddy-Ro Band
(Part of Doc Watson'sformer band)
Featuring New
Top-Name Bands
zied gestures and responses were
timely and prudent. There was
little sense of unnecessary intru-
sion that slapstick often has upon
a work.
"Creatures choreographed
by Pat Pertalion, was the second
and best of the works. "Crea-
tures" is a modern piece with
several interpretations whose
success lies in its range and
The piece opens with several
nebulous creatures moving from a
mass of incorporated fetal posi-
tions. It isa well-paced gymnastic
sequence of movements that are
slow without being arduous.
There is much early crawling and
rolling, which improvestoa sense
of effort and coordination. It isthe
strongest episode of the entire
The following humorous seg-
ment is excellent, as huge
laundry bags cavort in adolescent
curiosity. It is a gymnastic piece,
but with unusual flow and pacing.
It is followed by a segment
containing conventional tired
symbols of automated indiffer-
The third and best segment
was the counterpoint of the
earlier automated piece. Dan
Nichols and Ten Leggette are
excellent and emotive in a piece
representative of youth and sin-
cerity. Miss Leggette was per-
haps the best in this entire
production and showed far more
st ngth than all but perhaps
Miss Berman. She was graceful
without being weak or moribund.
This combined with Mr. Nichol's
strength, lent the piece its
extreme gentle intensity.
But for the last segment the
remainder of the piece was slow
and tended to drag. The close was
intense without being raucous or
clumsy. "Creatures" is five min-
utes too long, away from being
The final segment "Degas
choreographed by Mavis Ray, did
not have the energy of the earlier
works. The company seemed
tired and much of the early
concentration was gone. It is a
classical piece set in a dance
studio and there are again good
performances by both Miss Leg-
gette and Miss Berman.
The piece degenerates from that
point, however, with the ade-
quate, "The Catch being the
only bright spot.
The wast piece, both artisti-
cally and physically was the last.
"The Can-Can" was a sloppy
version performed by an exhaus-
ted company, though it was in-
tended as an enerqetic finish. It
is inappropriately timed, and
poorly coordinated. "The Can-
Can" and the uninspired perfor-
mance of all the men with the
exception of Mr. Nichols are the
only flaws in the production.
This is the Dance Theatre's
initial production. The choreogra-
phy and dancer energy imply an
interpretive perceptivity that is
genuinely impressive.
Tonight at
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Underground rock heroine Patti Smith
12 May 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 9
Musician resents rock and roil censorship
Pop Scene Servioe
When a rock writer described
Patti Smith as a "leader and an
oddity in whatever circles she
chooses to move in the under-
ground rock heroine retorted:
"That's what my teachers
used to say about me on my
report cards
Patti's sense of humor is as
outspoken as it is wry. She has
said that she wanted to obliterate
censorship in rock and roll,
especially since the BBC bleeped
out all the four-letter words from
her single, "Gloria
"I resent the conceit of any
government censoring artists
said the tall, lanky, tousle-haired
rock poet. "I rely on my fantasies
to create images in my work
Maybe so, but many listeners
often squirm at Patti's more
explicit songs, like the title track
of her HORSES album, which is
an incantation of violence and
brutality. Nevertheless, the debut
album landed high on the U.S.
charts and at the very top of the
European best-sellers.
"My outspokenness has al-
ways gotten me into trouble
said the New Jersey-born artist-
turned-poet-turned rock singer.
"I got thrown out of the sixth
grade for it. I wasn't rebellious or
anything - I just wanted to know
why I had to learn the rules of
grammar and math and my
teacher wouldn't give me a
straight answer. I guess I was a
Now, she says, she has " lousy
grammar and it takes her hours
to write prose. At the age of 7,
however, she had no thoughts of
becoming a writer. She wanted to
be a ballerina, but "I was so
awkward my teacher suggested I
drop out of the dass
The little girl fought back,
reminding her teacher about the
story of the ugly duckling who
eventually turned into a beautiful
swan. Unfortunately, according to
Patti, "the ballet teacher didn't
want to wait around that long
Those childhood frustrations
evidently haven't scarred Patti for
life. Mostly, she believes, be-
cause she always felt she was
"blessed with something
I may not know how to use it
all the time, I failed a lot of
things, but I'm aware of what I
have. Part of my whole struggle
was to express this thing that I
knew I had as a very young child.
But it's too heavy to talk about
when you're a six-year-old kid
As a six-year-old, she did
hope that a flying sauoer would
land in her house so she might be
able to talk about "this thing" to
beings who would understand
her. Today, thousands of young
people around the globe appear to
be understanding her perfectly.
"Whatever I do onstage is
me she said, explaining her
unique brand of candid rock and
roll. "Sometimes, if I feel phony
or scared or angryI express it. I
let people know how I feel. I'd
rather reveal my weaknesses and
confusions than be a fraud. So I
guess I do things that seem
She would like her audiences
to be just as real. She'd rather
have them yelling obscenities
Good Things
For Gentle People
318 Evans St. Mail
A Family Recreation Facility
Featuring the New, Modern
Roller Skating
Part time help needed �
Sportsworld of Greenville is
taking applications for part
timesummer help. Apply now
Only limited number
of positions.
than sitting politely on their
hands, wincing inside. On the
other hand, if they are unrecept-
ive, she'll "fight to make them
love me
Patti Smith had plenty of
fighting to do during her poetry-
reading days in the Greenwien
Village coffee houses, when she'd
open for rock bands and the
crowds would boo her, off the
"I even got into a fist fight
once she admitted, adding, "I
had to earn my place on stage, it
wasn't handed to me. I've been
fighting for my position for five
years, and I'll keep fighting
Her punkish quality has had
sewrral music writers comparing
her :o Bruce Springsteen, while
ph ically, she's been likened to
"M k Jagger in drag And
becc se she's the most promising
female rock laureate in years,
there have been the inevitable
comparisons to Janis Joplin.
"I'm honored to be compared
to anyone I admire because those
artists were so oommitted to their
work she said between forkfuls
of chicken sadad. "But I do
something that none of them
didwhich isto work with stream
of consciousness
She doesn't look like Jagger or
Keith Richard anymore, now that
she s let her dark hair grow
shoulder-length and traded the
leather jacket for a custom-
tailored silk (which today was
topped with French jeans and
Italian ballet slippers).
She enjoys immersing herself
in the mood of her albums prior to
reoording them. Before she cut
HORSES, she went to Franoe to
visit Jim Morrison's grave and
Rimbaud's birthplace - "to get
different kinds of images going
Mandatory staff
meeting 4:00
Be there
Cooler, Case and ICE (our choice)$8.00
Soup, Sandwich and Soda (fountainDrPepper).79
Dr. Peppet 16oz. (plusdeposit).15
Banfi RiuniteLambrusoo15 $2.92
St. Jacobs Liebfraumilch15$I89
Beameister Liebfraumilch15$3 19
MateusRose15 $3.24
Perkeo Liebfraumilchmagnums $3.84
SchhtzByTheCase12ozCan $6.99
Blue Ribbon By The Case12ozCan $6.80
Ice50 lb.Bag $2.00
Happy Store 10th and Evans. Greenville. North Carolina
' irv Trm
����� v . � �� Av-v � �� ; Jh �

Page 10 FOUNTAINHEAD 12 May 1977
I '���
tor sale
fir� v ��
FOR SALE: 12" X 60" trailer,
unfurnished and air condgas
heat, double sinks in bathroom,
plus washer & dryer. 2 bed-
room, call 752-9432 ask Mr.
Henderson after 60) p.m.
Alice. 757-6366 (9-5 weekdays).
FOR SALE: Sony 126 cassette
tape playerrecorder; stereo, with
case. $150. Call 757-6367, 9-5.
FOR SALE: Pioneer In-dash
AMFM Stereo 8-Track player-
12 watts per channel $95. Call
FOR SALE: Hang glider, 18 foot,
standard. Ask for Dan or leave a
message, 757-6704.
FOR SALE: 1976 Grand Prix,
silver wred interior. Radials,
AMFM, air, power steering,
power brakes, only 24,000 miles.
$4800. 756-7230 after 5:30 p.m.
One owner car. 19 mpg in town,
22 out of town.
FOR SALE: '70 Mustang. Auto-
matic, may be seen at Buck's Gulf
on 10th St. 758-0951 after 6 p.m.
FOR SALE: 1974 Yamaha, only
4300 miles; very good condition;
$550 or best offe Call 756-4946.
FOR SALE: 1975 Yamaha 500,
DOHC, low mileage, crash bar,
sissy bar, luggage straps. Ser-
ious inquiries only. $1100.00
757-6352 call between 8-5 and
ask fa Bonnie.
FOR SALE: 1964 GMC handivan,
good cond new tires, $600.00 or
best offer. 752-5267.
FOR SALE: 4.5 cubic feet Frig-
idaire refrigerator. Call 752-0645.
FOR SALE: Gauges ,for cars,
trucks, or boats-Stewart-Warner
oil pressure, racimex vacuum,
and racimex volt. $5.00 each, any
two for $9.00, all three for $11.00.
Call 752-1292.
FOR SELL: Sansui AIM01 Ste-
reophonic Amplifier. Call 758-
FOR SALE: 1965 Cadillac black-
red interior. Air cond power
ace good condition. Best offer.
Call Bill 752-5631
FOR SALE: Power boosters for
your car tape player. An excess of
20 wattchannel. $45.00 with
speakers and installation (New)
$60.00. Call 758-4863.
FOR SALE: Pioneer 828 -65 watts
rms, dual 1218. $250.00 for both.
Call Erick 758-3018.
FOR SALE: Car cover-fits any
mid size or sports car. 758-7072
FOR SALE: 1971 SL 350 CC; Blue
Honda, low mileage, like new,
whelmet and new tires, $500.
746-6584 after 6O0 p.m.
FOR SALE: 1972 MGB, 31,000
miles, excellent cond AMFM
stereo, luggage rack. $2450.00
527-3724 (Kinston).
ers, resumes etc 756-1461.
rates. 756-1921.
FOR SALE: Clairol Kindness
3-way hairsetter including hair-
setting conditioner and clips.
Also: Clairol Crazy Curl with
steam (curling wand). Call Mar-
garet at 758-8230.
TYPING SERVICE: 50 cents per
page, there are exceptions. Call
Toni at 752-5701 after 5:30 p.m.
FOR SALE: Volkswagen parts fa
40 hasepower engine, everything
and anything street header fa
VW, almost brand new oonditioi.
Best offer. 752-9409. Body parts,
fender, hood & alasses, etc
FOR SALE: Two motorcycle
helmets, 212 months old, 1 full
face with chin guard, large size,
$40, cola: white. 1 3A helmet
cola: yellow, medium size, $30.
Both have new face shields, call
752-0884 after 6 p.m ask fa
FOR SALE: Two brand new
ADSL-700 speakers, still in the
box. Also a high perfamance
Advent Model 201 cassette tape
deck. Will sell fa $300 each a
best offer. Call Alan 758-8632.
FOR SALE: '66 Buick station
wagon. Must sale by June 1. Best
offer. 758-1232-nights.
8837 after 5.00.
FOR SALE: Body-building bull-
waker develops all muscles with
only 5 minutes per day. Originally
cost $45.00, now just $20. Call
FOR SALE76 Mustang II silver
ac 4 speed 15,500 miles. Like
new. $3,800. 752-7651.
FOR SALE: '71 Fiat 850 sport,
$975 a best offer. 752-2880.
FOR SALE: '69 VW Camper,
pop-top, excellent condition. 758-
7462 after 5 p.m.
FOR SALE: Standard size refri-
gerator $25.00. Good waking
caiditiai. 753-2091, John Rouse.
receiver, 35 watts, RMS per
channel; excellent condition,
$100. Bose 301 speakers, like
new, $140. Philips 212 turntable
with new cartridge, excellent
conditioi, $100. Call 752-5499.
FOR SALE: 1970 Delta 88 Olds.
Built in air, tape deck, power
brakes, power steering good
condition, low mileage. $595.00
a best offer. Must sell,leaving fa
the summer. Call Lee Elks
FOR SALE: 1974 Toyota Land
Cruiser-34,000 miles Craig FM
stereo-$3100.00. Call 758-4176.
FOR SALE: Banaoft woodfiber-
glass tennis racket with cover and
press. Phone 752-8706, 104-B
leave messaae.
FOR SALE: Beautiful German
Shepherd puppies $20.00. Call
752-5580 after 5 O0.
TYPING SERVICE: Letters, re-
pats, & tarn papers-call 756-
8837 after 5 p.m.
TYPING: 75 cents per page. Call
�ebra Parrington, 756-6031
days, and 752-2508 nights.
FOR SALE: Advent Speakers
$100.00 per pair. Al Garrard
automatic turntable 45.00. 758-
FOR SALE: 1972 Triumph Spit-
fire. Excellent condition. Call
946-5198 between 7:30 p.m9.O0
track stereo with Garrard turn
table and 2 speakers, $125.00.
Call 758-9153.
FOR SALE: '61 Chevy truck.
283-V8. Good shape. Must sell.
Best offer. 758-4604 a see Barry -
Jenkins 129.
FOR SALE: Zenith stereo com-
plete with speakers-automatic
changer excellent condition! Per-
fect size fa dam room. $65.00
Call 758-5090 after 5 p.m.
FOR SALE: Single ha plate. Best
offer. 758-8062.
FOR SALE: 1 complete set of
Slingerland drums $400.00, in-
cludes tom-tans, 5 Paiste cym-
bals, excellent coid. Call 752-
0547 after 6
FOR SALE: Shure -Dynamic
(Unishphae B) Miaophone-$30.
Sealy Posturepedic foam set
(firm)-$85.00. Colonial bed frame
$25.00. Ephiphone classic guitar-
$85.00. Jadee Guitar (exact rep-
lica of Gibson Dove)-$120.00.
Lawn furniture (brand new)-ask.
Hitachi FM radio (wood cabinet)-
$20.00. Panasonic Patable TV
(new)-$80.00. Bureau-excel lent
shape-$35.00. Call Dai 752-1347.
CAREER? Advertise in the new
Carolina Bargain Trader, a buy
sell trade magazine published in
Greenville and distributed in
Eastern N.C. Your personal inter-
view of 75 wads plus phao could
be very successful in obtaining
the position you desire and runs 2
weeks at $4.50 a 4 weeks at $8.00
and we will take the phao fa oily
$12.25 Call 758-7487 a write to
P.O. Box 16, Greenville, N.C.
FOR SALE: Complete stereo
system-$125.00; box spring and
mattress-$50.00; curtains for
window and sliding glass doas-
$50.00. Call 758-0998.
FOR SALE: 1968 Chevelle Mali-
bu-Air Cond power windows,
4-doa, power steering, power
brakes, AM-FM- $750 Call 752-
FOR SALE: Alpine Design Tim-
ber line tent, good fa backpack-
ing, excellent cond. weight 6 lbs.
$75.00. Call 758-4176
FOR SALE: '62 Comet, b cylin-
der, good conditioi $150.00 a
best offer. If interested call
FOR SALE :1 black cast iron wood
stove - $65.00, 1 hagstrum
classical guitar - $65.00. Call
FOR SALE: Allegro stereo
$325.00. Call 758-6363 between
11 a.m9 p.m. MonWed. ask
fa Judy a leave message.
FOR SALE: Ten Speed "Rally
Recad" anda bike rack. Both
in excellent oonditioi. Call 752-
2797 after 6O0 p.m.
FOR SALE: Bic 960 turntable.
Still under warranty. $125, 752-
FOR SALE: 1 double bed
wframe-$30, 2 chests of drawers
-$25,1 wooden kitchen table w4
chairs-$30,1 old rose-pattern rug-
$15, 2 very nice throw rugs-$15,1
wood-framed mirro-$10, 1 set
bookshelves-$10,1 tile top coffee
table (antique)-$30, and many
Oher furnishings. Come by 305
S. COanche St. (upstairs), ask fa
FOR RENT: Private room - 410B
Student St. Call 752-7032.
NEEDED: Male roommate fa the
summer. Eastbrook Apts. Call
SUBLET: Fa summer, 3 bed-
room house, $195 mon. Call
757-6390 between 7-9 p.m.
FOR RENT: 1 & 2 bedroom
apartments, located on Cross St.
Newly renovated and new ap-
pliances. Call 752-4154
FOR RENT: Private room, air
conditiaied, summer a fall, 4
blocks fron campus. 752-4006
after 1 O0 p.m.
NEEDED: Private room fa first
summer sessiai, preferably with
swimming pool. Call Kay befoe
10 o after 11. 758-8826.
"FOR RENT: Want a nice.duplex
to rent fa the summer? Phone
To share 2 bedroom apt. at
Eastbrook fa the summer. Pay
half the rent and utilities. Call
FOR RENT: Roons,bah sessiais
summer school. $60 per month.
Contact Sigma Nu fraternity.
FOR RENT: House fa up to 4
boys. Call 752-2862.
FOR RENT: Furnished efficiency
fa two, utilities included. Avail-
able July 1, aaoss fron college.
WANTED: Roommate needed
desperately, share 2-bedroom
apt 5-6 blocks from campus, $50
a month, 758-3559 after 200.
FOR RENT: Sublease 1 bedroom
apt. fa June & July. $145 a
month; call 752-0701.
FOR RENT: Private room aaoss
from college. Call 758-2585.
FOR RENT: Rooms, both ses-
sions summer school. $60 per
session. Contact Sigma Nu frater-
nity. 758-7640.
To share 2 bedroom apartment at
Eastbrook fa the summer. Pay
half the rent & utilities. Call
752-8393 after 6 p.m.
WANTED: Female roommate(s)
needed desperately to share an
apartment this summer and lor
next year. Low rates. Call Gisele
at 752-8453.
mate needed immediately, rent
$55.00month & utilities.
Private room, can be furnished.
Biking distance to campus. Call
FOR RENT: 1 bedroom apt very
oozy, many furnishings available.
$85 month. Come by 305 S.
COanche St. (upstairs) in even-
ings (5-7) a try anytime. Ask fo
summer, private room at River
Bluff Apts. Call 752-1799.
NEEDED: 3 female roommates at
Eastbrook Apts$47.50 a month
plus utilities. Summer ando
fall. Call Doina at 752-8405.
NEEDED: One a two female
roommates to share two-bedroom
apartment at Eastbrook this sum-
mer. Call 752-0994.
�i wt �����
LOSI : a girl's blue star sapphire
ring, size612. Lost Thurs. May 5
between 12:45 and 200 p.m. in
the ladies' restroom Austin 3rd
floa. It was a gift, please contact
Jane 752-9257 if you have any
LOST: Silver Zippo lighter no
initials. Lost in game room at
Mendenhall. $5.00 reward! Sen-
timental value unestimated. Call
Rebecca after 4.O0-752-3732.
LOST: Female Irish Setter in the
vicinity of 3rd and JarvisSts. 1 yr.
old. Reward fa any infamatiai
leading to her. 758-8670
FOUND: In the Croatan, man's
gold ring with brown stone. Call
FOUND: 1 pair gray hard contact
lenses. Found in Minges pool
near the end of March. Still there
on bulletin board. Ask lifeguard
on duty.
f personal
NEEDED: Ride to New Yak City
ai a befae May 24th. Will share
expenses. Contact, Theda Saffo,
NEEDED: Counselas fa private
summer camp in western N.C.
Salaries range fron $325 to $500
depending upon age, maturity,
and skills, plus room, 3 meals a
day and laundry, fa the period
June14-Aug. 17. Interviews and
your personal inspection of camp
site can be arranged during the
month of May by telephoning
704-692-6239 a writing to Marty
Levine, co Camp Pinewood,
Hendersonville, N.C. 28739.
Only clean cut, conservative,
non-smoking college students
need apply. Positions available
are as follows: cabin counselas in
both boys' and girls' camps-ski
boat drivers (235 horsepower
engine);ski instructasfa sailing
and canoeing-swimming pool
(WSI)-Go Karts (practical me-
chanical knowledge)-archery-
riflery-gotf arts and aafts-dance
and drama and also kitchen aides
in food department and office
FREE KITTENS: Two left. 1 gray
and white striped with white
belly- female; 1 black kitten with
orange and white patches -
female. Please call 758 .390 a
cane by 1305 Caanche St. They
are ready fa a good home now.
RIDE WANTED: To Winston-
Salem area this weekend. Call
Ton at 758-8279.

Spring sports
A thletes honored
12 May 1977
Page 11
intramural First-Aid tops
We're filling this Intramural Column with something a little
different this week. Let's talk about an aspect of the intramural
program that usually goes without notice, but which is one of the most
important parts of the entire intramural structure.
That isthe First Aid and Training aspect of the program, which has
provided all competitors with "on the spot" first aid and athletic
attention this year.
The program has been headed this year by Intramural Graduate
Assistant Gwen Engelken. Its growth has been such that East Carolina
now possesses one of the few training rooms for intramurals in the
Located in Memorial Gym, the room is open on weekdays from 2 to
4 p.m. to give taping and wrapping services to the students, and to
provide soaking and whirlpool treatment for any soreness if it is
Miss Engelken has been in charge of this operation this year and
although she will not be around next year, it is hoped that the room can
expand its usefulness to serving as an aide to the Infirmary for
treatment of injuries incurred in intramural activity. To do this, a
referral system needs to be set up between the Infirmary and the
intramural trainers. It couldn't be done this year.
Even so the student trainers, who work for no money at all as part of
their Sports Medicine training, have been on the site for intramural
events this year and ready to tend to sprains, twists and other such
injuries with first aid treatment. In cases where a doctor's care fa the
injury was needed right away, the staff sends the injured athlete to the
Infirmary for care.
Engelken, who is one of two certified Women's Trainers in North
Carolina (Liz White of the ECU Sports Med. Department is the other),
said that the system is one of the best for intramurals in the country
and that with a referral service with the Infirmary, it can be improved
even more.
"Weare limited in what wecandohere says Engelken. "We can
wrap and tape ankles and knees, or give some other support like that,
and we can soak swollen joints in the whirlpool, but we can't diagnose
or treat injuries. Only a doctor can do that.
"If we had a form of referral service with the Infirmary where we
worked with a doctor who prescribed treatment, then we would be
much more able to do more added Engelken. "But as our facilities
are now, we still have one of the best training programs for intramural
sports in the country. Most schcolsdon't provide any medical attention
as far as Intramurals are conoerned
Another service of the Intramural trainers, and Engelken in
particular, has been setting up and filing physicals fa a" the
participants of the school's Club Spats. In addition to setting up the
physicals with the Infirmary, Engelken keeps on file a oopy of all
insurance coverage fa those who play Club Spats. This assures that
all students participating on Club teams are covered by insurance in
case of injury.
The ECU student body is lucky to have such a program as the
Intramural Trainers' program and it hasn't even reached its full
potential yet. In future years it should.
The Belk Ugliesand the Charley Manson Family oontinue to be the
top-ranked teams in the Men's playoffs as the Divisional Playoffs
begin today and run through next week. In the Fraternity league,
Kappa Sigma lost only one game, while Sigma Nu and Tau Kappa
Epsilon had lost two games each through Monday.
Women's Intramural play also began this week in each division
after the Mac Attackers closed out the regular season by handing
Hypertension its first loss of the season. Both teams made the Playoffs.
Finals in the women's Intramural Softball championship was
decided yestaday, with the Tyler Hit and Runs playing the Fletcher
Mac Attackas fa the dam championship. Tyler won the match.
Spats Edita
Editor's note: The following
Pirates have been voted Spring
Sports Athletes, each in their
individual sport, by the Sports
staff and the Sports Information
Mickey Britt, Calvin Alstoi,
Debbie Freeman, David Brogan
and MikeBuckmaster, and Henry
Hostetler have been named
ECU'S Spring Spats Athletes fa
Baseball's Mickey Britt, a
Hope Mills resident, has had an
outstanding freshman year.
Seating a 9-0 reoad, his 1.50
ERA led the Southern Confer-
Britt pitched the conference
championship game against The
Citadel, winning 3-2, and will be
an impatant facta in the Pirates'
playoff perfamance.
Other baseball nominees were
Sonny Wooten, Pete Conaty,
Pete Paradossi, and Eddie Gates.
Calvin Alston captured the
most track vaes, beating out such
tough competition as Herman
Mclntyre and Marvin Rankins.
The Henderson sophomore
has also been a Pirate standout.
Alston, the MVP at the Southern
Conference championships, qual-
ified fa the NCAA's in the 200
meter and the 400 meter relay.
He lost the 200 metas, but only
to two olympians and one all-
The women's track winner
was Debbie Freeman. The MVP
in women's basketball fa the
past two years, the Jacksonville
junia was a co-athlete of the year
last year.
This year in track, Freeman
has consistently won the shot and
discus fa ECU's Lady Pirates.
She recently broke two school
track recads in last weekend's
ECU Women's Invitational.
Minnie McPhatter and Bar-
bara Brantley were also nomina-
The golf category saw a tie,
with both David Brogan and Mike
Buckmaster taking the hona.
This year, Brogan led the golf
team with a 76.5 average, and
was the team's top gater fa
most of the season.
Buckmaster, another golf
standout, finished seventh in the
Southan Conference tournament
to gain all-conference status.
Golf's third nominee was
Keith Hilla.
Having the best reoad ai the
team, Henry Hostetler got the top
vote in tennis.
The Raefad freshman, with a
13-6 reoad, played the number
five singles position. Ranking
fifth in the Southern Conferenoe,
Hostetler finished higha than
any rther Pirate netter.
Hostetler beat out Mitch
Pergerson and Ton Durfee fa
the hona.
South Carolina to host NCAA
baseball regional playoffs
Staff Writer
The University of South Caro-
lina was picked Monday as the
host institution for the 1977
Atlantic Region playoffs of the
NCAA Championships. East
Carolina will be competing in that
regional May 20-22 in Columbia,
The regional is oonsictered the
toughest of the NCAA's eight
regions, with number two ranked
South Alabama, number four
ranked South Carolina and num-
ber 11 Wake Faest involved. The
Pirates, ranked 27th, are the
fourth team in the region.
"This is one of the three
toughest regions Coach Monte
Little said Tuesday, "along with
the South and West reoions
South Carolina and South
Alabama are considered to be the
favaites on the regiai, with the
hard-hitting Deaoons also getting
some mention. East Carolina is
the darkhase, as they are not
ranked quite as high as the other
"South Carolina would have
to be considered the favaite in
this tournament Little said.
"They have the home field, fans
and have the most tournament
experience of any of the teams.
"As far as our chances go
Little continued, "we have as
good a chance as anyone in the
tourney. With these double elim-
ination tournaments, you have to
have a number of good starters.
We have four solid starters and
have the ninth best earned run
average in the nation (2.69)
Little said he knew very little
about South Alabama and not
much mae about South Carolina.
"We know mae about Wake
Faest than we do about anybody
in the tournament Little said.
"South Carolina got beat by The
Citadel 4-3 (the Pirates beat the
Bulldogs in a doubleheada to win
the Southern Conferenoe title).
Appalachian State beat Wake
Faest, tco (the Pirates also took
two games from the Mountain-
The Pirates have had a few of
their battas in slumps during the
middle of the season, but Little
feels everybody is hitting the ball
like they can now.
"Bobby (Supel) and Eddie
(Gates) had a little trouble during
the middle of the season, but they
are hitting the ball well now
Little emphasized the impa-
tance of getting the first two a
three runnas ai base.
"They (first three batters)
have our greatest speed on the
basepaths Little said. "If we
can get them on base and get
them to faoe the action by
running we'll be in pretty good
Games are set fa 500 p.m.
and 800 p.m. on Friday, with
three games to be played on
Saturday and one, a two if
neccessary, to be played on
Basketball assistant
named by Gillman
Herbert (Herb) Franklin Dil-
lon, Jr has been named assis-
tant basketball coach at East
CarolinaUnivasity. He'sthe first
assistant coach to be announced
by new head coach Larry Gillman.
Dillon has been prominent in
the junia college ranks, having
aiginated Basketball Talent Ser-
vice, a national junia college
scouting report. He is relinquish-
ing his ties with this service to
join the East Carolina staff.
The 29-year old native of
Paoli, Ind was also the aigi-
nator of the National Junior
College East-West All-Star game
in San Antonio, Tex. Pirate
reauit Oliver Mack was a staid-
out in this year's game in San
Last season, Dillon was an
assistant coach at Nath Texas
State University. In pria seasais,
Dillai waked with basketball at
Indiana State University and
Vincennes Junia College.
"Hab Dillon is one of the
most hard waking, aganized
men that I've met in the last ten
years said Gillman. "I'm very
happy that he's joining us at East
Carolina Univasity.
"I look fa Herb to be a
tremendous addition to our staff,
particularly in the field of reauit-
Dillon earned his BS degree in
physical education at Indiana
State Univasity, his M.Ed, at
Texas Tech Univasity and is
currently completing wak ai a
doctaate degree in higher educa-
tion administration at North Tex-
as State Univasity.
Dillon is married with no
childr' n.

Page 12 FOUNTAINHEAD 12 May 1977
Pirates may play Duke in 1977
Staff Writer
Since losing "their home open-
er for next season with Penn
State, Duke has been looking for
someone to replace the Nittany
Lions. They thought they had
found a suitable replacement in
Villancva, but the Philadelphia-
based school said no last Friday
and the Blue Devils are apparent-
ly nearing an agreement to play
East Carolina in Durham on Sept.
East Carolina Athletic Direc-
tor, Bill Cain, has been talking
with Duke officials fa the past
week or so and an agreement may
be forthcoming in the next few
"I've talked to Carl (James,
Duke's Athletic Director) and I
hope it's in a serious stage with
him Cain said Friday in an
interview with the Durham Morn-
ing Herald, "because it is with
us. We're very anxious to play
Duke, and we'll do all we can to
make the game a reality
As of now, East Carolina has
their 11-game schedule comple-
ted for next season and they
would have to break off with
either Toledo or Texas-Arlington
to play the Blue Devils. Texas
Arlington, the Pirates' opponent
orSept. 10, would be moved back
to Sept. 17, which is an open date
for them to accommodate Duke.
Toledo would probably be drop-
ped from the schedule.
"In essence, yes, we can
Cain said about moving the
Texas-Arlington game. "But the
delicate situation is with Toledo. I
have not talked with anyone from
there yet, because we haven't
gotten to the final stages with
"If we had to Cain contin-
ued, we oould pay off the Toledo
contract to get out of that game,
unless we oould find them an
opponent. I feel sure we oould
work something out if it was ne-
Cam said he thinks an East
Carolina-Duke matchup could
bring Wallace Wade Stadium to
near-capacity, "a better draw
than Penn State, with the local
North Carolina rivalry involved
Pirate football coach Pat Dye
was in Durham Wednesday, May
4, for a Pirate Club meeting, and
said East Carolina could sell
$80,000 worth of tickets for an
ECU-Duke game.
"If they are going to play
Villanova Dye said, "they
might as well play East Carolina.
Our football is as good as theirs
(Villanova) and we have as good
an institution. How much will
they make playing Villanova?
"I certainly wouldn't want to
play them because we think we
can win Dye said. "They beat
people like State and Tennessee
last year that maybe we don't
belong on the field with.
"The reason we want to play
Duke is because they are a class
institution and have a good
program. They must not think
we're that low; they got their
head coach from us
Duke head coach Mike McGee
had a 3-8 record at East Carolina
in 1970, one of the ten worst
records in Pirate history. He has
been at Duke fa the past six
"I don't think there is any
feeling that we don't like to play
East Carolina, we play them in
other spats said James.
"There's certainly no prejudice.
But we can't just put somebody
oi the schedule. It has to be
waked out
James went on to say if the
NCAA approves a 12th game fa
oollege football, ECU is the first
school he wants to talk to.
Joe Tiede, Sports Edita of Tne
News and Observer, said in
Wednesday's edition that the
schools will start a series of three
games in 1979.
confirm this as of press time.
Wrestlers honor retiring coach
Sports Edita
Awards were presented to
both wrestlers and their retiring
coach at the team's awards
presentation Saturday.
Jay Dever caj lured the Most
Improved Freshman title. Dever
has a sophomae status, but
wrestles as a freshman because
he was redshirted due to injury
last year. He has three mae
wrestling years ahead, and form-
er coach John Welban thinks he
will do well. Welban said Dever
has dote "an outstanding job
The team's Most Valuable
Freshman award went to Frank
Schade. Also having three years
left, Welban feels this wrestler
"will get better every year. He
has had an excellent year wrest-
ling at 150
The Most Valuable Wrestler
award went to two team mem-
bers, Paul Osman and Phil
Osman did not lose a dual
match all season. He was victa-
ious in the Wilkes Open, and was
the Southern Conference champ-
ion at 126. Welban thinks Osman
is " a possible national placer next
Mueller has remained unbeat-
en in dual matches fa the past
two years. During this time, he
has been the N.C. Collegiate
champion and the Southern Con-
ference champion. Also the MVP
at the conference championships,
Mueller pinned all three of his
opponents, winning his final
match in 38 seconds.
Welban said of Osman and
Mueller, "both train excellently
and run on their own. They are
good examples to the rest of the
The team then presented
Welban with a plaque which
read, "To an outstanding man
who is first in the eyes of his
I feel good looking back over
the years said Welban. "The
biggest thrill of it all has been
coaching young people. I've
gotten a helluva lot mae out of
coaching than I put in
Welban has been the Pirate
wrestling head coach since 1967.
He was named coach of the year
in the conference from 1972
through 1976. During the same
period of time his teams have
been Southern Conference
This was Welban's last year
as head wrestling coach. He
resigned his position in ader to
devote mae time to his job as
assistant athletic directa.

Fountainhead, May 12, 1977
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
May 12, 1977
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