Fountainhead, May 10, 1977

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Serving the campus com-
munity for over 50 years.
With a circulation of 8,500,
this issue is 12 pages.
. ? S ? .
Vol. 52, No. 52
Hardee's new chain, p. 7
New hospital opens, p. 5
Coach signs standout, p. 11
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
10 May 1977
New SGA cabinet
almost completed Tlio RPRPI
By DOUG WHITE Jenkins letter relating his deci- JH M 1 ? m M MMM fl
Staff Writer
All but one of SGA President
Neil Sessoms' eight cabinet ap-
pointees were approved by the
SGA legislature at its meeting
Approved were: Ed Beane,
Sec.of Academic Affairs; Wiley
Betts, Sec. of International Af-
fairs: Jerry Cox, Sec. of External
Affairs; Gini Ingram, Sec. of
Student Welfare; Ron Lewis,
Refrigerator Manager; Bernard
Smith, Sec. of Minority Affairs;
and Gene Summerlin, Transit
Manager. Not approved was the
nominee for Sec. of Information,
Kieran Shanahan.
The normal procedure of
approval was altered somewhat
due tothe fact that the Screenings
and Appointments Committee did
not have a quorum at its last
Therefore, the legislature vo-
ted to dissolve itself into a
committee to screen the nomi-
In other business, Speaker
Ricky Price read Chancellor Leo
Jenkins' letter relating his deci-
sion on the recall petition.
Gary Miller, SGA Transit
Manager addressed the meeting
on the progress the transit system
has made this year and his hopes
of opening a night route.
Miller asked the legislature to
oppose any attempts to merge the
ECU transit system with the
Greenville transit system.
Shortly thereafter, the legisla-
ture passed a resolution commen-
ding Miller for his service as
transit manager.
An amendment to the Com-
munications Board by-laws re-
quiring its presidential-appointed
members to be subject to the
approval of the legislature was
Scott Bright and Monika Su-
therland, President Sessoms' re-
cent appointees to the Board were
A resolution supporting the
Adams-Ramsey bill before the
North Carolina General Assembly
which could provide $2.7 million
for improvements on MoGinnis
Auditorium and the old Wahl-
Coates building passed, also.
Head photographer,
77-78 REBEL editor
chosen by Board
Staff Writer ,
REBEL editor and ECU head
photographer for the 1977-1978
school year were chosen Tuesday,
May 3, at the Communications
Board meeting.
They are Luke Whisnant,
presently the associate editor of
the literary art magazine, ar.d
Peter Podeszwa, an SGA photo-
grapher, respectively.
Screenings for WECU general
manager were not completed.
Whisnant, past REBEL poetry
award winner, has future ex-
pansion plans for the magazine.
"If we can get the proper
money appropriations, I would
like to have two forty-page
magazines next year, which could
be possible on the semester
system Whisnant said.
"We could have one public-
ation in January, and one in
The full-time position of art
director would be cut, according
to Whisnant.
"We can get along without an
art director for the first two or
three months. Then someone can
be hired to do headlines and
Allison Thompson, a contri-
butor to the REBEL, was re-
commended by the board for the
position of associate editor.
See PHOTOG, pg. 3
East Carolina University's
Literary-Art Magazine
The REBELS are here
THE '7677 ISSUES of,the REBEL, t CU's literary Publications Center, across from the Joyner Library
and art magazine, have arrived and are available at annex. Be sure and get yours, they are free and they
the magazine's office, second floor of the are good.
Due to lack of interest
Voting for favorite teacher
continues through this week
Co-News Editor
Students will have a second
chance to vote for their favorite
undergraduate teacher this week,
according to Marie Farr, chair-
person of the Faculty Senate
Instructional Survey Committee.
The voting was held on April
26, 27, and 28. However, only
about 500 students participated.
Farr said that the committee
will need at least 2,000 votes to
conduct their survey.
She attributed the failure of
the first attempt to several
"We made a mistake in the
location at the old CU she
Also, Farr said that she
believesa lot of students were not
aware that the voting was taking
place in spite of campus cover-
"We asked all the faculty to
announce it and I believe that
maybe one out of 16 did
Farr added that the results of
the voting will be published in
survey form provided that the
Faculty Senate approves. Hope-
fully, the survey will be published
in the fall.
Voting will be held May 10
through May 17 in three loca-
Allied Health majors should
vote in the Health Affairs Library
during regular librarv hours.
General College students will
vote in the Croatan from 9 a. m. to
2 a.m. daily.
All other students should goto
Joyner Library during regular
library hours to cast their votes.

G'ville peace Seminar
Page 2
10 May 1977
Beta Kappa Scuba class
All members and those inter-
ested in BKA. There will be a
cookout at the Gazebo on campus
Wednesday May 11, at 6.00 p.m.
There will be several area bank-
ers there for informal discussion
on banking. Cost is $2.00 per
Last chance
Students: Your Last Chance to
vote for your OUTSTANDING
TEACHERS (1976-77) Tuesday,
May 10 through Tuesday, May
17th. Locations and times: Allied
Health Majors?Health Affairs
Library (regular Library hours);
General College Students-Croa-
tan, 9-2daily; all other students-
Joyner Library (regular Library
A lecture and seminar rele-
vant to coastal zone management
has been scheduled for May 9-10
by the Department of Geography,
The lecturer and seminar
director will be Dr. Norbert P.
Psuty who is professor of Geo-
graphy and Director of the Center
for Coastal and Environmental
Studies at Rutgers University.
His lecture, "Inputs to the
Decision-Making Process in New
Jersey's Coastal Zone Manage-
ment Program is scheduled at
7:30 p.m May 9, in the ECU
Biology Auditorium.
A seminar for faculty and
students is scheduled May 10 in
the geography department.
Entry-level jobs, in the parts,
are still available at Kings
Dominion (Ashland, Va.), Caro-
winds, (Charlotte, N.C.), and
Busch Gardens (Williamsburg,
Va.), according to Dr. Betsy
Harper, director of ECU'S Co-
operative Education program.
Kings Dominion is a one hour
drive from Richmond, Va. and
1 V2 hours from Washington, D.C.
According to Dr. Harper,
recent conversations with per-
sonnel from these recreational
employers indicate that students
who perform well during their
first summer are given supervi-
sory jobs in following years.
Recruitment for permanent
personnel will begin with people
familiar with total operation.
Applicants are warned, how-
ever, that housing is scarce. One
should select a location with
relatives or friends to save
expenses since minimum wages
are usually paid for these entry-
level jobs.
Interested persons should
contact members of the Co-cr
staff in Rawl 313 fa further .
The ECU Division of Continu-
ing Education will be offering the
popular Basic Scuba Certification
course this summer with Mr. Bob
Eastep as the instructa.
The course will consist of
eight three-hour sessions (Tues-
day and Thursday evenings, June
9-July 5) and three open water
checks. The first session-will be
an introductay session during
which a swimming test will be
administered, medical fams dis-
tributed and course objectives
All class dives will take place
in the M inges dive tank except fa
the three open water checks
which will be scheduled with the
instructa after the last class
session. These deep dive checks
are generally held off Radio
Island, Maehead City.
Class size will be limited and
pre-registration required. For
further infamatioi about fees,
equipment rental, etc call (757-
6143) a visit rooms 324 a 319 of
Erwin Hall on campus.
Sisters of Delta Sigma Theta
will sponsa an Oldie Gddie
Dance Friday, May 13,1977, 10-2
at the A.A.C.C. An album will be
given to the best dance couple
best dressed-50's style. Donatioi
50 cents.
Hill concert
Wednesday, May 11th, fron 5
to 9 p.m. there will be a MRCand
Elbo Room sponsaed concert on
the Hill featuring Tenth Avenue.
Also from 8 to 9 p.m. at the Elbo
Room admission, with MRC and
I.D. will be 25 cents, and from 9
to 10:30 p.m. 50 cents. Tickets
redeemable fa free draft beer
will be passed out at the doa to
MRC members. The band at the
Elbo Room will be "High and
Day camp
There will be an ECU Day
Camp sponsaed by the Physical
Education Dept. June 13-July 8,
hours 9-4. You may attend any a
all weeks. Emphasis will be on
individual spats and team games
and swimming. Fa infamatioi
call 757-6000 a 757-6441.
Talent show
The Gammettes of Sigma
Gamma Rho Saaity will sponsa
their first Talent Show on Mon
May 16, in Mendenhall Student
Auditaium at 8 p.m. Talents will
be displayed by ECU students.
Admissiai will be 50 cents. Doa
prizes will also be given away.
The Greenville Peace Com-
mittee will share lunch and news
at noon Wednesday at the home
of Carroll and Edith Webber, 610
S. Elm St. People interested in
peace and justice are invited.
Grad rec. exam
The Graduate Recad Exam-
ination will be offered at ECU on
Saturday, June 11, 1977. Appli-
cations are to be completed and
mailed to the Psychological Co-
paatiai, P.O. Box 3540, Grand
Central Station, N.Y N.Y. 10017
to arrive by May 11, 1977.
Application blanks may be ob-
tained from the ECU Testing
Center, Rooms 105-106, Soeight
Building, ECU.
Stage band
Don't miss the ECU Stage
Band, perfaming Wednesday,
May 11, at 8 p.m. in Mendenhall
Student Center. The group fea-
tures the best of the big band
sounds of today, played in their
own distinctive and entertaining
style. The free concert will be in
the Multi-Purpose Room of the
Student Center. Free refresh-
ments will be served.
PRC outing
Friends and members of the
Parks, Reaeation and Coiserv-
atioi are all invited to attend the
2nd Annual PRC Outing. Fa
those of you who were at the first
outing, you must oome!
The event will take place at
Camp Leech in Washington, N.C.
on Saturday, May 14, and if it
rains, May 15 is scheduled.
The program will take place
between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Tickets fa feed are $2.00 each
and beer tickets are $1.00 fa all
you can drink.
Tickets and maps are avail-
able from the seaetary at the
PRC office a fran students of the
PRC 313 class.
The good times are here so
everyone come!
The Society for Collegiate
Journalists, national honorary
journalism fraternity at ECU, will
install officers tonight at 6:30 in
the Journalism Lab. All members
are urged to attend.
Initiates who were unable to
attend recent pledging cere-
monies will also be inducted
Fun in Son
Campus Crusade fa Christ
will meet fa fun, fellowship and
challenging insights from God's
wad. Thursday 7 p.m. Brewster
B-102. Everyoie welcome.
Block show
The sisters of Delta Sigma
Theta and the brothers of Omega
Psi Phi will present themselves in
a Spring Block Show, Friday, May
13, 1977, 7 p.m. Mendenhall.
Ronald Collins, professa of
chemistry at Eastern Michigan
University, will present a seminar
on "Computers, Chemistry Edu-
cation and 1984" on May 10, 1977
at 12:00 noon in room 201
Flanagan building, ECU.
Special MTE
At the special request of the
N.C. State Department of Public
Instruction, a special administra-
tion of the National Teacher
Examinations(NTE) will be given
at East Carolina University on
May 21, 1977. This administra-
tion has been scheduled to
provide graduating senias with
an additioial oppatunity to meet
the State's NTE requirement.
Special registration materials
fa the May 21 test must be
picked up from Speight-105, East
Carolina University and returned
to the same office no later than
Monday, May 9, 1977, by 4.00
If you have any questions,
please contact the Testing Cen-
ter, Speight Building, Rcom-105,
East Carolina University a call
'77 class gift
Anyone having an idea fa a
Senia Class Gift to leave to ECU
please call the SGA office at
757-6611 by 5XX) p.m. Monday
May 9th and leave your name,
phone number, and idea. Get
involved, let's hear your voice!
Poll tenders
Will the following, students
please cone by the SGA Office
and pick up their money fa
waking at the polls. Connie
Pronier, Rob Kinder, Nancy
Walker, Rick Jones, Mary Mc-
Dowell, Pam Parnes, Joyce
Scharnzer, Robin Maxwell, Mike
Whitehurst, Peggy Purser, Robin
Sazama, Laurie Jackson, Alpha Xi
Delta (Anna Marey), Sigma Phi
Epsiloi (Clint Cooke).
AVA meeting
The American Vocational
Association will hold a meeting on
Tuesday, May 10, 1977. It will
be held in Room 205 in the Home
Economics Building at 5 p.m.
Janet Woolard of West Cra-
ven High School and Randall
Washington of the Business
Department at ECU will be the
guest speakers. They will speak
on Vocational Education in the
school system.
Members and all interested
persons are urged to attend.
Boxing club
All persons interested in a
boxing club at ECU contact Ricky
McFarland at Rm. 336 Jones
There will be a meeting on
May 11th, 7 p.m at Memaial
Gym. This will be to determine
membership. Mr. Vandervere,
Nath Carolina AAU representa-
tive fa national and Olympic
boxing, will help usaganize if we
have a minimum of ten boxers. Be
Sign language
ECU will be admitting a small
number of deaf students next
semester. The Program fa Hear-
ing Impaired Students is search-
ing fa students who have any
knowledge of sign language and
who would be interested in
improving their skills through
beginning and advanced sign
language interpreter training.
There will be a number of
part-time jobs available fa stu-
dent interpreters Fall Semester.
Fa further infamatioi contact
The Program fa Hearing Impair-
ed Students, 757-6729, A-209
Brewster Building.
Sabbath service
The first Sabbath Service of
the first Synagogue in the histay
of Greenville will be held Friday,
May 13, 1977 at 8 p.m. at the
Methodist Student Center. Oneg
Shabbat will follow the Service.
All Are Welcome.
Art show
The Annual Student Art Show
will be on display in the W.B.
Gray Gallery in the Leo W.
Jenkins Fine Arts Center from
May 4 to May 25. The exhibit will
open with a reception at 7:30 p.m.
on Friday, May 6. Wak represen-
ted will be the best student wak
fran the seven studio disciplines
as well as work from the
Foundation Program.
The students and faculty are
invited to attend both the opening
and to view the wak during
regular gallery hours, 9-4 Mon-
day through Friday.
Gamma Beta
Gamma Beta Phi, service to
education hona society will hold
its spring initiation of new
members and induction of the
1977-78 Executive Board on Wed-
nesday May 11, 1977 in Rm. 244
Mendenhall. A reception will
follow the meeting. All new and
old members are urged to attend.
BUC jobs
Anyone interested in an
editaial a business position on
the 1978 BUC staff should apply
by Friday, May 6 at 5 p.m. at the
BUC office in the Publications
Center. The staff will begin
operations the first week of school
next fall. Fa further infamatioi
call 757-6501 a 6502.
SOULS presents an Evening
of Mystique and Enchantment
May 15, 1977 at 7 p.m. in 240
Mendenhall. This is a fashion
show being coordinated by
Yvonne Williams and Shonita
Harris. Come see ECU students
in action.
Baha'i association meets
every Monday nignt in rm. 238
Mendenhall Student Center at
7:30. For information, phone

?HHHmv .JH
10 May 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Paps 3
Continued from page 1)
Podeszwa, whose photo-
graphy background covers a
twelve-year period, plans to make
extensive changes in the Photo
Lab and the photography staff.
"Twelve thousand students,
published weekly, cannot be
covered adequately by three
photographers said Podeszwa
"We are going to need a
fourth photographer in our staff,
Podeszwa said.
"This fourth person could
work as a lab technician, along
with responsibilities as a photo-
grapher Podeszwa said.
Podeszwa also proposes to
have a check system of inventory
fa the Photo Lab twice a year.
"Right now, things in the lab
can be taken and never be
accounted for Podeszwa said.
"This is a waste of the
student's money, and an in-
ventory is needed to insure
against this type of thing
He also plans a reorganization
of the dark room.
r ?
ECU A FROTC CADETS raise the flag at the new a member of the ECU History Dept. for 27 years and
Richard C. Todd Flagpole, in front of Joyner will retire at the end of the month. The Tau Chapter
Library) named in honor of Dr. Todd during of Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity made the
dedication ceremonies Saturday. Dr. Todd has been presentation. ECU News Bureau Photo.)
9:00 UNTIL 4:00
Jazz it Up!
On Sale This Week Only
The Record Bar's Entire Jazz Section
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On Sale May 10-14
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10 May 1977
Lost constituency
The crux of Chancellor Jenkins' decision to
override the SGA Legislature's vote fa a recall
election rested with his determination of who
represented the democratically expressed wishes of
the ECU student electorate: Sessoms and Warren,
winners in a legislatively authorized plurality election
for President and Vice President respectively; or the
SGA Legislature, which, although democratically
elected in the fall, becomes nearly 50 per cent
self-appointed by the spring.
The screening procedure by which the legislature
maintains its membership in the face of an
unfortunate turnover rate leaves questionable that
body's authority as a representative assembly of
students. Many have criticized the system which
gives a standing committee within the legislature the
authority to weed out or approve those candidates
whom it feels are most representative of the student
body. Among the "qualifications" which the
Screenings and Appointments Committee may seek
could be the candidates' acceptance of established
opinion within the legislature, thus allowing
the members of this committee a virtual stranglehold
over incoming ideas.
Under the present constitutional arrangement,
however, this procedure for filling vacancies is nearly
unavoidable. The only alternative would be to have a
permanently established election committee to
supervise interim balloting to fill vacant seats.
Considering the low turnout in the traditional fall and
spring SGA elections, this committee could hardly
expect its efforts to draw much student participation,
especially when most students never come into
contact with their representatives in student
government and others are unaware of what "SGA"
stands for.
There is an easy solution to the present morass
which allows a nearly one-half non-elected legisla-
ture to conduct student government business under
the guise of being the democraticalIy authorized
representatives of student opinion, as was the case in
the vote to establish and fund a recall election
committee. The answer is to alter the constituency of
the legislature. Instead of having "day" and "dorm"
students represented, legislators would be elected by
the members of the various departments and schools.
Besides the advantages of each "precinct"
having its own mechanism for interim elections, this
system would put students in closer touch with their
elected representatives.
Serving the East Carolina community for over fifty years
Senior EditorJim Elliott
Production ManagerJimmy Williams
Advertising ManagerDennis C. Leonard
News EditorsKim Johnson
Debbie Jackson
Trends EditorPat Coyle
Sports EditorAnne Hogge
FOUNTAINHEAD is the student newspaper of East Carolina
University sponsored by the Student Government Association
of ECU and is distributed each Tuesday and Thursday during
the school year, weekly during the summer.
Mailing address: Old South Building, Greenville, N.C.
Editorial Offices: 757-6366, 757-6367, 757-6309.
Subscriptions:$10.00 annually for non-students, $6.00 for
Football not to blame for soccer's fate
I must take a different view on
the destruction of soooer at ECU.
Football can't be blamed. It sthe
money sport at ECU. The crowds
grow larger each year and the
revenue in turn increases each
year. The stadium, fortunately, is
being financed through contribu-
tions separate from Athletic De-
partment funds. The coaches, in
my opinion, deserved the bonus
money, for they did a great job.
The problem goes deepei than
football. I feel like an expert on
the subject of the destruction of
ECU athletic teams because in
1972 I rowed on the Crew Team
and my roommate played la-
crosse. One must look at other
schools suffering the pains of
inflation and higher costs. The
destruction of sports is simply not
taking place at any other school in
SGA ex-officer had best intentions
To me this whole thing started
with the best of intentions. I
wanted to oontinue to work for the
Ft-head. And when my head hit
brick walls in that area I decided
to try my hand at serving students
in SGA.
Believe it or not students, the
people who I worked with in SGA
cared about you. I never saw a
single student who came to our
offices get put off. The doors were
never locked to any student.
But now I have been accused
of not caring about international
programs on campus, an office I
created and offers many diverse
services to ECU students. This
was said because I resigned from
the Sessoms administration-and
was signed by people I have never
met or heard of.
Believe me, I didn't want to
write another letter to Ft-head.
When I resigned I explained
myself very clearly in writing to
Neil and collected his word that
my offioe would not be forgotten.
I have repeatedly offered my help
to anyone who chooses to work
in that offioe.
I started serving the students
with my good intentions but had
to say something about what I
considered misuse of student
money. I continuously hit brick
walls. But now I have changed. I
now see that poor Ft-head cannot
serve students to the best of their
ability if SGA ex-officers continue
to attack their improprieties. I am
truly sorry and wish Ft-head luck
in serving the ECU community
fairly and objectively.
And so students, govern your-
selves. We have the second
largest SGA in the nation and
they use your money. Climb those
stairs and offer your help, but
don't look for me up there. I'm
tired of fighting.
Your friend,
Kent Johnson
N.C. as it is here. As ECU'S
sports funds grow each year, one
would assume the university
should be able to add sports, not
cut them, and Title IX is NOT to
blame, either. Other schools are
adjusting without cutting out
men's sports.
Look at ECU'S football schedule
in 1969 and now realize in the last
two years we have won the SC
championship, been on regional
T.V and beaten three ACC
opponents. Quite an achieve-
The only other possible an-
swer seems to be mismanage-
ment of funds. Handling a big
athletic program is quite a job. If
our current staff cannot make
ends meet without cutting sports
out left and right, then I propose
that Dr. Jenkins clean house in
Mingesfrom Athletic Director on
down and get a staff in here that
can do the job with our athletics.
ECU students, fans and alumni
deserve it.
The purpose of this University
is NOT to have one sport that is a
national champ, a direction in
which ECU seems headed. The
students and friends deserve to
have lacrosse, soccer, handball,
fencing, any sport they desire. If
it were not for students, ECU
would probably be a maze of
tobacco warehouses. If the stu-
dents of ECU want soccer, or
lacrosse, or crew, or whatever,
please call Dr. Leo Jenkins at
757-6212. It could make the
difference in life or death for ECU
Jim Strickland

10 May 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 5
A LAB ASSISTANT works in one of the many modern laboratories
of the new Pitt County Memorial Hospital.
for all Summer and Fall staff.
May 18 If you want to work,
3:00. be at pub center ?
Guaranteed Repairs
Call Jim or Tommy at 756-7193
Located At
3103 S. Memorial Dr. Greenville, N.C.
New Pitt County hospital
receives first 103 patients
Assistant News Editor
The move of 103 patients from
the old Pitt County Memorial
Hospital to the new one Saturday,
April 30 went smoothly, accord-
ing to Jack Richardson, hospital
"As far as I'm concerned, it
went beautifully Richardson
"The uniqueness of the whole
group - doctors, nurses, students,
everyone - was great. It was just
one effort together
Richardson said he was
pleased to have been a part of the
"The two hours and 52
minutes it took to move the
patients was the most beautiful
part he said.
"We had been told by others
who have been involved in patient
moves that the actual move would
be the smoothest
Richardson also said the com-
munity involvement was great.
"We asked that the visitors
not visit on moving day, and they
were very cooperative
Jean Owens, administrator fa
nursing and in charge of the
patient move, said the move went
"fantastically well
"I don't believe you'll find
anybody who thinks it didn't go
well said Owens.
"I don't think anything could
have been better. I wouldn't have
changed a thing.
"That's a pretty good
record Owens said of the time it
took to move the patients.
"I think everybody at Pitt
County Memorial Hospital can be
proud of that move she said.
Ths hospital staff began mov-
ing equipme-1 about 5 a.m and
the first patient was admitted
around 7 a.m.
The three-hour move ended
when the last patient was admit-
ted about 10 a.m.
The move from the old
hospital to the new was rather sad
for some hospital staffers,
especially for Mabel Baker and
Vera Smith, R.N.s.
Both had moved from the old
Pitt County General Hospital to
the "new" Pitt County Memorial
Hospital in 1951.
"We're sad to leave this old
building said Smith, "but
we're excited about the new
"This old facility has out-
grown its purpose and we know
the new facility is necessary with
the growth of the community
Baker said.
In comparing the two patient
moves, they agreed that this
move was much more organized
due to long-range planning. They
said patients were moved more
The recent move only took
about three hours, but the 1951
move took approximately eight
The new hospital has 370
beds, in comparison to the 205
beds of the old hospital.
a Remember
It The Tree House
now has a
pizza special on
night, 5-9.
Small pizza(1 ingredient), salad
tt all the tea you can drink!
Orders To Go 752-7483
Corner of 5th
& Cotanche
: -

Page 6 F0UWA1NHEAP 10 May 1977
Pepsi manager predicts doom for diet drink
Assistant News Editor
Jack M inges, Pepsi-Cola plant
manager in Greenville, said that
if saccharin is banned, the diet
soft drink industry will die.
"It's never been proven to
cause cancer in humans said
M inges.
"I think those who want to
ban saccharin should leave it up
to the general public he said.
"I think they (the public)
should be given the right to make
up their own minds
Saccharin has been used
safely by millions of people
worldwide for 80 years, according
to a paper written by the Pepsi
"Any call for a ban of
saccharin is an outrageous and
harmful action based on flimsy
scientific evidence that has ab-
solutely no bearing on human
health said Marvin E. Eisen-
stadt, executive vice-president of
Sweet n Low.
"It could cause great harm to
the millions of Americans who
need an artificial sweetener for
medical reasons and as an aid to
weight control
Saccharin was proved to cause
bladder cancer in rats used for
Canadian government tests.
The Delaney Clause, an
amendment to the federal Food,
Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938,
states that any substance which is
found to cause cancer in animals
or man must be banned from the
PHONE: 752-2136
Prescription Dept. with medication
profiles: your prescription always at
oar fingertips, even though yon may
lose your R bottle.
40 OFF
721 Saluda Avenue ?Columbia, S.C.
204 Fifth Street-Greenville, N.C.
"The Food and Drug Ad-
ministration's (FDA) law says
that any substance shown to
produce cancer in animals or man
is required to be removed from
the market said Dr. Eugene
Furth, an ECU Medical School
? "The FDA got the report from
Canada and has no choice but to
follow the law
Thomas A. Craig of Abbott
Laboratories in Chicago, the
manufacturer of Sucaryl, an
artificial sweetener composed en-
tirely of saccharin, said a few of
ECU chooses 19
77-78 marshals
Nineteen outstanding stu-
dents at ECU have been chosen
university marshals for the aca-
demic year 1977-78.
Chief Marshal is Robin
Hammond of Wilson, and assist-
ant chief marshal is Michael
Armstrong of Greenville.
ECU marshals serve as ushers
for campus lectures, concerts and
graduation ceremonies, and are
selected on the basis of superior
academic grade point average.
This year's ECU marshals are
residents of ten North Carolina
counties and five other states.
Names of the this year's
marshals are as follows:
Victoria Lee Clark of Mebane,
N.C Susan Lynn Gray of Wash-
ington, N.C; Ben Stiling of
Lenoir, N.C; Cynthia Lynn
Murphy of Marshallburg, N.C;
Sharon Elizabeth Allred of High
Point, N.C; Mary Jane Worlds
and Judy Creech of Selma, N.C;
Margaret Lynn Daniel of Smith-
field, N.C; Barbara Ann Lewis
and Michael E. Armstrong of
Greenville, N.C; Emily Bray of
Reidsville, N.C; Teresa Gail
Eloshway of Gddsboro, N.C;
Robin Hammond of Wilson, N.C
Diane Elizabeth Kyker of New
Canaan, Conn Dana Selene
Dragstedt of Orlando, Fla
Katherine D. Bearinger of
Hagerstown, Md Ellen Louise
Schrader, of West Chester,
Pa and Brenda Mae Ceruzzi of
Myrtle Beach, S.C.
W plug tax MonThurs.
Crabcakes. slaw, french fries plus
Va pound hamburger steak, slaw,
french fries and rolls.
Fish, slaw french fries, hnshpuppies.
Seafood House and Oyster Bar
Open 4:30-9:00 MonSat. 752-3172
2 miles east on highway 264
(out 10th St.)
Ktntudcy fried (jNdm
Country Good
2-Piece Combination Dinner
with slaw or creamed potatoes,
and roll ail for
2 Locations : 600 S.W. Greenville Blvd.
(264 By-Pass) Dine in or
Phone 756-6434 take out
2905 E. 5th St. Take out only
Phorv- 752-5184
Open: Sunoay-Thursday 11 a.m9 p.m.
Friday & Saturday 11 a.m10 p.m.
the animals receiving highest
doses developed bladder tumors.
"This action (the ban) would
appear to be based on a study in
Canada in which rats were fed
extremely large doses of sac-
charin said Craig.
"We have no evidence that
saccharin causes cancer in
humans said Dr. Guy R.
Newell, Jr acting director of the
National Cancer Institute.
According to the Pepsi-Cola
Co a human would have to eat
over 4,000 packets of saccharin
every day, or drink 1,250 twelve-
ounce diet soft drinks daily for the
rest of his life to equal the
amounts of saccharin given to the
Music camp
now open
Enrollment is now open for
"the annual String Camp sponsor-
ed by the ECU School of Music.
The camp dates this year are June
13-July 1.
The camp consists of three
weeks of intensive instruction at
ECU'S A.J. Fletcher Music Cent-
er, for students from kinder-
garten through high school.
No previous musical instruct-
ion is required.
During the morning, music
campers attend classes in music
theory, sight-singing, music
history, orchestra, violin and
class piano. The final morning of
the camp will feature a program
demonstrating the musicianship
and skills campers have acquired.
String camp is designed
equally for the young person with
no musical background and the
more musically advanced.
Students can begin violin
study in String Camp or oontinue
their present study in an environ-
ment which makes excellence of
achievement attainable.
Instruments may be rented or
borrowed from the ECU School of
M usic.
We Buy Diamonds and Gold
See us for your diamond needs
Floyd G. Robinson Jewelers
on the mall, Greenville
" it don't tick- took to us"
13 of USA
12th U . AOO Sat. GLASS
May 15th

Hardee's founder
begins new chain
Assistant Trends Editor
Many Greenville citizens are
unaware that the original fast
food Hardee's hamburger stand
was built in their hometown.
These same iersons are also
probably unaware that the man
responsible fa the national chain-
store which bears his name, as
well as other restaurants in the
area, is very much alive and is
now attempting to establish
another fast food chain.
"This is my last chain said
Wilbur Hardee, 58, a Greenville
According to Hardee, Beef
and Shakes has been very suc-
cessful. In fact, he said, another
restaurant is now being construct-
ed north of the Tar River where
the old North Side Lumber
Company originally stood.
"I have a lot of studying and
thinking to do before I go too
far Hardee said when referring
to his new restaurant venture. "I
wrnt to get a sound footing before
I branch out
This sounds a bit ironic for the
man who is responsible for
Hardee's Hamburgers, The Little
Mint, Greenville's Three Steers,
and the unsuccessful Wilbur's.
But Hardee's business moves
have not always worked out for
the best.
"Looking back on things I've
been into while making other
people rich, I know today that if
you take one good thing and stick
with it, things will be better
remarked Hardee.
"That's what I'm trying to do
today "
Wilbur Hardee was born in
Pitt County, on Washington
Highway, on Aug. 15, 1918.
Hardee quite school in the
eighth grade after attending
Hamilton Elementary and Bell
Arthur High School.
He became involved in the
restaurant business in 1940, in
Parmele, N.C.
"I began in business at the
age of 13 with my brother-in-
law said Hardee.
"I ran a service station with a
hot dog business
Later, Hardee joined the Navy
in 1941, just after Pearl Harbor
was attacked, and spent four
years in the service. He served
two years in the southwest Pacific
and left the service as Chief Petty
Hardee has lived in Greenville
since 1945. Besides the restau-
rant business, Hardee has worked
in other fields.
"I've been in real estate
said Hardee. "I ran some service
stations, grocery stores, a bowl-
ing alley, and a pool room
Hardee first began his restau-
rant business in Greervville with
the Silo Restaurant, now known
as Three Steers. One of his
daughters now manages the
"I started with the fast food
business in September of 1960
with Hardee's said Hardee. "I
patterned myself after a Mc-
Donald's restaurant which I saw
in Greensboro in 1959.
"The charcoal broil idea was
different. We also used fresh
ground beef in the first restau-
According to Hardee, he
started the first apple turnover
factory on the East ooast in 1961.
The factory was located in Ayden,
"I had a contract to sell six
million turnovers to Hardee's
Hardee said.
Hardee then brought in Jim
Gardner and Leonard Rawls when
the Hardee's restaurant was just
getting off the ground. He later
sold them the rights to Hardee's
in 1962, which they later made
into a national chain.
Hardee said he sold the
restaurant for a profit. He has no
stock in Hardee's today, but said
that he should have held the
rights of one-eigth of one percent
of the gross international take-in.
Hardee also created the Little
Mint Chain of 1964, and opened
the chain to the public in 1969. He
remained president of the chain
from 1964 to 1973.
Hardee had some financial
difficulty with his two Wilbur
restaurants in Greenville. These
restaurants dosed in 1976 after a
Now Hardee is attempting a
new fast food empire with Beef
and Shakes.
"The opportunity today is just
as good as it was in the '60s with
the right food and system said
"The trouble with most small
chainstoday isthat they will open
a lot of locations at once and lots
of them make no money. They
then go broke
Hardee believes he was a
early front-runner in the fast-food
business. He feels that his first
efforts have been copied over the
When asked about the stigma
that is placed on fast food, some-
times called junk food, Hardee
admitted that there is a lot of
room for upgrading the food.
"I've started something here
(Beef and Shakes) with a better
grade hamburger, milkshake, and
french fries said Hardee. "The
day is coming when the burger
will be made as the customer
wants it
So Wilbur Hardee has started
what he calls his last chain. With
one Beef and Shakes already
operating on the oorner of Green-
ville's Fifth and Reade St and
another on the way, Hardee oould
have the ultimate success he has
often let escape for him.
"The future holds a lot of hard
work as does the past said
Hardee. "There are a lot of
systems to be studied, and I have
to make sure each location makes
CHILLY STUDIES HAVE been the name of the
game this week, as a cool front forced last minute
studiers back inside.
10 May 1977
by David R. Bosnick
Big week for flicks
For perhaps the first time in the history of Greenville cinema there
is not a loser in the bunch.
This week in Greenville there is a plethora of fine movies. Two of
the best films of '76 are in town with the others being "Young
Frankenstein and a recent release, "The Child This reviewer feels
that this is the finest collection of films in Greenville this year and this
week's column will be a brief synopsis of each.
Network: In the opinion of this reviewer, but for "Small Change"
and "Faces this is the best movie of '76. It is the finest cinematic
example of satiric humor.
The action of the film revolves around the Network exploitation of
Howard Beale (Peter Finch), a neurotic newsman whose televised
rhetoricturnshiminto"TheMad Prophet of the Airways The film is
pure satire, at the expense of itself, and therein lies its genius and its
The film, in the effort to be true to its intent, constantly satirizes
itself. The screenplay lends itself to the perceptions that much of this
movie, of life, is little more than the stuff soap operas are made of.
This continual self-effacement turns the movie from a production to the
cumbersome stumbling of a symbolic giant. It is awkward, yet vivid.
Much has been made of the performances in this film and it
contains some of the best acting of '76. Faye Dunaway is excellent as
the hyper though fragile female production manager and Robert
DuVall is fine as the epitome of the company man.
I do not agree with the premise of this film. I do not think that
television is the all-pervasive force Chayevsky would have us believe,
but Networks are affecting and powerful. And so is the movie. Three
and one half stars-Now appearing at Pitt Theater through Thursday.
Rocky: One of the top of five films of this year. The film revolves
around the attempt of a young man to garner self-respect in the only
means he can truly understand. It is a film about media exploitation,
the morality of money, and the world where men beat each other up for
$41. Sylvester Stallone gives a convincing, if single-faceted
performance, as Rocky, the underdog, good natured street kid. The
movie is murky and slow at the start yet finishes with energy and
sincerity. It is an amusing film that is blatant and strong. Three and
one half starsHeld over at Plaza Two through Thursday.
Young Frankenstein: This is the usual Mel Brooks set of affairs, replete
with slapstick and Jewish jokes and puns. The movie brings together
the grandson of Frankenstein (Gene Wilder), Igor (Marty Feldman),
and the monster (Peter Boyle).
Gene Wilder is the new Dr. Frankenstein and the funniest scenes
are with his fiancee (Madeleine Kahn) and the teaching sessions with
the monster (Peter Boyle). Marty Feldman is Igor, his is perhaps the
best performance of the lot. The film is abundant with the Mel Brooks
sytle of humor. It is raucous, yet subtle, like leprosy, but it has
some excellent moments. Three starsPlaza One through Thursday.
The Child .Taking advantage of the recent surge of supernatural horror
flicks, thisNovack release is a young "Carrie" who calls upon demons
and natural forces to annihilate those who annoy her. It is occasionally
suspenseful. The plot and acting are average. In a normal week in
Greenville, this would be the pick of the litter. Two starsPark
Theater through Thursday.

Page 8 FOUNTAINHEAD 10 May 1977
Po werfuinew film drama
Film experience aids creators of 'Brothers'
As co-producers and authors
of the powerful film drama
"Brothers a Warner Bros,
release starring Bernie Casey and
Vonette McGee, Edward and
Mildred Lewis bring a wealth of
movie-making experience to their
newest project.
During his nearly thirty years
of involvement with the film
industry, producer-writer Edward
Lewis has been associated with
many of Hollywood's most im-
portant films. Hisaedits include
"Spartacus "Lonely Are the
Brave "The Fixer and
"Grand Prix among many
Mildred Lewis became in-
volved with film production when
her husband agreed to produce
Dalton Trumbe's "Execut've
Action" while at the same time
serving as executive producer fa
the American Film Theater's first
season of features. As his duties
THE OLD ROW BOA T beckons to many of us who are stuck with
those end-of-the-quarter blues.
mcjnc?i iHrouQhthurday
th ledneck salocr
ligljvvay 11$
multiplied, Mildred assumed in-
creasing responsibility for
"Executive Action ultimately
sharing the role of producer. The
cult classic "Harold and Maude"
became her next project, followed
by the current "Brothers
Predisposed towards films
dealing with social issues and
events, Edward and Mildred
Lewis found themselves involved
in the struggle fa prison refam,
characterized in recent years by
explosive events which were
given tremendous media ex-
posure in prisons such as Attica
and Soledad.
"We live in California
Mildrew Lewis explains, "and the
case of the Soledad Brothers
received a lot of press. We
followed the stay, not with the
intention of doing a film, but
mae in terms of curiosity and
information. We soon found
ourselves absabed however, and
the issues involved became very
important to us
"This was in conjunction with
other things that were going on
Edward Lewis adds, "such as
Attica and other violations of
rights, particularly of blacks. That
was really the thing we were
zeroing in on. There was a series
of incidents that you would hear
about on radio or watch on
television that collectively pro-
vided a drive to tell a stay.
"I think it's important that
people understand that this is not
meant to be the Soledad Brothers
stay because if we wanted to do
that we would have made a
documentary. This picture is
fiction, although many of the
incidents and many of the char-
acters are derived from the actual
events of the times
An aiginal saeenplay soon
emerged from their collective
effats, with Mildred Lewis gain-
ing additioial insight by watching
Angela Davis in classroom
"I started reading ,the auto-
biography of Angela Davis be-
cause I had attended some of her
classes at UCLA and although I
wasn't really ever part of the class
I was struck by this woman's
ability to practically mesmerize
an audience. She is a very
impressive person, and, of
course, in the book there is the
stay of her relationship with one
of the Soledad Brothers, which we
incaporated into our film
The actual shooting of the
movie took place within Nath
Dakota State Penitentiary, which
aeated a few problems fa the
cast and aew.
"The biggest problem
Edward Lewis explains was the
mechanical limitation on space
and the strict budgeting of time
because we had to build our
schedule around their routines,
such as meals, exercise periods
and so fath. We thought security
would be a big problem, but it
wasn't, although the warden, the
day befae we started, got all of
the cast and aew together and
passed around releases that
everyone had to sign. He then
made a speech in which he
infamed us that should anyone
be taken hostage the state would
not allow any prisoner out the
front doa under any circum-
stances. They would do every-
Musib?lA10SO?IIHI?t?tiMBiliyWill.MilNnct'?ni lANtf' Ai Ducted!WlllAMGMXEIt
PioducerJMMKHU MOWftO ? M vIK'UM iftHKhAWNAi Rl.fASf
NowaterMtying mpeibackIroir 8AUANTINE BOOK Ql?. fvi. ific
fttmedwrOOOAOJS? COKWBvOflUxf ttjmnmmwnm
at a theatre or drive-in near you. j,i
Look for ihis ad in your local newspaper for theatre and time.
thing they oould to see that no
injuries occurred and that tear
gas would be used first, but
ultimately the state would not
assume responsibility in this
instance. Everyone signed the
piece of paper to this effect and
they were all very uptight. It was
a strange way to begin a film, but
everything oouldn't have waked
out better
Perhaps the central issue
involved with "Brothers" is the
concept of an indeterminate
sentence fa oanmitting a aime.
Edward and Mildred Lewis were
opposed to this idea from the very
outset of their film.
"Fatunately, the indetermi-
nant sentence has been just
recently repealed in Califania,
although it is probably the ctux of
our whole stay Edward Lewis
pointsout. "We almost called the
movie 'One To Life' because of
this device which allows prison
authaities, in the most brutal
fashion, to oontrol the behavia of
their prisoners. For a minor
sentence, like the young man in
our stay, a prisoier oould be kept
fa the remainder of his life a
until such time as the penal
authaities felt he was ready to be
freed, based on his behavia. It
was simply a way of facing
people to adhere to the arbitrary
standards of the individual pri-
son. Thus the men who are
serving time had no idea as to
how long they will be in prison
and this generates tension and
resistance which we demonstrate
in our film
Mildred Lewis summarizes
the goals and objectives in the
picture which she and her hus-
band have written and produoed,
giving special emphasis to the
feelings which she hopes they
have effectively portrayed.
"I think that it's a tremend-
ously uplifting naion that a man
can be put into a cell, have all of
his liberties taken away from him,
be treated like an animal and still
find the fatitude and resolve to
emerge a heroic figure. Befae he
goes into jail, our character is
essentially illiterate. By the time
he emerges as a leader, however,
he has become a far more
educated human being, able to
involve himself with a woman
with whom he has never been
alone, and share a love with her
based on an idealism, mutual
respect, and humanity. I think
this is a tribute to the potential
within us all and I find that
R & N inc. Thursday May 12th
Jolly Roger & Thursday's 752-4668

10 May 1977 FOUNTAIN HEAD Pagt 9
? ? . ?
Sfcfihiii-yy-yyyymm. i
i r ?I.mmmm'?'wifsm&giifi&kmm'WZfZ
myyi:mm ;wmm,WMtffi03wWv? ?'
'?'m ? ? :?-??? . -????? ??:?????? : ? . ? ' v

for sale
FOR SALE: 12" X 60" trailer,
unfurnished- air cond. gas
heat, double sinks in bathroom,
plus washer & dryer. 2 bed-
room, call 752-9432 ask Mr.
Henderson after 6:00 p.m.
Ance. 757-6366 (9-5 weekdays).
FOR SALE: Sony 126 cassette
tape playerrecorder; stereo, with
case. $150. Call 757-6367, 9-5.
FOR SALE: Pioneer In-dash
AMFM Stereo 8-Track player-
12 watts per channel $95. Call
FOR SALE: Hang glider, 18 foot,
standard. Ask fa Dan or leave a
message, 757-6704.
FOR SALE: 1976 Mustang II
Ghia 11,500 miles, 4 speed, V-6
motor, AMFM stereo radio, 8
track tape deck, silver with
cranberry interior. First class
automobile. $5200.00 Call
1-592-6893 or 752-8151.
FOR SALE: General Electric
AMFM Receiver 8-Track Play-
erRecorder wspeakers$125.
Call 752-5238.
FOR SALE: 1974 Yamaha, only
4300 miles; very good oondition;
$550 or best offer. Call 756-4946.
FOR SALE: 1975 Yamaha 500,
DOHC, low mileage, jash bar,
sissy bar, luggage straps. Ser-
ious inquiries only. $1100.00
757-6352 call between 8-5 and
ask for Bonnie.
FOR SALE: 1964 GMC handivan,
good cond new tires, $600.00 or
best offer. 752-5267.
FOR SALE: 4.5 cubic feet Frig-
idaire refrigerator. Call 752-0645.
FOR SALE: Gauges .for cars,
trucks, or boats-Stewart-Warner
oil pressure, racimex vacuum,
and racimex volt. $5.00 each, any
two for $9.00, all three for $11.00.
Call 752-1292.
FOR SALE: Fender Prinoeton
amplifier. $150. Write Box 3067,
Greenville, or call 1-823-3332.
FOR SALE: 35mm Petri Camera
$25.00 Kodak EK-6 Color Prints
Instantly $40.00. Call 752-7471.
FOR SALE: Power boosters for
your car tape player. An excess of
20 wattchannel. $45.00 with
speakers and installation (New)
60.00. Call 758-4863.
FOR SALE: Pioneer 828 -65 watts
rms, dual 1218. $250.00 for both.
Call Erick 758-3018.
FOR SALE: Car cover-fits any
mid size or sports car. 758-7072.
FOR SALE: 1971 SL 350 CC; Blue
Honda, 'ow mileage, like new,
whelmet and new tires, $500.
746-6584 after 6XX) p.m.
FOR SALE: 1972 MGB, 31,000
miles, excellent cond AMFM
stereo, luggage rack. $2450.00
527-3724 (Kinston).
ers, resumes etc 756-1461.
rates. 756-1921.
FOR SALE: 1974 Yamaha 260
Enduro. Excellent oondition, fast
and clean. Best reasonable offer.
758-2808 or 758-8975.
FOR SALE: 1973 Yamaha 350 Rd.
motorcycle, good oondition. 758-
FOR SALE: 12 string guitar,
Sears & Roebuck with 1 pick up.
Best offer 752-9409.
FOR SALE: Volkswagen parts for
40 horsepower engine, everything
and anything street header for
VW, almost brand new oondition.
Best offer. 752-9409. Body parts,
fender, hood & alasses, etc
FOR SALE: Two motorcycle
helmets, 2Vz months old, 1 full
face with chin guard, large size,
$40, color: white. 1 34 helmet
color: yellow, medium size, $30.
Both have new face shields, call
752-0884 after 6 p.m ask for
FOR SALE: Two brand new
ADSL-700 speakers, still in the
box. Also a high performance
Advent Model 201 cassette tape
deck. Will sell for $300 each or
best offer. Call Alan 758-8632.
FOR SALE: '66 Buick station
wagon. M ust sale by June 1. Best
offer. 758-1232-nights.
8837 after 5:00.
FOR SALE: Collie pups, reg.
sable & white. $100.00 firm very
reasonable fa pedigree, good
looks, good health, & good
disposition of these oollies. Call
482-2341-Edenton, N.C.
FOR SALE: '76 Mustang II Silver
ac 4 speed 15,500 miles. Like
new. $3,800. 752-7651.
FOR SALE: '71 Fiat 850 spot,
$975 a best offer. 752-2880.
FOR SALE: '69 VW Camper,
pop-top, excellent oondition. 758-
7462 after 5 p.m.
FOR SALE: Standard size refri-
gerator $25.00. Good waking
oondition. 753-2091, John Rouse.
receiver, 35 watts, RMS per
channel; excellent condition,
$100. Bose 301 speakers, like
new, $140. Philips 212 turntable
with new cartridge, excellent
conditioi, $100. Call 752-5499.
FOR SALE: 1970 Delta 88 Olds.
Built in air, tape deck, power
brakes, power steering good
oondition, low mileage. $595.00
a best offer. Must sell leaving fa
the summer. Call Lee Elks
FOR SALE: 1974 Toyota Land
Cruiser-34,000 miles Craig FM
stereo-$3100.00. Call 758-4176.
FOR SALE: Banaoft woodfiber-
glass tennis racket with cover and
press. Phone 752-8706, 104-B
leave message.
FOR SALE: Beautiful German
Shepherd puppies $20.00. Call
752-5580 after 500.
TYPING SERVICE: Letters, re-
pats, & term papers-call 756-
8837 after 5 p.m.
TYPING: 75 cents per page. Call
Debra Parrington, 756-6031
days, and 752-2508 nights.
FOR SALE: Advent Speakers
$100.00 per pair. Also Garrard
automatic turntable $45.00. 758-
FOR SALE: 1972 Triumph Spit-
fire. Excellent condition. Call
946-5198 between 730 p.m9.00
track stereo with Garrard turn
table and 2 speakers, $125.00.
Call 758-9153.
FOR SALE: '61 Chevy truck.
283-V8. Good shape. Must sell.
Best offer. 758-4604 a see Barry -
Jenkins 129.
FOR SALE: Zenith stereo com-
plete with speakers-automatic
changer excellent oondition! Per-
fect size fa dam room. $65.00
Call 758-5090 after 5 p.m.
FOR SALE: Single hot plate. Best
offer. 758-8062.
FOR SALE: Premier Drum set
$1300.00 value fa sale at $500.00
Contact Raymond L. Brown,
FOR SALE: Shure -Dynamic
(Unishphere B) Miaophone-$30.
Sealy Posturepedic foam set
(firm)-$85.00. Colonial bed frame
$25.00. Ephiphone classic guitar-
$85.00. Jadee Guitar (exact rep-
lica of Gibson Dove)-$120.00.
Lawn furniture (brand new)-ask.
Hitachi FM radio (wood cabinet)-
$20.00. Panasonic Patable TV
(new)-$80.00. Bureau-excel lent
shape-$35.00. Call Don 752-1347.
CAREER? Advertise in the new
Carolina Bargain Trader, a buy
sell trade magazine published in
Greenville and distributed in
Eastern N.C. Your personal inter-
view of 75 wads plus photo could
be very successful in obtaining
the position you desire and runs 2
weeks at $4.50 a 4 weeks at $8.00
and we will take the photo fa oily
$12.25 Call 758-7487 a write to
P.O. Box 16, Greenville, N.C.
FOR SALE: Complete stereo
system-$125.00; box spring and
mattress-$50.00; curtains for
window and sliding glass doas-
$50.00. Call 75&0998.
FOR SALE: 1968 Chevelle Mali-
bu-Air Cond power windows,
4-doa, power steering, power
brakes, AM-FM-$750 Call 752-
FOR SALE: Alpine Design Tim-
ber line tent, good fa backpack-
ing, excellent cond. weight 6 lbs.
$75.00. Call 758-4176
FOR SALE: '62 Comet, 6 cylin-
der, good oondition $150.00 a
best offer. If interested call
FOR SALE :1 bLj cast iron wood
stove - $65.00, 1 hagstrum
classical guitar - $65.00. Call
752 6702.
FOR SALE: Allegro stereo
$325.00. Call 758-8363 between
11 a.m9 p.m. MonWed. ask
fa Judy a leave message.
FOR SALE: Ten Speed "Rally
Reaxd" anda bike rack. Both
in excellent condition. Call 752-
2797 after 6100 p.m.
FOR SALE: Bic 960 turntable.
Still under warranty. $125, 752-
FOR SALE: 1 double bed
wframe-$30, 2 chests of drawers
-$25,1 wooden kitchen table w4
chairs-$30,1 old rose-pattern rug-
$15, 2 very nice throw rugs-$15,1
wood-framed mirra-$10, 1 set
book shelves-$10,1 tile top oof fee
table (antique)-$30, and many
other furnishings. Come by 1305
S. Cotanche St. (upstairs), ask fa
FOR RENT: Private rcom - 410B
Student St. Call 752-7032.
NEEDED: Male roommate fa the
summer. Eastbrook Apts. Call
SUBLET: Fa summer, 3 bed-
room house, $195 mon. Call
757-6390 between 7-9 p.m.
FOR RENT: 1 & 2 bedroom
apartments, located on Cross St.
Newly renovated and new ap-
pliances. Call 752-4154
FOR RENT: Private rcom, air
conditioned, summer a fall, 4
blocks from campus. 752-4006
after 1 flO p.m.
FOR RENT: House outside city, 3
bedroom, 1 Vi bath, big backyard,
available now fa summer. Call
Maria at 757-6390.
FOR RENT: Want a nice duplex
to rent fa the summer? Phaie
To share 2 bedroom apt. at
Eastbrook fa the summer. Pay
half the rent and utilities. Call
FOR RENT: Rooms,both sessions
summer school. $60 per month.
Contact S'gma Nu fraternity.
FOR RENT: House fa up to 4
boys. Call 752-2862.
to share 12 X 70 trailer located at
Shady Knolls Trailer Park. Fur-
nished with private bedroom and
bath. Rent-negotiable. One-half
utilities. Call 757-6825 from 8:00-
FOR RENT: Sublease 1 bedroom
apt. fa June & July. $145 a
month; call 752-0701.
WANTED: One a two female
roommates to sha. j a three
bedroom apartment six blocks
from campus. Rent $150 plus
utilities to be split evenly. Call
758-7044 between 5:00 and 7100.
Available June 1st.
To share 2 bedroom apartment at
Eastbrook fa the summer. Pay
half the rent & utilities. Call
752-6393 after 6 p.m.
WANTED: Female roommates)
needed desperately to share an
apartment this summer anda
next year. Low rates. Call Gisele
at 752-8453.
mate needed immediately, rent
$55.00month & utilities.
Private room, can oe furnished.
Biking distance to campus. Call
FOR RENT: 1 bedroom apt very
oozy, many furnishings available.
$85 month. Come by 1305 S.
Cotanche St. (upstairs) in even-
ings (5-7) a try anytime. Ask fa
summer, private room at River
Bluff Apts. Call 752-1799.
NEEDED 1 female roommate fa
duplex June 1. 758-8452.
LOST: a girl's blue star sapphire
ring, size612. Lost Thurs. May 5
between 12:45 and 2:00 p.m. in
the ladies' restroom Austin 3rd
floa. It was a gift, please oontact
Jane 752-9257 if you have any
LOST: Man's gold wedding ring.
Inside insaiption is dated Aug. 6,
1972. Reward offered. Call 752-
2354 after 5 p.m. a anytime oi
LOST: A pair of brown framed
glasses-they are in an aange,
black-lined case. Need them back
desperately. Call Lisa, 758-5066
after 6:00. Reward.
LOST: Female Irish Setter in the
vicinity of 3rd and JarvisSts. 1 yr.
old. Reward fa any infamatioi
leading to her. 758-8670.
FOUND: In the Croatan, man's
gold ring with brown stone. Call
FOUND: 1 pair gray hard oontact
lenses. Found in Minges pool
near the end of March. Still there
on bulletin board. Ask lifeguard
on duty.
person ct($)
NEEDED: Ride to New Yak City
on a befae May 24th. Will share
expenses. Contact, Theda Saffo,
NEEDED: Counselas fa private
summer camp in western N.C.
Salaries range from $325 to $500
depending upon age, maturity,
and skills, plus room, 3 meals a
day and laundry, fa the period
June14-Aug. 17 Interviews and
your personal inspection of camp
site can be arranged during the
month of May by telephoning
704-692-6239 a writing to Marty
Levine, co Camp Pinewood,
Hendersonville, N.C. 28739.
Only clean cut, conservative,
non-smoking college st-dents
need apply. Positions available
are as follows: cabin counselas in
both boys' and girls' camps-ski
boat drivers (235 horsepower
engine); ski instructas fa sailing
and canoeing-swimming pool
(WSI)-Go Karts (practical me-
chanical knowledge)-archery-
riflery-golf arts and aafts-dance
and drama and also kitchen aides
in food department and office
FREE KITTENS: Two left. 1 gray
and white striped with white
belly- female; 1 black kitten with
orange and white patches -
female. Please call 758-1390 a
come by 1305 Cotanche St. They
are ready fa a good home now.
FREE PUPPIES, long-haired,
mother min. poodle, father? 5
males, 1 female. 752-6702.

Page 10
10 May 1977
Sideline Chat
Southern wants ECU
East Carolina and William and Mary have been asked to reconsider
their plans to withdraw from the Southern Conference at the end of the
current school year.
Dr. Frank Bonner, president of the league, announced Friday at a
Charleston, S.C. news conference that "the Southern Conference
presidents have asked that the conference forward letters to the
presidents of William and Mary and East Carolina and stress to them
that we want both schools to remain as members of our league
Both William and Mary and East Carolina indicated last spring that
they would leave the Southern at the end of the 1976-77 school year.
Both schools will compete as independents.
Bonner said the conference was hopeful both schools would stay
with the conference.
With East Carolina and William and Mary apparently leaving, eight
schools will be left: The Citadel, Furman, Davidson, Appalachian
State, Western Carolina, VMI, Marshall and Tennessee-Chattanooga.
For the conference to survive, it will have to provide better
promotion of the league members in the future and also secure more
publicity for the conference.
Whether ECU will turn around and stay in the league is up to the
Board of Trustees.
Duke University announced a couple of weeks ago that they have
suspended their four game football series with Penn State. The games
were slated to be played in 1977, 1978, 1981 and 1982.
Pat Dye, ECU'S head football coach, said last Wednesday night
after a speaking engagement in Durham, that he would like East
Carolina to fill the open date on Duke University's schedule next fall.
"It would mean a great deal to us and to the state of North
Carolina Dye said. "I would give anything if I could do something,
buy a contract or something, so we oould play Duke
Duke now has an open date for Sept. 10, while East Carolina has
Texas-Arlington scheduled for that date. Duke has been trying to
schedule Villanova for the open date, but Athletic Director Carl James
said the date is still open.
" As of now, we don't have a game James said We hope to have
an announcement in a few days. We plan to play on Sept. 10 and East
Carolina has a game on that date
The Piratesare slated to play their home opener on Sept. 10 against
Texas-Arlington, but Dye said it'snot too late to change the schedule if
Duke is interested.
Frank Schaede, 150 pound freshman on the East Carolina wrestling
team, was named to the third team of Amateur Wrestling News
freshman all-America team last Tuesday.
Schaede finished 19-9 on the season and competed in the NCAA
Championships for East Carolina.
FOUNTAINHEAD congratulates Schaede for this honor.
East Carolina has had its best recruiting 'oar for all sports this year
thus far.
Coach Pat Dye's football team had probably its best recruiting
effort ever, signing one of the best players in North Carolina in James
(Tootie) Robbinsof Bertie Central High School. Dye signed six players
with heights of 6-4 or better. He also has several freshman coming in
next year that weigh 250 and over.
New basketball coach Larry Gillman has already signed two
national blue-chipper sand is expected to sign a big man soon. There's
not a team in the nation that didn't want Oliver Mack of San Jacinto
Junior College in Texas. Marquette wanted Wisconsin all-stater
Walter Moseley very much, but Gillman signed him also. Both players
are originally from Queens, N.Y.
Catherine Bolton, coach of the Lady Pirates basketball team, signed
Lydia Rountree of Elm City, who many feel is the best prepster in
North Carolina this year. Bolton has also signed Marcia Girven of
Northern Virginia.
Cynthia Averett, new coach of the women's tennis team, has signed
Debbie Spinazzolaof Pennsylvania, one of the top prep players in the
four state region, encompassing Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey and
Bill Carson has signed James Field of New Bern, probably the
cream of North Carolina sprinters this year.
Wrestling and swimming are on the verge of signing blue-ohippers
in their respective sports.
Pirates sweep track meet.
Freeman sets two records
Sports Editor
Debbie Freeman led the Pi-
rates to a win in the ECU
Women's Invitational track meet
The Pirates took the meet with
101 points. Their closest oppon-
ent, NCSU, placed second with
77. North Carolina A & T was a
distant third with 18, and South
Carolina rounded out the field
with 16.
ECU claimed nine first places
and eight second places in the
Debbie Freeman won three
events and set two new track
titles in the Invitational.
Freeman set one of her
records in the discus event, her
winning 129-3 throw breaking
teammate Linda Model Ian's 1977
record of 118-5. MoClellan was
second in the throw with 116-Q.
Freeman topped her own 16
shot put record of 37-5, breaking
both the track and school titles.
Freeman's 38-11 throw won the
event, which saw teammate Mo-
Clellan once again come in
Freeman's third win came in
the javelin toss, which she
won with a 114-11 throw. ECU'S
Debbie Knight took second with
The Pirates' mile relay team,
Joy Forbes, Kathy Smith, Minnie
McPhatter, and Cassie Jones,
took first place in their event over
NCA&T with a winning time of
NCSUwon the long jump, with
ECU'S Minnie McPhatter taking
second. McPhatter'sjumpof 16-2
set a new school record, breaking
the 1976 one of 16-0.
Two Pirates took the top wins
in the two mile event. Sherry
Rape won with a 14.01.0, while
Ann Forbes finished second with
a 1435.0.
McPhatter took second in the
high jump with a 14-0. Her 1977
high jump track record-of 5-0 was
broken by NCSU's Jackie Jones,
who placed first, scoring 5-2, to
set the new mark.
NCA&T won the880 relay, the
Pirates taking second with a time
of 1:49.2.
NCA&T also took first in the
110 yard hurdles. Pirate Linda
Mason placed second with a 18.1.
Mason won the 440 hurdles
with a time of 112.2.
Two Pirates scored in the
mile. Kathy Addison took first
with a 5:43.6, while Linda Chris-
tian placed fourth with a 608.5.
NCA&T placed first in the
880. Pirate Carolyn Moss was
second in the event with a time of
11 9.3, with teammate Jeanette
Whitfield finishing fourth.
Whitfield finished first in the
220, breaking the 1976 school
record of 27.2. She won with a
26.6 mark.
NCSU's Vicki Bryant won the
880, breaking the ECU track
record set by Barbara Brantly of
222.7. Pirates' Kathy Smith and
Joy Forbes took second and third
with a 225.1 and 230.2, respec-
The Invitational was schedul-
ed to be the Pirates' last of the
Alston, Britt selected as
Staff Writer
Editor'snote: This will be the
last Athlete-of-the-Month for
Mickey Britt and Calvin Alston,
leaders of Southern Conference
Championship teams in baseball
and track, respectively, tied for
the honor for the month of April.
will announce the top star of each
spring sport and FOUNTAIN-
HEAD'S Athlete-of-the-Year will
be announced in next Tuesday's
year-ending issue.
The voting for April's top
athlete was very close among all
of the nominees. Baseball's
Mickey Britt and track's Calvin
Alston came out at the top of the
list with eight and one-half votes
apiece to tie for the honor.
Sonny Wooten, also of baseball
picked up three votes for third
place, while Henry Hostetler of
tennis was fourth with two. Pete
Conaty of baseball and Mitch
Pergerson of tennis picked up one
vote each as each nominee
received at least one vote.
Britt led the East Carolina
pitching staff with a 9-0 record.
The freshman from Hope Mills,
N.C. had a 6-0 record for the
month of April, including the title
clinching 3-2 victory over The
Citadel on April 30.
The 6-3 righthander had eight
appearances for the month, with
six being starts and five of the
starts resulting in complete
games. He ended up leading the
Southern Conference in earned
run average with a sparkling 1.50
Britt ended up with the second
best number of victories in the
league and gave up the least
number of walks of any leading
He did not use overpowering
pitches to get his batters out, as
his 26 strikeouts show, but rather
used a wide array of pitches and
good control. A characteristic
game for Britt would show more
than two-thirds of opponents'
outs being groundouts to the
infielders, as he had good oontrol
around the batters' knees.
In 72 innings of pitching, Britt
did not give up a home run.
For Alston, it was, the con-
ference meet which was his
biggest accomplishment for the
month. Earlier in the month,
Alston led the ECU 440 yard relay
team to a new school record with
a 40.4 time.
But it was the conference meet
in which Alston really came
through. The 5-7 dynamo won the
sprinter's dream double, the 100
and 200 meters, as well as
starting off the mile relay team to
a new conference record.
In the 100 meters, Alston
upset favorite John Burson of
Western Carolina in winning in
10.5. Alston thought he had run a
faster time than he was given.
In the 200 meters, Alston
qualified for the NCAA
Championships next June by
being clocked in 20.8.
Alston ran a 47.3 opening leg
in the mile relay to propel the
Pirates to the record of 3:12.6.
He also started off the 440
relay in 10.17, which is consider-
ed a super leg, especially coming
out of the starting blocks, but the
Pirates were later disqualified
when Otis Melvin stepped out of
his lane on the anchor leg.
Alston earned two big honors
by virtue of his performances. He
was the overwhelming choice for
the meet's outstanding performer
and was named by the Greens-
boro Daily News as the Athlete-
of-the-Week in the state of North
Carolina, winning the award over
NBA all-pro David Thompson,
who is a native of North Carolina.
These two athletes are two of
the most deserving of the honor
given them by FOUNTAINHEAD
as they came through with the
performances needed by their
respective sports to gain the
conference championships.
Look for
Athlete -of-the-Year
in next Tuesday's paper

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10 May 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 11
Veteran Durham leads Pirates
There is only one man on the
current East Carolina baseball
team that was around for the last
Southern Conference champion-
ship, in 1974. He now can lay
claim to the fact that he played on
two championship teams in his
ECU career. The man is Pikes-
ville's Terry Durham.
Although Durham did not
personally have one of his best
ever years at ECU, he did come
through with a couple of top-
notch performances when it was
absolutely neoessary.
The biggest of the season was
the second game of a double-
header against Western Carolina.
The Pirates had dropped the first
game by an 8-4 score, and were in
jeopardy of falling from first place
in the Southern Conference
standings. Terry had experienced
a couple of bad outings, but was
given the starting assignment for
the second game.
"I was really glad to get that
start admitted the ECU senior
pitcher I had not pitched well in
several games, but I was deter-
mined to do well he said.
He was facing a team that was
batting over .300 and playing on
its own home fields. "Pop as he
is known to his teammates, came
up with 1 run, six hit performance
as East Carolina defeated West-
ern Carolina4-1, to remain on top
and eventually goon to clinch the
championship of the Southern
PIRATE PITCHER LARRY Durham will lead his team when they
compete in the Atlantic Regionals of the NCAA tournament.
"I knew we had to win that
game Durham related. "Being
a senior, I wanted to contribute
something to the team this
season, and I figured I oould do
the job that day. As it turned out,
Gillman signs prep
standout Moseley
New head basketball coach
Larry Gillman has announced the
signing of Walter Moseley to a
grant-in-aid with ECU. This
marks the second signee within a
week for Gillman.
Moseley is a 6-1 V4, 175-pound
point guard from St. John's
Military Academy in Delafield,
Wis. He's originally from
Queens, N.Y same home as
Oliver Mack, the all-America
guard that signed last week at
East Carolina.
As a senior at St. John's
Military Academy, Moseley led
his team to a second place finish
in the state tournament and a 20-5
record. As a junior, St. John's
finished 19-3 on the year.
Moseley was named all-
conference, all-state, all-county,
all-metro and was mentioned on
several ail-American teams as a
senior. He led his team in scoring
with 24.4 points per game. Post-
season honors also included Most
Valuable Player for the Lanoers,
Most Valuable Player in his
conference and Most Valuable
Player in the country.
As a junior, Moseley was
named all-conference and all-
county in basketball, as well as,
all-conference, all-oounty and all-
state as a tailback in football,
breaking schc ? records in rush-
ing and sooring.
"Walter Moseley to me was
one of the finest prep point
guards available in the country
this year said Gillman. "I was
very impressed with Walter's
poise and leadership ability.
"Among the schools seeking
Walter were national champion
Marquette, Iowa, the University
of Arizona and Wisconsin.
we won that game, and I pitched
pretty well
For the year, Durham's record
stands at 5-3, with an E.R.A. of
2.70. He feels this championship
team is better than the '74 squad.
"We're much deeper in pitch-
ing than we were then he
stated. "There are four proven
starters this year, and a good
bullpen, whereas in '74, we had
basically a three man pitching
"There is also much more
team speed he added. "We
have been able to do many more
things at bat because of our
speed, it's incredible.
Durham says that although
this is the second time he has
been involved with a champion-
ship baseball team at East
Carolina, the title means more to
him this year.
"Since I am a senior related
Durham, "this championship is
always going to be special. I can
look back in future years and
remember that my last ECU
baseball team won the Southern
Conference championship.
"In 1974 he continued, "I
was just a freshman, and did not
get a great deal of playing time.
We went 12-2 in conference that
year and won the title going
away. This year, though, the
entire conference is much strong-
er. We had to win 15 out of 16
games just to win the conference
by one game
Even though the Pirates are
preparing to enter the NCAA
tournament with a 30-10 record,
there was a time when things did
not seem so rosy fa ECU. After
13 games, the team record was
7-6, and Monte Little's squad was
heading for a streak of 10 games
in 10 days.
"We all did a lot of re-
examining of ourselves at that
point reflected the tall right-
hander. "All of us knew that we
were better than 7-6, so the
seniors on the squad got together
and decided we'd lead by
They set a fine example for
the others, as the Pirates then set
off on a 14 game winning streak,
setting a new school record for
most consecutive wins. The
eventuality was the current 30-10
mark, and a berth in the Atlantic
Regionals of the NCAA tourna-
Clp this coupon!
rim j ??1
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"We have confidence in our-
selves as a team, said Durham,
"and we're not going to be awed
by anyone. Our pitching will carry
us a long way, I think.
" We' ve oome a long way from
7-6 he noted, "and I believe
we'll see a good bit more playing
time. It sure would be great to go
out with a trip to Omaha " (site of
the 1977 NCAA College World
Fa Terry Durham, it may
have been the second time
around, but this year's ECU
baseball team has recorded what
for Terry has been a very special
championship season.
1501 Evans
12 P.M5:30 P.M.
Backpacks, Jeans,
Me, too. And I don't
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That's my number
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Tampax tampons when
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Tampax tampons. A
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The internal protection more women trust

Page 12 FOUNTAINHEAD 10 May 1977
THE 1977-1978 ECU
Cheerleading squad was
chosen April 28th. They
are; first row: Denise Grif-
fin, Freda Brown, Peggy
Walker Asst Leigh Da-
vis, Susan Paris, and Edna
Privatt; second row: Stuart
cutter Ion, Kenneth Lanier
chief, Mark Lewis, Danny
Sholar, Jerry Johnson, and
Kim Waters.
Table tennis
Joe Gaddis was the winner of
the Spring Quarter Table Tennis
Tournament which was held on
Tuesday, May 3. Gaddis defeated
William Collier in the final match
to win the championship. In the
final round of the consolation
bracket Collier defeated Ken
Hammond to move on to the
championship match.
The tournament, sponsored
by Mendenhall Student Center
was open to ECU students,
faculty and staff. Seven entries
competed in the double elimi-
nation tournament with all
matches consisting of the best
two out of three games.
Donald R. Mills was the
winner of the Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center Spring Billiards
Tournament held last Wednesday
evening, May 4. In winning the
Spring championship Mills de-
feated Fred Riggs in the final
match of the tournament. Riggs
won his right to play the
undefeated finalist, Mills, by
defeating Floyd Mumford in a
dose final match of the con-
solation bracket.
Nine students participated in
the billiards tournament. The
tournament was set up in a
double elimination system and
the competitors played 14.1 con-
tinuous or straight pool.
Sports writers
needed for
and Fa
if interested,
catl 757-6366
of Procter's LTD.

MIL ttOtl
(As a compliment
Proctor's will
present you
absolutely FREE!
A SHIRT valued at
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valuedat8.50 when
you purchase a new
spring suitor
sportcoat and slacks.
It's a great compliment
so come see us today
roctors itd.

Fountainhead, May 10, 1977
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
May 10, 1977
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