Fountainhead, April 21, 1977

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Serving the campus com-
mun i 50 y
With a circulation ol 8,500,
this issue is 20 pages.
Degrees for Deaf pg 12
Print auctionpg. 15
Welborn resignspg. 16
Vol. 52, No. 47
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
21 April 1977
SGA legislature condemns administration
itstant News Edit'
SGA Monday night pas-
ution condemning the
universil ninistration for its
the recent SGA eleo
olution was introduced
:hr is Cheat ham. day student
to the Easter
time the resolution
was 9 iKTimittee for oon-
The resolution condemned the
administration for its interven-
tion that took place after the
See pages 8 and 9 for further information
I tip administration dismissed
lion charges against Sessoms
and Warren, and exercised it's
authority to oversee the orderly
transitii n ol power.
This prompted Sullivan sup-
porters in the legislature to
introduce the resolution of con-
3GA President Neil Sessoms
said that he was disappointed
about the resolution.
'The administration only at-
tempted to enforce the rules
enacted by the student govern-
ment said Sessoms.
Associate Dean of Student
Affairs Rudolph Alexander said
that he was not bothered by the
"I can't understand why they
would condemn us for enforcing
the rules that they made. If they
want to condemn us then so be it.
I have a job to do and I did it
said Alexander.
Dean of Student Affairs Dr.
James H. Tucker said that he was
in agreement with Alexander.
POLICE FOUND THE more faulty equipment left taken during the Photo Lab robbery.
behind in packed boxes while the newer pieces were
Photo by Pete Podeszwa
SGA Photo Lab robbed,
ECU student charged
Staff Writer
The SGA Photo Lab, located in
the basement of Fleming Dorm,
was robbed Friday, April 8 of
approximately $12,500 worth of
photographic equipment.
An ECU student has been
charged with General Larceny in
connection with the robbery.
The robbery was first discov-
ered Saturday, April 9 at 1:30
p.m. by an SGA photographer.
According to police here, some-
one apparently shattered a side
window to make the robbery look
like a break-in.
Investigators, however, real-
ized that entry by this method
was unlikely since the accumula-
ted dust on the windowsill had not
been disturbed.
An inventory revealed that the
only pieces taken were those in
the best condition, and that
faulty pieces were left behind,
and collected in a box as if about
to be removed.
Police began looking for sus-
pects on the Photo Lab staff.
A Security guard recalled
seeing the suspected student
leave the lab Friday evening
about 6 p.m. carrying two boxes.
After questioning the staff, a
warrant was issued for the
suspected student's arrest charg-
ing him with General Larceny.
The suspect turned himself in
and was released on his own
recognizance to the custody of
his father.
The SGA Communications Board met Wed
April 20 to choose 1977-78 editors for FOUTAIN-
HEAD and Ebony Herald.
Kim Johnson was chosen as editor-in-chief of
FOUNTAINHEAD She currently serves as its
co-news editor
Tim Jones, presently acting editor of the Ebony
Herald was selected as the paper's editor-in-chief
for 1977-78.
Dr. Robert Holt, vice chancel-
lor and dean of the university,
said that he would reserve
oommenl until he received some
official notice of the condemn-
ation from the legislature.
Sessoms offered comments on
recent confrontations within stu-
dent government.
Progress is being retarded
by the confrontations between
student government agencies.
Many of the antagonists are
former campaign workers and
loyal supportersof Tim Sullivan
said Sessoms.
Sessoms said that he is more
intcested in getting on with the
business of serving the students
than in playing petty politics.
"I regret that a sector of the
legislature is chastizing me when
I haven't been in office long
enough to do anything bad or
good said Sessoms.
"I don't think that the legis-
lature as a whole is antagonistic,
but there are certain vocal forces
in the legislature that are
Sessoms said that he hopes to
establish a working relationship
with the legislature despite these
Sessoms was questioned at
the legislative meeting concern-
ing his recent firing of Karen
Harloe as SGA Attorney General
Sessoms cited reasons for the
� Harloe is antagonistic to-
ward our efforts to initiate
harmony within student govern-
ment said Sessoms.
SGA Vice-President Reed
Warren said that it is obvious that
Harloe is too political for the job.
Warren offered some com-
ments on the opposition that he
and Neil Sessoms have reoeived
from the Speaker of the Legis-
lature Ricky Price.
"Ricky Price made his loyalty
and political allegiance to Tim
Sullivan very evident in the way
he presided over the legislature
last Monday said Warren.
Tim Sullivan also sppke at the
legislature Monday night.
Reed Warren said that he
feels Sullivan was attempting to
make the legislature feel that the
university administration had in-
fringed on their power.
"Sullivan's emotional appeal
to the legislature was geared to
gain support fa his efforts to pry
his way back into office said
Sullivan is hiding his own
selfish interest under a facade of
concern for the student body
Sessoms said that Sullivan's
account of the recent election
events was, at best, miscon-
Local physician not guilty
of illegal drug dispensing
Greenville physician Dr. An-
drew A. Best was acquitted of
the charge of illegally dispensing
drugs to a State Bureau of
Investigation (SBI) undercover
agent by the N.C. Supreme
Court, which heard the case on
In ordering the overturn of Dr.
Best's earlier conviction, the
oourt ruled that the state law
prohibiting "sale and delivery"
of prescription drugs did not
apply to doctors writing pre-
Best was originally convicted
of dispensing drugs to SBI agent
Martha T. Owens in November
Owens testified that she ap-
proached Dr. Best asking for
something to help her stay awake
on the job and that he prescribed
the stimulant Ritalin.
Associate Justice Frank
Huskins wrote in the court
opinion that, if anything, Best
may have violated a state law
prohibiting doctors from prescrib-
ing drugs "outside the normal
course of professional practice in
North Carolina and not for a
legitimate medical purpose
Best was not charged with a
violation of the law pertaining to
physicians, but under the general
statute prohibiting sale and de-
livery of prescript'on drugs.
Several doctors offered con-
flicting testimony at Best's trial
properly in prescribing Ritalin,
following with the depressant
phenobarbital, to agent Owens.
Huskins wrote that the
General Assembly has on several
occasions made clear its intent to
treat doctas and lay persons
differently in the regulation of
drugs. Doctas have a special
status which, while it does not
carry "free rein still protects
them from narcotics prosecutions
as long as they comport with
accepted medical practices.
Best, named docta ?f the year
in 1972 by the North State
Medical Society, was originally
fined $2,000 and given a sus-
pended jail sentenoe. The con-
viction was upheld by the Court of
Appeals last November.
The Supreme Court decision
bans further prosecution of Best
on the 1975 charges.
Best's trial stirred up contro-
versy among fellow Greenville
doctas and in the oommunity
where he has continued to
practice while the case was being
appealed. Several of his suppat-
ers claimed that Best was pro-
secuted because he was black.
U.S. Sen. Robert B. Magan,
D-NC, appeared at the trial as a
character witness fa the defend-

vx � : �� xV
Sigma Tail College bowl Flea market
21 April 1977
Festival '77 Pub positions
The East Carolina University
Department of Foreign Langua-
ges and Literatures has announ-
ced its International Festival '77,
to be held on the East Carolina
University campus Friday, April
29. A large number of high school
language classes in the eastern
part of the state have accepted
the invitation to attend.
According to Professor Mar-
guerite Perry, Chairperson of the
Foreign Language Department,
prizes will be awarded to partici-
pating students for excellence in
poetry recitations, skit competi-
tions, a talent show, and interna-
tional booths and exhibits.
All competitions will be in the
foreign language being studied:
French, German, Russian and
Spanish. Only high school stu-
dents are eligible to compete.
University faculty members and
students will act as judges.
"This is the third interna-
tional festival we have had
Professor Perry stated, "and
previous ones proved popular
with visiting teachers and stu-
dents and the University com-
Professor Michael Bassman,
Coordinator of the Festival, em-
phasized that attending the event
does not require participation in
the contests. The program will be
varied, including seminars on
topics of interest to students of
different cultures. Details will be
announced soon.
Inquiries should be addressed
to Dr. Bassman, co Department
of Foreign Languages and Litera-
tures, East Carolina University,
Greenville, N.C. 27834.
Model UN
Interested in politics? Travel-
ing? Meeting people? Come to
the Model United Nations meet-
ing Saturday, April 23 at 9:30
a.m. Brewster C-101. Everybody
welcome get involved!
Phi Sigma Pi will have its
monthly dinner meeting at Bo-
nanza Steak Pit, Wednesday,
April 20, 1977 at 550 p.m.
Gamma Beta
Gamma Beta Phi, service to
education honor society will meet
April 21st at 7:00 Brewster-C rm.
103. Please attend this important
business meeting.
Alpha lota
The Alpa lota pledge class of
Kappa Sigma Fraternity is hold-
ing a Flea Market at 1 p.m on
April 22. Goods can be purchased
at the Kappa Sigma house, 700 E.
10th St. Any questions please call
Rob Higginbotham at the Kappa
Sig House, 752-5543 or 752-1593.
Applications for Head Photo-
grapher (Publications), and gen-
eral manager of WECU are now
being accepted by SGA Vice-
President, Reed Warren. Last day
to apply is May 3rd.
The Mosaique Marie Troupe
Ballet, featuring Larrina Leanova,
Pierre O'Wet, Antoine La Fette
and Charlemagne Kissoff, will be
performing an experimental bal-
let in the Jenkins Fine Arts Cen-
ter Auditorium Fri April 22 at
9:00 a.m. The world unclaimed
company will perform "Dog
Lake "Vacuum Svipe Lies
About My Childhood" and
others. Toot Suite!
Gong show
Almost live it's the Gong
Show. That's Right! Jones and
Clement dormitories are oo-spon-
soring their very own version of
the Gong Show on Thursday,
April 28 at 8 pm. in Room 244
Mendenhall. Everyone is cord-
ially invited to attend. Admission
will be free with your MRC or
WRC card and ECU I.D. Come on
out and share in the fun.
Artists wanted
Artists wanted for art show.
Various medics accepted. Call
758-0468 after 830 p.m. Call now
for judging. Deadline is April 27.
Movie orgy
IT'S HERE! The never to be
forgotten, never to be believed
SCHLITZ escape to Movie Orgy!
This outrageous collection of all
your favorite nostalgia will be
shown on the mall, weather
permitting. If it rains, the show
will be moved to Wright Auditor-
ium. Theadmission isfreeforall
ECU students & administration.
Don't forget! Thursday April 21
at 8:00 Bring your honey & have
an orgy on the mall. Souvenirs
will be given out by Schlitz
Brewing Company. Sponsored by
the Student Union Films Commit-
The Forever Generation in-
vites you to join us this Friday
night at 730 pm. in Brewster
B-103 for more than a Bible
Study. There will be some
important upcoming events to be
discussed. Also, there will be an
entertaining songtime, delicious
refreshments and unequalled
Christian Fellowship. How can
you afford to pass it up?
The Sigma Tau Delta Englisn
Honor Society spring picnic will
be held at 4 p.m May 2, at 1407
ReJ Banks Road. Members are
asked to bring one food item
besides meats (hotdogs and ham-
burgers will be provided). Guests
are welcome with a 75 cent
admission fee. A coffeehouse
atmosphere will prevail oomplete
with guitar and dulcimer music,
song, and poetry readings from
Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan, and
Thomas Wolfe. BYOB (blanket
and beverage).
Phi Mu Alpha
Phi Mu Alpha, professional
Music Fraternity, will be present-
ing local talent at its Music
Madness II, Friday April 22 at
Thursday's. Everyone is invited o
come down from 8DO p.m. til
closing to have fun and listen to a
variety of great music: rock, jazz,
bluegrass and dixieland.
There will be a meeting for all
the pledges of the Society for
Collegiate Journalists on Tues-
day, April 26 at 8:00 p.m.
Inductions will be discussed.
Inductions will be held in Brews-
ter Building B-102 on Sunday,
May first at 4:00 p.m.
The American Vocational
Association will hold its monthly
meeting April 26, 1977 at 5 p.m.
The meeting is to be held in room
102 or 104 of the Industrial
Technology Building (Flanagan).
Mr. John Guy from the
Greenville area is to be the guest
speaker. He is presently serving
on the State Advisory Council for
Vocational Education and on the
Advisory Council for Teacher
Evaluation. Mr. Guy's topic is
concerned with "Vocational Edu-
cation and How It Relates to the
Total Educational Program A
discussion period is planned
afterwards. All members and all
other interested persons are
urged to attend.
Don't miss the Third Annual
lllumina Art Show and Competi-
tion now on display in the
Mendenhall Gallery in the Stu-
dent Center. The show, sponsor-
ed by the Student Union Art
Exhibition Committee, closes Fri-
day, April 29.
Art show
M ason' s Ready & Raring To
Go Senior Art Show is in Joyner
Library April 18-23. Constanoe
Mason is a candidate fa a B.S.
degree in Art. The show consists
of charcoal drawings and paint-
Film festival
Sunday April 24, Mendenhall
Student Center Theatre. Science
Fiction Thrillers. "2001: A Space
Odyssey4O0, "Omega Man"
-625 and "Invasion of the Body
The first annual ECU COL-
LEGE BOWL Championship
Tournament will be held Wed-
nesday, April 27 at 8:00 p.m. in
the Mendenhall Student Center
Two teams of East Carolina
University students will compete
for the championship and over
$200.00 in prize money. A special
added event will be presented-
the championship team versus
four coaches from this year's
oompeting teams.
You have seen the College
Bowl on television, sponsored by
General Electric. Now see this
exciting and entertaining compe-
tition at East Carolina University,
April 27 at 8.00 p.m. There is no
admission charge.
This will be your last chance to
buy a subscription for the '77
Buc. If you have any questions
concerning the purchase of the
1977 Buccaneer, please feel free
to call us. Our number is 757- '
6501, or come by the Publications
center which is across from
Joyner Library to purchase your
subscription now. If you want
one, and we're sure you will,
you'd better hurry.
S.O.U.LS. will sponsor atrip
to Atlantic Beach Sat. April 23.
$1.25 will be charged for transpor-
tation. Reservations must be
made at A.A.C.C. on Wed
Thurs. or Fri. from 12 noon til 4
Art awards
Awards total ing $1,000.00 will
be presented Tuesday, April ?6,
at the Awards Ceremony for the
Third Annual lllumina Art Show
And Competition. The ceremony
will be held in Mendenhall
Gallery in the Student Center at
800 p.m.
The Art Show is sponsored by
the Student Union Art Exhibition
Committee, ILLUMINA, and will
be on display until April 29 in the
Mendenhall Gallery.
Free flick
Film "The Sunshine Boys
April 22-23, 7 & 9, Mendenhall
Student Center Theatre. George
Burns & Walter Matthau star in
one of Neil Simon's most appeal-
ing comedies. A biting and
hysterical feud develops between
the two partners of a fantastically
successful vaudeville comedy
team from the 30"s. Don't miss
"The Sunshine Boys
Band meeting
Marching Pirates for 1977
former members interested in
making plans for the band next
fall, and those interested in
leadership positions, will meet in
the music building, Room 215,
Monday April 25th, from 630 to
730 p.m to be followed by a
gator-ade scdar.
Hold it! Before you throw out
all that stuff from your annual
spring cleaning, THINK $. Men-
denhall Student Center is plan-
ning its Spring Flea Market, an
ideal place to sell those goodies
that have been collecting dust in
the top of your closet. Any ECU
student, staff or faculty member
is eligible to sell.
The Flea Market will be
outside on the Mall, April 27,
from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. In order
to sell, you must register at the
Student Center Information Cen-
ter by April 25. Hours are from
900 a.m. until 5.00 p.m. and a
$5.00 refundable deposit is re-
quired. Even if you don't have
anything to sell, you're sure to
find something to buy.
Remember, April 27�alI day
on the Mall.
There will be a bike-a-thon for
the heart fund sponsored by the
Kappa Alpha Psi and Omega Psi
Phi fraternities April 23, 1977-10
a.m. at the 5th St. ECU entrance.
A trophy will be given for the
largest amount of pledges given
from any person or organization.
Sponsor sheets and route maps
are all over campus. Grab your
bike and support the Heart Fund.
All proceeds will go to the Pitt
County Heart Fund.
Crafts fair
The Farmville Arts Council is
sponsoring its first annual arts
and crafts fair Sunday, May 8,
1977 from 200 p.m. until 5O0
p.m. At the J.Y. Monk Memorial
Park on highway 258 North. Come
and bring the family for a spring
afternoon in the park filled with
arts and crafts exhibits, contin-
uous performances, a unique
children's area and a refreshing
snack stop.
Car wash
Gamma Beta Phi honor so-
ciety will hold a car wash April 23,
1977 from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. at the
Shell Station on 264 by-pass at the
corner of King's parking lot. The
money received from this will go
to the Ficklen Stadium Fund
Drive. More support is needed to
help build the new stadium, so
come on out and get your car
Daytona trip
Win a trip for two to Daytona
Beach. Florida! The trip includes
accommodations for 2, for 3 days
at the Sheraton Inn in an ocean
front room on the weekend of
June 3-5. Tickets in advance are
50 cents each and can be
purchased from the Administra-
tor in Fletcher or any Fletcher
Hall Resprsentative. Tickets can
also be purchased at the door of
the ELBOW ROOM on April 26
from 730 p.m. to930 p.m for 75
cents. The drawing will be held at
the ELBOW ROOM that night.
You do not have to be present to

City resumes original
school integration plan
21 April 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 3
The Greenville City school
system will probably implement
its original (1976) integration plan
next Fall when the Third Street
Elementary School's $150,000
renovation project is completed.
According to Joseph- Smith
Jr Principal at Elmhurst Ele-
mentary School, the school sys-
tem will probably maintain its 52
per cent whitestudent enrollment
level and the 48 per cent black
student level that was announced
last Spring by the Greenville
School Board.
When the integration levels
were announced last Spring,
parents of children affected by
the plan protested the school
board's action.
"We objected to the condition
of Third Street School because it
was in a hazardous oondition and
in general disrepair said Dr.
Robert C. Morrison, ECU pro-
fessor of chemistry.
"They had a blackwhite
student ratio that I felt was
necessary said Morrison. "Ob-
viously, they had to bus to
achieve this ratio
According to Dr. Robert J.
Hersey, math professor at ECU,
the school board was shifting a
large number of students around
that he believed was uncalled for.
"There were students who
lived two blocks away from South
Greenville Elementary who were
being bused to Third Street which
is across town said Hersey.
According to Morrison, a
group of parents suggested to the
Greenville School Board that
students be bused to neighboring
school districts instead of across
I mmediately after the parental
controversy arose from the inte-
gration proposal, the Third Street
Elementary School was con-
demned by the Greenville City
According to Alton Warren,
chief inspector of Greenville, over
100 building code violations were
found at Third Street Elementary
"Floor joists were rotted,
electrical wiring was faulty, gut-
tering was rusted away, and the
heating system leaked and caused
the woodwork to rot said
According to Smith, principal
of Third Street School at the time,
repair requests had been made
throughout the academic year to
fix these building violations.
Aocording to Smith, the city
put off completing the repairs
until the summer months.
. "The reason the repairs were
not completed during the year lies
with the school system budget
said Smith.
According to Smith, there
simply was not enough money to
properly maintain the Greenville
City schools at the time.
According to Robert Stewart,
assistant superintendent of
Jenkins Fine Arts Center
to be dedicated Sunday
Formal dedication of the new
$5 million Leo W. Jenkins Fine
Arts Center on the ECU campus
will take place Sunday afternoon
in public ceremonies.
The program, to which the
general public is invited, will
feature the unveiling of a bronze
sculpture - a three-dimensional
portrait - of the veteran ECU
chancellor for whom the facility is
named. The portrait, sculptured
by Robert Edminston, professor
and chairman of the Department
of Sculpture, ECU School of Art,
will be unveiled by the three
daughters of Dr. and Mrs.
The acceptance speech will be
given by Trov W. Pate Jr. of
Goldsboro, chairman of the ECU
Board of Trustees.
Francis A. Ruzika, chairman
of the Art Department, University
of Georgia, a fellow of the
National Association of Schools of
Art, will deliver the dedicatory
The Fine Arts Center, contain-
ing 142,000 square feet erf space
on three levels, will be the home
of the ECU School of Art which at
present has 861 majors enrolled
in its various departments and
degree programs.
A reception, visual present-
ation and tours of the Fine Arts
Center will follow the dedication
And get three games for only $1.25.
Bring three friends along. We'll let
them in on the deal, too.
Greenville City Schools, the
County Commissioners provided
the money for the Third Street
As a result of the Third Street
School condemnation, city in-
spectors have become more a-
ware of building code violations in
the city schools.
According to Warren, the
violations at Third Street last
Spring have made his department
keep stricter inspection pro-
cedures when they conduct their
"We are pleased with the
repairs and progress being made
at Third Street said Warren.
"When the repairs are com-
pleted, the building will be
structurally sound
According to Hersey, when
the Third Street School does
reopen next Fall, parents will
probably protest the city's inte-
gration plan if it is the same
proposal as last year's.
"The school board is using
strategy said Hersey. "They
should tell us now what the plan
will be next Fall
needs writers,
production workers
for Summer and Fall.
Apply now!
It pays!
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Buy an
ArtCar ved College Ring
Save $50.00 on an
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When you buy an ArtCarved col-
lege ring, we'll send you $50.00
towards the purchase of an Art-
Carved engagement ring. This
offer is good any time � wear
your college ring now and enjoy
these important savings when
you meet that special person.
It's a new way ArtCarved helps
you fight the high cost of fall-
ing in love.
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Expires May 30,1977
in the lobby of Wright Building from
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m9m m&w
21 April 1977
Energy sacrifice needed
Saaif ioe. The word seems to be out of place when
applied to the American energy oonsuming habit but
that's what President Carter is asking the Congress
to approve for the country. With its use of nearly half
the world's total power resources, the gluttonous
U.S having only about six per cent of the earth's
peculation could surely stand to go on an energy diet
as the administration is suggesting. Shaving off a few
barrels of oil a day here and several megawatts of
electricity there may save the economy from a
horrible shock when energy resouroes are not so
In the interest of national security, energy
conservation is a must. We have become more and
more reliant on foreign sources of energy , even since
Nixon declared "project independence" after the
Arab oil embargo in 1973. If the gas pumps were to
go dry again as so many did during that
unforgettable winter, the nation would suffer much
longer lines at the gas station and the economy might
not stand the strain as well as it did back then.
At least one tenet of Carter's proposal seeks to
cut down on much of the inefficiency that now exists
in our nation's transportation system which relies on
the private automobile. He will probably ask
Congress to clamp a heavy tax on cars that get poor
gas mileage. Rather than legislate these "gas
guzzlers" out of existence as has been suggested, a
high tax on these cars will still allow consumers to
purchase this kind of transportation if they can pay
the price. If so, this tax could become an important
souroe of revenue for the federal government to use
for researching alternatives to such things as the
internal combustion engine, for example.
Another point of the plan would up the federal tax
on gasoline by five cents each year for ten years
beginning in 1979. The tax would only take effect if
gas consumption continued to rise. Such a measure
would assure that this country's high speed cruise
toward an energy disaster is diverted should other
measures of Carter's plan miss the mark.
Carter realizes that the special interest groups
will be bucking his proposals and is mounting his
forces accordingly. Let us hope that the Congress and
the American people applaud its prescience and rally
behind the president's plan.
Serving the East Carolina community for over fifty years
Senior EditorJim Elliott
Production ManagerJimmy Williams
Advertising ManagerDennis C. Leonard
News EditorsKim Johnson
Debbie Jackson
Trends EditorPat Coyle
Sports EditorAnne Hogge
FOUNTAINHEAD is the student newspaper of East Carolina
University sponsored by the Student Government Association
of ECU and is distributed each Tuesday and Thursday during
the school year, weekly during the summer.
Mailing address: Old South Building, Greenville, N.C.
Editorial Offices: 757-6366, 757-6367, 757-6309.
Subscriptions: $10.00 annually tor non-students, $6.00 for
Newspaper sickens day legislator
Jim Elliott, your obvious
biased, slanted and unethical use
of our student newspaper sickens
our campus twice a week. What a
WASTE of $85,000 of the stu-
dents' money
When is a newspaper not a
ECU'S little Nixon
This letter is in reference to
the yellow sheet of extra-wide
toilet paper circulating on campus
with the banner "How to Steal
4n Election Apparently, the
nucleus oi Sullivan's power web
has clustered one last time (we
hope) to flog the dead horse of the
SGA election. Some people are
simply not mature enough to
accept defeat and insist on
clinging to what few straws are
available in a desperate attempt
to restore their demagogue to
power. "How much longer must
we the student body be subjected
to the underhanded petty pDlitics
of our own "little Nixon?"
Timmy, the election was over
three weeks ago. Give up.
Concede graciously like an adult
and let us get on to important
Doug White
newspaper? When it becomes a
political party! The joke is on us,
under your direction, Mr. Elliott,
has become an unrecognized
Political Party, with the students
picking up the bill for the $35,000
to pay the party "staff WHAT
The SGA Legislature saw
through the "sea of djemccratic
procedure" on Monday night and
questioned the credibility (and
ability)of your SGA representa-
tive, Neil Sessoms. The very
NON-TIMID Legislature stood up
to several "administrators" who
have stepped all over the election
rules and spat upon the STU-
DENT'S constitution, in all no-
tions of fairness and democracy.
The Legislature has gone on
record requesting a recall and
officially criticizing several cam-
pus administrators for their un-
authorized dealings in the STU-
DENT Government Association
Mr. Elliott, this Fall you
wanted $800 to take a little trip to
Chicagocome on back to the
Legislature and ask for it now.
We'll "go for itonly this
time it will be a ONE WAY ticket
to Chicago or a planet of your
Disgusted with how you have
spent my money,
SGA Day Legislator
Sullivan loses office poorly
"I'm mad as hell and I'm
not going to take it anymore
Those of you who have seen the
movie "Network" will know
what I'm talking about. But in
this case, it's not television
propaganda which bothers me;
it's the outrageous lying, callous
deception, and poor sportsman-
ship demonstrated by Tim Sulli-
van and his cohort, Ricky Price.
I'm referring to the latest of their
dirty tricks, the yellow flyer
Forum policy
Forum letters should be typed or printed, signed
and include the writer's address or telephone
number. Letters are subject to editing for taste and
brevity and may be sent to FOUNTAINHEAD or left
at the Information Desk in Mendenhall Student
entitled "How to Steal an Elec-
tion Sullivan and Price ought to
be the authorities on this issue,
since they have tried every means
they know of to degrade the
newly-elected SGA President.
The Constitution provides for a
plurality election, which means
that the candidate who receives
the most votes wins. If Sullivan is
dissatisfied with plurality elec-
tions, he should have made it
clear prior to the March 30
election, not afterwards when he
realized that he lost the election
by five votes. Sullivan's campaign
motto was "Students First If
he really believed in his motto, he
would get busy serving the needs
of the student body by helping
Mr. Sessoms, not by thwarting
"I'm mad as hell
Diane Harris
� �� isSj ��
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21 April 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 5
SGt becomes circus, kangaroo court
editorial of April 7 entitled
Sessoms vs. stacked deck in my
remarks. Those of us who can
separate the politics of the former
SGA president (Tim Sullivan)
from the honest way SGA should
operate know that the editorial of
April 7, told with accuracy the
proceedings that surrounded the
election of March 30.
Persons such as myself, who
visited Ricky's Circus and Kanga-
roo Court (otherwise known as the
Legislature to some) on Monday,
saw an illustration of the Sullivan
operation working at its best (or
worst depending upon your point
of view).
During the meeting, Sullivan
gave a moving speech on how his
presidency was taken from him.
An obvious conspiracy by all of
those organizations who didn't
want him as presidentthe
administration, Neil Sessoms,
Reed Warren, the Student Union,
the Greenville City Council, and
those like myself, who Sullivan in
his paranoia, accused of working
Also in his speech, Sullivan
managed to infer that harmony
between the SGA and just about
anyone isn't necessarily good.
Getting worried
This is an open letter to the
students of ECU. I would greatly
appreciate your cooperation in
printing the following.
Dear Students:
I am deeply concerned that
few of you know exactly what has
happened concerning the election
of SGA officers during the past
three weeks.
The truth is, neither do I. But
I'm sure of this: The administra-
tion stepped in Monday, April the
fourth, and prevented the pre-
sentation of a constitutionally
legal petition to the Honor
Council. The administration
deemed insufficient some charges
which were being brought against
two candidates and a major
campus publication, thereby
wrongly preventing these charges
from moving through the proper
channels, (i.e the Honor
Attorney General Karen
Harloe has been fired. (She must,
however, continue to hold court
until another Attorney General
has been screened and ap-
proved.) As yet, no reason has
been made public for her dis-
Other unusual things have
remained hush-hush, too. As
students here at ECU, you should
be getting pretty worried. So why
don't you ask around? Make a few
phone calls. And watch for a
chance to get a REAL election,
one in which the winner wins by a
REAL majority, not just five
How far can the administra-
tion push us?
Conoerned? Yes!
Ellen N. Fishburne
The real surprise was that the
Legislature took it "hook, line
and bait
The problem which has been
created is more in depth than just
differing political philosophies,
but rather lies in the fact that
Sullivan can not work with those
who disagree without alienating
them. Sullivan has categorized
people into two groups: those who
support him, and, those of us who
The only organization on
campus which Sullivan admit-
tedly feels at home with is the
Legislature. This may be due to
the fact that he has been able to
control (manipulate, if you will),
the legislature through several
political cohorts (e.g. Ricky Price,
to name one. If this were not so,
then one would wonder why Price
was upset to the point of tears at
the news of Sullivan's defeat.)
election on, he will most likely use
a term which has become a cliche
in his administration: Students
I dose my remarks with two
comments. If Sullivan is indeed
the champion of student's rights,
as he may claim, then why didn't
any of his executive council
colleagues openly support and
campaign forhim? Why didn't we
see letters or support from the
Vice-President, Secretary or
Treasurer? Secondly, Richard
Nixon is no longer President of
the United States; and likewise
Tim Sullivan is no longer Presi-
dent of the SGA. Let's be thankful
for our limited blessings.
Charles M. Sune
P.S. No Tim, I still don't work for
Now as Sullivan drags the
Wayward youth finds God
I would like to tell you the
GREATEST decision I've ever
made in my life!
If you were to form a brief
conclusion of my past it would be
to have full oontrol of all areas of
my life.
If you had known me you
would say I grew up in a happy
atmosphere, but I desired my life
through my own efforts. As a
result I grew away from my
parents' influence. I began using
drugs in fulfillment. I thought
that some of these drugs would
help to better me. They did start
changing my life. My parents lost
hold of me. My best friend and I
grew apart. I began using the
excitement of the future to keep
me going.
I knew I was missing some-
thing, but didn't know what. I
thought being on the AB honor
roll would bring me this fulfill-
ment. I also became interested in
the Bible and began reading it.
These activities helped me to cut
back on my drug usage.
When I came to ECU this year
I thought I really had myself
together. I had a great future
pictured ahead. After school I
would purchase a store, make
money and be content.
Soon, I began realizing I
didn't have life, life had me.
That's when I admitted I couldn't
get my life together on my own.
When I was twelve my best
friend told me in order to receive
Christ all I had to do was say,
"Christ come into my life This
year while reading the Bible I
knew Christ was who I needed, I
asked him into my life that night!
About two weeks later, two
Christians came by to see my
roommate. It showed that they
had their lives together, I knew I
wanted that. Later I asked Christ
to take oontrol of my life.
Christ began changing me. I
can see how my love for my family
has grown. I've even called my
parents and got their advice.
Once while playing Softball I
wasn't playing well at all. Usually
this would bring me down, but
something was wrong I was
having a great time! Christ
showed me that I don't have to be
tops to have a good time. I still
can get over that "I quit smoking
pot Usually in the mornings I
would have had to fight to get out
of bed now I can't wait to get up
and start enjoying the day!
In summary, with Christ
guiding me, I am gaining control
of all areasof my life! In Proverbs
1824 it says:
A man of many friends comes to
ruin, but there is a friend who
sticks closer than a brother
Joyfully in Christ
Students competent
Why does the editor of this
newspaper constantly imply that
the students of East Carolina
University are incompetent in the
affairs of electing their repre-
sentatives? It was recently stated
in the editorial oolumnthat "With
nowhere to turn in student
government for fair treatment,
Sessoms and Warren took their
case to the administration Are
you saying that the students who
select our representatives are not
capable of seeing justice done?
I suggest, instead, that a
double standard exists. When the
studentsof this campus circulated
a petition for a run-off election
between Sessoms and Sullivan,
they were going through a legal
procedure in accordance with the
SGA Constitution. But, it seems
that Sessoms and Warren are
above using these proper pro-
cedures. They go through the
administration and not the
channels used by the students;
students who, ironically, our new
leaders represent.
Yes, nm Sullivan and any
other student who upholds the
constitutional methods "flounder
in a sea of democratic pro-
cedure But, those who negoti-
ate with an administration which
blatantly ignores constitutional
procedure should have no trouble
in getting what they want.
E. Marena Wright
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�.?r ��-�H .sti�s
Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAO 21 April 1977
STEVE Pf?CE of .owe
7976-77 president of
the Men's Residence Coun-
cil at East Carolina Univer-
sity, presents a check for
$800 to Chancellor Leo
Jenkins for the Ficklen
Stadium Fund Drive. Dr.
Clinton Prewett R is cam-
pus stadium drive repre-
The Men's Residence
Council sponsored a dance
recently to raise money for
the drive.
Price is the son of Joyce
P. Norman of Lowell. ECU
News Bureau Photo
Your challenge is to construct the mystery
word in the boxes below. To do this you must
fill in the correct missing letter in each of the
words listed in the columns. Then transfer the
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as easy as it looks!
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'4'iiivmh nr pio�AiBitAw
group fills
Assistant News Editor
The Faculty Senate elected
three faculty members to fill three
of five faculty positions for the
Chancellor Search Committee in
its meeting Tuesday.
The faculty members are Dr.
Henry Ferrell, history depart-
ment, Dr. Patricia Daugherty,
biology department, and Dr.
Trenton Davis, Allied Health.
Troy W. Pate, Jr chairman of
the ECU Board of Trustees, will
appoint the remaining two faculty
members from at-large nomina-
The Chancellor Search Com-
mittee will consist of 13 members.
In addition to five faculty
members, the committee will also
consist of five people appointed
by the board of trustees, the
Student Government Association
(SGA) president, the Alumni
Association president, and an
at-large member from the alumni.
In other business, the Faculty
Senate approved a revised Ap-
pendix C to the Faculty Manual.
Appendix C is the personal
policy for the faculty, and deals
with promotions, pay raises,
appointments and grievances.
The revised Appendix C was
prepared by a subcommittee of
the Faculty Affairs Committee,
and will go to the administration
and the board of trustees for
official approval.
The Fao "y Senate adopted a
resolution concerning leave for
professional development. The
resolution was submitted to the
Senate by the Faculty Welfare
The Faculty Senate approved
several substitutions of courses in
the music department, presented
to the Senate by the University
Curriculum Committee.
The ECU Department of
Foreign Languages and Litera-
tures has announced its Inter-
national Festival '77, to be held
Friday, April 29. A large number
of high school language classes
have accepted the invitation to
According to Professor
Marguerite Perry, chairperson of
the Foreign Language Depart-
ment, prizes will be awarded to
participating students for ex-
cellence in poetry recitations, skit
competitions, a talent show, and
international booths and exhibits.
All competitions will be in the
foreign language being studied:
French, German, Russian and
Spanish. Only high school stu-
dents are eligible to compete.
University faculty members and
students will act as judges.
"This is the third internation-
al festival we have had Pro-
fessor Perry said. ' Previous ones
proved popular with visiting
teachers and students and the
university community

I BjgpK 9
� �
Greeks, non-Greeks agree
21 April 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page7
Anti-Greek feelings exist at ECU
Staff Writer
Various Greek (campus
fraternity and sorority members)
and non-Greek students agree
that an anti-Greek feeling does
exist on the ECU campus.
All sources do believe, how-
ever, that fraternity and sorority
members help the campus and
community in activities and parti-
cipate in many worthwhile pro-
About 10 per cent of the
11,000 member ECU student
population are members of the
eight sororities and eleven
fraternities, according to Caroyln
Fulghum, ECU Dean of Women.
"Greeks have always been
involved said Nancy Moore,
former ECU Panhellenic presi-
The National Panhellenic
Council is an organization that
governs sororities.
"These fraternal organi-
zations have helped with blood
drives, have raised money for the
stadium fund, co-ordinated
Homecoming each year, and have
participated in SGA, Student
Union, and other campus activi-
ties said Moore.
"I feel there is some resent-
ment towards the Greeks
Moore added.
"A Greek isa person, just like
a non-Greek said Moore.
"They come to school for the
same reasonsto get a well-
rounded education
Moore admitted that each
sorority hasa filing system for old
tests and papers.
"Every sorority has a filing
system of beneficial notes from
various courses taken in the past.
These notes are used as a study
"Any student has access to
the files Moore said. "Anyone
who has a friend in a sorority can
call up and ask for help
Moore stressed that files can
sometimes become a hindrance.
"Sometimes students rely too
heavily on the notes and tests,
and do not study for a test. Then
they end up flunking it
Kim Johnson, oo-news editor
non-Greek, also feels that Greeks
participate in many worthwhile
projects. But, she said she
believes that fraternities and
sororities have a damaging
reputation on campus.
"The reputation that Greeks
have is that of the socialite from
wealthy families Johnson said.
You are snubbed if you are not a
This snubbing, Johnson said,
is what causes the antagonistic
feelings towards Greeks.
"The social aspect is too
much said Johnson. "Many
girls feel that, by joining a
sorority, it will be the only way to
get dates
Johnson said that non-Greeks
have closer ties with the grass-
roots student.
"The non-Greek is more in
touch with the average student.
They also don't have the support-
ive backing of brothers or
Johnson said that the close
groups of girls in the dormitories
are different than sorority mem-
bers living in a house.
"In the dorms, anybody is
allowed to join that hall. It also
doesn't oost anyone extra
Johnson wrote an article last
fraternity hazing and concluded
that it does go on.
A contrasting viewpoint to-
Fountain repairs
almost complete
Staff Writer
ECU's building maintenance
department should oomplete work
on the fountain in Wright Circle
before the end of spring quarter,
according to James Lowry, di-
rector of campus operations.
"Over a period of years, the
fountain developed bad aacks
and leaks Lowry said.
"We were having an extreme
amount of leakage which was
washing away the earth around
the outside of the pool.
"We had to turn the water off
and drain the pool.
"First we had to determine
what the problems were and find
solutions to them.
"Getting the right personnel
to do the job was not easy
Lowry said it was necessary to
sandblast the pool and get the old
paint and buildup off the walls
and floaing of it.
According to Lowry, the
weather has prevented wak ai
the fountain this year.
"The weather has been too
bad to do any wak ai it until
"Several days of good
weather are needed to oomplete
the painting Lowry said.
Aocading to Bill Whitehurst,
ECU superintendent of buildings,
a maja problem was finding a
substance fa the aacks to hold
up to the weather.
"With the materials being
used, we should get several mae
years of operation out of the pool
under namal conditions Lowry
"We would like to get it
operating pria to the end of the
school year Lowry said.
The money to repair the
fountain is coming from the
university's repair and alteration
Aocading to Whitehurst, it
will cost about $1,000 to repair
the fountain.
"We've had problems con-
stantly with the fountain in the
past said Lowry.
"It is necessary to repaint it
once a year and dean it out
According to Lowry, the
fountain is inexpensive to main-
wards Greeks is held by Kirk
Edgerton, Inter-Fraternity Coun-
dl president-eled.
"There are many things be-
sides the social asped said
Edgerton. "There are service,
campus adivities, and brdher-
"Many times, the bad is
publidzed, and the good things
are na. Fa example, the Greeks
axxdinated the blood drive held
just recently
Edgerton does nd feel that an
anti-Greek feeling exists. He
stressed, however, that he want-
ed people to become more
interested in fraternities and
"There is na a Country Club
image among the Greeks. It is up
to the individual. Personally, it
has been a great oppatunity to be
in a fraternity, and it has rounded
out my odlege education
According to Neil Sessoms,
SGA president and a noi-Greek,
there are some segments of
anti-Greek feelings. He attributed
this to jealousy and to what the
Greeks stand fa.
"There'is a definite entity of
See GREEKS, pg. 12)
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���������� ��MHHHH
Page 8 FOUNTAINHEAD 21 April 1977
Sullivan supporters circulate flyers
EDITOR'S NOTE: Supporters of SGA ex-President Tim Sullivan have
printed and distributed around campus thousands of 8" by 14" flyers
entitled How to Steal an Election
The flyers condemn the University administration for its action in
the SGA election controversy prior to Easter break. It also criticizes the
newly elected SGA President and Vice-President, Neil Sessoms and
Reed Warren, as well as FOUNTAINHEAD.
The University administration believes the information in the
leaflets is not completely factual and misleading, and has prepared a
statement concerning the events surrounding the elections for SGA
officers last month. Sessoms and Warren also prepared statements
reputing the allegations in the yellow flyers, a copy of which appears
Statements rebuking the leaflets are printed on page 9.
How to Steal an Election
When is Student Government not a student's
government? When the ECU Administration steps
in and flagrantly abuses our constitutional rights,
which they did in the SGA spring elections two
weeks ago.
In a quick move which startled most people
involved, several administrators moved in and
stopped a legal run-off between Tim Sullivan and
Neil Sessoms, and later swore both Sessoms, and his
running mate, Reed Warren, in a private
None of this information was made available
until this Monday, when the SGA Student
Legislature, after over an hour of debate, voted
almost unanimously to criticize the ECU Administra-
tion and to endorse the recall petition which is now
FOUNTAINHEAD, which endorsed Sessoms and
which has been highly critical of SGA this year, did
not report this Administrative interference because
Neil Sessoms, who was a Foutainhead news editor
this year and who campaigned to give more financial
freedom to the ipaper, was aided by those
administrators. During the secret swearing-in,
which did not include the new Treasurer or
Secretary-only Sessoms and Warren. The two
administrative backed officers were sworn in by a
Fountainhead reporter who also was a judicial
How could all this happen? How could an SGA,
which had faults, but which stood up against the
administration several times this year (remember
the free SGA Styx ooncert that Leo vetoed?) now
have two high off iders who promised harmony with
the administration?"
The administration, that's how. Read on,
because what is on this leaflet is not propaganda,
but dates, names, and places. It is the kind of news
that you won't read in FOUNTAINHEAD, but its
news you need to know.
Wednesday and the Tie
Wednesday night, when the returns were
unoffically in, it appeared that there was a tie
between Sessoms and Tim Sullivan (Both recieved
43, and Sessoms had 6 votes more out of almost
2,800 cast). A recount was called for Thursday
morning, but the SGA Attorney General ind the
SGA Elections Chairman felt a run-off was needed.
No president can go into office successfully winning
by a decimal point.
That night an administrator commented that the
Elections Chairmen could not do anything like that
because they were "technicians The Elections
Chairperson were not going to decide until the final
recount Thursday.
Even though no one was declared winner,
FOUNTAINHEAD felt that such a technicality
asn' t newsworthy and put out its Thursday edition:
"Sessoms Wins Presidency
Thursday, Friday, and Complaints
.her recount showed several slight errors had
been made, but that Sessoms had 5 votes over
Sullivan needless to say, the ECU Administration
which had not cared for Sullivan or SCA after the
Student Government attempt to get free rock
concerts on-campus in the Fall (which, as stated,
they vetoed), was delighted that the Sessoms-
Warren ooalition seemed within reach of the top
SGA officers.
Late Thursday and early Friday oomplaints were
filed against Sessoms-Warren for destruction of
opponent's material during the election. In all, six
separate complaints were filed. According to the
Constitution ard the Election By-Laws, such
complaints were to go to the Honor Council. Both
the Attorney General and the Elections Chairmen
felt the charges should go to oourt, and a date was
set for the following Thursday for a hearing. It was a
hearing that was never to be.
The Elections Committee also discovered after
the election that the lobby of the Student Supply
Store, which had a poll, was without ballots for over
20 minutes and students were turned away. They
felt this in itself might constitute a run-off with all
officers. When a candidate loses by 5 votes, and a
poll he was ahead in has no ballots, 20 minutes is a
long time.
It would be Monday before the Administration
would step in directly-and with a wdlop.
Monday Blues
The Elections Chairmen and the Attorney
General had compiled all the information needed to
decide three things: 1) a new election, with the two
top vote getters in each race, was needed because of
the Student Supply Store problem, that a run-off was
to be held the week after Easter break; 2) the
charges filed-induding the destruction of campaign
material charge which Vice-President candidate
Tommy Joe Payne made-would go to the Honor
Council as prescribed by law, and 3) since the
election was contested, no one would be sworn in at
the Banquet, bu officers would be sworn in after
Thursday's judiciary hearing.
The anger of the administration over depriving
Sessoms-Warren of the jobs that the administration
felt they deserved, was evident when the SGA
Attaney General was called into a meeting of the
Dean of Student Affairs, Jame Tucker; the Assistant
Dean, Rudolf Alexander, Dean of Men, James
Mallory;and Dr. David Stevens, the administrative
legal aide. (FOUNTAINHEAD only reported that
Stevens was there.) The Attorney General was the
only student present.
First, the administration attempted to explain
that the Attorney General of the Constitution which
states that the Attorney General interprets
" procedure and the Constitution The question of a
run-off was a matter of procedure. The Attorney
General also stated that if a student opposed her
interpretation of a run-off he or she could go to the
Review Board for a decision. The Attorney General
stated that she would be in favor of the student
Review Board deciding about the run-off.
The Attorney General also stated that there
oould be no swearing-in of anyone until the Honor
Council heard the charges. It was further argued by
the Attorney General that she and the Election
Chairpersons would call for a run-off.
What did the administration say to this? FIRST
Another Meeting: Insult to Injury
Disturbed because they did not want administra-
tive interference the Election Chairpersons held a
meeting that afternoon with Tucker, Alexander, the
Attorney General the Elections Chairmen, and the
outgoing SGA Vice-President. The meeting was
shorter and to the point. The studentsat the meeting
were told that it did not matter what charges were
filed or what procedures were valid, because the
Chancellor was now exercising his final authority
over all activities on campus, and, through Tucker
and Alexander, was now ruling the election over and
Sessoms-Warren as winners.
Backroom Swearing-in
Because no one wanted an out-and-out confron-
tation with the administration at the dinner table, it
was agreed that all four "officers" would be sworn
in and that any action for a new election would have
to be in the form of a recall petition. Unknown to the
130 student government people and guests, several
administrators took Sessoms and Warren into a
small anteroom, where they were secretly sworn in.
This satisfied the administration's need for their
"orderly transfer of power It was two weeks
before the SGA Legislature found out that the
swearing-in they witnessed later that evening was a
fraud, and that the joke was on them. And us.
Petitions and Transitions
What has irritated many people is the vicious
FOUNTAINHEAD attacks on those students who
are fighting the administrative interference. People
signing the petition-over 900 as of Monday-were
called "rats" and Sullivan was called "waste
Such attacks show m re fear on the part of
FOUNTAINHEAD for its iart in the cover-up than
anything else. To best describe the role of the
administration and FOUNTAINHEAD in the Ses-
soms-Warren affair, a conversation held the day
after the Banquet by Ricky Price, SGA Speaker, and
Neil Sessoms, the new SGA President What isth s
petition? I want you to stop it now said Sessoms.
Price answered, "Its legal and valid under the
don't care about the Constitution Sessoms stated.
"Can I quote you on that?" said Price
ALLOW A RECALL" Reed Warren added.

21 April 1977 FOUNTAINHEAP P�Q�9
Administration replies to flyer
A brief look at the past is necessary in order to get some
understanding of SGA elections. Fa many years until about three
years ago, the election rules pertaining to the election of SGA executive
officers provided fa a runoff election to be held in case no candidate
fa a particular office received at least 50 plus 1 of the total votes
cast. Participation in runoff elections was never vay great; howeva,
there was always a true winner fa evay office. Approximately three
years ago, the SGA determined that a betta way to conduct elections
fa executive officers would be to have a preferential ballot and to do
away with runoff elections. By use of the preferential oaiii,
a voter had the privilege of naming a first and second choice candidate
fa each office if mae than two candidates ran. By use of the
preferential ballot, counting first and second choices on the ballots
provided fa a candidate fa an office to receive a majaity of votes cast.
Pria to the 1977 SGA election fa executive officers, the Elections
Committee proposed various changes in the General Election Rules,
and the SGA Legislature approved the Genaal Election Rules fa 1977.
The conducting of the balloting is covaed in the election rules in
Article XIV. Although the article is specific pertaining to elections fa
the legislature and class officers, nowhere to be found are directions
eitha requiring a prohibiting a preferential ballot, runoff election, a
plurality election. The matter is simply left completely open.
TheadvisastotheSGA, Dr. James H. Tucker and Dean Rudolph
Alexander, did na obtain an approved oopy of the 1977 General
Election Rules until Monday pria to the election being held on
Wednesday. After studying the rules, Mr. Alexander suggested to the
Co-Chairman of the Elections Committee, Mr. Phil Barbee, and a
member of the committee, Mr. Harry Stubbs, that the oommittee
should give serious attention to the question of preferential ballots a a
runoff election before conducting the election because it would be far
better fa the winning candidate fa each office to have a clear majaity.
Mr. Barbee infamec' Mr. Alexander that the committee would be
meeting a little later in the evening and that these matters would be
discussed. The next day Mr. Barbee infamed Mr. Alexander that the
ballots fa the election (,non-preferential type) had already been printed
and that a preferential ballot was out of the question and that a runoff
would not be held. The winners would be determined by plurality.
The election was held on Wednesday, March 30, 1977. Under the
authaity of the Elections Committee, ballots were counted that
evening in Room 221 in Mendenhall Student Center. Dean Alexander
was an observer, although not constantly in the room where ballots
were counted. At approximately 11 flO p.m. the counting of ballots had
been completed, and all contests had been clearly decided except in the
case of the Office of President where Mr. Neil Sessoms held a 6 vote
margin over the incumbent, Mr. Tim Sullivan. In accadance with the
SGA Election Rules as provided in Article XIV, Section II, a recount
was automatically scheduled because the margin of victay was within
fifty votes. The recount was scheduled fa the next maning. Ballot
boxes were locked and secured by the Elections Co-Chairmen in Room
238 with none of the Elections Committee members a anyone affiliated
with the SGA a candidates fa SGA office having a key to the room
where ballots were kept.
Although the Elections Committee had decided against a runoff
pria to the election, the idea of having a runoff was infamally
discussed after the ballots had been oounted. The suggestion was
made and generally accepted that in ader to hold a runoff the two top
candidates fa the Office of President would have to agree. No final
decision was made concerning a runoff befae Mr. Alexander left the
On Thursday maning at approximately 9:00 a.m members of the
Elections Committee met in Room 238 whae the balias had been
staed the previous night and began the recount fa the Office of
President. Upon entaing the room where ballots were being oounted,
Mr. Alexander was infamed by Mr. Phil Barbee that the Elections
Committee had decided that there would be no runoff and that the top
vote getter fa the Offioe of President would be declared the winna.
After a very careful recounting of the balias was completed, Mr. Neil
Sessoms had a 5 vrte margin over Mr. Tim Sullivan. At this point,
Co-Chairmen Phil Bawbee and Frank Saubersasked all pasonsto leave
the room but they invited Dean Alexander to remain. The
Co-Chairmen discussed the preparation of an announcement of the
election results and the possiblity of indicating as a part of the
announcement that should the second high vae-getter fa the Office of
President, Mr. Tim Sullivan, call fa a runoff, the committee would be
willing to stage a runoff election. Dean Alexander advised the Co-Chair-
men to simply make an announcement giving the results of the election
since the oommittee was rrat in the position to offa to conduct a runoff
election since it had been previously agreed and announoed that there
would be no runoff election held.
Mr. Frank Saubers officially announoed the results of the election to
representatives of the campus media and ahers at approximately 1 flO
p.m. on Thursday, March 31. The balia boxes were locked, sealed,
and staed in Room 238 in Mendenhall Student Centa with none of the
parties involved in the election having access to the room. The
Elections Committee had completed its job.
Over the weekend developments occurred that caused the
administration to believe that Mr. Sessoms and Mr. Warren would na
be installed into office by the out-going administration at the
installation banquet scheduled fa Monday evening.
Fa this reason, on Moiday, April 4, 1977, a meeting including
several deans, the University Attaney Advisa and the student
attaney general was held. Theadministratiai'sposition in the matter
was explained to the student attaney general. In brief, it was dear that
the election had been carried out accading to the rules approved by
the student legislature and that Mr. Sessoms and Mr. Warren had
been elected.
The student attaney general said that sane complaints by a
candidate fa president and a candidate fa vice-president had been
made. She said that the candidate fa president had withdrawn his
complaints but the candidate fa vice-president had na.
She also stated that a run off election should be held because of Mr.
Sessoms'narrow margin. The attaney advisa pointed out that in a
plurality election, only a one vae margin is needed.
No written complaints were presented. The student attaney
general stated that fa a shat period of time in the early afternoon on
the day of the election no ballots were available in the lobby of the old
student union. The attaney advisas stated that oould happen and
often did in elections. It was also pointed out that aher polling places
were open and any student wishing to vote could easily do so. It was
pointed out that election violations must be of substance such as
fraud, balia box stuffing, and bribery in ader to invalidate an election.
The student attaney general was then infamed that Mr. Sessoms
and Mr. Warren would be installed into offioe.
Later the same day, a meeting including several deans, the
co-chairman of the oommittee, the SGA Vice-President, and the
student attaney general was held. The same things as stated above
were discussed. There was common agreement that the election had
been conducted accading to the election rules and events of the
counting and re-counting of the vaes were oorrect. The meeting
adjourned about 4:30 p.m.
The deans then attempted to get Mr. Sullivan to discuss the SGA
banquet and installation procedures. In a brief telephone conversation
with Mr. Sullivan, he indicated that Mr. Sessoms and Mr. Warren
would na be installed.
A letter from the Dean of Student Affairs infaming Mr. Sullivan
that the newly elected officers would be installed that night was placed
on a desk in front of him (he would na accept it from the Dean).
Mr. Sessoms and Mr. Warren infamed the deans that the
chairman of the banquet oommittee had infamed them that they would
na be installed into offioe at the banquet. It was decided to install them
in a lounge at the Candlewick Inn. A member of the hona council
administered the oath accadina to the SGA constitution at about 7 30
p.m. Members of campus media were present.
It is hoped that the students will now ggt behind the new SGA
administration and support it in its efforts to work cooperatively with
the University community fa a betta East Carolina Univasity.
Sessoms and Warren comment
The handout containing an emaional account of the recent SGA
election procedure and aftermath proved entataining, but somewhat
Although the authas of the handout tamed a runoff "legal
nowhere in the election bylaws a the SGA constitution is a runoff
provided fa. The elections committee stated at the manditay
candidates meeting befae the campaign that a simple plurality would
be sufficient fa electiai. Calling fa a runoff aftawards is making up
the rules after the game is over.
Despite the validity a magnitude of the campaign violations filed
against us, the assumption of innocent until proven guilty still holds.
We deserved to be installed at the appropriate time since we had na
been convicted, a even actually charged,and were willing to face the
charges lata if necessary.
Denise Violette, SGA banquet chairman and Tim Sullivan's
campaign managa, infamed us we would not be installed at the
banquet. Whae she received ha authaity remains unknown. Sullivan
also told the administration that thae would be no installation. To
avoid any confrontation during the banquet, we were swan in just
pria to the ceremony through the authaity of the chancella.
It oould hardly be called a "seaet" osremony, oonsidaing two
FOUNTAINHEAD repatas, a phaographa, two Deans, an hona
council member, and sevaal observas wae present.
Former Attaney Genaal Karen Harloe, who oo-adinated the
judicial branch of SGA, previously campaigned fa Sullivan. She
possessed the powa to appoint the council that would hear the case.
Consioering this, we decided we could na receive an unbiased decision
from the judicial branch, and so infamed the univa&ty administration
of our plight. They maely enfaced student enacted regulations.
Concerning the oonvasatioi with Mr. Price whae Neil allegedly
"damned" the constitution, the quaes wae somewhat altaed in the
transition. What Neil actually stated was, " Whetha a na the petition
is constitutional, we can't accomplish a thing while you're tryingtoget
me recalled Neil did say Price could quae him. The aigin of the rest
of the statements is dubious.
A rational, dose obsavation will reveal that all the constitutional
prindples we and the administration have been accused of violating,
we adually upheld and defended.

Page 10 FOUNTAINHEAD 21 April 1977
0001 Luis Aoevez
0002 Barbara Adams
0003 Carlton Adams
0004 Deanne Adams
0005 Doug Adams
0006 Rosemary Adkins
0007 Carl G. Adler
0008 Philip Joseph Adler
0009 Mohammed Ahad
0010 R Ajmera
0011 Wendall E. Allen
0012 Paul Alston
0013 Milton Altschuler
0014 Gary John Ambert
0015 John Anders
0016 James C. Anderson
0017 Wright Anderson
0018 Robert Angell
0019 Iradj Rowshan-Araghi
0020 Frank Arey
0021 Nioole Aronson
0022 Laurie Arrants
0023 Frank Arwood
0024 Charles Ash
0025 John C. Atkeson
0026 Robert Augspurger
0027 Rony Avera
0028 Kay G. Avery
0029 Don Axelrod
0030 Alan Rogers Ayers
0031 Caroline L. Ayers
0032 Mark Ayers
0033 Paul W. Ayers
0034 David A. Ayscue
0035 Barry Bailey
0036 Donald E. Bailey
0037 Harry Baird
0038 Ira L Baker
0039 Seymour Bakerman
0040 John R. Bail
0041 Mary Ellen Banks
0042 Hisham A. Barakat
0043 Roger J. Barnaby
0044 Donald W. Barnes
0045 James R. Barnes Jr.
0046 Jacqueline F. Barnes
0047 Judy Barnes
0048 Robert C. Barnes
0049 Ron Barnes
0050 JoseBaro
0051 Tom Barrett
0052 Addison R. Bass
0053 Larry Bass
0054 Michael Bassman
0055 Mitchell Bateman
0056 Charles Bath
0057 James W. Batten
0058 Hazel M. Batts
0059 Susan Baugus
0060 Christine Beaman
0061 James H. Bearden
0062 Geoffrey Beaston
0063 R. Frederick Becker
0064 David L. Beckman
0065 Francis P. Belcik
0066 Vincent J. Beilis
0067 Diana M. Bender
0068 L. Benjamin
0069 Carlton R. Benz
0070 Daisy Best
0071 Deborah D. Betthauser
0072 Warren B. Bezanson
0073 Donald Biehn
0074 Audrey J. Biggers
0075 Steve Billet
0076 Ralph Birchard
0077 B. A. Bishop
0078 George Bissinger
0079 Oris Blackwell
0080 Charles F. Bland
0081 Karen Blansfield
0082 Gay Hogan Blocker
0083 lleneK.BIok
0084 Jack H. Blok
0085 William Blcodworth
0086 Larry Bolen
0087 Carolyn K. Bolt
0088 Catherine A. Bolton
0069 James Bolton
0090 Robert Lee Boone
0091 Curtis Bowman
0092 Ruth Boxberger
0093 Emily S. Boyce
0094 Elizabeth C. Boyd
0095 Joseph G. Boyette
0096 John Boyt
0097 Joanne Bradbury
0098 Hansel D. Bradshaw
0099 Michael Brake
0100 Dorothy M. Brandon
0101 Mark Branigan
0102 Oscar W. Brannan
0103 Michael Brant ley
0104 Mary Jo Bratton
0105 Anita Brehm
0106 Sally Brett
0107 Mark Brinson
0108 Frederick Broadhurst
0109 Ruth J. Broadhurst
0110 Charles L. Broome
0111 George Broussard
0113 Kenneth Brown
0114 Robert Brown
0115 Sylvia T. Brown
0116 Hazel Browning
0117 Elizabeth Buchanan
0118 Leverne Buck
0119 Manolita F. Buck
0120 Jane A. Buehler
0121 Robert L Bunger
0122 Linda G. Bunner
0123 Hubert W. Burden
0124 Tom Burke
0125 Raymond L. Busbee
0126 Joe Bailey Buske
0127 Joseph Bynum
0128 J. William Byrd
0129 William C. Byrd
0130 Scott Byrum
0131 Myra H.Cain
0132 William Cain
0133 Walter T. Calhoun
0134 Barbara Campbell
0135 Connie Campbell
0136 James M. Campbell
0137 Susan Campbell
0138 Loren K. Campion
0139 Richard Capwell
0140 Hermine Caraway
0141 George Carlson
0142 Herbert R. Carlton
0143 Diana D. Carroll
0144 William S. Carson
0145 Herbert Carter
0146 Myron L. Caspar
0147 Wilbur Castellow
0148 Marilyn Casto
0149 Manuel Chaknis
0150 Charles F. Chamberlain
0151 Johnnie Chamblee
0152 Wayne Chamblee
0153 Thomas Chambliss
0154 Beatrice Chauncey
0155 Sal lie A. Chauncey
0156 Phillip Cheng
0157 StevieChepko
0158 William G. Cherry III
0159 Ennis Chestang
0160 John Childers
0161 Dennis Chestnut
0162 Michael Christopher
0163 Allen Churchill
0164 Marjorie J. Chused
0165 Myron F. Civils
0166 Amos Clark
0167 Donald F. Clemens
0168 Charles E. Cliett
0169 Frank A. Close
0170 Led ie Warren Cobb
0171 William H. Cobb
0172 Charles Coble
0173 James Coble
0174 James Patrick Cochran
0175 J. Marshall Colcord
0176 William Coley
0177 Carol B. Collins
0178 Donald E. Collins
0179 Jack Collins Jr.
0180 William H. Collins Jr.
0181 Paul G. Comar
0182 Rodney Compton
0183 Betty C. Congleton
0184 Donna M. Congleton
0185 Joseph N. Congleton
0186 Albert R. Conley
0187 Terry Cooksey
0188 Betty Jane Corwin
0189 Byron L. Coulter
0190 John H. Cox
0191 Robin Cox
0192 Robert E. Cramer
0193 John R. Crammer
Choose an outs
0194 Wesley V. Craw'ey
0195 Roger L. Creech
0196 Willie Creech
0197 Walter Creekmore
0198 Charles P. Cul lop
0199 Kathy D. Currie
0200 Antonia Dalapas
0201 Donald Dancy
0202 Hal Daniel
0203 Frances Daniels
0204 John W. Daniels
0205 William H. Daniels
0206 Henry Danton
0207 Frances P. Daugherty
0208 Boioe N. Daugherty
0209 Patricia Daugherty
0210 Stella Daugherty
0211 Doris Davenport
0212 Archie Davis
0213 Dennis C. Davis
0214 Darryl Davis
0215 Graham J. Davis
0216 John B. Davis
0217 Kenneth J. Davis
0218 Trenton Davis
0219 Terry Davis
0220 Karen Dawes
0221 Paul Deardorff
0222 Lokenath Debnath
0223 OuidaC. Debtor
0224 Phillip E. Delorey
0225 Mildred Derrick
0226 ThadysJ. Dewar
0227 Charles F. Dillion
0228 Joseph P. Distefano
0229 Donald Dixon
0230 Kenneth Donnal ley
0231 Judith Donnal ley
0232 Henry Doskey
0233 Robert L. Dough
0234 Phillip Dougherty
0235 Frances Douglas
0236 Paul W. Dowel I
0237 Meta Downes
0238 Sheldon Downes
0239 Elizabeth Drake
0240 Roger Frank Dubey
0241 Frances F. Dudley
0242 Kathleen E. Dunlop
0243 Patricia Dunn
0244 Richard B. Dupree
U245 Leigh Uuque
0246 Tony Duque
0247 Edmund Durham
0248 Jan Durham
0249 William H. Durham Jr.
0250 Pat Dye
0251 Elsie Eagan
0252 Patricia Eagan
0253 Thomas F. Eamon
0254 Frances Eason
0255 John P. East
0256 John Eatman
0257 John D. Ebbs
0258 Robert Edmiston
0259 Sara J. Edmiston
0260 Caswell M. Edmundson
0261 James Edwards
0262 Mary Edwards
0263 Robert Wayne Edwards
0264 Wanda Edwards
0265 Wayne Edwards
0266 Michael Ehlbeck
0267 Joseph B. Elkins
0268 John C. Ellen Jr.
0269 Grace M. Ellenberg
0270 Theodore R. Ellis III
0271 Ray Elmore
0272 Chet Emerson
0273 Gwen Engelken
0274 Donald Ensley
0275 Elmer E. Erber
0276 George Estes
0277 Nellvena Eutsler
0278 Thomas L. Evans
0279 Grover W. Everett
0280 Nell C. Everett
0281 Alvin Fahrner
0282 Laura C. Farley
0283 Andrew Farnham
0284 Emily Farnham
0285 Marie Farr
0286 Karl Faser
0287 Janice H. Faulkner
0288 Bertie E. Fearing
EDITOR'S NOTE. April 25-27, Monday through Wednesday, ECU
students will have the opportunity to vote for the outstanding
undergraduate professor during Fall, Winter, or Spring Quarter of the
iyb-77 academic year.
An IBM voting card with the student's name and I.D number will
be available at the voting booth in the lobby of the bookstore buildinq
the old C. U. building from 10.00 a. m. to 6.00 p. m. April 25-27.
The student may vote for one to three undergraduate teachers and
is to assign to each nominated teacher a weight of 10 highest rating
8, or 6, depending upon the intensity of each nomination. Instead of
using the faculty member's name, each student will be asked to use the
three digit code number assigned to that teacher see list of faculty
names and code numbers in this issue .
The Faculty Senate Instructional Survey Committee which is
conducting this survey stressed that it is important for the students to
bear in mind that the best, most proficient teachers are not necessarily
the most popular and, conversely, that the most popular teachers are
0289 Mike Feldstein
0290 M. J. Esther Fernandez
0291 Joseph A. Fernandez
0292 Warren Ferrel
0293 Henry C. Ferrell Jr.
0294 Steven Finnan
0295 Janet E. Fischer
0296 Rosemary Fischer
0297 Laura Fitzgerald
0298 Joyce Ford
0299 William Formby
0300 Lewis C. Forrest
0301 David Foster
0312 Grace B. Foster
0303 Mary M. Fowler
0304 Greysolynne Fox
0305 Gladys Frankford
0306 Joseph Frankford
0307 Ronald Franklin
0308 Ernestine Frazier
0309 Wilhelm R. Frisell
0310 Curtis Frye
0311 Robert S. Fulghum
0312 Frank Fuller
0313 Pell Fulp
0314 Eugene D. Furth
0315 Michael Gall
0316 Jane Gallop
0317 Robert B. Gantt
0318 Frances Garrett
0319 Charles Garrison
0320 Judith T. Garrison
0321 William T. Gartman
0322 Patricia Garton
0323 Ida Gaskill
0324 Frank Gatchell
0325 Judy Gentry
0326 Nicholas Georgalis
0327 Susan Gerard
0328 Alan C. Gibbons
0329 Matthew Gibbs
0330 David H. Giles
0331 Richard Gil man
0332 Eugene Got I
0332 Edward Glenn
0334 Marilyn Gordley
0335 Tran Gordley
0336 Robert J. Gowan
0337 Lorrayne Graff
0338 Caryl Graham
0339 Robert Graham
0340 Robert Graham
0341 Rosfyn S. Gray
0342 Wellington B. Gray
0343 Marsha Green
�344 Peggy L. Griffin
0345 Jimmie R. Grimsley
0346 John R. Grinnell
0347 D. D. Gross
0348 Tennala A. Gross
0349 WM F. Grossnickle
0350 John J. Guarino
0351 Benjamin Guise
0352 Umesh C. Gulati
0353 Anthony Guzzo
0354 Ronald O. Haak
0355 Margaret Haenel
0356 Geneva D. Hagedorn
0357 Paul W. Haggard
0358 Louise Haigwood
0359 Thomas J. Haigwood Jr.
0360 Michael Terry Hall
0361 Nancy E. Hall
0362 J. Fred Hamblen
0363 George Hamilton
0364 Louise Hamilton
0365 Albert R. Hammond
0366 Carol Dean Hampton
0367 Carolyn H. Hampton
0368 Karen Hancock
0369 Arthur Haney
0370 William Hankins
0371 Caswell S. Hardaway
0372 Marian Harding
0373 Rosalie Haritun
0374 Betsy Harper
0375 Bobby Harris
0376 Phillip A. Harris
0377 Rita Harris
0378 Robert Harrison
0379 John Fraser Hart
0380 Paul Hartley
0381 John Harty
0382 Sarah Hatch
0383 Pamela Hathaway
0384 Robert L. Hause III
0285 Nancy N. Hawley
0386 Dean H. Hayek
0387 Myree Hayes
0388 Patricia Jane Hayes
0389 John Heard
0390 Edgar Heckel
0391 Carlton Heckrotte
0392 Ramon M. Hedges
0393 Lisa Heller
0394 Charles Helms
0395 Avery Henderson
0396 Gordon Hendrickson
0397 Otto W.Henry
0398 Thomas C. Herndon
0399 Virginia Herrin
0400 Dane Clay Herring
0401 W. Erwin Hester
0402 James L. Higgins
0403 Helga Hill
0404 Joseph A. Hill
0405 Danny H. Hines
0406 Clyde S. Hiss
0407 James E. Hix
0408 Wade Hobgood
0409 Katharine W. Hodgin
0410 Mary Hoffman
0411 Harold Hollar
0412 William H. Hdley
0413 Dale P. Holmes
0414 Russell N. Holmes
0415 LillaHolsey
0416 Alex Hdton
0417 BettieW. Hooks
0418 Edgar W. Hooks r.
0419 William R. Hoots Jr.
0420 Lawrence E. Hough
0421 Sandra Hough
0422 James W. Houlik Jr.
0423 Gladys D. Howell
0424 Rudolph A. Howell Jr.
0425 Keith C. Hudson
0426 Doris Huggins
0427 Donald R. Hughes
0428 James Hughes
0429 W. Garrett Hume
0430 Jerry Hunt
0431 Andrea Hunter
0432 Patricia G. Hurley
0433 Robert J. Hursey Jr.
0434 Jean Huryn
0435 Larry Huston
0436 Jacqueline Hutcherson
0437 HansH. Indorf
0438 Alphonse J. Ingenito
0439 Margaret H. Ingram
0440 Marsha Ironsmith
0441 Kimberly Irwin
0442 E. Robert Irwin


ding professor
21 April 1977 FOUNTAINHEAP Page 11
ecessarily the best.
e student vote will be analyzed by the commitee to minimize any
ble bias in the vote due to discrepancies in class size, students
have had the same instructor more than once yet who have only
ote, variations among faculty in number of classes taught or in
he SGA and Provost Howell have given their full support to the
nnouncement of the results of the survey will be made in the early
)f 1977.
inally, students should vote only for teachers whom they have
ved grades from. Lab instructors who do not assign grades or
jctors of zero-credit courses are not eligible for votes. Graduate
ints are not to vote for any faculty member on the basis of
jate level courses taken and in which a graduate level grade was
0443 Takeru Ito
444 Lorraine Jacobs
0445 Leon Jaoobson
0446 Antoinette James
0447 Gahlon James
0448 Glenn James
0449 Howard James
050 Kenneth C. James
0451 MardaK. James
0452 Donald Jeffreys
0453 Dennis R. Johnson
0454 F. Mi lam Johnson
0455 Ludi W. Johnson
0456 Thomas H. Johnson
0457 W. T. Johnston
0458 Alan Jones
0459 Douglas R. Jones
0460 Harold Jones
0461 Jo Ann F. Jones
0462 James G. Jones
463 Marsha Jones
0464 Ray L. Jones
0465 Ruth B. Jones
0466 Stephen C. Jones
0467 James M. Joyce
0468 Robert N. Joyner
0469 Wilton Glenn Joyner
0470 Maria Jurglanis
0471 Bernard Kane
0472 Timothy Keith
0473 Norman Keller
0474 John T. Kelly
0475 Clarence M. Kelsey
0476 Larry L. Kendrick
0477 Daniel Kenney
0478 Richard Kerns
0479 Charles Kesler
0480 R. B. Keusch
0481 Susan Keyes
0482 Susan Keyes
0483 Joong Ho Kim
0484 Jung-Gun Kim
0485 Yoon Hough Kim
0486 Alfred S. King
0487 Katherine King
0488 Roger King
0489 Samuel C Kirby
0490 James W. Kirkland
0491 Mary Kirkpatrick
0492 Constaitine Kledaras
0493 Robert A Klein
0494 Clifford B. Knight
0495 George Knight.
0496 David Knox
0497 Thomas Koballa
0498 Richard W. Koehler
0499 Dixie Koldjeski
0500 John Kozy Jr.
0501 Doug Kruger
0502 Karen Krupa
0503 Robert C. Lamb
0504 Ruth Lambie
0505 Ashley H. Lane
0506 Jennifer Lang
0507 William B. Langley
0506 Gene D. Lanier
0509 Philip Lanier
0510 RosinaLao
0511 Y.J.Lao
0512 Charles Larkins
0513 George B. Laroussini
0514 Tora M. Larsen
0515 Janice L. Lassiter
0516 Richard A. Lauffer
0517 Mabel LaugMer
0518 William E. Laupus
0519 John S. Laurie
0520 Donald L. Lawler
0521 Therese Lawler
0522 I. E. Lawrence
0523 Edward Leahy
0524 Palmyra Leahy
0525 Larry Dean Lean
0526 Kenneth M. Leber
0527 Gorman W. Ledbetter
0528 Belinda Temple Lee
0529 Billy Lee
0530 BoydLee
0531 Janice Leggett
0532 Marion Ross Leiner
0533 Robert W. Leith
0534 Donald Ray Lennon
0535 Louise Levey
0536 Frederick C. Lewis Jr.
0537 Ken Lewis
0538 Lauretta Lewis
0539 Chia-Yu Li
0540 Edward M. Lieberman
0541 Leonard D. Lilley Jr.
0542 Virginia Linn
0543 Laura J. Little
0544 Monty Little
0545 Amanda Loessin
0546 Edgar Loessin
0547 Helen Logan
0548 William Logan
0549 Richard D. Logue
0550 Roy Norman Lokken.
0551 Betty Long
0552 Clayton Long
0553 Susan Long
0554 Thomas Long
0555 Frank Longino
0556 John S. Loquist
0557 Jerry Lottehos
0558 Thomas M. Louis
0559 Nash Love
0560 Margaret Lowdermilk
0561 Jean E. Lowry
0562 Barbara Luce
0563 Richard Lucht
0564 Don Lundagard
0565 David C. Lunney
0566 John Lutz
0567 Rebecca Lutz
0568 Joan Mack
0569 John Mai do
0570 Peter Makuck
0571 Maria B. Malby
0572 Victor Mallenbaum
0573 Frances H. Mallison
0574 Nannie Lee Manning
0575 Raquel Tano Manning
0576 Don J. Marcus
0577 Edward W. Markowski
0578 Richard H. L. Marks
0579 Tom Kohler Marsh
0580 Ernest C. Marshall
0581 Shell a Marsh burn
0582 Charlotte M. Martin
0583 William B. Martin
0584 Inez N. Martinez
0585 Raymond Martinez
0586 C. T. Martoocia
0587 James L. Mathis
0588 Floyd E. Mattheis
0589 Richard L. M auger
0590 Nancy K. Mayberry
0591 Gary D. McAlister
0592 Warren A. McAllister
0593 Jeffrey McAllister
0594 Robert MoCabe
0595 Barbara McCall
0596 Susan D. McClintock
0597 Robert McCutcheon
0598 James S. McDaniel
0599 Susan G. McDaniel
0600 Maylon McDonald
0601 Martin McDowell
0602 Terence E. McEnally
0603 Jeffrey MoGinnis
0604 Harold M. MoGrath
0605 Margaret E. MoGrath
0606 Virginia MoGrath
0607 Martin McGuire
0608 Harold McKinney
0609 Joel B. McLawhorn
0610 Walter McLendon
0611 Douglas McMillan
0612 Evelyn McNeill
0613 Larry W. Means
0614 Michele Mennett
0615 Gary Mescher
0616 Kathryn S. Midyette
0617 W. Lawton Mikell
0618 Vincent Mikkelsen
0619 Jeffrey Miller
0620 Dorothy Z. Mills
0621 Keith Mills
0622 Peggy Boyd Mills
0623 Charles C. Mitchell
0624 Mavis Mitchell
0625 Herman Gus Moeller
0626 Charles H. Moore
0627 Charles W. Moore
0628 George H. Moore
0629 James Moore
0630 Miriam B. Moore
0631 Oscar K. Moore
0632 Robert Moore
0633 Thomas Moorefield
0634 Hazel Morgan
0635 John T. Morgan
0626 Estelle Main
0637 J. David Morris
0638 R. C. Morrison
0639 Frank W. Motley
0640 Mike Move
0641 Alfred Muller
0642 Harris Alton Munns
0643 Catherine A. Murphy
0644 Frank Murphy
0645 Robert A. Muzzarelli
0646 George Naff
0647 Ellen R. Nagode
0648 Gregory Nagode
0649 Lawrence Nason
0650 Mary Jo Nason
0651 Francis L. Neel
0652 M. Kent Neely
0653 Margaret Nelson
0654 Barbara Newberry
0655 Catherine A. Newton
0656 Walter T. Nicaise
0657 Phyllis G. Nichols
0658 James D. Nicholson
0659 Bodo Nischan
0660 Lament Nottingham
0661 Valerie Nybo
0662 Michael P. OConnor
0663 Lawrence J. O'Keefe
0664 Charles W. Orear
0665 Frank Orgel
0666 Norman Osborn
0667 Thomas OShea
0668 Santford V. Overton
0669 Barbara L. Oyler
0670 Veronicas. Pantelidis
0671 Anthony J. Papalas
0672 Fred M. Parham
0673 Steve Parker
0674 Oral E. Parks
0675 James Parnell
0676 Herbert R. Paschal
0677 Peggy Patrick
0678 John Patterson
0679 David J. Patten
0680 Virginia Payne
0681 Ivan Yopp Peacock
0682 Daniel Pearson
0683 Diana Pegram
0684 Mary Louise Pelletier
0685 Norman C. Rendered
0686 Sam Pennington
0687 Sue Pennington
0688 Jean Pennucci
0689 Mallie Penry
0690 Barbara E. Peoples 0787
0691 Evelyn L. Perry 0788
0692 Marguerite A. Perry 0789
0693 Albert Pertalion 0790
0694 Patricia Pertalion 0791
0695 Alida Petersen 0792
0696 Janet H. Petterson 0793
0697 Betty E. Petteway 0794
0698 Joyce Owens Pettis 0795
0699 Jonathan Pharr 0796
0700 D. Phelps 0797
0701 Caroline Phillips 0798
0702 Thomas Phillips 0799
0703 Eldean Pierce 0800
0704 Tullio J. Pignani 0801
0705 Sarah Pike 0802
0706 Roswell Piper 0803
0707 Everett Pittman 0804
0708 Gwendolyn Potter 0805
0709 Jerry Wayne Powell 0806
0710 Michael W. Powell 0807
0711 Robert T. Powell 0808
0712 David A. Powers 0809
0713 Katherine Pratt 0810
0714 Diana Presoott 0811
0715 Susan Prevette 0812
0716 Clinton R. Prewett 0813
0717 Charles Price 0814
0718 Vickie A. Pridgen 0815
0719 William F. Pritchard 0816
0720 Maria Prudhomme 0817
0721 Robert E. Qualhein 0818
0722 Elizabeth Quinlan 0819
0723 Sherrie Quinley 0820
0724 Ben D. Quinn 0821
0725 Frank Rabey 0822
0726 John Rachal 0823
0727 Nickolas Radeka 0824
0728 Fred Ragan 0825
0729 Edith Rand 0826
0730 Randy Randolph 0827
0731 A. Robert Rasch 0828
0732 Lona P. Ratdiffe 0829
0733 Daivd E. Ratdiffe 0830
0734 George Douglas Ray 0831
0735 Dixie Ray 0832
0736 Mavis Rav 0833
0737 Floyd Read 0834
0738 E. Reep 0835
0739 James L. Rees 0836
0740 Margaret Oliva Reeves 0837
0741 CMiva Reeves 0838
0742 Jasper Register 0839
0743 Randolph Reid 0840
0744 FrandsJ. Reilly 0841
0745 Christa Reiser 0842
0746 Bramy Resnik 0843
0747 Gary W. Reynolds 0844
0748 Buford Rhea 0845
0749 Connie Ribelin 0846
0750 Doris M. Rich 0847
0751 Gary D. Richardson 0848
0752 Stanley R. Riggs 0849
0753 Stanley R. Riggs 0450
0754 Ralph H. Rives 0851
0755 Diane Hill Roberts 0852
0756 Joy H. Roberts 0853
0757 Leonard Roberts 0854
0758 Linda Roberts 0855
0759 Prisdlla Roetzel 0856
0760 Norman Rosenfeld 0857
0761 Vila H. Rosenfeld 0858
0762 Harriett Rosenthal 0859
0763 Elizabeth Ross 0860
0764 Gregory A Ross 0661
0765 Herbert P. Rothfeder 0662
0766 Rosalind Roulston 0863
0767 William Rouse 0864
0768 Richard A Rowan 0865
0769 Edward P. Ryan 0866
0770 Eugene E. Ryan 0867
0771 lone Ryan 0668
0772 Michael F. Saarie 0869
0773 F. David Sanders 0870
0774 Gloria Sanders 0871
0775 Gale D. Sanderson 0672
0776 William C Sanderson 0673
0777 D. Satterfield 0874
0778 John E. Satterfield 0875
0779 Frank W. Saunders 0876
0780 Josephine B. Saunders 0877
0781 Thomas C. Sayetta 0878
0782 Donna Scbafer 0879
0783 Raphael Scharf 0880
0784 Don Schink 0881
0785 John Schlick
0786 John R. Schmidt
Ernest W. Schwar7
Janet Schweisthal
Michael R. Schweisthal
Alice S. Scott
Biondy E. Scott
James A Searl
Prem P. Sehgal
Donald Sexauer
Edward J. Seykora
Barry M. Shank
Ruth G. Shaw
Jannis Shea
Philip Shea
Moses M. Sheppard
Richard Shine
Ralph Shumaker
David R. Shuping
Susan Gordon Shuping
Everett C. Simpson
Autar Singh
A. Mason Smith
Donna L Smith
N. Earl Smith
W. James Smith
James L. Smith
Kenny Smith
Susan T. Smith
Terry Allen Smith
Vernon Smith
W. James Smith
William C. Smith
William Smith
Charles Snow
The) ma L. Snuggs
Douglas S. Snyder
Soott Snyder
Estrella Soiidum
Young-Dahl Song
Malcolm H. South
Gerald A. Southerland
Katye O. Sowell
Elizabeth Sparrow
Keats Sparrow
Teresa Speight
Eldred Spell
William R. Spickerman
Sylvene O. Spickerman
Rosalie Splitter
Phyllis R. Spruiell
Jackie R. Stafford
Donald Staley
Nell Stallings
Nancy Stamey
John Edward Stamp
Debra Standll
Melvin S. Stanforth
Hazel F. Stapleton
Fred A. Starling
Phyllis L. Starling
Hilton R. Staton
Mary Lois Staton
Marilyn Steele
Ralph H. Steele
Joseph F. Steelman
Lala C. Steelman
Helen V. Steer
Donald Steiia
Nancy Sephenson
Richard Stephenson
William Stephenson
Carole Stevens
Charles Stevens
George F. Stevens
William N. Still
Henry Stindt
James Stone
George Wiley Stout
Deborah R. Strayer
Kenneth Stroup
Gunter Strumpf
Harry W. Stubbs IV
Pamela J. Sturgeon
Howard A I Sugg
Joanne L. Suggs
John H. Summey
McKay Sundwail
Monica Sutherland
Ronald J. Swager
John Swope
Say R. Syers
Robert S. Tacker
Carl E. Tadlcck
Marjorie R. Taggart
Peter A Takacs
I See PROF pg. 13

Page 12 FOUNTAINHEAD 21 April 1977
Interpreter training begins May 10
ECU to offer B.A. degrees to deaf students
East Carolina University will
soon offer the only bachelors
degrees to deaf students in the
"Right now, there are only
three four-year oolleges open to
deaf students in the U.S said
Dr. W. Garrett Hume, chairman
of the department of speech,
language and audio pathology
(SLAP) at ECU.
According to Hume, ECU'S
program will be patterned after
the University of California at
Northridge. Hearing students will
be trained in manual communi-
cation and will then translate
lectures for deaf students.
According to Mike Ernest,
director of the program for
hearing-impaired students here,
the whole philosophy of the
program is to integrate deaf
students into a four-year univer-
sity setting.
"To do that Ernest said,
"we propose to offer classroom
interpreters fa deaf students and
to offer note-taking servioestofill
in missing lectures Ernest
added that people are scheduled
to be in classes with deaf students
to interpret professors' lectures
into sign language.
"Tutorial services,counseling,
reading and math skills will also
be offered to them he con-
Ernest said an interpreter-
training program begins May 10
and that classes will probably be
held through the summer where-
by students and staff members
can learn the sign language.
According to Dr. Hume, the
training period should last from
ten to twelve weeks.
"These students will receive
$2.50 an hour while learning
manual communication and $3.25
while actually interpreting said
Hume pointed out that the
program will not only benefit
students who wish to make a
career of working with deaf
persons but will also benefit deaf
students themselves.
Tuition fa deaf students will
not be higher than fa hearing
According to Dr. Thomas C.
Herndon, ECU histay professa
and a member of the N.C. Board
fa Education of the Deaf, the
State Department of Human
Resouroes is funding the pro-
Hume said the program re-
ceived $17,000 to operate from
April 1, 1977, through June 30,
1977. A request fa a $40,000
budget will be submitted to the
state legislature fa the 1977-78
academic year.
In addition to Program Di-
recta Mike Ernest, a seaetary
trained in manual oommunica-
t iois wi 11 be added to the program
staff, accading to Hume.
"We hope to add additional
staff as the program grows
Hume said. He added that the
program will probably serve five
to seven deaf students in its first
Accading to Herndon, those
students will be carefully select-
"This will be a very select
group with exceptionally high IQs
(Intelligence Quotients) said
"The majaity of them will
probably come from the N.C.
School fa the deaf in Magantoi
- sane will probably come from
public schools said Ernest.
Ernest added that most of them
will be freshmen.
Before you buy a deodorant tampon, read the "caution"on the package. It
tells you to discontinue use and consult your physician if initation develops or if
you have a history of sensitivity or allergies.
Now, ask yourself if you want to take this risk with your body.
There is no warning
rnpax tampon package
You won't find any warning on theTampax
tampon package. A deodorant, or cover-up
scent, which may cause allergic reactions or be
harmful to delicate tissues is unnecessary. When
a tampon is in use, embarrassing odor does not
form. So why take chances with something that
isn't needed?
What's more, theTampax tampon container-
applicator � like the tampon � is flushable and
biodegradable. It's as safe to dispose of as a few
sheets of facial tissue. You cant say this about
plastic applicators. And unlike some other
tampons, iampax tampons expand in all three
directions - length, breadth and width�to adjust
to your inner contours so that the chance of
leakage or bypass is minimal.
No wonder Tampax tampons are the 1
choice of millions of women around the world.
Ihe internal protection more women trust
All curriculum will be open to
deaf students, but bachelor of
arts and bachelor of sciences
degrees will take five years to
Hume revealed that ECU was
chosen to host the program
because of the university's in-
terest and facilities.
According to Ernest, about
a year aqo a board of directors
which set policies for the three
deaf schools in N.C. (located in
Wilson, Greensboro and Mor-
ganton) decided that N.C. should
have a oollege program for deaf
students. The Board then led a
bid and notified N.C. oolleges and
universities to find out how many
were interested in having a deaf
program on their campuses.
"Three schools expressed an
interest Atlantic Christian
College (ACC), The University of
North Carolina at Greensboro
(UNC-G) and ECU Ernest said.
ECU's proposal was accept-
ed above the other two schools
Ernest continued. He added that
the proposal was written by a
committee and by faculty mem-
bers Hume, Herndon and Dr.
Downs of the department of
Vocational Rehabilitation.
"I wanted it said Hume.
"With only two schools in the
nation having programs of this
sort, it will bring ECU national
prestige and recognition he
Herndon asserted that one of
the main priorities of educating
deaf students is to help deaf
persons adjust more easily to
"Gallaudet, the only entirely
deaf university in the world, is an
institution, and we're trying to
get the deaf out of institutions,
said Herndon.
Herndon added that here,
deaf students will live in the
dorms and will be treated as
ordinary students as much as
He also expressed regret that
deaf students are too frequently
denied careers beyond the tech-
nical level.
"The deaf want to feel they
can contribute to society and do
not want to be shunned to trade
schools to be shoe makers he
Continued from pg. 7
antagonists, but they are in the
minority Sessoms claimed.
"Most students are neutral in
their feelings.
"Greeks help the campus in
service, spirit on campus and
Dean Fulghum stated that
Greek women's average is 2.484,
as compared to the overall
women's average of 2.745. These
averages are from winter quarter,
Fulghum attributed this to
trying to take on too many things.
"Sororities take part in phil-
anthropies, projects, field days,
campus activities, and socials.
They should take a serious look at
their academics

21 April 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 13
Cohabitation questioned
As everyone knows, unmar-
ried couples are living together in
increasing numbers. According to
the U.S. Department of the
Census, there was an eightfold
increase in the Living-Together
Arrangement (LTA) between
1960 and 1970. Today LTA is a
national trend.
But Louise Montague, who
has written extensively about
divorce, doesn't think LTA is such
a good idea. Writing in the April
issue of Reader's Digest, she
says when you demand nothing
of a relationship, that's often
exactly what you get
Aooordingtoher, people often
enter into a Living-Together
Arrangement for the very reasons
that they should avoid one. An
unwillingness to accept responsi-
bility is one compelling motiva-
tion fa LTA, since it skirts the
obligations of marriage, but lack
of responsibility frequently
means that one or both partners
wil be hurt.
A need for security is another
reason put down by people who
live together. But as she points
out, the reasoning is fallacious:
"You have no security of any
kind. You stand a good chance of
being replaced by a younger
version of yourself. And as for
free rent, that's no security
either. Security is owning the
An LTA is particularly dama-
ging when children are on the
scene, the author asserts. "What
the mother and her oompanion
view as a marvelous, free life-
style, a child oould see as a freaky
embarrassment she pointsout.
It's a difficult situation all around,
since the male has no real parent
authority, the female sacrifices
respect, and the child realizes his
home doesn't conform to the
Nor is living together likely to
be well receivec' in the business
world. In one example she cites,
when a young man applied for a
job the employer rejected him
because he was living with a
woman who was not his wife.
"The firm felt that his LTA
smacked of indebsiveness, in-
stability, and failure to accept
Continued from pg. 11
Paul Tardif
Barr Taylor
Craig Taylor
Donald Taylor
Kenneth Taylor
Mary Templeton
Jerry V. Tester
Thomas P. Tharp
Ronald Thiele
Jennifer Thigpen
Mike Thompson
Jack W. Thornton Jr.
Robert E. Thurber
Pei-Lin Tien
Jane Tiencken
Jon B. Tingelstad
Nancy Tingley
Allen T. Tinkham
Richard C. Todd
Eleanor Toll
Paul Q. Topper
' Karen Tripp
Joachim G. Trobaugh
William F. Troutman, Jr.
Paul D. Tschetter
Carol Tucker
James F. Vallely
0909 Charles Van Hoy
0910 Paul Varlashkin
0911 Jeffrey Verheyen
0912 Joel E. Vickers
0913 Jeanette Vickers
0914 Charles Vincent
0915 Jon Vonbartheld
0916 Bonnie E. Waldrop
0917 Paul E. Waldrop Jr.
0918 Joe Walter
0919 Relly Wanderman
0920 Alfred Wang
0921 Veronica Wang
0922 Phillip G. Wapner
0923 Vernon Ward
0924 Vera T. Ward
0925 Bruce N. Wardrep
0926 Randall Washington
0927 Brett T. Watson
0928 Joyoe H. Watson
0929 William H. Waugh
0930 James Hugh Wease
0931 Lisa M. Weather I y
0932 Florenoe Weaver
0933 Helen Weaver
0934 Elizabeth Webb
0935 Mahlon Webb
0936 Edith Webber
0937 Richard Wodemeyer
0938 Jan Welborn
0939 Johnny W. Welborn
0940 Odell Welborn
0941 Susie K. Whaley
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0942 Elizabeth White
0943 Gladys R. White
0944 James L. White
0945 Sara Elizabeth White
0946 Mitchell E. White
0947 Anita R. Whitehurst
0948 Linda L. Whittemore
0949 Tilton L. Willcox
0950 Debra Williams
0951 Dorothy Williams
0952 George E. Williams
0953 Melvin J. Williams
0954 Thomas A. Williams
0955 D. Wilms
0956 Drew Wilson
0957 Jill Wilson 0972
0958 Kenneth Wilson 0973
0959 Joseph Windley 0974
0960 Wilkins Bowdre Winn 0975
0961 Loren Winters 0976
0962 James F. Wirth 0977
0963 FredricWolinsky 0978
0964 Peggy Wood 0979
0965 Helena Woodard 0980
0966 M itzi C. Woodside 0981
0967 R. Woodside 0982
0968 Wallace R. Wooles 0983
0969 Robert Workman 0984
0970 Darlene Worley 0985
0971 J. Scott Worley 0986
Jessie D. Worthington
James Wright
Ledonia Wright
Fred Wrigley
Karl Wuensch
Sandra Wurth-Hough
Susan Wyre
Geneva H. Yadav
Tinsley L�. Yarbrough
John C. Yeager
Homer Yearick
Jeannie Yount
Michele Zimmerman
Louis H. Zinoone
Marty Zusman

jptiinl auction
sponsored by the ECU Print Group
April 21, 1977
the Leo W Jenkins Fine Arts Center Auditorium
East Carolina University
Fifth Street
Greenville, North Carolina
Public Preview of Prints from 5pm 7 p r Print Auction from 7pm 10pm
all Original Prints by E C U Students and Faculty
Refreshments will be served

Jazz and trombone group
to perform at Chapel Hill
Page 14
21 April 1977
Would you believe
Beach madness
Trends Editor
When you hear "This magic moment, so different and so new
what comes to mind? If you're like most people, you probably picture
some well-remembered trip to the beach.
For two decades now, the sounds of the Drifters, the Tarns, the
Platters and countless others have been as much a part of a beach trip
as sticky hair, sandy sheets, and hangovers.
During those decades, America has undergone a myriad of
changes, and pop music has changed too, but each Spring the beach
music phenomenon reappears, and each new crop of adolescents
seems ready to accept it.
Before all of you quasi-hippies out there start writing letters saying
that not everyone likes beach music, let me say that I'm well aware of
that fact.
Certain of my co-workers tease me mercilessly about the Saturday
nights I pass at Chapter Ten. I do believe, however, that beach music
does have a certain appeal to many of you "heavy" types.
This was proven to me when I visited a friend of mine who is a very
progressive conno.ssieur of " the eviI weed There, in the corner of his
living room, stood his pride and joy; a collection of the "beachiest"
45 s I ve ever seen.
Granted, he didn't know how to bop worth a damn, but he was
almost as well-read on Junior Walker and the All Stars as he is on the
difference between Columbian and Acapuloo Gold.
The question is; what is it about beach music that makes it so
durable? Uncertainly not of the highest musical quality, and on a scale
of one to ten, its profundity and social value rates about a -2.
The answer to this question can be easily found on any given
Saturday night at Chapter Ten or some other beach music emporium
Any type of music that can inspire people to dance, to socialize and to
sing along has to be a winner.
So, to all of you musical snobs, I suggest you drop your joyless,
"I'm cool facades and enjoy something that is totally devoid of
"relevance for a change.
And to my many fellow beach music lovers, aged 15 to 50, keep on
shaggin and boppin' and ohuggin' and singin After all, this "magic
moment, ' beacht i me, comes but once a year.
' m
Staff Writer
The East Carolina University
Jazz Ensemble and Trombones
Ltd. will be featured in the North
Carolina Jazz Festival this week-
end. The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill will
sponsor the event, which includes
performancesby small ensembles
Saturday April 23rd and by large
ensembles Sunday the 24th.
The twenty member Univer-
sity Jazz Ensemble performs
regularly on campus in Fall,
Winter and Spring conoerts, as
well as in a speaal conoert for the
Eastern District All-State Clinic at
ECU. Last year the ensemble
traveled to Morehead City and
Virginia Beach to perform for
high school audiences and was
the guest band for Bill Watrous
and Danny Stiles in two concerts
sponsored by the North Carolina
Association of Art.
This year the ensemble has
toured in parts of North and South
Carolina, where audiences were
treated to the big band sound of
the full Jazz Ensemble and the
driving sound of Trombones Ltd
the 8 member Jazz Trombone
The Jazz Ensemble has per-
formed in concert with such
artists as Roger Pemberton, Clark
Terry, Al Porcina, Tim Eyer-
mann, Jerry Coker, Bill Watrous,
Danny Stiles, Stan Kenton and
Maynard Ferguson. The student
musicians perform arrangements
written for the bands of Count
Basie, Duke Ellington, Stan
Kenton, Maynard Ferguson, Les
Hooper, and Woody Herman, as
well as arrangements written
especially fa the ensemble.
Trombones Ltd. sponsored by
the ECU chapter of the Inter-
national Trombone Association,
features five trombones with a
rhythm section. The ensemble's
book contains jazz standards
('Satin Doll "Take the A
Train "It's Alright with Me
"What Are You Doing the Rest of
Your Life?) and novelty arrange-
ments ("What Have You Done to
my Song, Ma?").
Trombones Ltd. has been
featured on the Atlantic Christian
College MENC Series and has
toured with the Jazz Ensemble
this spring. Saturday's program
will mark the group's first
perfamanoe at the UNC-CH Jazz
George Broussard both directs
the Jazz Ensemble and performs
as one of the five trombones in
Trombones Ltd.
Music Madness II is coming
this Friday to Thursday's. From 8
p.m. until, Thursday's has madly
allowed the ECU chapter of Phi
Mu Alpha Sinfonia to take over
the entertainment.
Phi Mu Alpha is a highly
respected professional music
fraternity. But somehow anything
that touches ECU loses its
respectability. Consequently
ECU'S Phi Mu Alpha is best
known fa such honaable feats as
singing their theme song on the
steps of the music building and
passing out cake and punch to the
starving musicians.
The brothers usually mean
well, however, and they certainly
have good intentions for their
coming Music Madness night. All
proceeds go to the Charles K.
Lovelace Memorial Scholarship
Fund, which helps needy music-
ians survive the high costs of
education. Even such an hona-
able cause can't escape the
typical Phi Mu Alpha style pure
lunacy. Or, in this case, Music
The Music end of the Mad-
ness includes Groundspeed, a
super slick bluegrass band, and
the big band sound of the ECU
Stage band. Also featured will be
a Jazz Trio, Quiet Ecstasy 11, ECU
Dixieland and 5 Trombones and
Fa just 50 cents admission,
Phi Mu Alpha will subject you to
rock, jazz. Dixieland, bluegrass
and anything else you a they can
think of. This Friday at
Simon's pre-vacation show
recalls romantic 19th century
Staff Writer
Abbey Simon, the world-
renowned piano virtuoso, per-
famed at Mendenhall Center
Theatre Wednesday, April 6th.
Simon limited his program to
works of the 19th century, when
the warmth, richness and ele-
gance of the Romantic style
matched the expressive potential
of the newly perfected piano.
Simon opened with Cesar
Franck's Prelude, Chaale and
Fugue (1884). Rich harmonies
were presented in beautifully
balanced rolled chads and ar-
peggios that shimmered constant-
ly. A light, delicate touch aeated
a shower of sound without
beginning a end, always there,
but full of space and light. This
interpretation was very effective,
but dynamic contrast would have
added depth to a piece character-
ized by harmonic repetition and
little melodic interest. Secure
technique made the lack of
contrast unimportant in Franck's
too raiely perfamed Prelude,
Chaale and Fugue.
The music of Robert Schu-
mann holds supreme the poetic
idea, avading showy technique
fa the sake of musical sensitivity.
In Simon's perfamance of Schu-
mann's Arabesque in C Maja,
Opus 18, mind of oomposer and
mind of perfamer meet in a
perfect synthesis of styles.
Simon's fate, the ability to sigh
into a note with the softest of
attacks, lends itself to Schu-
mann's Romantic ideals of poetic
Johannes Brahms imposed
Classical prinaplesof fam on the
full sonaities, rich harmonies
and melodies of the Romantic
style. His Variations on a Theme
by Paganini (1863) are etude-like
with their technical difficulties
and show clearly the Classical
construction of his ideas.
Simon's effatless technique
was a joy in the Brahms' Var-
iations, but his use of understate-
ment, lack of contrast and clarity
of style and thematic develop-
ment just came short of the
fullness and intensity Brahms
intended. His perfamance of the
Variations had elegance as op-
posed to the warmth I would have
Chopin, on the other hand,
requires exactly the elegance and
clarity that was misplaced in the
Brahms. Frederic Chopin's piano
compositions require an effortless
and flawless touch and technique,
and Simon's total perfamanoe
can perhaps best be characterized
by that effortlessness.
Chopin's Twelve Etudes,
Opus 25, are a pianistic tour de
faoe, a challenge to any virtuoso
and a landmark in piano music.
Here Simon revealed the except-
ional talent that has brought him
acclaim. A few mina technical
mistakes irritated Simon into
greater emotional depth of ex-
pression without affecting the
security of his technique. Simon's
sensitive use of rubato also
enriched the fine perfamance.
The Chopin brought a stand-
ing ovation and was followed by
two enoaes, Ravel's I'Oiseau
Tristle and Kriesler's la
Liebestaust. Thank you, Artist
Series, for bringing this superb
perfamer to East Carolina.

Originals b y ECU students and faculty
21 April 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 15
Print auction to highlight Fine Arts Symposium
An auction of original prints
by ECU students and faculty will
highlight the Thursday and Fri-
day activities of the Fine Arts
Symposium Week April 18-22 at
The auction will be held at 7
p.m. Thursday in the auditorium
of the Leo W. Jenkins Fine Arts
Center. The selection of prints,
which will go on display begin-
ning at 5 p.m will include
collographs, woodcuts, seri-
graphs, lithographs and intaglios.
The Fine Arts Symposium
Week is the first of what is
expected to be an annual event at
ECU. It was organized and is
being conducted by ECU art
This year's event preceedsthe
April 24 dedication of the new Leo
W. Jenkins Fine Arts Center. The
dedication is scheduled for 4 p.m.
Other activities scheduled for
Thursday in the auditorium of the
Fine Arts Center include a 9 a.m.
slide lecture by Thomas Bruce
Cowan, a North Carolina water-
ed orist.
At 11 a.m Dr. Robert Bunger
of the ECU Anthropology Depart-
ment will discuss the "Art of the
Pokomo, Kenya, Africa
Robert Kaupelis, professor of
Art and Art Education at New
York University will explain how
to approach a New York art
dealer. His lecture is scheduled
At 3:30 p.m. in the kiln yard,
Hiroshi Sueykshi Artist-in-Resi-
dence at Wilson County Technical
Institute will lecture and demon-
strate techniques in traditional
folk pottery with Japanese over-
tones. There will be a Raku firing
and materials available to anyone
who would like to share a clay
experience with Hiroshi and the
Ceramics Department of ECU.
The schedule for Friday be-
gins at 10 a.m. in the Gray
Gallery where a group of ECU
graduate students will demon-
strate fourth dimensional draw-
Karen Krupa, an ECU nursing
instructor will discuss "Occupa-
tional Hazardband Frst Aid in the
Artists Studio Her lecture will
begin at 3 p.m. in room 1327
At 7 p.m. in the auditorium,
Otto W. Henry, an ECU music
professor, will present a program
of electronically produoed music.
Happy the Man canceled
Assistant Trends Editor
The Happy the Man concert,
originally scheduled for the ECU
Mall last Tuesday night, has been
permanently canceled.
The decision was made by
Student Unin President Barry
Robinson, ECU Program Director
Ken Hammond, and Special
Entertainment Chairperson Bruce
There was a possibility that
the group would play Wednesday
night, because the band had no
scheduled dates until Saturday.
But according to Fred Proctor,
former Special Entertainment
chairperson the decision was
made due to a 50 chance of rain
Wednesday night.
The School of Music was
scheduled to use Wright Audito-
rium Wednesday night, elimina-
ting a back-up possibility.
Concert goers had very little
to smile about on the mall as
Happy the Man was forced to
postpone their show due to
weather conditions.
Ironically, the band was per-
mendfc ilVoufeh
thje ledneeksqlocri
highway 118
forming its second number,
"Stumpy Meets the Firecracker
in Stencil Forest when light-
ning and thunder conditions
became too serious to oontinue.
"It's never happened to us
before said Happy the Man
guitarist Stanley Whitaker. "We
don't play many outdoor con-
The mall audience appeared
to be very receptive to the
progressive based band.
Approximately $800 dollars
was lost on the concert, according
to Whitten.
Guaranteed Repairs
CallJimorTommyat 756-4844
Located At
3103 S. Memorial Dr. Greenville, N.C.
Tonight at
Mendenhall Student Theatre
Showings at 5,7, & 9 p.m.
No Charge

Baseball team winning
and setting new records
Page 16
21 April 1977
Weborn quits
wrestling head
coach position
John Welborn, highly successful wrestling coach for the past ten
years at East Carolina University, has resigned his position as head
coach immediately.
"I did not feel I oould effectively be head wrestling coach, assistant
athletic director and teach at the same time said Welborn. "I would
like to devote more time to my administrative work as assistant athletic
director, so I decided now would be the best time to get out of
During his ten years as Pirate head coach, Welborn guided his
tear� to an overall record of 94-14-3 (.870). He coached his teams to
Southern Conference Championships in 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975 and
1976, the first time ever for one team to win the title five consecutive
years. Welborn also has four second-place teams and one third-place
team to his credit in the conference.
Welborn coached 44 individual conference champions, inlcuding
East Carolina's only all-America, Bill Hill. Five times Welborn was
named Southern Conference Coach of the Year.
Only one team in the state of North Carolina defeated a
Wei born-coached team during his tenure with the Pirates. One of
Welborns highlights was never losing a match to the Tar Heels of the
University of North Carolina.
The 39-year old native of Boone, N.C joined the staff at East
Carolina in 1967, took a struggling wrestling program and developed it
into a nationally ranked team over the last four years.
"John has been a tremendous asset to our program at East
Carolina said athletic director Bill Cain. "We all wish John could
continue as our head wrestling coach, but we know he will do an
outstanding job in the administrative end and it will be time
consuming. He s just a winner in any position
Assistant Sports Editor
East Carolina's baseball team
began vacation week by sweeping
a Saturday doubleheader from the
Davidson Wildcats. Pete Conaty
struck out twelve as the Pirates
took the opener, 1-0. In the
nightcap, Terry Durham pitched
the Bucs to an 8-2 win.
The Pirates entertained Mar-
shall University in a Monday dou-
bleheader at Harrington Field.
Mickey Britt was the winner in
the first game 4-3, while Pete
Conaty picked up the win in relief
in game two, with the
final score being 2-1. Billy Best
drove in the game winning hits in
both games as the Pirates exten-
ded their winning streak to
Atlantic Christian stopped the
ECU winning streak with an 8-4
triumph over the Pirates Wednes-
day in the first game of a
two-night doubleheader. The
Pirates, led by Best's second-
inning grand-slam homerun,
came back to take the second
game, 9-3. Larry Daughtridge
picked up his fifth victory in that
second game.
Friday found the Pirates on
the road at Appalachian for a
doubleheader. In the first game,
Mickey Britt completely stiff led
the heavy-hitting Mountaineers
for his seventh win of the year, as
the Pirates won, 2-0. The Bucs
erupted for five runs in the first
inning in game number two, and
Appalachian oould never regain
its poise, with ECU coming out on
top, 12-6. Conaty won his sixth
game of the year, backed by fine
hitting performances from Pete
Paradossi, and Charlie Stevens.
Obviously fatigued from the
demanding schedule, the Pirates
lost the first game of a Monday
doubleheader, 8-4, to Western
Carolina at Cullowhee. A five-run
sixth inning outburst provided
WCU with its final cushion of
runs. East Carolina stormed back
in the second game, winning on
the strength of two Sonny Wooten
homeruns. Larry Durham pitched
his best game of the year as the
Pirates picked up a clutch 4-1
ECU was to have finished up
its road trip with a doubleheader
at Pembroke last night. Today,
the Pirates are at home against
UNC-Wilmington in a key dou-
Saturday, William and Mary
will be in Greenville for ECU'S
second biggest series of the year.
The final schedule has the Pirates
at Atlantic Christian Monday.
Closing out the season will be the
big doubleheader with the second
place Bulldogs from the Citadel.
Now 25 and 8, the Pirates
need the students support more
than ever. Let's pack the stands
today and Saturday and bring the
pennant to Greenville!
Tennis team breaks
most-wins record
Staff Writer
The ECU men's tennis team
celebrated Easter in a big way as
they swept three of four matches
and set a new team record.
Until their loss to Appalachian
State, the Pirates had a three
match winning streak and broke
the team reoord of seven victories
with a win over St. Augustine's.
The Pirates started their
streak with an 8-1 shellacking of
Campbell College on April 7.
After the match, Buc coach Randy
Randolph said, "We had to play
well and we did. Mitch Pergerson
and Henry Hosteller played really
On April 9, Pergerson led the
Pirates to a 5-4 victory over
Guilford College with wins in both
the singles and doubles events.
Commenting on the match,
Randolph said, "We beat them
the first time. They were looking
for revenge. Onoe again, Henry
and Mitch played very well
This victory tied the Pirate
reoord for most victories in a
season with seven.
The Bucs continued their
winning ways on April 14 with a
6-3 home court victory over the
St. Augustine Faloons. Pergerson
and junior Tom Durfee were the
See TENNIS, pg. 19
Handball exhibition scheduled
Staff Writer
Looking for a game that is
unusual, but interesting? A game
that is easy to learn and utilizes
the skill" of such sports as
basketball, soccer and volleyball?
All the above pertain to the
game of Team Handball, and if
you are thinking of Team Hand-
ball as a game that is played on
small, walled courts with gloves
then you are mistaken. Because
Team Handball is entirely differ-
ent from its surn&med predeces-
Team Handball is a vigorous
and fast-paced game which is now
reoognized as an Olympic event.
The game was developed around
1900 in Germany and Denmark. It
made its first Olympic appear-
ance in the Olympics in 1936.
The sport didn't appear again
in the Olympics until the Munich
games in 1972. In 1976, Team
Handball became a permanent
sport for Olympic competition
when it was included in the
Montreal games.
By oombining the skills of
many sports, Team Handball calls
upon many different types of
athletes to oomplete a team and
also calls for the use of all the
human instincts. It utilizes the
ability to jump, run, throw, catch
and dribble, yet it is still an easy
game to learn to play.
Dr. Wayne Edwards, Director
of Intramurals at ECU, became
familiar with the game while in
the service in Germany. He now
teaches Team Handball to one of
his Physical Education classes.
On Tuesday, April 26 at 8
p.m. Dr. Edwards' dass will
present an exhibition game of
Team Handball in Memorial
"We are going to start Team
Handball as an Intramural acti-
vity at ECU this spring said Dr.
Edwards, "and the exhibition on
Tuesday is being held to teach the
students the rules and give them
some idea of how the game is
"It is an easy game to learn
and a fun game to play adds
Edwards. "I am convinced that if
I can get the students out to see
the exhibition, then they will be
interested enough to want to play
After Tuesday'sexhibition,
Edwards hopes to start an
intramural program that will
oompete through the end of the
school year and then he will
expand the program next fall.
Edwards explained that Team
Handball has become one of the
fastest growing sports in the
United States and in North
America. He added that it is a
sport played by women. In some
schools the sport is played on a
Co-recreational basis and in 1976,
the U.S. sponsored a women's
Dr. Edwards became familiar
with the sport while he was
stationed in Germany in the early
1970s. He attended a clinic in
Heidelberg that taught the sport
and then was a group leader from
1970-1972 in a dass that taught
the game to American service-
men. In 1972 he helped coach an
American team that played Ger-
man teams.
"In the United States said
Edwards, "the game became
popular first among the military
personnel that learned the game
in Europe. As a matter of fad the
first Olympic team in 1972 was
made up of mostly military
"In recent years adds Ed-
wards, "the game has spread
throughout the United States
through dub programs at colleges
and community teams sponsored
by the two national Team Hand-
ball federations. We would like to
start a Handball program at East
Carolina on a dub basis.
There are two national organ-
izations that sponsor Team Hand-
ball oompetition and dinics in the
United States. In addition to
sponsoring dinics, these organi-
zationsalsohelp sponsor Olympic
tryouts and national Federation
The objedive of the game is to
score goals by moving the ball
towards an opponents' goal by
using a series of dribbles or quick
passes and throwing it past the
opponents' goalie into a net
similar in size and shape to a
soocer goal. The dribbling and
passing techniques are similar to
For teams that play indoors,
which will be the case at ECU,
teams consist of seven players
and persons of all sizes and
athletic backgrounds can be ef- -
"There is contad involved
said Edwards, "but we'll try to
minimize it here. The game is
played in such a way that taller
and bigger players are just as
important as the smaller and
quicker players. If the students
come out to see the exhibition, I
think they will see what I ne'vN
Edwards added that tfn
Handball is normally a non-stop,
high sooring styled game.
"The nature of the game
makes it exdting explained Ed-
wards. "There are no substitu-
tions and a typical game will find
both teams sooring around 30
goals each. Each goal oounts one
point. Games are played with 30
minute halfs so there is a lot of
We hope to get a lot of
students out for the exhibition
game added Edwards. "I think
if we can get them out there then
we can interest them in playing
the game
So for a little something extra
drop by Memorial Gym Tuesday
and find out what Team Handball
is all about.
of it

21 April 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 17
Pirate harriers do well in holiday meets
Staff Writer
East Carolina'st rack team had
a busy Easter holiday, running in
three meets. The Pirates sent part
of their team to Chapel Hill April
9 to compete in the Carolina
Relays while the remainder of the
team ran against William and
Mary in a dual meet, winning
78-35. The Pirates ran in the
Dogwood Relays Saturda and
came away with a couple of school
At the Carolina Relays, the
Pirates won the 440 yard relay in
40.4 to set a new school mark.
Calvin Alston, Otis Melvin, Larry
Austin and Carter Suggs teamed
up in the race that broke the old
record by two-tenths of a second.
Alston and Melvin teamed up
with Charlie Moss and Jay Purdie
to set a new record in the mile
relay. The foursome ran the
Jones and Persons
at golf tournamen t
The top ten women oollege
golfers from North Carolina and
the top ten from Virginia will
oonverge upon Boone Golf and
Country Club April 22-23 for the
first annual North Carolina-
Virginia All-Star Intercollegiate
Golf Tournament.
Appalachian State is the first
host of the tourney, which will
rotate annually between North
Carolina and Virginia.
The list of North Carolina's
top ten lady golfers has already
been compiled, based on their
average scores in both the fall and
spring women's golf seasons.
East Carolina is sending two
of its top women golfers, Heather
Jones and Marsha Persons.
The two-day tournament will
use a best-ball match play format.
Five teams of two from N.C. will
be paired against five teams of
two from Va.
In each foursome, a point will
be awarded for the team winner
of the front nine, winner of the
back nine, and winner of the 18
holes. That means there are three
pointsawarded to each foursome,
making 15 points available for
each day's competition.
� The players may begin
practice on the course at 1.00
p.m. Friday, with tee-off times
starting at 1030 a.m. Friday and
9:30 a.m. Saturday.
Discount Drug Center
Know Your Pharmacist
He'd like you to discover the
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Fast Services, Discount Prices,
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K�Htndcij fried Ckkku
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2-Piece Combination Dinner
with slaw or creamed potatoes,
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Phone 756-6434
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Phone 752-5184 take OUt
Open: Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m9 p.m.
Friday & Saturday 11 a.m10 p.m.
"k's finger lickiri good?
distance in 312.5 to finish second
to N.C. State.
Herman Mdntyre won his
specialty, the triple jump, vith a
leap of 50-2 34 while Marvin
Rankins finished second in the
120 yard high hurdles in 14.1.
The Pirates completely over-
whelmed the Indians in the dual.
William and Mary had won nine
oonsecutive Southern Conference
track titles before the Pires
unseated them last year. They
have continually been dropping
since their coach, John Randolph,
retired during the winning era.
At the Dogwood Relays, the
Pirates were running against
some of the nation's top com-
petition and came away with
some good performances.
The 880 yard relay team of
Alston, Melvin, Austin and Suggs
finished third in 1 24.09 to set a
new school mark.
Ben Duckenfield, Charlie
Moss, Jay Purdie and Terry Perry
teamed up for a new school record
in the mile relay, finishing fourth
in 3:12.26.
The Pirates' Calvin Alston
false started in the 440 relay, a
race the Pirates were oo-favorites
to win. Tennessee, the other
favorite, won in 39.93.
11111 Ml '� �'
Cinema 1
Mdntyre had his five week
winning streak in the triple jump
come to a halt as he faced six
all-Americas. Mdntyre beat two
of them in finishing fifth in
52-1 34.
Rankins took fifth in the
110-meter high hurdles with a
time of 13.9.
The best race of the day was
the 200 meter dash. John Young
of Tennessee won the race in
21.34. East Carolina's Alston
finished third in 21.37 and
Melvin, also of ECU, was fifth in
21.40. Just .06 separated first and
fifth places.

Most Unlikely
I P(, iPMtm SUtUKi SU6CtSTED -
miiiiif n

Archie Bell and the Drells
April 21
Razz Ma Tazz
April 28
Jolly Roger �f Thursday's ,�.�.
R & IM Inc. 752-4668
The Library
Chuck is finally coming out Thursday!
Friday � Chugging Contest
Saturday something prizes to be
7 announced
Sunday � Gentlemen's Night

Page 18 FOUNTAINHEAD 21 April 1977
Top winter athletes announced
Staff Writer
Editor's note: FOUNTAIN-
HEAD conducts a poll of staff
writers and members of the
Sports Information Office at the
end of each season i.e. fall,
winter, spring to determine who
were the top athletes in each
sport. The voting was very dose
m some sports for winter and here
are the results.
sports athletes show a great deal
of experience and youth. Basket-
ball's Larry Hunt and wrestling's
Phil Mueller are both seniors
while women's basketball lepre-
sentative Debbie Freeman, last
year'soo-Athlete-of-the-Year, is a
junior, and track's Herman Mo
Intyre, a sophomore and swim-
ming's amazing Ted Nieman is
just a freshman.
Hunt won a very close race
Suggest For Your
Gift Needs
Hand Bags fj Travel Bags
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Come see 'em in sizes
25 to 34. Great colors of
over freshman Hero Gray by a 5-4
margin. Hunt led the team in
scoring and rebounding this
season with marks of 12.4 and
10.1, respectively. He was the
ninth player in ECU history to
pass the 1,000 plateau in scoring.
He is the second leading re-
bounder in Pirate history. He led
the team in scoring 11 times and
rebounding 17 times. He was
named to the second-team all-
Southern Conference.
Gray led the team (unofficial-
ly) in dunks. He was the second
leading scorer on the team with
an 11.5 average. He was the third
leading rebounder on the team
with six retrieves per game. He
was named to the all-rookie team
in the Southern Conference and
led the team in scoring 12 times.
He had the high game for the
Pirates this season with 27
against Western Carolina. Jim
Ramsey was the other nominee
for the honor.
Debbie Freeman won the
women's basket ball award for the
second time in a row. She was the
state's leading scorer (22.4) and
rebounder (13.5). Freeman was
named to the all-state for the
second consecutive year. She led
the team in scoring 16 times and
rebounding 18 times. Debbie was
Continued from pg. 16
face behind the victory, winning
in both the singles and doubles
After the match, coach Ran-
dolph commented, "We didn't
co-Athlete-of-the-Year last year
along with Jim Bdding from
Gale Kerbaugh was the other
nominee for women's basketball,
picking up one vote in the
balloting. Kerbaugh wasthe third
leading scorer on the team with
17.4 average, despite her play-
making duties.
Phil Mueller won the wrest-
ling honor by a 612-212 count
over junior Paul Osman. Mueller
finished the season with a 28-2
mark, with his only losses ooming
in the Wilkes Open finals and in
the NCAA Championships.
Mueller won MVP honors at the
Southern Conference Wrestling
Tournament, by pinning all three
of his opponents, including
Marshall's Phil Temple in the
finals in just 38 seconds. He has a
lifetime mark of 216 wins and 22
Osman had a rocky start,
losing three of his first four
decisions. He came on to capture
the championship in the 134
pound class in the Wilkes Open,
known as the Rose Bowl of
wrestling. He lost only once in his
last 25 starts and finished with
a 24-4-1 record.
Mdntyrp won the indoor track
honor by capturing seven of the
nine votes. Calvin Alston and
James Freeman each picked up
one vote. Mclntyre lost in his
specialty, the triple jump, just
twice during the indoor season,
dropping his first meet of the year
and losing in an upset in the
Southern Conference Champion-
ships. He had seven meets
indoors where he topped the 50
foot mark. His best was 50-9 1 4
at the Pitt Invitational. He set a
new meet, varsity and track
record with that jump and was
named MVP of the meet.
Alston set a new record in the
440 indoors with a 49.7 clocking.
Freeman set a new record in the
600 with a time of 1:11.7 and
barely missed qualifying fa the
NCAA Championships.
Ted Nieman made a big
splash (pardon the pun) in the
swimming tank at East Carolina
this year. He set varsity recads
in the 200, 500, 1,000, and 1,650
freestyle events this year and
participated in the NCAA
Championships in the 200, as well
as two relays. Healsoqualifed fa
the AAU Championships in the
200, 500 and 1,650 freestyles, as
well as the two relays. He won the
award over John Tuda, who
picked up three votes to Nieman's
beat a bunch of turkeys. They
were 14-0 befae the match. I
thought Tom, Mitch, and Henry
all played well
The Pirates' win streak came
to a screeching halt last Sunday at
Appalachian. The tough, exper-
ienced Mountaineers trounced
the Bucs by a 9-0 scae, reinforo-
ing their claim to number one in
the conference.
Coach Randolph felt, "They
were too experienced fa us, but
in sane instances I thought we
wer beaten befae we got on the
court. We just didn't play tough
and gave up. I was a little
disappointed with our showing
Izod Lacosta Shirts

This Week Only M 2.95
Izod Strech Belts
Regularly '8.00
Sale Price '5.50
sizes 26-36
Izod Double Thick Golf
and Tennis Socks
Regularly '3.25
Now '2.00 a pair with add
Spalding Prof lite
Golf Balls
Regularly '3.50
Now '2.50 (for three)
Now '1.75 a can
Limit 2 cans per customer
with add
All Tennis Dresses,
Shorts, & Warm-up
Suits 30 off
Large Selection of Mens
& Ladies Tennis Shoes
20 off
Titlelist Golf Balls and
Wilson Pro-staff Golf Balls
'10.95 a dozen
All Tennis Racquets 2b off
(prices vary)
All items on this sale will be taken off Sunday.
Gordon D. Fulp

21 April 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 19
r � .I i
for sale
FOR SALE: 12" X 60" trailer,
unfurnished- 2 air cond. gas
heat, double sinks in bathroom,
plus washer & dryer. 2 bec-
room, call 752-9432 ask Mr.
Henderson after 6:00 p.m.
Alice. 757-6366 (9-5 weekdays).
NEED AVON?: To buy or sell.
Call 758-8705.
FOR FREE : 7 week old male
puppy (mixed breeds) with shots
to go to a good home. Call
758-5558 & ask fa Kirk or Judy.
FOR SALE: Pioneer In-dash
AMFM Stereo-8-Track player-
12 watts per channel $95.
FOR SALE: 1976 Mustang II
Ghia 11,500 miles, 4 speed, V-6
motor, AMFM stereo radio, 8
track tape deck, silver with
cranberry interior. First class
automobile. $5200.00 Call
1-592-6893 or 752-8151.
FOR SALE: 1970 Fiat 124
Special 4 door, straight drive.
Real good around town trans-
portation. $375.00. Call 1-592-
6893 or 752-8151.
FOR SALE: 1 Epiphone Acous-
tic guitar with hard case,
excellent cond. $100.00. Also 1
good beginners guitar. Contact
758-1382 or leave a message.
Will be glad to demonstrate.
FOR SALE: 1975 Yamaha 500,
DOHC, low mileage, crash bar,
sissy bar, luggage straps. Ser-
ious inquiries only. $1100.00
757-6352 call between 8-5 and
ask for Bonnie.
FOR SALE: Need a truck and a
car? Buy this one vehicle and
you will have both. 68 model
Oldsmobile. Call 758-0603 $250.
firm. Ask for John.
FOR SALE: 12" Portable Magna-
vox Cola TV with automatic fine
tuning and auto-tint; like new;
sold new fa $350-asking $150-
call 752-6042.
FOR SALE: Fender Princeton
amplifier. $150. Write Box 3067,
Greenville, a call 1-823-3332.
FOR SALE: 35mm Petri Camera
$25.00 Kodak EK-6 Cola Prints
Instantly $40.00. Call 752-7471.
FOR SALE: IZOD "Alligator"
shirts-13.00 & tax (18.00 in
staes) These fashiaiable shirts
fa men and wonen are guaran-
teed first quality and make great
gifts! Available in all sizes,
styles, and colors. Unlimited
quantities. Save yourself some
bucks and call Bob at 752-9291
FOR SALE: Custom 250 Base
amplifier-$500. Gibson E-B-0
Base guitar-$150. Yamaha F-g-
140 Acoustic guitar-$60. Call
752-0998, ask fa Steve.
OR SALE: One twin size
box-springs. $20.00 Call 758-
rales. 756-1921.
FOR SALE:Fender Bassman iu
amplifier-110 watts RMS very
little use. Good fa guitar, bass,
electric piano. Call 758-7670
after 600 p.m.
FOR SALE: 1972 Firebird, vinyl
top, AC, PS, auto, stereo. A-1
oonditioi. Call 946-3691 after 6.
FOR SALE: 71 Fiat 850 Spat
$1350 a best offer. 752-2880.
FOR SALE: Ovation left-handed
guitar. Sunburst cola, 3 maiths
old like new, bought fa $325 will
sel I fa $250 & suede case fa $30.
Call Kerwin, 758-7628.
FOR SELL: Unifams, and lab
coats fa nursing students. 2 un-
ifams and a lab coat fa $125.
Like new. Sizes: 11-12 and 14-16.
See Linda Rm. 254 Umstead a
Marilyn Rm. 256 Umstead a call
758-2617 after 5 p.m.
MUST SELL: '71 Mustang
$1,500. Also '69 Valiant $400.
Both cars are in good shape and
are reliable transpatatioi call
FOR SALE: 2 sets of golf dubs
with pull carts 125.00 and $55.00
Call 752-7471.
8837 after 5:00.
FOR SALE: Collie pups, reg.
sable & white. $100.00 firm very
reasonable fa pedigree, good
looks, good health, & good
disposition of these collies. Call
482-2341-Edenton, N.C.
FOR SALE: 10 speed Catina-$40.
Call 758-2599.
FOR SALE: '71 Fiat 850 spat,
$975 a best offer. 752-2880.
FOR SALE: Kay Triple pick-up
electric guitar & amp, case
included $75.00a best offer. Call
Buddy at 756-4916.
FOR SALE: Brand new one pair
AVID 103. 3 Way floa speakers.
$178.00 apiece will sell fa $300 a
pair. 150 watt max. Call 758-8988,
ask fa Susan a Mike.
FOR SALE: '69 VW bus, fair
coiditioi fa $1100. Call 758-0250
after 5 p.m.
FOR SALE: Standard size refri-
gerator $25.00. Good wacking
coidition. 753-2091, John Rouse.
FOR SALE: AKC registered
poodles; 2 white females; excel-
lent bloodline. 752-5717.
FOR SALE: 1976 360 Honda
Excellent coidition, low mileage,
Call 752-0924, ask fa Maity.
FOR SALE: Couch with pull out
bed. In good oonditioi $40.00 call
FOR SALE: General Electric
AMFM Receiver-8-Track Play-
er Recoder wspeakers $125.
FOR SALE: Beautiful German
Shepherd puppies $20.00. Call
752-5580 after 5 O0.
TYPING SERVICE: Letters, re-
pots, & term papers-call 756-
8837 after 5 p.m.
TYPING: 75 cents per page. Call
Debra Parrington, 756-6031
days, and .752-250anjfltj
pOR SALE: 3 miniature female
AKC Dachshund puppies- Red-
dish-Brown, shots, 747-2446,
Snow Hill.
i-OR SALE: Silver rings, phone
Roxanne at 752-8694. Or phone
Crafts Center in Mendenhafl and
leave message.
FOR SALE: Sofa & Matching
chair, good condition, both fa
$60.00. Also, rocker fa $15.00.
Call 752-8011.
FOR SALE: 1974 750cc Suzuki.
Mint coiditioi, new: paint, tires,
chain, etc. $1200.00. Call 752-
1442 ask fa David.
FOR SALE: Zenith stereo com-
plete with speakers-automatic
changer excellent coiditioi! Per-
fect size fa dam room. $65.00
Call 758-5090 after 5 p.m.
FOR SALE: Sanyo 8 track, AM,
FM stereo $65. Call 758-216
after 11 00 p.m. 8-track-cassette
reel to reel-can completely erase
fa rerecad fa 25 cents ea.
FOR SALE: AKC Registered
Golden Retriever-6 weeks old-all
shots given-752-1015.
FOR SALE: 1966 Buick Station
Wagon. Call Alice, 757-6366, 9 to
5 weekdays.
FOR SALE: stereo - Four Star
receiver with AMFM and tape
deck, 2 speakers MC-500's
Realistic, turntable cueing realist-
ic Lab 12C, 1 pair of Realistic
headphones. Total $125. Call
Mark - 752-9258.
CAREER? Advertise in the new
Carolina Bargain Trader, a buy
sell trade magazine published in
Greenville and distributed in
Eastern N.C. Your personal inter-
view of 75 wads plus photo could
be very successful in obtaining
the position you desire and runs 2
weeks at $4.50 a 4 weeks at $8.00
and we wilI take the photo fa oily
$12.25 Call 758-7487 o write to
P.O. Box 16, Greenville, N.C.
FOR SALE: 4.8 cubic feet refri-
gerator call 758-9807.
FOR SALE: Brand new Takara
10-speed bike, never ridden. Call
John O'Neal at 756-4136. Best
reasonable offer.
FOR SALE: 1968 Chevelle Mali-
bu-Air Cond power windows,
4-doo, power steering, power
b akes, AM-FM-$750 Call 752-
FOR SALE: Uueen waterbed
complete outfit, everything need-
ed except the water. $65.00 firm
call 752-6856, 756-5190. ALSO:
silver gray fox fur blanket spread
and double pillow $45.00
FOR SALE: '62 Comet, 6 cylin-
der, good conditioi $150.00 o
best offer. If interested call
FOR SALE: By oiginal owner,
1972 Chevrolet Impala, 4-dcor
hardtop, PWR steeringbrakes,
air conditioning, almost new
radial tires, 57,000 miles. Call
756-3717 after 6.00 nm
FOR SALE: Pioneer SX-939
AMFM stereo receiver. 70 w per
cnannei RMS at under 0.3 percent
narmoiic distotioi. Still under
37,500 miles, 4-speed like new
coiditioi Phone 756-5733.
FOR SALE: 71 VW bus. FM
stereo, engine in excellent condi-
tion, front end needs work
$500.00 firm. Call 752-5325 after
6:00, ask fa Kevin.
large 2 bedroom apt. 2 blocks
from campus. Call 758-9655
FOR RENT: Two bedroom apt 3
o less, available now. 758-9611.
FOR RENT: Private room-Air
Cond4 blocks from campus-
Rent fa Summer a Fall session-
Call 752-4006 after 12.
FOR RENT: 1 & 2 bedroom
apartments, lojated oi Cross St.
Newly renovated and new ap-
pliances. Call 752-4154
FOR RENT: Private room, air
conditioned, summer a fall, 4
blocks fran campus. 752-4006
after 1 00 p.m.
FOR RENT: House outside city, 3
bedroom, 1 Vi bath, big backyard,
available now fa summer. Call
Maria at 757-6390.
NEEDED: Male roommate to
share two bedroom apt. at
Eastbrook fa the summer. Pay
half rent and utilities. Call
NEEDED: Roommate fa Green-
way apts. 2 br. - $88 per mo.
Contat Joe Grimes Apt. 20 after 4
NEEDED desperately: The help
of anyone presently renting a 2 a
3 bedroom house, but who will
vacate in May a June. Prefer
rent to be about $100. Please call
Pam at 752-6856 a 756-5190.
fa 2 bedroom aptcall 756-5530
after 4 00 p.m.
male preferred) to share an
Apartment or House, living
expenses, and gocd times start-
ing this June '77 in CHAPEL
HILL. Interested? Please call
Kim Sue at 758-1390.
FOR RENT: One female rcom-
mate needed to share 2 bedrcom
apartment at College View. You
will have your own bedroom and
can move in on May 1. Rent is
$50.00 a month, plus half of
utilities. Fa mae info call Laurie
at 752-6963.
NEEDED: 4 female roommates-
June 1. 758-8452.
FOR RENT: Apartments located
on Cross St. - newly renovated
with new applianoes. Call 752-
FOR RENT: 1 bedroom apt. fa 2
people fa summer avvards-$100
a ma Call 75&8062.
ouiv.MER RENT. Graduate stu-
dent seeks a couple of roommates
la the summer in completely
lurnished apt. $55mo. plus 13
ot utilities. Call 758-1437.
LOST: 1 girl who is blind
without her glasses-someone
picked up a navy blue hooded
sweatshirt a couple of Saturdays
ago at the Jolly Roger that had
a pair of rose oolaed Glaia
Vanderbilt glasses-l have a navy
hooded sweatshirt that's too
big-PLEASE ooitact Janet Pope
423 Tyler-758-9670. $10.00
LOST: Brown leather wallet,
$5.00 reward. Richard Smith. Call
LOST: A pair of brown framed
glasses-they are in an oange,
black-lined case. Need them back
desperately. Call Lisa, 758-5066
after 6O0. Reward.
LOST: Set of keys, brown flap on
key ring with (Leo) emblem. $5.00
rewad! Call Johnny, 752-1442.
LOST glasses, brown case. $10
reward. 758-8895 after 5 p.m.
Austin - Biol.
LOST: Set of keys on a leather
strap somewhere on campus.
FOUND: A voy nice SEARS
bicycle chain and lock combina-
tion in the vicinity of Spilman
Building. Come by the FOUN-
TAINHEAD office with the key
that fits and it's yours.
personal (�
ASTROLOGY: Astrological charts
professionally and accurately con-
structed. Call 756-0201 between
6-8 p.m.
FREE KITTENS: We have three
left, ready to go to a good home at
the end of April. 1 Orange &
White tabby-male, 1 White &
Black spotted male, 1 Black with
white spotted eyes & throat-
female. Please come to 1305
Cotanche St. and take your pick a
call 758-1390.
Complete house cleaning weekly,
laundry service also available
slightly extra. Contact Cindy
WANTED: Part time attendant
to assist handicap student during
summer school of '77. $360.
758-8286, Buzzy Pierce.
RIDE WANTED: From New Bern
M & W manings; call 757-6366
& ask fa Doug.
WANTED: Full time Ne vs Edita
fa weekly paper, The Standard
Laconic, in Snow Hill-Call
747-3883, Snow Hill.
and socialize at only $10month!
Call 752-5214. Classes beginning
1n April.

Page 20 FOUNTAINHEAD 21 April 1977
Here's how you can
get off to a sound
financial start.
The Wachovia Grad Plan gives you a package of all the banking
services you'll need, including:
� A Simple Interest Loan for a car or any major purchase.
� A Wachovia Free Way Account
for no-service-charge checking.
A Wachovia Ready
5 'j-jii
OH �
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THE . � K t t .3 t. i K-sTvR r
ReservAccount. It backs
up your checking account
with a reserve of cash.
� A Master Charge Card.
� A Wachovia Banking Card
(with Check Guarantee) that can
be used at Teller n.
� Your own Wachovia Personal Banker.
� Newcomer information and relocation assistance
How do you get it? Simple. If you're getting your degree this year,
have accepted a full-time job with a salary of at least $7200, and are
going to live or work in a North Carolina community, you may already
qualify. So drop by your nearest Wachovia office and ask a Wachovia
Personal Banker about the Grad Plan. Do it this week, and get a
sound start on your financial future.
Ws the Wachovia
Grad Plan.

Fountainhead, April 21, 1977
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 21, 1977
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