Fountainhead, April 7, 1977

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Serving the campus com-
munity for over 51 years.
With a circulation of 8,500,
this issue is 12 pages.
Have a Happy Easter and
Restful vacation. FOUN-
TAINHEAD will return
Thursday, April 21.
Vd. 52, No. 46
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
7 April 1977
Legislator attempts proposal
to chastise administration
Staff Writer
Christopher Cheatham, SGA
Legislator, proposed,a resolu-
tion which would condemn the
administration for interfering in
the recent SGA election. This was
in reference to the administration
stating that a proposal for a runoff
for SGA President was not
included in the SGA Election
Rules. The resolution was tabled
for future business.
Neil Sessoms, stated in his
first appearance before the legis-
Meets LCMErequirements
lature that he was looking forward
to working with them.
Sessoms explained his cam-
paign proposal of inaeased break
between classes to the legisla-
ture. According to Sessoms, the
proposal would be presented to
the legislature. Upon their appro-
val, the proposal would be
presented to the students them-
selves in the form of a referen-
A resolution was passed by
the legislature commending Tim
Sullivan on his service to the SGA
during the last year.
Retreats were the main order
of business. The Visual Fine Arts
Organization received the largest
funding of any retreat thus far
this year, $840.00, The Mary
Mosaic trip and the ECU Society
of Medical Technologists received
appropriations for their trips.
The ECU fraternity Council
received $250 from the legisla-
ture for the IFC's Greek Week
Installation and Awards banquet.
The bill for an appropriation to
the Arnold Air Society was
postponed until a later date.
ECU med school accredited
Co-News Editor
The long-awaited accredita-
tion of the ECU Medical School is
finally a reality.
Dr. Laupus, dean of the
Medical School said Wednesday
that he received word from the
LCME (Liason Committee on
Medical Education) secretary that
accreditation had been approved.
The LCME is the accrediting
Karl E. Faser
agency for the American Medical
Association (AMA) and the Asso-
ciation of American Medical
According to Laupus, the
committee recommended that
only 28 students be accepted for
the first year of the four-year
"We're just very pleased with
the verbal report and look forward
to the written report said
A survey team inspected the
school Jan. 18th and 19th.
The medical school addition at
the new Pitt County Memorial
Hospital should be completed this
summer, Laupus said recently.
ECU did not seek accredita-
tion for the school nor request an
on-site visit until it felt the school
could meet the strict require-
A dministrator dies
Assistant to the Vice Chancel-
lor for Business Affairs. Karl E.
Faser died Tuesday morning at
the age of 57.
Funeral services will be held
on Thursday at 11:00 a.m. at
Jarvis Memorial Methodist
Church. Burial will be in Arling-
ton National Cemetery, Arling-
ton, Va.
Faser was a native of Monroe,
La. He joined the ECU faculty in
1969 as an associate professor in
the department of drama and
In 1971 he was named to the
administrative post, but he also
continued his duties in the drama
and speech program.
Faser spent 30 years in the
Marines, starting asa private and
retiring as a colonel. His final
active post in the Marines was
chief of staff of the Camp Lejeune
Marine base.
He received a bachelors de-
gree from Louisiana State Univer-
sity, attended Southern Metho-
dist University and received a
masters degree from the Univer-
sity of Oklahoma.
He is survived by his widow,
the former Mary Elizabeth Shan-
ahan, and two children, Karl E.
Faser Jr. and Karen Elizabeth
Faser, both of the home. He is
also survived by a brother,
Christian Faser of Baton Rouge,
La and sister, Mrel J. W.
Standard of Baton Rouge, La.

Fine Arts
The ECU Visual Arts Forum,
in cooperation with the Depart-
ment of Music, the Student
Union, and the SGA is sponsoring
a Fine Arts Symposium from
Mon. April 18 to Fri. April 22,
according to Cliff Pace, forum
Events will be scheduled
almost hourly from 900 a.m. to
around 10:00 p.m. throughout
each day of that week.
"The Visual Arts Forum (rep-
resenting the School of Art) have
been trying to unite all factions
within the Art department and
various departments on cam-
pus Pace said. "It's happening
during the dedication week of the
Jenkins' Building and asa part of
that dedication he continued.
Pace said that the Forum
would like people outside the Art
department to come and see the
building and its various projects.
"We have the largest gallery
in the South and some of the
finest schools anywhere. Our Art
department is one of the best in
the South he added.
Among the scheduled events
for the Symposium include Wal-
lace Dreyer, a well-known Vir-
ginia Photographer and print
A NEW DAY dawned at Mendenhall as a new SGA administration
met with the legislature for the first time Wednesday.
Photo by Brian Stotler
Federal la wsuit
on racial issue
faces UNC Board
Reverse discrimination has
been charged in a federal lawsuit
brought against the law requiring
representation of racial minorities
on the Board of Governors of the
University of North Carolina.
Rep. J. Reid Poovey (R-
Catawba), two Wilmington resi-
dents, and a student at UNC-
Wilmington claimed, in a suit
filed March 31, that the law
denied them equal protection
under the U.S. Constitution.
The Legislature elects the
Board of Governors from a list of
nominees compiled by the legis-
lature, staggering the terms of
the members.
The law which provides the
guidelines for the method of
maker who will conduct a work-
shop on Mon. April 18. According
to Pace, Dreyer does a distinct
type of print making in which he
inks found objects in vivid intaglio
John Scarlata, a third-century
artist and photographer deals
with conceptual self-images. He
will conduct a slide presentation
and a panel discussion with Wally
Dreyer, Henry Stindt, and John
A poetry reading on Tenny-
son's "The Palace of the Artist"
will be conducted by Andrea
Sullivan, an English major and
graduate student.
election requires that a percent-
age of the members be of a
minority race, women and mem-
bers of the largest political
minority in the legislature.
The suit challenges only that
part of the law which requires the
election of a minority race. It
alleges that the election of
governors solely on the basis of
race "subjects (them) to discrim-
ination upon the grounds of race
in university programs which
receive financial assistance from
the federal government.
The suit asks that the General
Assembly be prohibited from
electing members to the board on
the basis of race and that any
such members already serving on
the board be prohibited from
carrying out their duties.
An article in Tuesday's paper
incorrectly stated that the At-
torney General traditionally per-
forms the swearing-in ceremonies
of the new SGA Executive Council
The ceremonies are per-
formed by any member of the
Review Board or Honor Council.

Page 2
7 April 1977
The Big A
New York, the big apple,
bankrupt, Dylan, Kong, galleries
and Broadway�The Art School of
EZU is sponsoring an excursion to
New York City April 9-14 at a cost
of $75.00 which includes trans-
portation, lodging and two cases
of insanity. Contact Charles Kes-
ler. 752-1952, 757-6665. Spon-
sored by the Mary Mosaics, a
conception in reality.
Mile o' money
Announcing the Mile
O' Money campaign to be held on
April 19 - the week we come back
from Easter break folks! A mile of
U.S. currency is the goal and all
organizations, groups, etc. on
campus are invited to participate.
This mile of money is going to the
Heart Fund and is being sponsor-
ed by Gamma Sigma Sigma.
Come out and join us on "the
hill" from 4 o'clock until we're
done. That's April 19 - entry
blanks and further information to
be detailed soon. There's a trophy
for the organization or group
going the farthest with their
line of money. You can start
collecting soon!
Room deposits
Room deposits for Summer
School 1977 and Fall Semester
1977 may be made in the
Cashier's Office beginning April
18. Deposits will be required in
the following amounts: (1) Fall
Semester $60, (2) First Summer
Term, $60 ($90 private room), (3)
Second Summer Term $48 ($72,
private room). Room assignments
will be made on April 19, 20, and
21. Detailed information pertain-
ing to the sign-up procedure will
be made available to each re-
sidence hall student. Day stu-
dents may receive this inform-
ation by contacting the Housing
Indications are that there will
be a housing shortage Fall
Semester 1977. Therefore, stu-
dents shuld make arrangements
for Fall Sen tester housing prior to
leaving school for the summer.
'How to Get the Most from
Your Pocket Calculator a three-
session evening workshop for
adults, will be offered by ECU
this spring.
The dass will meet on Mon-
days, April 25-May9, from 7 to 10
p.m. and will be instructed by
Drs. Milam Johnson and William
Spickerman of the ECU mathe-
matics faculty.
Each participant should bring
a four-function pocket calculator
to each session. Nj strong prior
knowledge of mathematics is
Further information about the
workshop and registration forms
are available from the Office of
Non-Credit Programs, Division of
Continuing Education, ECU,
Greenville, N.C.
Beginning in May, Bike-
centennial will be opening four
new loop trails. These loops,
which use portions of the existing
Trans-American Bicycle Trail,
are located in Oregon, Idaho,
Kentucky and Virginia. The trails
will range from 350-500 miles in
length, with trips available from
8-15 days. A variety of service
options are available for the
cyclist to choose from.
Last year, over 4,100 bicyclists
from all 50 states and 16 foreign
countries rode the 4500 mile
Trans-American Bicycle Trail.
Nearly 2,100 of them went the
entire distance. This year, Bike-
centennial is placing its emphasis
on the shorter trips, to give those
with shorter summer vacations
an opportunity to enjoy the
excitement of bicycle touring.
Bikecentennial is a non-profit
organization, dedicated to the
promotion of bicycle touring in
America. All trips are run at cost
to the cyclists. Trip applications,
which describe all costs and trip
options are available from Bike-
centennial. To get yours, please
write: Bikecentennial, Dept. TA,
P.O. Box 8308, Missoula, MT.
Siizlin rock Lo$t ft f ound
Jack's Steak House-Western
Szzlin-Rock-n-Soul-just to name
a scant few, will award prizes to
winners in the 1st Annual Um-
stead dorm Bingo Games. Come
to the Umstead lobby April 20.
Only 10 cents to play. Come
before 8 to get a good seat.
Good time
For a good time, call 757-6611
ext. 210 anytime fron 6 O0 a.m. -
5 p.m.
The campus Lost and Found
Department is located at the
Information Desk in Mendenhall
Student Center. We have books,
gloves, scarves, toboggans,
coats, sweaters, etc. If you have
lost an item, please come by the
Information Desk and see if we
have it.
Any unclaimed articles will be
sold at bargain prices at ECU'3
Flea Market sponsored by Men-
denhall Student Center on April
27 on the Mall.
Ever had the urge to travel
abroad and discover a new and
exciting culture? But then, after
day dreaming, decide that you
just couldn't afford such an
adventure. If you have experi-
enced these feelings, or if you are
majoring in a foreign language,
geography, or taking oourses in
some other field which gives you
a taste of non-American cultures,
then you might want to oonsider
the advantages of living in the
"International Area" of Aycock
Residence Hall next Fall.
I n this area you would share a
room with a student from another
country and be encouraged to
participate in activities sponsored
by the International Students
Association, as well as having the
opportunity to form close associ-
ations with other non-American
We are particularly interested
in having American graduate
students and upperclassmen who
have an interest in foreign
cultures to share in this living
experience. Living in such an
environment can bring about
greater understanding of other
cultures and who knows - maybe
your roommate will invite you to
visit his home country in the
Interested male students may
inquire further by visiting the
International Student Affairs Co-
ordinator whose office is located
in the front lobby of Aycock Hall.
While there has been no such
living arrangement for women
students during the past year,
interested women may stop by
the Housing Office for Women
located on the second floor of
Whichard Building.
B. Jack McCormick, professor
of chemistry from West Virginia
University, will present a seminar
on "Some Aspects of Sulfur
Chemistry - Good, Bad and
Academic on April 8, 1977 at
2.00 p.m. in room 201, Flanagan
Refreshments will be served
in the conference room at 3 CO
There will be an AED meeting
Tuesday, April 5, at 730 p.m in
Flanagan 307. The speaker for the
evening will be Dr. A.L. Fergu-
son, a specialist in internal
medicine and nephrology. He is a
practicing physician who runs the
Hemodialysis Center in Green-
ville and will be speaking on the
many problems he has found in
his profession. All interested
persons are invited to attend.
Fun in Son
Campus Crusade fa Christ
will meet fa fun, fellowship and
cnailenging insights from God's
Wad. Everyaie weloome. Thurs-
day 7 p.m Brewster B-102.
Phi Kappa Tau will have a
spaghetti dinner on Thursday,
April 7, from 530 - 8.00 at 409
Elizabeth St. Price is $1.75.
The largest art show and
competition (3rd Annual lllumina
Art Show and Competition) on the
East Carolina University campus
will take place April 18-29, 1977.
Prize money of over $600 will be
Registration fa the show will
take place Monday April 4, 1977
between 10.00 and 2O0 at the
Infamatioi Center in Menden-
hall Student Center. All artists
are invited to submit their name,
title and estimated insurance
value (reasonable) of their work at
this time. Waks can be regis-
tered on April 18, but will not be
All work will be delivered fa
oonsideration in the show, on
Monday April 18 between 11 O0
and 3O0. Each artist may submit
one wak in any of 10 categaies.
A $2.00 registration fee will be
required on this date from each
artist. Mae about the show later!
The show is sponsaed by the
Student Union Art �xhibition
Committee, ILLUMINA.
A non-aedit evening course in
Consumer Credit will be offered
by ECU on Monday and Thurs-
day 7:30-930 p.m. May 9-19.
Any person interested in the
latest infamatioi oi the laws and
procedures associated with loans
and credit is invited to enroll.
Amorr: the topics to be
covered are aedit terminology,
collateral, discretionary income,
finance charges and interest,
types of loans and repayment
plans, lines of credit, and revolv-
ing aedit.
Participation in the course
may be applied toward continuing
education units.
Further infamatioi about the
Consumer Credit course is avail-
able from the Office of Non-Credit
Programs, Division of Continuing
Education, ECU, Greenville, N.C.
Print auction
The ECU Print Group invites
interested students and faculty to
enter their oiginal prints in a
print auction to be held the
evening of Thursday, April 21,
1977, in the Jenkins auditoium.
Acceptable prints must be
edition prints a good quality
artist proofs. Prints must be
matted but should nO be aceta-
ted. The Print Group reserves the
right to reject prints of poa
quality. Prints should be turned
in to the Printmaking Department
on Monday, April 18, between 8
a.m. and 5 p.m. Late entries will
be accepted on Tuesday, April 19,
between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.
The artist should indicate on
the entry form a reasonable
starting bid fa each print and the
Print Group will attempt to obtain
the highest price possible on all
accepted prints. However, the
Print Group does not guarantee
that all prints will sell. Additional
entry foms are available in the
Printmaking Department, Jen-
kins Bldg.
Matey a unsold prints may
be picked up at the Printmaking
Department on Friday, April 22,
a oi Moiday, April 23, between
8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Fashion show
Yvonne Williams & Shonita
Harris of Cohen s House of
Beauty, are planning to sponsa a
hashion Show in May, and want
the aid of the ECU students. If
interested, sign up in girls doms
between the 7th and 18th of
April o Contact: Arah Venable,
58-8120 (Rm 302 Clement),
Sarah Joyner, 752-8356 (Rm. 702
Clement), o Oteria West, (217
Clement Hall). A meeting will be
held April 18th in the lobby of
Clement Hall at 7.O0.
Flea market
Looking fa sane good bar-
gains? You will probably be able
to find them at the ECU Spring
FLEA MARKET sponsaed by
Mendenhall Student Cento. The
Flea Market will be held oi
Wednesday, April 27, 1977, fron
9 a.m. until 7 p.m. oi the Mall o
in Wright Auditoium in case of
Beautiful pottery ware, hand-
made jewelry, and small plants
woe a few of the items sold in the
Flea Market last time. Back by
popular demand is the sale of
unclaimed articles, held by the
University's Lost and Found
Department. Don't miss it!
If you're intoested in selling
items, any ECU student, staff a
faculty member is eligible. Each
individual must registo to sell
items and a $5.00 refundable
deposit is required at the time of
registration. Registration is Mon-
day through Friday, from 9 a.m.
until 5 p.m at the Mendenhall
Student Center Infamatioi Cen-
ter. Registration ends Moiday,
April 25, 1977.
Phi sigma
This is Phi Sigma Pi Week.
Phi Sigma Pi has been in
existence since February 14,
1916, when a small group of men
started the oiginal fraternity at
Central Missouri State College in
Warrensburg, Missouri. The
fraternity became national in
scope when several chapters were
started around the oountry in
1921. Tau Chapter was establish-
ed here at East Carolina in 1936,
and it is the oldest fratonity on
this campus. Phi Sigma Pi is an
hona fratonity, and is thoefoe
unique. The three qualities which
fom the tripod of the fraternity
are scholarship, leadoship and
Each year, Phi Sigma Pi is
involved in sevoal sovice pro-
jects, such as an annual Christ-
mas party fa underprivileged
children, saving as opoatos fa
the Cerebral Palsy Telethon,
holding a raffle fa the Todd
Scholarship fund, and selecting
the outstanding male and female
senio. New brothers are initiated
into the fraternity each fall and
spring. In oder to receive an
invitation to join the fratonity
you must have a 3.3 avoage o
better Anyone interested in
finding out moe about Phi Sigma
Pi National Hona Fraternity is
asked to visit the display set up in
Mendenhall. The display will be
in Mendenhall through Friday of
this week.

ECU graduate, author wins
Terry San ford A ward, 17
7 April 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 3
Joyoe Proctor Beaman, an
ECU graduate student, has re-
goes well
Co-News Editor
A new administration is be-
ginning to take shape in the SGA.
Newly-elected SGA President
Neil Sessoms moved into his
offioe on the second floor Men-
denhall Tuesday afternoon after
being sworn in at Monday night's
SGA banquet.
In an interview Wednesday
Sessoms said that things have
been gotng well so far.
However, he added that he
has received no help from his
predecessor Tim Sullivan.
"I am having to make the
transition with the assistance of
the tamer vice-president, former
Cabinet members, and know-
ledgeable legislators said
� Even without the aid of my
predecessor, things are going
surprisingly smoothly.
The administration has also
been quite helpful he added.
Sessoms said that so far two
people have resigned.
Secretary of Academic Affairs
Tim McLeod and Secretary of
International Programs Kent
Johnson resigned earlier this
According to Sessoms, they
gave no reasons for their actions.
He added that Karen Harloe,
SGA Attorney General was fired
Wednesday. Sessoms noted that
he hopes to select a new Attorney
General soon after Easter break.
A Blue Ribbon Board will first
choose several qualified people
fa the position, and then narrow
the decision down to two. Ses-
soms will have to choose his
Attaney General fron these two
The SGA Legislature must
give the approval on the selection
befae it is final.
Aocading to Sessoms, he has
not made any selections for
Cabinet members as yet.
ceived the Terry Sanfad Award
fa 1977.
The award, given annually to
a person chosen from the 55,000
educators of our state, was
presented to Mrs. Beaman at a
banquet given in her hona at the
meeting of the Nath Carolina
Association of Educatas in Ashe-
ville en April 1.
The award is given fa excel-
lence in service to education,
dedication to the profession, and
fa initiative, innovation, and
aiginality in teaching. During
her twenty-five years as a teacher
at Saratoga Central and Snow Hill
High School, Mrs. Beaman has
been involved with changes such
as consolidation, accreditation,
and merger.
A life member of the NEA and
NCAE she is also listed in WHO'S
AMERICANS OF 1976-77. She
was named Citizen of the Year in
1976 by the Modern Woodmen of
the Wald in her area.
Mrs. Beaman is the autha of
three books: BROKEN ACRES
CASSIE, both novels fa young
people; and BLOOM WHERE
YOU ARE PLANTED, a nonfic-
tioi, philosophical-religious work
fa readers of all ages.
AN ART GRADUA TE students' show is now being featured in the
Wellington B. Gray gallery, Jenkins Art building. Above is a coat on
display by Jons Gunderson. Photo by Pete Podeszwa
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�:�:���:� -
El! B g
7 April 1977
Sessoms vs. stacked deck
Like rats clinging to the last scrap of floating
waste, the moribund sequacity of SGA ex-President
Tim Sullivan flounders in a sea of democratic
Even though ECU students have made their
decision as to whom should be the number one SGA
executive officer, the side-tracked supporters oi
Sullivan continue to worship their fallen leader. The
latest effort to sabotage the nascent presidency of
Neil Sessoms is a campaign to petition for his recall.
Spearheaded by Tim McLejd, former Secretary of
Academic Affairs under Sullivan, and Ricky Price,
speaker of the SGA Legislature, this petition is said
to protest the University administration stepping in
this week to assure that Sessoms and Reed Warren,
recently elected SGA vice-president, were installed
at the annual SGA banquet.
What the petitioners are not saying is that
Sullivan's disciples in SGA and the Elections
Committee had conspired to keep Sessoms and
Warren from officially taking office. First, Sullivan's
friends in the Elections Committee, after the ballot
counting was over, tried to get Sessoms to agree to a
runoff even though there is no such stipulation in
either the Committee's bylaws or the SGA
Constitution. After that failed, Sullivan began
charging Sessoms with campaign violations and
asked his Attorney General, Karen Harloe, to call for
a run off. (Sullivan fired John Jones winter quarter
and replaced him with Harloe when rumors of an
embezzlement charge against the president began
circulating. Although a campaign supporter tor
Sullivan last year, Harloe did not disqualify herself
from prosecuting ,the case. Sullivan was acquitted.)
ThinKing Harloe's action gave her full authority to
act, Denise Violette, SGA banquet chairperson,
notified Warren on Saturday that he and Sessoms
would not be installed at the ceremony Monday
night. (Violette was Sullivan's campaign manager
this year.) With nowhere to turn in student
government for fair treatment, Sessoms and Warren
took their case to the administration. A hearing was
held Monday which included Harloe and Dr. David
Stevens, University attorney, and it was evident to
the administration that Suflrvan was using the
attorney general to perpetrate his trumped up
charges against Sessoms and Warren. The adminis-
tration gave the go ahead for their swearing in.
Now McLeod and especially Price are showing
their true colors. Instead of getting on with the
business of serving the students, the speaker of the
legislature is spending his time circulating this
In actuality, the petition should be directed
against Price himself for his bending of parliamen-
tary procedure, failing to supply all legislators with
copies of the legislature's bylaws and showing of
extreme favoritism with his committee selecting
powers. Not only did he appoint Violette as
chairperson of the Screenings and Appointments
Committee which in essence determines the
composition of the legislature with its high turnover
rate, Price also gave his fraternity brother, Craig
Hales, the chairmanship of the most important
committee in the legislature, Appropriations, the
committee that determines the budgets of all
SGA-funded organizations including FOUNTAIN-

xxxx- �
Misleading parking signs are confusing
What do you do about
misleading signs? It came to my
attention after receiving several
misleading tickets, (tickets which
stated unregistered vehicle, no
parking on grass) that students at
ECU could not park in the
Mendenhall Student Parking lot
between the hours 1a.m. and
8a.m. There are several signs
posteo in the parking lot, two
which say "Parking for Univer-
sity Registered Vehicles only
9a.m. to 1 00 a.m and others
which say "Parking For Univer-
sity Registered Vehicles Only
Just exactly which signs are we
students supposed to abide by? I
found out Thursday, March 24
only after going to the Traffic
office about my tickets. We are
only supposed to use the parking
lot between the hours of 9.00 a.m.
and 1 O0 a.m. This clearly illu-
strates a discrepancy by our
planner (Calder) in the allocations
of student parking services.
There are not enough parking
spaces presently to accommodate
all ECU students with university
registered vehicles (one of which
is mine). The parking lot is on the
ECU campus, so I ask this
question, "Why can't we use this
parking lot at all times?" It only
seems reasonable that we should
be able to use this parking lot. We
students are paying for this lot
and it's only going to waste
during the hours 1 a.m. to 8
Mr. Calder (Head of the
Traffic office) said Thursday that
we students were never supposed
to use this parking lot between
the hours of 1 a.m. and 8 a.m
but they did not start enforcing
this law until March 11, 1977. I
asked, "Then why weren't we
notified of this?" He stated,
"Thisisour way (giving tickets to
the students) of telling you At
the students' expense, we are
being notified.
Teresa Jean Davis
System uses Bosnick column
I am writing this letter to
inform the public of a system I
have found to be very effective in
using to decide which movies or
plays in Greenville are worth
seeing and those which are not.
This system incorporates the
use of David Bosnick's "Mar-
quee" column in FOUNTAIN-
HEAD. Here is how the svstem
works. If Mr. Bosnick praises a
film or play in his column do not
go see it for I have yet to see him
actually praise anything so there-
fore there must be something
wrong with it. If, on the other
hand, Mr. Bosnick runs down or
writes negatively about a film or
play then go see it because he has
always written bad reviews on
good movies and plays. In using
this system you can not go wrong
in choosing which movies or plays
to go to. Maybe now David
Bosnick's oolumn can be of some
good use to someone.
Horace Karl McFarland
Prof Farr gets College Bowl credit
As coaches of the 1977
ECU College Bowl team, we
would like to use this forum to call
to the University's attention the
fine representation given by their
team, directed by Professor
Marie Farr.
In state-wide competition taped
for T.V. (to be shown April 26 at
10:00 on UHF-25) this past
Friday, the team of Lynn Bay-
nard, Rob Benton, David Trevino
(captain) and John Yuhas handi-
ly disposed of a good team from
Davidson. ln the finals, the ECU
team lost by five points (115-110)
to the team from State in a match
which was decided literally on the
last question.
We wish to oommend these
students in their representation of
ECU in this competition. After
three monflte of hard practice,
this effqrt.jtalBrves public atten-
tion, and kdfre in which all ECU
students should take pride.
Jim Barnes, Robin Cox,
Wanda Edwards, Teresa Speight,
Don Staley, Monika Sutherland,
Kathy Whaley.

Bahais emphasize brotherhood of man
Production Manager
The Bahai faith, like other
religious groups believe in one
God and brotherhood of man. But
Bahais have a most unique way of
going about it.
"Bahais believe that all reli-
gion comes from God according
to Ludi Johnson, a Greenville
The faith was founded in
Persia in 1840 by the Bab (in
translation, The Gate) who de-
clared then that he was a
manifestation of Christ. The Bab
was executed in 1850.
But not before he was able to
introduce to the world his twin
brother Baha-ullah (Glory of
Baha-ullah declared his mani-
festation in 1863 and spent ever
40 years in prison because of it.
While in prison he wrote more
than 100 books.
This fact gives Bahais the
prestige of having the only
religion with all of its books
written in the hand of their
"We are also the first religion
with no clergy Johnson added.
"There is no need for an
intermediary. We are all teach-
In every city or community
where there are nine or more
Bahais, a Local Spiritual Assem-
bly of nine persons is elected by
all members.
Each year on April 21, the
Bahais meet electing the nine
who will represent them. From
these nine, one is selected to
represent the oommunity at the
nat onal election where nine
members are chosen to oversee
national workings.
Every five years, the nine
members of the Universal House
of Justice are chosen. These men
and women fill the void left by
Shogi Effendi.
Shogi Effendi died in 1957
without leaving offspring or nam-
ing a successor.
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Shogi Effendi was the last
single leader of the Bahais and he
received his authority from his
grandfather, Abdul Baha. Abdul
Baha is considered by Bahais to
have lived the perfect Bahai life.
Baha-ullah chose Abdul Baha,
his eldest son, fa all Bahais to
turn to upon his death.
The Bahai following is largest
in Iran, followed by India and
In Greenville, there are ap-
proximately 25 members, two of
whom are East Carolina Univer-
sity (ECU) students.
"When I first came to Green-
ville five years ago there were
practically no Bahais Johnson
explained. "We are now growing
and have very high hopes con-
oerning membership
The Bahai faith has members
in every country in the world,
even in the Falkland Islands,
according to Johnson.
Aside from believing in the
absolute brotherhood of man with
no racial or economic boundaries,
the Bahais advocate a world
"We are loyal to the UN.
IT's BEEN A LOOOONG day, says Lou Wengenroth.
Photoby Pete Podeszwa
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(United Nations) said Johnson.
"But no Bahai is allowed to run
for an office
Bahais cannot be affiliated
with a political party nor can they
vote in primaries.
"The primary purpose of the
Bahai faith is to build an ever
advancing civilization noted
Bahais neither drink alcohol
nor partake of illicit drugs. They
also oondemn all forms of super-
Bahais are not supposed to
work nine days of the year. They
have a total of 19 Feast Days.
Bahais fast during daylight
hours between March 2 and
March 19.
The Bahai year consists of 19
months of 19 days each. The
Bahai new year begins March 2
and the four extra days per year
fall directly before this day.
The Bahais meet regularly,
though not necessarily on Sun-
day. They have their meetings on
the first day of each Bahai month,
every Thursday and every Tues-
day evening.
Women students
to be honored
Each year for the past four
years ECU's Women's Residence
Council has sponsored a women's
awareness program.
This year the program has
been modified to an "Outstand-
ing Women Student program.
On Tuesday, April 19, 1977,
over 100 women students on
ECU'S campus will be honored by
an awards ceremony and a
reception in Mendenhall Student
Theater and multi-purpose room.
The guest speaker is Lynn
Mack from Winston Salem, N.C.
Mack is Director of Resident Life
at Wake Faest University.
Mrs. Leo Jenkins, whom the
program is in honor of, will also
be among the guests.
Surrie Farmer, a junior voice
major from Gum Spring, Virginia,
will do a feature solo at the
Letters were sent out to the
departments on campus, who in
return selected who they thought
was the outstanding woman stu-
dent in that department.

Page6 FOUNTAINHEAD 7 April 1977
Stevie Nicks, a love
Interview by Brandon Tise
$ ' nal oart ot the two part
v h s SSTeve Ntcks. The
r e Nicks was in
SDOUt tne c5i
'en we did that. We
we were still
ss all at the same
i a song evervday?
ish to the piano or
� It doesn t have
'�ented or anything.
FOUNTAINHEAD; What was your immediate reaction
- u and Lindspy auditioned your songsfor Lou Adler
(President of Ode Records) in the Buckingham-Nicks days
i ' i of a sudden were outside the door again7
Nicks Crushed and embarrassed. He barely had the time
;ten to three songs. We loaded our equipment m there
� were all totally nervous and he was just totally
t oioe turns cold and ft was just a bummer.
INTAINHEAD; Do you have a tot of respect for the
L A industry in view of events like that '
- � I give them the respect that they should have.
that's rt . i tot ot respect and sometimes
� i cf at a I don't involve myself in the music
� � .� much. I don't involve myself with music
I "(.pie m rock and roll very much. I stay pretty
much to myself.
FOUNTAINHEAD, The years before you 'made it" you
situations like Lou Adler didn't you7
Nicks es, but I guess that was necessary. It had to
happen. . Nobody just walks into L.A. and is just a star.
Anybody that is successful ail you have to do is just
Chech back over the years and you'll find out that they
didn't just have instant success.
FOUNTAINHEAD: Are there any other Buckingham-
Nicks period songs, like Crystal which will be on future
� eetwood Mac albums9
don't like to go back. To me those songs are
already recorded At some point, way in the future if ' ever
� ng, I think I'd probably re-record 'Long
� �'� nnet because I know that could be
I a i and it could be a real killer song on
' r as going back, anytime you take a Llaue
with an old song you've lost a place tor
.� and when there are three writers in a band.
three or four openings anyway When you
red songs and you have to pick three, and
one o your pi � taken by an old song I would much
Wi T'�' ythey feel iare ikear 11. chc?CO� i � back to
t CQUlrihpSY)FTuch tlettt.H'USt know that
reacouple of That song i mean 1
ean inai jusj uoweo oui i nai
body. I sijppose ' 1 Out me and
But that. was written m about ten
just re?y fast :nd 1 didn t stop to (tieck it
knsw it was gotig to be done really fast and 1
' � ' :p ind' begiiilyzing it o fust finished - : : . lUld Kill J (Ot 0J
Hh.) vV 1Gold Dust Woman about? and also about some things d in the choruses 1 was id n a the middle of the ���� �� Mountain, very ' � � thing at the end
mitti ifeep , � �.� i Weft, f used to , amel, it s a . ' . going to get up and walk before1 HUM' HJHS t,ime out 1

fey woman in motion
7 April 1977 FOUNTAINS mD Page 7
iust want to continue to
have people to say, yes, I
understand I've been
there It helps me, that
makes me feel a little better
to know that they've been
there too
Photos by Jimmy Williams
wanted to add some singing on the end of "Gold Dust
Woman and I iust walked out and they said do what you
want and they turned on the mike and I just started singing
and that's what came out. That was never written down or
anything and I finally realized that that came from the
mountain. It was very "dragonesque, almost a year after
" - �� ; a i Mitten which I thought was very strange i
lloti �' pain when I wrote that song and it was right
after the four month tour which was over a year ago and I
was realty really sick and I was up all night. I couldn t
sleep. You can hear a lot of that in it. there s a tot of pain m
G )ld Oust Woman
FOUNTAINHEAD: ts there a certain time of day whei � .
write best? rh
Nicks. I like to
write m ih( i �
and write
which , .�. .�
Nicks: No, I
of the night?
( late. Whicti doesn't mean I don't
ust means I love to sit up alt night
II AD: Are there any goals or directions in
ould like to take your writing?
- it want to continue to feel enough to be able
to put emotions down on paper and not be trite or
contrived or try to be a big message" person. I just want
to continue to have people say "Yes, I understand: I've
been there It helps me, that makes me feel a little better
to know that they've been there too. I don't really care
about changing that much Of course I'd like to get better
but I think that it gets better if you keep doing it. I never
quit, so it has to get better, you get more professional, you
learn more chords, you read more, you just become more
educated as you go along, and things keep happening to
give me ideas fa � ngs So if everybody gets ten
)k tor anything because I
find it So i just sort of wait .
dropped into my lap every once ar
? about Things to write abc , f
jood it 'or me
fount AiNHEAD Do you fa , need a good
li �iptu ai - kdii (�
- Well, sometimes. Anything that teaches . i
something. And if I wasn't happy in it then I wouic ; I
but it would be a challenge to try to write music for
something that was happening instead of something that
was happening to me.
FOUNTAINHEAD. What do you do when you ve nil a d.r$
spell and everything you try to write seems contrived
Nicks I stop and it has happened. I iust stop writing for a
month or two completely and I dor f fake an instrument
with me anywhere I don t even try to write lyrics I just
completely Quit Then I always know when the right time
to start again is and then everything sounds different
FOUNTAINHEAD After a dry spell do i I i '�"���
Nicks Probat , � . � ah intei
FOUNTAINHEAD' how are Rhiannor and
tO take thB
jo at u "�'�, � on ft
rje-ego it and be ar.
r rifftnitfl u f Ci
lylCnS "
aroui ' ;
would truly do tor son
� wouidn t necessa
because i woula be gn
nked the story. I could
story and write from th
;� � becau ethat
vould be ���
that's how i 'aj'
"i& fron�ea
f- ana therrea
a us? stnk in.

that have gone out
different I ali s&
looked realty
u snop
V , �' k
time p& oo :iv are mterrelafeo
timg television or
� ' ive tmp

Page 8 FOUNTAINHEAD 7 April 1977
'Hedda Gabter'performed with many flaws
Staff Writer
Ibsen as a playwright often
reads better than he actually
performs. One major criticism of
his work is that his characters
tend to stand and think, rather
than move about. Ibsen's players
come to realizations painfully and
never animatedly. Intelligent
cropping of his work is a neces-
sity. Despite the flaws, Ibsen's
works are important state-
ments and, though opaque at
points, they lend themselves to
interpretation. There is an es-
sence to his plays.
This play is not "Hedda
Gabler It is a flaccid attempt at
recreating Ibsen's work, but the
epitome of Hedda Gabler as
a statement, or woman, never
appears onstage. This ECU pro-
duction of "Hedda Gabler is to
the original, what the Good News
Bible is to the Dead Sea Scrolls.
There is no depth in the produc-
Hedda as a woman is intended
to be strong, tempestuous, and
cruel. She is a woman obsessed
by the strengths and weaknesses
of others. She is the embodiment
of a woman who is trapped by her
role. She is manipulative and
even evil, but she is never
hysterical, or satanic. Those are
surface interpretations. They re-
move from her character the
strength of Ibsen's intent. The
ECU production, with poorly
conceived and elementary script
additions, cannot support the
vacuous performance of the lead
character. The show evolves into
a mere Gothic pantomime.
The action of the play, (what
there is of it) revolves around
Hedda's husband and family.
Hedda, desperate for life and the
vitality that men can be a part of,
intends to drag her husband to
prominence. The tragedies occur
as people and memories become
The play opens with the
bumbling husband, George
(Rodney Freeze), and � his aunt
Julia (Hazel Stapleton), settinr
the stage fa the entrance of
Hedda. All of the dialogue is
intended to set personalities and
situations. It is presented in such
a way that Hedda surfaces as the
motivating force. The initial ap-
pearance of Hedda should be
electric, staged, but not posed.
Hedda is a clenched fist of a
woman and the first ten seconds
of her appearance set the level of
intensity of the performance.
Every facet of the play revolves
around the emotions that Hedda
(Barbara G. Richardson) can
evoke and inspire. The production
wilts at the outset.
Barbara G. Richardson as
Hedda has no concept of emotive
acting. She is a seasoned perfor-
mer, but there is no substance to
her role. She evokes no empathy
from the audience. She gives the
audience nothing, and in her most
expressive and desperate scenes,
she is merely comic. Hers is a
performance of poses and
screams, with the essential vita-
lity of laundry detergent. She is
an intelligently animated manne-
quin and her performances taint
the entire production with insin-
George Tesman (Rodney
Blaine Freeze) is the best of this
poorly motivated cast. The por-
trayal of the bumbling husband is
consistent, and while there is
more depth to Tesman the
husband than Mr. Freeze ex-
presses, it is a solid, if uncreative
performance. The remainder of
the cast does not do as well. Berte
(Roberta Fountain) appears more
as the victim of a hand skin
disease than a maid. One can
portray anxiety without the con-
stant whining and handwringing
Miss Fountain deemed neces-
sary. In an uncomplicated part,
her portrayal was sophomoric.
Aunt Julia (Hazel Stapleton)
was adequate as the aunt. She
seemed unable to convince the
audience that she was capable of
joy or anger, but it is to her credit
that she did not strain at the
bonds of her lines. She was
convincingly old.
Mrs. Elvstead (Shauna Hol-
mes) was a representative perfor-
mance of the entire cast. Until she
was called upon to stray from
mere recitation, her performance
was palatable. When a transition
was necessary, a when she was
intended to create emotion, her
lines became breathy and weak
and her considerable stage pre-
sence was destroyed. She closed
as a bag of audible cloth.
Judge Brack (John Robbins)
and Eilert Lovborg (Martin
Thompson) did nothing for their
roles. They started their lines, yet
there was no ring of personality.
They were void and stunted.
Robbins seemed uncomfortable
when onstage with Hedda, and he
often swallowed his lines. The
best that can be said for them is
that they did not physically injure
themselves while performing.
A disappointingly poor aspect
of this production is the ridiculous
stage. It is cluttered and showy;
tables appear and invisible pianos
are made audible. The stage is
designed to be cosmetically im-
pressive, yet it's poor design
necessitates the numerous inter-
missions. It is gaudy, and there
are far too many needless wall
ornaments. It is these ornaments
that render useless an .mportant
symbol of the play.
The painting of General Gab-
ler is lost in a background of
drapes and couches. It is center
stage, but is a full 30 feet from the
actual animation of the players. It
is intended to appear as if it is
brooding over the house, yet it is
lost in the shuffle of curtains and
flowers. It is the image of her
father in her memory that is
responsible for much of Hedda's
actions. It is the reason she
dislikes the idea of being part of
another family. It is why she calls
her husband "Tesman indica-
ting that it is merely his last
name. It is part of her intensity
fa pistols. All of this is lost, due
to poa design.
This is perhaps the wast
dialogue possible fa this play.
Many of the concepts Ibsen hints
at are blatantly stated. In that
blatancy they lose all of their
incisiveness. The constant expli-
cation of motive and question
removes all suspense from the
end. One can dictate not merely
that Hedda is going to shoot
herself, but where, and how.
This reviewer does not know
who wrote the explicatay lines
placed in the script, but that is not
important. The directa saw fit to
use them in a play that is
tenuously balanced and could
scarcely have suppated additiai-
al weight. It could not and did
There is beauty in Ibsen's
work. This is evident when one
reads his play. I suggest that one
read " Hedda Gabler" and let this
junia high school presentation
run its course; unattended.
Progressive band topay on April 19
Happy the Man to perform on ECU Mall
In conjunction with the First Annual International
Moon Pie Festival, the Student Union Special Entertain-
ment Committee is sponsaing a concert by HAPPY THE
MAN. This new Arista Recads recording group will
appear on the University Mall on April 19, at 8:00 p.m.
There is no admission charge.
HAPPY THE MAN is a youthful five-man band from
the Washington, D.C. area. Stressing originality, the only
music perfamed by the band is that written and arranged
by the members themselves. The music is highlighted by
an elabaate array of percussion items including bells,
whistles, chimes, squeakers, and squawkers.
A variety of unique keyboard sounds is also used to
augment the band's achestratioi including a Hammoid
B-3agan, Fender Rhodes piano, Mini-moog Synthesizer,
ARP String Ensemble and Hohner Clavinet. Completing
the instrumental lineup is guitar, bass, electric and
acoustic saxophone, flute and recader.
Numerous special effect pedals and devices are
incapaated to refine the musical texture to a sound
unique in its own right. Influences are both European,
American, progressive, rock, classical, progressive jazz,
and acoustic.
Having recently begun their Southern tour, HAPPY
THE MAN has received outstanding reviews. Playing at
UNC-Chapel Hill, The DAILY TARHEEL stated: "At
times they were like PINK FLOYD with a great deal mae
musicianship, and oi other occasions reached peaks of
intensity na unlike the aiginal MAHAVISHNU ORCHES-
TRA Playing at the University of Virginia, the band was
compared to the group GENESIS.
Besides the five musicians, the band offers a special
effects lighting aew who wak in conjunction with the
music to visually reproduce the musical famat. Each song
is given special individual treatment, resulting in
substantially mae than merely a light show.
In case of inclement weather, the April 19 concert will
be held ir, Wright Auditaium.
HAPPY THE MAN, a relatively unknown band,
will perform on the Mall at 8.W, on April 19.

7 April 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 9
New music for country fanatics
latest LP
Staff Writer
Nearly two years since his last
studio album, Jesse Colin Young
has finally come up with enough
new tunes to warrant the release
of a new album, Love On The
Wing, but even so he seems to
have been a little rushed for time.
Pictured on the cover photo
cyding with his wife on the
Monterey Peninsula, Young
seems to be totally caught up in
hisCalifornian traveling musician
lifestyle. However, Jesse Colin
Young has been around for quite
a long time, and it seems as
though his music as well as his
lifestyle are beginning to show
signs of wear.
Beginning in the sixties with
his group the Youngbloods,
Young became an integral part of
the pop music scene with the
unforgettable "Sunlight" and the
Woodstock generation theme
song "Get Together However
with the consequent termination
of that group in the early 70's
Young decided to strike out on
his own. After an initial solo
attempt that was weak and
confused, he released Song For
Juli in 1973 that brought with it
the beautiful title cut and the
Young concert classic "Ridge-
top Young had the most
definitely created and avid fol-
lowing with this LP, and deser-
vingly so for it was and remains to
be one of the best things he has
ever done. Lass than a year later
Light Shine was released, and
while not as solid as Juli, it did
contain the brilliantly structured
"California Suite" and proved
that his success was not just a
flash in the pan.
Then came Songbird, and
then came our first inklings of one
sided, namely the first side which
flaunted the jazzy "Songbird"
and the delicate "Josianne
However Young's style seemed to
be slipping from his acoustic ;tzz
oriented methods to a more
country flavored, straight rhyth-
mic style. Still, Young's popular-
ity continued to grow, for his old
fans remained faithful, and his
new sound widened his scope and
increased his audience. Young
then went on an extended tour
culminating with the release of a
live album, On The Road. This
album showed nothing new, and
to most true fans was an
extremely boring and hollow
rendition of some earlier Young
Now, with all of these prece-
dents, Young seems as though he
is not exactly sure where he is
heading. Not only does Jesse's
music seem directionless, but in
Love On The Wing he seems to
have fallen into the "include your
wife in the act, even if she is tone
deaf" syndrome, the very same
one that haunts the music of Paul
McCartney. On this album, the
songs vary so much in style that
the pace and image are continu-
ously being broken, giving the
overall performance a very seg-
mented sound. Contrary to the
Young tradition, there are no
standouts on this LP leaving the
listener with a mediocre rendition
of Hank Williams' "Hey Good
Lookin" and an average Young
tune, "Higher and Higher" to
remember the album by. On the
brighter side, Jim Rothermel on
the woodwinds, continues to be
the most original and consistent
of the musicians, while Young's
soothing tenor voice still seems to
contain the qualities that brought
him popularity in the first place.
Felix Pappalardi's production,
Thur. Apr. 7
Super Grit
Fri & Sat. Apr. 8 & 9
Mon. & Tues.
Apr. 18 & 19
Wed. Apr. 20
Brice Street
April 7th
Mother's Finest
April 21 st
Archie Bell and
the Drells
while weak in spots, is adequate,
leaving the major failures of the
album as Jesse's own fault. His
weaker songwriting, redundant
lyrics, and confused style is
bound to lose him some fans.
Let's hope it's just a phase.
Parton LP
Staff Writer
The time has come at last for
me to come out of the doset and
admit the unthinkable: I am a
rabid Dolly Parton fan. I tried my
best to hide it, but after hearing
her new album "New Harvest-
First Gathering" I feel compelled
to bare everything.
This album represents a con-
scious move towards a more
diversified audience. Hardly an
attempt to cash in on the
popularity of performers such as
Linda Ronstadt, it is instead a
testament to the versatility of Ms.
Parton. With materiai ranging
from the bluegrass tinged
"Applejack" and the hymn
"There" to the old Smokey
Robinson standard, "My Girl
she hits paydirt, that only the
most prejudiced listener can
deny. Even more so than the
material itself, there is that one
and only Parton voice, as high
and pure as the Appalachians.
Parton has moved from the
pure country of her Porter
Aagoner days to a more sophist i-
ated sound better suited to her
rtistry. As she says in "Light of
Clear Blue Morning
It's been a long, long time
since I've known the taste of
freedom; Those clinging vines
had me down; Well, I don't need
'em; I've been like a captured
eagle; You know, an eagle's born
to fly; Now that I've won my
freedom, I ike an eagle; I am eager
for the sky.
Space here does not permit
the discussion of each track to the
depth it deserves. Suffice it to say
that there isn't a single song that
isn't a minor masterpiece, and
most are much more than minor.
She sings of old mountain men
("Applejack"), faded beauties
("Where Beauty Lives in Mem-
ory with its haunting refrain),
and Heaven ("There"); songs of
freedom ("Light of a Gear Blue
Morning") and entrapment
("Getting in My Way "Holding
on to You"). There isn't an eat
shit barnyard country bass line to
be found, and "Higher and
Higher" and "Gettina in my
Way positively rock the Linda
Ronstadt dreams about.
The hand of Parton is every-
where. She wrote all but two of
the songs, arranged, and pro-
duced the album. Her arrange-
ments could be used in a course
on "The Proper and Subtle Way
to Use a String Section And
who ever heard of congas on a
"country" song?! It boils down to
a simple statement: If you like
country rock of the Ronstadt,
Emmylou Harris variety, multiply
by five and buy this album.
Open 24 Hours N�
Graanvillt: 514 E Mth Straat, Wataufa St Pactolus Hwy, 10th ft Evans Sts. Wilson Straat Mi Farmvilla


Page 10 FOUNTAINHEAD 7 April 1977
for sale
FOR SALE: 12" X 60" trailer,
unfurnished- 2 air cond. gas
heat, double sinks in bathroom,
plus washer & dryer. 2 bed-
room, call 752-9432 ask Mr.
Henderson after 600 p.m.
Alice. 757-6366 (9-5 weekdays).
NEED AVON?: To buy or sell.
Call 758-8705.
FOR SALE: Genuine Izod shirts
by Le Coste. $5.00 below retail.
All colors and sizes - unlimited
quantities. This is for real.
Contact Bob at 752-9291 after 5.
FOR SALE: One year old Yamaha
FG-160 Acoustic guitar like new-
508 E. 1st Apt. 4 $85.00.
FOR SALE: 1976 Mustang II
Ghia 11,500 miles, 4 speed, V-6
motor, AMFM stereo radio, 8
track tape deck, silver with
cranberry interior. First class
automobile. $5200.00 Call
1-592-6893 a 752-8151.
FOR SALE: 1970 Fiat 124
Special 4 door, straight drive.
Real good around town trans-
portation. $375.00. Call 1-592-
6893 or 752-8151.
FOR SALE: 1 Epiphone Acous-
tic guitar with hard case,
excellent cond. $100.00. Also 1
good beginners guitar. Contact
758-1382 or leave a message.
Will be glad to demonstrate
FOR SALE: 1975 Yamaha 500,
DOHC, low mileage, crash bar,
sissy bar, luggage straps. Ser-
ious inquiries only. $1100.00
757-6352 call between 8-5 and
ask for Bonnie.
FOR SALE: Need a truck and a
car? Buy this one vehicle and
you will have both. 68 model
Oldsmobile. Call 758-0603 $250.
firm. Ask for John.
YARDSALE: 1901 Fairview Way
off Greenville Blvd. 10-3 Saturday
(clothes, motorcycles, pool table
& lots of other things).
FOR SALE: Fender Princeton
amplifier. $150. Write Box 3067,
Greenville, or call 1-823-3332.
FOR SELL: Uniforms, and lab
coats for nursing students. 2 un-
iforms and a lab coat for $125.
Like new. Sizes: 11-12 and 14-16.
See Linda Rm. 254 Umstead or
Marilyn Rm. 256 Umstead or call
758-2617 after 5 p.m.
FOR SALE: Marathon "C" Flute.
Good condition, good price. Call
FOR SALE: A two-seated sofa.
Good oondition-$20.00. Call 758-
FOR SALE: Custom 250 Base
amplifier-$500. Gibson E-B-0
Base guitar-$150. Yamaha F-g-
140 Acoustic guitar-$60. Call
752-0998, ask for Steve.
FOR SALE: One twin size
box-springs. $20.00 Call 758-
rates. 756-1921.
FOR SALE: Fender Bassman iu
amplifier 110 watts RMS very
little use. Good fa guitar, bass,
electric piano. Call 758-7670
after 6 O0 p.m.
FOR SALE: 1972 Firebird, vinyl
top, AC, PS, auto, stereo. A-1
condition. Call 946-3691 after 6.
FOR SALE: 71 Fiat 850 Sport
$1350 a best offer. 752-2880.
FOR SALE: Ovation left-handed
guitar. Sunburst cola, 3 maiths
old like new, bought fa $325 will
sell fa $250 & suede case fa $30.
Call Kerwin, 758-7628.
FOR SALE: 1969 AMC Station
Wagon, power steering, auto-
matic transmission, radio. Must
sell. Asking $450. 752-9243
EUROPE : No-frills student-
teacher charter flights Global
Travel. 521 Fifth Ave. New Yak
N.Y. 10017(212)379-3532.
FOR SALE: Tennis Equipment-
1 Wilson Aluminum racquet-T
2000 wcover $25.00
8837 after 500.
FOR SALE: Pair Omega flcor
model stereo speakers; 3 ft.
columns; 50 watts RMS max;
50-18,000 h2; $159.95 each new,
will sell both fa $250. Less than
2weeksold. Call Allen 752-9887
after 550.
FOR SALE: 10 speed Ccftina-$40.
Call 758-2599.
FOR SALE: '72 Mazda p�jvuK.
Camper top, new tees & paint,
low mileage, very clean. M ust see
to appreciate. 756-0267.
FOR SALE: Kay Triple pick-up
electric guitar & amp, case
included $75.00a best offer. Call
Buddy at 756-4916.
FOR SALE: Brand new one pair
AVID 103. 3 Way floa speakers.
$178.00 apiece will sell fa $300 a
pair. 150 watt max. Call 758-8988,
ask fa Susan a Mike.
FOR SALE: '69 VW bus, fair
coiditioi fa $1100. Call 758-0250
after 5 p.m.
FOR SALE: '71 Toyota, 4 speed;
air; 8-track; 74,000 miles - good
oonditioi, needs clutch. $650.00
firm. Call 752-5619.
FOR SALE: Roth Stradivarius
moden 34-size violin. Excellent
condition. Contact Brooks at
FOR SALE: 1970 Toyota Caona
Mark II Sta. Wagon, air, auto-
matic, good coidition. $400 below
retail. $1095. Call 756-7059 after-
noons and evenings.
FOR SALE: A pair of Utch
speakers for about $45, call
758-5806, ask fa Tan.
8837 after 5 p.m.
TYPING: 75 cents per page. Call
�Debra Parrington, 756-6031
days, and 752-2508 nights.
FOR SALE: 3 miniature female
AKC Dachshund jppies Red-
dish-Brown, shots, 747-2446,
Snow Hill.
KOR SALE: Silver rings, phone
Roxanne at 752-8694. Or phone
Crafts Center in Mendenhall and
leave message.
FOR SALE: Sofa & Matching
chair, good condition, both fa
$60.00. Also, rocker fa $15.00.
Call 752-8011.
FOR SALE: 1974 750cc Suzum.
Mint caiditiai, new: paint, tires,
chain, etc. $1200.00. Call 752-
1442 ask fa David.
FOR SALE: 8-track-cassette-
reel to reel-can completely erase
fa rereoad fa 25 cents ea. Call
758-8216 after 11O0p.m.
FOR SALE: Sanyo 8 track, AM,
FM stereo $65. Call 758-6216
after 11 00 p.m. 8-t rack-cassette
reel to reel-can completely erase
fa rerecad fa 25 cents ea.
FOR SALE: AKC Registered
Golden Retriever weeks old-all
shots given-752-1015.
FOR SALE: 1966 Buick Station
Wagon. Call Alice, 757-6366, 9 to
5 weekdays.
FOR SALE: stereo - Four Star
receiver with AMFM and tape
deck, 2 speakers MC-500's
Realistic, turntable cueing realist-
ic Lab 12C, 1 pair of Realistic
headphones. Total $125. Call
Mark - 752-9258.
FOR SALE: Do you often wish
your Triumph Spitfire had a
hardtop to go along with its
convertible roof? Well, your
dream can now come true; Alan
has a white top that will fit any
Spitfire of any year and he's got it
waiting fa YOU. Call him as fast
as you can at 756-6273 fa mae
FOR SALE: Schwinn World
Traveller 10-speed bicycle. In
excellent condition, including
lights, tool kit and lock. Fa $95.
Call 752-4434.
FOR SALE: Brand new Takara
10-speed bike, never ridden. C ill
John O'Neal at 756-4136. Best
reasonable offer.
FOR SALE: 1975 TR-6 (Triumph)
one owner-excellent oonditioi call
Lindsay Overton. 756-4900
(Home) a 757-6589 (office).
FOR SALE: Pioneer SX-939
AMFM stereo receiver. 70 w per
channel RMS at under 0.3 percent
harmonic distatioi. Still under
warranty. Call 758-8678.
FOR SALE: '62 Comet, 6 cylin-
der, good conditiai $150.00 a
best offer. If interested call
FOR SALE: By aiginal owner,
1972 Chevrolet Impala, 4-dcor
hardtop, PWR steeringbrakes,
air conditioning, almost new
radial tires, 57,000 miles. Call
756-3717 after 600 nm
YARD SALE: TV! Plants! End
Table! Golf Clubs and Cart-very
cheap! Lets of toys fa Easter
joys! Clothes! Albums! Glasses!
Jewelry and lots mae! 2301 E.
10th St. April Sat. 9 from 10.00 til
FOR SALE: Schwinn 10 speed
bicycle. One year old, but like
new. Fa details call 758-7486.
FOR SALE: 71 VW bus. FM
stereo, engine in excellent condi-
tion, front end needs work
$500.00 firm. Call 752-5325 after
6.O0, ask for Kevin.
large 2 bedroom apt. 2 blocks
from campus. Call 758-9655
NEEDED: Private room fa fe-
male student. Peaceful atmos-
phere-summer and possibly fall.
Call 752-8250.
FOR RENT: 1 & 2 bedroom
apartments, located on Cross St.
Newly renovated and new ap-
pliances. Call 752-4154
FOR RENT: Private room, air
conditioned, summer a fall, 4
blocks from campus. 752-4006
after 1 O0 p.m.
WANTED: Female roommate fa
now a summer. Must desire
good times. Call 752-6090. Ask
fa Nancy.
NEEDED: Male roommate to
share two bedroom apt. at
Eastbrook fa the summer. Pay
half rent and utilities. Call
NEEDED: Roommate fa Green-
way apts. 2 br. - $88 per mo.
Contat Joe Grimes Apt. 20 after 4
NEEDED desperately: The help
of anyone presently renting a 2 a
3 bedroom house, but who will
vacate in May a June. Prefer
rent to be about $100. Please call
Pam at 752-6856 a 756-5190.
FOR RENT: 2 bedroom town-
houses across street from
campus. One immediate vacancy
and one June 1st. Call 758-7022.
male preferred) to share an
Apartment or House, living
expenses, and good times start-
ing this June '77 in CHAPEL
HILL. Interested? Please call
Kim Sue at 758-1390.
FOR RENT: One female room-
mate needed to share 2 bedroom
apartment at College View. You
will have your own bedroom and
can move in on May 1. Rent is
$50.00 a month, plus half of
utilities. Fa mae info call Laurie
at 752-6963.
NEtDED: 4 female roommates-
June 1. 758-8452.
room duplex. $50.00 plus 12
utilities. Pets o.k. Call 752-5170
after 9 p.m. a 757-6736 (9-5) a
cane by F-420.
FOR RENT: Mobile home 10x55
completely furnished, air con-
ditioned and carpeted. $120.00
per mo. Call 758-3748.
ourv.fv'icR HtiNi . braoudte stu-
uem seeks a couple oi roonmates
the summer in completely
;urrushed apt. obb mo. plus 13
oi utilities. Od t jo4o.
LOST: 1 girl who is blind
without her glasses-someone
picked up a navy blue hooded
sweatshirt a oouple of Saturdays
ago at the Jolly Roger that had
a pair of rose colaed Glaia
Vanderbilt glasses-l have a navy
hooded sweatshirt that's too
big-PL�ASE oontad Janet Pope
423 Tyler-758-9670. $10.00
LOST: Brown leather wallet,
$5.00 reward. Richard Smith. Call
LOST: A pair of brown framed
glasses-they are in an aange,
black-lined case. Need them back
desperately. Call Lisa, 758-5066
after 6O0. Reward.
LOST: Set of keys, brown flap on
key ring with (Leo) emblem. $5.00
rewad! Call Johnny, 752-1442.
LOST glasses, brown case. $10
reward. 758-8895 after 5 p.m.
Austin - Bid.
LOST: Set of keys on a leather
strap somewhere on campus.
FOUND: Girl's ring, if you have
lost one, Call 752-2029 and ask fa
Ginny a leave message. If I'm
not there, leave desaiption and
phoie number
(personal (J
ASTROLOGY: Astrological charts
professionally and accurately con-
structed. Call 756-0201 between
6-8 p.m.
EARN $2,500 this summer. Fa
job interview come by 130 Rawl
tonight at 6 p.m. Relocate fa
Canplete house cleaning weekly,
laundry service also available
slightly extra. Contact Cindy
WANTED: Part time attendant
to assist handicap student during
summer school of '77. $360.
758-8286, Buzzy Pierce.
Drive or Myrtle Beach area.
Leaving Fri. maning April 8.
752-8037. Returning AdtjI 17
NEEDED: Organist fa Episcopal
Church Service in Washington,
N.C. Contact Mrs. A. C. Bonner.
Call befae 930 a.m. 946-0038.
Tues. Thurs. afternoon 6:30-
WANTED: Full time News Edita
fa weekly paper, The Standard
Laconic, in Snow Hill-Call
747-3883, Snow Hill.
and socialize at only $10month!
Call 752-5214. Classes beginning
in April.

7 April 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 11
Tenth straight win
Pirates now 17-6
Dismal day for
netters, lose to
High Point,7-2
Staff Writer
The play of senior Mitch
Pergerson was the only highlight
of an otherwise dismal day for the
ECU tennis team Wednesday.
He garnered the only two Pirate
points as the team lost a 7-2
decision to High Point College at
home. Pergerson, playing num-
ber four singles, defeated HPC's
Burgess 3-6, 6-3, 6-2. He then
teamed with Jim Ratliff, at
number three doubles, and took a
6-3, 1-6, 7-5 victory.
Following the match, Pirate
coach Randy Randolph remarked
They were ready for us and we
weren't ready for them. Mitch
played very well, but everyone
else played only so-so
The loss puts the Pirates at 5-7
on the year. They are 0-2 in
conference play.
The Bucs close out the week
with two home matches. On
Thursday Campbell College faces
ECU, and the Pirates face Guil-
ford College Saturday. ECU de-
feated both teams earlier in the
year, and we are looking for vic-
tories in both matches.
High Point 7
Jeff Apperson (HP) d. Tom
Durfee(ECU)6-2, 6-4
Jon Fitzmaurice (HP) d. Jim
Ratliff (ECU) 6-7, 6-1,7-5
Chris Brown (HP) d. Doug
Getsinger (ECU) 6-4, 6-4
Mitch Pergerson (ECU) d. David
Burgess (HP) 3-6, 6-3,6-2
Kendall Hardy (HP) d. Henry
Hostetler- (ECU) 6-7, 7-6, 6-4
Lane Evand (HP) d. Kenny Love
(ECU) 6-4, 6-2
Apperson- Fitzmaurice? (HP) d.
Durfee-Getsinger (ECU) 6-3, 6-3
Steve Sharaman-Burgess (HP) d.
Moton-Murad (ECU) 6-4, 7-5
Pergerson-Ratliff (ECU) d.
Hardy-Layton (HP) 6-3, 1-6, 7-5
Assistant Sports Editor
East Carolina continued its
winning ways Monday and Tues-
day, sweeping two games from
Campbell College and one from
UNC-Wilmington, breaking two
school records in the process.
Tuesday's victory over UNC-
W gave the Pirates their tenth
straight win, bettering the old
mark of nine straight set by the
1967 and 1976 teams.
The speedy Bucs also shatter-
ed the stolen base record set by
that 1967 team, which was 57
steals in 29 games. The Pirates,
led by speedster Eddie Gates, have
already stolen 60 bases in 23
With 18 games still to plav.
it seems a cinch for Monte Little's
Pirates to break new records.
Checking the action over the
past two days the fighting Camels
of Campbell College were the
visitors Monday for an afternoon
The Camels took a 2-0 lead in
the first inning of the first game,
but Pirate starter Terry Durham,
now 3-1, settled down and
allowed only one more run in the
remainder of the game.
The Pirates, meanwhile, sco-
red in the first as Sonny Wooten' s
sacrifice fly to center field scored
second baseman Pete Paradossi.
In the third, the Pirates added
three more runs, all of them
unearned, to take a-4-2 lead.
In the fourth inning, ECU
scored again as Robert Brinkley
singled, and promptly stole se-
cond. Following Charlie Stevens'
infield single, Jerry Carraway
sacrificed Brinkley in with a long
fly to center field.
Campbell managed another
run in the seventh to round out
the final score at 6-3.
In the second game, the
Pirates took first blood in the
third inning as Billy Best scored
Charlie Stevens on a fielder's
Campbell tied it in the fifth,
but the Pirates came storming
back. Jerry Carraway singled to
left, who was followed up with
Raymie Styons singling to right.
Charlie Stevens came in to run
for Styons and was promptly
advanced by Billy Best's single to
center. Finally, Eddie Gates
stung a line-drive to left that
scored both Best and Stevens to
give the Pirates a 4-1 lead.
Campbell managed one final
run in the sixth, but to no avail as
Larry Daughtridge hung on for
his third win of the year, 4-2.
On Tuesday, the Pirates tra-
veled to Wilmington to face the
strong UNC-W Seahawks. The
home team took a 1-0 edge in the
second inning before the Bucs
went to work.
In the top of the third, Charlie
Stevens and Jerry Carraway both
singled, then were advanced a
base when Eddie Gates loaded
the bases with a bunt single.
Robert Wooten slammed a fourth,
single to right-field, scoring both
Stevens and Carraway. An at-
tempted throw to get Carraway at
the plate vas wild, and Eddie
Gates almost walked in from third
to give ECU a 3-1 lead.
The Seahawks, however, pick-
ed up one in their half of the
third, and two in the fourth,
giving them a 4-3 edge.
It was time for the Pirates to
oome through in the clutch again.
In the top of the seventh,
playmaker Charlie Stevens walk-
ed. Carraway then singled his
way on and Paradossi bunted to
move the runners around.
The UNC-W pitcher fumbled
the ball on the attempted sacrif ice
and Paradossi was on, loading the
Billy Best then sacrificed
Stevens in, tying the game at 4-4.
Eddie Gates was walked,
loading the baseband setting up
the double play. Sonny Wooten
foiled the plan though, as he
slashed a skimming single to
right to score Carraway.
Bobby Supple then forced an
error at first base to let Paradossi
slip in with the Pirates' sixth run.
Pete Conaty started the game
for the Pirates, but was relieved
after 3 and 13 innings by Mickey
Britt who was credited with the
win in relief; his fifth of the
Now 17-6, the Pirates are idle
until the 9th, when they' re on the
road to Davidson.
Campbell 200 0001-3
ECU 103 101 X-6
Campbell 000 011 0-2
ECU 001 030 X-4
ECU 003 000 300-6
UNC-W 101 200 000-4
IMC's no. 2 triple jumper
Mclntyre sets goals and surpasses them
Some people set their goals
too high to reach. Some people
set their goals to where they can
break them and set new ones.
Herman Mclntyre, the state's
second best triple jumper in
history, falls into the latter
The sophomore on the East
Carolina track team set a goal of
50 feet in the triple jump at the
start of the indoor season. He was
bothered by a heel injury all
during his freshman year and
oould do no better than 49'7
"I didn't want to set my goals
too high the slender athlete
from Laurinburg said. "I didn't
want to keep getting disappointed
if I didn't make it
But he made it. He jumped
50'9 34" at the Pitt Invitational
indoors to set a new track record
at the University of Pittsburgh.
He then set his goal at 52 feet.
He achieved that at the
State-Record Invitational last
weekend in Columbia, S.C
"I felt like I wasn't gonna
lose Mclntyre said. "All during
the week before I was thinking
that I had to beat the two jumpers
in the meet that had beaten me in
the first indoor meet of the year
Those two are Larry Lowe of
Georgia Tech and Carl Anderson
of conference rival Furman.
"They really made me look
bad at the N.C. State Indoor
Invitational Mclntyre added.
"I decided that I couldn't lose to
Mclntyre unleashed a series
of 51'3 51 51'4"� 52'3"
and the new South Carolina track
record of 52'6 In explaining
how he improved with nearly
every jump, Mdntyre said, "I
don't usually warm up too much.
A lot of jumpers tire themselves
out with practicing before the
competition. All I do is step off
112 feet i use Derore tne board
and take a couple of runs through
the pit
Mclntyre explained, that his
first jump, although his best ever
at the time, was not really good.
I didn' t even get a chance to run
through the pit once. My timing
wasn't down yet
Mclntyre said he had some
advice that could help all jump-
ers, citing a mistake most jump-
ers make. "Most jumpers run
down the runway trying to keep
their eye on the board. My jumps
started improving immediately
after I started keeping my head
up instead of down
Mclntyre has lost just one
time in the past three months,
dating back to before the jump at
Pitt. But that was a big one, the
conference indoor championship.
Malcolm Grimes of VMI jumped
5114' while Mclntyre took
second at 50' 5 W
"That is definitely one of my
immediate goals Mclntyre said,
to beat Grimes at the conference
meet later this month
What does a man who has
broken two of his goals already
this season, set as his top goal?
For Mclntyre, it is to place at the
NCAA Championships and gain
all-America status.
"I really want to make all-
America he said. "At the first
of the season, I didn't think it was
possible. But now, it is within my
grasp. I've beaten some mighty
good jumpers this year and that
has helped my confidence
Herman Mclntyre has set one
last goal for himself. After
shattering the last two, don't bet
gainst him breaking a third
Photo by Kip Sloan

Page 12 FOUNTAINHEAD 7 April 1977
Modest freshman who's tough on court
Staff Writer
"Who, me?" is Henry Hostet-
ler' 8 surprised reaction to ac-
claim. A surprising reaction,
perhaps, but one that is typical of
this freshman tennis sensation.
When engaged in conversa-
tion, Henry oomes across as a
painfully modest, soft-spoken
young man who is quick to credit
those around him for his
phenomenal success.
On the court, however, he is
transformed into a veritable ten-
nis machine. Although he has an
unorthodox and sometimes awk-
ward form, his lightning-quick
reflexes and dive-across-the-
court hustle more than compen-
sate for his unusual type of play.
Like many great tennis play-
ers, Henry is from a tennis
family, and he inherited his
ability from his parents. He
began to play seriously about six
years ago, and soon afterwards
everyone in his area knew that he
was headed for greatness.
Attending Hoke County
Senior High School, Hostetler
played number one for three
straight years, winning the
school's MVP award for tennis.
After graduation, his decision to
attend ECU was prompted by, as
he puts it, "my desire to gain
experience in life through ten-
Hostetler has been instru-
mental in revitalizing a sagging
tennis program and a team that
has never finished higher than
fifth in the Southern Conference.
East Carolina in 1977 has an
exciting, potentially explosive
� �
The Greenville Sports Club
presented its annual male and
female College Athletes of the
Year Awards March 30th at the
year-end banquet for the dub.
Cary Godette, senior defensive
end on the Tootball team, and
Debbie Freeman, junior basket-
ball and track star, were named
as the College Athletes of the
Year at East Carolina University
for 1976.
Godette, from Havelock, was
named third team Associated
Press All-America this year fa
his outstanding play at defensive
end. He was also named the
team's Most Valuable Player,
Most Outstanding Player, Out-
standing Senior and Outstanding
Defensive Player, as voted by the
1976 football team. He served as
captain of the 1975 and 1976
Freeman, from Jacksonville,
led the women's Division I
scoring and rebounding in North
Carolina this season. She finished
the year with a 20 point scoring
average and a 12.7 rebounding
average. For the second year in a
row, Freeman was named all-
state in basketball. She's also an
outstanding performer in field
events for the women's track
team at East Carolina.
This marks the second time
Freeman has won the Sports Club
award. She, along with All-
America Jim Bolding, were reci-
pients of the first Greenville
Sports Club college awards last
team, that is threatening to not
only break even in the next few
weeks, but to reach new heights
never scaled by ECU tennis
As an almost unknown walkon
at fall tennis practice, Hostetler
turned out to be the dark-horse
surprise of the year when he
proceeded to beat everyone on
the team.
Pirate coach Randy Randolph
remarks that he "can't say
enough about Henry. He's tough,
a very consistent player; and a
very superior, excellent type of
player Opposing coaches have
been overheard describing
Hostetler as "unreal "fantast-
ic and "unbelievable His
opponents are usually driven up
the wall by Henry's baseline
drives and pinpoint lobs.
Although this is only his
freshman year at ECU, Henry has
compiled the best record on the
team. Playing number five sing-
les, he has an 8-3 record against
all opponents. As of last week,
Hostetler led the Southern Con-
ference at his position in wins, the
only Pirate to do so. He is also an
excellent doubles player, and has
teamed with fellow freshman
Kenny Love to produoe a 4-3
record in doubles.
To say the least about Henry
Hostetler's future, it must appear
to be very bright indeed. If he
continues to improve as much as
he has since the beginning of the
year, he oould very well be one of
the best in several years.
In the meantime, he will go
about his winning ways in a
typically unassuming fashion.
There is a wad fa saneaie who
does that. It seal led superstar.

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When do you say Budweiser ?
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(with everything) at my door by mistake.

Fountainhead, April 7, 1977
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 07, 1977
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