Fountainhead, March 24, 1977

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Serving the campus com-
munity for over 50 years.
With a circulation of 8,500,
this issue is 12 pages.
Six-foot ratpg. 6
Bev. Pepperpg. 8
Pirates reboundpg. 10
Vo. 52, No.tfH East Carolina University Greenville, North Carolina
24 March 1977
Impressed by the 'superior quality'
Trustees chairman praises Faculty Senate
Assistant News Editor
Troy W. Pate, Jr chairman of
the ECU Board of Trustees, spoke
to the Faculty Senate during its
meeting Tuesday, which marked
the first known time that a
Chairman has addressed the
Faculty Senate.
Dr. Phil Adler, Chairman of
the Faculty, introduced Pate after
receiving old business.
Pate said he has been greatly
impressed by the superior quality
of the faculty, and that their
achievementsare reflected in the
programs and in the high ac-
ceptance of ECU graduates in
numerous professions.
"Your efforts provide a de-
gree of academic excellence to
our programs that we are all very
proud of.
"We are fortunate to have
over 700 on this faculty who can
challenge and inspire our stu-
dents to seek their full education-
al potential
Pate discussed the matter of
selecting a successor to Dr.
"As we approach this task, we
should think of the major chal-
lenges in the years ahead and
seek out the most highly qualified
person we can find to lead this
multi-purpose University which
includes a degree-granting Medi-
cal School.
"We will solicit candidates
from across the nation
According to Pate, the Board
of Governors has delegated the
responsibility and authority to
establish a selection committee to
the Board of Trustees.
The selection committee will
be composed of 13 members.
Five members will be ap-
pointed from the faculty, five will
come from the Board of Trustees,
one will be the Student Govern-
ment Association (SGA) presi-
dent, another, the Alumni Associ-
ation president, and another, an
at-large member from the alumni.
Pate will serve as chairman of
the committee, at the request of
President William C. Friday at
UNC Chapel Hill.
The committee will make its
recommendations to the ECU
Board of Trustees, and after
approval, two candidates will be
submitted to President Friday.
The President will then make
a recommendation to the Board of
Governors, and upon their ap-
proval, the next Chancellor will
be named.
Pate asked the Faculty Senate
to nominate persons fa three of
the five faculty positions on the
committee. He said he will
appoint the remaining two faculty
members from at-large nomi-
In other business, Dr. Tom
Johnson and Conner Atkeson
were elected to serve as UNC
Faculty Assembly delegate and
alternate, respectively.
Dr. Johnson is a professor in
the Health, Physical Education,
Recreation and Stfety Depart-
Atkeson is a professor in the
history department.
Senate Nominating Commit-
tee members were also elected.
They are lone Ryan, Vernre
Saieed, Katharine Hodgin,
Michael Bassman, and Edward
They will nominate officers for
the Faculty Senate for next year.
In other action, the Faculty
Senate approved several pro-
posed changes in various depart-
ments presented by the Univer-
sity Curriculum Commhtee.
Greenville to host
bike criterium
See MAJOR RACE, pg. 10
CHAIRMAN TROY W. PATE, JR. dressing the Tuesday Faculty
Senate meeting. Photo by Jim Elliott)
News editor resigns
to seek SGA office
Co-News Editor
Neil Sessoms, candidate fa
SGA president, is on leave of
absence from his news editaship
at FOUNTAINHEAD while seek-
ing SGA office.
I took a leave of absence the
day I filed to run fa SGA
president to prevent any conflict
of interest said Sessons.
Concerning publications, Ses-
sons said he and Reed Warren,
vice-presidential candidate, sup-
pat inaeased independence.
"This should assure a BUC-
CANEER for next year and
provide a mae effective campus
According to Sessoms, in-
creased independence will elimi-
nate the need fa a subscriptioi
fee fa the BUCCANEER. It could
be funded from student fees as in
the past, he said.
"We are going to avoid the
kind of situation that we had this
year said Sessoms.
Sessoms said he plans to
provide fa a lump-sum appro-
priatioi to the media board at the
beginning of the legislative ses-
"Advertising revenue will
supplement this appropriation
instead of being reverted to
the SGA as it has in the past
said Sessoms.
Sessoms said fa the press to
be an effective check en govern-
ment it must na be dependent on
that government fa funding.
"Politics, in the past, have
hampered the newspaper sability
to thaoughly infam the student
body said Sessons.

"I have seen the antagonism
between SGA and publications as
well as between SGA and other
student agencies said Sessoms.
"The newspaper can and
should be a vital link between
SGA and the student body he
OVER lb WOMEN demonstrated at the the new birth place ruling. (See story, pg. T)
California Medical Association meeting against
SGA candidates' debate
A SGA presidential candidates' debate will be
held Tuesday, March 29, in Brewster building C-103
from 7-9 p. m. sponsored by the Elections Committee.
The presidential candidates to debate are Scott
Bright, Neil Sessoms, and Tim Sullivan.

Page 2
24 March 1977
ECU Coffeehouse will hold
auditions Friday and Saturday,
March 31st and April 1st. Any
group, or organization, or any-
body who would like to try out,
come by ECU Student Union
offioe and apply.
Table tennis
If you enjoy playing table
tennis, why not oome over to
Mendenhall Student Center each
Tuesday night at 800 p.m. when
the Table Tennis Club meets for
some friendly competition. Don't
think you have to be a pro to
participate because the competi-
tion is at all levels. So, bring a
friend and have some fun.
The world famed mentalist,
appear at ECU on Thursday,
March 31st at 8 p.m. in Menden-
hall Student Center Theater.
Admission for ECU students is by
ID and activity card.
Student Union
Friday March 25th is the last
day to apply for chairperson of a
Student Union Committee. The
committees are: Films, Popular
Entertainment. Lecture, Coffee-
house, Artist Series, Theatre
Arts, Art Exhibition. Entertainer,
and Travel. Come and get in-
volved in planning the entertain-
ment for ECU next year.
Fun In Son
Campus Crusade for Christ
will meet for fun, fellowship and
challenging insights from God's
Word. Everyone welcome Thurs-
day 7 p.m. Brewster B-102.
Students, sign up today for a
mixed-doubles bowling league at
Mendenhall Student Center. Sign
up on the schedule located on the
ground floor bulletin board at the
Student Center. There will be a
Monday and a Tuesday night
league meeting weekly at 633
p.m. Play will begin Monday,
March 28.
Circus time
A circus troupe of 15 college
students will appear on the ECU
Mall on March 29th at 1 p.m. The
students are now in training in
Orlando, Florida and promise to
thrill you with their feats. Un-
fortunately there are no animal
acts! Come join us anyway and
have fun. There will be cotton
candy, candy apples, and all the
fun that a circus can offer. SeeYal
there! Sponsored by the Student
The Ceramics Guild of the
School of Art, ECU, will sponsor a
workshop on April 4 and 5 with
Steven and Susan Kemenyffy
from Edinboro (Pa.) State
College. Both are nationally ac-
claimed ceramists and have ex-
hibited widely and have been
recognized in several ceramics
books and crafts periodicals.
On April 6 and 7, the Guild
will sponsor a second workshop
with Mr. David Keator artist-in-
residence at the Penland School
of Crafts, Penland, N.C Keator
also has a national exhibition
reoord and is recognized as one of
the finest young craftsmen in
Visual arts
The Visual Arts Forum will
meet Thursday, March 24, 4:00
p.m Jenkins Auditorium. Dis-
cussed in the agenda will be
Jenkins' dedication and Visual
Arts Symposium.
Mile o' money
Announcing the Mile
O' Money campaign to be held on
April 19 - the week we come back
from Easter break folks! A mile of
U.S. currency is the goal and all
organizations, groups, etc. on
campus are invited to participate.
This mile of money is going to the
Heart Fund and is being sponsor-
ed by Gamma Sigma Sigma.
Come out and join us on "the
hill" from 4 o'clock until we're
done. That's April 19 - entry
blanks and further information to
bede ,ied soon. There's a trophy
for the organization or group
going the farthest with their
line of money. You can start
collecting soon!
Beach retreat Car wash
The Psychology Beach Retreat
is set for this weekend-Sat. &
Sun. 26-27 March-A students
are eligible to attend-it's FREE.
Sign-up across from the Psyc
offioe in the Speight Building.
Your Psyc professor may give
extra credit for attendance.
The Angels of the Alpha Phi
Alpha fraternity will have a car
wash, Saturday March 26 from 10
a.m. - until, at 1904 Mrytle
Avenue. Listen to the latest hiu
while you wait. Price $1.25.
Money will be used for a schol-
ip fund.
The American Vocational
Association will be meeting this
Tuesday, March 29,1977 in Room
205 of the Home Economics
Building at 5 00. It has been
planned to have three guest
speakers representing their pro-
spective areas of Home Eco-
nomics, Business and Industrial
Technology. They will share ideas
on how they relate vocational
education to their students. Re-
freshments will be served. All
interested persons are urged to
Pre-reg will run with change
of major period this year. Men
March 28 - Fri April 8. Advisors
should have pre-registration
material by Friday.
Phi Eta Sigma
Phi Eta Sigma, Freshman
Honor Society, will meet on April
4 at 7:30 p.m. in the Multi-
purpose Room of Mendenhall.
Buccaneer pictures will be taken
and there will be election of
officers for 1977-78 (president,
vice president, secretary, trea-
surer, historian, and senior ad-
visor). Members who wish to run
for offioe must see Dr. John D.
Ebbs in Austin 214 prior to this
meeting and be present at this
meeting. All members are urged
to attend.
The Association for World
Education, a consortium of indi-
viduals, institutions, colleges,
and universities dedicated to
fostering a global perspective in
education, invites American stu-
dents and educators to participate
in an important summer con-
ference on "Building a World
Community to be held in
Innsbruck, Austria, June 25-29
and Paris, France, July 1-5.
The working conference,
"The Second World Citizens
Assembly will bring together
individuals from around the world
who are actively committed to
global peace and cooperation.
For scholarship infor.nation or
contributions to that fund contact
Barbara Stone, A.W.E. Program
Office, School of Education, Uni-
versity of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
06268. General conference in-
formation and registration 'n
quiries can be sent to World
Citizens Assembly, P.O. Box
2063, San Francisco, CA 94126.
Bike classic
The Miller High Life Green-
ville Bicycle Classic is happening
in Downtown Greenville on Sun-
day, March 27th. Racing starts at
11 a.m. with all races beginning
at the courthouse. The United
States Cycling Federation sanct-
ioned race is sponsored by John's
Bike Shop and the Greenville
Juniors, women, veterans,
senior III & IV and Senior I & II
racers will be competing for
$1,500 in prizes. In addition there
will be a novice race tor beginners
and also competition between the
fraternities and sororities.
The TKE 2nd Annual Boxing
Tournament will be held April
4-6, in Wright Auditorium. Re-
gistration for the tourney is from
9-5 and begins today, March 24
and continues through Tuesday,
March 29. For further inform-
ation, call 758-4753.
Come to Clement Dorm lobby
on Tuesday March 29 to meet the
candidates who are running for
SGA offices. It startsat 8 p.m so
if you're interested in finding out
who is running and what they
stand for, oome on down to
Bible study
The Forever Generation will
meet Friday night at 7:30 in
Brewster B-103. Why not join us
for a time of Bible study and
discussion, singing, and Christian
Mike Wells will show off this
weekend, Friday and Saturday,
March 25 and 26, at 8 and 9 p.m.
at ECU Coffeehouse. Mike plays
guitar and will possibly sing
some. Bring a friend, bring a
girlfriend, or "bring your
mother" this weekend. Plenty of
refreshments. Rm. 15 Menden-
This weekend's Artist Series
on Friday nite from 7-9 p.m. will
feature Billy Joel, brought to you
by Geoffry Turner. More of the
best in music from WECU.
The Omicron Chapter of Phi
Beta Lambda wishes to thank the
SGA for funding its Fifth Annual
Business Symposium which was
held March 16, 1977.
Attention guys and gals!
March 31st, 6:00 p.m by the
ticket offioe at Minges Coliseum,
there will be a meeting to discuss
requirements for Varsity Cheer-
ing tryouts for 77-78. Any
questions rr.y be answered at
this time. The first practice
session will be April 18th, 5.00 at
Minges, and try-outs will be April
28th. All interested are urged to
Dance trophies
To those who helped carry off
the Gamma Sigma Sigma dance-
a-tnon of Jan. 1977 we would like
to give a special thanks. Those
couples, whose total piedgings
totalled over $900.00 for the
Eastern Lung Association are to
be given a special thanks. In
gratitude, Gamma Sig is giving a
trophy toeach of the participants.
Attention: These can be picked up
in 337 Gotten Dorm, Monday
through Thursday after five.
Saturday, April 2, 1977. For an
entertaining change of pace and
relaxing atmosphere truck on out
to Waterhole 1. For the small
sum of $3.00 you can enjoy Old
time string music at its best -
pig pickin, one free keg, special
prices on beer, door prizes,
volleyball, horseshoes, and much
Fun starts at 1000 a.m so
oome on out and spread your
blankets and enjoy music in the
sun! Tickets and directions avail-
able at Rock N Soul (must be
purchased in advance). For more
info call 752-0257 or 752-0144.
Buy beverages on premises only -
special prices - NO BYOB.
The Effective Ambassador is a
multi-media presentation by
twenty-one hundred - a tribute to
the late Paul Little. It premiered
at Urbana 76 and is highly on
demand on campuses across the
nation. Inter-Varsity Christian
Fellowship will show The Effect-
ive Ambassador this Sunday
night, March 27, 800 at the
Afro-American Culture Center.
You won't want to miss it!
We offer two-day canoe trips
(each Saturday and Sunday) with
overnight camping. Everything is
furnished except sleeping bag for
only $20.00 per person. Transpor-
tation furnished from Roanoke
Rapids to the beautiful Nottoway
River in Virginia. Contact P. G.
Luter, III, 106 Western Drive,
Roanoke Rapids, N.C. 27870 for
reservations or for more informa-
tion phone 537-9042.
Delta Sigma
The Sorors of Delta Sigma
Theta will have a bake sale,
Saturday March 26. 1977 from
10-2. at hiu Hiazd Shopping
Center. Proceeds will go to the
Heart Fund.
Remember that if you want a
Yearbook next fall you must
purchase your subscription this
spring. This will be your only
chance to have a book printe' for
you. Subscriptions may be r-
chased at the BUCCANEER offioe
in the publications center. If you
have any questions please call us
at 757-6501.
Remember that the Women's
Dorm and the Men's Dorm who
buy the most subscriptions will
receive a free page in the
yearbook. Tyler & Scott have the
pages now! Will it stay that way?
Beverly Pepper, internation-
ally known sculptor, will give a
lecture and slide presentation on
contemporary issues in modern
sculpture, March 29, 800 p.m. in
Mendenhall Student Center The-
atre. The public is invited to
attend, Ms. Pepper s lecture free
of charge.

Addresses retirement assn.
24 March 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 3
Jenkins: senior citizens need involvement
A satisfying life for senior
citizens can come through in-
volvement and placing people
above all else, Dr. LeoW. Jenkins
suggested Monday.
"This is a very appropriate
theme for senior citizens�in-
volvement he said. "The per-
son leads a satisfying life wno
places people above all else.
"This fights off isolation and
"This person knows that
human value cannot be measured
in terms of productivity, or
gauged by the esteem of others.
This inner need can only be
satisfied by human involve-
Dr. Jt ikins, veteran president
and ECU nancellor, spoke to the
Carteret ounty chapter of the
American Association of Retired
Persons here.
He recalled that some 15 years
ago he wrote an article published
in the North Carolina Medical
Journal about preparing fa the
ECU hosts
High School sponsors and
students from all over Eastern
North Carolina will participate in
beginning and advanced typing
contests March 28-29 at ECU,
according to Mrs. Gennie Hage-
dorn of the Business Education
The beginning and advanced
contests fa technical institute
and two-year community college
students will be held March 29.
Each school iseligible to enter
three beginning contestants and
three advanced contestants. Stu-
dents will compete both as
individuals and as teams.
Good Things
For Gentle People
318 Evans St. Mall
late years in life.
"My perspective is not much
different now he said. "In other
wads, I do not think age depends
entirely on years. It depends on
health and mental outlook.
"Some men are ban old.
Some never grow old.
In less than 25 years the
number of Americans over 65
years of age will be almost 31
million, Jenkins said.
"This is a great hunk of our
society that cannot be allowed to
"We are in an emerging new
society and those of us here today
are very much a part of this
Jenkins predicted a so-called
"second industrial revolution"
which he said "might very well
free people's minds and senses in
their waking wald and means
age may see a stroig friendship
between science and religion.
"The scientist will probably
see God mre clearly, and the
theologian will probably look
upon science with less sus-
He also warned that senia
citizens "are the target for
hucksters, confronted by many
peddlers seeking their time, their
interestsa their money Actual-
ly ne said, the hucksters are
"offering bribes
Guaranteed Repairs
Call Jim or Tommy at 756 � 4844
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Rick Cornfield
Friday, March 26,1977
If you haven't been to Lobo's lately,
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The senior citizen, he said, is
looking for challenge-challenges
to usefulness, to service and to
serenity. This large segment of
society should be enoouraged to
bark often he said. "You
should not sit back and watch
various schemes designed to
shape your lives.
'We at East Carolina Univer-
sity place great emphasis on the
second career potential of thou-
sands and will oontinue to do
so, he said.
He said a second career is "a
possibility for many opportunities
fa further growth, panting out
that only one of every five retired
people is employed. With an
average of only $600 per month
income, these people "could use
more financial resources He
said Social Security laws should
be amended to enoourage people
to work longer without penalty of
lower benefits.
Save Money!
You Can Save Up To 50
Good 7 Days A Week!
Matinees & Evenings
ABC Theotwes In Ouw Araea
JAMES STEWART as Phillip Stevens
FLIGHTS: 7:00- 9:00

Eg � i m
Page 4
24 March 1977
Jenkins plans for future
With more than a year left in his tenure as ECU
Chancellor, Dr. Leo Jenkins has already begun faying
the spiritual groundwork for his senior citizenship.
Speaking to the Carteret County chapter of the
American Association of Retired Persons Monday,
Dr. Jenkins opined involvement as the individual's
gladiator against isolation and loneliness.
Dr. Jenkins has lead this University from a
glorified teachers' college to a full-fledged institution
replete with medical program since his appointment
as chancellor. Next year, when Dr. Jenkins reaches
mandatory retirement age, he will have served ECU
in the top post and the Eastern Carolina Community
fa 18 years.
Now the venerable academician must prepare for
a life without the responsibilities of several hundred
faculty members, several thousand students and a
yearly budget of several million dollars.
In his speech to the Carteret group, Dr. Jenkins
alluded to the possibility of a second career, citing
it as an opportunity for further growth.
Doubtless, the indefatigable chancellor will not
relegate himself to a rocking chair after retirement.
Whatever endeavor he should choose, let us hope the
chief administrator of this University maintains close
association and relays frequent advice to this rapidly
growing institution of learning.
Porno pendulum swings
To a deeply religious or extremely naive person
the apocalypse must seem near. The "forces of
good" would now appear to be mounting the final
attack against the obscene purveyors of pornographic
The presses recently ground to a halt on Larry
Flynt's Hustler magazine fueling the optimism of
ambitious district attorneys and anti-porn groups
around the country. And just this week two bills were
introduced in the North Carolina General Assembly
which would make it easier to obtain convictions
against alleged pornographers.
Despite the obvious scenario, the final battle
between good and evil is not on the horizon. The
seesawing of society from prudish to progressive may
have reached its apogee on the one end and, with the
aid of ambitious local officials, will now begin the
opposite swing. If so, the forces of a free and open
press must be on guard to assure that the perigee is
leached long before censorship becomes a reality.
Serving the East Carolina community for over fifty years
Senior EditorJim Elliott
Production ManagerJimmy Williams
Advertising ManagerDennis C. Leonard
News EditorsKim Johnson
Debbie Jackson
Trends EditorPat Coyie
Sports EditorAnne Hogge
FOUNTAINHEAD is the student newspaper of East Carolina
University sponsored by the Student Government Association
of ECU and is distributed each Tuesday and Thursday during
the school year, weekly during the summer.
Mailing aridret: Old South Building, Greenville, N.C.
Editorial Offices: 757-6366, 757-6367, 757-6309.
Subscriptions: $10.00 annually for non-students, $6.00 for
Pingston offers insight on SGA election
Attention: ECU Students
Spring elections are upon us
once again, and candidates are
beating the bushes to achieve a
majority of the twenty percent of
students who will actually vote.
This election, however, is
quite unique. This isthe first time
an incumbent President is seek-
ing re-election. This is the first
time a Vice President will be
running on, and presiding over,
the newly created Communi-
cations Board. This is also one of
the few times that a major office
is being sought unopposed - that
of Treasurer.
So, overall, this election is
shaping up to be highly competi-
tive, and one in which the student
body should be greatly interest-
The outcome of these elect-
ions will affect the transportation
system, the legal service, the
overpass problem, the semester
system and other services that
directly involve you, the students.
So get out and vote.
Maybe I can help you by
giving an inside viewpoint of how
the races for President and Vice
President are developing.
Seeking the Presidency are
Scott Bright, Tim Sullivan and
Neil Sessoms. Scott Bright has
been involved in operations of the
Buccaneer and was involved in
several controversies between
himself and the SGA over screen-
ings and also between the BUC
and the SGA. Neil Sessoms has
worked for FOUNTAINHEAD as
News Editor and also has had
numerous conflicts with the SGA
and also with Tim Sullivan
directly. Tim Sullivan iswas SGA
President and also has served in
the Legislature. His administra-
tion has achieved a great deal,
but has been marred by numer-
ous conflicts between public-
ations and administrators. To be
very blunt, students, there is no
love lost between these three. All
three are energetic, and seem to
have a genuine desire to serve the
students. The big difference is
technique in implementation of
their goals.
The Vice President race is also
wide open. Greg Boykin, Tommy
Joe Payne, and Reed Warren are
vying for this position. Greg
Boykin has long been a member
of the SGA Legislature, as has
Tommy Joe Payne. Both of these
gentlemen are good workers and
have served the Legislature ad-
mirably. Reed Warren served as
public defender in the Student
Judicial system. He was fired by
President Sullivan in the winter of
this year. Reed is running with
Neil Sessoms in a coalition. This
race shapes up as two SGA
members and an ex-public de-
fender seeking the number twc
spot. How much knowledge of the
Communications Board these
three possess is questionable.
Boykin has been the only one of
the three to speak with me about
the operations of the newly
created Communications Board.
The power of the Vice President
has been greatly increased and a
knowledgeable individual will be
That's it as I see it. There are
a wide variety of views and issues
involved. There are many indivi-
duals with contrasting styles. As
Vice President this past year I
have come in contact with these
individuals, some more than
others. I have my personal
impressions of all these and have
related somewhat to these here. I
shall endorse none of these, not
because I favor none, but because
I owe some loyalty to tnose
involved and some loyalty to my
position as Vice President and as
a student.
I hope these insights will help
you understand the race up-
coming. I urge all students to
vote, to get involved, and to
understand the importance of this
wild democratic affair. I have
enjoyed my term in office and I
hope all you students out there
have somewhat benefited from
my work this year.
Greg Pingston
Student Body Vice President
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24 March 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 5
Candidate's promises are nothing new
I would like to make a few
observations about the platform
that one candidate for SGA
president is running on.
The candidate is our illus-
triousSGA President, Timothy K.
Sullivan, who in his infinite
wisdom is promising nothing
He seems to be riding on his
record of past performance,
which is somewhat tarnished and
not very distinguished either.
In his platform, Sullivan says
that he promised better transit,
tree legal service, cuts in SGA
salaries and better relations with
the city; Sullivan says that he has
kept his promises, to that I say
If the transit system is run-
ning any better than it did last
year it is because of a hardwork-
ing and diligent transit manager
and his staff, not because of Tim
Sullivan. As for that legal service
being free, well it costs the
students a pretty penny, to the
tune of $800 a month from
students' fees. Well Sullivan
promised to cut SGA salaries, and
that he did. He cut a lot of
students out of money that oould
have been used to support
themselves, money that workers
in SGA-funded organizations
work hard for. Sullivan did not
save very much by cutting
salaries. He brags about how he
cut his own salary by $25; big
deal, what did that $25 cut do for
the students, nothing.
And talk about better relations
with the city, well do you call
sitting around plotting how to sue
the city of Greenville good
relations. Sullivan took credit fa
the peaceful Halloween we had
this year, you would think he did
everything single-handed. Peo-
ple, let me tell you who we can
thank fa that: Maya Percy Cox,
the aty police, and the downtown
bar owners.
Lo and behold, the president
has promised that if re-elected he
will oontinue the SGA bid fa the
10th St. overpass. I would like to
know what the hell he has done
fa it thus far. Was it Tim Sullivan
who prepared the overpass re-
pats, kept the recads, kept the
students informed as to the
progress of this project? No
indeed, it was Greg Pingston who
did the bulk of the work. Was it
Sullivan who went to Raleigh and
asked for and received the
Secretary hopeful seeks support
As a candidate fa SGA
seaetary, I would like to urge all
students to go to the polls on
March 30th and cast their vote fa
the candidates of their choice.
SGA is one of the few means
by which students have a voice,
and it is a very impatant voice
concerning the rules which
govern them and how they want
their student fees to be spent. As
a student, I would very much like
to be an instrument through
which your voice is heard.
I agree that the SGA seaetary
should definitely have had pre-
vious seaetarial experience, a
else the students would never
know what happens in meetings. I
believe I fulfill this qualification
since I was seaetary fa several
clubs during high school. Thus, I
will na only know what needs to
be done, but how to do it.
However, this is not my only
qualification. I was a Dorm
Representative this year and I am
acquainted with the SGA. I
served on the Rules and Judiciary
Committee and gained invalu-
able experience about the consti-
tution and the wakings of SGA.
Through your suppat and
votes, I can put my experience to
wak fa YOU, the students.
Libby Lefler
Candidate fa SGA Seaetary
SGA coalition maps out plat form
We (Neil Sessoms and Reed
Warren) consider an extended
drop period and longer breaks
between classes very needed and
attainable goals.
The only way to accomplish
these objectives is to wak with
and through the university ad-
ministration. The present SGA
administration's relationship with
the university administratas is
not conducive to progress and
cooperation. Ours will be a
marked improvement.
Other universities enjoy both
longer breaks and extended drop
periods. We see two basic ways to
start waking towards these ob-
jectives: 1 (submit a resolution
from the SGA legislature to the
administration, the faculty sen-
ate, and the board of trustees, a
2(submit an affirmative student
referendum to the same authai-
These approaches cannot
guarantee the enactment of our
proposals. But with a better
working relationship with the
university administration we feel
we will have a firm base to launch
these steps.
Neil Sessoms and Reed Warren
Candidates fa SGA
President and Vice-President
Forum policy
Forum letters should be typed or printed, signed
and include the writer's address. Lettes are subject
to editing for taste and brevity. They may be sent to
hountamhead or left at the Information Desk in
Mendenhall Student Center.
support of the governor, I t.
governa, and attaney general?
Was it Sullivan who went to
Raleigh last wetr and submitted
an update repat ai the overpass
to the governor, and had a
conference with the engineers at
DOT about giving the overpass
top priaity, and had a meeting
with Lt. Governa Jimmy Green
concerning the overpass. Hell no,
Sullivan did na do any of this, I
did it.
I might also mention that
while I was sitting here typing
this letter I was handed a letter
from the Office of the Lt.
Governa. The letter says that I
will be receiving an updated
repat from the It. governa's
office on the overpass in about
two weeks.
Well all I have to say is that if
Sullivan expects to be re-elected
on his previous recad, I feel
mighty sary fa that boy, cause
he ain't gonna get a whole
helluva la of suppat.
As I have said befae, to quote
Abe Lincoln, You can fool all of
the people some of the time, and
some of the people all the time,
but you can t foot all of the people
all the time.
Sary Tim,
Robert M. Swaim
Conoerned Student
Photo Contest
1st prize $50.00 in merchandise
2nd prize $25.00 in merchandise
3rd prize $15.00 in merchandise
For more information call or come by
Jr Cameras
PS. These are not potatoes

t8 ,
Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAD 24 March 1977
Diabetic rodent
S�7ry ABERNATHY (d) received the 1977 from Leo Jenkins. Dr. Floyd Mattheis looks on.
distinguished service award in science education
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Six-foot rat missing,
robbery suspected
Staff Writer
A six-foot, gray rat disappear-
ed from Speight building on the
ECU campus Tuesday, March 22,
and is believed to have been
stolen, according to Ed Saunders,
publicity chairman for Psi Chi,
psychology honor fraternity.
"The rat was last seen at 7
p.m. on the 22nd, its head
sticking from the trunk of an old,
white, four-door car parked at
a restaurant on the corner of
Fifth and Reade Streets said
The car was attended by a
woman in her early 20's, with
mid-back length brown hair,
according to Saunders.
"The rat was wearing tennis
shoes, and nothing else at the
time of his apparent abduction
from the rear lobby of Speight
said Saunders.
The estimated value of the
cardboard rat is $20. It was built
by members of Psi Chi to attract
attention to the psychology de-
partment's Spring retreat to
Atlantic Beach, which will be on
Saturday, March 26.
"The rat's disappearance is
really hurting the retreat, since
Why watch the NCAA finals
on a 19" black and white
'alone when you can watch it
lifesize at the Bottomline?
he was carrying almost all of the
advertisements and sign
up slips said Saunders.
"Besides, he is diabetic, and
must have insulin shots regular-
A reward is being offered by
Psi Chi for the return of the rat,
which will go unquestioned, or for
information leading to its return,
according to Saunders.
"If we don't get him back
soon, I'll report it to the police
and have the thief or thieves
prosecuted said Saunders.
Saunders can be contacted in
the psychology office, telephone
number 757-6800, or at his home
number, 752-6993.
The Library
3:00 p.m. Daily
Discount Drug Center
Know Your Pharmacist
He'd like you to discover the
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Fast Services, Discount Prices,
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1102 W. 3rd St. Ayden Harris Shopping Cir. 746-3824

Over 75 rally at Disneyland Hotel
24 March 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 7
Women protest obstetrical delivery ruling
(LNS)W omen's health
groups throughout California are
rallying against a proposed state
medical associatkn resolution
which would prohibit physicians
from attending at births outside
of hospitals.
Over 75 people demonstrated
outside ot the convention hall at
the Disneyland Hotel on March 10
where the California Medical
Association.was holding its an-
nual meeting.
As a result of the demonstra-
tion delegates in the convention
hall moved to send the proposal to
the Scientific Committee for
further consideration, essentially
tabling the issue until next year's
The resolution, 126-77 "Ob-
stetrical Delivery in the Home or
Outpatient Facility would ori-
ginally have considered physi-
cians who attend home or clinic
births to be engaging in unpro-
fessional conduct.
Later the resolution was modi-
fied, but the intent-to restrict
births to hospitals and to maintain
doctors' control-remains the
Women opposing the resolu-
tion say that the doctors support
126-77 in ader to justify the use
of their technology which increa-
ses profits fa doctas, hospitals,
pharmaceutical companies and
manufacturers of fetal heart
History undergrads
finish honors work
Six outstanding under-
graduates in the ECU Depart-
ment of Hi stay have oompleted a
year of honas work in the ECU
Histay Haias Program, direct-
ed by Dr. Richard C. Todd.
The students, their research
topics, and faculty advisas were:
Linda Eileen Fisher, "North
Carolina's Pioneer Farm Journal,
the Farmers Advocate and Mis-
cellaneous Reporter: Its Role in
Ante-Bellum Agricultural Re-
fam Dr. John C. Ellen, Jr;
William Edwin Ross, "The
Slave Codes of Colonial Virginia
as a Reflection of Virginia Atti-
tudes Toward Negro Slaves,
1661-1748 Dr. Roy N. Lokken;
Seth Jones, "Nath Carolina's
Committees of Safety, 1774-
1776 Dr. Herbert R. Paschal;
Thomas Earl Barwick,
"Samuel James Ervin and Civil
Liberties. 1953-1957: In Per-
spective Dr. Fred D. Ragan;
Patrice Ann Chenier, "The
Domestic Implications of Tru-
man's Containment Policies: Re-
publican Senate Response,
1953 Dr. Henry C. Ferrell, Jr
Edward Burk Johnson, "Rosa
Luxemburg and the European
Socialist Movement, 1890-1919
Dr. Laen K. Campiai.
Fisher' swak was singled out
fa superia distinction, and she
was awarded the ECU Histay
Haias Scholarship which carries
a stipend of $250. She is a
member of Psi Alpha Theta
International History Honor
Society serving as its seaetary
ArmyNavy Store
1501 Evans
Backpacks, Jeans,
Camping Eqpt, Dishes
201 E. 5th ST.
We are having a
Sale on selected
pieces of
Silver Jewelery
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If You Like
You'll Love
They argue most births are
normal and that hospital interven-
tion in normal birth with the use
of drugs, electronic monitoring,
forceps and surgery is both
unnecessary and dangerous to
rr.other and child.
Technology should be availa-
ble in the event of complicated
births, say the health groups, but
they stress that complications in
home births are no more frequent
than those for the general hospi-
tal population.
The March 10 demonstrations
Science Ed.
gets NTSA
Science education students at
ECU have formed the nation's
first collegiate chapter of the
National Science Teachers
ECU'S chapter was officially
recognized in the March issue of
"The Science Teacher a
journal published by the NSTA.
President of the newly-
chartered ECU chapter is Jerry
Everhart, a graduate student and
teaching fellow in the ECU
Department of Science Edu-
Pamela Fisher and Julia
Hughes, both of Wilmington, are
vice president and secretary-
treasurer, rpspectively.
were called by the Feminist
Womens' Health Centers in Los
Angeles and Orange County,
Womencare in San Diego, and the
Association for Childbirth at
They plan to keep up pressure
on the Association's Scientific
Committee and encourage people
to write or call the California
Medical Association expressing
opposition to the proposal.
The Library
Gents IMite
Starts at 9:00
FriSat. & Sun.
Tee Shirts
only �4 00
now at Stuffy's
MARCH 28th?


Page 8
24 March 1977
Would you believe
Mary Hart man
As if he hasn't done enough fa the comedy-starved audiences of
American TV in the past, Norman Lear nas once again come to rescue
us from the doldrums of the medium.
Lear's latest redemption has come in the form of Mary Hartman, a
freckle-faced, pig-tailed paragon of soap-opera womanhood. From her
home in Fernwood. Ohio, Mary Hartman has a bird's-eye view, not on-
ly of the personal dilemmas of friends, neighbors, and kinfolk, but also
of some of the most relevant issues and problems modern Ameri-
cans face.
Mary is joined daily in her kitchen by Tom, her husband, Heather,
her daughter, and a host of other folks, including a neighbor who
aspires to sing country music, a sister who actively and indiscriminate-
ly practices free love, and a grandfather who in the premiere episodes
is picked up for indecent exposure.
For all of you who are faithful watchers of "MH2 this brief
summary of the storyline is no more than a spring rerun. What Mary
Hartman symbolizes goes much deeper.
Louise Lasser's characterization of the heroine started as pure
parody. Every soap has at least one all-knowing, all-understanding
female character The difference between Mary and other soap ladies
is exhibited later in the season, when she breaks down. Other soap
opera heroines may face a multitude of problems, but they never
exhibit more reaction to their woes than a sympathetically wrinkled
Here is where Lear shows his insight into the human, female,
American condition. He shows his heroine feeling inadequate,
frustrated, and guilty, and he has the grace to let her react the way
real people are bound to.
Non-watchers of Mary Hartman are probably convinced by now that
the show is nothing more than an exercise in morbid reality. Not so,
"MH2" is, at times, one of the funniest shows around.
The humor is, granted, offensive to more sensitive souls. When the
country singer gets in a wreck with a station wagon full of drunken
nuns, a lot of folks might take offense. But a lot of folks are gonna
In essence this is the major statement Lear is making with Mary
Hartman. We have a tendency to take ourselves entirely too seriously,
entirely too often. Mary Hartman and company do the same thing. But
the end result always seems to be when we realize that we can maintain
our dignity and individuality without arching our collective backs at
anyone who sees us from a less than serious outlook.
You may have noticed that I am way ahead of Channel 12 on the
Mary Hartman storyline. This is true, by virtue of the fact that I spent
the summer in a more progressive area than Greenville.
Way back last year, Mary Hartman debuted here, on WNCT. She
exited from Channel 9 less than two weeks later, thanks to the reaction
of the "decent community It seems that many of the town's finest
citizens felt that Mary and her life were too sordid for our innocent
eyes. They supposedly feared that the show would exert a corrupting
influence around here.
There's nothing more sordid than reality.
Beverly Pepper
Famed sculptor coming
Staff Writer
It creeps, it soars, it embraces
the earth, and springs into the
sky. It's the sculpture of Beverly
Pepper, and it stakes its claim in
the future.
Beverly Pepper, a profes-
sional sculptor of international
standing, will appear in the
Mendenhall auditorium on the
ECU campus on Tuesday, March
29, at 8 p.m.
Pepper will speak of her
works, and present slides of them
to her audience. The lecture and
slide-presentation are free, both
fa ECU students, and the public.
Pepper began as a painter in
the 50's, according to John
Mizell, an ECU graduate student
in sculpture, who waked as an
assistant to Pepper last Fall, in
her studio outside of Todi, Italy.
"In 1960, 36 dive, elm and
mimosa trees were felled in her
garden, and she was irresistably
tempted to shape them said
Pepper waked with purely
aganic fams fa a while, and
then progressed to incaporating
metal into her waks, accading to
'Her works became more
geometric in the 60's said
"She started carving up pre-
existing stainless steel fams, and
rearranging the elements
Pepper's works incorporate
cubes, triangles, and rectangles,
both open and closed.
"Hers is the basic understan-
ding of form as monumental not
simply in size but in ooncept
said Stephen Greene, a well-
known art critic.
"Perhaps her true aesthetic
ancestas were those builders of
the pyramids said Greene.
Pepper's most recent waks
are tremendously big, and are
designed to be displayed out-
doas. "Excaliber" is a 32' X 40'
X 60' steel sculpture, painted
black, which is displayed outside
the San Diego Federal Court-
house Building in San Diego, Cal.
"Her Todi studio is like an
airplane hangar, said Mizell.
"Several persons work at
constructing the sculptures, be-
cause their size makes it virtually
impossible fa aie persai to
handle the entire project
The waks are constructed in
and around the Todi studio, then
dismantled, crated, and shipped
to their destinations, where they
are reassembled, accading to
"What made the wak so
exciting to me was that Pepper
made frequent alterations in the
aiginal designs, accading to her
I See PEPPER, pg. 9)
BEVERLY PEPPER S sculpture will be featured in a program at
Mendenhall Tuesday, March 29.
Various artistic genres
make up
Carolina will be involved in an
unpredictable international event
this spring when the Spoleto
Festival of Two Walds presents
its American premiere in Charles-
When several of the leading
representatives of the arts con-
verge on Charleston May 25-June
5 along with up-and-coming
geniuses and the public, no one
knows exactly what will happen,
and that is the way it always is
with the wald's most compre-
hensive arts festival.
Since its inception 19 years
ago in Spoleto, Italy, the Festival
has embraced both the great
established examples of music,
dance, theatre, painting and
poetry and the experimental. The
Festival has also always included
many notewathy American as
well as European artists. Thus,
the Festival's founder-directa
Gian Carlo Menotti envisioned a
counterpart in the United States.
According to the renowned
Italian-born conposer, "I knew
Charleston would be the town as
soon as I set foot in it
Entire sedionsof the Pat City
will serve as a stage fa not only
scheduled perfamances and ex-
hibits but also spontaneous art
fams ranging from wandering
minstrel and mime shows to
� �
leto Festival
staytelling and gravestone rub-
The planned part of the
Festival calls for a full-scale
production of the "Queen of
Spades, an opera by Tchaikov-
sky and perfamances of the
famous Menotti opera "The
Charleston's Dock Street
Theatre, setting of the nation's
first plays and subscription
chamber concerts, will be in
constant use throughout the
Festival. Daily noontime con-
ISee SPOLE TO, pg. 9
LiuCK SJ. THEA IRE, a famous Charleston landmark, will house
some Spoleto activities.
1 EEC �- ����i �

24 March 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 9
Treat in store for Monty Python fanatics
Staff Writer
This coming Friday and Satur-
day night, ECU will have its first
taste of the absurd comedy Monty
Python is known for. A comedy
group that was formed at the
drama department of ECU called
the Ghana Hardware Co. will be
performing various sketches by
Monty Python, The Firesign
Theatre and Beyond the Fringe
'64 under the title "Over the
The performances will be on
March 25th and 26th at 7:30 and
9:30 p.m. in the Workshop
theatre, second floor of the drama
building in room 205. Admission
is free.
The members of The Ghana
Hardware Co. are Rob Maxon,
Susan Cole, Mac McKee, and
Gary Carter, who organized the
group and directed the show,
(and is no relation to the author of
this article).
Gary talked about how the
group was formed. "We started
out with eight people, but due to
some time conflicts, four of them
had to drop out. We had to drop
some of the larger sketches and
bring in a few smaller ones
Where did the material come
from? "All the Firesign and
Fringe material came from re-
cords. The Python material was
half from records and half from
their television program. I have
every record they' ve recorded up
to the present, and I also have
five and a half hours of their
television programs on tape
This workshop production is
rather unusual in that most of the
performers are not in the drama
department, with Gary being the
only drama major. Susan, Rob,
and Mac have all been in plays at
one time or another. The binding
force is that all four are hopeless
cases of "Pytho-mania "We're
not out to win any awards says
Susan, "we just want to have
some fun with what we re doing,
and I think the audience will enjoy
Four shows have been slated
because the Workshop Theatre
only holds 50 people. "So if
you're going to oome, don't all
oome to the 7:30 performance on
Friday night says Gary. "We
want a good crowd at all four
performances, and we don't want
to turn anyone away due to the
lack of seats
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Includes a hot baked potato, crisp garden
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I Continued from pg. 8
aesthetic judgement said Miz-
"You never knew quite what
the final product would be until it
was completed
Pepper's works do not rely on
tneir size to make an artistic
statement, however.
"Put briefly, I wish to make
an object that has a powerful
physical presence, but is at the
same time inwardly turned,
seeming capable of intense self-
absorption said Pepper, in an
issue of "Art Journal.
"The works of highly polished
stainless steel made in the late
1960s achieved this kind of
dualism, primarily through the
mirrorlike finish of their surfaces.
"Those surfaces acted to
emphasize the actual density and
weight of the steel. At the same
time, they made the physical bulk
of the sculpture withdraw behind
a screen of reflections said
Pepper's works, on one level,
are an attempt to connect the
community of everyday life with
"Since modern art has be-
come increasingly large and
moved outdoors, it inevitably
must mix with the lifeof people in
cities and along the highways
said Pepper, referring specifically
to one of her freeway sculptures.
Pepper is'a highly-entertain-
ing lecturer, according to Mizell,
who attended a lecture given by
Pepper in New Orleans.
"She's a fireball of a woman,
incredibly energetic and dyna-
mic said Mizell.
"Her lectures and her slide
presentations are incredibly in-
formative and entertaining
Pepper is coming to ECU
directly from lecturing engage-
ments at Harvard, and at the
University of Georgia.
In addition to the Mendenhall
lecture, Pepper will give an
informal presentation to art stu-
dents in the art building's audi-
torium, at 8p.m on Wednesday,
March 30.
Regular $2.89
with coupon
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3 Pieces of Flounder, cocktail sauce or tarter sauce, lemon
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Continued from pg. 8
certs, under the direction of
Charles Wadsworth and Peter
Serkin, will continue a favorite
Spoleto tradition. On alternating
evenings, Stringberg's plays
"The Creditors" and "Miss
Julie will be staged, each
preceeded by the one-act play
"The Stronger starring
Geraldine Page and Rip Torn.
The Spoleto Festival Orches-
tra, conducted by the young
American virtuoso Christopher
Keene. win render Hayden's
I he Creation at the College ot
Charleston and will also ac-
company several performances by
the Eliot Feld Ballet Company.
The Ohio Ballet and world-
acclaimed Westminster Choir
from Princeton. New Jersey are
also scheduled to perform at the
College. A special Spoleto Festi-
val Brass Quintet will open the
Festival on May 25 with a fanfare
newly composed by Gian Carlo
Menotti and play at various sites
around the city throughout the
The Gibbes Arts Gallery will
feature the unique Serge Lifar
Collection of Ballet Set and
Costume Designs by such artists
as Picasso, Matisse, Miro,
Modigliani, Leger, Gris, Ernst,
de Chirico and Baraque.
The Festival will utilize the
city's historic churches and parks
for other exhibits and activities,
and a grand finale involving
several art forms is planned for
Middleton Place, the Charleston
plantation that boasts America's
oldest landscaped gardens.
In keeping with the famous
Spoleto element of improvisation,
local residents are preparing to
accommodate a portion of the
50,000 visitors expected fa the
Festival in private homes, and
one citizen committee has even
nvented a new mixed drink in
iionor of the Festival and pattern-
ed after the mint julep.
A small official staff directed
by Mrs. Christine Reed is work-
ing closely with volunteer com-
mittees to ensure the Festival
runs smoothly. However, with
such a variety of art forms
celebrated simultaneously by so
many people, Spoleto U.S.A. will
create itself.
Anyone interested in doing
volunteer work or receiving pro-
gram, ticket and accommodation
information should contact
Spoleto Festival U.S.A P.O. Box
157, Charleston, S.C. 29402 or
call (803) 722-2764.
501 ADM. 9:00 TILL 10:00
Regular $18.00 Now $17.00
2 for $35.00
3 for $45.00
5 for $65.00
(Over 1,000 Shirts to Choose From)
Championship Yellow Tennis Balls
$2.50 per can
(with this ad only)
Were $23.00 Now $13.00
Golf Balls $12.80 a doz.
Gordon D. Fulp
Golf Professional
Located At
Greenville Golf and Country Club
Phone 756-0504. Greenville. N.C.
Ofxon 7 days a week unt il dark

Page 10
24 March 1977
Wrestling finals Monday
The finals ot the men's wrestling tournament will take place
Monday beginning at 6 p.m.
From a large field of over 125 wrestlers 24 remain in the running for
championship titles.
Lined up to do battle in the championship match of the 126 pound
class are Phillip Whited and Eric Davidson, twounknownswho came
from out of the pack to reach the finals.
In the 134 pound class there will be a classic matchup between
Michael Avent and Teddie Caudle. Avent won the 126 pound title last
year, but moved up a notch this time. Caudle is the brother of former
ECU wrestler Eddie Caudle, who has reached the finals in the 150
pound class.
At 142, Brad Middleton is out to defend his title against Doug Reed
and he is favored to make it two Intramural Wrestling titles in a row.
In the 150 class. Eddie Caudle will meet Joe Collins in the finals,
while Kevin Gaghan and Brad Slocum will provide an interesting
matchup at 158 pounds.
In the 167 class Alex Chandler and Bobby Williams square off while
Steve Satterwaite will wrestle Alan Wilson for the 177 pound title.
The two heaviest classes should give some interesting pairings. In
the 190 finals Mark Hutchms and Andy Stucky will meet and in the
Unlimited Class Judd Larrimore wrestles Steve Hinson in the finals.
Soccer playoffs begin in earnest this week with Scott and Ayoock
dorms seeded first in the Dorm league and Tau Kappa Epsilon the top
seed in the Fraternity League.
Two dorm playoff games will be played on Monday and Tuesday
with the rest of the 10 playoff teams meeting Thursday.
Other qualifiers that have been determined are the Rugby Club, Phi
Epsilon Kappa and Jones in the Dorm-Club league and the Kappa
Alphas and Kappa Sigmas in the fraternity league. Two more fraternity
spots will be determined by play on Monday and Tuesday.
The women got a head start in Softball action last week, opening
their season with an unusually large amount of one-sided games.
- In the only close game Bad News Broads nipped the Sun Kissed
Lemons, 11-9, as Kim Fesperman blasted a triple and a home run to
lead the way.
The most one-sided game was the Mac Attackers 36-0 rout of the
Bad News Bunch. Kim Michael led the Mac Attackers with four home
runs. Clements A team put the swing out of the Tornado with a 28-5
rout. The Tornado was plagued with pitching problems as Clement
received many free trips to first, and Pam Shennenhouse did get four
hits, including 2 doubles and a triple.
Alpha Phi stopped the Tri Sigma "B' team 6-2, but the Tri Sig
A' team gained a measure of retribution with a 21-4 win over Alpha
Omicron Pi. Maraa Goughnour led Sigma's hitting with three hits and
a home run.
In other Greek play, Alpha Delta Pi topped Delta Zeta II, 17-5,
behind the slugging of Jeanne Newman.
Hypertension opened their season with a 27-4 rout of the
Batwomen. Cynthia Averett blasted two home runs in the game. In the
final game of the week, Hits and Runs stomped Clement's C team,
In the weeks to come there will be some tougher games so don't be
discouraged by this week's one-sided scores.
Due to the large number of teams entered in women's play not
every team will play each week.
Go-Rec volleyball will start Tuesday with 12 teams entered. All
games will be played on Tuesday nights in Minges Coliseum with 4
games each night at 7:30 and 4 more games each night at 8:30.
The pre-season favorites are Lehman's Losers, the defending
champions, and the Volley Follies. Lehman's Losers open their title
defense with two games Tuesday night.
ECU CAME IN 14th in the Pmehurst Invitational instead of 2nd, as
was reported in the March 22nd edition.
Pack takes doubleheader
Assistant Sports Editor
Despite pitching heroics by
Pete Conaty, the Pirates were
defeated by the Wdfpack of
North Carolina State 1-0 in the
first game of a double-header
here Saturday. Conaty held the
Pack scoreless until the top of the
tenth, striking out fourteen bat-
ters along the way. Managing to
push across a run in the top of the
tenth, the State nine then shut
ECU out in the bottom half of the
inning to take the opener.
The second game bacame a
slugfest for the hungry Pack as
they scored in the second, fourth,
fifth and sixth innings to defeat
the Bucs 10-2. Tom Willette was
the winning pitcher while Terry
Durham was charged with the
loss. Highlight of the game was
N.C. State's Ray Tanner who hit a
grand-slam home run in the
fourth inning. Charlie Stevens
drove in both of ECU's runs in the
second with a single.
Playing away and in the rain,
ECU defeated ACC power UNC-
CH behind the brilliant pitching
of Mickey Britt. Allowing only
four hits, Britt wasn't scored
upon until the fifth when the Tar
Heels managed three runs. Sonny
Wooten led the Pirates at the
plate with a two for four perfor-
mance and two RBI's while Best,
Stevens, Brinkley and Koryda
distinguished themselves on the
bases. Scoring one run in the
second, and three in the fourth,
ECU made the final score 5-3 with
another run in the top of the sixth.
Bikers wheel into town Sunday
for first major competition
Staff Writer
Greenville will host its first
major bicycle race this Sunday, as
competitors from North Carolina
and surrounding states will com-
pete for $1500 worth of prizes and
merchandise in the Miller High
Life Greenville Bicycle Classic.
The race, sanctioned by the
United States Cycling Federation,
(USCF), will cover the downtown
streets of First, Reade, Evans,
Second, and Washington in a one
kilometer loop.
Seven races will be held,
starting at 11:15 for the women
racers and veterans (racers over
40), with the main race of the day
(senior I and II classes) starting at
Bicycle racing has become
another competitive sport in
which the United States is
beginning to excel in.
In 1976, an American placed
6th in the Olympic road race,
while another U.S. rider placed
10th in the Professional World
Championships. These were re-
markable achievements, since no
American rider in recent times
has ever done well in a road race.
The main race for senior I and
II classes (riders 18-39 yrs. who
have shown exceptional ability)
will be quite a race to see.
As of Wednesday, Bobby
Phillips (several time National
Champion on the track), and Bill
Humpheys (North Carolina State
Champion) will be competing,
along with other riders from
Virginia and Georgia. about 2 hours or less, as raoers
This feature event will oover attempt to pull free of the "pack
75 kilometers (about 47 miles) in to fight the wind on their own.
CYCLIST BILL HUMPHRE Y flies home on his way to the 1976 state
championship in (Chapel Hill. Photo by Kip Sloan
Golfers 12th in invitational
Assistant Sports Editor
East Carolina finished 12th in
the recent Iron Duke Collegiate
Invitational Golf Tournament held
March 20th and 21st in Durham.
North Carolina St at? was the
winner of the event, finishing two
strokes ahead of second place
UNC-CH. Third place Marshall
trailed by 9 strokes wnile Wake
Forest finished fourth.
Gary Harborough of Wake
Forest was the individual medal-
ist, taking a second hole, over-
time, birdie to clinch the title.
East Carolina s David Brogan ties
tor 10th with a 219 while
Ireshman Donnie Owens was
ECU s second lowest with a 22.
Coach McClendon noted that
he was pleased with freshman
play, but the upperclassmen were
very inconsistentthey will have
to improve.
ECU s next match begins
today at Furman University, as
the Pirates participate in the
Furman Intercollegiate Invita-

����1 HBBHlBI
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24 March 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 11
for sate �R
FOR SALE: 12" X 60" trailer,
unfurnished- 2 air oond. gas
heat, double sinks in bathroom,
plus washer & dryer. 2 bed-
room, call 752-9432 ask Mr.
Henderson after 6DO p.m.
Alice. 757-6366 (9-5 weekdays).
FOR SALE: Garrard 42M auto
matic turntable. Like new $55.
Call 758-9216.
FOR SALE: Blank-Capital 80
minute 8 track tapes. Brand
New. $1.50 each. Call 758-9638
or 758-4653.
WANTED: To buy a used
Yamaha guitar. Call 752-9527
after 2:00 p.m.
FOR SALE: 1976 Mustang II
Ghia 11,500 miles, 4 speed, V-6
motor, AMFM stereo radio, 8
track tape deck, silver with
cranberry interior. First class
automobile. $5200.00 Call
1-592-6893 or 752-8151.
FOR SALE: 1970 Fiat 124
Special 4 door, straight drive.
Real good around town trans-
portation. $375.00. Call 1-592-
6893 or 752-8151.
FOR SALE: 1 Epiphone Acous-
tic guitar with hard case,
excellent oond. $100.00. Also 1
good beginners guitar. Contact
758-1382 or leave a message.
Will be glad to demonstrate.
FOR SALE: 1975 Yamaha 500,
DOHC, low mileage, crash bar,
sissy bar, luggage straps. Ser-
ious inquiries only. $1100.00
757-6352 call between 8-5 and
ask for Bonnie.
FOR SALE: Need a truck and a
car? Buy this one vehicle and
you will have both. 68 model
Oldsmobile. Call 758-0603 $250.
firm. Ask for John.
FOR SALE: 1972 Mazda pickup.
B 1600 pistoned engine, camper
top, good condition. Must see to
appreciate 756-0267.
FOR SALE: AR Turntable good
condition, Vh years old. In-
cludes box and accessories $65
or best offer. 752-1654.
FOR SALE: 1973 Datsun 240Z
Red automatic $3800.00. Must
sell. Call 758-4262.
WANTED: Keyboard player
wanted by O's vide Rainbow
Band with equipment & vocal
talent. 100 serious and ready
to work hard and maybe money
Call 758-7543 or 746-4837.
FOR SALE: Custom 250 Base
amplifier-$500. Gibson E-B-0
Base guitar-$150. Yamaha F-g-
140 Acoustic guitar-$60. Call
752-0998, ask for Steve.
One twin
$20.00 Call
rates. 756-1921.
FOR SALE: Fender Bassman iu
amplifier 110 watts RMS very
little use. Good for guitar, bass,
electric piano. Call 758-7670
after 6.00 p.m.
FOR SALE: 1972 Firebird, vinyl
top, AC, PS, auto, stereo. A-1
condition. Call 946-3691 after 6.
FOR SALE: 71 Fiat 850 S; ort
$1350 or best offer. 752-2880.
FOR SALE: Old and new Lp's.
Fleetwood Mac's and Marshall
Tucker's new one $3.00. Played
once for recording. More. Call
FOR SALE: 1969 AMC Station
Wagon, power steering auto-
matic transmission, radio. Must
sell. Asking $450. 752-9243
EUROPE : No-frills student-
teacher charter flights Global
Travel. 521 Fifth Ave. New York
N.Y. 10017(212)379-3532.
FOR SALE: Tennis Equipment-
1 Wilson Aluminum racquet-T
200C wcover $25.00
FOR SALE: New Pier Simpson
CB $40.00 758-8687.
FOR SALE: Pair Omega floor
model stereo speakers; 3 ft.
columns; 50 watts RMS max;
50-18,000 h2; $159.95 each new,
will sell both for $250. Less than
2 weeks old. Call Allen 752-9887
after 530.
FOR SALE: Dam size refrigera-
tor. 758-8452.
WANTED: Full size refrigerator
with freezer area. 758-8452.
PARTTIME JOB: Earn $250-
$500 stuffing 1000 envelopes:
homework-sparetime. Details:
$1, Self-addressed, stamped
envelope (C.R. Kester, 400
Marsh Rd Charlotte, N.C.
FOR SALE: 69 VW bus, fair
condition for $1100. Call 758-0250
after 5 p.m.
FOR SALE: Jeunet 10 speed
bicycle. 26" frame, 27" wheels.
New. Call 758-7571 after 4:30
FOR SALE: Roth Stradivari us
moden 34-size violin. Excellent
condition. Contact Brooks at
FOR SALE: 1970 Toyota Corona
Mark II Sta. Wagon, air, auto-
matic, good condition. $400 below
retail. $1095. Call 756-7059 after-
noons and evenings.
FOR SALE: BIC 960 turntable.
Still under warranty. Call 752-
8837 after 5 p.m.
TYPING: 75 cents per page. Call
Debra Parrington, 756-6031
days, and 752-2508 nights.
FOR SALE: 1970 VW Beetle,
very good condition, must sell,
$400.00 below book value. 752-
FOR SALE: Silver rings, phone
Roxanne at 752-8694. Or phone
Crafts Center in Mendenhall and
leave message.
FOR SALE: Sofa & Matching
chair, good condition, both for
$60.00. Also, rocker for $15.00.
Call 752-8011.
FOR SALE: 1974 750cc Suzuki.
Mint condition, new: paint, tires,
chain, etc. $1200.00. Call 752-
1442 ask for David.
FOR SALE: 8-track-cassette-
reel to reel-can completely erase
for rerecord for 25 cents ea. Call
758-8216 after 11 XX) p.m.
FOR SALE: Sanyo 8 track, AM,
FM stereo $65. Call 7588216
after 11 XX) p.m. 8-t rack-cassette
reel to reel-can completely erase
for rerecord for 25 cents ea.
FOR SALE: CB radios $39.95.
New. 758-8687.
FOR SALE: 1966 Buiok Station
Wagon. Call Alice, 757-6366, 9 to
5 weekdays.
WANTED: Used refrigerator and
stove (cheap). Need immediately.
757-6462 between 8 a.m. and 5
p.m. Ask for Mel.
NEED AVON? Call 75&8705.
college campus dealer. Sell
brand name stereo components
at lowest prices. High profits;
For details, contact; FAD Com-
ponents, Inc. 20 Passaic Ave
Fairfield, New Jersey 07006
llene Orlowsky 201-227-6884
Call Collect.
FOR SALE: Surfboard - 6 2
Nomad yellow wred trim. Only 3
yrs. old. Reasonably priced. Call
Chip. 758-7640.
FOR SALE: 1965 Fleetwood
Cadillac, black, red inter exc.
oond. TeleT CB. 8 track. Best
offer. Bill 758-8809.
FOR SALE: Realistic car-tape
player 8 mo. old. $20.00.
hOH SALE: Pioneer SX-939
AMFM stereo receiver. 70 w per
channel RMS at under 0.3 percent
harmonic distortion. Still under
warranty. Call 758-8678.
FOR SALE: 1976 CJ360T Honda.
4,000 miles. Excellent condition,
an 752-0924. Ask for Monty.
HELP: My roommate LIBBY
LEFLER is running for SGA
secretary. I know she's qualified
and is very concerned with
student affairs. But she needs
your vote on March 30th. Please
FOH SALE: Stereo - KLH 17
speakeis $100.00, Sansui Au-555
Amp 22w RMSChan. $100.00,
casette aeck with dolby $100.00.
o2:x).00 takes an. Remington 742
ju-ubntieil75.00. Call 758-4863.
FOR SALE: Double bea dox
springs - mattress free $30.00.
Biack and white t.v. Solid State
ibO.OO. Econo Travel Motel
r-OR SALE: Couch, fair condition,
comfortable, $10. Rocking chair,
$8. Call 752-1534 after 6 p.m.
FOR SALE: AR 3ax speakers.
Excellent condition - call
room trailer, 2 full bathes,
furnished with washerdryer.
$37.00 per month & utilities.
FOR RENT: 1 & 2 bedroom
apartments, located on Cross St.
Newly renovated and new ap-
pliances. Call 752-4154
FOR RENT: 1107 Evans St.
34.75 & utilities per month.
Contact Beth in Flanagan 420
during or call 758-7675 at niaht.
spring andor summer. Com-
fortable and dose to campus. Call
NEEDED: Male roommate to
share two bedroom apt. at
East brook for the summer. Pay
half rent and utilities. Call
NEEDED: Roommate for Green-
way apts. 2 br. - $88 per mo.
Contat Joe Grimes Apt. 20 after 4
NEEDED desperately: The help
of anyone presently renting a 2 or
3 bedroom house, but who will
vacate in May a June. Prefer
rent to be about $100. Please call
Pam at 752-6856 or 756-5190.
house, private bedroom. 752-
male preferred) to share an
Apartment or House, living
expenses, and good times start-
ing this June '77 in CHAPEL
HILL. Interested? Please call
Kim Sue at 758-1390.
FOR RENT: One female room-
mate needed to share 2 bedroom
apartment at College View. You
will have your own bedroom and
can move in on May 1. Rent is
$50.00 a month, plus half of
utilities. Fa more info call Laurie
at 752-6963
NEEDED: 4 female roommates-
June 1. 758-8452.
room duplex. $50.00 plus 12
utilities. Pets o.k. Call 752-5170
after 9 p.m. a 757-6736 (9-5) a
oome by F-420.
FOR RbiM r: 3 bedroom trailer 2
full baths, furnished with wash-
er & dryer. $37.00 per month &
utilities. Call 756-7659.
SUMMER RENT: Graduate stu-
dent seeks a oouple of roommates
fa the summer in completely
furnished apt. $55mo. plus 13
of utilities. Call 758-1437.
LOST: 1 girl who is blind
without her glasses-someone
picked up a navy blue hooded
sweatshirt a oouple of Saturdays
ago at the Jolly Roger that had
a pair of rose colaed Glaia
Vanderbilt glasses-l have a navy
hooded sweatshirt that's too
big-PL�AS� oontad Janet Pope
423 Tyler-758-9670. $10.00
MISSING: Black & white
shaggy sheepdog puppy-Female
red collar. Missing in Lawson's
Trailer Park area. 756-3898 or
752-1907 (wak).
LOST: Ladies gold watch, non-
stretch band with guard chain.
$5.00 reward. Contact Becky
Thomps n, 134 Slay Hall. Lost
March 1 . 758-8588.
LOST: Set of keys, brown flap on
key ring with (Leo) emblem $5.00
reward! Call Johnny, 752-1442.
LOST glasses, brown case. $10
reward. 758-8895 after 5 p.m.
Austin - Bid.
LOST: Set of keys on a leather
strap somewhere on campus.
FOUND: Rockwell calculator in
Austin 307, March. Call 752-
FOUND: 1 lady's ringninquire
at Austin 134.
personal (a
NEEDED Writers fa FOUN-
TAINHEAD. Low pay, long hours
but guaranteed advancement.
Most of the staff of the odlege
newspaper graduate this Spring.
We need underdassmen to fill
many staff positions. Writers get
in on ground floa. Call 757-6366
a apply in persoi at FOUN-
TAINHEAD office.
WANTED: Fa summer employ-
ment, boys' dam counsela fa
six-weeks summer program fa
talented high school students.
Must live in dam with students
and help with weekend recreat-
ional adivities. Program lasts
from June 22 until Agu. 2.
Contad Paul Carlashkin in
Physics 308, 757-6476.
NEEDED: Ride to Atlanta (a
anywhere nearby) for April's
Spring break. I can leave anytime
and will share expenses. Call
Kathy at 752-8180.
FREE Whdesale Jewelry Cat-
alog! Exdusive Designers' cd-
ledion! Bargains galae! Box
1824, Cleveland, Ohio 44106.

Page 12 FOUNTAINHEAD 24 March 1977
Five Buc swimmers in nationals
Five East Carolina swimmers
will leave Wednesday to attend
the NCAA Swimming and Diving
Championships at Cleveland
(Ohio) State University, March
Ted Nieman leads the group,
as he will be swimming in three
events. His events are the 200
freestyle and the two freestyle
relays, the 400 and 800. John
McCauley will swim in the 50
freestyle championships, as well
as the 400 free relay. Joining
Nieman and McCauley on the 400
free relay will be John Tudor and
Billy Thorne, Nieman will team
East Carolina University will
hold its first public scrimmage of
spring football drills this Satur-
day. The Pirates will play in
Wilson at Fike High School
Stadium at 2:00 p.m.
Thus far, coach Pat Dye has
been most pleased with his club's
work in spring practice.
"It's been a good spring
practice thus far said Dye.
"I've been very encouraged by
what I've seen. The entire group
has really waked hard and had
great enthusiasm. In fact, this
group has been as enthusiastic as
any I've ever been around in the
The areas we were most
conoerned with are looking fine at
this point. The only thing we need
is just repetition and game-type
experience. I have complete
confidence in the talent and
ability we have
The defensive secondary was
one of the maja conoerns. At this
point, Charlie Carter (Fr-
Fayetteville) has been one of the
maja highlightsof spring drillsat
corner back. Steve Hale (Jr-
Cdumbus, Ga.) at free safety,
Willie Holley (Fr-Edenton) and
returning safety Gerald Hall
(Soph-Edenton) are out front in
the other positions.
One of the most pleasing
aspects of the drills has been the
punting of Rodney Allen of
Henderson. He's a walkon that's
out front fa the open punter
Sam Harrell (Soph-Ahoskie)
has been outstanding at running
back, assuring the Pirates of
three fine runners next year, with
Eddie Hicks (Soph-Henderson)
and Willie Hawkins (Jr-Grimes-
land) returning.
At center, another problem
spot, Rickie Holliday (Jr-
Williamston) is in the number one
spot, but is being pushed hard by
Jeff Hagans(Fr-Greenville), Rob
Wirthlin (Fr-Montgonery, Ohio)
and John Wrape (Soph-Ashe-
Saturday's scrimmage is
being spoisaed by the Wilsai
Pirate Club. Following the scrim-
mage a talk will be made by
Governa Jim Hunt, and then a
barbeque dinner will be held.
Tickets fa the entire day are
$5.00 fa adults and $3.00 fa
with Tuda, Thane and Stewart
Mann to comprise the 800 team.
"I think this is our first legitimate
chance to gain all-America status
fa sane of our swimmers, said
Coach Ray Scharf. "It is one of
the fastest pools in the wald, the
competitiai isgcod, and we have
sane experience which we lacked
in the past
McCauley was ranked ninth in
the United States last year befae
the natiaials at Princeton, but
failed to make the top 12 (which
gives a swimmer all-America
"John's a junia now and has
been to the nationals twice
Scharf added. "The jitters should
not work against him this year
A breakdown of the Pirates
shows two junias, two sopho-
maes and a freshman bound fa
the natiaials.
Four of our guys have been
to the nationals befae Scharf
continued. "And Nieman (fresh-
man), is a cool perfamer. I don't
think any pressure will hamper
Nieman was probably the top
perfamer ai the ECU team this
year. He holds four varsity
records in individual events (200,
500, 100 and 1650 frees) and has
swum on the recad 800 freestyle
team (650.61). He has been
named the top athlete on the ECU
campus twice by the school paper
and is likely to walk off with the
MVP award fa swimming.
"I am anxious to swim at the
Cleveland State pod Nieman
said recently. "I hear it's one of
the fastest around. I'm hoping to
knock a second off the 200 free
time I had at the Easterns
(1:40.87). If I do that I'll be
happy. But I don't think that will
give me all-America status. But,
only about 30 people are qualified
fa the natiaials, so who knows,
anything can happen
When asked if he would be
under a lot of pressure, being a
freshman at the nationals, Nie-
man said, "I'll probably be a little
shaky going up on Wednesday,
but I'll be loosened up by Friday
when I swim
Scharf thinks the relays are
the most promising for East
Carolina to place in.
"I think we can knock five a
six seconds off our 800 (free relay)
time Scharf said. "That should
be good enough to place. We'd
have to knock four seconds off the
400 (free relay) time (307.14) to
make it. But with the good
competition and the faster pool,
who knows. Just maybe we can do
Nieman is the only one of the
five Pirate qualifiers who is not a
resident of Nath Carolina. He
hails from Winter Park, Fla
while Mann and McCauley are
from Charlotte, and Tuda and
Thane are Gi oensbao residents.
"I think it says a lot fa the
caliber of freestyle swimmers that
come out of Nath Carolina
Scharf said. "McCauley is always
ranked in the top 20 of sprint
swimmers and the others have
shown they can go with the best
of them
East Carolina, while NCAA
Division II and NAIA in the late
50's and early 60's, won two
national championships and had
82 all-America swimmers. But,
since 1968, when ECU entered
Division I, they have failed to gain
an all-America. Maybe this is the
Hidden in this diagram are the names of
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The first one has been circled to get you
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There's another challenge we'd like to offer you, too.
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tasting beer you can get. Since 1844 it always has.
PABST Since 1844.The quality has always come through.
ipooj uoppiH

Fountainhead, March 24, 1977
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 24, 1977
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