Fountainhead, March 10, 1977

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Serving the campus
community for over 50
years. With a circulation
of 8,500, this issue is 12
Vol. 52, No. 39
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
10 March 1977
Protestp. 6
The Southp. 7
Lady Pi rates p. 9
SGA election rules
change this Spring
Staff Wrtier
The SGA Spring elections
committee has made several
changes in the general election
rules for the upcoming execu-
tive officers election March 30.
The SGA legislature ap-
proved the general election
rules, including the changes,
presented by the Spring elect-
ions committee during their
regular meeting on Feb. 21, ac-
cording to Frank Saubers, com-
mittee oo-chairperson.
The new rules increase the
amount of money candidates
may spend campaigning by $25.
Candidates for SGA presi-
dent will be able to spend $125.
Candidates for SGA vice presi-
dent, treasurer and secretary
will have a $100 ceiling.
The elections oommittee will
have increased control over
candidates' expenditures, ac-
cording to Saubers.
"There will be three new
voting precincts this year said
Saubers. "They will be on the
buses; purple, gold, and
The number of late polls will
also increase this year, Saubers
The late polls will be at
Mendenhall, the Croatan, and
the Student Supply Store. These
polls will remain open until 7
p.m. The others will close at 5
Students may file for execu-
tive off ices only from March 3 to
March 16. A mandatory meeting
of all candidates is set for the
night of March 16.
Candidates will receive
copies of the election rules when
they file.
"We included the rules with
the filing form to give us more
bite said Saubers. "Candi-
dates will not be able to say they
didn't know the rules
Campaigning will begin on
March 17, according to Phil
Barbee, elections committee
Anyone interested in tend-
ing a poll fa $2 an hour should
submit their name and phone
number to the SGA secretary by
March 25.
Studuntswith questions con-
cerning the elections should
contact Frank Saubers;
758-9823, Phil Barbee;
758-8790, or the SGA offioe;
ECU birth control
The PHI ranks first
Staff Writer
The ECU Infirmary offers three types of birth oontrol for women
students, and can arrange for a fourth type with a private doctor or
the Pitt County Health Department, according to Dr. Judy Young,
ECU Infirmary physician.
According to Young, the pill is the most oommon birth oontrol
method used by ECU students and has the lowest pregnancy rate.
A student wishing to take the pill is required to attend a
conference on sexuality problems and different types of birth
"We try to present the pros and cons of the different types of
birth oontrol said Young.
"We emphasize the pill. I think it is the best form of
contraceptive tor this age group
After attending the conference, the next step is a Pap smear.
The oost is$5. A culture fa gonarhea and a breast examination are
also per famed.
"I generally give the student one pack of pills said Dr. Young.
"If she has no problem with that type after a month, then I give
her a prescription
The infirmary also fits students with diaphragms. The student is
given a prescription fa a kit which costsabout $7 a $8, aocading to
Another type offered is the maning-after pill.
Aocading to Young, the pill should be taken within 72 hours
after intercourse and oontinued fa five consecutive days.
The student should then begin her period. If she does not, she
should have a urine test fa pregnancy.
If the test cones back positive, the infirmary can give the
student phone numbers to several clinics which perfam abatiais.
The clinics most commonly referred to are Raleigh, Chapel Hill,
Fayetteville, and Nafolk, Va.
These clinics charge between $150-$200.
An abatioi can be perfamed in Greenville up to 12 weeks after
oonception fa $350.
SPRING MA Y NOT BE officially here yet, but most of warm days in quest of an early tan.
that never stops ECU coeds from making the Photo by Pete Podeszwa
Student Union to make
organizational changes
Staff Writer
Student Unioi oommittees
are presently being reagan-
ized, aoaading to President-
elect Dennis Ramsey.
The Union has previously
had 12 committees which were
responsible fa the program-
ming of on-campus entatain-
ment. Next year there will only
be nine due to changes in
aganizatioi, said Ramsey.
"We're combining Major
Attractions and Special Enter-
tainment into one committee
next year Ramsey announoed.
"The reason fa this change
is the shatage of funds created
by Maja Attractions this year
Aocading to Ramsey, Maja
Attractions lost $63,000 in a
four-month period between Sep-
tember and December.
He added there will be two
line items in the Popular
Entertainment budget, with
Major Attractions receiving
$25,000 and Special Entatain-
ment receiving $15,000.
"Special Entertainment pro-
vides the free concerts on the
mall. It isoonoerned mostly with
mina oonoerts.
"Maja Attractions is going
to be kind of a one shot deal this
year. It's hard to get a good
show fa less than $20,000
Ramsey said that the Unioi
is not going to spend the
$25,000 until they feel that they
have a group that students want
to see and that will sell.
"We may not have a maja
concert at all during first
Ramsey said that since
money in programming is so
tight, Maja Attractiais will be
asked to present their proposals
fa oonoerts to the Program
Board who will then vote on it.
"If Maja Attractiais gets
back on their feet, next year's
president will probably separate
Popular Entertainment into
Maja Attractiais and Special
THE COMMITTEES of the Student Union, located in Mendenhall,
will undergo reorganization in the fall.
Entertainment again.
"If they blow it, they would
become inactive
Ramsey said that two other
changes are also taking place.
We're placing Minaity Arts
and Video Tape on inactive
Ramsey said that he feels
these two oommittees' expendi-
tures are not justified by the
amount of programming that
they do.
14All that the Minaity Arts
Committee has done is to
sponsa Black Arts Week
Aocading to Ramsey, he
does na feel that the Union
needs one committee just to
program this one event.
He said the Minaity Arts'
budget was increased last year
without any improvement in
Video Tape has been inac-
tive sinoe January. We had the
same problem here as with
Minaity Arts.
"Fa the maiey, their pro-
gramming has not reached
enough people
Ramsey added that due to
the tight money situation crea-
ted by Maja Attractions, the
Student Unioi is having to hold
all other oommittees at their
previous budgets, in spite of the
reduction in the number of
Aocading to Ramsey, the
Student Union will be accepting
See UNION, pg. 3)
Sorry about
Due to an erro by the
printer, the March 8 issue
several pages out of o-
der. We apologize.

Car Wash Bahai
The Kappa Alpha brothers
and little sisters will hold a car
wash Saturday, March 12 at
Fifth Street Exxon beginning at
10 a.m.
First meeting of Bahai asso-
ciation will be Mon. March 14
7:30 Mendenhall room 238. Free
flick "Have You Heard the
News, My Friend
10 March 1977
Gamma Beta Fellowship
Phi Eta
If you don't feel comfortable
with yourself, wtiat would you
like to change? How would you
like to be? What would you like
to do? Maybe we can help. Call
the REAL crisis center. 758-
HELP. We offer a listening ear,
clarification of your values,and
numerous agencies of which we
have information. 758-HELP.
Frat Relays
Any Fraternities interested
in entering a 440 relay team in
the ECU Track Invitational,
March 19, contact Curtis Frye at
757-6471. The first eight teams
to enter wiil be accepted.
There will be a meeting of
Phi Eta Sigma, Freshman Honor
Society, on Thursday, March 17,
in Mendenhall 221, beginning at
7:30 p.m. A speaker will make a
presentation on the Peace Com-
mittee of Greenville, and the
processof election of offioers for
1977-78 will be discussed. All
members plus all interested
students are urged to attend.
The Amazing Kreskin has a
standing offer of $20,000 for
anyone who disproves his claim
that he uses no confederate or
secret assistance of any kind.
You will ge the chance to win
this money when Kreskin ap-
pears here on Thursday March
31st at 8 p.m. in Mendenhall
Student Center Theater. Admis-
sion for students is by activity
card & I.D.
Hours of operation for the
animal control shelter will
change effective 3-7-77. The
following hours will be obser-
ved. Daily Monday through
Friday 800 to 9.00 A.M 12.00
to 1 00 p.m. and 4O0 to 6O0
p.m. Closed all day Saturday
and Sunday. It is felt that the
above hours should be adequate
for all business at the shelter.
Phi Sigma Pi
Phi Sigma Pi National Honor
Fraternity will hold its monthly
business meeting on Wed. Mar.
9,1977 at 6O0 p.m. in room 204
Austin building. All brothers
who plan to attend the March
dinner meeting must pay their
dinner fee of $3.00 this week.
Girls, cheerleading try-outs
will be soon. Get in shape. Get
involved. Information later.
Phi Alpha
Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society
will hold its monthly meeting,
Thursday, March 17, at 730
p.m. in the Richard C. Todd
room, Brewster building. Initia-
tions and elections of new
officers will be held. All mem-
bers make plans to attend.
Friends of Animals, Inc.
(FOA) reminds you that speying
is the best way to prevent
unwanted kittens & puppies. A
reduced fee is available for
persons finding costs difficult to
afford. Please oontact Marian
Frost, our local FOA representa-
tive at 758-2715 or go by 402
Maple Street.
Gamma Beta Phi national
honor society will hold its spring
rush at 7O0 in rm. 244
Mendenhall on March 10, 1977.
Membership is open to anyone
with at least 15 hours of oollege
credit and in the top 20 of
their class. Everyone meeting
membership is cordially invited
to attend. There will be two
pledge meetings, March 14 &
March 21 in rm. 244 Menden-
hall at 7.O0.
Civil Service
All students who took the
Civil Servioe Employment test
should oontact Mrs. G. Hage-
dorn or Dr. Betsy Harper in
Rawl, room 313 or phone
757-6979 before Friday, March
It is very important that you
do so because Dr. Harper and
Mrs. Hagedorn will be contact-
ing federal agencies during the
week of March 14-18 regarding
jobs for ECU students.
Come on Thursday at 700
p.m. to Brewster D-201 for some
free Fun in the Son. All
Christians on campus are invi-
ted to join this time of learning
and fellowship.
Sharks Teeth Internships
Get your car washed and
cleaned for $1.50 this Saturday
at Jimmy's Aroo Servioe on the
oorner of the 264 By-pass and
New Bern Highway. A limited
number of fossil shark teeth will
be given away to the first
There will be an ice cream
party for all Hillel members
Friday, March 11, at 7 p.m. at
the Den (on the corner of 9th
and James Sts.)
German Club
The German Club is hosting
an evening of German dancing
March 17 at the Mendenhall
Coffeehouse from 7:30-10:00
p.m. All interested students and
faculty are invited to attend.
Acct. Society
This summer 100 internship
positions in North Carolina
Government will be available for
oollege students.
Any oollege student attend-
ing school in North Carolina, or
who is a resident of North
Carolina, is eligible to apply for
the program. Preference for
internships is generally given to
rising juniors, seniors and gra-
duate students. Students invol-
ved in all areas of study can
benefit by participating in the
Interns will be paid $3.12 per
hour for their work (40 hr. work
week-$125.00 per week).
The ECU Cooperative Edu-
cation offioe has the information
and application blanks which
are necessary for students to
apply for the summer intern-
Interested students should
oontact the co-op office no later
than March 18. See Mr. Doug
Kruger, Mrs. G. Hagedorn, or
Dr. Betsy Harper in Rawl, room
Accounting Society March
14, 530 in Rawl 130. Sammy (fl'dTlS
Fade from Wachovia Compu-
ter Center, will speak on "EDP
Operations and Controls
Four ECU students bought
their first Mel Bay beginning
Guitar book, and declared them-
selves the "MEL BA Y Quartet"
We agreed to let them perform
March 11 & 12th at 8 & 9O0 p.m.
to see if they oould live up to
their astonishing name.
The Coffeehouse is located
in rm. 15 Mendenhall, so
witness this performance. While
you listen, you can enjoy free
refreshments. Admission only
25 cents.
Register now for one of the
crafts workshops which are
being offered by the Crafts
Center of Mendenhall Student
Center. Sign up for Beginning
Darkroom, Basic Pottery, Floor
Loom Weaving, Macrame, Be-
ginning Jewelry, Metal Ename-
ling, Linoleum Block Printing,
or Woodworking. There is a
$5.00 quarterly Crafts Center
membership fee and personal
supplies will not be provided.
For details, call or visit the
Crafts Center during the hours
of 200 p.m. until 10.00 p.m.
Monday throug l Friday. Class
space is limited and the regis-
tration deadline for all work-
shops is Friday, March 11.
On Friday from 7-9 p.m. the
WECU Artist Series will be the
Electric Light Orchestra,
brought to you by Bob Bass.
Always the best from music
Radio AM 57-WECU
ECU Bowl
The First Annual ECU
COLLEGE BOWL Competition
is about to begin. Get a team
together, find a ooach, and oome
and register with the Program
Office in Mendenhall Student
Center on Monday, March 14.
Members of the winning team
will receive $25.00 each in prize
money. The second place team
members will receive $10.00
Intramural competition
begins on March 24. The Finals
will be held in the Mendenhall
Student Center Theatre on
Wednesday, April 27.
For further information, call
the Student Center Program
Offioe at 757-6611, ext. 213.
Official COLLEGE BOWL Com-
petition is here. Put yourself or
your department or organization
on the winning team!
No sex
When you fill-out an applica-
tion for a student union chair-
person position your sex will
make no difference as to whe-
ther or not you get the job.
These applications will be avail-
able in the student union office
at Mendenhall Student Center
from March 7-25. We need
chairpersons for the following
committees: Coffeehouse, films,
popular entertainment, artist
series, lecture series, travel,
theater arts, art exhibition, and
the Entertainer. Help plan the
entertainment offered at ECU
next year.
SGA posts
The positions of Student
Government Transit Manager
and SGA Refrigerator Rental
Manager are now open for
application. For information as
to what the jobs entail, see
DebbieGreiner, Refrigerator
Manager and Gary Miller, Tran-
sit Manager, at the SGA Offioe
(757-6611, Ext. 218, Menden-
hall Student Center). Applica-
tions will be taken until March
18th at the SGA Office.
Managers need to be selected so
they will have at least one
month's on-the-job experience.
Work will begin by mid-April.
Only full-time ECU students
may apply.
What does "FG" mean??
"FG" stands for the Forever
Generation, an ECU campus
organization that meets weekly
for a time of Christ-centered
Christian fellowship. Our meet-
ings include a study or chal-
lenge from God's Word, sing-
ing, fellowship and prayer. We
also have get-togethers, oook-
outs, weekend retreats and
other fun times. Why not join us
this Friday night at 750 in
Brewster B-103?
Two evening oourses de-
signed to improve parenthood
skills will be offered this spring
by East Carolina University.
They are "Preparation for Par-
enthood" (Wednesdays, March
23-May 11) and "Systematic
Training for Effective Parent-
ing" (Wednesdays, March 16-
May 11). Call 757-6143 or
Law Society
The ECU Law Society will
meet Thurs. March 17, in 221
Mendenhall. Guest speaker will
be consumer advocate John R.
Mathis. All members who plan
to take the Washington D.C.
trip must attend this meeting.
Learn sports
ECU will offer two evening
oourses for the sports-minded
this spring: "Baseball Officia-
ting" (Mondays, Feb. 28-April
4) and "Basic Scuba Certifica-
tion" (Tuesdaysand Thursdays,
March 10-April 5 For informa-
tion call 757-6143 or 757-6148.
Applications for 1977-78
marshalls are being taken in 228
Mendenhall, 9-5 daily until the
last of March. A person must
have a 3.0 or above average and
96 quarter hours by the end of
Filing for SGA President,
Vice President, Secretary and
Treasurer will continue thru
March 16th at 5.O0 p.m. Fa
your name to appear on the
ballot, you must file for the
office during this time at the
SGA offioe, second floor Men-
There will be a meeting of
the Greenville Officials Associa-
tion on Thursday, March 10,
1977at 6.00 in the T.V. Room at
Elm Street Gym. Anyone inter-
ested in officiating Softball or
Junior High Baseball should
attend. For further information
call 752-5214.
The ECU Student Volunteer
Association has been reacti-
vated ! We are located on the top
floor of the Methodist Student
Center on 5th street.

10 March 1977 FOUNTAINHEAO Pag 3
Honor frat has new advisor
Co-News Editor
Dr. Jack Thornton has been
named faculty advisor for Tau
chapter of Phi Sigma Pi National
Honor Fraternity effective May
Thornton will replace the
retiring Dr. Richard C. Todd
who held the position for 27
Phi Sigma Pi, the oldest
fraternal organization at ECU, is
based on the tri-pod of scholar-
ship, leadership, and fellow-
ship. Initiation requirements
Continued from pg. 1
include a 3.3 overall average
and evidence of leadership
"I was most honored to be
selected said Thornton, an
associate professor of economics
in the ECU School of Business.
"I'll have a hard time living up
to my predecessor, Dr. Todd.
He has sacrificed countless
hours to Phi Sigma Pi
Thornton was initiated as a
brother Feb. 2 and will assume
the faculty advisor position at
the fraternity's Founder's Day
Banquet May 6. Thornton is
acting as co-advisor with Todd
until then.
"I don't plan to change the
direction of the fraternity, just
reinforce it Thornton com-
Thornton has been at ECU
ten years and lives in Greenville
with his wife and two daughters.
His other activities and
positions include faculty advisor
to Student Fund Accounting and
Omicron Delta Epsilon, Opti-
mist Club treasurer, ECU
Camera Club President, and
Chairman of the Board of a
small local, book sales firm.
Photo by Pete Podeszwa
applications for chairpersons of
the nine oommittees which will
be staffed during the 1977-78
academic year from March 7-25.
Interested students should
go by the Student Union Office
in Mendenhall and fill out an
Students will also be re-
quired to have a fifteen minute
interview with Ramsey, who will
make the final selections.
The selections will be an-
nounced April 1, 1977 and
submitted to tne Student Union
Board of Directors for final
approval on April 7.
The oommittees and their
responsibilities are:
Artist Series - which pre-
sents a fine arts concert series
and other special attractions to
meet the needs of the students
who desire fine arts entertain-
Popular Entertainment -
which will be responsible for
presenting concerts and other
entertainment on a major and
minor scale.
Travel - is responsible tor
the travel programs provided to
students by the Student Union,
Starving Artists
Show & Sale
The Mushroom
For Information
Call: 752-3815
The Library
Gents Night
Sunday Night
Free Draft
starting at 9:00 P.M.
as long as it lasts
GJjefc Tyler
In Downtown Greenville
Super Friday Special
(March 11)

Corduroy & Denim
sizes 28-36
(regularly 15&$16)
Limit 2 pairs per customer
(no layaway or alterations.)
Lecture Series - selects,
plans, promotes, and presents a
Lecture Series consisting of
widely recognized personalities
or topics of interest.
Theatre Arts - meets the
needs of the students who
desire dramatic arts entertain-
Art Exhibition - is responsi-
ble for providing a wide variety
of art displays and other visual
arts programming.
Films - provides Friday and
Saturday night popular film
series of contemporary films; a
Wednesday night series which
presentsavant gardes, classical,
and international films; film
festivals; and an annual univer-
sity film oontest.
Coffeehouse - is responsible
for presenting contemporary
music artists and other enter-
tainers in a relaxed nightclub
lishes the upcoming programs
of the Student Union and is also
responsible for coordinating the
promotion of the entire Student
These positions are open to
all full time students. Fa more
information call the Student
Union Offioe.
Tom Jones
Say You'll Stay
Until Tomorrow
Come To Me
(Theme From
The Pink Panther
Strikes Again )
Anniversary Song
When Its Just
You And Me
Take Me Tonight
We Had It All
On Sale
Let Me Happen To You The Hungry Years
s I Find Is Beautiful! Love Making Love To You
This Is What You Mean To Me
$ 5.99Tope
Pitt Plaza

Page 4
10 March 1977
Bookstore�big business
Secretary of Academic Affairs Tim McLeod's
presentation to the SGA Legislature of a feasibility
study on establishing a book-rental program at
ECU, superficial though it may be, should be
seriously considered. A similar program at
Appalachian State University has seemed to prove
effective in shaving off the growing cost of
textbooks, which in many instances runs more than
$100 yearly.
With assets of nearly $1 million and a net profit
of over $125,000 at the end of last fiscal year the
student supply store at this university is, as are
most big businesses, greatly concerned with profit,
more than with providing students with their books
at the least possible oost.
For the sake of students' pocketbooks, the time
to institute a mone-saving plan for using texts that
are required at this university is definitely now. All
indications point to higher prices for books and
supplies, especially next year when the semester
system will give the supply store only two grand
opportunities to bloat its already swelling profit
The feasibility study indicated that the rental
scheme would cost on the average about $21 per
quarter-probably slightly more under the semes-
ter system. Under the current buy-back plan the
supply store purchases used books from students
at half the original price and resells them at
three-quarters the original cost to students. This
system, according to the study, can cost students
between $40 and $50 per quarter.
One of the major objections to the rental system
at Appalachian State, where it is currently
undergoing a five-year trial period, oomesfrom the
faculty which claims that if stifles academic
freedom. Because books become more economical
if they are reused, there could be less incentive to
utilize a revised text each time a course is taught.
Therefore it is possible that books containing dated
information would be used. On the other hand, the
rental system could prompt professors to select
basic texts and update them with paperback
selections, for example, National Journal Reprints
used in the political science department.
Nothing dictates that this university follow the
Appalachian plan directly, perhapsanother system
would work better here. But the time to find out is
now; the Student Welfare Committee of the
legislature should form an ad hoc committee
immediately to study the possibilities in detail.
Serving trw East Carolina community for ver fifty years
Senior EditorJim Elliott
Production ManagerJimmy Williams
Advertising ManagerDennis C. Leonard
News EditorsJ. Neil Sessoms
Kim Johnson
Trends EditorPat Coyle
Sports EditormAnne Hogge
FOUNTAINHEAD Is the student newspaper of East Carolina
University sponsored by the Student Government Association
of ECU and is distributed each Tuesday and Thursday during
the school year, weekly during the summer.
Mailing address: Old South Building, Greenville, N.C
Editorial Offices: 757-6366, 757-6367, 757-6309.
Subscriptions: $10.00 annually for non-students, $6.00 for
is reviewer too good for da South?
As a student at this
university, and speaking for
other students here, there is a
question proposed to which we
would like an answer. How
much longer must the student
population at ECU be subjected
to the writings of one David R.
Bosnick? Week after week we
see disgusting attempts at cin-
ema and theatre criticism, and
are not only revolted but upset
and angered by what we read.
At first Mr. Bosnick's reviews
were laughed off because they
were so ludicrous that they
bordered on humor. However,
the humor soon died as the
reviews continued and it be-
came obvious that the FOUN-
TAINHEAD seriously consider-
ed him a critic.
After the production of
Richard the Second, in his
review dated Dec. 14, 1976,
Bosnick states "The flaw in this
work is that it chooses to do
neither (present a rendition of
Shakespearean lines, recreating
Shakespeare's characters as he
intended, or present a contem-
porary interpretation of the
characters) but rather vaci-
llates between attempting to
delineate contemporary flaws
(and individuals), and portray
the England Shakespeare knew.
Does it not seem strange
that of all the interpretations of
Shakespearean drama, David R.
Bosnick would be able to discern
which was a correct interpreta-
tion, and which was not? Or
perhaps Mr. Bosnick is so
BUC to reflect year of change
This is a year of .change;
1977 is the last year ECU will be
on the quarter system and the
last year Leo Jenkins will be our
Chancellor. This is also the year
our football team left the
Southern Conference as CHAM-
PIONS. All around us there is
change this year, from Wash-
ington, D.C. to Greenville, N.C.
This will be your only chance
to capture all of the changes
here at East Carol ina-THE 1977
BUCCANEER. For only $5.00
you can pick up this 224 page
thriller next fall. The most
exciting feature of this limited
edition of the BUC is that YOU
and your friends are the charac-
ters, but only if you buy your
subscript ion NOW!
Because the funding of the
BUCCANEER has been restric-
ted this year, we are forced to
charge $5.00 per book. That is
just a tittle more than two cents
per page for a book that you'll
want to keep forever-TWO
CENTS PER PAGE! If you have
any questions concerning the
purchase of the 1977 BUCCA-
NEER, please feel free to call
us. Our number is 757-6501, or
oome by the Publications Center
which is across from Joyner
Library to purchase your sub-
scription now. First oome-first
served, so if you want one, and
we' re sure you will, you' d better
hurry. Thank you.
Seth Medlin
versed in Shakespeare that he
considers himself an expert.
Certainly, that is doubtful.
But more recently, Bosnick
has raised and lowered his rod
of theatrical criticism on the
production Pel leas and Meli-
sande. Who does this person
think that he is? While one
understands that a reviewer
must deliver criticism, this
reviewer delivers what could be
interpreted as near slander!
He cut down the lighting
(because of the "audible click
and hum of electricity"), the
scenery and the performance of
the players. And once again Mr.
Bosnick provides the reader
with the correct interpretation of
the play-his own! One would
wonder why, when blessed with
such insight into drama Bosnick
would settle for the mere job of
reviewer! After all with such
talent why does he not act, or
better yet produce?
And as far as cinema goes
has there ever been a movie of
which our raving reviewer ap-
proved? Surely if there has
been, it has not been to
Greenville. In his recent review
of the movie, A Star is Born,
with his usual crass style, Mr.
Bosnick proceeded to tear down
a movie that had received
favorable reviews across the
nation, and that everyone who
saw it loved.
Perhaps the problem lies in
the assumption that Bosnick is
too talented for the South. Fa
certainly, if his talent was
elsewhere, ECU students could
enjoy local entertainment a lot
T. Boone

Scales' verdict 'reversed'
10 March 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 5
A "jury" of 12 ECU students and interested
individuals yesterday found Junius Scales, a
self-professed communist leader, not guilty of
attempting to violently overthrow the govern-
ment of the United States.
The verdict was handed down yesterday in
Mendenhall Student Center after a recreation by
the Carolina Theatre Company of the controver-
sial 1958 trial in Greensboro.
Scales, who in 1947 publically proclaimed
himself chairman of the North and South Carolina
districts of the Communist Party, U.S.A was
first found guilty in 1954.
He was retried, however, in 1958 because the
FBI had withheld prosecution records from the
defense. After a two-week trial, Scales was again
found guilty of violating the Smith Act and
sentenced to six years in prison.
The Smith Act makes it illegal to "know-
ingly" associate with any organization which has
as its goal the foroeful overthrow of the U.S.
Much of the testimony for the prosecution in
the reenacted trial centered on proving that the
Communist Party in the U.S. seeks the
annihilation of the government in its present
form. Once that tenet had been tied to the party's
objectives the prosecution then sought to prove
that Scales, as a member of the party had actively
participated in its ranks knowing of the avowed
The ECU jury was unconvinced. It delib-
erated briefly and returned a unanimous verdict
of not guilty.
The Carolina Theatre Company has been
performing the reenacted trial since October
1976, on a grant from the N.C. Humanities
Commission. Scales was "tried" again last night
in the Pitt County Courthouse. According to
directa William Dreyer, the play was chosen fa
both its theatrical and provocative nature. One of
the most touching moments is when Scales'
mother takes the stand to testify on behalf of her
son. She tells of Junius" leaving home after FBI
agents began surveilling him. He wanted to
spare the family the experience, she said.
Scales received clemency after serving less
than a third of his sentence. He is now living in
New Yak and waking fa the New York Times as
a proofreader. He has not seen the trial's
Geography Dept. to begin
visiting professorship in Fail
The ECU Department of
Geography will inaugurate a
Distinguished Visiting Profes-
saship during the fall semester
of 1977-78.
The program is designed to
bring an outstanding scholar in
the field of geography to the
campus one semester each year,
according to Dr. Ennis L.
Chestang, chairman of geo-
graphy at ECU.
Dr. John Fraser Hart, pro-
fessor of geography at the
University of Minnesota, will be
first occupant of the position, he
A native of Staunton, Va
Dr. Hart holds the AB in
classical languages from Emay
University and the PhD in
geography from Nathwestern
University. Befae joining the
Minnesota faculty in 1967, he
taught at Indiana and Geagia
Prof. Hart has been a
Fulbright Lecturer at the Uni-
versitede Lille in France and at
Durham University in England.
An active member of several
professional aganizations, Dr.
Hart has been executive officer
of the Association of American
Geographers and edita of the
"Annals of the Association of
American Geographers and is
currently a counsela fa the
AAG and the Canadian agani-
His publications include nine
books and monographs and 87
professional papers and articles,
in addition to editions of various
waks. Amaig his book-length
studies are "The Southeastern
United States "The Look of
the Land and "The British
Moaelands: A Problem in Land
During his visit at ECU, ur
Hart will direct a seminar fa
graduate students and teach a
course on the geography of the
U.S. and Canada fa under-
graduates. He and Dr. Chestang
will instruct a field course in
local geography.
"Fraser is no stranger to
East Carolina noted Dr.
Chestang. "He was here as a
visiting lecturer in a 1966
summer institute, and he is just
as much at home wandering
through barns, sheds, and pig
parlas as he is in the lecture
Chestang said Prof. Hart will
present one or two public
lectures during his semester
I Wish I Know Now
What I Knew Then
Delta Phi Delta Annual
Art Show and Competition
March 13-19
Mendenhall Gallery and Cases
Delta Phi Delta invites any ECU Student to enter a limit of 2 art waks in their
Annual Art Show & Conpetition to be held in Mendenhall March 13-19.
An entry fee of $1.50 per person will be charged. Waks must be brought to the
infamatiai desk at Mendenhall between 3-5 p.m. oi Sunday March 13. They should
be picked up the following Sunday same time, same place.
All 2-D waks must be properly presented (matted, acetated a framed), ready to
hang 3-D waks must be self supporting.
Categaies: Ceramics, Communicatioi Arts, Design, Drawing, Interia Design,
Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture.
Prizes: $50.00 Best in show; $20.00 First place in each categay; $15.00 Second place
in each categay; Honaable Mentioi in each categay.
Note: A categay must have at least 5 entrants befae that categay will be eligible fa
judging and prizes. Entry blanks will be available at the infamatiai booth on Sunday
March 13.
Greek news and views
Editor's Note: Beginning with this issue, FOUNTAINHEAD
will present a Greek column every Thursday to keep Greeks and
non-Greeks posted on fraternity and sorority socials, activities,
projects, and functions. Phi Kappa Tau President David Wright will
write the column relaying news and expressing opinion on Greek
oriented affairs. The col' mn will inform non-Greeks as well as
Greeks of pertinent, connected affairs.
Wright chairs the Inter Fraternity Council's Public Relations
Committee. He is a junior from Elizabeth City majoring in Business
Greek Carespondent
Spring Quarter has traditionally been the highlight of the school
year fa Greeks, and this should be an especially memaable one.
The Inter Fraternity Council (I.F.C.) and Panhellenic Council, both
separately and jointly, have scheduled a full quarter of activities,
projects, and social functions.
This week got Spring rush underway fa both fraternities and
saaities. An inaease in prospective members was noted in most
houses. Many Greek observers attribute the rise in rushees to the
recent improvement in the Greek image.
Along with each house's individual service project, the I.F.C.
and Panhellenic will man and,support the Red Cross Blood Drive
March 22-24 in Wright Auditaium.
This annual event receives full co-Greek backing to aid the
oommunity and area.
April promises a tight schedule of fraternity and saaity social
functions including Spring famals, parant weekends, and several
Wednesday night socials. The month's climax should be Pi Kappa
Phi Field Day the 23rd. An fraternities and saaities spend the day
oompeting in athletic contests with the top fraternity and saaity
receiving trophies.
Most fraternities take a band, dates, and an ample supply of
refreshments to the ooast fa beach weekends during May. These
two day romps are probably the most eagerly awaited events all
Spring by every Greek.
Greek Week May 9-14 caps the school year with a full agenda of
games, raft races, a banquet, and a sma scale Woodstock at
Moser's farm.
The I.F.C. and the Panhellenic Council have tallied the vote fa
new officers. The officers and their affiliations fa I.F.C. are:
president - Kirk Edgertoi, Phi Kappa Phi; vice president - James
Thompson, Kappa Alpha; seaetary- Bobby Harrell, Kappa Sigma;
and treasurer - Jay Chambers, Phi Kappa Tau.
The Panhellenic roster reads: president - Bonnie Brockwell, Chi
Omega; first vice president - Sue Lutz, Alpha Omiaon Pi; second
vice president - Sue Thantai, Alpha Xi Delta; treasurer - Lynne
Hewett - Delta Zeta; carespoiding seaetary - Diane Hutchinsoi,
Alpha Delta Pi.
Sigma Nu ex-president Mike Cunningham was elected vice
president fa I.F.C. Area 2 last moith.
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Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAO 10 Mar 1977


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3500 protest
J .P. Stevens shuns union
NEW YORK (LNS) I was a
worker at the J.P. Stevens plant
in Statesboro, Georgia Addie
Jackson told LNS at a demon-
stration outside the annual J.
P. Stevens stockholders meet-
ing in New York City March 1.
"About two weeks before
they ruled to have bargaining
rights in the plant, J.P. Stevens
closed it down. They closed
down the entire plant. There
was about 385 people eligible to
vote for the union. The majority
of them now have new jobs. But
there's about twenty of us that
don't. The ones that were strong
for the union, we were put on
something they call a blacklist
On March 1, 3500 people
encircled the J.P. Stevens
Tower in mid-town Manhattan
to protest against the oompany' s
anti-union tactics. Singing "We
Shall Overcome the pickters,
representing mostly labor and
student organizations, carried
signs naming J.P. Stevens
textile workers fired fa union
WORKERS DEMONSTRATED in New York against the second
largest textile firm in the world's anti-union tactics. LNS photo
1te college-caret? class of People's ap-Ksi
lemple invites tXJ "to be our specialuest -mis
Sundfli. Id stow our appreciation ofupur vteft
we are planning a reat bitf, ftorfe-cco&d
in upur honor. The eaef will be at the church,
iromediatelu; ftlbuintf trie eeNlce. Join ue at
lOarvi, this 6undaij, March rS
TgAKtefbKTATlPN PP3lpe.E
Eco- Greene 9'Z�am.
CoWor 9:15 am.
Scort 9;30aw.
6A6Tsaai APT& 9'40aw.
Cjuabein-fWcfijour apt I)
CaII 76B-466fc if td& can tick
4ou up S0�eiiere Gle.
Located on ZM fy-Pte
(jieet) next h&dO&k
Vt 3ary 81
"Fight for the Right to
Organize some of the signs
read. And "J.P. Stevens: Pro-
fits First, People Last "J.P.
Stevens Guilty of Brown Lung,
Impoverishment, Discrimina-
tion and Threats to Freedom
The second largest textile
firm in the world, J.P. Stevens
is waging an all-out campaign to
resist unionization at its 85
plants (80 in the South) where
45,000 workers are employed.
The textile workers union
won its first election against
J.P. Stevens at a plant in
Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina
during the summer of 1974.
Today, a full two and a half
years later, the company has yet
to sign a oontract with the
Amalgamated Clothing and
Textile Workers Union.
Textiles are America's last
major unorganized manufactur-
ing industry and the J.P.
Stevens battle is the key to the
South, where fewer than 10
percent of the region's 589,000
textile workers are unionized.
As picketers demonstrated
outside the J.P. Stevens Tower,
another 500 people went inside
where the annual stockholder's
meeting was being held. A
number of J.P. Stevens workers
had made the long trip to New
York from their homes in the
South, and hundreds of their
supporters brought the mini-
mum number of J. P. Stevens
charges to enable them to
attend and vote at the
shareholders meeting.
Seven J.P. Stevens workers
spoke at the meeting in favor of
two -shareholder-resolutions
-proposed by five religious
organizations. The proposals
sought information on J.P.
Stevens' discriminatory prac
tices on the basis of race and
sex, poor working conditions
faced by J.P. Stevens em-
ployees, and the company's
anti-union campaign, particular-
ly at its Statesboro and Roanoke
Rapids plants.
One 20-year employee at the
now-closed Statesboro plant
testified that he never had a
promotion at the oompany be-
cause he is black. To which
Board Chairman Finley replied,
"You had an unusual unfortu-
nate experience which most of
our employees don't have
Another worker from
Mississippi told shareholders
that he had trained many new
employees who then became his
supervisors, and that he, too,
was never promoted because he
is black.
As expected, the two pro-
union shareholder proposals
were defeated by the large
stockholders who own thou-
sands of shares and are board
members of other large banks
and corporations. The workers
intend to continue their fight for
union representation and con-
tracts, and their supporters are
waging a nationwide boycott
against all J.P. Stevens pro-
������1 �
w�ii- . -��� .?-

Spoleto Festival presents
daily chamber music shows
Spoleto Festival comes to
Charleston this May 25 to June
5, one of its daily highlights will
be noontime chamber music
concerts at the historic Dock
Street Theatre.
The concerts provide an
unusual opportunity to hear
some of the world's most highly
acclaimed musicians. Charles
Wadsworth and Peter Serkin are
co-directors of the chamber
music series. Wadsworth is the
founder and artistic director of
the Chamber Music Society of
Lincoln Center, and Serkin is
the founder of TASHI, the first
chamber music ensemble to
appear at a major New York
night club.
Wadsworth and Serkin, both
pianists, will be joined by
Richard Goode (piano), Ida
Kavafian (violin), Yo Yo Ma
(cello), Daniel Phillips (violin
and viola), Robert Routch
(French horn), Fred Sherry
(cello), and Carol Wincenz
Charles Wadsworth, a native
of Newnan, Georgia, has
created a unique concept for
presenting chamber music. His
concept provides an unusually
varied and informal program. It
has been thrilling audiences at
the Spoleto Fesitval in Spoleto,
Italy for a number of years. In
fact, according to Wadsworth,
"the public actually sometimes
has fistfights trying to get in
Each day's concert is dif-
ferent, and the music within a
given day's concert is typically
very different. "Our philoso-
phy says Wadsworth, "is
diversity of instrumentation,
repertoire, tone, the way ihings
are juxtaposed, quick shifts of
mood within a program, always
keeping the ear alive, and trying
to surprise the listener as much
as possible The Wadsworth
"formula" became so success-
ful at Spoleto that it has been
imitated in New York and
throughout the world.
Adding to the informality of
the Spoleto Chamber Music
Concerts, Wadsworth usually
discusses each day's program
with the audience. So attending
a concert becomes as edu-
cational as it is entertaining.
Last June, Wadsworth per-
formed in Charleston at the
Dock Street Theatre with the
Chamber Music Society of Lin-
coln Center. At that time, he
raved about the quality of the
theatre and its acoustics.
The noontime chamber
music concerts are one of many
aspects of the Spoleto Festival
12-day program in Charleston.
There will also be opera, ballet,
art exhibits, films, church con-
certs, orchestral concerts,
lectures, theatre, and mini-
festivals featuring storytellers,
music, crafts, mime, puppets,
and instant theatre.
Ticket and program inform-
ation and accommodations in-
formation may be obtained by
contacting Spoleto Festival
U.S.A P.O. Box 157, Charles-
ton, S.C. 29402 or calling (803)
CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERTS will be a feature of the Spoleto Arts Festival.
Recent Hall and Oates LP
explores their beginnings
Staff Writer
The Philadelphia sound,
white or black, falsetto harmon-
ies, late 50's, Orlons, Sam and
Dave, blue-eyed soul-this is the
sound we most closely associate
with the music of Daryl Hall and
John Oates, and this is the same
sound that has brought them
national prominenoe as one of
todays premiere R & B bands.
However, upon studying the
roots of these two musicians,
the once so obvious stereotype
becomes somewhat of a sur-
Long before there was ever a
"Sara Smile" or a "She's
Gone Daryl Hall and John
Oates were together merging
two totally different musical
styles, hoping to produce an
original one of their own. This is
precisely what the music from
with. It is a collection of
previously unreleased material
recorded somewhere around
1971, that explores the begin-
ninas of the Hall and Oates
sound. The music is mainly
acoustic with extremely simple
production, featuring Hall and
Oates on piano and guitar
respectively, with bass and
drum accompanimemt.
It contains none of the horns,
synthesizers or overdubbed
vocals we would expect to hear
on a more recent Hall and Oates
album, but instead a more
relaxing yet less confident
sound. Ironically enough, from
this album one can easily sense
Hall's classical background and
Oates folk roots, and how the
music developed to be what it is
today. The majority of the songs
were written by either Hall or
Oates, showing us thai the two
had not really come together
enough musically to collaborate
on anything yet. Its strength lies
in itssimplidty and Daryl Hall's
voice, which even then was
amazing. But more than that, to
the true Hall and Oates fan, the
album playsasa kind of musical
biography. Consequently, PAST
TIMES BEHIND is good, yet
quite different; so don't be
Pablo Cruise's third and
latest album might have found
them a place in the sun, but the
group has yet to find itself a
plaoe on the record charts. Their
first two albums were met with
critical acclaim and oommerdal
indifference, and so the saga of
Pablo Cruise seems to continue
This group of four southern
Californians continues to put out
what one might dare and label
the beach music of the seven-
ties, with all of the freshness
and smoothness necessary fori
gaining popularity. However
for some reason popularity is
something that has always
See REVIEW, page 8
10 March 1977
Page 7
Would you believe
The South shall rise
From the begimting of our nation's development, the area below
the Mason-Dixon line has occupied a unique position in the overall
pidure of the United States.
The British and French who settled in the South brought with
them social habits and rules of decorum that thrived under the
warm Southern sun.
While their Yankee counterparts were worrying about witches
and the evils of adultery, the Southerners were worried about the
latest version of the minuet and finding a way to keep up with
European trends in fashion.
I occupy a rather unusual position in the neverending battle
between North and South. I was born down here, but my parents are
dyed-m-the-wool Yankees, and I've lived "up there" on occasion.
The result has been a sort of chaotic effort on my part to decide
whether I'm a Southern Belle, or at least if I could get away with
faking it.
Southern women are said to have a certain something, an aura
of mystery, of seething passions bubbling under a mask of frigid
In the tradition of Scarlett O'Hara, and the women of Tennessee
Williams, the Southern lady possesses a gift, a power that enables
her to get exadly what she wants without raising her voice, or even
lifting a finger.
Feminists might find the pidure distasteful, but as one elderly
Southern dame put it; "Why should we condescend to merely
having equal rights?
This still leaves me with the problem of deeding where my
loyalties lie. Ami a Southerner, or am I simply a Yankee born in the
Over the years I've managed to sustain at least a slight drawl, an
accent which varies according to the accents around me.
I've also mastered the art of approaching life'stasksat a relaxed
pace. A Southern lady simply does not rush around while
performing her daily duties.
I have, however, had problems with the art of evasiveness. I
have to make a oonscious effort to avoid being too blunt, too frank,
while in the company of other Southerners. I've found myself
making statements and confessions that one simply does not make if
one expects to be accepted in a community of Southerners.
But that isn't my biggest problem in my efforts to be a true
Southerner. My biggest hangups (size nine, to be 'xact) are my
feet. Over the years I've noticed that Southern women simply don't
have big feet.
The way I've got it figured, the only hope I have is to get a job as
a bank teller, or some other career where my feet, in all their long
glory, will be well hidden.
After all of these years of talk about the South rising again, it
appears that the man from Plains may make that dream a reality.
Carter'selection hasturned all attention toward the South. The
media has capitalized on the color surrounding Carter, and our
national television and publications are suddenly inundated with
stories ranging from Rosalynn's opinion on grits, to Miss Lillian's
fishing secrets, to brother Billy's beer drinking antics.
Most of the nation seems receptive to the personality of the new
administration, although some express distaste at the idea of fried
chicken and Double Cola being served at state dinners.
Now before you Southerners say I'm poking fun at your
traditions, or you Northerners say I'm belittling your heritage, let
me say that I am truly fond of the South, but I don't think it's the
perfect place.
I've never harbored any secret desire fa a return to plantation
life, nor do I identify with the concept. While the Civil War was
being fought, my ancestors were still digging potatoes in Ireland.
I regard the days of separate bathrooms and Klan rallies with
distaste bordering on revulsion.
What I do like is the fad that the people of the South have such
resped for the establishment of traditions and fa the enjoyment of
life's gentle pleasures.
It's fa these reasons that I am choosing to remain in the South. I
may never cultivate a taste fa oollards, a learn to bake a pan of
biscuits, but my size nine shoes will remain firmly planted in the
warm soil of the South.

Page 8 FOUNTAINHEAD 10 March 1977
Fruitful week for local entertainment
Staff Writer
This week in Greenville
there shall be the opportunity to
observe a large and diverse
selection of performances. The
campus is hosting three reper-
tory companies.
The National Theatre for the
Deaf will perform one show on
the 15th. The company will
present works by Gertrude Stein
and Chekov. While the players
will perform mostly in the art of
mime, there will be choreogra-
phed readings of the poetry of
Frost and Cummings. This is an
excellent chance to observe the
extent ion of pantomine, as the
program will include the physi-
cal articulation of children's
letters to God.
Tonight will mark the final
performance of the Rod Rodgers
Dance company. The ensemble
is a jazz-oriented troupe that
presents styles ranging from the
older ragtime to today's Afro-
Haitian methods.
On the 16th the Union will
present the Waverly Consort, a
group of madrigal singers who
perform songs ranging from the
13th-17th centuries, while cos-
tume and choreographed in
the style of the era. The songs
presented range from pastoral
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hymns praising abstinenoe to
ribald ballads of ale and lust.
The troupe uses instruments
authentic of the era and much of
the baroque orchestration is
This week gives the student
audience an opportunity to
enjoy professional theatre. I
recommend the Waverly Con-
sort for those interested in
classical music. I have been less
than impressed with the dance
company, however.
Grizzly- This is part of the flood
of horror films that have as its
star, actual creatures that are
imbued with either enormous
size or psychotic penchant fa
violenoe. In this film the anta-
gonist is a huge bear that
refuses merely to maul his vic-
tims and proceeds to consume
them, which is apparently out of
character for bears of this
region. The film has its grue-
some moments and is rampant
with beautiful women, their torn
blouses and slaughtered lovers.
I give this movie one star; one
half for its nature photography
and half fa the blouse selection.
This movie is now appearing at
the Park Theatre.
The Pink Panther Strikes Again
- The fourth in the Pink Panther
series. The film centers again
around the antics of the ineffi-
cient Clouseau whose ineptitude
is his greatest weapon. Peter
Sellers is excellent as he
attempts to save the wald fran
the madman (his famer chief)
who attempts to rule the wald
with a dematerializer. It is an
absabing oomedy that mixes
some old jokes and exaggerated
mannerisms with the basics of
slapstick humor. The scene
following Clouseau on the para-
llel bars is one of the funniest of
the year. I give this movie 3 and
one-half stars, as the photo-
graphy is often poaly conceiv-
ed. This film is now appearing
at the Plaza Cinema one.
The Shaggy D.A. - The latest of
the Walt Disney children's
films. Dean Jones is a small
town district attaney who with
the aid of a magic device, is
transfamed into an English
sheepdog. In various ways this
enables him to immobilize the
crime cartel and its chief,
Keenan Wynn. This film is far
below the caliber of Disney's
earlier animated features, but is
the best of the recent lot. Drop
off the kids and walk next doa
and see The Pink Panther
Strikes Again. I give this film
one and a half stars. This film is
appearing at the Plaza Cinema
The Farmer - This is the wast
cinema possible. The thread-
bare pia is an excuse fa the
staging of unmotivated scenes
of violence. The scenes are as
follows; The strangling (and
consequent aal blood spewing)
of a man with piano wire, the
sodomizing of a bar girl, the
trapping of a man in a huge
clothes dryer, the shooting of a
man in the genitals then the
mouth; burning a man's eyes
with acid, setting a man on fire.
These is no excuse fa a film of
this nature. They are violent
epics that attempt to say that
justice will be ours, but oontain
realistic characters or situa-
tions. Yeah, The Farmer gets
even, as the poster says; but he
gets no stars. Stay home and do
something terrible to a small
WA VERLY CONSORT brings a taste of days past to ECU next Wednesday.
Continued from page 7.)
The music on A PLACE IN
THE SUN shows little change
from their two previous albums.
The LP is epitomized by bouncy
rhythms and beautiful acoustic
piano lines, but lacks some kind
of stabilizing faoe to oonnect
the many talents of the group's
individual members. The lead
vocals are of a "love it" a
"hate it" variety but the
Be sure to listen to Music Radio 57, WECU,
if playing the best in disco and Top 40:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
11-1 p.m.
3-5 p.m.
5-7 p.m.
J7-9 p.m.
9-11 p.m.
11-2 a.m.
Eric SievrinJoan ShraverRenee EdwardsEllen SchraderRenee Edwards
Jim HolletBob RossJim HolletBob RossCathy Carrol
BarbraClapsdaleMarc RobertsBob BassJim HolletKyleCambell Cathy
Cindy NokesChuck LeeFlash TyndallEllen SchraderFlash Tyndall
KyleCambellTony SmithLouise RosebaoughTony SmithJeff Blurr'rg
WECU brings you the best in Progressive Music:
Rob MaxonJames BurkeJessica ScarangellaCathy CarrollLouise Rosenbao
John DeaverJohn DeaverClyde TaylaFam DavisArtist Series
Scott McKenzieCathy Carol IBarbra Clapsdale3ob Bass
James BurkeMary Anne PlonowskiJoin DeaverMarv Anne Plonowski
harmonies are tight and full.
The best tunes are the catchy
"Can't You Hear The Music"
and the sorrowful "Atlanta
June however, none of the
cuts are particularly weaker a
stronger than the others, and
the album plays best as a unit.
While Pablo Cruise is an
unfamiliar name to most, maybe
this album will widen their
audience, and finally bring them
the recognition they seek. So
catch a wave, put on your
sandals, and get ready for
Spring with A PLACE IN THE
SUN, and even if you don't like
the music, the oover photos will
surely put in the mood fa the
warm moiths ahead.
3 o'clock
SrpSfS &W&0M

Lady Pirates place
third in tournament
Staff Writer
The Lady Pirates began their
weekend in the NCAIAW tourn-
ament in Raleigh against UNC-
Greensboro, a team that had
beaten them at home earlier this
The Thursday night game
was a close one, with Greens-
boro gaining a six-point lead at
the half.
ECU made up the deficit to
tie the score within the last
minute. With one second on the
clock, Gail Kerbaugh hit a layup
to put the Pirates ahead, 73-71.
Kerbaugh was the high
scorer of the game with 23
points, followed by Debbie
Freeman with 18. Debbie Tritt
and Shelia Bowe each added 11
to the score.
The win in the first round
added a lot of enthusiasm to the
team, who were determined to
give NC State a tough game.
The second round began
Friday night at State before a
crowd of 2,300. ECU played
with aggressiveness, but it was
a poor defense against State's
skill and depth.
The entire State bench of
fifteen played at one time or
another, with four of their
players reaching double figures.
State led the entire game to
pull ahead by 26 points at the
half and 46 by the end of the
game, beating ECU 81-35.
Gail Kerbaugh led ECU
scoring again with 11, followed
by a cold-weakened Debbie
Freeman with eight.
There wasn't a lot said after
the game, as the Pirates concen-
trated on their battle for third
against Carolina the next after-
For their last game of the
year, the Pirates played espe-
cially hard. It was the second
time in eleven days that these
teams had played, with their
last match being a win at home
for the Pirates, 68-67.
The game progressed
similar to their earlier meeting,
with Carolina leading early and
ECU taking hold the second
At one point, the Pirates lost
their lead to Carolina's offense.
All but one of ECU'S bench
scored during the game, pulling
strong as a team to outplay and
outshoot a hard-fighting but
tiring Carolina defense.
The game ended, 76-74 to
give the Lady Pirates a third
place title in the tournament,
their first such honor in recent
Debbie Freeman and Gail
Kerbaugh each scored 16 for the
Pirates, with Debbie Tritt and
April Ross following with 11
Extra flavor was added to
the victory, since this was the
first time since 1971 that the
Lady Pirates had beaten Caro-
lina twice in the same year (the
1971 team won both the State
and the Regional Champion-
It was quite an accomplish-
ment for the Pirates to place
third this year, in lieu of the fact
that two high-scoring Lady
Pirates did not play in the
tournament because of injuries-
Rosie Thompson and Linda
McLlean. That the team was
flexible enough to play so many
different starting lineups (be-
cause of injuries) and adjust fast
to new positions says a lot for
the entire team. Those that
played this year in substitute
rdes gained experience and
training, and will be valuable to
team depth next year.
Coach Bolton looks forward
to the next season as being a
good one, with all present
players returning, all injured
players recovered, and possibly
new material from the outside.
Gail Kerbaugh and Debbie
Freeman, who both made the
All-State Basketball team selec-
tion, will return to play both
volleyball and basketball. The
team ended its year in good
spirits and also looks forward to
next year.
GAIL KERBAUGH14 hit the layup which beat UNC-G, 73-71, and was ECU'S high scorer
of the game. Kerbaugh also led the Lady Pirates against State with 11, and had 16against Carolina.
Photo by Kip Sloan
Fourth place
Women gymnasts lose
North Carolina swept all four
events to take the North Carolina
Association of Intercollegiate
Athletics for women (NCAIAW)
State Gymnastics crown held at
East Carolina Saturday.
The Lady Tar Heels domi-
nated the meet and finished
with 123.2 team points. Ap-
palachian State was second with
102.75 team points. East
Carolina's women placed fourth
in the five team field with 61.90.
North Carolina was led by
Tia Walker and Teresa Trice.
Walker won the all-around title
and also the vaulting competi-
tion, while Trice was the meet's
only double wi .iner with firsts in
the beam and floor exercises.
The Tar Heels' Lynn Swisher
completed the UNC sweep by
winning the uneven parallel
Appalachian State's Nancy
Bulloch failed to win an event,
but did well enough in each
event to place second in the
overall competition, a spot she
also occupied last year. Only
third place Western Carolina
was able to place a competitor in
the top five other than UNC and
East Carolina's best per-
formance went to Betsy Atkins
of High Point. Atkins finished
eighth in the overall competition
out of 19 competitors that
competed in all four events.
10 March 1977
Page 9
Sideline Chat
Get back in Southern
Nearly one year ago, the Board of Trustees of East Carolina
University voted to pull the Pirate athletic teams out of the Southern
Conference. This, at first, seemed to be the only solution to the
problems the NCAA was beginning to pose. But, since that time,
the NCAA has voted down legislation that would put the Southern in
Division l-A.
As a matter of fact, every reason the ECU administration wanted
to leave the Southern Conference has more or less fallen through.
The NCAA, in its January, 1976 meeting, called for the dividing
of Division I (large four-year colleges) into two divisions, called
Division I and l-A fa football. Upon hearing of this East Carolina
officials started studying the feasibility of getting out of the
When the ECU Board of Trustees met April 6, 1976, they voted
to take the committee's recommendation and withdraw from the
conference. The Board of Trustees also voted on a measure that
would enable the administration of East Carolina to actively seek
another, stronger conference to join.
On April 13, 1976, FOUNTAINHEAD ran a study which said
East Carolina was actively seeking strong independents in the South
to pull together and form a new conference, called the Mid-South
Conference. Other schools mentioned were South Carolina, Florida
State, West Virginia, Virginia Tech, Georgia Tech, Richmond and
William and Mary, who like ECU had decided to leave the "dying"
After the chancellor of ECU, Dr. Leo Jenkins, had several
meetings with top independents of the South, it became evident that
no conference would be formed and the Pirates would have to go
independent at the end of the 1976-77 school year.
In June, 1976, the NCAA met and promptly voted down
legislation which would split Division I. This left the Southern in the
top Division.
In the meantime, the Southern Conference fielded its strongest
football teams ever in 1976 and the situation of the Southern looked
The Southern Conference fielded six teams for football in 1976
and each of these schools finished the season with a .500 record or
better. The conference was ranked among the nation's conferences
as the seventh best in the U.S. This put the league above peren-
nially strong Western Athletic Conference, a league which had a
.top ten team (Arizona State) for the past ten years. It also sur-
passed the Metro Seven, Missouri Valley Conference, Ohio Valley
Conference, and the Ivy League for football excellence.
This is the strongest the league has been since West Virginia
and Virginia Tech were members in the middle 60s.
In basketball, the Southern had a team which made it to the final
eight teams of the nation last year (VMI) and made it into the top 20
this season.
The NCAA holds the Southern in higher regard than the ACC in
wrestling. The SC has the ten winners of its wrestling tournament
go to the nationals as well as one wil4 card choice from the
runner-ups. The ACC lost its wild card this -eason and has just ten
competitors to go to the nationals.
The Southern can hold its own with the ACC in baseball. East
Carolina went 7-6 in the league last year, while handing ACC
opponents sevenosses without losing one themselves.
In track, East Carolina and William and Mary can do as well as
any ACC team except Maryland, a school that emphasizes track to
its fullest and does well on the national front annually.
This writer is making a oomplete 180 degree turn from the start
of thisschcol year. I was one of the biggest supportersof leaving the
Southern until recently. But I have changed my mind. I have,
through experience, seen that the Southern is not the bad league
that I was led to believe in the beginning.
Sure, the Southern lacks proper leadership at the top. But that
can be changed. And in the past few years, the Southern has lost
some of the prestige it had when West Virginia and Virginia Tech
were members. But 1976-77 sports year in the Southern will have to
go down into history as one of the best ever.
The decision to go independent was solely based on football
being relegated to Division l-A status, and even that is gone. Even
football would have a tough time making it as an independent.
This writer thinks it is time for the East Carolina administration
to swallow a little pride and jump back into the Southern, belore
independence forces the school's athletic program into oblivion.

Page 10 FOUNTAINKEAD 10 March 1977
Mclntyre leads in triple jump
It is said that a young man
talks more and says less and
that an older man talks less and
says more. Herman Mclntyre
was a young man last year as a
freshman, but seems to have
matured to an older man very
Mclntyre has been saying
less with his mouth this year
and more with ability. The lithe
sophomore from Laurinburg is
the state's leader in the triple
jump at East Carolina Univer-
"Last year, all I did was talk
when I got around the press
about what I was going to
jump Mclntyre said recently.
"Then I got injured and oould
not do what I had said. This year
I hope to do better
And better he has done. In
the Pitt Invitational recently,
Mclntyre set a track and meet
record in the triple jump. His
leap of 50'914" is head and
shoulders above the rest of
North Carolina's collegiate jum-
I really felt good on the trip
up there that Friday he
continued. "I just felt like I
oould do a good job. On my first
jump I just scratched and
jumped over 51 feet. The second
jump was 52 feet but again I
crossed the board. So, I had to
make sure I made the finals with
the third one. I took easy and
got into the finals with 48'6
"In my first jump in the
finals I hit the 50'914" mark.
My teammates said I hit the
board early or I would have
gotten 51 or 52 feet out of it
The 50'9 W jump was good
enough for Mclntyre to win the
Most Valuable Performer in the
field events.
"Oh yeah, the award is
great. But, what I want to do is
qualify for the nationals
Mclntyre added. "That is my
goal, along with winning the
Southern Conference team
championship. The indoor
championship has eluded us fa
ten years now and we want it.
We got the outdoor title last
year and we want the indoor
That has been Herman
Mclntyre this season, wanting
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SOPHOMORE HERMAN MdNTYRE now leads the state in the
triple jump, and set records at the Pitt Invitational.

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tennis shirts, tennis shorts,
sweaters, warmups, tennis
dresses S much more!
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Spalding World Open,
La Vitesse and Paucho
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rackets Vt price - (already
Large group of athletic
shoes 1000 pair - includes
jogging, tennis; casual
and baseball
Spalding yellow tennis balls
$250 a can as supply lasts
free Hodges T-shirt with any purchase
10� or more as supply lasts.
H.L. Hodges
210 East 9th Street Downtown Greenville

to do what ' i can to help the
team. Although track is far from
being a team sport like basket-
ball, the better each team
member does, the better the
team does.
"I think the long and triple
jumps will definitely be a key to
the Southern Conference title
indoors Mclntyre offered.
"We have three guys that can
place high in each event and we
will have to do our best to help
the team win
Being from a North Carolina
high school, Mclntyre was not
exposed to the triple jump until
late in his sophomore year and
did not start jumping much until
his junior year at Scotland High
School. He still finished second
in the state meet, with ECU
teammate George Jackson win-
ning that year.
During his senior year,
Mclntyre was undefeated
through the regular season,
with a best jump of 49 feet.
However, in the state meet,
Mclntyre lost by two inches.
Last year, Mclntyre was
bothered by a heel bruise
indoors and outdoors and had a
best of 49 feet indoors and 48' 3
outdoors. He was not able to
oompete in the indoor champ-
ionships but finished second in
the outdoor meet.
Head Coach Bill Carson is
happy by the improvement of
his star jumper.
"Herman is on the edge of
being national caliber Carson
stated. "He may be able to
jump 52 feet indoors and qualify
for the nationals.
"The main reason for his
success this year has been that
he has gone to work. He is one
of the hardest workers on the
team. His performances prove
Herman Mclntyre has in-
deed gone to work this year.
He's talking less but saying
Sale of
the year
Believe it!
?19)752 5186
SfiSi Si :�

wtma �
2-0 over ait
10 March 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 11
Pirates blank Virginia, 6-0
ECU baseball coach Monte
Little can still claim his undefea-
ted status following Tuesday's
6-0 win over Virginia Common-
wealth at Harrington Field.
Larry Daughtridge and Mic-
key Britt combined to pitch a
two hitter against the Rams,
who are still winlesson the year.
The Pirates unleashed ten hits
on the day, including a 2-run
homer by Billy Best. His homer
was the first of the year fa
ECU, and the first of his career.
The scaing started early, as
Best singled in the bottom of the
first after one out. He then stole
second, and stayed there as
Eddie Gates drew a waik. A wild
pitch moved Best to third. Then,
with Sonny Wooten at the plate,
Gates took off fa seoaid. As the
throw from the VCU catcher
headed fa seoaid, the Ram
shatstop cut off the throw and
threw to the plate too late to
catch Best, who scaed on the
double steal.
In the third inning, Best was
once again involved in the
scaing. Pete Paradcssi led off
the inning with a single, and
Best followed with a drive over
the right-center field fence to
inaease the ECU lead to 3-0.
The Pirates added another
run in the fourth, as Robert
Brinkley singled, moved to
second on a faoeout, took third
on a passed ball, and came
home on Charlie Stevens' sacri-
fice fly to right.
A triple by Gates in the fifth,
produced another run, as he
scaed when a shat fly ball to
center field and subsequent bad
throw was mishandled by VCU.
The Pirates added their last
run of the day in the sixth, as
Brinkley doubled to lead off the
inning and scaed ai Sainy
Wooten's RBI single.
Daughtridge pitched the
first five innings for ECU,
allowing only two hits, while
striking out five. Mickey Britt
went the last four and did not
allow a runner to reach base.
The Pirates are now 2-0 on
the year, with a busy weekend
ahead. Old Dominion is at
Harrington Field today, then
Coach Little's aew takes off
Saturday fa a doubleheader
against N.C. State, and a
Sunday game in Elon.
THE BASEBALL PIRATES play ODU here today, travel to a doubleheader against State Saturday,
and are at Elon College on Sunday. IPhot0 bY KiP Sloan
for sale
FOR SALE: Realistic car-tape
player 8 mo. old. $20.00.
FOR SALE: Garrard 42M auto
matic turntable. Like new $55.
Call 758-9216.
FOR SALE: Blank-Capital 80
minute 8 track tapes. Brand
New. $1.50 each. Call 758-9638
a 758-4653.
WANTED: To buy a used
Yamaha guitar. Call 752-9527
after 2:00 p.m.
FOR SALE: 1976 Mustang II
Ghia 11,500 miles, 4 speed, V-6
mota, AMFM stereo radio, 8
track tape deck, silver with
cranberry interia. First class
autornobile. $5200.00 Call
1-592-6893 a 752-8151.
FOR SALE: 1970 Fiat 124
SpeciaJ 4 doa, straight drive.
Real good around town trans-
portation. $375.00. Call 1-592-
6893 a 752-8151.
FOR SALE: 1 Epiphone Acous-
tic guitar with hard case,
excellent cond. $100.00. Also 1
good beginners guitar. Contact
758-1382 a leave a message.
Will be glad to demonstrate
FOR SALE: 1975 Yamaha 500,
DOHC, low mileage, crash bar,
sissy bar, luggage straps. Ser-
ious inquiries only. $1100.00
757-6352 call between 8-5 and
ask fa Bainie.
FOR SALE: Need a truck and a
car? Buy this one vehicle and
you will have both. 68 model
Oldsmobile. Call 758-0603 $250.
firm. Ask fa John.
FOR SALE: Dam size refrigera-
ta. 758452.
WANTED: Full size refrigerata
with freezer area. 758-8452.
FOR SALE: Old black & white
24" T.V. $20.00 Firm. Call
FOR SALE: AR Turntable good
oonditioi, 112 years old. In-
cludes box and accessaies $65
a best offer. 752-1654.
FOR SALE: 1973 Datsun 240Z
Red automatic $3800.00. Must
sell. Call 758-4262.
FOR SALE: Lightweight Frost-
line tent; lightweight aluminum
camping cookset; Dynaco Amp.
Contact Jim at 1305 South
Cotanche St. upstairs. (Near
Twin Rinks) Cone by anytime.
FOR SALE: Fender Bassman 10
amplifier 110 watts RMS very
little use. Good fa guitar, bass,
electric piano. Call 758-7670
after 6:00 p.m.
WANTED: Keyboard player
wanted by O's ville Rainbow
Band with equipment & vocal
talent. 100 serious and ready
to wak hard and maybe moiey.
Call 758-7543 a 746-4837.
FOR SALE: Custan 250 Base
amplifier-$500. Gibson E-B-0
Base guitar-$150. Yamaha F-g-
140 Acoustic guitar-$60. Call
752-0998, ask fa Steve.
FOR SALE: One twin size
box-springs. $20.00 Call 758-
FOR SALE: 71 Fiat 850 Sport
$1350 a best offer. 752-2880.
FOR SALE: Tennis Equipment-
1-Wilson Aluminum racquet-T
2000 wcover $25.00.1-Banaoft
wood racquet wcover and
stretch 3r $15.00 1-Double rac-
quet .arry case red and white
FOR SALE: 1972 Firebird, vinal
top, AC, PS, auto, stereo. A-1
oondition. Call 946-3691 after 6.
FOR SALE: New Pier Simpson
CB $40.00 758-8687.
FOR SALE: 1970 VW Beetle,
very good oonditioi, must sell,
$400.00 below book value. 752-
FOR SALE: Drive fa less. 66
Beetle-good condition, radio,
good tires, $425. Call 756-0267.
FOR SALE: Sofa & Matching
chair, good condition, both fa
$60.00. Also, rocker fa $15.00.
Call 752-8011.
FOR SALE: A bicycle "under
$50" Jeremy Schwartz 758-
8837 after 5 p.m.
TYPING: 75 cents per page. Call
Debra Parrington, 756-6031
days, and 752-2508 nights.
FOR SALE: BIC 960 turntable.
Still under warranty. Call 752-
FOR SALE: Tennis Equipment-
1 Wilson Aluminum racquet-T
2000 wcover $25.00
FOR SALE: Pair Omega floa
model stereo speakers; 3 ft.
oolumns; 50 watts RMS max;
50-18,000 h2; $159.95 each new,
will sell both fa $250. Less than
2 weeks old. Call Allen 752-9687
after 530.
FOR SALE: 8-track-cassette-
reel to reel-can completely erase
fa rerecad fa 25 cents ea. Call
758-8216 after 11 flO p.m.
FOR SALE: Sanyo 8 track, AM,
FM stereo $65. Call 758-8216
after 11 00 p.m. 8-track-cassette
reel to reel-can completely erase
fa rerecad fa 25 cents ea. Call .
male preferred) to share an
Apartment or House, living
expenses, and good times start-
ing this June '77 in CHAPEL
HILL. Interested? Please call
Kim Sue at 758-1390.
WANTED: Female Roommate,
prefer older student interested
in a calm, peaceful atmosphere.
4 blocks from campus. $47.50
per month plus V2 utilities.
Available April 1. Call 752-7613
- Home later in the evenings &
early manings - keep trying
NEEDED: 4 female roommates-
June 1. 758-8452.
bedroom Townhouse at Oak-
mont Squares Apartments. Rent
$160.00 per month. 3 people
maximum. Contact Bill 756-
5159, a come by after 7 f)0 p.m.
FOR RENT: 3 bedroom trailer 2
full baths, furnished with wash-
er & dryer. $37.00 per month &
utilities. Call 756-7659.
FOR RENT: 1107 Evans St.
34.75 & utilities per month.
Contact Beth in Flanagan 420
during orcall 758-7675 at night.
FOUND: Rockwell calculator in
Austin 307, March. Call 752-
WANTED: To sublease apt. fa
summer. Call Rhaida 752-5268.
house, private bedroom. 752-
LOST: 1 girl who is blind
without her glasses-someone
picked up a navy blue hooded
sweatshirt a couple of Saturdays
ago at the Jolly Roger that had
a pair of rose oolaed Glaia
Vanderbiit glasses-l have a navy
hooded sweatshirt that's too
big-PLEASE contact Janet Pope
423 Tyler-758-9670. $10.00
FOUND: 1 lady's ring-inquire
at Austin 134.
WANTED: Chronic headache
sufferers to take part in research
study. Contact Psy. Dept. leave
name & phone number.
RIDE NEEDED: To Charlotte
THIS weekend Janet Pope-423
Tyler 758-9670.
NEEDED: To hire a babysitter
from 630 to 930 p.m. Tues.
night. If anyone is interested,
call 752-5880. Ask fa Linda.
PARTTIME JOB: $2,000.00
believably, excitingly easy!
Send self-addressed and stamp-
ed envelope to Box 1824,
Cleveland, Ohio 44106.
college campus dealer. Sell
brand name stereo components
at lowest prices. High profits;
Fa details, caitact; FAD Com-
ponents, Inc. 20 Passaic Ave
Fairfield, New Jersey 07006
llene Orlowsky 201-227-6884
Call Collect.
FREE Wholesale Jewelry Cat-
alog! Exclusive Designers' col-
lection! Bargains galae! Box
1824, Cleveland, Ohio 44106.
PARTTIME JOB: Earn $250-
$500 stuffing 1000 envelopes:
homewak-sparetime. Details:
$1, Self-addressed, stamped
envelope (C.R. Kester, 400
Marsh Rd Charlotte, N.C.
WANTED: Managa fa family
recreation facility beginning
March 1-long hours-oould take
maning classes. 758-4005 ask
fa Dr. Edmaidsai.

Page 12 FOUNTAINHEAD 10 March 1977
First loss of season for tennis
Sports Editor
ECU'S tennis team scored
their first defeat of the season
Tuesday with a 5-4 loss against
High Point College.
ECU split half of the singles
matches with High Point. Tom
Durfee nipped Jeff Apperson
6-3, 0-6, 6-2; Jim Ratliff (HP)
slipped by Phil Parrish 6-2, 6-4,
Pirate Doug Getsinger beat Tom
Fitzmaurice 6-4, 6-4; Mitch
Pergerson (ECU) lost to William
DeGrunt 6-3, 6-2; Henry Hostet-
ler (ECU) defeated Chris Brown
6-1, 6-2; and Kendall Hardy
(HP) beat Kenny Love, 7-5, 2-2,
by an injury default.
High Point won two of the
three doubles matches. In the
The 1976 Southern Confer-
ence football champions of East
Carolina University were hon-
ored with the annual team
letterman banquet February
25th, highlighted with the pre-
sentation of the school's
Senior Cary Godette was
given four of nine awards and
was named the permanent
defensive captain for the 1976
Pirate team. The 5-11, 235
pound defensive end, from
Havelock, N.C was named
All-America by the Associated
Press this season, as well as,
all-Southern Conference and
Awards presented to God-
ette included: Most Valuable
Player, Outstanding Player,
Lansche Outstanding Senior and
the Outstanding Defensive
The Swindell Memorial
Award, for dedication and lead-
ership, was presented to Nick
Bullock, a senior from Durham,
N.C. The former Southern High
School player was a noseguard.
Wayne Bolt, a junior from
Augusta, Ga was awarded the
Blocking Trophy, denoting the
best blocker on the team. He
was named all-Southern Confer-
ence as an offensive guard.
Another Havelock, N.C,
senior, Jake Dove, was given
theE.E. Rawl Memorial Award,
presented fa character, scho-
larship and athletic ability.
Dove won all-conference honors
as a defensive tackle.
The Outstanding Freshman
Award was presented to Noah
Clark, a 6-3, 235 pound defen-
sive lineman from Roberson-
ville, N.C, a former Roanoke
High School star.
A special Coaches Award
was given for the first time this
year to senior center Tim
Hightower of St. Simons Island,
Ga. The award was one in
nature to an unsung hero award.
Williamston, N.Cs Mike
Weaver, a senior quarterback,
was named the permanent
offensive captain for 1976.
Pirates only win, Tom Durfee
and Doug Getsinger c 'oated
Jeff Apperson and William
DeGrunt, 4-6, 7-5, 7-6. High
Point's Phil Parrish and Tom
Fitzmaurice beat Robert Moton
and Henry Hostetler, 6-2, 6-4.
In the final match, Bill Sherman
and Tom Evans edged past
Pirates Mitch Pergerson and
Jim Ratliff, 6-4, 6-3.
Pirate coach Randy Ran-
dolph credited the loss to High
Point's experience. "They've
had five matches now to our
two. They are nationally ranked
in NAIA and are a good team
"The turning point of the
match was the injury default. I'll
be glad when they come to
Greenville later said Ran-
The loss leaves the Pirates
with a 1-1 record. They travel to
Buie's Creek today to meet
Campbell College.
I w

ECU'S TENNIS TEAM now has a record ot
William and Mary the 16th.
1-1. They travel to Buie's Creik today, ana meet
This Is a cryptogram, a form of code language.
where letters of the alphabet stand for other
letters of the alphabet. For instance, the words
A CAT in a cryptogram might be Q TQL.
the Q always standing for A, the T for C
and the L for T Your challenge is to break the
code of the cryptogram below, and discover its
hidden message.
Blue Ribbon
When there's a challenge,
quality makes the difference.
We hope you have some fun with the challenge.
There's another challenge we'd like to offer you, too.
The Pabst challenge:
We welcome the chance to prove the quality of
our beer. We challenge you to taste and compare
Pabst Blue Ribbon to any other premium beer. You'll
like Pabst better. Blue Ribbon quality means the best
tasting beer you can get. Since 1844 it always has.
PABST Since 1844.The quality has always come through.

Fountainhead, March 10, 1977
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 10, 1977
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