Fountainhead, March 8, 1977

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Serving the campus
communi'y for 51 years.
With a circulation of
8,500. this issue is 20
SGA meets, pg. 3
Deaf troupepg. 11
Swimmers winpg. 15
Vol. 52, No. 3?
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
8 March 1977
REBEL awards
presented to 10
Over $250 in prize money
was awarded to the winners of
the REBEL'S second annual
Literary and Art Contest. The
contest was open to all ECU
First prize in the art com-
petition was awarded to Dale
Verzaal for his drawing entitled
"Birds-7 Verzaal received a
first-place plaque and a check
for $100.
Other winners in the art
category were John Morris, $75
second place for "O Wretched
Man and an unfit led piece by
Deborah Coter which won the
$50 third prize.
Honorable mention prizes of
$25 each went to Roxanne Reep
for "Container 1 H.A.
Giles for "Celestial Ship-
wreck Raymond Brown's "I
Met That Little Man and Matt
Smartt's "Trained Ram
The winning artwork was
selected from the REBEL Art
Show held in the Mendenhall
Upstairs Gallery.
In the literature division,
Allison Thompson's poem
Least Expecting won the first
place plaque and $75. Sue
Adyelette won $50 for her poem,
"Loom and Molly Petty's
"Shoeshine Chair" took the $25
third place prize.
Tom Haines, owner of the
Attic, presented the checks to
both first place winners. The
contest prizes were made pos-
sible through donations from
the Attic, Art and Camera Shop,
Silkscreens Unlimited, and the
ECU Literary-Art Magazine.
SGA elections
Spring elections for SGA executive offioers will be held March
30. Anyone wishing to place his a her name on the ballot must file
fa SGA president, vice president, secretary or treasurer by March
16, 5 p.m.
Filing forms are available at the SGA office, second floor of
Mendenhall Student Center.
The elections committee is asking for the utmost in student
participation in the elections.
Students may also volunteer to tend the polls for the March 30
and receive $2 per hour work. Those interested should call
757-6611 (SGA) and leave their names and phone numbers.
Remt.Tiber, filing for office ends March 16.
? ????????????????????AT
Student Welfare
studies insurance
for ECU students
Secretary of Student Welfare
The Secretary of Student
Welfare, Gini Ingram, and the
Student Welfare Committee
have been looking into in-
surance from the oollege stu-
dents' point of view. The
committee has studied a new
state law regarding the sale of
life insurance to the college
Basic legalities were pre-
viously printed in FOUNTAIN-
HEAD. This North Carolina
Department of Insurance rule
sets forth minimum standards,
outlines detailed information,
and sets down-payment stand-
ards which must be supplied to
the student explaining the na-
ture and legal obligations of a
promissory note.
The rule provides for a
ten-day free-look during which
the student can return the policy
and nullify the contract without
cost of obligation.
The Secretary of Student
Welfare and the Student Wel-
fare Committee offered these
tips when purchasing insurance
Ask for identification. Only
lioensed agents are eligible to
sell life insurance.
If unsure of this type of
agreement, ask to keep the
policy and get in touch with the
Secretary's office.
Before going through with
such an agreement, make sure a
copy is obtained of the Promis-
sory Note and all other papers,
especially the ones which
are signed.
Request name and com-
pany' s telephone number to re-
contact the agent if necessary.
A student has 10 days to
back out of this agreement if not
completely satisfied with the
legal contract entered into.
Do not give the names of
other students as references
unless they will undoubtedly
respond affirmatively. Many
students feel hasseled by such
Any questions regarding in-
surance or any other matters
should be directed to Gini
Ingram, Secretary of Student
Welfare, Room 224 Menden-
hall, or call the SGA office.
TOM HAINES, owner of the ATTIC,
presented first-place winners Allison Thomp-
son and Dale Verzaal with their prizes.
Photo by Pete Podezwa
Dave Patton resigns
Staff Writer
Dave Patton, head basket-
ball ooach at East Carolina for
the past three years, announced
his resignation Feb. 23 follow-
ing the Pirates' 75-72 loss to The
Citadel at a news conference in
his offioe. The resignation was
effective after the Pirates' loss
in the semifinals of the Southern
Conference tournament to VMI
last Tuesday night.
Patton had one year remain-
ing on a three-year contract,
which he had signed following
his first year at East Carolina on
a one-year pact.
"I would like to announce I
am resigning as head basketball
coach at East Carolina Univer-
sity Patton said, "to accept a
fine job opportunity in private
business down in Georgia. It
presents me with a great
position and one which I cannot
turn down
Patton then reminisced and
said he would always
remember the grand old man
of East Carolina University,
Coach Stas, who gave me my
opportunity to be a head coach
and for expressing confidence in
"I am very proud of the
accomplishments we have made
in the basketball program in the
years I have been head coach. I
am extremely pleased with the
quality of our young people that
will give East Carolina fans
many hours of pleasure in the
coming years
See PATTON, pg. 10
looks for
new coach
A committee has been
named by Dr. Leo Jenkins,
chancellor of East Carolina
University, to oonduct inter-
views with prospective coaches
for the head basketball coaching
job at ECU.
The committee of seven
includes: Bill Cain, Athletic
director for East Carolina; Tim
Sullivan, president of the Stu-
dent Government Association at
ECU; C.G. Moore, vice-chancel-
lor for business affairs at ECU;
Dr. Clinton Prewett, a professor
at ECU; Norwood Crawford,
president of the Pirate Club;
Max R. Joyner, member of the
athletic council at ECU and local
businessman; and Jack Minges,
a local businessman.
The committee met on
Saturday, Feb. 28 and Saturday
and Sunday, March 4-5 to
screen prospective coaches for
the job.
"We are going to make sure
we pick the right man when we
do Cain said. "We are
considering several now but we
want the right man

Elections Parenthood ECU Bowl
Page 2
8 March 1977
Filing for SGA President,
Vioe President, Secretary and
Treasurer will continue thru
March 16th at 5:00 p.m. For
your name to appear on the
ballot, you must file for the
office during this time at the
SGA office, second floor Men-
4-H meeting Marshall Phi Beta
Two evening oourses de-
signed to improve parenthood
skills will be offered this spring
by East Carolina University.
They are "Preparation for Par-
enthood" (Wednesdays, March
23-May 11) and "Systematic
Training for Effective Parent-
ing" (Wednesdays, March 16-
May 11). Call 757-6143 or
The Collegiate 4-H Club will
meet March 9 at 630 pm in
Apartment Two of Green Dormi-
tory. All members and prospec-
tive members are cordially
invited to attend this dinner
Applications for 1977-78
marshallsare being taken in 228
Mendenhali, 9-5 daily until the
last of March. A person must
have a 3.0 or above average and
96 quarter hours by the end of
No sex
SGA posts Weight club
The positions of Student
Government Transit Manager
and SGA Refrigerator Rental
Manager are now open for
application. For information as
to what the jobs entail, see
Debbie Greiner, Refrigerator
Manager and Gary Miller, Tran-
sit Manager, at the SGA Office
(757-6611, Ext. 218, Menden-
hali Student Center). Applica-
tions will be taken until March
18th at the SGA Office.
Managers need to be selected so
they will have at least one
month's on-the-job experience.
Work will begin by mid-April.
ily full-time ECU students
may apply.
There will be a meeting
of the weight lifting club on
Wednesday, February 23, at
7:00 p.m. in room 145 Minges.
Organizing an Intramural
Weight Lifting meet. Please
oome support the club.
A special program, "Cook-
ing for Two will be held
Print show
The Print Dept. of the School
of Art will sponsor an exhibit
and sale of approximately 600
original prints from the famed
Ferdinand Roten Galleries col-
lection on Friday, March 11,
1977. The event will be held at
Jenkins Fine Arts Center Room
1106. Along with prints by such
masters as Picasso, Goya,
Renoir and Hogarth, can be
seen works by many of today's
Tuesday, March 8, 1977, at the American artists, some famous
Agricultural Extension Office, and some not yet farrxx 3
203 West Third Street, Green-
ville, starting at 10 a.m.
Mrs. Virginia Credle, Home
Economist from Washington,
N.C. will present the program.
She will be using small appli-
ances. Call 758-1196 to register.
There will be a meeting of
the Greenville Officials Associa-
tion on Thursday, March 10,
1977 at 6 flO in the T.V. Room at
Elm Street Gym. Anyone inter-
ested in officiating Softball or
Junior High Baseball should
attend. For further information
call 752-5214.
What does "FG" mean??
"FG" stands for the Forever
Generation, an ECU campus
organization that meets weekly
for a time of Christ-centered
Christian fellowship. Our meet-
ings include a study or chal-
lenge from God's Word, sing-
ing, fellowship and prayer. We
also have get-togethers, oook-
outs, weekend retreats and
other fun times. Why not join us
this Friday night at 730 in
Brewster B-103?
Phi Beta Lambda is having
its Fifth Annual Business Sym-
posium on March 16, 1977. All
students are invited to attend.
The symposium will be held in
Study skills
A non-credit study skills
class will be offered Spring
Quarter. The class will meet
everyday beginning Monday,
March 7, 1977 at 1.00 p.m. and
will be taught by Dr. George
Weigand in room 305 Wright
Annex (Counseling Center). Do
not register for this oourse.
St. Paul's
Would you like to know more
about the worship of the Epls-
oopal Church? Ran to attend the
regular Wednesday evening
530 servioe of Holy Commun-
nion for students at St. Paul's
Episcopal Church on 4th and
Holly streets. Rev. Bill Hadden
will celebrate.
Learn sports
ECU will offer two evening
oourses fa the sports-minded
this spring: "Baseball Officia-
ting" (Mondays, Feb. 28-April
4) and "Basic Scuba Certifica-
tion" (Tuesdays and Thursdays,
March 10-April 5 For informa-
tion call 757-6143 or 757-6148.
The East Carolina delegation
of the North Carolina Student
Legislature was at NCSU Feb.
27th for the February Interim-
Coundl. The delegation will
begin preparations for session
and wilt distribute bill books
TONIGHT at 730 p.m. room
248 in Mendenhali. This is a
very important meeting and all
student legislators must attend.
The ECU Student Volunteer
Association has been reacti-
vated ! We are located on the top
floor of the Methodist Student
Center on 5th street. Office
hours are M W 1-3 and T Th
10-1. Anyone who has pre-
viously filled out an application
or would like to do volunteer
work pjease oome by. Graduate
students and faculty are also
When you fill-out an applica-
tion for a student union chair-
person position your sex will
make no difference as to whe-
ther or not you get the job.
These applications will be avail-
able in the student union office
at Mendenhali Student Center
from March 7-25. We need
chairpersons for the following
committees: Coffeehouse, films,
popular entertainment, artist
series, lecture series, travel,
theater arts, art exhibition, and
the Entertainer. Help plan the
entertainment offered at ECU
next year.
The First Annual ECU
COLLEGE BOWL Competition
is about to begin. Get a team
together, find a coach, and oome
and register with the Program
Office in Mendenhali Student
Center on Monday, March 14.
Members of the winning team
will receive $25.00 each in prize
money. The second place team
members will receive $10.00
Intramural competition
begins on March 24. The Finals
will be held in the Mendenhali
Student Center Theatre on
Wednesday, April 27.
For further information, call
the Student Center Program
Office at 757-6611, ext. 213.
Official COLLEGE BOWL Com-
petition is here. Put yourself or
your department or organization
on the winning team!
This Wednesday night
Mar. 9, all women interested in
Sigma Gamma Rho should meet
in the Afro American Cultural
Center at 9:00 p.m. Why not
come and learn more about us?
Register now for one of the
crafts workshops which are
being offered by the Crafts
Center of Mendenhali Student
Center. Sign up for Beginning
Darkroom, Basic Pottery, Floor
Loom Weaving, Macrame, Be-
ginning Jewelry, Metal Ename-
ling, Linoleum Block Printing,
or Woodworking. There is a
$5.00 quarterly Crafts Center
membership fee and personal
supplies will not be provided.
Fa details, call a visit the
Crafts Center during the hours
of 2:00 p.m. until 10fl0 p.m.
Monday through Friday. Class
space is limited and the regis-
tration deadline fa all work-
shops is Friday, March 11.
The International
Association of East
University is planning a Chinese
Dinner Thursday, March 10, to
be held at the International
House at 306 East Ninth Street.
Students, faculty, and the public
are welcome to attend. Serving
hours will be from 4:30 to 730
p.m. The oost per person is
$2.50. Food may be taken out a
eaten on the premises. To
obtain tickets fa the dinner, go
by the Counsela's Office in
Aycock Residence Hall a The
Intanatiaial House.
Proceeds from the dinner
will be used to help pay fa
repairs at the International
House and help establish an
emergency loan fund fa inter-
national students attending
ECU. Fa further infamatiai
call 758-2977 a 757-S935.
Persois who wish to in-
orease their reading rates are
in ted to enroll in a special
ECU evening oourse, "Speed
Reading to be offered on
Monday and Thursday eve-
nings, March 7-April 7. Call
757-6143 a 757-6148.
CIA payments worldwide
Recent revelations of CIA
funding abroad confirmed sus-
picions held by many that at
least a dozen heads of state
personally received payments
fa their pro-U.S. stances. Less
expected was the disclosure that
in past years?including the
period from 1964 to 1968, and
perhaps beyond-the CIA paid
Israel a total estimated in the
millions of dollars.
In the late 1960s, accading
to the Wall Street Journal,
checks fa several hundred
thousand dollars each were
frequently delivered by U.S.
government officials to the
Israeli faeign ministry in Jeru-
salem. The matey was then
used to finance Israeli "faeign
aid" projects in several African
countries, among these Uganda
and the Central African Repub-
The Israeli conduit fa QA
funds substantiates a study
the payments stopped to Hus-
sein, aftar the Washington Post
disclosed the operation. And as
if to undo damage to Hussein's
image as a result of his QA
connection, leaks were subse-
done sevaal years ago by the quently made to the press that
Africa Research Group, which
described Israel as playing a key
role in attempts to build African
regimes friendly to the United
The disclosure of CIA funds
to Israel followed closely after a
repat in the Washington Post
stating that since 1957 Jadan's
King Hussein has personally
received millions of dollars
yearly from the CIA under code
name "no beef
Carter reportedly ordered
almost a dozen heads of state
received QA payments. They
included West Germany's Willy
Brandt, Jomo Kenyatta of Ken-
ya, Mobuto Sese Seko of Zaire,
and Guyanan Premier Fabes
Burnham. Other names inclu-
ded tamer Mexican President
Luis Echeverria, Venezuelan
President Carlos Perez, famer
Chilean President Frei, Chiang
Kai-shek, the Dalai Lama of
Tibet and Archbishop Makarios
of Cyprus.

SGA appropriates retreat,
discusses book rentals
Staff Writer
The SGA legislature appro-
priated $351 for a Geology
department retreat yesterday in
the regular Monday night meet-
The legislature suspended
the rules to vote on the
appropriation which had not
gone through committee.
The rules were suspended
because the bill was lost earlier
and the retreat is planned fa
March 19, according to Tim
McLeod, secretary of academic
McLeod also presented a
report to the legislature on th(
feasibility of book rentals at
Under this program students
would pay $21 at the beginning
of a quarter to cover all
hardcover textbooks. Students
would return books at the end of
the quarter and receive no
money back. Paperback books
are not included in the program.
McLeod studied the rental
program at Appalachian State
University (ASU), where the
rental program is on the third
year of a five year trial.
The rental program seeks to
lessen the high cost of textbooks
and cut down on book theft,
according to McLeod.
Students at ASU seem plea-
sed with the program, according
to McLeod. He also stated that
the ASU faculty resents the
program because it infringes on
their academic freedom to
change texts. Books qnust be
used for three years under this
Book publishers and book
stores are also opposed to the
plan. McLeod said the manager
of the University Book Ex-
change stated the plan would
adversely affect his business.
A progress report on the
Buccaneer was given by Editor
Sue Roger son.
Rogerson reported that 150
BUCS and $225 of ads have
been sold. Four thousand BUCS
will be printed at a cost of
ECU'S Air Force ROTC was
represented by three awards
given at the Area Arnold Air
Society Conclave in Blacksburg,
Va. in late Feb.
Arnold Air Society is an
honorary service organization
whose members include select-
ed AFROTC cadets.
ECU Arnold Air Society
Cadet David W. Ruff in of
Fayetteville received the Area
"Arnie" Award, given to the
cadet in the Carolinas and
Virginia who has contributed
most toward improving relations
between Arnold Air Society and
its sister organization, Angel
Ruffin is a senior business
administration major at ECU
and is currently AAS Com-
mander for ECU's General
Chennault Squadron of Arnold
Air Society.
Anyone wanting to serve as
a Marshall must apply by March
31, according to Greg Pingston,
SGA Vice President. Students
must have at least a 3.0 average
and 96 credit hours. Pingston
emphasized Marshal Is were not
women students only.
Pingston stated anyone
wishing to apply for an Ebony
Herald position must do so by
March 11, in room 228, Men-
Attention Nursing Students!
We now have
a wide selection of watches
that can meet your
everyday nursing needs.
Floyd G.Robinson
Onthe Mall
"If it don't tick, tock to us
They're Back Again
at the
Elbo Room
Thru Sunday
11:00 T010:00
11:00 T011:00
U.S.DA choice beef cut fresh daily
For the full month of March, No. 12 will be on special
Mon.?Thur Lunch and Dinner

8 March 1977
SGA needs budget plan
Spring is the season for those who anticipate
the burgeoning of new life in field and forest, and
at ECU it is also a time for student government
elections and the excitement of the campaign. The
contest this year for the jobs of SGA President,
Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary should,
like the season suggests, bring forth a plethora of
fresh and innovative ideas on how to deal with the
problems students face at this university.
Money and power are the sweepstakes.
Student government each year receives and
spends over a third of a million dollars yearly of
student fees and associated revenues. This
academic year SGA spent over $100,000 on an
improved transit system that was bolstered by the
addition of two new buses which accounted for
nearly half of the system's cost. On the other hand,
SGA reduced its appropriation fa the BUCCA-
NEER to about 15 per cent of what the yearbook
received last year. Staff salaries are being paid for
while it is determined whether enough students
are willing to spend another $5 for a book that has
traditionally received total funding from SGA
Should students reject their having to pay for
subscriptions for this year's BUCCANEER, the
SGA Legislature has formulated a contingency
plan to pay for the yearbook. If the subscription
drivefailsand studentsstill demand their BUC, an
idea has been floating around the student
government offices that would have the major SGA
funded budgets recalled for a ten to 20 per cent
trimming to pay for the ECU annual. On the face of
it this idea demonstrates the lack of coordination
used to determine SGA expenditures this year.
The feasibility of this plan would certainly be
the subject of intense debate should it be formally
submitted to the legislature. Such a discussion
would be of short term significance, however.
The real problem stems from the lack of an
overall spending program for SGA. Not that
student government should attempt to emulate
state or federal budget makers, but prior planning
would at least give the legislature a guideline.
The SGA elections on March 30 would be the
ideal opportunity for farsighted candidates to
propose budgets for students to consider when
deciding who to ote for. The winning candidate's
proposal could be used by the legislature next
year. With spending guidelines perhaps future
BUCCANEER-style debacles could be avoided.
Serving the East Carolina community for over fifty years
Senior EditorJim Elliott
Production ManagerJimmy Williams
Advertising ManagerDennis C. Leonard
News EditorsJ. Neil Sessoms
Kim Johnson
Trends EditorPat Coyle
Sports EditormAnne Hogge
FOUNTAINHEAD is the student newspaper of East Carolina
University sponsored by the Student Government Association
of ECU and is distributed each Tuesday and Thursday during
the school year, weekly during the summer.
Mailing address: Old South Building, Greenville, N.C.
Editorial Offices: 757-6366, 757-6367, 757-6309.
Subscriptions: $10.00 annually for non-students, $6.00 tor
'Marquee'reviews see worst only
As one who has enjoyed the
art of acting from the viewpoint
of an active participant and an
enthused observer, I feel I can
no longer ignore the great
injustice now being shown in
of course, to David Bosnick's
column, "Marquee
I keep telling myself that one
day I will proclaim the existence
of an omnipotent being who
performs miracles crying, "Da-
vid Bosnick liked something
I find it impossible to believe
that no production has yet
caught Mr. Bosnick's fancy. I
rather feel that his philosophy
is, "If you can't say something
bad, say nothing Permit me
to give an example.
I recently attended the work-
shop production of Lady House
Blues. I dare say the entire
audience, cast, and crew were
as aware as I was that Mr.
half-of-a-star critic, who has
developed the ability to inspire
fear and nausea into the heart
and stomach of even the staun-
chest veteran of the stage on
this campus, was in the au-
dience awaiting the start of the
When the show was over, I
had one central thought, "He
had to like that Obvious he
did, for a review never appeared
in the haloed pages of FOUN-
TAINHEAD. As I said, if Mr.
Bosnick can say nothing bad, he
says nothing, and tnere was
nothing bad to say about Lady
House Blues.
Under Marshall McCaden's
brilliant direction, the cast quite
aptly painted the picture of a
woman and her four daughters
living through the changes and
uncertainties of life in America
during World War I. Hazel
Stapleton, as the mother, thril-
led the audience with her
portrayal of a rather crusty,
opinionated, yet loving woman
bewildered by the changes in
her daughters and the new life
surrounding them all. Suzanne
Howell, Constance Hilliard,
Shauna Holmes, and Janet
Horton performed equally as
well as the four daughters,
although Miss Horton's perfor-
mance could have been strong-
er. Costumes, sets and even the
music played before the show
and during intermission were
perfect, helping to set the tone
for the performance. Only the
lighting left something to be
desired, occasionally jumping too
abruptly from bright to dim, as
if it had suddenly been remem-
bered that only candles were in
use on stage, as the sun had
already set.
Lady House Blues was by far
the best production I have seen
on this campus since Mark
Schwarz directed One Flew
Over the Cuckoo's Nest as a
workshop. Why, then, did Mr.
Bosnick fail to review it? Was it
simply too good for the "King of
the destructive critics" to re-
Lauren M. Brehm
Glory grabbing on the overpass
As everyone knows, an
SGA project is the much-needed
Tenth St. overpass. SGA VP
Greg Pingston has done the
majority of work necessary to
accomplish this project yet, until
recently the overpass has been
at a stalemate due to tight
funds. However at the North
Carolina Service Award cere-
mony honoring Chancellor Leo
Jenkins, Robert Swaim convin-
ced Governor Hunt and Atty.
Gen. Edmisten of the necessity
of the overpass and received a
definite promise for the over-
pass. Mr. Swaim's downfall
occurred when he boasted of his
efforts. Realizing the impact of
achieving the overpass, SGA
president Tim Sullivan grabbed
the story and rushed to an
interview with the Daily Reflec-
tor. The front-page story with
Mr. Sullivan's claim to fame
appeared Sunday, February 27,
1977. This dishonorable deed
only confirms the already com-
mon knowledge that Mr. Sulli-
van has no qualms about taking
what he thinks should be his,
besides SGA elections are in
March. But the worst injustice
was dealt when Mr. Sullivan did
not deign to mention Mr.
Pingston, who has worked the
most for this project. We know,
Mr. Sullivan that politics and
glory are your cup of tea, but
must you discard all justice?
Diane Harris

ECU College Bowl
Mendenhallholds contest
Mendenhall Student Center
will sponsor an ECU COLLEGE
BOWL intramural competition
beginning March 24.
Campus participation in
COLLEGE BOWL evolved out of
the CBS television show of the
same name sponsored by
General Electric. The show ran
from 1959 to 1970.
Team registration starts
March 14. The first eight teams
to register will compete in
official intramural play, cul-
minating with the finals match
on April 27 at 8:00 P.M. in
Mendenhall Student Center
Each winning team member
and coach will receive $25.00.
The second place team will each
receive $10.00.
Participation is limited to
full-time ECU students, under-
graduate or graduate. Each
team consists of four players
and one alternate, plus a coach,
who is exempt from holding
ECU student status.
As an added attraction, the
finals match on April 27 will
feature a game between the
winning team and four coaches.
Admission is free for all
COLLEGE BOWL activities.
ECU biology students in-
terested in participating in the
COLLEGE BOWL should con-
tact Dr. Prem P. Sehgal in the
Department of Biology. In-
terested students should contact
Mrs. Marie T. Farr.
For further information on
registration or game times,
contact the Program Office,
Mendenhall Student Center,
757-6611, ext. 213.
ECU students attend NECAA
Four ECU students attended
the National Entertainment and
Campus Activities Association
(NECAA) national convention in
San Antonio, Texas in February.
The trip was sponsored by the
ECU Student Union.
The four student convention
delegates have held of f ioe in the
ECU Student Union during
1976-77. Those attending the
convention were Barry Robin-
son, Student Union president
and a senior music major from
Gastonia; Dennis Ramsey of
Cramerton, junior political
science major and Student
Union president-elect; Larry
Romich of Wilson, junior pre-
medical major and current
chairman of the Union's Film
Committee; and Robert P. Dud-
ley Jr. of Raleigh, sophomore
business student and business
manager of the Union's publi-
cation, "Entertainer
The four students were
accompanied by S. Rudolph
Alexander, Associate Dean of
Student Affairs at ECU and
Executive Director of Menden-
hall Student Center, and Ken
Hammond, Student Center Pre
gram Director.
The NECAA national con-
vention is designed to offer
university programmers an op-
portunity to preview entertain-
ment possibilities for the oom-
ing year, meet with talent
representatives, attend lectures
and workshops, and exchange
information and ideas with other
schools concerning entertain-
ment activities on the college
U.S. Navy seeks math,
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Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAD 8 March 1977
Five may die in Georgia
(LNS)-Five young black
men, four of whom are teena-
gers, face the death penalty in
southern Georgia. Supporters
in the area feel that these men
are being held on grossly
insufficient evidence. For man-
y, this case calls to mind that of
the Soottsboro Boys, nine black
youths who were falsely accused
of rape in 1931 in Alabama.
Roosevelt Watson (17),
The Library
Gents Night
Sunday Nights
Starts 8:30
Henderson Watson (21), James
Edward Jackson, Jr. (17), John-
ny B. Jackson (18), and J.D.
Davenport (18) were arrested in
January of 1976 and charged
with armed robbery and mur-
der. They are aocused of having
robbed the owner of a Dawson,
Georgia grocery store and hav-
ing shot a white man who was a
customer in the store.
The victim, who got into an
ambulance unaided and lived
for six hours after the shooting,
was not questioned. The arrest
was made on the basis of the
store owner's identification of
the defendants in spite of the
fact that they were not named
until five days after the crime
took place. The witness origi-
nally stated that four men
robbed his store, and named
only Roosevelt Watson as a
participant that he thought he
oould reoognize. When the
other four men stated that
Roosevelt Watson could not
have oommitted the aime be-
cause he was with them" at the
time it happened, they too were
A confession was obtained
from Roosevelt Watson after he
was forced by local polioe to
wade in an icy pond for five
hours, in a "search" for the
murder weapon which was
never found, and threatened
with castration and electrocu-
Bail has been set at $100,000
for each defendant. Blacks in
Terrell Country and some of the
local churches have taken up
collections to raise bail and
help pay legal fees. With a total
of a half-million dollars in bond
money to raise, only Roosevelt
Watson has been released so
far. The defendants decided
among themselves the order of
The leading operator of Nuclear Reactors is currently seeking college juniors
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their release as the bail money
is raised.
No court date has been set
up for the trial yet, but it is
expected to begin in June.
"Nothing is really happening
legally right now said defense
attorney Millard Farmer. "A lot
is happening otherwise in the
fact that people are beginning to
focus on the problems of the real
racism that exists in this country
but if you talk to the blacks in
the areathey say well this
ain't nothing, this has been
happening for a long time
The pretrial motions to be
presented include a check on the
racial composition of the jury
pool which was recently found to
underrepresent blacks by 44 per
cent. Other motions will oontest
the threats made on Roosevelt
Watson by polioe.
The defense is concerned
with the possibility of not having
enough time to raise all of the
pertinent issues and present all
of the facts which are relevant
because of the judge's schedule.
Judges in Georgia travel a
circuit, and the judge for Terrell
County has six other oounties in
his jurisdiction. Three trials a
day is the norm in the situation.
There are presently three
teenagers on death row in
Georgia. The most recently
convicted is Gary Hawes, age
16, who was sentenced early in
January of this year. Attorney
Farmer sees the oonviction as
indicative of the general pro-
capital punishment attitude in
the area. These cases are only
75 miles apart says Farmer, "
and they are both right here in
the buckle of the death belt
There are presently 61 peo-
ple on death row in the state.
Half of them are black although
blacks are only 25.9 per cent of
the population. There are no
whites on death row for killing a
black, and there are only three
blacks on death row for the
murder of a black victim.
The state of Georgia played
a key role in the recent
Supreme Court decision rein-
stating the death penalty. After
the 1972 U.S. Supreme Court
decision against capital pu-
nishment, 34 states rewrote
their death penalty laws in order
to circumvent the decision.
Georgia rewrote its law almost
immediately; the current statute
has been in effect since 1973.
The Supreme Court's July, 1976
reversal of its previous ruling
was based on the fact that it
found the Georgia, Florida and
Texas laws acceptable.
" Something is going to come
through and straighten out (the
town of) Dawson said Mrs.
Watson, mother of Roosevelt
and Henderson. "I may be
dead and gone, but I know it's
got to happen
Mr. Jackson, father of John-
ny B. and James Edward
Jackson Jr was an agricultural
laborer on Jimmy Carter's pea-
nut farm. Dawson is twenty
miles from Rains, the seat of
the "New South

EBONY editor
8 March 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Pago) 7
Kenneth Campbell, ECU
graduating senior and former
editor of the Ebony Herald, was
recently honored as the first-
place winner of the national
Freedom's Journal Essay Con-
test at Howard University (HU)
in Washington, D.C.
The annual event, held at
the Mayflower Hotel as a part of
the Howard University Com-
munications Conference for
young Minority Journalists, led
Campbell to be interviewed and
photographed by The Washing-
ton Post newspaper. The Post
article appeared Mon. Feb. 22.
Campbell, who won a gold
medal, had received information
about the contest through the
office of Lionel C. Barrow, dean
of Howard's Communications
School. The contest rules called
for a 500 word-essay about the
black press.
Campbell's essay, "The
Roles of the Black Press
included guidelines for three
original roles plus two roles
which Campbell would like to
see implemented.
"Originally Campbell
said, "the black press served as
a literary outlet for blacks, a
sounding board for black spo-
kesmanship, and as a protest-
advocacy press
"The Black press must stop
applauding everything black
leaders and politicians do and
must begin acting as a watchdog
on these leaders. Blacks should
not vote for a candidate simply
because he is black he added.
Continuing, Campbell said
the time has come for the black
press to start criticizing the
white press" instead of simply
publishing what the white press
has neglected to publish-the
humanistic side of the black
Citing an example, the for-
mer Herald editor said the black
press must report "distortions
caused by the white papers'
neglect of the humanistic side of
the black community
"The black press must now
be expanded to include black
columnists on white newspapers
and black reporters in high-level
positions who get their work
published without revision
Campbell has been accepted
at UNC-Chapel Hill and (unof-
ficially) at the University of
Maryland's School of Journa-
lism. He also applied to Colum-
bia University's School of Jour-
Last summer, Campbell
worked as an intern for the
Wilmington Delaware News
Journal. "My responsibilities
included substituting for news
room clerk, running errands for
newsroom personnel and wri-
ting obituaries he said. "I'm
not afraid of starting from the
bottom and moving up he
Campbell added that he got
the job without the benefit of
connections. (Expenses for his
Washington D.C. trip to the HU
Communications Conference
were paid by Howard Univer-
Campbell, who officially
graduated March 1, has been
offered a job as a reporter for
the Niagara Falls Gazette, Nia-
gara Falls, New York partially
as a result of his Washington
Post coverage.
The Communications Con-
ference included four days of
seminars, lectures and banquets
with participation by many
leading black journalists.
Some of these celebrities
included Dr. Lionel C. Barrow,
Mrs. Peggy Pinn, Conference
Coordinator, Mr. Vernon Jar-
rett, columnist fa the Chicago
Tribune, Mrs. Ethel Payne,
Washington Correspondent for
Sengstack newspapers, and
Dorothy B. Gilliam and Robert
C. Maynard, both of the Wash-
ington Post newspaper.
THE EAST CAROLINA version of the Brown
Mountain lights was evident during exam
week as students in these dorms stayed up all
hours of the night preparing for exams.
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Pago 10 FCUNTAINHEAD 8 March 1977
The Limits of Dissent'
to open here March 9
AS SPRING QUARTER begins, this lone ECU student strolls by
the mall contemplating another start and warm days ahead.
Photo by Kirk Kingsbury
Select Group
of Spring Slacks
only 9-90
Find a
Matching Top
For Under 10.00
9:30-6:00 MonSat.
"Can a man be convicted for
what he believes, as opposed to
what he does?
This question, raised in the
1958 Greensboro trial of Junius
Scales, will again be asked in a
special dramatic reenactment of
the Scales trial scheduled for
ECU March 9.
"The Limits of Dissent a
dramatization of excerpts from
the trial, will be presented in
ECU'S Mendenhall Student
Center, room 244, at 2 p.m. The
campus event is sponsored by
the ECU Danforth Associates.
A repeat performance has
been set for the Pitt County
Court House at 8 p.m sponsor-
ed by the Greenville-Pitt County
League of Women Voters.
The public is incited to
attend either performance free
of charge.
Juries of local citizens will be
chosen from the audience, to
test once again to what extent
the First Amendment rights of
free speech and assembly can
be limited for reasons of internal
Junius Scales was for many
years head of the Communist
Party in theCarolinas. His trial
was based on the membership
provision of the Smith Act,
which made it a crime to be a
member of any organization
with the knowledge that the
organization advocates over-
throw of the government by
force and violence.
"The Limits of Dissent" was
produced by the Carolina
Theatre Company, a profes-
sional touring company under
the direction of William Dreyer,
and scripted from actual trial
transcripts by Dr. Lewis Lipsitz
of the UNC-Chapel Hill political
science faculty.
Alcoholism meeting
to be held March 9
A "Conference on Alcohol-
ism" for professionals involved
in the treatment or rehabilita-
tion of alcoholics will be held
here Wednesday, March 9.
The conference is sponsored
by the Eastern Area
Health Education Center
(EAHEC) in cooperation with
the Walter B. Jones Alcoholic
Rehabilitation Center, the ECU
School of Medicine and the N.C.
Dept. of Human Resources.
All conference sessions are
scheduled for the Greenville
Moose Lodge.
The conference will empha-
continued from pg. 1
Patton then said the basket-
ball team was going to be a good
team some day. "We had eight
freshmen and sophomores out
of 11 members on the team.
They are young kids he went
on. "And all they need is some
new direction. They're gonna be
mighty good one day. They will
have a new start next year with
a new man at the wheel
Patton then made a plea to
the administration, alumni and
students to support the basket-
ball program in the future.
"I would like to ask the
administration, fans and stu-
dents of East Carolina Univer-
sity to get behind these players
and the program, so that it may
grow and prosper. There are
many things that need improv-
ing in our program, but the
number one thing is the sup-
porter attitude toward basket-
ball. Without it, we will never
reach the goals all of us want.
"The coaching situation is
not the problem here Patton
continued. "It's how basketball
is taken by students, fans, and
alumni. I'd like to see them give
like these kids did. Our fans
completely lost sight that these
are young kids. They are gonna
be a fine team in the future,
with new direction. I just hope
the alumni and students will get
behind them. That's the only
way they'll be the winners our
fans want
Patton was then asked if
there was an ultimatum from the
administration to resign or be
fired after two successive losing
seasons. "No, absolutely not.
This was entirely of my own
choosing. I'm not saying it
would not have happened
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size "various treatment pro-
cesses in the fieio of aloohol
abuse" and will concentrate on
"specific approaches" in the
treatment of alcoholics and their
families, said Lament D. Not-
tingham, EAHEC associate di-
"With the growing problems
of alcoholism in our modern
society, there has been a
corresponding increase in the
need to transmit relevant in-
formation to those persons who
are involved with the treatment
or rehabilitation of alcoholics
he said.
(pressure from administration),
but it has not come yet
When Patton was asked if he
would ever consider coaching
again, he replied, "If you ever
hear of me accepting a coaching
job again, how about finding me
and shooting me
Patton had told the team the
day before the game with The
Citadel of his decision.
"I got halfway through
telling them and I couldn't
continue. I just broke down. I
love these kids. I have all the
oonfidence in the world in them.
They said they didn't want me
to leave
When Patton was asked why
the announcement was so early,
he said he hoped it would help
recruiting by getting him out
early so they would name a new
coach quickly. He also said he
could not in good faith recruit
knowing he would not be back.
Patton, a native of Ashland,
Ky joined the East Carolina
coaching staff in 1972 as an
assistant to Tom Quinn. Follow-
ing Quinn'sdismissal at the end
of the 1973-74 season, Patton
was named head coach.
"The General as,he was
nicknamed his first year as head
coach, directed his first dub to a
19-9 record, the best mark at
East Carolina in 17 years. His
team competed in the now
defunct Collegiate Commission-
er's Invitational Tournament in
Louisville, Ky. Patton was
named Southern Conference
coach of the year that season.
Patton compiled a 40-42
mark while at ECU in his three
years. Following the 19-9 season
in 1974-75, he had teams of
11-15 in 1975-76 and 10-18 this
The 36-year old Patton earn-
ed both his BS and M.ED,
from Georgia Southern.College,
where he starred in basketball.
He was team captain his senior
year and played in two national
NAIA tournaments with the
t v 8&ffi!a? .????:??
-ifMW . . ??-

??W m
Family donates papers to
manuscript collection
The personal papers of more
than three generations of the
Rodman family of Washington,
N.C has been donated to the
ECU Manuscript Collection.
The Rodman collection is
made up primarily of the
correspondence, legal files, and
business records of North
Carolina Supreme Court
Associate Justice William
Blount Rodman, Jr and the
papers of his father and grand-
The Rodmans have been
among the leading legal families
in North Carolina sinoe William
Wanton Rodman moved to
Washington in 1910 from New
York City and married the
daughter of John Gray Blount.
His son, William Blount Rod-
man, Sr. (1817-1893) graduated
from U.N.C. and studied law
under Judge William Gaston.
An active Democrat and se-
cessionist, he raised a company
of troops during the Civil War
and rose to the rank of Colonel
before being attached to the
Army of Northern Virginia as
judge of a military oourt. During
Reconstruction he was elected
to the 1886 constitutional Con-
vention and served as Associate
Justice of the North Carolina
Supreme Court (1868-1878).
Judge Rodman's son,
William B. Rodman, II (1862-
1946, ikewise was a noted
lawyer, political leader, and
agriculturist. In 1903 he was
appointed to a three man
commission to codify all statute
laws for the state of North
Carolina. Rodman became divi-
sion counsel for the Southern
Railway in 1905 with authority
over all legal matters for the
railroad in this state. He sub-
sequently served as general
oounsel to the Norfolk Southern
Railroad, the Old Dominion
Steamship Company, and the
Roper Lumber Company. He
was also active in Democratic
Party politics and the North
Carolina National Guard.
The third William B. Rod-
man (1889-1976) oontinued the
law profession of his fore-
fathers. After graduating from
U.N.C. he was admitted to the
North Carolina Bar in 1911. He
was a World War I Navy officer,
a member of the North Carolina
State Senate (1936-1939) and
the State House of Representa-
tives (1951-1955). He was ap-
pointed North Carolina Attorney
General in 1955 and resigned
that office in 1956 to become
Associate Justice of the North
Carolina Supreme Court. Judge
Rodman became an emergency
judge upon retirement in 1965.
During a long and productive
career, he was senior member of
the law firm of Rodman and
Rodman and also served as
president of the North Carolina
State Bar, member of the North
Carolina Medical Care Commis-
sion, and director of the Bank of
Washington and the Beaufort
County Savings and Loan.
The collection being pre-
served at East Carolina oontains
the complete personal files of
Judge Rodman and his father
along with a smaller quantity of
material for the original Judge
William B. Rodman.
All three William B. Rod-
mans had extensive farming
interests in Beaufort County,
and the records of Urwald
Plantation reflect cotton and
dairy operations over a period of
three generations. Also in-
cluded is correspondence, land
records, and other papers of
William Wanton Rodman and
various Rodman and Blount
relatives of the late 18th and
early 19th centuries.
Commenting on the acquisi-
tion, ECU chancellor, Dr. Leo
W. Jenkins, stated that "we at
East Carolina University are
extremely proud to have a part
in preserving the William
Blount Rodman Papers. This is
one of the most distinguished
families in North Carolina and
their leadership in the field of
law and jurisprudence is one to
be greatly admired
Don Lennon, directa of the
East Carolina Manuscript Col-
lection, said the collection oon-
tains more than 50 cubic feet of
correspondence, legal files,
farm records, and business
papers. The collection ranges
over a span of almost 200 years
and oontains significant histori-
cal information on antebellum
life, Civil War and Reconstruct-
ion, politics, law, agriculture,
military affairs, railroad deve-
lopment, school integration, and
a variety of other topics.
EXAM WEEK found downtown Greenville practically deserted.
Photo by Kirk Kingsbury)
ECU sociologist
publishes articles
An article and two book
reviews by ECU sociologist
Avtar Singh appear in current
issues of professional journals.
His article, "Community
Structure and Technological
Development is included in
Vol. X of "Contributions to
Asian Studies
Dr. Singh reports on his
research concerning villages in
India, and examines the kinds of
social structures and socio-
political processes at the local
level which directly affect deve-
lopment efforts by various plan-
ning agencies.
The article concludes with
recommendations for policy
makers and scientists interested
in community development and
social change.
Two book reviews by Dr.
Singh appear in the "Inter-
national Development Review
a quarterly journal published in
the Spanish, French and Eng-
lish languages and circulated
worldwide, and in "Social
Forces a journal of the
Southern Sociological Society.
Both reviews examine recent
books about rural social struct-
ure and development of rural
Find out at the Jolly Roger
Wednesday, March 9:
Selectrocution: THE GAME FOR SINGLES.

Pages FOUNTAINHEAD 8 March 1977
College credit available
for self-taught persons
Individuals, young and old,
can earn college credit for what
they have learned on their own
by taking College-Level Exam-
inations offered during the third
week of each month at ECU.
ECU is one of 1,800,oo) leges
and universities participating in
the College-Level Examination
Program of the College En-
trance Examination Board and
one of about 1,000 CLEP testing
centers in the country.
College Board officials re-
port that CLEP test-takers turn
out in the greatest numbers in
the spring and summer months:
about 62 percent of all CLEP
candidates in 1976 took the test
between March and August.
Thousands of alumni nation-
wide can testify to the benefits
of CLEP. Though not an alum-
nus of the program, one self-
made independent leader, Abe
Lincoln, will be demonstrating
the principles behind the pro-
gram on television and radio,
and in magazines starting this
month. In a new series of
messages, Abe starts college
with CLEP credits as a second-
year government student, said,
humbly, "I've done a lot of
studyingsort of on my own
The College Board reports
that since the program was
launched nationally in October,
1967, about 420,000 people have
taken CLEP tests. In addition,

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more than 100,000 examinations
are administered every year
through the U.S. military's
DANTES (Defense Activity for
Nontraditional Education Sup-
port) program for servicemen
and women aid their depend-
There are two types of CLEP
examinations. General exam-
inations test knowledge of five
basic liberal arts areas-English
composition, mathematics,
humanities, natural sciences,
and social sciences - history.
Another 47 examinations mea-
sure your knowledge of specific
subjects such as American
history, American literature,
introductory accounting, com-
puters and data processing,
biology, and fundamentals of
nursing. The exams oost $20 for
one, $30 for two, and $40 for
three to five.
Further information about
CLEP can be obtained from the
Testing Center Office, Speight
105-106, ECU, telephone 757-
6811, or by writing CLEP, Box
1903, Radio City Station, New
York, N.Y. 10019.
ANOTHER REGISTRATION day and students pack Wright
Auditorium, Photo by Kirk Kingsbury
Health courses open
Two preliminary public
health courses offered through
the University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, School of Public
Health will be conducted at ECU
beginning March 10.
The courses, PUBH 100:
Ecology of Human Health, and
BIOS 100: Public Health Statis-
tics, are the initial courses in
UNC's Master's degree pro-
gram in public health adminis-
tration. The courses are being
oonducted in cooperation with
the ECU School of Allied Health
Eastern Area Health Education
Center and under the sponsor-
ship of the N.C. Area
Health Education Center pro-
Ecology of Human Health,
being offered from 2.00-5:00
p.m. Thursday afternoons, in-
troduces the philosophical and
historical context of health and
disease in society within the
framework of biological, be-
havioral, environmental, and
social forces. The course in-
structor will be Prof. William
of Public Health Off-Campus
Public Health Statistics, of-
fered from 6:00-9:00 p.m.
Thursday evenings, is an intro-
duction to fundamental pro-
cedures in collecting, summar-
izing, presenting and analyzing
public health data. This course
will be taught in collaboration
with the School of Public
Health, Department of Bio-
statistics by Prof. Charles Ash
of the faculty of ECU, School of
Allied Health and Social Profes-
and Social Professions and the Herzog, Director of the School sions.
Mb9 11 ISMJC
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Pilot Corp. of America, 41-15 36th St
Long Island City, N.Y. 11101
marker pens
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Scores with Rumours
8 March 1977 FOUNTAIN HEAD Page 13
Fleet wood Mac continues LPsuccess
With the phenomena' suc-
oess of their previous album,
FLEETWOOD MAC, ooming up
with another album that meets
the same high standards was
certainly a tall order and one in
which the group succeeds.
One large success is that the
group sounds more like a group
now rather than the individual
styles which marked theit pre-
vious effort. They have success-
fully merged their styles into a
sound that can be identified as
Their new album
RUMOURS, contains many ele-
ments that are more reminiscent
of the MYSTERY TO ME and
than of the FLEETWOOD MAC
album. Christine McVie's em-
phasis on strong repeating
hooks in songs seems to have
diminished when compared to
past hits like "Over My Head"
but her songwriting talent re-
mains on the same high plateau.
Likewise, Stevie Nicks em-
phasis on hook lines seems to
have temporarily fallen by the
wayside. If one remembered
nothing else from the previous
album, "Rhiannon" with its
great, simple hook was likely to
stick in your mind. However,
none of Nicks' contributions to
RUMOURS have that same
quality. What they do have is
the same interesting lyrical
qualities that set a mood rather
than evoke an image.
Lindsey Buckingham has
always shown more of a pop
style in his writing than any-
thing else. From the BUCKING-
HAM- NICKS song "Don't Let
Me Down Again" to "Monday
Morning" from their past al-
bum, he has been able to churn
out pop material consistently
but still write material in several
other directions as well.
His guitar work on RU-
MOUPS has taken the same
form as John McVie's bass work
or Mick Fleetwood'sdrumming-
it may not overpower you and
leave you speechless but the
coloring of each song is excel-
lent; the taste exquisite. Buck-
ingham's best work is heard
when he uses one or two notes
to say what other guitarists
oouldn't say with twenty.
"Second Hand News" the
album's opener is unfortunately
not one of its better songs.
Lindsey Buckingham, as he
shows later in the album is
capable of much better than
Dreams by Stevie Nicks is
a prime example of Bucking-
ham, John McVie, and Mick
Fleetwood merging in a style
that says so much through
subtlety. They perfectly comple-
ment the mysterious mood
which Nicks sets with her
ECU professors
publish text
"Fiction: The Narrative
Art by James W. Kirkland
and Paul W. Dowell of the tCU
English faculty, will be released
soon by its publishers, Prentice-
Hall of Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
The Kirkland-Dowell book is
designed as a text for basic
college English courses and
focuses on the short story and
its counterparts in oral tradition,
to help students understand,
discuss and write about fiction.
Each group of stories is
grouped by theme and techni-
que, and the stories themselves
include not only classic and
modern stories by recognized
authors but myths, legends, and
folk tales of the Greek, Hebrew,
Babylonian, European, African,
American and Chicano tradi-
tions. In all, the book includes
55 selections.
Drs. Kirkland and Dowell
have introduced each chapter
with brief essays which com-
ment on theme and technique
used in the stories in the
chapter, and the text also
includes questions to stimulate
thought and discussion.
"Fiction: The Narrative Art"
is a 448-page paperback, and is
adaptable to several teaching
approaches and to varieties of
student abilities and interests.
Dr. Kirkland specialized in
American literature and has
lectured and published articles
in this field. Since 1972 he has
been Director of Freshman
Composition at ECU. Dr.
Dowell, a folklorist, has re-
searched and lectured on
aspects of the folklore of Mary-
land's Eastern Shore. He is
director of the ECU Folklore
Archive and a past president of
the Maryland Folklore Society.
V: plus tax MonThurs.
Crabcakes, slaw, French fries plus
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french fries arid rolls.
Fish, slawy french fries, hushpuppies.
Seafood House ana Oyster Bar
Open 4:30-9:00 MonSat. 752-3172
2 miles east on-highway 264
(out 10th St.)
repetitive, "And what you had,
And what you lost lyric.
Stevie Nicks captures the air of
subtle mystery that former
Bob Welch produced in "Hyp-
notized" and "Bermuda Tri-
angle" but overdid with his
"Never Going Back Again"
is a Buckingham creation which
disolaysan acoustic guitar base
whin seems straight from the
This song should be remembe-
red for its guitar work only.
"Don't Stop" is my favorite
Christine McVie song on the
album. It is an upbeat rocker
with some interesting vocal
interplay between Buckingham
and McVie. The craftsmanship
(which is how McVie's songwri-
ting should be described), is
again up to her excellent
standards and as almost a
definitive touch she ends it with
a repeating tag (a la "Say That
You Love Me").
The next song "Go Your
Own Way" by Lindsey Bucking-
ham should become a FLEET-
WOOD MAC standard and has
my vote to be their live show
closer. The "Go Your Own
Way" hook is impossible to
forget in this song which seems
to get its rhythm guitar from
early Badfinger, its lead work
from " I' m So Afraid (a Buckin-
gham song from the previous
album) and its chorus from
divine inspiration.
The last song on the first
side is a live recording of
"Songbird" by Christine McVie
which displays the opposite
Christine McVie from "Don't
Stop With a sound more from
MYSTERY TO ME it almost
seems as if you have intruded
into her music roan to acciden-
tally share a personal moment
and statement.
Side Two starts out with a
group collaboration called "The
Chain which works much
better than the McVie-Bucking-
ham "World Turning" from the
previous album. Towards the
end of the song while John
McVie is left alone to play a
little bass figure, Buckingham's
guitar rises from nowhere trying
to tear your heart out with a few
searing notes and provides a
very satisfying finish.
"You Make Loving Fun" by
Christine McVie is highlighted
by some good keyboards-
synthesizer work and clean,
biting guitar. The song seems to
be a logical progression from
her work on the previous album
successfully improving on work
which did not need improve-
"I Don't Want To Know" by
Stevie Nicks also sounds as if it
was from the BUCKINGHAM-
NICKS album with the dual
vocals of Buckingham and Nicks
giving the song all the life they
can. The problem lies in the
mediocrity of the song itself, not
its performance.
See FLEETWOOD, pg. 14
ihn Wayne. Honorary Crusade Chairman
cure cancer
without your help,
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The way it stands today, one American out of four will
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We want to cure cancer in your lifetime.
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Page 14 FOUNTAINHEAD 8 March 1977
Union Crafts Center offers workshops
Before the quarter really
gets you bogged down and your
schedule starts getting hectic,
why not take a short workshop
in photography, pottery or mao
rame. Register now for a
beginning level workshop offer-
ed by the Mendenhall Student
Center Crafts Center.
The workshops are available
to all full-time students, faculty
and staff. Upon payment of a
$5.00 quarterly Crafts Center
membership fee, an individual
may register for aiy of the
available workshops without
additional charges, excluding
costs of personal supplies.
All interested persons must
register at the Crafts Center
during the regular operating
hours, 2.00 pm until 10.00 pm,
Monday through Friday. The
final day to register is Friday,
March 11 and class space is
The following workshops are
now available:
(12 hours) Basic instruction in
darkroom techniques. Students MACRAME (12 hours)
A representativefor U.S. Navy
Officer Programs will be in the
Placement Office on
March 8,1977
and atthe Wright Lobby
(Old Student Union)
9-11 March 1977
to discuss officer opportunities
in the following areas:
Nuclear Power, Aviation,
Supply Corps,Surfaceand
teaching positions
atthe Navy's Nuclear
Power School.
Interested personsshould
register with the
Placement Office.
will develop and print their own
black and white film. I. 2pm-
5pm Tuesdays March 15-April 5
II. 6pm-9pm Tuesdays March
15-April 5.
BASIC POTTERY (12 hours)
Basic instruction in wheel-
throwing techniques, glazing,
and firing of stoneware. I.
6pm-9pm Wednesdays March
16-April 6. II. 6pm-9pm Thurs-
days March 17-April 7.
(Beginning) (12 hours) Learn to
use a four-harness floor loom.
Making a warp, warping the
loom and techniques of weaving
will be included. 6pm-9pm
Thursdays March 24-April 21
(Intermediate) (6 hours) Advan-
ced weaving techniques for the
student with some weaving
experience. 6pm-9pm Wednes-
days March 16 & 23.
Basic techniques used in the art
of creative knotting including
use of found objects, feathers,
and beads. 6pm-9pm Mondays
March 14-April 4.
(12 hours) Beginning techniques
in metalwork. Materials, tools,
and equipment used in jewelry
construction will be discussed.
6pm-9pm Wednesdays March
16-April 6.
(12 hours) Learn the various
techniques of enameling and
discover the many possibilities
by designing and creating your
own enameled metalwork. 6pm-
9om Mondays March 14-April 4.
(12 hours) Learn a simple
method of printing to create
your own unique designs for
such projects as borderprint
fabric, napkins, greeting cards,
framed prints, etc. 6pm-9pm
Tuesday March 15-April 5.
WOODWORKING (12 hours)
Techniques with handtools. Dis-
cussion of operations with small
objects, inlay, woodcarving, and
decoupage with veneer. Wood
preparation for staining andor
finishing will also be included.
Project ideas are unlimited.
6pm-9pm Mondays March 14-
April 4.
Continued from pg. 13
"Oh Daddy the final
Christine McVie song on the
toThe Library
over $3,000 in prizes
album gets a" BRAVO for the
entire band. It is a very well
written and performed song. I
can't say enough about the
tasteful musicianship on this
The album's closer is Stevie
Nicks' "Gold Dust Woman It
gives off the same "I told you
so" feeling as "Crying in the
Night" from the BUCKING-
and stronger than ever with
RUMOURS. Look fa everything
the previous album was, plus
eighteen months of touring,
collaboration, and added exper-
ience. Throw in the talent and
professionalism of each member
and never expect, or ACCEPT,
anything less than excellence
from them.
We Got a Sale
You Won't Believe
BASF 8-Track Cartridges
BASF Cassette Tapes

Studio Cassettes:
60 min. - $2.01
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120 min$3.91
Also sale prices on other
BASF cassettes,
8?tracks, and reels.
Studio 8
45 min.
64 min.
90 min.
For anything you need in stereo, think Pair Electronics

Pirates lose to VMI
in semifinal round
Staff Writer
East Carolina's basketball
team was playing the Cinderella
roll in the 1977 Southern
Conference basketball tourna-
ment in Roanoke, Va. last week
after knocking off heavily favor-
ed William and Mary on the
Indians' home court the
previous week.
But the dream ended in the
semifinals of the tourney when
top-seeded VMI whipped the
Pirates 88-77 before 7,342 fans
at the Roanoke Civic Center
Tuesday night.
The Keydets, now 25-3 after
its 69-67 overtime victory over
Appalachian State in the finals,
jumped out to a quick lead over
the Pirates and never relin-
quished it.
After five minutes of the
game, the Keydets led 13-4 by
using its fast break to get easy
baskets. The lead was stretched
to its largest point with four
minutes left in the half at 39-22.
The Keydets played a sticky
zone defense and the Pirates
were forced to take many
25-footersjust to score. VMI led
44-32 at the half after the
Pirates rallied briefly near the
end of the first half.
East Carolina came out in
the second half and played
tighter defense and quickly
lowered the Keydets at 46-40 on
the shooting of Jim Ramsey and
Kerb Krusen. After calling time
out, Coach Charlie Schmaus'
troops soared six straight points
to extend its lead back up to 12.
However, the Pirates came
right back to cut the lead back
down. Herb Gray followed a
missed shot and was fouled. His
free toss cut the lead back to
nine. Krusen then got a basket
off the offensive board to cut
the lead to seven.
After tournament MVP Dave
Montgomery of VMI made a
shot from dose range, Pirate
center Larry Hunt got a reverse
layup, Krusen hit from 26 in the
corner and Gray stuffed the ball
through on the fast break to cut
the margin down to three.
But, the Keydets were not to
be denied. They came back to
score the next 14 points to put
the game out of reach.
All-Southern Conference
Ron Carter led VMI with 22
points while Will Bynum added
19 and John Krovic 17. Mont-
gomery finished the game with
14 points and shared game-high
rebounding honors with Carter
at ten.
Jim Ramsey led the Pirates
with 22 points and six assists.
Krusen hit for 18 points, 16
coming from the 25-foot range,
while Gray added 13. Billy
Dineen, a sophomore from
West wood, N.J scored ten
points in only nine minutes of
playing time on four of four from
the field and two of two from the
charity stripe. Gray led Pirate
rebounders with nine.
In the game at William and
Mary, the Pirates beat the
Indians 79-76 in the same place
they had been beaten by 25
points earlier in the season.
The first half was very dose,
with neither team able to gain
more than a five-point lead for
most of the half. With five
minutes left in the half and
William and Mary up 27-26, the
Pirates went on a tear that put
them up by nine. After scoring
ten straight points, the Indians
traded baskets for most of the
remaining minutes. The Pirates
led by seven at 40-33 with five
seconds left. A pass to Louis
Crosby hit him about 27 feet
from the basket. Crosby turned
and let the ball go just before
the buzzer. The ball stripped the
nets to give East Carolina a
nine-point lead.
The second half saw the
Pirate lead extend up to 12 at
55-43. But then the Pirates hit a
lapse, which has generally hurt
them all season. The Indians
out scored East Carolina 15-2 in
the next four minutes to take a
58-57 lead.
The Indians moved out to a
four-point lead and kept it until
Crosby hit on a jumper with 2:44
left from 22 feet out. After a
William and Mary time out, the
Pirates were in a tight one-
three-one zone. It took the
Indians more than a half minute
to get off a shot. Mike Enoch
ended up taking a 25-footer but
missed with ECU taking the
The Pirates worked from the
four-corners for a half minute
until Ramsey took and missed a
five-footer. The Indians got the
ball and John Lowenhaupt took
a jumper with 1 rl5 to go. He
missed but Enoch got the
rebound. As he was ooming
down he fell on Crosby's back,
falling out of bounds and giving
the ball to ECU.
Working out of the four-
corners again, Herb Gray got a
chance at a dunk but missed it
with the Indians getting the ball
back and calling for a time out
with 0:47 left.
William and Mary worked
the ball for thirty seconds
against the zone, not getting a
good shot. Finally, with 0.17 left
Matt Courage, the Indian ?ent-
er, (ook a jumper from deep in
the corner under pressure.
The Pirates got the rebound
and Ramsey was fouled with 11
seconds left. The nervous fresh-
man shot the first of the
one-and-one and it went in. He
calmly put the second one
through to insure the vidory.
The Indians ran down quick-
ly and tried a couple of shots,
with Courage being fouled by
Gray on the exchange. Courage
sank both with four seconds left
and it was up to the Pirates to
get the ball in bounds against
Ramsey threw the ball in to
Crosby, who dribbled twice
before throwing the ball down to
Gray at the other end for an easy
dunk at the buzzer to give the
Pirates their final margin.
Gray hit for 22 points in the
game while Crosby added 19.
Ramsey finished with 14, but
more importantly, nine assists.
Senior center Larry Hunt hit for
ten. Crosby ended up with
seven assists. Gray led all
rebounders with nine.
Lowenhaupt hit for 18 for the
Indians while Courage hit 17,
Ron Satterwaite 14 and Enoch
The Pirates' loss to VMI left
them with a 10-18 record for the
fwelth consecutive title
Tankers win championship
Staff Writer
Although most of ECU'S
students received ample time to
study fa exams, the ECU swim
team was hard at work earning
its 12th consecutive Southern
Conference title and finishing
second in the prestigious East-
ern Intercollegiate Champion-
The Pirate tankers had little
trouble disposing of competition
in the Southern Conference
Championships on Feb. 17-19 at
Furman University in Green-
ville, N.C. East Carolina took 13
of the 18 events and showed that
they were once again the dass
of the conference.
The Pirates finished the
meet with 598 points, while new
member Marshall took second
with 304. An improving Furman
team took third with 263, while
Appalachian State placed fourth
with 199. William and Mary was
fifth with 198 while Davidson
finished sixth with 152. VMI and
The Citadel trailed the field with
111 and 67, respedively.
Freshman phenomenon Ted
Nieman walked away with the
most outstanding swimmer a-
ward by virtue of his vidories in
the 200,500 and 1,650 freestyles
and by being on the three
winning relays fa the Pirates.
He set new reoads in the three
individual events and in two of
the relays with his perfam-
John Tuda tcok vidaies in
the 200 and 400 individual
medleys, as well as a second in
the 200 butterfly and the three
Freshman Mike Brunner
grabbed both the one- and
three-meter diving events to be
the only other Pirate double
winner otha than Tuda and
Otha ECU wins came by
Billy Thane in the 100 free-
style, John McCauley in the 50
freestyle, and Keith Wade in
the 100 butterfly.
"I'm happy to get the 12th
championship Coach Ray
Scharf said following the meet.
"But I'm not happy with some
of our pafamances. Some of
our times were no betta than
dual meet times
The freestyles were the
Pirates biggest events. In the
200 free, East Carolina swim-
mas took five of the first six
places. They took four of the top
ten places in the 500 as well as
four of the first seven in the 50.
They also took five of the top
seven spots in the 100 and
placed three in the top nine
places in the 1,650.
In the Eastans, held last
weekend on the campus of West
Virginia University in Magan-
town, W.Va the Pirates had
some of their best times eva in
pladng second to strong Pitt.
Pitt won the meet with 498
points, while ECU followed with
310 and Syracuse tcok third with
279. Maryland took fourth with
270, while host West Virginia
took fifth with 241.
Pitt took seven of the 18
events while ECU won four.
Maryland, West Virginia and
Syracuse each picked off two
vidaies while Penn State woi
the remaining title.
Pitt's Jary Demuro won the
most outstanding swimmer
award, but he was hard-pressed
by Nieman of East Carolina.
DeMuro won the 500 and 1,650
freestyles, both times edging
out Nieman. Nieman finished,
second in both races in addition
to winning the 200 freestyle and
swimming on two winning relay
teams fa the Pirates.
In winning the200 freestyle,
Nieman qualified fa the nation-
al NCAA Championships lata
this month at Cleveland State.
His time of 1.40.87 was two
seconds betta than he previous
See SWIMMING, pg. 19
TED NIEMAN center was named the most outstanding
swimmer during the championships.

Pagie FOUNTAINHEAD 8 March 1977
Grapplers drop sixth title
Indians win title. Pirates 2nd
Staff Writer
William and Mary stopped
East Carolina's string con-
ference wrestling champion-
ships at five last weekend when
they took the 1977 Southern
Conference Wrestling Champ-
ionships in Minges Coliseum.
ffllb. Royal Rib Eye ralt Dinner ,
I Includes a hot baked potato, crisp garden
Includes a hot baked potato, crisp garden
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The Indians were slight
favorites oomlng into the tour-
nament, having defeated the
Pirates 19-17 in the last dual
meet of the year for both teams.
They compiled 94V2, to 83V2 for
the Bucs. VMI claimed third
with 54 34 while Appalachian
State took fourth with 37 V2. New
member Marshall took fifth with
26 14 while The Qtadel (14
34) and Davidson (V?) .finished
sixth and seventh, respectively.
The Indians crowned four
champions while the Pirates had
three, VMI two and the
Mountaineers one.
East Carolina's Phil Muel-
ler, a 167-pounder, won the
conference's most valuable
wrestler award. The senior from
Eden, N.C. pinned all three of
his opponents en route to victory
and another trip to the nation-
als. In the finals, Mueller
overwhelmed Phil Temple of
Marshall with a pin in just 38
Mueller, now 28-1 on the
year, pinned Jeff Stanley of
ASU in the opening round in
4:27 and Henry Neilley of
William and Mary in 6:41 in the
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The Library
Come down and relax to some
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Super Happy Hour Friday 3-7
When do you say Budweiser ?
? When I'm thinking
about girls.
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meet girls.
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all the girls are.
Mueller was one of five 1976
champions that defended their
titles successfully. Paul Osman
of ECU, won a tough 8-4
decision over Jim Polsinelli of
Appalachian, a national junior
college champ from 1976. Pol-
sinelli won t he conference's wi Id
card berth into the national
championships at Norman,
Oklahoma later this month by
virtue of his fine wrestling. All
ten winners are given automatic
berths into the nationals in
addition to the wild card choice.
William and Mary's 118-
pounder, Tom Dursee made it
two championships in a row by
beating The Citadel's Tom
Borrelli, while the Indians' Jim
Hicks, at 134, defended his title
by beating ECU'S Harry Martin
Heavyweight Ned Stepan-
cvich of VMI ran his seasonal
mark to 32-0 with a 5-3 decision
of East Carolina D.T. Joyner.
Stepanovich also won in 1976.
Frank Schaede is the Pi-
rates' other national qualifier by
virtue of his win at 150 over
William and Mary's Pat Mo-
Gibbon. Schaede is the only
freshman to win a title this year.
Bob Stark of William and
Mary took the 177-pound title
winning a close 7-5 decision
over VMI's Bob Sherrard. Stark
was the 167-pound champ in
1974 as a freshman.
Craig Cody, Appalachian
State's 158-pounder, won an
easy 12-4 decision over Greg
Fronczak of William and Mary
after posting pins in the quarter-
finals and semifinals.
At 142, William and Mary's
Donald Moore won a 4-1 deci-
sion over ECU'S Tim Gaghan.
VMI's John Vizzi won the
190-pound title with a 13-3 win
over the Indians Craig Cook.
"The meet came out about
as I had expected Pirate
mentor John Welborn said
following the meet. "William
and Mary had an experienced
team back while we are in a
rebuilding year after losing four
national performers. But I'm
proud of our kids. They gave it
their all.
"Phil (Mueller) was simply
unbelievable. With Phil and
Paul (Osman), this mav be our
best national team. This is their
second trip to the nationals and
they have beaten some national-
ly ranked wrestlers. They oould
be all-Americas.
"The entire team sent by the
conference oould do well he
added. "Cody (from ASU) look-
ed mighty strong out there.
Hicks (William and Mary) can
beat anyone and Stepanovich
(VMI) is unbeaten. The South-
ern may fare well at Okla-
The Pirates had three con-
solation winners also. Steve
Goode, a freshman from the
Tidewater, Va. area, beat Mike
Oranto of The Citadel 7-2. Jay
Dever, a freshman 177-pounder
beat ASU's Alfred Ash, 5-3,
while John Williams decisioned
Marshall's Dan Smith 4-1.

8 March 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 17
Pirates end William and
Mary's track domination
Staff Writer
East Carolina broke William
and Mary's 11-year domination
of indoor track Feb. 24-25 when
they upset the Indians in the
1977 Southern Conference In-
door Track Championships at
the VMI Fieldhouse in Lex-
ton, Va.
The meet hinged on the final
event as William and Mary held
a two-point lead. In the mile
relay, the last event, the Pirates
won while the Indians finished
third. This gave East Carolina a
razor-thin one-point win over
William and Mary, 67-66. VMI
made a strong challenge for the
title, finishing third with 58 1 3
points, while cross country
champion Furman took fourth
with 33 points. Appalachian
State placed fifth with 2512
while new members Marshall
and Western Carolina took sixth
and seventh with 29 56 and 10
1 3, respectively. The Citadel
(7) and Davidson (1) trailed the
William and Mary had taken
the meet every year since 1965,
when VMI won it. East Carolina
broke the Indians' outdoor reign
as champion last spring.
The Pirates won this meet on
something they had lacked in
the past-depth. They won only
four of the 18 events, while
William and Mary won six. VMI
also won four, while the Apps
took two and Furman and
Western one each.
The Pirates took one-two-
three-four in the 440-yard dash,
and that could be pointed to as
the key to victory. They also
took one-three-five in the 600
and two-three-five in the 60.
"Our depth was definitely
the key to winning up there a
happy Bill Carson said following
the meet. "We did better in
some events than we had
expected and worse in some.
But finishing with three or four
in the final five in the sprints
really got us the points
Calvin Alston led the way in
t"1' 440 by winning in 50.6.
c -lie Moss, Robert Franklin
anu Jay Purdie made it a dean
sweep of the first four places in
the event to net the Pirates
almost a quarter of its points
Ben Duckenfield reclaimed
his title in the 600 after losing it
last year, winning in 1.12.1.
James Freeman and Valdez
Chavis finished third and fifth,
respectively, to give the Pirates
ten more points.
Otis Melvin and Carter
Suggs were the favorites in the
60, but John Burron of Western
grabbed the event in 6.2.
Melvin, a freshman from
Fayetteville, N.C took second
in the same time while Suggs
placed third and James Rankins
Marvin Rankins rook his
second consecutive 60 yard high
hurdles title, winning in 7-2, to
qualify for the nationals for the
second straight year indoors.
Bobby Phillips placed fifth for
the Pirates.
This gave the Pirates 40 of
its67 points in these four events
The Pirates did not do as
well as expected in the long and
triple jumps. Favored Herman
Mdntyre could do no better
than second in the triple, losing
to the meet's most valuable
performer, Malcolm Grimes of
VMI. George Jackson, one of
the favorites in the long jump,
placed third, losing to Andre
Gibson and Grimes of VMI.
Mike Hodge took fifth.
Senior Tom Watson took
third in the shot and fourth in
the 35-pound weight throw
while the East Carolina two mile
relay team placed third.
James Willett took second in
the 880 with a 1 58.1 docking
while Keith Urquhart placed
fourth in the 1000.
See TRACK, pg. 18)
call 758-6366
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Page 18 FOUNTAINHEAD 8 March 1977
Three Pirates receive honors
Staff Writer
Three East Carolina basket-
ball players were bestowed
honors by the Southern Con-
ference Media Association in
balloting recently.
Senior Larry Hunt was
named to the second team
all-conference for the second
vear in a row. Hunt was first
team as a sophomore. He led
East Carolina in scoring and
rebounding this season with
12.4 and 10.1, respectively.
Herb Gray and Jim Ramsey
made the all-rookie team by
virtue of their Dlav over the
season. Grav was
scoring with an 11.5 average
while Ramsey was third with
11.3. Gray was the team's
unofficial dunk leader, as he
carried his lithe body through
the air many times over the
season to stuff the ball through
the nets.
Ramsey led the team in
assists with 78.
Ramsey was also named to
second team all-tournament. He
scored 37 points in the two
games and dished off 15 assists.
His 15 assists led all players in
the tournament, even though he
did this in two game while
many players took three games
to give out less.
Grand Opening
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LARRY HUNT IS shown with Coach Dave
Patton, after being named to the second team
all-conference for his second straight year.
Photo by Kip Sloan
Continued from pg. 17
But it was the mile relay
team of Duckenfield, Suggs,
Moss, and Melvin that pulled
out the victory in the final event.
They were timed out in 321.5
while Furman took second and
the Indians third. Had the
Indians taken second, the meet
would have ended up in a tie.
VMI made the biggest climb
Little's Chop Shop
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from fifth in last year's meet to
third this year. The Keydets'
coach, Wade Williams, was
named the conference coach of
the year.
Three of the Pirates per-
formers will be running at this
weekend's NCAA Champion-
ships at the Cobo Arena in
Marvin Rankins qualified in
the 60 yard high hurdles, while
Larry Austin and Otis Melvin
will be going in the 60.
Rankins, just a sophomore,
will be making his third trip to
the nationals. He went last year
indoors and outdoors, in ad-
dition to making it this year.
Austin qualified for the meet
last year indoors, but was
injured and could not compete.
Carter Suggs, a two-time
national performer, failed to
make the cutoff in the 60.
Corner of 5th
& Cotanche
It's Finally Here!
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8 March 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 19
Championships held
The Nutties Buddies and Scott Dorm oopped the last two team
titles for winter quarter intramural play. The Nutties won the men's
basketball title and the Soott swimmers took the Men's swimming
championships just before break.
In the men's basketball all-campus finals the Nutties Buddies
romped past the Rockets, independent league champs, by a score of
101-75. Woodrow Stevenson scored 35 points in the championship
game and was named the tournament's Most Valuable Player. He
had 65 points for the two games of the All-Campus championships.
Joining Stevenson on the All-Tournament team were Ruffin
McNeill of the Nutties, Al McCrimmonsand Brad Henderson of the
Rockets and David Appiegate of the BSU Bullets.
The Nutties reached the finals by topping the club champions,
BSU Bullets, by a 94-67 score. Meanwhile the Rockets made the
finals of the All-Campus tournament by downing fraternity
champion Kappa Alpha 91-73.
Baseball and tennis open seasons
with sound home victories
In the swimming championships, Soott Dorm swept all seven
events to outclass its competition. In the process they set records in
five of these events. The Outstanding Swimmer Award went to Jeff
Neil of Soott. Neil swam to two individual titles in the 50 yard
backstroke and the 200 yard freestyle and swam the anchor leg on
the winning and record-setting 100 yard freestyle relay team. His
time of 29.06 for the 50 yard backstyle was a meet record and the
time of 43.29 for Scott's 100 yard freestyle relay team was also a
John Bandy was also involved in three winning performances.
Bandy swam on the winning 100 yard freestyle relay and 100 yard
medley relay teams and also won the 100 yard Individual Medley
with a record setting time of 106.5.
Other winners for the Soott team were Alan Poindexter in the
100 yard freestyle and Fred Olsen in the 50 yard breaststroke. Both
won their events with reoord setting times. Poindexter and Olsen
also swam on the two winning relay teams.
Finishing behind the Jones Dolphins in third place, were two
fraternity teams, Delta Sigma Phi and Kappa Alpha. The top five
were rounded out by the Jones Jaws.
Gary Smith of Delta Sigma Phi competed in more events than
any other swimmer as he swam in four individual events and two
team relay events.
Sports Editor
ECU'S baseball team swung
into action Saturday as they
traveled to Buie' s Creek, defeat-
ing the Camels of Campbell
College, 4-2.
The Pirate's first run was
soored by Robert Brinkley in the
fourth inning. Brinkley got on
base on a Campbell error and
went to third on a right field
single by Rick Koyda. Pete
Paradossi got on base and drove
Brinkley in.
Campbell tied the score in
the fifth, with the Pirates
regaining the lead in the
Continued from pg. 15)
school reoord. He also qualified
for the AAU Championships in
the 200 as well as the 500 and
John McCauley won the 50
freestyle in 21.04 to qualify for
the NCAA and AAU Champion-
ships also.
The Pirates' domination of
the freestyles was evident at the
Easterns as they took both
freestyle relays. The team of
John Tudor, Billy Thorne,
Stewart Mann and Nieman won
the 800 free relay in 650.61 to
knock nine seconds off the
school reoord and qualify them-
selves for the national AAU and
NCAA Championships. In the
400 free relay, Thane, Mo-
Cauley, Mike Coomes and Bill
Fehling won and also qualified
for both national events.
seventh. Sonny Wooten hit a
d jble to deep center, took third
on a ground out by Bobby Supel,
and soored on a sacrifice fly to
left field by Raymie Styoms.
ECU soored two more in the
eighth. Paradossi singled with
one out, stole second, and
soored on an infield fly hit by
Eddie Gates. Gates took second
on a pass ball situation, and
soored on a hit by Wooten.
Terry Durham was the win-
ning pitcher, with Pete Conaty
being credited with a save.
Paradossi had the best re-
oord of the day, with three hits
for five times at bat.
The game, the Pirates' sea-
son opener, was Campbell's
first loss. They had previously
beaten Duke.
ECU opened it's 1977 tennis
season by defeating Salisbury
State College (Maryland) here
Saturday, 8-1.
The Pirates won all of the six
singles matches played. In those
matches: Tom Durfee defeated
Larry Knopf; 6-3, 6-3; Jim
Rat I iff beat Chris Thomas, 6-2,
7-6; Doug Get singer trounoed
Bill Hyle, 6-1, 6-2; Mitch
Pegerson defeated Terry Lay-
ton, 6-3, 6-7, 6-1; Henry Hos-
teller stopped Bryon Edmond-
son, 6-2, 1-6, 6-2; and Kenny
Love beat Frank Fleming, 6-1,
ECU won two of their three
doubles matches. The team of
Durfee and Getsinger trounoed
Knopf and Thomas, 6-3, 6-2.
Hosteller and Love defeated
Layton and Edmondson, 6-3,
1-6, 6-0. The team of Pegerson
and Ratliff lost the Pirates' only
match to Hyle and Gene Ma-
lone, 6-2, 4-6, 6-4.
THE BASEBALL PIRA TES won their first game of the year by
defeating Campbell College, 4-2.
FOR SALE: Realistic car-tape
player 8 mo. old. $20.00.
FOR SALE: Garrard 42M auto
matic turntable. Like new $55.
Call 758-9216.
FOR SALE: Blank-Capital 80
minute 8 track tapes. Brand
New. $1.50 each. Call 758-9638
or 758-4663.
WANTED: To buy a used
Yamaha guitar. Call 752-9527
after 200 p.m.
FOR SALE: 1976 Mustang II
Ghia 11,500 miles, 4 speed, V-6
motor, AMFM stereo radio, 8
track tape deck, silver with
cranberry interior. First class
automobile. $5200.00 Call
1-592-6893 a 752-8151.
FOR SALE: 1970 Fiat 124
Special 4 door, straight drive.
Real good around town trans-
portation. $375.00. Call 1-592-
6893 or 752-8151.
FOR SALE: 1 Epiphone Acous-
tic guitar with hard case,
excellent oond. $100.00. Also 1
good beginners guitar. Contact
758-1382 or leave a message.
Will be glad to demonstrate
FOR SALE: Old black & white
24" T.V. $20.00 Firm. Call
FOR SALE: AR Turntable good
oondition, 112 years old. In-
cludes box and accessories $65
or best offer. 752-1654.
FOR SALE: 1973 Datsun 240Z
Red automatic $3800.00. Must
sell. Call 758-4262.
FOR SALE: Lightweight Frost-
line tent; lightweight aluminum
camping oookset; Dynaoo Amp.
Contact Jim at 1305 South
Cotanohe St. upstairs (Near
Twin Rinks) Come by anytime.
FOR SALE: Fender Baseman 10
amplifier 110 watts RMS very
little use. Good for guitar, bass,
electric piano. Call 758-7670
after 6O0 p.m.
FOR SALE: 1975 Yamaha 500,
DOHC, low mileage, crash bar,
sissy bar, luggage straps. Ser-
ious inquiries only. $1200.00
757-6352 ask for Bonnie.
FOR SALE: Custom 260 Base
amplifier-$500. Gibson E-B-0
Base guitar-$150. Yamaha F-g-
140 Acoustic guitar-$60. Call
752-0998, ask for Steve.
FOR SALE: One twin size
box-springs. $20.00 Call 758-
FOR SALE: 1970 VW Beatle,
very good oondition, must sell,
$400.00 below book value. 752-
FOR SALE: Drive for less. 66
Beetle-good condition, radio,
good tires, $425. Call 756-0267.
FOR SALE: Sofa & Matching
chair, good oondition, both for
$60.00. Also, rocker for $15.00.
Call 752-8011.
FOR SALE: A bicycle "under
$50" Jeremy Schwartz 758-
8837 after 5 p.m.
TYH NG: 75 cents per page. Call
Debra Parrington, 756-6031
days, and 752-2508 nights.
furnished. 3.5 miles from cam-
pus. Prefer persons that do not
smoke cigarettes. Call 756-1839
before 11 O0 p.m.
LOST: 1 girl who is blind
without her glasses-someone
picked up a navy blue hooded
sweatshirt a couple of Saturdays
ago at the Jolly Roger that had
a pair of rose colored Gloria
Vanderbilt glasses-l have a navy
hooded sweatshirt that's too
big-PLEASE contact Janet Pope
423 Tyler-758-9670. $10.00
torrent @
? . i .?Vl '
FOUND: 1 lady's ring-inquire
at Austin 134.
male preferred) to share an
Apartment or House, living
expenses, and good times start-
ing this June '77 in CHAPEL
HILL. Interested? Please call
Kim Sue at 758-1390.
NEEDED: Housemate to share
a 3 bedroom house. Rent is
$70.00 monthly plus bill Uk-
RIDE NEEDED: To Charlotte
THIS weekend Janet Pope-423
Tyler 758-9670.
WANTED: Chronic headache
sufferers to take part in research
study. Contact Pay. Dept. leave
name A. phora nurnhflr
NEEDED: To hire a babysitter
from 630 to 930 p.m. Tues.
night. If anyone is interested,
call 752-5880. Ask fa Linda.
PARTTIME JOB: $2,000.00
believably, excitingly easy!
Send self-addressed and stamp-
ed envelope to Box 1824,
Cleveland, Ohio 44106.
college campus dealer. Sell
brand name stereo components
at lowest prioes. High profits;
Fa details, oontact; FAD Com-
ponents, Inc. 20 Passaic Ave
Fairfield, New Jersey 07006
llene Orlowsky 201-227-6884
Call Collect.
FREE : Wholesale Jewelry Cat-
alog! Exclusive Designers' col-
lection! Bargains galae! Box
1824, Cleveland, Ohio 44106.
PARTTIME JOS: Earn $250-
$500 stuffing 1000 envelopes:
homewak-sparetime. Details:
$1, Self-addressed, stamped
envelope (C.R. Kester, 400
Marsh Rd Charlotte, N.C.
WANTED: Manager fa family
recreation facility beginning
March 1-long nours-could take
maning classes. 758-4005 ask

Page 20 FOUNTAINHEAD 8 March 1977
1. Low Prices? The University Book Exchange
has got thousands of USED TEXTS that
save you 25 over the price of new texts.
2. Great textbook selection ? The UBE has made
an all out effort to have every book used at ECu
Quick Service This Spring we will have 8 cash
registars to get you tnrough our store quickly!
4. Friendly Personnel-80 of our book rush em-
ployees are ECU students. They can easily re-
late to your textbook needs and problems
5. Mastercharge and Bank Americard- New this
spring at UBE! We now accept America's top
2 charge cards for texts & supplies
6. Convenient Location- We're across Cotanche
Street from the girl's dorms-down the hill from
Greenville's bars
7. Extended Hours- The University Book Ex-
change will be open from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM
on March 7th & 8th.
8. Increased Selection of school supplies, art
supplies, and sportswear, including ECU
T?Shirts for only $2.95. Let us be your only
stop for all your texts &- Supplies.
UniverityBook Exchange

Fountainhead, March 8, 1977
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 08, 1977
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