Fountainhead, February 17, 1977

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Serving the campus com-
munity for 51 years. With a
circulation of 8,500, this
issue is 16 pages.
Vol. 52, No. 3fr East Carolina University Greenville, North Carolina 17 February 1977
Jenkins award, p. 3
Musical janitor, p. 11
Post season matches, p. 13
of lorg awaited spring-like
weather, unexpected snow
covered Greenville Tuesday
night. Temperatures plun-
ging back below freezing
pushed fuel needs back up.
Some industrious students
took the opportunity to
create a new kind of
anatomy to be dissected by
the warmer afternoon sun.
Photo by Kirk Kingsbury
Campus lacks back-up heating system
Staff Writer
East Carolina University
(ECU) has no back-up heating
system to rely on when the
natural gas and oil supply are
depleted, according to James J.
Lowry, Director of the ECU
Physical Plant.
"We have a finite amount of
fuel, and we are running out
Lowry said.
Lowry stated, however, that
he foresees no problem in obtain-
ing fuel for the ECU system.
"We don t anticipate any
natural gas in the foreseeable
future. We haven't had any in
Ihicians view the issues
Staff Writer
Several Tarheel political office
holders gave their views on issues
including drug abuse and college
tuition at a Raleigh press confer-
ence Tuesday.
U.S. Senator Jesse Helms
remarked that the high cost of
college education was putting a
strain on the families of college
students with moderate incomes.
" I am co-sponsoring a bill that
will give a $1000 tax deduction for
every child in college or a $250 tax
credit, and I think it will pass
said Helms.
Governor Hunt said that he
supports a 6.5 per cent pay
increase for University profes-
U.S. Senator Robert Morgan
observed ECU'S greatest pro-
gress was achieving university
"We have become a regional
university said Morgan.
Morgan said ECU has chang-
ed quite a bit since he graduated.
"When I was there we knew
everyone on the campus, of
course we only had 2,500 people.
I get the impression that you folks
don't know everyone like we
did he added.
N.C. Attorney General Rufus
Edmisten said that 45 persons
were arrested under 147 indict-
ments in a Charlotte drug raid
last Tuesday.
Edmisten, said that most of
the indictments were for heroin.
"Very few were for pot, we
don't fool with that anymore
because while you're out chasing
the pot smoker the heroin dealer
is getting away said Edmisten.
Edmisten described this as
victory in the Justice Depart-
ments "war on drug pushers
"They ought to be put under
the jail said Edmisten.
Edmisten also said that he
was opposed to capital punish-
ment in rape cases.
quite a while he said.
"We have a 36, a more, day
supply of number six oil on hand.
There is no problem as far as
denvery goes. We really have
nothing to base any expectations
on other than the national news
The three boilers which pro-
duce steam to heat ECU buildings
burn as much as 14,600 gal Ions of
oil per day, Lowry said. The
average for last week was 13,300
gallons per day.
Lowry noted that reduced
temperatures in campus build-
ings was not a result of any
inadequacy in the heating system
but an attempt to cooperate with
President Carter's energy plan.
"The country as a whole is in
a crisis. The President has
requested that the country cut
down on its energy consumption.
We are endeavoring in every
respect possible to conserve
energy he said.
ECU began to change from
ooal to oil and gas in 1968.
"One of the biggest problems
with coal was particulate pollu-
tion iKed Lowry. "We had
problems with the community for
years with fall-out from coal dust
and soon
See HE A TING, pg. 7

Crisis Center New hours
17 February 1977
Internships Skate boards
Mr. Jim Caplanides Director
of the N.C. Internship Office, has
announced plans for the upcom-
ing Summer Semester Internship
Program in North Carolina State
Internships in various state
government agencies will begin
on May 23 and oontinue for 13
weeks throughout the summer.
The positions require a 40-hour
work week, and interns will be
paid $3.12 per hour ($125'1wk.).
Applications are now available
from the internship Office.
Application deadline is March 25.
For further information, write
orcall:N.C. Internship Office, 401
N. Wilminton St Raleigh, N.C.
27601, (919) 733-5966.
ECU Club
The ECU Club plans a Spring
Luncheon and Fashion Show Feb.
26, at 12:30 p.m. at the Greenville
Golf and Country Club.
As a part of the program,
outgoing officers will be honored
and plans for the spring bridge
benefit will be announced. There
will be a salad supper and
winners of the Lillian Jenkins
Scholarship will be introduced.
For reservations, call Mary
Jane Hayek, 756-2891 : Betty
Grossnickle, 756-0706; or Martha
Ferrell, 756-1956. Reservations
deadline is Monday, Feb. 21.
Senior show
"Mud and Metal a joint
exhibition of art by ECU School of
Art senior May Talbott Carter of
Danville, Va. and Roxanne Reep
of Nebo is on display through
Feb. 18 in the gallery of Menden-
hall Student Center.
The exhibition includes Mary
Carter's stoneware and salt-fired
ceramics and acrylic and oil
paintings, and Roxanne Reep's
sculpture, metal jewelry, acrylic
paintings and multi-media draw-
Anyone interested in a skate
board contest on the ECU campus
contact the Secretary of the
Student Union President. The
Special Entertainment Committee
needs to know if there is an
interest here.
An evening class in French
cookery will be offered by ECU
this spring. The course will oover
menus and oooking styles of the
major provinces of France. Stu-
dents will prepare basic French
dishes including crepes, souffles,
pates a choux and will sample
their own work each night. In
addition, the course will provide a
general overview of wines, with
attention to which wines comple-
ment a type of food or a particular
Instructor of the French cook-
ing class is Mariette Davis-
Givotset, a graduate of Iowa in
Dijon Universities. The class will
meet on Tuesdays, March 15-May
3, from 7 to 10 p.m. Only 16
persons can be accepted. Early
registration is advised.
Don't miss the new East
Carolina Playhouse production of
showing Feb. 11-12; 14-18 in the
Studio Theatre. Tickets are avai-
lable at the MoGinnis Auditorium
Box Off ice, 10-4 daily. Tickets are
free for ECU students with I.D.
and Activity cards, and $2.50 for
the general public. It is a fairy
tale and a love story. Don't miss
this unique production.
Crafts fair
The Coastal Plain Arts and
Crafts Fair, to be held November
10, 11, and 12th, 1977 in Rocky
Mount, N.C. is now accepting
applications for craftsmen in an 8
county area. Craftsmen from the
following counties are invited to
participate: Wake, Johnston,
Wilson, Edgecombe, Halifax,
Northampton, Franklin and Nash.
Interested craftsmen may obtain
application blanks from their
county Home Economics Agent or
from Mrs. Agnes Safy, Home
Economics Extension Agent, Box
13, Nashville, N.C. 27856, which
must be returned by April 1.
Our special guests this
week at Forever Generation will
be Dan and Lois Coutcher. You
will want to meet these great folks
if you haven't already. Dan is
assistant director nationally of
F.G and he will be bringing the
Bible study this Friday night at
7:30 in Brewster B-103. Join us,
won't you?
Persons who wish to develop
their speaking skills are invited to
enroll in "Practical Oral Com-
munications an evening course
to be offered on Thursday eve-
nings, March 17-May 12, at ECU.
The course would be espe-
cially valuable for those whose
involvement in civic, business,
church or social organizations
requires them to be confident,
clear and convincing in speaking.
Social work
Friday, March 11 is the
dosing date for applications for
the major in Social Work &
Correctional Services for Spring
Quarter 1977. Application forms
may be secured in Carol Belk 312.
Two interviews are required to
supplement the application. Call
756-6961, Mrs. Joyner, to make
an appointment.
All girls interested in trying
out for 1977-78 Pom Pom Squad.
Meet in the lobby of Fletcher
Music Hall at 5:30 p.m. Thurs
Mar. 10. Tryouts will be discus-
East Carolina offers a variety
of non-credit continuing educa-
tion courses. They are designed
for adults of varied educational &
occupational backgrounds who
wish to develop their knowledge
and abilities concerning a variety
of subjects. Emphasis is placed
on flexibility of instruction so that
objectives of individual participa-
tion might be met to the greatest
extent possible.
For more information, write:
Non-Credit Programs, Division of
Continuing Education, ECU; or
all 757-6143 or 757-6540.
Summer work
Work this summer in the
forests of Germany, on construc-
tion in Austria, on farms in
Germany, Sweden and Denmark,
in industries in France and
Germany, in hotels in Switzer-
land. Well there are these jobs
available as well as jobs in
Ireland, England, France, Italy,
and Holland are open by the
consent of the governments of
these countries to American
university students coming to
Europe the next summer.
In most cases, the employers
have requested especially for
American students. Hence, they
are particularly interested in the
student and want to make the
work as interesting as possible.
Please write for further infor-
mation and application forms to:
American-European Student-
Service, Box 34733, FL 9490
Vaduz, Liechtenstein (Europe).
You don't have to be in a crisis
to want to change something in
yourself. It's alright to ask for
guidance. The REAL House
doesn't care what your name
ishow you feel about yourself is
what's important. Call 758-HELP
or come by at 117 Evans St. 24
hours a day.
to help
for Pitt
by MW
Car wash
Upsilon Zeta Chapter of
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity will
sponsor a car wash, Saturday,
Feb. 19, at University Exxon 1101
E. Fifth St beginning at 9:00
a.m. Proceeds will be donated to
Essay contest
Any undergraduate student
who has taken an English sinoe
spring quarter 1976 is eligible to
enter the second annual D. Paul
Farr Memorial Undergraduate
Essay Contest with the possibility
of a $50 first prize. All essays
need the recommendation of an
instructor and must be received in
the English Office by March 21,
1977, at 5 p.m. For full details,
contact the English Office in
Austin 122.
Gamma Beta
Gamma Beta Phi national
service to education honor society
will meet February 17 at 7:00 in
rm. 244 Mendenhall. All contri-
butions collected fa the Math &
Reading tutorial project should be
turned in at the meeting. The
upcoming National Convention to
be held in April will be discussed.
All members are urged to attend.
The Executive Board will meet in
rm. 243 Mendnehall at 6 XX).
WANTED: Volunteers
transport the elderly
County council on aging
ECU Student Volunteer
tion at the Methodist
Center on 5th St. Come
1-3 TTh 10-1.
Anyone interested in becom-
ing a "Diamond Darling" for the
Pirate baseball team, oontact Jon
Verner at Sports Information at
Fiber Designs
Fiber Designs, an exhibit by
Kathryn A. Kuphe of Hickory,
N.C. and a student of the ECU
School of art is on display through
Wednesday, Feb. 23 at the Kate
Lewis Gallery in Whichard Build-
ing. The exhibition includes
weavings, batiks, and silk-
Listen to WECU, 57 AM on
your dial, for the best in music,
and a chance to win a Big Mac
attack hunger defense card from
McDonald's and the Big 57.
And by the way, the Artist
Series, this friday night from 7 to
9, will feature the Beatles, "The
First Five Years
Due to the energy crisis, the
operating hours of the Students
Supply Store and The Croatan are
being adjusted effective this
Friday, February 11: The Book-
store in Wright Building will be
closed Saturday mornings, The
Croatan will close at 530 p.m. on
Fridays and will be closed on
Saturday mornings.
New Hours of Operation are:
for the Bookstore, 8:15 a.m. until
5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays;
and new hours for the Croatan,
7:30 a.m. until 9 p.m. Mondays
through Thursdays and 7:30 a.m.
until 5:30 p.m. Fridays.
The '77 BUCCANEER will be
on sale from 12.00 to 300 p.m. in
the lobby of Tyler dorm on Friday
Feb. 18. Or any afternoon in the
publications center.
Hurry and buy your Buc
before exams. The subscription
price is only $5.00.
The Men's dorm & the
Women's dorm that buys the
most subscriptions will each
receive a free page in the
yearbook for their own use.
SGA openings
There are legislate openings
for Belk Dorm. Come by Men-
denhall 228 to file. Screenings
will be Monday, Feb. 21st. at
Disco jam
"Aries the most dynamic
D.J. in the history of Disco, will
be in Wright Auditorium, Satur-
day, Feb. 19 at 10 o'clock.
"Aries" is from Charlotte and
wab rated number one by the
Carolina School of Broadcasting
so don't miss it!
French government faces
opposition to apartheid
PARIS (LNS)-French op-
ponents of South African apar-
theid, in a late January session,
targeted the French gqvernment
for its "economic, military and
political support" to the racist
Pretoria regime.
Meeting under the auspice of
the Paris-based Investigative
Committee on Apartheid, French
teachers, writers, journalist ,
trade union leaders and religious
figures, heard detailed testimony
condemning apartheid from
South Africans, including an
exiled white journalist and a
representative of the African
National Congress, a South Afri-
can liberation organization.
The Investigating Committee
sharply criticized the government
for its consistent United Nations
votes in favor of the white
minority regime. For instance, on
December 19 the French voted in
the Security Council, along with
Britain and the United States,
against a resolution urging con-
crete measures to combat
And in the last General
Assembly session, France voted
against a resolution-adopted by a
strong majority-demanding an
embargo on arms sales to South
Africa and calling for the halting
of all economic and nuclear
cooperation with that regime.
The fact is, French industry
and government have extensive
business ties with South Africa.
France is South Africa's main
arms supplier at a time when
Pretoria's arms budget is rapidly
expanding: in 1976, it was double
what it had been in 1975, and that
was already much higher than
previous years. French military
sales to South Africa in the past
total well over $250 million.
Pretoria has recently dedared
all of Africa south of the equator a
"defense zone" in which the
South African Army is authorized
to intervene whenever and
wherever it is considered neces-
Despite a 1963 U.N. embargo,
France has openly sold Pretoria
weapons other countries hestiate
to provide directly-
including Mirage planes, tanks,
helicopters and machine guns.
President Giscard d'Estaing an-
nounced in March, 1975 that
France would cease further arms
deliveries to South Africa, except
for naval weapons and equip-
ment, but the French contribution
to Pretoria's military might con-
tinue nevertheless.

17 February 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 3
Dr. Jenkins receives N.C. service award
Staff Writer
ECU Chancellor Leo W. Jen-
kins received the N.C. Service
Award last Tuesday night at the
5th annual N.C. Service Awards
banquet in Raleigh.
"I am very honored said
Jenkins. "I am very conscious of
all the people who have worked
over the years for what we have
Jenkins said that he feels his
work in Eastern N.C. has bene-
fited all of N.C.
"I envision a large medical
center at ECU that can serve as a
model for the nation and for the
world said Jenkins.
Numerous state officials
gathered to pay tribute to Jen-
kins. Among them were Governor
Jim Hunt, U.S. Senator Jesse
Helms, U.S. Senator Robert
Morgan, former Governor Terry
Sanford, and William Friday,
president of the UNC system.
Jenkins said that when he
came to ECU in 1947, Eastern
N.C. was a sleeping giant and
"this giant was awakened
"I would encourage any
young person starting out in life
to oome to Eastern N.C. of all the
places in the world ' said Jen-
Jenkins said that he plans to
seek political office after he
retires in 1978.
"I plan to become very active
politically and have no intention
of getting in a rocking chair
said Jenkins.
"I have been called a politi-
cian and a redneck, I consider
both an honor said Jenkins.
Jenkins said that he will
probably go to his grave as a
I have a great deal of respect
for Leo Jenkins said Lt. Gover-
nor Jimmy Green.
Governor Hunt noted that he
had known Jenkins for quite a
while since Jenkins had spoken at
his high school graduation.
"Thanks to him thousands of
young people have received a
good education at ECU said
Governor Hunt.
Hunt especially thanked Jen-
kins for not running against him
in the past election.
"I can't tell you how much
N.C. owes him said Governor
U.S. Senator Robert Morgan
praised Jenkins for all that he has
"Leo Jenkins was not born in
N.C, but no one is more of a
North Carolinian said Morgan.
"He fought for causes that
benefited all of N.C said
Troy Pate, chairman of the
ECU Board of Trustees, said that
Jenkins is very close to his
students, many of them even call
him by his first name.
"One day a car full of students
drove by Leo's house and one of
them leaned out the window and
Jenkins confer at Press Conference before banquet.
Photo by Neil Sessoms)
LT. GOVERNOR JIMMY GREEN was one of the dignitaries
attending the Cystic Fibrosis fund raising dinner honoring Dr.
Leo Jenkins. j Pnoto by Neit Sessoms)
yelled "Go to Hell Leo
Mrs. Jenkins was recognized
and presented with a bouquet of
Jenkins addressed the crowd
and thanked all of them for their
friendship over the years.
"I love all of you and may God
bless all of you said Jenkins.
When I came tc N.C. in 1947 I
was just a young brash yankee
marine, said Jenkins. "It is with
pride that I call myself a Tar
The banquet was sponsored
by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
of N.C. to raise funds for children
with lung disease.
A ward.
Chancellor JenKins the fifth annual N. 0. Service
Photo by Neil Sessoms
N.C. GOVERNOR JAMES HUNT spoke at the banquet praising
Jenkins. Photo by Neil Sessoms

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Page 4
17 February 1977
Fair price for power
The efforts of the oonsumer group Carolina
Action to reform utility rates in North Carolina should
receive greater popular support than the sparse
attendance at Tuesday's forum sponsored by the
League of Women Voters. Two bills that Carolina
Action are sponsoring in the N.C. Legislature this
session attempt to correct a topsy-turvy rate system
in which the heaviest users of electricity pay the least
per kilowatt hour.
These two plans, Lifeline and Fair Share, would
reduce the rate per kilowatt hour that residential
customers pay. Lifeline guarantees to all users a
basic power supply of up to 500 kilowatt hours at a
reduced rate. If more electricity than the "Lifeline"
amount is used, the customer is penalized with a
higher rate. The other plan, Fair Share, seeks to
equalize the rate per kilowatt hour of residential,
commercial and industrial users. Charges to
residential customers for Carolina Power and Light
Co. in 1975 accounted for nearly 33 per cent of the
companies' revenues even though these consumers
used only one-quarter of the power company's total
generation. The big users, industry and businesses,
are thus having their bills subsidied by residential
users. Both these reform measures would encour-
age overall conservation and industrial efficiency.
For the utility industry, however, efficiency is not
required. State law assures the power-generating
monopolies a profit, whether or not the utilities
exercise sound business practices.
The Carolina Action proposals should be enacted
by the 1977 N.C. Legislature without its wavering to
the lobbying pressures of big business. The next
target of the consumer group should be a
rearrangement of the utility industry itself, to make it
practice the conservation it so fervidly preaches to
Cold town, warm heart
It snowed in Greenville this year!
We've weathered cold temperatures, rain, more
cold temperatures, but it finally snowed. And fa that
matter, it came at a most appropriate time-after a
much too brief warm spell that sorta made more cold
almost bearable. Maybe this oT farm village has a
heart after all.
Serving the East Carolina community for over fifty years
Senior EditJim Elliott
Production ManagerJimmy Williams
Advertising ManagerDennis C. Leonard
News EditorJ. Neil Sessoms
Trends EditorPat Coyle
Sports EditormAnne Hogge
FOUNTAINHEAD is the student newspaper of East Carolina
University sponsored by the Student Government Association
of ECU and is distributed each Tuesday and Thursday during
the school year, weekly during the summer.
Mailing address: Old South Building, Greenville, N.C.
Editorial Offices: 757-6366, 757-6367, 757-6309.
Subscriptions: $10.00 annually tor non-students, $6.00 for
�� �. . -XvXvXvXvv.v.vv.
BUC staff leaves decision to students
We, not only as the staff of
the 1977 BUCCANEER, but also
as concerned members of the
student body at ECU, wish to
voice our opinions on the contro-
versial BUC issue, and to dear up
any misconceptions involving the
present conditions under which
we are operating.
As of February 1, 1977, this
staff was allocated $4,350.00 by
the SGA with which to pay
salaries to ten editorial and
business personnel.Later a $25.00
allocation for office and printing
supplies and a $50.00 allocation
for phone bills were passed by
the Legisiature.
As of February 11, after one
week of subscription and adverti-
sing campaigns, only 85 students
have bought yearbooks, and a
mere 100 ads have been sold.
This means that the grand total to
print 85 books is $520.00. The
proposed contract is as follows: 1)
9X 12" size; 2) 1,000 copies; 3)
224 pages; 4) type on all pages; 5)
hardback; 6) silkscreen. Price:
$5,998.00. This contract allows
for no color, no special effects. All
items are subject to change. The
proposed contract is only a place
to start, a foundation from which
to work.
To answer the question as to
whether or not underclassmen
mug shots will be printed, a
definite decision has not been
reached. However, with such a
small budget, it does not seem
possible to print the 50 additional
pages at $93.00 per four pages
that would be necessary to order
to print mug shots. The Seniors
will not have another chance to
appear in the yearbook, hopefully
the rest of the student body will.
This decision is not one that the
staff finds easy to accept, rather
one that seems to have no
It is the concensus of this staff
that selling ads and subscriptions
is not the ideal means by which to
procure funds to print. The SGA
has made it dear that no more
funding will come from them. We
are working under unpleasant
conditions to say the least.
These are the fads: Now you
are informed. If there are any
other questions, please come by
our office or call us. We are
located in the Publications Cen-
ter. Our numbers are 757-6501,
757-6502, and 757-6206.
The dedsion as to whether or
not there will be a '77 BUC rests
in your hands. If you will buy your
subscription for only $5.00, you
can help to insure that a yearbook
will be printed. The choice is
The 1977 BUCCANEER staff
Sullivan defended, liter at ely
In response to the young Carl
Bernstein who brought to surface
the embezzlement charges
against Tim Sullivan: Return to
investigative reporting when the
rear of your ears are dry. A good
reporter searches out all the
pertinent fads before bringing
forth serious charges against any
party or parties.
In retort to FOUNTAIN-
HEAD: This paper has continual-
ly dimbed on Mr. Sullivan's back
throughout his campaign for the
Presidency and during his ad-
ministration. This newspaper ap-
pears to have returned to the poor
outline it presented in the early
1970s. Perhaps Mr. Elliott can
swallow his ballooning pride and
publish a paper that speaks truth
before theory and judiciously
weighs the merits
person or thing.
of any one
In conclusion: During my
seven year assodation with ECU
(still running after that elusive
shingle,) certain members of the
administration and faculty cannot
resist the desire to play the part of
demi-godsin their operations.
Wouldst thou power-hungry egos
finally allow the students to run
their own affairs and remain in
the background as thoroughly
impartial advisors?
I fear, alas, that I carry coals
to Newcastle.
Robert Marion Sullivan
(neither relation or
ideologically compatible
to Master Tim)

�IHI ��
17 February 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 5 �
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Former staffer questions antagonists
There has been much
criticism of FOUNTAINHEAD (or
F-head has one writer has been
putting it) lately and I am here to
ask a few questions myself.
First, let me touch on the
question of salaries. When I was
Sports Editor, I made the total
sum of $90 per month. According
to the publications' manual,
which was put into effect a couple
of years ago by the old Pub
Board, which was controlled by
the SGA, I was to keep at least
nine office hours a week, not
including writing, travel, or lay-
out time. Layout time generally
ran seven hours on Mondays and
Wednesdays. Writing time often
took three or four hours for both
papers a week. Considering eight
papers per month, I was making
75 cents an hour. This little bit of
money (actually token money and
nothing else) to watch my grades
fall because of the time put in to
get a presentable sports section to
you, the students.
Newspaper work is a skill job.
There's more to say than yes or
no, as your job requires, Prez.
Anyone who has the least bit of
knowledge of parliamentary pro-
cedures can do your job. But,
experience and a will to work are
needed to be in newspaper work.
Which would you, the stu-
dent, rather do? Would you
rather work a oouple or three
hours a day saying yay or nay to
legislation and attend one meet-
ing of the legislature a week for
$150 a month or slave over a
typewriter for 30 or more hours a
week for $90 per month?
Paper cries 'wolf
Your attacks on the SGA and
Sullivan remind me of the boy
who cried wolf. You have been
crying wolf so long that you have
lost your credibility. Now these
people may be wolves but you
have not closed the case on them.
The tendency now seems to be
mud slinging. Thursday's paper I
hope ends this with a writer for
your paper writing a letter to the
editor. A oommunity of 12,000
people has many subjects that
need to be oovered. There are
many organizations in that oom-
munity that would pray for
one-tenth of the space that has
been used for these attacks. Your
banner says a circulation of 8500.
That means right there that you
are missing almost a third of the
campus. For a free paper that's
pretty bad, especially when I see
many copies still in the racks on
your next publication date. I feel
if you attack the rea. problems on
campus and really investigate
them thoroughly before printing
them, we oould all have a paper to
be proud of. I would indeed like tc
see a strong publications board
that would oontrol such meander-
ings by the editor of the campus
Johnny Hamilton
Now to you Mr. Johnson. Mr.
Johnson, if the students will
remember, did a fine five-part
article on an escaped prisoner
from a Mexican jail who had been
put there on alleged drug char-
ges. The articles were very good,
Mr. Johnson, but weren't you a
bit biased in your reporting. The
series was not an editorial yet I
saw nowhere in any of the articles
where you retrieved quotes from
the Mexican officials who put
Steve Wilson in jail. You were
even slanderous in your writing of
the Drug Enforcement Admini-
stration (DEA) agent who
allegedly forced the confession
out of Wilson and his comrade.
Don't get me wrong, I am much
on Mr. Wilson's side in this case,
but you were most biased in your
reporting. And, Mr. Johnson,
how about the fit you threw when
one editor on the staff rejected
your article because of style
problems and beina biased.
Now, to the favoritism in
hiring policies to which you have
you expect your one series on
Steve Wilson to gain you an
instant editorial position? Bob
Woodward and Carl Bernstein
cannot rest forever on the merits
of their works on Watergate. You
must come forward to even be
considered for an editorial posi-
So, Mr. Johnson and Mr.
Sullivan, would you mind answer-
ing these few questions I brought
up. I think the students should
know the entire story.
Asa student,
Steve Wheeler
Beware city parking
Those of you who park off
campus on the city streets should
always remember that you are in
jurisdiction of the Greenville City
Police for any traffic violations
you commit. So use your best
judgement and do not park in
no-parking areas, usually design-
ated by a no-parking sign or a
yellow painted street corner.
Remember that $25.00 towing fee
is pretty heavy on the pocket.
SGA officer clarifies position
Someone at the F-Head
changed my letter to Forum to
make it appear that in my position
as Secretary to the Office of
International Programs I have
something to do with a battle
against F-Head.
When I wrote my two letters
to F-Head Forum I included a
post script which remains un-
published. That post .script is
again included in this letter in the
hopes that F-Head will see fit to
print it.
The F-Head not only added
my title to the end of the letter,
but also made the headline
appear as though SGA has
something against the F-Head
when nothing so complicated is
the case.
Following my letter of tne 10th
( published the 15th) I called M
Elliott at his home. I was greeted
by curses and the excuse that he
shouldn't print my letter because
"I would be slandering myself
It appears he intended to slander
me instead by changing my letter
And so Mr. Elliott, I am
looking into charges of slander
against your publication, and
therefore you. But until then we
will see each other in the second
meeting of the Media Board,
which is open to the public. I sign
would dictate that I resign from
my SGA offioe for the duration of
the proceedings that I introduce
against F-Head Editor, as SGA
and F-Head are not on the best of
terms presently.
But, as the F-Head did not see
fit to transfer Robert Swaim from
his regular reporting beat for the
duration of his ill-fated plight
against the SGA President, and
my offioe has very little to do with
the F-Head anyway, I have
decided that, until such time as
SGA or Mr. Elliott ask me to
step down, I will retain my post.
The Library
Valentine's Party
Thursday� bring your
Valentines for special favors.
Super Happy Hour
Friday 3:00-7:00
The Southern Reading Lab is offering their famous speed
reading course to a limited number of qualified people here in
the K inston area. The average person who oompletes this course
can read 10 times faster, and with substantially improved
comprehension and better concentration.
This famous oourse has taught many thousands of people to read
over 1000 words per minute with the ability to understand and
retain what they have read much more effectively. Average
graduates can read most novels in less than one hour.
For complete details about this famous speed reading oourse be
sure to attend one of the free one hour orientation lectures that
have been scheduled. These lectures are open to the public,
above age 13 (persons under 18 should be accompanied by a
parent, if possible,) and the oourse will be explained in complete
detail, including class schedules, instruction procedures and a
tuition that is much less than similar courses.
These meetings will be held at:
Executive Conference Room of King's Restaurant, 409 E. New
Bern Rd.
Tuesday Feb. 15 at 630 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday Feb. 16 at 6:30 p.m. and 830 p.m.
Thursday Feb. 17 at 630 p.m. and 830 p.m.
Friday Feb. 18 at 6:30 p.m. and 830 p.m.
and TWO FINAL MEETINGS on Sat. Feb. 19 at 1:30 p.m. & 330
Classes are limited and class places will be filled on first
oome-first serve basis only. Be sure to attend the earliest
meeting possible to insure a class place. Group rates are
available upon request.
Kent Johnson
February 4,1977
Post Script to Forum letter of
February 3, 1977:
I work for SGA in that I head
the Offioe of International Pro-
grams (OIP). Normally ethics
Coming To The
Thurs. 17th & Fri. 18th from Richmond
Tues. 22 & Wed.23 from Va. Beach
Thurs. 24 Your Favorite

Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAD 17 February 1977
Crop dusting: exciting but tricky business
Production Manager
One may not realize what it
takes to make a crop turn a
profitable yield, but aside from
good weather and proper plant-
ing, crop dusting plays an im-
portant role.
Fred Whitfield has been in the
crop spraying business for over 22
Whitfield, whose business is
located in Roanoke Rapids, em-
ploys a crew of about six persons
during the crop spraying season.
The season usually lasts from
June to October. And Whitfield
has no trouble finding work.
"We have enough work to
keep us busy from sun-up to
sun-down, seven days a week
explained Whitfield.
Whitfield's business is mainly
local, around Roanoke Rapids in
North Carolina and Virginia.
"I used to plant rice and
wheat crops in Mississippi
noted Whitfield.
Whitfield uses three airplanes
for dusting, of which his pride
and joy is his Thrush Command-
"The Thrush Commander can
cruise for over four hours and can
haul up to 400 gallons of
chemicals said Whitfield.
The average area that is
sprayed on North Carolina farms
is 20 acres, according to Tom
Birdsong, a local pilot who has
worked with crop sprayers the past
two years.
1 5 lb. Royal Rib Eye 5teak Dinner
Includes a hot baked potato, crisp garden
fresh salad, and fresh baked hot roll.
Regular $2.89
with coupon
OAOie $.�
4 9 p M M- ' VALID ONLY ON
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3 Pieces of Flounder, cocktail sauce or tarter sauce, lemon
wedge, baked potato, cole slaw, and fresh baked roll.
Regular $2.39 ONLY
50C Off
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With Dinner!
500 W. Greenville Blvd
other material. Whitfield used this airplane to
fly food to Lake Gaston when temperatures
dipped below freezing in mid-January. The
goats who live near the lake were starving to
death. Photo by Jimmy Williams
And although that doesn't
seem a large area, airplanes
sometimes run out of fuel in the
course of an afternoon.
Whitfield has landed twice
when his fuel tank was empty.
One time he glided back to the
airstrip and coasted to the fuel
pump. The second time he wasn't
so lucky.
I was spraying one day when
I noticed my fuel gauge was on
empty. There was no way I was
going to make it back to the strip,
so I started looking for a straight
stretch of highway.
Everywhere I looked I could
see power lines when, all of a
sudden. I spotted a peanut field. I
came down to the field so as to be
perpendicular to the rows in order
to help me stop.
"Well, it had rained the night
before and that field was so
muddy that when I landed, I was
able to taxi right out to the
highway where I filled up from
Now in progress at HARMONY HOUSE SOUTH
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Toshiba SA-420
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JVC VR-5555X
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Pioneer SX-52S
Pilot 366
Harmon Kardon 330B
Toshiba SR-305
Toshiba SR-355
Dual 1215S
Dual 1216
BSR & Glebui n changers
Empire 66QEX carl.
400.00 299.95
180.00 149.00
200.00 179.00
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180.00 159.00
400.00 345.00
400.00 350.00
570.00 399.00
240.00 135.00
580.00 380.00
230.00 115.00
56 00
from 25.00
Pioneer CT-313A180.0099.00
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Fisher CR-501030.00179.00
Denon TRC-78950.00140.00
Toshiba POW30250.00199.95
Toshiba PC-5060320.00279.00
Horizon 800I50.00pair85.00
Horizon 1200270.00145.00
Horizon 1240360.00195.00
Horizon 1010420.00250.00
Pioneer CS-99A500.00325.00
Pioneer PRO-60120.0075.00
Orchestral 3045396.00215.00
Sonic EV-50120.0059.00
Bosa 90111615.00499.00
60.00 20.00
25 percent off
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40.00 15.00
Sony TA-1066
Pioneer SA-5200
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JVC NR-1020
the nursing rig and took-off
"You think about things like,
'What would I do if all of a sudden
I had to put down?' But if you
keep a cool head and rely on your
instincts, everything will be all
right Whitfield went on to say.
But there are other dangers in
crop dusting. Maybe not as
exciting, but definitely as
dangerous as forced landings is
working with toxic chemicals.
Chemicals have been con-
troversial ever since DDT was
removed from the market. And
this has had an effect on the crop
"Some are harmful to humans
and wildlife, and these are being
replaced Whitfield explained.
But these are things we have
been doing a long time, trying to
get away from poisonous chemi-
cals. " Whitfield said. "It is a
matter of ethics
In the off-season, chemicals
sometimes give way to other
materials in Whitfield's crop
"I had to use my airplane to
fly some food Lake Gaston
when it was frozen last week
said Whitneld. "There were
some goats there starving to
death because of the ooid
THIS APPARATUS attached to the bottom of the airplane, is
used for spraying crops. Photo by Jimmy Williams)
birthday cakes,
and doughnuts.
FREE DELIVERY to dorms between
6 and 7 wt. a $5.00 minimum order.

17 February 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Pag 7

iv e
for Cap-Chur-Sol
Animal Shelter tranquilizers questionable
Advertising Manager
The Greenville Animal Shelter
is presently using a tranquilizing
drug with no antidote to catch
stray dogs, according to Audro
Barrett, animal control officer.
"There is not an antidote for
Cap-Chur-Sol the tranquilizer
said Barrett. "There is not even
an antidote for ourselves if we get
accidentally injected with the
According to Barrett, the
tranquilizer is used to make dogs
dizzy and drowsy.
"Cap-Chur-Sol makes the
dogs helpless so that we can catch
them said Barrett.
According to Barrett, the
tranquilizer is used as a last
resort to catch vicious dogs.
According to Karen Beamon,
her dog was shot with the
tranquilizer while running away
from them.
"The two men from the
Animal Shelter couldn't catch my
dog said Beamon. "So they
shot her as she was running back
to my house.
"My dog was on hormone
medication when she was shot
said Beamon. "The veterinarian
felt my dog could have died
because the tranquilizer reacted
Crafts sale nets $135
Staff Writer
The Greenville REAL Crisis
Center raised nearly $135 in an
arts and crafts sale last Saturday,
according to Katie Williams,
assistant administrator of REAL.
The fund-raising project was
held at St. James Methodist
Church from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m
according to Williams.
Anita Brehm, of the ECU
Department of Elementary Edu-
cation, headed the project.
"Eight booths were set up
said Williams.
"We sold art, pottery, plants,
leather, and doll's clothes.
"Also, the Women's Club of
Greenville donated food
Williams said.
According to Williams, mer-
chants from several towns in
North Carolina contributed their
merchandise to the sale.
"We made about $135 said
"The money made will be
used fa office supplies and the
upkeep of REAL Crisis Center.
"Our purpose, other than to
make money, was to make people
aware that we are here and to
familiarize them with REAL
said Williams.
"The radio stations gave us
very good publicity said
"We especially want to thank
WRQRand Big WOW 13.
"We appreciate the vol-
unteers and their friends who
devoted their time to REAL
Williams said.
"We appreciate also the stu-
Continued from pg. 1
One of the problems with coal
particulates is that sulfuric acid
can form in stacked gases in the
atmosphere, according to Lowry.
This sulfuric acid comes back
to earth when it rains.
Lowry noted that this pollution
would be reduced by going from
coal to gas.
Pollution increases, however,
when number 6 oil, which is what
ECU uses, is burned.
The state requires that fuel
oils have no higher sulfur content
than 1.5 per cent.
Lowry stated that he did not
know what the sulfur content of
the oil burned here is because the
state orders it.
dents' interest.
"We have a lot of good
supporters said Williams.
with the other medication
According to Barrett, the
tranquilizer mixed with another
medication is usually fatal to the
"We are willing to change the
drug said Barrett. "But we
can't find another tranquilizer to
According to Barrett, since
the 24-hour city leash law was
adopted in May of 1975, the
Animal Shelter has used the
tranquilizer to catch stray dogs.
"The 24-hour leash law is a
city ordinance said Barett.
"We have to enforce the law to
protect the citizens.
"There have been fewer re-
ported dog bite cases since the
24-hour leash law went into
effect said Barrett.
"In the past three months
there have been 36 reported dog
bite cases in Pitt County said
"I would like to see people
enforce the Greenville leash
law said Jeanette Fiore, vice-
president of the Pitt County
Humane Society, "instead of
letting their dogs be tranquilized
and shot by the Animal Shelter
The Library
Come down and relax to some
good music. We have your
favorite beverage.
Super Happy Hour
Ladies night every Tuesday
Your challenge is to discover words of you 90. You may not use two off the same
four letters in this pentagon. Discover letters in any one word. Iff you can make
them by following the straight lines to 30 words or more, you've met the
and from the letters, forming words as challenge.
When there's a challenge,
quality makes the difference.
We hope you have some fun with the challenge.
There's another challenge we'd like to offer you, too.
The Pabst challenge:
We welcome the chance to prove the quality of
our beer. We challenge you to taste and compare
Pabst Blue Ribbon to any other premium beer. You'll
like Pabst better. Blue Ribbon quality means the best
tasting beer you can get. Since 1844 it always has.
lab A
PABST Since 1844.The quality has always come through.
0197 PABST BRCWIMO COMPANY Milwaukee WAs foa HeHjhrs ill Newark N J Loa An ��� Cab PsM Gsorguj

Page 8 FOUNTAINHEAD 17 February 1977
Tempers flare over utilities rate reforms
Staff Writer
Tempers flared in the base-
ment of the First Presbyterian
Church Tuesday night.
But the argument was net a
religious one.
The Greenville citizens who
met in the chilly room were there
to hear Richard Whittington, a
spokesman fa Carolina Action,
explain utility rate reforms.
The open forum was spon-
sored by the Greenville League of
Women Voters.
Despite recent gripes about
utility rate increases only 24
people attended.
Whittington is a farmer from
Chatham County who became
concerned with utility rates last
fall when Carolina Power and
Light (CP&L) announced a 15 per
cent rate increase.
His main purpose was to
explain two bills that Carolina
Action, a citizens' action organi-
zation, will introduce in the 1977
session of the North Carolina
General Assembly.
The first proposal will be to
establish Lifeline rates under
which enough energy for the
basic necessities of life would be
guaranteed to all residential
customers at a low, fixed cost.
Whittington explained in his
slow, Southern manner that the
initial cost to residents would be
two cents per kilowatt hour for the
first 500 kilowatts per month.
He later said that the "500"
would probably be decreased to
"350" before Lifeline goes to the
NPA survey reveals reasons
for job application rejections
Staff Writer
A history of job hopping and
personality conflicts are among
the main reasons otherwise qual-
ified applicants for executive and
technical positions are rejected,
according to a survey by National
Personnel Associates (NPA), a
network of independent manage-
ment-level personnel services in
131 cities.
"If you are prepared to
demonstrate to your prospective
employer that your job hopping
had a purpose, say more pay or
more responsibility, then you may
be able to turn a negative element
into a one said Dr.
Phyllis Smith of the ECU Coun-
seling Center.
"Don't be on the defensive
said Dr. H.D. Lambeth, also of
the ECU Counseling Center. "Try
to demonstrate that your experi- cautioned Marks.
ences have led to greater
Other common reasons appli-
cants don't get jobs they are
seeking include an unresponsive
or disinterested attitude at the job
interview and demonstration of
limited growth potential.
It is wise to prepare for the
interview by practicing answers
to questions you're sure to be
asked, according to Charles W.
Marks, executive director of
" I f you are j udged to have too
little growth potential, you should
emphasize that you are depend-
aoie, work hard, and will still be
at the job producing for the
xr-car xig after other, more
ambit ous employees have gone
xi : something else said
Avoiding arguing company
policy during interviews
It- � W .
� B '
- � � -�.
"Demonstrate decisiveness
by asking 'May I call you
tomorrow?' or 'I want to think
about it
I want to talk to my wife
about this is not good
Finally, Marks said, 'Many
employers will give a 'stress'
interview to learn how you handle
pressure. Be prepared for It.
on exams!
FOUNTAINHEAD will return
March 8.
Whittington added that there
would be a higher rate for
additional electricity.
"Lifeline will be presented
before the N.C. Senate and House
on Monday, Feb. 21
The second proposed bill,
called Fair Share rates, would
force industrial consumers to pay
as much for electricity as do
"Fair Share will be introduced
when we're well on the way with
Lifeline Whittington told the
shivering crowd.
According to Whittington,
industrial oonsumers pay only two
cents per kilowatt hour, whereas
residential oonsumers pay three
Under the Fair Share propo-
sal, everyone would pay 2.5 cents
for the same service.
"I say that they (industries)
should be forced to run that
company the way you or I would
have to run a small business,
argued Whittington.
"There's no way that they can
go bankrupt. The state might go
bankrupt but the utility compan-
ies will never go bankrupt
Whittington was referring to a
North Carolina law which pro-
vides that the state Utilities
Commission must allow the utility
companies to recognize a "rea-
sonable profit
The problem lies in deciding
on what exactly is a "reasonable
Whittington explained that
the Utilities Commission is not
the real villain of the piece.
"The N.C. Legislature creates
the laws and the Commission just
goes by what's on the books
Whittington frowned and said
that the only thing that Carolina
Action has going for it is numbers
and the voting public.
It seems that the citizens'
organization is outnumbered from
all sides.
Carolina Action has two full-
time lobbyists in Raleigh and
CP&L has five.
'The utilities companies
employ lawyers at exhorbitant
fees to repair the rate requests. If
they were absolutely on the up
and up, why would they have to
do that?"
By this time the audience was
becoming disturbed.
Whittington said that with
Carolina Action's reforms, the
average consumer would save
between 15 and 30 per cent.
According to Whittington, his
main concern is that everyone
should oonserve energy but this
should not just pertain to resi-
"As long as industries get
more energy for less money, they
won't stop what they're doing
Volunteer Greenvillesponsors
wood cutting project Feb. 19
Volunteer Greenville is spon-
soring a wood cutting project
Saturday, February 19, to help
provide wood fa the needy and
elderly who can't get it for
According to Susan Mescher,
coordinator of Volunteer Green-
ville and Saturday's wood cutting
project, the agency is concerned
with providing volunteers for
various social programs in the
"We have provided over 450
volunteers in a year and a half
said Mescher.
Saturday's wood cutting pro-
ject also depends on volunteer
labor and equipment, and Green-
ville merchants have been quick
to answer the call, said Mescher.
Krispy Kreme is giving
doughnuts, McDonald's will pro-
vide lunch, Overton's will donate
coffee, and the local Pepsi
company is providing drinks for
the workers. Also, Bilbroisgiving
cups and sugar, and the Pitt
County Dealers Association is
providing some trucks. The Rent-
al Tool Company and U-Ren-Co
will each provide a chain saw.
According to Mescher, plenty
of help is still needed.
"We need axes, wedges, just
about anything said Mescher.
"Just plain saws would be
Vehicles to haul the wood in
are also needed.
" We' re hopi ng to get bet ween
one hundred and two hundred
loads of wood cut Saturday she
said. "We need some trucks
Mescher added that the more
volunteers on Saturday, the more
successful the project would be.
She asked for the help of any
interested ECU students.
"The University is part of our
community she stressed. "If
we could get some of the students
and fraternities to help us out, we
would really appreciate it. Their
help is needed
Persons interested in helping
with this project should meet at
Moyewood Center, 1710 W. Third
Street, between 830 and 9:00
A.M. on Saturday.
Anyone having further
questions can contact Susan
Mescher at her office, 752-4137,
or her home 758-2030.
Professorspublish anthology
ECU STUDENTS couldn't resist making the most
Wednesday's white surprise. Photo by Kirk Kingsbury
Staff Writer
Two East Carolina University
English professors will publish a
short story anthology this week.
The book, titled "Fiction: the
Narrative Art was edited by Dr.
Jim Kirkland and Dr.
Paul Dowel I and oontains head-
notes and discussion questions
written by them.
It focuses on the oral and
written tradition in short stories.
i he publishers, Prentice-Hall
Inc have set publication for this
week across the oountry.
"The book will be ideal for
freshman English said Kirk-
land, director of freshman com-
position at ECU.
' Sometimes freshman com-
position books tend to be too
sophisticated. This book goes
from simpler to more difficult
stories, with headnotes on theme
and technique to help the stu-
The book oontains fifty-five
stories. Forty-three are literary
tales, and twelve are folk tales,
myths, or legends.
Kirkland and Dowell have
written questions and brief bio-
graphical sketches on each story.
In each of the six chapters,
there is a variety of stories from
different times and cultures.
Stories by Nathaniel Hawthorne,
Herman Melville, William Faulk-
ner, and James Joyce have been
collected by Kirkland and Dowell.

County hospital history
spans many generations
Advertising Manager
When the new Pitt Memorial
Hospital isoompleted this Spring,
the fifty year dream for a high
caliber medical program will be
Greenville's oldest living doc-
tor, who is now retired and
prefers to remain anonymous in
this story, has watched the
medical profession here prosper
throughout these years.
"When I came to Greenville in
1943 East Carolina University
(ECU) had about 700 students
said the retired doctor. "The
population of Greenville was
approximately 13,000
According to the aging doctor,
the need for a hospital in
Greenville was realized by a
doctor in the early 1900's.
There were about 15 doctors
who oovered all of Pitt County in
those days said the retired
According to "The Bicenten-
nial Book: A Greenville Album
it was four local doctors who
gathered support for the con-
struction of a hospital in 1924.
The four physicians were Dr.
Karl B. Pace, Dr. Charles O.
Laughinghouse, Dr. William I.
Wooten, and Dr. E.T. Dickerson.
Aocording to the bicentennial
book, the four doctors mortgaged
their homes to pay the $85,000
construction cost of the Pitt
Community Hospital.
The first hospital was located
on the corner of Woodlawn Ave.
and Johnston St. They used the
second floor of H.L. Hodges
Sporting Goods to house patients
during construction.
"The Pitt Community Hospi-
tal was staffed by local doctors
with no emphasis on specialized
medicine said the elderly M.D.
According to the anonymous
physician, the hospital did not get
its first surgeon until several
years after the building was
"Pitt Community Hospital
was reorganized in 1934 in order
to qualify fa Duke Foundation
funds which were allotted to
non-profit institutions said the
doctor. "That reorganization con-
sisted of changing the name to
Pitt General Hospital
Pitt General Hospital had a
40-bed capacity which included a
children's ward.
According to the retired doc-
tor, the hospital was unchanged
until the end of World War II
when several doctors returned to
"There was a unified effort to
improve the medical profession
said the elderly doctor.
Aocording to the anonymous
docta, the Hill-Burton Act of
Congress enabled Greenville to
get money fa a new hospital.
PITT HOSPITAL has evolved from the above, at the corner of
Johnston and Woodlawn streets, to the new Pitt Memorial
structure below.
"The Hill-Burton Act stated
that the federal government
would pay fa 50 per cent of the
oost with the state and county
dividing the aher 50 per cent
said the retired docta.
Accading to the aging physi-
cian, plans fa the caistructiai of
Pitt County Memaial Hospital
were begun in 1949.
"With the growth and devel-
opment of Pitt Memaial several
new dcctas came into Green-
ville said the docta. "The era
of specialization began in earnest
at that time
The anonymous docta was
instrumental in the development
of Pitt Memaial Hospital.
He served as Chairman of the
Medical Advisory Committee
which had to aganize the hiring
of hospital personnel.
The modest docta was also in
charge of writing a constitution
fa the Hospital and in charge of
bringing it up to standards set by
the accreditation conmittee of the
American Medical Association.
Accading to the docta, the
hospital grew at a fast pace so the
School of Nursing at ECU was
begun to coincide with that
"I personally believe that it
was the suocess of the nursing
school that lead to the develop-
ment of the ECU School of
Medicine said the docta
Accading to the aging physi-
cian, plans were made in 1972 to
build a new hospital that would
take care of the inaeasing patient
load at Pitt Memaial.
The ultra-modern hospital
facility that will soon be oomple-
ted marks a high point fa the
medical profession in Greenville.
"I feel the medical profession
has mae than kept pace with the
caliber of facilities being estab-
lished said the docta proudly.
Greenville will soon see its
third hospital begin operation
almost fifty years after the first
was begun by four dedicated
A persai can easily see that
the medical profession is proba-
bly the most changing aspect of
this eastern N.C. city.
1 1;

17 February 1977
Would you believe
The world of words
One of the biggest changes I have had to endure in oollege is the
severe alteration of my amount of leisure time. Back in high school, I
had mae than enough time to talk on the phone, to watch the tube, and
to read books. Fa pleasure.
Not so in oollege. The only chance I get to curl up with a good book
(a a trashy one) is when I'm home on break.
Oh, I read, of oourse. I read mae than ever, as a matter of fact. But
face it, there's a Hell of a big difference between Anthology of French
Literature and Valley of the Dolls.
Recently, however, I ran into a week where I actually had some
spare time. I had no problem entertaining myself at first. It was
amazing how much I was able to enjoy such activities as staring at the
cinder blocks in the wall and plucking my eyebrows. Eventually,
though, I began to yearn fa something a bit mae stimulating,
something that would be a (non-alcoholic) escape fa me, something
like a book.
In total bliss, I wandered down to the trusty old Central News,
armed with three dollars and great expectations of the reading
pleasure awaiting me.
I entered the stae and was literally bowled over by the myriad of
displaysand racks I encountered. I felt like a kid in a toy stae. I finally
settled into the serious business of perusing the shelves.
After about 20 minutes of blinding search, I came to the conclusion
that I had gotten a little rusty at this book-picking business. My
choices, it seemed, ran along the lines of reading either one of those
"Dark, Passion, Sweet. Savage books (you know, the kind where the
heroine gets raped five times by some Mexican revolutionary befae
deciding she'sin love with him, and will pursue him faever, a I oould
choose a how-to" book (How to: lose weight, gain weight, enjoy sex,
faget sex. cook meat, live without meat, etc.) I was turned off by both
types; the instruction books reminded me too much of textbooks, and
I ve never been much fa Harlequin Romanoes.
Another very popular type of paperback available is the political
scandal series. This genre has become immensely popular since
Watergate. I could have read about all the president's men. all the
president's women, all the president's tapes, and all the president's
rapes, etc. Those are fine fa sane, I suppose, but I can generally find
out mae juicy infamatioi about the bigwigs in D.C. from Roia Barrett
anda my friend Path down the hall.
Finally, in desperation, I began pleading to my bookwam friends
fa help m finding the ideal book. My friend the Fitzgerald freak
recommended Gatsby. Another pal, who is into consciousness-raising,
pointed me toward books on that subject, but all "ESP istomeispart
of a French verb (and Eastern Standard Time).
One fellow made great effats to interest me in the ethereal,
fantastic wald of Tolkien, but I found I could identify neither with
Bilbo Baggins na with dwarves. (Sary, Hobbit)
A well-meaning neighba offered me her oopy of Helter Skelter, but
Id already read it, and besic'es, I couldnt take the nightmares it would
I asked a dude downtown if he' d read any good books lately, and he
offered to take me back to his trailer to show me his Wonder Woman
and Green Hanet" comic books. I politely declined, explaining that
I'd already seen most of them.
My frustration was getting so "omplete that I finally called my
mother to see if she had any good books to loan me. She said she had
no books, but that shed seen my sister reading some kind of
cookbook called Breakfast of Champions (Sary, Vainegut fans.)
By this time, I had collected a Dile of barowed books ranging from
The Lite and Times of the Pokomo Tribe of Kenya, to Dont Spare the
Whip by the Marquis de Sades grandson, to Danny and the Dinosaur
(oourtesy of my nephew). I was at wit send.
Suddenly, in my bleakest moment, help finally arrived in the form
of my professas. Showing their deep concern fa my frustration, they
provided me with such wonderful reading material as: A Study of
hrench Vocal Chords. Cultural Anthropology, and TV Production
Manual. I am suddenly faced with about 1500 pages of literary job to
finish by Monday. Oh, for a chance to look at those cinder blocks

Page 10 FOUNTAINHEAD 17 February 1977
'Pelleas courageous but disappointing
Staff Writer
Experimental theatre cannot
be judged on the (mere) '�spects
of its success or failure. One
considers the viability of intent
and the consideration given to a
new or recently revived genre.
The Student Workshop produc-
tion of Pelleas and Melisande is
not a successful production. It is
however, a courageous attempt at
creation of theatre of process. It
fails because there are depths in
all aspects of the play, that are
beyond explication.
Maeterlinck was a philosopher
who admitted that his plays were
an attempt at inner reflection. His
theatric efforts were done with an
attempt to crystallize his moods
and weave them into a pattern
with a sense of emotional flux. It
is a sense of intense psychological
introspection. When the audience
is left to view this series of mood
presentations, they must suc-
cumb to Maeterlinck's sense of
the theatre as a womb. The
audience, through the delicate
incorporation of special effects
must be moved through the
scenarios without conscious effort
of movement. For the time of the
performance, there must be no
surfacing for breath.
Pelleas and Melisande is
often done as an opera. The music
is by Debussey and this orches-
tration sets the mood for the
audience. It provides screening of
the actual mechanics of theatre.
This noise, the constant annoying
reminder that this was a play,
removed one from the movements
on the stage. When not totally
involved in this type of produc-
tion, the audienoe becomes mere-
ly interested and begins to watch,
rather than experience.
The lighting for a show of this
type must be done with the
concept that all is, truly, a
shifting of shadows and percept-
ions. There can be no sudden
shifts, no unrealistic illumination.
All tracing must be subtly con-
ceived. This necessary effect was
not consistently achieved, but
was, I believe, constantly attemp-
ted. There are limitations to the
illusions one can create in this
small theatre. The flaws were
notioeable when one was able to
discern the source of the light,
from the annoying shrouds of
symbolic crepe overhead. William
Devins, the student director of
lighting, approximated subtlety
wherever possible and there were
no glaring errors in perception. It
is hard to ask an audience to
accept the gentle rise of the
moon, when they are submitted to
the audible click and hum of
The scenery fa this produc-
tion was poorly conceived. When
one is confronted with theatre of
the mood, the less actual sense of
Pigs On The Wing (Part One)
Dogs Pigs (Three Different Ones)
SheepPigs On The Wing (Part Two)
'7.98 list
On Sole February 18-24
Pitt Plaza
earthly trapping there is, the
easier one can lose himself in the
shifts of sensation. The large and
wooden vertical pillars were for
the sense of shadow and spacial
alteration and this reviewer
understands the concepts, but
believes that the actual setting
could have been distilled further
into mere blocks of ascension with
the light playing the role of
The lack of silent scenario
alteration oould not be overcome
by what was the worst aspect of
this production; the performance
of the players. There is little in
drama that is harder to explicate
than mood. The dialogue of
Maeterlinck is, as he himself
wrote, "merely stating the ob-
vious These lines seemed to
frighten the players as they can
emote, but not feel the emotions
without vocalizations. They are
not merely out of their depth,
(though they are) they are out of
their genre. This is the type of
theatre performed by meditative
actors, who draw their strength
from themselves. In this theatre
of process, there is no light
emanating from any of the play-
ers, promote reflection or emo-
tional interplay.
Pelleas (Terry Pickard) never
found the use fa his presence on
the stage. He flitted about as if
constantly frightened, and his
intensity surfaced in the form of
an alto-grade-schcoler. Pelleas
was not intended to be performed
as a brawl ing hero, but he was not
a frightened boy. Mr. Pickard
never understood his role, and
was annoyingly weak.
Melisande (Paige Weaver) did
well at the points where she did
not articulate. When given
speeches fraught with emotion,
her voice merely wavered, and
she found it necessary to stretch
symbolic words, into multi-sylla-
bic sighs. She needed greater
definition, reflection, one can
waft, but not flutter.
The remainder of the cast
attempted no interpretation of
Maeterlincks' conoept of perfor-
mance and in their roles dragged
the show from it's foundations in
fantasy. Hal Binkley, as Arkel,
did all but expire on stage as the
aged King, and his constant
whistling at the close of words
was not the rambling of an aged
leige, but the surface pretentions
of a poor performer.
Upon investigation into the
concepts behind this production,
this reviewer discovered that
much of the basic intent was
blocked by an administration that
refused to realize that there is
birth in experimentation. The
only true learning process in
theatre, for an actor or director,
comes through erroneous if sin-
cere attempts at structural and
thematic interpretation. When a
production is limited by rules that
stifle creativity, it smacks of
bureaucracy that is threatened
and creaks, rocking like a buffoon
to student princes.
A familiar rip-off
"The most unique production in the history of rock and roll
entertainment" is leaving a trail of complaints in its wake as it makes
the roundsof the campus circuit. "The Beatles Come Together from
Group Five Productions of Austin, Tex is billed as a multi-media
production. It is that, but some students have voiced objections about
what they received for the admission price of $3 or $4: a series of old
slides of the Beatles while Beatle records played in the background.
The show "probably isn't all it's cracked up to be said an
assistant State Attorney in Florida. After complaints, his office
investigated the show and got an agreement from the promoters to
honor refund requests from anyone wishing to leave the show in the
first 45 minutes.
Tuesday, Bill Deal and
End of Classes Celebration
The Jolly Roger & Thursday's
R.&N.lnc. 209 E. 5th St. 752-4668
6.98 LIST ALBUMS 499

17 February 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD
Preston Williams
Drama building has its own "harpy
Staff Wrtier
Unexpected talent can be
found in the ECU drama depart-
ment in unexpected places.
When the sound of a mouth
harp is heard in the halls there,
everyone knows that Preston
Williams, 59, of the housekeeping
department there, is nearby.
"I've been playing the harp
for 35 years said Williams.
"When I was a little boy, I would
hear people play and that was
when I decided I was going to
learn. I remember the first song
that I ever got the notes going like
I wanted to was the ' Fox Trot
I learned to play by listening
to other people and by adding my
own techniques to what I hear
added Williams.
"I can hear someone hum-
ming a singing a song, and with
the tune in my mind, I can go off
and play it
Williams' family is also in-
terested in music and whenever
they are together, they enjoy
Williams' wife, who works in
the Pitt County Social Service
department, plays the organ and
piano. His son, who is studying
art at St. Augustine's College in
Raleigh, plays the organ. And his
daughter, a seamstress in Farm-
ville, sings.
E.L. Stocks
to head
Elbert Lee Stocks, principal of
North Tarboro Elementary School
for the past 21 years, will be
chairman of the ECU Stadium
Fund drive in Edgecombe
"Mr. Elbert Stocks is a
distinguished educator and com-
munity leader, widely known and
loved and respected in all of
Eastern North Carolina and his
loyalty and enthusiasts support is
a real asset to his alma mater,
East Carolina University said
Thomas Willis, Stadium Fund
drive director.
Stocks, a native of Ayden,
received his M.A. degree at ECU
in 1953 and taught in Halifax and
Pitt counties before becoming
principal at North Tarboro in
1956. He is married to the former
Hattie Bailey (ECU-1951) of Mar-
tin County and they have four
He was a director of the ECU
Pirate Club 1974-75, is a past
president of the Tarboro Kiwanis
Club, member of the First Baptist
Church of Tarboro, and a member
of NEA and NCAE and the N.C.
Division of Principals.
The ECU Stadium fund drive
is to raise $2.5 million for
expansion of Fioklen Stadium to
nearly 40,000 seating capacity.
The drive in the Greenville-Pitt
County area has netted gifts and
pledges totaling approximately $1
Students enjoy hearing
Williams play. This much was
obvious during the Christmas
season when students there were
singing carols in the hall and
Williams furnished the back up
Williams started cleaning in
the drama department eight
months ago, and he claims the
people there are the friendliest.
"Getting along with people
influences liking your job said
Williams. "I've never had a job I
did not like. My job here is to
clean up after the students and I
like it
Williams came to Greenville
from Grifton when he was 19. The
first job he had was with the Pepsi
Cola Bottling Company.
"I was an amateur boxer
when I was 16 and kept at it about
three years said Williams. "I
thought I could learn more about
it at the college (ECU)
Williams began working with
the grounds crew here at ECU
and then worked with the athletic
department for 12 years. He
works from 4 p.m. to 1230 a.m.
in the drama department now.
"I enjoy working the night
shift best said Williams.
"The only unusual thing to
happen to me here has been
finding a bat in the hall. I've
heard about the ghost in the
auditorium but I've never seen
When Williams came to ECU
to work, the football and baseball
fields were behind the old
Memorial gym. The tennis courts
then were where the nursing
building is now. And the drama
building was an elementary
"The students seem to be the
same said Williams. "I get
along with any of them by
showing respect
While playing the harp for the
"Waterside Mailooes Williams
cut a record of spiritual songs.
But he admits he best enjoys
playing alone.
I broadcasted for Lee's Sport
Shop at WGTC in Greenville fa a
while said Williams. "The job
ended after the sports shop
Pruning trees part-time is
another talent of Williams.
"After cutting down a tree
growing from under Coach
(Clarence) Stasavich's house, I
had people asking me all the time
to prune trees said Williams.
"Tocutdownatree, you ne�d
a plan before climbing into the
tree. I never take chances
Williams, a sports lover, said
he used to attend all the
ECU games but he says trtwe
isn't anything he enjoys more
than playing the harp.
"Playing the harp requires
trusting yourself, as in anything
ou do
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Page 12
17 February 1977
Women's basketball ends
The Baptist Student Union girls' team has won the women's
intramural basketball championship by downing a tough Nock's
Nockers squad, 39-38, in Minges Coliseum on Tuesday.
As they have had to do all season, the BSUers had to come from
behind to beat their opposition with a strong second half defense and
the good inside play of Jean Evans.
Evans scored 18 points in the championship win and totaled
51-points in the three playoff games. In a losing cause, Marsha Person
scored 18 for the Nockers despite being double-teamed most of the
game. She finished with 41 points in two playoff games, as the Nockers
won their semifinal contest by forfeit.
The BSU team trailed by 12-4 early in the game, but rallied to score
14 straight points for a 16-12 lead. They never trailed after that,
although the Nockers rallied to tie the game at 36-36 with just over a
minute to play.
BSU countered with a basket and a free throw with less than a
minute to play and the Nockers final score came at the buzzer, when
they trailed by three.
BSU will now represent ECU in an Intramural Champions
Basketball Tournament to be held in March between Appalachian
State. UNC-Wilmington and Atlantic Christian College. East Carolina
will host the tournament.
The First Intramural Ice Ball championship was also decided on
Tuesday as the Intramural Staff (IMS) topped the Greek Freaks, 12-6,
at Twin Rinks Rec. Center.
I MS shot out to a 9-0 lead at the half and held off the Greek Freaks
in the second half. The Freaks, leading scorer Walter LaRogue, had
been the regular-season Ice Ball scoring champion, but Tuesday he
was held to only four points by the tough I MS defense of Bob Bailey at
goalie, Lynne Stout, John Evans, Rose Mary Adkins, David Brown and
Gwen Engelkhen. On offense IMS was led by Mike Edmondson with
six points and Sonny Gundlach with four points. Janis Smith added the
final points for the champions.
Greg Troupe and Lindsey Overton won the Intramura! Men's
Racquetball Title a few weeks back and we neglected to mention it
then.He also reached the finals in the singles' competition.
Men's playoffs in basketball began Monday and a few major upsets
were recorded. The biggest upset of all found the Rockets downing the
Desperados in the semifinals of the Independent league, 49-39. Al
MoCrimmons led the seventh-ranked Rockets past the third-ranked
Desperados with 17 points.
In the fraternity division neither of the pre-tournament favorites for
the finals made it. Kappa Sigma nipped Pi Kappa Phi, 50-48, on a sha
by Ron Stumpo with four seconds left, and Kappa Alpha raced past
Kappa Alpha Psi, 40-29. Pi Kappa Phi and Kappa Alpha Psi had tied
for the regular season fraternity league championship with 9-1 marks,
but all that went for naught in the playoffs. In the Kappa Sigma-Pi
Kappa Phi matchup Stumpo outdueled leading intramural scorer
Lennie Blackley. Stumpo hit for 23 points, while Blackley's cold
shooting netted only eight points, 20 below his season average. Art
Graepel also had 15 fa Kappa Sigma and Steve Harris led Pi Kappa
Phi with 17 points.
The dormitory league is going into its final games on Thursday with
about everything as it was expected to be. Through Wednesday's
semifinal rounds, only one major upset had been recorded.
In that game the Belk TNT upset Belk Lo and Co, 62-47, in a very
physical game that found three of the losers' players injured by the
TNT's Harold Randolph. After the game Randolph was expelled fa
further playoff action fa rough play.
In other games, the Figures Revised made it to the final four after
surviving a 49-48 scare against the Carolina Stars. The Figures took the
lead late in the game, but had to hold their breaths befae a last second
shot by the Stars hit the rim and fell away. The Jones Boys, the Nutties
Buddies and the Belk TNT's are the other Dam semifinalists. In the
club division the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) upset the
Rugby Leathernuts to reach the finals of that league against the BSU
Herb Gray leads Pirates in
losing effort to Ga. Southern
Staff Writer
East Carolina dropped its fifth
consecutive game and ninth out of
their last ten Monday when they
were beaten 64-57 by Geagia
Southern at Statesbao, Geagia.
The loss, as the last two
befae it, was the result of the
opposition getting ha at the end
when both teams were virtually
even. The Pirates had taken a
53-52 lead with six minutes to go
but could manage just two
baskets in the final minutes.
ECU, now 8-15 on the season,
was again killed by foul shas, a
lack of them. The Eagles traveled
to the line 19 times, converting 18
times while the Pirates received
just six charity tosses, making
half of them. East Carolina
outscaed the Eagles from the
field 27-23.
"We have been playing good
ball said a disheartened Dave
Patton. What do you say to the
players? They have played hard
in every game; we're shooting the
ball better; we're playing good
defense; but, we just simply can't
get a break. I mean a break we
create or a break from the
officials. It's like it ain't meant to
be fa us
Geagia Southern started out
in the game ha as a fire-aacker,
jumping out to a 25-10 lead with
eight minutes left in the half. But,
the Pirates started their own rally
and cut the margin down to ten
quickly. The Eagles then went to
the four caners with four minutes
left. The Pirates stole a couple of
balls and converted to cut the lead
to six, 31-25 at the half.
Matt Simpkins soaed the first
two baskets of the second half and
put the Eagles out to a ten-point
lead quickly. But, the relentless
Pirates kept cutting away at the
margin until they pulled ahead
53-52 with six minutes left.
Geagia Southern took the lead
back and salted the win away
with good foul sheeting.
Simpkins led the winners with
18 points while John Fowler
added 16. Phil Leisure pumped
six long range jumpers fa his 12
Freshman sensation Herb
Gray led the Pirates with 17
points while Larry Hunt and Jim
Ramsey followed with 13 and ten,
The Pirates sha 50 percent
from the flea and the same
percentage from the charity
stripe. The Eagles hit just 41.8
percent from the field while
converting 18 of 19 from the foul
line fa a 94.7 percentage.
The Eagles also outrebounded
ECU 29-26. The Pirates had
pulled 55 retrieves when the
Eagles came to Greenville early in
the seaon. The Pirates won that
one 87-78.
The Bucs hosted Furman last
night in a pivaable Southern
Conference clash and will be
entertaining The Citadel Saturday
Intramural basketball
Baptists knock Nockers
Special to Fountainhead
It was a long, hard road to
travel but the Baptist Student
Union women's basketball team
finally proved their claim as
number one by downing Nock's
Nockers, 39-38, in Minges Coli-
Led by Jean Evans' 18 points
and a tough second half defensive
effat that cut off Marsha Person,
the BSU women raced to their
ninth win of the season without a
loss, and their third close win in
playoff action.
BSU had to take 29-28 and
39-34 wins to reach the playoffs
and Tuesday they were faced to
cane fran eight points back early
in the game to win. The Nockers
ran out to an early 12-4 lead as
Person hit fa six quick points
against the Nockers' zone. After
that start, the BSU team double-
teamed Person in a man-to-man
defense in an attempt to shut her
off ran scaing.
Down by eight with 9:40 left to
play in the first half, the BSU
women slowly pecked away at the
Nockers' lead and rjeled off
several baskets with their slow,
deliberate style of play.
Lai Caverly scaed the first
of six straight baskets and then
Evans hit fa three straight scaes
at BSU tied the scae at 12-12
with 553 to play. Kim Michael
then put them ahead fa the first
time at 14-12 with a set sha and,
after Persoi and Betsy Johnson
missed three free throws, Evans
scaed to make it 16-12.
The Nockers' free throws
shoaing proved costly to them, as
they failed to make any of their
six free throws in the first half
and made only 4 of 11 fa the
game. Meanwhile, tt e BSU
wonen made five of eignt from
the line, all in the aucial second
After taking the lead BSU
never trailed again, but they
could never pull ahead by mae
than seven points. That lead came
after BSU ran off six straight
points to build a 28-21 lead with
9.53 to play in the game. That
tear came after the Nockers had
burned BSU fa five straignt
points to cut a six-point lead to a
single point.
Johnson closed the lead to five
and Evans stretched it back out to
seven then six, with two free
throws and 6:41 left. The lead
wasn't safe, though, as BSU
missed several shas and allowed
the Nockers to close within two at
32-30, after Person hit two free
With four fouls on BSU's
Caverly and Helen Turner and
four also on the Nockers' Person,
both teams became cautious
down the stretch. BSU pushed its
lead back to six points at 36-30,
but Person scaed twice and
Johnson rebounded a miss to tie it
at 36-all with 1102 left to play.
With two time-outs left, the
Nockers used bah of them in the
final 37 seconds after Lynette
Ginn scaed to make it 38-36. The
first Nocker time-out followed a
missed basket at 26 seconds and
their second was used with eight
seconds left after the Nockers
rebounded a missed throw by
Caverly. Caverly did make the
first of the one-and-oie and that
cushioned the BSUers lead to
The Nockers made their final
sha in the closing seconds, but
they were still a point shat of
the BSU squad.
Persoi led the Nockers with
18 points despite drawing double
coverage most of the game and
Johnson added 10 points. June
Gaston scaed eight points, but
the Nockers got little offense from
their aher two players.
Evans led BSU with her 18
points and Ginn gave an unex-
pected lift with eight points.
Those points were needed, too, as
the BSU leading scorer Kim
Michael could scae oily six
The BSU team will now
represent ECU in an Intramural
Basketball tournament to be held
at ECU next month. Competing in
the tournament will be the
women's and men's basketball
champions from Appalachian
State, UNC-Wilmington and At-
lantic Christian College.
SATTERWAITE L beatsNuby Francis R in the arm
wrestling finals of the 176-200 weight class. Photo by Russ

17 February 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 13
i At-
Championships begin
Pirates face grueling schedule
into action against Richmond this
Staff Writer
If you think East Carolina
athletics will be stopping just
because of the exam break, you
better think again. There will be a
total of 23 games, meets and
matches in the next two and
one-half weeks.
For starters, this weekend is
as full as it can be. The swim
team will be down in Greenville,
S.C. going for its 21 st consecutive
swim title, a record which will
probably stand as long as the
Southern Conference does; that
is, if the Southern even stands for
12 more years.
The Lady Pirates, fresh off
their big upset over North Caro-
lina on Tuesday night, will be in
Rock Hill, S.C. today, tomorrow
and Saturday for the Winthrop
Invitational women's basketball
ECU's men's golf team will
begin its 1977 season today at the
Coastal Carolina Invitational in
Myrtle Beach, S.C. The tourna-
W el born will lead his grapplers
weekend. Photo by Kip Sloan
ment will run through Saturday at
the resort town.
Saturday will mark the date
for a double-header at Minges
Coliseum. The ECU wrestling
team will entertain Richmond,
trying to improve its mark to 8-3,
at 500 p.m while the ECU's
men's basketball team will close
its SC schedule against The
Citadel immediately afterwards.
Friday, the women's gymnas-
tics team will travel to Farmville,
Va. to meet Longwood College.
The start of exam week next
week will slow sports on campus
very little. On Wednesday, the
Pirate basketball team will close
out its regular season with a
non-conference opponent, Mer-
cer. The game will be in Minges
On Sunday, ECU's track team
will travel to the Delaware
Invitational fa its final meet
befae the conference champion-
On Thursday, Feb. 24, the
wrestling team will close out its
regular season when they travel
Harold Randolph cut
from football team
Harold Randolph, a 20-year
old Greenville Junior, was dis-
missed from the football squad
Tuesday for disciplinary reasons.
Randolph, who has been a
standout at the linebacker posi-
tion fa the past two seasons, had
been considered to be one of
ECU's finest linebackers ever.
Acoading to Pat Dye, the
Pirate's head football coach,
Randolph was dismissed for
disciplinary reasons.
Dye said Randolph's conduct
has not been condusive to the
best interest of the football team.
to Williamsburg, Va. for a
pivotable match-up against Wil-
liam and Mary. The Indians are
slight favaites to win the SC
aown this year, but the Pirates
have won it six times in a row and
will be waking to keep it in
Greenville fa the last year in the
The Lady Pirates will go into
the NCAIAW state tournament in
Raleigh on Feb. 24-26, Thursday
through Saturday of next week.
They will be seeded fourth in the
five team tournament and will
faoeUNC-Greensbao in its open-
ing game on Thursday.
The ECU men's track team
will be competing in the Southern
Conference indoa championships
on Friday, Feb. 25 and Saturday,
Feb. 26 at Lexington, Va. The
Pirates have never won the indoa
title, but won the outdoa champ-
ionship last season and have a
stronger team this year.
Saturday, Feb. 26 will also
mark the opening of the Southern
Conference basketball tourna-
ment. East Carolina will be
playing at either Appalachian
State or William and Mary,
depending on the outcome of a
few key games this week.
The Southern Conference
tournament will continue on
Tuesday and Wednesday, Mar. 1
and 2, in Roanoke, Va. The
winners of the three first round
games and VMI will congregate
in Roanoke with the ECU-William
and MaryAppalachian State win-
ner playing VMI and the Furman
Citadel winner playing the David-
sonWilliam and Mary a Appa-
lachian State winner. The winners
of those games will meet Mar. 2
fa the league championship and
berth in the NCAA tournament.
The swimming team will be in
action again Mar. 2-5 when they
travel to Charleston, W. Va. fa
the Eastern Intercollegiate
Championships, its warm-up fa
the nationals.
East Carolina will be the host
of the Southern Conference
wrestling championships in
Minges Coliseum on Mar. 4-5.
East Carolina has won the last six
titles and will try to leave the
league a winner once again.
Also on Mar. 5, the NCAIAW
gymnastics will be held in Mem-
aial Gymnasium. All the state's
women's teams will be compe-
Baseball and tennis will be
kicking off its seasons oi that day
also, with the netters hosting
Salisbury State and the baseball
team traveling to Campbell.
So, even though you will be
studying your behinds off during
the next two weeks, you will have
a chance to take a little time out
and see good spats aoiton until
the cob webs are out of your head.
2716-Wos. Multi Color Nylon Webbing
Med. Width 510 Only
18 Pair Case
Chapter �

Page 14 FOUNTAINHEAD 17 February 1977
Lady Pirates beat Chapei Hill, 68-67,
prepare for weekend Winthrop tourney
Staff Writer
In easily the most emotional
game of the women's basketball
season, the Lady Pirates pulled
together to outplay a frustrated
Tarheel squad in front of a crowd
of 1500. The Pirates won the
match. 68-�
"This game really made the
season for me said Coach
Bolton after the win. "There is
something really special about
beating Carolina, and this game
neant so much to the team
Frigid Pink
Feb.18th& 19th
Super Grit
Feb.25th &26th
March2nd �r 3rd
March 4th,5th,
Good Humor
March 9th
Watch for
'Special Event'
From the touchoff, Carolina
took possession of the ball but
failed to score. Seconds later,
ECU took the ball to the other end
of the oourt and Debbie Freeman
sank one from the side to put the
first score of the game up.
The Pirates had trouble sort-
ing out their defense though, and
Carolina quickly tied.
The score see-sawed between
the teams for the next ten
minutes, with the Tarheels pul-
ling to a 5 point lead by the
middle of the first half. Bolton
made good use of a couple of
time-outs to redirect defenses,
and the Pirates began to gain or
reenville, N.C.
DIAL 758-7400
507 Easr 14th Street
Greenville, North Carolina
We deliver anywhere within the city
limitsfor free!
Energy Crisis Hours
Sun. �Thur.
11:30 - 10:00
Fri.& Sat.
11:30 - 11:00
With 8 minutes left, guard
April Ross relieved Carolina of
the ball and took it to the net to tie
the score onoe again, 23-23.
Freeman and Kerbaugh con-
tinued to add points, but again a
weak defense against Carolina's
shots kept the score close. Debbie
Tritt soored on a layup with
seconds left to give ECU the lead
at the half, 36-35.
As the second half got under
way, the Pirates tightened up
their defense and began to rYiove.
With bursts of momentum, the
team opened up a nine point rift
over the Tarheels. Had the clock
run out then, a victory would have
been assured, for the Pirates, but
12 minutes remained, and Caro-
lina became determined to make
up the difference.
Joan Leggett and Cathy
Daniels led the Tarheels back up
to a tie score with 3 minutes left,
and then pulled to a three point
lead with two minutes to go.
As always happens in close
games, fouls can make the
difference between winning and
losing, and ECU'S 20 verses
UNC's 15 narrowed the gap.
With one minute remaining,
Debbie Freeman hit from outside
to pull the Pirates two points
closer, and repeated the feat
within seconds to close in to put
the Pirates ahead.
With two seconds left, the
Pirates led by one with a jump
ball at Carolina's foul line.
Carolina shot and missed and the
Pirates won their last home game
in style.
Debbie Freeman led the
Pirates scoring with 30 points,
followed by Gail Kerbaugh with
17. April Ross with seven and
Cathy Suggs with six.
Although the winning margin
was one point, the Lady Pirates
have every reason to take pride in
their win. Not only did they
win without high scorers Rosie
Thompson or Linda McLlean, but
even those who played were far
from their best shape.
Cathy Suggs, who was injured
last week in a very physical game
against Old Dominion, played
much of the game with stitches
remaining from a cut lip. To play
in a game this rough, with risk of
reinjury so likely, says a lot about
the dedication of the players to
their team.
As the UNC crowd slowly left
the stands, 11 very ecstatic
Pirates whooped it up across the
floor, while Coach Bolton smiled
contentedly, "I'm very proud of
them-they really worked hard to
The Lady Pirates travel to
Rock Hill, S.C. today for the
Winthrop Tournament, where
they face Georgia Southern at
7:00 p.m.
lead her team with 17 points in Tuesday's
game against Chapel Hill. The Pirates will
compete all weekend in the Winthrop
Tournament. Photo by Kip Sloan
The Library
Gents Night
Sunday Night
starts 8:30
ArmyNavy Store
1501 Evans
12 p.m530p.m.
Back packs, Field, Flight,
Bomber, & Snorkel Jackets,
Good Things
for Gentle People
318 Evans St. Mall

- :
17 February 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 1�
� ���:�:�:�: : : � �
for sale
FOR SALE: 1977 Cutlass Salon-
AMFM stereo, PS, PB, AT,
Bucket seats, console. Lt. blue
with white landau roof. Orig.
prioeover $7000 must sell $5990.
Call 752-9006.
FOR SALE: 1973 Gran Torino-V-8
automatic ac baby blue-2-door
mustselW300. Call 758-7990or
Apt. 20 Green way Apts.
FOR SALE: Drafting kit &
hotplate. Best offer. Call 758-8062
or come by 207 Greene Dorm.
FOR SALE: Single bed with 2
mattresses in good condition.
FOR SALE: Guild D-5, Acoustic
Guitar. Excellent condition
$250.00 or you make reasonable
offer. Call 756-2459 for Bob, or
see on display at Razz Jazz
Record Shop.
FOR SALE � ' 71 SuperBeetle with
rebuilt engine and mostly new
parts. Runs well. Must sell at a
loss for $975.00 or you make
reasonable offer. Call Bob at
FOR SALE: Apartment size refri-
gerator for sale, must go before
spring quarter. $115. 758-9972.
FOR SALE: Tad Davis Imperial
Deluxe tennis racket, 1 Jack
Kraemer 752-6439. Good price.
FOR SALE : 8.000 BTU Coldspot
air conditioner - $75.00. 19 cu. ft.
Frigidaire refrigerator (needs
work) - $50. Black vinyl. Spanish
style sofa and chair, (in slight
repair) - $50.00. Call 752-5717
after 5:00 p.m.
FOR SALE: Waterbed frame,
pedestal, handrubbed finish.
Price negotiable. Call Woodv
FOR SALE: Collection of 25
albums. Including albums by Yes,
Beach Boys, Hendrix, ELP and
many more. Prices from $2 to $3.
Come by room 415 Ayoock any
day after 3.00 p.m. now for best
rOR SALE: Texas instruments
SR-51 a electronic calculator.
Adaptor, two owners manuals,
two operating guides and two
carrying cases included free. Call
752-9905 and ask for Jeff.
FOR SALE: 74 VW Bug $2200.
Contemp. furniture & doublebed
Excellent condition. Call 752-0903
after 4:30.
FOR SALE: Fender Princeton
Reverb Guitar amp. $150. Electric
Guitar Fuzz-Wah-Volume Pedal.
4 wans and fuzz sustain, volume,
and intensity controls. $60. Send
reply to: Box 3067, Greenville.
FOR SALE: 1968 Chev. Impala.
35,000 little old lady back and
forth to church miles. Air, power
steer needs minor repairs. -$500.
758-1437 after 930 nights.
fect condition. For more informa-
tion. Call 758-0794.
FOR SALE: 1973 Datsun 240Z.
Red automatic. Must sell. Call
758-4262 after 5.
FOR SALE: Waterbed, mattress,
frame with braces, liner. $60. Call
FOR SALE: 4.2cub. refrigerator,
good condition; excellent for
dorm use. $80.00. Call 752-5493.
FOR SALE: 1974 Toyota Celica
S.G 4 speed, excellent cond. 102
B Belk Dorm. 758-7865.
FOR SALE: PE 3060 automatic
turntable complete with Stanton
681 EE phono cartridge. Also
Koss Pro-4-A headphones. All
with original boxes. Reasonable.
758-3701 evenings.
FOR SALE: Yamaha clarinet.
Good condition. $90. Call 758-
FOR SALE: Marantz 2325 Stereo
receiver 125 wchan. 20-20K at
.15 T.H.D. and I.M. with
walnut case. 752-9100, 11a.m
6p.m. Ask for Buz.
typist. 758-3106 (Jane) before 5.
FOR SALE: Peugeot Bicycle,
Blue, like new, best offer. 758-
FOR SALE: 4" X 5" Graphic
View II with Schneider Xenar 150
mm. Dagor 358 15 holders. 4
developing tanks and 6 negative
holders. $275. Call John 758-
FOR SALE: Gibson Les Paul
guitar with case and an Ampeg
Amplifier VT-40 worth over
$1,300. All interested people call
FOR SALE: 1964 Triumph Spit-
fire. Will accept best offer - call
758-7415 after 2O0 p.m.
FOR SALE: '71 Opel GT Low
milage, AC, excellent condition
32MPG. Call Mark Hurley at KA
House. 758-8999.
FOR SALE: Pioneer receiver 50
watts Rmspr. channel, 2 channel.
AR-2AX speakers. Excellent con-
dition. $350 Call 756-1547.
FOR SALE: 10 week old male
German Shepherd puppy. $60
including collar, leash, & bowl.
Call 758-5364.
FOR SALE: One New Pioneer
Reverberation Amp. Got it for
Christmas, must sell wwarranty
$95.00. Phone 752-4379.
FOR SALE: 1969 Red Fiat 124
Excellent Cond. 75,000 miles
$200 take up $36mo. payments-
$550 left call 757-6690 9p.m
12p.m. Sun-Thnr5
FOR SALE: & Toyota Celica
GT. Air-conditioned, AM-Fm
stereo 5-speed, luggage rack.
Only 5,000 miles, like new
condition, metallic blue, white
interior. Call 752-8290 after 5
p.mask for Carol.
FOR SALE: Amplifier - Sound
City, Conoord GT-80 (Brand new)
2-12" speakers, built-in reverb.
Retail price $699. Will sell for
$300. Must sell before spring
quarter. Call Chris at 756-6252.
FOR SALE: 5 speed 27" Sears
bicycle. Good condition. Prioe
$45.00. 55 lb. Bear Grizzly bow
with arrow, tips, and other
accessories. Call for information.
FOR SALE: Needfor school. All
in excellent condition: 1969 Fiat
124 - 700$, 17" Crosby Radnor
hunt saddle with fittings 180$,
Konica autoreflex T with f1.4
lens 150$, albums - misc. 3.50
each. Call 757-6690 only from
9-12 p.m. Sun. - Thurs.
FOR SALE:Gerrard SLX-2 turn-
table. Excellent condition except
needs new needle. $30. Call
758-5008 after five.
FOR SALE: 1973. TS 185 Suzuki,
excellent condition. No reason-
able offer refused. Call 758-8999,
ask for Phil or leave a message.
FOR SALE: Akai 8-Track Play-
backRecord Component. This
model has 2 heads, 2 vu meters,
and fast forward. Comes with
head demagnetizer. $100 nego-
FOR SALE: AKC Weimaraner
puppies. Call 758-7790.
FOR SALE: 8 Track & Cassette
tapes 12.00 ea. Over 30 tapes by
various artists. 758-8984, 318
Aycock Dorm (trash room).
FOR SALE: 1972 Ford Van 240
6-cylinder, straight drive, air,
carpet, paneling. $1400.00. 752-
FOR SALE: Jansport Backpack
and Frost line Tent, both Brand
new and super light. Also Dynaoo
Amp. contact Jim at 1305 S.
Cotanche St (near Twin Rinks)
upstairs. Come by anytime.
FOR SALE: Telecaster guitar,
and J.V.C. Turntable. Call 758-
FOR SALE: 1970 Firebird runs
good, must sell, $1200. Call
758-8543 or oome by 201 Jones.
FOR SALE: Yahama Guitar, good
condition. Excellent for begin-
ners. $50.00 contact Nancy
through ad in Fountainh�ad
FOR SALE: 1975 Yamana &J
Endura. Excellent condition 2500
miles $675. 758-9063.
FOR SALE: 1975 Fiat Spider,
AM-FM Stereo, tape player, wire
wheels, excellent condition,
$3,850 call 756-6768 after 5:30.
MUST SELL: Sunn studifc lead
amp hardly used. $175.00. Call
Maria 752-9022 for more inform-
FOR SALE: New-Clairol "Kind-
ness 3-way Hairsetter" with mist
or regular oontrol. Pins & Condi-
tioning mist treatment included.
Only $17.00, call 758-0603.
FOR SALE: 1972 Harley David-
son 125 Rapiado. Fair cond.
$225.00. Kasino bass amp. $250.
Call 758-0250 evenings.
FOR SALE: Wilson T3000 Tennis
Racket- $25.00. Lonny House-
FOR SALE: 1973 Yamaha 175-
newly rebuilt motor. Call 758-
7990 or Apt. 20-Greenway Apts.
fa rent (fj)
to share 2-bedroom trailer.
Washer & dryer & air condition-
ing. $60month & utilities. Ol
758-8160 after 9O0 p.m. or oome
by Flanagan 420. Junior, Senior,
or Graduate student preferred.
share trailer in Quail Hollow,
FOR RENT: Private room avail-
able Spring term. Graduate stu-
dent preferred. 756-2459.
AVAILABLE: Private room on
campus fa female. Call 758-0603
for arrangements or questions.
share 3 bedroom trailer. Call
Robert at 756-7659.
WANTED: 1 or 2 female room-
mates to share 2-bedroom. furn-
ished apartment. $43.75 per mo.
plus utilities. Call 752-7703 after
3O0 (Village Green Apts.)
NEEDED: Female roommate. 704
East Third St. (2 blocks from
campus. Lg. 2 bedroom apart-
NEEDED: Female roommate for
Spring quarter to share 2 bed-
room trailer, air cond washer
and dryer. Rent $80.00 month -
covers everything. Call Martha.
Apt. at College Courts with grad.
student. Rent $50 per mo. & half
utilities. Ph. 752-5489. available
March 1.
FOR RENT: Private room close to
campus. Phone 752-4006 after
FOR RENT: Room, 402 Student
St. Phone: 752-4814. Quiet; fur-
nished; $55 per month; utilities
LOST: An opal ring and heart
shaped necklace. If found please
return to Kathy, 226 Fleming.
752-9195. Reward Guaranteed.
LOST: A garnet necklace some-
where between White and Brew-
ster. If found, call 752-8651.
Reward oftered.
LOST: Ladies wrap around swea-
ter. Brown with different colored
stripes around it and a Navy blue
tie belt. Lost in Jolly Rogers. If
found call 752-9907 or bring by
818 Greene Dorm.
LOST: Double-diamond silver
pre-engagement ring in bathroom
at lower level of Mendenhall
Saturday night. Of sentimental
value. Rewardno questions
asked. Call 752-0187.
LOST: Man's silver Waltham
wristwatch Feb. 15, 1977. Silver
twistoflex watchband. Anyone
who knows its whereabouts call
756-6450. No Questions asked.
FOUND: Pair of glasses at the
track. Call 752-0424.
FOUND: Black onyx class ring on
Appalachian Trail in West
Virginia about six months ago.
Contact Appalachian Trail Con-
ference, Box 236, Harper's Ferry.
W. Va. 25425 - 304-535-6331.
FOUND: Gold, 1970, High School
ring from TerrySanford H.S.KTR
initials. Call 752-7791.
758-8284. Ask for Becky after
FOUND: someone who listens
and helps. You don't have to be in
a crisis to call or come by the
REAL crisis center. Counseling
and referrals are what they offer.
They're free, too. Call 758-HELP.
WANTED: Chronic tension head-
ache suffers to take part in
research study. Please leave
name, phone no. and the times
you can be reached at the
Psychology Dept. Robertson's
WANTED TO BUY : A used guitar
case fa my classical guitar. If
you ve got what I need call
TORTFIAITS by Jack Srendle
YOGA LESSONS: exercises to
calm the mind and slim the body -
way of life. Classes faming now.
Call Sunshine, 752-5214 after 9O0
p.m. on Mond. and Wed after
5:30 all other nights.
this year's resolution be a better
figure! Call Sunshine, 752-5214
after 9.00 p.m. on Mon. and Wed.
after 5O0 p.m. all other nites.
student would like to prepare
income tax returns evenings and
weekends. Reasonable rates. Call
756-4180. Typing services also
NEEDED. A ride to Boone
anytime this Friday. Call Steve

Pae16 FOUNTAINHEAD 17 February 1977
ECU WILL BE well , epre-
sented during exams as all
teams will be in competi-
tion. Clockwise from above
left: The Lady Pirates will
be seeing tournament ac-
tion against UNC-G in
Raleigh; Pirate grapplers
conclude their season on
the road against William &
Mary in preparation for the
conference championships,
ECU'S tankers will be com-
peting for their 21st con-
secutive swim title; and
Pirate roundballers will tra-
vel to the first round of the
conference tournament.
Photos by Kip Sloan

Grand Opening
Rum Runner Dive & Tackle Shop
Lectures and Demonstrations by Moorehead
Charterboat Captain and Live Bait
Garcia Factory Representative,
Deepwater Bait Trolling Specialist
(Bally Hoo, Ladyfish, Mackerel baits, etc.)
Lures Fresh and Salt Water
Ray Jefferson Depth Finders $69.95
Clark Spoons79
Roll-eze 69�
A Salt Water Combos Berkley 680 with rod
Garcia 396 with rod $34.99
48 Quart Igloo Cooler $18.95
Free Line
Feb. 18th & 19th . �
Lectures and films Friday night by two former
Cousteau divers
Specials U.S. Divers
80 cu. ft. aluminum tanks any
color with J valve with standard pack and boot
Retail $249.95 Sale Price $149.95
Farmer John nylon one side Wetsuits
Retail $126.95 Sale Price $69.95
Aquarius Regulators
Retail $99.95 Sale Price $69.95
St eel 71.2 cu. ft. Cylinders with pack and boot
Retail$231.95 Sale Price$139.95
Free Air to Certified Divers

Fountainhead, February 17, 1977
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
February 17, 1977
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