Fountainhead, January 18, 1977

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

' trij ,
Vol. 52, No. ?
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
18 January 1977
Accreditation report set for this week
LCME to evaluate med school
on Commit i
School '?'
ess in
Aco Dr. Harold C
Wiggersof the ECU Med School,
man LCME survey t
, . Cl
? the April
ME. said Dr.
? progi
will oe
tte staff
for first and
?dining ad the
School of 'l we hi
not filled i in the
i ? i ?

THE LCME will make an accreditation report th
open as scheduled next fall
:??? - wnich will determine if the Med-Schooi will
and Gynecology
?)l s
According to Wiggers, I
i School could hand i
im of 40 students when
ollment begins The LCME
probably recommend enro
it to be from 28 to 32 students.
The facilities at Pitt Hosj,
not be ready when the Fa.
1977 begins said Wiggf
? But the facilities at Pitt will
be needed by the med s I
According to Wiggers.
Family Practice Center will be
available to incoming students.
The clinical faculty facilities
should be ready by June or Ju
According to Wiggers. the
residency programs are to be,
possibly by June of 1978.
The four-man survey team
consists of: Dr. Andrew Hunt.
dean of Michigan State Medico
:Ool. Dr. John Stetson, deaf
Univ. of Florida at Gainsv
Medical School: Dr. Ira Singer.
director of medical research for
the American Medical Associ-
ation, and an internist ?rom
The survey team will be on the
ECU campus January 16-19.
Sullivan calls for Union board election
Co-News Editor
An amendment to the Student
Union Constitution, calling for a
campus-wide election of seven
Board of Director positions, was
proposed Wednesday by Tim
Sullivan, newly chosen chair-
person of the Board.
The proposal was made at a
called meeting of the Student
Union Board of Directors last
week. However, the meeting was
not official, because a quorum of
four students and one faculty
member was not met.
According to the proposed
amendment, seven ECU students
would be elected by popular vote
to fill the positions on the Board.
Board members are responsi-
ble fa selecting the Student
Union president, authorizing
establishment of committees, ap-
proving presidential appointment
of committee chairpersons, ap-
proving the budget and estab-
lishing and enforcing Student
Union policies.
Presently, six out of the eight
voting positions are held by
These an SGA President.
SGA vice lent, speaker
? , , SGA treasurei.
Residena ' u
Council (MFC) pi
the Panhellenii
A representative from
Chancellor's office and one from
the Faculty Senate fill the
two seats on the Board.
Under the new amendn
the latter two positions would
become non-voting.
The Student Union president
and adviser would remain on the
Board as non-voting, ex-offiao
According to Sullivan, the
amendment also provides for the
Student Union Election
Coordinator to be appointed
by the Board.
In addition, the student body
will have the power to recall
elected members by presenting a
petition with at least 15 per cent
of the full-time students.
Election of the seven students
would take place between the
second week in March and the
first week in April, said Sullivan.
Sullivan said the amendment
would not affect the selection of
next year's Student Union presi-
dent which takes place the end of
this month.
Sullivan supports the amend-
ment for several reasons.
"The present board doesn't
have the time or. e e as
thorough and oons ientious as an
nterl unment -
He also said that since the
students elected to the Board
would not receive their positions
offices that they held in
other organizations, they would
icre loyal to the Union.
'This will give direct student
input into the Union and it
doesn't jeopardize programming
with petty politics
Sullivan also said that at
present there is an overrepre-
sentatior, of dorm students and
that the amendment would give
day students an equal chance to
be heard.
He also noted that the SGA
presently holds three seats on the
The amendment would wipe
this out
Sullivan said that the Board
might even be able to set up office
hours and salaries if the amend-
ment is accepted.
See BOARD page 5
Registrar dies Monday
Advertising Manager
Worth E. Baker, ECU regis-
trar, was pronounced dead Mon-
day morning at 630 at the Pitt
Memorial Hospital.
Aocording to the Registrar's
Office, Baker had been in declin-
ing health since December.
Baker had been at ECU since
1965 when he was the Director of
Baker assumed his position as
Registrar in June of 1963. He
remained at that department until
his death.
According to Mrs. Bobby
Austin, administrative assistant.
Baker will definitely be missed.
"Mr Baker was one-in-a-million
and highly regarded by the
employees of the Registrar's
Ofti e sai : Austin.
According to Austin, pi
ivenot vi beei
vacancy left by Baker's death.
"Mr, Baker and I were
extremely close and he was not
only a boss, but a friend said J.
Gilbert Moore, associate regis-
According to Dr. John H.
Horne, director of admissions, he
and Baker had a wonderful and
cooperative association. "Both of
us felt that admissions and the
registrar's office had to work
together said Horne.
"Mr Baker was always fight-
ing fcx students, and always
trying to make things better for
them added Horne.
Before Baker did his under-
graduate work at East Carolina
Teacher's College, he served as a
glider pilot. According to Horne.
Baker was one of the first pilots to
land at Normandy on the D-Day
invasion of WWII
Baker received a B.S in
Business Education and Social
Studies at ECTC in 1954
In 1959, Baker reoeived a
master's degree in Admimstr i
tion and Principles, from ECC.

Page 2
18 January 1977
Moonlight bowling is back.
The Mendenhall Student Center
Bowling Center now offers this
unique bowling experience on
Friday and Sunday evenings from
8 p.m. until closing. Come by the
Center and test your skills under
the moonlight. It'sa great change
of pace.
BEOG forms
Craft Classes
Register now for a crafts
workshop to be offered by the
Mendenhall Student Center
Center. Sign up for Beginning
Jewelry, Batik, Beginning Dark-
room, Weaving on the Loom,
Basic Pot Throwing, or Frame
Loom Weaving. For details call or
visit the Crafts Center during the
hours of 2 p.m. until 10 p.m
Monday-Friday. Registration
deadline for all workshops is
Friday, Jan. 28.
Basic Educational Opportun-
ity Grant applications fa the fi C C
1977-78 academic year are now WiMiwi
available at the Financial Aid
Office, 201 Whichard Building.
All students are encouraged to
complete the application as soon
as possible and turn in the
Student Eligibility Report to the
Financial Aid Office as soon as it
is received from the Basic Grant
Program. Students are reminded
that they must first apply for the
Basic Educational Opportunity
Grant before other types of
financial assistance can be
Campus Crusade for Christ
will meet this Thursday night in
Brewster D-201 at 7 p.m. This will
be the beginning of Leadership
Training Class and the topics will
be The Uniqueness of Jesus and
Devotional Life. Come join us for
some fun, fellowship & practical
teaching. Everyone's weloome!
Art Exhibit
Ice skating and roller skating
lessons are now being taught at
Twin Rinks Recreation Center,
220 East 14th Street. Lessons are
taught on Saturday from 12:15
until 1:15. For more information
come by Twin Rinks or call
Crisis Center
Positive relationships are
what life is all about. The REAL
House volunteers are trained to
listen and help with problems
such as rape, sexuality, drugs,
loneliness, pregnancy, money,
studying. If they can't help, they
know someone who can. Call
The ECU Young Democrats
will meet Wednesday, Jan. 19, at
7:30 in room 244 Mendenhall. All
interested persons are invited to
Apply now for Student Union
President. Maybe you can start a
computer date program or any
other program which you feel will
be of interest to students. Appli-
cations must be turned in by Jan.
19. They are available in Menden-
hall Student Center.
ILLUMINA, the Student
Union Art Exhibition oommittee.
is presently exhibiting a collection
of art works of four Greenville
artists. The show, entitled
"Where Four Art Thou? fea-
tures dyed wall hangirgs and
ceramics of Eddie Smith, pottery
and preciously assembled boxes
of Jim Whalen, weavings and a
oouple of curios of Annie Cable,
and drawings and paintings of
Mary Lou Strider. The exhibition
will await your viewing now until
January 23, so "feets, get
Law Society
The ECU Law Society will hold
a meeting Thursday, Jan. 20 at 7
p.m. in 221 Mendenhall. Green-
ville District Attorney, Jim
Hoover will be the featured
speaker. This is a mandatory
meeting of all members. Please
call 757-6940 from 9-5 and give
your excuse if you cannot attend.
The Wake Forest-Carolina trip
will be discussed.
Co-op Name
Wogld you like to win a $5 gift
certificate to Daryl's? The Coop-
erative Education Office needs an
original, eye-catching title fa
their newsletter.Turn in your idea
for a oo-op newsletter name to the
Co-op Office in 313 Rawl any day
from 8 until 5. All entries must be
in by noon, Jan. 28. The winner of
the $5 Daryl's gift certificate will
be announced in the February 1
edition of The Fountainhead
? ?llililli
Ideal Things Trip
Attention all Food, Nutrition,
and Institution Management
Majors! The Student Dietetic
Association oould be a worthwhile
organization for you to join. We
are presently planning a trip to
Atlanta, Ga. If you would like to
go, you have to be an SDA
member (dues-$1) and help with
at least 2 dinners. Contact Mary
West at 752-9103 if you would like
to join (we would like you to join
by Jan. 20). Contact Cathy
Sanders at 758-9401 if you plant
to help with dinners.
The next SDA meeting is Feb.
If you are an instate student
and have been to school three
years, you are eligible to apply fa
summer intern program in state
government. Housing is provided
and college aedit is offered.
Apply to the Institute of Govern-
ment, Chapel Hill, N.C by Feb.
Gamma Phi
Gamma Beta Phi, servioe to
education hcna society, will hold
its regular meeting at 7 p.m
Thursday, Jan. 20, in room 244
Mendenhall. All members are
urged to attend. Ms. Anne Posey,
Directa of the PTA Tutaial
Program will attend to speak and
answer any questions members
may have about this year's
Tutaial program.
On Wednesday, Jan. 19, at
7:30 p.m Dr. John Kozy will
present a paper on ideal things.
The lecture is to be given in room
221 Mendenhall. Everyone is
Crisp, green garden salad,
shrimp and fish with Newburg
sauce, fluffy rice, tender peas,
hot rolls, and lemon chiffon pie,
along with unlimited refills on tea
and oof fee. If you would like to
enjoy this meal by candlelight,
here is your chance! This meal
will be served Wednesday, Jan.
19, at 630 p.m. in the Institution
Management Dining Room (HE-
121). Tickets are just $3. Contact
Beverly Sangesat 758-9301 a any
SDA member fa reservatiais. So
get your date a bring your
friends to this spectacular dinner!
Fletcher Dam will be spai-
saing a program on the latest
hair styleson Tuesday, Jan. 18, at
8 p.m in the lobby. "La KOS-
will be presenting the program
fa all students. A doa prize will
also be given Evayone is
Rho Epsilon Real Estate Fra-
ternity will meet ai Tuesday,
January 25, at Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center. Plans fa the Winta
Quarter Initiation Banquet will be
discussed. Everyone's attend-
ance is requested.
Since the beginning of Winter
Quarter, you've wondered "what
da hell" all those signs telling you
to "Danoe-the-Night-Away"
neant. What it means is that
there will be a 12 hour Dance-a-
thon Saturday, Jan. 22. Gamma
Sig is spoisaing Dance-a-thon to
raise funds fa the Eastern Lung
Couples participating should
obtain pledges fa each hour they
dance from friends, relatives
employers, etc There will be a
trophy awarded to the oouple
raising the most money and a
trophy to the organization ,
fraternity, saaity, club, dam,
etc showing the most suppat.
Pledge sheets and further
infamatioi is available at Men-
denhall Infamatioi Desk a by
calling 752-0712, 752-8453. It's
going to be ala of fun, so come at
out and "Dance-the-Night-
Attention members of the
young Home Designers League.
Anyoie interested in going on the
trip to Williamsburg on April
22-24 must call Lois by Wed
Jan. 26. You may also sign up as a
guest. A deposit fa room reser-
vations will also have to be made
by this date a you will not be able
to go. We must have a deposit of
$7 befae you can be permanen-
tely signed up. Fa mae infama-
tioi and to sign up, please call
Lois at 758-9481 right away.
Coffee House
A new year, new shows, new
entertainment, and the same
price are presented by the ECU
Coffeehouse. Jan. 21 and 22 two
great locals will perfam. Shows
are at 8 and 9 p.m.
W2 Forms
The following people need to
fill out W2 fams in the Student
Fund Accounting Office, Men-
denhall Student Union: Linda
Cherry, Bill Harrington, Marga-
ret Phoenix, Ricky Smith, Louis
Tayla, Robert Thonen, Sheilah
Turnage, and Sarah Venable.
H ever Again
Never again will you be able to
apply fa President of the Student
Union fa 1977-78. The deadline
fa applications is Jan. 19. Get
your buns on over and pick up an
application immediately.
Crafts Show
It was announoed today by
Eastern Carolina Shows that two
arts and aafts shows are sche-
duled in Greenville fa 1977. The
first show will be held in Pitt
Plaza shopping center on April 8
and 9. The second show has been
scheduled to be held in the Evans
Street Mall on July 8 and 9. Both
shows are open mainly to Nath
Carolina arts and craftsmen.
Eastern Carolina Shows is mainly
interested in promoting show fa
Carolina Artists and Craftsmen.
There are eighty spaces available
fa exhibitas who wish to enta
eitha show. Those artists and
aaftsmen who are interested in
exhibiting at this show should
oontact Eastan Carolina Arts and
Crafts Promotions Rt. 7 Box 340,
Greenville, N.C. 27834. The entry
fee is $15 per space fa instate
aaftsmen and artists and $25 fa
out of state people.
Applicationsare now available
fa the annual psychology retreat.
The total oost will be $11 fa the
weekend event. A bus will leave
the Speight Building at 8 a.m.
Saturday, Jan. 29 Sat. night will
be spent at the Ramada Inn at
Atlantic Beach which is where the
retreat will be held. Topics will
include psychology related sub-
jects such as behavia, persona-
lity, and sex. All interested
students are eligible; however,
Psi Chi members and Psychology
majas will be given first oonsid-
eration. Apply now to ensure that
you will have the benefit of
having the SGA pay part of your
bill. There isa limit of 50 students
who will receive this assistance.
The deadline fa applications will
be neon on Friday, Jan. 29.
Bahai Film
Don't faget the free film to be
shown at 720 p.m. tonight in
Room 238 of Mendenhall on
Ecuada, Bolivia, and Peru spai-
saed by Bahai Association. Pub-
lic is invited.
Anyone wanting to apply fa
the editorial position of the
1977-78 BUC oome by room 228
Mendenhall and fill out an
application and turn in a resume
by Jan. 20, at 3 p.m.
Anyone wanting to get their
photograph made fa the BUC can
do so in room 245 of the old
library from 9-12,1-5, the week of
Jan. 17-21, Tuesday and Thurs-
Phi Sigma Pi
Phi Sigma Pi National Hona
Fraternity will hold its monthly
dinner meeting on Wednesday,
Jan. 19, at 6 p.m. at Bonanza
Steak pit. Guest speaker will be
Dr Robert W. Gowen, Associate
Professa of Histay, ECU. All
brothas are urped to attend.
aJ$i8?ra&?u ? ' aL

18 January 1977 F0UNTA1NHEAD PeggJ.
Honor society sets up sch
? It
Assistant News Editor
It's just a small, wooden
building behind the A.G. Cox
Elementary School in Winterville,
N.C. But because 20 ECU stu-
dents volunteer their time and
energies four afternoons each
week, the tiny building has been
transformed into an extra study
center for approximately 50 child-
ren with learning deficiencies in
language arts, mathematics, or
These ECU students are mem-
bers of Gamma Beta Phi, an
honors and service society for
improving education. They alter-
nately spend an hour and a half
each week tutoring elementary
children, grades four through
eight, who have fallen behind
their classmates in their reading
and math studies.
The society works through the
Parent-Teachers Association
(PTA) Council" Tutorial Reading
and Math Program. And, accord-
ing to Mrs. Ann Posey who heads
up the program, this helps for the
special children would not be
possible without the socjety' s free
In the past, such programs
were funded through the Federal
Emergency School Aid Act.
But these funds were cut by 50
per cent last year. So the A.G.
Cox afternoon tutoring sessions
had to be cancelled, according to
Mrs. Posey.
Now the doors of the small
building once again open wide
after school hours to receive
dozens of elementary students
who need and want extra help to
catch up with their classmates.
And Gamma Beta Phi presi-
dent John Edwards feels this is a
most rewarding experience.
"It's very rewarding to be
able to come here and give our
time to help these young kids
he said.
"We're not doing it fa any
purpose other than to help and
because we just want to. And
we're enjoying it very much
Most of the children in the
program come from either
poverty-stricken homes a hones
where the parents doi't have
time to help them, accading to
However, Mrs. Posey noted
that 400 of the 600 A.G. Cox
students qualified, after testing,
fa the program.
"These kids will just get
farther and farther behind if no
one helps, Edwards said.
So now, if a child at A.G. Cox
doesn't understand the work
covered in class that day, he can
come to the little building after
school and get the individual help
he needs.
How do the parents of these
children respond to the program?
"We've contacted some
parents who didn't even know
their children were behind the
rest of the class in their school
wak said Mrs. Posey.
"They seem very happy to
have this oppatunity fa their
And the children's response?
"Very gcod said Edwards.
"This is not as structured as the
classroom situation. We can sit
down, joke around with them, and
it relaxes them so that they want
us to wak with them
He cited an incident when a
little boy in the program met him
at the doa.
" He ran up to me as I walked in
the doa, yelling, 'Come on! I
want you to help me with this test
I had today
Accading to Edwards, that's
what makes it all worthwhile.
Ironically, very few of the
Gamma Beta Phi tutas intend to
teach after graduation. Fa those
who do, this provides excellent
practical experience.
For the others, such as
Edwards, a business maja, it's
simply another means of improv-
ing education.
And 50 young, smiling faces
make all the extra time and
energy that the kids spend in the
little wooden building very worth-
Indians charge Sault Ste.
Marie with discrimination
NEW YORK (LNS)-Charges
of widespread discrimination a-
gainst Native Americans by the
City of Sault Ste. Marie, Michi-
gan were made public November
19. They include the misuse of
millions of dollars in federal
After a year long study, the
Michigan Advisay Canmittee to
the U.S. Commission on Civil
Rights released its report detail-
ing services to Native Americans
who were inadequate a non-
existent. These included stam
and sanitary sewers, street lights,
roads, snow-plowing, fire hy-
drants, reaeation facilities, side-
walks and emergency services.
The quality of services in white
areas of the city is better, the
repot said.
Twenty per cent of Sault Ste.
Marie's 15,000 residents are
Indian and most live in a
neighborhood of the city called
Mar-Shunk. Last January,
twenty-nine Mar-Shunk residents
filed a class action suit charging
the city with discrimination in 10
types of services. The suit asked
that the city be barred from
spending any federal funds until
those services were provided. No
trial date has been set.
The Civil Rights repot calls
fo a state and federal inquiry into
city misuse of millions of dollars
in federal funds. City officials
have violated aiminal laws by
signing federal documents each
year stating that they had not
discriminated in use of the funds,
investigatas say.
Women's rights
cause setback
NEW YORK (LNS)-ln a major
setback fa the wanen's right
movement, the Supreme Court
ruled December 7 that employers
may refuse to pay disability
benefits to women fa pregnancy.
The decision, in a case
involving women workers at
General Electric, was a big
victoy fa employers who con-
tend that ooverage of childbirth
and pregnancy complications add
significantly to their oosts.
Accading to an article in the
December 8 Wall Street Journal,
"The ruling reinfoces the grow-
ing impression that members of
the business oommunity are likely
to get a sympathetic hearing
when they take aucial cases to
the oourt headed by Chief Justice
Warren Burger who was
appointed by Nixon
The Supreme Court's ruling
overruled six previous rulings by
U.S. Courts of Appeals. Evoy
Court of Appeals that has con-
sidered the issue has held that
exclusion of pregnancy from
disability ooverage violates Title
VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
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January 25 and 26 at 8:15 p.m.
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"The Kitchen
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Page 4
18 January 1977
Minority neglect
Many of the hassles of foreign students on this
campus can be directly traced to unconcern on the
part of the university administration for the special
problems this minority must endure while studying
in the United States.
One of the few positive efforts and feeble it is,
which the administration has made to give direction
to the foreign students program was to establish the
Committee on International Student Affairs. Chaired
by Col. Blake, assistant to the Chancellor, this
committee should take an active role in promoting
the foreign students program at this university and
assuring it of continued success once that status has
been attained. But with the committee meeting only
onoe each year it's a wonder the program does not
wither from sheer neglect.
The administration has contributed to the
program by providing a house and a part-time
counselor fa the foreign students. Again, however,
the attempt has been half-hearted. The house suffers
from neglect, students who reside there must bear
the costs of expensive repairs, and their oounselor,
Ron Scronce, must juggle his duties as full-time
advisor at Ayocck dormitory in order to serve the
foreign students.
At the meeting Thursday called by SGA President
Tim Sullivan and Kent Johnson, Chairman fa
International Proarams, those attending discussed
the problems of foreign students at ECU, Saoice
admitted that his primary commitment at Aycock did
not allow him enough time to devote adequate
attention to the foreign group. There should be a
full-time administrator to promulgate this program
and handle its needs.
Sullivan and the SGA are laying the groundwork
for a respectable international students program at
ECU by creating the office for international programs
and appointing a concerned student to coordinate
this most-beneficial activity. It is now up to Johnson
tooonvince the administration of the worthiness of
this program and to coax it off its frozen assets.
There should be at least the same emphasis on
student welfare as there is on some of the more
grandiose projects on campus.
Serving the East Carolina oommunity for over fifty years
"Senior EditorJim Elliott
Production ManagerJimmy Williams
Business ManagerTeresa Whisenant
Advertising ManagerDennis Leonard
News EditorsDebbie Jackson
J. Neil Sessoms
Trends EditorPat Coyle
Sports EditorSteve Wheeler
FOUNTAINHEAD is the student newspaper of East
Carolina University sponsored by the Student Government
Association of ECU and is distributed each Tuesday and
Thursday during the school year, weekly during the summer.
Mailing address: Old South Building, Greenville, N.C.
Editorial Offices: 757-6366, 757-636 757-6309.
Subscriptions: $10.00 annually for non-students, $6.00 tor
&Xp&vs? yes, but uje.ll oJonth -ihe. pece
Feminist apathy criticized
I think there isan issue on this
campus that needs some con-
sideration on the part of all
students; that is the problem of
Last spring a man walked in
the shower on a girl in Slay dorm
one Saturday afternoon. Luckily a
rape did not occur in this case,
but there have been other recent
incidents that have nbt been so
fortunate. At that time, I (with the
help of Reba Faison) started to
organize a group known as ISHA,
to help educate students on this
campus as to the problems facing
women today. Unfortunately,
there has been little to no interest
in our group. This is where the
problem lies. I understand that
people are busy with school work
and partying, and that going to
meetings is basically a drag. But,
it really shocks me to know that
not even the women care about
women's problems.
I witnessed an unbelievable
incident the other night on
campus. A policeman offered to
escort a girl across campus, and
all he got for his oonoern were
laughs and sneers. I also heard a
rumor that a girl cried rape and
then laughed when the author-
ities came to help. Well girls,
don't expect any help when you
really need it if you intend to
laugh, criticize and insult one of
your only methods of protection
onthiscampus. Don't criticize the
campuspdioe until you're willing
to help yourself. It is not a joke.
You' re not living in a world where
the man is necessarily going to
protect you. It's up to you, and
until you realize it, you had better
stop complaining.
Another thing I'd like to add
to al I you people who have labeled
me as an anti-sex, old-maid
feminist-l don't think there is
anything wrong with sex. As a
matter of fact ISHA sponsored a
forum on contraception which few
bothered toattend. (Do you really
think you know everything about
it??) The issue here is that of one
human being violating the rights
of another human being. Until
people start considering the
other person s feelings, this
world is in trouble.
You can start by attending
Frederic Storaska's lecture on
Wednesday, Jan. 26 at 800 in
Mendenhall Student Center
Theatre (admission is free to
students and faculty). It's a
matter of responsibility - nothing
will get done until people start
caring. Any comments or
questionson ISHA are welcomed.
Cheri Leake
Music students rap coverage
It is most unfortunate that
FOUNTAINHEAD's only decent
coverage of School of Music
activities has been the Thanks-
giving Day football game fiasco.
The ECU Symphonic Wind
Ensemble was chosen as Honor
Band for Governor Hunt's inau-
guration this past Saturday. This
was indeed a great honor, as we
were the instrumental ensemble
for the event. Six people left at
730 a.m. for Raleigh, sat for 3
hours in 30-degree weather, and
played in a manner the rest of the
school should at least hear about.
Yet the only coverage consisted of
one short sentence thrown into a
long article about the inaugura-
tion. It is nice to have pictures of
visiting statesmen, but it would
have been nice to have at least
one photograph of the Wind
Ensemble and a few more details
on why we were there. (Besides,
we support this paper, not Andy
Griffith!) The School of Music
deserves better recognition for
our achievements than you afford
us. Many of us have waited four
years just to see our own school
realize that we have enough to
offer to warrant an occasional
paragraph in OUR paper. We
don't expect this will change, but
it's a shame that the "voice of the
school" continues to ignore a
good percentage of its students
those of us in Fine Arts.
Gail S. Ramee, Elizabeth S.
Weeks, Denise Hodges, Janet
Whitman, Barbara Hill, Billy
Grimmet, David Rockefeller,
Mike Lopez, Gary Cassedy, Lisa
Schnurr, Carol Cherrix, Catherine
Conger, Curtis Pitsenbarqer.
Laurie Nicholson, Karen Chaplin,
Deborah Fales, Teresa Meeks,
Harvey Stokes, Jim Poteat, Keith
Henry, Jay Williams, Cyndy
Cooley, Freddie McLean, Alan
McQuiston, Mike Waddell,
Thomas, Amoreno, Lee Brown,
Melanie Vaught, Andrea Har-
man, Mike Fussell, Bill Frazier,
Scott Tate, Tyler Dunlap, Joseph
Kasmark, Lee Parker, Marshall
Swenz, Jay Downie.

Repairs and heating bills cause pinch
18 January 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 5
International House strains budget
The current condition of the
International House and other
problems of foreign students was
the topic of a meeting held
Thursday in Mendenhall Student
The meeting was initiated by
the SGA president Tim Sullivan
and Kent Johnson, SGA's newly
designated chairman for Interna-
tional Programs.
Dr. Hans Indorf, the SGA
adviser, several foreign students
and Ron Scronce, counselor at
Aycock dorm who also acts as
part-time adviser to the foreign
students attended.
Scronce, whom the university
administration has designated
Coordinator of International Stu-
dent Affairs, explained that the
Internationrl House is owned by
the university but must be
maintained by the students who
are living there.
He said high heating bills and
needed repairs are putting a
strain on the International Stu-
dent Center account which he
Dr. Indorf suggested that the
rent residents pay at the house be
raised. Residence at the house
which is limited to four students,
should be open to American
students for two rooms, he added.
The house is currently in need
of a $250 repair on the roof,
according to Scronce.
Scronce announceo he is
trying to assemble a group of
foreign students to attend a
general meeting in Raleigh the
latter part cf January.
HOUSE is experiencing
financial woes due to high heating costs & needed
Photo by Russ Pogue
MRC authorized to fine
Staff Writer
Aocording to James Mallory,
Dean of Men, the Men's Resi-
dence Council (MRC) has the
authority to assess fines against
dormitory residents since they are
an elected governing body.
This year the MRC distributed
a list of major and minor offenses
and accompanying fines to stu-
dents in the men's residence
Major offenses include pos-
session of fireworks, public
drunkenness, and malicious
damage to state property.
One major offense was listed
as "other offenses not specifically
"That is the kind of thing that
would not hold up in court said
Mallory when questioned about
the vagueness of the last offense.
Continued from p. 1
Barry Robinson, Student
Union president, doesn't approve
of the amendment.
"I don't think that the amend-
ment will serve any purpose
except, possibly, to solve some
grievances that certain members
of the Board have against me or
the Union said Robinson.
Robinson said that he does not
feel that it will have any effect on
the students, because the Board
can only act on major policy
changes such as accepting the
proposed budget ox approving
"The various committees, not
the Board, decide the entertain-
ment aocording to Robinson.
Robinson said that he is
oonoerned that students will tend
to run on platforms oonoerning
better programming.
"One of the legislators ran on
a platform of issues regarding
concerts in the fall. At that time
he had nothing to do with the
Union said Robinson.
Robinson disagree with the
oontention that the amendment
will bring more student input into
the Union.
"I wish that if students have
oomplaints they would come to
me, and we would put them to
work on a committee said
Aocording to Robinson, the
Board is not a functioning body
and entertainment ideas are
referred to committees in the long
"I think that the Union is
functioning very well as it is
now said Robinson.
SGA treasurer and Board
member Tommy Thomason said
that there are a lot of flaws in the
"It's slighting WRC and
MRC. They're excluded com-
pletely said Thomason.
Under Article IV the presi-
dents of WRC and MRC would be
made x-off icio members.
"If that's the way it'll be, I
won't accept it said Thomason.
Thomason also said that she
believes Board members have
been slighting the Board because
they are so busy with other jobs.
Sullivan said that he will call
another meeting of the Board this
week to discuss the matter
Mallory said hall advisors are
expected to use good judgement
when enforcing the rules.
"Some of the offenses need
clarification said Mallory.
Aocording to Frankie Spoon, a
Jones dorm hall advisor, fines
imposed by hall advisors can be
appealed to the house judiciary
and from there to the Dean of
Some students have quest-
ioned the authority of hall advis-
ors to levy fines.
"A fine is imposed by a oourt
of oompetent jurisdiction after the
defendant has been lawfully
convicted of a criminal offense
said University Attorney,Dr.
Dave Stevens when asked who
has the authority to levy fines.
'2 lb. Royal Rib Eye 5teak Dinner
Includes a hot baked potato, crisp garden
fresh salad, and fresh baked hot roll.
Regular $2.79
with coupon
SALAD BAR jjy.yi
49p cTCAirl lumiicc: VALIDONLYON
With Dinner! O I t Aft. V rKjUoC. MON & THUR
500 W. Greenville Blvd.
3 Pieces of Flounder, cocktail sauce or tarter sauce, lemon
wedge, baked potato, cole slaw, and fresh baked roll.
Regular $2.39
with coupon
With Dinner! STEAK M HUUbfc. MON&THUR
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The Tree House
The Tree People Proudly
Present the Fine Music of
Tuesday- Dana Rich
Wednesday- Special Guests &?
Special rates on beverages
Thursday- Chris Farren Sat TheO'sville
Rainbow Band
Sun. & Mon Jazz Night with
Dukeand John
Corner of 5th & Cotanche
Tues. Jan.iath MASH
Wed. Jan. 19th North Carolina at N.C. State
Sat. Jan. 22nd North Carolina at Maryland
Sat. at 11:00P.M. Saturday Night Live
???? ???? ? ???. ???

Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAD 18 January 1977
Bell's cafe; family soul food headquarters
Staff Writer
Smells of collard greens,
barbecue, and stew beef greet
the hungry patrons as they enter
long, narrow, two-story white
building at 604 Albemarle
Avenue. A red sign with white
letters proclaims "Bell's Restau-
rant, Soul Food Headquarters .
Bell's Cafe was established in
1920 by Grant Bell. Sr according
to Charles Bell, Grant's son and
present operator of the restau-
"It's a family thing Bell
said proudly. "Four generations
of Bells can be found here now
A portrait of his father stares
down from the wall as the large
black man with slightly graying
hair speaks. His grandson
Donald. 17-months-old, wanders
around the tables.
'It's the oldest eating esta-
blishment in town, period, said
Bell. "And the oldest under the
same management
The cafe thrived during the
1930s and 40s when the Imperial
Tobacco Company down the block
employed 600 to 700 persons
before the rise of automation,
commented Bell.
"But the same meal that I get
$2 for now was 25 cents then
laughed Bell.
The menus written on a piece
of notebook paper and lies on a
counter that separates the eating
area from the open door which
leads to the kitchen.
Chitterlings, pig tails and
ears, honey-dipped fried chicken,
barbecue, and stew beef are
some of the daily main courses.
"Stew beef is our speciality
says the experienced chef.
"Grant (Bell) Sr. always said.
stew beef and rice will save your
Collard greens, potato salad,
cole slaw, candied yams, and
black-eyed peas are among the
fresh vegetables served. And only
fresh seafood is prepared.
The Bells live upstairs and
also rent out rooms.
It is a 1935 vintage rooming
house operation, with nothing
modern about it, commented
" We' ve never been held-up or
broken into. Living here makes all
the difference said Bell.
His wife, Delores, frequently
oomes out of the kitchen to make
sure everything is all right and
that everyone gets full. She is a
pleasant woman, always checking
to see if anyone wants some sweet
potato pie, bread pudding with
raisins, a banana pudding which
she pulls piping hot from the
"I had people come in today
who have been with us for 50
years spoke the deep voice of
Bell. "Repeat business is what
keeps us going
Bell's was integrated before
integration was popular. The
downtown business dropped off
during the civil rights movement
of the late 50s and early 60s,
according to Bell.
Outside, workmen are reno-
vating the stores across Albe-
marle Avenue.
"This year we are getting
more business from ECU.
Bell remarked that his busi-
nesses just the way he wants it.
"It's like, when a man comes
in, I don't have to show him the
Son Dwight, 13, sits listening
and shyly smiles as his father
says he is next in line for
Bell does little advertising for
his cafe.
"I've been on this corner for
41 years, so I'm not looking for
work. I've always had a job
Bell works 15 hours a day,
seven days a week, and the whole
family joins in.
"Bell's is like an institution
and all old institutions should be
His ambition is to "be a
legend in his own time Maybe
so, but his restaurant definitely is
a legend to its patrons.
We havetemporarily
relocated in the rear of
Ridgeway Opticians due
to renovations.
Floyd G. Robinson
Snitching forces tabor
official out of posts
Lulkin, a prominent official of the
Chicago branch of the American
Federation of Teachers has been
foroed to resign from all but one
of her union posts.
Named as a key agent for the
Chicago Police Department's
Police Intelligence Division-
commonly known as the Red
Squad-Lulkin surveilled and in-
Lautares Jewelers
Registered Jewelers Certified Gemologist
American Gem Society
Diamond Specialists
See George Lautares ECU Class'41
From Cin Ohio, Billed as One of the Hottest
Groups in the East ? Played in Concert with
"Ted Nugent" and "Kiss"
Tuesday Night Special
No Cover Charge Free Refreshments til 9:30
Plus Extra Added Attraction Wed. The 2nd Annual AA
"Pretty Legs Contest"
filtrated a broad list of groups and
individuals in the Chicago area
since at least 1970.
Lulkin was first exposed in the
June issue of "Substance" a
paper published by a group of
rank and file teachers within the
Chicago AFT local. But it took
months of pressure from rank and
file delegates on Chicago Teach-
ers Union (CTU) President Robert
Healey before she was foroed to
resign this December.
According to "Substance"
editor George Schmidt, Healey
has now told the union that he
had "consultations with the CTU
lawyers and the ACLU" over the
issue and Lulkin's resignation,
and that reports by Lulkin on the
union and other groups "ran into
the hundreds
Lulkin's involvement in intelli-
gence activities was revealed in
police documents which came to
light when the Chicago Alliance
to End Repression sued Chicago
police officials for illegal surveil-
lance of community groups. A-
mong the Red Squad's informants
was one "agent 436" who, from
the type of information the agent
supplied, was determined by AFT
teachers to be Lulkin.
Sylvia Kushner, the Chicago
Peace Council's executive direct-
or, has said that after reading the
Peace Council's intelligence divi-
sion files she has "no doubt
whatsoever" about Lulkin's po-
lice role.
In addition to her union
spying, Lulkin reported on many
groups in Chicago, including
Radical Teachers Against the
War, Teachers for a Radical
Change in Education, Women for
Peace, Teachers for a Free
Society and Vietnam Veterans
Against the War. She was also
elected to the national coordinat-
ing committee of the People's
Coalition for Peace and Justice
and helped organize demonstra-
tions at the 1972 presidential
conventions in Miami.
The information that Lulkin
and other informers obtained on
such groups did not stop with the
local Red Squad. The Chicago
Sun-Times of March 24, 1975
reported that "police spy files
were routinely sent to the FBI and
others Alliance attorney Rick
Gut man says that the case is
particularly important because
"not even the Church Committee
report on the FBI and the CIA
found any evidence that labor
unions had been targets
In the local and national AFT,
Lulkin was identified with mem-
bers of the conservative forces led
by union head Albert Shanker.
Her rise in the Chicago AFT was
described as meteoric and she
travelled frequently for the AFL-
CIO in Europe and the Middle
East. Chicago Reader correspon-
dent Nancy Banks reports that
"Lulkin was known as a protege
of CTU president Healey and
when the first suspicions about
her activities surfaced last sum-
mer, Healey reportedly refused to
But eventually the pressure
became too great and Healey
requested her resignatiorfrom the
CTU Executive Board, publicity
committee, women's rights com-
mittee, professional problems
committee, special education ad-
visory committee, as well as her
positions as chairperson for the
Teachers women's rights com-
mittee, co-chairperson of the AFT
women's rights committee, and
AFT representative to the CLUM
(Coalition of Labor Union
Women) executive board.
According to "Substance
Lulkin still retains her position on
the board of the multi-million
dollar Chicago Teachers Union
pension fund.

18 January 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 7
N.J. Supreme Court clears Hurricane
(LNS)Ten years ago, Rubin
Hurricane Carter-a former
middleweight boxing champion,
and outspoken civil rights acti-
vist, was arrested along with a
casual friend, John Artis, and
charged with the murder of three
whites in a Paterson, N.J. tavern.
Without the murder weapon
ever being discovered, Carter and
Artis were found guilty of triple
murder by an all white jury in
1967, and sentenced to life
imprisonment. Alfred Bellow and
Arthur Bradley admitted that
they were pressured into lying in
exchange for the dropping of the
robbery charges pending against
them at the time.
After a long legal fight and a
nationwide support campaign,
the case was sent to the New
Jersey State Supreme Court in
January 1976. In a unanimous
ruling, the court overturned the
convictions, charging the prose-
cution with witholding evidence
and substantially prejudicing a
fair trial.
The retrial which began Octo-
ber 12 ended December 21 with a
reconviction of the two. The
verdict means that the two
blacks-who have already served
nine years in prison-again face
life imprisonment when senten-
cing takes place January 27.
The prosecution's case was
based entirely on a "racial
revenge' theory as a motive fa
the slaying of the three whites.
Throughout the retrial, the state
maintained that Carter and Artis
gunned down the whites in
retaliation fa the killing six hours
earlier of a black bartender.
The only prosecution testi-
mony linking Carter and Artis to
the scene of the aime was from
Alfred Bellow, who had testified
against them in the first trial,
later recanted, but had now
agreed to reverse his stay fa the
second time.
We didn't have a retrial; we
had a rerun Carter declared
after the jury announced its
verdict It took two of them last
timetoconvict us, and this time it
took only oneWhy was Bellow
able to come into this courtroom
and allowed to testify after the
amount of lies he told?
"The facts were not tried
Carter oontinued. "Emotionsof a
black-white nature came into
be'ng and the objectivity that all
juras are supposed to have just
went out the window. That motive
of revenge took away everybody's
sight and therefae people started
feeling rather than seeing what
they were looking at
John Artis stressed the same
point: "Once that aspect of racial
revenge a racism was entered
into it, the juras minds were
canpletely taken away fron the
facts he told a press conference
following the verdict.
It's like a nightmarish
dreamlike walking through a
tunnel that keeps going in circles.
When you think you're at the end,
you' re right back at the beginning
In his defense summation,
85 students take ski trip
Staff Writer
Sugar Mountain and Appala-
chian Ski Mountain were the sites
of the ECU ski program from Dec.
18 to 23.
There were 85 students at the
two N.C. ski areas, some credit
At the slopes the students
attended a boot and binding clinic
first. Bindings hold the ski boots
to the skis.
Then the exam was held on
the slopes. A written test was also
Fiftv students went to Sugar
years ago at ECu and has been
very successful, according to
Jim Cotrell. president of the
French-Swiss Ski College at
Appalachian Ski Mountain, initi-
ated the program through the
Phvsical Educational Department
ONE GROUP OF ski trip participants.
and some non-credit, participa-
ting in a one hour credit ski
course offered at ECU. This
course is sponsored by the
Physical Education department.
There were five pre-skiing
sessions at ECU to help prepare
the students by teaching ski
terminology, conditioning, cloth-
ing, and also to socialize to
become familiar with each other,
said Mrs. Joe Saunders, program
Mountain and it cost them $100
fa five days and four nights, ski
lessons, equipment and lift fees.
Thirty-five students got the same
deal at Appalachian Ski Mountain
fa $75.
The students at Sugar stayed
in 6 condominiums. Those that
went to Appalachian stayed at the
Holiday Inn in Boone. There were
approximately the same number
of boys as girls.
The course was started five
five years ago.
This is the first year a group
has gone to Sugar Mountain and
Saunders said she was very
pleased with the result.
The trip was so successful that
an ECU Ski Club has been famed
and it is sponsored by
the Physical Education Depart-
ment and the Spats Club Divi-
sion, said Saunders. The ECU Ski
Club will oomDete with other ski
clubs onJan. 28-29 at Beech Mt.
Carter's lawyer Myron Beldook
called the prosecution's argument
that Carter and Artis killed the
three whites in racist revenge "a
racial hara stay that feeds oi
the basest part of us all
"It created the old lynching
atmosphere explained Artis'
defense lawyer Lewis Steel.
"There was the specter of two
blacks going on a rampage and
killing whites fa no reason at
allThe jury didn't even ask fa
aie single bit of testimony to be
read back to them
Steel noted that Artis had
called six character vitnesses
during the course of the trial,
among them a minister, his track
coach and two professas at a
local college. All testified that
the defendant was a "model
young man
Ladies Fall and Winter
25 to 50 Off
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We repair all makes and models of
We sell custom parts and accessories.
We do custom painting.
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Coming soon- van accessories
PHONE: 752-2136
Prescription Dept. with medication
profiles: yonr prescription always at
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lose your RL bottle.
6.98 LIST ALBUMS 4,99

Page 8 FOUNTAiNHEAD 18 January 1977
? ? ? ?
THIS IS THE art gallery in
the new Jenkins Annex.
The gallery rests on a 9,00C
square-foot parquet floor
made of golden oak. The
overhead spotlights are
mounted on tracks for easy
mobility to achieve desired
lighting effects. To the side
of the gallery, a kitchen has
been installed to prepare
food for art receptions. A
preparation room for
mounting objects to be
displayed is also adjacent to
the gallery.
? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ?
i ? ? ??
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ?
Eat a big one at
:Wt?jfl S
Pizsa & Spaghetti Houm
507 East 14th Street
Greenville, North Carolina
V, FOOT - 1.20
Ham, Salami, Sa ce. Cheese, Baked
Meatballs & Meat Sauce
Ham, Salami, Mustard, Mayonnaise
Olive Oil, Lettuce & Tomato
Hamburger Steak, Lettuce & Tomato
Mustard, Mayonnaise
Ham, Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato, Mustard
Pastrami, Pickle & Mustard
Roast Beef, Mustard, Toma'o
Not only Italian food, but we specialize in
submarine sandwiches. Tuesday buy 2 of
any size sub, receive one Free or buy one and
receive a Free Coke.

Solar energy could solve
fuel, economy problems
Production Manager
Solar energy is currently at
use in the home of an energy
buff in Kinston, N.C.
L.L. Smith has been experi-
menting with and using solar
collectors for the past three years.
Smith, who likes to tinker in
home heating, found the idea in a
professional building magazine
which discussed experimental
units then in use in Colorado.
" If we can heat water, we can
use it to heat our homes Smith
The idea of a solar collector is
simple. Water passes through an
air space between weather-tight
plexiglass and a blackened
absorber plate.
The water, warmed by the
sun, is transferred through a
system of tubes to an insulated
storage tank.
The heated water is then used
to heat the storage tank which is
full of water.
"I had two tanks (770 total
gallons) of water heated to about
185 degrees last summer Smith
Here the water can be used for
either home heating or household
The collectors can rotate slow-
ly through the day to follow the
path of the sun.
Each time the motors turn on
to rotate them, the energy used is
equivalent to that of a 60-watt
light bulb burning for about five
I n October the col lectors heat-
ed for more than five hours a day
on the average, according to
The rotation of the collectors
increases their sun-gathering
potential 100 per cent, Smith
"Hot water by solar energy is
feasible according to Dr. Carl
G. Adler of the East Carolina
University (ECU) physics depart-
ment. "But the initial cost is very
Smith, who owns Solar Heat
Inc a Kinston firm dealing in
solar heating equipment, esti-
mated the cost fa materials and
installation of a system like his to
be around $3,000 per unit.
Three units are presently in
use at the Smith residence which
were $21 for the solar heated unit
and $51 for the electrically heated
"I aim for homes in the 1,000
to 1,200 square foot range
Smith explained. "My units are
built fa them
has a heated area of 2,400 sq. ft.
One unit is used strictly to
heat water fa hone use while the
other two are used to heat the
home itself.
"I think I'm saving about 50
per cent on my electric bill said
Smith. "But more could be saved
depending on insulation and the
general set-up
In a recent analysis of two
separately equipped apartments
which Smith owns, electric bills
a solution to the energy problem.
"Solar heating fa the hone
would be practical if the unit
could be built by the home-
owner noted Adla.
"Industry would have a much
harder time justifying the cost of
solar heat Adler went on to say.
As electric bills continue
rising and as competition be-
tween manufacturers become
mae fierce, less time will be
required to realize a return on an
investment in a solar collector.
18 January 1977
Local cinema - the pits
Staff Writer
This week there will be no witty oomments on how bad the movie
selection is in Greenville, one reason being that the situation is simply
not funny, and another that I canna think of any oomments sufficiently
sarcastic to do the situation justice.
Greenville is admittedly low on the lists that determine who will
receive what film, and when. That is certainly part of the problem. A
maja facta, however, is that the managers of the theatres involved
don't give the audience aedit enough fa knowing good cinema. There
is simply no rationale fa a film the likes of "The Cars that Eat
This reviewer does na know whether the films are viewed by the
managers of the theatres befae they are presented. Many films are
merely chosen off a list and when the name of a certain star appears in
the synopsis, the film is adered on the basis of the "star" selling
quality. This was almost certainly the case with the flick containing
Marty Feldman. The faeign film, which wasaieof hisearly waks was
actually extremely soft-cae '60's pan and one is sure this is not what
the manager intended. This reviewer noted almost a full house the first
night, simply on the basis of Mr. Feldman's name, and almost no
crowds thaeafta.
Rather than merely oondemn the theatres fa atrocious productions,
this reviewa presents an alternative to these financial and cinematic
All film oompanies have huge backlogs of films that are considered
to be classics and are rrat often presented fa they are eitha, in black
and white, not large scale production films, a explicate an unfamiliar
theme. These are the films that are genaally shown in film classes as
examples of style.
These films could be rented in groups by the theatres at virtually
the same, a less the oost of films the like of "Alex and the Gypsy
The theatres oould hold "weeks" of certain types of films. On certain
New England campuses the local theatres stage "Bogart night"
Dietrich night etc. and present these films. Many of the shows often
show the Bogart film "Casablanca" in conjunction with the Woody
Allen parody "Play it Again, Sam
These univasities, as well as holding a particular night as a star
night, often devote the week to a group of topical films; Heartbreak,
Western, Silent, Tragedy, etc. There are even some very respectable
Shakespearean classics done, containing the likes of Marioe Evans
from British Films Cap. Many students, (one must oonfess) would
garner a betta knowledge of these classics than if they were to attempt
to wade through the aiginal vasioi.
This reviewer believes that great films live faever. Though Algiers
is gone and almost mystical, "Casablanca" is one of the great
romances of all time. Any of the older Bagman films, which
occasionally tend towards the risque are examples of great talent
emaging. Preminda's epics, Houston's Westan's, Peckinpaw's
violence films, all of these are worth presenting, and are betta than
maely presenting a film whose maja advertisement is that it involves
the greatest on-film collision of all time.
Can Bruce Lee kick out the street light of Detroit? Is Burt Reynolds
hairia than Sasquatch (which sounds like an exit on the Jasey
Turnpike)? Does Bert Lancasta have mae teeth than Gata? The
answers to these questions are what Greenville cinema offas as
entertainment this week.
Pollution cure can pollute
FUEL COSTS for home-owners and business could be cut substantially if collectors are used.
Photos by Jimmy Williams
bahood residents living near the
Califania Carbon Company in
Los Angeles complained of being
sickened by fumes from the plant.
The city charged the company
with violating air pollution stand-
ards, and this October the Los
Angeles firm agreed to a court
injunction requiring it to close in
six months. The oompany special-
izes in making industrial filters to
reduce air pollution from

Page 10 FOUNTAINHEAD 18 January 1977
A new way to 'get high'
UFM ensures lo w-cost t'lying
Staff Writer
Once the engine is started and
warmed up. the pilot picks up the
light frame and rests it on the
small of his ba
The air flowing over the wings
lightens the load as he connects
the swing seat
After a few quick running
steps, the airaaft is flying. Then
man and machine climb to
soaring altitudes from 100 to
10.000 feet.
The powered airaaft is a
low-cost, owner-built, hang glider
equipped with a McCulloch en-
gine. It was developed by John K.
Moody, owner of Ultralight Fly-
ing Machines (UFM)
It was designed by Moody to
make immediate low-cost flying
available to the general public.
Moody admits that the deve-
lopment of a power capacity for
hang gliders imposes certain
problems for the prospective
pilot, however, he says it greatly
improves the safety facta.
Use of an air speed indicator,
an altimeter and an exhaust
temperature gauge for fine tuning
the engine is recommendedi
These instruments are readily
available from us or can be
purchased locally, said Moody.
All other components are
provided in a $1.325 kit available
from UFM. P.O. Box 21867.
Milwaukee. Wise 53221.
Many partsor tnecomuitiauun
kit are pre-assembled, but the
owner must still complete over 51
percent of the total building job
for it to qualify as owner-built,
said Moody.
"It should take about 100 to
125 hours to complete he said.
Once an engine is put on an
airaaft of any type, according to
the Federal Aviation Agency
(FAA), the airaaft then becomes
a powered airplane and is subject
to FAA regulations.
Single-seat, owner-built, air-
aaft are registered by the FAA in
a special class as experimental
There are four basic steps to
follow before a prospective pilot
may legally fly an experimental
First a U.S. Identification
Number must be obtained.
Then, the airaaft must be
registered, which costs $5.
Prior to covering the wings
and rudders with fabric, a local
FAA inspector must check the
structure of the plane.
Then, a final FAA inspection
must be passed. When passed,
the airaaft is issued an Airworth-
iness Certificate.
In addition, the pilot must
pass an FAA approved medical
examination and obtain a student
pilot's license.
Finally, an FAA licensed in-
structor must be found to watch
the pilot successfully fly. He then
endorses the student's pilot li-
cense and pilot log book for solo
The hours which the pilot
spends flying his powered-hang
glider as a student pilot can then
be applied toward the hours of
solo flight time required to obtain
a private pilot's license.
According to Moody, how-
ever, a conventional two-seat
airplane must also be used to
obtain the flight proficiency re-
quired to pass the FAA test.

18 January 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 11
f ro?i Shakespeare to Williams
Acting Company to perform, teach here
Staff Writer
The Acting Company will
perform at ECU'S McGinnis
Auditorium January 25-29, 1977,
according to East Carolina Play-
Tickets go on sale January 17
for the following performances:
Shakespeare's Love Labour's
Lost. January 25 and 26 at 8:15
p.m. and January 26 at 2:15
p.m Arnold Wesher's The
Kitchen, January 27 at 8:15 p.m
and Tennessee Williams' Camino
Real, January 28 and 29 at 8:15
The Acting Company is the
only permanent professional com-
pany touring classic and modern
plays in repertory coast to coast
It offers teaching demonstra-
tions and workshops as part of its
touring program.
Students at ECU will have the
chance to take "master classes"
from the troupe dunng this year's
residency in Greenville.
Such areas as mime, stage
combat, mask and voice will be
covered, according to East
Carolina Playhouse.
John Houseman formed the
oompany in 1972 from the first
graduating class of the Juilliard
School Drama Division.
Houseman, known for his
extensive work in American
theatre, has been an active
director and producer of plays for
the past thirty years.
Along with Orson Welles, he
founded radio s Mercury Theatre.
Most reoently he has been seen in
films such as "Rollerball
Three Days of the Condor and
"The Paper Chase fa which he
won an Academy Award.
The Acting Company has won
wide acclaim since its formation.
The Company won an Obie Award
in its first two seasons of
performances on off-Broadway in
New York.
The Company has received
three Tony nominations and six
Drama Desk Award nominations.
The Acting Company production
of The Robber Bridegroom seen
last year in Greenville, is current-
ly enjoying a successful run on
Union sponsors Symphony
The highly acclaimed Detroit
Symphony Orchestra will perform
in concert on Tuesday, February
8, 1977, at 8100 o.m. in Wriaht
Detroit Symphony includes such
legendary names as Richard
Strauss. Georges Enesco,
Rachmaninoff. Robert r.a3-
A LDO CECCA TO will conduct the
Auditorium. The Orchestra's ap-
pearance is under the auspices of
the ECU Student Union Artists
Series Committee.
The Detroit Symphony
Orchestra was founded in 1914,
and at present consists of 97
members. The Orchestra enjoys a
reputation of undisputed ex-
cellence, as is evidenced by its
many invitations to perform out-
side of Detroit. In past years
repeated performances have been
given in such august places as
Carnegie Hall, before the United
Nation and at the John F.
Kennedy Center fa the Perfam-
ing Arts in Washingtai, D.C. The
Orchestra is also the resident
Symphony at the Meadow Brook
Music Festival and at the
Worcester Festival in
The roster of great perfamers
who have appeared with the
Detroit Symphony here
desus, and Stravinsky. Con-
tempaary artists such as Rubin-
stein, Heifetz, and Stern have
also perfamed with the Sym-
Former conductors of the
Orchestra were Weston Gales,
Ossip Gabrilowitsch, Victor
Kolar, Franco Ghione, Karl
Krueger. Paul Paray and Sixten
Ehrling. Aldo Ceccato became
principle conducta of the Detroit
Symphony in September 1973 and
was appointed Music Directa in
May of 1974.
Masestro Ceccato entered the
conducting field early in his
twenties, after a prominent career
asa pianist in histeens. A concert
in Milan at which he conducted
the twelve Vivaldi Opus8 concerti
quickly established him as one of
the exciting new conducting
talents on the European scene.
Engagements with the leading
achestras and opera houses of
Italy followed, including San
Carlo in Naples. Venice's La
Fenice, LaScala, and the Maggio
Musicale in Flaence. Soon he
found himself conducting all over
Europe. He made his United
States debut in 1969.
In addition to his work with
the Detroit Symphony Orchestra,
Ceccato serves as Music Directa
of the Meadow Brook Music
Festival. He also keeps up a very
busy schedule of guest conduct-
ing. He has repeatedly conducted
every maja American achestra,
including Boston, Chicago, Cleve-
land, Philadelphia, and New
Tickets fa the ccocert ar
available fran the East Carolina
University Central Ticket Office
and are priced at $2.50 fa East
Carolina University students and
$6.00 fa the public. All tickets at
the dcor will be $6.00.
VVCplu? tax MonThurs.
Crabeakes, slaw, freneh fries plus
V pound hamburger steak, slaw,
freneh fries and rolls.
Fish, slaw freneh fries, hushpuppies.
Seafood House and Oyster Bar
Open 4:30-9:00 MonSat. 752-3172
2 miles east on highway 264
(out 10th St.)
The Acting Company is a
noi-profit aganizatiai, and re-
ceives financial suppat from the
National Endowment fa the Arts,
and the New Yak State Arts
Council plus The Nath Carolina
Department of Cultural Re-
The New York Times calls The
Acting Company the finest re-
pertay oompany in New Yak
City. The Boston Clnbe terms the
company superb. ' hey are the
future accading fo The Los
Anqeles Times.
The Acting Comi ny is com-
prised of 20 members from all
over the United States. Many of
the members are graduates of the
Julliard School Drama Division.
The average age in the
Company is 25. The Artistic
Directas are John Houseman and
Gerald Freedman.
Tickets may be adered by
mail fran East Carolina P
house (Acting Company). De-
partment of Drama. East Carolina
University. Greenville, N.C.
Ticket prices for evening
performances are $6.00 ECU
Faculty and staff, general public;
$3.00 ECU students; and $2.00
Group Rate (20 a more).
Ticket prices for matinee
performances are $3.00 ECU
Faculty and staff, general public;
$2.00 students; and $1.50 Group
Trio Tickets (one price fa all
three shows) are $15.00 ECU
Faculty and staff, general public
and $7.50 ECU students.
McGinnis Box Office opens
January 17. 1977 with hours from
10O0a.m. to400 p.m. weekdays
and one hour befae perfam-
;X b- REG

AfT 1.29
SUPER Jrrftf' 2.59


O PHONE752-6130

Page 12
18 January 1977
The Figures Revised continue as the top-ranked team in the Men's
basketball league and the Baptist Student Union still ranks as the top
team in women's play as the end begins to near fa regular-season play
in intramural basketball.
Both men'sand women's play will be completed by the end of the
month, at which time the playoffs will begin to determine the
all-campus champions. In the men's division there will definitely be an
all-campus champion different than last year since the Herb Superbs
have been disqualified from the Independent league. It was found that
they were using an illegal player.
The Herb Superbs are the third team to be disqualified in the
Independent league this year and as a result, the intramural
department is beginning a belated investigation into all teams in all
Another dispute arose last week when the Phi Sigma Pi Cougars
upset the previously-unbeaten Phi Epsilon Kappa Dunkers. The
Dunkers protested the loss, saying that the Cougars were using several
players from their other team to play the Dunkers. The protest is still
pending investigation.
With all the flak over ineligibility and the like, play has still been
pretty hairy in the men's league, as no less then 40 teams still have a
shot at division titles andor playoff spots fa their receptive divisional
The toughest division by far is the damitay division and the
toughest division among that group is the Echo league. In the Echo
league, three of this week's top ten teams are grouped. The top-ranked
Figures Revised, the second-ranked Nutties Buddies and the
sixth-ranked Jones Nuggets are all undefeated in that league with 4-0
marks as the final two weeks of play draws near.
Another tight division is the Independent league, where the
Desperados and the Rockets lead their respective divisions, but they
are challenged by no fewer than six teams that have lost only one
The Dam Bravo league has five teams tied fa the top spot with 2-1
recads and the Independent Purple team has six teams tied fa
first-place with 3-1 recads.
The Fraternity league title is still up fa grabs, following an upset
on Sunday that saw the Kappa Sigmas hand the Kappa Alphas their
first loss of the year, 41-36. The loss put Kappa Alpha Psi in sole
position of first-place with a 4-0 mark, while Kappa Alpha, Sigma Nu
and Pi Kappa Phi all stand tied fa second at 3-1. Impatant games still
remain in that divisiai as the Kappa Alphas have yet to play the Kappa
Alpha Psis a Pi Kappa Phi. The Sigma Nus and the Pi Kapps square
off this week.
Defense too much for
ASU, Bucs win 66-54
In women's play the BSU team continued to swamp its opposition,
with the latest victay being a 32-12 rout over the previously unbeaten
Stardusters. The BSUers have clinched at least a tie fa first in their
league and a playoff berth but still have to play White Lightening (4-1)
to win their league title outright.
I n saaity divisiai play the Tri Sigmas moved out in front with a 7-0
mark after handing Alpha Xi Delta its first loss of the year. The Alpha
Phis and Alpha Omiaon Pi are still in coitentioi fa the secaid playoff
spot, after the Alpha Phis handed the A O Pis their first loss of the
Nock's Nockers hold a hefty head in their league after knocking off
both of its closest challengers, the Nibs and the Cottentails, in the
same week.
In the final women's league, the Goal league, the Jammers 10 hold
first place with a 3-0 mark, while the Day Students, Hypertension and
Keziah's Cagers are tied fa seoaid with 4-1 marks.
Of the leading teams the Stardusters, BSU, Sigma Sigma Sigma
and the Day Students are idle this week as the rest of the teams catch
This week's intramural rankings are interesting. Fa a change,
Marty Martinez and myself are in agreement, especially amoig the top
five through Friday's games. Martinez still insists that the damitay
league is the best and has ranked six teams f ran that divisiai in his top
ten. I am more inclined to spread the top ten out, even though i am
beginning to see that some of the damitay teams are good after all.
Note that Kappa Alpha is ranked third, but that was befae they
were upset by the Kappa Sigmas.
(See INTRAMURALS, page 13)
Staff Writer
The man who said "good
defense will beat good offense all
1 day long" oould have gained all
the evidence he needed fa prcof
Saturday night in Minges
East Carolina used a sticky
man-to-man pressing defense to
completely negate Appalachian
State's offense in a 66-54 South-
ern Conference battle.
The win evened the Pirates'
league slate at 2-2 and moved
them over .500 overall at 7-6. The
Mountaineers fell to 3-3 and 6-7
in the loss befae 3,100 fans.
"We played tremendous team
defense out there tonight an
elated Head Coach Dave Patton
said following the game. "We
waked hard in practice and got
ready to play. Our defense has
been saving us all year and we
really got it together tonight
The final margin of 12 points
was not nearly indicative of the
Pirate domination ECU's de-
fense held the Mountaineers to
just 12 field goals and 29 points
through the first 34 minutes of the
game and held a 56-29 lead at that
point. Patton called off the press
and substituted freely in the final
minutes when the Apps outscaed
the Pirates 25-10.
The game was close fa the
first eight minutes as the teams
were tied at ten. The Pirates then
held ASU scaelessfa the next
nine minutes and allowed just
four mae points in the half. The
Mountaineers failed to put a field
goal through the basket in those
last 12 and one-half minutes.
They scaed ai two free throws
and a goal-tending call during
that period.
The Pirate defense was so
tight the Apps were faced to
move the ball around fa a minute
to a minute and a half just to get
an open shot from the outside.
ECU led by just 11 at 34-23
when freshman Kyle Powers was
fouled by Tony Searcy. Powers hit
the second of two shas. After the
inbounds play Powers stole the
ball f'om Searcy and laid it in with
Searcy once again fouling.
Powers made the free toss as the
aowd went wild. After a missed
ASU shot, Powers came down and
hit a 20-footer fron the caner.
This stretched the Pirate lead to
The lead ballooned to its
biggest point (27) in the next
seven minutes largely because of
Greg Canelius' eight points.
Freshman Jim Ramsey again
paced the Pirate scaing attack
with 15, ten of which came in the
first half. Hunt added 14 along
with pulling a game-high 12
missed shots. Canelius finished
the game with 13 points and 11
rebounds. Crosby and Powers
ended up with eight points
apiece, all of Powers' coming in
the second half.
JIM RAMSEY drives against ASU
"I don't know of any one
phase of the game we didn't
control Patton added. "We
really out-rebounded them. They
just didn't get second shots
Patton threw praise on
Canelius, Powers, Larry Hunt
and Louis Crosby.
"Canelius played like a man
possessed, while Kyle (Powers)
stepped in and did a fine job.
Larry (Hunt) hit the boards and
Lou (Crosby) really played de-
Powers said he had "gained a
lot of confidence and I made up
my mind to play well. The
coaches have been getting us
ready all week. We gave it
everything we had defensively
and it turned out
Center Mel Hubbard was
ASU's only double-digit scaer
with 14 points, 12 coming in the
last six minutes. Hubbard also
pulled ten missed shots.
East Carolina pulled 40 re-
bounds to just 31 for the
Mountaineers. The pressing de-
fense faced 20 turnovers while
the Pirates also stole the ball nine
There will be no time to look
back on this win fa the Pirates as
they face their roughest road trip
of the season this week. The Bucs
will face William and Mary
tonight in Williamsburg, Va. and
will travel to Lexington, Va. to go
up against VMI, now 12-1, on
Saturday. Furman will host the
Pirates next Monday.
DEFENSE WAS THE key to ECUs victory over
ASU. Here, Bill Omeen goes for a loose Dan aner
forcing a turnover.

18 January 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 13
ECU swim team upsets Maryland
Tankers whip Terrapins, 61-52
Staff Writer
East Carolina's swim team
traveled to College Park, Md.
Saturday and upset the highly-
regarded Maryland Terrapins fa
the second oonsecutive year. The
Last month in the Rjenn State
Relays, the Terps ran away with
the title as the Pirates finished a
lowly eighth. But the ECU aew
won ten of 11 swimming events to
offset Maryland's strong diving
team to win the meet. The final
result was in doubt until the last
Pirates defeated the Terps 61-52
after beating previously unbeaten
Maine 62-51 Thursday in Minges
event, 400 freestyle relay,
The Pirates won the decisive
relay by .55 of a second as the
(Continued from page 12)
1. 2.Figures Revised Nutties BuddiesFigures Revised Nutties Buddies
3. 4 5.Kappa Alpha Kappa Alpha Psi RocketsKappa Alpha Kappa Alpha Psi Rockets
6. 7.Jones Nuggets Patti'sB-BallsDesperados BSU Bullets
8.BSU BulletsHeartbreak Kids
9.Noah and his ArkBelk Assasins
10BelkLoandCo.Jones Nuggets
Intramural Bowling got underway last week and Howard Parker of
the Who's Kidding Who turned in the top game of 222 and the top set
of 601, while two other bowlers barely missed the 200 level. Bernard
Lucas of the Stagglers bowled a 198 game and Jeff Seidenstein of the
King's Pins rolled a 197 game.
The highest team pinfall was recaded by the Sigma Nus, who
recorded 1716 pins knocked down in a 4-0 sweep of the Lambda Chi
Alpha Alley Cats.
Three other teams recorded 4-0 sweeps in the first week of play.
They were the Gduttes, the Lambda Chi Alpha "A" team and the
Who's Kidding Who team.
MikeEdmundson leads the Intramural Ice Ball scoring raoe with 12
points after two weeks. Edmundson, who plays on the IMS team that
owns a 3-0-1 record, was upstaged last week by teammate Sonny
Gundlach. Gundlach scaed a season-high ten points in leading IMS to
a 14-8 win over the Necromancers.
Robert Guy of the Kappa Alpha Checkers led his team to a pair of
wins with 11 points, including seven in the Checkers 16-5 win over the
Still unbeaten after two weeks of competitioi are the Sweepers
(4-0), the Sizzlers (3-0), the Checkers (2-0), the Kappa Sigma Pucks
(2-0) and IMS (3-0-1).
ThiF week the Intramural Foul-Shooting championship will take
place on Wednesday, January 19 in Memaial Gym beginning at 5 p.m.
team of Mike Coomes, Ted
Nieman, John Tuda and John
McCauley swam to a 311.17. The
Terps finished in 311.72.
"This was a tremendous team
victay a happy Coach Ray
Scharf said. "We beat them last
year at our place but they were
heavily favaed this year. But
everybody we took contributed to
the victay
The biggest caitributas were
Nieman and McCauley, who were
triple winners and Tuda, who
picked up two wins. Doug Brind-
ley, Mark Lovette, Stewart Mann
and David Kirkman also register-
ed wins.
Nieman, in addition to his
relay win, set two meet and pool
recads. He won the 200 freestyle
in 1:43.60 and the 500 freestyle in
4:43.67. Just a freshman, Nieman
has broken two varsity recads,
coe freshman mark, and four pool
standards thus far this season.
McCauley among the nation's
elite in sprint swimming won his
specialities, the 50 freestyle
( 21.65) and 100 freestyle (:47.54)
in addition to the relay.
Tudor, a sophomore from
Greensbao, beat favaed Bob
Hassett in the 200 individual
goes to
Special to the Fountainhead
Fa possibly the first time in
the history of the Southern
Conference, the basketball player
of the week has been chosen on
the basis of his defensive play.
Louis Crosby, a sophonae guard
from Shelby, N.C is the reci-
pient of the hona. This marks the
first time this season an ECU
player has been named as player
of the week.
Crosby does not scae much,
averaging only 6.1 points per
game, but his fate has been
defense. During the last week
when East Carolina won two of
three games, including their first
conference wins, Crosby's de-
fense was outstanding. In each of
the last three games, Crosby was
given the assignment of guarding
the oppositions' leading scaer.
Against Richmond, who downed
the Pirates 72-62, Crosby limited
the Spiders' Kevin Eastman, a
17.4 per game scaer, to four
In a 51-49 conquest of David-
son, Crosby drew the task of
guarding John Gerdy, who was
the Wildcats' leading scaer, and
the second leading scaer in the
Southern Conference, at 21.5, to
10 points and a four of 17 shooting
perfamanoe. In Saturday's66-54
win over Appalachian, Crosby
took the job of guarding Walter
Anderson, who was averaging
13.8, points per game. Anderson
scaed eight points, was faced
into six turnovers, and was
limited to one assist.
See CROSBY, page 14)
medley with a 1 59.09 and swam
on the relay win.
Brindley took the 1000 free-
style in 1010.02 while Lovette
won the 200 butterfly with a
2:00.19 clocking. Mann won the
200 backstroke in exactly two
minutes while David Kirkman,
senior captain, won the 200
breaststroke with a time of
In the Maine meet, the Pirates
won ten of the 13 events.
M cCauley won two events and ten
other ECU swimmers picked up
McCauley teamed with David
Moodie, David Kirkman and
Ronnie Schnell to win the 400
medley relay in 3:02.3. McCauley
also won the 50 freestyle in
Thomas Palmgren won the 100
freestyle in 1028.62, while Nie-
man took the 200 freestyle in a
pool and varsity reoad of 1:42.40.
Nieman's time is sixth best in the
nation this year.
Tuda wai the 200 IM with a
varsity reoad of 1 58.06 to put
him back among the nation's
elite. Lovette took the 200 butter-
fly with a 2.01.37 clocking while
Billy Thane took the 100 free-
style in :48.02.
Brindley won the 500 freestyle
in 4:47.66 while freshman Eero
Elovaara won the 200 breast-
stroke in 220.08 to close out the
Pirate wins.
The Pirates host Richmond
Saturday fa a breather befae
traveling to Carolina next Mon-
day and State next Wednesday.
A Family Recreation Facility
Featuring the New, Modern
Roller Skating
Tuesdays-Lady's Night 6:30-11:00
All ladies admitted for $1.00
(includes skate rental)
Wednesdays- ECU Night 6:30-11:00
Free skate rental with
presentation of I.D. card
For more information call 756-6000
Every Tuesday and Wednesday
All Day At Bonanza
(Includes your choice of potato a vegetable, Texas Toast
and salad from our ail-you-can-eat salad bar)
520 Greenville Blvd.
Greenville,N.C. 27834

Page 14 FOUNTAINHEAD 18 January 1977
(Continued from page 13)
These statistics are impres-
sive by themselves, but some
Fraternity &
additional comparisons should be
made. When combining the aver-
ages of those three men, they
would score 52.7 points in the
three contests. With Louis Crosby
sticking closer to them than their
own shadow, the players scored a
total of 22 points, or 30.7 points
below normal.
The spectacular defense has
not gone unnoticed by East
Carolina head coach Dave Patton.
Louis Crosby has played just
absolutely outstanding defense in
our last three games said
Patton. "Whether he scored a
point or not, doesn't matter, Any
time a player holds his man, who
happens to be the other team's
leading scorer, to less than half
his average, he has done a super
job. He is the main reason we won
those two Conference games last
Ttiere is no doubt that
Louis Crosby was the finest
player in the Southern Confer-
ence last week.
Across from
Sherwin- William
113 Grande Ave
Our "Early Eaters Special"
At $1.63 is an excellent buy.
Practically a full meal served the first
45 minutesat lunch and
dinner every day. Tryus.
Serving hours: 11-2 lunch
4:45-800 dinner
Cafeteria Style
Talking Sports
Observations of recent Atlantic Coast Conference basketball games
indicate that the off iciating is going to be less stringent this season in
the ACC.
In the past, ACC officials have blown the whistle against the
slightest infractions.
Teams from such conferences as the Big Ten, Pacific Eight, and
Southeastern, have done much better than ACC teams in post season
play. These are conferences where officials let teams go at each other
and play basketball the way it should be played aggressively.
In post season play, the officials for the most part have let teams
play aggressive basketball, something ACC representatives have not
handled well.
Perhaps the new trend will toughen the ACC and better prepare its
teams fa the competition it must face in the post season.
It s a shame the networks are not televising National Hockey
League games in this region of the oountry. In areas where the public is
exposed to hockey, the enthusiasm for the sport has steadily increased.
Hockey can be a violent game but it also takes a tremendous
amount of physical and mental ability. It is an easy sport to appreciate
as can be seen by attendance figures in NHL cities and A.C. Nielsen's
ratings of sports telecasts.
In such sports markets as New Yak. Washington. Philadelphia,
and Boston, the hockey teams have better attendance figures than
these cities' National Basketball Association teams.
According to Nielsen's annual "Look at Sports fa 1976, NHL
telecasts delivered mae men per thousand viewing households than
such regular weekly spats series as College Basketball (NBC), NBA
Basketball (CBS). Wide Wald of Spats (ABC). Golf (ABCCBS
NBC). Tennis (NBC). Superstars (ABC) and Bowling (ABC).
This spat needs mae exposure. It is highly appreciated by most
who have seen it.
Second Guessing
A Pirate athlete wathy of mention today is
Herb Gray. The 6-7 freshman faward has impressed coaches, players,
fans and writers with his outstanding play in the first few games of this
basketball season.
Against Western Carolina, the Pirates were faced to fight back
from ten point half-time defecit fa their 70-62 victay. As their biggest
problem had been their inability to control the boards in the first half,
Herb Gray proved to be one of the biggest factas in the turn-around as
he teamed with Larry Hunt and Greg Cornelius to help ECU
outrebound the Cats 36-12 in the second half.
Gray's contribution on the boards was outstanding when one
considers that he picked up ten big second half rebounds while playing
against bigger opponents. The Cats' Geage Dodkin outweighed Gray
by 25 pounds while big Alex Bell outweighed the wiry Pirate faward
by 40 big pounds.
Gray s big muscle in basket from between two Cat players to tie the
game at 60-60 with 2:48 remaining was a big play fa the Pirates. But
he has also excited the fans with big plays in other games. Again st
VMI, Gray took an offensive rebound in mid-air and jammed it through
the hoop. Spectatas were awed.
Against the nationally ranked Maryland Terrapins, the Seat
Pleasant, Maryland, native led the scaingmpressed theaowdat Cole
Field House with two slam dunks while being guarded by
hiahlv-reoarded Steve Shephard.
Despite his outstanding play on the courts, the soft-spoken
freshman is quick to give aedit to his teammates and consider others'
feelings. Herb Gray is a perfect example of the on-the-court and
off-the-court unselfishness which characterizes this season's ECU
basketball team and distinguishes them from last year's unsuccessful
Staff Writer
Part of East Carolina's track
team was invited to the presti-
gious CYO National Invitational
Indoor Meet last Friday and
perfamed admirably.
The mile relay team of Calvin
Alston, James McCullough, Otis
Melvin and Charley Moss ran to a
school record 321.5 while finish-
ing second in the college mile
relay race.
Marvin Rankins ran to a
fourth place finish in the 60 yard
high hurdles with a 7.3 clocking
on the electronic timer, but the
sophomae from Windsa has
nothing to be ashamed of.
Olympians Larry Ship and Willie
Davenport and former NCAA
finalist James Walker were the
only runners to beat Rankins.
Larry Austin and Carter Suggs
were entered in the 60 yard dash
but failed to make the finals.
The entire track team will
compete against Nath Carolina
and South Carolina Saturday in
Chapel Hill.
Lady Pirates
run first
? ? ?
Staff Writer
ECU'S women's track learn
ran in their first indoa meet ever
Saturday when they competed
against Nath Carolina and N.C.
State in Chapel Hill. The meet
was non-scoring on the team
The Lady Pirates took third
and 'ourth in the long jump with
Minnie McPhatter (15'3 34")
and Danna Willifad (15'3 112"),
resoectively. McPhatter also ook
second in the 440 with a 1 0X).9
docking while Cassy Joics
1 32.4) placed 'ourth.
Willifad copped third in the
60 yard low hurdles while the
busy McPhatter was fourth in the
60 yard dash.
Kathy Smith (237) took se-
cond in the 880 while Kathy
Addison and Linda Christian
placed third and fourth, re-
spectively, in the mile.
"I was real pleased with the
girls overall Coach Laurie
Arrants said following the meet.
"We've been practicing only a
month and it's been too cold to
run outside fa times. All we've
had is conditioning work. This
was our first indoa meet ever
The Lady Pirates track team
will travel with the team to the
N.C. State Invitational on Feb. 12
and to the Delaware Invitational
Feb. 19 befae embarking ait heir
outdoa season.

18 January 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 15
JIM RAMSEY shoots over Appalachian State
LARRY HUNT attempts to block a VMI Toundballer"
i 5
TY EDWARDS goes up for two against ASU
I Photos
Fountainhead Photography Staff
Alice-758-0497 or 757-6366. Only
.50 a page: (exceptions-single
spaced pages & outlines) Plenty
of experience?I need the money!
FOR SALE: 1964 Triumph Spit-
fire. Will accept best offer - call
758-7415 after 200 p.m.
MUST SELL: Sunn studio lead
amp hardly used. $175.00. Call
Maria 752-9022 for more inform-
FOR SALE: Gibson Les Paul
guitar with case and an Ampeg
Amplifier VT-40 worth over
$1,300. All interested people call
FOR SALE: Furniture & Appli-
ances, comfortable chair $9.00,
drop-leaf table, hidden drawer
$22.00, toaster oven like new
$15.00, red 9 X 12 Herculon rug
$25.00, Sears 3-speed bike
$35.00, 752-4511-5 to 9 p.m.
FOR SALE: New water distiller.
$55. 758-8216.
FOR SALE: 1974 Mustang II 2&2
3 Dr. Air Cond Power steering,
Disc brakes 4 speed Manual
trans. 4 new tires. Priced right
$2,350.00. Call 752-5821 after 4
If you have something to buy
or sell oome to the Red Oak Show
and Sell; We sell on consignment
anything of value, excluding
clothing. Open Mon. - Sat.
11.00-600 Sun. 2-6, closed Thurs.
Located 3 miles west of
Greenville at the intersection of
264 and Farmville Highway in the
lold Red Oak church building.
FOR SALE: Standard Gibson
Electric Guitar Grcver Heads,
Excellent Condition. 758-7935.
FOR SALE: 4" X 5" Graphic
View II with Schneider Senar 150
mm. Dagor 358 15 holders. 4
developing tanks and 6 negative
holders. $275. Call John 758-
FOR SALE: Sanyo 8-track car
tape player, almost new $75.
FOR SALE: Craig Cassette Car
Deck in dash. Motobecane
Mirage 10-speed, weinmanr
brakes, santour derrailures. Cal
752-0352 after 4.00 p.m.
FOR SALE: 3 piece Spanish style
living room suit - swivel rocker,
chair, couch, black vinyl, 1 yr.
old. Good oondition. Paid $5.00 -
want $2.00. CaJI 756-7881 nights
and 758-3436 ext. 495 days. Ask
for Charlotte.
FOR SALE: Great buy 1974
Yamaha. DT 125A only 1600
miles. Two helmets include, 80
miles per gallon. Make me an
offer. Call 756-7275 after 5 p.m.
FOR RENT: 1 & 2 bedroom
apartments. Newly renovated &
new appliances. Call 752-4154.
tVANTED: Male or Female to
share 3 bedroom apartment at
Eastbrook; must be Academically
Inclined! Call 758-0219.
WANTED: One or two female
roomates fa Village Green Apt.
$50 peT month plus utilities. Call
758-0595 after 3.
FOR RENT: Apartment available
June 1,1977. 2 bedrooms, bath &
a half, kitchen & den. See Ron in
Apt. 202 Georgetown Apts.
to share apt. Rent and util.
$55mo. Call 752-0081.
NEEDED: Roommate for Spring
Quarter. Big house. Call Decky or
Larry after 6O0 p.m. 752-2859.
FOR RENT: Private rooms and 2
baths for male student. Available
on March 1. 758-2585.
LOST: 1 pair of dark brown Frye
boots.Lost in Drama dept. dress-
ing room. Reward offered for
information leading to their
hereabouts. Call 758-7422. No
questions asked.
LOST: Class ring, blue stone,
inside initial A S. Reward offered.
If found see Alvin Simmons in 118
LOST: Rust-oolored lady's wallet
on Jan. 5 between Greene and the
Croatan. Reward offered. Call
752-9383 or return to 402 Greene.
LOST: Gold wristwatch with
brown face. Call 752-9351. $40
LOST: Class Ri ng, S. N. S. H. Class
of 75. Lost in Library Dec. 15th.
Inside initials R.H. if found
please oontact Rick Horner in
Aycock 115, phone 752-0465
HELP! I lost a brown deer skin
purse in Jenkins Art Bldg. If you
have any information on it please
call 752-6140 after 5 p.m.
FOUND: A scarf near Clement.
FOUND: A white hat near biology
building. 758-8216
FOUND: A white and blue hat.
FOUND: someone who listens
and helps. You don't have to be in
a aisis to call a oome by the
REAL aisis oenter. Counseling
and referrals are what they offer.
They're free, too. CaJI 758-HELP.
ICE SKATING: lessons 1215-
115 Saturdays by Jill Schwimley
at Twin Rinks, 220 E. 14th St.
752-8449. ($2.00 hour-includes
skates) Any age-beginning, inter-
mediate, advanced. Strictly figure
WANTED: Someone to sub-lease
a duplex at 212 S. Pitt St. fa
Spring Quarter. Large enough fa
2. $100 a maith. Call 758-7467.
looking fa a job as bar maid
apply at Louie's Lounge, 200 W.
10th St. a call 752-1493.
HELP WANTED: Parttime office
wak. Must be a veteran, a
fulltime ECU student, and must
be commuting from Washingtai,
N.C a nearby. Contact Roi
Brown, VA Representative, 206
Whichard, in person. No calls.
YOGA LESSONS: exercises to
calm the mind and slim the body -
way of life. Classes faming now.
Call Sunshine, 752-5214 after 900
p.m. on Mond. and Wed after
5:30 all rther nights.
this year's resolution be a better
figure! Call Sunshine, 752-5214
after 9 00 p.m. on Mon. and Wed.
after 500 p.m. all other nites.
"PORTRAITS by Jack Brendle.

Page 16 FOUNTAINHEAD 18 January 1977
Mark Beverage quit
loading trucks and
went to school.
Now he's building
lasers in a
research lab.
Mark Beverage didn't like the
work he did, so he learned to do the
work he liked. You can do the same.
There are over one million technical
opportunities available in this country
right now.
Send today for your free record
and booklet, "You Can Be More Than
You Are" by Tony Orlando and Dawn.
You'll hear some great music
and find out how you
can start a bright,
new career by going
to technical school.
P.O. Box 111
Washington, !).( 2004 I

Fountainhead, January 18, 1977
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
January 18, 1977
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