Fountainhead, December 16, 1976

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

16 December 1976

Page 2
16 December 1976
School of Music Poetry news
The School of Music will hold
its traditional Christmas program
on Friday, Dec. 17, at 11 00 a.m.
Lose weight
Are you overweight? If so,
why not try the ObesityOver-
weight clinic! Join today, call
752-1853 or 756-4372. You must
beat least 10 lbs. overweight, be
willing to exercise, and be
serious. There will be discussion-
type sessions on a first come, first
serve basis.
SGA openings
There are legislators needed
to represent the dorms of Aycock,
Tyler, and White as well as Day
Student Openings. Come by
Mendenhall 228 to file. Screen-
ings will be held after Christmas
B-ball buses
Two buses will go to the
basketball game Thursday night.
They will pick up at the top of the
hill and at the girl's high rise
dorm at 7. They leave 15 minutes
after the game to bring students
A grand prize of $1000 is
being offered in a new poetry
competition sponsored by the
World of Poetry, a monthly
newsletter for poets. In addition,
there are 49 cash and merchan-
dise awards.
For rules and official entry
forms write to: World of Poetry,
801 Portda Dr Dept. 211, San
Francisco, California 94127.
The Roxy prints a monthly
newsletter of upcoming events.
Anyone interested in any of
the events or projects taking place
at the Roxy or want to get the
newsletter should write or call,
629 Albemarle Avenue, 758-9911.
The Graduate Management
Admission Test will be offered at
ECU on Saturday. Jan. 29.1977.
Application blanks are to be
completed and mailed to Educa-
tional Testing Service, Box 966-R,
Princeton, N.J 08540 to arrive
by January 7, 1977. Applications
are also available at the Testing
Center, Rooms 105-106, Speight
Building, ECU.
Who's Who Allied health
The students that were selec-
ted for Who's Who: The certifi-
cates are in Dr. Tucker's office,
Whichard, Rm. 204, Dean of
Student Affairs. You can come by
and pick them up at any time.
Dance all night
Yes, you really can dance the
night away. We'll tell you how,
Consitutions Dental exam
The Allied Health Professions
Admission Test will be offered at
ECU on Saturday, Jan. 22, 1977.
Application blanks are to be
completed and mailed to the
Psychological Corporation, P.O.
Box 3540, Grand Central Station,
New York, New York 10017 to
arrive by Dec. 31, 1976.
Applications may be obtained
from the Testing Center, P" ms
105-106, Speight Building, I
Organizations and Clubs oper-
ating on campus must submit
their Constitution anda bylaws
each year for approval by the
Student Government Association.
There are a number of Constitu-
itons that we have not yet
received, and these should be
turned in by Jan. 15, 1977. At
least two copies should be
submitted to the SGA office,
Mendenhall Student Center,
along with a list of present
Computer news
The Dec. issue of the ECU
Computer Center newsletter is
available free at the i-o clerk
window. Come by and get yours
The Dental Aptitude Test will
be offered at ECU on Saturday,
Jan. 8,1977. Application blanks
are to be completed and mailed to
Division of Educational Mea-
surements, American Dental As-
sociation, 211 East Chicago Av-
enue, Chicago, Illinois, 60611 to
arrive by Dec. 13, 1976. These
applications are also available at
the Testing Center, Rooms 105-
106, Speight Building, ECU.
Welfare sec.
All persons interested In
applying for the position of
Secretary of Student Welfare
should apply at Mendenhall 228
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs-
Mr. Jim Caplanides, director
of the North Carolina Internship
Office, has announced plans for
the upcoming Spring Semester
Internship Program in North
Carolina State Government.
Internships in various state gov-
ernment agencies will begin in
mid-January and continue
throughout the spring semester.
Most positions require a 20-hour
work week. Most interns will be
paid approximately $3.12 per
hour, though some positions are
designed for academic credit
only. Applications must be sub-
mitted by December 20.
For further information, write
or call: N.C. Internship Office,
401 N. Wilmington St Raleigh,
N.C. 27601, (919)829-5966.
student tickets
Student tickets are on sale for
the Duke-State doubleheader to
be held Dec. 29-30 at Reynolds
Coliseum in Raleigh. ECU will be
facing Duke the first night and
State the second. Rice University
will also play the two ACC
powers. Student tickets for the
Doubleheader are on sale at the
Ticket Office in Minges at half-
price. Seven dollars will give you
four games of action.
Danforth Assoc.
The Danforth Associates of
ECU urge all members of the
campus community to submit
nominations for 1976-77.
Danforth Associates are selec-
ted faculty, and their spouses,
who express a major commitment
to undergraduate teaching and
who have shown dedication to the
development of students in terms
of their values and social respon-
Nomination of women faculty
and persons representative of
minority groups is encouraged,
especially if they have helped to
humanize teaching and learning.
Nominations must be received
before the Christmas break, and
should be submitted to any of the
following members: Joseph Ba-
yette, Director of Graduate Stu-
dies; William .Still Frprl Ranan
or Boda Nischan, Department of
History; Norman Rosenfeld, De-
partment of English.
Nominations may be jbmit-
ted to spouses in care of their
husbands or at their home
All nominees will be asked to
submit a biographical resume and
will then be given serious consid-
eration by local and regional
Appointment is for a six-year
term, during which Associates
are invited to regional confer-
ences and during which they are
eligible to apply for grant funds
up to $2,000 to assist in campus
activities fa projects related to
improving the quality of teaching
and learning.
LNS photo, j
POST workers
face charges
There is a PRC meeting
Thursday, Dec. 16at 7 p.m. in the
PRC Building.
(LNS)-Fifteen Washington
Post press operators went to trial
December 6 on riot, conspiracy
and assault charges stemming
from their strike which began
October 1, 1975.
In an effort to debilitate the
union,the Post hired scab workers
at the beginning of the strike and
then got a boost from the
government which initiated a nine
month long grand jury investiga-
tion and indicted the 15 striking
press operators this summer.
While the Washington Post re-
sumed full production, first using
out-of-town presses and then scab
workers trained in Oklahoma,
soon after the strike began, the
press operators are still walking
the picket lines fourteen months
The press operators won two
important motions in pre-trial
hearings held in November. The
first concerns individual question-
ing of prospective jurors, which
will follow questioning by compu-
ter questionaire and group ques-
tioning. Individual questioning is
viewed by the press operators as
one step toward countering the
extensive pre-trial prejudicial pu-
blicity against them.
A study conducted in Wash-
ington, D.C. by the National Jury
Project showed that while 68 pf
those questioned felt they could
be fair and impartial jurors in the
case, 57.2 of the same group
said they thought the press
operators were guilty of destroy-
ing Post presses on the first uay
of the strike.
Ruling on a second pre-trial
motion, Judge Sylvia Bacon deci-
ded to consolidate the press
operators' trials after defense
attorneys argued tnat separate
trials would unnecessarily extend
the ordeal.
Reducing the impact of the
favorabel decisions, however, the
judge decided to exclude the
defendants from the jury selec-
tion process. The press operators
are very critical of this move to
limit their participation in the
U.S. Attorney Robert Chap-
man has announced that he will
spend three to four weeks presen-
ting the prosecution's case.
"We knew all along that the
prosecution would drown the
jurors in detail a defense
committee spokesperson respon-
ded. "That's the only way it could
obscure the issue of this trial: the
Washington Post's provocative
campaign to bust Union Local 6
It is expected that the prose-
cution will attempt to avoid this
union-busting and use the isue of
"violence" to sway public opinion
against the press operators a
tactic they have used for the past
year. On the first day of the
strike, for instance, the Post
began a J. Walter Thompson
Advertising Agency blitz publici-
zing the "millions" of dollars in
damage done to Washington Post
presses. Later, it was shown that
$13,000 was spent on repairs.
Most recently, the prosecution
sought a delay in a judge's order
that they turn over certain grand
jury testimony which would tend
to help the defense. The prosecu-
tion based its appeal on the
grounds that prosecution witnes-
ses were in danger of physical
attack by the indicted press
Yet just before the pre-trial
hearings, on September 28, a
striker, Harry Manning, was
assaulted on the picket line, by an
employee of the Post's mail room.
The union filed an official com-
plaint with the District of Colum-
bia Bar Association pointing out
that U.S. Attorney Earl Silbert
found no difficulty prosecuting
striking press operators, but
refused to punish a clear-cut
case of assault in which someone
on the side of the management
was accused of a crime.

16 December 1976 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 3
Computer sings to ECU math professor
Co-News Editor
Strains of baroque music
transformed the drab ECU com-
puter room into an 18th century
sitting room.
However, the music was not
Handel but "Do You Know The
Way To San Jose?" and the
orchestra was a digital synthe-
The synthesizer is the inven-
tion of Dr. James Wirth, ECU
math professor, who decided that
the mcog synthesizer was inade-
With dark wavy hair and an
unkempt beard. With looks like a
Demonstrating his project to
this reporter, he pointed to a
homemade contraption which was
emitting four-part music that
sounded much like a harpsichord.
"This is a digital synthesizer,
running under the control of a
PDP-11 mini computer he said
with the gleam of a proud father
in his eyes.
Then he walked to a teletype
which was connected to the
synthesizer by an electrical cable
and began to type out the keys to
"Mary Had A Little Lamb He
hummed the tune as he typed.
"The music that I put into the
synthesizer is an adapted nota-
tion according to Wirth. The
teletype is run by assembly
language which is translated into
machine language.
He typed the upper voice to
the children's song and then
waited while the synthesizer
played it back. But when he
programmed the lower voice, the
machine sang back the melody to
"Mary Had A Little Lamb" and
the bass to "Do You Know the
Way To San Jose? He mumbled
to himself and quickly reprogram-
med the machine.
"I haven't had any formal
training in music he explained.
Then he pointed to an oscillo-
scope which looks like an elec-
"You are looking at the actual
sound waves he said.
Short, green lines zipped
across the screen in time to the
Wirth said that the sound
pattern on the oscilloscope should
ideally form waves fa better
quality music.
Wirth explained that the
purpose of his synthesizer is to
avoid the tape-on-tape process
involved in playing multiple voioe
music on a moog synthesizer.
"The problem with the digital
synthesizer at present is that all
the voioes are played at the same
volume. There is a lack of
expression in the music, and that
is what gives it the baroque
Wirth demonstrated a wooden
keyboard which had copper strips
on the keys.
When he lightly touched the
keys an eerie, lingering sound
came from the synthesizer.
"With the keyboard you can
control the sound length of each
note. However, you cannot play
Presently, the mini computer
can be programmed with four-
part music from the teletype. The
oomputer can also be controlled
from the electronic keyboard to
play one-part music.
I plan to be able to program
the computer with four-part
music from the keyboard at some
point in the future said Wirth.
Wirth said that it doesn't take
a person adept in computer
science to run the synthesizer.
"You have to learn a lot of
procedure initially, but a musi-
cian could easily run this
He claimed that the project is
not just pure math, physics a
"It falls through the aacks
he said.
Wirth said that he received
$512 from the ECU Foundation
fa his research.
He began his project three
years ago by trying to program
the machine to play music in one
"I educated myself in digital
Semester questions answered
Staff Writer
Dr. Susan J. McDaniel, assis-
tant provost at ECU, last week
clarified many unanswered ques-
tions regarding the coming se-
mester system and the transition-
al 1977 summer sessions.
The change will not be that
magnificently different Mc-
Daniel said.
The same policies will hold fa
the general educatioi iequire-
"The oily pitfall may be in
sequence courses, and advisas
are urging students to get
through with these said Mc-
In some cases, these se-
quence courses will be oombined
into a one-semester course
The Faculty Senate met this
past Tuesday to iron out some of
these problems. It is also waking
on a catalog supplement for
sequence courses that will be
published soon.
"It is the mathematics of the
change that boggles the students
and faculty
McDaniel cited an example:
"Fa the twenty quarter-hours
needed now fa social science, a
student will need 13.33 semester
hours. Naturally, it will be
rounded off to thirteen hours
"Students, however, will not
lose a be given hours Mc-
Daniel said. "These fractions of
hours left will be made up in other
oourses and electives
The semester plan was placed
befae the Faculty Senate by the
University Calendar Committee.
The Senate had debated repeat-
edly on the system fa about ten
"Many students are in fava
of the semester system and
wanted the switch McDaniel
Registration fa fall semester
at ECU will be Aug. 23, 1977.
"There will be two summer
sessions this year said Mc-
"The only differences will be
that the sessions will be shater in
ader to have mae time to wak
towards the change-over
Registration fa the first ses-
siai is June 6. The first day of
class will be June 7. The last day
of class is July 7 and finals will be
July 8.
Second session begins with
registration July 11. July 12 will
be the first day of class, and the
last day of class is August 4.
Finals will be August 5.
Because of the shater sum-
mer sessiais, classes will be
longer. A three aedit-hour oourse
will be 70 minutes a day first
session. In the second session, a
three aedit-hour oourse will be 80
minutes a day.
The class length fa summer
classes will be determined by the
number of aedit hours in each
A maximum of ten hours can
be taken each summer session.
"The main point about the
change-over is that if the indivi-
dual hours are changed, then the
degree hours will be changed
also said McDaniel.
"Everyone should graduate
when they are supposed to
He then decided that he
wanted the program to cover an
eight octave range and to play in
four voioes.
Wirth admitted that some-
times he plays with the machine
just fa entertainment.
"I've transcribed some baro-
que guitar music and some nan
quartets by Handel
Wirth said he plans to con-
tinue with his research until he
perfects the sound waves and the
programming from the electronic
"I may even make an album
one day he said smiling.
Have You Seen This Man?
Tom Waits
who sings of waitresses, strippers, and old cars, of down and outs
who are into muscatel and gin, and of late nights and
smokey barrooms is back with
"Small Change"
his fourth album or Asylum Records
Waits" music is a lesson in reality with its bluesy, jazzy and cool
presentation of pain, poverty and perversion
"Small Change? a small price to pav for a contemporary talent
Tom Waits' new album, "Small Change? on Asylum Records and Tapes.
Produced by Bones Howe for Mr Bone Publications, lnc
FOUNTAINHEAD file photo.

hw � �yq EgSEJIs W$f?i '��
Page 4
16 December 1976
Man for all seasons
The Dutch called him Sinter-Klass and in New
Amsterdam every December 6 this kindly character
of legendary renown would bring gifts to the settlers'
children. The English later took over the settlement
along with the idea of gift giving. They called the
town New York and Sinter-Klass became their Santa
In Knickerbocker's History of New Yak (1809),
Washington Irving described this popular benefactor
as a rotund, jolly figure, wearing a wide-brimmed hat
and smoking a long-stemmed pipe. Clement C.
Moore's poem, "A Visit From St. Nicholas written
in 1882, provided Santa Claus with reindeer and a
sleigh for making his annual deliveries since now his
task of supplying gifts for the children of a growing
America was too burdensome to handle on foot.
The contemporary image of Santa Claus was
portrayed by Thomas Nast, a political cartoonist, who
pictured the jovial gift-giver in Harper's Illustrated
Weekly in 1863 and again in an 1866 issue which
presented "Santa Claus and His Works
Nast's conception of the Dutch Sinter-Klass
turned American citizen survives today in the hearts
and imaginations of millions of children as the one
who stealthfully deposits all the toys and joys of the
Christmas season.
But police in Philadelphia have added something
extra to the traditional image of this yuletide visitor.
Santa has turned store detective. In an attempt to
hdd down the shoftlifting in department stores
during these last few shopping days, some of Philly's
gendarmes are donning big red ooats, black boots
and fake white beards to wander through the aowds
and nab unsuspecting petty thieves.
If Nast were alive today and in a moderately
cynical mood, his image of Santa might be somewhat
different. A Harper's article on Santa's Jobs would
find Officer Clause in ladies' lingerie putting the
finger on an unsuspecting housewife, Christmas
season cleptomaniac.
As America changes so do her legends. So if late
one night during the holidays you hear a muffled HO
HO HO in your abode, be sure to check under the
tree next morning. You may find a search warrant
with your name on it among your ransacked presents.
Serving the East Carolina community for over fifty years
Senior EditorJim Elliott
Production ManagerJimmy Williams
Business ManagerTeresa Whisenant
Advertising ManagerDennis Leonard
News EditorsDebbie Jackson
J. Neil Sessoms
Trends EditorPat Coyle
Sports EditorSteve Wheeler
FOUNTAINHEAD is the student newspaper ot East
Carolina University sponsored by the Student Government
Association of ECU and is distributed each Tuesday and
Thursday during the school year, weekly during the summer.
Mailing address: Old South Building, Greenville, N.C.
Editorial Offices: 757-6366, 757-6367, 757-6309.
Subscriptions: $10.00 annually for non-students, $6.00 for
Tree tradition wastes ecology
Staff Writer
It is ecologically irresponsible to continue the
modern American tradition of the throw-away
Christmas tree.
Millions of pine and fir trees are wasted each
year after the Christmas season is over. Christmas
trees are big business and those that sell them
should be held responsible for this waste.
Many families buy live trees from nurseries and
plant them afterwards. Mrs. Nellie Riley at
Sunshine Garden Center said they sell out of their
live trees every year and that about 200 were sold
this year. The live trees range in cost from $15 to $36
and the cut trees range from $9 to $45.
"A lot of people feel like if they are going to
spend $15 on a tree why not get one that can be
planted afterwards said Riley. She said �me
corporations bought live trees, such as Proctor and
Gamble who will plant the trees on their grounds
after the New Year.The White Pine and the Norway
Spruce adapt best to this climate.
Live trees are less messy because they do not
shed their needles as easily as cut trees. There is
also less danger of fire since they are not as dry.
The people who do not want to plant the trees in
their yard or do not have a yard could donate the
trees to an ecology club, like Sierra Club, who would
plant the trees where there is severe erosion. The
trees could even be used to reforest the land which
strip-mining deamates.
One family buys a pine or spruce tree each year
and plants it in their yard to mark the number of
Christmas' that have been celebrated in the. home.
To be so wasteful seems to contradict the worldly
caring which develops during the Thanksgiving and
Christmas holidays. The churches which run
Christmas tree sales should stop this unnecessary
waste of one of America's greatest assets.
With an energy crisis looming in the near future
it is foolish to continue this tradition of throwing
away Christmas trees. It is the duty of the press, the
conservation groups, and the businesses who sell
the trees to inform the public so that it will see the
ecological tragedy of disposable Christmas trees and
begin demanding the live variety.
Cain gets apology on policy
I would like to tell the student
body of the incidences following
my letter on Thursday, Dec. 9.
Monday morning Athletic Direc-
tor Bill Cain called me, explained
the circumstances, and asked me
to come and see him for my
money. He was very nice to me
and was truly sorry that there had
been a misunderstanding. He had
been out of town prior to Nov. 17
and the office workers were the
Forum Policy
Forum letters should be
typed or printed and they must
be signed and include the
writer's address. Names will
be withheld upon request.
Letters may be sent to Foun-
tainhead or left at the Informa-
Ition Desk in Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center.
people who misled me. Bill Cain
is not a liar, and I'm sorry that I
blamed him for something that
was not his fault. I have no ill
feelings for the Athletic Depart-
ment now that the situation has
been corrected. Thank you for my
refund, Mr. Cain, and again, I'm

16 December 1976 FOUNTAINHEAO Page 5
Brent Funder burke
Asst. program director
to leave job for school
Staff Writer
Brent Funderburke, former
assistant program director of
Mendenhall Student Center, has
decided to leave his job fa
school. Funderburke said that he
is "leaving to pursue the
demands of my soul
Basically, these demands are
artistically inclined.
He said he has begun to work
on his Masters of Fine Arts here
at ECU.
Funderburke said he would
like to write and illustrate chil-
dren's books. His plans are
Funderburke does not think
that he will stay in Greenville, but
After an initial equipment
expense of $10,000 and two
months of operation, most people
are still not taking advantage of
the ECU Crafts Center, according
to Tana Nobles, Mendenhall
Student Center Crafts and Rec-
reation Director.
Participation so far this
quarter has been greater than fall
quarter, said Nobles. But it is still
not near the level experienced by
similar crafts centers at other
"Once word gets around we
expect the probem will become
one of responding to the de-
mand said Nobles. But she also
described two current problems.
First is making our presenoe
known to the campus community,
and second is convincing prospec-
tive participants the registration
procedure we use is really quite
People seem to expect a
complicated procedure, said
Nobles. But it seldom takes half
an hour to complete and no one
has yet failed the required test.
"The test is really more like a
will probably go to Atlanta.
As assistant program director,
his job was to be an advisor to six
committees at Mendenhall. He
helped to gather information,
make posters, etc.
Funderburke also managed
the publicity angle of the Student
Center and the Student Union.
He said he strived to commun-
icate the basic want of some
students to the mass of students.
No one has been found to take
Funderburke's place, but they are
still looking.
"The Student Union and the
Student Center is now, more than
ever, a union, spiritually and
physically. I was very proud to be a
part of such an optimistic organ-

VIKl?V;� .M
�lsyMuiiori "
r�"W m
i J" "�B
Sunup To Sundown 1
Waterbeds 1
Now Open for Your Convience
at 510Cotancne
Custom Waterbeds, Art on
Consignment, Smoking Paraphanalia
questionaire said Nobles.
It was not designed to limit
participation but to insure know-
ledge of procedures and safe use
of the tools and equipment
A $5 per quarter membership
fee pays for on-going expenses,
according to Nobles, and to
supplement salaries for supervi-
sors and workshop instructors.
Nobles plans to offer several
mini-courses after Christmas.
These proposed twelve-hour
workshops would use paid in-
structors drawn from the univer-
sity, and would be offered for
three hours, twice a week for two
Topics may include weaving
on the loom, black and white
photography, throwing on the
wheel and jewelry making.
Located on the ground floor of
Mendenhall, the Crafts Center is
open to ECU students, faculty,
staff and their dependents from 2
p.m. to 10 p.m Monday through
All furnishings, equipment
and tools are provided by the
Crafts Center. Members must
furnish supplies, materials and
chemicals (excluding acids) re-
quired for projects.
Dec. 16th
Brice Street
Dec. 31 st New Years Eve Party
ec. 17th & 18th
Good Humor
Party Favors
Door Prize
Auld Lang Syne
at midnight

Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAD 16 December 1976
Little's Chop Shop
N.E. Bypass 2 Mi. North of
Hastings Ford
We repair all makes and models of
We sell custom partsand accessories
We do custom painting.
We have pick-up service.
Coming soon-van accessories
Getting Readv ForThe
Christmas Break?
Stop In And See Us
per case pi us deposit
Pepsi. Coke 10 Oz3.76
Pepsi. Coke28 Oz(per case)5.68
Pepsi. Coke 64 Oz. (per case)5.14
1 Gallon Milk1.69
1 '2Lb. Loaf Bread (long)39
50 Lb Bag of Ice1.99
Schhtz12 0z. (case)6.99
Budweiser, Miller 12 Oz7.36
Pabst Blue Ribbon 12 Oz6.80
Pearl 12 Oz . . 6.49
Kegs- Bud. Miller and Schlitz36.00
Kegs- Pabst Blue Ribbon35.00
We have the finest wine selection in eastern North Carolina.
Lancers Rubeo(Portugal) 153.99
Marquisat Beaujolas Village(France) 15 3.89
Inglenook Cabernet Sauvignon Estate(California) 153.79
B& GPontet Latour1972(France) 153.49
Fratelh Lambrusco. (Italy) 152.49
AI maden Ruby Cabernet(California) 152.09
Taylor Lake Country Red(New York) 152.09
"It isa poor guest that arrivesemptyhanded
Drinks Below Supermarket Prices
Don't forget that we price our
drinks by the case, so you can
get the $1.40 Difference.
Corner of 10th and Evans Streets, Greenville, N.C752 5933
Attorney donates $25,000
Fund drive gets boost
Marvin K. Blount St promi-
nent Greenville attorney and
businessman, has presented a
gift of $25,000 to the ECU
Foundation earmarked for the
ECU Stadium expansion fund
The gift was made in honor of
Blount'swife, FlorenoeT. Blount,
an alumna of ECU, class of
1931,and a former Pitt County
school teacher.
Presenting an M.K. Blount
Enterprises check to ECU Chan-
cellor Leo W. Jenkins, Blount
said the gift was in appreciation
for what ECU has meant to our
family with the great develop-
ment that has followed in the
educational and intellectual at-
mosphere produoed in Greenville
Roxy could close
Staff Writer
The Roxy Music Arts and Crafts Center in
Greenville may be faced to close in January unless
a $5,000 down payment can be paid to the building's
owner, Raymond Latham.
The Roxy has been open for the past two years
under the management of Bill Shepherd and Buddy
Alcore. According to Shepherd, or "Shep' as most
everyone calls him. the financial situation is dismal
but not hopeless.
Shep readily admits that there is no profit made
on any of the varied productions put on at The Roxy.
The main source of capital is from the concession
sale of baked goods, plants, and the like combined
with small, at the door donations.
These funds allow The Roxy to make enough to
break even-with the help of a lot of un-paid
volunteer labor.
Their main hope for financial salvation lies in the
selling of $10 charter memberships that will entitle
each member to free admission to all Roxy events for
a year.
Also proposed is a plan to use some of the money
to set up a " mis-demeanor fund' to be used as bail
in case a member is arrested for a mis-demeanor
such a public drunkeness.
According to Shep, the situation now is "500
times ten equals $5,000
The Roxy is the only place of its kind in the area
and Shep says he would hate to see it torn down and
replaced with "another Quik Pik or bar or
and Eastern North Carolina
The Florence T. Blount gift,
Jenkins said, "is an outstanding
example of the spirit of pride and
strong support that East Carolina
University has received from the
local community and its leaders
through the years
"Thissort of spirit on the part
of the people of Eastern North
Carolina is inspiring to all of us
Dr. Jenkins said. Because of it, he
said, East Carolina has succeeded
in reaching many of its goals to
bring a better way of life to the
region. "That is what expansion
of the stadium is all about he
ECU presently is engaged in a
wide-ranging drive to raise $2.5
million for the expansion of
Ficklen Stadium to35,000or more
seating capacity.
M.K. Blount Sr. is a former
mayor of Greenville and a former
county attorney. He served three
terms in the State Senate. A
native of Bethel, he began
practice of law in 1916 and has
been active for half a century in
the legal, business, political and
community life of this area.
Mrs. Blount, a native of
Greenville, is a former elemen-
tary school teacher at Bethel.
They were married in 1934 and
have three children. Mrs. Blount
is also active in community and
church affairs, is a former mem-
ber of the N.C. Commission on
the Education and Employment of
Women and is a charter member
of the Greenville Service League.
OLD SAINT NICK strikes again'
FOUNTAINHEAD file photo.

PHONE: 752-1233
5� ea.
Prof, shows brain
responses differ
Staff Writer
Dr. Charles Cliett of the ECU
psychology department has re-
cently discovered, by experi-
ments on four groups of ECU
students, that the left hemisphere
of the brain is quicker to a specific
type of stimuli.
The student's response to a
click was recorded by an electro-
encephalograph, which measures
the brain waves of each subject,
said Cliett.
One group of students did
nothing to the click. Another
group pressed a button to the
click; another oounted to the click,
said Cliett.
Among these three groups
there was no apparent difference
between the left and right hemi-
spheres of the brain, reported
However, there was a differ-
ence between the two hemi-
spheres in Group IV, Cliett
The subjects in Group IV
responded to the click by free
association. They associated each
click with a word,clarified Cliett.
The left hemisphere of the
subjects in Group IV was more
active and quicker after this word
response than was the right
hemisphere, reported Cliett.
This response by the brain's
left hemisphere to a specific
stimuli may help others to better
understand how thinking differs
between normal people and dis-
turbed people, said Cliett.
SBBBtSi �t4S�n
PtSiMtM - � H aaiflBiB
-i: 1 m m - ' i ��'�
M .

16 December 1976 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 7
After five years
ECU's $4.2 million Art Building complete
After five years of planning
and construction, except for a few
finishing touches, ECU's new
School of Art building is comple-
ted and now in use.
The $4.2 million building,
dominant feature of the ECU
campus landscape along Green-
ville's Fifth Street, was construc-
ted in two stages. The first phase
was completion two years ago of a
65,000 square-foot wing housing
studios and classrooms for paint-
ing, sculpture, ceramics and
A larger second wing, making
a total of 142,000 square feet of
space, includes a gallery, admin-
istrative offices, a library, an
auditorium and instructional facil-
ities for communications arts, art
education, art history and print-
The building stands on an
historic, landmark site-that of
East Carolina's onoe famed and
cherished Old Austin.
Appropriately, it facesdirectly
across East Fifth Street toward
the home of the Chancellor of
ECU, the home occupied for the
past 16 years by Leo W. Jenkins,
for whom the new building has
been named.
The ECU Board of Trustees.
in May. 1973, voted unanimously
to name the building, then
midway in construction, in honor
of the man who during two
decades had been the prime
mover in achieving ECU's nation-
al reputation as a center for
education in the fine arts, particu-
larly art and music.
The suggestion to name the
new building in Jenkins' honor
was made by U.S. Sen. Robert
Morgan. D-N.C. then presiding
at his final session as chairman of
the school's trustees.
! uGCJ:G2t!0n of the Jen-
rut ii tai
kins building, an event so long
awaited, is scheduled for early
Completion of Art building
has long been a goal of ECU
officials. The ECU School of Art
needed additional space and
modern facilities for many years.
Nearly a decade ago, the ECU
School of Music moved into the
now famous A.J. Fletcher Music
Center on the opposite side of the
main campus, on Tenth Street,
Across from
113 Grande Ave.
but the growing Art School had no
permanent home.
The Leo W. Jenkins building
is easily recognizable by its most
striking feature, rows of rectan-
gular bay windows facing north.
A huge glass window near the
front entrance reveals two stories
of interior brick wall, perfect for
mounting large paintings.
The structure was designed by
the Charlotte architectural firm of
Odell and Associates, not only to
provide room for growth but to
make a visual statement about
art and the ECU School of Art.
"We wanted to develop an
up-to-date facility, with first-class
equipment for educational pur-
poses says Odell architect
Walter Bost.
But we also wanted to plan a
building whose design was in
keeping with the reputation of the
ECU School of Art, which is
known as one of the best art
schools in the eastern U.S he
"The effect we were seeking
was a sophisticated design suited
to the quality of art instruction at
The new building indeed
makes a visual statement of
sophistication and prominence.
One of its most remarkable
features is the light and airy
second floor gallery in the new
Its 9,000-square-foot floor is
oovered in a rich parquet of
golden oak, and it is lighted by
overhead spotlights on tracks. To
the side, a kitchen was installed
for serving food at art receptions
as well as a prenaration room for
and student artists and works in
traveling shows. The gallery is to
be named for Dr. Wellington B.
Gray, dean of the ECU School of
Art since 1956.
Other second floor features of
the new wing include a suite of
administrative offices, a confer-
ence room and a 250-seat audito-
mounting objects to be displayed.
One of the gallery's many-
windowed walls overlooks a
raised sculpture terrace, where
shrubs in built-in surrounding
planters will provide a natural
setting for large sculptures. The
gallery is located independently,
so that exhibits can be viewed by
the public on weekends and
holidays when the studios and
classroom areas might be locked.
Its flexible design will make
possible a variety of art exhibi-
tions, of works by ECU faculty
News Bureau photo.
num with a projection booth.
Below, on the first floor, are
studios and laboratories for print-
making and communication arts.
Five sizable darkrooms, with 18
enlargement booths, will allow
entire photography classes to
work at one time. The photogra-
phy area also has print rooms for
color and black-and-white print-
ing, and an editing studio fa
working with still photographs,
film and videotape. Since most of
the first floor is below ground
level, an illustration studio at one
end is artificially lighted with
special daylight-simulation fix-
On the third floor are class-
rooms, studios and workships fa
commercial art, art education,
cola and design, and drawing. In
addition the third floa includes
an art library with space fa
viewing cola slides.
The art education labaatay is
visible through a one-way glass
window, enabling students to
observe art education classes
which ECU sponsas fa local
When the building is dedica-
ted to Chancellor Jenkins a
bronze bust of Jenkins aeated by
ECU faculty sculptor Robert
Edmiston will be mounted near
the entrance.
Organized groups may tour
the building, by pnorarrangement
with Dean Gray's off ice.
Now that the new building is
occupied. ECU's School of Art is
free to grow to its projected size
of 1.000 art majas and 50 faculty
ECU offers eight degrees in
art. including degree programs in
art histay, art education, and
studio-professional fine arts in
various media.
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HnaHnHHflnm i
Page 8 FOUNTAINHEAD 16 December 1976
m -
from all tie
u r

16 December 1976 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 9

Page 10
16 December 1976
Would you believe
Fountainhead gift list
Well gang, the holiday season is upon usonoe again. Most of us are
scurrying around madly, attempting to spread good will wherever it is
deserved. It is very easy, however, to forget certain people, people who
play a vital and memorable role in our lives.
There are certain such "unsung heroes among us here at ECU. In
the true spirit of the season, we at FOUNTAINHEAD have compiled
our own Santa's list of gifts we'd like to give important people around
Fa the Young Republicans, we send our best wishes fa 1980,
1984, 1988, etc along with all of our leftover "Fodzie-Happy days are
here again' posters.
Fa the Young Demoaats there will be great rejoicing, to be sure,
when they find a four-year supply of sticky, gooey, super-sweet
Geagia peanut butter under their tree.
Fa pmbersof the'minaity parties" (isn't demoaacy great?) we
offer one-way tickets to the political hotspot of their choice. (You may
take your pick of Angola. Nathern Ireland, a Farmville.)
It is with all of the merriest thoughts that we send our special gifts
to the mighty football playing Pirates. Those boys have made us all so
roud. Fa our favaite jocks, we give an unbiased spats writer to THE
Fa Coach Pat Dye, from the bottom of our hearts, we wish fa glad
tidings, aioiq with a new. million-doilar contract to coach at dear old
Nexi we move across campus to the offices of the administration.
We know that Dr. Leo is waiting with baited breath fa our gift.
Chanceila. your waiting is over. On Christmas maning you'll find a
Ronoo none tee-shirt printing set under your tree. (NOW do you
Fa Juiian w'SiiTight, !h2t n0ble and illustrious chid arbita
concerning residency questions, we send 40 turkeys, eacn weighing St
least 25 pounds. You can use these turkeys to feed the many
out-ot-state students whose high tuition makes it impossible fa them
to get home fa the holidays.
Speaking of government, we have a few goodies in our sack fa the
student iegislatas and administratas around campus.
First we qo to the Union, where we find Seraiva sitting falanly
at hisMaja Attractions desk. Bob, we wish fa you a charity concert,
starrina John. Paul. Geage and Ringo. iNot to mention Michael
Murpny. Average White Band, etc etc etc.)
Next comes our good friend Barry Robinson. Barry, we send you
our sincere hopes that you will be able to get through this year without
anymae SGA Constitution to deal with.
Speakmg of SGA. now that's a group of people we could NEVER
foget at Christmas, a any other time.
Fa Tim McLeod, who is such a competent handler of academic
affairs, we have odered a Berlitz recod entitled "Faeign language
can be a fiesta to learn
Fa Ricky Price, we have arranged a two-day private conference
with Don Rickles, Adolph Hitler's illegitimate grandson, and the
Marquis de Sade.
Last but na least, who could foget that wild, Irish rose, Tim
Sullivan9 It was really hard to decide on a really special gift fa you,
Tim, but we' re sure you' II be pleased when you discover that you have
been posthumously inducted into the Ralph Nader-Jerry Brown Hall of
Famous Austerity.
There are countless things we wish fa you, the Student Body.
Fa the nai-senias we sincerely hope the semester system won't
be a disaster.
Fa everyaie, we're begging Santa fa the yearbook we have the
right to receive next Fall.
We wish fa caicerts that will shake off the apparently rampant
disinterest of the campus as a whole.
We hope educational standards will not only be maintained here at
ECU, but that a conscientious administration will see to it that ECU'S
academic reputation is as well-known as our athletic prowess.
Most of all, we hope your beer continues to be cold, your Friday
classes continue to be limited, and that prosperity of every type is
something we all share in 1977.
Foreigners share
holiday customs
Trends Edito
Fa most of us, the holiday
season is filled with ritual;
traditions passed on from gener-
ation to generation. Americans
should note, however, that a
great deal of our holiday habits
have indeed been bo rowed from
our Old Wold anoestos.
spoke to many professos in the
Department of Foreign Lan-
guages and Literatures. The
faeign-bon teachers shared with
us the Christmas traditions of
their native lands.
Fo Dr. Nancy Mayberry, ban
in Canada, fruitcake, a "Christ-
mas cake" as it's known in
Canada, holds great significance
during the Christmas season.
Mayberry explained that the
days between Christmas and New
Year s are spent visiting friends
and neighbos, who offer pieces
of the ooifection to their guests.
"Legend has it that fo every
piece of Christmas cake' eaten at
a different house, you'll have one
month of good luck in the coming
year said Mayberry.
Food plays a prominent role in
the holiday rituals of many lands.
Mrs. Esther Fernandez, a native
of Spain, told of the big supper
served in Spanish homes late on
the niqht befae Christmas.
The dinner, which usually
includes a roast turkey, is follow-
ed by family attendance at
Midnight Mass. A nougat candy
called turron isalsoa staple of the
Spanish holiday tradition.
Fernandez also spoke of the
Spanish celebration of Epiphany
(January 6). The Epiphany is a
oonmemoation of the arrival of
the three Wise Men. One the eve
of the Epiphany, many cities and
towns in Spain have a large,
beautiful parade through the
streets, hailing the arrival of the
Wise Men.
As far as holiday deooations
go, Fernandez saM that in her
childhood, the Nativity Scene was
the main hone embellishment,
but that in recent years, many
Spaniards have combined the old
with the new, adding a Christmas
� The traditional tree has played
a bigger and mae enduring rde
in Germany. Mrs. Helga Hill
reminisced about the mystery and
ritual surrounding the "tannen-
Accoding to Hill, the tree is
hidden from the children until
Christmas Eve. The adults deco-
ate the tree behind closed doos,
then it is unveiled on the night
befae Christmas, ablaze with
candles. After the "unveiling
the children recite poems, sing
carols, and receive soecial gifts.
table, and that every Sunday, the
family celebrates the adding of
candles to the wreath.
Dr. Maria Malby told of the
way the holidays are observed in
Russia. The Russians oelebrate a
great deal on New Year's Day,
the time of the arrival of the
legendary "Grandfather Frost
The kindly figure brings presents
to the children.
Tree-trimming in Russia also
takes place on New Year's, with
the rest of the Christmas celebra-
tion being reserved fo Epiphany
(the Russian Orthodox Christ-
People wear holiday pins, and
give some gifts, but there is
limited feasting, due to the
scarcity of food. Accoding to
Bassman, there is a plum wine,
called "twica which is a briny,
homemade conooctions. Visitas
during the holidays are expected
to share some of the wine.
Communist control over Rus-
sia and Romania has put a
damper on the religious aspSCtS
of the upcoming holidays, as it
has in Cuba, native land of Dr.
Jose Baro.
Hill cited Advent, the weeks
preceding Christmas, as a big
part of the German holiday
"On the sixth of December
comes the feast of St. Nikoiaus
she said. "Each child puts a shoe
in front of the doo. St. Nikoiaus
leaves something in the shoe;
either a piece of candy o a
switch. If you get a switch, you
know you'd better behave better
fa the rest of the month
Hill also explained the use of
the Advent wreath. She said the
wreath hangs over the coffee
Accoding to Malby. children
receive moe presents oi the eve
of the Epiphany, and there is
much merriment, with caviar,
vodka, and many "doughy crea-
tions gracing Russian tables.
Malby said that the musical
celebration of the uCliuSYS is
limited to Church Liturgical
music, sung in old Slavic at very
lengthy religious services.
Dr. Michael Bassman spoke of
the limited manner in which
natives of Romania are able to
celebrate the holidays. The public
celebrations, he said, are slanted
toward a seasonal, rather than
religious theme.
Baro spoke of celebrations in
the days "B.C (befae Castro),
when "Nochebuena' (Christmas
Eve), Christmasitself,New Year's
Eve, and the Epiphany were all
times of great feasting and
See CHRISTMAS, page 12.
'� '&� "�'
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16 December 1976 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 11
Hanukkah - the festival of lights
Menorah essential to Jewish holiday
Staff Writer
Christmas will not be cele-
brated this month at the 400
Verdant St. home of Carl and
Linda Friedlander. No, the Fried-
landers are not impoverished,
and they are not short on goodwill
towards men.
The Friedlanders are Jewish,
and like millions of other Jews
around the world they will be
celebrating another holiday,
Hanukkah is an eight-day Jew
ish holiday which begins this year
on Thursday night, Dec. 16, and
lasts until Friday, Dec. 24. The
holiday may oome at another date
next year, since Jewish holidays
follow the lunar calendar.
The original story behind
Hanukkah is partially historical,
and partially mythological, ac-
cording to Carl Friedlander,
systems programmer for the ECU
computing center.
In 72 A.D. Syrian forces
captured the city of Jerusalem,
occupying and desecrating a
Jewish temple. Judah Maccabee
and his followers recaptured the
city, and rededicated the temple.
Hanukkah" comes from the
Hebrew word meaning "dedi-
cation or "rededication of the
In the temple was a sacred
lamp which the Syrians had
extinguished. The lamp burned
olive oil, and Maccabee could
only find a small, one-day supply
of oil. Unfortunately, oliveoil took
eight days to be processed. A
miracle occurred, however, and
the lamp burned on its inade-
quate oil supply for the entire
eight days.
The way Jews celebrate
Hanukkah mainly reflects the
miracle of the burning lamp
said Friedlander.
A special candlestick with
nine holders called a menorah is
the symbol of the holiday, accord-
ing to Friedlander.
"At sunset on the first night
of Hanukkah you light the first of
the nine candles said Fried-
lander. "It is called the Shamus,
meaning "The Guardian and it
is used to light the other candles.
On this first night only one other
candle is lit with the Shamus,
with one more candle being lit
each subsequent night
Last year the Jewish youth
arouD on camDus. HILLEL. put
told them that Hanukkah was
better because it lasted longer,
and I got more presents than
them said Friedlander.
Potato pancakes, called
latkes, are the closest thina to a
traditional Hanukkah food, ac-
cording to Friedlander. In ancient
times cheese was the traditional
Hanukkah food, and it is still
considered as such in many
Jewish children play with a
four-sided spinning top called a
dreidel, or sevivon at Hanukkah,
aooording to Friedlander. A game
in which nuts are won and lost is
played with the top.
One Hanukkah practice which
nearly caught on in certain parts
of the oountry a few years ago
meets with Friedlander's un-
swerving disapproval, the
"Hanukkah bush "Some Jews
felt pressured socially to decorate
their homes in Dec so they put
up what amounted to Christmas
trees said Friedlander. "I get
very upset about it, because I feel
it is a needless hypocrisy. In
North Carolina, as in most parts
of the country, there has been a
rebirth in ethnic spirit and pride,
in celebration of Hannukuh. the festival
up a gigantic menorah on the
mall, aooording to Friedlander.
"One night some kind-hearted
person came by, saw that only
two of the candle's nine bulbs were
burning, and screwed in the other
seven said Friedlander. "It was
the thought that counted, I
guess he added.
Gifts are exchanged on each of
the eight days of Hanukkah,
aooording to Friedlander. "When
I was a kid and my school friends
teased me about not having
Christmas in my family, I always
light the ceremonial menorah
of liahts.
and a
New Year
109 E. Fifth St.
Live Bluegrass
No Cover Charge
so the practice has all but
disappeared said Friedlander.
There can be problems for the
Jewish family at Christmastime,
according to Friedlander.
"When the entire family is
Jewish, there is usually no
problem. But when members of
either the immediate or outer
family are gentile, the problems
really start multiplying said
Carl Friedlander is Jewish by
heritage, but Linda, an ECU
student, is a oonvert, and her
parents are Christian.
"We do not have any children
now. but if we ever do I'm sure
there oould be problems around
Dec. 25. and I'm not sure how we
will handle them said Fried-
For Loveh Things'
Ik taw: Ike Iwqtot
A&tium. af Suwdevs
en hi fiwuuf okmuu
9f ywi fLuif tw ul fa
tegufat pMct, u'K
gun you a
Ft�� pcd ef km
Merry Christmas

Page 12 FOUNTAINHEAD 16 December 1976
Superstitions abound
during Christmas season
Assistant Trends Editor
The Christmas season has
long been associated with the
exchange of gifts and good cheer.
But Christmas also brings out an
occasional exchange of traditional
expressions or superstitions
concerning the season.
North Carolina abounds with
these holiday superstitions that
have passed on from generation
to generation. The ECU Folklore
Archive, in the Austin building,
contains collected folklore in-
cluding superstitions involving
the Christmas season.
According to Dr. Paul W.
Dowell, director of the Archive,
"most of the material from the
Archive comes from student
ooJ led ions
"I colled things as well as
other faculty members said
The most collected super-
stition ooncerning the Christmas
season in the Archive states that
"if you wash bed linens between
New Christmas (Dec. 25) and Old
Christmas (Jan. 6) you will have
bad luck
There are many variants of
this lore, such as washing the
sheets will cause chills a even a
death in the family. This may
sound humorous to most, but it
holds true, even in 1976, that
people are superstitious.
Aooording to Dowell, "folk-
lore is constantly being renewed.
We never run out of folklore; we
are all bearers of fdklore trad-
Another prevalent super-
stition of the coming hdiday
season is that a green Christmas
means a full graveyard There
are many variants of this in N.C.
One of the students that filed this
bit of lore wrde that the friend
whom she received it from,
believed it. The friend said it
must be true since her family had
a warm Christmas and three of
her relatives had died recently
Myths about animals com-
prise a great deal of the hdiday
superstitions. It is believed that
"on Christmas Eve, farm animals
get on their knees and pray at
midnight One mother, inter-
viewed by a student, heard as a
child that "on Christmas, all of
the animals can talk
Because it has something to
do with removing the spirit of
Christmas from the inhabitants,
" it is considered bad luck to take
up ashes from the fireplace durin'
the Christmas hdidays This is
considered taboo right up until
New Year's Day.
An unusual superstition was
tdd by Jewel le Ward, 71, grand-
mother of the student who
odleded it. According to Ms.
Ward, "the first 12 days after
Christmas indicate what each
month in the ooming year will be
Another questionable fdklore
belief is that "if you burn a
bayberry candle to the socket on
Christmas Eve, it will bring
health to the home and gdd to the
The Christmas tree has be-
come a symbd of the hdiday
period. Because of this, a good
deal of the superstitions concern
the evergreen tree. One wide-
spread belief isthat a "Christmas
tree left standing after New
Year's Eve means bad luck A
contemporary version hdds true
for artificial trees as well.
The Archive also has filed the
fdlowing superstition: "tell a
child to burn the Christmas tree
after Christmas so it' II go back to
the dher Christmas trees and tell
them what a good time it had at
the house
A salesman, who said his
brdher adually received some
one year, related the widespread
child fear, "if you're bad ddring
the year, Santa Claus will bring
you a box of dnders The more
popular version isthat "bad little
boys get switches for Christmas
This is usually enough to keep
one in line during those frantic
days before Santa oomes.
HOLIDAY SPIRIT is evident at the residence ot
Chancellor and Mrs. Leo Jenkins. The Jenkins have
followed an American tradition of decorating the
outside of homes
evergreen foliage.
with wreathes made of live
FOUNTAINHEAD file photo.
Continued from page 10
Each was celebrated with
food, presents, and plenty of
wine. One particularly interes-
ting tradition was that of the 12
Aooording to Baro, at the
stroke of midnight on New Year's
Eve, everyone would eat one
grape with each stroke of the
dock. This ritual was supposed to
bring good luck in each month of
the year to come.
With the rise of Castro
however, things changed in
Baro's country. When the didator
first began imposing restridions
on hdiday celebrations, it was on
the pretense that a scardty of
supplies made overindulgence
unpatriotic. But since the reli-
gious meaning behind Christmas
is in oonflid with Communism,
Baro doubts that Christmas has
ever been the way it used to be,
before the days of Castro.
111 W. 4th St.
End of Season
Golf Shop Sale
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Cleared Out at $13.50
Sunday � Canvas Golf Bags
Were $23.00
Reduced to $13.00
Wilson and Dunlop
Championship Tennis Balls
Normally $16.00 a Dozen
Now $10.00
Were $4.00
Now $2.00
Attention Skiiers
Large Selection of Ski
Equipment and Clothing
Arriving Daily
Gordon D. Fulp

Pirates face heavy
holiday schedule
East Carolina's basketball
team will get little time fa
Christmas as a heavy schedule
lays ahead.
The Pirates play host to
Georgia Southern tonight then
travel tomorrow (Friday) to
Charleston, S.C. for Saturday
night's Southern Conference
match-up with The Citadel.
ECU will then get a nice-day
rest before competing in the
Duke-State Doubleheader at Rey-
nolds Coliseum in Raleigh Dec.
In games to date, coach Dave
Patton has been happy with the
Pirates hustle but thinks they
need more offensive punch.
"There'sone thing about this
basketball team I really like
says Pirate head coach Dave
Patton. "They don't quit. They
have great desire and dedication
and are eventually going to be a
fine basketball team
Entering Thursday night's
game at home against Georgia
Southern, the Pirates are 3-2 fa
the year. Every win has been
tough, while both losses were
near wins.
"This team has been in tight
situations in every game, whether
winning a losing continued
Patton. "But they've played with
finepoiseandmaturity.not folding
down the stretch as they could
have in all five games, and have
just given great effat. I can't ask
fa mae
Football star
Defensively, the Pirates have
been very impressive; a definite
turnaround from last year. Patton
aedits all three wins to defense.
"I really felt defense would be
our biggest deficiency added
Patton. "We've waked mae ai
defense fa that reasoi this year
and what we' ve dote so far shows
that this team can learn and
execute quickly. Actually, de-
fense is now our strength. That
does please me
Now, if the Pirate coach could
just find a way to make the
basketball go in the nets a bit
mae, the games might na be so
"Our kids are getting the
shas and executing the offense
fine related Patton. "But the
shas just will na fall. I think
everyone is still tight and tense,
but then you have to expect that
of the young players at this stage.
One of these days, however,
we're going to show our great
shoaing ability
At least Patton does have
numbers such that he can call on
the bench when the shas don't
fail fa sane. The Pirate attack
has been very balanced thus far,
with ten players seeing a good
deal of time each game.
"There's no doubt having so
many players is a real strength
said Patton. "Just look at the stat
sheets and you can see where
one player does it one night at his
respective position and someone
else does it the next night. And
that'svery good fa us, especially
being so young
Four different playas have
led scaing in five games. The
difference in scaing averages is
11.4 to 6.2 among the eight
players. Seven of 12 playas have
started at least one game.
Senia Larry Hunt has been
the coisistoit man, scaing at a
dip of 11.4 points per game and
taking down 11.8 rebounds pa
game. The Shelby product has led
rebounding in four of five games.
The combination of balance
and na knowing how to quit has
propelled East Carolina into a
new brand of basketball for
1976-77. When that relaxed con-
tinuity entas the picture on a
game-to-game basis, Pirate bas-
ketball will again be a face to be
reckoned with.
Cary Godette selected
A thlete-of-the-Month
Spats Edita
Editor's note: A thlete-of-the-Month is a feature
HEAD'S sports staff and the Sports Information
Otfios vote from a list of nominees, with the top
vote-getter being winner. Cary Godette, a football
player, is November's winner and his name will be
on the list of nominees for Athlete-of-the-Year next
When Cary Godette signed a grant-in-aid with
East Carolina five years ago, nobody thought his
name would become the household name it is today.
Godette came from foaball-rich Havelook High
School to ECU in the fall of 1972 and became an
instant success fa the Pirates.
In 1973, his sophomore season, Godette
garnaed all-Southern Confaenoe acoolades while
playing with the "Wild Dogs" defense. He was one
of the leadas of a defense that gave a mae 230
yards total offense per game.
Godette missed the entire 1974 season due to a
knee injury and has had maja knee surgay twice
during his career.
Godette was again named all-Southan Confa-
enoe in 1975afta a year's layoff. He also headed up
the all-state team and was named honaable
mentioi all-Amaica. He led the Pirates' defense
which was tops in the Southan Confaenoe.
Godette decided afta the 1975 season he was
ready to quit football. He had one year left because
he missed the 1974 season.
Atta watching the spring game this year
Godette infamed Pat Dye he would repat fa fall
practice. Cary Godette was back and ECU fans were
Going into the season, one pro scout called
Godette the best defensive end in the country He
lived up to the billing.
Godette ended the season with ten quartaback
sacks in nine games (knee injury kept him out of two
games.) He had 16 tackles fa loss of yards taaling
96 minus yards. Godette also amassed 37 unassisted
tackles while assisting on 17 ahas.
During Novemba, Godette led the defense in
victaies over Richmond (20-10) and Appalachian
State (35-7), while playing admirably in the loss to
Fa his ef fats, Godette was named all-SC fa the
third time, all-state fa the seoond time, and
garnaed a spot oi third team all-Amaica in the
Associated Press balloting.
Harold Randolph, also of football, placed second
in the Novemba baliaing afta making all-Southan
Confaenoe and all-state fa the second time in a
row. He also was named honaable moitiot
all-America and was Chevrolet's defensive playa oi
the game in the regionally televised match-up with
Appalachian State.
Phil Muella, who placed third, won two
tournaments in wrestling during Novemba.
Otha naninees wae Gail Betton fran field
hockey, Cindy Saila fran wanai's swimming, Jam
Tuda fran men's swimming, and Eddie Hicks and
Mike Weaver fran fortball.
16 December 1976
Page 13
Sideline Chat
D.C. writers impressed
What a diffaence a year makes. Last year when East Carolina's
basketball team invaded College Park, Md. fa its game with the
Terrapins they wae run off the court 127-84. This season, afta losing
five full-time a part-time startas, they played the 15th-ranked Taps
to an 80-69 ball game.
There are many reasons fa the turnaround, but the main one has to
be the attitude of the team entaing each game. This year's squad
seems to be up fa most evay game - detamined to play their best
despite the odds of winning. This team seems to be playing with mae
intensity than last year's ballolub.
Anaha big reasrjn fa the turnaround is scheduling. Last year,
ECU faced what was sure to be four straight losses at the beginning a
the season. They faced three ACC powasoi the road and played VMI,
an NCAA quarta-finalist in Lexingtoi.
This can take �ll the life out of a team. Fa the remainda of the
season, the team maely played up-and-down with each game.
Thisseason the team is still playing the same four opponents on the
road, but they are scattaed throughout the season, instead of at the
front. They play in the Duke-State Doubleheada during the holidays
and play the Keydets lata in the seasai at Lexingtoi.
AnOher intaesting quirk about the Maryland game was the
attitude of the D.C. press afta the game. They literally flocked to the
Pirate locker room following the oontest.
East Carolina was hit hard by the Washington area press afta last
year. Several playas, whose attitudes did nO ooifom with Coach
Dave Patton' son team play, wae told to shape upanot cane back out
this year. Two playas, Buzzy Braman and Reggie Lee, decided nrt to
oome back. Braman transfared to Maryland while Lee came back to
finish his grant-in-aid.
Braman went back to the Washington, D.C. area, his home, and
called up a writa fran THE WASHINGTON STAR, Eddie Crane, and
blasted Pattoi and the entire Pirate basketball program.
There wae several inequities in the stay such as Braman saying
ECUhada6-l9recadfatheyear instead of the actual 11-15. He also
said the school was in Greenville, S.C. instead of Greenville, N.C.
Otha aras included Braman saying he did na play in the game
following his selection as Southan Caifaaioe playa-a-the-week in
the 1974-75 seasai. In actuality, he played 38, 29 and 34 minutes,
respective, in the three games following his selection.
The writas afta the game at Maryland seemed to take the idea
that Patton was on trial in the D.C. area in the game. They asked this
writa sevaal questiois about the aedibility of ECU'S basketball
program. They wae impressed with the way the Pirates played without
Braman, Lee, and Wade Henkel, an ECU junia injured and sitting out
One D.C. writa, who sat in the stands during the game, said the
genaal feeling amoig Maryland fans was the Taps played their best
game and ECU was the most exciting team to play in Cole Field House
to date. Nare Dame, rated fourth in the nation, beat Maryland in
ovatime earlia.
Most of the writas said they no longa doubted the East Carolina
basketball program afta the game and had been misled by Braman's
stay last spring. Their main praise of the team was based on the hustle
and attitude they showed.
They wae truly imaessed with the changes they saw in oie shot

Page 14 FOUNTAINHEAD 16 December 1976
Lady Pirates play host to ASU
ECU'S Lady Pirates will
attempt to get back on the
winning track Saturday when they
play host to Division I conference
rival Appalachian State in Minges
Coliseum at 5 p.m.
The team will compete in the
three-day Christmas Classic tour-
nament in Chapel Hill Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday of next
The Lady Pirates dropped
their opener last Saturday to
Western Carolina 75-70 in a
turnover feast. Coach Catherine
Bdton's club committed 33 turn-
overs, an obvious notation of a
young team.
"Our turnovers were aggres-
sive erras related Bdton. "I
had hoped we would not turn it
over so much, but then we are
very young.
"Our guards played with
confidence, and starting two
sophomae guards (Gale Ker-
baugh, April Ross), I have to be
pleased with that. They appear to
be ready to face the situation
The Lady Pirates will play
their first Divisional game this
Saturday when facing Appala-
chian State. The Lady Apps are
1-2 in the five-team division,
having lost to N.C. State and
Nath Carolina and having defeat-
ed UNC-Greensbao.
Women tankers
end up fifth in state
East Carolina's women's
swimming team hopes were di-
minished when they finished fifth
in the NCAIAW State Swimming
Meet held at UNC this past
Friday and Saturday. The team
placed fifth out of a field of ten.
UNC gathered a total of 811
points to win the meet. With 668
points State took second and
Duke gathered 369 points. ECU
fell to Appalachian who scaed
218 while the Pirate ladies rolled
up a disappointing 186 points.
Cathy Callahan placed third
on the 3-meter board. This was
the highest placement fa the
Cindy Sailer placed ninth and
Lynn Utegaard fourteenth in the
100 yard butterfly. Sharon Burns
and Katherine Wade both placed
in the 100 yard freestyle.
Jannet Inman placed in the
100 meter backstroke as well as
Lynn Utegaard. Ellen Bond
placed eighth in the 100 yard
breast stroke.
"I would hope our rush
offense, a fast break, will be
executed better against Appala-
chian continued Baton. "I was
not pleased with that against
"Our player-to-player defense
(same as man-to-man, but differ-
ent terms fa wanen) has been
pretty good, and that's surpri-
sing, because that's the toughest
to teach to young players
Even in the losing effat, the
Lady Pirates had standout players
in the statistical repat. All-stater
Debbie Freeman had 21 points
and 16 rebounds, while all-
division returnee Rosie Thomp-
son had 20 points and 12
rebounds. Guard Gale Kerbaugh
was seven of ten from the floa
and totaled 15 points.
"I expect better play against
Appalachian concluded Baton.
"We have the potential fa a fine
team, but we've got to stop those
turnovers and grow up quickly
Godette invited to play in
Tampa's American Bowl
A third member of East
Carolina University's champion-
ship football team has been
tabbed fa post-season play.
All-America defensive end
Gary Godette was invited yester-
day to play infcihe American Bowl
in Tampa, Fa on Jan. 2 at
Tampa Stadium. Godette will
repat fa practice on December
Earlier, Reggie Pinkney was
invited to play in Friday night's
North-South Shrine Game in
Pontiac, Mich while Ernest
Madison was invited to play in the
Senia Bowl Game Jan. 8, in
Mobile, Ala.
Godette was named to the
Associated Press All-America
team this year and was on their
honaable mention team as a
junia. Fa three years he was
named All-Southern Conference
and all-state fa the last two
The famer Havelock High
School standout finished his
senia seasai with 16 tackles fa
loss fa minus 96 yards. He had
ten quarterback sacks, 37
unassisted tackles and 17 assists.
Godette is considered as one
of the nation's finest defensive
ends from the 1976 season and is
expected to be drafted into the
The 5-11, 235 pounder is one
of the most awesome players ever
at East Carolina and one of the
most popular. He twice had maja
surgery and missed the 1974
seasai due to injuries. He almost
decided to not return in 1976 and
oomplete his last year of eligi-
bility, but made the decision to do
so just befae spring practice.
Godette has won nearly every
award possible at East Carolina,
including Most Valuable and Best
Defensive in 1975, permanent
captain in 1975, Most Outstand-
ing Freshman in 1972, three
times all-conference, two times
all-state and All-America.
Godette is the son of Mr. &
Mrs. William A. Godette of
This represents the first play-
er ever from East Carolina to play
in the American Bowl. The
invitation was extended by game
directa, Sam Bailey.
You Can Get 3 Beignets
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With This Coupon
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Hot French Pastry
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Side Orders

16 December 1976 FOUNTAINHEAO Page 15
Mueller gives credit for success
Staff Writer
"You can't make it by your-
self, others have to help you along
the way
This is the attitude wrestler
Phil Mueller carries with him in
both spats and life.
Mueller, a 24-year old driver
and safety education major, is
currently ECU'S only undefeated
wrestler, holding a 13-0 record.
He has over 200 career wins.
Mueller began wrestling 13
years ago while in junior high
school. He continued while in
high school at Port Washington,
Wisconsin, also participating in
track, football and baseball. He
was Wisconsin's wrestling champ
in 1970 and placed third in the
state in 1971.
A senior, Mueller now wres-
tles in the 167 lb. weight class and
is a team co-captain. This is his
second year of wrestling at ECU.
Last year, Mueller was the
Southern Conference wrestling
champ, N.C. Collegiate champ,
and placed in the top ten in the
nation. He hopes to do as well, in
this, his final season.
Mueller sees this year's team
as being "young and somewhat
inexperienced, but we should be
ready by oonferenoe time.
"As an individual, I feel I'm
further ahead than I was last
year. I have a better attitude. And
I wrestle every match like it's the
last one.
"To be really prepared fa a
match, you have to be condi-
tioned, in both body and mind.
Conditioning and mental attitude
is imcatant in both spats and
life. You can lose two matches
and still win if you've given 100Vi
and know you've done your
for sale w
FOR SALE: Eastern Mountain
Sports Polaguard "down" parks,
women's medium (men's small).
Keeps you warm to -10 degrees
even when wet. Brand new,
asking $45. Sierra Designs 6040
windrain parka, small, almost
new, asking $50. Ask fa Michele
at 405 12 Biltmae, evenings,
1974 MGBGT gold with tan cloth
and vinyl interia, AM-FM radio,
air, excellent condition. Call
Rocky Mount 977-3954.
FOR SALE Pioneer SX-939 Stereo
receiver. 70 watts RMS per
channel. Warranty still appli-
cable. 758-8678.
FOR SALE: Rare Austin-Healey
100-6. A classic roadster in very
good condition needs a new
home. Give yourself a great
Christmas present. Can be seen at
Parkview Mana ApK, 2605 E.
10th St. or call 758-4876evenings.
FOR SALE: Pioneer Receiver 50
watt rms per channel. 3 years old,
$300. Ar-2AX speakers$175. Call
FOR SALE: Sony 6046 A 20 watt
receiver. 6 mo. old $190.00.
FOR SALE: One pair of Bose 50' s
6 mos. old-Mint Conditiai $300.
Call 758-2271 after 6:00 p.m.
sentative fa Large Warehouse a
dent Representative fa Large
Warehouse is on campus. You've
heard of Warehouse prices, now
they're here. (40-50 lower
than any local dealer). Have your
components in one week from
time of ader. Full Factory War-
ranty. All Brands available. Call
Dave- 758-1382.
Alice-758-0497 a 757-6366. Only
.50 a page: (exceptions-single
spaced pages & outlines) Plenty
of experience�I need the money!
1974 SUPERBEETLE. Good con-
dition. AM-FM stereo radio.
Sunroof. Baby blue oola. Call
weekdays 752-2029 a weekends
756-4163. Price $2295.00.
USED 8 track tapes, variety of
rock by Bob Dylan, Elton John,
Led Zeppelin and others. $2.50
each a lot of 45 fa I85.00.
758-1314 after 5 p.m.
FOR SALE: Care stereo 8-track
tape player aiginal equipment,
under dash mount excellent con-
dition. $40.00. Call 752-8654 a,
If you have something to buy
a sell oane to the Red Oak Show
and Sell; We sell on consignment
anything of value, excluding
clothing. Open Mon. - Sat.
11100-6.00 Sun. 2-6, closed Thurs.
Located 3 miles west of
Greenville at the intersection of
264 and Farmville Highway in the
old Red Oak church building.
FOR SALE: Classical guitar w
case. Excellent condition. Rea-
sonable price. Call .Denise,
rms per channel $300. Phillips GA
212 turntable $170. AR-2AX
speakers $175. Call 756-154.
FOR SALE-dean furnished traila
8 X 38 fa $1,300.00 a best offer.
Call 752-9357 at 7-9 a.m. a 5-9
FOR SALE-CB Radio and Twin
Co Phased Ant. New Pace 2300
with Ant. and Slide Mount. Sells
fa $270 new fa both asking $210
fa both. Call 758-0260 Dave,
leave name and number.
GRADUATE student must sell
.64 carat diamond. $500.00 Call
756-5213 after 9 XX) p.m.
KINGSIZE BED frame, mattress,
boxspring headboard. Separates
to twins. $70.00 752-1509.
After graduating, Mueller will
return to ECU as a graduate
assistant. "I'd also like to help
out in the wrestling program if I
can. Or I may beoome involved
with 'Athletes In Action
"I like Greenville and would
like to stay here. I'd like to teach
and be a wrestling coach in
Greenville if possible
In leaving ECU, Mueller
hopes "both Bill Cain and the
Athletic Department continue to
do such a good job. Also Coach
Welborn, who is a dedicated and
great coach. He's a real asset to
the wrestling program.
"Coach Welban has been a
real inspiration to me. So have my
parents, the Lord, and Lutz
Rathke, a man who straightened
me out during my wayward years.
.They've all helped me to get to
know myself and become a better
'�'�X�:�����:�v:vXy&X-0$ �f7

FOR SALE-Electro Comp Elec-
tronic Synthesizer. Excellent con-
dition. Fa infamation & price
call 756-7484
for rent �
ROOM FOR RENT: 1 block from
campus. Furnished, clean &
reasonable rent. 752-4814.
FOR RENT: Apts. 1 & 2
bedrooms, newly renovated, new
appliances provided; call 752-
4154. Available Dec. 15th.
FOR RENT: Unfurnished room
1107 Evans St. $34.00 & utilities
month. Contact Steve- 758-7675
after 6 a Rm. 420 Flanagan.
RENT: Private and semi-private
rooms with kitchen privileges-
available Winter-Spring terms.
FOR RENT: To mature person.
Huge room in faculty house, quiet
neighbahood. Details discussed
Jackie. Day-757-6962 Night-
FOR RENT: Effidency apartment
fa 2 - tneies furnished aaoss
from college, 758-2585. Com-
pletely furnished with air cond-
FOR RENT: 2 bedroom Univa-
sity Townhouse. $195.00 per
month. Central air, pool. Avail-
able now. 758-3089 after 5 p.m.
To share two bedroom apart-
ment; two blocks from campus,
704D East Third St. If I'm not
home leave your name and phone
number, so I can call you back.
fully carpeted, furnished, central
air, washer & dryer, queen size
bed with linens. $90.00 per mo.
induding utilities. Call 758-7884.
MALE roommate needed, two-
bedroom apt. at East brook-Call
Pat a David at 758-5671 between
4 and 7 p.m.
soneaie quiet and reasonably
dean. Excellent location, rent is
$53.00 monthly. Call Forrest
Suggs 758-7736 after 400 p.m.
HOUSEMATE needed fa vacan-
cy December 10th. Call 756-1839
befae 10.00 p.m.
NEEDED: Female roommate fa
large condominum. $50.00
month. Freedom of house in
exchange fa light housekeeping
duties. Pool, tennis oourts and
sauna available. Board na in-
duded. 756-5423.
LOST: Single key silver chain
with inscribed hexagon. Vidnity
of Cotanch St. Call 752-9205.
Reward offered.
LOST: Glasses, oval-shaped,
pewter wire frames. Contact
Charmaine Phillips in 1019 Cle-
ment, 752-8522. Reward.
LOST: 1 pair of dark aown Frye
boots.Lost in Drama dept. dress-
ing room. Reward offered fa
information leading to their
whereabouts. Call 758-7422. No
questions asked.
LOST-Silver watch with mesh
band. .ost between Clement
Dam and Mr. Ribs Restaurant.
Reward Offaed. Call 758-8230.
HELP! I lost a brown deer skin
purse in Jenkins Art Bldg. If you
have any information on it please
call 752-6140 after 5 p.m.
found (D
FOUND-Female kitten nearing
adulthood, found near Rawl buil-
ding on the evening of Thursday,
December 2nd. Is mostly gray,
with interspaced tan, and with
white neck and feet. Has black
stripes on face and legs. Owna
can daim by callina 752-0055
FOUND: Man's watch at dub
football game Sunday, Oct. 10. on
intramural field. Call 752-8825.
RIDING LESSONS: Intanational
balanced seat taught by qualified
professional on your own hase.
Hunters, eventing, dressage.
Regina Kear 758-4706. Free
WANTED: Good quantity (20
guys) oook. SunThurs. 430-630
p.m. Good pay. Call Sigma Phi
Epsilon at 752-2941.
NEED TYPING? Call Gail Joyna
at 756-1062 fa professional typ-
ing and related services. All wak
Daily and evenings. Richard J.
Knapp, B.A. 756-3908.
FREE to od home - lovely,
long-haink jinea pig with cage.
Gentle, good pet fa children.
Would make a nice Christmas
present fa saneone to love. Call
Robin 752-8694.
PORTRAITS by Jack Brendle.
WANTED: Cook & Kitchen help-
er for nearby yacht dub. Hard
wak, low pay, bad hours, but call
anyway. 946-1514.
WANTED: To buy a used sofa at
least 72 inches in dark plaid a
oolas? Call after 6 o'dock Call
baoWinston-Salem area leaving
Friday Dec. 24th. Returning
Sunday Dec. 26th.
(via Columbia, S.C.) leaving
Monday Dec. 27th returning
Sunday Jan. 2nd. Call 752-6664,
a 752-6907.

Page 16 FOUNTAINHEAD 16 December 1976
Super Happy Hour
Thursday 3:00
And Friday
� i i
&�? r -V, t�i
1 .
i t
; �
Due to The Christmas Holidays,
Happy Hour Has Been Moved to Thursday.
$2.00 Cover All
Spend Some Time At
Open 1 p.m. � 1 a.m.
Every Day
Open Through the Holidays

Fountainhead, December 16, 1976
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
December 16, 1976
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