Fountainhead, October 19, 1976

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Serving the East Carolina Community for over 50 years
VOL. 52, NO. 11
19 OCTOBER 1976
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Five-points' NCNB to go
Landmark faces demolition
THE 70 YEAR-OLD landmark will be replaced by a subterranean
parking deck in the near future.
Pledge nabbed
in tissue theft
Assistant News Editor
A Kappa Alpha (KA) fratern-
ity pledge may face charges of
assaulting a police officer and
assault with a deadly weapon in
connection with an Oct. 8 toilet
paper theft on Aycock dormitory,
according to Joseph Calder, ECU
Security and Traffic Director.
Several fraternity pledges are
suspected of being involved in the
theft but as of yet, only one has
been apprehended, Calder said.
According to Calder, Ted
Ravens, Aycock fourth floor hall
advisor, caught the pledges with
the toilet paper and tried to stop
them but succeeded only in
getting the license number of the
car the pledges were riding in.
Seeing Ravens scuffling with
the pledges, a Campus policeman
stopped to investigate, according
to Calder.
After identifying himself, the
policeman supposedly tried to
stop the pledge in question and
was shoved to the ground, Calder
According to Raven, he was
nearly struck by the car the
pledge was escaping in while
attempting to obtain the license
This could result in assault
with a deadly weapon charge,
according to Calder.
Calder and James Mallory,
Dean of Men, have determined
the cost of the stolen goods,
including almost all the toilet
paper in Ayoook and six to eight
trash cans, to amount to $25-$30,
according to Mallory.
At present, no criminal
charges have been made against
the Kappa Alpha pledge suspect-
Neither campus polioe nor
Mallory would give the name of
the pledge.
The pledge is now on pro-
bation fa the rest of the school
year and charges will not be made
until further investigation, ac-
cording to Mallory.
"If Dean Mallory cannot settle
this within school judiciary to the
satisfaction of the campus police,
See ASSAULT, page 6.)
$mmmwmmi h nm
Assistant News Editor
The old five-story, red-brick
North Carolina National Bank
(NCNB) building at five-points in
downtown Greenville soon faces
demolition as part of the Central
Business District (CBD) renewal
Demolition of the 70 year-old
bank should begin this month and
should be completed by the end of
the year, acoording to Joe Laney,
executive director of the Green-
ville Redevelopment Commis-
The bank will be replaoed by a
subterranean parking deck.
According to Laney. the build-
ing itself is in poor condition. The
upper floors have not been used
for several years and the overall
structure is unsafe.
"Renovation of the building
would be uneconomical he said.
The building's architectural
style is Georgian, which is very
rare for this part of the country,
acoording to John Boyt, ECU
Playhouse designer.
Boyt was asked if he found
historic value in the building
because of its rarity.
"All of the architectural
values lie in the curved doorway
at one of the five points of that
intersection, so I don't think it
makes much difference if it's torn
down or not
Destruction of the hank is part
of a complete downtown renewal
program begun by the city in
1966. According to the continuing
plan, the entire five-points area
will be redeveloped.
The object of this 72-acre
project is to complete con-
struction of a modern downtown,
to provide adequate parking, to
beautify the area, and to improve
traffic conditions, according to
This $8 million project is 75
percent complete, said Laney.
So far, 59 buildings have been
completely renovated at a cost of
over $1 million, including those
buildings on the new Evans St.
The Redevelopment Commis-
sion now has 20 more properties
to purchase in the five-points area
out of 180 originally, according to
Tye Wagner, downtown project
Acoording to Laney, the com-
mission is "very excited" about
ridding Greenville of what he
called "the landmark traffic
nightmare known as five-points
This project was first pro-
posed by downtown Greenville
businessmen and the Greenville
Chamber of Commerce. These
two groups asked the City Council
to renovate the downtown area.
Council was interested in
restructuring and beautifying the
area because it represents a large
See BANK, page 6.
SGA approves additional
Homecoming funds
SGA Correspondent
The Student Government
Association (SGA), last evening,
passed a resolution appropriating
the Special Sub-Committee of the
Homecoming Steering Committee
$7,000.00 to bring additional
entertainment to the ECU campus
Homecoming weekend.
The proposal stated that due
to a recent history of disturbances
in downtown Greenville each
Halloween, the SGA would urge
the SGA Transit Manager to offer
the SGA buses to act as a shuttle
service during the weekend,
coordinating such service around
those off-campus events that he
feels large numbers of students
would be attending.
It would also urge the SGA
President to enact a 'student
watch' downtown to aid in
discouraging possible confusion
and to coordinate these students
with precautionary measures of
Greenville and campus authori-
Under the proposal, the SGA
would spearhead a publicity
campaign informing ECU stu-
dents of all events Halloween
weekend, appropriate $4,500.00
for bands and $2,500.00 fa
equipment for entertainment on
campus and funnel funds to the
Special Sub-Committee of the
Homecoming Steering Committee
when needed.
STYX has agreed to do a
concert on Friday night, and
furnish another band to perform
Saturday evening, according to
Sullivan. STYX has agreed to
appear at the free concert fa
In other business, the Legis-
lature approved an appropriation
to the ECU Playhouse of
$23,500.00 to produce five shows
during the 1976-77 school year.
A bill appropriating the ECU
SociologyAnthropology Club
$367.00 fa a retreat to Maehead
City, N.C. passed after minimal
A bill entitling the ECU
Ceramics Guild $300.00 to attend
a convention later this week failed
both in oommittee and in the
Bills introduced fa consider-
atiai by the Appropriation Com-
mittee include: appropriation to
the EBONY HERALD, emer-
gency appropriation to the
M inaity Affairs Publication Com-
mittee fa a special Homeooming
Edition of the EBONY HERALD,
and appropriation fa a retreat fa
the School of Education.
ENTERTAINER restructured
Staff Writer
"The Entertainer the Stud-
ent Union's monthly guide to
ECU entertainment, has been
recently aganized under the
spaisaship of a new Student
Union oommittee with Geaginna
Langston as chairperson.
A lack of aganizatioi, parti-
cularly in selling ads, prompted
the famatioi of the new oommit-
tee, accading to Student Union
President Barry Robinson, aigi-
nata of the idea.
In the past there had been r?o
definite program established to
get "The Entertainer" published,
said Langston Responsibility
was shuttled back and forth
between the Mendenhall Pro-
gram Office and the Student
Accading to Langston, all
printing costs are 1o be covered
by ad sales. Thus, the lack of
aganizatioi in selling ads was
aeating some problems in Stu-
dent Union budgeting.
The committee was chartered
May 1, I976, and published its
first "Entertainer" this Septem-
Robinson said the first effat
See ENTERTAINER, page 5.)


?ffii? ?pjffiftium
Phi Sigma Pi Skiing
That could be the story after
the Guarneri String Quartet Con-
cert Wed Oct. 20, sponsored by
the Student Union Artist Series.
Come on over and see history in
the making. Tickets on sale at the
Cental Ticket Office.
The East Carolina Chapter of
The North Carolina Vocational
Association is beginning its first
real year on campus. It is a
professional organization that
operates on a local, state and
national level and membership is
open to all persons interested in
vocational and occupational edu-
cation. The main purposes of the
organization are to "unify all
vocational education interestsand
to enoourage the further develop-
ment and improvement of all
education, including industrial
arts and guidance services For
those in professional services,
AVA "provides opportunities for
the professional deveopment of
its members, promotes youth
organizations identified with
vocational education and accom-
modates the special interests of
personnel who are engaged in
career education Through fed-
eral funding, AVA is able to
maintain quality vocationl educa-
The 1976-77 officers of AVA,
(PresPaulette Jones; Vice-Pres
Rebecca Shody and SecTreas
Kathy PooJe), along with our
advisor Dr. Viola Rosenfield are
cordially inviting all persons
interested in our organization to
attend our next meeting. It is to
be held Oct. 20,1976 at 5 p.m. in
the Home Economics building,
Room 205. New members are
WELCOME! Our guest speaker
for the evening will be Mrs.
Thayds Dawar from the Business
Department. Refreshments will
be served.
There will be a meeting of the
SociologyAnthropology Club,
Wed. Oct. 20, at 7 p.m. in
BD-301. All sociology and anthro-
pology majors or minors, as well
as any interested people are
invited to attend.
Tom Chapin
Tom Chapin will be appearing
in Mendenhall Student Center
Theatre on Wednesday, October
27, 1976, at 8.00 p.m. Tickets for
ECU students are .50 and $2.00
for the public. All tickets sold at
the door will be $2.00. Tickets
may be purchased from the ECU
Central Ticket Office. The concert
is sponsored by the Student
Union Special Entertainment
Phi Sigma Pi National Honor
Fraternity will hold its regular
monthly umnt .neeting on Wed-
nesday, Oct. 20, 1976 at Bonanza
Sirloin Pit at 6 p.m. All brothers
are urged to attend.
The Coffeehouse Committee
will present Murial Flanagan
Friday and Saturday nights.
There will be two shows nightly at
8 p.m. and 9 p.m. Admission is
.25 which also covers the cost of
refeshments. Come and bring a
"Sweet Judy"
"Sweet Judy Blue Eyes" will
be here on Thurs. Oct. 21, 1976
for an 800 adventure into wond-
rous songs and sensations. Spon-
sored by the Student Union Major
Attractions Committee, one show
will be held in Minges Coliseum.
(Lets please not smoke or eat and
keep it shining!) Advance Tickets
are only $3.00 for ECU students
and $5.00 for public. All tickets
are $5.00 at the door.
A technical discussion semi-
nar on water quality oontrol will
be held at ECU Oct. 21 from
4:30-630 p.m. in the Belk (Allied
Health) auditorium.
The seminar is sponsored by
the Dept. of Environmental
Health, and will feature Dr. Jay
H. Lehr, executive director of The
National Water Well Association.
His topic will be "The Safe
Drinking Water Act 1974
Sanitarians, public health en-
gineers and others in the health
and water works field and the
public are invited to attend.
All students interested in
trying our for men's basketball
team should oome tryout Mon.
and Tues Oct. 25 and 26 at 8-10
p.m. Place will be posted outside
basketball office.
Gamma Beta
Gamma Beta Phi, national
honor society and service to
educator organization will hold its
second pledge meeting on Oct. 20
in room 221 Mendenhall at 700.
Anyone wishing to pledge the
organization must attend this
meeting if they did not attend the
meeting on Monday.
Jim Cottrell Pres. of the
French-Swiss Ski College will be
in the south entrance foyer of
Wright Buil. Nov. 4 to talk about
snow skiing and answer questions
about the snow skiing course
offered by ECU at the Ski
College. If you have questions
about the oourse offered Dec.
19-23, stop by and speak to Jim or
Jo Saunders, the school sponsor.
The award winning animation
of George Orwell's ANIMAL
FARM will be shown in Room
221, Mendenhall Student Center
this week: Tuesday 12-1:30 p.m.
and Thursday, 12-1:30 p.m.
This is the first lunch hour
presentation the Student Union
Art Exhibition Committee has
The new ideas in program-
ming will fall into a concept called
This film may open a few
doors in your head. The directors,
John Halas and Joy Batchelor,
opened many creative doors with
this imaginative animation. The
story is adopted from George
Orwell's political satire. ILLUM-
INA illuminates!
Stamp club
The Eastern Carolina Stamp
Club meets monthly on the first
Thurs. at 7:30 p.m. in the
basement of PNB. All oollectas
are cordially invited. For more
info, call 752-7677 or 756-3665 on
Tuesdays after 7 p.m.
There will be a meeting of the
ECU Weightlifting Club on Wed
Oct. 20, at 7;30 p.m in Minges
room 145. If you are interested in
weifghtlifting, male a female,
please come support the club.
Table tennis
Tuesday, Nov. 2 at 800 p.m.
Mendenhall Student Center will
be sponsoring a table tennis
singles tournament. All ECU
students will be eligible for
competition. Registration forms
and table tennis rules are availa-
ble at the Billiards Center. There
will be a $1.00 registration fee.
Campus Crusade fa Christ
will meet Thurs. at 7 p.m. in
Brewster D-201 fa a -time of
fellowship and practical teaching.
Come join us. Everyone's wel-
The BMR will hold its regular
Command Staff meeting Wed
Oct. 19 in the center of the
Coffeehouse of Mendenhall.
All members are requested to
attend. Duties of all officers fa
the up caning year will be the
topic. By ader of COR Ron
News programs are now being
broadcast over WECU RADIO at
10:40, 3:40, and 6:40 Monday-Fri-
day. If you are interested in
waking with the newscasts (re-
porting, announcing, re-writing,
a just helping out), stop by
WECU and sign up.
Republican Poetry Forum
It's Another Great College
Republican Activity! Joe Ward,
GOP Congressional candidate,
Distric 1will speak Oct. 20 at 730
p.m. in Brewster B-104. Fa more
infamatiai call Debra Epps,
The ECU poetry faum will
meet at 8O0 p.m. in room 221,
Mendenhall Student Center on
the following dates: October 19;
November 2; November 16; De-
cember 7;January 4;January 18;
February 1; February 15; March
15; April 15; April 19; May 3;
May 17.
Dorm reps Applications
Fa a limited time oily, you
can file fa the position as Dam
Representative to the SGA. From
October 14th to the 21st, you can
file in Mendenhall, Room 228, the
SGA Office, to run in a one time
only by election! Your SGA has a
few positions open in Belk, Tyler,
Greene, Umstead and Fletcher
Dams. Cane by 228 Mendenhall
to file. Campaigning begins
Thursday, October 21st, following
a mandatay candidates' meet-
ing. Voting will take place in the
dams at Wednesday, October
ECU's Rho Epsilon, collegiate
professional real estate fraternity,
in collaboration with the N.C.
Association of REALTORS will
hold a symposium this Wed Oct.
20 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in
Mendenhall St'nt Center,
room 244. Publi nvited. Free
A evening of dancing and
dining has been scheduled by the
ECU Alumni Association for
Homecoming, October 30.
The dance planned primarily
fa alumni and friends of the
University will feature music from
the' 50' s provided by bands which
became popular during the '50's.
The Tarns, The Clovers, and
Maurice Williams and The Zo-
diacs will present continuous
shows from 8:30 p.m. until 2 a.m.
Dining will begin at 7 p.m.
with a buffet dinner at the Moose
Music will begin at 8 p.m. and
showtime at 830 p.m.
Tickets can be purchased by
advance sale only and are availa-
ble at the ECU Alumni Affairs
Office and at Printed Paper
Products Company, Greenville,
Persons wishing to take the
ACT Assessment should send
applications to ACT, P.O. Box
414, Iowa City, Iowa 52240 to
arrive also by Oct. 25.
UNC Game
The SGA will have four buses
going to the ECU-UNC game.
There will be no charge to
students. The bus will leave at
9:30a.m. Saturday maning fran
in frait of Mendenhall Student
Center. It will return right after
the game.
ECU Noise
Are you going to the Carolina
game? If you are. let everyone
know you re an East Carolina fan.
Wear purple and gold to the
game. Bring noise makers, shak-
ers, nans, anything that is loud.
If it makes noise, bring it to the
game. Let's be seen and heard.
Show Carolina ECU is fa real. Br
vocal in your suppat of Coach
Dye and the team. Let's prove
we've got the spirit. Show
everyone the true meaning of
Pirate Power.
Blood Drive
On October 19, 20, and 21
there will be a Blood Drive held at
Wright Auditaium. The hours
are 11 to 5 on Tuesday, Oct. 19
and 10 to 4 on Wednesday and
Thursday, 20 and 21. The drive is
being held this year to aid in the
shatage of blood.
University accepted excuses
will be given to those students
who donate blood anda help
during classes. Red Cross dona-
tion cards will be issued a
updated. The goal of this year's
blood drive is 1,000 pints.
. ?? ??? . i ?


Strange illness linked to Kepone
Staff Writer
Dr. Robert Jackson, assistant
commissioner and state epidemi-
ologist of the Virginia State
Health Department, the moving
force behind the investigation of
kepone pollution in the James
River and Eastern Virginia, spoke
Thursday, October 14 at ECU'S
Allied Health Building.
Jackson, also known as Cap-
tain Kepone, first learned of the
pollution in the spring of 1973.
"The Virginia State Health
Department was not very active in
the area of occupational health
until the pollutant was discovered
in the river said Jackson.
"Several reports of a strange
illness were brought to my
attention from various sources
around the Hopewell Va area
he said.
"The symptoms were tremors
of the body, unsteady gait and
uncontrollable eye movements
said Jackson. "These ranged in
degree from slightly uncomfort-
able to totally debilitating
While searching for the cause
of the illne. Dr. Jackson visited
the Ai'ied Chemical plant in
Hopewell, Va.
"There I found that an
insecticide (kepone) had been
discovered in 1966 and produced
there for awhile. I also learned
that the Life Science Chemical
Rant, of Hopewell, had been
contracted by Allied to produce
the substance
Allied and Life Science are the
only producers of kepone in the
"Kepone is a chlorinated
hydrocarbon which collects in the
fatty tissue of the body. It is not
removed by natural body pro-
cesses and each little bit adds to
the amount in the body.
Presently there is no cure for
kepone poisoning.
"When I got out of the car at
the Life Science plant fumes from
the building brought tears to my
eyes said Jackson.
"While inspecting the plant I
observed kepone lying around in
open containers, on the floor, and
dust (from the substance) in the
air. None of the employees were
wearing any sort of protection
A sewer pipe in the plant was
being used to dispose of liquid
wastes from Life Science. These
wastes were processed at the
waste treatment plant of Hooe-
well and then released into the
river. The process did nothing to
the structure of kepone.
"In October of 1974 I found
that Life Science had been
trucking solid waste to an area
landfill for a six month period.
This was against state and federal
regulations and had been halted
when discovered according to
Through interviews with em-
ployees of Life Science it was
determined that seven of ten
persons working there suffered
some or all of the symptoms.
"After determining that ke-
pone was the cause of the
sickness we began trying to find
the extent to which it was
distributed in the area he said.
"We started sampling things
for kepone and the results were
scary. Everything we sampled
contained kepone, the river had a
very high content, fish from the
river had dangerous levels, all of
the homes in the immediate area
were contaminated as well as the
homes of plant employees.
A small ice plant located 75
feet from the Life Science plant
was closed because cf extensive
"Even fish from the Chesa-
peake Bay contained high levels
of kepone said Jackson.
Allied had conducted environ-
mental damage samples since
1968 and showed that kepone had
been in the river in equally high
amounts since 1968. There are
currently 108,000 lbs. of kepone
in the James River.
"The governor was informed
of our findings and set up a task
force to deal with the situation
The James River and the
Gnesapeake Bay were closed to
fishing and a clean up operation
was instigated in and around
The most important economic
affect of kepone is to the seafood
industry of Virginia. "Allied
probably will be forced to re-
imburse fishermen for lost in-
The Life Science plant was
Wachovia donates
$25,000 to stadium
? The ECU Ficklen Stadium
fund drive has received a $25,000
contribution from the Wachovia
Wally Howard of Greenville,
regional executive for Wachovia
Bank and Trust Co announced
the Wachovia gift in ceremonies
attended by ECU Chancellor Leo
W. Jenkins, a leader in the
stadium fund drive, and other
The drive to raise $2.5 million
to enable ECU to nearly double
the seating size and improve
facilities at Ficklen began about
two weeks ago.
Howard said there is a "pleas-
ing and harmonious" relationship
between the Wachovia organi-
zation and East Carolina
"This gift is part of our
continuous effort to support ECU
which means so much to the
Eastern region and the entire
state he said.
Jenkins said the gift was one
of the largest, single oontri-
t utions to the stadium fund drive
received thus far.
PHONE: 752-2136
Prescription Dept, with medication
profile: your prescription always at
oar fingertips, even though yon may
lose yonr RL bottle.
Frat donates books
to Sheppard Library
. Staff Writer
Psi Chi, psychology honor
fraternity, will donate 10 books to
the Sheppard Memorial Library,
Thursday at 2 p.m.
Mark Broadsky, Pa Chi presi-
dent, and Dr. Charles Mitchell,
head of the psychology depart-
ment, will present the books to
Elizabeth Copeland, director of
the library.
"The books are from the Psi
Chi Library in Speight said Ed
Saunders, Psi Chi publicity direc-
tor, "They are books that we have
dupl icates of or ones that we think
will be useful to the public
Psi Chi hopes to donate books
on a continual basis once each
quarter according to Saunders.
" This is a new lease on life for
the organization said Saunders.
The Psi Chi Library in Speight
is open to all students who wish to
use it added Saunders.
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m ? m mm
Decent teachin'
ain't for nothin'
The University of North Carolina Board of
Governors has proposed a budget for the 1977-79
biennium of more than $1 billion to the Advisory
Budget Commission, which will make recommend-
ations to the General Assembly when it convenes in
The budget is nearly $350 million more than that
for the current biennium (1975-77).
Part of the increase includes $178.6 million for
capital improvements and a 10 percent pay hike for
facuity members each year of the biennium.
It is well known by the faculty personnel of the
UNC system that salaries for college teachers in North
Carolina lag well behind the national average. Lloyd
Benjamin, Faculty Senate chairman at ECU last year,
pointed out the "exceedingly poor situation in North
Carolina Benjamin's remarks were made in
reference to the possibility of faculty unionization in
North Carolina's higher education system.
Pay raise requests have been continually scaled
down or denied to UNC faculty. Prior to the 1975-76
General Assembly session the Faculty Assembly of
the University of North Carolina passed a resolution
requesting a 15 percent pay hike, including a 12
percent across the board boost in pay and a three
percent merit raise for the 1975-76 fiscal year. The
assembly requested an 11 percent hike, including
eight percent across the board and a three percent
merit increase for the 1976-77 period.
However, the state Advisory Budget Commission
recommended only a five percent increase with no
merit boost for the two year period. At ECU last year
raises were less than one percent, according to
Quality education does exist in North Carolina's
higher education system. There is no denying the fact.
But, as Benjamin has noted, "a comparison of salaries
of the different faculties of the UNC system also shows
unequal compensation
The time has oome to bring faculty salaries in line
with the national average and to adjust inequities
within the UNC system.
For the General Assembly it will cost only an
additional $33.4 million each year of the upcoming
biennium. And, perhaps the legislators could forestall
unionization, which many in this state tear
Serving the East Carolina community tor over titty years
Senior EditorJim Elliott
Production ManagerJimmy Williams
Advertising ManagerDennis Leonard
Business ManagerTeresa Whisenant
News EditorsDebbie Jackson
Neil Sessoms
Trends Editor . .Pat Coyfe
Sports EditorSteve Wheeler
Fountainhead is the student newspaper of East Carolina
University sponsored by the Student Government Association
of ECU and appears each Tuesday and Thursday during the
school year, weekly during the summer.
Mailing address: Old South Building, Greenville, N.C.
Editorial Offices: 757-6366, 757-6367, 757-6309.
Subscriptions:$10.00 annually for non-students, $6.00 for
Prof clarifies stance on nukes
To Fountainhead:
I was amused by the aooount
of the Nuclear Energy Debate in
which I took part as carried in the
October 12th issue of the Foun-
tainhead. Though, I must admit
that given the national reputation
of my reputed opponent, Ted
Only for you
good ol' ECU
To Fountainhead:
Attention: Coach Pat Dye
There seems to be a great
misunderstanding about the new
bumper sticker that says,
responsible for the theme and
printing of the bumper stickers. I
am an ECU enthusiast. I original-
ly came to ECU to play football
and love ECU football. I was
president of the Student Body of
ECU during 1973-74 and have
always promoted ECU. I am now
a member of the Pirates' Club
and try to attend every football
game. My background should
demonstrate my support for ECU
and prove that I would never do
anything to discredit the school.
My intentions with the sticker
were, and still are, very positive
and simple. They are to promote
ECU and to put UNC in their
Everyone loves the stickers. I
will let the public decide the issue
now that they know both sides.
The sticker is trying and will show
you that the students and people
of Greenville are 100 percent
behind you and the football team.
Good luck against UNC.
William H. Bodenhamer, Jr.
Taylor, the fact that the headline
and accompanying picture focus-
ed on the moderator of the
debate was a bit strange. How-
ever, I am still greatly indebted to
you since throughout the entire
debate I thought my opponent
was Carroll Webber. Dr. Webber
is indeed a worthy opponent, but
given the media attention that
Ted Taylor has enjoyed, I would
have been greatly intimidated if
only I had known.
One small objection: I made
probably twenty to thirty major
points in my presentation all of
which were printed and distri-
buted to those present. The only
point I didn't make was the one
you reported. I didn't say that
breeder reactors andor converter
reactors should replace conven-
tional nuclear power. What I did
say was "nuclear breeder reac-
tors certainly might become
necessary and their dangers are
not well understood at this point.
This, however, is all the more
reason for actively pursuing re-
search in this field. Further, we
should investigate as intensely as
possible the advisability of going
to nuclear oonvertors rather than
nuclear breeders, especially with
respect to the relative dangers
involved in the two alternatives
Given the importance of the topic
under discussion at this debate, it
is unfortunate that a more
detailed report was not made.
Carl G. Adler
Josh fund raising explained
To Fountainhead:
I am writing in reference to
the article written 10-7-76 about
the $1,900 raised for Josh Mc-
Dowell. Many misconceptions
have arisen from that article
which I feel merit some explan-
First off, regardless of the
intentions of the reporter (which I
trust were good), there seems to be
the implication that we paid Josh
the amount of $1,900. Nothing
could be further from the truth!
Josh McDowell received only
$125 a day ($250 for two nights),
which covered not only his main
Forum Policy
Forum letters should be typed
or printed and they must be
signed and include the writer's
address. Names will be withheld
upon request. Letters may be sent
to Fountainhead or left at the
Information Desk in Mendenhall
Student Center.
lecture, but also his speaking in
classrooms during the day. With
that $250 Josh paid for his
transportation to ECU, his own
hotel room, and his own meals, in
addition to paying room and
board for the two men traveling
with him. In 1965 Josh was the
recipient of the Lyman Strauss
Speaker of the Year Award and
would be well worth $1,000 a day,
yet because of the love of God
that motivates him, he charges
only $125 a day.
One might ask why we raised
that much monpy if Josh did not
cost that much. We spent that
money on printing, paint, post-
ers, the banner that was flown
over Ficklen, advertisements
(over $100 to the Fountainhead),
and the list could go on and on.
I hope this has cleared up any
misapprehensions that some may
have had.
Barry Teague
Campus Crusade for Christ

'W'o' ?ii
Member of Governor's Council
Local DSA elects president
Staff Writer
ECU student Craig L. John-
son, a member of the Governor's
Council on Employment of the
Handicapped, October 6 was
elected president of the Disabled
Students Association (DSA) at
The DSA serves as a voice for
the needs of handicapped stu-
Johnson was appointed last
week to the N.C. Governor's
Council on Employment of the
Other new officers of the DSA
are Phil Baker, vice-president,
Janet Warren, secretary, and Roy
Pate, treasurer.
About 20 students attended
the meeting, about one-third of
whom are handicapped.
According to Bill Mizelle, a
Slay Hall legislator and DSA
member, the DSA Constitution
was presented to the Student
Government Association (SGA)
last Monday.
The DSA will be the only
organization fa disabled students
in North Carolina's state-support-
ed university system, aocording
to Dr. Sheldon Downes, coordi-
nator of the Rehabilitation Pro-
gram at East Carolina University.
"I think it is a good way for
these students to have a voioe
said Downes. "It is good that the
DSA wants non-disabled students
to get involved
The origin of the organization
resulted from the problems of the
first wheelchair students at ECU,
said Downes. The campus began
constructing ramps four years ago
to aid such students.
"ECU is ahead of the game
because our plan was already in
effect when the Rehabilitation Act
of 1973 became effective said
Downes Sect ions 503 and 504 of
the act require schools to form
Affirmative Action Plans to give
the handicapped equal opportun-
ity said DOwnes.
"Chancellor Jenkins was in
favor of making the campus
barrier-free regardless of the
construction of the Regional
Rehabilitation Center at Pitt
County Hospital. The Rehabilita-
tion Center will be opened by
January 1977 said Downes.
An Affirmative Action Task
Force has been formed to help
implement the goals of the
Rehabilitation Act.
Dr. David B. Stevens is the
chairman of the task foroe. Its job
istooontinue barrier removal and
to insure equal opportunity for
handicapped students.
About $100,000 has been put
in four years work on barrier
removal said Downes. "ECU
supplied about $20,000 and the
state supplied about $80,000.
Approximately $300,000 will be
requested at the next budget
"ECU should oomplete bar-
rier removal by the end of 1978,
including putting ramps and
elevators in all buildings said
A long range plan has been
established to make all state-
supported universities barrier-
free, but ECU will be the first to
achieve that goal and it is
especially good here because the
campus is so flat, said Downes.
"Approximately 300 students
are served by state agencies at
ECU said Downes. Vocational
Rehabilitation serves disabled
students with training and mon-
ey. It finds an individual who is
handicaoped and then mentally
and physically rehabilitates him
The individual is then referred to
as disabled.
"Attitudes are better today
than ten years ago toward dis-
abled persons said Downes.
"People are losing their fear of
people in wheelchairs by seeing
that they are human also. Nine
years ago, professors on this
campus refused to teach blind
students. Now, over 30 blind
students attend ECU.
The DSA is the result of a few
interested students and faculty
who saw a need fa disabled
students to have a voice, Downes
Roy Pate, DSA treasurer, was
appointed as the special advisa
to the Affirmative Action Task
Face. He has helped make public
those problems encountered by
disabled students.
Pate wants the DSA to help
current and future students first,
then wants to go outside the
campus. The DSA will be a
resouroe and research organi-
zatioi, he said.
"Our loig-term goal is to
model ourselves after the Center
fa Independent Living (CIL) in
Berkeley, Calif said Pate. "It
is a tight aganizatiai which
serves the disabled and the blind.
Its functions are to provide
counseling, attendants and read-
ers, referrals, wheelchair repair,
mobility instruction fa the blind,
housing assistance, and trans-
portation fa the disabled.
Pate said the DSA will start
setting up committees to attack
such problems as transpatatioi,
lack of ramps (especially from
Brewster building to the Science
complex), and attendants (one
person now helps three disabled
Continued from page 1.
under the new famat lost a
negligible amount of money due
toarisein printing oostsof which
the Student Union was unaware.
Due to this inaeased cost,
"The Entertainer" has had to
raise advertising rates. Langston
feels this will cared the budget
Robinsoi said that the inaea-
sed ad rates may aeate new
problems in selling ads since local
merchants can get lower rates in
other student publications.
The committee waks the
publicity co-adinata of each
committee to advertise Student
Union attractions fa the oaning
month, aocading to Langston.
Each committee writes its own
oopy and leaves layout to the
Langston said that selling ads
and laying out the publication
keeps her committee too busy to
write oopy. Each committee is in
a better position to write its own
oopy sinoe it is more infamed on
riigi iimn Mil nwirmtfi
the related attraction she said.
A special Homecoming issue
of "The Entertainer" was pub-
lished Oct. 15, and a combined
November-December issue will
be published scon.
The combined issue is due to
"a lack of interest in buying ads
fa November said Langston.
Also, the lack of entertainment in
November faegoes the necessity
of two separate issues, she said.
The purpose of "The Enter-
tainer" is "to aeate an enter-
tainment index fa students"
whereby they may keep dose
watch on Student Union attrac-
tions, Robinson said.
Piano workshop to be
held here November 12
A three-session- wakshop fa
piano teachers and students
featuring Hungarian-ban teacher
and perfamer Ylda Ncvik, will be
offered at ECU Friday, Nov. 12.
Titles of the three sessions are
"Teaching Materials fa the
Troublesome Teens "Bartok
fa the Young Pianist" and
"Interaction between Sight Read-
ing and Memaization Techni-
ques toward Per fa nance
All sessions are scheduled fa
the A.J. Fletcher Music Center a
ECU. Registration fee fa teach-
ers is $15 including luncheon, $12
fa teachers without luncheon,
and $6 fa students.
Internationally recognized as
a specialist in 20th century piano
music, Ms. Novik has appeared in
recitals throughout the U.S. and
abroad and has conducted work-
shops and master classes at
colleges and universities in 38
states and in Greece, Yugoslavia,
Israel, Guatemala and Japan.
In addition to her career as a
perfamer and visiting teacher,
Ms. Novik is a faculty member at
Geage Washingtai University
and an adjunct professa at
Moitgonery College.
students in Slay Hall).
Downes said in the near future
there will be a Coadinata of
Handicapped Services counsela,
who will bring all the services
together on campus.
Pate said there are about 20
million disabled persons in
America. He based the figure on
the Prevalence of Selected Im-
pairments Repat fa June 1965.
"ECU as well as elementary
and secondary learning facilities
are essential fa everyaie to
become productive members of
society said Pate. "When you
have someone whose mobility is
limited, education becomes an
essential part of his life because
his very existence depends on
developing his mind s'd Pate.
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11:30 - 2:00 Mon. -Fri.
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We have changed back to the
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New Menu Additions
Include: Scallops
264 By-Pass
Next to Pitt Plaza

BUCCANEER may face
printing cost increase
The ECU yearbook, BUC-
CANEER, may face a $3,000-
$4,000 printing cost increase if
the Student Government Associ-
ation (SGA) Appropriations Com-
mittee delays budgeting the book
much longer.
The oommittee met Monday,
Oct. 18 but did not discuss or
determine the BUCCANEER'S
'77 budget.
According to BUCCANEER
editor, Monika Sutherland, this
delay in budgeting oould prove
disasterous for the book.
If the yearbook oould sign a
contract with a printing company
soon, it could avoid the upcoming
rate increase.
Sutherland cannot sign a
contract until the Appropriations
Committee sets the BUCs bud-
get, according to Sutherland.
The BUCCANEER is request-
ing a $66,000 budget for 1977.
The 1976 budget was $67,900,
$50,00 of this was fa printing
As of now, the BUC is
completely out of money until it is
rebudgetted, aocording to Suther-
The BUC was depending on a
contracted $4,500 from Multi-Pic
studio to carry it through October
and rebudgetting, aocording to
However, the SGA is present-
ly suing Multi-Pic for breech of
contract due to the BUC not
receiving this money.
Consequently, the yearbook
does not have that money to
operate on for October.
"This is another reason why
the oommittee's delay in budget-
ing the BUC is more disasterous;
we can't even pay our phone bills
now said Sutherland.
The BUCCANEER'S budget
must be decided on before the
literary publication THE REBEL,
are budgeted.
Continued from page 1.
we will serve warrants with
criminal charges Calder said.
Calder added that he feels like
various fraternity "big brothers"
incited the pledges to steal the
toilet paper.
I don't feel that the pledge or
pledges suspected to be respons-
ible fa the theft should have
aiminal records hanging over
their heads for the rest of their
lives; it's the ones that put them
up to it that should be held
responsible and we intend to
investigate and charge the senia
fraternity members with aiding
and abetting if we find out who
they are he said.
"The big brothers' are the
idiots that need punishing he
However Kappa Alpha Presi-
dent, James Thompson, told
FOUNTAINHEAD that no one, at
least in the KA fraternity, sug-
gested a recommended that the
pledges take this action
They initiated the idea
themselves he said.
The theft was not oondoned
officially a unofficially by the
KA's, accading to Thompson.
At present, the resident halls
have been made off limits to all
fraternities and the fraternity
pledge apprehended in the theft
must make oomplete restitution
fa the property stolen, accading
to Mallay.
"This sat of thing can get
way out of hand Mallay said.
Aooading to Mallay this has
happened often in the past.
"When we get to the bottom
of this, the whole KA fraternity
oould be held responsible he
Thompsoi has made his
apologies to Mallay and Calder
fa the entire fraternity, aaxxd-
ing to Thompsoi.
Thompsoi told FOUNTAIN-
HEAD he feels certain that other
fraternity pledges were involved.
"The KA pledge just happen-
ed to be the oly one caught
because they used his car he
I Ht BUC may oost more to print next year due to SGA Appropriation
Committee budgeting delay.
collects $3012
Continued from page 1.
city tax base. If the property
values downtown were to de-
aease due to inadequate plan-
ning and poo building con-
struction, then the city tax returns
would deaease also, accading to
This project is being financed
through state urban renewal
grants and oommunity develop-
ment funds.
- Greenville has also been in-
volved in other city-wide redeve-
lopment projects in the past such
as the Shoe Drive project, which
saw restoatioi of the Histaic
Town Common, and the Newtown
Urban Renewal Area, which
resulted in 78 units of new public
The city is now completing the
third year of its Southside Urban
Renewal Aiea. The city plans to
encourage investment there by
private developers "fa con-
struction of modest homes de-
signed fo low inoome, waking
families aooading to Laney.
The city-wide urban renewal
plans were begun by the City
Council in 1959.
Greenville now ranks seventh
in Urban Renewal Grant Reser-
vations in the state.
Staff Writer
Alpha Phi Omega service
fraternity collected $3,012.22 in
contributions during the three
day Rock-A-Thon fo the United
Fraternity member Dave
Ross, a sophomae, rocked fa a
total of 59 hours at the Five Points
rocking station, accading to Tim
Smith, chairman of last year's
Sigma Sigma Sigma pledge
class won first place in fund
collecting competition fo this
year's Rock-A-Thoi.
Gamma Sigma Sigma sooity
pledge class placed second in the
conpetitioi, with Chi Omega,
and Alpha Phi pledge classes
placing third and fourth. All
winners were awarded trophies
fo their effots.
Advertising chairman Bob
Braxton, was instrumental in the
Rock-A-Thon's success in exceed-
ing their $3,000goal, aooading to
Braxton engineered adverti-
sing spots on the national televi-
sion program "Good Maning
America as well as WNCT's
"Carolina Today
Since 1960, Alpha Phi Omega
has sponsoed the annual Rock-A-
Thon fund raising drive. Tradi-
tionally all local sooity pledge
classes have competed in solicit-
ing contributions.
North Carolina's Number 3 Rock Nightclub
Wednesday Oct. 20
and Brotherhood of Peace
Tickets sold at the door
Monday Oct. 25
Commander Cody and the
Commander Cody Band
and Stillwater
Tickets available at Razz Jazz and Rock 'IM Soul

m tmmm
l?Uli IWWK
Voter registration perks up in Pitt Co.
Staff Writer
County voting registrars noted
a marked increase in voter
registration for Pitt County from
June to July of this year, but voter
participation still remains low.
As of June 8, 28,957 persons
had registered to vote in Ptt
County, according to Margaret
Register of the Pitt County Board
of Elections.
This represented 24,012 De-
mocrats, 4,088 Republicans, and
857 others which includes Ameri-
can, U.S. Labor, and Independent
parties and no preference.
The figures were further
broken down to show that 23,042
whites, 5,874 blacks, and 71
others were registered here.
As of July 20, 30,009 persons
had registered - an increase of
1,052 persons over the June 8
Included in the July figures
were 24,866 Democrats, 4,219
Republicans and 924 others.
These figures included 23,979
whites, 5,985 blacks and 45
According to Register, how-
ever, only 11,800 persons in Pitt
County voted in the August
Pitt County had 9,900 voters
in the runoff in early September.
"If people had to pay one
dollar for the right to register,
perhaps they would appreciate
their right to vote more said
She stressed the importance
of college students obtaining their
absentee ballots before the dead-
"A near relative can apply in
the student's home county for
absentee ballots and they will be
sent directly to the student said
No one seems to know the
reason for the lack of voter
participation. In fact, some think
there is no voter apathy.
Elizabeth Dole, wife of the
Republican Vice-Presidential
nominee feels there is no voter
apathy. She made the comments
during a campaign stop last week
in Greenville.
"Bob and I nave been met
with tremendous enthusiasm
wherever we have visited, espeo
ially on college campuses said
Mrs. Dole.
She said students seem more
involved with the issues than
when she was in school.
The questions the Doles have
been asked show that there is
much interest in the future of the
country, according to Mrs. Dole.
She is encouraging people to
examine the issues, candidates,
and their philosophies, and to get
out and vote.
"It's too crucial a time for
people not to vote said Mrs.
In response to Mrs. Dole's
comments about no voter apathy,
Janice Faulkner, an active Ptt
County democrat, said "She
(Mrs. Dole) only sees people
actively involved in politics
Faulkner believes people are
turned-off to government.
"There is a general distrust of
everyone in politics said Faulk-
People fear abuses of power
on the state and national level
Barbara Ellis, co-chairperson
of the Pitt County Ford Campaign
feels interest in government is
People are anxious to forget
the past and look to the future
said Ellis.
Ellis said she believes the
debates will increase voter inter-
"The result can only be
positive said Ellis.
A solution to voter apathy, if it
does exist, remains to be seen. If
the debates help, the results will
not be known until November.
ITS SEMI-ANNUAL ? fc one cent speaker sale
tT featuring our new
Sa 0


New York dentist
solves earring problem
earrings have long been con-
sidered the safest metal for newly
pierced ears, but there is evi-
dence that ?hoae earrings may
lead to an allergic reaction.
Pure gold (24 karat) is too soft
for earrings and 14 karat, oom-
monly used in the United Staes,
oontains other metals to harden
it, usually nickel. Many persons
are allergic to nickel or become
allergic at the time of piercing.
Once nickel sensitivity (contact
dermatatis) develops, a person
may be sensitized for life. For
example, some persons become
allergic to zippers, watch bands,
rings and other objects containint
A solution to the problem was
discovered by a Queens, N.Y
dentist, Dr. Herbert Abramowitz,
See Earrings, pg. 10
Millionaire Waldenshows
business of rock industry
Staff Writer
Neil Simon's genius as a playwright was never in the spectacle of the
plot of" M urder by Death His work is a siaccato series of scenes, with
exaggerated traits and eccentricities. The talent that pulls the scenes
together is his genius at the one-liner; the quip. It isthis talent that turns
Ray Stark's "Murder by Death" from a tedious literary parody to an
occasionally hysterical piece of impersonation.
The basic plot is that Lionel Twain (Truman Capote) has gathered all
the world's great detectives, at his house to solve a murder. The
detectives range from Peter Falk's obvious Sam Diamond (Sam Spade),
to James Coco's less renowned Monsieur Perrier. The major humor in
the plot, other than Simon's occasional slapstick, is the cross revelation
of each detectives moral inequities.
Sam Diamond in a gay bar, and Mr. Wang, (Charlie Chan) played by
Peter Sellers, asTwainsadopted son are played off against a blind butler
(Alec Guiness) who parks cars and a deafmute cook (nancy Walker)
who enters holding a sign, indicating her state, to the butler.
The flaw in the movie is that the plot lapses in so many places that
one begins to notice. If a work like this is rushed quickly at one, the
audience never realizes the mistakes. Without going into detail, it is
suffcient to say the killer is not who we were told it would be, and that
many of the clues were false.
While Capote looks and sounds like a guttonus egret stuffed with
marmalade, the remainder of the cast is vastly talented and the scenes,
while often overdone, are not crowded. The stars move oonvicingly
through some interesting plot twistings and lead us to a tight ending
characteristic of the mysteries being parodied.
Perhaps one might enjoy this film more if they were totally familar
with the caricatures. I was not, yet the detectives are generally "types
and can be enjoyed as such. The film is classic for some, and mildly
amusing for others. I give it three stars, one extra for the scene where
Nancy Walker rushes into the dining room with her note on the state of
the butler.
M urder by Death is playing through Thursday at the Pitt Theatre,
which was kind enough to aocomodate this reviewer.
PLAZA ONE-Sex with a Smile- A series of Vignettes that are mostly
Italian with American voices dubbed in. Marty Feldman act rally appears
for only 10 minutes. It is so poor as to be almost funny, but not quiteno
stars, save your lira.
PLAZA TWO -Bambi and Escape from Witch Mountain- Bambi is
vintage Disney with some of the greatest animation and oolor ever. A
classic. Escape from WUch mountain is a Hardy Boys type sans Hayley
Mills. Drop off the kids. Four stars for Bambi; one and a half for the
PARK-Brotherhood of Death- A Buck film where some blacks avenge
the rape of one of their sisters and destroy the population of a city in the
process. Pass. No stars even though this is the only theatre in town that
carries chocolate almonds.
There's another big man in
Georgia whose name arouses as
much respect among his followers
as Jimmy Carter's. His name is
Phil Walden, and a few years ago
he too oould have been character-
ized as "Phil who?"
Today this Macon man has
spread his influence by being the
man who brought the music world
the Allman Brothers Band and a
lineup of other performers who
have given the term "southern
rock" a special meaning.
Walden is a stocky, curly-
haired, self-confident man of 36
whose rise to the status of
multimillionarie is so impressive
that he was profiled in Fortune
His company, Caprioorn Re-
cords, formed in 1969, is an
eviable business oomplex of
music management, recording,
and publishing.
The main office on Cotton
Ave. used to be a chicken
slaughterhouse, but its squeam-
ish origin is nowhere in evidence
in the handsomely deoorated
The two met five years ago
when Carter, newly elected gov-
ernor, was introduced to Walden
by Cloyd Hall. Hall had been
Walden's football coach in school
and was now acting as Carter's
executive assistant. A rapport
sprang up between the governor
and the music man.
Not only has Walden been
fund raising for the Carter
campaign, but Capricorn acts
have lent their support too, either
directly-through benefit oonoerts
-or indirectly-through lending
their names by virtue of being on
the Caorioorn roster.
Walden got his start in
business as a university student
managing black musicians and he
got a good foothold managing an
up-and-coming singer named Otis
Redding. The two of them were
friends as well as business
partners, both relationships end-
ed when Redding died in a plane
cash in 1967.
Walden kept on, demonstrat-
ing his ability to develop talent,
ability crystalized in Capricorn
PHIL WALDEN, head of Capricorn
Otis Redding
interior. Last year, Walden
bought a beauty shop next door
and converted it into personal
offices for himself and other
executives. In the small garden
outside, there is a fountain
imported from Italy and a gaslight
lamp from London.
Despite his traveling, Walden
says he has no intention of
moving Caprioorn out of Maoon to
New York or Los Angeles.
Georgia is where he made it and
he's a Georgia rooter.
He's also rooting for Carter.
In August, 1975, he sent letters to
friends, business associates and
music writers that began: "I am
writing you about a good man and
a good friend whom I believe will
be the next president of the
United States, JIMMY CART-
ER (The capital letters were
Records got his start managing
When Walden formed the
company he joined forces with an
energetic, white South African he
had met, Frank Fenter, who
became Caprioorn executive vice
president and an expert at
The big name on their roster
so far has been the Allman
Brothers Band. Walden started
Caprioorn in 1969, the year he
discovered Duane Allman. Wal-
den had been impressed by
Allman's backup slide guitar
playing on a Wilson Pickett
record and asked him if he oould
form a band. Duane said sure.
The Allman Brothers bloomed
tfith Caprioorn. At the closing of
the Fillmore in New York's East
Village in 1971, the Allmans'
glittering performance at the
weepy concert helped usher them
in as starts of the new era.
They weathered the death of
lead guitarist Duane and of bass
player Berry Oakley in separate
motorcycle accidents and a sub-
sequent rearrangement of the
However, there has been
trouble in paradise recently with
the publicity generated by the
activities of lead singer and
keyboard man Gregg Allman,
Duane's brother. First Gregg
became chic news with his
marriage to Cher. Then he
became bad news with the group
after testifying against the All-
mans' former road manager, who
was sentenoed to 75 years in
prison on five counts of con-
spiracy to sell cocaine and other
drugs. Some disgruntled band
members resented Gregg's testi-
fying for the prosecution and have
since been making moves toward
separate careets.
But even if the Allmans split,
that won't be the end of Capri-
corn. Walden has plenty of strong
performers whom he has been
grooming and who have been
paying off, like the Marshall
Tucker Band. He has Elvin
Bishop and Bonnie Bramlett and
a dozen other acts, many of whom
live in or near Maoon, with a
resultant family feeling to cement
the company.
As befits a multimillionaire,
Walden has two other homes
besides the one in Maoon. One is
at Lake Sinclair, 40 miles north-
east of Maoon, and the other's in
Hilton Head, S.C hear Savan-
nah. The homes serve as much as
business and recreation retreats
for his artists as himself.
How does it feel to be young,
good-looking, energetic and-
especially-rick? "I'm net com-
plaining Walden said, "But
being rich carries a great deal of
responsibility, I can assure you of

Lacks 'Powerful People' consistency
Vannelli brothers take nosedive on new album
Staff Writer
Gino Vannelli and his brother,
Keyboardist Joe Vannelli, are
without a doubt the epitome of a
jazzrock fusion. Such originality
and raw talent found in the
resources of two such men is a
rare experience indeed.
The Vannelli brothers have
established themselves for the
future with great critical acclaim
concerning Gino's commercial,
album. Critics also raved at the
subsequent and most appropriate
follow up entitled STORM AT
SUNUP , of equal stature and
fluid musical quality is the most
recent Vannelli collaboration en-
Gino, as always, starts off
things with a bang with Love
of my Life This is a throbbing,
moving love song (waht else?)
featuring some excellent bass
work by Richard Baker and some
good synthesizer solos by Joe
Vannelli. A lot of feeling is
generated in this number - when
Gino sings "I'm no good on my
own" ; one can just see the girls
clamoring for the amorous Italian,
hairy chest and all.
Ugly Man is an obviously
paradoxical song featuring some
searing vocal by far above
and beyond the vocal range of
mortal men. In this cut from the
album, Joe introduces the string
synthesizer, emerging as a most
effective background for Gino's
vocals. Also some good electric
piano by Vannelli.
"A New Fix for 76" is a
boogie-woogie number that wil
set your feet to moving. This tune
features some lightning leads by
guitarist Jay Graydon, who un-
fortunately, gets little exposure
on this album.
"Omens of Love" again mel-
lows things down with some soft
electric piano by Joe Vannelli and
some emotional vocals by Gino.
The string synthesizer is again
featured in this song.
The next song, entitled "Fly
Into This Night is a hard
driving number (see any Pat-
tern?) featuring Joe Vannelli on
synthesizer with some good per-
cussion work by Graham Lear,
John J. Mandel, with Dido on
oongas. The Latin rhythm to the
number is very energetic and
totally palatable as a fitting end to
side one of the album.
The only weakness found in
side two is the concept attempt on
the part of Gino Vannelli. On the
entire second side, not only is
every song about the war, but the
lyrics constantly mention rather
trivial references to the war
throughout making it tedious
indeed. Yes can do a concept
album; Gino Vannelli cannot. The
music of the songs almost makes
up for the tacky lyrics, but even
Gino Vannelli cannot overcome
such obstacles.
"Prelude to the War" begin-
ning the second side of the album
features some simplistic (but
endearing) piano work by Gino
and some good timpani by John J.
Mandel. The "rat-tat-tat" of the
drums, however, oould have been
left out, and the John McCarthy
choir was just a little too much.
"The Battle Cry a more
effective instrumental written by
Joe Vannelli, features some good
oonga work by Dido, and some
"powerful" synthesizer by Joe
himself. Graham exhibits great
dexterity with the drums on this
entertaining piece of music.
"To the War" is perhaps one
of the strongest cuts from the
album, ignoring the lyrics of
oourse. Gino is at his finest in the
vocal department with a shatter-
ing force that will leave you
reeling. Some interesting "brass
synthesizer" is featured in the
song, which unfortunately, again
has the " rat-tat-tat of drums (to
remind you this is a war sona).
The synthesizer throughout
the song complements Gino's
voice with amazing effect, making
up for any minor points of
weakness. The piano at the end of
the song by Joe Vannelli is also
exceptionally excellent.
A driving sythesizer bass rift
introduces the next song, entitled
"Carnal Question Sheer power
and unlimited energy describe
this song "tea T Joe Vannelli is
at his best on this song with some
very complementary backing by
guitarist Jay Graydon. Needless
to say, Gino's vocals are superb.
Synthesized brass and the
sound of bells are the total
summation of the next song,
"After the Last Battle This
serves as an appropriate bridge to
the following, "To the War
Reflection" which of oourse is a
reprise of "To the War
The sound of the sea intro-
duces a soft interlude to such a
breathless array of synthesized
music. "Summers of my Life" is
a most entertaining farwell for the
album, featuring some soft elect-
ric piano by Joe Vannelli, and of
oourse, Gino. Even the female
vocals blend into what becomes a
considerably pleasant song.
GEMINI contains a few weak-
nesses (i.e lyrical quality), the
overall effect of the album is
enough to make you want to oome
back fa more. It's no STORM A T
SUNUP, but then, what is?
East Carolina Playhouse
presents 'StudentPrince'
"The Student Prince the first production of the 1967-77 season at East
Carolina Playhouse iscurrently in rehearsal under the direction of Edgar
R. Loessin. The cast of more than fifty is oomprised of students from the
Department of Drama an the School of Music at ECU. The title role will
be performed by a guest artist, Mr. Bill McDonald of Washington, D.C.
The setting of "The Prince" is Heidelberg in 1860. A young Prince,
Karl Franz, has oome to Heidelberg University to spend a year. Karl
Franz quickly learns the happiness of student life and falls in love with
Kathie, a waitress at the local inn. The romantic musical has been a
perennial favorite around America from many performances in summer
stock, road shows, and on campuses since its highly successful
Broadway engagement in the mid 1920's.
"The Student Prince" will be presented in McGinnis Auditorium
October 26-30 at 8:15 p.m. Season tickets are still available. Information
may be obtained by calling the Playhouse at 757-6390.
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Campus religious leader notes
recent college conservatism
? ?
Staff Writer
Are we entering another era of
conservatism? Definitely, accord-
ing to Father Charles Mulholland,
who says oollege students look
more like their grandparents in
terms of taking care of them-
A liberal Catholic Priest,
Mulholland is very well respected
by many Greenvillians. Like many
Catholics, he is in favor of any
legal means of preventing a-
bortion. Mulholland is very
strong in his belief of individual
freedom. When asked his opinion
of the equal rights amendment,
he replied, "Women students
should have open to them the
same opportunities as man
Mulholland pointed out that in
Russia more than half the doctors
are women, which contrasts with
te 15 peroent women doctors in
America. And this is not by any
means the only form of injustice.
Mulholland is opposed to the
death penalty and points out that
no statistics indicate the death
penalty inhibits crime. It is easy
to understand his referral to the
death penalty as "mainly
society's way of vengeance He
clarifies this statement by
mentioning that in North Caro-
Due to the TREMENDOUS response of our "Student
Appreciation Sale" and now that we've REPLENISHED
our stock-we're doing it again! And if the response is
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ALSO: custom jewelry made and repaired
lina, since the ability to hire a
good lawyer depends on the
amount of money one has, the
poor and minority groups suffer
the death penalty more than any
other groups.
It is easy to see why Father
Mulholland is such a likable, well
respected person with his great
concern, for individual rights. He
wants other people to be concern-
ed too. During the sixties, youth
and religious leaders felt the
Vietnam War was immoral. Five
years ago, at East Carolina, there
were great demonstrations and
boyootts, as students fought
passionately for visitation rights.
Now all this has changed, with
apathy evident at the voting
booths. With this in mind, it's
easy to understand why Mulhol-
land says, "Universities are
getting to be the most conserva-
tive element around and he
warns that, "a oomplaoent cam-
pus leads to a complacent
Mulholland has a right to be
concerned about this new era of
conservatism. One may argue
that people are much more
sexually liberated now than in the
fifties, and Mulholland agrees,
saying there is a certain value to
being at home with your own
body, but he also believes that to
achieve complete liberation one
must accept total responsibility
for this individual freedom, a-
voiding promiscuity. The esti-
mate of the three hundred to five
hundred abortions at ECU per
year, is reneaea in our treat-
ment of hunger, war, and vio-
lence Not only this but "the
general indifference of American
people to the plight of hungry
people is a scandal he added.
One can follow the path of
Charles Reich, author of The
Greening of America, and argue
that change is going to oome
without the political process.
Mulholland does not agree with
this belief. He is quite aware of
the time when Congress cut off
food fa aid distributed by
voluntary agencies because of
their realization that, "We have
to change the economic process
by which people achieve some
sort of inoome level that can
support them in an industrial
world Mulholland will admit
that the use of politics was the
only way to solve issues concern-
ing the civil rights legislation and
the Vietnam War. But he cautions
not to depend on politics as the
only answer He is quick to point
out that, "The Civil Rights
Amendment brought needed
changes but not friendships
What people need to do, he
believes, is to "be concerned
about others before you are
concerned about yourself. Physi-
cal intimacy should be reserved
for love. Without that, we have a
self-directed society rather than
other directed. Our history forms
us. Each generation of students
should examine that history to see
if it has benefit for us And if we
examine the fifties, we will see,
as Father Mulholland has ob-
served: that our era of conser-
vatism has repeated itself.
Continued from pg. 8
whose wife, Gloria, had her ears
pierced and developed a sensiti-
vity to nickel. When her earlobes
began to ooze and the lobes
became red and swollen, Dr.
Abramowitz went to his of f ice and
made a pair of earrings with
surgical-grade stainless steel
posts. The posts were hollow and
slotted to allow the pierced ears to
drain and heal. The earrings
worked so well that the Abra-
mowitz es decided to patent and
market the product to other
women with the same problem.
Since then they have sold half
a million guaranteed pairs of
Micro-Drain post-style earrings,
which sell for $4. Other hypo-
allergenic earrings, priced from
$4 to $7, are available in button-
style, hoops and drops for metal-
sensitive women. The Abramo-
witzes also make a patented,
sterile ear-piercing kit for the
medical profession.
"It is rare for anyone to be
allergic to stainless steel or
platinum, but platinum is too
expensive for everyday ear-
rings Dr. Aramowitz said. "For
many years, surgical-grade stain-

less has been used in dental and
medical procedures and implants.
Women have worn the earrings
made of stainless for the past
seven years without any pro-
blems He recommends that
surgical stainless posts be used at
the time of piercing and kept in
until the ears are fully healed.
The earrings are available
through mail order from H&A
Enterprises, 143-19 25th Ave
Whitestone, N.Y. 11o57. The
ear-piercing kit is sold only to
doctors, clinics and hospitals.
Dr. Alexander A. Fisher,
clinical professor of dermatology
at New York University's Post-
Graduate Medical School and
author of "Contact Dermatitis
has conducted tests using Dr.
Abramowitz's hypo-allergenic
earrings and ooncluded: "The
ear-piercing kit will not induce
nickel sensitization, nor will the
Ear-Eze earrings produce derma-
titis in nickel-sensitive indivi-
Dr. Abramowitz said that
some pierced earrings now on the
market are advertised as being
hypo-allergenic, but are not. "All
metal parts in contact with the
pierced ear must be surgical
stainless steel to be hypo-aller-
genic he said.

f jjgm l(fgggM? ?. ;r ?
Pirates lackluster in victory
Assistant Sports Editor
During the Civil War, the VMI
Corps of Cadets earned a crucial
victory over Union forces. But on
Saturday, VMI failed to handle
the Pirates of East Carolina
University, losing 17-3.
In this Southern Conference
contest, the Keydets of VMI were
well prepared strategy-wise but
were really outclassed by the
Pirates who improved their record
to six wins and no losses.
After the ECU defense forced
VMI to punt after three downs on
their first possession, the Pirate
offense took over on their own 37.
Raymond Jones made quick
spurts of seven and five yards to
pick up a first down at the 49.
Willie Hawkins took a Mike
Weaver pitch around right end for
five and Jones gained a couple
through the middle, bringing up a
third-and-three situation at the
VMI 44 yard line. From there,
Eddie Hicks scampered around
left end, eluding several tacklers
and displaying excellent balance
and determination as he took the
football into the end zone to put
the first ECU points on the board.
Pete Conaty's kick was perfect,
making the score ECU 7 - VMI 0.
After Kim Glidewell returned
Pete Conaty's kickoff to the VMI
20, the Keydets marched down to
the ECU 20 where they lined up
for Craig Jones to boot his 37 yard
field goal which made the score
ECU 7 - VMI 3. On this series, the
Keydets were successful in con-
verting two fourth-and-one situa-
tions to sustain their drive.
On both occasions sophomore
quarterback Robbie Clark em-
ployed the sneak to gain the
valuable first downs. But the big
play of the series was a pass
interference call - while looking
back for the ball Ernie Madison
tripped over the legs of wide
receiver Johnny Garnett - which
moved VMI from their own 32 to
the Pirates' 35 yard line.
ECU capped their first drive of
the second quarter, which moved
64 yards from their 23 to the VM I
13 on nine plays, with a 29 yard
Pete Conaty field goal. The score
then stood at ECU 10 - VMI 3.
After this point, ECU saw
frustration after frustration.
Though they moved the football
up and down the field for 302
yards, they were never able to
sustain a touchdown drive after
their first.
Playing catchup football in the
fourth quarter, Clark stayed to
the airways. But this backfired on
him when Gerald Hall intercepted
and returned the ball 29 yards to
the VMI eight.
Eddie Hicks burst up the
middle for the Pirates' last score.
The Pirates had several de-
fensive leaders as they limited the
Keydets to 176 yards. Cary
Godette, ooming off an injury,
had two quarterback sacks, one
other tackle fa a loss and a
broken up pass.
iwni urn ?? ? mi win i
Bill Keyes
EDDIE HICKS led the Pirates in rushing against the Keydets with 113
yards in 12 carries. He is also the seasonal leader with 515 yards and a
7.3 average per carry. File photo
Gerald Hall had two inter-
ceptions and a fumble recovery
while Reggie Pinkney had two
pick-offs. Harold Randolph led all
tacklers with 15.
ECU Coach Pat Dye praised
the Keydets for their effort
against his Pirate team saying,
You have to give aedit to VMI.
Coach Bob Thalman and his ti?m
did a great job in preparing fa us
as they always do. They had an
excellent plan. VMI came at us
with so many different looks on
But not all of ECU'S scaing
problems can be attributed to
VMI's defensive play. Pete
Conaty, one of the nation's finest
placekickers was only one of four
in field goals. And though ECU
moved to within 20 yards of the
VMI goal line five times, ther
were never able to scae a
Next week the Pirates travel to
Chapel Hill's Kenan Stadium to
play their Game-of-the-Year
against the UNC Tar Heels.
Scaing Summary:
ECU 7 3 0 7-17
VMI 3 0 0 0 -3
two interceptions
ECU-Hicks 44 run (Conaty kick)
ECU-Conaty 29 FG
ECU-Hawkins8 run (Coiaty kick)

First Downs
Passing Yards
Return Yards
Passes (A-OI)
Fumbles Lost
Penal ties-Yards
On May 15,1864, the Caps of Cadets from Virginia Military Institute
fought as a unit in a Civil War battle at New Market, Virginia, and are
aedited with helping turn the tide in fava of the Confederate faces at
that point. When alumni returned on Saturday to the VMI Post where
sand-oolaed structures continue to carry out the theme which was
aiginally designed in the early 1800's, they were reminded of that
nrtable victay.
When the East Carolina Pirates came into the Post which is widely
recognized fa its distinctive architecture and was designated a National
Histaic Landmark by the Seaetary of the Interia in 1966, they also
envisioned a battle and an impatant victay over VM I which would take
them into their fathooming encounter with Nath Carolina with a perfect
The victay they achieved, and the recad is perfect at six wins and no
losses, but the saipt fa this game was neither written in Hollywood na
in a Bud Wilkinson text.
Though Tom Daub punted seven times fa a 40.6 average, Pete
Conaty missed three field goals from 23, 35 and 51 yards out and
connected only on a 29 yarder in the second quarter. While the Pirates
were rushing fa 302 yards (only 21.6 yards under their average which
was fourth in the nation at that point) with Eddie Hicks gaining 113 yards
on 12 carries, Raymond Jones 86 yards on 24 carries, and Willie Hawkins
and Mike Weaver 73 and 59 yards respectively, Weaver could complete
only 4 of 13 passes fa a mere 32 yards (though Gallaher caught 3 fa 35).
While the defense limited VMI to 3 points in the contest, ECU scaed ai
oily two of their five possessions inside the VMI 20 yard line.
But Coach Pat Dye was happy with the team s play overall. "I was
pleased with our defensive effat. They gave us the ball 6 times oi
turnovers and that helped.
"I can't blame our offenseVMI came at us with so many different
looks on defense-stunting and so fath. Our offense didn't turn the ball
over at all and that was good fa us
The inevitable questioi fa Coach Dye following the 17-3 victay was
whether he thought the team had failed to get properly psyched fa the
game and was looking ahead to Carolina.
Dye: "I'M havetoadmit, it was difficult fa us to concentrate on VMI
this week. Everybody in Greenville has been looking faward to next
week(with UNC) ever since we beat N.C. State. But I can't blame that on
our perfamance. You have to give aedit to VMI But the VMI game is
over and thoughts are turned to Chapel Hill.
While VM I is naed fa its beautiful architecture which was patterned
after the Ecole Pdytechnique in France and the U.S. Military Academy
at West Point, Chapel Hill is a beautiful village known as the Southern
Part of Heaven. The football fan is aware of the magic, romance, and
beauty of this sleepy but resourceful town as he approaches Kenan
Stadium, a large steel and oonaete structure which stands in the midst
of long leaf pines.
But hae again, the Pirates will walk into a stadium.knowing that a
fierce battle lies ahead and expecting to walk back out of that stadium
Though coaches continual I yexhat their players to look at the season
one game at a time, oie must admit that two a three games make the
season. In the case of ECU, the games against State and Carolina are
looked at with far mae emaiai than any ahers.
Though the Tar Heels have lost key starters like Rod Broadway,
Roger Shononsky, Tom Burkett and quarterbacks P.J. Gay and Johnny
Stratton to injury, will be emaionally high fa this game.
It is rumaed that Dooley has said that he hopes the Heels are neva
embarassed again the way they were after losing to ECU last season.
Ruma also says the Heels have displayed on their dressing room
bulletin board a picture of the soaeboard with the ECU 38-UNC17 scae
But that picture of the soaeboard serves as inoentive fa the Pirates
also. They don't want it said that they can only beat Atlantic Coast
Conference teams when they're down. They must repeat the victay
while Carolina is having a good yer.
When in Chapel Hill, do as the UNC students do: enjoy the scenery
and relax in the atmosphere. But this weekend, as every weekend, do as
Pirate Football fansdo: get psyched up and expect a great football game
from a great team.
The Pirates will kick the Heels Saturday!


UNC-G victim
Lady tankers score win
Staff Writer
East Carolina women's swim
team ran away with the meet
when they beat UNC-G 94-27 this
past Wednesday. The,Lady Pi-
rates swept 13 of 14 events in the
Mmges Natatorium.
ECU won both the 200 Medley
Relay and the 200 Freestyle
Relay. In diving, Patty Redeem
took first place on the one meter
board, while Katherine Chandler
took second and Gayle Allen took
the number 3 spot, giving ECU all
three positions.
Ellen Bond won the 50 yard
breastroke in 35.31 and the 100
yard breaststroke in 1:19.66.
Sharon Burns won the Indivi-
dual Medley with a time of
1 08.10, the 50 yard Freestyle in
27.58 and the 100 yard Freestyle
in 1 W.79.
Other individual winners were
Lynn Uteguard who won the 100
yard backstroke in 1:13.77,
Sharon Nock in the 500 yard
freestyle in 7:40.0, and Cindy
20 OFF
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The owner of the Happy Store
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AND IF ECU WINS, the Happy Store on 10th
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by John Evans
Sailer in the 50 and 100 yard
butterfly in 29:58 and 1.08.0,
"Needless to say, I'm highly
pleased with our performance
commented Coach Stevie Chepko.
"We did well all round and
bettered our times in many
The Lady Pirates, who are 1-1
overall, will see more action on
October 23 when they travel to
Greensboro where they will com-
pete in a Tri-meet against UNC-G
and Western Carolina.
Albert Holloman is the 1976 Intramural One-on-One Basketball
champion after downing defending champion David Applegate in the 6-1
and over division.
Holloman, who played on the all-campus basketball champions last
year, downed Applegate in last week's finals.
The championship in the co-rec racquetball doubles event went to
David Fonke and Betsy Johnson when their opponents for the finals
failed toshow up to play.
Thirty-two men's teams and four women's teams begin play this
week in an attempt td win the Intramural football championship.
Favored in the men's conference are Scott's Time-Outs and the Kappa
Alphas. Tyler II and III are rated the best in the women's division.
Playoffs began yesterday with 16 Dormitory teams playing
first-round games. Today the winners of those games will play along
with the fraternity teams. On Wednesday the club and independent
teams vie for playoff spots, which will be decided next week.
Divisional championships will be held next Monday at 4:30 and
awards will be presented after the games. On Tuesday, Oct. 26, the four
divisional winners will begin All-Campus play with the final
championship game to be played Wednesday at 4 p.m.
In the women'sdivisional playoffs Tyler I and Tyler III will squareoff
Wednesday at 4:30, while Tyler II will meet either the Delta Zetas,
Fleming Floozies or CottonbalIs in the other game. The two winners will
then meet at 5:30 for the championship.
Only four women remain in contention in the women's tennis singles
tournament. With all semifinal matches to be completed by Wednesday
Janet Hoeppel meets Mary Sawyer and Janice McVeigh meets Delores
Of the four semifinalists Ryan had the easiest tima making the
playoffs. She has advanced three times by virtue of default or bye and
has not had to play a single match yet.
On the other hand her opponent McVeigh has shown excellent skill in
downing her last two opponents in straight sets, after winning her
first-round match by virtue of a forfeit.
In the other semifinal match Sawyer and Hoeppel lineup as possibly
the best two competitors, but have the misfortune of having to meet each
Sawyer advanced by topping Dehra Skut 6-1, 6-4 and Hoeppel
breezed to a 6-0, 6-2 victory overClare Lingenfelser. Earlier Hoeppel had
beaten Lingenfelser'ssister in a first-round match. She has lost only five
games in taking all three of her matches in straight sets.
The finals in the singles' competition will be played on Monday,
October 25.
The BSD Bullets and Volley Follies stand on top of the men's
volleyball rankings after the first week, but have lots of competition for
the top spot from Pi Kappa Phi, Phi Epsilon Kappa and Kappa Alpha.
See INTRAMURALS, page 13.)
Bo' Weavils'
I iUP?fM

Booters split two games
Staff Writer
ECU's soccer team played two
games this past week, beating
Pembroke 4-1 at home and losing
to The Citadel 3-2 on the road.
In Thursday's match against
Pembroke the Pirates had 35
shots on goal to just nine for the
Braves. Pembroke led in saves
with nine to ECU'S six.
No scoring was done by either
team until the second half. Pirate
booters Pete Angus and Jeff
Karpovich had two goals apiece.
Pembroke's only goal was scored
by halfback Eric Ricioppo, Angus
and Mike Feticko were each
credited with an assist.
Coach Curtis Frye was
"pleased with the team's play"
but noted that "simple errors
were still affecting their play
In Saturday's match against
The Citadel ECU had 17 shots on
goal to the Bulldogs' 22. The
Pirates had 17 saves while The
Citadel trailed with 12.
ECU s two goals were scored
by Pete Angus and Jeff Kar-
Coach Frye said that The
Citadel loss was "ECU'S best
game of the year so far, I hated to
see us lose after playing so well
Frye went on to talk about
various team members who were
having a good season. Frye
claimed that halfback Pete Angus
is "having an outstanding year
Angus is now one assist short of
tying ECU's all-time assist record
and needs four more goals to lead
in all-time scoring.
Frye singled out fullback Tom
Long as having "outstanding
leadership ability" and being a
consistent player. Another full-
back, Scott Balas, was noted by
Frye as being a good player both
offensively and defensively
Frye also mentioned Paul
Sear, Ken Ashley and Curt
Winborn as good players who
have strong potential for the
The matches bring ECU'S
overall record to 3-8-1 while 2-1-1
in conference play.
The Pirates' next match will
be played here against VMI this
Saturday. The match, which was
originally scheduled to be played
at 93Q, will begin at 8:46 a.m.
due to the football game at
Chapel Hill.
JEFF KARPOVICH 13, dark jersey has led the Pirate booters of late
with his offensive barrage. Photo by Russ Pogue
Field hockey team
has tough road trip
Sports Editor
ECU'S women's field hockey
team hit the road last Thursday,
Friday and Saturday and had a
touch time, winning just one of
four matches.
The first stop was in Durham
on Thursday, where the Lady
Pirates dropped a hard fought
match 2-1, to the Duke Blue
Devils. Friday ECU travelled on
to Catawba and dominated the
Indians, 4-0. Saturday, the Buc-
cettes were in Rock Hill, S.C. for
the Winthrop Invitational, where
they dropped decJiJjns to Win-
throp (5-0) and South Carolina
Club (4-3).
Coach Laurie Arrants thinks
the Pirates' team is getting into
inconsistency now.
"We're getting a little incon-
sistent now Arrants stated.
"We're scoring goals a little
better now, but we're playing
bad defense. We're going to
change from man-to-man to zone
defense this week. We' re just not
quick enough to play man-to-man
Moira Devlin scored the Pi-
rates' only goal at Duke, while
Jane Creamer picked up goals for
the Blue Devils. The Devils had
ten shots on goal to just three for
the Pirates.
ECU dominated the Indians
on Friday as Gail Betton scored
three goals and Cathy Zwigard
one. The Pirates had 13 shots on
goal to just one for Catawba.
In the first match of the
Winthrop Invitational, Winthrop
College showed its strength in
blasting the Buocettes 5-0.
Pat Bailey and Joann Baines
had two goals for Winthrop while
Vicky Hawkins picked up one.
Winthrop made the best of its
shots as five of its nine shots went
by the Pirate goalie. ECU had five
shots on goal.
The match against South
Carolina Club was close all the
way as Zwigard picked up two
goal sand Betton one fa the Lady
Pirates. Carol Wentworth and
Judy Plasle scored two apiece for
the Club.
Arrants cited Gail Betton,
Montine Swain, and Linda
Christianson fa their play in the
"Montine played rugged de-
fense all week and hustled well.
Bettoi was real aggressive and
scaed most of the goals. Linda
has been involved, in some way,
in just about every scaing play
this year
The Lady Pirates will play
their home opener Friday against
Wake Faest at 4 p.m.
Your I.D. Card is worth
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Featuring the new
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Game Room - Pro Shop - Snack Bar
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Continued from page 12.
In the top matches of the week the Kappa Alphas hembled Delta
Sigma Phi 15-3, and the Pi Kappa Phi (A) team recovered from an
opening game loss to take a three-set win over TKE(A) 14-16, 15-1,15-6.
Phi Epsilon Kappa drilled Phi Sigma Pi 15-2,15-2 to open defense of its'
dub title.
The Volley Follies took two wins during the week, knocking off DNA
15-9, 15-11 and the Sediment Stompers 15-11, 16-14. In an exciting
fraternity matchup Lambda Chi Alpha(A) topped Kappa Sigma(A) by
11-15, 15-9, 18-16 in a three-set match.
1.BSU Bullets1-06. Aycock Stars1-0
2. Volley Follies2-07. Scott 76ers1-0
3. PiKappaPhi(A)1-08. Umstead Volleys1-0
4. Phi Epsilon Kappa1-09. Sigma Nu1-0
5. KappaAlpha(A)1-010.Every MothersSon1-0
Twelve teams begin play this week in the team tennis playoffs.
Opening round matches pit the Tekes and Kappa Alphas, Jones Ad
Court, and Aycock jocks, Belk No Sweats and Belk Bounces, Pi Kappa
Phi and Aycock Dueces and four teams, the Sigma Nus, the Aycock
Dueoes, Nasty's and Belk Straight Sets, will receive byes fa the
VV?plus tax MonThurs.
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????i "i"
?am ;
JM BOLDING 23 intercepts an errant pass in 1973
UNC-ECU game, won by Tar Heels 28-27. Then a
frosh, tioiomg is now a senior, tne pnoto
MIKE VOIGHT 44 is hauled down by ECU defender in last year's
game. Though Voight rushed for 209 yards, the Pirates won 38-17. File
For all you students who were
hoping Carolina would cancel
Band Day in order to accommo-
date more of you - tough luck. For
all of you who were hoping to get
in Saturday on Standing Room
Only (SRO) - no way. And for you
who thought ABC-TV would allow
you to sit in your easy chair and
sip the suds while watching these
two rivals on the tube - forget it.
This, my friends, is Carolina
Everybody who has any school
spirit at all will be trying to talk
their friends out of tickets, so if
you've got em, don't flash 'em.
Some of the more die-hard
fans will be trying to pay upwards
This is 'Carolina Week'
of $25 for tickets.
This is the week everbody
stays excited, waiting fa the BIG
DAY to oome, waiting for Pete
Conaty or Dick Biddle to tee the
ball up, for the referees' arm in
the air and whistle to Wow, for the
foot to meet the ball, signaling
the fourth edition of this rivalry
that this year will determine who
is the 'Best Football Team in the
ECU, ooming in at 6-0, has
had more media exposure than it
has ever had from North Carolina
newspapers, but this has not
carried over to the national scene,
as the Pirates have not been
ranked all year.
Carolina, on the other hand, is
4-2 with two straight defeats and
was in the top 20 earlier in the
year after beating nationally
ranked Miami (Ohio) and Florida,
but has fallen to Missouri (3-24)
and State (13-21) of late.
There will be over 5,000 band
members from across the state
taking up valuable spaoe that
could hold the thousands of Pirate
fans who oould not get tickets;
A crowd of over 50,000 is
expected for the battle, one which
ECU won 38-17 last year - one
which Carolina coach Bill Dooley
called "an embarrassment to the
University (of North Carolina)
There will be SRO. but that is
reserved for the throng of UNC
students that are expected to
overflow their section.
And finally, ABC has decided
Nebraska versus Missouri is of
national prominence and will
show that game nation-wide
instead of having regional games.
So, if you have not got your
ticket, support the Pirates any-
how by ooming to the pep rally
Thursday night on the hill.
The band and cheerleaders
will assemble at 6:30 on the mall
and start marching - first by the
girls dorms, then through the
middle of campus, until they
reach Belk Dorm.
There Coach Dye will intro-
duce some of his players and
Chancellor Leo W. Jenkins will
speak. The band will play and the
school spirit will be evident.
Dawn Williamson, captain of
the ECU cheerleaders, said
there's a possibility there will be
footballs or frisbees thrown out.
If you haven't got a ticket by
now, you're probably out of luck.
But, sit back in your easy chair
and sip the suds while Jim Woods
and Lee Moore do play-by-play on
the Pirates' Sport Network.
And party hearty, 'cause this
is Carolina week
-Steve Wheeler
WLLtEHAWKINSlmmbeJnmtnmkxmfvPiraminlaatyaw'amn. &LLYPASCHALL10satauftothro?tar Tar Hm8 in 1973 game won by Tar Heeis. Filephoto
Fife photo

Godette comes back
for fifth big season
Cary Godette came back, and
football coach Pat Dye is glad he
did. The senior defensive end
decided to call it quits at the end
of the 1975 season. That was
supposed to be his last year, but
he had missed all of 1974 with a
knee injury, so was granted an
extra year of eligibility. He
credits the coaches with helping
him make that decision.
"I found that when I quit, I
was still undecided as to what I
wanted to do. I talked with the
coaches and they suggested that
since I wanted a shot at pro ball,
my chances would be better if I
played the extra year
The decision brings joy to the
hearts of East Carolina fans and
terror to the hearts of opposing
players and coaches. Last season,
Godette was named an honorable
mention All-America by the
Associated Press and led the
voting by a large margin to gain
all-conference honors. In ad-
dition, the Greensboro Daily
News named him an all-state
To all of these achievements,
the soft-spoken standout simply
says, "I was pretty well satisfied
with my performance last year
Godette has had bursitis on his
left knee and has missed a couple
of games but when he's in the
game he plavs all out.
"Thisyear, I'm going to go all
out. I think we have a really good
team, and if we play to our
capabilities, we can go undefeat-
ed or to a bowl game.
"Anytime that you can end a
career in that manner, it's a
memory you can always look back
on with great pride and say, 'I
was there then
wins pair
Winning two matches last
Thursday, ECU'S volleyball team
ran their reoord to 4-6. The Lady
Pirates downed Meredith College
and Shaw University in Raleigh.
Meredith fell to the Buocettes
2-0 in the first match. ECU won
15-5 and 16-14.
The Lady Pirates then domi-
nated Shaw, 15-6 and 15-8.
"Team spirit and hustle are
really starting to materialize on
the team head coach Catherine
Bolton stated. "I thought Gail
Kerbaugh had real good spikes
coming off a bad cold like she did.
And Debbie Freeman is really
looking good coming off her ankle
The Lady Pirates will be in
action today against Louisburg
Junior College and UNC-Chapel
Hill at Louisburg.
Even though Godette does not
call attention to his abilities, they
have not gone unnoticed. One pro
scout called him "the best
defensive end in the country for
1976 ECU foes have also
learned to respect the talents of
Cary Godette. However, they
show their respect in different
manners. Godette says he is often
double teamed and sometimes
tripled teamed, especially oy a
previous victim.
"If you have a good game
against someone, they'll remem-
ber it the next time you play
them he said. "I guess several
teams must remember me. be-
cause I' ve gotten double teamed a
Godette cites definite advant-
ages to a man of his size playing
the end position. "Quickness is
my biggest asset he explained,
"but I also do not come up
against many tight ends who are
my size. When someone my size
is in front of me, I'm usually a
little quicker and can get around
Consistent with his idea of
thinking of the team, Godette
says that his coaches are the ones
who have made him the type of
player that he is today.
"I've had great coaches all
along he said. "We've always
gotten along well on and off the
field and when you really like the
coach he continued, "it's a
pleasure to play and do your best
for them
Godette is from Havelock,
which produced another Pirate
standout, Jake Dove. "We played
on the same high school team
he commented. "The differences
were that I was a year ahead of
him, and he was on offense at the
time. We both agree that we're
glad we don't have to go at each
other any more
Godette says after he finishes
his stellar career at East Carolina,
he would like a chance to play
football professionally. "I would
like to have the opportunity to try
anyway he says, "because I
feel that I can play with just about
Ask anyone who has met Cary
Godette on the field, whether it
be coach or player and they will
probably agree.
Cary Godette is back. Enough
Netters gain win
over UNC-G, 7-2
Staff Writer
ECU's women's tennis team
improved their season's record to
5-2 with a 7-2 win over UNC-
Greensboro here last Thursday.
Coach Ellen Warren's Lady
Pirates had little trouble in
disposing of UNC-G.
In singles matches, Dorcas
Sunkel, Cathy Portwood, Susan
Helmer, Marie Stewart, and
Vicky Loose were ECU's victors.
Sunkel bested Caroline Veno,
6-1, 6-1, Portwood beat Paula
Perry, 6-4, 6-4, Helmer defeated
Nancy Thornton, 6-3, 6-2, Stewart
took Kelly Dee, 6-3, 7-6, and
Loose beat Meg Elmore, 3-6, 6-3,
UNC-Gs only singles winner
was Ellen Morrow as she defeat-
ed Leigh Jefferson, 6-2, 6-1.
In doubles matches ECU's
Portwood and Sunkel overcame
Thornton and Elmore, 8-2 while
Patty Collins and Kathy Harry
outlasted Veno and Dee, 8-5.
UNC-Gs doubles victory
came as Morrow and Perry beat
Sarah Casey and Ginny Gainey,
6-6, 8-1.
ECU plays again today here
against UNC-Wilmington.
Did you have a great time
this past weekend?
If not, send '1.00 , name and address
for more information
and descriptive questionaire to:
Greenville Dating
P.O. Box 2541 Greenville NC 27834
Sports writers
meet Thurs.
JOBS ON SHIPS! American.
Foreign. No experience required.
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Summer job or career. Send $3.(X)
fa information SEAFAX, Dept.
Boc 2049, Port Angeles, Was-
hington 98362.
If you have something to buy
or sell come to the Red Oak Show
and Sell; We sell on consignment
anything of value, excluding
clothing. Open Mon. - Sat.
11 00-6XX) Sun. 2-6, dosed Thurs.
Located 3 miles west of
Greenville at the intersection of
264 and Farmville Highway in the
old Red Oak church buildinq.
LOST: Gold Hamilton watch,
inscribed Minnie Allison. $100.00
reward. Call 757-6012 a 752-4490
and ask for Dora Howell.
FOR SALE: Md. Parway W
diving wetsuit. 752-9461.
NEEDED: Female roommate.
Call 756-7375 after 8100.
FOUND: Man's watch at cIud
football game Sunday, Oct. 10. on
intramural field. Call 752-8825.
Do you have problems? Do
you need a caring listener? Call
FOR SALE: Custom made water
bed frame, heater & thermostat.
Price negotiable. Excellent cond.
Call Woody, 756-1540after 5 p.m.
FOR SALE: 1970 Honda CL-175
very good condition; asking $300
includes two helmets. Cal
FOR SALE: Girls bike, 10-speed
Raleigh Record. White 1975
model like new, in very good
condition. Call Jane 746-4990.
FOR SALE: Realistic stereo com-
ponent. Best offer. Call Jack
Daily and evenings. Richard J
Knapp, B.A. 756-3908.
NEEDED: Female roommate to
share 3-bedroom trailer. Rent $60
plus utilites. Call 758-9577 after
FOR SALE: M ustang-loaded with
value. Power steering and paver
disc brakes, factory air, radio,
automatic floor sh'ft. mint con-
dition. Owner will accept best
offer. Phone days 757-6961 or
after 6 p.m. 756-6552.
For Sale: 65 MGB Good
Conditon. Call 758-0984.
FOR SALE: Matching sofa and
chair, green. Excellent condition.
Call 752-0896.
FOR SALE: AR2AX loud speak-
ers. $220.00. Excellent condition.
Serious inquiries only. 758-5150.
dents desiring part-time work,
hours 5 p.m10 p.m Mon. -
Thurs. No experience needed.
Finishing fiberglass boats. Call
today, 758-9901.
FOR SALE: Waterbed, including
frame, liner, and platform. BSR
McDonald 510 turntable. Call
Steve at 752-3509.
FOR RENT: Private room across
from ECU at 410 B Student St.
752-7032. Prefer senior or grad-
uate student.
FOR SALE: 240 Z, 1972, self-
cared fa, fog lights, dual mag
wheels, CD, air, AM-FM, 756-
PORTRAITS by Jack Brendle.
NEED TYPING? Call Gail Joyner
at 756-1062 fa professional typ-
ing and related services. All wak
REWARD-$20.00 fa return of
class ring lost in stands at
ECU-Citadel game, Oct. 2. Silver,
blue stone, East Fasyth Senia
High. Caitact Ronhie A. Lennon
426 Aycock 752-1068.
WANTED: Inflatable rubber doll
fa Oct. 30 & 31st. Plase caitact
David Winstead at 752-4673.
Need fa stage productiai.
FOR SALE: 1959 Fad pickup.
Cane to see my old green truck
parked across from 510 E.
Twelfth St. on the caner of
Lawrence and Twelfth. Call Joe
Bennett at 752-7798 after 6 and
WANTED: To rent small apt. Call

Greek freaks second

Alpha Phi wins 'Almost Anything Goes
Staff Writer
The Alpha Phis took the opening event, the Egg
Throw and went on to place in three of the final five
events to win the second edition of ECU'S Almost
Anything Goes 9ports carnival.
The Alpha Phis and their three male teammates
finished in a tie for first in the Egg Throw to open
the day's competition, followed with a second-place
in the bailcoon throw and wound up with 67.5
points. Second-plaoe went to the Greek Freaks with
52.5 points. The No Names finished third with 50
The winning team of Pam Grant, Rosie Castillo,
Debbie Fry, Elliott Cornell, James Taylor and Barry
Hamsberg also grabbed a third-place in Human
Innertube and a fourth-place in the Blind Football
The No Names placed third strictly on the basis
of a pair of first place finishes in the Innertube
Shuffle and Human Innertube events, receiving 25
points for each victory. The Greek Freaks, however,
nosed out the No Names without winning a single
The Greek Freaks took two second-places and a
third-place to gain enough points to top the No
Names. The Greek Freaks tied for second in the
Blind Football with Afternoon Delight and placed
second in the Innertube Shuffle. They finished third
in Skin the Snake.
Fourth-place went to the Top Poppers, who
nosed out the Cheap Thrills, 47.5 to 45.0. The Top
Poppers won the Blind Football event on an
unbelievable time of eight seconds and tied for first
in the Egg Throw for their points. The Cheap Thrills
placed in three events, including a pair of seconds in
Skin the Snake and the Human Innertube.
Two other events were won by teams which
finished well back in the 12-team field. The TKE
Bad Six won the Balloon Toss to finish seventh
overall with 35 pomtsand Everything Goes got all of
its 25 points with a first-place finish in Skin the
The other teams and their point totals: Gnmmies
40. Afternoon Delight 27.5, Penthcuse Gang 25.
Lambda Chi Alpha Wonders 20, and Latecomers 15.

Fountainhead, October 19, 1976
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
October 19, 1976
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