Fountainhead, October 14, 1976

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Serving the East Carolina Community for over 50 years
VOL. 52, NO. 10
14 OCTOBER 1976
Committee sparks Ficklen drive
Staff Writer
The fund drive fa the expan-
sion of ECU's Ficklen Stadium is
underway and going well, accord-
ing to Dr. Clinton Prewett,
campus chairman of the Ficklen
Stadium Expansion Campaign.
The drive, originally set to
begin in late August, was delayed
because the campaign's commit-
tee had difficulty finding a
chairman for the Pitt County,
Greenville area, said Cliff Moore,
campaign treasurer and vice-
chancellor of Business Affairs at
"Ray Minges was contacted
and he agreed to head the area
campaign after completing other
obligations said Moore.
"The tentative date for fulfill-
ment of the goal of $2.5 million,
January 1. 1977. is virtually
impossible now due to the
delay said Moore.
"The drive, now two weeks
old, has netted $300,000 in cash
and pledges according to
The drive has also received
services other than financial aid
from the community.
"All of the architectural and
planning work has been comple-
ted free of charge said Prewett.
"The expansion is necessary
now because of the continuing
rise in the cost of labor mater-
ials said Moore.
"When the first section of
seating at Ficklen was construc-
ted in 1971, the cost was
$250,000. This included the press
"One year later, the same
number of seats without the press
box costs $600,000. The proposed
expansion, which will be approxi-
mately the same number of seats
as are now in the stadium, will
cost $2.5 million
According to Moore, schedul-
ing major football teams in
Ficklen Stadium now would be a
financial disaster.
Atlantic Coast Conference
teams require $45,000 assured for
a football game said Moore.
"We don't have enough seats to
make that much
About 9,000 seats in the
present stadium are used by
non-student paying customers,
according to Moore.
"We made $80,000 last year
at N.C. State and approximately
$100,000 this year according to
"We could make twice that
much if we could schedule major
area teams in Greenville said
Increased revenues isn't the
only reason for expanding the
"What we are trying to do in
athletics at ECU is to create a
concept of quality coaches and
players in the athletic department
ana atnietesasquality studentsat
See FICKLEN, page 3. j
THIS ARTISTS CONCEPTION illustrates the proposed Ficklen Stadium expansion that will almost
double its seating capacity.
Homecoming committee
OKs entertainment funds
Campaign head
praises Carter
SGA Correspondent
The Homecoming Steering
Committee met in an emergency
meeting yesterday to approve
SGA President Tim Sullivan's
proposal to provide free addition-
al on-campus entertainment for
Homecoming weekend.
"I, along with the SGA, feel
there is a need for more entertain-
ment said Sullivan.
The proposal presented fa
the third time, was made in an
ef fat to keep students on campus
Halloween weekend in ader to
avoid disturbances in the down-
town area.
The proposal states that the
SGA will delegate funds, approx-
The headline fa Tuesday's
article on the claim filed by
Michael Martin against the
SGA and the university was
As the article indicated,
lawyers representing Martin
and the SGA waked out a
settlement and submitted it
befae a Nath Carolina In-
dustrial Commissioi (NCIC)
Therefae, the NCIC did
not in effect "rule" against
the SGA.

imately $5,000, according to
Sullivan, upon approval by the
legislature, to a sub-committee of
the Homecoming Committee to
bring additional entertainment to
the campus fa Halloween week-
The entertainment is' weak
accading to Sullivan, referring to
Charlie Rich and The Count Basie
"The purpose of this is
two-fold; one to bring entertain-
ment to the campus, and to
provide entertainment fa stu-
dents who do not wish to go
downtown said Sullivan.
The location of the concert
would be handled by the adminis-
tration; the concert would last
until the downtown nightclubs
"We've gotten to the situation
where the Student Union is trying
to cut out competition added
Sullivan. "We are looking at it as
a service, not as a profit-making
"Some of you are more
interested in competition than
alleviating the problem down-
town stated Greenville Maya
Percy Cox, in suppat of Sullivan.
"I would appreciate it if you
would help Tim (Sullivan) on this
proposal. We have to wary about
downtown and the campus
concluded Cox. The vote passed
11 -2 after much debate.
Dean Rudolph Alexander vot-
ed against the proposal
Accading to Alexander, there
has never been an attraction
Homecoming week-end which
drew mae than 2,000
Barry Robinson, Student
Union President, also voted
against the proposal because it
would be very hard to get a name
act this late and "it will cost a hell
of a lot of money
The vote was later changed to
a unanimous one in suppat of the
The sub-committee is com-
prised of the SGA President and
Vice-President, a representative
each of MRC and WRC, the
Student Union President, and
Dean Rudolph Alexander.
Sullivan is presently attempt-
ing to contract STYX fa the
Staff Writer
Jimmy Carter's N.C. Cam-
paign Manager, Joel McCleary of
Asheville, said Tuesday night in
Mendenhall Student Center that
the biggest obstacle faang Carter
is the McCarthy facta.
McLeary stated the liberal
Democratic vote might be split by
Demoaats who feel Carter is too
Another problem the Carter
faces face is that Americans have
a difficult time, psychologically,
ousting an incumbent, said
"Contrary to what most peo-
ple believe, Carter does not have
the majaity of his suppat fran
wanen said McCleary. "Polls
show that women are suppating
Gerald Fad
"Also the strongest people in
the Carter camp are not the young
people but the older folks from
the Depression said McClea-
ry This hurts us because we
spent $612 million to get the
young people registered to vote
McCleary spoke fa about half
an hour and took questions fa an
hour. About 35 persons attended.
McCleary said the maja issue
of Carter's campaign is econo-
He said the campaign is
developing into one of the dirtiest
political fights yet. He stated the
blame fa the vindictiveness in
the debates does not lie with
"The problem Carter is hav-
ing now is that when he went
after the liberal vote, he seemed
to lose ground with his conserva-
tive backing and now he has to
come back and regain suppat
said McCleary.
McCleary said in closing that
if the Demoaats lose this election
then it will be 16 years befae
they can get another chance at the
White House.
Cheech 7? Chong back out
Assistant NewsEdita
The famed Cheech and Chong
comedy team, aiginally sche-
duled to perfam at ECU oi Oct.
31 will not appear.
Accading to Ken Hammond,
Student Union program directa,
the Cheech and Chong act was
never actually contracted to play
They had agreed to play but
did not realize a were not aware
that the date was on Halloween
night Hammond said. "We
were negotiating fa Oct. 31, but
no contracts had been signed
Fa the past three years,
Cheech and Chong have been
playing the Forum in Los Angeles
on Halloween, Hammond said.
The program office found out
on Oct. 11 that the group was not
going to accept the aiginal date
they were scheduled to play.
"It was not really a cancel-
ation Hammond added.
Brent Funderburk, assistant
program directa, said he left a
message with Fountainhead to
cancel yesterday's stay about the
Ceech and Chong appearance
here, but the message was not
Accading to Bob Seraiva,
Maja Attractions chairman, the
time may be too shat fa the
committee to schedule another
act fa the Oct. 31 date.

Phi Sigma Pi Entertainment Dorm reps FG
Phi Sigma Pi National Honor
Fraternity will hold its regular
monthly dinner meeting on Wed-
nesday, Oct. 20, 1976 at Bonanza
Sirloin Pit at 6 p.m. All brothers
are urged to attend.
One of the most magnifioent
guitarists in the world will strum
his streamlined jazz and classical
melodies and rolling rhythms to
you, on Thursday Oct. 14,1976 at
8 p.m. in Mendenhall Student
Center Theatre. Tickets for the
show are available at the Central
Ticket Office. The concert is a
Mendenhall Student Center Pro-
Free flick
Free Flick for Friday and
Saturday, Oct. 15 and 16, is the
Richard Lester comedy, "The
Three Musketeers starring
every big star you'd ever wish to
meet. All this is in odor and
presented by the Student Union
Films Committee at 7fl0 and 9:00
p.m. Draw your swords!
I .V. will meet this Sunday at 8
p.m. in the Afro-American Cul-
tural Center. Anyone interested
in Urbana is urged to attend.
Trip out
do not sign up for the New York
City or Washington, DC trips over
Thanksgiving. Last day to sign up
is FRIDAY, Oct. 15. All your
friends are going, so join them on
the experience of a lifetime!
There will be a meeting of the
SociologyAnthropology Club,
Weds. Oct. 20 at 7 p.m. in
Brewster D-301. All Sociology
and Anthropology majors and
minors and any interested stu-
dents are invited to attend.
Table tennis
The ECU Table Tennis Club
will meet Tuesday evening, Oct.
19, 1976 at 8 p.m. at the
Mendenhall Student Center table
tennis rooms.
All persons interested in
playing table tennis are invited to
There will be a special meet-
ing of the Entertainment Commit-
tee Tues. Oct. 18 at 4 p.m.
Persons wishing to take the
ACT Assessment should send
applications to ACT, P.O. Box
414, Iowa City, Iowa 52240 to
arrive also by Oct. 25.
Alpha Epsilon
Alpha Epsilon Delta will meet
Tues. at 730 p.m. in Flanagan
3c A movie entitled "The
Ultimate Experimental Animal:
Man" will be shown and used to
prompt discussion on ethics in
medicine and the Patient-Physi-
cian "contract All members
and interested Pre-Law, Philoso-
phy or other students are invited
to attend and participate.
Veterans club
The ECU Veterans Club needs
you desperately. Due to gradua-
tion the club's enrollment has
decreased significantly. The con-
tinued existence of the club
depends upon your willingness to
participate. In the past, the dub
has held sodal events, helped
with housing problems, tutored
members, given job counseling,
partidpated in intramural sports,
and was adive in VA affairs. This
is your voice on campus; there is
power in numbers. Don't let it
die. Call 758-2391 or 758-8662 for
more information. The next meet-
ing is on Od. 27 at 730 upstairs
in Wright Aud.
Chess club
Tuesday evening, Od. 19,
1976, the ECU Chess Club will
meet at 7 30 p.m. in the Menden-
hall Student Center Coffeehouse.
All interested persons are wel-
come to attend.
Alpha Phi
Alpha Phi Omega will hold its
annual Rock-A-Thon Od. 14, 15,
and 16th. Steve Evans of Green-
ville will be chairman of the
project for 1976. The rocking
begins Thursday at 7 a.m. and
will continue to 6 p.m. Saturday.
Dave Rose of Vienna.Va. will rock
for a period of 59 hrs. Money
oollected from Rock-A-Thon goes
to the United Fund of Pitt County.
Helig Meyers of Greenville
donated the chair to be used in
the Rock-A-Thon.
With everyone's help, we will
reach our $3,000 goal.
SPECIAL SGA By-elections
will be held on Wed Od. 26.
Filing for Dorm Representatives
from Fletcher, Greene, Umstead,
Belk and Tyler can be done in the
SGA office, Mendenhall 228,
from Od. 14 to the 21.
Tuesday, Nov. 2 at 8 p.m. in
Mendenhall Student Center will
be sponsoring a table tennis
singles tournament. All ECU
students will be eligible for
competition. Registration forms
and table tennis rules are availa-
ble at the Billiards Center. There
will be a $1.00 registration fee.
Pi Sigma
Pi Sigma Alpha Political Sd-
ence Honor Sodety presents Dr.
John East on Monday night,
October 18 at 7 30 in the Brewster
Building Room C-103on the East
Carolina University campus. Dr.
East will speak on this year's
Republican National Convention
at which he was a delegate. All
interested persons are urged to
Gamma Beta
Gamma Beta Phi, a national
honor society and service to
education organization will hold
its FALL RUSH on Thursday Od.
14 7 p.m. in Room 244 Menden-
hall. Anyone who is in the top
20 of their dass and have 15
hours of college credit or more is
invited to join. All old members
are also supposed to come to this
meeting. Refreshments will be
served following the meeting.
A evening of dandng and
dining has been scheduled by the
ECU Alumni Association for
Homecoming, Odober 30.
The dance planned primarily
for alumni and friends of the
University will feature music from
the' 50' s provided by bands which
became popular during the '50's.
The Tarns, The Clovers, anu
Maurice Williams and The Zo-
diacs will present continuous
shows from 8 30 p.m. until 2 a.m.
Dining will begin at 7 p.m.
with a buffet dinner at the Moose
M usic will begin at 8 p.m. and
showtime at 830 p.m.
Tickets can be purchased by
advance sale only and are availa-
ble at the ECU Alumni Affairs
Office and at Printed Paper
Produds Company, Greenville,
Hi. liiMiw i 'mm m
The Forever Generation is a
Christ-oentered campus fellow-
ship group. Our weekly meetings
indude a study, discussion or
challenge from God's Word,
singing and warm fellowhsip. We
invite and encourage you to join
us this Friday night at 730! This
week we will be meeting in
Mendenhall 244.
Hope to see you there!
A technical discussion semi-
nar on water quality oontrol will
be held at ECU Od. 21 from
430-630 p.m. in the Belk (Allied
Health) auditorium.
The seminar is sponsored by
the Dept. of Environmental
Health, and will feature Dr. Jay
H. Lehr, executive director of The
National Water Well Association.
His topic will be "The Safe
Drinking Water Ad 1974
Sanitarians, public health en-
gineers and others in the health
and water works field and the
public are invited to attend.
ACT tests
Two nationally-standardized
tests will be administered at ECU
Nov. 20, the Allied Health
Professions Admissions Test and
the American College Testing
(ACT) Assessment.
Applications to take either test
are available at the ECU Testing
Center, 105-106 Speight Building,
Applicants for the Allied
Health test should oomplete and
mail their applications to the
Psychological Corp P.O. Box
3540 Grand Central Station, New
Yak, N.Y. 10017 toarrive by Oct.
Consumers who wish to learn
more about new credit regula-
tions are invited to enroll in
Credit: New Laws and Rights
an evening oourse to be offered
by East Carolina University on
Mondays and Thursdays, Nov.
8-18, from 730 to 930 p.m.
The oourse will oover the
latest information on the laws,
rights, technicalities and proce-
dures associated with loans and
Course instructor is Dr. Susan
Long, assistant professor in the
ECU School of Business.
Further information and pre-
registration materials are availa-
ble from the Office of Non-Credit
Programs, Division of Continuing
Education, East Carolina Univer-
sity, Greenville, N.C. or tele-
phone 757-61436148.
VMI Game
Buses for VMI game are free
to ECU students. Call Menden-
hall extension 218. Leave name
and number. Planning on taking
at least three buses.
State Fair
SGA buses will run to Raleigh
aO the State fair, starting Monday
if enough people are interested.
Cost $1. Will leave Greenville
530 p.m. and leave Raleigh at
1130 p.m.
Poetry Forum
The ECU poetry forum will
meet at 8:00 p.m. in room 221,
Mendenhall Student Center on
the following dates: Odober 19;
November 2; November 16; De-
cember 7; January 4; January 18 ;
February 1; February 15; March
15; April 15; April 19; May 3;
May 17.
News programs are now being
broadcast over WECU RADIO at
10:40, 3:40, and 6:40 Monday-Fri-
day. If you are interested in
working with the newscasts (re-
porting, announdng, re-writing,
or just helping out), stop by
WECU and sign up.
Guest Speaker
There will be a meeting of the
Student Coundl for Exceptional
Children Thursday, Oct. 14, at
730 p.m. in Speight Bldg Rm.
142. The guest speaker will be
Mrs. Mary Ann Howard from the
Juvenile Volunteer Program. She
will show a film during her
presentation. Everyone is invited
to attend. Refreshments will be
Blood Drive
On Odober 19, 20, and 21
there will be a Blood Drive held at
Wright Auditorium. The hours
are 11 to 5 on Tuesday, Od. 19
and 10 to 4 on Wednesday and
Thursday, 20 and 21. The drive is
being held this year to aid in the
shortage of blood.
University accepted excuses
will be given to those students
who donate blood and or help
during dasses. Red Cross dona-
tion cards will be issued or
updated. The goal of this year's
blood drive is 1,000 pints.
mmi . mmmttmmmm

A HBgyBP f4 -f

Fayetteville Times editor
to lecture on campus
Roy Parker Jr editor of the
Fayetteville Times, will speak to
members of the ECU journalism
fraternity, Society fa Collegiate
Journalists, (formerly Alpha Phi
Gamma) Monday at 7 p.m. in the
Journalism Lab. The meeting is
open to the public.
Parker will arrive on campus
Monday afternoon & will remain
through Tuesday as a part of the
Wall Street Fund and the Ameri-
can Newspaper Publishers Asso-
ciation project to enoourage visi-
tation to oollege and university
journalism departments in all 50
Parker, a native of Eastern
North Carolina, was on the staff
of the Raleigh Times until he was
selected to edit the new Fayette-
ville times, North Carolina's
newest afternoon paper.
Following Parker's talk Mon-
day night, he will visit Fountain-
head staff quarters for a bull
session and watch the paper put
to bed
Tuesday morning he will meet
with an "Introduction to Jour-
nalism" class taught by Ira L.
Baker. From 10 until 11 30 he will
be available for individual confer-
ences in Prof. Baker's office,
Austin 334. He will meet L. J.
O'Keefe s reporting students from
2-4 Tuesday afternoon in his final
campus appearance.
Positions open for legislators
SGA Correspondent
Stuc'ent Government Associ-
ation (SGA) elections for unfilled
form legislator posts will be held
Oct. 22,1976, according to Denise
Violette, chairperson of the
Screening and Appointment Com-
"This is the first time elect-
ions of this type have been held
by the SGA according to
Elections are being held,
rather than appointments made,
so that students can have more
voice in the use of their SGA
"This way, the students can
say, Yes, I elected him
"We're hoping more people
will come out (for election into the
posts) said Violette.
The Screenings and Appoint-
ments Committee plans to distri-
bute fliers in the five dormitories
(Fletcher, Belk, Greene, Umstead
I Continued from page 1.1
ECU said Prewett.
"When people start compar-
ing our athletic program with the
likes of Georgia Tech and South
Carolina, then they will begin to
compare the academic quality of
the schools said Prewett.
"It's been my observation
that athletics, not academics,
attract people said Moore.
"Therefore, increased exposure
through athletics will attract
student who would have ordinari-
ly gone to Carolina or State
according to Moore.
Greenville is the regional,
commercialand governmental cap-
ital for the eastern part of the
state and has a high school
football stadium, said Prewett.
"We aren't necessarily em-
phasizing athletics, but this
school deserves these kinds of
facilities according to Prewett.
During a radio interview early
in October, ECU football coach
Pat Dye said that expansion of the
stadium would help the students
at ECU, and the region in
general, because of commerce.
The eastern part of the state, as
well as the athletic program,
would be assisted, he said.
"I believe there are enough
people in Eastern North Carolina
who want to see major football
and Tyler), to inform residents of
the elections.
Filing begins Thursday, Oct.
14, with the meeting of the
candidates scheduled for Oct. 21,
in Mendenhall Student Center.
of wicker, rattan,
and baskets.
Present this ad
for a 10 discount on these
new items.
Expires Oct. 18.
CU offers rooms
Staff Writer
Conference and meeting
rooms in Mendenhall Student
Center may be reserved by any
university recognized student,
faculty, or staff organization.
All reservations must be made
at the office of the Administrative
Assistant in the Information
Center between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m Monday-Friday.
According to Betty Hardee,
administrative assistant, the
rooms are reserved on a first-
come, first-serve basis.
The organization is required
to oomplete a Room Reservation
Request form and is held respons-
ible for any misuse or damage
concerning the reserved room.
A $15 deposit must be made
by any group or organization that
is not a part of or sponsored by a
university department.
Mendenhall Student Center
provides conference and meeting
rooms that seat 12, 18, and 60
persons, plus a small auditorium
that seats 220 persons.
Rooms can also be reserved on
a quarterly basis.
"Feel free to come in said
Hardee. "I'll help in every way I
OPEN SUNDAYS 1:30-5:30
LmM m w�it� $�. TV iMkH On Na . i
t�h�m�i ijurt
we've got it!
teams that can fill the stadium
said Moore.
"The campaign committee is
made up of people from each
department here at ECU said
Prewett. "There are 65 to 70
people on the committee who
solicit funds fa the drive
The committee is entirely
voluntary and each person on the
oommittee has a full-time job
elsewhere, according to Prewett.
A pamphlet titled TURN (The
Urgent Reason Now) is being
distributed. It gives general infor-
mation ano reasons for the
According to the pamphlet
ECU has been recommended by
the NCAA fa Division I classifi-
cation. This recommendation is
based on the expansion of the
stadium, says the pamphlet
"So far, the campaign has
been low key with no pressure
according to Prewett. We've sent
about 1,700 letters to the faculty
and staff asking fa contributions.
"We also plan to expand the
Pirates' Club from the present
2,000 members to 5,000 in years
to come said Prewett.
According to Prewett, "Re-
sponse has been great and the
expansion drive looks awfully
good at the moment
price $8100(
.Save $140r
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If you're ready for stereo components that give you the
highest standards of quality at a price that's still within your
reach, come see us. We want you to listen to what Craig's
done for you.
Electronic Supermarket


ffiKffiaMWgffla M
mm i u m
Student Union, the programming arm on campus
whose self-proclaimed nonpditical nature led it to
oppose the recently proposed SGA Constitution, was
knocked off its partisan feet Wednesday during an
emergency meeting of the Homecoming Steering
That body, set up several years ago at the behest of
Chancellor Jenkins, is charged with the task of
coordinating all university sponsored entertainment
during Homecoming Week. The presidents of the
Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic, Women's and
Men's Residence Councils, SOULS, the editor of
FOUNTAINHEAD and various representatives from
the University administration are on the committee.
Also included are the presidents of the Student Union
and the Student Government Association between
whom a battle has raged since June when a suggestion
was made fa additional entertainment Homecoming
SGA President Tim Sullivan initiated the proposal
because he believed the Count Basie concert
Saturday, October 30, would not draw students away
from the downtown area where a repeat of the
Halloween night disturbance like those of the last two
years is feared.
Barry Robinson, Student Union President, con-
tended that the prediction for overcrowding and
trouble downtown Saturday night, the night before
Halloween this year, was questionable and that any
further entertainment scheduled for that night would
cut into receipts for the Basie concert.
Prior to the meeting Wednesday the Union led the
fight against giving the SGA authority to sponsor
additional entertainment and convinced the Home-
ooming Committee it would be setting a dangerous
precedent to do so. The committee thus ignored
warnings by city officials that another disturbance was
probable Saturday night after the Homecoming
football game unless action was taken by some agency
of the University to divert crowds awav from
But the tide reversed in the latest Homecoming
Committee meeting and Sullivan's offer of $5,000
contingent upon the Legislature's approval - of SGA
money for another Saturday night concert was
accepted. The Union was forced to accept the fact that
programming without political considerations, that is
scheduling events that are not popular with or in the
best interest of at least a plurality of the student body,
cannot be tolerated on this campus.
Serving the East Carolina community for over titty years
Senior EditorJim Elliott
Production ManagerJimmy Williams
Advertising ManagerDennis Leonard
Business ManagerTeresa Whisenant
News EditorsDebbie Jackson
Neil Sessoms
Trends EditorPat Coyle
Sports EditorSteve Wheeler
Fountainhead is the student newspaper of East Carolina
University sponsored by the Student Government Association
of ECU and appears each Tuesday and Thursday during the
school year, weekly during the summer.
Mailing address: Old South Building, Greenville, N.C.
Editorial Offices: 757-6366, 757-6367, 757-6309.
Subscriptions: $10.00 annually for non-students, $6.00 for
Ficklen expansion benefits all
To Fountainhead:
Recently, remarks have ap-
peared in the FOUNTAINHEAD
which, while correctly noting the
value of the expansion of Ficklen
Stadium to the Greenville area,
have questioned the benefit of the
stadium expansion to the Univer-
sity. I would like to call attention
to the significant benefits of the
stadium expansion to the stu-
dents, faculty, and academic
programs of the University.
East Carolina University com-
petes with some3,000 institutions
of higher education in the United
States for students, faculty, and
financial support. In such com-
petition, particularly among in-
stitutions otherwise closely com-
parable, the degree of name
identification of the University is
a significant factor. Other things
being equal, students and faculty
members prefer to be associated
with institutions whose names are
known to themselves heir com-
munities, and to the public
throughout the country. For sim-
ilar reasons, corporations and
businesses are more generous in
their donations to the academic
programs of well known institu-
tions. Further, alumni pride,
loyalty and support increase as
their institution becomes more
widely known.
An NCAA Division I football
classification, with the attendant
publicity resulting from games
with nationally recognized
schools, is an important advant-
age in the competition fa name
identification among institutions
of higher learning. Perhaps some
would argue that this would not
be the case in an ideal world-but
in this world, it is the case. The
expansion of Ficklen Stadium is
essential to gaining that advant-
age. The potential benefits to the
students, faculty, and academic
programs of the University are
significant: (1) Facilitation of
recruitment of well qualified
students and faculty members;
(2) Facilitation of job placement of
graduates through association
with a well-known institution;
(3) Encouragement of alumni
loyalty and support for the
programs of the University; (4)
An increase in business and
industry support of University
academic and scholarship pro-
grams, (5) and, in addition, the
fun of being part of major athletic
competition, whether as a player
or a spectator. The fund drive for
the expansion of Ficklen Stadium,
therefore, is worthy of support by
all members of the University
Gregory A. Ross, Ph.D.
Philosophy Department
Athletics not overemphasized
To Fountainhead:
In your letter Tuesday to
ham and friends, you said that
ECU athletics were the only thing
emphasized by the administra-
tion. Then you turned around and
said funds were denied for a new
playhouse because of Ficklen
Stadium and more recently the
new Med School. Surely then, in
regard to the first sentence you
meant athletics and the Med
Since Eastern North Carolina
is dreadfully short of actors and
McGinnis Auditorium is drawing
eighteen thousand plus people
per event, let's ail chip in and
build a new theatre.
The main point is, though,
Forum Policy
Forum letters should be typed
or printed and they must be
signed and include the writer's
address. Names will be withheld
upon request. Letters may be sent
to Fountainhead or left at the
Information Desk in Mendenhall
Student Center.
that the athletic department is
largely self-supporting and the
stadium is not going to take funds
from other programs. This is a
fund raising drive to solicit
contributions to expand Ficklen,
which implies that if the money is
raised then a sufficient amount of
people would rather see football
than a play. Maybe that's the
wrong place to put values, but I
doubt it and besides it's a free
If you want to see a new
playhouse built then I suggest
you go to see someone in the
athletic department and learn
how to organize a fund raising
campaign, if it's that important to
you. If not, don't sit on your
collective behinds and expect
everyone to pour out sympathy to
the drama department just be-
cause it appears to you that the
big bad ogre athletic department
is usurping all the funds. It just
isn't so.
Gregory Davis
Roger W. Green
P.S. Ill contribute to your cause if
you take the initiative to ask for it
ass Bis ��

PR .���� �
Rehabilitation center
to open in Greenville
Staff Writer
The Greenville Regional Re-
habilitation Center, authorized by
the 1971 N.C. General Assembly
at an estimated $1.9 million
construction cost, will open a-
round Easter, 1977, according to
Dave McRae director.
The center part of Pitt County
Memorial Hospital, will become
the final center in a statewide
system of five regional centers
and one state institute. This will
beg in rehabilitation care to within
75 to 100 miles of anyone in the
This system is unique in the
United States because it not only
increases availability of facilities
but also provides total patient
care which deals with the real
problems faced by the handicap-
ped, according to McRae.
"A good example of this is
that we have to send all of our
severely disabled people to the
Whitaker Care Center in Winston
Salem said McRae. "The fam-
ily lives here and the patient is
sent some 200 miles away. So
many of the problems to be
treated are more than just
medical. They are dealing with
emotions, the family, and how the
patient looks at the world and how
he will be motivated to function
Amendments to the Federal
Vocational Rehabilitation Act in
1967, stimulated by increased
nationwide federal funding that
went from $50 million to $550
million yearly during the decade,
resulted in a full time state
planning section and a two year
study on the needs of the handi-
capped. From information
gathered in this study the 1969
General Assembly authorized the
state department of rehabilitation
to conduct in-depth planning fa
the establishment of facilities. Dr.
Sheldon Downes, of the Rehabili-
tation department at ECU was
appointed a member of the
committee to head the study.
"The advisory committee was
composed of a variety of profes-
sionals said Downes. ' We
decided the best way to find out
what rehabilitation centers need-
ed would be to visit the finest
centers across the country
The committee also held pub-
lic meetings in major communi-
ties across the state. Their
findings, published in a final
report on rehabilitation in North
Carolina, reported that there was
no effective help available in the
"This situation forces the
physically disabled person to wait
a lengthy period of time and to
travel long distances to many
different sites to obtain the
physical, social, and vocational
service he needs according to
the report. "In most cases,
adequate services are never ob-
tained. It is apparent that major
changes must take place within
the total system of rehabili-
In addition to the humanitar-
ian reasons for rehabilitation
there are economic factors to
"The most conservative esti-
mate is that a rehabilitated
disabled individual returns to
society in federal and state taxes
$10 for every dollar spent during
his rehabilitation program the
report pointed out. "In addition,
the individual is usually self
sustaining and not dependent on
public monies for subsistence
campus, but we're getting
The cost of the total rehabili-
tation center is difficult to deter-
mine, and will not be known until
all construction is complete. The
report by the Department of
Vocation Rehabilitation estimated
that the federal government
would pay 61 percent of the
construction cost of the Greenville
center, the state would pay 24
percent, and Pitt County would
pay 15 percent. They also esti-
i ' HI
A national health survey in
1960 estimated that 4 million
people who were normally on the
job were not working because of
disability, and 3,700,00 home-
makers were unable to work. In
1971, 43,000 adults were receiv-
ing Social Security disability
benefits. In March, 1970, 26,751
adults received benefits through
the N.C. Department of Social
"In the Greenville center,
Occupational Therapy is going to
be doing pre-vocational evalu-
ation, which will be an overview
of a patient s capacities and
disabilities and how they fit into a
job said Donna Smith, chief of
the Occupation Therapy depart-
ment. "People expect more from
a handicapped person. If we can
get them started on the right
track they'll have a better chance
of success
A study in 1967 by N.C. State
University determined that there
were over one million people in
N.C. who suffered significant
mental or physical disability.
From this figure, the research
and statistics division of the state
vocational rehabilitation depart-
ment estimated there were
275,000 adults potentially in need
of help at any given time.
Wherever rehabilitation cent-
ers are located, the community
and educational facilties must go
all out in removing architectural
barriers. Requests have been
made in the next budget for
money to install elevators in all
campus building, according to
"The architectural barrier re-
moval on campus is all part of the
$atewide system for rehabili-
tation said Downes. "Four or
five years ago we got some
matching money from the state to
remove barriers, and we've spent
up to date about $100,000 in
barrier removal. We haven't
oompletedthejobyet, we've got a
long way to go to make it a perfect
in i mm im �� min n i1 mm
Photo by Stan Hoilowell
mated annual operating expenses
at $1,250,000, to be divided
equally between state help and
insurance, medicare, medicaid
social security and other sources.
"Costshave certainly gone up
from the 1971 estimates said
Downes. "The key to operational
costs is to keep the beds filled.
The cost is estimated to be $100 a
day per client. That sounds
terribly expensive of course, until
you consider the high powered
staff, and the staff-to-client ratio
in those centers
There is general agreement
among rehabilitation profession-
als that the N.C. system of
regional centers, eventually to be
expanded to smaller units in local
hospitals and mobile units workig
with the regional centers, is the
best possible plan to help the
We think it is, because we' re
going to be covering the state,
regionally, and we feel one of the
most important things in rehabi-
litation is not to separate the
person fa long periods of time
from his home and community
said Downes.
"Unfortunately, so many
centers elsewhere isolate them-
selves within the state, some
totally inaccessible to all points
in the state. So many of them just
don't serve the needs
"Because of the extent of
their problems you don't treat
just the patient McRae agreed.
"Rehabilitation involves being
'into' the community
"We've mobilized an entire
community here in Greenville to
help the handicapped Downes
continued. "It's not only the
Rehab center, it's the hospital, ail
the departments of human wel-
fare, it's ECU and Pitt Tech. We
could go on and on about the
agencies and groups, both private
and professional, statewide and
federal, that are all cooperating to
help. And that's the way to do
(Sreene �)orm
You're 9fext!
Sftonbay rttgljt there's a party
for you at
�japter X
TrjiSyour special �abie$ 9?igf)t.
�bf)en you present a 21.9?.(5. Sorb from
Sreeneanb an X.S.U. $.2).
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9flonba) 9?igft at �fapter X
mtb. Wgfjt is �abie$ Wgrjt)
Cinema 1
After you've tried everything ele

Small Combination
Barbecue and Chicken
Brunswick stew, cole slaw,
and cornsticks.
Memorial Dr.

mmm mm

No increase in two years
Campus crime rate stabilizing
News Editor
The crime rate at ECU in the
past two years has not increased
as fast as on other college
campuses, acooramg to Joseph
H. Calder. ECU director of
Security and Traffic.
"The number one problem
facing university public service
organizations nationwide is the
fantastic growth of crime on
campus since approximately
1970 said Calder.
According to Calder, petty
larceny and violent crimes such as
rape and aggravated assault have
not increased at ECU as they have
on larger campuses.
At ECU, the rate of petty
thievery is pretty stable said
"We really don't have any
violent crime on the campus
property either
Calder said the last violent
on-campuscrime wasa rape three
years ago.
"We haven't even really had
any aggravated assaults.
"From 1970 to 1976, petty
larceny mushroomed on college
campuses in general and violent
crimes skyrocketed
Calder attributed the increase
in crimes on most campuses to
the large number of college drop-
outs who remained around col-
lege towns after the protest days
of the late '60's.
Calder said ECU did not
experience a serious increase in
crimes in the early '70s as did
many campuses.
According to the Property File
Record of the campus police, the
number of petty crimes has
generally not increased over last
However, there has been an
increase in the theft of certain
negotiable items.
275 thefts were reported
between January '75 and
September '75 while only 264
have been reported this year.
Thefts recorded in these re-
cords include such items as
appliances, building supplies,
guns, radios, televisions, and
tape players.
According to records in the
security office, however, there
has been an increase in the
number of auto thefts this year.
Three cars have been stolen since
Drug charges seem to be on
the decrease with no arrests on
record this year as opposed to
According to James M.Camp-
bell, assistant professor of cor-
rections and socia, work, crime on
campus can be divided into two
groups which he calls Part 1 and
Part 2 offenses.
According to Campbell, the
apprehension rate for campus
crimes is approximately 18 per
cent for burglaries and 24 percent
for larcenies.
A map indicating the location
of campus crimes between
January '76 and March '76 was
constructed by a corrections class
under Campbell's direction.
According to the map, the
greatest number of crimes hes
occurred between Greene, White,
Fletcher, Clement, and Garrett
These crimes consisted mostly
of larcenies.
However, there were eight
cases of breaking and entering
Calder said that approximate-
ly the same number of police are
assigned to each beat on campus,
but that several officers are
usually around the girls' dorm
According to Campbell, the
stabilization of on-campus crimes
might just be a one-year pheno-
menon, or it might be due to
police efforts.
"We would hope that our
services have helped hold crime
in check, but we really don't know
why it stabilized said Eddings.

seven fa last year.
The frequency of bicycle
thefts remains high on campus,
accading to campus police files.
129 bicycles were repated
stolen last year, and 129 thefts
have been repated to date this
Bicycle thefts are one of our
maja problems due to the fact
that they are so highly negoti-
able said Francis M. Eddings,
ECU assistant directa of se-
"Our next problem is larceny
of money
Eddings noted the great num-
ber of thefts of citizen band (CB)
radios and tape decks.
CB theft has inaeased 300 per
cent since last year, accading to
the Property File Recad.
Eddings said a maja problem
faced by the security department
is keeping unauthaized persons
out of damitaies.
"If dam occupants would
repat these people as soon as
they spot them, then it would cut
down on the number of thefts.
"There are a lot of non-stu-
dents committing crimes ac-
cading to Eddings.
Eddings added that students
should not only be suspicious of
non-students, but also of other
dam students.
"The number of aimes com-
mitted by students and non-
students is about equal
of Security and Traffic.
"Part One aimes are known
as' index aimes' and are used to
measure the level of aiminality in
the United States said Camp-
Part One aimes include mur-
der, rape, robbery, aggravated
assault, larceny in excess of $50,
auto theft, and burglary.
"ECU only has several Part
One offenses in a year's time
accading to Campbell.
"Most of the trouble on
campus is with Part Two property

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Parking problem
cited as serious
Staff Writer
The parking situation on cam-
pus is the worst it has ever been,
according to Joseph Calder, di-
rector of Security and Traffic.
Calder said there are more
cars registered this year than in
previous years.
At the present time, 6,149
vehicles are registered in the
traffic office.
According to a survey made
last March by Kevin McCourt, a
student, there are approximately
4,346 parking spaces.
At this time last year 1,724
staff, 1890 dorm, 2,583 day, 130
restricted, and 331 freshmen
vehicles were registered.
As of Friday, there were 1,868
staff, 19o8 dorm, 2843 day, 7
wheelchair, and 473 freshmen
vehicles registered.
Student chosen
William Bennett, an ECU
student from Rocky Mount, N.C.
was appointed Campus Coordina-
tor for the Pitt County President
Ford committee, according to
Barbara Ellis and Eloise Howard,
committee co-chairpersons.
Bennett will be working with
ECU student volunteers and
coordinating campaign activities
on campus.
Bennett is presently in his last
year of work towards a BS degree
in history with a minor in political
Anyone interested in partici-
pating in the Ford campaign may
go to the Pitt County Republican
Party Headquarters at the south
end of Evans St. Mall in
The article in Tuesday's
paper on the nuclear power
debate stated that Ted Taylor
was the anti-nuclear power
However, the speaker was
Carroll Webber, a member of
the American Civil Liberties
Professors' association
to meet in Greenville
North Carolina members or
the American Association of
University Professors (AAUP)
will meet in Greenville Friday and
Saturday, Oct. 15-16, for the state
AAUP annual fall convention.
Friday's schedule includes an
executive meeting, sectional cau-
cuses, and a dinner at the
Candlewick Inn featuring ad-
dresses by representatives of
gubernatorial candidates Jim
Hunt and David Flaherty.
Chapter presidents will meet
Saturday morning before a busi-
ness meeting in the Willis
State Sen. Katherine Hagen
Sebo of Greensboro will address
the gathering at a Saturday
luncheon at the Holiday Inn. Now
on leave from Guilford College,
where she is an assistant profes-
sor of political science, Sen. Sebo
holds a Ph.D. degree from
American University's School of
International Service.
She has been active in the
AAUP as well as the American
Civil Liberties Union, the Wo-
men's Political Caucus and other
The daughter of missionaries,
Sen. Sebo spent much of her
childhood in South India. Among
her research interests are inter-
national relations. Asian colitics
and the current women's move-
ment here and abroad.
Before joining the Guilford
College faculty, she was an
instructor at Wake Forest Univer-
Further information about the
AAUP convention is available
from Sallie Mann, vice president
of the ECU chapter, at Joyner
Library (telephone 757-6606).
Members who wish to attend the
convention are requested to re-
serve their places before Friday.
Half-million expected
State Fair opens
in capitol city
The 109th North Carolina
State Fair, with expected atten-
dance to surpass the half-million
mark for the fourth consecutive
year, will get underway in
Raleigh Friday, October 15.
The newest, permanent facil-
ity on the grounds will house a
unique forestry exhibit. It is the
first of a five-year program which
will eventually lead to a picnic
area, shelter and rest rooms.
Three special exh.bits, "The
Spirit of Agriculture" and "First
the Seed and a special showing
of the Viking Lander, housed in
Charter-Spheres, dome-shaped
pavilions, will highlight the nine-
day run.
Dorton Arena and i outdoor
stage will feature sue stars as
Ray Charles, Jim Stafford, Ron-
nie Milsap, Jerry Clower, Marty
Robbins, Judy Lynn, the Lipko
Comedy Chimps, and several
singing groups, all free.
The Midway will house the
rides, shows and games of the
James E. Strates Show.
Jack Kockman's Hell Drivers
will appear in the Grandstand.
The State Fair draws a larger
crowd than any other event in the
Gates open at 9 a.m. every
day except Sunday when they
open at 1 p.m.
Professor elected
NCVCEA president
Dr. Keats Sparrow, a faculty
member with the ECU Depart-
ment of English has been elected
president of the North Carolina-
Virginia College English Associ-
He was chosen at the associ-
ation's yearly meeting Oct. 2 in
Williamsburg, Va.
The N.CVirginia C.E.A. is
the regional division of the
National College English Associ-
ation with a membership com-
prised of professionals involved in
the teaching and research of
literature and languages.
Dr. Sparrow joined the ECU
faculty in 1972. He is also the
editor of a professional journal,
Teaching English in the Two
Year College
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Performs Oct. 21
ECU hosts Judy Collins
The ECU Student Union Ma-
jor Attractions Committee will
present in ooncert, Elektra-Asy-
lum recording star JUDY COL-
LINS on Thursday, October 21, at
8.00 p.m. in Minges Coliseum.
Judy Collins has a quicksilver
way of defying definitions. Just as
soon as you thing you have
figured out who she is and what
she does, she changes directions
and adds new dimensions and
surprises. In the early 1960's she
made her first two albums for
Elektra, Maid of Constant Sorrow
and Golden Apples of the Sun,
that brought her wide critical
acclaim. Then, with the release of
Judy Collins 3, Time Magazine
called her "a major contender for
the female folk crown
With her next three albums,
Judy Collins In Concert, Judy
Collins 5, and In My Life, Judy
transformed herself entirely into
an unparalleled artist who could
not be confined by the term,
Judy added a new dimension
to her life with the release of
Wildf lowers. She became a song-
writer. The album oontained the
first two songs she ever compos-
fi Since that time, every new
Collins album has contained at
least one and as many as five of
her own songs.
Tickets for the oonoert are
available from the ECU Central
Ticket Office and are priced at
$3.00 for ECU students, and
$5.00 fa the public. All tickets
sold at the doa will be $5.00.
Public tickets may also be pur-
chased at the Record Bar located
at Pitt Plaza.
String Quartet
comes October 20
debut as exclusive RCA Red Seal
recording artists they met with
immediate aitical acclaim. One
aitic, B.H. Haggin, after hearing
th tapes of the GUARNERI
reoading session wrote, "The
tonal beauty, the sensitive inflec-
tion, the integrated progression
of the four strands of the texture,
the musical understanding and
the taste of operating in that
progression establishes the
as the ranking quartet in this
Arnold Steinhardt and John
Dalley, violins; Michael Tree,
viola; and David Soyer, oello; are
the four members of the GUARN
since their New Yak City debut
in 1965 are regarded as the most
popular and praised quartet of the
era. The Quartet has been
acclaimed waldwide fa its abso-
lute mastery and viga of their
perfamanoe has earned them the
title of "World's Master of
Chamber Music (TIME Maga-
Thanks to the Student Union
Artists Series Committee, the
will perfam in the Mendenhall
Student Center Theatre at 8:00
p.m. oi Wednesday, October 20,
1976. Tickets are priced at $1.50
fa ECU students, and $4.00 fa
the public. All tickets sold at the
doa will be $4.00.
Count Basie Orchestra swings at Homecoming
One of the most explosive
faces in jazz, the COUNT BASE
ORCHESTRA, will appear fa a
honecoming show and dance on
Saturday, OCtober 30 at 800
p.m. in Wright Auditaium. The
show and dance is being sponsa-
ed by the ECU Student Union
Maja Attractions Committee as
part of the homecoming festivi-
ORCHESTRA has been at the top
of the musical wald fa years. The
band grew out of the Bennie
Moten Orchestra after Bennie
died. In this day of rock and small
groups and electric sounds, the
age of the Basie Band has
remained in the fae. In truth, it
has never waned.
The Basie Band is continuing
other innovations in addition to
the constancy of ooncert and
nightclub perfamances. It is the
first Big Band ever to appear at
the St. Regis Hotel in New Yak,
appearing at the Maisonnette
Room and on the Roof. The band
has also played four cruises.
The Orchestra has toured
extensively. Mae recently, in
addition to their tour, the band
has done several motion pictures,
the most notable of which vas
Mel Brook's riotous film, "Blaz-
ing Saddles
The Basie Band has perfam-
ed with such notables as Frank
Sinatra, Tony Bennett and Ella
Fitzgerald. There are countless
other stars who have discovered
the same sense of ecstasy when
the Count Basie Orchestra played
behind them.
Nat Pierce will be at the piano
fa the band. Pierce is no stranger
to the Basie Band a the Basie
style of music and has been
"sitting in" with the band fa
over 25 years. Critics, fans and
musicians have all said of Nat
Pierce, "he plays as much like
Count Basie as Basie himself
The show and dance will begin
at 8:00 p.m. and last until
midnight. Tickets are priced at
$2.00 fa ECU students, and
$4.00 fa the public. All tickets at
the dcor are prioed at $4.00.
Tickets may be purchased from
the ECU Central Ticket Office. In
addition, public tickets may be
purchased from the Reoad Bar at
Pitt Plaza.
'Silver Fox' to perform in Minges
Of all the giant talents who
emerged from the Memphis
studios of Sam Phillips' Sun
Records, it has taken the longest
fa CHARLIE RICH to attain his
rightful place in the musical
firmament as a star of the first
magnitude. Success was a long
time ooming to CHARLIE RICH,
but with his latest Epic album,
The Silver Fox Rich reaffirms
his stature as one of the giants in
the field of entertainment.
CHARLIE RICH grew up on a
farm in the same region of the
south as Presley, Cash, and
Perkins, among others. He also
shared a similar background,
chopping cotton and waking the
fields of his family's farm. He
began playing piano at the age of
seven, and by fourteen was
playing with local bands.
Rich's wife, a brilliant song-
stress in her own right, per-
suaded Charlie to cut a demon-
stration tape. From this, Rich
signed with Sun Recads. On this
label, he released his first album,
"Lonely Weekends
Despite the success of "Lone-
ly Weekends further chart
action on the failing Sun label was
not fathooming. and in 1965 Rich
moved over to Smash recads.
Working with producer Jerry
Kennedy, who had revitalized
Jerry Lee Lewis' declining career,
Charlie's association with Smash
yielded the chart topping single
"Mohair Sam" and two superb
albums, which even today stands
as the high point of his pre-Epic
It was not until a contract with
Epic teamed him with producer
Billy Sherrill that Charlie made
the big breakthrough that had
always eluded him befae. Be-
hind Closed Doas" became his
first gold single and one of the
largest selling recads of 1973.
His album won two Grammy
By special arrangement this
giant, THE SILVER FOX, will be
featured fa an exclusive ap-
pearance at Minges Coliseum on
the ECU campus. CHARLIE
RICH will appear on Friday,
October 29, at 8 XX) p.m. fa aie
show only. This will be his only
engagement in the state of Nath
Carolina fa the season. Tickets
are available on a first-come,
first-serve basis. They are priced
at $4.00 fa ECU students and
$6.00 fa the public. Should there
be any tickets sold at the doa,
they will be prioed at $6.00.
Tickets are available from the
ECU Central Ticket Office. In
addition, public tickets may be
purchased from the Record Bar
located at Pitt Plaza.

Flick stars Bisset and Nolte
Crew of 'The Deep' immersed in filming
8y8flflR LEIVS
Jacqueline Bisset's hair was
tousled as she sat shivering in a
wet suit. Nick Nolte sat next to
her, fingering the newly acquired
scars that cover his body. The two
had just emerged from the most
unusual movie set ever construc-
ted, 30 feet beneath the surface of
what may be the world's largest
salt-water swimming pool.
Bisset and Nolte are co-star-
ring in Peter Benchiey's, "The
Deep being filmed in Bermuda
after two months shooting 80-feet
below the suiface of the Virgin
Island's crystal clear waters.
Most of the filming is done
underwater, eliminating the need
for a hairdresser and makeup
artist. But they are the only two
members of a normal crew not
participating in the underwater
scenes, which require all person-
nel to be proficient divers.
Neither Bisset nor Nolte knew
how to dive before signing fa
their roles. Other members of the
cast and crew were selected not
only for their cinematic talents
but for their ability to work
underwater fa extended periods
of time.
A special underwater lighting
system and camera are operated
by technicians wearing tanks and
masks. The directa, Peter Yates,
directs using hand signals chaeo-
graphed with the cast and aew
befae each scene is submerged.
Even the script girl waks under-
water, using a slate and grease
pencil to take naes.
Writers invited to the location
are given instant scuba lessons so
they can observe the filming
underwater. The instructa is the
same diver who tutaed Bisset
and Nolte in a sharkless Holly-
wood swimming pool.
Nolte finds the experience
both challenging and awesome.
He and Bisset found themselves
in the midst of a school of sharks
while doing a scene in the Virgin
Islands. While the two were
adered to the surface slowly, to
avoid the bends phaographers
shot away with both their cameras
and spear guns, getting unexpec-
ted footage.
There are more hazards than
sharks, however. Nolte has had
problems with caal burns
that sting and scar. Bisset
developed a severe head cold that
prevented her from diving and
altered the shooting sequence.
There are some dry scenes set in
Bermuda, and these were shot
until Bisset got over her sniffles.
The pia is loosely based on an
actual event. Benchiey, who
authaed "Jaws the most com-
mercially successful film of all
time , went on a diving vacation
in the Virgin Islands after comple-
ting the shark saga. Apparently,
his film was responsible for
scarina others from the sea. but
not him.
Treasure diver Teddy Tucker
took Benchiey down 80 feet,
where two wrecks are sandwich-
ed, one on top of the other. One
ship, Tucker told the autha,
contained treasures, while vials of
THE DEEP, starring Nick Nolte and Jacqueline Bisset, is a Peter
Benchiey stay of Bermuda treasure-hunting.
cocaine had been found on the
other. Benchiey researched and
documented the staies and then
coistructed a modern pia, invol-
ving a honeymoon couple who
discover the sunken ships while
The aiginal ships were used
fa shooting in the Virgin Islands,
but the depth of the water and
natural marine life made contin-
uous shooting there impractical.
Consequently, producer Peter
Guber arranged to have a mock-
up built in Bermuda, at a cost of
$1 million.
Replicas of the ship interias
were constructed at the bottom of
the 30-foot pod, which is approx-
imately 200 feet in diameter.
Water is pumped in from the sea
and returned through a specially
constructed flume. After the
mock-sea was completed, it was
stocked with 4,000 friendly tropi-
cal fish, who have become
accustomed now to greeting the
stars when they swim to the set.
Tucker has been hired as a
technical advisa, and a marine
biologist has been put on the
regular payroll to maintain the
sea life and keep an eye on the
saline balance. When the picture
is completed, the pool may be
sold to a marine park, becoming
another tourist attraction for
Bermuda visitas.
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Heavy metal capsules
Staff Writer
Four tough guys that play
punk rock to its limit. What I
mean by ' punk rock' is that style
of short, uncomplicated riffs that
Aerosmith used to play.
The Ramones play in a tough
nightclub on the bowery in New
York City. The name of the
nightclub is CBGB, and most of
the new hard rock bands are
coming out of it.
These guys only play three
chords through the whole album,
but it's how they deliver them
that makes this a non-stop rocker.
Each song is only three minutes
long and one song seems to fuse
into the next. This heavy metal
madness goes on until someone
cuts the tape off in what seems to
be mid-stroke. This is the end
of side one.
Side two begins with much of
the same and plows through until
its climax comes with "Today
Your Love, Tomorrow the
World which is about a drunken
Nazi being pushed around.
I had an argument with a
friend of mine that side one of this
album is harder than side two.
His opinion is just the reverse.
Whichever you decide, I'm sure
you'll enjoy their music and their
rics. One of my favorites is
'Loudmouth and it goes as
You're a loudmouth baby;
You'd better shut it up,
I'm gonna beat you up.
Cause you're a loudmouth
Leather jacket optional.
The Cult has come out with a
new album, Agents of Fortune,
and it's different than anything
they've ever done. Isn't that just
like Blue Oyster Cult to change
and improve their music every
album? This band, in my opinion,
can not get any tighter or else
they'll have an explosion.
Some people don't like this
album. These same people don't
like anything after Tyranny &
Mutation (which was their first
basic change). I myself was one of
these people until I slowly came
around to how good their 3rd
album, Secret Treaties, is.
Agents of Fortune is not that
radical a change from their 3rd
album, but it is from their 2nd.
Therefore, the people that didn't
like their 3rd album like their
present album less.
Blue Oyster Cult is a band of
changes and probably will con-
tinue changing. This is one
reason why this band has not
burned themselves out after two
albums, like the other hard rock
bands do.
This is not the Cult's best
album, but it is an important one.
If you still like the Cult after their
second album, (although I like
them all,) I think you should pick
this up. I can't wait to see what
BOC is gonna do on their next
album. The future of rock' n roll is
Blue Oyster Cult.
Boston is a group that has no
overground notoriety (which is
explained on the back cover).
These guys have the energy, but
they don't have that special
something that separates them
from the mire of other rock bands,
I don't want to make the
impression that this is a bad
album. It's not. It's just not
outstanding or unique.
I like the opening song (which
is an FM hit) 'More than the
Feeling I must also oommend
the drummer for excellent playing
The lead player jams well, too.
On side two, the organ seems
a little unnecessary. I feel the
organ should emphasize the
music as it has done to full effect
on the first two R.E.O. Speed-
wagon albums.
If you want to hear some good
funk from Boston, look up
Stepson, an album released a
year ago that beats this tea party.
Greenville, N.C. 752-4854
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Would you believe.
Trends Editor
In case you have had the good fortune not to notice, this is midterm
week. For me, this is the week when all of my gripes about teachers,
courses, and the world in general seem to combine, forming one big
black cloud of despair.
My only consolation in my misery is the knowledge that I am not
alone, that I share this frustration with the way things are with so many
others, friends, strangers and enemies alike.
Even as I write this, the Fountainhead office is a veritable zoo of
people in misery, airing their differences in frustrations in multiple
ways. Over at the news desk, they're wondering if journalism and
schizophrenia really do mix. The business manager is stretched across
her desk, trying in vain to make up for the two days of lost sleep she
needs so desperately.
Our sports staff is baring their teeth and frothing at the mouth as a
certain former sports editor brags blithely about the fact that he is out of
school. My fellow Trends worker is trying without success to keep his
eyes from crossing and uncrossing. The people who have maintained any
semblance of sanity are our typist receptionist, who is not in school to
begin with (damn her!), and our "Senior Editor who feels he should
present a facade of calm strength at all times (but we all know that he
makes frequent retreats to his office for a session of crying into his
security blanket).
The office is not the only place where this feeling of mad desperation
prevails. Back in the dorm, the girls have all been staying up throughout
the night studying, comforting themselves with (among other things)
pictures of their boyfriends, dreams of graduation, Hostess Twinkies,
and trips to the Riggs House.
My main communication with the girls in these busy times oomes in
that great meeting place, the bathroom. We all have to go there from
timetotime, and we've found that our "stall sessions" are a good way
to keep up with each other without wasting any extra time. We've
thought about adding graffitti to those dull pine doors, but none of us
have the energy to inscribe anything lasting.
Okay, so there are some of you out there who aren't having such a
bad week. My first impulse is to degrade you for not studying, to
lambast you for getting intoa crip major, or fa staying in general college
fa seven years. But I am a good person, and I can toss aside all of those
hostile feelings (GROWL!) I will, however, tell you a little of what you're
You have obviously never had a teacher assign a 40-page paper the
day after drop-add ended. You've never been faoed to spend 13 hours
pondering the possibilities of "thought in 17th century Rhodesia " Why,
I'll bet you've never even taken a oourse in the anthropological
background of Patuguese tail-less cats.
I know that the non-sufferers are relatively few, that most of you are
in the same boat I'm in. The only advice I can offer is the thought that
seems to run constantly through my wan mind what's wrong with
waking at K-Mart a digging ditches? At least there's a quitting time to
those careers.
Feature Writers
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6.98 LIST ALBUMS 4,99

Pirates look for third
league win at VMI
Assistant Sports Editor
Coaches usually have a diffi-
cult time getting their teams
going after a big victory like the
one ECU had over Southern
Illinois last Saturday 49-14. But
Coach Pat Dye will have no
problems getting the Pirates
psychologically prepared to play
Virginia Military Institute this
The Pirate players realize that
the Keydets remember the 28-12
defeat they suffered at ECU last
season and would like nothing
more than to avenge that loss
when the Pirates invade 10,000
seat Alumni Memorial Stadium
this Saturday at 2 00. The 1st time
ECU invaded Lexington the Key-
dets whipped the Pirates 13-3 to
cop the SC title.
Though the ECU coaching
staff has no problem in psycholo-
gicallv preparing the team,
starting for Godette
strategic preparation does pose a
problem. Aocording to assistant
coach Wright Anderson, "We
have a real problem and that
problem is the theory they have
up there. Their theory is to give
everybody a different look every
week. They never do the same
things against two different
Th,3 will especially hurt the
Pirates offensively because block-
ing assignments cannot be made
concrete. The VMI defense is
especially tough against the wish-
bone. What are Coach Ander-
son' s guesses?
"We don't have any good
guesses. They've played every-
thing in the book, leaving us with
no idea what they miqht do
See KEYDETS, page 12.)
Appalachian-Furman tie
puts ECU in loop lead
Furman's surprise 14-14 tie
with Appalachian State last week-
end has put East Carolina in the
carseat for the Southern Con-
ference title in their last year in
the league.
The tie dropped Appalachian
to 1-0-1 in the conference and
helped to give ECU a little
breathing room in the oonferenoe
race. What's more, the Pirates
get a chance to widen that lead
when they play the VMI Keydets
in Lexington this weekend. The
Keydets are 1-2 in SC play and
1-4 for the season after falling to
Virginia Tech 37-7 last week.
And with nothing but non-
league encounters on their sche-
dule after VMI until Nov. 13 the
Pirates appear the team to beat.
From Appalachian State's
standpoint, it could be an uphill
battle. The Mountaineers, who
were picked to be ECU'S closest
contender, lost quarterback Rob-
bie Price for the second time this
season when he was injured in the
first quarter against Furman.
Without the services of Price in
the second half the Apps failed to
score on four drives inside the
Furman eight.
That was the only interoon-
ference game which counted in
the standings last week, and the
ECU-VMI contest makes the only
loop encounter this week.

Team Conf.OverallPFPA
East Carolina 2-0-05-0-016250
Appalachian 1-0-14-1-116567
Citadel 1-1-03-2-061n
Wm. & Mary 1-1-03-2-010769
VMI 1-2-01-4-096123
Furman 0-2-13-2-110588
EAST CAROLINA-49 Southern HlinoiS-14
Appalachain State-14 Furman-14
Citadel-17 UT-Chattancoga-13
Delaware-15 William and Mary-13
Western Carolma-14 Jacksonville St13
VPI-37 VMI-7
Not eligible for conference title:
Western Carolina, 4-2-0, .UT-Chattanooga 2-3-0, Marshall
Davidson 0-2-1.
Jacksonville St. at UT-Chattanooga
William and Mary at Navy
The Citadel at Richmond
Western Carolina at East Tennessee St.
Furman at SW Louisiana
Appalachian State at Lenoir Rhyne
Meanwhile, William and
Mary's Indians have to be
shaking their head after losing a
close 15-13 contest to the Dela-
ware Blue Hens. The loss marked
the second time in three weeks
the Indians had seen victory fall
narrowly from their grasp. Three
weeks ago, the I ndians dropped a
20-19 loss to ECU.
"Wehad it and let it get away
from us said WM coach Jim
Root about the loss to Delaware.
"I thought our kids played a
helluva game, but Delaware
cashed in on a big turnover (a
fumbled punt) and you just can't
give a good football team like that
such an opportunity
The loss dropped William and
Mary to 3-2 on the year entering
this weekend's encounter with
The other Southern teams all
played nonoonference games and
enjoyed mixed results. The Cita-
del hosted recent SC affiliate
UT-Chattanooga in Charleston
and came away with a narrow
17-13 win over the Mocassins.
Western Carolina, another recent
admission to the SC, dropped
Jacksonville St. 14-13 on a late
score; Davidson played to a
scoreless tie against Randdph-
Maeon and Marshall had the
day off.
Of Davidson's 0-0 deadlock
with Randolph-Macon Wildcat
head coach Ed Ferrell called it a
"ridiculousexhibition of football.
We didn't get anybody hurt out
there because we didn't hit
The real conference race
won't actually start until Oct. 30
That week Furman and William
and Mary and Appalachian State
and The Citadel square off. At
least until then, the East Carolina
Pirates remain on top of the heap
and in the best position for the
fight down the stretch.
Sideline Chat
with Steve Wheeler
When teams such as Texas, Alabama, and Oklahoma started running
the wishbone offense back in the late sixties, teams were awed by the
yardage churned out by these powers.
Then, as assistant ooachesat these schools started migrating to head
coaching jobs around the country, more and more teams began using the
But. as more teams were using the wishbone, defenses started
finding ways to slow the running attack, sometimes stop it.
Teams running the' Bone' still average more yards per game than do
teams running the I' or pro' T, but the difference is narrowing year by
One reason isthat more schools not having players with the ability to
run offense are trying to anyhow.
To run the formation, a team must have a oombination of quality
players, with quickness being the biggest asset.
The quarterback must be very quick on his feet and sure-handed. To
carry out the oomplete wishbone option the quarterback must fake to the
fullback up the middle and either hand off to the first deep back through
or the dive off tackle or run parallel to the line of scrimmage with the
option of pitching to the trailing back or cutting upfield himself.
The fullback must be big, strong and durable as he takes as hard a hit
on a fake in the middle of the line as he does when he has the ball.
The two deep running backs must possess tremendous quickness to
hit the hole quick on the tackle dive and to elude defenders on the wide-
The offensive line is the backbone of any offense and this is
especially true in the wishbone. Mammoth size is not as important as
line speed and quickness in the wishbone. The linemen must be quick
enough to shoot off the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped to
open holes in the defense.
East Carolina's offensive unit fits these descriptions perfectly.
Mike Weaver is one of the top wishbone quarterbacks in the nation,
while Raymond Jones has been a bruising fullback all season. Willie
Hawkins and Eddie Hicks are probably the two best deep backs in one
backfield in the country this year.
The offensive line, consisting of tight end Clay Burnett, tackles Ricky
Bennett and Matt Mulhdland, guards Wayne Bolt and Randy Parrish,
and center Tim Hightower are called by Pirate coach Pat Dye "Six
Screaming Bullets" for their speed off the ball.
And when the running attack is clicking Weaver can sometimes slip a
bomb in to speedy split receiver Terry Gallaher.
The Pirates are so effective offensively that they are fourth in the
nation in rushing offense, sixth in scoring offense and 16th in total
The Pirates have run up against defenses this year that slowed
certain parts of its wishbone but no one has shot the running game down
Against Southern Miss, the deep backs were most successful taking
pitches from the quarterbacks and churning out big gains. The deep
backs averaged 11.3 yards per carry in that game, with Eddie Hicks
gaining 133 and Wi'lie Hawkins 128.
State held the Pirates to 256 yards rushing, which was balanced
among the fullbacks, quarterbacks and halfbacks.
William and Mary stopped the quarterback cut by Weaver
completely, but Raymond Jones gained 109 yards at fullback and the
halfbacks picked up 107.
Weaver ran well against the Citadel, gaining 103 yards.
The Southern Illinois game produced three hundred yard rushers in
Hicks (172), Hawkins (112) and Pete Conaty (103). The Pirates ran so
well outside the fullbacks carried just four times.
The season has produced seven individual century mark rushers in
just five games, three more than all of last season.
The deep backs have averaged 6.4 yards per carry this season, with
Hicks having 402 yards and Hawkins 383 to date.
Fullbacks have been getting 4.1 yards per clip so far, with Jones' 252
leading the way.
Quarterbacks have accounted for 3.6 yards per rushing attempt,
Weaver getting 236 yards and Conaty 107.

Weaver making best of last year
Staff Writer
Time is running out on Mike
Weaver's football career.
At 170 pounds and being a
college wishbone quarterback,
the Williamston native doesn't
stand much of a chance of playing
professional football after his
playing days at ECU are over.
"Of course I'd like to play in
the pros said Weaver. "I think
every oollege player does. But I'm
positive that I won't play and
know nobody is looking at me in
those terms
But Weaver still has six and
possibly seven games remaining
as the quarterback for ECU'S
wishbone. He can accomplish a
lot of things in that time-per-
sonally and as a member of the
ECU football team.
As a matter of fact, Weaver
has already become the fourth-
leading passer in ECU history, is
ranked seventh in total career
offense and is tenth among the
ECU career rushers.
"I don't wrry about those
type of things says Weaver.
"In fact, I didn't know all that
stuff was true. Sometimes I'll do
2-0-1 in league
well, sometimes I won't, that's
not important. I am conscious of
my completion percentage be-
cause with the wishbone it is
important to complete as many
passes as you can
That brings up an interesting
note about the Pirate quarter-
Booters tie 'Cats
ECU soooer team clashed
head on with Davidson Monday
and came out with a 1-1 tie. The
team now stands 2-0-1 in the
Ronnie Walters of Davidson
scored the first goal during the
first half. Pete Angus of ECU
soored in the second half to even
the soore. The game then went on
to two overtimes with neither
team being able to score.
ECU put 31 shots on goal to
Davidson's 18. The Pirates were
the dominant team on the field
but were unable to break the tie,
aocording tcCoach Curtis Frye.
The ECU soccer team will be
playing Penbroke State today at
three o'clock on their home turf
by Minges Coliseum.
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back. Throughout his three-year
career as the Pirates' starting
quarterback Weaver's passing
has always been subjected to
criticism. Yet he has completed
45 percent of his passes over the
I at two years and has 1,140 yards
passing for his career.
"I think a lot of the criticism
for my passing comes from my
sophomore year said Weaver.
"I didn't do too well that year (21
of 81 passes and nine inter-
ceptions) and I think it kind of
stuck that I couldn't pass
But if one looks at Weaver's
statistics so far this season they
show a different result. He has
completed 19 of 33 passes for 301
yards and a 51.5 completion
"I've given up a lot to play
football but I have gotten so much
back from it. I just want to make
the best of the time I have left
And he probably will
V-Ball team splits
ECU'S volleyball team travel-
ed to Greensboro on Monday and
split against UNC-G and Cataw-
ba. The Lady Pirates dropped the
first match to UNC-G and won the
second match against Catawba.
The team lost two straight
games to UNC-G with scores of
8-15, 13-15. Against Catawba,
ECU won 15-3, 12-15, 15-9.
"With a little consistency in
setting and on defense we should
be able to give a good show at the
state tournament oommented
Coach Catherine Bolton.
Debbie Freeman, FOUNT-
AINHEAD's Co-Athlete of last
year saw her first action of the
"Freeman played well at the
net with good spikes and consist-
ent serves commented Bolton.
The team will play Meredith
College and Shaw University
today in Raleigh.
Continued from page 11.
against us. We tried to think
whether there's a defense they
haven't used yet, but there isn't
one. They've played every de-
fense we've ever seen
One of their best defensive
players is John Willison, a 6-3,
220 pound linebacker who was
named national defensive player
of the week for his performance
against Virginia Tech two years
ago. The tackles are 6-4, 245
pound Ned Stepanovich and 6-3,
237 pound Dutch Goddard. The
other linebacker, Glen Jones,
started against ECU last year and
played well. In the secondary,
Bob McQueen, who has played
against ECU for the past three
seasons, is the top performer.
The Pirates offense which will
go against this mystery VMI
defense includes in the line center
Tim Hightower, guards Wayne
Bolt and Randy Parrish, tackles
Matt Mulholland and Ricky Ben-
nett, tight end Clay Burnett, and
split end Terry Gaiiaher. In the
backfield are fullback Raymond
Jones and halfbacks Eddie Hicks
and Willie Hawkins behind
quarterback Mike Weaver. Pete
Conaty, Souther Conference of-
fensive player of the week fa his
performance against SIU last
Saturday, should also Dlay some
QB along with handling the
kicking chores.
Following the same pattern as
their defense, the VMI offense
runs a number of different plays
from a number of differnt form-
ations, but they will not cause the
ECU defense quite as much
trouble because there is some
recognition factor.
Offensively, VMI's key play-
ers are wide receiver Johnny
Garnett, who "has good hands
and runs real good patterns
according to Anderson; and
quarterback Robbie Clark. Run-
ning back Ken Glidewell has
played well as a starter against
ECU for the past couple of
seasons, but has been beaten out
of his starting job by 5-10. 180
pound junior Andre Gibson.
The ECU defense includes in
the line nosequard Oliver Felton,
tackles Tim Swords and Jake
Dove, along with ends Zack
Valentine and Fred Chavis. Cary
Godette, who has missed recent
games due to a knee injury is also
expected to see action at end. The
linebackers are Harold Fort and
Harold Randolph. The secondary
includes free safety Jim Bolding,
cornerbacks Ernie Madison and
Reggie Pinkney, and strong safe-
ty Gerald Hall. Steve Hale may
relieve Hall.
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Bill Keyes raps with Gale Sayers
Editor's Note: Gale Sayers was
one of the premier players in the
National Football League as a
Chicago Bears running back.
Since his retirement from the
NFL, he has worked as assistant
athletic director at the University
of Kansas and this fall began his
first year as athletic director at
Southern Illinois University.
Before the kickoff of the
ECU-SI U game last Saturday,
Sayers stood in the Ficklen
Stadium press box watching the
Oklahoma-Texas game on TV.
But he took time out for this
conversation with FOUNTAIN-
HEAD'S Bill Keyes.
biggest difference between col-
lege and professional football?
SA YERS: The size and speed of
the players, and the quality of the
players throughout the whole
team. In pro ball, you have
quality players at every position.
You know they're all among the
best at their positions.
Also, the quality of the
competition. Every team in the
NFL is tough. You don't have
teams on your schedule who you
can call sure wins like you do on
the college level.
want to get into athletic adminis-
SA YERS: Well, I loved athletics,
and I wanted to stay involved with
sports in some way after I ended
my football career. And I wanted
to work on the college level
because that's where all the
action is. But I didn't want to
coach, so I dedded to get into the
administrative aspect. That's
what I prepared myself for. When
I went back to Kansas I got my
Masters in Educational Admin-
istration and worked as assistant
athletic director. Then when this
job SIU athletic director came
open, I took it.
biggest challenge as athletic
director at SIU?
SA YERS: To build and maintain a
quality program with topnotch
teams in every sport. SIU has had
good teams in swimming, wrest-
ling, basketball well, we've had
good teams overall but we must
improve our football program.
Getting Rey Dempsey as head
coach is a real plus. He'll help
alot. But maintaining a quality
program with winning teams is
our objective.
'No class'
Bumper sticker
upsets Pat Dye
Sports Editor
That little line was printed on bumper stickers earlier this week,
reportedly by former Student Government Association (SGA) president
Bill Bodenhammer, and it has head football ooach Pat Dye upset, to say
the least.
"I understand that a bumper sticker has been printed about Coach
(Bill) Dooley and myself Dye said in a statement issued Wednesday
afternoon. "We try to teach our players to have class and show it on and
off the field. This shows no class at all.
"I'm disappointed that one of our own people would try to profit
financially on something that our football program and team does not
believe in.
"It's unfortunate that this has occurred the week we'regetting ready
for VMI. I certainly hope nothing of this sort takes place in the future
Bodenhammer was out of town Wednesday and unavailable for
Some of the bumper stickers have been sighted on SGA buses. Tim
Sullivan, current SGA president, commented on the stickers.
I did not know they were on the buses. It (bumper stickers) is in
very poor taste. If those stickersare on the SGA buses they will be taken
East Carolina faces North Carolina Oct. 23 in Chapel Hill. The Heels
fell to the Pirates 38-17 last year.
Because of the economic
situation in college athletics, our
immediate challenge is to get
more people coming to the
stadium. We have a 20,000-seat
stadium. It's alot like this one
Ficklen. It's newly renovated
and has astroturf. A nice fadlity,
but we've gotta put people in the
seats. But under my administra-
tion, attendance is picking up,
primarily because we're just
going out and getting the people
to come watch us play.
I like to see more student
involvement, but that comes with
a winning team.
FOUNTAINHEAD: What is your
most memorable experience as a
player in the NFL?
SAYERS: The whde career, I
guess. It was just a real honor and
privilege to be able to play with
and against the best every
Sunday. It was a pleasure to meet
and be associated with such great
people. No particular games or
plays really stand out that much.
FOUNTAINHEAD: You were one
of the most exciting backs to play
the game. How was your style
SA YERS: God-given. Everything
I had, everything I was when I
was on the field was God-given.
Of course, I had to work to
develop my strength and speed.
And I had to get in the best
possible condition physically. But
I didn't do anything to develop a
particular running style. I didn't
copy anybody else. My ability was
best back in football today?
SA YERS: That depends on your
means and standards of measure-
ment. Most people use the yard-
stick, the number of yards a
player rushes for in a season. But
it's so dose. If you take all of the
1,000-yards-a-season backs or the
top ten ground gainers and put
them in a hat, you can just pull
one out and be satisfied with
whoever you pick because they're
all so good, all professional, all
capable of doing a great job every
week, whether it's O.J. Simpson,
Armstrong of Denver, Woods out
at San Diego, Franco Harris,
Lyndell Mitchell of Baltimore, or
top 10 and put them in a hat along
with Gale Sayers when he was in
his prime. How does Sayers
SA YERS: Laughter That's really
an unfair question. Pause Like I
said, they're all good. But it's
difficult to compare backs be-
cause they all have such different
styles. I don't think I was like any
of the others. If you drt� a line
down the middle of the field I
might move as far as twenty yards
from that line on both sides on a
40 or 50 yard run, while some
backs would try to run straight
ahead, it's just a difference in
style. It's hard to compare.
Pause Well there'll never be a
nother Gale Sayers.
Basketball practice starts
East Carolina University
opens basketball practice for the
1976-77 season this Friday with
seven returning veterans and six
newoomers expected.
Only two starters return to a
squad that's composed of eight
underclassmen, four of those
sophomores and four freshmen.
Larry Hunt, a 6-9 senior
center from Shelby, N.C elected
captain this year, isoneof the two
returning starters, having aver-
aged nine points and nine re-
bounds per game last year. Louis
Crosby, a 6-3 guard, also from
Shelby, is the other returning
starter. Crosby was named to the
Southern Conference All-Rookie
team last year while averaging
eight points per game. He was
seoond on the Pirate team in
assists with 51.
"I guess I'm looking at this
team in a guarded state said
Dave Pattern, who enters his third
year as Pirate head coach. "Last
year, I thought we had the people
to get the job done and we didn't
do it. So I have to have a more
pensive attitude about this sea-
After his initial club was 19-9,
Patton found the going rough last
year with a final record of 11-15.
But that's behind now.
"Each team makes and esta-
blishes its own character noted
Patton. "This year's success will
depend entirely upon per-
formances this year and have
nothing to do with performances
of last year. Therefore, I don't
care to mention last year any-
more. This is a new group, and
for the most part, a group not
associated with last year
The'7677 Pirate team will be
very young with possible starters
from both the freshman and
sophomore classes. Transfer 6-8
forward Greg Cornelius, who
played one year at Samford
University in Alabama, could well
start, after sitting out last year.
He will be challenged by Wade
Henkel, a 6-8 junior, who has the
potential but has failed to use it;
Herb Gray a 6-7 freshman; and
Herb Krusen, a 6-5 freshman.
Junior oollege transfer Don
Whitaker, a 6-0 guard from
Raleigh, N.C will be fighting
with sophomore Billy Dineen, a
5-11 parttime starter last year,
and Jim Ramsey, a 6-3 freshman
from Cary, N.C for the starting
point guard position.
"Maturity will perhaps be the
key to this year's team con-
tinued Patton. "Just how quickly
our young players mature into the
oollege game will likely be the
success or failure of this club.
"Defense will be the other
major problem area, but I think
we have a good start here, in that
our players have the desire and
attitude to do what has to be done
and that's 90 percen of the job.
"We will try to return to the
basics this year and keep every-
thing simple again like we did the
first year when we were very
successful. I hope to get the
fullest capabilities of each player
and the winning and losing will
take care of itself
The Pirates open their season
on November 29 at home in
Minges Coliseum at 7:30 p.m.
against UNC-Astieville, marking
the first meeting ever of these two
RETURNING SENIOR LARRY HUNT left is one of two starter back
hoping to team with good recruiting dass to improve on Pirates 1-15
nark c' last year.

nufc finia mm.

PI �� I �IM
Golfers take second in Campbell tourney
Staff Writer
ECU's Men's golf team lost to
Campbell by two strokes in the
ACC-Campbell College Golf
Tournament. In a two day match
Campbell combined a score of
779, while ECU had a total of 781.
UNC-C plaoed third with a score
of 796 and Elon grapped fourth
with 801.
Twelve different teams com-
peted at Blue Creek Golf Course
creates a smooth mellow softness of finish to
our on the cuff bracelets Initialed or not.
they are a stunning addition to any outfit
Floyd G. Robinson Jewelers On the Mall
Downtown Greenville 758-2452
Monday and Tuesday. Each team
carried six players. Out of fifty
men who tried out fa the team,
seventeen were able to qualify,
and the top six qualifiers went to
the tournament. The men repre-
senting ECU were: Keith Hiller,
David Brogan, Mike Buckmaster,
Ernie Massie, Donnie Owens,
and Ben Gil Ian.
Individually, Keith Hiller of
ECU took the second position
with a oompleted score of 147
while Jim Bromley of Campbell
snatched the number one spot
with 141.
"I'm highly pleased with
Keith Hiller said Coach Mac-
Lendon. "Keith has two years of
experience with our team and
should have a good year. He is
one of our most stable players and
he had the lowest stroke average
on the team last year.
"I'm basically pleased with
our results considering three of
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our players lack experience.
There is alot of potential on the
team or I wouldn't have kept
seventeen players; seventeen is
the most I can remember on the
ECU team.
"The course was a rough one
and the wind was up but even so I
feel that we should have won the
tournament. I'm confident that
we can do better
The team will be traveling to
Duke for a tournament on Nov.
7-8 to play against some of the
nationally ranked teams including
Carolina, Wake Forest and Mary-
in NCAA stats
Although ECU has not been
ranked in either wire service poll
this year, the Pirates rank high in
many NCAA individual and team
catagoriesat mid-season.
Individually, Pete Conaty
leads the nation in field goals (2
per game) and kick scoring (44
pts.) and ranks fourth in scoring
(54 pts. - 10.8 per game).
Gerald Hall leads all punt
returners in yards (234) and holds
down third spot in average (19.5).
Ernest Madison is tied for
eighth in interceptions per game
with four in five games.
Asa team, ECU is 16th in total
offense (387.4 yards per game
YPG), fourth in rushing offense
(323.6 YPG) and sixth in scoring
offense (32.4 points per game
Defensively. ECU is third
in total (193.0 YPG), fourth in
rushing defense (92.4 YPG) and
tenth in scoring defense (10.0
The Pirates also lead the
nation in team punt return
yardage with 349 and fourth in
a. rage (16.6).
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ECU rugby club drops pair to Greensboro
Special to the Fountainhead
The ECU Rugby Club played
the GREENSBORO Rugby Club
this weekend here and came out
on the short end of the score in
both "A" and "B" matches.
In the "A" match Greensboro
was able to get on the scoreboard
first with a 25 yard run by Jay
Smith, the extra point kick by Bob
Johnston was good and Greens-
boro led 6-0.
ECU tied the score on a 40
yard run by Pat McKinney, and
Chris Herrmann added the extra
Greensboro was able to score
once more in the half on a 10 yard
run by Mike Farmer, the extra
point attempt was no good and
Greensboro led 10-6.
Greensboro was again able to
get on the score board first in the
second half on a 15 yard run by
Mike Farmer, the extra point kick
by Johnston was good, Greens-
boro led 16-6.
ECU came back with a 20 yard
sprint by Pat McKinney, Herr-
mann' s extra point kick was good,
Greensboro still led 16-12.
Greensboro scored what prov-
ed to be the winning try on a 20
yard run by Will Davis, the kick
was no good, Greensboro led
ECU however narrowed the
margin to 4 on a 30 yard run by
Charlie McGovern, the extra
point kick was no good, Greens-
Hall top punt returner
Gerald Hall has one basic philosophy when it
comes to returning punts. It's simple, but very
successful. At least East Carolina thinks it is.
"The first thing I try to do is catch the ball he
said, "and if I find an opening I take it
The Edenton sophomore has had a good deal of
luck in finding openings. Through the first five
games, Hall leads the nation in punt return yardage,
with a total of 234 yards, even though he did not
play against Southern Illinois. This total includes a
79 yard return for a touchdown against Southern
Mississippi in the season opener.
Through his success, though, Hall remains
"My blocking has really been good he said.
"I'm fairly quick, too, and that helps me get free
There have been problems at times this season
for the nation's leading punt return yardage man.
The most famous mistake he has made was a fair
catch on the one yard line against North Carolina
"Their (State's) punter hit that one good
explained Hall. "I was waiting on the ten yard line. I
knew I was backing up, but I didn't realize how far
Then with a sheepishgrin spreading across his face
he added, "When I caught it, I knelt down in the end
zone. At least that's where I thought I was. Then I
saw what had happened and thought oh, no
Hall's talents are not limited to returning punts.
He is also the starting strong side safety in the East
Carolina defensive secondary. He is the newest
member of the tandem that has played together for
several years. The Pirate safety said that playing
with experienced guys helps his performance.
"I'm young and I'll make mistakes Hall
admitted. "But it's easier to be back there with
those guys (Jim Bolding, Reggie Pinkney, Ernest
Madison) because they make up for my mistakes
He then added, "But hopefully I won't make too
As for his punt return ability, Hall said that he
has no particular plan he uses.
"I just lock for my blockersand find out where the
pu.ouit is he said, "then I takeoff
Hall has taken off all right. Straight to the top,
along with the entire East Carolina football team.
The 234 yards on returns not only leads the
nation, but is a new ECU single season mark.
Hall will be back Saturday to run punts back
against VMI and will probably add to his yardage.
Just a frosh
Zwigard leads hockey
Sports Editor
Many people say that a freshman trying to play
athletics on the varsity level is crazy. But do not tell
Cathy Zwigard that.
The Lawrenceville, N.J. native has been the star
so far this season on the women's field hockey team,
but says she is still learning.
"We played the traditional style in high school
Zwigard stated. "But when I came down to ECU I
found they play a completely different style
"I'm still learning the style of play. I've learned
a lot already, but I've got a long way to go. But
Coach (Laurie) Arrants is a tremendous teacher
A three-year letterman from high school days,
Zwigard has learned a lot already, having scored
five goals in as many games.
Zwigard plays the left inner position on the
miii i nunii ii i iiKWiiaiiimiM mm mi m
offensive end of the field and also bullys (same as
face-off in ice hockey) at the start of the game and
second half.
"Cathy has adapted well to the college level
game Coach Laurie Arrants. "There's a big
difference in the size and speed of players up here
Zwigard said field hockey "up North is as big as
girls' basketball in the South. We played in the fall
while the boy's play football and drew big crowds
Zwigard, a special education major, has some
strong aspirations for her future.
I really want to teach retarded children. During
my senior year in high school, I went to classes for
half a day and worked with retarded kids for half the
day. I loved working with them. This summer I
worked at a day camp for retarded children
The way the world is today, one cannot find
individuals with the oompassion Cathy Zwigard has.
She will make it big on the playing field of life.
boro led 20-16.
Greensboro added another try
in the closing minutes of the
game to make the final score
Greensboro 24-ECU 16.
In the "B" match Greensboro
again was the first to score on a 20
vard run bv Bill Haves, the extra
point kick was no good and
Greensboro led 4-0.
Greensboro scored
once more to make the final score
Greensboro 16-ECU 6.
ECU's next match will be
away Oct. 24th at Hampden-
Sidney, Va.
JOBS ON SHIPS! American.
Foreign. No experience required.
Excellent pay. Worldwide travel.
Summer job or career. Send $3.00
fa information SEAFAX, Dept.
Boc 2049, Port Angeles, Was-
hington 98362.
If you have something to buy
or sell oome to the Red Oak Show
and Sell; We sell on consignment
anything of value, excluding
clothing. Open Mon. - Sat.
11 O0-6.00 Sun. 2-6, closed Thurs.
Located 3 miles west of
Greenville at the intersection of
264 and Farmville Highway in the
old Red Oak church building.
HELP WANTED. Income de-
pendent upon initiative. Set your
own hours. For information call
752-4686, October 14t. 1976
rrom 6.00-9:30 p.m. only!
FOR SALE: 1970 Honda CL-175
very good condition; asking $300
includes two helmets. Cal
FOR SALE: Md. Par way
diving wetsuit. 752-9461.
FOUND: Man's watch at club
football game Sunday, Oct. 10. on
intramural field. Call 752-8825.
Do you have problems? Do
you need a caring listener? Call
WANTED: Keyboard player fa
weekend band, top 40 and
pop-oountry. Bookings through
Jan. Days call 758-3378, nights
call 752-6566.
FOR SALE: AR2AX loud speak-
ers. $220.00. Excellent condition.
Serious inquiries only. 758-5150.
dents desiring part-time wak,
hours 5 p.m10 p.m Mon. -
Thurs. No experience needed.
Finishing fiberglass boats. Call
today, 758-9901.
FOR SALE: Waterbed, including
frame, liner, and platfam. BSR
McDonald 510 turntable. Call
Steve at 752-3509.
FOR RENT: Private room aaoss
from ECU at 410 B Student St.
752-7032. Prefer senia a grad-
uate student.
FOR SALE: 240 Z, 1972, self-
cared fa, fog lights, dual mag
wheels, CD, air, AM-FM, 756-
PORTRAITS by Jack Brendle.
FOR SALE: Girls bike, 10-speed
Raleigh Recad. White 1975
model like new, in very good
oondition. CaJI Jane 746-4990.
FOR SALE: Realistic staeo oonv
ponent. Best offer. Call Jack
Daily and evenings. Richard J
Knapp, B.A. 756-3908.
NEEDED: Female roommate to
share 3-bedroom trailer. Rent $60
plus utilites. Call 758-9577 after
FOR SALE: 1972 1245 Fiat
Convertible. Whiteblack top, 5
speed. Low mileage. Must sell.
14" Call 752-8179
FOR SALE: Mustang-loaded with
value. Power steering and power
disc brakes, factay air, radio,
automatic floa shift, mint con-
dition. Owner will accept best
offer. Phone days 757-6961 a
after 6 p.m. 756-6552.
For Sale: 65 MGB Good
Conditai. Call 758-0984.
Fa Sale- 72 Vega, 4 speed,
20,000 miles. Call Allan afta 4
o'clock. 746-4990.
NEED TYPING? Call Gail Joyner
at 756-1062 fa professional typ-
ing and related services. All wak
REWARD-$20.00fa return of
class ring lost in stands at
ECU-Citadel game, Oct. 2. Silver,
blue stone, East Fasyth Senia
High. Contact Ronnie A. Lennoi
426 Aycock 752-1068.
WANTED: Inflatable rubber doll
fa Oct. 30 & 31st. Plase contact
David Winstead at 752-4673.
Need fa stage production.
FOR SALE: 1959 Fad pickup.
Come to see my old green truck
parked across from 510 E.
Twelfth St. on the caner of
Lawrence and Twelfth. Call Joe
Bennett at 752-7798 after 6 and
WANTED .To rent small apt. Call

� �� L ��
� �� T ��� T �.�
We have a date to
don't forget
for your
To make it easier for you to get your portrait made we are bringing the
photographer to you. Stevens' photographers will be at two different
locations for your convience from 9-12 and 1-5 daily for two weeks Fall
quarter. A photographer will be in the lobby of Fletcher Dorm from
October 25-29 and November 1-5. A second photographer will be located
at the top of Wright Auditorium in the old Fountainhead office during the
same two week period.
Appointments may be made by calling 757-6501 between the hours of 9-12
and 1-4 or by coining up to the BUCCANEER office located on the second
floor of the Publications Center.
There are no plans for the photographers to return to campus any time
this year so please call and schedule an appointment now. The dates are
October 25-29 (Homecoming Week) and November 1-5 and the locations are
Wright Auditorium and Fletcher Lobby.

Fountainhead, October 14, 1976
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
October 14, 1976
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