Managers, Directors, and Promoters Conference, 1990 (1/2)

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Institute of Outdoor Drama The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
(919) 962-1328 CB# 3240, NCNB Plaza
August 13, 1990 Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599-3240

Mr. Pete Raby

Omni Stage and Lighting
P.O. Box 2249

Raleigh, NC 27602

Dear Pete:

I was delighted to hear that you and Mark Lynch at Quality
Sound and Video can co-host the two social events on Friday,
October 5, at the 28th Annual Managers, Directors and
Promoters Conference in Cherokee. This will be a great
service to the meeting as a whole and will also provide an
opportunity for the company reps to get to know you and Mark
and learn about the fine service you provide.

The first social event is scheduled for 6:00-7:00pm, Friday,
October 5, at the Holiday Inn in Cherokee. We are calling it
a Welcome Reception since it is the first time delegates will
have to chat informally and get to know each other after the
opening session of the Conference.

The general manager of the Holiday Inn, Jim Cooper (704-497-
9181), tells me we can have this event by the outdoor pool,
or in one of the meeting rooms adjacent to the banquet hall.
My feeling is that it might be a little cool outside and will
probably be dark by 6:00pm, so if you want to set up a
display, you would probably be happiest in a meeting room.

Give me a call with your thoughts and I will make the
arrangements with Jim. In any event, he will provide the
space for us at no expense. As I said on the phone, you will
have to bring in the liquor, but you have an option of either
bringing in the set-ups and bartender, or contracting with
the Holiday Inn. Again, let me know, as I will be the go-
between for the Holiday Inn.

The second social event will begin at approximately 10:00
that night, after everyone returns from the Cherokee High
School where they will have seen a performance of The Reach
of Song historical drama. Again, I would think a large
meeting room would be best for this, but you let me know what
you think.

Since we have a coffee session at 8:30pm the next day and the
first panel begins at 9:00am, I don�?ot anticipate this evening
social to last very long. People will want to go to bed
after one or two drinks, I would guess. Having been in this
business as long as you have, you may have a better feeling
for this than I. We are calling this event an Open House.

In all conference promotional information (brochure,
newsletter copy and the program itself) we are listing these
two events as being co-hosted by OMNI STAGE AND LIGHTING and
QUALITY SOUND AND VIDEO. I will also be sure to mention both
companies with our thanks in announcements during the

Pete, in the past we have had approximately 50 company
representatives registered for the Conference. However,
because we are meeting outside of Chapel Hill this time, on
the site of a very successful outdoor drama, we think there
is a good chance well have more people than that. However,
we won°t know numbers until about two weeks prior to the
meeting. I hope that will be enough time to call you with a
rough head count.

In any event, this is a relatively small meeting compared
with many of the other conferences you are accustomed to
working. The key to ours is that everyone there will be in a
position to purchase, and they come from all across the
nation. We also expect to host as many as 10 planning groups
who are in various stages of developing their own outdoor
dramas. Some of them will be nearing the point of major
obligations. So, I hope this will work well for you.

Again, I am grateful to you, my friend. If you have any
» please let me know.


tt J. Parker

P. S.

I cant find a mailing address for Mark. If you will send
him a copy of this letter, that would be great.

Managers, Directors, and Promoters Conference, 1990 (1/2)
News Clipping, Letter, Pamphlets
Local Identifier
Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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