Living with: idiopathic intracranial hypertension

Living with: idiopathic intracranial hypertension
Exhibition poster by Ashley Lauren Maidon for Spring 2013 in ART4250. Artist statement: My work represents my research into idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH), its symptoms, treatments, and outcomes. My recent diagnosis with this neurological disorder inspired further investigations into IIH patients, awareness, and support groups. I create these pieces by combining self-portraits and appropriated medical imagery; I am illustrating invisible symptoms of a rare disorder. People with IIH can seem like they are having a normal day, but truly are dealing with a horrible headache or some other unseen symptom. Internal rare diseases can go unnoticed by friends and family. It is our responsibility to reach out to our neighbor and advocate for ourselves. This body of work provides insight into IIH and perhaps can start the conversation of how we can help those living with IIH.
Original Format
21cm x 35cm
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