Letter from Robert C. Caldwell to Mag Caldwell, January 21st, 1865

January, the 21, 1865
Saltchatchie River 5 miles this side of Pocatalico

Dear Wife

I seat my Self this morning to drop you a fu lines to let you here from R.C.C. once more I am in tolerable good health except cold I have Bin Blest in that respect So far but I have bin in mud and water to my nees on the River Banks on piquet without fier for 24 houres at time our line of batel is on one Side of the River and the Yanks on the other we are fiting Sum every day

piquet fighting we had a fite yesterday with hour one men throw a mistake kiled and wonded a good many a George Begal and ours the case of it was liquer the offerse was Drunk wee are in a woful condition when the Weeked Reighn the lan_ mosn I dont think this confed can prosper under such conditions I woldent give a chaw of to Baco for this confdrose I no if I was at home I wodd sta there I dont see no use in fiting any longer, I was always a posed to this war it was brot on by hot headed fools and it never prospe no no it cant Well Mag Direct your leters to Charleston I hant got a leter Since the 6 of De this is the last of my paper and envelopes we will Stay here til Sherman runs us away or capers us we keep fiting and falling back,, my clothe and Rashens is Short I Dont get half a nuf to eat Well Mag Do the Best you can I want you to Send me Sum mony Sum times I can by Sumthing to eat, Mag if you cold rent a good pece of ground I wold Do it you hant land a nuf for 2 plows or clear Sum more if you cold clere that pece betwixt the two felds where the spring is do it Run the fence from the bars to the corner of

Letter from Robert C. Caldwell to Mag Caldwell, January 21st, 1865
Letter from Confederate soldier Robert C. Caldwell to his wife Mag Caldwell. Robert is serving as a private in Company C., 10th Battalion, North Carolina Heavy Artillery. Robert writes from a position on the Salkehatchie River near Pocotaligo, South Carolina, and says he is well but cold from being up to his knees in mud and water. He says his unit has seen daily fighting with the Union soldiers on the other side of the river, and that Confederate soldiers have mistakenly killed or wounded some of their own men. Robert expresses frustration with the conduct of some soldiers and says he was always opposed to the war. He wants Mag to send him some money to buy supplies because clothes and rations are short.
January 21, 1865
Original Format
20cm x 10cm
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Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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