Letter from Robert C. Caldwell to Mag Caldwell, February 29th, 1864

Fort Cas
Feb the 29 1865

Dear Wife

I receved your letters this evening Stating Mothers illness I was Sorry to here of it but gods Will be dun not ours I have dun all I can to git a furlo to go to See Mother but it was all in vain that leter Housten wrote me was of no use it wasent wrote in his name he rote it just like the famely gust gut him to write for Mother if he had rote me the rite kind of a leter I cold a got home but it came gust as I expected that is the way he dos bisness the Col wodent aprove it when I Sent it up it wodent do there was severl looked at it before

I Sent it up tha Said it woldent do tha Said tha never Saw as Shaby a pece from a doct it Sound like he donit to plese the famly that is generly the way with those out of the war I wodent a mist geting home to See Mother for five hundred dolars but my hands is tide I cant go I hope if i dont See hur in this world I Will in a beter one Where ther is no war to Seperate us from each uther I have No Nuse of interst to write about the War my helth is good I am glad to D.A.C. is home tel him to rite to R.C,C,aldwell

I Dont think Mother Will live long from What I can learn but the Lords Will Be Don not ours hope She Will be well tended to in hur Suferings Mag you may Send my Box on I dont know when I will be home I dont kno whether in Six month more maby not then So you nedent look for R.C. Caldwell that is in vain that mony I Dont care what you do with it let Parks keep it I Dont want it I Sent a letter to you by privet convoy the las one I wrote

Nuthing more may god Bless the Destrest

and afficled and Be there guide
R.C.C. M.I.C.

Letter from Robert C. Caldwell to Mag Caldwell, February 29th, 1864
Letter from Confederate soldier Robert C. Caldwell to his wife Mag Caldwell. Robert is serving as a private in Company C., 10th Battalion, North Carolina Heavy Artillery near Wilmington, N.C. Robert writes from Fort Caswell and tells Mag he received her letters concerning his mother's illness. He says he would give anything to see his sick mother but his furlough home was not approved. He feels that the doctor's letter written to support his furlough request was inadequate and that is the reason his request was denied. He tells Mag he is glad his brother Dinson A. Caldwell is home and wants him to write.
February 29, 1864
Original Format
12cm x 19cm
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Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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