Letter from Robert C. Caldwell to Mag Caldwell, January 10th, 1864

M I Caldwell
Jan, the 10, 1864

Dear Wife

I Seat my self to drop you a fu lines to let you here from R.C. I am well excpt a bad cold I have bin exposed to rain and sleet and coldest winds I have to stan and take it all when I am on piket I was on post frid knight close to the Sea the tide ran up to my feet it Sleeted and raned and bloed and the ce roerd it is as cold here as I ever Saw I can see yankes blockades every day wee had a cannonade them a fu days ago sum miles belo this one of our bots run a ground and we went to protect hur we bust on of our cannons cild one man and crip a cap the yanke dident hit no one after Shooting 2 days wee got sum of the goods out and burnt the bot

Well Mag I feel prety well this morning I wasent on rade by not being well I cod a went I thot I wold take care of nom. one I had a bad cold and sore throt the rest of our men is all broke down and sick this morning we have got in the garison out of the rain at last This is wet day but not So cold I am Sitting on my hunkers writing on my ne I receved your leter dated the 28 of Dec that is all cince SL came back I hant rec one in 2 weeks this maks 2 I have sent and no answer I wold be glad this war wod stop But the Lord will be Dun Siners must repent or like wise peresh the Sins of the nation brot on this war. Nuthing but weekednes brot it on

Well Mag I am giting tired Siting on my hunkers I am geting along pety well I Shant complain when I look around and see many uthers in a heep worse condi Sum Bear footed and raget and cick sum one way and sum anuther I hope this war will close sumday but wee dont no who will See the end of it time will prove all things I Dont feel no ways on esy about the yankes kiling me But I cant tel but I feel like tha wold I live in hope

Well Mag I must come to a close write soon and oft tel me the nuse and you are giting a long and about every thing
R.C.C. to M.I.C. yours til death Januay 12

Well Mag I dont no when I will get home a bit more than you do furlos has Started again but it will be sum time before my time cums to go home I hant got but one leter since I left Wilmington dated the 28 I wright 1,, 2 every week this is 2 cince I got one,, well Mag I will try to finish my leter "12 of the month as I stopt the 10 on acount of being on well and two cold I coldent write our CO was orderd down the Bech to take a yanke blocade that was run a ground we left Sundy evening and came back Mondy night at 11 o'clock all safe but tha Saw Sites the Yank Sheld them like rip and set the bot a fier and blode it up this is 4 bots blods up at this place it is a dangrs busness

Letter from Robert C. Caldwell to Mag Caldwell, January 10th, 1864
Letter from Robert C. Caldwell to his wife Mag Caldwell. Robert is serving as a private in Company C., 10th Battalion, North Carolina Heavy Artillery near Wilmington, N.C. He talks about guard duty during cold rain and sleet and says that many of the soldiers are in bad condition, barefoot, ragged or sick. Robert has assignments close to the beach, and describes a battle to protect a Confederate ship that had run the Union blockade, and another to capture a Union blockader that had run aground.
January 10, 1864
Original Format
12cm x 20cm
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Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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