N.C. Green Oil Company and Roanoke River Bridge, Williamston, N.C.

N.C. Green Oil Company and Roanoke River Bridge, Williamston, N.C.
Aerial shot of N.C. Green Oil Company and Roanoke River Bridge in Williamston, N.C., near a World War II prisoner of war camp. Photograph possibly taken by Eugene Rice. Date approximated.
Original Format
11cm x 6cm
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Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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Joyner Digital Collections Jul 14 2014

Thank you for your comments. We have now incorporated that information into the record.

Heber Coltrain Jul 09 2014

The house on the left end of the bridge was the home of bridge keeper Spruill. This house was eventually bought by a Mr. Bonds, moved to a location on Williamston's Washington Street, directly across from Piggly Wiggly and adjacent to the E.J. Hayes School. It now has a brick exterior. This picture was most likely taken from the water tank at the Olin Mathieson Fertilizer Plant.

Bonnie Modlin Robertson Jul 08 2014

The only surviving building of the POW camp is at the Irrigation company. My aunt (who married one of the guards and relocated to Wisconsin) said this building was the mess hall. The last time she came to visit we went down there and the woman there graciously let us go in. The paintings on the walls are the only art work left that the prisoners did while in Williamston. They created a life size nativity for the Town but it perished when the City Hall burned in 1958.

Tommy Peele Jul 08 2014

That is N.C Green Oil company. The Highrise 4 lane bridge covers most of that area now

Gary Gardner Jul 08 2014

This shot is actually NC Green Oil Company and a shot of The bridge keeper's home. The POW Camp was located above and to the left of this shot at the site of Reddick's and later Tom Crockett's Irrigation Service.

Denise Rogerson Jul 07 2014

I wrote a paper in High School on this camp. I interviewed several people and I have original photos of the camp.

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