Furniture store people

Furniture store people
People walking past Brown's Furniture store building after a fire. Date from negative sleeve.
Original Format
6cm x 6cm
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East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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justme Mar 03 2010

The first Respess Brothers Barbecue Restaurant was on N. Greene St. and it later became Riverside Seafood. Respess moved to West End Circle after selling the first restaurant.

d.chapman Oct 22 2009

From other pictures of this fire, it appears Brown Furniture was near Westend Circle, near the intersection of Memorial Drive and Dickinson Ave. Either Respess Brothers had two locations, or they moved to N. Greene St. sometime later.

d.chapman Oct 22 2009

The building to the right was Respess Brothers Barbeque Restaurant. It was located on N. Greene St. I recall eating there once c.1963/64. There was no other building near it, so this furniture store must have been torn down after the fire. Seems like the restaurant became a "Riverside Seafood" some years later.

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