East Carolinian, January 9, 1969

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

1, 15
s Of I'
with lin-
en wen
With ?
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with Rul
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i with 22
i 20.7
11 Prat:
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arter who
gainst P ?
in McMille
ebounde h 12.5
of the
three oi
id South Carolina
hey, ??
points In 1
he only i . ? came
undefeated G
eraging 91 points
? Mike Wilkes with
1 with 17 0, John
.5 and Norm Car-
Duke ? West
foolers ot Virginia
rakes on Florida
iird game to win,
loles were avertig.
game bef re the
1 them.
for Virgini 1 tech
1 18 points 1 game.
3 and Dan
am Virginia Tech
percent from the
?ader In ti tout 1
before the
lain and Mary In-
Conference player
because oi I
OOtme the
. m.
ic Ticket
I p. m.
last CaroUniaii
East Carolina University
?, i.i
East Carolina University, Greenville, N C. Thursday, January 9, 1969
Number 25
ih members of ECU' IFC show the students of Belvolr Elementarj
School whal hristmas is all about.
Jenkins Praises IFC
For Outstanding Job
: a Claua visited Pitt County
I tune this year when he
I ?, pre-Christmas party for
lildrcn of Belvoir Elementary
.1 Thursday, Dec. 19. His
ome 50 ECU fratern-
who had taken it upon
to spread the joys of
. throughout the area.
? il's 310 youngsters, re-
tde me through six.
w . ven stockings filled with
to; fruit, provided by the
F a University Interfra-
enj at the party were
dent Dr. Leo Jenkins;
? on, a member of the
Yustees of ECU; James
c??? . Dean of Men and
the IFC; and George
ipermterident of the Bel-
.Jenkins Praises IFC
Dr .?? ikins praised the work of
tb rpc aying, "We are proud of
what these young men are doing.
T: the hardest working TPC
barring none
r Wallory was also pleased
efforts of ECU'S fratern-
' These men wanted to do
to hare Christmas with
le ? fortunate than them-
aid. "Last year they
that some of these child-
' ? not have too big a Chris -
I . ? decided to give the
Joy of (Jiving
tard to tell who was hav-
Education Board Approves
New Courses For University
Easl ' iaroliiu CJnh ei iitj ?
iblishing f u; new programs in
Scho 'l of Allied Health Profes-
ing the most fun. however, the
children as they received their
gifts; or the IFC members, who
shared In the appreciative smiles
and laughter of the children, many
of whom were receiving the only
? they would get for Christ-
The men oi the IFC, in their
second project of the year, trulj
learned the joys of giving and the
happiness of the Chrisma season
AFROTC Officer
(Qualification Test
To He Administered
Any graduate or undergraduate
student who has two years of col-
lege remaining can learn to fly
by meeting only a few simple re-
The Air Force Officer Qualifica-
tion Test will be administered on
January 25 to 'hose interested per-
sons. If you pass the Officer and
the Pilot portions and can meet the
physical and mental requirements.
vou well on your way of be-
aming a flying Air Force Officer
You will be able to nil your desire
of learning to fly while you fulfill
?. military obligation and ob-
? M? $50 per month for the next two
? ? i rs.
AM ??? od persons are invited
to stop by Boom 127 in New Austin
to obtain further information.
al approval'by the N. C. Board
: Kighei Education cleared the
way t"i development of bachelor
? cienc degree programs in phys-
ical therapy, occupational therapy,
medical records librarian hip and
? ntal hygiene.
Dr Roto rt V? A-
cademic affah , said, "We arc
. hted that the Board of Higher
Education ha ipproved the pro-
s because foi ? time we
been aware oi the critical
the 1 ar is We are con-
fident mi abilit r to tr lin people
? 1 till the i- nee
Next Fall
Dr. Edwin W. Monn . lean of
the I at least oi
SACS Commends
ECU On Report
Fc- Carolina : has re-
c, ived 1 mmend it ?n for its Fifth
Year Rt port to the Southern Asso-
lon of C md Schools.
Tin- Fifth Year Report is a pro-
the university cov-
ering the five year; Its self-
tv fi r 'in- Southern A- ociation't
m.The Southern
. tized ac-
? te
John g. Barker he associa-
'? no.
v ?? Pri id t ? 0 W. Jen-
kins ' tlon on the ECU re-
Borkei wrote: "The Commission
on Colleges has reviewed carefully
and accented with commendation
the Fifth-Year Report of your in-
President Jenkii aid, "We arc
delighted at the acceptance of this
report with commendation. It re-
fleei reat credil upon the splen-
did v. : ?? our faculty and staff are
doinq at East Carolina University
Dr. Robert L. Ho't. vice president
md dean of ECU, expre ised appre-
ciation to the faculty and staff
? v; efforts, he said, made pos-
. report and acceptance
. mmendatlon.
honor Dr Holt added.
? .l(tl, to the outstanding work
; ? . nd taff and gives
11. , ved i onfidence for the fu-
'rhe Fifth Year Rep vers
changes at ECU over a five-yeai
period m seven categories: insti-
tutional purpose, financial support,
educational program, faculty. 1113-
rary, student life and physical fac-
SGA Lraislatiirp Appoints
linker To Publication Board
Legislature reiterated
cy in disbursing the
?udents' money in its
. ear.
receiving funds
treasury can spend
e goods and services re-
"?? budgets or spec-
by the legislature.
h' Legislator Bob
resolution was pass-
'glslture in its meet-
cer professor of Journ-
imed as a permanent
rge to the Publications
programs for athletes. SOA, and
musical personnel ?r
Gratlflcatlon Project Pr?? s
In an ooen forum period. Ohip-
Der Linville displayed and explain-
ed the architectural drawings of
the Leo W. Jenkins Gratification
"Vv.ll Protect chairman, said
rh. fountain and patio toM
mnleted by tins spring and was
nleased with Its progress.
' vew Loci- lature Anpo.ntees
Tb? fntlnwin? students were ap-
pomSd to filature ???
in;n? ?nd Appointments Commit
tee with the approval of
the body ana
968-69 progress w
i ?
B K(d to fur'her T!
his state- "
-a Columbia. Sn"th J '
woUfttt last month on self-study DormlU;
. irmito
; repi
if the n w programs will be ready
for tudents nexi fall All lour, he
aid, will be offered as soon a
Ace ? ding to Dr Monr ?e, clini-
- .1 ? cilitii v. ill be needed for por-
,1 all four progr im - H
aid : ? fcx lie i rements
? off, r the programs in
physical therapy and medical re-
cords librarianship in cooperation
with Pitt County Memorial Ho pi-
tal in Greenville and other hospi-
tals A similar size in Eastern Nor-
th Carolina.
The program in occupational
therapy, D Monroe said, will pro-
bably be offered by working with
Cherry Hospital in Goldsboro. A
f.r dental hygiene, he said it will
probably take at least two years
to get the facilities and equipment
needed to begin that program.
Important Step
Anproval of the four programs
bv the state board, the health dean
said is an important forward step
i v. we can move ahead
faculty recruitment md with
ing arrangements for the use
I i i ic il fa llities
!)r. Monroe said four new de-
partment will be organized in his
chool, one for each of the new pro-
i T i n join the Depart-
Wi :? ' health
? i . r. Now in the plan-
iddit i to the
first five.
Major Objective
The School of Allied Health Pro-
was established last Jan-
uary and given the assignment of
developing programs oi training
professionals for careers In various
paramedical and health fields.
The school and its plans are a
main vehicle of a major ECU ob-
jective in recent years, the im-
provement of health services for
Eastern North Carolina and the en-
tire state.
Foundation Ofters
Program For Freshmen
Freshman students who wish to
apply for a year round program de-
igned to build leadership through
a plan of intensive study and sum-
mer work will have the opportun-
ity through the University's Year
Round Leadership Training Pro-
The program, which is now be-
ginning its second year of opera-
tion on the East Carolina cammis.
is administered under the auspices
of the Richardson Foundation, a
nationally renowned program for
the development of future leaders
through experiences provided on
the college level.
The Richardson Foundation initi-
ated the East Carolina project last
year when it gave a grant to be-
a program on campus.
All Frosh Eligible
AH freshman students are eligi-
ble to apply for the program,
which stresses campus leadership
and scholastic excellence during
the regular academic year, fol-
lowed by the placement of the stu-
dent with regular employment dur-
, the summer months. Employ-
ment provided by the foundation
keyed toward providing the stu-
dent with a maximum of re-pon-
ibility and leadership opportunity.
Students working under the foun-
dation are employed in diverse job
areas, some in banks, some with
the U.S. Park Service, some with
private industry, and some with
"?overnment service in Washington,
n.C. One of the Ea A Carolina stu-
dents in the program worked with
the University addinistration last,
u miner.
Minimum Wage
: students working under the
ram will receive at least $65
week for their summer em-
The East Carolina program is ad-
ministered by an advisory com-
mittee composed of several prom-
inent people from throughout the
Members of the Advisory Com-
mittee are Charles S. Edwards of
the U.S. Department, of Commerce;
H. D. Godfrey of the U.S. Dewirt-
ment of Agriculture; J. A. Hack-
ney. Til of J. A. Hackney and Sons,
Inc. of Washington, N.C; Dr. W.
W. Harvey. Jr. of Memorial Clinic
of Manteo; Dail Holderness of
Carolina Telephone and Telegraph:
and Henry Oetjen of Norfolk Sou-
thern Railway Company.
Also on the Advisory Committee
are Dr. Guv T. McBride of Texas
Gulf Sulphur Companv; Joe Parker
of Parker Brothers Newsnaoers of
Ahoskie- Charles Pope of Lnion
Carbide: and Dr. J. W. P m of
Wachovia Bank and Trust Com-
Administering the program on
'he campus is Dr. Albert R. Con-
lev of the Department of Business.
Conley will be accepting applica-
tions for the program in his office
in Rawl 141 until January 14.
.i l.n.s.Ti ilion 111 Ja? Band,
form Wright Auditorium Monday night. January 11.
last of the original Jara bands, direct from New Orleans, will per-

2?East Carolinian Thursday, January 9. 1969
Oh Say Can't You See?
Small things can mean quite a great deal, especially to a
new university trying to promote an image o being a major
competiti r in the field of intercollegiate athletics.
The recent Eastern Carolina Classic was such an ei'forl
by this institution, as it tried to prove to the people of North
Carolin; that it is worthy of holding a position of athletic
As a whole, the tournament went oft' ?rs planned, provid-
ing widespread hopes for improvement in the crowds nexl
On oversight, which has been in existence since the con
struction of Minges Coliseum and it dedication last year, pro-
vided a blot on the otherwise excellent comportment of
three-daj affair.
Somehow, through some administrative hang-up, no Am-
erica - has ever been hung in the new Coliseum, thus pro-
viding a great deal of embarrassment for Mast Carolina fan-
when the national anthem is played. It never fail- that oi
opening organ chords of the song the fans of the visiting team
and persons coming out to support the Pirates for the firsl
tin search for the flap a search, that has Up;
tied ev athlel ontest since the opening oi thi edifice last
I I pus fraternity is reportedly in the process of oh
taining flag ise in the Coliseum, a gesture that is verj
gen thai organization, revealing the quality of service
peri' the campus (reek system.
Hou. espit erosity oj such a gesture by ?
frat( ? been unne i A n adminisl ra1
which, careful eye on public opinion and pay- sucl
care e promoting of a progressive image for tl
uni ? - t he one in control of I his s hould h
takei tail before the Coliseum was ever put in
? rtainly it should have rectified l1- oversight
dedicat ion ceremonie
the ? '
the ligl '
I urthei ?
im edi fic isidered in
American flaii '
n American I lag in the ? lefinil
sh" situat ion. . .one that does i - id, ai
al of harm to the at has loi
been th niversit;
as be
,vord m many circle bui
meaning, the cosl of thi
;e in light of ; -clih- H ??
an a gr
Plea For Help
,01) ?
?alt 1 i menaci
1969 literatim
curs oi
oy Degin
ed m; .
Porn '
have hi lj been one oi the mo I
hildren of the past who we
?nsidered cur- ? ? ?j i
die bv their sujx I'sl it ious parents.
enlightened (ho . .
. pracl ice was discontii i
ad caused it remained
zi d tep was takei i ?
the March of Di
thai n mp, the
defects has di
' programs, Rh emi
tl del ects ha
i fear in the h a ?
?il the wondi
oci . eliminate i
on the struggle ' topi
? Ma of Dimes maki ml ribu-
e funds it rec are channeled into research
gram d into education programs for expectanl thei
Tl. ai ich program
usua ? t this problem, and I solu-
tion, ai ' ma1 irtance to evei
All ? m tudenl b
pecta - ch an equal
temp ? of birth ?
Be not to ?
The fight
. . . h-
bat th
its ?? ? pro
creaseh pai
and Gei
1 r
, adsare nei ess
ECU Forum
North Attacks South
rd the Editor,
Fn the December 17th issu ol
th, i AST CAROLINIAN, a letter
pectfully ubmitted i from Be11 j
; i ? , ? i the follow -
. ? ition "Mnybe il you v.
? ip loo :ii ?? ' &ck
would be bettei oil
il you wen i ' the South
? begin
I, . ? I O 111
The n
Mr Da:
I a Pennsylvania by bil
help bui to be ! i
uch a
For : vl : alii ? ?
thi m.ikini oi a genei
tl gradation" aS Mi
Is u hi ? ? ms thai
mtradicl i I maki
von would
"I'ii mi hi pei hap
ident.s and nol . thosi
bli ed with havin
! '
thi letfc EAST CA1
11 I i . ? ndi
ill 'in 'Mis B thii
letter o!
else i, along with Lawerence Perl-
inghetti, "am watting for the deep-
, ? south to just stop Reconstruct-
? en in its own Image
Ftegina Keai
Fad Or Immoralit
I ; popularity to be our mea sure
tdard of personal conduct?
i "bui everyone does it" th
?: .llini factor?
Can custom, style or fashion de-
termine whal i good and whal ???
Consider ami ol the cu torn
? fashions of today, and whal
; U.S.
Immorality on a date Is becom-
? the accepted and expected
ome circles This prom
i runty is not only destroying thi
moral fiber ol the nations, bu
enereal disease so rap-
thai publii health official - now
i ?(! il as an epidemic which is
ol control.
Does this "accepted thing" make
, ?.? acceptable? Can corrup-
b( turned into i oo?. ?. slmp-
iy inkm it popular?
One of the mosi notable exa
: throwbi) standards to the
popularity i to
, d of course, in both mi i
i yl ?
I , i ml ? publisher
planni rs gh ?
indue publicity to the hipPje
ment. long hair, dirty olothea It
fUthy habits have appead
nearly every campu ?. ?
? ry
Can such popularity make filth
and base indulgence Rood
And when Paris and New York
decree .hort.er kirt.s, even inoherl
and grandmothers expose thernaei
ves indecently because 1 gtyM
They should (and riot itnou
which makes it even Worse
Can we really afford to be "neh
with lash ion" when
' : mg with God?
N. M. Jorgensen Chairman
Health and Phyi
Our Hel
Campus Viewpoint
By James Hord
tit. devi
Middle E
ten li tr
thei '??
tr I oi I t ael. Thi
looked upon a. bi
Pearl Harbor. Mosi Middle
: predicl another war
hie part ol the world in the neai
unlesi tensioi in
it this is printed, I maj ?tep on
ome toe if rwevea. froi he let
ter sent out by Stephen Hall, MRc
Vice-President, i see the
on Projeci ls no!
well Well, what do- . Px.
cl from a .student
looks at the cheerleade
,it the cheers? Wh ?
finLshed, ou1 of symp ?
given a small cheer
find some school spirh What does
the SGA want from studei
ilenl durin
ir Aim Mater
! think )'? (tudenl
I r Jenkins ha 3 done n.
? : EC than a
think thai the major
dei ? 5 w.m; the monumi i
.an say thanks" to him Ail lean
ay m I worry th SO will
ly to build :
with the il not
Foi whal 11 : woi I
Whai i- he Hill"
with a fountain
would look much betto rout of
es Coliseum when ill tl
could see it when attending
or por
Jazz 1
Ja j the musi
t t tnen New Or.
muBical f
the late l
the march!
tional rhy
e funeral pr
era cam
i Land Jn
cie(y On
ved up th
ecordtag .ses
to New Y(
leer a hm
alar Jam
'??'?' ?x(r l
ffe andrena
y for t
Uonal Ja:
,? for thi
now Prese
,ighUy witt
,1 those l
tui n oi Mi.
rhey ar
Moon simi
Ap llo 8 mi
Put Him Behind Bars!
: . an
te Departmenl oi
! i "stah men'
tin thai the Pue-
North Korean t. i
Bui before il wa
being i Igned pur
of obtaining n
lo crewmen
? i charged ih1-
i Pueblo wa
"navy tradition'
hip to be cap
: place. Bu1 i
vmen, which wou-
nacceptable. Also,
? ? uggested that
!) Korea shooting
it by force Con-
ild only
her war The con-
Middle E
Billie an
and trump
Jim Ro
? last CaroIUian
Er Baat o?f?H?? Valraralty
PnbHahed semiweekly hy th Htudrnta of East Carolina UnWernlty
Orpenvllle, North Carolina
. . . . . Member
intereoOwlate Prew, Awoclated CoUearii . ?
0oD.z1.ta P?? Swvice Int. Southern Intarooll?rl.t? Pr
Service. I'r?R Servlra of Aiwoclatad (V,ll.iat? Press
itudeni - hal
n vention of I
Buslneaa Sfanairer
Managing i d ?
Pn luctlon U
Nrwr? V.
Featnrea Editor
Editorials Editor
Bporta '
Circulation Mai
A.lvrtiHiiiir M. .
Ht!nlne?B Arw
?ailing addraaa: Box 2616.
Talepbona; 75i
Dia 1?umner 'li.Hey
Hci!mT?, Il 'ulbrlprht
(We to
to sho)
your fir:
In ev
the Plaj
than the
It Howe
inside il
is almoi
1 ry it f;
Why li
,B ?nlion. Greenville. N t;
768-842?, axtenaioD 164

tjr t? the bippfe
? dirty clothes I'
1,11 v?' ?'luwared 0
Campu " cur"
wpularity make flta,
ilgence Rood"
PaSL fKi Ne Yors
Kirus, even movers
hers expose them
and doi knox better
it even wsrse.
ly afford to be "rieht
"?? On?
Jorgensen e:
and Phys
Inted : . ,
iwever. fron the let-
f Stephen Hall, MRc
. I see the
t Ls DOl I . ?;???
at do
tudenl ? im
rs? Wh?
f symp ? . , we
ool spirit What does
t from studenl
" that
i i done mi
'thai a I also
te 11. i mini .
fcs" to lum All I can
worry th BG will
build : ? em
is word
iVhat do tie Hill"
fountain :
ch bette
p where ill l
1 : ?: dine
? r.llf
na Unl?er?ltr
Concert Features
jiizz Band Special
East Carolinian?Thursday, January 9, 1969?3
. , the musical babj I
en New Orleans wits ite
musical form had its
the late issos on the
the marching jazz bana
Df" utional rhyttomB as the
funeral procession.
,? era came the famei
, ( Land Jazz Band
society Orchestra, both
lVed up the Mississippi
ecordlaig sessions in chi-
to New York.
I er a tong threi -dei
ular jazz sessions were
? m New Orleans by
ver bv Allen and
ffe and renamed the New
y for the Preserva-
, utional Jaw.
. for the group and
now Preservation Hall,
htly with nearly two
Iternating in jazz si
: those nuisician.t all
tun of the century and
? into pre-Dixieland
will appear at
? er itv nexl Moi
i hi y are the Pr i
? ?
Billie and DeD Pit i
and trumpet, tl
Jim Robin.1 or. on ?
'sliphorn William


iphre; Jr. on clarinet and
Irummer Josiah Cie Frazier.
During the c nc rt, scheduled at
P-n ? Wi ? Auditorium at
ECU mu ic nevei heard in re will
pi ed, sinco it win be impro-
thi pol Renditions, or al
impro1 ime fam-
ilial mi will also be heard and
reque from the audience may be
U d
isii an the Preserva-
H ill .1 i Band may not be
familiar as they were a half-cen-
tury ago, but they will be beating
the original New Orleans jazz
heart-pounding, foot-thump-
Improvisational music thai h
rapidly becominpr extinct.
in .in effort t provide mute
interesting reading material for
the ampus audience, the EAST
( IROLINIAN xtaff lias decM
ed that what ?c need is a lit
lie more humor. humor col-
umn containing such items as
personal notices, jokes, unusual
problems or some ol the mam
interesting situations which are
. onstantly involving students
and facultj could become i reg
ular feature.
i omes .my Ideas, eontributions
or assistance In creating a hu-
mor column Hi this sort.
Playtex invents the first-day tampon
(We look the inside out
to show you how different it is.)
Outside: it's softer and silk) (iwfcardboardy).
Inside: it's so extra absorbent rt even protects on
your first dav. Your worst day!
n every lab test against the old cardboardy kind.
the Playtex tampon was always more absorbent
Actually 453 more absorbent on the average
than the leading regular tampon.
Because it's different. Actually adjusts to you.
ft Bowers out. Fluffs out. Designed to protect e ver
inside inch of you. So the chance of a mishap
is almost zero! ? f" i
Try it fast. j 1)aVtCX'
Why live in the past?
Chloe's Knows
IJy Chloe Crawford, Features Editor
Delegates Attend
APO Convention
,i. tudei I ? and faculty wei
,? : the restfulness of the
four APO
represented East Caro-
lina il the 20th Alpha
National Convention
Washington, D.C
The Shop-hour, one of Wa hin
exclusive hotel- wai
to the ipproxlmatelj 2 000
lii legati ? ho poured in from i
ation. The conven-
tion, which look place December
28, and 29, covered all feasible
ratei nitj Ea ? C
'??? ?:?? Georg-
Miller, Join. Bogatk
Gar; Kin sp
?he numerous meet-
udy commissions in
is much Lnforma-
p ssible to brii ick
?: ? 150
01,600 members, h
it convention! tw
Vith 191
Alpha Phi Or
na. as well
irld, wfll study and
? i
can extend that much
I would like to pass out con
lations to the Debate team on
heir recent accomplishment. Our
1CTJ Talk Crew placed fifth out of
0 team al the annual invitational
. tte tournament a1 the Dniversi-
?. pit ? .burgh.
"jive teams record Is
and only two losses and
iative team cored 2-6
congratulate team spon-
i ii'
fouj wins
ii Alberl
Out of pure necessity I musl
.arily the fact that all Greek news
should be turned Into the IFC or
hellenic reporter or directly to
me at the Ea i1 Carolinian office.
This way i one will or can feel
that he ha be runinated a-
would be girls in
Mew Dorm n A for 8:00
. 00 o'clock cla hat they
ced to itaj iwake 'ill prac-
Qy 2:00 a.n i go to the office
orreot min off-
. i
Rumor has it that the Rat is
giving free coffa ing
ons. Thi rumoi origini
' , : G ? ;ma.
Names Of
Office Gives
Its li I the nation
? ? following recruiter, will be
campus to interview intere
enl If you would like to talk
mor "i these recruit-
i i to ?? Placemenl Offi ?
up f r mi interview Come
n person to ign up. NO APPOINT-
ta, Geoj inter ted in any
ror opei ing in Store Man-
lent Training m the South'
. deadline for this Intel ?
noon on Monday, Jan. 13.
bvro, N. C. ? w: lie to in-
candidates with a major in
. Chemistry, or an
l field, for openings in Man-
? Ti linii
Uine for ;ins interview
on Monday, Jan 13.
i i ? nouth, Virgin
? in major
lagemenl SI f
In Accounting Bi ? e
Join The
Pizza Im
121 Greenville Blvd.
(264 By-Pass)
Call Ahead For Faster Service
Telephone 756-999i
and ndusl Slgn-
tp di adline I '?'?' is by
m on Tue day. Jan 14.
N.C wi hi to 1 .??? major
line f r this in-
? dnesday,
Pli e pecial ttenti i
that we
. i rs?: bi registered
Lgn-up Ho through
30; :30 - 5:00
I Sign Post I
Informal Rush
?: ' have an
. ? . January
504. All uni-
iv be interested
? purpose
cquaint you
: vities on
? campus. There is no
rhlk atio n your part.
813 Evans St Greenville, N. C.
Leave your laundry, we do it for you.
m Folding ? ? Laundry Service
Laundrj 'J12 lbs. 83c, Folded 93c
Down from Burger Chef
Fast Carolina
Browning Hall
Jan. 13, 1969
& sale ol
lor collectors
& many
in. CJrenvltle. N C.
10 A. M. to 5 P. M.
Arranged by
Roten Galleries.
Baltimore, Md.
a Beti Phi will hold its
. . scheduled meeting on Tues-
January 14. at 6:00 p.m. at
. Fiddler- Three. There will be
inner, followed by the initiation
?s. All members are
? ?? ? attend.
pick up
? blood donor cards In the Dean
Women' 214 Wliichard
DINNER -?? t
I!IB bTEAK 1-65 ?

I'rivate Dininj; Room
January 9
PITT Theatre

4?East Carolinian?Thursday, January 9, 1969
Pirates Finish Fourth
Eastern Carolina Classic
V. P. I.79
Wm. cV M68
Air Force85
M roiRXl V BOSSES?Eastern Carolina lassie Queen
basketball action for a leu moments to
two lncii who provided most of the impetus for the
Leo VV. Jenkins, ECU president, was the originator of the
id Dr. Ed Hooks served as direotoi for the three day
: lhat has o cupied his psi twelve months.
Saad's Shoe Shop
Prompt Service
Lnc.ated?-Middle College View
Cleaners Main Plant
Grand Avenue
ROPII1 M SMILE?Miss lassi, bestows one ol the lt,h i
ol i hiiiK first ii one ? the Baylor captains, while he and 1.
captain hold the other I he Classics vivacious monarch was not Ihi
one uitli a big smile. a? the two athletes show their plcasun n
? .???,
??i&tW&te&ffi& " ??
? :09Srm?
lnlii I : the fate
, l seem ?, rea
to the e
??- were li
ihli to rt'hi
???'?"?' "??? ??i-?wCi

lin stuffs in two points for the But
cause, as the Pirates won their first
round tilt, downing a stubbord Cor-
nell five by a margin. The win was
the lone one for the Hues, who
then fell to Virginia and to Vir-
ginia Tech, finishing fourth in the
25 Delicious Flavors
of Ice Cream
Try a Delicious Banana
Split or Sundae
264 By-Pass, Greenville
No clowns. No hoopli
funny hats.
Tins us ? event for the ser
car buyer, rhe man who has X num c,
ber of dollars to spend and ? dSer- Dig p?obe ikS.ffiS
mined to gel his money's worth and Yon. ?,7 ' l;i nolcs
maybe more. Youowet to yourself to be thorough.
Come to a Chevrolet Showroom i.t c, ?
during or Value Showdow? luxuriSL full' TV ? :hT0,et's
Ask the tn.m to show you on ? ?? 1 rl"sli? ride.
paper, how you can order ?? XrX T ?
?rs'itn sssss-jsbi8
I hen go down the street or across
town and see how we stack up against
1 ho e Other Cars.
We think you'll wind tit, with a
( I levy.
More people do, you know.
Putting you first, keeps, us first
Showdown is on.
mm M
? v
? xtensi
? ' of
:i rely
? you i
I in p
? termi
bj i't
? ' lOMl
an otln
tible ,
ompn I? ??
? Bo?

East Carolinian?Thursday, January 9, 1969?5
Through A Camera Lens
i ?' '?'
l IIIi- .kIv.i hi.i :
? hr and hi- i ii
was nut tin- onl
lloasure v. it
li m- i ME!?A Virginia eager seems to lie denying any responsi-
jljl, , .hi fate of Injured Pirate Tom Miller, while concerned fUch-
Kpir seems read' t" bioek the Cavalier's escape. Miller was dropped
I the eve. hut returned to action within a matter of minutes.
U?s were likewise dropped b) the scoring of the Cavaliers, hut
to rebound, and lost b a R point margin.
Ins team duriii
i nJng attentivelj are Pirates Jim
I nm Miller, and Jim Gregory.
ist Carolina coach Tom Quinn gives a few
; the ionise in the ill-fated match with ir
Modlin, Richard Keir, Earl
Have You Tried Compu-Date
Computer Dating Service?
to stu-
ti nsini.utcr date n atching service
. ? 0f major colleges and universities in
i tia.
dventuroua young people who like to meel people
a rely seem to meel the "right" people.
? your dating life ou1 of the hands of chance.
ru psychological testing with scientific analysis
? termine the mot compatible matches
eases the probability of a satisfactory relation-
. removing incompatible persons.
pu-Date guarantees you matches after two
ill be refiunled. ?ni
intrs or voiir money w
losnaire is longei
and more detailed
ithers and provide, you with more com-
dates o.av you become engaged, mar-
rl, or your dating situation changes, you can
u anl we will modify nur files immed-
id for Questionnaire lin
: Date Di ision of Computer Re
r ? 12492. Raleigh, North Carolina .?
VV m. & M82
V. P. I.63
Air Force85

( ()n, DA.N'CE WITH ME ? Larry Gatewood (44 . who took the Classic
Most Valuable Player award by leading Baylor to the title, docs the high
step in in effort t retrieve a lost ball. Also looking for a VPI control
of the ball are Dale Manuel (34) Stan Kerriek (32), and Lloyd King (10i.
Behind King i- Baylor's Tommy Bowman.
Wm. & M74
Air Force71
V. P. L88
ECU (OT)87
UNTIL THE END?East Carolina's Jim Modlin finds the going rough
in the closing minutes of the contest with Virginia, as the Cavaliers
dashed the Buc's hopes of copping tin- title of their own tournament.
The Cavaliers, who dumped the Pirates went on to fall to Baylor in the
final contest. Mopes are presently high in most circles for a successful
second edition of the (lassie next year. The slate of teams for next year
has already been finalized and work has begun on the TO edition.
Cleaners & Launderers
Cor 10th & Cotanche Sts. Greenville. N. C.
1 Hr. Cleaning 3 Hr. Shirt Service
1. I Jay lor University
2. University of Va.
3. V. P. I.
4. East Carolina
5. William and Mary
6. Air Force
7. Cornell University
8. Delaware Uni.
ITARANTEED .JOBS ABROAD! Get paid, travel, meet people,
9.Vmmpb ndI YEAR ROUND 20 countries, 9 paying job cate
?rrN Y 'fScSSffl Student Men
bership Organization
AKC Registered Black Labrador
Retriever puppys. Sired from
Field trial and Show champions.
Excellent field stock from large
type hunting Labradors. None
better for hunting waterfowl but
work well with upland game
birds also, (all 752-4847.

6?East Carolinian?Thursday, January 9, L969
V L ?
One of
oti' the
Fast Carolina's Buccanneta shows her form
three meter board.
as she dives into the Minjres natatorinm divi
Jim Gregory (42) and Richard Keir fight with The Citadel's Tee Hooper
I 25) for the ball as Al Kroboth (31) and Karl Thompson (22) wateh the
aetion. The Burs won their third conference same in four outings by
defeating the Bulldogs by 75-64.
Bucs Defeat Bulldogs
For Conference Win
ECU Swimming Team Wins
First Victory 01 The Year
Led by the scoring of Richard
Keir and Earl Thompson and the
rebounding of Jim Gregory, the
Pirates won their third conference
game in four tries as they defeat-
ed The Citadel by 75-64.
Keir led the Buc scoring attack
with 22. but the Bulldog's Al Kv
both fcO"k game scoring honor
with 25. Thompson added 19 points
while Gregory continued his fine
rebounding as he grabbed 17 oil
the boards to give him 37 in his
last two games.
Slow Start
Both teams were cold from the
floor in the first half as the score
creeped along and both teams threa-
tened bo have sub 20 totals in the
half. With 11:10 left, in the half, it
was 9-9. However, in the next three
minutes the teams nearly doubled
their totals as the board read 17-
16 with 8:01 to go with the Bucs
in the lead.
Prom there, the Bucs outscored
the Bulldogs by 14-13 to take a 31-
29 halftime lead in a sloppy first
Cold Shooting Half
For the first half, The Citadel
hit on 12 of 31 for 387 percent
while East Carolina hit on 11 of 35
for 31.4 percent. At the charity
stripe, both teams were better, as
the BulldofT.s hit on 5 of fi for 83.3
percent while the Bucs hit on 9 of
12 for 75 percent.
Tlie Cit.idH tied the i'ame at 31-
31 on two free throws, but Thomp-
son sc-ed to put the Bucs on top.
Krob-fh tied it up again at 33-33,
hut Ken- hit to put the Bucs in
front for good.
Keir fri'iwed with another buc-
j b?h Thompson scored fc make
II .Tt-33.
Jerr" TTirsch brousttii the Bull-
dogs bnev to within three at 39 36
on n tee-roint plnv, but J'm
ModUn then pushed the Buc lead
b'ieu to six on his three pointer at
?; S?reeh Tefl to 18
THp Pit?; i??nd stretched to ten at
5n-4n ? I2:5fl to eo and finally
hit it- -Ajtti -it nn-4 i, an 18 point
lead with fi-01 to nlav.
The Bnlldoe ? then started to
pri's and the Bucs made several
turnovers which enabled The Cita-
fJp1 r rM on h i?-o srjurt,
After nnTowing the Buc cid
h n ? 6R.r;o wth 3'59 to an. the
T)ri, .re; eiildn't get any closer
Bnd FVist fJorolina nulled away to
the final 75-64 margin.
jojino- Keir and Thomnson in
the mr;n? parade were Gregory
nnH WTnd'ln, each with 13.
Tm M'lier, who had an off night,
continued his fine flooT plav and
rflr.r(:h'n is he parsed off for elrrht
Sffdefa Gee-ory oso did well, get-
tiicr Hv r fl'ts. fn n-jyp nm fon Jn
-pi- 1?t f?ir) onfins.
Fir The Citadel, Willie Tavl-r hnd
T H'rsch n to join Ko-
brh rrlng Koboth led the
P1Pdr?s Wth 12 rebounds, while
Tee Boner had 7 and Tavl-r fi.
Tho B'ifr foCP resurgent WHliqm
and Mary Saturday night in Minges
Coliseum. The
.tarts at 5:50.
The Citadel
E. Carolina
Jitadel - (64) -
11, Kroboth-25.
Hi- hmen same
29 35 ? 64
31 44 ? 75
- Hooper-8, Hirsch-
Taylor-12, Ledbet-
?-4. Conner-2, Gau, Ponder-2, and
ECU - (75) - Oollins, Thomp-
son-19, Miller-8, Keir-22, Gregory-
13, Modlin-13, and McKillop.
The ECU swimming team swam
to their first victory of the year
in dual meet as they defeated Old
Dominion College by 64-39.
In their first two meets ol the
young season, the Aqua-Bucs fell
to South Carolina and to N.C. State,
which again will be the powerhou-
se of the Atlantic Coast Confer-
In cruising to their first meet
win ( the year, the Aqua-Bucs won
10 oi the 12 events, including the
first six events as they built up a
38-14 lead.
400-yd. Medley Relay ECU.
i Downey, Weissman, Hartman, and
Donohue). 3:50.37.
1000-yd. Freestyle-Kruzel ECU;
Hungate, ECUi: and Walsh, (OD-
C) 11:23.02.
200-yd. Freest yle-Orrell (ECU);
Kinney, ODCi; and Guy, 'ODC-
50-yd. preestyle-Mills, iECU Rc-
mick, (ODC); and Poard, iODCl
: 24.11.
200-yd. Individual Medley-Grif-
fin, (ECUK Beilhart. (ODC; and
McNeela, 'ODC. 2:12.86.
One-Meter Diving-Emerson, i E-
CU); Baird, (ECU; and Dussault.
i ODC i. 190.30 points.
200-yd. Butterfly-Guy. 'ODd:
Brunson, iECU). 2:14.19.
100- el Frei yle-Haine cU);
Remick, (ODC); and Merril 0D-
. 53 05.
200 yd. Back troke-Moynih . iE-
f'Ue Kin ECUi: and
.DC 2:16.39.
500-yd. Freestyle-Malt b;
Walsh. iODCi and Edward OD-
C 5:36.06.
200-yd Breast-stroke - Sulta 'E-
CU); Jackson. (ODC; and Nieje-
1 ,W, 'ODCi. 2.32.44.
400 yd. Freestyle Relay-ODC, iRe-
mick, Kinney. Merritt, ind Guyt.
Qualifying Round Underway
Remaining 1968-69 Basketball Schedule
ti. 11?William and MaryGreenville, N. C.
11?University of RichmondRichmond, Va.
IX?.Marshall UniversityGreenville, N. C.
:J0?Virginia Military InstituteLexington, Va.
25?St. Francis CollegeLoretto, Pa.
30?St. Peter's CollegeJersey City, N. J.
Feb. 3?E. Tenn. state UniversityJohnson City, Tenn.
8?St. Francis CollegeGreenville, N. C.
10?George Washington UniversityWashington, D. C.
13?University of RichmondGreenville, N. C.
15?Fairfield UniversityGreenville, N. C.
18?The CitadelGreenville, N. C.
22?Virginia Military InstituteGreenville, N. C.
27, 28, and March 1?SouthernConference Tournament
The qualifying round for the
women's and men's bowling tour-
nament is now under way at the
Hillcresl Lanes - - to run through
Saturday, January 18, 1968.
The East Carolina Union is spon-
soring the local tournaments?both
women's and men's? which will
determine the teams to bowl and
compete in the Region v inter-
collegiate Bowling Tournaments,
sponsored by the Association of Col-
lege Unions ? International, to be
hi id in Charlotte February 20-22,
Hi). Participants In the face-to-
face tournament event will repre-
enl colleges from North Carolina,
South Carolina, Virginia
Kentucky and Tennessee
? t tern
Hour Glass Cleaners
14th and Charles St. Corner Across From HardecS
Complete Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service
f0 'EM
Mornings Each Iay The Larry Sprinkle
Til 10 P. M. 10:00 Til 2:00 P. M. SHOWdown
Starts Daily at i P. M.
Not Pictured: ROYAL BRUCE, Sunday Mornings
Your MOST Music Station
Saturday & Sunday
Radio 1550
??"?" ? -???? i-
Dean of Stud
rule an action of '
cancelled an ord
was called Month)
I late to mal
! Diversity I
special meeting i:
Tu, icer's action can
dskffl by th
Board i a Decemtx
whlcl ? u ed a tent?
(h(, i compos)
offered by the II
P . who .serves
of the B
I ,m the contr
The motion to ph
???? , tentative oi
by Rebel co-editor
cial emphas
p : i . that the c
n the IBM c
the final d
Board until a mec
Chri tmas holidays,
r North Car
? in which t
department of the
menl s a party ma;
the equipment order
Reyn ?Ids' motion
wn :? ; to indicate
nature of the order
allow for a final d
Boai I and for the
firn itive decision t
1 ?: li Mire.
lotion was
lusfl of the
tates that el
for delivery
3ince the dic
to the c
feM that th
Si: Quarter v.t
Hi r the chang'
i r was p'
very, still
f;i- ble final vote;
an I ' .? legislature.
Tucker Ni
?ook the
ward 'vilifying the
December 17 meeti:
oon at the r
i legislature, '
i iinnroval i
di - bv leeislatoT
wuld place
tiwl power
? ? 'ns.
Rob nson, in intn
Uoi to the lepislr
tl was not t
g Inst to th1
actii of the Puh'
et ? h he la a mi
t to Sne;
Isl itun Bill Richa
rian Cherr
position a
citing the E
? the Public:
one of the causes :
of the bill,
Tnrker Says I
Dr Tinker sa
there was a
le meeting,
Dr, Rober
1 -ienson ov
)? ? n of Stud
Mexander, a
mt n?-eSNt
Stokes ad thai
Pfl " I he ablicat
ni been hoi
tnkin of Buccane
for ci nd'icting of 1
??? also op
'?? ' i -r ?? appol
les ?? pkor t
the T ird, because
d meetini
? ?? r snid he
Tr Bikf
i ? t until
were fu'
on said,
" len! nvid LI
Tr Tuc
erning the

East Carolinian, January 9, 1969
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
January 09, 1969
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