East Carolinian, September 24, 1968

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

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East Carolina University
olume XLIV
East Carolina University. Greenville, N. C, Tuesday, September 24, 1968
Number 3
Election Boasts Full Slate;
Voting Set For Wednesday
dates for class offices and
legislature kirked off then
la-st week. as. they
for the upcoming election
tmpeign will be one oi the
extensive ever to bit the
? Carolina ampus, as a re
oi candidates tiled for the
. , e and the legislative
based on Information filed
candidates with the east
the pa.st few elections, both
University Party and the Stu-
Party have entered a full
i candidates into the lists,
spring's trend of mdepend-
didates also is on 'he up-
observers pick the race for
. idency of the senior class
ol the most significant, as
Party candidate Steve
eite and University Party
, wider Dennis Chestnut square
the top office of the class
I 1 9
Both Chestnut and Mbrrisette
been extremely active in cam-
.vities. chestnut working
. University Union and Mor-
with the legislature.
enior vice president, an in-
. : Cecila Oulley. and Uni-
versity Party candidate .sue Yow
will be running for the honors. The
?- retarial race will pit Studenl
Party contender Evelyn Durham
again I University Party standard-
bearer .loan Evans. An independ-
ent Dianne Kirby. has also enter-
ed the race for the record-keeping
tion The University Party's
j net Hollimon is the only candi-
date registered with the EAST
CAROl IMAM for the treasurer's
rwo candidates for the position
if president of the junior class are
i unning on party lines, as Walter
Dudley, n the SP ticket, and UP
David Quilford line up for the
- ace
The sophomore top office is a
strongly contest one, as four can-
didates have tossed their hats into
the ring. Running are SP David
Allen, UP Gary Oasperini, and in-
ependents Bruce Bixler and Mike
Running for the freshman presi-
dency are UP candidate Jim Bowl-
ing and SP contender Forby
Voting will be Wednesday, with
lorm students casting their bal-
lots in their respective dorms and
day students voting In the Univer-
r- it v Union lobby.
Minges Takes Honors
Vs Architects' Best
Colii cum has been select-
ee of the fifteen steel fram-
ictures In the United States
? eceive the 1968 ArchitecturaJ
: Excellence.
. K Edmonds, executive vice
dent of the American Insti-
: steel Construction, present-
wards to architect F. Carter
and President Leo Jen-
? the awards ceremony last
Inei day
londs made these remarks
mnp, the award: '?With re-
to the Minges Coliseum. I
a point of personally visit-
?.amining :uid admiring this
itne structure. Before each
e presentations. I try to visit
til ling, not In 'ruth thai I
exercise any veto powers
tit elections of the Jury, but
tx cause I want to confirm
n mind that these pro-
al designers have selected
1 am happy to report that
?e i 1 excellent.
urors' words of praise speak
for themselves: "This is a straight-
forward solution for a large clear
span sports arena. The two-way
truss system, utilizing light steel
members, creates a feeling of spa-
ciousness when viewed from in-
Citations were also awarded to
Kahn and Purbush, structural en-
gineers, and Dickerson, Inc gen-
eral contractors.
certificate of commendation
was presented by the AISC to Peden
Steel Co. of Raleigh, which sup-
plied the structural steel.
A stainless steel plaque will also
be mounted in the lobby of Minges
Coll eun
After the presentation ceremony.
,m award luncheon was held at the
Greenville Golf and Country Club.
where B model ol the future sta-
dium-coliseum complex was on dis-
play Guests Included representa-
tive Of AISC Peden Steel, and
other related firms. Members of
the Minges family, University of-
ficalS, press, radio, and TV por-
onnel were also on hand.
mm TURAL ?lWa
' architectural excellence at a special presenwi?n
Dennis Chestnut UP
Steve Morrisette SP
'ice I'resident
Cecilia rUlley Ind
Sue Yow
Evelyn Durham SP
loan Evans UP
Diane Kirby Ind
Janet Hollimon UP
Walter Dudley SP
David Quilford UP
Vice President
Carolyn Breedlove UP
Paul Brletman Ind
Jeannie Morse Did
Nome Austin UP
Helen Cook Did
P. B. Hall Ind
Sherry Pre.snell Up
Debbie Sheehan SP
Stephanie Standafer Ind
David S. Allen SP
Bruce Bixler Ind
Mike Bonfoey UP
Gary Gasperini up
Vice President
Dede Clegg Ind
Steve Davis UP
sue Dashiell SP
Terry Montgomery Ind
Helen Parker Ind
Patricia Thompson UP
Judy Wood UP
Suzanne Jenkins Up
Jim Bowling UP
Porby Rhodes SP
Vice President
Jeff Mann UP
Earnestine MtEachern UP
Linda Tew Ind
Tommy Autry Ind
Gary Long worth Up
P. H Myhrum SP
Nbnie Austin UP
Karen Bethea SP
Lois Brown UP
Owen Bullock Ind
James Carey UP
Tommy Clay
Dede Clegg UP
Jane Cleveland lint
Bill Duiguid SP
Pain Frazier Ind
Gwvn Garrett.
Mary Griffn UP
Ruth Gwynn sp
Lynn Harris Ind
Connie Hess Ind
Carleen Hjortsvang SP
Sandy Holland UP
Terry Huffman up
Beverly Jones UP
Claire Lewis Ind
Len Mancinl up
Fa ye Massey UP
Beverly Matthews SP
Steve Michael Ind
Ron M'omtaquils Sp
Linda Peer Ind
Judy Pope Ind
Harriette Powell Ind
Robert Trout SP
Bill Richardson SP
Bob Robinson UP
Linda Rollins
Steve Sharpe
John Sherman SP
Carolyn Simmons Ind
Mary Singleton UP
Chris Smith VP
Gaile Ward UP
Richard Waters U P
Hen the presentation eeremonj
ng made I
totxy on ;
Build g
Porti I
are now b
BOA legislature
Ird noor Wright

WET LE:NS??The campus was the object of a great deal of film Satur-
day, as parents and friends of students invaded the campus complete
with cameras for the annual Parents' day.
Union Elects Officers;
Dan Sneed To Lead
Dan Snead, President of the EC
Union, announces that the Union
is opening a membership drive for
new members to join Union com-
The East Carolina Union is an
irganization of volunteer students
who work in planning and staging
special events throughout the
school year for the entire student
body. The working committee- in-
clude social, games, record and
dance, fine arts, publicity, and
special projects. These committees
sponsor such special social and
recreational events as open houses
'freshmen, parent's day. Home-
coming, etc.); game tournament
(bowling, billiards, table tennis,
chess, bridge, pinochle art ex-
M coffee houses; combo
dances; and special summer events
including watermelon feasts, ice-
cream parties, and Fourth of July
Officers elected to serve with
Snead for the 1968-1969 .chool year
are: Viee-President, Dennis Chest-
nut; recording secretary. Mary
Jane Phillips; corresponding secre-
tary. Susan Carter: historian-re-
porter. Conweil Worthmgton The
committee chairmen are: Social.
Jerry Hick Special Projects. Jim
Hurdle; Games, Chuck Brownfield:
Record and dance. Dennis Chest-
nut: Fine arts, Anita Klemfeld;
and Publicity. Mary Jane Phillip
The officer- and current committee
members invite and encourage
other students to stop by the Union
Committee office, Room 113. and
discuss Union committee member-
MRC Announces Elections
For Men's Dorm Officers
The Men's Residence Council will
be holding its fall quarter elections
on September 25. The officers to be
elected are:
1 Governor oi each dorm
1 Lt. Governor of each dorm
1 Hall Representative of each
floor of each dorm.
All candidates were required to
attend a meeting last night. This
meeting offered a last opportunity
to file for an office. Any candidate
who did not attend this meet ins:
was removed from the ballot.
A "C" average is not required
to hold any of these offices. One
must, however:
1I1 Be a resident of the old
dorm in which one seeks office.
and in the case of Hall Represen-
tatives, be a resident 01 the floor
on which one represents,
(2) Have completed 48 hours by
the end of the quarter In which
cne is elected.
Stephen J. Hall, Vice President
0 the MRC. had this to say. "This
coming Wednesday, the General
Council of the MRC will be elect-
ed In the past, I have heard a
lot of complaints about the poor
job MRC does for "The Hill" If
a poor job is being done, the fault
lies 111 the lack of interest by the
students, not the MRC If there
are things you want us to accom-
plish, then get out and elect a
representative who will work for
your interests. Give us someone
to work with and then we can get
the job done
t :

it '? m
il buked up l" "? ??? ?
ments should be
made in the uu Soda Shop at your
earliest convenience.
PANHELLENIC TEA?Amid a full rush season for fraternities, the
female Greeks on campus find time to enjoy the finer things of life,
as the Panhellenie Council sponsored a tea Sunday afternoon.

2?East Caroliniaii-Tueadw. September 24, 1968
Make Your Choice!
deSl Desp-te that one fact, .such .ent as I.?jWW
by the students on this campus has Ml ?e'? ? ?' UUng
t??WS3 vote ih
Wednesday's balloting. -
in the history of this umversitj
Campaigners Strive To Win
Student Support In Election
SvSS'lSS mifthe continuation o, f.i.ure
ShSTUtaBM ?l because of lack of action on the fM
St6P'ln effect, a ballot is being cast by the person who fails
to vote but it is a ballot for the failure of the whole East
Ca0lfnabeTectora, system Each one who do? favee
timp or the interest to vote is doing his pait toi tnt Drew
do of Sudent operated governmental bodies on this campus.
The davs when college elections were meaningless are
over. The work don, by student government has become too
Dennis Chestnut
Dear Seniors,
Among the many decisions you
will have to make this year, one
i the first and probably one of
the most Important is choosing
your class president. This task re-
auires someone who will devote
himself unselfishly to your needs;
he will be responsible for steering
you through the most significant
year of your college career.
K i am elected to this offce. I
??ill work to establish a type of
liason among all seniors for the
purpose of coordinating our activi-
ties particularly Commencement
Old the events leading to it. To
accomplish this I will utilize the
experience that I have Brained
?hrough participation in numerous
activities at East Carolina Univer-
I feel I am qualified for this po-
rtion and solicit your support.
Respectfully yours.
Dennis E. Chestnut
Joan Evans
the days when the
significant. Likewise gone ar
"L" could fill class or legislative offices Too much
poSce is attached to them now. Thar "?im.
become so basic to the effective operation W?M
of students that only the most efficient can fulfill the obliga
tions of those offices.
The function of the individual students does not end wil
the final tabulation of votes Wednesday night It rather con-
tinues through the whole elected term. It is the duty,of,th
student to keep his legislator or class officer informed, Dot
of the needs of the campus and of his or her opinions, on the
various issues under consideration. Bui the vote is still the pri-
mary requirement, the first step of the whole process. Withoi
it the system fails. When the political system fails, so does the
Student Government Association of East Carolina University,
and when it fails, so do each of us.
This Editor wishes to encourage each of you to take a few
minutes Wednesday to vote in the fall elections. It will be an
act of immense importance to you, both now and in the fu-
ture. Please take your privilege seriously.
UP Slate
Police Blow Their Cool
Poor taste and disgraceful behavior are never excusable,
and the Greenville Police Department put themselves squarely
in both categories Saturday afternoon with their actions to-
ward alcoholic beverages among the student body at the foot-
hn.11 ffimp
It is true that North Carolina law forbids the "public dis-
play" of intoxicating beverages at athletic contests. It is equal-
ly true that some East Carolina students were guilty of viola-
tion of that statute. But when members of the Greenville-
police force began making personal searches, drink sampling,
and breath smelling, they overstepped their bounds in law
It may never have occurred to these officers that some
of the people they were so readily checking may not have been
guilty of any violation of the law. Those who were thus false-
ly scrutinized may justifiably feel persecuted, and as such
might not be willing to overlook the offense.
The biggest complaint of many students who were thus
checked is that such action takes on the appearance of a double-
standard, for few, if any, of the spectators on the opposite
side of the field from the students were thus checked.
The question is not a question of the morality of the ally for she has been on either the JJJ candSates ywho
consumption of alcholic beverages at athletic contests; it is Deans List or the HomMiiW the university Par
rather a question of the legality and reasonableness of sue)
searches by city police officers.
If such displays of wanton disregard for the rights of
the individual continue, the Greenville police force will give
itself an unmendable bad name, and might well provoke an-
tagonistic reaction on the part of some persons who were thus
unreasonably searched.
Most sudents are willing to admit the need for some form
of legal authority at such mass gatherings as football games,
but when that authority takes the form it took at Saturday's
game, reasonable minds agree that the time has come for a
I am a candidate for Senior
Class Secretary on the University
Party ticket. Duirng my sopho-
more year I filled the office of
Secretary, and found the job both
fulfilling and rewarding. It is a
thrilling experience to become in-
. lived In the affairs of our Uni-
versity I want to be involved. I
want to work for my cla.ss and my
chool. My best qualification is that
I have the time, the energy, and
the desire to do my best for the
senior class as their secretary.
I would appreciate your vote of
confidence on Wednesday. Septem-
25, Thank you.
Joan Evans
Carolyn Breedlove
Dear Juniors,
When most of us first came to
East Carolina College two years
ago, we were wide-eyed and naive
to the new way of,life which was
waiting for us. Now many things
have changed. We are more mature
and aware. We are assimilated.
East Carolina has also changed. It
is progressive and rapid-changing.
It is a University. Two years ago,
he University Party was young
nd inexperienced but, like East
Carolina and ourselves, it has pro-
gressed rapidly, in these two years,
we have realized privileges which
many never thought possible. The
University Party has been quite in-
trumental in this progression and
change. As their candidate for Jun-
ior Class Vice President, I am
anxious for the chance to serve
our class and East Carolina Uni-
versity .
Sincerely yours,
Carolyn Breedlove
Carolyn Breedlove
Carolyn Breedlove is a candidate
tor Vice-President of the Junior
Class. She is without a doubt quali-
fied to fill this position scholastic-
Not only is Debbie a business
economics major with several ac-
counting courses to her credit but
she worked as a bookkeeper for
Sen Eugene McCarthy's National
Headquarters this summer She
has served as Fleming Dorm Sec-
retary for two quarters and still
has found time to maintain a 2A
average, participate in Creek life
as a Kappa Delta and support ECU
as a Varsity Cheerleader.
Elect Debbie Sheehan iSPi Jr.
Class Treasurer on Sept. 25, and
cast a vote for experience and
Cathi Webb
F. B. Hall Jr.
Fellow Students:
As a Junior here at East Caro-
lina University, I have witnessed
the growth of our University for
the past two years. Growth not
only in student number anl new
buildings, but a growth of prestige
and a unity of achievements that
make the student body what it is
today. As students we should all
be proud of the governmental sys-
tem that has been set up on our
campus and each year at election
time we should exercise our voting
privileges to assure that we con-
tinue to raise our standards.
As a candidate for Treasurer of
the Junior Class I would appreciate
your support in the coming elec-
tion. I will strive to continue the
progressiveness of our government
and conscientiously apply myself
for the betterment of this office
Sincerely yours,
F. B. Hall. Jr.
Candidate for Junior
Class Treasurer
Steve Morrisette
To all Students:
No words of praise can express
the degree of high regards I feel
for Steve Morrisette. candidate for
Senior Class President. Hi.s years
of experience in Student Govern-
ment distinguishes him. He knows
how to get things done and he car.
do the things the Senior Class
needs most Of all.
Most important of all, Steve will
not show any favoritism to any
group of students. Hi.s broadmind-
edness permits him to honor, re-
spect, and work for the entire
Senior Class.
I sincerely encourage you to vote
for and support Steve Morrisette
as our next Senior Class President.
Thank you,
BUI Richardson
Sherry Presnell
To All Members of the Junior Class,
Now is the time to elect Sherry
Presnell for your junior class treas-
urer. Sherry is a math major and
possesses a keen awareness of fi-
nancial matters. Her sound finan-
cial policies when she served as
treasurer of her pledge calss netted
a substantial profit.
What qualities do you admire in
a person? Honesty, sincerity, de-
termination, vivaciousness? This is
Sherry. Vote for her. She will serve
you well.
Carol Julian
Jim Bowling
To AU Freshmen Students.
To elect the President of your
class is a challenge to each fresh-
man on this campus. This leader
should possess an outstanding per-
sonality, a willingness to get the
job done, experience, and the quali-
ties of a dynamic leader?all of
which are possessed by Jim Bowl-
ing, candidate for your class Presi-
Jim has demonstrated to many
people, such as I, that he Is the
one to lead you. He has the natural
ability to meet people and to make
friends with those whom he meets.
He has a willingness to get the
job done?to work for each mem-
ber of his class, and to support
the programs which a majority of
his class supports. While at Park-
land High School in Winston-Salem.
Jim was President of his Senior
Class-one of the largest in the
te He was elected to important
positions in the Student Council, the
Key Club, and various other organi-
I, therefore, urge each of you to
vote. Most of all, I urge each of you
to support and elect JIM BOWL-
ING President of Your Freshman
Class at East Carolina University.
A Concerned Upperclassman.
Tony Phillips
ECU Forum
quarter since her start here at
E.C.U. She is one of the most
conscientious and efficient people I
have ever met. But she has more
that just statistical qualifications.
Carolyn has a desire to help other
students and to let people every-
where know that we are more than
just a papier-mache University.
Her goals are as high as her quali-
fications. I feel that by voting for
Carolyn, I will be heloing my fel-
low students and myself. I am sure
that anyone who knows Carolyn
feels the same as T do.
?Iast Carolinian
Bast Carsliaa Valrsrilty
Published semiweekly by the stndents of East Carolina University.
Greenvillp. North Carolina
Intercollegiate Press, Associated Collegiate Press, United States Student Press Association
Serviced by
OoDeffiate Press Service, Intercollegiate Press Service, Southern Intercollegiate Press
Service. Press 8ervlce of Associated Collegiate Press.
Editor-in-Chief I Wes Sumner
Managing Editor Richard Poster
Business Manager Abey Foy
Subscription rate S5.00.
Mailing address: Box 2616, East Carolina University Station, Greenville N. C
Telephone; 762-6716 or 768-6426, extension 264
Danny Bland
Debbie Sheehan
Dear Members of the Junior Class,
In your forthcoming election of
class officers, it is imperative that
you choose candidates with both
qualifcations and experience.
As a class, you are entitled to a
treasurer wno can handle your fi-
nancial obligation accurately and
expediently. With these necessities
in mind, I endorse Debbie Sheehan,
Student Party Candidate for Jr.
Class Treasurer.
Dear Editor:
My wishes are that each student
had a fine summer and is now-
ready for a very prosperous year
I would like to ask each student
to start right now and become
involved in his student govern-
ment by supporting the candidates
for office in this Wednesday's leg-
islative and class officer elections.
The questions of who are the
candidates, what are the issues,
and which party is he affiliated
with, are major deciding factors
in this election. It is my privilege
to present to you a complete slate
are running on
University Party Ticket. These
fifty two candidates are united to
one purpose, and united behind a
very progressive platform!
The University Party executive
officer slate was elected last spring
and in the l2 months of the spring
term, completed 4 of the 10 plat-
form goals. Later hours for wo-
men students, the establishment of
a secretary of Instiutional Im-
provement, the appointment of a
Secretary of Public Relations, and
the formation of a committee to
increase foreign students enroll-
ment, were the four planks com-
It is necessary for the executive
officers of the SGA to have com-
plete support from the SGA legis-
lators and class officers in order
to continue the progress and com-
plete the high goals of the Uni-
versity Party for ECU. We, as stu-
dents of a growing student Uni-
versity do not have the time to
spend on the petty differences and
arguments that would arise if the
opposing party candidates were
elected to the SGA.
If you, the jtudents, support the
progress already demonstrated by
the University Party, then I urge
you to support the continuation of
this progress by electing the Uni-
versity Party slate of officers pre-
sented in this election.
Please do not fail to call on me
if I may be of help to any one of
David R. Lloyd
President of the SGA
Experience Counts
To the Editor,
I would like to urge the students
at East Carolina University to vote
in the up-coming election. This is
perhaps the first time in the history
of East Carolina when so many are
running for so much and saying
so little. As potential voters, you
will hear, "I support the Student
Bill of Rights, vote for me "I
believe in student power, vote for
me 'T stand up for law and or-
der, vote for me "I am against
radical hippy students, vote for
It is the old problem. Everyone
is interested in getting elected, and
and very few are Interested If
talking about concrete program
and ideas that they have, that they
would like to put through. And, even
more important, very few are in-
terested in talking about their quali-
fications. And if they are not quali-
fied, their ideas will get nowhere
In light of this, In the hope that
the qualifications of the few W?
not be drowned out by the many-
would urge the students at Ea
Carolina to look at the qualifica-
tions of the candidates.
Personally, I would like to en-1
dorse every candidate who was I
member of the legislature. Thetf
people worked hard on their com-
mittees last year, and as le&is'
lators they have the best to offefJ
of their experience.
John Reynolds
the ring for the ofl
Evelyn Dnrfaam, Joj

East Carolinian?Tuesday. Sept ?? r 24, 1;)68?3
for the entire
rage you to vote
Jteve Motrrisette
Class President.
ik you,
the Junior Class,
to elect Sherry
mior class treas-
math major and
iwareness of fi-
ler sound finan-
she served as
edge calss netted
o you admire in
f, sincerity, de-
lousness? This is
r. She will serve
Carol Julian
esident of your
e to each fresh-
pus. This leader
outstanding per-
ness to get the
:e, and the quali-
c leader?all of
d by Jim Bowl-
your class PresU
strated to many
, that he is the
e has the natural
ple and to make
whom he meets,
ness to get the
: for each mem-
and to support
ch a majority of
. While at Park-
n Wiris-ton-Salem,
it of his Senior
9 largest in the
?ted to important
ident Council, the
ious other organi-
se each of you to
: urge each of you
lect JIM BOWL-
Your Freshman
olina University.
1 Upperclassman.
le continuation of
electing the Uni-
e of officers pre-
fail to call on me
elp to any one of
. Lloyd
aj, of the SGA
urge the students
University to vote
r election. This Is
time in the history
when so many are
much and saying
ential voters, you
pport the Student
vote for me "Ji
it power, rote for
p for law and or-
"I am against
tudents, vote for
problem. Everyone
etting elected, and
are Interested 1"
joncrete program'
ley have, that they
through. And, evec
very few are in-
g about their quail-
they are not quail-
will get nowhere
3, in the hope th?M
is of the few wlu
out by the many, J
students at EaP
: at the qualiflcH
would like to en-
ididate who was J
legislature. The
lard on their com-
!ar, and as leg15'
? the best to oW
Elections 1969
Morrisette, Chestnut Vie
For Senior Class President
SENIOR SECRETARY?Three candidates have tossed their hats into
the ring for the office of secretary of the senior class. From left are
Evelyn Durham, Joan Evans, and Diane Kirby.
Health and Beauty Aids Specials
Rep or Hd-to-Hld
Re. 99c
Now 2 for 99c
Rep 79c
Now 2 for 79c
Dickinson. Avenue
Dennis Chestnut
Dear Editor:
I would like to give my support
for Senior Class President to a
man who has exemplified the pa-
tience, perserverance and personal-
ity seldom found in one individual.
I feel assured that Dennis Chest-
nut possesses all the qualities ne-
cessary for the office he seeks and
that he will execute his duties
with pioficiency. I had the privi-
lege of serving last year with Den-
nis on the University Union Com-
mittee. His tireless efforts and dedi-
cation to the union won him recog-
nition as the new Vice-President.
In my opinion no other candidate
will put forth as much effort to
serve his class and to uphold the
ideals of East Carolina University.
SENIOR V. P.?Running for the of-
fice of vice president of the senior
class are Cecilia Gulley and Sue
The Classic
Go-To-Toien Coat ? ?
Alexa's softly tailored orlon & wool
coat-dress laminated to acetate
with a bright striped orlon scarf.
Orange, green, brown
' sizes 6-16 ? f30?
The University Pai'y feels con-
fident In its choice of Dennis be-
cause of the above reasons along
with his previous experience in
legislature, the judicial system,
and other academic organizations.
I urge each of you to vote to-
morrow and give your support to
Dennis Chestnut.
E. J. Jarvis, II
Steve Morrisette
To the Seniors:
The class of 1969 has had much
to do with the tremendous growth
of East Carolina University in th ?
last few years. We have taken
part in or lead in almost every
phase of campus life. A we now
near our graduation we must think
,1 what we can do for Bast Caro-
lina when we leave. Each Qi us, I
im sure, will at all tin i his
u in st as an alumni to carry the
p estlge of ECU.
If I am eletted Senior Class
President, I will strive for the best
Senior Week ever and to make our
gi.t to the school one which will
be remembered for a ions time.
I also pledge to work actively with
the alumni association to bring
back the class of 69 as ftCO as
possible. I will appreciate your vote
i n September 25.
Steve M isette
SENIOR TREASURER?Lovely smiles mark the race ror treasurer of
the senior class. The lovely candidates are Linda Plemmons and Janet
didates will be vying for the office
of secretary of the junior class.
Running against Nonie Austin, who
is shown above, is Helen Cook, who
was absent when pictures were
SENIOR FREXY?Steve Morrisette
will be running for president of the
class of 1969 against Dennis Chest-
nut in Wednesday's election. Chest-
nut was absent from the photo ses-
State Bank
tmjjSWf-f!and Trust Co. 5 Point
Greenville, N. C.
?" V' 1'PSS B i'Member F. D. I. C.
Thank you for your patronage
during the book rush!

528 S. Cotanche Street

4?East v ;arolinian?-Tuesday, September 24, 1968
SOPHOMORE PRESIDENT?Running for the top office oi the sophomore
? lass re. on the bottom row. Bruce Bixler and Mike Bonfoey. Standing
are iar Gasperini and David Mien.
.11 Mult P.?Two uirls and one !o have entered tin IMs for t
president ol the junior class l rom lilt are Carolyn Breedlove, Pat
Brietman, and Jeannie Worse
Write for information to
Mr. lal Benovy, College Bureau Manager
Record Club of merica, Club Headquarters
York, Pennsylvania 1740
Fashion Board OK'
Sharpest shoes on the road
regardless of where your road'
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and penny loafers
and all at the right
N i price. You name it. .
hJWl Datebook loajers
have it waiting
for you.
Dickinson Avenue
Competition Between Four
For Soph Vice President
Bruce Bixler
i leaf
a candidate foi
i b s presidt
the sopho-
one "1 my
n objeci - eliminate clat
ipathy. I propose to do tins by dis-
studenl questionnain
, h will ? ' i tudents in
i oser relationship with the SGA
v11 allow the ?phomore to
vely participate in their gov-
II elected 1 will enact several
l!l(. for the bt m fit i ' ? '
ophomore clast and our fellow stu-
? s They include class d bate .
homecoming activitie
i . roupt. and
dating service These p
rams are oriented to encoura
stuaent I i meel and to know
I 11
By providing me thi opportuni-
lo erve you, v e hall together
to achieve a better Uni-
thus makini your .stay here
. enjoyabl Ca I your vote on
this importanl n on Sep-
ber 25 for Bruce Bixler and
Re pectively yot
Bruce Bixler
Gary Gasperini
dent ol our sophomore class, I
will work to gain some powers for
the sopiiomore class which are in-
dependent from the SGA. It u
Lime that we have been given some
responsibility ol our own and to
distinguish our class from the
others We need a more progres-
Ive clas than there has been in
the past. We need to move on so
our class will be a bettei on.
and so that our SGA will be lm-
pri vi
My main concern is you. the
student. As a student and an adult,
von deserve certain basic righl
VI 111ir' i i 1) -
Dami -
wi hthit VOUI
ire tnvol?Of it-
:akwhatcan a
ntthe pr

il has??the Execu-
.1 ol:m;A. an(hi .
I support an active bill o: righta
that will serve your interests rn
the summer school legislature 0f
the past summer, I propose a
resolution to be propose fco :he
N.C. General Assoc which is to al-
low the use of alcoholic beverages
i! the Fast. Carolina University
mpus it elected r will pus!
similar rights which you
to have
I am serving you now u
man of the Student Poll ??
mittee with its main objective m
learning your desires. But ,?
learning your desires is no- ?
there nerds o be an actio:
erve and fulfill your need h
ele ted I will work tow.u-u.
Ing your interests.
Present I am workir bo ?, tain
a traa II .y tem on can.pus which
will run eight hours a day at both
t-nds oi the campus carrying m-
dents to and from classes at
initorie ?
I have served you In othei
pacities such as Assistant Publi
Defender oi the Men's Jud
Public Relations Oommittet
serving on the North Caroln .
era! A isembly Committee I
to do mo:e for you. Help
serve you Mark your ballo
on Wednesday
from 9:00 to 5:00
i rary Gasperini
it the struggle for the presidenc
of the junoir class has already be-
gan, as candidates David (Juilford
ind Walter Dudley horse it up dur-
ing the photo session.
Funds have been received foi
National Defense Stadent Loans
ll students receiving loans maj
pit k up their hecks in Ri
111. Idministration Building
( !ic( ks for College Founda
tion Loans have been receive
and must he picked up in Roon
?201. Whichard Building
Jack Lemmoi. Waiter Matthau
areThe Odd Coupe
.say no more.
' r-LALA
,? Sherry Presnell

ve bill ot r:
our interest
ol legislature 0f
I proposed a
proposed to the
C which Is to .U-
?oholic bevera rea
-olina Dnive
i r will pus
ich you
i . : .a
lent Poll
lain objective ,
esireti. But
?as is not era
e an aetio:
your need u
k towards ?
vorkir ? to i
? can pus winch
rs a day at both
u carrying tu
clams ai
ou ir. othei a-
AsjaUtrvr, P
I?- r i Jud : ?.
th Carohi
mnuttee I
ou. Help
your b.u. i
lesday 3ept4
o 5:00
.spetrin i
en received foi
Student Loans
ivtng loans in
lecka in Ronn
ion Building
ollege Fonnda
been received
;ed tip in Boon
East Carolinian?Tuesday, September 24, 1968?5
,1 ('K TREASURER?Stephanie Stndafer p. B. Hall. Debbie Sheehan,
Sherry Presnell (not pictured).
201 E. 5th Street
Tradition in the making: our vesied Trafalgar glen
plaid. In pure wool worsted cut along eminently
natural lines Hunter Haig has captured the look OT
h.gher priced clothing. And with sophisticated
mechanization they've captured the feel of qual-
ity, too. Trafalgar worsted glens in patterns bold
or subdued.
Competition Reaches Peak
In Sophomore Prexy Race
David S. Allen
To the editor,
I see the office of president as
a challenge and an opportunity.
A challenge in the sense that it
brings great responsibility upon the
holder of office. An opportunity
where the holder would be able to
put into practice his ideals for the
I believe the sophomore class
should be the focal point of more
responsible interest and service both
to and for East Carolina Univer-
My ideal is to make the stu-
dents aware that only through
their interest and support will the
University serve them best.
As a voter myself, I want an
active president not one who seeks
only the name of the office. I feel
as if I could and would be an ac-
zanne Jenkins.
tive president.
I have qualifications, but I don't
want, to waste the readers time
by listing them. This would be
boring. If anyone would like to
know them I would gladly take
time to tell them.
Make your vote count!
David S. Allen
Mike Bonfoey
To The Editor:
This is directed to the class of
1971?all of you who have hung
in there through that first gruel-
ing year. Yes. we are Sophomores
now, and presumably intelligent
enough to realize that the time
has come to turn away from the
partyliner, to an independent can-
didate My name is Mike Bonfoey,
and I offer you nothing but a
chance to refute all the irrespon-
sible charges of apathy leveled at
To be candid, there was much to
be apathetic about in the past.
These are the things the students
are griping about, and what I in-
tend to. do about them:
I1i Lack of student rights?We
must have a student bill of rights
in h as GAP proposes.
(2) Drinking in the dorms?The
SG.A. should appeal to the N.C.
Legislature in support of a bill
which would classify dorm rooms
a ? e borne.
(3? Our great 111 "ary?The S.G.A.
should appeal to Jie N.C. Legisla-
ture for funds for a new University
(4) The laundry fee?The com-
pul ry lee should be examined.
Perhaps the money could be cred-
ited for use in the new Belk laun-
Hour Glass Cleaners
Ifh and Charles St. Corner Across From Hardee
Complete Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service
5; Drop-add?Drop-add must be
restructured to facilitate schedule
adjustment. There must be no more
than two subjects per line.
16 The registration mess? The
possibility of mailing schedules fall
quarter to those who prepay their
feei hou t be analyzed.
So there you have it?the issues
and what Mike Bonfoey intends to
do about them. No doubletalk, no
evasions, no nonsense. For the
times they are a 'changin and as
Sophomore Class President I in-
tend to change them. So do your-
self, and East Carolina, a favor
on Sept, 25 and vote for a pro-
ne President: Mike Bonfoey.
We'll ? I 'hings done.
Respectfully yours,
Mike Bonfoey
Steve Davis
s jphomores,
Many of you already know who I
am and my reasons for running
for Sophomore Class Vice-Presi-
dent, but. of course, many do not.
My purpose for writing this letter
is to acquaint you with these facts.
My name is Steve Davis; I'm
from Raleigh and I'm a hard-core
Southern Baptist. I want to be con-
sidered as your candidate for of-
fice because of my advocacy of a
strong student government. It is
extremely important that there be
a liaison between the SGA and
the students, and it is Imperative
that such a link exist if the stu-
dents are to be represented equal-
ly and justly. I offer myself as
just such a liason based on my
experience as Freshman Class
Vice-Presiednt. I learned a great
deal last year, and now I want
to apply this knowledge for the
benefit fo the Sophomore Class.
The reasons for my candidacy.
however, go far beyond personal
desires and ambitions. I am also
a staunch believer in school tra-
dition. I is! year the Freshm n
class officers tried vainly ,r re-
i ew student intere I blaz-
? : even though era ountered
nme difficult However, T re-
main intensely into re: ted In n
ideas thai will projeel our class
as one of tradition and that will
char cterize our cl one con-
rned 1 E C Una Univer-
ash ? i ? ppori an i
.?our vo: But i mal you
choose to vote for m ?' impor-
tant please don't forj et I casl
ote on Wednesday.
Steve Davis
SOPHOMORE SECRETARY?Patricia Thompson, Sue Dashiell, Helen
Parker, Terry Montgomery, and Judy Wood (not pictured).
?Dede Clegg and Steve Danis (not
? pictured).
Colored Passages
Simplify Review
LOR HELPS wii??55gS
Major Accent'
ii'Y'i. zy
joccat Accent?
' . j
si ' m
t ' 2

6?East Carolinian?Tuesday, September 24,1968
- Two Candidates Speak Out
For Freshman President
Charles Tursdale
To Whom It May Concern:
Fellow freshmen of East Caro-
lina University, I would like to
toll you a little about myself and
my policies.
My first objective is to win tne
-upport of every student no mat-
ter which party they represent.
I'm an independent and I don t
have to answer to any of the Par-
ties policies, only to the policies of
the Freshman students. This puts
the leadership into the hands of
the students to be guided by the
officers. A more unified class would
be the result.
I suggest, for our class, a Fresh-
man Class Council. In this council
representatives, chosen by the stu-
dents and the Executive Council
would discuss problems and ideas
to work out solutions for the bet-
terment of the Freshman Class.
I am candidate for Fr. Class pres-
ident because I feel I can institute a
strong and meaningful government
for the Freshmen at ECU. I serv-
ed on the Student Council all four
years in High School. The Student
Co-Operative Association of Vir-
ginia my Junior year, and Sr. Class
Three Enter Election Race
For Sophomore Class Secretary
Patricia Thompson
My Fellow Sophomores,
Mv only wish is that there were
some way I would share with you
my sincere desire to serve you as
your Stophomore Class Secretary.
In this hustling academic year, it
seems strange to think of people
as being sincere in their emotions
and desires. But I could not be
more truthful when I state that
I want to serve you and serve you
In the past, I have held numer-
our campus capacities which will.
without a doubt, augment my abili-
ties to serve you best. For these
reasons, I respecfully request that
you support me in the up-coming
campus elections.
Thank you.
Patricia Thompson
Sue Dashill
In the upcoming election, it is
important that each voter be in-
formed of each candidate's quali-
fications so that he may make his
choice wisely.
Last Monday night, Sue Dashill
was selected by members of the
Student Party to run for the office
of Sophomore Class Secretary. The
Student Party is composed of peo-
ple who are representative of the
voting student body. Surely these
people have a reason for selecting
Sue Dashill as their candidate. S'ue
Dashill was chosen because she is
qualified for the job. This qualifi-
cation is illustrated by her record
of leadership and participation in
high school and her freshman year
in college. She was editor in chief
of her high school yearbook, presi-
dent, of Virginia Industrial Clubs
of America and a member of the
National Honor Society. She re-
ceived numerous awards on both
local and state levels for talent
and capability. As a freshman at
East Carolina, Sue was vice-presi-
dent of Buccaneer Courts. Building
3, she headed an S.G.A. Commit-
tee to study day student griev-
ances and the possibility of form-
ing a Day Student Council similar
to the WRC. Sue was also a mem-
ber of the Spirit Committee and
helped prepare for the MAR Dele-
gation to the Model UN.
As you can see, S'ue Dashill is
SHOP, Inc.
506 Evans Street
Register for
Free Cameras
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highly qualified. I urge all sopho-
mores, as responsible members of
the student body to think before
you vote. I am certain that if you
think, your vote will be cast for
Sue Dashill as Sophomore Class
Secretary. Thank you.
Steve Morrisette
Suzanne Jenkins
To the Editor:
I would like to take this oppor-
tunity to express my reasons for
supporting Suzanne Jenkins as a
candidate for Soplv.more class
Suzanne is well qualified for this
position. A Chi Omega, Suzanne
served as treasurer of her pledge
class and knows the responsibili-
ties of the position. Her sorority
sisters renewed their confidence in
Suzanne by electing her Assistant
House Manager this year. Suzanne
showed her enthusiasm for E.C.U.
as one of the most energetic J.V.
cheerleaders last year. She is a
member of the ECU Young Demo-
crats' Club and a fine representa-
tive of East Carolina at many func-
tions of uor sate and local govern-
ments. She has maintained a 2.5
Suzanne and I served together
as Pagettes in the North Carolina
Senate in 1965. Working with her,
I became aware of her interest and
concern in state as well as stu-
dent politics.
Having corresponded and ex-
changed visits with Suzanne since
that, time, I have come to know
the value of a true friend. Our
friendship means a lot to me, but
it is not simply because of this
friendship that I endorse her. I
believe, knowing Suzanne as I do,
that her sincerity, honesty and her
involvement with her fellow stu-
dents can and will be generated
into our student government if we,
the Sophomores of East Carolina
University, elect and support Su-
zanne Jenkins as our class Treas-
Laurabeth Grain
FREHMAN V. P.?Running: for vice
president of the class of 1972 is
Jeff Mann.
Treasurer of New Bern High School.
I would like to ask the .support
of Every Freshman of ECU at my
drive to be Freshman Class Presi-
dent. I feel I'm a winner, and with
your support, on September 25,
I'm sure to be.
Charles Tursdale
Forby Rhodes
Fellow Students:
I am running lor your ire.sh-
mau class president for various
1 easons. First of all I want to put
the power in the students' hands;
not the legislature. Most of all 1
would like to see the freshman
class looked upon as o?xe of the
most important classes in the Uni-
versity "not looked down on
I feel that I am quite capable
of taking on the leadership and re-
sponsibilities required for the of-
fice. I WU vice-president of my
freshman class in high school. I
have been on the student council
all four years and have worked
with the North Carolina S.C.A.
convention. I have been chairman
of various committees such as pub-
licity, social, safety patrol, and fu-
ture'engineers of America.
Students, from these qualifica-
tions and the great desire I have.
I feel I could do the best possible
job of the office of freshman class
president. If I am elected I will
bo your student leader and friend.
Forby Rhodes
Join The J$JJ Crowd
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The woman's ring is now avail-
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To Pi
Jeff Ma
reff ivtann, a ce
ashman Class Vice-
Ee University Party
fialified for that ofl
ITpncK'd Needham B
Kliirh School in Ralei
Uir0(. years. At Broi
f unllir and Sophornor
UJ. classmates as Pn
Iniid Treasurer (1966)
Kan and Vice-Prse
,1IKi president of the i
"A Senior, Jeff
Jber ,1 the Executive C
Ipositlon of Commits
? served in the Inte
Icil and on the Elec
,ilKl civil Defense C
This year at East
I has already begun
member of the Studei
Uittee and the S.G.A
Item committee.
Because of his
leadership ability an
heartily endorse Je
Freshman Class Vice
Tommy A
rjear Classmates:
I have decided to
office of Freshman
? it is for you,
Class of 1972, that 1
T !irmly believe in t
and I am willing to
responsibility of uph

Bern High School.
ask the support
an of ECU at my
iman Class Presi-
winner, and with
t September 25,
for your fresh-
dent for various
all I want to put
students' handa;
?e. Most of all i
?e the freshman
a as one of the
lasses in the Uni-
ed down on
im quite capable
eadership and re-
tired for the of-
?president ol my
1 high school. I
; student council
nd have worked
Carolina S.C.A.
e been chairman
tees such as pub-
:y patrol, and fu-
these qualifica-
at desire I have,
the best possible
f freshman class
n elected I will
;ader and friend.
Porby Rhodes
Freshmen Bring New Zeal
To Pirate Political Scene
East Carolinian?Tuesday, September 24, 1968?7
Jeff Mann
,?fi ivtann, a candidate for
'snman Class Vice-president on
?. University Party ticket, is well
lifted for that office. Jeff at-
Knded Needham B. Broughton
ES School in Raleigh, N.C. for
PI,L years. At Broughton as a
lV,ml?r and Sophomore, he served
;U wss-mates as President (1907)
Treasurer 1966) of his home-
KSn and Vice-Prseident .1966)
ond President of the Hi-Y.
As a Senior, Jeff was a mem-
?her of the Executive Council in the
osition of Committee Chairman
?He served in the Inter-club Coun-
cil and on the Elections, Safety
?ul Civil Defense Committees.
This year at East Carolina, Jeff
Ih-c already begun serving as a
member of the Student Polls Com-
Jnittee and the S.G.A. Transit Sys-
vm committee.
Because of his qualifications,
leadership ability and potential I
heartily endorse Jeff Mann for
Freshman Class Vice-President.
Chipper Linville
Tommy Autry
Dear Classmates:
I have decided to run for the
office of Freshman Class Treasu-
? It is for you, the Freshman
Class of 1972, that I am running.
T firmly believe in this statement,
and I am willing to undertake the
possibility of upholding it.
I think I have gained some ex-
perence in High School that will
help me to respond to such an ob-
ligation. This experience has come
from participation in Beta Club,
Student Council, Annual Staff,
FBLA. Monogram Club, Glee Club,
Athletics, Boys' State, and school
projects. I have found that partici-
pation in groups such as these is
very interesting and worthwhile.
The Freshman Clp s is my main
concern at the moment. I want
to do everything I can to make it
the greatest Freshman Class that
was ever at East Carolina Univer-
sity. I am laying my assistance
down before you, the Class of 1972.
As Treasurer, I would be delighted
to be the Class' right-hand man in
connection with monetary as well
as other beneficial matters.
Tommy Autry
Betsee Sanford
To Whom It May Concern:
As a candidate for Secretary of
the Freshman class at East Caro-
lina University, I would like to tell
you why I think I am qualfled to
hold this position.
I have great Interest in the gov-
ernment of my class and the opera-
tion of East Carolina University.
In high school, I held homeroom
Hces and was active in the Young
- emocrats Club, Teen-Dems, and
worked extensively in various politi-
cal and social organizations.
I became involved this past year
in Eugene McCarthys political
campaign, both in New Hampshire
and North Carolina, and visited the
Chicago convention, with the op-
portunity of seeing how govern-
ment worked, in practice. I work-
ed in McCarthy headquarters
there, and learned much about or-
If I am elected, I will be re-
sponsible to my office, to the Stu-
dent Government Association, and
to the Freshman class.
Betsee Sanford
Randy Longworth
I feel I can work to make the
class more than Just freshmen.
Such work would include fostering
freshmen interest in campus activi-
ties and arousing school spirit. If
the class of '72 is to evolve with
the potential to secure objectives,
the class must begin to speak now.
In order for it to be heard, the
class must have its spokesmen. As
a class officer I pledge to voice
the desires of the freshman in be-
half of the university.
If past records are sufficient evi-
dences for fuutre accomplish-
ments, I can provide such a list.
Not only was I involved with the
students, tut I was able to voice
opinion to the faculty. When not
serving in the student government,
I was active on the schools student
vestry and participated in athletics.
Randy Longworth
i'e Virgin Wool
Cricketeer vested suits
your way of life on campus.
Cricketeer gives vested interest to your
campus suit wardrobe. There are extra style-
dividends in a Cricketeer vested suit of all
wool worsted in an important oxford weave.
And, Cricketeer makes these vested
traditionals in tastefully colored glen plaids,
windowpanes, new stripes and textured
solids. Strictly natural shoulder styling in
three-button, center vent models with flap
pockets. Cricketeer is a way of life
on campus or off.
FRESHMAN TREASURER?Three men have indicated their desire to
become treasurer of the freshman class. They are P. H. Myhrum, Gary
Longworth, and Tommy Autry.
Elections Throw JSewcomers
Into Campus Competition
Dear Freshman:
I realize all too well that many
votes are often cast for a certain
candidate just because she is good-
looking or has a good figure.
I might have braces, stringy
hair, and big feet, but somewhere
between those "number nines"
and the "Mop" there is a great
big heart. This heart covets one
thing, and this is to serve you, my
friends, and my class, and my
school, to the best of my ability.
I am proud to be a member of the
student body of East Carolina Uni-
As Secretary of the Freshman
Class, I could make an honest ef-
fort to repay you by giving as
much time and hard work to this
job as it might possibly require. I
look not upon this position as a
task, but rather an honor, and I
would polish, protect, and admire
it as a bar of solid gold.
Linda Tew
Linda Tew
To The Students of ECU:
I am running for secretary of
the Freshman class of 1968-69
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appreciate the nomination of The
University Party and will to the
best of my ability try to fulfill the
duties of a secretary if I am
I graduated from Hoke High
but attended Upchurch High my
freshman and sophomore years.
There I was on the Debating Team,
the Choral Club, and the FHA and
Beta Club.
I am certain that I qualify, and
I request the support of every
student with the progress of East
Carolina University.
My main purpose in running for
secretary is to serve the students.
Will you please give me the chance
to do so by voting for me on Wed-
nesday, September 25, 1968?
Earnestine McEachern
P. H. Myhrum
Fellow Students,
I am P. H. Myhrum, the Stu-
dent Party candidate for the Fresh-
man Class Treasurer. I need your
support. Why? I know of what my
jjb will consist, and am willing and
able to assume the responsibility
and the business-like attitude
necessary for a task of this im-
If elected. I will attempt to uti-
lize a system of determinaion by
consensus. By this. I mean that for
major money decisions. I will con-
duct a poll of freshman students,
st that you may have a voice in
the determination of your money's
I believe in the Student Party,
but I also believe in judging can-
didates on all tickets, please analzye
all candidates. I think you will
find that the Student Party Plat-
form has the most to offer for the
I hope that you will cast your
vote for P. H. Myhrum for Fresh-
man Class Treausrer. Let's put the
students' money in the students'
P. H. Myhrum
ning for secretary of the freshman
class is Linda Tew. She will be op-
posed by Ernestine McEachern, who
was absent from the photo session.
206 E. 5th Street
Virginia International Raceway
National Championship Sports Car Races
September 28,29,1968
Advance Tickets V2 Price?Only $5.00
All Privileges for Entire Weekend
Write: Box 457, Danville, Va. 24541
?? 2
?c 2

8?East Carolinian?Tuesday, September24, 1968
Bucs Stuck In Reverse
Indians Trounce Pirates, 14-0
William & Marj
First Downs
yards Passing
Yards Rushing
Return yardage
Fumbles 1a'1
yards Penalized
TYPICAL SCENE?East Carolina tailback Fella Rhodes found himself
in this futile position Saturdaj afternoon on numerous occasions, as the
Bncs bowed to a fired-up William and Mary squad in the Southern Con
ference opener. The Pirate backfield had a particularly miserable day,
as the locals lost. 11-0.
First Quarter
ill Buck missed two golden op-
portunities to score, fumbling one
away al the William & Mary 20
yard line, and then after recover-
ing an Indian fumble on (he Wil-
liam & Mary 24. ending up on the
47 where they punted on fourth
The Indians, on the other hand,
ran over the Bucs. as the march-
ed up and down Picklen Stadium,
bul the Bucs stiffened every time
in iIk badow of their goal line
The Indians closes! drive came
after they received the kickofl
to start the name. A clipping penal-
tj on the play put the ball on the
William A: Mary 14. and then they
itarted to drive The mdian
Party Platforms Stress
Need For Student Reforms
marched down the field,
fourth down play failed as tin
held al the 13.
Second Quarter
Ii teams exchanged punts and
With 6:55 left In the hall. William
,v Mary gol the ball on the ECU
49 yard hue. Pakenham c trrled to
I lie 47 and Meeter bulled his way
to the 32 for a 15 yard gain. OH'
play later. Met tcr hit Morton at
tin- 17 and Pakenham moved it
down to the 1. From there. Lay-
cock passed 14 yards to Zychow: ki
for the score. '11m Daniels kickr I
the point after, and with 5:00 left
in the half, it was 7-0. It remain-
ed like that until early in the
fourth quarter.
Third Quarter
East Carolina's best drive of the
day started at the outset of the
third quarter as they drove down
to the William and Mary 14. Two
i?l ivs had Colsom hit up the middle
Cols-on gained three yards to the
11. A third down pass missed and
then a field goal attempt also fail-
Both teams spent the rest of the
quarter exchanging punts.
Fourth Quarter
East Carolina punted on the fir-t
play of the final period and the In-
dians took over, first and ten on
the 50. Pakenham then carried t?
the 41 for nine yards and Laycock
, an ied to the 30 for the fu . ((J
Laycock then passed 13 ya ,
Morton and then Morton
even yard run ? the ; ?
an off-side penalty moved I
to the 14. Morton carrie
lour and Pakenham took
there Daniels then connected u
the pat and the final n
On the ensuing kick-ofi
the Bucs fumbled, but the
held and Daniels missed on
goal attempt.
The last ten mmutes ,
teams s-wap pur' tnd
26 Delicious Flavo
of Ice Cream
Try a Delicious Banana Split
or Sundae
864 By Pass, OreenvluV
University Party
IThe University Party approved
the following:
I. Ammcnd Article III. Section
3A of the constitution to include the
Presidents of the WRC and MRC
to the Executive Council, giving
them a voice and a vote. This will
bring the organizations under the
control of the SGA SO that there
will be less friction between the
students and organizations.
II. Establishment of an ombuds-
man to serve as a liason between
riii administration, faculty, and the
SGA, to be appointed by the SGA
president, and approved by the
SGA legislature Matters will be
presented to his attention through
tin Executive Council. This will be
an impartial faculty member
III. Formation of International
Students Committee to encourage
more foreign and student enroll-
men at East, Carolina University
Committee is to include members
of the student body now enrolled.
IV. Promotion of an increase in
the activities of the External Af-
fairs Committee to build and pro-
mote the name and image of East
Carolina University throughout the
V. To arrange to have two dorms
on an all night basis for a trial
period for girls 21 years old:
Junior and Senior girls with pa-
rents permission (Jarvis and Flem-
ming recommended This arrange-
ment will give the girls more re-
sponsibility and freedom oi move-
ment. Those dorms were chosen
because of size and location.
VI. For the SGA to investigate
the possibilities of establishing- a
proportionate and equal tuition
rate in all North Carolina State
supported institutions. This is only
to investigate these possibilltes
East Carolina needs more out-of-
tate students, and so by establish-
ing an equal tuition ratio, we can
increase our chances A obtaining
broader student body.
VIII. To complete the remodel-
ing of the Soda Shop to make it a
more enjoyable place for students
and to make it a place I ? which
idents will want to bring theii
friends. In essence, it will be a
hnwplace of East Carolina
VIII. To establish a review
board to study the merits of hi
mothers. This will curb the dis-
til ment of the stuedmts by
;iving then; a place to bring their
? rievances.
IX. To make the East Carolinian
independent as far as salaries are
concerned. Advertisements will pay
salaries and these salaries will be
audited by the State auditors. The
SGA will pay the cost oi priming.
By this independence, the initiative
of the staff will be increased and
a bettor newspaper will be pre-
. ented to the students. The adver-
tising staff will receive a commis-
sion on the advertising sold.
X. The University Party supports
an SGA Student Bill of Rights to
be put forth by the student-elected
representatives, the Student Gov-
ernment Legislature.
XL. To complete an Old Austin
Student Party
l'he Student Party platform is as
1. Study day between last day oi
classes and first day of exams
2. Proposed that there shall be
two (2) following registration for
drop-add without classes
3. Congress Of leading students,
cult; and administration to deal
? obl . i to all three
4. Prop ? tiide-
oes for distribution oi SGA funds
amp rganizal
5 Propo ial to Implement the
Duke y tern on an experimental
basis to pro: idemii fre dom
8. Amend the so A Constitution
Article 3 Section to include
coed vice-presidem
7. Establishment another com-
mittee to stud race relations that.
would be able to investigate claims
and'verify their accuracy
8. Acclamation that, all member!
who had not already were encour-
aged to sign the GAP Bill oi

5-9 p. m.
S E R V I N G 0 N L Y
j! Pizzas, Spaghetti and Tossed Salads i
Coffee, Tea, Milk, Drinks and Beer
Free Beverage with Each IMza
Corner 9th and Dickinson Avenu
Any Order For Take Out

Cleaners & Launderers
Cor. 10th & Cotanche Sts. Greenville, N. C.
Cleaning 3 Hr. Shirt Service
No need lo gel f-niLy
when ynu have 65
Dacron"7J5o cotton
"Endura Press" oxford
in 8 "in" colors With
Soil release
ouaon i.)L,rirut
is CU.ON1 & ftgu T M
Located 1 Mile S. E. of Greenville on Highway No. 43
Phone: 756-2048 Days; 756-3821 Nights
Good Selection Of New o- Used Furniture
1806 DICKINSON AVE. 758-1954
427 3. Evans St.
Greenville, N.C.
len distinguishes
the offing thi.s
Una Universit
; erics, which
! he series includi
platform pei
if the best
series open
visit to EC
man, who v
?adventure HI
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tory 4 the sea
Oct. 28. Riei
IBS new will
??. Issues Pet-
?? other newsmai
editor Jules
on .space exp
i nized social i
ill s-peak De
ring Relatioi
and Women
.f 'The Stati
Waste Make
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means of c
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be ell- tble
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and other
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to Dr. Tucke
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Beck) Harrow. Mik
Joym and Jim Y
cl imed pnrtlcipati
than half the chose

East Carolinian, September 24, 1968
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 24, 1968
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